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VOL. 31, NO. 2, Jan., 1975

106th Infantry Division Association, Inc.
President Dr. James I. Collins
1st Vice President Sherod Collins
2nd Vice President Robert Walker
Adjutant Robert L. Scranton
Treasurer Sherod Collins
Chaplain John T. Loveless, Jr.
Historian Sherod Collins
    The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $5.00 per year which includes subscription to the CUB.
Editor John Gallagher
All editorial matter should be addressed to:
John I. Gallagher 4003 Frances Street Temple, Pa. 19560
All business matters, renewal of membership. etc., should be addressed to:
Robert L. Scranton 9441 Lee Road
Brighton, Mich. 48116
Auxiliary Dues $2.00 per year.
Membership 1973-74 yr. -289
Membership 1974-75 to Nov. 7 -130

Mrs. Frances Early thanks 106 for cards and messages of sympathy for death of her husband, John.

    It has been brought to our attention that many of the names on the roster in last CUB didn't include organization. To Col. C. C. Cavender, 423 Regt. Commander and all the others, we promise to try to include in future.

Ft. Jackson, South Carolina
    Dr. Clark, Sherod Collins, and Rev. E. C. Black advise the historical marker marking the site of the formation of our division at Ft. Jackson, S. C is now prepared.
    The marker will not be dedicated until early 1975 due to construction in the area. If you are interested in attending the dedication contact Sherod Collins, 625 Charming Dr. N.W., Atlanta. Ga. 30318.

    On October 11. 1974. Donald Brooks Davidson passed on, Brooks was a new member of the Association having attended the reunion in Frederick, Maryland, he was a native of West Virginia and a member of Service Battery 591st F. A. Bn. We send our prayers for comfort to his wife Betty Davidson and his two sons.

To The Editor, Sir:
    At this time I would like to thank you, the City and the Frederick News-Post for the excellent reception afforded the 28th annual reunion of the 106th Infantry Division Association prior to the reunion and during the time, July 18-21, we were in Frederick at the Holiday Inn.
    Also to Mr. J. M. Bennett, as your representative covering the Saturday evening banquet. In the absence of the Mayor, Mr. Bennett welcomed our association to the city of Frederick and did a very gracious job.
    Your edition on Monday, July 22, was superb, giving the complete address of Congressman Hogan (as Benjamin-Franklin).
    I might also add the board of Directors of the Division Association have approved a proclamation honoring your paper for the coverage you have given it during our meeting in Frederick. Thank you again for helping me make our reunion a complete success.
494 Lin Ave.
Odenton, Md. 21113

    Thirty years .ago, more than half a lifetime for most of the Golden Lions, on Christmas Day, hundreds of prisoners Of war were marched into Stalag IX B, Bad Orb, Germany. Cold and hungry after five days with practically nothing to cat and tired after five days and four nights in the box cars. we looked forward, eagerly if not hopefully, to what we thought would be shelter, sonic warmth and food for our, by then, empty stomachs.
    We found shelter, we were given a few sticks for the stoves and. for Christmas Dinner. had a thin soup of unidentified greens, a few boiled potatoes and a piece of black bread. Not much, in any sense, for a G. I.! But we were in out of the winter weather; we learned to sleep and rest in a wooden bunk with no mattress or on the floor or a table; we gradually became accustomed to rations that were just enough to keep us on our feet for the three and one-half months that we were "kriegies". We survived to pick up the threads of our lives


    that had been broken by the war. Then, as a nation. we resumed our preoccupation with the increase and prodigal use of our material gifts.
    We did not choose, of our own accord, those conditions that we experienced in long-gone 1944-1945 but we did attempt later to overcome them.
    In our own country today, we all feel the effects of inflation and many now are having to cope with unemployment. Nevertheless, because of our vast national resources, no one, regardless of his station, should have to be without shelter or sufficient food.
    However, in other parts of the world, thru little fault of their own, but as a result of the vagaries of weather, wars and poverty, millions of people, old and young, are starving and thousands are dying because of lack of life-saving medicines.
    Our government, many religious bodies, public and private charities, service organizations and even some individuals are striving mightily to bring relief to those unfortunate ones. As individuals, we can and should have a share in these efforts.
    A slight reduction in our consumption of what we consider the essentials of life would help us, no doubt, physically, would provide more supplies for aid and give funds which could be used for the purchase of things needed to help save those who are in such dire straits.
    What better way in this season of Thanksgiving and Good Will can we express our thanks to Almighty God for the manifest blessings He has showered on us than to give a little of ourselves and of the gifts we have received to help those who, symbolically, need but a mustard seed from the plant we have been given.
    Volunteer of your own free will before being asked (and not in Army fashion) to share in the task which is before us both here at home and abroad.
"Bless the Lord, 0 my soul, and forget not all His benefits." - Psalm 103.2
John T. Loveless, Jr.
106th Infantry Division Association, Inc.


    The 21st. annual reunion of Service Btry, 592d F. A. Bn. was held on Sunday 1 Sept. 1974 at Hershey Park, Pa. The members of this Battery accompanied by their wives and children and, in the past few years by their grandchildren, had met at the same place for the past 20 years. They are usually accompanied by invited guests from other units of the 106th. Division. Up until last year they had met in a picnic area inside the amusement park, where covered picnic tables were provided. Last year they moved us to a picnic grove, which provided closer parking but uncovered picnic tables. The rains came but did not deter the group. However, it sort of established a tradition.
    This year when the group arrived in the picnic grove the rains returned. However, Charley Schoch, the active chairman of the 106th. Div. Reunion at Frederick, Md. In July came equipped with a canvas Fly, which was erected and gave cover to two tables. Others resorted to plastic covers for the food on the tables, and retreat to the cars until the rain stopped. The weather did not dampen the spirits and all present enjoyed themselves.
    Attending from the Battery: Charley and Charlene Schoch, son Dennis, Odenton, Md. and guest Kelly Young; Tom and Alice Dorosky, daughter Alice and children Shavertown, Pa.; Emil and Ethel Solecki, Sparta, N. J.; Charles and Betty Latham, Lindenwall, N. J.; Charles and Daisey Walsh, Cherry Hill, N. J.; Vi Malesky and Don Scott, Greensburg, Pa.; Tom and Mary Fox with daughter and husband Russell Everetts and their son Douglas, Shippensbum, Pa.
    Among the guests expected were John Gallagher, genial Editor of this CUB and his lovely wife Stella. The rains came and went but they did not appear. Finally, they drove in. They had not attended the reunion last year and did not know the new location. So they spent time driving around Hershey Park and its environs and finally found the place. At the Division Reunion at Frederick Md. in July, John had been awarded the Order of the Golden Lion. Commander Class and Stella with the Order of the Golden Lion, Companion Class.- Their medals had not arrived in time from the manufacturer, so at Frederick they were invested with medals belonging to two other members


    of the Order of the Golden Lion. So their medals were brought to the Service Btry 592d picnic at Hershey Park. Now they were awarded in a second ceremony by General McMahon with many cameras focused on the awards. There should be good photos accompanying this article in the CUB. Other guests were National Chairman John Loveless 422 Inf., Wife Kay, daughter, Althea and husband Torn Zimmerman, daughter Kay II with husband Ray Kemp and their three sons; Lou Rossi 424 Inf. and wife Linda; BG Leo McMahon and wife Wilda Divarty.

    In the excitement of the highly successful reunion of the Division Association at Frederick, Md. in July 1974 and the departure of the Golden Lion Contingent overseas in September, where at St. Vith, Belgium they commemorated the 30th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge on 9, 10, 11, Sept., I neglected to give the Editor of the CUB a report on the first year of the Volunteer Army.
Below I quote extracts from a letter on the subject:
Secretary of the Army

I July 1974
Dear General McMahon:
    It is with a great deal of pride that 1 report to you that on 30 June 1974 your Army ended the fiscal year at its authorized manpower strength of 781,600 persons.
This noteworthy achievement is clear evidence that a volunteer Army is a success.
    This success is a great tribute to the President, the Congress and the American people for their positive attitudes in responding to the need for maintaining a strong Army during a no-draft era.
    To give you a more detailed account of the Army's present statue I have enclosed a paper which highlights our record of the first full year without induction authority.
Sincerely, Signed Bo Callaway
Howard H. Callaway.
Extracts from Paper-FY 74-Volunteer Army Highlights

    30 June marked the completion of the first full year without a draft authority and therefore is a good point at which to assess the results of efforts to make the Volunteer Army a success.
Total Strength-781,600
Recruiting--We recruited 196,000 men and women this year.
    Male--Recruited 165,000 new male soldiers (all true volunteers, which is about 32 percent more than true volunteers enlisted in FY 73).
Female--Recruited 15,000 females, 106 percent of our objective and 72 percent more than in FY 73.
Prior Service--Recruited over 16,000 prior service men and women.
    Congressional Quality Mandate: We achieved these results within the quality guidelines directed by the Congress. Congress directed a minimum of 55 per cent high school graduates - the Army achieved 56 per cent. Congress directed a minimum of 82 per cent of the recruits should be in the upper mental categories (I, II and III) - The Army achieved 82 percent.
Re-enlistments: Over 58,000 men and women, 108 per cent of our objective and 23 per cent more than FY 73.

    Thirty years ago, most of the 106th. Infantry Division had landed in England, the infantry at Greenock, Scotland on 20 October; the Division Artillery and Special Troops at Liverpool on 17 November.
Training of a sort, but more particularly the drawing of material and equipment took up the time until 1 December.
    The Division moved from England 1-2 December. The artillery, embarking at Weymouth in LSTs on 1 December, anchored that night at LeHavre, where they tossed wearily for three days, then progressed up the Seine to Rouen, moving thence to Yerville, to bivouac for three more interminable days. The infantry elements embarked 2 December at Liverpool, on board SS Monowai, their vehicles being carried on LSTs to hang also in LeHavre estuary in bad weather until 6 December when they landed at LeHavre itself in snow and mud.
    All elements moved by motor to Yerville, then started a dreary, chilly ride 'across country to Limesey, from which they hopped to St. Vith to another bivouac in the snow. When the Division ground to a halt in the vicinity of St. Vith it was in the midst of the 2d. Infantry Division. The sector would be taken over from them, gun for gun and man for man, according to Corps orders.


    When Doug Coffey and the professional tour director brought the Golden- Lion group into St. Vith 9-11 Sept. 1974 they were again in the midst of the 2d. Inf. Div., whose veterans were holding a reunion there. As Doug pointed out in his bulletin many European countries including Belgium had declared 1974 "The Veterans Year in Europe." and planned special receptions.
Leo T. McMahon

EUROPEAN TRIP - SEPT. 07-28, 1974
Departed Chicago and New York International Airports via Icelandic Loftleider
Flights late Saturday evening for Keflavik Airport, Iceland. Meals and drinks served aloft.

    Arrived Keflavik Airport, Iceland early Sunday morning. Following forty-five (45) minute refuel stop, departed for Luxembourg. Arrived at Findel Airport, Luxembourg and passed through Customs. After meeting our Galaxy Tour Director (Mr. Jack Scurr, 47 Beckenham Road, Beckenham, Kent, BR 3, 4 PR, England & his wife, Rocky) and our bus driver, (Gilbert Justin, 12 Rue Chateau Landon, Paris 10, France 75), transferred to HOTEL AEROGOLF, Route de Treves, Case Postale 1973, Luxemburg-Findel, Grand-Duche de Luxembourg. We then visited the American Cemetery at Hamm, Luxembourg and participated in Laying of a 106th Floral Wreath ceremony in the Hamm Cemetery Chapel. We then visited several 106th Infantry Division soldiers and General Patton's gravesites. Following a trip to a nearby German Soldiers Cemetery. returned to the HOTEL AEROGOLF for a late dinner and overnight

    Departed Luxembourg after breakfast for Bastogne, via Arlon. Briefly visited the Mardosson Monument in Bastogne. Attended a reception and yin d' honneur held in our honor by Bastogne City Officials in their new Town Hall. Gifts presented to, and received from. City Officials. Lunch at a famous Bastogne restaurant located near the Nuts Museum. Following a brief shopping spree in Bastogne, continued the afternoon drive to St. Vith, Belgium. Late dinner and overnight in St. Vith at the HOTEL RATSKELLER, 40 Grand' Rue & Hauptstrasse; Vve. Charles Marquet, Proprietor.

    After breakfast, shopping tour in St. Vith. At 11:00 A.M., attended an impressive memorial ceremony and services at the 106th Infantry Division Association's War Memorial to commemorate the 30th Anniversary, Battle Of The Bulge.Wreaths of our Association and St. Vith Officials laid at the memorial building. A special reception, luncheon and vin honneur, in our honor, held at the Hotel-Restaurant EvenKnodt with many local government and school officials in attendance. Gifts presented to, and received from, St. Vith officials. Afternoon devoted to a tour of visiting 106th combat areas in the villages of Schoenberg, Auw, Schlausenbach, Bleialf, Winterspelt & Heckhalenfeld. One of the highlights of this tour was seeing a section of the Siegfried Line -- "dragon teeth" emplacements. Late dinner and overnight at HOTEL RATSKELLER.

    After breakfast, the entire day was devoted to touring 106th combat areas to the south, west and north of St. Vith. Several of the areas visited were: Burg Reuland, Beho, Vielsalm, Baraque Fraiture (Parker's Crossroads), Anthisnes, Vien, Sections of Liege, Stavelot, Trois-Ponts, Spa, Malmedy, Butgenbach, Bullange and Meyrode. This was a most interesting and satisfying day for many. Several of our ladies shopped all day in Verviers. Late dinner and overnight at HOTEL RATSKELLER.

    Departed St. Vith and motored southward. Brief stop at Ettelbruck, Luxembourg to visit General Patton's statue, Memorial and saw an American tank. Pit stop made at Luxembourg Railroad Station and also exchanged money and shopped. Continued through Metz, France with a lunch stop at the Hotel Restaurant L' Europe, 7, Rue Altmayer, 57500 Saint-Avold, France (2nd Floor). After lunch, motored through Strasbourg, France and then through the Black Forest region of West Germany. Late Dinner and overnight in the LUZ WALDLUST HOTEL


    , 729 Freudenstadt, (Schwarzwald), West Germany; hotel with an international reputation. On this day our group traveled through four (4) countries (Belgium, Luxembourg, France & West Germany) in nine (9) hours.

    Following breakfast, we stopped in downtown Freudenstadt to shop for cuckoo clocks, charms, Hummels, purses, etc. Departed at 10:30 A.M. and arrived at the Rheinfalls Restaurant, Neuhausen, near Schaffhausen, Switzerland for a luncheon in their second floor dining room (fantastic view of the Rhine River Falls). Continued onto Zurich for dinner and overnight at the HOTEL WALDORF, Weinbergstrass 45, Zurich, Switzerland.

    Portion of morning free to shop in downtown Zurich for charms, watches, etc. Continued through Switzerland into Vaduz, Liechtenstein for lunch. Greeted by Baron Von Salv-Fein. Following lunch, continued into Austria with a brief stop at the top of the Arlberg Pass for scenic shots. Arrived in St. Anton, Austria; a lovely ski resort at 4:00 P.M. Checked into the HOTEL POST. Following dinner, we were treated to a typical Tyrolean evening of folklore entertainment of dancers, music, and yodelers. Overnight at HOTEL POST, St. Anton Am Arlberg, Tyrol, Austria.

    Following breakfast, treated to a very colorful street parade held by the local villagers of St. Anton. Traveled through the Austrian Alps into Innsbruck, Austria for a tour of the city, its beautiful churches and another colorful street parade (second parade this morning). Lunch at Hotel Greif. We then motored through the Italian Dolomites; crossed the famous Brenner Pass into Cortina D' Ampezzo, Italy; a famous winter resort. Dinner and overnight at the HOTEL EUROPA, 207 Corso Italia, Cortina D' Ampezzo, Italy.

    Morning drive through Northern Italy with a bag lunch stop at a shopping center along the highway near Udine, Italy. Continued until we arrived at the Italian-Yugoslavian border near Trieste, Italy at 2:50 P.M. Picked up our visas for Yugoslavia, exchanged money and left the border au 4:00 P.M.; arriving in Rijeka, Yugoslavia; that country's largest port city. Following dinner, we strolled the crowded main street with the natives. Overnight at HOTEL BONAVIA, Dolac 4, Rijeka.

    With a Yugoslavian guide, toured the City of Rijeka and then enjoyed a drive along the Adriatic Sea Coast. Continued onto Opatija, deluxe summer resort on the Kvarner Riviera, where we enjoyed some sight-seeing and a delicious lunch. A special excursion was then made to the stud farm of the famous thoroughbred Lipicaner horses at Lipica, Yugoslavia, located 40 miles from Opauija and 6 miles from Trieste, Italy. Enjoyed group singing on the bus during our return ride to Rijeka. Dinner au Hotel Bonavia. Several of the group enjoyed a late, late Go Go Girl show. Overnight at HOTEL BONAVIA, Dolac 4. Rijeka.

    Departed Rijeka after breakfast and motored through Karlovac, Yugoslavia, past many outdoor Bar-B-Que (pig) stands and plum trees. Skirted the city limits of Zagreb (Capital of Croatia, Yugoslavia) on the way to Stubicke Toplice (nick-named Stupid Topless); popular year-round resort of many tourists and located 23 miles northwest of Zagreb. Following a luncheon at the Hotel Matija Gubec, the majority of the group took the bus tour to the Village of Kumrovec to visit Marshal (President) Josip Broz Tito's birthplace (still standing), his statue and Memorial Museum. Dinner and overnight at the HOTEL MATIJA GUBEC, Stubicke Toplice, Yugoslavia.

    Departed hotel after breakfast for Zagreb. Delayed on the road due to a three (3) car wreck. Picked up our local Yugoslavian tour guide in front of the Church of St. Mark after which we visited several very old churches, museums, the Town Gate, Old City, Market Place and other historical places. Returned to hotel in late afternoon and several of the group enjoyed the sauna and swimming in the heated pools. Dinner and overnight at the HOTEL MATIJA GUBEC, Stubicke Toplice, Yugoslavia.

    Motored this morning to Ljubljana, Yugoslavia; Capital of Slovenia. Although a rainy day, a tour was made of the Triple Bridge, medieval castle, Town Hall and Franciscan Church. As usual, a shopping tour was thoroughly enjoyed here also. A special dinner was held to celebrate Mr. Jim Henning's birthday. A special wine was served --compliments of Mr. Henning. The Hotel presented the Hennings with a beautiful set of wine glasses and a pitcher. Overnight at the HOTEL SLON, Titova testa 10, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia.


    This was one of the most delightful days of our tour - the magnificent scenery of our drive from Ljubljana, Yugoslavia to Zell Am See, Austria. A brief detour and stop was made at Bled & Lake Bled; summer resort of government officials. Pictures were taken of the little Catholic Church on the island and the ducks were fed. Lunch served at the Hotel Salzburg in Spittal, Austria. Near Heiligenblut, Austria, we began the 45 minute ascent of the Grossglockner Road. At the top of the mountain a brief stop was made to photograph the magnificent panoramic views. The descent took 30 minutes. All in all, this important North-South route is one of the most daring and most beautiful mountain roads in Europe. It is 47.9 kilometers (30 miles) in length and contains 26 sharp S curves or turns. Mist or fog prevented us from observing the Grossglockner Peak (3,798 meters or 11,394 feet). Dinner and overnight at the GRAND HOTEL, and Borghotel Schmittenhuke, Zell Am See, Austria. A Tyrolean show was enjoyed by many of our group in this hotel's downstairs bar-room.

    Motored to Salzburg, Austria in morning for a brief visit to the City of Music and renowned for its film sites in "The Sounds of Music". Continuing, we traveled to Linz, Austria where we had lunch at the Weinerwald Restaurant. After lunch, we drove to the border arriving there at 3:15 p.m. At 4:15 p.m., we picked up our Czechoslovakian guide, Tony, and continued through Ceske' Budejovice and arrived in Prague at 7:40 P.M. Dinner and overnight at the INTERHOTEL FLORA, Vinohradska 121, Prague, Czechoslovakia.

    The entire day was devoted to shopping, a walking tour of the City of Prague, visits to the local beauty salons and resting at the hotel. At 5:30 P.M. we departed the hotel by bus and arrived at our American Embassy at 6:00 P.M. We were warmly greeted by Colonel Charles Barnett, U.S. M.C., Military Attaché' to our Ambassador; Mr. Jack Perry, Charge d' Affaire, Mrs. Perry and daughters, Jennifer & Laura Perry, and many other dignitaries and their lovely wives. Between 6:00-7:30 P.M. we were royally treated to a very wonderful reception. The cocktails were plentiful and the hors d' oeuvres were out of this world. A special treat for many of us was to be able to talk to Dr. Bedrich Melnik and his eight (8 ) Ex-Czech soldiers of World War II who fought alongside the British & American soldiers. They were invited to the American Embassy this evening to meet us and to jointly enjoy this special affair. Mr. Sherod Collins presented 106th Bolo Ties to Col. Barnett & Mr. Perry. These fine gentlemen accepted them on behalf of Ambassador Scherer who was in Geneva, Switzerland attending a meeting. Late dinner and overnight at the INTERHOTEL FLORA, Prague, Czechoslovakia.

    This morning was free for individual shopping and touring in downtown Prague. At 2:00 P.M., we departed via bus and toured the City with our guide, Tony. We visited and saw the. Old Town, Jewish Synagogue & Cemetery, Old Town Hall, Clock, Hradcany Castle & the Charles Bridge over the River Maldau. A special trip was made to the Village of Lidice (near Prague's International Airport-west of the City) where we viewed a special film in the Memorial Chapel showing the German massacre of approximately 190 males within that village during the early years of World War II as a reprisal against the Czechoslovakian people for the murder of German General Heinrich. Returned to our hotel where a special dinner was held to celebrate Mr. Robert Walker's birthday. A special wine was served -- compliments of Bob Walker. A delicious cake was presented to Mr. Walker who shared it with our group. Overnight at the INTERHOTEL FLORA, Prague, Czechoslovakia.

    Departed Prague at 8:00 A.M. Arrived in Pilsen for a pit stop and enjoyed drinking recently brewed Pilsner Urquell beer (12%) in a tavern near the famous Pilsen Brewery. Continuing, we then arrived at the Czech-West Germany border at 11:45 A.M. After much "red-tape" on the part of the border officials in Czechoslovakia we said our "good-byes" to our guide, Tony, and entered West Germany singing, "GOD BLESS AMERICA." Lunch was quickly prepared at the last minute and enjoyed at a well-known restaurant in the Village of Waidhaus; a few miles from the West Germany border. Motoring past Nurnberg, and Ansbach, we arrived in the walled city of Rothenburg ob der Tauber -- too late to do any shopping. Dinner and overnight at


the HOTEL GOLDENER HIRSCH, 8803 Rothenburg ob der Tauber, West Germany, jewel of medieval Germany.

    This morning we motored via the "Romantic Road" past Frankfurt, Mainz and into Bingen. At 12:05 P.M. we boarded a Rhine River Steamer in Bingen for an unforgettable 100 minute boat ride DOWN the Rhine River for a distance of 29 kilometers (18 miles); debarking in St. Goar at 1:45 P.M. Lunch and special drinks were served aboard as we thoroughly enjoyed seeing the many vineyards on the hillsides, ancient castles, churches, villages, colorful boats and the famous Loreley Rock glide past our eyes. We continued via bus past Koblenz, Remagen & Bad Godesberg and arrived in Bonn, Capital of West Germany. Several of the group shopped, got their hair fixed while others rested. This being the last dinner together for the New York & Chicago groups, a special red wine was served. Dinner and overnight at the HOTEL AM TULPENFELD, Heussallee 2-10, Bonn, West Germany.

    Left Bonn at 8:00 A.M. and motored via autobahn past Koblenz, Wittlich and Trier, West Germany -- arriving in Luxembourg at 11:15 A.M. Lunch served at the Aerogolf Hotel, Luxembourg. Following lunch, a group picture was taken in a private room reserved by our group. Tokens of appreciation (monetary) were given to Tour Director Jack Scurr and Driver Gilbert Justin followed by appropriate speeches. The New York group were bussed to the Findel Airport at 1:00 P.M. They boarded Icelandic Flight at 2:50 P.M. and departed at 3:12 P.M. They arrived in Iceland for a 45 minute refuel stop at 5:40 P.M. (Luxembourg time); departing Iceland at 3:14 P.M. (New York time). Arrival at J. F. Kennedy Airport, New York at 8:50 P.M. was on time. After going through Customs, they either continued onto home or remained in New York City for a connecting flight on Saturday morning, September 28, 1974. The Chicago group remained in Luxembourg at the HOTEL AEROGOLF overnight and departed Luxembourg via Icelandic Airlines on Saturday, September 28, 1974; arriving in Chicago Saturday evening.

Lillian & Walt Bandurak, 2191/2 Maple Avenue, Greensburg, Pennsylvania 15601

106th Inf. Div. Tour
Sept. 1974
BANDURAK, Walter-2191/2 Maple Avenue North, Greensburg, Penna. 15601
BARTZ, Richard-216 Rustic Avenue, Pittsburgh, Penna. 15210
BEALS, Carol-217 East Davenport Street, Iowa City, Iowa
BLACK, T. Wayne-425 Allen Street, Apt. 301, Waterloo, Iowa 50701
BRITTON, Benjamin-36 Warren Road, Auburn, Mass. 01501
BROWN, Marilyn c/o Eugene Saucerman, Route s23, Box 50, Terre Haute. Ind. 47802
COFFEY, Doug-41 Lowell Avenue, West Orange, N. J. 07052
COFFEY, Isabel
COFFEY, Vivian 15 Cherry Street, West Orange, N. J. 07052
COLLINS, Sherod--625 Channing Drive, N. W., Atlanta, Ga. 30318
DOBE, Gabrielle-264 Belmont Street, Manchester, N. H. 03103
FAGAN, Doris-1183 Stanford Ave., Palo Alto, Calif. 94306
HENNING, James-1045 E. 8th Street, Lockport, Illinois
HOWELL, Robert-904 E. College Street, Griffin, Ga. 30223
HOWELL, Louise
LASATER, Marvin--c/o E. C. White, Box 465, Whiteface, Texas 79379
McGRAW, Laverne-1112 W. Windemere, Royal Oak, Mich. 48073
PREWETT, E. A. H.--Rt. #2, Box 730, Brentwood, Calif. 94513
PREWETT, Edward A.--Rt. #2, Box 730, Brentwood, Calif. 94513
RINGER, Robert-4280 Kendale Road, Columbus, Ohio 43221
SAUCERMAN, Eugene--Route it23, Box 50, Terre Haute, Indiana 47802
SAUCERMAN, Sandra (Miss)
SCHUTTE, Jean-2415 Otuer Drive, Warren, Mich. 48092
SENN, Mary--c/o James Wells, Box 89, Augusta, Georgia 30903
SGRIGNOLI, Michael--125 N. 24th Street, Camp Hill, Penna. 17011


VILLWOCK, Russell-6908 W. Higgins Avenue, Chicago, Illinois
VILLWOCK, Jacqueline
WALKER, Robert-598 Terrace Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220
WELLS, James--Box 89, Augusta, Georgia 30903
WELLS, Maydean
WHITE, E. C.--Box 465, Whiteface, Texas 79379
WILLIAMS, Ellen-11 Park Avenue, Westmont, N. J. 08108

Sung by Tour Director Jack Scurr
to the 106th Infantry Division members on the European Tour
on the bus from Lipica to Rijeka, Yugoslavia on Tuesday, Sept. 17, 1974

     For many of those who were on the recent three (3) week European trip, the highlight of the entire trip was the visit to, and reception at, the American Embassy, Prague, Czechoslovakia, on Monday evening, September 23, 1974.
    With excellent pre-planning on the part of Doug Coffey, Mr. Hal F. Ryder, President, Galaxy Tours, King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, and officials of our American Embassy, our 106th group were privileged to thoroughly enjoy a one and one half (1 1/2 ) hour elegant reception in Prague; a touch of home very far away from home.
    At approximately 5:30 P.M., September 23rd, our group of 45 persons (including Mr. & Mrs. Jack Scurr, Bus-driver Gilbert Justin and CEDOK Tour Guide, Tony) departed the Interhouel Flora, Prague, by bus and arrived at our American Embassy at 6:00 P.M. We were very warmly greeted by Mr. Jack Perry, Charge d' Affaire, Mrs. Perry and daughters, Jennifer & Laura (of Atlanta, Georgia), Colonel Charles Barnett, USMC, Military Attaché' (of Santa Ana, California), Mr. Ford, Administrator (from Virginia), and other dignitaries and their lovely wives.
    Following the introductions, cocktails were graciously served to our members by the Embassy staff. They consisted of almost any drink one can imagine. A magnificent assortment of hors d' oeuvres followed. These consisted of: broiled prunes wrapped with strips of bacon, miniature pigs in the blanket (stuffed cabbages), cheese & nut balls, miniature sausages, cheese wrapped with salami, assorted meat cuts, cheese & lobster clips; to name a few which we are able to mentally recollect.
    Needless to say, we all thoroughly enjoyed conversing with each other. We learned a great deal from the Embassy staff member s about life in Czechoslovakia and we feel certain that they were happy to see us and talk to "their people from home".
    An extra special treat for many of us I 06th Division Veterans was for us to be able to meet and talk to Dr. (Attorney-At Law) Bedrich Melnik and his eight (8) Ex-Czechoslovakian soldiers who were invited to, and were present at, the American Embassy to jointly share and enjoy this very special affair. We learned that these brave soldiers trained and fought alongside the British & American soldiers on the European Front during World War II. It was particularly interesting to learn that they continue to meet together every Thursday with other members of their group for an evening of fellowship; a weekly reunion so to speak.
    As the evening drew close to departure time, (too soon for all of us), Sherod Collins, on behalf of our Association, presented 106th Bolo Ties to Colonel Barnett & Mr. Jack Perry as tokens of our sincere and deep appreciation for the wonderful welcome and reception which was extended to us by the entire Embassy staff. Mr. Jack Perry accepted the Ties on behalf of Ambassador Scherer, who we learned was in Geneva, Switzerland, attending very important meetings. Following some picture taking, speech-making and good-byes, we returned to our hotel with a deeper appreciation of the important role that our American Embassies are assuming in foreign countries.
    To you Mr. & Mrs. Jack Perry, Colonel Charles Barnett, Mr. Ford. and to the other members of our American Embassy in Prague whose names slip our minds, we in the 106th Infantry Division Association want to say, "many, many thanks to each and every one of you for a most splendid evening; one that we 106er's will never forget--God Bless Each Of You."


    First thing seen upon arriving in Luxemburg was the golf course near Aeroizolf Hotel and the airport. Jean Schutte, LaVerne McGraw, and S. Collins wanted to investigate.
Rain on and thru the roof interfering with lunch of Russ Villwock and party at Bastogne cafe.
    Laying of wreaths at our own Memorial Chapel in St. Vith with loving and respectful ceremony by Golden Lions and local dignitaries. Also, a wreath laying at Hamm American Cemetery at Luxemburg City.
Many 106 Division soldiers rest here as well as at Neuville where we made a return visit.
Oh! those facilities at the Ratskeller!
Two nice receptions or "Vin d'honneur hosted by mayors of Bastogne and St. Vith.
One reception given us by embassy officials at Prague; a real fun thing.
    The tour of the 106 battle areas produced more of the "big picture" since there is always somebody present who was not there on previous trips.
Parkers Crossroads you wouldn't recognize -- it's a BIG intersection now. Still just one building though.
    We almost didn't find "Josie's Bar" in Liege to take a picture for Phil Schutte back home. Besides the police objected to our tying up traffic. Nobody jailed. How'd you find this bar in the first place, Phil?
    There was a lunch stop at St. Avoid, France. Doug Coffey reminded us that this was the rail junction where Burt Lancaster with partisan help rerouted the treasure train in the movie "The Train". We did not go to it, but there is also a large American cemetery near here, in the rolling hills of the Saar.
    There were lasting impressions of the underground ill-fated Maginot Line as we passed through the Saar. This was cited as the French WPA. Millions were spent during the depression years and all in vain.
    The name "Black Forest" of southwestern Germany stemming from a mystical legend of black magic within its boundaries. However, the trees are of dark fir and spruce and from them come woodcarvings, cuckoo clocks and toys. Traditional costumes distinguish residents of one valley from another. Mark Twain described his region in his book "A Tramp Abroad".
    Lotta repeated laughs over certain German signs. Words said one thing to us but meant another. Don't ask us to print these!
Watch and gift sales receiving a boost in the Capital city of Zurich, Switzerland.
Hummel Figurines receiving same boost in a lotta places. Bracelet charms didn't do too badly either.
Delightful lunch stop at the tiny city country of Liechtenstein. The town was called Vaduz.
Excellent Tyrolean yodeling musical troop at ski resort of Su. Anton, Austria.
    Interesting inspection of old-city part of Innsbruck (meaning-bridge over the river Inn) which included some very old churches and a military parade of old soldiers of several allied and opposing countries.
    Crossing of famous and ancient Brenner Pass, which lies at the eastern end of the High Alps. Everyone from Teutonic and Roman invaders to the U. S. 7th Army has used this access. It is a relatively low 4495 feet.
In Italy, change was being given in hard rolls and candy.
Best bag lunch we ever had was put up by the Hotel Europa in Cortina, Italy.
    Interesting tour of the famous Lipican horse stables near the Italian border of Yugoslavia. These horses were rescued by George Patton.
Very hot 4-piece Combo at the Yugoslavian Spa. Great music to dance by.
Did anybody ever succeed in drinking any of that plum brandy called Slivovitz?
    Highest mountain thrill of the trip--crossing of the 12,000 foot plus pass of the Grossglockner in the Austrian Alps. This is a controlled pass. They count heads going in and coming out.
Astonishment registered while watching extremely reckless Yugoslavian drivers.
In spite of our suspicions, Tony, the Czech guide tried to be and was quite helpful in his country.
Shock waves registered in the bus upon looking at the actual Iron Curtain.
A happy and interesting short cruise on the Rhine.
Avid TV news listener "shushing" our happy group in the bar at Hotel Tulpenfeld, Bonn, but having little effect.
Our English guide and French bus driver doing their thing in a most thorough manner right up to the end.


    Nomination for spot you'd most like to stay awhile -- Su. Anton, Coruina, Freudenstadt, Zell am See, Rothenburg am der
    Place we were gladdest to leave – Prague handsdown. ("God Bless America'. Sung with spirit upon crossing German border).

    Walt Bandurak talking proprietress into coming down from upstairs living quarters to open shop early to sell him a pair of lederhosen at Rothenburg. (He already had the tyrolean hat to go with it). We're glad Walt and Lil were able to go with us.
    Dick Bartz characteristically sampling the beer at various and sundry places. And planning a further trip to Spain. Right on, Dick!
Carol Beals making notes and enjoying writing to all her many friends.
Wayne Black, making a name as a walker, enjoying the entire trip, even Prague.
Ben Britton keeping 'em happy with his ready witticisms. Avis shakes her head and smiles.
    The Saucerman group with Marilyn Brown having a bit of room trouble with some hotels but coming out O. K. Marilyn said she had a ball. Little Sandra was a great trouper all the way.
    The Coffey Clan -- Vivian, Isabel, and Doug, with Ellen Williams, having fun, with their bright laughter and personalities adding to the tour. Doug providing leadership and help wherever necessary. And Vivian was the hit of the evening at the Yugoslav spa, practicing the terpsichorean art with an important looking native. Might have been the local commissar.
    Sherod Collins having fun with the unattached females, especially at Stubicke Toplice and Rothenburg, where the music and dancing were tops.
    Gabrielle Dobe recording our speeches, group singing, etc. on her recorder and helping out in interpreting French language where needed.
    Jim Henning with Clara adding a bright note to the travel; everyone glad that Clara's virus didn't stop her from leaving Zurich with us. In addition, we enjoyed helping Jim celebrate his birthday. That good red wine was a tough act to follow.
    But Bob and June Walker did it. These popular regulars celebrated their wedding anniversary and we enjoyed helping them.
Congrats to all.
Bob Howell as always keeping everyone supplied with goodies which he passed around and Louise keeping Bob straight.
Love that southern drawl.
    Four Texans. E. C. and Zada White and Marvin and Lena Lasater adding much to the Southern contingent. E. C. showed us the church steeple he fought part of the war in. Lena fell down in downtown Bonn, broke 2 steins and bumped her head but that didn't stop her.
    The California Prewetu contingent, Ed, Mary, and Pappy with Doris Fagan being generally charming and popular. Meet us in Atlanta next year, folks.
    Mike and Martha Sgrignoli quietly braving the big world a long way from Pennsylvania. Seemed to be having a good time.
We certainly enjoyed their presence.
    Bob Ringer adding much to the Ardennes battlefield talk and relaxing and enjoying the trip and fellowship right to the end.
    Partners LaVerne McGraw and Jean Schutte enjoying shopping and just about everything about the trip. LaVerne said she was keeping an eye on Jean for husband Phil, and Jean said she was trying to keep Laverne out of mischief.
    Big Russ Villwock and Jackie among everyone's favorite people. Russ used his recorder to good advantage and was a good man for speeches.
    Mary Senn -- among our cutest girls -having a ball, and doing a good job of fending off remarks from her employer Big Jim Wells.
    And last but never least the ever popular Jim and Maydean Wells -- never at a loss for witticisms and other laugh-making antics.
We couldn't do without their presence and support.
    And then of course, there was our driver, Gilbert, a Parisian, who spoke no English but was trying to learn. He worked hard and long, driving and then cleaning his bus every night. He was the most capable driver we had ever seen.
    And there was our assigned guide, Jack Scurr, from England, who brought along his very amiable wife Rocky. Jack is European Operations Manager for Galaxy and normally does not escort tours. He is a superb tour man, speaks several languages, and has a real sense of humor. We liked him and Rocky and he seemed to like us. It was a very good arrangement.


    At our 29th Annual Reunion we hope to let everyone get a glimpse of the never never land of Underground Atlanta, an area whose four blocks are completely covered.
    During Atlanta's infancy over a century ago, downtown streets were crisscrossed with railroad tracks. As the city grew, viaducts were built over these tracks and the entrances to most downtown buildings were constructed at the second-floor level. The ground floors were transformed into storage areas, and eventually most of these became today's Underground. The Zero Milepost, a stake driven into the ground here in 1837 to mark a terminal point of the Western and Atlantic Railroad, indicates the spot where Atlanta's earliest citizens erected the city's first buildings.
    Old Alabama Street, the city's first paved avenue, bisects Underground Atlanta. Today, a serendipity collection of shops and restaurants flank the gas lit boulevard. The string of shops bear seductive names like The Secret Garden, Spanky's Gang, The Three-Headed Dragon, Little Grass Shack and Grandmother Goose. There is a resident organ grinder and his engaging, hat tipping monkey.
    There are a number of restaurants and snack places. Several are turned out in Gay Nineties furniture and upholstery and glittering Tiffany lamps.
You should see it!

    One of the principal attractions we will see at the reunion next July is Stone Mountain and it's magnificent carving.
    The mountain is located 16 miles East of Atlanta and is the largest solid block of granite in the world. It is a bare mass of flawless stone jutting nearly 2,000 feet into the air. In shape, it resembles a capital letter "D", the north side being the straight side of the mountain, the location of the carving.
    The granite measures more than seven miles in circumference at its base, with nearly twenty-five million square feet of exposed surface, with a weight of 628 million tons. If the granite were loaded in 40-ton freight cars, it would require over 10 million cars to carry it and they would reach two and one-half rimes around the world.
    The Stone Mountain Memorial Carving, completed in May 1970 more than a half century after it was begun, is distinctive in many ways. It is the world's largest single piece of sculptural art … is carved from a mountain older than the Himalayas and presents proportions so overwhelming they are hard to comprehend from the ground level. The mounted figures (I to r) of President of the Confederacy Jefferson Davis and Generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson rest, for instance, on a carved-out niche in the mountain the size of a city block. The figure of Lee is roughly the height of a nine-story building. His horse, Traveller, is about the size of five steam locomotives. So deep is the relief of the carving, a full-size car could easily be driven up the back of Traveller.

    Three renowned sculptors have worked on the awesome project. Gutzon Borglum, later to do Mt. Rushmore, began the work in the early 1920's after the idea for the Memorial was conceived by the United Daughters of the Confederacy. But after only a few years, a frustrated Borglum left the mountain, the rough figure of Lee his contribution toward the work.
    In 1926, Augustus Lukeman was named to resume the challenge. Abandoning Borglum's work, he began anew and in two short years he was able to conceive the form for the work that is now on the mountain. Financial problems, however, stopped Lukeman in 1928 and the great, gray mountain lay untouched by sculptors' hands for more than three decades.
    In 1958, the Legislature of the State of Georgia created the Stone Mountain Memorial Association, a dedicated group of men with the responsibility of completing the Memorial and creating a recreational educational facility for the people of Georgia and the touring public. Walker Hancock was retained as the consulting sculptor for the completion of the carving.

    Work on the carving resumed in 1964 utilizing a totally different technique from the earliest years. Instead of maul. chisel. and air drill, a thermo jet torch was used to cut through the granite. The half-century old dream of a completed carving was to be realized in only six more years of accelerated work.


    No details were overlooked in the execution of the massive sculpture. Eyebrows, fingers, buckles, even single strands of hair, are completed to the detail of a fine painting.
    View the carving from afar, or from the Memorial Hall terrace, at dawn or at sunset. Its moods are as infinite as the vision of those who created it. It is an enduring monument to American History. For this generation and the next and the next.

Nov. 4, 1974
Dear John:
Why do we let time get away from us, and take with it all our good intentions.
    Fred and I had such a good time last July in Maryland. I made a mental note, that as soon as we returned home, I would write to the Schochs and thank them for the excellent hosting job. I wanted them to know that we appreciated everything they'd planned for our entertainment.
So -- 4 months later -- Thank you Chuck and Sherry; and to the Banduraks and to Carol Beals -- we missed you.
    I think tucked away somewhere here, there is a little moral. What I'm really trying to say is, "Let's voice those good thoughts we have about those around us." Let's stop taking for granted that others know what we are thinking. In other words, if you think it, let's hear it.
    In September, Fred returned to St. Clare's hospital in Schenectady. This time to have a large tumor removed from the thyroid gland. Much of the left side of the thyroid was removed along with the tumor. However, percentages were on our side and it was not malignant.
He is back to normal once more and going strong. He sends regards.
Agnes Chase

Dear John
    Thought it about time to write and let you know all in Ohio is A-OK. Had a fine summer - grand convention - beautiful fall and here we are into winter. Time do fly -- they tell me that is a sign of old age.
    Received post cards from various members of the group who went to Europe this summer -- sounds like everyone had the usual 106th bang-up time. Can hardly wait for the December meeting to hear and see pictures of the trip.
    Our little Belgium gal again came and visited us -- she was in North America for 2 months -- really had herself a trip this time -- started in Canada then came to Ohio -then the Garns (Chuck and Willis) bless their hearts took her to relatives and friends in Wisconsin -- you can't beat that travel deal. She left Ohio on September 19th hoping to see the Bandurak in Luxemburg before they headed home to the states -hope she accomplished that mission.
Hope everyone is hale and hearty.
Bob and Jean Gilder

    Thank you for the latest issue of the 106th Infantry Division Cup. I would like to advise you that the organization that I belong to was Service Co. 424th Infantry and would appreciate it very much if you would make corrections on your records so that you may have it up to date for your future issues and also please forward your latest billing to me.
    The writer has been in touch with Mr. Virgil Bryan another member of the Service Co. Also, we were attempting between us, in the coming year to locate all members of Service Co. and to have a cross reference directory printed as soon as we could start to trace down any of our previous buddies so that anyone inquiring to the writer would be able to find out the address of one of his friends. Many thanks for your cooperation.
Very truly yours, EIDELMAN BROS., INC.
Herbert Eidelman
How about other organizations doing same?

Dear Bob:
On July 19th was re-elected to BOARD OF DIRECTORS of Ridgewood Post Veterans
    Association. (This is the part that runs the Post Building for VFW *123). The BOARD re-elected me as Secretary.... Phil Walz (106th DHQ) is now SENIOR VICE COMMANDER of the POST. He did a splendid job on the Ball Journal while JUNIOR VICE COMMANDER. If the next convention is not the THIRD WEEK in JULY can make it.... With all the VERY BEST.... Yours in 106th Comradeship
W. J. Donovan
alias ‘Wild' Bill Donovan


Mr. William R. Pettus
    Cpl. Pettus is how I knew you. My name is James P. Ford. I was the Communications plan Sgt. I was reading through the "CUB" and I came across your letter and recognized your name and was very pleased to hear about you and about Art Meder. I do not recognize John Kalnes among those I knew. He must have come to the Co. after the "Bulge".
Now I would like to fill you in a little about myself and a few other of the men from Hq. Co.
    As you probably know I and quite a few others from the Co. were taken prisoner in Winterspelt, Germany when the Command Post fell the first evening. We were very fortunate that we survived that evening. We were lined up along the wall of a barn and a machine gun was placed in front of us and we were sure that this was it. Then there seemed to be some excitement among the German Officers and N.C.O and we were taken away from the wall and taken away quickly further into Germany.
    We were put on a forced march to a camp around Limburg, Germany Stalag 12-A we arrived there Christmas Eve. It was quite an experience.
    We were in many more camps during our stay as guests of the Germans. I think you probably heard about the P.W. camp that was bombed one night and several bombs made direct hits on the American Officers barracks and 80 American Officers were killed. We were in that camp and several of our Co. Officers were killed, Capt. Roberts, Lt. Michand to mention two you knew. I was with Sgt. Silver, Sgt. Eberhart, Andy Tricia. We were released around Bremanhaven by the British. It was an experience that you could only have one time in your life.
    I came back to the states and was sent to Atlantic City, Dennis Hotel for recoup and physical check for what was to be 15 days. I was supposed to be assigned somewhere in the states. While in Atlantic City, Sgt. Henry Bernkouf and Sgt. Jim Logan got in touch with us. We had dinner and 1 have only seen Bernkouf once since. I got back from dinner and found a note on my pillow telling me to see the floor CO. and I was informed that I was reassigned to Ft. Jackson again to a J.A.S. Co. (Joint Assault Signal Co., an amphibious signal co.) used for invasion and beach heads. I was reclassified to an amphibious team (beach communications). We trained there a short while and were sent to Camp Cook, Calif. for amphibious training for the invasion of Japan. But thank God along came the A Bomb and surrender of Japan. Our Company broke up and reassignment again. I was assigned to the 26th Armd. Inf. Bn. Hq. Co. 13th Armd. Div. Camp Cook. I was Actg. First Sgt. (never got the stripes) until the unit was deactivated. I was then transferred to Ft. McArthur in Long Beach for discharge. I arrived there and was informed that my service record was lost and I would have to hang around awhile. But I was fortunate, while there I met a young 1st Lt. from 424 personnel and he had me discharged on an affidavit.
    I got home in time for Christmas of 45. I took a month or so off and went back to work. I was like the rest of the G l's -- restless. I asked my employer for an educational leave of absence, they refused it, I quit. I went and enrolled in an electrical engineering school - graduated and then went to a mechanical engineering school graduated and then to a Diesel school graduated. Then I got a job with the transportation Co. here in Phila. as a heavy equipment driver - operator. Stayed with them for seven years. Was laid off because of a force cutback and new management.
Went into power plant engineering and Air Conditioning.
    All the time I was enjoying fairly good health. Then I became diabetic, came down with a staph infection in my blood stream. They said that the infection was cleared up. In "64" the staph caught up with me again. Another siege in hospitals and again a clean bill of health.
    I lost my Mother in "68" and my Father in "71". It was during my Father's illness that I neglected my own health and I went into a diabetic coma in June of "71" and my right leg became infected. It was amputated below the knee in the middle of June.
    I spent four months in the hospital this time. I was fitted with an artificial leg and went back to work. Then Dad passed away.

JULY 17-20


    Everything was going good until Thanksgiving of "72". My left leg opened up during my sleep. I woke up and saw the mess and called an ambulance and went to the hospital. They amputated my left leg the next day. I spent a month in that hospital and was transferred to Jefferson University Hospital Rehabilitation Center to learn to walk with two artificial limbs. I was fitted with two new limbs and learned to walk with the help of two canes. The diabetes now started to affect my sight. My eyes were hemorrhaging and clouding my sight. I went back to Jefferson for eye treatment. I am at present getting laser beam treatment in the O. P. Clinic. It has cleared my left eye but I still cannot see with my right eye. Because of my condition I could not go back to work and went on Social Security Disability.
I am able to get around a little, I cannot go any great distance. About four city blocks twice a day.
    I lost contact with Sgt. Silver when he moved from Clifton, N. J. Sgt. Eberhart died in Chicago last year Bernkoff has an Optical business in Camden, N. J. Well Cpl. you have heard my tales Of woe and if you find time please write me and send me any addresses that you might have of any of the Co.
By the way I am not married. Never seemed to get around to it.
James R. Ford
1829 S. Alden Street
Phila., Pa 19143
This letter was sent to William R. Pettus, who forwarded to Cub.

Norman Spayd and Cook of F424
March 1'945.

Dear John:
    I just finished a "NEWSLETTER" to my gang and while the typewriter was hot thought that I would drop you a line. At the last reunion. I was asked by other members how I had managed to get so many from my old outfit to the reunion.
    the answer is "COMMUNICATION". our president said it in the last issue of the "CUB" and here are his words "The keynote to the growth and effectiveness of Our 106th Inf. Div. Assoc. has to be communication". This is what I have been doing for the past four years and what got me started was the first reunion 1 attended in 1968 when I was the only member Of Service Battery there, one other member did show up, Mickael Serino. In 1970 again there was only two members of Service Battery in attendance and that is when I started writing. I managed to get a list of some 58 former members of the Old service battery. and I started tracking them down, today I have a live list of 48, Out of the forty-eight I have managed to meet and visit with twenty-six and I have seen twenty-one of these at the reunions. In the last four years there has been a lot of letters going out of here and I have received a lot, I have kept every letter and have a file on every man.
    Last year I sent out about five hundred letters, each letter with about four thousand words which adds up to about two million words that were used to keep the lines of communication open. This has been the basis of my success but I couldn't have done it without the help of my readers, their letters to me have kept this thing going. In the last issue of the "CUB" I see that you published a list of the men that I am still looking for at the last reunion I had a few of the members ask if they could help in this way and I gave them a list of the members I am still looking for.
    When. Kay and I go on vacation I take my list of "LOST MEMBERS" along with my Live list and if we pass anywhere near I stop and see if I can make a find or visit with them that I have found, this has been rewarding and worth all the labor. I have been asked how do I find the time, all you have to do is give up TV.
    In 1969 there were two members of -service battery at the reunion and in 1974 there was fifteen members present, how many will there be in 1975? My thanks to you and Stella, you have done a wonderful job with the "CUB" and have helped me with my communication to the new members.


Let us all keep the letters coming in, let us see how many we can get out to the next reunion in Atlanta.
Sincerely, Jack Schlesser

    Gilbert Marcus, 1340 Astor Street and a member of the Board of Directors of the Jewish Community Centers of Chicago. has been awarded a Certificate of Appreciation from the United Service Organization. it was announced today.
    The citation was specifically for Marcus's "vital role in helping to keep the USO lounge open at O'Hare International Airport.
    "Your positive support," continued the citation, "will have a long and lasting effect on the future of this fine operation. The USO appreciates the time and effort, you gave to make the drive for USO funds a success."
    Mr. Marcus, an investment counselor au 120 S. LaSalle Street and a longtime member of the JCC Board, frequently takes time in public service activities of this type, as well as in a variety of philanthropic endeavors.

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit--
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns.
As everyone of us sometimes learns.
And many a fellow turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out.
Don't give up though the pace seems slow--
You may succeed with another blow.
Often the goal is nearer than
It seems to a faint and faltering man:
Often the struggler has given up
When he might have captured the victor's cup;
And he learned too late when the night came down,
How close he was to the golden crown.
Success is failure turned inside out--
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are.
It may be near when it seems afar;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit,--
It's when things seem worst that you mustn't quit.
Author Unknown

    Henry M. Broth and Dorothy R. Ginsberg are pleased to inform you that they have exchanged wedding bands in a religious ceremony on October thirteenth Nineteen hundred and seventy-four at Beth El Synagogue Baltimore, Maryland
At Home
2628 Rockwood Avenue
Baltimore., Maryland 21215
"The 106 extends Best Wishes"

    Henry M. Broth (CO. I, 422d) and (Mrs.) Dorothy Ginsberg; Of San Francisco, were married Sunday afternoon, 13 October in the Bluefield Chapel of the Bethel El Congregation au Eccleston, just north of Baltimore.
A reception and breakfast, with dancing, followed at Annabel's, Hampton House, Towson.
A hundred or more guests, relatives and friends, were present at the ceremony and breakfast.
    Henry is a long-time devoted member of the Golden Lions. He has served as President. as a member of the Board of Directors for a number of terms, as a member of the Committee for the Baltimore Reunion and as Co-Chairman for the Annapolis Reunion. He has been active with the Maryland Group ever since it was formed in 1949, particularly with the '16 December Dinners, our best wishes go to Henry and Dorothy.

    While the decorations in the Meeting Room at the Frederick Reunion were being taken down, one of a pair of Golden Lion figures hanging on the walls was misplaced. These belonged to John Loveless to whom they had been given as a gift just several months before.
    If anyone finds an odd Golden Lion among his souvenirs, it would be appreciated- if it were returned. The cost of packing and shipping will be cheerfully refunded.


Index for: Vol. 31 No. 2, Jan, 1975

Index for This Document

106th Inf. Div., 7, 23, 27
106th Infantry Division Association, 2
26th Armd. Inf. BN., 25
7th Army, 17
Aerogolf Hotel, 13
American Cemetery, 7, 17
Ansbach, 12
Anthisnes, 8
Ardennes Battlefield, 19
Arlberg Pass, 9
Arlon, 7
Austria, 9, 17
Austrian Alps, 9, 18
Auw, 7
Bad Godesberg, 13
Bad Orb, Germany, 2
Bandurak, Lillian, 13
Bandurak, Lillian & Walt, 13
Bandurak, Walt, 19
Bandurak, Walter, 13
Barnett, Col., 11
Barnett, Col. Charles, 11, 15, 16
Bartz, Dick, 19
Bartz, Richard, 13
Bastogne, 7, 17
Battle Of The Bulge, 5, 7
Beals, Carol, 13, 19, 23
Beho, 8
Belgium, 7, 9, 23
Bennett, Mr. J. M., 2
Bernkouf, Sgt. Henry, 25
Bingen, 13
Black Forest, 8, 17
Black, Rev. E. C., 1
Black, T. Wayne, 13
Black, Wayne, 19
Bleialf, 7
Bonn, 13, 18, 19
Borglum, Gutzon, 21
Bremanhaven, 25
Brenner Pass, 9, 17
Britton, Avis, 13
Britton, Ben, 19
Britton, Benjamin, 13
Broth, Henry M., 29, 30
Brown, Marilyn, 13, 19
Bryan, Virgil, 24
Bullange, 8
Burg Reuland, 8
Butgenbach, 8
Callaway, Bo, 5
Callaway, Howard H., 5
Camp Cook, Calif., 25
Cavender, Col. C. C., 1
Chase, Agnes, 23
Clark, Dr., 1
Coffey, Doug, 7, 13, 15, 17
Coffey, Isabel, 13
Coffey, Vivian, 13
Collins, Dr. James I., 1
Collins, S., 17
Collins, Sherod, 1, 11, 14, 16, 19
Cortina, 9
Cortina, Italy, 17
Croatia, Yugoslavia, 10
Czechoslovakia, 12, 15
D' Ampezzo, Italy, 9
Davidson, Betty, 1
Davidson, Donald Brooks, 1
Davis, Jefferson, 21
Div., 2D. Inf., 7
Dobe, Gabrielle, 14, 19
Donovan, ‘Wild' Bill, 24
Donovan, W. J., 24
Dorosky, Tom & Alice, 3
Early, Mrs. Frances, 1
Eberhart, Sgt., 25, 27
Eidelman, Herbert, 24
Ettelbruck, 8
Everetts, Russell, 4
Fagan, Doris, 14, 19
Findel Airport, 7, 13
Ford, James P., 25
Ford, James R., 27
Fox, Tom & Mary, 4
Fraiture,, 8
Frankfurt, 13
Freudenstadt, 9, 19
Ft. Jackson, 25
Ft. Jackson, South Carolina, 1
Gallagher, John, 1, 4
Gallagher, John I., 1
Geneva, Switzerland, 11
Germany, 12, 13, 17
Gilder, Bob & Jean, 23
Ginsberg, Dorothy, 30
Ginsberg, Dorothy R., 29
Greenock, Scotland, 6
Grossglockner, 11, 18
Grossglockner Peak, 11
Hamm, 17
Hamm Cemetery, 7
Hamm, Luxembourg, 7
Hancock, Walker, 22
Hauptstrasse, 7
Heckhalenfeld, 7
Heiligenblut, Austria, 11
Heinrich, German General, 12
Henning, Clara, 14
Henning, James, 14
Henning, Jim, 10, 19
Hotel Aerogolf, 7, 13
Hotel Am Tulpenfeld, 13
Hotel Bonavia, 9
Hotel Europa, 9
Hotel Goldener Hirsch, 13
Hotel Greif, 9
Hotel Matija Gubec, 10
Hotel Post, 9
Hotel Ratskeller, 7, 8
Hotel Salzburg, 11
Hotel Slon, 10
Hotel Waldorf, 9
Howell, Bob, 19
Howell, Louise, 14
Howell, Robert, 14
Innsbruck, 17
Innsbruck, Austria, 9
Interhotel Flora, 11, 12
Italy, 9, 17
Jackson, Stonewall, 21
Justin, Gilbert, 7, 13, 15
Kalnes, John, 25
Karlovac, Yugoslavia, 9
Kemp, Kay Ii With Husband Ray, 5
Koblenz, 13
Kumrovec, 10
Kvarner Riviera, 9
Lake Bled, 11
Lasater, Lena, 14
Lasater, Marvin, 14
Latham, Charles & Betty, 4
Lee, Robert E., 21
LeHavre, 6
Lidice, 11
Liechtenstein, 17
Liege, 8, 17
Limburg, Germany, 25
Linz, Austria, 11
Lipica, 15
Lipica, Yugoslavia, 9
Liverpool, 6
Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, 10, 11
Logan, Sgt. Jim, 25
Loreley Rock, 13
Loveless, John, 5, 30
Loveless, John T., Jr., 1, 3
Lukeman, Augustus, 21
Luxembourg, 7, 8, 9, 13
Luxemburg, 7, 17, 23
Luz Waldlust Hotel, 8
Maginot Line, 17
Mainz, 13
Malesky, Vi, 4
Malmedy, 8
Marcus, Gilbert, 29
Mardosson Monument, 7
Marquet, Charles, 7
Martha, Sgrignoli., 14
McGraw, Laverne, 14, 17, 20
McMahon, Gen., 5
McMahon, Leo, 5
McMahon, Leo T., 7
Meder, Art, 25
Melnik, Bedrich, 15
Melnik, Dr. Bedrich, 11
Metz, France, 8
Meyrode, 8
Michand, Lt., 25
Monowai, 6
Neuville, 17
Nurnberg, 12
Opatija, 9
Order Of The Golden Lion, 4
Paris, 7
Parkers Crossroad, 17
Parker's Crossroads, 8
Patton, Gen., 7, 8
Patton, George, 18
Perry, Jack, 11, 15, 16
Perry, Jennifer & Laura, 11
Perry, Mrs., 11, 15
Pettus, Cpl., 25
Pettus, William R., 25, 27
Pilsen, 12
Prague, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 19
Prague, Czechoslovakia, 11, 12, 15
Prewett, E. A. H., 14
Prewett, Edward A., 14
Prewett, Mary, 14
Remagen, 13
Rheinfalls Restaurant, 9
Rhine, 18
Rhine River, 13
Rhine River Falls, 9
Rijeka, 9
Rijeka, Yugoslavia, 9, 15
Ringer, Bob, 19
Ringer, Robert, 14
Roberts, Capt., 25
Rossi, Lou, 5
Rothenburg Ob Der Tauber, 12, 13
Rouen, 6
Ryder, Hal F., 15
Saint-Avold, France, 8
Salv-Fein, Baron Von, 9
Salzburg, Austria, 11
Saucerman, Eugene, 13, 14
Saucerman, Sally, 14
Saucerman, Sandra (Miss), 14
Schaffhausen, Switzerland, 9
Scherer, Ambassador, 11, 16
Schlausenbach, 7
Schlesser, Jack, 29
Schoch, Charles H., 2
Schoch, Charley, 3
Schoch, Charley & Charlene, 3
Schoenberg, 7
Schutte, Jean, 14, 17, 20
Schutte, Phil, 17
Scott, Don, 4
Scranton, Robert L., 1
Scurr, Jack, 7, 13, 15, 20
Seine, 6
Senn, Mary, 14, 20
Sgrignoli, Michael, 14
Sgrignoli, Mike & Martha, 19
Silver, Sgt., 25, 27
Slovenia, 10
Solecki, Emil & Ethel, 3
Spa, 8, 18
Spayd, Norman, 27
Spittal, Austria, 11
SS Monowai, 6
St. Anton, 9
St. Anton, Austria, 9
St. Avoid, France, 17
St. Goar, 13
St. Vith, 6, 7, 8, 17
St. Vith, Belgium, 5, 7
Stalag 12-A, 25
Stalag IX-B, 2
Stavelot, 8
Stone Mountain, 21
Stone Mountain Memorial Association, 22
Strasbourg, France, 8
Stubicke Toplice, 10, 19
Stubicke Toplice, Yugoslavia, 10
Switzerland, 9, 16
Tricia, Andy, 25
Trier, 13
Trieste, Italy, 9
Trois-Ponts, 8
Tyrol, Austria, 9
Udine, Italy, 9
United Daughters Of The Confederacy, 21
Vaduz, 9, 17
Vaduz, Liechtenstein, 9
Verviers, 8
Vielsalm, 8
Vien, 8
Villwock, Jacqueline, 15
Villwock, Russ, 17, 20
Villwock, Russell, 15
Walker, Bob, 12
Walker, Bob & June, 19
Walker, June, 15
Walker, Robert, 1, 12, 15
Walsh, Charles & Daisey, 4
Walz, Phil, 24
Wells, James, 14, 15
Wells, Jim, 20
Wells, Jim & Maydean, 20
Wells, Maydean, 15
West Germany, 8, 9, 12, 13
Weymouth, 6
White, E. C., 14, 15
White, Zada, 15
Williams, Ellen, 15, 19
Winterspelt, 7
Winterspelt, Germany, 25
Wittlich, 13
Yerville, 6
Young, Kelly, 3
Yugoslavia, 9, 18
Zagreb, 10
Zell, 19
Zell Am See, Austria, 11
Zimmerman, Althea & Husband Torn, 5
Zurich, 9, 19
Zurich, Switzerland, 9, 17