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Index for this issue of The CUB
Original Cub Document
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The Cub
Vol. 55, No. 4, Jul., 1999

President's View ...
The year is almost concluded and it has gone swiftly.
    It has been an honor and pleasure to be your first officer for this time. You must know that the tremendous tmm, 1st and 2nd VPs, treasurer, adjutant, Washington/AFR Eft liaison, and those who have functioned in these positions previously, come together to share the work and help in the decision making. This lightens the load on the chief officer considerably.
    Spexial thanks goes to Russ Villwock who has lead us through three Chicago reunions and assisted with many others. We are all looking forward to the best ever this year. Saved to last; without the CUB, John Kline's baby, your organization would have no voice. We have six main events every year. Four of those are the quarterly CUB. I f the CUB wasn't our constant reminder, the other two events, the "Dec. 16 Regional Memorial Reunions" and our Sept. National Reunions, would not be as well attended. The CUB keeps us all informed. It is the glue that holds the Association together.
John A, Swett, President 1998-1999
We must thank all of the above as well as your 106th Infantry Division Association
directors and the committee chairmen who work 'Tr Company' 423rd Infantry Regiment
10691 E Northcrest Drive
throughout the year, sometime unnoticed and rarely
Tucson, AZ 85748
thanked for their contributions. My job has been easy 520-722-6016 - jaswet@juno,corn
because of all this assistance.
    This message could be devoted completely to our recent meeting with our former German adversaries in Auw, Germany and Belgium, but I'm sure John Kline will cover this further in this issue. Instead, I'd like to tell you about an event that will occur in the future - year 2000. If you have a copy of Harry Spiller's book "From Wake Island to Berlin", you will find chapter fourteen devoted to the biography and wartime exploits of our own Kenneth M Smith, H Co,, 423rd. There you can get the complete story. For our purposes here we'll shorten it considerably, Ken and I first met at our Company H motor pool. I had been assigned there as the regular driver for Lt. Thomas 3rd platoon leader. 1 think Ken had been assigned there as some kmd of penalty, but as he was recognized as our best heavy 30 .1. machine gunner, he was soon transferred out to be put on his favorite weapon. Everyone in the Co. knew Kenny as he was known as one o f the few really unique characters in the organization. We were on very different detached duties in England so had no contact there. We didn't see each other often in Belgium as I was with the mortars and he wasn't, We did meet again in Stalag IX-B, but after liberation Ken left Lucky Strike on 4/22/45, while f left on 4130/45.
    After our 60 day furloughs, Ken went to San Francisco to drive for an admiral, while I went to the engineer's school at Ft. Belvoir, the opposite ends of the country. We didn't see each other again until the 1989 reunion in Schaumburg when he walked up to the registration desk, at which I was sitting, 1 looked up and I nxognized him at once.
    Well to make a very long story much shorter, for more than a year now, Ken and I have been preparing ourselves to enter the History Channel "Great Race" in the year 2000, driving a 1943 Ford Jeep. The race is from coast to coast over a 14 day period. The vehicles cannot be any newer than 1950, and the maximum speed traveled is 50 MPH. Our Jeep will have H Co., 423rd markings and Ken and I have already collected the fatigues to make the whole statement authentic' We may not win (we intend to though) but we're going to have a lot of fun trying. Watch for further developments. When you sec us at the reunion, ask Ken and me about it. ^

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Surely You Remember ...
    "The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to... proclaim freedom for the captives and release of the prisoners-2" (Isaiah 51:1)
    Surely you remember.,.when we were kids we used to listen to the radio. (That's TV without a screen). We would listen to those thrilling serials which, at the end, always left the hero in an impossible situation. Seemingly, no way to escape. Episode after episode the same thing happened, But we kept listening, we just knew that somehow our hero would prevail.
    As we look back now it makes little sense. But that wasn't the point. It wasn't so much that we want to be winners, identifying with our hero tied up there on the railroad tracks. That wasn't why we kept listening. Beneath it all, and in everyone of us there was a THIRST for freedom... the craving... the longing... the scheming... the new plans and plots and counter plans and plots each week.
    FREEDOM IS A THIRST! And quest for freedom is the driving force in human life. But freedom is also a TOOL. Both freedom and the limits to freedom are tools by which we live. Laws always limit tour freedom. So do morals, religious concept, and conscience. Freedom from all restraints would be disastrous' Marriage is build on limitations to freedom. So is child rearing. So are traffic rules, civil codes, international laws. Freedom is not an end in itself' Freedom and its limitations are TOOLS! In 1988 my United Methodist denomination approved a new hymnal. In it they discuss adopting Fred Waring's version of the "Bailie Hymn ofthe Republic." This entailed changing the phrase "Let us DIE to make men free" to "Let's as LIVE to make men free." That raises the question "Is freedom for others worth dying for?"
    Actually, living for good cause is often more difficult than dying for it. But the words of that song causes to ask: "Is there anything in my life that 1 value so much that I would die for it?' I am writing this a few days before Independence Day' And I realize that we have all answered this question... in the affirmative... and long ago. Freedom is worth dying for. Though, when facing death and shedding our own lifeblood, we managed still to survive, our clear testimony was that freedom is worth dying for.
    But we have also proven, and continued prove, that freedom is worth living for, Wean: proving it still by the commitment and character of our lives. By such virtues as loyalty, faith, love, compassion, honesty... and others to numerous to mention.
    So' in that sense, we're our country's army for freedom still. There's nothing more that America could ask of anyone!
    PRAYER: All mighty God, you have given us is good and for our heritage... a land of freedom. Make us mindful of the sacrifices people have made that our country might live. Defend our liberties and fashion us into one united people' Let us never forget our part in the defense of the world's freedom's' Let us never forget all of those who fought by our side, and sometimes died in our arms. Fill our hearts with thankfulness for your goodness to us and to this country which we love. Amen ^

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Dr, Duncan Trueman, 424/AT ,
29 Overhill Lane, Warwick NY10990
Front & Center''.
422nd Infantry Regiment
Listen Up for Colonel Joe's Granddaughter
Dateline: 18 July, 1999
    Hi, my name is Kismet Matthews, my grandfather is Col' Joseph C' Matthews Ret. USA. He is a member of the 106th. Yesterday we celebrated his 92nd birthday at his house with a majority of the family around. We sang numerous patriotic songs and I saw a tear drop from his eye. It saddens me to see him but he has the most courage and determination that I have ever seen in a human being. He now resides at the V. A. Hospital in Durham North Carolina. Since he has had massive heart attacks it is difficult for him to get out much. I asked him was he ever going to be able to attend the 106th Infantry Division reunion again' ( this was once his passion) and he told me that he felt he would never be able to see these people again. I felt a pain in my heart for him that is indescribable.
    To the members of the 106th , I know that the things all you men endured together made a bond with you that will never be broken. I send to you all the love and thanks in the world. My grandfather is the man he is today because of the truth and honesty 'that this great division stood for.
    When I was a child I came to the meetings with my sister Ann and my grandfather. I will always remember the fellowship that I felt there. John Kline's website about the 106th Infantry Division website is beautiful. A real true lasting remembrance of all who fought and pulled together in the war.
    I thank you for making our world better for all generations to come. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am glad to see my grandfather live to such a ripe old age.
Please don't forget him.
Sincerely. Kismet
Mail address:
Kismet Matthews Nobles
300 S. Summit Si
Greenville, NC 27858
John Klink 423111, EdAOr
1061h hlardry Dnnuon Assooanco
entail ipkomnt cam--•Horne Pepe, http .Thwww rrrn cornet.sser,pk
John Kline, editor ,.,.
    I don't like to call this an "editorial," as a matter of fact I maybe shouldn't publish it but feel compelled to as a matter of clarification. I received a complaining letter stating that: That I had (1) not continued the 424th Infantry Regiment story, that I had promised to do in the last couple of issues' (2) That "Equal" time should be given to all units, (3) that more HISTORYshould be included in The CUB, and (4) that "Information (stories) should be taken in the order they come to me (the editor). Let me take these, well meaning suggestions in order, with a very short explanantion. (1)1 have a life to live and have not been able to find the time to transpose the 424th material 1 have into readable, useable text. (2) I do not get equal material, therefore can't print equal CUB stories. There were hardly any UNIT stones in The CUB between the late '40s until 1995. Since then: I may have missed a couple: Aug 1995, 18 pages on the 81st Engineers; May 1996, Col Kelly, 589th (personal experiences), 16 pages; Aug 96, Alan Jones, Jr,, 20 pages on

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Front & Center...
    the 423rd; May 97, 589th at Parker's Crossroads, 24 pages; Aug 97 423 l& R Platoon, 16 pages; Nov 97, Col Puett, 17 pages on the 422nd; August 98, 424th Infantry, 24 pages; May 99, 22 pages on Return to Europe. That "trip back" story, which the writer also complained about, was well r..,eived by those that do not have the opportunity to return.Up to this time the 424th have faired very well.
    (3) MORE HISTORY in The CUB; Agreed, but I am not going to repeat what several excellent authors have written about the 106th in various publications. The history you will see, for the most part, is Unit history written on a personal basis. The 424th has more "ink" coming, when I get to it.,
    (4) Write the stories and information in the order it is received. If I did this, In THIS ISSUE I would probably be covering information received back in 1993. There is no way I can use all material that is sent to me. You have to mist me to use what I think is pertinent at the time. I am a staff of one; I do not have proof readers, I do not have "copy" clerks: I just do the best I can, with what is at hand, and in shape to be readily used. I have two, maybe part of three file drawers, plus two desks, loaded with information. The only con.sulation I can give you is, when we are all gone, that this information will end up in the archives at Carlisle Barracks. I hope in the meantime to give you an "Interesting" CUB magazine.
    Please excuse the long dissertation, I could have kept it down to a couple of paragraphs, but I tend to take too much time in explaining things, In the eleven, going on twelve years I have been your editor I have learned far more than what I put into print. The CUB has been well received' I just want you to be sure I have enjoyed being your "Editor."
    Footnote: More coming up on the 424th -they deserve it, they kept the "banner" flying for the 106th Infantry Division and helped push the enemy back to their original positions,. I'm looking for more stories from other units , If you have a story, tell it.
J, Kline, editor
World War 11 Memorial, Report by Jack Sulser, Washington Liaison
    On May 20, after months of negotiated alterations in architect St, Florian's preliminary design for the World War II Memorial, the Fine Arts Commission unanimously approved the design as changed' Now it must go to the National Capital Planning Commission and then to the Department of Interior. I think the Fine Arts Commission was the major hurdle, but I have no idea how long the remaining steps may take. In any case, at last count, not quite half the funds needed had been raised or pledged Jack Subset-, Washington Liaison,. Email -sulserj I @earthlink,net

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Front & Center''.
Jack Sulser, Reunion Coordinator
    At our 1999 Reunion in Schaumburg in a few weeks we will be deciding where to hold our Reunion in 2001 and perhaps beyond. In addition to the renewed offers we have from the Hampton (Virgina) Holiday Inn Hotel and Conference Center and the Houston (Texas) Sheraton Astrodome, which were candidates for 2000, we have an attractive offer from the Fairview Park Marriott in the Washington DC area,
    Before we meet in Schaumburg we may also have received an offer from the Hotel Galt in Louisville (Kentucky), This would give us an excellent choice of sites for 2001 and succeeding years.
    These offers were obtained through the services ofArnied Forces Reunions. Inc, which managed our Reunion last year at Indianapolis. Jack Sulser
OLD CUBS, Memorabilia
    receive requests for copies of old CUBs often. I appreciate those of you that have sent me your old CUBs, some from the family of deceased members, some from current members who wish to share. If I missed any of you , please drop me a note and I will list your name in the next CUB, Louis Tarantino, 423/11Q
Storey Edwards, 423/E
Joseph Marci, 424/11Q 3BN
Joe Klevin, 423/C
Orfeo Agostinl, 81st Eng/A
Mervin Smith, 424/A
Bob Bredlinger, 423/11Q
Karl Kingsley, 591/SV
Al Siekierski, 592/C
Storey Edwards, 423/E
Mervin S. Smith, 424/A
Robert Mapes, 422/G
I am loaded with recent issues, I'm looking for CUBS from 1945 to 1985, '''''J Kline, editor
The German with the Panzerfaust (bazooka) says, to the German with the MG-48 machine gun, "Hey
Herman, who's the kid??'?" The kid with the Schmeisser machine pistole, sergeant's stripes and 106th Int
Div patch is Past-President Dick Rigatti's (423/8) grandson, John Richard Cettin,
Photo taken at the Battle of the Bulge Re-enactment, Fort lndiantown Gap, Pa January 1999,
At today's prices you are looking it least $5,000 of German weapons
plus the cost of the German "jeep" that the krauts are sitting in,

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Front & Center . .
    1998 New England sector Mini Reunion - A late Mini-Reunion report, next year KP, even if you did say I was doing a good job with the CUB,,, UR - Robert Smith' Clayton Rice, 589/B; Richard Brax, 423/K: Kachadore Berberian, 422/K; William Busier, 423/K; Robert Swanson, (unit not known); Ben Britton, 424/E; John Kelly 423/C; and Leighton Washburn, 106 MP, Not in photo, Raymond Russell, 423/E
Camp Atterbury Report
Association Rep.' 0, Paul Merz
    By the time this CUB arrives the Camp Atterbury Veteran's Park Memorial Services will have been held. They were held on August 8, 1999. That is the day the Atterbury Museum was officially open.
    It is quite nice. There is one large display case of 106th artifacts and memorabilia, there is a wall and another case that is empty, awaiting donations.
    In order to donate items to the museum you must sign a "Gift Form and Receipt." You can request the form ahead of time, or send the items and a "Gift Form and Receipt" will be mailed to you. When it is received back, then your material can be displayed.
To order a form, or to send artifacts and memorabilia write the Chief Warrant Officer in charge:
C W 3 Myles W. Claybum
Camp Atterbury, Building I
Edinburgh, IN 46124-1096
Telephone: 812-526-1103.
0. Paul Merz 423/SV ^
Since the
Donald Ruddick 423/E 5
Edward Can 423/HQ 3Bn 10
William T. Jones DIV/HQ 10
Samuel Leibowitz 424/HQ 10
Victor Vade ASSOCIATE 10
Lester Helmich 3
Lee Rossin (422/H) 10
Scott Westbrook 424/C 5
Damon Young 423/D 5
William R. Phelan 422/H 15
Phyllis M, Emmert 50
25 St Vith; 25 General
in the memory of David Emmert 422/HQ (dcsd)
NEW: 30
Current Membership 1,683 (7-22-99)

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Front & Center,,,
53rd Annual Reunion Committee just across from the hotel, and has over 400
Report - IMPORTANT !!! stores. Featuring NORDSTROMS,
and LORD & TAYLOR. The hotel has a com lim nta mi i van for those needin
Russell Villwock, Reunion Chairman Telephone (708) 452-8628
    To the members attending the 53rd Reunion in Schaumburg, Illinois September 1-5, 1999' NOTE The hotel reservation cut off is AUGUST 11, 1999. The registration cut off is AUGUST 14, 1999. Send your Hotel and Reunion Registration forms in from the MAY CUB.
    FOR LATE COMERS, OR THOSE WHO HAVE MISPLACED THE MAY CUB: Russell Villwock , Reunion Chairman will do his best to accommodate you beyond the OFFICIAL CUT-OFF DATES --ON A "IF AVAILABLE BASIS"
    CALL HIM AT (708) 452-8628. He will not be available from the morning August 13 to the morning of August 21, 1999, as he is attending a National VFW Convention in Kansas City.
    Your registration fee includes ALL sit down BREAKFASTS. The WELCOME party, which will consist of HORS D'OEUVRES, with a CASH BAR, cookies, coffee and tea, The hospitality room will have snacks and beverages. The Friday luncheons, and Saturday night BANQUET, with a CASH BAR. A farewell breakfast on Sunday. Check the program for dates and times, of all activities, This year, we will try something different There will be a VIDEO company at the reunion, that will tape interviews of your memories, of your time in the service, and of your present day life, also, awards, speeches and the Memorial Service. The tape will be about two hours long. The cost will be $31.95 including shipping and handling. There will be no obligation to purchase it, but what a memory to have for those attending, and also for those not in attendance.
All tours are optional, but I think they will round out your stay in the WINDY CITY of CHICAGO!!!
For those not going on tours, there will be shopping at WOODFIELD MALL, which is
P e rY
transportation to and from the Mall,
You can also use the hotel pools, indoor and outdoor, and a fully equipped fitness center, or just plain RELAX.
VIDEOS of the 53rd Annual Reunion will be made available from Raines Video Productions
    A professional video tape will be made of the reunion in Schaumburg, Illinois. The videographer will conduct short interviews with many veterans, talking about their experiences in WWII and their lives since. In addition, videotape will include coverage of all the major events of the reunion. The videotape is then edited with music from the 1940's, And will be available for $31,95 including postage and handling, If you have any questions, or wish to order a videotape call 1-800-654-8277. Tapes can also be ordered by mailing payment to:
Ranies Video Productions
180 Golf Club Road, Ste. 157
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
    PLEASE, Please, if you move send me a change of address. There are far too many CUBs returned because the editor did not receive a change of address, This cost the original cost of mailing plus a First Class mail charge. Your CUB already costs more than your annual dues. Figure that one out
PLEASE, PLEASE remember to notify the ADJUTANT, EDITOR or TREASURER of changes of address.
    It wouldn't hurt you snow birds to do the same' See inside front cover for addresses for the Adjutant, Treasurer and Editor, as well as others........ J Kline, editor

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Front & Center..
Above, John Roberts 592JC, with his friend from The Netherlands, Hans Wijers, who is also an Associate
member of the 106th Int Div Association, They are stanoing in front of the Goldenen Stem Hotel, Pruem'
Germany where our group stayed in May 1999, Hans and John visited the spot where John's Forward
Artillery crew were ambushed 16 December 1944, The story appeared in the CUB, November 1996. Hans
had retrieved a photo from the German Military archives and sent to me (your editor), It was a weapons
carrier that had been ambushed, with one dead American lying in the ditch behind it, Turned out that John
Roberts was in a jeep, ahead of the weapons carrier, when the ambush took them all by surprise. You can
also see theCUB story and the photo at Http://www,mm,com/user/jpk/cobe.,htm,
Hans Wijers also has it on his website at - http://home.planet.n1/--wljers/Bulge'hIrn1
Jack Gillespie- right, with Juan G, Rodrigues
both from "C" Company, 422nd Infantry,
Jack writes, "Recently visited with my "POW" partner
in Lexington KY, "Rod" is retired as the
Dean Emeritus of Entomology at the
University of Kentucky,
He and his wife, Lorraine, entertained Shirley and I
at their "Facility Center," then back at their Beacon
Hill residence, He had a lot to do with my survival on
that long march we took from Gorlitz to where I fell
sick at Duderstad, you were on that march, John)
Memorial Day 1999
Photo by John Roberts, 592/C: Fort G,G. Meade,
MD. A new VBOB Memorial was recently dedicated
there for those who fought in
The Battle of the Bulge

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Front & Center . . .
Highland Drive VAMC - January 28, 1999, Pittsburgh Area VA-POW Meeting
Sponsor: VA Social Worker, Rick Canavan VSW (not shown)
Also a Former Prisoner of War Ceremony was held at the VA Health Center on April 9, 1999,
Richard Rigatti, 423/B, read the Role Call of the Deceased,
(All Rows LJR) Front Row: Francis Stepnick, 422/E; Guy Ussia, 422/K; John Hopbell,
422/G; Pete Yanchik, 423/A; John Collins, 422/F
Middle: Howard Lowenberg, 423/E; Sam Cramer, 423/E; Joe Maloney, 424/HQ; John Kline, Guest, 423fM;
Frank Lapato, 422/HQ; Harry Koleuezez, 423/HQ; Al Yelochan, 422/HQ; Dave Peters, 422/K
Back: Chester Gregor, 99th; Robert Weising, 423/L; Mike Honkus, 422/L; Dick Rigatti, 423/B;
Walt Jonsky, 422/H; George Vance, 422/AT; John Pellish, 422/G
3rd edition - new poems
    Book of poems from World War II memories. 61 pages - $8 pad by: Dale R, Carver Poet Laureate of the 106th Infantry Division Assoc, Silver Star recipient 1945 424th Headquarters A&P Platoon Leader 742 Druid Circle Baton Rouge, LA 70808 504-767-3111

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Front & Center'''
Ur: FREEDOM FLIGHT balloons, I, Ill and II, St Cloud, Minnesota as "Home Base," but have flown in
practically every state of the Union, for the cause of the POW and MIA's.
    Dr, Jim Tuorila, POW Counselor at the St. Cloud, Minnesota VA Center, has been an ASSOCIATE member of our Association since 1988'
    In 1988 he started flying hot air balloons to raise awareness of prisoners of war and those that are still missing in action. He hasn't stopped since. First starting with FREEDOM FLIGHT I with its first flight on Veteran's Day 1989' Its appearance received an enormous amount of response because of its coverage in National Veterans publications,
    "I was just deluged with letters and phone calls saying, 'We want you. We want you.,'" "I thought this was just going to be a part time thing." Freedom Flight I prompted the purchase of Freedom Flight II. Freedom Flight I and II, with their black and white coloring, familiar silhouette of a prisoner's head and the motto, "You are not forgotten" quickly standout from the bright hues most visible at balloon rallies. The balloons evoke powerful responses -particularly from veterans.
    "They choke up. These are their brothers. They are the ones they served with," Tuorila said, In the beginning Freedom Flight initially planned to use any money not spent on the first balloon to start a scholarship fund for children of POW-MIAs. But demand for occurrences was so great that the group bought their second balloon in 1992. Last year, 1998, FREEDOM FLIGHT decided to buy a third. It cost $41,000. FREEDOM FLIGHT I, is no longer used for public flying.
    "When they thank you.'' you can't quit. I just can't let these people down. That's why we had to get the third balloon. We can't let this issue die." Tuorila said.
    To ensure the issue isn't forgotten Tuorila has spent about 10,000 hours working on it, Countless other hours have been donated by the volunteers who serve as FREEDOM FLIGHT'S pilots and crew.
    The POW-MIA issue can get more attention with FREEDOM FLIGHT' s balloons than with 100 speeches, Tuorila said. Of the 250,000 people who spot the balloons at a rally, he knows that they are moved. The balloons have been in all but a few of the States. Maybe you have seen them.
    If you would like to donate to this good cause, write a check to FREEDOM FLIGHTS, and send to Dr. James Tuorila, 1570 13th Avenue South, Saint Cloud, MN 56304-2224 ^

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Front & Center ' . .
Note: e-mail users
The editors email address:
If you are on e-mail please send me your address. My address is:
Also remember to visit our Web Site on the Internet at, John Kline, editor..,
OTHER WEB SITES about the 106TH Infantry Division:
Johnnie Beaver 423/H
A website managed by his daughter Joanie: fittp://www.eagnetcom/edipage/user/ joanie/index.htm
James West, ASSOCIATE member,
    A new web site is under construction for members of the 106th Infantry Division, It will not be considered a historically accurate site, or a site to do military research, The primary purpose of this site is for PERSONAL HISTORIES of the veterans of the 106th Infantry Division,
    It will be a place for individual members and their families to present to the world, their life histories, It may include military experiences and diaries, children and grandchildren, spouses, education, work, and most anything a person chooses. The site is not intended to compete with John Kline's 106th website, but will join with it in presenting the personal histories of those that fought with the 106th Infantry Division in World War II.,
The site address is
    Several 106th members have already submitted their information and you can see some good examples there, Several schools and libraries have linked to the site and are using the information in their history classes,
Photos are gladly accepted,
Information may be submitted by email to
U. S, Mail to
James West
4223 S. Shelby 750 W, Franklin IN 46131-9205.
    Anything submitted will be returned if so desired. Any information placed on the website, remains the property of the person submitting and that information can be modified or removed at any time if the person so desires. Information submitted will not be "proofed" for historic accuracy but will be entered as received.
    There is no charge. The creator of this new website is also the author of sites pertaining to Camp Atterbury, Atterbury AAF, Bakalar AFB, Freeman AAF (all in Indiana), Fort Oglethorpe (Georgia), General William Wallace Atterbury, the 71st Spec Ops Sqdn (Vietnam) and the US 6th Cavalry. He is a Vietnam Veteran, served in both the Army and Air Force and is a member of the Camp Atterbury Museum Association, the Atterbury/Bakalar Air Museum Association and the Freeman AAF Museum Board and is an ASSOCIATE member of the 106th la Div Association, If you previously had a story and/or photos appear in the CUB, and you wish them to appear on this site, your written permission is needed to place them in this website.
Please visit the site and let me know your thoughts. All suggestions for improvements are gladly accepted.
Jim West
    P.S. Camp Atterbury still has BRICKS for sale. See past issue of CUB for details. $35.00 per brick to be placed on the memorial Walk.. Three lines per brick - 17 characters including spaces
Camp Atterbury, Vets Memorial Assoc Mail to: NAF Accountant
Building #1 Camp Atterbury
Edinburgh, IN 46124
    This 496 page, four color laminated cover, book - for you new members - has been a best seller since 1991. OVER 2,300 SOLD

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Front & Center'.'
RE: Pleas for Photos by United Kingdom Publishers
Mr, Roni Wilkinson Design Manager
Pen & Sword Books Ltd
47 Church Street Bamsley
South Yorkshire S70 2AS
United Kingdom
Email -charles(
By John Kline, editor
    I met Mike Tolhurst, now an ASSOCIATE member, the author of an upcoming book addressed in the following message, shortly after ! became editor of The CUB in 1987. It has been so long ago I can't remember the date. He, Mike, for years has vacationed in the Ardennes area, I once received a photo of him in a foxhole, with a carbine, uniform and helmet, with a 106th patch on his left shoulder. He sent me many photos of the Ardennes over the years. There was a gap of a few years where we were out of touch, then a couple years ago we got back together - all this by regular mail, Mike is not on email.
He is a 106th supporter. I have not read his book but know that he supports the efforts of the 106th soldiers.
    This morning, 02 August 1999, I received a call from the publisher in England. The publisher needs photographs - read his plea for help below. Photos that I have used in past publications have all been sent back to the owner. Therefore I cannot be much help to the publisher.
I asked the publisher to send me the text explaining what he wants - It is as follows: (Continued next column)
    A United Kingdom publisher, Leo Cooper Pen & Sword Books Ltd, is presently producing a military history guide covering the actions fought by the 106th Infantry Division during the Battle of the Bulge.
    ST VIM is the fourth title published by them covering battles of the Second World War and is a further extension of their successful Battleground Europe series covering battlefields of the First World War (24 titles published).
    As the books allow for 130 to 160 photographs we are seeking help from Association members in supplying photographs/snap shots of the period: training; groups; in the line; POW camps etc. They will of course be returned after copying (end of September 1999).
A Brief History.
Arrival in Belgium and the 'Ghost' Front Chapter 3 THE GERMAN PLAN
Operation 'Christose'
Chapter 4 THE ATTACK
Saturday 16 December 1944
Tuesday 19 December 1944
Prisoners of War
Please send photographs to:
Mr Roni Wilkinson Design Manager
Pen & Sword Books Ltd
47 Church Street Barnsley
South Yorkshire S70 2AS
United Kingdom
If you have photos, please send them Mail as the publishing date is critical.,.,.....

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Front & Center..'
Memorial Service
Henri Chapelle Belgium
Service conducted by Jack Sulser, 432/F
    Present were 32 Veteran's from the Mal Infant, Division, their wives and friends, and many members of the C,R,I.B,A, Organ, Zation were present, including their Honor Guard, Also present were German guests from the meeting in Auw, who had bussed us to Henri-Chapelle alter a lunch at Camp Elsenborn. Belgium.,
    In this hallowed ground and in other American cemeteries very much like it in Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands lie hundreds of our former comrades who died in the largest land battle of World War II on the Western front or who died in POW camps after the battle and were reburied at these sites. Permit me to name one: my buddy Gayle Wardle of Battle Creek, Michigan, who suffered a shrapnel wound so slight he did not bother to visit the aid station if he could have found one. Later at Stalag IX-B at Bad Orb the wound became infected and, suffering from malnutrition, he died and is buried at Margraten, The young men buried in these cemeteries were the true heroes of the war, and they were, indeed, young. It has been said that the average age of our Division was something like 22 years. Wher we look now at children of the age we were then, we recognize that we were actually only boys in uniform, But we quickly became men when the fighting started. These young men never returned home to their families, not even to be buried in a family grave. They never were able to complete their education to become doctors, lawyers, engineers, clergymen, teachers, farmers, union leaders, businessmen, writers, government officials or whatever' They never had the chance to stars their own families or watch their children grow up and present them with grandchildren. They never had the chance to join our Association and look forward eagerly to receiving The Cub every three months or to revisit Columbia and Fon Jackson in 1993 or Indianapolis and Camp Atterbury last year. They never had the chance to grow old as we who were luckier have grown old. Instead, they remained here, far from home but not far from where they fought and died, as a permanent reminder of why we came here to help liberate occupied Europe and to free Germany from the
    Memorial Chapel, Henri Chapelle Cemetery, Belgium, May 1999 Left John Kline with Jack Sulser. Sulser had just read his moving Memorial, which appears on this page, The group then proceeded t to the floor of the cemetery to place wreaths at the foot of the "Anger pole, in honor of
the 128 106th soldiers still buried here'
    yoke of the Nazi Regime. Their graves are honored regularly by our Belgian, Dutch and Luxembourg friends, who have never forgotten what these young men helped achieve. We have made this journey to demonstrate that we, too, have not forgotten our days together more than fifty years ago. For the first time since World War 11, we and our NATO allies are fighting on European soil, fighting the horrors of ethnic cleansing in Kosovo and hate-induced, unwanted movements of huge numbers of innocent people. These are not new problems, as the world saw in the Holocaust and the expulsion of German-speaking people from the Sudetenland after World War II. The difference is that the US and its 18 NATO allies, including Germany and the new members who were until recently Soviet satellites, with the cooperation of other countries in southeast Europe, are determined that these abuses should no longer be tolerated.
    May you continue to rest in peace in this beautiful place! And may this lovely and historic part of the world continue to live in peace and freedom forever! ^

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Front & Center'''
HENRI-CHAPELLE CEMETERY, Belgium: C.R,I.B.A. Honor Guard with their flags,
honor is paid by a salute to colors and to the wreath at the base o' the Angel,
Front left in line; CRIBA officers, Henri ROGISTER, Secretary; Christian KRAFT de la SAULX, President:
106th President John Swett (in white jacket); 2nd Vice-Pres Marion Ray and John Kline
Center of Research and Informationon the Battle of the Bulge'
E-mail: henri,rogister@,skyrnct,be Website: http://users.skynet.befbulgecriba
he five letters C.R.I,B,A, stand for "Centre do Recherches et deformations sur la Bataille des
I Ardennes" which means "Center of Research and Information on the Battle of the Bulge,"
    This association, founded in March 1980, is a non-profit, a non-political and non-philosophical organization, It seems necessary to say a few words about the origins of C.R.I,B.A,
    The Commemoration of the 35th Anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge brought together two men who developed a keen interest for the history of a period they had well known, They talked about the supposed attack by the German panzers of an American gasoline dump near Stavelot, This attack was put on the screen by Ken Annakin in a beautiful and very sensational film "The Battle of the Bulge" with such marvelous actors as Telly Saval. and Henri Fonda, But, eventually, the story of the gasoline dump is a mere legend, For these two history lovers, it seemed absolutely necessary to restore the TRUTH and get rid of such misleading legends, So by common consent, they decided to organize meetings and debates for people who were interested in the history of the Battle known in the U.S,A, as the "BATTI.E OF THE BULGE",
C,R,I,B.A. was about to be born with the following: goals:
    I. To get together all those who are interested by the events of the Winter 1944 - 1945 in the ARDENNES, remembering the words of a famous Spanish writer, Salvador de Madariaga: "THOSE WHO FORGET THE EVENTS OF THE PAST ARE CONDEMNED TO LIVE THEM AGAIN",
    2. To collect documents, pictures, testimonies from soldiers and civilians to establish a detailed documentation on the Battle of the Bulge,
    3. To inform our fellow-citizens and perpetuate the memory of the sacrifices of the soldiers and the civilians, Particularly young people, who didn't know the war must team that sometimes in your life you have to take a responsibility like thousands of young Americans did because they knew that freedom is one of the most valuable thing for countries and human beings,
4. To help preserve historical data and sites.
    5. Another goal is to organize contacts with War Veterans, Fully aware of the awful consequences that a successful German counter-attack in December 1944 would have meant for us, Belgians, we are anxious to express our sympathy and gratefulness to the Allied Veterans of the Battle.
    We want to attest the spirit, the unselfishness, the devotion to duty and the valor of those who lived that Battle, They were really "men", The GI's of 1944 deserve our gratefulness

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Front & Center ' ' '
What are toe doing in C.R.I.B.A.
    I, We hold a monthly meeting in Loge where every member is welcome, We put together the results of our researches and of our activities, Very often, there is a lecture or a debate on a subject of the battle and sometimes a film,
    2. We publish a quarterly newsletter in French, It includes articles on the battle, accounts on activities, ceremonies and meetings, interviews of soldiers and civilians and comments on books or documents,
    3. We participate in cultural events and exhibitions on the "Battle ofthe Bulge", We have taken part in radio and T,V, programs on the Belgian waves, Our association has contributed to a five hour film produced by the Belgian T,V, for the 40th Anniversary of the Battle, That film was given the Award -Ardennes de Cristal" for the best Belgian documentary film of the year.
    4. We take part in all ceremonies reminding the Ardennes Campaign but especially in the ceremonies of Memorial Day in Belgium with wreath laying at the American Military Cemeteries in La Neuville-en-Condroz and also Henri-Chapelle but also in Baugnez (Malmedy massacre), War is over, years have passed. Time restored to health souls and bodies, Houses were rebuilt, The tough Ardennes people went through the anguishes of the lightings and horrors of the war.
    But we have not forgotten the price for our freedom. Thousands of little white crosses lined up in the American Military Cemeteries of La Neuville and Henri-Chapelle are testimony for history and for men of the violent lightings on the Ardennes Theater of Operation, Every year, we remember and go there to lay a wreath and pay our respects to the memory of our proud liberators,
    5. Finally, one of our most important activity is the welcome to American Veterans who come back to the battlefields, We help them finding villages, houses, crossroads, aid stations and even their own foxholes, Sometimes, we have American families who are coming for a pilgrimage to the country where they lost a loved one. Sometimes, we accompany groups and try to show them places of particular interest, Very often We take smaller groups or individuals to the specific places they went to visit,
    Numerous letters from Americans friends make us believe that we are successful, Such letters make us feel happy and are an incentives encouragement to go on,
To conclude, l wont to sav afew words about our members,
    Of course, many of us who have known the war are more interested in the story of the Battle of the Bulge than young people, But surprisingly, many of our members are young people who were not born at the time, and they take a very important part in our activities,Two of them are even members of our Board,
We believe and we hope that they will go on when we pass away,
Andre Hubert, Honorary President,
C.R,I,B,A, Committee
The only and elected authorized representatives of C.R,I.B,A, are:
Honorary President:
Andre HUBERT --29, CentreB-6674 LANGLIRE (Gouvy)
Christian KRAFT dc la SAULX --Rue des 7 Collines 70,B-4052 BEAUFAYS
entail: christian,kraft@skynet,be
Joseph POTHEN --Sur les Roches 8,B-4960 MALMEDY
Henri ROGISTER --Rue du Progres 22,B-4032 LIEGE
rgskynet be
Louis JONCKEAU-- Av, Julien Jardon 32,B-4801 VERVIERS
Other Committee's Members
Denise OGER --Rue du Village 103,0-4000 ROCOURT
Anne-Marie SIMON Birkcnweg 7,0-4700 EUPEN
Albert FOSTY --Rue J. H, Tillmans 8,B-4620 FLERON
Jean-Marie FOSTY-- Rue Floribert I ,B-4050 CHAUDFONTAINE
Roger GERKENS --Av, des Hewes Claires 27,B-I410 WATERLOO
Philippe OCTAVE --Chemin du Bois 17,B-4000 ROCOURT

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Front & Center .. '
Organizer: Lebanon & Wilson County Chamber of Commerce
(Lodging information is available from the chamber see below,)
    (Lebanon, TN) Plans were announced today for the Wilson County Bicentennial Military Heritage--Day set for September 11, 1999 in Lebanon, TN at the Ward Agricultural Center. Making the announcement were members of the Heritage Day Committee: Jack Cato-Chairman, Lt, Col. Jim D. Henderson (ret.), COL Jerry McFarland, Paula Kilzer and Linda Salts. All veterans are especially invited to attend and participate in the full day of events, as is the general public. The event will feature music by the nationally known 129th. Tennessee Army National Guard Band, displays of military vehicles, equipment and memorabilia, color guards, local officials, veterans organizations, Wilson County's most decorated soldier, oldest living veteran, an address by Tennessee Adjutant General, Major General Jackie D. Wood, 21 gun salute, taps, flyover, battle reenactment including parachute demonstrations, tours of maneuver areas, a dinner and big band dance. During the opening ceremony at I I a.m, the names of all Wilson County veterans Killed in service to their country will be read.
    The special focus of the day will be on the WWII Tennessee Maneuvers and the participants in those maneuvers, the largest ever held to date. Over 850,000 military personnel and thousands of civilians participated in the 2nd Army Maneuvers, headquartered at Cumberland University in Lebanon during the period 1941-1944. The actual exercises covered 15,000 square miles with every county in Tennessee and bordering states involved. Among participants were General George Patton and Secretary of State Cordell Hull.
    All military personnel who participated in the maneuvers will be honored guests at a special dinner beginning at 5:30 p.m. These veterans are asked to contact the Lebanon Wilson County Chamber of Commerce at toll free telephone number 1-800-789-7327 as soon as possible to make reservations before the deadline of August 31, 1999, at no charge for the Maneuver vet and their spouses. You may also write to the chamber at 149 Public Square, Lebanon, TN 37087. Come and meet the veterans, their families and supporters at Military Heritage Day, a once in a lifetime event, and enjoy all the activities honoring and remembering all veterans.
Chamber of Commerce: 149 Public Square- Lebanon, TN 37087
Phone 615/444-5503 ^

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Return to The Ardennes, May 1999 .. .
John Kline, editor
    In late February 1999 I received a letter from the German Bundeswehr Military Reserve, Gerolstein, Germany. (Their reserve units are similar to ours.) Written by a German military reservist, Herr Klaus Allferbach, a 27 year veteran, with a grade equal to Master Sergeant the letter was one inviting us back to Germany for another meeting with veterans of the 18th and 62nd Volksgrenadierdivisions that we fought against in December 1944.
    For those of you who are not new to the 106th Infantry Division association, you will recall that a group of us, fourteen 106th Infantry Division veterans, their wives and or friends, a total of 28 travelers, meet with a group of the 18th and 62nd Volksgrenadier division veterans in September 1995. The story on that meeting appeared in the November 1995 CUB magazine on pp. 38-48. It was very successful. Back to February 1998: after receiving Herr Klaus Alfferbach's invitation to return I contacted the 106th Infantry Division veterans that I have on entail, at that time about 150, asking them to spread the word about the proposed meeting. I was originally limited to 60 persons, because of tour bus room. To make those details short- over a period of the next 13 months - I received requests from over 120 persons that they be able to join us on the tour. We ended up with a final group of 34 American veterans, their wives and friends (plus two historians from Minneapolis), for a total of 62 people who eventually traveled to Germany, to attend,the German/American meeting.
    I will not give you all those details of the meeting here, because Marion Ray, 424/D, has written an excellent article (see page 22) on his "first-time back-experiences of the visiting, along with his friends, the area in which they did battle in December 1944. I was the only 106th veteran that returned to this meeting that had attended the 1995 meeting. The two historians, friends of mine, Donald Patton and James Renner from the Minneapolis World War II History Round Table, Fort Snelling, St. Paul, Minnesota, had attended the 1995
    German/American meeting, As you will see from Marion Ray's story, their assistance was invaluable. 1 can vouch for that personally' In 1995 Don, Jim and I spent a late afternoon on the Schnee Eifel looking for my machine gun positions of 1944. We did not find my positions because darkness closed in and we had to get back to the hotel to eat with the group. We discovered that we had been in the 422nd positions, on the Hill, several hundred yards north of the 423rd positions.
    On this trip, Donald Patton and James Renner and I, along with a guest, Robert Lampe of the 75th Infantry Division, were able to find the area, and the positions that I was in, the furthest left machine gun position of the 423rd infantry Regiment. The first night online, 1 replaced the second Division machine gun in a very wet gun enplacement on the toe of the hill. The next morning Captain Harding, my company commander, 423/M, pulled my machine gun back on the hill in an alternate position. When we t approached the area, I said, "This has got to be it!!!" I walked into the edge of the woods, and right where I thought it should be, there was the remnants of a machine gun type dugout. I said to the group, "If I walk about 100 yards down this hill, there should be another gun enplacement and if it is we have found my old positions," I walked down the hill and there was the remnants of a machine gun pit." Finally I had found my first gun position. Not much to see, no logs, only a rectangular outline slightly depressed where once there had been a machine gun type pit.
    So much for my personal story. I'll get on with the German/American meeting information, so that you can get to that excellent story by Marion Ray of his first return to the battleground. His story was repeated many times by the other veterans who had returned to the battle area for the first-time. Every morning, during breakfast, it was hard to tell who wanted to tell their story first. Everybody was so excited to be back in the area to see where they had fought. If you have not been back to the Ardennes, it might be hard to realize- after having fought there in the winter of 1944 - what beautiful country it is.

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Return to The Ardennes, May 1999 . . .
Here is a list of those that attended;
Ted Basel, 423/H
Ralph and Cynthia Bean, 423/HQ Be1
Jackson Behling, 423/A
Nathaniel Blumberg, 666th FAB
Walter and Barbara Bridges' 424/D
Wesley and Barbara Caldwell, 423/HQ 1Bn Richard Cartier' 424/K and Dorothy Holstrom Donald Cooley, 423/HQ 1Bn
Myrton Dickerson, 424/B
Edwin Dunn, 423/HQ 18n, Son and friend
John Gregory and Shirley Gregory, 424/E
Walter Greve, 423/HQ 1Bn and brother Don Don Houseman and Katy, 423/D
Lyle Isensee and Katherin, 591/8
John and Margot Kline, 423/M
Robert Lampe, 75th Int Division
Joseph Massey, 422/C
Bernard Mayrsohn and Ethel, 423/CN
Edward McGinty, 589/C
Earl and Phyllis Parker, 423/E
Donald Patton, WWII Historian
Gordon Pinney, 423/B
Donald Prell, 422/AT
Edward and Reddie Prewett, 424/B
Marion and Frances Ray, 424/0
James Renner, WWII Historian
Bob and Debbie Riggs, Travel Agency
John Roberts, 592/C
Jack and Helen Sulser, 423/F with son David and his new wife (honeymooning)
John and Virginia Swett, 423/H
Hal and Margaret Talyor, 423/CN
Michael Thome, 422/HQ 1 Bn
Ted and Adelaide, Williams, 423/MED
Don and Eileen Wischmeier, 423/SV
Edward Wojahn, 81st ENG/8
Gordon Zicker, 423/HQ
    The scheduled Gemtan/American meeting was to start on Thursday 13 May 1999. Most of us arrived in Frankfurt Germany 9 May 1999, rented cars and traveled to the Ardennes area. No matter what you say, those long overseas flights are tiring. An already tired group, after landing in Frankfurt, picked up their automobiles that they had rented, and drove to the Ardennes area, Taking the Autobahn north wesetly to Limburg, then down to Koblenz, to a point on the Autobahn near Gerolstein, then the smaller roads to Gerolstein and on to Preum.
    Those last few miles brought back memories of those days when we walked those toads going the other way. The whole trip was made without mishap, except for one serious accident which Marion Ray explains in his story, following this one. During the "free" days most of us chose to browse around the area, getting acquainted, and finding our old positions, On Wednesday 12 May 1999 our American group met at the Baches Gasthaus in Auw for a delightful luncheon, and a charming, efficient staff. This was done so that the whole group could become acquainted, since we stayed in four separate hotels, in the area.
    We were invited to attend a "Welcome" by the Mayor of the city of St. Vith, after the luncheon. We all met at the St. Vith City Hall Reception Hall, on the second floor of their beautiful City Hall, There we were welcomed by the Ernst Thommessen, Burgermeister der Stadt Sankt-Vith.
    We were treated royaly, with greetings by the Burgermeister and his staff, including Roland Henkes, the gardener who cares for our St Vith Monument. A "Wine of Honor" was served. Honorary Medallions were given to John Swett and myself, with a special one for Mike Thome, who had native German relatives in the Sankt Vith district in 1944..
    A special thanks to The German Bundeswehr Military Reserve District, Gerolstein, to the German Veterans, to those C.R.I.BA. members who attended and hosted us and to Burgermeister Thommessen and his Staff .... John Kline Following are representative photos - far too little room do do the subject justice.... X
Ardennes Offensive 50th Annivesary 1944-1994
Silver Medallions
St Vith - Stadt der Entscheidung
Decision at St Vith

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Return to The Ardennes, May 1999. .
Left: Adda RIKKEN, St Vith Burgermeister Ernst
Thommessen and Kurt Fagnoul
a Sankt Vith area author,
Burgermeister Thommessen presenting Mike
Thorne, past-president , a Silver Medallion, Mike's
ancestors came lived near St Vith during the war,
Roland Henkes, St Vith Gardener, who has been
doing a fine job on our Memorial with Adda
RIKKEN in the background,
Left: Ed Wojahn then Reddie and Ed Prewett;
Phyllis and Earl Parker; Walter Bridges in the cap,
Karl Heinz Noel Simon, CRIBA bad, to camera,
UR 106th vets at the St Vith reception: Don
Cooley; Hal and Margaret Taylor; Cynthia and
Ralph Bean and Ted Basel.,
Part of the group gathering at the 106th Memorial,
St Vith, after the Mayor's Reception, It was raining
and several did not make it to the Memorial,.
Ur: Ed Prewett, Andre HUBERT, Honorary AUW Meeting: Kline presenting Adda & Willie
President, CRIBA, Reddie Prewett. The RIKKEN a certificate of 106th Assoc. appreciation
Prewet/HUBERT friendship goes back many prepared bAssoc,Richard Peterson, Ph.d., 4Dr,1

The CUB of the GoPh,d,,ion
Return to The Ardennes, May 1999 .. .
Hotel Backes; Ur: Klaus Affierbach, Organizer of
the meeting; Burgermeister Fuchs, Auw; Christian
KRAFT, President C,R.I,B,A,
. ‘,
Hotel Backes, Our friendly waitress at the Hotel
Bashes serving some of our troops, Ur The left
sleeve of Marion Ray; his wife Frances, the
Beatrice and Myrton Dickerson
Hotel Backer /r- Henri ROGISTER, Secretary C R I B,A.;
with Anne-Marie 8 Karl Heinz SIMON, also CRIBA
members Including KRAFT (left) will be with the Belgian
contingent of 21 at the Schaumburg Reunion
Hotel Backes, From right to left, Hal and Margaret
Taylor; a German soldier with his wife,,,
Memorial Procession from the Backer Gasthaus to the
Auw Cemetery 189 German soldiers lie there - most from
the Battle of the Bulge. Ages from 20 to 14 years.
Part of the American group on way to cemetery, Ur
Lyle Isensee; Margot Kline; Walter Bridges' Ed
Wojahn and Bernard Mayrsohn,
Local Priest (left) with a Village Representative
giving honors to the German dead,
German veterans honoring their dead, with Herr
Klaus Aifierbach, military reserve officer left

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Return to The Ardennes, May 1999 . . .
Henri-Chapelle - Looking from the entrance mezzanine at the Angel and
cemetery at ground level
Left: Margot and John Kline with Bob and Debbie
Riggs, our travel arrangers,
Gordon Pinney, Adjutant, Kline and Marion Ray,
2nd Vice Pres looking over burial plots charts.
Cr. Henri Rogister, CRIBA: John Swett, 1998-99
Assoc President; John and Margot Kline,
Jack Sulser, Past-President
Composite Photo

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Going Back, by Marion Ray 424/D.. .
Marion Ray, Lt, Col,, USA (Ret) 424/D, Association 2nd Vice-President, with wife Fran at a luncheon at
Camp Elsenborn, Belgium, during the May 1999 trip to Germany/Belgium which Marion describes in the
following story. This delightful luncheon served by Belgian Army soldiers,
By Marion Ray, 424/D
2nd Vice-President
106th Infantry Division Association
    Macon has been successful in recent years in seeking out, finding, and enlisting into the Association, many of his "D" Company, 424th Infantry Regiment comrades, In fact currently there are forty-three 424/D veterans on the Association roster,
    He recently went back to Germany/Belgium with a group of thirty-two 106th veterans, wives and friends, Sixty-three people in all. The purpose to visit with, at the invitation of the German Budeswehr Military Reserve Unit - Eifel, (similar to our Mad, Reserve Units) thirty-two German veterans, from the 18th and 62nd Volksgrenadierdivisions that fought against us the 106th Infantry Division) in December 1944, Following is his story of "GOING BACK!"
    This past May 1999, it was my pleasure to he one of the group of members of The 106th Division Association to make a visit back to Germany and Belgium. Thirty-two veterans with two veterans from other units and two historians from Minneapolis, Mn, wives and friends made the trip for the purpose of our meeting with German veterans of The Battle of the Bulge. The German group that invited us are known as the German Bundeswehr Military Reserve Unit of the Eifel. Most of the German ' veterans, 32 in all, were from the le and 62nd Volksgrenadierdivisions, those who we fought against in the Eifel area in December 1944. Planning for the visit was organized by John Kline, Cub Editor and Past-President, Travel arrangement on lcelandair, for those that chose to fly with the group, was planned by Robert Riggs, President of Hypointe Travel Agency, Lakeville, MN.
    The Rays were picked up at their home early Sunday morning of the 9th of May by the Limo Service and driven to St Louis' Lambert Municipal Airport. We were now, "on the way." We had prepared for the trip for months, getting passport photos, traveling to the county seat and applying for our passports through the Clerk of Courts' From that point on, we had periods of concern, like how long would it take to receive them and would there be sonic "glitches." We bought new luggage for each of us so we could get everything into one bag except a small carry-on bag for needed overnight situations. But all went well, we received the passports. Decisions were made as to what clothing would be taken. (The after trip reflection told us that we took too much and the luggage was too heavy!)
We boarded TWA Flight 507T bound for Minneapolis, MN, our departure point for the

The CUB ofthe Golden Lion
Going Back, by Marion Ray 424/D .. .
    group flight to Frankfurt, Germany. The flight to Minneapolis left on time, was a smooth flight and arrived at Minneapolis International Airport on time. Since many of the airlines are on a cost reduction chase, a small plastic cup with four ice cubes "filled" with soda and a very small bag of very small pretzels was our lunch. Having eaten a very light breakfast we were hungry, so we indulged in lunch at one of the many nice restaurants at the airport. Our TWA flight arrived at 12:50PM and we weren't due to depart on lcelandair until 7:30PM. We had plenty of time to eat and relax. After several hours, traveling companions Myrton and Beatrice Dickerson arrived with two surprise visitors. Russell Satrang and wife Julia, who live not far from the airport paid us a visit. It was a very pleasant surprise, since I knew that Russell was taking treatments for prostate cancer. They had missed the Indianapolis Reunion because of his problems, after giving us the pleasure of their company in Nashville. It was a very pleasant period and great to ser the both of them and to hear about his very determined fight.
    Our lcelandair flight departed from Minneapolis on schedule at 7:30PM and as the plane rose and leveled out for it's flight, the sun was brilliant off to our left and a golden glow filled the inside of the plane, As the beautiful setting sun stayed to our left, I knew that we were heading up over Canada for our destination via Greenland and into the airport at Iceland. It was to be a six hour flight' It took a period of time for everyone to settle down, reading, talking to each other and roaming up and down the aisle. As we had left home in Illinois, I had started recording parts of the trip with my camcorder and continued doing so inside the plane. By 11-11 :30PM on my watch, most everyone had settled down to reading or dozing and since we had three seats for Fran and I, we raised the chair arms and tried to get comfortable. Fran suggested that I just lay my head in her lap and try to relax. Accomplished and after a short period of time, I dropped off to sleep, After a period of time, I was awakened with an odd feeling, and as I raised up, the cabin was totally bright, not by the airplane's lights, but sunlight. To our left again, was a very bright sun. I looked at my watch and it said 12:20PM. About 1:30AM on my watch, we were alerted to our landing in Iceland. As we looked out the window, we could see the coast line and the plane flew straight in for a landing. It appeared that we might be about five or ten feet above sea level and it was 6:30AM Icelandic time. We were all happy to be able to get off the plane and walk into the terminal, which was small but adequate, but shortly thereafter another plane landed from Boston and it became crowded. The Dickersons and I headed for the relief station and then fora cup of coffee. The coffee wasn't the greatest and was $1.75 per cup, American. Our plane's final destination was Oslo and boarding the plane that came in from Boston was slow and crowded. When we got to our seats, I found that Fran and I were separated and sitting in the middle seat with both armrests occupied was a larger than average lady. She actually spread shoulder-width into my seat, I was literally hanging into the aisle, getting bumped by "stews" and passengers as they made their way to the relief stations. Needless to say, I was relieved when we landed at Frankfurt, Germany airport. After disembarking, we got our luggage and thankfully were able to obtain a large baggage cart, made it through customs without a delay and headed in the direction of the terminal and the rental car that we had reserved with the Dickersons. This necessitated the use of an elevator, which we found were very small, one cart and four people. Although we had reserved the car several months before, we found it to be a bit of a hassle' We had rented a mid-size car to hold four people and luggage, and much to our pleasure when we got to the vehicle, found it to be a station wagon. It fit us, and we fit it. Getting the rental car was the beginning of a running joke with the four of us, since none read or understood much less spoke German. We had a vehicle which we didn't know how to get into, nor maybe get out of, once we were inside. We finally exited the airport and entered onto another experience, the "Autobahn." Since we were following the tour guide director, we got onto the autobahn going in the correct direction and immediately it began raining.

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Going Back, by Marion Ray 424/D...
    Sometimes the rain was hard, sometimes just enough to keep the wipers moving, but since we kept to the right lane as much as possible, the faster traffic passing on our left threw water against us' But our intentions were to drive safely' We were headed generally in a westward direction' At one point we passed near Limburg and my thoughts moved back to that period of time in December 1944 and January of 1945' I have been told by several people, one of whom is Frank Koehler that the prison camp (XII-A) has been completely removed' We sped on by on the way to Pruitt and our hotel for a week.
    As we got close to our turn-off point, we stopped at a rest stop, and the occupants of our three car convoy enjoyed a bite to eat and a period of rest and talk' As we walked out of the rest stop, the rain had ceased and we got some sunlight and it seemed to change everything' A short distance down the autobahn, we came to our exit and the sign read Gerolstein. Once again, I had an odd feeling in the pit of my stomach. We entered Gerolstein and I must admit that I recognized nothing. We did however, cross a railroad track and for a short period of time drove near the tracks. It was here,
Pruem 1945, American troops on the streets. The
Hotel Zum Goldenen Stem on the left down the
street, the Cathedral spire showing ahead.
    after a long walk from Winterspelt, through Pram to Gerolstein that the Germans put us into a warehouse overnight' The next morning after a nights sleep and a bowl of soup, I saw my platoon leader Lt. Flewelling'
    It was a terribly mixed reaction, if I were here and he was here, what had happened? What had happened that so many of us were here, prisoners of war? If our officers were here, how mighty was the force that had over powered us? Had we failed so completely to stop the enemy force' What was happening to our forces? As I slid in beside Lt Flewelling and began to talk, he was as dumbfounded as I' Then he began to move around saying a word to each man in an attempt to bolster each and their feelings' Hurley and I sat together, trying to bring our thoughts together'
    We left Gerolstein and wound our way towards Prilm and as I watched the speedometer and looked at the scenery as we sped along, I thought back to that day or days and wondered how we made that distance from Winterspelt to Gerolstein in one day' Then we were entering Prfim, having passed over the same road some 55 years and 5 months before. As we entered Pram, my stomach did a flip-flop, It was in PrUm as they marched us through town that German civilians threw rocks at us' It was humiliating enough to be a prisoner of war but to be showered with rocks by kids and grownup alike was a terrible feeling' Near the edge of town, a German woman threw carrots at us, which we picked up and began to eat' We were never sure of what her intentions were, feed us or hit as with the only thing she had handy -carrots!
    (Back to 1999) Our hotel, The Zum Goldenen Stern (The Golden Star) was in the center of town across from the Catholic Cathedral' Several days after arriving there, I picked up a nice little bound book in the lobby' The book was a history of the Zum Goldenen Stern the hotel in which we were staying' I couldn't read it, but in looking at the pictures, I saw one picture of a destroyed hotel' It had been destroyed by artillery fire from American lines' (See photo to the left) I then remembered a statement made by one of my hometown friends, Jack Rain, who was in Battery B, 589th

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Going Back, by Marion Ray 424/D...
    Field Artillery. Jack had said that as they occupied their positions before the Bulge, that each night, to keep the people of Priim awake, they would send a few rounds into Pram. I felt that the trajectory of the rounds to clear the small mountain, caused them to clear the Catholic Church across the street, and land on the hotel, which was completely destroyed' And here we were staying in that rebuilt hotel. It was late afternoon, we had lost some sleep in the flight and the drive was tiresome. We found a restaurant where we could get a light bite to eat and went back to our rooms for a night of sleep. Our bed, twin beds pushed together were covered with a feather coverlet and too warm, so I made a mental note to ask for a replacement'
    Tuesday, May I I we were up early. The hotel served breakfast only in the dining room. It was a nice breakfast, the service was extremely good and one couldn't ask for any better. However, it was the first time that most of as were served "lunch meats" with our breakfast. We were to see this the rest of our time in Europe. Since this was a "free day" meaning nothing was planned before getting together with the Germans, the Dickersons and the Rays took off driving. We were headed for Winterspelt and Steinebriick and we took the wrong turn onto the autobahn. We finally got turned around and soon saw a sign saying that Winterspelt was ahead. At the exit, we could go to Winterspelt or Steinebrack and we chose Steinebriick first. It didn't take long until we rolled down the hill into Steinebrack on the German side and this is what I wanted to see. There was only a couple of houses on the German side, as well as being on the wrong side of the road, I got out of the car, camera in hand.,,.and there was no house on the other side of the road, where we had been quartered. It was just trees and weeds and some wild grass, but no house. I turned and looked at the bridge which was a replacement for the one destroyed, then looked down into the Our River. I walked onto the bridge turned and looked back where the house had been. It didn't look large enough of an area to hold a house, and I was confused. I walked on into Belgians, having crossed the bridge, looked around and turned and looked back into Germany, to where the house had stood in my memory' I took video pictures, and walked back into Germany...completely confused, We got back into the car, turned around and headed up the road towards Winterspelt.
    Before we got into Winterspelt, which didn't take long, we passed by the area of the road where we had come under artillery fire. Capt Preucel had stopped the convoy, and as he jumped out of his jeep, he yelled, "Hit the ditch." We all followed his directions. I was to find out days later, when my feet began to warm up and my foot began to throb, I had been hit on my left foot.
    As we rolled into Winterspelt this time in a comfortable automobile, things began to swirl around in my head and I quickly told Myrton, who was driving, "Take the first left." We made the turn and I knew we were on the correct road. Immediately, however, things were different. Instead of a narrow blacktop country road, it was a street, paved, with curbs and sidewalks and a number of houses on both sides of the street. I was confused! We rolled by the area to the end of the houses, turned around and came back and into Winterspelt. Again, we turned around and started along the street again, I had Myrton stop and let me out. I walked to the side of the street, yes, here was a curb, a sidewalk and a hedge. As I looked over the hedge, I could look up to where our positions had been with the machine-guns. But I could feel that this was the area, right here, S/Sgt. Nets Moe, my section sergeant and I were taken prisoner, right here. There had been a larger hedge there. T/Sgt. Walter Pampas, who was our platoon sergeant, had pushed through the hedge moments before and had escaped being taken prisoner. I was to find out, almost 50 years later that after going through the hedge, he had been seriously wounded by incoming artillery. I felt considerably different now. I had waited over 55 years for the opportunity to look at that spot once again....FREE. Myrton came back with the car, I got in and we rolled out the road, past the last house and discovered a small "farmers road" going up into the general area of the gun positions, We stopped the car and Myrton and I got out to look around. We didn't

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Going Back, by Marion Ray 424/D .. .
Don Patton. James Renner, from the Minneapolis. MN World War II History Round Table,
and Robert Lampe a guest from the 75th Infantry Division, in front of a Sherman Tank at EttelbrOck.
They went with us in our search for our 1944 locations.
    walk into the fields, since we both felt we might be trespassing a farmers fields, but we looked and talked and took pictures' We were to return again, later'
    We drove up and down the road, in and out of Winterspelt, then we turned off the main road in the center of Winterspelt and drove back into the forested area' The road wound around through the trees and we soon came to what kicked line it had been a trail, and nailed to a post were very faint words in German' They were probably them when our battalion used these trails, possibly our artillery support used these trails' We drove back into Winterspelt and continued to drive the roads that must have been the same roads as when we were there' Finally after viewing the church that had been there when we were there before, we drove into the parking lot of a restaurant' We decided to have some lunch' We doubted they was open for business, the winter of '44. We had a nice lunch and enjoyed the relaxation' Nature, Time and Man have caused many, many changes. It was a very emotional return!
    Wednesday morning we were up and ready to leave by 0800 (8:00am civilian time) Today, the historians, Don Patton and Jim Renner from the Minneapolis World War 11 History Round
    Table, with one of their friends, Ted Lampe from the 75th Infantry Division, who had accompanied us to Germany, went with us back to our areas. There were four of us from the 424th, Walter Bridges, Myrton Dickerson and myself from Company D, Richard Cartier from K Company. Absent was John Gregory, E Company and Edwin Huminski of F Company' Huminski had not made the trip and John Gregory (1st Vice President, 106th Association) who had been severely injured in an auto accident while driving in from the airport' More about this later
    As we left Pram, they told us that we would be generally following the German attack route to begin with going in to Winterspelt This would give us a more complete picture' Our first approach was through Grosslangenfeld' It was in this area that I was told that our 106th Cavalry troop was positioned and took the initial blow' 1 knew there was no divisional troops to our immediate left in the Winterspelt area and to the regimental flank at Bleialf' (Approximately 5 kilometers or about 3 miles)' We approached Winterspelt through Eigelscheid' This general area, the road and the tree area had been our target area as we fired' Proceeding into Winterspelt from this

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Going Back, by Marion Ray 424113 . . .
direction, I remembered reading the material We left Winterspelt, driving to Steinebriick
    that Sgt Oscar Scott (squad leader' 2nd squad, as the Germans had done. We know that one of 1st platoon) had sent to me, narrating his their objectives was the bridge at Steinebriick, experiences. in Winterspelt, as we neared the so their tanks could cross the Our River without road leading off to the left, I remembered this is problems. When we got to the Our in where the 1st platoon was deployed and in this Steinebriick, we all got out and began to walk area, Capt Preucel had established the company around. I showed them all where the house was command post. I didn't know which houses supposed to be. It just didn't look big enough existed then and how many of these houses had for a house, a three story house' We all looked been built in the years since our being there' I around, walking onto the bridge and over into know that it didn't present a good field of Belgium, back across the bridge, looking, vision, because there was a bend in the road, looking, then down the small "farmer's road" stopping vision at a specific point. We drove on that was there. I knew where the bridge was through Winterspelt to the road going off to our then, where it is now (same place) and the river right in a general easterly direction. Out this had not moved, Suddenly Don Patton, one of road, and back in a southern direction, the the historians, spoke up, calling me. He had second platoon had been deployed. We pushed back through the trees and followed the road for a short distance and undergrowth, back into the overgrown area. turned up into the same "farmers road" which "You are right, your memory is good, here's the we had used the day before. We drove up to the foundation." I moved over to where he was crest of the hill and stopped and dismounted' standing-and yes there was the foundation. It From here he we could once again see our target stood about 2 to 3 feet high, the rocks probably area in the vicinity of Eigelscheid. We could removed from the hillside immediately behind also see for miles to our left and to our left front. it, mortared in place. The foundation ran for If we could see that far--so could the Germans about 15 feet, made a 90 degree turn and was and this was his home ground. If we were about 15 or 20 feet longer. My stomach was wearing green uniforms an there was snow on doing Hip Hops and my heart was racing. I took the ground--well, you didn't have to be a out my camera and began to take pictures. I genius to know they could see us. And they did! moved over to concrete slab about the size of a Well, we discussed it, took pictures and left the small front porch and stood there having my area. My stomach was really turning over. picture taken. The day was fine! Dickinson
stated that he had slept there and so had Bridges.
Ur: 424th Infantry Regiment veterans, Richard Cartier, K Co; Walter Bridges, D Co,; Myrton Dickerson, D
Co,; Marion Ray, D Co, and with his back to camera, Robert Lampe, a guest - 75th Infantry Division,

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Going Back, by Marion Ray 424/D .. .
Left Richard Cartier, 424/K shaking hands with the
farmer who owned the home
in which he, Cartier, was captured'
    Later, when once again reading Scott's notes, I found that the first platoon had also been in this same house. We left there for the areas that the 2nd and 3rd battalions had been positioned' We went back through Winterspelt and into Eigelscheid, made a turn west and drove into the area around Heckhuscheid' It was here that Richard Cartier got a wonderful surprise' We drove right up to the house in which he was taken prisoner' We all got out and began taking pictures' A German farmer came out of the house and approached us' One of the historians, Jim Renner, was able to speak some German' He told the farmer why we were there. Yes, this was his house then, but at the time he had been in Belgium' Our forces previously, had removed German nationals from the area' He invited us onto his property and Cartier was enthused, walking around explaining what had taken place and where he was' Only, the house looks different, he explained' Oh, the front part was built after the war' Cartier asked if he might go into the back building which was attached? The German agreed and Cartier entered the area, saying there was a door back here which went into another part of the building' And there was the door! Later, Cartier embraced the smiling German farmer, thanking him for allowing as in' And everyone was smiling. We left there headed into the area which the 3rd battalion had been stationed, and on over
    into German territory' We stopped at a row of "Dragon's teeth" which was part of the Siegfried line of defense built years ago by Hitler's men'
    On Thursday, all veterans were to meet for the first time and have lunch together, American and German' In looking at the map, we could see that the easiest route from Pram to Auw was to head straight north to Mooshaus, turn left and straight into Auw' This day, I was driving and Myrton was the navigator and map reader' The day was beautiful, the roads were clear, the scenery was wonderful, so Much so that none of us noticed the small sign that said Mooshaus. After a period of time, I knew that the speed which we were traveling and the lack of a Mooshaus sign meant that we had overshot the point' The signs we were seeing indicated problems, but neither could we see the names on the short map we were reading' So we tumed around and headed back' Finally we encountered some road construction people and Myrton walked over for "directions'" Myrton speaking no German, Germans speaking no English, he was able to get across to them where we wanted to go. I was watching in the rearview mirror and as I saw one worker begin to wave in the direction from which we had come originally, I was ready to move as he entered the car. At this point, the conversation stopped and all four occupants read road signs and were watching for the signs' We found Mooshaus, made our turn and headed for Auw' We arrived at the meeting just as it was about to start' Introductions took place and comments made about future events and then lunch began. This was the Hotel Restaurant Back. in AUW' It was a nice restaurant and meeting hall and the food was not only abundant, but was very tasty' It was an enjoyable meeting, smiles on faces and warm handshakes'
    Friday was to be an outstanding day' We all met in Auw at 0900 hrs and boarded buses' Our first stop was the Belgian Military Camp at Elsenbom, and the first stop there was the museum' It was a mixture of uniforms and small arms equipment from WW I and WW 11, American, German, English and Belgian. I really felt at home when I got to the American section, for there was a Browning

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Going Back, by Marion Ray 424/D...
Machine-gun, caliber .30, water cooled, They We again boarded the buses and left Camp
    had manikins in uniforms for life-like exhibits. Elsenborn and headed for the American 1 was looking at it carefully when I realized they Military Cemetery Henri Chapelle for the had the gun mounted on a light machine-gun American Memorial Services. Before we tripod. Any G.1, in a heavy weapons unit would arrived, the sky had gotten gray and overcast, know that was wrong, especially if he had then raindrops hit the windshield of the bus. I carried the proper tripod. Maybe they couldn't thought it would cause a cancellation of our find one on the battlefield. I was interested in services, However, as we drove into the the old WW I German uniforms and the two Cemetery, a brilliant sun broke through, the rain Gentians standing beside me, explained about disappeared as well as the dark clouds. As we the helmets they were wearing. This started a de-bussed, a fantastic feeling came over me, relationship which lasted through the day. and as I looked around, I could see and feel that We then moved on to the Dining Hall. In others were reacting the same way. As we order to place things properly, I must say that approached the entrance to the cemetery the noon meal is large, the evening meal small' proper, I could see the engraving of names on So, we were served a full meal with desert, the columns and when we got closer, I could see preceded by many refills of a delicious wine. It that they were names of MIAs, I found two was all served by Belgian soldiers, dressed in names which put a grab inside of me. Private white jackets who were very gracious and Eugene B Clifton and Private Thaddeus friendly, but very efficient. Needless to say Galantowice. Both of these men had been everyone left the dining hall, very satisfied and members of my squad. Clifton's name bore a smiling. It was a fantastic occasion, to be bronze star beside it, indicating that they had remembered forever. found his remains after the engraving. I made
an inquiry about the location of his grave and
In one of the Dragon Teeth rows (tanks barriers) which were part of the Siegfried Line (West Wall) most of
which are hidden by undergrowth now, Many sections were taken out to release farmer's fields for crops,
Ur Myrton Dickerson, Walter Bridges, Marion Ray all of 424,D and Richard Cartier, 424/K,

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Going Back, by Marion Ray 424/D .. .
    they informed me that his remains had been ladies sang several songs, one ich butt • einen found after Henri Chapelle had become full, so Kamaradien (I had a Comrade) brought tears to he was buried in the Ardennes Cemetery. many of the German's eyes, and then twin We had our Memorial Service in the chapel bouquets of flowers were laid at the memorial. with a reading by Jack Sulser, former They then adjourned to the area set aside for the Association President, (See page 15) We then burial ofGerman soldiers killed in The Battle of moved to the tloor of the cemetery where John the Bulge. As we walked around taking Swett and myself, accompanied by John Kline, pictures, we noticed that many of the young past President, laid a bouquet of flowers at the men buried there were sixteen and seventeen. memorial. It was a very emotional period. one was fourteen when killed. As young as we We each were given, by C,R.I.B'A' were at the time, here were German soldiers, members, a long stemmed rose to place at the younger than we were. There was also some grave °four comrades, Private Kenneth Ruskin headstones indicating that men buried there and Private Joseph D'Antonio, both of were in their fortes' Hitler had dug deep to put Company 424/D are buried there. Afterwards, I his "last chance" group together. found the name Private Robert W Tucker, I was Sunday was the "wrap up" day for our get almost certain that he too was a former Company D together with the German group, It was !timber, but I had no proof that this Tucker was concluded with at fine meal and a lot of from our company. conversation. The lunch at the Gasthaus We left the cemetery with heavy heart, I have Backes, Auw, Germany, brought to a close the had many others who have visited these second meeting of members of the 106th military cemeteries tell me that doing so brings Infantry Division Association and members of about a feeling that is hard to describe. I agree. It the Bundeswehr Military Reserve Unit of the was a long bus ride back to Auw. Eifel, ( Editor's note: There was a similar meeting in Saturday was a different sort of day to begin September 1995 with fourteen 106th veterans and 45 with. It had turned quite cool and we were to be German veterans attending. This was also organized outside for most of the day, It was more of an by your editor' at the suggestion of Joseph Swelye, open day for the people of Auw and in a way a Cedar Rapids, IA, who had been approached by a carnival spirit existed. There were a number of school teacher in Bliealf' Germany - who said that the WW ll American army vehicles, jeeps, 3/4 ton German veterans would like to meet with men of the vehicles, a command car and an armored 106th, The story of that meeting appears on page 40 vehicle. There was also a German army field of the OCT-NOV-DEC 1995 CUB magazine,,.. jpk) kitchen preparing food for sale for lunch. There Monday was the beginning of the open time was also 9" long hot dogs, served not on a for everyone and many things were planned by hot-dog bun, but on a nice crusty roll, The j all. This day was set aside for us to meet with sandwich was good and tasty, the bun was very Rogers Mars, our Belgian friend to visit areas good, but since it lacked that wrap around within the Ardennes battle area, then to travel hot-dog bun, it wasn't complete. There were I west to his hometown to meet and visit with his numerous things taking place and we parents, This failed to materialize due to a mix participated in several. I up on dates and tinting, By afternoon, we had Later in the day, precisely at 1500 hours left Priim headed towards Saint Vith and on to (3:00pm) a horn sounded and the German Malmedy for a look at the Memorial there. It Military Reserve unit lined up in the main was very impressive and moving. Especially to street. They indicated to us to simply fall in those of us who had been made prisoners. It behind' We walked to the Auw Cemetery, on reinforced the thinking that those of us who the edge of this beautiful little village, for returned home alive, were very lucky. In regards services. It was a slow walk to the cemetery. At to the Massacre Memorial, I would like to point out the cemetery, the Mayor spoke and the Auw to any and all who read this, and might travel to church minister spoke in both English and Belgium and would like to visit this mernorial----It German. A small group of German young IS NOT located in the town of Malmedy, It is about

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Going Back, by Marion Ray 424/D . . .
Standing LJR: Ed Prewett, Michael Thome, both Past-Presidents of the
Association and John Swett, President, visiting John Gregory, 1st
Vice-President, in bed, never leaving the hotel for 12 days, He, his wife
and Mike Thome were injured in an accident on the way from Frankfurt
to the Ardennes, See description below,.,,
    five kilometers outside Malmedy at the crossroads settlement of Baugnez, which! found to be in the Township of Malmedy.
    After seeing the memorial, we continued our journey , We were eventually to end up in Paris, which we did. We got lost going IN to Paris, and we got lost coming OUT of Paris. It isn't difficult to get lost in Paris. We spent a day and a half there, the second day we took a tour guide and saw some of the sights. That period of time whet our appetite for Paris and we were glad to leave. We spent one whole day driving from Paris towards Frankfurt and the airport for our return trip. We stayed overnight in a hotel on the autobahn at Darmstadt. It was a nice, modern, well kept hotel. We had a wonderful dinner, served by a German who had spent some time in New York. The next morning, we closed our bags for the last time in Europe and prepared ourselves for the flight back home. Entry into the airport brought another mishap and we missed the Rental Car area' Fortunately, we encountered one of the local security guards in a vehicle and he told us to follow him. We got the car turned in without mishap. As we arrived at our check-in point, we encountered other members of our group, all returning happily and satisfied for an eventful visit.
    Our flight, once again, stopped in Iceland where we changed planes. We were now heading for Minneapolis, back over the top of the world. The viewing was clear all of the way and the sun was once again shining as we landed. Wedecided to stay overnight in Minneapolis and catch a midmorning flight to St Louis. We arrived back in St Louis and our Limo Service was awaiting us. It was a wonderful trip. It had it's ups and it had it's downs, We met some nice people and some very nice Germans and Belgians, We'll leave France to the Frenchmen,
John Gregory, Association 1st
    Vice-President, his wife Shirley and Mike Thome, Association Past-President, (1991-1992), were involved in a one car accident coming off the autobahn in Germany. Gregory lost control of his rented car and traveled off the highway and hit a tree. Mrs, Gregory in the back seat was thrown violently against her seatbelt and sustained multiple bruises and a leg injury. Thome suffered bruises and a bump on the head' John suffered what was later found to be a broken vertebrae.
    John's condition deteriorated and the Gregory's were flown home, John strapped to a stretcher. The vertebrae was decompressed, a piece of bone removed and he is now on the mend. John is presently wearing a removable, shoulder to hip, cast when out of bed.
    After three months, if all goes well, he should be out of the cast. We hope all goes well enough that he will be able to move into the President's chair at our reunion in Schaumburg, IL.
Marion Ray, 424/D ^

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Respect is Alive for The Golden Lion . . .
Story written Oct 8, 1998
    Since my childhood, I remember hearing my I father, Walter Bridges, describe small parts of his wartime experiences' The names of the places became familiar to me, however, I was never able to visualize a reality of events and their impact. In some way, I knew that I needed, as well as wanted, to be in those places' My opportunity to experience Germany and the surrounding countries developed through a German initiated exchange student program' I was taking students to a place that I did not know would become a major part of my life' Germany held for me a life change that I did not expect' During my first visit to that country, I was shown remains of bombed out buildings in Berlin, Leipzig, Wittenburg, Koln, and various villages along the way' Listening to a close friend, from East Berlin, explain the history created an emotion in me that led me to want more in depth knowledge of the region'
This past summer, my husband, Garry, and I returned to Germany to see things we had not previously experienced.
    Probably the most important location in my father's stories was Winterspelt, Germany' During the visit of 1998 Garry and I decided we would go to that town and try to locate the church where Daddy and the other captives were herded to be taken off to Prison of War Camps' As we drove through the countryside, I could visualize the war destroying the landscape of that graceful village' We talked with people in the community and found the church where he had first been held' The feelings I had there were powerful, not only for the Americans, but for the inhabitants who were unwilling victims of the terrible situation. After a few hours in Winterspelt, we decided to go to a location that Daddy had not actually been, but was important to the 106th and the remains of Belgium' Our next stop was in St' Vith, Belgium' It is considered to be a major city in that country' A few hours later I was to realize how important it really is' I knew that this particular city had been paying homage to the 106th for a number of years, but I did not
    by, Martha B' Kelley 224 Waverly Drive Dublin Georgia 31021 Martha B' Kelley, Walter Bridges (424/0) daughter at the 106th Infantry Division Memorial St' Vith, Belgium

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Respect is Alive for The Golden Lion,..
    know how the reputation of your efforts had been taught even to the young people. Garry and I had heard that there was a memorial to the 106th in St, Vith, so we undertook to locate it. Not being familiar with the city, we decided to drive around and acclimate ourselves, The first turn that I made took us directly to the school and memorial of the 106th. After a few emotional moments, we began to take pictures to share with the family and friends. The large boulder surrounded by beautiful flowers tells much about the people and place. There was a firmness in the solid features of the boulder; with a soft gentility of flowers as comfort to hardship. Only missing, was a flag on the flagpole standing behind. School was not in session during this time, which may answer the question as the whether or not a flag is flown there routinely. When checking out of the Bed and Breakfast Garry noticed a letter that had been hung on the wall, It was a note of gratitude from the 106th to the establishment for their hospitality during the first reunion, which had been held there. Hopefully, some of you who
Martha at Winterspelt
read this will have had the opportunity to see and experience this place since the tragedy of war.
Winterspelt, Germany

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Respect is Alive for The Golden Lion .. .
Front view of the Poteau Museum, the lower sections was left after the bombings
Entrance to the Museum at PoPoteau,rUr,acquelitne,& Rob de Rutyer
and myself, Martha
    Driving through this magnificent countryside, the signpost appeared directing drivers to Bastogne, Belgium. Again, stories of this location were well known to me. We arrived there to find McAuliffe Square and the Patton Memorial. One of the best wartime museums is also located in Bastogne. An extremely well documented video is in the theater alongside an excellent portrayal of encampments created with artifacts and mannequins. Of course, the most moving part of this park is the memorial to the United States fighting forces. The purpose of this huge dedication is to show the gratitude and respect of that nation to ours. Seeing the names of each state; the emblems from all of the divisions of the armed forces; and reading the quotations used to show thanks again brought tears to my eyes. That was not the end.
    Nestled at the Crossroads in Poteau, Belgium, Jacqueline and Rob de Ruyter have prepared a monument to the bravery and commitment of the Golden Lions, as well as, the other American forces who defended the region against the Nazi Regime. June 13, 1998, the couple opened the doors to the public. The museum is a collection of artifacts recovered over a period of years by Jacqueline and Rob. Included in their collection are items they unearthed from the foxholes dug by the WWII sosoldiers,longside these are various transports

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Respect is Alive for The Golden Lion...
    which the de Ruyters have restored to operable condition, One of the most interesting "items" of the collection is the building and grounds. It is actually the border house, a check point between Germany and Belgium from previous days, In the backyard of the house is a bunker which Rob unearthed when he was planning a flower garden,
    My husband, Garry, and I happened to find the location on the opening day and were amazed at what we saw, The couple's goal is to maintain the establishment on a donation basis' When asked how we could assist their efforts, they requested that we publicize their location and also let veterans and collectors know that any memorabilia would assist their presentation. Their next venture will be to write a book to tell the stories told to them by the veterans. They have a strong concern that future generations will only hear the romantic interpretations of the saga, Any veteran interested in helping in the research or helping to support their efforts may contact them at:
Ardennen Poteau - "44 Jacquclilne & Rob de Ruyter Poteauerstrasse 22
4780 Poteau - St. Vith - Belgie
The Memorial at Bastogne
    between us as he realized that I had just been in the war area and I learned that Americans are appreciated worldwide' ^
    The culmination of the whirlwind tour was presenting my father with pictures and a story of my experience. A new closeness developed Note the 1elosenessgnia on Memorial column
at the Bastogne Monument

The CUB of the Golden Lion
New Member ...
I spent 35 months in the Army; 7 years as an over-the-road truck driver; and 30 years as a heavy equipment operator.
    John, enjoyed speaking with you and reading all the literature you sent me, especially the issues of the CUB magazine. I would like to become a life member.
    I was a PFC, Medical Aidman and Company A 331st Medical Battalion. I entered the service on March 3, 1943, basic training then Fort Jackson. I was in the Ardennes, Rhineland and Central Europe. Spent the a lot of time in Germany and France at would love to talk to some other guys who were in my troop. After leaving the military Dec. 17, 1945 primary my wife Rose and had three children. I retired after 30 years with Westinghouse. Rose is gone now, but I spend a lot of time with my kids and grandchildren.
    I have some wonderful memories of the men I served with and would love to hear from anyone who was then the 331st. Thank you for your wonderful publication to keep us years, touch and help us remember the times that were. Regards Fred (AI)Giandonato.
Email. Lucretta@ST,.com
U.S. Navy; U.S. Air Force. Relative of John R. Fishburn, 423rd Infantry (dcscd)
617 West Oak St.
Eldridge, IA 52748
Telephone: 319-285-8810
    I am joining on behalf of my father WILLIAM E. "GENE" GRADIN (T/5. Fie was a friend of Lt Col Marion Ray (US Ret), who sent me an application. I feel a membership would be a fitting tribute to nty Dad and his comrade-in-amts.
If any of you new members arc on email, please contact me at:
John Kline, editor
Home Page at:
4602 S. LOS FELL?. DR TEMPE, AZ 85282-7350
Son of Francis (Toby) Anderson 106th Signal
Daughter of Francis (Toby) Anderson 106th Signal
Son of Francis (Toby) Anderson 106th Signal
PO BOX 367
To Marion Ray,
    Glad to get information about the old outfit, 424/D, and especially an address for Samuel Cremer, 424/D. Time has erased the names of many of my comrades. The newsletter you sent me made interesting reading.
    After service I came to KansDR, SI,ot married December 7, 1945. MyLucretta@aol,comy April 1984. I've been a farmer all my life, as well as working for the County. I just sold my farm last week, so I'mSt, the process of moving into a place I bought in Strong City. Didn't realize all the stuff you can accumulate, aHer living in the same place 50 years.
    I would like to go to the 106th Reunion, but can you think what a traffic jam an old farmer would cause in a big city?

The CUB of the Golden Lion
New Member ...
Reprted ealrlier with errors in address
11926 15 MILE RD
    Email - JBlucjr@aol,corn Entered the division from ASTP and Fort Bragg artillery training. Joined the Division Band at Fort Jackson but was transferred to the Service Company during Tcnnesseee Manucvers, then into Camp Atterbury, I became a Chaplain's Assistant to Reverend Ronald L, Mosley, When Rev, Mosley was wounded and evacuated at St Vith I served as a Jeep driver, attached to various duties, supplies, aid station, moving wounded,,, I was wounded at St Vith but not immediately evacuated, I continued to move the wounded in and around St. Vith until !contracted infectious hepatitis, I was finally evacuated in a Ism transfer from from hospitals in France, England and the USA,
    My vita includes an educational background of growing up in many places with my parents in Michigan, Washington DC, NY, Chicago, Rochester and Pittsburgh before going to the Service, I finished my graduate degree at the University of Chicago and Michigan State (Ph,d. Degree in 1971), I had several careers; one in Social Work in Indiana; Musician in Pittsburgh and Detroit; Export Manager in Chicag, finally at a College Professor of History at Macomb College, Warren Michigan for 40 years, I retired in May 19998 and went back to being a musician playing trombone here in the Detroit area,
1 will attend the 53rd Annual Reunion.
Email, wjanscn.4@hccnetril
Reported earlier with errors in address,. 1340 OVERLOOK TERRACE
Email: cpblovc@aol,com
303 HILLCREST DR 110LMEN, WI 54636-9055
PO BOX 141
ETI !RIDGE, TN 48456
    931-829-3045 I joined the 106th Infantry Division at Camp Atterbury and was with the Division going to Europe. I have two 106th acquaintances and the area, Sheldon Golden and Clarence Creek (sp?). I will try to get them to "enlist" in the 106th Infantry Division Association,
4700 EUPEN
    BELGIUM Anne-Marie and Karl-Heinz wrote, "As members of CRIBA's committee and thanks to Herbert Clark (422 Cannon Company) who made us ASSOCIATE members, we took part in the German-American meeting in Auw, Germany last May."
    "We will be with the Belgian CRIBA contingent at your 53rd Annual Reunion in September. We are looking forward to meeting with all of your Association members that will be there, Until September, we give our best to you all."

The CUB of the Golden Lion
New Member ...
    (Editor's note: There will be over 20 CR1BA members attending our 53rd Annual Reunion in Schaumburg, Illinois, We are all looking forward to meet with them.. J Kline, editor)
BELEN, NM 87002
    I was a prisoner of war at Stalag IX-B. I was liberated on April 2nd, 1945 along was a lot of other 106th Infantry Division soldiers.
WATERLOO, IA 50701-1136
Sherod Collins, informs us that Paul was a truck driver in Service Company.
PO BOX 611
    After discharge from the Army, I worked at many different jobs. In June 1947 I married Arlene Lcbsack of Otis, Kansas and planted my first wheat crop, I farmed wheat, milo, and cattle until retirement at the age of 68. We have three children, one daughter and two sons,
    I have always been a sport fan-played team basketball and team softball for years-and now I golf and fish the year around, This past year my health has kept me from these, but I expect to continue my sports activities, I will be 74 years old July 24th 1999, During the winter months I work as a carpenter and for many years worked in a meat processing plant, I refereed high school and junior college football and basketball for 15 years Gencseo, has about 385 inhabitants, since the school was gone, The Continental Oil no longer has an office here and the railroad no longer carries passengers, It once had 850-900 inhabitants,
    About my Army experience: I was a replacement and reached the ETO a short time before going into battle in December 1944. A member of the 424th infantry Regiment, Company D, I remember the battles of January 1945 six-idly, even if I don't remember the names of the villages, The mission was to capture three villages. The first was easily taken-and the second we walked directly into the enemy which had dug in, I remember the cold chills one we were ordered to "fix bayonets," The machine gun squad of which I was apart, crowded together and setup machine guns and turned the tide there, We went on to the third objective but there Was point-blank fire from 88 mm mortars that made us withdraw was many personnel wounded or dead. At daybreak the next morning we were relieved by the 82nd Airbome, who were seasoned fighters. I remember we were recommended for the Bronze Star and later received a certificate of Merit for those actions, but have never heard more about the Bronze Star, If anybody knows anything about this, I would like to know,
    was discharged in October 1945 from Camp Carson, Colorado, convalescent hospital, where I went for injuries received while guarding a temporary prison camp in Europe.
    Editor's note: Glen, we have a large number of 424th infantry Regiment veterans in the Association, I suspect that you will hear from some of them. John Kline, Editor
PO BOX 1923
Inducted at Fort MacPherson, Georgia July 1943,
ASTP basic training, Fort Bunning,
August-December 1943; College Vanderbilt
University, ASTP Engineering Basic H
January-April 1943; joined the 106th Infantry
Division at Camp Atterbury, Indiana April 1943,
Crossed the Atlantic on the Queen Elizabeth, main
deck, cabin 9 123rd Infantry, Headquarters
Company. Camped for five weeks near
Andovcrsford and Cheltenham, England, Went
online December 11,1944 with the 423rd infantry
Regiment, Our squad was posted guard duty near the
Company Headquarters and a pillbox, Five of us
were lost in the dark and joined up with other

The CUB of the Golden Lion
New Member ...
    stragglers. Reached American lines at St, Vith on December 21 with 12 other soldiers, We evacuated same days that night, I ended up eventually being assigned to an Antitank Company, Stayed with that Antitank Company until we went back to Rennes for re-activation, Was assigned to Headquarters Company, First Battalion, 423rd infantry Regiment as a mechanic assistant to Paul R, Marin. Best friend, Bill T, Thoelke, named Supply Sergeant, until V-1 day, Later I received an emergency furlough and departed on a Liberty ship from LeHavre, France to New York to Camp Kilmer, New Jersey.
    Married Janie Little on August 20 1947, We had three children Susan, Thomas Jr,, and Betty, five grandchildren, Fanned on a family farm for 25 years near Attapulgus, GA, sold the farm and moved to Bainbridge Georgia in May 1973, Work as a production superintendent with ITT Automotive Electric Division for four years, Work as elevator superintendent, Pillsbury Co. At Bainbridge for eight years, Retired on February I 1985, I enjoy traveling, writing and grandchildren,
    I returned in Belgium in 1979 and found the family where we were billeted on New Years 1945 in Ochaine Clavier, Belgium, I returned there with my wife in 1990 and visited with them again, We still correspond. I am seeking information on the following:?? Maloof from Joplin MO, He was with the Division band, Donald Cooley from Lafayette, Ind, Paul R, Marin, formerly a fireman from Massachusetts, Pearly F, Betts from Maine,
    Editor's note: Don Cooley - Don was with a group of us 106th veterans that traveled to Germany in May 1999, Them wore 32 of us. We met, in Auw, Germany with 32 German veterans who fought against us in December 1944 I also met him in April at the University of Alabama in a group of veterans who had been students at the University in 1943 and 1944 in the Army Specialized Training Program, I came from the U of Alabama to the 106th Infantry Division in May of 1944. It was a two-day visit, reminiscing about old times,,,, J Kline editor
    215-332-8436 Jacob came in because his son found the 106th on the Internet. Welcome Jacob to the 106th Infantry Division Association and many thanks to your son who found us for you,
Editors Note' Jacob, I have your envelope
    as if you sent me a photo or photos, I can't seem to identify which photos, if that is what they were, that you sent, Have your son email me at jpk@mm,com,.,John Kline, editor
727-867-0811 John, Thanks for the quick reply with an application, roster and CUBS,
    ASTP - University of Maine; Fort Bening, GA; Camp Atterbury, "L" Company, 423rd Infantry' Captured 19 December, 1944 attacking Schoenberg, Germany. I was incarcerated in Stalag IX-B, Bad Orb, Germany' On returning: College: Law School, Boston University. Practiced Law as a sole practitioner in Adams, Mass for 44 years, Retired at the age of 70. Moved to Florida in 1995,Married with two children, two grandchildren.
SUN PRAIRIE, WI 53590-3307
    608-825-9048 My brother Vernon C. Vaade served with the 592nd FAB, B Battery. Vernon trained with the 106th stateside, One of the training locations was Camp Atterbury. I believe he arrived in England in November 1944 and was in the St Vith Area on December 16, 1944, Vernon died in 1990.
I am interested in more information about the 106th in December 1944 into January 1945.
    Editor's note: I recommend Charles MacDonald's A TIME for TRUMPETS and THE ARDENNES, by Hugh Cole, ,Try your local library or Lending Library, .,J Kline, editor
IRVINE, CA 92604-2949
    949-651-9440 I served under the name of WOJCIECHOWSKI. You can also contact me through my daughter on Email:

The CUB of the Golden Lion
106th Division
-The Golden Lions -
    Please note: The Px is a new service offered to the members and families of the 106th Infantry Division Assn' 20% of all profits are returned to your association. We ask for your support.
1. 106th Division 21/2* Patch S2.50 ea. 8. Dress MinS3,00)ls .S8.50 & up
No shipping & handing on this item only Regulation - coil to order . S20.00 & up
    2. 106th Division Am 4' Patch ......... S6.50 ea. 9 Full size Regulation Medals .S1.50 & up S16.50 ea. $16.50 ea. $29.50 ea.
w/clutch back . (from gS9,50nea,ctor) ...........S7,50 .. S28.0)Div, 039.50 ea.
3. 106th Division 1' Pin of Patch ......... S3.50 ea. ea,Ribbons 55.00.,,,,.,,,50 ea.
. 3/S10.00 Mounted, ready forea,ar S10.00 ea.
    4. Assn. Ball Cap w/Olv. Patch . SlO.00 convenience,ed Eggs ....................... 51200 ea. 11. Bola Tie w/106th Div. Crest ....S20,03 ea,kle w/106th Div. Crest$8,50. Bola & Belt set .................ea,.......... $8.50 pr. 'S8.50 ea
5. Windbreaker w/4*Poole' Q,M,50 ea. 12. Battle,,,,,,,,.,.....,,,,....,,,, S3,50 ea, 3/510,00 Ribbon Slide boxed)
S-M-L-XL (XXL & XXXL add1,3.00) 13. 106th ,.,,,lS16,50iea,a8,h .........
6. Combat infantry BadS2,50 la Honorable Discharge Pin (Ruptur,d Duck) .....
ea,bat Medic Badge 15. Battle of the Bulge History Book by Tur..,,,..,,,,,,,
A. Full Size Regulation S9.52,ea. 368 pages of the battle
B. Dress Miniature S7.50 ea.,,,,,,,., 16. 106th Division Ucense
C. S6,50 ea, S4.50 ea. Plate FrDiv,.
7. P,W3,edal 17. Ladle,,,,,..,,,e/blue Crystal Earrings (pi,.,,, or clip) . Ladle,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,,,,.,.,,,,..,,,,
A. Full Size Regulation S20.03,.,,,.,.,
B. S3,50 Mini,t3/S10,000 eaAssn,
C. Lapel Plnw/Olv,bbon S3,5SlO,00
D. ea,mel Hat Pin ......,,,.,,,,,.,...,.,,.,,,,3.50 ea. 3/5,0.00
E. Bola Tie w/minl Pow$28,50 ea,.. S16.50 ea.
Make c,,,,,payable to: The Military Shop = S20,00
Mail order to: 106th Div. Quartermaster Arizo,S1,50identsS16,50eea,d$16,50aea,S$29,50xea,o,,:S28,0)tea,r039,50
9635 W. Peoria Ave. Peoria, AZ 85345 ea,ers - $ea,0S52,50
Please,allow 2 to (800) 544-9275 (for credit card orders)
4 weeks,for delivery or (602) 979-0535 FAX 602,S8,50711
Credit Card # SHIPPING & HANDLING 4.00
0 MC 0 AMX 0 VISA W,DiscoverAve,ires____/_/_ Total
    We have made available an 800 number and four credit card companies for your ordering convenience. Thank you for supporting your division association.
DTax, L Poole. Q.M.

The CUB of she Gol$25,00oMin,
In Memoriam
Ball, Chester E. 590/HQ 6174 Sunnyvale Drive, Columbus, OH 43228
    Reported through Email by David Graham, ASSOCIATE dgraham@iwaynet,net: Graham wrote, -Chet died 3/15/1999 and was apparently a life member of the 106th as well as the 80th and 5th Infantry Division, Chet was Past President of the 50 Infantry Division Association and published their newsletter. He was with the 590th FAB at Fort Jackson, when volunteered for immediate overseas duty as a forward observer: Wounded three times, got the Bronzes and Silver stars, five feet four inches that weighed 120 pounds, He rose to Captain by 1945 AND retired as a colonel in the U.S. Army Reserves. He was my friend in church and shared many of his war stories -- including his eyewitness account of Patton crossing Rhine, That story is of special interest to me, While observing for the artillery, Chet recorded the exact hour and minute that Patton achieved his goal at the Rhine, Chet's published memoirs can be used to prove there are many incorrect versions of who was there and who took photographs of Patton. Chet's obituary reads like a book of honorable accomplishments, I'm very pleased to have known him. Dare Graham
Erbes, Richard (Dick) 423/HQ 24501 Woodshed Drive, Wildomar, CA 92593-9102
    Reposed by Ery Szpek, Jr. son of Ery Sr. I Company, 423rd infantry Regiment, Dick Erbes, 423 Headquarters passed away on April 26' 1999 at a Veteran's veterans facility in California, His sister Phyllis Nelch, 26269 Birchdale Rd, Sun C'ity, CA 92586, came upon correspondence that I shared with Dick over the last several years. Dick's wife passed away the couple years ago. He leaves behind three daughters and grandchildren, who were the light of his life, In later years He was devoted to Col. Cavender, 423rd Regimental Commander (now deceased), and they had bonded in a strong friendship.
    When he was liberated he refused to go home and allow his family to see him in a weakened state. I le stayed in Europe for several months to build himself up so that when he went home he was able to leave the past were belonged -- across the ocean, Of course not every GI could have used Dick's method of Yankee manipulation, He somehow came upon a blank pad of Army orders an and being in a Headquarters Unit and was familiar with the procedure. So fora few months he made up his orders and took an extended vacation in England and France, That is how Dick lived his life -- pushed every day to the limit. He certainly will be missed by those that knew hint.
Francisco, Sr., William A. 424/HQ 299 Wades Branch Road, Centerville, TN 37033-3863
    June, William's wife writ.: "Please be advised that my husband, William A, Francisco, Sr, Died on August 15, 1998. His is also survived by two sons, William Jr and Bob Peter and one daughter, Carol," Hopbell, John E. 422/G 631 Mercer Street, Turtle Creek, PA 15145-1541
    John passed away quietly on Friday April 30th 1999, We had the POW service for hint on Monday evening at the funeral home, which was well received and appreciated by his family. Dick Rigatti
Moore, George L. 422/B 80 Memorial Drive, Salem, Mass. 01970
    Margaret, George's wife writ., -This is to inform you that George L, Moore (Sergeant) died on November 12, 1998, and is sadly missed.",
Pierce, Waldo 423/F 530 East Street, New Britian, CT 06051
    Waldo died at age 84, on 15 April 1999, the beloved husband of Doris Archer Pierce, Ile was employed at the Stanley Tool Company for 38 years, retiring in 1975, He was a member of the South Congregational First Baptist church, a World War II veteran serving from 1942 to 1946 in the 106th Infantry Division. A former POW, captured in the Battle of the Bulge, Although retired for 24 years, he was an active member of the American Legion, Eddy Glover Post 6, where he in 1960 he was awarded the Life Membership; the post service officer for the American Red Cross for many years and was active in POW-MIA organizations in Connecticut, He served in many volunteer positions for the American Red Cross, then floating being a member of the Board of Directors, disaster services chairman, armed forces case worker, emergency shelter manager, blood services volunteer which included emergency blood routes, at any hour of the day or night and working at blood mobiles. Most recently, Waldo volunteered as a driver for the elderly and disabled transportation program. Waldo received the "VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR" award from the American Red Cross chapter that was recognized by the United Way of New Britain and Berlin in 1976 he will always be remembered as a man with great compassion and a strong desire to serve others.
Rest in Peace
Non Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
St. Paul, MN
Permit No. 505Org'
John Kline - Editor
11 Harold Drive
Burnsville, MN 55337-2786
Telephone: 612-890-3155
4223 S SHELBY 750 W
FRANKLIN IN 4E131-9205D'
I, ill lin,' us iii, iiimindlosiiiiiit looitilniiiiiiiiiiiiii
Inscription on 106th It'll Div Memorial - St Vith
Board of Directors 1998 -1999
Alphabetical by year term expires.
A quarterly publication of the
106th Infantry Division Association, Inc.
A nonprofit Organization- USPO #5054
St Paul, MN - Agent: John P. Kline, Editor
Membership fees include CUB subscription.
Paid membership August 4, 1999 - 1686 members
President John A. Sweet
Past-President .John P. Kline
1st Vice-Pres John Gregory
2nd Vice-Pres Marion Ray
Treasurer Sherod Collins
Adjutant Gordon. Pinney
Historian Sherod Collins
CUB Editor John P. Kline
    Chaplain Dr. Duncan Trueman Memorials Chairman ....Dr. John G. Robb Atterbury Memorial Rep 0. Paul Men St. Vith Mem. Rep ...,Dr. Richard Peterson Membership Chairman Marion Ray
Resolutions Chairman .. E.V. Creel
Washington Liaison & AFR..,. Jack Sulser
Order of the Golden Lion . Russell Villwock
Editorial matter and photos
John P, Kline - CUB Editor
11 Harold Orion, Burnsville' MN 55337-2786
612-890-3155 -
Business matters, deaths, address changes:
Gordon Pinney - Adjutant
60 Pinney Road, Whitney, NE 69367-2587
308-665-1785 - gpow45@bbc.nct
Memorial matters and inquiries:
Dr John G, Robb - Memorial Chairman
238 Devore Dr,, Meadville, PA 16355
Membership dues, Historical Items:
Sherod Collins - Treasurer/Historian
448 Monroe Trace, Kennesaw, GA 30144
The Life Membership fee (one time only)
Life Membership S 75.00
Life Auxiliary 5 15.00
Life Associate 3 75,00
Annual dues, payable for July 1 to June 30 next
regardless of date of entry
Annual Membership 510,00
Annual Auxiliary $ 2,00
Annual Associate $10.00
Make checks payable to
"106th Infantry Division Association?" Nolan L. Ashburn, 424/11 ('1999)
1212 Rai.= Dr, Apt .1-193, Ft Collirss, VO 80525
Lloyd J. Diehl, 423/H (.1999)
It3 Box 212, 365 Chapel Hghts ltd.' Sewell, NJ 08080
Jobe A' Gregory, 424/E (Exec. Committee) (.1999)
4624 Ashton Dr., Sacraria., CA 95864
916-481-3353 -
Art Van Meade's., 423/B (' 1999)
206 W. Birch St, Arlington' SD 57212
John A. Swett, 423/H (Exec Committee) (Est '1999)
10691 E. Northerest Dr, "Dicaon' AZ 85748
520-7n-6016 - jasweagjuiso.corn
Rkhard J. Brax, 423/1C (.2000)
14 Porter St, Quaker Hill, CT 06375
Walter G. Bridges, 424/D (.2000)
225 Laird Ave, Ilueytown, AL 35023
Sherod Collins, 423/SV ('2000)
448 Monroe Trnacoe,9,12(zrao, w, GA 301.
John P. Kline, 423/01 (.2000)
I I Harold Drive, Burnsville, MN 55337-2786
612-890-3155 - jpk(ohr interim
E. V. Creel, 590/A (•2001)
315 Fern Cliff Ave., "temple Thrace, F7'33617
Marian Ray, 424/D (Exec. Commit.) (2001)
704 Brimmed Drive, Miail°, II. 6201.1168
618-377-3485 -
Cal. Earl Valenti:in US (Ret), Elst Eng/B ('2001)
5737 Bar Neck Rd., :11mb/ids, MD 21613
410-228.0716 - eagle@dieraidnet
Zinsand, Gerald P., 422/0 (.2001)
101 Joseph Street, New Hyde Parke, NY 11040
NY: 51,3544778 FL: 561-732-3832
Joseph P. Maloney, 424VHQ (.2002),,
1120 Warren Ave, Arnold, PA 15068
412-335-6104 - maloncy*salcsgiver,tarti
Rid.. D. Sparks, 423/11Q ('2002)
3180 Rani, St, Dchona, Fl. 32738
904-789-4692 - dsparky@niagicnetnet
Russell H. Villwock, 106 Signal ('2002)
8960 WE-A Foster Ave, 0510, Nonni, II. 60656
John O. Gilliland, 592/SV ('2003)
605 North,. Dr. Enterprise, Al 36330
Frank Lapato, 422/HQ ('2003)
RD 8 - Box 403, Kittanning, PA 16201
Harry F. Martin, Jr, 424/L ('2003)
PO Box 221, Mount Arlington, NJ 07856
George Peres, 590/A ('2003)
19160 Harbor Tree Ct, NW Port Myers, EL 33903
Charles F' Rieck 422/H ('2003)
7316 Voss Parkway, Middleton, W153562
HONORARY Board Member
Cot Joseph Matthews 422/HQ (LIFE)
4706 W.stem Blvd, Raleigh, NC 27606
E-nail % son Robert; rjmatt(il8nrid.elirs.00nt
     919-851-4851 A beautifuC.R,I,B,A, day. See C.R.I.B.A. on page 16. UB clam GOLDEN LION .001 PUBLISHED BY AND FOR \ea The Veterans of the 106th INFANTRY DIVISION

Index for: Vol. 55, No. 1, Oct, 1998

Index for This Document

106th Div., 22, 40, 41
106th Div. QM, 41
106th Inf. Div., 1, 3, 4, 9, 11, 12, 18, 22, 32, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44
106th Inf. Div. Memorial, 32
106th Infantry Division Association, 1, 22, 37, 39, 43, 44
106th Memorial, 20
106th Sig. Co., 45
331st Med., 34
331st Med. BN, 34
422/K, 6, 9
422nd Inf., 3, 8
422nd Inf. Regt., 3
423rd Inf., 1, 35, 39
423rd Inf. Regt., 1
423rd Regt., 42
424/A, 3, 5
424/C, 6, 36
424/D, 18, 19, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 35, 38, 44
424/E, 6, 19, 37, 44
424/G, 37
424/L, 45
424th Inf. Regt., 3, 4, 22, 27
590th FA BN, 41
592nd FA BN, 40
592nd FAB, 40
5th Inf. Div., 41
62nd Volksgrenadier, 17, 18, 22
62nd Volksgrenadier Div., 17, 22
75th Inf. Div., 18, 26, 28
81st Engr., 4
Anderson, David, 35
Anderson, Francis (Toby), 35
Annakin, Ken, 14
Ardennes, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 30, 31, 34, 40, 43
Ardennes Battle, 30
Ardennes Campaign, 15
Ardennes Cemetery, 30
Ardennes Offensive, 20
Ashburn, Nolan L., 44
Auw, 1, 13, 17, 20, 21, 28, 29, 30, 37, 39
Auw, Germany, 1, 17, 30, 37, 39
Bad Orb, 13, 40
Bad Orb, Germany, 40
Ball, Chester E., 41
Basel, 19, 20
Bastogne, 33, 34
Bastogne, Belgium, 33
Battle of the Bulge, 5, 8, 12, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 40, 42
Battleground Europe, 12
Baugnez, 15, 31
Bean, Cynthia, 19
Bean, Ralph, 20
Beaufays, 16
Beaver, Johnnie, 10
'Before The Veterans Die', 9
Behling, Jackson, 19
Belgium, 1, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 22, 27, 28, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 39
Berberian, Kachadore, 6
Berlin, 1, 32, 42
Bleialf, 27
Bliealf, 30
Blumberg, Nathaniel, 19
Books, 12, 13
Brax, Richard, 6
Bridges, Barbara, 19
Bridges, Walter, 20, 21, 26, 27, 29, 32
Bridges, Walter G., 44
Britton, Ben, 6
Busier, William, 6
Butter, Leroy, 35
Butter, Leroy G., 35
C.R.I.B.A., 14, 15, 45
Camp Atterbury, 6, 11, 13, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40
Camp Atterbury Museum, 11
Camp Atterbury, IN, 38
Camp Elsenborn, 13, 22
Camp Kilmer, NJ, 39
Cavender, Col., 42
Central Europe, 34, 43
Cheltenham, 38
Cheltenham, England, 38
Clavier, 39
Cole, Hugh, 40
Collins, John, 9
Collins, Sherod, 37, 43, 44
Cooley, Don, 39
Cooley, Donald, 19, 39
Creel, E. V., 44
Creel, E.V., 43
CRIBA, 14, 20, 21, 37
D'Antonio, Joseph, 30
Darmstadt, 31
Degerlia, Gilbert, 34
Diehl, Lloyd J., 44
Div. Band, 36
Duderstad, 8
Dunn, Edwin, 19
Eigelscheid, 27, 28
Elsenborn, 29
Emmert, David, 6
Erbes, Richard, 42
Eupen, 16, 37
Fagnoul, Kurt, 20
Fishburn, Henry R., 35
Fishburn, John R., 35
Fleron, 16
Fonda, Henri, 14
Fosty, Albert, 16
Fosty, Jean-Marie, 16
France, 31, 34, 36, 39, 42
Frankfurt, 19, 22, 23, 31
Frankfurt, Germany, 22, 23
Ft. Jackson, SC, 34, 36, 41
German Bundeswehr Military Reserve, 17, 20, 22
Germany, 1, 8, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 22, 25, 26, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 39
Gerolstein, 17, 19, 20, 24
Gerolstein, Germany, 17
Giandonato, Alfred, 34
Gillespie, Jack, 8
Gilliland, John O., 45
Gorlitz, 8
Gouvy, 16
Gregory, John, 19, 26, 31, 43
Gregory, Shirley, 19
Greve, Walter, 19
Grosslangenfeld, 27
Heckhuscheid, 28
Helmich, Lester, 6
Henri Chapelle, 13, 29, 30
Henri Chapelle Cemetery, 13
Henri-Chapelle, 13, 14, 15, 21
Henri-Chapelle Cemetery, 14
Honkus, Mike, 9
Hopbell, John, 9, 42
Hopbell, John E., 42
Houseman, Don, 19
HQ Co., 1st BN, 39
Hubert, Andre, 16, 20
Idstein, Richard, 36
Idstein, Richard L., 36
Jonckeau, Louis, 16
Jones, Alan, 4
Jones, William T., 6
Kelly, Col., 4
Kelly, John, 6
Kline, John, 1, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 20, 21, 22, 30, 35, 38, 39, 43
Kline, John P., 43, 44
Kline, Margot, 19, 21
Koblenz, 19
Koehler, Frank, 24
Kraft, Christian, 14, 16
Langlire, 16
Lapato, Frank, 9, 45
LeHavre, 39
Lehavre, France, 39
Leibowitz, Samuel, 6
Leipzig, 32
Liege, 16
Limburg, 19, 24
Lorraine, 8
Lowenberg, Howard, 9
Lucky Strike, 1
Luxembourg, 13, 14
MacDonald, Charles, 40
Malmedy, 15, 16, 30, 31, 37
Malmedy Massacre, 15
Maloney, Joe, 9
Maloney, Joseph P., 45
Mapes, Robert, 5
Margraten, 13
Martin, Harry F., 45
Massey, Joseph, 19
Matthews, Joseph, 45
Mayrsohn, Bernard, 19, 21
Memorials, 43
Merz, Paul, 6
Middleton, 45
Moore, George L., 42
Netherlands, 8, 13, 36
Neuville, 15
Neuville-En-Condroz, 15
Noel, Karl Heinz, 20
Order of the Golden Lion, 43
Our River, 25, 27
Pampas, Walter, 26
Paris, 31
Parker, Phyllis, 19
Patton, Don, 26, 27
Patton, Gen. George, 17
Pellish, John, 9
Peters, Dave, 9
Peterson, Dr. Richard, 43
Peterson, Richard, 20
Phelan, William R., 6
Photos, 11, 12
Pierce, Waldo, 42
Pinney, Gordon, 19, 21, 43
Poteau, 33, 34
Poteau Museum, 33
Prell, Donald, 19
Prewett, Ed, 20, 31
Prewett, Reddie, 19, 20
Prisoner of War, 9
Pruem, 8, 24
Puett, Col., 4
Queen Elizabeth, 38
Rain, Jack, 25
Ray, Marion, 14, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 35, 43
Rennes, 39
Reunions, 1, 5
Reynolds, Alfred C., 37
Rhine, 41
Rhineland, 34, 43
Richardson, Oran F., 37
Rigatti, Dick, 5, 9, 42
Rigatti, Richard, 9
Rikken, Adda, 20
Robb, Dr. John G., 43
Roberts, John, 8, 19
Rocourt, 16
Rogister, Henri, 14, 16, 21
Rolfe, Glen E., 38
Ruskin, Kenneth, 30
Russell, Raymond, 6
Schnee Eifel, 18
Schoenberg, 39
Schoenberg, Germany, 39
Siegfried Line, 28, 29
Siekierski, Al, 5
Simon, Anne-Marie, 16
Smallwood, Thomas F., 38
Smith, Mervin, 5
Smith, Mervin S., 5
St. Vith, 6, 20, 30, 34, 36, 40, 43
Stalag IX-B, 1, 13, 37, 40
Stalag XII-A, 24
Stavelot, 14
Stepnick, Francis, 9
Strauss, Jacob, 39
Sulser, Jack, 4, 5, 13, 21, 30, 43
Swett, John, 14, 20, 21, 31
Swett, John A., 44
Tarantino, Louis, 5
Taylor, Margaret, 20
Tennessee Maneuvers, 16, 17
The 106th Inf. Div. Memorial, 32
The Battle of the Bulge, 8, 14, 22
Thome, Michael, 19, 31
Thome, Mike, 20, 31
Trueman, Dr. Duncan, 43
Trueman, Duncan, 3
Turgeon, Leonard, 39
Turgeon, Leonard A., 39
Vaade, Vernon C., 40
Vaade, Victor, 40
Vaade, Victor V., 40
Vance, George, 9
Verviers, 16
Vietnam, 11
Villwock, Russ, 1
Villwock, Russell, 7, 43
Villwock, Russell H., 45
Volksgrenadier, 18
Waring, Fred, 2
West Wall, 29
West, James D., 43
West, Jim, 11
Westbrook, Scott, 6
Wijers, Hans, 8
Winterspelt, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 32, 33
Winterspelt, Germany, 32, 33
Wittenburg, 32
Wojahn, Ed, 20
Wojahn, Edward, 19
World War II Memorial, 4
Yanchik, Pete, 9
Yelochan, Al, 9
Young, Damon, 6
Zicker, Gordon, 19