Original Cub Document
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The Cub
Vol. 34, No. 1, Oct., 1977
I'd like to thank those who nominated and elected me as President of this Association. Your confidence in me is gratifying and I'll do my best to uphold and further the well-being of the Association.Congratulations to out-going President Bob Walker for a most successful year. His term of office should be an inspiration for all who follow him.
Kudos to Martha & John Fritz, Jean & Bob Gilder, and their committee for a most enjoyable convention. We had a record attendance and everyone definitely enjoyed the excellent program.
I'd also like to thank all those appointed officers for so graciously accepting. We can depend on a good job by them by their past commendable performance. All members can be most helpful to our Adjutant Walt Bandurak, by sending in their dues and any change of address promptly. Also our "Cub" editor John Gallagher needs your help. You know "The Cub" is the life line of this
(Continued on page 3)
(Photo) President Ben
106th Infantry Division Association, INC.
President Benjamin "Ben" Britton 1st Vice President Robert L. Scranton
2nd Vice President Fred B. Chase
Adjutant Walter Bandurak
Treasurer Sherod Collins
Chaplain John T. Loveless, Jr.
The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $5.00 per year which includes subscription to the CUB.
Editor John I. Gallagher
All editorial matter should be addressed to: John I. Gallagher 4003 Frances Street Temple, Pa. 19560 All business matters, renewal of membership, memorial fund contributions, auxiliary
All business matters, renewal of membership, memorial fund contributions, auxiliary Walter Bandurak, Adjutant 219% North Maple Avenue Greensburg, Pa., 15601
Auxiliary Dues $2.00 per year
Armington, Donald R., 3125 John Peterson Road, Des Moines, Iowa 50317 (513) 266-7609 Bradfield, Ken Rte. 8 - Box 140 Evansville, Indiana 47711 (812) 867-2695
Britton, Ben 36 Warren Road Auburn, Mass., 01501 (617) 832-2308
Chase, Fred B. R.D. 6. Morris Lane Clifton Park, N.Y. 12065 (518) 371-7669
Clark, James I., M.D. R.R. 1, Box 197 Fennville, Michigan 49408 (616) 561-5061
Coffey, Douglas S. 947 N.W. Arnet Street Port Charlotte, Fla., 33952 (813) 629-5711
Collins, Sherod 625 Channing Drive N.W. Atlanta, Georgia 30318 (404) 351-2985
Collins, Virgil, 841 Canal Street Nelsonville, Ohio 44764 (614) 385-2044
Fritz, John R., 9271 Avon Belden Rd. North Ridgeville, Ohio 44039 (216) 327-8089
Gallagher, John I. 4003 Frances Street Temple, Pa., 19560 (215) 929-2887
Gasses, Joe 1420 Franklin Street Grand Haven, Michigan 49417 (616) 842-6139
Howell, Robert F., 904 East College Street, Rt. 6 Griffin, Georgia 30223 (404) 227-7373
Loveless, John T., Jr. 2549 Pickwick Road Baltimore, Maryland 21207 (301) 448-0441
Mansfield, H. E. 190 Northcrest Drive Athens, Georgia 30601 (404) 548-3034
Matthews, Joseph C., Jr., 4706 Western Blvd. Raleigh, North Carolina 27606 (919) 851-4851
McMahon, Leo T. 8 North Union Street Middletown, Pa. 17057 (717) 944-3821
Reilly, Edward 96 Irvine Terrace Bloomfield, New Jersey 07003 (201) 743-2292
Saucerman, Eugene L. R.R. 23 - Box 82 Terre Haute, Indiana 47802 (812) 299-2977
Scranton, Robert L. 9441 Lee Road Brighton, Michigan 48116
Villwock, Russell H. 6908 W. Higgins Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60656 (312) 631-2027
Walker, Robert F. 598 Terrace Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 (513) 281-0539
(Continued from Cover)
Association. It's what keeps us together between reunions. So send him news, letters, pictures, anything that concerns or may be between reunions. So send him news, letters, pictures, anything that concerns or may be By the time you receive this message it may be too late to sign up for the Cruise in conjunction with our 1978 convention, so I hope all have done so. It promises to be a real fun time.
See you in the next "Cub" Ben Britton, President
In this last generation, in this Nation of ours which, presumably, we love, we have seen great changes occur; some on the plus side, others on the minus.A few on the plus: a higher standard of living for many, but no means all; a continuing lengthening of the life span of man; a greater participation in the elective process by minority and ethnic groups; more opportunities for education, formal and otherwise, for those who wish to take advantage of them; increasing awareness and availability of cultural pursuits; growing concern for the young, the elderly and those others who need a boost from time to time to ease the way along life's path.
Some on the minus: Failure to insure justice for all regardless of the position in life; growing disrespect for proper authority in the home, community and nation; increased breakdown in moral and social values; resurgence of the belief in "don't do as I do, but do as I say"; Failure on the part of more and more individuals in politics, business, the professions and labor to live up of more and more individuals in politics, business, the professions and labor to live up obligations; the attitude of many that they need not contribute in any way to society nor assume any responsibilities, but that society should be required to provide for them because of fancied wrongs; the lack of cooperation of government, business and labor in seeking solutions to problems vital to all peoples today.
Our fight years ago to preserve the freedoms of men and to build a better world seems not to have been realized to the extent that we had hoped it would be. For some, yes; for others, no. But not all efforts need has his own talents, his own ability, his own potential. Each contribution to the whole can bring us closer to the goal. A sense of selflessness must prevail over the sense of selfishness. And then we may see some solutions to at least some of the problems we are encountering today.
"For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil". - Ecclesiastes 12:14
John T. Loveless, Jr., Chaplain
106th Infantry Division Association
1976-77 Board of Director's Meeting
Holiday Inn
Elyria-Lorain, Ohio
July 21, 1977 (Thursday p.m.)
The meeting was called to order by President Robert Walker at 7:13 p.m.
Roll call was taken and all were present except Ken Bradfield, Virgil Collins and John Gallagher.
President Walker remarked that the 1976-77 association year was an excellent one and has grown to an all-time high.
Minutes of the Director's meeting held in Evansville, Indiana were read and approved.
Communications from members and a hotel in Arkansas were read by the Adjutant and Sherod Collins.
Adjutant's report showed that our membership was at a new high of 398 members and 126 auxiliary members.
Treasurer's report showed we gained $386.10 in 1976-77 and that we have $10,406.30 in all accounts. Board agreed to delay the study to increase dues for another year since our association's General Fund is $4,964.58 in the black.
Cub Editor's report was read by the Adjutant with no changes for next year. John Gallagher requested that membership supply material and black and white photos to him for inclusion into the CUB.
Memorial's Chairman Doug Coffey reported that an addition will be added to our Memorial Building in St. Vith, Belgium and that the overall plans will be forthcoming and will be published in the CUB. He felt that there is no need to paint the Memorial Building until the entire addition is completed. He also solicited new ideas for the use of Memorial Fund monies entirely different from the Memorial Building project. Plaques to widows and scholarships were discussed. No action taken.
Under new business Sherod Collins proposed two motions to amend our By-Laws to change the provisions of Paragraph VII. One was to include or set up a special or separate bank account for CUB postage use. Board's consensus was that Treasurer could use petty cash fund to advance CUB Editor postage to mail out the CUB. Mr. Collins then withdrew his first motion. His second motion was to designate present unlettered paragraph as Paragraph VII (a) and to add Paragraph VII (b) to read: "any new or unusual expenditures must be approved by a majority of the Board of Directors, upon being polled by the Adjutant at the direction of the President."
It was seconded and unanimously approved by the Board.
A discussion was held relative to the Golden Lion Awards. John Loveless explained the three (3) classes of awards. For the Commander Class a member must receive 75% vote of the Board and for a Companion Class, a majority vote of the Board is necessary. The Adjutant was requested to review the previous minutes and to glean from them the actions taken in the past relative to the Awards. The actions found are as follows: July 22, 1971-Valley Forge, Pa.,-"The President (Gallagher) organized a Committee of present active holders of the Golden Lion Award consisting of John Loveless, Chairman, Dick DeHeer and Doug Coffey, to recommend prospective recipients of the Golden Lion. They were instructed to report to the President by Jan. 1, 1972.
July 24, 1971-Valley Forge, Pa.,-"Gen. McMahon explained the procedure in making the Golden Lion Awards." July 21, 1972-Jacksonville, Florida-"John Loveless passed out By-Laws for our consideration. It was agreed that a section on the Golden Lion Awards should be in the By-Laws."
July 22, 1972-Jacksonville, Florida-"It was explained how the Golden Lion Award would be bestowed on General & Mrs. McMahon at Hershey, Pa." July 22, 1972-Jacksonville, Florida-"President Bullard appointed John Loveless
July 22, 1972-Jacksonville, Florida-"President Bullard appointed John Loveless
Chairman Golden Lion Committee
1972-1973. John Loveless stated that according to Maryland law, a member may vote by proxy, but must vote Yes or No."
July 14, 1973-Grand Rapids, Michigan "President Saucerman appointed John Loveless Golden Lion Chairman with committee of Dick DeHeer, Doug Coffey and Gen. Leo T. McMahon. A discussion followed on voting for the "Golden Lion" award. It was suggested that ballots be sent by registered mail and information be included on the ballot concerning the nominees."
July 20, 1974-Frederick, Maryland-"Dr. Jim Clark, through telephone conversation with Sherod Collins, made the following appointment: Golden Lion Chairman Dick DeHeer."
President Walker appointed the following committees: Nominating Committee: Russell Villwock, Chairman, Robert Scranton and Fred Chase.
Resolution Committee: Dr. Jim Clark, Chairman, Ben Britton and Joe Gasses.
Respectfully submitted, Walter Bandurak, Adjutant
106th Infantry Division Association
1977 General Meeting
Holiday Inn
Elyria-Lorain, Ohio
July 23, 1977 (Saturday p.m.)
The general meeting was called to order by President Robert Walker at 1:20 p.m.
President Walker requested a moment of silence be observed for our departed 1st Vice President Charles "Chuck" Schoch and other deceased members.
President Walker remarked that the 1976-77 association year was an excellent one and the association has grown to an all-time high in membership.
Minutes of the 1975-76 general meeting held in Evansville, Indiana were read and approved.
Eighteen (18) members who were attending their first convention stood and were recognized. They were:
Arvanis, Harry - K/424 - East Moline, Illinois;
Baker, W. C. - L/424 - Pine Bluff, Arkansas;
Barlow, Frank - DHQ - Hudson, Ohio;
Bobel, Donald - C/422 - Amherst, Ohio;
Crawford, Dean F. - Reg. Hq./422 Vienna, Ohio;
Flick, Robert F. - C/81st Hq/81st Engrs. – Saltsburg, PA
Kane, James J. Hq/81st Engrs. - Youngstown, Ohio;
McCullough, Lyle K. - Serv./422 - Sheffield Lake, Ohio;
Ponza, Frank - B/423 Bloomfield, New Jersey;
Prokoryn, Casimir Hq/81st Engrs. - Steubenville, Ohio;
Puzio, Joseph - Hq/81st Engrs. - Garfield, New Lake, Ohio;
Ponza, Frank - B/423 Bloomfield, New Jersey;
Robb, John G. (DDS) - D/422 Meadville, Pa.;
Serino, Mike P. - Serv/591st
Straub, Ted J. - M/422 - Morgantown, West Virginia;
Untiedt, Raymond K. - C/423 New Ulm, Minn.;
Uthman, Floyd D. - E/424 - Coraopolis (Pgh), Pa.;
White, E. C. C/591st FA – Whiteface, Texas;
Withee, Edward S. - A/81st Engrs. - Goshen, Conn.
Communications from Col. Cavender and from The Arlington Hotel, Little Rock, Arkansas were read by the Adjutant. Sherod Collins reported on communication from Mrs. Alys P. Jones
Adjutant Report - 321 Renewals, 21 Reinstated, 41 New Members and 15 Associate members for a grand total of 398 members for 1976-77; an increase of 63
members from the 1975-76 year total of 335.
Auxiliary members-126 for 1976-77.
Memorial Fund Contributors - 109 for 1976-77.
Auxiliary members-126 for 1976-77.
Memorial Fund Contributors - 109 for 1976-77.
General Fund - $ 4,964.58
Memorial Fund - $ 5,441.72
Total $10,406.30
CUB Editor Report - President Walker read John Gallagher's report. "I have no special report...the issues of THE CUB are really my report. As always, I am looking for suggestions, comments, etc. Thanks for all who have supplied material and ask for continued support. Will appreciate photos from reunion. Prefer black and white, but can use color photos if sharp. Best wishes for a joyous reunion!"
Memorials Chairman Report - Doug Coffey reported that an addition will be built on to our memorial Building, St. Vith, Belgium. He is also exploring the use of artificial flowers versus live cut flowers to be placed at our Memorial Building on December 16th of each year. At suggestion of Jim Wells, and for the benefit of our new members present Doug Coffey briefed all members present relative to location, type of structure and uses of our Memorial Building, St. Vith, Belgium.
All reports were accepted.
Unfinished Business: Report from Resolutions Committee, By Dr. Jim Clark, Chairman, was approved and will appear in the CUB.
Report from Nominating Committee, by Russell Villwock, Chairman, that all present members of the Board of Directors be again nominated and that Mr. Edward Reilly replace Charles "Chuck" Schoch as the 21st member of the Board. Unanimously elected and approved.
Doug Coffey reported on the 1978 Miami Convention and proposed boat trip to the Bahamas. Reunion site will be the Hotel Barcelona, Miami. The approximate cost of $285.00 per person will include hotel room, two (2) drinks before full course dinner meal $285.00 per person will include hotel room, two (2) drinks before full course dinner meal service to airport from ship. He has 136 committed rooms on the Ruby & Topaz decks of the Emerald Seas Ship which are mid-ship and all outside rooms. Prior to Elyria reunion, 91 persons signed up for cruise. He urged that all interested members give or send their $75.00 per person down payment to Sherod Collins immediately. Money is refundable up to 3 days prior to sailing.
Sherod Collins proposed an amendment to Paragraph VII of the Bylaws to designate present unlettered paragraph as Paragraph VII (a) and to add Paragraph VII (b) to read as follows: "Any new or unusual expenditures must be approved by a majority of the Board of Directors, upon being polled by the Adjutant at the direction of the President." It was so moved, seconded and approved by the membership present.
New Business: Russell Villwock volunteered to host the 1979 Convention in Chicago. W. C. Baker gave a slide presentation and volunteered to host the 1979 Convention at the Arlington Hotel, Hot Springs, Arkansas. A show of hands vote w taken and the Chicago site was chosen by t majority of the membership present for the 1979 Convention.
W. C. Baker volunteered to host the 1980 Convention at the Arlington Hotel, Hot Springs, Arkansas. Wayne Black volunteered to host the 1980 Convention in Iowa City, Iowa. A show of hands vote was taken and the majority of the membership present for the 1980 Convention.
Doug Coffey discussed the need for the Memorials Chairman to obtain authorization to spend or appropriate up to $500.00 from the Memorial Fund for any new or unusual expenditure of money for new projects. It was moved, seconded and approved by the membership present to give him such authorization.
John Loveless inquired about membership's interest to take a European trip in 1979. A show of hands indicated a strong interest to return to Europe in 1979. No further action taken but it will be published in future issues of the CUB.
Jim Wells suggested that future membership
cards be ordered cut down to fit average wallet sizes.
Wayne Black stated that he would volunteer at next year's convention to host the 1981 Convention in Iowa City, Iowa.
Sherod Collins agreed to send copies of the Standard Operating Procedures (S.O.P.) as guideline instructions on how to run a convention to Chairmen of the Chicago & Hot Springs sites.
Matters for the good of the Association -- None
The meeting adjourned at 2:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Walter Bandurak Adjutant
(Photo) Chase, Collins, Walker, Britton, Bandurak, Scranton
1977-78 Board of Director's Meeting
Holiday Inn
Elyria-Lorain, Ohio
July 23, 1977 (Saturday p.m.)
The meeting was called to order by President Robert Walker at 3:00 p.m.
President Walker welcomed new Board of Director member Edward Reilly.
Roll call was taken and all were present except John Gallagher and H. E. Mansfield.
Under new business, the following officers were elected by a unanimous vote:
Ben Britton - President
Robert L. Scranton - 1st Vice-President
Fred B. Chase - 2nd Vice-President
Sherod Collins - Treasurer
The new President, Ben Britton, appointed:
Walter Bandurak - Adjutant
Sherod Collins - Historian
John T. Loveless, Jr. - Chaplain
John I. Gallagher - CUB Editor
Douglas Coffey - Memorials Chairman
A motion was made and seconded that the Board of Directors ratify the desire of the membership present at this Convention for the Memorials Chairman to spend up to $500.00 from the Memorial Fund for any new or unusual expenditure of money. The Board of Directors passed the motion unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 3:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Walter Bandurak Adjutant
Adopted at the 31st Annual Reunion
106th Infantry Division Association
Elyria-Lorain, Ohio
July 23, 1977
WHEREAS during 1976-77 the Association has experienced a phenomenal growth and rebirth with 41 new memberships and 21 reactivated members to attain a new high of 398 members and, WHEREAS the members present at this …..
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association here assembled this day does recognize and express it's heartfelt thanks and appreciation:
1. To all elected and appointed Officers and their wives for the efficient execution of their respective official duties.
2. To Convention "hosts" Martha and John Fritz, Jeanne and Robert Gilder for their singular and combined efforts on behalf of the Association in presenting one of the most successful conventions in Elyria-Lorain, Ohio, July 21-24, 1977.
3. To Chaplain John Loveless and VFW Post #1079 Honor Guard Members Joseph Napisak, Paul Fulmer, 'Bud' Dyer and
William Hendrick for a most appreciated and inspiring Memorial Service held at North Ridgeville Congregational Church with the assistance of Rev. Ivan Morrin, Pastor, and Mary Kennedy, Pianist.
4. To Connie Davis and the Elyria Chronicle Telegram, and to Jim Mahony and Arthur Evenchik of the Lorain Journal for the excellent news coverage.
5. To the Lorain County Banjo Band, Lake Ridge Chapter of Sweet Adelines and Banquet Speaker John Goebel for enjoyable entertainment.
6. To Dave Pierce, Nell Fike, Julie Schuster, Charmaine Lunt and all of the Staff at the Holiday Inn, Elyria-Lorain, Ohio for their help, cooperation and "hosting skills" in making this a fine convention.
Respectfully Submitted:
Resolutions Committee
James Clark, M.D., Chairman
Ben Britton and Joe Gasses
(Photo) Bob and Mildred Scranton
1976 - 1977
MEMBERSHIPS 1976 - 1977 YearRenewal Memberships 321
Reinstated Memberships 21
New Memberships 41
Associate Memberships 15
Totals 398
(1975-76 335)
(1975-76 111)
(Approximately $853.00)
Walter Bandurak Adjutant
1976-77 383 15 126 1975-76 328 7 111
1974-75 301 7 98
1973-74 283 6 100
1972-73 275 4 67
1971-72 267 7 75
1970-71 256 7 72
1969-70 267 6 56
1968-69 259 6 60
1967-68 268
1964-65 201
1963-64 151
Walter Bandurak Adjutant
Almocy, Louis (Guest of Floyd Uthman)
Armington, Don & Maxine
Arvanis, Harry & Alfrieda
Astin, Robert(Guest of L. B. Bradley)
Bandurak, Walter & Lillian
Baker, W. C.
Barlow, Frank
Beals, Carol
Bickford, Tom & Flo
Black, T. W.
Bobel, Donald & Charlotte
Bradfield, Ken & June
Bradley, L. B & Hazel
Britton, Ben & Avis
Bryant, Jack & Emily
Byrd, Austin & Myrtle
Call, George
Cariano, Sam & Billie
Carter, Fred & Penny
Chase, Fred & Agnes
Clark, James & Shirley
Clarke, Walter & Lillian
Coffey, Doug & Isabel
Collins, Sherod
Collins, Virgil & Martha
Riley, Mr. & Mrs. & 4 children(Guests of Virgil Collins)
Crawford, Dean
Crossman, Lester
Dahlen, William & Barb
Dargon, Paul F.
DeHeer, Richard & Marge
Dohoney, William & Josephine
Enlow, Russell & Bonnie
Flick, Robert & Gail
Forbes, Fontaine, Elsie & David
Fritz, John & Martha
Garn, Charles & Willie
Gasses, Joe
Gibson, Charles & Jamesine
Gilder, Robert & Jeanne
Gillespie, Jack
Henning, James & Clare
Howell, Robert & Louise
Haddox, Sue (Niece of Bandurak's)
Kane, James & Eloise
Kelly, John & Virginia
Kuizema, Harold, Jessica, Joan & Carol
Kucharz, John & Adele
Kratzer, Erica (Guest of James Clark)
Loos, Arthur & Nettie & Kevin & Heidi
Lothrop, Oliver
Loveless, John & Kay
Lucsay, William & Florence
Mansfield, Horace & Eva
Matthews, Joseph
Maw, Margaret, Tom, Sr., Tom, Jr & Paula
McCullough, Lyle & Vivian
McDowell, Harriet (Guest of Sherod Collins)
McMahon, Leo & Wilda
Middleton, Jack
Mikaluskis, John & Delores
Morrison, Robert
Pierce, Robert & Jean
Pinney, Gordon
Ponza, Frank
Priebe, Edward & Florence
Prokoryn, Casimir & Pauline
Pruett, Joseph & Ida Mae
?zio, Joseph
Rarick, Clayton
Redmond, Dean
Reilly, Ed & Viola
Riggs, Thomas
Ringer, Robert
Rinkema, George & Dorothy
Robb, John & Marilyn
Robinson, Wesley & Bernice
Rosenkotter, Bill
Rossi, Louis & Linda
Saucerman, Gene, Sally & Sandy
Schlesser, Jack & Karin
Schutte, Phil & Jean
Scranton, Robert & Mildred
Serino, Mike & Ellen
Smith, Charles
Spayd, Norman & Lorena
Straub, Ted & Laura
Teel, James & Doris
Tobis, Ed & Evelyn
Untiedt, Ray & Viola
Uthman, Floyd
Villwock, Russ & Jackie
Walker, Robert & June
Walters, Presslye & Dorothy
Wells, James & Maydean
Williams, Fred & Inez
White, E. C. & Zada
Withee, Edward & Mildred
Woods, Robert
Wyatt, Van & Bobbie
York, Robert & Thelma
Zenn, Michael & Elaine
Zoll, Edward & Millie
(Photo) Ed and Mildred Withee
As in the past the Coffey's travel around the country to visit their three girls, their husbands and now three grandchildren on their way to our 106th Convention.I don't think too many people thought too much about Elyria-Lorain, where is it? What is it? Well, for those who came along to find out there was a pleasing surprise. A well run, well attended affair with even time to loaf a out there was a pleasing surprise. A well run, well attended affair with even time to loaf a bit instead of hustle bustle sort of thing with no time to breathe. We waved hello to the Holiday Inn on our way from Pennsylvania to Chicago and then came back again to Cleveland before making the trek to Elyria.
The first mishap was getting off the turnpike-- the signs pointed to Elyria one way and Lorain the other so naturally we went to the Elyria side and when we realized we were wrong like a true lost 106er jumped the island and came back and found we could only get back on the turnpike so with as little authority as we have these days jumped the island the second time and headed for Lorain and the Holiday Inn.
We arrived earlier than we have had in the past as we wanted to put out literature and posters regarding the 1978 Reunion in Miami-Nassau. No matter how early you are there are always some who are even earlier.
The golfers were there a few days early to try out their sticks. I didn't hear too much bragging about scores so assume no one had a hole in one nor was anyone ready to challenge Jack Nicklaus. The members of the Committee were on hand to greet everyone with a smile and a "What can we do for you"? For a change there was no problem with reservations, we had a room waiting although we arrived with trepidation after past experiences despite very early reservations.
The Board of Directors met and settled all the pending problems. It is a credit that almost every member was present.
The bus trip in the morning began as most 106th trips began-- TROUBLE. We didn't have to push, though. One of the buses developed a leak of some kind so all those in that bus crushed into the other buses. A few of us had to stand but then we were the younger ones and could take it. We did switch to help some of those who thought they were young enough to hack it but didn't quite measure up. A few lost their seats on the return and some jumped into cars which met us for the Memorial Service.
You never saw so much oh ing and ah ing when we went to the Museum and instead of seeing mummies we saw our old cars we used to drive around impressing the gals of those years. Amazing how old cars can be restored to bring back the old days. The music box room and pianos and organs and of all things the nickelodeon. Never were so many nickels put in by so many so quickly so we could stand there dreamy eyed about the past and even dance around to the old tunes. Sure stirred up memories for all.
The lunch served in the Rotunda of the museum was quite a surprise to all. We expected bag lunches but this committee put the bag lunch to shame and catered to us with a box lunch that was wonderful to behold and to eat. They even offered second but there was enough in the first serving keep our tummies full for at least the ne four hours.
On our bus ride to Cleveland and its environs we had pointed out to us the home of Sam Sheppard, who was convicted of killing his wife. His lab and fine view of Lake Erie was impressive. How the buses ever found their way around Cleveland amazed everyone. They took every back alley knifed through nooks and cranny's, showed us where Moses Cleveland landed to proclaim the City of Cleveland and the seamy sided taverns that we are told absolutely jump at night. The outside was not too impressive but we were told the inside was worth the price of admission. Hate to hang a few on and try to find my way out to that bailiwick.
On our way back we passed Bob Gilders home, his fire house, his favorite drinking place and then on to his church, the North Eidgeville Congregational Church for our Memorial Service. As is always the case with the 106th we had a most memorable Memorial service conducted by the Rev. Morrin, pastor of the church and our own indomitable, John Loveless. Found out we
can still all sing about too. The faithful VFW members performed the duties of the Guard of Honor.
Back to the Hotel and pool time which was enjoyed by quite a few.
The evening entertainment by the Lorain County Banjo Band was a highlight of the Reunion. They didn't expect to stay as long as they did but the enterprising Jim Wells made sure that their lips and tongues were kept moist so they overstayed their time with us. Real nostalgia with the songs they played and even caused the gang to get up and dance to the numbers they were so good.
We hear about Women's Lib these days but didn't think it would enter into the picture with the 106th. The men had their luncheon in an ordinary meeting room but the ladies were put in a classy lounge with plush seats and the works. They were entertained by a women's singing group but the men could only hear it in the background
(Photo) Doug Coffey -- Bob Gilder
Saturday morning was time off time to join with friends, especially the new found friends who manage to come from out of nowhere to join us. We were pleased to have our son-in-law and daughter from Cleveland with our granddaughter join us for Saturday and Sunday festivities. Many of the 106ers d met our daughter as she used to attend conventions and was on one of our European trips with the 106th. We and they were able to greet The DeHeers with their son Ricky who attended the Conventions with our girls and his son Ryan. The Grandchildren enjoyed the pool while the grownups tried to keep up with them, to no avail.
There was not exactly hanky panky going on but it seemed rather strange to find two men with one woman sharing the Sauna and then the cold shower together but luckily the shower was so cold the men were not fit for anything but polite company.
Then comes the piece de resistance-- our dinner dance. Each year I remark about our ladies and how gracious and beautiful they are-1 know they are this way all year round but at this night they show their radiance in a rather special way. The food was good, the company excellent and the music as always right to our liking for dancing and holding our sweethearts tenderly and thinking that it is almost time to say goodbye to all these wonderful and lovely 106ers for another year.
Our speaker was unusual for the 106th. To have a former Nazi speak, at first seemed odd, until he got into his story and by the time he was finished made each and every one of us proud to be an American. Could we give as good a testimony as John Goebel. He should be speaking all over the country to young people to re-instill in them the love of America he has and spread that love to all men.
The Sunday breakfast was well attended so that most people could bid goodbye to one another. Good to see E. C. White and Zada all the way from Texas and the lovely new members who were so friendly and congenial and promising to return next year.
For those of you who do not attend Conventions, it is remarkable a year ago we had to twist arms to have John Fritz and Company to take the Convention to Elyria-Lorain. This year we had volunteers to take us to Hot Springs, Arkansas, Chicago, Illinois, Iowa City, Iowa and the poor guy take us to Hot Springs, Arkansas, Chicago, Illinois, Iowa City, Iowa and the poor guy even got a chance to make his offer. In addition to all these invites a large group opted to go back to Europe in September of 1979. You just can't keep this Association down. They are the most marvelous people you ever want to know. If you realize we have
been seeing one another for 31 years it is almost unbelievable. Families don't talk to one another that long, marriages don't last that long but we keep on year after year enjoying one another and Lord willing will do so for many more years. God Bless you all.
After leaving the Convention it was our privilege to take Tom and Flo Bickford to Tom's Aunt and Uncle in Hunting Valley, a suburb east of Cleveland and renew our friendship with them too. Tom's Aunt even produced a postcard she had from a friend with Isabel's home town on it.
Upon passing through Cleveland on the way to sunny Florida we decided to call Willie Garn's brother Gene and his wife Ann who live in Ashland Ohio. Also to see, if possible, Jake Fridline. Jake and his father Doc Fridline made the first trip to Europe in 1954 with the 106ers when we met with the King of the Belgians. Doc and his wife Florence have long since passed away but Jake still resides in Town. Both Gene and Anne had been ill so we didn't know what to expect when we called from the highway. Well! When Isabel called Ann insisted we come right into town and spend the day with them. Though we were trying to hurry home so we could mind our neighbors house while he vacationed as he did while we vacationed, we felt we should spend the day and evening.
We most certainly do not regret the decision.
We found Ann and Gene in their new Mobile home in a charming section of lovely Ashland. They took us all over hill and dale and showed us a lovely section of Ohio we did not know existed. With us were their lifelong friends Joe and Rita Ziegler whom we had met in Florida and whose company we enjoy very much. We drove to Louis Bromfields Malabar Farm where Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall were married.
Very impressive. Up hill and down dale with the Queen Annes lace waving to us as we drove by, stately trees with lovely valleys with streams and dams to admire. We had dinner at a State Lodge complete with lake, Motel units Convention Center, hidden away in the Mountains. We couldn't help saying what a spot this would be for the 106th to hold a Convention. It is called Mohican Lodge in Pleasant Hills for anyone interested in atmosphere and good food at reasonable prices.
Wending our way home without incident, we entered the back door and thought a hurricane had hit. There were clothes draped all over all our furniture in every nook and cranny. We looked high and low and finally found a note to say that in addition to our pool motor going bad and new one put in, that the air conditioner had frozen up and flooded the bathroom and one of our closets, hence the array of clothing. After dying with the air condition repair man we are trying to get back to some sort of normalcy. Have to get this piece out as I promised John Gallagher I will do my best to fill up the Cub, get to the travel agency to get the bits and pieces for the 106th trip to the Bahamas, get the reports to and from Sherod Collins about the deposits he has or has not received, plan our own trip and clothes for the fall and then find my way back to the golf course to see if I can hit the pill again. I'm exhausted so I'll quit!
North Ridgeville Congregational Church
North Ridgeville, Ohio
22 July 1977
HYMN - "God of Our Fathers"
The Rev. Ivan R. Morrin, Pastor
PRAYER The Rev. Ivan R. Morrin
HYMN - "America, the Beautiful"
BENEDICTION The Rev. Ivan R. Morrin
After the convention closed the Gilders and Fritz's took off on a tour of the New England states. We enjoyed ourselves to the fullest, you members who live in that area sure have a lot of history and tradition going for you. A note to John & Irene Kelley-- we found the "No-name" Restaurant in Boston, but by the time we arrived none of the four trapped in Boston's rush hour traffic and we all thought each knew the right direction to go, and none of us really did. The dinner was fabulous and we shall remember it for a long time.From our standpoint the convention was a huge success. We were truly amazed at the turnout and how well everything ran. Our sincere and heartfelt thanks to all who attended and made this a memorable time for us. At the last count, we had over two hundred there at various times. We were especially pleased with the huge turnout at the Thursday night warm up. Friday started off with our yearly bus trouble but from here on out all went smooth. From all the remarks we heard, the tour of Cleveland was appreciated. The Memorial Service was so Loveless, Jr. did a magnificent job. I hope all enjoyed the Lorain County Banjo Band, they put on a real show for us. The Saturday nite banquet and dance was attended by 192 people. Wasn't that great? Our speaker, Mr. John Goebel presented his feelings most appropriately. We are now closing all the books and hope we can show a gain. We again are grateful for all the compliments we received and really enjoyed being your hosts.
We had a number of new people who attended for the first time and I'm sure we'll see them soon.
Best wishes to all and we'll look forward to our December get together.
Jean & Bob Gilder Martha & John Fritz
The bus tour was delightful! Just enough time was consumed and distance covered to keep it interesting. The highlights were skillfully narrated by our hosts and hostesses. The museum where we stopped was unusual-old cars-- well restored, music boxes, etc. and the box lunch was very tasty.The memorial service was very meaningful. The No. Ridgeville Congregational The memorial service was very meaningful. The No. Ridgeville Congregational minister, the Rev. Ivan Morrin delivered a warm and inspirational message to attentive Golden Lions and ladies.
The additional night meal went over big-- a means of extra togetherness. And the Lorain County Banjo Band was a special entertainment hit.
More interested people were present than ever before-- a new high for the Golden Lions 31st Reunion.
Memorial Service LAST REUNION
Dear Mr. & Mrs. Bandurak:
Just a few lines to let you know about Jim. Meant to write sooner but still in shock. Jim died of heart attack on August 14, 1977. We had been to a steak fry an evening before so you know it was very sudden. I got up at eight in morning and he was still in bed. I went to porch to get the paper and sat down for a minute and started to read it and heard him calling. I went in and he was in bathroom and asked me to get him
Alka-Seltzer that he had pains. I called my daughter to come and help me get him back to bed. I went to phone and called ambulance and within seven minutes we were on our way to hospital. He was aware of everything even when we left home. My daughter talked with him all the time. They pronounced him dead at 10:40 A.M. (August 14, 1977). It was very fast. He had been to doctor on Monday before and he told him to continue his medicine. He said he did not feel too good but not too bad either.
I will surely remember the reunion. Glad to have those memories. We both really enjoyed it. I did not know who to tell so you are the only one I wrote to.
We will surely miss him. Both my daughters have been wonderful at this time. My oldest daughter lives in Falls Church, Virginia and she has two children and stayed with me for three weeks before she had to go home. I still have my other daughter at home.
Hope both of you are well. This is the best snapshot Jim got of both of you and thought you would like to have it. Was treated so nice and will always remember that reunion. Such nice people. Sorry to be so late with the news but still can't get over it happened so fast.
Love to both,
Eloise Kane
Adjutant's Note
James J. Kane was a Battalion Clerk with the Headquarters Company, 81st Engineer Combat Battalion and was one of the original members of that Battalion arriving in Fort Jackson, South Carolina in March, 1943. He served with the 106th Inf. Division was retired from a steel mill in Youngstown, Ohio where he was a foreman. He and his Elyria, Ohio in July, 1977. Our deepest sympathy goes out to Mrs. Kane and her daughters.
May we ever cherish in our hearts
the memory of our comrades
who have passed into the great beyond.
(Photo) James Kane and wife Eloise
Dear Sir: While looking thru the "VFW" magazine I saw the notice of the reunion of the 106th Inf. Div. Assn. between July 21-23 and memories flooded back to me. I was drafted March, 1943 and took basic training at Fort Jackson, S.C. with Co. E 424 Inf. Regt. 106th Inf. Tennessee maneuvers moved to Camp Atterbury, Indiana then P.O.E. to Europe with the 4th Infantry Div. for the invasion on Normandy Beach. The officers of Co. E. were Capt. Thigpen, 1st Lt. Bikle, 2nd Lt. Netzorg, 1st Sgt. King, Tech Sgt. Kilroy and Tech. Sgt. Jodick.
Sincerely, Percy Albert, Jr.
Dear Sherod,
Your records may reveal-- if they go back that far that at one time I was a regular dues paying member of the Division Association. I have been completely inactive for a number of years but after attending the recent convention in Elyria, I concluded that I better get reinstated. My dues check is enclosed..
I wish that we might be with you on next year's cruise, but we concluded that going .
the way to Florida (in the summer time) for a three day cruise just was not our cup of tea! Besides, my wife gets sick just looking at a ship.
We really enjoyed the reunion with a very few that we knew and others who we got to know. We shall look forward to renewing acquaintances in Chicago in '79 and will encourage those with whom I am still in touch to attend also.
Kindest regards, Frank Barlow, D.H.Q.
Dear Walt,
Enclosed is my check for $10.00 for 1977-1978 dues to the Cub and also for Shoulder patches (2) at $1.50 each and one Emblem for $2.00, Total is $10.00 I am glad to have read in the Cub that you have now fully recovered from your recent illness.
I would be happy to find out if anyone knows the name and address of our Captain of 423 Anti-Tank Co.
I was one of the original cadre when the 106th was formed down at Fort Jackson, S.C. in March of 1943.
Sincerely, Roland G. Parquette
Dear Walt:
Sorry could not be with my 106th Division comrades in Elyria this week but it was the same story for the '76 meeting at Evansville, Ind.-- and there's no telling if and/or when I "Hungry and Sick". Only The Good Lord knows for I'm 67% now and have already lived past my "expectations of 1945" when I passed through Camp Lucky Strike at approx. 110 lbs. fully attired in the neatest of "GI" EM dress uniform.
However, my wife's mother is confined to a Nursing Home; has been for over a year and before then she was with us until she went into a diabetic coma, after which we could no longer take care of her. It makes for a dull routine for we cannot take time out for a Convention; not even a short 'cation trip with change of scenery and something different to think about.
Hope the meeting and the "get together" was a huge success and we'll be able to attend the next one.
Best regards to all & "Carry on Sol-jer"
Leo Leisse - 422
Leo is urging all ex P.O.W.'s to join "The American Ex-Prisoners of War, Inc. For information contact him:
Leo R. Leisse, Sr.
5324 Chatfield Drive
Mehlville, Missouri 63129
Dear John:
Just dropped our membership check in the mail to Bandurak.
After attending so many Reunions it's hard for us to miss them as we have the past few years. Health gets in the way and we must lean on news of the group as it comes to us through the CUB. Thank goodness and the editor-- for the CUB.
Helen is quite well but, because she is hospitalized two or three times a year (Cobalt injury-- it cured her cancer but???) then I, who has been disgustingly healthy most of my life, had heart surgery in February. It's amazing what the medical profession can do for us today. When a surgeon can divert your blood stream around your heart and sew in three by-pass arteries made from a vein they take from the inside of your left leg and, in six and a half hours, send you to intensive care with confidence of years ago they didn't know how to do it and with 95% obstruction of your blood supply to the heart as I had, my days would have been numbered. Anyway, I went home in eight days and back to work in four weeks so, you see, if you're mean enough-- as I-- you can overcome most anything.
You may remember that I had a heart attack the year that I was your president but apparently it was not severe enough to give the proper signals so nothing was done.
Kathy, our youngest daughter who was with us at Indianapolis and took care of the
kids at the swimming pool-- some of you will remember her-- is at the University of Chicago on a fellowship, studying Middle East History and Arabic. Today she is flying, with forty students from around the world, to Paris and then to Tunis (North Africa) speak only Arabic for eight weeks-- again on a fully paid, transportation and all, fellowship. Her second year of study toward already been approved so `Dr. Hatch,' here we come. I'd prefer that she get married and have a family but she doesn't ask me for such an opinion.
Thank you for the CUB and all the effort that you put into it. We look forward to its arrival and receives my first attention-- ahead of the evening paper when I get home.
Have a good reunion. We'll be thinking of you.
Sincerely, H. M. Jim Hatch
Many hands were raised indicating that they want a return to Europe in 1979, the 35th Anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge. I hope and pray I will be in Europe this fall and will be able to feel out people about any ceremony that might be planned for then or at least put a bug in their ear.All those that might be interested in this return should send their names to the Adjutant, Walter Bandurak who will forward them on to me at a later date.
1978 Reunion
By the time you read this it will be too late to sign up for the 1978 reunion. By the latest count, which is not the final account, we shall be having about 110 persons signed up.More details will follow by letter directly to those signed up. If any late comers decide they wish to go contact me immediately and I will try to get more space if there is any possibility. I doubt it, but will make the old college try so that no one is disappointed.
Zittau, Germany This year the POW's again went to Brentnook in the Pocono's for a 3 day reunion. The Hartt's from Virginia were the hosts and served a buffet supper Friday night.Saturday we visited a Mineral Shop, Candy Shop, and a new restored area (not quite finished.)
In the evening a dinner was held at the Crossroads with each lady getting a plant and the Governor of Virginia sent cuff links for each gentleman.
Sunday some attended church and others, sat on the porch of the Inn still hashing over their experiences in camp. Four of the men were in the 106th Infantry.
If any of you were in Stalag 4-B and want to know about the group, get in touch with Cliff Austin or Dick DeHeer.
Thanks, Marge DeHeer
Mr. Steve T. Adamowicz G-422 208% North Maverick Gordon, Nebraska 69343 Mr. John Adams, Jr. D/422 208 North 11th Street Oakland, Maryland 21550
Mr. Fred W. Addison Band 65 N. Mobile Street Mobile, Ala. 36607
Mr. James W. Adkins C-423 5232 Commonwealth Avenue Jacksonville, Fla. 32205
Mr. Orfeo E. Agostini A-81st Engr. 202 Elizabeth Street Hinesville, Georgia 31313
Mrs. Carolyn I. Alexander Assoc. 354 Craige Hall Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514
Ms. Marilyn G. Alexander Assoc. 11 Treeview Drive Decatur, Ga. 30030
Mr. William G. Alexander E-423 P. O. Box 1128 Forest Park, Georgia 30050
Mr. Orval O. Allen DHQ 551 Forest Blvd. Indianapolis, Ind. 46240
Mr. Francis E. Anderson 106th Signal 8760 South Kildare Avenue Hometown, Ill. 60456
Gerald T. Anderson M 423 17 Eton Pl., Glen Rock, N.J. 07452
Mr. Lowry B. Andrews HQ 422 11 Ridgewood Road Wilton, Conn. 06897
Donald R. Armington H 424 3125 John Patterson Rd. Des Moines, Iowa 50317
Mr. Anthony Arminio, Sr. L-423rd 327 Tyler Street East Haven, Conn. 06512
Mr. Harry Arvanis K/424 1915 158th Street East Moline, Ill. 61244
Clifford N. Austin C 589 125 S. Maple Street Vergennes, Vermont 05491
Dr. George Axelrod 331 Med. 668 Main Street Clinton, Mass. 01510
-- B--
Mr. W. C. Baker L-424th 4 Haley Street Pine Bluff, Arkansas 71602
Mr. Walter Bandurak Med. Det 81st Engr. 2191/2 North Maple Avenue Greensburg, Penna. 15601
Mr. Frank Barlow DHQ 144 Aurora Street Hudson, Ohio 44236
Mr. L. Preston Barnes K-18 Avon Drive East Windsor, N.J. 08520
Mr. Herold A. Barnett H-424 4133 Dundee Drive Murrysville, Pa. 15668
Mr. Richard E. Bartz DHQ 216 Rustic Avenue Pittsburgh, Pa. 15210
Mrs. Carol W. Beals Assoc. 217 E. Davenport St. Iowa City, Iowa 52240
Mr. Richard H. Behr SV-423 5924 West Meadowbrook Drive, Phoenix, AZ
Roger W. Bell HQ Btry 589 F A 807 28th Ave. E. Moline, Ill. 61244
Mr. Harry J. Bendick Hq. Co./424 489 Moull Street Newark, Ohio 43055
Mr. John G. Beville K-424 2731 Blairstone Rd-Apt. 168 Tallahassee, Fla. 32301
Mr. Thomas Bickford DHQ 66 Quimby Place West Orange, N.J. 07052
Mr. Dan Bied A/422nd 102 Holiday Terrace West Burlington, Iowa 52655
Mr. John H. Bieze H-424 2419 N. Newcastle Chicago, Ill. 60635
Mr. C. W. Biles G-424 Box 57 Elrama, Penna. 15038
Rev. Ewell C. Black, Jr. A-422nd P. 0. Box 66 Bishopville, S. Carolina 29010
Mr. T. Wayne Black HQ 422 425 Allen Apt. 301 Waterloo, Iowa 50701
Mr. William S. Blaher I-422 R.D. 5-Norton Drive Flemington, New Jersey 08822
Mr. Donald Bobel C/422 359 Circle Drive Amherst, Ohio 44001
Mr. Richard Boeshore SV-423rd 404 East Pine Street Lebanon, Pa. 17042
Mr. Merrill E. Bookheimer HQ-591 FA 915 South Coldbrook Avenue
Mr. Ira G. Bottoms 592nd FA P. O. Box 103 Norcross, Georgia 30091
Mr. William S. Boucouvalas D-424 10 Cutts Avenue Saco, Maine 04072
Mr. Byrne A. Bowman DHQ 1860 Liberty Tower Oklahoma City, Okla. 73102
Rev. Edward T. Boyle HQ-424th 3510 Arrowhead Trail Duneland B ach, Indiana 46360
Mr. Mels J. Braaten M-422 R. R. 3 Canton, South Dakota 57013
Mr. James E. Brackett SV-591 376 Vanderbilt Avenue Staten Island, N.Y. 10304
Mr. Kenneth Bradfield SV-591 Rte. 8 Box 140 Evansville, Ind. 47711
Mr. L. B. Bradley SVC-422 512 Locke Street Palmetto, Ga. 30268
Mr. Myles Brazill DHQ-MP P. O. Box 6 Landisburg, Penna. 17040
Benjamin B. Britton E 424 36 Warren Road Auburn, Mass. 01501
Mrs. D. R. Broth Assoc. 27402 Lemon Tree Ct. Hayward, Calif. 94545
Harold J. Brummer D 422 41 Georgia Street Cranford, N. J. 07016
Mr. Glen J. Brutus HQ 423 Box 37 Pine Village, Indiana 47973
Mr. Jack Bryant Reg. Hq.-422 19692 Coral Gables Southfield, Mich. 48076
Mrs. Margaret Bullard Associate Forest Lake - Rt. 4 Mebane, North Carolina 27302
Robert A. Burkes HQ 424 2227 Plantation E. Point, Ga. 30344
Mr. Fred Burnham-Band 1218 Cheshire Naperville, Ill. 60540
Mr. James V. Burrell D-423 1187 Southridge Drive Salem, Ohio 44460
Mr. C. M. Buschemeyer SV-591 9402 Pembrook Street Houston, Texas 77016
Mr. Harry W. Butler HQ-424 Box 390 Winchester, Virginia 22601
Austin L. Byrd, Jr. A589 1329 Westburn Rd. Baltimore, Md. 21228
Mr. George Call B-424 R. D. Box 326 Glen Gardner, N. J. 08826
Lt. Col. Samuel P. Cariano DHQ 122 Skyline Blvd. Satellite Beach, Florida 32937
Mr. Ben Carpenter HQ-424 6809 N. Ashland Chicago, Ill. 60626
Mr. Fred Carter SV-591 11613 No. 3rd Street Toronto, Ohio 43964
Col. Charles C. Cavender C.O.-423 26490 Burgess Way Sun City, California 92381
Mr. Fred B. Chase D-422 44 Morris Lane RR 6 Clifton Park, N. Y. 12065
Chris T. Clark HQ CO 3RD BR 423 518 S. Main Niles, Ohio 44446
Dr. James I. Clark 592 & 590 RR 4., Box 197 Fennville, Mich. 49408
Mr. Walter C. Clarke SV-591 FA Rt. 3 - Box 380 Kannapolis, North Carolina 28081
Mr. Doug S. Coffey C-590 947 N. W. Arnet Street Port Charlotte, Florida 33952
Mr. James E. Collier, Sr. H-424 1635 Vance Memphis, Tenn. 38104
Mr. Frank Collins F-424 Rt. 1, Box 15 Keene, N. H. 03431
Sherod Collins SVC-423 625 Charming Dr. NW Atlanta, Ga. 30318
Mr. Virgil L. Collins CN-423 841 Canal Street Nelsonville, Ohio 44764
Michael E. Connelly, M.D. 589th FA Medical Arts Bldg. Medics 32 Jefferson Ave. Sharon, Penna. 16146
Mr. Milton M. Conner B-592 FA 1605 North Fielder Road Arlington, Texas 76012
Mr. Louis M. Cooper M/423rd & G/424th Route #7 - Box 1782 Lakeland, Florida 33801
Mr. Chas K. Corrigan SV-591 3366 Ken Lake Dr. Olympia, Wash. 98502
Mr. Mel Crank H-422 1026 Kenilworth Lane Glenview, Ill. 60025
Mr. Dean F. Crawford REG. HQ. 422nd 17 Inner Drive Vienna, Ohio 44473
Raymond J. Creamer SV BA 589th FA 48 Leonard Rd. Milltown, N. J. 08850
Mr. John S. Crocker E-422 P. O. Box 161 Troy, Penna. 16947
Mr. Lloyd R. Crosby B/424th Rt. #4, Box 45 Elba, Alabama 36323
Mr. Lester W. Crossman H-424th Box 654 Woodstock, III. 60098
Mr. Wm. R. Crozier A-422 17050 W. Chicago Detroit, Mich. 48228
Mr. Emil Curcione L-424th 26 David Road Cedar Grove, N. J. 07009
Mr. Edward L. Curnow E-424 190 Chateau Estates Swanton, Ohio 43558
Mr. Alan Dabson B-331 MD 38 Upland Avenue Edgehill Dover, Del. 19901
Mr. William S. Dahlen SV-591 FA 303 Charles Road Linthicum, Maryland 21090
Mr. Paul Dargon HQ-589FA P. O. Box 171 Carlisle, Pa. 17013
Mr. Charles T. Datte SV-591 FA 231 Davis Avenue Clifton Heights, Penna. 19018
Mrs. Betty Davidson Associate P. 0. Box 222 Lumberport, West Virginia 26386
Mr. James T. Davis 106th Signal 3656 North Magnolia Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60613
Mr. J. A. DeChiara 1124 59th Street Brooklyn, N. Y. 11219
Richard DeHeer K-424 19 Hopkins Street Hillsdale, N. J. 07642
Mr. Richard G. DeHeer Associate 631 Tanyu Ave. N.W. Massillon, Ohio 44646
Dr. Delaval 48 Rue D Vieuz Vielsalm, Marche Belgium 6690
Col. Geo. L. Descheneaux HQ-422 1625 Concord Drive Charlottesville, Va. 22901
Mr. Robert A. De St. Aubin CN-424 RR No. 2 - Box 88A Berlin, Wisc. 54923
Mr. Martin J. Dever DHQ Co. 272 West Ridgewood Avenue Ridgewood, New Jersey 07450
Mr. G. E. Dickard D-422 P. O. Box 144 Clemson. S. C. 29631
Mr. Francis J. Dobe C-422 264 Belmont Street Manchester, New Hampshire 03103
Mr. George W. Doerner HQ-Div Arty 64 North Schuylkill Avenue Norristown, Penna. 19401
William P. Dohoney, D.D.S. C-422 818 Mandy Lane Camp Hill, Penna. 17011 Mrs. Libby K. Dolitsky Associate 40 Indian Road Port Chester, N. Y. 10573
Mr. W. J. Donovan DHQ 59-25 71st Avenue Ridgewood, N. Y. 11227
Mr. Thomas Dorosky SV-592 FA 146 Mount Airy Road R. D. No. One Shavertown, Penna. 18708
Mahlon O. Earle D 424, 23 Morgan Pl., North Arlington, NJ 07032
Mrs. John Early, Jr. Associate 19284 Mason Creek Road Norfolk, Va. 23503
Mr. James R. Easterling K-424th 112 Church Street Latta, South Carolina 29565
Mr. Herbert Eidelman SV-424 15905 Harden Circle Southfield, Mich. 48075
Mr. Floyd L. Elston A-589 FA 28 Park Avenue Haskell, New Jersey 07420
J. Russell Enlow D-423rd Taswell, Ind. 47175
Mr. Kenneth W. Eyler CN-423rd 5 West 7th Street Frederick, Maryland 21701
Mr. Wilbur D. Evans SV-591 FA 1328 West Davis Street Burlington. N. C. 27215
-- F--
Col. Kenneth B. Facey DHQ-MP 3621 Westhampton Drive Augusta, Ga. 30907
Mr. John J. Fischer, Jr. SV-422 2745 Observatory Cincinnati, Ohio 45208
Mr. Robert G. Flaig HQ-589 FA 1652 Pinebluff Lane Cincinnati, Ohio 45230
Mr. Harold A. Fleming, Jr. F-423 238 Pandolfi Ave. Secaucus, New Jersey 07094
Mr. John P. Fleming 2nd Bn., HQ-424 676 Park Avenue East Orange, N. J. 07017
Mr. Robert F. Flick C-81 ENG. 808 High Street Saltsburg, Pa. 15681
Mr. Fontaine C. Forbes B-423 1115 Pocahontas Ave. Covington, Va. 24426
Mr. James P. Ford HQ-424th 1829 South Alden Street Philadelphia, Pa. 19143
Mr. E. Bruce Foster HQ-422 P. O. Box 39 Knoxville, Tennessee 37901
Mr. Toni Fox SV-592 129 S. Washington St. Greencastle, Pa. 17225
Mr. D. B. Frampton, Jr. CN-422nd 170 North Roosevelt Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43209
Mr. Frank Franek, M.D. K-424 109 W. 14th Avenue Naperville, Illinois 60540
Mr. Florian R. Frank 591 FA To Biglow Cheese & Butter Co. Avoca, Wisc. 53506
Jerome L. Frankel HQ CO 3rd BN-423 584 Junard Blvd. W. Hempstead, N. Y. 11552
Mr. R. A. Frankini 2BN-424 36124 Paddleford Road Farmington, Michigan 48024
Mr. Charles W. Freed 1-423 218 Jackson Circle Pittsburgh, Pa. 15229
Mr. Henry E. Freedman Reg. HQ-422 115 Harness Trail Roswell, Georgia 30076
Mr. John Fritz HQ-424 9271 Avon Beldon Road - RFD. 3 No. Ridgeville, Ohio 44039
-- G
Mr. John I. Gallagher C-81st Engrs. 4003 Frances Street Temple, Penna. 19560
Mr. Charles S. Garn H-424 1764 - 18th Street Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223
Mr. Joseph J. Gasses HQ-422 1420 Franklin Street Grand Haven, Michigan 49417
Mr. Melvin Gehrig HQ-422 1201 Inverness Lake Charles, La. 70601
Mr. Charles R. Gibson SV-422 524 Washington Street Lawton, Michigan 49065
Mr. Robert A. Gilder HQ-424 36303 Behm Drive North Ridgeville, Ohio 44035
Mr. John M. Gillespie C-422 3536 Darcy Drive Birmingham, Michigan 48010
Mr. Joseph C. Gilliam C-589 FA 1201 East Emerson Street Bloomington, Illinois 61701
Mr. Patrick J. Gioia G-422 Torrington Road Litchfield, Conn. 06759
Mr. David J. Gish HQ Btry 589 FA 23673 W. Grove Street South Bend, Indiana 46628
Mr. Bruce F. Glen DHQ 78 Buckingham Drive Vincentown, New Jersey 08008
Mr. Walter S. Glenney EXEC-424 235 Carol Ann Drive San Antonio, Texas 78223
Mr. Earl A. Gollhofer 589th FA Box 72 Charter Oak, Iowa 51439
Mr. Harry Gorgus B-424th Rt. #4, Box 19 Hastings, Minn. 55033
Mr. Neil M. Gossom Med-81st Engr. 37 Hathaway Road Timonium, Maryland 21093
Mr. Emil A. Grass F-424 2823 Flintwood Drive Mehlville. Missouri 63129
Mr. W. Leo Gregory 3rd Bn., HQ-424 5009 Bonnahill Drive Hermitage, Tennessee 37076
Judge Larry Gubow SV-423 4397 Sunningdale Drive Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 48013
Mr. Walter Gultzow DHQ 606 3rd Street Buffalo, Iowa 52728
-- H--
Mr. Edwin P. Hagen, Jr. SV-591 FA 505 East Spruce Street Sisseton, South Dakota 57262 Mrs. Ben J. Hagman Associate 305 West Josephine Street Weatherford, Texas 76086
Mr. Thomas A. Halsey HQ-424 3829 Lochmore Drive Columbia, South Carolina 29209
Mr. Jack Handorf Rt. 5, Box 55 Palestine, Texas 75801
Mr. Harold V. Hardoin K-424 14215 Mayfield Detroit, Michigan 48205
Mr. Raymond T. Harm 106th Signal 316 Demarest Avenue Closter, New Jersey 07624
Mr. Abner Harris H-424 200 West Adam Chicago, Illinois 60606
Mr. Bertram E. Hartzell C-81st Engrs. 410 South Street New Bethlehem, Penna. 16242
Mr. H. M. "Jim" Hatch DHQ & 422 5609 - 15th Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55417
Mr. John P. Hayes F-422 2226 Erie Avenue Springfield, Ohio 45505
Mr. Byron P. Heath MP 615 North Monterey St. - Apt. 9 Alhambra, California 91801
Mr. Arthur H. Heffernan H-424 164 Liberty Street Pontiac. Michigan 48053
Mr. Edward Heiman D-331 MD 62 Longview Drive Daly City, California 94015
Mr. William G. Hemelt H-424 7737 Wynbrook Road Baltimore, Maryland 21224
Mr. Forrest W. Hemming 806th Ord 755 Stelzer Road - Box 171 Columbus, Ohio 43219
Mr. Leo L. Heneghan C-422 6287 Wetherole Street Rego Park, New York 11374
Mr. James W. Henning HQ-422 1045 East 8th Street Lockport. Illinois 60441
Lt. Col. E. G. Henson H-424 9917 Echo Valley Court Little Rock, Arkansas 72207
Mr. Lee J. Hereth D-422 914 Main Street Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Mr. J. Francis Hesse D-423 220 North Roosevelt Wichita, Kansas 67208
Mr. Frank J. Hill M-424th Reg. 119 West Lime Street Ironwood, Michigan 49938
Mr. Walter F. Hiltbrand AT-423 930 Fair Avenue Salem, Ohio 44460
Mr. John H. Hoenemeyer K-424th 3039 Junietta Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio 45211
Mr. Frank A. Hohenadel, Jr. 424 6711 North Keota Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60646
Mr. John J. Hohenstein M-423 575 Virginia Avenue Decatur, Illinois 62522
Mr. R. R. Holden 2902 Middle Road Bettendorf, Iowa 52722
Mrs. Mary Senn Holloway Associate 705 Merriwether Drive North Augusta, South Carolina 29841
Mr. Pete House A-590th FA 5662 Clifton Avenue Jacksonville, Florida 32211
Mr. Don M. Houseman D-423 400 North Akard Dallas, Texas 75201
Mr. John W. Howard 591 FA 920 South 76th Street West Allis, Wisc. 53214
Mr. Robert F. Howell H-424 904 East College Street - Rt. 6 Griffin, Georgia 30223
Mr. Carl M. Hulbert HQ-424 2801 North Halifax Avenue Riverside Gardens Apt. #242 Daytona Beach, Florida 32018
Mr. Arthur A. Hulkonen C-589th FA Box 66 Kaleva, Michigan 49645
Mr. John F. Hurley 106 Sig 136 Indian Spring Road Milton, Massachusetts 02186
Mr. Boyce Huson HQ & M-424th P. O. Box 35 Normal, Illinois 61761
Mr. Wm. Hutchinson SV-591 Rte. 2 - Bangall Road Parish, New York 13131
Mr. George Iwamoto 1105 Apartment D Rycroft Street Honolulu, Hawaii 96814
Mr. Montague H. Jacobs H-422 P. O. Box 272 Kingstree, South Carolina 29556
Mr. Wm. H. Jefferies HQ-422 155 Greene Avenue Totowa, New Jersey 07512
Mr. Robert D. Jessee M-424 2510 Van Ness Avenue San Francisco, California 94109
Mr. Richard B. Jochems DHQ-AG 2940 Okemos S.E. Grand Rapids, Michigan 49506
Mr. Benj. F. Johnson, Jr. HQ-422 P. O. Box 308 Denton, Maryland 21629
Mr. Edwin Johnson B-589 3015 Hartig Avenue Evansville, Indiana 47712
Mr. Wm. Johnson K-424 321 Gibson Drive Oxon Hill, Maryland 20021
Mr. Alan W. Jones, Jr. 1BN-423 2805 Oakton Manor Ct. Oakton, Virginia 22124
Mrs. Alys P. Jones Associate 3532 Quebec Street N.W. Washington, D. C. 20016
Mr. George W. Jones, Jr. SVC-423 5652 East Main Street Loris, South Carolina 29569
Mr. Irvin Juster CC-422 1241 Ruffner Road Schenectady, New York 12309
Mr. James J. Kane HQ-81 Eng. 835 Rexford Road Youngstown, Ohio 44511
Mr. Geo. H. Kaufman H-423 915 East High Street - Apt. 2 Springfield, Ohio 45505
Mr. R. C. Kaufmann HQ-589 15776 Chatham Detroit, Michigan 48223
Mr. Darrell Kellams E-424 12775 Grover Omaha, Nebraska 68144
Mr. Edmond D. Kelly D-423 22 Loch Lomond Land, Scotswood Middletown, New York 10940
Mr. John H. Kelly C-423 1117 Pleasant Street East Weymouth, Mass. 02189
Mr. Robert E. Kelly SV-423 4388 Barchester Drive Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 48013
Mr. Glen N. Kennedy AT-423 713 Normandy Drive Iowa City, Iowa 52240
Mr. Francis T. Kenney HQ-422 4 Hampton Place Peekskill, New York 10566
Mr. Herbert D. Kephart HQ 2nd BN-423rd 1063 Merry Lane Van Wert, Ohio 45891
Mr. Jesse Kershner AT-423 17 Ridgewood Parkway Newport News, Virginia 23602
Mr. Don W. Kersteiner HQ 2nd BN-424 650 Emerson Avenue Hamilton, Ohio 45013
Mr. Joseph A. Kersten G-423 162 Duerstein Street Buffalo, New York 14210
Dr. John E. Ketterer DHQ 1141 Williams Blvd. Springfield, Illinois 62704
Mr. Charles L. Kirk Med-81st Engr. Route #3 Danielsville, Georgia 30633
Mr. James R. Klett DHQ 1647 Oak Street Lebanon, Pennsylvania 17042
Mr. Franklin R. Koehler D-424th 56 Orchard Place Maywood, New Jersey 07607
Mr. Joseph Krafchik HQ-331st Med. 349 Livingston Avenue New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901
Mr. Leo P. Kreuser Med. Det. 81st Engr. 1481 - 3rd Avenue * Space 154 Chula Vista, California 92011
Mr. Howard W. Kriz SV-591 FA P. 0. Box 38 Wilsonville, Oregon 97070
Mr. John Kucharz 211 Green Brook Road Green Brook, New Jersey 08812
Mr. Harold Kuizema B-589 2151 Griggs S.E. Grand Rapids, Michigan 49506
Mr. Vaden Lackey C.O.-590 FA 4487 Post Place 116 Nashville, Tennessee 37205
Mr. Ted Lada L-424 1044 Liberty, Lincoln Park, Michigan 48146
Mr. Elmer F. Lange H-422 5940 Elkcrest Drive Lincoln, Nebraska 68516
Mr. Charles G. Lapham V-592nd FA 5 South White Horse Pike, Lindenwold, New Jersey 08021
Mrs. Georgia LeClere Associate 1706 Fort Jesse Road Normal, Illinois 61761
Mr. F. H. Lee C-422 1204 Anguilla Street Waycross, Georgia 31501
Mr. Samuel Leibowitz HG 424 645 East 5th Street Brooklyn, New York 11218
Mr. Leo R. Leisse, Sr. HG-422 5324 Chatfield Drive Mehlville, Missouri 63129
Mr. Phillip R. Leswing 592 FA B 389 Red Barn Road Willow Grove, Pennsylvania 19090
Mr. L. S. Letellier, Jr. C 81 Engr. 1166 Catalina Road E. Jacksonville, Florida 32216
Mr. Charles R. Lewis 806th Ord. 16 Court Street Brooklyn, New York 11241
Mr. Robert A. Likins B-591st FA 4743 North Woodruff Avenue Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53200
Mr. Curtis L. Lindsay R. 1 - Box 319 Waco, Texas 76710
Mr. Wm. M. Lineberger SV-591 1014 Woodlawn Dallas, Texas 75208
Mr. C. F. Little HQ-423 South Hill Road Williamstown, Vt. 05679
Mr. Joseph Litvin D/423rd 1959 West 185th Street Torrance, California 90504
Mr. Herbert B. Livesey, Jr. DHQ Teatown Road Croton-On-Hudson, New York 10520
Mr. Arthur E. Loos 1-422 40 Highland Avenue Broad Brook, Conn. 06016
Mr. Oliver A. Lothrop, Jr. B-423 316 West Wind Road Towson, Maryland 21204
Mr. John T. Loveless, Jr. HQ-422 2549 Pickwick Road Baltimore, Maryland 21207
Mr. Allen L. Lowith CN/423rd 1062 South Mansfield Avenue Los Angeles, California 90019
Mr. William Lucsay B-423 12612 South Moody Avenue Palos Heights, Illinois 60463
Edward L. Luzzie 590 FA 5524 South Woodland Drive Western Springs, Illinois 60558
Mr. Lyle K. McCullough Serv/422 685 Roberts Street Sheffield Lake, Ohio 44054
Mr. John C. McGarrity Serv/424th 526 Wayne Drive Shreveport, La. 71105
Col. Henry H. McKee HHC-422 414 Spaceway San Antonio, Texas 78239
Mr. Joseph V. McKeever K-423 3615 Brownsboro Road Louisville, Kentucky 40207 424th
Brig. Gen. Leo T. McMahon Div ARTY 8 North Union Street Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057
Mr. Paul McMillan Serv-422 294 Albemarle Place Macon, Georgia 31204
Mr. Kenneth R. Maclean 81st Engrs. CPL Corporation King Philip Road East Providence, Rhode Island 02914
Mr. Richard Maclone M-424 396 Medford Street Somerville, Mass. 02145
Mr. Thomas G. Manager C-592-A-590 309 Addison Road Glastonbury, Conn. 06033
Mrs. Elizabeth Manahan Associate R.D. #1 - Box 69 Norwood Avenue Road Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania 17214
Mr. H. E. Mansfield A-424 190 Northcrest Athens, Georgia 30601
Mr. Gilbert Marcus Serv-423 1340 North Astor Street - Apt. 808 Chicago, Illinois 60610
Mr. Walter W. Martin E/423rd Reg. 141 Main Street Chicago, Illinois 60610
Col. J. C. Matthews, Jr. HQ-422 4706 Western Blvd. Raleigh, North Carolina 27606
Mr. Robert A. Mattiko E/424th 1029 Huston Drive West Mifflin, Pennsylvania 15122
Mr. Martin Maul B/424th 1341 East Golden Lane Phoenix, Arizona 85020
Mr. Thomas J. Maw A-592 436 Beech Street Rockland, Mass. 02370
Mr. Roger A. May DHQ G3 317 53rd Street Western Springs, Illinois 60558
Mr. Joseph A. Meola A-591 12 Meola Road Congers, New York 10920
Mr. O. Paul Merz Serv 4228657 Mockingbird Lane Cincinnati, Ohio 45231
Mr. John A. Middleton III 106th Signal 17 Kensington Road Madison, New Jersey 07940
Mr. John L. Mikalauskis H-424 Box 31 - 306 West Blake Street Benton, Illinois 62812
Mr. Elman M. Miller HQ-424 3308 Fairview Avenue Chicago Heights, Illinois 60411
Mr. Gene L. Miller B-594335 Parkmead Drive Seabrook, Texas 77586
Mr. Robert J. Miller Reg. HQS-422nd 22-C Lakeview Avenue Leonia, New Jersey 07605
Col. Eric R. Mills HQ. 1st BN-422nd 5007 Dian wood Drive, East Jacksonville, Florida 32210
Mr. Jack Monroe A-423 Box 199 - R.D. #1 Titusville, New Jersey 08560
Col. William P. Moon, Jr. HQ1 BN-422 9135 Oakland Circle Lynchburg, Virginia 24502
Mr. Adolph G. Moritz F-4221438 Le Geros Drive Brookings, South Dakota 57006
Mr. R. B. Morrison G-424 260 Oaklyn Road Bethel Park, Pennsylvania 15102
Mr. Michael S. Mosher L-424 & F-423 147 Sunset Drive Gallatin, Tennessee 37066
Mr. Theodore Mosko HQ Co 2nd BN-424 101 Sharot Street Carteret, New Jersey 07008
Mr. Newton L. Mosley SV-591 FA 3194 Beachwood Drive Lithia Springs, Georgia 30057
Dr. Ronald A. Mosley Div Arty Box 25, "Maudslea-On-Sea" Petite Riviere, Lunenburg Co. Nova Scotia, Canada BOJ2PO
Mr. M. J. Mueller L-424 P. O. Box 257 Lake Villa, Illinois 60046
Mr. Thomas C. Murley E-424 Box 369 Leonard, Texas 75452
Mr. Ralph J. Murphy L-424 2031 S. E. - 14th Lane P. O. Box 732 Ocala, Florida 32670
Mr. George Murray, Jr. H-424 521 Ninth Street - Box 724 Bemidji, Minn. 56601
Mr. Vincent J. Mustacchio D-331st Medics 15 Carmer Avenue Belleville, New Jersey 07109
Mr. Larry Myers, Jr. 591 FA 151 Cambridge Street Syracuse, New York 13210 N
Mr. John B. Nash 806th Ord. 247 Van Duzer Street ,Staten Island, New York 10304
Dr. Irwin Neigus HQ 331st Medics 9-8- Rolling Hills 20 Meadow Lane, Lenox, Mass. 01240
Mr. Alfred S. Nusbaum 5622 North 12th Street Phoenix, Arizona 85014
Mr. Stephen Osciak 106-SG 21 Mountain Road Verona, New Jersey 07044
Dr. George M. Osborne 423 & 331st Med. 1042 Ovington Road Jacksonville, Florida 32216
Mr. Wanold D. Olman SV-422 912 Cokesbury Drive Columbia, South Carolina 29203
Mr. Roland Parquette AT-423 410 Super Street - RR6 Mosinee, Wisconsin 54455
Mr. Marvin J. Parr B-424 5500 N.W. 2nd Avenue Boca Raton, Florida 33432
Mr. F. D. Patterson I-422 Rt. 2 - Box 235 McDonough, Georgia 30253
Mr. Allen L. Pearson Med-424th 1327 St. Mary's Circle Greenville, Miss. 38701
Mr. W. R. Pettus HQ-424 907 West I lth Street Ottawa, Kansas 66067
Mr. Charles S. Peyser B-424 212 Potomac Avenue Hanover, Pennsylvania 17331
Mr. George F. Phillips Div. HQS 37 Linden Place Uniontown, Pennsylvania 15401
Mr. Robert W. Pierce, Sr. C 81st Engr 474 Federal Street N W Warren, Ohio 44483
Mr. Waldo B. Pierce F-422 530 East Street New Britain, Conn. 06051
Mr. Morris R, Piha QM 2164 Marietta Blvd. Atlanta, Georgia 30318
Mr. Gordon B. Pinney B-423 Rt. #1 - Box 35 Whitney, Nebraska 69367
Mr. Edward C. Plenge HQ-589th FA 115 East 31st Street Beach Haven Gardens, New Jersey 08008
Mr. Frank Ponza B-423rd Reg. 164 Bloomfield Avenue Bloomfield, New Jersey 07003
Mr. Louis Praznik A-81st Engr. 24920 Midland Street Redford, Michigan 48239
Mr. Ed. A. Prewett B-424 Rte. 2 - Box 730 Brentwood, California 94513
Mr. David S. Price DHQ & 331st Med. 3 North Lane Loudonville, New York 12211
Mr. Ed A. Priebe B-592 6443 Abington Detroit, Michigan 48228
Mr. Casimir Prokoryn HQ 81st Engrs. 2520 Chestnut Street Steubenville, Ohio 43952
Col. J. F. Puett CO-423 2748 D Shallowford Road Atlanta, Georgia 30341
Mr. Edmund C. Purdy, D.D.S. F-422nd Route 1, Box 29 East Berne, New York 12059
Mr. Joseph Puzio HQ 81st Engrs. 50 Division Avenue Garfield, New Jersey 07026
-- R--
Mr. Richard L. Randol 1050 North Main Street Bluffton, Indiana 46714
Mr. Robert L. Randol SV-423 P. O. Box 344 Markle, Indiana 46770
Mr. Clayton Rarick L-424 Box 55 Blandon, Pennsylvania 19510
Mr. Victor Rauch C-592 FA 37 Chateau Court Loudonville, New York 12211
Mr. A. Ravdin A-331 MD 5308 Fitzhugh Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23226
Mr. Dean T. Redmond HQ 3rd BN-422nd 611 North Center Street Statesville, North Carolina 28677
Mr. Raymond F. Reece E-423rd 2933 Chayes Park Drive Homewood, Illinois 60430
Mr. R. J. Reed CN-423 461 Chestnut Street Union, New Jersey 07083
Mr. Chas. B. Reid AT-223 P. O. Box 98 Richburg, South Carolina 29729
Mr. Edward Reilly SV-591 FA 96 Irvine Terrace Bloomfield, New Jersey 07003
Mr. Chas. W. Richards SV-423 204 Crestview Drive Hendersonville, North Carolina 28739
Mr. Roy Richards HQ-423 2722 Whispering Pines Drive Decatur, Georgia 30033
Col. Thomas J. Riggs, Jr. CO 81st ENG. 6 Olive Street Providence, Rhode Island 02906
Mr. Robert C. Ringer SV-590 & 591 FA 4280 Kendale Road Columbus, Ohio 43220
Mr. George Rinkema B-423 16817 South Park Avenue South Holland, Illinois 60473
Mr. Elden E. Ristenpart C331 Medics 331 East 147th Place Harvey, Illinois 60426
John G. Robb, D.D.S. D-422nd Reg. 238 De Vore Drive Meadville, Pennsylvania 16335
Lt. Col. T. M. Roberts DHQ P. O. Box 9151 Bridgeport, Conn. 06601
Mr. Wesley E. Robinson C-422-424 2026 San Jose Avenue Shively, Kentucky 40216
Dr. J. G. Rodriquez C-422 1550 Beacon Hill Road Lexington, Kentucky 40504
Mr. Louis P. Rossi, Jr. H-424 1314 Ninth Street North Bergen, New Jersey 07047
Mr. Nathan M. Roth B-592 FA 854 East Broadway Long Beach, New York 11561
Mr. Marvin H. Rusch DHQ 10830 West Courtland Avenue Wauwatosa, Wisc. 53225
Mr. D. L. Russell SV-591st FA P. O. Box 587 Attalla, Alabama 35954
Mr. J. B. Russell SVC-422 Box 323 McDonough, Georgia 30253
Mr. Peter Russin H-424 412 Braybarton Blvd. Steubenville, Ohio 43952
Mr. Roger M. Rutland B-424 Box 1713 6632 Arcadia Woods Road Columbia, South Carolina 29202
Mr. Robert E. Rutt HQ-422 937 Lampwick Ct. Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 48013
Mr. Joseph T. Salerno B-423 124 Florence Place South Plainfield, New Jersey 07080
Mr. L. Orvis Samples SV-591 FA 405 West 25th Street Belle, West Virginia 25015
Mr. Robert E. Sandberg A-81st Engr. 1786 Saunders Avenue St. Paul, Minn. 55116
Mr. Eugene L. Saucerman D-422nd R. R. #23 - Box 82 Terre Haute, Indiana 47802
Mr. John J. Scalissi H-424 1706 Regent Street Madison, Wisc. 53705
Mr. Fred Schieferstein A-424 431 Madison Hill Road Clark, New Jersey 07066
Mr. John P. Schlesser Serv-591 11603 West 206th Avenue Lowell, Indiana 46356
Mrs. Sherry Schoch Associate 2809 West Lawrence Road Phoenix, Arizona 85017
Mr. N. Schroeder SV-592 5849 West 107th Street Chicago Ridge, Illinois 60415
Mr. Philip F. Schutte F-424 2415 Otter Drive Warren, Michigan 48092
Earl A. Scott HQ 589 - HQ 106 Div Arty 6414 Monument Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23226
Mr. Robert L. Scranton K-424 9441 Lee Road Brighton, Michigan 48116
Mr. Thomas F. Scurry HQ 3rd BN-424th Reg 222 King Charles Road Columbia, South Carolina 29209
Mr. Fred A. Sebastinelli DHQ 184 Avila Street San Francisco, California 94123
Mr. Mike P. Serino SV-591 FA 619 South Ocean Blvd. Surf Side Beach, South Carolina 29577
Mr. James E. Shirley SV-589 Rt. #2 Columbia, Kentucky 42728
Mr. Nicholas Sinco 3176 Kennedy Blvd. Jersey City, New Jersey 07306
Mr. Harley W. Slaback HQ-422 206 Temple Drive Sanford, Florida 32771
Mr. David B. Slayton 648 Terrylyn Place Long Beach, California 90807
Mr. Charles L. Smith D-422 P. 0. Box 24 Fort Loudon, Pennsylvania 17224
Mr. Edward J. Smith M-423 R. D. #2 Parish, New York 13131
Mr. Mervin S. Smith A-424 3007 Oak Park Drive Austin, Texas 78704
Mr. Lester S. Smyth Div Arty 505 Chadwick Road Timonium, Maryland 21093
Mr. Walter M. Snyder A-589 FA 2901 Dunmore Road - Apt. F-4 Dundalk, Maryland 21222
Mr. Emil M. Solecki SVC-592 98 Wood Port Road Sparta, New Jersey 07871
Mr. Loren E. Souers 424 1200 Harter Bank Bldg. Canton, Ohio 44702
Mr. Robert L. Spade H-424 509 North Franklin Street Robinson, Illinois 62454
Mr. Norman S. Spayd H-423 1518 Schuylkill Avenue Reading, Pennsylvania 19601
Mr. Otto H. Spies 106th Signal Co. 420 Willow Road Wauconda, Illinois 60084
Mr. Robert Stack A-81st Engrs. 261 David Hooper Drive Westwood, New Jersey 07675
Mr. Kermit Steele 424 110 West Sherman Street Mt. Vernon, Indiana 47620 A-422
Mr. Donald J. Stone C-589 FA 1505 East Memorial Drive Janesville, Wisc. 53545
Mr. Alfred C. Stover F-422nd 545 Madison Hill Road Clark, New Jersey 07066
Mr. P. P. Stranko A-423 634 B Leslie Drive Salinas, California 93906
Mr. Ted J. Straub M-422nd 948 Chestnut Ridge Road Morgantown, West Virginia 26505
Mr. John Stribrny At-424th 12639 Timberlane Drive Palos Park, Illinois 60464
Mr. Lambert B. Struble I-424 135 Robinson Street Lyons, Michigan 48851
Mr. Jack Sutherland, Sr. G-4241168 Ill. Circle Decatur, Illinois 62526
Mr. Geo. F. Sutter AT-423 9148 Elmwood Drive Munster, Indiana 46321
Mr. Lee B. Taylor K-424th P. O. Box 16 Anderson, South Carolina 29621
Mr. James Teason MD-423 419 Huntington Lane Elmhurst, Illinois 60126
Mr. James E. Teel, A-424 R. D. #1 Port Norris, New Jersey 08349
Mr. Howard J. Terrio I-423 & K-424 4429 Briarwood Road Columbia, South Carolina 29206
The New York Public Liby Div P Grand Central Station P. O. Box 2240 New York, New York 10017
Mr. Wm. T. Thorn L-422 1604 North Breiel Blvd. Middletown, Ohio 45042
Mr. Harrison C. Tissot C-422 6510 Murray Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio 45227
Mr. Ed. A. Tobis B-592 9854 Sterling Allen Park, Michigan 48101
Mr. Earl L. Todd B-81 Eng. 330 Camden Court Evansville, Indiana 47715
Mr. Frank Trautman D-422 80 East Summit Street Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44022
Mr. Arthur J. Tribout G-424 1447 North 42nd Street East St. Louis, Illinois 62204
Mr. Louis W. Tury, Jr. A-424th Reg. 1481 Mill Street Lincoln Park, Michigan 48146
Mr. Rollin L. Twining HQ-424 19 Lennox Drive Binghamton, New York 13903
Mr. Bernard Uebel E 422 21 Clarissa Drive Hicksville, New York 11801
Mr. Raymond K. Untiedt C-423rd 1409 South Franklin New Ulm, Minnesota 56073
Mr. Floyd D. Uthman E-424th 140 Clarage Drive Coraopolis, Pennsylvania 15108
Mr. Steve G. Varhola 6650 Royal Palm Blvd. Apartment 309 C Margate, Florida 33063
Mr. Harry R. Vernon, Jr. HQ-591st FA 1393 Lake Road Conneaut, Ohio 44030
Mr. Russell H. Villwock 106 Sig. 6908 West Higgins Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60656
Mr. Louis J. Vincent A-424 2133 Center Street Stevens Point, Wisc. 54481
Mr. Robert F. Walker D-422 598 Terrace Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio 45220
Mr. William A. Wallace G-424th Regt 736 South Main Fort Scott, Kansas 66701
Mr. Charles S. Walsh SV-592 FA 1001 Chews Landing Road Ashland Terrace Voorhees, New Jersey 08043
Mr. Presslye Walters Associate 430 Winchester Avenue Youngstown, Ohio 44509
Mr. N. Duke Ward HQ-81 Eng. 3784 Ardsley Court Marietta, Georgia 30062
Mr. Glenn W. Warner C-81st Engrs. 2519 - 15th Avenue Moline, Illinois 61265
Mr. Clarence E. Warren CO A-81st Engr 111 Goodrich Street Kewanee, Illinois 61443
Mr. Joseph A. Wasik G-423 171 Fan Hill Road Monroe, Conn. 06468
Col. Jewell K. Watt DHQ-IG R. F. D. #1 Tecumseh, Kansas 66542
Mr. James M. Wattam D-422 125th Rosebud Drive Rockville, Maryland 20853
Mr. George T. Weaver Med-422 P. 0. Box 35 Goble, Oregon 97048
Mr. Frederick G. Weisser, Jr. 2nd BN HQC 141 Park Avenue Co-422 Manhasset, New York 11030
Mr. James E. Wells C-81st Engrs. Rt. #3 - Box 511 Hephzibah, Georgia 30815
Mr. Harry J. Welsh, Sr. K-42424 West Mt. Pleasant Avenue Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19119
Mr. E. C. White, Jr. C-591 Box 465 Whiteface, Texas 79379
Mr. James S. White F-423 Rte. 1 - Box 158 Brimley, Michigan 49715
Mr. Fred Williams D-423 RFD #1 - Box 82 Grand Ridge, Florida 32442
Mr. John D. Wilson D & H-422 331 East 59th Street Hialeah, Florida 33013
Mr. Edward S. Withee A-81st Engr. Box 514 Goshen, Conn. 06756
Mr. Stanley A. Wojtusik G-422 9639 Wissinoming Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19114
Mr. Wilburn L. Wood Serv-422nd 1850 South Ocean Blvd. Apartment 910 Pompano Beach, Florida 33062
Mr. R. T. Woodruff DHQ 16 Bendwood Drive Sugarland, Texas 77478
Mr. R. E. Woods G-424 2712 Summit Street Bethel Park, Pennsylvania 15102
Brig. Gen. F. A. Woolfley CG 932 Solomon Place New Orleans, La. 70119
Mr. Van S. Wyatt G-424 602 West 8th Street Benton, Kentucky 42025
David S. Wyman, M.D. D-422nd 253 Ludlow Street Portland, Maine 04102
Dr. James N. Yamazaki Med-590 FA 6540 Forbes Avenue Van Nuys, California 91406
Mr. Robert York D-422 142 East Sycamore Grayville, Illinois 62844
Mr. Geo. K. Zak D & M-422 11023 Kingston Street Westchester, Illinois 60153
Mr. Mike Zenn D-423 1856 Cover Drive Poland, Ohio 44514
Mr. Gordon B. Zicker HQ-423 6 Sunrise Drive Montvale, New Jersey 07645
Mr. Edward Zoll HQ-424 1712 Virginia Place N.E. Canton, Ohio 44705
Mr. S. Harry Zorn 106-SG Camelothall 10185 Collins Avenue Bal Harbor, Florida 33154
Mr. Jack Zuckerman C-423 17-23 167 Street New York, New York 11365
The Adjutant has reported that, as of September 1, 1977 225 members (50% of our membership) have not sent in their dues money for the July 1, 1977-June 30, 1978 fiscal year. If you are delinquent in your dues-paying please immediately send your check for $5.00 to Adjutant Walter Bandurak, 2191/2 North Maple Avenue, Greensburg, Penna. 15601. You may also include the $2.00 for Auxiliary dues for your wife and any amount you desire for your Memorial Fund contribution. Your doing so will help our Association cost-wise by saving us postage to send out individual dues reminders. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated.UP-DATE
Mr. Lee J. Hereth 4/422nd 914 Main Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
I won't be able to make this year's, but I would like to be kept posted. And what I would really like is a map or itinerary of where the 106th was in Europe. I'd like to re-visit. Anybody got one???
Mr. Harry C. Tissot C/422nd
6510 Murray Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45227
Please find $5.00 for my dues for 1977-78. I was planning on attending the reunion this year it being held in Ohio. But 1 had a cataract operation in January and things developed that I don't have my contact lens yet. I cannot see very well as yet. Also need new lens in other eye. I was "C" Company Clerk
Mr. Harry J. Bendick Hq Co 424
489 Moull Street
Newark, Ohio 43055
Retired as Lt. Col. August 1, 197114 C-423rd Enclosed find roster of officers of 424th Inf. Reg. as of 21 February 1945. Hope you can use it in your History Department.
George H. Kaufman H/423
915 East High Street
Springfield, Ohio 45505
Enclosed is check for $5.00 for my membership. I enjoy the CUB very much and I think the fellows are doing a very good job with the CUB. I still am trying to find Paul Marin's Address. He was with the 106th Division during the Bulge. Anybody that could help me with this information I surely would appreciate it very much.
Thanking you and the best of success to the CUB.
Patrick J. Gioia G/422
Torrington Road
Litchfield, Conn., 06759
Married and have two (2) children both married and living out of state. I retired from the United States Postal Service, 1974. My wife's name is Eugenia (Gen).
was a rifleman in G. Company, 422nd. My name is pronounced JOYA.
(Photo) Bob and Jeanne Gilder General Leo and Wilda McMahon
William A. Wallace G/424th
736 South Main
Fort Scott, Kansas 66701
We have three (3) children, three (3) grandchildren, two (2) step-grandchildren. Have been married 31 years. I am Assistant Chief Clerk with the Kansas Gas and Electric Company where I have been employed 34 years. Thank you for your quick response and for the April issue of "The Cub". The letter from Mrs. Kucharz gave me some dates I was wanting.
Peter Russin H/424
412 Braybarton Blvd.
Steubenville, Ohio 43952
Father of four (4) children-John & Thomas & Marianne & Timothy. Presently District Manager for the Equitable Life Insurance Company of Virginia of the Steubenville, Ohio District.
John Adams, Jr., D/422
208 North 11th Street
Oakland, Maryland 21550
I was a S/Sgt. Section Leader Heavy Machine Guns-Co. D-422nd. I am presently the Chief Forester of the Chessie System, which company owns about 400,000 acres of coal and timber lands in 13 states. I married Katherine Vasil who came to the U.S. in 1938 from Jakubany, Czechoslovakia. We haven't any children. I have a B.S. degree in forestry from West Virginia University and a Master's degree from the University of Michigan. With the R.R. for 25 years.
Allen L. Pearson 2nd Bn., Med. Att.
1327 St. Mary's Circle
Greenville, Miss., 38701
I am currently trying to service-connect my disability and am trying to contact anyone who might have knowledge of my back pain. I am totally disabled.
Members' Dues Auxiliary Dues
Interest Earned
Gain on 1976 Reunion
Sale of Emblems & Patches
Return of Editor's Registration
1976 Reunion
Cub Expense Postage - Officers
Office Supplies & Printing
Registration fees-3 Officers
1977 Reunion
Telephone Expense
Advance to 1977 Reunion Comm.
Travel Expense to Deliver Addressograph to new Adjutant
Brought Forward Net Loss 1976-77 $ 5346.75382.17
Balance June 30, 1977 4964.58
Brought Forward $ 4673.45 Contributions 943.00
Interest Earned 297.27
Sales-Lions Tale 48.00
Less: 105.00 Donation for books to 16.99 Bischofliche School- St. Vith, 100.00 Belgium Transfer - Lions Tale 43.50 Postage to Gen. Fund
$ 2191.00
$ 2914.31
3669.00 Balance June 30, 1977
Net Loss ( 382.17)
Cash Bal. Year End 1976-77 Cash Bal. Year End 1975-76 Increase Over Previous Year $ 10,406.3010,020.20
GENERAL FUND $ 4964.58 5346.75
MEMORIAL FUND $ 5441.72 4673.45 TOTALS
$ 10,406.30 10,020.20
( 382.17) 768.27
Checking-First National Bank of Atlanta $ 104.81
Savings-Fulton Federal Savings & Loan 10,301.49
Association Total in Banks 10,406.30
* Cost of the Cub per member for the year-Approximately $7.09
Thanks for everyone's financial support
Index for: Vol. 34 No. 1, Oct, 1977
Index for This Document
106th Div., 26, 47106th Div. Arty., 43
106th Inf. Div., 24
106th Infantry Division Association, 1, 4, 6, 10
106th Sig. Co., 43
422nd Regt., 42
424th Inf. Regt., 24, 46
589th FA, 31, 32, 34, 36, 41
590th FA BN, 36, 37, 38, 45
591st FA, 38, 42, 44
591st FA BN, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40, 41, 42, 43
592nd FA, 31, 33, 38, 41, 42, 45
592nd FA BN, 30, 37
806th Ord., 38, 40
81st Engr., 29, 34, 37, 41, 42, 45
81st Engr. Cbt. BN, 24
Adamowicz, Mr. Steve T., 29
Adams, John, Jr., 29, 48
Addison, Mr. Fred W., 29
Adkins, Mr. James W., 29
Africa, 28
Agostini, Mr. Orfeo E., 29
Albert, Percy, Jr., 24
Alexander, Mr. William G., 29
Alexander, Mrs. Carolyn I., 29
Alexander, Ms. Marilyn G., 29
Allen, Mr. Orval O., 29
Almocy, Louis, 13
Anderson, Gerald T., 29
Anderson, Mr. Francis E., 29
Andrews, Mr. Lowry B., 29
Armington, Don & Maxine, 13
Armington, Donald R., 1, 29
Arminio, Mr. Anthony, Sr., 29
Arvanis, Harry, 6
Arvanis, Harry & Alfrieda, 13
Arvanis, Mr. Harry, 29
Astin, Robert, 13
Austin, Cliff, 28
Austin, Clifford N., 29
Axelrod, Dr. George, 29
Baker, Mr. W. C., 29
Baker, W. C., 6, 8, 9, 13
Bandurak, Mr. Walter, 29
Bandurak, Walt, 1
Bandurak, Walter, 1, 6, 10, 12, 28, 46
Bandurak, Walter & Lillian, 13
Barlow, Frank, 6, 13, 26
Barlow, Mr. Frank, 29
Barnes, Mr. L. Preston, 29
Barnett, Mr. Herold A., 29
Bartz, Mr. Richard E., 29
Battle Of The Bulge, 28
Beals, Carol, 13
Beals, Mrs. Carol W., 29
Behr, Mr. Richard H., 30
Belgium, 32, 49
Bell, Roger W., 30
Bendick, Mr. Harry J., 30, 46
Berlin, 32
Berne, 41
Beville, Mr. John G., 30
Bickford, Mr. Thomas, 30
Bickford, Tom & Flo, 13, 20, 28
Bied, Mr. Dan, 30
Bieze, Mr. John H., 30
Bikle, 1st Lt., 24
Biles, Mr. C. W., 30
Black, Mr. T. Wayne, 30
Black, Rev. Ewell C., Jr., 30
Black, T. W., 13
Black, Wayne, 9, 10
Blaher, Mr. William S., 30
Bobel, Donald, 6
Bobel, Donald & Charlotte, 13
Bobel, Mr. Donald, 30
Boeshore, Mr. Richard, 30
Bookheimer, Mr. Merrill E., 30
Bottoms, Mr. Ira G., 30
Boucouvalas, Mr. William S., 30
Bowman, Mr. Byrne A., 30
Boyle, Rev. Edward T., 30
Braaten, Mr. Mels J., 30
Brackett, Mr. James E., 30
Bradfield, Ken, 1, 4
Bradfield, Ken & June, 13
Bradfield, Mr. Kenneth, 30
Bradley, L. B & Hazel, 13
Bradley, L. B., 13
Bradley, Mr. L. B., 30
Brazill, Mr. Myles, 30
Britton, Ben, 1, 3, 6, 10, 12
Britton, Ben & Avis, 13
Britton, Benjamin B., 30
Broth, Mrs. D. R., 30
Brummer, Harold J., 30
Brunswick, 37
Brutus, Mr. Glen J., 31
Bryant, Jack & Emily, 13
Bryant, Mr. Jack, 31
Bullard, Mrs. Margaret, 31
Burkes, Robert A., 31
Burnham, Mr. Fred, 31
Burrell, Mr. James V., 31
Buschemeyer, Mr. C. M., 31
Butler, Mr. Harry W., 31
Byrd, Austin & Myrtle, 13, 28
Byrd, Austin L., Jr., 31
Call, George, 13
Call, Mr. George, 31
Camp Atterbury, Indiana, 24
Camp Lucky Strike, 26
Cariano, Lt. Col. Samuel P., 31
Cariano, Sam & Billie, 13
Carpenter, Mr. Ben, 31
Carter, Fred & Penny, 14
Carter, Mr. Fred, 31
Cavender, Col., 7
Cavender, Col. Charles C., 31
Chase, Fred, 6
Chase, Fred & Agnes, 14
Chase, Fred B., 1, 10
Chase, Mr. Fred B., 31
Clark, Chris T., 31
Clark, Dr. James I., 31
Clark, Dr. Jim, 6, 8
Clark, James, 12, 14
Clark, James & Shirley, 14
Clark, James I., 2
Clarke, Walter & Lillian, 14
Coffey, Doug, 4, 6, 8, 9, 18
Coffey, Doug & Isabel, 14
Coffey, Douglas, 10
Coffey, Douglas S., 2
Coffey, Mr. Doug S., 31
Collier, Mr. James E., Sr., 31
Collins, Mr. Frank, 31
Collins, Mr. Virgil L., 31
Collins, Sherod, 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 14, 20, 31
Collins, Virgil, 2, 4, 14
Collins, Virgil & Martha, 14
Connelly, Michael E., 31
Conner, Mr. Milton M., 31
Cooper, Mr. Louis M., 31
Corrigan, Mr. Chas K., 32
Crank, Mr. Mel, 32
Crawford, Dean, 14
Crawford, Dean F., 6
Crawford, Mr. Dean F., 32
Creamer, Raymond J., 32
Crocker, Mr. John S., 32
Crosby, Mr. Lloyd R., 32
Crossman, Lester, 14
Crossman, Mr. Lester W., 32
Crozier, Mr. Wm. R., 32
Curcione, Mr. Emil, 32
Curnow, Mr. Edward L., 32
Czechoslovakia, 48
Dabson, Mr. Alan, 32
Dahlen, Mr. William S., 32
Dahlen, William & Barb, 14
Dargon, Mr. Paul, 32
Dargon, Paul F., 14
Datte, Mr. Charles T., 32
Davidson, Mrs. Betty, 32
Davis, Connie, 12
Davis, Mr. James T., 32
de St. Aubin, Mr. Robert A., 32
Dechiara, Mr. J. A., 32
DeHeer, Dick, 4, 6, 28
DeHeer, Dick & Marge, 28
DeHeer, Marge, 28
DeHeer, Mr. Richard G., 32
DeHeer, Richard, 32
Deheer, Richard & Marge, 14
DeHeer, Ryan, 28
DeLaval, Dr., 32
Descheneaux, Col. Geo. L., 32
Dever, Mr. Martin J., 32
Dickard, Mr. G. E., 32
Div. Arty, 32, 40, 43
Div. HQ, 40
Dobe, Mr. Francis J., 32
Doerner, Mr. George W., 32
Dohoney, William & Josephine, 14
Dohoney, William P., 33
Donovan, Mr. W. J., 33
Dorosky, Mr. Thomas, 33
Dover, 32
Dyer, 'Bud', 11
Earle, Mahlon O., 33
Early, Mrs. John, Jr., 33
Easterling, Mr. James R., 33
Eidelman, Mr. Herbert, 33
Eloise, James Kane & Wife, 24
Elston, Mr. Floyd L., 33
Enlow, J. Russell, 33
Enlow, Russell & Bonnie, 14
Erie, 16, 35
Evans, Mr. Wilbur D., 33
Evenchik, Arthur, 12
Eyler, Mr. Kenneth W., 33
Facey, Col. Kenneth B., 33
Fike, Nell, 12
Fischer, Mr. John J., Jr., 33
Flaig, Mr. Robert G., 33
Fleming, Mr. Harold A., Jr., 33
Fleming, Mr. John P., 33
Flick, Mr. Robert F., 33
Flick, Robert & Gail, 14
Flick, Robert F., 6
Fontaine, Mr., 33
Forbes, Fontaine, Elsie & David, 14
Ford, Mr. James P., 33
Fort Jackson, S.C., 24, 26
Fort Jackson, South Carolina, 24
Foster, Mr. E. Bruce, 33
Fox, Mr. Toni, 33
Frampton, Mr. D. B., Jr., 33
Frank, Mr., 33, 35
Frank, Mr. Florian R., 34
Frankel, Jerome L., 34
Frankini, Mr. R. A., 34
Freed, Mr. Charles W., 34
Freedman, Mr. Henry E., 34
Fridline, Doc, 20
Fritz, John, 18
Fritz, John & Martha, 14
Fritz, John R., 2
Fritz, Martha & John, 1, 11, 22
Fritz, Mr. John, 34
Fulmer, Paul, 11
Gallagher, John, 1, 4, 8, 10, 20
Gallagher, John I., 1, 2, 10
Gallagher, Mr. John I., 34
Garn, Charles & Willie, 14
Garn, Mr. Charles S., 34
Garn, Willie, 20
Gasses, Joe, 2, 6, 12, 14
Gasses, Mr. Joseph J., 34
Gehrig, Mr. Melvin, 34
Gibson, Charles & Jamesine, 14
Gibson, Mr. Charles R., 34
Gilder, Bob, 17, 18
Gilder, Bob & Jeanne, 48
Gilder, Jean & Bob, 1, 22
Gilder, Jeanne & Robert, 11
Gilder, Mr. Robert A., 34
Gilder, Robert & Jeanne, 14
Gillespie, Jack, 14
Gillespie, Mr. John M., 34
Gilliam, Mr. Joseph C., 34
Gioia, Mr. Patrick J., 34
Gioia, Patrick J., 47
Gish, Mr. David J., 34
Glen, Mr. Bruce F., 34
Glenney, Mr. Walter S., 34
Goebel, John, 12, 18
Goebel, Mr. John, 22
Gollhofer, Mr. Earl A., 34
Gorgus, Mr. Harry, 34
Gossom, Mr. Neil M., 34
Grass, Mr. Emil A., 34
Gregory, Mr. W. Leo, 34
Gubow, Judge Larry, 34
Gultzow, Mr. Walter, 34
Haddox, Sue, 14
Hagen, Mr. Edwin P., Jr., 35
Hagman, Mrs. Ben J., 35
Halsey, Mr. Thomas A., 35
Handorf, Mr. Jack, 35
Hanover, 40
Hardoin, Mr. Harold V., 35
Harm, Mr. Raymond T., 35
Harris, Mr. Abner, 35
Hartzell, Mr. Bertram E., 35
Hatch, H. M. Jim, 28
Hayes, Mr. John P., 35
Heath, Mr. Byron P., 35
Heffernan, Mr. Arthur H., 35
Heiman, Mr. Edward, 35
Hemelt, Mr. William G., 35
Hemming, Mr. Forrest W., 35
Hendrick, William, 12
Heneghan, Mr. Leo L., 35
Henning, James & Clare, 14
Henning, Mr. James W., 35
Henson, Lt. Col. E. G., 35
Hereth, Mr. Lee J., 35, 46
Hesse, Mr. J. Francis, 35
Hiltbrand, Mr. Walter F., 35
Hoenemeyer, Mr. John H., 35
Hohenstein, Mr. John J., 35
Holden, Mr. R. R., 35
Holland, 42
Holloway, Mrs. Mary Senn, 36
House, Mr. Pete, 36
Houseman, Mr. Don M., 36
Howard, Mr. John W., 36
Howell, Mr. Robert F., 36
Howell, Robert & Louise, 14
Howell, Robert F., 2
Hulbert, Mr. Carl M., 36
Hulkonen, Mr. Arthur A., 36
Hurley, Mr. John F., 36
Huson, Mr. Boyce, 36
Hutchinson, Mr. Wm., 36
Iwamoto, Mr. George, 36
Jacobs, Mr. Montague H., 36
Jefferies, Mr. Wm. H., 36
Jessee, Mr. Robert D., 36
Jochems, Mr. Richard B., 36
Jodick, T/Sgt., 24
Johnson, Mr. Benj. F., Jr., 36
Johnson, Mr. Edwin, 36
Johnson, Mr. Wm., 36
Jones, Mr. Alan W., Jr., 36
Jones, Mr. George W., Jr., 36
Jones, Mrs. Alys P., 7, 36
Juster, Mr. Irvin, 36
Kane, Eloise, 24
Kane, James & Eloise, 14
Kane, James J., 6, 24
Kane, Mr. James J., 37
Kaufman, George H., 46
Kaufman, Mr. Geo. H., 37
Kaufmann, Mr. R. C., 37
Kellams, Mr. Darrell, 37
Kelly, John & Virginia, 14
Kelly, Mr. Edmond D., 37
Kelly, Mr. John H., 37
Kelly, Mr. Robert E., 37
Kennedy, Mary, 12
Kennedy, Mr. Glen N., 37
Kenney, Mr. Francis T., 37
Kephart, Mr. Herbert D., 37
Kershner, Mr. Jesse, 37
Kersteiner, Mr. Don W., 37
Kersten, Mr. Joseph A., 37
Ketterer, Dr. John E., 37
Kilroy, T/Sgt., 24
King, 1st Sgt., 24
Kirk, Mr. Charles L., 37
Klett, Mr. James R., 37
Koehler, Mr. Franklin R., 37
Krafchik, Mr. Joseph, 37
Kratzer, Erica, 14
Kreuser, Mr. Leo P., 37
Kriz, Mr. Howard W., 37
Kucharz, John & Adele, 14
Kucharz, Mr. John, 37
Kucharz, Mrs., 48
Kuizema, Harold, Jessica, Joan & Carol, 14
Kuizema, Mr. Harold, 37
Lackey, Mr. Vaden, 37
Lada, Mr. Ted, 37
Lange, Mr. Elmer F., 37
Lapham, Mr. Charles G., 37
Leclere, Mrs. Georgia, 38
Lee, Mr. F. H., 38
Leibowitz, Mr. Samuel, 38
Leisse, Leo, 26
Leisse, Leo R., Sr., 26
Leisse, Mr. Leo R., Sr., 38
Leswing, Mr. Phillip R., 38
Letellier, Mr. L. S., Jr., 38
Lewis, Mr. Charles R., 38
Likins, Mr. Robert A., 38
Lindsay, Mr. Curtis L., 38
Lineberger, Mr. Wm. M., 38
Little, Mr. C. F., 38
Litvin, Mr. Joseph, 38
Livesey, Mr. Herbert B., Jr., 38
Loos, Arthur & Nettie & Kevin & Heidi, 14
Loos, Mr. Arthur E., 38
Lothrop, Mr. Oliver A., Jr., 38
Lothrop, Oliver, 14
Loveless, Chaplain John, 11
Loveless, John, 4, 5, 6, 9, 17
Loveless, John & Kay, 14
Loveless, John T., Jr., 1, 2, 3, 10
Loveless, Mr. John T., Jr., 38
Lowith, Mr. Allen L., 38
Lucsay, Mr. William, 38
Lucsay, William & Florence, 14
Lunt, Charmaine, 12
Luzzie, Edward L., 38
MaClean, Mr. Kenneth R., 39
MaClone, Mr. Richard, 39
Mahony, Jim, 12
Manager, Mr. Thomas G., 39
Manahan, Mrs. Elizabeth, 39
Mansfield, H. E., 3, 10
Mansfield, Horace & Eva, 14
Mansfield, Mr. H. E., 39
Marche, 32
Marcus, Mr. Gilbert, 39
Martin, Mr. Walter W., 39
Matthews, Col. J. C., Jr., 39
Matthews, Joseph, 14
Matthews, Joseph C., Jr., 3
Mattiko, Mr. Robert A., 39
Maul, Mr. Martin, 39
Maw, Margaret, Tom, Sr., Tom, Jr & Paula, 14
Maw, Mr. Thomas J., 39
May, Mr. Roger A., 39
McCullough, Lyle & Vivian, 14
McCullough, Lyle K., 6
McCullough, Mr. Lyle K., 38
McDowell, Harriet, 14
McGarrity, Mr. John C., 38
McKee, Col. Henry H., 38
McKeever, Mr. Joseph V., 38
McMahon, , Leo T., 3
McMahon, Brig. Gen. Leo T., 38
McMahon, Gen., 4
McMahon, Gen. & Mrs., 5
McMahon, Gen. Leo T., 6
McMahon, Leo & Wilda, 14, 48
McMillan, Mr. Paul, 38
Memorials, 8, 9, 10
Meola, Mr. Joseph A., 39
Merz, Mr. O. Paul, 39
Middleton, Jack, 14
Middleton, Mr. John A., III, 39
Mikalauskis, Mr. John L., 39
Mikaluskis, John & Delores, 14
Miller, Mr. Elman M., 39
Miller, Mr. Gene L., 39
Miller, Mr. Robert J., 39
Mills, Col. Eric R., 39
Monroe, Mr. Jack, 39
Moon, Col. William P., Jr., 39
Moritz, Mr. Adolph G., 39
Morrin, Rev. Ivan, 12, 22
Morrin, Rev. Ivan R., 21
Morrison, Mr. R. B., 39
Morrison, Robert, 14
Mosher, Mr. Michael S., 39
Mosko, Mr. Theodore, 40
Mosley, Dr. Ronald A., 40
Mosley, Mr. Newton L., 40
Mueller, Mr. M. J., 40
Munster, 44
Murley, Mr. Thomas C., 40
Murphy, Mr. Ralph J., 40
Murray, Mr. George, Jr., 40
Mustacchio, Mr. Vincent J., 40
Myers, Mr. Larry, Jr., 40
Napisak, Joseph, 11
Nash, Mr. John B., 40
Neigus, Dr. Irwin, 40
Netzorg, 2nd Lt., 24
Normandy, 24, 37
Nusbaum, Mr. Alfred S., 40
Olman, Mr. Wanold D., 40
Osborne, Dr. George M., 40
Osciak, Mr. Stephen, 40
Paris, 28
Parquette, Mr. Roland, 40
Parquette, Roland G., 26
Parr, Mr. Marvin J., 40
Patterson, Mr. F. D., 40
Pearson, Allen L., 48
Pearson, Mr. Allen L., 40
Pettus, Mr. W. R., 40
Peyser, Mr. Charles S., 40
Phillips, Mr. George F., 40
Pierce, Dave, 12
Pierce, Mr. Robert W., Sr., 40
Pierce, Mr. Waldo B., 40
Pierce, Robert & Jean, 14
Pinney, Gordon, 14
Pinney, Mr. Gordon B., 41
Plenge, Mr. Edward C., 41
Poland, 46
Ponza, Frank, 6, 14
Ponza, Mr. Frank, 41
Praznik, Mr. Louis, 41
Prewett, Mr. Ed. A., 41
Price, Mr. David S., 41
Priebe, Edward & Florence, 14
Priebe, Mr. Ed A., 41
Prokoryn, Casimir, 6
Prokoryn, Casimir & Pauline, 14
Prokoryn, Mr. Casimir, 41
Pruett, Joseph & Ida Mae, 14
Puett, Col. J. F., 41
Purdy, Mr. Edmund C., 41
Puzio, Joseph, 6
Puzio, Mr. Joseph, 41
Randol, Mr. Richard L., 41
Randol, Mr. Robert L., 41
Rarick, Clayton, 15
Rarick, Mr. Clayton, 41
Rauch, Mr. Victor, 41
Ravdin, Mr. A., 41
Redmond, Dean, 15
Redmond, Mr. Dean T., 41
Reece, Mr. Raymond F., 41
Reed, Mr. R. J., 41
Reid, Mr. Chas. B., 41
Reilly, Ed & Viola, 15
Reilly, Edward, 3, 10
Reilly, Mr. Edward, 8, 41
Reunions, 26
Richards, Mr. Chas. W., 41
Richards, Mr. Roy, 41
Riggs, Col. Thomas J., Jr., 41
Riggs, Thomas, 15
Riley, Mr. & Mrs., 14
Ringer, Mr. Robert C., 42
Ringer, Robert, 15
Rinkema, George & Dorothy, 15
Rinkema, Mr. George, 42
Ristenpart, Mr. Elden E., 42
Robb, John & Marilyn, 15
Robb, John G., 6, 42
Roberts, Lt. Col. T. M., 42
Robinson, Mr. Wesley E., 42
Robinson, Wesley & Bernice, 15
Rodriquez, Dr. J. G., 42
Rosenkotter, Bill, 15
Rossi, Louis & Linda, 15
Rossi, Mr. Louis P., Jr., 42
Roster, 29
Roth, Mr. Nathan M., 42
Rusch, Mr. Marvin H., 42
Russell, Mr. D. L., 42
Russell, Mr. J. B., 42
Russin, Mr. Peter, 42
Russin, Peter, 48
Rutland, Mr. Roger M., 42
Rutt, Mr. Robert E., 42
Salerno, Mr. Joseph T., 42
Samples, Mr. L. Orvis, 42
Sandberg, Mr. Robert E., 42
Saucerman, Eugene L., 3
Saucerman, Gene, Sally & Sandy, 15
Saucerman, Mr. Eugene L., 42
Scalissi, Mr. John J., 42
Schieferstein, Mr. Fred, 42
Schlesser, Jack & Karin, 15
Schlesser, Mr. John P., 42
Schoch, Mrs. Sherry, 42
Schroeder, Mr. N., 42
Schuster, Julie, 12
Schutte, Mr. Philip F., 42
Schutte, Phil & Jean, 15
Scott, Earl A., 43
Scranton, Bob & Mildred, 12
Scranton, Mr. Robert L., 43
Scranton, Robert, 6
Scranton, Robert & Mildred, 15
Scranton, Robert L., 1, 3, 10
Scurry, Mr. Thomas F., 43
Sebastinelli, Mr. Fred A., 43
Serino, Mike & Ellen, 15
Serino, Mike P., 6
Serino, Mr. Mike P., 43
Shirley, Mr. James E., 43
Sinco, Mr. Nicholas, 43
Skyline Blvd, 31
Slaback, Mr. Harley W., 43
Slayton, Mr. David B., 43
Smith, Charles, 15
Smith, Mr. Charles L., 43
Smith, Mr. Edward J., 43
Smith, Mr. Mervin S., 43
Smyth, Mr. Lester S., 43
Snyder, Mr. Walter M., 43
Solecki, Mr. Emil M., 43
Souers, Mr. Loren E., 43
Spade, Mr. Robert L., 43
Spayd, Mr. Norman S., 43
Spayd, Norman & Lorena, 15
Spies, Mr. Otto H., 43
St. Vith, 49
St. Vith, Belgium, 4, 8
Stack, Mr. Robert, 43
Stalag 4-B, 28
Steele, Mr. Kermit, 43
Stone, Mr. Donald J., 43
Stover, Mr. Alfred C., 43
Stranko, Mr. P. P., 43
Straub, Mr. Ted J., 43
Straub, Ted & Laura, 15
Straub, Ted J., 6
Stribrny, Mr. John, 43
Struble, Mr. Lambert B., 44
Sutherland, Mr. Jack, Sr., 44
Sutter, Mr. Geo. F., 44
Taylor, Mr. Lee B., 44
Teason, Mr. James, 44
Teel, James & Doris, 15
Teel, Mr. James E., 44
Terrio, Mr. Howard J., 44
Thigpen, Capt., 24
Thorn, Mr. Wm. T., 44
Tissot, Mr. Harrison C., 44
Tissot, Mr. Harry C., 46
Tobis, Ed & Evelyn, 15
Tobis, Mr. Ed. A., 44
Todd, Mr. Earl L., 44
Trautman, Mr. Frank, 44
Tribout, Mr. Arthur J., 44
Tury, Mr. Louis W., Jr., 44
Twining, Mr. Rollin L., 44
Uebel, Mr. Bernard, 44
Untiedt, Mr. Raymond K., 44
Untiedt, Ray & Viola, 15
Untiedt, Raymond K., 6
Uthman, Floyd, 13, 15
Uthman, Floyd D., 6
Uthman, Mr. Floyd D., 44
Varhola, Mr. Steve G., 44
Vasil, Katherine, 48
Vernon, Mr. Harry R., Jr., 44
Vielsalm, 32
Villwock, Mr. Russell H., 44
Villwock, Russ & Jackie, 15
Villwock, Russell, 6, 8
Villwock, Russell H., 3
Vincent, Mr. Louis J., 44
Walker, Bob, 1
Walker, Mr. Robert F., 44
Walker, Robert, 4, 6, 10
Walker, Robert & June, 15
Walker, Robert F., 3
Wallace, Mr. William A., 44
Wallace, William A., 48
Walsh, Mr. Charles S., 45
Walters, Mr. Presslye, 45
Walters, Presslye & Dorothy, 15
Ward, Duke, 45
Warner, Mr. Glenn W., 45
Warren, Mr. Clarence E., 45
Wasik, Mr. Joseph A., 45
Watt, Col. Jewell K., 45
Wattam, Mr. James M., 45
Weaver, Mr. George T., 45
Weisser, Mr. Frederick G., Jr., 45
Wells, James & Maydean, 15
Wells, Jim, 8, 9, 18
Wells, Mr. James E., 45
Welsh, Mr. Harry J., Sr., 45
Weymouth, 37
White, E. C., 6, 18
White, E. C. & Zada, 15
White, Mr. E. C., Jr., 45
White, Mr. James S., 45
Williams, Fred & Inez, 15
Williams, Mr. Fred, 45
Wilson, Mr. John D., 45
Withee, Ed & Mildred, 15
Withee, Edward & Mildred, 15
Withee, Edward S., 7
Withee, Mr. Edward S., 45
Wojtusik, Mr. Stanley A., 45
Wood, Mr. Wilburn L., 45
Woodruff, Mr. R. T., 45
Woods, Mr. R. E., 45
Woods, Robert, 15
Woolfley, Brig. Gen. F. A., 45
Wyatt, Mr. Van S., 45
Wyatt, Van & Bobbie, 15
Wyman, David S., 45
Yamazaki, Dr. James N., 45
York, Mr. Robert, 46
York, Robert & Thelma, 15
Zak, Mr. Geo. K., 46
Zenn, Michael & Elaine, 15
Zenn, Mr. Mike, 46
Zicker, Mr. Gordon B., 46
Zittau, Germany, 28
Zoll, Edward & Millie, 15
Zoll, Mr. Edward, 46
Zorn, Mr. S. Harry, 46
Zuckerman, Mr. Jack, 46