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The Cub
Vol. 30, No. 1, Oct., 1973

President Gene Saucerman
Vice-President Dr. James Clark
Adjutant Robert L. Scranton
Treasurer Sherod Collins
Chaplain John T. Loveless, Jr.
Historian Sherod Collins

    The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $5.00 per year which includes subscription to the CUB.
Editor John Gallagher
All editorial matter should be addressed to: John I. Gallagher
4003 Prances Street
Temple, Pa. 19560
All business matters, renewal of membership, etc., should be addressed to:
Robert L Scranton
9441 Lee Road
Brighton, Mich. 48116
Auxiliary Dues $200 per year.

Eugene Saucerman, R.D. 23, Box 50, Terre Haute, Indiana, 47802
Phillip F. Shutte, 2415 Otter Drive, Warren, Mich., 48092
John T. Loveless, Jr., 2549 Pickwick Rd., Baltimore, Md. 21207
Robert L. Scranton, 9441 Lee Road, Brighton, Mich., 48116
Clayton F. Rarick, Box 25, Blandon, Penna., 19510
Leo T. McMahon, 8 No. Union St., Middletown, Penna., 17057
Jos. C. Matthews, Jr., 4706 Western Blvd., Raleigh, N.C., 27606
Robert A. Gilder, 36303 Behm Dr., No. Ridgeville, Ohio, 44039
John I. Gallagher, 4003 Francis St., Temple, Pa. 19560
Sherod Collins, 625 Channing Dr., N. W., Atlanta, Ga., 30318
Bob Howell, 904 E. College St., Rt. 6, Griffin, Ga., 30223
Dr. James L. Clark, RR 1, Box 25-D, Fennville, Mich., 49408
Fred B. Chase, Rt. 1, Morris Lanes Rexford, N.Y., 12148
Douglas S. Coffey, 41 Lowell Ave., W. Orange, N.J., 07052
Ben Britton, 36 Warren Rd., Auburn, Mass., 01501
Florian Frank, C/o Biglow Cheese Co., Avoca, Wisc., 53506
Robert Walker, 598 Terrace Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio, 45220
Virgil Collins, Rt. 2, Nelsonville, Ohio, 45764
Joe Gasses, 1420 Franklin St., Grand Haven, Mich., 49417
Elman Miller, 3308 Fairview Ave., Chicago Heights, Ill., 60411
Jack Schlesser, 11603 W. 206th Ave., Lowell, Indiana, 46356

     The three days seem to pass so rapidly at the reunions it is hard to realize they are gone. Each year people arrive earlier in the week to renew friendships and to visit. We hope the new members who attended for the first time thoroughly enjoyed the reunion and will make plans to attend in future years.


     The 28th annual reunion is past history and now we are looking forward to next year and our invasion of the Baltimore area where John Loveless graciously volunteered to act as host for 1974. Several areas have a Dec. 16th dinner. I urge each of you to attend one in your area. As we inevitable grow older and cannot travel as freely as 106ers in the past, these local dinners will become more important way for us to continue our friendships.

     Whether by design or no, the deadline set by the Editor for copy for this issue of THE CUB, August 15, is the same day as that set for the ending of the bombing by the United States against Communist forces in Cambodia. Hopefully, this will be the beginning of a concerted effort by all concerned to cease hostilities and what, in great part, appears to be senseless killings, maiming's and destruction. We, also, are on the eve of the 28th anniversary of V-J Day. Little did I think, nor, I suppose, did millions of others served our Country in World War II, that the years since then would be filled with wars of great magnitude, revolutions, civil disturbances and war-like incidents almost too numerous to mention.
     A friend said to me just a few days ago: "I suppose that at your Reunions you fight the Battle of the Bulge over and over again." To which I replied: "Yes and no."
     It seems to me that as time goes on, we tend to minimize the grimmer, more serious and unpleasant events of those days and to emphasize the carefree, less tense and more pleasant experiences. Perhaps the time is here and now when we should re-think the reasons behind and the causes of wars. We, as vocal citizens in a nation proud of its heritage of free speech, have magnificent opportunities to speak out in our families, in our communities, in our nation so as to learn from discussion with one another what we, individually and together, can do to help bring to fruition peace, just and lasting, and brotherhood among all men and nations. A people so capable of accomplishing such wonders of science, medicine and the production of material things surely should be capable of accomplishing the wonders of peace and brotherhood. Sincere desire and dedication on our cart, plus the infinite hale from the Almighty, is all that we need.
     "Too long have I bad my dwelling among those who hate peace. I am for peace; but when I speak, they are for war!" -- Psalm 120:6-7
John T. Loveless, Jr.

(Memorial to Maj. Gen. Alan W. Jones)
1894 - 1969
Middletown, Pa.
13 August 1973
Members of the Association who served at any time with the active division from


     its activation at Ft. Jackson S.C. 15 Mar. 1943 to its inactivation at Camp Shanks N.Y. 2 Oct. 1945, are familiar with the work of the Medical officers and corpsmen comprising the Medical units assigned to their respective organizations. In training and combat they gave dedicated support and most of our wounded and some of our dead passed through their hands. They suffered casualties in combat and some medical units and individuals were captured in the Battle of the Ardennes.
     A number of these Medics have been active in the organization and continued growth of the Association. In reviewing the CUBS from the first post war issue of August 1946 to Vol. 29, No. 4 of July-August-September 1973 the follower, names were noted: David S. Price. Staff Sgt. Co. D 331st Med. Bn. attended the organizational meeting at Camp Lucky Strike. France, September 1945, was elected President of the Assn., served as CUB Editor and Treasurer. Did yeoman work to keep the organization going in its first 5 years. Now Dr. PHD in Albany N.Y.
     Lt. Col. M.S. Belzer, Div. Surgeon, attended organizational meeting at Camp Lucky Strike France; a long time member. Now a physician in Minneapolis, Minn.
     Major Gaylord Fridline, Regt'l Surgeon 423d Inf. Very active in Assn., until he became ill. He and Mrs. Fridline donated the Division colors to the Association at the same time General and Mrs. Jones donated the National colors. Dr. Fridline passed away some years ago.
     Major Gerald Cessna. Bn. Surgeon 81st Engr. Bn. a physician in Pittsburgh. Pa. An early and active member. Was Chairman of the 5th annual Reunion at Pittsburgh in July 1951.
     Capt. Michael S. Connelly, Bn. Sur,. 589th FA BN. a member of the Association since its organization and consistent supporter. Is a Surgeon in Sharon, Pa.
     Major John E. Ketterer, Division Dental Surgeon. Active since the organization, attended many reunions. Now a dentist in Springfield, Ill.
     The Medics of the Association were brought to mind by certain happenings of the past two years. The 25th annual Reunion was held at Valley Forge Holiday Inn, King of Prussia Pa. 22-24 July 1971. Among the former Medics attending were Dr. George M. Bullard (Med. Det. Divarty) and Dr. James L. Clark (Med. Det. 590th FA Bn) Fennville, Mich. These two Corpsmen, while on active duty were urged by Major Joseph F. Dreier, Divarty Surgeon to attend Medical school after the war, which they did. Major Dreier, who was ill and unable to attend the reunion lived at Bear Creek, Pa. Drs. Bullard and Clark drove up to see him. Mrs. Dreier reported that their visit was a great delight to Major Dreier. He passed away May 13, 1972.
     During the Reunion Dr. Bullard was elected Vice President of the Association and Dr. Clark agreed to be Chairman of the 27th Reunion at Grand Rapids, Mich. in July 1973. At the 26th Reunion in Jacksonville, Fla. in July 1972 Dr. Bullard was elected President of the Association. In June 1973 members were shocked to learn that President Bullard suffered a heart attack on 6 June and passed away the sameday.
     The 27th annual Reunion was held 1213-14 July 1973 at Mr. President Motor Inn Grand Rapids Michigan. The Co-Chairmen were Dr. Jim Clark and his wife Shirley, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jochems Sr. of Grand Rapids (a new member, served with Div. Hq.) and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bryant. This dynamic group put on a diverse and interesting schedule of events which are covered elsewhere in this issue.
     The Memorial service was held on Saturday at 3 p.m. on the grounds of the Veterans Facility in Grand Rapids. The setting was out of doors in a grove of trees, beside a lake, with the Colors and Color Guard provided by a veterans organization. Our Chaplain conducted an impressive service for our departed members with particular mention of our late departed President, George Bullard M.D.


Dear John,
     Cora and I flew in to the land of lakes on Wednesday to find Jack Schlesser, Jack Bryant, Ed Reilly, and Fred Carter with wives, holding court at the Inn. Some of them had vacationed there all week-- and Jack Bryant was getting in a bit of sales work for his company.
     That Schlesser-- guess you will hear that he was largely responsible for having ten of his battery, Service 591st, at our annual clambake.
     Things were well organized by the Clarks (Doc says Shirley did all the work); they were well assisted by Charlotte and Dick Jochems of Gr. Rapids-- and time flew as usual. We toured end bussed (Greyhound that is) all over, including a nice meal on a beached ship at Saugatuck.
     Most of the regulars were there, with the usual sprinkling of welcome new additions. Hope they will return. Saw a couple of fellows for the first time since 1944-- Norm Spayd and Bill Lucca.
     And I must be living right. At the Inn I lost my wallet and the airlines lost our bags on the way home. But everything was found and all turned out right.
     John gave a fine memorial talk at a site near the V.A. facility and we had fine banquet program and food. And I received at the hands of Gen. McMahon and the committee a signal honor which I shall cherish from now on. I'm sure others will tell you about it.
     To the membership please allow me to say "Lets have another fine year-- by backing our new president, our editor and our hard working adjutant.
Best of luck, John.
Sherod Collins. COOL

     I went to Honolulu. Hawaii and visited the USS Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor. It sure is beautiful but very sad to know that some men are still at the oceans bottom. It brings tears and a lump to the throat, and something everyone should see.
It's one of the great memorials honoring the men who gave their lives for our country.
Peter Streaks

Dear John:
     Being a member of the 106 Div. Association since it started, I attended my first convention in Grand Rapids, Mich. My wife and I enjoyed friendship of all the members. We drove to the reunion "with everybody's friend" Clayton Rarick.
I was with the 106th from Fort Jackson to the final days. Served in H Co. 423. A. Co 424, F Co. 424 and C. Co. 423.
Norman Spayd

Dear John:
     Many thanks to the hard work and dedication to detail on the part of my wife, Shirley, Char and Dick Jockens. They made it possible for me to enjoy myself along with all who attended the reunion. I think the final seal of approval came when my son. Rick, on the way home volunteered "It sure was a good convention, Dad".
     The thing that made the convention for my son was having the opportunity to play table tennis with the champions, but the enjoyable part for the rest of us was the opportunity to meet once again with all those fine people who make up the 106.
     George Bullard was the person in the 106 who I knew the best and longest. He will be missed by us all. John Loveless paid him a fitting tribute at the Memorial service.
     Mayor Lyman Parks gave us a most appropriate welcome, he emphasized how pleased he was to have us visit Grand Rapids. He complimented us for having developed into such a fine family group from a fighting division.
     War is not all a hopeless, lost cause when something as good and enduring as our 106th association can come out of it. "God Bless us all."
Jim Clark


Dear John:
     This weekend, we drove over to Lewisburg, W. Va. and located my platoon Sgt. in Cannon Co. 423. His name is William E. Darnell, Box 386 Lewisburg, W. Va. 24901. He is married, has two sons, is on the school board in charge of transportation. He was wounded in the Bulge and spent two years in hospitals. He says he will try to make the convention next year.
     Here in Nelsonville, of the three other 106ers, only one remains, John Brooks E Co. 424th, lives at 127 E Columbus St., married and has a large family. He is manager of Brooks Shoe Co. Joe Galvin, who was in 424 Hq. in Communications, died in 1964. His wife and daughter still live in Nelsonville. (He was asst. Postmaster in Nelsonville.) Norman Hall, A rifle Co. 423, died last year. He was married, had a son and daughter and was in the Dry-Cleaning business. My wife and I and some friends journeyed back to Grand Rapids, Mich., for the Lowell Showboat, we enjoyed the Mr. President Motor Inn and the Great State of Michigan.
Virgil Collins

Hi 106th
I want to thank each & everyone for the cards & letters Johnny has received since his stroke.
Johnny has improved some but he has a long ways to go.
     The Doctors have said he wouldn't be able to work again but I say a prayer each night hoping they could be wrong. I have Johnny home now. I take him for Therapy Mon., Wed., & Fri. he is getting Speech Occupational & Corrective Therapy.
     We sure missed the reunion this year and seeing all of you but we never know what will happen, hope all had a good time. I want to say thanks again for your thoughts & concern of Johnny.
Mrs. John W. Early 9284 Mason Creek Rd. Norfolk, Va. 23503
The 106 prays with you.

     When we heard last year that the 106th was going to hold its Convention in Grand Rapids, Michigan in 1973 the hue and the cry went out, "Who ever heard of Grand Rapids and where is it?"
     If you attended this year you will never forget Grand Rapids. Doug Coffey keeps referring to Cedar Rapids. He always did get his rapids wrong.
     Doc Clarke and his wife, Shirley, certainly made as sit up and take notice of Cedar, oh I mean Grand Rapids. There was activity going on at all times it seemed.
     Despite the setback Doc received when he had to not only change the motel but the dates of the Convention, he acted as a true doctor. He performed an operation and came up with a motel that supplied our needs. The fact that Tom Bickford and Dick DeHeer couldn't spend their time at the bar, as it wasn't available, made it possible to see their smiling RED faces at all the functions.
     As you went through the production lines of Amway and the Herman Miller furniture factory you learned about lust how SOME people work for a living. You also can see why many of our cars go through production lines and then thousands of cars are called back. As soon as a group goes through production all eves turn away from their work to ogle our pretty gals and I think even the girls on the production line gaped at some of the boys. Not necessarily to flirt or see a good looking retread but to see the shapes and sizes we have all become. Did you ever see so many fat tummies? How about that Dune buggy ride! Did you see the Nudes? Quite an unusual


    experience that we have never had before. Personally, I have never seen a setup like this. First you seem to be so far inland for this sand formation that exists and then in a moment's notice you are in the water, you wonder just how it happened. Being used to the Jersey shore there is nothing like this to be seen and experienced.
For those who went to the gypsum mine it was quite an experience. Nothing like anyone anticipated, I am sure.
Who took care of whom to keep her warm. Some excuse!
     Who would believe 11,000 people could be shielded here in case of an air raid. What would poor Flo Bickford do if she really had to go in the mine and stay for a few days.
Now we know where all the hoarding is being done these days. Instead of a gypsum mine, this was indeed a gold mine.
     Then the KATWIN. Too bad it couldn't have taken us for a ride. Being permanently berthed it was impossible. The charm of this old boat was something to behold. The nooks and crannies. The bedrooms made up as though it was prepared for a trip down the Mississippi.
     The food and service were excellent and I wonder how many realized they were on TV. Only a few of us saw the TV program during the dinner dance. The 106th always manages to grab a few headlines in the papers as well as radio and TV.
     Then, just to keep up our reputation we had to push the bus. Is this to always remind us that we were most of us slogging infantrymen and will never stop getting stuck in the mud or have a breakdown so we end up pushing? One of these days we are going to be too old to push, then what happens? Of course we utilized the services of a few husky artillerymen.
     Our Memorial Service was also unusual, being held outdoors among the trees on the grounds of the Veteran facility. Though we didn't have music the Star Spangled Banner was never sung better and John Loveless was at his best. This Association can thank its lucky stars we have such talent to keep us going.
The Board of Directors meetings were really lively with discussions on all subjects.
     There was naturally a pall over many things due to the passing so suddenly and recently of our beloved President, George Bullard.
Certainly good to see some of our faithful returning. Judge Gubow and Estelle, Bob Kelly and the Jack Gillespies.
General McMahon, Leo to you, and the ever charming Wilda always help to make a convention a success.
     Bruce Matthews' well pointed and distinct facts in telling the group about his Momma, who was sorely missed. This was the first time in my memory that Joe Matthews missed a Reunion. Everyone was pleased to hear Bruce's remarks and we all wish Anna a full recovery and with the next Reunion in Baltimore, I think she'll walk from Raleigh to make it.
     Did you notice how many young ones we had this year. Someone was worried about what would happen to our group in the future but like "All State", I would say we are "In Good Hands". We had children and many grandchildren, so move over fellows and make room.
The Kemps have made more Conventions than some of our regulars.
Did anyone notice Dick DeHeer's new limousine. A long way from riding in a jeep. Happy motoring Dick.
     Even the "old" folks joined the young ones in the pool. Nice having a big pool all to ourselves and being available until all hours. I saw some few of our members wet in the wee hours of the morning; and it wasn't from being in the pool.
We had quite a few new faces. We hope this wasn't a one shot deal and that they return again.
     You can talk all you want about the camaraderie in the 106th, but think what the Mansfield's did with Russ Enlow. Russ didn't think he could make Michigan as he had to take care of some ten thousand, yes, (10,000) turkeys before he


    Could leave, and John Mansfield and his wife came to the ranch two days ahead of the convention and helped him until all hours of the night so that Russ, Bonnie and David could come. That's spirit de corps.
     Walt Bandurak brought his shopping bag full of film and entertained those who had not previously seen our trip pictures. Then he had a special session at 2:00 a.m. in Doug Coffey's room (he had a white wall for a screen). The only hitch was, he was waking people up, using Doug's name, to invite them. Not too good Walt, and Doug said he preferred the deal he made with Lillian.
     Y'all notice we still have our deer Southerners supporting us. Sometimes I do wish they would take the marbles out of their mouth.
     Once again General McMahan lost control of our drivers and without putting out forward scouts, we proceeded to get lost and go around in circles.
     Finally, we always come to the dinner dance. It is a shame we can't have a color photo for the Cub showing you our lovely women in their finest. You would have to go far to get a better picture. Girls, you all looked lovely. Stay as sweet as you are.
     Despite his bad shoulder Doug Coffey yielded to Jean Schutte's charm. She said, "Dour, all I need is someone to stand on the floor with me, I'll make all the motions". Doug did just that for a moment, and then he surprised even Jean with his wiggling.
     I think for the first time Sherod Collins was speechless and choked up when he was presented the Order of the Golden Lion by our own COGL and Past President, Leo McMahon.
     Notice too, how Sherod enjoyed the re-runs for the photographers, while Wilda was kissing him. How much did you pay all those shutter bugs, Sherod? Cora better watch him now that he is a celebrity. Welcome to the COGL club Sherod.
     Next Convention I just must take notes so I can write something coherent and in order and not miss things. Of course, it is fun to ramble on, then you are no., responsible.
See you next year.
D. S. C.

106th Infantry Division Association
Mr. President Motor-Inn
Grand Rapids, Michigan
July 12, 1973
The meeting was called to order by Vice-President Gene Saucerman.
     Roll call was taken. All Directors were present with the exception of Matthews, Gallagher, Early and Wyatt, who were excused.
The Minutes of the previous Board of. Directors meeting at Jacksonville were read and approved.
     A letter from John Gallagher, Cub Editor, was read and accepted. It was stated that John should be commended for his terrific job as Editor. Our many thanks are extended to him and Stella. John Loveless gave the Chaplain report and stated that he has been sending informal notes to comrades who were sick and to families of deceased members. Memorial Chairman. Doug Coffey, reported on the Memorial in St. Vith. He stated that it was in excellent condition. Doug also related that the College of St. Vith needed typical American Novels. He reported that the movie DEATH OF THE SNOW QUEEN would be released shortly which will depict the struggle of the "Battle of the Bulge.
     Motion by Scranton and seconded by Schlesser that Doug Coffey be authorized to spend $200.00 for purchase of novels and shipment of the books to St. Vith. Approved.
Dr. Clark, Convention Chairman,


reported that 120 had registered as of that time. He outlined the schedule for Friday, July 13th.
     John Loveless stated that according to Maryland law, under which we are chartered, that the Directors could meet collectively by telephone, if necessary.
Vice-President Saucerman appointed the following members to the committees listed below:
RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE: Bob Gilder, Leo T. McMahon, Bob Walker.
NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE. Walt Bandurak, Elman Miller, Fred Chase.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Bob Scranton, Adjutant

106th Infantry Division Association
Mr. President Motor-Inn
Grand Rapids, Michigan
July 14, 1973
     The meeting was called to order by Vice-President Gene Saucerman. Vice-President Saucerman called on Sherod Collins to report on the funeral of Dr. Bullard in Mebane, North Carolina. Treasurer's and Adjutant's reports were given and approved.
Nine members who were attending their first convention stood and introduced themselves.
Bob Gilder read the resolutions which were approved.
     The Nominating Committee's report was given by Walt Bandurak. The following new directors were elected for 1973-74: Bob Howell, Sherod Collins, Doug Coffey, Ben Britton.
     Discussion followed concerning our 1974 Convention site. A cruise to Bermuda and someplace in the Baltimore area were suggested. No action taken at this time.
Sherod Collins reported on our 1975 Convention in Atlanta.
     Dr. Clark, Convention Chairman, stated that 61 members had registered with 52 wives, 16 children and one guest for a grand total of 130.
     Vice-President Saucerman announced that a memorial for Dr. George Bullard was being established and anyone wishing to participate may send their donation to our Treasurer or the Adjutant.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Bob Scranton, Adjutant

106th Infantry Division Association
Mr. President Motor-Inn
Grand Rapids, Michigan
July 14, 1973
The meeting was called to order by Vice-President Gene Saucerman.
The minutes of Retiring Board of Directors were read and approved.
     A motion to purchase American novels for St. Vith College was amended to authorize an Association stamp to he purchased by Doug Coffey to identify the books.
Officers for 1973-74 were elected unanimously.
Gene Saucerman -- President
Dr. Jim Clark -- Vice-President Sherod Collins -- Treasurer
President Saucerman then appointed: John Loveless -- Chaplain
Bob Scranton -- Adjutant
John Gallagher -- Cub Editor
Sherod Collins -- Historian
     Doug Coffey -- Memorials Chairman John Loveless -- Golden Lion Chairman with the committee of Dick DeHeer, Doug Coffey, General Leo T. McMahon.
     A correction was made in the minutes of the General Meeting in Jacksonville as follows: Atlanta is not a free registration convention.
     A motion by Florian Frank and seconded by Clayton Rarick that we hold the 1974 Convention in the Maryland area. Approved.


     John Loveless accepted the Chairmanship of the 1974 Convention and named Charles Smith, Charles Schock and Henry Broth as his committee.
     Walt Bandurak presented a project on purchasing Golden Lion patches. These will be larger than the standard emblem of our unit.
     A motion by Sherod Collins and seconded by Jim Clark authorized Bandurak to proceed to negotiate for the minimum number (170) of patches and minimum number of emblems for the Association and to order when he is satisfied. Approved.
     A motion by Doug Coffey and seconded by Bob Gilder authorized Bandurak to purchase 170 additional patches and that all 1973-74 members be given a patch for their use. Approved.
     A discussion followed on voting for the "Golden Lion" award. It was suggested that ballots be sent by registered mail and information be included on the ballot concerning the nominees.
A discussion of length of term of Board of Directors took place.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted.
Bob Scranton, Adjutant

Adopted at 27th Annual Reunion
106th Infantry Division Association
Grand Rapids, Michigan
14 July 1973
WHEREAS during 1972-73 the Association has completed another year of satisfying accomplishments and
     WHEREAS the Association members present at this reunion have enjoyed the renewal of old friendships and has welcomed new members to its ranks
     NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association in convention assembled does recognize and express thanks and appreciation:
     1. To all our elected and appointed officers of the Association for the faithful and efficient execution of the respective duties of their offices.
     2. To Convention Chairman James I. Clark, M.D., his wife Shirley, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jochems, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bryant, members of the committee for their long hours of planning and conducting a diversified and enjoyable reunion.
     3. To Honorable Lyman B. Parks, Mayor of Grand Rapids for his attendance and welcoming remarks at the Saturday night banquet.
     4. To Honorable Joel B. Matteson, Mayor of Douglas, Michigan and his wife Pam, for their warm welcome aboard S. S. Keewatin and their presence at dinner with us on the ship and at the banquet.
     5. To Mr. Ben Custer, Manager of Mr. President Motor-Inn, Mrs. Dorothy Sheperd, his secretary, and the staff of the Inn, for the care and services extended to members of the Association.
6. To Mr. Edward J. Burnette of the. Grand Rapids, Michigan Convention Bureau and his staff for their services.
     7. To Members of the Staff of the Grand Rapids Chamber of Commerce and Members of the Staff of the West Michigan Tourist Association for the assistance provided Chairman Clark and his committee.
8. To Gerald Bax, Commandant of Michigan Veterans Facility, for providing the setting for the Memorial Services.
9. To the Herman Miller Furniture Company and the Amway Corporation for providing tours of their respective plants.
     10. To Miss Lieve Bessermans, Brussels, Belgium, exchange student, living, with Symons family of Fennville. Michigan, for her attendance at the banquet.
Robert Gilder, Chairman Robert Walker
Leo T. McMahon


     The Gilder's would like to publicly thank the Bandurak's for giving us the opportunity to have as our house guest Francoise's Delvaux from Belgium. This 20 year old student was a real joy to have around. She spent the first part of her stay with Walt and Lillian Bandurak, who then took her to Elyria, Ohio to some of their relatives the Haddox's. Mr. and Mrs. are both in education as is Francoise's mother so she was able to compare the two countries system and they also introduced her to baseball games; something her country does not have. On August 1st the Haddox's reluctantly brought her out to our home; they also did not want to give her us. We took her on a tour of our city, and if any of you have ever been in North Ridgeville Ohio you know that took 29 seconds with time to spare. We tried to take her to sights we felt she would not have at home-- or else we tried to find comparable sights. Bob and I took her to the adult scenes with our children introducing her to the young people entertainment scene -- roller skating arena-- they have none-- the dancing and rest of the entertainment was similar to what she does at home. We took her to the Amish section of Ohio; taking advantage of a 2 ½ hour tour that explained the sect their customs and beliefs touring a Cheese factory-- we wished we could have brought Florian and Dorothy Franke to that; Francoise was very alert asking questions and absorbing it all. As thye do not have Morticians with Funeral Homes she requested a tour of one of these; as a good friend is a director he gave her a tour and explanation of the various customs for different parts of the United States on this topic.
     The poor girl will probably not fit into her plane seat when she leaves on Friday Aug. 10 they do not have sweet corn-- "Corn is for animals" and as you all know this is the season in the States-- so all of us hosts really filled her up with item-- she never turned it down. Their weather is fairly rainy and not really too warm-- so they have no truck gardens-- so we introduced her to another friend who raised crops for summer market-- all of their produce is imported she says. We did the typical family affairs -- Cook-outs -- parties with the grandparents -- both of our mothers drive-- Francoise could not believe that-- her grandmother would not even get into a car-- much less go to a movie which the grandmothers had done that afternoon. We ended up our stay with her with a visit to Sea World-- she was more than impressed with the seals-whales and etc. as is everybody that has ever been there. Chuck and Willie Garn live about 30 minutes from the park so we brought our session with Francoise to a close by delivering her to them with Willie presenting us the most delicious meal-- that women sure can cook-- The Garns and their family will amuse her until the end of her stay on Aug. 10, she returns home to study for examinations and returning to University of Leige. As I previously stated this has been one glorious week-- we sure did have a ball.
     In closing I also would like to extend a big Thank you to the Clarks who gave us the Grand Rapid convention; we all had a fine time and we Ohioians found (some new people who had never attended convention before. Hopefully these people will attend the December 16th party at our home and become involved in the association. They will never regret it I ELM sure.
If ere don't see you at Christmas time all will meet in Baltimore.
Bob & Jean Gilder
30303 Behm Drive
North Ridgeville, Ohio 44039

Dear 106th Members and Families,
     We wish to thank all of you for contributing to the success of the 1973 Convention in Grand Rapids, Michigan. No efforts on the part of a planning committee can make a reunion such as this a success unless the people attending it wish to actively participate and have a


good time. We had a good time and hope you all did, too.
     We wish to thank Dick and Char Jochems for all the work they contributed to the planning and staging, and our thanks to Jack and Emily Bryant for their help during the week of the convention. John Loveless deserves everyone's thanks for an impressive Memorial Service.
We regret if the change of dates made it impossible for anyone to attend, and we apologize if it did.
Thank you all,
Jim and Shirley Clark

     Born Sampson County, N.C. June 10, 1922, passed away June 7, 1973. He was the son of Thomas Perry Bullard and Lula Howard Bullard; a graduate of Elon College, N.C. and the Medical College of Virginia at Richmond.
George Bullard was a faithful member of many organizations and to each one to which he affiliated.
     He was a member of the American Medical Association, the North Carolina Medical Society, and the Alamance County Medical Society as well as the American Academy of Family Physicians.
     He was active in educational circles, being a member of Alamance County Board of Education, and of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees at Elon College.
     On a local level, Dr. Bullard was a member of the Kiwanis Club and helped to direct the affairs of the First Savings & Loan of Mebane.
     His dedication to his church and to his pastor was limitless and unceasing. At the United Methodist Church of Mebane he was currently Director of Stewardship; Chairman Commission on Worship; member Committee on Nominations and Personnel, Administrative Board, Executive Committee of Administrative Board, the Church Choir, and filled in as organist.
     Music was very much a part of him and his talents were well-known among those around him who knew and loved him. While attending Medical College he worked part time as a church organist. For several years he served as organist for a community choir in its annual presentation of The Messiah. In March 1972 he presented an organ recital at the request of the Mebane Music Club. In addition, he apparently inspired his young son, George, Jr., who plays the piano.
     George was a prisoner of war while serving as a medical corpsman with the 590th Field Artillery, 106th Infantry Division, in Belgium during WWII, having unselfishly remained with a group of wounded of both combatants.
     Surviving him in addition to his mother, are his devoted wife; Margaret Rawls Bullard, sons Thomas Perry Bullard II and George M. Bullard, Jr.; daughters Susie, Marcella, and Ann; three brothers and three sisters.
     The funeral service was conducted at Mebane United Methodist Church on Saturday, June 9th. Officiating ministers were the present pastor, Ralph I. Epos, Sr. and a former pastor, A. P. Hill, Jr., both veterans of World War II.
     Attending from the 106th Division Association ware Dr. James I. Clark, Sherod and Cora Collins, Bob Howell, and Bill Alexander and daughter Carolyn.
     As the membership is aware, we were saddened to learn that our late president was taken seriously ill on June 5 and although every effort was made by his medical colleagues, passed away on June 7.
     It was the privilege of this correspondent to be able to be among those to pay his memory homage in Mebane at that time. It was our impression that almost every resident of the little town was present


at the church. And in talking with them, there was no doubt that George would be sorely missed in many ways.
     George came to our Association in 1969 when first he heard of our projected trip to St. Vith with a group of Golden Lions. As we all know, he had not missed a reunion since and had no intention of missing. He and his family fitted right in, and we all learned to love them. We think he is typical of the spirit and rapport shown throughout our group.
     Several members have passed away recently and it is fitting that a portion of this issue of the CUB be dedicated to Dr. Bullard and to those others who have recently gone on to that great Bivouac in the Sky.
     In this connection, we commend our Association Chaplain for his written communication to each bereaved family. We also commend and express thanks to Dr. Bullard's pastor the Rev. R. I. Epps for his communications and help in learning more about Dr. Bullard.
     The article printed below, published locally in North Carolina and sent to us by Rev. Epps, touches almost every fiber of a person, and we think you will want to digest it. Chaplain Loveless used it in his most recent memorial address at Grand Rapids as tribute not only to its subject but to those others whom we were there to memorialize.
S. Collins

     Dr. George M. Bullard of Mebane showed in all of his varied responsibilities and interest that he accepted a philosophy where people give of themselves to others as they grow in their own appreciation for life and its rewards.
     Of all the many ways in which he used his time, there probably would be no more appropriate identity for him than in his dedication to values.
     These values, in turn, touched many people. As a physician serving for 20 years in Mebane and in the organizations representing his profession, he was highly respected and deeply conscious of the physician's role with his patients.
     As a member of the Alamance County Board of Education, he also gave much of his spare time in making a valuable contribution to the progress of the system and in trying to remove conflicts which would lead to a reduced opportunity for the child in the classroom. Then, as a trustee at Elon College, his alma mater, he was involved deeply in projects and causes through many years, for his leadership, participation and loyalty always were strong. Elan College gave him his expanded opportunity as a student, as he saw it, and his continuing support represented his lasting appreciation for what it meant to him.
     As a musician, he enjoyed good music, with Bach as his favorite. He found much pleasure in playing the organ, whether it would be in his own home, a church, or by himself in the larger Whitley Auditorium on the Elon Campus. With the pride which he also showed in his own family as husband and father, he found beauty and reward in such personal responses which nourished his spirit. Here, again, he reflected his values.
     Thus, Dr. Bullard was a citizen who used his compassion, loyalty, deep feeling and dedication to do his part in the many basic programs and services in his adopted Alamance County and the varied interests which he held within its opportunities.
     His life did not measure in years the goal which he set for his patients, but in his more limited years he made a lifetime of contributions which long will survive him and will remain a strong influence with those who knew him, respected him and who were made better by him.

It is always difficult to write about a really great man. Historians have tried


     George was a humble young man who was a sort of Horatio Alger specie. When he returned from the Army, a Sergeant in the Medical Division, he was urged by our own Lt. Yamazaki to go to college to become a doctor.
     George didn't have the great financial wherewithal that gives a boost to college attendance. George worked his way the hard way, playing the organ picking up a few dollars here and there. He also gave free of his organ playing ability to church.
He went on to become a doctor respected by his community, church and fellow citizens.
George never lost his greatness nor his humbleness.
     I shall never forget his staying behind with the wounded, both American and German, and being captured by the enemy. He thought of others, not himself which was a typical trait.
     I remember when he called to ask if there was a possibility of his going to Europe with us on our trip in '69. He had never joined the Association and therefore knew little or nothing about us.
     As soon as he said, "This is Doctor Bullard." I said. "You mean Sgt. Bullard, the fellow who stayed behind with the wounded." He was utterly surprised that I should remember. He didn't know me from Adam. I worshiped him from afar as he was my Hero. We had few heroes during that sad battle.
     Though we ended up in the same prison camps he was in one barracks and I in another, so we really didn't meet all this time.
     They say you don't know a person until you have lived with them. Well. I had that extreme reward of living with Doc for two weeks, and it is a two week period that I shall never forget.
     Little did I know when I sent him a card from Europe this June saying, "George, I'm having a wonderful time but it is not like our trip together." that George would not be able to read that card.
His death was such a shock to me and I am sure to all who knew him.
     His warmth, his high regard for others, his love of family, his devotion and energetic response to the 106th is unmatched. He will be sorely missed but let us emulate what he stood for and proceed with a tear in our eyes to move onward and upward to show hoar much he has influenced our lives.

     I shall always cherish this statement! The words are the last ones I heard from Brother George Bullard. He spoke them to me on the Sunday before his death. We had been discussing one particular phase in the life of our church. As our Director of Stewardship, he was especially determined that our church not fail in our financial responsibility. He KNEW we would succeed. I had been a little pessimistic.
     As he walked away from my office door he repeated, "Keep the faith, Preacher." I have accepted his words as a message for the WHOLE life of the church, not just the one aspect. It is excellent advice!
     My last words to him were, "Thank you, George!" This is the message ALL of us who knew him owe him! I cannot recall this man of honor without being prompted to answer, "Thank poet, George!"
     An addition to mv prayers for a long time to come will be, "I thank Thee, dear God, for having allowed me to know this servant of Thine."
Living in the Sure Hope,
Rev. Ralph I. Epps, Jr.


     Mr. & Mrs. John T. Loveless, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Jochems, Mayor Rev. & Mrs. Lyman S. Parks, Mrs. Gene Saucerman.
L. T. McMahon, Mrs. McMahon, J. I. Clark, Shirley Clark, Joel S. Matteson, Pamela Matteson, Gene Saucerman.


     Sherod Collins, Cora Collins, Carol W. Beals, Karen Scranton, Cas Scranton, Lieve Besschans, Mildred Scranton, Bob Scranton.


Joe Gasses, Wayne Black, Clara Williams, Charles Schoch, Betty Murray,
Geo Murray, Sherry Schoch, Presley H. Williams, Emily Bryant, Jack Bryant.


    John Fritz, Martha Fritz, Ed Zoll, Millie Zoll, Jeanne Gilder, John Kemp, Kay Kemp, Brian Kemp, David Enlow, Bonnie Enlow, Russell Enlow.


     Mrs. Michael Connelly, Dr. Michael E. Connelly, Mrs. Robert Pierce, Jr., Mr. Robert Pierce Jr., Bruce E. Matthews, Raymond Kemp, Jean Pierce, Robert W. Pierce Sr.
Walter Clarke, George Rinkama, Florian Frank, Jack Schlesser, Charles Datte.


Louis & Bob Howell, Jim & Maydean Wells, Pete & Joanne House


Mrs. Eva F. Mansfield, Martha Collins, Virgil L. Collins, H. E. Mansfield
     Louis Rassi, Walter Bandurak, Lillian Bandurak, Willie Garn, Chuck Garn, D. R. Armington, Dorothy Armington, Mexin Armington.


John W. Howard, Fred R. Carter, Robert C. Ringer, Oruis Samples, Edward A. Reilly.

     Frank S. Trautman, Agnes Chase, Fred Chase, Dick Bartz, Charlie Smith, Sandy Saucerman, June Walker, Bob Walker, Gene Saucerman.


Our guests, Mayor & Mrs. Joel Maltesm of Douglas, and Mayor Rev. Lyman D. Parks of Grand Rapids.
Lieor Bessemans, our Belgian guest, talks with Dr. Connelly and Carol Beals.


Members of the Order of the Golden Lion

Send $7.50 for Memorial Fund to Sherod Collins, 625 Channing Drive, N. W. Atlanta, Ga. 30318.
Sherod will forward to you copy of The Lion's Tale, the story of the 106th. SEND NOW.

     Sherod Collins is a true dedicated servant to the 106th. We all extend our thanks and best wishes to our new Commander of the Golden Lion.

     Doug Coffey informs us he is going to retire from his new position as Business Administrator for the town of West Orange, N.J. June 1974, and move to Florida. We are sure Doug will remain as he has in the past being an active participating member of the 106th.

     Doug and his wife, Isabel, their daughter Virginia (one of the twins) and her husband, Ron Skubic spent a month in Europe. They checked on our Memorial in St. Vith. Visited with Director of the College and former Mayor Pip.
They also met with our Belgian student, Alfons Paquet. Alfons is to be married this December 15th.
Visited as usual with Dr. Delaval and wife and at Spa stayed with Annie Janssen and family.
Mayor Pip sends his best regards to all the members of the 106th.

ST. VITH 1974
There will be a trip to St. Vith in 1974. Letters now going out to all who signed up at the convention.
     This is last chance for any other 106er who is at least interested in attending, reunion in St. Vith on the 30th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge.


Lowell, Ind. July 22, 1973
Dear John:
     I want to take this means of thanking D. Clarke and the rest of the convention committee for the wonderful time we ad, I am sure that I can say this for the West of the Service Battery gang that was there, we all enjoyed every minute of it. I also want to extend my thanks to you for sending the extra registration forms, your help has helped me in getting these Service Battery men out there, we had a good turn out and I was pleased with the way everything went. There were a couple of the fellows that had said that they would he there that did not show, that was there hard luck as they missed a good time.
     I was looking over the list of the organizations represented at the reunion in Florida last year and I see that the 424 led with 16 members present, the 591st had 6 members present, this year the 591st had 11 members present, but watch out for next year. I have a list of 44 men I am writing to and most of them live in the East and I have been promised some help in getting some of these members out. Kay and I had a wonderful time and we will see all of you at next year's convention.
Jack Schlesser
P.S. Please send me four extra copies of the next issue of the "CUB" keep whatever is over for future mailing.

(JULY 1973)
Jim Adkins C 423 5232 Commonwealth Jacksonville, Fla. 32205
Wm. G. Alexander E 423 1120 So. Ave. Apt. BI Forest Park, Ga. 30050
Tony Altieri 214 Myrtle Beach Neptune Beach, Fla. 32233
Gerald T. Anderson M 423 17 Eton P1. Glen Rock, N.J. 07452
Lowry B. Andrews HQ 422 11. Ridgewood Road Wilton, Conn. 06897
Donald R. Armington H 424 3125 John Patterson Rd. Des Moines, Iowa 50317
Anthony Arminio L 423 327 Tyler St. East Haven, Conn. 06512
Dr. George Axelrod 331 Med 668 Main St. Clinton, Mass. 01510
Clifford N. Austin C 589 125 So. Maple St. Vergennes, Vermont 05491
John R. Babinec 591 FA 1007 Magnolia Dr. Joliet, Ill. 60435
Walter Bandurak 81 Engr. 219 One Half North Maple Ave., Apt. 3 Greensburg, Pa. 15601
Mrs. Peter Balise 235 State St. Northampton, Mass. 01060
W. C. Baker 4 Haley St. Pine Bluff, Ark. 71601
Harold A. Barnett 4 424


No. Versailles, Pa. 15137
Richard E. Bartz DHQ 216 Rustic Ave. Pittsburg, Pa. 15210
Richard H. Behr 5924 W. Meadowbrook Dr. Phoenix, Arizona 85033
Mrs. Carol W. Beals 217 E. Davenport St. Iowa City, Iowa 52240
John G. Beville 2511 Provost Rd. E. Jacksonville, Fla. 32216
T. Bickford 6 Quimby Pl. W. Orange, N.J. 07052
Rev. E. G. Black P.O. Box 66 Travelers Rest, S.C. 29690
T. Wayne Black 425 Allen Apt. 301 Waterloo, Iowa 50701
Wm. S. Blaher Box 182 Flemington, N.J. 08822
Roger W. Bell Hq. Btry 589 F A 807 28th Ave. E. Moline, Ill. 61244
Ira G. Bottoms 407 S. Peachtree P.O. Box 103 Norcross, Ga. 30071
James E. Brackett 376 Vanderbilt Ave. Staten Island, N.Y. 10304
Wm. Boucovualas 10 Cutts Ave. Saco, Maine 04072
Kenneth Bradfield Rte. 8, Box 140 Evansville, Ind. 47711
Howard Brady Box 253 Waynesboro, Tenn. 38485
Glen J. Brutus HQ 423 Box 37 Pine Village, Indiana 47975
James V. Burrell 31019 Champine St. Clair Shores, Mich. 48082
Lt. Col. Byrne A. Bowman DHQ Staff JA 1216 Liberty Bank Bldg. Oklahoma City, Okla. 73102
Henry M. Broth 423rd 2628 Rockwood Ave. Baltimore, Md. 21215
Benjamin B. Britton 36 Warren Rd. Auburn, Mass. 01501
Rev. Edw. T. Boyle 424 46 North Wolf Rd. Northlake, 01. 60164
Myles Brazil P.O. Box 6 Landisburg, Pa. 17040
Jack Bryant A 422 19692 Coral Gables Southfield, Mich. 48075
Arthur C. Buckley Sr. HQ 422 % Tuckers Ct. Peabody, Mass. 01960
Harold J. Brummer I 422 41 Georgia St. Cranford, N.J. 07016
Mrs. Bullard Forest Lake Rt. 4 Mebane, N.C. 27302
Robert A. Burkes 592 F A 2227 Plantation E. Point, Ga. 30344
Fred Burnham 1218 Cheshire SV 591 Naperville, Ill. 60540
Chester Buschemeyer 57 Whitley Trailer Ct. D 424 So. Whitley, Ind. 46787
Harry W. Butler Jr HQ 1st BN 424 Box 390-249 Jefferson St. SV 591 Winchester, Va. 22601
Austin L. Byrd Jr. 1329 Westburn Rd. 59() Baltimore, Md. 21228
Lt. Col. Samuel P. Cariano DHQ 215 Bonnie Court Satellite Beach, Fla. 32937
Ben C. Carpenter 6809 Ashland Ave. Chicago, Ill. 60600
Fred Carter


613 N. 3rd St. Toronto, Ohio 43964
Paul Cavanaugh, S.J. Gesu Church 2049 Parkside Blvd. Toledo, Ohio 43607
William Cavanaugh 2 Dene Villas Chester-Le-St. Co. Durham, England
Col. CC Cavender 26490 Burgess Way Sun City, Calif 92381
Fred B. Chase Morris Lane, Box 44, R.R. 6 Rexford, N.Y. 12065
Chris T. Clark Hq. Co. 3rd Br 423 518 S. Main Niles, Ohio 44446
James L. Clark 590-592 R.R. 1, Box 25D Fennville, Mich. 49408
Walter C. Clark Sv. Arty. 230 E. Central Ave. Mt. Holy, N.C.
Douglas Coffey Btry B 590 W 41 Lowell Ave. West Orange, N.J. 07052
Frank Collins F 424 R.F.D. 1, Swantzey Center Keene, N.H. 03431
Virgil L. Collins CN 423 Rt. 2 Nelsonville, Ohio 45764
Sherod Collins SVC 423 625 Charming Dr. NW Atlanta, Ga. 30318
Francis P. Conroy C 509 9780 Scott Mill Rd. Jacksonville. Fla. 32217
Michael E. Connelly MD 589th FA Medics Medical Arts Bldg. 32 Jefferson Ave. Sharon, Penna. 16146
Robert Courtwright 600 W. Main St. Ashville, Ohio 43103
Chas. K. Corrigan Sv. 591 P.O. Box 81 507 E. 10th St. Olympia, Wash. 98501
Raymond J. Creamer SV BA 589th FA 48 Leonard Rd. Milltown, N.J. 08850
Lester Crossman HQ 424 1313 Clay Street Woodstock, Ill. 60098
John Crosby SV 589 503 Howard Dr. Branswich, Ga. 31520
Alan Dabson 38 Upland Ave. Dover, Del. 19901
Paul Dargon HQ 589 Box 387 Richard, Pa. 17087
Robert A. De St. Aubin CN 424 R.R. No. 2, Box 88A Berlin, Wisc. 54923
Richard W. Diersing SV 422. 2923 Cedarwood Rd. Bellingham, Wash. 98225
Thomas Dorosky Serv 592 Mount Airv Road R.D. No. One Shaverstown, Pa. 18708
Chas Datte 231 Davis Ave. Clifton Hgts., Pa. 19018
J. A. Dechiara 1135 56th St. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11219
Richard DeHeer K 424 19 Hopking St. Hillsdale, N.J. 07642
Martin Dever D HQ. 272 W. Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, N.J. 07450
George Doerner 64 N. Schuylkill Ave. Norristown, Pa. 19401
Dr. Delaval 48 Rue D Viet= Vielsalm, Marche Belguim 6690
Geo Descheaux HG 422 1625 Concord Dr. Charlottesville, Va. 22901
Wm. P. Dohoney C 422 818 Mandy Lane
Camp Hill, Pa. 17011
Mrs. M. M. Dolitsky


40 Indian Rd. Portchester, N.Y. 10573
Howard B. Dollar SV 591 5083 Welchshire Memphis, Tenn. 38117
Frank S. Doniloski A 81st 113 Ferguson St. Duryea, Penna. 18642
Wm Donovan 5925 71st Ave. Ridgewood, N.Y. 11227
Mahlon O. Earle D 424 23 Morgan Pl. No. Arlington, N.J. 07032
John Early, Jr. 9284 Mason Cra.k Road Norfolk, Va. 23503
Donald Edsall 4486 14th St. Dorr, Mich. 49323
Herb Eidelman 15905 Harden Circle Southfield, Mich. 48075
Floyd Elston 28 Park Ave. Haskell, N.J. 07420
J. Russell Enlow D 423RD Taswell, Ind. 47175
Wilbur D. Evans SV 591 FA Box 507 Mebane, N.C. 27302
James R. Fonda 20 Barbour La Bloomfield Hills, Mich. 48013
James P. Ford 1829 S. Alden St. Philadelphia, Pa. 19143
John P. Fleming HQ 2nd BN 424 Apt. 2A Bldg. 22 676 Park Ave. E. Orange, N.J. 07017
Harold A. Fleming, Jr. 423 99 Terrace Ave. Jersey City, N.J. 07303
A. B. Flemmons 591B 205 Eureka St. Batesville, Miss. 38606
E. Bruce Foster 422 P.O. Box 39 Knoxville, Tenn. 37901
Florian R. Frank 591 F.P. % Biglow Cheese & Butter Co. Avoca, Wisc. 53506
Jerome L. Frankel HQ CO 3rd BN 423 584 Junard Blvd. W. Hempstead, N.Y. 11552
R. A. Frankini 2BN 424 36124 Paddleford Rd. Farmington, Mich. 48024
Chas. Freed 1-423 404 Lexington Pittsburgh, Pa. 15215
H. B. Freedman /if AHQ 422 295 B. Windirw Riv. Dr. N.B. 422 Atlanta, Ga. 3038.
John R. Fritz HQ 424 9271 Avon Bela., Rd., R.D. 3 Elyria, Ohio 44035
John Gallagher 4003 Frances St. Temple, Pa. 19560
S. Gartner 941 So. Waterman Pd. Jacksonville, Fla. 32207
Joseph J. Gasses 1420 Franklin St. Grand Haven, Mich. 49417
H. Gassman 68-081 Bell Blvd. Bayside, N.Y. 11364
Chas. S. Gavn 1764 18th St. Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 43222
Melvin Gehrig 4709 Orleans St. Lake Charles, La. 70601
Robert Gilder 36303 Behm Dr. North Ridgeville, Ohio 44035
Joseph M. Gilliam Btry C 589 FA 1201 E. Emerson St. Bloomington, Ill. 61701
Jack Gillespie C 424 1536 Daray Dr. Birmingham, Mich. 48010
Robt. Gilmartin H 424 3320 Cortelyou Rd. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11203
David J. Gish HQ Btry 589 FA 23673 W. Grove St.


Bruce F. Glen DHQ 10 W. Ferry Rd. Morrisville, Pa. 19067
Walter S. Glenney Exec. 424 235 Carol Ann Dr. San Antonio, Texas 78223
Winnie Leo Gregory 3rd BN HQ 424 5009 Bonnahill Dr. Hermitage, Tenn. 37076
Judge Larry Gubow 4397 Sunningdale Dr. Bloomfield Hills, Mich. 48013
Walter Gultzow D HQ 606 3rd St. Buffalo, Iowa. 52728
Alfred J. Gericke Jr. D 423 3744 Granger R D Rt. 4 Medina, Ohio 44256
Mrs. Hagman Div Arty 305 W. Josephine Weatherford, Tex. 76086
R. F. Hall HQ 424 302 Marianville Rd. Village Green Aston, Pa. 19014
Herman V. Hansird Rt. 2 Rocky Face, Ga. 30740
Ivan Hakes C 81 Engr. RFD 3, Box 347 Decatar, Ind. 46733
Harold V. Hardoin K 424 14215 Mayfield Ave. Detroit, Mich. 48205
Abner Harris H 424 200 W. Adam Chicago, Ill. 60606
Bertram Hartzell 81 Engr. 410 South Str. New Bethlehem, Pa. 16242
H. M. Hatch DHQ 422 3009 15th Ave. So. Minneapolis, Minn 55417
Edward Heiman D 331 32 Fairlawn Ct. Daly City, Calif. 94015
Arthur H. Heffernan 164 Liberty Pontiac, Mich. 48053
Byron P. Heath MP 2729 Montezuma Alhambra, Cal 91803
William C. Hemelt H 424 7737 Wynbrook Road Baltimore, Md. 21224
Forrest W. Hemming 806 Ord. 755 Stelzer Rd., Box 71 Columbus, Ohio 43219
Leo L. Heneghan C 422 6287 Wetherole St. Rego Park, N.Y. 11374
James W. Henning 1045 E. 8th St. Lockport, Ill. 60441
Lt. Col. E. G. Henson 9917 Echo Valley Ct. Little Rock, Ark. 72207
J. Francis Hesse D 423 220 N. Roosevelt Wichita, Kansas 67208
Walter F. Hiltbrand A T 423 930 Fair Ave. Salem, Ohio 44460
Frank A. Hohmadel, Jr. 424 6711 N. Keota Chicago, Ill. 60646
R. R. Holden 2902 Middle Rd. Bettendorf, Iowa 52722
Bob Homan D 424 1211 Elide St. Janesville, Wisc. 53545
Pete House A 590 5662 Clifton Ave. Jacksonville, Fla. 32211
John W. Howard 591 FA 920 So. 76th St. West Allis, Wisc. 53214
Don M. Houseman D 423 400 N. Akard Dallas, Texas 75201
Robert F. Howell H 424 904 E. College St. Rt. 6 Griffin, Ga. 30223
Wm. Hutchinson Sv. 591 Rte. 2 Bengal] Rd. Parish, N.Y. 13131
Carl Hubert HQ 424 2801 N. Halifax Ave. No. 242


Daytona Beach, Fla. 32018
Arthur A. Hulkonen Box 66 Kaleua, Mich. 49645
John Hungerford HQ 422 4388 Barchaster 5742 Penfield
Vance S. Jennings 106 Sig. Loch Lomond Lane
Robert D. Jessee M 424
Richard B. Jochems DHQ AG
Mrs. Alan W. Jones
Col. Alan W. Jones. Jr. HQ 423
George W. Jones Jr. SVC 423 650 Emerson Ave. 5652 E.
Robert E. Jones D HQ
William Johnson K 424
Benj. Johnson. Jr. HQ 422 1647 Oak St.
Irvin Juster CC 422 RD 2. Newton, Conn. 06470
Charles J. Kalal C 424 Maywood, N.J. 07607
Richard C. Kaufmann HQ 589 FA New Brunswick, N.J. 08902
George H. Kaufman H 423 Grand Rapids, Mich. 49506
Elsby Keilman
Darrell Kellams 12775 Grover Box 66 Omaha, Neb. 68144
Robert E. Kelly Bloomfield Hills, Mich. 48013
Edmond D. Kelly
J. H. Kelly
Glen Kennedy
H. D. Kephart
Jesse O. Kershner
Don W. Kersteiner HQ 2nd BN 424
Joseph A. Kersten
Dr. John E. Ketterer,
James R. Klett
John Kopko Jr.
Franklin R. Koeher
Jos Krafchik HQ 331 MED
Harold Kuizema B 589
Gene Kuhn
Vaden Lackey


T. Lada L 424
Elmer F. Lange H422 1600 So. Joyce St. Apt. 210 B Arlington, Va. 22202
Phillip R. Leswing 592 FA B 389 Red Barn Road Willow Grove, Pa. 19090
Paul W. D. Le Clere 1706 Fort Jesse Dr. Normal, Ill. 61701
F. H. Lee C 422 1204 Anguilla St. Waycross, Ga. 31501
Samuel Leibowitz HQ 424 645 E. 5th St. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11218
L. S. LeTellier, Jr. C 81 ENGR. 1166 Catalina Rd. E Jacksonville, Fla. 32216
Charles R. Lewis 806th ORD. DAO 16 Court St. litBrooklyn, N.Y. 11201
Curtis L. Lindsay 424th R 1, Box 319 Waco, Texas 76710
Joseph Litwin D 423 1959 W 1894, St. Torrance, Calif. 90504
Oliver A. Lothrop. Jr. 423 316 West Wu', 1.4, Towson, Md. 21204
Herbert B. Livesay. Jr. DHQ RFD 1, Tem-own Rd. Croton-On-Hudson, N.Y. 10520
Arthur E. Loos I 422 128 Plahland Ave. Broad Brook, Conn. 06016
John T. Loveless Jr. HQ 422 9949 Rd. Balto, Md. 21207
Thomas M. Lowery III H 423 904 S. Invraham Ave. Lakeland, Fla. 33801
Wm. Luscay 12612 Moody Ave. Palos Heights, Ill. 60463
Edward L. Luzzie 590 FA 5524 S. Woodland Dr. Western Springs, DI. 60558
Richard Maclone H 424 396 Medford St. Sommerville, Mass. 02143
Mrs. T. Maloney SVC 592 731 Wolf St. Philadelphia, Pa. 19148
Thomas G. Manager C 592 A 590 309 Addison Rd. Glastenbury, Conn. 06033
Gilbert Marcus SERV 423 1340 N. Astor St. Apt. 808 Chicago, El. 60610
H. E. Mansfield A 424 190 Northcrest Athens, Ga. 30601
John B. Nash Ord. 806 247 Van Duzer St. Staten Island, N.Y. 10304
Wm. T. Manahan Ray 311 Blue Ridge Summit, Pa. 17214
Tony Massarotti 422 1003 Nevada Ave. Trinidad, Colo. 81082
Col. J. C. Matthews Jr. HQ 422 4706 Western Raleigh, N.C. 27606
Bernard Mayrsohn CN 423 11 Sparrow Circle White Plains, N.Y. 10605
Thomas J. Maw A 592 436 Beech St. Rockland, Mass. 02370
Roger A. May DHQ G3 317 53rd St. Western Springs, Pl. 60558
Brig. Gen. Leo T. McMahon DIV ARTY 8 No. Union St. Middletown, Pa. 17057
Joseph A. Meola A 591 12 Meola Rd. Conyers. N.Y. 10920
O. Paul Merz SERV 422 8557 Mockinvhird Cincinnati, Ohio 45231
J. A. Middleton M 106 SIGN 17 Kensington Rd.


John L. Mikalauskis P.O. Box 274 Benton, Ill. 62812
Elman M. Miller 3308 Fairview Ave. Chicago Heights, Ill. 60411
Gene L. Miller 4335 Parkmead Dr. Seabrook, Texas 77586
Erie R. Mills 5007 Dianwood Dr. E Jacksonville, Ma. 32210
Dick Monroe Box 199, Nursery Rd. Titusville, N.J. 08560
Mrs. Margaret B. Mowlds Sea Air Box 1426 Rehoboth Beach, Del. 19971
J. C. Morrissey 4802 Eldorado La Maidson, Wisc. 53716
Rev. Dr. Ronald A. Mosley 20 Mauslerinesea, Box 25 Petite River, Lurenberg Co. Nova Scotia, Canada
Michael S. Mosher 417 Dogwood Cir. Ponte Vedra, Ma. 37082
M. J. Mueller P.O. Box 234 Lake Villa, DI. 60046
Ralph J. Murphy 2031 S.E. 14th Lane Ocala, Fla. 32670
George Murray, Jr. 521 9th St. Box 724 Bemidji, Minn. 56601
Larry Myers Jr. 151 Cambridge St. Syracuse, N.Y. 13210
Col. Fredrick Nagle Exec 423 1532 Old Chanhlee Trucker Rd. Orleans No. Apt. 8 Atlanta, Ga. 30340
Peter Nechav Reg 423 27 Box 237 AA Goldsboro, Md. 21636
Dr. Irwin Neigus 331 MED 444 E. 19th St. -32-- S611 N.
Chas. S. Peyser B 424 212 Potomac Ave. Hanover, Pa. 17331
Alfred S. Nusbaum 5622 N. 12th St. Phoenix, Ariz. 85014
Wanold D. Olman SVC 422 912 Cokesburg Dr. Columbia, S.C. 29203
Dr. G. Osborn 1042 Ovington Rd. Jacksonville, Fla. 32216
Clifford E. Perras H 424 Nadeau, Mich. 49863
HQ 590
George F. Phillips DIV HQ 37 Linden Pl. Uniontown, Pa. 15401
Waldo B. Pierce F 422 530 East St. New Britian, Conn. 06051
Robt. W. Pierce Sr. C 81st ENG. 474 Federal St. N W Warren, Ohio 44483
Gordon B. Pinney L 424 R.R. 1, Box 35 Whitney, Neb. 69367
Ed C. Plenge HQ 589 L 424 115 E. 31st Beach Haven Gardens, N.J. 08008
Louis Praznik CO A 81st ENGR. 424 24920 Midland St. Detroit, Mich. 48239
Ed. A. Prewett B 424 591 FA Rte. 2, Box 730 Brentwood, Calif. 94513
Dr. Ed C. Purdy F 422 Rt. 1, Box 29 E. Berrie, N.Y. 12059
Clayton E. Rarick L 424 Box 25 Blandon, Pa. 19510
Victor Rauch 37 Chateau Ct. Loudonville, N.Y. 12211
Dean Redmond


Center St. Statesville, N.C. 28677
Ray Reed 2165 Morris Ave. Union, N.J. 07083
Chas B. Reid AT 423 P.O. Box 56 Richburg, S.C. 29729
Ed Reilly SU 591 93 Irvine Ter. Bloomfield, N.J. 07003
John Reynolds H 424 121 W. Knapp Ave. Edgewater, Ha. 32032
Chas W. Richards SVC 423 113 Clover Dr. Massapequa Pk., N.Y. 11762
Col. Thomas J. Riggs Jr. CO 81 ENGR. 6 Olive St. Providence, R.I. 02906
Robt. C. Ringer 591 590 FA 4280 Kendale Rd. Columbus, Ohio 43221
George Rinkema 423 16817 So. Park Ave. So. Holland, Ill. 60473
Elden E. Ristennart R. Rio..npart C 331 Medics 331 E. 147th P1. Harvey, Ill. 60426
Richard R. Robinson CN 424 1314 Roberta Ct. Howell, Mich. 48843
Dr. J. G. Rodriquez C 422 1550 Beacon Hill Rd. Lexington, Ky. 40504
Lou Rossi 4 424 1314 9th St. No. Bergen St., N.J. 07047
Nathan M. Roth B 592 160 Riverside Plv& Long Beach, N.Y. 11561
Marvin H. Rusch DHQ 10830 W. Courtland Ave. Wauwatosa, Wisc. 53225
Robert E. Rutt HQ 422 937 Larnovvick Ct. Bloomfield Hills, Mich. 48013
Joseph T. Salerno B 423 124 Florence Pl. So. Plainfield, N.J. 07080
L. O. Samples SV. 405 W. 25th St. Belle. W. Va. 25015
Eugene L. Saucerman 422 R.R. No. 23, Box 50 Terre Haute, Ind. 47802
John J. Scalissi H 424 1706 Regent St. Madison, Wisc. 53705
Elsworth H. Schanerberger D 331 15341 Evrr'creen Rd. Detroit, Mich.
John P. Schlesser SERV 591 11603 W. 206th Ave. Lowell, Ind. 46356
C. H. Schock SV 592 494 Line Ave. Odenton, Md. 21113
Earl A. Scott HQ 589 HQ 106 Div. Arty. 6414 Monument Ave. Richmond, Va. 23226
T. F. Scurry 3BHQ 424 222 King Charles Rd. Columbia, S.C. 29209
Fred A. Sebastenelli DHQ 184 Avila St. San Francisco, Cal. 94123
Fred Schieferstein A 424 431 Madison Hill Rd. Clark, N.J. 07066
Phillip P. Schutte 424 2415 Otter Drive Warren, Michigan 48089
Robert L. Scranton K 424 9441 Lee Rd. Brighton. Mich. 48116
Michael G. Sgrignoli SB 592 125 N. 24th St. Camp Hill, Pa. 17011
Alan J. Shoenfeld HQ 423 480 Mark Lane Wantagh, N.Y. 11793
Nicholas Sinco 3176 Kennedv Blvd. Jersey City, N.J. 07306
Tony F. Silva A 424 1947 W. Inman Stockton, Calif. 95204
Dr. A. W. Skardon, Jr. B 590 102 W. Woodbine


Mervin Smith 424 6560 W. Huron River Dr. Dexter, Mich. 48130
Alvin Smith 1041 Fountain Rd. Jacksonville, Fla. 32205
David B. Slayton A 422 648 Terrylyn P1. Long Beach, Calif. 90807
Charles L. Smith D 422 P.O. Box 24 Port Loudon, Pa. 17224
E. J. Smith R.D. 2 Parish, N.Y. 13131
Lester S. Smyth DIV. ARTY. 505 Chadwick Rd. Timonium, Md. 21093
Walter W. Snyder BTRY. A 589 2901 Dunmore Rd. Dundalk, Md. 21222
Emil M. Solecki SVC 592 98 Wood Port Rd. Sparta, N.J. 07871
Loren E. Souers 81 ENGR. 1200 Harter Bank Bldg. Canton, Ohio 44702
D. A. Spina MP Platoon 388 Highland Ave. Newark, N.J. 07104
Norman S. Spayd H 423 1518 Schuylkill Ave. Reading, Pa. 19601
T. B. Stewart 4324 Olde Pine Lane Jacksonville, Fla.
Donald J. Stone 1505 E. Memorial Dr. Jamesville, Wisc. 53545
A. C. Stover 545 Madison Hill Rd. Clark, N.J. 07066
Peter P. Stranko 271 15th Ave. San Francisco, Calif. 94118
George F. Sutter ANTI-TANK 423 9148 Elmwood Dr. Munster, Ind. 46321
Charles J. Swider DIV HQS 1901 Red Coach Rd. Allison Park, Pa. 15101
Lee B. Taylor Box 16 Anderson, S.C. 29621
Wm. T. Thorn L 422 614 So. Main Middletown, Ohio 45042
Frank Trautman L 424 80 E. Summit St. Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44022
Arthur J. Tribout G 424 1447 No. 42nd St. E. St. Louis, El. 62204
Harrison C. Tissot C 422 6.910 Murrav Ave. Cincinnati, Ohio 45227
Rollin Twining HQ 424 53 Front St. Binghamton, N.Y. 13903
Bernard Uebel 21 Clarissa Dr. Hicksville, N.Y. 11801
Louis J. Vincent A 424 2133 Center St. Stevens Point, Wisc.
Russell H. Villwock 106 6908 W. Hierins Ave. Chicago, M. 60656
Dr. Hans Wachtel 1995 F. 53rd Suite 628 Chicago, Ill. 60615
Robt. F. Walker HQ 423 598 Terrace Ave. Cincinnati, Ohio 45220
Charles S. Walsh 1001 Chews Lapding Rd. Cherry Hill, N.J. 08034
Nathan D. Ward 81st ENGR. F 422 2570 Wood Hill Cir. E. Point, Ga. 30344
Presslye Walters A 423 430 Winchester Ave. Youngstown, Ohio 44509
Glenn W. Warner C 81 ENGR. 2519 15th Ave. Moline, Ill. 61265
Phil Walz 6252 80th Rd.


Clarence E. Warren Co. A 81st Engr. 111 Goodrich St. Kewanee, Ill. 61443
Joseph A. Wasik G 423 171 Fan Hill Road Monroe, Conn. 06468
Mrs. Howard Watt HDQ 4th BN. 424 100 Roosevelt Ave. Ridgefield Park, N.J. 07660
Col. Jewell K. Watt DI HQ RFD No. 1 Tecumseh, Kansas 66542
Frederick G. Weisser Jr. 2nd HQ Co. 422 141 Park Ave. Manhasset, N.Y. 11030
James S. White F 423 1501 Ryan Ave. Sault Ste Marie, Mich. 49783
Bobby Welch B 422 R.R. 2 English, Ind. 47118
James E. Wells C 81st Engr. Rt. 2, Box 56 Hephzibah, Ga. 30815
Van Wyatt G 424 602 W. 8th Benton, Ky. 42025
Fred Williams D 423 Rt. 2, Box 82 Grand Ridge, Fla. 32442
John D. Wilson D 422 H 422 331 E. 59th St. Hialeah, Fla 33012
E. C. White Jr. C 591 Box 465 Whiteface, Texas 79379
Don Whitner 139 Walnut St. New Millville, Pa. 17846
Albert Winterfield CN 424 961 Clintonville Rd. Wallingford, Conn. 06492
Brig. Gen. F. A. Woolfley CG 932 Solomon Pl. New Orleans, La. 70119
Van S. Wyatt Box 51, 602 W. 8th St. Benton, Ky. 42025
Dr. James N. Yamazaki 6540 Forbes Ave. Van Nuys, Calif. 91406
Leonard A. Younts SV 589 18621 Ray Riverview, Mich. 48192
Geo. K. Zak D&M 422 11023 Kingston St. Westchester, Ill. 60153
Ed Zoll 1712 Virrinie Pl. NE Canton, Ohio 44705
Jack Zuckerman 71-23 167th St. Flushing, N.Y. 11365
Gordon B. Zicker HQ 423 6 Sunrise Dr. Montvale, N.J. 07645
S. Harry Zorn 106 Sign. 301 E. 62nd St. New York, N.Y. 10021

     106ers be on the watch for a film entitled "Death of a Snow Queen"., starring Joanne Woodward. It was made in St. Vith - Bastogne area. You might be able to spot your old area.

Members' Dues $1,145.00
Auxiliary Dues 104.00
Interest Earned 377.35
Sale-- Mugs & Decals 49.55
Return of One 1972 Officer's Registration Fee 30.00
Brought Forward $2,283.56
Contributions 177.00
Interest Earned 125.78
Sale of "Lions Tale" 82.50
Balance June 30, 1973 $2,668.84
Cub Expense $1,002.58 GENERAL FUND RECAP
Postage 65.23 Brought Forward $7,696.12
Telephone 31.97 Net Gain 1972-1973 313.68
OGL Expenses 208.34 Balance June 30, 1973
Printing & Supplies 37.10
Registration Fees 1973 Reunion-3 Officers.... 45.00

Returned Check 2.00
NET GAIN $ 313.68
Cash Balance Year End 1972-1973 $10,678.64
Cash Balance Year End 1971-1972 9,979.68
INCREASE over Prior Year $ 698.96
$8,009.80 $2,668.84 $10,678.64
Checking-- First National Bank of Atlanta $ 288.90
Savings-- Atlanta Federal Savings & Loan 10,389.74

Index for: Vol. 30 No. 1, Oct, 1973

Index for This Document

106th Inf. Div., 20
106th Infantry Division Association, 12, 14, 16, 20
331st Med. BN, 4
423rd Inf., 4
589th FA, 38
589th FA BN, 4
590th FA BN, 4, 20, 42, 44
591st FA BN, 36, 38, 40, 43
592nd FA, 41
806th Ord. Co., 40
81st Engr., 46
81st Engr. BN, 4
Adkins, Jim, 36
Alexander, Bill, 20
Alexander, Wm. G., 36
Altieri, Tony, 36
Anderson, Gerald T., 36
Andrews, Lowry B., 36
Ardennes, 4
Armington, D. R., 32
Armington, Donald R., 36
Armington, Dorothy, 32
Armington, Mexin, 32
Arminio, Anthony, 36
Austin, Clifford N., 36
Axelrod, Dr. George, 36
Babinec, John R., 36
Baker, W. C., 36
Balise, Mrs. Peter, 36
Bandurak, Lillian, 32
Bandurak, Walt, 12, 14, 16
Bandurak, Walt & Lillian, 18
Bandurak, Walter, 32, 36
Barnett, Harold A., 36
Bartz, Dick, 33
Bartz, Richard E., 37
Bastogne, 46
Battle Of The Bulge, 3, 13, 35
Bax, Gerald, 16
Beals, Carol, 34
Beals, Carol W., 27
Beals, Mrs. Carol W., 37
Behr, Richard H., 37
Belgium, 17, 18, 20
Bell, Roger W., 37
Belzer, Lt. Col. M.S., 4
Berlin, 38
Besschans, Lieve, 27
Bessemans, Lieor, 34
Bessermans, Miss Lieve, 17
Beville, John G., 37
Bickford, Flo, 10
Bickford, T., 37
Bickford, Tom, 8
Black, Rev. E. G., 37
Black, T. Wayne, 37
Black, Wayne, 28
Blaher, Wm. S., 37
Born, 20
Bottoms, Ira G., 37
Boucovualas, Wm., 37
Bowman, Lt. Col. Byrne A., 37
Boyle, Rev. Edw. T., 37
Brackett, James E., 37
Bradfield, Kenneth, 37
Brady, Howard, 37
Brazil, Myles, 37
Britton, Ben, 1, 14
Britton, Benjamin B., 37
Brooks, John, 8
Broth, Henry, 16
Broth, Henry M., 37
Brummer, Harold J., 37
Brunswick, 41
Brussels, 17
Brutus, Glen J., 37
Bryant, Emily, 28
Bryant, Jack, 6, 28, 37
Bryant, Jack & Emily, 20
Bryant, Mr. & Mrs. Jack, 4, 16
Buckley, Arthur C., 37
Bullard, Dr., 4, 14, 20, 22
Bullard, Dr. George, 14
Bullard, Dr. George M., 4, 22
Bullard, George, 5, 7, 10, 20, 24
Bullard, George M., Jr., 20
Bullard, George Minton, 20
Bullard, Lula Howard, 20
Bullard, Margaret Rawls, 20
Bullard, Mrs., 37
Bullard, Thomas Perry, 20
Burkes, Robert A., 37
Burnham, Fred, 37
Burrell, James V., 37
Buschemeyer, Chester, 37
Butler, Harry W., 37
Byrd, Austin L., 37
Camp Lucky Strike, 4
Camp Shanks, 4
Cariano, Lt. Col. Samuel P., 37
Carpenter, Ben C., 37
Carter, Fred, 6, 37
Carter, Fred R., 33
Cavanaugh, Paul, 38
Cavanaugh, William, 38
Cavender, Col. Cc, 38
Cessna, Maj. Gerald, 4
Chase, Agnes, 33
Chase, Fred, 14, 33
Chase, Fred B., 1, 38
Clark, Chris T., 38
Clark, Dr., 4, 13, 14
Clark, Dr. James, 1
Clark, Dr. James I., 20
Clark, Dr. James L., 1, 4
Clark, Dr. Jim, 4, 15
Clark, J. I., 26
Clark, James I., 16
Clark, James L., 38
Clark, Jim, 7, 16
Clark, Jim & Shirley, 20
Clark, Shirley, 26
Clark, Walter C., 38
Clarke, D., 36
Clarke, Doc, 8
Clarke, Walter, 30
Coffey, Doug, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 35
Coffey, Douglas, 38
Coffey, Douglas S., 1
Collins, Cora, 27
Collins, Frank, 38
Collins, Martha, 32
Collins, Sherod, 1, 6, 12, 14, 15, 16, 27, 35, 38
Collins, Sherod & Cora, 20
Collins, Virgil, 1, 8
Collins, Virgil L., 32, 38
Connelly, Capt. Michael S., 4
Connelly, Dr., 34
Connelly, Dr. Michael E., 30
Connelly, Michael E., 38
Connelly, Mrs. Michael, 30
Conroy, Francis P., 38
Corrigan, Chas. K., 38
Courtwright, Robert, 38
Creamer, Raymond J., 38
Crosby, John, 38
Crossman, Lester, 38
Custer, Mr. Ben, 16
Dabson, Alan, 38
Dargon, Paul, 38
Darnell, William E., 8
Datte, Charles, 30
Datte, Chas, 38
de St. Aubin, Robert A., 38
DeChiara, J. A., 38
DeHeer, Dick, 8, 10, 15
DeHeer, Richard, 38
DeLaval, Dr., 35, 38
Descheaux, Geo, 38
Dever, Martin, 38
Diersing, Richard W., 38
Div. Arty, 40, 42
Doerner, George, 38
Dohoney, Wm. P., 38
Dolitsky, Mrs. M. M., 38
Dollar, Howard B., 38
Doniloski, Frank S., 38
Donovan, Wm, 38
Dorosky, Thomas, 38
Dover, 38
Dreier, Maj., 4
Dreier, Maj. Joseph F., 4
Dreier, Mrs., 4
Earle, Mahlon O., 38
Early, John, Jr., 38
Early, Mrs. John W., 8
Edsall, Donald, 38
Eidelman, Herb, 38
Elston, Floyd, 38
Enlow, Bonnie, 29
Enlow, David, 29
Enlow, J. Russell, 38
Enlow, Russ, 11
Enlow, Russell, 29
Epos, Ralph I., Sr., 20
Epps, Rev., 22
Epps, Rev. R. I., 22
Epps, Rev. Ralph I., Jr., 25
Evans, Wilbur D., 38
Fleming, Harold A., Jr., 39
Fleming, John P., 39
Flemmons, A. B., 39
Fonda, James R., 38
Ford, James P., 39
Fort Jackson, 6
Foster, E. Bruce, 39
Frank, Florian, 1, 15, 30
Frank, Florian R., 39
Franke, Florian & Dorothy, 18
Frankel, Jerome L., 39
Frankini, R. A., 39
Freed, Chas., 39
Freedman, H. B., 39
Fridline, Dr., 4
Fridline, Maj. Gaylord, 4
Fridline, Mrs., 4
Fritz, John, 29
Fritz, John R., 39
Fritz, Martha, 29
Ft. Jackson, 4
Gallagher, John, 1, 12, 15, 39
Gallagher, John I., 1
Galvin, Joe, 8
Garn, Chuck, 32
Garn, Chuck & Willie, 18
Garn, Willie, 32
Gartner, S., 39
Gasses, Joe, 1, 28
Gasses, Joseph J., 39
Gassman, H., 39
Gavn, Chas. S., 39
Gehrig, Melvin, 39
Gericke, Alfred J., 40
Gilder, Bob, 14, 16
Gilder, Bob & Jean, 18
Gilder, Jeanne, 29
Gilder, Robert, 17, 39
Gilder, Robert A., 1
Gillespie, Jack, 10, 39
Gilliam, Joseph M., 39
Gilmartin, Robt., 39
Gish, David J., 39
Glen, Bruce F., 40
Glenney, Walter S., 40
Gregory, Winnie Leo, 40
Gubow, Judge, 10
Gubow, Judge Larry, 40
Gultzow, Walter, 40
Hagman, Mrs., 40
Hakes, Ivan, 40
Hall, Norman, 8
Hall, R. F., 40
Hanover, 43
Hansird, Herman V., 40
Hardoin, Harold V., 40
Harris, Abner, 40
Hartzell, Bertram, 40
Hatch, H. M., 40
Heath, Byron P., 40
Heffernan, Arthur H., 40
Heiman, Edward, 40
Hemelt, William C., 40
Hemming, Forrest W., 40
Heneghan, Leo L., 40
Henning, James W., 40
Henson, Lt. Col. E. G., 40
Hesse, J. Francis, 40
Hill, A. P., Jr., 20
Hiltbrand, Walter F., 40
Hohmadel, Frank A., Jr., 40
Holden, R. R., 40
Holland, 44
Homan, Bob, 40
House, Pete, 40
House, Pete & Joanne, 31
Houseman, Don M., 40
Howard, John W., 33, 40
Howell, Bob, 1, 14, 20
Howell, Louis & Bob, 31
Howell, Robert F., 40
Hubert, Carl, 40
Hulkonen, Arthur A., 41
Hungerford, John, 41
Hutchinson, Wm., 40
Janssen, Annie, 35
Jennings, Vance S., 41
Jessee, Robert D., 41
Jochems, Charlotte & Dick, 6
Jochems, Mr. & Mrs. Richard, 4, 16
Jochems, Mr. & Mrs. Richard B., 26
Jochems, Richard B., 41
Jockens, Char & Dick, 6
Johnson, William, 41
Jones, Col. Alan W., 41
Jones, Gen. & Mrs., 4
Jones, George W., 41
Jones, Maj. Gen. Alan W., 3
Jones, Mrs. Alan W., 41
Jones, Robert E., 41
Juster, Irvin, 41
Kalal, Charles J., 41
Kaufman, George H., 41
Kaufmann, Richard C., 41
Keilman, Elsby, 41
Kellams, Darrell, 41
Kelly, Bob, 10
Kelly, Edmond D., 41
Kelly, J. H., 41
Kelly, Robert E., 41
Kemp, Brian, 29
Kemp, John, 29
Kemp, Kay, 29
Kemp, Raymond, 30
Kennedy, Glen, 41
Kephart, H. D., 41
Kershner, Jesse O., 41
Kersteiner, Don W., 41
Kersten, Joseph A., 41
Ketterer, Dr. John E., 41
Ketterer, Maj. John E., 4
Klett, James R., 41
Koeher, Franklin R., 41
Kopko, John, 41
Krafchik, Jos, 41
Kuhn, Gene, 41
Kuizema, Harold, 41
Lackey, Vaden, 41
Lada, T., 41
Lange, Elmer F., 41
Le Clere, Paul W. D., 41
Lee, F. H., 41
Leibowitz, Samuel, 41
Leige, 18
Leswing, Phillip R., 41
Letellier, L. S., Jr., 41
Lewis, Charles R., 41
Lindsay, Curtis L., 41
Litwin, Joseph, 41
Livesay, Herbert B., 41
Loos, Arthur E., 42
Lothrop, Oliver A., 41
Loveless, Chaplain, 22
Loveless, John, 3, 7, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 20
Loveless, John T., 42
Loveless, John T., Jr., 1, 3, 26
Loveless., John T., 3
Lowery, Thomas M., 42
Lucca, Bill, 6
Luscay, Wm., 42
Luzzie, Edward L., 42
Maclone, Richard, 42
Maloney, Mrs. T., 42
Maltesm, Mayor & Mrs. Joel, 34
Manager, Thomas G., 42
Manahan, Wm. T., 42
Mansfield, H. E., 32, 42
Mansfield, John, 12
Mansfield, Mrs. Eva F., 32
Marche, 38
Marcus, Gilbert, 42
Massarotti, Tony, 42
Matteson, Joel B., 16
Matteson, Joel S., 26
Matteson, Pamela, 26
Matthews, Bruce, 10
Matthews, Bruce E., 30
Matthews, Col. J. C., 42
Matthews, Joe, 10
Matthews, Jos. C., Jr., 1
Maw, Thomas J., 42
May, Roger A., 42
Mayrsohn, Bernard, 42
McMahan, Gen., 12
McMahon, Brig. Gen. Leo T., 42
McMahon, Gen., 6, 10
McMahon, Gen. Leo T., 15
McMahon, L. T., 26
McMahon, Leo, 12
McMahon, Leo T., 1, 14, 17
McMahon, Mrs., 26
Memorials, 15
Meola, Joseph A., 42
Merz, O. Paul, 42
Middleton, J. A., 42
Mikalauskis, John L., 43
Miller, Elman, 1, 14
Miller, Elman M., 43
Miller, Gene L., 43
Mills, Erie R., 43
Monroe, Dick, 43
Morrissey, J. C., 43
Mosher, Michael S., 43
Mosley, Dr. Ronald A., 43
Mowlds, Mrs. Margaret B., 43
Mueller, M. J., 43
Munster, Dr., 45
Murphy, Ralph J., 43
Murray, Betty, 28
Murray, Geo, 28
Murray, George, Jr., 43
Myers, Larry, 43
Nagle, Col. Fredrick, 43
Nash, John B., 42
Nechav, Peter, 43
Neigus, Dr. Irwin, 43
Nusbaum, Alfred S., 43
Olman, Wanold D., 43
Order Of The Golden Lion, 12, 35
Osborn, Dr. G., 43
Paquet, Alfons, 35
Parks, Lyman B., 16
Parks, Mayor Lyman, 7
Parks, Mayor Rev. & Mrs. Lyman S., 26
Parks, Mayor Rev. Lyman D., 34
Pearl Harbor, 6
Perras, Clifford E., 43
Peyser, Chas. S., 43
Phillips, George F., 43
Pierce, Jean, 30
Pierce, Mr. Robert, 30
Pierce, Mrs. Robert, Jr., 30
Pierce, Robert W., 30
Pierce, Robt. W., 43
Pierce, Waldo B., 43
Pinney, Gordon B., 43
Pip, Mayor, 35
Plenge, Ed C., 43
Praznik, Louis, 43
Prewett, Ed. A., 43
Price, David S., 4
Purdy, Dr. Ed C., 43
Rarick, Clayton, 6, 15
Rarick, Clayton E., 43
Rarick, Clayton F., 1
Rassi, Louis, 32
Rauch, Victor, 43
Redmond, Dean, 43
Reed, Ray, 44
Reid, Chas B., 44
Reilly, Ed, 6, 44
Reilly, Edward A., 33
Reunions, 3
Reynolds, John, 44
Richards, Chas W., 44
Riggs, Col. Thomas J., 44
Ringer, Robert C., 33
Ringer, Robt. C., 44
Rinkama, George, 30
Rinkema, George, 44
Ristennart, Elden E., 44
Robinson, Richard R., 44
Rodriquez, Dr. J. G., 44
Rossi, Lou, 44
Roster, 36
Roth, Nathan M., 44
Rusch, Marvin H., 44
Rutt, Robert E., 44
Salerno, Joseph T., 44
Samples, L. O., 44
Samples, Oruis, 33
Saucerman, Eugene, 1
Saucerman, Eugene L., 44
Saucerman, Gene, 1, 12, 14, 15, 26, 33
Saucerman, Mrs. Gene, 26
Saucerman, Sandy, 33
Scalissi, John J., 44
Schanerberger, Elsworth H., 44
Schieferstein, Fred, 44
Schlesser, Jack, 1, 6, 30, 36
Schlesser, John P., 44
Schoch, Charles, 28
Schoch, Sherry, 28
Schock, Charles, 16
Schutte, Jean, 12
Schutte, Phillip P., 44
Scott, Earl A., 44
Scranton, Bob, 14, 15, 16, 27
Scranton, Cas, 27
Scranton, Karen, 27
Scranton, Mildred, 27
Scranton, Robert L., 1, 44
Scurry, T. F., 44
Sebastenelli, Fred A., 44
Sgrignoli, Michael G., 44
Sheperd, Mrs. Dorothy, 16
Shoenfeld, Alan J., 44
Shutte, Phillip F., 1
Silva, Tony F., 44
Sinco, Nicholas, 44
Skardon, Dr. A. W., Jr., 44
Skubic, Ron, 35
Slayton, David B., 45
Smith, Alvin, 45
Smith, Charles, 16
Smith, Charles L., 45
Smith, Charlie, 33
Smith, E. J., 45
Smith, Mervin, 45
Smyth, Lester S., 45
Snyder, Walter W., 45
Solecki, Emil M., 45
Souers, Loren E., 45
Spa, 35
Spayd, Norm, 6
Spayd, Norman, 6
Spayd, Norman S., 45
Spina, D. A., 45
St. Vith, 12, 13, 14, 22, 35, 46
Stewart, T. B., 45
Stone, Donald J., 45
Stover, A. C., 45
Stranko, Peter P., 45
Streaks, Peter, 6
Sutter, George F., 45
Swider, Charles J., 45
Taylor, Lee B., 45
The Lion's Tale, 35
Thorn, Wm. T., 45
Tissot, Harrison C., 45
Trautman, Frank, 45
Trautman, Frank S., 33
Tribout, Arthur J., 45
Twining, Rollin, 45
Uebel, Bernard, 45
Versailles, 37
Vielsalm, 38
Villwock, Russell H., 45
Vincent, Louis J., 45
Wachtel, Dr. Hans, 45
Walker, Bob, 14, 33
Walker, June, 33
Walker, Robert, 1, 17
Walker, Robt. F., 45
Walsh, Charles S., 45
Walters, Presslye, 45
Walz, Phil, 45
Ward, Nathan D., 45
Warner, Glenn W., 45
Warren, Clarence E., 46
Wasik, Joseph A., 46
Watt, Col. Jewell K., 46
Watt, Mrs. Howard, 46
Weisser, Frederick G., 46
Welch, Bobby, 46
Wells, James E., 46
Wells, Jim & Maydean, 31
White, E. C., 46
White, James S., 46
Whitner, Don, 46
Williams, Clara, 28
Williams, Fred, 46
Williams, Presley H., 28
Wilson, John D., 46
Winterfield, Albert, 46
Woolfley, Brig. Gen. F. A., 46
Wyatt, Van, 46
Wyatt, Van S., 46
Yamazaki, Dr. James N., 46
Younts, Leonard A., 46
Zak, Geo. K., 46
Zicker, Gordon B., 46
Zoll, Ed, 29, 46
Zoll, Millie, 29
Zorn, S. Harry, 46
Zuckerman, Jack, 46