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Index for this issue of The CUB
Original Cub Document
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Vol. 6, No. 4, Mar, 1950




     Many thanks to all you members for the cooperation that our National Association has received through the first half of our fiscal year. We are particularly appreciative toward those individuals who worked in our behalf over and above their regular duties.
     Recently, I sent out a detailed semi-annual President's Report to all our national directors and chapter leaders. The length of this report makes it impractical to print herein; but, the general idea is as follows:
     Under Finance, our comparative renewal income is slightly below past years, although operational expenses have been effectively reduced to help balance this condition. The major cause of this situation is the failure of former members to renew subscriptions. This is most, likely due to oversight on their part; but may I inject that unreported changes in address has its marked effect, not only on our contact potential, but also on the expense side of the ledger. To help overcome this deficiency, we are sending out member- ship bills with continued rapidity. This alone cannot do the complete job-- 'tis up to the individuals-- the Lone Eagle scouting for new members whether by personal, phone or mail contact. We need your immediate efforts in reaching old friends. You can more easily feel them out on the Association than a stranger writing "Out of the Blue." Then too, your addresses will more likely be accurate than noes (Original Service Records). Therefore, in order to expedite MEMBERSHIP DRIVE-- PLEASE WRITE -- one old buddy each week, asking him to do the same (chain letter fashion). Have each remit a separate postcard, giving his name and address, to National Headquarters. This will enhance our mailing list.
     The National Convention particulars given in this issue were discussed in my report. Further developments will be in later issues of the CUB. Your complete and continued support of the Memorial Fund is requested. The greater attendance we have at Convention Time will enable us to turn over a greater profit to the Fund. Finally, we need your cooperation in helping Glenn Schnizlein compile a more complete KIA list. Remember, the War Department will not give out this information. You are the only ones who can supply it.
     The above report should give each of you a rough sketch of the work done by the Association in the 1949 portion of our fiscal year. NI!, greatest desire is to have each member make a definite personal attempt to write up membership to at least three of his old buddies, and in the same breath, to get his old group to Detroit this summer for a more complete get-together.

    QUESTION -- Where can I spend my 1950 summer vacation, and get food and entertainment costing more than $25 for only $15?
    ANSWER -- At our convention, July 26- 30, Detroit -- where the Michigan Chapter is raising a large sum to put toward the convention entertainment fund!

Black Ink, But Close Sledding
     Our Treasurer's January 31st report to the President shows that our 1949-50 revenues have exceeded expenses in the first seven months by about $1,300-- just about the amount needed for operation for the last five months of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1950. So, barring unforeseen expenses, we'll at least break even this year.

     We're looking for the addresses of the following men of Company A, 81st Engineer Battalion: George Mann, Arthur Hammer, Captain Harmon, and William Calvert.
    The CUB, official publication of The 106th Infantry Division Association, Inc., is published bi-monthly from editorial office at 237 So. Manning Blvd., Albany 3, N. Y. Subscription rate $3 per year, including membership in the Association. The Editors invite all readers to submit manuscript, and photograph. for consideration for publication. All material is copyrighted, and may not be reproduced without permission from the Editors.


     You just can't afford to miss the convention at Detroit this summer! Informal sessions start Wednesday evening, July 26, and the program goes on, jam-packed with special features, until Sunday evening, July 30. For those who can only get away for a few days, the formal sessions of the convention don't start until Friday evening.
     Some of the highlights of what's in store for us are illustrated on the following pages. An ideal way to spend your 1950 vacation! See your friends again, and with them go on a moonlight cruise to Bob-Lo Island, Canada ( full moon Thursday, July 27 with dancing, food and beer on shipboard). See the historic sights of Greenfield Village in Dearborn. Inspect the giant Ford plant at River Rouge. Friday night take in the Michigan Chapter Welcome Party in the Sky Room atop the Fort Shelby Hotel, with music, dancing and refreshments. Saturday night, our big annual banquet and dance, with floor show. Memorial Service Sunday. Nothing scheduled for Thursday or Friday morning, so you can do a little shopping or napping. Special entertainment for the women during the men's business session on Saturday afternoon.

    HOW MUCH WILL IT COST? Get ready for a shock! Four parties, two chartered bus sight-seeing tours. Three fine meals. A moonlight cruise. Ample refreshments. And the cost of making arrangements and running the convention. The price isn't definite down to the penny yet, but preliminary estimates are that it'll be about $15 per man, with a lower fee for wives and guests. Where can you beat it for twice the money!

See Pages 52 and 53 for a Pictorial Review.


    GREENFIELD VILLAGE and the Ford Museum will be open to us on Friday afternoon, with a tour by chartered bus arranged. On this tour through Dearborn, Michigan, you'll see:
/ -.A

    SHEPHERD'S COTTAGE, 350 years old, and moved stone by stone from the Cotswold Hills of England to Greenfield Village. It's completely restored and furnished in the manner of the Stuart Period of England.

     The giants, Gag and Magog, in the alcove above the doorway, still strike the quarter-hour as they did a century ago. In this, the famous Sir John Bennett Jewelry Store, visitors to Greenfield Village enjoy the priceless collection of watches, clocks and jewelry on display.

1 9 5 0

    The cover photo and pictures on pages 53, 56 and this page were furnished through the courtesy of the Detroit Convention and Tourist Bureau.


    FORD MOTOR COMPANY will be our *wets ow a Thursday afternoon sight-seeing tour through the /taw.. River Rouge plow. The Detroit area is the automotive capital the rorii, with General Motors, Chrysler, Ford, Nash, Hudson, Packard, and Kaiser Fraser.

    MOONLIGHT CRUISE to Bob-Lo Island, Canada will feature our Thursday night program. Beer, dancing, and bed will be furnished on shipboard.






     Under provisions of the War Claims Act of 1948, prisoners of war are entitled to a dollar, a day during their period of captivity, provided that the enemy did not furnish them with the quantity or quality of food to which they were entitled under the Geneva Convention of 1929. This provision will affect some 6,000 veterans of the 106th. Complete information and forms on which to apply can be obtained at any office of the Veterans Administration. Claims should be filed as soon as possible, since payment will be made in the order in which they are received. The last date for filing is March 1, 1951, but don't wait that long!

     On request to The Adjutant General, Department of the Army, Washington 25, D. C., a diploma-type certificate will be issued to winners of decorations in the recent war. Applicants must indicate the number, date, and headquarters of the general orders by which the decorations were awarded, and, if possible, should include a copy of the citation. We have been unable to find out what decorations are included in the group for which certificates are issued, but assume that the purple heart, bronze star medal, silver star medal, and distinguished service cross are certainly included. Nexts-of-kin may apply for certificates for men who are deceased.

     Next month's honor company will be the 106th Signal Company. Signal Corpsmen arc invited to send in photographs. For the June-July issue, Company D, 422d Infantry will be featured.

     The 423d's Anti-tank Company leads all other units of its regiment in Association membership. It was the first outfit to report the German onslaught on the morning of December 16, 1944, and was in the thick of the fight that followed. The fight for Bleialf, the ammunition shortage, the German attack that swept over the company's position, and the company's counter-attack-- all are dealt with in Colonel Dupuy's history of the Division.
     This company suffered very heavy casualties in killed, wounded, and men taken prisoner. It gave a fine account of itself in fighting against heavy odds. We have the following recent addresses for men of Anti-tank, 423 Inf.
Lincoln Brown, RFD 2, Canajoharie, N. Y.
Junior M. Carter, 1314 Cassopolis St., Elkhart, Ind.
Albert E. Falkner, 4205 Seeley Ct., Drayton Plains, Mich.
Paul E. Fetteroff, 14 North Main St., Lewistown, Pa.
Richard B. Graham, 892 Bryden Rd. (Apt. A), Columbus 5, Ohio
Walter F. Hiltbrand, 455 E. 8th St., Salem, Ohio
Sigfred J. Johnson, 7156 S. Aberdeen St., Chicago 21,
Fred R. Kammerer, 93 Church St., White Plains, N. Y.
Robert E. Kelly, 1387 Marlborough, Detroit 15, Mich.
Glen Kennedy, 1125 Seymour, Iowa City, Iowa
Richard Lockhart, 783 Packard St., N. W., Warren, Ohio
Fred A. Maggi, 1552 Grant Ave., San Francisco, Cal.
Richard W. Nethers, 131 Poland Ave., Struthers, Ohio
Ralph G. Steed, Box 187, Robbins, N. C.
Ralph J. Tyree, 512 E. Pariah St., Sandusky, Ohio
Merlin D. Vining, 33 Maple Ave., Madison, N. J.
Bernard Waldow, Jr., 163 N. Small Drive, Beverly Hills, Cal.
     James J. Searcy, Jr., killed in action. His father retains an active interest in supporting the Association, and lives at 153 No. Hanley Rd., Clayton 5, Mo.
Ronald C. Sparks, 1665 Harrison Ave., Cincinnati 14, Ohio
The FORD MUSEUM, depicting milestones in the developments of American History.



     On December 16, 1949 our Pittsburgh Chapter held a memorial reunion at the Alpine Hotel. 25 persons attended. The program included dinner. dancing, and floor show, and the affair was staged at a per person cost of only $3.00, which is reasonable for a big city hotel party. We don't have a complete list of those who attended, but among them were John Hopbell (422/G), Elbridge Marsh (423/H), Peter Pajich (423/B), Art McPoland, and Tony LaGorga. Marsh and Hopbell were co-chairmen, and correspondence about the Pittsburgh Chapter can be sent to John Hopbell at 305 James St., Turtle Creek, Pa.

     The 1949 December 16 reunions held across the nation for the first time included an affair in Columbus, Ohio. 19 were present, including Cliff Birdsall (422/AT), Harold Shick (422/Cn.), Geo. Shapter, Jr. (589/A), Wm. G. Pence (422/Cn.), Robert Reed (424), Robert Shepard (424), Robert Mapes (422/G), Henry Hatem (590th F.A.). Raymond Evans (423/C), D. B. Frampton, Jr. (422/Cn.). Among the many guests were Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Frampton, Sr. -- Mrs. Frampton was first president of our national auxiliary, and with her husband was the organizer of the famous Agony Grapevine which kept parents informed about their sons during and after the Bulge through short-wave radio and correspondence.

Orchids to New York and Minnesota
    Jack Gillespie's mid-year report to the Board of Directors includes the following compliment to two of our hardest working chapters.
    "Congratulations to the Metropolitan Chapter which conducted an extensive membership drive in connection with its December 16 dinner, with very satisfactory results. We might further mention that a group of live wires has taken over the Minnesota Chapter. They are starting a very extensive membership campaign in their state and are going all out to increase their membership."
The moral of this little story is "Go thou and do likewise."
    Our JOBS WANTED column is new, but we hope it'll be of real service to our fellows who are unemployed. Please write to us if you're looking for a job or if you know of any openings for which our members might be qualified. Much cooperation needed from all members to make this column a success!

     Congratulations to the new chapter officers elected below. 'Their jobs are challenging. We here in the editorial offices of the CUB never see a chapter election report without thinking how much the past and future of the Association depend on alert, tactful and capable chapter management.

Central Illinois Chapter
President: Frank R. Glatz (424/M)
Vice President: Warren E. Suckow
Secretary-Treasurer: Charles J. Fulk (442/G), Rt. 3, Boiling Springs Rd., Decatur,
Memorials Representatives: Robert Fryhoff (421/G) and John H. Burns (106th Sig. Co.)

Minnesota Chapter
President: J. Glenn Schnizlein (423/F)
Vice President: Robert E. Sandberg (81st Eng. On., Co. A)
Secretary-Treasurer: Philip E. Gerlach (424/D), 2082 Marshall Ave., Sr. Paul 4, Minn.
Membership Chairman: H. M. (Jim) Hatch (DHQ)

Michigan Wolverine Chapter
President: Robert Vorpagel
Vice President: Ivan Long
Secretary: William French
Treasurer: John Bryant
Sergeant-at-Arms: Joseph Cannon
Directors: Albert Faulkner, John Gillespie, Donald Palmer, Robert Rutt, and David Woodson
National Director: Robert E. Kelly

Chicago Chapter
President: Eugene Boratyn
Vice President: Herbert Meagher
Secretary: Roger May, 1904 Farwell Ave., Chicago
Treasurer: Robert Frische
Chaplain: Rev. Edward T. Boyle
Sergeant-at-Arms: M/Sgt. Amos Wright
Directors: Ed Heideman, Ed Luzzie, Jim Teason
Elections in chapters of our Auxiliary are reported on page 59 of this issue.

     THE 106TH IS THE MOST DECORATED INFANTRY DIVISION, it says here. We're glad to see that other editors make mistakes too. War Department General Orders No. 24, 10 December 1947, list units entitled to foreign decorations. Page 41 of these orders lists the only unit of the 106th so honored-- the 589th F.A. Bn. But, by an unnoticed error, the running page heading "106th Infantry Division continued" is carried over by the printer and appears in bold-face type at the top of pages 42 to 118. From hasty reading, it looks as though the 106th had 77 pages of decorations while the entire rest of the ground forces had only 40 pages.



     LLOYD R. ALDRICH, I202 N. Kenwood Ave., Austin, Minn. (423/M) would like to hear from the fellows who were in prison camp with him at Leipzig. Now he's working for the Hormel Co., makers of Spam.
SAMUEL BOXMAN, 4095 Webb Ave., Detroit 6, Mich. (423/G, purple heart) is a new member.
     ARTHUR BROWN, 7 Canton Court, Brooklyn 29, N. Y. (424/B) is a member of the New York City police force. He writes: "Good job, fine wife, and a wonderful baby daughter arrived Dec. 30, 1949."
     GLEN J. BRUTUS, Pine Village, Ind. (423/1st Bn. Hq.) writes to say that he's working hard on his family's farm-- almost 500 acres under cultivation, registered Guernsey cattle, purebred Hampshire hogs, and a large turkey flock.
     DELBERT Van EDGETTE, (424/H) is now in Japan after 16 months in the Philippines. He's a 1st Lt. with Co. E, 32nd Inf., APO 7 Unit 3, c/o Postmaster, San Francisco, Cal. How about writing to him-- remember how we used to like to get mail when we were overseas!
     GEORGE P. GEIB, 661 Oakwood Ave.. East Aurora, N. Y. (424/G) is a partner in his family's seed and sporting goods company.
E. L. "BUDDY" HELLWIG, 7423 Kenleigh Ave., Baltimore 6, Md. (422/3d Bn. Hq.) is a salesman with U. S. Rubber Co.
     ROBERT R. HOLBROOK, JR., 127 Heck Ave., Ocean Grove, N. J. (422/A) is in the retail grocery business. He wants information about men of his company who were prisoners at Schona, Germany, in Stalags III-A, III-B, and IV-D.
JAMES D. JACKSON, (422/F), is postmaster at Horton, Alabama.
     RUSSELL D. KELLY, 1905 No. 10th St., Springfield, Ill. (424/3d Bn. Hq.) is a credit investigator with Dun and Bradstreet.
     MILTON J. LUDWIG, 522 Best St., Buffalo 8, N. Y. (424/K) is a junior at Canisus College, studying business administration.
     ALBERT R. MARCH, 376 Merritt St., Oshkosh, Wisc. (424/3d Bn. Hq.), a civil engineer, announces the birth of a daughter on New Years Day, 1950.
     BARNEY MAYRSOHN, 140-I0 Franklin Ave., Flushing, L. I., N. Y. (423/Cn.) was graduated from Cornell Univ. in 1947, is now in the export foods business, would like to hear from men in his outfit who were in the Bulge.
     VOLLIE L. McCOLLUM, (DHQ/AG) writes from a new address at 2229 Stratford Ave., Nashville 6, Tenn. He was married in March, 1949. Living near enough to Vollie for him to see them occasionally are WAYMAN JONES who is with the U. S. Corps of Engineers, and MAJOR ROBERT B. DAVIS.
ROBERT K. REINBRECHT, West Branch, Iowa (589th F.A.) is in the hardware and furniture business.
     FRANK ROSS, 8400 Paxton Ave., Chicago 17, III. (424/Cn.) is an English teacher in the Chicago high school system. He expects to go to Columbia Univ. next fall for advanced graduate study.
     M/SGT. M. J. SANGASSAN, JR., 2021 Franklin Ave., New Orleans 17, La. (589/Hq.) is an instructor with the Louisiana National Guard, and writes that he hopes to attend the convention in Detroit this summer..
     HOWARD B. SIEGRIST, (422/C), reports from a new address at 453 11th Ave., Paterson, N. J. He's a distributor for Inter-State Department Stores. Mr. and Mrs. Siegrist announce the arrival of a son, Robert, on Dec. 22, 1949.
     COL. FRANCIS A. WOOLFLEY, Division Commander in August and September, 1945, is now stationed at TUSAG AMAT, APO 206-A, c 'o Postmaster, New York City.
     HAROLD E. WORRELL, 117 Holme St., Mt. Holly, N. J. (331st Med. Bn., Co. B) works as a fireman on high pressure boilers.

    The "WHO'S THIS?" photo on page 47 of the preceding issue of the CUB turns out to be HAROLD GIESE (422/E), Giese Drug Sundries. Main & Paine, Lake Zurich, Ill.


     The big Auxiliary news story is the formation of the Detroit Chapter. Mrs. Stiles installed their officers on January 27th.

Michigan Chapter Auxiliary
President: Mrs. Robert E. (Elizabeth) Kelly Vice President: Mrs. Merle (Mary) Allen
    Secretary-Treasurer: Mrs. William (Marguerite) French, 20235 Lesure, Detroit 21, Mich. Entertainment Chairman: Mrs. Peter Chiti
     Mrs. Stiles incites: "It thrilled me to see so many members anxious to join; such co-operation among the ladies and men of the Chapter. After the meeting of the new Auxiliary Chapter, the men entertained the ladies with a buffet supper. The first job of the Detroit Auxiliary is planning entertainment for the convention this summer. If all their plans are carried out, it will be a ladies' convention l" Congratulations and good luck to you, Detroit; we'll see you in July!

The Chicago Auxiliary Chapter recently had their elections, too:
Chicago Chapter Auxiliary
President: Mrs. Herbert (Luella) Meagher
    Vice President: Mrs. Russell H. (Ruby) Villwock Secretary: Mrs. Edward J. (Elsie) Heideman, 3317 No: Long, Chicago, Ill.
Treasurer: Mrs. James (Dorothy) Teason Sergeant-at-Arms: Mrs. James (Julia) Davis Chaplain: Mrs. Georgia Wright

     The Detroit Chapter is taking care of finding the veteran to receive our Paraplegic Chair at Convention. We are still a long way from our goal to buy the chair and the response from our members has been slow. Mesdames Stiles, Ross, and Villwock have sponsored a series of card parties to raise money in Chicago. What are the rest of you doing? Be sure to let us know for the Cub.
    To date we have 79 members of the Auxiliary for 1949-50. It still isn't too late to join for this year. Send your dues to Mrs. David Price, 237 So. Manning Blvd., Albany, N. Y.
    Antoine P. Gosselin, member of our Metropolitan Chapter and a married man with a young son and daughter, reports that he is out of work and looking for a job in the New York City area. By trade he is a polisher of brass, copper, silver and other metals. In the army he was a clerk, did some typing and mimeographing. He adds that he's also a handyman at almost anything. If you know of anything he might be interested in, please write to him at 335 Blake Ave., Brooklyn 12, N. Y.

    "Our Memorial Fund needs your attention; and if I may refresh your memory, this is the prime objective of the Association. Something has to be uncorked to pyramid dollars for this purpose. The National Office is looking to you Directors and Chapter Presidents for gainful suggestions. I would appreciate these suggestions in the very near future.

"What do we have in the Fund ?-- $1,110.57. A total accumulation for five years.
    "I think you can readily see what I mean." So wrote President Gillespie to the national board of directors in his mid-year report. But, to editorialize for a moment, thinking is by no means limited to our officers and directors. So we're reprinting his plea for suggestions. Give with your ideas. It has already been suggested that on our next year's membership renewal bill, we include a space for reminding fellows about the Memorial Fund-- what do you think of that idea?
/JAMES T. STUART, 119 Gem Are., Bridgeport, Conn. (424/F, purple heart) is working as a lithographer.

    Robert E. Merriam, author of Dark December, has written to the CUB to clarify his meaning in his references to the 106th in his story about the Battle of the Bulge. Readers wishing to acquaint themselves with the background leading to this letter might turn back to Ed Roberts' review of the book in the February-March 1949 issue, and to Walt Hiltbrand's criticisms in the October-November 1949 issue. Merriam's letter says, in part:
     "I would like to say that there was no intent on my part in any way to reflect upon the courage or bravery of the individual member of the 106th Division. Certainly they did the best they could under extremely difficult conditions, and I am in complete agreement that any implication of lack of courage would be wrong.
     "I was attempting to indicate in my book that the 106th Division was the victim of the failure of higher echelons to anticipate the German attack. The presence of this new division at the center of the German attack was a confirmation of this lack of understanding. "I would certainly agree that any suggestion of lack of bravery would be completely wrong, and I would like to take this opportunity to straighten out any misunderstanding on that score."


     HOOSIERS commemorate December 16 with their second annual reunion at Italian Village, Indianapolis, Ind. Seated, left to right, are Miss Rachael Koepel, Mrs. Al Harding, Mrs. A. G. Harding, Sr., Al Harding Sr. William Borders (422/C), Mrs. Tony Setticasi, Tony Setticasi, Mrs. Joseph Freesland. Standing, Robert W. Sipes (424/G), and Bob De St. Aubin (424/D).

     M /SGT BOB MITROS is still in service with the CIC in Japan. Mail will be forwarded to him from 1020 5th St., N.W., Grand Rapids 4, Mich, (424/1st Bn. Hq.)
     PIERRE F. O'HARE, 623 Alabama St., Lafayette, Ind., has his master's degree from Purdue in mechanical engineering, is now a development engineer with the Surface Combustion Corp. of Toledo. He was I&R Sgt., 424 1st Bn.

Frank Biviano
     Frank Biviano, a former corporal in the 423d Infantry's motor pool, died on December 29, 1949, at the Kingsbridge Veterans Hospital in New York. He is survived by his wife, Catherine, and young son Christie. Frank was wounded in action, and was a prisoner at Stalag IX-B. Despite a long spell of sickness after liberation, he was a faithful member of our Metropolitan Chapter, and attended the first three December 16th reunions in New York. In Frank's passing, we have lost a trusted and respected friend.
HENRY B. GRIFFIN, 1725 Jefferson St., Duluth, Minn. (423/C), is shown here as a prisoner of seer in 1945.

     KENNETH N. SCHUETZ, 5 Whitney PI., East Orange, N. J. (DHQ/Fin. and 4224) was employed as a bank teller the last time we heard from him.



Index for: Vol. 6, No. 4, Mar, 1950

Index for This Document

106th Sig. Co., 10
589th FA Bn, 11
Aldrich, Lloyd R., 12
Allen, Mrs. Merle (Mary), 14
Birdsall, Cliff, 10
Biviano, Frank, 16
Bleialf, 8
Bob-Lo Island, 3, 5
Boratyn, Eugene, 11
Borders, William, 16
Boxman, Samuel, 12
Boyle, Rev. Edward T., 11
Brown, Arthur, 12
Brown, Lincoln, 8
Brutus, Glen J., 12
Bryant, John, 11
Burns, John H., 10
Cannon, Joseph, 11
Carter, Junior M., 8
Chiti, Mrs. Peter, 14
Cotswold, 4
Dark December, 15
Davis, Major Robert B., 12
Davis, Mrs. James (Julia), 14
de St. Aubin, Bob, 16
Dupuy, Col., 8
Evans, Raymond, 10
Falkner, Albert E., 8
Faulkner, Albert, 11
Fetteroff, Paul E., 8
Frampton, D. B., Jr., 10
Frampton, Mr. & Mrs. D. B., Sr., 10
Freesland, Mrs. Joseph, 16
French, Mrs. William (Marguerite), 14
French, William, 11
Frische, Robert, 11
Fryhoff, Robert, 10
Fulk, Charles J., 10
Geib, George P., 12
Gerlach, Philip E., 11
Giese, Harold, 13
Gillespie, Jack, 10
Gillespie, John, 11
Glatz, Frank R., 10
Graham, Richard B., 8
Griffin, Henry B., 16
Harding, Al, 16
Harding, Mrs. A. G., Sr., 16
Harding, Mrs. Al, 16
Hatch, H. M. (Jim), 11
Hatem, Henry, 10
Heideman, Ed, 11
Heideman, Mrs. Edward J. (Elsie), 14
Hellwig, E. L. 'Buddy', 12
Hill, Beverly, 9
Hiltbrand, Walt, 15
Hiltbrand, Walter F., 8
Holbrook, Robert R., Jr., 12
Jackson, James D., 12
Johnson, Sigfred J., 8
Jones, Wayman, 12
Kammerer, Fred R., 8
Kelly, Mrs. Robert E. (Elizabeth), 14
Kelly, Robert E., 8, 11
Kelly, Russell D., 12
Kennedy, Glen, 8
Koepel, Miss Rachael, 16
LaGorga, Tony, 10
Leipzig, 12
Lockhart, Richard, 8
Long, Ivan, 11
Ludwig, Milton J., 12
Luzzie, Ed, 11
Maggi, Fred A., 8
Mapes, Robert, 10
March, Albert R., 12
Marsh, Elbridge, 10
May, Roger, 11
Mayrsohn, Barney, 12
McCollum, Vollie L., 12
McPoland, Art, 10
Meagher, Herbert, 11
Meagher, Mrs. Herbert (Luella), 14
Merriam, Robert E., 15
Mitros, Bob, 16
Nethers, Richard W., 8
O'Hare, Pierre F., 16
Pajich, Peter, 10
Palmer, Donald, 11
Pence, Wm. G., 10
Price, Mrs. David, 14
Reed, Robert, 10
Reinbrecht, Robert K., 12
Roberts, Ed, 15
Ross, Frank, 12
Rutt, Robert, 11
Sandberg, Robert E., 11
Sangassan, M. J., Jr., 12
Schnizlein, Glenn, 1
Schnizlein, J. Glenn, 11
Schona, 12
Schuetz, Kenneth N., 16
Searcy, James J., Jr., 9
Setticasi, Mrs. Tony, 16
Setticasi, Tony, 16
Shapter, Geo., Jr., 10
Shepard, Robert, 10
Shick, Harold, 10
Siegrist, Howard B., 13
Sipes, Robert W., 16
Sparks, Ronald C., 9
Stalag III-A, 12
Stalag III-B, 12
Stalag IV-D, 12
Stalag IX-B, 16
Steed, Ralph G., 8
Stiles, Mrs., 14
Stuart, James T., 15
Suckow, Warren E., 10
Teason, Jim, 11
Teason, Mrs. James (Dorothy), 14
Tyree, Ralph J., 8
Van Edgette, Delbert, 12
Villwock, Mrs. Russell H. (Ruby), 14
Vining, Merlin D., 9
Vorpagel, Robert, 11
Waldow, Bernard, Jr., 9
Woodson, David, 11
Woolfley, Col. Francis A., 13
Worrell, Harold E., 13
Wright, Amos, 11
Wright, Mrs. Georgia, 14