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The Cub
Vol. 49, No. 1, Oct., 1992

    Camp Atterbury Veteran's Memorial photo by Russell Villwock 106 Signal a THE ARDENNES * THE RHINELAND * CENTRAL EUROPE GOLDEN LION (The Veterans c/ the 106th INFANTRY 0/V/SION PUBLISHED BY AND FOR I Welcome our 1992-1993 President I am, indeed, honored that your Board has elected me to lead the Association during the 50th Anniversary year of the 106th Infantry Division. All the members thank Mike Thome and his team for the excellent year that saw the dedication of the beautiful memorial to the 106th and other units that trained at Camp Atterbury and the first four $1,000 scholarships for descendants of the 106th to attend the Universities.
     I am pleased that the Board chose Ed Prewett and John Hall to work with me and that Collins, Rutledge, Kline, Robb, Hel wig and Black agreed to continue their
     duties. These six men arc the heart and 106ts inf::Apivs,..tATZtlo9n1,rendent soul of the organization and, along with F.Company, 4'23 Combat Infantry Regiment
     the Annual Reunion Committee members, do all the work. Joe Maloney, Richard Riggati, George Vance, their wives and associates certainly gave us a great reunion at Pittsburgh.
     Joe Maloney will head the Nominating Committee to recommend people to fill next other four recipients. 1 urge all members to contact the. gentlemen with candidate r's Board vacancies. Jen-y Eisenman will chair the Scholarship Committee to choose
     suggestions. With the rising cost of college tuition, this is a real service and benefit we can provide our grandchildren, grandnieces and nephews. A currently readable, prolific author, Lawrence Sanders, wrote in Love Songs (p.259): "Old soldiers dream of old battles because, with the sliding of years. memory of terror jades and what remains is the fond recollection of intensified life, of moments so electric. so bursting that everything after is thin porridge... I couldn't agree that everything that happened to us since 1944-45 is -thin porridge" but this sentiment undoubtedly helps explain the grossing appeal of our Association and the attraction of its Annual Reunions.
     I wish all you a Merry Christmas and a great and healthful New Year. Jack A. Sulser was born in Moline, Illinois September 11, 1925; U.S. Army 1943-45, machinegun squad leader Co. F, 423rd Combat Infantry Regiment, captured and held POW
     Army Organced Reserves 194550; Rine Platoon Sergeant 194548; Commissioned 2nd Lt. Military Intelligence 1948-50; inactive reserves 1950-53 Bachelor's Degree in History 1949 Augustan College, Masters Degree in Political Science 1950, Univ. of Wisconsin;
the CUB n/ 'the Golden Lion " Thanksliving..."
     Thanksliving: This was the title of a sermon which I heard many years ago but it pops into my mind every once in awhile. By the time that you read these words our elections will be over and one of three men who am seeking the office of President of these United States will be busying himself with getting things in order to lead our nation for four years. Also, all of us will be immersed in activities of yet another Holiday Season --Thanksgiving, Chanukah, Christmas. Being so involved maybe it is easy to be so taken with the activities of the season --religious and secular--that we are in danger of forgetting why we celebrate.
     David in Psalm 103 writes, "Bless the Lord, 0 my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name. Bless the Lord, 0 my soul, And forget none of His benefil0103:1.2).
     Though our nation is in the midst of some trying times at the moment, we know that nothing remains the same forever. Even in light of the difficult times which we might be experiencing at the moment, we live in a land greatly blessed by God. While it may be hard to believe, sometimes, we live in nation whose living standard is the envy of most of the rest of the world. Where, even. those who live "below the poverty line" live a better life than many peoples around the would who are not considered to live in poverty. In particular, we of the 106th Association can have a good case made for us, that we ship continually be living our daily lives in a state of "Thanksliving." As we look back across years, we become aware that at our births, the chances of living to our present ages was very small. Remember that when the Social Security System was brought into being in the 1930's, the age of 65 was set as the time when people could draw money because the life expectancy then was less than 65. Yet we --at least most of us-- have reached and surpassed that age in spite of &r aw, wars, violence, etc.
     I often wonder just how many of us in our teem really expected to be going at our present ages. Probably if someone had said then that we would have 500 to 600 attending our Reunions in our 60's and 70's, we would have said, "No way!" Yet hem we are enjoying lives which many people of other nations can only dream about. For this and so many other blessings, I am convinced that each of on should be living lives of "Thanksliving," Quoting again from Psalm 103:15-18, "As for man, his days are like grass; As a flower of the field, no he flourishes. When the wind has passed over it, it is no more; and its place acknowledges it no longer. But the loving kindness of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear Him. and His righteousness to children's children, to those who keep his covenant, and who remember His precepts to do them."
     May God continue His blessings to each of us in this Holiday Season and beyond and may we seek to live our lives in continual praise and thanksliving to Him who has watched over us through all of our years. AMEN. Reverend Ewell C. Mack Jr., Chaplain 422/P --108th Inf. elm. Anew.
212 Ridge Si. Blehapville, aC 29010


-11 From the editor's outpost....
    Reminiscing I just finished coffee and a steaming bowl of oatmeal while browsing through the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, where I read that I must turn back my clocks tonight A look outside tells me that it is bright and sunny and the temperature is about 40 degrees. Winter is on its way. I forgot which two days we designated as summer in Minnesota, but they were both great. All kidding aside, we had a great turn- ! Iller, lots of golf, even though 1 could play more. Other pluses for the summer, the CUB Passes in Review is still moving. I haven't received any nasty letters, my 91 year old fattens still having a better social life than me, and my wife still puts up with my moods. A highlight of the summer was attending the Association's 46th Annual Reunion in Pittsburgh. What a great event! We owe thanks to Joseph Maloney and his crew. They did a great job, mom later in this CUB. 'This gathering of old wafflers amazes me. I choke with cmotionas I think of the meetings old friends, many for the first time in 48 . Scenes that will be long remembered. The death of a comrade....
I was saddened to team as 1 returned home from Pittsburgh that Lt. William F. Smith, Jr., 423/M had suddenly died.
     I discovered Bill shortly after joining the Association in 1987. I did not know him in the war. He was the leader of another platoon and had joined "M" Co. just before we went overseas. We had, in the last few years, talked many hours by phone. Last year, on my way to the 45th Annual Reunion at Huntsville, I stopped by to visit with Bill, for two days. at his beautiful home in Lexington, S.C. Margot and I had planned on visiting with him during the Reunion coming up in Columbia. South Carolina in 1993.
     I shall always remember Bill for the kind and gentle man that he was. He was the person that convinced me to take on the job as your editor in 1987. Lt. Smith, my friend. God Bless you and may you rest in peace_ I salute you. 1 shall always remember you I CUB PASSES in Review: The first printing of 1,820 books was sold out A seconding printing has been received and ready for shipment.
     Many of our members have ordered multiple copies. Some have gone to family, some to schools, and libraries. Those that have done no say that it has given them much personal satisfaction in contributing to the perpetuation of the story of the 106th and to give their families a remembrance of that segment of their life. Make your mark -- perpetuating your history within your family, or by placing a few books in your favorite library or school. They will appreciate your generosity.
     The PRICE is $18.50 postage paid to your address. This is still the best buy you could find for such a book. Mail your order to Shored Collins, 448 Monroe Trace, Kennesaw, GA 30144 -include $18.50 (postpaid). Still a Great Buy,
     Extra CUBs... $2.50 per copy We recognize that contributors to The CUB have pride in their articles and want extra copies for family and friends.
     Consider this: The average cost of each CUB, with bulk postage is 1.78. Add to this first-class postage at .98 toms and you can sec he mason for the $2.50 charge. A quick calculation shows you that of your $10.00 annual dues, $7.12 (4 x 1.78) is used p. just by The CUB alone. There are still operating expenses above that You are getting great buy for the minimal dues that you pay. Extra CUBs, will be mailed on a first come. first served when available basis.
     Order extra copies by mailing $2.50 for ach CUB to Sherod Collins, Treasurer (see his address on the inside cover). He will in turn direct the editor to mail the copies to you. Excuse the exclusion of the "MAIL BAG" in this issue. The Atterbury Dedication and the Pittsburgh Reunion pre-empted.

     The next CUB will be loaded with "MAIL BAG" news. The CUB of ihe Golden Lion Bulletin Board I, WW II, KOREA, VIETNAM.
Contact John C. Angier III, 67 OceanDtive. St. Augustine, FL, 32084 - (904)471-7695.
    Long Range Planning Committee Welcomes Your input Ed Prewett, 1st Vice-president, 106th In-fanny Division Association, 7831 Lone Tree Way, Brentwood, CA 94513 is looking for ideas. He quotes as follows: "What Happens If' we loose Shored Collins, our historian and treasurer. Boyd Rutledge, our adjutant, or John Kline, our CUB editor. Who do we contact and who does the contacting to recover 106th properties, A deeper question to answer "What is the future" for our Association 10-15 years hence? What should be the final disposition of our properties? How should we conduct our busintss and activities towards this ultimate event? President Jack Sulser appointed halm Hall, Richard Riggati and Ed Prewett to a Long Range Planning Committee and charged the with recommendations at the next year's nual Director's Meeting. The committee requests input from our members. Look into your crystal ball and let an know what you sec ahead. Mail your suggestions and questions to Edward Prewett. -- 7831 Lone Tree Way. Brentwood, CA 94513, Tele: (5111) 634-431 I. If more convenient contact John Hall or Richard Rigani - their addresses and phones are listed on the inside cover of each CUB. The recommendations will be a joint effort. hopefully withlots of inputfrom ourmembership.
The ATTERBURY MEMORIAL More appears later in this CUB.
See page 11 for reports and pictures.
     It's a grand monument to all units that passed through Atterbury 's gates. Support it They did a terrific job for all of us in the 106th Infantry Division. We should thank them by giving them more of our support
     Send donations to Atterbury Vet's Memorial Assoc.. Building 01. Camp Atterbury. Edinburgh_ IN 46124-1096 Editor's Note.... This is the start of a new column. I need a place for announcements and tidbits of information. This is where that type of information will be placed..... 4. Kline
     Reunion Name Tags Mill If you failed to return your name tags as you checked out of the Pittsburgh Reunion, please do so now. They are expensive and are used yearafieryear. Send them to the 1993 Reunion Chairman, Roger Rutland, 6632 Arcadia Woods Rd., Columbia, S.C. 29206.
We will not advise the Provost Marshal, so please send them in. 1993 Annual Reunion
     The 1993 Annual Reunion will be held at the Marriott Hotel, Columbia, South Carolina. Sept 9 through 12. Full details will be mailed to you in due time. However, if you would like to make hotel reservations in advance, call 803-771-7000. That is the Columbia Hotel's phone. We suggest you call there instead of the WATS number. Tell reservations that you are making reservations for the 106th Infantry Di. vision Association event so that you will receive the proper room rate. More later by letter and here in the CUB._
     Future Reunions.... Sept 9 thru 12th, 1993 -- Columbia. SC 1994 --Rapid City, South Dakota 1995 --Orlando. Florida Thanks from Doug Coffey.... Doug wishes to thank all of you who were so kind to send cards and letters after Isabel's death. I talked to him recently and he has been busy visiting family and was in good spirit.
     The National Order of Battlefield Consmisions is now going undergoing a vast national search for BATTLEFIELD COMMISSIONS. They are looking for men who were commissioned on the field of battle while engaged with the armed enemy in WW
     4 The CUB gra., Golden Lion Bulletin Board December 16th Commemoration Parties I hope that the local sponsors of these events will continue to notify those in their area as to the date and location of each event.
     Last year, events were held in Atlanta. Chicago; Southern and Northern California. Madison, WI, Minneapolis; Satellite Beach, F1: Detroit; Reading, Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, PA; New Jersey: Mt. Vernon, IL: and Phoenix. Arizona.
     I have received following advertisements for the get-to-gethers as of this date 10-25-92. Chicago, December 16, 1992, 6:30 p.m. Park Ridge VFW Post 3579, $15.00 person, Higgins and Canfield. Park Ridge Russell Villwock (312-631-2027)
     6908 West Higgins, Chicago 60656 Northern California, Dec 16,1992,1L30 am., The Firehouse in Old Scaramento, Mike Thome/John Gregory; Call John Gregory, (916-481-3353)
     4624 Ashton Dr., Sacramento, 95864 IllSo uthern California, Sunday December , 1992 at 1 p.m. Milton Weiner, 6440 Knott Ave. #41. Buena Park. CA 90621
     (714-521-1705) Philadelphia, December 13, 1992 at 3:00 Rm.- home of Charles and Nancy Datte, 231 Davis Ave, Clifton Heights, PA 19018,(215626-1866)
    Mt. Vernon,14, December 12.1992 at the Holiday Inn, 5:p.m. with dinner at 6 p.m.. Sponsor - John L Mikalauskis, 306 Blake St, Box 31. Benton. IL 62812 (618-439-3867)
816 N. Enola Dr., Orlando 32803
• Detroit, Russell Mayotte, 9628 Cavelle St, Livonia, MI 48150
    • Reading, PA John Gallagher, 4003 Francis St, Temple. PA 19560 ( 215-929-2807) New Jersey, Carl Messina, 926 Seymour Ave, Linden, NJ 07036; (908-486-2927)
Phoenix, Emor C. Pretty,
1222 Paradise Village, Phoenix 85032
• Pittsburgh Norma and George Vance 283 Dutch Lane 15236; (412-653-1724) Belgium Youth Wants Info....
     Niko Van Kerckhoven Brielstraat 63 9255 Buggenhout. Belgium-Europe 21 years of age is very interested in the history of WWII, especially The Bulge.
He wants information on battles I6 - 18 December in the areas of Winterspelt in the North and Duren in the South.
     He has 230 pages of information from the 28th Division, just to the south of the 424th and says that members of the 106th are hard to contact Maybe he means hard to find. Seeking answers to the following Where were you in this sector') Can you get me in contact with men of the 424th who arc willing to give me information Do you have pictures? He is looking for an original patch of the 106th to add to his collection.
     Com on men... let's give him some information. Send him your diary or at least get in touch and let him know we cam.
     Donate a copy of The CUB Passes in Rewew. Coordinate with editor. PFC. Elree Alexander, 422/L Does any one know of this man. Send any info to Sherod Collins. He has an inquiry on this former 106er. Sherod's address is on the inside cover of this CUBand on the bottom of the column to the left.
    Other Dec 16th Party Sponsors Last Year, Maybe a call will do: Madison, WI, Charles Bieck, 7316 Voss Pkwy, Middleton 53562; (608-831-6110) Atlanta, Sherod Collins, (404-928-32071
     4400 Monroe Trace, Kennesaw. 30144 Minneapolis, Russ Gunvalson, 904 Elton Hills Drive-West. Rochester. MN 55901; Tele: (507-282-2867) Florida, Sam Davis, (407-896-9240)

    The CUB of the Golden Lion Bulletin Board Authors of the CHARLES B. MACDONALD, AUTHOR OF COMPANY COMMANDER." 106TH INFANTRY DIVISION Brig. General Patton included a letter from John S. D. Eisenhower, author of B177ER WOODSand Hitler's SURPR1SEARDENNES OFFENSIVE. He says (in pan) - "Patton describes the loneliness of the GI, newly arrived at the from the small things those GI's found important. their initial disbeliefwhen the Abrsi attack began, the cold, the movement of the troops, the weapons and devices bath sides used, and the known cruelty of the fonaric SS troops.... Healing The Child WARRIOR.. A Search for Inner Peace By Richard Peterson, PhD. 423 Combat Infantry Regiment Company "I" 106th Infantry Division Order front Consultors Incorporated 1285 Rubenstein Ave. Cardiff by the Sea, CA 92007 24.95 plus $2.00 handling Check MC/Visa 1-800-643-7989 Before the Veteran's Die... by Dale R. Carver 424/HO 30n A8P Platoon Leader 742 Druid Circle Baton Rouge, LA 70808 $6.50
     Dale a lyric poet has written his memories of the War. These poems will bring back memories and visions of the limes. He received a battle field promotion and was awarded the Silver Star, and promoted to First Lieutenant.
     • Jim Bush, a highly decorated combat v. eranof WW II says (to Dale, of his poems), "I have read them all with awe, sadness and great respect for your sensitivity and ability. You will be letting, down the veterans, living and dead, if you don't publish your poems" A great series of poems direct from the Kean of one of your comrades.
40 Photographs, 190 pages
A Story of Combat
In one doomed regiment in the Ardennes during the early days of The Battle of the Bulge.
    • A Story of Captivity The agony of capture and survival as a prisoner of war. A Story of Coming Home The loneliness of the young soldier when he returned to family and friends. A Story of Inner Peace Found revisiting scones of trauma and facing old enemies. THE SILENT SNOW Brig. General Oliver Patton USA (Ret.) (423/F) 4817 Morgan Drive Chevy Chase, MD 20815 A novel (paperback) published by Signet. From the back cover (in part): Trapped behind the advancing German lines, surrounded in a carnage of disaster by a horde of enemies who gave no quarter. a green infantry lieutenant, a battle wise black sergeant and a terrified Belgian girl wage their private war in a world of bloodstained snow and freezing hell. The front cover, apicture of a German tank, has an endorsement which reads - " ENCELLENT.. AT LONG LAST, AN AUTHENTIC NOVEL ON THE BATTLE OF THE BULGE - The Lion's Share A novel which gives a new view of The Battle of the Bulge. $10.00
Donald Young, 422/1 1700 Cheryl Way
Antos, CA 95003
     This book deals with the loss of green troops in the Ardennes and the Schnee Eifel. The author sys, wanted to show what it was like when a soldier first discovers that unseen ghosts are trying to take his life. While not mentioning the 106th you don't have to read far to realize that the ficticious division is quite readily recognized m such
6 The CUB oph Golden Lion
wing Day --Sitting on a box reminiscing. by Den Bled, 4221A 180 Leffler Street West Burlington, lows 52655
     We've just moved from an apartment, which was about to explode from the sheer force of all the stuff we crammed into it the past 19 years, to a house in West Burlington. They say the three things to consider in a move are "location, location, location." Our place is next door to our bank and less than one block from a grocery store, a furniture store, the postoffice, a convenience store and the service station we patronize. There is a barber shop across the
     et, in case my hair starts to grow n, and a tavern a block away, in Case I fall off the wagon after nearly 18 years of non-alcoholic beverages. (Neither possibility is likely to occur). The beauty of small town living is the fact that we are, with all the commercial hub-bub near us, on a quite, tree lined street with squirrels, a few barking dogs, song birds, etc, all around us. I have a garage, for the first time in my life, and plenty of space for memorabilia of World War II, my Benny Goodman records, etc.


    While poking around my closets before the move I ran across the CUB for April-June of 1980 The picture on front is of the Arlington Hotel in Hot Springs, Arkansas, where the 106th's reunion was held that year. The photo reminded me of the hot summer of 945 when, after a 69-day furlough, I spent a week or two at the Arlington Hotel as a guest of Uncle Sam. The Army did things in classy fashion at Hot Springs and I have fond memories of it, though there was no air-conditioning and several of us shared one room. The highlight to me was being served by GI waiters, attired as hotel waiters, and ordering from a menu three times a day. There was orchestral music at noon and I believe for the evening meal, with very little for us to do except attend reindoctri nati on classes and get physical exams. Some of you might remember the tap room in the basement at the Arlington, which was and still is an elegant hotel, with a jukebox to play such tunes as Les Brown's Sentimental JourneyandPaperDollby the Ink Spots. All of my memories of the Army and the 106th are not pleasant, of course. But the Army left me in a good frame of mind after the war when, with admirable tact, guys such as myself, a mere corporal, got the red-carpet treatment at such places as Hot Springs. All of you who were POWs got this kind of treatment somewhere, I assume, and I hope you were as impressed as I was by the Army's efforts to give us the kind of treatment we deserved.
     I also ran across some notes I'd written to myself while getting ready for our move to the house Millie and I are renting.
     In one of them, I told myself to tell you that I erred last year in reporting that Dick McKee, my onetime squad sergeant, lives in Huntington, Indiana. Dick actually lives in Rochester, Indi ana, where he has done well over. years in the printing business. There was a note, too, from John Munce, of Mountain Home, Arkansas, telling me that Bill Shakespeare, the former Notre Dame football star, was his platoon leader in the 424th and, John said "Bill was a great guy." There were more notes to respond to and I'll try to do it in my next article when, hopefully, we'll be out from under the stuff we moved a half-mile from treeless Holiday Terrace to verdant Leffler Street.

    Vela seed, 425/4 CUB Laughs by George Levine 424/M " Dear, tell Mrs. Woople about the time you made 'Soldier of the Month' " The CUB of the Golden Lion *4 11/ 106th Infantry Division Association Treasurer's Report 1991-92 INCOME FUNDS ACTIVITY Crneral Fund Reran Member's Dues 8,275.00
Life Dues 4,860.00 Brought Forward 67,627.35 Auxiliary Dues 637.00 Net Decrease 1,728.75
Interest Earned 3,364.75 FUND TOTALS 65,898.60 CUB Reviews Sold 3.74000
Surplus - 451h Reunion 10,472.00 Return of Advance 45th 1.000.00 " Patches Sold 91.67
Postage, sale of patches 12.86 Brought Forward 24.436.95 Mutual Fund Gain 71.74 Contributions 2,562.00
$ 32.525.02 Mutual Fund Gain 25.03 Interest Earned 1.138.68
MEM TOTAL $ 28,162.66 CUB Expense: Less: Printing 7747.99 Scholarships (3) 3,000.00
Layout 1.568.52 Atterbury Memorial 2,500.00 Covers 1.018.00 Mutual Fund Fee 206.96
Postage 1.674.35 5,706.96 elopes 610.45
rs Printed 12.619.31 1.271.0(1 Fund Total $ 22,455.70
loge 1.365.53 Printing & Supplies 1,096.33 Banks of Deuosit Advance to 46th Reunion 2.000.00
Telephone 30(1.88 Wachovia Bank 3,897.78 Order Golden Lion Expense 123.60 First Comm. Bank 84,456.52
CUB Review Expense 12.865.98 $ 88,354.30 Ladies Luncheon. Pittsburgh 125.00
Computer Repair 447.10 CUB Review Publishing Cost Association Insurance 951.00
Mutual Fund Fee 593.04 Publishing Cost 17,325.18
Registration Fees-4 Officers 480.00 in 34253.77
    Annual Corporation Fee- Ga. 15.00 Sold and Delivered addition to those given to July 15, 1991 Paid Members -5,830.00
    Net Decrease $ 11.728.75 Net Cost I I 495 18 CHANGES IN CASH POSITION General Fund Memorial Fund TOTALS This Year 65.898.60 22,455.70 88,354.30
Last Year 67.627.35 24,436.95 92.064,30 Decrease 1728.75 1,981.25 3,710.00


ti Adjutant's Report Fiscal Year 1991-1992
REGULAR MEMBERS Renewals - Annual 1025
LIFE-Continued 271 LIFE - Converted 61
    New Members Annual 93 Reinstated Members Annual 6 LIFE 7 TOTAL REGULAR Lai ASSOCIATE MEMBERS Renewals - Annual 33
LIFE 9 New Members- Annual 16

LIFE 2 Auxiliary Members Annual 276
Annual-New/Reinstated 25 LIFE - Continued 127
LIFE - New 10 Memorial Fund Contributors 171
Members discontinued 58 Membership Gains 56
Auxiliary Membership (Loss) 3 10 Year Membership Listing Year Memberships Associate TOTAL Deaths Auxiliary
91-92 1,487 60 1,547 25 430
90-91 1,443 48 1,491 37 435
89-90 1,417 41 1,458 32 505
88-89 1,128 39 1,167 12 348
87-88 928 30 950 20 359
86-87 745 20 765 12 300
85-86 641 16 655 7 239
84-85 555 13 568 9 195
83-04 481 19 500 9 160
82-83 470 M 484 14 155
Known Deaths -- fiscal year 1991-1992
    John Adams, Ir. 422/0 07/06/92 Joseph A Pasquale 422/1. 04/07/91 William G. Alexander 423/E 04/21/92 Lewis H. Peluso 422/H 1210191
    Thoinas Bickford 106/11Q 09/01/91 Donald I. Protenhauer 4220 119/30/91 John H. Them 424/0 12/2091 Robed L Pinnow 424/CD 06/01/92 Mrs. Majorie DeHeer Associate 10/12/91 Rob.. Rohs. 42361019 12114/91 Edward L. Panel.. 422/C 12/23/91 Thomas F. Seamy 4243IQ 3110 0295/92 Walter S. Glenney 106/11Q 03/05/09 John F. Simmons 423/F, 02120,92 Clayton Gould 424/AT 12/91 J. Clasen,, Sorenson 423/0 Eugene E Hasler 8Ist ENG/C 12/20,91 Robert M. Spano 424/CN 0118/92 O. Malcolm Hoctin 589/A 01/10/91 Christi. P. Sufi. 424/D 02/23192 Jack E. Homer 422Th 1992 George G. White Sr 42391 01/18/92 Lyle K. McCullough 422/S6 01/04/92 Robert D. Wilson 424/CN 1991 Elm. M. Miller 422/610 3139 07/03/92 10 7he CUB of he Golden Lion Camp Atterbury Memorial Dedication S Camp Atterbury Memorial Dedication – August 15, 1992
     The moment of unveiling the statue of a World War II era soldier, rifle in hand, Statue was created by Alexa Laver, daughter of Post Commander Col. Jong Sachel. photo by Russell Villwock, 100th Signal Camp Atterbury 1942 to Present Tho genesis of Camp Atterbury came in the talc 1930s. With war clouds looming. land surveys were made in the rolling farm country and woodlands west of Edinburgh.
War came to America December 7. 1941. A month later. the War Department announced Camp Atterbury would be built.
     An estimated 500-600 farm families Wore displaced as the Army took over 40,000 acres. Two communities. Kansas and Mount Pisgah. disappeared forever. The lands were transfomed. Workmen quickly emoted hundreds of buildings. The 15601h Service Command Unit began operating the camp June 2, 1942. Ten weeks later. the reactivation of the 83rd Infantry Division brought thousands of soldiers to Camp Atterbury. The soldiers in this division
I were followed by many more... in other divisions. Over 275,000 soldiers trained at Camp Atterbury in World War IL
     An enemy prisoner of war camp was built in late 1942. It later held 3.000 Italian prisoners, some of whom built the Chapel in the Meadow. By war's end, over 9,000 German prisoners were held at Camp Atterbury and satellite camps at Austin and Brown County. With the end of hostilities. portions of Camp Atterbury were dismantled. The post was deactivated December 31, 1968.
     Sincethen, Camp Atterbury has hada new use -- equally important. Camp Aderbury is the principal training site for the Indiana National Guard. The post also serves as a regional Mining site for other National Guard, active and reserve component forms. With a series of improvements and new construction. Camp Atterbury passes the half century mark of service to America's citizens.
     7'he CUB of the Golden Lion Camp Atterbury Memorial Dedication History of the Veteran's Memorial Like most ideas, the dream of a Camp Atterbury Veterans' Memorial formed slowly.
     COL Jorg Stachel, Camp Atterbury commander, was conscious of the approach of the installation's 50th anniversary. Fifty years earlier to the day, August 15,1942, the fledgling army post had conducted an open house.
     While forming his thoughts, COL Stachel learned in the fall of 1990 that MG Charles Whitaker, Indiana National Guard Adjutant General, wished to relocate a number of vintage pieces of military equipment from the organizations headquarters at Stout Field. Musing over his thoughts. COL &ache] invited Roger Cobb, a Camp Atterbury maintenance technician with artistic skills, to walk the site with him one day later that year Their purpose was to develop a visual image for a proposed veterans' memorial and park.
     A drawing emerged from that walk. Remarkably, Cobb's original drawing became the reality of the memorial's final shape and design Engineers and contractors estimated site planning, preparation and material costs in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. The memorial you see today cost considerably less. Dozens of businessmen. contractors, tradesmen and Guardsmen provided their time, talents. and materials at considerable discounts or as an entire donation.
     When an obstacle appealed --a solution was found. It was pride in community pride in Camp Atterbury pride in the tNngs that make America meat that made this memorial possible, Cash donations were essential. to. They came in. large and small. The donations came from big corporations and local towns people. They came from Camp Atterbury veterans living in the area or in faraway places. The donations came from the famous... and from ordinary citizens,
That is why it happened. That is why we arc here today.
    MG Charles Whitaker The Adjutant General BOARD of DIRECTORS COL Jorg Stachel - President LTC Stephen Hoffman - Vice President MSG James Burgett - Secretary LTC Amold Bray - Treasurer MAJ An Bowers MAJ Charles McDaniel CW3 Danny Sloan SFC James Hinds ADVISORY COUNCIL
Mr. Roy Bigger (106th)**

Mr. Torn Boyle Mr. Grant Cain Mr. Phillip Cos Mr. Robed Derickson
MAJ Jerry Gill Mr. Pon Himsel MAJ Richard King II MAJ Ron Knight Mn Dave Long M. 0. Paul Mem. (106th)**
Mr. Ames Miller

Mr. Bernard Ostermeyer
LTC (IGR) Lewis Tenney
Mr. Jim Voelker

     ** remarks added by CUB editor 3rca:=111111111mh „ MEMORIAL DEDICATION The CUB of the Golden Lion Camp Atterbury Memorial Dedication CONTRIBUTORS (over $2,000) In grateful recognition of the individuals and corporate sponsors who so generously supported the building of this Memorial and Park with donations in excess of $2,000 each.
83rd INF Div. Association
106th INF Div. Association
    A.M. General Corporation Roger Cobb Cummins Engine Company Town of Edinburgh lack K. Elrod Company Hoffman Consulting Engineers Hoosier Horse Park Indiana Bell Telephone Company Indiana Limestone Company -Installation Support Unit - Camp Atterbury Alexs K Laver
Mr. & Mrs Ames & Helen Miller & Family
MINACT (Job Corps Center - Atterbury) Public Service of Indiana Robed Souder Enterprises, Inc.
10 Robert's Asphalt. Inc.
State Armory Board J. E. Summit Builders, Inc.
LTC (IGR) Lewis M. Tenney VFW Hobart Beach Post #15324
     VFW Wagner Reddick Post #1987 For fifty years, thousands of soldiers and civilians alike have contributed to the history and legacy of Camp Atterbury. Were they here today, they would join me in giving special thanks and praise to the hundreds of individuals. companies and organizations who contributed their time, money and resources to die building of this memorial.
     Just as importantly, they would thank all of you here today for participating in the dedication of this memorial in their honor.
Jorg Rachel COL, QM. INARNG Post Commander PROGRAM 15 AUG 1992
0900 Band Concert: 38th Infantry Division Band Seating of guests.
    Arrival of Official Party, Introductions and Salutes Posting of Colors - Camp Atterbury Color Guard and Veterans' organi,ations... National Anthem - 38th ID Band & Mr. David Galbraith Invocation - Post Chaplain (MAJ) Charles McDaniel Indiana Army National Guard Flyover History of Camp Atterbury Post Commander's Welcome Major Atterbury Unit Representatives Wreath Laying Ceremony World War II Vocalist, Jim Burton, 83rd Infantry Division Rappelling Exercise Congressman Lee Hamilton Unveiling of "On Point-- Statue Indians Air National Guard F-16 Flyover Benediction Post Chaplain (MAJ) Charles McDaniel 1130 to 1600
Bus Tours of Camp Atterbury. Open House Activities; Reception 0. Paul Merz, 422/SV, presenting Col. Jorg

Stachel with a 106th check for $2,500.
The CUB of the Golden Lion 13 Camp Atterbury Memorial Dedication Ur - Russell Villwock, 106 Signal and Assoc.
President Mike Thome 422/HQ 2Bn surveying the Memorial. Note 106th Flag.
     Memorial Dedication Message by Mike Thome 106th Infantry Division Association President 1991-92 As president of the 106th Infantry Division Association, I bring you warm greetings and thanks from its 1,600 members. It is an honor for the 106th Infantry Division, known as the Golden lien Divit sion, to be represented in the Camp Atterbury Me- mogal.
     The 106th - the highest numbered division in World War II - was activated March 15, 1943, at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. On activation it received 16,009 individuals. The cadre to form the Division from General Staff down came from the 80th Infantry Division. Others came from Infantry Replacement Training Centers.
    Average age, at lime of activation, was 21 years, Deluding all of and the older age group An overall view of the wall, showing the placement of the WWII soldier's statue °DID 1,800 =neat.. At the 106th's basic mailing tests everything was ping well. In August of 1944 we were ordered to send 3figg of our trcined inl.- trymen to the 281h and 31st Divisions to replace their losses. More infantry, artillery, and signalmen were shipped to other units. 13y hue September 1943, the 106th was down to less tlum 12J DO men. Training of the smaller units was completed November 1943, and the Division wont Into Ore field for the remainder of the winter_ In January 1944, we moved to the Tau.niv mtmeuver auta,aloug with th.other di visions, and participated in daily maneuvers until the and or March. The weather duplicated that later round D the Ardent., as we fought during the Battle o I the Bulge. We came out of Tennessee a DOIed division, experienced with great promise. We leanusi through days and nights of discomfort how best to take care of ourselves, and that as a lighting divi- sion, we were better than most.
     Alter Taulessce maneuvers we were fortunate to be ordered here to Cuing AtterbIlry to make our final preparations for overseas, We


     Camp Atterbury Memorial Dedication equipment and to be on our way soon. Upon arrival at Camp Atterbury, the first week of April 1944, we commenced shipment of 2,800 infantrymen and 800 artillerymen to replacement centers. Replacements were received slowly.
     liming those last few weeks of training prior to shipping overseas, we lost practically all of the , infantry lieutenants, and our riflemen, for a total of 500 officers and 3,000 men, which added to the losses in April rotating 600 officers and 6,600 men. , We were being stripped of highly trained men, Replacements received were of the highest caliber mentally nod physically and entered their training energetically. They were from the Awry Spertalized Training Program, Air Cadets, Special Training Battalions and other commands, They couldnot have been cut from better material, but we had one foot on the gang plank.
     The days at Atterbury were hard, with driving days of training, with recreation in Indianapolis and Columbus sandwiched in between. Such events as the two-day demonstration, 19 and 20 May, for the delegation of the Hoosier State Press Assoc. An- „demonstration on 3 lune, for the Under-Sccof War, Robert P. Patterson, and an Infantry Day exercise on 15 June for more than 5,000 visitor& Then on 4 July 1944, the Division participated in Independence Day parades at Indianapolis and
     Cleveland simultaneously, which provided breaks from daily routines. The tour at Atterbury was an exceptionally pleasant one. The people of Indiana went out of their way to welcome the men of the 106th. Life-long friendships developed. Doting this period at Camp Atterbury, The CUB, our Division newspaper, which was initiated during the Tennessee maneuvers, came to full flower it has been published stateside as a quarterly magazine sink August 1946.
     The 106th carried on until autumn, when orders for overseas movement came_ The story of the 106th in the Battle of the Bulge struck deep into the hearts of the Hoosiers, for we had been part of the heritage of CampAtterbury . As Cedric Foster,news analyst of those times, said of the 106th in his January 21, 1945 broadcast, "They did have the chance to fight and they didn't fail. They fought magnificently in the greatest American battle of the war their first bank with foe. The record they wrote is a shining example for all the armed forces of the United States." Again, thanks for lionorhig the men of the 106th Infantry Division. Camp Atterhury, the people of Indiana, and your good Hoosier Hospitality, have been and will be long remembered and treasured by the men of the Golden Lion Division.
t Vr - Vic Briete and Gene Kelch, both from 422/1 (Item) Company, who drove from St. Louis starting at 3:00
     am. The beautiful Wreath o1100 % fresh lowers assembled In the replica of the 106th Lion patch was donated by Vic and Gene. That's above call of duty-Thanks men. The CUB ofthe Golden Lion IS 45th Annual Reunion a Great Success!!! I A report by John Kline, editor There were 570 that registered for the 46th Annual Reunion in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The reunion days from August 27th through August 30th, 1992 went by too fast. I guess the joys of life pass by swiftly while your busy talking to friends. Many of as checked in early on the 26th and had the opportunity to have a pre-reunion visit.
     The VISTA HOTEL was just marvelous. If your taste runs to Super 8 motels, then this was overpowering, but we all owe ourselves a little luxury once in a while. What a marvelous setting to sham yourself with old comrades. Yes, the room rates were about six bucks higher than normal, but I must testify that ! have never seen a hotel management team so well organized. The food was delicious and I liked the efficient method they used in serving up the meals. The "chow line" in general was out. They served up each person with an individual dish, that is with the exception of the final "Continental Breakfast" where them were enough serving tables to accomodate the crowd.
    The reunion committee chaired by Joseph P. Maloney did a remarkable job in all phases of reunion, from pm-registrations to the closing words at the Good-Bye Continental Breakfast on Sunday August 30, 1992.1 have not had a final report from him and hopefully he will get that to me by the next CUB. He did send me the registration list from which I compiled the attendance lists that am displayed on following pages. I counted 570 as the total "registered" attendance. Them were many "drop-ins" who chose not to register. They are of course welcome, but knowingly or unknowingly miss a lot of the aura and meaning of the reunion. Much of the camaraderie takes place duds meals with friends, the general membership meetings and tours. THE VISTA HOTEL, downtown Pittsburgh, served as the reunion center. meetings and reunions meals were held there. Hospitality rooms were available during regular hours during the reunion. The committee kept us well supplied with crunchies. The cruise on the paddle wheeler Majestic was a highlight event, just as Maloney said it would be. The buffet was delightful and tasty. The music offered by the multi-piece dance band brought back memories of the forties. 1 even witnessed a 106er who tells me that he is drawing 100% from the VA doing double lime to a pop tune of the '40s.
     The boat ride and all its embellishments took four delightful hours. We were all sorry, that it ended. Pittsburgh viewed from the deck of the Majestic is truly beautiful. Traveling up and down the three rivers, the Allegheny, the Monogahela and the Ohio from early evening into the night, watching the moods of the City of Pittsburgh change is inspiring.
     An added thrill for all of us was to see the words "WELCOME to the 106th" shining brightly from the ALCOA electric bilboard high on the south bluff near the junction of the three rivers. That would be across the junctions of the rivers south of the Pittsburgh Pirates "Three Rivers Stadium." There's too much to tell in The CUB. To enjoy, you have to be there. I hope the pictures, all that I have, that follow will give you some idea of the good time had by all.


    I add my thanks and appreciation to the many letters that the committee have received from appreciative &enders. Pictures and attendance statistics follow. John Kline, editor 14 I 6 th Annual Reunion -- Unit Count -- Pittsburgh PLEASE NOTE!!! The following figures (on thM page and the names on following) were taken from the Pittsburgh Committee roster sent to me by the chairman. The accounting did not name Guests or Spouses, so I have only listed the names of the regular members of the 106th Infantry Division Association. If you are a member who registered for the reunion and DIV/HQ 3 423/G 1 589/A 6 423/K 1 589/B 3 423/11 13 106 MP 5
590/HQ 4
331 MED/A 423/HQ 3BN 2 590/A 4
423/1 423/K 423/1. 423M 423/MED 5 590/MED 1
422/HQ_ 422/A7' 422 CN 422/SV 422/HQ IBN 422/A 4228 422/C 422/12 422/HQ 2BN 8
106 SIG ilk 422T 422/G 422/H 2
591/HQ 5
591/C '3
59 I/SV 7
592/HQ 3
424/HQ 4 592/A 2
592/C 1
592/5'V 3
424/AT 2
424/CN 3
424/SV 8
424B 424/C 424/D 424/HQ 2BN 424/E 424/F 424/G 424/H 3
1 Grand Total 327
Div/HQs & units 9
422nd 70
423rd 104
424th 63
81st Eng 33
589th FAB 9
590th FAB 9
591st FAB 15
592nd FAB 9
331 MED
Attached Mocks counted with organic mitt.
NDniAilembert referred tonelow were 106ers who do not belong to Association
422/HQ 3BN I
422/1 422/L 31
422/M 8
422 MED I
423/HQ 16 424/HQ 3BN 42PI 424/K 424/L 424/M 3
424/MED 4
423/AT 423/CN 423/SV 423/HQ 1BN 423/A 423/B 423/C 423/12 423/HQ 2BN 423/E 423/F 5
1 81st ENG/HQ 2
81 st ENG/A 81st ENG/B 81st ENG/C 81st ENGMED 10 Members 327
1 1 2 Spouses/Guests 236
Non-Mem Spouses 2
Total 570

The CUB ofthe Golden Lion 46th Annual Reunion Attendance -- Aug 27-30, 1992 e Arthur O. Sandtviet DIV/HQ
Eugene L Saucerman
Richard E. Berta
Charles L Smith
Robert F. Dasher
Fred J. Canis
Frank S. Trautman
Vollie L McCollum
Robert F. Walker
I.wtence R. Williams
Eliot W. Addable
106 MP
Robed E. York
Roy Bigger
Arthur K. Henke
Gerald P. Zimsnd
John W. URI, Jr.
106 SIG
Dean F. Childs
Peter L. DiRoroo
Stanislaw Coin
Jack A. Middleton, Ill
Russell H. Villwock 331 MED/A
James W. Wiggins
Joseph J. Gasses
Robert R. Hanna
Dr. Geo. W. Herring
Robert IT Josephs
Frank Lapato
Col. Joe Matthews Jr.
Robert E. Rott
Lex Schoonover
Walter S. Pawluk
George T. Vance
Ralph Bowles
0. Paul Mers
422/HQ IBN
Carl V. Dreishach
Michael Thome
Rev. Ewell C. Black Jr.
Francis a Donovan
Harold V. Hoffman
Delbert W. Bemingheus
Carl E. Edwards
John M. Gillespie
Joseph Massey
Fred B. Chase
Rev. Roy M. Hilliard
Dr. lobo G. Robb
Boyd A. Rutledge
Joseph T. Sanders
422/HQ 2BN
Frank E.sin Jr.
Mario L. Chace
Charley S. Henderson
Dr. Edmund C. Purdy
James E. Reynolds
Charles 1. Schroer
Oliver B. Boggs
Inns L. Chesney
Keith Ginther
Robert E. Mapes
Robert M. O'Neill
Herbed M. Shearer, Jr.
Francis I Cook
Edward W. Dorn
William F. Ivy
William D. Jenkins
William B. Jones
Lawrence W. Post
Charles F. Rieck Willis A. Smythe
Robert I. Sniwer Col. Lever. Weigel (US Ret)
422/HQ 3BN
Milton G. Haas 422/1
William C Walter
Victor W. Breite
Henry J. Raskinis
422/L Fralleig S. Ipnghant 422/M
Maynard Adolphson
Russell Holy
Alfred E Hop.
Gilbert Larson
Attilio A. Mascone
Herbert F. Meagher. Jr.


Ted J. Straub
Paul A. Tranchirs Sam E. Davis Jr Herbed Heideprtem Robert G. Hirst John C. Johnson. Jr.
Charlie (Clint) McClure
Marion (Doug) Prater
Charles Sartori
John E Sheehan
Alfred W. Shoffit
Richard D. Sparks George W. SPong Joseph C. Tarantino
Gordon B. Zicker
423/AT Joseph J. Ansel
Walter Hiltbrand
Glen N. Kennedy
John 1. Murphy Harvey L. Swartz
423/CN Ist Looney
Sherod Collins
Salvatore V. Grasso
Cletm E. Noon
John S. Siannack
Donald 11 Wiscluncier
423/HQ 1BN Kenneth V. lkyan Ltc
Charles blirsman
423/A Pete Yancrs
423/B Fontkine C. Forbes
Daniel W. Gilbert
William Lucsay
William Malone
Dale Murphy
Gordon B. Pinney
Frank roma Richard 1, Rigalli
Joseph Sears
Arthur L. Van Moorlehom


46th Annual Reunion Attendance -- Aug 27-30, 1992
423/C William E Davis
Magri. A. Holladay
Joseph B. Meson
John Rosalie
Murray A. Schwan.
Chester Wroblewski
423/D Roy Browning
Robert H. Marsh
William J. Yingst
Damon F. Young Mike Zenn
423/HQ 2BN
Lewis P. Fischer
John 0. Riels
Ralph K. Bones
Walter E. Johaimes
Howard I owenberg
Raymond E. Riosell
423/F Jack A. Sulscr Fria J. Vondedimat
423/K on Capshaw
423/G James V. Dalton
423/H Theodore Basel
Hobert k, Bennett
John Carrico
Lloyd J. Diehl
Ray A. Johnston
Michael Kurzeja
William J. Lamson
Walter A Petersen Error C. Pretty
Kenneth M. Smith
John A. Swint John W. Taylor Paul M.L. Trost
423/HQ 3BN
Jerome Eisenman
Raymond A. Hinkle
423/1 George Bloomingbing
Earl E. Coppock
Rohn R. Holden
Richard W. Peterson
Howard J. Terrio
Richard J. Liras
James H. Bricker
William B. Busier
Fred DePoyster 'mils G. (Dirciti Al Rickenbrale
423/L Robe's A. W=ising
423/M C11.10 M. Caracozza George N. Croothamel
Reuben Hay Gilhen Ilelwig
John J. Hohensiein ID. Robert E. Kline
John P. Kline
Paul Kollarich Vincent I oCurcio, Jr
Alfred P. Bianucci
Anima Costa
Lawrence oil. Coma Edward s. Jarlock
William R Kooks
Richard R. Ritchie
Ben Schiliman 424/HQ Rabin A, Burkes
David S. Emmen 11M,11 P Maloney
Ross It Smiley
424/AT C.
William Hartman
424/CN George D. Grimes 424/SV John P. man,.
John live, Jr
424/HQ 1BN Reid C Cavanaugh
Sturdy 1. Kucholick
Joseph C. Odom
424/B (Norge Call Major H. Hill I Astir J. liweariellii
Charles S. Peyser
Edward A. Prem.
Roger M. Rutland
Marshall P. %Nib Alfred I. Vitali 424/C Melvin A. M.
Robert J. Landis 424/HQ 2BN Don W. Kerateincr
424/E Benjamin B. Britton
Gillian M. Fitzgerald
John A. Gregory
424/F Edwin C. Huminski
Malcolm E. Lord
Russell J. Mayotte
Milton J. Schoher
William R. DaupEeny George (Dili Aubroy D. Morgan
Delbert G. Rediger
424/H Donald R. Armington
Nolan Ashburn Robin G. Brown Sr.
James E. Collier
Charles SE Gam
William G. Hemelt
George Murray Jr.


Lawrerwe Walden
424/HQ 3BN
Dale R. Carver
J. B. Dresselhaus
Ray A. Hines
Lawrence W. Smith
424/K Bert Caplan
John H. Johnson
William K. Rowan
Armando Velosoncz
Gibbs Bailey
Kenneth I. Coss, Sr
Donald V. Herndon
Charles Mamula Dare Todd 11
46th Annual Reunion Attendance -- Aug 27-30, 1992
Q Howard O. Bagby
Man J. Baum. Jr.
Francis E. Gobelin
William C. McMurray
Sidney Pell
Charles H. Puskarich Milton Weiner
Nicholas G. Holgash
John Manfredi
81st ENG/HQ
Casimir T Prokorym
Col. Thomas J. Riggs
81st ENG/A
Andrew Chore
John P. Collins
Leland R. Fisher
Robert P. Fitzgerald
Philip A Hannon
Allen W. Kerr
John E McDevitt
Carl Messina
Roy Sheets
Buster S. Spiwak
Milton Is Wassgyen
81st ENG/13
Rev. Valentine H. Derr
Norwood A. Frye
Robert J. Hanson
Edward S. Kresminski
Marlin E. Mahlin
Edward S. Nagle
Armando A. Ricci
James E. Tetzlaff
Col Earle L Valenstein
Edward C. Wojahn
81st ENG/C
Fred A Cart
Roy Fava
Robert F. Flick
John I. Gallagher
Bert E. Hartzell
Adolph J. Maier Jr
Frank V. Sdber
James E. Wells
81st ENG/MED
Dr. Harty L Baird John Kulizow 589/A John Gate.
Donald B. Humphrey
Charles F. Jecon
John R. Schaffner
Walter M. Snyder
Marshall B. Wenslow
Harold Kuizema
Anthony J. Rend
Bernard C. Strohmier
Paul &schen
Clifford E. Kincannon
Edward L. Londe
Robed A Powell
590/A E V Creel Harry Hicks
Pete House
Edward E Young
590/MED George R. Pi.
Merrill E. Bookheimer
Carl W. Giesler
Edward A. Keahl
Ray C_ Smith
Oliver G. Williams
Joseph Gross
Robert E. Hempel
E.C. White Jr.
Kenneth Bradfield
Donald R. Creed Charles T. Dane
Wilhur D. Evens
Florian R. Frank
John W. I loward
Robert C. Ringer
Adams E. Elliott
Stanley J. Kowalski
Clarence (Pete) Isomer
Thomas J. Maw
Irvin G. Minor
Joint M. Roberts 592/SV John 0. Gilliland Glenn 0. Barthel.
Michael G. Sgrignoli ASSOCIATE Robed F. Matthews Malaria M. (Jena) Pierce
    Mrs. Viola R. Rollings Florence Skladanek Dan E. Walters PLEASE NOTE !!! In addition to the above members, there were many "Walk-ins" that did not register for the reunion. They were welcome guests and enjoyed visiting with their fellow unit members, but did not participate in the activities.
     Some were Association members and some were not. If you know of a nonmember, please invite him to join the Association. At least he can keep in touch through "The CUB."


     If you were missed in the above listing, please notify me and I will make corrections in the next CUB.... John Kline, editor) dik Scenes from the 46th annual reunion -- Pittsburgh VISTA twealdest Ift..1 NIme ed., Matte Rutland, &Wetland Reddie Prev.ths. 1st Sergeant Roger Roland demons., The bcapsixoding Ow MAJESTIC 1001..iling totard the 01,IESPC rsakitifir„--I VA,wof Finattaph from. INNESTIE 71-e AUJESTIL appro..° boarding, area.


    Scenes from the 46th annual reunion -- Pittsbur. h 424131.111dny mathe me (see Al on the coy.. d the Mar)B02 CUB, allang in Me dryer's seat of a 1.1 Jeep, [-"'.7""0:1,==='. Joseph Litvin, MD Wing on Irom the Mk We In Mum CURS r Looking out Ole eleven. Poor al. VISTA The old train Malian lo.1eltand a commun....1x (dome) on re M. The R.13411,11 CrrStillOn Frank Lap. 4221-10, one 01., donated Ors beautrIukvalnut and nosy plaVve anleIVed Optoof our mrpe pc. patch Is 14 inches Thanks Rank '"""17:=2,°,17.:=2;,t,'"al VISTA WOW. lir Oil liefeag and PaYI KOWV,11, 42.1
     Iona HolvanmeIn, Me el John An/Mon. tight OW Timers al Breaklast.W.GenYoung, Pa. President. ,lack Gilbspie Shatcvl Colima 75,0 and EdwaKILuum SO.SI 22 lit anAnVI-ank Co men 1/1- Olen Kennedy, Harvey Swartz, Joe Anul John Murphy and Waller HA..
     The CUB tithe Golden Lion 9 Scenes from the 46th annual reunion -- Pittsburgh Edward Wojahn wrens, 'Some ol these men met for the first lime in IS years Isnk Mal wonderful That, what makes reunions so much fun front Yr - Amnon. Ricci, Earl Todd. Valentine Derr. Earle Valenstein, Norword Frye. Edward Nagle back row lir Robert Hanson, Marlin Mahtin, Edwani Kreeminski, James Tellaff, Edward Wojahn Cm 11, 0.3.1InfanAY Pr Capshaw, Richard Bran, MAIGam Busier, Louis Grivetti, Rockenbrode, Fred Deposysier, C.O. James 0.ker and Domenic Biancomano 50tM1 FAB, At,' A Al ea. reunion the former members of Battery A, Milah FAB get logelher for dinner clockwise lir George Pina, El CreM, Margaret and Ha, Hdrs. special gun. Ewell Balck, k Fete House (standkkg), Ed Young and Ed This dinner has been a regular feature since Me last reunion in Columbia S. C. in me Photo submitted by Fele House.

    The CUB of the Golden Lion 23 I* Past Presidents Club Meets Photo and article submitted by Pete House, 69-70 president Eighteen past presidents of the 106th Infantry Division Association met o breakfast at the Pittsburgh 46th Annual Reunion. There are 30 past presidents register with the association, 27 responded to the invitation to meet. Invitations were mailed to all past presidents. From John Gillespie (49-50) to Michael Thome (90-91), a span of 43 years. William Smith, Jr. Robert Gilder, Robert Scranton, Robert Howell, Van Wyatt, John Fritz and Gus Agostino wrote or called to say that they could not attend this year. All indicated they like the idea of meeting each year. Agostino is recovering, favorably, from a heart attack and we learned that Jim Henning just passed away. We did not hear from Pete Frampton, Douglas Coffey and James Clark. Recent correspondence from Jim Hatch indicated that he would not be able to attend. The eighteen who attended the first past presidents club were: Seated lir; Pete House 69-70, Edward Luzzie 30-51, Ben Britton 77-78, Ted Straub 84-85, Joe Matthews 65-66, Jim Wells 52-53 and Sherod Collins 75-76.
     Standing Pr; John Gallagher 70-71, Bob Walker 76-77, Fred Chase 79-80, John Gillespie 49-50, Roger Rutland 87-88, Gene Saucerman 73-74, Ken Bradfield 80-81, Michael Theme 91-92, John Robb 88-89, John Gilliland 90-91 and Russ Villwock 81-82_
    Each gave some of the interesting things that happened during their year as president_ The breakfast meeting was chaired by Pete House. The group decided to meet each year during the 106th Infantry Division Association's annual reunion. The group has no official part in the business of the association. Roger Rutland, 87-88 president, was elected as chairman for the coming year. Scenes from the 46th annual reunion -- Pittsburgh ^ e 1 ' ' -, 24 The Offi ojthe Golden Lion New Members Alexander, Carolyn ASSOCIATE 3200 Lenox Rd, Apt B-1 II Manta, GA 30324
Alexander, Marilyn ASSOCIATE 635 East Lake Dr Decatur, GA 30030
Annable, Eliot W 423/HQ 3650 Roap Rd, New Windsor, MD 21776
    (Editors Note - Eliot I will print your nice letter next issue. I am sorry. I had this column all formatted when I discovered your letter to Sherod Collins... J. Kline)
Avery, Charles W. 423/HQ Box 280 Inlet, NY 13360
ahlinger, Marion J. 422/B 1237 So. Dahlia SL, Baton Rouge, LA 70008
     A recent note from John Kline indicated a restock of The Golden Lion: Posses in Review will be available. Enclosed is my check fora copy. Having recently become a member of the 106th Infantry Division Association, I received a recent copy of The CUR and read it enthusiastically. Now I am looking forward to further information of the men and happenings of the 106th. So much of this has been lost to me since December 16, 1944. Now that I am retired, 1 have the time to try to recollect and try to reconstruct as much as possible.
    (Editors Note - Marron, I received your letter above, dated June 28. too late for the last issue of The CUB. Welcome back to the 1061h... J. Kline)

Barnes, Ralph K. 423/E 10532 Lake Spring Way Cockeysville, MD 21030
     In joining as a LIFE MEMBER Ralph writes: Inducted on March 31, 1944; Basic Training- Camp Blanding, Florida_ Was assigned to the 106th at Camp Atterbury in August of '44. Went overseas on the Queen Elizabeth, stationed at Banbury near Oxford University. Captured along with the rest of the 423rd near Schonberg, had minor wound and frozen feet. Rode a box car 9 days to Stalag IV-B, Germany northwest of Dresden, Transferred to Stalag IV-A, Hohnstein, Germany, near Dresden in mid-Feb '45; my POW number was 312 230; liberated by the Russians, arrived at Camp Ramp, Pilsen, Czech May 19, 12 days after VE day, flew to Camp Lucky Strike and shipped home on the USS Admiral Mayo. After furlough and rehab in Miami was transferred to Ft Knox, Kentucky and discharged on 19 December exactly one year after being captured.
     1 was a draftsman, chief draftsman, project administrator, manager parts and service for F. X. Hopper Co, Glen Ann, Maryland, later Koppers Co, Inc.; retired 1983. Currently Associate Broker with Grempler Realty, Inc. Married the girl of my dreams - the girl l left behind; we are approaching our 46th Anniversary. Four children, 2 boys and 2 girls. Eldest son is an Attorney, youngest a musician-artist. Eldest daughter married to a surgeon, youngest daughter is regional rep for Nabisco. We have four grandchildren, twin boys and two girls. I love bamboo!, fixing things, sketching, portrait painting, genealogy, research and last but not least - girl watching!


New Members

Bladen, John A. 423/C 4706 Elmhirst Lane Bethesda, MD 20814-3955
    (John joined as a LIFE MEMBER. Welcome back to the 106th. After you have read through this CUB, maybe you would like to send us a little story about your experiences with the division and let us know what you have been doing all these years.... J. Kline)

Booda, Jr., Charles K. 591/HQ 306 S. Woodstock Dr, Chem Bill, NJ 08034
     Thanks to a meeting with Charles G. Laphan 592/SV, I discovered the "106th Infantry Division Association" is alive and well. May I please become a member again I was with the 106th from Fort Jackson to that great day we left France through Camp Wings in 1945.
     I was a member of the "Association" from 1946 thru 1951 and did attend our first reunion in Indianapolis through the copies of "The CUB of the Golden Lion" from that period I note I was listed as attending the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science. Forty five years are past, where they went I'll never tell you, but now I have retired after a career as Food Microbiologist with the Campbell Soup Company. I'm looking forward to being involved again with a great outfit. I thank you for your service and consideration.

Borgwardt, Loren C. ASSOCIATE 1218 Borealis Lane, Columbia Heights, MN 55421
     (Editor's Note - Margot, my wife, and I met Loren and his wife Jean at a social gathering at the Volksfest Haus, St Paul, Minnesota. The Volksfest Haus is a grand old three story building sitting high atop the bluff, overlooking downtown St. Paul, Minnesota. It was donated to the Volksfest Association some 40 years ago by the one of the former lumber barons. It is a magnificent setting for a social gathering. It is home to the Volksfest Association, a group of people, some 3,000 strong, that have German Heritage. Since my wife is German the Volksfest Association attracted our attention a couple of years ago, so we visited the Volksfest Haus. Usually there is good food when there Is a German in the kitchen, at least when you are not on "Stalag Rations," We were right, the food is fantastic, the company is enjoyable and my wife gets to practice her German once in a while. We became members of the Association.
     We were fortunate to meet Loren and Jean one night and have had many enjoyable evenings with them at the Volksfest Haus,
     Loren is a good conversationalist, he knows how to get you to talk. Over a period of a few evenings I have shared with him most all of my war stories. He has had great interest in my stories of the 106th, in The CUB magazine and owns and has read The CUB PASSES in Review. Loren is an ex-Navy man. He was a Line-Officer (U. Jr. Grade)on the U.S.S. Los Angeles during the Korean Conflict, serving as her electrical officer. He retired as a Cap after serving 26.5 years of active and res duty. He recently kept me spell-bound for an evening describing the ins and outs of the cruiser Los Angeles. I wish I could relate everything he told me, but it would take up several page. The Los Angeles was one of the 10 "Heavy Cruisers - Baltimore-Class" 17,200 Tons, 673 feet in length and 70 feet wide. Most of the Baltimore-Class were equipped with nine 8 inch guns, 12-5 inch guns, 48-40 mm guns, some were quad mounts and 23-20mm guns. Four General Electric geared turbines, driven by four Babcock-Wilcox 600 pound steam boilers drove four propeller shafts to give the Los Angeles flank speeds of over 33 knots. Later she was retrofitted with more modern radar and ordnance. When Loren went on his first nine months tour to the Korean waters, The Los Angeles was equipped exactly as she was when moth-balled after WWII. Those large Navy vessels are something to behold. I still think of the battleship, the U.S.S. Mobile, berthed at Mobile, Alabama, Many of us spent a day aboard her during the 1987 Reunion at Mobile. While a cruiser firing missions off the coast of Korea is a long way from Belgium and the


New Members

Bulge, Loren has shown so much interest in the 106th that I convinced him to join as an Associate member.
Welcome aboard Captain Borgwardt.... J. Kline)

Carpenter, Edgar R. 81st ENG/I3 13615iTi.oC,,,h13,16I'g

Chitwood, Jack R. 422/HQ 2BN 115 Seventh St., Suite 209 Rockford. IL 61104-1206

Clark, Jr., Herbert F. 423/K 15834 Nicklaus Ln., Sun City, AZ 85351
     After being liberated and returning home I married. We have four children Patricia, Tavesa, Robert and Anne. Spent career in book manufacturing and became its V.P. with R.R. Donnelley & Sons, largest book manufacturer in the world. Retired early on March 1, 1981.
     My interests include serious photography (including processing and printing), travel, reading, golf and community activities.
     Three of our children are married and have 6 giratest grandchildren ages 21; 17; 15; 7; 5 and 2. (Editor's Note - Herb, I s. that Gil Helwig has answered your inquiry as to whether Bill Tipton, 423/HQ 3Bn belonged to the Association. I don't see him on my roster, maybe some person out there knows of his whereabouts.... J. Kline)

Coble, Ralph M. 422/A 3 Spruce Rd., Marysville, IA 17053
     I will be unable to attend the Pitts- burgh Reunion because I teach all day at Harrisburg College. I'm Professor of Engineering subjects. I talked to Joe Maloney your Pittsburgh Reunion Chairman.
     Attached to his short note :I was assigned to the 106th December 1944. The first week was assigned to the 422 Regt with Captain St. John, Co. A. But I was delayed eight days because of an injury. An artillery fragment hit my lower lip. Arrived on front-line but 422 and 423 were "on-line" and had no need of a single replacement, therefore I was assigned to the reserve group of the 424th. When the Germans attacked our group was shelled and we had an exchange of small arms fire, but we fought back and moved to a better position. Met some armored people (7th or 9th Armored) We established a defense perimeter (later called a goose-egg). Later a truck-load of young infantrymen were sent to Mete as a token for Patton to bring help to the Bulge. Was assigned to Pat-ton's 26th Infantry Division, "A" Company, 328th Infantry Regiment, January through May 1945. I was later assigned to the 83rd Infantry Division.
     After the end of the fighting I was assigned to occupational duty (505 MP Battalion) then as MP Supervisor/Desk Sgt of the 7th and 8th District of Vienna_ After returning home I served in the Reserves at Huntingdon-Boston-Syracuse, Aug 45 thru Dec '51.. Served in Korean Conflict in USA. (Editor's Note- I did not do Ralph's military summary justice in this short summary. He gave us a one page listing of his duty assignments. Very interesting and complete. If you want to leam more drop him a line. Welcome back to the 106th Ralph... a Kline)

Creel, E. V. 590/A 315 Fern CIi1TAve, Temple Terrace, FL 33617


     LIFE MEMBER Creel writes; I joined the division November 1943, 2d Lt, Natter "A" 590 FAB, South Carolina New Members training, Tennessee Maneuvers, Camp Atterbury readiness testing, the overseas. Captured 19 Dec 1944, sent to Stalag 9-B, Bad Orb, then to Oflag 13C, Hammelburg with the rest of the officers.
     Remained in the Army with RA commission received June 1046. Korea August 1950 to November 1951 with the 3rd Infantry Division then 999th FAB supporting RDK. Artillery school instructor, guided missiles, eight years at Command Staff School, general Staff, retired July 31, 1970. Back to the University for a new career as Business Manager, University of South Florida. Retired again in 1986. Now busier than ever.
    (Editors Note - E.V. it never ceases to amaze me how many of our men from the 106th re-upped and stayed In the service. H is admirable considering what we went through. We would like to hear some of what you went through with the 3rd Infantry Division. Maybe another time Thanks for your input to The CUB... J. Kline) Daniell, James W 424/HG 2BN 2W Fresh Way Fuses, F'L 32726
Darby, William A. 422/0 962 Wilkins Ave Pittsburgh, I'A 15221

Dentz, Edwin J. 423/HQ 9523
Debra Spredhn Ct Burke, VA 22015
Duda, Frank 591/SV 12 Curtis Stmn Bloomfield, NJ 07003
     Joining as a LIFE MEMBER, Frank writes as follows: Sherod, I was with the 106th when it was activated until late August '45 where we guarded German POWs in the Frankfurt area. They took all the 20 year olds and put them in the 506th QM Car Co. and shipped us to camps of embarkment to go to the Pacific Theatre of War. The Japanese surrendered and we were sent borne to be discharged. On Dec 16, 1944 at 0500 hours I was on guard duty when all hell broke loose. The sky lit up with artillery fire, the shells fell all over, then I heard rifle and machine gun fire, then the rumble of equipment a few miles away.
     I was a Tech 5th Grade truck driver with a machine gun turret in the ammo train. Our artillery needed ammunition. There were Jerry pockets everywhere, on one road an American armored car was chasing a German armored vehicle. Some days there was rifle and machine gun fire and we had to pull over and hit the ditches. A few times our Ammo Officer would pull us over and tell us who would take meg" ease something happened to him. Am Illerr dumps had no ammunition, we had to go another 20 miles to meet the Red Ball Express and take ammo off their trailers.
     After eight days in the -goose-neck we were ordered to pull out through one of the open roads into the 82nd Airborne lines. We made it and after a day or two of rest we went back to the lines and fought till late March, when we were pulled back and then went to guard German prisoners.
     I was proud of how everyone worked together to get the job done. I am proud of the 106th and I think we did our share of stopping the Germans during The Battle of the Bulge. After being discharged for a year and one-half, I fell in love and married Olga. We have two wonderful sons, Frank Jr. and Gary, After 44 years of happy marriage, my wife Olga passed away (August 1991). I miss her dearly.


New Members
    After the war I went back to driving trailers for a paper mill and later went into the mill to become a paper maker and a tour boss for 32 years. The last 16 years I worked as an equipment operator for the Town of Bloomfield and retired in 1987. That's my story and I am proud to be a Vet... Frank.
     (Editors Note - Frank, sorry I did not get your letter in time for the last CUB, but as you can see above - we made up for lost time... J. Kline) 1986.
     The children, all grown of course, have married and I have 6 grandchildren. One daughter lives out hem in Texas and the rest, one son and two daughters live in California. My emphysema keeps down the physical activity. However, Dot and I do a lot of traveling and later this month we arc going back cast to visit. We'll drop by in Chattanooga and visit with Ben Tingel and later over to Linville Falls, NC to stay with Jim Williams and his family. They arc also HHC, 3d Bn, 422nd Inf. If you need their addresses let me know. Thanks for the opportunity to write.
    (Editors Note - Neil, that's an interesting story. Binge) and Williams neither belong to the Association. Why don't you convince them to join the rest of as (1,650 members)? ... J. Kline)

Francisco, William A. 424/HQ Rt4, Box I50-0 Centerville, TN 37033
(Editor's Note - Sorry William, your July 1 letter arrived too late to make the last CUB... J. Kline)
    I would like to become a member. I would like a copy of the CUB Passes in Review. Presently I am a member of the Tennessee Defense Force while attending their annual traing I had an opportunity to overhear an officer describing his war experiences, crossing the channel to land in LeHavre, and then being assigned to the 106th and later to the 28th. to be assigned to the 2nd Division at Camp Swift, then to Fort Lewis. I went to the 23rd Regiment, he went to the 38th Regiment. We were discharged at Fort Lewis. He joined the 30th Armored in Tenn. I joined the 50th Armored in New Jersey. We both retired and joined the term Defense Force.
After listening to his story I told him I had the same experience and he gave me

Farrell, Neil K. 422/H0 2BN 1504 I lelhert Si Killeen, TX 71,541
    I was a gunner and Asst. Squad Leader in the Anti-Tank section of HHC. 3d Be, 422 Id and remained such until I was wounded and captured on 19 Dec 1944, my 22nd birthday. I was incarcerated in Stalag 12-A Limburg, Stalag 4-B Mithlberg, 3- t Furstenberg and Stalag 3-A Luckenwalde.

     as liberated by the Russians and took off with them, catching up with the Americans just prior to the end of the war. Returned home and after receiving some promotions I re-enlisted in the fall of 1945 as a First Sergeant and remained in for a few years. I married my high school sweetheart. Served in many stations in the States and Overseas. was commissioned a 2d Lt in 1952 when the Korean War broke out. I again served in many stations in the U.S. and Germany as well as the Far East. I finally retired after 23 years of service as a Major.
     At that time 1 had four children, two who were in college and needed money. Fortunately I was hired back as a DAC (Dept of Army Civilian) working as Chief of Plans section here at Fort Hood. It was work I had done before so all I did was change clothes. I continued in that position for the nest 21 years finally retiring in re the

CUB of the Golden Lion

    New Members a couple of copies of old CUBs which started a lot of memories. My friend's name was George W. Horne, Jr. I believe he was 424/HQ 2Bn, but I am not sure. Please send the book.
     (Editor's Note - William - George Horne is a current member. His address is 2876 Duplex Rd., Spring Hill, TN 37174. He was in the 806th Ordnance Co. I bet he would like to hear from you. For his sake I will list your telephone number, 615-729-5325. Thanks for all the information... J. Kline)

Fredericks, William S. 424/HQ 1BN 52 Stagecoach Rd Freehold, NI 07728
    Married to Lillian Bryan Fredericks for 44 years, 5 children, 4 grandchildren, with another on the way. Retired from the Engineering Dept of the New Jersey Turnpike Authority.

Grantham, Gordon 423/M 1413 Milestone Dr. Silver Spring, MD 20904
     1 recently teamed of the 106th Infantry Division Association. I am a veteran of 423/M. I was a prisoner at Stalag 4-B, Bad Orb. (Editor's Note - Welcome back to 423/M Gordon. I also was a member of that unit. Further down this column you will find bye more 423/M men as new members, Lt Austin Sellery and Eugene Schmanskt both were in the 81mm, Third Platoon 423/M... J. Kline)

Gregory, John D. ASSOCIATE 1106 Woodmont Cr, Franklin, KY 42134

Grisso, Paul B. 422/G 226 Harbor Be t.usby, FAD 20657-2714
     Born and raised in Washington, D.C. on 12 Dec 23, I was inducted into the Army for one month with a Corps Signal Company and then sent to ASTP (Array Specialized Traing Program) unit at Auburn, Alabama to become a graduate engineer in a two year accelerated program. After six months that program was canceled and I was sent to the 106th, going overseas with them, being captured. After an extended trip, walking and riding boxcars I arrived in Stalag 4-B, Mnhlberg, Germany. I worked in a factory as an assistant to a lathe operator. After the factory was bombed out 1 worked on a road-gang where I collapsed after several days of work. I was sent to a hospital in a small town named Bad Lausig, from which I was liberated by Patton's forces. I was flown to a tent city in Western France and learned of the war's end as I was on die way home on a Navy ship.
    I used the GI Bill for four years of college and worked for the Federal Ge, emment for 30 years, and as a contra for five years. I am now retired with two daughters in graduate school and a younger wife still working as an architect.

Hall, Walter A. 422IHQ lies 2372
     Big Bear City, CA 92314 Sherod, as directed by Pete House, I enclose a check for membership and a copy of The CUB Passes in Review. I was in HQ Company from about February.. 1944 until August 1944 when 1 went overseas as a replacement. There I joined the 35th Division and saw combat as a rifleman until March 28, 1945. Sorry 1 could not attend the reunion_ The earthquake we had this year on June 28th made that impossible.


New Members

Charles Haug "B" Co., 112th Reg, 28th Div.
613 Second Ave SW, Sleepy Eye, MN 56085
     (Editor's Note - Charles joins as an Associate Member. I have to preface Haug's resume with the remark - LISTEN UP YOU 424TH GUYS - THIS SOLDIER LOVES YOU.
    He says YOU SAVED HIS LIFEIII Haug has furnished me with pages of information, a VHS tape and a diary. A banker in Sleepy Eye for48 years, he has fantastic recall on his roped- ences during the war. He also has a great collection of German war memorabilia. A synopsis of his story follows. I received a call from Charles' son who is in the banking business in Burnsville, MN the a town about five miles west of me. His father, Charles, had been talking to the Star Tribune (Minneapolis) writer. Cheek Haga, who wrote a story about me a couple of years ago. He told Charles to contact me far I had many stories of The Bulge that I could share. This started a series of phone calls and letters between us. Charles, hope to met you ttonally one of these days. Welcome to the h ... J. Kline)

    Dear John, Thank you for sending me a copy of your book "THE SERVICE DIARY". I have read every word of it and must confess there were many times I had tears in my eyes.
    As you know, my good friend and combat buddy, Frank Jordano, was captured on Xmas Eve 1944 and spent the same amount of time as a PW as you did. When the war was over and I was discharged I went straight to his home in Pittsburgh and spent a week with him before I returned to my home in Minnesota. We had been together in the states before going overseas and spent almost a year together before his capture. He told me in detail his life as a POW - Very similar to your story. Schnee Eifel ridge. Each night we would go on patrol and make contact with the Division which was located just to the north of us. I remember the night of Dec. 11, 1944 when we went on patrol and met the men from the 424th Reg. of the 106th Div. for the first time. Them was almost a half mile gap between the very north outpost of our 28th Div. and the south outpost of the 106th Div. - No wonder the Germans could walk right through us. Our foxholes and outposts mem around the town of Lutzkampen, Germany. Of the 200 men in our Co. B - 112th Regiment, there was only about 25 of us who made it back to the 82nd Airborne on Xmas Eve.- The Germans pushed through C Company on our right on Dec. 16th our Company lost contact with the rest of our division on that day and we retreated with the 424th Reg. of the 106th Division for the next 7 or 8 days. We lost over 100 men (killed and wounded) the first day & the rest during the retreat.
     A 424th Anti-Tank Crew Saved Our Lives The 25 of us who survived owe our lives to an ANTI-TANK crew that was with the 424th Reg. of the 106th Division. On Dec. 16th from 5:30 AM to noon we lost over half of our men. About 2:00 PM about 60 Germans surrendered to us and we sent them back to battalion with 2 guards. However, the Germans had pushed through C company, I 12th, on our right and they ended up recapturing the 60 Germans we had just captured as well as the 2 guards who were with them. About 5:00 PM (Dec. 16th) the second wave of Germans hit us and they were led by 5 or 6 tanks. The lead tank had a flame thrower which terrified our men. We had only rifles to defend our positions and when the tanks were about 200 yards from the out- Frank & I moved up on line with Co.


     B of the 112th Inf. Reg. - 28th Div. on November II, 1944. We were in the fur" hest north outpost of the 28th Div. on the

New Members


    positions near Lutzkampen. Our first Sgt. Ralph McGeoch, sent Frank Jordan and myself on a patrol to go up to the 5 buming German Tanks and see if we could find any of our men who were still living. As we approached the burning tanks we could smell the awful smell of burned flesh. Most of the men in the tanks were not able to get out when they were hit by your men of the 106th. We saw several of the charred bodies hanging from the turret's of the tanks. We found a few of our men who were wounded and still living. We helped them back to a building near our CP, but the next day when we retreated all of our wounded (about 50 men) were left behind and captured by the Germans. I do not know what happened to them. We had no way to bring them to the rear as our rear reserves had all been driven back or captured by the Germans.


    I am returning the CUBs as you ha y& requested. I have read both of them aW, you have done an excellent job of bringing out the battle of the Bulge. The Ardennes picture on the OCT-NOV-DEC 1991 Cub is just like being there all over again. I've made a copy of the Minneapolis Star-Tribune story that Chuck Haga wrote, "AX-POW lifts shame of Surrender,"s and Richard Peterson's "Reminiscence and Return". Both excellent stories. The two articles about Spineux, Belgium and the memorial were especially interesting to me, since I took part in the bayonet attack on the day we captured the town and took 200 German Prisoners, including 6 German Officers. I do not recall any civilians in the town he day of the battle. I spent the night with the German Doctor who was caring for the 30 Germans who had been wounded during the battle. We placed them in a barn in Spineux and had them laying on straw. A fellow by the name of Bill Gibler of Burnet, Texas also spent theme post which Frank Jordan, our 1st Sgt. and I were in, we suddenly heard an Anti-tank gun firing from our left. It knocked out all 5 tanks and the Germans coming on foot turned around and did not attack any more that evening. The next day as the Germans started their attack again we began our retreat with the 424th Reg. of the 106th Div.
     We learned a few days later that the Anti-tank crew was from the 106th Division. When the war was over, one of the men who was with us (Dr. George Knaphus, a professor at Iowa State, Ames, Iowa:) decided he wanted to find out the names of the men from the 106th Division who were assigned to this Anti-Tank Crew. After much research on his part he located one of the men - a fellow by the name of HERBERT J. NOVOTNY, 6194 Hollywood Road, Stevensville, Michigan 49127. Herbert Novotny told Dr. Knaphus the head man or leader of the Anti-Tank Crew was a man by the some of Paul Rosenthal. However, he teamed that Rosenthal was killed in a later battle, so we never did get to thank him personally.
    Since I have very strong feelings & memories of the 106th Division I wish you would accept my enclosed check for he annual membership as an Associate Member of your great division. 12 men of Company B who survived the Battle of the Bulge held their first reunion in 47 years at my home on Lake Koronis, Paynesville, MN in June of this year, and in our memories of the war we all recalled the night we were saved from the tanks by the men of the 106th Division. We all agreed we would not be alive today had it not been for these brave men of the 106th. At 9:00 PM, Dec. 16th, 1944, a few of us from B Co. 112th were still in our 111 New Members night in the barn with me. The two of us were to be the guards in case there was any trouble. The Gemrans were happy that the war was over for them. The next morning we left Spineux with the 200 prisoners and we made stretchers for the Germans to carry out their 30 wounded men. I do not recall any civilians in Spineux the day of the battle. They must have left Spineux when the Germans took the town over. In order to get the German soldiers out in the streets we had to throw hand grenades into most of the basements of the homes. The attack must have been a joint venture with the 112th Reg. and the 424th Reg, After Spineux our 112th Reg. was sent to fight in the Colmar area. We were attached to the French 1st Army and fought in 3 major battles there towards the end of January 1943 and the entire month of February 1945. Next we were transferred back inithe American 1st Army and took part in push to the Rhine in March of 1945.
Thanks again for sending me your Diary and the copies of the CUB. Hope we can niece some day.

Hoch, Henry W. DIV/ARTY Rie 2, I3ox 573 Eutawydle, SC 29048
     January 1941 I went to S.W.P., spent four and one-half months on Guadalcanal, then came back to the States to go to Coast Artillery Officers Candidate School. After 20 weeks I washed out, contracting malaria. I was sent to Fort Jackson and joined the 106th in September 1943. I stayed with them until April 1945 when I contacted pneumonia and was sent back to the States.
     I was discharged Sept 25, 1945 at lndiantown Gap, PA. Enclosed find my membership fee and money for a copy of The CUB Passes in Review.

Holgash, Nicholas G. 424/MED 286 Upper Powell St., Old Forge, PA 18518

James, William H. 423/H 653 N. Ault St. Moberly, MO 65270

Jansen, Jr., Herman A. 591/B 31 Natalie Rd Bedford, OH 44146
     My wife, Mary Jo, and I celebrated our 50th anniversary May 21st 1992. We have two children, James and his wife Laura from Virginia Beach, VA and daughter Virginia Ojala and her husband Carl from Brighton, MI. We have four grandchildren. I will be 75 years of age on October 23rd. (Happy Birthday Herman. as 1 type this on October 30..1 Kline. editor)
    Retired from Lear Siegler Inc, leading aircraft power equipment manufacturer in 1984. Worked them 44 years. I was prime organizer of yearly reunion of 591 FAB Buy B. We've had a reunion every year starting in 1948. 1am proud to have served in the 106th with my fine buddies. I joined the division at Camp Atterbury after being a radar search light chief of section in the 223rd Coast Artillery until it was disbanded. I was a forward observer in the field artillery.

KRAFT, Christian ASSOCIATE 70 Rue des Collins 4052 Bwofruys, BELGIUM
    John I have just received the book The CUB ci f the Golden Lion: Passes in Review and have started mating it This book is literally a gold-mine of information for

The CUBA/the Golden Lion


New Members

    someone interested in The Battle of the Bulge, like me. Therefore I take this opportunity to become an Associate Member of the 106th Infantry Division Association. Please find my application enclosed.
     If you or your friends of the 106th Inf Div ever come to Belgium I would be interested in a meeting. Me and my friends of CRIBA are at the disposal of members of your Association to help them revisit the old battle grounds and sites.
     We wish that the good relations between your Association and CRIBA continue in the future. We will shall never forget that our freedom was got by the GIs in Belgium more than 45 years ago. A friend of mine is also interested in a copy of your book. Could you please send me another copy. I enclose money to cover the cost of the book and postage.
    (Editors Note - Christian, the men of the 106th are proud to have the friendship of the people of Belgium and in particular of the men of CRIBA. I ask that you pass along our greeting to all of them. I see by my notes that we were out of stock on the book, than did send you an extra copy in August when the new supply was received. Vivant les Beiges... John Kline)

Leber, Charles P. 422/A 53 Rossmore Ave Ft Thomas, KY 41075

    Lawler, Loy D. 423/E Box 1118, Mt Pleasant, TX 75455 LIFE MEMBER Lawler writes; I am an Optometrist living with my wife, Betty, We have a 41 year old son, Harry, and a 37 year old daughter Mercy. I was captured near Schonberg ending up at Stalag 4-B, Malberg then sent to Kommando (work camp) 4-D-2 (I think), maybe near Annaberg. We were in this camp with 400 S Russians. We worked in a factory, in a near by town, making coal briquettes. 1 would like to be sure where this camp was, and where the old theatre building was that was used as a Lazarette (hospital), which was also in a nearby town.
    (Editors Note - Loy, maybe some reader will see this and give you an answer. I understand that Stalag 4-B had numerous work Kommandos (camps) in the area around it, probably as far out as 50 miles. There were probably other 106ers with you who will remember._ J. Kline)

Lucas, William H. 422/CN 138 Lake Ave Boonton, NJ 07005

Mason, Stanley 422/C 619 Windward Dr. Forked River, NJ 08731
    Served January 1944 to March 1946. Trained at Camp Atterbury, was in Normandy, Central Europe, Ardennes, Northern France and Rhineland. Retired sheet metal worker.

McKinley, Sr., Harry C. 422/HQ 3BN 10 W. Main St. Hancock, MD 21750
     LIFE MEMBER McKinley writes; Joined the division early April 1943 as a 2d LL and was assigned to the 422nd Headquarters with S-2 l&R Platoon as Asst S-2. Later for a short period to Cannon Co upon its addition to the 422d Regiment. In July 1943 was assigned as S-2 of the 3rd Bn, 422nd. Was in this unit through total division training in South Carolina, through maneuvers in Tennessee, on to Atterbury then overseas.


     Captured with the two regiments on 19 Dec 1944. 1 was in various places in New Members Germany and in trains until April, ??, 1945 when we were bombed near Nurenburg, Germany. I was placed in a temporary hospital facility until released by U.S Armored forces.
     I was in on the Patton Raid in Hammelburg in April of 1945. I was with C.O. 422nd Regiment Colonel Descheneaux and 3rd Bn CO. Lt. Col. Thompson at the surrender of the units on the hill above Schonberg, Germany, when attacking that village road junction.

Miller, Sophie ASSOCIATE 108 IL:Make Lo T203 Tampa, FL 33617

Miller, Jr., Clifford S. 331/D 502 No. 2nd Street
Halifax, PA 171132

ilkorgan, Aubrey D. 424/G 43211 Bellaire Ur. So. 229-W Fort Worth, Tx 76109
     LIFE MEMBER: (Editor's Note -Welcome back to the 106th. After you have read through this CUB, maybe you would like to send as a little story about your experiences with the division and let as know what you have been doing all these years_ J. Kline)

Moss, Melvin A. 424/C 4451 Mildral Bass Rd

Ortwine, Harold W. 592/C 44100 Sta..
Novi. Ml 49375
(Editor's Note - Welcome back to the 106th and thanks for the book order J Kline)

Patterson, Carl R. 106 SIG 4932 I'ost Oak Timber Ur., Houston, TX 77056
     WW 11 experience; Aug 1943 to. March 1946 Tech Sergeant. ASTP, Alabama Polytechnic Inst. Jan '44 to Apr '44; 106th Signal Apr '44 to Sep '44; 7th Army Headquarters, Heidelberg, Sep '45 to Feb '46. Kortaexperience; Active duty Jan '52 to Nov '52 1st Lt. 967th Armored Field Artillery bn, Ft. Sill, Oklahoma.
     Education: University of Oklahoma, BS Geology 1949; Work experience; Exxon 35 years, retired Senior VP. Family: Married 1947. two children, four grandchildren. Interests; Investments, golf, travel, amateur radio (W5VVX), offshore fishing and walking_ (Editors Note -Thanks Carl. I just couldn't resist telling you that I attended ASTP at the University of Alabama. Also I hold an Extra Class Radio license (amateur). My call letters are K9GN. I get on 2-metres once in a while but my big rig is in moth balls because I live in a town-house. I hold the American Radio Relay League CW (code) DXCC certificate no. 8 issued in 1975. (for others, the DXCC cerlifice is awarded for working over 100 countries outside the United States.) I have worked 247 countries on CW (code). 183 countries on Phone (certificate 7,244). The combination certificate (#14,576) Phone/CW shows a total of 263 countries. I hope to, someday, get back using my Drake Transmitter and Receiver. I guess I could hookup the receiver. but I spend most of mine time on this CUB magazine... J. Kline)

Petito, Joseph A. 591/B 89-05 70th Rood Foncia Hills, N.Y.
     (Editor's Note - Surly your July application arrived to late for the August CUB. Welcome back to the 106th... J. Kline)

The CUB of the Golden Lion


New Members

Pens, John W. 42411
     357 - 9 Street RM-440 Brooklyn, NY 11215 LIFE MEMBER Pens writes; Well, I am 68 years of age. I was in the Army 11 years and fought in Korea. I have six Bronze Stars for Korea. I have two Bronze Stars and Two Combat Infantry Badges. I have four Presidential Unit Citation Badges. I think that is about all I can say. I also have the Prisoner of War Medal. I live alone and do not have a family.

Petit, Joseph A. 591/B 89-05 7001 Rd Forest Bills, NY 11375

Pozorski, Dorothea M. ASSOCIATE 11Tpidgi7SdD 13l1
     I am the widow of Stanley, Battery "A," 591st Field Artillery Battalion. He was taken prisoner in the Bulge. 1 would like to correspond with any person who knew him.
    (Editors Note - Dorthea, I hope the list of 591st members helped you locate some person who knew Stanley. We wish you Good Luck and Good Health_ J. Kline)

Prettier, Edward 422/MED 822 Moore St Woodmen, NY 11598

Rao, Charles T. 424/SV 2302 Bryan Park Ave, Richmond, VA 23228
    (Charles joined as a LIFE MEMBER; Welcome back to the 106th. After you have read through this CUB, maybe you would like to send us a Idle story about your experiences with the division and let us know what you have been doing all these years.... J. Kline)

Robinson, Wesley E. 422/C PO Box 257 Upland, IN 46989
     I am 66 years of age, having been born Sept 6, 1925, at Bancroft, Michigan, I am an ordained United Methodist Minister (retired). Also have been employed in other professions. I have two degrees in Philosophy and Journalism, the other in Theology. I was in politics for a number of years. I served as Asst. Secretary of State of Michigan during Governor Mennen Williams term, under Sec. of State, James M. Hare. Spent ministral career in Louisville Annual Conference of my denomination.
     Graduating from Taylor University in 1950 I married a Kentuckian in 1951. Lived in Louisville from 1969-1986. Currently I are on the faculty here at Taylor University and served as Voluntary Historian. I lecture before Historical Society on occasion. I am a history writer for "The Taylor Magazine- which goes to 64 countries of the world.


    Took Basic Training at Camp Blanding, Florida joining the 106th in April of 1944. I was with 422/C until Jul '44 when I was shipped as a replacement, but was in fact assigned to the 89th Infantry Division. Was there July and August '44, had a chance to return to the 106th and was assigned to 424/C, going overseas with them. I was severely wounded January 18 in the attack on ENNAL. I was a charter member of the Association attending the 1947 Reunion in Indianapolis. The last Reunion I attended was in 1979. I am so glad that Gil Helwig contacted me and got me back into the association. (Editors Note - Didn't see your name on the Pittsburgh Reunion list, hope you make it to Fort Jackson (Columbia) in 1993_ J. Kline)

New Members

we all have "cooperatively" discovered 49 former 423/M men. (4 have died since.)

    Welcome back Lt. Sellery Sgt John Kline, 2nd squad, 1st Platoon) Lt. Sellery writes; John, I have been contacted by former 423/M men, John Herman and Ernest Simon, then received a very complete mailing from you. I couldn't believe that you would have a picture of M Company which you generously enclosed. I was also pleased to receive thee copies of recent editions of The CUB, which brought back many memories as I read them.
     Memories about the events that preceded our capture on 19 Dec 1944 are rather vague. I recall receiving orders to pull off the line and proceed towards Schonberg on 18 Dec. When night came we were on a wooded knoll and were told to dig our mortars in. Tree roots and frozen ground made this impossible. Throughout the night we could hear Germans around us.
     I was amazed at how casual they were in making their presence known. We were told the plan was to jump off at 0900 hours. This was impossible against the Germans overwhelming fire power, Captain Hardy was killed and Lt. Weigers was seriously. injured within yards of me. It looked certain that we would all be killed and all that was left was for us to fight until we ran out of ammunition. Our remaining senior officer surrender as to the Germans about 4:00 p.m. that afternoon (19 Dee). This act was a jolt to my emotions as it was an unanticipated and so inconsistent with the act of fighting and dying. I feel, even today, that it is a miracle that I am alive and came out uninjured. As we all know, many others were not that fortunate.
Upon my release as a POW I was able to visit Captain Weigers in a Paris hospital.

Ruth, Clarence J. 424/8 383 Holly Dr., Layation, PA 19055
     Would like to get some decals for my Van (Lion head patches) (Editors Note -There are no decals available. There are some shoulder patches and a large patch that could to on either a jacket or on the left breast coat pocket of a blazer. Boyd Rutledge, Adjutant handles those item. See Inside front cover for his address.... J. Kline)

Schmanski, Eugene J. 423/M 331 No. lure SI
Alpena, Ml 49707
     I was inducted March 1943, from Detroit to Fort Custer, sent to Fort Jackson, South Carolina to join 423/M Heavy Weapons Company- 81 mm Mortars. I was there approximately eight months then sent out as a replacement to North Africa.
     I covered most of North Africa, Casablanca, Algiers, Oran, Tunis, Constantine I was a friend of John Hurman, Al Jagodzinski "Jago", and John Newkirk at Fort Jackson.
     I was discharged March 6, 1946 from Fort Sheridan, Illinois. My new MO was Military Policeman "677.- We live in a small city in Michigan, 100 miles from the Upper Peninsula. I am enjoying my retirement, just last month my wife and I met John Harman, Jago, Tex Tyler and their wives in Las Vegas. A sort of reunion after 47 years - We had a great time.

Sellery, Austin R. 423/M 1923 Lasses Ave
Claremont, CA 91711
    (Editors Note - Lt. Austin Sellery was a section leader in the 81mm Mortar Platoon of "M" Company. It is my pleasure, since I am from 423/M to welcome him along with Eugene Schmanski, above and Gordon Grantham, earlier in this column, in joining with the other .4r association members of 423/M. Since 1987

The CUB of the Golden Lion


New Members

I was pleased to see he still had a "jaunty air" about him.
     I returned to the States and reentered UCLA for my final degrees and credentials to become a teacher and eventually a school superintendent. I have four children and a wife who is a Professor of Humanities at Harvy Mudd College, Claremont.
     Thank you for your efforts to welcome me back to the 106th. I leak forward to a continuing relationship. Wisconsin in August of '43. Our unit remained there until we passed our eighteenth birthday. In December of that year we were sent to Fort Sheridan, Illinois reception center. In a few days we entrained to Fort Denning, Georgia. Them we received our Basic Training. During that time we were told that the Reserve Program had been dis-banded. We went to various outfits. I, along with many others were sent to Camp Atterbury, Indiana to join the 106th Infantry Division who were training for overseas shipment.

Shanahan, James F. 424/C 60-53 59th Dr. Maspeth, NY 11378
Smith, Bernard A. 589/A 532 MacBeth Dr Pittsburgh, PA 15235

Spano, Eileen J. ASSOCIATE 4009 Silver Lake Rd St. Anthony, MN 55421

Spiwak, Buster S. 81st ENG/A 26417 Weston Rd Los Altos Hills, CA 94022

Stewart, Douglas L. 81st ENG/HQ 51775 Rebun Rd, Bay MillCnC, AL 36507

Tenbrink, Rev. Samuel 424/H 717 Andover Si S E. Grand Rapids, MI 49548
     I enlisted in the Army Reserve following graduation from Muskegon, Michigan High in '43.1 was in a Specialized Reserve Program and was sent to University of I stayed with the division until May or June when we submitted to a preliminary POE physical. I flunked out. As a result 1 was put on limited service and assigned to the station complement at Wakeman General Hospital, Camp Atterbury. The division shipped out and I remained at Atterbury until my discharge in 1946.
     I enrolled in Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan in the fall of 1946 study for gospel ministry. I graduated from college in 1945 and from the seminary in 1953. I was ordained that same year. In June of 1950 my college classmate and I, Mary Ann Hamew, were married. This year we celebrated our 42nd anniversary. We served the Christian Reformed Churches in Michigan, South Dakota, new Jersey, Indiana and Minnesota. We retired in 1990.
     The Lord blessed us with four children, three boys and a girl. All are married and have made us grandparents nine times, with more on the way. Two live in Grand Rapids, one in Terre Haute, Indiana and one in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. I would like to hear from others who might have been at the University of Wisconsin in 1943. Next year will be 50 years since we were there. maybe we can all


New Members

arrange a reunion.

Greetings to one and all.

Vandergrfft, Kenneth W. 331 MED/I3 1141 Gibbsboro Rd Kirkwood, Voorhees, NJ 08043
     I was drafted in March 1943 from Kirkwood, where I was born, at the age of 18 years two months and still live there. Last year while visiting our grandson in College I had the wonderful opportunity to find two of my war buddies in Kinsport and Chattanooga, Tennessee. It was great - one was my assistant ambulance driver and the other my litter bearer (captured), Ross Mayes and Paul McDaniels.
     I came out of the service Nov 1945, married in 1948 and have four wonderful children, 3 boys and a girl, five grandchildren and one great grandchild. I worked as printing pressman before the war and tamed to that trade, working myself up to Plant Foreman, retiring in 1986, after 44 years with W.B. Saunders, Medical Book Publishers (Phila., Cherry Hill, N.J.)
I am looking forward to being a part of the 106th Infantry Division Association.

Weising, Robert A. 423/L 147 Fairview Ave Pittsburgh, PA 15220

Wheatley, Austin 422/L 6133 N. Kenmore Ave # 314 Chicago, IL 60660
     I was hit in the left arm on the first day of the Bulge, 16 Dec 1944. Got to our first aid station that evening and was captured by the Germans at this first aid station on 18 Dec 1944. After about a week of travel on buses and trains I arrived at Stalag 11-B near Fall ingbostle, Germany on Christmas Day 25 Dec 1944. I was confined mostly in the "hospital section" of Stalag II-B until Mid April 1945 when a large group of prisoners were put "on the march" to another camp. After a week of marching I escaped by "staying put" under a shade tree out of sight when the order to re-group came to continue the march. Not much of an accomplishment on my part - they just did not know how many men were in the column. I survived a couple of nights in a barn on a farm controlled by Germans but operated by Polish workers, A British tank stopped at this farm looking for eggs to cook. I came out of hiding and was taken to the British Headquarters near Celle. Germany and was FREE on my birthday 4/23/45, I returned to Camp Atterbury, Wakeman General Hospital in 1945 for repairs to ann. I spent two years in repairing the arm and nerves leading to the left hand. 1 was discharged in April 1947. 1 went back to my job in the Federal Reserve Bank in Chicago, retired as a supervisor bank examiner in 1973. Now I play golf at age 83.

Wiggins, James W. 331 MED/A 2000 Monogaliela Blvd, McKeesport, PA 15132


    I joined the 331st, "A-- Company Med group at Camp Myles Standish to serve with that unit until the rebuilding of the division at Rennes, France. I was transferred to the reconstituted Company B, 331st for duty until the end of the war. I returned to the States in December with the Division, then on to my hometown in McKeesport, Pa, In 1964I began employment with the Federal Government as a civilian librarian at the U.S. Army Pius-burgh Air Defense Headquarters near the Greater Pittsburgh Airport and with the New Members Department of Energy Research Center, South of Pittsburgh. I retired in 1989,

Winched, Bruce E. 106 SIG 12518 Seottltd Freeland, MI 48523
     I am married to my wife Jean. We have seven children, thirteen grandchildren and three great grandchildren. I spent a year at Fort Jackson in Basic Training with the Message Center section of the 106th Signal Company. I also went to Radio School at Fort Jackson. Went on Tennessee maneuvers, then was transferred to the 83rd Signal as a Radio Operator at Camp Breckenridge. Spent a short time there before shipping with them overseas. Then on to Omaha Beach, where 1 was injured, in June. We earned five battle stars from Omaha to the Elbe River where we ended up being the closest division to Berlin. I came home on the point system with "75" and left Marseilles in the Med instead of Antwerp because of a dock strike in New York.
     Went back to work as a chemist with Dow Chemical, then on to college, then to electrical school under the 01 Bill. I was an electrician for 40 years. Working mostly around Saginaw, Michigan, but did some traveling when work was short. Spent four years on the Alaskan pipeline. Retired in 1986 at age 62 and now spend six months of the year in Florida. I am in the Palmetto, Florida phone book. If any you guys come down that way, look me up. Nat Petty, for those who may know him, y old buddy from High Point, N.C. passed away this last year
    (Editor's Note -James McDonough and Don Wilcox that you mention in your letter do not belong to the association. Maybe some body knows them... J. Kline)

Wood, Robert M. 423/I 6950 W. Ratliff Rd Bloomington, IN 47404
     I was in the Army in December 1942. Went to Camp Phillips, Kansas for Basic with the 94th Division. Later I qualified for pilots training and was sent to Miami Beach, Florida, then to an airbase near Columbus, Ohio. I did not finish pilot training because the demand for pilots was low. Because the 94th was already overseas I was transferred to the 106th at Camp Atterbury. Captured during the Bulge. Discharged December 1945 at Camp Atterbury. I have been married for 45 years. We have four children, a son who is in business at nearby Martinsville, Indiana and is a Lt. Col in the Indiana National Guard. Also three daughters, two who are registered nurses and one is a school teacher. We have six grandchildren.
     I retired five years ago after world for General Motors for many years. We enjoy traveling and journeyed to Greece in 1979, Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium and Austria in 1985 to visit one of our daughters whose husband was promoted to Lt Col. Our youngest grandchild was born in Germany. We did visit Schonberg, Germany where I was captured. More recently we spent a summer in Alaska and winters in Florida and Texas.
    We live in a small city in Michigan, 100 miles from the Upper Peninsula. We live in a small city in Michigan, 100 miles from the Upper Peninsula.

Wren, Herbert UNIT UNKNOWN 2812 North.. DenMn, TX 76205


Please sign my uncle up as a member. He was in the 106th, but we don't know which unit. ?a ?it...ea.

Adams, John 422/D 208 North 11th St, Oakland, MO 21550
The Last CUB was returned marked "deceased." no other details are known.

Black, William 591/C 6 Olde Towne Rd, Cheshire, CT 06410

    Doris, his wife wrote that John Med at home on August 15, 1992. Survived by herself, two daughters, five grandchildren and two great grandchildren.

Bernard P. Carrigan 422/L 71 Engrem Ave. Rutland, VT 05701
    Edith, his wife wrote; Bernard passed away on September 11, 1992 after years of treatment and some good times, some not so good. He was proud of the 106th.

Joseph Campo 423/SV 618 SE Forge! St, Pt St. Lucky, FL 34983
    Mrs. Campo informed as of Joe's passing as of April 28, 1992. He is survived by herself, four sons and eight grandchildren.

James W. Henning 422/HQ 3Bn 900 South Pico. Mesa. AZ 05206
     Russell Vilwock writes; Jim took ill in June this year and passed away on August 17 of cancer. He will be missed by his family and many friends. I know bee will be missed by Jackie and 1, for wc were good friends. In the late 60's Jim and Clare joined the Chicago area members of the 106th at the annual December dinner commemorating December 16, 1944. They attended their first reunion in 1972, in Jacksonville, Florida. The Hennings and the Villwocks became very good friends from that time on attending most reunions as a foursome. Jim and Clam helped with the Chicago Area annual December dinner and in 1979 as one of the co-chairmen. with Bill Lucsay and myself, ran reunion in Oakbrook. Illinois. he left the Chicago area to move to Mesa, Arizona in 1987. Jim retired from Argonne Laboratories. having many years of good service. He was a member of the VFW, DAV and Es-POW organizations. He was also a Mason He was active in all those service organizations. He was President of the 106th Inf. Div. Association in 1983-84. We shall miss him very much.

Thomas Scurry 424/HQ 3Bn 222 King Charles Rd, Colurnbla, SC 29209
    Esther, his wife writes; Tom died February 25, 1992. He was retired from Life of Georgia Ins. Co. as Sales Manager. Survived by myself, son Ralph of Columbia, SC. and a sister Mary Julia Ward of Del Ray. CA.

    William F. Smith, Jr. 42341 134 Butflehead Pt, Lexington, S.C. Bill died on August 31, 1992. His wife the late Frances Childs Smith had passed away in January of 1991. He was the son of Mary Wysham Smith and the late William F. Smith, Sr. Bill was 2nd Platoon Leader in 423/M. He was discharged in 1945 as a Captain and retired as a Lt. Col. in the Army Reserves. He served overseas in Newfoundland with the 3rd Infantry before joining the 106th. He came home from the war to Standard Building and Loan Assoc.. Now Standard Savings and Loan Assoc. as a clerk, later became a loan officer, secretary, vice president and then president. He was retired president and chairman of the board. His service and accomplishments in social, military and community organizations arc lengthy and admirable. He is survived by a son William Francis Smith III of Columbia, a daughter Katherine Shapiro of Charleston, a sister Elizabeth Forbes of Ruston, MD and four grandchildren.

Stanley Totura, Jr. 422/F 275 NE Oliveway. Boca Raton, FL 33432
Stanley passed away on June 6. 1992. He is survived by his wife, three SOILS. three grandchildren and a sister.

Seasons Greetings and Good Health to all
From your 106th Infantry Division Association
The CUB The official publication 106th Infantry Division Association, Inc

1992 --1993 Association membership on 10/20/112 --1,650

President Jack A. Sober
Past-President Michael Thome
1st Vice--Pres Edward A. Prewett
2nd Vice--Pres John L. Hall
Treasurer Sherod Collins
Adjutant Boyd A. Rutledge
Historian Sherod Collins
CUB Editor John Kline
Memorials Chairman Dr. John G. Robb
Membership Chairman Gilbert Helwig
Chaplain Rev. Ewell C. Black, Jr.

     The CUB is the official quarterly publication of the Association. Membership in the Association includes subscription to the CUB.
Send editorial matter and photos to: John P. Mine--CUB Editor 33101 U. 147.33 Wa4,3111:1allcy, MN 53124-6637

Business matters, deaths, address changes to: Boyd A. Rutledge--Adjutant 10132 Goodrich Road, Blcninington, MN 55437
612.831,5559 Memorial manors and inquiries to: Dr John G. Robb 238 Devon ;31r,i,=i4e, PA 16355

     Send Membership dues, Memorial Fund contributions and Historical items to: Sherod Collins--Treasurer 448 Monroc Tra,licnntz.a4r GA 301.
The NEW Life Membership fee is payable one time only, with no annual dues thereafter.
Life Membership $75.00
Life Auxiliary $15.00
Life Associate $75.00
For those choosing to pay Annual dues, pay by July 1 each year (July I to July I term) Annual Membership $10.00
Annual Auxiliary. $ 2.00
Annual Associate $10.00
Make checks payable to "106th Infantry Division Association."

Board of Directors 1992-1993
Alphabetical by year term expires.
Roy Bigger 423/HQ ('93) 119E South A St, Ga3 CA. IN 46933
Sam E. Davis, Jr. 423/HQ ('93) 8161,0 Eola Dr, Orlando, FL 32803, 40,896.9240
Joseph P. Maloney 424/HQ ('93) 1120 WarreVne=1;), PA 15068
Edward A. Prewett 424/B ('93) 7831 Lone Tree Way. Brentwood. CA 931511, 510 64-3082
Charles F. Rieck 422/H ('93) 7216 Voss Parkway Middleton. W155562, 60.831-6110
Jack A. Sulser 423/F ('93) 917 N Ashton SL Alexandra. VA 22512
Edward E. M34-0 Young 090/A /93) Ilte 1 BON 477. Mt 331arc 'NV 23408
Douglas Brooks 424/MED ('94), 1103 CreeMide Dr.132, Memphis:. 38117-5031, 90,763,300
Norwood A. Frye 81st ENG/B pat loos aa..01m, CT 06023, 203-633.1932
Joseph Gross 591/C (94), 77112 Topaz Lak=a13[3iego. CA 9:119
John L. Hall 423/SV (84)Ani 2562 Hill, 5413ring, FL 33372, 813.385,,
Joseph Massey 422/C (.94), 205-681-1301, 12.60 1 • Box 730 Rernlap. AL 15133
Herbert F. Meagher 422/M ('94) 18228 MontanV,_;i_iZrleV,Park. IL 60642
O. Paul Merz 422/SV (94) 1311 Norfolk Cir, Indianapolis. IN 46224, 317-243-0249
Richard L. Rigatti 423/B ('94), 113 Woodshirgripttitr, PA 15215
Jerome Eisenman 423/HQ 3BN I 55) VisL4=6rtY3.7"'-'°'
Gilbert Helwig 423/M (85), 616.60.8714
2006 Ontario Ed. 355, Ni., MI 49120
Major H. Hill 424/B ('95) 3,50N Ker3;a%,4,3, i64 II. WWI
Lyman C. Maples, 422/K ('95) 608 Wilkins St, Dalton. GA 30720, 306,M-2533
Dr. Richard W. Peterson, 423/I (k5) 619-612 1213
William K. Rowan 424/K ('95) 211 Country Z14.,1431iM6e16y NC 28150
Col. Joseph Matthews 422/HQ (Mk) 4706W Ralch NC 27606

Index for: Vol. 49 No. 1, Oct, 1992

Index for This Document

106th Div., 37, 40
106th Inf. Div., 1, 4, 6, 8, 13, 14, 16, 27, 28, 29, 35, 41, 46, 48, 51, 52
106th Infantry Division Association, 8, 13, 16, 27, 28, 29, 35, 41, 48, 51, 52
106th Sig. Co., 1, 13, 49
112th Inf., 39
112th Regt., 37
1st Army, 40
26th Inf. Div., 31
28th Inf. Div., 5, 37, 39
2nd Div., 34
31st Div., 13
35th Div., 35
38th Inf., 12
38th Regt., 34
3rd Inf. Div., 33
422/K, 53
422/M, 17, 19, 44, 53
422nd Inf., 34
422nd Inf. Regt., 42, 43
422nd Regt., 43
424/A, 10, 16, 21
424/C, 10, 16, 21, 22, 43, 45, 46
424/D, 10, 16, 22
424/E, 16, 22
424/G, 16, 22, 43
424/L, 17, 23
424th AT, 37
589th FA, 16
589th FA BN, 16
590th FA BN, 16, 33
591st FA BN, 17, 41, 44
591st FAB, 17
592nd FA BN, 17
592nd FAB, 17
7th Army, 43
806th Ordnance Co., 35
80th Inf. Div., 13
81st Eng/Hq, 17, 23, 46
82nd Abn. Div., 33, 37
83rd Inf. Div., 11, 12, 31
94th Div., 49
9th Armd. Div., 31
Adams, John, 10, 51
Admiral Mayo, 28
Adolphson, Maynard, 19
Africa, 45, 46
Alexander, Carolyn, 28
Alexander, Marilyn, 28
Alexander, William G., 10
Annable, Eliot, 28
Annual Reunions, 1
Ansel, Joseph J., 20
Antwerp, 49
Ardennes, 1, 6, 7, 40, 42
Armington, Donald R., 22
Ashburn, Nolan, 22
Austria, 49
Avery, Charles W., 28
Bad Orb, 33, 35
Bagby, Howard O., 23
Bailey, Gibbs, 23
Banbury, 28
Barnes, Ralph, 28
Barnes, Ralph K., 28
Basel, Theodore, 21
Battle of the Bulge, 6, 7, 14, 33, 40, 41
Belgium, 5, 30, 40, 41, 49
Berlin, 49
Bianucci, Alfred P., 21
Bigger, Roy, 12, 18, 53
Black, Rev. Ewell C., 18, 52
Black, Rev. Ewell C., Jr., 18, 52
Black, William, 51
Bladen, John A., 29
Boggs, Oliver B., 19
Booda, Jr., Charles K., 29
Bookheimer, Merrill E., 24
Born, 35
Bowles, Ralph, 18
Bradfield, Ken, 27
Bradfield, Kenneth, 24
Breite, Victor W., 19
Bricker, James H., 21
Britton, Ben, 27
Britton, Benjamin B., 22
Brooks, Douglas, 53
Brown, Roy, 20
Browning, Roy, 20
Bush, Jim, 6
Busier, William B., 21
Camp Atterbury, 1, 4, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 28, 33, 41, 42, 46, 47, 48, 49
Camp Atterbury Memorial, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
Camp Atterbury, IN, 46
Camp Blanding, FL, 28, 45
Camp Lucky Strike, 28
Camp Myles Standish, MA, 49
Camp Phillips, KS, 49
Camp Wings, 29
Campo, Joseph, 51
Caplan, Bert, 23
Carpenter, Edgar R., 31
Carr, John, 21
Carrigan, Bernard P., 51
Carver, Dale R., 6, 23
Central Europe, 1, 42
Chase, Fred, 27
Chase, Fred B., 18
Chesney, 19
Childs, Dean F., 18
Chitwood, Jack, 31
Chitwood, Jack R., 31
Clark, James, 27
Clark, Jr., Herbert F., 31
Coble, Ralph, 31
Coble, Ralph M., 31
Coffey, Doug, 4
Coffey, Douglas, 27
Collier, James E., 22
Collins, John P., 23
Collins, Sherod, 3, 5, 20, 27, 28, 52
Command Staff, 33
Coppock, Earl E., 21
Creed, Donald R., 24
Creel, E. V., 31
Dalton, James V., 21
Darby, William A., 33
Datte, Charles & Nancy, 5
Davis, Sam, 6
Davis, Sam E., 20, 53
Davis, Sam E., Jr., 53
DeHeer, Majorie, 10
Dentz, Ed, 33
Dentz, Edwin J., 33
Derr, Valentine H., 23
Descheneaux, Col., 43
Diehl, Lloyd J., 21
Div. Band, 12
Dorn, Edward W., 19
Dresden, 28
Duda, Frank, 33
Duren, 5
Edwards, Carl E., 18
Eisenhower, John S. D., 6
Eisenman, Jerome, 21, 53
Elbe, 49
Elbe River, 49
Elliott, Adams E., 25
Ennal, 45
Farrell, Neil, 34
Farrell, Neil K., 34
Fava, Roy, 24
Fischer, Lewis P., 20
Fisher, Leland R., 23
Fitzgerald, Robert P., 23
Flick, Robert F., 24
Forbes, Elizabeth, 52
Foster, Cedric, 14
Frampton, Pete, 27
France, 29, 35, 42, 49
Francisco, William A., 34
Frank, Florian R., 24
Frankfurt, 33
Fredericks, Lillian Bryan, 35
Fredericks, William S., 35
Fritz, John, 27
Frye, Norwood A., 23, 53
Ft. Jackson, SC, 13, 29, 41, 45, 46, 49
Ft. Knox, KY, 28
Ft. Lewis, WA, 34
Ft. Sheridan, IL, 46
Ft. Sill, OK, 43
Ft. Sill, Oklahoma, 43
Furstenberg, 34
Gallagher, John, 5, 27
Gallagher, John I., 24
Gasses, Joseph J., 18
Germany, 28, 34, 35, 37, 43, 48, 49
Gibler, Bill, 40
Giesler, Carl W., 24
Gilbert, Daniel W., 20
Gilder, Robert, 27
Gillespie, John, 27
Gillespie, John M., 18
Gilliland, John, 27
Ginther, Keith, 19
Glenney, Walter S., 10
Goodman, Benny, 7
Grantham, Gordon, 35, 46
Grasso, Salvatore V., 20
Gregory, John, 5, 35
Gregory, John A., 22
Gregory, John D., 35
Grisso, Paul B., 35
Grivetti, Louis, 27
Gross, Joseph, 24, 53
Gunvalson, Russ, 6
Haas, Milton G., 19
Haga, Chuck, 40
Hall, John, 1, 4
Hall, John L., 52, 53
Hall, Walter A., 35
Hammelburg, 33, 43
Hanna, Robert R., 18
Hanson, Robert J., 23
Hardy, Capt., 45
Harman, John, 46
Hartman, William, 21
Hatch, Jim, 27
Hay, Reuben, 21
Heidelberg, 43
Helwig, Gil, 31, 45
Helwig, Gilbert, 52, 53
Hemelt, William G., 22
Henderson, Charley S., 19
Henning, James W., 51
Henning, Jim, 27
Herman, John, 45
Hick, Harry, 24
Hicks, Harry, 24
Hill, Maj. H., 22, 53
Hilliard, Roy M., 18
Hiltbrand, Walter, 20
Hinkle, Raymond A., 21
Hirst, Robert G., 20
Hoch, Henry W., 40
Hoffman, Harold V., 18
Hohnstein, Germany, 28
Holgash, Nicholas G., 23, 41
Horne, George, 35
House, Pete, 24, 27, 35
Howell, Robert, 27
Huminski, Edwin C., 22
Humphrey, Donald B., 24
Hurman, John, 46
Jagodzinski, Al, 46
James, William H., 41
Jansen, Jr., Herman A., 41
Jena, 25
Jenkins, William D., 19
Johnson, John C., 20
Jones, William B., 19
Jordan, Frank, 37, 39, 40
Jordano, Frank, 37
Keahl, Edward A., 24
Kelch, Gene, 14
Kennedy, Glen N., 20
Kerr, Allen W., 23
Kline, J., 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 37, 42, 43, 44, 45, 49
Kline, John, 4, 14, 16, 26, 28, 41, 52
Kline, John P., 21
Kline, Robert E., 21
Kline, Sgt. John, 45
Knaphus, Dr., 40
Knaphus, Dr. George, 40
Kommando, 42
Korea, 4, 30, 33, 44
Kowalski, Stanley J., 25
Kraft, Christian, 41
Kuizema, Harold, 24
Lapato, Frank, 18
Laphan, Charles G., 29
Lawler, Loy D., 42
Leber, Charles P., 42
LeHavre, 34
Levine, George, 8
Limburg, 34
Linden, 5
Litvin, Joseph, 27
Lord, Malcolm E., 22
Lucas, William, 42
Lucas, William H., 42
Luckenwalde, 34
Lucky Strike, 28
Lucsay, Bill, 51
Lucsay, William, 20
Lutzkampen, 37, 39
Lutzkampen, Germany, 37
Luxembourg, 49
Luzzie, Edward, 27
MacDonald, Charles B., 6
Mahlin, Marlin E., 23
Maier, Adolph J., 24
Maloney, Joe, 1, 31
Maloney, Joseph, 3
Maloney, Joseph P., 15, 53
Mamula, Charles, 23
Manfredi, John, 23
Mapes, Robert E., 19
Maples, Lyman C., 53
Marseilles, 49
Marsh, Robert H., 20
Mascone, Attilio A., 19
Mason, Stanley, 42
Massey, Joseph, 18, 53
Matthews, Col. Joe, 18
Matthews, Col. Joseph, 53
Matthews, Joe, 27
Maw, Thomas J., 25
Mayes, Ross, 48
Mayotte, Russell, 5
McCullough, Lyle K., 10
McDaniels, Paul, 48
McKee, Dick, 8
McKinley, Sr., Harry C., 42
McMurray, William C., 23
Meagher, Herbert F., 19, 53
Memorials, 52
Merz, O. Paul, 53
Merz, Paul, 13
Messina, Carl, 5, 23
Middleton, 5, 53
Middleton, Jack A., 18
Miller, Jr., Clifford S., 43
Miller, Sophie, 43
Minor, Irvin G., 25
Moss, Melvin A., 43
Murray, George, 22
Myles Standish, 49
Newkirk, John, 46
Normandy, 42
North Africa, 45, 46
Northern France, 42
Novotny, Herbert, 40
Novotny, Herbert J., 40
Nurenburg, Germany, 43
Odom, Joseph C., 22
Oflag 13C, 33
Omaha Beach, 49
O'Neill, Robert M., 19
Ortwine, Harold, 43
Ortwine, Harold W., 43
Ostermeyer, Bernard, 12
Oxford, 28
Paris, 45
Patterson, Carl R., 43
Patterson, Robert P., 14
Patton, Gen., 6
Patton, Gen. Oliver, 6
Pawluk, Walter S., 18
Pens, John W., 44
Peterson, Richard, 6, 40
Peterson, Richard W., 21, 53
Petit, Joseph A., 44
Petito, Joseph, 43
Petito, Joseph A., 43
Peyser, Charles S., 22
Pilsen, 28
Pilsen, Czech, 28
Pinney, Gordon B., 20
Post, Lawrence W., 19
Pozorski, Dorothea M., 44
Prettier, Edward, 44
Pretty, Emor C., 5
Prewett, Ed, 1, 4
Prewett, Edward, 4
Prewett, Edward A., 52, 53
Prisoner of War, 44
Purdy, Dr. Edmund C., 19
Puskarich, Charles H., 23
Queen Elizabeth, 28
Rao, Charles T., 44
Raskinis, Henry J., 19
Red Ball, 33
Red Ball Express, 33
Rediger, Delbert G., 22
Rennes, 49
Rennes, France, 49
Reunions, 1, 2, 4
Reynolds, James E., 19
Rhine, 40
Rhineland, 1, 42
Rieck, Charles F., 19, 53
Rigatti, Richard L., 53
Riggs, Col. Thomas J., 23
Ringer, Robert C., 24
Ritchie, Richard R., 21
Robb, Dr. John G., 52
Robb, John, 27
Robinson, Wesley, 44
Robinson, Wesley E., 44
Rowan, William K., 23, 53
Ruth, Clarence J., 45
Rutland, Roger, 4, 27
Rutland, Roger M., 22
Rutledge, Boyd, 4, 45
Rutledge, Boyd A., 18, 52
Sanders, Joseph T., 18
Sartori, Charles, 20
Saucerman, Gene, 27
Schaffner, John R., 24
Schmanski, Eugene, 45, 46
Schmanski, Eugene J., 45
Schnee Eifel, 7, 37
Schonberg, 28, 42, 43, 45, 49
Schonberg, Germany, 43, 49
Schoonover, Lex, 18
Scranton, Robert, 27
Scurry, Thomas, 51
Sellery, Austin R., 46
Sellery, Lt., 45
Sellery, Lt. Austin, 35, 46
Sgrignoli, Michael G., 25
Shanahan, James, 46
Shanahan, James F., 46
Shapiro, Katherine, 52
Shoffit, Alfred W., 20
Simon, Ernest, 45
Smith, Bernard A., 46
Smith, Frances Childs, 51
Smith, Kenneth M., 21
Smith, Lawrence W., 23
Smith, Lt., 3
Smith, Mary Wysham, 51
Smith, William, 27
Smith, William F., 3, 51
Smith, William F., Jr., 3, 51
Smith, William F., Sr., 51
Smith, William Francis III, 52
Smythe, Willis A., 19
Snyder, Walter M., 24
Sober, Jack A., 52
Spano, Eileen J., 46
Spano, Robert M., 10
Sparks, Richard D., 20
Spineux, 40
Spineux, Belgium, 40
Spiwak, Buster S., 23, 46
St. John, Capt., 31
Stachel, Col. Jorg, 11, 12
Stalag 12-A, 34
Stalag 12-A LImburg, 34
Stalag 3-A, 34
Stalag 3-A Luckenwalde, 34
Stalag 4-B, 34, 35, 42
Stalag 4-B MIthlberg, 34
Stalag 9-B, 33
Stalag II-B, 48
Stalag IV-A, 28
Stalag IV-B, 28
Stewart, Douglas L., 46
Straub, Ted, 27
Straub, Ted J., 20
Strohmier, Bernard C., 24
Sulser, Jack, 4
Sulser, Jack A., 1, 53
Swart, Harvey L., 20
Swartz, Harvey L., 20
Tarantino, Joseph C., 20
Taylor, John W., 21
Tenbrink, Rev. Samuel, 46
Tennessee Maneuvers, 14, 33, 49
Terrio, Howard J., 21
Tetzlaff, James E., 24
The Battle of the Bulge, 6, 7, 33, 41
The Battle Of The Bulge, 7
The Lion's Share, 7
The Silent Snow, 6
Thome, Michael, 18, 27, 52
Thome, Mike, 1, 5, 13
Thompson, Lt. Col., 43
Tipton, Bill, 31
Totura, Stanley, 52
Totura, Stanley, Jr., 52
Trautman, Frank S., 17
Tyler, Tex, 46
USS Admiral Mayo, 28
Valenstein, Earle, 27
Vance, George, 1, 5
Vance, George T., 18
Vandergrfft, Kenneth W., 48
Vietnam, 4
Villwock, Russ, 27
Villwock, Russell, 1, 5, 10, 13
Villwock, Russell H., 18
Wakeman Gen. Hosp., 47, 48
Walker, Bob, 27
Walker, Robert F., 17
Weigers, Capt., 45
Weigers, Lt., 45
Weiner, Milton, 5, 23
Weising, Robert A., 48
Wells, James E., 24
Wells, Jim, 27
Wenslow, Marshall B., 24
Wheatley, Austin, 48
White, C., 24
White, George G., 10
Wiggins, James W., 18, 48
Williams, Oliver G., 24
Winched, Bruce E., 49
Winterspelt, 5
Wojahn, Edward, 27
Wojahn, Edward C., 24
Wood, Robert, 49
Wood, Robert M., 49
Wren, Herbert, 49
Wroblewski, Chester, 20
Wyatt, Van, 27
Yingst, William J., 20
Young, Damon F., 20
Young, Donald, 7
Zenn, Mike, 20
Zicker, Gordon B., 20