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Vol. 3, No. 2, Sept. 1946

What Happened to the 422 Before and After 3

DAVID S. PRICE President
JAMES CONNELL Vice-President
H. B. LIVESEY, JR. Editor

     This issue of the "CUB" will appear right in the middle of the membership drive. Since the Association was first formed, everything has been bent towards this effort to enroll every Veteran of the Division as a member. Just under 40,000 names are in our files and each one is getting a four page folder telling of what the Association is doing and asking the recipient to become a member. It includes also a membership application form and locator record, an appeal for contributions to the Memorial Fund, a copy of the Stars & Stripes booklet, a free return envelope and an announcement of the lapel button. The cost is high. Approximately ten cents apiece or about four thousand dollars. From this vantage point it would appear that because of the cost this is an all-out one shot effort. The pattern that the Association will take depends entirely on the results of this drive. It is too much to hope that every one of the 40,000 will become a member. However, every one of the officers is hoping with all his heart that a sufficient number will join to make the Association strong and useful. You who are already members and receiving this copy of the "CUB" have a responsibility also. Americans are known as a race of joiners and after joining, letting George do the work. This is one place where it can't be done. The Association will rise or fall directly in proportion to the effort that you exert in its behalf. You must know at least one former member of the Division. Write him and ask him to join.

     It's not too early to start talking convention. Many Divisions have held reunions this summer. It would appear from the distribution of our members that the greater number live east of the Mississippi and the location would probably be in that area. Two points must be settled: when and where. New York, Pittsburgh, and Indianapolis have been mentioned as possible sites and December 16th, second anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge, March 15th, fourth anniversary of our activation and sometime next summer have been the suggested times. What do you recommend? Let the secretary know so he can inform the Board.

     The secretary started out with the brave idea that pictures of every member of the Association would be published in the "CUB" and this was asked for on membership applications. Examination of the first bills for the "CUB" indicate that this just won't be possible financially. The smallest cut today costs $3.50. With membership at $3.00 it's obviously impossible to print the pictures of all members. It is urgently requested that members continue to send their pictures with their applications for identification purposes. Photographs published in the "CUB" will have to be limited to those of general interest, groups of members, reunions, good pictures of action on the far shore and so forth. The editor sincerely hopes that members will realize the difficulty of following through on his original idea of printing pictures of all members.

     The first issue of every magazine or every new automobile invariably has a lot of bugs in it. The first peace-time issue of the "CUB" had its share. The editor apologizes. President Price's middle initial is S. not A. The director's name is Ladyka, not Ladyha. Wallace C. Amundson, whose father and mother requested information as to how he died, was HQ Co, 1st Bn, 422, not dbb. The first winner of a Distinguished Service Cross in the Division was Edward Withee, not George.


What Happened to the 422 Before and After
     Editor's note: On the 25th of September 1945 Lt. Col. Joseph C. Matthews, formerly Regimental Executive Officer addressed a memorandum to former members of the 422 summarizing what had happened during the Bulge and after. For the benefit of members of other units of the Division, it is republished here.)

Miami Beach, Florida 25 September 1945
Memo to:
Former Members of the 422d Inf.

    1. Purpose. This bulletin is an attempt to furnish you with the available information on casualties, awards, etc. pertaining to the 422d Inf. and to bring you a message from your former Regimental Commander, Colonel Descheneaux, who is hospitalized in Fitzsimmons General Hospital, Denver, Colorado, as a result of tuberculosis, which he contracted while a POW. Please make this bulletin available to any former 422d men who may be near you.

    2. Summary of Combat Operations. The 422d Inf. went into combat in the Schnee-Eifel Area of Germany on 10 December 1944. On 16 December, the regiment was hit by the German Ardennes counter-offensive, and was quickly cut off. Several sectors of the regimental zone received heavy artillery fire and ground attacks, all of which were repulsed. Co. "L" and CN Co. counter-attacked towards AUW on the afternoon of 16 December and prevented the Regimental CP, AT Co. and Cn Co. arms from being overrun. On the night of 17 December, 2d Bn was swung around facing north, to meet a threat from strong enemy forces which had outflanked us. On 18 December, orders by radio from Division Headquarters directed the 422d Inf., in conjunction with the 423d Inf., to attack and destroy enemy forces at Schonberg, and continue along the Schonberg St. Vith road and clear the enemy from that road, which was originally our principal supply route. Meanwhile, the 7th and 9th Armored Divisions were committed in the vicinity of St. Vith, where the 106th Div. CP and other installations had been located, but they were unable to stop the German drive at that point. The 422d Inf. made an extremely well-executed cross-country withdrawal during the day and night of 18 December, to assembly position southeast of Schonberg, and attacked towards Schonberg on the morning of 19 December. They quickly came under small arms and artillery fire from several directions, and the 1st Bn., on the right, was attacked by tanks and part of the Bn was cut off and captured. The 2d and 3d Bns continued the attack towards Schonberg and came under intense fire from several types of weapons of a large enemy antiaircraft unit, which inflicted heavy casualties and knocked out a number of our mortars and machine guns. The 423d Inf. on our left had sustained heavy casualties, was badly disorganized, and later was almost entirely captured or surrendered. In the afternoon of 19 December, having had no resupply of food or ammunition, or evacuation of casualties for the past four days, Colonel Descheneaux decided to surrender that part of the regiment. Parts of the 1st Bn, Co "G", Co "H", and men from other units found their way to the Regimental Motor Park, and held out until 21 December. Co "L" escaped almost intact through the German encirclement, and moved west, but ran into enemy positions on the night of 20 December, and were captured after sustaining many casualties. The majority of the vehicles and personnel of Regt HQ Co, AT Co and Cn Co, which had remained in the assembly area, tried to force a way out to the west, but ran into mine fields and artillery fire and were captured or surrendered. All of the regiment was killed or captured except 9 officers and about 70 men. The regiment was re-constituted in France on 10 April 1945, and has since rejoined the 106th Division.

    3. Events after Capture. Most of the regiment was marched about 50 km to Gerolstein and from there was marched or moved by box car further into Germany. A large part of the officers and men went to Bad Orb. Others were scattered throughout German POW Camps. A number of officers reached Poland, from which they made a winter march of several hundred kilometers, finally arriving at Hammelburg, where the officers from Bad Orb meanwhile had been moved. The Hammelburg Camp was liberated by a raiding force from the 4th Armored Division on 27 March but most of those liberated were recaptured before they could reach the American lines, and were marched back into Germany, finally being liberated at Mooseburg and other places in the Munich area about the last of April. Bad Orb and other camps were also liberated in April and returned via Camp Lucky Strike or through hospitals. A few officers and men were liberated in Eastern Germany by the Russians and evacuated via Russia. Many members were killed or died while Prisoners of War.


4. Message from Col. Descheneaux:
"Fitzsimmons General Hospital Denver, Colorado
20 August 1945
Members of the 422d Inf. Regt:
     The war in which we took such a brief and tragic part is over. Most of us were fortunate enough to have returned to our families and friends. Time will dim but never entirely erase the memory of our trying experiences. I have found, through conversations with many former members of our regiment confined in this hospital, that information as to our mission and the circumstances leading to our capture are not fully known. Events happened so fast and under such difficult circumstances that it is understandable why such information did not reach everyone. I hope that this bulletin will serve to clarify that undesirable situation.
     As to our part, after we were cut off we were ordered to leave our position on Schnee-Eifel and to attack and destroy a German Panzer Combat Team on the Schonberg St. Vith Road, after which we were to proceed to St. Vith and then west from there. We were almost entirely surrounded and in order to reach Schonberg we had to move across country. I was separated from you not long after capture, and with few exceptions, have seen none of you since. It was only after my arrival here, and through correspondence with officers and men of the various companies, that I have been able to get a fairly complete picture of many details of the attack. We ran into a trap near Schonberg and were subjected to heavy fire from nearly all directions and by tanks and artillery. By the afternoon it became evident that the accomplishment of our mission was impossible. It became further evident that there was little we could do to help any operation. The paramount question became that of saving the lives of as many of you men as possible and every possible action to accomplish this was discussed. Our situation was rendered hopeless by our great distance behind our lines, the weather, our ammunition supply, and many other factors. And so, though my spirit revolted against such a decision, surrender seemed to be the only solution to avoid needless loss of life and further suffering. I am convinced that there was nothing else to do and I know that opinion is shared by most every one of you.
     It is my sincere desire, and that of all our officers, to secure the recognition and awards which no many of you richly deserve for gallantry and meritorious service. This may be slow, due to administrative difficulties, but you may be sure that many deserving cases will be recommended for awards as soon as full information can be secured in proper form. The Combat Infantryman Badge was awarded to all Infantrymen of the Regiment and the Medical Badge to members of the Medical Detachment, and Regimental Colors of the 422d Inf recently were appropriately decorated as a Combat Regiment at a Division Review in the ETO.
     I wish all of you the best of luck, and whatever course your lives may take in the future. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for having made it possible for me to be as proud of his officers, men, and regiment as any commander ever could be.
Colonel, Inf."

    5. Promotions: All officers and EM who were POW's receive an interview at the Redistribution Station or hospital, which is considered by a special board of officers in Washington, to make promotion in cases of those whose service, position held and other factors indicate that they presumably would have been promoted had they not been capture. A letter was also written to this board, giving details of the situation which existed in the 422d Inf., and providing information calculated to effect promotion of the maximum number of deserving cases. W. D. Circular No. 185, dated 21 June 1945, provides for restoration to grade under certain condition, of noncommissioned officers who were reduced without prejudice because no suitable assignment was available. See your unit personnel officer for details.

    6. Combat Infantryman and Medical Badges: The officers and men who were present with the regiment when the German counter-offensive began on 16 December 1944 were awarded the Combat Infantryman Badge, retroactive to 16 December 1944 (including the additional pay), on Letter Orders No. 140, Subject: Combat Infantryman Badge, The Adjutant General's Office, Washington, D. C. Medical Badges were awarded to all members of the Medical Detachment, but I do not have the order number available. If you have not received your Badge, see your unit commander or write to The Adjutant General, Washington 25, D.C.

    7. Unit Awards: All members of the 422d Inf. who were POW's are entitled to wear two bronze stars, one for the Rhineland Campaign and one for the Ardennes Campaign. Any member who joined American forces and engaged in combat after escape or liberation, as did a number of those who were liberated at Hammelburg, is entitled also to a bronze star for the campaign of Central Germany.


    8. Individual Awards and Decorations: I have heard many accounts of splendid performances by members of our regiment, including some who were killed. Some of these have been recommended for awards, but most cases will never receive the recognition they deserve unless persons who have knowledge of the facts will make suitable statements on which to base recommendations. If you are not equipped to prepare the recommendation yourself, I will undertake to prepare and forward an appropriate recommendation for any individual action for which you will furnish me the essential information. A sworn statement is required (officers only may make a certificate), stating the facts in your own words. Be sure to include the name of the person to be recommended, the location, date, time, weather, visibility, casualties, nature of the terrain, enemy activity and location, the effect of the deed, and any other information which will serve to give a true picture of the action. Submit statement in triplicate, and either give me the name of another witness, or say in your statement that you were the only known witness, as statements from two witnesses are normally required, in order to support the letter of recommendation. If you know of cases deserving of awards, please prepare your recommendations, or submit the necessary statements to me without delay. Address statements to Lt. Col. Joseph C. Matthews, Jr., Western Boulevard, Route No. 4. Raleigh, North Carolina.

    9. It is estimated that the 422d Inf sustained casualties of approximately 100 killed and 750 wounded, including deaths and injuries sustained after capture. The following list of those killed is not complete, but is the most accurate available at this time:
Lt Col Thomas Kent, Hq 1st Bn
Capt Wm. H. Perkins, Co M
Capt Julius Hene, Medics
1st Lt John M. Krol, Regt Hq Co
1st Lt Wm. B. Brice, Co B
1st Lt Emmit I. Harman, Jr, Co H
1st Lt Clifford F. Blacke, Medics
1st Lt Richard C. Diamon, Medics
1st Lt Norman A. Engle, Co K
1st Lt Thorold J. B. Sharitz, Co B
1st Lt Karl Luck, Co A
1st Lt Leon Kastenbaum, AT Co
2nd Lt Bernard M. Christensen, Co L
2nd Lt George E. Hammond, Co H
1st Sgt Douglas J. Reichenau, AT Co
T Sgt Samuel F. Baxter, Co H
T Sgt James F. Melton, Co M
S Sgt Laverne E. Borreson, Co M
S Sgt Raymond F. Jones, Co H
S Sgt Robert J. King, Co M
S Sgt George E. Thomas, SvCo
T 4 Patrick V. Thomas, Regt Hq Co
S Sgt Paul Wannamaker, Hq 3d Bn
Sgt Steve J. Koscak, Co E
Sgt Thomas W. Ahlberg, Co G
Sgt Claude E. Brown, Co H
Sgt Charles L. Rizzoli, Co H
Tec 5 Harry Washer, Co G
Pvt Charles P. Gulios, Co E
Pvt John J. Heagney, Co B
Pvt Nicholas J. LoSavio, Co B
Pvt Anthony H. Pandini, Co L
Pvt John J. Rogosienski, Co D
Pfc Leonard Golardi, Co M
Pfc George A. Anderson, Co C
Pfc Carl A. Aylesworth, Co H
Pfc Saul Bard, Co G
Pfc Murray Brenner, Co E
Pfc Bert E. Butler, Co H
Pfc Wm. J. Cannon, Co B
Pfc Eli Cohen, Co I
Pfc Louis A. Croce, Hq 2d Bn
Pfc Charles G. Frair, Co B
Pfc Sheldon N. Franklin, Hq 3d Bn
Pvt Norvel E. Ingle, Medics
Pfc Charles A. Lubke, Regt Hq Co
Pfc William B. Kempf, Co E
Pfc Don S. Kinzer, Co F
Pfc David S. Mueller, Co M
Pfc Porter, Hq 1st Bn
Pfc Raymond L. Obert, Co H
Pfc Arthur S. Rosen, Co F
Pfc Hayden Seymour, Co G
Pfc Duane P. Ward, Co L
Pfc Harry H. Weissinger, Co G
Pfc Earl F. Ballew, Medics
Pfc Robert H. Wilson, Co H
T 4 Robert J. Burns, Hq 3d Bn
Pvt Antonio Carraturo, Hq 2d Bn
Pvt Charles H. Clark, Regt Hq Co
Pfc Von W. Gordon, Co E
Pvt Philip F. Greenspan, Co A
Pvt Milton Rothman, Co B
Pvt Donald S. Rowe, Co F
Pvt John W. Thomas, Hq 2d Bn
Pvt John P. Viborka, Co B
Pvt John B. Wharton, Co G
Pvt Creslow P. Zguzenski, Co F

    10. Conclusion. I regret that space does not permit me to reprint the tributes paid to our Division by the Secretary of War, General Eisenhower, and other high commanders, nor to bring you many warm expressions of pride and appreciation of their comrades which have come to me from officers and men of our regiment. I am equally proud to have been a member of the 422d Id and to have served in combat with such


    men. Those who gave their lives will be remembered with deepest respect and reverence. Both for myself and for the many who would welcome the opportunity, I wish you the best of luck in all things, wherever you may be.
(Formerly Regt Exec Off, 422d

    Stanley D. Apfel, 864 49th Street, Brooklyn 20, New York requests the present address of Sgt Robert Nerrick of New York, former NCO in Co B 424 Inf.

T/4 Calvin W. Allee, Co B, 81st Engineers
Pfc John Jones of Co A, 81st Engineers.
The home addresses of the above are urgently requested by Henry Cavallo, Route 2, Flemington, W.Va.

Addresses wanted at Association Headquarters for the following:
Aas, Jeer
Abba, Joseph L
Aben, Edmund J.
Abercrombie, Thos. J.
Acker, Elmer D.
Ackley, William
Acosta, Louis
Acton, Raymond
Adams, Andrew A.
Adams, Claude L
Adduci, Joe M.
Ade, Leo F.
Agostino, Orfeo E.
Ahanen, John E.
Ahlstrom, Elmer K.
Ailstock, Alfred E.
Albert, George V.
Aldama, Esperidion M.
Alexander, Elmer C.
Alkire, George E.

    Paul Calvert, P. O. Box 463, 115 No. Pierpont Avenue, Rockford. Illinois, requests information about Sgt Charles Ivan Longlord, 422 Inf Service Co listed as missing in action December 1944.

    The father and mother of Wallace C. Amundson, Hq Co, lot Bn, 422 Inf, request information as to how he died. Forward directly to the father, Lucian Amundson, Blair, Wisconsin, or through the Association office.

    Raymond F. Anderson. Mrs. Ellen Anderson. 4518 N. Hamilton Avenue, Chicago 25, Illinois, earnestly desires information about her son, Pvt Raymond F. Anderson, 36 778 628, Co L 423 reported as killed in action 21 December 1944.

    DO YOU KNOW THE NAMES OF ANY 106th VETERANS STILL IN THE HOSPITAL? If you have the names of any former members of the 106th Division who are still in the hospital please notify the association CP so we can put them on the mailing list for free issues of the "Cub".
69 E. Laurel Ave. Sierra Madre, Calif.
July 6, 1946
Dear Herbert Livesey.
Secy-Treas. 106 Infantry
Mamaroneck, N. Y.
     I have your letter of May 24th about the organization of the 106th. I am the mother of Private Wm. H. Carow of 423rd Infantry, who was killed in the bombing, of Leipzig. He was in charge of a "Commando" there, --a work division of Stalag 4B. He and seven other American boys were killed at their camp on April 12th last year.
     I have been hoping to find, sooner or later, some of the boys who were with him either in camp or in battle, and so I welcomed the news of your association. Will you please write me if I may use your information service to get in touch with some of Bill's friends whose names I know and also if I could get the names of any members of your division who were at the Leipzig camp.
     Am enclosing a contribution to your scholarship fund. Do you have any kind of membership for mothers of the members who gave their lives? I would be interested in seeing a copy of your paper.
     Bill's grave has not yet been located. The German government has never reported it. I am trying to locate it through personal friends. If this is unsuccessful I might be most glad to have your help or advice.
With all good wishes to "The Golden Lions" --I am
Most sincerely,
    Mrs. Edna H. Carow P.S. Please let me know when the history of the division is ready for sale. If you would like a brief story and picture of Bill for your paper, let me know. Some of his letters from training camp make excellent reading, if you wish material of that kind.

16 July 1946
Mrs. Edna H. Carow
69 E. Laurel Avenue
Sierra Madre, Calif.
Dear Mrs. Carow:
I am deeply appreciative for having received your fine letter of the 6th of July.
     The primary purpose for being of this Association is service to those loved ones of our comrades who fell in battle. On behalf of the Association I wish to thank you for your contribution


    to the Scholarship Fund. Yours is the second such contribution unsolicited. The first being that of Mrs. Edna M. Anchorstar whose son died of "malnutrition" in a German prison camp.
     Of course you may use our information service and we will help in every way that we possibly can. Your letter will be republished in full in the second issue of "The Cub" and a permanent memorandum made in our file.
     We will be glad to get the story and picture of Bill. I hope to use this in a future issue of "The Cub'.. It also may be helpful if you get it in immediately for Colonel Dupuy who is writing our Division History. He expects to complete it this month. Due to printing difficulties however the History will not be published until the early part of next year.
     Right at the present we do not have any kind of membership for Mothers of the members who gave their lives. When we drew up the Constitution at Camp Lucky Strike in France that phase of our work was uncertain. I have however written to all members of the Board of Directors suggesting the formation of a Woman's Auxiliary or a Gold Star Auxiliary or failing in the approval of the Board of Directors for that, for permission for relatives to subscribe to "The Cub". The Board was unanimous in feeling that some provision must be made for people like yourself to work with us and instructed me to prepare an amendment to the Constitution to be presented at our first convention and in the meantime to permit anyone who wished to subscribe to "The Cub" at $3.00 a year.
With sincere best wishes.
Yours very truly,
Herbert B. Livesey, Jr. Secretary-Treasurer

     The Army & Navy Journal in its June 22nd issue announces that the Army Ground Forces in setting up its reserve units has not included the 106th to be reactivated. These units are to be of 4 types: Class A-1 service type units at full strength of officers and enlisted men fully equipped and trained during peacetime; Class A-2 combat type units organized at full strength of officers and enlisted men fully equipped and trained; Class B combat and service type units organized with full strength of officers and at least a cadre of enlisted men; Class C combat and service type units organized with full strength of officers only. It is contemplated these units will be established on a 2 hour a week armory drill and 15 days active duty. The list of Organized Reserve Corps divisions and the tentative training sites are as follows:

     98th Airborne Division, re-designated from the inactive 98th "Iroquois" Infantry division; the reconstituted 76th "Liberty Bell" Infantry division; the reactivated 77th "Statue of Liberty" and the 94th and 97th Infantry divisions. Fort Devens and Camp Edwards, Mass.; Fort Dix, N. J.; Pine Camp, N. Y.; Fort Bragg, N. C.; and A. P. Hill Military Reservation, Va., are the contemplated training sites.

     99th and 100th Airborne divisions, designated from the inactive 99th "Checkerboard" and 100th "Century" Infantry divisions. Tentative training areas are Camp Atterbury, Ind.; Camp Campbell and Fort Knox, Ky.; A. P. Hill Military Reservation and Camp Pickett, Va.; Indiantown Gap, Pa.; and Fort George G. Meade, Md.

     15th Airborne division and the reactivated 81st "Wildcat" and the 87th "Golden Acorn" Infantry divisions. Tentative training sites are Fort Benning and Camp Stewart, Ga.; Camp Blanding. Fla.; Fort Bragg, N. C.; Fort Jackson, S. C.; and Camp Shelby, Miss.

    22nd Armored division, the reactivated 90th "Texas-Oklahoma" and 95th "Victory" Infantry divisions. Camp Hood and Fort Bliss, Tex.; Camp Joseph T. Robinson, Ark.; and Fort Sill, Okla., are tentatively contemplated for training.

     84th Airborne division, re-designated from the 84th "Rail-splitters" Infantry division; the new 21st Armored division and the reconstituted 85th "Custer," the reactivated 89th "Middle-west," the 102nd "Ozark" and the 103rd "Cactus" Infantry divisions. Tentatively contemplated for training are Camp Carson, Colo.; Fort Custer, Mich.; Camp Ellis and Fort Sheridan, Ill.; Fort Leonard Wood, Mo.; Camp McCoy, Wis.; Fort Riley, Kans.; and Camp Ripley, Minn.

     19th Armored division and the 91st "Powder River," the 96th "Deadeye" and the 104th "Timberwolf" Infantry divisions. Camp Beale, Camp Irwin, Camp Roberts, and Fort Ord, Calif.; Fort Huachuca, Ariz.; and Fort Lewis, Wash., are contemplated as training sites.


     Chaplain (Capt) Cavanaugh of the 422 who was captured at Schonberg, and 1st Lt M. J. Guiffre, Hq 2d Bn 423 (not to be confused with Major M. R. J. Guiffre, assistant Division G-2) dropped in to the National office Wednesday evening June 17th accompanied by Mr. N. Smolka survivor of the 110th Regt of the 28th Division which was wiped out in the Bulge alongside of us.
     Chaplain Cavanaugh was captured at Schonberg and released in April of 1945. He has completed a 160 page book on his experience and expects that it will be published late fall. He promises an article for "The Cub". The Chaplain went through all of his experiences unscathed only to fall from a set of parallel bars on returning to the States, permanently injuring his knee.
     Lt Guiffre no sooner met your humble secretary when he started rolling up his sleeves in rather menacing fashion. Lt Guiffre being a young broad-shouldered husky chap and said secretary, better not described, carnage seemed imminent. However, the good Lt merely wished to display more in sorrow than in anger the fact that he was still carrying a mustard gas test burn given by said secretary back at Fort Jackson nearly 3 years ago. Lt Guiffre was with Col Puett's Reserve Bn and captured at Schonberg also.
     Chaplain Cavanaugh's permanent address is: 509 N. Oak Park Avenue, Oak Park, Illinois--Lt Guiffre's, 75 St. Marks Place, New York 3, N. Y.

     Jerome Frankel, Member No. 2, "I have just received the first issue of the CUB and want to tell you it really it something to be proud of. I've shown it to some people in my office and to some of my buddies who were in different outfits and they voice the same opinion. "Some swell job" was a typical comment. Any ideas yet as to when and where our first convention will be held? I think New York would be a good place."
     General McMahon, "Hearty congratulations on Vol. III, number 1 of the CUB. I thought it a grand job for the first issue. In fact I was quite astonished to find it a "slick" publication." Edmund F. Henry, Secretary 24th (Victory Division) Association. "Permit me to express my congratulations on its (the CUB) excellent format and content. We are just starting, and if we do as well, it will give us great satisfaction." Mr. Don Allen, 401 Gardenville Road, Pittsburgh 27, Pa. writes as follows: "I'm writing this in tribute to those men of the 106th Infantry Division who made the supreme sacrifice. None of the 'Golden Lion' Division who faced the onslaught of overwhelming German armor and Nazi hordes on that fateful Dec. 16th, 1944 can forget their buddies and comrades at arms who gave their lives to stem the damning tide. "As I first opened the pages of the first post war "Cub of the Golden Lion" it brought back sharp memories to me. Memories of the troops fresh in combat who fought and died like veterans, the ear splitting roar of 88's, the rapid chatter of machine guns, the smashed towns of St. Vith, Malmedy, Stavelot, and others too numerous to event recount.
     "Then as I read on, the more pleasant aspects of my days in the 106th began to come back to me. Those training days in the States when we worked hard all day learning to make good soldiers, and spent so many fun filled evenings in Columbia, Nashville, Indianapolis, Boston--those memorable days in Liverpool, Paris, St. Quentin, Rennes, Eupen, Coblenz, Luxembourg City and all the other foreign cities that seem more like a dream now than places we trod wearing the "Golden Lion".
     "Those men who helped to put out the magazine I've just read deserve to be congratulated for a grand job, and I want to be one of the first to say, nice going!
     "I was very interested in the suggestion of a plaque for our former buddies who fell in the defense of St. Vith, Belgium. It was near there that a convoy from my outfit, the 106th Signal Co., was ambushed and several of my friends were killed or wounded by the first enemy
(Continued on page 13)

    On the following pages are the photographs of General Jones and General Stroh. These have been printed on a special paper suitable for framing. The biographies of each are on the reverse side. The following month the pictures of General Perrin and General McMahon will be published. The third month, will be General Woolfley and Colonel Baker, Chief of Staff.


Education: Chemical Engineer, University of Washington.
    Service in Army: Commissioned Second Lieutenant United States Army in 1917. Served in the Office of the Chief of Infantry and in the Hawaiian and Philippines Departments and was a member of the War Department General Staff. Assistant to the Division Commander, 90th Infantry Division. Commanding General 106th Infantry Division from 20 January 1943 until he was hospitalized on 22 December 1944.
Service Schools: The Infantry School, The Artillery School, Command and General Staff School.
Campaigns: Germany, Belgium.
Decoration: French Legion of Honor.
Home Address: 3532 Quebec Street, N.W., Washington 16, D. C.
Next of Kin: Mrs. Alan W. Jones (wife).


Born: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, November 3, 1892.
Education: Public Schools, Washington, D. C., B.S. Michigan State College 1915.
    Service prior to December 7, 1941: Commissioned Second Lieutenant Cavalry United States Army June 16, 1917. Served as First Lieutenant and Captain 17th Cavalry until 1920 when he was transferred to the Infantry. Served successively thereafter as Captain, Major and Lieutenant Colonel in the 35th Infantry, 59th Infantry, Organized Reserves Sixth Corps Area, 45th Infantry, 23d Brigade, 26th Infantry, instructor in The Infantry School, and A. C. of S., G-2 Fourth Army.
    Service Schools: The Infantry School, Company Officers Course 1923, Advanced Course 1929, Command and General Staff School 1933, Army War College 1937.
Service subsequent to December 7, 1941:
A. C. of S., G-2 Fourth Army and Western Defense Command, December 7, 1941 --March 4, 1942.
Commanding Officer 339th Infantry, 85th Division to July 1, 1942.
    Assistant to the Division Commander, 9th Infantry Division to July 11, 1944. Commanding General 8th Infantry Division from July 12, 1944 to November 29, 1944. Commanding General 106th Infantry Division from February 7, 1945 to August 12, 1945. Campaigns: Africa, Sicily, Normandy, Northern France, Rhineland, Central Europe. Decorations: Distinguished Service Medal, Legion of Merit (one oak leaf cluster), Bronze Star, French Legion of Honor, French Croix de Guerre.
Home Address: 3614 Ingmar Place, N.W., Washington 15, D. C.
Next of Kin: Mrs. Donald A. Stroh (wife).


(Continued from page 8(

    troops they ever saw. For the information of any Signalmen who read this, Jimmy Leonard (a member of the ill-fated convoy) is living in Pittsburgh now with his cute red-headed wife from California.
     "'Whitey' Allshouse is working for an electrical concern in Pittsburgh and is talking of going overseas again for a civilian job with the Army.
    "I'm a station installer for the Bell Telephone Co. of Pa right here in Pittsburgh, and it sure does differ from those telephone and switchboard installations we used to make for the men of the 106th. Something different every day, and lots of fun after and during every day. "Lots of luck to the organization and you can count on me for support in any ventures of the future. I'm all for you."

    Capt M. N. Crank, War Crimes Group, USFFET, APO 633, C/O PM, New York, N. Y. writes: "I received your, first issue of THE CUB which I have enjoyed very much.
     "I note that numerous people are requesting information concerning the deaths of their relatives and their places of burial. I have contacted Major Jack Price, 0-337686, American Graves Registration Command, APO 887, c/o P.M., New York, N. Y., and he has assured me that his office will be very grateful to give any information that is available in their records concerning the place of burial of any member of the 106th Infantry Division. Major Price was a former member of the Division Artillery, 106 Infantry Division from activation until June 1944. Therefore, if anyone requests any information regarding the above, I shall be very happy to receive any requests regarding this information and I will contact Major Price and forward any information that is obtainable. Also, this information may be obtained by writing directly to Major Price at the above mentioned address.
"I am enclosing a $10.00 money order as a contribution to the fund of the 106th Division Association.
    "At any time that I can be of help in obtaining information of any kind concerning former members of the 106th Infantry Division, I will be most certainly glad to do so."

Dear Mr. Livesey:
     I think it would be breaking things down just a bit too much to form a post in the Bronx, but I am heartily in favor of having a post formed for the entire city of New York. If a post is formed in the Bronx however, I will be only too glad to join.
     I would also like to suggest, if I may, that national headquarters for the Association be eventually located in one of three cities:
1. New York (since we will undoubtedly have more members than any other city).
2. Indianapolis (for sentimental reasons).
3. Washington, D. C. (for purposes of pulling a string now and then).
    Just one more thing and I'll be through. As soon as the Association gets settled down and starts talking about having a bit of a get-together, what do you say we have it in the form of a grand reunion at the place that is close to the heart of every former member of the stateside 106th? Naturally I mean Indianapolis.
Respectfully yours,
Robert Oppenheim

Dear Mr. Oppenheim:
     Mighty glad to hear from you and to get your point of view on National Headquarters. Where ever I have heard any comment about a change of CP location it has been in favor of Indianapolis. It certainly has many advantages not the least of which is the fact that it is the location of so many Veteran Headquarters. I think what we will have to do however, is wait to see the distribution of membership. As it stands now the roster of the Division follows the census pretty closely with one exception. New York has almost 10% of the roster, Pennsylvania is second, Chicago third and then New Jersey rather than Michigan. In other words the great bulk of the membership is in the east. However, if my years of Trade Association work mean anything, it is that easterners are not joiners and we can expect the center of paid members to be farther west. As it stands we have Veterans in every state of the union and 6 foreign countries, in almost every city and hamlet of the country including 15 or more in 283 separate communities.
     We are just embarking on a great membership drive. The results of that, which should be tabulated by October would regulate where the Association CP should be located.
Yours very truly,
Herbert B. Livesey, Jr. Secretary-Treasurer


     Mr. R. Boesch of Brooklyn says, "Have just received the "CUB" and I think it is swell. Especially the Heading on the cover, really colorful."
     Clyde Archer, former Bn Sgt Major of the 422 and now a newspaper editor in Parkersburg, West Virginia writes as his most vivid picture of battle "I was wounded and was being carried on a stretcher. 88's began putting down some heavies and every one took cover. Where I was I could look down into a small ravine. On the far side I saw Major Ouellette, Ex officer of 422d, sitting holding his neck. I later learned he had just been hit by a bullet which had struck his leaf on his collar. If it hadn't been for his leaf he would have been killed."
     We were quite interested in the letterhead sent in by David S. Emmert. There is a large picture of the men of the Wire Section of the 424 and printed across the top in red is the name "BUDDIES TO THE BLOODY END CLUB". Beneath it is the Division emblem in maroon. Emmert says: "I have just received your first publication of "The CUB of the GOLDEN LION". It came as quite a surprise to me although I must admit that I was expecting some sort of news from the seven (7) directors that were elected at Camp Lucky Strike. I feel sure that the aims and ideals of the association will make it grow to such a height that it will be the envy of all other associations.
     "After a change of clothing and a pause for a vacation, I returned home to find a number of letters from my buddies suggesting we form a club of our own and send out a publication each month of all the latest rumors and dirt collected from each of the members of the WIRE SECTION of the 424th. In our own small way we tried to keep in touch with our buddies and looked forward each month for news of the old gang. Now that the CUB has officially been published and an organization has been formed for us, I am sure you will receive our fullest support.
     "Although I did not receive an application blank you will find enclosed my three dollars for membership in the 106th Association. I was lucky enough to stay with the Division from the time it was activated until its deactivation at Camp Shanks. I was also present at the organizational meeting at Camp Lucky Strike. I wish the association every success and am hoping to hear from you soon again."
Sincerely, David S. Emmert P.O. Box 31 Hagerstown, Md.

817 N. Salisbury Street West Lafayette, Indiana 14 August 1946
Dear Fellows,
I finally got hold of your address through a 424th buddy. Now, how do I join?--send in one bag-lunch?
     I was in 1st Battalion Headquarters Company of the 423rd . . . joined the outfit when it came off maneuvers at Atterbury; I was in the ASTP bunch that came up from the University of Alabama (Pvt, that is.)
     When we hit the line I had a snug little job in Bn Hq as the clerk, working with 1st Lt Alan W. Jones, Jr. Col. Cavender turned in the towel December 19th at 4 p.m. Most of us went over to Stalag IVB at Muhlberg-on-Elbe. After 10 days I went out on "D.S." on a commando working at Halle-on-the-Salle. Got paroled April 20--saw a lot of 106th men at Camp Lucky Strike before getting home May 22, 1945.
     As you likely know, the 106th practically had roll call in August at Miami Beach at the Redistribution Station. I saw most of my company there, and many more.
     I got back here in school in November and will be a junior in the school of Mechanical Engineering. There are a hell of a lot of 106th men here on the campus--every now and then I get stopped while wearing a patch on an old field jacket.
     What I'd like to know is the official decorations that the 423rd has. I've been told the Presidential Citation, the Belgian Croix de Guerre, etc.
What became of Alan W. Jones after Dec. 19th?
    Do you know anything about a (Pfc) Jack Brugh (3rd Bn, Hq Co, 422) of Knoxville, Tennessee? I saw him at Stalag IVB. How about (2nd Lt) H. A. McKinley (1st Bn, Hq Co, 423) of Dayton, Ohio? John Connell (C Co 81st Eng) of Iowa?
Thanking you for any information and looking forward to hearing from you.
Don E. Cooley

My dear Don:
Glad to get your letter of the 14th.
     Alan W. Jones, Jr. is now Captain and after some time in this country has gone back to Europe. I understand he says he has a date with a couple of German P.W. guards.
No, I didn't know that the 106th had roll call in August at Miami Beach.


     The 423 is a Combat Infantry Regiment. I am sorry to say it did not get the Presidential Citation or the Belgian Croix de Guerre. The only unit in the Division that got the Presidential Citation was the 81st Eng (C) Bn.
Jack Brugh according to our records is at 101 West Dalton Road, Oakridge, Tennessee.
     The only Lt McKinley we have in our files is 1st Lt H. C. McKinley, Box 152, Hancock, Md., formerly of the 422. John Connell's address is McGregor, Iowa.
Enclosed is all the dope on the Association. I'll be looking for you to become a member.
Herbert B. Livesey, Jr.

    1st Lt William P. Dohoney, Co D, Co G, Co C of the 422nd Inf is a student at Harrisburg, Pa., his home town. His address there is, 1429 Berryhill St.

    Sgt Junior M. Carter, AT Co, 423 Inf, doesn't say what he's doing. His home address is 1314 Cassopolis St., Elkhart, Ind.

    Pfc Richard H. Allen, 424 Medics and 331 Med Bn Co C is at Wakeman General Hospital, Camp Atterbury, Ind. His home is at 310 Chestnut Street, Crawfordsville, Ind.

    T/Sgt Frederick O. Bartimus, 106th Div Hq, Finance Office is an Accountant at the Colorado Interstate Gas Company in Colorado Springs. He's living at 329 E. Kiowa Street, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

    Pfc Clifford Arnold, Co I, 423 Inf, is a machine operator with the American Tobacco Company in North Carolina. His home address is 25 Field Street, Reidsville, N. C.

    Sgt Lowry B. Andrews, Co H, Co K, Service Co, 422 Inf tells as he's a clerk at Machlett Laboratories Inc., Springdale, Conn. His home is at 35 Taylor Avenue, South Norwalk, Conn.

    T/4 Donald R. Armington, Co H, 424 Inf is a salesman. 3125 John Patterson Road, Des Moines 17, Iowa is his home address.

    Capt. Martin M. Dolitsky, CO, Service Btry, 591 FA Bn is in the electrical supply business in Port Chester, New York. His address is 134 N. Main Street, Port Chester, N. Y.

    T/4 Minturn T. Wright III, 106th Sig Co and editor of that unit's newspaper, the "Amplifier" is now a college student at New Haven, Conn. His permanent address is 25 Ledyard Road, West Hartford, Conn.

    S/Sgt Rollin L. Twining, Hq Co 3d Bn 424 Inf and 106th CIC Det, has returned to his Law practice in his home town of Binghamton, New York. His address there is 79 Bennett Avenue.

    T/Sgt Leonard H. Barnes, 3d Platoon, Co B, 424 Inf is living at 618 N. English, Marshall, Missouri. He is associated with Barnes Taxi in that city.

    Robert Oppenheim, Co M 424 Inf is a clerk at the Veterans Administration 252 Seventh Ave., New York, N. Y. He says he hopes to be a student in a few months. His home is at 1120 Wyatt Street, Bronx 60, N. Y.

    Colonel Frank I. Agule, Division AG is now with the Hq 2d Inf Div, Fort Lewis, Washington. He says, "We are temporarily located in Seattle pending vacancy of quarters on the Post. Rather an upset state yet awaiting our furniture by freight from Texas and our remaining furniture from storage in Eugene, Oregon where it has been for 4 years."

Lt Col Max Roadruck, Division G-1, is now in the G-1 Section, Hq AGF, Washington, D. C.

    Sgt Harry H. Greenspan, 806th Ord Co (LM) tells us he's an office manager in his home town of Yonkers, New York. His address is 203 Nepperhan Avenue, Yonkers 2, N. Y.

    T/Sgt Merle J. Allen, 589th FA Bn Btry B, is a clerk for the Detroit Public Libraries. His home address is 2761 Holly Street, Dearborn, Michigan.


    Capt. William S. Reisman, AT Co, Rgt'l Hq Co 422 Inf tells us he recently was married to Miss Janice McKinley who is the sister of Lt Harry McKinley, 422 Inf. Capt Reisman is associated with Civia Trading Corporation in New York City and is living at 40 Willow Drive, New Rochelle, New York.

    Pfc Joe A. Aparicio, 424 Inf writes from his home at 3136 Marion Street, Denver, Colorado and says "I approve very much of the formation of a 106th Association in memory of our Buddies that never got to come back. "

    Sgt Alvin Lukashok, Co H, 424 Inf tells as he's now an engineering student at M.I.T. in Cambridge, Mass. His home is at 13 Glenmore Drive, New Rochelle, New York.

    Major William Lyle Mowlds, Provost Marshall and CO of the 106th MP Platoon is now the State Director of Vocational Agriculture in Delaware. His home address is 896 So. State Street, Dover, Delaware.

    S/Sgt L. Preston Barnes Div Hq, is still overseas. He's a civilian, working with the Trade and Commerce Branch, OMGUS, APO 742, c/o Postmaster, New York, N. Y. He tells us he expects to be over there a year. His permanent address is Route 2, Lovilia, Iowa.

Pfc Charles D. Fay, Co E 422 Inf is a student. His home is at 157 Church Street, West Roxbury 32, Mass.

    T/4 Charles A. Follansbee, 106th Rcn Troop gives us his temporary address as Ward 4 E, U. S. Marine Hospital, Brighton, Mass. His home address is 16 Gordon Avenue, Hyde Park 36. Mass.

    Pfc Jam. H. Cooley, Co D 423 Inf, now a student at Oklahoma University, has sent a fine list of names of members of the Division and tells us his father contacted many relatives of 106th men after the Battle of the Bulge as did the Frampton's in Pittsburgh and many others. Mr. Cooley's home address is Box 138, Route No. 3, Oklahoma City, Okla.

    Sgt Raymond Coblentz, 159th Regt, 6908 Guard Co., Det G is a patient at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Richmond, Va. His permanent address is 805 Vine Street, Berwick, Pa.

    Sgt John C. Dowling, 3d Bn Hq Co 424 Inf, tells us he hopes to be a lawyer someday but at the present time he's working for an insurance company. 1713 Boas Street, Harrisburg, Pa. is his home address.

    Blaine H. Airgood, Co E 422 Inf tells us he's hard at work in his home town of Johnsonburg, Pa. His address there is 428 Second Avenue.

    Cpl Raymond A. Cabrey, Jr., Co D 422 Inf, is a student at Villanova College in Pennsylvania. His permanent address is No. 2 Narbrook Park, Narberth, Pa.

    Pfc Milton J. Ludwig, K Co 424 Inf is still in the hospital. However, he tells us he expects to be discharged from Ft. Dix in September. His home address is 522 Best Street, Buffalo 8, N. Y.

    Pfc Arthur E. Anderson, Cannon Co, 424 Inf is a student in California. His home address is 203 R Nichols Avenue, Dinuba, California.

M/Sgt Earl S. Smith, 106th Signal Company is a U. S. Postal Clerk at his home town of Tompkinsville, Ky.

    1st Lt William E. Abriel, Co L 424 Inf and 3d Bn Hq Co 424 Inf is a mechanical engineering student. His home is at 74 Cloverdale Avenue, White Plains, N. Y.

    Major Lester S. Smyth, S-3 DIVARTY writes as from the Albert S. Smyth Co, Jewelers, in Baltimore, Md. His home address is 328 Weatherbee Road, Towson 4, Md.

    Pfc Stanley D. Apfel, Co B 424 Id, of 864 49th Street, Brooklyn 20, N. Y. is taking Accountancy at C.C.N.Y. School of Business.

    Paul C. Abbott of the 424th doesn't tell us what he's doing. His address has changed from Highland Avenue, Marshallton, Delaware to Parsonsburg, Md.

    T/Sgt Clyde E. Barringer, Co C, 424 la and Co A 423 Inf is living in Salisbury, N. C. at 329 South Lee Street and tells us he's in business for himself at 123 E. Fisher Street in Salisbury.

    Lt Col William F. Manahan (2 July 1946) is at Brooke General Hospital, Fort Sam Houston, Texas for a check-up prior to getting out.


    Sgt Herbert L. Chamberlain, Anti-Tank Co, 423d Inf is a student at Tufts College in Medford. Mass. His home address is 61 East Grand Avenue, New Haven 13, Conn.

    T/5 William J. Probert, Hq Co, 424th Inf gives us his temporary address, 1125 Bryant Ave., N.W., Canton 3, Ohio, but doesn't tell us what he's doing. 845 Summit Street, Salem, Ohio is his permanent address.

Pfc Don J. Adams, 590th FA Bn is living at 522 N. Lake Street, Warsaw, Indiana and says he's a polisher and buffer.

    T/3 Austin L. Byrd, Jr. Btry A, 589th FA Bn is studying at Loyola College, Baltimore, Md. His homes at 203 Tennyson Avenue, Pittsburgh 13, Pa.

    Lt Col Tiller E. Carter, 424 Inf is doing educational, administrative and executive work at Mexia State School, Mexia, Texas. Luling, Texas is his home.

T/5 Clarence R. Chesterman, Service Co 422 Inf, is farming at Route No. 2, Lamed, Kansas.

    Cpl James H. Edwards, Co C and Hq Co 424 Inf is a student at Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. His home address is 86 Western Avenue, Mansfield, Ohio.

    Pfc Edward A. Riordan, Co M 423 Inf and Regt Hq Co 423 Inf (MP Platoon) is living at South Main Street, Dickson, Tennessee. He doesn't tell us what he's doing.

    Capt. James T. Sloan, Jr., Anti-Tank Co 424 Inf and Division Hq, is studying Law at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. His home is Centerville, Michigan.

    T/5 Charles H. Barton, 106th Inf Div Band is working in his home town of Greenfield. Illinois. He's a partner of Barton's Restaurant there.

Pfc Alex M. Basham, Jr. Co E 423 Inf is living in Borden, Indiana, RR No. 2 but doesn't say what he's doing.

    Sgt Arthur I. Chatfield, Co E 424 Inf, is a Laboratory Technician at the Coming Glass Works, Corning, New York. 123 Charles Street. Painted Post, New York is his home address.

     The first two contributions to the Scholarship Fund were from the Gold Star Mothers, Edna M. Anchorstar and Edna H. Carow. A letter to all former Veterans of the Division went out only a few days ago at the time of this writing but we have received two more contributions. To General McMahon of DIVARTY is the honor of being the first veteran contributor with twenty five dollars. The second (and perhaps he ought to be credited with first for coming a greater distance) is for ten dollars from Capt M. N. Crank formerly of the 422d and now with the War Crimes Group, USFET, APO 633. Total to date, forty five dollars.

     Colonel Cavender reports that 4 of his former officers have passed the exceedingly stiff examination for Regular Army commissions. Lt Col Carl A. Weaver who activated the 3d Bn of 423d and left the Division at Atterbury was sent to the 15 Corps in the ETO where he made quite a record for himself. Lt Col Earl F. Klinck took over the 3d Bn from Colonel Weaver and was in command when knocked out 19 December 1944. Lt Col Albert N. Ward, Jr. who had the 1st Bn of the 423d left the Division at Atterbury for the 10th Armored Division and made quite a record there. Major Warren H. Stutler also received a Regular Army commission. He was the adjutant of the 423d from shortly after activation on through to the end.
     Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Gerhardt, he formerly of the 422, Service Company now at 69 Potter Avenue, New Rochelle, N. Y. and Mr. & Mrs. John K. Kehler, he formerly of the 423, Co B now at 1640 Longshore Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. dropped in at the Association CP and spent a pleasant hour with the Secretary refighting the Battle of the Bulge. Both joined the Association immediately and the wives expressed a hope that a Women's Auxiliary would be formed.
     1st Lt Edward G. Penniman is at O'Reilly General Hospital, Springfield, Missouri where he expects to be up and about in 2 months. Lt Penniman was wounded January 26, 1945 while commanding Co K, 424th Regiment, during the attack on Meyerode. Home address, 49 Emerson Street, Peabody, Mass.


     The chances are you have read one or more of the outstanding Division stories which have been running in the Saturday Evening Post for the last six or eight months. In June, Stanley Frank a feature writer for the Post got in touch with Secretary Livesey for information on the Division stating he had been commissioned to do the story of the Division. He had already done that of the 29th.
     Due to conflicting time elements two meetings were arranged. One with President Price and Secretary Livesey which was devoted largely to the Enlisted Man's s point of view and the other a meeting at the Association CP with General Jones, Colonel Stout and Secretary Livesey going into the details of the "big picture".
The following letter has just been received from Mr. Frank:
    "You'll be happy to know, I'm sure, that the SATURDAY EVENING POST has taken the story on the 106th Division. Due to some complications, I finished the story only Wednesday night and took it down to Philadelphia yesterday. This morning I got a telegram saying everything was fine.
     "I think it came up a good job, but I'm not kidding myself. Without your invaluable help, and the cooperation of General Jones, Col. Stout, Dave Price and a few others, it would have been impossible to have gotten the necessary material and the proper perspective. And you and I know too well that your sources of information and mine stemmed from several thousand very good guys who made the story possible. "I hope you and every man in the 106th likes the story when it appears. I think you will. Publication date still is, of course, very vague. Some talk has been made of winding up the POST's series on combat divisions with the 106th because of the nature of the story and the underlying theme that war is not always a matt, of big parades, hurrah and medals. I'll be informed about two weeks before publication date. As soon as I find out, I'll let you know. "Again, I want to express my profound appreciation to you personally for your assistance. I only hope that the story will prove to have been a worthwhile return for your time and effort. For myself, it is a great satisfaction to have been able to write the history of a small part of the war--particularly the large part played by a distinguished Division."

Let's all keep our fingers crossed that there will be no slip-up and the story published in the Post.
This is one to end all buddy - buddy week stories.
     When I got back to the States last summer, I was given a long furlough. One day I was sitting on the edge of a pool talking over the war with an old friend who had been a B-17 pilot in the ETO. He was going to great detail telling me about a raid he had made on the marshaling yards at Frankfurt on the 24th of December '44. He came to the part of how they had hit a bunch of box cars.--I smiled and said, "Yes, I know; we were in those box cars".

If you've ever had a hot piece of baked potato in your mouth, you'll know how I felt when--
     Just a few minutes after we were captured, we were rounded up in a small courtyard. We were told to keep our hands on top of our helmets. Jerries had us covered from the windows above and some were circulating in our midst. We were being searched individually. All of a sudden I remembered a hand grenade I had stuck in an inside pocket some hours before. If I was caught with it in a search,--"kaput"--and I damn well knew what they'd do if they caught me slipping it out of the pocket. It was cold as the devil, but boy did I start to sweat.--and sweat! Well, one way or the other, I was glad that I had made out my power of attorney etc. I decided to get rid of it. For what seemed like hours and hours I kept slipping my hand' farther and farther until I reached it--then slowly--ever so slowly I dragged it out and tossed it into a deep ditch. Then and there I declared myself an honorary member of the time bomb disposal squad.
D. B. Frampton, Jr.


     Notice has been received at Association headquarters of the marriage of Doris Raye of Atmore, Alabama to Mr. Oswald Drysdale Karter on Thursday, January 17, at Lucedale, Mississippi.
"Mr." Karter will be recalled as Major Karter, assistant division signal officer.
The couple are at home at 1030 Broadway, Apartment 2, Knoxville, Tennessee.

    On Saturday, 11 May, Jule Hallie-Jessie Jones, daughter of General and Mrs. Alan W. Jones was married to Lt. Ewald Arnold vom Orde, Jr. USMCR at the Army War College Chapel in Washington.

    Mr. and Mrs. Severin L. Sorensen announce the marriage of their daughter, Dorothy Klan-dine, to Mr. Joel Dean Ferry on Saturday, the twenty-third of February, 1946, Las Vegas, Nevada. They will be at home after the first of April at 631 Prince Street, Georgetown, South Carolina. Best wishes to the happy couple.

    The locator record for Arthur D. Campbell, RFD #2, Hagerstown, Indiana discloses that he is the proud father of 5 daughters; Mary Sue, Barbara Lin, Shirley Temple, Joan and Fay. Now if we can only locate another 106th GI who has 5 sons we'll have a miniature Eddie Cantor, Bing Crosby combination of our own.
    M/Sgt and Mrs. George H. Dash announce the arrival on August 5th of Robert Charles Dash, weight eight pounds fourteen ounces.

     The engagement of Miss Virginia Lanza to Thomas Forte has been announced. Mr. Forte, a former member of the 422 lives at 1322 Sherman Avenue, Mamaroneck, N. Y.

     Colonel Dupuy is progressing very satisfactorily with the Division History. A few photographs are desired however to supplement those already on hand. These photographs should be personal, intimate pictures of our activities in Europe. They should not be pictures of individuals or groups of individuals posed for a picture, but of men fighting or engaged in furthering the mission of the Division. Please send them to the Association CP and they will be returned after publication of the History.

     The Legion of Merit has been awarded to Lt Col Earl F. Klinck former CO 3d Bn 423 Inf for his services during the Battle of the Bulge.

     Full details ace not yet available but Army Ground Forces is extending a great deal of assistance to the forty or more combat division associations. Apparently every effort that can be extended, other than those which require the expenditure of money, to organizations such as ourselves, will be at our disposal.
     The Mutual Broadcasting Company has a program entitled "Division Diary". The story of the 106th has not yet been broadcast so watch your local papers.

     "In reply to your letter of 17 June 1946 requesting whether distinctive insignia of the units of the 106th Infantry Division have received War Department approval, you are advised that according to present regulations the approval for manufacture and wearing of distinctive insignia for distinctive organizations not previously authorized has been suspended until such a time as all of the histories of the respective organizations that are to remain in the military service are officially prepared.
     In view of the above, no action can be taken at the present time toward approving distinctive insignia and designs for units of the 106th Infantry Division."



     I hereby apply for membership in the 106th Infantry Division Association. I certify that I was honorably discharged from the Army or am still on active duty.
     I further certify that I served while on active duty with a unit assigned or attached to the 106th Infantry Division.
Date . _____________ Name .______________________________________________
( I enclose three dollars for dues from July 1, to June 30.
( Bill me the first of the month for three dollars for dues from July 1, to June 30.
Check here if you want additional copies of the Stars and Stripes Story of the Bulge.
    (11 Enclosed is $ .... (stamps, coin, or check) for copies at 10c each to cover mailing costs. Check here if you wish the Division emblem lapel button.
( Enclosed is $ ... for lapel buttons at $1 each postpaid.


     The names of 30,000 veterans of the division are missing from our files. The only way we can locate them is by your help.
     Please list here men you know who are veterans of the division, and if there are more than spaces here, write on a separate sheet of paper and enclose.
     Also please list and mark KIA any who died in battle. The Association will send a free history to the next of kin. Give name and address of next of kin after each KIA.







Photo taken 13 February 1945 in the 423 area near Auw, Germany

Index for: Vol. 3, No. 2, Sept. 1946

Index for This Document

100th Abn., 12
106th Div., 28
106th MP Platoon, 24
106th Sig. Co., 15, 22, 25
10th Armd. Div., 27
159th Inf. Regt., 24
15th Abn., 13
19th Armd., 13
21st Armd., 13
22nd Armd., 13
28th Inf. Div., 14
331st Med.BN, 22
422nd Inf., 3, 5, 6, 24
423rd Inf., 3, 11, 26
424th Inf., 10, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26
424th Inf. Regt., 26
424th Regt., 27
4th Armd. Div., 4
589th FA BN, 23
590th FA BN, 26
591st FA BN, 22
806th Ord. Co., 23
81st Engr., 10
84th Abn., 13
8th Inf. Div., 17
90th Inf. Div., 16
97th Inf., 12
98th Abn., 12
9th Armd. Div., 3
9th Inf. Div., 17
Aas, Jeer, 10
Abba, Joseph L., 10
Abbott, Paul C., 25
Aben, Edmund J., 10
Abercrombie, Thos. J., 10
Abriel, Lt. William E., 25
Acker, Elmer D., 10
Ackley, William, 10
Acosta, Louis, 10
Acton, Raymond, 10
Adams, Andrew A., 10
Adams, Pfc. Don J., 26
Adduci, Joe M., 10
Ade, Leo F., 10
Agony Grapevine, 10
Agostino, Orfeo E., 10
Agule, Col. Frank I., 23
Ahanen, John E., 10
Ahlberg, Sgt. Thomas W., 7
Ahlstrom, Elmer K., 10
Ailstock, Alfred E., 10
Airgood, Blaine H., 24
Albert, George V., 10
Aldama, Esperidion M., 10
Alexander, Elmer C., 10
Alkire, George E., 10
Allen, Mr. Don, 14
Allen, Pfc. Richard H., 22
Allen, T/Sgt. Merle J., 23
Amundson, Lucian, 10
Amundson, Wallace C., 2, 10
Anchorstar, Edna M., 26
Anchorstar, Mrs. Edna M., 12
Anderson, Mrs. Ellen, 10
Anderson, Pfc. Arthur E., 25
Anderson, Pfc. George A., 8
Anderson, Raymond F., 10
Andrews, Sgt. Lowry B., 22
Aparicio, Pfc. Joe A., 24
Apfel, Pfc. Stanley D., 25
Apfel, Stanley D., 10
Archer, Clyde, 20
Ardennes, 3
Ardennes Campaign, 6
Armington, T/4 Donald R., 22
Arnold, Pfc. Clifford, 22
Auw, 3
Auw, Germany, 32
Aylesworth, Pfc. Carl A., 8
Bad Orb, 4
Baker, Col., 15
Ballew, Pfc. Earl F., 8
Bard, Pfc. Saul, 8
Barnes, S/Sgt. L. Preston, 24
Barnes, T/Sgt. Leonard H., 22
Barringer, T/Sgt. Clyde E., 25
Bartimus, T/Sgt. Frederick O., 22
Barton, T/5 Charles H., 26
Basham, Pfc. Alex M., Jr., 26
Battle Of The Bulge, 2, 24, 27, 30
Baxter, T/Sgt. Samuel F., 7
Belgian Croix de Guerre, 21, 22
Blacke, 1st Lt. Clifford F., 7
Boesch, R., 20
Borreson, S/Sgt. Laverne E., 7
Brenner, Pfc. Murray, 8
Brice, 1st Lt. Wm. B., 7
Brown, Sgt. Claude E., 7
Brugh, Jack, 21, 22
Btry A, 589th FA BN, 26
Burns, T/4 Robert J., 8
Butler, Pfc. Bert E., 8
Byrd, T/3 Austin L., Jr., 26
Cabrey, Cpl. Raymond A., Jr., 24
Calvert, Paul, 10
Camp Atterbury, Ind., 12, 22
Camp Lucky Strike, 4, 12, 20
Camp Shanks, 20
Campbell, Arthur D., 30
Cannon, Pfc. Wm. J., 8
Carow, Edna H., 26
Carow, Mrs. Edna H., 11
Carow, Wm. H., 11
Carraturo, Pvt. Antonio, 8
Carter, Lt. Col. Tiller E., 26
Carter, Sgt. Junior M., 22
Cavallo, Henry, 10
Cavanaugh, Chaplain, 14
Cavender, Col., 20, 27
Chamberlain, Sgt. Herbert L., 26
Chatfield, Sgt. Arthur I., 26
Chesterman, T/5 Clarence R., 26
Christensen, 2nd Lt. Bernard M., 7
Clark, Pvt. Charles H., 8
Co A, 81st Engr.s, 10
Coblentz, Sgt. Raymond, 24
Coblenz, 15
Cohen, Pfc. Eli, 8
Connell, James, 1
Connell, John, 21, 22
Cooley, Don E., 21
Cooley, Pfc. Jam. H., 24
Crank, Capt. M. N., 18, 26
Croce, Pfc. Louis A., 8
Dash, Mrs. George H., 30
Dash, Robert Charles, 30
Descheneaux, Col., 3, 5
Descheneaux, George L., Jr, 5
Diamon, 1st Lt. Richard C., 7
Div. HQ, 3
Division History, 12, 30
Dohoney, 1st Lt. William P., 22
Dolitsky, Capt. Martin M., 22
Dover, 24
Dowling, Sgt. John C., 24
Dupuy, Col., 12, 30
Edwards, Cpl. James H., 26
Eisenhower, Gen., 8
Emmert, David S., 20
Engle, 1st Lt. Norman A., 7
Eupen, 15
Fay, Pfc. Charles D., 24
Ferry, Joe, 30
Ferry, Mr. Joel Dean, 30
Fifth Army, 13
First Army, 12
Follansbee, T/4 Charles A., 24
Fort Jackson, 13, 14
Fort Leonard Wood, 13
Fort Sam Houston, 25
Forte, Thomas, 30
Frair, Pfc. Charles G., 8
Frampton, D. B., Jr., 29
Frank, Mr., 28
Frank, Stanley, 28
Frankel, Jerome, 14
Frankfurt, 28
Franklin, Pfc. Sheldon N., 8
French Croix De Guerre, 17
Gerhardt, Mrs. Ernest, 27
Germany, 3, 4, 6
Gerolstein, 4
Golardi, Pfc. Leonard, 8
Gordon, Pfc. Von W., 8
Greenspan, Pvt. Philip F., 8
Greenspan, Sgt. Harry H., 23
Guiffre, 14
Guiffre, Lt. M. J., 14
Guiffre, Maj. M. R. J., 14
Gulios, Pvt. Charles P., 8
Halle-on-the-Salle, 20
Hammelburg, 4, 6
Hammelburg Camp, 4
Hammond, 2nd Lt. George E., 7
Harman, 1st Lt. Emmit I., 7
Heagney, Pvt. John J., 8
Hene, Capt. Julius, 7
Henry, Edmund F., 14
Hill, A. P., 12
Hq Co 424th Inf., 26
Inf, Co 424, 24, 26
Inf. School, 17
Ingle, Pvt. Norvel E., 8
Jones, 1st Lt. Alan W., Jr., 20
Jones, Alan W., 21
Jones, Alan W., Jr., 21
Jones, Gen., 15, 28
Jones, Gen. & Mrs. Alan W., 30
Jones, Jule Hallie-Jessie, 30
Jones, Maj. Gen. Alan W., 16
Jones, Mrs. Alan W., 16
Jones, Pfc. John, 10
Jones, S/Sgt. Raymond F., 7
Karlsruhe, Germany, 32
Karter, Maj., 30
Karter, Mr. Oswald Drysdale, 30
Kastenbaum, 1st Lt. Leon, 7
Kehler, Mrs. John K., 27
Kempf, Pfc. William B., 8
Kent, Lt. Col. Thomas, 7
King, S/Sgt. Robert J., 7
Kinzer, Pfc. Don S., 8
Klinck, Col., 30
Klinck, Col. Earl F., 27, 30
Koscak, Sgt. Steve J., 7
Krol, 1st Lt. John M., 7
Lanza, Miss Virginia, 30
Leipzig, 11
Liverpool, 14
Livesey, H. B., Jr., 1
Livesey, Herbert, 11
Livesey, Herbert B., Jr., 12, 19, 22
Livesey, Secretary, 28
Longlord, Sgt. Charles Ivan, 10
Losavio, Pvt. Nicholas J., 8
Lubke, Pfc. Charles A., 8
Luck, 1st Lt. Karl, 7
Ludwig, Pfc. Milton J., 24
Lukashok, Sgt. Alvin, 24
Luxembourg City, 15
Malmedy, 14
Manahan, Col. William F., 25
Matthews, Joseph C., Jr., 10
Matthews, Lt. Col. Joseph C., 3
Matthews, Lt. Col. Joseph C., Jr., 7
McKinley, H. A., 21
McKinley, Lt. H. C., 22
McKinley, Lt. Harry, 24
McKinley, Miss Janice, 24
McMahon, Gen., 14, 15, 26
Melton, T/Sgt. James F., 7
Meyerode, 27
Mooseburg, 4
Mowlds, Maj. William Lyle, 24
Mueller, Pfc. David S., 8
Muhlberg-On-Elbe, 20
Munich, 4
Obert, Pfc. Raymond L., 8
Oppenheim, Robert, 18, 23
Ouellette, Maj., 20
Pandini, Pvt. Anthony H., 8
Paris, 14
Penniman, Lt. Edward G., 27
Perkins, Capt. Wm. H., 7
Perrin, Gen., 15
Poland, 4
Porter, Pfc, 8
Price, Dave, 28
Price, Maj. Jack, 18
Probert, T/5 William J., 26
Puett, Col., 14
Raye, Doris, 30
Reichenau, 1st Sgt. Douglas J., 7
Reisman, Capt., 24
Reisman, Capt. William S., 24
Rennes, 15
Rhineland, 6
Riordan, Pfc. Edward A., 26
Rizzoli, Sgt. Charles L., 7
Roadruck, Col. Max, 23
Rogosienski, Pvt. John J., 8
Rosen, Pfc. Arthur S., 8
Roster, 32
Rothman, Pvt. Milton, 8
Rowe, Pvt. Donald S., 8
Russia, 4
Saturday Evening Post, 28
Schnee-Eifel, 3, 5
Schonberg, 3, 5, 14
Seventh Army, 13
Seymour, Pfc. Hayden, 8
Sharitz, 1st Lt. Thorold J. B., 7
Smith, Earl S., 25
Smolka, Mr. N., 14
Smyth, Maj. Lester S., 25
Sorensen, Mrs. Severin L., 30
St. Quentin, 15
St. Vith, 3, 5, 14
St. Vith, Belgium, 15
Stalag 4-B, 11
Stalag IV-B, 20, 21
Stars and Stripes, 32
Stavelot, 14
Stout, Col., 28
Stroh, Gen., 15
Stroh, Maj. Gen. Donald A., 17
Stroh, Mrs. Donald A., 17
Stutler, Maj. Warren H., 27
Third Army, 13
Thomas, Pvt. John W., 8
Thomas, S/Sgt. George E., 7
Thomas, T/4 Patrick V., 7
Twining, S/Sgt. Rollin L., 22
Viborka, Pvt. John P., 8
Vom, Jr. Orde, Arnold, 30
W. D. Circular No. 185, 6
Wannamaker, S/Sgt. Paul, 7
Ward, Col. Albert N., Jr., 27
Ward, Pfc. Duane P., 8
Washer, T/5 Harry, 8
Weaver, Col., 27
Weaver, Col. Carl A., 27
Weissinger, Pfc. Harry H., 8
Wharton, Pvt. John B., 8
Wilson, Pfc. Robert H., 8
Withee, Edward, 2
Woolfley, Gen., 15
Wright, T/4 Minturn T., 22
Zguzenski, Pvt. Creslow P., 8