Original Cub Document
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VOL. 24, NO. 2, Nov., 1967
Your officers send their thoughts and prayers to each of you for a wonderful Holiday Season overflowing with joy, thanksgiving, blessings and happiness lasting all through the bright New Year ahead.
106th Infantry Division Association, Inc.
President John Shalhoub
Vice-President William F. Smith
Adjutant and Treasurer Sherod Collins
Chaplain John Loveless
Historian Sherod Collins
The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $5.00 per year which includes subscription to the CUB.
Editor Robert Holden
All editorial matter should be addressed to:
Robert Holden
3810 Richmond Road N.E., Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52402
All business matters, renewal of membership, etc., should be addressed to:
Mr. Sherod Collins, Jr. 625 Channing Drive N.W. Atlanta, Ga. 30318
1967 -1968
Jack Bryant -- 19692 Coral Gables, Southfield, Mich. 48075 Phillip F. Schutte -- 2415 Otter Drive, Warren, Mich.
John T. Loveless, Jr. -- 2549 Pickwick Road, Baltimore, Md., 21207
James E. Wells -- Hepzibah, Georgia
Alan W. Jones -- 3532 Quebec St., NM., Washington, D.C. 20016
H. M. Hatch -- 5609 15th Ave., So., Minneapolis, Minn.
Robert L. Scranton -- 9441 Lee Road, Brighton, Mich.
Clayton F. Rarick -- Box 25, Blandon, Penn.
Louis P. Rossi, Jr. -- 1208 50th Street, North Bergen, N.J.
Leo T. McMahon -- 8 No. Union St., Middletown, Penn. 17057
Joe C. Matthews, Jr. 4706 Western Blvd., Raleigh, N.C. 27606
Douglas S. Coffey -- 41 Lowell Ave., West Orange, N.J.
Pete House -- 5662 Clifton Road, Jacksonville, Fla. 32211
Harry R. Shaw, Jr. -- 102 E. Woodbury Drive, Garland, Texas 75040
J. Russell Enlow -- c/o Post Office, Taswell, Indiana
John Shalhoub -- 4305 W. Maple Road, Birmingham, Mich.
Elman Miller -- 3331 Morgan St., Steger, Ill.
William F. Smith, Jr. -- 1211 Washington St., Columbia, S.C. 29201
A. W. Skardon, Jr. -- Apt. 3-C 733 Bryson St., Youngston, Ohio 44502
Robert A. Gilder -- 6857 Stoney Ridge Road, No. Ridgeville, Ohio 44035
Yesterday, one of the two leading newspapers in my home city reported on one whole page nothing but crimes ranging from petty thievery to murder committed in the previous twenty-four hours. Similar news spilled over onto other pages. Articles relating to anti-poverty demands and demonstrations, violent actions of so-called non-violent groups, prospects for and opposition to social reform filled other pages.
Conflicts between government and business, people and politicians, labor and management were duly noted.
To counterbalance these, and more, a few hopeful items were read: break-throughs in surgery and new successes in medicine to bring hope to millions, a growing understanding of and cooperation among the great religious bodies in the world, greater opportunities for education of all peoples, efforts to achieve just peace among warring nations.
Over radio and television we heard and saw abbreviated reports of these things.
As individuals, we do not have the answers to the questions and problems raised by what we read, heard and saw.
But we do pose the question: Are we, as veterans of World War H, but especially as citizens of these United States, neglecting any responsibilities to help provide a satisfying way of life for all in our own communities and to help supply opportunities for those who need them to achieve such a goal? "From the fruit of his words a man is satisfied with good, and the works of a man's hand comes back to him." -- Proverbs 12: 14.
John T. Loveless, Jr.
106th Infantry Division Association
ST. VITH, 1969
Chairman Doug Coffey urges all members of the 106th, whether you plan to go to Europe in 1969 or not to write to your Senators and Congressmen to urge them to either kill the Tax on trips to Europe or at least to permit a Veterans Exemption to attend Ceremonies in Europe in 1969 to commemorate the 25th Anniversaries of World War II. There will be many, many Ceremonies on the 25th Anniversary so many Veterans will be affected. If you belong to a Legion or VFW Post, ask them to support this request.For those interested in going I suggest you sign up immediately as we have committed ourselves for 55 seats and 29 have signed up already. Remember, you can sign up by sending $10.00 good faith deposit to Doug Coffey, 41 Lowell Avenue, West Orange, N.J. 07052. Make check out to 106th Division Association Convention Fund. It will be acknowledged, banked in Savings and Loan to draw interest for you and is returnable on demand. Let's really get a good group. Elsewhere you will note the first notice that went out to those signing up to get this trip underway.
For those of you who have sent me the $10.00, your money is being deposited in the West Orange Savings and Loan Association where it will be drawing interest at rate of 4 ¼%. Naturally $10.00 will not draw too much but every bit helps.I have 29 persons signed to date. Will give you all a listing later so you will know with whom you are traveling.
Tentative plans are to fly on Icelandic Airlines as this is the cheapest rate, as of now. Remember, everything can change, always for the better. We have taken 55 seats as a starter. We leave July 19, 1969 at 9:00 P.M. arriving in Luxembourg 4:00 P.M. next day. Your 21 days will be up Friday, August 8. We will all go over together but do not have to return together to get the present rate for 21 day excursion. Those staying longer however will have to pay more. These details and rates will be worked out. Present rate is $280, round trip. Could go as low as $230 depending on size group. Arrangements are being made for private buses to take us anywhere we wish to go. Number of persons will determine if we are to live in St. Vith or Liege. St. Vith only has two hotels with very few rooms. Further details of course will follow. For those of you inquiring about passports, etc. there is no problem. Takes a few weeks. When I feel it is necessary will send a simple poop sheet for you to follow so there will not be any difficulty on your part. All persons must be a dues paying member for six months or more, this to apply if we get a larger group. With a small group we can take anyone who desires without their being members. We could even split the group between members and non-members with a slight difference in rates. If you have any specific questions I will endeavor to answer them.
3Dear Bob:
Sending you for use in the next Cub, a copy of letter I sent to President Johnson. Have also contacted two Senators and one Congressman on this.
Also items regarding St. Vith in 1969 together with the first release to those already signed up. Am still trying to get a list of names and addresses of those who attended the Detroit convention and raised all their hands indicating they wanted to go to Belgium. Most of those signed up were not in Detroit, so where are all those who indicated support for this project?
Best personal wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
Honorable Lyndon B. Johnson President of the United States Washington 25, D.C.
Dear Mr. President:
I don't know how much thought was put into your idea to tax those persons going to Europe but we have a problem.
In 1969 there will be many Veterans of World War II going to Europe to take part in the 25th Anniversary of various campaigns of World War IL For three years or more the 106th has planned its first overseas Convention to coincide with the 25th Anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge (Ardennes). We plan to have our Memorial services at the 106th Memorial which is erected in St. Vith, Belgium. All plans have been made and prior reservations on Icelandic Airlines have also been made, so this is not a dream. We are able to have this Convention as the cost on Icelandic is rather low; however, if we have to pay the tax as suggested of $5.00 per day, this will increase the cost to each member and his family planning the trip an extra $105.00 which may cause cancellations.
We were disappointed once before when the time for our Memorial Dedication was to take place. President Kennedy was trying to be there when he had to make a detour to meet the Russian Premier. To this was added the chagrin of losing the services of Ambassador to Belgium, Douglas McArthur, as there was a small pox epidemic. Needless to say, the Dedication had been planned too far to cancel it and it was a great success despite all obstacles.
Your consideration of this request would be most appreciated. We shall be watching the news media carefully to see just what does happen to this new tax.
Very respectfully yours, Douglas S. Coffey Memorials Chairman
Dear 106er:
I was hoping to save a lot of postage by letting the Cub give you the current information with regard to the 106th Convention to be held in St. Vith, Belgium in July of 1969. As the Cub only comes out a few times I am taking this means to ask those who are really interested (and most of raised your hand in Detroit) to send me a good faith check for $10.00 per person to sign you up for a seat. I can tell you that the seats are going very fast. I have 47 to date. I expect some to drop out naturally as no one knows what will befall us between now and next year but I also expect others to join in later. Don't be disappointed later on, get your reservation in now. You can always get your money back. All funds are deposited and insured. Plans are to leave here July 18,
1969. We will have a Warm up Party Saturday evening. Visit to Cemeteries Sunday and Memorial Service at our Monument on Sunday. Nite Club trip Sunday evening, Cocktail Parties, Bus tours of Battlefields and then you are on your own for balance of 21 day trip. Many more details to follow but only to those signing up to keep costs of postage and mailing down. I have to know an approximate number so I know what size bus to hire and how big a room for cocktail parties and meetings. Europe and especially small towns like St. Vith are not equipped for huge parties.
PLEASE, PLEASE, this once please cooperate and help put this across. I am trying to keep the cost of Air Fare plus your registration fees to a maximum of $300. This rate for the month of July is unheard of if you want to check with any Travel Agency.
I am going to Belgium in May to get all the details worked out so that you will have the package in Fort Jackson this year. Sign up so I know what I am talking about with Belgian contacts.
Doug Coffey
Dear Friends:"Another year, another dollar!" as we used to say in the Old Army (the Old Army is the one of your year of entry, and as the years go by the scene changes as much as the dollar. As we look back, we see the snow decked trees of the Ardennes, as we look to the present we see the swamps of Vietnam. Two thousand years ago it was Alexander on the plains of Persia, and thus it goes. Anyway, the General and I wish you all a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year. We were so glad to see so many old friends at Detroit, and while we got out of that fair city just in time, we enjoyed every minute of our stay.
On December 16th we attended a dinner given in Baltimore by John and Kay Loveless and Henry and Eunice Broth, a lovely affair. We dined buffet in a beautiful dining room lighted by dozens of candles, and discovered that Kay and Eunice were experts in the culinary line. Did you ever taste mashed carrots done in casserole, and marrow-squash lightly cooked and tossed in delicious cream sauce? I used the same vegetables for my Christmas dinner, a nice change and truly delicious. John and Harry were in charge of two brimming punch bowl, one "with" and one "without," and a good time was had by all. The Monahans came down from the mountain, and The Matthews up from the deep south to add to the gaiety. Our heartiest thanks to all for a happy evening. Then came Christmas. We were lucky this year, as our two children and their families all came to town, with the exception of our son-in-law, Colonel Ozzie vom Orde, USMC, who is in Danang. Eleven of us sat down to dinner, and as our oldest grandson from Fort Sill, Oklahoma (FA, by the way) asked the blessing and for the Good Lord to watch over Uncle Ozzie, we suddenly realized Christmas was over in that part of the world. Our daughter, up from Virginia Beach, where she rents a house to await her husband's return, brought two dachshunds with her, the small kind, named Willie and Fritz and you should have seen them trying to get a hot-dog out of their little red stockings! It was wild!
After a Merry Christmas, the flu bug moved in, therefore my gossip
column instead of the usual. He mended, and was in pretty good shape, but a couple more parties did it all over again, and now the typewriter is too heavy.
By the way, whether known as "Lion Hunter" or "Aly's Antiques," is there anyone now in our Association who is named "Martha" ? I found a lovely gold bracelet with a nice lion face on it and with that name engraved inside. (Price $12.00). Also, I have a lion stick pin ($5.00) and a charming pin on which a watch might hang. This lion has emerald eyes and a ruby mouth ($10.00). There is a big antique show in town this week and we'll be on the lookout. I have a locket spotted but it is quite dear ($130.00), I may be able to get them to come down on that one. In any event this has been a rather lucky year for Lion Hunters.
It is very cold outside today, but we turn up the furnace and sit back and count our blessings and think of all the nice people we know, and we do hope to see you in Columbia next July. I had a note from Fran Smith and she and Bill are thrilled that -- we will be back where we started from.
Mrs. A. W. Jones
Dear Editors:
Hope the enclosed material for the CUB reaches you in time. Received your card with the deadline 10 Jan., but the Christmas festivities interfered with may program. Will send in some more, and if too late for the next issue, hope it will be suitable for the following one.
I know that copy should be sent in double spaced, but failed to do this with most of the notes submitted due to lack of time. Sorry.
Wish you both a happy and prosperous 1968.
Sincerely, L. T. McMahon
PHILLIP F. HOOVER Colonel Phillip F. Hoover, commanding officer of the 591st F.A. Battalion died suddenly of a heart attack at his home in Shelton, Washington, on 12 December 1967. Mrs. Hoover wrote that they had just returned from a happy day of Christmas shopping when the Colonel suffered a severe pain, sat down and was gone. He was 58 years old.A native of Enid, Oklahoma, Colonel Hoover attended school and college in the state and was commissioned in the artillery of the 45th Division, Oklahoma National Guard. After the outbreak of World War II he was transferred to duty at the Field Artillery School, Fort Sill, Okla. He was an instructor of Gunnery there, when he was selected to command one of the artillery battalions in the new 106th Infantry Division organizing at Ft. Jackson, South Carolina.
As a Lt. Colonel he organized and trained the 591st F.A. Bn. at Ft. Jackson, in the Tennessee Maneuvers Area and at Camp Atterbury Ind. He commanded the battalion all during its combat in Europe where it made a distinguished record as an outstanding organization, and in the Army of Occupation.
Colonel Hoover was buried with full military honors in his home town of Enid, Okla. In addition to his wife he is survived by his 86 year old mother.
-- Fighting in the snow and cold of the Ardennes, Belgium.
Christmas 1967.
Most of the veterans of the Division who are faithful members of the 106th Infantry Division Association and their families enjoy happy meetings each year in July at the Annual Reunions. Others, also members of the Association and a number who are not, keep in touch through annual Christmas cards and messages. One member of the Association has received cards from the following:Division Hq.
Colonel Earle B. Williams and wife, Division Signal Officer. After living in various parts of Kentucky and still in the telephone business they are now located 117 Chadwick Rd., R11, Louisville, Ky. 40225.
Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Raup -- Mrs. Raup is the daughter of Brig. Gen. Perrin, deceased, Assistant Division Commander. They have been on duty in Africa with the State Department, now living at Rt. 4, Box 600, Tallahassee, Fla. 32301. Divarty.
Col. (ret.) and Mrs. Malin Craig, 15 Newland St., Chevy Chase, Md., 20015. Divarty Executive Officer. Teaches mathematics in the high school.
Mrs. Juanita Hagman, 305 W. Josephine St., Weatherford, Tex., 76086, Widow of Col. Ben. S-3 of Divarty and former President of Association. Their son Garry is married with one child and is an attorney in Weatherford.
Col and Mrs. Ronald C. Johnson, 7909 Greeley Blvd., Springfield, Va. 22150. Divarty Survey Officer, is now on duty with Inspector General of Army.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. L. Foreman, 167 Townsend Ave., Pelham Manor, N.Y. 10803 was Capt. I&E and Ln. Officer with Divarty. Is Vice President of United Parcel Service in NYC, and a painter of note. One of his paintings "Force" is now in collection of New York University Museum.
Edie and Julie Hirtz, Butte des Morts, Wis. 54921. Mess Corporal Divarty headquarters, still in the restaurant business.
589th F.A. Bn.
Dr. and Mrs. Michael E. Connelly, 903 Linden St., Sharon, Penna. 16146. Battalion Surgeon of 589th. Fine family of 8 children. A graduate of Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn., is a successful surgeon in Sharon. He is a long time member of the Association and an excellent correspondent. Sent the following address Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Brown, 1235 Lynwood Dr., Charlotte, N.C. 28211. Commanded Btry B, 589th.
Dr. Connelly sadly recalls that some of his friends in the Battalion were killed in action or died of wounds. They are Capt. Rockwell, C.O. Btry C; Lt. McClelland, Service Btry; Lt. O'Toole; Lt. Eric Fisher Wood, Btry A. KIA and awarded DSC.
Earle and Catherine Scott, 6414 Monument, Richmond, Va. 23226. Battalion Liaison Pilot. A faithful member of the Association. Plans to attend Reunion at Columbia, S.C. in July.
Lt. Col. George and Virginia Huxel, RR 2, Chadron, Ohio. Was a Captain and Battalion 3-3 who participated in the defense of Parker's Crossroads under Major Parker, Acting Battalion Commander. Although wounded Huxel remained in
action, he and his group held the CP building, under attack by German infantry and armor until the roof collapsed. They dodged into a drainage ditch and from there, dragging their wounded with them reached the woods to the north of the crossroads and got to Fraiture village and the lines of the 325th. Glider Inf., 82d AB Div. From there Captain Huxel was evacuated to the hospital. When he was released in Feb. 1945 rejoined Divarty. Captain Brown CO Btry B also participated in this action. Now Col. Huxel is head of a high school and is with the Ohio National Guard.
590th F.A. Bn.
Col. Vaden and Mildred Lackey, E. Belleville Dr., Nashville, Tenn. 37202. Commanded 590th FA Bn. A faithful member of the Association, last attended the annual reunion at Augusta, Ga., accompanied by a grandson. They hope to be with us at Columbia and Ft. Jackson, S.C., in July.
General McMahon, Divarty Commander, recalled a memorable incident of the training at Camp Jackson. In January 1944 Divarty and its Battalions were scheduled to take the Army Ground Force firing tests. The 590th under another Battalion Commander had failed these tests in October. The night before the Battalion was scheduled to undergo Test I, it snowed. The Division had not been issued any, snow suits, so the next morning Col. Lackey had his men bring their sheets from the bunks in barracks to use as camouflage. For this he was commended by the OGF Examining Board. This time the Battalion successfully passed Tests I, II and III. The next time the members of the Battalion saw snow suits the Germans were wearing them when they attacked in the Ardennes.
Doug Coffey, 41 Lowell Ave., West Orange, N.J. He is listed here because he was Commo Sgt. of Btry C. of this Battalion. If there is any member of the Association better known we don't know who it is. A Past President, a co-chairman of three successful reunions and perennial Chairman of the Memorial Committee, he is a spark plug. As you know from the last issue of the CUB he is planning the 25th Reunion of the Association in St. Vith Belgium in July 1969. Doug requested that members interested should prove this interest by sending in a check or money order to the 106th Division Association in the amount of $10 per person. I am sending my check to Doug at the above address with a notation in the lower left hand corner -- "St. Vith 1969," made out to the 106th Inf. Div. Assn." L. T. McM.
591st F.A. Bn.
Colonel Carl H. Wohlfeil, USA, Ret., 621 Garland Dr., Florence, S. C. 29501. After retiring from the Army at Ft. Belvoir, Va., he and his wife, Ethel Wohlfeil, lived in Charleston, S.C., for a year where he taught high school math. From this experience he reports: "The youth of America are great!" Has 3 children in college and one at home. Now engaged in Project T-Square, a State undertaking, OE0 funded to provide sufficient education to functionally illiterate adults to get them off relief rolls and into productive citizenship. (My project is to get Carl and Ethel to the Division Reunion at Columbia and Ft. Jackson, S.C., in July. L. T. McM.) . Colonel Wohlfeil was Executive Officer of the 591st Battalion.
Bob and Dorothy Likins, 2718 N. Maryland, Milwaukee, Wis. 53211. Commanded Btry B of Battalion. Flew to Detroit the final night for a brief reunion. Promise to join us at Columbia, S.C., in July.
592nd F.A. Bn.
Jim and Vi Malesky, Greensburg, Penna. Was a Lieutenant in Service Btry. Had been seriously ill, but recovered enough to attend Battery Reunion at Hershey, Pa., in September. He is reported as feeling fairly well and working every day with West Penn Electric.
Charles (Chuck) and Sherry Schoch, Box 121, Port Clinton, Ohio 43452. After being out of the Association for several years rejoined at reunion of Service Btry at Hershey in September. Have one son, Dennis.
Enclosed are photos sent by Dr. DeLaval showing that wreaths were placed by the 106th and the Mayor of St. Vith at our Memorial this past December 16th. As usual you can see the weather was bad. Why couldn't the Germans picked a nice month like July or August to come up against us ?
Best personal regards.
Baltimore, Maryland
It was December 16th again -- members of the 106th Division Association were getting together again for their annual reunions in various locations. However, no one could boast of the pleasure and stature added by the presence of so much "top brass and good fellow" as we had!
As has become customary in Baltimore, Kay and John Loveless hosted the reunion at their home. John delights in entertaining his guests by candlelight (they DO have electricity in the house, but it is so much warmer and intimate by candlelight). As we have mentioned before, Kay sets a delightful and delicious table; the meal was superb, and the company that attended couldn't be topped as you can see from the following list:
General and Mrs. Alan W. Jones
General and Mrs. Leo McMahon
Colonel and Mrs. Joseph Matthews
Colonel and Mrs. William T. Manahan
Colonel and Mrs. Samuel Cariano
Dr. Mary Matthews (Col. Joe's Sister)
Bruce Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Lothrop
Mr. and Mrs. Don Regier
Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Wilkerson
Mr. and Mrs. John Loveless
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kemp and Son
Althea Loveless
Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Broth
Thanks again to Kay and John.
Henry M. Broth
P.S. I didn't include picture this time since Bruce Matthews assumed this responsibility.
I hope that the enclosed photos of the Baltimore December 16th dinner reach you in time to be included
in the next CUB. What with all the holidays and such I was a little late in getting them printed and sent along. This, plus an ice storm which hit Raleigh today, has pretty well kept my production down. I hope the prints are useable, as I have just gotten into the developing and printing line of photography and I have not learned the fine points yet. I think you ought to be able to get one or two to print. In case you haven't heard from Baltimore, everyone there had a fine time at the Loveless' house. We had about 25 there and all thoroughly enjoyed it. We're looking forward to next year! Everyone in the Matthews family is fine, plus we have six canine additions born just before the Baltimore affair. They're nice dogs but keep us awake with their yapping. Hope to see everyone at Columbia this year. Come on down, ya'll, and enjoy some of our Southern hospitality.
Regards to all, Bruce (TEX) Matthews
Some of our distinguished guests.
GREETINGS AND BEST WISHES for Christmas and the New Year
K & John & Althea LOVELESS
December 16, 1967
New Jersey Area
The 22nd Annual Memorial Dinner of the 106th Infantry was held on Saturday, December 16, 1967, at Russell's Log Cabin, Raritan Road, Clark, New Jersey, with 41 in attendance. A Roast Beef Dinner was enjoyed by all. Weather was clear so traveling was good. A plastic bag, full of table favors was at each place, inside was the latest N. J. Parkway Map, ball point pen, calendar, matches, wooden nickels, ash trays, Christmas Carols, and lipstick for the ladies, and other small gifts.
Those attending were:
Fred Schieferstein, Chairman and Charlotte Schieferstein,
George Thoma, Co-Chairman, and Sue Thoma.
Doug and Isabelle Coffey,
Tom and Flo Bickford
Louis P. and Linda Rossi
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brummer
Mr. and Mrs. Oakley Utter, Sr.,
Mr. and Mrs. Austin L. Byrd, Jr.,
Mr. and Mrs. Richard DeHeer
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Martin, Jr., with two friends,
Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Earle
Mr. Garry Faber, Mr. Paul S. Johnson
Mr. John A. Middleton, III
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Plenge
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Messina
Mr. John P. Fleming
Mr. Alfred Stover and friend, Mr. Ray Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Zorn
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ettinger
and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Botti.
Some for the first time, they are re-joining the 106th.
All in attendance had to state what outfit they were in, a few met for the first time in 22 years. Movies were shown of an old reunion.
Doug Coffey gave plans for the 25th Reunion in 1969 in Belgium.
A raffle was held and $40.00 was turned in for the Memorial Fund, including a donation by Thomas
McMahon, who could not make the dinner.
Dancing, to a four-piece band, kept the party going. A bar was set up for all to enjoy. Total cost of only $5.00 per person, for the evening, (dinner, dancing, drinks). Richard DeHeer and Louis Rossi are in charge of the 23rd Annual Memorial Dinner to be held on Saturday, December 14, 1968. One hundred and two notices were sent out for the dinner, those who could not make the dinner because of other activities were: Leo T. McMahon, Fred Theil, Jacques W. Block, Henry Bruch, John Warren, Jr., Howard Watt, Gerald Anderson, George Galik (moved to Texas), Jerry Frankel, Dr. I. Neigus, Jack Zuckerman, Alfred Nusbaum, and Emil Solecki.
Fred Schieferstein
431 Madison Hill Road Clark, New Jersey 07066
INCOMEMembers' Dues $1237.00
Interest Earned 178.74
CUB Xmas Greetings 31.00
Excess - 20th Reunion 368.00
CUB Expense (3 Issues) $ 629.42
Adjutant $35.00
CUB 60.00 95.00
Stationery & Supplies 164.08
Flowers 47.15
20th Reunion Registration fees Adjutant and Editor 60.00
Brought Forward $3888.70
Net Income 1966-67 819.09
Balance June 30, 1967 $4707.79
Brought Forward $ 817.11
Contributions '66,67 238.50
Interest Earned 40.50
Less: J. Beals Memo. Grant to
St. Vith School (50.00)
Balance June 30, 1967 $1046.11
Cash Balance Year End 1966-67 $5753.90
Cash Balance Year End 1965-66 4705.81
General Fund
1966-1967 Totals $4707.79
Deposited for 1967-68 190.00
Checking - First National Bank of Atlanta
Savings - Atlanta Federal Savings & Loan Ass'n. Savings-Trust Company of Georgia
.$ 748.27 4904.63 350.00
Dear Bob:
It seems that all editors of the CUB come up with a wonderful copy. You are in the same class, Bob. We enjoyed your last edition very much.
We want to thank the Detroit gang for the show they put on. Ben Hagman had his rodeo and the Jersey bunch had the World's Fair . but a riot?
I'm only kidding John and Jack. Maybe our friends would like to know that Flo was in the hospital between Christmas and New Year's but is O.K. now.
See you in July.
Tom Bickford
Dear Friends,
We enjoyed the holidays to their fullest, having The O'Rourke's over for Christmas dinner.
New Year's Eve, a cold, snowy night, we spent with the Watts in Ridgefield Park, N.J. The "Gay 20" party was a big success with some of the gals looking mighty pretty in their old fashioned hats.
We were sorry to read about the closing of the Edgewater Beach Hotel. Their Rib Room and Ship Ahoy Restaurants were fun to be in and the food was delicious.
See Ya, Marge and Dick DeHeer
Dear Bob:
I'd like to congratulate You on the fine "CUB" I have just received. Maybe I should also praise your wife as I believe you said at Detroit she would be the editor. Either way, you both did a very fine job on your first issue which I think is always the hardest. Keep up the good work and keep plugging the Belgium Reunion, so Doug Coffey can keep signing them up. Also so John Gallagher gets more to join the Belgium Reunion Saving Fund. So Long and I hope to see you in So. Carolina in July.
Clayt Rarick
Dear Bob:
Just received my "Cub" and want to tell you and the co-editor it looks A-ok in Ohio. Keep up the good work. Jean and I see John and Martha Fritz often and we are going to be in Columbia, S.C. next summer. John and I went to Cleveland two weeks ago to see the "Browns" and Washington Redskin game. (John is a season ticket holder for the Browns' games, a football nut, ask Martha.)
Jean and I would like this time to send you and Shirley a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I will close this now, and will see you good folks in the "South" this summer. Save us room for a tall cool drink when we visit you.
Bob Gilder and Jean
Dear Shirley and Bob:
Just a note to say how much we enjoyed meeting you at the Detroit Convention. We will be looking forward to seeing you next year in Columbia. We've been talking it up on all our Christmas cards for former 106'ers.
We were happy to receive the first issue of the CUB as we were eagerly awaiting it.
We were so shocked at the death of Warren Stutlec. We had hoped to see him at this '68 Convention. Here's hoping you have a very nice Christmas and lots of luck with future CUBS. You're doing a great job.
Sincerely, Fran Rusch
Greetings to all for the best in the New Year
The DeHeer's
Fifteen Years Ago
Chaplain Robert Lundy writes that he first learned of the 106th Infantry Division Association while waiting for a traffic light at 5th Avenue and 42nd Street in New York City. He was hailed there by a taxi driver who recognized him as a former comrade. Chaplain Lundy was named chaplain of the Association at Baltimore in July 1952.
Editor Douglas Coffey writes of visiting at Henri Chappelle, Belgium the grave of Lieutenant Albert Martin (590 FA), who was posthumously awarded the Silver Star.
Alan Dunbar (Hq 422) is with the Veterans Administration in Philadelphia. He is now G-1 of the 79th Infantry Division (US. Army Reserves).
Ten Years Ago
The list of members, complete to 12 January 1958, shows 262 paid members, making this the best year since 1953-4 when we had 322 members. Our 254th member who enabled us to equal last year's membership and who received his dues back with his membership card was Walter Brunn (Hq 424) of Paramus, New Jersey.
Col. J. C. Matthews, Jr. (Div Hq and Hq 422) was retired from the Army last year after 20 years of service.
Tom Bickford (Div HQ) is in his 34th year as a carpenter with Adolph Olson, Inc.
The December 16th Memorial Dinner for the Detroit area was held in the Jack Gillespie's home. The Baltimore reunion was at Marty's Park Plaza. The New Jersey dinner was at the Saint Cloud Mushroom Farm.
Five Years Ago
Major General William Baker laid a wreath at the 106th Division Memorial in Saint Vith on the eighteenth anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge. The ceremony was arranged by Dr. Maurice DeLaval and emceed by Captain Wayne Elliott, Hq Staff, USAREUR.
Total members of the Association for the year to date now number 150, a drop of 27 from last year.
Hi Bob:
Just a note for your CUB. About a week after the last CUB was mailed, a former "106" member stopped in to see me because my name and address was in the CUB. He is Lyle McCullough, 685 Roberts Street, Sheffield Lake, Ohio.
He had read about the Detroit Convention and sent dues to Sherod Collins, who in turn sent him the CUB, where my name was listed on the board.
He lives about 12 or 14 miles from me. Lyle works at B. F. Goodrich Chemical Plant in his town as a plumber.
He tells me he has a camping truck and plans to go to the Annual Convention next year and will do some camping down and back with the family. He was a POW and has never seen any of his "106" buddies since he got out of the army. He was in SV Co. 422 and was captured the 17th of December. So this may make you a line in the CUB if you have room for it. Well this is all for now, Jean and I will look to see you and yours at the Convention in July.
As ever, Bob Gilder
GREETINGS 106'ERS FOR a happy and prosperous New Year
The Tom Bickfords
Police Director Spina's literary background came in handy the other day to underscore a point he was making in a meeting with superior officers. The director was critical of a national magazine article which had termed Newark "one of the most lawless cities in the nation."Citing facts and figures in the article, Spina recalled an old Mark Twain saying
Director Spina
He cites Twain
-- "There are statistics, more statistics and more damn lies."
At the same session, the director lauded a new law in New York which makes it compulsory for a drug addict to enter a hospital.
"We need the same type law here in New Jersey. Not only is the law a good one but addicts will be coming here from New York in an effort to avoid the hospital detention," Spina said.
Dominick Spina is a member of the 106th.
New Burial Policy Set For Arlington;
Expansion At Five Other National Cemeteries Announced
February 10, 1967 New criteria which will reduce the number of people eligible for burial at Arlington National Cemetery were ordered today by the Department of the Army. The change, which will apply to persons dying after February 17, 1967, will prevent a two-year interruption in Arlington burials which would begin early in 1968 if the current rate of interments were to continue. The Army is also providing additional burial spaces at the Beverly (New Jersey), Fort Rosecrans and Golden Gate (California), Camp Nelson (Kentucky), and Fort Harrison (Virginia) National Cemeteries.Under the new criteria, burials at Arlington National Cemetery will be limited to Medal of Honor Winners, active duty and retired members of the Armed Forces and honorably discharged veterans who have also served in high positions in the Federal Government. Wives and minor children of the foregoing are also eligible. The change does not affect previous commitments to eligible survivors of those already buried in Arlington, nor is it applicable to the other 67 active National Cemeteries. Under the former criteria any member or former member of the Armed Forces of the United States or any citizen of the United States who served in the Armed Forces of any government allied with the United States during a war, whose last active duty terminated honorably, was eligible for burial at Arlington. Also eligible were the wives, husbands and minor children of the foregoing.
Consistently over the last 10 years about 70% of the burials at Arlington have been veterans and their wives, most of them residents of the Washington area. There are nine other national cemeteries in Virginia and two in Maryland with available gravesites. The conflict in Vietnam has not been a major factor in the increasing number of burials at Arlington, accounting for only 290 burials in 1966.
The annual rate of interments at Arlington has increased from 4,578 in 1962 to more than 7,000. On February 10, 1967, there were only 6,437 available gravesites remaining. Under the revised criteria, about 2,000 gravesites will be needed each of the next three years. The Army is in the process of implementing a long planned expansion of the cemetery on the grounds of the South Post of Fort Myer. This expansion will ultimately provide about 60,000 more grave-sites, but the first of these will not become available for burial until December 1969. The revised burial criteria in concert with the expansion program will thus allow uninterrupted operation at Arlington during the period needed to complete the expansion and for many years to come.
Uncommitted gravesites at Beverly National Cemetery (New Jersey) and
Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery (California), were exhausted during 1966 and those facilities became inactive. Golden Gate National Cemetery (California), Camp Nelson National Cemetery (Kentucky) and Fort Harrison National Cemetery (Virginia) are expected to become inactive in 1967. The closure of Beverly and Fort Rosecrans made it impossible to provide gravesites at these cemeteries on application of next-of-kin in behalf of Armed Forces members killed during the Vietnam conflict. If the conflict continues, the same problem might arise in 1967 at Golden Gate, Camp Nelson and Fort Harrison.
The Department of the Army will acquire small parcels of additional land for gravesite development at these five cemeteries. If at all possible, land contiguous with existing boundaries will be obtained. Failing that, the sites selected will be located in the immediate vicinity and will be operated as annexes of these National Cemeteries.
Newly acquired property will be converted to gravesite use as quickly as possible. Periods ranging from eight months to a year may be necessary to complete this conversion.
Extracts from an address by General Harold K. Johnson, Chief of Staff U.S. Army, at the joint opening session of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Convention in New Orleans, La., in September:"This right of free speech, as well as all the other blessings of democratic government, exists behind the protective shield which our military forces provide. I am always thrilled and reassured by the way our young men and women appreciate this fact and respond to the responsibility it entails when they put on the uniform. There perspective widens and ideals which have been little more than abstractions taught in school become red-blooded realities. I wish you could see, for example, how our men respond to the plight of the people of South Vietnam, how willing they are to help -- on their own time -- and how quickly they learn what it is we are trying to accomplish in that distant land, so alien to anything they have ever experienced. Among other things, they learn that rights and responsibilities are inseparably linked, and that responsibility must be the first link to be forged. "I cannot tell you how highly I esteem our gallant men in Vietnam They are the same breed of men who have brought this nation to its present pinnacle in history -- the same breed of men who have become possessed instead of possessing -- who have become involved in mankind. They are the men who will help our nation move on to new horizons tomorrow.
"To those of you who have a son or a brother over there I say 'Be Proud'."
Brig. Gen. Leo T. McMahon, U.S.A., Retired
Complete this today and mail to the Treasurer with your dues 106th Infantry Division Association
Sherod Collins, Jr. New Membership
625 Channing Drive N.W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30318 Q Renewal
Here is my $5.00 as my annual membership dues for
Last First Middle
City State Zip Code
My 106th Unit was
106th Infantry Division Association
Robert R. Holden, Editor, 3810 Richmond Road N.E., Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52402
Return Requested
Sherod Collin: 625 Channing Sr. NO Atlanta. GA 30318
Index for: Vol. 24 No. 2, Nov, 1967
Index for This Document
106th Div., 3, 19106th Inf. Div., 7, 9
106th Infantry Division Association, 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 11, 19, 23, 25
106th Memorial, 4
589th FA BN, 8
590th FA BN, 9, 19
591st FA BN, 7, 9
79th Inf. Div., 19
Africa, 8
Anderson, Gerald, 15
Annual Reunions, 8
Ardennes, 4, 6, 8, 9
Baker, William, 19
Battle Of The Bulge, 4, 19
Belgium, 4, 6, 8, 9, 14, 17, 19
Bickford, Tom, 17, 19
Bickford, Tom & Flo, 13
Block, Jacques W., 15
Botti, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph, 14
Broth, Henry & Eunice, 6
Broth, Henry M., 12
Broth, Mr. & Mrs. Henry M., 12
Brown, Capt., 9
Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur C., 8
Bruch, Henry, 15
Brummer, Mr. & Mrs. Harold, 13
Brunn, Walter, 19
Bryant, Jack, 1
Byrd, Mr. & Mrs. Austin L., Jr., 13
Camp Atterbury, 7
Cariano, Col. & Mrs. Samuel, 11
Coffey, Doug, 3, 6, 9, 14, 17
Coffey, Doug & Isabelle,, 13
Coffey, Douglas, 19
Coffey, Douglas S., 1, 4
Collins, Mr. Sherod, Jr., 1
Collins, Sherod, 1, 16, 19
Collins, Sherod, Jr., 23
Connelly, Dr., 8
Connelly, Dr. & Mrs. Michael E., 8
Craig, Col. (Ret.) & Mrs. Malin, 8
DeHeer, Marge & Dick, 17
DeHeer, Mr. & Mrs. Richard, 13
DeHeer, Richard, 15
DeLaval, Dr., 11
Delaval, Dr. Maurice, 19
Dunbar, Alan, 19
Earle, Mr. & Mrs. Mahlon, 13
Elliott, Capt. Wayne, 19
Enlow, J. Russell, 1
Ettinger, Mr. & Mrs. Bob, 14
Faber, Mr. Garry, 13
Fleming, Mr. John P., 14
Foreman, Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. L., 8
Fort Jackson, 6
Fort Sill, Oklahoma, 6
Fraiture, 9
Frankel, Jerry, 15
Fritz, John & Martha, 17
Ft. Jackson, 7, 9
Ft. Jackson, South Carolina, 7
Galik, George, 15
Gallagher, John, 17
Gilder, Bob, 17, 19
Gilder, Robert A., 1
Gillespie, Jack, 19
Hagman, Ben, 17
Hagman, Mrs. Juanita, 8
Hatch, H. M., 1
Henri Chappelle, 19
Hirtz, Edie & Julie, 8
Holden, Robert, 1
Holden, Robert R., 25
Hoover, Col. Phillip F., 7
Hoover, Mrs., 7
Hoover, Phillip F., 7
House, Pete, 1
Huxel, Capt., 9
Huxel, Lt. Col. George & Virginia, 8
Inspector Gen., 8
Johnson, Col. & Mrs. Ronald C., 8
Johnson, Gen. Harold K., 23
Johnson, Mr. Paul S., 13
Jones, Alan W., 1
Jones, Gen. & Mrs. Alan W., 11
Kemp, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond, 12
Kramer, Mr. Ray, 14
Lackey, Col., 9
Lackey, Col. Vaden & Mildred, 9
Liege, 3
Likins, Bob & Dorothy, 9
Lothrop, Mr. & Mrs. Oliver, 11
Loveless, Althea, 12
Loveless, John, 1
Loveless, John & Kay, 6
Loveless, John T., Jr., 1, 2
Loveless, Kay & John, 11
Loveless, Mr. & Mrs. John, 11
Lundy, Chaplain, 19
Luxembourg, 3
Malesky, Jim & Vi, 11
Manahan, Col. & Mrs. William T., 11
Martin, Albert, 19
Martin, Mr. & Mrs. Harry, Jr., 13
Matthews, Bruce, 11, 12
Matthews, Bruce (Tex), 13
Matthews, Col. & Mrs. Joseph, 11
Matthews, Col. J. C., Jr., 19
Matthews, Dr. Mary, 11
Matthews, Joe C., Jr., 1
Matthews, The, 6
McArthur, Douglas, 4
McClelland, Lt., 8
McCullough, Lyle, 19
McMahon, Brig. Gen. Leo T., 23
McMahon, Gen., 9
McMahon, Gen. & Mrs. Leo, 11
McMahon, L. T., 7
McMahon, Leo T., 1, 15
Memorials, 4
Messina, Mr. & Mrs. Carl, 13
Middleton, Mr. John A., III, 13
Miller, Elman, 1
Monahans, The, 6
Neigus, Dr. I., 15
Nusbaum, Alfred, 15
O'Rourke's, The, 17
O'Toole, Lt., 8
Parker, Maj., 8
Perrin, Brig. Gen., 8
Plenge, Mr. & Mrs. Edward C., 13
Rarick, Clayt, 17
Rarick, Clayton F., 1
Raup, Dr. & Mrs. W. W., 8
Regier, Mr. & Mrs. Don, 11
Rockwell, Capt., 8
Rossi, Louis, 15
Rossi, Louis P. & Linda, 13
Rossi, Louis P., Jr., 1
Rusch, Fran, 17
Schieferstein, Charlotte,, 13
Schieferstein, Fred, 13, 15
Schoch, Charles (Chuck) & Sherry, 11
Schutte, Phillip F., 1
Scott, Earle & Catherine, 8
Scranton, Robert L., 1
Shalhoub, John, 1
Shaw, Harry R., Jr., 1
Skardon, A. W., Jr., 1
Smith, Fran, 7
Smith, William F., 1
Smith, William F., Jr., 1
Solecki, Emil, 15
Spina, Dominick, 21
St. Vith, 3, 4, 6, 9, 11, 15, 19
St. Vith, Belgium, 3, 4
Stover, Mr. Alfred, 14
Stutlec, Warren, 17
Tennessee Maneuvers, 7
Theil, Fred, 15
Thoma, George, 13
Thoma, Sue, 13
Utter, Mr. & Mrs. Oakley, Sr., 13
Vietnam, 6, 21, 23
Vom Orde, Col. Ozzie, 6
Warren, John, Jr., 15
Watt, Howard, 15
Wells, James E., 1
Wilkerson, Mr. & Mrs. Buddy, 11
Williams, Col. Earle B., 8
Wohlfeil, Col., 9
Wohlfeil, Col. Carl H., 9
Wohlfeil, Ethel, 9
Wood, Lt. Eric Fisher, 8
Zorn, Mr. & Mrs. S. H., 14
Zuckerman, Jack, 15