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Vol. 22, No. 2, Nov., 1965

106th Infantry Division Association, Inc.
President Col. Joe Matthews
Vice President Louis P. Rossi
Adjutant and Treasurer Sherod Collins
Chaplain John Loveless
Historian Sherod Collins
    The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $5.00 per year which includes subscription to the CUB.
Editor Richard DeHeer
All editorial matter should be addressed to: Mr. Richard DeHeer, 19 Hopkins St., Hillsdale, New Jersey
All business matters, renewals, etc. should be addressed to Mr. Sherod Collins
625 Channing Dr., Atlanta, Ga. 3031
     "DARK DECEMBER" is an historic month for the 106th It was early in December, 1942, that its original cadre was selected, mainly from officers and non-coms of the 80th Division, then at Camp Forrest. December 1, 1944, found us crossing the Channel from England, landing at Le Harve and Rouen, and beginning the march to Germany and combat. Before this Cub is in print, the annual rush of articles "analyzing" the Battle of the Bulge will have been published, although the Cold War and a much hotter war in Vietnam will claim the headlines.
     The Army has recently published an authentic account of the Ardennes Campaign, revealing many aspects which we could not have known at that time. But the 106th was there and none will forget the snow, cold, the "starkness of small-unit combat and the response of soldiers fighting in isolation against tremendous odds," which characterized battle experiences of the 106th.
     December also is a favorite time for local reunions under far happier circumstances. Anna and I plan to be with some of you for at least one of these dinners, and hope that all of them will see a renewal of interest and attendance by members who have not been around lately, especially those who could not come to past conventions.
     But, above all, December is the holiday season for young and old. May it find each and every one of you enjoying a very Merry Christmas and looking forward to a full, happy and prosperous New Year in 1966
Joe Matthews

     It is a genuine pleasure to report progress in this department. In response to membership requests we now have one hundred ninety-seven paid-up members for the current year, though we had only 201 total for all of last year. Undoubtedly, a number of others will renew before too long and thus take us over the top. This support is very much appreciated by your officers, and it keeps the treasurer solvent too.
     Your Adjutant is properly proud to be associated with this loyal group of former Golden Lions. I am also greatly pleased and interested by the informative notes which you send along with your remittances telling us of your vocations and avocations, and of your children of all ages and of their activities. A number of groups are planning "Battle of the Bulge" meetings this year. I hope many of you can be present. Ours is at Ft. McPherson again and we hope our good President, Joe Matthews, can be there.
     We have recently made the initial grant to the John Beals Memorial Fund and I am sure Doug Coffey will report elsewhere on this. As usual, Doug is doing his best to make our fund worthwhile.
     According to all the merchants around, Christmas is upon us. From my house to your house, may each of you have a wonderful holiday season.
May we stop a moment and think of ourselves 21 years ago. May we thank


our Maker for his generosity to us, and may we say a prayer for our fallen comrades.
     Finally, in closing, I hope you all feel as a good member from Middletown, N. Y. said, "Six children continue to grow, but, oddly enough, I stay young as ever."
Sherod Collins

     This year, marking the coming-of-age anniversary of The Battle of the Bulge, finds the world still in a turmoil. To me and, no doubt, to most of those who actively served in World War II, it is a lamentable and disappointing situation. Our hopes, like those of our forefathers in other wars, were high that our service would help to establish an era of peace throughout the world. But, apparently, our aspirations are not to be fulfilled in the near future.
     Thus, our efforts should be directed more forcibly to the principles of peace and justice for all peoples. Our actions should demonstrate that we espouse the cause of brotherhood for all men. Our nation, founded, nurtured and prospered under the belief in a wise and just Providence, can ask of us no less. As we remember and celebrate the joys and blessings of Chanukah and Christmas, may we look forward to the New Year with a firm resolve to serve in our homes, communities and nation as Almighty God directs us and gives us the strength to do His will.
"May the Lord give strength to his people! May the Lord bless his people with peace! -- Psalm 29:11.
John T. Loveless, Jr.


Dear Mr. Coffey
     Each year our history class "adopts" an Infantry Division for the school year. During the term they do research at every opportunity in order to find out as much about the division as possible. This information is then put into a permanent file, and in time, we will have a complete history of practically every Infantry Division. Children for years to come will use this file when they need information on the military aspects of World War II
     Information on the 106th is limited, to say the least. My students were both disappointed and a little confused that material on the Division which took all the brunt of the attack during the Bulge should be so hard to find. My students are especially desirous of obtaining a patch or even a picture of one so that they can reproduce it on posters. I tried the usual places you do try in cases like this, but to no avail. Finally I wrote to the Secretary of the Army and was informed that you were the Division Representative. Do you suppose you could find a patch for us and some information on your Division? I feel this is something history owes to the "Lion Division." To say the least, I feel when I get all the stuff together and the children get to appreciate men like you, we won't have so much draft card burning. Any assistance you could render me here, Mr. Coffey, would be greatly appreciated.
Joseph T. Ryan, History Department, Neptune High School, N. J.

Dear Mr. Coffey
     Many thanks for your trouble in sending us information on the 106th. My students, who were not even born in 1944, asked me to extend their congratulations and thanks to the Lion Men.
Joseph T. Ryan


     The city of Washington bears as little resemblance to the town of St. Vith as does the broad Potomac to the little river Our. The people who live on the banks of the two rivers are unlike politically, economically and in historical background. Even their holidays are different, except for one day held sacred in both countries.
     On the eve of that day fourteen years past, these two found themselves, very suddenly, on common ground not only in celebration but in surprise, apprehension and anger. One, because of the fear of destruction, the other because its armies in Europe were abruptly imperiled. The fear of the inhabitants of the Our valley was realized, but the foreboding of the people of the Potomac was allayed within a few weeks, and the end of the war could then be foreseen. Hope for the future appeared bright and eloquent prediction of a world living in peace and harmony was heard everywhere.
     The paragraphs above appeared in this column for December, 1959. Now, in 1965, a full generation has passed since we were in St. Vith and our children (in some cases grandchildren) are of age and are being prepared for future leadership in their world. Our concern must center on the environment in which they will begin their task, the sort of world we are turning over to them. It will certainly be a complicated one and since we do not feel qualified to write authoritatively on such a subject, we shall take a look at the contemporary news and see if it can give us a hint as to the direction we are headed. The day chosen is the day we received a deadline notice from our respected editor. Dick mailed the notice on November 24 and it arrived on the 27th. The Pony Express made that distance in one day back when the Republicans had control. This, then, is the day we shall examine, headline by headline.

     The weather was sparkling, the crowd dull and geared only to negative demands. Many were long haired and bearded but, as one reporter stated, "most non-muscular." The signs they carried were as meaningless as such signs usually are, but there was only a minimum of non-partisan spectators to view them. Except for the propaganda advantage given Hanoi, their effort was a flop. However, there are always a few operators present. Vietcong flags sold for $10 per copy; the estimated cost of material, labor and distribution per flag, 65 cents.

     The Federal deficit will be between 8.5 and 10.5 billion dollars. This headline speaks for itself, loudly and eloquently. We do not know whether the news is good or bad but it seems certain that there will be no change of fiscal policy in our time.

We don't know how they expected to get away with such a theft, but it turned out all right.

     An unsatisfactory result no matter which was your team. Not too exciting this year especially on TV where commercials were frequent and of poor quality.

     This dispatch originated in Portland, Oregon and had something to do with Go-Go dances. We do not believe that it had international implications.

     A society of winegrowers today promised the first French cosmonaut his own weight in wine each year of his remaining life. We think this is very generous.

     We do not think this is very generous at all. The advertising for British photographic equipment should have paid for


the trip, and they were certainly better to look at than their four compatriots who toured the country.

     These were the seven headlines that told of one busy day in the U. S. We do not think that we have proved much of anything except that nothing has changed in the last 21 years. Perhaps the world has advanced in technological productivity but very little in ethical achievement. Perhaps the city of Washington still bears little in common with the town of St. Vith, but so long as our world still celebrates Christmas and Easter, there is hope.

     This history, one of a series of the U. S. Army in World War II, written by Hugh M. Cole, was published early this summer by the office of Chief of Military History, Department of the Army. It is dedicated to ". . . Those Who served." That, of course, includes the Golden Lions.
Those of us who fought in this battle will be interested in the following Chapters:
Chapter VII-- Breakthrough at the Schnee Eifel
Chapter XII-- The First Attacks at St. Vith
Chapter XVI-- The Fight at the Baraque De Fraiture Crossroads
Chapter XVII-- St. Vith is Lost
     In a note to Chapter VII, it states as follows: "Colonel R. Ernest Dupuy has written a very good semi-official history entitled, St. Vith: Lion in the Way, the 106th Infantry Division in World War II (Washington, Infantry Journal Press, 1949). "Dupuy's work has been heavily drawn on, but the reader will find several points at which Dupuy and the present account differ."
     This history may be purchased from the Supt. of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 20402. Price $7.50.

College episcopal
St-Vith, le November 5th 1965
Dear Mr. Coffey:
Many thanks for your letter of October 1st.
     I was much pleased with concrete suggestions and I gladly accept them. It won't be difficult to find some interesting books or reference works for an amount of $100.00 which we would use in the library. If you wish, we shall mention the name of your member Mr. John Beal in the works.
     There are also boys enough-- attending our school-- who should welcome a financial help very much. The school-fees (for boarders) are 14,000 frs. a year ($280.00) while the general expenses for books, copy-books .. etc.. . are about 2,000 frs. (about $40). I think that your suggestion means to make a contribution to the general expenses rather than to the school-fees for boarders..
     The students of the upper forms certainly will make efforts to write a good essay on the given subjects, especially as you have promised a reward for the best one.
     I should be very glad to see your proposition accomplished suggesting to bring one of our students to the United States.
     May I say to your information that your remittances might be made through our bank account No. 185 585 00 Bischofliche Schule St-Vith-Banque de la Societe Generale de Belgique in Verviers.
     For our part we can assure you that we shall keep on looking after the monument. These next days, it will have a new coat of paint. May I add that regularly visitors come to see the place. A few months ago General Baker and his wife paid a visit to the Memorial. Once more, on behalf of the school, I thank you very much for your kindness.

Will We See You In Indianapolis?






Best Wishes to all Golden Lions and their families for a blessed and joyous CHRISTMAS SEASON


GREETINGS and BEST WISHES for a Happy and Blessed
Holiday Season



[Left] General Baker, Mrs. Jones and General Clarke.

    [Right] Rear-- Mrs. Phillips, Alice Jones, Isabel Coffey. Bob Phillips. Front--Jany DeLaval, General Jones and Doctor DeLaval.



 General and Mrs. Baker

 General Clarke, Isbabel Coffey. Mrs. Phillips, Bob Phillips and Mrs. Jones.


Dear Dick,
     I had a very pleasant surprise a couple of weeks ago, when my old Army buddie, Bud F. Lainhart, Co. F, 424th Inf., of Franklin, Ohio, stopped by with his wife and spent the night with us. Bud and I took basic training together down at Camp Blanding, Fla. We hadn't seen each other since before going overseas. It was a short night after we got everything talked over. He knew of the Association, but didn't know how to get in. I took care of that part. I'm sending his dues to Sherod Collins.

    Dear Dick, Time sure passes by fast. Here it is Cub time again and I am just now getting around to writing you (after being prompted by you).
     It seems everyone I have talked to or heard from, wants to visit Camp Atterbury next summer, when at the Reunion. Again, I will say I have contacted the Camp Atterbury Post Commander and have been promised the grand tour of the camp, plus that chicken barbecue picnic I promised you all. In case of rain they will furnish us a building (if Camp Atterbury is still around, and they do expect to be around for some time yet). They have a bunch of Job Corps men plus a small amount of National Guard there. So the prospect looks bright as of now.
     Also, I might add, I visited Bernard Herbert, of Div. QM, on my last trip to Indianapolis, and Bernie has promised to help in any way possible.
     I promise we'll do all we possibly can to make the 20th Annual Convention a good one. After all, we don't want Doug to run us out of town.
J. Russell Enlow Taswell, Ind.

Dear Dick,
     I am enclosing an interesting letter. At least we are known a little bit on the outside. I complied with this request, sent a history of the 106th and one of our auto license Lions, and referred him to Sherod for further information.
     "Doug Coffey and Isabel took Doctor DeLaval in hand on his recent trip to the States. With the wonderful cooperation of General Jones, who was able, on very short notice, to gather together General Bruce Clarke, General Baker and Robert Phillips and their wives for a lovely dinner at the Army-Navy Club in Washington. Doctor DeLaval and Jany were most appreciative of the Coffeys' and the Jones' efforts to meet in one place their special friends in the States.
     "We have already embarked on our John Beals Scholarship Fund. The sum of $50.00 has been sent to Belgium for books which will be inscribed with the 106th and John Beals' name.
     "Doug Coffey has already sponsored an essay contest at the College Patronee in the name of the Ben Hagman Scholarship. Doug hopes others may want to share in this in the future and expand the programs. Just as the motto of the Veterans of Foreign War is 'Honor the Dead by Serving the Living,' we should do the same."
Doug Coffey

Dear Sherod (in transit),
     You might wonder when you note the above return address (from which I'm writing) in comparison to the official records-- listing me at Birmingham, Mich. Well, I found myself in General and Mrs. McMahon's area this past week, thus having the opportunity to initiate a visit. These good hospitable folks, Wilda and Leo, invited yours truly to relax at their home before enplaning back home tomorrow (Nov. 20).
     In the course of our wide and varied area of old times and what of these late past year-- the subject of dues-- oh well -- what more subtle reminder does one need-- but from the General, himself, to come up with Shirley's and my dues for '65-'66.
     Anyway, enclosed is our check. You can pass on to the Cub reporters that all three of us have enjoyed the opportunity today to recall the times past.
Jack Gillespie, C-422


     E. Kelly, Middletown, N. Y., D-423rd, WV was made a vice president of the bank. Six children continue to grow, but "oddly, I stay young as ever!"
     Francis Woolfley, New Orleans, La., Hdq., "Best Wishes, keep up the good work, hope it may be my good fortune to attend a reunion of the 106th in the near future. Right now we are recovering slowly from our date with Hurricane Betsy."
Herbert Snyder, Reno, Nev., Band, sends best regards to all and hopes to participate someday.
Herman Philipson, Dallas, Tex.,H-423, has 4 daughters and is President of Recognition Equipment, Inc.
     Bob Leswing, Willow Grove, Pa., B-592, One wife, Jean, two children, Linda 15, Debbie 9, went to Hershey Park to hunt up yearly reunion the Sunday before Labor Day. No one around ???
     Jim Fonda, Akron, Ohio, B-590: Still a branch manager of the Akron branch of Burroughs Corporation. "Both our sons, Jim, Jr., and Rod will be students this year at Cranbrook School, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. Mary Jane and I will have to learn a new life without children in the house. Had a pleasant visit last winter from Al Henderson, former Btry. Comdr., C Btry, 590th F.A. Bn. Al works in the legal department of Hertz Rent-A-Car, and negotiates franchises with cities and airports throughout the country. I also had dinner with Dr. Al Skardon, Professor of History, Youngstown University. Al was Supply Sgt., Btry B, 590th F.A. Bn. I found out that Jack Arbour, now branch manager of Burroughs at Lansing, Mich., was in the Infantry of the 106th, but I don't know which unit. He was at Bad Orb when it was liberated. (Maybe some of you gals in Bloomfield Hills could invite the kids over.) "
     Donald Woodburn, St. Paul, Minn., K-423: I am still single and a job scheduler for the print shop of the St. Paul & Western Insurance Co. My hobby is HO model railroading, I have two 15x15 foot layouts in the basement at home.
     Lester Smyth, Timonium, Md., Div-arty Hdq., president of family wholesale jewelry business, selling diamonds. Son is a senior at the University of Georgia. "Talked to Elliot Goldstein in Atlanta on last visit down there. Saw Carl Woefeil's wife and daughter on the way back, Both old artillerymen."
     Gene Miller, Long Beach, Calif, B-592, works for Shell Chemical in Torrance, Calif. My wife, La Moille and children. Barbara, 18, attends Long Beach, City College, sons, Dennis, 14 and Mike, 21, is a member of the 82nd Air Borne Div.
     Dean Redmond, Statesville, N. C., Hdq.-422: "Regret very much that I missed the reunion this year-- will try to do better next time. Early this summer my wife presented me with a fine new boy, Ronald Dean; since then our travels have been a little closer to home. I would like to congratulate the Editor and staff of the Cub on the fine job they are doing." (Ed. note: Thanks!)
     Dr. Ketterer, Springfield, Ill.: "I am still practicing dentistry in the Myers Bldg. My daughter, Connie, is a Junior at Indiana University. She has been on the honor roll for two years. She still shows her horses, and still wins many blue ribbons."
     Joe Krafchik, New Brunswick, N. J., HQD-331 Med.: "I am a CPA in my home town of New Brunswick-- disappointed that no few from the 331st Med. are members of the association." (Get to work, Joe, and bring them back into the fold.)
     Dominick Spina, Sr., Newark, N. J., MP: Is presently Director of Police in Newark, N. J. He is active in the U.S.A. Army Reserves: 303 D Civil Affairs Group, Kearny, N. J.
     Henry Broth, Baltimore, Md., 1-422, hopes to make the reunion next July in Indianapolis, if everything goes well. "Best regards to all."


     Larry Gubow, Detroit, Mich., S-423: "Sorry we couldn't make the last reunion, but I have been extremely busy and just 'couldn't get away. My daughters, Mona and Janey, spent the summer in Phoenix, Ariz., and my son, David, spent part of the summer at a Summer Hockey Camp in Toronto, Canada. His team did very well last year, winning the city of Detroit Championship and the Michigan Lower Peninsula Championship before losing in the State Final to St. Ste. Marie. We spend a great deal of our time hanging around ice rinks watching him play, and traveling around the state of Michigan and into Canada with him. It won't be long before the new season starts and we'll be doing it all over again. He is also out for high school football team-- all 128 lbs. of him -- the lightest player in the city of Detroit. Time sure flies-- it isn't too long ago we brought him to 106th Reunions as a baby and I am sure most of the regulars remember him as such."
     David Gish, So. Bend, Ind., tells us his wife, Louise, teaches violin in La Porte High School. Son Dave, Jr., is a sophomore in high school. Daughter Pat is a freshman in St. Mary's of the Woods College. David is still in the lumber and contracting business in South Bend.
     Charles Richards, Massapequa Park, N. Y., S-423, is presently a scoutmaster for Troop '73, Nassau County, N. Y. Also on finance committee, American Legion. Post 1066, Sormer County. Is Vice Commander of American Legion, Bergen County, N. J. Employed by the Singer Company, Rockefeller Plaza, N. Y., he is in charge of retirement and benefit plans for U.S.-Canadian operations.
     Nathan Ward, East Point, Ga., 81st Eng.: "I am still working for Civil Service at Fort McPherson, Ga. I have been there for about 16 years. I was recently promoted to Lt. Col. in the Army Reserve. Martha and Greg are doing fine. Greg is playing high school football. We all love the game and see most of the high school games and one of the major college games once in awhile."
     Walter Snyder, Dundalk, Md., Btry A-589, is still busy as director of personnel for the Board of Education of Baltimore County, Md. Bachelor status not changed-- getting fat and forty.
     Alfred Gericke, Medina, Ohio, D-423, was recently elected 1st Vice Chairman of the Medina County Chapter, American Red Cross (i.e., Board of Directors). Al is also chairman of the disaster committee of the chapter. Jennifer Lynn, 31/2 years old, is doing just fine.
     Bob Ringer, Columbus, Ohio, 590 & 591 F.A. Btry.: "I am the payroll supervisor for Ohio State University, a Colonel in the Reserve attached to the 83rd Infantry Division Artillery Hq., and an elder in the Overbrook Presbyterian Church. I have two sons, one a freshman at O.S.U. and one in the 9th grade."
     Clif. Perras, Nadeau, Mich., H-424: "I am very busy as manager of U. U. State Fair, a position given to me by Gov. Romney. I am kept busy and like it very much. My oldest son, Cliff, Jr., is in college at Central Michigan College, in Mt. Pleasant, Mich."
     Ed. Notes-- We hear a lot from the 411 boys in Ohio. Isn't there some place you could get together for a dinner in December ? If each member would get in touch with other members (or used-to-be members) we just might get them back on the 106th Infantry Division Association rolls ... The secretary to the editor tries to copy all the words correctly, but sometimes she misses. Please excuse-- if your item was not copied as you wished it.-- M.
     Jack Gillespie, C 422, a former President of the Division Association, in August was elected President of the Hansen Wholesale Lumber Corporation, 9300 Hubbell Ave., Detroit, Michigan, 48228. He was one of 17 presidents of corporations who attended a seminar conducted by the Armstrong Cork Co. at Hotel Hershey, Hershey, Penna., 15-19 November. At the completion of the seminar, Leo McMahon picked him


    where he stayed overnight with Wilda up and drove him to Middletown, Penna., and Leo before flying back to Detroit on Saturday 20 November.
Jack assured the McMahons that he and Shirley will attend the Division Reunion at Indianapolis, 21-24 July 1966.
     The Association is glad to welcome back to membership, Dr. William P. Dohoney, D.D.S., whose office is at 1917 Market St., Harrisburg, Penna. A former member in the early days, he was a Lt. in Co. C, 422 Inf. and was a PW. After the war he went to dental college in Philadelphia, and after graduation he was on active duty as a Dental Officer in USAF. He is now a Major in the Air Force Reserve. He was very happy to read in the Aug.-Oct. Cub that his old. Regimental Executive is now Association President. He phoned Leo McMahon to get President Joe Matthews' home address.
     Another old-timer it is a joy to welcome back to Association Membership is John J. Reynolds Jr., H 424. In the counteroffensive, John was badly wounded at Neuhof, losing his right forearm. He was a hard worker in the Memorial Committee of the Association, at one time serving as Chairman.
     From the old Divarty staff General McMahon reports two new members of the Association. They are George X. Mechir, who was S-2. He is an attorney in Cleveland, Ohio of the law firm of Brown, Mechir, Murphy and Kasik, Terminal Tower, and Paul L. McPherran, Anti-Tank Officer. He is now Director of Public Affairs, Stonehill College, North Easton, Mass. The others are:
     Lester Smythe, S-1, S-4, Pres. Smythe Wholesale Jewelry Co., Baltimore, Md.; Dr. Joseph F. Dreier, Surgeon, now a physician in Wilkes Barre, Pa. ; John Warren, Jr., ADC, now an attorney in Red Bank, N. J.; D. E. McIntosh, ADC and Asst. S-1, S-4, now a bank president in Clay Center, Kansas.

1965-1966 DUES ARE DUE
Please save us time and expense by mailing your remittance to:


General Clarke

Fifteen years ago
     The Pittsburgh group planning our 5th Annual Convention had its first meeting on 26 September. They promise it will be a memorable affair with a stimulating program, lavish entertainment, and all the attractions of the nation's tenth largest city. The Hotel William Penn, our convention headquarters, occupies a city block in the heart of the Golden Triangle.
The Chicago chapter has announced plans for a 16 December reunion at which a 16" television set will be given away.
Tom Bickford writes that he and his wife attended all four of our national conventions.
Robert E. Rutt is now the 'father of five after a fourth boy was born on 13 October.

Ten years ago
     The 1956 Convention in Atlantic City is in the planning stage. The committee in charge will attempt to please the majority as to whether they desire more free time to spend with their families or more planned events.
     Col. Richard Weber (Co. 592) and Col. Robert Stumpf (Co. 424) are class- mates at the Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania.
52 persons attended the 16 December reunion of the Jersey group. We have no report from any of the others.
     Col. Orville Hewitt (Co. 424) died suddenly 29 October at Newland, N. C. "Tiny" was an All-American football player at Pitt and Army. He is survived by his wife and one son.

Five years ago
     Doug Coffey reports he has sent $200.00 to Saint Vith to be used in producing the plaque for our Memorial and for landscaping the grounds.
     Service Battery 592 held its seventh consecutive Labor Day weekend get together at Hershey Park, Pennsylvania. There were members and guests present from Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Kentucky, Maryland, and Wisconsin.
     The Dick DeHeers held their annual picnic under sunny skies. Forty-eight were in attendance for roast beef, hot dogs, corn on the cob, salad, and beer. Some of those attending were reported to be still trying to make up for meals lost in the 106th.
The Clayton Raricks toured Florida, and the South after attending the Savannah convention.


Index for: Vol. 22 No. 2, Nov, 1965

Index for This Document

106th Inf. Div., 7
106th Infantry Division Association, 1, 15
422nd Inf., 17
424th Inf. Regt., 11
80th Inf. Div., 1
83rd Inf. Div. Arty., 15
Arbour, Jack, 13
Ardennes Campaign, 1
Bad Orb, 13
Baker, Gen., 8, 10, 11
Baker, Gen. & Mrs., 10
Baraque De Fraiture, 7
Battle Of The Bulge, 1, 2
Beal, Mr. John, 7
Beals, John, 2, 11
Belgium, 11
Bickford, Flo & Tom, 9
Bickford, Tom, 18
Black, Wayne, 9
Broth, Henry, 13
Brunswick, 13
Byrd, Myrtle & Austin, 9
Camp Atterbury, 11
Clarke, Gen., 10, 18
Clarke, Gen. Bruce, 11
Coffey, Doug, 2, 11, 18
Coffey, Isabel, 10
Coffey, Isbabel, 10
Coffey, Mr., 3, 7
Cole, Hugh M., 7
College Patronee, 11
Collins, Mr. Sherod, 1
Collins, Sherod, 1, 3, 11
Dark December, 1
DeHeer, Dick, 18
DeHeer, Marge & Dick & Rick, 9
DeHeer, Mr. Richard, 1
DeHeer, Richard, 1
DeLaval, Dr., 10, 11
DeLaval, Jany, 10
Dohoney, Dr. William P., 17
Dreier, Dr. Joseph F., 17
Dupuy, Col. R. Ernest, 7
Enlow, J. Russell, 11
Fonda, Jim, 13
Gericke, Alfred, 15
Germany, 1
Gillespie, Jack, 12, 15
Gish, David, 15
Goldstein, Elliot, 13
Gubow, Larry, 15
Hagman, Ben, 11
Henderson, Al, 13
Herbert, Bernard, 11
Hewitt, Col. Orville, 18
Hotel William Penn, 18
Jones, Alice, 10
Jones, Alys & Alan, 9
Jones, Gen., 10, 11
Jones, Mrs., 10
Kelly, E., 13
Ketterer, Dr., 13
Krafchik, Joe, 13
Lainhart, Bud F., 11
LeHarve, 1
Leswing, Bob, 13
Loveless, John, 1
Loveless, John T., Jr., 3
Loveless, K & John & Kay & Althea, 9
Matthews, Col. Joe, 1
Matthews, Joe, 1, 2, 17
McIntosh, D. E., 17
McMahon, Gen., 17
McMahon, Gen. & Mrs., 11
McMahon, Leo, 16, 17
McMahon, Wilda & Leo, 9
McPherran, Paul L., 17
Mechir, George X., 17
Miller, Gene, 13
Nassau, 15
Neuhof, 17
Perras, Clif., 15
Philipson, Herman, 13
Phillips, Bob, 10
Phillips, Mrs., 10
Phillips, Robert, 11
Rarick, Clayton, 9, 18
Redmond, Dean, 13
Reunions, 15
Reynolds, John J., 17
Richards, Charles, 15
Ringer, Bob, 15
Rossi, Louis P., 1
Rouen, 1
Rutt, Robert E., 18
Ryan, Joseph T., 3, 4
Schnee Eifel, 7
Skardon, Dr. Al, 13
Smyth, Lester, 13
Smythe, Lester, 17
Snyder, Herbert, 13
Snyder, Walter, 15
Spina, Dominick, Sr., 13
St. Vith, 5, 7, 18
Lion In The Way, 7
Stumpf, Col. Robert, 18
The Ardennes
Battle Of The Bulge, 7
The Battle Of The Bulge, 3
The CUB, 1
Verviers, 7
Vietnam, 1
Ward, Nathan, 15
Warren, John, 17
Weber, Col. Richard, 18
Woefeil, Carl, 13
Woodburn, Donald, 13
Woolfley, Francis, 13