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Vol. 20, No. 1, Aug., 1963

President Robert Pierce
Vice President Leo T. McMahon
Adjutant and Treasurer Richard DeHeer
Chaplain John Loveless
Historian Sherod Collins
Co-Editors Richard DeHeer
Doug Coffey
Membership Chairman Joe Mathews
Memorials Chairman Doug Coffey
All editorial matter should be sent to: Richard DeHeer, 19 Hopkins St.
Hillsdale, New Jersey
Doug Coffey, 41 Lowell Ave., West Orange, New Jersey
All business matters, dues or membership renewals should be sent to:
Richard DeHeer, 19 Hopkins St., Hillsdale, New Jersey
Back issues of the CUB may be obtained when available for $1.00 each. Send orders to the Adjutant.

     Well here it is! Good or bad is for you to say. Comments on the reunion will be found elsewhere in the CUB, much better written than I could ever hope to do. On Sunday afternoon we three drove TOM and FLO to Hunting Valley where they spend two-weeks vacation after each reunion. Have Tom tell you about it sometime. Believe me, it is more beautiful than even he says. Monday morning we started out for Brighton, Michigan. Stayed off the super highways to see the country better and arrived at the Scranton's about 3 PM. From then till Thursday we loafed, swam, went to ball games and ate. The Scranton hospitality is murder on my figure but tomorrow is time enough to cut down.
     Thursday night we stayed in Tilsonburg, Canada. Friday at the Falls. It was a beautiful night and the lights are really worth staying up for. As usual, we met two friends from home, making it all the more enjoyable.
Back home late Saturday evening, wondering why we didn't do all the things we had planned.
     The reunion this year had an extra bonus as so many former Co. K members showed up. Bob Scranton and imp were in the same platoon. Bill Johnson and Ray Schlagel were in headquarters. Good old J. B. Strickland was in the third platoon. How about that! ! Can't leave out Phil Schutte even if I have forgotten which platoon he was in. Now if we could only get the Old Man interested we would have it made.
Maybe next year. See you all in New Jersey. Dick

1963-64 Old Board of Directors Meeting
     July 26, 1960 Meeting opened at 9:50 AM. 15 members present: Alan Jones, Leo McMahon, Jim Wells, Dick DeHeer, Henry Broth, Lou Rossi, Wayne Black, Doug Coffey, Tom Bickford, Clayton Rarick, Bob Pierce, John Beals, Joe Matthews and John Loveless.
The minutes of last year's meeting were accepted as read. All reports were accepted as read.
     Doug Coffey, as Memorial Chairman, noted that Gen. Baker and Capt. Elliot were both back in the States. However we still have someone who will see to it that our Memorial in St. Vith is well taken care of. Doug is to appoint a committee to see about a suitable register for visitors to sign.
     Doug Coffey, Jim Wells and Clayton Rarick were selected as the Nominating Committee. John Loveless, Martin Dever and Leo McMahon as the Resolutions Committee. Meeting was adjourned at 10:45 as the tour bus was waiting.
Adj. R. DeHeeer



New Board of Directors Meeting
     July 27, 4:30 PM 20 members present. Only Jack Middleton was absent. The adjutant had received a telegram from him stating his reason for missing the reunion.
The members elected will be found on page 2 of the CUB.
     Once again Wayne Black was asked to reconsider and continue editing the CUB. However Wayne felt that he needed the time in the coming year for both business and personal reasons.
     After a good deal of discussion, Doug Coffey and Dick DeHeer agreed to jointly edit the CUB on a trial basis with the hope that the members will send material as they have pledged.
Meeting adjourned at 4:50 PM.
Adjutant R. DeHeer Assisted by Bob Scranton

Fifteen years ago
     306 persons attended the second annual convention at the Hotel Claypool, Indianapolis, Indiana. Charles Robasse was elected as president, Robert P. Stout, vice-president, and David Price, CUB Editor.
     At the Sunday dinner, Col. Tom Riggs substituted for Cedric Foster as featured speaker and held his audience spellbound with the story of the defense of Saint Vith and of his own escape from the Germans.
     Mrs. Earl Hopbell of Turtle Creek, Pa., was elected president of the Ladies' Auxiliary. Membership in the Auxiliary is near the 100 mark.
     At its business meeting, the Board of Directors voted to eliminate the job of Secretary-Treasurer because it is too much for one person to handle. In its place they established the jobs of Treasurer, CUB Editor. Memorials Chairman, Adjutant, Post Exchange Officer and Chapter Promotion Chairman.

Ten years ago--
     Sixty eight members attended the annual meeting held in conjunction with the seventh annual convention at the Fort Hayes Hotel, Columbus, Ohio. Pete Frampton was elected president for the coming year, and Doug Coffey was reappointed as Editor. The treasurer, Bill Fowler, reported a profit for the past year of $231.55 and a year-end balance of $745.00. Adjutant Dave Brumhagin reported a paid membership of 337, a fifty percent increase over the previous year. Ben Hagman won a prize of sea sick pills for traveling the longest distance to attend, and an unnamed general officer of Artillery won a bottle of hair tonic. (Ten years later, we can report that the tonic performed no miracles.)

Five years ago--
     The twelfth annual convention at Hotel Bellevue-Stratford in Philadelphia started with a flood, got lost at Valley Forge, and was the usual resounding success. Clayton Rarick was elected president, Dick DeHeer was appointed adjutant, and John Gallagher agreed to accept one more year as editor of the CUB.
     At the business meeting it was voted (by 28 to 5) that Doug Coffey be empowered to commit up to $5000 of Association funds for the erection of a monument at the College of St. Vith, Belgium as a Division Memorial. It was decided to make an effort to set up convention plans two years in advance, and on that basis, Jack Gillespie was authorized to plan the 1959 convention for the Edgewater Beach Hotel in Chicago and Jim Wells the 1960 convention in Savannah, Georgia.
     The treasurer reported an operating profit of $76.14 for the past year and balances on hand of $2054.13 in the General Fund and $4152.42 in the Memorial Fund.


Douglas S. Coffey
    CITATION. Served in the Division with Battery C, 590th Field Artillery Battalion. From the time of the organization of the Association, he has been one of the foremost forceful dedicated members. As one of the leaders of the New Jersey group he devoted much time to the enrolling of new members, and was co-chairman of the national reunions held at Atlantic City, New Jersey.
He served with distinction as National President of the Association as well as Editor of the CUB.
     After being appointed Memorial Chairman he spent several years in getting the approval of the Board of Directors to erect a Division Memorial at St. Vith, Belgium. After the project was approved he, almost single handed, over a period of several years, and after voluminous correspondence with architects and college officials in Belgium obtained a design for the Memorial, and had it approved by the Board of Directors. Then he secured the permission of the Director of College Patronne in St. Vith, Belgium, not only to erect the Memorial on the college grounds, but to have the college care for it. Construction started August, 1959 and was completed in December of that year.
     He had initially planned to have the dedication ceremonies on the fifteenth anniversary of the Battle of the Ardennes (December 16, 1959), but had to postpone the ceremony several times. Finally after much planning and letter writing, again almost single handed, he organized the dedication for March 25th, 1962, and after much detailed long distance planning, flew to Belgium and presided at the dedication of the Memorial on the chosen date.
     The 106th Infantry Division Association has an appropriate and fitting Memorial to the dead of the Division near the site of the Division headquarters in St. Vith, Belgium at the start of the Battle of the Ardennes, December 16, 1944. It stands as a result of the dedication and devotion to purpose of the Memorial Chairman, Douglas S. Coffey.
For the Board of Directors
Richard DeHeer Ben Hagman


     There is an old Army saying "You can't stump the Engineers." Well, Bob Pierce is from the 81st Engrs., and some of us at the Annapolis reunion were concerned about the work he would have putting on the Convention alone. But with the help of lovely wife, Jean, and junior Engineers, Bobby Jr., Myron, Charlotte and Debbie Sue, he proved to the satisfaction of all that "You can't stump the Engineers." Of course, he had good example of Jim and May-dean Wells in staging two Savannah Reunions and Jim was on hand at Cleveland with strong support. And on Thursday and Friday Bob was further sustained by the presence of big, handsome Tom Riggs, the old CO of the 81st Engr. Bn.
     "You can't stump the Engineers" -- IF THEY ARE PRESENT. But what stumps so many of the 81st Engrs. from attending reunions in recent years? They used to have a strong delegation present each year.

     The Collins families held a reunion within the Reunion. Well, not exactly a reunion because we don't think they knew each other before Cleveland. Virgil and Mrs. Collins, AT Co., 423d Inf., from Nelsonville, Ohio, met Frank and Mrs. Collins, F Co., 424th Inf., from Keene, N. H. But they were all at the same table at the Saturday night dinner dance and having a grand time. Virgil gave Leo McMahon the name of one of his old Sergeants John O. Adams to look up in Harrisburg. The Divarty CO reports that there are lots of John Adams there but no John O. He is still looking.
     Frank Collins fought with F. Co. 424th. thru WW 2, stayed in the Army; was in Japan when Korea happened; went in with the first troops of the 24th Div., was severely wounded, and has 100% disability. This was their first reunion, but they plan to make them all from now on. He was a busy shutter-bug during the dance with his new Polaroid camera.
     Too bad all the Service Btry 592 FA Bn members and their wives were not present to see Mike Sgrignoli and his attractive wife do the polkas. They are experts. But Tom Dorosky was watching and can report at the annual Get-Together of the Battery at Hershey Park, Penna., the Sunday before Labor Day. By the way, they are a hospitable gang, and any member of the Association is welcome if they bring their own lunch and their own kids. Hershey Park is a kids wonderland. Past President Henry Broth and family and President Bob Pierce and family will be there. The Loveless family always attend. Emil Solecki and Tom Dorosky initiated this annual get-together and it provides fine medium artillery support to the Association.
     Phil and Jean Schutte (F 424) were a delight to watch on the dance floor. Phil still looks about as young as he did when he joined the 424th as a replacement at Neuhaus. If you want to see how young he looked then, turn to the picture in the Division History -- Lion in the Way-- the Red Cross Clubmobile serving the troops doughnuts and coffee. Phil is the lad on the left of the Red Cross girl.

Speaking of dancing, Bob Scranton (K-424) and family do a fine job. Bob is a big boy but full of grace and rhythm.
     We haven't seen the complete roster of attendance at Cleveland, but we venture a guess that the 424th had the largest delegation. Well it was a great fighting outfit under Colonel Shim Reid, who, by the way, suffered a heart attack earlier in the year. It would be a nice gesture and warm the "old Man's" heart, if you 424thers sent him some get-well post cards. His address: Col. A. D. Reid, USA, Ret., 105 Alameda Padre Serra, Santa Barbara, Calif.

     The Divarty gang made hay at Cleveland and had a reunion with the S-2, whom they had not seen since 1945. He is George X. Mechir Esq., attorney, with offices in the Terminal Tower Bldg. Ben Hagman got him on the phone and he came to Suite 320 to enjoy some Hagman hospitality and stayed to lunch. He would have returned for the other events, but his wife, Kay, had just come home from the hospital the day before. They have three children. Many in the Artillery will remember this attractive couple well.
     George gave us the name of another artilleryman in the area, living in Akron. Ben got him on the phone and he and his lovely wife and 15 year old son joined us on Friday evening. He is Jim Fonda who commanded Btry B, 590 FA Bn. He is Branch Manager of the Borroughs Corp. in Akron.

     Doug Coffey, CO GL lent dignity and division esprit to the sessions where he wore his Golden Lion on its colorful ribbon. The 590th FA Bn. and the whole


     Association are proud of this Past President who has done so much for the good name of the 106th and the Association. He earned this Medal the hard way. This Association is gifted with a very attractive group of wives. They assembled in the Aviation Room for their meeting Saturday afternoon. They soon adjourned to a nearby Beauty Culture School where they were enthusiastic witnesses while two of their number had their hair "done" in a new style. They were "Marg" DeHeer and Linda Rossi. At the dinner dance Saturday night they were the belles of the ball and their dance partners were warned by some self-appointed inspectors not to muss the hair-dos.

     Lou Rossi reported that his pal from H 424-- Ed Collier of Memphis, Tenn., was unable to attend the reunion because of his wife's illness. All of his friends express their sympathy and hope for her early recovery and to see both of them at. East Orange (almost next door to the Lou Rossi's) on July 23-26, 1964.
Leo T. McMahon

     A reunion of former members of a military organization is unique. We exclude the large mixed conventions which follow a set pattern of speeches, resolutions and politicking. We are writing about the unit association gathering, ranging from company-sized meetings to the more usual divisional grouping. These latter are mostly social, interesting and totally enjoyable. However, as with any other good thing they must be protected from all manner of danger. At our very first convention an attempt was made, by a group then powerful in the area, to use us for their own political advantage. We learned, and our meetings have since been our own, the type we like and which conspicuously fill our need. At times it has appeared that we would fall flat on our collective face, but at the critical moment the right man comes forward and we go on. As we always shall.
     Have you heard this before? Well, you may have read the above paragraph, because it is a rerun, lifted from the first offering of this column which appeared in the September issue of the CUB just after the 1959 Chicago go around. We think it applies equally today, and we hasten to congratulate Jean and Bob Pierce for the grand party they arranged and managed so well. Anyone who has done this sort of thing will admit the surprising amount of time and energy expended on it, paid for only by the good feeling of satisfaction that follows.
     One sentence in the first paragraph refers to the need to protect our Association from possible danger. We have little to fear from anyone or anything outside our group, but we must be alert for signals of danger within. Our existence is dependent on three factors: The maintenance of membership, an annual convention, and an unfailing continuity of publication of the CUB. These three items are mutually dependent and cannot be separated. They have


    been thoroughly discussed in all board and business meetings and just about everything that can be devised, within our capabilities, has been discussed. The keystone of our corporate existence is the CUB, without it we are shot down. The cover, format and material (when there is enough of it) of this magazine is not only adequate but extremely attractive. We have heard from a number of sources that it is the best of its type now publishing.
     In the past, printing and issue dates have varied, for a long period publication was approximately each two months, more recently we have been on a basis of five issues a year. We believe that definite, established dates of distribution would not only be a great help to contributors who would have ample notice of deadlines but it would also enhance interest by readers if they grew to expect the magazine at known intervals. It seems to this column that there are several dates which are "naturals" for publication:
Mar. 15-- Organization of the 106th Division
July 4-- We must publish on the eve of the convention and there is no more suitable date.
Sept. 16-- First meeting of the Division Association.
Dec. 16-- Of course.
     The objection to this arrangement could be based on the apprehension that a ninety day interval between issues is too long, even when compared with the present seventy-five day average. The only reply we record is a statement that we pay income tax quarterly and that those days arrive with surprising frequency.
See the Fair In 64

     With no respite, our eyes, thru newspapers and magazines, and our ears, thru radio and television, are assailed with evidences of man's inhumanity to man: wars, riots, hate, prejudice, fear, greed, suppression of freedom of conscience.
    However, many, if not most, of us exhibit little concern for these things unless we are brought face to face with them. Too often involved with our own seemingly large but actually comparatively small problems, we neglect our greater responsibilities to our families, friends and neighbors be they next door or across the world. Yet history shows that peace and tranquility, material progress, enlightenment, both mental the practice of the brotherhood of man. While, on the other hand, war, hate, suspicion are the products of man's failure to understand and appreciate the rights, obligations and privileges of others.
     Following our usual custom, we extended our Convention trip from Cleveland to include tours and visits to some of the scenic and historic places of our country. One of these was the Pioneer Memorial Park in Harrodsburg, Kentucky. Here in a recreated fort with block houses and log-cabins on the Wilderness Road we saw how those hardy folks lived, worked and, yes, played together in their efforts to extend the frontier and build a great new nation out of the wilds. The greatness of our nation today attests to their efforts and sacrifices.
     Today our frontiers are not the wilds and hardships of yesteryear. Rather are we faced with the task of building a world in which all men shall show un derstanding and respect for his fellowman. If we sincerely desire it, we can be successful in our task as the Pioneers V were in theirs.
"I delight to do thy will, 0 my God; thy law is within my heart."
Psalm 40:8 John T. Loveless, Jr.
106th Infantry Division Assn. August 22, 1963

Dear Dick:
     Dr. DeLaval has already been in touch with the architect who built the Memorial regarding a suitable receptacle for a Register book. The architect will write me but he isn't too keen on leaving a book because the Communists and others may use it to put slogans, etc., into it. He has other suggestions which he will convey by letter. Doctor DeLaval is going to Bastogne, Sept. 8th for a Dedication of a Memorial to General Patton and soil see those persons who were in charge of the 10th Anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge and see if he can't get some plans going with the 20th Anniversary.
     He also, as a result of my letter, will check into the possibility of a commemorative stamp for our monument. He will contact the Minister in charge. I have written to Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara requesting information as to whether the Government is going to have any kind of 20th Anniversary celebration and if they are to consider having the Ceremony at St. Vith.



Hi Dick,
     While I had a little time, I thought I had better get busy and write an article for the CUB. So I will try, for the first time, to write a suitable one. You can revise this if you wish. So here goes an amateur.
     First, let me say again that being chosen President of the Association is one of the greatest things that has ever happened to me. I feel so unworthy to serve the Association in this capacity. I hope and pray that I will do a job that will be pleasing to the Association and helpful toward building it to newer and greater heights in membership.
     I was with the Division when it was activated in South Carolina at Fort Jackson, March 15, 1943. I'll never forget those days, weeks and months in training. It was my first absence from home for any length of time. Then, Tennessee and the maneuvers, January thru April, 1944. What a time of year to be in Tennessee. Lots of liquid sunshine as we called it. Then on to Camp Atterbury, Ind. for intensive training. Part of which included meeting the girl I later married after the war, Jean, my wonderful wife. Then the trip across to England in October, 1944. Finally, Belgium in December. Being in the Engineers, we were billeted in farm houses at Winterspelt. And then came the crucial hours of the Battle of the Bulge. I was with the Division 'til the 21st of December, 1944, at which time I was sent to the hospital at Liege; then to Paris and by hospital plane to Oxford, England. Three months in English hospitals and then to a General Service Engineer Battalion in charge of supplying water to the Calais and St. Victorette staging areas at Marseille. Got a break and was sent to the Riviera as head draftsman. There I helped draw plans to rebuild this vacation resort. For those who never went there for a rest, I will say it sure was a beautiful place. The time I spent there didn't seem like the Army. It was here that I got my orders to return home and discharge. So you see that I wasn't with the Division when it came home and was deactivated but I have always been proud to have been part of the 106th Division. Someday history will prove the important part the 106th played in the War.
     To close I will say that both Jean and I enjoyed serving the Association in making plans and holding the reunion in Cleveland. We hope that all who attended had a wonderful time. We only wish that more could have been there. Glad to see some new faces and also the old faithfuls.
     This is a splendid opportunity for us to thank all who upheld us both when we received word of my father's passing away. Also for the basket of flowers that were sent for the funeral.
     P.S. I am no politician so I will not make a lot of promises which cannot be kept. But one sure thing-- I will do my best to help increase the membership of the Association-- as it is the lifeblood of the Association. Also don't forget the CUB with your articles of news each issue. Without this paper we're lost.
Pres. Bob Pierce
     P.S. I don't remember whether I gave you the names and addresses of those who helped in the memorial service. Arthur J. Snyder, CWO, W-3, Asst. Adj., HQ, 3rd Missile Bn. (Nike Hercules), 65th Art., Warrensville Sta., Cleveland 23, Ohio
Pianist: Mr. Harry F. Fussner, 4116 Diana Drive, Brecsville 41, Ohio
Speaker: Rev. Thurman H. Tobias, 4187 State Route 43, Kent, Ohio
Bugler: Kenneth Flick


Letters to the Editor
Dear Dick,
     Your postcard of yesterday jogs me into breaking a too-long silence. I've been reading the CUB with high interest, regretting that I can't break away for any of the reunions. My thoughts are often with the Association. You're doing a fine job.
     Audrey and I are both in good health but busy, with the family now including Bob aged 13, Janet 10, Mark 3, and a new arrival expected in early September. In 1958-59, we went to Cairo, Egypt where I served as United Nations technical assistance expert to the United Arab Republic, working on the training of national administrators in organization and management. By evening course work (and it's a long road) I've finished the master's and doctor's degrees in public administration, and am now doing some part time teaching at the Graduate School of Public Affairs of State University of New York.
     My full time job is that of assistant vice president on the central staff of State University, concerned with personnel (mostly staffing and salaries) for the faculty and non-academic personnel of the University's many centers, colleges, and institutes.
    For the past ten years Audrey and I have been spending almost all of our spare time in conservative evangelical Christian activities: youth work, adult Bible teaching, summer Bible Schools and camps, and church programs.
Best regards, David S. Price
3 North Lane
Loudonville, N. Y. 12211
Assistant Vice President for Personnel
State University of New York
Cub News
     Once again, I would like to thank Jean and Bob Pierce for organizing and running a very enjoyable and entertaining Convention. We were happy to attend.
     After leaving Cleveland, we went on to Detroit and across to Canada and Niagara Falls for a few days of rest and sightseeing, and it was wonderful. After that, home and back to the old grind again. Can't wait until East Orange, N. J. Convention next year.
     Again, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who worked on the Committee, and the Officers for their wonderful cooperation during my term as President.
I would like to wish my successor in office a wonderful and rewarding year with an increased membership.
Henry M. Broth

Dear Sir:
     I am interested in the address of Maj. Riggs, 81st Eng. I guess I will be able to get others of the 106th Signal from the CUB. I cannot locate Robert Molly of Phila. He was a Mess Sgt. in 422 & 423, also my best man in S.C. Would like to hear from Ben Hagman. Was he the one we called "Coon Dog" in the 106th Signal? How about Father Day. Last year we visited the Hires Root Beer boys and also R. Garritson. This year we visited Ben Briles (Co. D, 423) on his ranch in Arvada, Wyom. Came through Mt. Rushmore, Bad Lands and the Needles H'way. Heading for Yellowstone. Sure would like to hear from some of the boys. I am working as an electrician at


Anheuser Busch Brewery, in St. Louis, Mo. My family consists of wife, Zerita, Carol 19, Ted 16.
Sincerely, Henry Bruch, S/Sgt., Signal Co. 6340 Monterey Dr., Affton 23, Mo.

    Pick-Carter Hotel, Cleveland, Ohio, July 27, 1963 31 members present. Pres. Henry Broth called the meeting to order at 3 PM. The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as read, as were the other reports.
     A motion by Jim Wells to have the Assn. pay Capt. Elliot's expenses if he attends was passed. While in Europe the Captain had placed a wreath on our Memorial at St. Vith.
     Under old business, the Adjutant stated that he had no success in getting our typewriter from Larry Walden. All mail to Larry has been returned.
The nominating committee headed by Doug Coffey submitted the following list of men for the Board of Directors:
Bill Johnson
Alan Jones
Henry Broth
Bob Pierce
Wayne Black
Jack Middleton
Jim Hatch
Lou Rossi
Ben Hagman
Joe Matthews
Tom Bickford
Dick DeHeer
Doug Coffey J
John Loveless
Leo McMahon
Martin Dever
Jim Wells
Jack Bryant
John Beals
Clayt Rarick
Tom Dorosky

These men were elected unanimously. Doug Coffey reported on the 1964 Reunion in New Jersey
After some discussion Jim Wells moved that we go to East Orange, N. J. in 1964.
     For 1965 Jim Wells offered the Town & Country Motel in Atlanta, Ga. Jim Hatch & Leo McMahon thought it a good idea. So be it.
     As usual our memorial building came up for discussion. In this respect, Doug Coffey has all the answers. We should have a register for visitors to sign. After some talk Doug was allotted $100.00 for this purpose. Somewhere else in the CUB you will find that he has the ball rolling already.
     Wayne Black offered his resignation as Editor of the CUB. The members pledged to send him plenty of copy and information if he would reconsider, but Wayne wouldn't budge.
As the selection of an Editor is a director's task the discussion ended in a stalemate.
Meeting adjourned at 4:15 PM. Adj. Richard DeHeer

Carol Beals
John Beals
Flo Bickford
Tom Bickford
Wayne Black
Eunice Broth
Henry Broth
Ralph Broth
Rita Kay Broth
Emily Bryant
Jack Bryant
Doug Coffey
Eleanor Collins
Frank Collins
Martha Collins
Virgil Collins
D. M. Courtright
R. M. Courtright
Dick DeHeer
Marjorie DeHeer
Ricky DeHeer
Constance Dever
Dorothy Dever
Martin Dever
Veronica Dever
Tom Dorosky
J. R. Enlow
Albert E. Falkner
Clarence Frame
Joe Gasses
Marcia M. Gericke
A. J. Gericke Jr.
Jack Gillespie
David Gubow
Estell Gubow
Janey Gubow
Larry Gubow
Mona Gubow
Ben Hagman
Juanita Hagman
Helen Hatch
Jim Hatch
Kathy Hatch
Bill Johnson
Alys Jones
Stephen Jones
Gen. A. W. Jones
Alan Jones 3rd.
Althea Loveless
John Loveless
K. Loveless
Kay Loveless
Anna Matthews
Bruce Matthews
Joe Matthews
Brig. Gen. McMahon
W. M. McMahon
Charlotte Pierce
Debbie Pierce
Jean Pierce
Myron Pierce
R. W. Pierce
Robert Jr. Pierce
Clayton Rarick
Tom Riggs
Billy Rossi
Marie Rossi
Steve Rossi
Linda Rossi
Lou Rossi
Louie Rossi
Jayne Schlegel
R. Schlegel
Jean Schutte
Phil Schutte
Cas Scranton
Karen Scranton
M. M. Scranton
R. L. Scranton
M. Sgrignoli
Martha Sgrignoli
Edward Spencer
Eunice C. Spencer
J. H. Spencer
Richard Spencer
J. B. Strickland
K. Strickland
Jim Wells

     We are sure the people who pursued to the end the mystery of Cleveland's receding waterfront will take with a grain of salt any assurance in the future that any point of interest is just a short distance away. Starting out on Friday evening with information that the lake front was only about four blocks distant, they hiked for twenty minutes and then found that they were still about four blocks from Lake Erie. They did at least get to enjoy the fireworks at the ball park. When asked for her choice of something to drink afterward in Bob Pierce's suite, Helen Hatch asked for "just a glass of ice water to sprinkle on my feet!"
     The emissary of the Mayor of Cleveland, his legal assistant, in welcoming us to the city told one story so useful in its application that we feel it must be repeated here.
    It seems that a prosperous businessman was approached by a panhandler for a quarter. The businessman, not wishing to be bothered, told him, "If I gave it to you, you'd probably squander it on booze." Upon being assured by the panhandler that he didn't drink, the businessman tried a new tack: "Then you'd gamble it away somewhere." When the panhandler said he didn't gamble either, the businessman said: "Then you'd surely waste it on some woman." The panhandler told the businessman that he wouldn't think of such a thing. Thereupon, the businessman seized him by the arm and insisted that the panhandler accompany him home, so that his wife could see what happened to a man who didn't drink, gamble, or run after women.

     The Michigan area had a fine representation in Cleveland with Joe Gasses (not Gasser, Ben! ), Jack & Emily Bryant, Phil & Jean Schutte, and Mr. District Attorney himself, Larry Gubow with Estelle and family, including a three-year-old charmer who was the belle of the ball on Saturday evening. We hope all these folks will remain with us as dues-paying members now. Larry Gubow has promised to serve the Association as a one-man collection agency for dues this year.

     The weather was great for the Cleveland convention and so was the air-conditioning. There was one fifteen minute shower on Saturday which came at just the right time to soak John Beals and Wayne Black to the skin. This only goes to show what happens when old infantrymen forget the basic rule of "remain under cover at all times."
     After a bit of heated discussion at the business meeting, it was decided more or less officially that Tom Bickford is chairman of next year's convention committee and Doug Coffey his assistant. Everyone who was at the Cleveland convention is looking forward to Tom's hospitality in East Orange.

     We are wondering how many 106'ers found an unexpected convention expense in the redesigning of the lighting system for their homes after the ideas their wives gained during the demonstrations at Nela Park. As interesting as everything we saw there was (and as delicious as the meal was), it is difficult to feel any regret at having missed the Antique Auto Museum that turned out not to be available at convention time.
     Everyone was pleased to see so many Ohioans turn out for the convention. Bob Pierce did yeoman work in making all these Ohio contacts as he did on every other phase of the Convention arrangements. The job that he and Jean did and continued to do even after the sudden loss of his father during the convention is certainly a labor of love that should be marked down as one of the highlights of the Association's history.


     The family planning of our annual reunions, started by the Jim Wells at the two Savannah meetings, continued by the Ben Hagmans at Fort Worth in 1961, by the combined Henry Broths and John Loveless clans at Annapolis, in 1962, was continued with great success by our hardworking Vice President, Bob Pierce and family at Cleveland. The families seem to think of everything for our convenience, comfort and amusement.
     You were greeted by the smiling Bob or his wife, sometimes both, on your arrival at the Registration desk on the North Mezzanine of the Pick-Carter Hotel. Thursday evening we had a quiet get-together for a goodly number of early arrivals over beer and snacks in the Lorenzo Carter Room. There was no square dancing as at Annapolis, so the oldsters could rest their weary bones. Since our reunions are now planned by families, it is nice to see that there is an increasing turnout of families with children. Those members reading this account who have held back attending a reunion, because of the children, delay no longer. Bring them along, of all ages, except infants. They will be welcome and special efforts are made to keep them occupied and happy. Follow the example of the Division Commander Alan Jones and his wife. They had no children to bring so they came in with two grandsons. There may be more and more of that as the years roll on, because attending the reunions annually we can see the youngsters sprouting up. On Friday the Board of Directors met in the Aviation Room at 9:45 AM, with almost a full attendance. The Board welcomed back Henry Broth, our President, after his recovery from a heart attack early in the year. A considerable amount of business was transacted, which you will find elsewhere in this issue, but was hurried, because adjournment was taken at 10:30 AM so that board members would be free to accompany their families at 10:45 AM on the bus tour of Nela Park-GE Research Center followed by lunch in their cafeteria. The afternoon was devoted to resting up or shopping, except for some hardy groups who had already convened private cocktail or highball hours in various rooms. The scheduled cocktail hour and dinner started at 6:45 PM in the Oak Room, off the downstairs lobby. This was the first scheduled meal and it was delicious. Groups lingered over and after the dinner talking of old times, and later reassembled in the hospitality Room 833, and in other rooms. Ben and Juanita Hagman did a wonderful job of making old and new members welcome in their 320 Suite.
     More effort was made this year than ever before, to make members attending a reunion for the first time a part of the gang. This kind of hospitality will pay off in loyal members and increased membership. It should be continued at all future conventions.
     Saturday morning at 10 AM our always solemn and moving Memorial Service was held in the Ball Room of the hotel. Vice President Bob Pierce presided. The services consisted of a processional and recessional of the colors. The color guard was furnished by the Commanding Officer, 3rd Missile Battalion, 65th Artillery, stationed at Warrenville near Cleveland. Our Association Chaplain John Loveless gave the prayer, and the Memorial Address was made by Rev. Thurman H. Tobias, Major Chaplain of the 37th Infantry Division of the Ohio National Guard. The Chaplain showed great familiarity with the history of the Golden Lions and contrasted the cold and snow we endured in the Ardennes with the steaming tropics of the Pacific where his organization was fighting at the same time. All present united in singing two hymns, America the Beautiful, Onward Christian Soldiers and closed with the Star Spangled Banner.
After the service an informal hour was scheduled, but this time was used


by members of the Nominating and Resolutions Committees to get their work completed.
     At 12:30 PM, Saturday, a delicious luncheon was served in the Lorenzo Carter Room on the Mezzanine floor, which proved very enjoyable until the end of the meal when word was brought to Vice President Bob Pierce, who was presiding, that his 86 year old father, whom he had left in good health, had suffered a fatal heart attack while at lunch at his home in Warren, Ohio. This plunged the members into gloom. After talking with members of his family back home, Bob and his wife gallantly decided to remain until the close of the reunion. They received the deep sympathy of all present, which was later incorporated in the Resolutions adopted at the business meeting which followed.
     What transpired at that meeting is given elsewhere in the pages of this CUB. However two outstanding facts gleaned from that meeting should be noted. In spite of a drop of nearly 25 members from 1962, there was a net profit for the year of $250.13, which was recognition of the hard work and devotion of our astute Adjt.-Treasurer, Dick DeHeer and his willing and able helper, Marge. You could hear one big huge sigh of relief when Dick, who had announced in the June-July CUB that he wanted OUT of the job, agreed to carry on. While the business session was in progress, the ladies met in the Aviation Room, but soon adjourned to a nearby Beauty School where two of their number received the treatment to the approval of the others. Meanwhile the children were cavorting in the Spanish Room.
     At 7 PM the annual big dinner and dance was held in the Ballroom with Henry Broth, President, presiding. At this time it was announced that Bob Pierce had been elected as the new President. This was only a small recognition of the tremendous and successful job he and his family had done inputting on the reunion. Comments on the dinner and dancing will be founds, elsewhere in this CUB.
     On Sunday morning at 9:30 the increasingly popular Farewell Breakfast was held in the Oak Room with almost a complete attendance of the members. This was followed by the hard-to-say farewells and the determination to reassemble in East Orange, New Jersey, July 23-26, 1964.

Resolutions adopted at 17th Annual Convention, July 27, 1963-- Pick-Carter Hotel, Cleveland, Ohio.
     1. BE IT RESOLVED that the Association extend its sincere appreciation to our Convention Committee, Bob and Jean Pierce for their untiring efforts in promoting and executing a well-planned Convention.
     2. BE IT RESOLVED that the Association express its thanks and appreciation to the Management and. Staff of the Pick-Carter Hotel for their excellent cooperation and courtesies in helping to make the 17th Annual Convention a success.
     3. BE IT RESOLVED that the Association convey its thanks and appreciation to the Rev. Thurmon H. Tobias, Chaplain of the 37th Inf. Div. ARNG, for delivering the inspiring Memorial Address.
     4. BE IT RESOLVED that the Association convey its thanks and appreciation to the Commanding Officer, 3rd Missile Battalion, 65th Artillery, Warrenville Station, for providing the Color Guard for the Memorial Service.
     5. BE IT RESOLVED that the Association convey its thanks and appreciation to Mr. Harry F. Fussner for providing the piano music at the Memorial Service.
     6. BE IT RESOLVED that the Association convey its thanks and appreciation to Mr. Kenneth Flick for his contribution as Bugler for the Memorial Service.
     7. BE IT RESOLVED that the Association express deep appreciation to T. Wayne Black for his continued excellent and untiring efforts in the publication of THE CUB.
     8. BE IT RESOLVED that the Association extend its thanks and appreciation for the work done by the outgoing Officers, Directors and Committees during the year 1962-63.
     9. BE IT RESOLVED that the Association extend to Dick and Marge DeHeer its continued thanks, appreciation and indebtedness in handling the work of the Adjutant as well as the Treasurership which Dick voluntarily took over at the Fort Worth Convention in 1961.
     10. BE IT RESOLVED that the Association convey to Bob Pierce its deepest sympathy upon the unexpected loss of his father.


     Upon arriving in Cleveland for the Convention I was curious as to who I would find first. When you hit a Hotel at 6:00 AM you feel rather deserted. Lo and behold number one houseboy was Bob Pierce. The Convention officially started; next on the hit parade were the perennial Bickfords, fresh from their first flight in the magnificent and majestic Caravelle. I never heard Tom get so excited over something as he did the Caravelle; of course, he only flew at 592 miles per hour.
     Thursday evening a wonderful time was had by all at the warm up party, what with a new batch of members and reminiscing with the old bunch. Ben Hagman held Court as usual taking Baby Gary's place as a companion to the children. The Loveless girls looked as lovely as usual. When you look at our teenagers now, you shudder, we'll be grandparents before we know it.
     The gang went to Nela Park, a General Electric research plant and for a while we thought we were back in Valley Forge, where, if you remember, all was snafu. Finally arrived and the gang was virtually lit up when the largest incandescent light was put on; was so hot you could have fried an egg. What wonders were done with light only those who attended could say. It was a magnificent display and will wind up costing some of the members some money in the future. A wonderful lunch was served and we decided to come back but on arriving in the bus, dying of the heat, we found that some people just can't count. A count was taken and we were missing one person. We waited, waited and waited. Two more counts were taken. Still one missing. Wouldn't you know! Three times he failed to count himself.
     That evening a wonderful dinner was had by all and most of the gang repaired to a grand suite for further entertainment.
On Saturday we had the Memorial Service which was impressively done. The speaker was excellent and as usual.
     John Loveless performed his duties as Chaplain in the 106th manner. Feel that in the future efforts should be made to have the ceremony in a house of worship. Hotels are okay but they are cold for the Memorial Service.
     The men had their meeting which almost became a donnybrook. Our Cub editor wanted and needed a rest. No one wished to volunteer and we couldn't draft anyone for such an important job. Finally, two of the hardest workers in the 106th agreed to be co-editors and run the Cub for a year until the Beals family can take over. Hope the year goes fast.
     The Ladies had a ball making glamor girls of some of our gals who tend to be bashful about the new styles but being the good sports they are, they agreed to be the Models and boys, they sure were whistled at. One of these days we're going to lose a wife, they're so glamorous. The children enjoyed themselves at the Record Hop. And by the way you should have seen the new game Ricky DeHeer and some of the older boys had going; each rushed for an elevator and jumped in and had a race to a particular floor. Ever try getting an elevator when this game is played?
     The Dinner Dance was the usual success only happy 106ers can make it. To see the little ones dancing with the big ones and outshining them is really something. Didn't think we had so many Twisters. Plenty of sore backs next day. Doug Coffey was given a huge scroll which was to have been given last year when he received the Golden Lion but it was not ready in time. For once Doug was speechless.
    To the Pierces for their efforts goes a Well Done; they really put on a Convention. Despite the sadness due to the loss of Bob's Dad, he acted like a true showman and made the show go on. We shall be ever grateful to Bob and his family for entertaining us in Cleveland.
-- DSC


The time: July 23-26, 1964
The place: New Jersey
With the World's Fair As
An Added Attraction
Treasurer's Report
This Space
Membership Dues $ 905.00
Auxiliary Dues 60.00
Memorial Fund contributions 164.50
N. J. Dec. 16th Dinner 30.00
CUB Christmas Greetings 18.00
"Lion in the Way" Sales 45.00
Interest on Savings Accts. 105.78
and 8.58
TOTAL $1,336.86
CUB Expenses $ '711.26
Postage 170.44
Stationery 95.73
Address Plates 19.00
Medallion 22.37
Flowers 10.20
Citation 25.00
TOTAL $1,054.00
General Fund $3,665.57
Membership Fund 91.40
TOTAL $3,756.97
Balance-- End of Year $3,756.97
Balance-- Beginning of Year 3,506.84
NET GAIN $ 250.13
-- 1$-

Index for: Vol. 20 No. 1, Aug, 1963

Index for This Document

106th Div., 8, 10
106th Inf. Div., 9
106th Infantry Division Association, 4
423rd Inf., 5
424th Inf. Regt., 5
590th FA BN, 4, 6
592nd FA BN, 5
81st Engr. BN, 5
Adams, John, 5
Adams, John O., 5
Ardennes, 4, 17
Baker, Gen., 2
Bastogne, 9
Battle Of The Bulge, 9, 10
Beals, Carol, 14
Beals, John, 1, 13, 14, 16
Belgium, 4, 10
Bickford, Flo, 14
Bickford, Tom, 1, 13, 14, 16, 23
Black, T. Wayne, 20
Black, Wayne, 1, 3, 13, 14, 16
Briles, Ben, 11
Broth, Eunice, 14
Broth, Henry, 1, 5, 13, 14, 17, 19
Broth, Henry M., 11
Broth, Ralph, 14
Broth, Rita Kay, 14
Bruch, Henry, 13
Brumhagin, Dave, 3
Bryant, Emily, 14
Bryant, Jack, 13, 14
Bryant, Jack & Emily, 16
Calais, 10
Camp Atterbury, Ind., 10
Coffey, Doug, 1, 2, 3, 6, 13, 14, 16, 21, 23
Coffey, Douglas S., 4
College Patronne, 4
Collier, Ed, 7
Collins, Eleanor, 14
Collins, Frank, 5, 14
Collins, Frank & Mrs., 5
Collins, Martha, 14
Collins, Sherod, 1
Collins, Virgil, 14
Collins, Virgil & Mrs., 5
Courtright, D. M., 14
Courtright, R. M., 14
Day, Father, 11
DeHeer, Dick, 1, 3, 13, 14, 19
DeHeer, Dick & Marge, 20
DeHeer, Marjorie, 14
DeHeer, Richard, 1, 4, 14, 23
DeHeer, Ricky, 14, 21
DeLaval, Dr., 9
Dever, Constance, 14
Dever, Dorothy, 14
Dever, Martin, 2, 13, 14
Dever, Veronica, 14
Division History, 5
Dorosky, Tom, 5, 13, 14
Elliot, Capt., 2, 13
Enlow, J. R., 14
Erie, 15
Falkner, Albert E., 14
Flick, Kenneth, 10
Flick, Mr. Kenneth, 19
Fonda, Jim, 6
Fort Jackson, 10
Foster, Cedric, 3
Fowler, Bill, 3
Frame, Clarence, 14
Frampton, Pete, 3
Fussner, Mr. Harry F., 10, 19
Gallagher, John, 3
Garritson, R., 11
Gasses, Joe, 14, 16
Gericke, A. J., 14
Gericke, Marcia M., 14
Gillespie, Jack, 4, 14
Gubow, David, 14
Gubow, Estell, 14
Gubow, Janey, 14
Gubow, Larry, 14, 16
Gubow, Mona, 14
Hagman, Ben, 3, 4, 6, 11, 13, 14, 17, 21
Hagman, Ben & Juanita, 17
Hagman, Juanita, 14
Hatch, Helen, 14, 16
Hatch, Jim, 13, 14
Hatch, Kathy, 14
Hopbell, Mrs. Earl, 3
Johnson, Bill, 1, 13, 14
Jones, Alan, 1, 13, 15, 17
Jones, Alys, 14
Jones, Gen. A. W., 15
Jones, Stephen, 15
Korea, 5
Liege, 10
Lion In The Way, 5, 23
Loveless, Althea, 15
Loveless, Chaplain John, 17
Loveless, John, 1, 2, 13, 15, 17, 21
Loveless, John T., Jr., 8
Loveless, K., 15
Loveless, Kay, 15
Marseille, 10
Mathews, Joe, 1
Matthews, Anna, 15
Matthews, Bruce, 15
Matthews, Joe, 1, 13, 15
McMahon, Brig. Gen., 15
McMahon, Leo, 1, 2, 5, 13
McMahon, Leo T., 1, 7
McMahon, W. M., 15
McNamara, Robert, 9
Mechir, George X., 6
Memorials, 1, 3
Middleton, Jack, 3, 13
Molly, Robert, 11
Order Of The Golden Lion, 4
Oxford, 10
Paris, 10
Patton, Gen., 9
Pierce, Bob, 1, 5, 10, 13, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21
Pierce, Bob & Jean, 19
Pierce, Charlotte, 15
Pierce, Debbie, 15
Pierce, Jean, 15
Pierce, Jean & Bob, 7, 11
Pierce, Myron, 15
Pierce, R. W., 15
Pierce, Robert, 1
Pierce, Robert Jr., 15
Price, David, 3
Price, David S., 11
Price, Dr. David S., 11
Rarick, Clayt, 13
Rarick, Clayton, 1, 2, 3, 15
Reid, Col. A. D., 5
Reid, Col. Shim, 5
Reunions, 5
Riggs, Col. Tom, 3
Riggs, Tom, 5, 15
Riviera, 10
Robasse, Charles, 3
Rossi, Billy, 15
Rossi, Linda, 7, 15
Rossi, Lou, 1, 7, 13, 15
Rossi, Louie, 15
Rossi, Marie, 15
Rossi, Steve, 15
Schlagel, Ray, 1
Schlegel, Jayne, 15
Schlegel, R., 15
Schutte, Jean, 15
Schutte, Phil, 1, 15
Schutte, Phil & Jean, 5, 16
Scranton, Bob, 1, 3, 5
Scranton, Cas, 15
Scranton, Karen, 15
Scranton, M. M., 15
Scranton, R. L., 15
Sgrignoli, M., 15
Sgrignoli, Martha, 15
Sgrignoli, Mike, 5
Snyder, Arthur J., 10
Solecki, Emil, 5
Spencer, Edward, 15
Spencer, Eunice C., 15
Spencer, J. H., 15
Spencer, Richard, 15
St. Victorette, 10
St. Vith, 2, 3, 9, 13
St. Vith, Belgium, 3, 4
Stout, Robert P., 3
Strickland, J. B., 1, 15
Strickland, K., 15
Tobias, Rev. Thurman H., 10, 17
Tobias, Rev. Thurmon H., 19
Walden, Larry, 13
Wells, Jim, 1, 2, 4, 13, 15, 17
Wells, Jim & May-Dean, 5
Winterspelt, 10