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The Cub
Vol. 49, No. 2, Jan., 1993
"Tank Hill 1990," Fort Jackson, South Carolina
See you there in September!
Photo by Glynn Ra by 423/HQ 1Bn
The Veterans of the
106th /NFANTRY
17/V/S/ON of ate
President's Message...
I sincerely hopc that 1993 has gotten off to a good start for all of you. By the time you read this, I will be back home, in Alexandria, Virginia, hard at work to make and pay for my vacation in Florida. This is being written in January during a golf holiday in warm and sunny South West Florida, at your hard-driving CUB editor's insistence.
The Association's Committees have also been hard at work for you. I hope many of you have responded to my urging in my last message in the November CUB. I asked that you send NOMINATIONS fOl. the Board of Directors to Joe Maloney; SCHOLARSHIPS to Jerry Eisenman.
Ed Prewett's Planning Committee has received some comments and suggestions, but would welcome more. (Sec the "Bulletin Board" this CUB.)
Thanks largely to a visit to St. Vith, Belgium by Board member Dick Peterson, in October, the Memorial Committee is preparing a recommendation to resolve the fate of our 30-year-old memorial there. I set this as a goal for 1993.
Some matchers have asked whether the Association plans a tour to the Bulge area in 1994. The Association does not sponsor a tour. Interested members might like to know that jillioug Coffey, a Past President and long time chairman of our Memorial Committee, who has glelid successful tours to the area in the past is planning to lead a tour designed for veterans of the 106th Infantry Division on September 15-23, 1994. Information is available from him at 2236 Am. Street, Port Charlotte, FL 33948.
I have responded to the offer of the Defense Department's 50th Anniversary of World War II Commemoration Committee to apply for official accreditation as a Commemorative Community. This means that our activities through 1995 will be officially recognized and will become part of the record of how our nation commemorated the Golden Anniversary of World War II.
I hope that all of you are planning to attend the Annual Reunion in Columbia, South Carolina, September 9-12, 1993. Them the Golden Lion Division will celebrate the 50th anniversary of its creation on March 15, 1943. Then attend the Annual Reunion at Rapid City, South Dakota, September 3-6, 1994, where we will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge. Then again in Orlando, Florida in 1995 where members will celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the founding of the Association, August 1945.
These am special very years for the veterans of the 106th Inf. Div. and their families. I know that Roger Rutland and his committee am preparing a very special reunion for us this year at the birthplace of the Division, including a Golden Anniversary Banqueton September 9.
The veterans of the Battle of the Bulge organization (VBOB), to which many of our members belong, conduct a ceremony at the Arlington National Cemetery every December 16th. I was the keynote speaker at the 1992 ceremony. I took that opportunity to "toot the hom" of the 106th, which has not been prominent in the VBOB affairs in the past. It was a pleasure to note that a member of our Association, Stanley Wojtusik, has become Vice President of the VBOB for Chapter Coordination. Congratulations and best wishes, Stanley.
106th Infantry Division Association President
Jack k Salvo -- 1992-1993
'F'Company. 423 Combat Infantry Regiment
The CUB of the Golden Lion
"It Takes Time ..." •
There is an old saying, Rome warn 't built in a day, Usually when someone uses it they are pointing out the fact that it often takes a long time to bring things together for the complete picture to be seen. When we look at the story of the Hebrew people in the Old Testament, we see an illustration of that fact.
Looking at that story we see that a great deal of time had passed before the showdown between Moses and Pharaoh. It was at this point in the story of the Hebrew people that God gave them a leader--one who would train and prepare them to make that great transition from a people to a nation. When Moses led them out of Egypt, he led a group of people who were not a nation but twelve tribes. It would take forty years of "basic training" in the wilderness for Joshua to lead them into the Promised Land.
I can see in these events something of a parallel with the 106th Division. At its inception at Fort Jackson, there were many people and numerous units brought into being but at that point, they were a Division in name only. It took days and weeks and months before all those assembled under Gen. Jones leadership would really be a Division. As with the Hebrews, the people would change many times while the process was being worked out. But in the end the results would be the same, what had started out as just a group of people would become a working unit capable of doing the job for which they had been brought together.
For the Hebrews, it would be to form a nation which --with God's help-- could AID the land which had been promised to their ancestors. For those people who came together on March 15, 1943 and later it would be to form a Division capable of serving and defending a nation which came into being as a people able to worship and serve God as He would lead. Like Use Hebrews, the 106th Division snared some setbacks but, in the end we like them, prevailed with God's help.
May God continue to bless and use each of us for His glory!
Dateline, Mach v.isoz, L. cow. OMER,. pace
A compilation of an article by Marge id. I leh, ia.1tmyIe ming, an melee weer Observer...1.1490,CM Witt,
WART 50 years later, World War II veterans share experiences with youngsters.
That was the headline of the article in which appeared our 106th Association Chaplain Rev. Ewell C. Black's picture holding up h6 corporal's uniform he wore with pride 50 years ago. Behind him M the picture is a clmsroom filled with projects made by the students of teacher Beth Berry who teaches Westem Civilization at the Robert E. Lee Academy.
She had invited two war veterans to talk with her class, sharing their experiences and answering questions. One was our Rev. Ewell Black, Jr,, the other Harold Dickinson, a pilot who dew a B-25 bomber in the Pacific They made the war come alive for the Academy seniors. "I wanted them to feel how the war affected individual lives," Mrs Berry said...
In a very interesting story Chaplain Black related his experiences on the front lines, the stale of The Battle of the Bulge and his experiences as a POW. Both Dickinson and Black brought pictures and souvenirs to show the students. Their stories were well received.......
Reverend Ewell C. Black Jr., Chaplain
422/A --100th Inf. DA, Assoc
212 Ridge Bt, rashoosiss, Be 29010
The CUB of the Golden Lion
From the editor's outpost.... CUB PASSES in Review:
The second printing of our book is moving well. I suggest that you consider ordering one or two extra copies.
Those that have ordered extra books say that it has given them much satisfaction in perpetuating the story of the 106th. The book is appreciated by those that receive it, family, friends and libraries.
Preserve your history within your family, or by placing a few basks in your favorite library or school. They will appreciate it. My recent experience in presenting the story of the 106th to two groups of people, one the local Rotary Club, but especially to the second group, our Minnesota 16 December get-together, have revealed that many of you, for your own reasons, have not informed your family or spouses of your participation in the 106th, at least to any great extent. This is away to give the "Big Picture" of the 106th, without relating it personally. Buy a couple of books for your family.
I just sold 13 copies to a Military Book store here in Minneapolis. Let me know if you know of any stores in your area. We can make a deal by the carton. These people go to a lot of military shows, which is a good source in which to find new 106th members that don't know the association exists.
The PRICE is $18.50 postage paid to your address. This is still the best buy you could find for such a book.
Mail your order to Sherod Collins, 448 Monroe Trace, Kennesaw, GA 30144- include $18.50 (postpaid). Still a Great Buy.
Extra CUBs $2.50 per copy postpaid
While we do not want to discourage the distribution of extra copies. However, we must cover the basic costs of printing and mailing. Extra CUBs, will be mailed on a first-come, first-served when available basis.
Order extra copies by mailing $2.50 for each CUB to Sherod Collins, Treasurer (see his address en the inside cover).
Comments, this issue of
The CUB .. .
As usual you all have been very generous with the material you are sending.
I'm making a little headway on past material, but you will still have to be patient. Each CUB covers a those month span of time. It seems that in each of the four, three month, periods them is always an outstanding event that requires immediate attention. Last time it was the Pittsburgh Reunion, the various reports of the Board, etc. This time it is 16 pages of reports on the various 16 December Commemorative parties around the country. Next it will be the Columbia Reunion. It seems that it shouldn't require any more time putting the magazine together when it contains so many pictures, but it does. The reason is, is that each picture must be sized (because you all don't stand the same distance from the subject as you take the picture). So the layup time increases.1 can type three pages *
material in much less time than it takes to up three pages of pictures, with captions. That's O.K., I also like to see a lot of pictures. The point I'm trying to make is that I have had a hard time getting to the "Mail Bag' letters, but I am making a little progress.
KIA List (August 1992 CUB)
Several letters have been received asking that I correct errors in the KIA list published in the August CUB. They are published, just as they appeared on its release from the archives.
Gill Helwig, our membership chairman and member of the board, deserves credit for all the hours of work, hard work, that he did in translating and retyping this list from a poor quality copy. All I did was use his computer disk and dump it into my publishing program.
We have been correcting any errors, and filling in a few of the blank spots that you recommend. Thought I should point out that Gill and I are not the authors or researchers of this list - it came direct from the Govemment archives after it being declassified.
Bits & Pieces ... •
Editor's Note....
I'm having a hard time picking out a name or purpose for this column. Your suggestions would be appreciated.
I get a variety of types of letters. Some are simply announcement, some letters of inquiries and others are just newsy type letters. Maybe they should go to the 'NAIL BAG." As I skim through my mail I have to decide where to put it and this time a few ended up here.
O.K., who knows, let's just try it for a couple of issues. I tend to want to call It a BULLETIN BOARD, but this time I have named it "BITS 8, PIECES."
.1. Kline
Reunion Name Tags
If you failed to return your name tags as yo checked out of the Pittsburgh Reunion, please do so now. They are expensive and are used year afteryear. Send them to the 1993 Reunion Chairman, Roger Rutland, 6632 Arcadia Woods Rd., Columbia, S.C. 29206.
We will not advise the Provost Marshal, no please send them in.
1993 Annual Reunion
The 1993 Annual Reunion will be held at the Marriott Hotel, Columbia, South Carolina. Sept 9 through 12. However, if you would like to make hotel reservations in advance, call 803-771-7000. That is the Columbia Hotel's phone. We suggest you call there instead of the WATS number. Tell reservations that you are making reservations for the 106th Infantry Division Association event so that you will re-
ceive the proper room rate More later by letter
and here in the CUB FULL DETAILS
Future Reunions....
Sept 9 thru 12th, 1993 -- Columbia, SC 1994 -- Rapid City, South Dakota
1995 -- Orlando, Florida
Long Range Planning Committee Welcomes Your input
Ed Prewen, 1st Vine-president,
106th Infantry Division Assoc.
7031 Lone Tree Way
Brenhvood, CA 94513
Ed asks that you send him ideas.
"What Happens If' we lose Sherod Collins, our historian and treasurer, Boyd Rutledge, our adjutant, or John Kline, our CUB editor. Who do we contact and who does the contacting to recover 106th properties.
A deeper question to answer "What is the future" for our Association 10-15 years hence? What should be the final disposition of our properties? How should we conduct our business and activities towards this ultimate event? President Jack Sulser appointed John Hall, Richard Rigatti and Ed Prewett to a Long Range Planning Committee and charged them with recommendations at the next year's annual Director's Meeting. The committee re. quests input from our members. Look into crystal bat and let us know what you see ahe Mail your suggestions and questions to ward Prewett. -- 7831 Lone Tree Way, Brentwood, CA 94513; Tele: (510) 634-4311. If more convenient contact John Hall or Richard Rigath. - their addresses and phones are listed on the inside cover of each CUB. Hopefully we will get some input from the membership..
Browsing through my computer CD-ROM disk, which contains on one disk, an American Heritage Dictionary, the Hammond Atlas, The Concise Columbia Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Quotations, Bartletts Quotation 15th edition, and Roget's II Electronic Thesaurus, I came across the following, as described in the Concise Columbia Encyclopedia.
Ardennes: wooded plateau, from 1,600 to 2,300 ft (488 to 701 m) high, in SE Belgium, N Luxembourg, and N France. a traditional battleground, the Ardennes saw heavy fighting in the Battle of the Bulge (1944-45).
Sound familiar??
Bits & Pieces ...
From Past President, "'89-'90" Orfeo "Gus" Agostini Richard Peterson, Ph.D., 4320
1285 Rubenstein Ave
Cardiff by the Sea. CA 92007
(comments by John Kline, editor)
Dick, one of us, and author of a very moving book, if the Child WARRIOR, wrote me recently and commented on his recent trip to Germany, France, Belgium, Sweden and Norway. While in the area he visited, at the request of the Association Board, the 106th Infantry Division's memorial at St. Vith. You will hear more of his enjoyable visit with the people there when the Memorial Committee make their report.
I always look forward to receiving Dick's letters and phone calls. For some reason we seem to be on the same wave length.
Dick says, "There are very few 'romantics' about, but John, you and I are two of them." I was impressed by the beautiful photos that he sent me, taken while in France. The occasion was his visit to World War I cemeteries. He said, "In France I went to the American Cemetery at Meuse Argonne. Close by are the German and French cemeteries. It all seems so quite now." He continued, "Do we have to go through fighting to find the peace that exists in places like Verdun, Monfaucon and the forests of Ardennes?"
I could sense the deep emotions that Dick went through as he visited the cemeteries. The beautiful photos that he sent show the sun streaming through the evergreens, and the ground under the trees covered with a mature moss flora, the white crosses (American) and black crosses (German) in orderly rows in their respective cemeteries. All at peace now, as they have been for years.
Yes Dick, it is a shame that there has to be wars and that we had to go through the fighting to find, as you say -the peace that exists in places like Verdun, Monfaucon and the forests of Ardennes"
I have never, yet, visited those sites. I want to thank you for sharing your experiences with me. I have been told, not only by you, but by others who have visited the military cemeteries in Europe, that you come away with with a feeling of peace and serenity.
"I wish to thank the 106th Infantry Division Association members for the overwhelming support that I received during my recent illness. I am at home, doing nicely, no ill effects and regaining my health. God willing, I will see you all in South Carolina in 1993."
(Sorry Gus, you inessagn anived too late for the February CUR. It was nice talki ng to you the otherevoninn. I wax glad to hour you say that you are feeling 'great.' You even sounded 33 pounds lighter... I. Kline, editor)
Attention Minnesota!!! Mid-Summer Reunion
Mark your calendars for a 106th "Mid-Year" reunion in Red Wing, Minnesota, Saturday May 1, 1993.
In December the weather in Minnesota gets miserable and unpredictable, some members
iFe long distances to drive, some are still rking. December is a very busy month, in patation for the holidays, and we are going to try a midyear reunion so more of our members can attend.
Members in nearby Wisconsin, or from any place in the Midwest are invited to attend. Details will be mailed later, If you want on the mailing list, send your name and address to: Howard Flen
1716 7th St. N.E.
Rochester, MN 55906
Tele: (507) 282-0409
Howard is one of our very capable "Associate" members. He is what some of us classify as a "War Buff." That may be a discredit to him. He is much more than that. He is an avid "Battle of the Bulge" student-historian. He has studied the battle to great depths as a deeply interested person. Howard has had an opportunity to be a Bulge Area guide, so his experience has been sharpened by actual contact with the area. A great student of the Bulge, the 106th, an ASSOCIATE MEMBER. Thanks Howard for your suggestions and offer to get this midyear meeting started..
The CUB of the Golden Lion
Bits & Pieces ...
Membership Chairman Gil Helwig 423/M 592nd FAB, listen up ...
In a report dated August 1992, to me for publication in The CUB, Gil relates the following information. He gave this report to the Board of Directors in Pittsburgh at the 1992 Reunion and Board Meeting. RE: New Member column, last CUB (OctNov-Dec 1992). I mistakenly listed Associate member Dorothy Pozmorsld deceased husband's Stanley Pozorski as being in unit as "591/A." It should have been 592/A.
I will repeat parts of his report: Bill Fleharty 592/A drew this mistake to my attention. He says, "In the Spring of 1992 I had tried to contact Stanley who I had lost contact with in 1947. When I finally located his brother, he informed me that Stanley had passed away in February 1992. I was deeply saddened by this for I had put off my efforts to locate him for a couple of years."
From 1988 through 1989 Gil was successful in signing up 286 new members. Fromfanuary of 1990 through August 1992 he had been successful in obtaining an additional 98 new members. Bill continued, "The good part of this story is that that I have contacted Dorothy, his widow in South Dakota, and also met a sister. They are eager for information about Stanley, who like most of us choose not to talk about his experiences as a POW. If you knew Stanley, in the 592 FAB or as a POW please contact Dorothy Pozorski, 10 Stufwood, #21, Rapid City, South Dakota 57701."
The grand total new member count from 1988 through August 1992 is 384. This does not include new members from other sources, such as other members, or some person hearing about us in a V.A. meeting, etc. These figures are those new members that have been obtained by his personal efforts in sending solicitation letters. Reflections of an Old Warriors from "Sparky" 423d l&R
Gil uses several resources for prospective members. Mostly, in the past few years, prospective names have come from the American Ex-POW Association magazine "new member listing" that appears in the back of each of their monthly magazines. Other sources include leads given to him by association members, or lists obtained from other military groups such as the Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge membership list Found in the editor's mailbox - A Christ- mas letter from Richard Sparks, 423/HQ. Partial quotation from the letter.
We should all give Gil our thanks, through his efforts the Association has been given new blood and slumwn great growth. "Another Christmas season is here ... What as on of joy...
Gil says that he has written over 2,600 letters since 1988. That's about 15% return on his investment. Too bad that more do not respond. If only they would only give it a chance, they could experience the camaraderie that seems to exists in these late years of our lives. As I often have done, in the past, I thought back to the Christmas season we shared together, forty-eight years ago. It started out with joy and a sense of adventure. Remember how we looked forward to celebrating in the snow-covered Ardennes? But, within a few days we were forced to forget that joy and our planned Christmas celebration had to be postponed for awhile. The stars didn't shine those nights. But on Christmas Eve, the stars did shine in the clear sky ... we attended a Christmas Eve service in the little town of Fertiere our soft singing puntuated with the sounds of gunfire in the distance. Other of our buddies did not have this chance, they were just trying to survive. I'm going out again tonight and look at the stars, the same ones I looked at then. I will again remember those days .....
As President Sulser related in his November CUB message quoted from Lawrence Sanders Love Songs, "Old soldiers dream of old battles because, with the sliding of years, memory of tenor fades and what remains is the fond recollection of intensified life, of moments so electric, so bursting, that everything after is thin porridge."
likd Cross --
Made a Difference...
An Iowan I've never met phoned to bat the breeze with me about our long-ago adventures with the 106th.
Ray Ahrens, a carpenter who lives at Boone, Iowa, a town I've never been to, swapped tales with me for at least a half-hour. After the haze cleared, it seemed to me we'll be pals for life.
It was the 106th that brought us together, of course, more specifically John Kline's "Cub." I was anxious to write about our long-distance visit because, after all, there's no guarantee Ray and Twill ever meet face to face, though we live Just 150 miles apart in the Hawkeye State. "I got hurt by friendly fire," Ray told me, "It was a grenade wound in my hip, not too bad. I was an ammo bearer with a ht machine gun crew and got captured
. 17 at Winterspelt.
Ray was with the 424th, while I was an assistant BAR gunner in the 422nd. We had similar experiences in the Ardennes naturally, and in the POW camps later on. Our main point of agreements in addition to being glad we're alive, is our appreciation for the Red Cross. Some people serving in WW-2 have contempt for the Red Cross, but my conversation with Ray Ahrens brought out the fact that we're among the organization's staunch defenders,
I told Ray I can recall getting Red Cross food, cigarettes and clothing when assigned to a group working in a coal mine at Sandersdorf, near Leipzig. The much-awaited parcels did not come weekly, as they were supposed to, and we assumed some of them were confiscated by the Germans who, you will recall, had some urgent problems of their own early 1945. 180 Leffler Street. West Burlington, Iowa 52655
I'm certain I got what added up to three or four food parcels,including some stuff' from France with labels I couldn't read. When the clothing came, I traded a pair of GI pants to a German civilian for some bread. It was the best swap I ever made, much better than my post-war car deals. "I have tender feelings toward the Red Cross," Ray said, "and we contribute to them every year. I got food from them on a regular basis and it meant an awful lot, I didn't smoke, and traded some of my cigarettes for Red Cross food."
Pointedly, I asked Ray if what he got from the Red Cross "made a difference" in his survival, as it did mine. "You better believe it," he replied.
My souvenirs, by the way, include a Red Cross POW Bulletin for January, 1945. It mentioned that Red Cross volunteers had finished packing their 20 millionth parcel, for Allied prisoners.That was a lot of Old Golds, Rose Mill Pate, etc, and the saving of many lives.
When I got home in June, 1945,1 was pleased to leam that my father had donated $100 to the Red Cross. To help pay my dues, I served as local Red Cross fund
Dan Bled. 'A" Co.. 422nd Comber Int. Rea.
drive chairman on two occasions.We went "over the top' each time.
NOTE: Vets of Company A, 422nd Combat Infantry Regiment, will hold our fourth annual reunion May 4-6 at Davenport, Ia. We'll tour the Rock Island Arsenal weapons museum and, on a lighter note, spend some time on the SS President, a floating gambling casino.
In October, the Bieds were join! Gene and Bea Sehmaktied for a ride on the President and to "inspect" our reunion facilities.
I won $10, which beat losing. Gene and Bea drove home to Indiana in therain. We had a "great" visit at the Hotel Blackhawk and on the Mississippi. ^
Dedicated to the memory of
George Levine, "M" Co. 424th Infantry
This space has always been saved for the enjoyable cartoons of George Levine. He has contributed much to the readability of The CUB since he first started contributing his lifetime talent of "free lance cartoonist" to this publication. His first cartoon, for The CUB, was published in the Jul-Aug-Sep 1988 issue.
I think it fitting that we dedicate this space in his memory. He was a pleasant, kind and gentle man. Thank you George... John Kline, editor
George Levine 423/M
1 January 1916
12 December 1992
The CUB of the Golden Lion
December 16th Commemoration Parties
Dale Carver attended his first 106th Infantry Division Association reunion at Schaumburg, Illinois in 1989. He went back home, to Baton Rouge, inspired and searching for words to describe this new experience.
The poem below was the result of that first reunion. He, like many of us, was inspired by the meeting of old buddies, some who had not heard from each other since the war, some who thought the other was dead. He saw and heard the emotions as these men meet. This poem, My First Reunion has been read, many times, at succeeding reunions and at some of our December 16th Commemoration Parties throughout the country.
by Dale Career, 424040 38W
Platoon Leader AAP
tat2 Druid Circle on Rouge, LA 70808 We were there, that winter long ago.
We survived; many of our comrades fell. Twin enemies were the weather and the foe --
the never-ending cold and the bursting shell.
Concieved of this ordeaF/RSTfREUN/ON icy earth this brotherhood of old men came to be;
a kinship stronger far than that by birth
was born when we were young, across the sea.
Of the ties that bind, others cannot know, but we were there, that winter long ago.
December 16th Commemoration Parties
Chicago Area
Russell VIIhsock, 108 Sig, 8908 West Higgins Chicago, IL 60656 Tale: 312-631-2027
The Chicago area members, who served with the 106th, held their December 16th reunion on December 5, 1992, at the Park Ridge V.F.W. Post 43579.
After an hour of cocktails, everyone enjoyed a buffet dinner. There was a lot of talk about the reunion in Pittsburgh, and the upcoming one in Columbia. As always, there were a few stories of those days in December of 1944 In rap estimation, seem to get better each year.
The desserts were made by Florence Lucsay, Luella Meagher, and Jackie Villwock. A game of
the Ribbons" was played, and won by Sylvia Rydzinski. The prize was a beautiful afghan, made by Meagher. We had a raffle, with prizes that were both purchased, and donated, to add to the holiday spbih and help pay for the get-together.
Those in attendance werentrin William Brankin; Ben Carpenter, Antone Costa; Lawrence Costa; m/m Joseph Dallman; Frank Gombotz and Mrs Gombotz; m/m Robert Hempel; m/m Major Hill; Hubert liochstetter; m/m Thomas Kansas; Michael Kurzeja; m/m William Lucsay;
Wm Herbert Meagher, adm Raymond Panice and guests; m/m Walter Peterson; mini Edward Rydzinski; ltdm Milton Schober,; m/m Marshall Streib; m/m Ted Swim; m/m George Zak; and nVm RussellVillwock. Absent: Frank Hohenadel, who's wife became seriously ill, and has since passed away. (We all send you our Deepest Sympathy, Frank.) Oliver Libman was in hospital with a hip replacement, Good Luck.
December 16th Commemoration Parties
Colonel C.C. Cavender, CO 423rd Int Reg Because of the rain
Age: 94 years these inside pictures were taken.
390 Eases 423/HO to the right Notice the 106th Lion on the wall.
Southern California Area
Milton Weiner, 6440 Knott Ave, Buena Park, CA 90621 714521-1705
Alter reading My First Reunion by Dale Carver, 424/HQ 3Bn, everyone introduced themselves. We listened to port of Dick Peterson's (42304 book Healing the Child Warrior on tape. The highlight of the meeting was Colonel Cavender (423rd Regiment CO) singing the West Point Alma Mater song. He is now years of age. We all appreciate Dick and Lyn Erbes Co bringing the Colonel from his quarters at the Air T~pape Facility Care Center in Riverside. A good time was had by all. Next year (1993) we are scheduled for
at 1:00 p.m. Please write me at address above in order to be put on the mailing list. We were unable to take group pictures because of the heavy rain outside.
Present were: Colonel Charles C. Cavender, 423/HQ CO; James Dalton; Dick & Lynn Erbes, 423/HQ; Walter Hall, 422/HQ; Clifford &Sarah Kincannon, 590?HQ;Joseph &Ann Litvin; 423/D; Allen &Geraldine Lowith, 423/CN; Neil Mahoney, 390/11Q; Robert & Mary Lou Marsh, 423/D; Edward & Evelyn Nelson, 590/C: lames & Pearl Rupert, 424/AT; Emst & Adella Simon, DI WHQ; James & Jean Reiss, 423/1-
Mare happy lagers.
The Southem California group
1111 am enthusiastic about their get4o-gethers.
Col. C.C. Cavender's table. He sang the West Point
(Class of 1932) Alma Mater Song
for the group.
The CUB of the Golden Lion
Madison, Wisconsin Area
Chuck leleck, 424/14, 7316 Voss Pkwy, Middleton, WI 53562 Tele: 608-831-6110
The Wisconsin 4th annual commemorative meeting of the Battle of the Bulge was held at CJ's East in Madison, Wisconsin on October 24, 1992. We had 55 people in attendance.
Attending were: nem Edward Wojahn; m/m Willis Smythe; m/m John Scalissi ; m/m Jolm How m/m James Klein rn/rn Joe Broderick; Dr/M Eugene Rodd; m/m James Tevlaff; Mr Walter Donaldson m/m Robed Lildns; m/m Arnold Brannstrom; Mr. Wendell Hoffmaster & Nancy Desert; m/m Roger Bilk m/m Albert Hundt; m/m Ralph Moore; m/m Ray Kurth; min, Jermy Miller; ; Mm Stanley Zawadeki; m/m Charts Puskruich; Mm Edmund PodlasId; m/m Edward Nagle; m/m Torn Grillo; Min) Larry Poe Mr Elmer Shudarek; mho Albert March; mkn Frank Schiro; Mm Delbert Rasmussen; Mr Charles Siebold; m/m Chuck Risk. Videos on the Battle of the Bulge were shown.
By group action, 1993's meeting will-be held on October 16, 1993, at the same place -CJ's East, in Madison, Wisconsin.
December 16th Commemoration Parties
December 16th Commemoration Parties
Minneapolis and Minnesota Area
Russell Gunvalson, 590/A, 904 Elton Hills Drive, West, Rochester, MN 55901
Pictures by Don Ruddick
We had 31 people in anendance at the "Black Stallion" south of St. Paul/Minneapolis on Rte 52 at
Hampton, Minnesota. 422nd Regiment: Lex Schoonover, HQ; Wes & Margaret Eckblad, D; Boyd rutledge, D; Robert & Betty Baird, k Hampton & Shirley Dailey, K; George & Mary Korb., B;
423rd Regiment: Richard & Carol Ritchie, MED; Don & Janis Ruddick, E; Charles & Gladys Reidel I, oho & Margo Kline, M; 424th Regiment: Lloyd Brunner, A; Phillip & Shirley Gerlach, D; Alvin & rothy Swanson, I; Richard Canter, K; 590 FAB Floyd Dahl, C; Russ & Idelle Gunvalson, A;
Associates of the 106th - Howie Hen, Rochester - an "Astute student of The Bank of the Bulge" and
William & Adele Johnson, 110th Regiment, 28th Div. Of the 16 106th Division men, five joined the division at Fort Jackson, nine joined at Corny Atterbury and two joined in Dumpy. Ruddick and Korb.
John Kline presented a 45 minute slide show, with maps and photos, as well as a ten page
hand-out that he had prepared giving World War II statistics, Battle of the Bulge infomnation, as well as
some excerpts out of his personal diary. Some of the ladies remarked that this was the first time they had heard or got to see what went on because their husbands had never talked much.
December 16th Commemoration Parties •
Pittsburgh Area
George T. and Norma Vence, 283 Dutch Lane, Pittsburgh, PA 15238; Tele: 412453-1724
On December 6, 1992, a group of the 106th Infantry Division Veterans, with wives and guests gathered at the Yorkshire Inn, Pittsburgh to enjoy a noon luncheon and to Commemorate the Anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge.
The meeting started with the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by the signing of the Nation Anthem and God Bless America. Followed by a moment of silence for our departed comrades during which time TAPS was played.
Thanks to Pete Yanchik for his expert photography and to Mrs. Frances Jackson for the beautiful Christmas favors which she "hand-crafted."
In attendance were Twenty-four (24) members and guests:
John & Catherine Collins, 422/F; Raymond & Eileen Devaty, 423/MED; Edwin & Elizabeth Huminski, 424/F; Mrs Frances Jackson; Mrs, Delores Jones; Francis & Jean Langham, 422/I.;
Howard & Dorothy Lowenberg, 423/E; Arthur P. McPoland, 422/M; Joseph & Viviam Maloney, 424/HQ; Francis & Helm Stepnick, 422/E; George and Norma Vance, 422/AT; James Wiggins, 331 MED/A; Pete & Diane Yanchick, 423/A; GUESTS Frank McClelland, 28th Division; Grace Moore. Several of our members were in touch:but were unable to attend. We thank them for their kindness in keeping in touch even though they mere not able to be here.
Detroit, Michigan Area
Russell Mayotte, 9528 Cavallo St., Livonia, II 48150 Photos by Mayotte
Men, 1st Row Inr
Russ Mayotte; Paul Wasylw, John Shalhoub; ?? ; Lou Passariello.
Back Row Pr- Bob Scranton; Jim Fonda; Marshall Wenslow; Will Hartman; Jim Karat; Charles Mamula and Jack Roberts.
Ladies, 1st Row
Jean Schulte; Rita Wasylou; Marge Karth; Phylis Monocle and Beny Passariello.
Back BOW - Pat Wenslow; Mary Lou Roberts; Jane Fonda; Ann Frankini; Evelyn Shalhoub; ?? ; and Mildred Scranton
December 16th Commemoration Parties
December 16th Commemoration Parties
Reading, Pennsylvania Area
John J. Gallagher, 4003 Francis St., Temple, PA 19560
The Reading Memorial Dinner was held on 6 December at the Dutch Colony Inn. Next year's dinner is scheduled for December 4, 1992, same location. For more information call 215-9292887.
Twenty five persons attended the Reading, Pennsylvania Area Memorial Dinner on Friday, December 4, 1992. It was held at the Dutch Colony Motor Inn. Entertainment was Pennsylvania Dutch in Music, Christmas Carols by Betty Naftzinger and husband Norman, Mohrsville (dairy farmer). Next year the Memorial will be held at the same place on Friday, December 3, 1993. Call or write: John Gallagher, 4003 Franc. Street, Temple, PA 19560; telephone: 215-929-2887
Tope( stairs,L/R: Men: Bill Harris, 4235V; Jack McDevitt, 81st ENG/A; Robert Prince, 42201Q; Walter Shirt, 422/M; Norman Spayd, 423/H; Ralph Hill, Military Government; Stanley Kowalski, 592/FIQ; Elwood Lorah,592/C; Frank Vin. Sziber, 8100/C; Carl Messina, 8Ist/A: Charles Datte, 591/SV; John Gallagher, 8 IsUC. Not shown, Fred Cart, 8Ist/C; Norman B.G.
Women: Sally Hill; Betty Carr; Ann dal.; Stella Gallagher, Ali. Messina; Mary Lomh; Ann McDevitt; Enna Kowalski; Muriel Sziber, Mildred Prince.
Not shown, Lillian Harris.
December 16th Commemoration Parties
Ladles: Front Or Anne McDevitt; Nancy Datte. 2d Row.. Gladys Albertson; Margie Ulmer; Ruth Weitusik;
Mary Ansel; Joan Hoff. 3d Row; Jessica (waitress) with Ann Bradford; Mary Bard; Sally Savage; Beth Smith
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Area
Charlie a Nancy Dade 231 Davis Ave, Clifton Heights, PA 19018 Tale 215-828-1888
Philadelphia area, by Charlie Datte._ On 13 December members of the Phi la area gathered in our home in Clifton Heights. It was a day to remember for Nancy and 1.
We want to thank each and everyone of these beautiful people At their help and support in helping us makeit happen "again." We ask our 106th family to mark their calendars NOW for 12 December 1993 at 3:00 p.m., same time same place. The good Lord willing, well be here, moving furniture around to make
41,n for you all. mong the missing year ing this ye was Betty Jane Harvey, on an uneventful hospital stay which took the
dc out of Charlie Harvey as well. Also Frank and Phyllis Borberly who were committed to family obligations. Then there was Al and Mickie Vitali who stopped to put a little sunshine into our lives, but were unable to stay.
And for one of the sadder moments, when we received word that George (Bud) Southam, 423/B passed away on December 6. Bud was always a peaceful quite person who had the respect of all who blew him. To his good wife, Meurice, we pray that God will give you the faith and strength to bear the pain of your loss. Hope to see you all at Fort Jackson on 9 September 1993, if not then, at our home next December.
Survivors. Front Ur Charlie Datte 2d Row: Harry Albertson 422/H; N. Weiss 4231110: R. Smith 591/HO; H.
Bradford 424/SV; R. Ulmer 592/SV 3d Row S. Woffusik 422/G; J. Bard 423/1; B. Wilson 591/SM, E.
Savage 4241110; J. Ansel 423/AT: E. Hoff 422/M; J. McDevitt 81st EngiA; C. Harvey 424/A
The CUB of the Golden Lion
December 16th Commemoration Parties I
New Jersey Area
Carl Messina, 926 Seymour Ave, Linden, New Jersey 07036.2942 Tele: 908488-2927
On November 14,1992 the New Jersey group met. There were sixty three (63) people in attendance. They had three surprise guests, Dr. Gerald Cessna who was the 81st Combat Engineer's Battalion Doctor (why doesn't somebody sign him up); Robert Dackerman from Elizabethtown, PA, who shipped out as a replacement earlier; Kachadour Avedisian from the 103rd Engineers, 28th Division, who was a prisoner at 9-H He knew two of the people at the dinner.
Few pictures were taken, Messina's turned out bad (his words), and he did not give we the ladle's names (sorry Ladies).
Paul Werkrneister, 422/MED, Mayor of
Linden, New Jersey, addressing the 106th group.
Host Carl Messina. 81st ENG/A on the left
Present worn Bill Melichar, 423/SV; Carl Messina, 81st ENG/A; Joseph Scotti, 423/B; ik
Nick Ricoh, 81st ENG/B; Sal Grasso, 423/SV; limy Baird, 81st ENG/MED; Eugene Koechel, 422/
Kenneth Schuetz, DIV/HQ; LaDonna Hoinash, ASSOCIATE; William Daly, 424/M;
Charless Dane, 591/S5/; Dr. Gerald Cessna, 81st ENG/MED; Frederick Thul, 422/K;
Myron Swack, 422/HQ; Cletus Noon, 423/SV; Ephriam Goldberg, 423/C; Vince Sziber, 81st ENG/C;
Joe Puzio, HAS Co. (?); Frank Duda, 591/SY, John Rosalie, 423/C; John Kultzow, 81 ENG/MED;
John Starmack, 423/SV; Paul Werkmeister, 422/84ED; Kach Avedisian, 103 ENG28th Div;
Roy Sheets, 81st ENG/A; Ann Hutchinson, ASSOCIATE; Lou Cunningham, 106 RECON;
Nelson Haefner ; Robert Dockermann, 42241Q; William Harris, 423/SV; Dr. Duncan Troeman, 424/AT;
Mario Checca, 422/F; Roy Fava, 8 I st ENG/C; Fred Schieferstien, 4244; Tom Riggs, CO 81st ENG/HQ;
Jacques Bloch, 422/K; Robert Wilson, 59Ist FAB.
The CUB of the Golden Lion
December 16th Commemoration Parties
Mt. Vernon, Illinois Area
John Mikalauskia,130, 31 308 W. Blake, Benton, IL 82812 Ulm 215-828-1868
On December 12th, a group of the 106th attended a reunion celebrating the Anniversary of the Boole of the Bulge at the Holiday Inn in Mt. Vernon, Illinois.
Them were 32 members and wives present. An enjoyable time was had by all. It was decided that the 1/93 Anniversary Celebration be held on December II, 1993.
Men: standing Lilt Glenn Hartlieb; Earl Todd; George Bloomingburg; Harold Bretton; Pete Leurnan;
Eugene Ketch; Vic Bride; Newton Johnson and Norman Benefiel Second row: (seated): John Mikalauskis; Ken Bradfield; Vince Venegoni and Harvey lobe. in front (kneeling): Bill Laugherty, Ken Bryan. Attending, but not pictured was Ray Baugh°.
Women standing LfR: Nadin Hartlieb; Angela Daugherty; Juanita Bloomingburg; Mary Jane Todd; Jewel Jobe; Leda Johnson; Dottie Benefiel; Ferrol Bretton and Avis &MM. Seated: Dorothy Loman; June Bradfield, Mary Venegoni, Dorothy Kelch. Kneeling : Marge Bryan, Dolores Mikaluskis.
Attending but not pictured was Annette Vaughn.
December 16th Commemoration Parties
The men - front, lir -- Torn Bogner, buoy Anderson, Em Pretty, Larry Walden, John Hoag and Joe Gross
Back: Dean Childs, Richard Behr, John Whitehead, John Mellinger
Jack Watley, Floyd Friend and Michael Guidice
Phoenix, Arizona Area
Emor C. Pretty, 12222 Paradise Village, Phoenix, AZ 85032 Tele: 602-953-9030
We had 25 people that met at the Imperial Room of the Hilton-Pavilion Hotel in Mesa, Arizona on Wednesday December 16, 1992. The attenders enjoyed a cocktail hour, the famous Imperial Bu featuring full soup and salad bar, carved mast beef or fried chicken, Christmas strawberry shortcake. decorations at the hotel were great and everybody enjoyed themselves.
Joe Gross had a display of weapons, a Springfield 03, Garand M-1 and a Carbine with accesories, along with other memorabilia. (From the editor --If 1 have room twill print the two photos of the weapons, they look very familiar.. J. Kline)
The photos show the magnificient area at the hotel in the background. A good time was had by all and we are looking forward to meeting again next year.
The women - honk Ur-- Jean Walden, Clara Henning, Luck Buono, Dolores Gross and Clam Pretty Back: Bea Behr, Dorothy Walters, Florin Friend, Ann Whitehead, Eleanor Childs and Andy Hoag •
The CUB of the Golden Lion
December 16th Commemoration Parties
northern California Area
MI6 Gregory, 4624 Ashton Drive, Sacramento, GA Tele: 916-481-3353
Dec 16th, 1993, the Northern California group held their annual Commemoration event at the Firehouse in Old Scaramento. The event jointly hosted by John Gregory and Mike Thome.
A special guest was a young San Jose State University graduate student who is doing his thesis on the 422nd and 423 Combat Infantry Regiments.
Seated I/6 Joseph P. Salber, 423/SV; Jerry Eisenman, 423/1-1Q 3SN; W. Johansen, a guest; Edward A. Prewett, 42493; and Monroe C. Duke, 422/CN.
Standing Er: F. Nausea, a guest; George C. Johnson, 424/E; ? a guest; John A. Gregory, 424/E.
Michael Thome, past-president 106th Infantry Division Association; ? a guest; and John H. Stauff, 591/B.
Atlanta, Georgia Area
Sherod Collins, 448 Monroe Trace, Kennesaw, GA Tele: 404-928-3207
Sherod wrote, --John, "we had such a good time we forgot to take pictures."
Atlanta.. At Dobbins Air Force Base Open Mess the Atlanta based group of Golden Lions gathered in an atmosphere of relaxed camaraderie. Everyone enjoyed a good meal provided by the staff at the Air Force facility.
Present were the following:
Bob & Frankie Burkes; James & Susie Dickerson with guest Margaret Bond; Bob &Louise Howell, Bill Jenkins& guest Richard Brewer; Rocky & Ginny Moyer, Carroll Padgett & guest Ernestine Holland, Morris & Sarah Piha; Joe & Ida May Pueff Jim & Maydean Wells; Duke & Martha Ward with guests Greg & Pam Ward. Willis Michael & Master Lanier Ward; Sherod Collins & guest Kathy Pratt.
Special guests were Jean Schutte of Warren, Michigan and Carolyn Alexander of Decatur, Georgia and Atlanta. Also Douglas S. Coffey of Port Charolette, Flo. with daughters Jane McLemore and Glenda Coffey. Most of the attenders came from some distance. Their devotion and faithfulness was noted, along with
!lit of the local regulars.
December 16th Commemoration Parties
Florida Area
Richard Sparks, 3190 Henley Streak Elegant., FL 32738.2159 Tele: 904-184.4892
In spite of the late start, we had a good tumour at the Remembrance Luncheon last month. There were twenty 106ers in attendance at the affair, which was held Wednesday December 16, 1992 at the Ramada Inn in Altamonte Springs, Florida Sam Davis was in charge of the affair.
There was no special program. Each Wender told a little story he remembered from those days fo eight years ago. Ted Slaby, 423/FIQ told about the methods he used to locate and account for members of the l&R Platoon. All members have now been accounted for. Eighteen are alive and eight deceased. Into House had an outstanding display of POW memorabilia that was of special interest to the group.
Present: Mel Moss; Art Hanke; Robert Eldridge; Sam Davis; Paul Lamb; Leo Cruz; Clifton Capshaw; Gordon Zicker; Ted Sthby; Bob & Dorothy Stevenson; Pete & Joanne House; John & Mary Reynolds; John & Catherine Kehler; Irvin & Betty Minor George & Muriel Geib; John Rei Is; Dick Sparks; Llloyd Byrd; Bob & Mrs. Ninth; Delbert & Marion Rediger
Association President, Jack A. Sulser's speech
delivered during a VBOB Ceremony
Arlington National Cemetery, 16 December 1992
Any of us may forget a birthday or anniversary Division Headquarters was located On a map occasionally, even one of our own, especially at these roads look like a noose around the two the age that veterans of the Battle of the Bulge regimens, and so they proved to be.
have attained, but none of us has ever or will ever Facing these two infantry divisions, one new let December 16 go by unnoticed. The VBOB and to the front and the other badly depleted by heavy other organizatthns have done a good job remind- losses in the Huertgen Forest and replenished by ing us and anyone else who will listen, or read, raw replacements, plus the Cavalry Group, Hitler that the Ardennes Campaign, as it is officially managed to assemble three entire armies, two known, began 48 years ago on this date and was Panzer and one infantry, by not transmitting any the largest campaign in terms of numbers oftroops plans by radio. Unknown to the Germans, the and materiel in U.S. military history. And yet, for Allies had been decoding the German High Commons units represented in VBOB, their part in the mand's most secret messages throughout the war.
Battle did not begin that day. Hitler guessed rightly that the Allies had not been The publishers of Time for Trumpets termed outmaneuvering superior German forces in Nor-the Battle of the Bulge "America's greatest single mandy and Northern France by superior general-victory," which - in the usual advertising manner ship but because they had knowledge of German - could possibly include some hype. Most of the plans and dispositions. Therefore, he insisted that units involved in the Battle during the roughly six all plans for the Ardennes Offensive should be weeks it officially lasted, despite heavy casualties hand-carried and that division and regimental in many cases, also think of it as a success since commanders he informed of their objectives only it restored the original lines and since enemy shortly before the attack commenced.
losses in men and equipment wore greater than on The central of the three German armies, the 5th our side and much more difficult for beleaguered Panzer Army, was commanded by General Von
Germany to splace. Manteuffel, whose forces effected the deepest But for units involved from the first minute, the penetration in the Battle of the Bulge to the Meuse
th Infantry Division, the 28th Infantry Divi- River. Von Manteuffel had personally reconnoin, and the 14th Cavalry Group, the Battle of the Bred the 106th Division front before the battle and Bulge was a heavy defeat, felt personally and recognized that the two regiments could be painfully by every individual soldier even though pinched off by driving through the Losheim Gap each of them knew he had done whatever he was and Bleialf and closing the noose around then at asked to do as well as he could in the dream- Schonberg before assaulting St.Vith, which was stances. The 28th Division was a seasoned outfit the first major objective of the offensive. He can-that had fought well in other major actions. The eeled the planned barrage and frontal assault on 14th Cavalry was also not new to combat For the two regiments. His fames drove quickly some 2/3rds of the 106th Division, however, those through the Loshcim Gap and reached Schonberg first few hours and days - three and one-half days before daylight the next morning. The initial defer most of them - constituted their entire caned- fenders were also driven out of Bleialf but retook enroofwarandwereademoultring,discressingdefeat. the town briefly atter being reinforced by Sad-Although the Battle of the Bulge is generally quarters troops from the regiment to their north. described as taking place in Belgium and Luzern- However, in not much mom than 24 hours, the Bourg, two of the 106th Division's three regiments Germans had reached Schonberg from both sides, sat to the East well into Germany with the only surro.rong the two regiments and supporting
' East-West roads to their North and South held by artillery units without engaging the main infantry lightly armored reconnaisanee troops. To the elements of the two regiments in their Siegfried North, the 14th Cavalry (augmented by towed Line Sulkers. One Combat Command of the 9th
• antitank guns and armored artillery) guarded the Armored Division came to the aid of the 424th historic German invasion route of World War I Regiment enabling it to withdraw and to particiand 1940, the Loshcim Gap and its road through pate in tire defense of Slyith. The two units Auw and Andler. Bleialf, the mouth of the south- fought throughout the remaining weeks of the cm mad, was held by one troop of the 14th Cav- Battle of the Bulge.
shy, the 106th's own Rec. Troop, and Cannon Two days after the Battle began, when it be-
and Antitank units of one of the regiments. The came clear that the promised help in sufficient
two roads converged at Schtinberg, just inside the strength to reopen the may out for the two sar-
,Igian border a few miles est of St.Vith, where rounded regiments would not materialize in time
they were ordered to try to fight their way out through Schonberg. With no East-West roads available, the two regiments had no choice but to make their way westward through unfamiliar, densely wooded hills. One of the U.S. battalions did manage to cut the southern mad for a time. The northern route was filling up with German armored forces from SS General Diettich's 6th SS Panzer Army, since the concentrated strength and firm resistance of the 2nd and 99th U.S. Divisions at Monschau and Eftenbom had diverted his tanks southward onto the same roads Manteuffel needed. As the German-held roads converged on Schonberg, the space available to the two regiments narrowed. U.S. battafions began to get in each other's way, and there was some firing on friendly units. Moving during the night of December 18 to 19 to get into place to attack Schonberg the next day, men became separated from their units. This was particularly critical on crew-served weapons. There was little coordination between the two regiments and battalions. When repeated assaults out of the hills were made the next day, the soldiers were largely dependent on their personal weapons against mortars, machine guns, multiple antiaircraft guns, 88mm artillery, armored vehicles, etc., of the German troops who by then had been gathering in Schtinberg for two days. By mid-afternoon of the 19th, having suffered hundreds of casualties without any apparent progress , the two regimental commanders ordered the surrender of thousands of troops in the biggest setback for U.S. arms since Bataan They made this difficult decision not knowing what new hardships awaited their men in prison camps or the emotional scars that would be inflicted on them in later life.
The Battle of the Bulge, historically, was a great victory for U.S. and Allied armies in that it exhausted Germany's capability to offer more effective defense of the homeland, thus hastening her unconditional surrender less than four months after the Battle ended. But for thousands of U.S soldiers it was a damaging, personal defeat they had months in German POW camps to think about while knowing nothing of the favorable, overall outcome. After the war, many of these men were primarily interested in picking up their lives where they had left off with jobs and families, leaving little time or interest to learn the "Big Picture" on which they had played a little part. Same may have feared that their feeling of personal failure would only be confirmed if they looked into it. A conspiracy theory appealed to some in which the Allied Supreme Command deliberately dangled an expendable, green division in front of the enemy to suck the Germans into a any that would devour the last of their resources. In fact, of course, the German offe
had been planned while the 2nd Infantry Div* one of the best U.S. ground forces in Europe, held the Schnee Eifel.
Some of the survivors of this brief combat and months of imprisonment to this day find their memories too painful to contemplate and do not want to revive them by coming to reunions or other meetings or even joining our associations. Fortunately, however, many of them found the time and inclination, as they reached retirement age during the past 10 years, to team mom about the Battle of the Bulge, enabling them finally to accept their role in history. Richard Peterson's (" f" Co., 423rd Regiment, 106th Inf. Div.) book, Healing the Child Warrior, published this year, describes his struggle of mom than 40 years, despite a successful business life, to gain a healthful perspective on what seemed a personal defeat Some of my comrades have told me that the fortuitous publication of Time for Trunyoeis in 1984 offered them the helping hand they needed. It is interesting to note that Charles MacDonald only got around to writing the definitive history of the Battle himself after retiring from the Army Historical Office. In his earlier book, Company Commander, MacDonald admitted to a deep feeling of personal failure over the setbacks his regiment of the 2nd Division suffered in the early dates of the Bulge, which was only assuaged whe learned the scale of the German offensive. Indeed, it was only after the story of the Ultra decoding program was released to the public a little over a decade ago that one could see an excuse for the Allied intelligence failure in the Bulge.
And so, on this 48th anniversary of thc Battle of the Bulge, let us remember not only the thousands who were killed and wounded in action in this greatest land battle of the War and the hundreds who died of malnutrition in German prison camps but also those in our ranks who, though they escaped physically unharmed, arc still wounded by their memories and have yet to find inner peace.
This is a task and a challenge, not only for historians and authors like Dick Peterson and the late Charles MacDonald, but also for organizations like yours and mine, Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge, the 106th Division Association, the American Ex-Prisoners of War, and others to provide the information, historical context, and comradeship necessary to heal these hidden wounds.
Jack A. Sulser, president
106th Infantry Division Association
Pittsburgh Reunion Committee Report ...
by Joseph P. Maloney. reunion chairman
dated January 5. 1993
To one and all, a report of the committee for the 46th Annual Reunion of the 106th Infantry Division Association, The VISTA Hotel, Pittsburgh, August 27 to 31, 1992.
The committee: George and Norma Vance, Dick and Pat Rigatti, Pete and Dianna ' Yancek, Francis and Jean Langham, Ed and Betty Huminski and Joe and Viv Maloney.
We had 594 people who sent in registrations. The final count shows that 574 eventually • showed up at the reunion. We owe considerable to so many.
First, the committee, what a great gang, no wonder we won the war. Each of the committee, ladies and gentlemenfollowed through on their assignments, making for a smooth flow and a grand conclusion.
Second, the Allegheny County Commissioners who helped with the administrative costs.
Third, Olsen and O'Leary Travel who put together the mailings , collating and mailing at nominal costs and contributed to the budget.
Fourth, to John Kline, our editor, who not only printed notices in a timely fashion, but also supported our services in other ways.
Fifth, we wish to thank John Gilliland, Mike Thome for guidance in the use of their ikperiences with former reunions.
i'r'e offer no excuses for the tardiness of this report. 1 am sure those who have benefited by the delay, and that includes all participants, are grateful, as is evidence by the volume of mail we have received. The hotel, bus line, the Gateway Clipper fleet people, and yes the Restaurant on Smithfield, all expressed their appreciation to us for your attitude and patience. They arc ready to have us return.
The refunds you received where made possible by refunds from the Clipper Fleet, the hotel, the County Commissioners donation, budget and meal count control, as well as donations to the hospitality room by Cameron Coke, Pepsi of Pittsburgh. By Olsen & O'Leary Travel covering one-half of the postage as a well as a percentage of their sales.
A financial report is attached which shows that $3,565.01 was returned to the 106th Infantry Division Association. Details will be reported in the Treasurer's report at the next reunion in Columbia.
Again, the committee congratulates one and all. We '11 see you all in Columbia, as well as down the road. We hope that if any of you get to Pittsburgh that you do look as up. You will always be welcome..
Respectively submitted,
Joseph P. Maloney, 1992 reunion chairman
Camp Atterbury Update... Atterbury Report
0. Pau] Merz, reported in his 1 December 1992 letter: "Thanks so much for the excellent coverage of the Camp Atterbury Veteran's Memorial Park Dedication in the last CUB. Wrong information was given to you on the men in the picture on page 15. Bernie Ostermeyer and Phil Cox of "B" Co., 423d Regiment designed, purchased and placed the wreath in position in front of the wall. I have enclosed a picture of this event, with Mike Thome, 1991-92 association president looking on."
(Editor's note - see a full page report on this mistake following in this column)
In his 5 Jan 1993 letter, Paul said, "Bringing you up to date on the Memorial Committee meeting 6 Dec 1992. First phase of the project is complete. We am not going to the second phase, the moving and restoring of four old barracks to the vicinity of the Memorial Park, until we have settled the $40,000 note to the Indiana National Guard Fund. The estimated cost of the 2nd phase is $500,000. I have included a copy of the minutes of the 6 December 1992 Board Meeting. I'll keep you informed."
From the 6 Dec 1992 Atterbury Memorial Board Meeting:
Board of Directors Camp Atterbury Advisory Board 83rd inf Div
Col Jorg Stachel Pres (IGR) Lewis Tenney
Ito Arnold Bray Tres Camp Atlerbiny Mr. Ames Miller 83rd inf Div
Msg James Burgett See Camp Anerbury Mr. 0. Paul Men 1061h Inf Div
Mai Art Bowers Member Camp Atterbury Mr. Ron Himsel Co 'Cr Ranger
CW3 Danny Sloan Member Camp Anerbuiy
SFC James Hinds Member Camp Atterbury
A short slide presentation explaining the financial situation. The 83rd Division reported comments were good at their annual reunion in Omaha. Several ideas we raised expressing ways to raise money. We will not be known till spring. ,
A list of donations was attached to Paul's letter. There are two military units who have donated of $2,000 each. The 106th members and Association, $8,872 and the 83rd Inf Div Assoc, $5,400 (both as of 6 December. Paul, during a phone call (15 Jan '93) where I questioned something on the report said, "The 106th's members have since then addcd enough to make the amount over $10,000. This included donations by people around the area (Atterbury and Indianapolis) making donations in the name of the 106th." He also said, "There is nothing else to be done to the Memorial Park. It is complete. What they are trying to do know is restore four old barracks and move them to the site for display, with some space to be used as a museum. That has been put off for a while."
Paul wishes to thank all the 106th members for their contributions and urges them to continue to donate, if possible, so that the Memorial Park can be maintained.
(Editor's Note --some person recently wrote in wondering what the $40,000 pledge was all about, that the 106th Infantry Division Association had signed for. This manor is far from the truth. The 106th Infantry Division Association is not liable for any further payments to the Memorial fund. The $40,000 mentioned in earlier reports is the $40,000 that the Memorial Committee borrowed from the Indiana State Armory Board. So relax troops and keep sending in a few bucks to keep the ball rolling.
Send your money to:
Atterbury Vet's Memorial, Bldg #1, Camp Atterbury, Edinburgh IN 46124-1096
Camp Atterbury Update...
From the Editor...
I made a mistake in the photo caption on page 15 of the November 1992 CUB.
Mistakenly I stated ".. the replica of the 106th Lion patch was donated by Vic Breite and Gene Reich."
In fact, the beautiful wreath was donated by Phil Cox & Bernie Ostermeyer of "B" Company, 423rd Combat Infantry Regiment.
The two men shown in the pictured were identified properly as Vic Breite and Gene Ketch -- the mistake was entirely by "the editor."
Again, my apologies to Phil and Bernie. Your contri-
Itt - Jean Cox and LaNete Oslermeyer, wkes of Phil Cox and Bemis bution la the 106th Division rrneyer, 423/9 shown by the beautiful wreath that was donated by Association is appreciated. sir husbands, especially for the 1060 part of the Camp Atterbury
Memorial dedication on August IS, 1992. yes cohlmn io 47119
Photo by Bernie Oatermeysr, 423/n - Camp Atterbury Memorial Advisory Staff and Board of Moslem
front tow: right en lett PhilCox 423B: Be mie Ostermeyer 423/13; 0. Paul More 423/SV: Roy Bigger 423/HO:
and in the far left, back mw. Cob. Jong &ache!, the officer responsible for this all happening, its continued
maintenance and future development Phil Cox and Bernie Ostermeyer designed and contributed
the 106th floral wreath in honor of 1131 Company, 423rd Combat Infantry Regiment. 111, Cain James D. Moore was their company commander.
Camp Atterbury Update...
The insulation on the base
of the statute In front of the wall
at the Camp Atterbury Memorial
Phil Cox and Bemie Ostermeyer.
432/8, in front of the wall
placing the wreath that they donated
by the 106th emblem
Commemorative Items for sale:
VHS Tape "Memorial Dedication" $12.00 Book (hardback) "Atterbury File" $25.00 Tee Shirt S ML XL $10.00 Sweatshirt (long sleeve) S M L XL $16.00 Caps (adjustable) $8.00
Make checks payable to:
Camp Atterbury Vet's Memorial Association
Items from the August 15, 1992
Memorial Park dedication am available
4 to 6 weeks delivery.
Order from
Camp Atterbury Association
Building NI, Camp Atlerbury
Edinburgh, Indiana 46124-109e
Give size, quantity wanted.
Give name. address and telephone number
(with area code)
Include Cash, Check or Credit Card
(give credit card name and expiration date)
New Members
Anderson, John L. 423/A Fiore, Ralph J. 106 QM
1607 Blue Hill Rd. 33 William Tanner Ave North Attleboro, MA 02760
Gennantown, NY 12526 I was a truck driver for the 106th Quartemaster. I was medically discharged at Fort Jackson after eleven months. I remember picking up all the new recruits as they came into camp on the troop trains. I was proud and still am proud of the 106th. I am married with three children. Hope to hear from some of you soon.
I don't think what was put in the Ax-POW magazine in March of 1992 was right. I have a hard time remembering about all this.
I had a good friend in my unit by the name of Robert Byrom from Greenville, Ohio. I would like to know if any person knows of him and his address.
(Editors Note - John, Robert Byram does not show up as a member of the association, but his name does appear in a list that I have. The list is General Order # 51, used to award the Combat Infantry Badge (GIB) to the 423rd Regiment members. It was Issued by Colonel Cavender, our Regimental Commander, on 31 July 1945. By the way, Colonel Cavender is still alive and resides in an Air Force Facility In Riverside, California, he is 94 and his memory is as sharp as a tack. I talk with him about once
:nth. The list shows a Robert L. Byram 35 899 as one of the °A" Company men lying the GIB. This means he was known to be alive at that time. We cannot help you more, for there are no rosters available that show addresses of the 106th members. At we know are those like you that join the association. Most likely he has moved, butt found three of my "M" Company, 423rd buddies still living in the same town as they were in 1944. Maybe some person will see this and write you a letter. Good Luck John... J. Kline, editor)
Hamilton, William C. 589/HQ
Box 133
Jerome, PA 15937
I joined the 106th in Belgium as they were re-organizing after coming out of the Bulge. Them was not too much actual combat for me. I was one of five brothers in World War II, two in Europe and three in the Pacific. My wife, her sister and brother were also in the service. My wife was with the 8th Air Force.
We have been married 45 years, have four daughters and one son. We are blessed with 16 grandchildren, four great grandchildren and expecting two more. worked for US Steel in Johnstown, Pennsylvania for 37 years, retired in '83.
As a hobby I have a little wood shop. My wife does needle work. We am very active in the American Legion. I have been commander of Jerome Post 802 for four years. If any of you fellows come this way, look me up. I would be most happy to visit with you.
Bauer, Calvin D. 81st ENGIB
816 Erie Ave Crystal Falls, MI 49920
I have worked as a Rural Mail Carrier since I left the service. Retired and enjoying it I was never married.
1-Basle-Voie 908 S. Pico
Stavelot, 4970 BELGIUM Mesa, AZ 85206
(Editor's Note - Welcome Joseph - It is nice to have another of our Belgium C.R.I.B.A. friends as a member of our association. Thanks for your interest in the 106th Infantry ivision history... J. Kline, editor) (Editor's Note - Clara, welcome back as an associate member. I know Jim would be proud of you... J. Kline)
New Members
Jewett, Dean F. 168th ENG/B
Box 148 Saco, ME 04072
I was Company Clerk for "B" Company, 168th Combat Engineer Battalion 1943-45. We were awarded five battle stars, Normandy, Northern France, Ardennes, Rhineland and Central Europe. We participated in the Normandy breakout, St. Mato siege, siege of Brest, defense of St. Vith and assault crossing of the Rhine River. In addition to the Distinguished Unit Citation and Belgian Croix de Guerre, received commendation from the Holocaust Council. We erected a granite monument on the Prumerberg, dedicated May 1992. We have an active association of over 100 members, reimion every three years, mini-reunion in Florida ever), winter.
(Editor's Note - Dean has an intense interest in the history of the Bulge and particularly in the history of his unit. He has taken over writing the history of the 168th Combat Engineers. The 168th was attached to the 106th Infantry Division from 16 December to 26 December 1944 in the defense of St, Vith and more. 1 have corresponded with him in a series of letters since October 1991. Fle is taking a good approach to his research and has some interesting views. He originally was inquiring, to me. about the 106th book that was published in 1953 which he heard about on a tip to Belgium. It was entitled The Lion's Tale. There were about two hundred copies published. I included just about every article that appeared in that book in my compilation of past CUB articles, which was published in 1991 and is sill in print As most of you know it is entitled The CUB of the Golden Lion: Passes in Review. Thanks Dean for joining our association... J. Kline)
Kern itz ky, Lennie 1. 106 SIG
925 N.E. 199th St. 0108 Miami, FL 33179
I am renewing my membership after too many years away. I was one of the lucky guys who survived the drive at St.
Vith when 'everyone' became an infantryman.
I have two daughters. My wife died some years ago. I am retired from sales, having sold greeting cards for two major companies. I am engaged to a lady who was my first girlfriend in 1946, when we all came home. I'd love to hear from some of my old Ann), buddies, I are in touch with Jack Middleton III and also Ralph Perriax (spelling?) of the 106th Signal Company. Life is good to me at this time of my life.
March, Cheairs M. 423/M
117 Pleasant Dr. Columbia, TN 38401
I was inducted at Camp Forrest, Tennessee in December 1942. Later to Fort Oglethorp, Georgia to be outfitted, then on to Camp River Rouge, Detroit, Michigan (Co "C" 728th Interior M.P. Battalion)
Alk about 18 months. It was a great oullIF Great duty. From there went to Fort Ord California then on to Camp Atterbury and the 106th. The Queen Elizabeth, Cheltenham, the Duke of Wellington across the channel, the motor march to St. Vith from LaHavre then on into history as we all know it.
(Editor's Note - Just talked to Cheairs a couple nights ago (it's 5 January as I write this). He tells me he is 83 years of age. I'm going on 68, so that makes him 34 years old on the front line. I don't remember Cheairs at Atterbury, but I also don't remember anybody being called "Gramps," and we always called guys over 30 by that name - maybe Chearis was a "young 34." bustioking Chearis) Nice to see you added to the let of 35 "M" Company men that now belong to this association... J. Kline)
Mateychuk, Nicholas 422/L
3rd St, Box 126 Manchaug, MA 01526
Mullins, Burt 589/A
105 Boxwood Lane Kingsport, TN 37660
Sherod, after our phone conversation I have enclosed money for a LIFE MEMBERSHIP as well as for a copy of The
CUB of the Golden Lion: PASSES in Review.
I volunteered for service at the age of seventeen on March 1943. I joined the 106th at Fort Jackson and stayed with the
New Members
division until deactivation in November of 1945.1 am the youngest of 13 children (9 boys 4 girls). My father was a fanner in the hills of East Tennessee. Three boys served in World War Two.
I retired from Holston Defense Corp, Kingston, Tennessee after 37.5 years of service. We manufactured all the high explosives the military used after WWII as well as solid missile fuel for several rockets. I enjoy fishing all the streams and lakes in Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama and South Carolina. Thank you Mr. Collins for the time you spent on the phone with me.
Saurusaltis, Matthew M. 424/B
5 Fifth Ave Worcester, MA 01607
I was 19 years old during the Battle of the Bulge, hoping to see 20. Luckily I made it. I am retired from Crompton & Knowles Company after 30 years. Worked as a machinist. Florence, my wife, is still a Registered Nurse at a hospital in Worcester. We have two sons, Roger, age 26, graduate of Nichols College with a B.S. degree and on to a Masters in accounting. Matthew, age 23, a graduate of Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana with a B.S. degree and on to a Masters at Florida State University.
Selje, William H. 106 RECON
Box 154
Merrimac, WI 53561
Slaviero, Fred 424/AT
6307 Cheltenham Temperance, MI 48182
Joined the 106th at Camp Atterbury after completing Basic Training at Fort Bening. Participated all the way with the 106th, then was shipped to Normandy for the clean up of mines and for restoration.
Marino, Robert J. ASSOCIATE
14704 East 2nd Ave #E-302 Aurora, CO 80011
I have the proud distinction of being the oldest son of Cpl. Anthony J. Marino,
• Operations non-commissioned officer, 422 Infantry Regiment. My father worked as the Operations NCO with Captain
• Maim - G3, within the Intelligence Platoon of 1st Lieutenant Thome.
I am a retired intelligence analyst, having served during the 'Cold War' with the 409th Army Security Agency, Augsburg, Germany, 1978 and 1979, as well as other multiple civilian Defense Department positions.
I am well aware of the self sacrifice and dedication displayed by not only my father, by destroying maps and intelligence material, and by allowing himself to ik captured, but also to those individuals Iv held fast, for however so brief, whose time and blood allowed us to defeat the enemy. Them am many of us who are knowledgeable that those ideals of individualism and team effort will ensure the survival of this country. It took me some years to realize all this.
New Members
Came home March 1946, graduated in Civil Engineering from Wayne State, June 1955. Practicing Engineer until present time. Lived in Detroit area all this time except for four years in Lima, Ohio. Thankful I was never captured or wounded
SoNett (84th Mt), Gene ASSOCIATE
3425 W 102nd St
Bloomington, MN 55431
(Editor's Note - Gem is a local, just a few miles away. He has had an interest in The CUB and other material that I have published. He was with the 84th Infantry Division and has published articles in their news-letter. We agreed on a mutual exchange of news-letters. The 84th landed on the Continent the same time we did. They went to Holland, we went to St. Vith. I will hear more from Gene as time goes on and will fill you in on any interesting news from the 84th.
Stewart, Dr. Albert 331 MED/HQ
3810 Poinmena Dr #204 Lake Worth, FL 33467-2919
I was a 1st Lieutenant Dental Officer assigned to the 106th in the spring as the Bulge was coming to a close. They told me I replaced a Lt. Kruger who was killed in action during the Bulge. I was being shipped to the Pacific as the war drew to an end, then assigned to Fort Knox and discharged in 1947. I have practiced Dentistry in Syracuse until 1987, when I retired.
Tanner, George N. 423/SV
After spending over two years overseas I returned to the States. After learning my brother was missing in France I again asked to be placed with an outfit that was going overseas. This is how I got with the 106th at Camp Atterbury. I was placed •
with the Service Company and was an ammunition driver for the 2nd Battalion of the 423rd. Captured 19 December 1944 near Sr Vith.
I am a retired trucker, married and have four children. I enjoy travel and golf.
Trechsel, Junior D. 424/F
PO Box 222 Sugarcreek, OH 44681
Fran Gebelin of the 424th Regiment suggested I contact you about joining the 106th Infantry Division Association. Frank andl were in contact with each other 40 years ago. We lost contact until about a month ago (written 29 Oct '92)
I took Basic Training with the 65th Infantry Division at Camp Shelby, Mississippi and was an 81mm rnortarrnan. Was assigned as a 60mm mortatman with "F" Company at Camp Atterbury. Shipped overseas through Camp Myles Stan Landed at Glasgow and spent 10 unloading ship. Was with the 106th when we motor marched through France on to the Ardennes. Remnants of 424/F were cut off in the Bulge and we spent nearly a month behind German lines. When we finally got back to the American lines we were in limbo for awhile and then were assigned to the 28th Division during July of 1945. Was home on a 30 day leave during August when V.J. Day came about. The 28th re-assembled at Camp Shelby, Miss. and was de-activated during September and October of 1945.
The Army goofed when de-activating the 28th and assigned over 50 of us to Camp Hahn, California, a disciplinary barracks. They were supposed to send low point men, but sent us who were eligible for discharge before we got there. We all became a part of the 9th Service Command Unit and guarded G.I. prisoners until be in
replaced around the middle of January 1946.1 reported to Camp Atterbury, Indiana again and was discharged 21 January 1946.
I married the girl who waited for me to return and we have four sons and a daughter and eleven grandchildren. We have lived almost all of our 46 years of marriage here in Sugarcreek, Ohio. I have been retired since April 1985.
(Editor's Note - Junior, that is an interesting bit of information about being behind German lines for a month. Maybe, someday you can fill us in on how you survived. I am sum the members would be interested in that. Also, I didn't know there was another Sugarcreek In the U.S. I am from the Terre haute, Indiana area and we had a Sugar Creek, Indiana. !think I used to play basketball against them in high school. Good Luck... J. Kline)
•pkIn, Marshall 4224/HQ 1BN
8800 Eton Av 868 Canoga Park, CA 91304
In 1948, Claude Webb, San Diego; Roy Wenftel, Santa Ana and I were instrumental in forming the 106th Infantry Association of California. However, after four years our membership was so low and spread out that we ceased operation. This December's reunion in California was terrific after being out of touch for many years,
Married Mary in 1940 and we remarried in Las Vegas on our 50th Armiversary, September 1990. Attended by our three children (now ages 50-48-46), seven grandchildren, two great-grandchildren and many friends and relatives.
Still partially active at 77, selling carpet to decorators and special accounts like "Motown," "Hallmark," "NBC, etc.
New Members
Mary retired five years ago, but still loves substitute teaching. Greetings to all of you 106ers.
Forsyth, John L. 423/G
325 Station Ave Langhorne, PA 19047
I was a member of "G" Co., 423rd Infantry from March 1943 until after Tennessee Maneuvers ended. I was then sent as an overseas replacement.
I was assigned to "F" Company, 351st Infantry, 88th Division in June of '44 in Italy. I was with them from just north of Rome to the Po Valley. At this time I became a POW and was sent to a camp in Germany. Liberated in April 1945 and returned home.
Married with two children and five grandchildren. I worked for USS-American Bridge for 28 and one-half years. Am now semi-retired driving a school bus. My hobbies are woodcraft and traveling, as time allows.
Over Thanksgiving holiday I went looking for Brown Kennedy of "G" Company. I found him and had a nice visit with he and his wife. I would like to hear from some of the other "G" Co. boys.
(Editor's Note -John, I will run your picture of yourself, Brown Kennedy and Jim Moore in the next CUB under the Mailbag column. I see that Jim Moore is a member of the association. Why don't you send me Brown Kennedy's address and I will send him an application blank to join.
Maybe in the meantime you can convince him to send $10 bucks to Sherod Collins, our treasurer and sign on now. YOU should have by now received the list of "G" Co. ems that belong to the association. Happy Hunting!!! ... J. Kline)
Mail Bag
Bemi, ,rd Hampton Dailey. 422
Atterbury t944
to Hampton Dailey and Henry 'Hank' Hemmling.
CO of .K' Co., 422nd Combat Inlanby Regiment
Montserrat Road, Beverly MA 01915
lir Bernie More e..o Nampto n Dailey. 422/K
New Jersey October 1992
Dailey, Hampton 422/K
3900 Fran
Brooklyn Center,
John, Enclosed are some pictures which you might be interested in. The one of Bernie Morn and myself was taken at Camp Atterbury as 1944. The other photo was taken last October et his home in New Jersey.
The one of Hank Harmcling , the CO of 422/K, and me was taken on the some hip during a very pleasant visit.
These two men, Mona and Harmcling am also members of the 106th Infantry Division Association.
As I was talking to Bernie Marra he asked me if I remembered being put on a burial detail at Stalag 12-A, Limburg. He said that one of our men was caught stealing. The Germans tied him to the barbwire and poured water on him. He from to death. I would like to ask the CUB readers if any of them remember this incident?
The CUB of the Golden Lion
Mail Bag
Frank, Florian R. 591/SV
Box 28
Avoca, W153506
John, This is a case of history repeating itself. My grandson, Patrick Shelton, just completed his training at Fort Jackson, illuth Carolina. I completed my basic Wining there 49 years ago. The picture enclosed was specially taken for Grandpa. His family attended the ceremonies. See
Butterfield, Wallace 423/C
6870 Wilow Way Salt Lake City, UT 84121
Dear John:
Frank Trautrnan was in Salt Lake City recently. We got together and had a short, but very interesting reunion. He was returning from the reunion in Sacramento. He told me that he didn't have time to get together, but assured me that he would get in touch on his next visit to Salt Lake I suppose you know that he has children living in Salt Lake. I had never met Frank before, butt was sure pleased to meet him. He is a very friendly person. From talking to him I realized we were in the same barracks. He talked of bow we moved back out of the way on Sunday, so the various denominations of religion could hold their services. I am sure you know of the services held in the barracks, we didn't have bunks and had to sleep on the floor.
When we were captured, them were six of us that managed to stay together. Henry Shaw, Harry Shaw, Blair Colby, William Smith, Aubrey Rogers and myself. Harry Shaw and Aubrey Rogers have both passed away, but I don't have any idea where the others are.
I have been reading the book; I recently purchased from Consultors Inc. by Dr. Richard Peterson entitled Healing the Child Warrior. He mentions of things that are deeply imbedded in my mind. He wrote of how everyone used to cut their daily rations of bread. As far as I know, we were the only ones whochose someone to always cut thebread andpass it out The person we chose was Aubrey Rogers. I don't think anyone realized what kind of pressure that put on a person. I guess the reason we chose him, as he was a little older than the rest of us. [ suppose we kind of adopted him as our father maybe. 1 don't really know why we chose him, other than the fact of his special personality. However we survived and it worked out very well.
I am sure you are aware of the Prisoner of War bulletin published by the Red Cross and sent one to the wives, mothers or whoever of their loved ones who was being held as a P.O.W. As we were browsing around at Camp Lucky Strike in France after we were liberated, a Red Cross worker interviewed five of us and took a picture of us. This picture appeared in the June 1945 issue on the front page. 1 was never aware that it appeared in the bulletin until I was able to come in contact with Aubrey Rogers a few years ago, when he showed me his.
The Red Cross sent my mother an 8x10 picture, but Rogers didn't have one. I
Mail Bag
don't know why he didn't have one. The picture sent to my mother had a negative number along with all the names. I wrote the Red Cross and was able to buy a copy of the negative. I had some pictures made up for Rogers and myself. Sure would like to locate the rest of my buddies in the picture so I could get them copies for them, if they didn't have any.
Another thing special about this picture is that the sweet wife of Virgil Allen caught my name as a new member of the EXPOW Bulletin. She sent me the front page of the Red Cross Bulletin from their copy. What a sweet person to do such a special thing for me and not even knowing me. From her return address I was able to get in touch with Virgil and his wife. Enclosed you will find a copy of the front page of the Red Cross Bulletin and a letter by the Red Cross when they sent me the negative. Also on the lower right corner of the letter I copied the business card and address of Elizabeth Hooks, ilk
Cross. National Headquarters, Washington, D.C. 20006 who handled my order for the copy negative of the picture.
I am looking forward of being at the one in Rapid City, South Dakota. I think Frank told me that would there.
I have been a member of Association for around five years. Before that I wasn't aware that the association existed. I have enjoyed your articles.
(Editor's Note -- Wallace, thank you for sending the photo. l am sure it will bring back memories of those days to many of the 106ers. The Red Cross was very helpful to my parents. Even though I did not get to share many Red Cross parcels, there were a couple that sure were appreciated. I agree with Dan Bied in his article on page 7 of this CUB. There may have been some shortcomings, but it was not ALL their fault. I still have several letters that passed between the Red Cross and my mother ... J. Kline)
Photo by Red Cross: liberated American prisoners. a rter recebing release kits at an assembly center in
France. tell their experiences to a Red Cross worker. Names gben. left to right: Pet Wallace Butterfield, Pfc.
William M. Smith, Pet Blair A. Colby. Pre Aubrey Rogers. Pfc Harry Shaw. Jr. and Miss Rosanne Coyle.
•nston, Ray 423/H
111 Archwood Dr. SW8260
Olympia, WA 98502
John, Last year I sent you a two minute video
tape of a funeral procession taken at Stalag DC-B,
Bad Orb, Germany, This tape was copied from a
I 6mm movie film taken by one of the chaplains of
the liberating forces. One of the men being buried
was George Thompson, 432111. I bad some still
pictures copied born the same film. They am not
sharp, because of their age. Out of the eightsoldiers,
eitherpulling theburial cart, or theones in theHonor
Mail Bag
Guard have gotten together in the last two years and have joined the Association,
While at the Pittsburgh Reunion, we posed in the same position as we were during the funeral procession. Hope this is of interest to men of the 106th, especially to those who were interred in Stalag IX-B. (Editor's note - Ray, I have shown the tape, money, at a talk I gave on the 108theulge. I closed my presentation by running the two minute tape. It is impressive and carries en impact. I may make a presentation at the Columbia Reunion and hope to be able to use this tape there ... J. Kline)
Photo above from movie 61m,
taken at Stalag IX-B
In the same oiler as they
appear around the burial cart,
above. Except for Peterson
and Swett, who appear as
theywero leading the H01131.
Guard - picture on
following page.
From Lek clockwise
around to the right.
Emor Pretty, Ray Johnston.
(Waft Peterson, Jahn Swett,
as they appear on photo,
following page) Bill Lawson,
Paul Trost and Lloyd Diehl; an
from 42310
Mail Bag
The men above are in a funeral procession folbwIng the burial cart shown in the picture
on preceding page (p. 37). Leading the Honor Guard, are, left - Walt Peterson and right -John Swett,
who appear In the small phob, preceding page, in the rear, as if they are following the burial cart
which is being pulled by the other 423/H soldiers. These burial detail pictures. taken by a chaplain of the
liberating forces (American), using a 16mm B&W movie film. Reproductions by Ray Johnston 423/H.
Glynn G. Raby 423/HQ 1Bn
6747 Swartmore Dr.
Memphis, TN 38119
When I sent you thenine copies of"The CUB", I did not expect a reply, but do appreciate your letter of January 4th. Again, aware of the many hours that you devote to publishing "The CUB" and to the "106th ASSOC", and the excellent job that you do, many, many thanks!
During the reunion at HUNTSVILLE, had the privilege of meeting you. Also, while there, I met Mr. Dan E. WALTERS of LAUREL, MISS., a student of the "BATTLE OF THE BULGE" and more particularly, the role of "THE 106th DIVISION". He was amazingly well informed, and we had several long conversations about those days in DECEMBER 1944. I learned a lot from him, and he teamed a little from me. I was a bit surprised of your interest in my experiences after we left the SCHNEE EIFEL, hut, here goes.
Leading up to the December relief. the 106th, the SECOND INFANTRY D SION landed on OMAHA BEACH, NORMANDY on June 7, 1944. Fighting through the hedgerows, when General Farrows forces broke out of NORMANDY, we went west to BRITTANY, where, together with the EIGHTH and 29th DIVISIONS, captured the port city of BREST, In early October, we occupied the positions that you took over in December. My regiment, the NINTH INFANTRY, was on the left or north-em flank. I was in Company "H" and we were just inside the edge of the forest. To our north, about a mile across an open plain, was the small village of MANDERFELD, occupied by our Division Recon Troop. During the two months plus before the 106th took our places, we made night patrols across this unoccupied plain to MANDERFELD, to ascertain that the lines had not been breached. (Radio silence was observed.)
have often wondered what my fate would have been, had the 106th not come in, and had we remained there to bear the brunt of VON RUNDSTEDT's offensive. Dead or POW, no doubt. My understanding is that the 422nd took our place; in the middle of the sector, the 423rd relieved our 38th, and the 424th took over the area where our 23rd had been. I do know that those who took our place were not from my old regiment, the 423rd.
After we departed your area, we moved about 12 to 15 miles north, and attacked through the 99th DIVISION in an attempt to secure a heavily guarded road junction, F. WAFILERSCHEID, leading to dams on the ROER River. This attack started the mowing of December 13th, and during the night of December 15th, the pillboxes guarding the junction were taken. On the morning of the 16th, we learned of the German offensive, but were ordered to continue the attack for another 24 hours or
Ills been described as an extraordinary
The fire, then ( in what
military feat) made a 90 degree tam to the south, setting up a defense that stopped the northern push by the German 1 st and 12th PANZER DIVISIONS and their 277th INFANTRY DIVISION in the vicinity of ELSENBORN, ROCKERATH, BITTENBACH and BULLENG1N, BELGIUM. Of course, we had a little help from the FIRST (BIG RED ONE) and 99th DIVISIONS.
In January, 1945, we headed cast again, and resistance was relatively light for the remainder of the war. We crossed the RHINE River March 21, north of KOBLENZ and just south of the REMAGEN Bridge, and proceeded through NORDHA USEN, GlESSEN, and on through GOTTENGEN to LEIPZIG. Some of this time we rode on tanks of the NINTH ARMORED DIVISION. After taking LEIPZIG in some fierce "house to house" fighting, we moved southeast to the banks °flaw MULDE River. bout 75 miles away was BERLIN, and we
Mail Bag
thought that we would go in that direction. WRONG! In early May, we were transferred from FIRST ARMY to PATTON's THIRD ARMY, and were sent south into CZECHOSLOVAKIA. We occupied the city of P1LZEN, and my NINTH INFANTRY went about 10 miles farther east to the town of ROKYCANY, where we met the RUSSIANS in the center of town on May 8th, the day the war ended in EUROPE.
You and I were both in heavy weapons companies, I was " instniment Corporal" M a machine gun platoon. Five campaign stars, no wounds - I was most fortunate. From NORMANDY in June, through BRITTANY, the BULGE, GERMANY and into CZECHOSLOVAKIA, it was ordeal - but nothing compared to the hell that all of you who were POW's endured.
The DIVISION returned to the STATES in July, 1945, and went to KOREA in 1950 to fight in that conflict. It is still there , on the DMZ. My NINTH INFANTRY is now part of the SEVENTH LIGHT INFANTRY DIVISION. Part of the regiment is in FORT ORD, CA, and part in FORT WAINWRIGHT, Ark.. One last item before I close. One of my two daughters and family lived in Charleston, SC for three years, and in March, 1990, I visited FORT JACKSON, the birthplace of the 106th. Much to my surprise, some of the old barracks buildings that we occupied in 1943 are still there and in use. Enclosed are pictures. No doubt many of those attending this year's reunion will tour the base and will enjoy seeing these buildings.
(Editor's Note - Thanks Glynn, a great
story. It will be appreciated by all. Let we
know if you here born anybody.. J. Kline)
GLYNN'S Fort Jackson pictures appear on the covers of this CUB.
Get all set for Columbia, it will be a BLAST!!!
Mail Bag
Peyser, Charles F. CO.. 424/B
212 Potomac Ave Hanover, PA 17331
Enclosed is a news story on the Battle of the Bulge that appeared in The Evening Sun. I was featured in the article written by Ann Diviney, Sub Feature Editor.
I was especially pleased by the stories of 424/B men in The CUB of the Golden Lion: Passes in Review. B Company, 424th on pg. 57; Sgt Ed Prewett's A Letter Home, pgs 58-67; and First Sgt. Rutlands story on the Battle of Coulee on pg. 68-69.
I have congratulated them on their DEP lent articles.
I am enclosing some pictures of the 424/B men taken at the reunion and a couple after they left Pittsburgh and came to Hanover for a visit.
You may use what you like.
(Editors Note - Captain Peyser, thanks for the news story, which I hope to print in a future CUB. It was nice to see that you had your company men around you at the Pittsburgh Reunion... J. Kline)
B Co.. 42401Combat Infantry Reg., corn Annual Pittsburgh Reunion
Vista Hotel, August 27 - 30. 1992
UR, Front, Edward A. Prewett, George Call. Marshall Streib, Louis Passariello
L/R, Back: C.O. Charles Peyser, Major H. Hill and Roger Rutland
Visit to Gettysburg and Hanover.
B Co-- 424th Combat Infantry Reg.
L/R: First Sgt. Roger M. Rutland
Columbia, South Carolina
Capt. Charles S. Peyser, C.O.
Hanover, Pennsylvania
3rd Platoon Sgt. Edward A. Prewett
Brenhvood. California
The big treat was Sunday night.
having Eastern Shore scalIops at
the Bay City Restaurant.
"So much better than California
scallops!. for 1Reddr and
'Ed Prewett's' benefit.
The Gettysburg electronic map
realty showed the offensive and
defensive Civil War, just like the
Baffle of the Bulge.
• Ta 7/teattretaat
Bryant, Jack 422/HO 19692 Coral Gables St, Southfield. MI 48076
Died November 10, 1992. Survived by wife Emily. No other detail.
Levine, George 424/M 120 Earl 31st SI. New York, NY 10016
Born January 1, 1916, died December 13, 1992.
His survivors are a sister, Barabra Ratnofsky, Royal Palm Beach, Florida; a brother Samuel Levine, Virginia Beach, Virginia; two nieces and a nephew.
A good friend, Stewart Slocum, I8 Garrestson Rd, White Plains, N.Y. 10604 wrote a detailed biography of George. The August 1988 CUB has a two page review of his career. George, since 1988, furnished the editor with a cartoon for each CUB publication, see page 8 of this CUB for acknowledgment of his services.
It is interesting to note from Slocum's letter that George re-enlisted in 1948 and was assigned to the 26th Infantry Regiment, 1st Division. His main assignment was 'Information Specialist,' writing articles and covering military events. Stories by-lined in The Stara and Stripes and used by wire services. He created a cartoon character 'Red Wun' for the 1st Division weekly newspaper. Most of George's career was spent as a 'Free-lance' cartoonist, appearing in practically all major magazines, journals, publications including many foreign publications.
Mileski, Marion S. DIY/ARTY 621 No. Carleton, Anaheim, CA 92801-4701
Died December 31,1992. Milt Weiner, association member, wrote saying," I attended Rosary
*vices for Munson. He is survived by his wife Mamie, two sons, two daughters, eight grandchil- n and three great-grandchildren." Southam, George 423/8 12 Main Ave.. Boxwood, Wirnington, OE 19804
Date of death December 6, 1992. Survived by wife Meurice. No other detail.
Straub, Ted J. 422/M 948 Chestnut Ridge Rd. Morgantown, VW 26505
Theodore "Ted" Straub died October 31, 1992. He was born November 30, 1919, in Morgantown, a son of the late John and Eva Straub. He owned and operated TAECO, Inc., Ted;s Auto Electric for 40 years until his retirement in 1986. Survived by his wife, Laura Sabolo Straub; three sons; one brother and two grandsons. Ted served in Alaska with the West Virginia National Guard, and in Europe with the 106th Infantry Division, where he was taken prisoner in the Battle of the Bulge. He served in many organizations, including the )(nights of Columbus, the Morgantown Sierra Club, VFW Post 548, DAV and AX-POW organizations.
In September 1991 he was awarded Honorary Mountaineer Brigadier in the West Virginia Militia. He was an active member of the 201st Infantry/ Field Artillery Association. one of the oldest, if not the second oldest, military organization in service of the United States Government., Its Colors carry the streamers of the Revolutionary and the War of 1812 against the British, its units engaged in every conflict fought since the formation of our Nation.
Brigadier General Ted J.Straub, Honorary was the "Guest Speaker" at the "VETERAN'S RECALL" FCI Morgantown, November 18, 1991.
Turner, Howard (Hap) 423/K 506 Brooks Ave, Magnolia, NJ 08049
Date of death, November 15, 1992
Frances, his wife, wrote, "Hap was a member of the 423rd Infantry and was captured on 19 December with others of the same regiment. He is survived by me, his wife, two sons, a daughter
lid four grandchildren."
Fort Jackson WW 11 Barracks - Today
Take a Walk Down Memory Laeluring the 1993 Annual Reunion 4110
41111/ photo by Gly 423/HO 1Bn
Theofficial rublicatkn
106th In try Division
Association, Inc
1992 --1993
Association membership 01/23/53 -- 1,515
President Jack A. Stainer
Past-President Michael Thome
1st Vice--Pres Edward A. Prewett
2nd Vice--Pres John L. Hall
Treasurer Sherod Collins
Adjutant Boyd A. Rutledge
Historian Sherod Collins
CUB Editor John Kline
Memorials Chairman .... Dr. John G. Robb
Membership Chairman Gilbert Helwig
Chaplain Rev. Ewell C. Black, Jr.
919-831-MM The CUB is the official quarterly publication of the Association. Membership in the Association includes subscription to the CUB.
Send editorial matter and photos to: John P, Kline--CUB Editor 540111. 1471M1 6411 551246637
Business matters, deaths, address changes to: Boyd A. Rutledge--Adjutant 10132 Goodrich 1:g.d.,11,1734,47pon,IvIN 55437
Memorial matters and inquiries to: Dr John G. Robb 238 Davore gr,i,,Itta=a, PA 16355
Send Membership dues, Memorial Fund contributions and Historical items to: Sherrod Collins--Treasurer 448 hIonroe14721.1776, GA 30144
The NEW Life Membership fee is payable one time only,with no annual dues thereafter.
Life Membership $75.00
Life Auxiliary $15.00 Life Associate $75.00
For those choosing to pay Annual dues, pay by July I each year. (July Ito July I term) Annual Membership $10.00
Annual Auxiliary $ 2.00 Annual Associate $10.00
Make checks payable to "106th Infantry Division Association."
Board of Directors 1992-19411
AlplgbetiCei by year lean expires. Roy Bigger 423/HQ C93)
319 E..6111A SI, Gas City, IN 46933
317-674-5258 Sam L Davis Jr. 423/HQ ('93) SIS Note Eels Or. orestlo,FL 32803
407..196,240 Joseph P. Maloney 424/HQ c931 1120 Wart7.2:Titmlf PA 15068
Edward A. Prewett 424/B ('93) 7831 1.6436.76,6,7°76.,47,Zood, CA 94513
Charles F. Bieck 422/H (93) 7316 Voss Perkway,Fliddlewn, W153562
608.831,110 Jack A. Stainer 423/F (93)
917 N. AsM11. SI, Aletandria. VA 22312 Edward E. Young 590/A ('93)les I Box 177, Mt. CNre, WV 26408
304,23.5286 Douglas Brooks 424/MED 94) 805 Creeks,. Dr Mern..11.1 38117-5031
.1463.2300 Norwood A. Frye 81st ENG/B (94)
1069 Mangy hnler 1.1..01asconbury. C, 06033 Joseph Gross 591/C 04) 7782 Tow L4=65;114,, 1 CA 92119John L. Hall 423/SV (' 256211illarrim1, 33872
Joseph Massey 422/C NTEI- Box 780, Ranh, AL 35133
205-681-1701 Herbert F. Meagher 422/M (94)
isms Montana M., 0.nd 60.2 0. Paul Men 422/SV (94)317.243-0249
1314 Norfolk Cir, 16666,014. IN 46224 Richard L. Rigatti 423/8 (94)412-781.8131
WO in m, Pitlsburgh, PA 15215 Jerome Eisenman 423/HQ 3BN (95)227 13.7. VisVa=ply, CA 94015 Gilbert Helwig 423/M (95)
ries OisatioX:45,541414es. M14,120 Major H. Hill 424/B C95) 38250 9.1.740.iitte7sitla, IL 60041
Lyman C. Maples, 422/K ('95) 608 Wilkins S, Mho, GA 30720
706-278.2533 Dr. Richard W. Peterson, 423/I ('95) 085 Rullons.%17;ZIny.,:r S., CA 02007
William K. Rowan 424/K ('05) 213 Counv, Club Rd, 55.111. NC 28150
Col. Joseph Matthews 422/HQ (Life) 4706 Wcsierr=1=11. NC 27606 41 1
7' CUB
Index for: Vol. 49 No. 2, Jan, 1993
Index for This Document
106th Div., 2, 16, 26, 29, 33106th Inf. Div., 1, 2, 6, 8, 12, 17, 23, 28, 29, 30, 31, 36, 37, 41, 43, 45, 53, 54
106th Inf. Div. Assn., 43
106th Infantry Division Association, 2, 6, 8, 12, 23, 29, 30, 31, 41, 45, 54
106th Sig. Co., 37
14th Cav., 26, 27
14th Cav. Gp., 26
168th Cbt. Engr. BN, 37
168th Cbt. Engr.s, 37
1st Div., 53
28th Inf. Div., 16, 17, 20, 26, 41
2nd Div., 28
3rd Army, 50
422/K, 21, 45, 55
422/M, 17, 19, 20, 53, 55
422nd Inf., 39
422nd Inf. Regt., 16, 39
422nd Regt., 16
423rd Inf., 43, 53
423rd Regt., 14, 16, 28, 31, 35
424/A, 14, 20, 21, 39
424/E, 23
424th Inf. Regt., 12
424th Regt., 16, 41
590th FA BN, 16
592nd FA BN, 9
592nd FAB, 9
6th SS Panzer Army, 28
81st Eng/Hq, 21
83rd Div., 31
84th Inf., 41
84th Inf. Div., 41
8th Air Force, 35
99th Inf. Div., 50
Ahrens, Ray, 11
Albertson, Gladys, 20
Alexander, Carolyn, 24
American Cemetery, 8
Anderson, John L., 35
Andler, 27
Ardennes, 1, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 26, 37, 41
Ardennes Campaign, 26
Ardennes Offensive, 26
Arlington National Cemetery, 2, 26
Auw, 27
Avedisian, Kachadour, 20
Bad Orb, 48
Bad Orb, Germany, 48
Bard, Mary, 20
Bataan, 28
Battle of the Bulge, 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 14, 16, 17, 26, 27, 28, 29, 39, 49, 52, 53
Bauer, Calvin D., 35
Behr, Bea, 23
Behr, Richard, 23
Belgian Croix de Guerre, 37
Belgium, 1, 7, 8, 26, 35, 36, 37, 50
Benefiel, Norman, 22
Berlin, 50
Bied, Dan, 47
Bigger, Roy, 33, 54
Black, Chaplain, 3
Black, Rev. Ewell, 3
Black, Rev. Ewell C., 2, 3, 54
Black, Rev. Ewell C., Jr., 54
Bleialf, 26, 27
Bloch, Jacques, 21
Bloomingburg, George, 22
Bloomingburg, Juanita, 22
Born, 53
Bradfield, June, 22
Bradfield, Ken, 22
Brankin, William, 13
Bretton, 22
Brittany, 49, 50
Brooks, Douglas, 54
Brunner, Lloyd, 16
Bryan, Ken, 22
Bryan, Marge, 22
Bryant, Jack, 53
Burkes, Frankie, 23
Butterfield, Wallace, 46, 47
Byram, Robert, 35
Byram, Robert L., 35
C.R.I.B.A., 36
Call, George, 52
Camp Atterbury, 31, 33, 34, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45
Camp Atterbury Memorial, 33, 34
Camp Atterbury, IN, 43
Camp Forest, TN, 37
Camp Lucky Strike, 46
Camp Shelby, MS, 41
Capshaw, Clifton, 25
Carpenter, Ben, 13
Carr, Betty, 19
Carver, Dale, 12, 14
Cavender, Col., 14, 35
Cavender, Col. C. C., 14
Cavender, Col. Charles C., 14
Central Europe, 1, 37
Cessna, Dr. Gerald, 20, 21
Charts, 14
Checca, Mario, 21
Cheltenham, 37, 39
Childs, Dean, 23
Childs, Eleanor, 23
Coffey, Douglas S., 24
Colby, Blair, 46
Colby, Blair A., 47
Collins, Mr., 39
Collins, Sherod, 4, 6, 23, 24, 43, 54
Collins, Sherrod, 54
Costa, Antone, 13
Coulee, 52
Cox, Phil, 31, 33, 34
Croix De Guerre, 37
Cunningham, Lou, 21
Czechoslovakia, 50
Dahl, 16
Dallman, Joseph, 13
Datte, Charles, 19
Datte, Nancy, 20
Davis, Sam, 25
Diehl, Lloyd, 48
Div. HQ, 26
Donaldson, Walter, 14
Duda, Frank, 21
Duke of Wellington, 37
Duke, Monroe C., 23
Egypt, 2
Eisenman, Jerome, 55
Eldridge, Robert, 25
Elsenborn, 50
Erie, 35
Fava, Roy, 21
Fiore, Ralph J., 35
First Army, 50
First Reunion, 12, 14
Fonda, Jim, 18
Forsyth, John L., 43
France, 7, 8, 11, 26, 37, 41, 46, 47
Frank, Florian, 46
Frank, Florian R., 46
Frankini, Ann, 18
Frye, Norwood A., 54
Ft. Jackson, SC, 1, 2, 16, 20, 35, 39, 46, 50, 51, 53
Gallagher, John, 19
Gallagher, John J., 19
Gallagher, Stella, 19
Gerlach, Shirley, 16
Germany, 8, 26, 27, 28, 39, 43, 48, 50
Gilliland, John, 30
Glasgow, 41
Goldberg, Ephriam, 21
Gombotz, Frank, 13
Gregory, John, 23
Gregory, John A., 23
Gross, Joe, 23
Gross, Joseph, 55
Guidice, Michael, 23
Gunvalson, Russell, 16
Hall, John, 6
Hall, John L., 54, 55
Hamilton, William C., 35
Hanover, 52
Harris, Bill, 19
Hartlieb, Glenn, 22
'Healing the Child Warrior', 14, 28, 46
Helwig, Gil, 9
Helwig, Gilbert, 54, 55
Helwig, Gill, 5
Hempel, Robert, 13
Henning, Clara, 35
Hill, Maj., 13
Hill, Maj. H., 52, 55
Hill, Ralph, 19
Hoag, John, 23
Hohenadel, Frank, 13
Holland, 23, 41
House, Pete & Joanne, 25
Howell, Louise, 23
Huertgen, 26
Huertgen Forest, 26
Italy, 43
Jenkins, Bill, 23
Jewett, Dean F., 37
Johnson, George C., 23
Johnson, Leda, 22
Johnson, Newton, 22
Johnston, Ray, 48, 49
Jones, Gen., 2
Kline, J., 23, 35, 36, 37, 43, 47, 48, 51, 52
Kline, John, 6, 8, 11, 12, 16, 30, 54
Koblenz, 50
Korea, 50
Lamb, Paul, 25
Langham, Francis & Jean, 30
Lawson, Bill, 48
Lee, Robert E., 3
Leipzig, 11, 50
Levine, George, 12, 53
Libman, Oliver, 13
Limburg, 45
Linden, 20
Lorah, Elwood, 19
Losheim, 26
Losheim Gap, 26
Lowenberg, Dorothy, 17
Lucky Strike, 46
Lucsay, Florence, 13
Lucsay, William, 13
Luxembourg, 7
MacDonald, Charles, 28, 29
Maloney, Joe, 1
Maloney, Joe & Viv, 30
Maloney, Joseph P., 30, 54
Mamula, Charles, 18
Manderfeld, 49
Manteuffel, 26, 28
Maples, Lyman C., 55
March, Albert, 14
March, Cheairs M., 37
Marino, Anthony J., 39
Marsh, Mary Lou, 14
Massey, Joseph, 55
Mateychuk, Nicholas, 39
Matthews, Col. Joseph, 55
Mayotte, Russ, 18
Mayotte, Russell, 18
McDevitt, Jack, 19
McLemore, Jane, 24
McPoland, Arthur P., 17
Meagher, Herbert, 13
Meagher, Herbert F., 55
Meagher, Luella, 13
Memorials, 54
Messina, Carl, 19, 20, 21
Meuse, 8, 26
Middleton, 14
Middleton, Jack, 37
Mikalauskis, John, 22
Mileski, Marion, 53
Minor, Betty, 25
Monschau, 28
Moore, James D., 33
Moore, Ralph, 14
Mullins, Burt, 39
Ninth Armd., 50
Ninth Armd. Div., 50
Noon, Cletus, 21
Normandy, 37, 39, 49, 50
Northern France, 26, 37
Norway, 8
Old Gold, 11
Omaha Beach, 49
Padgett, Carroll, 23
Panice, Raymond, 13
Passariello, Louis, 52
Perri, Ralph, 37
Peters, Walter, 13
Peterson, Dick, 1, 14, 29
Peterson, Dr. Richard, 46
Peterson, Richard, 8, 28
Peterson, Richard W., 55
Peterson, Walt, 49
Peyser, Capt. Charles S., 52
Peyser, Charles, 52
Photos, 18
Pozorski, Stanley, 9
Pretty, Emor, 48
Pretty, Emor C., 23
Prewett, Ed, 1, 6, 52
Prewett, Edward A., 23, 52, 54
Prince, Robert, 19
Prisoner of War, 46
Prumerberg, 37
Puzio, Joe, 21
Queen Elizabeth, 37
Raby, Glynn G., 49
Rasmussen, Delbert, 14
Rediger, Delbert & Marion, 25
Remagen, 50
Reunions, 6
Rhine, 37, 50
Rhine River, 37
Rhineland, 1, 37
Rigatti, Dick & Pat, 30
Rigatti, Richard, 6
Rigatti, Richard L., 55
Riggs, Tom, 21
Ritchie, Carol, 16
Robb, Dr. John G., 54
Roberts, Jack, 18
Roberts, Mary Lou, 18
Rock Island Arsenal, 12
Roer, 50
Rowan, William K., 55
Rundstedt, 50
Rutland, Roger, 1, 6, 52
Rutland, Roger M., 52
Rutledge, Boyd, 6
Rutledge, Boyd A., 54
Rydzinski, Edward, 13
Salber, Joseph P., 23
Sandersdorf, 11
Scalissi, John, 14
Schiro, Frank, 14
Schnee Eifel, 28, 49
Schober, Milton, 13
Schonberg, 26, 28
Schoonover, Lex, 16
Schuetz, Kenneth, 21
Schutte, Jean, 24
Scotti, Joseph, 21
Scranton, Bob, 18
Scranton, Mildred, 18
Shalhoub, John, 18
Shaw, Harry, 46, 47
Slaby, Ted, 25
Smith, William, 46
Smith, William M., 47
Smythe, Willis, 14
Sparks, Dick, 25
Sparks, Richard, 10, 25
Spayd, Norman, 19
St. Vith, 1, 8, 37, 41
St. Vith, Belgium, 1
Stalag 12-A, 45
Stalag DC-B, 48
Stalag IX-B, 48
Starmack, John, 21
Stauff, John H., 23
Stavelot, 36
Straub, Ted, 53
Straub, Ted J., 53
Streib, Marshall, 13, 52
Sulser, Jack, 6
Sulser, Jack A., 26, 29
Swack, Myron, 21
Sweden, 8
Swett, John, 49
Sziber, Muriel, 19
Sziber, Vince, 21
Tank Hill, 1
Tanner, George N., 41
Tennessee Maneuvers, 43
The Battle of the Bulge, 3, 28
The Lion's Tale, 37
Thome, Michael, 23, 54
Thome, Mike, 23, 30, 31
Thompson, George, 48
Thul, Frederick, 21
Time For Trumpets, 26
Trost, Paul, 48
Turner, Howard, 53
Turner, Howard (Hap), 53
Vaughn, Annette, 22
VBOB, 2, 26
Verdun, 8
Veterans Of The Battle Of The Bulge, 9, 29
Villwock, Jackie, 13
Von Manteuffel, 26
Von Rundstedt, 50
Walden, Larry, 23
Ward, Duke & Martha, 24
Webb, Claude, 43
Weiner, Milton, 14
Wells, Jim & Maydean, 24
Wenslow, Marshall, 18
Werkmeister, Paul, 21
West Point, 14
White, John, 23
Wilson, Robert, 21
Winterspelt, 11
Wojahn, Edward, 14
Yanchik, Pete, 17
Young, Edward E., 54
Zak, George, 13
Zicker, Gordon, 25