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Vol. 9, No. 5, Jul, 1953


President James E. Wells
Vice President J. M. Hatch
Adjutant David C. Brumaghin
Treasurer William K. Fowler
Chaplain Rev. Robert A. Lundy

    The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association $3.00 per year to 1 July 1953, thereafter $5.00, which includes subscription to CUB. All material copyrighted.
Editor Douglas S. Coffey
Staff Writer David S. Price
Staff Photographer D. C. Brumaghin

The CUB is printed by Varsity Press, 80 Harrison Avenue, West Orange, New Jersey.
Back issues of the CUB may be obtained for 25 cents each. Send orders to Box
238, Loudonville, N. Y.

     As we go to press our Columbus Committee reports having received 150 reservations at the Fort Hayes Hotel. The air-conditioned rooms are selling like Hot Cakes. So send in your order now - fast - don't wait.

     Kindly note that bills for dues for next year are enclosed with this issue. Your prompt remittance would be greatly appreciated and will let us know at the Convention just how much money we have to operate with.
That figure will decide how many Cubs we can put out next year.

/ Dorothy Sharitz, daughter of Lt. Thorold Sharitz of the 106th
Take a good look fellows at the wonderful gal we are supporting through our Memorial Fund Grants.






The 106th Infantry Division

12 Noon Luncheon and Annual Meeting, Board of Directors
(*) 1 P.M. Registration Desk Opens
1-6 P. M. Free Time -- Bull Sessions -- Shopping -- "Discover Columbus."
6 P. M. Supper
8-? P. M. Opening Party -- Music. -- Refreshments -- Movies -- Songs.
? A. M. Breakfast
(*) 8 A. M. Registration Desk Opens for the Day.
(*) 9 A. M. Business Session -- Association Members.
(*) 10 A.M. Business Session-- Auxiliary Members.
(*) 12 Noon Grand Luncheon -- Speakers and (guests.
(*) 2 P. M. Men's Business -- Final Session.
Ladies Free Saturday Afternoon.
4-6 P.M. Free Time -- Visit, Rest, Shop, Etc.
6-? PM. Banquet Installation of New Officers -- Floor Show -- Dancing.
? A. M. Breakfast
(*) 10 A. M. Memorial Services -- Convention Completed.
12 Noon Luncheon and Meeting -- New Board of Directors.

The Fort Hayes Hotel will be the site of all Convention Activities.
    Those items marked with an (*) are included in the Registration Fee, which will be approximately $25.00 for men and $20.00 for the ladies; this includes an Association membership for the year 1953-54.
     Your hotel reservations are to be made directly with the Hotel Fort Hayes. Correspondence can be directed to our Huntington Bank Building. We welcome your questions and ask that you give us your friend's addresses so that we can write them too!


     Did you know that Columbus, Ohio, the site of the 106th Inf. Div. Association, 7th Annual Convention, is the largest city in the world named for the discoverer of America: It is also the third largest capital city in the United States.
     Speaking of conventions, Columbus, Ohio, in 1953 will be host to more than 700 convention groups of every type and size. It ranks as one of the top five convention cities in the world and has a yearly average of some 600 State, Regional. National and International groups which meet here annually.
     From the moment you check into the Fort Hayes Hotel, park your tooth brush, unpack your grip and begin to look for other members who have come for the 106th Infantry Division Association convention, you will find plenty of activity. Your convention committee has planned a meeting that will be tops by any measurement.
     You'll like Columbus -- you'll like the friendly people, the neighborly atmosphere, and a hundred and one other features that combine to make it a city people like to visit, whether convention bound or not. You'll learn why Columbus enjoys a "big time" reputation as a convention host.
     When at the Fort Hayes Hotel, convention headquarters for Golden Lions, you will be right in the center of everything. You will not only be in the center of things locally, but also with respect to the whole State of Ohio for Columbus is situated near the center of the State at the gateway to the Mid-west. Columbus is located in the heart of the nation's industry and approximately 200 miles from the center of population.
     You will find entertainment to fit every taste in our city. Columbus boasts a number of widely and favorably known food and refreshment spots as well as several first class nite clubs. You will find the legitimate theatre and outstanding movie houses within two blocks of your hotel. Columbus has professional boxing, and wrestling, American Association Baseball, Western Conference football, running races, power and sail boat racing and many other sports features.
     The ladies attending will find plenty of things to do and see in Columbus. Sightseeing trips, many fine stores, the Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts, two Historical Museums, Ohioana Library, radio participation shows, style shows and many other attractions may be found interesting.
     You'll meet a Columbus that is enthusiastic about the future -- and one that is glad to greet you and help make your stay in Ohio's Capital City a very pleasant and profitable one.
Some of the interesting highlights of our city are:
    The LeVeque-Lincoln Tower is one of the world's tallest buildings. It is higher than the Washington Monument and the observation Tower at the top provides a most interesting view of central Ohio. From this point you can see why the song was written and entitled "Beautiful Ohio."
     The fine civic center located just one block from Ft. Hayes Hotel includes the LeVeque-Lincoln Tower, City Hall, Departments of State Building, Central High School, Central Police Station and the new Federal Building. The Center will soon be enhanced by the addition of a Veterans Memorial Building and Convention Hall containing 40,000 square feet of exhibit space and eleven meeting rooms, the largest capable of seating 4,200 persons.
     Battelle Memorial Institute, the largest private research institution in the world, is located in Columbus. Some 1,400 employees of the Institution are constantly striving to "serve mankind through the making of discoveries and inventions." In addition to the more than 600 scientists using the great laboratories, America's leading scientific schools send students to Battelle for graduate work.


     Each year finds this Institute expanding its facilities and at this writing it is in the process of organizing a new department of agricultural research.
     In the metropolitan area of Columbus are located five colleges and universities. The largest and best known is Ohio State University, the sixth largest school in the nation. Its enrollment is in excess of 24,000 students divided among ten colleges. The ten colleges have 96 departments of instruction taught by more than 2,000 faculty members. In addition to the beautiful campus located just at the edge of downtown Columbus the University has a large farm and airport and a 36 hole golf course.
     Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society housed at the Ohio State Museum is the home of one of the greatest historical collection in the United States.
     The United States Army maintains the Columbus General Depot just at the eastern boundary of the city. This Depot is the largest in the world and is a principal supply and storage base for our Armed Forces.
     The State Capitol dedicated in 1861 is one of the most perfect examples of Doric Architecture to be found in the world today. Its 24 huge limestone columns measure six feet in diameter and stand 36 feet high. The work of several famous artists hang in the Rotunda and its priceless art and war exhibits are of interest to the thousands of people who visit it each year.
Columbus has a little slogan they believe tells their whole story "Come to Columbus and discover America."
     Columbus has one of the finest transportation systems in the world. No street cars, but in all principal downtown areas you will find the quiet trolley coaches and only on the cross town lines do you find motor buses. Single fares are ten cents.
     Ohio State University's stadium has a seating capacity of 78,000 and it has been the site of many of the outstanding football games of all time. Remember the never to be forgotten Ohio State-Notre Dame game of 1935. It was played on this field. This game ending with a victory for Notre Dame 18-13 is still under discussion whenever and wherever football is mentioned.
     Columbus boasts one of the leading stores it's the country. The F. & R. Lazarus & Co. Not only is it known for its outstanding merchandise, but is one of the largest anywhere. The floor space of the store covers 22 acres.
Columbus being the Capital of the State is the home of Governor Frank J. Lausche, who is a Democrat.
     We mentioned in a previous paragraph that LeVeque-Lincoln Tower is higher than the Washington Monument. This is so by just four inches, but it is higher. The building was originally known as the A.I.U. Citadel, this name originating from the American Insurance Union, the builders of the Tower.
     Columbus' worst disaster was the Ohio Penitentiary fire which occurred on Easter Monday, April 21, 1930. In this fire 320 inmates lost their lives. Capital punishment is in effect in Ohio and it is at Ohio Penitentiary where electrocutions take place.
Visitors to Columbus are impressed with our wide streets and for your information, Broad Street is 120 feet wide.
     For those of you coming from outside Ohio our sales tax is three percent, starting at 40 cents. Taxi fares in Columbus are metered and four can ride for the price of one.
     There are five A.M., three F.M. and three television stations in Columbus, three daily, two Sunday and one weekly newspaper; many fine restaurants, night clubs, and theatres.
When you get to COLUMBUS you will truly discover America!


     The convention at Columbus is just around the corner. To you who are planning to attend -- members and non-members of the Auxiliary -- I extend our invitation to the meetings and programs of the organization. You are all welcome, wives, mothers, sweethearts, and friends. We'd like to have you join us, if for Ito other reason -- to let you know what we are doing. We would like you to become interested enough to become members, but we would first like this opportunity to have you become acquainted with us.
     To you who find it impossible to attend our annual convention -- we will be glad to let you know our plans for the coming year and extend an invitation to become a member.
I am looking forward to meeting you all again or for the first time on July 25th. Rosemary Schnizlein, Aux Pres.

DOUGLAS S. COFFEY, Editor, has recently moved to 18 Cornell Street, West Orange, N. J.
WILLIAM K. FOWLER, Treasurer, has moved to 3229 Buena Vista Terrace SE (Apt 103), Washington 20. D. C.
LEWIS H. WALKER reports 530 H Street, Sparks, Nevada as his new address.

Cub Briefs
    Mrs. M. W. Phelps of 3330 Ardmore Road, Shaker Heights, Ohio, is seeking information regarding explosion at Bremer Haven which took her son's life and who feels the army was negligent. She also would like opinions of any others who were there.
     Her son Donald Phelps was an interpreter for our forces and in one particular instance he was responsible for detecting a German paratrooper in the midst of an American motor column. What the German could have done to the column remains questionable had not Donald discovered him.
     Any of you 106ers who know of this incident, would you contact Editor that we might get more details? Perhaps there might be some chance of having a medal awarded posthumously if we can get necessary details.
     Mrs. H. Hjerpe of 2407 12th Avenue, Moline, Illinois is trying desperately to contact someone who was in Co. L 422. Her son M/Sgt Edward B. Hjerpe was killed March 31. 1945. She seems to feel that all in Co. L. are dead. Could one of you fellows who did survive contact her and at least let her know, even if you didn't know her son?
     Does anyone know the current address of John L. Flynn, ASN 68I7393? If so, contact Mrs. Richard M. Orr, 6397 New Road, Youngstown, Ohio.

July 24 - 25 - 26, 1953


Index for: Vol. 9, No. 5, Jul, 1953

Index for This Document

Brumaghin, D. C., 1
Brumaghin, David C., 1
Coffey, Douglas S., 1, 9
Flynn, John L., 9
Fowler, William K., 1, 9
Hatch, J. M., 1
Hjerpe, Edward B., 9
Hjerpe, Mrs. H., 9
Lausche, Frank J., 7
Lundy, Rev. Robert A., 1
Phelps, Donald, 9
Phelps, Mrs. M. W., 9
Price, David S., 1
Sharitz, Dorothy, 1
Sharitz, Lt. Thorold, 1
Walker, Lewis H., 9
Wells, James E., 1