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Index for this issue of The CUB
Original Cub Document
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Vol. 13, No. 3, Mar, 1957

106th Infantry Division Association, Inc. Box 106, Blandon, Pa.
President Lawrence Gubow
Vice President Robert W. Stack
Adjutant Austin Byrd, Jr.
Treasurer Robert Kelly
Chaplain John Loveless
    The CUB is the official publication of the duo-elation. Membership in the Association is $5.00 per year, which includes subscription to CUB. All material copyrighted.
Editor John Gallagher
Staff Writer Robert Stack
Staff Photographer D. C. Brumaghin
The CUB is primed by the Busy Beaver Prim Shop, Laureldale, Pa.
Back issues of the CUB may he obtained for 25 cents each. Send orders to Box 106, Blandon, Pa,

Editor's Notes
As of this writing we are only nine members short of last year. I am sure we can get these nine plus many more.
     Jack Gillespie's idea of writing to our buddies is the best way it pays off. Dick Nethers reports he got two members and hopes to get mare.
The following remarks, on back of a paid application from Frank Smith, tells the story:
     "John G. (also ex 81st Engr.) mentioned the division reunion on his Christmas card this year and shortly thereafter I received your letter (A. Byrd) regarding membership. I hadn't heard from the 106th for years. Was this coincidence or conspiracy?"

     Reports of Dec. 16th dinners were received from New Jersey, New York and Baltimore. I am sorry I couldn't include story on other dinners.
The Cub could use some humor, can any of you help with some tales or clean Continued on Page 12

President's Message
     My apologies for no message in the last issue of the Cub, but now that election is over and I am assured of a job for the next two years, I shall have more time to devote to the activities of our organization and I assure you I will do so.
     I have recently talked to our adjutant who informed me that we were some members short of last year's total at this time. This is not too encouraging. As you know, we have an organization that each of us can be proud of--really the only one of its kind in the U. S. Many of you have already begun to do something about this by writing your old buddies, inviting them to join and be with us at the 1957 Reunion. I, myself, plan to follow this example--how about you! Remember we need members if we are to survive.
     Last month I attended the December Reunion of the Detroit Chapter. There was a good turnout and each of us had a wonderful time visiting with old friends and
(Continued on Page 12)


Lest We Forget
What the 106th Division Was Doing 12 Years Ago.
     By New Year's Day (1945) the enemy's offensive bolt was shot. On the south of the Bulge, Bastogne had been relieved and the U.S. Third Army was punching northward. The U.S. First Army, stabilized on a front generally from MARCHE to BULLINGEN, on 3 January launched its counterblow. By 9 January with VII Corps on the right making the main effort and XVIII Corps on the left, the counteroffensive had pushed down to the general line LAROCHE-SALMCHATEAU; thence the front line ran north to STAVELOT and east to the BULLINGEN shoulder.
     During this time, the 106 Inf. Div. was in XVIII Corps Reserve in the vicinity of ANTHINES, except the Artillery. The 591st and 592nd Bns. were still in action, the 591st attached to the 82nd Airborne Division and the 592nd attached to the 211th Group.
     On the XVIII Corps front; the Germans were strongly entrenched with their main line of resistance on the high ground along the line COQUAIMONT -LES - NEUFPARCS – HENUMONT - BUTAY - LODOMEZ. In front were mine fields and outposts cleverly covered by fire. Corps' plan was to punch this salient, smack on its nose, driving it in and over-running the position. The 106th, replacing part of the 30th Division, which would shift to the left, would deliver the sock. The Division, under command of Brigadier/ General Herbert Perrin, moved to the front and relieved the 30th Division. The 517th Airborne Infantry Combat Team was attached to the 106th Division for this operation and also a Tank Company and a Company of TDs. The 106th Division artillery reverted to the Division. Additional supporting fires were arranged with the XVIII Corps Artillery.
     On the night of 12 January the Division Engineers threw a footbridge across the Ambleve River near STAVELOT and an infantry platoon dashed across and established a bridgehead. The Division attacked the next morning and after heavy fighting and severe losses captured HENUMONT on 14 January. The Division continued to advance until the right flank, Company F, 424th Inf. was held up in front of the town of ENNAL. Each house in the village, it seemed, was loop-holed for defense and every loophole was spitting accurate fire. Colonel Alexander Reid and General Perrin came to the area and accompanied the troops when they resumed the attack. Colonel Reid fell, wounded in both legs, and was evacuated. General Perrin, carrying on as his doughboys plunged into the village fought with them from house to house and the town was captured. On the 18th, the Division was relieved and reverted to Corps Reserve, proud of the fact that they could dish it out as well as take it. (Extracts from Chapter 14-ST. VITH-LION IN THE WAY).

     It is interesting and illuminating to analyze the membership roster published in the Nov.-Dec. CUB. Examining the list geographically, we find that in the 26 states east of the Mississippi River we have members in every state except Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Mississippi. The largest groups are located in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan. In the 22 states west of the Mississippi we have members in only eight --Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, Wyoming, and California.
     The number on the list, 204 names, is about one-half of 1 per cent of the thousands of eligibles who passed through the organic and attached units of the Division. So you see there is plenty of room for expansion numerically and geographically. If each one of the stalwart band of 204 would sign up one additional member, we would be in fine shape. Let's strive for membership in every state and a minimum of 500 loyal comrades in the Association.



Letters to Editor
Dear John,
     Thanks for your letter, which I received here this morning. I have been sort of floating around the past several months after having a heart attack in July. But I am quite well again and have been doing a little work here and there. Spent the month of December in Miami helping out in a parish,
     It was nice of Bob Rutt to remember my manuscript. I have a few copies typed, but not with me at the moment. When I get in contact again with my luggage and notes I will send on a copy to you.
     When I finished the story of our imprisonment, about 1947, the market was flooded with prisoner of war tales, so I could not find a publisher. Perhaps it's just as well. Maybe some future age will be interested. As one publisher told me, "If this were a document from the Civil War, any publisher would be glad to get it" So I consigned a copy to mothballs for later editing.
     Sorry that I have been too busy to be active in the 106th Assoc. But I read every copy of the CUB from cover to cover.
Rev. Paul W. Cavanaugh, Jr. Gesu Church, Clev. 18, Ohio

Dear John:
     Printing that membership roster was a good idea. A lot of members will be wondering why certain of their friend's names don't appear and start writing them. I had such a letter from Dr. Connelly. He replied to my Christmas card in which I suggested he send Austin Byrd a $5 check for dues. He proudly told me he has been a member of the Association since he returned from overseas.
General McMahon

Dear John:
     For future Cubs, what do you think of the idea of featuring one or more members in each edition--telling of his background, service record, and what he is doing now. I believe a few years ago we ran such an article about Jim Wells. We have some important people in our organization and this would be one way we could capitalize on some of it. Just an idea that you might consider. I also thought if it were at all possible to pick up some gossip items about our people it might add an impersonal touch and interest. Let me know what you think of this.

Dear John:
     I have a list of some 230 names supplied me by Pete Frampton, of Columbus, Ohio, complete with addresses, from this section of Ohio, and have been able to contact a few more than 100 of them by means of phone, card, and letter. This list was supplied to me back in 1953, and the individuals were at one time or another connected with the Division.
     I find that many of them were with the Division but for a very short time, and appear not to be interested, yet there are many of them who appear to be interested, and I am forwarding the correct names and addresses to those interested to the Membership Chairman, Jack Gillespie, in Detroit, for him to send them information and application blanks, and I feel certain that we will be able to pick up a few new members.
     There is really no good reason that we, who are present members, cannot bring in at least one new member prior to next July, even without too much effort. I know that I have been in touch with some who were at one time members, but moved and as a result had not been receiving information by means of the "Cub" to keep them interested, and posted as to events of the organization. Please do not forget to advise the Editor when changes of address take place.
Jennie and I are looking forward to the Reunion in Georgia this next July, and

(Continued on Page 9)


1957 Convention
1957 Convention July 25-28, General Oglethorpe Hotel, Wilmington Island, Savannah, Ga.
Jim Wells has informed us that he will be mailing complete plans to date for our 11th convention to all members.
     Jim says he hopes this will be a real family reunion, the children and wives will enjoy this resort; Southern hospitality will be at its best.
     For recreation there will be fresh or salt water swimming, boating, fishing, golfing and plenty of warm Georgia sun for just plain relaxing.
     Savannah is on U. S. Routes 17 and 80, and can also be reached via the coastal waterways with dock facilities at hotel for those who are boat lovers.
     Room rates for our convention will be reasonable. Single $6.00 to $9.00; double $10.00 to $14.00. Children under 12 may be accommodated in same room as parents without extra charge. Meals for children half price if served during regular hours. Many of our members have already informed Jim they will be in Savannah. Among them is Gen. McMahon with his artillery, Capt. Ward with the boys from Atlanta, General Jones promised to make every effort to attend.

     General McMahon writes that he has informed Dept. of Army informing them of our 11th reunion plans. They will be able to give us some publicity as well as supply speakers if we desire.
     As we approach the month of July will you have your local papers print an article about our convention giving your name to contact for details.
Write your buddies, tell them you hope to meet them in Savannah at our 11th reunion.
1958 Convention will be held at Bellevue-Stratford Hotel, Broad and Walnut Sts., Philadelphia, Pa., July 24-26.

     A dinner meeting will be held early this spring to start making formal plans for our 12th convention. All members in the area are invited to attend. For details contact one of the following:
Alan Dunbar, 4707 Pine St., Phila., Pa.
General McMahon, 8 N. Union St., Middletown, Pa.
Clayton Rarick, Box 25, Blandon, Pa.
John Gallagher, 1213 Bellevue Avenue, Laureldale, Pa.

     1959 Convention--At our convention this year we should choose a site for our 13th convention in 1959. This will allow plenty of time for the committee to make plans as well as give members time to make their vacation plans.

We received these two letters suggesting sites:
     As of 1st of January 1957 I will become the minister of The Bar Harbor Congregational Church, Bar Harbor, Maine. This is only 15 miles from where we have a home in Southwest Harbor. Bar Harbor is a world-renowned resort; why don't you have your annual "get-together" here some year? Blessings on you all.

Dear Austin:
     If you can get a convention out here in Reno or Las Vegas let us know as I can probably do some good as to all the various plans, etc. I have certain connections in Reno which will help tremendously toward a successful party. If you wish me to do what I can, I shall be very glad to try to make an attractive proposition for a convention in the near future.
JOHN D. HUEY, Co. E 424

     If you are interested in bringing our convention to your area may we hear from you? Come to the convention this year, tell us what your area has to offer for a successful convention.




     Doug Coffey reports that the New Jersey and New York group had a wonderful time at their Dec. 16 dinner. Following were present and $25.00 contributed to Memorial Fund.
Thomas Bickford, 3, and wife, Sunnyside Ter., East Orange
Douglas Coffey and wife, 18 Cornell St., West Orange
Richard DeHeer and wife, 19 Hopkins St., Hillsdale
David Brumaghin and wife, 321 S. Westview Ave., Paramus
Stephan Shohan and wife, Kenville Ave., Kenville, N. J.
Jack Middleton, III, 17 Kensington Rd., Madison
John P. Fleming and wife, 1162 Gruber Ave., Union
Edward Reilly, 96 Irvin Ter., Bloomfield
Ted Stegmiller and wife, 109 Van Wagonen Ave., Jersey City
Karl Drzymala, 10 Malvern Pl., Verona
Harry Zorn and wife, 15818 Renesseler Dr., W. N. Y. City
Robert Ettinger and wife, 3821 18th Ave., Brooklyn
Jerry Frankel, 2425 Nostrand Ave., Brooklyn 10
George Galik and wife, 19 Center St., Yonkers, N. Y.
Mahlon Earle and wife, 23 Margan Pl., No. Arlington, N. J.
Robert Stack, 413 Broadway, Westwood
John Reynolds, 188 Hall St., Brooklyn
Patrick O'Rourke, 3185 Hull Ave., Bronx 67, N. Y.
Thomas Richards and wife, 362 Miltoura St., Linden, N. J.
Ray Reed and wife, 832 Kinderkamack Rd., River Edge
Herbert Warner and wife, 42 Walter Ave., Hasbrouck Heights
Thomas Catanio and wife, 62 Seminole Ave., Dumont, N. J.
Claude Brewer and wife, 119 Seminole Ave., Dumont, N. J.
Jacques Block 675 Academy St., New York City 34, N.Y.
Frank V. Sziber and wife, 57 Manor Pl., Avenel, N. J.
Guests, Mr. and Mrs. George Thoma, 19 Overbrook Dr., Colonia, N. J.
Edward Plenge and wife, 486 S. Prospect Ave., Englewood

The Maryland Chapter held its Ninth Annual Memorial Dinner on December 16 at Marty's Restaurant in Baltimore.
The dinner was followed by an hour or so of just sitting and talking.
Those present included:
Henry Broth (I-422) and his wife;
Austin Byrd (A-589)
Bill Fowler (DHQ) and his wife;
Bob Garretson (DHQ);
Mrs. Ella Hoffman;
Oliver Lothrop (B-423) ;
John Loveless (Hq-422) and his wife;
Fred Wilkerson (M-422) and his wife.
    Bill and Mary Fowler and Ella Hoffman traveled from Washington, D. C. for the affair and Fred Wilkerson and his wife from Washington Grove, Md.

     Col. Joachim Peiper, once sentenced to die for his role in the Malmedy massacre of American troops in 1944, was freed today from Landsberg Prison. The U. S. Army announced his release.
     Peiper was in direct command of the 6th SS Panzer Division which machine-gunned 142 Americans captured during the final German offensive in World War II--the Christmas-time Battle of the Bulge.



New Publication
Dec. 16, 1956; 223 Maple Ave., Red Bank, N. J.
Dear Mr. Coffey:
     I am writing a book for Henry Holt, Inc. on the Battle of the Bulge. I would like to locate men of the 106th Inf. Division who fought in the Ardennes campaign. I would like to interview these men--particularly those in the New York City, Philadelphia and Washington areas.
     My book will be detailed, documented--told from the human interest point of view. The style will be similar to that in my book on dirigibles, SHIPS IN THE SKY, which will be published by Holt Feb. 4, 1957. A section of this book, "Terror in the Twilight," concerning the last flight of the airship Hindenburg, appeared in the Dec. 8, 1956 issue of The Saturday Evening Post.
     I'm interested in the way the individual soldier acted in crisis: the tragedy, the comedy, the panic, the heroism, the unusual, the significant. Men in areas not mentioned who have particularly interesting stories should write me their stories. During the next six months I'll be traveling all over the country and I may be able to interview them also.
     The 106th played a vital part in the Bulge, taking the fiercest attack, and I want facts and anecdotes so I'll be able to tell the real story. Sometimes a man involved in an action is reticent about talking. These men should realize they have an obligation to the 106th to tell their stories. I welcome anecdotes about individuals, companies, regiments, etc.
     Many men ran away or refused to fight in this battle. I'm very interested in their stories. I will not use a name in these cases but I do want these stories. I have no desire to cause pain or embarrassment to any individual or his family so you may depend on my discretion.
     The Dept. of Army is strongly behind this book. For any questions please write Maj. Victor Walker, Book and Magazine Branch, Room 1E589 Pentagon, Washington 25, D. C.
I'll appreciate any cooperation you can give me to help get me the story of the 106th.
     Doug advises that any of us who have information for Mr. Toyland should be protected by copyright and suggests proceeds be donated to our Memorial Fund.

Memorial Report
     I have received the following information and I would like to pass it on to you. A former member of the 424th Infantry, named William Riley, died on November 28, 1956. He battled cancer for a year and weighed 99 pounds when he died. He was at the Iowa City Veterans Hospital when the end came. His wife of 16 years was trying to support their two daughters, Kathy (14 yrs.) and Marion (10 yrs.) and visit her husband at the hospital three times a week and the hospital is 50 miles distant. He had been a P.O.W. during the war. They are not members of the Association. I think it would be a fine gesture on our part, to put Mrs. Riley on our mailing list. I think it would be within our premise to consider making a grant to Mrs. Riley in hopes of helping her to give her daughters as much education as possible. Her full name is Mrs. Alice Riley, her address is 908 6th Ave., Belle Plaine, Iowa.

     Mrs. Riley has been placed on our mailing list. Larry Gubow wrote that he will help John to establish eligibility for grant. --Ed.



Letters to Editor
     will see all of you there, and hope to see a number of those we have not seen for many years from a little deeper in the south.
     I hear the Glen Kennedys spent the holiday on the west Coast to see the Rose Bowl game, since he is from Iowa, and am sure that Mrs. Kennedy, and their three children had a most wonderful time besides seeing their relatives in Pasadena, Calif. I hope that Kennedy reads this and perhaps I could get a little more information on the trip. I feel certain that he will be in Georgia this next July. We missed him last July, which was the first miss for him in many years.
     Harry Travis, here in Youngstown, says that he would like to see some more of the Medics brought into the organization. He was with 423rd Medics, and misses very few of the Reunions. He expects to come to Georgia this next July.
     Walter Hiltbrand and his family are in their lovely huge new home at 930 Fair Ave., Salem, Ohio, and it certainly is homey. Walter and Arlene did the planning prior to building, and a look around sort of makes one feel that we could do with some changes, and even get some ideas from Walt and Arlene.
     James Kane, here in Youngstown, is going to supply me with some new addresses of boys who were with him in the 81st Engineers. We expect to have Jim back with us as a member. He resides at 135 West Earl St., Youngstown, Ohio. He tells me that Oakley E. Utter of Mine Hill, New Jersey, has some 600 names on a roster he keeps, and perhaps one of you who live nearby could contact him which might prove interesting to bring in new members.
Your Christmas card list might remind you of someone who would be a future member. Let us all keep in touch.
     Charles B. Reid has informed that he will see us in Georgia this next July. He was Company Commander of the AT. Co., 423rd Inf. from the time of activation until capture in the Bulge.
     You will be hearing from me time to time as I am contacting several men who were with our Division. Those who are interested I am turning over to Jack Gillespie if I am unable to get their $5.00.
Sincerely yours,
R. W. (Dick) NETHERS

Thanks much, Dick, for your help in getting new members for our assn.--Ed.

To the Editor:
     I just finished looking over Cub for Nov. and Dec. Tell you the truth, this is the first I have had any time since the hunting season.
     I want to write to "H" Company men of the 424. Please note how many of them are included in our membership roster--we should have more.
Let's all write to our company friends and sign them up, urge them to attend the reunions held by the association.
We enjoy the reunions very much and I am sure you will too.
     It takes a lot of hard work and effort by the officers of your division association. To put this thing over we should all get behind them and help. Ours is one of the few -active associations left, many have died --let's not let this happen to the 106. Will you send me addresses of "H" Company men who you know that are not now members of the association?
Lt. Frank Ringo was up deer hunting with us again this year--he did O. K.
     We are having a nice cold winter up here in God's country, it is 4 above zero at noon; imagine what it is at midnight. Good weather for your health.
     We are planning to be at the reunion in Georgia. We start making plans in January. That is the way to do it--if you don't July is here and you aren't prepared. All you 424 "H" Company men get on the ball and let's all meet together. By all means if you can't bring the children as

(Continued on Page 12)


1956-57 Membership Roll
Additions to make Roster current to Jan. 17th

Max B. Allen, 330 San Antonio Rd., Arcadia, Calif.--A. 423
Frank A. Arboline, 350 First St., Jersey City, N. J.--B. 424
Herbert J. Arendt, 20471 Ardmore St., Detroit 35, Mich.-591
John D. Beals, 217 E. Davenport St., Iowa City, Iowa--A, 422
Howard Brady, Box 193, Waynesboro, Tenn.
David C. Brumaghin, S-115 Westview Ave., Paramus, N. J.-81st Engr.
George Call, 201 Bloomfield Ave., Iselin, N. J.--B, 424
Ben C. Carpenter, 1228 Albion Ave., Chicago 26, Ill.-1st Bn. Hq., 424
Graham H. Cassibry, 111 N. LeFlore Ave., Cleveland, Miss.-589
Sherod Collins, Jr., Box 177, Statesboro, Ga.-- Serv., 423
Raymond J. Creamer, 4 Ninth St., New Brunswick, N. J.--Serv., 589
Rev. J. B. Day, St. Cabrini's Church, 1020 N. Milton Ave., Springfield, Ill.--DHQ.
Arlan Dietrich, College Gardens, Kutztown, Pa. --81st Engr.
Raymond H. Fields, 326 Rennoc Rd., Knoxville, Tenn.--H, 424
John J. Fischer, Jr., 6504 Crest Ridge Circle, Cincinnati 13, Ohio--Serv., 422
D. B. Frampton, Sr., Broadwin Apts., 1312 E. Broad St., Columbus 5, Ohio
Albert Gagne, Jr., 281 Rand St., Central Falls, R. I.--M, 423
Frank Hallner, 10534 S. Bluefield Ave., Whittier, Calif.--AT, 424
Bernard Herbert, 483 S. Rochester Ave., Indianapolis 21, Ind.--QM
Donald E. Holthaus, 2913 Birch St., LaCrosse, Wisc.--Hq., 592
John D. Huey, 172 W. Pine St., Elko, Nev. - E, 424
Irvin Juster, 1134 Millington Rd., Schenectady, N. Y.
Don W. Kersteiner, 645 Emerson Ave., Hamilton, Ohio-2nd Bn., Hq., 424
Thomas E. Kestenbaum, Tracy St., Norwalk, Conn.--I, 424
Robert E. Knapp, 28 Bradford Dr., Syracuse 3, N. Y.--Hq., 424
Joseph B. Kohs, Jr., 5324 Keeler Ave., Chicago 32, Ill.--A, 591
Jack Lewis, 1204 E. Johns, Decatur, Ill.--Sig. Co.
Joseph Litvin, 10412 Doty Ave., Inglewood, Calif.--D. 423
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Mitchell, Genda Springs, Kans.
Rev. Ronald A. Mosley, 37 Hancock St., Bar Harbor, Maine--Div. Arty. & 424
Daniel E. McIntosh, Jr., 411 Blunt St., Clay Center, Kans.--Div. Arty.
William C. McMurray--R. D. #3, Canonsburg, Pa.
Col. Arthur C. Parker--Route 1, Box 318, Leeds, Ala.-589
Mrs. Alice Riley, 908 Sixth Ave., Belle Plains, Iowa
Robert C. Ringer, 205 W. Weisheimer Rd., Columbus 14, Ohio--Serv., 591
Samuel G. Sekaros, 1215 Prescott Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich.--B, 589
Robert H. Shields, 13240 Turner, Detroit 33, Mich.--H, 424
Frank T. Smith, Jr., 23 Taylor St., Needham 91, Mass.-81st Engr.
Loren E. Souers, Jr., 1200 Harter Bank Bldg., Canon, Ohio-421 & 81st Engr.
Gordon Stryker, 121 E. Poplar St., West Nanticoke, Pa.--Hq., 592
Frank V. Szibar, 57 Manor Place, Avenel, N. J.
Rollin L. Twining, 79 Bennett Ave., Binghamton, N. Y.-106 CIC & 2nd Bn., 424
Lawrence W. Walden, 15412 Ashland Ave., Harvey, Ill.-331 Med.
James A. Widenhofer, R. D. 3, Butler, Pa.--G, 424

     The above list of names, plus those printed in the last issue of the Cub, brings the membership roster up to date as of January 17, 1957. We now have 246 members, just 11 short of last year's total.
     Will you help to better last year's figure? Get your friends to send $5.00 dues with name, address and unit to me at 502 Nottingham Rd., Baltimore 29, Md.
AUSTIN L. BYRD, JR., Adjutant

Dick Nethers reports he has two new members to add to above:
Ernest W. Conklin, 226 N. Phelps St., Youngstown, Ohio-589 FA
Charles B. Reid, Richburg, South Carolina--AT 423

"Want to trade: evening gown, worn only once, for baby carriage."


Chaplain's Message
     As time goes on, as we grow older, certain events in our experience fade from our memory. Only the more important, the outstanding events remain. And it is these, especially if they be pleasant, that we wish to retain.
     Did you attend a 16 December Reunion last year? Or in any year since that day in 1944? In these Reunions and the Annual Conventions there is a golden opportunity for us Golden Lions to meet together for periods of fine fellowship and to recall the happenings of our days in the 106th which we should remember.
     From my study, I look across gardens to wooded slopes beyond, the ground and trees all covered with snow. The usually swift-running stream in the distance between the slopes is frozen and youngsters are seen enjoying the rare, for us, treat of out-door ice-skating.
     Thoughts turn back to that December twelve years ago. Snow covered the countryside, then, but there was no sport and little laughter. Only the noise of trucks moving men and supplies forward, the men to relieve others, but beyond that no one knew. A stop of two days, camping in the snow. Again the move forward, but only a few hundred yards at a time, a whole day to go fourteen miles. It being Sunday, villagers were seen on their way to church; they were seen to return. The faces of many seemed to glow with an inner peace, despite the war around them, as if their God made His presence felt to each one.
     Not many days later or many miles away, the countryside was covered once more with snow. But for the many prisoners of war locked in box-cars on their way to prison camp, the beauty of the snow was not there; it meant only bitter cold. Yet to many, during those days, there came a sense of oneness with their fellowmen and the true conviction that even in dark hours man is not forgotten by his God.
     Six weeks later, in the prison camp, a deep mantle of snow covered the compounds. Again it was Sunday. Though it was several hours after the usual time, the barracks had not been unlocked. Outside not a sound was to be heard, not a track was in the snow, but one sensed something in the air. Had liberation come? Or, even the end of the war? If so, thanks and praise to the One above. But, no! Presently the guard appeared, marching through the snow in full battle dress, with bayonets fixed. Soon the prisoners learned of the dastardly crime committed during the night and the penalties to be imposed. Not in this world shall be known the supplications poured out that morning and through the day for strength and guidance. By the time the crime was solved late in the day, the beauty of the snow was marred forever by the tramping of hundreds of feet. But as once before, fellowship was strengthened and faith in the Heavenly Father and thankfulness for His mercy increased. The prayers of thanksgiving that evening must have exceeded in number the stars above.
     Before long the snow melted and in its place there appeared, as it always does, the green of the grass and other growing things. And, soon, too, came liberation and the return of the captives to their homes and loved ones
Each of you could add, endlessly, memories of your own.
     Memories that are precious should be well-kept. Those that are less valuable or less pleasant should be used as reminders


that by the Grace of God, man can overcome all adversity.
"Blessed are all who take refuge in Him." Psalm 2:11
John T. Loveless, Jr., Chaplain, 106th Infantry Division Association

     John T. Loveless, Jr., has been named a trust service office of the Mercantile-Safe Deposit and Trust Company. He started with the bank in 1925. He was absent on military leave in the United States Army from April, 1943 to November, 1945. He received the degree of master of laws from the University of Baltimore in 1948.
The (Baltimore) Evening Sun, Thursday, Jan. 17, 1957.

Editor's Notes
Jokes? How about some humorous happenings from your 106th Army days.
     Haven't found anyone as yet who can give me any information on Ladies Aux. How about asking your wife to write to a few of the wives as you have written to your buddies.
     Your Cub editor has been delighted in the interest being shown by an increasing number of our members. It is through this interest we will move forward to take a definite place not only to the 106th veterans but to our country and our American way of life.
Comments about Cub, whether they be good or bad, are always welcome.
     May I offer my personal thanks to all who contributed to this issue of Cub. Have you made your plans to be in Savannah this year?
     Are you interested in bringing 1959 convention to your area, all are asked to give future convention sites serious thought.

     LOREN E. SOUERS, Jr., still practicing law in Canton, Ohio, is also member of Ohio State Board of Education. He advises us that this summer he and his wife will be going to London to the American Bar Association meeting; after which he plans to show his wife memorable spots such as St. Vith, Liege, Spa, Brussels, Cologne and even Paris, Anyone want to say hello to an old friend?

    renewing old acquaintances. It was the type of comradeship only our association can offer to former members of the 106. At this affair, we started to talk up the Annual Convention and it was surprising to hear the number of people that are planning to attend.
     Speaking of the Convention or Reunion, it is not too early to start planning for next July 25-28 in Savannah, Georgia. The best way to show your appreciation to your organization and to Jim Wells for the job he is doing in planning the next reunion, is to have each former member of the 106th and his family, no matter where he may live, attend the convention. From what I have heard of Jim's plans, I assure you that the opportunity to renew old friendships and the good time each person will have will be worth many times more than the cost of attending. So do get busy and get the word out--a personal note always helps. If each one of us gets one friend to attend this should be the biggest and best reunion yet.
     I know that many of you may have some thoughts or ideas about the organization. Why don't you write me about them. I assure you we will give your suggestions full consideration. Only in this way, by getting your thinking, can we do things to improve, can we embark on a positive program and make this your Association.
     As I said in my first column, you elected me to lead you and to represent you. I will do my part to sustain your confidence. Will you do your part to help?
Lawrence Gubow

Letters to Editor
    we are, bring the wife, she will love it and deserves a 'vacation. Make it a second honeymoon or first, we don't care.
So men, let me hear from you real soon.
As ever,


Index for: Vol. 13, No. 3, Mar, 1957

Index for This Document

106th Div., 3
106th Inf. Div., 1, 3, 12, 20
106th Infantry Division Association, 1, 20
211th Gp., 3
30th Inf. Div., 3
423rd Inf., 14
423rd Inf. Regt., 14
424th Inf, 3, 12
424th Inf. Regt., 3, 12
81st Engr., 1, 14, 16
82nd Abn. Div., 3
Allen, Max B., 16
Ambleve, 3
Ambleve River, 3
Anthines, 3
Arboline, Frank A., 16
Ardennes, 12
Arendt, Herbert J., 16
Bastogne, 3
Battle Of The Bulge, 11, 12
Beals, John D., 16
Bickford, Thomas, 10
Block, Jacques, 10
Brady, Howard, 16
Brewer, Claude, 10
Broth, Henry, 10
Brumaghin, D. C., 1
Brumaghin, David, 10
Brumaghin, David C., 16
Brunswick, 16
Brussels, 20
Bullingen, 3
Butay, 3
Byrd, A., 1
Byrd, Austin, 1, 5, 10
Byrd, Austin L., 17
Byrd, Austin L., Jr., 17
Call, George, 16
Carpenter, Ben C., 16
Cassibry, Graham H., 16
Catanio, Thomas, 10
Cavanaugh, Paul W., 5
Co. F, 424th, 3
Coffey, Doug, 10
Coffey, Douglas, 10
Coffey, Mr., 12
Collins, Sherod, 16
Cologne, 20
Conklin, Ernest W., 17
Connelly, Dr., 5
Coquaimont, 3
Creamer, Raymond J., 16
Day, Rev. J. B., 16
DeHeer, Richard, 10
Dietrich, Arlan, 16
Div. Engr., 3
Drzymala, Karl, 10
Dunbar, Alan, 7
Earle, Mahlon, 10
Ennal, 3
Ettinger, Robert, 10
Fields, Raymond H., 16
First Army, 3
Fischer, John J., 16
Fleming, John P., 10
Fowler, Bill, 10
Fowler, Bill & Mary, 10
Frampton, D. B., 16
Frampton, Pete, 5
Frankel, Jerry, 10
Gagne, Albert, 16
Galik, George, 10
Gallagher, John, 1, 7
Garretson, Bob, 10
Gillespie, Jack, 1, 5, 14
Gubow, Larry, 13
Gubow, Lawrence, 1, 21
Hallner, Frank, 16
Henumont, 3
Herbert, Bernard, 16
Hiltbrand, Walter, 14
Hoffman, Ella, 10
Hoffman, Mrs. Ella, 10
Holthaus, Donald E., 16
Huey, John D., 8, 16
Jones, Gen., 7
Juster, Irvin, 16
Kelly, Robert, 1
Kennedy, Glen, 14
Kennedy, Mrs., 14
Kersteiner, Don W., 16
Kestenbaum, Thomas E., 16
Knapp, Robert E., 16
Kohs, Joseph B., 16
Laroche, 3
Laroche-Salmchateau, 3
Lewis, Jack, 16
Liege, 20
Lion In The Way, 3
Litvin, Joseph, 16
Lodomez, 3
Lothrop, Oliver, 10
Loveless, John, 1, 10
Loveless, John T., 20
Loveless, John T., Jr, 20
Loveless, John T., Jr., 20
Malmedy, 11
Malmedy Massacre, 11
Marche, 3
McIntosh, Daniel E., 16
McIntosh, Daniel E., Jr., 16
McMahon, Gen., 5, 7
McMurray, William C., 16
Middleton, Jack, 10
Mitchell, Mr. & Mrs. B. F., 16
Mosley, Ronald A., 7, 16
Nethers, Dick, 1, 17
Nethers, R. W. (Dick), 14
Neufparcs, 3
O'Rourke, Patrick, 10
Paris, 20
Parker, Col. Arthur C., 16
Peiper, Col. Joachim, 11
Perras, Cliff, 21
Perrin, Gen., 3
Perrin, Herbert, 3
Plenge, Edward, 10
Rarick, Clayton, 7
Reed, Ray, 10
Reid, Charles B., 14, 17
Reid, Col., 3
Reilly, Edward, 10
Reunions, 14, 18
Reynolds, John, 10
Reynolds, John J., 12
Reynolds, John J., Jr., 12
Richards, Thomas, 10
Riley, Mrs., 12, 13
Riley, Mrs. Alice, 12, 16
Riley, William, 12
Ringer, Robert C., 16
Ringo, Frank, 14
Roster, 16
Rutt, Bob, 5
Salmchateau, 3
Saturday Evening Post, 12
Sekaros, Samuel G., 16
Shields, Robert H., 16
Shohan, Stephan, 10
Smith, Frank, 1
Smith, Frank T., 16
Souers, Loren E., 16, 20
Spa, 20
St. Vith, 3, 20
Stack, Robert, 1, 10
Stack, Robert W., 1
Stavelot, 3
Stegmiller, Ted, 10
Stryker, Gordon, 16
Szibar, Frank V., 16
Sziber, Frank V., 10
Third Army, 3
Thoma, Mr. & Mrs. George, 10
Toyland, John, 12
Travis, Harry, 14
Twining, Rollin L., 16
Utter, Oakley E., 14
VII Corps, 3
Walden, Lawrence W., 16
Ward, Capt., 7
Warner, Herbert, 10
Wells, Jim, 5, 7, 20
Widenhofer, James A., 16
Wilkerson, Fred, 10
XVIII Corps, 3
XXIII Corps Arty, 3
Zorn, Harry, 10