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The Cub
Vol. 37, No. 1, Oct., 1980
1st Vice President Russell H. Villwock
2nd Vice President Robert Howell
Adjutant Robert W. Pierce, Sr.
Treasurer Sherod Collins
Chaplain Ron Mosley
Memorials Chairman Douglas S. Coffey
The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $10.00 per year which includes subscription of the CUB.
Editor John I. Gallagher
All editorial matter should be addressed to: John I. Gallagher
4003 Frances St. Temple, Pennsylvania 19560
All business matters, renewal of membership, renewal of Associate, renewal of Auxiliary dues, memorial fund contributions, etc., should be addressed to: Robert W. Pierce, Sr. Adjutant 474 Federal Street N.W. Warren, Ohio 44483
Membership Dues (8/1/79)
Associate Dues (8/1 /79)
Auxiliary Dues
MEMBERSHIPS****** 1979-1980 YEAR
Renewal Membership 362
Reinstated Memberships 6
New Memberships 82
Associates Memberships 16
Total Memberships 466
(reported to adjutant)
W. E. Carnes (HQ. 2nd Bn./422) New Member 1979-80 Year.
Emil M. Solecki (Sv. /592) Member since 1953-54 Year.
Frank Franek (Med. & K/424) Member since 1974-75 Year.
Robert E. Maxson (C/590) New Member 1979-80 Year.
Respectfully yours, Robert W. Pierce, Sr. Adjutant
ARMINGTON, Donald R. 3125 John Patterson Road Des Moines, Iowa 50317
BRADFIELD, Kenneth W. 908 South Lodge Ave. Evansville, Indiana 47714 (812) 867-2695
BRADLEY, L. B. 512 Locke Street 115 Palmetto, Georgia 30268 (404) 463-3109
BRITTON, Benjamin B. 36 Warren Road Auburn, Mass. 01501 (617) 832-2308
CHASE, Fred B. 5 Morris Lane Clifton Park, N.Y. 12065
COFFEY, Douglas S. 947 N.W. Arnet Street Port Charlotte, Florida 33952 (813) 629-5711
BRITTON, Benjamin 1980 - 1981
(513) 266-7609
COLLINS, Sherod Channing Drive N.W. " nta, Georgia 30318 (404) 351-2985
GALLAGHER, John I. 4003 Frances Street Temple, PA. 19560 (215) 929-2887
GARN, Charles S. 1937 Highbridge Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 (215) 923-3370
HENNING, James W. 1045 East 8th St. Lockport, Illinois 60441 (815) 838-3947
HOWELL, Robert F. 904 East College St. Griffin, Georgia 30223 (404) 227-7373
Matthews, Joseph C., Jr.
Maw, Thomas J.
PUETT, Joseph F.
RINGER, Robert G.
STRAUB, Ted J. 251 Beechurst Ave. Morgantown, West Virginia 26505 (304) 599-4450
VILLWOCK, Russell H. 6908 West Higgins Ave. Chicago, Illinois 60656 (312) 631-2027
Those who attended the most enjoyable 34th Reunion in Hot Springs cannot be convinced that the name came from the hot water, but rather, from the hot weather. However, when long-time friends gather, it takes more than weather to spoil the Reunion as the planned activities are secondary to greeting, meeting and reminiscing.As we are in a new year for the Association, it should be appropriate to make a new year's resolution for yourself and the Association… invite one or more of your 106th Division buddies to attend the 35th Reunion at Kentucky Lake State Park, Gilbertsville, Ky. June 25-28
The friendship fostered by military life and combat is unique in forming bonds that are not broken until we march to the angels trumpet and not to martial music. At our age, the eligible membership is reducing rapidly. Invite someone today as it can be later than we think. Personally I would like to see from the 591st FA BN return "Rocky Haynes, Bill Black, Perry Ellsworth and George Welton. We can give a "satisfaction guarantee" on the quality of fellowship you will have. See you next issue! President Brad
It is my pleasure and honor to serve as chaplain of our association this year. I follow in a great tradition of the chaplains of the division and Association.3
I was touched in giving the address at our Memorial Service in Hot Springs. During that exercise I gave several learning experiences which the 106th Infantry Division taught me when I served as chaplain, first with Division Artillery and then with the 424th. Among these were such ideals as tolerance and understanding for those of different faiths and ethnic origins. I said that the present good ecumenical relations between the various denominations and churches owed its beginning to the military chaplaincy. In the 106th Infantry Division the chaplains of the varied denominations worked closely together in brotherhood.
The next morning (July 19th), Albert A. Johnson, our member at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Memphis, was leaving our reunion following breakfast. His nephew said: "Al has something for you."
Albert: "This is for you. It will remind you of what you said yesterday about all of us being brothers." He handed me a pendant. Now, I wear a clergy cross; I have two: one is a Latin cross, given by a former parishioner. The other is a silver Jerusalem, or Crusader, cross I bought in Old Jerusalem. This pendant is different! It is made of pewter with the front side depicting the Star of David and the Cross together. Underneath are two hands clasped together, and in between is the inscription: "Coming together." On the reverse side are depicted the Ten Commandments. I could hardly talk!
This pendant is a reminder of our beloved 106th and our association. Albert Johnson himself is a living symbol of our division. His nephew pushed him in his wheelchair, but Al told us that he was very mobile in the V.A. Hospital in his motorized chair. Saying good-bye, Al said: "I'll see you next year."
Our association benefits from this spirit. God bless! Ronald A. Mosley
Memorial to Major General Alan W. Jones, 1894-1969 Middletown, Pa. 14 August 1980.When our hardworking Adjutant, Robert W. Pierce, Sr. returned home from the 34th Annual Reunion of the Golden Lions Association he mailed me a copy of his Adjutant's Report he made at the Hot Springs Ark. meeting. It shows total membership of 466 and in 1979-1980 82 new memberships were reported. This is gratifying news to our old/and our increasing numbers of new members. We welcome and rejoice with them in this upward bound total.
A number of our friends in the Association who attended the Reunion wrote us from Hot Springs and after they returned home. The general opinion seemed to be that this session was another good one, and the members of the Reunion Committee deserved the praise they received. They were Sue and Bill Baker L 424, Pi Bluff, Ark. and Mildred and Glenn Henson K 424 Little Rock; Ark. Bill Baker was kind enough to mail me a copy of the full and interesting program.
We congratulate Kenneth Bradfield, as well as the Association on his election as President. He will have a busy year as current President and has already volunteered to be Chairman of the Committee to hold the 35th Annual Reunion at the big lakes of Kentucky in 1981. One of the members of our Board of Directors refers to Ken as a real professional. He was probably thinking of the masterful job as chairman of the 30th Annual Reunion Ken put on in 1976 at the Executive Inn, Evansville Ind. He is indeed a Pro in accepting the Presidency after volunteering to President Fred Chase to handle the 1981 Reunion.
I got out the program of that 1976 Reunion at Evansville, Ind. and reviewed it. The reading engendered a feeling of pride in our members who
carry on the traditions of the Golden Lion's with an annual reunion, mixed with some nostalgia and deep sorrow for the old friends who passed on that year.
In 1976 Sherod Collins was the incumbent President. Charlie Shoch was the First Vice President. Mrs. McMahon and I flew out to Evansville from Harrisburg with Pat and Josey Dohoney C422, Ken Bradfield and Charlie Schoch met us at the plane and drove us to the Executive Inn. Walter Bandurak took over from Bob Scranton as Adjutant. Bob was elected second Vice President.
Charley and Sherry Shoch were dedicated workers in the Association. They had always lived in Ohio, but after the Reunion they drove out to Phoenix Arizona where they had purchased a home and planned to retire there. Charley was a member of Service Btry. 592FA Bn, and attended a number of fie annual reunions of the Btry at Hershey Park, Sherry wrote that they had only been there 7 weeks and were not completely unpacked, when Chuck suffered a fatal heart attack in late October 1976. Sherry took Chuck back to Ohio where he was buried on Nov. 1, 1976. Leo T. McMahon, BG USA, Ret.
106th Infantry Division,
On behalf of our entire community, thank you and the members of the 106th Infantry Division for meeting in our spa city, July 17-19.
We are indeed pleased to have had this fine group in our city and look forward to the opportunity of again being your host. Sincerely, Carl E. Kasemeier, Hot Springs Convention Div.
JUNE 25-28 1981
106th Infantry Division Association1979 - 1980 Old Board of Directors Meeting
Arlington Hotel - Appolo Room Hot Springs, Ark.
July 17, 1980 6:00 p.m.
The meeting was called to order by the President Fred Chase at 6:00 p.m. Roll Call was taken and all were present except; Charles Garn, Joseph Gasses, Horace Mansfield, Leo T. McMahon, Robert Scranton, Gene Saucerman and Virgil Collins.
President Fred Chase Stated that it was indeed a great pleasure to serve the 106th Association as President during the past year. He also thanked each member of the board of directors for their help. Also the CUB editor John Gallagher, Memorial Chairman Doug Coffey, Adjutant Bob Pierce and Reunion Chairman William Baker for jobs well done. Minutes of the Board of directors meeting held in Chicago at the Oak Brook Hyatt House Hotel were read and approved.
Reading of Communications were read by the President and Adjutant. Several of these were posted on the bulletin board at the registration desk for members to read. Bob Pierce stated that he had a few car plate emblems left at $2.00 each. Also Russ Villwock stated that he would take orders for neck ties and pins left from last year's reunion in Chicago at $5.00 each. Adjutant report he stated that there were still 60 members who had not paid their 1979-1980 dues, He also reported that we had 362 renewals, 6 reinstated, 82 new members and 16 associate members for a grand total of 466 members and increase of 26 over the previous year. This is an all-time high in membership. The auxiliary membership is 115 a decrease of 19 over last years. Also that 94 members contributed to the memorial fund approximately $1199.00 during 1979-1980 year. He stated that he had sent out two different notices to delinquent members and got a few replies.
Treasurers report showed that there was a decrease in general fund of $10.86 during 1979-1980. The Memorial fund showed an increase of $1178.00 of which $1,000.00 was sent to the Bischofliche School in St. Vith, Belgium for maintenance on our memorial there. This leaves a balance as of June 30, 1980 in the memorial fund of $8033.75. We have a balance in all funds of $10,010.92 and increase of $167.14. Motion made and passed to accept report.
CUB Editor John Gallagher reported that news for the CUB magazine was pretty good but would like to see more members send in news. Also that he feels that the CUB is the life line of the Association.
Memorial Chairman Doug Coffey reported that the redecorating is done on our memorial in St. Vith, Belgium. Also that there is a road marker
showing direction to the memorial.
Reunion Chairman William Baker could not be present for his report. Unfinished business there was none to report.
New Business motion made, seconded and passed that the adjutant send out final notices to those who have paid their 1979-1980 dues. Motion made, seconded and passed that if membership dues are not paid by the first issue of the CUB magazine which is the OCT. NOV. DEC. issue. That names of these men be dropped from our mailing list. Name of man was brought up that was a former member of the association who is totally disabled now. Motion made, seconded and passed to pay 1980-1981 dues of this man. It is to be checked into to see if this man will be able to pay his own dues here after. Discussion on the changing of our By-Laws. Motion made, seconded and passed to table this until the general meeting on Saturday, July 19, 1980.
Committees appointed by President Fred Chase; Resolution Committee; Chairman Dr. James Clark, Don Armington and John Fritz members. Nominating Committee: Chairman Sherod Collins, Bob Walker and Ben Britton members. Meeting Adjourned at 7:50 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted, Robert W. Pierce, Sr. Adjutant
106th Infantry Division Association 1980 General Meeting
Arlington Hotel Hot Springs, Ark.
July 19, 1980 (Saturday PM) The general meeting was called to order by the President Fred Chase at 1:30 pm.
Remarks by President Fred Chase thanked all for coming to Hot Springs and welcome the first time members. He introduced each officer of the association and the chairman Bill Baker and co-chairman Glenn Henson of the reunion committee in Hot Springs. He also recognized the fact that Co. Svc/422 Reg. and Co. (H) 424 Reg. both had 7 men present. Also that the 424 Regiment had 23 men present and 422 Regiment had 22 men present at the reunion.
Minutes of the last general meeting held in Chicago (Oak Brook), Illinois were read and approved. Also the minutes of old board meeting was read. Reading of Communications. A letter from Walter Bandurak was read stating that he and Lillian would not be able to make the reunion in Hot Springs, Ark this year due to physical problems. This letter was posted on the bulletin board at the registration desk.
Reports: Adjutant Report Robert W. Pierce, Sr. indicates that a total of 60 members have not paid their 1979 - 1980 dues as of date. He also 11 reported that we have 362 renewal / reinstated, 82 new members and 16 Assoc' for a total membership of 466 an all new hi. This is an increase over previous of 26 members. Auxiliary membership is 115 a decrease of 9 over the past year. He also reported that approximately 94 members contributed approximately $1199.00 to the memorial fund.
Treasurers Report Sherod Collins reports that we had a net loss of $10.86 the last year. The memorial fund showed an increase of $1178.00 of which $1,000.00 was sent to the Bischofliche School in St. Vith, Belgium for maintenance on our Memorial Chapel there. This leaves a balance in the Memorial fund of $8,033.75. We have a cash balance in all accounts as of June 30, 1980 of $10,010.92 an increase of $167.14. Motion made seconded and passed to accept all reports as read.
CUB Editors Report John I. Gallagher stated that the CUB belongs to each member and as such, we are responsible for its contents. Also that the CUB is means of communication, keeping each other informed of the welfare of fellow members. So again we stress that each of you send in whatever news you have, for printing in the CUB magazine. He is also concerned about the high cost of the CUB and interested in efforts to reduce it.
Memorials Chairman's Report Douglas Coffey reported that the redecorating is done our Memorial Chapel in St. Vith, Belgium. Also that there has been a road marker placed showing direction to our memorial.
Other Committees Report 1981 Reunion Chairman Report Ken Bradfield reported that all was going well on next year's reunion to be held June 25 - 28, 1981 in Kentucky at the Kentucky Lake Dam Resort, Gilbertsville, Kentucky. Also that there were all good roads leading to it. This is back to nature reunion.
Resolutions Committee Report Chairman Dr. James Clark. Report given by Don Armington thanking all who had a part in this year's reunion. To all elected and appointed officers, to reunion chairman William Baker and co-chairman Glenn Henson and their wives for a job well done. To the people responsible for the memorial service. to Mid America Museum, to Papa Bear - Mama Bear Theater, to Merritt Tours for buses and to the Staff of Arlington Hotel. Nominating Committee Chairman Sherod Collins read his report in which they nominated the following men to the new board of directors for year 1980-1981; L.B. Bradley, James Henning, Thomas Maw, Robert R. Ringer and Ted Straub.
It was moved and seconded that all reports be accepted as read. Motion carried. Unfinished Business There was no unfinished business brought before the membership at this time.
Site for 1982 Reunion As nothing was heard Wesley E. Robinson about Louisville, KY other places were asked for Milwaukee, Wisc. report by Charles Puskarich and also Nova Scotia by Rev. Ron Mosely. A lengthy discussion was held on these places. No definite hotels were named by either man. Motion made, seconded and passed that they be given 6 weeks to make a report on their findings to the chairman of the board of directors and then the Chairman make the decision on where we will hold the 1982 reunion. No further business, the meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted, Robert W. Pierce Sr. Adjutant
106th Infantry Division Association
1980 - 1981 New Board of Directors Meeting
Arlington Hotel Apollo Room
Hot Springs, Ark.
July 19,1980 (Sat. 3:15 p.m.) The meeting was called to order by President Fred Chase.
Roll call was taken and all were present except: Charles Garn, Horace E. Mansfield, Leo T. McMahon, Gene Saucerman and Robert Scranton. The reunion chairman William Baker or the Co-Chairman Glenn Henson was not present to report on the reunion status as of date.
There was no unfinished business report.
Under new business the following officers were elected by a unanimous vote ask to be cast by the adjutant.
Kenneth Bradfield President
Russell Villwock 1st Vice President
Robert Howell 2nd Vice President
Sherod Collins Treasurer
The new elected President Kenneth Bradfield appointed the following:
Robert W. Pierce Sr. Adjutant
Sherod Collins Historian
Rev. Ronald Mosely Chaplain
John I. Gallagher CUB Editor
Douglas S. Coffey Memorials Chairman
Board member John Gallagher brought up discussion about a book printed; Soldiers of 44 and stated that all in the book was not true. Motion made stating that since 106 was not mentioned directly there is little we can do accept voice our displeasure. Motion carried.
President Ken Bradfield appointed Doug Coffey to check on the printing of the CUB magazine in Florida. If it will save us $1,000.00 per year to go ahead with the idea.
President Ken Bradfield appointed Bob Howell chairman to check on reported disabled of the association who may not be able to their membership dues.
P resident Ken Bradfield also appointed Fred Chase chairman to check on the future sites of the reunions as men request or bid to hold future reunion. No further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:15pm.
No further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:15pm.
Respectfully Submitted, Robert W. Pierce, Sr. Adjutant
Resolutions Adopted at the 34th Annual Reunion of the 106th Infantry Division Association, Arlington Hotel, Hot Springs, Arkansas.
WHERE AS during the 1979-1980 year the Association completed another year of growth and accomplishment and
WHERE AS the Association members present at this reunion have enjoyed the renewal of old friendships and has welcomed new members to its ranks.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Association in convention assembled does recognize and express thanks and appreciation:
1. To all our elected and appointed officers of the Association for the faithful and efficient execution of their respective duties and offices.
2. To Convention Chairman William C. Baker, his wife Sue, Glen Henson and his wife Mildred for their long hours of planning and conducting a diversified and enjoyable reunion.
3. To Saturday Nights Dinner Speaker George Fisher.
4. To the people responsible for the Memorial Services, Ch. Lt. Col. Joseph C. Matthews, III, USAF. Division Chaplain Joseph C. Matthews, Jr., Rev. Ron Mosely for his stirring speech, Bugler: Sgt. Silios, Color Guard of State Headquarters Arkansas National Guard, SFC McGown, M /Sgt. Ramsey, SFC Jones and SFC McClendon.
5. To Pianist Ruth Manier for music presented at both the Memorial Service and Friday Nite Dinner.
6. To the Mid America Museum hosted by Mr. Sterling Hankins.
7. To Papa Bear - Mama Bear Outdoor Theater hosted by Keith North.
8. To Merritt Tours for furnishing transportation to various activities.
9. To the Staff of Arlington Hotel directed by Mr. Leland Hilburn.
Submitted by Resolutions Committee Dr. James Clark Chairman
Donald R. Armington
John R. Fritz
Reunion Attendance
William E. Abriel **
Mr. & Mrs. Freddie Baker *
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Barlow
Carol Beals
Ira G. Bottoms
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Bradfield
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Astin Guest of the Bradfield's
Mr. & Mrs. L. B. Bradley
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Bryant
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin B. Britton
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Burkes
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Cariano
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Chase
Dr. James Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Walter C. Clarke
Peggy Ammons Guest of the Clarkes
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas S. Coffey
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Colliers, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Davis
Sherod Collins
Harriet McDowell Guest of Sherod Collins Dean Crawford
Joseph DeChiara
Mr. & Mrs. Richard DeHeer
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Enlow
Paul J. Kaiser Grandson of the Enlow'S
Mr. & Mrs. John Fritz
Mr. & Mrs. John I. Gallager
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Gibson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gilder
Mr. & Mrs. W. Leo Gregory
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn O. Hartlieb
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Storbeck Guest of the Hartlieb's
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Henderson
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Henning
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Henson
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Holder
Mr. & Mrs. Pete House
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Howell
Albert Johnson
Bobby Desjardins Nephew of Albert Johnson
Costa Katimaris
Kenneth Kine
Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Kuizema
Mr. & Mrs. Oliver E. Libman
William M. Lineberger
Kay Loveless
Mr. & Mrs. William Lucsay
Mr. & Mrs. Gill Kadke Guest of the Lucsay's
Col. Joseph C. Matthews, Jr.
Grand Daughters Kim & Ann Matthews
Chaplain & Mrs. Joseph C. Matthews, III Son of Joseph C. Matthews, Jr.
Thomas Maw
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Mikalauskis
George Moyer
Ginnie Popenhagen Guest of George Moyer
Rev. Ronald A. Mosley
Mr. & Mrs. Paul McMillan
Wanold Olman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Pierce, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Puskarich
Clayton Rarick
Dean Redmond
Viola K. Reilly
Robert C. Ringer
Mr. & Mrs. George Rinkema
Dr. & Mrs. John G. Robb DDS
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Rutt
Leon Setter
Mr. & Mrs. Jack P. Schlesser
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Schutte
Mr. & Mrs. Hewitt A. Schoonover *
Robert Sheahan
Norman Spayd
Mr. & Mrs. Ted J. Straub
James Teel
Mr. & Mrs. Russell H. Villwock
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan (Duke) Ward
Mr. & Mrs. Presslye E. Walters
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Wells
Mr. & Mrs. Wilburn Wood
Mr. & Mrs. Van Wyatt
Mr. & Mrs. Robert York
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Zoll
* Persons who attended first reunion – Looking forward to seeing you and all 106'ers in KY, June 1981
** William E. Abriel, William C. Davis, and Leo Gregory looking for other members of their Squad - 424 Anti Tank 3rd BN.
For those of you who have never attended a 106th Convention, you don't know just what you have missed. There is such a feeling for one another and the joy of seeing old friends again that cannot be explained. There is always the sadness of missing those who have been at previous Conventions and have missed this one for some reason or other. You miss them as you would your own brother or sister.We started out leaving sunny, cool Florida and ended up everywhere with temp. so high we could hardly breathe.
Stopped in New Orleans to do the Tourist spots. I had been there a few times but this was a first for Isabel.
The heat was so intense that we left after a few days and made our way for Hot Springs. To see the dry fields and ruined crops of corn, soy beans and cotton was devastating and a reminder at Nature can bring us down very quickly. The heat was intense reaching 108 degrees. The coolest spot was our air conditioned car. To talk with the natives they all predicted increased prices in the market place. Then, I guess I am a skeptic--Every year it is something different to raise prices. It is either too hot; too cold; too wet; too dry; one never runs out of excuses to rip off the public.
Having arrived early at Hot Springs we were still greeted by folks who came even earlier than we. Immediately had lunch with Sherod Collins and the Schuttes at a lovely converted railroad station. Took a tour around Hot Springs with Sherod as he had already cased the place. The heat chased us back to our air conditioned hotel and then a swim in the pool which was carved out of the side of the mountain. The pool area was so hot that if you didn't wear your flip flops or some such protection you would get third degree burns. The water was welcome though warmer than our pool back in Florida.
Bright and early we played golf on a course that had to be laid out by a Navy man who thought he was in a constant storm. Every hole had a tilt to either left or right; you could hit the ball straight for the first time and find it rolling down a slope so that your approach shot to the green would be 60 yards straight up in the air. We managed though, and it was a little cooler on the course. The next day we played a flatter course and this was more enjoyable.
The committee of Sue and Bill Baker and Mildred and Glenn Henson did an excellent job and were always trying to please and look after our gang. They tried to chase away the heat to no avail but did manage to change part of the program to keep us indoors instead of out on the lake front where you would expect it to be cool but was not.
Quite a few of us took a ride on a "DUCK". You Navy GI's will remember these better than the Army guys. It, for the girls, was a wide open bus which took us on a tour of the Town and as we approached the lake breaths were held as we descended a steep mud slide right into the water. Gals couldn't believe it be there we were cruising on the lake. Again, it was hot and we kept hoping for rain to cool us off. We had our wish for on the way back a freak storm came up and drenched us but we were happy about it. Most had wash and wear clothes on and were so hot it was a relief. While the rain was driving in the wide open DUCK resourceful Doug took down a lifebelt and blocked most of the rain on his side and before you knew it many followed suit.
The warm up part was just as it is supposed to be--warm greetings to those old friends and the greeting of new friends. There is an old saying in the 106th--There are no strangers in the 106th only friends we have not yet met. Wine flowed freely and the finger sandwiches disappeared fast. Joe Matthews granddaughter Kim was trying to hustle drinks for tips and succeeded in some instances.
PHOTO: Col. Joe and Anne
Anne was there too, and she reminded us so much of her lovely Grandma who graced our Conventions for so many years. Kay Loveless continues her support and love for all of us--this trip no in-laws. Kay joins in every activity and lets nothing slow her up in her enthusiasm. Missed the Bickfords who missed their first stateside Convention in the history of the Association. Pleased to greet the DeHeers who have now moved to Florida and of all things moved directly behind one of our neighbors from New Jersey, a man with whom I had played poker with for seventeen years every Thursday. We hope we can all get together when we get over vacationitis.
Our tour of Mid America Center was a surprise. I don't think many of us realized what we were about to see. It would be impossible to try to describe the various gadgets and the use of air and water and other energy sources displayed. I found a use for my old pool vacuum hose. They were selling pieces of hose which sang tunes as you whirled them over your head. Needless to say they sold like hot cakes. Just like the hoola hoops of another year someone made a fortune out of nothing. Why couldn't I have thought of it. Lord knows I have thrown away enough hoses to make me rich.
Amazing, we didn't have to push a bus this year; I told you that Committee did a good job.
Our Memorial Service was outstanding. With our own Chaplain Mosley taking part and Joe Matthews son Joe also it was a family Memorial. It just so happens young Joe is stationed at a nearby Air base. Mosely was stirring in his remarks.
Of course there was always time for the women to shop and shop they did despite the heat. I still maintain that I want the shopping concession in Heaven as the women will shop there too, even if it is for special wings.
We went out in the evening 149 strong to see "Papa Bear-Mama Bear" a show which had just finished a Broadway performance. The show was excellent; the changing of scenery quite professional and the singing had you jumping. The walk up and down the mountain left many breathless but so did the show and the moon look down upon us as this was an outdo show much like the one we had Jacksonville, Florida, the Cross and Sword.
There was much fraternizing after we returned. The Wells, Jim and Maydean Wells were good hosts as usual. The Hotel
PHOTO: Jean Peirce, Rutts, Jim Wells -
Was unusual in that it had a fancy bar the lobby and a dance floor and a band which played several nights we were there.
The Men's luncheon and business meeting was lively. There was a time we didn't know from one year to another where the next Convention would be but this year we had every vying to take it on in the future. From Kentucky next year to requests from New York City, Atlanta area, Savannah or Jekyll Island, Wisconsin and can't remember where else. Had to set up a Committee to review and recommend a site for the future. Some people got rather testy when New York City was mentioned. The comments about the expense have been born out with the Democratic Convention; it is costing $1 ,000 or more for a delegate to be there for four days. I don't think the 106th wants to spend that kind of money. We have to keep to resort areas where families can combine vacation with reunion. Women have to shop too; so be careful of big city invitations. For Hot Springs and the cost of getting there and staying there we were fortunate in getting some 150 persons to attend.
The Association is in fairly good financial condition due to the increase in dues and the Memorial Fund is in excellent condition. Our Memorial will be re-painted as soon as construction around it is completed and we hope to have a photo of our new addition to our plaque-we are adding the line "General Allen W. Jones, Commanding".
As always the piece de resistance is our Banquet dinner. This is the time the shorts, the jeans give way to the evening gowns of many styles and colors and our women once again become women. You can believe what you want about ERA and WOMENS LIB, but I like my women to be women in all their grandeur of an evening gown. I don't want to see them in manish shirts and men's jackets. The men excelled themselves with their suits of many colors too, and looked dignified. Some are hard to recognize when they are dressed up. I think sometimes we have become too casual in our dress. The dinner and dance were a huge success.
There was one big void at the reunion and especially at the dance. General McMahon and his lovely Wilda were conspicuous by their absence. The General always managed to dance with all the pretty girls. However, I can report that they are both well having heard from them before the reunion. Circumstances just wouldn't permit the long trip to Hot Springs. We look forward to seeing them in Kentucky next year.
It was good to see Clay Rarick show up after his bout with cancer of the mouth. He looked good to all of us and took part in all the activities. You just can't kill that 106th fever. Keep up the good work Clay.
PHOTO: Clayt and Gallaghers
I had no idea who our speaker was supposed to be that night but we sure lucked out when the reserve speaker came. He was George Fisher, an editorially caricaturist. He started off by giving us some good old down to earth folk humor and music. I wish I could remember his tunes, one was a really toungue twister. He then went on to draw Nixon, Ford, Carter and many others easily recognizable. Then he picked on Doug Coffey to do him and a good time was had by all getting a laugh at Doug's expense. As Fisher
said in his remarks, we need humor in our lives and must be able to laugh and especially to be able to laugh at ourselves. Then we will not have ulcers and indigestion. Reverend Mosely was also selected and the laugh he had on Coffey turned to his own laugh on himself. All in all it was a memorable evening.
So we come to the farewell breakfast where it is sad to say good bye until next time. It seems there is never enough time together and never time to say goodbye to all. Some have to leave early for the Airport, some just don't make breakfast. For those we missed, God Bless you and keep you till we meet again.
PHOTO: Fritzs
Some of those attending were not going straight home. The Gliders, Fritz's, the Zolls were taking off to hunt for gold. There is quite a run on prospecting in that area right now. We hope they strike it rich so they can afford to come to next years Convention and buy us all a drink. We took off to visit our children and grandchildren and spend some time in Ohio with Willie Garn's brother and sister in law. They had a dinner party for us and friends of theirs and ours who have all made it to Florida. Then on to Jersey to visit family and take part in a family wedding. Then to visit with Tom and Flo Bickford who were so disappointed they missed our reunion. To the Jersey shore and on to Atlanta to visit our other daughter.
Managed another round of golf with Sherod. We always manage to get together when we visit Atlanta. It is like old home week. Finally arrived home safely, thank God, to our Florida horn It might be significant to the changing of the times. We say only twelve campers on the road from Norfolk, Virginia to Florida. I guess the cost of gasoline is taking its toll. Getting 4 to 8 miles per gallon is tragic at prices of $1.25 to $1.35. Sic gloria mundi. DSC COGL
PHOTO: Gliders
PHOTO: Pusharich, Johnson, Mosley
Greetings to all and we hope everyone had a pleasant trip home.
Our trip started on July 10 riding across Fla. to Ala. and up through Miss. We didn't stop in Mobile but as we went on there didn't seem to be signs of side streets or motels and were beginning to think we would have to sleep in the car. We rode on to Hattiesburg MS. The first two motels were full so we had to ride further down the road to find a place to sleep. In the morning we stopped in Memdenhall, MS and visited friends we hadn't seen in many years.
We arrived at my nieces in Little Rock, Ark in the late afternoon to find, her husband, Dick fixing the air conditioners. Got a little scared; but he was able to fix them. While there we watched different members of the family play ball and also went out on their boat on a lake near them.
Many others must have had friends r relations living near by for others stayed Wed. night near Little Rock.
It was nice having only an hours ride to Hot Springs.
At lunch our table was near the door so we ended up being the welcoming committee as members of the 106th came in for lunch.
The reunion was a great success, the speakers, Mid America Center, and all the goodies we received; thanks to the committee.
Sunday we left for Lexington, III. and on the road we waved to many 106th going in the same direction. Also saw many at lunch time and in the motel at dinner time in Sikeston, Mo.
Don't know what the Hotel did to keep the pool water a little cool, but all the other places the pools were like a hot baths.
While in Lexington, Ill. the weather was lovely so we were able to eat on the porch. Went to Blommington Lake t or a day and to Country club at night for dinner. While at dinner we saw the youngest child (1 1/2) with her mother and dad on the golf course. She picked up the balls.
Then we rode on to visit Rick and his family. The weather was nice so we were able to be outside a lot.
In that neighborhood all the young ones call me "Grandma".
We watched Rick supervise the shot-put at a track and field meet the Family Court was sponsoring.
Sorry we didn't stop in the court house or have the Pierce's over but the time went fast.
Now, we are home enjoying cooler weather than other parts of the country have had this summer.
We missed seeing a lot of you folks, hope all is well with one and all.
The Pete Houses' came to Palm Coast, Joanne, as president of the state PTA was here to install the officers.
Pete sat with us at the dinner instead of at the head table, Pete helped with the showing of the slides (the film part of Joanne's talk, which was excellent.) The House's came home with us and stayed over night (Schutte please note they didn't have an overnight bag either).
We had a nice visit and hope to get together soon, and more often. Take care and enjoy the months ahead.
Fondly, Marge and Dick DeHeer
PHOTO: Houses
Dear John, It was a pleasure to gather with our Golden Lion friends in the friendly community of Hot Springs, Ark. We learned that 114 degree weather is not much different than 90 degree weather at home! Otherwise the program was excellent and the facilities comfortable. Service Battery 591st Field Artillery slipped a bit in attendance no doubt due to the heat and the travel distance. Present were the Bradfields, Schlessers, Viola Reilly, Mike Linebarger, the Walter Clarkes and daughter and yours truly, In as much as Ken Bradfield is the convention host next years all Red Leg Artilleryman should turn out for the Kentucky Dam area. I will attempt to contact as many as possible when the time comes. Finally I want to thank you and your wife for the fine job with the Cub magazine. Without you there would be no Association! Best wishes, Bob Ringer
Dear John & Stella: So good to see both of you in Hot Springs. Enjoyed your company and look forward to seeing you next year.
The Van loaded with various Gilders, Zolls, and Fritz's made it back to Ohio safely after numerous stops in Harrison, Arkansas, Branson, Missouri, Springfield, Missouri and Vandalia, Illinois. Other than sorting out luggage every nite we had no major problems.
There were 2 members of our party who had no voting rights when it came to decisions. Ed and Martha were bad so we didn't let them vote. Jeanne got a lesson on how to make donuts and fill them in Branson, but we're sending her back for advanced lessons because when we started to eat them, there was no filling. The score of the card games for the whole trip ended up even. Also, we did not find our fortunes in the diamond fields at Murfressboro.
W.C. and Sue Baker, Glenn and Mille Henson did a super job on the convention. We certainly enjoyed the whole stay and we all want to thank them again for a great time and hope they were able to relax and unwind a bit after a lot of tension. Again ARKANSAS, "YOU WERE GREAT".
CONGRATULATIONS to the new officers and Board of Directors. Last year group did a fine jab and I'm sure the new ones won't let us down.
We especially missed Tom and Flo Bickford. Also Ray and Vi Untiedt, and E.C. and Zada White. Sure hope all of them can make it next year. Some old faces showed up and it was great to see them.
The word on Martha's cast is that it will come off Sept. 9. She appreciated all the kind words and thoughts.
How about Albert Johnson and his nephew? Seeing and talking to them was the highlight of the convention.
We're all looking forward to seeing both of them in Kentucky next year.
Enough of this rambling on, Best Wishes to All, John and Martha Fritz
Dear John and Stella, It was so nice to see you folks in Hot Springs; plus all of the new faces. We Ohioians enjoyed ourselves thoroughly; even if Mother Nature tried to scald us all. Our hotel was great and those "baths" are fantastic; going back again just for that treatment. We would like to "Thank" our hosts for all of their efforts; everything came off beautiful.
Now for those persons who were going to look for my "flag" when we found all of those diamonds; let me tell you my sad tale. We found NONE. The diamonds are located in a state park with an air conditioned building with all of the information needed to make your big find. That is as far as Martha Fritz got; with her cast she decided to skip all of that fun. The other 5 of us headed out into this huge furrowed field to find our fortune. Millie Zoll found a picnic table and that was the end of her travels; the other 4 of us kept going; because Bob knew a secret area??? While Millie is sitting at the picnic table; a park ranger is checking grounds and mentions to her;
the temperature at the ground level is 120 agrees; that was the last of Millie we seen, followed shortly by the rest of our group. It was an experience; but my next time will be when it is the middle of winter; I can always add clothes.
Last week end Bob and I stopped over to see Chuck and Willie Garn who are in the process of relocating in Cuyahoga Falls; so are busy cleaning and packing; gave them report on convention and they promise they will attend the next session. Both are doing well.
See all of you in Kentucky Lake Park; sounds like another good convention.
Sincerely, Jean Gilder
PHOTO: 81st Engineers Wells, Peirce, Gallagher, Ward
ANOTHER IN A SERIES OF VERY SUCCESSFUL REUNIONS TOOK PLACE IN Arkansas last month. About 150 people can vouch for it.
After loading up one of our local compatriots near Atlanta, (Ira Bottoms of the 592 FA, a first timer) I drove through Alabama, Mississippi, Tenn.Arkansas arriving early on Monday, first arrivals I think.
On Tuesday, our genial hosts Bill and Sue Baker came in. On Wed., the Coffeys, Schuttes, Schlessers and a few others drifted in. Of course, the Schuttes, Doug and I had to get in a little golf then.
Thursday the remainder of our group came in and there was much laughter, happiness, hugging, hand-shaking going on. Then started a really smooth flowing program.
Busing was held to a minimum--the two occasions being a trip to the Mid-American Center, a museum displaying a large number of scientific phenomenon, our job being to figure out what made them work, and a trip to an outdoor play Friday night. The play was most entertaining. Otherwise we relaxed indoors, where the lobby was pleasant and the hotel adequate.
We had a number of first timers and we want to urge them to continue their attendance since the more you go, the better it is.
The meals were good, the fellowship outstanding, and we're ready to go again. Some of the group went on to other sites West and North. Harriet and I arrived home Sunday late--tired but happy.
A special thanks is extended to our hosts, the Bakers and Hensons, all of whom worked hard and were rewarded with a fine reunion. Sherod Collins
PHOTO: Kay Loveless, Al Johnson, Sue Baker
1981 Reunion
Bob; Ken and June Bradfield and Bobbie and I are planning the 1981 reunion at Kentucky Dam Village State Park. For those who may not be familiar with this area, Kentucky Dam is located in the extreme Western section of Kentucky. Kentucky Dam is approximately 25 mi. South-East of Paducah, Kentucky near the intersection of US 62 and US 641.Approximately 100 mi. from Evansville, Indiana, 125 mi. from Nashville, Tennessee, 175 mi. from Memphis, Tennessee, 135 mi. from St Louis, Missouri.
Enclosed is a 1980 rate list of rooms and cottages available. This is a reservation request that should be filled out and mailed direct to Kentucky Dam Village State Park, Gilbertsville, Kentucky 42044. The Inn Keeper would like to have the reservations in as soon as possible. Ken has reserved 90 rooms which will be held until June 1, 1981. There will be all kinds of entertainment such as swimming in pool or lake, boating, water skiing, aquaboggan, tennis, golf, horseback riding, volley ball, boat rides, fishing, sight-seeing, etc.
There are lots of good eating places serving fish, steaks and good old home cooked meals.
We invite everyone to come and enjoy Kentucky Dam and Kentucky Lake. Remember the dates, June 25, 26 and 27, 1981. Sincerely, Van S. Wyatt (G-424), Rt. 2, Box 5A, Benton, Kentucky, 42025 Phone (502) 527-1796
Kentucky Dam
A kingpin in "The Nation's Finest Park System," Kentucky Dam Village State Resort Park is one of the largest and most popular vacation resorts in Kentucky.The word "great" applies to every aspect of this resort park. A mod lodge, six different cottage types, and
a 225-site campground should satisfy one's taste in accommodations. The recreation program offers guests a choice of many activities every day. Golfers look forward to challenging the sporty 18-hole course, and lovers of water sports can utilize the largest docking facility in the Kentucky parks system.
"Let us entertain you!" is the motto of the recreation directors and naturalists at Kentucky State Parks, and they really mean it! Their comprehensive recreation and naturalist programs are for all ages, combining fun, fellowship, acquisition of skills, and education, in a wide diversity of activities and interests such as nature, nature crafts, music, dance, drama, and special events.Kentucky Dam Village draws on the experience and expertise of the Nation's Finest Park System to give it one of the outstanding planned recreation programs in the state.
Well, what do you know-there I am military as hell on the steps of the Eupen Burghaus turning the Town back to the Belgians. Ah, there was a lush assignment. 52 pieces of realty, one brewery, ten saloons, one big movie theatre, biggest swimming pool in Europe, five bands and orchestras, messes where every G.I. sat down to a white table cloth, served by frauleins (who quit regularly with the complaint, "Machin kaput" and thighs black and blue from pinches.) One club for the officers, two for the men. Troops, the whole recon company and a battery of artillery. I had a miniature castle with five servants, a French Housekeeper, a Swiss chef and his wife, and two Belgian maids, one of whom proved to be a Deuxieme Bureau rep. I loved it. The style of life to which I would like to come accustomed. Herb Livesey 592th
The 592th annual picnic was held at Hershey Park, Pa. Sunday, August 31.These gatherings were organized by the late Emil Solecki, Tom Fox and Tom Dorosky.
As always a grand day was had by young and those of us who are older.
The young enjoying the park amusements with the rest renewing friendships and partaking of food and drink.
Those who attended Mr. & Mrs. Tom Fox and their daughter and her family, Mr. & Mrs. Russell Everetts and sons, Doug and Andy Everetts from Penna., Charlie & Daisey Walsh, New Jersey, Betty & Charlie Lapan, Betty's sister and brother-in-law, Marie & Elliot Knecht, New Jersey.
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Dorosky, daughter Kathy Morgan and husband, Dick Morgan,Daughter Bonnie Maceiko and children, Michael, Michelle, and Kathy and friend Bobby Hackling, Mrs. Dorosky's sister and brother-in-law Flossie and Eddie Mucha all from Penna.
Mr. & Mrs. L. O. Goodman from Roanoke, VA. John and Stella Gallagher and Niece, Brenda Brough from Penna. Mrs. Kathryn Loveless, daughter Althea Zimmerman, daughter Kay Kemp and her husband Ray Kemp, their boys, John, Tom and Brian, guests: Robbie and Paul Nicholson, Brett Lyock, Charlie and Vicky Cooley, daughter Tammy, Kenny & Benny & Bradley Wright from MD. Robert & Jean Pierce Sr. son, Bob and Marsha Pierce, Jr. Children Robert and Kelli Pierce from Ohio.
Look for you next year on Sunday of Labor Day weekend.
Our membership year is July thru June 30. Dues of $10.00 are due by July 1 for year 1980-81.Board of directors have directed that if dues are not paid, The Cub will not be forwarded.
If your dues are not paid for 1980-81 year this will be the last Cub you will receive.
Dear Sirs:
It is with deep regret that I inform you of the death of my son, Robert E. Maxson of 511 Main Street, Trenton, Missouri, 64683 on May 20, 1980.
Please cancel the Cub and other magazines of the 106th Inf. Div. Mrs. Jeanie Maxson, 201 E. 9th St. Apt. 2, Trenton, Mo. 64683
We are deeply saddened by the news of the death of our Hot Springs Reunion Chairman Bill Baker. Bless you Sue.
Have you ever asked yourself the question "Who Am IT' Have we answered: I am an American. I am a Veteran of World War II. I put my life on the line for my country and fellow American. I by the Grace of God was spared to continue my sojourn of life in a free America. I am a dedicated citizen concerned with the future of my nation, therefore I do take an active part in my nation, community, and church. I will keep elected leaders informed as to my position on matters of my government. I will take an active part in this years presidential election by informing others where I stand and encouraging them to vote. I am part of America and America is a part of me.LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
Dear Walt: I just received the Cub and am reading the letter that I sent about award or citation from the French.I was with the 589th at Parkers Crossroads and we were captured the 23rd of Dec. After we were captured we did a lot of walking until we came to a city called Gerolstein. We were there about two months. I did not get to a "Stalag". We were at Gerolstein about 2 months and then we left there and started walking from town to town. They told us we were going to a P.O.W. camp. We were going through Bad Ems when I collapsed on the street and the Germans took me to a Catholic hospital. I weighed about 70 lbs. I have always wondered if they ever got to a P.O.W. camp. Sgt. Shook was our gun commander, I have forgotten most of the names. A few of the names I remember are ? Pafford, ? Lombardo, ? Voscelyn, ? Willsey.
I am retired now. I worked at Fort Hamilton Hospital for 25 years. I started in the housekeeping dept. for about 5 years. Then I was the receiving clerk for 8 years. After that I ran a print shop and operated 2 offset presses and did sign printing.
I have been retired 3 yrs. and like it. I like to fish and bowl in four leagues in the winter.
I would appreciate any information you might have on the citation or how the fellows made out on the march from Gerolstein. Cecil B. Tipton, 1341 Parrish Ave., Hamilton, Ohio 45011
Who was the member coming to reunion who was flown to Hot Springs, West Virginia instead of Arkansas.
Whose wife stayed home from reunion so they could afford to buy a septic tank?
Did you see photos of the Gallagher's new grandson and of the Crawford's great-grandson?
Recently visited a gambling casino in Atlantic City as an observer.
At blackjack table saw a woman take a $100.00 bill from her purse and put it on the table for chips. She also took a piece of paper from her purse and started to read. I was curious and glanced over her shoulder and read title on paper "Prayer to St. Jude".
This got me to thinking, "What is the purpose of prayer?" THE EDITOR
Dear Bob: Another year gone by so rapidly - we used to be considered as the "Young Turks" are now the "Old Guard." Am thinking that in another four years I'll retire from my role as Director of Personnel for the Baltimore County School System after a 35 year career in education.
Recently I had the pleasure of visiting once again with Mrs. Mary O'Toole, the 94 year old mother of Lt. O'Toole killed by an air raid over the POW camp many of us were in following the famous Battle of the Bulge. I still keep in contact with the widow of Hugh Mayes (KIA) as well as Barney Alford, Jesse Caldwell, John Schaffner, Bernard Smidansky, William Streeter, Henry Thurner, Marshall Winslow, and Tommy Wohl. Although living in the same area, have not recently seen Austin Byrd but know he is well and prosperous.
After reading my edition, I always send the CUB on to Don Regier of our staff who served also with the 106th. It's always a pleasure to receive the magazine and all those associated with it are to be highly complimented for the quality it has represented over the years. Walter M. Snyder
Dear John & Stella: We had a short visit with Bob and June Walker and Bob and Jean Pierce on their way home from the reunion. I was able to get a few hours off to go out to dinner with them. They gave us a report on what we missed by not being able to attend.
We missed seeing everyone and we hope conditions will be different next year. Gene & Sally & Sandy Saucerman
Dear Bob, Enclosed are my dues. Maybe one of these years I'll be able to make a convention. Spotted in the Cub that Dan Bied had authored a couple of books on the 106th. Reviewed the books for the UPI Broadcast and Newspaper newswire. Dan and Millie visited the UPI office in Chicago and we reminisced about old times. Anyone else authoring books should send them along to me. Only too soon we won't be around to remember anymore. Walter W. Martin
Dear Bob: Enclosed are my dues for 1980-1981, and you will be interested in the clip on Dick DeHeer. This story was in the Palm Coast News this week, which is published by the Daytona Beach News Journal. We have been in contact not yet face to face, only by mail.
Sorry to again miss the reunion, but this is busy time at the bandshell. Carl M. Hulbert
Dear Bob: I'm out of work permanently on 100% disability, suffering from loss of my leg. Have terrible headaches almost 24 hours a day for almost 6 years. Recently discovered I have an ulcer which doesn't help matters much. Have been doing a little fishing at camp and am doing some gardening here on our 4 acres of land in Parish. I moved off the 136 acres farm we owned about 3 years ago. Before we moved I donated 3 acres of land to the American Legion Post 601 in Parish, for their new building.
Edward J. Smith
Dear Bob: I was an original Cadre member to "A" battery-313th Field Artillery, 80th Division, coming from Fort Bragg, North Carolina. When the 106th Division was activated at Fort Jackson, South Carolina I was a Cadre Member to "A" Battery-589th Field Artillary. The 589th F.A. was my outfit all the way to the Battle of the Bulge of which I was the Motor Sergeant. Floyd L. Elston
Dear Bob: Katherine has been having hip and leg problems - hope to make next year's reunion. We are still catching lots of Bass. J.B. Strickland
Dear Bob: Enclosed please find my check in the amount of twelve dollars, my wife Olga Finlayson was an Army Nurse during the Korean conflict. My older boy, Ken is a 1st Lt. now with the Recon platoon of the 1st Brigade of the 9th Inf. Div. stationed at Ft. Lewis, Wash. Ken Finlayson
Dear Bob: Enclosed is check for dues and five for Memorial Fund, I possibly more than most, had contact with the men when dying or immediately after and know what fine young men they were. Hence, I cannot forget some memorial to them.
I have been living in retirement in Duneland Beach, outside of Michigan City, Indiana and spend two months in Stuart, Florida. One or two weekends I return to my parish. It is so good being with them. Rev. E.T. Boyle
Sir: I recently married and my wife and I are both retired. I was in Btry a 591st field arty. We hold a reunion every two years. Our next one Is in August 7-8-9-10 at Toms River, N.J. I enjoy reading the CUB and every now and then I read about someone from the btry. Joseph A. Meola
Dear Bob: Just a note to let you know that my roster of Co. L men has now grown to 28.
I recently had the pleasure of spending a couple of days with Capt. J.B. Huyett was Co. commander of Co. L. 423rd until Dec. 1944. When captured he was taken through Berlin to Poland where he escaped and managed to reach the Russian lines. He finally returned to the U.S. via way of Odessa on the Black Sea and Alexandria, Egypt.
He retired to Charlestown W. Va. in 1972 after serving as a military advisor to a U.S. Senate committee. In July 1979 it was discovered he had cancer (multiple mycloma) and has been undergoing chemo therapy since that time. Needless to say he is meeting this challenge with the same determination and bravery that he showed the Germans and the men of Co. L. in Dec. 1944. I'm sure that if anyone can beat this disease, he will. C. Henderson
Dear Bob: As usual it appears we will not make the convention this year for the same reason as given past 4 years. Eleanor's mother back in nursing home after being hospitalized for her 4th (or 5th) stroke last month.
God willing, will make a convention or one of those annual visits to St. Vith before I get too old to travel. Hit 70 last 2/22, put on a lot more years than I expected when I was reduced to 100 lbs. Best regards to you, yours, and all the 106th Lion Div. Vets. Leo R. Leisse, Sr.
Dear Editor: Enclosed please find my dues for 1980. Some months ago I received a phone call one Sunday evening from a former fellow-member of the 106th M.P. platoon whom I had last seen in 1945 in Karlsruhe, Germany, Ken Facey. It was a tremendous surprise and satisfaction to again talk to someone I had not any contact with in 35 years. I was Platoon Sgt. and he was a pfc assigned as Major Mowlds driver. But he (and Dale Harned) went on to O.C.S. while we were still in Germany, and subsequently had a great Army career, including Viet Nam, and retired as a full colonel. So his success, I feel, is an achievement both his fellow platoon members, as well as himself, can justly feel proud of. Ken and I are both hoping that, some way or other, we might eventually arrange some kind of reunion of the members of our platoon. Myles Brazill
Dear Bob: we are very sorry to miss the reunion in Hot Springs, Ark. We had looked forward to going there but my 94 year old mother is still living with us. It takes both of us to see about her. She does not want to go to a convalescent home.
Cofer's Seed Co. called me to come to work during the busy season in the Spring. I worked March, April and almost three weeks in May. Then Mr. Cofer had surgery in June an called me back for two weeks. Then I was ready for 12 month's vacation. H.E. Mansfield, Jr.
Dear Bob: I'm just out of the hospital with internal bleeding and on a strict diet right now. James Brackett
Bob: Sorry I could not be in Hot Springs due to illness of my wife. I want to thank all you guys who have taken time to write to me, you will never know how much I really appreciate it and I hope to meet you all in the future at one of your reunions. I have received my first copy of the Cub magazine and sure did enjoy reading it. Geo. Whisenhurt, RT 1, Big Sandy, Texas 75755
Hi, Just a note to say "Hello" to all members of the 106 Div. Assoc. especially Walter Bandurak and his wife, Lillian. I'm a former member of the medical detachment, 81st engineers. I'd be especially interested in hearing from Doc. Cessna. Neil Gossom, Harry Baird, Shorty Andrews or anyone from my old unit. I'm kind of semi-retired now. My wife and I moved here to Chula Vista, Ca. in 1977 and we really enjoy the beautiful weather, after 57 years in Wisconsin, this is really a treat. I work 3 days a week for a company in San Diego which keeps me out of trouble and still gives me time for a little golf. Leo P. Kreuser
Dear Bob: I am still serving as American Legion Service Officer, and also still a Volunteer Driver for the local Red Cross Chapter. During the last few months I have taken several Red Cross training courses on disaster Services, was recently appointed disaster chairman of the chapter. I saw some active service after the disastrous tornado of 10/3/79, which heavily damaged part of the town of Windsor Locks, including Brasley International Airport and the adjoining Conn. Air Nat. Guard facilities, demolishing the USAF museum. Waldo B. Pierce
PHOTO: Bryant and Villwock
Dear Bob: I am a member of the 106th Rcn. since the division was activated in Ft. Jackson.
Our unit started having reunions in 1969 and in August of this year we will again meet,. this time Franhenmuth, Michigan. We meet every two years. Perhaps someone from the rcn. troop who we have been unable to locate will read this. Bill Randall
Dear Bob: Enclosed is check for my 1980 dues. I sure enjoy reading the CUB. So far I'm still semi-retired working two days a week. Last July I went to Alaska, salmon fishing, I caught a 55 lb. king salmon. This year I went to the High Sierras Mts. trout fishing. Lots of fish, lots of snow. Just got back from fishing in Noranda, Quebec, Canada. Good fishing. I'm getting my share of fishing after being tied down to market operating all these years. Keep up the good work. Joseph Litvin
Dear Bob: Although business commitments preclude me from attending this year's reunion am always happy to receive the CUB and renew old acquaintances with dear friends of W.W.II. At present I am a Commodities Broker with Mercantile Trading Company here at the Board of Trade in Chicago and occasionally run into buddies from the Division. See Dr. Lifchez of the 331 Med. Bn.
Continued good luck and I watch the progress of the association with great anticipation. Gilbert Marcus
Dear Sir: I was a member of Headquarters Co. 1st Bat. 423 Inf from the beginning at Fort Jackson, was captured on Dec. 19th, Battle of Bulge. I have yet to see any names in the Cub from my company. Do you have names and addresses of the original men in the 106th or anyway I could find these names. I would like to get in touch with some members of my platoon. Howard S. McCarty
Dear Bob: Enclosed is my check for current dues. Rosalie and I celebrated our 60th wedding anniversary on June 16th. We now limit our driving but we still hope to attend one of the reunions of the Golden Lions. Warm regards and best wishes. Francis A. Woolfley
Dear Sir: Enclosed please find check for $20.00; $10.00 for my 1980-1981 dues and $10.00 for the 106th Div. Memorial fund in memory of Emil M. Solecki.
I served with Emil in the service battery of the 592nd field artillery battalion. My wife and I were very saddened to learn of his death through the CUB magazine. We had the pleasure of visiting Emil and his family some twenty years ago. We also toured Europe in 1972 visiting some of the places where I served such as St. Vith, at which time I was surprised and delighted to find the memorial to the 106th Infantry Division. Glenn O. Hartlieb
Dear Bob: My wife, Penny, has had surgery on the left side of her face and has to return to wheeling the second week of July and then again around the 21st of July, so it will be impossible for us to attend the reunion in Hot Springs, we held our reservations as long as possible hoping that things would change, anyway, first things first.
Enclosed is a check for dues and memorial fund, we will miss seeing old friends and enjoying the company of the 106th. Fred R. Carter
PHOTO: Beals and Henning
TREASURER'S REPORT ****** 1979-1980
INCOME AND EXPENSE--GENERAL FUND FUNDS ACTIVITIES GENERAL FUND RECAP $1988.03 INCOME $4242.00 Brought Forward 10 86 Members' Dues 198.00 Net Decrease Auxiliary Dues 596.38 Balance Jun. 30, 1980
Interest Earned 57.50 MEMORIAL FUND ACTIVITY Sale--Emblem & Patches 5 00 Brought Forward Sate--Car Tags 10.50 Contributions Sale--Extra Cubs Less: EXPENSE Donation for CUB Expense Maintenance to Postage Bischofliche School Office Supplies & Printing St. Vith, Belgium. Telephone Expense Balance June 30, 1980. Travel--Adjutant Ladies' Entertainment--'79
Reunion Registration Fees--3 Officers 1980 Reunion Net Decrease $1977.17
$7855.75 $8,033.7c
General Fund Memorial Fund Totals This Year $1977.17 $8033.75 10,010.92 $( 10.86) 178.00 167.14
Last Year 1988.03 7855.75 9,843.78 Checking--First National Bank of Atlanta 795.17$10,010.92
Savings--Fulton Federal Savings & Loan Assn. 9,215.75 Thanks for tremendous support and for the opportunity to serve.
907.77 931.59 629.64 490.64
2959.64Sherod Collins, Treas.
338.33 831.81
27.13 312.00
1980 - 1981
William E. Abriel (Hq/424), 222 Maple Lane, North Syracuse, N.Y. 13212
John Adams, Jr. (0/422), P.O. Box 1584, Lake Havasu City, Ariz. 86403
Steve T. Adamowicz (G/422), 723 S. Westcott St., Sioux City, Iowa 51106
James N. Adkins (C/423), 3134 Lowell Ave., Jacksonville, Fla. 32205
Orfeo E. Agostini (A/81), 202 Elizabeth St., Hinesville, Ga. 31313
Gerald J. Anderson (M/423), 652 Harbor Circle, Ellenton, Fla. 33532
Ottavio Antognoli (106/Sign.), 4326 Richardson Ave., Bronx, N.Y. 10466
William G. Armel (A/422) 2849 College, Quincy, Ill. 62301
Donald R. Armington (H/424), 3125 John Patterson Rd., Des Moines, Iowa 50317
Harry Arvanis (K/424), 1915 158th St., East Moline, Ill. 61244
Dr. George Axelrod (331/Med.), 1431 Hanough #15, Centerville, Mass 02632
Freddie Baker (A/422), 112 E. Maxwell, DeWitt, Ark. 72042
William C. Baker (L/424), #4 Haley St., Pine Bluff, Ark. 71602
Gene S. Balke (Hq 3rd Bn /422), N. Parkway Apt. 559, Scottsdale, Ariz. 85251
Walter Bandurak (Med. Det /81), 219 N. Maple Ave., Greensburg, Pa. 15601
Frank S. Barlow (Div/Hq.), 144 Aurora St., Hudson, Ohio 44236
L. Preston Barnes (DHQ/G-4), Rt. 1 Box 173, Allentown, N.J. 08501
Saverio Bavaro (Hq 2nd Bn/424), 3200 S.W. 67 Way, Mikamar, Fla. 33023
Carol Beals (Assoc.), 8 Green Mountain Dr. Apt. 16, Iowa City, Iowa 52240
Richard H. Behr (Sv/423), 5924 West Meadowbrook Dr., Phoenix, Ariz. 85033
Harry J. Bendick (Hq/424), 489 Moull St., Newark, Ohio 43055
Thomas Bickford (DHQ/Motor Pool), 311 Bloomingdale Ave., Cranford, N.J. 07016
Dan Bied (A/422), 102 Holiday Terrace, West Burlington, Iowa 52655
Rev. Ewell C. Black (A/422), Box 66, Bishopville, S.C. 29010
William Black (C/591), 1016 Split Rock Rd., Cheshire, Conn. 06410
T. Wayne Black (Hq/422), 1925 Pinehurst Lane, Waterloo, Iowa 50701
Merrill E. Bookheimer (Hq/591), 2560 Sardonyx Dr. Laurich Gems Chambersburg, PA 17201
Rev. Edward T. Boyle (Hq/424), 3510 Arrowhead Trail, Michigan City, Ind. 46360
James E. Brackett (Sv/591), 114 Fayette Ave. Apt. 2B, Staten Island, N.Y. 10305
Kenneth Bradfield (Sv/591), 908 S. Lodge Ave., Evansville, Ind. 47714
L. B. Bradley (Sv/422), 512 Locke St., Palmetto, Ga. 30268
Myles Brazill (DHQ/MP), P.O. Box 6 Landisburg, Pa. 17040
Benjamin B. Britton (E/424), 36 Warren Rd., Auburn, Mass. 01501
Dorothy Broth (Assoc.), New England Village 960 Fall River Dr., Hayward, Calif. 94544
Robert Brown (H/424), 7532 Richmond Kansas City, Mo. 64138
Vernon E. Brumfield (C/589), 201 W. 111th St., Cut Off, La. 70345
Harold J. Brummer (D/422), 41 Georgia St., Cranford, N.J. 07016
Jack Bryant (Reg. Hq/422), 19692 Coral Gables Southfield, Mich. 48076
Robert A. Burkes (Hq/424), 2227 Plantation Dr., East Point, Ga. 30344
Leonard J. Butterbaugh (At/423) 228 Frank St., Council Bluff, Iowa 51501
F. G. Bynum (B & Hq/424), 1808 Linthicum Lane Birmingham, Ala. 35217
Austin L. Byrd, Jr. (A/589), 1329 Westburn Rd., Baltimore, Md. 21228
Joseph Caminitti (Med. B/423), 15 Martin Rd., Portland, Ma. 04103
Samuel P. Cariano (DHQ), 122 Skyline Blvd., Satellite Beach, Fla. 32937
Fred R. Carter (Sv/591), 613 N. 3rd St., Toronto, Ohio 43964
Charles C. Cavender (CO/423) 26490 Burgess Way Sun City, Calif. 92381
Fred B. Chase (D/422 5 Morris Lane Clifton Park, NY. 12065
Dr. James I. Clark (Med. Det. 590-92), 414 Cherry Ave., Sturgis, Mich. 49091
Walter C. Clarke (Sv/591), 318 Spring Garden Kannapolis, N.C. 28081
Douglas S. Coffey (C/590), 947 N.W. Arnet St., Port Charlotte, Fla. 33952
Allen T. Cohen (E/423), 6033 N. Sheridan 10H Chicago, III 60660
James E. Colliers Sr. (11/424), 1635 Vance Memphis, Tenn. 38104
Sherod Collins (Sv/423), 625 Channing Dr. N.W., Atlanta, Ga. 30318
Virgil L. Collins (CN/423), 824 Cypress Ave., Venice, Fla. 33595
Dr. Michael E. Connelly (Med/589), 902 Linden St., Sharon, Pa. 16146
Louis M. Cooper (M/423 & G/424), 5215 Sandy Oak Dr. N., Lakeland, Fla. 33801
Charles K. Corrigan (Sv/591), 3366 Ken Lake Dr., Olympia, Wash. 98502
Dean Crawford (Reg H422), 17 Inner Dr., Vienna, Ohio 44473
Raymond J. Creamer (Sv/589), 48 Leonard Rd., Milltown, N.J. 08850
Lloyd R. Crosby (B/424), Rt. 4 Box 45 Elba, Ala. 36323
Lester W. Crossman (H/424), Box 654 Woodstock, III. 60098
William R. Crozier (A/422)?50 W. Chicago Blvd. Detroit, Mich. 48228
Edward L. Curnow (E/424), 190 Chateau Estates Rt 4 Swanton, Ohio 43558
Alan R. Dabson (6/331), 38 Upland Ave. Edgehill Dover, Del. 19901
William S. Dahlen (Sv/591), 303 Charles Rd., Linthicum, Md. 21090
Carmen Daluisio (K/424), Box 53 Curtisville, PA 15032
Paul Dargon, Sr. (Hq/589), P.O. Box 141 Carlisle, PA. 17013
Charles T. Datte No Unit 231 Davis Ave., Clifton Hgts., Pa. 19018
William R. Daugherty (G/424), Main St., ?cona, Iowa 50139
Louis Davis (Hq. 1st Bn/423), 515 West 101st Terrace Kansas City, Mo. 64114
Joseph A. DeChiara (C/2833), 1124 59th St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11219
Richard DeHeer (K/424), 86 Berkshire Lane Palm Coast, Fla. 32037
Richard G. DeHeer (Assoc.), 631 Tanyu Ave. N.W., Massillon, Ohio 44646
Bill S. Delzell (M/424), 683 Oakdale Dr., Forest Park, Ga. 30050
Francis J. Dobe (C/422), 877 Howe St., Manchester, N.H. 03103
Dwight Dodson (Med./423), 3309 Kage Rd., Cape Girardeau, Mo. 63701
William P. Dohoney DDS (C/422) Howe St. Manchester, N.H. 03103
Libby K. Dolitsky (Assoc.), 40 Indian Rd., Port Chester, N.Y. 10573
Thomas Dorosky (Sv/592 146 Mount Airy Road R.D. #1 Shavestown, Pa 18708
Harley W. Easler (G/422), Rt 10 Box 308 Sparanburg, S.C. 29303
Floyd L. Elston (A/589), 28 Park Ave., Haskell, N.J. 07420
I J. Russell Enlow (D/423), Taswell, Ind. 47175
Col. Kenneth B. Facey (106/MP), 4200 Smithfield Court Evans, Ga. 30809
Kenneth Finlayson (D/331), 66Hillview Rd., Gorham, Ma. 04038
Robert W. Fisher (106th /Rec), 1106 Lancer Lane Tarpon Springs, Fla. 33589
Gilbert M. Fitzgerald (E/424), 521 S. Linden Ave., Waynesboro, Va. 22980
Robert G. Flaig (Hq/589), 1652 Pinebluff Lane Cincinnati, Ohio 45230
Tom K. Fox (Sv/592), 129 S. Washington St., Green Castle, Pa. 17225
Frank J. Fradianni 914 Cloverdale Circle Wetherfield, Conn. 06109
Florian R. Frank (Sv/591), Biglow Cheese and Butter Co., Avoca, Wisc. 53506
Charles W. Freed (I/423), 218 Jackson Circle Pittsburg, Pa. 15229
Henry E. Freedman (Reg Hq /422), 115 Harness Trail Roswell, Ga 30076
John R. Fritz (Hq/424), 9271 Avon Belden Rd., North Ridgeville, Ohio 44039
John I. Gallagher (C/81) 4003 Frances St., Temple, Pa. 19560
Charles S. Garn (H/424) 1937 Highbridge Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223
Joseph J. Gasses (Hq/422), 1420 Franklin St., Grand Haven, Mich. 49417
Charles R. Gibson (Sv/422), 524 Washington Lawton, Mich. 49065
Robert A. Gilder (HQ 1st Bn/424), 36303 Behm Dr., North Ridgeville, Ohio 44039
Patrick J. Gioia (G/422), Torrington Road Litchfield, Conn 06759
Walter S. Glenney (DHQ. EXEC./424), 235 Carol Ann Dr., San Antonio, Texas 78223
Earl A. Gollhofer (C/589), Box 72 Charter Oak, Iowa 51439
Lapmon O. Goodman (Sv/592), Roanoke , VA
W. Leo Gregory (Hq 3rd Bn/424), 5009 Bonnahill Dr., Hermitage, Tenn. 37076
Edwin P. Hagen, Jr. (Sv/591), Rt 2 Box 45 Sisseton, S.D. 57262
Juanita Hagman (Assoc.), 305 W. Josephine St., Weatherford, Texas 76086
William B. Harris (Sv/423), 409 Sunset Rd., West Reading, Pa. 19611
Glenn O. Hartlieb (Sv/592 1805 Olive St., Highland, III. 62249
Bertram E. Hartzell (C/81), 410 South St., New Bathleham, Pa. 16242
Norman W. Hayden (Hq/81), 2 Hillcrest Court Augusta, Ma. 04330
Henry D. Healan (M/423), 14317 Grovewood Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44110
Bryon P. Heath (106/MP), 817 N. Stoneman Ave. Apt. D Alhambra, Calif. 91801
William G. Hemelt (H/424), 7737 Wynbrook Rd., Baltimore, Md. 21224
Forrest W. Hemming (806 - Ord), 755 Stelxer Rd. Box 171 Columbus, Ohio 43219
Charles E. Henderson (L/423), 2014 Highfield Drayton Plains, Mich. 48020
James W. Henning (Hq. 3rd Bn /422), 1045 E. 8th St., Lockport, Ill. 60441
Lt. Col. E. Glenn Henson (H/424), 9917 Echo Valley Court Little Rock Ark. 72207
Lee J. Hereth (D/424), 914 Main St., Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Kenneth T. Hester (C/590), Rt. 4 Box 320 Shepherdsville, Ky. 40165
Frank J. Hill (M/424), 119 West Lime St., Ironwood, Mich. 49938
Walter F. Hiltbrand (AT/423), 930 Fair Ave., Salem, Ohio 44460
Harry L. Holder (H/424), 474 Addison Ave., Elmhurst, Ill. 60126
Irving R. Hornsby (Hq/422), 1124 Canandaigua Rd., Palmyra, N.Y. 14522
Pete House (A/590), 5662 Clifton Ave., Jacksonville, Fla. 32211
William C. Houston (CN/423), Rte 3 Fawn Rd., Tomahawk, Wisc. 54487
John W. Howard (Sv/591), 920 S. 76th St., West Allis, Wisc. 53214
Robert F. Howell (H/424) ? E. College St. Griffin, Ga. 30223
Carl M. Hulbert (Hq/424) 2801 N. Halifax Ave., Riverside Gardens Apt. 242 Daytona Beach, Fla. 32018
George Iwamoto (H/159), 1105 Apartment D Rycroft St., Honolulu, Hawaii 96814
Montague H. Jacobs (H/422), P.O. Box 272 Kingstree, S.C. 29556
William H. Jefferies (Hq/422), 155 Greene Ave., Totowa, N.J. 07512
Robert D. Jessee (M/424), 1735 Van Ness Ave. Apt. 402 San Francisco, Calif. 94109
Albert A. Johnson (M/423), VA Hospital 5N 1030 Jefferson Memphis, Tenn. 38104
Benjamin F. Johnson, Jr. (Hq. 3rd Bn/422) Fountain Ave. Denton, Md. 21629
Cecil O. Johnson (F/423), P.O. Box 892 Marianna, Fla. 32446
Vincent M. Johnson (F/423), 751 18th St., Carlyle, 111. 62231
William Johnson (K/424), 321 Gibson Dr., Oxon Hill, Md. 20021
Alan W. Jones, Jr. (Hq/423), 2805 Oakton Manor Ct., Oakton, Va. 22124
George W. Jones, Jr. (Sv/423), 5652 E Main St., Loris, S.C. 29569
Fred H. Jurgensen, Sr. (Hq/589), 4330 W. Cleveland Ave., Milwaukee, Wisc. 53219
Irvin Juster (CN/422) Racquet Club Dr. derhill, Fla. 33319
Costa Katimaris (L/423), 37 - 32 80th St., P.O. Box 493 Jackson Heights, N.Y. 11372
George H. Kaufman (H/423), 915 E. High St. Apt. 2 Springfield, Ohio 45505
Richard C. Kaufmann (Hq/589), 15776 Chatham Detroit, Mich. 48223
Peter E. Keenan (Hq/422), 900 Southampton Rd. Apt. 89 Benica, Calif. 94510
R. F.(Kathryn Loveless) Kemp (Assoc.), 7406 Arden Rd., Bethesda, Md. 20034
Francis T. Kenney (Hq. 3rd Bn./422), RR it 1 4 Hampton Pl., Peekskill, N.Y. 10566
Jesse O. Kershner (AT/423), 17 Ridgewood Parkway Newport News, Va. 23602
Joseph A. Kersten (G/423), 162 Duerstein St., Buffalo, N.Y. 14210
Troy H. Kimmel (CN /422), 752 Loop St., Miamisburg, Ohio 45342
Kenneth K. King (I/422 Box 14 Brasher Falls, N.Y. 13613
Franklin R. Koehler (D/424), 56 Orchard Place Maywood, N.J. 07607
Robert A. Kohtz (106 Sign.), 1607 Summit Dr., Perkin, Ill. 61554
Leo P. Kreuser (Med./81), 1481 3rd Ave. Sp. 95 Chula Vista, Calif. 92011
Sylvester Krupinski (/422), 116 Caldwell Rd., Tera Alta, W. Va. 26764
Harold Kuizema (B1589), 2151 Griggs S.E., Grand Rapids, Mich. 49506
Ted Lada (L/424), 1044 Liberty Lincoln Park, Mich. 48146
Elmer F. Lange (H/422), 5940 Elkcrest Dr., Lincoln, Neb. 68516
Charles G. Laphan (Sv/592), 5 South White House Pike Linderwold, N.J.,
Edward H. Leavitt (Assoc.), 324 S. Kansas Morton, III. 61550
Georgia LeClere (Assoc.), 1706 Fort Jesse Rd., Normal, III. 61761
Futrell H. Lee (C/422), 1204 Anguilla St., Waycross, Ga. 31501
Leo R. Leisse, Sr. (Hq 3rd Bn/422), 4346 Gapsch Lane St. Louis, Mo. 63125
Phillip R. Leswig (B/592), 309 Red Barn Rd., Willow Grove, Pa. 19090
Louis S. LeTellier, Jr. (C/81), 1166 Catalina Rd. E., Jacksonville, Fla. 32216
Oliver E. Libman (CR/424), 1818 Azalea Lane Mt. Prospect, III. 60056
Curtis L. Lindsey (H/424), Rt. 1 Box 319 Waco, Texas 76710
William H. Lineberger (Sv/591), 1014 Woodlawn Dallas, Texas 75208
Joseph Litvin (D/423), 1959 W. 185th St., Torrance, Calif. 90504
Arthur E. Loos (I/422), 40 Highland Ave., Broad Brook, Conn. 06016
Hugh V. Lopez (DHQ-Postal Officer), 143 - 05 41st Ave., Flushing, N.Y. 11355
Oliver A. Lothrop, Jr. (B/423), 316 West Wind Rd., Towson, Md. 21204
Kathryn Loveless (Assoc.) 111 2549 Pickwick Rd., Baltimore, Md. 21207
Allen L. Lowith (CN / 423), 1062 S. Mansfield Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. 90019
William Lucsay (B/423), 12612 S. Moody Ave., Palos Heights, III. 60463
Thomas G. Manager (A/590 & C/592), 309 Addison Rd., Glastonbury, Conn. 06033
Horace E. Mansfield (A /424), 190 Northcrest Dr., Athens, Ga. 30601
Gilbert Marcus (Sv/423), 1340 N. Astor St. Apt. 808 Chicago, Ill. 60610
Walter W. Martin (E/423), 1418 Main St., Evanston, III. 60202
Col. Joseph C. Matthews, Jr. (DHQ & 422), 4706 Western Blvd., Raleigh, N.C. 27606
Thomas J. Maw (A/592), 436 Beech St., Rockland. Mass. 02370
O. Paul Merz (Sv/422), 8657 Mockingbird Lane Cincinnati, Ohio 45231
John L. Mikalauskis (H/424), P.O. Box 31 306W. Blake St., Benton, ill 62812
Gene L. Miller (B/592), Box 652 Earp, Calif. 92242
Col. John W. Miller (E/423), 1511 Cochise Dr., Arlington, Texas 76012
John R. Monroe (A/423), Rd. 1 Box 199 Titusville, N.J. 08560
Col. William P. Moon, Jr. (Hq.1st Bn/422), 9135 Oakland Circle Lynchburg, Va. 24502
William J. Mosolf (CN/424), 17159 Esperinza Dr., Perris, Calif. 92370
Ronald A. Mosley (Chaplain 424) ?5 Maudslea on Sea Divarty) Petite Riviere Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, Canada B0J2P0
George C. Moyer (CN /424), 3 - 1st Ave., Arlington Heights, Ill. 60005
M. J. Mueller (L/424 Med), P.O. Box 257 Lake Villa, Ill. 60046
George Murray, Jr. (H/424), 521 - 9th St. Box 724 Bemidji, Minn. 56601
Vincent J. Mustacchio (D/331), 15 Carmer Ave., Belleville, N.J. 07109
Dr. Larry Myers, Jr. (B/591), 151 Cambridge St. Syracuse, N.Y. 13210
Howard S. McCarty (Hq. 1st. Bn/423) 1424 Norton Trenton, Mo. 64683
B. B. McCormick, Jr. (422), P.O. Box 6 ?ony Point, N.C. 28678
Joseph V. McKeever (CN & K/423) 3615 Brownsboro Rd. Louisville, Ky. 40207
Gen. Leo T. McMahon (DIV Arty) 8 N. Union St. Middletown, Pa. 17057
Paul McMillan (Sv/422), 294 Albemarle Place Macon, Ga. 31204
John B. Nash (806 Ord), 247 Van Duzer St., Staten Island, N.Y. 10304
Alfred S. Nusbaum (Hq/423), 5622 N. 12th St., Phoenix, Ariz. 85014
Albert C. Oelschig, Jr. (423), 1715 E. Gwinnett St. Savannah, Ga. 31404
Wanold D. Olman (Sv/422), 912 Cokesbury Dr. Columbia, S.C. 29203
Carroll D. Padgett (E/424) Milligan Dr. ne Mt. Ga. 30083
Arthur C. Parker (589), Rt. 1 Box 600 Leeds, Ala. 35094
Marvin J. Parr (B/424), 4 Locust Ave., East Norwich, N.Y. 11732
Kenneth Pettit (Sv/591), P.O. Box 231 Charleston, Miss. 38921
Charles S. Peyser (B/424), 212 Potomac Ave., Hanover, Pa. 17331
Robert W. Pierce, Sr. (C/81), 474 Federal St. N.W., Warren, Ohio 44483
Waldo B. Pierce (F/422), 530 East St., New Britain, Conn. 06051
Morris R. Piha (106QM), 2164 Marietta Blvd. N.W., Atlanta, Ga. 30318
Edward A. Prewett (B/424), Rt. 2 Box 730 Brentwood, Calif. 94513
Dr. David S. Price (DHQ & 331 Med), 3 North Lane Loudonville, N.Y. 12211
Casimir T. Prokorym (Hq/81), 2520 Chestnut St., Steubenville, Ohio 43952
Joseph F. Puett (CO 2nd Bn/423) 2748. D Shallowford Rd., Atlanta, Ga. 30241
Charles H. Puskarich (M/424), 428 S. 70th St., Milwaukee, Wisc. 53214
Joseph Puzio (Hq/81), 50 Division Ave., Garfield, N.J. 07026
William W. Randall (106th Recn), 560 Pine St. Apt. 1-4 Royersford, Pa. 19468
Robert L. Randol (Sv/423), P.O. Box 345 Markle, Ind. 46770
Clayton F. Rarick (L/424), Box 25 Blandon, Pa. 19510
Alex Ravdin (A/331), 5308 Fitzhugh Ave., Richmond, Va. 23226
Raymond J. Reed (CN/423), 461 Chestnut St., Union, N.J. 07083
Joseph Remetta (106 Sign.), 427 Main St. Rt. 2 Wilburton, PA 17888
Viola Reilly (Assoc.), 96 Irving Terrace Bloomfield, N.J. 07003
Charles W. Richards (Sv/423), 204 Crestview Dr., Hendersonville, N.C. 28739
Robert C. Ringer (Sv/590 & 591), 4280 Kendale Rd., Columbus, Ohio 43220
George Rinkema (B/423), 16817 S. Park Ave., South Holland, III. 60473
Rowland R. Ritts (B/592), Box 536 Oak Hill Rd 4 Dallas, Pa. 18612
Dr. John G. Robb DDS (D/422), 238 DeVore Dr., Meadville, PA 16335
Paul H. Roehrich (422), Rt. 2 Grove, Okla. 74344
J.B. Russell (Sv/422), P.O. Box 323 McDonought, Ga. 30253
Marvin H. Rusch (DHQ/G-1 Sect.), 10830 W. Courtland Ave., Wauwatosa, Wisc. 53225
Peter Russin (H/424), 412 Braybarton Blvd., Steubenville, Ohio 43952
Robert E. Rutt (Hq/422), 937 Lampwick Court Bloomfield Hills, Mich. 48013
Edward Rydzinski (422), 1715 Elm Desplaines, Ill. 60018
L. Orvis Samples (Sv/591), 405 W. 25th St., Belle, W. Va. 25015
Eugene L. Saucerman (D/422), RR 23 Box 82 Terre Haute, Ind. 47802
John P. Schlesser (Sv/591 11603 W. 20th Ave., Lowell, Ind. 46356
Nicholas Schroeder (Sv/592), 5849 W. 107th St., Chicago Ridge, III. 60415
Hewitt A. Schoonover (Reg. Hq), 4809 Aspasia Lane Edina, Minn. 55435
Phillip F. Schutte (F/424), 2415 Otter Dr., Warren, Mich. 48092
Thomas F. Scurry (HQ 3rd Bn/424), 222 King Charles Rd., Columbia. S.C. 29209
Fred A. Sebastinelli (DHQ), 184 Avila St., San Francisco, Calif. 94123
Ralph Seevers (HQ /422), Box 316 Rt. 2 Lucasville, Ohio 45648
Mike P. Serino (Sv/591) 619 South Ocean Blvd., Surf Side Beach, S.C. 29577
Leon J. Setter (HQ 2nd Bn /422), 3825 Grail Wichita, Kan. 67218
Michael G. Sgrignoli (Sv/592), 125 N 24th St., Camp Hill, Pa 17011
Robert I. Sheahan (B/423), 715 North Derby, Derby, Kan. 62037
Harley W. Slaback (Hq. 3rd Bn/422), 206 Temple Dr., Sanford, Ha. 32771
David B. Slayton (A/422), 648 Terrylynn Place Long Beach, Calif. 90807
Edward J. Smith (M/423), Rd. 2 Parish, N.Y. 13131
Kenneth E. Smith (590), urthwood Rd., Leeville, La. 71446
Mervin S. Smith (A/424), 1208 Tanager St., Kerrville, Texas 78028
Walter M. Snyder (A/589), 2901 Dunmore Rd. Apt. F – 4 Dundalk, Md. 21222
Norman S. Spayd (H/423), 1518 Schuylkill Ave., Reading, Pa. 19601
Robert L. Spade (H/424), 5842 Wiltshire Dr., Columbus, Ga. 31904
Lawrence Spicer (K/423), 1605 Bernice Ave., Middletown, Ohio 45042
Robert L. Steere (K/423), R. 1 Falconer, N.Y. 14733
Donald J. Stone (C/589), ii05 East Memorial Dr. nesville, Wisc. 53545
Peter P. Stranko (A/423) 95 El Camino Real N. Sp 137 Salinas, Calif. 93907
Ted J. Straub (M/422), 251 Beechurst Ave., Morgantown, W.Va. 26505
James B. Strickland (K/422), P.O. Box 56 (K/424), Babson Park, Fla. 33827
George F. Sutter (AT/423), 9148 Elmwood Dr., Munster, Ind. 46321
Lee B. Taylor (K/424), Box 16 Anderson, S.C. 29621
James G. Teason (Med/423), 419 Huntington Lane Elmhurst, III. 60126
James E. Teel (A/424), 5 Pearl St., Port Norris, N.J. 08349
Howard J. Terrio (I/423 & K/424) ?29 Briarwood Rd. Columbia, S.C. 29206
William T. Thorn (L/422), 1604 N. Breiel Blvd., Middletown, Ohio 45042
Ben A. Tingle (HQ 3rd Bn/422), P.O. Box 886 Chattanooga, Tenn. 37401
Cecil B. Tipton (A/589), 1341 Parrish Ave., Hamilton, Ohio 45011
Harrison C. Tissot (C/422), 6510 Murray Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio 45227
Edward A. Tobis (B/592), 9854 Sterling Allen Park, Mich. 48101
Earl L. Todd (B/81), 330 Camden Court Evansville, Ind. 47715
Frank S. Trautman (D/422), 80 E. Summit St., Chagrin Falls, Ohlo 44022
Rollin L. Twining (106 CIC & 3rd Bn/424), 19 Lennox Dr., Binghamton, N.Y. 13903
Bernard Uebel (B/422), 21 Clarissa Dr., Hicksville, N.Y. 11801
Charles Umsted (C/423), P.O. Box 64 Jamesville, N.Y. 13078
Raymond K. Untiedt (C/423), 1409 South Franklin New Ulm, Minn. 56073
Floyd D. Uthman (E/424), 140 Claridge Dr., Coraopolis, PA 15108
Steve G. Varhola (D/424), 6650 Royal Palm Blvd. Apt. 309 C Margate, Fla. 33063
Russell H. Villwock (106th Sign.), 6908 W. Higgins Ave., Chicago, Ill. 60656
Robert F. Walker (D/422), 598 Terrace Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio 45220
William A. Wallace (G/424), 736 South Main Fort Scott, Kan. 66701
Presslye Walters Assoc, 430 Winchester Ave. Youngstown, Ohio 44509
James M. Wattam (D/422), 12518 Rosebud Dr., Rockville, Md. 20853
Nathan (Duke) Ward (Hq/81), 3784 Ardsley Court Marietta, Ga. 30062
Glenn W. Warner (C181), 2519 15th Ave Moline, III. 61265
Clarence E. Warren (A/81), 111 Goodrich St., Kewanee, III. 61443
Joseph A. Wasik (G/423), 23 White Oak Rd. White Hills Shelton, Conn. 06484
Col. Jewell K. Watt (DHQ/IG RFD 1 Tecumseh, Kan. 66542
Frederick G. Weisser, Jr. (Hq/422), 141 Park Ave., Manhasset, N.Y. 11030
James E. Wells (CO. C/81), Rt. 3 Box 511 Hephzibah, Ga. 30815
George W. Whisenhunt (DHQ), Rt. 1 Big Sandy, Texas 75755
E. C. White, Jr., Box 465 Whiteface, Texas 79379
John D. Wilson (D & H/422), 331 E. 59th St., Hialeah, Fla. 33013
Edward S. Withee (A/81), Box 514 Goshen, Conn. 06756
Wilburn L. Wood (Sv/422), 5000 N. Ocn. Blvd. #301 Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. 33308
Stanley A. Wojtusik (G/422), 9639 Wissinoming St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19114
Gen. F. A. Wollfrey (Ret) (C.G.) 932 Solomon Place New Orleans, La. 70119
Harold E. Worrell (B/331), 14 Easlick Ave., Mount Holly, N.J. 08060
Van S. Wyatt (G/424), 602 W. 8th St., Benton, Ky. 42025
Robert E. York (D/422), 142 East Sycamore Grayville, III. 62844
Gordon B. Zicker (Hq/423), 18 Forrest Ave., Montvale, N.J. 07645
Althea Zimmerman (Assoc.), 2549 Pickwick Rd., Baltimore, Md. 21207
Ed Zoll (Hq/424), 1016 Milford N.E., Canton, Ohio 44714
Jack Zuckerman (C/423), 71 - 23 167th St., Flushing, N.Y. 11365
If your name does not appear on this roster membership, according to our records you have not paid your membership dues as of the 30th of August 1980.
Index for: Vol. 37 No. 1, Oct, 1980
Index for This Document
106th Inf. Div., 6106th M.P. Plt., 29
313th FA, 27
422nd Regt., 8
591st FA BN, 20
592nd FA BN, 21
806th Ord. Co., 40
80th Inf. Div., 27
81st Engr., 21
9th Inf. Div., 28
Abriel, William E., 12, 13, 34
Adamowicz, Steve T., 34
Adams, John, Jr., 34
Adkins, James N., 34
Agostini, Orfeo E., 34
Alexandria, Egypt, 29
Alford, Barney, 27
Ammons, Peggy, 12
Anderson, Gerald J., 34
Andrews, Shorty, 30
Antognoli, Ottavio, 34
Armel, William G., 34
Armington, Don, 8, 9
Armington, Donald R., 1, 11, 34
Arvanis, Harry, 34
Astin, Mr. & Mrs. Robert, 12
Axelrod, Dr. George, 34
Bad Ems, 25
Baird, Harry, 30
Baker, Bill, 8, 25
Baker, Bill & Sue, 21
Baker, Freddie, 34
Baker, Mr. & Mrs. Freddie, 12
Baker, Mr. & Mrs. William C., 12
Baker, Sue, 21
Baker, Sue & Bill, 4, 14
Baker, W.C. & Sue, 20
Baker, William, 6, 8, 9, 10
Baker, William C., 11, 34
Balke, Gene S., 34
Bandurak, Walter, 6, 8, 30, 34
Barlow, Frank S., 34
Barlow, Mr. & Mrs. Franklin, 12
Barnes, L. Preston, 34
Battle of the Bulge, 27, 28
Bavaro, Saverio, 34
Beals, Carol, 12, 34
Behr, Richard H., 34
Belgium, 32
Bendick, Harry J., 34
Berlin, 29
Bickford, Thomas, 34
Bickford, Tom & Flo, 18, 20
Bied, Dan, 27, 34
Black, Rev. Ewell C., 34
Black, T. Wayne, 34
Black, William, 34
Bookheimer, Merrill E., 34
Bottoms, Ira, 21
Bottoms, Ira G., 12
Boyle, Rev. E.T., 28
Boyle, Rev. Edward T., 34
Brackett, James, 29
Brackett, James E., 34
Bradfield, Ken, 1, 6, 9, 10, 20
Bradfield, Ken & June, 21
Bradfield, Kenneth, 4, 10, 35
Bradfield, Kenneth W., 2
Bradfield, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W., 12
Bradley, L. B., 2, 35
Bradley, L.B., 9
Bradley, Mr. & Mrs. L. B., 12
Brazill, Myles, 29, 35
Britton, Ben, 8
Britton, Benjamin, 2
Britton, Benjamin B., 2, 35
Britton, Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin B., 12
Broth, Dorothy, 35
Brough, Brenda, 23
Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Robert, 12
Brown, Robert, 35
Brumfield, Vernon E., 35
Brummer, Harold J., 35
Bryant, Jack, 35
Bryant, Mr. & Mrs. Jack, 12
Burkes, Mr. & Mrs. Robert, 12
Burkes, Robert A., 35
Butterbaugh, Leonard J., 35
Bynum, F. G., 35
Byrd, Austin, 27
Byrd, Austin L., Jr., 35
Caldwell, Jesse, 27
Caminitti, Joseph, 35
Cariano, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel, 12
Cariano, Samuel P., 35
Carnes, W. E., 1
Carter, Fred R., 32, 35
Cavender, Charles C., 35
Cessna, Doc., 30
Chase, Fred, 4, 6, 8, 10
Chase, Fred B., 2, 35
Chase, Mr. & Mrs. Fred, 12
Clark, Dr. James, 8, 9, 11, 12
Clark, Dr. James I., 35
Clarke, Mr. & Mrs. Walter C., 12
Clarke, Walter, 20
Clarke, Walter C., 35
Coffey, Doug, 6, 7, 10, 17
Coffey, Douglas, 9
Coffey, Douglas S., 1, 2, 10, 35
Coffey, Mr. & Mrs. Douglas S., 12
Cohen, Allen T., 35
Collier, James E., 35
Colliers, Mr. & Mrs. James E., Sr., 12
Collins, Sherod, 1, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 21, 32, 35
Collins, Virgil, 6
Collins, Virgil L., 35
Connelly, Dr. Michael E., 35
Cooley, Charlie & Vicky, 23
Cooper, Louis M., 35
Corrigan, Charles K., 35
Crawford, Dean, 12, 35
Creamer, Raymond J., 35
Crosby, Lloyd R., 35
Crossman, Lester W., 35
Crozier, William R., 36
Curnow, Edward L., 36
Dabson, Alan R., 36
Dahlen, William S., 36
Daluisio, Carmen, 36
Dargon, Paul, Sr., 36
Datte, Charles T., 36
Daugherty, William R., 36
Davis, Louis, 36
Davis, Mr. & Mrs. William C., 12
Davis, William C., 13
DeChiara, Joseph, 12
DeChiara, Joseph A., 36
DeHeer, Dick, 27
DeHeer, Marge & Dick, 19
DeHeer, Mr. & Mrs. Richard, 12
DeHeer, Richard, 36
DeHeer, Richard G., 36
Delzell, Bill S., 36
Desjardins, Bobby, 12
Div. Chaplain, 11
Dobe, Francis J., 36
Dodson, Dwight, 36
Dohoney, Pat & Josey, 6
Dohoney, William P., 36
Dolitsky, Libby K., 36
Dorosky, Thomas, 36
Dorosky, Tom, 23
Dover, 36
Easler, Harley W., 36
Elston, Floyd L., 28, 36
Enlow, J. Russell, 36
Enlow, Mr. & Mrs. Russell, 12
Eupen, 23
Eupen Burghaus, 23
Everetts, Doug & Andy, 23
Everetts, Mr. & Mrs. Russell, 23
Facey, Col. Kenneth B., 36
Facey, Ken, 29
Finlayson, Ken, 28
Finlayson, Kenneth, 36
Finlayson, Olga, 28
Fisher, George, 11, 17
Fisher, Robert W., 36
Fitzgerald, Gilbert M., 36
Flaig, Robert G., 36
Fox, Mr. & Mrs. Tom, 23
Fox, Tom, 23
Fox, Tom K., 36
Fradianni, Frank J., 36
Franek, Frank, 1
Frank, Florian R., 36
Freed, Charles W., 36
Freedman, Henry E., 36
Fritz, John, 8
Fritz, John & Martha, 20
Fritz, John R., 11, 36
Fritz, Martha, 20
Fritz, Mr. & Mrs. John, 12
Ft. Bragg, NC, 27
Ft. Jackson, SC, 27, 31
Gallager, Mr. & Mrs. John I., 12
Gallagher, John, 6, 7, 10
Gallagher, John & Stella, 23
Gallagher, John I., 1, 2, 8, 10, 37
Garn, Charles, 6, 10
Garn, Charles S., 2, 37
Garn, Chuck & Willie, 21
Garn, Willie, 18
Gasses, Joseph, 6
Gasses, Joseph J., 37
Gerolstein, 25
Gibson, Charles R., 37
Gibson, Mr. & Mrs. Charles R., 12
Gilder, Jean, 21
Gilder, Mr. & Mrs. Robert, 12
Gilder, Robert A., 37
Gioia, Patrick J., 37
Glenney, Walter S., 37
Gollhofer, Earl A., 37
Goodman, Lapmon O., 37
Goodman, Mr. & Mrs. L. O., 23
Gossom, Neil, 30
Gregory, Leo, 13
Gregory, Mr. & Mrs. W. Leo, 12
Gregory, W. Leo, 37
Hackling, Bobby, 23
Hagen, Edwin P., Jr., 37
Hagman, Juanita, 37
Hankins, Sterling, 11
Hanover, 40
Harned, Dale, 29
Harris, William B., 37
Hartlieb, Glenn O., 31, 37
Hartlieb, Mr. & Mrs. Glenn O., 12
Hartzell, Bertram E., 37
Hayden, Norman W., 37
Healan, Henry D., 37
Heath, Bryon P., 37
Hemelt, William G., 37
Hemming, Forrest W., 37
Henderson, C., 29
Henderson, Charles E., 37
Henderson, Mr. & Mrs. Charles, 12
Henning, James, 9
Henning, James W., 2, 37
Henning, Mr. & Mrs. James W., 12
Henson, E. Glenn, 37
Henson, Glen, 11
Henson, Glenn, 8, 9, 10
Henson, Glenn & Mille, 20
Henson, Mildred & Glenn, 4, 14
Henson, Mr. & Mrs. Glenn, 12
Hereth, Lee J., 37
Hester, Kenneth T., 37
Hilburn, Leland, 11
Hill, Frank J., 37
Hiltbrand, Walter F., 37
Holder, Harry L., 37
Holder, Mr. & Mrs. Harry, 12
Hornsby, Irving R., 37
House, Mr. & Mrs. Pete, 12
House, Pete, 19, 37
Houston, William C., 37
Howard, John W., 37
Howell, Bob, 10
Howell, Mr. & Mrs. Robert, 12
Howell, Robert, 1, 10
Howell, Robert F., 2, 38
Hulbert, Carl M., 27, 38
Huyett, Capt. J.B., 29
Iwamoto, George, 38
Jacobs, Montague H., 38
Jefferies, William H., 38
Jessee, Robert D., 38
Johnson, Al, 21
Johnson, Albert, 4, 12, 20
Johnson, Albert A., 4, 38
Johnson, Benjamin F., Jr., 38
Johnson, Cecil O., 38
Johnson, Vincent M., 38
Johnson, William, 38
Jones, Alan W., Jr., 38
Jones, George W., Jr., 38
Jones, Maj. Gen. Alan W., 4
Jones, Sfc, 11
Jurgensen, Fred H., Sr., 38
Juster, Irvin, 38
Kadke, Mr. & Mrs. Gill, 13
Kaiser, Paul J., 12
Karlsruhe, Germany, 29
Kasemeier, Carl E., 6
Katimaris, Costa, 12, 38
Kaufman, George H., 38
Kaufmann, Richard C., 38
Keenan, Peter E., 38
Kemp, Kay, 23
Kemp, R. F.(Kathryn Loveless), 38
Kemp, Ray, 23
Kenney, Francis T., 38
Kershner, Jesse O., 38
Kersten, Joseph A., 38
Kimmel, Troy H., 38
Kine, Kenneth, 12
King, Kenneth K., 38
Knecht, Marie & Elliot, 23
Koehler, Franklin R., 38
Kohtz, Robert A., 38
Kreuser, Leo P., 30, 38
Krupinski, Sylvester, 38
Kuizema, Harold, 38
Kuizema, Mr. & Mrs. Harold J., 12
Lada, Ted, 39
Lange, Elmer F., 39
Lapan, Betty & Charlie, 23
Laphan, Charles G., 39
Leavitt, Edward H., 39
LeClere, Georgia, 39
Lee, Futrell H., 39
Leisse, Leo R., Sr., 29, 39
Leswig, Phillip R., 39
Letellier, Louis S., Jr., 39
Libman, Mr. & Mrs. Oliver E., 12
Libman, Oliver E., 39
Lifchez, Dr., 31
Lindsey, Curtis L., 39
Linebarger, Mike, 20
Lineberger, William H., 39
Lineberger, William M., 12
Litvin, Joseph, 31, 39
Livesey, Herb, 23
Lombardo, ?, 25
Loos, Arthur E., 39
Lopez, Hugh V., 39
Lothrop, Oliver A., Jr., 39
Loveless, Kathryn, 23, 39
Loveless, Kay, 12, 16, 21
Lowith, Allen L., 39
Lucsay, Mr. & Mrs. William, 13
Lucsay, William, 39
Lyock, Brett, 23
Maceiko, Bonnie, 23
Manager, Thomas G., 39
Manier, Ruth, 11
Mansfield, H.E., Jr., 29
Mansfield, Horace, 6
Mansfield, Horace E., 2, 10, 39
Marcus, Gilbert, 31, 39
Martin, Walter W., 27, 39
Matthews, Chaplain & Mrs. Joseph C., III, 13
Matthews, Col. Joseph C., Jr., 13, 39
Matthews, Joe, 14, 16
Matthews, Joseph C., Jr., 2, 11
Matthews, Kim & Ann, 13
Matthews, Lt. Col. Joseph C., III, 11
Maw, Thomas, 9, 13
Maw, Thomas J., 2, 39
Maxson, Mrs. Jeanie, 25
Maxson, Robert E., 1, 25
Mayes, Hugh, 27
McCarty, Howard S., 31, 40
McClendon, Sfc, 11
McCormick, B. B., Jr., 40
McDowell, Harriet, 12
McGown, Sfc, 11
McKeever, Joseph V., 40
McMahon, Gen., 17
McMahon, Gen. Leo T., 40
McMahon, Leo T., 2, 6, 10
McMahon, Mrs., 6
McMillan, Mr. & Mrs. Paul, 13
McMillan, Paul, 40
Meola, Joseph A., 28
Merz, O. Paul, 39
Mikalauskis, John L., 39
Mikalauskis, Mr. & Mrs. John L., 13
Miller, Gene L., 39
Miller, John W., 39
Monroe, John R., 39
Moon, Col. William P., Jr., 39
Morgan, Dick, 23
Morgan, Kathy, 23
Mosely, Rev. Ron, 10, 11
Mosely, Rev. Ronald, 10
Mosley, Chaplain, 16
Mosley, Rev. Ronald A., 13
Mosley, Ron, 1
Mosley, Ronald A., 4, 40
Mosolf, William J., 39
Mowlds, Maj., 29
Moyer, George, 13
Moyer, George C., 40
Mucha, Flossie & Eddie, 23
Mueller, M. J., 40
Munster, 42
Murray, George, Jr., 40
Mustacchio, Vincent J., 40
Myers, Dr. Larry, Jr., 40
Nash, John B., 40
Newport News, Va., 38
Nicholson, Robbie & Paul, 23
North, Keith, 11
Nusbaum, Alfred S., 40
Odessa, 29
Oelschig, Albert C., Jr., 40
Olman, Wanold, 13
Olman, Wanold D., 40
O'Toole, Lt., 27
O'Toole, Mrs. Mary, 27
Padgett, Carroll D., 40
Pafford, ?, 25
Parker, Arthur C., 40
Parkers Crossroad, 25
Parr, Marvin J., 40
Pettit, Kenneth, 40
Peyser, Charles S., 40
Pierce, Bob, 6
Pierce, Bob & Jean, 27
Pierce, Bob & Marsha, Jr., 23
Pierce, Mr. & Mrs. Robert W., Sr., 13
Pierce, Robert & Jean, 23
Pierce, Robert & Kelli, 23
Pierce, Robert W., 10
Pierce, Robert W., Sr., 1, 4, 8, 11, 40
Pierce, Waldo B., 30, 40
Piha, Morris R., 40
Poland, 29
Popenhagen, Ginnie, 13
Prewett, Edward A., 40
Price, Dr. David S., 40
Prokorym, Casimir T., 40
Puett, Joseph F., 2, 40
Puskarich, Charles, 10
Puskarich, Charles H., 40
Puskarich, Mr. & Mrs. Charles, 13
Puzio, Joseph, 40
Ramsey, M /Sgt., 11
Randall, Bill, 31
Randall, William W., 40
Randol, Robert L., 40
Rarick, Clay, 17
Rarick, Clayton, 13
Rarick, Clayton F., 41
Ravdin, Alex, 41
Redmond, Dean, 13
Reed, Raymond J., 41
Regier, Don, 27
Reilly, Viola, 20, 41
Reilly, Viola K., 13
Remetta, Joseph, 41
Richards, Charles W., 41
Ringer, Bob, 20
Ringer, Robert C., 13, 41
Ringer, Robert G., 2
Ringer, Robert R., 9
Rinkema, George, 41
Rinkema, Mr. & Mrs. George, 13
Ritts, Rowland R., 41
Robb, Dr. & Mrs. John G., 13
Robb, Dr. John G., 41
Robinson, Wesley E., 10
Roehrich, Paul H., 41
Rusch, Marvin H., 41
Russell, J.B., 41
Russin, Peter, 41
Rutt, Mr. & Mrs. Robert E., 13
Rutt, Robert E., 41
Rydzinski, Edward, 41
Samples, L. Orvis, 41
Saucerman, Eugene L., 2, 41
Saucerman, Gene, 6, 10
Saucerman, Gene & Sally & Sandy, 27
Schaffner, John, 27
Schlesser, John P., 41
Schlesser, Mr. & Mrs. Jack P., 13
Schoch, Charlie, 6
Schoonover, Hewitt A., 41
Schoonover, Mr. & Mrs. Hewitt A., 13
Schroeder, Nicholas, 41
Schutte, Mr. & Mrs. Phillip, 13
Schutte, Phillip F., 41
Scranton, Bob, 6
Scranton, Robert, 6, 10
Scranton, Robert L., 2
Scurry, Thomas F., 41
Sebastinelli, Fred A., 41
Seevers, Ralph, 41
Serino, Mike P., 41
Setter, Leon, 13
Setter, Leon J., 41
Sgrignoli, Michael G., 41
Sheahan, Robert, 13
Sheahan, Robert I., 41
Shoch, Charley & Sherry, 6
Shoch, Charlie, 6
Shook, Sgt., 25
Silios, Sgt., 11
Slaback, Harley W., 41
Slayton, David B., 41
Smidansky, Bernard, 27
Smith, Edward J., 27, 41
Smith, Kenneth E., 42
Smith, Mervin S., 42
Snyder, Walter M., 27, 42
Solecki, Emil, 23
Solecki, Emil M., 1, 31
Spade, Robert L., 42
Spayd, Norman, 13
Spayd, Norman S., 42
Spicer, Lawrence, 42
St. Vith, 29, 31, 32
St. Vith, Belgium, 7, 8, 9, 32
Steere, Robert L., 42
Stone, Donald J., 42
Storbeck, Mr. & Mrs. Harry, 12
Stranko, Peter P., 42
Straub, Mr. & Mrs. Ted J., 13
Straub, Ted, 9
Straub, Ted J., 42
Streeter, William, 27
Strickland, J.B., 28
Strickland, James B., 42
Sutter, George F., 42
Taylor, Lee B., 42
Teason, James G., 42
Teel, James, 13
Teel, James E., 42
Terrio, Howard J., 42
Thorn, William T., 42
Thurner, Henry, 27
Tingle, Ben A., 42
Tipton, Cecil B., 25, 42
Tissot, Harrison C., 42
Tobis, Edward A., 42
Todd, Earl L., 42
Trautman, Frank S., 42
Twining, Rollin L., 42
Uebel, Bernard, 42
Umsted, Charles, 42
Untiedt, Ray & Vi, 20
Untiedt, Raymond K., 42
Uthman, Floyd D., 42
Varhola, Steve G., 42
Villwock, Mr. & Mrs. Russell H., 13
Villwock, Russ, 6
Villwock, Russell, 10
Villwock, Russell H., 1, 2, 42
Voscelyn, ?, 25
Walker, Bob, 8
Walker, Bob & June, 27
Walker, Mr. & Mrs. Robert F., 13
Walker, Robert F., 42
Wallace, William A., 42
Walsh, Charlie & Daisey, 23
Walters, Mr. & Mrs. Presslye E., 13
Walters, Presslye, 43
Ward, Mr. & Mrs. Nathan (Duke), 13
Ward, Nathan (Duke), 43
Warner, Glenn W., 43
Warren, Clarence E., 43
Wasik, Joseph A., 43
Watt, Col. Jewell K., 43
Wattam, James M., 43
Weisser, Frederick G., Jr., 43
Wells, James E., 43
Wells, Jim, 16
Wells, Jim & Maydean, 16
Wells, Mr. & Mrs. James E., 13
Wells, The, 16
Whisenhunt, George W., 43
Whisenhurt, Geo., 29
White, E. C., Jr., 43
White, E.C. & Zada, 20
Willsey, ?, 25
Wilson, John D., 43
Winslow, Marshall, 27
Withee, Edward S., 43
Wohl, Tommy, 27
Wojtusik, Stanley A., 43
Wollfrey, Gen. F. A., 43
Wood, Mr. & Mrs. Wilburn, 13
Wood, Wilburn L., 43
Woolfley, Francis A., 31
Worrell, Harold E., 43
Wright, Kenny & Benny & Bradley, 23
Wyatt, Mr. & Mrs. Van, 13
Wyatt, Van S., 22, 43
York, Mr. & Mrs. Robert, 13
York, Robert E., 43
Zicker, Gordon B., 43
Zimmerman, Althea, 23, 43
Zoll, Ed, 43
Zoll, Millie, 21
Zoll, Mr. & Mrs. Ed, 13
Zuckerman, Jack, 43