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Index for this issue of The CUB
Original Cub Document
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Vol. 14, No. 2, Dec, 1957

Presidents Message
     As the year slips by we come closer to another Dec. 16th. We in New Jersey and New York will have our usual memorial dinner. Are you doing something in your area? If you haven't planned anything, why not get together with some 106ers. Some of us have more to be thankful for than others; just being here is enough. A get-together with your Army friends to remember the ones who aren't with us any more is no sacrifice.
     It is very encouraging to hear that our membership is very high for this time of the year. Now is the time to give that extra push to get us over the top.
I hope by now Austin has given away that No. 254.
     Over the Labor Day week-end Marge, Ricky and I went out to Hershey, Pa. to the 106th Picnic. We had a grand time and they had a good turnout. What a wonderful way to keep up with old friends. I am sure there are a lot of these same kinds of reunions, but we never hear of them. Wily not write to our Cub Editor, it would make interesting reading to your friends no matter where they are.
     By now everyone has had a chance to look over the sketch of the proposed Memorial Building--why not write your comments "good or bad" to our Cub Editor. I have a suggestion from a member of the 106th. The suggestion is--a Contest. Have the members write what they think should be done with the Memorial Fund, on the basis of:


     The best letter would entitle the writer to next year's dues--FREE. I am sure my fellow members on the Board of Directors will back me up on this.
In closing may I wish you all a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR.

The Cub
106th Infantry Division Association, Inc. Box 106, Blandon, Pa.
President Richard DeHeer
Vim President Edward Collier
Adjutant Austin Byrd, Jr.
Treasurer Robert Kelly
Chaplain John Loveless
    The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is 55.00 per year, which includes subscription to CUB. All material copyrighted.
Editor John Gallagher
The CUB is printed by the Busy Beaver Print Shop, Laureldale, Pa.
Back issues of the CUB may be obtained for 25 cents each. Send orders to Box 106, Blandon, Pa.


     I know the members who were able to attend the 11th Reunion of the 106th Infantry Division Association thoroughly enjoyed the "Southern Hospitality" shown us by Maydean and Jim Wells at the General Oglethorpe Hotel in Savannah, Georgia, in July.
     Do you know there are only 37 paid-up members in our Auxiliary? With such a large group of men in the Association we should be able to increase our membership. The dues per year are only $2.00.
     It would be fine if the wife of every man in the Association would joist our group. We'd certainly like to have you. Just send your money to 106th Division, Box 106, Blandon, Pa.
     There is just one meeting a year. The next one will be held sometime during the Association's Convention in Philadelphia in 1958. Won't you join us?
     Do you have a favorite recipe that you'd like to pass on to us? Just send it to Mrs. Richard DeHeer, our Secretary, 19 Hopkins St., Hillsdale, New Jersey.

     As the Thanksgiving season approaches, let us be thankful for our many blessings. KATHRYN G. LOVELESS ("K") President

Auxiliary Roster
Mrs. John D. (Carol) Beals
Mrs. Thomas (Florence) Bickford
Mrs. Henry M. (Eunice) Broth
Mrs. Jack Bryant
Mrs. Douglas S. (Isabel) Coffey
Mrs. Robert H. Courtright
Mrs. Richard (Marge) DeHeer
Mrs. Thomas Dorosky
Mrs. Mahlon O. Earle, Jr.
Mrs. Gaylord D. Fridline
Mrs. John M. (Shirley) Gillespie
Mrs. Bruce F. Glen
Mrs. Lawrence (Estelle) Gubow
Mrs. Ben J. (Nita) Hagman
Mrs. H. M. (Helen) Hatch
Mrs. Walter F. Hiltbrand
Mrs. Alan W. Jones
Mrs. Alan W. Jones, Jr.
Mrs. Robert E. (Libby) Kelly
Mrs. Glen Kennedy
Mrs. John E. (Frances) Ketterer
Mrs. Norman L. (Joyce) Lee
Mrs. John T. (Kay) Loveless, Jr.
Mrs. William T. (Elizabeth) Manahan
Mrs. J. C. (Anna) Matthews, Jr.
Mrs. W. Lyle Mowlds
Mrs. Leo T. (Wilda) McMahon
Mrs. Richard W. Nethers
Mrs. Patrick J. O'Rourke
Mrs. Herbert T. Perrin
Mrs. Clayton F. Rarick
Mrs. Robert E. (Lucille) Rutt
Mrs. Morris W. Silverman
Mrs. Arthur (Doreen) Simmons
Mrs. James E. (Maydean) Wells

This roster includes the 35 members of the Auxiliary up to October 12. For addresses see men's roster.

Thank You
     Your heart-warming Get Well card with all the autographs was received with deep appreciation. It was a terrific disappointment to us to miss the reunion.
After three weeks on crutches, thanks to the fine nurse I had, my injured knee is back to normal.
     Another reason for the recovery was the receipt of copy of the Resolutions adopted at the Reunion. Among others, it was resolved that Doc Fridline and I recover as soon as possible. I complied and I hope Doc Fridline has too. You can't fool with these Resolution Committees, especially when chairmanned by Bob Rutt.
God willing, we will see you all in Philadelphia in 1958.
106th Divarty.


Membership Report
     Jennie and I visited with the Doctor Fridline's Saturday, September 28th, and find the Doc is coming along fine. Mrs. Fridline informs me that according to reports it is possible that he will return to his practice by the first of the year. We spent some four to five hours with them and Doc seems to be enjoying television as well as getting out of the house to visit the Fair, and a couple of days each week to Akron for therapeutic treatments. He enjoys hearing from any of us and informed me that they had a very nice letter front the Bob Kellys. Mrs. Fridline informed nee that they thought about attending the Savannah Reunion, but were advised against such since the doctor was coming along so well and perhaps the trip would not help toward recovery. They send their regards to all.
     I would like to remind all members as they look over the roster of this issue of the Cub to see just who is missing from their locality, and give them a call or drop them a line, since they perhaps have forgotten to mail in their dues, also try to get in touch with those who were with your unit and get them to mail in their $5.00. You may think that they are not interested, but I found that there were some six members that I picked up last year from our Unit who had dropped out for reason of just forgetting to mail their dues.
     I am hopeful that our membership will show one of the greatest increases this year, and feel certain that it will if each of us put forth just a little effort.
     Please send me any correct names and addresses that you may have should you like for me to contact them. R. W. Nethers, 31 Island Drive, Poland 14, Ohio.
Send dues to Austin L. Byrd, Jr., 502 Nottingham Road, Baltimore, Md.
Your Membership Chairman,

Members Needed
     We need more members! If you have a friend whose name is not listed in the Membership Roster published in this issue, drop him a note and get him to join.
Just send $5.00 with name, address and unit to:
Austin L. Byrd, Jr., Adjutant 502 Nottingham Rd, Baltimore 29, Md.

     As of October 12, one free membership is still open to some lucky individual. Get a friend to send in his clues. He might be the one to get his $5.00 back.

     Members who were with the 100th Division in the Army of Occupation will recall that the famous 3rd Infantry Regiment was attached. It was commanded by Col. H. J. Vander Heide. He is now Major General Vander Heide, and has just been assigned to command the XXI Corps with station at Indiantown Gap Military Reservation, Pennsylvania.
     Colonel William C. Baker, Chief of Staff of the Division, is now Major General Baker on duty at Eighth Army Headquarters in the Far East.
     Colonel William B. Tuttle, USA, Ret., who commanded the 422nd Infantry, from its reorganization in March 1945 until the Division returned to the U. S., died at Valley Forge Hospital, Pa., on Oct. 4, 1957. He was buried at Arlington National Cemetery with military honors on October 9th. General and Mrs. McMahon represented the Association and the Auxiliary at the interment.
     Charles W. L. Foreman, who recently joined the Association was Captain on Divarty Staff. He is Vice President of United Parcel Service, 331 East 38th St., N. Y. C., and lives in Pelham Manor, N. Y.


Chaplain's Message
     For weeks we have been reading in our newspapers and magazines and hearing over our radios about "sputnik" and atomic missiles and man-made satellites, in existence or in process of being constructed. Scientists and laymen alike, individuals interested or merely curious have scanned the skies for a glimpse, however fleeting, of these wonders of our age. To all, or nearly all, of us, the launching of these "moons" has been an amazing feat of scientific progress; in many, fear has been aroused.
     From the dawn of history down to our own day, man, despite temporary periods of seeming retrogression, has steadily advanced its knowledge of himself, our world and the universe. And with it all, the advance has been in the bad as well as in the good.
     But who among us can say that the growth of knowledge, the increase in our physical powers, the accomplishments of man in every field has been by man's own strength of mind and body alone? Rather must we not say that there is a Higher Power who impels us to use that two-fold strength, if we are willing, to seek out the unknown?
     If we refuse, fear may well possess us, for ignorance begets fear. If we accept, two paths open before us: one straight ahead leading to greater accomplishments for the benefit of mankind; the other veering away towards hate and destruction. The choice is ours; what shall it be?
     At this time of national Thanksgiving, especially, let us acknowledge the omnipresence and omnipotence of God, let us give thanks unto Him for His mercies and grace so abundantly showered upon us, and let us beseech Him to guide us to a fuller understanding of His will for our lives.
     "The Heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims His handiwork. Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night declares knowledge."-- Psalm 19:1-2
106th Infantry Div. Assn.

Memorial Report
     I am very happy to inform you that Mrs. Alice L. Riley has returned the Memorial Grant form, and we are in the process of sending her a check for $100.00 to be used for books and clothes for her daughters attending school. Her late husband was Cpl. Wm. Arthur Riley, 422nd Regiment.

Editor's Notes
Doug Coffey is awaiting your comments on proposed Belgium memorial.
     Let Doug know your thoughts, whether you approve or disapprove, so that he can investigate further or gracefully drop the whole proposal.
     Had a note from Frank Hallner suggesting a memorial that would remind us all of our obligation to work to keep the world free and at peace with our fellow man.
     The association is now the owner of a typewriter which my wife is using for typing articles for the Cub. Our thanks to the members of the association.
May the holiday season be most joyous to you and your family.


- -
    Members of the division artillery held their annual picnic at Hershey Park, Pa., on Sunday, Sept. 1. Present at roll call were:
Tom and Alice Dorosky
Emil and Ethel Solecki
Charlie and Daisy Walsh
Tom and Mary Fox
Earl and Mary Runyon
Frank and Theresa Maloney
Ray and Cele Taylor
Charles and Betty Lapham
John and Stella Gallagher
Clayton and Mabel Rarick
Ned and Marie Neber
President Dick and Marjorie DeHeer
Leo and Wilda McMahon
Chaplain John and Kay Loveless
Charles Oyler
Bernie and Yetta Caplan
Michael and Martha Sgrignoli
     It is difficult to say who enjoyed the picnic more, the children or the adults. The children spent the day riding on the amusements in the park and visiting the zoo, while their dads talked of the good old days (?) in the 106th. The annual get-together is growing, will be held next year same place, Sunday, August 31.

James L. Hart, 106 Signal, 3037 Ninth St., Rockford, Ill.
Charles Lapham, Serv 592, 5 White Horse Pike, S. Lindenwold, N. J.
Frank Maloney, Serv 592, 231 Wolf St., Philadelphia 48, Pa.
Ray Taylor, Serv 592, 4831 W. 24th Pl., Cicero, III.
E. E. Weber, Div Arty, Box 32, Hershey, Pa.

1958 Convention
Your convention committee is making plans to make this convention a family affair.
     General McMahon, Al Dunbar, Charles Walsh, Clayton Rarick and John Gallagher have recently met with the staff of the Bellevue-Stratford Hotel and the Phila. Convention Bureau for their assistance in organizing this year's convention.
Have you any suggestions or requests for the convention program? If so please forward to the Cub.

Convention Pictures
     If you have not received your pictures by this time please contact me direct. I am terribly sorry about the delay in which the pictures were mailed, and some of your letters of inquiry ignored by the Harms Studio. However I have been assured that they have all been mailed.

Reunion Cities
1958 REUNION--PHILADELPHIA, PA. Hotel Bellevue-Stratford
July 25-26-27
1957--Savannah, Georgia
1956--Atlantic City, N. J.
1955--Detroit, Mich.
1954--Atlantic City, N. J.
1953--Columbus, Ohio
1952--Baltimore, Maryland
1951--Pittsburgh, Pa.
1950--Detroit, Mich.
1949--Chicago, Ill.
1948--Indianapolis, Ind.
1947--Indianapolis, Ind.

     Can you add the figures on the cover? The question marks represent the unpaid members for this year. The answer is up to you and I.
     Check the membership roster in this issue. If any of your buddies have not paid their dues for this year, how about dropping them a line, or making a notation on your Christmas card?


Membership Roster
Michael Alexander, 2400 Western Ave., Park Forest. Ill.--Hq 1st Bn 422
Max B. Allen, 330 San Antonio Rd., Arcadia. Calif. --A 423
Joseph J. Ansel. Pinkerton Rd. & Blue Bell, Rt. 1. Chalfonte, Pa.--AT 423
Dr. George Axelrod, 70 High St., Clinton, Mass.-- 331 Med
Maj. Gen. William C. Baker, Jr., Hq USARPAC, APO 958, San Francisco. Calif.--DHQ
John D. Beal, 217 E. Davenport St., Iowa City, Iowa--A 422
Richard H. Behr, 960 Burke Ave., St. Paul 14, Minn.--Serv 423
Roger W. Bell. 681 Oakland Ave., St. Paul 2, Minn., --Hq 589
Robert M. Bennett, 305 Circle Dr., Columbia, S. C.--AT 423
Thomas Bickford, 3 Sunnyside Terrace, East Orange, N. J.--DHQ
T. Wayne Black, 306 Williston Ave., Waterloo, Iowa--Hq 422
William S. Blaher, 31 Main St., Flemington. N. J. --I 422
Herbert C. Bliss, 264 W. Forest Ave., West Milton, Ohio--F 423
Ira G. Bottoms, P. O. Box 103, Norcross, Ga.-592
Col. Byrne Bowman, 418 Commerce Exchange Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla.--DHQ
Rev. Edward T. Boyle, 46 N. Wolf Rd., Northlake, Ill.--Hq 424
Ben R. Briles, Arvada, Wyoming--G 423
Joseph Brislin, 203 Barney St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa.--K 422
Henry M. Broth, 3917 Duvall Ave., Baltimore 16, Md.--I 422
David C. Brumaghin, S-115 Westview Ave., Paramus, N. J.-81 Engr
Jack Bryant, 14011 Nadine Ave., Oak Park 37, Mich.--C 422
Arthur C. Buckley, 24 Atkins Ave., Lynn, Mass.-- DHQ
John H. Burns, 402-432 East Prairie, Box 229, Decatur, Ill.-106 Sig
Harry W. Butler, Jr., Box 162, Winchester, Va.-- Hq 1st Bn 424
Austin L. Byrd, Jr. 502 Nottingham Rd., Baltimore 29. Md.-A 589
George Call, 201 Bloomfield Ave., Iselin, N. J.-- B 424
Bernard Caplan, 2524 Loyola Southway, Baltimore 15, Md.--Serv 592
Mrs. Edna Carow, 2516 Conata St., Duarte, Calif.
Bartholomew F. Carrino, 148 Coeyman Ave., Nutley 10, N. J.-424
Graham H. Cassibry, 111 N. LeFlore Ave., Cleveland, Ohio.-589
Thomas Catannio, 62 Seminole Ave., Dumont, N. J.
Rev. Paul W. Cavanaugh, 892 W. Boston Blvd., Detroit 2, Mich.--Hq 422
Col. Charles C. Cavender, 1402 Deborah Dr., Santa Ana, Calif.-423
Stanley Chmielowiec, 21 Oak Grove Ave., Hasbrouck Heights, N. J.--A 424
Christopher T. Clark, 518 S. Slain St., Niles, Ohio – Hq 423
Dr. James I. Clark, Fennville 1, Mich.-590 & 592
Douglas S. Coffey, 18 Cornell St., West Orange, N.J.--C 590
Edward Collier, 5282 Normandy Rd., Memphis, Tenn.
Sherod Collins, Jr., Box 177, Statesboro, Ga.-- Serv 423
Ernest W. Conklin, 226 N. Phelps St., Youngstown, Ohio--Serv 589
Dr. Michael E. Connelly, 157 W. State St., Sharon, Pa.-589
Glen H. Cook, 11440 Folkston Dr., Forest Park 40, Cincinnati, Ohio--K 423
Mrs. John F. Corcoran, 24 Draper St., Brockton 34, Mass.
Robert H. Courtright, Box 103. Asheville. Ohio - DHQ
Raymond J. Creamer, 10 Bartlett St., New Brunswick, N. J.--Serv 589
F. H. Dagostin, 615 Edgewood Dr., Dolthan, Ala.
John W. Daniel, 210 Pollard St., Box 1335, Montgomery, Ala.
Rinard G. Davis, 1609 Crystal, Kansas City 26, Mo. --Hq 3rd Bn 422
Rev. J. B. Day, St. Cabrini's Church, 1020 N. Milton Ave., Springfield, Ill. - DHQ
Joseph A. DeChiara, 205 Etna St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Richard DeHeer, 19 Hopkins St., Hillsdale, N. J.-- K 424
James Dent, 3315 Cornelia Dr., Louisville, Ky.--3rd Bn 423
Robert De St. Aubin, 632 S. Gunderson. Oak Park, Ill.--CN 424


Membership Roster
Col. George L. Descheneaux, Jr., 2 Montgomery Terrace. Cape Elizabeth, Me.-422
Ernest Dick, 2228 Tenth St., Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio--H 424
Arlan Dietrich, College Gardens, Kutztown, Pa.-- 81 Engr
Martin M. Dolitsky, 37 Summit Ave., Port Chester, N. Y.
Thomas Dorosky, Mount Airy Rd., R. D. 1, Trucksville, Pa..--Serv 592
Dale Douglas, 11665 Berwyn, Detroit 39, Mich.
Dr. Joseph F. Dreier, 250 S. River St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa.--Div Arty
Alan Dunbar, 4701 Pine St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Robert Dutz, 3813 W. 80th Pl., Chicago, Ill.-- H 424
Mahlon O. Earle, Jr., 23 Morgan Pl., North Arlington, N. J.
James R. Easterling, Box 101. Latta, S. C.--K 424
Howard S. Edwards, B. 177, Lexington, Tenn.-- E 423
Ross L. Edwards, 223 N. Main, College Park, Ga. --424
Raymond H. Fields, 326 Rennoc Rd., Knoxville, Tenn.--H 424
John J. Fischer, Jr., 6504 Crest Ridge Circle, Cincinnati 13, Ohio--Serv 422
Guy H. Ford, 1703 Warwood Ave., Wheeling, W. Va.--C 591
Charles W. L. Foreman, 167 Townsend Ave., Pelham Manor, N. Y.--Div Arty
William K. Fowler, 2623 Southern Ave., S. E., .Apt. B-3, Washington 20, D. C.--DHQ
D. B. Frampton, Sr., Broadwin Apts., 1312 East Broad St., Columbus 5, Ohio
D. B. Frampton, Jr., 170 N. Roosevelt Ave., Bexley, Columbus 9, Ohio--CN 422
Florian R. Frank, Avoca, Wisconsin
Jerome L. Frankel, 2425 Nostrand Ave., Brooklyn 10, N. Y.--Hq 423
Richard A. Frankini, 27476 West Five Mile, Livonia, Mich.-2nd Bn 424
Dr. Gaylord D. Fridline, 217 Claremont St., Ashland, Ohio - 423.
Albert Gagne, Jr., 281 Rand St., Central Falls, R. I. --M 423
George M. Galik, 19 Center St., Yonkers 2, N. Y.
John I. Gallagher, 4003 Frances St., Temple, Pa. --81 Engr
Ernest Gerhardt, 121 Lispenard Ave., New Rochelle, N. Y.--Serv 422
Alfred J. Gericke, Jr., 8799 Elsmere Dr., Parma 30, Ohio--D 423
Philip E. Gerlach, 2005 Marshall Ave., St. Pa,. Minn.--D 424
John M. Gillespie, 19807 Murray Hill, Detroit 35, Mich. – C 422.
Robert A. Gilmartin, 3320 Cortelyou Rd., Brooklyn 3, N. Y.--H 424
David J. Gish, 5629 W. Grove St., South Bend, Ind.--Hq 589
Bruce F. Glen, 10 Ferry Rd., Morrisville, Pa. - DHQ
Robert. A. Grosjean, R. 2, Hunch Rd., Fort Wayne, Ind.-3rd Bn 422
Lawrence Gubow, 20100 Braile, Detroit 19, Mich. --Serv 423
Ben J. Hagman, 128 Dallas Ave., Weatherford, Texas--Div Arty
Frank Hallner, 10534 S. Bluefield Ave., Whittier, Calif--AT 424
Dr. George H. Hanlon, Gouverneur, N. Y.-592
Harold V. Hardoin, 11732 Promenade, Detroit 13, Mich.--K 424
R. P. Harper, 171 Ingram Ave., Pittsburgh 5, Pa.-- 81 Engr
Abner T. Harris, 400 Carlisle Court, Rockville Center, L I., N. Y.--H 424
James L. Hart, 3037 Ninth Sc., Rockford, Ill.-- 106 Sign
H. M. Hatch, 5609 15th Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn.--DHQ & 422
Byron P. Heath, 2729 Montezuma Ave., Alhambra, Calif.-106 MP
Forrest W. Hemming, 233 Decry St., Columbus 13, Ohio-806 Ord
Bernard Herbert, 483 S. Rochester Ave., Indianapolis 21, Ind.-106 QM
Walter F. Hiltbrand, 930 Fair Ave., Salem, Ohio--AT 423
Pete House, 1317 Hendricks Ave., Jacksonville 7, Fla.--A 590
Don M. Houseman, 1505 Federal St., Dallas 1, Texas--D 423
Carl M. Hulbert, 356 Manor Ridge Dr., N. W., Atlanta 5, Ga. - 424
John B. Hursey, Hotel Wellington, 7th Ave. & 55th St., New York 19, N. Y.--Div Arty


Membership Roster
George G. Iwamoto, 1679 Kilauea Ave., Hilo, Hawaii, T. H.--DHQ
Maj. M. H. Jacobs, Box 272, Kingstree. S. C.-- H 422
Louis James, 409 Pullman, Hot Springs. Ark.-- A 422
Vance S. Jennings, 2308 N. Lorraine, Wichita 14, Kan. – 106 Sign
Robert D. Jessee, 2186 14th Ave., San Francisco 16, Calif. –M 424
Roger M. Jewett, 1213 Donald St., Royal Oak, Mich. - DHQ
Maj. Gen Alan W. Jones, 3532 Quebec St., N.W., Washington 16, D.C. - CG
Maj. Alan W. Jones, Jr., Hq 2 Battle Grp, 21st Inf., APO 25, San Francisco, Calif.-423
George W. Jones, Jr., c/o Post Office, Loris, S. C. --Serv 423
William T. Jones, 1136 Fairview Ave., Wyomissing, Pa.--DHQ
John K. Kahler, 1858 Berwyn St., Philadelphia, Pa.-D 423
Robert W. Kaminsky, 861 E. 6th St., Salem, Ohio – I 424
George H. Kaufman, 225 S. Edgewood Ave., Urbana, Ohio--H 423
Edmond D. Kelly, Orchard Hill, R.D. 3, Middletown, N. Y.-D 423
Robert E. Kelly, 846 Lakepointe, Grosse Pointe 30, Mich.--Serv 423
Col. T. Payne Kelly, Jr., P. O. Box 1531. Tampa 1, Fla.-589
Glen Kennedy, 805 Park Ave., West Liberty, Iowa --AT 423
Francis T. Kenney, 55 Eastern Ave., Ossining, N. Y.--Hq 3rd Bn 422
Don W. Kersteiner, 645 Emerson Ave., Hamilton, Ohio – Hq 2nd Bn 424
Joseph A. Kersten, 162 Duerstein St., Buffalo 10, N. Y.--G 423
Thomas E. Kestenbaum, Tracy St., Norwalk, Conn. --I 424
Dr. John E. Ketterer. 527 W. Candy St., Springfield, Ill. - DHQ
Bernard F. Killian, P. O. Box 577, Marathon, Fla. --81 Engr
James R. Klett, 1054 Cornwall Rd., Lebanon, Pa. - DHQ
Leonard Koplin, 909 Melrose Ave., Melrose Park, Pa.-DHQ
Louis Kovach, 3985 W. 130th St., Cleveland 11, Ohio--Serv 424
Joseph Krafchik. 349 Livingston Ave., New Brunswick, N. J.-331 Med
John Kraljic, 19 Coffrey Ave., Bethpage. L. 1., N. Y.--H 424
Elmer F. Lange, Box 203, Sac City, Iowa--H 422
Charles Lapham, 5 White Horse Pike, S., Lindenwold, N. J.--Serv 592
Norman L. Lee. 1229 W. 11th St., Anderson. Ind.-- H 424
Vernon Lee, 145 Riverside, N. E., St. Cloud, Minn. --C 591
Samuel Leibowitz, 645 E. 5th St., Brooklyn 18, N. Y.-424
Francis M. Lemley, Pillsbury, N. D.--Hq 589
Louis S. LeTellier, Jr., 7019 Altama Rd., Jacksonville 11, Fla.-81 Engr
Seymour S. Light, 4513 Greenwold Dr., South Euclid 21, Ohio--L 424
Marshall Lipkin, 5040 Gloria Ave., Encino, Calif. --424
Joseph Litvin. 10412 Doty Ave., Inglewood, Calif. – D 423
Arthur E. Loos, 128 Highland Ave., Broad Brook, Conn.--I 422
Oliver A. Lothrop, Jr., 408 Terrace Way, Towson, 4, Md.--B 423
John T. Loveless, Jr., 2549 Pickwick Rd., Baltimore 7, Md.--Hq 422
Allen L. Lowith, 1062 S. Mansfield, Los Angel. 19, Calif.--CN 423
Edward L. Louie, 1518 W. Garfield Blvd., Chicago 9, Ill.-590
John F. Mackell, 559 W. 51st St., New York 19, N. Y.
Frank Maloney, 231 Wolf St., Philadelphia 48, Pa. --Serv 592
Russell J. Malueg, 1617 Pierce Ave., Rockford, Ill. - 423
Thomas G. Manager, 309 Addison Rd., Glastonbury. Conn.--A 590 & C 592
William T. Manahan, Blue Ridge Summit, Pa.-- 806 Ord
Gilbert Marcus, 7007 Cregier Ave., Chicago 49, Ill. --Serv 423
Mrs. Gladys L. Marsh, 302 Ave. L, Pittsburgh 21, Pa.


Membership Roster
Mac Martin, 1828 Mt. Curve Ave., Minneapolis, Minn.
Heinz M. Matthai, 610 Emerson Ave., Laureldale, Pa.--Hq 423
Col. J. C. Matthews, Jr., 4706 Western Blvd., Raleigh, N. C.-422
Curtis F. Maynard, 1112 Kettler St., Navasota, Texas--G 424
O. Paul Merz, Jackson St., Vevay, Ind.--Serv 422
John A. Middleton, III, 17 Kensington, Madison, N. J.-106 Sign
Lt. Col. J. John Miller, 3569-A S. Stafford St., Arlington, Va.--DHQ
Rev. Ronald A. Mosley, 37 Hancock St., Bar Harbor, Me.--Div Arty & 424
W. Lyle Mowlds, 896 S. State St., Dover, Del.-- 106 MP
William H. Mueller, 27 Eve Lane, Levittown, L. I.,N. Y.--M 424
J. Gail Myers, 1114 Maxine Dr., Fort Wayne 6, Ind.-331 Med
Daniel E. McIntosh, Jr., 411 Blunt St.; Clay Center, Kan.--Div Arty
Brig. Gen. Leo T. McMahon, 8 N. Union St., Middletown, Pa.--Div Arty
W. C. McMurray, R. D. 3, Canonsburg, Pa.
Robert E. McVoy, Poland, N. Y.--Serv 423
John B. Nash, 247 Van Duzer St., Staten Island 4, N.Y. – 806 Ord
J. S. Negyesi, Hunting Ridge Rd., Stamford„ Conn.--Hq 424
Dr. Irwin Neigus, 499 Ocean Ave., Brooklyn 26, N.Y. – 331 Med
Richard W. Nethers, 31 Island Dr., Poland, Ohio --AT 423
Alfred S. Nusbaum, Garden Apt. 4C, 201 Tuscany Rd., Baltimore 10, Md.--Hq 423
N. Y. C. Public Library, Fifth Ave. & 42nd St., New York, N. Y.
Patrick J. O'Rourke, 3185 Hull Ave., New York 67, N. Y.--K 424
William Perlman, 2006 Castle Heights Ave., Los Angeles 34, Calif.
Clifford E. Perras, Blue Front Hotel, Nadeau, Mich.--H 424
Brig. Gen. Herbert T. Perrin, Box 294, Gambier, Ohio--CG
Charles S. Peyser, 212 Potomac Ave., Hanover, Pa. --B 424
Morris R. Piha, 3431 Cloverdale Rd., Montgomery 6, Ala.-106 QM
Robert W. Pierce, 464 Federal St., N. W., Warren, Ohio-81 Engr
Waldo B. Pierce, 530 East St., New Britain, Conn. --F 422
Fred A. Pilkington, 221 Walton St., West Hempstead, N. Y.--Hq 422
Edward C. Plenge, 486 S. Prospect Ave., West Englewood, N. J.--Hq 589
Floyd W. Powell, 5590 Radnor St., Detroit 24, Mich.--B 422
David S. Price, 3 North Lane, Loudonville 11, N. Y.--DHQ & 331 Med
Clayton F. Rarick, Box 25, Blandon, Pa.--L 424
Dean T. Redmond, 116 Kelly St., Statesville, N.C. --Hq 3rd Bn 422
Raymond J. Reed, 832 Kinderkitmack Rd., River Edge, N. J.--CN 423
C. B. Reid, Richburg, S. C.--AT' 423
John J. Reynolds, Jr., 188 Hall St., Brooklyn, N. Y. – H 424
Charles W. Richards, 215 Everett Ave., Wyckoff, N. J.--Serv 423
Clayton P. Riggins, Nahunta, Ga.
Thomas J. Riggs, Jr., 2932 Broxton Rd., Shaker Heights, Cleveland, Ohio-81 Engr
Robert C. Ringer, 205 W. Weisheimer Rd., Columbus 14. Ohio--Serv 591
William Rosenkoetter, 15547 Hanover St., Allen Park, Mich.--Hq 424
Nathan M. Roth, 152 W. 42nd St., New York, N. Y. --B 592
Robert Rowe, 14400 Ilene St., Detroit 4, Mich.-- 423
Cleo F. Russ, 2322 12111 St., Moline, Ill.-589
Robert E. Rutt, 14447 Young Ave., Detroit 5, Mich. - Hq 422
Joseph L. Ryals, 2000 Cooper Ave., Lansing 15, Mich. – Hq 424
J. P. Salber, 2 Danbury St., Oakland 5, Calif.--423 & 424
Robert E. Sandberg, 1377 S. Cleveland Ave., St. Paul 5, Minn.-81 Engr
Eugene L. Saucerman, R. R. 1, Dugger, Ind.-- D 422
John J. Scalissi, 1706 Regent St., Madison, Wisc.--H 424


Membership Roster
Fred Schieferstein, Jr., Box 791, Madison Hill Rd., Clark. N. J.--A 424
J. Glenn Schnizlein, 1460 N. Webster St., Naperville, Ill.--F 423
Earl A. Scott, 6414 Monument Ave., Richmond 26, Va.-589
J. J. Searcy, Jr., 153 N. Hanky Rd., Clayton 5. Mo.
Fred A. Sebastinelli, 3228 Cabrillo St., San Francisco 21, Calif. - DHQ
Mike P. Serino, Armed Forces Golf Club, Fort Jackson, S. C.-591
Frank Sileski, 304 79th St., Niagara Falls. N. Y. - 422
Albert L. Silver, 217-15 Kingsbury Ave., Oakland Gardens 64, Flushing, L. I., N.Y. – CN 423
Morris W. Silverman, 2023 Broadway, Anaheim, Calif.--M 423
Arthur Simmons, 26747 Student, Detroit 39. Mich.
Joseph J. Siska, 10639 Hoxie Ave., Chicago 17, Ill. --Hq 2nd Bn 424
Hyman Slavin, 62 Bay View Terrace, Newburgh. N. Y.--Hq 3rd Bn & AT 424
Lester S. Smyth, 328 Weatherbee Rd., Towson 4, Md.--Div Arty
Walter M. Snyder, 9 Winter St., Plymouth. Mass. --.A 589
Emil Solecki, Box 240. R. D. 1. Sparta, N. J.-- Serv 592
Loren E. Souers, Jr., 1200 Harter Bank Bldg., Canton, Ohio-424 & 81 Engr
Robert Spade, 509 Franklin St., Robinson, Ill.-- H 424
Norman S. Spayd, 1518 Schuylkill Ave., Reading, Pa. – C & H 423 & F 424
John Stec, 27 High St., Danbury, Conn.--Serv 423
Ralph G. Steed, P. O. Box 187, Robbins, N. C.-- AT 423
Cyrill J. Steinhauser, 220 Edna St., Poland 14. Ohio--C 424
Robert C. Steward, R. D. 2. Fleetwood, Pa.-592
Robert P. Stout, 248 Monterey Ave., Pelham, N. Y. --DHQ
Edward C. Straka, 431 03 43 CT2 USN. NAVINT School (LANG), Naval Receiving Station, Washington 25, D. C.--106 Sign
James T. Stuart, 119 Gem Ave., Bridgeport 6, Conn – F 424
Joseph S. Suplicki, 392 Stevens Ave., Ridgewood, N. J.-331 Med
Frank V. Sziber, 57 Manor Pl., Avenel, N. J.
Lee B. Taylor, Box 629, Anderson, S. C.-- 424
Ray Taylor, 4831 W. 24th Pl., Cicero, Ill.-- Serv 592
James L. Thompson, Box 153, Ettrick. Wisc.--81 Engr
Harrison C. Tissot, 6724 Merwin Ave., Cincinnati 27. Ohio--C 422
Harry F. Travis, 257 Upland Ave., Youngstown 4. Ohio-423
Arthur J. Tribout, 1447 N. 42nd St., East St. Louis, Ill.--G 424
Rollin L. Twining, 79 Bennett Ave., Binghamton. N. Y.-106 CIC & 2nd Bn 424
Albert E. Ulmer, 3025 Nelson Court. Louisville 13. Ky.
Franklin R. Vitek, 17000 Staple Heights Blvd., Maple Heights, Ohio--DHQ
Dr. Hans Wachtel, 7926 S. Chappel, Chicago 17, Ill.--DHQ & 331 Med
Lewis H. Walker, Box 570, Susanville, Calif.-- H 422
Charles S. Walsh, R. F. D. 1. Haddonfield, N. J. --592
E. E. Weber, Box 32, Hershey, Pa.--Div Arty
Bernard H. Weiser, 10 W. Main St., Freehold, N. J.-589
James E. Wells, Hephzibah, Ga.-81 Engr
Lawrence H. Westphal, Box 72, Wyckoff, Minn.-- Div Arty
Frederick L. Wilkerson, 409 Center St., Washington Grove, Md.--M 422
Bernard E. Williams, 1325 N. Astor St., Chicago 10, Ill.--G 423
Donald J. Woodburn, 970 Thomas Ave., St. Paul 4, Minn.--K 424
Gordon B. Zicker, 18 Montvale Ave., Montvale, N. J.--Hq 423
Jack Zuckerman, 161-04 Jewel Ave., Flushing 65, N.Y. – C 423

     The above roster includes the 248 paid members and 7 complimentary members who joined the Association up to October 12. The names of those who join after October 12 will be published in the next issue.



1958 CONVENTION Hotel Bellevue-Stratford Philadelphia
July 25, 26, 27
Plan now to bring the family to Philadelphia for our Annual Reunion.


Index for: Vol. 14, No. 2, Dec, 1957

Index for This Document

106th Div., 3
106th Inf. Div., 1, 3
106th Infantry Division Association, 1, 3
106th Sig. Co., 9
3rd Inf. Regt., 5
422nd Inf., 5
422nd Inf. Regt., 7
422nd Regt., 7
806th Ord. Co., 13, 15, 17
Alexander, Michael, 11
Allen, Max B., 11
Ansel, Joseph J., 11
Axelrod, Dr. George, 11
Baker, Col. William C., 5
Baker, Gen., 5
Baker, Maj. Gen. William C., 11
Beals, John D., 11
Beals, Mrs. John D. (Carol), 3
Behr, Richard H., 11
Belgium, 7
Bell, Roger W., 11
Bennett, Robert M., 11
Bickford, Mrs. Thomas (Florence), 3
Bickford, Thomas, 11
Black, T. Wayne, 11
Blaher, William S., 11
Bliss, Herbert C., 11
Bottoms, Ira G., 11
Bowman, Col. Byrne, 11
Boyle, Rev. Edward T., 11
Briles, Ben R., 11
Brislin, Joseph, 11
Broth, Henry M., 11
Broth, Mrs. Henry M. (Eunice), 3
Brumaghin, David C., 11
Brunswick, 11, 15
Bryant, Jack, 11
Bryant, Mrs. Jack, 3
Buckley, Arthur C., 11
Burns, John H., 11
Butler, Harry W., 11
Byrd, Austin, 1
Byrd, Austin L., 5, 11
Byrd, Austin L., Jr., 5, 11
Call, George, 11
Caplan, Bernard, 11
Caplan, Bernie & Yetta, 9
Carow, Mrs. Edna, 11
Carrino, Bartholomew F., 11
Cassibry, Graham H., 11
Catannio, Thomas, 11
Cavanaugh, Paul W., 11
Cavender, Col. Charles C., 11
Chmielowiec, Stanley, 11
Clark, Christopher T., 11
Clark, Dr. James I., 11
Coffey, Doug, 7
Coffey, Douglas S., 11
Coffey, Mrs. Douglas S. (Isabel), 3
Collier, Edward, 1, 11
Collins, Sherod, 11
Conklin, Ernest W., 11
Connelly, Dr. Michael E., 11
Cook, Glen H., 11
Corcoran, John F., 11
Courtright, Mrs. Robert H., 3
Courtright, Robert H., 11
Creamer, Raymond J., 11
Dagostin, F. H., 11
Daniel, John W., 11
Davis, Rinard G., 11
Day, Rev. J. B., 11
de St. Aubin, Robert, 12
DeChiara, Joseph A., 12
DeHeer, Dick & Marjorie, 9
DeHeer, Mrs. Richard (Marge), 3
DeHeer, Richard, 1, 3, 12
Dent, James, 12
Descheneaux, Col. George L., 13
Dick, Ernest, 13
Dietrich, Arlan, 13
Div. Arty, 9, 13, 14, 17, 19
Dolitsky, Martin M., 13
Dorosky, Mrs. Thomas, 3
Dorosky, Thomas, 13
Dorosky, Tom & Alice, 9
Douglas, Dale, 13
Dover, 17
Dreier, Joseph F., 13
Dunbar, Al, 9
Dunbar, Alan, 13
Dutz, Robert, 13
Earle, Mahlon O., 13
Earle, Mrs. Mahlon O., 3
Easterling, James R., 13
Edwards, Howard S., 13
Edwards, Ross L., 13
Fields, Raymond H., 13
Fischer, John J., 13
Ford, Guy H., 13
Foreman, Charles W. L., 6, 13
Fort Jackson, 19
Fowler, William K., 13
Fox, Tom & Mary, 9
Frampton, D. B., 13
Frampton, D. B., Jr, 13
Frampton, D. B., Jr., 13
Frank, Florian R., 13
Frankel, Jerome L., 13
Frankini, Richard A., 13
Fridline, Doc, 4
Fridline, Dr., 5
Fridline, Gaylord D., 13
Fridline, Mrs., 5
Fridline, Mrs. Gaylord D., 3
Gagne, Albert, 13
Galik, George M., 13
Gallagher, John, 2, 9
Gallagher, John & Stella, 9
Gallagher, John I., 13
Gerhardt, Ernest, 13
Gericke, Alfred J., 13
Gerlach, Philip E., 13
Gillespie, John M., 13
Gillespie, Mrs. John M. (Shirley), 3
Gilmartin, Robert A., 13
Gish, David J., 13
Glen, Bruce F., 13
Glen, Mrs. Bruce F., 3
Grosjean, Robert. A., 13
Gubow, Lawrence, 13
Gubow, Mrs. Lawrence (Estelle), 3
Hagman, Ben J., 13
Hagman, Mrs. Ben J. (Nita), 3
Hallner, Frank, 7, 13
Hanlon, Dr. George H., 13
Hanover, 17
Hardoin, Harold V., 13
Harper, R. P., 13
Harris, Abner T., 13
Hart, James L., 9, 13
Hatch, H. M., 13
Hatch, Mrs. H. M. (Helen), 3
Heath, Byron P., 13
Heide, Col. H. J. Vander, 5
Heide, Vander, 5
Hemming, Forrest W., 13
Herbert, Bernard, 13
Hiltbrand, Mrs. Walter F., 3
Hiltbrand, Walter F., 13
House, Pete, 13
Houseman, Don M., 14
Hulbert, Carl M., 14
Hursey, John B., 14
Iwamoto, George G., 15
Jacobs, Maj. M. H., 15
James, Louis, 15
Jennings, Vance S., 15
Jessee, Robert D., 15
Jewett, Roger M., 15
Jones, Alan W., 15
Jones, Alan W., Jr., 15
Jones, George W., 15
Jones, Mrs. Alan W., 3
Jones, William T., 15
Kahler, John K., 15
Kaminsky, Robert W., 15
Kaufman, George H., 15
Kelly, Bob, 5
Kelly, Col. T. Payne, 15
Kelly, Edmond D., 15
Kelly, Mrs. Robert E. (Libby), 3
Kelly, Robert, 2
Kelly, Robert E., 15
Kennedy, Glen, 15
Kennedy, Mrs. Glen, 3
Kenney, Francis T., 15
Kersteiner, Don W., 15
Kersten, Joseph A., 15
Kestenbaum, Thomas E., 15
Ketterer, Dr. John E., 15
Ketterer, Mrs. John E. (Frances), 3
Killian, Bernard F., 15
Klett, James R., 15
Koplin, Leonard, 15
Kovach, Louis, 15
Krafchik, Joseph, 15
Kraljic, John, 15
Lang, Elmer F., 15
Lange, Elmer F., 15
Lapham, Charles, 9, 15
Lapham, Charles & Betty, 9
Lee, Mrs. Norman L. (Joyce), 3
Lee, Norman L., 15
Lee, Vernon, 15
Leibowitz, Samuel, 15
Lemley, Francis M., 15
LeTellier, Louis S., 15
Light, Seymour S., 15
Lipkin, Marshall, 15
Litvin, Joseph, 15
Loos, Arthur E., 15
Lorraine, 15
Lothrop, Oliver A., 15
Lothrop, Oliver A., Jr., 15
Louie, Edward L., 15
Loveless, John, 2
Loveless, John & Kay, 9
Loveless, John T., 7, 15
Loveless, John T., Jr, 7, 15
Loveless, John T., Jr., 7, 15
Loveless, Kathryn G., 3
Loveless, Mrs. John T. (Kay), 3
Lowith, Allen L., 15
Mackell, John F., 15
Maloney, Frank, 9, 15
Maloney, Frank & Theresa, 9
Malueg, Russell J., 15
Manager, Thomas G., 15
Manahan, Mrs. William T. (Elizabeth), 3
Manahan, William T., 15
Marcus, Gilbert, 15
Marsh, Mrs. Gladys L., 16
Martin, Mac, 17
Matthai, Heinz M., 17
Matthews, Col. J. C., 17
Matthews, Mrs. J. C. (Anna), 3
Maynard, Curtis F., 17
McIntosh, Daniel E., 17
McIntosh, Daniel E., Jr., 17
McMahon, Brig. Gen. Leo T., 17
McMahon, Gen., 9
McMahon, Gen. & Mrs., 5
McMahon, Leo & Wilda, 9
McMahon, Leo T., 4
McMahon, Mrs. Leo T. (Wilda), 3
McMurray, W. C., 17
McVoy, Robert E., 17
Merz, O. Paul, 17
Middleton, John A., 17
Middleton, John A., III, 17
Miller, Lt. Col. J. John, 17
Mosley, Ronald A., 17
Mowlds, Mrs. W. Lyle, 3
Mowlds, W. Lyle, 17
Mueller, William H., 17
Myers, J. Gail, 17
Nash, John B., 17
Neber, Ned & Marie, 9
Negyesi, J. S., 17
Neigus, Dr. Irwin, 17
Nethers, Dick, 5
Nethers, Mrs. Richard W., 3
Nethers, R. W., 5
Nethers, Richard W., 17
Normandy, 11
Nusbaum, Alfred S., 17
O'Rourke, Mrs. Patrick J., 3
O'Rourke, Patrick J., 17
Oyler, Charles, 9
Perlman, William, 17
Perras, Clifford E., 17
Perrin, Brig. Gen. Herbert T., 17
Perrin, Mrs. Herbert T., 3
Peyser, Charles S., 17
Pierce, Robert W., 17
Pierce, Waldo B., 17
Piha, Morris R., 17
Pilkington, Fred A., 17
Plenge, Edward C., 17
Poland, 5, 17, 19
Powell, Floyd W., 17
Price, David S., 17
Rarick, Clayton, 9
Rarick, Clayton & Mabel, 9
Rarick, Clayton F., 17
Rarick, Mrs. Clayton F., 4
Redmond, Dean T., 17
Reed, Raymond J., 17
Reid, C. B., 17
Reynolds, John J., 17
Reynolds, John J., Jr., 17
Richards, Charles W., 17
Riggins, Clayton P., 17
Riggs, Thomas J., 17
Riley, Mrs. Alice L., 7
Riley, Wm. Arthur, 7
Ringer, Robert C., 17
Rosenkoetter, William, 17
Roster, 3, 5, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19
Roth, Nathan M., 17
Rowe, Robert, 17
Runyon, Earl & Mary, 9
Russ, Cleo F., 17
Rutt, Bob, 4
Rutt, Mrs. Robert E. (Lucille), 4
Rutt, Robert E., 17
Ryals, Joseph L., 17
Salber, J. P., 17
Sandberg, Robert E., 18
Saucerman, Eugene L., 18
Scalissi, John J., 18
Schieferstein, Fred, 19
Schnizlein, J. Glenn, 19
Scott, Earl A., 19
Searcy, J. J., 19
Sebastinelli, Fred A., 19
Serino, Mike P., 19
Sgrignoli, Michael & Martha, 9
Sileski, Frank, 19
Silver, Albert L., 19
Silverman, Morris W., 19
Silverman, Mrs. Morris W., 4
Simmons, Arthur, 19
Simmons, Mrs. Arthur (Doreen), 4
Siska, Joseph J., 19
Slavin, Hyman, 19
Smyth, Lester S., 19
Snyder, Walter M., 19
Solecki, Emil, 19
Solecki, Emil & Ethel, 9
Souers, Loren E., 19
Spade, Robert, 19
Spayd, Norman S., 19
Stec, John, 19
Steed, Ralph G., 19
Steinhauser, Cyrill J., 19
Steward, Robert C., 19
Stout, Robert P., 19
Straka, Edward C., 19
Stuart, James T., 19
Suplicki, Joseph S., 19
Sziber, Frank V., 19
Taylor, Lee B., 19
Taylor, Ray, 9, 19
Taylor, Ray & Cele, 9
Thompson, James L., 19
Tissot, Harrison C., 19
Travis, Harry F., 19
Tribout, Arthur J., 19
Tuttle, William B., 5
Twining, Rollin L., 19
Ulmer, Albert E., 19
Vitek, Franklin R., 19
Wachtel, Dr. Hans, 19
Walker, Lewis H., 19
Walsh, Charles, 9
Walsh, Charles S., 19
Walsh, Charlie & Daisy, 9
Weber, E. E., 9, 19
Weiser, Bernard H., 19
Wells, James E., 19
Wells, Jim, 9
Wells, Maydean & Jim, 3
Wells, Mrs. James E. (Maydean), 4
Westphal, Lawrence H., 19
Wilkerson, Frederick L., 19
Williams, Bernard E., 19
Woodburn, Donald J., 19
XXI Corps, 5
Zicker, Gordon B., 19
Zuckerman, Jack, 20