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Vol. 45, No. 3, Apr., 1989

106th Infantry Division Association President Dr. John G. Robb, 1988 -1989; D Company, 422nd Regiment

     President's Message After enjoying a family get-to-gether Easter vacation week in Louisville, Ky, Marilyn and I are anxiously awaiting spring in Pennsylvania.
     On a recent outing to one of our favorite birding areas, we sighted four Bald Eagles, Eastern Bluebirds, Kingfishers, Great Blue Herons, Red Breasted Mergansers and other migrating ducks, This is a sure sign that I can once again think about starting my vegetable garden. April 2nd was an anniversary which I will always remember. On that day in 1945, the day after Easter, Stalag IX-B, Bad Orb was liberated by the advancing American Army. The joy was beyond description and the memory of that liberation will be retained forever.
     Recently I talked with Russell Villwock, 1989 Reunion Chairman, about that event to be held in Schaumburg, Illinois in August. He assured me that the plans are being di finalized and the registration forms will soon be mailed. There is other information in this CUB.
     It sound like a great meeting, so be sure to get your registration in the mail. I was informed by our editor, John Kline, that our membership was up to 1136 members in mid-April with more on the way. The Chicago area reunion could be the largest yet. If you have something for the good of the organization that you want brought before the Board of Directors or the general membership, contact me or one of the Directors or Officers so that we can put it on the agenda. Addresses and phone numbers are on the inside front cover of this CUB
Enjoy the summer, we will see you in Schaumburg.
John G. Robb President

    Extract from Board of Director's meeting September 19, 1987 is published for your information and guidance: No member of our Association may use the name of, or the emblem of, the 106th Infantry Division Association in the conduct of private sales of items and raffles at anytime without the approval of the Board of Directors."


A beautiful garden of life is possible...
Reverend Ewell C. Black Jr. Chaplain; Box 66, Bishopville, SC 29710; 803-484-6861
     While John T. Loveless Jr., was our Chaplain, he wrote many fine columns. Im presently in the process of retiring and moving. I want to take this opportunity, with permission from Kay Loveless, to share one of his columns with the Association again. This column is from the CUB of Oct-Nov-Dec 1970. Ewell C. Black, Jr.
     Upon our return from vacation a few days ago, we saw something in our garden which for us, at least, was unusual. Since the area is small, any change in appearance is noticed almost at once.
     One section of the lawn looked as if it had been patterned in curving ridges and hollows. The grass was alternately brownish on the ridges and green in-between.
     We had acquired a ground mole, perhaps several. Our efforts to catch the underground worker have been unsuccessful so far. I have seen the movement of the turf at a spot where the creature was doing his "thing" under the lawn. But he has eluded me.
     He may have a purpose in this world, but for me his burrowing means only a spongy and damaged lawn which may take months to repair. His labors in the dark seem to me to be of little value. But, I do not know. I wonder if some of us are not a bit like the mole in our activities. At times we grope in the dark, having little idea of the direction our labors will take, having no thoughts as 1.1 to what we wish to achieve, using our time and talents moving from place to place and idea to idea and accomplishing little for ourselves or others. Perhaps all of as could expend some time and effort in reviewing our day to day existence. Do we recognize that we have been created by a higher power than we are? Do we acknowledge that by our own feeble efforts we can accomplish only infinitesimal results? Can we understand our dependence upon others, much as we would like to ignore it, and our responsibility to others who look to us for guidance, assistance and inspiration? As human beings, made in the image of God, as we read in the Good Book, our destiny is not like that of the mole, burrowing, undermining and tearing down the garden of our lives. Rather, our earnest endeavor should be to build the best and most beautiful garden of life which we can by the fullest use of the gifts given to us. We than will not only enrich our own lives, but most certainly have a small share, at least, in bringing joy, beauty, peace, love, compassion and faith to all whom we know and even to the ends of the earth. By the grace of God, man can succeed.
     "For as the earth brings forth its shoots, and a garden causes what is sown in it to spring up, no the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations." --Isaiah 61:11
John T. Loveless, Jr.


From the editor's outpost
    Feature story-- The Roanoke Reunion was over, and I was killing time in and around the lobby of the Hotel Roanoke, waiting for time to board the shuttle bus for the airport.
     I came across 1st Sergeant Joseph Gross, C Battery, 591st Field Artillery Battalion, now living at 7782 Topaz Lake Avenue, San Diego, CA 92119.
     Joe had earlier, during the reunion, mentioned that he had some photographs taken during his return to the battle area.
He took this opportunity to show me the album of pictures he had taken.
     They were excellent, and the story he told me of the activities of the 591st FAB were very interesting. I spent a good hour and one-half deeply engrossed in listening to him and following along by looking at the pictures.
     I ask him if I could use his story and some of the pictures in a future CUB. The feature story of this issue of The CUB, comes from that meeting.
     In October of 1988, Joe sent me all the material. This issue is the first opportunity that I had to use it. The Reunion coverage and Association reports were featured in the November CUB, and then in February, an excellent story by Lt. Donald Beseler, of 424/A, covering his return to the battle areas of LaVaux, Grandmenil, Manhay and Wanne was featured. I had both of these stories in hand prior to the February CUB. I wee like a kid with two new toys. But I could not run both stories. Instead I chose Beseler's for it had arrived earlier.
     Joe sent several pictures, some material that appears in Dupuy's book A Lion in the Way, and a copy (in part) of a de-classified "After Action Report" that originated from the Headquarters of the 591st Field Artillery Battalion, APO #443, c/o PM, NY, NY, Belgium, 31 December, 1944.
     This report, which covers 10 December through 31 December, 1944 will bring back many memories. Joe also includes a page from a later report which cover from 4 January to 15 January, '45. This report includes some detail on his becoming a "casualty" on 14 January, 1945 during an attack on Coulee(Joe says his unit was on an attack toward Huenemont, which localizes his location more than the general area of Coulee as mentioned in the report). He was acting as a Forward Observer (FO) in order to become eligible for a battlefield appointment. Unfortunately he was caught, as I recall from his conversation, in some unexpected cross-fire from a wooded area.
     Our thanks to 1st Sergeant Joseph Gross, 591/C for submitting such a fine group of photos and the material to go with them.

    Next issue, AUGUST-- At the airport on my way out of Roanoke I had lunch with Donald Wisehmeir, 423/SV, and his lovely wife Eileen. It was my lucky day, for he too had an album of pictures, and a story of his return to the area where the 423rd Service Company was located in the Ardennes. Don is also mentioned in Dupuy's Lion in the Way. Read the part where some Service Company men were driving down the road and came upon the Germans, then later were flushed out of a farm house by a couple of German tanks, then you are reading part of the story told me by Don Wischmeier. We hope to use his photos and his story in the August CUB.
     A reprint of Dupuy's Lion in the Way, recognized history book of the 106th Infantry Division, can be obtained from Battery Press, PO Box 3107 Upton Station, Nashville, TN 37219. Around $27.50 plus $2.00 shipping- It is the story of the 106th Infantry Division, before, up to and after the Bulge.


From the Chairman of the 43rd Annual Reunion
To the 108th Infantry Division Association
     Reunion plans for 1989 are now just about complete, the only thing missing are you the participants. I'm sure each of you will take care of that.
You will receive, under separate cover, a hotel reservation form and a reunion reservation form.
Program and schedule of events, and an Air Tran booklet on transportation from the O'Hare Airport.
     Registration fee for the 1989 reunion is 89.00 each for you and your wife or guests. There will be one optional tour "A Day at the Races." The cost of the tour, $25.00 each, includes busses to the Arlington Race Track and lunch. Please note the schedule on the back page of this CUB with a schedule of other doings.
Hotel rooms are $52.00 a day for either a single or a double, including two double beds or one king-sized bed.
     Woodfield is the world's largest Shopping Mall under one roof, with over 250 stores, 15 restaurants, and is just across the road from the Hyatt Regency Hotel. Movie theatres, additional dining, night clubs, golf courses and many other activities are within a short distance of the hotel.
     I'm sure you will find everything of deluxe quality, from the food to the accommodations. Your reunion committee is looking forward to making your days from August 31 to September 3, 1989 at The Hyatt Regency Hotel in Schaumburg, Illinois, an enjoyable and memorable occasion.
Russel Villwock 106 Recon
Reunion Chairman


    From O'Hare International Airport Take 90 West (Northwest Tollway) to exit 53 South, exit at Woodfield Drive and turn right onto Woodfield Drive. Turn right at first stoplight (called East Entrance) and follow curving road to Golf Road sign, turn right and cross intersection into Hyatt Regency Woodfield.
     United Airlines is pleased to offer the attendees of the 106th Infantry Division Association a 40 percent discount off unrestricted coach fares or 5 percent discount off lowest applicable fares, including first class. This special offer, available only to attendees of this meeting, applies to travel on domestic segments of all United Airlines and United Express flights. These fares are available through United's Meeting Plus Desk with all fare rules applying.
     United Meeting Plus Specialists are on duty 7 days a week, 8:00am to 11:00pm. Et to make your reservations. Call today, as seats may be limited. Please refer to Account Number 42311..
     United States and Canada I-800-521-4041 As a United Meeting Plus attendee you also qualify for special discount rates on Hertz Rental cars.
     Mileage Plus members receive full credit for all miles flown. Tickets will be mailed by United or you can pick them up at your local travel agency or United Airlines ticket offices.


Some of the Good Things
By Dan Bied 422/A 151 Holiday Terrace West Burlington, IA 52655
     I was in a mellow frame of mind, adjusting to my retirement, when I went to my old-fashioned Royal 440 to write this article. My typewriter, a manual bought about 10 years ago, is good enough for me. I'm a one finger typist but, having done so much of it in the past 40 years, I can fly across the keyboard, typing as fast as my mind will work.
     Some of the good things that happened to me in the Army were on my mind as I wrote. Things that occurred to me included the great Thanksgiving meal our mess crew, headed by a Sergeant from Indiana named Richardson, served us in England in 1944. It was the only Thanksgiving I've been away from home in my life. The turkey was, I can honestly say, as good as my mother fixed. But there were , unlike home, no opportunities for ravenous "seconds."
     An urge to travel seemed to run in my family. My older brother, who had been killed in a plane crash in Costa Rica a few months before I went to service, had left Iowa to work in a B-25 factory near Los Angeles. My sister had also lived in California, in addition to Chicago, Minneapolis and Washington, DC, before I went to Camp Wolters for my basic training.
     Finally, I had an opportunity to travel. It wasn't much of a train ride in January, 1944, down to Texas. But when the spring came it was pretty at the camp, near Mineral Wells. Much of what happened to me was a. bum experience, but it was a thrill to be somewhere other than Iowa or Illinois.
     Indiana was no particular source of joy for me in the summer of '44 which, many of you will remember, was hotter than blazes. But I had been to Fort Meade, Maryland, on the way to Camp Atterbury and got to do some sightseeing in Washington on the Fourth of July. That fall, it was a genuine treat to see Cape Cod while we were at Camp Myles Standish. I got two passes into Boston and will never forget seeing Stan Kenton's band -- which became one of my post-war favorites -- at the RKO Theater.
     Better yet, in a way, I got to see a burlesque show at the historic Old Howard Theater on Scollay Square, and managed to get a few beers (after the sailors were served first) at Jack Sharkey's famous bar.
     You know all about the scenery in Europe, so I won't dwell on that other than to say I still take pride in mentioning to people that I was in war-torn London on my 19th birthday. This is a handy thing to be able to talk about when, on an occasion, I'm in a group of people bragging about their recent vacations to Europe.
     That's about it in an obvious way when I think about the good things that happened to me in the Army. But there were many more subtle experiences, most notably those having to do with several friendships that continue


    with such Army-era pals as Frank Raila in Mississippi, where he is a Physician, and Ed Brewer in Maryland. I'm looking forward to seeing Frank in Chicago this fall. Ed and I have been in touch since 1946, and phone each other every year on each other's birthday.
     If someone asked me to pinpoint the best thing that happened to me in the war I would, very likely, say it was my good luck in getting through the entire experience without a scratch.
     My feet were frozen badly enough to get a Purple Heart medal in the fall of 1945, when I needed five points to speed up my discharge. But I was never hurt the way I feared I might be, such as losing my eyesight or an arm or a leg. As time goes on I'm more and more thankful for that.

     The Ardennes Forest? It's a nice place to visit, I found out in 1977, but I don't think I'd want to live there again. X by George Levine 424/M


    From 1st Sergeant Joseph J. Gross 591st Field Artillery Battalion, C Battery. 7782 Topaz Lake Ave San Diego, CA 92119
     John, Here is the information promised. It was nice talking to you in Roanoke and sharing the information and photos of our trip in June of 1988 with you. We visited battles areas where the 591st fought in the Battle of the Bulge. The Roanoke reunion was my third, and it was most thoroughly enjoyed. It was a pleasant surprise meeting you and I look forward to seeing you again in Chicago. You are doing a good job on The CUB. Keep up the good work!
     The rough sketch shows the position of the 591st on 16 December. Since the 424th was pushed out of Winterspelt twice on the 16th and 17th, the 591st had no way to withdraw except through the little trail back to Steffeshausen. We tried to take that trail on our trip, but had to turn back because of the swampy terrain. We went back through Heckhalenfeld, Winterspelt and took the narrow road through Auel. Upon entering Steffeshausen from the north, the first building I recognized was the old schoolhouse where battery members slept. My office was located in the tool shed behind the schoolhouse.
     Any person who read Dupuys St Vith, Lion in the Way or other books on the Battle of the Bulge, knows of the historic stand made by the 589th Field Artillery at what was to become known as Parker's Crossroads, hence the two snapshots of that intersection as it appears today.
I think the pictures along with the "After Action Report' will explain the rest. Best Wishes, Joe Gross.


After Action Report -- 591st FAB, December 31,1944 submitted by 1st Sergeant Joseph J. Gross, C Battery

APO #443
c/o PM, NY, NY
31 Dec 1944
Subject: After Action Report
To: The Adjutant General

Part l. Narrative Action Report
     The 591st FA. Bn. relieved the 37th FA. Be. 2nd Inf Div in position 10 Dec in the vicinity of Heckhalenfeld, Germany (cooed 90.248.8). A, B, and Hg Btry were situated in and around Heckhalenfeld. C Btry was in position at Steffeshausen and Service Btry was located at Burg Reuland.
The first round was fired by B Btry, commanded by Capt Robert A. Liking, at 1653, 10 Dec 1944.
     The Bn was engaged chiefly in firing harassing fires with a primary mission of direct support for the 424th Inf until the early morning of 16th Dec.
     The enemy began shelling the front lines shortly after 2400 15 Dec and also started sporadic counter battery fire on our positions about 0530. This later continued for about two hours and then Germans launched a determined attack all along the Division front. No casualties were suffered in this unit from enemy shellfire at this time, but communications were continually disrupted.
     During the next 24 hours the Germane moved up and attacked with heavy forces, including tanks, infantry and artillery. Considerable horse drawn artillery was seen in this area. The Bn fired 2622 rounds of HE during that time in support of the infantry and could have fired more if it had been available.
     Late in the afternoon of 16 Dec the 1st Bn 424th Inf was committed at Winterspelt to fill a gap caused by the overrunning of the Inf Cannon Co. and the Div Recon Troops. Capt Edward R. Scheringer, his wireman, Lt John MacKinnon, the forward observer and two men from his section, Cpl Harold B. Walker and Pvt Frank Carey were reported missing in action during this operation. While the Combat Team awaited assistance from the 9th Armd Div advancing south from St Vith and held doggedly to its position along the 2nd and 3rd Bn fronts, the enemy succeeded in driving the 1st Bn from Winterspelt in a savage, costly attack by tanks and infantry.
     With the loss of Winterspelt the only good route for withdrawal was lost. Div Arty relinquished control of the 591st FA Bn to Col. Reid, commanding the 424th Inf. Col Reid, still counting on support from the 9th Armd Div, decided to hold his position and the Bn remained in support.
     Fighting continued throughout the night and considerable enemy patrol activity was encountered on our north flank and to the rear.
The following day, 17 Dec, the situation remained critical and the 9th Armd Div made no headway.
     During the day some of the forward observers with the 2nd and 3rd Bns. were cut off but managed to withdraw back into our lines. In spite of their inexperience, all FO's displayed a marked courage and coolness under fire and did a superb job.
     1st Lt James J. Kelly, FO of C Btry, was cut off twice. The first time he was rescued in a counterattack by our infantry and 193 prisoners were taken in and around the battered house in which he was situated. The second time he managed to crawl back to safety under cover of darkness. 1st Lts Herbert A. Pihl, John H. Stauff, Peter F. Fleischman, Lawrence O. Meyers and Bernard Rosentahl and 2nd Lt William Nolan all had similar experiences and in several instances during the day were compelled to defend their OP's with their pistols and carbines while conducting artillery fire on the attacking enemy.
     The infantry of the 424th Regt fought savagely and heroically, and a firm bond of mutual respect and confidence between them and the artillery was cemented in the cooperation and support that existed throughout the battle. In the artillery Bn the critical item was ammunition. The main supply route had been out off and the only alternative was across country route to Sv Btry at Burg Reuland. Due to the heavy mud this route was impassable to all but light vehicles. All day long ammunition for both the artillery


     [photo] WINTERSPELT Late in the afternoon of 16 Dec, 1944, the 1st Bn 424th Inf was committed to Winterspelt to fill the gap caused by the Germans overrunning the 424 Cannon Company and the Division ReCon Troops
    [photo] WINTERSPELT Both CCB, 9th Armored and Division Artillery were informed at once of the situation at Winterspelt and the village was taken under fire by what supporting artillery could be brought in. The 591st Field Artillery, in direct support was hammering it already.

     [photo]HECKHALENFELD A short distance south of Winterspelt, where the 591st Field Artillery had located its Hq Btry, A and B Btry. With Winterspelt falling to the Germans, these units withdrew over a very narrow trail east to Steffeshausen, then reuniting at Burg Reuland and then proceeding to Grufflingen


    [photo] The 591st Field Artillery Battalion relieved the 37th FAB, 2nd Division in position on 10 December 1944 in the vicinity of Heckhalenfeld. HQ, A and B Batteries were located in end around the village. C Battery was in place at Steffeshausen and the Service Battery was located near Burg Reuland. B Btry fired the first round at 1653 10 Dec 1944.

    [photo] STEFFESHAUSEN A view of the village of Steffeshausen where C Battery was located just east of the Our River and Burg Reuland.

[photo] STEFFESHAUSEN A school house where C Battery had their sleeping quarters


After Action Report-- 591st FAB, December 31, 1944
submitted by 1st Sergeant Joseph J. Gross, C Battery

and the infantry was hauled over this route in jeeps.
     Just prior to the fall of Winterspelt the Bn Executive, Maj Carl H. Wohlfeil managed to get a detail of three trucks back to Elcerath to get the ammunition left there by the Inf Cannon Co. This ammunition was used by the artillery batteries. About this time, too, Pvt Bill T. Ervin, B Btry, driver of an ammunition truck displayed great courage and heroism in hauling a truck load of ammunition through the enemy fire which knocked off the right front shock absorber and riddled the truck with holes.
     Finally, about 1500, 17 Dec, Col Reid decided that the situation was no longer tenable. The enemy was pouring into the gap at Winterspelt and the 112th Inf Regt of the 28th Inf Div on the right flank was being hard pressed and falling beck. Lt Col Hoover called in the BC's of Hq, A and B Btries., 1st Lt Bernard L. Lockridge, Capt Arthur W. Corcoran, and Capt Robert A. Likins respectively, explained the situation and showed them the route of withdrawal.
     This route led back to within 300 yards of the then known front lines and proceeded northward to Burg Reuland. He then left with Capt Wetherill, the liaison officer from the reinforcing 965th FA. Bn, who had been over the route, the 9-3, a route-marking party. The remainder of the Bn under the En Exec followed about a half hour later.
     During the march the route was under sporadic nebelwerfer fire. About 1900 the infantry withdrew on a compass of 270. At approximately 2330 the Bn was reunited at Burg Reuland and proceeded to Grufflingen where the batteries were put into position. Except for three vehicles and some personal equipment abandoned at Heckhalenfeld, the Bn remained intact and no casualties were suffered.
     C Btry abandoned one truck and howitzer at Steffeshausen but returned the next day, 18 Dec, and retrieved the howitzer, the truck had been burned. (Here 1st Sergeant Gross inserted into this report "6 guys and myself' he also added they picked up all their kitchen equipment.)
     At Grufflingen the Bn again rendered direct support to the 424th Inf which had taken up a defensive position along the high ground between Bracht and Burg Reuland. The Bn commander adopted one platoon of the Inf Cannon Co. which had managed to escape and employed it as a fourth battery. This platoon remained attached to the Bn for the following two days and, under Lt. Buedingen, the Cannon Co. Exec did a magnificent job.
     While in position at Grufflingen, all batteries of the Bn were continually under enemy artillery fire and two linemen, Pvt Richard D. Savage and Pvt John R. Panizza, both of Hq Btry, were wounded. The Bn Cmdr decided to displace to Braunlauf and this was accomplished the night of 21 Dec.
     That night the enemy again broke through at St. Vith, thereby threatening our flank and rear once more. The Bn received orders to withdraw to the vicinity of Commanster the following day.
     During the occupation of Braunlauf the Bn continued to receive hostile enemy fire but no casualties were reported. At daybreak 22 Dec the Bn Commander with the S-3 led the Bn less C Btry to the new positions in the vicinity of Commanster. The Bn Exec with a section of the FDC was left behind with C Btry to give the infantry artillery support until such time as the infantry withdrew. Visibility was limited to approximately 50 yards and radio communications was very poor - only one FO was in the net.
     No missions were fired for almost three hours and finally the FO reported that the infantry was moving to the rear. C Btry fired and unobserved mission to the front of the infantry to cover its withdrawal and then, having received permission by radio from the Bn Commander, executed a march order and proceeded to its position at Commanster
     The Bn remained in this position, attached to the 7th Armd Div, and continued to support the 424th Inf until the morning of 23rd Dec when a general withdrawal was ordered to the west of Salm River. At 0800, 23 Dec, the Bn Cmdr and S-2 left to reconnoiter a rendezvous area in the vicinity of Ville, Belgium.
     The Bn, under control of the Bn Ex., followed at 1130 crossing the river at Vielsalm. At about 1600, the Bn closed in Ville and were quartered in civilian homes. The next day, 24 Dec, was spent in reorganizing


After Action Report -- 591st FAB, December 31, 1944
submitted by 1st Sergeant Joseph J. Gross, C Battery

cleaning equipment, and replacing supplies.
     At 1900, 24 Dec, the Bn again moved up to the vicinity of Chene-al-Pierre to go into action behind the 7th Armd Div. Since the position was exposed to threatened enemy armor attack, positions were reconnoitered by the Bn Exec to the rear in the vicinity of Fays. These positions were occupied on the morning of 25 Dec with the Bn CP at Sodelheid.
     Meanwhile the 424th Inf was again committed on the front of the 7th Armd Div and the Bn rendered them direct support. This situation continued until the 75th Inf Div relieved the 424th Inf about noon 28th Dec at which time the Bn again displaced to the vicinity of Chevron and was attached to the 82nd A/B Div with a mission of general support.
     In this position replacement supplies are being received daily and replacement personnel are on the way. By midnight, 31 Dec the Bn had lost in 21 days of continuous action against the enemy, 2 enlisted men wounded; 2 officers and 3 enlisted men missing in action; and 7 men evacuated sick or injured as non-battle casualties.
     No material was lost with the exception of one howitzer which B Btry was forced to abandon and destroy in the general withdrawal on 23 Dec. This howitzer has since been replaced and the Bn continues to perform its mission at 100% efficiency.

Part II
a) Personnel - 2 officers and 3 EM MIA; 2 EM WIA; 7 evacuated sick or non-battle casualties.
    b) Awards - Recommended for citations: Pvt Bill T. Ervin, B Btry; 1st Lt James J. Kelly, FO, C Btry; 1st Lt Lawrence Myers, FO, B Btry.
c) Command Personnel Changes -None.
    d) Supply and Evacuation - Ammo Officer, 1st Lt Robert R. Ringer, and Bn S-4, Capt Morris M. Dolitsky, with assistance of the Bn Motor Officer, 2nd Lt Howard W. Kriz, rendered outstanding service to the Bn, especially in the early stages of the battle at Heckbalenfeld. Bn Surgeon, 1st Lt William Davies, MC, rendered valuable service to the Infantry medical sections by assisting the Regimental Surgeon in caring for and evacuating infantry casualties. The Artillery Bn suffered only 2 minor casualties. Wounded were evacuated often through roads which were reported under fire from enemy patrols.
e) Unit Journal - Accompanies report.
f) Supporting Documents - None.
    g) Overlay of Operations. Marches, etc. - See attached overlay (includes routes, positions, and zones of fire of positions fired from.

Part III
Battle Lessons
    Particularly in a stable situation, a company will try to maintain communication to the platoon and thence to each squad on line with its power phones. By hooking on to their line, you have unlimited possibilities for keeping abreast of the situation and firing missions from any point. This gives you a party line with all the infantry, the FO, the Ln 0 and Fire Direction. Any infantryman can adjust fire if the FO is on line to convert what he wants to a proper sensing. One draw-back with this set-up is the extra pull on the Ln 0-F0 line makes ringing very faint and sometimes negligible. This is easily taken care of by arranging whistle signals between two parties and keeping the earpiece within easy hearing range (editor's note)--That completes that portion of the "After Action Report," but 1st Sergeant Gross included a part of another, possibly a continuation of the former, that included the action where he was wounded and taken out of action--it follows. J. Kline editor) … from the reinforced artillery units and periodic registrations when observation was permitted. During the four final days of the attack from 4-7 January inclusive, the Battalion fired 749 missions with an expenditure of 4,997 rounds--which is an average


After Action Report -- 591st FAB, December 31, 1944
submitted by 1st Sergeant Joseph J. Gross, C Battery

of a mission every 7.5 minutes.
     The Battalion rejoined the 424th Inf again on 8 January, 1945 under 106th Division control and moved to Moustier (68.004.0) and Roanne. (67.8-09.7) from the vicinity of Odrimont (62.7-91.6) and Arbrefontaine (64.7-90.8), which latter positions had been occupied on the night of 7 January. No firing was done from Ordrimont-Arbrefontaine positions.
     At Moustier, the Bn relieved the 229 FA Bn and took over their positions. We worked alongside this Bn at the time the Germans started their offensive, and now, as then, we found them very helpful and cooperative.
     From 8-12 January the Bn fired very few missions in comparison to the last week's activity. Blinding snowstorms and heavy ground haze were constantly hindering the observation of the forward observers (FO's).
     Again on 12 Jan the Bn Exec and the BC's reconnoitered for forward positions near Ster (69.5-00.9) and Parfondary (70.5-00.5). the positions were occupied in the evening of the next day, the Bn moving by echelon, first C Btry, then A and B Batteries as soon as C Btry had completed registration. The burned and mutilated bodies of three civilians found in Parfondray were mute testimony to the cruelty of the German SS Troops who had been there.
     The weather cleared considerably on 13 January as the 424th Infantry jumped off in an attack against LaVaux. The Bn fired 1198 rounds in 235 missions in support of the infantry this day. Although the regiment advanced steadily, resistance was stronger than had been expected and progress was slow. The following day in an attack on Coulee several of the FO parties suffered casualties from enemy artillery, mortar, and direct fire from tanks.
     2nd Lt Paul H. Seehausen, A Btry FO; 1st Sergeant Joseph J. Gross, C Btry, who were acting as FO, in order to qualify for battlefield appointment; Cpl McLure, Hq Btry radio operator of the Ln section No. 1.
     It was during this attack that Lt Herbert A. Phil, artillery Ln officer with the 1st Bn distinguished himself by such courageous leadership in reorganizing a badly decimated and lost group of infantrymen, and in evacuating wounded under fire that he was recommended for the Silver Star decoration.
     Several other officers and Enlisted men were also recommended for Bronze Star decorations as a result of their performance during the day's attack. M/Sgt Howard D. Crank, Bn Sgt Major, also led an FO party during this engagement end did a superb job.
     Clear weather and heavy firing by the Bn continued on 15 January. Our aircraft had a field day knocking out German vehicles and equipment streaming out of the dwindling salient. The infantry gained all but one of its final objectives by nightfall and dug in.
     B Btry was moved forward to vicinity of Aisemont in order to register on the 16th, but visibility was so poor it was impossible. A and C Batteries continued to fire harassing missions from . . .(end of report, as received.... editor)


    [photo] STEFFESHAUSEN A tool shed behind the Steffeshausen school where 1st Sergeant Gross had his office. The office was located behind the door that is under the ladder in this picture

    [photo] STEFFESHAUSEN This building was the C Battery Mess Hall. This is where kitchen equipment was left as they pulled out on 17 Dec. 1st Sergeant Gross along with 6 men returned to retrieve the kitchen equipment on 18 Dec.

    [photo] STEFFESHAUSEN A field in which the firing battery was located, near Steffeshausen. A Howitzer was left here along with a 6X6 truck. The Howitzer along with the kitchen equipment in the above picture were retrieved by lst Sgt Gross and 6 men on 16 Dec.44. The ground had frozen enough to allow the use of a prime mover.


    [photo] PARFONDARY This is the home of the sister of Serge Fontaine, who was 1st Sgt Gross' guide during his return to the battle field area. Sege Fontaine is a friend of the 106th and is acquainted with the history of our Division (see past CUBs) The 591st Batteries were located near this village on 12 January 1945.

    [photo] Road to Huenemont On 13 January 1945 the 424th launched an attack on LaVaux. The following day, during an attack on Coulee, several Forward Observer parties suffered casualties. This road is where 1st Sergeant Gross was wounded. He was acting as a Forward Observer in order to qualify for a Battle Field Commission.

[photo]AISOMONT Where an Aid Station was located on 13 January 1945 1st Sgt Gross was taken to the Aid Station here.


    [photo] PARKER'S CROSSROAD see pages 182-190 St. Vith, Lion in the Way Baraque de Fraiture was the name of the height where the cross roads hamlet stood. In the winter it was a dreary, snow sifted patch in the middle of the Ardennes marsh area, the place is and always will be known by the 106th as PARKER'S CROSSROAD



    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania December 16th Commemoration by George Vance 422/AT 253 Dutch Lane Pittsburgh, PA 15236 412-659-1724
     On December 11, 1988, a group of the 106th Infantry Division veterans, with wives and friends gathered at the Brentwood VFW Post No. 1810, Pittsburgh, PA and enjoyed a noon buffet to commemorate the anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge."
     A delicious hot buffet was served by Mrs. Alberta Ritter and her kitchen staff. During the serving Christmas tunes were played, which added warmth and thoughts of the coming festive season. Friendship and camaraderie prevailed. Mr. Joseph Maloney, 424/HQ, spoke to the group about his recent visit to Saint Vith which brought back memories of the battle. The meeting began with a pledge to the flag, followed by the singing of the National Anthem.... aided by a "Kate Smith" recording. We wish to thank Mr. & Mrs. Harry Jackson, 423/MED for providing the records and equipment. We also wish to thank Pete Yancik, 423/A, for the photography work.
In attendance, thirty-five in all were:
Bosle, Robert H./Gloria, 422/I
Devaty, Raymond S. /Eileen, 423/MED
Fazio, Joseph/Mary, 423/M
Fischer, Lewis P./Jane, 423/HQ 2BN
Jackson, Harry/Franny, 423/MED
Jones, James G/Dolores, 422/C
Koluezez, Harry/Jennie Rose, 423/HQ
Kwaczek, Carl S/Lillian, 422/C
Lowenberg, Howard/Dorothy, 423/E
Maloney, Joseph P/Vivian, 424/HQ
Repos, Stanley J./Irene, 424/MED
Rigatti, Richard L/Patricia, 423/B
Vance, George T./Norma, 422/AT
Yancik, Pete/Diane, 423/A
Ulrich, James L., 423/MED
Liska, Rudy, 423/G
Martin, Dr. John B./Pearl, 422/MED
Chapman, Joann
Miller, Robert/Mary, 28th Inf. Div.
Not attending, but in touch:
Collins, John S., 422/F
Connelly, Dr Michael, 589/MED
Flick, Robert F., 81st ENG/C Langham, Francis S., 422/C
Lapato, Frank, 422/HQ
Shidemantle, John D., 422/HQ
Straub, Ted J., 422/M
Yelochan, Albert, 422/HQ
Heard as we left, "Let's get-to-gather this summer, for sure next December."


D Company, 422nd Infantry... by Sherod Collins
    One infantry company has proved to be very special in its service to the 106th Infantry Division Association. There are currently 20 of these GI's who belong, most of them attend reunions regularly.
More to the point, special people from this heavy weapons company are as follows:
     Gene Saucerman: Served as president in 1973-74. he is the only person to serve as president in two administrations. he took over in 1972-73 after the untimely death of our beloved Doctor George Bullard.
Robert F. (Bob) Walker: Served as president in 1976-77.
Fred B. Chase: Served as president in 1979-80.
Dr. John G. Robb: Presently serving as your president, 1988-89.
    Boyd A. Rutledge: Presently serving as your Adjutant. Other members from this unit have been very active in all areas including the December 16th Commemoration meetings. These include the late Harold Brummer, Charles Smith, Bob York, and Frank Trautman. Roy Hilliard, a retired Methodist Minister, delivered the memorial address at the Mobile, Alabama reunion in 1987. Newer members are beginning to come to the fore. This company "D Company, 422nd Infantry" is one of distinction. We salute them, they are much appreciated.

From Before the Veterans Die by Dale R. Carver 424HQ A&P Platoon
The captain called for artillery at Willy minus five.
The liaison officer relayed the call,
and the guns to our rear came to alive.
The captain called for artillery at Willy minus ten.
'Crossed Cannons" checked his map,
then called the order in.
The captain called for artillery at Willy minus a score.
'Crossed Cannons' spread his chart,
and called the colonel over:
'Who the hell is commanding L? A mad man to be sure! I
I hate to shell his position,
but that's what he is calling for."
The frantic captain called again, "Fire everything you've got!
You won't hurt us. We're in holes.
The enemy is not!"


    Platoons of NEW MEMBERS!!! The curt-off date for this "NEW MEMBER" column was April 1, 1989. Any applications for new memberships received after that date, by this editor, will be shown in the next CUB. The next CUB will be mailed in early August hopefully the first week, in order to reach all before the Chicago Reunion. Please submit any correspondence that you want to appear in that issue before September 1, 1989. Thanks, John Kline - editor)

Eldridge, Robert D. 422/G Me 2 Box 279 R. 39 Braden., FL 34202
     I belonged to the Association in the 50's. My wife Jean and I will be married 40 years this coming June. I was captured near Schoenberg 12/21/44. Marched to Gerolstein, put in box-cars which were strafed on the 24th of December. I was wounded and had frozen feet, so was left at a railroad station, finally getting to Stalag 6-G, Bonn where we were bombed out and moved to Stalag 12-A, Limburg. Moved out of there in box-cars and was liberated from those box-cars a few days later.
     Was hospitalized in France for nearly two months. Served with an MP outfit at Camp Wilker (?) N.J. when the 106th came home in '45. I worked for the Boston, VA Hospital as a surgical technician until 1976 and retired due to a ruptured disc. I belong to two POW Chapters and serve as a Chaplain in each, trying to serve our Lord who has done so much for us. We have three daughters and 7 grandchildren.
Thanks for contacting me.

Thorsen, Devon C. 424/A 7151st Ave Clarks City, IA 50616
Smith, Robert W. 424/CN 1124 Flanders Rd, Mystic, CT 06355

Hancock, Daniel R. 423/G 2329 Sparrow's Point Rd Baltimore, MO 21219
    I joined the 106th in March of '43. I left Ft Jackson in September after basic, went to Camp Pickett, VA and joined the 28th Division. From there to Boston POE. I am 66 years of age and often think about the guys I took basic with. Wonder how many made it home safe. My heart and prayers go out to all who served. I received an application from a Mr. George White, 2330 S. Brentwood Blvd., St. Louis, MO. I found George's name in a 1987 American Legion magazine. Thanks.

Crawford, John D. 592/HQ 3147 Melrose Ave NW Roanoke, VA 24017
     John, received the CUB. I noticed you did not have my unit. I was a Tech Sgt, Communications Chief of HQ, 592 FA. I was with the 80th Division and went to Ft Jackson as cadre, to form the 106th. I stayed until the end. How well I remember December 16th, 1944. Fred Farris lives 6 miles from me and comes by often. We exchange our experiences. I have some good souvenirs that I brought back. He could tell you about them.
     Please excuse my writing. I have 100% service connected disability with arthritis. I am 70 years old and a retired teacher (11 years ago). I go to the VA every week for shots. We have a man there from the 592th, he is a full time bed patient, named Goodman. I sure enjoyed the meeting here at Roanoke. I feel I am lucky to be here today after the Battle of the Bulge. Hope to hear from some of the members.

Hempel, Robert W. 591/C 6031 W. Bernice Chicago, IL 60634


New Members

Huber, Edward J. 424/CN 1133 N. Ironwood Dr. Sou. Bend, IN 46615

Dobe, Francis J. 422/C 877 Howe SI Manchester, NH 03103

Walden, Lawrence 424/H 78110. 4415 Drive 41139 Glendale, AZ 85301

Harwell, Harry 423/H 7320 E. 610 Place Tulsa, OK 74133
    Dear Gil, It certainly was with a great deal of pleasure that I received your letter of October 28. I can honestly say that I had no idea that an Association existed for the veterans of the 106th Infantry Division. Nor did I know that a memorial existed for the Division at St. Vith, I also was pleased to see that the Association is supporting educational programs.
     I have not been active in service organizations. I belonged to the VFW and American Legion for years, but never really participated. The VA didn't hear from me for forty years, that is until my health began to give me problems. I now see that there is a lot more to the veteran's organizations than just being a "a social club." I recently joined the American Ex-POWs, and that is where you came aroma my name. I was discharged from at Brooks General Hospital in San Antonio in November of '45. I pursued a degree in Accounting at Oklahoma University which I completed in '49. I have been engaged in that field all my working life. I sold my accounting business in 1987. In '82 I purchased a chain of fast food restaurants and sold them in '85. My wife, Betty, and I have a home here in Tulsa, and a lake cottage on one of Oklahoma's super lakes about 65 miles from Tulsa. We spend about one-half our time at each place.
I was born in February of '25, my health is not good due to diabetes I developed about twenty years ago.
     I don't like to complain, for when I am around the VA Hospital I see a lot more that are far worse than I, so I should have something to be thankful for. I have received a few letters since my name appeared in the Ex-POW magazine, one of them was from an organization of Ex-Stalag 9B prisoners. It seems that most of these organizations have a group of dedicated veterans and my respect goes out to them, like to you, for the service that you give to keep an organization alive.
I certainly appreciated your letter and hope to see you in Chicago.
Harvey Harwell

Tower, William O. 106 RECON 7659 Comstock Temperance, MI 58182
Van De Bogart, Herman 424/A 1665 W. Ajo Way Tuscon, AZ 85713

    Dear Mr. Kline, I received another reminder from Bill Beseler about a membership group of the 106th Infantry Division. I was a T-5 in 424/A. We have been traveling around the upper continent the past four years from Florida Keys to Yukon and Alaska. We do usually spend winters at the Tuscon Address. Thank you for all that you are doing.
    (editor's note)--Thanks Herman, Lt Beseler told me about you. Nice to see your name back on the 106th roster I really appreciated the nice story Beseler gave an for the Jan-Feb-Mar 1989 CUB. Stones like that are great I know that a lot more of the members have experiences like that, I only wish I could get a few more of them to write and send pictures. Again, thanks for joining, hope to see you at one of the reunions. J. Kline)

Szpek, Ervin 423/1 3219 We. Drury In Milwaukee, WI 53215
Gil, am retired from AMC for 9 years now. Will celebrate 35 years of marriage

    to my wife Dolores this summer. We have six children and five grandchildren. My wife returned to teaching and I spend most of my time helping her in her classroom with my artistic talents (she call them) designing and creating her "Bulletin Boards." We enjoy traveling and are looking forward to an anniversary trip to Hawaii, for which our children have been saving since our 30th anniversary. This last summer I finally traced down my old army buddy James Mills of Vandalia, Ohio. We and our wives got together and did a lot of reminiscing. For the records I was in 423/I and was a prisoner in Dresden, Slaughter House V. (editor's note)--Ervin, maybe your artistic talents could be of use in The CUB. You asked about the memorial asking "What's It?" There is a memorial at St Vith. It's located at a school known as the "Bischofliche Schule ° and is dedicated to the men of the 106th Infantry Division. The memorial is kept up by the director of the school E. Cremer. He is assisted in his efforts by the Mayor Wilhelm Pip of St. Vith. There was a picture of them on the cover of the last CUB placing a wreath on the memorial, and another picture on page 22 of them discussing the "Battle of the Bulge" with the students of the school.

Hayden, Henry V. 81st ENG/? 6730 5 Catalina Dr Tuscon, AZ 85718
    Barbara and I have three children and ten grandchildren. I am in the electric motor sales and service, have been since 1948. I am planning now to sell the business.

Yost., Jr., Owen K. 424/CN 2704 N. Oak St, Bldg G Valdrieu„ GA 31602
    Have been back here in Valdosta since I first got out of service. I am a physician- OB-GYN. My wife Joann and I have four children, one of them married and expecting our first grandchild. I enjoy golf, fishing and wood-working in my spare time.

Edelman, Herb 424/SV 15905 Harden Click Southfield M140705

Kenyon, James F. 424/CN Star Rie Box 32096 Manistique, 041 49854
(editor's note)--Jim, I see a few 424/CN men joining lately. Write and tell us a little about yourself)

Stengel, Richard 592/B 10721 William Street Lansing, IL 60438

    Butterfield, Wallace 423/C 6870 Willow Way Salt Lake City, UT 84121 I spent my career as a diesel mechanic for the Pacific Intermountain Express Co. Later I spent 15 years as their shop foreman. I had to quit working in 1981 due to health. I survived two open heart operations. I am now 63 years of age. I have 10 special grandchildren. We lost one granddaughter from a strange accident. As you aware- your grandchildren are the spice of life. Very special! I have a loving wife who has put up with me since November of 1946.

    Liskiewicz, Michael W. 106 RECON 4 Clifford Heights Amherst, NY 14 226 Since 1944I have completed four years of college at New York University School of Business, worked for the Federal Government with the Defense Contract Agency. Retired in 1980 after 30 years of service. Presently active with the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the Holy Name Societies. Married 1950, have four daughters and seven grandchildren.

LaCroix., Arthur P. 106 RECON 1603 Morningside Dr Rapid City, SD 57701
    Currently enjoying retirement after 20 years in business and as Mayor of Rapid City for 12 years (75287). I am a retired


    Major, combined active duty an reserve of 28 years 8 months. My wife Trude has All Continents Travel Service, have one son Mike and two grandsons.
I enjoy golfing, fishing, carving and sculpturing.

Segassie, Edward E. 423/I 8616 Kildare Dr Knoxville, TN 37923

Henderson, Augustus A. 422/C Young Lake Rd RFD XI Wesifield, ME 04787
     I was born and raised in Dexter, Maine. After getting out of the army in 1945 I spent three years in a VA Hospital. I have had a lot of operations and have a 100% disability. I use a walker to get around the mobile home, but outside I have a motor wheel chair. In the winter I don't get out much and when I do get out they push me around in the wheelchair. I have one son and two grandchildren. One grandaughter is in the Air Force, at Tinker AFB. Also have one great Grandchild, a boy.
    (editor's note)--Augustus, it is nice hearing from you. I hope some of the members see this note and drop you a line.

Wright, Wilfred C. 106 RECON 6 Birch Street Danvers, MA 01923
     Gil, Thanks for contacting me. I started my own building business in '47, retired in '73 to become a Building Inspector for Danvers. Still working full time. I have three children plus two super grandchildren. Other than a bad stomach I inherited from Uncle Sam, I am in good health.

Curry, Robert B. 423/MED Box 233 Mansfield, IL 61854
    I am happy to be part of the 106th Infantry Division Association. My thanks to Kenneth Hunt, Don McCarron and Anton Costa for their interest In contacting old budies of the 423rd Medical Detachment. I am planning on attending the reunion in Chicago this year. (editor's note)--Bob, it's nice to see the number of Medics that are joining now. You are right, the boys are doing a good job. They will have the 423 Medics as the top group in Chicago, if they keep it up.

Piazza, Lewis R. 423/MED 657 White Plains Rd Easichesler, NY 10707
     Sherod, I was not aware that our outfit was having reunions until I attended the POW Medal award ceremonies. I met Bob Kelly's daughter who works for the local newspaper. She informed me that her father was in the 423rd Regiment and Bob contacted me and gave me all the information. I have contacted several of the 423rd Medics and we are all trying to get to the reunion in Chicago.
     Here's a side note to the bombing that occurred in Deitz, Germany, that everyone seems to be unaware of. Several thought that I was killed. It is apparent that I was not. We were laying over in box-cars at the rail-head on December 22nd, 1944 when a Mosquito Pathfinders dropped their flares most of the men broke out of the cars and ran for cover when the bombs were dropped. We tried to tend to the wounded and tried to find shelter for them. I took one of our medics, who spoke German, as an interpreter and we directed to a camp near-by. We got a German escort and brought the men in. We walked right into Stalag XII-A. Took the men to a make-shift hospital barracks.
     The bombing took place at 6:15pm according to a clock on a bombed out clock tower. I found Lt. Ed Mansfield in this makeshift hospital, blackened, disheveled and with a concussion. He survived the bombing of a direct hit to a barracks with American Officers.


    There were 62 killed and 2 wounded. I stayed over-night and was assigned as Identification Officer for those killed. I made a note in my diary of officers that I knew were killed; Captain Ed Weinberg, M.C.; Captain Freis, 2nd Battalion HQ; Captain Pfiffer, M.C. Collecting Co.; Captain Paul Kirsten M.C. Medical Detachment (my Unit).
     Except for Ed Weinberg, the others were just fragments of bodies. The Germans placed them in blankets -and had me officiate their burial in a mass grave -along with some French and Russians. My progression: From Stalag XII-A on March 10 through Frankfurt to Bad Orb then on to Hammelburg Stelae XIII-B. (Captain Weeks was killed by the guards at this camp.) Also liberated for 24 hours by Patton's Task Force trying to rescue his son-in-law Captain Watters. I left the next day to Nurenburg Stalag III, then to Moosberg Stalag VII-A, and was liberated April 29th, 1945.
     Finally returned to civilian life, started Dental Practice, later married Mildred, have two daughters, two grandsons and am still practicing, in good health. Hope to see you in Chicago for my first reunion.

Schneider, Lorenz W. 424/SV 6097 Olive SL North Ridgeville, OH 44039
     (editor's note)-- Harvey Bradford, who contributed the article on the AQUITANIA for the JUL-AUG-SEPT CUB, signed up his buddy Lorenz. He says that Lorenz was a Dispatcher for the 424 Motor Pool. MIA Dec 20, 1944 and returned to duty January 20, 1945 at Tres Pouts, Belgium.
    Harvey is also trying to locate more members of the 424th. Thanks Harvey, Might be an interesting story on Lorenz on what happened between 12/2044 and 1/20/45

Ahrens, Raymond L. 424/C 1419 Mann. SL Hoot, IN 50036
    Gil Helwig sent Raymond a roster that he ask for and Raymond also asked for a Division Patch - We are out of stock at the moment - I hope someone is looking for a new supply (J. Kline ed.)

Broadwater, Clifford H. 423/AT 140 Turk., Lane Roseburg, OR 91470
     I was transferred to the 106th Division and assigned to the 423 Anti-Tank Company in June of '44. I had been Sergeant Major of the Enlisted Cadre Pool, Anti-aircraft Replacement Training Center, Fort Bliss, Texas. As Master Sergeant in the Anti-Tank Company, I was excess rank and probably excess personnel. I took my infantry training under Corporal Lloyd Hopkins on a 57-mm antitank gun, and assisted 1st Sergeant Floyd Jesson with paperwork and detail.
     I accompanied Antitank Company through England, France Belgium and to the front lines at Bleialf, Germany. We had been at Bleialf only a couple of days when I was detailed to 423rd Headquarters with a Sergeant and about 30 men from line infantry companies to for a provisional Military Police unit. We were there only a couple of days when the Battle of the Bulge broke. We were given custody of about 30 German soldiers who had been captured. When the 423rd back off the line, we followed on foot with the prisoners and were with the 423rd when we were captured on December 19, 1944. With many others, I was taken to Stalag 9-B at Bad Orb and then later moved to Stalag 9-A near Ziegenhain. We were liberated by units of General Patton's Third Army on March 30, 1945.
    (editor's note)-Your comments we interesting, I would be interested in any other material that you have, whether for publication or not I will be in touch - J Kline)


Azzi, Alighiero A. 423/A 6022 Colmar Dr. Mechanicsville, VA 23111
Beane, Glen G. 423/H0 1BN D-20 Peacock St Ft Pierce, FL 34982
     I cannot remember Company and Unit but my Company Commander was Captain Moyer and my Battalion Commander was Colonel Craig. I would appreciate any help I can get in obtaining this information. After twenty years with Bankers Guarantee Title & Trust in Akron, Ohio, I retired as Vice-President and disposed of our home and an Art Store and now make our home in Ft Pierce.
I would like to hear from friends from the 106th and from Stalag IX-B, Bad Orb.

Braden, Reuben H. 422/K 1321 Bowie St. Columbus, TX 78934
    Gil Helwig, I would like to have the names of the men in the 106th Division. (editors note)--Reuben, I think you mean the names of the men in the 106th Infantry Division Association. If so, there will be a roster of all current members of the association that will be mailed with the August CUB. It will be prepared sometime in July. If you mean names of the Division we can't help you -there were 50,000 to 60,000 men that rotated through the 106th Infantry Division in its history. The founders of this association had to struggle with that large number in trying to gather together what became the 106th Infantry Division Association. It looks like it is time to run a story on the organizing of the association - we have hundreds of new members who should be brought up to date with the history)

Travis, Harry F. 423/MED 14570 Sunset Dr Delray Beach, FL 33445
    (editor's note)--Another 423rd Medic - you guys are doing a good job. 423rd Service will have to get their act together at the reunion if They are going to be TOP DOG.' Hey, that sounds pretty good, maybe we need a TOP DOG award

Jobe, Weyman E. 422/HO 2BN 4212 Soong Valley Dr. So. Mobile, AL 36693
     I was a member of the Division from its start at Ft Jackson. I was the Message Center Chief S/Sgt and was captured in the Battle of the Bulge.
    I lost contact with the association after the first reunion in Indianapolis in '47. I am retired after 42 years, 9 months as Claims Manager for JCG Railroad Company.
Aborn, Joseph 590/C 210 Nahanton St. Newton, MA 02159
     Gil, I was a member many years ago by reason of request of Doug Colley who was in the same unit. You asked for some background. I organized an association as American Prisoners of War of Massachusetts of which I became Commander and later on Judge Advocate. In the interim I became a member of DAV and acted as Judge Advocate.
     I was then appointed by the then governor of Massachusetts as Chairman of a committee for a special parade, entertainment and dinner gifts to Korean Ex-POWs. I was then appointed by the Governor to honor, in the same manner, the Vietnam Ex-POWs.
     I am now a member and Judge Advocate of Ex-POWs of Massachusetts. I was a delegate to the National Convention in Las vegas in '88. I am active in the American Legion whose members are mostly Chinese. I also have been corresponding with an Ex-POW from 590/C, Rudy Balog. I wonder if he is an association member. (editor's note)--Joe, it doesn't look like Rudy is a member, why don't you ask him to join?


Bell, Jr. Harry H. 422/F 4103Fraaldin Ave Gulfport, MS 39507
     Retired January '88 as Vice-Pres Customer Services, Mississippi Power Company Headquarters in Gulfport, MS. I visited former Stalag IX-B at Bad Orb in 1969. It serves as a summer children's camp. Visited Adlestrop England in 1983. The Manor House and grounds now serve as a home for wayward boys. Not open to the public. Nothing left of our Quonset Hut encampment but the concrete slabs.
Visited the Port of South Hampton in '85, where we embarked for LeHarve in late November '44.

Berberian, Kachadore 422/K 2 Tomblin Hill Rd Northboro, MA 01532
     Married, two children, one boy, one girl. Self-employed since 1947 in market garden operation. Have been a private pilot for the last 20 years, flying my own plane for pleasure. (editor's note)--Kachadore, nice to meet another pilot I haven't flown for three years, but hold a Commercial Instrument license with a SEL Instructors endorsement Have about 950 hours, all Single Engine Land. Once owned a Cessna 182 Retractable I miss flying, I am always looking into the air when a private plane goes over, and longing for that freedom. Happy Flying, keep the needle and ball rightside up.

Brockwell, Charles L. 422/M 888 E Hillcrest Dr. lonnsou City, TN 37604

Chadbourne, Everett L. 422/E 18 Perky Ave Rowley, MA 01969

Canter, Henry 423/A 11 June Lane Newton Centre, MA 02159

Cruz, Leo J. Unit Unknown 1739 Dana Place Lakeland, FL 33801
     After discharge in '45 returned to my former job as a fire-fighter for the U.S. Navy. Retired with 31 years duty in Key West, Florida. We moved to Lakeland, Fla in 1979. We are now taking life easy and enjoy camping in different parks of the country.
     Had our 51st Wedding Anniversary in December, 1988. Would like to see some of the old buddies again. (editor's note)--Leo, do me a favor, call an old friend In Lakeland for me - name is James Tavrides, and tell him I miss the trips to LaPaz and Mazatlan, Mexico, especially remembering the time he scared off another fishing boat by waving a pistol around. It's an inside joke, but he is a good man and will get a kick out of it. We have mutual friends.

Fendlason, Spencer E. 422/A 421 Bahia Lane Ponchatoula, LA 70545

Ruck, Harvey A. 423/C W166 148532 Theodore Ave Menomonee Palls, WI 53051
    I joined the Division in Camp Atterbury in 1944. I was the Company Runner attached to Battalion Headquarters and was captured in the Bulge on December 19, 1944. I spent time in Stalag IV-B, Muhlberg Germany. I am a retired Inspector with the Wisconsin State Patrol and have one son, who was born when I was a prisoner. I am a member of the DAV and AX-POW.

Clements, Lawrence 424/A Rte 5 Box 855 Appoulatm, VA 24522

Bounds, Eldred L. 423/MED RFD n81300105 Salisbury, MD 21801
    Gil, I was captured on December 16th, marched to Stalag XILA reaching there December 24, 1944. We were bombed the next day by the British and my Commanding Officer was killed. I


    Stayed there a month and was moved to Stalag 2A in Poland later moved to Luft I and liberated in May by the Russians, flown to Camp Lucky Strike then home on a Hospital Ship.
     After discharge I started working for a Ford Dealer. Worked for him 10 years and then went into a partnership for our own dealership. I have been a Ford Dealer for 34 years, My son is now running the dealership.
    I was married to my first wife 37 years, she died in 1978 of cancer. We had one son and one daughter. I remarried my second wife ten years ago, she had three daughters.

Byrd, Jr., Lloyd E. 422/110 1BN PO Box 1305 Windermere, FL 32786

DeSoto, Philip 422/MED 22 Ode SI.
Livermore Falls, ME 09254
     I was held by the Germans at Stalag IV-13 for about five months. After my release and re-habilitation I was stationed at Searsport, ME until my discharge in '45. I went back to my home-town, Jay, Maine and back to work for International Paper.
     In May of '55 I married Marilyn Wills. We had four children, 2 boys and 2 girls. We lost one non, Mario, 3/25/85. The other son, PhilipJr., is graduating in May from the U of Maine, Orono. He will have BS degree in Mechanical Engineering.
    One daughter Elizabeth is still living at home and working. I retired from International Paper in July, 1987 at age 62. Johnson, Jr, John C. 423/H0 1505 S. Pine Pittsburgh, KS 66762
a , Norman 256 Park Ave Cary, IL 60013
Pink, John 0. 422/B 192113 Madison Coen Cannel, IN 46032
     a) POW Stalag IV-B, Hospitalized in Leipzig, Germany, a convalescent camp 8 miles west of Leipzig. b) Retired: former Federal mediator, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service. c) Married: Wife Bonnie and four children.
J. Howard Tucker 422/H PO Boo 416 Pilot Mountain, NC 27401
     Sherod, I received your letter and am glad I can clear this matter up for you. I was at the reunion in Roanoke and really enjoyed myself. I may not make the Chicago Reunion. I was a POW three and one-half months. I did join the Association while I was at Roanoke.
     I worked with the Southern Railway for 8 years, worked at construction for nearly 21 years. I have been serving my Lord in the Gospel Ministry for 24 years. May Gad Bless you, hope to see you sometime.
Westbrook Scott S. 424/C Rte 1 Box 3A Newton Grove, NC 28366


     Sherod, I was pleased to hear from you and to later talk to you on the phone. Yes, I attended the Roanoke Reunion. It was a genuine pleasure to meet and renew the old friendships. No, I didn't pay my dues at the reunion -I am now enclosing them. My military history with the 106th was short. January 20, 1945 to the end of the war. Spent my time guarding German prisoners and a holding action during the final days of the war. Again thanks for contacting me. The CUB or en. Golden Lion Mail Bag On Beat Wishes.
Devine, William J- 423/SV 175 Pinchers. Ave.
New York NY 10033
    Just finished St. Vith, Lion in the Way. Of all the books I have ever read it is the closest to what I remember about the battle. It tells of the fighting spirit of the 106th against great odds. I hope that all members have read it. Hope to see you in Chicago next Robert L. 592/B 510 OrrJesby Ave Calumet City, 11, 60409
     Thank you for printing Harvey Bradford's story about the Aguitonin . It was particularly interesting to met. I came home on that ship. I was in the Army hospital in Paris when the Germans surrendered. I was flown to Glasgow, Scotland to another hospital, then on to the Aguitanio and then to a Stateside hospital Staten Island NY.
     I never really saw the Aquitania as I see it in the picture. However I thought it was a hospital ship when I came home. My bed was in what looked like a marble ceiling (mites note) - Dunrg the last her CUB Issues I cut some MAIL BAG mated due to the space Mat was waled. The largest CUB up to February of 1988 was 26 pages. Since then they have teen 44 pagan Thetis about the madmum I would like to use, that is just shy of the break point on postage and should be large enough to use model the current materiel Malls's-me I am going back as far as October TB letters remised hom members. Because of the time dement, and the fad thet I cut eight pages from the lad issue, there may be more Men oneleffer from some of the members. Keep your letters coning, the MAIL BAG is one of the mod popular columns In The CUB.- John Kline John,
     Many thanks for sending me Richard. Mellee's address. I recall him as a Sergeant in 422/A and a fine guy. I wrote to him, hoping to hear from him soon. I'm covered for the next two CUBS. (Dan writes a regular column for The CUB. See the one in this issue.. ed.)
Bled, Don 422/A 151 Holiday Ter
West Burling., IA 52655
     Sherod, Bill and I are sorry we could not make it to Roanoke this year. Bill had a lithe problem that prevented hint from traveling. We are enclosing a donation to the Memorial Fund.
     'a These Iwo pictures by Mike Valovoin 422/AT hike Valovcin, George Vance Walter Pawluk hike wrote 'At the '01:1 Roanoke Reunion three members of 422/AT were reunited. Prior to the Reunion I met with our Platoon Leader, Richard Parker, an Association Member, who lives In Washington DC.' LJR Don Kersteiner, Hamilton Ohio and Walter Pawluk , Meriden CT.
Don and Welter were reunited for the second time. Don'e assignment after the Bulge was with 424/ HO 2Bn.


     Thanks, Mike Valovcin, 422/AT The CUB a Me Golden Lion Mail Bag was great, not I e on Wakefield , which I went over on Thanks Harvey and John Williams, Aubrey J. 592/A 2201 Flair Dr Oklahoma City, OK 731.
John, Thanks much for all the material you sent. Your diary was very interesting.
     The one thing that amazes me is the similarities of assignments of former 106ers that joined the division in April of 1944. As an example my history;
15 May 43 active duty 10 June 43 Camp Wheeler
25 Sep 43 U of Alabama ASTP
02 Apr 44 joined 106th
21 Dec 44 POW 314106
24 Dec 44 Gerolstein box-car bombing 31 Dec 44 Stalag 4-B Hut 56A 18 Jan 45 Leipzig Kommando
25 Apr 45 Liberation
06 Dec 45 Discharged
     I am sure that these events were repeated many times by former 106th mew. bare. Your diary shows that our experiences were practically on track day by day.
Reargue, Russell A. 422/HQ 2BN 163 N. Passaic Ave
Chatham, 5107920
     23 Sep 88 -Thanks for another fine issue of The CUB. You've certainly analyzed the membership as never before. The current issue should make a good reference for many members. Your valuable contribution is greatly appreciated.
Hatch, N.M. DIV/HO 2930 East Rd Wayzata, MN 55391
     (dm has notha d a pleasantyear He had ahiple by-pass atm months ago and has spent another three weeks in the hospital recently tjugtalked with himas twaslyping fib letter (January 8, 1989), and he asked mat I pass gong hisgreeting to alt We missedhim at the Aanneepolis gat-together in December. Jim is a past president of the Association and has been acting for many, many )ears. I am sure he would appreciate hearing from old John pine- egtod John.
     Yes I was in the barracks at Koblenz that was bombed for two days. I was setting on the third floor when the first bomb that hit e oe oe =et e room, in a thousand pieces, as the bombing pro. grossed the guards moved us a floor at a time until we eventually got to the base- ment.
I was not interrogated until I got to Muhlberg 4-B. My POW number was 315475. I still have the tag.
     When we left Koblenz we marched to Limburg 12-A, were put into box cars and shipped to Muhlberg 4-B, without water and food for days and never got out of the boxcars. Remember when the train stopped and we were strafed/ (yes I do ed.) So far I haven't contacted any 422/I company men.
Thanks for the article in the last Mail Bag, maybe it will help me find some of my old buddies.
Phelps, Hugh L. 422/I PO Box 508 Molalla, OR 67038
     (Hugh's Wier proves to me that he and I were together at least opt° Stalag 4-S John Kline- egtor) John, The last CUB was a beaut. I don't know how you can top that one.
     Tom Riggs once told me that the worse thing that could happen to him was to loose a football game, that is until the day he was captured.
    Here are a couple of hats that were passed out from the 1964 reunion that Doug Coffey and I put on in East Orange, NJ. Keep up the good work. thanks for running the Aquitania story for me. Bickford, Thomas DIV/HQ 311 Bloomingdale, Ave. Cranford, NI 07016
John, I cannot tell you how much I appreciate eiving your letter and diary. I won't com-
     me rec nt on it at this time, because I am right in the middle of trying to remember my experiences and trying to get it down on paper.
     I don't know why I waited 44 years to do this, but since it has started I have heard from several others, and their remembrances help we bring back my awn experiences.
     I remember that night in the churchyard southeast of Schoenberg (Bleialf). I have The CUB a the Golden Lion 29 Mail Bag A EI never to t a e area.
     Let's keep in touch. I kept a diary in a small book Pltorrowed' from a Gennan. I kept a list of towns and villages as we walked through them. I'll send you a copy as soon as I can. Thanks a million.
McKee, Richard 422/A Ito 45 Rochester, IN 46975
    David's fourth grandchild, a boy was born to Bruce and Janet Wyman of Grosse Point Park, MI on April 10, 1987. Named David Sumner Wyman H. Hope you all bad a good reunion. Wyman, Mrs David (Valerie) ASSOCIAT E 563 Onsant Valley Rd Cumberland, ME 04021
     (Platte Nis so nice to hear that news, hope you are doing well...John Mine - sicker) I was with 423/E from Sept '43 til Dec '43 when I transferred to the Air Corps. I then returned to the division in April of '44 and was assigned to Battery A/ 589th. I was in the only gun section captured from Battery A I was caught at Schonfeld and was one of the last ones to see Lt. Eric Wood when he escaped capture and began his one man war against the Germans.
    Also, while at the Unknown Soldiers Memorial Room at Arlington this summer I noticed almost all divisions were represented, but not the 106th. Perhaps I missed the plaque, but if we are not represented, perhaps we should be. Holizmalier, J. Dort 589/A 202 Germantown Pike Farmersville OH 45325
    In a recent issue of The CUB you had the name and address of the person to get in touch that had 106th Patches for sale. I gave my CUB away to a prospective member and need the address. Keep up the good work on The CUB. Williams, Richard L. 424/H0 1BN 2600 Michigan Ave. 4550 Pensacola, FL 32506 1511, the Adjutant handles those. I think I might have answered you afoot, but the other new member should Mow Mts.! believe that the supply has been depleted. TheAdjutantis Boyd Rutledge and his address appears On the Inside front cover in the Mast Heed, try mffing him... John One -.Mort The 42nd annual reunion will always be remembered for the men of Company B, 81st Combat Engineers. We finally got to see each other after 44 years. After much writing we found out about others. Thanks to The CUB it sure helps a lot. I am already looking forward to Chicago in '89. I was happy to see you again John and thankyou for the good job you are doing with The CUB. Wojahn, Edward C. 81st END/B 1553 West Young Dr Onalaska, WI 54650
     (Ed who I first met at Mobile, sent a bans*, of an old German document so that my wife could translate it for him. It was very interesting is that it was of the old German written language - not the same as written today. Margot said she came across words she had not heard or seen since early childhood Ed. you're doing a good job keeping those Engineers together.... John Kline -editor) Shored, Thanks for your note and concern. I seem to be getting back to normal after missing the reunion. No one at the hospital seems to know what happened. There is no proof of heart attack. It's just something that happened.
I would like to thank my old buddies from M Company for coming to the hospital. Thanks again Sherod.
Lennsirom, Edward A. 424/HO 3BN 639 Highland l.d R.R. Frankfort, 1760423



     (Ed colapsed in the front lobby or dens of the Roanoke Hotel, before the reunion ready got going. Nice to hear you a re ok Ed... John Kline - ecnor) John, I received your letter and the enclosures which brought back a flood of memories. I found only three men whose names I recognised. from a list I sent him ed.) Lee Berwick, a Captain at age 22 who was the finest soldier I have ever known. He saved our battalion several times by making decisions that the top brass could not make. Lt. Abrid may deny one of my poems, but I recorded -in verse -his advice to his men (with a little poetic license, because you maid get off about 4 rounds with a 57 before your position was known.) Captabs MeN- The CUB ct 00 Golden Llon nrt e e never said anything, but M Company was a won- derfully adept fighting unit.
Carver, Dale R. 424/HO 742 Druid Circle Boon Rouge, 144 70808
     (Reed page 9 of Volume 45 No, 1 Oct-Nov-Dec 1988 hr Dale's introduction In The CUB. We ail be using a few of his poems in each issue. Thanks Dale lot your contribution to The CUB. John one- editor) While touring England earlier this month (10-88) I poked around Cheltenham looking for that stately old man on whose ground we camped on Novemansiber of '44. Couldn't fmd it, but had fun looking. Cooley, Don E. 423/HO 1BN
     140 Peckham Rd Watsonville, CA 95076 From Ted Young - who advertised (in The CUB) that he had a watch he had gained in a trade for food in one of the camps. The widow of Thomas Pitts read the article in The CUB, and now hoe possession of the family watch, thanks to Ted -who wanted the rightful owner to have it - a miracle after 44 years.
     Ted writ. - John, j.t a few lines to say how much we enjoyed the Roanoke reunion. Last night I sat down and read your diary again and seeing that you were at one point in Braunschweig. I was also there but my accommodations seemed much better than yours. We had a room in a big International Hotel on the second floor, with private sauna and breakfast in bed, plus a refrig full of drinks. The wife and I took a trip over there in '75 to see one of our sons who was stationed in Berlin. The VA is working on my cholesterol, my teeth and nowt am getting eye glasses-they are making a new man out of me.
Young, Theodore W. 423/SV PO Box 1555 Ozark AL 36361
    (Ted, I at first thought you were serious about the accommodations. Itoo haves mouth hfilotVA teeth hcould guess about $3500 worth, two hearing ads. I have had three sots ol glasses, but none of them have been successful. I think somebody better send an Instructor to the Minneapolis VA, have no other complaints than that... John Nine - sitar( wee RO John, Thank you for sending the copies of the Mail Bag is) er or um a try a ge or 423rd Regiment. The names really brought back some memories. I was surprised to of our Platoon Leaders missing from the list George Hammer of Brooklyn and Mike Kenney of Iowa come immediately to mind. I gaess with all the confusion it is surprising to find the list as complete as it I had a pleasant surprise a few weeks ago. We were preparing to board the ferry from Yartmouth, Novia Scotia to Bar Harbor, Maine when a chap came running over drawn by my POW limn. plate. Turned out he was Bob Eldridge Chaplain to both the Florida Gulf Coast and Manasota Chapters of the American Ex-Prisoners of War. We had a long chat about our experiences and our wives discovered a common interest in Genealogy.
He was a member of 422/C. We were at a couple of the same Stalags but at different times.
     He used to belong to the Association but had dropped out. He said he would like to rejoin, so I offered to write you and ask you to send him a CUB. I think The CUB is one of our best selling points. If you will do . I would appreciate it. I have recently read Patton's Silent Snow and recommend it highly. Some of the early parts of it were disquietingly familiar - not strange since he was a Platoon Leader in our company. Nonetheless it put a few shivers up the spine. After a while the book gate a little fanciful, but it is a novel.
Smith, Howard G. 423/F PO Box 516 Forestd6e, MA 02644
     (Howard, I will wile to your Mend if I haven't already done so. I will have to check another tie. Mink we (the members)should make a special effort to tell those that they know, thatthe Association ends, and tharthe CUB done is worth the lee. I suppose bribes° of us that do belong, it is hard to realize why a person would not loin for $10.00. Gil Helwig hit about30% on his mailings last year, some 400 letters and dgned up 113 members, some said they weregoing to wait unti 1 Mey retire before they spend $10.00. ThinkofatthegoodCUBs, reunions and camaradmiethey havemissed... John Kline- wit') I really enjoy reading The CUB. In the June issue my friend that I met at a POW meeting, Howard NiemIts wrote a short article about me. I would like to correct some of the information.
     The CUB a the Golden Lion 31 Mail Bag ti trot my name was misspe It Is MURAWSKI. Also! was not in 422/SV, but in 423/F.
     I was inducted in Sept 43, was attached to the 833rd Co. B AA outfit in California. Transferred to Camp Carson, CO for advanced Infantry Training then to the division. Captured with the multitude on 19 December 1944. After many miles of walking we ended up in Berge Work Camp. Worked with Jewish civilian and American. Jewish soldiers digging tunnels in the mountainside. After walking away from the American troops for many milse we were liberated by the 95th Division on 20 April, 1945. This was the greatest day of my life. I would like to hear from any Berga pris- Mee.
    I would like to receive back issues of The CUB, for I hear that there was an article on the Berga Work Camp. I would also like to compliment you and your staff for doing a great job. Murawski, Ale.rander 423/F 605 Marquette Calumet City, IL 60409
     (Alex, l can? recall any NI articles about Berge in The CUB. tir d have to dos etre research. There are no extra copies ofThe CUB (back issues) amiable. At print time extra copies are printed and used for new members as they sign on. We do not stock pile a big supply. Other Bergs Camp members that I know off-hard are Jesse Kushner, 17 Ridgewood Nay, Newport News, VA 23602 and Winfield Rosenberg, 36 Love Creek Park, Lewes, DE 19958. A letter received from Kershner follows in this column. Inhere was an article on Berge maybe one of our 1062 members Will send you a copy.
     Ask my staff, I always Ike for people to congratulate my staff for Nelms mean opportunity to try to gala little long. My doff congas of myself, a 76 pound hunting dog and three cats. My wile contributes nothing to this project other than tea and sandwiches. The CUB is generated in my computer, printed on my Hewlett Packard Laser printer andthe photo reaoycopyistaken to the printer who 'drops' the pictures into the squares and pholosthe pages to make plates from with which to print The CUB. I de everything except the pictures and the upper onehatt of the front cover. Don? take me wrong, I accept your congratukdions, than what keeps moping... John Mine- edton I was a member of the Weapons Platoon and along with moat other of the 923rd and 422nd was captured near St. Vith. p an to retrace t e route o
     and also my route after being raptured and would like to know where I could get this information. I would like to know where we got on the train in Scotland, the route to Camp Toddington, the aortae left England from, the road from LoHarve to St Vith also the road we walked down after capture and the railroad route to Stalag 4-B
    If you mold give me that information I would appreciate it very much.. Greshum,Joseph W. 423/0 Ore I Box 129-13 whale, TX 75771
     Moe, The 423rd Regiment and the 2d Battalion of the 424th wentoveron the Queen Bizabeth, the rest of the 424th and the entire 422nd Regimentwent on board the Aquitania on 20 October, 1944. They landed at Green. ock, Scotland on the Firth of Clyde eight days later and went to the mid4ands Adderbury, Banbury and Chipping Norton, England. Division Artillery and Special Troops WSW on board the USS Wakefield on 10 November anNingat Liverpoo I on the 17th.
     My day shows the Queen Elizabeth departed early morning on 17 Oct! was in 423/M, aniving &Greenock ; on 22 Oct The above information comes from page8 of St Nth, Lion in the Way the dwfsion history written by atonal Ernest Dupuy and obtainable at The Battery Press, Inc, PO One 3107, Uptown Station, Nashville, Tenn 37219, The pace is over twenty dollars, you wiX have to call or wrtte them fortheexact pace. In case you wekioking in aibrarythe number is ISBN0-89839-092- 3 or probably by just asking for the author or byname of Be book. 0 you haven't read it it is a good book and probably the dosed to the truth of al that were written. Col Dupuy old make one mistake on page& He said the 20 Baltarion of the 424th k.ft New York on 18 October on the Queen Mary, I don't think a 106er ever set foot on the Queen Mary, and even though Dupuy doesn't mention the 423rd, I know we went on the amen Elizabeth. Now, landing at Greenock, Scotland we probably boarded trains in or near Glasgow to go to the midlands in England. When welm? England we went I romthe port of Southampton and arfivedonthe continent at be Hs:rye , France. Some troops went on up to Rouen before hating the vessels. Our group got of at Le Nerve. I can? ten you the route from Rouen to St. Vith. I do ham a day with the route from the front lines to limburg. On the train from Limburg to AtNberg, Stalag 4-B I know we passed through Mu lhausen and Leipzig. lwasonlyin 4-B afew daysandthen shipped, via deluxe


     The CUB a the Golden Lion eeper, to tk, helps you. I metro some ofthe nemberswill NI you in on the rest I we send you acopy ofmy nary, I has some mapsthat could help you..... John Mine- stator John Am enclosing material that may be of interest to you about the USS Wakefield, which was one of the largest ships manned by the Coast Guard during World War II. One picture shows her heading home with over 6,000 troops aboard. It was a big one, the mption of one of the pictures says she is capable of heeling 7,500 troops.
     Our oldest son Lt. Commander Randall K. Corrigan looked up this material for us. If you want to use it, please do so. Corrigan Jr., Charles K. 591/SV
     3366 Ken Lake Olive SW Caympia, WA 98502 (Thanks Charles, for sharing the materielvdth us I know you must be proud of your son's attaining the point/Id he basin Inseams,
     purposely put your otter behind that of Gresham, above, because in my answer to him you will find some information relative to the LISS Wakened. Agdn thanks. If I have room I Reprint a pictured the ORS Wakefield, if not I we by to do Ma t next erne.... John Nine -enter) John, Love the job you're doing. And I em sure it is hard workjudging the wayyou put things together, it looks easy.
     I am responsible for over twenty five new members either directly or indirectly. I have just located another 81st Eng/A man, Ivy Deane. He has neither heard from anyone, or knew the 106th Infantry Division Association existed.
     What I am getting at is, couldn't we start our own missing parsons dept? Also shouldn't we also work out on drop-out members. I em sure we still have their addressee. I'm sure many drop outs are not r deliberate. Sometimes it's something that comes up, and puts the dues on hold and they just let it slide, or my hr too embarrassed or just loose interest.
     Now with the new informative CUB it might make a world of difference in members holding their interest. It looks like if a member fails to pay hie dues, he is just dropped from the roster. If some of his immediate buddies knew he was
Mail Bag On e inquent, ey get r m to renew his membership.
Warmest regards, stay well.
    Carl Messina "A" Co. 81st Combat Engineers The fighting Tour-F" Messina, Carl 81at ENG/A 926 Seymour Ave Linden, NJ 07036
     (Carl your letters are sways great. At the risk of overplaying my hand, the ism too many hantors noteein this issue I have to fill youin on part of the program. Firs t ithinkrhe ideaof advergangthedropoubsisagood idea One of the reasons you WM' mention is 'death.' There are some who are atone, or whose fanny after death have no inclination to correspond with the 106th) Association. We have found this to be tine on follow ups of delinquents No, we just don'tdrop members. Lerstakethislast yew. After the reunion, which was in September there were 50253 members who had not pad their July 1988 dues for the 88-89 year.
     was drafted in October to drop their names from the lulls Instead I prepared a post-card warning them that they would be dropped. This mailing cut the delinquent id down to 93. Not too shabby - but remember, prior to Me Post Card we meted asailaddressed envelope, first doss, dong with the registration banks to all members advertising the Roanoke reunion. No chance of wrong address because it was 'first doss' We ahvays mention the dues in the CUB. I don? remember how far In alvenceolthe reunion thiswas buten sufficient time for the majoriry of members to respond. You would think that a Se? Addressed Addressed envelope would do the job. Agdn the Pod cant after the reunion cut ddown to 93. Then being the salesman that I am I dill could not me 93 members dropping out. I prepared another first bass kilter just a fewweeks ago and the list is now down to 37 dropouts. Out of the 253 delinquents we found 4 deaths that had not been known. We have since ad the 37 members out of the roster. ft is obvious six months after the dues are redly due, we are working behind the fume. As it is sad 'Whet is a man too do?' Three manngs specified)), requesIng lawmen.
     have been told Mat as the reunion moves about the countrythat there am the Imaktimerethatioin justto go to me loon reunion, then drop out the next year. There are probady more reasons than we both can figure out. just had to say No we pa don't drop them Cad" Your thoughts are well taken, and I invite comments from the membership on the subject... John Rine - °atm The CUB or roe Golden Um? Mail Bag g) I rejoined the Association last fall. Gray's article on page 18 of the November CUB is just the way I remember it.
     We had hoped to make Roanoke but moved from Illinois to Arizona instead. It's great to be back with the Association and receive the great copies of The CUB.
Wafters, J. H. 423/G 9559W. Window Peoria, AZ 85345
     Enjoyed the last CUB, as usual read it from cover to cover. The Roanoke reunion was my first. I was the only one from 923/AT, I hope them will be more of us at the Chicago reunion in '89. I have written four AT Co. men about it. I enjoyed my talk with you at their reunion. If you recall we think that we were on the same plane from Paris to the Azores on to NewYork landing on 5 May 1945. You mentioned that you had some information that you would send me.
    I was transferred from Stalag 4B to the Bergs Work Camp. You helped me locate Winfield Rosenberg at the reunion, I had a nice talk with him but do not remember him at Berge. Again Thanks John. Kershner, Jesse 0. 423/AT 17 Ridgewood Parkway Newport News, VA 2.502
    (Jesse, I sent the inkrrmagon a few days ago, army for the delay. You probably have read the letter from Morawski in this column, he too was at Berea Hope to see you and other AT Co. men in Chicago.. John lane • editor)

Dear Sherod,
     Thanks for sending me the application. Ever since the days in the 106th I have not gotten the word about the Association. I even missed the reunion in Virginia and so close by.
     I was in the original bunch that started out in the 106th Signal Company, then because of some differences I was transferred to 424/HQ still laying wire. I lost track of most of the guys when I went with the 35th after the 424th was no mom. By then the war was at end and that was that. Later - I just returned from Germany. I visited some of the areas around St. 55th and found the 106th Infantry Division Memorial. When they put the autobahn
     tot e glum r e country took on a different look. The CP at Winterspelt looked different. Maybe it is convenient that some of those things are put out of our minds.
     It was raining hard during our visit and we did not do much in the way of getting out to look around. I was visiting my Airman son who is stationed with NATO. He is up for Tech Sgt soon. Been married 43 years, 4 boys and 2 girls, ten granddaughters with one on the way. I retired in 1987 after 33 years in the professional service of the Boy Scouts of America. We have very little spare time with all the volunteer work and singing in the church choir and visiting grandchildren. Would like to hear from some of the guys in the 106th Signal and 424/HQ.
Joseph P. Maloney Maloney, Joseph P. 424/HQ 1120 Warren Ave Arnold, PA 15068
     (eilitors' note)Aspartol myclean up oncorrespondence received I came across a letter from Myles that he had mitten in 00°60,1988. Itwasin ansver to eh:der I had sent him after I found his picture in a very early CUB. It L.a was in a newspaper format and was p.stdehed at Ft ^ Ackson.
    Myles is one of the charter members of the Association. His letter follows, and I apologize for not publishing it sooner. Oct 6, 1988

Dear John,


    I received your letter enclosing a copy of the CUB page. The picture is me. I will admit that there was a little 'drag' involved in getting the picture in the CUB paper. The inquiring reporter, Paul Mignard was a member of the MP Platoon, of which I was Staff Sergeant. Paul, who had some newspaper experience, wanted to get on the CUB staff. So I mustered what influence I could to get him on the staff To show his appreciation he sought me out for an interview. I saved every copy of the CUB. I was with the MP Platoon from start to finish, having come from the cadre of the 80th and staying until the division was deactivated at Camp Shanks. The Provost Marshal Major Mowlds, and I, were the only ones who had this distinction. When our 106th Organ was being set up after the war, Col Livezey (Chemical Warfare Officer) corresponded with me. He wanted to establish a complete The CUB d the Golden Llon Mail Bag 1:*1 1 e was - ort two wen., #10 and 416. Apparently I was the only one who had them, so I donated them. (I should have had photostats made of them) Excuse my delay in answering you, but I was in the hospital. If I could get photo copies of 410 and 816 (on condition that the bill was sent to me) I would be grateful. I would like to have a complete set. I have quite a few copies of Stars and Strip. and Yank.
Brazill, Myles 106 MP Rd 2, Box 157 Lamdistmeg, PA 17040
     (eater's note) - George Philllps, along with Myles Brazil (above) was one of the charter members of the 106M IntantryChision Association after itwasofficially formed m 15Sept, 1945. Hewesour Red Cross representative. In September of Ma I sent him a letter with a copy of a page from a CUB that wax pubiisho d in Karlsruhe. Thanks John, for the copy from the Karlsruhe CUB of 1945. It brings back memories of the 106th and the many friends I had in the division. You are correct in your letter - y., this is the same George Phillips - but some 43 years later.
     When I left the 106th I went to Heidelberg with the 7th Army as a Field Supervisor, than on to the 3rd Army, Munich, as an Asst. Regional Director. Then on to Regensburg as a Regional Director for Southeastern Germany and Austria to Lintz.
     In July of 1946 I returned to the U.S. I spent one year at Camp Atterbury and then to Fort Benjamin Harrison, returning Pennsylvania served as Executive Director for the Red Cross in Fayette County through 1955. I then went back to the schools - served as Guidance Counselor, High School Principal for a school of over 1,000 and then on to be a school administrator until I retired in 1977.
     My wife has been critically ill for the past year. I have some interesting and somewhat exclusive stories of the 106th that I hope to get time to write one of these days.
Thanks again for the info. George F. Phillips DIVIHQ 37 Linden PI Belmont Cir Uniontown, PA 15401
     ngrat aeons or ajo•e our expertise has made The CUB a fascinating magazine. I look forward to receiving each issue. I notice with interest that several of the new members, uponjoining the Association, have written and stated that they werenot are of the 106th Infantry Division Association until they read about it in the CHICAGO TIMES, which mused them to join. You and I know that there a lot of guys out there that would like to join if they knew the Association existed. I guess all of us "old soldiers" have reached the age where we have a little time and would enjoy "going back" to those days to remember the good times and the good fellowship. Of course, we all want to forget the bad times that most of us went through, in one way or another. Had it not been for contacting a long last friend of mine in my home town of Hamilton, Ohio, Don Kersteiner, 424/11Q 2BN, whom I had not seen or talked to for over 35 years, I probably would not have known of the existence of the 106th Association. Do you think that some of our members might have the influence, or the know how, whereby they mold talk to people like the Associated Press or other National coverage outlets, that mold put out a wire that the 106th Infantry Division is alive and looking for its old members?
    To me that would be of the.human interest" variety on their part, and would be doing something for the former men and women of this country, who not only interrupted their careers, but risked their lives in order that this nation could be free. Keep up the good work! I admire you for taking on such a great task. John M. Roberts, 592X 1050 Alter Road Bloomfield Hills MI 40013
     John, thanks for publishing the picture and the story of our return to Anthisnes, Belgium (Oct-Nov-Dec 1988 CUB). You did a bang up job of it with The CUB. Infect The CUB has been simply terrific ever since you took the job over. I know it's not any easy task, but you sure have the talent for it.


     We may go back to France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Hungary in April 1989, but don't suppose we'll get back to Belgium on that trip. Pl.


     The CUB of te Golden Lion Mail Bag I, RP George Suffer, 423/AT 9148 Elmwood Or Munster, DI The Oct-Nov-Dce CUB was a great one, as usual. Congratulations -you can be proud of a first class publication, second to none. Of course I am saddened that I can't get to those far-away (forme anyhow) reunions. My fragile health is the reason, but I am happy all who attended the Roanoke Reunion enjoyed it.
     I enclose two more cartoons for The CUB. Let me know when the supply gets short. Since re-joining the Association I've had lunch with two local 106ers, Bill Mueller and Mike Cunningham both from 424/M. I also phone a number of people, including my old company commander Captain James B. MeNineh. I have also been in touch with Gen. Oliver B. Patton and have read his first-class book The Silent Snow. Please write and add anything not covered in the current issue of The CUB, about the Roanoke Reunion. I must say the turnout could be considered remarkable for a reunion of its kind. Be waiting to hear from you.
George Levine, 424/M lot East 31st street Mew York, NY 10016
     (mites note)- George is a contributor to The CUB. He Ira cartoonist of 'manna' and interns/Jona renown. We have published hiscartoonsin thelastseveralalBsand hope t o continue to do so. Thanks George for your contribution. The above letter was from George in December I receivedanotherin March with two more cartoons (George I will start publishing too cartoons in each ism.) He mentioned in this last letter that he had a 'Display ad that he illustrated for a clothing shop, that appeared in a recent issue of the New York Magazine. -John Kline
     ...... ....... John, I have been going to write you since you took over The CUB from Mrs. DeHeer. Dick DeHeer and I were very close friends from K Company, 424th. He was my Mortar Sergeant and we were captured together. At Stalag IV-B we were separated. Another friend, Mike Berea°, Wakefield, Michigan and I ended up at Stalag VIII-A, Gorlitz, Germany. I firmly belief that we were on the
     same o BS you were. e VILLA on Valentine's Day Feb 14th, 1945 and were liberated on April 13th at Diffurt. I am interested in seeing your list of those on the march.
     I have been a member of the 106th Infantry Division Association since 1953 and served as Adjutant when our membership was less than 300. In my eight years our membership went up and I received the Order of the Golden Lion. My wife Mildred and I have missed recent reunions because of other commitments. We have a second love - Michigan Football and the Rose Bowl.
     We are planning on going on the 1989 'Dip to Europe with Doug Coffey and will me many long time members of the 106th. Any thing that you can part with (about Stalag VIII-A) will be appreciated. Robed L. (Bob) Scranton, 424/K 9441 Lee Road Brighton, MI M116 Orators note) - Bob, I sent my war sexy, a MI of Stalag MA prisoners and some other material to you on January 31g, hope you enjoyed the material. Med to give you a call Easter, be no answer. sill try agai n John ........ ......
     John, It is the right day (December 16, 1988) to write you and tell you all The CUBs have been great since you called me in Quincy, Illinois Imt year and re-enrolled me in the Association. However the OctNov-Dec issue just received was the bmt yet! Lord, how the memories came back as I read every word. Jim Gray's Who's the Enemy in POW Camps? is just exactly like it was! I've told that story many times. I would add that I recall the ersatz tea having sweetener in it every other day. So I would wash and shave with it on the off day and drink it when it was sweet.
    Also the rumor in our barracks was that the guy or guys that broke into the kitchen were trying to get supplies to escape. Later that day they were caught but I never heard what happened to them. As Jim said, we did get all the fire-wood as well as the soup and black bread that evening. He neglected (probably due to space) that cigarettes were the medium of exchange. I traded my watch for two packs at the French dental office. Those cigarettm kept my buddy Jim Jones, now deceased and we in extra soup for about a month. Guys with the "GI's" 36 The CUB a rn Golden lion I.
     Mail Bag On 11, wo n t eat ut wou smo to un- derstand. Our goody box was stolen while we slept one night in March of '45.
Is there any better picture of Stalag IV- B? The picture in The CUB is the first I have ever seen of where we were.
We didn't get to Roanoke, but we are sure looking forward to Chicago. See you there. J.H. (Jack) Walters, 423/0
     9559 Weal Mendota Peolin, IL 85345 (ecitods note)- Jack, I don't know of any other pictures of Statag MB, there is one Noting around showing about a thousand guys breaking out of the camp as it was iberaled. !do not have a photo of eta publish, but I would bet that a large majority of those in the picture were 106ers, along PM some of the 2&h Dividon, who were known to be there.
    John, enclosed is a clipping notifying of Harold Brummer, 422/D death. I just talked to him a week or two ago on the phone. I would like to suggest that for the next reunion, we have a sheet printed up to mailed with The CUB, for each member to send to the local newspapers, about the dates and location of the reunion and who to contact - maybe we can bring a few more members in. I think there should be more put in the service organizations magazines, I think we are missing a bet there. Keep up the good work and stay well. Carl Messina, 81s1ENGIA 926 Seymour Ave Linden, NI 07036
     (color's note). Cad, thanks, that is a good suggestion and I hope that when you receive this that twit have put one of those letters in with The CUB. John, we are sorry we could not make the Roanoke Reunion, but from all the info in The CUB it looked like it was a good one. I was with Co. E, 116th Regiment, 29th Division in ETO after leaving the 106th in April of '44. The 106th went over after and came back before me. The 29th had their reunion in Charleston S.C. at the same time as you did in Roanoke.
     I attended Morgantown, Columbia and Mobile and have only been lucky enough to meet one member I knew from Ft Jackson to Atterbury with the 106th. He was Robert Rutt with his wife Lucille. My wife and I Margaret saw them in Columbia, S.C. We were an happy to meet them. My wife and I have met some beautiful peop s o rep semenration since our first reunion.
     I was Comm Officer of the 2nd Battalion, 422 Infantry with Colonel W.C. Seale. as my CO. I have been in correspondence with him for three years after CoL Joe Mathews gave me his Sweetwater, Texas address. He is now 86 years of age.
     John, I want to let you know that of all the CUB publications that I have received, you have put things into perspective and with historical excerpts better and more complete than all others. I wish to thank you personally for all the hours that you must put in. I would very much like to hear form any of the men that were in my communications platoon from activation at Ft Jackson through Atterbury. Thanks, we hope to see you and the others in Chicago during the 1989 Reunion. I am looking forward to it. (edlor's note) ThanksWeeam, Pswordstereyoursthat keep meant! the others that do service for the Assodalion going. Look me up in Chicago. John One. William P. Rickard Jr., 422/HQ 2BN 5500 Pincland lid Richmond, VA 23234 Here is one of many, no doubts, who appreciate the goad job you are doing.


     The Roanoke reunion was my first and was a wonderful experience. I have a 1944 roster, having found it on the battleground in our company area in July of 1945. This roster will returned to Sgt James Wheeler at the Chicago reunion this coming September. On the roster you sent me, there appears the name "Correa', A. Donald," with the notation "424/UNIT ?" Please list him as belonging to Cannon Co., 424th Infantry Regiment. Robert C. Maddox, 424/CN 154 Goldfinch Drive Hackettstown, NJ 07840(eckors note) - Thanks tor the unlidesignetion forCorreal, I havechangedItto4241CN. I was pleasantly surprised to get a poet card from Edward Huminski, a former 424/F member. I had not heard from him for 45 years. Quite a thrill! Please change my name to Everitt, and city to Mantua. fit's done Everitt, sorry for the mistake in spelling, J. Kline ed.) The CUB ot ins Golden Lion Mail Bag ventt. "it dis, 249 Weaonah Ave Mantua, NI Sherod, here are my du. for 1989 and 1990.
I read an article in The CUB about Allen W. Kerr and Bob Fitzgerald. I don't 'mow why Bob is not in the roster.
     I met him at Morgantown the first time and again in Roanoke. He is from upper state New York. If you have his address let me know. Hope to see you in Chicago. Your friend always, Gilbert M Fitzgerald.
(soStor's note) Anybody help Gilbert with Bob Fitgerted's address?
Gilbert M. Fitzgerald, 024/E 521 South Linden Ave Waynesboro, VA 22920
     John, I received your letter and a copy of your diary. I enjoyed reading both of them. There is a William Matthews who belongs to the same Ex POW chapter as me. He said that he was in the same camps as you and was on the long march from Gorilla StalagVIII-A. I loaned him your diary about a month ago, gave him a copy of The CUB and an application. I sent an application to AMe Stroud and haven't heard from him. I also sent one to Joe Istok. Joe said he would not join, but sent the application to Clifford Broadwater. I don't know Broad-water very well. However, he did mnd me a letter stating that he had submitted the application. In the March '89 Ex POW bulletin, page 19, there is a photo of Joe Guigno, Dan Steckler and Ray Moser. They were in Berge with me. There were three hundred and fifty of mend those that were still alive marched from there in April '45. We marched south and a Bob Geese and I escaped near Hof, Germany. We were back in American hands on about April 21, 1945. Under the Ex POW picture it states that only 120 survived. I don't really know how many died or how many were shot.
     I see names of people of the 106th, but don't remember too many nam., but when they tell me something about themselves I remember them. I did not remember Clifford Broadwater by name, but when he stated he joined the Anti-Tank Co. as MSgt in June '44, about the time I did, then 1 As I told you, I stayed in the Army 26 years and retired in 1969 as a Sergeant Major. I was back to Germany from Oct '47 to Oct '48, then January '49 to July '52 and then again from June '59 to January '64. Both the second and third tours I traveled a lot, especially on the last one.
     I never re-visited the battle area and had no desire to do so. I visited Stalag IX-B several times, I never visited Berge primarily became it is in East Germany. I was in Bleialf, Prum and Gerolstein then by box-car to Bad Orb, then marched to the camp about 5 Kilometers. I think we arrived sometime during Christmas Night and marched to the camp on the day after Christmas. The train was bombed and strafed during the trip to Bad Orb.
     In February of '45 350 of . were transferred to Berge. We worked digging tunnels in a mountain. We worked seven days a week and got the third Sunday off. We lived in a barracks on the hill and marched to work. We moved to another barracks much closer to the tunnels. At this barracks we were close the Jewish Concentration Camp, but the guards would not allow us to talk to them.
     I landed back in the States on May 5, 1945. I believe we landed at LaGuardia. Were supposed to land at Mitchell Field, but couldn't for some reason, so we landed at LaGuardia and were taken to Mitchell for the weekend and on Monday I went to Illton Army Hospital at Fort Dix, NJ. From 1947 to '521 was assigned to Intelligence and did some traveling. I spent a few days at Oberursel which was used by part of our Headquarters. It had been a Dulag Left. During the '59 to '64 tour I traveled through Limburg, Nienburg and other places. I didn't know that there had been a prison camp at Nienburg. My wife is from Frankfurt am Maim We returned for a visit of about 25 days in October of 1985.
     I believe if I ever go to Europe again I will try to visit Bleialf and Gerolstein and maybe St. Vith and some of the battlefield I believe there were two 17C-C camps be- cause on a map I Bawl saw IX-C was at Bad Saha and we were at Berge. Also I see in the EX POW Bulletin are listed as being at IX-C and I don't remember an Air Co
    38 The CUB a ea Golden Uon ye at ga Keep up the good work as editor, I hope to see you in Chicago. (Jesse 0. Kershner 17 Ridgewood Pky Newport New, VA 23602
     aditesnote) - Jesse, thanks forthe nicelener. I am sure many of the 106ers will gel a lot of information from O. Ks hard grimes to print some of the longer letters for they are repeats of other letters Mat appear long the way, but this one from you was so informative that I chose to print it in almost all of its entirety. A couple of persona notes I spent my first night as a prisoner kr Machu of yard al Blare. lad not get aboard Be trains a Gerolstein, but spent some lime in an old army installaffon outside town, marching on Christmas day towards Koblenz, Men on the Limburg.
    ft is intereding that you landed on May 5,1945 for rid dso. I landed al Mitchel Field, Long Nand. Our plane, aC-54, had an engThe changed in theAzoresontheway back, or was it Newfoundland, anyhow we landed A Afthell, for they told us LaGuarde was dosed. We landed just before breakfast and Manly thme of us finished off a basket of bananas while the cooks were preparing our breakfast We later, after cleaning up, ears allowed to go to homes in the area for Sunday !kip
dnner. I than was Sown on Monday to Incianapolls, Indana (Tidings General Hospitafl.
     flyover,. get back to the baffle area, kekupthe from CRIBA who were mentioned in U. Donald &melees feature story in the Jan-Feb-Mar 1989 CUB. They are very helphil h findng the remaning visible signs of the areas and they also am eel versed on the 106th's part in the battles.
    Mail Bag scrap e ruary mg to a NEWSWEEK article that I read in 1950. Bernard E. Ingersoll, 424/E 14804 South Michigan Ave Dolton, IL 60419
     (echoes note)• Barnard, I ad try to look up some of the arklesaboutlheMerndid in the old CU Bs. (don't think we have a brochure on the solos[ I am sure they (the elides) are there. I know Mar many of our members have gaveled back there and I do recall seeing wholes by Douglas Corley, our Memorial Chairman, about As returns to Europe andl believe there was one CUB that was devoted ma, t entirely to the deolcafion. hell send a photostat copy of it ff I don't have ft I am sure Doug wood. His addressis 2236 Asset St, Port Charlotte, FL 33948 John, thanks for another fine issue of The CUB, the life line of the organization. I don't know of another magazine I read from cover to cover as I do The CUB. You certainly put together a lot of interesting information. We are fortunate to have your inspiration and talent to produce it for us. I'm sorry I missed the December Minneapolis gathering celebrating December 16th. I was in the hospital and had no choice. Please know that you are appreciated and not taken for granted. The day The CUB arrives all other mail is set aside. Thanks for your kind phone call.
Jim H. M. Jim Hatch, DIVIHQ 2830 East Road Wayzata, MN 05391

    Dear Mr. Kline, I have only recently be. come a member of the 106th Infantry Divi- on Association, having heard about it from newspaper item in the Chicago Sun Times.
     Could you please send me something on the 106th Infantry Division Memorial at St. Vith. I am sure The CUB must have had some information about its construction and when it came into being. It is my hope to travel back to that area in early 1990 after my retirement.
     I enjoyed the article on the AQUITANIA. I had the good fortune of returning on this same ship in late April 1945 when it made return voyage as a Hospital Ship. Of course the amenities were much different than on our trip over to Europe in Into October 1944. It was taken out of service and John, first of all I must say thatyou must be a big part of the success of the 106th organization. Everything done on time and orderly.
     I joined, received my membership card, The CUB magazine and in the second one you already had me listed as anew member, with a neat note with your touch to it - thank you. When my mother died a couple of years ego, I cleaned up the horse and found a V-Mail letter that I sent to my father. I drew the picture on V-Mail and sent it July 6, 1945 from France. The copy I am giving you is a photostatic copy which I would like to tree in the May issue ifpossible, that is if you have room.


Thanks. The CUBA me Golden Llon Mail Bag ien James J. Klein,.589/11Q 1315 Travis Strom LaCrorse, WI 54E01
     (Kees note)-.1m,know other s would liketo see what Wentyou Win the year of '45 - doyou I do artwork? We could use a law sketches once in a while. My intentions we to print the picture- !think other members mold enpy it. It certainly canted the theme of the times end shows that you haw teen with the pen or was it pence .15, IranoutotroomondUsCUB,aflputaehthefinedrawing I hhe 'tartan°. Sometimestat donTcome out the way plank. At Me hot 1111100 l have to out and paste.
     LJR John Cassidy, John Rosalie, Roger Sisson First meeting in 30 years with Sisson, Roailia and Cassidy have been meeting for 44 years..
     Want to hear from 423/C men 1991 REUNION Where? New Port, Rhode, Island? Manuel C. Silvia, 422/G writes; Suggestion for the 1991 reunion if theAssociation is interested. A beautiful spot by the water. They are equipped to handle the Association plus the tours. Manuel also included a picture of the beautiful area. St. Louis, Missouri? George G. White writes -- St. Louis is an ideal spot for the 1991 reunion for the 106th Infantry Division Association. Plenty of hotels, centrally located in respect to the U.S.
     The St. Louis Convention & Visitors Commission will assist in every way. If you are interested in corning to St. Louis, I will be happy to host a meeting at my office to form a local committee. There is an active group of 106th veterans that meet in Mt Vernon, Illinois, near here. Do let me know if you wish to further consider the fine facilities and the central location that St. Louis offers for the next open Annual Reunion. *Mort note --TheSt. buts Convention Gomnission have forwarded a convention packet ot inlormagon) NASA Space Center, Huntsville, Alabama? John Gilliland, 592/SV called -- He said, that the NASA Space Center has a lot to offer for a reunion of our type. Tours, Exhibits and the whole ball of wax.
He asked that we mention this in The CUB.
     Any other ideas? I have also received a packet from the Minneapolis, Minnesota Convention Center Bureau. All volunteers take two steps forward.


    Think about where you would like to meet. The CUB a 0,5 Golden Lion by Dale R. Carver 424/HQ A&P Platoon Shatteret I trunks and branches littered the forest floor. 'Ilse Pine Tree trembled, whispered'I wiff rise once mare." Standing by itself, riven, an d filaCkWith smoke, "Man prays with fire; I wiffrise," apromise from theOak., I heard their lesser sisters in the forest 48 "We only know to always lift our branches to the sky." In the shelf-torn meadow, a murmur from the grass "I ant Earth's great healer; all of this shaffpass." In Memoriam Carthel E. "Tex"Noe, 423/M 565 Harvard Gladstone, Oregon 97027
    Carthel and his wife, Julia, were charter members of the Williamette Valley Chapter of the American Ex-POW. At the time of his death, March 9, 1989, Tex was the Commander, Julia was Secretary. James D. Downing, 424/M PO Box 642 South Haven, Michigan 49090
    Frank Borberly, 424/M reported that James died February 18, 1989. He was born August 3, 1924. No other word or details. Col. John J. Madden, 590/HQ 1305 Oakhurst Ave Los Altos, California 94022
     Word was received of Colonel Madden's death, but no other details. We believe it was during 1988. One of the children of Leo J. Brogan, 87 Mount Vernon St, Lowell, Mass 01854 writes that Leo's wife Alice passed away on Christmas day, 1988. Leo is an Association member from 423/D.


AUGUST 31st to SEPTEMBER 3rd, 1989
12 Noon - 5:00 p.m. Registration
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Registration
10:30 a.m. Board busses for a Day at the Races
Arlington Race Track with lunch 1 Optional Tour)
7:00 p.m. Welcome Reception -- Beer. Wine, Cheese & Snacks with a Disc Jockey
8:00 a.m. Sit-down Breakfast 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Registration
9:30 a.m. Board busses to Long Grove -- lunch on your own
4:30 p.m. Board of Directors Meeting
8:00 a.m. Sit-dovm Breakfast
10:30 a.m. Memorial Service
12:30 p.m. Wornen's Luncheon and Entertainment
12:30 p.m. Men's Luncheon and Business Meeting
3:30 p.m. Board of Directors Meeting
6:00 p.m. Cocktails--Cash Bar
7:00 p.m. Dinner
9,00 p.m. - 12 Midnight Dancing to Ron ¬es and his Orchestra
7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Buffet Breakfast & Farewells -- "till we meet In Sacramento, CA
The CUB a publication pith< 106th Infantry Division Association, Inc 1988-1989
President Dr. John G. Robb 1st Vice- Pres Orfeo E. Agostini
2nd Vice-Pres John 0. Gilliland
     Treasurer Sherod Collins Adjutant Boyd A. Rutledge Historian Sherod Collier CUB Editor .. John Kline Memorials Chairman.... Douglas Coffey The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association includes subscription to the CUB.
Send editorial matter to: John P. Kline--Editor 5401 Upper 1470 Spam W.
Apple Valley, MN 55124
    612-42341837 Send business matters, inquiries, death reruns, address changes to: Boyd A. Rutledge--Adjutant 10132 Q... Road Blooming., MN 53437
    61243315559 Send membership dues and contributions to the Memorial Fund to: Sherod Collins--Treasurer 448 Monroe Tram Kennesaw, GA 30144
    404-920.07 Make checks payable to "106th Infantry Division Association." Membership Dues $10.00 per year Associate Dues $10.00 per year Auxiliary Dues $2.00 per year Boyd A. Rutledge--Adjutant Board of Directors 1988-1989
thowit.yeer term expires in parentheses Orfeo E. Agostini N81st Eng sec) 202Hines...31313
912876.5424 Col Samuel P Cariano DIV/HOupack (NI) Parka. PUndien Harbour Bch. FL 32937
.7.7772878 (9) PO Box 930, Maggie 1090Vabsy. NC 28751
704-. Shined Collins SV/423 (1991) 448 Mom. Trace, Kennesaw.. 30144
404828.3207 Fred J. Ferris DIV/HO (1991) Pine.. St.,.em, VA.153 703.39.74
John R. Fritz HO/424 sat) 170 Shorn Acres, Verm.n, OH 44049
216-967.. Robert A. Gilder HO 1E1N/42409as) 36303 Babm D.8 North Ridgeville, OH 44039
21427-4492 John 0. Gilliland SV/592 (1990) 605 North.. Dr., Enterprise, AL 36330
205447-7730 John A. Gregory E1424 (1990) 4624 Ashton Drive. Sacram.. GA 95864
916.1-33. Glen 0. Hartlleb SV/592 (1990) 1805 01Ne St, High.. x62249
618.54-7382 Gilbert Helwig M/423 (1991) 2006 On.o Rd 855, Wee MI 48120
816483-8714 John P. Kline M/423 (lest 5401 U. 147.W. Apple Valley, MN 55124
6121234837 William Lucsay B/423 (1989) 12612 South Moody Ave, Pa. Heights IL 604.
Thomas J. Maw A/592 (1989) 436 Beech Staet, Rockland.. 02370
6178781796 John F. McDevitt A/81st Eng (1990) 180 Queen Lam, Rehoboth Beach. DE 19971
302.7.3911 Casimir Prokorym HO/81st Eng 991) 2520 Chestnut SL. ShuetmWlb. OH 43952
614-264-6245 Dr. John G. Robb D/422 (1990) 233 De Yore Drive. Needy., PA 16335
814.38364 Z).0.11.111;,11..RutlandB(.4?4 gas) 803-7878996
Boyd A. Rutledge 0/422 (1 991) 10192 90047,8 Rd., Bkomington, MN 55437
2140 W.
    612831.8559 N. Duke Ward HO/81st Eng 989) Gar. CoroX Marietta GA WU .4.971-.94 Edward C. Wojahn 13/81st Engi 991) 1553 West Young Dr., Onalaska, WI 54650
606.783-3670 Edward Zoll HO/424 (1 989) 1016 Word 992.01.a,,Ston. OH 44714
Col. Joseph C. Matthews HO/422 (Honorary Ufa
4708 Western Bhal., Raleigh, NC 27606

Index for: Vol. 45 No. 3, Apr, 1989

Index for This Document

106th Div., 18, 31, 33
106th Inf. Div., 1, 3, 6, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 33, 45, 46, 48, 51, 56, 57, 59
106th Inf. Div. Memorial, 46, 56
106th Infantry Division Association, 1, 6, 23, 29, 33, 45, 48, 51, 57, 59
106th Sig. Co., 46
112th Inf., 14
112th Inf. Regt., 14
28th Inf. Div., 14, 22, 24
29th Inf. Div., 52
2nd Div., 13
2nd Inf. Div., 10
37th FA, 10, 13
3rd Army, 31, 48
422/K, 33, 34
422/M, 22, 34, 36
422nd Inf., 23, 52
422nd Inf. Regt., 1, 44
422nd Regt., 1, 44
423rd Med. Det., 29
423rd Regt., 29, 42, 44
423rd Svc. Co., 3
424/A, 3, 24, 25, 34
424/C, 24, 25, 27, 31, 36, 54
424/E, 55
424th Inf. Regt., 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 54
589th FA, 9
589th FA BN, 9
591st FA BN, 3, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18
591st FAB, 3, 10, 14, 16, 18
592nd FA BN, 24
75th Inf. Div., 16
7th Armd. Div., 15, 16
7th Army, 48
80th Inf. Div., 24
81st Cbt. Engr., 39, 45
9th Armd. Div., 10, 12
Aborn, Joseph, 33
Adderbury, 44
Adlestrop, 34
After Action Report, 3, 9, 10, 14, 16, 17, 18
Agostini, Orfeo E., 59
Ahrens, Ray, 31
Ahrens, Raymond, 31
Ahrens, Raymond L., 31
Aisemont, 18
Aisomont, Belgium, 20
Anthisnes, 49
Anthisnes, Belgium, 49
Aquitania, 31, 37, 39, 44, 56
Arbrefontaine, 18
Ardennes, 3, 8, 21
Ardennes Forest, 8
Auel, 9
Austria, 48, 50
Azzi, Alighiero A., 33
Bad Orb, 1, 31, 33, 34, 54
Balog, Rudy, 33
Banbury, 44
Baraque De Fraiture, 21
Battle of the Bulge, 9, 22, 24, 27, 31, 33
Beane, Glen G., 33
'Before The Veterans Die', 23
Belgium, 3, 10, 15, 31, 50
Bell, Jr. Harry H., 34
Berberian, Kachadore, 34
Berga, 43
Berlin, 42
Berwick, Lee, 42
Beseler, Bill, 25
Beseler, Lt. Donald, 3
Bickford, Thomas, 39
Bied, Dan, 7
Black, Ewell C., 2
Black, Ewell C., Jr., 2
Black, Rev. Ewell C., 2
Bleialf, 31, 39, 54, 55
Bleialf, Germany, 31
Bonn, 24
Bosle, Robert H., 22
Bounds, Eldred L., 34
Bracht, 14
Braden, Reuben H., 33
Bradford, Harvey, 31, 37
Braunlauf, 14
Braunschweig, 42
Brazil, Myles, 48
Brazill, Myles, 48
Brewer, Ed, 8
Broadwater, Clifford H., 31
Brockwell, Charles, 34
Brockwell, Charles L., 34
Brogan, Leo J., 58
Brummer, Harold, 23, 52
Buedingen, Lt., 14
Bullard, George, 23
Burg, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
Burg Reuland, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
Butterfield, Wallace, 27
Byrd, Jr., Lloyd E., 36
Camp Atterbury, 7, 34, 48
Camp Lucky Strike, 36
Camp Myles Standish, MA, 7
Camp Shanks, 48
Canter, Henry, 34
Carey, Pvt. Frank, 10
Carver, Dale, 42
Carver, Dale R., 23, 42, 58
Chadbourne, Everett L., 34
Chapman, Joa, 22
Chapman, Joann, 22
Chase, Fred B., 23
Cheltenham, 42
Chevron, 16
Chipping Norton, 44
Clements, Lawrence, 34
Co. B, 81st Cbt. Engr.s, 39
Co. D, 422nd Regt., 1
Coffey, Doug, 38, 51
Coffey, Douglas, 59
Colley, Doug, 33
Collins, John, 22
Collins, John S., 22
Collins, Sherod, 23, 59
Commanster, 14, 15
Connelly, Dr. Michael, 22
Cooley, Don, 42
Cooley, Don E., 42
Corcoran, Capt. Arthur W., 14
Costa, Anton, 29
Coulee, 3, 18, 20
Craig, Col., 33
Crank, M/Sgt. Howard D., 18
Crawford, John, 24
Crawford, John D., 24
Cruz, Leo, 34
Cruz, Leo J., 34
Cunningham, Mike, 51
Curry, Robert B., 29
Davies, 1st Lt. William, 16
DeHeer, Dick, 51
DeHeer, Mrs., 51
Desoto, Philip, 36
Devaty, Raymond S., 22
Devine, William, 37
Div. Arty, 10
Div. Arty., 12, 44
Dobe, Francis J., 25
Dolitsky, Capt. Morris M., 16
Downing, James D., 58
Dresden, 27
Edelman, Herb, 27
Elcerath, 14
Eldridge, Bob, 42
Eldridge, Robert, 24
Eldridge, Robert D., 24
Ervin, Pvt. Bill T., 14, 16
Farris, Fred, 24
Fays, 16
Fazio, Joseph & Mary, 22
Fendlason, Spencer E., 34
Ferris, Fred J., 60
Firth of Clyde, 44
Fischer, Lewis, 22
Fischer, Lewis P., 22
Fischer, Lewis P. & Jane, 22
Fitzgerald, Gilbert M., 54
Fleischman, Peter F., 11
Flick, Robert, 22
Flick, Robert F., 22
Fontaine, Serge, 20
France, 24, 31, 44, 50, 56
Frankfort, 40
Frankfurt, 31, 55
Freis, Capt., 31
Fritz, John R., 60
Ft. Benjamin Harrison, 48
Ft. Dix, NJ, 55
Ft. Meade, MD, 7
Germany, 29, 31, 34, 36, 46, 48, 50, 54
Gerolstein, 24, 38, 54, 55
Gilder, Robert A., 60
Gilliland, John, 57
Glasgow, 37, 44
Glasgow, Scotland, 37
Gorlitz, 51
Gorlitz, Germany, 51
Grandmenil, 3
Greenock, 44
Greenock, Scotland, 44
Gregory, John A., 60
Gross, 1st Sgt., 14, 17, 19, 20
Gross, 1st Sgt. Joseph J., 9, 10, 14, 16, 18
Gross, Joe, 9
Gross, Joseph, 3
Grufflingen, 12, 14
Hammelburg, 31
Hammer, George, 42
Hancock, Daniel R., 24
Harry, Jr., 34
Harwell, Harry, 25
Hatch, H. M. Jim, 56
Hayden, Henry V., 27
Heckhalenfeld, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14
Heckhalenfeld, Germany, 10
Heidelberg, 48
Helwig, Gil, 31, 33, 43
Helwig, Gilbert, 60
Hempel, Robert, 24
Hempel, Robert W., 24
Henderson, Augustus A., 29
Hilliard, Roy, 23
Hof, Germany, 54
Hoover, Lt. Col., 14
Hopkins, Lloyd, 31
Huber, Edward J., 25
Huenemont, 3, 20
Hunt, Kenneth, 29
Ingersoll, Bernard E., 55
Jackson, Harry, 22
Jackson, Harry & Franny, 22
Jackson, Mr. & Mrs. Harry, 22
Jesson, Floyd, 31
Jobe, Weyman E., 33
Jones, James, 22
Jones, James G & Dolores, 22
Karlsruhe, 48
Kelly, 1st Lt. James J., 10, 16
Kelly, Bob, 29
Kenyon, James, 27
Kenyon, James F., 27
Kerr, Allen W., 54
Kershner, Jesse, 46
Kersteiner, Don, 37, 48
Kirsten, Paul, 31
Klein, James J., 57
Kline, J., 17, 26, 31, 54
Kline, John, 1, 24, 37, 38, 39, 42, 43, 51, 59
Kline, John P., 59, 60
Kline, Mr., 25, 56
Koblenz, 38, 55
Koluezez, Harry, 22
Koluezez, Harry & Jennie Rose, 22
Kommando, 38
Kriz, 2nd Lt. Howard W., 16
Kwaczek, Carl, 22
Kwaczek, Carl & Lillian, 22
Langham, Francis, 22
Langham, Francis S., 22
Lapato, Frank, 22
LaVaux, 3, 18, 20
Lawrence, Lt., 16
LeHarve, 34
Leipzig, 36, 38, 44
Leipzig, Germany, 36
Levine, George, 8, 51
Likins, Capt. Robert A., 14
Limburg, 24, 38, 44, 55
Linden, 45, 48, 52, 54
Lion In the Way, 3, 9, 21, 37, 44
Liska, Rudy, 22
Liskiewicz, Michael, 27
Liskiewicz, Michael W., 27
Lockridge, 1st Lt. Bernard L., 14
London, 7
Loveless, John T., 2
Loveless, John T., Jr., 2
Loveless, Kay, 2
Lowenberg, Howard, 22
Lowenberg, Howard & Dorothy, 22
Lucky Strike, 36
Lucsay, William, 60
MacKinnon, Lt. John, 10
Madden, John J., 58
Maddox, Robert C., 54
Maloney, Joseph, 22, 46
Maloney, Joseph P & Vivian, 22
Maloney, Joseph P., 46
Manhay, 3
Mansfield, Ed, 29
Martin, Dr. John B., 22
Martin, Dr. John B. & Pearl, 22
Mathews, Joe, 52
Matthews, Col. Joseph C., 60
Maw, Thomas J., 60
McCarron, Don, 29
McDevitt, John F., 60
McKee, Richard, 39
McLure, Cpl., 18
Memorials, 59
Messina, Carl, 45, 52
Meyers, Lawrence O., 11
Miller, Robert, 22
Miller, Robert & Mary, 22
Mills, James, 27
Moser, Ray, 54
Moustier, 18
Mowlds, Maj., 48
Moyer, Capt., 33
Mueller, Bill, 51
Muhlberg, 34, 38
Munich, 48
Munster, 51
Murawski, Al, 43
Myers, 1st Lt. Lawrence, 16
Myles Standish, 7
Nolan, 2nd Lt. William, 11
Odrimont, 18
Order of the Golden Lion, 51
Our River, 13
Panizza, Pvt. John R., 14
Parfondary, 18, 20
Paris, 37, 46
Parker, Richard, 37
Parkers Crossroad, 21
Patton, Gen., 31
Patton, Oliver B., 51
Pfiffer, Capt., 31
Phelps, Hugh L., 38
Phil, Lt. Herbert A., 18
Phillips, George, 48
Phillips, George F., 48
Piazza, Lewis R., 29
Pihl, Herbert A., 11
Pip, Mayor Wilhelm, 27
Pitt, Thomas, 42
Pitts, Thomas, 42
Poland, 36
Prokorym, Casimir, 60
Prum, 54
Purple Heart, 8
Queen Elizabeth, 44
Queen Mary, 44
Raila, Frank, 8
Regensburg, 48
Reid, Col., 10, 14
Repos, Stan, 22
Repos, Stanley J. & Irene, 22
Rickard, William P., 52
Rigatti, Richard, 22
Rigatti, Richard L & Patricia, 22
Riggs, Tom, 38
Ringer, 1st Lt. Robert R., 16
Roanne, 18
Robb, Dr. John G., 1, 23, 59, 60
Robb, John G., 1
Roberts, John M., 49
Rosenberg, Winfield, 43, 46
Rosentahl, Bernard, 11
Rouen, 44
Ruck, Harvey A., 34
Rutledge, Boyd, 39
Rutledge, Boyd A., 23, 59, 60
Rutt, Robert, 52
Salm, 15
Salm River, 15
Saucerman, Gene, 23
Savage, Pvt. Richard D., 14
Scheringer, Capt. Edward R., 10
Schneider, Lorenz W., 31
Schoenberg, 24, 39
Seehausen, 2nd Lt. Paul H., 18
Segassie, Edward E., 29
Shidemantle, John D., 22
Silvia, Manuel C., 57
Sisson, Roger, 57
Slaughter House V, 27
Smith, Charles, 23
Smith, Howard, 43
Smith, Howard G., 43
Smith, Kate, 22
Smith, Robert W., 24
Sodelheid, 16
Southampton, 44
St. Vith, 9, 10, 14, 21, 22, 25, 27, 37, 43, 44, 55, 56
'St. Vith - Lion In The Way', 9, 21, 37
Stalag 12-A, 24
Stalag 2A, 36
Stalag 4-B, 38, 43, 44, 46
Stalag 9-A, 31
Stalag 9-B, 25, 31
Stalag IV-B, 34, 36, 51
Stalag IX-B, 1, 33, 34, 54
Stalag VII-A, 31
Stalag VIII, 51
Stalag VIII-A, 51
Stalag XII-A, 29, 31
Stalag XII-A., 29
Stauff, John H., 11
Steffeshausen, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 19
Stengel, Richard, 27
Ster, 18
Straub, Ted, 22
Straub, Ted J., 22
Switzerland, 50
Szpek, Erv, 26
Szpek, Ervin, 26
Task Force, 31
Tavrides, James, 34
The 106th Inf. Div. Memorial, 46, 56
The Silent Snow, 51
Thorsen, Devon C., 24
Toddington, 43
Tower, William O., 25
Trautman, Frank, 23
Travis, Harry, 33
Travis, Harry F., 33
Tucker, J. Howard, 36
Ulrich, James L., 22
van De Bogart, 25
van De Bogart, Herman, 25
Van De Bogart, Herman, 25
Vance, George, 22, 37
Vance, George T., 22
Vance, George T. & Norma, 22
Vielsalm, 15
Vietnam, 33
Ville, Belgium, 15
Villwock, Russel, 5
Villwock, Russell, 1
Wakefield, 38, 44, 45, 51
Walden, Lawrence, 25
Walker, Cpl. Harold B., 10
Walker, Robert F. (Bob), 23
Wanne, 3
Ward, Duke, 60
Watters, Capt., 31
Weinberg, Ed, 31
Wetherill, Capt., 14
White, George, 24
White, George G., 57
Williams, Aubrey, 38
Williams, Aubrey J., 38
Williams, Richard L., 39
Winterspelt, 9, 10, 12, 14, 46
Wischmeier, Don, 3
Wisehmeir, Donald, 3
Wohlfeil, Maj. Carl H., 14
Wojahn, Ed, 39
Wojahn, Edward, 39
Wojahn, Edward C., 39, 60
Wood, Lt. Eric, 39
Wright, Wilfred C., 29
Yancik, Pete, 22
Yancik, Pete & Diane, 22
Yelochan, Al, 22
Yelochan, Albert, 22
York, Bob, 23
Yost., Jr., Owen K., 27
Young, Ted, 42
Young, Theodore W., 42
Ziegenhain, 31
Zoll, Edward, 60