106th Infantry Division Association - Index Starting With B Trp., 87th Rcn. Sqdn.
Index To Vol. 1 thru Vol. 79, No. 3 (Dec. 2023) -- Updated: 12/17/2024
Combined Index to
106th Inf. Div. 'The CUB' Magazines
1-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Format description: i.e. 21-2, 23-4; means Vol. 21, No. 2; Vol. 23, No. 4, etc.
B Trp., 87th Rcn. Sqdn. --- 51-4
B1Llinghurst, Edward --- 56-1
Baasem --- 45-2
Babb, Emmett J. --- Roster
Babbitt, Lewis A. --- Roster
Babcock, Burton D. --- Roster
Babcock, Burton D., T/5 --- 3-7
Babcock, Wilbur R. --- Roster
Babcock, Wright --- Roster
Baber, Ardannie --- Roster
Baber, Arthur --- Roster
Baber, Arthur & Carolyn --- 22-1
Babiak, Peter --- Roster 3-4
Babian, Joseph P. --- Roster
Babich, John J. --- Roster 43-3 44-2 45-2
Babich, Nancy --- 67-3
Babin, Wilmer P. --- Roster 3-8
Babinec, John R. --- Roster 29-1 30-1
Babkau, Edward --- Roster
Babler, Harold ‘Heinie’ --- 74-3
Babler, Harold M. --- 62-2 74-1
Babler, Harold M. 'Heinie' --- Roster
Babuke, Charles Jr. --- 3-8
Babuke, Charles, Jr. --- Roster
Baca, Alex --- 63-3
Baca, Louis J. --- 54-1
Baca, Luis J. --- Roster 63-3
Baca, Tillie --- 52-2 53-2 54-2
Baca, Tillie R. --- 63-3
Baca, Vernon --- 63-3
Bacchiocchi, Joseph P. --- Roster
Bach, David --- 69-1
Bach, Nikolaus --- 76-1
Bacharach --- 51-1
Bachman, Raymond --- Roster
Bachmurski, CWO Stanley M. --- 56-1
Bachmurski, Stanley --- 52-3 61-3 67-1
Bachmurski, Stanley & Rose --- 56-1
Bachmurski, Stanley M. --- Roster 52-3 53-1 54-1 56-1 57-1 67-1 78-3 79-1 79-2 79-3
Bachtel, Harry T. --- Roster
Back, Hobart --- Roster
Back, Ollie J. --- Roster 59-1
Backer, Austin --- 3-10
Backer, Billy R. --- Roster
Backes Hotel --- 52-1
Backlund, Oscar A. --- Roster
Backlund, Oscar A., Pfc. --- 3-5
Backmurski-Fosdick, Rosemary --- 57-1
Bacon, Clarence M. --- 42-2
Bacon, Ernest L. --- Roster
Bacon, Francis --- 17-4
Bad Berka --- 3-5 50-3
Bad Ems --- 3-5 3-7 21-2 23-4 30-3 33-2 34-4 35-1 36-3 37-1 40-2 44-2 45-2 45-4 46-1 46-2 46-3 46-4 50-3 51-4 59-4 69-2 69-3
Bad Ems Railroad Yards --- 51-1
Bad Ems, Germany --- 3-8 4-3 21-2 46-3 51-4 66-1
Bad Godesberg --- 31-2 57-2 58-2
Bad Kreuznach --- 17-5 44-4
Bad Kruernach --- 56-1
Bad Kruesnach --- 27-3
Bad Krueznach --- 51-1 56-3
Bad Krueznich --- 56-3
Bad Lausick --- 3-5
Bad Lavsick --- 41-3
Bad Liebenwerda --- 73-1
Bad Orb --- 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-7 3-10 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-5 6-1 6-2 7-4 7-5 8-2 9-4 10-4 12-1 14-4 16-3 18-5 19-2 22-2 26-1 26-2 27-2 28-1 29-1 32-4 33-1 33-4 34-3 34-4 35-1 35-4 36-2 37-2 38-1 40-1 40-3 41-1 42-1 43-3 44-1 44-2 44-3 44-4 45-1 45-2 45-3 45-4 46-1 46-2 46-3 46-4 47-1 47-3 47-4 48-1 48-2 48-3 48-4 49-1 49-2 49-3 49-4 50-1 50-2 50-3 50-4 51-2 51-3 51-4 52-2 52-3 52-4 53-1 53-3 53-4 54-3 54-4 55-1 55-2 55-4 56-2 56-3 56-4 57-1 57-2 57-4 58-1 58-2 58-3 58-4 59-1 59-4 60-4 61-1 61-2 61-3 61-4 62-2 62-3 62-4 63-1 63-2 64-3 66-2 66-3 67-1 67-2 69-1 69-3 70-1 70-3 72-2 73-3 74-1 75-3 76-1 76-3 77-3 78-1 78-3
Bad Orb, Germany --- 3-3 3-7 23-3 31-2 36-2 37-2 41-2 45-1 45-4 46-2 48-1 49-2 49-3 49-4 50-3 50-4 51-3 53-3 55-4 57-4 58-1 59-4 64-3 65-1 65-2 65-3 69-2 70-2 72-3 73-3 74-1 74-3 75-3 76-1 77-2
Bad Ord --- 4-5 7-1 28-1
Bad Sodden --- 58-2 58-3
Bad Sulza --- 51-3 66-3
Bad Wildungen, Germany --- 46-2
Bade, Stanley --- 3-3
Bade, Stanley V. --- Roster
Baden-Baden --- 62-2
Bader, Edward L. --- Roster
Badge Of Military Merit --- 30-3
Badman, John --- 65-2
Badman, William R. --- Roster
Bad-Orb, Germany --- 37-3
Baeber, Frank A. --- Roster 3-8
Baele, Roger --- Roster
Baen, Louis J. --- Roster
Baer, Boyd --- 47-3
Baer, Mark H. --- Roster
Baer, Mark H., S/Sgt. --- 3-7
Baesman, Connie --- 71-1 71-3
Baesman, Connie P. --- 69-3
Baesman, Connie Pratt --- 62-2 64-3 65-1 65-2 65-3 69-2 69-3 70-1 70-2 70-3 71-1 71-2 71-3 72-1 72-2 72-3 73-1 73-2 73-3 74-1 74-2 74-3 75-1 75-3
Baesman, Constance --- 63-4
Baeten, Marcel --- 46-3
Baeten, Marie-Therese --- 46-3
Baffa, Steve --- 43-3
Bagby, Agnes --- 60-4
Bagby, Howard --- 44-2 46-2 52-1 52-2 53-4
Bagby, Howard & Agnes --- 52-1
Bagby, Howard O. --- Roster 43-3 49-1 52-1 53-1 53-4
Bagby, Howard O. & Nancy --- 47-1
Bagby, Howard, Mr. & Mrs. --- 46-2
Bagby, Nancy & Howard --- 40-1
Baggett, Brooke --- 73-3
Baggett, Lowell Ray --- Roster
Baggy, Howard --- 56-1
Bagley, Darrell L. --- Roster
Bagley, George A. --- Roster
Bagley, Hughland Harvey --- Roster
Bagley, Raymond A. --- Roster 3-8 51-2
Bahian, Joseph P. --- 28-4
Bahlinger, Marion --- 56-1
Bahlinger, Marion I. --- 56-1
Bahlinger, Marion J. --- Roster 48-4 69-3
Bahus, Alex E. --- Roster 3-8
Baier, F. --- Roster
Baile, Charles M. --- Roster
Bailes, Jr., Russell G. --- 54-3
Bailes, Russell G. --- 44-3
Bailes, Russell Glenelg, Jr. --- Roster
Bailey Bridge --- 48-4 69-2
Bailey, Aubrey Amold, Sr. --- Roster
Bailey, Crate --- Roster
Bailey, David --- Roster 7-4 7-6 66-1 71-1 77-3
Bailey, Ernest C. --- Roster
Bailey, Floyd E. --- Roster
Bailey, Gibbs --- Roster 44-1 44-2 49-1 50-1 50-2 56-1
Bailey, H. P. --- Roster
Bailey, H. P., Capt. --- 67-2
Bailey, Harold --- 46-1
Bailey, Harold & Peggy --- 42-1
Bailey, Harold M. --- 41-1 43-3 44-2 47-1 47-3 47-4 50-1 51-1 52-1
Bailey, Harold M. & Peggy --- 46-1 47-1
Bailey, Harold Martin --- Roster
Bailey, Harry F. --- 3-8
Bailey, Harry L. --- Roster
Bailey, Howard Clifton --- Roster 3-10
Bailey, J. David --- Roster 76-1 77-1 78-2
Bailey, James D. --- Roster
Bailey, Joseph W. --- Roster
Bailey, Lester L. --- Roster 3-8
Bailey, Lt. --- 62-2
Bailey, Margaret --- 46-1 72-2
Bailey, Margerat --- 46-1 47-1
Bailey, Marshall B. --- Roster
Bailey, Mort --- Roster
Bailey, Omar L. --- Roster
Bailey, Phillip E. --- Roster
Bailey, Randolph H. N. --- Roster
Bailey, Raymond W. --- Roster
Bailey, Thomas W. --- Roster
Bailey, Wallace --- Roster 43-2
Bailley, Randy --- 58-4
Bailly, Capt. --- 58-4
Bailly, Carol --- 58-4
Bailly, Linda --- 58-4
Bailly, Louise --- 58-4
Bailly, Phil --- 7-4
Bailly, Philip E. --- Roster 4-1 5-1
Bailly, Randolph M. --- Roster 56-1 58-4
Bailly, Randolph M., Capt. --- 58-4
Bailly, Sandy --- 58-4
Baily, Charles J., Brig. Gen. --- 24-3
Baily, James H. Pou --- Roster
Bain, Martha --- 67-2
Bain, Paul --- 66-1 67-2
Bain, Paul E. --- 55-1
Bain, Paul Eldon --- Roster
Bain, Robert W. --- Roster
Bainbridge, Murry E. --- Roster
Bainbridge, Sgt. Maj. --- 33-2
Bainbridge, W. G. --- 52-1 53-1 55-1
Bainbridge, William C. --- 35-2
Bainbridge, William G. --- Roster 33-2 51-1 56-1 65-1
Baine, Carroll A. --- Roster
Baine, Eldon --- 50-4
Baine, Jack O. --- Roster
Baines, Albert S. --- Roster
Baines, Joseph & Clara --- 63-3
Bainter, Robert W. --- Roster 3-8
Baird, Cloyde R. --- Roster
Baird, Harry --- 4-4 10-2 37-1 41-3 58-1
Baird, Harry & Betsy --- 54-3
Baird, Harry & Betsy, Dr. --- 50-2 51-2 52-2
Baird, Harry L. --- Roster 3-8 8-1 11-4
Baird, Harry L., Dr. --- 9-1 43-3 58-1
Baird, Joseph --- 58-1 58-2
Baird, Joseph H. --- 58-1 58-2 58-3
Baird, Joseph Henry --- 11-4
Baird, Julie --- 78-1
Baird, Mary Elizabeth --- 58-1 58-2 58-3
Baird, Robert E. --- Roster 46-2 51-1 52-1 56-1
Bak, Walter --- Roster 3-8
Bakala, Mathew L. --- Roster 3-8
Bakalar Afb --- 72-1 78-2
Bakelaar, Billie & Lou --- 19-3
Baker, (Gen.), Col. --- 24-3
Baker, Bill --- 15-5 18-5 19-2 21-1 36-1 36-4 37-1 37-2
Baker, Bill & Sue --- 36-3 37-1
Baker, Bill, Gen. --- 21-3
Baker, Bill, Maj. Gen. --- 18-2
Baker, C. --- 36-1
Baker, Carolyn & Arthur --- 27-3
Baker, Col. --- 3-2 3-10 4-2 6-2 10-3 21-2 23-4 26-2 28-2 42-3 45-2 46-4 47-1 48-3 78-2
Baker, Dale E. --- Roster
Baker, E. W., Col. --- 28-4
Baker, Edward O. --- Roster
Baker, Edwin D. --- Roster
Baker, Elbridge, Col. --- 14-6
Baker, Elliott B. --- Roster
Baker, Elvin David --- Roster
Baker, Evelyn & Jordan --- 46-2
Baker, Fay R. --- Roster
Baker, Freddie --- 37-1 43-3 56-1
Baker, Freddie E. --- Roster 40-3 51-3 52-1
Baker, Freddie, Mr. & Mrs. --- 37-1
Baker, Frederick C. --- Roster
Baker, Gen. --- 11-1 14-2 15-1 17-3 18-3 18-4 18-5 19-2 19-3 19-4 19-5 20-1 20-3 21-3 22-2 23-2 34-3 47-1 58-1
Baker, Gen. & Mrs. --- 21-3 22-2
Baker, Gerald A. --- Roster
Baker, Henry W. --- Roster 42-1
Baker, James R. --- Roster 3-8
Baker, Jasper W. --- Roster
Baker, Joe, Cpl. --- 9-4
Baker, Jordan --- Roster 46-2 47-4
Baker, Joseph --- Roster
Baker, Lawrence A. --- Roster
Baker, Lloyd R. --- Roster
Baker, Lt. --- 19-3
Baker, Ltc. Steven --- 79-1
Baker, Maj. Gen. --- 19-5 20-3
Baker, Maj.-Gen. --- 23-2
Baker, Milton G., Lt. Gen. --- 15-1 15-2
Baker, Mrs. --- 19-3 20-3 21-3 25-2
Baker, Neil & Bill --- 22-3
Baker, Paul L. --- Roster 3-8
Baker, Perry G. --- Roster
Baker, Raymond V. --- Roster
Baker, Rebecca (Ken) --- 73-2
Baker, Richard J. --- Roster
Baker, Robert L. --- Roster
Baker, Roy W. --- Roster 3-8
Baker, Steven E., Lt. Col. --- 78-1
Baker, Sue --- 36-1 37-1 37-3 38-1
Baker, Sue & Bill --- 37-1
Baker, Thomas E. --- Roster
Baker, W. C. --- 10-4 30-1 31-1 32-1 33-1 33-3 34-1 35-1 36-1 62-2 63-1
Baker, W. C., Mr. --- 34-1
Baker, W. C., Mr. & Mrs. --- 36-1
Baker, W. M. C., Jr. --- 5-1
Baker, W.C. --- 35-3 36-1 36-3 37-2 48-2
Baker, W.C. & Sue --- 37-1
Baker, William --- 11-1 24-2 37-1 48-3
Baker, William C. --- 17-2 37-1 37-2 38-1
Baker, William C. III --- 71-3
Baker, William C., Col. --- 3-8 4-2 8-3 14-2 26-2 51-4
Baker, William C., Gen. --- 21-4
Baker, William C., Gen. & Mrs. --- 21-2
Baker, William C., III --- 70-2 71-2
Baker, William C., Iii, Lt. --- 20-3
Baker, William C., Jr. --- 7-4
Baker, William C., Jr., Col. --- 5-3 51-4
Baker, William C., Jr., Gen. --- 13-2
Baker, William C., Jr., Maj. --- 19-3
Baker, William C., Jr., Maj. Gen. --- 20-3
Baker, William C., Maj. --- 19-5
Baker, William C., Maj. Gen. --- 14-2 15-1 17-2 17-3 18-2 18-4 19-2 19-3 24-3 25-2
Baker, William C., Maj. Gen. & Mrs. --- 17-3 22-4
Baker, William C., Mr. & Mrs. --- 37-1
Baker, William C., Mrs. --- 15-3 18-4 19-3 19-5
Baker, William Clyde --- 23-2 24-1
Baker, William Clyde., Jr. --- Roster
Baker, William G., Jr., Col. --- 34-2
Baker, William O. --- Roster
Baker, William R., Jr. --- 27-3
Baker, William, Col. --- 3-3
Baker, Wm. C., Gen. --- 11-5 15-5
Baker, Wm. C., Jr. --- 9-2 21-4
Baker, Wm. C., Jr., Maj. Gen. --- 22-4
Baker, Wm. C., Maj. Gen. --- 15-2
Balantyne, unk --- Roster
Balarzs, Ernest --- Roster
Balazs, Harold R., Jr. --- 30-3
Balch, George E. --- Roster 3-5
Balch, Henry --- 17-1
Balcoe, William C. --- Roster
Baldi, Arcangelo (Arki) --- 34-2
Baldi, Archangelo 'Arky' --- Roster
Baldi, Arki --- 34-2
Baldiserra, Biaggio --- Roster
Baldwin, Cox R. --- Roster
Baldwin, Elmer E. --- Roster
Baldwin, William E. --- Roster
Bales, Russell --- Roster
Balestrieri, Lt. --- 46-2
Balestrieri, Ralph R. --- Roster 49-3 64-1
Balestrieri, Ralph R., 1st Lt. --- 46-2
Balise, John Hart --- Roster 27-1 28-3
Balise, Peter, Mrs. --- 30-1 31-1
Balke, Gene --- 36-2 36-4
Balke, Gene S. --- Roster 34-2 35-1 36-1 37-1 41-1
Balke, Gene, Sgt. --- 36-2 37-2
Balkoski, Frank M. --- Roster
Balkoski, Joe --- 62-3
Balkoski, Joseph --- 62-3
Balks, Peter, Mrs. --- 28-3
Ball, Chester E. --- 39-1 43-3 55-4 56-1
Ball, Chester Edwin --- Roster
Ball, Dean --- 65-1
Ball, Frank L. --- Roster
Ball, James A. --- Roster
Ball, John --- 63-3
Ball, John F. --- Roster 9-3
Ball, Robert J. --- Roster
Ballantyne, Milton Carlton 'Bud' --- Roster
Ballard, Aubrey E. --- Roster
Ballard, Aubrey F. --- Roster
Ballard, Dick --- Roster 3-7
Ballard, John M. --- Roster
Ballenger, William P., Jr. --- Roster
Ballerstein, Robert J. --- Roster 36-1
Ballew, Earl F. --- Roster 6-1
Ballew, Earl F., Pfc. --- 3-2
Ballowe, Thomas --- 52-4 54-1 56-2
Ballowe, Thomas C. --- Roster 41-2 52-3
Ballowe, Thomas G. --- 52-4 54-2
Ballowe, Tom --- 41-2 53-3 59-3 61-3
Balmoral --- 27-3
Balog, Rudolph P. --- Roster
Balog, Rudy --- 45-3
Balsh, George --- Roster
Balsis, Joseph C. --- Roster
Balson, Jon --- 24-1 25-1
Baltic Sea --- 46-1 46-2 50-2 64-2 70-1
Baltimore Round Table Of Military History --- 58-2 58-3
'Baltimore Round Table Of Military History' --- 58-2
Balzarina, John --- 63-4
Balzarini, John --- Roster 60-4 62-2 63-4 64-3
Bamberg --- 3-4 70-1
Bamberg, Germany --- 35-3
Bambury --- 61-1
Banas, Carl A. --- Roster
Banaszak, Walter J. --- Roster
Banbury --- 4-3 17-1 17-3 19-1 26-3 27-3 35-2 45-3 48-2 48-3 48-4 49-1 50-4 53-1 56-3 58-2 69-3 70-3
Banbury Cross --- 4-3 19-1 26-3 27-3 48-2
Banbury, England --- 21-1 41-2 50-4 51-1 58-2 58-3 70-3
Band of Brothers --- 55-1 58-1 59-2 59-3 60-3 61-2 63-1 63-2 63-3 65-3 66-1 69-1 70-3 73-3 74-1 74-2 74-3 75-1 75-3 78-1 80-1
Bandaruk, Walter --- Roster
Bandurak, Lil --- 33-1
Bandurak, Lillian --- 30-1 31-2 33-4 38-3 40-2 41-3 43-2
Bandurak, Lillian & Walt --- 31-2
Bandurak, W. --- 32-3
Bandurak, Walt --- 4-3 4-4 8-1 10-2 24-3 27-3 28-1 28-2 28-3 29-1 29-2 30-1 30-3 31-2 31-3 32-1 32-2 33-1 33-2 33-3 33-4 34-1 34-2 34-3 34-4 35-1 35-2 35-3 36-1 39-2 40-1 40-2 41-1 41-3 42-1 42-3 43-2 44-1 50-1 62-2 63-1
Bandurak, Walt & Lil --- 29-1 30-2 39-2 41-3
Bandurak, Walt & Lill --- 36-1
Bandurak, Walt & Lillian --- 26-3 28-2 29-2 30-1 30-2 35-1 36-3 37-2 37-3 40-1 40-2 41-3 42-1
Bandurak, Walt, Mr. & Mrs. --- 36-1
Bandurak, Walter --- 4-1 4-3 7-3 8-1 9-1 10-1 10-2 21-4 22-1 22-4 24-3 25-1 25-3 26-1 26-3 27-1 28-1 28-2 28-3 29-1 29-2 30-1 31-2 32-1 33-1 33-2 33-3 33-4 34-1 34-2 34-3 34-4 35-1 35-2 35-3 35-4 36-1 37-1 37-3 38-2 39-2 40-1 40-3 41-1 41-3 42-1 42-2 42-3 42-4 43-2 43-3 50-1 50-2 52-2 53-1 57-4 62-2 63-1 63-3 63-4
Bandurak, Walter & Lillian --- 26-1 26-3 32-3 34-1 35-1 41-1 42-1
Bandurak, Walter (Lillian), Mr. & Mrs. --- 33-1
Bandurak, Walter F. --- 31-1
Bandurak, Walter, Mr. --- 34-1
Bandurak, Walter, Mr. & Mrs. --- 27-2 28-1 32-3
Bandwiak, Walter --- 8-1
Bandy, Joseph R. --- Roster
Banet, Paul H. --- Roster 52-4
Banet, Paul H., Cpl. --- 3-5
Banfy, John --- Roster
Banish, Anthony A. --- Roster
Banker, Waldo M. --- Roster
Bankhead, Robert --- 8-6
Bankhead, Robert S. --- Roster 18-4
Bankhead, Robert S., S/Sgt. --- 3-4
Banks, Denwood --- Roster
Banks, George --- 40-1
Banks, Jessie W., Jr. --- Roster
Banks, W. T. --- Roster
Bannan, John H. --- 3-4
Bannan, John H., Sr. 'Jack' --- Roster
Banner, Leo C. --- Roster
Banneux --- 73-1 73-2
Banneux, Hoen A. --- 27-4
Bannhart, E. E. --- Roster 26-2
Bannister, Albert J. --- Roster 6-1 8-2
Banos, George J. --- Roster
Banzer, Victor C. --- Roster
Bar Le Duc --- 21-3
Barach, Marvin S. --- Roster
Barack, Anthony J. --- 4-3 34-2
Baran, Alexander S. --- Roster
Baranack, Ray --- 45-4
Baranello, Carl F. --- Roster
Baranyay, James C. --- Roster
Baraque De Fraiture --- 3-10 11-4 22-2 41-2 45-3 46-2 46-4 47-3 50-3 50-4 51-1 51-3 51-4 52-1 52-2 53-1 53-2 53-3 53-4 54-1 55-3 57-2 57-3 57-4 58-2 58-3 58-4 59-2 60-4 61-1 63-2 64-1 65-2 67-3 68-2 68-2 69-1 69-2 70-1 70-2 71-2 72-3 73-1 74-2 76-1 76-3 79-3
Baraque De Fraiture, Belgium --- 11-4 51-4 52-2 53-1 53-2 53-3 57-2 57-3 58-2 58-3 63-2 63-3 65-2 74-2 76-1
Baraque De Fraiture, Vielsalm --- 76-1
Baraque Fraiture --- 44-1 47-1 52-3 53-3 71-1
Baraque-De-Fraiture --- 51-1
Baraul, Louis J. --- Roster
Barbakos, Louis --- 9-4
Barbarite, Thomas --- Roster 69-1
Barbato, Lucy --- 32-1
Barbeau, John --- 39-3 48-1
Barbeau, John W. --- Roster 45-1 47-1
Barber, Day --- 65-1
Barber, George A. --- Roster
Barber, John Sidney --- Roster
Barber, Paul --- Roster
Barber, Roland G. --- Roster
Barberi, Albert, T/Sgt. --- 56-3
Barbieri, Al, Sgt. --- 56-3
Barbieri, Albert R. --- Roster
Barbis, Al --- Roster 47-3
Barbis, Al, Mr. --- 21-4
Barboni, Edward M., Jr. --- Roster
Barboni, Edward M., Jr., T/4 --- 3-7
Barbsis, Al --- 21-4 49-4
Barbsis, Alban --- Roster 49-4
Barcelo, Manuel M. --- Roster
Bard, Clair F. --- Roster
Bard, James A. --- Roster 5-2 43-3 48-1 68-2 68-2 72-1
Bard, Jim --- 39-1 46-3 52-2 72-2
Bard, Mary --- 48-2 49-2 51-2 56-2
Bard, Saul --- Roster 3-10 6-1
Bard, Saul, Pfc. --- 3-2
Bardo, Cleveland, Jr. --- Roster
Bardock, Dave --- 3-3
Bardock, David --- Roster
Bardoul, Mr. --- 42-2
Bardoul, Peter --- 42-2
Bare, Howard C. --- Roster
Bare, Kendig C. --- Roster 6-3 7-2 13-2 14-3
Bare, Kendig C., Capt. --- 7-2 8-1
Bare, Robert --- 59-2 62-2 69-2
Bare, Robert N. --- 59-2 65-1 67-1 67-3 69-1 69-2 69-3 71-1 72-2
Bare, Robert Neal --- Roster
Barello, Joseph J. --- Roster 51-4
Barendse, Clarence J. --- Roster 45-1 56-1
Baresel, Susan --- 67-2
Barfield, Coy D. --- Roster
Barfield, Walter H., Jr. --- Roster
Barfoot, Erbie --- Roster
Barich, Harold J. --- Roster
Barich, John --- 55-1 58-2
Barich, John S. --- Roster
Baril, Raymond Paul --- Roster
Barilla, Charles P. --- Roster
Barker, Daniel C. --- Roster
Barker, Hugh A. --- Roster
Barker, John --- 62-2
Barker, John H. --- 6-1
Barker, John Hamilton --- Roster
Barker, Laura --- 77-2
Barker, Lee Roy --- Roster
Barker, Ralph --- Roster
Barker, Raymond E. --- Roster 47-4
Barker, Thomas --- Roster 50-1 52-3
Barker, Thomas E. --- 52-1 53-1 56-1
Barker, Virginia --- 52-4 53-1
Barker, William R. --- 69-2
Barkley, Alben W. --- 67-1
Barks, Jessie W., Jr. --- Roster
Barletta, Louis J. --- Roster
Barlow, Eugene M. --- Roster
Barlow, Frank --- 8-3 34-1 41-3 51-3 52-4
Barlow, Frank & Mary --- 40-2 41-3 44-2
Barlow, Frank S. --- 37-1 43-3
Barlow, Frank S. & Mary --- 46-1
Barlow, Frank, Mr. --- 34-1
Barlow, Franklin --- 3-8 7-1 52-4
Barlow, Franklin & Mary --- 39-2 41-3
Barlow, Franklin S. --- Roster 35-1 36-1 52-4 53-1 56-1
Barlow, Franklin S. & Mary I. --- 39-1
Barlow, Franklin, Mr. & Mrs. --- 36-1 37-1
Barlow, George A. --- Roster
Barlow, George H. C. --- Roster
Barlow, Judith A. --- 67-3
Barlow, Lt. & Mrs. --- 3-5
Barlow, Timothy & Jennifer --- 67-3
Barman, John H. --- Roster
Barnaby, Albert J. --- Roster
Barnaby, Albert, Lt. --- 3-7 80-2
Barnack, William J. --- Roster
Barnard, Frank E. --- Roster
Barnard, George R. --- Roster
Barnard, James A. --- Roster
Barnard, Morley M. --- Roster
Barnard, Robert F. --- Roster
Barner, Harry M. --- Roster
Barnes, Ashley E. --- 69-2
Barnes, Beverly Gallen --- 69-2
Barnes, Boyd A. --- 52-1
Barnes, Bridgette --- 56-4
Barnes, Catherine Marie (Nee Cooney) --- 69-2
Barnes, Clay M. --- 69-2
Barnes, Donald Lanham --- Roster
Barnes, E. C. --- 4-1
Barnes, Edmund G. --- Roster
Barnes, Elaine --- 43-3
Barnes, Eugene E. --- Roster
Barnes, George --- 67-1
Barnes, George E. --- Roster
Barnes, Glen E. --- Roster 4-1 6-1
Barnes, James O. --- Roster
Barnes, Jesse --- 44-1
Barnes, Jesse J., Jr. --- Roster
Barnes, K. C. --- Roster
Barnes, Ken --- 63-3
Barnes, L. Preston --- 7-5 31-1 32-1 33-1 35-1 36-1 37-1 43-3 46-4 47-1 47-3 47-4 52-1 52-4 54-3 56-4 57-4 62-3
Barnes, L. Preston, Mr. --- 34-1
Barnes, L. Preston, S/Sgt. --- 3-2
Barnes, L. Preston, Sgt. --- 36-3
Barnes, Leon H. --- Roster
Barnes, Leonard H. --- Roster 3-3 14-4 39-2
Barnes, Leonard H., T/Sgt. --- 3-2
Barnes, Margaret A. --- 69-2
Barnes, Margie --- 67-1
Barnes, Marshall W. --- Roster
Barnes, Milton A. --- Roster
Barnes, Preston --- 31-1 55-1 57-2 58-2 61-3
Barnes, Preston L. --- Roster 7-2
Barnes, Ralph --- 49-1 50-1 62-2
Barnes, Ralph / Beverley --- 63-4
Barnes, Ralph K. --- Roster 49-1 56-1 57-1
Barnes, Ralph Kenneth --- 69-2
Barnes, Sgt. --- 3-3
Barnes, Theodore R. --- 69-2
Barnes, William H. --- 69-2
Barnett, Billie --- 5-4
Barnett, Billy --- 5-3
Barnett, Billy B. --- Roster 3-10
Barnett, Charles, Col. --- 31-2
Barnett, Col. --- 31-2
Barnett, Donald D. --- Roster
Barnett, Harold A. --- 30-1 31-1 32-1 33-1
Barnett, Herald A. --- Roster 18-4 19-2 22-4 24-3 28-3 35-1 35-2 36-1 37-2 43-3
Barnett, Herold A. --- 26-3
Barnett, Herold A., Mr. --- 34-1
Barnett, Herold A., Mr. & Mrs. --- 19-1
Barnett, James M., Dr. --- 8-1
Barnett, Jeff S. --- Roster
Barnett, Morris N. --- Roster
Barnett, Roy --- Roster
Barnett, Rudolph --- Roster
Barney Killian --- 11-1
Barney, Austin Ove --- Roster
Barnhart, Arthur G. --- Roster
Barnhart, Cecil M. --- 3-8 4-2
Barnhart, Cecil M., Jr. --- Roster
Barnhart, E. E. --- Roster
Barnick, Stephen --- Roster 45-2
Baron, Alexander L. --- Roster
Baron, Blue --- Roster
Baron, James --- 70-2
Baron, Lloyd Altenau --- 70-2
Baron, Robert --- 51-3 57-4 65-1
Baron, Robert (Bob) --- 70-2
Baron, Robert ‘Bob’ --- 65-1
Baron, Robert F. --- Roster 51-3 68-2 68-2 70-2
Barone, Anne --- 71-2
Barone, Annemarie --- 70-3
Baroque De Fraiture --- 4-5 5-3 13-4 26-2 39-2 44-4 45-2 46-2 46-3 47-3 49-4 50-3 53-3 54-1 60-4
Baroque Fraiture --- 42-4
Barow, Charles --- Roster
Barr, Ortha O., Jr. --- Roster
Barr, Ralph --- Roster 48-4
Barraca, Joseph NMI --- Roster
Barracks 11- --- 27-1
Barratt, Florence --- 74-2
Barratt, George B. --- Roster 74-2
Barratt, Thomas & Edith --- 74-2
Barredo, Anthony --- 53-3 56-1
Barredo, Anthony ‘Tony’ --- 54-3
Barredo, Anthony, Jr. --- Roster
Barredo, Jr., Anthony --- 54-3
Barren, Brune --- 47-3
Barrett, Burdetta T. --- Roster
Barrett, Cecil Ray --- Roster
Barrett, Gene V. --- Roster
Barrett, Howard --- 45-2
Barrett, Howard C. --- Roster
Barrett, Hugh, Dr. --- 55-1
Barrett, John H. --- Roster
Barrett, John W., Jr. --- Roster
Barrett, Raymond F. --- Roster
Barrett, Wendell E. --- Roster
Barriager, Robert W. --- Roster
Barrick, Jean --- 58-2 59-3 61-3
Barrick, Mac --- 59-3
Barrick, Sgt. --- 58-1
Barrick, Thomas ‘Mac’ --- 58-1
Barrick, Thomas M. --- 64-2
Barrick, Thomas McClellan 'Mac' --- Roster
Barrick, Thomas, Col. --- 56-1
Barrickman, Uhel --- 54-4 63-1
Barrickman, Uhel C. --- 43-3
Barrickman, Uhel Overton --- Roster
Barriger, Paul W. --- Roster
Barrile, Philip --- Roster
Barrilleaux, Walter C. --- Roster
Barringer, Clyde E. --- Roster 5-2 7-4 7-5
Barringer, Clyde E., T/Sgt. --- 3-2
Barrington, Robert Charles --- Roster
Barritt, John R. --- Roster
Barron, Blue --- Roster
Barron, Blue, Pfc. --- 3-5
Barron, Hoyt --- 58-2 58-3
Barron, Paul J. --- Roster
Barron, W. T. --- Roster
Barron, Wayne R. --- Roster
Barroni, Nate --- Roster
Barrow, Durward Hartwell --- Roster
Barrow, Frank Lloyd --- Roster
Barrow, Morton A. --- Roster 71-1 73-2
Barrow, Rick --- 70-1 70-2 71-1 71-2 71-3 72-1 73-1 75-3 78-1
Barrow, Robert A. --- 71-1
Barrow, Robert A. (Rick) --- 73-2
Barry, David M. --- Roster
Barry, Howard L. --- Roster
Barry, James --- 28-1
Barry, Jesse T. --- Roster
Barry, John --- 66-2
Barry, Ray --- Roster 19-3
Barry, Sgt. --- 10-1
Barry, William J. --- Roster
Barry, William R. --- Roster
Barrz, Richard E. --- 18-2 19-2
Barsanti, William P. --- Roster
Barsema, Donald --- 44-3 73-1
Barsema, Donald W. --- Roster
Barsul, Louis J. --- Roster
Bart, Dick --- 36-3 44-1
Bart, Richard --- Roster
Bartak, Frank --- Roster
Bartell, Ben --- Roster 15-1 15-2 22-4
Bartell, Ben, Capt. --- 3-4 3-7 3-8 54-4 56-3 71-3 74-2
Bartell, Capt. --- 3-8 39-3 42-2 56-3
Bartell, George --- 71-3 74-2
Bartell, George C. --- 71-3
Bartell, James --- Roster
Bartell, James, Capt. --- 56-3
Bartels, Wallace E. --- Roster
Bartelsen, Thad H. --- Roster
Barth --- 14-4 33-4
Barthe, Frank E. --- Roster
Barthelmess, Albert A. --- Roster
Bartholomew, Theron (Bud) --- Roster 7-4
Bartholow, Donald E. --- Roster
Bartholow, Leo G. --- Roster
Bartimus, Frederick O., T/Sgt. --- 3-2
Bartimus, Fredrick O. --- Roster
Bartle, Harold J. --- Roster
Bartlett, Charles R. --- Roster
Bartlett, Charles R., S/Sgt. --- 3-7
Bartley, Edgar H., Jr. --- Roster
Bartolo, Edward J. --- Roster 6-1
Barton, Bill, Cpl. --- 6-1
Barton, Breanne --- 62-3
Barton, Bruce Jones --- Roster
Barton, Charles --- 6-5
Barton, Charles H. --- Roster 3-8 7-2 7-3
Barton, Charles H., T/5 --- 3-2
Barton, Clara --- 31-1
Barton, Clifton G. --- Roster
Barton, John M. --- Roster
Barton, Robert F. --- Roster
Barton, William H. --- Roster
Bartosch, John C. --- Roster
Bartram, Robert Gordon, Sr. --- Roster
Bartram, Wheeler --- Roster
Bartucci, John P. --- Roster
Bartusek, Marc --- 45-1 61-1
Bartusek, Marc A --- 69-2
Bartusek, Marc A. --- 72-1 73-1 73-2
Bartusek, Marcus --- 16-1 45-1 61-1 73-1 76-3
Bartusek, Marcus A. --- Roster 67-2 77-3
Bartusek, Marcus, Mr. & Mrs. --- 16-1
Bartz, ? --- 32-4
Bartz, Dick --- 23-1 28-1 29-1 30-1 31-2 32-1 35-2
Bartz, R. --- 32-3
Bartz, Richard --- 26-1 28-2 31-1 31-2 33-2 35-1 41-1 53-1 59-1
Bartz, Richard ‘Dick’ --- 29-2
Bartz, Richard E. --- Roster 3-10 18-1 20-2 21-4 22-4 24-3 26-3 27-3 28-1 28-3 29-3 30-1 31-1 32-1 32-3 33-1 36-1 37-2 37-3 39-1 40-1 41-1 43-3 46-1 48-2 50-2 59-1
Bartz, Richard E., Mr. --- 34-1
Bartz, Richard, Mr. & Mrs. --- 28-1
Baruch, Hans --- Roster 69-2
Barwick, Jesse Roland --- Roster
Barzac, Betty --- 11-4
Bascalla, Sgt. --- 26-2
Basel --- 8-1 50-1 55-1 55-4 56-4 61-1
Basel, Theodore --- 47-1 49-1 50-1 52-1 53-1 54-1 55-1 56-1 57-1 62-2
Basel, Theodore A. --- Roster
Baseman, Connie Pratt --- 65-1 66-1 66-2 66-3 67-1 67-2 67-3 68-2 68-2 69-1 70-3 73-3 76-1 76-2 76-3 77-1 77-2 77-3 78-2 78-3 79-1 79-2
Basham, Alex M., Jr., Pfc. --- 3-2
Basham, Alex N., Jr. --- Roster
Basham, Harry D. --- Roster
Basiger, Leo S. --- Roster 4-1
Basil, Switzerland --- 30-3
Basile, Nunzio --- Roster
Basileo, Paul J. --- Roster
Basinger, Albert F., Sr. --- Roster
Baskin, David Peyton --- Roster
Baskow, Maurice W. --- Roster
Basnik, Bill --- 69-3
Basnik, Bob --- 69-3
Basnik, Gilbert --- 63-2 69-2 69-3
Basnik, Gilbert B. --- Roster 69-2 69-3 79-1
Basore, Austin M. --- Roster
Basralian, Thomas M. --- Roster
Bass, Ennis Rudolph --- Roster
Bass, G. W. --- Roster
Bass, James E. --- Roster
Bass, James E., T/Sgt. --- 3-3
Bass, James W. --- Roster
Basse Bodeaux --- 26-2
Bassett, Clyde D. --- Roster
Bassi, Leonard --- Roster 46-1 52-1
Basso, August --- 70-3
Bassum --- 27-3
Basta, Elmer --- Roster
Baster, Samuel F. --- Roster
Bastgen, Frank C. --- Roster
Bastogne --- 4-3 4-4 5-1 5-3 5-4 6-1 6-2 7-1 7-4 7-5 11-3 11-4 13-2 13-3 15-4 20-1 20-2 21-2 21-3 21-4 22-1 24-3 25-1 26-1 26-2 26-3 27-2 27-3 28-2 28-3 29-1 30-1 31-2 31-3 31-4 32-1 33-4 34-2 35-1 35-2 35-3 36-1 36-2 39-2 40-3 41-2 41-3 42-2 42-3 43-2 44-2 44-3 44-4 45-1 45-2 46-2 46-3 47-1 47-3 48-4 49-3 49-4 50-2 50-3 50-4 51-1 51-3 52-1 52-2 52-3 52-4 53-1 53-3 53-4 55-2 55-3 55-4 56-1 56-2 56-4 57-1 57-2 58-2 58-4 59-2 59-3 60-4 61-2 61-3 63-1 63-2 64-1 64-2 64-3 65-2 65-3 66-3 68-2 68-2 69-1 69-3 70-1 70-3 71-1 71-3 72-1 74-1 74-2 76-1 77-1 78-1 80-1
Bastogne Historical Center --- 31-4 35-2 64-3
Bastogne Museum --- 31-4 32-1 53-1
Bastogne, Belgium --- 31-4 50-3 55-4 64-3 74-2
Bastogne-Liege Highway --- 74-2
Bataan --- 40-1 41-3 49-2 59-2 69-3 70-2
Bataiff, Alexander John --- Roster
Bateman, Marvin Udelle --- Roster
Batenhorst, Conrad A. --- Roster
Bates, Betty (Buford) --- 80-1
Bates, Charles M. --- Roster
Bates, Frank --- 45-1 45-2 66-1 69-3
Bates, Frank F. --- Roster 45-1 45-2 54-1
Bates, Katherine --- 32-3
Bates, Ralph E. --- Roster
Batova, Mrs. --- 67-3
Batova, Natasha --- 67-3
Batova, Nina --- 67-3
Batsford Park --- 17-3 23-4 30-3 62-4
Batten, Roger --- 54-3
Batten, Roger L. --- Roster
Battilora, Frederick R. --- 4-1
Battilora, Fredrick R. --- Roster
Battin, Curtis E. --- Roster
Battin, Gene --- Roster 4-4
Battinelli, Mario J. --- Roster
'Battle --- 51-2 59-3
Battle — Story Of The Bulge --- 16-3
Battle Casualties --- 29-1
Battle Of Fort Mchenry --- 67-1
Battle Of Manhay --- 65-3
Battle Of Parker’S Crossroads --- 71-1
Battle of Parker's Crossroads --- 67-3
Battle of St. Vith --- 39-3 48-3 70-2 72-1
Battle of the Ardennes --- 4-1 4-2 21-4 29-1 35-1 35-2 36-2 36-3 36-4 37-2 39-1 41-2 44-1 44-2 44-3 46-4 48-1 48-4 51-1 51-2 52-2 54-4 58-2 58-3 59-2 60-1 66-3
Battle of the Bulge --- 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-7 3-8 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-5 10-3 10-4 11-1 11-3 11-4 12-1 12-2 13-2 13-3 13-4 13-5 14-3 15-1 15-3 15-4 16-2 16-3 17-1 17-2 17-3 18-2 18-4 19-2 19-3 20-1 20-2 20-3 20-4 21-1 21-2 21-3 21-4 22-1 22-1 22-2 22-2 22-3 23-1 23-2 23-3 23-4 24-2 25-2 26-1 26-2 26-3 27-2 27-4 28-1 28-2 28-3 29-2 29-3 30-1 30-2 31-2 31-3 31-4 32-1 32-4 33-1 33-2 33-3 33-4 34-1 34-2 34-3 34-4 35-1 35-2 35-4 36-1 36-1 36-2 36-3 36-4 37-1 37-2 37-3 38-1 38-3 39-1 39-2 39-3 40-2 40-3 41-1 41-2 41-3 42-2 42-3 42-4 43-1 43-2 43-3 44-1 44-2 44-3 44-4 45-1 45-2 45-3 45-4 46-1 46-2 46-3 46-4 47-1 47-3 47-4 48-2 48-3 48-4 49-1 49-2 49-3 49-4 50-1 50-2 50-3 50-4 51-1 51-2 51-3 51-4 52-1 52-2 52-3 52-4 53-1 53-2 53-3 53-4 54-1 54-2 54-3 54-4 55-1 55-2 55-3 55-4 56-1 56-2 56-3 56-4 57-1 57-2 57-3 57-4 58-1 58-2 58-3 58-4 59-1 59-2 59-3 59-4 60-1 60-3 61-1 61-2 61-3 61-4 62-3 62-4 63-1 63-2 63-3 63-4 64-1 64-2 64-3 65-1 65-2 65-3 66-1 66-2 66-3 67-1 67-2 68-2 68-2 69-1 69-2 69-3 70-1 70-2 70-3 71-1 71-1 71-2 71-3 72-1 72-1 72-2 72-3 73-1 73-2 73-3 74-1 74-2 74-3 75-1 75-3 76-1 76-2 76-3 77-1 77-2 77-3 78-1 78-2 78-3 79-1 79-2 80-1 80-2
Battle Of The Bulge - Holding The Line. --- 62-2
Battle Of The Bulge Books --- 62-2
Battle of the Bulge Museum --- 27-3 45-2
Battle of the Bulge, Hitler's Ardennes Offensive, 1944- --- 54-1
Battle, Hubert --- Roster
Battle, The Story Of The Bulge --- 18-2
Battleground Europe --- 55-4 56-1 56-2 56-3
Battles, Edwin N. --- Roster
Battles, Wesley W. --- Roster
Battricl, William T. --- Roster
Baudoin, King --- 18-4
Baudouin, King --- 11-3 18-3 31-4 35-1 44-3 69-2
Bauer, Aloisius --- Roster 53-1
Bauer, Bob --- 28-1
Bauer, Calvin D. --- Roster 49-2 62-2 65-3 66-2 71-1
Bauer, Lt. --- 56-3
Bauer, Orin D. --- Roster
Bauer, Orville H. --- Roster
Bauer, Orville H., 2nd Lt. --- 56-3
Bauer, Ruben --- Roster
Bauer, Seth --- 74-3
Bauerlein, Anthony J., Jr. --- Roster
Baugnee --- 59-2
Baugnez --- 52-2 52-3 53-3 55-4 56-1 59-1 69-1 74-2
Baugnez Crossroad --- 42-2
Baugnez Crossroads --- 42-4
Bauguess, Stanley Milton --- Roster
Bauguess., Stan M. --- 45-4
Baum Expedition --- 58-1
Baum, Abe --- 62-3 63-3
Baum, Abe, Capt. --- 62-3 63-3
Baum, Abraham J., Capt. --- 63-1 63-2 63-3
Baum, Abraham, Capt. --- 64-3
Baum, Capt. --- 64-3
Baum, Edward H. --- 14-3
Baum, Edward H., Jr. --- Roster 7-5 14-3
Baum, Edward, Jr. --- 73-2
Baum, Maj. --- 53-1
Bauman, Alan J., Jr. --- Roster
Bauman, Charles L. --- Roster
Baumann, Lawrence L. --- Roster
Baumbach, Donald --- 5-2
Baumbach, Donald O. --- Roster
Baumbach, Donald O., T/5 --- 3-7
Baumgarn, Earl --- Roster 57-3
Baumgarn, Kevin J. --- Roster 57-2
Baunstein, Martin J. --- Roster
Baur, Aloysius J. --- Roster
Bausch, Mark J. --- Roster 3-8 6-3
Baustian, Dean D. --- Roster
Bauswell, Neida --- 65-3
Bauswell, Nelda --- 62-3 63-3
Bauswell, Victor --- 62-3 63-3
Bauswell, Victor D. --- Roster 35-3 45-4 57-1 59-3 65-3
Bautzen --- 3-5 47-1
Bavar, Sol --- 36-4
Bavaresco, Herman A. --- Roster
Bavaria --- 14-4 33-4 35-2 44-2 44-4 46-2 48-1 48-3 49-4 51-2 52-1 59-3 61-1 61-2 61-3 63-1 64-3 69-1 79-3
Bavaro, Saverio --- 36-1 37-1
Bavaro, Sol --- Roster 38-1
Bax, Gerald --- 30-1
Baxa, Helen, Mrs. --- 33-3
Baxter, Howard J. --- Roster
Baxter, Kathryn H. --- 5-2
Baxter, Pfc. --- 78-3
Baxter, Sam `Searchlight', Sgt. --- 74-2
Baxter, Samuel --- 48-4
Baxter, Samuel F. --- Roster 5-2 6-1
Baxter, Samuel F., Pfc. --- 78-3
Baxter, Samuel F., T/Sgt. --- 3-2 3-8 5-1
Baxter, Samuel, T/Sgt. --- 5-2
Baxter, T/Sgt. --- 5-1
Bay Of Brittany --- 35-3
Bayersdorfer, Jessie, Mrs. --- 17-1 21-3
Bayeux --- 26-3 36-2 76-1
Bayles, ? --- 46-1
Bayles, Darrel R --- 56-1
Bayles, Darrel R. --- 48-1 50-4 54-1 56-1
Bayles, Darrel R. & Viola --- 46-1
Bayles, Darrell R. --- Roster
Bayliss, James H. --- Roster
Beach, Jean --- 58-2 58-3
Beach, John --- 40-2 57-4
Beach, John B. --- Roster
Beach, unk --- Roster
Beachum, William C. --- Roster
Beader, Samuel L. --- Roster
Beaird, Jack G. --- 46-2
Beal, Dick --- 65-1
Beal, Gerald J. --- Roster 45-4
Beal, John D. --- Roster
Beal, John, Mr. --- 22-2
Beal, Jr, Richard B. --- 65-2
Beal, Lester E. --- Roster
Beal, Richard B., Jr. --- Roster
Beal, Thomas H. --- Roster 4-4 59-1
Beale, Frederick H. --- Roster
Beale, Sidney H. --- Roster 50-1
Beale, William --- 66-2
Beals, Carol --- 17-1 18-1 19-1 20-1 21-1 21-4 22-1 23-1 24-3 26-1 27-1 28-1 29-1 30-1 31-1 31-2 31-3 32-1 32-3 34-1 34-3 35-1 35-2 36-1 36-2 36-3 36-4 37-1 37-3 38-1 39-1 40-3 41-1 41-3 42-1 43-2 44-2 62-2 63-1
Beals, Carol (John D.) --- 29-3
Beals, Carol W. --- 22-3 23-2 23-3 24-3 26-3 28-1 29-1 30-1 31-1 35-3 39-1 40-1 41-1
Beals, Carol W., Mrs. --- 10-2 30-1 31-1 32-1 33-1 34-1 36-1 38-1
Beals, Carol, Mrs. --- 24-1 24-3 26-3 27-1 33-2 35-1
Beals, Carol. W., Mrs. --- 10-3
Beals, Flo --- 21-1
Beals, J., Mrs. --- 7-2
Beals, John --- 7-4 8-5 10-1 11-1 16-1 17-1 18-1 19-1 19-2 20-1 21-1 21-3 21-4 22-1 22-2 22-3 22-4 23-1 23-3 24-1 24-3 25-1 36-2 41-3
Beals, John & Carol --- 9-1 18-1
Beals, John (Carol), Mrs. --- 23-1
Beals, John D. --- 3-10 4-1 8-1 8-5 10-2 11-1 13-3 14-2 15-2 15-5 17-2 18-2 19-2 21-3 21-4 22-1 27-1
Beals, John D. & Carol --- 19-1
Beals, John D. (Carol), Mrs. --- 14-2 15-3
Beals, John D., Mrs. --- 27-1 28-3
Beals, John Delman --- Roster
Beals, John, Mr. & Mrs. --- 16-1
Beals, John, Mrs. --- 4-1 6-1 11-1 28-1
Beals, Johnny --- 41-3
Beals, Miss Carol --- 26-1
Beals, Mrs. --- 16-1 21-3 22-1 27-1 41-3
Beam, Harold --- 73-3
Beam, Harold W. --- Roster 48-3 73-3
Beaman, Sp/5 David L. --- 20-3
Beamish, Leslie --- 46-2
Beamish, Leslie F. --- Roster 8-1
Bean, Cynthia --- 54-1 55-2 55-4 56-3
Bean, David A. --- 35-2 36-1
Bean, David A. (Arthur) --- Roster
Bean, George H. --- Roster
Bean, Harold W. --- Roster
Bean, Pinto (That’s what it said !) --- Roster
Bean, Ralph --- 45-4 51-2 52-2 52-3 53-2 54-1 55-1 55-2 55-4 56-3 57-1
Bean, Ralph L. --- Roster 51-2 55-1 57-1
Beane, Glen G. --- Roster 45-3
Beane, Glen, Mr. & Mrs. --- 46-2
Beans, Alva R. --- Roster 52-3
Beans, Alva R., Capt. --- 36-2
Beans, Capt. --- 50-4 52-3 53-3
Beard, Herbert --- 4-4 10-1
Beard, Herbert F. --- Roster
Beard, Marion A. --- Roster 5-4
Beard, Marion A., 1st Sgt. --- 3-10
Beard, Melissa --- 80-2
Beard, Merlon P. --- Roster
Bearden, Michelle --- 72-1
Beardslee, Carroll F. --- Roster
Bearman --- 6-5
Beasley, John E. --- Roster
Beathea, Charlie --- 56-4
Beatrice, Paul --- Roster
Beatrice, Walter H. Bowers & --- 47-1
Beatty, Frank 'Red' --- Roster
Beatty, Mrs. --- 16-1
Beaty, Frank 'Quiz-Kid' --- Roster
Beau Rivage --- 69-2
Beauch, Merle R. --- Roster
Beauchamp, Harold J. --- Roster
Beauchamp, Robert H. --- Roster
Beaudoin, Robert T., Sr. --- Roster
Beaudreau, Dick --- 61-3
Beaudreau, Gloria --- 61-3
Beaudreau, Harold --- 3-8
Beaudreau, Harold Kenneth 'Bud' --- Roster
Beaufays --- 52-3 54-4 55-3 55-4
Beaugard, Marie --- 34-4
Beauvais --- 4-2 50-4
Beaver, Frank J. --- Roster
Beaver, Herbert F. --- Roster
Beaver, Johnnie --- 46-4 48-1 48-3 49-4 50-2 51-3 52-4 55-2 55-4 58-2 58-3
Beaver, Johnnie R. --- Roster 46-4 47-1 48-1 48-3 49-3 49-4 50-2
Beaver, Murel E. --- Roster 59-4
Bebis, Peter --- Roster
Bebout, Ross --- Roster 29-2
Beck (Beckeman), Ernest C. --- Roster
Beck, Carol --- 66-3
Beck, Charles V., Jr. --- Roster
Beck, Edwin --- 76-3 79-1
Beck, Edwin H. --- Roster 72-1 73-2 79-1
Beck, Edwin Henry --- 79-1
Beck, Ernest, C. --- Roster 52-1
Beck, Fay --- 72-1
Beck, Fay Arlene --- 79-1
Beck, Gene B. --- Roster
Beck, Harley J. --- Roster
Beck, Jack Lee --- Roster
Beck, John C. --- Roster 8-4
Beck, Lt. --- 56-3
Beck, Matthew C. --- Roster
Beck, Ms. Judith --- 39-1
Becker, Arthur W. --- Roster 43-3
Becker, David --- 73-1
Becker, Donald --- 66-2
Becker, Donald W. --- Roster 55-1 66-2
Becker, Harry A. --- Roster
Becker, Max --- Roster
Becker, Ralph M. --- Roster
Becker, Roy Rudolph --- Roster
Beckerman, Irving --- Roster
Beckham, Herbert Paul --- Roster
Beckley, George N. P. --- Roster
Beckman, Willliam --- Roster
Beckmann, Joseph L. --- Roster 7-5
Beckring, Frederick H. --- Roster
Becraft, Espie --- Roster 7-2 39-3
Bedard, Henri J. --- Roster
Bedford, Arthur R. --- Roster
Beebe, Fred --- 26-1 26-3
Beebe, Fred C. --- Roster
Beebe, Ken --- 64-3 72-3
Beebe, Royden E., Brig. Gen. --- 14-4 14-5 62-4
Beebe, Vernon Jasper --- Roster
Beeker, Harry T. --- Roster 6-3 7-4
Beekman, Harold S. --- Roster
Beekman, Wesley H. --- Roster
Beeler, J. A. --- 3-10
Beeler, James A. --- Roster 3-10
Beeman, Freddie --- Roster 50-4
Beene, James Lewis --- Roster
Beers, Clifford J. --- Roster
Beers, Gene --- Roster 34-3
Beers, J. Howland --- 39-3
Beeth, Barbara --- 71-3
Beeth, Bette --- 71-3
Beeth, Lyle --- 50-4 61-2 61-4 62-2 62-3 62-4 63-1 63-2 63-3 63-4 64-1 64-2 64-3 65-1 65-2 65-3 66-1 66-2 66-3 67-1 67-2 67-3 76-1
Beeth, Lyle D. --- 61-2 71-3
Beeth, Lyle Delbert --- Roster
Beeth, Mable --- 66-1
Beeth, Marie --- 62-2 62-3 63-3 64-1 71-3
Beeth, Will --- 64-2 71-3
Beets, J. P., Jr. --- 58-1
Beets, Jenkins P., Jr., T/Sgt. --- 3-3
Beets, Jenkins Pershing, Jr. --- Roster
Beets, S. Douglas --- 58-1
Beffe --- 55-3
Before the Veterans Die --- 56-4 62-4 63-2 70-1
'Before The Veterans Die' --- 45-1 45-2 45-3 45-4 46-1 46-2 47-1 48-1 48-4 51-3 52-2 52-4 53-1 53-2 53-3 53-4 54-1 54-2 54-3 55-1 55-2 55-3 55-4 56-1 56-2 56-3 58-1 58-2 58-3 60-1 61-1 61-2 61-3 62-2 62-3 63-1 63-2 63-3 65-1 66-1 68-2 68-2 77-2
'Before The Veterans Die' By Dale Carver --- 45-2
Beggs, Richard W., Sr. (Woodrow & Wayne) --- Roster
Begley, Kevin --- 66-1
Behanna, Joseph E. --- Roster
Behar, Louis --- Roster
Beheler, Jerald --- Roster
Behler, Charles G., Jr. --- Roster
Behling, Jack --- 52-2 55-1 56-2 57-2 57-3
Behling, Jackson --- 52-1 54-2 55-1 55-4 57-4
Behling, Jackson D. --- 54-1 55-1
Behling, Jackson David --- Roster
Behne, Frank J. --- Roster
Behney, Donald H. --- Roster 6-1 67-1
Behney, Ernest L. --- Roster
Behnke, Paul D., Jr. --- Roster
Beho --- 16-1 16-3 31-2 47-3 54-3 54-4 56-4 69-1
Behr, Bea --- 48-2 49-2 50-2 51-2 53-3 54-1 55-2 56-2 62-3 63-3 64-1
Behr, Bernelia --- 65-3
Behr, Keith --- 65-3
Behr, Mr. & Mrs. --- 65-3
Behr, R. E. --- 7-2
Behr, Richard --- 11-3 11-4 20-2 26-3 44-2 46-3 48-2 49-2 50-2 51-2 51-3 52-2 53-3 54-1 55-2 59-3 61-3 62-3 63-3 64-1 65-2 65-3 66-2
Behr, Richard H. --- Roster 3-8 5-1 7-2 8-6 9-1 11-3 11-5 13-2 14-2 15-2 17-2 18-3 19-2 21-4 22-4 24-3 28-3 30-1 31-1 31-4 32-1 33-1 35-1 36-1 37-1 43-3 44-2 64-3 65-3
Behr, Richard H., Mr. --- 34-1
Behrends, Robert Leon (Dr.) --- Roster
Behte, Frank L. --- Roster
Beiler --- 54-4
Beinburg, William T. --- Roster
Beissinger, Ernest W. --- Roster 4-3
Beize, John --- Roster 16-1 32-3
Beize, John, Mr. & Mrs. --- 32-3
Belaire, John L. --- Roster
Belcher, Gaylord W. --- Roster
Belcher, William A. --- Roster
Belcourt, Vernon T. --- Roster
Beld, John H. --- Roster
Belenki, Helen --- 53-1
Belgern --- 3-7 3-10 41-3
Belgian Ardennes --- 55-3 58-2 70-2 76-1
Belgian Croix de Guerre --- 3-2 4-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 8-3 49-2 51-1 52-3 78-1
Belgian Fourragere --- 3-5 44-1 48-2 54-4 68-2 68-2 70-2 71-1 74-3 78-1
Belgian King Leopold Iii --- 76-2
Belgium --- 3-3 3-5 3-7 3-8 3-10 4-1 4-3 4-5 5-2 5-5 10-3 10-4 11-1 11-3 11-4 11-5 14-1 14-2 14-3 14-4 15-1 15-2 15-3 15-4 15-5 16-1 16-2 17-1 17-2 17-3 17-4 17-5 18-1 18-2 18-3 18-4 19-1 19-2 19-3 20-1 20-2 20-3 20-4 21-1 21-2 21-3 21-4 22-1 22-2 22-3 22-4 23-2 23-3 23-4 24-1 24-2 24-3 25-1 25-2 26-1 26-2 26-4 27-2 27-3 27-4 28-1 28-2 28-3 29-1 29-2 29-4 30-1 31-2 31-3 31-4 32-1 33-1 33-2 33-3 33-4 34-1 34-2 34-4 35-1 35-2 35-3 36-1 36-2 36-3 36-4 37-1 37-3 39-2 40-2 40-3 41-1 41-2 41-3 42-2 42-4 43-2 43-3 44-2 44-3 44-4 45-1 45-2 45-3 45-4 46-1 46-2 46-3 46-4 47-1 47-3 47-4 48-1 48-2 48-3 48-4 49-1 49-2 49-3 49-4 50-1 50-2 50-3 50-4 51-1 51-2 51-3 51-4 52-1 52-2 52-3 52-4 53-1 53-2 53-3 53-4 54-1 54-2 54-3 54-4 55-1 55-2 55-3 55-4 56-1 56-2 56-3 56-4 57-1 57-2 57-3 57-4 58-1 58-2 58-3 58-4 59-1 59-2 59-3 59-4 60-3 61-1 61-2 61-3 61-4 62-2 62-3 63-1 63-2 64-1 64-2 64-3 65-2 65-3 66-1 66-3 67-1 67-3 68-2 68-2 69-1 69-2 69-3 70-1 70-2 70-3 71-1 71-2 71-3 72-1 72-2 72-3 73-1 73-2 73-3 74-1 74-2 74-3 75-1 75-3 76-1 76-2 76-3 77-2 77-3 78-1 78-2 78-3 79-1 79-3 80-1 80-2
Belgium Fouregerre --- 62-2
Belgium Fourragerre --- 46-1
Belgium Liaison --- 72-1
Belgium Memorial Committee --- 16-2 77-1
Belgium-German Border --- 50-2 54-4 76-3
Belgo-American Association --- 7-1 27-3
Belialf --- 68-2 68-2
Belina, Jack --- 70-3
Beliveau, George L. --- Roster
Belkin, unk --- Roster
Bell, ? --- 38-1
Bell, Albert (Al) B. --- 73-1
Bell, Alexander Graham --- 27-4
Bell, Bill --- 9-4
Bell, Bobby --- 68-2 68-2 69-1
Bell, Charles G. --- Roster
Bell, Darwin Mervill --- Roster
Bell, Harold J. --- Roster
Bell, Harry --- 5-1 73-3
Bell, Harry & Edith --- 77-2
Bell, Harry H., Jr. --- 8-2 73-1 77-2
Bell, Harry Homer, Jr. --- Roster
Bell, Jay --- 63-4
Bell, Jean --- 36-4
Bell, Jr. Harry H. --- 45-3
Bell, Lt. --- 72-3
Bell, Melnin S. --- Roster
Bell, Meyer --- 10-4 19-3
Bell, Meyer I. --- Roster 6-2 9-1 13-2
Bell, Michael --- Roster 4-4
Bell, R. H., Mrs. --- 9-4
Bell, Roger --- 48-2 50-1 50-2 52-3
Bell, Roger W. --- Roster 6-2 7-2 13-2 14-2 15-2 17-2 18-2 19-2 21-4 22-4 24-3 26-3 28-3 30-1 31-1 32-1 33-1 34-1 35-1 36-1 37-2 43-3 50-1 52-3 53-1 56-1
Bell, Roger W. & Grace --- 46-1
Bell, Roger W. & Gracie --- 39-1
Bell, Ron --- 63-4
Bell, Thomas B., S/Sgt. --- 73-1
Bell, Thomas Birch --- Roster
Bell, Virginia --- 58-4
Bell, William --- 6-1
Bell, William E. --- Roster
Bell, William J. --- Roster
Bell, William L. --- Roster
Bell, William, Lt. --- 3-7
Bell, Zelma --- 72-1
Bellamy, Raymond E. --- Roster
Bellamy, Raymond W. --- Roster
Bellantonio, Joseph J. --- Roster
Bellavance, Jo-Ann --- 74-3
Bellay, Charles --- 42-3
Bellay, Charles J. --- 43-3
Bellay, Charles J. 'Chuck' --- Roster
Bellay, Mary & Charles I. --- 42-1
Belle Croix --- 42-4
Bellenger, William P. --- Roster
Bellgardt, L., Jr. (Leonard) --- Roster
Bellofatto, David --- Roster
Bellucci, Aldo L. (Doctor) --- Roster
Belluci, Aldo L. --- Roster
Belniak, Zygmunt S. --- Roster
Belsinger, George C. --- Roster
Beltoski, John F. --- Roster
Beltz, Dick --- 54-3 56-3 63-4
Beltz, Linwood P. --- Roster
Beltz, Richard H. --- Roster 65-1 72-2
Beltz, Sophia --- 63-4 72-2
Beltz, Sophia B. --- 72-2
Beltz, Sophie --- 51-3 56-3
Belveau, George L. --- Roster 42-1
Belzer, Col. --- 3-3 17-2 23-4
Belzer, Col. & Mrs. --- 8-5
Belzer, M. S., Col. --- 8-5 23-4
Belzer, M.S., Lt. Col. --- 30-1
Belzer, Meyer S. --- 3-8 5-3 17-2
Belzer, Meyer S. 'Mike' --- Roster
Belzer, Meyer S., Lt. Col. --- 3-3
Belzer, Meyer, Dr. --- 7-4
Belzer, Meyer, Dr. & Mrs. --- 5-3
Belzer, Mike --- 4-1
Belzer, Mike, Col. --- 4-3
Belzer, Mike, Dr. & Mrs. --- 21-2
Belzer, Mike, Lt. Col. --- 26-2
Belzer, Myron --- 7-4
Belzer, Myron K. (Mike), Col. --- 4-1
Belzer, Myron, Lt. Col. --- 36-3
Bemiss, Lee E. --- Roster
Benardo, Peter J. --- Roster
Benaski, Leonard N. --- Roster
Benavides, Jesse --- 71-3
Benavidez, Jesse (Jesus ?) M. --- Roster
Bendick, Harry J. --- Roster 35-1 36-1 37-1 43-3 56-1
Bendick, Harry J., Mr. --- 34-1
Bendiner, Elmer --- 69-3
Bendle, Harold L. --- Roster
Benedetto, Joe --- 5-2 48-4
Benedetto, Joe D. --- Roster 6-1
Benedetto, Joe D., Pfc. --- 5-1
Benedict, Herbert W. --- Roster
Benefiel, James A. --- Roster 60-4 75-1
Benefiel, Norman --- 48-1 48-2 48-3 49-2 49-3
Benefiel, Norman L. 'Dutch' --- Roster
Benelux --- 51-2 51-4 64-1 69-1
Benenati, Charles L. --- Roster
Benet, Paul H. --- Roster
Benfatta, Albert A. --- Roster 3-7
Benforado, Joseph --- Roster 53-3
Bengal, Charles A., Jr. --- Roster
Bengal, Charles, Pfc. --- 65-2
Bengel, Charles A. --- 14-4 15-2 17-2 65-2
Bengel, Charles A., Jr. --- 37-3
Bengel, Jr., Charles --- 54-1
Bengel, Karen --- 65-2
Bengl, Charles --- Roster 66-3
Benhoff, Leonard --- 35-3 45-1 49-3
Benhoff, Leonard L. --- Roster
Benigno, J. --- 22-3
Benigno, Joe --- 41-3
Benigno, Joseph --- 22-3 22-4
Benigno, Joseph nmi --- Roster
Benigno, Rosolino A. --- Roster
Benigno, Russell --- 45-1
Benigno, Russell A. --- Roster 5-2 45-1
Beningo, Russell A. --- 48-2
Benjamin, Albert --- Roster
Benjamin, Cleo H. --- Roster
Benjamin, Daniel Moir --- Roster
Benjamin, Max A. --- Roster
Benkman, Herbert F. --- Roster
Benkman, Lt. --- 3-7
Benko, Carl J. --- Roster
Benne, John H. --- Roster
Bennet, Grant --- 50-3
Bennethum, Earl W., Jr. --- Roster
Bennett Tours --- 46-2
Bennett, Bob --- 25-2 45-4 48-3
Bennett, Donald Carl --- Roster
Bennett, Dorothy --- 58-4
Bennett, Emily Rose --- 71-1
Bennett, Gerald Teddy --- Roster
Bennett, Horace E. --- Roster
Bennett, J. M., Mr. --- 31-2
Bennett, Jackson --- 56-2 58-1 58-4
Bennett, Jackson (‘Jack’) Z. --- 58-1
Bennett, Jackson Z. --- 56-2 57-1
Bennett, Jackson Zinn --- Roster
Bennett, Jesse --- Roster
Bennett, Karrie --- 67-3
Bennett, Robert --- 42-3 46-2 47-3 47-4 48-2 48-3 50-1 50-2 51-1 55-1
Bennett, Robert & Billie --- 42-1
Bennett, Robert F. --- Roster 41-1 43-3 46-1 48-1 50-1 52-1 53-1 54-1 56-1 60-4
Bennett, Robert F. & Vera --- 47-1
Bennett, Robert L. --- Roster
Bennett, Robert M. --- Roster 13-4 14-2 15-3
Bennett, Robert W. --- Roster
Bennett, Willard G. --- Roster 51-1 54-1 54-2 56-1
Bennett, Willard G. & Lee --- 47-1
Bennett, William J. --- Roster
Bennett, Willie D. --- Roster
Bennington, Oliver Kenneth --- Roster
Benoit, Marvin --- 16-2
Benoit, Marvin V. --- Roster
Benolken, Dennis G. --- Roster
Benouville --- 58-4
Benschneider, Arnold --- Roster
Benskey, George R. --- Roster
Benson, Burton --- 50-2 65-2 79-1
Benson, Burton E. --- Roster 50-2
Benson, Harry W., Jr. --- Roster
Benson, Henry R. --- Roster
Benson, James --- Roster
Benson, Leroy A. --- Roster
Benson, Leslie Earl --- 62-2
Benson, Leslie 'Earl' --- Roster
Benson, William --- 3-8
Benson, William H. --- Roster
Benson, Wm. H., T/Sgt. --- 3-4
Bentkowski, Sigmund S. --- Roster
Bentley, Amos W. --- Roster
Bentley, Donald --- 69-3
Benton, Isiah --- 73-1
Bentrano, Domonic --- 35-2
Benz, Raymond A. --- Roster
Beran, Joseph F. --- Roster
Berberian, Kachadoor S. --- Roster
Berberian, Kachadore --- 45-3 53-2 54-1 55-1 55-4 57-2
Berchtesgaden --- 59-3
Berclaw, William U. --- Roster
Berdorf --- 49-4 61-1
Berella, Dominick P. --- Roster
Berenstain, Stanley --- Roster
Beresik, Joseph P. --- Roster
Berg --- 4-1
Berg Reuland --- 3-10 4-1 54-4 68-2 68-2
Berg, Ira --- 46-2
Berg, Ira Otto --- Roster
Berg, Melvin --- Roster
Berg, Ralph H. --- Roster
Berga --- 3-8 5-5 6-1 6-2 6-5 7-1 44-3 45-1 45-3 47-4 49-3 49-4 50-2 51-2 51-3 52-3 53-4 54-4 55-1 56-2 57-1 59-1 59-2 59-3 60-1 60-4 61-1 64-2 65-1 65-2 66-1 67-1 67-2 67-3 69-1 72-1 78-2 79-1
Berga Am Elster --- 52-3 53-1 53-4 56-2 61-1 69-1
Berga amElster --- 6-5
Berga An Der Elster --- 69-1
Berga Survivors --- 53-4
Berga-Am-Elste --- 43-1
Berga-Am-Elster --- 5-4 67-3
Berga-Am-Elster, Germany --- 67-3
Bergdahl, Bowe, Sgt. --- 70-1
Berge, Glen E. --- 16-2
Berge, Glen Elmer --- Roster
Bergeman, Alvin C. --- Roster
Berger, Gottleib, Gen. --- 4-5
Berger, Luther A. 'Butch' --- Roster
Berger, Othmar --- 36-1
Berger, Samuel --- Roster
Bergeron, Roland E. --- Roster
Berggren, Carlos O. --- Roster
Bergholm, Germany --- 80-1
Berglund, Cliff --- 63-4
Berglund, Clifford A. --- Roster
Berglund, Jane --- 63-4
Bergquist, Donald Restor --- Roster
Berg-Reuland --- 51-3
Bergsman, Heddy --- 67-2
Bergstrom, Lloyd V. --- Roster
Berk --- 32-1 45-2 45-4 54-4 56-3 67-3 71-1 74-2
Berk, Germany --- 3-3 62-2 67-2 67-3 68-2 68-2
Berkelhamer, L. H. --- 69-1
Berkelhamer, Larry --- 69-2
Berkelhamer, Lawrence --- 67-1
Berkelhamer, Lawrence H. --- Roster
Berkery, Timothy --- Roster 44-4 45-1 46-2 47-1
Berkeypile, Ralph E. --- Roster
Berkowitz, Irving --- 3-4 3-8
Berkowitz, Irving, Jr. --- Roster
Berks --- 17-5 27-3
Berlin --- 3-3 3-7 4-2 17-2 19-2 19-5 23-3 27-3 28-3 30-1 31-1 31-4 32-1 32-3 33-1 34-1 36-1 37-1 37-3 40-1 42-1 43-3 44-4 45-2 45-3 45-4 46-1 46-2 46-3 46-4 48-1 48-2 48-4 49-1 49-2 49-3 50-2 51-3 52-1 52-3 53-1 53-2 54-2 54-3 55-1 55-4 56-3 57-1 57-3 58-2 59-1 59-3 60-3 61-1 61-4 64-2 65-2 65-3 66-2 69-1 70-1 72-3 73-1 74-3 75-3 76-1 76-3 78-2 78-3 79-3 80-1
Berlin Wall --- 46-3 59-3
Berlin, Germany --- 73-1 74-1 79-3
Berman, Harv --- 72-1
Berman, Len --- 78-1 78-3
Berman, Pvt. --- 3-4
Bernadette --- 46-2 52-1 52-2 55-3 56-1 58-4 61-1 64-1 68-2 68-2 69-1 74-2 79-3
Bernadette, Madame --- 69-1
Bernadic, Frank Cornelius --- Roster
Bernard and Graefe --- 27-4
Bernard, Henri --- 19-2 27-4
Bernard, P. Carrigan --- Roster
Bernard, Paul L., Jr. --- Roster
Bernard, Paul, Pvt. --- 6-1
Bernard, Professor --- 27-4
Bernardo, Pete Di, Mr. & Mrs. --- 62-3
Bernardo, Peter J. --- 61-2
Bernardoni, August L. --- Roster
Berndt, Albert Louis --- Roster
Berne --- 3-3 3-5 25-1 26-1 26-3 26-4 30-3 32-1 33-4 34-1 36-1 37-3 38-3 56-4 73-1
Berneking, Paul N. --- Roster
Berner, Charles F Jr. --- Roster
Berner, Gordon R. --- 47-3
Berning, Richard E. --- Roster
Berninghaus, Delbert --- 61-1 61-2 61-3 61-4 62-2 62-3
Berninghaus, Delbert Herman --- Roster
Berninghaus, Delbert P. --- Roster
Berninghaus, Delbert W. --- Roster
Bernkof, Henry --- Roster
Bernkof, Henry, S/Sgt. --- 3-10
Bernkopf, Henry --- Roster
Bernkouf, Henry, Sgt. --- 31-2
Bernstein, Henry J. --- 26-2
Bernstein, Paul --- Roster
Bernthal, Betty Ann --- 74-2
Berquist, Donald R. --- Roster
Berquist, Kenneth R. --- Roster
Berra, Angelo J. --- Roster
Berri, William G. --- Roster
Berringer, Clyde E. --- Roster
Berrong, Virgil Jackson --- Roster
Berry, Ben --- 67-2
Berry, Causa E. --- Roster 4-1
Berry, David A. --- Roster
Berry, Edward W.,Sr. --- Roster
Berry, Eugene M. --- Roster
Berry, George W. --- Roster
Berry, Harold D. --- Roster
Berry, Henry F. --- Roster
Berry, Jack L. --- 77-2
Berry, James D. --- Roster
Berry, Kenneth Benell 'Ben' --- Roster
Berry, Pat --- Roster
Berry, Paul --- 67-2
Berry, Raymond --- Roster 19-1
Berry, Robert L. --- Roster 46-4 48-3 50-3
Berry, Ross --- 67-2
Berry, Walter Calvin --- Roster
Berryessa, Owen W. --- Roster
Berryhill, Ernest E. --- Roster
Berryhill, unk --- Roster
Bersanti, William --- Roster
Bersonsky, Norman R. --- 74-2
Bertache, John --- 53-1
Bertache, Walter --- Roster
Bertell, Ben --- Roster
Bertelsen, Thad --- 39-3
Bertelsen, Thad H. --- Roster
Berthhiaume, Dean A. --- Roster 53-2
Berthias, John A. --- Roster
Berthiaume, Albert G. --- Roster 3-8
Berthiaume, Dean A --- 45-4
Berthiaume, Dean A. --- Roster 56-1
Berthold, Robert --- Roster
Bertjens, Albertus P. --- Roster
Bertke, Elroy H., Sr. 'Roy' --- Roster
Bertle, Elroy --- Roster
Bertsch, Peggy --- 63-2
Bertsche, Walter D. --- Roster
Bertus, John --- Roster
Berube, Gerald F. --- Roster
Berube, Phillipe Leo --- Roster
Berube, Sgt. --- 6-3
Berwick, Capt. --- 3-4 3-8
Berwick, Jesse R. --- Roster
Berwick, Lee --- 4-1 4-3 44-2 45-1 45-3 46-1 56-1 57-3 58-2
Berwick, Lee & Betty --- 46-1
Berwick, Lee, Capt. --- 3-8 45-1 54-4 57-3 58-1 58-2 58-3 70-1
Berwick, Lee, Sr. 'Large' --- Roster
Beryer, Nancy --- 59-4
Berzansky, Sam --- Roster
Berzonsky, Norman --- 74-3
Berzonsky, Norman J. --- Roster 57-4
Besco, Louis C. --- Roster
Beseler, ? --- 67-2
Beseler, Bill --- 45-3
Beseler, Don --- 45-2 47-3 47-4 48-4 50-3 61-4 67-3 68-2 68-2
Beseler, Don & Marsha --- 65-1
Beseler, Don (Bill), Lt. --- 69-2
Beseler, Don, Lt. --- 46-3 71-1
Beseler, Donald --- Roster 44-2 45-1 45-2 54-2 54-4 61-4 63-3 67-1 70-3 74-1
Beseler, Donald 'Bill' --- 75-1
Beseler, Donald W. --- Roster 45-2 47-4 54-2 61-4 65-2 66-2 75-1
Beseler, Donald W. & Marcia --- 46-1
Beseler, Donald W., Lt. --- 45-2 50-4
Beseler, Donald, Lt. --- 45-2 45-3
Beseler, Lt. --- 48-4 49-3 50-4
Beseler, Marcia --- 75-1
Beseler, Richard --- 75-1
Beseler, Russell --- 75-1
Beseler, Vicky --- 75-1
Beshara, Sam David --- Roster
Beskey, Floyd G. --- Roster
Besl, Gerald J. --- Roster 4-1
Besler, Donald, Lt. --- 67-3
Besley, Floyd G. --- Roster 19-2
Besley, Floyd G. & Betty --- 19-1
Beson, Richard G. --- Roster
Bess, Oliver E. --- Roster
Besschans, Lieve --- 30-1
Bessemans, Lieor --- 30-1
Bessemans, Lieve --- 30-2
Bessermans, Miss Lieve --- 30-1
Bessette, Clifford Louis --- Roster
Bessette, Susan --- 68-2 68-2
Bessman, Judge Leonard --- 44-1
Best, John E. --- Roster
Best, Judge R. --- Roster
Best, Lee R., Jr. --- Roster
Best, Robert G. --- Roster
Betas, Mama --- 56-4
Betas, Papa --- 56-4
Bethea, Charles --- 53-2 53-3 54-2 56-2 56-3 56-4 57-2 58-2 59-3 61-4
Bethea, Charles A. --- 54-1 65-1 74-2
Bethea, Florence Manning --- 74-2
Bethea, William B. --- Roster
Bethea, William S., Mrs. --- 74-2
Bethel, Stuart --- 7-2
Bethel, Stuart S. --- Roster
Betlach, Don --- 45-4 49-4
Betlach, Donald --- 45-4 46-2 49-4 50-2 52-4
Betlach, Donald A. --- Roster 42-3 43-3 45-4 49-4 62-2 72-1 79-3
Betson, Richard --- Roster
Betthauser, Paul --- Roster 6-1
Betthauser, Paul, Pfc. --- 56-3
Betts, Perley Forsyth --- Roster
Betty Bacharach Home --- 11-1
Betz, Mary --- 35-1
Beuchet --- 26-2
Beulle, G. Francois --- 3-8
Beulle, Galliene Francois --- Roster
Beulle, Gallienne F. --- 3-4 3-8
Beveridge, Albert H. --- Roster
Beville, Etta --- 80-1
Beville, Glen --- 69-2 76-3
Beville, Glenn --- 69-2 70-1
Beville, John --- 67-2 74-1 74-2
Beville, John (Glen) --- 74-1 75-1
Beville, John G. --- 30-1 33-2 35-1 37-3 55-3 57-1
Beville, John G., Mr. --- 34-1
Beville, John Glen --- 69-1
Beville, John Glenn --- 72-1 80-1
Beville, John J. --- Roster
Beville, Matthew --- 70-1
Beville, Michael --- 70-1
Bevis, Peter --- 12-3
Beyond The Beachhead --- 62-3
Bialek, Robert --- Roster
Bianca, John J. --- Roster 5-4
Biancamano, Domenic --- 52-1 56-1
Biancamano, Domenic & Irma --- 42-1
Biancamano, Domenic P. --- Roster 41-1 43-3 44-2 50-1
Biancamano, Domenic P. & Irma --- 46-1
Biancamano, Irma --- 62-4 66-2
Biancamano, Irma Theresa --- 78-3
Bianucci, Al --- 46-1 46-2
Bianucci, Alfred P. --- 46-1 49-1
Bianucci, Alfred Paul --- Roster
Biard, Marion A. --- Roster 7-2
Biarritz --- 56-4
Bibbs, Charlie --- 37-2
Bibi, Abdo --- Roster
Bible, Hunley J. --- Roster
Biborka, John P. --- Roster 78-1
Bice, Samuel J. --- Roster
Bickel, Daniel M. --- Roster
Bickerstaff, William T. --- Roster 6-1
Bickford, Flo --- 11-1 12-1 14-1 15-3 15-5 17-1 19-1 20-1 21-1 28-1 30-1 35-1 42-2 51-3 52-4
Bickford, Flo & Tom --- 14-1 17-1 18-2 19-2 19-3 20-2 21-1 21-2 21-3 22-2 22-3 23-2 26-4 29-2 33-1 34-3 37-3 38-1 40-1
Bickford, Florence --- 52-4 54-1 54-3 54-4 56-1
Bickford, Florence, Mrs. --- 48-4 53-1
Bickford, Isabel & Flo --- 22-1
Bickford, Mr. --- 29-1
Bickford, T. --- 30-1 31-1 32-1
Bickford, T., Mr. & Mrs. --- 20-3 22-1
Bickford, Thom. --- 15-5 24-3
Bickford, Thomas --- Roster 7-2 7-3 7-4 7-6 8-1 9-1 9-4 11-1 13-2 13-3 14-1 14-2 14-3 15-1 15-2 17-2 18-2 19-2 21-1 21-4 22-4 26-3 27-1 28-3 33-1 35-1 36-1 37-1 43-3 45-3 46-4 47-3 56-1
Bickford, Thomas & Florence --- 29-3 46-1
Bickford, Thomas (Florence), Mrs. --- 14-2 15-3
Bickford, Thomas L. --- 10-1
Bickford, Thomas, Mr. --- 34-1
Bickford, Thomas, Mr. & Mrs. --- 8-1 13-4 25-2
Bickford, Thomas, Mrs. --- 11-1
Bickford, Tom --- 7-1 7-4 9-2 10-3 10-4 14-1 17-2 17-3 18-1 18-3 18-4 19-1 19-2 19-4 19-5 20-1 20-2 20-3 20-4 21-1 21-2 21-3 21-4 22-1 22-2 22-4 23-1 23-2 23-4 24-2 26-2 27-1 28-1 29-1 30-1 31-1 31-3 32-1 33-1 33-2 42-2 44-4 62-2 63-1
Bickford, Tom & Flo --- 11-1 14-4 15-1 18-1 18-3 19-1 24-2 26-2 27-1 28-1 34-1 37-1 37-2 39-1 40-1 42-1 44-4
Bickford, Tom, Mr. --- 21-4
Bickford, Tom, Mr. & Mrs. --- 15-1 16-1 17-1 17-3 18-2 22-3 28-1 33-1 36-1
Bickfords, The --- 16-1 18-1 22-3 62-2
Bickley, Ernest F. --- Roster
Bickman, Joseph --- 6-5
Biddle, James Edward, Sr. --- Roster
Biddle, Melvin, Pfc. --- 55-3
Bidley, Susan --- 69-1
Bidout, Rex E. --- Roster
Bidwell, Virgil Warren --- Roster
Biealf-Schonberg Road --- 37-3
Biebelsheim --- 17-5 27-3 27-4 58-2 58-3
Biebelsheim, Germany --- 3-3
Bieber, Maynard B. or D. --- Roster
Bieberdorf, Robert O. --- Roster
Bied, Andy D., Cpl. --- 3-7
Bied, Andy Dan --- Roster
Bied, Andy Danielson ‘Dan’ --- 54-3
Bied, Dan --- 33-4 34-2 35-1 35-4 36-1 36-2 36-4 37-1 38-3 43-3 44-3 45-1 45-3 45-4 46-1 46-2 47-1 47-4 48-1 48-2 48-3 48-4 49-2 49-4 50-1 50-2 50-3 50-4 51-1 51-2 51-3 51-4 52-1 52-2 52-4 53-1 53-2 53-3 53-4 54-1 54-2 54-3 54-4 55-2 56-1 57-4 59-4 62-2 63-1 63-3 63-4 67-3
Bied, Dan & Millie --- 52-1
Bied, Dan, Mr. --- 34-1
Bied, Daniel & Millie --- 35-1
Bied, Mildred 'Millie' --- 67-3
Bied, Millie --- 35-1 67-1
Biehelsheim --- 39-2
Biehl, Albert E. --- Roster
Bielbelsheim --- 56-4
Bielefeld, Robert N. --- Roster
Bielek, Victor Z. --- 7-3
Bielik, Victor --- 7-3
Bielik, Victor Zigmund --- Roster
Bielke, John H. --- Roster
Bielski, Raymond J. --- 45-1 46-1 50-1 52-1 53-1 54-1 55-1
Bielski, Raymond J., Sr. --- Roster
Bien, Aaron D. (David) --- Roster
Bier, Jack R. --- Roster 44-1
Bierde, 1st Sgt --- 45-4
Bierde, unk --- Roster
Bierdo, John H. --- 45-1
Bierds, John H., Jr. --- Roster
Bierman, Melvin H. --- Roster
Biermuseum --- 71-1
Biermuseum Rodt --- 70-2 76-1
Bierwerth, Helmuth J. --- Roster
Bieze, James H. --- Roster 43-3
Bieze, John --- 12-2 15-4 32-1 33-1 40-3 43-2 48-4
Bieze, John & Virginia --- 32-3
Bieze, John H. --- Roster 31-1 35-1 36-1 42-3 48-4 56-1
Bieze, John H. (Virginia), Mr. & Mrs. --- 33-1
Bieze, John H., Mr. --- 34-1
Bieze, John, Mr. & Mrs. --- 36-1
Bieze, John, Mrs. --- 27-3
Bieze, Mr. & Mrs. --- 34-3 46-2
Bieze, Virginia & John --- 41-3
Biezel, John, Mr. & Mrs. --- 33-2
Big Blue River --- 36-4
Bigelow, Gordon G. --- Roster 51-2 51-3
Bigger, Roy --- 41-1 42-4 43-3 44-3 45-1 45-2 46-1 46-4 47-1 47-3 47-4 48-1 48-2 48-3 48-4 49-1 49-2 49-3 49-4 50-2 50-3
Bigger, Roy & Jean --- 46-1 47-1
Bigger, Roy L. --- Roster
Biggers, Roy --- 45-4 51-1 52-1 56-1
Biggio, Andrew --- 76-1
Bigica, Anthony --- Roster
Bikle, 1st Lt. --- 34-1
Bikulcius, Edward C. --- Roster
Bikulcius, Edward C., Sgt. --- 3-4
Bilcheiturm --- 76-3
Bildner, Morris --- Roster
Bilenki, Helen --- 62-2
Bilenki, Helen (Hurman) --- 53-1
Bilenki, Helen M. --- 53-1
Biles, C. W. --- 32-2 33-1 35-1 36-1
Biles, C. W. (Carley) --- Roster
Biles, C. W., Mr. --- 34-1
Bill, Alfred J. --- Roster
Bill, Kermit M. --- Roster
Billek, Adam --- 67-1
Billek, Adam V. --- Roster
Billett, Claude --- 58-3
Billick, Adam V. --- Roster 48-4
Billiet, Claude --- 59-4
Billiland, John O. --- 43-1
Billinghurst, Edward P. --- Roster 45-4 47-1 55-1
Billinghurst, Edward P. & Dorothy --- 46-1
Billingiere, Frank V. --- Roster
Billings, David G. --- Roster
Billings, Silas L. --- Roster
Billman, Edwin L. --- Roster
Billotti, Frank D. --- Roster
Bills, Clayton R. --- Roster
Billskemper, Robert H. --- Roster 58-1
Bilodeau, Roger W. --- Roster
Bilotti, Frank --- Roster 46-2
Bilskemper, Robert --- 58-1 62-4
Bilskemper, Robert E. --- Roster
Bilskemper, Robert H. --- 66-2
Bilyou, Joseph, Jr. --- Roster
Binder, Clarence --- 56-1
Binder, Clarence M. --- Roster 44-3 55-1
Binder, Stephen --- Roster
Bing, Benjaman --- 65-1
Bing, Benjamin --- Roster 62-3
Bingen --- 4-4 8-1 17-5 27-3 27-4 31-2 45-4 54-4 56-3 56-4 58-2 58-3
Bingen, Germany --- 45-4 54-4
Bingham, Luther E. --- Roster
Bingle, William H. --- 6-1
Bingle, William Harvey --- Roster 5-1 6-1
Binkele, George W. --- Roster
Binot, H. --- 27-4
Binyon, Lawrence --- 4-4 5-3
Biondi, Dominick J. --- Roster
Biorman, Walker J. --- Roster
Birbiles, James G. --- Roster
Birchee, Lt. --- 53-1
Bircher, Willis --- Roster 5-3 67-1
Bircl, William G. --- Roster
Bird, Claude A. --- Roster
Bird, G. R. --- 3-8
Bird, George R. --- Roster
Bird, Stan --- 39-1
Birdsall, Cliff --- 6-4
Birdsall, Clifford --- 71-2 71-3 72-2 74-3
Birdsall, Clifford H. --- Roster 69-3 74-3
Birmingham --- 30-3 31-3 33-2 35-3 35-4 37-3 39-3 41-1 42-4 43-3 44-2 44-4 46-2 46-4 47-3 47-4 48-2 48-4 52-1 52-2 53-2 53-3 55-2 56-2 58-2 59-3 61-3 62-3 63-3 67-3 72-1 79-3
Birmingham, England --- 33-3
Birri, William G. --- Roster
Birth Of The Golden Lions --- 14-4 14-5
Bischoff, Paul E. --- Roster
Biscoff, T. M. --- Roster
Bish, Donald Rex --- Roster
Bishop, A. G. --- 18-2 22-4
Bishop, A. Grayson --- 19-4 58-2 58-3 61-4 62-2 62-3 62-4
Bishop, Alan G. --- 55-3 57-1
Bishop, Alan G., Lt. --- 3-5
Bishop, Alan Grayson --- Roster
Bishop, Amos Lee, Jr. --- Roster
Bishop, Arthur F. --- Roster 65-1 80-1
Bishop, Arthur F., Cpl. --- 3-7
Bishop, Arthur Francis --- 80-1
Bishop, Capt. --- 3-8
Bishop, Charles C. --- Roster
Bishop, Charles Clifton --- 66-1
Bishop, Clyde --- Roster 7-6
Bishop, Col. --- 3-8 6-3
Bishop, Daniel --- Roster
Bishop, David A. --- Roster
Bishop, Edward Mills, Jr. --- Roster
Bishop, Ernest H. --- Roster
Bishop, Floyd & Anna --- 80-1
Bishop, Grayson --- Roster 56-2 56-3 57-1 57-2 57-3 58-2 58-3 59-3 61-3 62-2 62-3 70-2 70-3
Bishop, Grayson A. --- 70-3
Bishop, Jesse --- 45-2 59-3 68-2 68-2
Bishop, Jesse Eugene --- Roster
Bishop, Jesse M. --- Roster 35-3 44-3 49-3
Bishop, John L. --- Roster
Bishop, L. Russell --- 54-1
Bishop, Laura & Grayson --- 58-1
Bishop, Marilyn --- 80-1
Bishop, Michael --- 80-1
Bishop, Prasanna --- 80-1
Bishop, Russell L. --- 46-4
Bishop, Russell Lee --- Roster
Bishop, Vester --- Roster 54-1
Bishop, West --- Roster 44-1
Bishop, William B. --- Roster
Bissell, Daniel --- 30-3
Bissell, Horwitt H. --- Roster
Bissell, Melvin B. --- Roster
Bissell, Merrit H. --- Roster
Bissic, S/Sgt. --- 45-4
Bissic, unk --- Roster
Bistic, Harold L. --- Roster
Bitburg --- 45-4 52-1 54-3 61-1
Bitburg, Germany --- 60-4
Bitche --- 54-1
Bitner, Raymond Oscar --- Roster
Bitter Woods --- 40-3 44-3 50-4 54-1 59-3
Bitterfeld --- 45-4 59-4 61-1
Bitting, Robert F. --- Roster
Bittner, S/Sgt. --- 3-10
Bivens, Julius M., Jr. --- Roster
Bivens, Raymond --- 3-3
Biviano, Frank --- 6-4 7-2
Biviano, Frank J. --- Roster 3-10
Biviano, Frank, Cpl. --- 3-3
Bivins, Lucia Gioia --- 62-2
Bixby, George A. --- Roster
Bixler, Paul R. --- Roster
Bixton, O. C., Cpl. --- 37-2
Bizory --- 55-3 58-4 60-4 64-1 69-1
Bizub, John T. --- Roster
Bjarnason, Helgi Ellert --- Roster
Bjorkman, Donald D. --- Roster
Bjorkrnand, T/S --- 56-4
Black Death March --- 41-3
Black Forest --- 31-2 35-2 46-2 50-3 61-3 73-3
Black Sea --- 65-2
Black, Autumn & Mark --- 80-2
Black, Bill --- 40-1
Black, C. Ewell, Jr., Rev. --- 67-1 67-2
Black, Capt. --- 3-10 40-1
Black, Chaplain --- 48-3 49-2 64-3
Black, Chaplain Ewell C., Jr. --- 59-4
Black, Clovis --- Roster
Black, Col. --- 34-4
Black, Dave --- 46-2
Black, David --- 52-1 63-3 64-3 67-1 71-2
Black, Deborah --- 71-2
Black, Dewey W. --- Roster
Black, Doris & Bill --- 41-3
Black, Doris G. --- 36-1
Black, E. C., Jr., Rev. --- 32-1
Black, E. C., Rev. --- 31-1 31-2 32-1
Black, E. G., Rev. --- 30-1
Black, Ewell --- 32-1 41-1 46-4 51-1 54-1 55-2 57-3 57-4 61-1 61-2 63-1 63-3 63-4 64-1 64-2 64-3 65-2 65-3 66-1 66-3 69-1
Black, Ewell & Dorothy --- 32-1 42-1
Black, Ewell C. --- 32-1 36-3 40-2 41-1 43-2 44-4 45-2 45-3 46-2 50-1 51-1 52-2 53-2 56-2 59-1 61-1 62-2
Black, Ewell C., Jr. --- 28-2 29-2 32-1 35-1 36-2 36-3 40-3 41-1 41-2 41-3 42-1 42-2 42-3 42-4 43-3 45-3 50-1 52-2 54-1 56-2 65-1 67-2
Black, Ewell C., Jr. Rev. --- 43-3
Black, Ewell C., Jr., Rev. --- 33-1 34-1 35-1 41-1 41-2 41-3 44-1 45-4 46-1 47-1 48-1 48-2 48-3 48-4 49-1 49-2 49-3 50-1 50-2 50-3 50-4 51-1 51-2 51-3 51-4 52-1 52-2 52-3 52-4 53-1 53-2 53-3 53-4 54-2 56-3 57-1 59-4 62-2 62-3 62-4 63-1 63-2 63-3 63-4 64-3 65-1 65-2 65-3 66-1 66-2 66-3 67-1 67-2 69-2 70-3 71-1 71-2
Black, Ewell C., Rev. --- 28-3 35-1 36-1 37-1 41-1 42-1 42-2 42-3 42-4 43-1 43-2 43-3 44-2 45-1 45-3 45-4 46-1 46-2 46-4 47-1 47-4 48-1 48-3 48-4 49-1 49-2 49-3 50-1 50-2 50-3 50-4 51-1 51-2 51-3 51-4 52-2 52-3 52-4 53-1 53-2 53-3 53-4 54-2 55-2 57-2 59-3 59-4 62-2 63-1 64-1 64-2 67-1 67-2 67-3
Black, Ewell Conway, Jr. (Rev.) --- Roster
Black, Ewell, Jr. --- 53-1 54-1 55-2 59-4 62-2 63-3 65-1
Black, Ewell, Jr., Rev. --- 26-3 32-1 52-1 62-2 64-3 65-2 65-3 66-1 66-2 66-3 67-1 67-2
Black, Ewell, Rev. --- 32-1 41-1 44-3 46-3 47-4 48-1 49-2 50-4 52-2 57-2 58-2 63-1 63-2 63-3 63-4 64-3 65-1 65-2 66-1 66-2 66-3 67-1
Black, Floyd Lavell --- Roster
Black, Galen W. --- Roster
Black, James C. --- Roster
Black, John J. --- Roster
Black, Jr., Ewell --- 59-4
Black, Jr., Ewell C. --- 54-1
Black, Jr., Ewell C., Rev. --- 52-1
Black, Jr., Rev Ewell C. --- 53-1 55-1 57-1
Black, LeRoy S. --- Roster
Black, Marilyn --- 35-3
Black, Paul J. --- Roster
Black, Rev Ewell --- 57-3 61-3 63-1 64-1 64-2
Black, Rev Ewell, Jr. --- 62-3 62-4 63-1 63-2 63-3 63-4 64-3 65-1 65-2 65-3 66-1 66-2 66-3
Black, Rev. --- 41-2 45-1 45-2 51-4 63-1 71-2
Black, Reverend Ewell C., Jr. --- 71-2
Black, Rich --- 34-3
Black, Samuel A. --- Roster 15-1
Black, T. W. --- 34-1
Black, T. Wayne --- 6-2 7-2 13-2 14-2 15-1 15-2 17-1 17-2 17-5 18-1 18-2 19-1 19-2 20-1 21-4 22-3 22-4 24-1 24-3 26-2 26-3 27-2 28-2 28-3 29-3 30-1 31-1 31-2 32-1 33-1 35-1 35-3 36-1 37-1 42-3 43-1 43-3 51-1 52-2 54-1 55-2 57-1 57-4 62-2 63-1 63-3 63-4
Black, T. Wayne, Mr. --- 34-1
Black, Thomas W. 'Blackie', T/Sgt. --- 3-5
Black, Thomas Wayne --- 63-4
Black, Thomas Wayne 'Blackie' --- Roster
Black, Tom --- 33-4
Black, Wayne --- Roster 12-1 15-1 15-4 16-1 17-1 17-2 17-3 17-4 17-5 18-1 18-2 18-3 18-4 18-5 19-1 19-2 19-3 19-4 19-5 20-1 20-2 20-3 21-1 22-2 29-3 30-1 31-2 32-1 32-2 33-1 33-2 34-1 34-4 36-1 38-2 42-2 52-1 53-1
Black, Wayne & Marilyn --- 35-1
Black, Wellington E. 'Bud' --- Roster
Black, William --- Roster 36-1 37-1 39-3 40-1 41-1 45-1 46-4 49-1 71-3
Black, William C. --- Roster 43-3 45-1 46-1 46-4 48-1 50-1 56-1
Black, William C. & Doris --- 42-1
Black, William D. --- Roster 7-2
Black, William H. --- Roster
Black, William J. --- Roster
Blackburn, George T. --- Roster 3-8 7-4
Blackburn, Herbert M. --- Roster
Blackburn, Lt. --- 7-2
Blackburn, Marion --- 19-3 44-3
Blackburn, Marion D. (Dale) --- Roster
Blackburn, Marion K. --- Roster 43-3
Blacke, Clifford F. --- Roster 6-1 7-2 56-4
Blacke, Clifford F., 1st Lt. --- 3-2
Blacke, Clifford F., Lt. --- 56-4
Blackford, Edward J. --- Roster
Blackley, Merrill --- Roster
Blackmer, William B. --- Roster
Blacksher, Lonzo H. --- Roster
Blackton, John Edward, Jr. --- Roster
Blackwelder, Dani.el A. (Alderman) --- Roster
Blackwelder, Harry A. --- Roster
Blackwell, Clarence E. --- Roster
Blackwell, Earnest E. --- Roster
Blackwell, Ralph G. --- Roster
Blackwell, Ray H., S/Sgt. --- 57-1
Blackwell, Raymond H. --- Roster
Blackwell, Reid B. --- Roster
Blackwell, Robert L. --- Roster 49-3 64-3
Blackwell, Wm. --- 62-2 62-3
Blade, Bill --- 40-3
Bladen, John --- 57-1 62-2
Bladen, John ‘Johnny’ Anthony, Jr. --- 74-2
Bladen, John A. --- 49-1 50-1 52-1 53-1 54-1 54-2 56-1 57-1
Bladen, John Anthony --- 74-1 74-2
Bladen, John Anthony, Sr. --- Roster
Bladen, Mary --- 57-1
Bladen, Mary Virginia --- 74-2
Bladen, Thomas & Gertrude --- 74-2
Bladorn, Francis J. --- Roster
Blagg, Charles D. --- Roster 43-3 52-1
Blaha, Emil Joseph --- Roster
Blaher, Marion --- 61-3
Blaher, Miriam --- 51-2 52-2 53-2 62-3 71-3
Blaher, Morris --- 71-3
Blaher, Nathan & Ida Lieberman --- 71-3
Blaher, William --- 51-1 55-1 59-3 59-4 61-3 62-3 64-1 65-1 68-2 68-2 69-1 70-1 71-1 71-3
Blaher, William & Miriam --- 54-3
Blaher, William S. --- Roster 4-1 14-2 14-3 17-4 21-4 25-2 26-4 33-2 34-3 35-1 35-3 37-3 46-1 51-1 52-1 53-1 54-1 55-1 56-1 57-1 58-1 62-4 65-3 70-1 71-3 72-1
Blaher, William S. & Miriam --- 46-1 47-1
Blaher, William S., Mr. --- 34-1
Blaher, Wm & Miriam --- 50-2
Blaher, Wm. S. --- 15-2 30-1 31-1
Blaine, George F. --- Roster
Blair, Carol --- 38-1 40-1 42-1
Blair, Carol R. --- 39-1
Blair, Edwin & Viola --- 71-2
Blair, Elaine --- 71-2
Blair, Emile E. --- Roster
Blair, Ernest E. 'Hank' --- Roster 61-3
Blair, Hank --- Roster 62-3
Blair, J. E. --- 7-2
Blair, Jack E. --- 15-2 15-3
Blair, James L. --- Roster
Blair, John --- 71-2
Blair, John E. --- 5-2 7-2 8-1 8-3 8-4
Blair, John E. 'Jack' --- Roster
Blair, John 'Jack' E. --- 71-2
Blair, John, Mr. --- 15-1
Blair, Lenette --- 62-3
Blair, Matthew --- 71-2
Blair, Richard --- 71-2
Blair, Robert R. --- Roster
Blair, Wilfred R. --- Roster
Blake, Bertram C. --- Roster
Blake, Clifford --- Roster
Blake, Gene S. --- Roster 34-2
Blake, John T. --- Roster
Blakeley, Harold W., Maj. Gen. --- 19-2
Blakney, Rodger W. --- 35-4
Blakney, Roger W. --- 35-3 36-1
Blakney, Roger W. (Walter) --- Roster
Blalack, Harold --- 55-2
Blalack, Harold R. --- Roster 4-1 56-1
Blalock, James P. --- Roster 4-1
Blalog, Rudy --- Roster
Blan, Gerane W. --- Roster
Blan, Sidney H., Jr. --- Roster
Blanchard, Arthur --- 5-2
Blanchard, Arthur E. --- Roster
Blanchard, Arthur F. --- 3-8
Blanchard, Herbert M. --- Roster
Blanchard, Herbert N. --- 7-2 11-2
Blanchard, Herbert N., Capt. --- 3-7
Blanchard, Kendal, Dr. --- 69-3
Blanchard, Walter J. --- Roster
Bland, Darla --- 53-1
Bland, Ralph W. --- Roster
Blanden, John --- 66-1
Blandford, S. S. --- 4-3 4-4 4-5 5-1 5-2 6-1 7-2 7-6
Blandford, Sam --- 4-4 5-1 5-2 5-3 7-3 7-4 9-1 11-1 11-3
Blandford, Samuel S. --- Roster 3-8 7-2
Blank, Henry C. --- Roster
Blank, Ralph --- 63-4
Blankenberg, Bill --- 72-2
Blankenburg, Bill --- 72-2
Blankenship, Megan --- 77-2
Blankenship, Noble M. --- Roster
Blankenship-Fry, Grayson --- 77-2
Blanton, Hermann R. --- Roster
Blanucci, Al --- Roster
Blasher, William S. --- Roster 36-1
Blasko, Pate --- Roster
Blatchford, Joseph --- 28-4
Blauch, James --- 57-1
Blauch, James R. --- 61-4 66-2
Blauch, James R., Jr. --- Roster
Blauch, Joe --- 66-2
Blauch, Joseph M. --- 57-1
Blauer, John H. --- Roster
Blaufax, Jill --- 63-3
Blaufox, Jill --- 61-3 62-3 66-1 70-1
Blauser, Charles J. --- Roster
Blausox, Jill --- 72-1
Blazarini, John --- 66-2
Blaze, James T. --- Roster
Blazek, LeRoy W. --- Roster
Blazin, George A. --- Roster
Blazin, George P. --- Roster
Bleasdale, James T. --- Roster
Bleasdale, John --- Roster 14-4
Blechl, John R. --- Roster
Blecker, V. --- Roster
Bleecker, Harry J., Jr. --- Roster
Bleialf --- 3-4 3-5 3-10 5-5 6-1 6-4 11-3 15-1 31-2 36-1 36-2 36-3 44-2 45-3 45-4 46-4 47-3 47-4 48-3 49-2 49-4 50-4 51-2 51-3 51-4 52-1 52-3 52-4 53-1 53-2 53-3 53-4 54-1 54-3 55-1 55-3 55-4 56-1 56-2 56-3 57-2 57-4 58-2 58-4 59-1 59-2 59-4 60-2 60-3 60-4 61-2 61-4 64-2 64-3 66-2 66-3 68-2 68-2 69-1 70-1 71-3 72-3 74-2 75-3 76-1 78-1 79-3 80-2
Bleialf, Belgium --- 67-3 69-3
Bleialf, Germany --- 26-1 37-3 45-3 49-4 53-2
Bleialf-Auw Road --- 52-3 54-1
Bleialf-Music Band --- 52-1
Bleialf-Schoenberg Road --- 64-2 68-2 68-2 70-1 75-3
Bleialf-Schonberg Road --- 3-4 54-1 54-3 64-3
Bleich, Melvin E. --- 55-1
Bleich, Melvin Eugene --- Roster
Bleilf --- 65-2
Bleinhiem Palace --- 53-1
Blenheim --- 26-3 55-3
Blenheim Castle --- 26-1
Blessington, Philip J. --- Roster
Blevins, William R. --- Roster
Blieaf-Schonberg Road --- 37-3
Bliealf --- 17-1 33-1 37-3 40-3 42-3 55-2 55-4 75-3
Blies River --- 80-2
Blind Rehabilitation Svc. --- 63-4
Blindet, Herr Werner --- 52-1
Blinn, Felix --- 54-3
Blinn, Felix Joseph, Sr. --- Roster
Bliss, H. C. --- 7-2
Bliss, Herbert C. --- Roster 7-1 9-4 12-1 13-2 14-2 14-3 15-2 15-5
Blitz, Timothy F. --- 64-3
Blixt, Lori --- 68-2 68-2
Blixt, Tim --- 66-3 68-2 68-2 75-1
Blixt, Tim & Lori --- 76-2
Blixt, Timothy F. --- 74-1
Bloch, Elaine --- 43-1
Bloch, Jacques --- 5-1 7-3 8-3 8-4 9-1 19-3 20-3 44-4 45-2 48-3 48-4 49-2 49-3 54-3 55-1 55-3 57-2 58-2 59-3 62-2 62-3 69-1
Bloch, Jacques & Jean --- 50-2 51-2 52-2 54-3
Bloch, Jacques W. --- Roster 4-3 6-1 7-2 8-6 9-1 43-1 43-3 44-1 44-4 45-2 47-4 48-3 49-3 55-1 57-1 62-4 65-1 67-3 69-1 70-1 70-3 71-2 72-2 73-3
Bloch, Jean --- 43-1 57-2 59-3 67-3 71-2
Bloch, Jean H. --- 69-1 70-1 70-3 72-2 73-2 73-3
Bloch, John W. --- Roster
Bloch, Norman --- 43-1 73-3
Bloch, Norman A. --- 58-2 67-3
Block, Clyde --- Roster 12-1
Block, E. F., Mrs. --- 12-1
Block, George Howard, Jr. --- Roster
Block, Jacques --- 10-3 13-3 14-3
Block, Jacques W. --- Roster 8-1 15-3 24-2
Block, Jacques, Mr. & Mrs. --- 22-3
Block, Robert S. --- Roster
Block, Sol nmi --- Roster
Block, Walter W. --- Roster
Blodgett, John --- 50-1 51-1 52-3 53-2 54-1 54-2 57-4
Blodgett, John Q. --- Roster 51-1
Blodgett, Rush M., Jr. --- Roster
Blogett, John G. --- Roster
Blon, Arthur W. --- Roster
Blondin, Ray --- 11-1
Blondin, Raymond --- Roster 6-2
Blondin, Sam --- Roster
Bloody Clash At Sadzot --- 55-3 64-1
Bloom, Dalzell S. --- Roster
Bloom, Herman B. --- Roster
Bloom, Jack V. --- Roster 46-1
Bloomenson, Martin --- 52-1
Bloomer, Noble E. --- Roster
Bloomfield, John P. --- Roster
Bloomingburg, George --- 29-2 46-1 46-2 46-4 48-2 49-2 50-1 52-1 53-1 53-2 54-1 54-2 55-1 56-1 56-2 71-3
Bloomingburg, George L. --- 42-1 43-3
Bloomingburg, George L., Pfc. --- 4-1
Bloomingburg, George Lavelle --- Roster
Bloomingburg, George W. --- 43-3
Bloomingburg, George, Mr. & Mrs. --- 38-1
Bloomingburg, Juanita --- 46-2 49-2 50-2 53-2
Bloomquist, Roger E. --- Roster
Blosevich, Casmir J. --- Roster
Blouin, Theodore J. --- Roster
Blower, Forrest J. --- Roster
Bloxsom, Harry P. --- Roster
Blozvich, Andrez A. --- Roster
Bludworth, David H. --- 62-4 67-1 69-3 71-1 71-3 73-2 73-3 78-1 79-1 80-1
Bludworth, John F., Jr. --- 69-3
Bludworth, John F., Sr. --- 78-1
Bludworth, John Frank --- 63-4
Bludworth, John Frank, Sr. --- 62-4 67-1 71-1 71-3 73-3
Bludworth, John Franklin, Sr. --- Roster
Bludworth, Judi --- 69-3
Bludworth, Pat --- 69-3
Bludworth, Robert 'Bo' --- 69-3
Blue, Ralph --- 12-1
Blue, Richard D. --- Roster
Bluemensheid, Charles --- Roster
Blueworth, David --- 63-4
Blum, Fritz --- 52-1
Blum, H. Steven --- 67-2
Blum, H. Steven, Lt. Gen. --- 67-2 67-3
Blum, Lois --- 42-1
Blum, Michael --- 53-1
Blumberg, Nathaniel --- Roster 55-4 56-2
Blume, Irvin H. --- Roster
Blumenschein, Ken --- Roster 5-3 6-3 48-2
Blumensheid, Charles G., Jr. --- Roster
Blumeschein, Ken --- 46-1
Blythe, James --- Roster 53-3
Blytho, Wilton H. --- Roster
Blzik, Stephen L. --- Roster
Bnyrd, Tyson C. --- Roster
Boackle, George M. --- Roster
Boals, Homer Ray --- Roster
Board, James A. --- Roster 24-3
Boarman, Lou --- Roster
Boatright, Winford --- 65-1
Boatright, Winford R. --- 48-1 50-1
Boatright, Winford R. 'Wint' --- Roster
Boatwright, Hoyt B. --- Roster
Bobala, Karen --- 63-2
Bobbin, John --- Roster
Bobby Sherwood Dance Band --- 65-1
Bobel, Donald --- 34-1 35-1 35-4 36-1
Bobel, Donald & Charlotte --- 34-1
Bobel, Donald C. --- Roster 36-1
Bobel, Donald, Mr. --- 34-1
Bobela, John --- 5-3 20-2
Bobela, John Henry --- Roster
Bober, Vincent J. --- Roster
Bob-Lo Island --- 6-4 23-4
Bobo, Brady V. --- Roster
Bobo, Clifford --- Roster 3-4 6-1 48-4 72-1
Bobo, Clifford, Pfc. --- 74-2 79-1
Bobrowitz, John J. --- Roster
Bobrowski, Charles --- 46-1
Bobrowski, Charles J. --- Roster
Bobylev, Dmitry --- 67-3
Bobylev, Mr. --- 67-3
Bocchino, Clara --- 76-1
Bocchino, Dominic --- 53-3 68-2 68-2
Bocchino, Dominic T. --- Roster 53-3 76-1
Boccio, Amanda --- 80-1
Bock, Pierre --- 65-1
Bock, Richard --- 66-2
Bodarwe, Adele Bastin --- 42-2
Bodarwe, Louis --- 42-2
Bodeaux --- 3-5
Bodelson, Donald Milton Linden --- Roster
Bodi, Andrew, Jr. --- Roster
Bodiford, Juda --- 18-2
Bodine, Don, Col. --- 3-3 3-7
Bodine, Donald R. --- Roster
Bodine, Isem D. --- Roster 28-2 28-4
Boe, Harold F. --- Roster
Boekhaus, William F. --- Roster
Boel, Baron --- 11-4
Boel, Count --- 11-3
Boesch, R. --- 3-2
Boesch, Robert C. --- Roster
Boesch, Robert C., T/5 --- 3-5
Boeshore, Richard --- 33-2 34-2 34-4
Boeshore, Richard W. --- Roster
Boeshore, Richard, Mr. --- 34-1
Boesiger, Kenneth M. --- Roster
Bogacki, Norbert Joseph --- Roster
Bogan, William J. --- Roster
Bogart, Frederick L. --- Roster
Bogart, H. --- 61-3 61-4
Bogart, H. & Helen Van De --- 46-1
Bogart, Leonard --- Roster
Bogen, Wilbert C. --- Roster 4-1
Bogert, William --- Roster
Boggan, Lamar M. --- Roster
Boggs, Burl --- 42-1
Boggs, Oliver B. --- 47-1 49-1 50-1 51-1 52-1 53-1 54-1
Boggs, Oliver Burl --- Roster 43-3 56-4
Boggs, Stacy A. --- 57-2
Bogie, Norman Henry --- Roster
Bogner, Thomas F. --- 44-1
Bohach, Nicholas H. --- Roster
Bohde, Carl & Undine --- 75-3
Bohde, Don E. --- 76-1
Bohde, Donn --- 75-3
Bohde, Ed --- 58-2 63-3 66-1
Bohde, Edward --- 58-2 65-1
Bohde, Edward L. --- 61-4 75-3 76-1
Bohde, Edward Louis --- Roster 75-3
Bohde, Jack --- 63-3
Bohde, Robert --- 75-3
Böhl In The Pfalz --- 64-3
Böhl-Iggelheim, Germany --- 72-3
Bohm, Betty J. --- 67-3
Bohn, Betty --- 74-1
Bohn, Betty J. --- 66-1 66-2
Bohne, Betty --- 66-3
Bohte, Frank H. --- Roster
Bohte, Victor W. --- Roster 70-2
Bois De La Paix --- 55-3 58-4 64-1 76-1
Boissonneault, G. J., Jr. --- Roster
Bojanowski, Stanley --- Roster
Bojar, Frank D. --- Roster
Bokonich, Danilo --- Roster
Boland, Bernard Fulton --- Roster
Boland, Bob --- 5-4 6-5
Boland, Brittany --- 62-2
Boland, Linda Terrio --- 62-2
Boland, Robert J. --- Roster
Bolden, James --- 49-3
Bolden, James A. --- Roster
Bolding, Claud V. --- 6-1
Bolding, Claud V., T/4 --- 5-2
Bolding, Claud Virgil --- Roster
Boldman, Ralph Eugene --- Roster
Bolduc, Joseph John --- Roster
Bolen, Deborah, Rev. --- 80-2
Boles, Gen. --- 65-2
Boles, Gerald ‘Dutch’ --- 53-1
Boles, Gerald 'Dutch' --- 53-1
Boley, Charlotte & Gene --- 46-2
Boley, Gene --- 46-2
Boley, John E. --- Roster
Bolger, Donald --- 39-1
Bolger, Donald C. --- Roster
Bolich, Oscar O., Jr. --- Roster
Boling, Donald R. --- Roster
Bolinger, Charles --- Roster
Bolise, David --- 27-1
Boll, Margaret --- 5-4
Boll, Thomas B. --- Roster
Bollia, Charles E. --- Roster 10-2
Bollia, Olive --- 10-2
Bollinger, John R. --- Roster
Bollman, Earl T. --- Roster
Boltz, Edward Frederick --- Roster
Bomal --- 3-5 26-2
Bomar, Jack --- 64-1
Bombar, Jr., Maurice --- 61-3
Bombar, Maurice --- 56-3
Bombar, Maurice L., Jr. --- Roster
Bommer, Carl H. --- Roster 9-4
Bonadio, Natal --- Roster
Bond, Bate --- Roster 7-2
Bond, Carmie Ansel --- Roster
Bond, Edward C. --- Roster
Bond, Howard --- Roster 49-4
Bond, Pamela J. --- 80-2
Bond, Robert G. --- Roster
Bond, Virginia --- 63-2
Bondi, William A. --- Roster
Bonds, Charles K. --- 4-1
Bonds, Charles K. Jr. --- Roster
Bone, Aubrey Horton --- Roster
Bone, D. C. --- Roster 24-1
Bone, Sgt. --- 24-1
Bonebrake, Ronald A. --- Roster
Bonello, Mike --- Roster
Bonfanti, Ann --- 80-1
Bonheimer, Earl E. --- Roster
Boniske, Roz --- 72-2
Bonn --- 4-4 8-1 18-1 21-4 31-2 31-3 33-2 45-3 45-4 51-4 57-3 65-3 73-1
Bonn, Germany --- 34-3 35-4 39-3 51-1
Bonnello, Mike --- 24-1
Bonnema, Robert J. --- Roster
Bonneman, Richard --- Roster
Bonneman, Robert --- Roster
Bonner, James Charles --- Roster
Bonnes, Herbert T. --- Roster
Bonnyman, Alexander, Jr., Lt. --- 76-2
Bonnyman, Lt. --- 76-2
Bonura, Gastano F. --- Roster
Booda, Charles --- 74-1
Booda, Charles & Betty --- 54-3
Booda, Charles & Elizabeth --- 8-4
Booda, Charles K. --- 8-3 57-2
Booda, Charles K., Jr. --- Roster 67-2 70-1
Booda, Charles Kenton Jr. --- 74-1
Booda, Charles Kenton, Jr. --- 74-1
Booda, Eleanore --- 74-1
Booda, Elizabeth --- 74-1
Booda, Jr., Charles K. --- 49-1 52-1 53-1
Booher, David I. --- Roster
Booher, Robert G. --- Roster
Book, Matthew C. --- Roster
Book, Matthew C., 1st Lt. --- 56-3
Booker, Jack W. --- Roster
Booker, Thomas D. --- Roster
Bookheimer, Mary Lou --- 72-2
Bookheimer, Merrill --- 45-1 52-1 53-1 54-1 55-1
Bookheimer, Merrill & Mary --- 42-1
Bookheimer, Merrill E. --- Roster 33-1 35-1 36-1 37-1 43-3 49-1 72-2
Bookheimer, Merrill E., Mr. --- 34-1
Books --- 14-1 26-3 32-3 32-4 39-1 47-3 49-3 49-4 50-1 50-2 51-1 51-4 52-3 53-1 53-3 53-4 54-1 54-4 55-1 55-2 55-3 55-4 56-1 56-2 56-3 56-4 57-1 57-3 58-2 59-1 59-2 59-4 60-1 60-3 61-1 61-2 61-3 61-4 62-2 63-1 63-2 63-3 65-2 66-3 67-2 68-2 68-2 69-1 69-2 69-3 70-1 70-2 70-3 71-1 71-2 71-3 72-1 72-2 72-3 75-1 75-3 76-1 76-2 76-3 77-1 77-3 78-1 78-2
Boom, Belgium --- 64-1
Boone, Herbert --- Roster
Boos, Col. --- 3-4
Booth, Barry, Dr. --- 71-1
Booth, Douglas R. --- Roster
Booth, Frank --- Roster
Booth, Fred L. --- Roster
Boothe, Samuel A. --- Roster
Booz, Ken --- 54-3
Booz, Kenneth --- 49-3 56-2
Booz, Kenneth S. --- Roster 49-3
Boppard --- 51-1
Borack, Paul H. --- Roster
Borah, John --- Roster
Borah, John, Pfc. --- 56-3
Borathyn, Gene --- 62-2 63-1
Boratyn, Eugene --- Roster 6-2 6-4
Boratyn, Gene --- 6-1
Boratyn, Gene, Mr. & Mrs. --- 16-1
Borbely, Frank --- Roster 40-1 40-2 40-3 41-1 42-3 43-3 44-3 44-4 46-2 48-1 48-2 51-1 52-1 56-1
Borbely, Frank & Phyllis --- 40-1 42-1
Borbely, Frank, Mrs. --- 52-1
Borboux, Servais, Maj. --- 20-3
Borchers, Arthur W. --- Roster
Borchert, Paul --- Roster
Borchert, Paul & Emma Jane --- 46-1
Borchgrave, Count Baudoin De --- 11-4
Borchgrave, Count De --- 11-4
Borchgrave, Monsieur De --- 11-4
Borckman, Albert W. --- Roster
Bordelon, Sam --- 46-2 53-4 59-1 79-3
Bordelon, Sam H. --- 46-1
Bordelon, Sam, Pvt. --- 44-4 46-2 66-1 79-3
Bordelon, Samuel --- 79-3
Bordelon, Samuel Harry --- Roster
Bordelon, Samuel, Pvt. --- 79-3
Borderlands Tours --- 76-1 77-1
Borders, William --- 3-10 6-4
Borders, William C. --- 3-8
Borders, William C., Jr. --- Roster
Borello, Mike --- Roster
Borges, Gregory & Charles --- 70-3
Borges, Harry L. --- Roster
Borges, Lindsey --- 70-3
Borglum, Gutzon --- 31-2 51-1
Borgnis, Albert --- Roster 6-2 65-1
Borgnis, Bernie --- 65-1
Borich, Joseph P. --- Roster
Borkowski, John --- Roster
Borman, Archie F. --- Roster
Borman, Glen A. --- Roster
Borman, Samuel --- Roster
Born --- 3-3 3-4 10-3 25-2 26-4 27-2 28-2 30-1 44-4 45-1 46-3 46-4 47-3 48-1 48-3 49-1 49-2 49-3 49-4 50-1 50-2 50-3 51-2 51-4 53-3 54-1 54-2 54-3 55-1 55-2 55-3 57-1 57-2 57-4 58-2 59-1 59-2 59-3 61-2 61-3 61-4 70-2 71-2 71-3 72-1 72-2 79-1 79-2 80-1 80-2
Born, Belgium --- 46-1 46-2 47-3 49-3 49-4 51-1 51-2 54-1 54-3
Born, Edward W. --- Roster 5-1
Born, James Leonard --- Roster
Borna --- 3-5
Borneson, Laverne E. --- Roster 6-1
Bornman, Charles L. --- Roster
Bornstein, Irwin --- Roster
Bornstein, Lester --- Roster
Bornstein, Lester, Mr. & Mrs. --- 26-1
Borosak, Charles T. --- Roster
Borosak, George F. --- Roster
Borowski, Rita --- 7-2
Borreson, Laverne E., S/Sgt. --- 3-2
Borreson, LaVerne Elmer --- Roster
Borso, John --- Roster
Borssum --- 3-5
Borst, Henrietta --- 72-3
Borst, T/S Bill --- 72-3
Borst, T5 Bill --- 75-1
Borst, William H. --- Roster 71-3
Borsteins, Les --- 26-1
Bortkiewicz, Feliks J. --- 69-2
Bortolon, John B., Jr. --- Roster
Borucki, Teddy V. --- Roster
Bosak, Theodore --- Roster
Boschert, Emma --- 63-3
Boschert, Emma Jane --- 46-1
Boschert, Margarete --- 74-3
Boschert, Paul --- 45-1 46-1 50-1 55-1 55-2 56-1 56-2 57-2 58-1 58-2 59-1 61-3 62-3 63-3 64-2 72-2
Boschert, Paul Davis --- 61-3
Boschert, Paul V. --- Roster 5-3 6-3 52-1 53-1 54-1 55-1 56-1 57-1 72-2
Boschert, Paul V., Sgt. --- 3-4
Bosco, Louis C. --- Roster
Bosco, Nick --- Roster 39-1
Boshears --- 23-4
Boshears, unk --- Roster
Boshore, Richard --- Roster 42-3
Bosi, Art --- 54-3
Bosi, Arthur --- 36-2
Bosi, Arthur W., Sr. --- Roster
Bosker, Rabbi --- 5-4
Bosle, Robert --- 47-1
Bosle, Robert & Gloria --- 42-1
Bosle, Robert H. --- Roster 43-3 44-3 45-3 47-1
Bosle, Robert H. & Gloria --- 46-1
Bosley, Robert & Gloria --- 42-2
Bosnia-Hertzgovina --- 58-2 58-3
Bossen, Warren C. --- Roster 5-2
Bossi, Eugene E. --- Roster
Bossi, Gene --- 78-3
Bossi, Grandma Rosa --- 78-3
Bossi, Karl R. --- 78-3
Bostick, Clyde M., Jr. --- Roster
Boswell, Robert H. --- Roster
Bothe, Robert L. --- Roster
Botkin, Gilbert E. --- Roster
Botsch, Emil Joseph --- Roster
Bottcher, Reme D. --- Roster 53-1 56-1
Bottenfield, Paul M., Sr. --- Roster
Botti, Joseph, Mr. & Mrs. --- 24-2
Bottoms, Ira --- 34-3 36-4 37-1 39-2 39-3 40-2 43-2 44-2 56-3
Bottoms, Ira G. --- 5-3 11-2 13-2 14-2 15-2 21-2 21-4 22-3 22-4 23-2 24-3 25-2 27-4 28-3 30-1 30-3 31-1 32-1 33-1 35-1 36-1 37-1 37-2 38-1 43-3
Bottoms, Ira G., Mr. --- 34-1
Bottoms, Ira Glenn --- Roster 4-2
Bottorf, Paul H. --- Roster
Bottrell, Kenneth G. --- Roster
Botts, Frank M. --- Roster 6-5
Botts, Harold A. ’Ike’ --- Roster
Botts, Max E. --- Roster
Botz, Arthur J. --- Roster
Bouchard, Doc --- 28-2
Boucher, Armand --- 63-4
Boucher, Armand J. --- Roster 45-1
Boucher, Armond, Mr. & Mrs. --- 46-2
Boucher, Arthur A. --- Roster
Boucher, Victor N. --- Roster
Bouck, Lyle, Capt. --- 42-3
Bouck, Lyle, Lt. --- 76-1
Boucouala, William S. --- Roster
Boucouvalas, William S. --- Roster 22-4 24-3 28-3 33-1 35-1 36-1 37-2
Boucouvalas, William S., Mr. --- 34-1
Boucouvalas, Wm. S. --- 26-3
Boucovualas, Wm. --- 30-1 31-1 32-1
Bouden, George M. --- Roster
Boudreaux, Clarence J. --- Roster
Boudreaux, Hilman J. --- Roster 45-4 55-1
Bougainville --- 51-2
Bouillon, Madame --- 27-3
Bouknight, Larry J. --- Roster
Boulard, Dr. --- 27-2
Boulch, Leon George --- Roster
Boulden, George M. --- Roster
Boulden, George M., T/5 --- 3-7
Bouldin, Ed --- 3-8
Bouldin, Edward J. --- Roster
Bouldin, Edward J., Lt. --- 3-5
Boulley, Alex E. --- Roster
Boulogne, France --- 26-1
Boulogue --- 27-2
Boulton, Charles --- Roster 3-7 6-1
Boulton, Joseph J. --- Roster
Boulton, Thomas C. --- Roster
Bouma, Willis --- 58-4 61-3 62-2 62-4 63-3 65-1 65-2 66-2 67-2 67-3 69-2 70-3 71-1 72-1 72-2 73-1
Bouma, Willis / Shirley --- 63-4
Bouma, Willis A. --- Roster 79-1
Bouna, Willis --- 63-3
Bounds, Eldred L. --- Roster 45-3 62-2
Bounds, Irene --- 62-2 62-4 63-1
Bounds, James E. --- 44-1
Bounds, James Edward --- Roster
Bouras, Sam J. --- Roster
Bourbon, Henry G. --- Roster
Bourbon, James R. --- Roster
Bourg, Charles E. --- Roster 55-3
Bourgmestre of Vielsalm --- 60-4 70-1
Bourguignon, Edward G., Sr. --- Roster
Bousman, Richard C. --- Roster
Boussard, Fred --- 62-3
Boustead, James G., Jr. --- Roster
Boutel, John G. --- Roster
Bouthillier, Gerald J. --- Roster
Boutiette, Lawrence N. --- Roster 45-4
Bova, Jacob L. --- Roster
Bove, Al --- Roster 43-3
Bove, Frank A. --- Roster
Bovigny --- 52-1 57-2
Bovigny, Belgium --- 52-1
Bowen, Florence --- 71-2
Bowen, Frank P., Jr. --- Roster
Bowen, John --- 53-4 54-1 56-2 69-3 70-1 70-2 70-3 71-1 71-2 71-3 72-1 72-2 72-3 73-1 73-2 73-3
Bowen, John D. --- 65-3 67-3
Bowen, Lester R. --- Roster
Bowen, Robert W. --- Roster
Bower, Dave --- 76-1
Bower, G., M/Sgt. --- 26-3
Bower, Jay G., M/Sgt. --- 14-4 14-5 62-4
Bower, Sgt. --- 14-4 14-5 62-4
Bowers, Beatrice A. --- 72-2
Bowers, Elmer E., Jr. --- Roster
Bowers, Eugene Henderson --- Roster
Bowers, Frank Herbert 'Frankie' --- Roster
Bowers, Freeman N. --- Roster
Bowers, Howard Jesse 'Junior' --- Roster
Bowers, Stanley F. --- Roster
Bowers, Walter H. --- Roster 43-3 48-1 51-1 52-1 53-1 61-3
Bowers, Walter H. 'Bill' --- 72-2
Bowersock, Edward B. --- Roster
Bowles, Cliff --- Roster 54-3
Bowles, Elisabeth & Ralph --- 62-2
Bowles, Elizabeth --- 45-1 51-3 52-1 53-1 63-1
Bowles, Ralph --- 43-2 43-3 44-3 45-1 48-1 49-1 50-1 51-3 55-1 63-1
Bowles, Ralph & Elizabeth --- 42-1 44-2 44-3 45-1 46-1 53-1 62-2
Bowles, Ralph K. --- 4-1 52-1 53-1 55-1
Bowles, Ralph Keister --- Roster
Bowles, William E. --- Roster
Bowling, Claremon K. --- Roster
Bowling, Claremon Keith --- Roster
Bowling, Nick --- Roster
Bowman, B. A., Lt. Col. --- 23-4 30-2 42-3
Bowman, Bryne, Col. --- 24-1 24-3
Bowman, Byrese A. --- 21-4
Bowman, Byrne --- 10-3 17-3 32-2
Bowman, Byrne A. --- Roster 10-3 10-4 14-1 20-2 22-1 22-4 24-3 34-2 35-1 35-3 36-1 40-2
Bowman, Byrne A. & Mrs. --- 20-3
Bowman, Byrne A., Col. --- 7-4 14-3 23-3 31-1 32-1 33-1
Bowman, Byrne A., Lt. Col. --- 25-2 26-2 27-2 28-2 28-3 30-1 30-3 32-2 33-2
Bowman, Byrne A., Mr. --- 34-1
Bowman, Byrne A., Mr. & Mrs. --- 22-3
Bowman, Byrne, Col. --- 14-2 15-1 15-2 18-3 26-2 26-3
Bowman, Charles R. --- Roster 7-2
Bowman, Darrell G. --- Roster
Bowman, Donald Dean --- Roster
Bowman, Donald Stephen --- Roster
Bowman, Everett D. --- Roster
Bowman, Jim --- 66-1
Bowman, Johnie R. --- Roster
Bowman, Josephine --- 51-1
Bowman, Lawerence E., Sr. --- Roster
Bowman, Leon C. --- Roster 7-2
Bowman, Linus I. --- Roster
Bowman, Loren W. --- Roster
Bowman, Mildred --- 78-2
Bowman, Robert F. --- Roster
Bowman, Sherry Lou --- 24-3
Bowman, Wm. --- 13-4
Bowron, Dale W. --- Roster
Bowser, Charles Dale --- Roster
Bowser, William Clyde, Jr. --- Roster
Bowsler, Leo, Jr. --- Roster
Bowyer, Howard Kelso --- Roster
Boxinbaum, Minnie --- 74-3
Boxman, Samuel --- Roster 6-4
Boyajian, John --- 52-4 61-3
Boyajian, John M. --- Roster
Boyd, A. Rutledge --- 47-1
Boyd, Archie Virgil --- Roster
Boyd, Cloyd F. --- Roster
Boyd, Frank R. --- Roster 3-7
Boyd, Louis L. --- Roster
Boyd, Raymond L. --- Roster
Boyd, Richard D. --- Roster
Boyd, Thomas --- 59-3
Boyd, Thomas D. --- 46-3 48-1
Boyd, Thomas D., III --- Roster
Boye, Harold --- 54-4
Boye, Harold W. R. --- Roster
Boye, Harold, T/5 --- 3-4
Boyer, David E. --- Roster
Boyer, Elroy E. --- Roster
Boyer, Maj. --- 51-4
Boyer, Nevlyn L. --- Roster
Boyer, Paul D. --- Roster
Boyer, R., Lt. --- 5-5
Boyer, Robert H. --- Roster
Boyer, Rocky --- 44-4
Boylan, Carrel A. --- Roster
Boylan, Cornelius --- Roster
Boylan, Eugene D. 'Gene' --- Roster
Boylan, John C. --- Roster
Boyland, Eugene D. --- Roster
Boyle, Chaplain --- 7-2
Boyle, Chaplain Edward T. --- 70-1
Boyle, Charles F., Jr. --- Roster
Boyle, E. C., Rev. --- 6-1
Boyle, E. T., Rev. --- 7-2 7-6 9-4
Boyle, E.T., Rev. --- 37-1
Boyle, Edw. J., Rev. --- 15-4
Boyle, Edw. T. --- 33-3
Boyle, Edw. T., Rev. --- 30-1 31-1 32-1
Boyle, Edward --- 4-2 7-4 17-2 18-4
Boyle, Edward J. --- Roster
Boyle, Edward T --- 8-1
Boyle, Edward T. --- 3-8 4-3 5-5 7-2 7-3 7-4 7-5 21-4
Boyle, Edward T., Rev. --- 3-4 4-5 5-1 6-4 7-2 7-3 7-4 7-5 7-6 8-1 8-2 8-3 8-4 8-5 8-6 13-2 14-2 14-3 15-2 15-5 17-2 17-3 18-4 19-2 22-4 23-3 24-3 25-3 26-3 28-3 31-3 33-1 34-1 35-1 35-3 36-1 37-1
Boyle, Father --- 5-1 5-2 6-1 7-1 7-5 7-6 8-1 8-6 15-4 16-3 17-3 21-4 22-1 23-3 25-2 27-3 27-4 30-2 31-3 33-2 34-3 36-1 38-3 40-1 40-2
Boyle, Father E. T. --- 5-1 6-2
Boyle, Father Ed --- 29-4
Boyle, Father Edward --- 4-4
Boyle, Father Edward T. --- 7-6 8-1 27-1 27-3 40-1
Boyle, Father, Rev. --- 7-3
Boyle, Fr. Edw. T. --- 16-1
Boyle, Frank J. --- Roster
Boyle, Raphael W. --- Roster
Boyle, Ray --- 52-1
Boyle, Raymond F. --- Roster
Boyle, Rev Edward T. --- 32-2
Boyle, Rev. --- 15-4
Boyle, Superintendent --- 59-4
Boyle, Thomas S. --- 40-1
Boyle, Thomas, Rev. --- 32-2
Boyles, Dorothy --- 10-1
Boyles, Fred --- 59-4
Boyles, Superintendent --- 59-4
Boyte, Jewell K. --- Roster
Bozeman, Slim --- 46-1
Bozman, V. C. --- 53-1 57-4
Bozman, Vaughn C. 'Slim' --- Roster
Bozorth, Ralph --- 67-1 67-2
Bra --- 3-5 26-2 53-3 54-4 55-3 60-1
Braaten, Carl --- 44-3 48-1 49-4 50-3
Braaten, Carl H. --- 48-1
Braaten, Carl Herbert --- Roster
Braaten, Mels --- 35-1
Braaten, Mels J. --- Roster
Braaten, Mels J., Mr. --- 34-1
Braaten, Nels --- 35-2 36-1
Braaten, Nels J. --- 32-2 33-1
Brabkim, William J. --- Roster
Brach, Daryl B. --- 77-3
Brach, Ms. Patricia --- 67-1
Brach, Patricia Pfaff --- 77-3
Brach, Stanley C. --- Roster
Bracht --- 16-3 17-3 45-3 54-4 56-3 57-1 57-3 58-2 58-3
Bracht, Belgium --- 16-3 57-3 77-2
Brackelsby, Earl --- Roster
Bracken, Robert C. --- Roster
Brackenridge, Edward K., Jr. --- Roster
Brackett, Frances --- 47-3
Brackett, Ginger Roberts --- 69-3
Brackett, Harry H., Jr. --- Roster
Brackett, Jack --- 31-1
Brackett, James --- 28-2 31-1 36-3 37-1 54-4 56-1
Brackett, James E. --- Roster 29-4 30-1 31-1 32-1 33-1 35-1 36-1 37-1 43-3 47-3
Brackett, James E. & Kay --- 46-1
Brackett, James E., Mr. --- 34-1
Brackett, Jim --- 40-1
Brackett, Jim & Kay --- 40-1
Brackett, Pee Wee --- 36-3 37-2
Brackett, Virginia & Ed --- 73-2
Brackett, Virginia/Edmund --- 63-4
Bradberry, Paul --- Roster
Bradbury, Eunice --- 47-3
Bradbury, Paul --- Roster
Bradbury, Richard --- 53-1 54-1 56-1 56-2 56-3
Bradbury, Richard D. --- Roster 47-1 56-3
Braddock, Gen. --- 7-3
Braddock, Marie --- 35-2
Braddy, Stanley N. --- Roster
Braden, Earl C. --- Roster
Braden, Jerald --- Roster
Braden, Leonard L. --- Roster
Braden, Reuben H. --- Roster 45-3 48-4 52-2
Bradfield, June --- 33-1 40-3 42-3 43-2 46-2 48-2 49-2 50-2 52-2 53-2 54-2 55-1
Bradfield, K. --- 32-3
Bradfield, Ken --- 31-1 32-1 32-2 32-3 32-4 33-1 33-2 34-1 35-1 35-2 35-3 35-4 36-1 36-2 36-3 36-4 37-1 37-2 37-3 38-1 38-2 39-1 39-2 40-1 40-3 41-1 41-2 42-3 43-2 44-2 45-2 48-2 49-1 49-2 50-1 51-2 51-3 51-4 52-2 53-2 55-1 62-2 63-1
Bradfield, Ken & June --- 33-1 34-1 36-3 37-1 37-3 38-1
Bradfield, Ken, Mr. & Mrs. --- 36-1
Bradfield, Kenneth --- 29-1 30-1 31-1 32-1 33-2 37-1 38-1 39-1 39-2 40-1 41-1 43-2 43-3 44-2 46-2 49-1 50-1 51-3 51-4 52-2 53-1 53-4 54-1 55-1 56-1 57-4 62-2 63-1 63-3 63-4
Bradfield, Kenneth & June --- 29-3 35-1 41-1 42-1 46-1 47-1
Bradfield, Kenneth W. --- 32-1 35-1 36-1 37-1 38-1 39-1 40-1 41-1 52-1
Bradfield, Kenneth W. & June --- 39-1
Bradfield, Kenneth W., Mr. & Mrs. --- 33-1 37-1
Bradfield, Kenneth Ward --- Roster
Bradfield, Kenneth, Mr. --- 34-1
Bradfield, Kenneth, Mr. & Mrs. --- 33-2 38-1
Bradfield, Mrs. --- 38-1
Bradford, Brad, Dr. --- 66-1
Bradford, Catherine Johnson --- 66-1
Bradford, Charles R. --- 66-1
Bradford, Charles Raymond, Jr. --- Roster
Bradford, Charles Raymond, Sr. --- 66-1
Bradford, Edna --- 46-3
Bradford, Everett H. --- Roster
Bradford, Harold --- 46-3
Bradford, Harold Raymond --- 46-3
Bradford, Harvey --- 44-4 45-2 45-3 46-3 46-4 49-4 51-2 52-2 53-2
Bradford, Harvey D. --- Roster 44-2 46-4 47-1 49-4
Bradford, Harvey D., Jr. --- 5-3
Bradford, Kate --- 66-1
Bradford, Otto, Jr. --- Roster
Bradford, Raymond E. --- Roster
Bradley, Alford V. --- Roster 3-3
Bradley, Alford V., Mrs. --- 4-3
Bradley, Broadus & Hazel --- 39-2 39-3
Bradley, Chaplain Alford V. --- 75-3
Bradley, Charlie S. --- Roster
Bradley, Edward D. --- Roster
Bradley, Fay A. --- Roster
Bradley, Fay, Sgt. --- 67-1
Bradley, Francis E. --- Roster
Bradley, Gen. --- 26-2 26-4 50-4
Bradley, Gen. & Mrs. --- 26-4
Bradley, Grover F. --- Roster
Bradley, Grover G. --- 5-1
Bradley, Hazel --- 34-3
Bradley, L. B & Hazel --- 34-1
Bradley, L. B. --- 32-1 33-1 34-1 35-1 36-1 37-1 37-2 38-1
Bradley, L. B. & Hazel --- 32-2 35-1 36-4 40-1
Bradley, L. B., Mr. --- 34-1
Bradley, L. B., Mr. & Mrs. --- 33-1 33-2 36-1 37-1
Bradley, L.B. --- 37-1
Bradley, L.B. & Hazel --- 34-3
Bradley, Louis J. --- Roster
Bradley, Lynn --- 35-2 41-1 54-2
Bradley, Lynn B. --- Roster 35-2 39-1 40-1 41-1 42-1 54-2 56-1
Bradley, Lynn B., Mr. & Mrs. --- 38-1
Bradley, Lynn S. --- 43-3
Bradley, Mager --- Roster
Bradley, Omar N. --- 26-4
Bradley, Omar N., Gen. --- 64-2 70-1
Bradley, Omar, Gen. --- 5-5 26-3 51-1 54-3 78-1
Bradley, Sam --- Roster
Bradley, unk --- Roster
Bradley, William H. --- Roster
Bradshaw, Ernest C. --- Roster
Bradurak, L. --- 32-3
Brady, Barney --- Roster
Brady, Calvin C. --- Roster
Brady, Earl Grist --- 80-2
Brady, Edward --- Roster
Brady, Eugene F. --- Roster 4-1
Brady, Evelyn Loomis --- 80-2
Brady, Gussie Edwards --- 80-2
Brady, Howard --- Roster 7-5 13-3 14-3 21-4 23-1 28-4 30-1
Brady, Hugh --- Roster
Brady, John L., Jr. --- 80-2
Brady, John Lester --- Roster 80-2
Brady, Mary Ramey Johnson --- 80-2
Brady, Oren L., Jr. --- 80-2
Brady, Oren L., Sr. --- 80-2
Brady, Sallie Catherine Grist --- 80-2
Braedel, William R. --- Roster 3-4
Bragg, Milford M. --- Roster
Brahe, James K. --- Roster
Brahsteadt, Stanley J. --- Roster
Braid, Arthur M. --- Roster
Brain, Wallace T. --- Roster
Brakefield, James Vernon --- Roster
Brakenridge, E. K., Jr. --- Roster
Brambila, Daniel M. --- Roster
Bramlett, William F. --- Roster
Brammer, Harry M., Jr. --- 3-7
Brammer, Donald E. --- Roster
Brammer, Harry --- 3-5 3-10
Brammer, Harry M. --- 3-10
Brammer, Harry M., Jr. --- Roster
Bramson, Seth H. --- 74-3 75-3 76-1 76-2 76-3 77-1 77-2 77-3 78-1 78-2
Branbury Oxom --- 47-1
Branch 24, Royal Canadian Legion, Bridgewater, Nova Scotia --- 35-2
Brand Erbisdorf --- 39-1
Brandenberg --- 70-2
Brandenburg --- 44-4 47-3 53-2 56-4 58-2 73-1
Brandi, Donna --- 58-1
Brandi, Geraldine (Gerry) --- 58-1
Brandi, Julius --- Roster 58-2 59-3 64-3
Brandi, Julius J. Capt. --- 58-1
Brandolino, Ted --- Roster
Brandscheid --- 3-10 52-4 53-3 68-2 68-2 69-1 76-1
Brandscheid, Germany --- 80-2
Brandt, Chancellor Willy --- 28-1
Brandt, Clarke --- 58-2 58-3
Brandt, John M. --- Roster
Branham, Melvin --- Roster 47-3 51-1 52-1 56-1
Branham, Noah B., Jr. --- Roster
Branibedes, unk --- Roster
Brankin, Bill --- 46-1
Brankin, Gary, Dr. --- 58-3
Brankin, Mr. & Mrs. --- 46-2
Brankin, V. --- 58-3
Brankin, William --- 48-1 49-2 50-1 50-2 51-2 53-2 55-1
Brankin, William & Lorraine --- 54-3
Brankin, William J. --- 44-2 48-1 50-1 52-1 55-1 56-1 57-1 58-2 58-3
Brankin, William J. & Lorraine --- 47-1
Brankin, William Joseph --- Roster 66-2
Brannan, Dan --- 62-3 62-4 63-1 63-2 63-3 72-1 75-3
Brannan, Edward J. --- Roster
Brannan, Eldean --- Roster
Branner, Joseph M. --- 7-3
Brannon, E. Dean --- 17-4 19-2
Brannon, Jack --- Roster 50-4
Brannstrom, Arnold --- 54-1
Brannstrom, Arnold & Dorothy --- 46-2
Brannstrom, Arnold J. --- Roster 43-3 54-1 56-1
Brannstrom, Arnold J. & Dorothy --- 46-1
Brannstrom, Claire A. --- 54-1
Branson, John W. --- Roster
Branson, Linda Dianne --- 73-3
Branson, Thomas Woodrow --- Roster
Brantley, Mike --- 71-1
Braque De Fraiture --- 35-3 44-4
Brasch, Carlyle J. --- Roster
Brasfield, Edgar --- 58-1
Brasfield, Edgar L. --- Roster 58-1
Brasfield, Nathan P. --- 58-1
Brasfield, Paul W. --- 55-3 57-1 58-1
Brasfield, Stacy E. --- 58-1
Brashear, William C. --- Roster 42-3
Brashear, Wm. C. --- 43-3
Brasher, Hazel --- 42-2 46-2
Brasher, Roger --- 54-1
Brasher, S. Walter --- 42-2 42-4 43-1 43-3 46-2
Brasher, Samuel Walter --- Roster
Brasher, Walter R. --- 43-3
Brasill, Myles --- 44-1
Brassart, Julian --- Roster
Brassius, Warren --- Roster
Brat, Richard J. --- 7-4
Brat, Richart J. --- Roster
Brath, Henry M. --- Roster 21-4
Bratten, Carl L. --- Roster 56-1
Bratton, Farrol --- 48-2 54-2 56-2 57-2 70-3
Bratton, Harold --- 50-2 53-1 53-2 53-4 54-2 55-1 55-2 57-2
Bratton, Harold K. --- 52-1 53-1 54-1 55-1 74-2
Bratton, Harold Kenneth --- Roster 70-3
Bratton, Ralph --- Roster
Bratton, William L. --- Roster
Brauch --- 3-4
Brauer, Dechant --- 26-1
Brauer, Hack --- Roster
Brauer, Harry M. 'Hack' --- Roster
Braun, Charles W. --- Roster
Braun, James H. --- Roster
Braun, Lawrence Michael --- Roster
Braund, Gilbert --- Roster
Braunlauf --- 45-3 54-4 56-4 57-1 57-3
Braunschweig --- 3-5 31-4 41-1 44-3 45-1 45-2 45-3 45-4 46-3 46-4 48-3 48-4 50-1 54-4 55-2
Braunschweig, Germany --- 51-1
Braunschwieg --- 51-1 53-1
Braunschwieg, Germany --- 53-1
Braunstein, Martin J. --- Roster
Brauschweig --- 35-1
Brawley, Alfred D. --- Roster
Brawn, James H. --- Roster
Brax, Ed --- 9-3
Brax, Edward --- Roster
Brax, Richard --- 51-1 52-1 53-1 53-2 54-2 54-3 55-4 56-1
Brax, Richard I. --- 57-1
Brax, Richard J. --- Roster 46-1 47-1 51-1 52-1 52-3 52-4 53-1 53-2 54-1 54-3 56-1 56-3 56-4 64-2
Brax, Richard J. & Rosalie --- 47-1
Brax, Rosalee & Richard --- 53-1
Brax, Rosalie --- 64-2 73-2
Brax, Roselie --- 69-2
Brax, Roselle --- 73-3
Braxton, Carter --- 28-1
Braxton, Howard Earl --- Roster
Bray, Charlie C. --- Roster
Bray, Marge --- 35-2
Brazil, Myles --- 11-4 24-3 26-3 30-1 31-1 31-3 32-1 42-3 45-3
Brazill, M. --- 32-2
Brazill, Miles --- 40-1
Brazill, Miles, Sgt. --- 34-2
Brazill, Myles --- Roster 4-1 5-4 9-1 11-4 21-3 21-4 22-4 28-2 28-3 31-3 33-1 33-2 35-1 36-1 37-1 40-1 43-3 45-3 47-1
Brazill, Myles, Mr. --- 34-1
Brazzil, Myles --- Roster 8-3
Breaux, Rayford B. --- Roster 4-1
Brecht --- 3-8 27-3
Brechting, William B. --- Roster
Breckinridge, John, Gen. --- 58-1
Bredemus, Cpl. --- 65-2
Bredemus, Dick --- 16-2
Bredemus, Richard E. --- Roster
Bredeson, Llew --- 44-1
Bredlinger, Robert --- Roster
Breeden, Lloyd L. --- Roster
Breedlove, Mrs. --- 4-1
Breen, Henry M. --- Roster
Breen, John J. --- Roster
Breen, John J., T/5 --- 3-5
Breen, Pegge Claire --- Roster
Breen, William A. --- Roster
Breen, William J. --- Roster
Breenberg, Isidore --- Roster
Breidenstein, Frank I. --- Roster
Breite, Anis --- 42-3
Breite, Avis --- 40-3 43-2 52-2 54-2 55-2 56-2 59-3 63-3 76-1
Breite, Dennis --- 76-1
Breite, Douglas, Rev. --- 76-1
Breite, Vic --- 42-3 56-2
Breite, Vic & Avis --- 40-1
Breite, Vicki --- 76-1
Breite, Victor --- 41-1 44-2 49-4 51-1 52-4 54-1 55-2 57-2 59-1 61-3 61-4 63-3 76-1
Breite, Victor & Avis --- 42-1 42-2
Breite, Victor W. --- Roster 4-1 36-1 36-2 37-2 41-1 43-3 44-2 49-1 51-1 53-1 55-1 57-1 63-4 73-2 76-1
Breite, Victor W. & Avis --- 46-1 47-1
Breitenbrunn, Bavaria --- 64-3 66-3
Breitenstine, Harold Laverne --- Roster
Breitman, Claire --- 4-4
Breland, Oscar C. --- Roster
Brell, Joseph R. --- Roster
Brem, Charles J. --- Roster
Breman --- 56-2 69-2
Bremanhaven --- 31-2
Bremen --- 11-5 19-5 44-4
Bremen, Germany --- 39-3
Bremerhaven --- 11-5 29-1 44-4 51-2 54-3
Bremerhaven, Germany --- 69-3
Brendel, Friedrich --- 64-3
Brendel, Hannelore --- 56-1
Brendel, Theo --- 64-3
Brendling, Robert & Barabara --- 48-2
Brendlinger, Barbara --- 58-2 59-3
Brendlinger, Bob --- 50-2 53-4 59-1 59-2
Brendlinger, Robert --- 52-1
Brendlinger, Robert I. --- Roster 48-2
Breneiser, George E. 'Skeet' --- Roster
Brennan, Charles W. --- Roster
Brennan, Chester W. --- Roster
Brennan, Eldean --- Roster
Brennan, John W. --- Roster
Brennan, Paul --- 58-4
Brenneer, Joseph M. --- Roster
Brenner Pass --- 31-2 51-2
Brenner, Joseph M. --- Roster
Brenner, Murray --- Roster 6-1
Brenner, Murray, Pfc. --- 3-2
Brenner, unk --- Roster
Brenner, Walter L. --- Roster
Brenner, Walter L., Pfc. --- 3-5
Brent, George --- 46-3
Brentnall, Dallas E. --- 3-4
Brentnall, Dallas E., Sgt. --- 3-7
Brentnall, Dallas Eugene --- Roster
Breslau --- 44-4
Bresseau, Louis D. --- Roster
Bresseau, Louis D., Maj. --- 7-4
Breton, Germany --- 34-3
Bretory, Germany --- 39-3
Bretton --- 47-4 49-2 50-1 50-2 56-2
Bretzenheim, Germany --- 56-1 77-2
Bretzfield, Samuel S. --- Roster
Breuer, J. --- 27-4
Breuer, William B. --- 55-3
Breuer, Wm. B. --- 64-1
Breuker, Albert --- 43-3 46-1 51-1 53-1 54-1
Breuker, Albert D. --- Roster 42-3 51-1
Breun, Charles W. --- Roster 4-1 6-1
Brew, James P. --- Roster
Brewer, Charles --- Roster
Brewer, Claude --- 13-3 14-3
Brewer, Claude R. --- Roster 3-7
Brewer, Dechant --- 26-2
Brewer, Ed --- 45-3 46-1
Brewer, Edward L., Jr. --- Roster
Brewer, Walter E. --- Roster
Brewi, Francis X. --- Roster
Bribar, Anton --- Roster
Brice, Elmer --- 47-4 57-2 58-2 59-4 60-4
Brice, Elmer A. --- Roster 42-3 70-1
Brice, Elmer A., S/Sgt. --- 70-2
Brice, Elmer, Sr. --- 58-2 58-3 59-4 60-4
Brice, Janet --- 58-2 58-3 59-4 60-4 61-3
Brice, Janet& Elmer, Sr. --- 56-4
Brice, John S. --- Roster
Brice, Sr. Elmer A. --- 43-3
Brice, Sr., Elmer A. --- 52-1
Brice, William A. --- Roster
Brice, William B. --- Roster 6-1
Brice, William B., Lt. --- 36-2
Brice, Wm. B., 1st Lt. --- 3-2
Brichta, Anthony P. --- Roster
Bricker, Capt. --- 48-3 49-4 57-3
Bricker, Harley B. --- Roster
Bricker, James --- 45-1 46-4 48-1 48-3 48-4 49-4 51-1 58-1
Bricker, James H. --- Roster 48-1 48-3 49-1 49-4 51-1 52-1
Bricker, Jim --- 63-4
Bridgen, Raymond & M. Pauline --- 47-1
Bridges, Barbara --- 53-2 54-2 55-2 55-4 58-1 59-3 61-3 62-2 63-1 63-3 63-4 70-2
Bridges, Barbara & Walter --- 62-3
Bridges, Benjamin H., Jr. --- Roster
Bridges, Bradus A. --- Roster
Bridges, Bud --- Roster
Bridges, Clyde David --- Roster
Bridges, Ray B. --- Roster
Bridges, Richard M. --- Roster
Bridges, Robert L. --- Roster
Bridges, Sheila --- 63-3
Bridges, Walter --- 20-4 42-1 43-2 44-1 44-2 48-1 52-2 53-2 55-1 55-2 55-4 56-2 57-3 58-1 58-2 58-3 58-4 59-1 59-2 59-3 59-4 60-4 61-1 61-2 61-3 61-4 62-2 62-3 62-4 63-1 63-3 63-4 64-3
Bridges, Walter & Barbara --- 42-1 44-1 54-1
Bridges, Walter C. --- 56-2 67-1
Bridges, Walter G. --- 41-1 42-4 43-3 44-2 52-1 52-2 52-3 52-4 53-1 53-2 53-4 54-2 54-3 55-3 55-4 56-1 56-3 56-4 57-1 58-1 58-2 58-3 58-4 59-1 59-2 59-3 59-4 60-4 61-1 61-2 61-3 61-4 62-2 62-3 62-4 65-1
Bridges, Walter G., Sr. --- 70-2
Bridges, Walter Glenn --- Roster
Bridges, Walter Glenn, Sr. --- 70-2
Bridges, Walter, Mr. & Mrs. --- 58-3
Bridges, Walter/Barbara --- 63-4
Bridges, William R. --- Roster
Briere, Edward J. --- Roster
Briero, Edward J. --- Roster
Brietfeld --- 37-3
Brietfield --- 36-2
Brigade, Furhrer Begleit --- 52-1
Brigadier, Nicholas Robert --- Roster
Briggs, Floyd A. --- Roster
Briggs, Walt --- 70-3
Bright, Charles K. --- Roster 52-1
Bright, Chas. --- 46-2
Bright, Doris --- 46-2
Brightwell, David H. --- Roster
Brigman, David --- Roster
Briles, Ben --- 6-1 6-2 10-1 10-2 12-1 16-1 17-2 18-2 19-2 20-1 20-2 21-2
Briles, Ben R. --- 4-5 7-2 8-1 9-1 11-2 13-2 14-2 14-3 15-1 15-2 15-3 16-1 17-2 18-2 19-2
Briles, Ben Richardson --- Roster
Brimcat, S/Sgt. --- 45-4
Brimcat, unk --- Roster
Brimer, James H. --- Roster
Brincat, George C. --- Roster
Brinkerhoff, Clarence --- Roster 5-1
Brinkeroff, Clarence P. --- Roster
Brinkhaus, Cynthia --- 64-3 65-2
Brinkhaus, N. P. --- 64-3
Brinkhaus, Norman P. --- Roster
Brinkley, Douglas --- 52-1
Brinkley, William A. --- Roster
Brinkmeyer, Eleanor, Lt. --- 73-2
Briscoe, Harry James --- Roster
Briscoe, Lonnie Odell --- Roster
Briske, Karen --- 74-2
Brislin, Anne --- 62-3
Brislin, Bob --- 62-3
Brislin, J. P. --- 18-4
Brislin, Joe --- 17-3
Brislin, Joseph --- 14-2 62-3
Brislin, Joseph P. --- Roster 3-8 13-2 15-2 17-2 46-1 60-4
Brislin, Mark --- 62-3
Brislin, Mary --- 62-3
Brislin, Mary A. --- 62-3
Brislin, Mary Alice --- 62-3
Brislin, Michael --- 62-3
Brislin, Robert --- 62-3
Brislin, Thomas --- 62-3
Brite, William King 'Bill' --- Roster
British Military Cemetery --- 58-4
Britt, Donald R. --- 65-2
Britt, Donald Raymond 'Don' --- Roster
Britt, Henry E. (Eugene) --- Roster
Britt, James T. --- Roster
Brittain, Ben --- 42-2
Brittain, James Carroll --- Roster
Brittany --- 4-4 13-5 20-4 24-3 25-2 26-4 28-2 34-3 44-2 46-2 46-3 49-2 50-3 52-2 53-4 58-2 70-3 71-2
Brittany Peninsula --- 56-3
Brittany, France --- 30-3
Britten, Ben --- 31-1
Britter, Leroy G. --- Roster 56-3
Brittion, Ben, Sgt. --- 35-4
Brittman, Barney B. --- Roster
Britton, Avis --- 31-2 39-3 56-1 57-4 62-2 63-3 63-4
Britton, Avis & Ben --- 33-2 35-1 36-1 37-2 40-1 40-3
Britton, Ben --- 24-3 25-1 28-1 28-3 30-1 31-1 31-2 32-1 33-1 34-1 34-2 34-3 34-4 35-1 35-2 36-1 37-1 38-1 39-1 39-2 39-3 40-1 40-2 41-1 41-2 44-2 49-1 52-4 55-1 55-4 56-1 56-2 57-2 57-4 62-2 63-1 63-3 63-4
Britton, Ben & Avis --- 26-1 26-2 33-2 34-1 35-1 40-1 40-2 42-1
Britton, Ben B., Mr. & Mrs. --- 38-1
Britton, Ben, Mr. & Mrs. --- 36-1
Britton, Benj., Mr. & Mrs. --- 28-1
Britton, Benjamin --- 31-2 33-2 37-1 40-1 41-1 44-2 44-3 52-1 53-2 55-1
Britton, Benjamin & Avis & Joann --- 29-3
Britton, Benjamin ‘Ben’ --- 34-2 34-3
Britton, Benjamin B. --- Roster 28-1 30-1 31-1 32-1 34-1 35-1 36-1 37-1 38-1 39-1 40-1 41-1 42-2 42-3 43-1 43-2 43-3 44-2 44-3 44-4 45-2 48-1 49-1 52-1 53-1 56-1 56-2
Britton, Benjamin B. & Avis --- 46-1
Britton, Benjamin B. & Avis B. --- 47-1
Britton, Benjamin B., Mr. & Mrs. --- 33-1 37-1
Britton, Benjamin 'Ben' --- 34-4
Britton, Benjamin Bosworth --- 73-3
Britton, Benjiman --- 53-4
Britton, Clifford V. --- Roster
Britton, James --- 43-3 56-1
Britton, James A. --- Roster 47-4
Britton, Joseph, Jr. --- Roster
Britton, Lt. --- 56-3
Britton, Mavis --- 39-2
Britton, Robert H. --- Roster 69-2
Britton, Robert H., 2nd Lt. --- 56-3
Britton, Robert, Lt. --- 69-2
Britton, Rosemary --- 47-4 60-4
Britton, Stanley C. --- Roster
Brivic, Bernard --- Roster 3-7
Briza, Frank S. --- Roster
Broadbent, Thomas D. --- Roster 44-3 46-1 47-1
Broadwater, Clifford --- 63-3
Broadwater, Clifford H. --- Roster 45-3 47-1 49-3
Broadwater, Clifford, M/Sgt. --- 63-3
Broadwater, Hugh W. --- Roster
Broady, Burt B. --- Roster
Broberg, Eldon V. --- Roster
Broberg, Milton Robert --- Roster
Brobst, Betty G. --- 71-2
Brocata, Martha --- 59-4
Brocato, Martha --- 48-2 52-2 53-2 54-2 56-2 57-2 58-2 59-3 61-3
Brocious, Clifford E. --- Roster
Brock --- 5-1 5-5 46-4
Brock, Allan L. --- Roster
Brock, Allen --- Roster
Brock, Charlie A. --- Roster 54-3
Brock, Clyde A. --- Roster
Brock, Gil --- Roster
Brock, Gil, Lt. --- 3-5
Brock, Lewis P. --- Roster 43-3 46-4 47-1
Brock, Norman E. --- Roster
Brock, W. Ronald (C. ?) --- Roster
Brock, W. Ronald C., Gen. --- 5-2
Brocker, Paul --- 54-3 72-1
Brocker, Paul, Jr. --- Roster
Brockett, James E. --- Roster 32-2
Brockhuizen, Daniel --- Roster
Brocki, Paul P. --- Roster 6-1
Brockman, Albert --- 74-1
Brockman, Albert William Sr. --- 74-1
Brockman, Albert William, Sr. --- Roster
Brockman, Chester --- 74-1
Brockman, Evelyn --- 74-1
Brockman, Jane --- 74-1
Brockman, Mary --- 74-1
Brockman, Nina --- 74-1
Brockman, Violet --- 74-1
Brockmeyer, Albert C. --- Roster
Brocks, Col. --- 3-5
Brockwell, Charles --- 45-3 57-1
Brockwell, Charles L. --- Roster 45-3 57-1
Brockwell, Martha --- 57-1 61-4 62-4
Brockwell, Martha L. --- 57-1 63-4
Brocten, Kels --- Roster 16-3
Brodel, William R. --- Roster
Broder, Ralph --- Roster
Broderick, (Joe) Harold --- 62-3
Broderick, Dennis --- 62-3
Broderick, H. Joe --- 43-3
Broderick, Harold --- 52-1 56-1
Broderick, Harold & Ver --- 40-1
Broderick, Harold & Verdelma --- 39-1
Broderick, Harold J. --- 24-3 53-1
Broderick, Harold Joseph --- Roster
Broderick, Holly --- 62-3
Broderick, Jane --- 62-3
Broderick, Joe & Ver --- 46-2
Broderick, Kerry --- 62-3
Broderick, Mary --- 62-3
Broderick, Nichole A. --- 52-1
Broderick, R.S.M.C. --- 45-1
Broderick, Rosie --- 62-3
Broderick, Verdelma --- 62-3
Brodhecker, Lisa --- 75-3
Brodie, George W. --- Roster
Brodnagen, Carl J. --- Roster
Brody, Syd --- 34-3
Brody, Sydney --- Roster
Broedel, William L. --- Roster
Broedel, William R. --- Roster
Broedel, William R., S/Sgt. --- 3-5
Broeker, Henry --- 7-2
Broeker, Henry Byron --- Roster
Brogan, Bernie Edward --- Roster
Brogan, Lee J. --- 42-1
Brogan, Leo --- 46-1
Brogan, Leo J. --- Roster 40-1 40-2 43-3 45-3 45-4 50-1 54-2 56-1
Brokaw, Dick --- 55-2 56-2 57-2 58-2 59-3 61-3 62-3 63-3
Brokaw, Jody --- 54-2 55-2 57-2 59-3 62-3 63-3 66-1 67-1
Brokaw, Jody & Richard --- 62-2
Brokaw, Richard --- 54-3 62-2 66-1
Brokaw, Richard L. --- 51-2 52-1 54-1 55-1 56-1 67-1
Brokaw, Richard Leonard 'Dick' --- Roster
Brokaw, Tom --- 56-1 65-1 66-1 67-1 68-2 68-2 71-2 77-1
Brom, Robert Donald, Sr. --- Roster
Bromark, Charles C. --- Roster
Bromberg, Milt --- Roster 69-1
Bronczyk, Walter B. --- Roster
Bronson, Raymond T. --- Roster
Brook, Sir Robin --- 42-3
Brooker, Robert --- Roster
Brookes, Charles E. --- Roster
Brooks, Beth --- 53-1
Brooks, Carl D. --- Roster 4-1
Brooks, Charles Erwin --- Roster
Brooks, Charles H. --- Roster
Brooks, Chris --- 56-1
Brooks, Douglas --- Roster
Brooks, Douglas --- 4-4 44-4 47-1 48-1 48-2 48-3 48-4 49-1 49-2 50-1 50-3
Brooks, Douglas, Dr. --- 46-1 59-1
Brooks, Douglas, T/5 --- 65-2
Brooks, Francis E. --- Roster
Brooks, James L. --- Roster
Brooks, John --- 30-1 50-1
Brooks, John B. --- Roster
Brooks, John W. --- Roster 50-1
Brooks, Louis Cromwell, Mrs. --- 7-5
Brooks, Malcolm --- 8-3 10-2
Brooks, Malcolm G. --- Roster
Brooks, Margaret --- 69-2
Brooks, Mort, Dr. --- 66-1
Brooks, Morton --- 65-2 69-1
Brooks, Morton, Dr. --- 69-1 72-1
Brooks, Pvt. --- 6-1
Brookshire, Claude H. --- Roster
Brookshire, Turner W. --- Roster
Broome, Fred F. (Fulton) --- Roster
Broome, Hamilton --- 7-2 9-1
Broome, Hamilton L. --- Roster
Broschert, Emma --- 62-3
Brosius, Warren Ancil, Jr. --- Roster
Bross, J. Gordon --- Roster
Brosseau, Louis D. --- Roster
Broth, D. R., Mrs. --- 34-1 35-1
Broth, Dorothy --- 31-4 33-1 37-1 39-1
Broth, Dorothy R., Mrs. --- 36-1
Broth, Eunice --- 18-5 19-1 20-1 28-1 29-4
Broth, Eunice & Henry --- 14-3 18-2 19-1 19-2 22-3 23-3 26-3 28-3 29-2 42-4
Broth, Eunice & Henry M. --- 21-3 22-3
Broth, H. M. (Dorothy), Mrs. --- 33-2
Broth, Hank --- 21-1
Broth, Henry --- 9-1 10-3 11-3 13-3 14-1 14-3 15-5 17-1 17-2 17-3 17-4 18-1 18-2 18-3 18-4 18-5 19-1 19-2 19-3 19-4 19-5 20-1 20-2 21-1 22-2 23-1 23-4 24-1 24-3 25-1 26-2 29-3 30-1 30-3 31-1 32-2 43-2
Broth, Henry & Eunice --- 17-4 18-1 18-2 22-1 24-2 26-3 28-1 28-3 29-2
Broth, Henry (Eunice), Mrs. --- 15-3
Broth, Henry M. --- Roster 3-3 5-3 5-4 6-2 7-2 7-3 8-3 8-4 9-1 10-3 13-2 14-1 14-2 15-1 15-2 15-3 15-4 17-2 18-2 18-5 19-1 19-2 19-3 19-4 19-5 20-1 20-4 21-2 21-3 22-3 22-4 23-1 24-2 24-3 25-2 26-2 26-3 27-3 28-1 28-3 29-4 30-1 30-2 30-3 31-1 31-2 32-1
Broth, Henry M. & Eunice --- 19-1
Broth, Henry M. (Eunice), Mrs. --- 14-2 15-3
Broth, Henry M., Mr. & Mrs. --- 15-3 17-1 24-2 25-2 27-3
Broth, Henry M., Pfc. --- 3-3
Broth, Henry, Mr. & Mrs. --- 14-1 15-1 28-1
Broth, Henry, Mrs. --- 14-1
Broth, Ralph --- 19-1 20-1
Broth, Rita Kay --- 19-1 20-1 26-3
Broth, Rita Kay & Ralph --- 19-2
Broth, Stephanie & Stacey --- 28-1
Broth, Stewart --- 19-1
Brother, Chick --- 19-3
Brothman, Oscar L. 'Ozzie' --- Roster
Broths, The --- 17-4 26-3 29-2 62-2 63-1
Brotzfield, Samuel S. --- Roster
Brough, Brenda --- 37-1
Brough, Irvin K. --- Roster 5-1
Broughton, Robert J. --- Roster
Broughton, William L. --- Roster
Broussard, Fred --- Roster 48-2 49-4 50-1 50-2 52-2 54-2 55-2 57-2 62-2 63-3
Broussard, Fred & May --- 46-2
Broussard, Fred J. --- 46-1 49-4 50-1 60-4 67-3 68-2 68-2
Broussard, Fred J. & Mary --- 46-1
Brousseau, Louis D. --- Roster
Browder, unk --- Roster
Brower, Charles H. --- Roster 8-5
Browing, Earl E. --- Roster
Browinig, Rex C. --- Roster
Brown, 1st Lt. --- 43-1
Brown, A. C. --- 13-4
Brown, Abe --- 12-1
Brown, Abraham --- Roster
Brown, Albert E. --- Roster
Brown, Alexander P. --- Roster
Brown, Allen W. --- Roster
Brown, Arthur --- Roster 6-4 44-4 47-4 48-1 53-4 54-1 56-1
Brown, Arthur C. --- 43-3 46-1
Brown, Arthur C., Capt. --- 24-3 35-1 36-2 52-3 53-3 74-2
Brown, Arthur C., Mr. & Mrs. --- 24-2
Brown, Arthur Collins, Sr. --- Roster
Brown, Arthur R. --- Roster 3-4 3-8
Brown, Arthur, Capt. --- 74-2
Brown, B.T. --- 37-2 46-1
Brown, Bengamin E. --- Roster
Brown, Bernard T. --- 44-3 50-3
Brown, Bernard T., Jr. --- Roster 9-4
Brown, Billy S. --- Roster
Brown, Bob --- 13-4 43-3 47-4
Brown, C. P. --- 4-1
Brown, C. Tom --- Roster 46-3
Brown, C.P. --- 51-1 53-1 54-1 72-1
Brown, Capt. --- 13-4 24-2 51-1 53-3 53-4 74-2
Brown, Cathy --- 26-3
Brown, Charles --- Roster 4-3 4-4
Brown, Charles A. --- 44-2 47-1 48-1
Brown, Charles A. & Melinda, Jr. --- 46-1
Brown, Charles A., Jr. --- Roster 56-1
Brown, Charles D. --- Roster
Brown, Charles E. --- Roster
Brown, Charles E., 1st Lt. --- 44-3 58-3
Brown, Charles T. --- Roster
Brown, Clard --- Roster
Brown, Clare --- 73-2
Brown, Clarence A. --- Roster
Brown, Clark --- Roster 46-1 54-1 73-2 73-3
Brown, Clark & Clara --- 47-1
Brown, Claud E. --- 6-1
Brown, Claud E., Sgt. --- 5-2
Brown, Claude E. --- Roster
Brown, Claude E., Sgt. --- 3-2
Brown, Claude F. --- Roster
Brown, Cleo (Smith) --- 73-2
Brown, Clifford W. --- Roster
Brown, Clyde M. (1) --- Roster
Brown, Clyde M. (2) --- Roster
Brown, Craig --- 62-3 69-2 71-3
Brown, Craig Or Lynnette --- 71-3
Brown, Curt --- 53-1
Brown, Curt & Jane --- 53-1
Brown, Curt, Lt. --- 53-1
Brown, Curtis P. --- Roster 72-1
Brown, Dale E. --- Roster
Brown, Darryl --- 74-2
Brown, Daryl --- 64-3
Brown, Dave --- 11-1
Brown, David C. --- Roster
Brown, David G. --- Roster
Brown, David R. --- Roster
Brown, Dennis F. --- Roster
Brown, Donald --- Roster
Brown, Douglas --- 3-3 48-1
Brown, Douglas D. --- Roster 48-1 52-1 67-3
Brown, Douglas D., Pfc. --- 3-7
Brown, Douglas I. --- Roster
Brown, Dr. --- 54-4
Brown, Dvm, John --- 43-3
Brown, Dwight --- 15-4 16-3
Brown, Dwight A. --- Roster
Brown, Ed --- 37-3
Brown, Edward J. --- Roster
Brown, Edward M. --- Roster 3-7
Brown, Edward M., T/4 --- 3-5
Brown, Edward W. --- Roster 9-2
Brown, Edward, Jr. --- Roster
Brown, Eldon R. --- Roster
Brown, Ellsworth E. --- Roster
Brown, Everett Clark --- 73-2
Brown, Frank C. --- Roster
Brown, Garland --- Roster
Brown, George --- Roster 23-2
Brown, Glenn W. --- Roster
Brown, Harry L. --- Roster
Brown, Harry L., T/4 --- 3-5
Brown, Hon. Edgar A. --- 14-4 14-5 62-4
Brown, Howard --- 17-2
Brown, Howard E. --- Roster
Brown, Irving --- Roster 43-3 49-3 54-3 56-2 69-3 78-3
Brown, Irving & Dorothy --- 44-1
Brown, James C. --- Roster
Brown, James D. --- Roster
Brown, James W. --- Roster
Brown, Jane --- 53-1
Brown, Joe E. --- 4-1 4-4 4-5 7-4 10-1 22-4 36-2 44-4 46-1 52-2 53-1 54-1 55-1 55-2 57-4 62-2 63-1 63-3 63-4 65-1 66-3
Brown, Joe E. (actor) --- Roster
Brown, John --- Roster 19-1 21-1 31-1 41-1
Brown, John (1) --- Roster
Brown, John (2) --- Roster
Brown, John D. --- Roster
Brown, John E. --- Roster 45-1
Brown, John L. --- Roster
Brown, John L., Jr. --- Roster
Brown, John W., Jr. --- Roster
Brown, John, Brig. Gen. --- 63-2
Brown, Joseph F. --- Roster
Brown, Jr., Charles A. --- 46-2
Brown, Kathleen V. --- 72-1
Brown, Keith --- Roster
Brown, Kenneth E. --- Roster
Brown, Kenneth H. --- Roster 44-3 59-1
Brown, Larry G. --- 42-3
Brown, Lawrence E., Mrs. --- 21-1
Brown, Leon J., Jr. --- Roster
Brown, Leon, Mrs. --- 31-4 44-4
Brown, Leslie L --- 46-2 49-3 57-2 61-2 61-4
Brown, Leslie L. --- 49-4 60-4 61-1 61-2 61-4 66-2 66-3 67-1 67-2 67-3
Brown, Lincoln --- 3-3 6-4 45-1
Brown, Lincoln A. --- Roster 3-7 4-5 56-1
Brown, Lincoln A., Mr. & Mrs. --- 5-3 5-5
Brown, Lindsay --- 69-2
Brown, Louis E. --- Roster
Brown, Lt. --- 51-3 62-2
Brown, Lynette --- 62-3 69-2
Brown, Marie & Russ --- 42-3
Brown, Marilyn --- 31-2
Brown, Marjorie & Vallie --- 74-2
Brown, Mary --- 45-2 64-3
Brown, Mary Beth (Underwood) --- 7-2
Brown, Mary Jane --- 72-1
Brown, Maxwell M. --- 14-4
Brown, Maxwell McKeen --- Roster
Brown, Michael A. --- 60-1
Brown, Milton L. --- Roster 59-4
Brown, Mrs. --- 15-1 26-3
Brown, Msgt Craig --- 62-4
Brown, Nora --- 4-1
Brown, Ola --- 67-3
Brown, Paulette Johnson --- 70-1
Brown, Phillip F. --- Roster
Brown, Ralph R. --- Roster
Brown, Ray --- 62-2
Brown, Raymond --- 51-1 55-1 57-1 63-2
Brown, Raymond, Jr. --- Roster
Brown, Reuel Kenneth --- Roster
Brown, Richard E. --- Roster
Brown, Roann (Tom) --- 79-3
Brown, Robert --- 37-1 43-3 44-2 45-1 46-1 50-2 51-1
Brown, Robert B. --- Roster
Brown, Robert G. --- Roster 42-3 46-1 50-2 51-1 56-1
Brown, Robert G., Mr. & Mrs. --- 38-1
Brown, Robert, Mr. & Mrs. --- 37-1
Brown, Roy --- 48-1 49-1
Brown, Russell D. --- Roster
Brown, Stanley L. --- Roster
Brown, Thomas --- Roster 5-1 5-4 6-1
Brown, Virgil M. --- 57-1
Brown, Virgil M. 'Brownie' --- Roster
Brown, Walter --- Roster
Brown, Wilbur D. --- Roster
Brown, William --- 30-3
Brown, William B. --- Roster
Brown, William C. --- Roster
Brown, William D., Jr. --- Roster
Brown, William E. --- Roster
Brown, Wyatt --- 64-3
Browne, Earl W. --- 49-3
Browne, Earl W., 1st Lt. --- 68-2 68-2
Browne, Earl William --- Roster
Browne, Leon J., Jr. --- Roster 9-4
Browne, Robert J. --- Roster
Brownell, Donald D. --- Roster 6-1
Brownell, Donald, 1st Lt. --- 54-1
Browning, Bernard --- 40-1
Browning, Bernard R. --- Roster
Browning, Carlyle --- Roster
Browning, Earl --- 40-2
Browning, Earle --- 58-1
Browning, Earle L. --- Roster 79-2
Browning, Luther Roy --- Roster
Browning, Raymond Carlee --- Roster
Browning, Rex C. --- Roster
Browning, Roy --- Roster 45-1 48-1 49-1 50-1 52-1 53-1 54-1 56-1
Brownlee, Elizabeth --- 35-2
Brox, Richard --- Roster
Brox, Richard, Sgt. --- 7-4
Broy, Guy E. --- Roster
Broyhill, Joel Thomas --- Roster
Broyles, Albert L. --- Roster
Broyles, Eurell R. --- Roster
Brozenske, Charles, Jr. --- Roster
Brubaker, Wilson B. --- Roster
Bruce, Bob F. --- Roster
Bruce, Heyward McCleod --- Roster
Bruce, James W. --- Roster
Bruce, Robert T. --- Roster
Bruch, Henry --- Roster 20-1 20-2 21-4 22-3 22-4 24-2 24-3 26-2 26-3
Bruch, Henry, Mr. --- 29-4
Bruch, Lester H., Jr. --- Roster
Bruch, Zerita, Mrs. --- 26-3 29-4
Bruchsal --- 4-3 7-2 13-5
Bruchsal, unk --- Roster
Bruchsal-Karlsruhe Area --- 4-2
Bruchsal-Karlsruhe Landkreise --- 25-2
Bruecker, Al --- Roster 46-2
Brueker, Albert D. --- Roster
Bruenning, Leonard --- Roster 54-3 56-1
Bruges --- 56-4
Brugger, Jane Giorgio --- 71-1
Brugh, Jack --- 3-2
Brugh, Jack W. --- Roster
Brugler, George F. --- Roster
Brulhardt, Arnold J. --- Roster
Bruly-De-Pesche --- 55-3
Brumachin, David, Mrs. --- 4-1
Brumagbin, David --- Roster 4-4
Brumaghin, D. C. --- 9-1 9-2 9-3 9-4 9-5 10-1 10-2 10-3 11-1 11-2 11-3 11-4 11-5 12-1 12-2 12-3 12-4 13-1 13-2 13-3 13-4 13-5
Brumaghin, D., Mr. & Mrs. --- 20-3
Brumaghin, Dave --- 9-1 9-2 9-4 10-3 10-4 12-1 14-1 15-1 15-3 15-5 16-1 16-2 16-3 20-2 21-3 47-3
Brumaghin, Dave & Dot --- 11-1
Brumaghin, Dave, Mrs. --- 9-1
Brumaghin, David --- 4-1 9-1 10-1 11-1 13-3 14-3 14-4 14-6 15-1 15-3 15-4 15-5
Brumaghin, David C. --- Roster 3-10 5-1 8-1 9-1 9-2 9-3 9-4 9-5 10-1 10-2 10-3 11-1 12-1 13-3 14-2 15-2 21-4 22-4
Brumaghin, David, Mr. & Mrs. --- 15-1 19-3
Brumaghin, Dot --- 11-1 16-1
Brumaghin, Dot & Dave --- 19-3 21-3
Brumagin, Dave, Mr. & Mrs. --- 18-2
Brumbagin, David --- Roster
Brumbaugh, Ira D. --- Roster
Brumfield, Bd --- 71-2
Brumfield, Beverly Dianna --- 65-2
Brumfield, Vernon --- 39-1 40-1 44-2 61-4 62-3 65-2 67-3
Brumfield, Vernon 'Brum' --- 40-3
Brumfield, Vernon E. --- 37-1 40-2 41-1 42-3 43-3 44-2 54-1 58-1 65-2 67-1 67-3
Brumfield, Vernon E. 'Brum' --- Roster 71-2
Brumfield, Wendell Milton --- 65-2
Brumgarn, Earl A. --- Roster
Brumhagin, Dave --- 17-4 19-1 19-2 20-1 20-3 20-4
Brumhagin, Dave & Mrs. --- 21-1
Brumhagin, David & Dot --- 18-3
Brumhagin, David C. --- Roster 17-2 18-2 19-2
Brumhagin, Dot & Dave --- 19-2
Brumit, Milan J. 'Mike' --- Roster
Brummer , Dave --- Roster
Brummer, Dave --- 27-3
Brummer, Harold --- 21-4 44-1 44-2 44-4 45-1 45-2 45-3
Brummer, Harold & Jennie --- 42-1
Brummer, Harold J. --- Roster 22-4 23-1 24-3 26-3 28-1 28-3 30-1 31-1 32-1 32-2 33-1 34-1 35-1 36-1 37-1 44-2 45-1 46-1
Brummer, Harold, Mr. & Mrs. --- 24-2 28-1
Brummer, Jennie --- 28-1
Brummer, Jennie & Harold --- 29-2 42-2
Brummerhop, Arthur J. --- Roster
Bruna, Jerry --- Roster 16-3
Brunell, Richard Charles --- Roster
Brunelli, Clarence --- Roster
Brunetz, Henry A. --- Roster
Bruning, William F. 'Bill' --- Roster
Brunmeier, Ken --- 37-3
Brunmeier, Kenneth --- Roster
Brunn, Walt --- 3-10
Brunn, Walter --- 24-2
Brunn, Walter H. --- Roster 3-10 14-3
Brunner, Harold J. --- Roster 43-3
Brunner, Lloyd --- 5-3 44-2 45-2 46-2 48-2 49-2 50-2 51-1 52-2 56-2 57-2
Brunner, Lloyd J. --- Roster 44-2 47-1 51-1
Brunner, Lloyd J. & Audrey --- 46-1
Bruno, Albert R. --- Roster
Bruno, Edward J. --- Roster 5-4
Bruno, Edward J., Pvt. --- 3-5
Bruno, Frank J. --- Roster
Bruno, Louis M. --- Roster
Bruno, Nicholas E. --- Roster
Bruno, Ralph --- Roster
Bruns, Jack --- Roster
Brunson, William G. --- Roster
Brunswick --- 3-5 3-8 4-1 4-3 11-2 13-2 14-2 15-2 15-3 17-2 17-4 18-2 18-4 19-2 21-1 21-2 21-4 22-2 22-4 24-3 26-3 27-1 28-2 28-3 30-1 31-1 31-3 32-1 33-1 33-2 34-1 34-3 36-1 37-2 43-3 44-2 44-3 45-2 45-4 48-3 48-4 50-1 53-2 54-3 54-4 55-2 59-1 69-3 70-3 73-2
Brunton, Gaylor Max --- Roster
Bruschel, Germany --- 35-1
Brusco, Morego --- Roster
Brusky, Henry C. --- Roster
Brussels --- 3-3 3-5 3-10 4-3 7-4 11-3 11-4 11-5 13-2 13-3 19-2 20-3 21-3 26-1 27-3 27-4 28-4 30-1 32-3 34-4 35-2 35-3 36-1 36-2 40-3 41-2 44-2 44-3 46-1 48-1 48-3 50-3 50-4 51-1 51-2 51-3 51-4 52-1 52-2 53-1 53-2 55-2 56-1 56-4 57-1 58-4 59-1 59-2 60-4 61-1 62-4 64-1 64-2 68-2 68-2 69-1 69-2 70-1 70-3 71-3 76-2 78-1 79-1 80-1
Brussels Airport --- 46-2 52-2 64-1
Brussels, Belgium --- 3-10 11-4 30-2 31-4 48-1 48-2 50-3 51-1 51-4 58-4 65-1 70-3
Brust, Norman M. --- Roster
Brutis, Glenn J. --- Roster 24-1
Brutus, Glen --- 31-3 61-4
Brutus, Glen J. --- Roster 6-4 24-3 28-3 30-1 31-1 32-1 33-1 35-1 35-2 36-1 61-4
Brutus, Glen J., Mr. --- 34-1
Brutus, Glen J., Mr. & Mrs. --- 33-1
Brutus, Glen J., Pfc. --- 3-4
Brutus, Glenn --- 24-1 24-3
Brutus, Glenn, Mr. & Mrs. --- 24-1
Brux, Czechoslovakia --- 4-2
Bruxelles --- 3-5 46-3 51-1 59-1
Bryan, Bernard L. --- Roster
Bryan, Horace Bendel --- Roster
Bryan, James B. --- Roster 34-3 35-1 35-2 44-3
Bryan, Jennings --- 57-2 71-1
Bryan, Jim & Edith --- 34-3
Bryan, Joseph L. --- Roster
Bryan, Ken --- 44-2 45-2 46-2 48-2 49-2 50-1 50-2 51-1 51-2 54-2 55-2 56-2 57-2 61-3 62-3 63-3
Bryan, Kenneth --- 44-2 46-1 50-1 51-1 55-2 56-2 57-2 62-2 63-4 64-2
Bryan, Kenneth V. --- Roster 3-8 44-2 50-1 51-1 52-1 53-1 54-1 56-1 57-1 58-2 59-3 65-1
Bryan, Kenneth V. & Margary --- 46-1
Bryan, Kenneth V. & Marge --- 47-1
Bryan, Kenneth/Marge --- 63-4
Bryan, Margary L. --- 63-3
Bryan, Marge --- 46-2 48-2 49-2 50-2 54-2 55-2 56-2 57-2 61-3 62-3
Bryan, Neah Kathryn --- 71-1
Bryan, Patrick H., Mrs. --- 4-3
Bryan, Tilman P. --- Roster
Bryan, Virgil --- 31-2 32-3 48-1
Bryan, Virgil W. --- Roster 48-1 69-3
Bryant, Charles A. --- Roster
Bryant, Emily --- 20-1 24-3 28-1 30-1 34-4 35-3 48-2
Bryant, Emily & Jack --- 17-5 30-3 44-2
Bryant, Emily Ann --- 42-4
Bryant, Glen H. --- Roster
Bryant, Harold E. --- Roster
Bryant, Howard --- 51-1 52-3 54-2 55-2 56-1 56-2 57-3 58-2 59-3
Bryant, Howard L. --- Roster 52-3 61-1
Bryant, Jack --- Roster 7-4 8-3 9-4 13-2 14-2 14-3 15-2 17-1 17-2 18-1 18-2 19-1 19-2 20-1 20-4 21-1 21-4 22-1 22-3 22-4 23-1 23-4 24-1 24-2 24-3 25-1 25-2 25-3 26-1 26-2 26-3 27-1 28-1 28-3 29-4 30-1 31-1 32-1 33-1 33-2 34-2 35-1 35-3 36-1 37-1 37-3 39-2 41-1 41-2 42-1 42-2 43-1 43-3 44-3 46-2 47-1 48-2 49-2 79-2
Bryant, Jack & Emily --- 19-1 20-1 23-3 24-1 26-1 30-1 34-1 35-1 39-1 40-1 41-1 42-1 46-1 79-2
Bryant, Jack, Mr. --- 34-1
Bryant, Jack, Mr. & Mrs. --- 16-1 17-1 28-1 30-1 33-1 36-1 37-1 38-1
Bryant, Jack, Mrs. --- 14-2
Bryant, Jesse J. --- Roster
Bryant, John --- Roster 6-4 17-2 19-2 42-1
Bryant, John H. --- Roster 31-1 50-1 56-1
Bryant, John H. & Emily --- 47-1
Bryant, John W. --- Roster
Bryant, Kobe --- 76-1
Bryant, Leslie R. --- Roster
Bryant, Madeleine --- 70-3
Bryant, Madeleine J. --- 68-2 68-2 72-2 74-3 75-3 76-3 77-1 78-2
Bryants, The --- 62-2
Bryars, Paula Caruso --- 63-3
Bryche, Xavier --- 70-1 70-2 71-1 72-2 73-1 74-3 75-3
Bryche, Xavier & Clotilde --- 70-1 71-1
Bryd, Lloyd E., Jr. --- Roster
Bryers, Hugh Richardson, III --- 69-3
Brzezicki, Edward J. (Joseph) --- Roster
Brzezinski, Anthony J. --- Roster
Btry A, 589th FA BN --- 3-2 4-4 4-5
Btry B, 589th --- 44-4
Btry. A, 589th FA BN --- 66-2
Bubel, Anton, Jr. --- Roster
Buccheri, Samuel N. --- 58-4
Bucchino, Rocco --- Roster
Buccino, Charles A. --- Roster
Buchan, Frank William --- Roster
Buchanan, Donald --- Roster
Buchanan, Fred Marvel --- Roster
Buchanan, J. Patton --- 15-4 15-5
Buchanan, Jeanne --- 62-2 66-2 76-1
Buchanan, Jeanne C. --- 61-3
Buchanan, L. C., Capt. --- 15-4
Buchanan, Paul C. --- Roster
Buchanan, Richard --- 67-2
Buchanan, Richard E. --- 67-2
Buchanan, Scott --- 67-3
Buchanan, Stephen Russell --- Roster
Buchanan, Tabetha --- 67-3
Buchas, Frank --- 42-2
Buchas, Frank William --- Roster
Buchenwald --- 6-1 21-1 27-3 44-3 49-3 49-4 50-3 51-3 52-3 55-1 56-2 59-1 59-3 60-4 62-2 65-2 72-3
Bucher, Bill --- 52-2 52-3 53-2 53-3 54-1 58-2 70-1
Bucher, Bill, Jr. --- 52-3 53-3 54-1 58-2 70-1
Bucher, William H. --- Roster
Bucher, William J. --- Roster
Bucher, William M. --- 62-2
Bucher, William M. Jr. --- 56-1
Bucher, William M., Jr. --- 70-1
Bucher, William, Jr. --- 77-3
Bucher, William, Sr. --- 70-1
Buchet --- 49-4 51-2 52-3 52-4 53-4 54-1 55-2 59-1 59-2 60-4 71-3
Buchet, Germany --- 79-1
Buchman, Clarence --- 66-1
Buchman, Ellsworth A. --- Roster
Buchman, Richard --- 67-1
Bucholz Station --- 58-2 58-3
Buck, Ernest A. --- Roster
Buck, James P. --- Roster
Buck, John J. (Joseph) --- Roster
Buck, Lester R. --- Roster
Buckes, Arthur C., Jr. --- Roster
Bucket --- 54-4 56-4 59-1
Buckingham, Marion Clinton --- Roster
Buckles, Orin E. (Edwin) 'Joe' --- Roster
Buckley, Arthur C. --- Roster 3-8 13-2 14-2 15-2 17-2 18-2 21-4 22-4 24-3 25-2 28-3 30-1 30-3 32-2 33-1
Buckley, Arthur C., Sr. --- 26-3 31-1 33-2
Buckley, Elizabeth, Mrs. --- 33-2
Buckley, Harry R. --- Roster
Buckley, Kathryn --- 74-1
Buckley, Madison H. --- Roster 4-1
Buckley, Madison H., Dr. --- 5-5 8-1 23-1
Buckley, Vincent --- Roster 44-3
Buckley, Vincent J. --- Roster 44-3
Buckly, Malison --- Roster
Buckman, Clarance --- 69-2
Buckman, Clarence --- 65-3 67-2 69-1 70-1 72-1
Buckman, Clarence 'Bucky' --- 72-1 72-2
Buckman, Clarence L. --- Roster
Buckman, Clearance --- 69-2
Buckman, Kathleen --- 66-1 67-2 72-1
Buckmaster, Ron --- Roster 56-1
Bucko, Michael J. --- Roster
Buderich --- 67-1 67-2
Budesheim --- 5-3 8-3 46-4 56-4
Budesheim, Germany --- 46-4 56-4
Budnik, Donald J. --- Roster
Buechler, Theodore E., Brig. Gen. --- 14-4 14-5 62-4
Buedingen, Lt. --- 45-3 57-1
Buedingen, Robert H. --- Roster
Buehner, Patricia --- 80-1
Buehrer, Richard J. --- Roster
Buehrer, Rolland --- Roster
Buell, Meredith Max --- Roster
Bueno, Jose F. --- Roster
Buerschen, James E. --- 71-3
Buerschen, James E., Sr. --- Roster
Buerschen, Jeff P. --- 71-3
Buescher, James K. --- Roster
Buescher, James W. --- Roster 35-4 36-1 37-3 43-3 53-2 56-1
Buescher, James W., Mr. & Mrs. --- 38-1
Buesing, Henry G.'Hank' --- Roster
Buettner, William H., Jr. --- Roster
Buffington, Marvin L. --- Roster
Bugg, Robert S. --- Roster
Bugner, Lucille --- 74-2
Bugner, Lucille C. --- 59-4
Bugner, Pam --- 62-3 64-1 65-2
Bugner, Pamela --- 74-2
Bugner, Ruth Smith & Fred --- 74-2
Bugner, Thomas --- 46-3 64-2
Bugner, Thomas F. --- Roster 47-1 59-4 65-1 69-2 74-2
Bugner, Tom --- 54-1 59-3 61-3 62-3 63-3 64-1 64-2 70-1
Bugner, Tom, S/Sgt. --- 70-1
Bugner, William --- 74-2
Buhlman, William J. --- Roster
Buhr, Joseph --- 56-1
Buhr, Joseph E. --- Roster 47-3
Buhr, Joseph Irwin --- Roster
Buikema, Charles --- Roster
Buit, Dale M. (Marvin) --- Roster
Bukantis, Anthony --- Roster
Bularkle, George --- Roster 56-3
Buler, Roger S. --- Roster
Bulinsky, John J. --- Roster
Bull, Joseph Q. --- Roster
Bull, Joseph W. --- Roster
Bulla --- 8-1 39-2
Bulla, Sal, Mr. & Mrs. --- 15-1
Bulla, Sal, T/5 --- 65-2
Bulla, Salvatore P. --- Roster
Bullange --- 31-2
Bullard, Doc --- 26-1 28-2 28-3
Bullard, Dr. --- 28-1 29-1 30-1 31-1 36-2
Bullard, G. M., Dr. --- 30-2
Bullard, G., Mrs. --- 32-1
Bullard, Geo. --- 25-3 31-1 31-3
Bullard, Geo. S., Dr. --- 27-1
Bullard, George --- 27-1 27-2 27-3 28-2 29-1 30-1 30-3 32-1 45-3
Bullard, George & Margaret --- 26-1 27-3 29-3
Bullard, George ‘Doc’ & Margaret --- 29-1
Bullard, George M. --- 29-1 29-4
Bullard, George M., Dr. --- 27-2 28-1 28-3 29-4 30-1
Bullard, George M., Dr. & Mrs. --- 28-1
Bullard, George M., Jr. --- 30-1
Bullard, George M., T/Sgt. --- 3-7
Bullard, George Minton --- Roster 30-1
Bullard, George S. --- 28-1 29-1
Bullard, George, Dr. --- 26-3 28-1 28-2 28-3 28-4 29-1 29-2 29-3 29-4 30-1 53-1
Bullard, Lula Howard --- 30-1
Bullard, Margaret --- 30-2 35-2 36-4
Bullard, Margaret & Doc --- 26-2
Bullard, Margaret R. --- 53-1 54-1
Bullard, Margaret R., Mrs. --- 31-3
Bullard, Margaret Rawls --- 30-1
Bullard, Margaret, Mrs. --- 33-1 34-1 35-1 36-1 37-3
Bullard, Mrs. --- 29-1 30-1 31-1 32-1
Bullard, S/Sgt. --- 6-1
Bullard, Thomas Perry --- 30-1
Bullingen --- 13-3 28-1 57-1 60-4 68-2 68-2
Bullingen, Belgium --- 67-2
Bullingen-St. Vith Highway --- 5-3
Bullock, Marvin H. --- Roster
Bullock, Seeber F. --- Roster
Bullock, Warren W. --- Roster
Bulman, William J. --- Roster
Bulman, William J., S/Sgt. --- 3-7
Bulno, John E. --- Roster 34-2
Bulter, Harry W. Jr. --- Roster
Bulter, Harry W., Jr. --- 24-3
Bunch, David A. --- Roster
Bundren, Eugene D. --- Roster
Bundschuh, John J., Jr. --- Roster
Bundy, Edward G. --- Roster
Bungo, Louis --- Roster
Bunker, George S. --- Roster
Bunts, Robert Joseph --- Roster 9-3
Buodeau, Roger --- Roster
Buonantomy, Eugene --- Roster
Buonantomy, Eugene, T/5 --- 65-2
Buonantony, Eugene A. --- Roster
Bupp, Robert K. --- Roster
Bur, Charles G. --- Roster
Burbach, Rudolph J. --- Roster
Burbage, Cleveland --- Roster
Burch, A. V. --- 5-1
Burch, Carl --- 24-3 26-2 26-3
Burch, Carl E. --- Roster
Burch, Carl, Sgt. --- 3-7
Burch, Dwight E. --- Roster
Burch, John P. (Patrick) 'Pat' --- Roster
Burch, Leslie Jennet --- 74-3
Burch, William --- Roster
Burd, Kathy, Mrs. --- 34-2
Burde, Theodore C. --- Roster
Burek, Susan K. --- 62-2
Burg --- 5-2 10-4 45-3 49-3 50-4 51-3 54-4 56-4 57-1
Burg Reuland --- 31-2 32-2 45-3 50-4 54-4 57-1
Burg Ruhlen --- 10-4
Burgasser, Thomas --- 79-3
Burgen, Hubert --- 43-3
Burgen, Hubert F. --- Roster
Burger, Hubert --- 37-3
Burger, Hubert (Dallas) 'Jake' --- Roster
Burgermaster Of Duren --- 64-3
Burgeson, Aldon V. --- Roster
Burgess, Dow L. --- Roster
Burgess, James G. --- Roster
Burgess, Oakley --- Roster
Burgesse, William, Lt. --- 3-7
Burgessee, William K. --- Roster
Burg-Reuland --- 42-3 50-4 51-3 54-4 56-3 56-4 65-1
Burg-Reuland, Belgium --- 50-4
Buriak, Theodore --- Roster
Burkam, Douglas R. --- Roster
Burkart, John C. 'Jack' --- Roster
Burke, Basil --- 46-1
Burke, Basil C. --- 61-1
Burke, Basil C., Jr. --- Roster 60-4
Burke, Basil, Jr. --- 37-2
Burke, Carroll --- Roster
Burke, Eugene C. --- Roster 14-4
Burke, Gordon W. --- Roster
Burke, Harold E. --- Roster
Burke, James R. --- Roster 49-3 50-1 56-1
Burke, James R. & Ellen --- 46-1
Burke, James T. --- Roster
Burke, John D. --- Roster
Burke, Jr., Basil C. --- 45-4
Burke, Maj. --- 16-3
Burke, Patricia --- 60-4
Burke, Patricia C. --- 60-4
Burke, Robert --- Roster 18-3 19-3 21-4 29-2 40-2
Burke, Thelma & Bob --- 16-3 18-3
Burke, Thomas --- 4-4
Burke, Thomas E. --- Roster
Burke, Timothy J. --- Roster
Burke, William E. --- Roster
Burke, William F. --- Roster
Burke, William J. --- Roster
Burkee, R., Mr. & Mrs. --- 22-1
Burkes, Bob --- 17-3 18-3 20-3 32-1 39-3 42-4 43-2 44-2 50-2 54-2
Burkes, Bob & Frankie --- 42-3 46-2 51-2
Burkes, Bob & Thelma --- 32-2 34-3 36-4 39-2
Burkes, Frankie --- 42-4 44-2 45-2 48-2 49-2 52-2 53-2 54-2 56-2 57-1 57-2 58-2 59-3 61-1 61-3 62-3 63-1 63-3 63-4 64-3 67-1 69-1
Burkes, Frankie C. --- 56-1 62-3 63-3 64-3 67-1 69-1 69-3
Burkes, Robert & Thelma --- 21-4 22-3
Burkes, Robert A. --- Roster 22-4 24-3 26-3 28-3 30-1 31-1 32-1 33-1 34-1 35-1 36-1 37-1 42-1 43-3 44-2 50-1 51-1 52-1 52-2 53-1 54-1 54-2
Burkes, Robert A. & Frankie --- 46-1 47-1
Burkes, Robert A., Capt. & Mrs. --- 4-3
Burkes, Robert A., Mr. & Mrs. --- 20-3 38-1
Burkes, Robert, Mr. & Mrs. --- 37-1
Burkes, Thelma --- 39-3
Burkes, Thelma & Bob --- 18-3 19-3
Burkett, Thomas J. (Jefferson) --- Roster
Burkhalter, Thomas D. --- Roster
Burkhardt, Robert --- 17-5
Burkhart, Fred R. --- Roster 13-4
Burkhart, John C. --- Roster
Burkhart, Thomas --- Roster
Burkholder, Clyde W. --- Roster
Burkizer, Thomas J. --- Roster
Burks, Dave C. --- Roster
Burky, Paula Gamblin --- 79-2
Burleigh, Edward J., Sr. --- Roster
Burleson, Ruth Ann --- 74-1
Burlhardt, Arnold J. --- Roster
Burlingame, Ray E. --- Roster
Burma --- 6-1 70-2
Burman, John --- 48-2
Burmaster, C. A. --- 9-4
Burmaster, Charles A. --- Roster 17-4
Burmaster, Charles A., Capt. --- 3-5
Burmaster, Charles, Lt. --- 14-4
Burmatz, Clarence --- 36-1
Burmeister, Capt. --- 17-2
Burmeister, Roy --- Roster 54-3 55-3 58-1 58-2 59-1 61-4 63-1 76-1
Burmeister, unk --- Roster
Burmesiter, Rou --- 58-1
Burna, Dick --- 39-2
Burnell, Richard --- Roster
Burnes, Robert --- Roster
Burnett, Flora (Richard) --- 72-1
Burnett, Harold R. --- Roster
Burnett, J.R. --- 74-1
Burnett, James --- 56-4 74-1
Burnett, James L. --- 56-3 65-2 70-2 74-1
Burnett, James Leroy --- Roster
Burnett, Janes L. --- 43-3
Burnett, Janet --- 74-1
Burnett, Julia --- 74-1
Burnett, Letitia --- 74-1
Burnett, Maurice E. --- Roster
Burnett, Nancy --- 74-1
Burnett, Paul --- 74-1
Burnham, Arthur W. --- Roster
Burnham, Carl --- Roster 42-3
Burnham, Carl W. --- 43-3
Burnham, Fred --- 6-5 7-2 7-3 10-4 19-3 21-4 24-3 26-2 26-3 27-2 30-1 31-1 32-1 35-1 36-1 42-3 45-1 54-1
Burnham, Fred W. --- 4-3 10-4 17-2 18-3 22-4 24-3 25-2 28-3 33-1 33-2 37-2 43-3 45-1 54-1
Burnham, Fred W., Jr. 'Fred' --- Roster
Burnham, Fred W., Mr. & Mrs. --- 17-1
Burnham, Fred, Mr. --- 34-1
Burnham, Fred, Mr. & Mrs. --- 16-1 22-1
Burnham, Mr. --- 3-4
Burnham, Phyllis & Carl --- 42-3
Burnham, Priscilla & Fred --- 41-3
Burnhan, Mr. --- 64-2 64-3
Burnite, Clarance --- 36-1
Burnitz, Clarence, Mr. & Mrs. --- 36-1
Burns, Bobbie --- 31-3
Burns, Doyce R. (Ray) --- Roster
Burns, Edward D. --- Roster
Burns, Forrest Steel --- Roster 9-3
Burns, George E. --- Roster
Burns, Governor John A. --- 20-2
Burns, Howard V. --- Roster
Burns, J. H. --- 10-2
Burns, J. H., Mr. & Mrs. --- 5-4
Burns, Jack --- 6-5
Burns, John --- 6-5 48-2 48-3
Burns, John H. --- Roster 5-2 6-4 13-2 14-2 15-2 48-2 48-3
Burns, John H., T/5 --- 3-7
Burns, Lois I. --- 72-2
Burns, Patrick R. --- Roster
Burns, Ray W. --- Roster
Burns, Robert J. --- Roster 6-1
Burns, Robert J., T/4 --- 3-2
Burns, Vincent --- Roster
Burns, Walter --- Roster
Burns, William R. --- Roster 51-1 56-1
Burnsaster, Charles --- 14-4
Burnside, Julian B. --- Roster 57-1 61-3
Burnside, Julian B. & Lidia --- 46-1
Burnside, Nancy --- 53-1
Burr, Charles G. --- 5-1 6-2
Burr, Charles Garland --- Roster
Burrell, Grace & Jim --- 17-5
Burrell, James --- 26-3 44-2 50-1 55-1
Burrell, James B. --- Roster
Burrell, James V. --- Roster 28-2 28-3 30-1 31-3 32-1 33-1 35-1 36-1 37-3 43-3 50-1 52-1 53-1 54-1 55-1 56-1 57-1 69-2
Burrell, James V., Mr. --- 34-1
Burrell, James W. --- 42-4
Burrell, Jim & Grace --- 13-2
Burrell, Jim & Pat --- 41-3
Burres, Withers A., Maj. Gen. --- 14-4 14-5
Burress, Raymond E. --- Roster
Burress, Withers A., Maj. Gen. --- 14-5 62-4
Burris, Robert --- Roster
Burris, Robert Quentin Wells 'Bob' --- Roster
Burris, Thomas C. --- 9-4
Burris, Thomas C., Jr. --- Roster
Burrnesiter, Roy --- 59-1
Burroughs, Lisle --- Roster
Burrow, L. C. --- Roster
Burrows, Charles --- Roster
Burrows, Terrence --- 3-10 9-3
Burrows, Terrence, Jr., 2nd Lt. --- 3-10
Burstyne, William N. --- Roster
Burt, Charles --- 47-3
Burt, Charles L. --- Roster 46-3
Burt, Clarence P. --- Roster
Burton, James --- Roster
Burzo, Louis J. --- Roster
Busby, Riley M. --- Roster
Busch, Col --- 72-3
Busch, Fran, Mrs. --- 6-1
Busch, Mary --- 3-8
Busch, Mary & Frannie --- 6-1
Buschemeyer, C. M. --- 35-1 36-1
Buschemeyer, C. M., Mr. --- 34-1
Buschemeyer, Chester --- 30-1 31-1 33-1
Buschemeyer, Chester M. --- Roster 33-2 34-3 35-2 35-3
Buschemeyer, Chet --- 37-2
Buschmeyer, C. M. --- 28-2
Buschow, Wilbur L. --- Roster
Busecher, James W. --- Roster 35-3
Bush, George W. --- 80-2
Bush, Jim --- 45-1 49-1
Bush, John, Mr. & Mrs. --- 40-1
Bush, President --- 57-4 58-1 66-1
Bush, William Duane --- 66-2
Busier, Bill --- 58-1
Busier, Sgt. --- 65-3
Busier, William --- 9-3 45-1 48-4 55-4 63-4 66-1 67-2 67-3 69-1 70-1 72-1 75-3 79-2
Busier, William B. --- 45-1 46-1 49-1 62-4 65-1 69-3 70-3 71-3 75-3
Busier, William Bernard --- Roster 79-2
Busier, William 'Bill' --- 71-3
Buskirk, James L. --- Roster
Bustza, Charles W. --- Roster
Butay --- 13-3
Butcher, Burt & Shirley --- 35-1
Butcher, Harley L. --- Roster
Butcherine, Steve N. --- Roster
Butelli, Victor J. --- Roster
Butenbach --- 67-2
Butgenbach --- 28-3 31-2 36-2 57-1 61-2 61-3 63-1
Butkenbech --- 32-2
Butkovich, Bill --- 46-2
Butkovich, George --- Roster
Butler, Bert E. --- 6-1
Butler, Bert E., Pfc. --- 3-2
Butler, Bert Eugene --- Roster
Butler, Bill --- 31-1 46-2
Butler, Charlie E., Jr. --- Roster
Butler, Dallas W. --- Roster 8-6
Butler, Decatur Pointdexter, Jr. --- Roster
Butler, Dee Dee --- 69-2
Butler, Edward T. --- Roster
Butler, H. W. --- 15-5 19-2
Butler, H. W., Jr. --- 21-4 30-3
Butler, Harry --- 12-1 22-1
Butler, Harry W, Jr. --- Roster
Butler, Harry W. --- 9-3 14-2 15-2 17-2 18-3 19-4 28-3 30-1 35-1 36-1
Butler, Harry W. ‘Bill’, Jr. --- 66-2
Butler, Harry W., Jr. --- 9-1 13-2 22-4 31-1 32-1 33-1 37-2
Butler, Harry W., Jr. 'Bill' --- Roster
Butler, Harry W., Mr. --- 34-1
Butler, Harry, Jr. --- 26-3
Butler, Jr, Harry --- 62-2
Butler, Jr., Harry W. --- 43-3
Butler, Leland Mason --- Roster
Butler, Leona (William) --- 80-2
Butler, Robert H. --- Roster 4-1
Butler, Robert L. --- Roster
Butler, William (Kristen) --- 80-2
Butler, William L. --- Roster
Butner, R. E., Mrs. --- 26-3
Butner, Rufus --- 26-3
Butner, Rufus Ernest, Jr. --- Roster
Butter, Leroy --- 55-4 56-3
Butter, Leroy G. --- Roster 55-4
Butterbauch, Leonard J. --- Roster
Butterbaugh, Leonard --- 5-2 16-3
Butterbaugh, Leonard J. --- 4-1 17-2 36-1 36-2 37-1 40-3 41-1
Butterbough, Leonard J. --- 17-2 18-2 19-2
Butterfield, Germany --- 46-1
Butterfield, Jeff --- 67-3
Butterfield, Juanita Pierce --- 67-3
Butterfield, R. James (Barbara) --- 67-3
Butterfield, Wallace --- 45-3 49-2 50-1 51-1 52-1 55-1 56-1 66-2
Butterfield, Wallace Rulon --- 67-3
Butterfield, Wallace Rulon 'Wally' --- Roster
Buttery, George --- Roster 5-4
Button, Benjamin --- 31-1
Buttonow, Joseph M. --- Roster 56-1 61-3
Buttons, Red --- 58-4
Butts, Archie W. --- Roster
Butyrlev, Mr. --- 67-3
Butyrlin, Sergey --- 67-3
Butzdorf --- 56-1
Buzak, William J. --- Roster
Byard, Eloyid M. --- 43-2
Byard, Eloyid Merl --- Roster
Bydlon, Frank J. --- Roster 6-1
Byer, Harold E. --- Roster
Byerley, Robert H. --- Roster 35-3 35-4 36-1 37-2 37-3
Byerly, Daryl L. (Lyle) --- Roster
Byerly, Herbert --- Roster
Byers, Carl H. Jr. --- Roster
Byers, Edgar --- 32-2
Byers, Harold E. --- Roster 56-2
Byham, Robert Edwin --- Roster
Bynum, Audrey F. --- Roster
Bynum, Avis --- Roster 53-2 62-3 65-1 67-3
Bynum, F. G --- 58-3
Bynum, F. G. --- Roster 35-4 36-1 37-1 58-3
Bynum, F. G., Pfc. --- 58-3
Bynum, F.G. --- 43-3 62-3
Bynum, George Dee --- 65-2
Byram, Jackie --- 69-3
Byram, Jackie J., Mrs. --- 71-2
Byram, Mike --- 69-3
Byram, Robert --- 49-2 58-2
Byram, Robert L. --- Roster 49-2 58-3 69-3 71-2
Byrd, A. --- 12-1 13-3
Byrd, A., Mr. & Mrs. --- 22-3
Byrd, Austie --- 13-4
Byrd, Austin --- 9-1 9-4 10-1 10-3 11-1 11-2 11-3 11-4 11-5 12-1 12-2 12-3 12-4 13-1 13-3 13-4 13-5 14-1 14-2 14-3 14-4 14-6 15-1 15-3 18-1 18-2 19-1 20-2 20-3 21-4 26-3 31-4 32-1 33-2 37-1 41-2 43-2 44-3
Byrd, Austin & Myrt --- 18-1 35-1
Byrd, Austin & Myrtle --- 32-1 33-3 34-1 42-4
Byrd, Austin L. --- 8-3 9-1 10-2 11-1 12-1 13-1 13-4 14-1 14-2 14-3 14-4 14-6 15-1 15-2 15-3 17-2 18-2 19-2 26-2 30-1 31-1 36-1 42-4 68-2 68-2
Byrd, Austin L. & Myrtle --- 34-3
Byrd, Austin L., Jr. --- Roster 7-3 8-4 8-5 9-1 10-2 11-1 12-1 13-1 13-2 13-3 13-4 13-5 14-1 14-2 14-3 14-4 14-6 15-1 15-2 15-3 17-2 18-2 19-2 22-4 24-3 26-3 28-3 31-1 32-1 33-1 34-1 35-1 36-1 37-1 67-2 69-2 70-2
Byrd, Austin L., Jr., Mr. & Mrs. --- 24-2
Byrd, Austin L., Mr. & Mrs. --- 16-1
Byrd, Austin, Jr. --- 11-1 11-3 13-2 20-2 22-1
Byrd, Austin, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. --- 33-1
Byrd, Austin, Mr. & Mrs. --- 25-2
Byrd, Betsy --- 39-3
Byrd, Charles M. --- Roster
Byrd, Curry --- 10-1
Byrd, Elizabeth B. --- 72-2
Byrd, Henry W. --- Roster
Byrd, James & Betty --- 40-2
Byrd, James C. --- Roster 39-3
Byrd, Jim & Betsy --- 39-2
Byrd, Jr, Austin L. --- 65-2
Byrd, Jr., Austin L. --- 43-3
Byrd, Jr., Lloyd E. --- 45-3
Byrd, Kathy, Mrs. --- 35-1
Byrd, Lloyd --- 45-2 50-2 51-3 52-1 52-2 53-1
Byrd, Lloyd Ewing, Jr. --- Roster
Byrd, Lloyd W., Jr. --- Roster
Byrd, Lloyd, Mr. & Mrs. --- 46-2
Byrd, Myrtle --- 31-1 33-3 43-2
Byrd, Myrtle & Austin --- 18-2 20-3 21-3 22-2 22-3 23-2 35-2
Byrd, Myrtle V. --- 42-4
Byrd, Sister Of Austin --- 15-1
Byrd, T/3 Austin L., Jr. --- 3-2
Byrd, Tyson C. (Cleo) --- Roster
Byrd, unk --- Roster
Byrd, William L. --- Roster
Byrd, Woodrow M. --- Roster
Byrne, Charles B. --- Roster
Byrne, Howard --- 4-5
Byrne, John P. --- Roster
Byrne, Sgt. --- 62-2
Byrnes, Vincent J. --- 68-2 68-2
Byrnes, Vincent Joseph --- Roster 71-2
Byrns, Howard V. --- Roster
Byrum, Robert --- 68-2, 68-2,