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Index for this issue of The CUB
Original Cub Document
Uploaded: 17-Jun-2024
Vol. 73, No. 3, Nov. 2017

2017 Annual Reunion Rescheduled
    Due to Hurricane Irma's impact on the state of Florida, the 2017 106th Infantry Division Association's annual reunion has been rescheduled for January 17-21, 2018 at the same location. Find the re-scheduled reunion's information in this issue of The CUB.

A tri-annual publication of the 106th Infantry Division Association, Inc.
Total Membership as of October 14, 2017 -- 1,060

Membership includes CUB magazine subscription
Annual Dues are no longer mandatory: Donations Accepted
Payable to "106th Infantry Division Association" and mailed to the Treasurer -- See address below

Elected Offices
President: Leon Goldberg (422/D)
Past-President (Ex-Officio) Brian Welke (Associate Member)
1st Vice-President Wayne Dunn (Associate Member)
2nd Vice-President Robert Schaffner (Associate Member)
    Adjutant: Randall M. Wood (Associate member) 810 Cramertown Loop, Martinsville, IN 46151 woodchuck01@,sbcglobaLnet 765-346-0690
Business Matters, Deaths, Address changes to:
Membership: Jacquelyn Coy 121 McGregor Ave., Mt. Arlington, NJ 07856 973-663-2410

Donations, checks to:
Treasurer: Mike Sheaner PO Box 140535, Dallas TX 75214 sheanerl@airmaiLnet 214-823-3004
Memorial Chair: Dr. John G. Robb (422/D) 238 Devore Dr., Meadville, PA 16355 frobb238@hotmail.cont 814-333-6364
Chaplain: Vincent J.
    106th ID Assn's Belgium Liaison: Carl Wouters Waterkant 17 Bus 32, B-2840 Terhagen, Belgium cell: +(32) 47 924 7789
    106th Assoc. Website Webmaster: Wayne G. Dunn 620 Coachmans Way, Parkton, MD 21120 410-409-1141

Committee Chairs:

Atterbury Memorial Representative Jim West
Historian: John Schaffner/William McWhorter
Membership Chair Jacquelyn Coy
Mini-Reunions Wayne Dunn
Nominating Committee Chair Brian Welke
Order of the Golden Lion Carol Falkner/Beth Garrison/ John Schaffner
Public Relations Chair Wayne Dunn
Resolutions Chair Bernard Mayrsohn
Reunion Co-chairs Randy Wood, Brian Welke

CUB Editor: William McWhorter 200 Morrell, Kyle, Texas 78640 williammcwhorter17@gmail.cont 512-970-5637
CUB Publisher: Susan Weiss 9 Cypress Point Ct., Blackwood, NJ 08012 856-415-2211

Board of Directors (all positions held through 2018)
Jacquelyn Coy, Membership (Associate member)
121 McGregor Ave., Mt. Arlington, NJ 07856 973-663-2410

Wayne G. Dunn (Associate member)
620 Coachmans Way, Parkton, MD 21120 410-409-1141

Joe Gardner (Associate member)
315 Ridgewood Drive, New Paris, PA 15554 814-839-2473

Leon Goldberg (422/D)
1001 City Avenue, Unit EC1007, Wynnewood PA 19096 610-667-5115

Donald E Herndon (424/L)
8313 NW 102, Oklahoma City, OK 73162-4026 405-721-9164

    Henry LeClair (Associate member)(father:422/G) 209 Range Road, Windham, NH 03087 603-401-3723

Sy Lichtenfeld (422/I) [Past President]
901 Somerby Dr., Apt 334, Mobile, AL 36695 251-639-4002

Bernard Mayrsohn (423/CN) [Past President] website:
34 Brae Burn Dr., Purchase, NY 10577-1004 914-946-2908

Kris Rice (Associate member) krazyrice@comcastnet
23109 Glenbrook Street, St. Clair Shores, MI 48082-2194 586-206-0018

John M. Roberts (592/C) [Past President]
1059 Alter Rd., Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304-1401 248-338-2667

Dr. John G. Robb (422/D)
238 Devore Dr., Meadville, PA 16355 814-333-6364

John Schaffner (589/A) [Past President]
1811 Miller Rd., Cockeysville, MD 21030-1013 410-584-2754

Robert Schaffner (Associate member)
706 Morris Ave., Lutherville, MD 21093 410-773-4297

Herbert "Mike" Sheaner (422/G) [Past President]
PO Box 140535, Dallas, Texas 75214 214-823-3003

Mike Sheaner, Treasurer (Associate member)
PO Box 140535, Dallas TX 75214 214-823-3004

Jeanne M. Walker (Associate member)
22 Woodbine Rd., Marshfield, MA 02050-3632 781-837-8166

Newton Weiss (423/HQ 3Bn) [Past President]
311 Route 73, Apt 245, Voorhees, NJ 08043 856-210-6696

Brian Welke (Associate member) [Past President]
1821 Morris Street, Eustis, FL 32726-6401 352-408-5671

Janet Wood (Associate member)
308 Camden Cove Circle, Calera, AL 35040 205-910-0542

    Randall M. Wood (Associate member) [Past President] 810 Cramertown Loop, Martinsville, IN 46151 765-346-0690

President's View . . .
    I know we were all disappointed to have to cancel our reunion in September, but we have to be thankful that we had the time to do so. Can you imagine the problems we would have had if we were there when the storm hit? There is no doubt we were lucky we had the time to change our plans and postpone our gathering. Now, as a bonus, we can look forward to some time in Florida that will give us a bit of relief from the January chill while offering us a chance to re-unite.
    It also gives me the opportunity to write another "final" message as president. What I believe is the most important item on our horizon is the current world situation. It seems that we are drifting toward another world conflict. That would be devastating! I don't have to describe the horrors a new global war would inflict upon the world. We just can't let that happen. I would like to see us set aside some time at the convention in January to discuss what, if anything, we can do as individuals or as a group to work for peace. Think about it.
    On a personal note, we gave up our house and moved into a condominium this summer. It was a long time coming but it "was time" and we are happily adjusting to our new situation.
    I would like to draw your attention to the back cover of the April-July issue of The CUB, and the important message from our treasurer, Mike Sheaner. The CUB is a great publication but we need continuous financial support to keep it going at the current quality. Please help however you can. I have always asked for a hard copy of The CUB, but in light of the cost, I am now switching to electronic delivery, as suggested by our treasurer. In this regard we should all reconsider our annual contribution to the association and give what we can to help our organization remain healthy.
    In the previous issue of The CUB I described my experience with Honor Flight. Since that issue was printed I've learned more about the organization and can offer you more information. This is taken, mostly verbatim, from their


President's View . . .

    website. Honor Flight is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing veterans with honor and closure. Its mission is to transport America's veterans to Washington, D.C. to visit those memorials dedicated to honor their service and the sacrifices they and their friends made. The organization provides an opportunity for the veterans to visit and reflect at these memorials. Top priority is given to senior veterans and World War II survivors, along with those who may be terminally ill. Their site contains the following opinion:
    Of all of the wars in recent memory, it was World War II that truly threatened our very existence as a nation -- and as a culturally diverse, free society. According to the Department of Veteran Affairs, an estimated 640 World War II veterans die each day. Our time to express our thanks to these brave men and women is running out.
    The organization's website indicates that in 2016 they flew 20,558 veterans to D.C. and that they currently have about 27,272 on waiting lists: 2,747 WWII vets, 8,507 Korean vets, 15,429 Vietnam vets, and 589 others.
    Honor Flight, Inc. can be reached at 937-521-2400. Its headquarters is located at 175 South Tuttle Road, Springfield, Ohio, 45505. I recommend that you check it out.
    Once again I want to express my appreciation on behalf of the entire membership for the hard work and time spent by the dedicated officers and Board members who keep our organization going.

    Leon Goldberg (422/D) 106th Infantry Division Association President 2016-2017 1001 City Avenue, Unit EC1007, Wynnewood PA 19096 610-667-5115

If you haven't done it yet --
(Re)Make your plans NOW.!
to join us for the
RESCHEDULED: 71st Annual Reunion
of the
106th Infantry Division Association
at the
Park Inn Hotel Orlando, FL
January 17 to 21, 2018
Contact Mike Sheaner, Treasurer at for additional registration forms and paperwork
or call Wayne Dunn at 410-409-1141 if you have any questions. For additional information about the reunion visit:


Chaplain's Message . . .

    As humans, we remember things we do not want to and we cannot remember things we need to. Our lives are run by day planners and electronic calendars, task reminders and sticky notes. We have to remember important personal dates such as birthdays, anniversaries, dentist appointments and parent-teacher conferences. On top of all that we have work related items that need to be remembered -- things such as client meetings, due dates and delivery dates. Our lives are inundated with things to remember. Our memories can be triggered by many different things. As mentioned before we have devices that aide us in our mid- to short-term memory, but what about our long-term memory, suppressed memories and memories of past events. Surely we do not have sticky notes laying around reminding us of events gone by.
    My son and I like to run and every Saturday we run a paved trail in the city. The only downfall to this trail is the sewage vent ports that line it. If there happens to be a breeze you will immediately, but only momentarily, be over powered by the stench of sewage. The first time I had the misfortune of gasping in the sewage smell my brain brought into focus Guantanamo Bay, Cuba where I had been deployed in 1995. I immediately remembered that the sewage smell was a very prominent odor due to the port-a-johns all over the area, and of course, one memory lead to the next and I was reliving the event all over again, in my mind.
    When people smell, hear or see certain things it triggers a memory that they relive in their mind. This is a very normal human function and some of those memories are good and others not so good, but they are all a part of our past. The word "remember" as we know it means to recall or bring back into thought. I want to propose a different way to look at the word "remember". Let's break the word apart as "Re" "Member" meaning to join with again. When we remember something, we are rejoining our thoughts and emotions to an event. When we remember people, we are rejoining their lives and our own.
When we gather at our reunion in


Chaplain's Message . . .

    January let us RE-MEMBER, meaning to rejoin our lives with the thoughts and actions of the men and women who willingly sacrificed their lives and who displayed the highest form of honor and duty when they were needed. This is how
    memories are kept alive and this is the highest form of honor we can show them. I look forward to seeing you all there. Be Blessed
Vincent J. Charron
(PFC Nelson Charron 422/D)

The Importance of a Mini Reunion
    Our veterans will always remember December 16, 1944, when they were thrust into the chaos of war. The years may have thinned the ranks, but those that remain still have the pride of knowing they played an instrumental part in slowing -- and ultimately defeating -- the German war machine.
    As it becomes more difficult to travel, it is of critical importance that mini-reunions be held wherever our vets can join in. Any city, town -- or even in someone's home -- would be a fine place to gather to honor, cherish and remember all of our veterans. Plan one in your area today!
    Contact Mini-Reunion Chair Wayne Dunn at and he can assist you with members in your area.

Shadows of Slaughterhouse Five
From Ervin Szpek Jr, Non-Veteran Member
    Ervin SzpekJr. (Associate Member) is pleased to announce after many years of research that his and his colleagues' book on the infamous Arbeitskommando Slaughterhouse Five has been released. Nearly every man of this POW work camp (near Dresden, Germany) originated from the 106th Infantry Division including former 106th Association President, Gifford Doxsee. The book is their story, in their words and accounts for nearly every POW at the camp. It also chronicles the recollections and reflections of the 150 American Ex-POWs, many of whom are members of the Association. Newly released by iUniverse press at www, the book is also available at and With best wishes for 2016 and with appreciation for your efforts -- thank you.


The Adjutant's Message . . .

    The 2017 Reunion has been re-engineered and is scheduled for January 17-21 at the Park Inn by Radisson, Kissimmee Florida. As I'm sure you know, our original date for the reunion was September 13-17 but that date was blown away by Hurricane Irma. We did not cancel the original dates until Monday the 11th when it became apparent the hotel could not host our group. Every business we dealt with saw fit to refund our deposits in full, and in response we have been able to re-book all of the original vendors. All of our tours are rescheduled and the program is as it was originally.
    As a refresher, the reunion will kick off on Wednesday, Jan. 17, with a Board meeting followed by a welcome Reception in our Hospitality Room for all who can attend. On Thursday we have a tour planned that will take us to the home of the Warbirds followed by lunch on your own. After lunch we will visit the Kissimmee Museum of Military History. This tour is included and all registered attendees can attend at no additional cost. Thursday evening is a relaxed welcome dinner with great food and time to visit with your friends.
    Friday after breakfast, we will have our memorial service honoring all veterans of the 106th Division. This will be followed by the Noon Luncheon. We will discuss the coming year and how the association proceeds. Friday evening we will attend the Capone's Dinner show. Big Al might even be there. It is an all you can eat buffet and includes beverages. I was encouraged about this show when I made contact with a transportation company. I told her that we had three tours scheduled and she said "Capone's and what others?" I asked how she knew and she replied, "It's a great show, the food is excellent and everybody goes there."
    Saturday finds us with another tour. We are going to the Chocolate Kingdom. We will be able to see the process from the bean to the finished product, sampling along the way. Lunch is on your own at Old Town which is right next door. Our banquet is that evening as a finale of the reunion.
    Having to cancel our original schedule was a myriad of emotions and unknown ramifications. Some people planning to attend the original dates may not be able to go now. For that we are sorry. On the positive side there are several groups that can now go but could not earlier and for that we are thankful. Some have said "but what about the possibility of snow" and I say "What a wonderful time to go to Florida."


The Adjutant's Message . . .

    Families, get your veteran excited about going. Veterans, call your buddies and encourage them to come visit with you and your family. Get your reservations in by mid-December and get ready for a wonderful time. See you there.
Randall M. Wood, Adjutant
Robert Wood 423-I
810 Cramertown Loop Martinsville, IN 46151 765-346-0690

    Our banquet speaker this year is Pastor Chris Edmonds of the Piney Grove Baptist Church in Maryville, TN. His father was Master Sergeant Roddie Edmonds,
422 Regiment, 106th ID.
    While Chris's daughter was doing an essay on family history, she began researching her grandfather's diary from his POW exploits. Chris continued the research and began speaking about his father's story, "Roddie's Code," around the country. The story of his father, a soldier imprisoned by the Nazis in WWII -- whose courage is an example for all of us was featured in Vol. 72, No. 1 (March 2016) of The CUB, "American WWII Vet Becomes First Soldier Honored for Saving Jews.
    Pastor Chris Edmonds holding up shrapnel from a German 88 that was fired upon our boys in The Battle of the Bulge during World War II Chris visited this area in Germany, retracing the steps of his father, MSgt. Roddie Edmonds.

The Sitting Duck Division: Attacked from the Rear
By John W. Morse (422/C)
    This is the story of one boy soldier and his fellow GIs from draft to disaster and back. John W. Morse's (422/C) self-published book describes being taken prisoner in the Battle of the Bulge. This book can be ordered through your local Barnes & Noble book store. The book is priced $9.95, plus shipping.


Historian's Message . . .

    I don't seem to be doing much as the Association Historian these days. The individual memoirs have stopped arriving and it is no secret why. I expect there will be more as the children and grandchildren of our veterans one day discover that their Dad or Gramps served with distinction in a war that guaranteed their lifestyle. Then they will be motivated to tell his story. The books will live on and so will our history.
    Being an historian seems to be something that grows on you. The more that I read about our history and the more people that I meet, I have come to understand how our world works. Well, maybe not. That would take a lot of understanding for sure. But, there is one thing that I would like to get across, and that is this. When we enter this world we are given the opportunity to take off in any direction and pursue our dreams. For some it is easier than it is for others. But usually it is how one is able to recognize the doors that appear before him. Some open easily, others must be battered down to achieve your goals, figuratively of course.
    At least 17, maybe 20, years ago there was talk among our Association members of what are we going to do when it comes time to discontinue the 106th Infantry Division Association. Some were concerned about ending it at that time. Well, we are still moving along when other military groups that were founded on WWII action have surrendered to Father Time. The reason is not complicated, we have had continuing leadership and the sense of pride that goes with it. Our guys heed that old adage of ten two-letter words, "If it is to be, it is up to me." We want it, so we will have it! Now our second generation has pumped new energy into the organization. The 106th Division will live on. I am proud to have had a part in it.
    There were so many American military units in action during WWII that the history of each and every one is beyond the scope of any one individual to be versed in them all. Our 106th Infantry Division will be remembered in the many books that have recorded the memoirs of our veterans. For recording history don't depend on Social Media that is here today and gone tomorrow, add these books to your library for posterity.

John R. Schaffner 589/A,
Historian, Past President 2002-2003
1811 Miller Road, Cockeysville, MD 21030


"I Was No Hero in the Battle of the Bulge"
One Step to Hell: Letters From My Father
Telling Me I Was Too Weak
& Too Frail to Face the Enemy

A new book by Harry E. Martin, Jr.
    This is the story of Harry F. Martin, Jr., in L Co 424th Regiment of the 106th Infantry Division who fought in the Battle of the Bulge in World War II. In his own words: "We were going to a quiet sector on the front lines. This was an area where combat troops were sent to rest and green troops like us were sent to gradually break in. The Germans did the same thing in this sector. The Americans had gone into combat at the Normandy invasion on June 6, 1944 and fought their way just inside Germany, securing a foothold in the Siegfried Line in the Ardennes."
Find it at:
List Price: $10.95

71st Reunion News!
Rescheduled for January 17 to 21, 2018!
    To let everyone know, this year's Reunion event has been organized by a committee of 106th Association members headed by Adjutant Randy Wood and co-chaired by Brian Welke. They have put together a great package of activities and plenty of time to gather and visit with old friends. So get your forms from the inside of this CUB and mail them in today!
If you need additional information or forms for family members, contact:
    Mike Sheaner, Treasurer at or call Wayne Dunn at 410-409-1141 or visit the association's website at


Treasurer's and Membership Chair's Report . . .

Make checks payable to "106th Infantry Division Association" and mail them to the Treasurer:
Mike Sheaner, Treasurer PO Box 140535 Dallas TX 75214 214-823-3004

Please report all changes of address and deaths to the Association Membership Chair:
Jacquelyn S. Coy, Membership 121 McGregor Ave. Mt. Arlington, NJ 07856 membership® 973-663-2410

NEW! Pass It On
    Perpetuate the legacy of the 106th Infantry Division by giving every family member of all generations access to the rich history, news and stories of veterans found in each issue of The CUB. You can now "pass it on" to as many friends, heirs and family members as you wish at no cost! Those you designate will be recognized as members of the association on the "CUB Level" with the following benefits:
1 Receive an electronic copy of The CUB delivered by email complete with color photos and graphics
2 Access to the association website and Facebook pages
3 Receive timely notices and information regarding reunions, mini-reunions, special announcements and more
    Enroll all family members -- sons, daughters, sisters, brothers, grandchildren and others -- by submitting their Email, Name, Address and Relationship to a 106th veteran to

106th Challenge Coin Have You Gotten Yours Yet?
    You can read more about it and see a color image of the coin on the association's website at The coins cost $10 each, plus postage.
    Adjutant Randall Wood is the contact person for the purchase of the coins and you may order them at any time. They will be sent directly to you when the payment is received.
    Any questions or orders may be emailed to Randy:, call 765-346-0690 or write to: 810 Cramertown Loop, Martinsville, IN 46151.


Treasurer's and Membership Chair's Report . . .

    "We were once Brothers..." and will remain so forever. Once, brother carried brother through the trials of training at Camp Atterbury and endured in battle on the Schnee-Eifel of Belgium and Germany. Support the 106th Infantry Division Association by making a Memorial or Honorary contribution in the name of your brother, friend, father or spouse.
    New membership applications are available for everyone in your family. Membership is only $25 and is open to all veterans and people (of every generation) and comes with full voting privileges. We encourage all family members to join to help honor our veterans and continue the legacy of the 106th.
    Contact: Membership Chair, Jacquelyn S. Coy, or Treasurer, Mike Sheaner, sheanerl@airmaiLnet.

Memorial, Honorary and Contributions of All Kinds are Essential for Keeping this Organization Going
    A suggested annual donation of $25 to help underwrite the cost to publish and mail The CUB through the "Last Man Standing" and beyond is appreciated. The Association exists on donations from its members and interested individuals. Your gifts are essential to maintaining The CUB magazine in its current format with high-quality content and tri-annual delivery. The cost of printing and mailing each edition of The CUB exceeds our current level of giving. Therefore, we encourage all readers to make an annual contribution, as you are able, to help defray the cost of printing and mailing.

Those Members who contribute to the LIFE PLUS+ Club will have their names (only,
no amounts will be shown) published in the next CUB.
You can donate as much or as little as you can and as often as you like.
By donating, you are helping perpetuate the 106th Infantry Division Association.
To those Members from whom we haven't heard for a long time --
please take the time to join this exclusive club. Thank you!
Send your contribution, check made payable to 106th Infantry Div. Association, to:
Mike Sheaner
Treasurer, 106th Infantry Division, PO Box 140535, Dallas, TX 75214


Treasurer's and Membership Chair's Report . . .
Treasurer's Report:
June 1, 2017 -- September 30, 2017
Beginning Balance: $15,040.96
Money In: $3,088.44
Money Out: $3,166.46
Difference: ($78.02)
Ending Balance: $14,386.59
Association Membership As of Oct. 14, 2017
Total Membership 1,060
Membership Veterans 581
Associate Membership 479

James P. Adsit 422/D
Pamela Britton Kolb Associate Member
Louise Awalt Associate Member
John J. Madden 590/FA
Connie Pratt Baseman Assoc. Member
James O. Mason 423/G
Harold W. Beam 423/G
John H. Mock 422/L
Wayne Dunn Assoc. Member
Robert E. Pope 590 FA/A
Henry E. Freedman 422/HQ
James J. Reinkober Assoc. Member
Stanley K. Guttman 422/C & 90th Inf. Div.
Herbert A. Rosenberg 424/L
Rudolph Hirsch 589/FA HQ
Alden F. Russell 424/D
Briggs A. Hoffmann, Jr. 589/B
Fred A. Sebastinelli Div. HQ/AG Postal
Beatrice F. Keeber Associate Member
Daniel Simone Associate Member
Gail Keeber Associate Member
Carol Starmack Associate Member
David Keeber Associate Member
Walter S. Tyler 423/A
John Keeber Associate Member
Victor & Barbara Vaade Assoc. Member
Bethanie Keeber Associate Member
Anne Keeber Associate Member
Franklin R. Koehler 424/D

Susan Hren Associate Member
Shepherd W. Johnson Assoc. Member
Pamela Britton Kolb Associate Member
Erik Lindquist Associate Member Dennis Shane Miller Associate Member
Jessica Goodman Miller Assoc. Member
Linda Dianne Branson Assoc. Member
Susan Nelson Associate Member
Richard E. Rutz 590/FAB/HQ
Dennis Smith Associate Member


Treasurer's and Membership Chair's Report . . .

In honor of Joseph Aaron Massey, 422/C Given by Virginia Shealy, Given by Robert D. Prescott

    In honor of my father, John A. Sellen, 424th/I, Company Bugler. John celebrated his 92nd birthday on August 25. Given by Kathleen Hennessy

In memory of John Frank Bludworth, Sr., 422/F Given by David H. Bludworth

In memory of Harold Fleming, 423/F. October 6, 1925 - September 23, 1999. Given by Ethel Fleming

In memory of Arthur R. Grubenmann, 422nd Regiment. 6/22/1920 - 9/29/2013. Given by Helene Grubenmann

To honor the memory of Sgt. LeRoy H Erickson, Jr. 422/I KIA Given by Erik and Annette Lindquist

Returned Issues of the Latest CUB of the Golden Lion
    Membership Chair Jacquelyn Coy asks that the following names (and partial addresses) be listed in this issue of The CUB in hopes that anyone reading this issue might know the people listed and can get word to them that their address listed with the Association is incorrect or outdated. If you know anyone on this list (or if you know they are deceased) and can get word to them, please ask them to contact Jacquelyn directly at the address listed on the inside cover of this issue with an updated mailing address. Thank you.
Patsy J. Lopardo, Torrington, CT
Bernard C. Weiner, Phoenix, AZ
Thomas E. Taylor, Montrose, CO
Roselle Brax, Quaker Hill, CT
Anna Hutchinson, Mifflintown, PA
    "I am grateful to Don Prell, 422/AT, who, in the process of trying to organize a mini-reunion in Southern California, was able to find many lost people -- some living and some dead."

    PLEASE NOTE: Membership Chair Jacquelyn Coy is working to update the Association's roster with veterans and their units. If you use email, please email her directly at In your message, please let Jacquelyn know your name and 106th Infantry Division unit. Thank you.
    To the widows of Golden Lions, if you would wish to continue to receive The CUB after the passing of your husband please let Membership Chair Jacquelyn Coy know. Her contact information is located above, in this box.
    CUB Staff occasionally receive requests to stop the mailing of their issue of The CUB. If you no longer want an issue to be mailed to you, please contact Jackie Coy, Membership Chair.


Once Upon a Time in War
The 99th Division in World War II
By Robert E. Humphrey
    Once Upon a Time in War presents a stirring view of combat from the perspective of the common soldier. Author Robert E. Humphrey personally retraced the path of the 99th through Belgium and Germany and conducted extensive interviews with more than three hundred surviving veterans. These narratives, seamlessly woven to create a collective biography, offer a gritty reenactment of World War II from the enlisted man's point of view. For readers captivated by Band of Brothers, this book offers an often tragic, sometimes heartwarming, but always compelling read.
$24.95 HARDCOVER • 978-0-8061-3946-3 • 376 PAGES


E-Mail Bag . . .
From the editor of The CUB of the Golden Lion

    Hello, my name is William A. McWhorter and I am the editor of The CUB of the Golden Lion (The CUB). I am an admirer of your outfit and hope that I can assist in keeping open the lines of communication for our Association. Please send news items that you would like reviewed for potential inclusion in upcoming issues of The CUB to me. Whenever possible please send them to my email address (williammcwhorter17@gmail. com). If you do decide to send them via postal mail, if possible, please TYPE OR PRINT your messages (it helps me get names spelled correctly). Thank you.

Just a reminder . . .
    If you have pictures, an article, or some other form of information you would like included in a future issue of The CUB, the due dates are as follows:
January 31, 2018 -- mail date March 30, 2018 (to include this year's reunion photos and remembrances)
May 1, 2018 -- mail date July 15, 2018 (issue will include reunion paperwork)
October 15, 2018 -- mail date November 30, 2018
Articles and pictures can be mailed or emailed to:
CUB Editor: William McWhorter 200 Morrell, Kyle, TX 78640 512-970-5637
williammcwhorterl 7@gmaiLcom
CUB Publisher: Susan Weiss 9 Cypress Point Court Blackwood, NJ 08012 856-415-2211

Visit the 106th Association's Website!
By Wayne Dunn

    To complement the wonderful websites that are already out on the Internet, including our own members Jim West ( and Carl Wouters (www.106thinfantry., the association has launched our own website at
    This is where you can find: info on upcoming events; copies of the membership application for your family to join; the complete latest issue plus additional photos and articles from The CUB.
Also look for our Facebook page at
    This is where you can find up-to-the-minute information and where you can connect with friends and make plans for the next reunion.
    If you have any additional reunion photos or information that you would like to see on the website or Facebook page, please contact the Webmaster, Wayne Dunn at or 410-409-1141.


E-Mail Bag . . .
Jim West and the Website
    Associate member, Jim West (OGL-Officers, 2004) has created an excellent website at It is hoped that this website will increase awareness of the 106th Infantry Division Association and perhaps our membership. The site has had 1,708,009 visitors to date. It is rated as the largest private site in Indiana at more than 50 gigabytes of unaltered history and is the largest depository of local historical photos. Check it out at your earliest convenience.
    In addition to a very large section devoted to the 106th Division, it also contains information on Camp Atterbury (Indiana) and all the divisions that trained here in World War II and Korea. They include the 28th, 30th, 31st, 83rd and 92nd Infantry Divisions, plus Fort Benjamin Harrison, Freeman AAF, Atterbury/ Bakalar AFB, the German and Italian POWs held at Camp Atterbury and Wakeman General Hospital. There is also a section for the several German Prisoner of War camps where some 106th members were held. There are dozens of 106th diaries and personal remembrances. The direct link to the 106th web is IMO-106th
    The 106th Roster at now contains information on 17,792 Veterans with 555 individual photos. If you visit the website, listed above, and a photo is not shown for an individual and the family has one available, all they need do is email a scan of him to Jim West.
    All 106th General Orders have been reviewed and all the information has been added to the Roster. These General Orders allowed for the addition of 513 previously unknown names to be added and a huge amount of service numbers and other data were added. All the original General Orders are available for viewing on the website. These were made possible by a friend, John Bowen, of the 31st Division Association (Camp Atterbury, Korean War).
    Every available issue of the 106th CUBs are available on the site, in addition to the Camp Atterbury Camp Crier, published when the 106th was there. Find the Camp Crier under the section for Camp Atterbury. You can email Jim at
    Jim would like to thank the "AmVets of Indiana." Through their generosity of support and hosting of the entire website, they are making it possible for the 106th to have a presence on the Web.
    Please note: ALL of the past CUBs on the website are now in a user-friendly format and each is searchable by veteran's name, units, place, etc.


E-Mail Bag . . .

Support the Association -- and Get a Great Book!
    A new book on the 106th Infantry Division was recently published and is now available. Association Historian John Schaffner reports that the authors, Martin King, Ken Johnson and Mike Collins have decided that partial proceeds will be contributed to the 106th Association.

    The 106th were fresh, green and right in the pathway of the German 5th Panzer Army when the Battle of the Bulge began at 0530 hours on December 16,1944. This book covers the history along with the individual stories of the incredible heroism, sacrifice and tenacity of these young Americans in the face of overwhelming odds. These stories are heartwarming, heartbreaking, nerve-wracking, and compelling. They aim to put the reader right there on the front lines, and in the stalags, during the final months of WWII

To place your order visit or call our customer service team at (610) 853-9131


E-Mail Bag . . .
by Donald Young
    The Battle for Snow Mountain is a comic novel -- based on Young's experience -- which gives a surreal picture of the German attack on the 106th Division in the winter of 1944.
     The story deals with two soldiers, their odd love affairs at home, their war experience in the Battle of the Bulge, their accidental capture, escape from POW camp and return to freedom.

"I've never read a more powerful WWII novel than The Battle for Snow Mountain."
"Young's novel is an instant war classic, much like Vonnegut's Slaughter House Five and Heller's Catch 22."
    The Battle for Snow Mountain by Donald Young can be purchased by April 1, from Pocol Press, 6023 Pocol Drive, Clifton, VA 20124, 1-703-830-5862.
It can also be ordered at, $17.95, ISBN 978-1-929763-48-1


E-Mail Bag . . .

Order of the Golden Lion Committee
    This award is provided in three classifications depending on the qualifications of the recipient. The most prestigious is "Commander Class" issued in gold finish. This award is usually provided to someone who has served the Association faithfully over an extended period of time.
    The second is "Officer Class" issued in silver finish. This award is usually provided to someone who has served the Association faithfully over an extended period of time.
    The third is "Companion Class" issued in bronze finish. This award is usually provided to someone who has served the Association faithfully in the capacity of assistance in the operation of the Association.
    The specifications for making the award are intended to fit many instances where an individual is deemed worthy. The award should be determined by the recipient's contributions to the Association.
    The Co-chairs of the Order of the Golden Lion committee will poll the members of the Board of Directors for recommendations for the OGL awards. The President or Co-chairs may select additional members to the committee.
    Nominations will be submitted in a format suitable for composing a formal citation to accompany the award of the medal. This must be done in ample time prior to the next Reunion in order for the manufacturer to produce the medal(s) on time.
    All citations should be kept confidential between the nominator and the Committee Chairman prior to the actual awarding ceremony.
Send nominations to any of the Co-chairs of the Order of the Golden Lion Committee at:
Carol J. Faulkner 3179 Kestrel Court, Martinsville, IN 46151 765-342-1872
Beth Garrison 618-628-4733 7766 Haury Road, Lebanon, IL 62254 rbamg@earthlink net
John Schaffner (589/A) 1811 Miller Road, Cockeysville, MD 21030-1013 410-584-2754


Sgt. Glover's World War II Letters Home
The Wartime Journey of Sgt. Robert "Bob" Glover, U.S. Army, 106th I.D.
    Written in his own words to his family from 1944-1946, this collection of hundreds of personal letters are virtually a "daily diary" chronicling one young man's desire to serve his country in Europe while staying connected to his family's daily life back home and, in the process, to imagine and value life's goals.
    "I believe anyone who has served in the Armed Forces, at any lime, will feel an immediate connection with Bob's writing about his best friends, questioning his future after the service, and his constant longing for home." Colonel. USAF
    "An excellent read ... I feel I am right alongside with him ..." Storekeeper, U.S. Coast Guard Retired The Letter Box is now available on Amazon in print and Kindle
For every purchase a donation will be made to a charitable military-related organization!
Visit our website and Facebook page!


Front & Center . . .
Golden Lion Boris Stern
French Knight of the Legion of Honor
by Boris Stern
    On June 9, 2017, Counsel General of France Clement Leclerc wrote to Boris Stern in the name of the French Republic to inform him that he was nominated as a Knight of the Legion of Honor. Leclerc went on to say, "your decision to fight for freedom in World War II was admirable, demonstrating your courage and selflessness. Without you and those who fought alongside you, France and Europe may never have been liberated from the barbarity of Nazi occupation. The solidarity that you showed to our country and people will never be forgotten and will be considered an example to follow for the next generations. It is our privilege to present you France's highest distinction. Rest assured that we will be eternally grateful for your contribution."
    At a ceremony on July 14, 2017, Brigadier General Thierry Ducret, the French representative to U.S. CENTCOM, in MacDill AFB, Tampa, had the pleasure and the honor to present Stern the Legion d'Honneur medal during the celebration of France's National Day. The event took place at the Women's Club of St. Petersburg, FL.
    In addition to this French honor, Boris has also been awarded multiple Life Time Achievement Awards for his volunteer service at VA Hospitals with the Department of Veteran Affairs, including commendation from former president Barack Obama.


Feature Stories . . .

Golden Lion Harold Beam Shares His Remembrances

    When I read the April-July 2017 edition of the CUB, I finally found a member of the Company G, 423rd Regiment that I actually knew. That was the former Lt. Jones. It seems that there are very few members of that company still around and I wonder why other members never joined the Association. I was the Company and Battalion bugler and captain's runner in combat. I was also in Stalag VIB until sent to Gleina (near Zeitz) in a work party of one hundred men. I was liberated April 13th and immediately sent to the field hospital and then to the U.S. hospital near Utica, New York. That was a long time ago.

The Veterans Department at Mesothelioma Guide --An Advocacy Organization
By Carl Jewett

    Mesothelioma Guide is an advocacy organization with a Veterans Department devoted to assisting veterans who have been diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer called mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is caused by the inhalation of asbestos fibers, a mineral that was widely used by all branches of the military until the early 1980s. As a result, almost one-third of all mesothelioma patients are veterans.
    The Veterans Department at Mesothelioma Guide is run by retired Navy LCDR Carl Jewett, who spent nearly 24 years in the submarine force -- primarily working in the Engine Room where asbestos use was most prevalent -- before retiring from the Navy. Commander Jewett is a VA-Accredited claims agent and specializes in asbestos related VA claims. He has helped hundreds of veterans get approved for VA Disability, Pension and Aid & Attendance after developing an asbestos disease due to their asbestos exposure in the military.
    Veterans with an asbestos-related disease are encouraged to seek assistance in determining whether they are eligible for compensation through the VA. Contact Mesothelioma Guide today and speak directly with Commander Jewett about your potential to receive your hard earned benefits. You've earned them.
For more information visit the website at:
Or call: 1-844-838-6376


Feature Stories . . .

A Brief Military History
By Leon Goldberg, submitted by Past Association President Herb Sheaner

    At age 18, when I (Leon Goldberg) was a high school student in 1940, I joined the Enlisted Reserve Corps. While waiting to be called up, I enrolled in the University of Pennsylvania in September 1941. The call came in February 1942.
    My basic training was in Camp Wheeler, Georgia. That lasted until May of 1942. After Basic, I was offered a choice of OCS or ASTP. I chose ASTP and studied engineering at Alabama Polytech Institute for three semesters. Then, in February 1943, ASTP was suddenly disbanded. The Army needed more soldiers at the front!
    I was sent to the 106th Division and trained further in Camp Atterbury, Indiana. The Division was shipped out to England in October 1944; it was moved to France in November and up to Germany in December to relieve the 2nd Division. We were told we were a winter holding line in the deepest point in the heart of the Siegfried Line--in the Black Forest. I was trained to be a heavy weapons machine gunner in Company D.
    We were attacked by the German infantry on the morning of December 16, 1944. We killed and wounded three or four German infantry and captured about 20 prisoners. We thought we had won the war!
    Then we fell back and attacked the town of Schoenburg. We were repulsed by heavy armor and tanks. We lost our artillery support and heavy weapons. After three days of fighting, we were out of food and ammunition. On the morning of the 19th, a German officer waving a white flag came out in the open between us and our Lieutenant went to meet him. After accompanying him behind his lines, he came to us and told us he was surrendering us because, otherwise, we would be annihilated within 15 minutes by the heavy weapons they had just over the hill.
    The Germans marched us, part of a group of thousands of prisoners, for eight days and transported us in boxcars for five days, until we reached a prison camp. Mine was Stalag IVB, situated halfway between Leipzig and Dresden in Muhlberg on Elb. It was on the East side of the Elb River.
    I was lucky to be in a British Officer's Camp (the German Army had respect for army officers), never to be sent out on a work team (although I was scheduled to be several times), and not to be treated differently as a Jew.
    When the war was over, we had to wait to be liberated by the Russians, because we were on the East side of the Elbe, Roosevelt's agreement with Churchill and Stalin set that restriction up. They arrived at the camp on about May 26, 1945, but did nothing to connect us with American troops. So after about eight to 10 days, eight of us just walked out. We eventually found our way to an American armored company, which arranged a flight to Paris for us. We were hospitalized in an Army hospital in the suburb of Garche. On July 4, I was flown to the U.S. to recuperate in the General Hospital in Atlantic City. I was finally discharged on December 20, 1945.


Feature Stories . . .

Do You Remember YOUR First Reunion? Write to us and tell us the story!

Golden Lion and Association Historian Reflects on His First Reunion
By John Schaffner (589 FA) My first reunion -- 1986
    Yes, I can remember my first reunion, almost like it was yesterday. It happened in 1986. I had picked up my life after the war and did what many of us did. As my pals from the neighborhood came home we became re-acquainted and though most of us had life threatening experiences we didn't talk about them. The war was behind us, so we thought about our future. I knew that the 106th Association existed but I was not motivated to become a member. There were other things at hand that needed to be done.
    Then, 1985-86 arrived. I don't remember who initiated it, but word went around that the reunion would be at Columbia and we would visit Fort Jackson. By then I had become reunited with some of the guys of the 589th so we contacted others and by the time of the big event we had about 19-20 committed to attend just from our battalion. For me the highlights of the event were the times together in the hotel rooms after hours talking about what we had experienced. For some of us it was the first time ever. You might even say that "the dam had busted." For certain, my life since would have not been the same had I not attended my first reunion. Thanks to the guys for being there. I needed you.

by Fredrick Smallwood
    This is the story of my experiences as a young boy from a small town in south Georgia with the 106th Infantry Division during World War II. I was initially in the A&P Platoon of 1 Bn. Hq. Co. of the 423rd Regiment. I was one of the few who made my way through the German lines back to the Allied lines at St. Vith.
Books are $15 plus $4 for shipping. You can contact me at or P.O. Box 1923, Bainbridge, GA 39818.


Feature Stories . . .

(Re)Make your plans NOW.!
for the
106th Infantry Division Association
Rescheduled 71st Annual Reunion
Park Inn Hotel, Orlando, FL
January 17 to 21, 2018
The 2017 Reunion has been rescheduled due to
Hurricane Irma! Have you re-registered yet?
We have had an adjustment in the dates since the last publication
of The CUB for this year's reunion and our hotel cost is now only
$99 per night plus tax.
Re-register NOW!
Or sign up for the first time!
Go to the Association website
for information about the reunion and for downloadable paperwork
use the printed paperwork included in this issue of The CUB.


E-Mail Bag . . .
Hinder forward- The 168th Engineer Combat Battalion in ZI and ETO from May 1943 through November 1945
By Dean F Jewett (168th Eng)
    Dean F. Jewett has written a book about the 168th Engineer Combat Battalion, which was attached to the 106th Infantry Division during the Battle of the Bulge. The book is 456 pages and sells for $75, which includes postage, sales tax, etc.
New copies are only available through Mr. Jewett at P.O. Box 148, Saco, ME 04072 or by phone at 207-284-6778.
Used copies are available online through outfits, such as or

Prisoner's Odyssey
by Herb Sheaner (422/G)
    Prisoner's Odyssey is a story of survival, hunger and reflection from a teenaged prisoner of war inside Germany near the end of WWII. From capture at the Battle of The Bulge to the final escape from his German guards, Herb Sheaner allows us a glimpse into the despair and agony of being a prisoner in a foreign land. During World War II, Herb Sheaner served as a private first class in Company G, 422nd Regiment of the 106th Infantry Division. After receiving ASTP training at University of Alabama, he joined the 106th at Camp Atterbury in Indiana where he earned Expert Rifleman honors and was designated Co. G Sniper and Regimental Scout. Fifty years later he recalls his experiences.
Available through Barnes & Noble, and Xlibris online.


E-Mail Bag . . .

My Nine Lives
By Bob Pope
Excerpts from My Nine Lives:
    Early on the morning of December 16'",1944, just before dawn. German shells began exploding in front of us, behind us, and on our flanks. Later that morning our position was hit hard by German 88s. Our Battery Commander,. Captain Luzzi, became our first casualty.
    When the order to fall bock was received, the fog was so bad that even with our field glasses it was difficult to tell if the shadowy figures we saw were our soldiers retreating or German soldiers advancing, A German ME109 suddenly appeared out of the fog and strafed us-I have no idea how many of our guys were killed or wounded.
    The German advance was so swift and met such little resistance due to the lack of fire power and experience that it was already too late. We were bivouacked in a valley on the night of December 18th when word came that we were surrounded. We were told to dispose of all gun firing pins and all vehicle rotors because we were going to surrender.


E-Mail Bag . . .

My Grandfather's War
A Young Man's Lessons from the Greatest Generation
    The exciting story of 106th member Robert Cozean's capture at the Battle of the Bulge, imprisonment in a Nazi POW camp, and liberation by the tanks of General Patton. Informative and emotional, the book is filled with information on the 106th Division, the Battle of the Bulge, and the prison camps that many Golden Lions found themselves in.


E-Mail Bag . . .

Veterans and Family of the 106th Infantry Division TATTOO* Requests
    With space in The CUB at a premium, yet Reunited Buddies and Their Families an important commodity, the editor of The CUB of the Golden Lion created the following list [In Their Own Words, most often] of inquiries submitted to him in hopes of helping people get in touch with the 106th I.D. Association Family. The following are requests for information. Feel free to contact them if you believe you can be of assistance. The CUB staff has received permission from all listed below to print their inquiry and their contact email (phone and address when available).
    In addition, Non-Veteran member Connie Pratt Baesman, daughter of Lt. Gerald Pratt (Field Artillery), has been one of three people helping to manage the 106th's online "message board" (set up by Jim West) for people to write an inquiry, looking for comrades, or for people who might have known a relative who is now gone. Sadly, some inquiries sit unanswered when the answers may be out there with a reader of The CUB who doesn't use a computer. The list has gotten quite long and Connie has asked that whenever there is room in The CUB we add a few of the requests. You can find messages like these below, along with other searches on the 106th Message Board at the following Web address:
    *The original meaning of military tattoo was a military drum performance, but subsequently it came to mean army displays, or a form of gathering more generally. For our Association, letting members know that someone would like to speak with them is "why we do this! So keep sending in your stories, as an old friend may find you!" -- Susan Weiss (Publisher of The CUB) and William McWhorter (Editor of The CUB)
Inquiry about serving in the 424th and later 112th Infantry Regiments
    My grandfather's discharge papers state he served in the 424th Infantry Regiment, Company L as a squad leader, but on his separation papers it has him
    with the 112th Infantry Regiment of the 28th Infantry Division in Company C as a SGT in charge of a 12-man squad. I have been trying to find out more but I am clueless how the division, company and infantry all work . . . Is it possible for both to be right? If you have any information to share please email David Smith at

See enclosed Reunion paperwork and Registration forms in the center of this CUB!
Mail them in today!
For additional information about the reunion visit:


E-Mail Bag . . .

BY Russ Lang
    In December 1944 a young American soldier's division, newly-arrived in Europe, was sent to the front line to a quiet position on the Belgian- German border. Days after their arrival the Germans launched the great counterattack that came to be called the Battle of the Bulge. Russ Lang and his regiment were soon encircled. They attacked until their supplies and ammunition were exhausted, then held out until circumstances forced them to surrender.
    Captured at the Battle of the Bulge is Russ Lang's memoir of his service before and during the battle, the hardships he encountered in a series of German stalags, and the joy of liberation as the Germans were overcome. The diary Lang kept as a prisoner of war is included, with additional notes that could not be written down while he remained in the power of his captors. Captured at the Battle of the Bulge is a fascinating personal and historical document.
    To order your copy of Captured at the Battle of the Bulge by Russ Lang Send your check for $11.95 payble to Personal History Press to: Personal History Press 59 South Great Road Lincoln, MA 01773. or order online from

E-Mall Bag -


E-Mail Bag . . .

Forced March from the Bulge to Berchtesgaden
Major John J. Mohn
106th Division, 422nd Infantry, 1st Batalion, HQ Company
    Major John J. Mohn (then Captain) was taken prisoner at the Battle of the Bulge in December 1944, along with 7,000 other men. As prisoner camps were too full and the German officers were unsure what to do with so many prisoners, Mohn's POW group was forced to march 1,200 miles.
He was liberated three times, twice recaptured. His final liberation was on May 2, 1945 at Gars-am-Inn.
Of the 7,000 men he was only liberated with about 100 men.
John Mohn recorded his POW experience in a memoir.
Unfortunately Mohn passed away in January 2005, His book was never published.
Until now.
Now available on Amazon or call Mohn's granddaughter Mandy by phone:


Front & Center . . .

Make your plans now to attend!!
Join us for the
Rescheduled 71st Annual Reunion
of the
106th Infantry Division Association
at the
Park Inn Hotel -- Orlando, FL
January 17 to 21, 2018
For additional information about the reunion visit:

Warm Memories of Cold Spring
by Beatrice Fulton Keeber
    A Golden Lion's war experiences forged a boy into a man. But what really defined him as the person he became was his "happily ever after" with his family and his 60-year love story. Warm Memories of Cold Spring is not a war story! It's a smile-producing tale of "what came next" that reminds other vets of their own "afters," their children and grandchildren of Dad's and Mom's or Grandpa's and Grandma's lives.
    Pfc. Willard H. Keeber, with Co. G, 424th Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division, was placed on-line December 11, 1944 near St. Vith, Belgium, two months past his 19th birthday, five days prior to the German Tank Assault that smashed directly through his position, launching the Battle of the Bulge.
This is the story of a veteran's legacy that left his world better than he found it.
Online at (simply type the title in the search bar)


Memoriam . . .

Jacquelyn Coy 121 McGregor Ave., Mt. Arlington, NJ 07856 Phone: 973-663-2410 Email:

ATIYEH, EDWARD ELLIS 423/H -- Date of Death: July 18, 2017
    Edward and his twin brother Richard were born and raised in Portland with their younger brother, Victor. Their parents, George Atiyeh and Linda Asly, emigrated from Amar al-Husn, Syria and Beirut, respectively and proudly became American citizens. Ed graduated from Washington High School and earned a Business degree from the University of Oregon. He was a member of Phi Gamma Delta fraternity, enjoying friendships that would last a lifetime.
    In June 1944, while home on emergency leave from the Army due to his father's serious illness, Ed met his future wife, Karen Vedvei. He and Karen were married Sept. 6, 1947, at Trinity Episcopal Church. They felt so blessed to have nearly 70 years together.
    Ed served in the Army during WWII. In December 1944, he was in front line combat at the Battle of the Bulge in the Ardennes Forest, Belgium with the 106th (Golden Lions) Division which was nearly annihilated in the first week of the German attack. Ed and Richard were separated during the battle, taken as prisoners of war and did not know the other was alive until the war ended. Ed was liberated on Easter in April 1945. He received the Purple Heart, Bronze Star and Combat Infantryman's Badge among other military decorations.
    Ed enjoyed a successful career with his brothers, expanding the Atiyeh Bros. Oriental rug and cleaning business established by his uncle Aziz Atiyeh and father George in 1900. Ed left a lasting impact on his industry and many people in this community. He served as President of both national and regional rug cleaning associations, Senior Warden at St. Barnabas Church, Charter President of the S.E. Portland Rotary Club, Rotary District 5100 Governor and Board of Directors member at Providence Child Center Foundation and the University Club. He was Board President of William Temple House and after his retirement spent most Tuesdays for 24 years as a social services volunteer. Along with Richard, their active civic involvement also developed a network of personal contacts across the State to support Victor's election as Oregon Governor from 1979-1987.
    Ed was universally known for his kindness, generosity, integrity, quick wit and humble demeanor. He and Karen created a beautiful home and filled it with love and kindness that left a special mark on many a childhood memory.

continues on page 34


Memoriam . . .

    He knew everyone within the company and neighbors by name, along with their families. Ed endeared himself to both young and old by inquiring about their lives and remembering what they told him, a trait that he carried with him to his final days. He loved to golf and to have lunch with his buddies at Portland Golf Club where he was a member for 63 years. Ed is survived by Karen; children, David (Darlene), Linda Anderson (Rainse) and Bob (Deb); grandchildren, Carrie (Jeff Coombe), Kevin (Jenny), Josh Rink and Sarah Rink; and beloved great-grandchildren, Ryan, Bella, Madeline, Charlotte and Norah.
    The Atiyeh family appreciates the support Dad received in recent months from the doctors, specialists and nurses at St. Vincent Hospital, care services at Marquis-Vermont Hills, the friendly and skilled staff at Markham House, Providence Hospice and the compassionate individuals from Interim Health Care. In lieu of flowers, contributions to William Temple House, 2023 N.W. Hoyt St., Portland 97209 are appreciated. A celebration of life will be held at 10:30 a.m., Aug. 11, 2017, at the Episcopal Parish of St. John the Baptist, 6300 S.W. Nicol Rd., on the OES campus, followed by a reception at the Portland Golf Club.
Reported by Jim West

widow of Jacques W. Bloch, 422/K -- Date of Death: August 29, 2017
    "I write to advise you that on August 29, 2017, my mother, Jean H. Bloch, widow of deceased member and ex-POW Jacques W. Bloch (422/K, Battle of the Bulge, Stalag XIB, Follingbostel) passed away at home after a brief illness. She was 92. Known for her unfailing optimism, her sense of humor and her intellectual curiosity, she is survived by her two children, six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. She will be missed."
Reported by her son, Norman Bloch

BRITTON, BENJAMIN BOSWORTH 424/E -- Date of Death: May, 2010
    Benjamin Bosworth Britton, age 89 of Auburn, died Thursday in the Life Care Center of Auburn, after an illness. He is survived by his wife of 64 years, Avis B. (Smith) and three children.
As reported on

-- Date of death April 14, 2017
    Clark Brown of Walnut Creek, CA died on April 14, 2017 after a brief illness. He was born in North Stratford, NH on June 14, 1921. He attended North Stratford H.S. and the University of New Hampshire. After service in WWII with the 106th Infantry Division, he received a Doctorate in Education from Columbia University. Clark had a long career as an educator, serving as a teacher, school psychologist, and administrator in Oregon and California. After early retirement, Clark and his wife Clare moved to Tegucuigalpa, Honduras, where he served as director of the American School. After returning


Memoriam . . .

    to California he worked at Cal State Hayward evaluating student teachers, a job he held until he was 79. Clark lived in Concord for 56 years until 2013 when he and Clare moved to Rossmoor in Walnut Creek. A youthful 95, he enjoyed many activities there, including bocce, bridge and exercise classes. He was an avid traveler, gardener and Warriors fan and a devoted reader with a keen interest in politics and world affairs. Just this past March he enjoyed a 15-day Caribbean Cruise. Clark is survived by his daughter Leslie Wyss, grandson William, granddaughters Stephanie, Melissa Avery and Natalie and two great-granddaughters.
Reported by Jackie Coy

Date of Death: September 8, 2017 Jim was born February 16, 1926 and served in the U.S. Army from 1944 to 1948.
Reported by his wife, Joyce Clevenger

Date of Death: July 16, 2017 The town of Athens (Ohio) lost a good friend
    when Gifford B. Doxsee, 93, died on the evening of July 16, 2017 at Ohio Health O'Bleness Hospital, Athens. Gifford was born July 4, 1924 in Bay Shore, NY. Gifford grew up working hard in his father's clamming business, Doxsee Sea Clam Company. He graduated from Freeport High School in 1942 and that same year Gifford enlisted in the United States Army: eventually he served in the European Theater, 106th Infantry Div., 3rd Bn HQ Co., 423 Infantry Regiment in World War II. He was a prisoner of war in Germany for five months, billeted in Dresden, Germany in Slaughter House 5, where he met fellow Prisoner of War Kurt Vonnegut, who later wrote the novel "Slaughter House 5" which was inspired by their experience.
    After the war, Gifford attended Cornell University, graduated in 1948, then attended Harvard University for graduate studies in history of modern Europe. He earned his graduate degree in 1949, taught at The American University in Beirut, Lebanon from 1952-1955 and later earned a PhD from Harvard University in 1966.
    Gifford moved to Athens in 1958 to teach European, African and Middle Eastern history at Ohio University. He married his wife, Mary Letitia Cowan, who was also a professor at OU, in 1964. During his years at OU, Dr. Doxsee was considered a scholar of Middle Eastern History. He served on committees for the university, including chairing the Energy Conservation Committee in the 1970s and directing the African Studies graduate program from 1983-1991 and is remembered by many students as a supporter and encourager who helped his students achieve their goals. Dr. Doxsee enjoyed attending OU basketball games with his wife and friends, traveling, telling stories about his life and being part of the OU community. After 35 years at OU, Dr. Doxsee retired from teaching and became Professor Emeritus of History. He and his wife chose to stay in Athens after their retirements.

continues on page 36


Memoriam . . .

    Gifford was active in the life of Athens, volunteering and sometimes serving as director for many local organizations including: the Athens County Historical Society and Museum, Rural Action, Planned Parenthood of S.E. Ohio, Appalachian Community Hospice and others. He was a member of the Athens Reading Club, Kiwanis Club of Downtown Athens and several national professional organizations. He was inducted into the Ohio Senior Citizens Hall of Fame for his many years of community service. Additionally, he served as adjunct/ treasurer of the Mid-Ohio Valley Chapter, American Ex-Prisoners of War and as JVC of the Dept. of Ohio. Remembering his prisoner of war days, he taught GED classes to prison inmates and mentored ex-convicts. He was inducted into the Ohio Veterans Hall of Fame in 2011. He was loved by many in Athens and had just recently received an Honor Quilt from the Athens Ladies Elk Auxiliary.
    Gifford was a faithful and active member of the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd in Athens where he served in multiple capacities, including Senior Warden and participated in many diocesan-wide ministries in the Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio. Gifford served on the Liberian Discernment Committee and visited the Anglican Diocese of Liberia to form a relationship between the two dioceses. He helped start and supported the Hocking Valley Correctional Chapter of KAIROS, a Christian ministry to prisoners, supported programs to welcome and support Haitian refugees and was instrumental in forming relationships with international students, especially students from Africa. His relationship with an Anglican priest from Nigeria, the Rev. Felix Obayan, led to the Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Swana in Western Nigeria, the Rt. Rev. Herbert Haruna, asking Gifford to serve as his Commissary, which led to many relationship-building visits. Gifford worked with several other members of Church of the Good Shepherd who together helped the parish realize, embrace and live into its ministry to the international students in Athens.
    Whether people knew Gifford from OU, around town, his local parish, diocese or international relationships, he was known as someone who cared about others, was genuinely interested in how people were doing and wanted to do what he could to make the world a better place. Gifford is survived by his brother, Robert L and many nieces and nephews. He was predeceased in death by his wife, Mary, in 2008.
As reported in the Athens Messenger and forwarded by Virgil Collins.

-- Date of Death: September 15, 2017
    James A. Dunn (Jimmy), 92 of Wheat Ridge CO passed away at home in the loving arms of his family on September 15. Jimmy was born in Keokuk County, IA to John M. and Marie Dunn on June 16, 1925. He graduated Keswick H.S. in 1943 Jimmy enlisted in the Army, served at Private First Class, fought and was captured in Germany. He was honorably discharged in 1946 and received the Purple Heart. Jimmy attended St. Ambrose College. He worked for 30+ years and retired


Memoriam . . .

    from the Denver Research Institute, University of Denver. Jimmy was predeceased by his wife, Mary E. "Betsy" after more than 60 years of marriage. He is survived by two sons, James T. and Gregory and their families. James volunteered to serve in the Army in 1944 at the age of 19. After boot camp in Texas, he was shipped to London and was quickly moved to the area that would erupt into The Battle of the Bulge. James' platoon was pinned down in a large farmhouse. The enemy needed to clear that intersection as it was strategic. Heavy fighting ensued and James and what was left of the group surrendered. At one point, James and a couple of others tunneled their way out and escaped, only to be recaptured by the same Stalag 24 hours later. James remained a POW until the war's end. James had serious foot and leg injuries and was sent to Denver to recover. He fell in love with Colorado and returned with his bride in 1953, where he spent the rest of his life.
Reported by his son, Glen Dunn

-- Date of Death: August 5, 2017
    George proudly served his country in the United States Army during World War II. He served in battalion intelligence, 2nd Headquarters Company, 423rd Regiment, 106th Infantry Division. The 106th arrived in Europe in late October 1944. They took up position on the front line in the Belgium Ardennes area in early December 1944. On December 16, 1944, the Germans began their Ardennes offensive (Battle of the Bulge). During that time, he was sent to the front, along with other support personnel, to stem the flood of Germans. He was captured, along with 21 regiments of the 106th, by the Germans on December 19, 1944. Following long, forced marches, he was imprisoned on December 25, 1944 at Stalag IX-B near Bad Orb, Germany. He was liberated on April 2, 1945. He was awarded a Combat Infantry Badge and three Bronze Stars for the Ardennes, Rhineland and Central Europe Campaigns. George proudly retired from Automatic Canteen after more than 42 years as a buyer. Through the years in his free time, he enjoyed spending time at the lake, wintering in Gulf Shores, playing golf and was a wicked card player. He was an avid St. Louis Cardinal fan and never missed watching a game. He will be remembered for his fiercely independent spirit, his hardworking nature and his generous heart. George had a sweet tooth a mile long and could usually be found with a handful of cookies, his favorite candy, a dish of ice cream or a chocolate milk shake from Steak 'n Shake. He was predeceased by his wife, Barbara, after 59 years of marriage. He is survived by his daughter, Donna and son, George, six grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. George was dearly loved and will be missed by all who knew him.
Reported by his daughter, Donna Kleinschmidt


Memoriam . . .

GUNVALSON, RUSSELL 590/A -- Date of Death: May 23, 2017
    Russell Gunvalson, 93, of Rochester, formerly of Spring Valley, died Tuesday, May 23, 2017, at his home. A Celebration of Life for Russell L. Gunvalson is planned for 11 a.m. Saturday, July 29, at St. John's Lutheran Church, 5520 Church Ave., Spring Valley, WI.
    He was born July 11, 1923, in Spring Valley, WI., to Hans Christian and Gurina (Anderson) Gunvalson. He graduated from Spring Valley High School in 1941. He worked for a time in Spring Valley until he enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1943. Cpl. Gunvalson was a forward artillery spotter in Battery A, 590th Field Artillery Battalion,106th Infantry Division. His location was overrun by German troops on Dec. 19, 1944 and Russell was one of 6,697 troops in the 106th captured by the Germans.
    Russell spent from Dec. 19, 1944, to March 30, 1945, in three different prisoner of war camps in Germany. His war experiences were published in a book he wrote. Russell was a frequent guest speaker to many high school history classes in Rochester and the surrounding area. He was also regularly interviewed by students for their historical research papers.
    Russell was a member of the American ExPOW organization belonging to the Wisconsin Indianhead Chapter and a founding member of the Minnesota Hiawatha Chapter of the organization. He was a member of the ExPOWs, DAV, American Legion and the 106th Division Association organizations at the time of his death.
    On April 23, 1947, he married Idelle E. Larson at St. John's Lutheran Church, Spring Valley, WI. They made their home in Spring Valley where Russ was a clerk in the Post Office and became a rural carrier until his retirement in 1977. In 1985, Russ and Idelle moved to Rochester. Russ ran a busy handyman business in Rochester until 1996. Mrs. Gunvalson died in 2013. Russ is survived by their two children, Deborah and Paul Norrie, Rochester and J. Todd and Marjorie, of Elgin, SC; grandchildren, Jonathan and Katherine Norrie, Northfield, Andrew and Felicity Norrie, Rochester, Julie and Jim Shiver, Elgin, SC; and TJ and Gwen Lanaghan, Acworth, GA; and great-grandchildren, Emmett and Wyatt Norrie, Eleanor and Amelia Norrie, CJ and Sarah Geyer, Kaitlyn Shiver and Liam, Claire and Norah Lanaghan. He is also survived by a host of nieces, nephews, cousins and friends. Russell was preceded in death by Idelle, his parents, four sisters and three brothers. The family suggests memorials to the St. John's Lutheran Cemetery. The family also thanks the caregivers of Comfort Home Heath Agency for the loving care they took of Russell; the staff of Shorewood Senior Living for their friendship and support; and the staff of Seasons Hospice who made his last months comfortable.
Reported by Jim West

-- Date of Death: May 17, 2017
Reported by Jackie Coy


Memoriam . . .

-- Date of Death: August 1, 2017
    John Koukolof Plymouth, formerly of Mansfield, passed away surrounded by his wife, Margie (Clausson) Burgess and children. A World War II veteran and Purple Heart recipient, John served his country, his family and his community faithfully to the end of his life. He was born in Norwood, on August 13, 1925, to Rudolph J. and Mary Ora (Leonard) Koukol; he grew up and attended high school in Mansfield, graduating in the Mansfield High School class of 1943.
    After his graduation, John enlisted in the U.S. Army and after basic and infantry training in Alabama, he was deployed as a member of the 106th Division to the front just in time for the Battle of the Bulge. At the opening of the battle, John was on guard duty late at night. A German 88 shell landed near him and shrapnel wounded his legs and sent him to the rear for medical treatment and recovery.
    He was the first man wounded from the 106th in the famous battle. Following the war, John attended Burdett College where he studied finance and accounting. He pursued a career in accounting and ultimately headed the accounting division for Foxboro Company, a machinery and instrument manufacturer. While accounting was his profession, John was a machine hobbyist, keeping a model railroad and a repair shop in his father's basement for forty years, as well as a ham radio operator and enthusiast. In addition, he remained devoted to veterans' causes -- he was a lifelong member of the Disabled American Veterans, the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the American Legion and he served as chaplain for the Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary. Late in his life, he was a faithful member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints where he served in a number of volunteer positions, including as the Sunday School president where he oversaw the training and instruction of church teachers.
    John was the husband of the late Elinor Lorraine (Johnson) Koukol and brother of the late David L. Koukol. He is survived by his son, John L. Koukol, Jr. and his wife, Patricia Koukol of North Attleboro; his daughter, Diane L. Viera and her husband, Gary Viera of North Attleboro; his daughter, June E. Koukol and her partner, Michael Carnabuci of Foxboro; his son, David J. Koukol of Attleboro; four grandchildren, including Christopher Koukol, Kara Coyle, Carl Viera and Tracy McElwee; and three great-grandchildren, including Holden, Callum and Cadence Coyle. He is also survived by his cousin, Dorothy Maggio of Enfield, Conn. and by his step-daughters Andrea Nedley and Margaret Fisher, as well as Margaret's husband Richard and daughter, Christie Wilbur. Visiting hours held Friday, August 4, 2017, at the Davis Funeral Home, 373 Court Street, North Plymouth, MA, 4-7 p.m. Funeral services will be held on Saturday, August 5, at 10 a.m. at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 430 Court Street, North Plymouth, MA. Burial will follow at Spring Brook Cemetery in Mansfield, MA.
Reported by Jim West


Memoriam . . .

81st ENG
-- Date of Death: December 23, 2012
    Ed was born on February 22, 1922 and was a lifelong Joliet resident, Veteran of WWII, U.S. Army 106th Infantry Division (Golden Lions) 81st Engineers Corp. His regiment was overrun and surrounded in the initial days of the Battle of the Bulge. Ed was first employed with Metcalf Heating and Cooling. He retired after 42 years with Johansen and Anderson, Inc., where he began in service and later, sales. His passions in life were his grandchildren, gardening and yard work, cooking and baking, fishing with his buddies at his home on Rest Lake in Mantowish Waters, WI. He loved his brandy and beer, the Chicago Bears and following the stock market. Ed's family would like to thank his caregiver, Helen Misera, and the fantastic staff at Joliet Area Community Hospice Home. Ed was predeceased by his beloved wife, Lois, in 1987. He is survived by his daughter, Jody "Tony" Lakota, two grandchildren, his sister Helen, numerous nieces and nephews and Camille Stephens, who was like a daughter to him.
    Reported by his daughter, Jody, who says, "Being part of the 106th Infantry Division was a very special part of his life. I attended the 1994 Rapid City, SD and 1999 Schaumberg, IL reunions with him since he was widowed for many years. So many stories and history learned from these brave men. My father was proud to serve by their side and never stopped telling everyone about all his friends from the war.

MANN, THEODORE CHRISTOPHER, JR. 422/F -- Date of Death: June 30, 2017
    "The Battle of the Bulge was the final push toward Berlin by the allied troops and was the largest campaign of the war (excluding D Day). Ted and Harry Bell were sent to Belgium toward the end of the war and were part of the 106th Infantry Division, which was the last U.S. Army division to be activated in WWII. The division was comprised of three regimental combat teams: 422nd, 423rd and 424th RCT. The division took over the "ghost front" in the Schnee-Eiffel sector to relieve the 2nd Infantry. The sector was so named by GIs because it was so uneventful.
    On December 10, 1944, Ted and Harry Bell were on the Schnee-Eiffel ridge of the German Siegfried Line. They were somewhere east of St. Vith, Belgium, in the Ardennes forest. Ted was in headquarters and Harry in the mortar squad. "On December 16, Germans broke through on both ends of our 106th division line, leaving us surrounded," Harry said. On December 19th, after a valiant four-day fight and out of ammunition and food, both the 422nd and 423rd infantry and most of their supporting artillery and attached units (5,000-6,000 men) were captured. The 424th was able to pull back to St. Vith and participated in the rest of the battle and the counter-offensive in January--March 1945.
    On that morning (Dec. 19) Ted crawled out of his tent to do his business to find that they were surrounded by Germans who confiscated their weapons


Memoriam . . .

    and boots and forced them to march in the snow. Harry recalls that they marched all day and night to a railhead. He said, "Germans loaded us in small boxcars, over 40 men to a car, standing. One night in a rail yard in Koblenz, British bombers destroyed several cars in our train. We couldn't see, but word spread that there were many casualties. Finally we were let out to get our first water. Germans loaded us all on trucks and drove us to the village of Bad Orb and then to Stalag I-B where we arrived on Christmas day." Ted thought to himself, "What a lousy Christmas this is going to be." Harry said, "We were locked up every night with no sanitary facilities. Food was a cup of ersatz tea at breakfast, a cup of beet top soup at lunch and one loaf of black ersatz bread divided for eight men." Pop Ted told us that the other soup they often consumed was a boiled down horse's head broth along with moldy black pumpernickel bread, this was every day. "One day a U.S. fighter strafed our barracks by mistake, there were some casualties."
    On April 2, 1945, tanks from Patton's army came through the gates. "Three days later, U.S. forces took us to the Frankfort airport. We were flown to Camp Lucky Strike in France. Ted and others were flown to England to a hospital. He never told me about it. I was sent home on a ship. Ted was sent home from England via a hospital ship and had severe malnutrition and pneumonia, weighting only 87 lbs."
From an article by Harry Bell and Gerry Mann
Reported by Harry Bell

-- Date of Death: August 13, 2017
    Louis ‘Pop' Martz a long-time resident of Jacksonville, Florida, died peacefully in his sleep on Sunday, August 13, 2017. He was 96. Born in Catawissa, PA, Mr. Martz was a combat veteran of World War II, serving as a rifleman with the 106th Infantry Division in France, Belgium and Germany and surviving the Battle of the Bulge during the winter of 1944-45.
    After the war he remained in the reserves, first with the Pennsylvania National Guard and later with the Air Force Reserve. He retired from the military on July 17, 1981 as a Chief Master Sergeant after 31 years of service in the Army and Air Force. Mr. Martz moved to Jacksonville from Springfield, Virginia, in 1984 after retiring from the civil service. He had worked for a number of years as a fuels procurement specialist for the Air Force at the Pentagon.
    An avid outdoorsman and canoeist, he was active in the North Florida chapter of the Florida Trail Association. He also was a member of the American Legion, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the 106th Infantry Division Association and the Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge Association.
    Mr. Martz was predeceased by his loving wife of 75 years, Beatrice Jean Martz. He is survived by three children: Bonnie Smedley (Ruth McGarry) of Jacksonville, Florida; Ron Martz

continues on page 42


Memoriam . . .

    (Mary) of Cumming, Georgia; and Lee Martz (Gwen) of Middletown, Pennsylvania; nine grandchildren: Kent Smedley (Amy) of Jacksonville, Florida; Brent Smedley of Jacksonville, Florida; Christopher Martz of Marietta, Georgia; Colin Martz of Dallas, Georgia; Veronica Martz (Victor Montealegre) of Roswell, Georgia; Morgan Warren of Cumming, Georgia; Jamie Lamb (Phil) of Middletown, Pennsylvania; Rebecca Hoover (Bryan) of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania; and Jonathan Martz (April) of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Mr. Martz also had seven great-grandchildren, Camie and Kaitie Smedley and Brooke Baggett (James) of Jacksonville, Florida; Eleanor Montealegre of Roswell, Georgia; and Isabella, Louisa and Judah Lamb of Middletown, Pennsylvania; and two great-great-grandchildren; Christopher and Elijah Sears of Jacksonville, FL.
    A memorial service will be held Saturday, August 26 at 11 a.m. at the Hardage-Giddens Greenlawn Funeral Home, 4300 Beach Boulevard, Jacksonville, Florida, 32207. In lieu of flowers the family requests that donations be made in Louis Martz's name to the "Camie Smedley GoFundMe" account at https://www. Camie, one of Mr. Martz's great-grandchildren, was critically injured in an automobile accident in December 2015 and remains hospitalized.
Reported by Jim West

--Date of Death: July 22, 2017
    Ed Podlaski passed away at the age of 91. He was the loving husband of the late Leona, tremendous father of Linda Warren and Bruce Podlaski, grandfather of three and great-grandfather of five. Ed was a proud 1943 graduate of Pulaski High School and Marquette University. He served in the U.S. Army (106th Infantry Division) during World War II, captured during the Battle of the Bulge and was a POW for six months and a proud attendee of the 2010 Honor Flight. A proud retiree of Sears and Roebuck after 34 years, longtime member of St. Alexander Parish, having been a Trustee and a member of the Choir and New Life Chorus. He was a resident of Village at Manor Park, loved his Tuesday swim, card playing and reading. He was a great listener, tennis player, Packer fan and enjoyed daily walks with Victor. Thanks to all the caring and supportive staff throughout the whole VA Health care system.
Reported by his daughter, Linda

REPPERT, ROBERT 81ST ENG -- Date of Death: August 3, 2017
    Robert Reppert, Milwaukee,WI, formerly of Beloit, died peacefully Thursday, August 3, 2017 at age 92. He was the beloved husband of the


Memoriam . . .

    late Delores Richardson Reppert for 58 years, dear father of Margaret Reppert, William Reppert and John Reppert. He was the loving grandfather of eight and great-grandfather of eight. Bob was a model railroad enthusiast. He proudly served in the U.S. Army during WWII.
As reported in the Beloit Daily News.

Date of Death: September 15, 2017
    Per his daughter "We will miss him terribly. We gave him a full military funeral with the Patriot Guard escorting him. It was awesome."
Reported by his daughter, Laura Lee

Date of Death: February 12, 2016
Reported by Lee Thomas

    Date of Death: August 12, 2017 Raymond J. Twardzik of Bradenton, FL died August 12, 2017. He was a graduate of Union College, Schenectady, NY, class of 1946 and Wilbur Lynch H.S., class of 1941. He served in the Army during WWII and was captured in the Battle of the Bulge and was held as a POW in Germany He is survived by his loving and devoted wife of 67 years, Isabel P. Twardzik, three daughters -- Margaret, Nadine and Janet and two grandchildren. He was employed as an engineer in the General Electric Company in Schenectady, Syracuse and Daytona Beach Fl. He was a licensed Professional Engineer in New York State and Florida. He was a member of the GE Elfun Society, a Chapter Commander and Board Member of the Manasota Chapter of EXPOW, a National Services Officer of the American EXPOW Organization, Officer and Board Member of the Garden Lakes Village 1 Condo Association, member of the D.A.V. and ARRL. He was an avid bridge player and enjoyed playing his accordion and piano. He was an active "ham" radio enthusiast since 1939.
Reported by Jackie Coy

-- Date of Death: Feb. 11, 2007
Burial: Edgewood Memorial Park, Glen Mills, Delaware County, PA (his wife, Dorothy Wolff, died in 2015).
Reported by Jackie Coy

To the widows of Golden Lions, if you would wish to continue to receive The CUB
    after the passing of your husband please let Membership Chair Jacquelyn Coy know. Her contact information is located on page 12 of this CUB.

To see a full-color version of this issue of The CUB, please visit our website at:


Treasurer's and Membership Chair's Report . . .

A Very Important Message from the Treasurer and All Members of the Board
Please read and take action now, thank you.
    With each issue of The CUB magazine the incoming mail box swells with letters of appreciation from readers who express thanks and encouragement for us to "keep up the good work"

The Last Man Standing
    It is our wish to continue the Association at a minimum through "The Last Man Standing." Since eliminating annual dues several years ago the association has relied largely on reserve savings to continue The CUB and other services at its present level. Your support is necessary to complete the mission of honoring our veterans and continuing the legacy of the 106th through education, reunions and publication of The CUB.

Keep up the Good Work
    We need your help to meet basic financial needs of the Association. If we reach our annual goal of $20,000, we will be able to preserve our savings and keep up the "good work" for many years to come. Use the enclosed envelope to return your contribution marked "Sustentation Fund" in whatever amount possible. Any amount is appreciated, $10 -- $1,000 or more.
    Also, please tells us how you wish to receive future issues of The CUB. Email to and indicate a delivery preference; Mail (paper in black and white) or Email (PDF in color). Approximately 65 percent of Association expenses are directly related to printing and shipping The CUB each year. Your choice to receive The CUB by email will help defer expenses and enable us to continue to deliver The CUB until "The Last Man Standing."
Show support for our mission by giving generously. Your continued support is greatly appreciated.
Thank you.

    If you or someone you know would like to make an additional contribution, please mail a check made payable to 106th Infantry Division to:
106th Infantry Division, Life Plus Contribution PO Box 140535, Dallas TX 75214


(Re)Make your plans NOW.!
for the
106th Infantry Division Association
Rescheduled 71st Annual Reunion
Park Inn Hotel, Orlando, FL
January 17 to 21, 2018
The 2017 Reunion has been rescheduled due to Hurricane Irma! Have you re-registered yet?
    We have had an adjustment in the dates since the last publication of The CUB for this year's reunion and our hotel cost is now only $99 per night plus tax.
Re-register NOW!
Or sign up for the first time!
    Go to the Association website for information about the reunion and for downloadable paperwork or use the printed paperwork included in this issue of The CUB.

Index for This Document

106th Div., 22, 43
106th Inf. Div., 6, 8, 20, 48
106th Inf. Div. Assn., 6, 20
112th Inf. Regt., 33
112th Inf. Regt., 28th Inf. Div., 33
2nd Div., 27
31st Div. Association, 20
422/K, 38
424/E, 38
424/G, 45
424/L, 3
424th Inf. Regt., 33
5th Panzer Army, 21
Adsit, James P., 15
Africa, 40
AmVets of Indiana, 20
Arbeitskommando Slaughterhouse Five, 8
Ardennes, 12, 37
Ardennes Forest, 37, 44
Asly, Linda, 37
Atiyeh, Edward Ellis, 37
Atiyeh, George, 37
Awalt, Louise, 15
Bad Orb, 41, 45
Bad Orb, Germany, 41
Baesman, Connie Pratt, 33
Baggett, Brooke, 46
Band of Brothers, 18
Baseman, Connie Pratt, 15
Battle of the Bulge, 10, 12, 21, 22, 37, 41, 43, 46
Beam, Harold, 26
Beam, Harold W., 15
Belgium, 37
Bell, Harry, 44, 45
Black Forest, 27
Bloch, Jacques W., 38
Bloch, Jean H., 38
Bloch, Norman, 38
Bludworth, David H., 17
Bludworth, John Frank, Sr., 17
Bowen, John, 20
Branson, Linda Dianne, 15
Brax, Roselle, 17
Britton, Benjamin Bosworth, 38
Brown, Clark, 38
Camp Atterbury, 14, 20, 30
Camp Atterbury, IN, 27
Camp Lucky Strike, 45
Camp Wheeler, GA, 27
'Captured At the Battle of the Bulge', 32, 34
Carnabuci, Michael, 43
Central Europe, 41
Charron, Pfc. Nelson, 8
Charron, Vincent J., 2, 8
Clevenger, James, 39
Clevenger, Joyce, 39
Collins, Mike, 21
Collins, Virgil, 40
Cowan, Mary Letitia, 39
Coy, Jackie, 17, 39, 42, 47
Coy, Jacquelyn, 2, 17, 37, 47
Coy, Jacquelyn S., 13, 14
Coyle, Kara, 43
Cozean, Jesse, 32
Dizikes, John, 22
Doxsee, Gifford, 8
Doxsee, Gifford B., 39
Dresden, 27
Dresden, Germany, 8, 39
Dunn, Glen, 41
Dunn, James A., 40
Dunn, John M. & Marie, 40
Dunn, Wayne, 2, 6, 8, 12, 15, 19
Dunn, Wayne G., 2, 3
Edmonds, M/Sgt. Roddie, 10
Edmonds, MSgt. Roddie, 10
Edmonds, Pastor Chris, 10
Erickson, Sgt. Leroy H, Jr., 17
Falkner, Carol, 2
First Reunion, 28
Fisher, Margaret, 43
Fleming, Ethel, 17
Fleming, Harold, 17
Forced March From The Bulge To Berchtesgaden, 35
Foster, George Walter, 41
France, 25
Freedman, Henry E., 15
Freeman AAF, 20
Ft. Benjamin Harrison, 20
Ft. Jackson, SC, 28
Garche, 27
Gardner, Joe, 3
Garrison, Beth, 2
German 5th Panzer Army, 21
German Prisoner Of War Camps, 20
Germany, 10, 41, 42
Gleina, 26
Goldberg, Leon, 2, 3, 6, 27
Grubenmann, Arthur R., 17
Grubenmann, Helene, 17
Gunvalson, Hans Christian & Gurina (Anderson), 42
Gunvalson, Russell, 42
Gunvalson, Russell L., 42
Guttman, Stanley K., 15
Hennessy, Kathleen, 17
Hinder Forward- The 168th Engr. Cbt. BN, 30
Hirsch, Rudolph, 15
Hoffmann, Briggs A., Jr., 15
Hoover, Rebecca, 46
Hren, Susan, 15
Humphrey, Robert E., 18
Hutchinson, Anna, 17
Jewett, Carl, 26
Jewett, Dean F, 30
Johnson, Ken, 21
Johnson, Shepherd W., 15
Johnson, William S., 42
Jones, Lt., 26
Keeber, Anne, 15
Keeber, Beatrice F., 15
Keeber, Beatrice Fulton, 36
Keeber, Bethanie, 15
Keeber, David, 15
Keeber, Gail, 15
Keeber, John, 15
Keeber, Pfc. Willard H., 36
King, Martin, 21
Kleinschmidt, Donna, 41
Koblenz, 45
Koehler, Franklin R., 15
Kolb, Pamela Britton, 15
Koukol, Christopher, 43
Koukol, David J., 43
Koukol, David L., 43
Koukol, Elinor Lorraine (Johnson), 43
Koukol, John, 43
Koukol, John L., 43
Koukol, John Leonard, 43
Koukol, June E., 43
Koukol, Patricia, 43
Koukol, Rudolph J. & Mary Ora (Leonard), 43
Krezminski, Edward S., 44
Lamb, Jamie, 46
Lang, Russ, 34
Larson, Idelle E., 42
LeClair, Henry, 3
Leclerc, Clement, 25
Lee, Laura, 47
Leipzig, 27
Lichtenfeld, Sy, 3
Lindquist, Erik, 15
Lindquist, Erik & Annette, 17
London, 41
Lopardo, Patsy J., 17
Luzzi, Capt., 31
Madden, John J., 15
Maggio, Dorothy, 43
Mann, Gerry, 45
Mann, Theodore Christopher, Jr., 44
Martin, Harry E., Jr., 12
Martz, Beatrice Jean, 45
Martz, Christopher, 46
Martz, Colin, 46
Martz, Jonathan, 46
Martz, Lee, 46
Martz, Louis ‘Pop', 45
Martz, Louis Howe, 45
Martz, Mr., 46
Martz, Ron, 45
Martz, Veronica, 46
Mason, James O., 15
Massey, Joseph Aaron, 17
Mayrsohn, Bernard, 2, 3
McElwee, Tracy, 43
McGarry, Ruth, 45
McWhorter, William, 2, 19, 33
McWhorter, William A., 19
Miller, Dennis Shane, 15
Miller, Jessica Goodman, 15
Misera, Helen, 44
Mock, John H., 15
Mohn, Maj. John J., 35
Montealegre, Eleanor, 46
Montealegre, Victor, 46
Morse, John W., 10
Muhlberg, 27
My Grandfather's War, 32
My Nine Lives, 31
Nedley, Andrea, 43
Nelson, Susan, 15
Normandy, 12
Norrie, Deborah & Paul, 42
Obama, Barack, 25
Obayan, Rev. Felix, 40
Once Upon A Time In War, 18
Order of the Golden Lion, 2, 23
Paris, 3, 27
Podlaski, Bruce, 46
Podlaski, Edmund P., 46
Pope, Bob, 31
Pope, Robert E., 15
Pratt, Lt. Gerald, 33
Prell, Don, 17
Prescott, Robert D., 17
Prisoner of War, 39
Prisoner's Odyssey, 30
Purple Heart, 37, 40, 43
Reinkober, James J., 15
Reiss, James A., 32
Reppert, Delores Richardson, 47
Reppert, John, 47
Reppert, Margaret, 47
Reppert, Robert, 46
Reppert, William, 47
Rhineland, 41
Rice, Kris, 3
Rigby, Edward W., 47
Robb, Dr. John G., 2, 3
Roberts, John M., 3
Rosenberg, Herbert A., 15
Russell, Alden F., 15
Rutz, Richard E., 16
Schaffner, John, 2, 3, 21
Schaffner, John R., 11
Schaffner, Robert, 2, 3
Schnee-Eifel, 14, 44
Schoenburg, 27
Sebastinelli, Fred A., 15
Sellen, John A., 17
Sgt. Glover's World War Ii Letters Home, 24
Shadows Of Slaughterhouse Five, 8
Shealy, Virginia, 17
Sheaner, Herb, 27, 30
Sheaner, Mike, 2, 3, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14
Siegfried Line, 12, 27, 44
Simone, Daniel, 15
Slaughter House 5, 39
Slaughterhouse Five, 8
Smallwood, Fredrick, 28
Smedley, Bonnie, 45
Smedley, Brent, 46
Smedley, Kent, 46
Smith, Dennis, 16
St. Vith, Belgium, 44
Stalag IV-B, 27
Stalag IX-B, 41
Stalag XI-B, 38
Starmack, Carol, 15
Stern, Boris, 25
Szpek, Ervin, Jr., 8
Taylor, Thomas E., 17
'The Battle For Snow Mountain', 22
The Battle of the Bulge, 41
The Letter Box, 24
'The Sitting Duck Division
Attacked From the Rear', 10
Thomas, Richard J., 47
Twardzik, Isabel P., 47
Twardzik, Raymond J., 47
Tyler, Walter S., 15
Vaade, Victor & Barbara, 15
Vedvei, Karen, 37
Veterans Of The Battle Of The Bulge, 45
Viera, Carl, 43
Viera, Diane L., 43
Viera, Gary, 43
Vonnegut, Kurt, 39
Wakeman Gen. Hosp., 20
Walker, Jeanne M., 3
'Warm Memories of Cold Spring', 36
Warren, Linda, 46
Warren, Morgan, 46
Weiner, Bernard C., 17
Weiss, Newton, 3
Weiss, Susan, 2, 19, 33
Welke, Brian, 2, 3, 12
West, Jim, 2, 19, 20, 33, 38, 42, 43, 46
Wolff, Donald G., Jr., 47
Wolff, Dorothy, 47
Wood, Janet, 4
Wood, Randall, 13
Wood, Randall M., 2, 4, 10
Wood, Randy, 2, 12
Wood, Robert, 10
Wouters, Carl, 2, 19
Wyss, Leslie, 39
Young, Donald, 22
Zeitz, 26