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Vol. 17, No. 4, Apr., 1961

Advance Convention Information Issue
President . H. M. (Jim) Hatch
Vice President Ben Hagman
Adjutant Richard DeHeer
Treasurer Robert Kelly
Chaplain John Loveless
    The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $5.00 per year which includes subscription to the CUB. Editor .Wayne Black The CUB is printed by --
The Morris Printing Co., Waterloo, Iowa
All editorial matter should be addressed to: Wayne Black,
306 Williston Ace., Waterloo, Iowa
All business matters, renewals of memberships, etc., should be addressed to:
Richard DeHeer, 19 Hopkins St., Hillsdale, New Jersey
Back issues of the CUB may be obtained for 25 cents each. Send orders to Box 106, Blandon, Penn.

    Though it is customary for this column to comment on subjects related directly to our association, I can't help m:.king an exception this time to express my feelings on a subject which affects every one of our members --the economy.
    It is no joke for an employee to be out of a job and it is no joke for a business owner to experience a reduction in sales, but how much high pressure salesmanship can we afford to sell us and our customers on the fact that all is lost and we are in a deep depression. Did you ever hear of a successful salesman who expounded on the weaknesses and inconveniences of his product? I mentioned the other day that with ninety-four per cent oil our work force employed we had
    good solid base on which to build. My friend looked at me with amazement. He had heard so much about the six per cent who were unemployed he'd overlooked the positive factors.
    The best example of promoting a depression that I have ever read appeared recently in an automotive magazine and is quoted here for your enlightenment.
A man lived by the side of the road and sold hot dogs.
He was hard of hearing so he had no radio.
He had trouble with his eyes so he read no newspapers.
But he sold good hot dogs.
He put up a sign on the highway telling how good they were.
He stood by the side of the rood and cried, "Buy a hot dog, Mister."
And people bought.
He increased his meat and roll orders.
He bought a bigger stove to take. care of his trade.
He got his son home from college to help him.
But then something happened His son said, "Father, haven't you been listening to the radio?
If money stays 'tight', we are bound to have bad business.
There may be a big depression coming on.
You had better prepare for poor trade."
    Whereupon the father thought, "Well, my son has been to college. He reads the papers and listens to the radio and he ought to know." So the father cut down on his meat and roll orders.

Took down his advertising signs. And no longer bothered to stand on the highway to sell hot dogs.
And his hot dog sales fell almost over night.
"You're right, son," the father said to the boy.
"We are certainly headed for a depression."
As they say in the tire business, "He is so dumb he doesn't know he can't sell -- so he sells."
Let's start today to accentuate the positive.

    Doug Coffey, our Memorials Chairman, has announced after consultation with President Hatch that it has been decided to postpone the dedication of the Saint Vith Memorial at least until Veterans' Day, November 11. It was felt that due to the uncertainties of the international situation and particularly the delicate state of affairs in Belgium, proper plans could not be laid for a fitting dedication service. We are sure that all members will feel a shock of disappointment that this proudest moment for the 106th Infantry Division Association must be delayed.
    The following background facts concerning the Belgian situation will help the members to understand the necessity of the decision to postpone. Last July after a very brief warning period, the government of Belgium granted independence to its largest colony, the Congo. So poorly had these primitive peoples been prepared for self-government that the man who was selected as premier was a former postal clerk who had been released from prison shortly before after serving a term for embezzlement of postal funds. Belgium, which had depended greatly upon its former colony for raw materials for international trade, found its economic condition becoming more and more precarious. In December the Belgian premier, M. Gaston Eyskens, asked for legislation raising taxes, reducing government welfare spending and otherwise bringing about an austere period of economic readjustment. Certain Belgian labor leaders convinced their followers that the proposed legislation was primarily directed against them, the workers. This led to a series of general strikes and a period of rioting. Eventually the requested legislation was enacted, but only after M. Eyskens had agreed to call for new general elections. The election campaign has been conducted in an air of extreme gravity and tenseness. Whatever the outcome, it will be unpleasant to many people of Belgium. In casting about for a scapegoat, some of these people have set upon the figure of Uncle Sam, as has been the case so many times in the past twenty years.
Under these uncertain conditions, it has been decided that a postponement of our dedication is unavoidable.

    Henry Broth says he has had a hectic winter between the bad eastern winter and various illnesses in the family. He has been very busy selling restaurant and soda fountain supplies. He reminds us, "BALTIMORE IN '62". John Warren, Jr., is now a councilman in Red Bank, New Jersey and will run for reelection this year. Colonel Wohlfeil (591 FA) is now an instructor at the Signal School, Fort Monmouth, N. J. He and John Warren had a reunion recently.
    General McMahon has had to postpone the trip to Europe to visit his son and our Memorial until next year. Larry Walden is making a presentation at a Showcase which is a part of the course at the Desilu Actor's Workshop. His family has seen very little of its father -- he's gone "Hollywood"!
    Sherod Collins, Jr., (Sv 423) returned to the University of Georgia in January to secure a degree in accounting. He is through the first quarter


    now, and is hoping that the months to come won't be so strenuous. Sherod has a letter elsewhere in this issue that is of interest to all members of the Association.
Jim Stuart (F 424) is operating an offset print shop in his home town of Bridgeport, Connecticut.
    Frank Hallner (AT 424) is with the water and power department of the City of Los Angeles. His work is as a draftsman on tracts and maps. His father and mother both passed away recently. Our sympathies are with him.
    George Jones (Sv 423) is still carrying mail on an R.F.D. 80.6 miles long. Jim Hatch (HQ 422, DHQ) has been serving a term of duty as a juror. He writes that his choral group will be touring Europe again, passing up Belgium. He doesn't say whether he will be accompanying them as he did in 1958.

Dear Jim:
     Western Hills, 6451 Camp Bowie Blvd., Fort Worth, Texas, is to be Convention Headquarters for the 28th, 29th and 30th of July. They are furnishing spacious hospitality rooms beginning the 27th through the Convention, and we will all have honorary memberships in the Key Club and Polynesian Village in the Hotel. The
    Key Club has a novel attraction in that every half hour a live nude girl takes a bath, which is shown in miniature by the use of mirrors. A Very Attractive Girl!
     On Saturday night, I have arranged for Greyhound buses to take us as a group to the Rodeo here in Weatherford and have a block of seats together. Of course, on Sunday, we will have the Memorial Services here et the Hotel. I have heard from Alan Dunbar

bar, Dr. Clark, Jack Gillespie, General
the Rodeo. Bring autograph books.
     McMahon, and many others that have definitely committed themselves on being here. Jim, I would like your ideas on the program for the Sunday Memorial Service, and we will be pleased to have any suggestions that you desire to make.
     There is a nice swimming pool that we will all enjoy, and the food at Western Hills is great. Ridglea Country Club has a good golf course, which is just behind Western Hills and guests of the hotel may use the golf course. Western Hills is located in the Ridglea West Shopping District, which has some very beautiful shops and department stores. Movies out there too. Television is in all the rooms. Also, it is completely air-conditioned. Thursday night, an informal get-together at the Hotel Hospitality Room for the early birds. Friday have a luncheon for all the 106ers, and Friday afternoon, have the ladies and men's business meeting. Friday night, there are any number of things that can be enjoyed at the hotel, swimming, Polynesian Room with dining, dancing and drinking. Key Club, Ditto, except very little room for dancing. Casa Manana (Theater in the Round), which produces Broadway plays. We haven't seen the schedule as yet, but they may be having a play that some of you have missed. Report on that later. Saturday noon - luncheon. Saturday afternoon around 5 or 6 p.m., trip to Weatherford to the Rodeo at the Sheriff's Posse Club just west of Weatherford. The Rodeo doesn't start until 8 p.m. but thought you would like to arrive a little early so the kids can visit with the Indians and Weatherford home towners and visitors. Supper can be had at the Posse Club grounds provided by a Chuck Wagon, which usually features barbecue of some kind, which is always very "'good. There will be some Western Movie Star who will be out there at
And, Real West Texas Cowboys and Cowgirls.
    Sunday morning (What time do you suggest for the Memorial?) We hope Father Day will be here to conduct this service for us. We have not heard but we are expecting him to be here. The last time we saw him he was hoping that he could have his schedule arranged to be here in Texas in 1961. Let us know what we have left out, and if there are any musts that we have left out. We are open for suggestions.
Very truly yours, Ben Hagman

To ALL 106'ers
Everywhere, U.S.A.
Dear Fellow Lionsmen:
     Yes, go to the Division REUNION or CONVENTION, if you please, if you live anywhere within traveling distance or even if you don't. It's certainly not too early to make plans. To you have attended, I need speak no more, but to others -- let me appeal to you to give it a try. You will not regret it.
    This letter comes from a member who is not always able, by reason of varying circumstances, to be on hand when the annual fellowship starts but who nevertheless wishes he could be there.
"Sherod" and "Cora"
    There are many reasons for attending. Pick out one which suits you best or add one of your own, load up and be on your way -- on the proper date.
of course. First reason, perhaps, should


    be the reason-for-being of the Association -- to honor our absent comrades by being present and seeing or participating in what is being done for the living. Then there is the chance you will meet with buddies from your old unit. My, what a time you would have hashing over the bivouacs, passes-to town, fox-hole experiences, convoy movements, sergeants, company commanders, amusing incidents -- you name it. Next would be the pleasure of associating with fine new friends from all over the country; the chance to see new places while enjoying comfortable accommodations; the idea of using the trip as a vacation for you and perhaps your family. This is a family affair too. Sponsors have planned programs for all ages. Then there is the possibility of finding out what happened to that someone who was close to you in the service but who has long since been lost to you. We all get nostalgic, you know.
Plan to go, Fellow Lion. The fun is there, the costs are reasonable, and the reasons are a multitude.
Sherod Collins, Jr. (Svc 423)

     General McMahon and Wilda are hoping to attend the Fort Worth convention and combine it with a tour of the Midwest and South.
    Henry and Eunice Broth are planning to drive to the convention and to bring along two of their children. Henry will still be glad to make arrangements as required if a sufficient number from his general area would like to charter a bus or plane for the trip to Fort Worth.
     Harris T. Fant (RHQ 422), would like to make arrangements with someone for a ride to the convention. Is any one from South Carolina or Georgia planning to drive? If so, get in touch with Harris at 410 East River Street, Anderson, South Carolina. In his column in this issue, John Loveless tells of his plans to attend the convention. His family and the Broths will make a delegation of az least eight from Baltimore. Can any other city beat this record?


     Though here in Baltimore now there is still an occasional chill of winter in the air, I am looking forward to those warm days of the end of July. For it is then that my family and I plan to be in Fort Worth for the 106th's Annual Convention.
    You who are members and have attended the Conventions of previous years need not be told that ours is the best of all veterans' organizations. Nor need you be reminded why this is so.
     However, as we shall be in the season of Memorial Day when you read this, one reason comes to mind. Our Association from its inception and all its members have honored and, while earthly life lasts, will continue to honor the memory of those who, having served in the Division whose name and glory we perpetuate, have passed into eternal life.
    We are pleased with the simple dignity of our Memorial at Saint Vith and the idea and ideals which prompted its erection. For all time may it stand as expressive of the esteem which we hold for our former comrades-in-arms. "The memory of the righteous is a blessing." Proverbs 10 :7.
John T. Loveless, Jr. Chaplain
106th Infantry Division Assn.

     Tell your friends with pride of our Memorial. No other Division has done so well in establishing a Memorial for its fallen members.
     The decision to postpone the Memorial dedication will give all of us a further chance to make a contribution to the fund covering the expenses of it. While the financial condition of the Association is such that the funds could (and would) have been provided from the General Fund, it will now be possible to obtain further contributions and thereby lessen the drain upon the General Fund. The consensus of opinion at last year's convention was that additional CUBS during the year would tend to strengthen the organization. Additional CUBS of course mean additional expense. The three CUBS prior to this one have completely consumed the dues paid by more than eighty members for the year. This would appear to be an indication that costs charged to the General Fund should be held to a minimum in order that the present dues rate can be maintained.
     The more we read and hear about the plans that Ben Hagman is making for the convention in July, the greater the prospects are for an unforgettable, unbelievable good time. We personally feel that the average member of the Association would have a great time if the convention were held in pup tents on Ancrum Ferry Field. When we add the fabulous setting and facilities to the good time we know we will have, it's hard to understand why every member of the Association doesn't turn out. Only three months remain before convention time. It's not too early to set up definite plans for finding out just what is "deep in the heart of Texas."


     How well we remember the Good Friday-Easter weekend of sixteen years ago. Good Friday was our day of liberation after an especially agonizing week of uncertainty, despair, and tragedy. We are sure that every member who was a prisoner of war remembers the special bonds of affection that grew up among us -- the plans to keep in touch and the promises of eternal fellowship. The finest thing any of us can do to revitalize those plans and promises is to get that buddy into the 106th Association. Think how much that buddy meant to us sixteen years ago, and then with that thought fresh in mind, do two things right now -- send his name and address in so that we can send him a sample copy of the CUB, and then write him a letter or call him on the phone to tell him how much membership in the Association means to you and would mean to him.

     We hope that every one likes the new four-color cover of the CUB. We believe that it adds a great deal to the appearance of the magazine, and also that the printing of our Divisional insignia in its original colors will serve as a reminder of the purposes for which the organization was formed. Holding this issue to twelve pages instead of sixteen you have been getting the past few issues will save enough in typesetting costs to pay for the additional plates needed for printing the full color cover. The editor would be interested in your comments.
    The publication of a letter to all the membership from Sherod Collins, our Association historian, should be of especial interest to those members who have not been regular attendants at our conventions. The editor can add his own comment that one will find that he always has a better time at the Convention than he expects to have, and each one gets better and better.
     In this connection, while we were in Savannah last July, we had a short chat with a new member of the Association who was attending his first convention. We asked him if he would care to make some such statement as Sherod Collins has come forth with for this issue. His answer (let him be nameless) was brutally that he did not have a good time at all; that if he had followed the convention program as set up, he would have had a very poor time indeed. At Christmas time, we received a Christmas greeting from him regarding his statement and saying that meeting up with so many whom he had lost track of was indeed worth the effort of attending. He now has hopes of attending more conventions in the future.

by AWJ
     "The memorable first two weeks of training of the 106th Division introduced a new weapon," wrote Art Kuespert in the October, 1948, issue of the CUB, "a weapon expressly designed for use during the various phases of training, a weapon which was used extensively by our Division -- in short, the immortal bag lunch." He goes on to write, "With about 150 men, each company needed at least 450 sandwiches, figuring to require 45 loaves of bread, 300 slices of meat, sandwich spread and dried-up apples." Kuespert points out that 45 loaves have 90 heels, but that others have alleged that by special arrangement our cooks were provided with four heels per loaf. Then he goes on to explain "The most drastic change from the usual monotony was the introduction of the choker sandwich unit. This system provides the atmosphere of the Sahara desert in a paper bag, being one dry-ingredient sandwich, usually cheese, and the other always peanut butter, to be issued on a day when no water was available." These quotations have been used to

    answer a question concerning the ancestry of the title of this column. In presenting evidence for the defense, we point out that the District of Columbia Highway Department, ably backed by the Director, Sanitation and Sewer Department, Operations Division, announced in January that it was prepared, with detailed plans, for the removal and disposal of the remains of 75,000 bag lunches, upon completion of the Inaugural Parade, recently held here by a group of Democrats. We hold to the self-evident truth that any product that is willingly, even happily accepted by 75,000 of our citizens of whatever political persuasion, must have something in common with our national aspirations. This type of reasoning, known as the unscientific method, encourages us to continue, and to feel free to discuss almost anything that comes to mind. Consider, for example, the many redactions and variations of the Martini Cocktail which depends for its sweetness or dryness on the proportions with which gin and vermouth are used. A Gibson is not considered separately in this essay since it varies only in the use of a pickled onion instead of the traditional olive. A vast amount of pother has been raised concerning the custom of stirring over shaking. It is hotly contended that the latter bruises the gin, and results in a clouded appearance. We share this school of thought but hasten to admit that a refusal to ingest the "shook-up" variety is no proof of anything whatever. When in New York we like to be invited to the Cub Room. We like to be invited anywhere, but this bistro affords added pleasure because its name lends dignity and purpose to our visit. Bar practice at the Stork favors the more uncontroversial spooning, but the management will oblige by having them mixed in a cement mixer or butter churn if that is what the customer wants. In this discussion of advanced medicine, where the barkeep must adequately fill the function of physician, advisor on the market, races and romance while serving as bail bondsman and bouncer, a poll of these aristocrats at the Ritz bars of Paris and New York, and reaching from the Hurricane Bar in Flushing to the County Strip in Los Angeles by way of the Chicago Pump Room, the Prescott Westward Ho and the Old Absinthe House in New Orleans provided the not astonishing fact that on the Eastern Seaboard gins and scotches are preferred, bourbon and rum are enjoyed in the South, and on the West Coast they drink anything.
     We would not have dared to write these trivia except that while you are reading, we are well out on the Pacific, having sailed from Vancouver on April 10th and now beyond reach of the power of a subpoena. Hong Kong and Japan in early May, Saigon, Singapore, Colombo, India, Port Said and Rome by June. Then Venice, the French Riviera, Rhone Valley and Paris, London and home. We expect to return in early July, just in time to pick up our clean laundry and see you in Fort Worth.
     Francis Bacon started the whole thing 350 years ago when he wrote that travel of the younger sort, is a part of education; for the elder, a part of experience. What you need is experience and what your kids need is education. You can obtain both in a most pleasant way by planning now for your trip to Fort Worth in July.
    Doug Coffey would be interested in hearing from any members of the Association who may be stationed in Europe or touring in Europe at the time of the dedication of our Memorial so that he can arrange for them to have a part in the ceremony. If any of the members know of any former members of the Division who are stationed in Europe now, he will likewise welcome any information about them.

Dear Wayne :
     I have just received the current CUB. May I congratulate you on another excellent and interesting issue! It would only be proper that the membership extend your stint in office for at least ten years. As you know, every one in the outfit wants your job. I note with some regret that Detroit failed to report on their December 16 get-together. I was unable to attend as I was laid up with the flu. The affair was a success as usual. My phone rang at about 3 A. M., and despite a fever of 197°, I was fool enough to answer. As anticipated, I was greeted by the quiet, gentle voices of Gillespie and Kelly. It was quite evident that they were both overwhelmed with the grandeur of the occasion, as they gleefully extended an invitation to join the festivities, which I tearfully declined. The picture of Guiting Grange on the cover of the CUB brought back a few memories. We both worked and lived in the place for a few months. I can recall the day we were leaving the house to move on to France. Col. Descheneaux had ordered that all the fires be put out and the fire places cleaned. There was no central heating, and each room had its own hearthstone. Nearly every one obliged, including the Colonel, but a couple of ranking staff officers kept a roaring blaze in their fire place. As the day wore on, the manor house became damn damp, except for the aforementioned room.
     Another renegade and the writer, being sticklers for army discipline, besides being outranked and envious, remedied the situation by going on the roof and placing a large piece of slate on top of the only smoking chimney. After an hour of coughing, fanning, gasping, and more fanning, these gentlemen decided to shiver with the rest of us. I wonder if the present tenants are having difficulty in getting this fireplace to draw properly? Lucille sends her best regards. Yours truly,
Bob Rutt

In the CUB
     General of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower, Army Chief of Staff, has presented the Distinguished Service Cross to Mrs. Margaret W. Wood of Wayne, Pennsylvania, whose husband, 1st Lt. Eric F. Wood, Jr., was posthumously awarded the decoration for extraordinary heroism in action against the enemy in Belgium. The presentation was made in General Eisenhower's office in the presence of the parents, and other close relatives of Lieutenant Wood.

     Q. Can I deduct from my Income Tax the amount paid to the Memorial Fund? Is the Fund recognized by the Federal Government?
     A. Veterans' organizations funds are specifically mentioned as a proper contribution deduction on income tax (federal). We do not have specific state laws covering this.
     It has been announced that Mr. and Mrs. Simpson- of Indianapolis have agreed to serve as "angels" for the first annual convention, to be held in Indianapolis on July 14, 15, and 16. They will make arrangements for free billeting for all those who desire it and so on. A full social program and a series of business meetings is planned for these dates.
     Dave Brumhagin (Pfc C 81) is now working for the Paramus Oil Co. He writes that the 81st Engineers had a get-together in Newark which attracted guests from Detroit, Atlanta, and Pennsylvania, among other places.
Alan Dunbar (3 Bn Hq, R Hq 422) is working for the Veterans Administration in Philadelphia.
James I. Clark (592, 590) is studying medicine at the University of Michigan.
Total membership as of 18 March 1947 -- 889.


Mr. William S. Blaher (I 422) 31 Main Street, Flemington, New Jersey
Mr. Richard A. Frankini (2nd B 424) 36124 Paddelford Road Farmington, Michigan
Mr. John F. Mackell, 559 W. 51st St., New York 19, N. Y.
Dr. J. E. Ketterer, D.D.S. (Div HO 1141 Williams Blvd., Springfield, Illinois

HELP ! ! HELP ! !
    The Adjutant would like your help in locating the present whereabouts of the following members and past members. The latest CUB addressed to them at the addresses shown came back undelivered.
Chris C. Carawan, Jr., Box 15, Bath, N. C.
Mr. Charles A. Burmaster, 79 First Ave., Seymour, Conn.
A. Jordan, 91 New Bridge Road, New Milford, N. J.
Wm. E. Phillips, 217 West 238th St., New York 63, N. Y.
Harold Abrams, 677 Paddock Road, Wynnewood, Pa.
Mr. Ed F. Zoll, 1024 Camden Ave., S.W., Canton, Ohio
Stanton Pritchard, 1325 N. Gordon, Hollywood 28, Calif.
Wm. E. Taylor, R. D. 2, Dorset, Ohio
Walter J. McGarry, 975 74th St., Brooklyn 28, N. Y.
Robert Ferdon, P. 0. Box 237, Osweka, Mich.
Stewart Stern, 9854 Partata, Beverly Hills, Calif.
Wm. L. Roub, Broadmoor Hotel Colorado Spa, Colo.
Morris W. Silverman, 2023 Broadway Anaheim, Calif.
Russell D. Kelly, 2329 S. Pallor Ct. Denver 19, Colo.
Gordon W. Lemthwaite, 3 Horizon Drive Rochester 10, N. Y.
Mr. A. B. Amster, 74-14 175th St. Flushing, N. Y.
Charles N. Robasse, 8055 N. Prospect Ave. Niles 31, Illinois
John Shama, 162 Vermont Street Boston, Mass.
Paul J. Chodera, Route 2, Brunswick, Ohio
Hubert R. Speakman Y. M. C. A., Akron, Ohio
Charles L. Nielsen 1035 Jackson Ave. River Forest, Ill.
Ben F. Hatchkin P. 0. Box Tampa 4, Florida
Casimir T. Prokorym, 816 N. 5th St. Steubenville, Ohio
Guy L. Gatewood 4068 Kimball Road Memphis, Tenn.
E. Dean Brannon 509 Monroe St. Montpelier, Ohio
Frank S. Smagals 1013 N. Scott St., Wilmington, Delaware
John P. McManus, 577 Union Ave. Framingham, Mass.


Dear Mr. Coffey:
     Many thanks for your letter of March 3rd. Since I last wrote to you, I received the 200 Dollars for the plaque and the dressing up of the grounds 'round the monument. The plaque has been ordered and will be soon ready and we shall begin with the flower-beds shortly. Herein enclosed I send two photos of the Memorial as it is now. As soon as our work is completely done, you will have other photos. In one of your letters you wrote about an American flag which has been waving over New York; may I hope that we shall receive it one day?
     Now I must tell you that I shall leave our College at the end of the month. But you can go on sending your letters to Monsieur le Directeur du College Patronne a ST. VITH (Belgique). The new headmaster will answer them, and so you will know his name. I hope he will agree with the date of dedication you suggest (November 11th this year).
Sincerely yours,
Ferdinand Hilger Headmaster


Index for: Vol. 17, No. 4, Apr., 1961

Index for This Document

591st FA BN, 3
81st Engr., 10
Abrams, Harold, 12
Amster, Mr. A. B., 12
Bacon, Francis, 9
Belgium, 2, 4, 10
Black, Wayne, 1
Blaher, William S., 12
Brannon, E. Dean, 12
Broth, Henry, 3
Broth, Henry & Eunice, 6
Broths, The, 6
Brumhagin, Dave, 10
Brunswick, 12
Burmaster, Charles A., 12
Carawan, Chris C., 12
Chodera, Paul J., 12
Clark, Dr., 4
Clark, James I., 10
Coffey, Doug, 2, 9
Coffey, Mr., 13
College Patronne, 13
Collins, Sherod, 3, 6, 8
Day, Father, 5
DeHeer, Richard, 1
Descheneaux, Col., 10
Dunbar, Alan, 4, 10
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 10
Eisenhower, Gen., 10
Eyskens, M., 2
Eyskens, M. Gaston, 2
Fant, Harris T., 6
Ferdon, Robert, 12
Frankini, Richard A., 12
Gatewood, Guy L., 12
Gillespie, Jack, 4
Guiting Grange, 10
Hagman, Ben, 1, 5, 7
Hallner, Frank, 4
Hatch, H. M. (Jim), 1
Hatch, Jim, 1, 4
Hatchkin, Ben F., 12
Hilger, Ferdinand, 13
Hill, Beverly, 12
Jones, George, 4
Jordan, A., 12
Kelly, Robert, 1
Kelly, Russell D., 12
Ketterer, J. E., 12
Kuespert, Art, 8
Lemthwaite, Gordon W., 12
Loveless, John, 1, 6
Loveless, John T., Jr., 7
Mackell, John F., 12
McGarry, Walter J., 12
McMahon, Gen., 3, 6
McManus, John P., 12
Nielsen, Charles L., 12
Paris, 9
Phillips, Wm. E., 12
Port Said, 9
Pritchard, Stanton, 12
Prokorym, Casimir T., 12
Rhone Valley, 9
Riviera, 9
Robasse, Charles N., 12
Roub, Wm. L., 12
Rutt, Bob, 10
Saint Vith Memorial, 2
Shama, John, 12
Silverman, Morris W., 12
Simpson, Mr. & Mrs., 10
Smagals, Frank S., 12
Spa, 12
Speakman, Hubert R., 12
St. Vith, 7, 13
Stern, Stewart, 12
Taylor, Wm. E., 12
Walden, Larry, 3
Warren, John, 3
Wohlfeil, Col., 3
Wood, 1st Lt. Eric F., 10
Wood, Lt., 10
Wood, Mrs. Margaret W., 10
Zoll, Mr. Ed F., 12