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106th Infantry Division Association - Index Starting With C Btry, 590 FA BN

Index To Vol. 1 thru Vol. 79, No. 3 (Dec. 2023) -- Updated: 12/17/2024

Combined Index to 106th Inf. Div. 'The CUB' Magazines

Names:   1-9   A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

Format description: i.e. 21-2, 23-4; means Vol. 21, No. 2; Vol. 23, No. 4, etc.

C Btry, 590 FA BN ---  36-2  
C.B. ---  6-1   6-1  
C.R.I.B.A. ---  46-2   46-3   46-4   47-1   47-3   47-4   48-3   48-4   49-2   49-4   50-3   51-1   51-4   52-1   52-2   54-4   55-1   55-3   55-4   56-1   58-2   58-3   58-4   59-2   61-1   61-4   63-2   64-3   69-1   77-1  
C47 Club ---  69-3   70-2   76-1  
C-47 Club ---  63-2   65-1   68-2   68-2   71-1   71-3   72-1   74-2   78-1   79-1  
C47 Club Ardennes Salm River Chapter ---  77-2  
Cabdura, Harry R. ---  Roster  
Cabinet War Rooms ---  55-3  
Cable, Fred Lee ---  Roster  
Cabrera, Francisco M. ---  Roster  
Cabrey, Raymond A., Jr. ---  Roster  
Cabrey, Raymond A., Jr., Cpl. ---  3-2  
Cacace, Anthony L. ---  Roster  
Cacalla, ? ---  36-3  
Cacherat, Albert A. ---  Roster  
Cachman, John F. ---  Roster  
Cadena, Fred M. ---  Roster  
Cadieux, Raymond O. ---  Roster  
Cadillac ---  11-4   11-5   17-1   36-4   44-3   57-1   80-1  
Cadoret, Arthur G. ---  Roster  
Cadwallader, Edward F. ---  72-1  
Caen ---  26-3   27-2   47-1   50-4   54-1   78-1  
Caen Canal ---  58-4  
Caen, France ---  26-3   47-1  
Cafarelli, John R. ---  Roster  
Cafe Bodarwe ---  42-2  
Cafe Du Monument ---  42-2  
Cafe Schumann ---  31-4  
Caffrey, John ---  Roster  
Cagemi, Sam D. ---  Roster  
Cagle, Jack ---  13-1  
Cagle, James B. ---  52-3  
Cagle, James B., Jr. ---  Roster  
Cagle, James B., Jr., Capt. ---  36-2  
Cagle, John ---  Roster   4-4  
Cahill, John A. ---  Roster   44-3   65-1   67-1  
Cahlan, Sarah ---  70-3  
Cahoon, Melvin L. ---  Roster  
Cailloux, Lucien ---  46-3  
Cailotto, Peter ---  Roster  
Cain, Loren ---  Roster  
Cain, Ronald R., Jr. ---  Roster  
Cains, Irwin ---  Roster  
Cairns, Francis J. ---  Roster  
Cairns, Irwin C., Jr. ---  Roster  
Caito, Joe ---  Roster  
Calabrese, Daniel NMI, Jr. ---  Roster  
Calabrese, Wesley A. ---  Roster  
Calais ---  17-3   20-1   27-2   36-2   44-4   55-3   56-1  
Calais, France ---  17-3  
Calarkson, James L. ---  Roster  
Calathopulos, George ---  Roster   7-3   35-2  
Calathos, George ---  Roster   6-5   7-3  
Calatutto, Nicolas R. ---  Roster  
Calbert, Jean ---  56-1  
Calchet, Stephen ---  Roster   69-3  
Calcote, Wyatt O. ---  Roster  
Calderone, James V., Jr. ---  Roster  
Calderone, James V., T/4 ---  3-5  
Calderron, Edward ---  Roster  
Caldwell, ? ---  67-2  
Caldwell, Allen ---  21-4  
Caldwell, C. Wesley ---  52-1   55-1   64-2  
Caldwell, Charles W., Jr. ---  64-2  
Caldwell, Charles Wesley ---  Roster   54-4  
Caldwell, Chuck ---  74-3  
Caldwell, Elwyn D. ---  Roster  
Caldwell, Frank P. ---  Roster  
Caldwell, Gen. ---  32-1  
Caldwell, Glen H. ---  Roster  
Caldwell, Jesse ---  37-1   67-3  
Caldwell, Jesse B. ---  42-1  
Caldwell, Jesse C. ---  Roster  
Caldwell, Luther B., Jr. ---  Roster  
Caldwell, Wesley ---  Roster   48-1   49-4   51-4   56-3  
Caldwell, William A. ---  Roster  
Caldwell, William B., III, Maj. Gen. ---  32-1  
Caldwell, William, Maj. Gen. ---  32-1  
Calegory, Frank ---  Roster  
Calfee, Eldon L. ---  Roster   7-2  
Calhoon, Robert ---  47-3   51-1   56-1  
Calhoon, Robert R. ---  Roster   51-1  
Calhoun ---  4-5   5-2   5-5   6-5   10-2   11-1   15-2   44-4   45-4   48-1   49-3   49-4   50-3   53-4  
Calhoun, John F. ---  Roster  
Calhoun, John S. ---  Roster   48-1  
Calhoun, Robert ---  Roster   51-1   52-1   53-1   53-4   62-2   63-1  
Califf, John ---  3-10   50-2   55-2   59-1   59-2   74-1  
Califf, John W. ---  53-4  
Califf, John W. Jr. ---  74-1  
Califf, John W., Jr. ---  Roster   74-1  
Califf, Jr., John W. ---  52-1  
Califf, Robert ---  74-1  
Califf, Sarah ---  74-1  
Califf, Sarah Mckinnon ---  74-1  
Calkins, Grant ---  Roster  
Call, Geo ---  45-1   50-1   55-1   61-1   61-2   61-3   61-4   62-3   62-4   63-1   63-2   63-3   63-4   64-1   64-2   64-3  
Call, George ---  7-3   9-1   11-5   13-3   14-2   15-2   17-2   18-3   33-1   33-2   34-1   35-1   35-2   36-1   37-2   43-1   43-3   45-1   49-2   50-1   51-2   52-1   53-1   54-1   55-1   56-1   58-2   58-3   61-1   61-3   61-4   62-2   62-3   62-4   63-1   63-2   63-3   63-4   64-1   65-1   65-2   67-3   70-3   71-1  
Call, George & Joan ---  46-1  
Call, George 'Calathopulos' ---  Roster  
Call, George, Mr. ---  34-1  
Call, George, Mr. & Mrs. ---  33-1  
Call, Gregory ---  63-3  
Call, William T., Jr. ---  Roster   5-5  
Callahan, Colleen ---  52-1  
Callahan, Irene ---  52-1  
Callahan, Rick ---  66-3  
Callahan, Robert ---  53-1   56-1  
Callahan, Robert N. ---  Roster   45-4   52-1  
Callahan, Timothy ---  52-1  
Callan, Desmond ---  Roster  
Callan, Desmond ---  4-2   6-1   45-4  
Callaway, Bo ---  31-2  
Callaway, Howard (Bo) ---  31-3  
Callaway, Howard H. ---  31-2  
Callaway, Howard H. (Bo) ---  31-4  
Callaway, Jessie E. ---  Roster  
Callaway, Paul F. ---  Roster  
Calligher, William, Maj. Gen. ---  44-1  
Callihan, Floyd ---  Roster  
Callinan, Peter J., Jr. ---  Roster  
Caluccini, Michael ---  Roster  
Calvert, Gene Leon ---  Roster  
Calvert, Paul ---  Roster   3-2  
Calzada, Ramon ---  Roster  
Calzetta, Santo J. ---  Roster  
Cam, James ---  Roster  
Camarda, Vincent ---  Roster   44-3  
Cambell, Russell L., III ---  Roster  
Cambrai ---  4-3   43-3   58-4   62-4  
Cameron, Bruce M. (Malloy) Doctor ---  Roster  
Cameron, Ellis E. ---  Roster  
Cameron, John ---  5-2  
Cameron, John S. ---  3-3   3-8  
Cameron, John S., Jr. ---  Roster  
Cameron, John S., Jr., S/Sgt. ---  3-7  
Camfield, Galen Leon ---  Roster  
Caminiti, Frank James ---  Roster  
Caminiti, Joseph, Jr. ---  Roster  
Caminito, Joseph ---  36-1  
Caminitti, Joseph ---  Roster   37-1  
Camino, Bartholomew E. ---  Roster   14-1  
Camiscioli, Lewis J. ---  Roster  
Camiscioli, Lewis, Pvt. ---  42-2  
Cammerer, Warren J., Jr. ---  23-3  
Cammilleri, Charles John ---  Roster  
Camp Fannin, Texas ---  79-3  
Camp Alan W. Jones ---  3-10   4-2   13-5   25-2   26-4  
Camp Atterbury ---  3-3   3-5   3-7   3-8   3-10   4-1   4-3   4-5   5-3   5-5   10-2   10-3   10-4   11-5   15-1   15-5   16-1   16-3   17-1   17-5   18-2   18-3   19-2   19-4   20-3   20-4   21-2   21-3   22-2   22-3   22-4   23-1   23-3   23-4   24-2   24-3   27-4   28-2   28-4   29-4   30-3   31-3   32-2   32-3   32-4   33-2   34-3   35-1   35-2   35-3   36-2   36-4   37-2   37-3   38-1   38-3   39-1   39-3   40-1   40-2   40-3   41-1   41-3   42-1   42-2   42-3   43-1   43-2   43-3   44-1   44-2   44-3   44-4   45-1   45-2   45-3   45-4   46-1   46-2   46-3   46-4   47-1   47-3   47-4   48-1   48-2   48-3   48-4   49-1   49-2   49-3   49-4   50-1   50-2   50-3   50-4   51-1   51-2   51-3   51-4   52-1   52-2   52-3   52-4   53-1   53-2   53-3   53-4   54-1   54-2   54-3   54-4   55-1   55-2   55-3   55-4   56-1   56-2   56-4   57-1   57-2   57-4   58-1   58-2   58-3   58-4   59-1   59-3   59-4   60-1   60-3   61-1   61-2   61-3   62-4   63-2   63-3   64-2   64-3   65-1   65-2   65-3   66-1   66-2   66-3   67-1   67-2   67-3   68-2   68-2   69-1   69-2   69-3   70-1   70-2   70-3   71-1   71-2   71-3   72-1   72-2   72-3   73-1   73-2   73-3   74-1   74-2   74-3   75-1   75-3   76-1   76-2   76-3   77-2   77-3   78-2   78-3   79-1   79-2   79-3   80-1   80-2  
Camp Atterbury Album ---  62-4  
Camp Atterbury Camp Crier ---  71-1   72-1   75-3   76-1   76-2   76-3   77-1   77-2   77-3   78-2   78-3   79-1   79-2   80-2  
Camp Atterbury Chapel ---  65-3  
Camp Atterbury Italian Chapel ---  56-1  
Camp Atterbury Memorial ---  47-3   48-2   48-3   48-4   49-1   49-2   49-3   49-4   50-4   51-1   51-4   52-2   52-4   53-1   53-2   53-3   53-4   54-1   54-2   54-3   55-1   57-1   58-2   58-3   61-1   63-2  
Camp Atterbury Memorial Fund ---  49-4   57-1   64-3  
Camp Atterbury Museum ---  55-1   55-4   56-1   56-2   56-3   57-1   57-2   63-4  
Camp Atterbury Photo Album ---  67-3   68-2   68-2   69-1  
Camp Atterbury Picture History Of The Div. ---  3-4  
Camp Atterbury Post Museum ---  60-1  
Camp Atterbury Public Affairs Office ---  65-1  
Camp Atterbury Veterans Association ---  47-3  
Camp Atterbury Veterans Memorial ---  48-4  
Camp Atterbury Veteran's Memorial ---  48-4  
Camp Atterbury Veterans Memorial Association ---  47-3   48-2   48-4   55-2   55-3   56-1   69-2  
Camp Atterbury, IN ---  3-10   33-3   33-4   34-2   36-2   39-3   40-1   41-1   41-2   42-1   43-1   43-3   44-1   47-1   47-3   47-4   48-1   48-4   49-1   49-2   49-3   49-4   50-1   50-2   50-3   51-1   51-2   51-3   51-4   52-1   53-3   54-2   54-3   54-4   55-1   55-4   56-1   56-2   56-3   57-1   57-4   58-1   58-2   59-1   59-4   61-1   61-2   62-4   63-2   64-2   65-2   65-3   66-1   66-3   67-2   68-2   68-2   69-2   70-1   72-2   72-3   73-2   73-3   74-1   74-2   74-3   75-1   75-3   76-1   76-2   76-3   77-1   77-2   77-3   78-2   78-3   79-1   79-2   79-3   80-1   80-2  
Camp Atterbury, Ind. ---  3-2   3-3   3-4   3-7   3-8   13-4   17-5   20-1   20-2   21-1   26-2   27-3   32-2   34-4   35-1   40-3   67-3  
Camp Atterbury, Indiana ---  3-4   10-4   19-3   20-4   23-1   29-3   30-3   32-1   32-2   34-1   35-1   58-3   64-2   64-3   67-3   69-2   69-3   70-1   70-2   70-3   71-2   72-2   72-3   73-1   73-2  
Camp Atterbury’s Camp Crier ---  65-3  
Camp Beale, CA ---  58-2  
Camp Beale, California ---  58-3  
Camp Beauregard, LA ---  53-1  
Camp Blanding, FL ---  43-3   46-2   46-3   49-1   49-3   50-1   50-3   50-4   51-2   51-4   55-1   57-4   61-1   74-3   75-1   79-2   80-1  
Camp Blanding, Florida ---  39-2  
Camp Bowie, Texas ---  30-3  
Camp Bowie, TX ---  47-4   66-1  
Camp Breckinridge, Ky ---  67-1  
Camp Butler, NC ---  45-4   70-1  
Camp Callan ---  70-1  
Camp Campbell, Kentucky ---  69-2  
Camp Campbell, KY ---  50-4  
Camp Carson, Colorado General Hosp. ---  34-2  
Camp Chaffee, Arkansas ---  46-1   80-1  
Camp Chesterfield ---  58-2  
Camp Coetguidon, France ---  59-4  
Camp Coetquidan ---  5-3   71-2  
Camp Cook, Calif. ---  31-2  
Camp Davis ---  48-2   53-1   66-3  
Camp Devens, Mass. ---  46-1  
Camp Dodge, Iowa ---  66-1  
Camp Drum, NY ---  50-4  
Camp Edwards, MA ---  50-4  
Camp Edwards, Mass. ---  53-1  
Camp Elsenborn ---  27-4   55-4   68-2   68-2  
Camp Fannin ---  65-2  
Camp Fannin, Texas ---  69-2   71-2  
Camp Forest, Tenn. ---  42-2  
Camp Forest, TN ---  39-3   46-4   47-4   48-4   49-2   50-1  
Camp Forrest, Tennessee ---  27-3  
Camp Grant, IL ---  35-2   49-3   54-3  
Camp Hakata ---  5-5   7-5  
Camp Hood, TX ---  35-3   48-2   51-1   52-4  
Camp Jackson, Mississippi ---  31-4  
Camp Jackson, SC ---  36-2   62-4  
Camp Jackson, South Carolina ---  14-4   14-5   26-3  
Camp Kilmer ---  56-4  
Camp Kilmer, NJ ---  46-4   47-1   48-4   49-3   50-4   51-1   53-1   54-3   54-4   55-4   57-1  
Camp Lee, VA ---  48-1   48-4  
Camp Livingston, LA ---  48-4  
Camp Lucky Strike ---  3-2   3-3   3-5   3-7   3-8   3-10   4-2   5-2   5-3   5-4   6-2   7-3   7-4   9-3   13-4   19-1   20-2   21-4   23-4   24-3   26-2   27-1   30-1   30-2   31-4   33-2   34-1   34-3   36-2   37-2   37-3   39-1   40-2   42-3   43-1   44-1   44-3   44-4   45-1   45-2   45-3   45-4   46-1   46-2   46-4   47-1   47-3   47-4   48-1   48-2   48-3   48-4   49-1   49-2   49-3   49-4   50-1   50-2   50-3   50-4   51-2   52-4   53-1   53-3   54-1   54-4   55-1   55-2   56-3   56-4   57-2   58-2   60-4   61-2   61-4   62-4   65-1   65-2   67-1   67-2   68-2   68-2   69-2   69-3   70-1   71-2   71-3   72-3   73-1   73-3   74-3   76-2   76-3   77-3   78-2   79-1  
Camp Lucky Strike, France ---  30-3   39-3   42-1   59-1   72-3   74-3  
Camp Mabry ---  64-3  
Camp Miles Standish ---  67-3   69-1   69-2   69-3  
Camp Miles Standish, Massachusetts ---  23-4   30-3   70-2  
Camp Myles Standish ---  4-3   17-5   27-3  
Camp Myles Standish, MA ---  33-3   35-2   36-2   39-1   40-1   44-1   44-3   44-4   45-1   45-2   45-3   46-1   46-4   47-1   48-1   48-2   48-4   49-1   49-3   49-4   50-4   51-1   51-2   53-1   53-3   53-4   54-1   54-2   54-4   56-1   56-2   56-3   57-1   57-2   58-2   61-3   62-4   65-2   68-2   68-2   74-1   79-2   79-3  
Camp Patrick Henry ---  36-2   60-3  
Camp Patrick Henry, VA ---  36-2   47-1   48-4   50-2   55-1   57-4  
Camp Perry, OH ---  45-4  
Camp Phillips, KS ---  49-1   51-2  
Camp Pickett, VA ---  57-2  
Camp Pike, AR ---  44-1  
Camp Polk, Louisiana ---  69-2  
Camp Roberts, Ca ---  36-2   47-4   50-3   51-1   62-2  
Camp Roberts, California ---  70-1  
Camp Robinson, AR ---  53-1  
Camp San Francisco ---  62-2  
Camp Schmelz ---  7-4  
Camp Selby, Mississippi ---  52-1  
Camp Shanks ---  3-2   3-7   4-1   4-2   18-3   23-4   30-1   32-2   42-3   44-3   45-1   45-3   47-1   49-4   51-3   54-4  
Camp Shanks, N. Y. ---  13-5   23-4  
Camp Shanks, N.Y. ---  30-3   35-1  
Camp Shanks, New York ---  32-1  
Camp Shanks, NY ---  35-3   45-1   47-1   54-4   59-4   62-4  
Camp Shelby, MS ---  44-1   46-2   47-4   49-2   49-4   51-2   53-1   54-3   54-4   65-1  
Camp Stewart ---  65-1  
Camp Stoneman ---  58-2   58-3  
Camp Sumpter ---  59-4  
Camp Sutton. N.C. ---  38-1  
Camp Swift, TX ---  50-3   61-3  
Camp Top Hat ---  48-2  
Camp Upton ---  46-1  
Camp Wallace, TX ---  49-4   53-1  
Camp Walters, TX ---  62-2  
Camp Wheeler, GA ---  46-1   46-4   47-1   48-1   48-3   51-1   51-2   55-3   56-3   56-4   61-2   67-1   73-2   73-3   74-3  
Camp Wheeler, Georgia ---  69-3   70-2   71-2  
Camp Wings ---  49-1  
Camp Wolters, Texas ---  54-3  
Camp Ziegelei-Bernhard ---  36-1  
Camp, John A. ---  Roster  
Camp, Wayne ---  33-2  
Campagna, Nicholas ---  Roster  
Campagna, Pfc. ---  37-3  
Campagna, Rocco J. ---  Roster  
Campana, Jesse ---  72-3  
Campbell, Albert E. ---  Roster  
Campbell, Andrew ---  Roster   46-1  
Campbell, Andrew G. ---  Roster  
Campbell, Andrew, Mrs. ---  6-1  
Campbell, Arthur D. ---  Roster   3-2  
Campbell, Beryl A. ---  Roster  
Campbell, Curtis D. ---  Roster  
Campbell, Dean A. ---  Roster  
Campbell, Everett C. ---  Roster  
Campbell, George F. ---  Roster   40-1  
Campbell, Gordon W. ---  Roster  
Campbell, Harold E. ---  Roster  
Campbell, Howard P. ---  Roster  
Campbell, Hugh L. ---  Roster  
Campbell, James B. ---  Roster  
Campbell, James F. ---  Roster  
Campbell, James T. ---  Roster  
Campbell, Janet ---  24-1  
Campbell, John ---  5-2  
Campbell, John T. ---  3-10  
Campbell, John T. (1) ---  Roster  
Campbell, John T. 'Jack' (2) ---  Roster  
Campbell, John Tom ---  Roster   3-10   46-1  
Campbell, Kenneth O. ---  Roster  
Campbell, Lawrence E. ---  Roster  
Campbell, Louis E. ---  Roster   28-2   28-4  
Campbell, Lt Samuel W., Jr. ---  3-3  
Campbell, Michael T. ---  Roster  
Campbell, Patrick, Sr. ---  Roster  
Campbell, Ralph P. ---  Roster  
Campbell, Ray ---  Roster   3-7  
Campbell, Raymond Francis ---  Roster  
Campbell, Richard B. ---  Roster   5-1  
Campbell, Richard N. ---  Roster  
Campbell, S. W., Mr. & Mrs. ---  8-2  
Campbell, Samuel A. ---  Roster  
Campbell, Samuel A., Lt. ---  9-4  
Campbell, Samuel W. ---  7-2  
Campbell, Samuel Warren ---  8-2  
Campbell, Samuel Warren, Jr. ---  Roster  
Campbell, Thurman O. ---  Roster  
Campbell, Walter D. ---  Roster  
Campbell, William ---  Roster  
Campbell, William C. ---  Roster  
Campeggio, Louis ---  Roster  
Camper, Kilburn Dennison ---  Roster  
Camper, T/5 ---  7-2  
Campo, Dominic ---  Roster  
Campo, Dominic, Mr. & Mrs. ---  5-4  
Campo, Joseph ---  Roster   43-3   45-4   49-1  
Campos, Vernon F. ---  Roster  
Camus, Lt. Col. ---  21-3  
Can, John W. ---  Roster   17-2  
Canada, Edward W. ---  Roster  
Canavan, Rick ---  54-3  
Cancilla, Samuel R. ---  Roster  
Candura, Henry R. ---  Roster  
Candy, Don ---  3-10  
Candy, Donald ---  3-7  
Candy, Donald R. ---  Roster   3-10   5-2  
Canfield, Don ---  5-4  
Canfield, Donald ---  5-2   47-3   47-4  
Canfield, Donald W. ---  Roster  
Canfield, Miss ---  5-3  
Cangro, Angelo ---  Roster  
Cannady, Frank S. ---  Roster  
Cannata, James Vincent ---  Roster  
Cannes, France ---  62-2  
Cannes, Lt. Col. ---  21-3  
Cannive, Dr. ---  52-1  
Cannon Co., 422nd Inf. ---  45-1   59-3  
Cannon, J. W. ---  Roster  
Cannon, J., Mrs. ---  7-2  
Cannon, James J. ---  Roster  
Cannon, James W. ---  Roster  
Cannon, Joe ---  5-1  
Cannon, John ---  Roster  
Cannon, Joseph ---  6-4  
Cannon, Joseph M. ---  Roster   4-1  
Cannon, Joseph, Mrs. ---  6-1  
Cannon, Murry ---  Roster  
Cannon, Philip L. ---  54-3   56-1  
Cannon, Phillip L. ---  Roster   54-2  
Cannon, William J. ---  Roster   6-1  
Cannon, Wm. J., Pfc. ---  3-2  
Cannone, Frank ---  46-2   47-1  
Cannone, Frank D. ---  Roster  
Cantanio, Thomas J. ---  Roster  
Canter, Henry ---  45-3  
Canter, Henry F. ---  Roster   9-4  
Cantois, Hector T. ---  Roster  
Cantor, Henry ---  Roster  
Cantor, Jacob, Dr. ---  6-1  
Cantor, Joe ---  34-3   45-4  
Cantor, John ---  Roster  
Cantor, Joseph ---  Roster  
Cantos, Mannie ---  54-3  
Cantu, Mike ---  63-3  
Cantu, Mike A. ---  Roster  
Canup, Bridgette ---  67-1  
Canup, Carl ---  56-2   58-2   59-3   59-4   61-3   61-4   62-3   67-1   69-1   75-1  
Canup, Carl C. ---  56-1   61-4   64-3  
Canup, Carl Crafton ---  Roster   69-3  
Canup, Carol ---  63-3  
Canup, Sue ---  57-2   58-2   61-3   63-3   67-1   69-1   69-3  
Capalbo, Frank ---  Roster   4-4   51-3   53-2   54-3  
Capasso, Joseph S. ---  Roster  
Capece, Francis C. ---  Roster  
Capel, Max W. ---  Roster  
Capelle, Victor ---  Roster  
Caperton, Joseph H. ---  Roster  
Caplan, Aaron M. ---  Roster  
Caplan, Bernard ---  Roster   13-2   14-2   15-2   17-3   18-2   19-3  
Caplan, Bernard & Yetta ---  17-2  
Caplan, Bernard B. ---  42-3  
Caplan, Bernard 'Bert - Bernie' ---  Roster  
Caplan, Bernie ---  38-1  
Caplan, Bernie & Yetta ---  14-2  
Caplan, Bert ---  4-2   45-4   46-1   47-4   48-1   49-1   50-1   51-1   52-1   53-1   54-1   54-2   55-1   57-1  
Caplan, David B. ---  Roster  
Caporale, Ernest ---  14-6  
Caporale, Ernest F. ---  Roster  
Caporale, Esther ---  21-1  
Caporale, J., Mr. & Mrs. ---  20-3  
Caporale, John, Mr. & Mrs. ---  15-1  
Caporale, John, Mrs. ---  21-4  
Capp, Stewart R. ---  Roster  
Capp, Stewart R., T/5 ---  3-4  
Cappaze, Anthony ---  Roster   7-6  
Cappelino, John J. ---  Roster  
Capps, Edward H., Jr. ---  Roster  
Capps, James W., Jr. ---  Roster  
Capps, Joe T. ---  Roster   8-3  
Capps, Paul D. ---  6-1  
Capraro, Pietro C. ---  Roster  
Caprie, Salvatore P. ---  Roster  
Capriotti, Victor ---  Roster  
Capshaw, Clifton ---  Roster   47-4   48-1   48-3   48-4   49-2   50-1   51-1   52-1   53-1   54-1   55-2   56-1   57-1   64-3  
Capshaw, Frances ---  55-2  
Captured At The Battle Of The Bulge ---  74-3  
'Captured At the Battle of the Bulge' ---  71-2   71-3   73-3   74-1   74-2   74-3   75-1   75-3   76-1   76-2   76-3   77-1   77-2   77-3   78-1   78-2   78-3  
Captured, Frozen, Starved – and Lucky ---  74-3  
Captured, Frozen, Starved — and Lucky ---  76-1   76-2   76-3   77-1   77-2   77-3   78-1   78-2  
Caputo, Vincent ---  Roster  
Carabetta, Pasquale J. ---  Roster  
Caracciolo, John A. ---  Roster   4-1  
Carace, Anthony L. ---  Roster  
Caracozza, Charles ---  19-3   48-2  
Caracozza, Charles M. ---  Roster  
Caracozza, Chas. ---  22-3  
Caracozzo, Charles M. ---  Roster  
Carawan, Chris ---  Roster   4-4   6-5   50-1   65-3  
Carawan, Chris C. ---  17-4  
Carawan, Chris, Jr. ---  5-2  
Carawan, Christopher C., Jr. ---  3-3  
Carawan, Christopher C., Jr., Pfc. ---  3-5  
Carawen, Christopher C., Jr. ---  Roster  
Carbaugh, Raymond R. ---  Roster  
Carbenneau, Simon ---  Roster  
Carbin, Paul, Mr. & Mrs. ---  23-1  
Carbone, Dominic G. ---  Roster  
Carby, William A. ---  Roster  
Cardell, Dianne ---  64-2  
Cardell, Ron ---  64-2  
Cardenas, Ramon G. ---  Roster  
Carder, Gilbert K. ---  Roster  
Cardini, Al ---  70-2  
Cardini, Albert R. ---  Roster  
Cardino, Carmen A. J. ---  Roster  
Cardosi, John D. ---  Roster  
Cardwell, William H. ---  Roster  
Carell, Robert A. ---  Roster  
Caretto, Carl P. ---  Roster  
Carey, David W. ---  Roster  
Carey, Frank ---  Roster   48-3  
Carey, Frank, Pvt. ---  45-3   57-1  
Carey, Gilbert J. ---  Roster   58-4  
Carey, Irene ---  72-2  
Carey, Katherine ---  67-2  
Carey, Kenneth G. ---  Roster  
Cargill, Curtis J. ---  Roster  
Cariano, Billie ---  31-3   38-2  
Cariano, Capt. ---  3-10   6-3  
Cariano, Col. ---  20-3  
Cariano, Frances ---  28-1  
Cariano, Major Samuel P. ---  7-5  
Cariano, S. P. ---  21-4  
Cariano, S. P., Capt. ---  5-5   6-1  
Cariano, S. P., Col. ---  23-2   23-3  
Cariano, S. P., Lt. Col. ---  15-2   15-5   17-2   18-2   19-2   20-3   22-4   24-3   25-2  
Cariano, Sam ---  17-2   18-2   19-5   20-2   32-1   35-1   36-1   38-2   40-2   40-3   41-1   41-2   41-3   42-1   42-2   42-3   42-4   43-2   43-3   44-2   44-3   44-4   45-1   45-2   45-4   46-2   46-4   50-2   51-1   52-2   53-1   54-1   55-2   57-4   59-2   60-3   62-2   63-1   63-4  
Cariano, Sam & Billie ---  22-3   26-3   28-3   29-4   34-1   35-1   41-1  
Cariano, Sam & Frances ---  29-3  
Cariano, Sam & Francis ---  40-1  
Cariano, Sam, Capt. ---  3-7  
Cariano, Sam, Col. ---  23-3   26-3  
Cariano, Sam, Lt. Col. ---  20-3   26-2  
Cariano, Sam, Lt. Col. & Mrs. ---  18-3  
Cariano, Sam, Maj. ---  9-1  
Cariano, Sam, Mr. & Mrs. ---  36-1  
Cariano, Samuel ---  15-1   42-4   44-4   51-1   59-2  
Cariano, Samuel & Billie ---  42-1  
Cariano, Samuel P. ---  Roster   4-1   4-5   8-1   28-1   31-1   37-1   40-1   40-2   40-3   41-1   41-2   41-3   42-1   42-2   42-3   42-4   43-1   43-2   43-3   44-1   44-2   44-3   44-4   45-1   45-2   47-1   48-1   48-2   50-2   59-2  
Cariano, Samuel P. & Billie ---  46-1  
Cariano, Samuel P., Capt. ---  7-4  
Cariano, Samuel P., Col. ---  43-3   44-2   44-3   44-4   45-4   46-1   46-2  
Cariano, Samuel P., Lt. Col. ---  28-3   30-1   31-1   32-1   33-1   33-2   34-1   35-1  
Cariano, Samuel P., Lt. Col. & Mrs. ---  20-3  
Cariano, Samuel R. ---  47-1  
Cariano, Samuel, Col. & Mrs. ---  24-2  
Cariano, Samuel, Maj. ---  9-1  
Cariano, Samuel, Mr. & Mrs. ---  28-1   37-1  
Carico, John M. ---  Roster  
Carillo, Joseph J. ---  Roster  
Carino, Samuel P. ---  40-1  
Carithers, Alton ---  70-2  
Carithers, Alton C. ---  Roster   62-4   70-1   70-2  
Carithers, Leon J. ---  Roster  
Carlberg, Harold L. ---  Roster  
Carle, unk ---  Roster  
Carleson, unk ---  Roster  
Carleton, Robert F. ---  Roster  
Carlin, Morris R. ---  Roster  
Carlisle Barracks Museum ---  54-3  
Carlock, Kenneth L. ---  Roster  
Carlock, Samuel ---  Roster  
Carloss, Harry E., Jr. ---  Roster  
Carlotta, Sam ---  Roster   63-3  
Carlson, Carl B. ---  Roster  
Carlson, Carl E., Jr. 'Sonny' ---  Roster  
Carlson, Carl H. ---  Roster   4-1  
Carlson, Edwin R. ---  Roster  
Carlson, Erma ---  72-1  
Carlson, Gust ---  Roster  
Carlson, Harold A. ---  Roster  
Carlson, Harold A., T/5 ---  3-4  
Carlson, Robert G. ---  Roster  
Carlson, Verne E. ---  Roster  
Carlton, Angela (Jeremy) ---  80-1  
Carlton, George C. ---  Roster   5-4   7-4  
Carlton, William W. ---  6-1  
Carlton, William W., Jr. ---  Roster  
Carlyle, James W. ---  Roster  
Carlyn, Tommy ---  7-6  
Carlyon, Clifford J. ---  Roster  
Carmack, James E. ---  Roster  
Carmack, William H. ---  Roster  
Carman, Cindy ---  78-2  
Carmean, Bonard E. ---  Roster  
Carmichael, B. Jay ---  51-3   52-1   53-1   54-1  
Carmichael, Burkle "Jay" ---  80-1  
Carmichael, Burkle Jay ---  Roster  
Carmichael, Burkle Jay, Jr. ---  80-1  
Carmichael, Chief Warrant Officer John A. ---  68-2   68-2  
Carmichael, CWO ---  36-2   51-4  
Carmichael, J. H., 1st Lt. ---  4-3  
Carmichael, Jay ---  70-1   72-1  
Carmichael, Jean Bliss ---  80-1  
Carmichael, John A. ---  Roster  
Carmichael, Lt. ---  9-1  
Carmichael, Michael & Becki ---  80-1  
Carmichael, Myer L. ---  Roster  
Carmichael, Rory ---  80-1  
Carmona, Gregorio E. ---  Roster  
Carnabuci, Michael ---  73-3  
Carnagy, Alfred D. ---  Roster  
Carnavale, Anthony ---  Roster  
Carnavale, Lawrence V. ---  Roster  
Carner, W. E. ---  Roster   36-1  
Carnes, Shelby M. ---  Roster  
Carnes, W. E. ---  37-1  
Carnes, W. E. ‘Toby’ ---  36-3  
Carnes, William E. ---  Roster  
Carnevale, Vincent S. ---  Roster  
Carnutt, John C. ---  Roster  
Carow, Edna ---  15-5  
Carow, Edna H. ---  3-2  
Carow, Edna H., Mrs. ---  3-2  
Carow, Edna M., Mrs. ---  3-4  
Carow, Edna, Mrs. ---  4-1   14-2  
Carow, William H. ---  Roster   6-1  
Carow, Wm. H. ---  3-2  
Carpenter, Ben ---  14-3   15-3   15-4   16-1   16-3   32-1   32-3   34-3   35-1   36-1   36-3   41-3   42-3   43-2   44-2   45-2   46-1   46-2   48-2   49-2   50-2   52-3  
Carpenter, Ben C. ---  Roster   13-3   14-3   14-4   28-3   30-1   33-1   37-2   44-2   46-1  
Carpenter, Ben, Mr. ---  27-3   34-1  
Carpenter, Ben, Mr. & Mrs. ---  15-4   16-1  
Carpenter, Ben. C. ---  31-1  
Carpenter, Bill ---  Roster   18-3  
Carpenter, Bruce W. ---  Roster  
Carpenter, Donald ---  4-4  
Carpenter, Donald D. ---  Roster  
Carpenter, Edgar (Ed) ---  76-2  
Carpenter, Edgar 'Ed' ---  70-2   71-3  
Carpenter, Edgar R. ---  Roster   44-4   49-1   57-1   68-2   68-2  
Carpenter, James H. ---  Roster  
Carpenter, Jim H. ---  Roster  
Carpenter, Miles J. ---  Roster  
Carpenter, Nancy (Richard) ---  67-1  
Carpenter, Ralph ---  Roster  
Carpenter, Robert ---  Roster   7-6  
Carpenter, Robert R. ---  Roster   6-5  
Carpentier, Paul L. ---  Roster  
Carponter, Robert ---  Roster  
Carr, Betty ---  49-2   51-2   53-2   54-2   54-4   55-2   56-2   57-2   58-2   59-3   61-3   62-3   71-2  
Carr, Betty G. ---  72-3   75-3  
Carr, Charles H. (E. ?) ---  Roster  
Carr, Ed ---  41-3   42-3  
Carr, Edward ---  41-3   53-1   56-4   59-3  
Carr, Edward E. ---  Roster   41-2   43-3   44-2   59-3  
Carr, Fred ---  42-4   45-1   47-3   50-1   50-2   52-2   53-2   54-2   55-2   56-2   57-2   58-2   59-3   61-3   62-3  
Carr, Fred & Betty ---  54-3  
Carr, Fred A. ---  Roster   43-3   45-1   46-2   50-1   52-1   54-1   66-2   69-3   71-1   71-2   75-3  
Carr, Fred A. & Betty ---  46-1  
Carr, Fredd ---  47-1  
Carr, Ginny ---  62-3  
Carr, Jack ---  19-2   52-3  
Carr, Jack nmi ---  Roster  
Carr, Jeffery ---  67-3  
Carr, John ---  18-2   34-2   36-2   39-1   40-2   40-3   44-1   46-3   47-3   49-1   50-4   52-1  
Carr, John W. ---  Roster   16-3   17-1   18-3   19-3   21-1   40-1   43-3   44-1  
Carr, Meridith ---  53-1  
Carr, Richard ---  5-2  
Carr, Richard L. ---  Roster  
Carr, Richard L., T/4 ---  3-4  
Carr, Russell Robert ---  Roster   67-3  
Carrara, Miss Lucille ---  7-3  
Carraturo, Antonio ---  Roster   6-1  
Carraturo, Antonio, Pvt. ---  3-2  
Carrell, Mike ---  68-2   68-2  
Carrick, William ---  Roster  
Carrico, Helen E. ---  59-4  
Carrico, L. John ---  47-1   63-3  
Carrico, L. John & Helen ---  47-1  
Carrico, L.J. (Jack) ---  59-4  
Carrico, Lucian John ---  Roster  
Carrier, Norcees, Sr. ---  72-1  
Carrier, Thornton ---  72-1  
Carrigan, Bernard ---  43-3   56-1  
Carrigan, Bernard & Edith ---  40-1  
Carrigan, Bernard P. ---  Roster   45-4   49-1   50-1  
Carriger, Sr., William, Dr. ---  43-3  
Carriger, W.A., Sr. ---  43-3  
Carriger, William A., Sr. ---  Roster   43-3  
Carrillo, Bartholomew E. ---  18-2  
Carrino, B. E. ---  9-3  
Carrino, Barney ---  15-5  
Carrino, Bartholomew ---  12-1  
Carrino, Bartholomew E. ---  4-4   13-2   15-2   17-3   19-2  
Carrino, Bartholomew E. 'Barney' ---  Roster  
Carrino, Bartholomew F. ---  14-2  
Carrithers, Jack ---  Roster  
Carrizzo, Henry ---  Roster   3-7  
Carro, Joseph ---  Roster  
Carrof, John ---  Roster   39-3  
Carroll, Cindy Ortwine ---  62-3  
Carroll, James ---  56-3  
Carroll, James E. ---  Roster  
Carroll, John ---  46-3  
Carroll, John J. ---  Roster  
Carroll, Joseph P. ---  Roster  
Carroll, Leslie P. ---  Roster  
Carroll, Matt ---  63-3   66-1  
Carroll, Stevan Melton, Jr. (Dr.) ---  Roster  
Carron, Paul M. ---  Roster   6-1  
Carrubba, Mariano M. ---  Roster  
Carrubo, Argila, Mrs. ---  26-2  
Carrup, Carl ---  64-3  
Carrup, Sue ---  64-3  
Carry, William L. ---  Roster  
Cars-Am-Inn ---  33-4  
Carson, Raymond S. ---  Roster  
Carstens, Gene W. ---  Roster   4-3   5-5  
Carswell, William B. ---  Roster  
Carter, Andrew P. ---  Roster  
Carter, Basil C. ---  Roster  
Carter, Charles E. ---  Roster  
Carter, Dean A. ---  Roster  
Carter, Donna Reiss ---  78-3  
Carter, Ellwood ---  Roster   46-4  
Carter, Fred ---  Roster   3-7   30-1   31-1   32-1   33-2   35-1   36-1   37-2  
Carter, Fred & Penny ---  34-1   40-1   42-1  
Carter, Fred R. ---  29-2   30-1   33-1   37-1   43-3  
Carter, Fred R. & Penny ---  39-1  
Carter, Fred, Mr. ---  34-1  
Carter, Fred, Mr. & Mrs. ---  36-1   38-1  
Carter, Freddie R. ---  Roster  
Carter, Gordon ---  Roster   4-2   44-2  
Carter, Gordon N. ---  43-3  
Carter, Henry W. ---  Roster  
Carter, J. M. ---  9-3   9-4  
Carter, James ---  Roster  
Carter, Junior M. ---  Roster   6-4   7-3  
Carter, Junior M., Sgt. ---  3-2  
Carter, Kelsey & Kolby ---  80-1  
Carter, Lindell W. ---  Roster  
Carter, Louis, Jr. ---  Roster  
Carter, Marvin W. ---  Roster  
Carter, Melissa (David) ---  80-1  
Carter, Melvin B. ---  Roster  
Carter, Phil J. ---  Roster  
Carter, President ---  35-4   36-3  
Carter, Robert L. ---  Roster  
Carter, Thomas M. ---  Roster  
Carter, Tiller ---  11-4   44-2   44-4   46-2   50-1   52-1   52-2   56-2  
Carter, Tiller & Carolyn ---  52-1  
Carter, Tiller E. ---  Roster   3-8   5-2   5-4   44-2   44-3   50-1  
Carter, Tiller E., Lt. Col. ---  3-2  
Cartier, Richard E. ---  Roster   48-3   55-1  
Cartwright, William (Bill) Southern ---  79-1  
Cartwright, William S. ---  Roster   47-4   53-3   65-3  
Carucci, John J. ---  Roster  
Caruccio, Patsy ---  Roster  
Caruso, Salvatore ---  Roster  
Caruso, William G. ---  Roster  
Carvajal, Bernard C. ---  Roster  
Carvell, Sandy S. & Michelle ---  38-1  
Carvelli, Armando J. ---  Roster  
Carven, John ---  Roster   56-4  
Carver, Dale ---  45-1   45-2   45-3   45-4   46-1   46-3   46-4   47-1   48-1   48-2   48-4   49-2   49-3   50-1   50-2   50-3   51-1   51-2   51-3   52-2   53-2   53-3   54-1   54-2   55-1   55-2   56-1   56-2   56-3   57-1   57-3   57-4   58-1   58-2   58-3   58-4   59-1   59-3   60-1   61-1   61-2   61-3   62-2   62-3   63-1   63-2   63-3   63-4   65-1   65-2   66-1   67-2  
Carver, Dale R. ---  45-1   45-2   45-3   46-1   47-1   49-1   50-2   52-1   52-2   52-4   53-1   53-2   53-3   54-1   54-3   54-4   55-1   56-1   56-2   56-3   56-4   57-1   58-1   61-1   61-2   61-3   62-2   62-4   63-1   65-1   66-1   67-2   68-2   68-2   70-1   77-2  
Carver, Dale R. & Ruth ---  46-1   47-1  
Carver, Dale Ringwalt ---  Roster  
Carver, James T. ---  Roster  
Carver, Ruth ---  51-3   56-2   58-1   58-2   59-1   59-3   61-1   61-2   61-3   61-4   62-2   62-3   62-4   63-1   63-2   63-4   65-1   68-2   68-2  
Carver, Ruth & Dale ---  58-1  
Casa 400 Hotel ---  26-1  
Casale, Carmelo V. ---  Roster  
Casale, Salvatore V. 'Sam' ---  Roster  
Casali, Romolo ---  Roster  
Casalino, Gaeriel A. ---  Roster  
Casanova, Eugene A. ---  Roster  
Casarez, Luciano R. ---  Roster  
Casati, Robert H. ---  Roster  
Cascio, George P. ---  Roster  
Cascio, George P. Lo, Lt. ---  3-5  
Case, Charles W. ---  Roster  
Case, Ira M. (Marcell) ---  Roster  
Casebolt, Raymond ---  Roster  
Casela, John J., Jr. ---  Roster  
Casenhiser, Bob ---  50-2  
Casenhiser, Bob 'Casey’, T/Sgt. ---  47-1  
Casenhiser, Casey ---  59-2  
Casenhiser, Robert D. ---  Roster   45-4   47-1   50-1  
Casey, Carol ---  59-3  
Casey, Christopher ---  79-2  
Casey, Daniel W. ---  Roster  
Casey, Edward P. ---  Roster  
Casey, Francis J. ---  Roster   71-1  
Casey, Francis P. ---  Roster  
Casey, George, Jr. ---  Roster  
Casey, John J. ---  Roster  
Casey, Richard ---  Roster  
Casey, Robert J. ---  Roster  
Casey, S. N., Mr. & Mrs. ---  38-1  
Casey, S.N. ---  43-3  
Casey, Sanford & Jean ---  42-1  
Casey, Sanford N. ---  Roster   41-1  
Casey, Santford & Jean ---  40-1  
Casey', Sheenan ---  59-3  
Casher, Joseph A. ---  Roster  
Cashin, Capt. ---  45-2  
Cashion, Bill & Sandra ---  65-3   66-3  
Cashion, Capt. ---  45-4   65-3  
Cashion, Hugh ---  65-3  
Cashion, William W. ---  7-2  
Cashion, William Wade ---  Roster  
Cashion, William, Capt. ---  67-3  
Cashion, Wm. W. ---  66-3  
Cashman, John ---  44-4  
Cashman, John F., Jr. ---  Roster  
Cashman, Thomas W. ---  Roster  
Cashron, Capt. ---  5-5  
Cashron, unk ---  Roster  
Caskey, Bob & Kay ---  40-1  
Caskey, Forest C. ---  Roster  
Caskey, Fredrick G. ---  Roster  
Caskey, George Edward, Jr. ---  Roster  
Caskey, Robert J. ---  Roster   43-3  
Casolo, Mary Joan ---  74-1  
Caspary, Cyril H. ---  Roster  
Caspian Sea ---  56-3  
Cassibry, 1St. Graham H., Lt. ---  65-3  
Cassibry, Graham ---  67-2  
Cassibry, Graham H. ---  Roster   13-3   14-2   15-3   16-3   65-3  
Cassibry, Graham H., Capt. ---  3-7  
Cassibry, Graham, Lt. ---  50-4  
Cassibry, Lt. ---  65-3  
Cassidy, Bernard J. ---  Roster  
Cassidy, Capt. ---  3-3   4-3   49-4  
Cassidy, Edward R. ---  Roster  
Cassidy, Harold F. ---  Roster  
Cassidy, Herbert R. ---  Roster  
Cassidy, Herbert R., T/Sgt. ---  5-1  
Cassidy, John A. ---  Roster  
Cassidy, John J. ---  Roster  
Cassidy, Mortar Men ---  5-1  
Cassidy, Patrick ---  53-1  
Cassidy, Patrick F. ---  Roster   51-1  
Cassidy, Patrick S. ---  51-1  
Cassidy, S/Sgt. ---  45-4  
Cassidy, T/Sgt. ---  5-1  
Cassidy, Wiley L. ---  Roster   50-1  
Cassidy, Wiley, Capt. ---  3-3  
Cassidy, William D. ---  Roster  
Cassino ---  3-3  
Casslbry, ? ---  35-4  
Castagno, Joseph R. ---  Roster  
Castaldo, Joseph J. ---  Roster  
Casten, Horace ---  Roster  
Castiglione, Francis ---  Roster  
Castillo, Anne (Hector) ---  67-3  
Castillo, Daniel C. ---  Roster  
Castillo, Fred A. ---  Roster  
Castillo, Kelsie & Kamryn ---  67-3  
Castle, Frederick, Gen. ---  58-4  
Castleberry, Bill M. ---  Roster  
Castleman, D., Lt. ---  3-10  
Castleman, Don ---  7-4  
Castleman, Donald M. ---  Roster  
Castles, Joe B. ---  Roster  
Casto, Brady Luster ---  Roster  
Casto, Robert J. ---  Roster  
Castonguay, Ray J. ---  Roster  
Castrigan, Thomas ---  4-4  
Castro, Fidel ---  42-4  
Caswell, George A. ---  Roster  
Caswell, Harold ---  4-3  
Caswell, Harold A. ---  Roster  
Catanio, Thomas ---  13-3  
Catanio, Thomas J. ---  Roster   3-7  
Catannio, Thomas ---  Roster   13-1   13-2   14-2   15-2   16-3   17-2  
Catanzaro, James ---  Roster  
Catch ---  72-1  
Cathay, Ted W. ---  Roster  
Cathay, Ted W., Pfc. ---  5-1  
Cathcart, J. D. ---  Roster  
Catherenchick, Joseph ---  Roster  
Catherine, Earl C. Pugsley & ---  46-1  
Catherman, Guy W., Jr. ---  Roster  
Catherman, Guy W., Ltc ---  72-3  
Catherman, Jr. Ltc Guy W. ---  45-4  
Catherman, Jr., Ltc Guy W. ---  52-1   54-1  
Catherman, Jr., Ltc. Guy ---  53-1  
Cathey, Robert ---  37-2  
Cathey, Robert V. ---  Roster  
Cathey, Ted Wilson ---  Roster  
Catinio, Thomas ---  Roster  
Cation, Albert G. ---  Roster  
Catron, Paul M. ---  Roster  
Catrow, Charles E., Jr. ---  Roster  
Catt, Homer J. ---  Roster  
Cattat, George ---  13-1  
Cattat, George F. ---  Roster   7-6  
Caudell, James B. ---  Roster   45-4  
Caudill, George W. ---  Roster   48-1   50-4   56-1  
Caudill, O’Dell C. ---  Roster  
Caudill, Rose ---  50-4   69-2  
Caudill, William R. ---  Roster  
Cauffield, Patricia ---  21-2  
Caughman, R. H. ---  32-2  
Caughman, Robert & Joyce ---  8-4  
Caughman, Robert H. ---  4-2   8-3   33-1  
Caughman, Robert H., 1st Lt. ---  8-2  
Caughman, Robert Hoy ---  Roster  
Caughman, Robt. H. ---  32-1  
Caulder, Everette ---  Roster  
Caulfield, Patricia ---  23-1  
Causland, First Sgt. ---  3-7  
Causland, unk ---  Roster  
Cauthen, David Lee ---  Roster  
Caux, Joseph H. ---  Roster  
Cavaliere, Serio ---  Roster  
Cavallini, Melissa ---  65-1   66-3   78-3  
Cavallini, Melissa Watters ---  66-3  
Cavallo, Henry ---  3-2  
Cavallo, Henry A. ---  Roster  
Cavallo, S. J. ---  Roster   49-3  
Cavanagh, Robert F. ---  64-3  
Cavanagh, Will ---  48-3   52-2   58-4   63-1   63-2  
Cavanagh, William ---  28-3  
Cavanaugh, Chaplain ---  3-2   61-1   61-2   61-3   62-4   63-1   63-2   63-3  
Cavanaugh, Chaplain Fr. Paul W. ---  61-1   61-2   61-3   62-4   63-1   63-2   63-3  
Cavanaugh, Edward F. ---  Roster  
Cavanaugh, Edward F., Pfc. ---  3-4  
Cavanaugh, Father ---  5-1   6-1   7-3   7-4   14-4   15-5   19-3   27-1   34-4   35-1   36-2   41-3   51-2   52-2   54-2   59-3   61-1   61-2   61-3   61-4   62-2   63-1   63-2   63-3  
Cavanaugh, Father Paul ---  5-1   6-6   13-4   15-5   18-3   23-2   26-2   28-1  
Cavanaugh, Father Paul W. ---  4-5   10-2   10-3  
Cavanaugh, Father Paul, Rev. ---  7-3  
Cavanaugh, Father, Rev. ---  7-3  
Cavanaugh, Fr. Paul W. ---  72-1   75-3  
Cavanaugh, Joseph ---  10-4  
Cavanaugh, Joseph A. ---  Roster   3-10   43-3   44-3  
Cavanaugh, Joseph C. ---  Roster  
Cavanaugh, June Catoc ---  72-1  
Cavanaugh, Louise ---  71-2  
Cavanaugh, Mrs. ---  26-1  
Cavanaugh, P. W., Rev. ---  6-1  
Cavanaugh, Paul ---  7-4   9-3   10-1   10-2   10-3   11-1   11-2   11-3   11-4   11-5   12-1   15-5   28-3   30-1   31-1   32-1   44-3  
Cavanaugh, Paul W. ---  13-2   14-2   15-2   17-2   17-3   33-4   62-3  
Cavanaugh, Paul W., Jr., Rev. ---  13-3  
Cavanaugh, Paul W., Rev. ---  7-4   32-1  
Cavanaugh, Paul Westropp, Fr. ---  Roster  
Cavanaugh, Paul, Rev. ---  4-5   11-1   22-4  
Cavanaugh, Ray D & Mary Eutsey ---  72-1  
Cavanaugh, Reid J. ---  Roster   43-3   72-1  
Cavanaugh, Reid James ---  72-1  
Cavanaugh, Will ---  35-2   36-2   49-3   58-4  
Cavanaugh, William ---  30-1   42-1  
Cavanaugh, William C. ---  42-2  
Cavanaugh, Wm. ---  27-1  
Cavelius, Fr. ---  52-1  
Cavello, Ralph V. ---  Roster  
Cavendar, C. C. C., Col. ---  19-3  
Cavendar, Col. ---  66-3  
Cavender, C. ---  38-2   52-1   61-4  
Cavender, C. C. ---  25-2   28-1   29-2   43-2  
Cavender, C. C., Col. ---  3-10   4-3   7-3   7-5   8-1   9-4   26-2   27-2   30-2   31-2   32-1   42-1   44-1   44-2   44-3   45-1   46-1   46-2   47-1   48-2   49-2   50-1   51-2   52-1   52-2   54-1  
Cavender, C. C., Col. & Mrs. ---  44-1  
Cavender, C.C., Col. ---  52-1  
Cavender, Cc, Col. ---  30-1   31-1  
Cavender, Charles ---  10-1   15-5   40-3   41-1   52-4   54-1  
Cavender, Charles C. ---  17-2   35-1   37-1   42-3   45-1   52-1   54-1  
Cavender, Charles C. (Carolyn), Mrs. ---  15-3  
Cavender, Charles C. 'Moe' ---  Roster  
Cavender, Charles C., Col. ---  3-3   4-2   5-2   5-5   7-4   9-1   13-2   14-2   15-2   18-2   19-2   22-4   24-1   24-3   26-2   28-3   33-1   34-1   35-1   36-1   43-3   45-1   45-2   46-2   48-2   49-2   50-2   51-2   52-1   52-3   53-1   56-1   59-1   61-4   68-2   68-2   76-1  
Cavender, Charles C., Pfc. ---  45-1   52-1  
Cavender, Charles, Col. ---  43-1   45-2   46-2   47-1   56-3   59-2  
Cavender, Col. ---  3-2   3-3   3-7   3-8   6-1   6-3   7-3   7-5   8-3   10-2   17-5   24-3   30-2   34-1   35-3   36-2   36-4   39-1   41-1   42-1   42-3   43-2   43-3   44-1   44-2   44-3   44-4   45-1   45-2   46-1   46-3   46-4   47-1   47-3   47-4   48-1   48-2   48-3   49-2   50-1   50-2   51-2   52-1   52-2   53-4   54-1   55-3   55-4   57-1   59-2   61-1   61-4   68-2   68-2   70-2   71-2   71-3   72-3   76-1  
Cavender, Kenneth ---  39-3  
Cavender, Kenneth A. ---  Roster  
Cavender, Lois ---  46-2  
Cavender, Marvin L. ---  Roster  
Cavender, Mrs. ---  3-3   4-3   25-2   38-2   61-4  
Cavesina, Ruth A. ---  69-2  
Caviano, Sam ---  Roster  
Caviano, Sam, Mr. & Mrs. ---  38-1  
Cavite ---  56-3  
Cawdrey, James ---  52-1  
Cawdrey, James W. ---  51-1  
Cawdrey, James William ---  Roster  
Cawdry, James A. ---  Roster   46-1  
Cawthon, Thomas Aaldean ---  Roster  
CBT CMD B ---  18-4   21-2   36-2   42-2   51-4   52-4   53-4   54-4   55-3   57-2  
CBT CMD B, 9th Armd. ---  36-2   57-2  
Cbt. Cmd. B, 7th Armd. Div. ---  53-4  
Cbt. Team ---  54-3   54-3  
CCB 7th Armd. Div. ---  26-2  
Ccb 7th Army Div. ---  26-2  
CCB 9th Armd. Div. ---  23-4   30-3  
CCB, 7th Armd. ---  59-2   62-2  
CCB, 7th Armd. Div. ---  44-1   51-4   59-1  
CCB, 9th Armd. Div. ---  3-5   51-4   57-2  
Ceant, Melvin N. ---  Roster  
CEBA ---  51-1   53-1   55-3   61-1   61-3   64-1   65-1   69-1   71-1  
Cebulski, Herschel H. ---  Roster  
Cecale, Joseph M. ---  Roster  
Cecil, Thomas W. ---  Roster  
Cefaratii, Joe ---  Roster   5-3  
Cefaretti, unk ---  Roster  
Ceforatt, ? ---  35-4  
Celarec, John ---  Roster  
Celher, Thaddeus F. ---  Roster  
Cella, Isabelle, Mrs. ---  5-3  
Cella, James F. ---  Roster   5-3   6-1  
Celles ---  5-4   58-4  
Celles, Belgium ---  31-4  
Celmar, Thaddeus ---  Roster   5-2  
Celmer, Thaddeus ---  Roster   7-3  
Cemer, Samuel ---  59-3  
Cemer, Samuel E. ---  Roster  
Cenko, Paul ---  Roster  
Cenni, Renato J. ---  Roster  
Center Of Research and Information On The Battle Of The Bulge ---  77-1  
Centerino, Thomas E. ---  Roster  
Centini, John J. ---  Roster  
Central Europe ---  3-3   10-3   27-1   28-2   31-4   32-1   40-3   45-4   46-2   48-1   48-4   49-1   49-2   49-4   50-3   50-4   51-3   53-2   53-3   53-4   54-1   54-2   54-4   55-2   55-3   55-4   56-1   56-2   57-1   57-2   57-3   58-1   58-2   58-3   59-1   59-2   59-4   60-1   60-2   60-3   61-1   61-2   61-3   61-4   62-2   63-1   63-2   65-3   67-1   71-2   73-3   74-1   74-3   75-1   76-1  
Central European Campaign ---  67-1  
Century, Douglas ---  77-1   78-3   79-1   79-2   79-3  
Cerenzia, Frank ---  Roster   45-1  
Cerenzia, Frankie, Sgt. ---  78-2  
Ceribella, Milio C. ---  Roster   7-3  
Ceribella, Milio C., Pfc. ---  3-3  
Cermak, William H. ---  Roster  
Cerna, Christi Creel ---  64-3  
Cerna, Evelyn (Fernando) ---  67-1  
Cerne, Frank E. ---  Roster  
Cernigliaro, Carmelo B. ---  Roster  
Cerrato, Rocco F. ---  Roster  
Cerreto, Nicholas V. ---  Roster  
Cervone, Salavatore J. ---  Roster  
Cesare, Robert J. 'Bob' ---  Roster  
Cesario, Frankie ---  Roster  
Cessna, (Doc), Capt. ---  3-10  
Cessna, Capt. ---  41-3  
Cessna, Capt. (Dr.) ---  17-5  
Cessna, Doc ---  4-4   8-1  
Cessna, Doc. ---  37-1  
Cessna, Doe ---  62-2  
Cessna, Dr. ---  10-2   29-4   46-2   47-1  
Cessna, G. H., Dr. ---  5-4   8-1  
Cessna, Gerald ---  7-3   7-4  
Cessna, Gerald H. ---  4-1   7-2  
Cessna, Gerald H. (Dr.) ---  Roster  
Cessna, Gerald H., Dr. ---  4-3   9-1  
Cessna, Gerald H., M.D ---  37-3  
Cessna, Gerald, Dr. ---  4-4   5-1   5-2   7-2   7-4   7-6   49-2  
Cessna, Gerald, Maj. ---  30-1  
Cessna, Jerry, Dr. ---  4-3  
Chabala, Emil ---  Roster   34-4   35-1  
Chabot, D. W., Capt. ---  20-3  
Chabot, Don ---  Roster  
Chabot, Don W. ---  20-3   21-3  
Chabot, Don, Maj. ---  21-3  
Chadbourne, Everett L. ---  Roster   45-3   54-2  
Chadwick, Irving ---  Roster   5-1  
Chadwick, Luther C. ---  Roster  
Chafe, Christina ---  58-1  
Chafe, Mark, Capt. ---  58-1  
Chaffee, Owen R. ---  Roster  
Chagnon, Normand J. ---  Roster  
Chaika, Robert O. ---  Roster  
Chairbone, A. E. ---  Roster  
Chalden, Frank H. ---  Roster  
Chalecki, Paul F. ---  Roster  
Chalfant, William P. ---  Roster  
Chalk, Lawrence E. ---  Roster  
Chalons ---  4-2   36-2   49-4   50-3  
Chalupnik, Frank P. ---  Roster  
Cham, Bavaria ---  69-1  
Chamberlain, Herbert L. ---  Roster   3-7  
Chamberlain, Herbert L., Sgt. ---  3-2  
Chambers, Carl E. ---  Roster  
Chambers, Claude E. ---  Roster  
Chambers, Joseph R. ---  Roster  
Chambers, Louis J. ---  Roster  
Chambers, Michelle ---  67-1  
Chambers, Wilfred N. ---  Roster   44-1  
Chambers, William H. ---  Roster  
Chambers, Willie L. ---  Roster  
Champagne, Leo ---  Roster  
Champignuel ---  3-5  
Champion, George B ---  Roster  
Champion, George B. ---  Roster  
Champlin, Franklin L. 'Bud' ---  Roster  
Champs Elysees ---  56-4   78-1  
Chance, Bill ---  Roster  
Chandler, Anthony ---  Roster   8-6  
Chandler, Harry C. ---  Roster   54-4   63-4  
Chandler, James Leo, Sr. ---  Roster  
Chandler, Robert D. ---  Roster  
Chandler, Wayne S. ---  Roster   3-3  
Channels, Austin A. ---  Roster  
Chansler, Anthony ---  63-4  
Chansler, Anthony ‘Teno’ ---  68-2  
Chansler, Anthony S. 'Teno' ---  Roster  
Chansler, Anthony 'Teno' ---  68-2   70-2   71-3   76-2  
Chansler, John F. ---  60-4   62-2   62-3   63-4   65-1   68-2   68-2   70-2   71-3   76-2   78-1   79-2  
Chansler, Kosov A. ---  62-2  
Chansler, Teno ---  60-4  
Chansler, Teno, Sgt. ---  65-1  
Chantra, Camillus, Jr. ---  Roster  
Chanute Afb ---  46-1  
Chapian, Levon ---  Roster  
Chapin, Donald F. ---  Roster  
Chapin, Eloise ---  27-2   28-2  
Chapman, Burnell W. ---  Roster  
Chapman, Bus ---  Roster  
Chapman, Clayton F. ---  Roster  
Chapman, David ---  80-1  
Chapman, Ernest ---  Roster  
Chapman, Frank L. ---  Roster  
Chapman, James C. ---  Roster  
Chapman, Joa ---  45-3  
Chapman, Joann ---  45-3  
Chapman, John W. ---  Roster  
Chapman, Jules B. ---  Roster  
Chapman, Patricia (Peter) ---  80-1  
Chapman, Sam ---  Roster  
Chapman, Vernon R. ---  Roster  
Chapnick, Capt. ---  54-3  
Chapnick, Irving ---  Roster   5-3  
Chapnick, Irving, Capt. ---  5-5  
Chappell, Earl Elmer ---  Roster  
Chappell, George M. ---  Roster  
Chappello, William V. (1) ---  Roster  
Chappello, William V. (2) ---  Roster  
Chappelo, William ---  Roster  
Chapwick, Irving ---  Roster  
Charette, Noel Q. ---  Roster  
Charlemagne, Emperor ---  61-2  
Charleroi ---  55-3   58-4  
Charles, Blanche, Melissa & Priscilla Richards ---  32-1  
Charles, Hoyt ---  Roster  
Charles, Monroe M. ---  Roster  
Charles, Prince ---  47-3   71-3   74-3   78-1  
Charles, Rex ---  37-3  
Charles, Rex W. ---  Roster  
Charles, Rex, Cpl. ---  15-5  
Charlier, Florent J. ---  Roster  
Charlier, John ---  Roster  
Charlone, unk ---  Roster  
Charlton, Ralph ---  Roster  
Charmella, Joseph T. ---  Roster  
Charnichko, Michael ---  Roster  
Charron, John ---  Roster   21-3  
Charron, Nelson ---  56-4   57-2   58-2   69-1  
Charron, Nelson J. ---  Roster   56-4   57-1  
Charron, Nelson, Pfc. ---  70-1   70-2   70-3   71-1   71-2   71-3   72-1   72-2   72-3   73-1   73-2   73-3   74-1  
Charron, Vincent ---  Roster   70-1   70-2   70-3   71-1   71-2   71-3   72-1   72-2   72-3   73-1   73-2   74-1   74-2  
Charron, Vincent J. ---  72-1   72-2   72-3   73-1   73-2   73-3   74-1  
Charter and Incorporation ---  66-1  
Charts ---  49-2  
Chase, Agnes ---  28-2   29-1   29-2   30-1   31-1   31-2   32-1  
Chase, Dale A. ---  Roster  
Chase, Fred ---  24-3   26-1   26-2   26-3   28-1   28-2   29-1   30-1   32-1   33-1   34-1   35-1   36-1   36-4   37-1   37-2   38-1   40-1   40-2   41-1   45-1   46-4   49-1   50-1  
Chase, Fred & Agnes ---  26-1   29-2   32-2   34-1   34-3   40-1   42-1  
Chase, Fred B ---  38-1  
Chase, Fred B. ---  4-3   7-2   8-4   9-1   22-4   24-3   27-3   28-1   28-3   30-1   30-3   31-1   32-1   32-4   33-1   33-2   34-1   34-2   34-3   34-4   35-1   35-2   35-3   35-4   36-1   36-2   36-3   36-4   37-1   38-1   39-1   40-1   41-1   43-3   44-2   45-1   45-3   48-1   49-1   50-1   54-1  
Chase, Fred B. & Agnes ---  29-3   41-1   46-1   47-1  
Chase, Fred B. & Agnes H. ---  39-1  
Chase, Fred B., Mr. ---  34-1  
Chase, Fred, Mr. ---  24-1  
Chase, Fred, Mr. & Mrs. ---  5-3   5-5   28-1   36-1   37-1   37-2  
Chase, Frederick B. ---  Roster  
Chase, James G. ---  Roster  
Chase, Robert F. ---  Roster   6-1  
Chase, Robert P. ---  Roster  
Chatam, Gene ---  40-2  
ChâTeau De FarnièRes ---  70-2  
Chateau De Wanne ---  45-4  
Chateau Havette ---  23-4   30-3  
Chateau Ouhar ---  23-4   30-3   45-2  
Chateau Xhos ---  58-4  
Chateauneuf, B., Capt. ---  45-4  
Chateauneuf, Capt. ---  5-5   45-4  
Chateauneuf, Edward A. ---  Roster  
Chateau-Thierrv, France ---  62-2  
Chateneau, unk ---  Roster  
Chatfield, Art ---  51-2   52-3  
Chatfield, Arthur ---  6-3   51-2   62-3  
Chatfield, Arthur I., Sgt. ---  3-2  
Chatfield, Arthur T. ---  Roster  
Chatman, Flinchum C. ---  Roster  
Chatnick, Irving ---  Roster  
Chattock, Alvin T., Jr. ---  Roster  
Chaudoin, Robert W. ---  45-1  
Chaudoin, Robert William ---  Roster  
Chaves, Edward ---  Roster  
Chavez, Paul ---  Roster  
Chay, Peter ---  Roster  
Cheberenchick, David ---  62-3  
Cheberenchick, Deanna B ---  64-2  
Cheberenchick, Joseph ---  Roster   64-2  
Checca, Mario ---  Roster   48-2   49-2   51-3   58-2   69-1  
Checca, Mario L. ---  43-3   47-4   53-1   56-4   71-1  
Checchio, Phillip ---  Roster  
Chedister, Joseph C. ---  Roster  
Chee, Carol ---  79-3  
Chee, Jessica ---  56-4  
Chee, Joan ---  80-2  
Chee, Joan Kuizema ---  79-3  
Cheek, Joseph H. ---  Roster   48-1  
Chehock, Lester P. ---  Roster  
Chehock, Lester P., Sgt. ---  67-3  
Chelf, Leslie F. ---  Roster  
Cheltenham ---  4-3   5-2   17-3   35-3   43-3   44-4   45-3   45-4   46-1   46-2   49-2   49-3   49-4   50-4   55-4   56-1   56-3   58-1   71-3  
Cheltenham Race Track ---  74-1  
Cheltenham, England ---  45-4   49-3   51-1   55-4   56-1   56-3  
Chemnitz ---  3-8   11-4   45-1  
Chenault, Joseph ---  42-1  
Chenault, Joseph Jordan 'Joe' ---  Roster  
Chêne Al Pierre ---  70-1  
Chene-Al-Pierre ---  54-4  
Chêne-al-Pierre ---  69-3  
Cheneux ---  55-3   78-1  
Chepes, Joseph ---  Roster  
Chepren, Rodney W. ---  Roster  
Cherbourg ---  48-4   50-4   56-4   66-3   74-2  
Chermak, Fred & June ---  46-2  
Chermak, Fred F. ---  43-3   66-2  
Chermak, Fred F. & Irene ---  46-1  
Chermak, Fred F., Sr. ---  Roster   76-1  
Cherney, Michael ---  Roster  
Chernick, Nicholos ---  Roster  
Chernin, Hy ---  Roster  
Chernoski, Thomas E. ---  Roster  
Chernuta, Frank J. ---  Roster  
Cherry, Audra C. ---  Roster  
Cherry, Berke I. 'Bert' ---  Roster  
Cherry, Bernard ---  25-3  
Cherry, Chaplain Bert I. ---  42-3  
Cherry, Charlton M. ---  Roster  
Cherry, Cpl. ---  7-2  
Cherry, Louis W. ---  Roster  
Cherry, unk ---  Roster  
Chesapeake & Ohio Canal ---  67-1  
Chesarek, F. J., Brig. Gen. ---  18-4  
Chesarek, Gen. ---  18-4  
Chesbro, John ---  Roster   4-2   6-1  
Chesbro, M. E., Mrs. ---  4-2  
Cheslak, George, Jr. ---  Roster  
Chesney ---  8-2   44-2   44-3   45-1   49-1   50-1   51-1   55-1  
Chesney, Lonas ---  40-3   44-2   45-1   50-1   55-1   56-3  
Chesney, Lonas & Louise ---  40-1  
Chesney, Lonas I. ---  53-1  
Chesney, Lonas L. ---  Roster   38-1   43-3   44-2   45-1   50-1   54-1   55-1  
Chesney, Lonas, Mrs. ---  38-1  
Chesney, Winston R. ---  Roster  
Chesnut, Joe ---  61-1  
Chester, Miriam ---  61-3   63-3   66-1   67-1   79-3  
Chester, Morris ---  59-2   61-3   63-3   64-3   65-1   66-1   67-1   79-3  
Chester, Morris G. ---  Roster  
Chester, Morris S. ---  59-2   79-3  
Chesterman, Clarence R. ---  Roster   47-3  
Chesterman, Clarence R., T/5 ---  3-2  
Chevron ---  45-3   46-1   50-2   57-1   72-2   76-1  
Chezmar, John P. ---  Roster   45-1   52-1   53-1   54-1   55-1   57-1  
Chiarlone, Anthony K. ---  Roster  
Chiarode, Andrew J. ---  Roster  
Chiaverini, Vincent E. ---  Roster   51-2  
Chicca, Marv ---  44-1  
Chichilla, Walter ---  Roster  
Chichin, Chester & Yvonne Vance ---  67-2  
Chichin, Yvonne Vance ---  67-2  
Chichlom, Calvin D. ---  Roster  
Chickachop, Norm ---  32-1  
Chief, unk ---  Roster  
Childers, Otis P., Jr. ---  Roster  
Childers, Richard Leroy, Sr. ---  Roster  
Childress, Harold C. ---  Roster  
Childress, Richard L. ---  Roster  
Childs, Dean ---  44-2   45-1   46-3   47-1   48-1   48-2   49-2   50-1   50-2   51-2   52-1   52-2   53-3   54-1   55-1   55-2   56-2   57-2   58-1   59-3   61-3   62-3   63-1   63-3   64-1   64-3   65-2  
Childs, Dean F. ---  Roster   44-2   45-1   48-1   49-1   50-1   53-1   55-1   56-1   57-1   66-1   72-1   73-2  
Childs, Dean F. & Eleanor ---  46-1   47-1  
Childs, Dean Franklin ---  66-1  
Childs, Dean/Eleanor ---  63-4  
Childs, Eleanor ---  48-2   49-2   50-2   51-2   52-1   52-2   53-3   54-1   55-2   59-3   61-3   62-3   63-3   64-1   65-2   66-1  
Childs, Eleanor M. ---  72-1   73-2  
Chilleme, Salvatore T. ---  Roster  
Chilson, Carl W. ---  Roster  
Chimenti, Joseph M. ---  Roster  
Chin, Wong A. ---  Roster  
China-Burma Theatre ---  29-1  
Chinguist, Fred ---  46-2  
Chinn, Harry ---  Roster  
Chinnici, Pasquale ---  Roster   59-1   61-3  
Chinquist, Fred A. ---  45-1   47-3  
Chinquist, Fred A., Jr. ---  Roster   4-2   56-1  
Chipping Norton ---  17-1   33-1   44-4   45-3   51-1   53-1   56-3   69-3  
Chirico, Frank R. ---  Roster  
Chirumbole, Dan ---  67-1   76-1  
Chirumbole, Frank ---  67-1   69-2  
Chirumbole, Frank W. ---  Roster   9-4   73-1   76-1  
Chirumbole, Frank, Jr. ---  67-1  
Chirumbole, Jim ---  67-1   70-2   77-1  
Chirumbole, Thomas ---  67-3  
Chirumbole, Tom ---  67-1  
Chishlom, Calvin D. ---  Roster  
Chisholm, Chris J., Jr. ---  4-2  
Chisholm, Christopher J., Jr ---  Roster  
Chisholm, Joseph M. ---  Roster  
Chisney, L. ---  Roster   40-1  
Chiti, Pete ---  Roster   7-3   7-4  
Chiti, Peter ---  7-3   7-4  
Chiti, Peter, Mrs. ---  6-4   7-1  
Chitman, unk ---  Roster  
Chitwood, Jack ---  17-3   49-1  
Chitwood, Jack R. ---  49-1  
Chitwood, Julius 'Jack' R. ---  64-2  
Chitwood, Julius R. ---  8-2   61-3  
Chitwood, Julius R. 'Jack' ---  Roster  
Chiverella, Ronald A. ---  67-3   75-1  
Chiverella, Sharon ---  70-3  
Chiverella, Sharon A. ---  67-3  
Chmiel, Frank J. ---  Roster  
Chmiel, Joseph R. ---  Roster  
Chmielewski, Steve F. ---  Roster  
Chmielowiec, Stanley ---  Roster   9-2   13-2   14-2   15-1   15-2   15-5  
Choate, Clarence R. ---  Roster  
Chodera, Paul J. ---  Roster   11-2   17-4  
Chodorow, Julius nmi ---  Roster  
Chofe, unk ---  Roster  
Cholera, Paul ---  Roster   6-3  
Chop, Adolph ---  Roster   8-1   53-3  
Choronzy, Nicholas, Jr. ---  Roster  
Chouinard, Joseph ---  Roster  
Chouinard, Joseph A. ---  Roster  
Chow, Susan ---  62-3  
Christ, Christ C. ---  Roster   61-1  
Christ, Christopher C. ---  65-1   70-3  
Christ, Constantine ---  69-3  
Christ, Peter ---  69-3  
Christakos, John ---  Roster  
Christensen, Bernard M. ---  Roster  
Christensen, Bernard M., 2nd Lt. ---  3-2  
Christensen, Curtis E. ---  Roster   4-2  
Christensen, Dean R. ---  Roster  
Christensen, George E. ---  Roster  
Christensen, Paul A. ---  Roster  
Christensen, Paul G. ---  Roster  
Christensen, Raymond L. ---  Roster  
Christenson, Bernard M. ---  Roster   6-1  
Christenson, Glen S. ---  Roster  
Christenson, Leon ---  21-3  
Christenson, Leon R. ---  Roster  
Christian, Anne ---  58-3   59-4   60-4   61-3  
Christian, Anne & Truman ---  56-4  
Christian, Trueman W. ---  Roster   55-3  
Christian, Trueman/Anne ---  63-4  
Christian, Truman ---  55-2   55-3   58-2   58-3   59-4   60-4   62-2  
Christian, Truman W. ---  56-4   59-4   60-4  
Christiansen, Chris, Dr. ---  56-3  
Christiansen, Chris, Dr. & Mrs. ---  56-3  
Christiansen, Inger ---  56-3  
Christiansen, Lt. ---  76-2   80-1  
Christianson, Ben & Stella ---  68-2   68-2  
Christianson, Carl M. ---  Roster   3-5  
Christianson, David ---  68-2   68-2  
Christianson, Ed ---  50-1   57-2   61-3   61-4   62-3   64-3   65-1   66-1   66-2   66-3   67-1   67-2   67-3   70-2  
Christianson, Edward ---  50-1   57-2   61-3   61-4   62-2   62-3   62-4   63-1   63-2   63-3   63-4   64-1   64-2   64-3   65-1   65-2   65-3   66-1   66-2   66-3   67-1   67-2   67-3  
Christianson, Edward L. ---  Roster   50-1   57-2   58-1   62-2   67-1   67-2   68-2   68-2  
Christianson, Edward L., Rev. ---  68-2   68-2  
Christianson, Edward/Mary ---  63-4  
Christianson, James ---  68-2   68-2  
Christianson, Kenneth ---  68-2   68-2  
Christianson, Mary ---  62-2   62-3   67-3   68-2   68-2  
Christianson, Pat ---  62-3  
Christie, Clarence L. ---  Roster  
Christie, Clarence, T/4 ---  65-2  
Christman, Archie ---  40-3  
Christman, Archie W. ---  46-1  
Christman, Archie W., Jr. ---  Roster  
Christman, Glen C. ---  Roster  
Christopher, Michael ---  Roster  
Christopherson, Charles E. ---  Roster  
Christopherson, Lowell V. ---  Roster  
Christopolus, Henry J. ---  Roster  
Christoun, Francis J. ---  Roster  
Christy, Bill & Dene ---  56-3  
Chryst, Paul ---  40-1   40-2  
Chuburg Harbor ---  43-3  
Chura, Andrew ---  Roster   52-1   53-1   56-1  
Chura, Andrew & Elicabeth ---  47-1  
Chura, Andrew & Elizabeth ---  46-1  
Chura, Elizabeth ---  52-1   53-1   53-3   56-1  
Church, James C. ---  Roster  
Church, James/Donna ---  63-4  
Church, Jim ---  63-2  
Church, Lennie ---  Roster  
Church, Quentin E. ---  Roster   72-3  
Church, Quenton E. ---  72-1  
Church, Sherry M. ---  72-1  
Churchill, Elija ---  30-3  
Churchill, Robert H. ---  Roster  
Churchill, Sir Winston ---  21-3   21-4   76-1   78-3  
Churchill, Winston ---  18-4   20-2   21-1   26-2   35-2   43-3   51-1   53-2   55-3   56-1   58-2   59-3  
Churchwall, Amos C. ---  Roster  
Churna, Andrew ---  Roster   43-3  
Chuvarsky, Andrew ---  62-3  
Chuvarsky, Andrew G. ---  Roster   54-3   70-3   80-1  
Chuvarsky, Andrew G., Pfc. ---  3-7  
Chuvarsky, Andrew George ---  80-1  
Chylak, Nester ---  Roster   40-1  
Chylak, Nester, Jr. ---  Roster  
Ciaburri, Salvatore ---  Roster  
Cialano, Pete ---  21-3  
Ciance, Anthony M. ---  Roster  
Cianfrone, Aristedes ---  Roster  
Ciauero, Joseph V. ---  Roster  
Ciavaettela, Dominick ---  Roster  
Cicala, John ---  Roster  
Cicero, Salvatore P. ---  Roster  
Cichoraki, Theodore J. ---  Roster  
Ciliberti, Eva ---  57-1  
Ciliberti, Michael ---  57-1  
Ciliberti, Michael G. ---  Roster   51-1   57-1  
Cimaglia, Sam ---  5-3   7-4   64-1   64-3   65-1   73-1  
Cimaglia, Sam F. ---  Roster   5-3   6-1   6-2   15-2  
Cimaglia, Sam F., Jr. ---  6-2  
Cimino, Stephen ---  Roster  
Cimmins, Raymond J. ---  Roster  
Cindric, Charles A. ---  Roster  
Ciney ---  27-3  
Cingone, Alex ---  Roster   12-1  
Cioccolanti, Joseph J. ---  Roster  
Cioccolanti, Joseph J., Pvt. ---  3-7  
Ciolino, Peter ---  22-4   24-3  
Ciolino, Peter N. ---  Roster   21-4   22-4   24-3  
Cipollam, Anthony P. ---  Roster  
Ciquero, J. V. ---  Roster  
Ciquero, Joe ---  13-4  
Ciquero, Joseph ---  65-3  
Ciquero, Joseph, Mr. & Mrs. ---  11-5  
Ciquero, Michael ---  65-3   67-2  
Ciquero, Mike ---  62-3   65-3  
Cirencester, England ---  36-3  
Citizen Soldier ---  54-2   54-3   59-2   65-2  
Citrano, Carol ---  79-1  
Citrano, Kelly ---  79-1  
Citrano, Linda ---  79-1  
Citrano, Sharon ---  79-1  
Citrano, Vera ---  79-1  
Ckirumbolt, F. W. ---  Roster  
Claffy, George R. ---  Roster  
Claffy, Robert E. ---  Roster  
Clair, Donald A. ---  Roster  
Claney, Arthur M. ---  Roster  
Clapman, Vernon A. ---  34-2  
Clapp, Allen Taylor ---  Roster  
Clapsaddle, Marlyn P. ---  Roster  
Clara, Frank Nausin &, Jr. ---  47-1  
Clare, Harry D. ---  Roster   7-2  
Clarizio, Frank G. ---  Roster  
Clark, Benjamin A. ---  52-1  
Clark, Bernard ---  10-1   56-2  
Clark, Bernard B. ---  Roster  
Clark, Bernard G. ---  Roster   56-2  
Clark, Bernard H. ---  Roster   3-8  
Clark, Bob ---  72-2   73-2  
Clark, Bobo ---  Roster   3-7  
Clark, Bruce C., Brig. Gen. ---  31-3  
Clark, Bruce, Gen. ---  40-3   43-3   59-1  
Clark, Bryce M. ---  Roster  
Clark, Capt. ---  48-3  
Clark, Charles H. ---  Roster   6-1  
Clark, Charles H., Pvt. ---  3-2  
Clark, Chris ---  17-1  
Clark, Chris T. ---  21-4   26-3   30-1   31-1   32-1   34-1   35-1   36-1  
Clark, Christopher ---  56-1  
Clark, Christopher T. ---  Roster   4-1   9-2   11-2   13-2   14-2   15-2   17-2   18-2   19-4   22-4   24-3   28-3   33-1   37-2   43-3  
Clark, Clair E. ---  Roster  
Clark, David M. ---  Roster  
Clark, Dick ---  78-1   78-3  
Clark, Donald L. ---  Roster  
Clark, Dr. ---  16-1   17-4   20-3   30-1   30-3   31-2   32-1   36-1   41-1   44-2   46-4   50-1   64-3  
Clark, Earl W. ---  Roster  
Clark, Emily ---  53-1  
Clark, Ernie J. ---  52-1  
Clark, Ernie J., Jr. ---  Roster  
Clark, Felix ---  43-3   49-4  
Clark, Felix & Lois ---  42-1  
Clark, Felix B. ---  Roster   47-1   49-4   50-1  
Clark, Gen. ---  4-1   18-3   18-4   47-4   51-4  
Clark, George Rogers ---  32-3   33-1  
Clark, Glenn J. ---  Roster  
Clark, H. H. ---  69-1  
Clark, H.H. ---  62-3  
Clark, Harmon P., Jr. ---  Roster  
Clark, Hebert H. ---  46-1  
Clark, Henry C. ---  Roster  
Clark, Herb ---  45-1   45-4   49-4   51-2   56-3  
Clark, Herbert F., Jr. ---  Roster  
Clark, Herbert H. ---  4-1   7-5   45-1   46-4   49-4   65-1   67-2  
Clark, Herbert H., Jr. ---  Roster   3-10  
Clark, Herbert Harwood ---  70-1  
Clark, Illinois ---  12-3  
Clark, Irvin ---  Roster  
Clark, J. I. ---  30-1  
Clark, J. I., Dr. ---  28-1  
Clark, Jack, Dr. ---  67-3  
Clark, James ---  Roster   12-3   25-3   28-2   32-1   34-1   43-1   49-1   52-3   53-1   63-1   71-2  
Clark, James & Shirley ---  34-1   42-1  
Clark, James I. ---  Roster   3-10   13-2   14-1   15-1   15-2   17-2   17-4   25-3   26-3   28-3   30-1   31-1   31-4   32-1   33-1   34-1   35-1   35-2   36-1   52-1  
Clark, James I. & Shirley ---  39-1  
Clark, James I., Dr. ---  14-1   14-2   14-6   16-1   18-2   19-2   21-4   28-1   29-3   30-1   31-1   31-3   31-4   32-1   33-1   34-1   35-1   37-1   41-1   43-3   44-2   46-4   50-1   53-1   53-4  
Clark, James I., M.D ---  35-3  
Clark, James J. ---  Roster   48-3   52-3  
Clark, James J., Jr. ---  4-2  
Clark, James L. ---  30-1  
Clark, James L., Dr. ---  30-1   71-2  
Clark, James, Dr. ---  28-1   29-1   30-1   30-2   30-3   36-1   37-1   41-1   44-2   46-4   50-1   51-4   57-2   64-3  
Clark, James, Dr. & Mrs. ---  14-1   26-1   36-1  
Clark, Jim ---  18-1   30-1   38-1   64-3  
Clark, Jim & Shirley ---  18-1   30-1  
Clark, Jim, Dr. ---  30-1   31-1   32-1   33-1   34-1  
Clark, John ---  19-3   40-1   43-3   77-3  
Clark, John A. ---  Roster  
Clark, John D., Jr. ---  Roster  
Clark, John L. ---  Roster  
Clark, John R. ---  Roster   19-3   42-3   45-4   77-3  
Clark, John Roy ---  77-3  
Clark, John Roy, S/Sgt. ---  77-3  
Clark, John W. ---  Roster   47-1   51-1   52-1  
Clark, Jr., Herbert F. ---  49-1  
Clark, Lawrence E. ---  Roster  
Clark, Mark, Gen. ---  5-5  
Clark, Marvin O. ---  Roster   5-2  
Clark, Mrs. ---  16-1   19-3   28-1  
Clark, Ralph L., Jr. ---  Roster  
Clark, Richard ---  58-2   71-2  
Clark, Ricky ---  18-1  
Clark, Robert ---  51-4   73-2  
Clark, Robert A. ---  78-3  
Clark, Robert I., Rev. ---  52-1  
Clark, Robert J. ---  3-7   4-5   7-4   9-2  
Clark, Robert J., Pfc. ---  3-7  
Clark, Robert J., Rev. ---  51-1  
Clark, Robert James ---  Roster  
Clark, Robert P. ---  Roster  
Clark, Robt. W., Pfc. ---  24-1  
Clark, Ronald S. ---  Roster  
Clark, Ruth G. ---  45-4  
Clark, Shirley ---  30-1   71-2  
Clark, Susan ---  70-1  
Clark, Tennessee ---  12-3  
Clark, Thomas ---  Roster  
Clark, Walter C. ---  30-1   31-1   32-1   33-1   33-2   35-1   36-1  
Clark, William H. ---  Roster  
Clark, William L. ---  Roster  
Clarke, Bruce ---  36-2   51-1   51-3   53-4   54-1  
Clarke, Bruce C. ---  18-5   19-3   54-1  
Clarke, Bruce C., Gen. ---  18-4   19-2   19-3   21-4   23-2   23-4   27-4   31-4   40-2   48-4  
Clarke, Bruce, Brig. Gen. ---  45-4   53-4  
Clarke, Bruce, Gen. ---  18-4   19-2   21-2   22-2   26-2   62-4  
Clarke, Cecil ---  35-2  
Clarke, Clair E. ---  Roster  
Clarke, D. ---  30-1  
Clarke, Doc ---  30-1   31-1  
Clarke, Dr. ---  28-1   29-1  
Clarke, Gen. ---  18-3   18-4   19-2   19-3   21-4   22-2   47-4   51-4  
Clarke, Hawk ---  60-4   61-1   61-2   61-3   62-2   63-1   63-2   63-3  
Clarke, James J., Jr. ---  Roster  
Clarke, James, Dr. ---  28-1  
Clarke, Joseph A. ---  Roster  
Clarke, Lillian ---  62-2   62-3  
Clarke, Myron ---  38-2  
Clarke, Myron E. ---  Roster   38-1   43-3  
Clarke, Richard & Deborah ---  58-3  
Clarke, Richard, Mrs. ---  58-3  
Clarke, Robert W. ---  Roster  
Clarke, Robert W., Pfc. ---  24-1  
Clarke, Ronahn I. ---  58-3  
Clarke, Rosemary ---  58-2   58-3  
Clarke, Walt & Lillian ---  40-1  
Clarke, Walter ---  30-1   35-1   37-1   37-2   41-1   50-1   61-2   62-2  
Clarke, Walter & Lillian ---  34-1   35-1   36-3   42-1  
Clarke, Walter C. ---  Roster   32-1   33-1   37-1   41-1   43-3   50-1   52-1   61-2  
Clarke, Walter C. & Lillian ---  47-1  
Clarke, Walter C., Mr. & Mrs. ---  37-1   38-1  
Clarks, The ---  62-2  
Clarkson, Capt. ---  48-3   69-3  
Clarkson, Jam. L., Capt. ---  3-4  
Clarkson, James L. ---  Roster   22-1  
Clarkson, James L., Capt. ---  3-7   75-3  
Clatterer, Milton, Col. ---  3-3  
Clause, Clifford E. ---  Roster  
Clausen, Betty ---  42-3   53-1  
Clausen, Cecil C. ---  Roster   3-8   39-3   43-3   53-1   56-1  
Clausen, Cecil C. & Betsy ---  46-1  
Clausen, Cecil C., Mr. & Mrs. ---  38-1  
Claussen, Cecil, Mr. & Mrs. ---  5-4  
Clavados ---  26-3  
Clavier ---  27-3   54-4   55-4  
Clay, Charles J. ---  Roster  
Clay, Col Roy U. ---  44-1  
Clay, Lt. Col. ---  51-4  
Clay, Roy U. ---  Roster   48-1  
Clayburn, Cw3 Myles W. ---  56-1   56-3  
Clayton, Kendall W. ---  Roster  
Clayton, T. C. ---  4-4  
Clayton, Thomas C. ---  Roster   4-2  
Clayton, Walter B. ---  Roster   42-1  
Cleary, Daniel F. ---  8-3  
Cleendell, Pat ---  Roster  
Cleendell, Pat, T/4 ---  24-1  
Cleghorn, Allen E., Col. ---  77-2  
Cleland, Max ---  34-2  
Clem, Donald ---  5-4  
Clem, Donald D. ---  Roster  
Clemens, Donald ---  Roster  
Clemens, Donald F. ---  Roster  
Clemens, Mary Jo ---  63-4   67-3  
Clement, Doc ---  3-7  
Clement, George D. ---  Roster  
Clement, Howard R. ---  Roster   4-5   7-3   11-2   12-1  
Clement, Howard R., Dr. ---  6-2  
Clement, Howard R., Maj. ---  3-5  
Clement, Howard, Maj. ---  36-3  
Clement, Robert Addison, Jr. ---  Roster  
Clemente, Dominick ---  Roster  
Clements, Belgium ---  68-2   68-2  
Clements, Clinton & Ella ---  78-2  
Clements, Cora Belle ---  78-2  
Clements, Howard ---  Roster   45-4  
Clements, Lauren ---  78-2  
Clements, Lawrence ---  6-1   45-3   48-1   76-3  
Clements, Lawrence C. ---  48-1  
Clements, Lawrence Clinton ---  Roster   78-2  
Clements, Lloyd E. ---  Roster  
Clements, Mary Jo ---  63-2  
Clemment, George D. ---  Roster  
Clemons, Loren ---  Roster  
Clendenin, Dale S. ---  Roster  
Clermont ---  3-8   3-10   4-2   4-3   61-1   63-1   68-2   68-2  
Clervaux ---  31-4   34-4   35-2   47-1   51-1   52-2   55-3   57-2   58-4   59-2   61-1   63-1   63-2   64-1   68-2   68-2   69-1   78-1  
Clervaux, Luxembourg ---  51-1   57-2   58-4   61-1   64-1   68-2   68-2   69-1  
Cleveland, Robert D. ---  Roster  
Cleven, Herbert ---  Roster  
Clevenger, James ---  73-3  
Clevenger, James A. ---  56-4  
Clevenger, James R. ---  Roster   56-2  
Clevenger, Jan Robert ---  56-4  
Clevenger, Jim ---  56-4  
Clevenger, John F. ---  72-2  
Clevenger, Joyce ---  73-3  
Clevenger, Kenneth E. ---  Roster  
Clifflon, Johnny ---  Roster   43-3  
Clifford, Bobo ---  Roster  
Cliffton, John ---  Roster   36-3  
Clift, William E. ---  Roster   4-1  
Clift, William E., Sgt. ---  3-4  
Clifton, C. C., Maj. Gen. ---  19-2  
Clifton, C. V. ---  18-4  
Clifton, C. V., Maj. Gen. ---  18-4  
Clifton, Curley C. ---  Roster  
Clifton, Eugene ---  3-5   6-1   48-4  
Clifton, Eugene B. ---  Roster  
Clifton, Gen. ---  18-4   19-2   19-3  
Clifton, Jack E. ---  Roster  
Clifton, John ---  34-4  
Clifton, Maj. Gen. ---  58-1  
Cline, Wayne E. ---  Roster  
Clingan, George M. ---  Roster  
Clingin, George ---  Roster  
Clinite, Donald L. ---  Roster  
Clinkscales, Ernest M. ---  Roster  
Clinton, William J. ---  52-1  
Clipner, Homer ---  Roster   43-3  
Clipner, Homer B. ---  Roster  
Clipper, Homer ---  Roster  
Clipper, Homer & Mary L. ---  42-1  
Clonts, Kelly R. ---  Roster  
Closing With The Enemy ---  56-1  
Closson, Albert F. ---  Roster  
Closson, Helen P. ---  69-3  
Closson, Raymond E. ---  Roster   52-1   62-4   69-3  
Clotworthy, Harold W. ---  Roster  
Clouser, Paul E. ---  Roster  
Clower, ? ---  46-1  
Clower, Bob ---  58-1  
Clower, Robert G. ---  Roster   8-3   8-4   52-1   53-1   56-1   57-1   72-2  
Clower, Robert G. & Stephanna ---  46-1  
Clower., Robert G. ---  54-1  
Clyde River ---  18-3   27-3   58-2  
Clyne, Alfred Peter ---  Roster  
Clyne, Robert M. ---  Roster  
Co A, 133rd Id, 34th Div. ---  3-3  
Co A, 159th Inf. ---  4-2  
Co A, 424th Inf. ---  3-4   3-5  
Co A, 81st Engr.s ---  3-2  
Co B, 133rd Inf. ---  3-3  
Co B, 331st Med. BN ---  4-2  
Co I, 424th Inf. ---  4-2  
Co K, 424th Inf. ---  4-2  
Co L, 422nd Regt. ---  3-4  
Co. A 661st TD BN. ---  30-3  
Co. A 814th TD BN. ---  30-3  
Co. A, 422nd Inf. ---  45-4  
Co. A, 814th TD BN ---  13-4  
Co. A, 81st ---  3-7   21-2   25-2   51-4  
Co. A, 81st Engr. ---  18-4   33-2   35-3   51-4  
Co. B, 38th Armd. Inf. ---  51-4   53-2  
Co. B, 424th Inf. ---  3-3  
Co. B, 424th Regt. ---  35-2  
Co. B, 81st Cbt. Engr.s ---  45-3  
Co. B, 81st Engr. BN. ---  21-4  
Co. B, 81st Engr. Cbt. BN ---  52-4  
Co. C, 422nd Inf. ---  21-4   35-1  
Co. C, 424th ---  15-3  
Co. C, 424th Inf. ---  5-5   15-3   33-1   58-2  
Co. C, 820th TD BN ---  52-4  
Co. D, 422nd Inf. ---  3-3  
Co. D, 422nd Regt. ---  44-4   45-2   45-3   69-3  
Co. D, 423rd Regt. ---  53-3  
Co. E, 423rd Inf. Regt. ---  67-3  
Co. E, 424th Inf. Regt. ---  34-2  
Co. F, 422nd Inf. ---  54-1  
Co. F, 423rd Inf. ---  49-3   51-3   53-4   54-1   66-3  
Co. F, 424th ---  3-7   5-3   56-4  
Co. G, 423rd Regt. ---  51-2  
Co. G, 424th Inf. Regt. ---  57-4   70-3  
Co. H, 422nd Inf. ---  4-5   5-2  
Co. H, 424th ---  5-3   25-1  
Co. I Of The 423rd Inf. Reg. ---  20-4  
Co. I, 112th Inf., 28th Div. ---  56-3  
Co. I, 23rd Inf., 2nd Div. ---  56-3  
Co. I, 423rd Inf. Regt. ---  50-1  
Co. I, 423rd Regt. ---  45-1  
Co. I, 424th ---  43-2   48-1  
Co. K, 106th Div. ---  32-4  
Co. K, 422nd Inf. ---  25-2  
Co. K, 422nd Inf. Regt. ---  58-1  
Co. K, 424th ---  24-1   57-4  
Co. K, 424th Inf. ---  3-8   21-1   22-4   36-3  
Co. L, 423rd Inf. ---  4-1   43-1   54-1  
Co. M, 423rd Regt. ---  53-1   67-1  
Coan, H.C. ---  43-3  
Coan, Hiram Cary ---  Roster  
Coan, Hiram Cary (H.C.) ---  59-4  
Coan, James D. ---  Roster  
Coan, Lawrence R. ---  Roster  
Coarnal, Thaddeus V. ---  Roster  
Coate, Walter ---  Roster  
Coates, Bill ---  6-1   6-3  
Coates, Walter T. ---  Roster  
Coates, Walter, Lt. ---  71-2  
Coates, William ---  Roster  
Cobarrubias, R. C. ---  Roster  
Cobb, Alden ---  54-3  
Cobb, Alden G. ---  Roster  
Cobb, Edward ---  Roster  
Cobern, James F. ---  3-8  
Cobern, James F., Jr. ---  Roster  
Coble, Ralph ---  49-1   49-4   56-4   58-2   59-4   61-4  
Coble, Ralph M. ---  Roster   49-1   49-4   61-3   61-4  
Coblentz, Raymond ---  Roster  
Coblentz, Raymond, Sgt. ---  3-2  
Coblenz ---  3-2   21-2   27-4   40-3   50-3   56-2  
Coburn, Lloyd Paul ---  Roster  
Coburn, Paul L. ---  20-3  
Cocca, Martin J. ---  Roster  
Coccagna, Gabriel J. ---  Roster  
Cochara, Walter J. ---  Roster   3-5   3-8  
Cochran, Clifford B. ---  Roster  
Cochran, Collin L. ---  Roster   4-1   5-4   53-1   56-4  
Cochran, Deland ---  54-2   67-1   69-1  
Cochran, John F. ---  Roster  
Cochrane, unk ---  Roster  
Cock, Susie Belle ---  43-3  
Cocke, Erie, Jr. ---  32-1  
Cocke, Joseph W. ---  Roster   57-2  
Cocke, Sam L. ---  Roster   36-2   48-3  
Cocke, Samuel L. ---  Roster  
Cockrell, Curtis Levi ---  73-2  
Cockrell, Daisy Lou Kirkland ---  73-2  
Cockrell, Marvin ---  73-2  
Cockrell, Marvin Dewey ---  Roster   73-2  
Cockrell, Randy ---  73-2  
Cockrell, Terry ---  73-2  
Cocozza, Jack J. ---  Roster  
Codella, Pat ---  Roster   19-1  
Codella, Slyvester, Jr. ---  Roster  
Coderre, Kate ---  72-1  
Cody, Clinton B. ---  Roster  
Cody, William 'Bill' ---  Roster  
Coe, Stanley R. ---  Roster  
Coe, Vincent ---  Roster  
Coen, Thomas G., Jr. ---  Roster  
Coey, William A. ---  Roster  
Coffee, Doug ---  18-3   24-3   39-1   41-2   42-2   62-2   63-1  
Coffee, Doug & Isabel ---  62-2  
Coffee, Doug S. ---  62-2  
Coffee, Douglas ---  42-2  
Coffee, Douglas S. ---  24-3   35-1   42-2   63-1  
Coffee, Virginia ---  71-1  
Coffees, The ---  62-2  
Coffey, Charles T., Jr. ---  Roster  
Coffey, Chris ---  19-2  
Coffey, D. ---  32-1  
Coffey, D., Mr. & Mrs. ---  20-3   22-1   22-3  
Coffey, Doug ---  9-1   9-2   9-4   10-2   10-3   10-4   11-1   11-3   12-1   13-1   13-2   13-3   13-4   13-5   14-1   14-2   14-3   15-1   15-2   15-3   15-4   15-5   16-1   16-2   16-3   17-1   17-2   17-3   17-4   17-5   18-1   18-2   18-3   18-4   18-5   19-1   19-2   19-3   19-4   19-5   20-1   20-2   20-3   20-4   21-1   21-2   21-3   21-4   22-1   22-2   22-3   23-1   23-2   23-3   23-4   24-1   24-2   25-1   25-2   26-1   26-2   26-3   26-4   27-1   27-2   27-3   27-4   28-1   28-2   28-3   29-1   29-2   29-3   30-1   30-2   30-3   31-1   31-2   31-4   32-1   32-2   32-3   33-1   33-2   33-3   33-4   34-1   34-3   34-4   35-1   35-2   35-3   35-4   36-1   36-2   36-3   37-1   37-2   37-3   38-2   39-1   39-2   41-1   41-2   41-3   42-1   42-2   42-4   43-1   43-2   44-1   44-2   44-3   44-4   45-1   45-2   45-3   45-4   46-1   46-2   46-3   46-4   47-1   47-3   48-3   49-1   49-3   55-2   56-2   59-3   71-3   74-1   77-1   79-2  
Coffey, Doug & Isabel ---  18-3   19-1   21-2   26-2   29-1   30-3   32-2   34-1   35-2   37-2   40-1   43-2   51-2  
Coffey, Doug & Isabelle ---  14-1   19-1   24-2  
Coffey, Doug S. ---  29-1   36-1   46-2  
Coffey, Doug S., Mr. ---  34-1  
Coffey, Doug, Mr. & Mrs. ---  17-3   18-2   28-1  
Coffey, Doug. ---  20-3   28-1   29-3   32-1  
Coffey, Douglas ---  5-1   9-1   10-1   10-4   11-1   11-4   13-1   13-3   18-4   19-3   21-1   24-2   26-2   26-3   27-4   28-1   30-1   31-1   31-4   32-1   33-1   33-2   34-1   35-1   37-1   38-1   40-1   41-1   42-2   43-2   44-1   44-2   44-3   44-4   45-1   45-3   45-4   46-2   48-4   49-1   52-2   53-1   56-2   57-4   58-1   62-2   63-1   63-3   63-4   71-1   71-3  
Coffey, Douglas & Isabel ---  14-4   26-1   29-3   35-1   42-1   55-2  
Coffey, Douglas S. ---  Roster   8-1   8-3   8-4   8-5   8-6   9-1   9-2   9-3   9-4   9-5   10-1   10-2   10-3   10-4   11-1   11-2   11-3   11-4   11-5   12-1   12-2   12-3   12-4   13-1   13-2   14-1   14-2   15-1   15-2   17-2   17-3   17-5   18-1   18-3   18-4   19-1   19-2   19-4   20-1   20-4   21-4   22-4   23-1   23-2   23-3   24-1   24-2   24-3   25-1   25-2   25-3   26-1   26-2   27-1   28-3   29-2   30-1   31-1   31-4   32-1   33-1   34-1   35-1   35-2   35-3   35-4   36-1   36-2   36-3   36-4   37-1   37-2   37-3   38-1   38-2   39-1   39-2   39-3   40-1   40-2   40-3   41-1   41-2   41-3   42-1   42-2   42-3   42-4   43-1   43-2   43-3   44-2   44-3   44-4   45-1   45-2   46-1   46-2   46-3   46-4   47-1   47-4   48-3   48-4   49-2   49-4   50-1   50-2   52-1   53-1  
Coffey, Douglas S. (Isabel), Mrs. ---  14-2   15-3  
Coffey, Douglas S., Mr. ---  21-3   27-2  
Coffey, Douglas S., Mr. & Mrs. ---  37-1   38-1  
Coffey, Douglas, Mr. ---  21-3  
Coffey, Douglas, Mr. & Mrs. ---  13-4   15-1   33-1  
Coffey, Douglas, Mrs. ---  11-1  
Coffey, Douglass ---  15-5  
Coffey, Douglass S. ---  15-1   24-1   36-1  
Coffey, Ginnie ---  19-2  
Coffey, Isabel ---  11-1   14-1   15-4   19-1   21-1   22-2   28-2   29-1   31-2   35-1   55-2  
Coffey, Isabel & Christine & Virginia & Doug ---  27-4  
Coffey, Isabel & Doug ---  22-3   23-3   29-2  
Coffey, Isabel, Mrs. ---  11-1  
Coffey, Isabell ---  34-3   40-3  
Coffey, Isabelle ---  14-1   28-2   57-2   58-2  
Coffey, Isabelle & Doug ---  19-3   26-4  
Coffey, Isabelle, Mrs. ---  16-1  
Coffey, Isbabel ---  22-2  
Coffey, Jane ---  14-1   19-2  
Coffey, Kenneth R. ---  Roster  
Coffey, Lamont ( Vivian), Mrs. ---  26-1  
Coffey, Mr. ---  10-3   10-4   11-1   13-3   17-4   18-1   18-4   19-3   21-1   21-4   22-2   26-2   28-1   28-2   28-4   30-3   32-3   33-2   34-3   38-2   39-3   40-1   41-3   42-2   42-4   43-3  
Coffey, Thomas J. ---  Roster   42-1  
Coffey, Virginia ---  27-4  
Coffey, Virginia & Christine ---  26-1  
Coffey, Vivian ---  31-2  
Coffeys, The ---  22-3   32-3  
Coffey's, The ---  26-1   27-1   27-4   33-1  
Coffin, George H. ---  Roster   67-1  
Coffin, George W. ---  Roster  
Coffin, Walter C. ---  Roster  
Coggin, John ---  52-1  
Coggin, John R., Jr. ---  Roster  
Coggins, Adolphus D. ---  Roster  
Coggins, Clarence E. ---  Roster  
Coggins, Willie L. ---  Roster  
Coggtns, Clarence E. ---  Roster  
Coghian, Charles M., Jr. ---  Roster  
Coghlan, Charles M., Jr. ---  Roster  
Cogswell, Donald W. F. ---  Roster  
Cohen, Aaron William ---  Roster  
Cohen, Aaron William, Pfc. ---  15-3  
Cohen, Allen & Florence ---  40-1   42-1  
Cohen, Allen T. ---  Roster   36-1   37-1   41-1   43-3   46-4   47-4   48-1   56-1  
Cohen, Allen T. & Florence ---  46-1  
Cohen, Allen, Mr. & Mrs. ---  36-1   39-1  
Cohen, Arby ---  34-4  
Cohen, Arthur N. ---  Roster   3-10   13-2   14-3   15-2   17-2   18-3   21-4  
Cohen, Benjamin ---  Roster  
Cohen, Benjamin A. ---  Roster  
Cohen, Eli ---  Roster   6-1  
Cohen, Eli, Pfc. ---  3-2  
Cohen, Florence, Mrs. ---  5-1  
Cohen, George M. ---  Roster   4-3   5-5  
Cohen, Gerald I. ---  Roster   7-2  
Cohen, Gerald I., Pvt. ---  3-3  
Cohen, Gerald L. ---  Roster  
Cohen, Gladys Ms ---  Roster  
Cohen, Israel ---  Roster   5-1   6-1  
Cohen, Louis M. & Lena ---  74-2  
Cohen, Mark, Mrs. ---  4-1  
Cohen, Mr. & Mrs. ---  46-2  
Cohen, Paul ---  Roster   16-3  
Cohen, Robert ---  74-2  
Cohen, Robert J. ---  Roster  
Cohen, Robert J., T/5 ---  3-5  
Cohen, Roger ---  59-3  
Cohen, Ruth ---  74-2  
Cohen, Sidney ---  Roster  
Cohen, Stanley B. ---  Roster  
Cohen, Yale B. ---  Roster  
Cohn, Arthur N. ---  Roster   22-4  
Cohn, Bernard ---  62-3  
Cohn, Sidney C. ---  3-10  
Cohn, unk ---  Roster  
Cohrs, James C. ---  Roster  
Coin, Joseph ---  Roster   67-3  
Coke, J. ---  Roster  
Coker, Buster ---  Roster  
Col. Thomas J. Riggs ---  15-2  
Cola, Norman D., Maj. Gen. ---  14-4   14-5  
Colantuoni, Bill ---  66-1  
Colantuoni, Pascquale 'Pat' E or F. ---  Roster  
Colantuoni, Pasquale (Pat) ---  66-1  
Colard, Emile ---  42-2  
Colarusso, John F. ---  Roster   42-3   42-4   43-3   46-2   58-4  
Colarusso, Joseph ---  58-4  
Colarusso, Phyllis ---  58-4  
Colavito, John S. ---  Roster  
Colbert, Bernard ---  Roster  
Colbert, Hugh ---  Roster   6-5   45-4   48-3   48-4   53-2   54-2   55-1   55-2   56-1   56-2   57-2   58-2   58-3   58-4   59-3   60-3   60-4   61-1   61-3   61-4   62-2   62-3   63-3   63-4   66-2   67-1   69-2   69-3   70-1   71-2   76-1  
Colbert, Hugh L. ---  Roster   45-4   48-3   52-2   53-1   54-1   55-1   56-1   57-1   69-3   78-2  
Colbert, Hugh Leon ---  78-2  
Colbert, Otto W. ---  Roster  
Colbey, Blair A. ---  Roster  
Colborne, Walter F. ---  Roster  
Colbourne, Alfred V., Jr. ---  Roster  
Colburn, Alfred V., Jr. ---  Roster  
Colburn, Everette W. ---  Roster  
Colburn, Robert L. ---  Roster  
Colby, Blair ---  49-2   54-1   54-4  
Colby, Blair A. ---  Roster   49-2  
Colby, Gloria ---  62-3   63-3   67-2   69-1  
Colby, Kenneth ---  65-2  
Colby, Kenneth C. ---  Roster   52-4  
Colby, Stan ---  62-3   63-3  
Colby, Stanley ---  67-2   69-1   70-1  
Colby, William ---  42-3  
Colby, William G. ---  Roster  
Cole, Donald D. ---  Roster  
Cole, Donald E. ---  Roster  
Cole, Edward J. ---  Roster  
Cole, Gordon M. ---  Roster  
Cole, Hugh ---  46-4   49-4   51-4   53-2   54-1   55-4   64-3  
Cole, Hugh M. ---  22-2   44-3   51-1   53-3   54-1   59-3   65-2   72-1  
Cole, Hugh M., Dr. ---  22-1  
Cole, Hugh, Dr. ---  21-3  
Cole, Kenneth Raymond ---  Roster  
Cole, Raymond A. ---  Roster  
Cole, Roger E. ---  Roster  
Cole, Roland B. ---  4-3   7-4  
Cole, Tracy ---  Roster   3-8  
Colebourn, Alfred, Pfc. ---  76-2  
Coleman, Clifford P. ---  Roster  
Coleman, George ---  54-3  
Coleman, George Wood ---  Roster  
Coleman, George Wood, Cpl. ---  65-1  
Coleman, Greg ---  65-1  
Coleman, John ---  3-5  
Coleman, John, Lt. ---  64-3  
Coleman, Julian M. ---  Roster  
Coleman, Paul ---  Roster  
Coleman, unk ---  Roster  
Coleran, Joseph R. ---  Roster  
Colgan, Frank ---  56-4  
Colgan, Frank A. ---  Roster  
Colgate, Mattellen ---  80-1  
Colindale ---  55-3  
Collange, Madam Marie ---  58-4  
Collee ---  3-7  
College Patrone ---  42-2  
College Patronee ---  17-1   18-2   18-4   21-3   22-2   22-3   23-4   26-1   28-3   28-4   31-4   36-4   42-4   43-2   47-4  
College Patronne ---  17-4   18-4   19-2   19-3   20-1   22-1   23-1   42-2  
Collette, Clement C. ---  Roster  
Colleville Sur Mer ---  58-4  
Colley, Doug ---  Roster   45-3   46-2   48-1  
Collier, Ambrose ---  43-3   45-2   46-2   47-1  
Collier, Ambrose & Helen ---  42-1  
Collier, Ambrose T. ---  42-3   44-3  
Collier, Ambrose T. 'Brose' ---  Roster  
Collier, Bruce ---  Roster   42-3  
Collier, Ed ---  17-1   18-1   20-1   24-3   41-2  
Collier, Edd ---  19-2  
Collier, Eddie ---  14-1   16-1   17-1   17-2   18-1   20-3  
Collier, Edw. ---  16-1  
Collier, Edward ---  Roster   13-1   13-2   14-1   14-2   14-3   14-4   14-6   15-2   15-5   17-2  
Collier, Helen ---  46-2  
Collier, J. E., Mr. & Mrs. ---  22-3  
Collier, J. Edward ---  18-2   43-2  
Collier, James ---  Roster   5-2   46-1   46-2   50-2   51-1   61-1   61-2  
Collier, James & Mary ---  26-1  
Collier, James E. ---  Roster   3-8   26-3   33-2   36-1   37-1   49-1   51-1   61-2  
Collier, James E. & Mary Lou, Sr. ---  46-1   47-1  
Collier, James E., Sr. ---  32-4   33-1   35-1  
Collier, James E., Sr., Mr. ---  34-1  
Collier, James E., Sr., Mr. & Mrs. ---  38-1  
Collier, John ---  46-2  
Collier, John T. ---  73-2  
Collier, Mary Lou ---  46-2  
Collier, Paul G. ---  Roster  
Collier, Richard ---  46-2  
Collier, Sr., James E. ---  43-3   44-2   45-1   54-1  
Colliers, James E., Sr., Mr. & Mrs. ---  37-1  
Collignon, Paul ---  Roster  
Collin, James E. ---  15-5  
Collinelli, Danto J. ---  Roster  
Collins, Allen B. ---  Roster  
Collins, Beverly ---  72-1  
Collins, Brig. Gen. ---  30-2  
Collins, Buel F. ---  Roster  
Collins, Carolyn ---  76-3  
Collins, Charles C. ---  Roster  
Collins, Chester E. ---  Roster  
Collins, Claude A. ---  Roster  
Collins, Cora ---  30-1  
Collins, Cora & Sherod ---  19-3   22-3  
Collins, Cora & Sherod, Jr. ---  22-3   23-3  
Collins, Cora H. ---  30-3  
Collins, Dell ---  11-5   13-2  
Collins, Dell N. ---  Roster  
Collins, Dermot ---  Roster   35-2   36-4  
Collins, Dermot, Rev. ---  35-2   36-4  
Collins, Donald Glenn ---  Roster  
Collins, Eddie ---  14-1  
Collins, Eleanor ---  20-1  
Collins, Eugene W. ---  Roster  
Collins, Father ---  35-2   36-4  
Collins, Fr. ---  35-2  
Collins, Francis M. ---  Roster  
Collins, Frank ---  Roster   7-4   20-1   22-4   24-3   26-3   28-3   30-1   31-1   32-3   33-1   34-4  
Collins, Frank & Mrs. ---  20-1  
Collins, Frank, Mr. ---  34-1  
Collins, From Frank & Eleanor ---  20-3  
Collins, Gen. ---  62-4   72-1  
Collins, George W. ---  Roster  
Collins, Jack ---  Roster  
Collins, James ---  Roster   45-4  
Collins, James E. ---  Roster  
Collins, James I., Dr. ---  31-2  
Collins, John ---  34-4   44-3   45-3   46-4   47-1   48-2   50-1   51-4   52-3   53-1   55-4   69-2  
Collins, John F. ---  Roster  
Collins, John L., Mrs. ---  8-2  
Collins, John P ---  62-2  
Collins, John P. ---  14-4   46-4   47-1   48-3   49-1   50-1   52-1   52-4   57-1  
Collins, John P. & Anita H. ---  47-1  
Collins, John P. (1) ---  Roster  
Collins, John P. (2) ---  Roster  
Collins, John S. ---  Roster   44-3   45-3   51-2  
Collins, John S. & Katherine ---  47-1  
Collins, John W. ---  30-2   52-3   62-3   62-4   66-2  
Collins, John W. III, Brig. Gen. ---  72-1  
Collins, John W., III ---  68-2   68-2  
Collins, John W., III, Brig. Gen. ---  70-3   71-1  
Collins, John Walter, III 'Rip' ---  Roster  
Collins, John, III ---  69-3  
Collins, John, III, Brig. Gen. ---  43-3  
Collins, Kenneth H. ---  Roster  
Collins, Laverne ---  32-1  
Collins, Lt. ---  62-4  
Collins, Martha ---  20-1   30-1   40-2   55-2   57-2  
Collins, Martha & Virgil ---  35-2  
Collins, Michael ---  68-2   68-2   69-2   72-1   73-2   74-2   75-3   76-1   76-2   76-3   77-1   77-2   77-3   78-1   78-2  
Collins, Mike ---  23-4   24-3   73-1   73-2   73-3   74-1   74-2   74-3   75-1  
Collins, Mr. ---  30-3   31-3   31-4   41-2   42-1   42-2   42-3   42-4   43-3   45-1   45-2   46-1   46-4   48-1   48-4   49-2   49-3   50-3   51-1   53-3   53-4   54-1   54-2   54-3   55-3   56-1   56-3   57-3   58-2   58-3   75-3  
Collins, Nova ---  Roster  
Collins, President ---  31-3  
Collins, Robert T. ---  6-1   52-2  
Collins, Robert Thomas ---  8-2  
Collins, Robert Thomas 'Collie' ---  Roster  
Collins, S. ---  31-2   32-3   34-3   42-2   43-2   53-4  
Collins, Sherod ---  3-8   4-2   8-2   14-1   14-2   15-1   15-2   16-1   17-4   17-5   18-2   18-4   19-1   19-2   19-3   19-4   19-5   20-1   20-2   20-3   20-4   21-1   21-2   21-3   21-4   22-1   22-2   22-3   22-4   23-1   23-2   23-3   23-4   24-1   24-2   24-3   26-1   26-2   26-3   26-4   27-1   27-2   27-3   27-4   28-1   28-2   28-3   28-4   29-1   29-2   29-3   29-4   30-1   30-2   30-3   31-1   31-2   31-3   31-4   32-1   32-2   32-3   32-4   33-1   33-2   33-3   33-4   34-1   34-2   34-3   34-4   35-1   35-2   35-3   35-4   36-1   36-2   36-3   36-4   37-1   37-2   37-3   38-1   38-2   38-3   39-1   39-2   39-3   40-1   40-2   40-3   41-1   41-2   41-3   42-1   42-2   42-3   42-4   43-1   43-2   43-3   44-1   44-2   44-3   44-4   45-1   45-2   45-3   45-4   46-1   46-2   46-3   46-4   47-1   47-3   47-4   48-1   48-2   48-3   48-4   49-1   49-2   49-3   49-4   50-1   50-2   50-3   50-4   51-1   51-2   51-3   51-4   52-1   52-2   52-3   52-4   53-1   53-2   53-3   53-4   54-1   54-2   54-3   54-4   55-1   55-2   55-3   55-4   56-1   56-2   56-3   56-4   57-1   57-2   57-3   57-4   58-1   58-2   58-3   58-4   59-1   59-2   59-3   59-4   60-1   60-4   61-1   61-2   61-4   62-2   63-1   63-3   63-4   74-1   75-3   77-1  
Collins, Sherod & Cora ---  21-4   26-1   27-3   28-1   28-4   29-3   30-1  
Collins, Sherod & Dot Waldrop ---  47-1  
Collins, Sherod & Laverne ---  32-1  
Collins, Sherod, Jr. ---  3-10   6-2   10-1   13-3   21-3   21-4   22-1   22-3   22-4   23-1   24-2   25-1   25-2   25-3   26-1   26-2   26-3   26-4   28-3   33-1   77-1  
Collins, Sherod, Jr., Mr. ---  21-2   21-3   22-1   22-3   22-4   23-1   23-2   23-3   23-4   24-1   24-2   24-3   25-1   25-2   25-3   26-1  
Collins, Sherod, Jr., T/5 ---  3-7  
Collins, Sherod, Mr. ---  21-3   22-2   23-3  
Collins, Sherod, Mr. & Mrs. ---  19-1   22-1   25-2  
Collins, Sherod, Mrs. & Mrs. ---  28-1  
Collins, Sherrod ---  17-2   17-3   18-1   22-1   28-1   29-1   34-3   43-1   49-2  
Collins, Sherrod, Jr. ---  Roster  
Collins, Sherrod, Mr. & Mrs. ---  17-1  
Collins, Speir ---  34-3  
Collins, Speir & Nina ---  28-1  
Collins, Thomas N. ---  Roster  
Collins, unk ---  Roster  
Collins, Virgil ---  6-3   19-3   20-1   26-3   28-1   29-1   30-1   32-1   33-1   33-3   34-1   35-1   35-4   37-1   41-1   44-2   45-1   49-4   50-1   52-2   55-2   59-3   68-2   68-2   71-3   73-3   76-3  
Collins, Virgil & Martha ---  26-1   26-3   28-1   28-2   29-2   30-2   34-1   39-2   40-1   42-1   43-3  
Collins, Virgil & Mrs. ---  20-1  
Collins, Virgil L. ---  Roster   21-4   22-4   24-3   28-3   30-1   31-1   32-1   33-1   35-1   36-1   37-1   41-1   43-3   44-2   57-1   71-1   72-2   76-3   80-1   80-2  
Collins, Virgil L. & Martha ---  46-1  
Collins, Virgil L. & Martha L. ---  39-1  
Collins, Virgil L., Mr. ---  34-1  
Collins, Virgil L., Mr. & Mrs. ---  33-1   38-1  
Collins, Virgil, Mr. & Mrs. ---  28-1   33-2   36-1  
Collins, WO ---  5-5  
Collons, John S. ---  Roster  
Collyer, James W. ---  11-3  
Colman, John S. ---  Roster  
Colman, Mike ---  60-4  
Coln, Chester C. ---  Roster   4-1  
Cologne ---  8-1   13-3   35-1   44-1   45-4   46-2   48-4   50-3   52-4   53-1   58-2   61-2   63-4   69-2   70-1   76-1  
Cologne Cathedral ---  46-2  
Cologne, Christopher ---  Roster  
Cologne, Christopher, Pfc. ---  42-2  
Cologne, Germany ---  19-3  
Colombole, Frank ---  Roster   53-4  
Colon, Christopher T. ---  Roster  
Colose, Nicholas E. 'Nick' ---  Roster  
Colosussi, John ---  43-3  
Colston, William E. G. ---  Roster  
Colton, Greg ---  62-2  
Colton, Kenneth ---  62-2  
Colton, Kenneth C. ---  Roster   61-3  
Colton, Shirley ---  62-2  
Colucci, Ralph E. ---  Roster  
Coluccini, Mike ---  Roster  
Colvin, Frank P., Jr. ---  Roster  
Colvin, Lloyd L. ---  Roster   3-10  
Comanster ---  5-2  
Combader, Angelo C. ---  Roster  
Comblen La Ponts ---  11-3  
Comblen La Tour ---  11-3  
Combs, Orgel R. ---  Roster  
Comeau, George E. ---  Roster  
Comer, Capt. ---  3-8   3-10   6-3   8-3   17-3   54-3   56-2   71-3  
Comer, Richard ---  6-3   7-4   54-3   54-4  
Comer, Richard J. ---  Roster   3-7   3-8   6-3   14-3  
Comer, Richard J., Capt. ---  3-8  
Comer, Thomas D. ---  Roster  
Comer, Thomas P. ---  Roster  
Comes, Frederick L. ---  Roster  
Comett, Leo ---  Roster  
Comfort, Carl D. ---  Roster  
Coming Home Alive ---  63-3  
Command Staff ---  49-1  
Commanster ---  27-3   45-3   54-4   57-1   58-2   58-3   69-1  
Commaster ---  47-3  
Commendations ---  32-1   74-3  
Commune of Vielsalm ---  64-1   68-2   68-2  
Competti, Vincenzo & Carmella Mastellarini ---  78-3  
Compiegne ---  4-2   46-4   56-4  
Compte, Lester Le, Jr. ---  21-4   22-1  
Compte, Martha & Lester Le ---  41-3  
Conant, Howard R. ---  Roster  
Conard, Ralph J. ---  Roster  
Conaway, Richard C. ---  Roster  
Concept For Camp Atterbury Veterans Memorial Park and Display Area ---  47-3  
Conde ---  3-10   43-1  
Conder, Adam ---  Roster  
Condi, Anthony ---  Roster  
Condidine, James L. ---  Roster  
Condike, Charles ---  58-2   58-3   59-3   62-3   78-3  
Condike, Charles (Constantine) ---  78-3  
Condike, Charles Constantine ---  Roster  
Condo, Joseph ---  Roster  
Condon, Charles H. ---  Roster  
Cone, Manuel L. ---  Roster  
Conell, Michelle ---  40-1  
Conely, Francis C. ---  Roster  
Conforti, Joseph ---  4-4  
Conforti, Joseph A. ---  Roster  
Conger, Harry W. ---  Roster  
Congram, Jennings W. ---  Roster  
Congressional Medal Of Honor ---  72-1   76-1  
Conith, Allen ---  Roster   43-1  
Conkle, Cecil V. ---  Roster   15-4  
Conklin, Ernest W. ---  Roster   13-3   14-2   15-2   17-2   18-2   19-2  
Conklin, Ernie ---  9-2   17-2  
Conklin, Harold C. ---  Roster  
Conkwright, George ---  Roster  
Conley, Chuck ---  64-2   70-1  
Conley, Michael G. ---  62-4  
Conley, William Isaac 'Bill'Conley ---  Roster  
Conlon, Joseph L, M/Sgt. ---  Roster  
Conlow, Joseph L. ---  Roster  
Conn, Raymond H. ---  Roster  
Connally, John T., Jr. ---  Roster  
Connell, James ---  3-2   3-3   3-4   3-5   3-7   3-8   3-10  
Connell, James P. ---  Roster  
Connell, James, M/Sgt. ---  23-4   30-2   42-3  
Connell, Jim ---  3-3   3-10  
Connell, John ---  3-2  
Connell, John E. ---  Roster  
Connell, Sgt. ---  23-4   30-2   42-3  
Connell, Thomas M. ---  Roster  
Connelly, Dr. ---  13-3   13-4   24-2   30-1  
Connelly, Michael E. ---  Roster   13-2   17-2   26-3   27-3   30-1   31-1   32-1   34-1   36-1   36-4  
Connelly, Michael E., Capt. ---  3-5  
Connelly, Michael E., Dr. ---  8-1   8-6   13-4   14-2   15-2   18-2   19-2   21-4   22-4   23-4   24-3   28-1   30-1   33-1   35-1   37-1   43-3   50-2   51-2   56-1  
Connelly, Michael E., Dr. & Mrs. ---  23-3   24-2  
Connelly, Michael S., Capt. ---  30-1  
Connelly, Michael, Dr. ---  13-4   26-2   45-3   48-2  
Connelly, Michael, Dr. & Mrs. ---  15-1  
Connelly, Michael, Mrs. ---  30-1  
Connelly, Mike ---  20-3  
Connelly, Mike, Dr. ---  22-3   24-3   28-1  
Conner, Claud ---  40-1  
Conner, Claude W. ---  Roster  
Conner, Grady H. ---  Roster  
Conner, Harvey ---  58-1  
Conner, Harvey E. ---  Roster   56-3   58-1  
Conner, M.M. (Ola), Mrs. ---  35-2  
Conner, Mick ---  52-1  
Conner, Milton M. ---  4-1   32-1   33-1   35-1   36-1   37-2   48-3   50-3   56-1  
Conner, Milton M. (Pappy) ---  Roster  
Conner, Milton M., Mr. ---  34-1  
Conner, Milton M., Mr. & Mrs. ---  7-4  
Conner, Narvell ---  58-1  
Conner, Norvell B. ---  58-1  
Conners, Francis X. ---  Roster  
Conners, Harvey E. ---  Roster  
Conners, John C. ---  Roster  
Conners, Robert ---  Roster  
Conneway, William M., Jr. ---  Roster  
Connolly, John T. ---  Roster  
Connolly, Michael E., Dr. ---  28-3  
Connolly, Robert C. ---  Roster  
Connor, Claude W. ---  45-4  
Connor, Francis E., Jr. ---  Roster  
Connor, George D. ---  Roster  
Connor, Kenneth J. ---  Roster  
Connor, Milton M. ---  18-2   34-2   43-3  
Connors, Daniel ---  63-3  
Connors, Elizabeth ---  63-3  
Connors, Gerald ---  Roster  
Connors, John ---  54-4   63-3  
Connors, John C. ---  Roster   3-8   52-1   54-1   56-1   63-3  
Connors, John M. ---  Roster  
Connors, Joseph ---  63-3  
Connors, Paul ---  63-3  
Conocchoil, Frank X. ---  Roster  
Conrad, Alexander A. ---  Roster  
Conrad, Msgt Mark ---  56-3  
Conroy, Francis P. ---  26-3   28-4   29-1   30-1  
Conroy, Francis P. 'Pat' ---  Roster  
Conroy, Francis P., Mr. & Mrs. ---  26-3  
Conroy, Pat, Capt. ---  7-4  
Conroy, Robert ---  Roster  
Consdorf ---  61-1  
Consenstein, Jack ---  Roster  
Considine, James L. ---  Roster  
Constantine, Anthony A. ---  Roster  
Constantineau, Wallace ---  Roster  
Constantino, Frank ---  Roster   28-4   31-1  
Contes De Salme ---  64-1  
Contreras, Felipe P. ---  Roster   47-1  
Converse, Paul ---  5-4  
Convery, Jacqueline ---  69-3  
Convery, Thomas E. ---  Roster  
Conway, Bernard D. ---  Roster  
Conway, James T. ---  Roster  
Conway, Walter D. ---  Roster  
Conwell, Creed ---  Roster  
Conwill, William D. ---  5-5  
Conwill, William David ---  Roster  
Conwill, Wm. D., Mr. & Mrs. ---  5-4  
Cooch, Cyril E. ---  Roster  
Cook, Bill ---  71-3  
Cook, Charles M. ---  Roster   4-1  
Cook, Conrad M. ---  Roster  
Cook, Dick ---  Roster  
Cook, Doctor J., Jr. ---  Roster  
Cook, Douglas A. ---  47-1  
Cook, Edward J. ---  Roster  
Cook, Fran ---  63-3  
Cook, Francis ---  47-4   59-3   66-1   66-3   67-1   67-3   70-3   71-3   72-3  
Cook, Francis J. ---  Roster   46-1   52-1   53-1   56-1  
Cook, Francis J. & Ruthanna M. ---  47-1  
Cook, Gilbert R., Maj. Gen. ---  3-4  
Cook, Glen H. ---  8-1   12-1   13-2   14-2   15-2  
Cook, Glenwood H. ---  Roster  
Cook, Harold ---  Roster  
Cook, Harry ---  63-3  
Cook, Hollie F., Jr. ---  Roster  
Cook, Hugh M. ---  Roster  
Cook, I. T., Jr. ---  Roster  
Cook, James ---  Roster  
Cook, Karl A. ---  4-3  
Cook, Kenneth ---  5-2  
Cook, Kenneth G. ---  Roster   3-8  
Cook, Kimberly ---  72-3  
Cook, Nicholas ---  Roster   3-3  
Cook, Nicholas, T/Sgt. ---  3-5  
Cook, Nick ---  4-4  
Cook, Raymond H. ---  Roster   3-10   5-1   6-3   18-1  
Cook, Raymond T. ---  4-1  
Cook, Raymond T., Jr. ---  Roster  
Cook, Richard ---  Roster  
Cook, Robert ‘Bob’ ---  33-2  
Cook, Robert J. ---  Roster  
Cook, Stanley L. ---  Roster  
Cook, Thompson H. ---  Roster  
Cook, Walter L. ---  Roster  
Cook, Willie E. ---  Roster  
Cooke, Harry ---  64-1  
Cooke, Nancy ---  63-3   64-1   65-2  
Cooke, Ramond H. ---  31-1  
Cooke, Raymond H. ---  Roster  
Cooke, William ---  Roster  
Cool, Vicki ---  68-2   68-2  
Coolbaugh, Leon R. ---  Roster  
Cooley, Charlie & Vicky ---  37-1  
Cooley, D. E. ---  62-2  
Cooley, Don ---  3-7   45-3   45-4   46-2   55-3   55-4   69-2  
Cooley, Don E. ---  3-2   43-3   45-3   47-1  
Cooley, Don E., Cpl. ---  3-3  
Cooley, Donald ---  45-4   51-2   55-4   56-1   56-3   68-2   68-2  
Cooley, Donald E. ---  Roster   45-4   65-2   69-2   71-2  
Cooley, George ---  36-2  
Cooley, George D. ---  Roster  
Cooley, Jam. H., Pfc. ---  3-2  
Cooley, James ---  5-4   58-2   58-3  
Cooley, James H. ---  Roster   4-1   58-2   58-3   59-1  
Cooley, James L. ---  68-2   68-2  
Cooley, Joseph R. ---  Roster  
Cooley, Robert ---  68-2   68-2  
Cooley, Robert H. ---  Roster  
Cooley, Tammy ---  36-2  
Cooley, Vicky & Charlie ---  36-2  
Coombs, Calvin S. ---  Roster  
Coombs, Juno ---  Roster  
Coombs, Thomas G. ---  Roster  
Coon, David A. ---  Roster   56-3   62-2  
Coon, Donald R. ---  Roster  
Coon, Mark ---  62-2  
Coon, Milton Percy ---  Roster  
Coon, Phillip W. ---  69-3  
Coop, Marvin Elbert ---  Roster  
Cooper, Ashley ---  6-1  
Cooper, Ashley D. M. ---  Roster  
Cooper, C. L. ---  Roster   40-1   41-1   43-3   47-4   48-2   48-3   48-4  
Cooper, C. L. & Sarah ---  42-1  
Cooper, C. T. ---  40-1  
Cooper, C.L. ---  41-3  
Cooper, C.L. & Sara ---  46-1  
Cooper, Edward O. ---  Roster  
Cooper, Ernest ---  Roster  
Cooper, Gerald W. ---  Roster  
Cooper, James A. ---  Roster   46-4   50-1   52-1   54-1   56-1  
Cooper, James W. (1) ---  Roster  
Cooper, James W. (2) ---  Roster  
Cooper, Laymond D. ---  Roster  
Cooper, Lou ---  46-1  
Cooper, Louis ---  36-4   44-1   44-2   50-1   54-2   54-3   56-2  
Cooper, Louis M. ---  Roster   33-4   35-1   36-1   37-1   43-3   44-2   46-2   50-1   52-1   54-1   56-1   63-2  
Cooper, Louis M. & Peggy ---  46-1   47-1  
Cooper, Louis M. & Peggy M. ---  39-1  
Cooper, Louis M., Mr. ---  34-1  
Cooper, Lu Allen M. ---  Roster  
Cooper, Matthew ---  41-2  
Cooper, Ormond Z. 'Coop' ---  Roster  
Cooper, Peggy ---  46-2   51-3   56-2  
Cooper, Ralph ---  Roster  
Cooper, Ray E. ---  Roster  
Cooper, Roy L. ---  Roster   47-4  
Cooper, Sarah & C. L. ---  40-2  
Coover, Eugene ---  Roster  
Cope, Amy Ward ---  74-2  
Cope, Arnold L. ---  Roster  
Cope, Daniel F., Jr. ---  Roster  
Cope, William M. ---  Roster  
Copeland, Allen B. ---  Roster  
Copeland, Allen B., S/Sgt. ---  3-4  
Copeland, Grafton ---  28-2   28-4   31-1  
Copeland, Grafton Broadus ---  Roster  
Copeland, Hays ---  Roster   4-5  
Copeland, John E. ---  Roster  
Copeland, Mays ---  Roster  
Copella, Chester C. ---  Roster  
Copenhagen ---  22-3   39-1   45-2   46-2  
Copenhaver, Earl E. ---  Roster  
Copp, Carl ---  Roster   36-1  
Coppack, Earl E. ---  42-3  
Coppedge, James L. ---  Roster  
Coppee, John ---  Roster  
Coppenbarger, William ---  Roster  
Coppenbarger, William E. ---  14-4  
Coppenbarger, Wm., Mr. & Mrs. ---  5-4  
Coppinger, John M., Lt. ---  27-3  
Coppo, Ralph C. ---  Roster  
Coppock, Earl E ---  43-3  
Coppock, Earl E. ---  Roster   42-3   49-1   51-4   56-1  
Copson, George A. ---  Roster  
Copyske, Harold Lawrence ---  Roster  
Coquaimont ---  13-3  
Coquaimont Ridge ---  5-3  
Corbeau, Joseph H. ---  Roster   65-1  
Corbett, Eugene ---  45-1   52-1   53-1   54-1  
Corbett, Eugene M. ---  Roster   45-1   56-4  
Corbett, Laura ---  80-1  
Corbin, Charles ---  55-3  
Corbin, George T, Jr. (1) ---  Roster  
Corbin, George T., Jr. (2) ---  Roster  
Corbin, Stan ---  Roster  
Corbin, unk ---  Roster  
Corcoran, Arthur W. ---  Roster  
Corcoran, Arthur W., Capt. ---  45-3  
Corcoran, Edward F. ---  Roster  
Corcoran, Francis ---  57-4   68-2   68-2  
Corcoran, Francis P. ---  69-3  
Corcoran, Francis P. 'Frank' ---  Roster  
Corcoran, John ---  48-4  
Corcoran, John F. ---  Roster   6-1   14-2  
Cordero, David ---  79-1  
Cordon, Edwin F. ---  Roster  
Cordova, Claude C. ---  Roster  
Corell, Miss Michelle ---  35-1  
Corella ---  Roster  
Corey, Clifford ---  Roster  
Corey, Edward J. ---  Roster  
Cork, Roland Oliver ---  Roster  
Corlett, Thomas L. ---  Roster  
Corlew, Branley & Cassie ---  80-1  
Corlew, Brant (Branden) ---  80-1  
Corlew, Robert M. ---  Roster  
Corley, William C. ---  Roster  
Corliss, Lt. ---  28-4  
Corliss, Stephen P. ---  28-4  
Corman, Joel ---  43-3  
Corman, Joel & Edith ---  42-1  
Corman, Joel E. ---  Roster  
Cormier, Clarence ---  60-1  
Cormier, Clarence B. ---  Roster   65-2  
Cormier, Clarence J. ---  Roster   60-4  
Cornelison, David R. ---  Roster  
Cornelius, Miss Jean ---  4-3  
Cornell, Ed ---  41-3  
Cornell, Edward ---  Roster  
Cornell, Edward A. ---  Roster  
Cornell, James ---  Roster  
Cornett, Arley Glenn ---  Roster  
Cornett, Cecil J. ---  Roster  
Cornett, Leo C. ---  Roster  
Cornwell, William J. ---  Roster  
Cornwell, William, T/Sgt. ---  56-3  
Corona, Juan H. ---  Roster  
Cororan, John F. ---  Roster  
Cororan, John F., Mrs. ---  15-3  
Correal, A. Donald ---  53-1  
Correal, Amerigo Donald N. ---  Roster  
Correal, Don ---  8-1  
Corregidor ---  41-3  
Correll, Michelle ---  36-1   39-1   41-1  
Correra, Joseph S. ---  45-1  
Corrigan, Charles ---  56-1  
Corrigan, Charles K. ---  29-2   33-1   35-1   37-1   43-3   48-1   69-2  
Corrigan, Charles K., Jr. 'Ken' ---  Roster  
Corrigan, Chas K. ---  36-1  
Corrigan, Chas K., Mr. ---  34-1  
Corrigan, Chas. K. ---  30-1   31-1   32-1  
Corrigan, John P. ---  Roster  
Corrigan, Ken ---  33-1   39-3   52-1   52-3   53-2   54-2   55-1   55-2   58-2  
Corrigan, Ken & Betty ---  36-3   37-2  
Corrigan, Kenneth ---  Roster  
Corrigan, Randy ---  69-2  
Corrira, Sam ---  Roster   7-2  
Corso, Rosairio ---  Roster  
Cortez, Alex ---  Roster  
Cortez, Ricardi, Jr. ---  Roster  
Cortina ---  31-2  
Cortina, Italy ---  31-2  
Corwin, Lyell LeReau ---  Roster  
Corwin, Stanley ---  Roster   62-4  
Cosby, Carl H. ---  Roster   47-1   54-1   60-4   62-3   62-4  
Cosby, Carl H., Maj. ---  3-4   52-4  
Cosby, Charles H. ---  Roster  
Cosby, Harold L. ---  22-1  
Cosby, Lloyd ---  58-2   58-3  
Cosby, Maj. ---  52-4  
Cosgrove, Adrian J. ---  Roster  
Cosgrove, Thomas ---  Roster  
Coslop, Benjamin ---  Roster  
Cosney, Martin E. ---  Roster  
Coss, Ken ---  52-1  
Coss, Kenneth & Bea ---  52-1  
Coss, Kenneth L. ---  Roster  
Coss, Kenneth L. & Bea, Sr. ---  46-1   47-1  
Coss, Kenneth L., Sr. ---  56-1  
Coss, Marvel L. ---  Roster  
Coss, Sr., Kenneth L. ---  44-2   53-1   55-1  
Cossell, William F. ---  Roster  
Cost, Samuel R. ---  Roster  
Costa, Anton ---  44-2   45-2   45-3   50-1   51-1   55-1  
Costa, Anton E. ---  56-1   57-1  
Costa, Antone ---  43-3   44-1   44-2   46-1   46-2   47-1   48-1   49-2   50-1   50-2   51-1   51-2   52-1   53-1   53-2   54-1   54-3   55-1   55-2   56-1   62-2   63-4  
Costa, Antone D. ---  Roster   51-1   72-2  
Costa, Antone, Jr. ---  Roster  
Costa, Lawrence ---  44-1   44-2   50-1   52-1   53-1   54-1   54-3   55-1   56-1   57-1   62-2  
Costa, Lawrence B. ---  Roster   43-3   44-2   46-1   47-1   48-1   50-1   67-2  
Costa, Lawrence/Terri ---  63-4  
Costa, Louis ---  3-10  
Costa, Mary Ann & Carmelo ---  74-2  
Costa, Mr. & Mrs. ---  46-2  
Costa, Russel J. ---  Roster  
Costa, Therese ---  67-2  
Costantini, Joseph ---  Roster  
Costantino, Anthony A. ---  Roster  
Costantino, Attilo C. ---  Roster  
Costantino, Frank ---  Roster  
Costas, Bob ---  78-1   78-3  
Costellano, Anthony ---  4-4  
Costello, Francis J. ---  Roster  
Costello, Frank ---  Roster  
Costello, Peter ---  Roster  
Costigan, Capt. ---  4-2  
Costigan, Charles H. ---  Roster  
Coston, Robert W. ---  Roster  
Costrino, Nunzio ---  Roster   44-1  
Cota, (Dutch), Gen. ---  15-1  
Cota, Alfonso R. ---  Roster  
Cota, Mrs. ---  15-1  
Cota, Norman (Dutch), Gen. ---  16-2   77-1  
Cota, Norman D. (Dutch), Maj. Gen. ---  14-6  
Cota, Norman D., Gen. ---  15-1  
Cotar, Joseph ---  Roster  
Cote, Leon A. ---  Roster  
Cote, Norman J. ---  62-4   70-1   70-2  
Cote, Norman Joseph ---  Roster  
Cote, Robert J. ---  Roster  
Cotner, Daniel ---  63-3  
Cotswold ---  4-3   6-4   33-1   47-4  
Cotswolds ---  3-4   17-3   48-1   59-1   69-3   76-3  
Cotter, Tim C. ---  Roster  
Cotterell, Claude ---  Roster  
Cottingham, Ed ---  56-2   58-4   66-3   69-2   69-3   71-3  
Cottingham, Edward ---  54-3  
Cottingham, Edward L. ---  71-1   72-1  
Cottingham, Ray ---  3-10   8-1   54-3   71-3  
Cottingham, Ray E. ---  5-2   6-3   9-1   54-3   58-4  
Cottingham, Ray Edward ---  Roster  
Cottone, Anthony W. ---  Roster  
Cottrill, Dail O. ---  Roster  
Cotwolds, England ---  76-1  
Couch, Forrest E. ---  Roster  
Couch, Francis ---  Roster  
Couch, Judy M. ---  62-2  
Couch, Pryor U. ---  Roster  
Coughlin, Edward J. ---  Roster  
Coughlin, Gerald W. ---  Roster  
Coughlin, John W. ---  Roster  
Coughlin, Lt. ---  43-3  
Coughlin, William L. ---  Roster  
Couick, Clifton ---  Roster  
Coulee ---  3-7   5-3   27-3   42-3   43-1   44-3   45-2   45-3   46-3   47-1   47-4   49-2   49-3   50-1   50-4   51-3   53-4   55-2   56-1   56-2   56-3   57-1   58-2   58-3   59-2   61-4   67-2  
Coulee, Belgium ---  63-2   79-3  
Coulle ---  67-3  
Coulle, Belgium ---  67-2  
Coulter, Jmes ---  Roster  
Coulter, Woodrow W. ---  Roster  
Coultes, Woodrow W. ---  Roster   4-1  
Councell, Marbury ---  56-2   57-2  
Counter-Offensive ---  21-2  
Countryman, Samuel A. ---  Roster  
Coupe, William A. ---  Roster  
Courtenay, Frederic H. ---  Roster  
Courtney, Donald H. ---  Roster  
Courtney, Harold W. ---  Roster  
Courtney, William F. ---  Roster  
Courtright, Bob ---  14-1   15-3   19-4  
Courtright, Bob, Mr. & Mrs. ---  14-1  
Courtright, D. M. ---  20-1  
Courtright, Mrs. ---  14-1  
Courtright, R. M. ---  20-1  
Courtright, R. M., Mrs. ---  15-3  
Courtright, Robert ---  15-2  
Courtright, Robert H. ---  13-2   14-1   14-2   15-1  
Courtright, Robert H. (M.) ---  Roster  
Courtright, Robert H., Mrs. ---  14-2  
Courtright, Robert M. ---  14-1   21-4   22-4   24-3   27-3   28-2   28-3  
Courtright, Robert M., Mrs. ---  29-4  
Courtwright, Pappy Bob ---  10-1  
Courtwright, Robert ---  30-1  
Courtwright, Robert M. ---  Roster   17-2   18-2   19-4  
Cousland, Leon R. ---  Roster  
Couture, Arthur ---  Roster  
Couture, Eugene L. ---  Roster  
Coventry ---  46-1  
Covington, Charles W. ---  Roster  
Cowan, Cecil R. ---  Roster  
Cowan, Dick ---  35-2  
Cowan, Jack ---  68-2   68-2  
Cowan, James ---  43-3  
Cowan, Mary ---  46-1  
Cowan, Mary Letitia ---  73-3  
Cowan, Robert W. ---  Roster  
Cowan, Thomas B., Pfc. ---  Roster   44-3   58-3  
Cowart, Benjamin ---  Roster  
Cowart, Frances ---  76-3   77-2  
Cowart, Frances Mcdaniel ---  75-3  
Cowden, ? ---  44-1  
Cowden, Sr., William ---  52-1  
Cowden, Sr., William C. ---  43-3  
Cowden, Sr., William E. ---  56-3  
Cowden, William E. & Dorothy, Sr. ---  46-1  
Cowden, William E., Sr. ---  Roster   42-3  
Cowen, Charles T. ---  Roster  
Cowie, Norman L. ---  Roster  
Cowlett, Cecil J. ---  Roster  
Cox, Betty C. ---  77-1  
Cox, Billy ---  72-1   79-3  
Cox, Doctor J., Jr. ---  Roster  
Cox, Donald F. ---  Roster  
Cox, Ernest D. ---  Roster  
Cox, Evert ---  42-3  
Cox, Evert G. ---  Roster   45-4  
Cox, Jessie J. ---  28-2   28-4  
Cox, Jessie James ---  Roster  
Cox, Jimmie L. ---  Roster   3-4   3-8  
Cox, John H. ---  Roster  
Cox, Lantie ---  Roster   56-2  
Cox, Melvin V. ---  47-3  
Cox, Melvin Vinton ---  Roster  
Cox, Phil ---  44-3   45-4   49-2   51-4   55-1   56-3   61-4   65-2   66-2   73-1  
Cox, Philip ---  48-4   53-1   55-1   56-1   56-2   58-4   59-1   59-2   59-3   59-4   60-4   61-1   61-2   61-3   61-4   62-2   62-3   62-4   63-1   63-2   63-3   63-4   64-1   64-2   64-3   65-1   65-2   65-3  
Cox, Philip D. ---  55-1   56-1   56-3   56-4   65-1   66-2  
Cox, Phillip D. ---  Roster   44-3  
Cox, Ralph J. ---  Roster  
Cox, Roy ---  Roster  
Cox, Seabon Nathan ---  Roster  
Coxwell, Henry ---  55-3  
Coy, Arbor ---  80-2  
Coy, Dudley F. ---  80-2  
Coy, Jackie ---  65-1   69-1   69-3   70-1   70-2   71-1   71-3   72-1   72-2   72-3   73-1   73-2   73-3   74-1   74-2   74-3   75-1   75-3   76-1   76-2   76-3   77-1   77-2   78-1   78-2   78-3   79-1   79-2   80-1  
Coy, Jacquelyn ---  69-1   69-2   69-3   70-1   70-2   70-3   71-1   71-2   71-3   72-1   72-2   72-3   73-1   73-2   73-3   74-1   74-2   74-3   75-1   75-3   76-1   76-2   76-3   77-1   77-2   77-3   78-1   78-2   78-3   79-1   79-2   79-3   80-1  
Coy, Jacquelyn Kay ---  80-2  
Coy, Jacquelyn Kay Sparks ---  80-2  
Coy, Jacquelyn S. ---  69-1   69-2   69-3   70-1   70-2   70-3   71-1   71-2   71-3   72-1   72-2   72-3   73-1   73-2   73-3   74-1   74-2   74-3   75-1   75-3   76-1   76-2   76-3   77-1   77-2   77-3   78-1   78-2   78-3   79-1   79-2  
Coy, Maria ---  80-2  
Coy, Meagan ---  80-2  
Coy, Timothy ---  80-2  
Coyer, Kenneth J. ---  Roster  
Coyle, Casey ---  66-2  
Coyle, Donald C. ---  Roster  
Coyle, Kara ---  73-3  
Coyle, Richard A. ---  Roster  
Coyle, William P. ---  Roster  
Cozeah, Robert ---  64-3  
Cozean, Jesse ---  73-3   74-1   75-1   75-3   76-1   76-2   76-3   77-1   77-2   77-3   78-1   78-2  
Cozean', Jesse ---  74-3  
Cozean, Robert ---  74-1  
Cozean, Robert P. ---  Roster  
Cozzani, Anthony ---  Roster   34-3   35-1   35-2   36-1  
Crabbe, John Chester (Rev) 'JC or Judge' ---  Roster  
Craddock, James E. ---  Roster   44-1  
Craddock, Robert A. ---  Roster  
Crader, William H. ---  Roster  
Craft, John W., Jr. ---  Roster  
Craft, John, S/Sgt. ---  56-3  
Craft, William D. ---  Roster  
Crafton, George W. ---  Roster  
Crafton, James E. ---  Roster  
Cragg, Dan ---  56-1  
Cragle, Harold ---  Roster  
Craig, Malin, Jr. ---  Roster  
Craig, Bill ---  3-10   5-2  
Craig, Cecil L. ---  Roster  
Craig, Charles ---  Roster  
Craig, Col. ---  3-7   17-5   25-2   28-4   38-2   41-3   45-3   52-3   57-2   67-3  
Craig, David ---  62-3  
Craig, Davis ---  62-3  
Craig, Edith. & Roland ---  21-3  
Craig, Evelyn Quita, Mrs. ---  3-10  
Craig, Helen ---  18-3  
Craig, Lt. Col. ---  3-4   54-1  
Craig, M/Sgt. ---  22-3  
Craig, Malin ---  4-1   15-5   20-3   22-3   24-3   57-2  
Craig, Malin & Bo. ---  20-3  
Craig, Malin, Col. ---  3-7   7-4   9-2   18-2   23-4   38-1   43-2   50-3   50-4   52-3  
Craig, Malin, Col. & Mrs. ---  13-5   17-5   18-3   24-2   28-4  
Craig, Malin, Jr. ---  7-4   50-4  
Craig, Malin, Jr., Col. ---  3-10   8-5   23-4   26-3   28-3   36-2   38-2   50-4   67-3  
Craig, Malin, Maj. Gen. ---  38-2  
Craig, Malin, Mrs. ---  25-2  
Craig, Marjorie ---  26-3  
Craig, Mrs. ---  23-4   26-3   28-3  
Craig, unk ---  Roster  
Craig, Wallace J. ---  Roster   7-4  
Craig, Wallace J., M/Sgt. ---  3-10  
Craig, William ---  6-1  
Craig, William E. ---  Roster  
Craig, William H. ---  Roster   3-10  
Craig, William H., Lt. Col. ---  3-4  
Craig, William R. ---  Roster  
Crain, Harry F. ---  Roster  
Crain, Louis Victor ---  Roster  
Cram, Carol ---  66-2  
Cram, Eva ---  65-3  
Cram, James ---  9-1   46-3   48-1  
Cram, James V. ---  Roster   46-3   48-1   66-2  
Cram, Jim ---  48-1   59-3  
Cram, Milton ---  52-2   55-2   57-1   58-2  
Cram, Milton B, Sr. ---  67-3  
Cram, Milton B. ---  Roster   57-1   63-3  
Cram, Milton H. ---  55-2  
Cram, Vonda (Inman) ---  63-3  
Cramer, Calvin O. ---  Roster   79-3  
Cramer, Donald E. ---  Roster  
Cramer, Gordon H. ---  Roster   41-1  
Cramer, Raymond ---  17-2  
Cramer, Sam ---  54-3  
Cramer, Samuel D. ---  Roster   48-3  
Cramer, William A., Jr. ---  Roster  
Crandell, Robert L. ---  Roster  
Crandell, Robert L., Pvt. ---  3-7  
Crandell, Robert Lee ---  3-10  
Craner, Farris W. ---  Roster  
Crank, Capt. ---  6-3   7-4   7-6   23-4   30-2   42-3   46-4  
Crank, Howard D. ---  Roster  
Crank, Howard D. ---  4-1  
Crank, Howard D., M/Sgt. ---  45-3  
Crank, M. N. ---  4-1   4-5  
Crank, M. N., Capt. ---  3-2   5-5   6-2   6-3   7-4   7-6  
Crank, M. N., M/Sgt. ---  3-10  
Crank, M. N., Maj. ---  16-2  
Crank, Mel ---  33-1   33-2   35-1  
Crank, Mel N. ---  36-1  
Crank, Mel, Mr. ---  34-1  
Crank, Melvin ---  16-2   41-2   46-4  
Crank, Melvin N. ---  Roster   33-2  
Crank, William K. ---  Roster  
Cranston, Honorable Alan ---  36-3  
Cranston, Senator ---  44-1  
Cratty, Deane V. ---  Roster  
Craven, Lt. Col. ---  18-3  
Craven, Morris W. ---  Roster  
Craven, William D. ---  Roster  
Craver, Roland ---  Roster  
Crawford, Calvin T. ---  Roster  
Crawford, Dean ---  34-1   35-1   36-1   37-1  
Crawford, Dean F. ---  Roster   33-4   34-1   35-1   36-1   39-1  
Crawford, Dean F., Mr. ---  34-1  
Crawford, Edward S., Jr. ---  Roster  
Crawford, Elwin R. ---  Roster  
Crawford, Fred J. ---  Roster   3-8  
Crawford, Frederick C. ---  19-4  
Crawford, George W. ---  Roster  
Crawford, George W., Jr. ---  Roster  
Crawford, John ---  45-3   53-2  
Crawford, John C. ---  Roster  
Crawford, John D. ---  45-3   53-1   53-2   56-1  
Crawford, John Divers ---  Roster  
Crawford, John J. 'Jack' ---  Roster  
Crawford, Kenneth ---  Roster  
Crawford, Larry ---  Roster   19-3  
Crawford, Otis ---  Roster  
Crawford, Raymond E. ---  Roster  
Crawford, Robert N. ---  Roster  
Crawford, Robert W. ---  Roster  
Crawford, unk ---  Roster  
Crawford, Van B. ---  Roster  
Crawford, Walter ---  Roster  
Crawford, William T. J. ---  Roster  
Creamer, Matthew F. ---  Roster  
Creamer, R. J. ---  18-4  
Creamer, Ray ---  15-3   18-4   19-5   20-3   24-3   40-1  
Creamer, Raymond ---  15-3   15-5   17-2   22-3   28-1   51-2   53-2  
Creamer, Raymond J. ---  Roster   4-1   13-3   14-2   15-3   17-2   22-4   24-3   26-3   28-1   28-3   29-3   30-1   31-1   32-1   33-1   34-1   34-3   35-1   35-3   36-1   37-1   43-3  
Creamer, Raymond J., Mr. ---  28-1  
Creamer, Raymond P., Mrs. ---  28-1  
Creamer, Richard H. ---  Roster  
Creamer, Roy ---  21-1  
Crearer, Matthew ---  Roster  
Crearer, Matthew, Pfc. ---  53-1  
Creath, Edwin D., Jr. ---  Roster  
Creath, Edwin D., Jr., S/Sgt. ---  4-1  
Creatore, Carlo P. ---  Roster  
Credille, Clilon C. 'Pete' ---  Roster  
Creech, Melvin R ---  45-4  
Creech, Melvin R. ---  Roster  
Creed, Donald ---  31-1  
Creed, Donald R. ---  Roster   46-1   47-4   49-1  
Creed, Helen & Derek ---  47-1  
Creed, Idythe ---  47-1  
Creed, Molly ---  47-1  
Creede, Frank J. ---  54-3   60-3  
Creede, Frank Joseph, Jr. ---  Roster  
Creede, Frank Jr. ---  70-1  
Creede, Frank, Jr. ---  70-1  
Creehan, Art J., Jr. ---  34-2  
Creehan, Arthur J. ---  Roster   44-3  
Creel, ‘Ev’ Elnomac ---  67-1  
Creel, E. V. ---  47-4   48-1   49-1   51-1   52-1   53-1   53-2   53-3   53-4   54-1   54-2   54-3   54-4   55-1   55-4   56-1   56-2   56-3   56-4   57-1   57-4  
Creel, E. V. (El) ---  56-1  
Creel, E.V. ---  51-3   55-4   56-1   56-2   56-3   56-4   57-1  
Creel, Ed ---  56-2   59-3  
Creel, El ---  52-2   62-3   63-3   64-1   64-3  
Creel, Elnomac V. ---  Roster  
Creel, Isolde 'Putti' ---  67-1  
Creeps, Dee ---  Roster  
Crefeld, Nicholas Christian ---  Roster  
Cremer, Dr. ---  51-1  
Cremer, Engelbert ---  43-3  
Cremer, Engelbrecht ---  41-3  
Cremer, Englebert ---  58-4  
Cremer, Herr Englebert ---  58-4  
Cremer, Mr. ---  58-4  
Crenshaw, Frederick ---  Roster  
Crenshaw, Kenneth E. ---  Roster  
Creshine, John L. ---  Roster  
Cressman, John G. ---  Roster  
Cressman, Warren F. ---  Roster  
Crewdson, Pvt. ---  3-4  
Crewdson, unk ---  Roster  
Crews, Angela Perrin Raup ---  64-2  
Crews, M. S. (W. S. ?) ---  Roster  
Crews, Raymond ---  Roster  
Crews, Richard C. ---  64-2  
Crews, W. S., Capt. ---  3-4  
CRIBA ---  44-3   45-2   45-3   46-2   46-3   46-4   47-1   48-4   49-1   49-4   50-1   50-2   50-3   50-4   51-1   51-3   51-4   52-1   52-2   52-3   53-1   53-2   54-1   54-4   55-2   55-3   55-4   56-1   56-2   56-4   57-4   58-2   58-3   58-4   59-1   59-2   61-1   61-2   61-3   61-4   62-2   63-2   64-1   64-2   65-1   68-2   68-2   69-1   70-1   71-1   73-1   73-2  
Criba-Belgium ---  75-3  
Crigger, Robert L. ---  Roster  
Crimmins, Pfc ---  3-4  
Crimmins, Raymond J. ---  Roster   3-4   3-8  
Crisan, ? ---  67-2  
Crisan, John ---  Roster  
Crisler, Coach ---  47-4  
Crislip, Raymond E. ---  Roster  
Crisp, John A. ---  Roster  
Crispi, Michael ---  Roster  
Crispi, Tiachino ---  Roster  
Crist, Stanley E. ---  Roster  
Criston, Sgt. ---  33-4  
Criston, unk ---  Roster  
Crittenden, Emmett Edward ---  Roster  
Crittenden, Franklin Bob ---  Roster  
Crittendon, Franklin ---  Roster   51-3  
Croatia, Yugoslavia ---  31-2  
Croce, Louis A. ---  Roster   6-1  
Croce, Louis A., Pfc. ---  3-2  
Crocker, David ---  69-1  
Crocker, Donna ---  69-1  
Crocker, John S. ---  Roster   32-2   33-1   35-1   35-2   36-1   37-2  
Crocker, John S., Mr. ---  34-1  
Crocker, John S., Mr. & Mrs. ---  33-1  
Crocker, Joseph ---  67-2  
Crocker, Lionel F. ---  Roster  
Crocker, Maj. ---  35-2  
Crocker, Pete, Maj. ---  35-2  
Crocker, Peter, Maj. ---  35-2  
Crockett, Howard W. ---  Roster  
Crockett, Randolph ---  Roster  
Crockett, Randy, Col. ---  43-3  
Croft, Leo ---  Roster   55-2   56-1   56-2  
Croix De Guerre ---  3-3   3-7   3-10   4-1   10-3   20-3   39-3   44-1   47-1   47-3   48-2   49-2   49-4   51-1   52-3   53-3   55-1   57-4   72-2   78-1  
Croix De Guerre With Silver Gilt Star ---  53-3  
Crombach ---  53-4   54-4   56-4  
Cromer, Mildred ---  43-3  
Cromley, E. D., Mrs. ---  5-1  
Cromley, Mrs. ---  5-1  
Cromwell, Oliver ---  26-3  
Crone, Edward ---  9-3  
Crone, Edward R., Jr. ---  Roster  
Crook, Arthur ---  Roster  
Crook, Herbert ---  44-2   50-1   52-1   53-1   54-1   55-1  
Crook, Herbert D. ---  Roster   44-2   50-2   56-2  
Crook, Hubert ---  50-2   52-1   52-2   53-1   54-1  
Crook, Hubert D. ---  Roster   64-2  
Croonquest, Lt. ---  58-2   58-3  
Croonquist, Arvid P., Jr. ---  Roster  
Crosby, Bing ---  50-3   57-4   58-1   65-1   78-2  
Crosby, Boyd L. ---  Roster   36-1  
Crosby, Boyd L. (Bing) ---  35-1  
Crosby, John ---  29-1   29-3   30-1   33-2  
Crosby, John W. ---  28-2  
Crosby, Johnnie W. ---  Roster  
Crosby, L. Randolph ---  Roster   43-1  
Crosby, Lloyd R. ---  Roster   35-1   36-1   37-1   41-1   43-3   48-1   50-1   52-1   54-1   58-2   58-3  
Crosby, Lloyd R. & Ouida ---  46-1  
Crosby, Lloyd R., Mr. ---  34-1  
Crosby, Lloyd R., Pfc. ---  58-3  
Crosby, Norman J. ---  Roster  
Crosby, Ouida ---  43-1  
Crosby, Ouida L. ---  58-3  
Crosby, Randolph ---  43-1  
Crosby, Randolph & Ouida ---  43-1  
Cross, Chester K. ---  Roster  
Cross, John B. ---  Roster   47-1  
Cross, Joseph ---  Roster  
Cross, Joseph & Delores ---  46-1  
Cross, Joseph J. ---  42-2  
Cross, Les & Enid ---  17-1  
Cross, Paris O. ---  Roster  
Cross, Sr., Kenneth ---  53-1  
Cross, Thomas Berlin ---  Roster   75-3  
Crossland, Norma ---  55-2   56-2   57-2   58-2   61-3   67-1  
Crossland, Norman ---  62-3  
Crossland, Sr., Willi ---  54-1   55-1  
Crossland, William ---  Roster   48-4   55-2   57-2   61-3   62-3   67-1  
Crossman, Brenda Ellen ---  16-1  
Crossman, Enid ---  Roster   16-1   16-3   18-3  
Crossman, Enid & Les ---  16-2  
Crossman, Jack M. ---  62-2  
Crossman, Jack Michael ---  57-2  
Crossman, Les ---  11-5   15-4   15-5   16-1   18-3   35-1   36-1   40-2   43-2   51-1   54-2  
Crossman, Les & Enid ---  16-1   17-1  
Crossman, Les, Mr. & Mrs. ---  6-3   16-1  
Crossman, Lester ---  22-4   24-3   26-3   28-3   30-1   31-1   32-1   33-1   33-2   34-1   51-1   54-2  
Crossman, Lester (Enid) ---  16-3  
Crossman, Lester W. ---  Roster   15-4   19-4   27-3   28-2   30-3   31-3   35-1   36-1   37-1   43-3   51-1   52-1   54-2   56-1  
Crossman, Lester W., Mr. ---  34-1  
Crossman, Lester W., Mr. & Mrs. ---  33-1  
Crossman, Lester, Mr. & Mrs. ---  39-1  
Crossman,, Lester & Enid ---  29-3  
Crotzer, Louis W. ---  Roster  
Crouch, Glen W. ---  Roster  
Crouch, Paul F. ---  Roster  
Crouch, Paul H. ---  Roster  
Croucher, Norbert F. ---  Roster  
Crouse, Kenneth M. ---  Roster   54-4  
Crouse, Lawrence I. ---  Roster  
Crouthamel, George ---  56-1  
Crouthamel, George N. ---  Roster   45-4   47-1   48-3  
Crouthamel, George, S/Sgt. ---  47-1  
Croven, Bill, Maj. ---  7-4  
Crow, James ---  5-4  
Crow, James A. ---  Roster  
Crow, James, Mr. & Mrs. ---  5-4  
Crowder, Robert L., Jr. ---  Roster  
Crowe, Charles ---  Roster   8-4  
Crowe, Charles Ray ---  Roster  
Crowell, Avery F. ---  Roster  
Crowell, Curt ---  16-2  
Crowell, Curtis B. ---  Roster  
Crowell, Curtis, T/4 ---  3-5  
Crowell, Edward R. ---  Roster   55-2   57-1   71-1   74-2  
Crowell, John J. ---  Roster  
Crowell, Skelton J. ---  Roster  
Crowley, Lt. ---  53-3  
Crowley, Thomas ---  Roster  
Crowley, Willard ---  67-2  
Crowley, Willard N. ---  Roster  
Crowley, Willard, 1st Lt. ---  42-2  
Crownover, A. E., Mrs. ---  3-4  
Crozier, William R. ---  Roster   33-1   37-1  
Crozier, Wm. R. ---  35-1   36-1  
Crozier, Wm. R., Mr. ---  34-1  
Cruiel, Calixto A., Jr. ---  Roster  
Cruikshank, Robert Gail, Jr. ---  Roster  
Cruisius, Edward L. ---  3-7  
Crumly, Roy J. ---  Roster  
Crummy, James E. ---  Roster  
Crump, Linda J. ---  80-2  
Crusade In Europe ---  5-5   6-2   48-3   52-4  
Crusius, Edward L. ---  3-3   3-7  
Crusius, Edward L., Jr. ---  Roster   3-7  
Crusoot, James E. ---  Roster  
Crutchfield, Robert ---  Roster  
Cruthfield, Robert ---  Roster  
Cruz, Leo ---  45-3   54-2  
Cruz, Leo J. ---  45-3   56-1  
Cruz, Leo Jack ---  Roster   54-2  
Cucarola, J. F. ---  19-4  
Cucarola, Joe ---  17-3   47-4   51-1   55-1   58-2   58-3   62-4   67-1   67-3  
Cucarola, Joe F. ---  4-4   17-2   18-2   19-4   47-4   55-1   70-2  
Cucarola, Joseph F. ---  Roster  
Cucarola, Lillian ---  52-3   58-2   58-3  
Cucarola, Mr. ---  67-1  
Cuccio, Sal ---  21-3  
Cucuzzella, George A. ---  Roster  
Cudone, Carolyn ---  50-3  
Cuffee, Command Major Otis, Sgt. ---  63-3  
Cuffee, Command Sergeant Major Otis ---  62-3  
Cuffee, CSM Otis ---  63-4   66-1  
Cuffee, Sheila ---  62-3  
Cuffee, Shelia ---  63-3  
Culbertson, Gerald N. 'Jerry' ---  Roster  
Culley, Thomas G. ---  Roster  
Culley, Tom ---  66-2  
Culligan, Charles J. ---  Roster  
Cullina, James Edward ---  Roster  
Cullinan, Charles ---  50-1   58-1   62-4  
Cullinan, Charles V. ---  Roster   50-1   57-1  
Cullinan, Elizabeth ---  70-3  
Cullinan, Margaret ---  70-3  
Cullop, Carl R. ---  Roster  
Culp, Robert William 'Bob' Doctor ---  Roster  
Culprite, ? ---  34-4  
Culver, George L. ---  Roster  
Cumens, Kenneth C. ---  Roster  
Cuming, Jamie Alloway ---  Roster  
Cumins, Jerome R. ---  Roster  
Cumming, Jamie ---  Roster   42-1  
Cummings, Emmet P. ---  Roster  
Cummings, Francis J. ---  Roster  
Cummings, John Vincent ---  Roster  
Cummings, William J. ---  Roster  
Cummins, Dean Lewis ---  Roster  
Cunha, Elidio A. ---  Roster  
Cunningham, ? ---  46-1   67-2  
Cunningham, Alan ---  74-1  
Cunningham, Alexander M. ---  5-4   6-2  
Cunningham, Alexander M., Jr. ---  Roster  
Cunningham, Charlotte ---  56-3   62-3   74-1  
Cunningham, Charlotte Fletcher ---  74-1  
Cunningham, George A. ---  Roster  
Cunningham, George L. ---  Roster  
Cunningham, Ida ---  74-1  
Cunningham, Lou ---  46-3   49-2   50-1   50-2   53-1   53-2   54-3   55-2   56-3   57-2   62-3   66-1  
Cunningham, Louis ---  46-3   50-1   56-2  
Cunningham, Louis E. ---  46-3   47-4   50-1   74-1  
Cunningham, Louis E. & Charlotte ---  47-1  
Cunningham, Louis Edward ---  Roster   74-1  
Cunningham, M. F. ---  3-7  
Cunningham, Michael ---  54-3  
Cunningham, Michael F. ---  Roster   45-1   57-4  
Cunningham, Mike ---  45-3   57-2   59-3   61-3   62-3   63-3  
Cunningham, R. E., Jr. ---  Roster  
Cunningham, Rebecca Brady ---  80-2  
Cunningham, Robert ---  46-1  
Cunningham, Robert E. ---  Roster   4-1   46-3   53-1   56-1  
Cunningham, Ruth-Alice ---  50-4  
Cunningham, Timothy ---  74-1  
Cunningham, William J. ---  Roster  
Cuoco, Angela ---  46-2  
Cuoco, Angelo J. 'Ange' ---  Roster  
Cuono, Alfred ---  Roster  
Cuozzo, Paul A. ---  3-7   6-2  
Cuozzo, Paul Angelo ---  Roster  
Cupp, William ---  Roster  
Cupp, William, Cpl. ---  64-2   64-3  
Cupples, Carlton C. ---  Roster  
Curatolo, Frank ---  Roster  
Curci, Adolph ---  Roster  
Curcic, Joseph W. ---  Roster  
Curcio, Eugene M. ---  Roster  
Curcio, Frank A. ---  Roster  
Curcione, Emil ---  Roster   32-2   33-1   33-3   35-1   36-1   37-2   42-3   43-3  
Curcione, Emil, Mr. ---  34-1  
Curiel, Calixto A., Jr. ---  Roster  
Curio, Angelo Robert ---  Roster  
Curl, Harold D. ---  Roster  
Curl, Margaret ---  67-2  
Curnow, Ed ---  34-2   54-4  
Curnow, Edward L. ---  Roster   33-1   35-1   36-1   37-1   43-3   54-4   56-1  
Curnow, Edward L., Mr. ---  34-1  
Curran, Ilomae ---  58-2   58-3  
Curran, Thomas ---  21-3  
Currat, Carl J. ---  Roster  
Curren, unk ---  Roster  
Currie, W/O A.M. ---  45-1  
Curry, Aubrey Lewis ---  Roster  
Curry, Lonnie R. ---  6-1  
Curry, Lonnie Ralph ---  Roster  
Curry, Martin J. ---  Roster  
Curry, Robert B. ---  Roster   45-3  
Curry, William E., Sr. ---  Roster  
Curtin, Julie Starmack ---  73-2   79-3  
Curtis, Archie E. ---  Roster  
Curtis, Edward J. ---  Roster   3-8  
Curtis, Elsie Sawyer ---  70-2  
Curtis, Fred W. (Wilson) ---  Roster  
Curtis, George A. ---  Roster   3-4   3-8   3-10  
Curtis, Harold G. ---  Roster  
Curtis, Harry M. ---  Roster  
Curtis, James ---  43-3  
Curtis, Jesse C., Jr. ---  42-3   56-1  
Curtis, Jesse E., Jr. ---  Roster  
Curtis, Joe ---  53-4  
Curtis, Joseph R. ---  34-2  
Curtis, Jr., Jesse ---  43-3  
Curtis, Jr., Jesse E. ---  54-3  
Curtis, Windield D. ---  Roster  
Curzow, Walter ---  Roster   6-1  
Cush, Francis 'Curly' ---  13-4  
Cush, Francis J. ---  Roster  
Cushing, Diana ---  76-2  
Cushman, Dudley J. ---  Roster  
Cust, Robert E. ---  Roster  
Custer, Agnes ---  76-3  
Custer, Ben, Mr. ---  30-1  
Cutcher, Andrew ---  Roster   7-4   10-4   24-3  
Cutcher, Barbara & Jack ---  23-3  
Cutcher, Jack ---  Roster   14-3   20-3  
Cutler, Arthur ---  6-2  
Cutler, Arthur H. ---  Roster   17-3  
Cutler, Arthur H., Col. ---  3-7  
Cutler, Carl ---  26-2  
Cutler, Carl I. ---  Roster  
Cutler, Cecil Leroy, Jr. ---  Roster  
Cutler, Sidney B. ---  Roster  
Cutter, Donald A. ---  Roster  
Cutter, Donald A., Pfc. ---  3-5  
Cvetic, Matt ---  8-1  
Cvetkovic, Raymond J. ---  Roster  
Cyajka, John A. ---  Roster  
Cyarniak, Andrew T., Jr. ---  Roster  
Cymbol, Nicholas ---  Roster  
Cymerman, unk ---  Roster  
Cyrana, Frank ---  Roster  
Cythaml, James E. ---  Roster  
Czaiczynski, Frank Louis ---  Roster  
Czaikowski, Adam J. ---  Roster  
Czarnecki, Leonard F. ---  Roster  
Czarny, Stanley J. ---  Roster  
Czech Republic ---  59-4   66-3  
Czechoslovakia ---  4-4   6-1   7-5   9-1   27-2   31-2   31-3   34-1   35-1   39-1   43-2   44-2   45-1   45-4   47-4   48-2   49-2   49-4   50-2   50-3   54-2   55-1   59-3   59-4   60-4   61-1   61-2   61-3   61-4   62-2   63-1   63-2   63-3   69-2   69-3   71-3   74-2  
Czubat, Stanley J. ---  Roster  
Czyzyk, Edward J. ---  Roster,  

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