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Index for this issue of The CUB
Original Cub Document
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Vol. 63, No. 2, Jan., 2007

A quarterly publication of the 106th Infantry Division Association, Inc.
A nonprofit Organization -St Paul, MN- LISPO #5054
Agent: John P. Kline, Editor

Paid Membership February 17, 2007 1,444

Membership Fees include CUB magazine subscription
Life Vets/Associates ... $75 Auxiliary $15
Annual Vets/Associates... $10 Auxiliary $2

Elected Offices
President Murray Stein
Past-President (Ex-Officio)
1st Vice-Pres Martin Wente
2nd Vice-Pres Clifford Doxsee

Business Matters, Deaths, Address changes
First Name = Chairman / Second Name = Backup

Adjutant: Marion Ray
704 Briarwood Drive, Bethalto, TL 62010-1168; Tel/Fax 618-377-3674

Treasurer: Lyle Beeth
2004 Golf Manor Blvd, Valrico, FL 33594-7288; Tel: 813-689-9621 Fax: 813-655-8952; lbeeth@hotrnail. corn

Chaplain: Dr. Duncan Trueman/Rev Ewell Black, Jr.
29 Overhill Lane, Warwick, NY 10990; Tel/Fax 845-986-6376

Memorial Chairman: Dr. John G. Robb/Frank Trautman
238 Devore Dr., Meadville, PA 16355; 814-333-6364

CUB Editor John P. Kline / Hal Taylor
11 Harold Drive, Burnsville, MN 55337-2786; Tel/Fax 952-890-3155

Historian John Schaffner/William McWhorter
Atterbury Memorial Representative .. Philip Cox
Resolutions Chairman ... Reverend Ewell Black
Order of the Golden Lion .. John Swett/Joseph Massey
Committee Members ...........Joseph Massey
Nominating Committee Chairman ... SyLitchenfeld
Mini-Reunions Harry F. Martin, Jr./George Call
ADA Liaison Representative ...Joseph Maloney
Membership Chairman John Kline

Board of Directors

Donald F. Herndon (424/L) (2007); 8313 NW 102, Oklahoma City, OK 73162-4026 405-721-9164 Email:

    Bernard Mayrsohn (423/CN) (2008); 34 Brae Burn Drive, Purchase, NY 33138; Website:; 914-428-8200

Murray Stein (423/I) (Exec Comm) .. 2008)
7614 Charing Crossing Lane, Delray Beach, rL33446; 561-499-7736;

Dr. Duncan Trueman (424/AT) (2008); 29 Overhill Lane, Warwick, NY 10990; Tel/Fax 845-986-6376

Newton Weiss (423/HQ 3Bn) (2008); 400 Morse Avenue, Gibbstown, NJ 08027-1066; 856-423-3511;

Geo Call (424/B) (2009); 105 Mt. Lebanon Rd, Glen Gardner, NJ 08826-3018; 908-832-2961

Walter C. Greve 423/HQ 1Bn . . . . . (2009); 13929 E Marina Dr #604 Aurora. CO 80014; 303-751-5866

    Seymour Lichtenfeld 422/1 (2009); 19450 NE 21st Ct. North Miami Beach FL 33179; Tel: 305-932-4467 sylichtenfeld@prodiff..nert

Martin L. Wente 423/I (Exec Comm) . (2009); 1309 Pasco Valle Vista Covina, CA 91724; 626-332-5079

    Rev. Ewell C. Black Jr. (422/A) (2010); 2000 E-W Conn - Apt 212 Austell, GA 30106; Tel: 770-819-7212

    Edward Christianson (331st MEDIC . (2010); 303 Harper Hollow Lane Winchester, VA 22603; 540-877-1643;

Gifford B. Doxsee (423/HQ 3 Bn) . . . . (2010); Canterbury Drive Athens, OH 45701-3708

    Dr. Ralph Nelson (4221CN) (2010); 10437 Prestwick NE, Albuquerque NM 87111; 505-275-3044

Lyle Beeth (424/AT ) (2011); 2004 Golf Manor Blvd Valrico, FL 33594-7288; 813-689-9621 Ibeeth@hotmail. corn

Harry Martin Jr. (424/1. ) (2011); 121 Mcgregor Avenue Mt Arlington, NJ 07856; 973-663-2410; martinjr@localnet.COM

Charles F. Rieck (422/H) (2011); 7316 Voss Parkway Middleton, WI 53562-3776

    Ellsworth H. Schanerberger (331st Med/B) (2011); 15964 N Swathmore Ct Livonia, MI 48154-1005; 734-591-7851; Ell.Schanerberger@worldnet.att

President's View …
    My Brothers, I have been reviewing past issues of the Cub, from 1947 to the present. (Sent to me by our editor). Those early pictures show how young everyone looked, and the lovely Ladies.
    Those stories and articles bring back so many memories, some good and some not so good. Also the loss of so many of our fellow Lions over the years. The poetry of Dale Carver, the articles written by Chaplain's Rev. Ron Mosley, Rev. Ewell Black, and Rev. Dr. Duncan Trueman. All inspiring!
    It is a nostalgic trip down memory lane. I continue to be proud of our 106th Infantry Division personnel. We were aptly named the "Greatest Generation". At our Kansas City reunion we will be discussing a number of important issues, especially the committee report , on the future of our 106th Association. Also consideration of a number of requests for donations other than our annual contributions to the
St. Vith Memorial, Camp Atterbury Memorial, and the Andersonville Memorial.
    Retired Col. Alan Jones and John Schaffner are reviewing a request from the U.S. Army Museum. I have asked the Board to approve a sponsorship of a Vet Dog (seeing eye) for a Blinded Veteran coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan.
    Many of you may not be aware that our dedicated friend and Board member, Don Herndon and his wife Joan were involved in an auto accident on returning home from our convention in New Jersey last Sept. Joan escaped injury however, Don suffered multiple injuries, including a spinal cord injury. Don was hospitalized for many months, undergoing extensive therapy. He is now at home, has improved, but will face an extended period of therapy. He knows that we have been pulling for him. He thanks all for the cards he has been receiving. Keep the "Get Well" messages going!
    Also, our V.P. Gifford Doxsee underwent major surgery, and after an extended hospital stay and recuperating in a nursing facility, is now at home, feeling much improved, and will he working on plans for the 2008 reunion and his work with the committee "On the Future of the 106th Association."
    I recently read the book by Adjutant Marion Ray - "Damn Cold and Starving. It is an interesting and exciting insight to the man himself, as well as the trials and tribulations of a soldier in the Battle of the Bulge. Worth reading!
    In my work as a volunteer in the XPOW office of the V.A. in West Palm Beach, I have been fortunate to have been able to assist fellow Ex-Pows in preparing claims and hospital appointments. I also work with a support group. We have met the first Monday of every month for almost 10 years. My involvement now with the Blind Association has given my life even more meaning. I also act as chairman of a speakers group. We visit high schools in the area, to keep the history of WWII alive as well as letting them know that War is Hell!
    My contact during the year with members of the Board and Committee Chairmen has added to my admiration of the members of the 106th Infantry Division Association.
You are truly a "Band of Brothers!"
Please everyone; make every effort to join with us in Kansas City in September 2007.
    Seeing the men you served with sharing your life stories, remembering a time when we were so young -- is an inspiration !! We need you to be there - we need each other!
Stay well, Murray Stein

Murray Stein 423/1
    106th III Div Assoc. President 2006-2007 423rd Combat Infantry Regiment "I" Company 7614 Charing Cross Lane, Deray Beach, FL 33446


Chaplain's Message .
"Trust in the Lord in all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." Proverbs 3:5-6
    On a small South Pacific island in the Nanautu chain, men often practice something very similar to our sport of bungee jumping... except with religious significance. In their language it's called "land diving" and it's an ancient ritual designed to please the gods and ensure a good harvest.
    Each man builds his own diving platform or launching place. He chooses the site carefully and is solely responsible for its construction. He chooses his own vines carefully also, selecting just the right kinds and strength and elasticity.
    Most importantly, he braids them into the exact length needed. Too long means a crash landing; To short leaves the gods unimpressed
    On the appointed day the diver climbs up into his tower or launching place which may be 65 to 85 feet high, ties the vines around his ankles and leaps.
    Think of that. Each man builds his own launching place. He alone is responsible for his own life or death. I see that as a metaphor for life. You and I are engaged in the business of living. We too are responsible for building the platform from which our lives shall be determined. Where can we, where did we turn for help in building our launching place? I suspect most of us know the answer to that question. The attitudes we adopt, the moral and ethical sensibilities that we develop, the behaviors we exhibit, the concern for others that we demonstrate - in general, the lives that we lead are all a product of our basic faith...what we believe in.
    There is no doubt. We are what we believe. The opposite would be a contradiction in terms. We are all a product of what we believe. And for most of us those beliefs have come to us from childhood teachings at home or place of worship - an ever developing religious faith which we learned when we were small.
    That was the launching place from which many faced the terrors and fears of war. That is the platform from which, though now older, we launch of our lives each new day. The other day I accidentally came across a video tape of our Washington, DC reunion in 2001.The cameraman interviewed dozens and dozens of us old soldiers, asking about our combat and POW experiences. As I listened to all you wonderful guys, I asked myself: "What produced such fine men? Why didn't their horrendous experiences embitter them and debase their lives?"
    The answer must have something to do with our launching places...the faiths and beliefs so many of us expressed that sustained us in war and through all the years that followed. We are indeed what we believe - always have been - always will be!
Chaplain Dr. Duncan Trueman, 424/AT
29 Overhill Lane, Warwick NY 10990
Tel/FAX: 845-986-6376 ttrueman@yahoo.corn


The Adjutant's Message ..

Adjutant Marion Ray 424/D 704 Briarwood Drive; Bethalto, IL 62010-1168 z9y7a1r2@sbsog lobal. net

    In the last issue of The Cub I discussed a topic of great interest to our Association, as well as to each and every veteran member. "Should the 106th Association be retired or continue for life?" I asked the membership to give it some thought and then write or make a telephone call to our Second Vice-President Gifford Doxsee and share with him your thoughts regarding the question.
    Several of you took the time to copy me with your thoughts as you communicated with Doxsee. Thank you. I found it interesting although it was not necessary to provide your answers to me.
    And during that time period a serious situation developed which could have prevented you from making contact with Vice-President Doxsee, he was admitted into a hospital for a period of time and then transferred and admitted into a Nursing Home for recovery. The period of time was substantial! Gifford is now back home and able to take your calls when you choose to do so. And I know that each of you who contact him will wish him well.
    As I stated previously, about ten percent of the membership attend the annual reunions. Your president prefers to refer to our reunions as a convention-which operates with elected delegates, and we have none of those. Anyway, of the ten percent of the membership, a board of directors elected for a five year service period keeps the association running. And if you members don't voice your opinions and your thoughts about "continue or not continue," a six man committee will render a report (of their own desires) and the board will approve it one way or another.
So, what will you the membership do?
    Each year, from within the board of directors one individual is nominated and elected as the Second Vice-President. This then provides the association with a Second and a First-Vice President. Sometimes, the individual serving as a Vice-President for anyone of many reasons feels he must step aside. When this happens it expedites the movement of the Second Vice-President and places some additional pressure on the individual. It seems that many of the members accepting nomination and election to the board, choose to not accept the eventual election as president of our association.
Please! Accept the challenge. It can be a lot of fun as well as a satisfying experience.
    The officers and every board member are obligated to read and understand the Association By-Laws. That is an "understood" as they are accepted for the board.
    I also hereby submit the Association By-Laws for each of you members to read if you so desire. My address, telephone number and email address are on the inside front cover page of each CUB magazine.
See the following pages for a copy of the By-Laws. Adjutant; Marion Ray


106th Infantry Division Association By-Laws (as of February 15, 2007)

    a. Any individual who served in the 106th Infantry Division or in any unit of the Armed Forces of the United States of America attached thereto is eligible for membership in the Association upon payment of annual or life dues. The amount of these dues shall be fixed by the general membership at any annual meeting.
    b. Associate memberships may be authorized by a vote of the Executive Committee. A candidate for such membership must have a regular member as a sponsor, except in the case of an Association widow who desires to become an Associate. A widow candidate need not be voted upon nor have a sponsor. Dues shall he the same as for a regular member.
    c. A ladies auxiliary may be formed whose members may include wives, widows, mothers, daughters, and daughters-in-law of those eligible for membership in the Association.

II- Board of Directors
    a. The Board of Directors shall consist of twenty-one (21 ) members of the Association or such smaller number not less than three (3) as may be determined at an annual meeting of the Association.
    b. Members of the Board of Directors will be elected at the Annual meeting for a term of five years. After serving a term of five years, a Board member shall not be elected to serve again until the expiration of one year from the date last served on the Board.
    c. If a Board member is currently serving as 1st or 2nd Vice-President and is elected to serve as President, his five year term limit shall be extended, if necessary, for the period of his Presidency. If the immediate Past President would otherwise complete his term on the Board, he shall become a non-voting ex-officio member of the Board and Consultant to the new President during the latter's term of office.

III- Officers
    a. The Officers of the Association shall be a President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Adjutant, Treasurer, Historian, Chaplain, Editor and such other officers as may be required for the activities of the Association. Any two or more offices except those of President and 1st and 2nd Vice-President may be held by the same person.
    b. The President and Vice-Presidents shall be elected by the Board of Directors from among the members of the Board. The Treasurer shall be elected by the Board of Directors from among the Association members. All other officers shall be appointed by the president. All officers shall serve for a term of one year or until their successors are elected or appointed.

IV- President
    a. The President shall preside at all meetings of the members of the Association and of the Board of Directors. Between meetings of the Association and of the Board of Directors he shall endeavor to the greatest extent reasonably possible to keep all Board members informed of all activities of the Association of major importance and of all other important developments coming to his attention which affect the Association or its operations. He shall perform such other duties as usually pertain to the office or which may be assigned to him by the Board. The President shall be elected from among the members of the Board.

V- Vice-President
a. There shall be a 1st and a 2nd Vice-President
    b. The ranking Vice-President shall be vested with all the powers and shall perform all the duties of the President in the event of his absence or disability. He shall perform such other duties as usually pertain to the office or which may be assigned to him by the Board.


VI- Adjutant
    a. The Adjutant shall record the minutes of all meetings of the Association and of the Board and shall keep such records in a book to be provided by the Association for such purposes. He shall have custody of the by-laws.
    (Move Para. b to Section X, 9-13-03) The Adjutant shall maintain the membership roster showing the name and unit of the Division, or unit attached to the Division in which the member served and his address.
    (Move Para. c to Section X, 9-13-03) The Adjutant shall include in the membership roster the names and address of Honorary Life, Auxiliary, Auxiliary Life, Associate and Associate Life members with, in the case of any Auxiliary and Associate memberships, a notation of the name and unit of the individual from whom the membership is derived.
    (Move Para. d to Section X, 9-13-03) The Adjutant shall make an annual report of the membership at the annual meeting of the Association.
    b. (Para. e becomes b., 9-13-03) The Adjutant shall perform such other duties as usually pertain to the office or which may be assigned by the Board.
c. (Add as Para. c, 9-13-03) The Adjutant shall maintain possession of the Association Seal.

VII- Treasurer
    a. The Treasurer shall be charged with the collection and the custody of the funds and other property of the Association. He shall keep or cause to be kept full and accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements and shall deposit all moneys and other valuable effects in the name of to the credit of the Association in such depositary or depositories as may be designated by the Board. Ile shall be charged with the disbursement of funds of the Association,. taking proper vouchers for such disbursements. He shall render full written reports at the annual meetings of the Association of his transactions as treasurer and of the financial condition of the Association and in addition, at the request of the. Board, he shall render interim reports for the use of the Board. The Treasurer shall perform such other duties as usually pertain-to the office or which may be assigned to him by the Board.
    b. Any new or unusual expenditures must be approved by a majority of the Board of Directors, upon being polled by the Adjutant at the direction of the President.
    c. If required by the Board, the treasurer shall give to the Association a bond of a sum to be determined by the Board, conditioned upon the faithful performance of his duties and for the restoration to the Association in case of his death, resignation, retirement, or removal from office of all books, papers, vouchers or other property of any kind whatsoever in his possession or under his control and belonging to the Association, the premium on said bond to be paid by the Association.

VIII- Historian
    a. The Historian shall be the official custodian for the Association of all papers, publications, memorabilia and similar items pertaining to the 106th Infantry Division and to the Association and belonging to the Association. He shall retain at least one copy of "ST VITH - LION IN THE WAY," the official Division History._ and of "THE LION'S TALE," He shall maintain a file of all issues of THE CUB and of all convention or reunion programs. He shall maintain a file of photographs, drawings, transparencies, film and the like that may be given to the Association and to the extent possible shall provide identification thereof. To the extent that storage of items in his custody may be required, the Historian shall arrange for proper storage at the expense of the Association. No property of the Association in the custody of the Historian shall be disposed of in any manner except with the consent of-the Board or of the Association.
    b. Historical records shall finally be placed with the Military History Institute at Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania when the 106th Infantry Division Association shall no longer be a going concern.


IX- Chaplain
    a. The Chaplain, in co-operation with the Convention or Reunion Committee, shall arrange the memorial service held annually in conjunction with the annual meeting. He shall perform such other duties as usually pertain to the office or which may be assigned to him by the board. The Chaplain may be either a clerical or a lay member of the Association.

X- The Cub
    a. The official publication of the Association shall be known as THE CUB and shall be issued four times each year. The Executive Committee may authorize THE CUB to he issued less frequently if circumstances warrant. Each member of the Association shall receive THE CUB as a part of the ANNUAL, LIFE or ASSOCIATE dues.
    b. Notices of the Annual Meeting of the. Association and of the regular meetings of the Board shall be published in the appropriate issue of THE CUB.
    c. The CUB editor shall be responsible for the preparation of THE CUB and shall arrange for the publication and distribution thereof.
d. The CUB editor shall be appointed by the President.
    e. The CUB Editor shall maintain the membership roster showing the name and unit of the Division, or unit attached to the Division in which the member served and his address.
    f. The CUB editor shall include in the membership roster the names and addresses of Honorary Life, Auxiliary, Auxiliary Life, Associate and Associate Life members with, in the case of any Auxiliary and Associate memberships, a notation of the name and unit of the individual from whom the membership is derived.
g. The CUB editor shall make an annual report of the membership at the annual meeting of the Association.

XI- Memorials
    a. The care and general supervision of the Association memorial edifice at St. Vith, Belgium shall be the Memorials Committee. Expenditures for the necessary upkeep and/or beautification of the memorial edifice shall be recommended from time to time by the Memorials Committee to the Board or the Association for consideration.
    b. Other memorial Projects established or approved from time to time by the Association shall be under the supervision of the Memorials Committee. The Committee shall consist of three members.
    c. The Memorials Chairman shall be appointed by the President. Two Memorials Committee members shall be appointed by the Committee Chairman.
d. Reports of the committee's work shall be made to the President not less than semi-annually.

XII- Committees
    a. Unless otherwise ordered by the members of the Association or by the Board, or mandated by these by-laws, the President shall appoint all regular and special committees, except the Executive Committee.
    b. There shall be a Nominating Committee consisting of not less than three (3) members of the Association which shall prepare a slate of nominees for the Board of Directors to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the members of the Association. The number of nominees shall be equal to the number of Board vacancies occurring at said Annual Meeting.
    c. There shall he a Resolutions Committee consisting of not less than three (3) members of the Association which shall present appropriate resolutions at the closing banquet of the annual reunion.
    d. There shall be a permanent Executive Committee consisting of the President, First Vice-President and Second Vice-President, which committee may act in lieu of the Board of Directors subject to restrictions as mandated by these by-laws. Any expenditures authorized by this committee shall be limited to three thousand dollars.
    e. Other committees appropriate or desirable for the activities of the Association shall be appointed from time to time.


XIII- Meetings, Quorum & Voting
a. Annual and Special meetings of members.
    b. The annual business meeting of the members shall be held in the United States of America in conjunction with the annual convention or reunion at such time as may be determined by the Board or membership of the Association.
c. Special meetings may be called by the President or the Board.
    d. Twenty-five (25) members or ten per-cent (10) of the membership, whichever is less, present in person or by proxy shall constitute a quorum.
e. Each member whose dues are not in arrears shall be entitled to vote at any meeting. Voting may be by proxy.
f. Honorary and Associate members may be given the privilege of the floor but shall have no vote.
g. Meetings of Board Members.
h. Regular meetings shall be held immediately prior to and immediately following the annual meetings of the members.
i. Special meetings may be called by the President or by any three (3) members of the Board.
j. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum.
k. Meetings, regular or special, may be held at any place in or out of the State of Maryland.
l. Conventions or Reunions.
    m. An annual convention or reunion shall be held at a location recommended by the Board and approved by the general membership at a previous annual meeting.
    n. The President shall be responsible for determining the content and schedule of the reunion program over which he will[ preside. Arrangements for the memorial service will be made in consultation with the Chaplain.
o. The convention or reunion fee and the items to be included therein shall be determined by the President.

XIV- Signature Authority
    a. Deeds, assignments and all other instruments conveying and transferring real or personal property owned by the Association shall be signed by the President or Vice-President and attested by the Adjutant or Treasurer.
    b. Checks and drafts drawn by or on behalf of the Association against any funds on deposit in the name of the Association or against any other property owned by the Association shall be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by the President. In the absence of either or both the Treasurer and President, the First Vice-President or the Adjutant or Second Vice-President may either sign or countersign.

XV- Seal
    a. The Division Seal in possession of The Adjutant shall be used when appropriate. When not available, the word "SEAL" printed, typed, lettered or hand written by the Adjutant with his signature, or by appropriate officer.

XVI- Amendments
a. These by-laws may be amended.
    b. At any meeting of the Board of Directors by the affirmative vote of not less than a majority of all directors then in office and such amendment shall remain in effect unless altered or repealed at the next succeeding meeting of the members of the Association,
    c. At a meeting of the members of the Association by the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of those present in person or by proxy, provided that notice of such amendment is published in the preceding issue of THE CUB.


Official Copy (As Amended September 13, 2003)
Marion Ray, Adjutant


Front & Center
Editor, John Kline, 423/M
    11 Harold Drive Burnsville, MN 55337-2786; Tele: 952-890-3155 Fax: 952-426-1131; Web site:; Email:

Association Membership February 11,2006
Life Members (Vets) 667
Annual Members (Vets) 427
Total Vets 1094
Life Associate Members 216
Annual Associate Members 131
Total Associates 347
Comp Members 3

Please note a Toll Free phone number for our Treasurer Lyle Beeth 424/AT 1-888-644-4337

    The following members have had been deleted from the Association roster for reason of one or more CUB magazines being returned. Every attempt to learn of a new address location have failed.
    If you have any personal knowledge contact me -My name, telephone and email address are on the inside front cover of this magazine.
Last known addresses are shown.
John Kline, editor

November 2006
CUBs Returned (situation not known)
Margeret Dorn Associate; 8724 S Talinan Ave Evergreen Park IL 60805
William McWhorter; 16 Prairie Drive Kyle TX 78640
Dr. Joseph Mark 422/HQ 3BN; 45 Burnet Hill Rd Livingston, NJ 07039

Brown, Raymond 590/4 Campbell, Russell 424/F
Memory of Charles Sexton
Fowler, William DIV/ HQ 1st BN
Rain, John 589/B
Waslyon, Paul 422/HQ 1st BN

Jack Roberts 592/C $100 from sale of books
John Gilliland
$200 for sale of PX Material during last Annual Reunion

Life member John Sofarelli 424/L
    John wrote me: I mistakenly listed Elsie Sofarellie as the Life Plus Club contributor in the October CUB. He said 1 had gotten him in trouble with his wife of 58 years.
Her name is Elsie and she is an Associate Member. Wonder where I got "Elsie ???"
Sorry John - John Kline editor Must he getting older ...



John R. Schaffner 589/A, Historian
From the Association Historian Past President 2002-2003
1611 Miller Road, Cockeysville, MD 21030 410-584-2754 pumexim2©

Vol 63, #2 Jan-Feb-Mar 2007
    Whenever a project is successful there is always someone behind the scenes working hard to bring it into being. This brings me to our good friend and Associate Member, James ‘Jim' West.
    Jim, though not a 106th Infantry Division veteran, is one of us. He has worked tirelessly for our Association throughout the years I have known him. Jim maintains a website where many memoirs and stories of the 106 are kept for anyone with a personal computer for access.
    Jim is the source of the CD sets of the Cubs of the Golden Lion advertised on the back or the inside back cover of the CUB magazine. By the time you are reading this there will be for sale another CD (#3) containing all the personal memoirs most recently submitted for publication. At this time there are over 190 contributions. These will be published on going on a yearly basis now. The latest CD contains all of those contributions received by December 2006 from our association members, plus the remaining issues out there come for a year or 2006, plus the issues on The Cryer published at Atterbury during 1944, plus other related stories and more ads in this current issue as well as those come.
    I am very excited about this project because it places all of this material available in one place since John Kline's publication of the Cub of the Golden Lion Passes in Review in 1991. One does need a personal computer to use the CD disc.
    Jim West and I will be accepting contributions for publication on the website and inclusion on the annual CD from now on. We already have a large number of items to start off the year 2007. If you have a story to tell, we are listening. Send it by e-mail, snail mail, typed on paper, on a CD or floppy disk, to me or directly to Jim West at 4223 South Shelby 750 West, Franklin, IN 4613-9205. Pictures are always welcome.
    All of the material sent to us will be deposited in the US Army Heritage And Educational Center at Carlisle, PA and will eventually be published unless you direct otherwise.
    Please keep in mind that our editor, John Kline, also uses your stories for publication in the CUB magazine. John works tirelessly for the association, and certainly he is the glue that holds this association together. He spends countless hours producing the CUB and without it we would have no association, plain and simple. Most of the material contained on the disc is much too long for inclusion in the CUB, so the CD gives us the opportunity to make it available to a wide audience. Many of the stories are actually in the same book form that they were published. Some of them are short and some are only a picture of the veteran. However, there is enough reason to keep anyone busy on cold nights.
Your 106th Infantry Division Association Historian, John R. Schaffner 589/A


Front & Center .
    During the battle for the crossroads at Baraque de Fraiture (19 - 23 December 1944) there were soldiers from units other than the 106th/589th FA present during the action. In the ensuing years after the end of the war a large bronze plaque honoring Major Arthur C. Parker III and the soldiers of the 589th FA was installed on a large stone there. The site became known as Parker's Crossroads. In 1994 a permanent memorial was established at the crossroads at a prominent location. This memorial consists of one 105mm M1A1 Howitzer on a star shaped concrete foundation. It is backed with three large flagpoles that fly the flags of the United States, the flag of Belgium, and the flag of the European Community. Also surrounding the Howitzers are stones bearing bronze plaques honoring the men from other units who were present during the battle and describing the action.
    One of the soldiers of the 87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron (Mechanized), 7th Armored Division who was one of the last eleven men remaining at the crossroads before it fell, was severely wounded the day after the battle. He was rescued and given shelter and aid in a local home. This was the home of the Gaveroye family of Regne, Belgium. The soldier's name was Pfc. Justus T. ‘Ted' Schreiber. About two years ago, a son, Peter Schreiber, began to research his father's experience in the Battle of the Bulge. His quest for information led him to John Gatens, John Kline, and me. We were able to connect Peter with the battle of the crossroads and also the Belgian family who had taken care of his father. Peter Schreiber, with his brothers, made the trip to Belgium and also with members of CRIBA who successfully located the Belgian family who had taken care of his father, with the aid of a small 2" X 2" black & white photo. Peter, along with his three younger brothers, made the trip to Belgium in October 2005 to retrace their father's footsteps during the Battle of the Bulge, and with the help of members of CRIBA, met the Gaveroye family and heard the story of their father first hand.
    This was enough for Peter to start the mission to have a new memorial stone and plaque created and installed at the Baraque de Fraiture to honor those units not specifically noted on the existing memorial. The pursuit of this undertaking has now borne fruit as attested to by the letter from the American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) (see next page) and a copy of the inscription to be cast into the bronze plaque.

Photo: Parker's Crossroads - Baraque de Fraiture, Belgium
The new monument awaiting Installation of the plaque (also see front cover)


Courthouse Plaza II Suite 500; 2300 Claredon Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22201

February 5, 2007
Mr. Peter C. Schreiber, Esq.
134 Belmont court
Redlands, CA 92373

Dear Mr. Schreiber:
    I am pleased to inform you that, in accordance with Title 36 of the US code Of Federal Regulations (36 CFR Part 401) the American Battle Monuments Commission approves your application for the construction of a new memorial in Baraque de Fraiture, Belgium. The memorial will honor those who defended a strategic crossroads during the Battle of the Bulge in December of 1944.
    As you know, it is important that the story told by the memorial be historically accurate. We applaud the work you do to ensure that the memorial's representations are accurate, and we appreciate your group's openness to the comments made by the Commission's historical consultant, Brigadier General John Brown, USA retired. Please let us know if you believe it necessary to make changes to the memorial in the future.
    We understand that the construction of this monument will be paid for by a private organization called C.R.I.B.A. (The Centre de Recherhes et de'Information sur la bataille des Ardennes) (The Center of Research and Information on the Battle of the Ardennes) along with support for local government, and that the County of Vielsam, Belgium, has accepted the responsibility to maintain the monument and the site in the future.
    We admire your dedication to preserving the memory of the brave soldiers that fought so valiantly during this important battle in American history. Please feel free to contact us in the future if we can be of further service.

Sincerely, William J. Leszczynski, Jr. Brigadier General, U.S. Army (Ret)
Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer

In Memory of the Brave Soldiers of
D Troop 87th Cavalry Reconnaisance Squadron (Mcnz)
7th Armored Division
D Battery, 203rd Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battalion
7th Armored Division
F Company 325th Glider infantry Regiment
82nd Airborne Division
Who defended this critical crossroads
against overwhelming forces
during the period 19-23 December, 1944
Their courageous defense against repeated attacks
bought valuable time for the defense of the Ardennes.
Their bravery in fierce battle when heavily outnumbered
continues to inspire the allies and their countrymen.


    Members of the 106th Infantry Division Association have been contributing their written memoirs to the website maintained by our Associate Member Jim West. This website now holds more than 200 articles relative to the veterans of the 106th Division.
    Any PC user can access the section by using http://www. htm in your browser's address box at the top of the screen. This URL will take you directly into the 106th Infantry Division section of the website.
    There will be a 'drop down' menu at the left side of the page listing the categories. By clicking on the accompanying box containing the plus sign (+) the category will expand to give you access to the individual listings.
    In addition there is a 'button' at the top of the page for "German POW Camps." Click on this button to have access to those articles written by former 106th Division prisoners of war.
    Each POW Camp is listed and those Ex-POWs who have written their experiences are accessed by expanding the camp listing.
The other 'buttons' at the top of the screen are also open for your browsing pleasure.
Now, more news.
A new CD is now available from your 106th Historian:, John Schaffner.
    This CD contains approximately 195 contributions from our veteran members that have been copied from the website. Also the CD contains the issues of The Cub published in year 2005-06. It also contains those issues of The Camp Crier published at Camp Atterbury during our tenure in 1944, and several other stories about our Association members from the days of WW II

    To order this new CD send a check for $10 made out to John R. Schaffner, 1811 Miller Road, Cockeysville, MD 21030-1013.
They are now ready for mailing.

    Stay tuned. We are still accepting your memoirs and other WW II stories and adding them to the above website. Everything collected in late 2006 and 2007 will be material for another CD to be produced about this time in 2008.
This project will be on going as long as you can contribute your stories.
Submitted by John Schaffner, 106th Association Historian


    The Dr. Harold C. Deutsch World War II History Round Table is planning its seventh Battlefield Study Tour from May 11 to May 27, 2007. The Group will depart MSP on a direct flight to Amsterdam on Friday, May 11, 2007, where it will be met by a Deluxe Touring Bus to the German city of Monschau for six nights. On the first day, the tour will visit the Belgian Fort of Eban-Ernael that was taken by German gliders in June 1940. The Second Day will be a Walking Tour of the Battle of the Huertgen Forest and the Kall River Gorge Trail. The guide will be Klaus Schulz, a German soldier who fought there in 1944. The next day Herr Schulz will lead the tour to Remagen and the Remagen bridge crossing.
    The next five days a tour will be led by the Historian/Author Will Cavanagh with the extensive study of the (1.) North Shoulder of the Battle of the Bulge involving the 1st, 2nd and 99th Infantry Division and the Elsenborn Ridge. ( 2.) Peiper's Route to include Malmedy and La Gleize (and after a move to Pruem, Germany) (3.) The defense of the 106th Infantry Division on the Schnee-Eifel. (4.) Saint Vith and Parker's Crossroads and (5.) Then a study of the center of the German Offensive on the 28th Infantry Division from Dasburg to Marnach and into Clervaux.
    With our guide Colonel Emile Engels, and based from our hotel in Clervaux, the Tour will visit La Roche, Hotten, Erezee and Houffalize. Then we move to the Southern Shoulder Defenses in Diekirch and in Ettelbruck.
    After a move to Bastogne for three nights, we will study the defense of Bastogne by the 101st Airborne, including the relief of the 4th Armored Division, and a little-known action at Schumacher Crossroads. Marco Kilian will guide the Tour on the defense of the Band of Brothers and their attack on Foy.
    We end Trip with two days in Trier with a stop by the U. S. Cemetery in Hamm, Luxembourg. The tour will visit the extensive Roman ruins in the area, enjoy some wine on a Mosel River Cruise, and see the 94th Infantry Division sector attack into the Saar Triangle.
We are returning on Sunday, May 27, out of Frankfurt, Germany.
Don Patton
    Editor's note: The Dr. Harold C. Deutsch World War II History Round Table Minneapolis, MN is a local group that meets nine times a year from September through May. Guest speakers, like myself, tell their WWII story. After the presentations there is a question period. (Thereby "The Round Table") The normal attendance of those meetings is from 300 to 400 people.

    Don Patton, one of our Associate members, heads up the "Minneapolis-St Paul Round Table" that meets 8-9 times a year. Each meeting has a guest speaker speaks of "His War." Your editor has been a guest speaker giving the "106th Story" and has participated in other discussion meetings with "Minneapolis Round Table members."
    Bob Riggs helped me with travel plans and hotel arrangements when I took 106th groups back to the Ardennes battlefield in 1995 and 1999 to meet with German soldiers that fought against us.
    For a brochure: Contact: Bob Riggs, Hypointe Travel Service, 16240 Hyland Avenue, Lakeville, MN 55044 Phone: 952-891-8430 email:


106th Infantry Division Association PX
John Gilliland PX Manager
No Credit Cards - Make check payable to
John Gilliland 140 Nancy Street, Boaz, AL 35957 Tel: 256-593-6801 Email: samitc@charter net

106th Belt Buckles with Lion's Head $20.00 plus $4.00 S&H
106th Bolo Ties with Lion's Head $20.00 plus $4.00 S&H
106th Shoulder Patches $3.00 each plus 50 Cents S&H
106th Hat/Lapel Pin $3.00 each plus 50 Cents S&H

106th Ball Cap, adjustable $10.00 each plus $4.00 S&H

106th Flag 28" x 44"- indoor/outdoor - appliqued letters and designs.
With loop for hanging on pole - pole not included.
$20.00 each delivered.


Mail Bag .. .
    This column dedicated to letters and articles of interest received from Association members... Thanks for your input  Keep the Mail coming.

    01/24/07 Alvin Yeaton 422/K wrote, "I'm looking for information where I was sent to destroy German pillbox I've pushed 12 pounds of TNT at the end of a 20 foot pole up the hill to the pillbox. After the explosion I had to retrieve my helmet and returned to the Jeep. I met two soldiers heading up the hill with flamethrowers to finish the job.
Alvin Yeaton
140 Eastern Ave
Keene NH 03431

    Mr. Kline, could you direct me to the best available source for information on the Internet concerning specific unit information?
    Yes, to find contact information on the Association and on Alumni groups go to this is a website that lists many of the World War II Associations and sources of information. A tremendous website, beneficial for those veterans and or relatives seeking information about associations-or contact with their old buddies.

An email from a relative seeking information on an Uncle:
Does anybody have information on a "Thomas D. Reda"?
Apparently, Thomas was in the Medics. Reda was the uncle of Robert Faro and was possibly a 422" Medic.
    If you knew Reda contact Robert Faro, email address above, or let me know. My address is on the inside cover of every CUB magazine. My email address is jpk@mm.corn
Please refer to Robert Faro and save this Email address
John Kline, Editor The CUB ink@mm.eom

from his book ‘Snow on the ARDENNES'
by John Davis 424/C 1862 Clifffiill Drive, Monterey Park,CA 91754 telephone: 323-721-5728
Dedicated to the men who fought and were overwhelmed captured by the German onslaught in the "Baffle of the Bulge."
To be captured in battle
was a very rough fate.
To be put at the mercy
of people we hate.
Not to be sure if he would survive,
doing our best to stay alive.

For those of us who were not there
In that deadly combat
in the Ardennes snow,
It's hard to comprehend,
difficult to know.

There is no adequate training,
no way to prepare a soldier
for a captives role.
Capture sometimes happens,
though victory was our final goal
when you're ringed in by enemy
artillery and Tiger tanks,
Commanders had such tough decisions to make,
Twas difficult to choose
a better plan to take.

Staying alive was paramount,
getting dead when there was an alternative didn't count.
Nobody should ever judge a fighting man
for being wounded or captured.
God only knows the pain they endured,
captured in circumstances beyond their control.

These fighters should never feel guilt.
Only after you've walked the proverbial mile
in their soggy combat boots with bloody, frozen feet
through the Schnee-Eifel,
will you know what misery really feels like
when you had it up to the hilt.


Mail Bag .

Soldier hold your heads high,
my comrades-in-arms
and looked like straight in the eye.

It's not the survivors fault
that's some escaped unscathed,
while others have denied.

You fought a good fight
in the cold and rugged strife.
You've surely earned your piece,
you have paid your dues
in a rough, bloody war.
You don't have to take crap
from detractors anymore.

The Death of Ivy Morris
Coulee, Belgium January 13, 1945 from the book, ‘Snow of the Ardennes'
by John Davis

He came up to the outfits,
I really couldn't say when for sure,
probably early January,
worst time of the Bulge after.

Nothing remarkable about him,
just another young replacement
for one of our 1st Squad, Company C
guys who had been Purple-Hearted to England.

I checked him out and talked,
here was a guy who had some sand.
They put him in as my backup scout,
and I hope he'd stay alive long enough to learn the route,

But no, his number came up on an artillery round,
and although our great many
did all he could for him,
no sign of life could he found.

I held him up out of the snow,
the cruel snow that he did so despise,
and watched in awe and anger
as all his hopes, dreams and future
slowly faded from his eyes.

And if we honor him
and think of him
as only combat men can,
then well I'll say feelinly,
By God, there was a man!

It was probably just a phantom sound,
I don't know,
but a faint whisper came
from blowing snow.

Take care of Ivy,
his mother's only son,
and if harm should come to him,
and sure life wouldn't be much fun

Be proud, America!
Shed a tear, and then thank God we have these wonderful women
who bear these brave young man.

Dec 17, 2004 --
Robert Flick
81st Combat Engineers, Company "C" 106th Infantry Division, 724-639-04095 By Kiske Valley News- Steve Myers
Vandergrift PA

Memories still haunt Battle of the Bulge vets.
    Those who survived the biggest, and one of the most desperate battle in the history of the U.S. Army still wiry marks left by the deadly clash of allies and Axis forces along the borders of Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg.
    Six decades after the Battle of the Bulge- the final Nazi counteroffensive, lasting from December 16, 1944 to January 25,1945 -Salzburg's Robert Flick hasn't forgotten how the leader of his combat engineer unit was maimed.
    "My commanding officer with James Wells of Detroit," the 80-year-old Army veteran noted "He got his foot blown off when he stepped on a 'shoe mine."
    Rather than killing allied troops out right, he said, Nazi strategists preferred to wound them seriously enough to tie up valuable resources behind the lines.
    Flick, whose tasks included setting explosive charges to target enemy structures said, "The Germans were very intelligent.


    They knew it took 15 people to take care of every wounded man." " Their anti personnel mines were made with wood and plastic, which was relatively new then -so you couldn't detect them with a metal detector." He explained, "There were just enough explosives that it would take a hand or a foot off. It was just enough to put you in the hospital."
    Held in reserve, Flicks unit - the 81st Combat Engineers of the 106th Infantry Division, crossed the Channel 4 months after D-Day. He recalled, "We went up the Seine River and unloaded near Paris and did some marching. Then we were put on trucks and taken into Northern France. Flick said, "We were in some minor skirmishes near Rennes, France. "They were deloused, cleaned up, and put on trucks." Flick said of the captives.
    But, his unit still was considered "green" when the Battle of the Bulge caught it and the rest of the American army by surprise. At the time, the heavily forested Ardennes was not seen as particularly ripe for a major clash, with German activity seemingly limited to lobbing shells at opposing Allies.
Flick's unit was posted near the small towns of Winterspelt and Hackhalenfeld.
    " These little towns each consisted of a church, 10 to 15 houses, a tavern, a cemetery, and that was it," Flick said. "We were about five to 10 miles away from the Siegfried Line," Germany's defensive position along its western border.
    "We were relieving a veteran division, the Second Infantry Division," Flick added. They said, Fellas, "There is nothing to worry about but a short round" referring to a projectile which fell short of its target, fired by Allied Forces, but falling short of its goal.
    In the early hours of December 16, 1944 flick and others in his company were wakened by the sound of explosions and debris falling on the roof of the barn where they were sleeping.
    He recalled, "Somebody said, 'That's outgoing mail,-- suggesting it was a sound of American artillery dropping shells on nearby German lines. But, Flick pointed out to his buddies, with outgoing mail, you don't have debris falling on the roof."
    They knew they were under fire when the Sergeant came and said, "Gather up your equipment, go down the road and dig in." As Flick moved out, he said "That was the last I ever saw of my personal equipment. I had just gotten a Christmas present from home: a beautiful leather shaving kit. I never got the chance to see what was inside." Soon, he and his companions were more worried about close shaves from enemy fire.
    Early in the battle, Flick noted, "The German tanks broke through our lines, and eventually the infantry did, too. They penetrated 25 miles into Belgium." In his unit, as with most others, there was mass confusion. An order came down to destroy equipment and it was every man for himself. Flick decided to keep his gun. But, he got separated from his outfit and all of a sudden was isolated. He came upon a fellow GI, who advised him to make for a nearby truck-the best shot at getting away from the Germans.
    Click recalled, "I came within sight of the truck and I could hear shells coming from the 88 mm German artillery guns." As he sprinted toward the vehicle, "three shells hit within 30 yards in front of me and to either side. The impact kicked dirt in my face and knocked me down. But none of them went off." Or believes he would not have survived. "Can you believe the luck?"
    Flick recounted, "We ran into a pocket of Germans. Their confusion seemed every bit as much as ours. Still, they captured us." For Flick, the situation was now reversed but he avoided the trip to a POW camp.
He, the other truck passengers and additional American captives were herded into an area along an open road.
    But, while the mass of prisoners was still disorganized and milling about, Flick said, "I decided to make a break for it, figuring it was my only chance." "It was a spur of the moment thing," He said. Although there were guards posted "It was at night."
    Edging from the center of the crowd, he said, "1 ran to the side of the road and hid behind some bushes. Nobody noticed me." He continued, "During the next four days I get a lot of hiding, occasionally scrounging food from passing American units.


    Eventually, he was taken in by a Belgian family-including outfit and Eva Matey and their daughters, Aimee, 18 and Gisele, 12.
    Flick noted, "They hid me for several days. These people were starving to death, but they shared what food they had with me. I tried to get them food from other outfits moving by." Finally, Flick learned from some of the passing soldiers where the remains of his division has gone, and he rejoined the ranks.
    According to Flick, his unit commander, Colonel Thomas Riggs, pulled off an even more ambitious escape: "He was captured and sent to Germany. But he escaped and worked his way back to France. He joined our outfit again once we had gotten inside. Germany."
    By the end of January, when the battle was winding down, division has lost two regiments and part of the third period he said, "I have 13 men in my squad and I cannot account for four or five-if they were captured, wounded or killed to this day I do not know. He pointed out, "The engineers were doing lots of different things at lot of different places."

    In a telephone conversation with Flick, while I was preparing to write his story, he said, "1 received correspondence from the daughters of the Belgian family that took me in. Aimee, who was 18 and Gisele, who were 12 at the time. They are coming to the USA this Summer and will visit me."

from Dale Carver's "BEFORE the VETERANS DIE"
(See page 24)

He came to us straight from school.
book-filled with notions of self sacrifice
and service to God through Man.
Brisk, cheerful and above all, uncensuring,
A Man of God and a good fellow.
When the first shells rained upon us
he took his place at the side of the surgeon.
cheering the wounded, confiding the dying,
helping with the bloody patchworks
A Man of God in Action.
All night the walking wounded stereamed in:
the litter cases, some shrieking with pain,
some dumb with schock, some quietly sobbing
like shamed children.
A Man of God Among hurt men.
No rest the day, nor the night:
no experience from which to learn
the value of strength witheld:
all he gave, till he to went weith the wounded,
a hurt Man of God.


New Members .
BASNIK, GILBERT 423/K; 113 Jockey Court Grayslake, 1L 60030
    Welcome Gilbert, I didn't find any remarks from you-if you wish to pass along anything to your buddies-let me know and I will put it in the next CUB.

CHURCH, JIM 424/HQ 1BN; 548 6th St NW Elk River, MN 55330
    When I was dropped into St. Vith on Sunday, December 1944, together with other recovering patients from the collapsed 1st Armies 298th Field Hospital at Liege, we were immediately absorbed into the Scratch Task Force of the 424th. Regiment, led by Lt. Jarrett Huddleston. My service records were among others in the fire at Camp Grant (Rockford Illinois) in the 1970s, so I have never been able to prove my service as a 106th Infantry Division Replacement, or by several subsequent months service as a rifleman with the division during the frozen hell which we all remember so well. However, I am pleased that I preserved my original copy of the May 1943 - January 1946 Army discharge.
    I remained with the regiment until after Manhay, when I hitchhike north on the Red Ball express and located my 99th Army non-divisional 674th Tag Recovery Company near Aachen. I've been reluctant to contact the 106 infantry Division. Association for many years because of my lack of proof. I note that you will be gathering in Kansas City in September and I thought I should inquire about a membership. In late November 1944 I was evacuated from my ninth Army unit in southern Holland to the First Army's 298th General Hospital east of Liege, Belgium with "Trench Foot" caused by having continual with frozen feet wearing only leather shoes.
    On the 16th of December ambulances began bringing in casualties from battles with German army units that had exploded out of the Ardennes's Forest a few miles to the east. It was the beginning of the frozen hell that history calls "The Battle of the Bulge."
    Along with other ambulatory patients, was reissued clothing. A few weapons that existed in the hospital were distributed and we were loaded into trucks headed for the fighting. most of us became part of the "Scratch Task Orders" of the 424th Regiment, 106th Infantry Division - the 422nd and 423rd Regiments having surrendered the German army in the Schonberg sector of Belgium.
Additional excerpts from Jim Church's application for membership. John Kline, editor
    The left wing of the 424th was pushed back-by the advancing German Army across the Our River, losing most of its equipment as it folded back towards the south and west, but was finally pegged down by a scratch task force led by 1st Lt. Jarret M. Huddleston, Jr. To hold this flank and to extend it as the enemy moved into the gap, Colonel Reid (Our Regimental Commander) kept adding whatever troops he could find to this junior officers command. Because of this defense the Steinebruck bridge remained in American hands. It then joined other divisional remnants to hold Saint Vith, Belgium on 20-21 December, 1944. Prop 24-30 December the Regiment was attached to the Seventh Armored Division and participated in heavy combat around Manhay. It was then withdrawn to Anthisnes, Belgium.
    When relieved by regular infantry units later in January I hitched rides north on a Red Ball express and tell my unit occurring across the Rhine near Aachen.


    From 24-30 December, The Regiment was attached to the Seventh Armored Divisionand participated in heavy combat around Manhay. It was then withdrawn to Anthisnes, Belgium.
The following is an official description described Army field hospital transcript.
    "From 20 November 1944 to May 19, with 298 General Hospital station at Liege, Belgium Here the majority of patients admitted had battle connected wounds and injuries. Most of them were received within one to three days of primary care done in evacuation or field hospitals. Particularly in December 1944 and in January 1945, a number of lightly a moderately wounded patients were admitted because forward hospitals had been too heavily loaded with more serious cases. A number of casualties were also received-in the immediate vicinity from bombings-Buzz bombs (V-1s).

    (Jim-thanks for the nice dissertation-I am sure many enjoyed reading it. I certainly did. Glad I finally received your new member material. John Kline, editor)

CLEMENTS, MARY JO ASSOCIATE; 1032 Hamilton Blvd, Hagerstown, MD 21742, 301-393-3714;
Mary Jo is the daughter of Private Joseph H. Hodge, 423/E (deceased)

GARNHART, JAMES ASSOCIATE; 3610 Park Ridge Drive Rapid City, SD 57702-0502
Welcome back !. You were "Missing in Action" for awhile. Nice to see your name reported in the Treasure's report.

JOEL, KENNETH E. 422/I; 130 Main St. PO 53, Keyport, NJ 07735; 732-264-1117;
Wife's name Josephine. Welcome back to the 106th.

JOHNSON, ERIC A. ASSOCIATE; 6092 Kingsbriar Drive, Yorba Linda, CA 92886, 714-356-3828,
    I am a nephew of Francis Raymond Schneider 590th Service Battery. He died Sept 2001 and at that time lived in Minonk, Illinois. I am interested in 106th history and would like to hear from any person that might have known my uncle.

    I am interested in World War II history "European theater". I am serving as Director-Historian, C-47 Club, Inc. 82nd Airborne Association. Historian/ Retired US Army Officer with 25 years on the ground experience with the European World War II battlefields. I want to honor your Division Association and its history. My address is a US postal box. US Postal rates apply. Please give credits to Mr. Bob Huffaker, One of Your Associate members for signing me up. It is an honor and privilege for me to be within the ranks of the 106th Infantry Division Association and to dedicate, honor and remember your service and all of you who died defending freedom. Golden Lions!
Ed Lapotsky


New Members .

MUNDAY, BILL ASSOCIATE; Great Lakes Corporation, 12 600 Greenfield Rd, Detroit, MI 49227, 313-838-7000 x 110
    Editors note: I met Bill on the Internet when he wrote, "Is it possible to subscribe to the CUB magazine as a non-veteran." Miami living historian of World War II and a group of us in Michigan have portrayed soldiers of the 106th Infantry Division at several of the "Fort Indiantown Gap, PA" Reenactment events. We began doing this for the 50th Anniversary and we were well received by many of the 106 infantry division veterans who were in attendance.
    We wore the same uniforms that you wore in World War II. I have read a few of your articles posted on your web site and would very much like to read more. Are there any back issues of current magazine available?
    We normally portray the 3rd Platoon, Company F, 423rd Combat Infantry Regiment. I don't know how many of your veterans have been in World War II reenactment or to a living history display, but most people tend to want to portray The Airborne and other more well-known units. We always want to show more units like yours who also deserve credits
    Editor's Note: Bill- Welcome to the 106th Infantry Division Association - rethinking for portraying us in these very special events. have had the pleasure of attending the Battle of the Bulge reenactments at Indiantown Gap with Richard Rigatti 423/B from Pittsburgh. Unfortunately, the deck, a longtime association member, Past-President and Association Treasurer passed away November 11, 2006. He is being missed by all of us. He attended many of the reenactments and would have been honored to meet you. Welcome to the 106 Infantry Division Association

NEILSEN, ELIZABETH ASSOCIATE; 8 First Street, Highland Hills, NY 10928, 815-446-2295

WEINGARTEN, JACK 422/AT; 44 Rottkamp Place, Old Bethpage, NY 11804-1002, 516-694-4079
    At a chance meeting in New York City, at a birthday party, I met Ed Goldberg, 423rd Regiment, "C" Company. He told me about the 106 Infantry Division Association. He said he had been to many national reunions and that he was sponsoring a Mini-Reunion here in New York.
    I am enclosing some information about my tour in the 106th Infantry Division. I was in the 424th Antitank Company. took my basic training at Fort Benning, Georgia in January-February-March 1944. I was then sent to the Army Specialized Training Program, which was eventually closed out. I was then sent to Camp Atterbury, Indiana April to October 1944.1 stayed with the 424th infantry Regiment.
New York University 1946-1949; Law School 1949-1952; Building Contractor New York 1952-1990.
I live on Long Island. I am married with two children and have a condo in Delray Beach Florida.

WOUTERS, CARL LIFE ASSOCIATE; Dirkputstraat 62; 2850 Boom; BELGIUM; 0032-3844-4987;

I am interested in World War II history with a special interest In the 106 Infantry Division.


World War II and Battle of the Bulge Books
The True Story of a World War II P.O.W. The Germans Couldn't Hold
by John M. ‘Jack' Roberts, Association Past-President
    ‘Jack' Roberts, "C" Battery, 592nd Field Artillery Battalion, recently published a book about his experiences during the "Battle of the Bulge" in December 1944 where he was ambushed and captured by the Germans.
    The book, 237 pages, with a colorful cover, gives a detailed account of his harrowing experiences telling how he was able to escape his German captors, While behind enemy lines, before reaching a POW compound. Early chapters in the book gives the reader an overview of his youth, including his military training leading up to his capture. The book then concludes with his adjustment to civilian life with its rewards after discharge from the Army.
    Order from and make payable to.: John M. Roberts, 1059 Alter Road, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304. Email: jmr81024@aol.corn Telephone: 1-248-338-2667 Price: $27,95 includes Shipping

456 pages $50.00 + $6 shipping
Author Dean F. Jewett 168th Combat Engineers, PO Box 148, Saco ME 04072
    Author made two trips to St. Vith, Rhine River, Armor School Library, Military History Institute, plus personal information from 168th Combat Veterans
    168th Combat Engineer Battalion, was attached to the 106th Inf Division at St. Vith. Their three line companies were defending the Prumerberg. A battalion of 600 men suffered 335 casualties, 33 KIA, the others wounded, POWs or MIA. The 168th is credited with Normandy Invasion, Northern France, Rhineland, assault crossing of the Rhine River, Central Europe. Ending up near

Author Earl S. Parker 4231E
1st Books Library, 1663 Liberty Drive, Suite 200 Bloomington, IN 47403
Telephone I-888-280-7715
Also available through. Amazon, Barnes and Nobles and Borders at $14.95.
Any book store can order the book by Title, Author or ISBN Number
    Here is the story of a young draftee in World War II who experienced life in the Armored Force, the Army Air Force pilot training program and the reality of combat in an Infantry Division. On line with the 106th in a quiet sector of the Ardennes, these foot soldiers were in the direct path of the massive German offensive that became known as The Battle of the Bulge. Overwhelmed by the sheer might of numbers and firepower arrayed against them, they managed to upset the enemy timetable until forced to surrender on the fourth day of what has been called the greatest battle of the war in terms of men and machines. This book is about an individual and his experiences under fire and as a prisoner of war; liberation by the Russian Army and his adventures on a hike across country to rejoin the American Army. Here, an attempt has been made to create the feeling of the times in addition the problems of the moment. It is a book about real people in a tragic period of history.

Compiled, Edited and reproduced by Robert Skopek, Associate member.
    By Chaplain Fr. Paul W. Cavanaugh S.J., (Captain) 422nd Regiment. Chaplain Cavanaugh who was a POW at Stalag IX-B, Bad Orb and Oflag XIII-B, Hammelburg, Bavaria. 252 pages of Father Cavanaugh's writings and photographs.
    Many of you will remember Chaplain Father Cavanaugh, who was such a wonderful support during your service days and particularly so during the stressful times as a POW. He was of such support in the Box-Cars and during the long marches and the bombing at Limburg, Germany and the Christmas days, when you were thinking so strongly of home. He led many of you in the singing of Christmas Carols in the boxcars. He also held services in the POW Camps. He was cherished by those that knew him, and those he served. This book, "PRO DEO PATRIA" was very popular at the 58th Annual Reunion in Milwaukee. Every cent of the proceeds that were gained there was given as a gracious gift, by Skopek, to the Association. It is AVAILABLE FOR $20.00 WHICH INCLUDES SHIPPING, FROM:


World War Il and Battle of the Bulge Books...
Author Hal Taylor, 423/CN, 2172 Rockridge Dr., Grand Junction, CO 81503 970-245-7807
Available as a hard copy or electronic transfer.
    A Teen's War describes the experiences of a small town boy in the latter stages of World War II. Portions originated from letters written home about induction, training, and time overseas with the 423rd Regiment of the 106th Infantry Division and that unit's short period of combat in the Battle of the Bulge.
    The story is unique compared to most war books, for it contains none of the pedantic pretenses of most military histories, filled with strategy or the so-called 'Big Picture.' Instead, A Teen's War tells how a young, private soldier became aware of reality and the world around him despite his limited view.
    All readers who have ever heard the words, 'missing in action,' will find this book interesting. Readers who were prisoners of war themselves, particularly of the Germans, will recall those hellish times and understand that recollection enables one to live and to cope with the realities of today.

Available at and
Also available on her website
ISBN: 1-4017-9656-6 (Soft Cover) ISBN 1-407-9655-8 (Hard Cover)
    Almost as if torn from today's headlines comes the riveting story of patriotism and courage, love and comradeship, as told in The Warmth of a Song. Set against WWII's The Battle of the Bulge, this adventurous tale is inspired by actual eye-witness accounts. As Hawk Clarke fights for God and country, when the platoon he leads narrowly escapes from the German Panzer battalion that has them surrounded, he also learns the greatest freedom of all -the courage it takes to free the human spirit. Returning to Boston after a sniper's bullet penetrated his spine, Hawk mourns the loss of his once strong legs. Can he break free from the cage he feels his life has become in time to help an old woman release a miracle?
Helen von Erck:
    Helen von Erck lives in Atlanta, Georgia with her daughter, 1-layley. While growing up in South County, Rhode Island, she began cultivating a lifelong fascination with history. She has turned that interest into a passion, and has conducted in-depth research into the life and times of the 1940's and World War II. She attended the University of Rhode Island and the University of Denver where she studied Business Management with a minor in Creative Writing. This is her debut novel.

    This hook is available from the author for $13.00 (includes shipping cost). 6159 Brookside Lane, Apt A, Willowbrook, IL 60527. Copies are also available from for $10.95 plus S & H.
    This is a fascinating, eloquent account of a 19 year old trying to grow to manhood in the middle of a deadly world war. After briefly describing his rigorous training as an infantry soldier, including some semi-comic events while learning to drive a jeep, he and his buddies were finally off to war in Europe as well-trained, confident members of the 1 06" Infantry Division.
    Shortly after arriving at the battle front in December, 1944 during a bone-chilling, bitter cold winter, the majority of the Division was surrounded and finally overwhelmed in a bloody battle, by a much larger, more powerful German force during the beginning of the Battle of the Bulge. Thousands of young soldiers, including Zak, were forced to surrender. The rest of the book describes his life in three different camps as a prisoner of war. He gives a gripping account of the fear, the misery and the many dangers he often faced. As a prisoner he escaped death from bombs, machine gun fire, and a German guard's rifle bullet shot at him. He was hungry all the time, always under guard and powerless, and unsure of his ultimate fate. He mourned the death of many of his fellow soldiers during the battle, some at his side, and constantly worried whether his parents knew if he was alive or dead.
    Zak ends his book describing the arrival of the Russian army and the surprising and disappointing beginning of the Cold War with the Russians. A well-told, remarkable story.


World War II and Battle of the Bulge Books...

    Pre-orders of Marion Ray'S "Damn Cold and Starving," a book about his "Nazi Prisoner of War experiences" in I 944- 45 are now being accepted.
    The book written by Marion in conjunction with Dan Brannan, Executive Editor of the "Alton, Illinois Telegraph" will be released in November 2006. It contains detailed information about the events leading up to the "Battle of the Bulge," Ray's capture, then his incarceration from December 1944 until Spring 1945. He also writes of his return to Germany in 1999. It is a personal, gripping account of the inhumanity of the Nazi prison camps and his light for survival during WWII. There is a collection of photos of that era, plus drawings by Alton, Illinois artist, Erin McAfoos. Ray kept a diary during the entire time of his captivity and much of the book is based on those memories.
The book will sell normally for $19.95 but is being sold until October 3 I, 2006 for the discounted price of $15.95.
    Please include an additional $2.96 for tax and shipping when you order. Marion Ray, 704 Briarwood Drive, Bethalto, IL 62010-1168 Telephone: 618-377-3674

a book of poems inspired by World War II..
by Dale R Carver
Poet Laureate - 106th Inf Div Assoc
HQs Co,, 3Bn A8,,P Platoon Leader
424th Infantry Regiment, 106th Inf Division

Order from Dale's widow Ruth Carver
742 Druid Circle, Baton Rouge, LA 70808
$10.00 Post-paid
    Dale, died in 2001. He had written many poetic memories of the War. His poems appeared in "The CUB" for several years. They all bring back memories and visions of the times. He disabled German mines. while under attack, that had been placed under a bridge. For that he received a battle field promotion (from 2nd to 1st Lt.) and was awarded the Silver Star for "gallantry under,fire."
    He told me, during one reunion, that he thought the Silver Star should have been for another time when he led a group of soldiers through a live mine field to safety. They had walked into the mine field and were "frozen in fear.

Author Marilyn Estes Quigley
    Buy from "Author House" 1663 Liberty Drive, Bloomington, IN 47403 and other bookstores S16.95. tele: 1-888-519-5121 or Website: $14.50 + shipping
    Hell Frozen Over describes the personal experiences of sixteen 106th soldiers who were caught in Hitler's final grasp to strangle the continent. More than half of these men were among the 7,001 in the Division who were taken as prisoners of war. Scattered in camps throughout Germany,
    Those who escaped capture and remained to fight in foxholes - tanks had other hells to endure, as did the civilians of every town in the area. 30 WWII photos of 106th servicemen along with their stories.

Author Robert E. Skopek Associate
7847 Cahill Rd, Manlius NY 13104 email
Hammelburg Raid March 26-28 1945 - 87 pages
    A compilation of reports and maps that was generated by General Patton and carried out by Captain Abraham J. Baum. $20 including shipping.


World War ll and Battle of the Bulge Books . .

    A story about Rishel WHITE 106/RECON. A film of life, family and war. Rishel White, a husband, father and soldier, grew up in a coal mining town, joined the army, married the women he loved and never expected to find himself in one of the epic battles of history, that brought him to a POW Camp and made him endure harsh mental and physical treatment. Runs 1 hour 28 min. DVD disc or VHS video cassette. $22.45 includes shipping and handling. Send check or money order. Produced by son Matthew White - 4th COAST PRODUCTIONS, 14250 NYS RTE 3, Sackets Harbor, NY 13685
315-478-6718 or order on line at 

Battle of the Bulge Books

Author - Associate Member Hans Wijers
Zegerijstraat 27 - NL-6971 ZN Brummen email
World Wide Shipment included - Soft Covers 8.5 x 11 inches

99th Infantry Division Sector - U.S. Troops Block Northern German Advances
270 pages, black & white photographs and color photographs, maps, copies of original documents.

The 2nd Infantry Division Sector - U,S, V Corps stops 1st SS Panzer Corps
250 pages, many "Then and Now" photographs of the battlefield and maps, copies of documents.

The 1st Infantry Division Sector - U.S. V Corps stops the 1st SS Panzer Corps
190 pages, many "Then and Now" photographs of the old battlefield and maps, documents
    The route of the Kampfgruppe Peiper in the 30th Inf Div. sector, as well as many other small units (291st Pioneers, 256th AM, etc. 277 pages - photographs, maps, copies of original documents.


Memoriam ..

    Memoriam notices are limited to Association members. Many obituaries received include a life time of accomplishments, education, occupations and extended lists of relatives. This Association MEMORIAM report will be limited to Association members and list the member's name, last known address, unit and membership status, the date of death, names of the immediate family and information relative to his/their participation in the Association and credit for any memorials accruing to the Association.
May our Comrades Rest in Peace...

Cooper, Louis M. 423/M
5215 Shady Oaks Drive North, Lakeland, Florida 33810
    Date of Death: December 29, 2006 after fighting alongside the cancer. His wife, Peggy, said, "Some of Louie's favorite moments were when he was with his friends attending the annual 106th Infantry Reunions. He will be missed by many."

Davaila, Eugene C. 591/C
    6015 Verde Trail South, Apt P111, Boca Raton, Florida 33433 Date of Death: November 10, 2006 Virginia Bond, a friend, wrote: "Eugene served in the Battle of the Bulge. He enjoyed your publication and I thought his friends might like to know of his death.

Gebelin, Francis E. 424/M
840 Crater Ave, Dover, Ohio 44622
    Date of Death: March 1, 2006 His Wife Francis stated that he died of heart problems and Alzheimer's disease. The past few years have been difficult but we were able to keep Frank at home and he did remember us up until the end even though he could not remember the names of our children and grandchildren.

Hicks, James H. 590/A
927 N 3"" Street, Bradstown, Kentucky 40004
    Date of Death: September 2, 2006 formerly of New Haven, he died at Jewish Hospital in Louisville, Kentucky. He was a member of St. Anne Catholic Church, Howardstown, and the VFW. He was a retired New Haven Postmaster with 25 years of service and was also a farmer. Survivors include his wife Margaret, six daughters, Barbara Hall, Annette Kute, Sylvia Head, Laren Hughes, Mary Jane Reece and Joyce Gardener; two sons Joseph and James Hicks: two brothers Pat and Fred Hicks and a sister and a host of grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Hammond, George 81st Combat Engineers/C
599 White Schoolhouse Road, Chestertown, NY 12817
    Date of Death: December 21, 2006 charge age 82, died December 21, 2006 at Adirondack Tri-County Healthcare Center, North Creek. He was the son of the late Morton and Ruth (Wells) Hammond. He attended the North Creek Baptist Church for many years. He was employed as an auto mechanic for Smith's Garage of Pottersville, Village Garage of Brant Lake and retired from Maltbis Chevrolet of Lake George. He enjoyed your writing, traveling time spent with this family. Previously he split his parents and his wife Livona Wells Hammond, whom he married October 12, 1946, and one sister, Golda Olden. Survivors include two sons Samuel and Richard, one daughter, Effie; one brother Grover of Utah; two sisters, Gretta Grimes and Gloria Thompson; seven grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; and many nieces and nephews.

Nelson, Edward 590/C
7621 Anita Lane, Huntington Beach, CA 92647
    Date of Death: September 29, 2006 (Information from John Robb) His wife's sister called Edward Nelson 590/C. His wife (not named) celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary September 5, 2006.


Memoriam .

O'Connor, Michael F. 965th FAB/ C
17 Warren Street, Florence, MA 01062
    Date of Death: November 8, 2006 His Daughter, Karen Bobala, 25 Old Ferry Road Northampton. MA 01060 wrote on his death. She stated; "Keeping information and researching his army company and their route through Europe was something he always enjoyed."

Hillard Sr., Reverend Roy 422/D
800 South 15th St, Apt 7233, Sebring, OH 44762
    Date of Death: September 12, 2006 From the Times Leader, Reverend Roy Milton Hilliard Sr. died at Copeland Oaks Retirement Center. He was born June 16, 1922 in Mingo Junction, Ohio. His parents were Joseph and Blanche (Edwards) Hillard. His family included three brothers: Raymond, Paul and Robert; and three sisters Eileen, lona and Sharon. He is survived by his sister, Iona Howell. Reverend Hilliard grew up in Steubenville Ohio and graduated from Wintersville High School in 1940. He works at Weirton. Steel and married Shirley (Jarvis) Hilliard August 8, 1941. Immediately after Pearl Harbor he enlisted in the U.S, Army and served with a 106 infantry division as a sergeant. He was captured with hundreds of other soldiers and taken to Germany as a POW until he was released four months later. He returned to Weirton Steel as a machinist. He committed his life to Christ and was called to the Ministry. He attended Asbury College and Wilmore Kentucky and graduated in 1953. He attended Asbury Seminary for one year and graduated from Pitt-Xenia Seminary in Pittsburgh in 1957. He then served as minister in the Northeast Ohio Methodist conference from 1954 until his retirement in 1987. He served churches in Mount Pleasant, Maynard, Scio, Barnesville, Cambridge and Canton.
    In 1976 he was appointed district superintendent of the St. Clairsville District and served as Dean of the Cabinet in his last year as District Superintendent. Following retirement he continued to serve as a part-time pasture until 1998. He was preceded in death by his wife Shirley of 58 years. Survived by three children and Roy Jr. (Peggy) Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania; David (Cindy) of Evergreen, Colorado and Bess (Mike) Orr of Cincinnati, Ohio; four grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.

Ramma, Donald Edward (423/HQ)
303 Indiana Ave, Sandusky, 01144870
Date of Death: December 2006
    Donald, 81, a retired Columbia Gas executive and former longtime member of Thailand's Chapter of the American Red Cross died of apparent heart failure. He retired in 1984 as personnel manager for Columbia Gas at its Green Springs, Ohio, facility. Later he was manager of corporate safety and security at the company's former corporate headquarters in only 10, Delaware from 1976 until 1982. Before working for Columbia Gas he worked 10 years for the former DuPont plant in Huron Ohio. He attended the University of Kentucky, University of Southern California, George Washington University and Princeton University. He also served for 14 years on the board of directors of the Firelands Chapter of the American Red Cross. In 1971, he was inducted into the Red Cross Hall of Fame.
    After retirement, he and his wife published a religious and patriotic newsletter titled "With Liberty in Mind," loosely distributed in some area churches and Christian bookstores. He attended the Church of the Nazarene, Sandusky. Surviving are his wife Jeanne Ramma, sons, James Ramma and John Ramma; daughters, Peggy Bertsch and Patricia Natalino; six grandchildren and a great grandson.

Rasmussen, Delbert (591/B)
Box 86, Elk Horn, IA 51531
Date of Death: November 4, 2006
Elva Rasmussen his wife wrote stating that he enjoyed the CUB magazine.

Russell, Carelton (4221D)
2835 Winhatn Drive, West Columbia, SC 29170
Date of Death: January 1, 2007 Death was reported by 4231D comrade Gene Saucerman.


Memoriam . .

Schnulle, Robert 275" FAB
105 N. Qual Drive, Countryside, IL 60525
    Date of Death: September 30, 2006 Alvanell Schnulle, his wife reported: it is with sadness that I report the death of my husband, Bob, who would have been 87 on November 30, 2006. He was at one time attached to the 106 infantry division. He continued to serve for 26 years in Illinois National Guard. We attended at least one of your reunions in Rapid City, South Dakota and enjoyed it very much.

Slayton, David 422/A
648 Terry Lynn Place, Long Beach, CA 90807
    Date of Death: January 17, 2007. Death reported by John Slayton, son of David, who gave us a page full of information. After graduating from these mails a school, Wisconsin in 1940 he attended University of Wisconsin and Wentworth Military Academy. Here I recall in 1942 completed the free West Point preparatory course at Amherst College and then served with the 106 in Germany. It was taken as a prisoner along with many others. He graduated from California College of mortuary science in 1954 and was licensed in Wisconsin and California. He was a funeral director at Long Beach, California's first 50 years. My father had many Masonic affiliations;. David then gave several paragraphs of the 90° and honors that were awarded his father during his father's Masonry career. Among them being bestowed the 33rd degree Knight Commander of the Temple, Inspector General, General Honorary Past Grand Sovereign of Red Cross of Constantine, and DeMolay Legion of Honor. David then continued with another paragraph of his father's accomplishment and many different clubs in the Long Beach area including the boys club, Boy Scouts of America and funeral Directors Association.

    David Kerr survived by his wife of 44 years Dorothy Metzgar Dilday who preceded him in death. He was survived by his children John, Dan, Jim, Richard and Denise a host of grandchildren and a great grandson, a half-sister and several nieces and nephews.

Stankiewicz, Henry B. 106th Signal
16229 Windsor Drive, Strongsville, OH 44136
    Date of Death: January 18, 2007 Dru Kosik, daughter of Henry wrote, "We would like to advise the have my father recently passed away. He proudly served in the 106th Signal Company and attributed many of his near-death experiences to Divine Intervention. He was quite a man and did not often speak of his experiences, but we have recently found many letters that he wrote are well written to him that my family have enjoyed reviewing to learn more about his experiences. He enjoyed reading the "The CUB of the Golden Lion."


    In 1944, the 106th Infantry Division was in its infancy. In order to keep the troops informed, and also provide a source of entertainment, a periodic publication was begun. It was known as The Cub of The Golden Lion. A special group of soldiers was detailed to produce the paper. When the war was finally over.. and the division was on the way home a group of the 106th Division soldiers met to lay the ground work to establish an association that would be a vehicle to perpetuate the camaraderie and friendships established during this period. An essential part of this organization was a continuance of The Cub of The Golden Lion. An editor was chosen, and though the editor's job has been passed on a few times, The Cub has
been published ever since and continues on as the official quarterly of the 106th Infantry Division Association.

    With the advent of the miracles at the electronic age, it has been possible to store every issue of The Cub on two small CD disks.
    Every issue is there, including those early newspaper types that somehow survived more than sixty years. The editors have included those memoirs and personal experiences of the veterans right along with all of the other veterans' stories. The reproduction to CD disks involved copying every page of every issue through March 2005. They are all there for the PC user to view. Each and every page is in a format that can be printed just as it was copied, if desired,
The CD disks are available for $10 postage paid from the 106th Division Historian
    Make your check payable to: John R. Schaffner, and send your order to: John R. Schaffner, 106th Division Historian, 1811 Miller Road, Cockeysville, MD 21030


Association Membership 1,444

    The 106th Infantry Division Association's 61st Annual Reunion will he held in Kansas City, Missouri September 5-9, 2007 at the Westin Crown Center Hotel 1 Pershing Road, Kansas City, 64108 (816) 474-4400
Registration forms and program schedules will be mailed to all Association members mid-year 2007

Index for This Document

‘Snow Of The Ardennes', 26
‘Snow On The Ardennes', 24
101st Abn. Div., 22
106th Inf. Div., 10, 22, 35
106th Infantry Division Association, 10, 33
168th Cbt. Engr. BN, 37
168th Cbt. Engr.s, 37
1st Inf. Div., 43
1st SS Panzer, 43
203rd Anti-Aircraft Arty. BN, 19
28th Inf. Div., 22
298 General Hosp., 33
298th Field Hosp., 31
298th General Hosp., 31
2nd Inf. Div., 28, 43
30th Inf. Div., 43
325th Glider Inf. Regt., 19
422/K, 24
422/M, 39
422nd Inf. Regt., 38
424/A, 2
424/L, 15
424th Inf. Regt., 41
424th Regt., 31
4th Armd. Div., 22
589th FA, 18
590th Svc. Btry., 33
592nd FA BN, 37
674th Tag Recovery Co., 31
7th Armd. Div., 18, 19
81st Cbt. Engr., 27, 28, 44
82nd Abn. Association, 33
82nd Abn. Div., 19
87th Cav. Rcn. Sqdn., 18
87th Cav. Reconnaisance Sqdn., 19
94th Inf. Div., 22
99th Inf. Div., 22
99th Inf. Div. Sector, 43
A Teens War, 39
Aachen, 31
Afghanistan, 3
American Battle Monuments Commission, 18, 19
Amsterdam, 22
Andersonville Memorial, 3
Anthisnes, Belgium, 31, 33
Ardennes, 19
Ardennes Battlefield, 22
Bad Orb, 38
Band of Brothers, 22
Baraque De Fraiture, 18
Baraque De Fraiture, Belgium, 18, 19
Basnik, Gilbert, 31
Bastogne, 22
Battle of the Bulge, 19, 22, 28, 37, 39, 40, 41, 43
Baum, Capt. Abraham J., 42
Beeth, Lyle, 1, 2, 15
Before The Veterans Die, 30
'Before The Veterans Die', 41
Belgium, 18, 27, 28, 31, 35
Bertsch, Peggy, 47
Black, Rev Ewell, Jr., 1
Black, Rev. Ewell, 1, 3
Black, Rev. Ewell C., Jr., 2
Bobala, Karen, 46
Bond, Virginia, 44
Books, 37, 39, 41, 43
Brannan, Dan, 41
Brown, Brig. Gen. John, 19
Brown, Raymond, 15
C.R.I.B.A., 19
C-47 Club, 33
Call, Geo, 2
Call, George, 1
Camp Atterbury, 21
Camp Atterbury Memorial, 3
Camp Atterbury, IN, 35
Carver, Dale, 3, 30
Carver, Ruth, 41
Cavanagh, Will, 22
Cavanaugh, Chaplain, 38
Cavanaugh, Chaplain Fr. Paul W., 38
Cavanaugh, Father, 38
Central Europe, 37
Christianson, Edward, 2
Church, Jim, 31
Clarke, Hawk, 39
Clements, Mary Jo, 33
Clervaux, 22
Cooper, Louis M., 44
Coulee, Belgium, 26
Cox, Philip, 1
Czechoslovakia, 37
'Damn Cold and Starving', 3, 41
Dasburg, 22
Davaila, Eugene C., 44
Davis, John, 24, 26
Deutsch, Dr. Harold C., 22
Diekirch, 22
Dilday, Dorothy Metzgar, 48
Division History, 9
Dorn, Margeret, 15
Dover, 44
Doxsee, Clifford, 1
Doxsee, Gifford, 3, 6
Doxsee, Gifford B., 2
Eban-Ernael, 22
Elsenborn Ridge, 22
Engels, Col. Emile, 22
Erezee, 22
Ettelbruck, 22
Faro, Robert, 24
First Army, 31
Flick, Robert, 27
Fowler, William, 15
Foy, 22
Frankfurt, Germany, 22
Ft. Benning, GA, 35
Gardener, Joyce, 44
Garnhart, James, 33
Gatens, John, 18
Gaveroye Family, 18
Gebelin, Francis E., 44
Germany, 27, 41
Gilliland, John, 15, 23
Goldberg, Ed, 35
Greve, Walter C., 2
Grimes, Gretta, 44
Hackhalenfeld, 28
Hall, Barbara, 44
Hamm, Luxembourg, 22
Hammelburg Raid, 42
Hammelburg, Bavaria, 38
Hammond, George, 44
Hammond, Livona Wells, 44
Hammond, Morton & Ruth (Wells), 44
Head, Sylvia, 44
'Hell Frozen Over', 41
Herndon, Don, 3
Herndon, Donald F., 2
Hicks, James H., 44
Hicks, Joseph & James, 44
Hicks, Pat & Fred, 44
Hillard, Joseph & Blanche (Edwards), 46
Hillard, Reverend Roy, Sr., 46
Hilliard, Rev. Roy Milton, Sr., 46
Hilliard, Shirley (Jarvis), 46
Hinder Forward, 37
Hodge, Pvt. Joseph H., 33
Holland, 31
Hotten, 22
Houffalize, 22
Howell, Iona, 46
Huddleston, 1st Lt. Jarret M., Jr., 31
Huddleston, Lt. Jarrett, 31
Huertgen Forest, 22
Huffaker, Bob, 33
Hughes, Laren, 44
Inspector Gen., 48
Iraq, 3
Jewett, Dean F., 37
Joel, Kenneth E., 33
Johnson, Eric A., 33
Jones, Col. Alan, 3
Kall River Gorge Trail, 22
Kampfgruppe Peiper, 43
Kerr, David, 48
Kilian, Marco, 22
Kline, John, 1, 15, 17, 18, 24, 31, 33
Kline, John P., 1
Kline, Mr., 24
Kosik, Dru, 48
Kute, Annette, 44
La Gleize, 22
La Roche, 22
Lapotsky, Ed, 33
Lapotsky, Edward B., 33
Leszczynski, William J., Jr., 19
Lichtenfeld, Seymour, 2
Liege, 31
Liege, Belgium, 31, 33
Limburg, Germany, 38
Luxembourg, 27
Malmedy, 22
Maloney, Joseph, 1
Manhay, 31, 33
Mark, Dr. Joseph, 15
Marnach, 22
Martin, Harry F., Jr., 1
Martin, Harry, Jr., 2
Massey, Joseph, 1
Matey, Eva, 30
Mayrsohn, Bernard, 2
McAfoos, Erin, 41
McWhorter, William, 1, 15
'Memories of A Tour of Duty', 37
Monschau, 22
Morris, Ivy, 26
Mosel River Cruise, 22
Mosley, Rev. Ron, 3
Munday, Bill, 35
Natalino, Patricia, 47
Neilsen, Elizabeth, 35
Nelson, Dr. Ralph, 2
Nelson, Edward, 45
Normandy Invasion, 37
Northern France, 28, 37
O'Connor, Michael F., 46
Oflag XIII-B, 38
Olden, Golda, 44
Orr, Bess (Mike), 46
Our River, 31
Paris, 28
Parker, Earl S., 37
Parker, Maj. Arthur C. III, 18
Parker's Crossroads, 18, 22
Patton, Don, 22
Patton, Gen., 42
Pearl Harbor, 46
Prisoner of War, 41
Pro Deo Et Patria, 37
Pruem, Germany, 22
Prumerberg, 37
Quigley, Marilyn Estes, 41
Rain, John, 15
Ramma, Donald Edward, 46
Ramma, James, 47
Ramma, Jeanne, 47
Ramma, John, 47
Rasmussen, Delbert, 47
Rasmussen, Elva, 47
Ray, Marion, 1, 3, 6, 14, 41
Red Ball Express, 31
Reda, Thomas D., 24
Reece, Mary Jane, 44
Regne, Belgium, 18
Reid, Col., 31
Remagen, 22
Remagen Bridge, 22
Rennes, France, 28
Rhine, 31, 37
Rhine River, 37
Rhineland, 37
Rieck, Charles F., 2
Rigatti, Richard, 35
Riggs, Bob, 22
Riggs, Col. Thomas, 30
Robb, Dr. John G., 1
Robb, John, 45
Roberts, ‘Jack', 37
Roberts, Jack, 15
Roberts, John M., 37
Roberts, John M. 'Jack', 37
Russell, Carelton, 47
Salzburg, 27
Saucerman, Gene, 47
Schaffner, John, 1, 3, 21
Schaffner, John R., 17, 21, 49
Schanerberger, Ellsworth H., 3
Schnee-Eifel, 22, 25
Schneider, Francis Raymond, 33
Schnulle, Alvanell, 48
Schnulle, Robert, 48
Schonberg, 31
Schreiber, Peter, 18
Schreiber, Peter C., 19
Schreiber, Pfc. Justus T. ‘Ted', 18
Schulz, Herr, 22
Schulz, Klaus, 22
Schumacher Crossroads, 22
Seine River, 28
Seventh Armd. Div., 31, 33
Sexton, Charles, 15
Siegfried Line, 28
Skopek, Robert, 38
Skopek, Robert E., 42
Slayton, David, 48
Slayton, John, 48
Sofarelli, John, 15
Sofarellie, Elsie, 15
'Soldier Boy', 39
'Soldier Boy A Chronicle Of Life and Death And Survival During World War II', 39
St. Vith, 22, 37
'St. Vith
Lion In the Way', 9
St. Vith Memorial, 3
St. Vith, Belgium, 11, 31
Stalag IX-B, 38
Stankiewicz, Henry B., 48
Stein, Murray, 1, 2, 4
Steinebruck Bridge, 31
Swett, John, 1
Task Force Baum, 42
Taylor, Hal, 1, 39
The Battle of the Bulge, 31, 37, 39
The Battle Of The Bulge - Hell At Butgenbach, 43
The Battle Of The Bulge - Holding The Line, 43
The Battle Of The Bulge - Seize The Bridges, 43
The Lion's Tale, 9
The Losheim Gap - Doorway To The Meuse, 43
'The Warmth Of A Song', 39
Thompson, Gloria, 45
Trautman, Frank, 1
Trier, 22
Trueman, Dr. Duncan, 1, 2, 3, 5
V Corps, 43
Vielsam, Belgium, 19
Von Erck, Helen, 39
Waslyon, Paul, 15
Weingarten, Jack, 35
Weiss, Newton, 2
Wells, James, 27
Wente, Martin, 1
Wente, Martin L., 2
West Point, 48
West, James ‘Jim', 17
West, Jim, 17, 21
White, Matthew, 43
White, Rishel, 43
Wijers, Hans, 43
Winterspelt, 28
Wouters, Carl, 35
Yeaton, Alvin, 24
Zak, George K., 39