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Index for this issue of The CUB
Original Cub Document
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Vol. 20, No. 4, May, 1964

President Robert Pierce
Vice President Leo T. McMahon
Adjutant and Treasurer Richard DeHeer
Chaplain John Loveless
Historian Sherod Collins
Co-Editors Richard DeHeer
Doug Coffey
Membership Chairman Joe Mathews
Memorials Chairman Doug Coffey
All editorial matter should be sent to: Richard DeHeer, 19 Hopkins St. Hillsdale, New Jersey
Doug Coffey
41 Lowell Ave. West Orange, New Jersey
All business matters, dues or membership renewals should be sent to:
Richard DeHeer
19 Hopkins St. Hillsdale, New Jersey
Back issues of the CUB may be obtained when available for $1.00 each. Send orders to the Adjutant.

     Time has come again for the issue of our CUB. I sure hope that each member has kept his promise of sending in their articles to be published in the CUB. It makes the job as editor so much easier if he has plenty of news articles to make up our CUB. Especially new and up-to-date articles. I also hope that each one planning on being in attendance this year in New Jersey has sent Tom Bickford a card notifying him of this. If you have not sent him this information please do so at once as he has to make plans for the number of buses needed for our trip to the Worlds Fair. So take care of these items as soon as you possibly can.
     I want to take this time to say that I have really enjoyed my part as President of our Association. Also I want to thank the other officers and the board of directors for their able help and backing in each and everything we have tried to do. This has taken a great load off from my shoulders as President. Again I will say thanks to all.
     I am going to ask once again if each member has his new member for our reunion in East Orange, N. J. Time is getting short if you haven't. I have sent cards out to each one of the fellows who contacted me about last year's reunion in Cleveland. I also have made some personal contacts in and around Warren of former men of the Division. In closing I will say again that I sure do appreciate all the help that I have received from each and every member. Also we as a family hope to be seeing all of you in East Orange, N. J. come July 23-26. We can hardly wait for this time to roll around. We feel that this is going to be one of our greatest reunions. So to help us achieve this aim get that buddy we know to attend this year's reunion. Will be seeing you all in East Orange, N, J.
President Bob Pierce

     Today, at the polls in my home State, battles are being waged. For some weeks, with increasing intensity, the issues have been aired. Statements, promises, charges, and counter-charges have been put forth without number from office-seekers, their supporters and their opponents. Appeals have been made to the prejudices, the consciences, the intellects of the voters. So involved are the situations that the results cannot be even guessed until the last vote is counted.
     Yet nothing will have been settled by the votes cast today. For those who have won in this Primary Election must make peace and restore friendships with the losers so as to present a united front against the winners of the other party when the General Election comes in November.


     Fortunate are we in this country of ours that the majority of us can have a say in the operations of our various governments, if we but choose to do so. We have the right and the opportunity to make our voices heard; it is our duty as citizens to participate to the extent of our ability. Only by so doing can the will of the majority be assured.
     Within a five-week period, as you know, our people will observe three national days: Memorial Day to honor those dead who served in the Armed Forces, Flag Day to commemorate the adoption of our National Emblem, and the Fourth of July to celebrate the birthday of our Nation.
     Only by adhering to and furthering the principles proclaimed in the observance of these days can one round out his total civic obligations.
"Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage."-- Psalm 33:12.
John T. Loveless, Jr., Chaplain
106th Infantry Division Assn. May 20, 1964

     We hope you are all looking forward as happily as we are to being served oranges in the Oranges in July. That is a lot of fruit, but we are not referring to the Florida fruit, nor to the California or Rio Grande variety. We have in mind a geographical section of northern New Jersey, from which came such fine soldiers of the 106th as Tom Bickford of Division Headquarters and Doug Coffey of the 590th F.A. Bn. They were great in war; they have been towers of strength to this Association since its organization in 1945.
     Doug is from West Orange and Tom is from East Orange. Once again they have united, as so many times before, to serve the members attending the 1964 Reunion. They have set up the Reunion in Tom's town, at the HOTEL SUBURBAN, EAST ORANGE, N. J., JULY 23-26. BETTER PLAN TO ARRIVE ON 23, so as to get in on the Bus Trip to the World's Fair. Let Tom know at 3 Sunnyside Terrace, East Orange, N. J., how many you are bringing. We have one recruiting suggestion. Let Anne Matthews and Maydean Wells entice those other lovely ladies (in the picture with them in the last CUB) to the Reunion, and we can be sure that the handsome heroes in the adjoining picture will follow them to the Oranges in July.

     One of the primary purposes of this column is to nurture the cultural growth of its readers, young and old, regardless of their present intelligence quotient, whether it be in the thirties or eighties. Since we all are to be in New Jersey in late July, we should be conversant with the flora and fauna of the area. In order to make it easy for you, we shall give you a report on a detailed reconnaissance, which we made by a simple and easy method.
     In order that our report may be exciting and sparkling with humor, we went to our cherished Encyclopedia Britannica. There we found that we had a choice in selection of our educational material. We could write about "Orange, a town of Wellington and Bathhurst counties, New South Wales" or "Orange, a town of south-eastern France, capital of an arrondissement" or "Orange, House of" or "Orange, the longest river of South America" or even "Orange Free State." We won't be so corny as to even mention "Orange (Citrus Aurantium)," but we shall proceed directly to the entry "Orange, a city of Essex County, New Jersey, U.S.A., about 14 miles from the city of New York. It lies at the base of the eastern slope of the Watchung, or Orange Mountain and together with East Orange, West Orange and South Orange, (no North Orange) is popularly known as "the Oranges" naturally. The population in 1890 was 18,844 of whom 6,598 were foreign born. It is served by the Morris and Essex Division of the Delaware and Lackawanna RR and is the terminus of the Erie, and is connected with Newark and Bloomfield by electric railroads. A system of all-weather roads, mostly paved, is contemplated for the future. It has been said that there are actually certain visionaries who forsee a bridge or tunnel into New York." In explanation, we do admit that our Britannica is the Tenth Edition published in 1903, the most recent available to us on a rainy day.
     Now that you have received such a complete, accurate summary of the physical characteristics of our next bivouac area, let us examine some of the features of the amusement area so kindly constructed for us in time for this convention. The Fair people estimate that the average adult visitor will spend $7.45 a day inside the grounds. You are undoubtedly above average, so we suggest you plan on a bit more. It is true that you can get by with only the admission fee, provided you don't mind going hungry, missing most of the interesting exhibits and doing all of your sightseeing on foot. By all means get a guide book and plan what you are going to visit, in advance, because there is so much to see that you will carefully have to pick and choose. It is a fantasy-land of perpetual, and often dizzying motion. You will have a gourmet's delight in the 65 restaurants but, if you do not want to be a gourmet there are 5 snack bars available. At the Viennese restaurant (which has no music) you may buy a bratwurst and potato salad and at the Japanese pavillion's restaurant (which has a Viennese quartet) you can get a generous Tempura dinner with both sake and tea. Almost every known food and drink may be found with little effort.
     Longest waiting lines are currently seen at two exhibits in the Travel and Transportation area. General Motors has an unsual and striking "Futurama" and Ford presents an equally fantastic show. Both are free, probably one of the reasons for their huge attendance. When you add up the time required for just a few of the comparatively small exhibits, you will see the reason for planning ahead. At the African pavillion there is a 10-minute movie followed by a 20-minute native dance program, another 15 minutes to view the animal show with 15 minutes more for the stationary exhibits, and an hour of your precious time is gone. You can get a good bird's eye view from the Swiss Sky Ride or a ground view from Escorter vehicles, or a guided tour by bus or station wagon. Also, there is a booth near the main gate, advertising "Comfortable Walking Shoes, $2.89."
     We think that all of this is a real good deal. You will never again be able to participate in one of our always-to-be-remembered reunions and, with good friends, make a comfortable trip to this amazing display of living, past, present and future.

    Yes, it winds back 20 years-- a whole generation-- to the days when the Golden Lion Veterans who read this now were lads in their teens, or had recently cracked the 20-year birthday mark ! It was March and they were just winding up the Tennessee maneuvers! On the first of March, 1944, the 106th Division's personnel consisted of 707 officers and 12,950 enlisted men. During March 12, 14 new men came into the Division and 871 were transferred out. Of this number almost 700 were sent to the replacement pool at Fort Meade, Md. The others were transferred to various service command units and officer candidate schools.
    On 27 March, the 106th left the Tennessee area for what would be its final station in the United States, Camp Atterbury, Indiana. Moving in three serials, following a single route, the Division closed in the new area 31 March. Each serial in turn bivouacked


    at Fort Knox, Kentucky, a distance of 130 miles, and reached Camp Atterbury the next afternoon, 110 miles further. Once again the routine of instruction started, basic, individual, unit and combined training. Tactical tests and artillery firing tests were undergone; most of the month of August was devoted to a series of regimental combat team exercises. But now the division was being systematically bled of its trained men, and training-- real intensive combat training-- of the replacements coming in, was a heart-breaking, endless job.
     Transferred out in April were 3,145 men; in May 877, during June 195; July 136, and in August, stiffest blow of all, 2,894.
     Replacements came in, of course; men from ASTP, AAF, AGF Replacement depots, and volunteers for infantry. Five hundred and fifty of these were from other branches -- anti-aircraft, coast artillery, post complements ; air units, medical, engineer, ordnance, military police, QM and TD units.
     So the days went on at Atterbury, hard, driving days of training, with recreation in Indianapolis and other nearby towns sandwiched in between. There was a two-day demonstration for the Hoosier State Press Assn. 19-20 May; and on 3 June for the Under Secretary of War, Robert P. Patterson, and an Infantry Day exercise 15 June for more than 5,000 visitors. On 4 July the 422nd Infantry paraded in Indianapolis where they were reviewed by Lt. Gen. Brehon Somervell, Commanding General of the Army Services Forces. On the same day, Brig. Gen. Perrin and a Battalion of Infantry paraded in Cleveland, Ohio. During this period the CUB, Division newspaper initiated during the Tennessee maneuvers, flourished. On the sports side, the Division baseball team captured the Indiana State championship, and so won its way into the National Semi-Pro Tournament held at Wichita, Kansas.
The Division's 1944 boxing championship went to the 423rd Infantry, taking
    four of the individual championships; three others went to the Division Artillery and one each to 422nd Infantry and Special Troops. The Medical Detachment, 424th Infantry, won the Division softball championship, while the volleyball crown went to Company C, 331st Medical Battalion.
     And thus the Golden Lions carried on in Indiana until the autumn came, and the leaves were turning and the call for overseas movement came.
     Our purpose here is not to recount the history of the Division; merely to indicate how men came in, became Golden Lions and then left the Division by transfer. Of course, all of these are eligible for membership in the Division Association.
     After the Ardennes battle the Division received some replacements, but not in sufficient quantities to reconstitute the Reconnaissance Troop, the 422nd and 423rd Infantry regiments and the 589th and 590th Field Artillery Battalions. These did not arrive until the Division came out of the line and marched back to Rennes in Brittany in the spring of 1945. There the two regiments of infantry and the two battalions of field artillery were reconstituted and taken into the division at a colorful ceremony and review when the colors of the two regiments and the standards of the two artillery battalions flew again. Many organizations were attached to the Division during combat, some of them from other divisions, but not long enough to absorb the Golden Lion esprit. Let's return from memories lane and 20 years ago, to July, 1964, where at the Annual Reunion of the 106th to be held at Hotel Suburban, East Orange, New Jersey, July 23-26, 1964, we will discuss again ways and means to attract those thousands who belonged to the Division, or some of them, into becoming members of the 106th Infantry Division Association. When the Association was organized, some of the founders speculated whether it would last 5 years. It has been a going organization for 18 years.


The time: JULY 23-26, 1964
The place: NEW JERSEY


with the 1964 New York World's Fair as an added attraction

W. Orange Ex-GI Is on Track
    Douglas S. Coffey spends his working day as assistant comptroller of West Orange and a good deal of his free time working for the town of St. -Vith, Belgium.
     Coffey's association with the small Belgian town began more than a year ago while he was there to dedicate a memorial to the 106th Division. He was asked by town officials to help locate a chain of medals, the "Chaine du Roi" dating back to 1670, presumed to have been taken from the town in October, 1944.
     The medals are the official chain of office for the president of the St. Sebastian-St. Roche Fraternity, a local gun club, Coffey said.

Checking With Vets
    Coffey, a member of the 106th Division Association, has spent the intervening time checking slim leads and writing as many letters as possible to veteran's organizations asking for help in locating the chain.
     "Some of the clues I received," Coffey said, "were that the medals were seen being packed in a box by a soldier with an acorn patch, the mark of the 87th Division. A military policeman with an 'XX' patch was seen with him. That patch probably indicates the 20th Corps.
     "I know both outfits were in the St. Vith area during the Battle of the Bulge and I just keep notifying as many people as I can of my project in hopes that someone will have the medals or will remember who does have them," he said.
"Liberators" Unknown
     The former communications sergeant with the 106th said he was "pretty sure" an American GI still has the medals, but that a German soldier could also have them. "The Germans pushed the 8th out of St. Vith, near the German and Luxembourg border, in December, 1944; the medals were last seen in October."
     Two pictures of the chain of medals that Coffey has shows that it is worn over the shoulders, much like chain armor. The front part is made up of more than 50 separate, flat medals and a figurine of a bird with crossed rifles. Coffey now plans to try to check pawn and curio shops with the hope of recovering the "liberated" chain or some of its parts. If he can do this by December, the 20th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge, it would make him, the mayor of St. Vith and Werner Dusseldorf, the current gun club president, happy men.

-- Newark Sunday News, April 19, 1964
A West Orange official is on a hunt that makes finding a needle in a haystack look easy.
     Somewhere in the United States is a small 17th century Belgian heirloom, which was stolen almost 20 years ago. And Douglas S. Coffey is determined to find it.
     Coffey, assistant West Orange controller, is memorial chairman of the 106th Division, U.S. Army. The division served in the Battle of the Bulge in December, 1944.
    At the time of the battle, an American soldier lifted the Chain de Roi of the St. Sebastian-St. Rock Brotherhood of St. Vith, Belgium. This is a silver chain that dates from 1670. It is of little financial worth but the brotherhood attaches great sentimental value to it. Last summer, Coffey went to Belgium to assist in the dedication of a monument to the soldiers who died in the Battle of the Bulge. Upon returning home, he received a letter from the mayor of St. Vith.
     The mayor gave details of the loss and asked Coffey's assistance in helping to locate the long-missing treasure. Coffey agreed.
This year will mark the 20th anniversary


    of the battle. Coffey is planning another trip to Europe and would like to observe the anniversary by returning the chain to its owners.
     So far, his efforts have been in vain, but Coffey hopes that by publicizing the search, he may persuade the ex-GI to mail the chain to him.
The Newark Star-Ledger April 22, 1964

Dear Dick:
     Who was that member whose letter was published in the last CUB, who signed himself "Tom"? I quote from his letter "We would like the members to tell us if they are bringing the wife and kids. This includes you. Not even Leo mentioned the kids."
    Who is the Tom? Tom Riggs? If so, he holds the record in the Division, and we say to him "Bring the wife and all the kids to East Orange."
     In his letter he adds "Not even Leo mentioned the kids." It must not be the Leo to whom he refers, because Wilda and I have bragged to one and all at every Reunion that we had three kids the first year we were married.
     I knew it was not Tom Dorosky because he had a letter in the same CUB announcing that he was bringing Alice and their two daughters to their first Reunion. God willing, Wilda and I plan to greet them and hundreds of other members, wives and children at the Suburban Hotel, East Orange, N. J., on 23 July.
Cordially, Leo McMahon

Dear Dick:
     Juanita and I had the pleasant surprise Sunday, May 10 of receiving a phone call from Doug Coffey from Dallas, Texas. Doug was attending a convention of M.F.O.s and the first official meeting started Monday morning at 9:30 a.m.
     We got together at our house and spent a pleasant afternoon and night reminiscing and making plans for the coming 106th Division Reunion. Received a letter from General McMahon, and as usual he is doing a fine job as a one man committee to see that everybody makes the Reunion.
Looking forward to seeing everyone in East Orange, New Jersey on 23 July 1964.
With kindest personal regards, I remain
Ben Hagman

Dear Dick:
     Once again I have very little news for you. Right now I am in the process of buying a new home and selling my old one. Everything is going fine. I should be moving this week, yet my address will remain the same as now. I will be at the reunion, but as of now I don't know how many of the family will be along. I talked to Stella Gallagher and she said they didn't think they could make it.
Clayt. Rarick Blandon, Pa.
* * *
Dear Dick:
     Just a couple of lines for the CUB. Our daughter Cheryl is being married June 6 at Shrine of Little Flower in Royal Oak, Michigan, to Ronnie Pomeroy of McKeesport, Pennsylvania. They met while both were in college.
See you in July.
Jack Bryant
14011 Nadine Avenue
Oak Park, Michigan 48237

Dear Dick:
It's almost our annual reunion time again and I'm ready to travel.
A lot of work has gone into the planning of this Convention, so let's have a large attendance.
Co. "K" 424 had a good size group present in Cleveland -- let's have another.
Sincerely, Bill Johnson


Dear Dick:
Doug told me he has sent you a list of rates and plans.
    I worked out a deal with the fellow that runs the parking at the Hotel Suburban. The parking fee will be 750 for twenty-four hours. The parking lot is right behind the hotel.
     Dick, please stress the fact that the members should let me know if they plan to take the bus ride to the Fair and how many will be in their party. So far I have heard from twelve members. I haven't even heard from Dever or Rossi. Not even Dave or Dot.

Dear Dick:
     Received your little reminder so decided to drop an item. Well! Alice and I became grandparents for the first time May 3 - a boy! Tommy 3rd - he weighed in at 6 lbs. 15 ounces and of course looks just like his grandpa!! Mother Carol, son and Dad doing fine! Tommy was able to get a ten-day leave so was home when it happened. Now that is over we have to concentrate on daughter Bonnie! She is graduating soon and will be entering college in September on a scholarship. She is planning on a teaching career.
If everything goes as planned, we will be seeing you in July.
Best wishes, Tom Dorosky

Dear Dick:
     Hope this finds you all well. We have suffered a siege of sickness and Eunice has been in and out of the hospital since December and finally had to have a major operation. Thank God everything is OK now. That is the reason for my not contributing anything to the last CUB. I hear thru the grapevine that the new CUB is out, but haven't received my copy as yet. Kindly advise. I dropped a card to Tom after the last CUB telling him we will be on hand for the World's Fair Trip.
Best regards, Henry M. Broth

    JOSEPH SUPLICKI Joseph Suplicki (Med.) of Stevens Ave., Ridgewood, died after a long illness. He is survived by his wife and six children. Mr. Suplicki was a dental technician.

Dear Dick:
     I've been planning to write for some time, but like everyone, have been busy. Just five more weeks until school will be out.
    If you see Tom tell him that we are planning on making the Convention. During the state basketball tournament I sat next to a fellow from Jackson who knew me at Fort Hood. We both took the famous ride to Atterbury and the renowned 106th. He was an officer in Co. F, 424th. His name is Robt. E. Edie. He works as a supervisor for Spartan Corporation, an electronic outfit, and attended the large union get-together in New Jersey lately. He would like to be a member of the organization and would be interested in attending the Convention this summer.
My family is fine and we are anxiously looking forward to the trip east. Give our regards to Marge and Rick.
Hope to see you soon.
Your buddy, Bob
(Address: R. E. Eadie
908 Annetta
Jackson, Michigan

Dear Doug:
     I am an ex-member of the 106th Inf. Div. and am interested in any information you can give me on the Association. I was a Sgt., in Company I of the 423rd Inf Reg. During "the Bulge" my efforts were unexpectedly transferred to a non-allied government and all connections with this unit were lost until I read of your convention. I picked up


a paper that was blowing in the yard and I think it came from an old Legion Magazine. Even this I can't be sure of.
     I glanced at it and saw your name and address with the information that you were having a Convention. In fact, I'm not even sure it is the current year. Would you be no kind as to send me any information that you think would be of interest to me. Thank you.
Sincerely, Robert R. Holden
3910 Richmond Road NE Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Dear Sir:
     I was pleased to receive the card concerning the Reunion and at this time am not sure of making it due to a political race in which I am engaged. The result of it will make things possible or impossible.
     Could you furnish me with any information as to where I could get a history of our Division? There are two or three more veterans from our Division in Bessemer.
    I am looking forward to the Reunion this year and will confirm it or notify you differently after the 5th day of May. Thanks for remembering me.
Sincerely, Walter Bridges

Fifteen years ago --
     The CUB has been sick but is staging a speedy recovery. Trouble with the printer necessitates a two-page letter this time in place of the usual magazine. In August there will be a double issue. The Maryland Chapter picnic on 26 June had an attendance of about 25. (Editor's note: We could name at least four of them who will be at the Fair with us.) The Metropolitan Chapter's annual summer party on 14 June had an attendance of 120.
The first out-of-town reservations for the 1949 Convention came from Pete Frampton and General Leo McMahon.
     All memberships expire on June 30. Send in your renewals now to save us the expense and time of reminding you again and again.
Don't forget the convention at Chicago's Congress Hotel July 29 to 31.

Ten years ago --
     Editor Doug Coffey and Adjutant Dave Brumhagin recently paid a visit to Vice President Richard Nixon to extend to him an invitation to speak at the Atlantic City convention. They were greeted warmly by the Vice President in his office and received his assurance he would be present if possible.
     The 8th Annual Convention will be held at the Haddon Hall in Atlantic City on 23 to 25 July. The Memorial Service will be held at the graveside of Morton Goldstein (C/590). One feature of the Convention activities will be a twelve-mile moonlight cruise on the ocean.

Five years ago --
Memberships to date this year total 259 with the receipt of dues from four more members recently.
     The Convention at the Edgewater Beach Hotel in Chicago should be the biggest and best in years. The Edgewater Beach is a resort all by itself and should offer everything anyone could desire.
     President Clayton Rarick announces that for as long as the supply lasts, a copy of "The Lion's Tale" will be given for each contribution of $5.00 or more to the Memorial Fund. Pete Frampton, who originally compiled and edited the book, will for the time being take care of its mailing.



for the Convention to be held at the Hotel Suburban, East Orange, New Jersey on July 23-26, 1964.
     The feature of the Convention will be a Bus Trip to the World's Fair. We will leave at noon and back in the evening. This will give all a chance to view the Fair in Daylight and see the wonders of the Fair at night with the colored lights and all that makes a Fair glamorous.
     There will be a Warm-up on Thursday evening, Board meetings as necessary Friday A.M. with lunch at 11:30 and leave for the Fair at 1 P.M. Return to the Hotel at approximately 10 P.M. Convention Hospitality room will no doubt be open for a night cap.
     Saturday morning Board meeting, Nominating committees, etc. Lunch at noon with guest speaker. Association business in P.M. and Dinner Dance in the evening. Cocktail hour as usual precedes dinner.
Goodbyes will be said Sunday morning at breakfast.
    Hotel rates are $10.00 single, $14.00 double. Families taking two rooms charged at rate of single rooms. KINDLY FILL OUT RESERVATION FORM AND MAIL, NO POSTAGE NECESSARY, EARLY, EARLY, EARLY, THEN THE COMMITTEE CAN FIGURE ON GIVING EXTRAS.
Rates will be on par with last year. No increase.
$22.00 for ADULTS
18.00 for TEENAGERS
Once again you can reach East Orange via Newark Airport from anywhere in U.S.A. 20 minutes to the Hotel.
Come by Greyhound or Trailways or any other major bus line to Newark. same 20 minutes to Hotel.
    Come by Car via New York Thruway or N. J. Turnpike to Garden State Parkway to Central Avenue, East Orange. Hotel is five minutes away.
From the Hotel you will be able to see the New York Skyline in all its glory.


Index for: Vol. 20, No. 1, Aug., 1963

Index for This Document

106th Div., 4, 9, 11
106th Inf. Div., 3, 14
106th Infantry Division Association, 6, 9
331st Med. BN, 6
422nd Inf., 6
423rd Inf., 6
424th Inf. Regt., 6
590th FA BN, 6
87th Div., 9
Ardennes, 6
Battle Of The Bulge, 9, 10
Belgium, 9
Bickford, Tom, 1, 3, 8
Bridges, Walter, 15
Brittany, 6
Broth, Henry M., 13
Brumhagin, Dave, 15
Bryant, Jack, 11
Camp Atterbury, 6
Camp Atterbury, Indiana, 5
Co. I Of The 423rd Inf. Reg., 14
Coffey, Doug, 1, 3, 8, 11, 15
Coffey, Douglas S., 9
Collins, Sherod, 1
DeHeer, Richard, 1
Div. Artillery, 6
Div. HQ, 3
Dorosky, Tom, 11, 13
Dusseldorf, Werner, 9
Eadie, R. E., 13
Edie, Robt. E., 13
Erie, 4
Frampton, Pete, 15, 16
Gallagher, Stella, 11
Goldstein, Morton, 15
Hagman, Ben, 11
Holden, Robert R., 15
Johnson, Bill, 12
Loveless, John, 1
Loveless, John T., Jr., 3
Luxembourg, 9
Mathews, Joe, 1
Matthews, Anne, 3
McMahon, Gen., 11
McMahon, Gen. Leo, 15
McMahon, Leo, 11
McMahon, Leo T., 1
Memorials, 1
Nixon, Richard, 15
Patterson, Robert P., 6
Perrin, Brig. Gen., 6
Pierce, Bob, 1
Pierce, Robert, 1
Pomeroy, Ronnie, 11
Rarick, Clayt., 11
Rarick, Clayton, 16
Rennes, 6
Riggs, Tom, 11
Somervell, Lt. Gen. Brehon, 6
St. Vith, 9
St. Vith, Belgium, 9
Suplicki, Joseph, 13
The Lion's Tale, 16
Wells, Maydean, 3