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The Cub
Vol. 50, No. 1, Oct., 1993
Introducing our 1993-94 President
Photo: Edward A. Prewett-106th Infantry Division Association President --1993-1994"B" Company, 424th Combat Infantry Regiment, with Reddie, his wife and social director.
Reddie and I had a great time at the reunion. Those of you unable to attend missed one of the best. Roger and Matte Rutland and their committee did a bang-up job. We may have started as a reunion of veterans, but our wives have become a vital part of our organization. Reddie knows more people than I, and is better known. Our wives are already planning our trip to Rapid City and Orlando. Those of you who are reluctant to come to a reunion, please come and bring your wife. She'll bring you from then on.
I am pleased that Tom Riggs was chosen to follow me and represent our Association in 1994 on the 50th Anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge. We could ask for no better representative. Richard Rigatti, my right arm on the "Long Range Planning Committee," will assume the role of Second Vice-President. Jack Sulser, Past-President has agreed to represent the Association on the 50th Anniversary World War II Commemorative Committee in Washington.
The men, who really make the Association work smoothly, Rutledge, Kline, Collins, Helwig and Black, have all agreed to carry on. John Robb will continue to "Chair" the Memorial Committee along with the help of Dick Peterson and 0. Paul Merz. Jerry Eisenman will "Chair" the Scholarship Committee with the help of John Gregory and Frank Nausin. Major Hill as Chairman, John Swett and Mike Thome will handle the Nominating Committee. Dale Carver will "Chair" the Resolutions Committee at the next reunion, with the help of Gordon Pinney and William Malone. Richard Rigatti will act a "Chair" for the Long Range Planning Committee, with the help of Richard Peterson, Sherod Collins, Roger Rutland and Jim Wells.
Art VanMoorlehem, Chairman of the 1994 Reunion in Rapid City South Dakota has the assistance of Gordon B. Pinney and Bob Calhoon for that event. The Orlando, Florida Committee is preparing our 1995 Reunion. We will welcome proposals for the 1996 Reunion during the business meeting at Rapid City, South Dakota in 1994. Talk it up and come prepared with a proposal. (continued next page)
Introducing our 1993 -1994 President (continued)...
It is truly an honor to be named as your leader and I took advantage of that opportunity. Although I have the highest regard for my former Company Commander, Captain Charles Peyser and my former 1st Sergeant, Roger Rutland, it was my duty, to all the Privates in the 106th, to bust them during the final banquet and ceremonies at the Columbia, South Carolina Reunion. During my term of office they will be known as Sergeant Peyser and Private First-Class Rutland. Mattie Rutland and Gerry Peyser were both promoted to the rank of First-Sergeant and will keep them in tow.
Looking forward to a great year, Reddie and I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Healthy, Happy New Year.
Edward Prewett
Summary: Edward A. Prewett 39128411, (see A Letter Home page 58-67 in The CUB Passes in Review) was transferred from 9th Service Command, Military Police to the 106th Infantry Division in June 1944. Assigned to "B" Company, 424th Infantry Regiment, as a rifleman.
At the time of the initial German attack, December 16, 1944, Ed was First Scout in his squad of 12 men. Suddenly, he was acting squad leader of the three survivors.
After the battle at Coulee, he was evacuated to a field hospital with frozen feet. By the time he rejoined the company there had been many replacements with lots of rank.
Rotated home in August, presumably enroute to the Pacific Theatre, the bomb was dropped and the Frederick Victory entered New York Harbor, the big celebration
on, as the war with Japan had ended.
It was only after retirement that Ed was able to attend his first reunion - Savannah in 1984. Since that time he has attended all but one. Ed helped organize the Sacramento, California Reunion in 1990. He stepped in to "Chair" the reunion, when President Michael Thome was hospitalized on the first morning of the event.
At the prodding of Sherod Collins, our treasurer, Ed helped organize the Northern California "December 16th Commemoration get-to-gether" in 1986. This group has met, faithfully every year since.
Ed's Association history:
• Elected to the Board of Directors 1990 (Sacramento)
• Served on the Resolutions Committee 1990-91
• Chaired the Nominating Committee 1991-92 (Huntsville)
• Elected as 1st Vice-President 1992-93 (Pittsburgh)
• Chaired the Long Range Planning Committee 1992-93
• Elected President for the 1993-94 fiscal year. (Columbia)
He says, "I may be the first Private to ever assume command of this Division.-
As you can tell from Ed's "President's Message," he and Reddie are really a team. They have traveled to Europe several times and were close friends of Dr. Maurice DELAVAL and his family (Belgium). DELAVAL was a strong supporter and friend of
the 106th (see articles on DELAVAL on pages 339-343 in The CUB Passes in Review).
1 "In those days Israel had no king ..."
In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit."
The above is the closing verse of the Book of Judges. It speaks of a time in the history of the nation of Israel when it had turned away from God as its king and still had no earthly king to lead it. This time was not something unexpected by God, he had foretold it long ago.
In Deuteronomy 31,15-18 God is talking with Moses prior to Moses coming to the end of his time On earth:
Reverend Ewell C Slack Jr., 422/A
Chaplain 106th Inf. Div. Assoc.
2121 Ridge St., Bishopville, SC 29010
Then the Lord appeared at the Tent M a pillar of cloud, and the cloud stood over the entrance to the Tent. And the Lord said to Moses: "You are going to rest with your fathers, and these people will soon prostitute themselves to the foreign gods of the land they are entering. They will forsake me and break the covenant I made with them. On that day I will become angry with them and forsake them; I will hide my face from them, and they will be destroyed. Many disasters and casters will come upon them, and on that day they will ask, 'Have not these
asters come upon as because our God is not with us? And I will certainly hide my face on that day because of all their wickedness in turning to other gods.
Many of the powers that be in these United States of America have seen fit to turn away from the directions which our founding fathers started for us. No longer may we have prayer in our schools and discipline has long since ceased to be enforced because we don't want to interfere with anyone's Civil Rights. Now we wonder why guns are carried to school and arguments are settled with bullets instead of fists.
Many of the things which we thought we were fighting to preserve for our Nation are no longer considered to be important or proper. While it is true that we still have government --of sorts-- in this country, we have very nearly come to the point where many feel it is their right to do as he or she sees fit.
Maybe as we come to Thanksgiving and our December 16th Remembrances, you and I need to look at the pathway which this Nation is following. Many of the things which we took for granted in the 1940s seem to have disappeared in the 1990s.
Father God forgive us for turning to our own ways and forsaking Yours. May we as individuals and a Nation seek again your directions for the living of our lives.
From our Past-President, Jack A. Sulser
I wish to thank all the Board of Directors and all committee persons that assisted me during my year as president of the 106th Infantry Division Association. As I said in the August 1993 CUB - The year has really flown. I was particularly pleased to see the large tom-out at the Columbia, S.C. 47th Annual Reunion. 787 people attended of which 425 were former members of the 106th Infantry Division or as members of attached units.Considering the circumstances, of such a large crowd, I think that Roger Rutland and his committee did a great job for all of us. As volunteer workers who spend hours and hours of their time, I again wish to congratulate them for a job well done and hope that all in attendance would feel the same.
Jack A. Sulser President 1992-93
From the Board of Directors:
Let it be known that JACK A. SULSER presiding officer of the 106th Infantry Division Association, Inc. during this 50th Anniversary year, is commended for:The professional manner In which he performed his Presidential duties.
His efforts in setting in motion efforts to establish and define long term goals for the organization. His part in resolving the St. Vith, Belgium Memorial issues.
The credit he brought la the Division when he acted as keynote speaker for the Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge ceremony which was conducted at the Arlington National Cemetery December 16, 1992
His efforts in establishing our Association as a COMMEMORATIVE COMMUNITY with the Department of Defense, World War II Anniversary Committee.
Awarded at Columbia, South Carolina, this eleventh day of September, in the year of our Lord, One Thousand, Nine Hundred Ninety Three
Edward A. Prewett, 1st Vice-President
The following resolutions were presented at the close of the 47th Annual Reunion.
RESOLUTIONS: On recommendations of the Resolutions Committee, chaired by Ed Young -- the Board of Directors, on September 9. 1993, on behalf of the Association adopted the following resolutions.
The 106th Infantry Division Association expresses it deep appreciation to the following persons who contributed substantially to the success of the 47th Annual Reunion held at Columbia, South Carolina, September 9-12 1993.
Roger and Mottle Rutland, reunion committee chairpersons, assisted by Howard and Luvelle Terrio.
The General Manager of the Columbia Marriott, Joseph Rushstuhl and his staff, especially Melody Pleasant (room management). Mark Raepple (food service) and Mary Lou Cordray (reservationist).
Major General Siegfried, Commanding Officer of Fort Jackson and his staff, especially Debbie Avery (public affairs), Command Sergeant Major Tabor (South Carolina National Guard).
We also thank God for the opportunity afforded us to celebrate 50 years together and to renew old friendships and cultivate new ones.
106th Infantry Division Association
Treasurer's Report
INCOME FUNDS ACTIVITY GeneralMember's Dues 9.760.00
Life Dues 4,725.00 Brought Forward $ 65,898.60
Auxiliary Dues 649.00 Net Increase 3,470.94
CUB Review BOOKS Sold 1,665.50 FUND TOTALS 69,369.54
Interest Earned 3,995.18
Return of Advance 46th 3.000.00
Surplus -46th Reunion 565.01 Memorial_ind Recall
Extra CCBs sold 47.50
Patches Sold 149.94 Brought Forward 24,455.70
Postage, sale of patch. 14.09 Contributions 2,195.96
Labels Sold 88.00 Interest Earned 1,247.40
Mutual Fund Gain 927.68 Mutual Fund Gain 285.29
$ 25,586.90 TOTAL $ 26,184.35
CUB Expense:
Printing 8,14826
Layout 1,380.00
Envelopes 512.16
Postage 1.904.82 11.945.69
th Reunion Grant 3,000.00
Computer Repairs 629.10
Registration Fees- Officers (41 360.00
Insurance-Liability/Bond 617.00
TI'atchese GA registration 35.00
Patches purchased 335.95
Books purchased 3,113.00
Bank Charge 20.33
Postage 127726
Printing & Supplies 535.13
TelephOne 247.50
Increase $ 3,470.94 Less:
Scholarships (4) 4,000.00
Atterbury Memorial 2,500.00
Fund Total S 19,684.35
Banks of Deposit
Wachovta Bank 5,291.82
Edw. D. Jones Co.. 83,762.07
S 89,053.89
Total Collected 34,125.00
Expended to-date 8,745.00
Remainder 25 380.00
This Year
Last Year
S 69,369.54, 19,684.35 $ 89,053.89
65,898.60 22,455.70 88,354.30
5 3 470.94 2,771.35) $ 699.59
Adjutant's Report Fiscal Year 1992-1993
REGULAR MEMBERSRenewals - Annual 1 007
LIFE - Continued 348
LIFE - Converted 45
New Members Annual 106
Reinstated Members Annual 14
Renewals - Annual 42
New Members- Annual 16
Auxiliary Members Annual 218
Annual-New/Reinstated 27
LIFE - Continued 126
LIFE - New 21
Members discontinued 64
Membership Gains, Net 78
Auxiliary Membership (Loss) 46
Year Memberships Associate TOTAL Deaths Auxiliary
92-93 1,549 70 1,625 39 392
91-92 1,487 60 1,547 25 438
90-91 1,943 48 1,491 37 435
89-90 1,417 41 1,458 32 505
88-89 1,128 39 1,167 12 348
87-88 928 30 950 20 359
86-87 745 20 765 12 300
85-86 641 16 655 7 239
84-85 555 13 568 9 195
83-84 481 19 500 9 160
Known Deaths
(Reported during the Memorial Ceremony)
fiscal year 1992-1993
John Adams 422/DHerbert Heidepriem 423/HQ
Thomas F. Sour, 424/HQ 3Bn
Gibbs Bailey 424/L
James W. Henning 423/HQ 3 Bn
Mike P. Serino 591/SV
William C. Black 591/C
Basil R. King 423/M
William F. Smith, Jr. 423/M
Carl a Braaten 422/L
George Levine 424/M
George Southern 423/B
John H. Bryant 422/199
Marion S. Mileski DIV/ARTY
Ted J. Straub 422/M
James R. Burke 423/M
Arvo Paananen 591/SV
Joseph A, Toce 591/HQ
Bernard P. Carrigan 422/L
Robert Prince 422/HQ
Stanley Totura 422/F
Felix B. Clark 422/E
William Purtell 81st Eng/A
Howard Turner 423/K
William E. Davis 423/G
Charles W. Richards 423/SV
Joseph A. Wasik 423/G
Perry R. Ellsworth 591/C
Rowland R. Rifts, Sr. 592/B
Curl E. Wohlfiel 591/HQ
Verner S. Gaggin 591/HQ
Russell E Rountree 424/CN
S. D. Yenlin 422/F
Arnold Goldberg 331/HQ
Ernest Salazar 423/M
Joseph M. Guigno, Sr. 423/A
Phillip F. Schutte 424/F
Scholarship Committee Report ...
Jerry Eisenman, Scholarship Chairman reports the 1992-93 committee scholarship appointments. He was assisted by Frank S. Trautman and John Gregory.One thousand dollars each to:
Sherri J. Jennings -Tampa, Florida for Tulane University, New Orleans. Sherri was sponsored by her father, Vance Jennings.
Melissa J. Stafford -Coal Valley, Illinois for Midwestern State University, Wichita Falls, Texas. Melissa was sponsored by her father Harlan I. Stafford.
Joel A. Helms -Marietta, Georgia for Georgia Tech, Atlanta. Sponsored by his grandfather, Roger Rutland.
Five Hundred dollars each to:
Patrick M. Ring -Madison, Wisconsin for Winona State University, Winona, Minnesota. Sponsored by his grandfather Jerome P. Miller.
Tiffany Hollingsworth –Bay Minette, Alabama for James A. Faulkner College, Bay Minnette. Sponsored by Douglas L. Stewart, grandfather.
The scholarship committee, consisting of Jerry Eisemnan, chairman; assisted by Frank Nausin and John Gregory. are requesting applications for scholarships to be given during the year 1994. Scholarships will be given to descendants of living and deceased members of the 106th Infantry Division. The following criteria exists:Descendants have been defined, by the Board of Directors, to include:
Children and grandchildren
Nieces, nephews, grandnieces and grandnephews
Children, adopted or non-adopted, who are or were dependents of a member and who lived in the member's household as minors.
APPLICANTS must be nominated by a member of the Association or his widow if he was a member at death. Member's letters of nomination must state their relationship to the applicant. The Board of Directors, at the 1993 Annual meeting, authorized $4,000 for scholarships for the year 1994. Awards shall be no more than $1,000 or less than $500 to each applicant chosen.
Any person interested in further information, or who wishes to sponsor an applicant should write to the:
Scholarship Committee
106th Infantry Division Association
Jerry Eisenman, Chairman
227 Buena Vista Avenue
Daly City, CA 94015-2120
Membership Chairman Report ...
Photo: L/R John Hohenstein and Gil Helwig 423/M in front of the Golden Lion Anniversary Cake. Helwig is the Association Membership Chairman and one of the recipients of the ORDER of the GOLDEN LION presented at the 47th Annual Reunion (see page 9)Membership Committee Report:
by Gil Helwig, 423/, Membership Chairman
I submitted my annual report to the Board of Directors at the Columbia Reunion-showing nearly 100 letters being sent to prospective members for the fiscal year of 1992-93. The net result: a gain of 46 new members, 42 ANNUAL and 4 LIFE members.Since 1988 I have mailed over 2,100 letters and applications to generate a total of 406 new members for the Association. To do this I have used as a resource for prospects the master roster for the American Ex-POW Association, and their monthly listing of new members from the BULLETIN. I have also had a roster available from the VBOB.
I wish to thank all of you Association members who have sent names and addresses of 106ers that you have come across. You have been very helpful.
I would like to particularly thank Lou Cunnigham of the 106 RECON TROOP for his assistance, this last year, in bringing new members from the Troop, something of which I could not accomplish over the past years.
The Association has grown tremendously since the mid- '80's and more so in the past four years. It is important that we give those 106th Infantry Division men that have not had the opportunity to join, or who simply do not know that the Association exists, the opportunity to join. Please write me if you know any person that was associated with the Division. I will contact him, by mail, and solicit his membership. He can then enjoy the camaraderie of his buddies.
My address is:
Gil Helwig
2006 Ontario Rd, #55
Niles, Michigan 49120
Gil Helwig, 423/M
Photo: The 423rd Regimental Patch, which was never officially authorized for wear.
Order of the Golden Lion awarded at the final banquet, 47th Annual Reunion, Columbia S.C.
-- Boyd A. Rutledge--
Served during WW II in the 106th Infantry Division with D Company, 422nd InfantryHe has been a member of the 106th Infantry Division Association for over twelve years and has attended local "Bulge" commemoration meetings during that time.
At the forty-second reunion at Roanoke, VA, September 1988 he was elected to the Board of Directors and served for a period of three years.
At Roanoke he was appointed Adjutant of the Association and has served with great dedication until the present time.
His attention to the demanding duties of the office and his cooperation with the other officers of the Association have been a large factor in the smooth administration of a growing organization. His records of the paid dues of the members and his recording of the minutes of the official meetings are complete and most professional.
In grateful recognition of his long and faithful service to the Association, the Board of Directors of the 106th Infantry Division Association awards him the
Done at Columbia, South Carolina this eleventh day of September in the year of our Lord, One Thousand, Nine Hundred Ninety-Three.-- Gilbert Helwig --
Served during WW II in the 106th Infantry Division with M Company, 423rd Infantry He joined the 106th Infantry Division Association in January 1987 and began attending reunions.
In September 1988 he was elected to the Board of Directors and served for three years. During this time he was a member of a small group who advocated the establishment of LIFE Memberships and who succeeded in persuading the Board to pass such a resolution. In 1992 he was again elected to Board and continues to serve.
In the fall of 1987 he began on his own to solicit new members from various lists which he was able to secure. His impact on the membership roster was substantial. After serving as unofficial membership recruiter for four years he was officially appointed chairman of the membership recruitment committee.
He has sent out over 2,000 letters and has secured, thereby, 422 new members for the organization.
In grateful recognition of his long and faithful service to the Association, the Board of Directors of the 106th Infantry Division Association awards him the
Done at Columbia, South Carolina this eleventh day of September in the year of our Lord, One Thousand, Nine Hundred Ninety-Three.(For complain description of this award, authorized in 1947, see page 331-337 of The CUB of the Golden Lion, PASSES in REVIEW. --Note, reference to grade does not relate to rank or grade in service- only to the grade (status) the award of which there are three. Commander, Officer and Companion.)
Photo: Dan Bied, 'A' Co., 422nd Combat Inf. Reg., 108 Leffler Street, West Burlington, Iowa 52855 (319) 752-5708
The way / recall it--
some personal views on the 106th ....
Many of you probably share my respect for the writings of Charles B. MacDonald, author of "A Time For Trumpets.He was an infantry company commander before he was 20 years old, serving in The Bulge and be went on to be deputy chief historian for the US Army. Charles encouraged me to write about my experiences with the 106th, when we were pen-pals around 1985, and advised me to send copies of my "Trio" and "Hell on Earth" to the Army's historical archives at Carlisle Barracks.
So, naturally enough, I consult "A Time For Trumpets" on occasions when I go to my typewriter to try to prove a point about "the Bulge" and, more specifically, the 106th.
Over the years I've been bugged on occasion, as some of you might have, by a lingering misconception that our outfit collectively hit the panic button on or about Dec. 16, 1944. I was there, as you were, and do recall a lot of confusion when "all hell broke loose." But no one turned-tail, that I know of, and it appeared to me the 106th responded in commendable fashion with some well-documented heroic deeds.
MacDonald addressed this matter on Pages 618-19 of "A Time For Trumpets," noting that "a belief would long persist that when the Germans first struck, some American troops fled in disarray." One historian, in fact, alleged that "during the early stages (of the battle) hundreds of American troops fled to the safety of the rear in sheer panic."
That statement was "patently false„" MacDonald responded. Some individuals deserted, he admitted, "yet with the possible exception of the conglomerate group of infantrymen hurriedly thrown together from men in a rest center to hold Honsfeld against (Nazi) tanks no front-line American unit fled without a fight.
Except for "a few individuals" MacDonald went on, "the front-line American soldier stood his ground. Surprised, stunned, unbelieving, incredulous, not understanding what was hitting him, he nevertheless held fast until his commanders ordered withdrawal or until he was overwhelmed."
That's the way I recall it, nearly a half-century after the fact, with a memory I consider reasonably sharp. After all the years since "the Bulge" I still have vivid memories of many events. I don't recall seeing any cowards, but do remember some brave acts by guys in the 422nd. I think the fact that many, of us discarded our overcoats, gas masks and other stuff we considered a nuisance, may have caused some late-arrivals on the scene to think we'd panicked. It looked that way, I suppose, when what we left in the
Ardennes near the Siegfried Line was found early in 1945.
Another thing that bothers me, perhaps too much, is the difference of opinion about how well trained the 106th was. We had some rigid training under the hot Indiana sun in the summer of 1944, of course. But that fall, just before we left Camp Atterbury, our ranks were expanded with, in many cases, men without the benefit of infantry experience.
I can't recall anything that amounted to serious training the month we were in England. We now some movies, spent part of a day on the firing range and took some hikes. That's all I can remember except for four days in London.
We had more unit training than a comparable bunch of infantry replacements. But in my opinion it is not correct to say the 106th was particularly well-trained, as some critics of our performance have done in recent years.
I surrendered when ordered to do so, and have no belated quibble with our commander's decision. But I do like to try to keep the record straight, as I see it, regarding our behavior in battle and in regard to how well I think our outfit was, or wasn't trained for battle.
I invite anyone disagreeing with me on training to consult Chapter 2 of Col. R. Ernest Dupuy's "St. Vith, Lion In The Way."
A visit from Andre HUBERT President of CRIBA - Belgium
from Edward Prewett
This last spring Reddie and I had the honor of a visit from Andre Hubert, President of CRIBA at our home in Brentwood. Andre was on tour with others from Belgium enroute to Louisiana. First stop San Francisco. Why Louisiana, the Cajuns speak French.About three years ago Andre made the same tour and we were able to take him to Muir Woods and Point Reyes. This time we took in Sausalito than east to Brentwood to show the farming delta. Back to Fisherman's Wharf for dinner.
Photo L/R Andre HUBERT, his daughter Danielle, Reddie and Edward Prewett in the Prewett Walnut Orchard
Their time was short, only an afternoon. Andre brought sad news. Bernard, Dr. DELAVAL's and Jany's only son, died in March. He was buried beside his father and grandfather in Vielsalm. We had the privilege of knowing all of them, they were great men. Our hearts go out to Jany DELAVAL who was devoted to her husband and son.
In a letter after the visit Andre HUBERT wrote, "Our visit to the. United States was short, but wonderful. The memories still fill our heads.
"We particularly enjoyed the visit with you and Reddie touring the part of California where you live and visiting your home. You allowed us to discover another part of California which would have otherwise been impossible and Dany discovered Sausalito.
"We also remember and are grateful for the delicious dinner at Fisherman's Wharf Dany was very excited with the Cable Car.
"Jany DELAVAL was very moved by your letter. It is a bad time for her, but she has a sister who will come to Vielsalm to live, so she will not be alone." signed Andre HUBERT and family
Photo: 423/F L/Rr -- Machine gun Squad Leader Jack Sulser (5243 Association Presider., 2nd Platoon Sergeant Earl Schmude; Company Commander Cpt. Charles Zullig; 3rd Flatten Leader (then 2nd Lt.. now retired Brig. Gen) Oliver Patton; Weapons Sergeant William Lacy. Schmude, Zullig and Lacy were at their first Division Association Reunion.
Photo: L/R Jack Sulser, 423/F, Dr. Ralph Nelson, 422/Cannon and William Appier, 423/F.
Jack Sulser, 423/F writes, "After the Division Association Reunion I went to my 50th high school class reunion in Rock Island, Illinois. Three members of the Class of '43 wound up In the 106th Infantry Division (along with three others who had graduated earlier, including Bob Fox, who is an Association member), and the three of us got together at a restaurant which resulted in a article in the Rock Island Argus about our "reunion within a reunion."
I succeeded in recruiting Nelson to join the Assoc.
Front & Center.--
As you will see, most of this issue is devoted to the 47th Annual Reunion, with some of the official reports, pictures of some of the groups etc.Speaking personally, from my experience, this was a great reunion. It probably was the one that we will all remember as "the largest" in the history of the 106th Infantry Division Association.
The reunion committee did a tremendous job. They were faced with the largest turn-out in history, 787 members, guests and wives.
Dec 16th Commemoration Parties
Philadelphia area 12 December, Charles and Nancy Datte, 231 Davis Ave, Clifton Heights, 215-626-1866.Mt. Vernon, IL: 12 December, Holiday Inn, 5:p.m., Mikaluski, 306 Blake St. Box 31, Benton, IL 618-439-3867
Southern California: 5 December, 1: p.m., Szechwan Chinese Restaurant, 11010 Paramount Blvd, Downey, CA, Milton Weiner, 6440 Knott Ave 1141, Buena Park, CA 90621
Baton Rouge, La: 16 December, Drussela Sea Food Herbert Crook, 9577 Southmoor Dr., Baton Rouge 70815-4350
16 Dec Parties held last year:
That's all the 1993 info I received, above, if I misplaced a note, forgive me.
Contact the following person. If they are not hosting this year, they will tell you who to contact.
Chicago: Russell Villwock, 6908 West Higgins Chicago 60656 312-631-2027
(continued on page 14)
Please excuse me for making my appearance here, but I have to tell all of you who write to my "cat-father," the editor of The CUB, that he does not have a staff. He just has me, my name is Oliver, and an old hunting dog named Ginger (my cat-father doesn't hunt). Oh yes, there are three other cats.
Frankie is the newest addition, one year old, and he sort of took over my cat-mother, Margot. He says he is a pure-bred, but he sure don't look like it to me. He has the points of a Siamese, but he also has tufted ears, like a Coon Cat, and a white smudge on the left side of his face. Who ever heard of a Siamese with tufted ears and a white smudge on the face - sure would like to know where his ancestors came from.
Also there is Sam, an eleven year-old Orange Tabby and Buggsy is a Burmese, cute little devil, but sleeps all day long.
I was appointed, by my cat-father, to be "Assistant Editor" in 1988. I bug him a lot when he is trying to concentrate on The CUB. I like to lay on his lap or get into the back of his warm sweater as he sits typing away night after night.
Well, I guess I better go now, my cat-father wants the computer. He is so frustrated today. says he has 26 piles of paper and a file drawer full of material and can't make up his mind what he needs to use.
He told me all about the great reunion you had in Columbia. Do you know of any Cat Reunions," if so, let we know.
Signed - OLIVER, Asst Editor
Front 8 Center...
(continued from page 13)
Northern, California: Mike Thome, 916-481-3353
Detroit: Russell Mayotte, 9628 Curdle St., Livonia, MI 48150
Reading, Penn.: John Gallagher, 4003 Francis St. Temple, PA 19560, 215-929-2887
New Jersey: Carl Messina., 926 Seymour Ave, Linden, NJ 07036, 908-486-2927
Pittsburgh: Norma and George Vance, 283 Dutch Lane, Pittsburgh, 15236, 412-653-1724
Phoenix: Emor Pretty, 1222 Paradise Village, Phoenix 85032
Reunion Decorations for Sale
Roger Rutland, 1993 Reunion Chairman says that he has the following items that he will ship to you at the listed prices,Centerpieces consisting of 106th and United States flags-- $4.50 postpaid.
1994 Pocket calendars (they are neat and attractive) $2.75 postpaid
Those of you attending will remember the above items--get em while they last.
Carl Messina, 81st Engineers, keeps wanting me to tell you all the words for the music the bugler blows at TAPS.Day is done, gone the sun, from the lakes, from the hills, from the sky;
All is well, safely rest, God is Nigh.
Fading light dims the sky, and a star gems the sky, gleaming bright from afar, drawing nigh,
Falls the night.
To Mike Kurzeja, 423/H
Thanks for the photo copy of the Christmas Eve railyard bombing at Limburg. It makes you wonder how anybody survived.
On the back of the photo-copy it says, "This is a copy of a permanent display at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio, in the World War II display."
Anybody out there know how to get a black & white photo print of this picture. I would like one for the files I am building on "Prisoner of War Experiences."
Request for searches on missing persons.
I have received recently requests forwarded to me by association members, where they have received letters and photos from overseas, England and Europe, asking that we advertise or advise them of certain individuals that might have be the 106th.
These requests are of, or could be, very sensitive material. We will in no way be responsible for finding or identifying any former United States soldier that could be involved. There are too many legal implications. If you receive a request tell them to try the United States Missing Person Bureau or local Consulate.
Hosted by Arthur Van Moorlehem, Arlington South Dakota.
Sept 3 - 6, 1994
1995 ANNUAL REUNION 49th Annual Reunion
Orlando, Florida
Front & Center...
Lapel buttons, Bolos & T-Shirts
I still get requests for the place to get the above. I have only one address that I have placed in The CUB in some past issues. For those new members who have inquired, try the following:
Ken Barnes
10532 Lakespring Way
Cockeysville, MD 21030
Department of the Army
U.S. Army Military History Institute
Carlisle Barracks
Carlisle, PA 17013-5008
The U.S. Army Military History Institute is conducting a major survey to acquire source material on the Second World War. We invite you to join our effort.
The Military History Institute is the Army's official central repository for historical material. Holding are over 236,000 books, 50,201 periodicals, 5,100,000 pieces of personal papers and 730,000 photographs on military history. This makes it the finest military library in the United States and one of the best in the world.
They are requesting that veterans record their recollections using an 18 page questionnaire.
If you have not yet received this questionnaire, feel free to write to the above address and ask for the ARMY SERVICE EXPERIENCES QUESTIONNAIRE.
Your recollections will live after you, if you record them now.
Thanks for the Old CUBS
I was pleased to have received several of the old CUBs that Sherod and I were missing. We still have a few to go.
We have been collecting CUBs to build a set for the Carlisle Barracks Military Institute. I wish to thank the following and if I missed a name, please forgive me:
Alan W. Jones, Jr.
Adams Elliott
Gene Vance
Roland Martin
Bob Ringer
Waldo Pierce
Gilbert Fitzgerald
George Vance
and others over the years.
As of October 23rd, 1993 we need.
46-47 volume 3 no, 1 - 3
47-48 volume 4 no. 5
48-49 volume 5 no. 3
49-50 volume 6 no. 1
50-51 volume 7 no. I - 2 -3
51-52 volume 8 no. I - 2 - 3
52-53 volume 9 no. 2
54-55 volume 11 no. 3
56-57 volume 13 no. 5
57-58 volume 14 no. 5
58-59 volume 15 no. 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
59-60 volume 16 no. 2 - 3
60-61 volume 17 no. 2
61-62 volume 18 no. 3 - 5
62-63 volume 19 no. 2 - 5
65-66 volume 22 no. 1
Stalags 9A, 9B & 9C Association
Pete House, 590th FAB, is a prime mover with the above Association. If you want to hear more about their annual reunions, which have been growing in attendance numbers tremendously, please write Pete at the following address.
Pete House
5662 Clifton Ave.
Jacksonville, Florida 32211-6902
He has passed along much information to The CUB, of which I can't seem to fit in at the right time. He will appreciate your interest, add you to his mailing list and keep you informed.
Front & Center...
50th Anniversary Tours to Europe
The Adjutant, Treasurer and Editor have been receiving numerous pamphlets and brochures advertising special trips to Europe in 1994. Aside from those that we have received, there are many more if you inquire with your favorite travel agent.
The present collection here at the editor's desk would take up many pages of The CUB. Rather than show preferences in quantity of advertising I have elected to not display brochures advertising for these trips.
The Association itself is not sponsoring a trip. It also is not endorsing any certain travel agent. Where you go and who you use is your business. The placement of the following travel agencies or tour organizers does not warrant an endorsement by the 106th Infantry Division Association, Inc. Names and addresses are given for reference only. Write to your choice and ask for brochures and details.
Organizer/Host Monroe C. Duke, 422/Cannon Company with travel arrangements by Giselle's Travel Bureau, Sacramento, California. For information:
Sept. 13-26 1994 14 days/12 nights
Giselle's Travel 1-800-782-5545
or Monroe Duke
3137 Chelsea Road
Sacramento, CA 95864
Battlefield Tours, U.S.A. Inc.
A Charles B. MacDonald Commemorative December Dawn Tour.
December 8 - 18, 1993
If you want to see it in the same weather as 1944:
Call 1-800-635-5018
Many of you have toured with Douglas S. Coffey in past years.
He will be along on a Galaxy Tour to the Bulge area. Dates : Sept 15 - 23 1994
This tour is being advertised as a 106th Infantry Division Tour. Please note, our Association is not sponsoring a tour.
Contact Alison Dodge 1-000-523-7287
Galaxy Tours
PO Box 234
Wayne, PA 19087-0234
Turner Publications
PO Box 3101
Paducah Kentucky 42002-3101
(502) 443-0121 or 443-0128
Are accumulating information for a 50th Anniversary Battle of the Bulge ilk tory book (second edition). You may have seen the first edition. If you want to submit your information, contact them.
Ohio University Press
Seven Years Among Prisoners of War by Chris Christiansen of Viborg, Denmark. To be published in English, spring of 1994. Already in Danish and German editions.
Clifford Doxsee, 423/HQ 3Bn, 1 Canterbury Dr., Athens, OH 45701 and his wife met Chris and his wife Inger over a decade ago. They hosted the Christiansens in their home in 1982 and then were hosted in the Christiansen's home in Viborg in '83 and '88. More about this book later.
Contact Sharon Arnold
Swallow Press
Scott Quadrangle
Athens, Ohio 45710
Front & Center...
Delaware Valley Chapter
Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge
Stanley Wojtusik. 422/G 9639 Wissinoming St.
Philadelphia, PA 19114
(215) 6374191
Stanley Wojtusik, President of the Delaware Valley Chapter, VBOB, during the membership meeting at the 47th Annual Reunion, gave a short summary and a request for help in the way of financial support for the local memorial that his chapter is sponsoring.
The memorial will be located on the grounds of the renowned institution of learning-the Valley Forge Military Academy and College in Wayne, Pennsylvania, a scant three miles from Valley Forge National Park.
Plans are for two more identical monuments to be erected in Luxembourg and Belgium.
If you care to participate, or want more information, contact Stanley at the above address. If you are not a member of the National Association of the Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge, Stan can also send you an application for that national organization.
Golden Lion Road
Chaplain, Ewell C. Black, Jr.
Did you see the "Golden Lion Road" when you visited Fort Jackson during the 1993 Reunion? Probably not.Ewell recently wrote, prior to the 1993 reunion, "In all the years that I have been on the post at Fort Jackson, I have seen roads and streets named for Generals, Medal of Honor winners and Division, but never have I seen one named for the 106th Infantry Division.
"Thinking that I could get the job done, I contacted the authorities at Fort Jackson and found that there was, in fact, a "Golden Lion" road.
"Wishing to be better informed about it's location I searched it out. The map showed it to be off of Leesburg Rd. This is an area at the Fort where the ranges are located. I found the road located in the area of the South Carolina National Guard and Marine Corps Training Sites.
Turning onto that road which said "Restricted" I drove about a half-mile and found the sign "Golden Lion Road." It runs just about a mile and ends where an overgrown trail begins. Technically a part of Fort Jackson, it is not connected to the Post itself"
History Repeats itself ...
Photo: Map showing Scraps and Hikes of "E" CO. 314 Engrs. 89th Division…
This map was taken from a publication of the 314th Engineers, 89th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, 1917-1918-1919. Frank Trautman's father was a Corporal in this unit.
Notable is the route taken by the 1918 Corporal Trautman between Gerolstein and Prum Germany. This route was traveled by Frank in 1944 as a prisoner. He stayed a night at Prum on 19 December 1944, continued to Gerolstein where he and his 422/D buddies spent a night.
Many were placed in box cars for the journey to Bad Orb, Stalag IV-B, destined to be bombed by The British on Christmas Eve outside Stalag XII-A, Limburg am Lahn.
Photo: Frank Trautman, 422/D (right) says, "While visiting sons in Salt Lake, Utah, I contacted Wallace Butterfield, formerly of 423/C. I found this of interest since he is the only Association member who resides in Utah. We bunked near each other, as prisoners, on the floor of a combined chapel and morgue. He plans on attending the reunion at Rapid City.
CIRCA 1943 Fort Jackson 590/HQ; L/R 1. Unknown, 2. Paul Boschert, 3. Cliff Kincannon, 4. Bob Powell, 5. Mac MacKinsey 6. Bob Stoic
CIRCA 1992 590/HQ; L/R- Paul Boschert, Cliff Kincannon, Bob Powell, Bob Stolp
50 years later and still kicking
A 1945 sketch of John 0. Riels 423/HO 2Bn
Artist - Wes Henry
The location: Staled 9-A Ziegenhain, Germany.
This sketch was made on the back of a picture of his wife Beth.
John is on the Orlando Reunion Committee for the 49th Annual Reunion 1995
Comparison of Who came from Where ...
Total Membership - State Count 10/10/1993
GEORGIA 45 NEW MEXICO 6 Grand Total 1586
47th Annual Reunion Attendance - State Count
Grand Total 425
SUMMER addresses were used in both examples on this page.
John Kline, editor
Comparison of "How Many" from each Unit ...
106 MP 2
106 RECON 8
106 SIG
331 MED/HQ
331 MED/A
331 MED/B
422/SV 2
422/HQ 1BN 3
422/D 13
422/HQ 2BN 3
422/G 6
422/H 16
422/HQ 3BN 2
422/I 5
422/K 2
422/M 12
422/MED 3
423/AT 5
423/CN 5
423/HQ 1BN
423/A 3
423/B 6
423/C 5
423/D 12
423/HQ 2BN 2
423/G 2
423/11 12
424/CN 4
424/HQ 1BN
424/B 14
424/F 7 Div/HQ & units 19
424/G 4 422nd 92
424/H 7 423rd 123
424/HQ 3BN 4 424th 80
424/I 3 81st Eng 34
424/K 4 589th FAB 14
424/L 3 590th FAB 19
424/M 7 591st FAB 24
424/MED 3 592nd FAB 14
81st ENG/HQ 3 331 MED 3
81st ENG/A 12 TOTAL 106ers 425
81st ENG/B 9 Guests /Wives 362
81st ENG/C 9 Attached Medics counted
with organic units
81st ENG/MED Grand Total
2833 ENG/C
423/HQ 3BN
423/1 3
423/L 1
3 423/M
423/MED :2
589/A 9
589/B 1
590/HQ 6
590/C 3
591/HQ 7
591/B 2
591/C 5
592/HQ 2
592/A 5
592/C 3
592/MED 1
592/SV 2
106th Infantry Division Association
47th Annual Reunion -- September 9 - 12, 1993 41/
TOTAL ATTENDANCEIncluding Members, Guests
and Wives -- 787--
425 Division Soldiers included in TOTAL COUNT
Guests and Wives were not listed. This was for no "devious" reason. Collating information on guests and wives requires considerable time and effort, since they are all not members of the Association, and are not all on the master "computer list."
In addition to the 106th members, there were "Walk-ins" that did not register for the reunion.
They were welcome guests and enjoyed visiting with their fellow unit members, but did not participate in the on-going reunion activities.
If you know of a nonmember, please invite him to join the Association.
If you are an Association member and were missed in this listing, please notify me and I will make corrections in the next CUB....
John Kline, editor
Farris, Fred J.
McCollum, Vollie L.
106 MP
Hanke, Arthur K
Kortlang, Charles I.
Bela., Richard H.
Bow, Kenneth S.
Cunningham, Louis E.
Fisher (USA Rea Col Robert W.
Selig Willis H.
Sweet, Dale A
Tower, William O.
Valvano, Frank
106 SIG
Childs, Dean F.
DiRenzo, Peter L.
Kernitzky, Lennie I.
Kups, Stanislaus
Middleton, III, Jack A.
Twardzik, Raymond J.
Villwock, Russell H.
331 MED/HQ
Krafchik, Joseph
331 MED/A
Wiggins, James W.
331 MED/B
Vandegrift, Kenneth W.
Barker, Thomas
Freedman, Henry E.
Hanna, Robert R.
Herring, Dr. Geo. W.
Matthews Jr., Col. Joe
Pilkington, Fred A.
Rutt, Robert E.
Schoonover, Lea
Floyd, Johnnie B
Pawluk, Walter S.
Vance, George T.
Bowles, Ralph
Gaither, Jack L.
Lucas, William H.
Purcell, Thomas I.
Merz, O. Paul
Moss, Chester R.
422/HQ 1BN
Harrington, Ralph A.
Thome, Michael
Wasylon, Paul J.
Black Jr., Rev. Ewell C.
Edwards, Carl E.
Massey, Joseph
Brankin, William J.
Chase, Fred B.
Eckblad, Wesley
Hilliard, Rey. Roy M.
Olecki, Edward J.
Robb, Dr. John G.
Rutledge, Boyd A.
Sanders, Joseph T.
Sandtviet, Arthur D.
Saucerman, Eugene L.
Walker, Robert F.
Williams, Lawrence R.
York, Robert E.
422/HQ 2BN
Lomonaco, John
Rickard, William
Sherman USA Ret. Col. Lee M.
Crook, H. D.
Henderson, Charley S.
Lawlor, Martin V.
Reynolds, James E.
Whitner, Donald R.
Boggs, Oliver B.
Chesney, Lonas L.
Eldridge, Robert D.
Ginther, Keith
Sheen, Jr, Herbert M.
Wojtusik, Sr. Stanley
Albertson, Harry E.
Dorn Edward W.
Fox, Robert J.
Ivy, William F.
Jenkins, William D.
Jones, William B.
Lam, Walter J.
Madsen Jr.. Anders N.
Meagher, James
Paananen, Eugene E.
Phelan, William R.
Post, Lawrence W.
Rack. Charles F.
106th Infantry Division Association
47th Annual Reunion -- September 9 - 12, 1993
Smythe, Willis A.
Tarantino, Joseph C.
Snovel, Robert I.
Zicker, Gordon B.
Tuck, Casimer
422/HQ 3BN
Ansel, Joseph 1.
Haas, Milton G.
Kennedy, Glen N.
Redmond, Dean T
Kershner Jesse O.
Murphy--Min J.
422/1 Swarm, Harry L.
Maher, William S.
Forth Carl 423/CN
Ketch, Eugene B.
Collins, Virgil L
Patterson, Fletcher D.
Houston, William C.
Rydzinski, Edward
Lewis, Edwin D.
Looney, James M.
Vaughn, Ray R.
Boatright, Winford R.
Toy, Waid S. 423/SV
Collins, Sherod
DeFeo, Fred W.
Langham, Francis S.
Grasso, Salvatore V.
Mabry, John W.
Noon. Cletus E.
Adolphson Maynard
Starmack, John S.
Bielski, Raymond J.
Stewart, John T.
Hoff, Russell
Jensen, George
423/HQ 1BN
Kowa, Alfred E.
Bryan, Kenneth V.
Larson, Gilbert
Jones, Jr.. CA Alan W.
Me, Joseph H.
Malueg, Russell J.
hte, Attilo A.
Niarman, Lrt Charles
Meagher, Jr., Herbert F.
Raby, Jr, Glynn G.
Stoehr, Martin G.
Tranchita, Paul A. 423/A
Van Wettedng, Wilbur
Ezell, John E.
Lan, William M.
Yanchili, Pete
Dashner, Robert F.
Dean, Verner W.
Scalar, Salvatore A.
Gilbert, Daniel W.
MI W. If tal
Pinney, Gordon B.
Judy, Harry H.
Ponea, Frank
Rigarti, Richard L.
Van Moorlehem, Arthur L.
Avery, Charles W.
Califf, Jr.. John W.
Casenhiser, Robert D.
Bladen, John A.
Davis Jr., Sam E.
Goldberg, Ephraim
Grimes, Robert
Halladtay, Maurice A.
El,, Robert G.
Rosalie, John
Johnsmair., John C.
Wood, Vernon T.
Jones, Robert K.
Long, Ivan 423/D
McClure, Clot
Brogan, Leo J.
Nusbaum, Alfred S.
Browning, Roy
Prater, Marion (Dougl
Burrell, James V.
Sartori, Charles
Hoffmarter, Wendell M.
Sheehan, John P.
Hunter, David
Shoffit, Alfred W.
Litvin, Joseph
Slaby, Ted
Marsh, Robert II.
Richard 0
Williams, Fred
Yingst, William J.
Young, Damon F.
Youngblood, Charles E.
Zeno, Mike
423/HQ 2BN
Puett, Col. Joseph
Riels, John O.
Barnes, Ralph K
Johannes, Walter E.
Lacy, 1k, William L.
Parton, BIGen. Oliver B.
Schmude. Earl H.
Sulser, Jack A.
Zullig, Charles
Forsyth, John L.
Kennedy, Brown L.
Basel, Theodore
Bennett, Robert F.
Boucher, Rome a
Diehl, Lloyd J.
Johnston, Ray A.
Kurzeja, Michael
Lawson, William J.
Petersen, Walter A.
Pretty, Emor C.
Smith, Kenneth M.
Swett, John A.
Trost, Paul M.L.
423/HQ 3BN
Eisenman, Jerome
Hinkle, Raymond A.
Weiss, Newton W.
Bloomingburg, George
Peterson, Richard W.
Terri°, Howard J.
Biancamano, Domenic P.
Capshaw, Clifton
DePoyster, Fred
Grivetti, Louis G.
Broussard, Fred J.
Cooper, Louis M.
Edelman, Louis
Grantham. Gordon
Hay, Reuben
106th Infantry Division Association
47th Annual Reunion -- September 9 - 12, 1993 It
He[wig, Gilbert
Hohenstei4 John J.
Kline, Dr. Robert E.
Kline, John P.
Kotlarich, Paul
LoCurciO, Jr, Vincent
Venegoni, Vincent 1
Walker, Jr.. Neff
Costa, Antone
Costa, Lawrence B.
Hum, Kenneth
Jarlock, Edward S.
Johnson, Newton
Kooks, William R.
McCarron, Donald J.
Piazza, Louis R.
Ritchie, Richard R.
Tomases, Dr. Ralph
Burkes, Robert A.
Gremillion, Sr., Jack
Maloney, Joseph P.
Cooper, James A.
Truman, Dr Duncan T.
Gower, Robert G.
Henry, Patrick F.
LeClair, William J.
Libman, Oliver E.
Carter, Tiller E.
Chesmar, Dim P.
Rao, Charles T
424/HQ 1BN
Bretton, Harold K.
Kucholick, Stanley J.
Odom, Joseph C.
Ayers, Paul C,
Mansfield, D., Horace E.
Arvold, Norman W.
Call, George
Crosby, Lloyd R.
Croucher, Norbert
Hill, Major H.
Kelly, George S.
Passariello, Louis). P
eyser, Charles S.
Prewett, Edward A.
Ruth, Clarence J.
Rutland, Roger M.
Streit,, Marshall P.
Varnadore, C.V.
Vitali, Alfred L.
Landis, Robert J.
424/HQ 2BN
Howell, Rob. F.
Kersteiner, Don W.
Britton, BeiOnnin H.
Fitzgerald Olken M.
Kluerdanz, ticolge D.
Mato Andrew I.
Carawan, Chris
Humiuski, Edwin C.
Lord, Malcolm E.
Mayotte, Russell J.
Oxford, Paul G.
Schnber, Milton J.
Swonger, John W.
Daugherty, William R.
Guile, George
Rediger, Delbert Cl.
Wyatt, Van S.
Ariningt on, Donald R.
Bailey, Harold M.
Brown, Manz to
Caller, Sr.. James E.
Manny Jr.. George
Russin, Peter
Walden, Lawrence
424/HQ 3BN
Beale, Sidney H.
Boos ink, Lee
Carver, Dale R
Shipley. horn F.
Mar., Roland
Maynard, Curtis P.
Smith, Lawrence W.
Caplan, Bert
Johnson, John H
Rowan, William K.
Velasques, Armando
Coss, Sr.. Kenneth L,
Deisher, Curtis G.
Lada, Theodore
Busby, I loward O.
Dodge, William L.
Hicrs, James L.
Mueller, W Illimn II.
Pell, Sidney
Ituskarich, Charles 31.
Pahl, Raymond A.
Bengel, Ir., Charles A.
Brooks, Douglas
Manfredi, John
81st ENG/HQ
Prokoryin, Casimir
Riggs, Col. Thomas J.
Stevenson, Rob. L.
81st ENG/A
Agostini, Orreo E.
Bright, Charles
Collins, John P.
Fisher, Leland R.
Fitzncreld Roller! P.
Mammon, I larold
Lacey, Dave
MoDevia, John F.
Messina, Carl
Praznik, Louis
Sheets, Roy
Turner, (Vb. V.
81st ENG/B
Frye, Norwood A.
I boson, Robert J.
Kos. rola Edward S.
Nagle, Edward J.
Nichols, lohn
Ricci, Armando A.
Telela IL James E.
Vali:11AG n. Col Dole L.
WiniGn, Edward C.
81st ENG/C
Carr, Fred A. Fon, Roy
I hood I, Bert E.
Hayden, He. V. !
Enrich, Don M.
Moen, Stanley J.
Lewis, Perry T.
Szihcr, Dank V.
Wells, James E.
81st ENG/MED
2833 ENG/C
DeChiara, Joseph A.
106th Infantry Division Association
110 47th Annual Reunion -- September 9 - 12, 1993
Bell, Roger W.
Donaldson, Walter W.
Scott. Earl A.
Thurlow, . John W.
Alford, Barney M.
Carom, John
Humphrey, Donald B
lacelon, Charles F.
Roy, Charles J.
Schefiber, John 12,
Snyder, Walter M.
Streeter, William R.
Wenslow, Malshall B.
Kulacmas Harold
Haulm, Paul
Kincannon, Clifford E.
Morrissey, James C.
Passel!, Robes A.
Stolp, Robert R.
Woodward, Jack
Gunyalson, Russell L.
Hicks, Harty
Hinson, Sr., Artists E,
House, Pete
Kinser, Hugh H.
Pesos, George
Voung, Edward D.
Skardon, Alvin W.
Colley , Douglas S.
Dahl, Floyd I,
W atenberg, Henry C.
Pitta, George R.
Hoed, Ir., Charles K.
Bookbeimer, Merrill E.
Ephraim, Harry M.
LeSanska, Donald P.
Panics, Raymond H.
Swier, Ted
Williams, Oliver G.
Rasmussen, Delbert
Stauff, John H.
Bowers, Waller H.
Gross, Joseph
Hempel, Robert E.
Slykhouse Jr., George J.
While Jr.. E.C.
Bradfield, Kenneth
Clarke, Walter C.
Corrigan Jr., Charles K.
Dane, Charles T.
English, Daniel F.
Frank, Florian R.
Howard, John W.
Mosley, Newton L.
Ringer, Robert C.
Samples, L. Orvis
Dillon, Adams E.
Leaman, Clarence (Peel
Boesch, Robes C.
Dreuker, Albert
Fleharty, William P.
Hartman, Willard G.
Minor, Irvin G.
Raleigh, Milburn R.
Ortwine, Harold W.
Roberts, John M.
Siekierski, Aloisius V.
Clark, Dr. James I.
Gilliland, John 0.
Hardieb, Glenn O.
Matthews, Robert F
Schuss, Jean
Edward Wojahn, 81st Eng, "B" Co.
1553 West Young Dr.
Onalaska, WI 54650
Ed, has been a prime mover in the 106th movement in the state of Wisconsin. He has had articles printed in the LaCrosse Newspaper on at least two occasions. This picture appeared in a recent half page article. The results show in the new membership lists, and the efforts of his searches show in the number of men from his unit that belong to the Association (24), nine of them attended the 1993 Reunion.
Quoting a very small part, "Edward Wojahn, spends quite a bit of time trying to contact members of his old unit from WW II. As a Sergeant in the 106th Inf. Div, Ed was in charge of building a three floor platform at Fort Jackson in 1943 that was used to practice "ABANDON SHIP." Ed is State Commander of the Ex-POW's Chapter in Wisconsin, and served a term on the 106th infantry Division Association's Board. (There was much more, thanks Ed.. editor)
An "After-Reunion" Report from the Hosts ... I
Photo: Roger and Mattie Rutland at Fort Jackson, Hosts of the 106th Infantry Division Association's 47th Annual Reunion held at the Marriott Hotel, Columbia, South Carolina September 9 - 12, 1993Dear friends,
Now that the 47th Annual Reunion is over, Mattie and I just about recovered. It took a lot of work to bring the program together for such a large turnout. In the end it was a lot of fun and was well worth the effort that our committee went through to keep things going and on track. There were 787 members, wives and guests. Approximately 120 of these were first-time attenders of any reunion of the 106th Infantry Division Association. We believe returning to Columbia and Fort Jackson for the 50th Anniversary of the activation of the 106th Infantry Division had a lot to do with the large turnout. Many people that talked to us said that they had not been back to Fort Jackson since they left there in 1944.
We had many compliments from the personnel at the Marriott Hotel. They felt honored to have hosted such a friendly and cooperative group as the 106th Infantry Division Association. The young men and women, soldiers, who acted as guides on our Fort Jackson tour buses, thought we were a fine group of "OLD TIMERS."
Mattie myself and Howard and Luvelle Terrio wish to thank all of you for the understanding and cooperation you gave us.
After corresponding and talking by telephone with many of you, I had hoped to meet more of you personally. Unfortunately the time went too fast. It was a pleasure for Mattie and me to host this reunion. I know that we will have mom time to meet friends and visit in Rapid City, S.D. during the 48th Annual Reunion in 1994. Hope to see you all there.
Fort Jackson Leader (......newspaper article reprint) ...
Fort Jackson Leader Staff
Dateline - September 16, 1993
Staring at the old wooden barracks which was once their home, the men reminisce of the early morning wake up calls. Their eyes, once filled with desire and intensity, are now heavy and swollen with tears. The memories of Fort Jackson are not forgotten.
Nearly 750 soldiers and spouses from the 106th Infantry Division, known as the Golden Lion Division, were "bussed" to the Fort during their 50th Anniversary Reunion at Columbia.
The division was activated on Fort Jackson March 15, 1943 to prepare for World War II. During basic training, they were put to the real field test. The unit underwent strenuous training consisting of rough terrain, forced marches, night movements and river crossings. Upon completion of their training at Fort Jackson, the unit went to Tennessee Maneuvers in January 1944 and later to Camp Atterbury, Indiana. In October 1944, the unit moved to Massachusetts for overseas processing.
After arriving in Germany to relieve the 2nd Infantry Division, they found that they were assigned to a quiet sector.
Col. Tom Riggs, who was the commander of the 81st Engineers, remembered the in-processing briefing well.
"They jokingly welcomed us to the country club of infantry lines," Riggs said letting out a laugh. "This will be the quietest place you'll spend out here. Several days later, all hell broke out," he said sternly.
The Golden Lions were struck full force with a massive attack of German steel and fire. The unit tried to withstand the continuous attack for three days, displaying a heroic defense, but they could not handle the oncoming fighting. In this battle the division suffered 8,663 casualties, 416 killed, 1,246 were wounded, 7,000 missing.
Riggs complimented the spirit that his soldiers displayed during the war, "We were complete patriots. The esprit de corps was high because we were a very young unit," he said. The average age of the entire division was 22 years, with many 18-year-olds in the ranks.
Standing by the 106th Infantry Division memorial plaque, several veterans remember the friends and comrades who fell in battle.
Two veterans recall one heroic moment.
"I wouldn't be standing here if it wasn't for this man," said Harold Kuizema, who was referring to John Schaffner. This was the first time since the war the two men had seen each other.
Kuizema was wounded at a crossroad and wasn't able to move. Schaffner carried him out to safety where he was later evacuated for medical care.
Throughout the morning, the 106th toured various training locations, which included a modem barracks complex. The soldiers noted the different changes of life style in today's soldier compared to their living standards in 1943-44.
"We didn't have any air conditioning and the mattresses on our bunks were only one-inch thick," said Verner Dean, who trained at Fort Jackson in 1943. "They said it would make us tough."
The day concluded with the group of 750 persons attending a special patriotic concert performed by the 282nd Army "VICTORY BAND" and a memorial service in Theater #3.
Cpt. Chas. Peyser, 424/8 meets his 1944 Medic ..
Photo: L/R --424/B -- 1st Sgt. Roger M. Rutland, 424th Regimental Medical Aidman Dr. Douglas Brooks and Captain Charles PeyserFifteen members "B" Company, 424th Combat Infantry, with wives and guests, were visiting in the Marriott hospitality room when a gentleman came to the group and asked where Captain Charles Peyser, Commander of "B- Co, 424th was.
Dr. Douglas Brooks, of Memphis, Tennessee, former medical technician of the 424th Infantry Medical detachment, came to Captain Peyser and First Sergeant Rutland and said, "Remember me Captain? I am the medic who treated your right leg in Winterspelt, Germany on 18 December, 1944. I loaded you on the last ambulance leaving for the rear from the Regimental Aid Station." Dr. Brooks wanted to see Peyser's right leg to see how his First Aid work had turned out.
Imagine, three Army men meeting 49 years after that incident where First Sergeant Rutland had his Company Commander taken to the Regimental Aid Station to be treated by the medical aid technician, the "now" Dr. Brooks, who in turn sent him to the rear for further treatment.
FROM THE FRONT COVER: This picture was published in the Hanover, Pennsylvania Evening Sun on 13 October 1993. Edward A. Prewett, newly elected president of the 106th Infantry Division Association, a 3rd Platoon Private of "B" Co., 424th Infantry is being congratulated by Captain Charles Peyser his commanding officer. Also honored were Roger Rutland, First Sergeant of "B" Co., to Prewett's right and Major H. Hill, a Corporal from the same company, who was Captain Peyser's runner. Hill was elected to a five year term on the Board of Directors of the 106th Infantry Division Association.
Earlier, fifteen members, with wives and guests, of "B" Co., 424th Combat Infantry Regiment had enjoyed a delightful reception at the 50th anniversary celebration being held by the Association, at the Marriott Hotel in Columbia, South Carolina..
"Scenes from the 47th annual reunion -- Columbia, S.C.
Headquarter, Head F ..:11.1,1 Fort Jackson
World V .!..seurn
Entrance to Induction Center. Fort Jackson New Recruits. Fort Jackson Induction Center
Scenes from the 47th annual reunion -- Columbia, S.C.
Tech Sergeant explaining the Confidence Course. He had a voice that carried authority - remember
One of the Sergeants men demonstrating Confidence Course
Scenes from the 47th annual reunion -- Columbia, S.C.
Co. H, 422d Infantry Bill Ivy photo-" Bill Ivy photo:
front l/r - Larry Post. Casey Turek, Bill Jenkins; Bill Jones; Harry Albertson; Jim Meagher and Bud Madsen
back row l/r: Ed Dorn, Bill Ivy; Ray Hinkle (visitor); Bob Snovel: Wally Lata: Bill Phelan; Chuck Rieck; Willis Smythe; Bob Fox and Gene Paananen
Co. H, 4224 Infantry: By the 106th Plaque on the main drive.
l/r Willis Smythe; Bill Jenkins; Bob Fox; Larry Post
423rd Anti-Tank: l/r John Murphy; Jesse Kershner; Glen Kennedy; Joe Ansel; Harvey Swartz.
Scenes from the 47th annual reunion -- Columbia, S.C.
Scenes from the 47th annual reunion -- Columbia, S.C.
New Members ...
Ayers, Paul C. 424/A
RR 1 Box 56 Pawnee. IL 62558
Entered Service in December 1943, Basic Training at Camp Blanding, Florida. Being too young to go overseas I was sent to Camp Atterbury as a replacement. I went overseas with the Division in October of 1944. Captured on December 17th 1944. I was interned in four different POW Camps and did forced labor on railroad repairs until released by the Americans April 14, 1945. I was ill with hepatitis. Furloughed June and July 1945. After R&R in Miami I was based at Camp McCoy Wisconsin until discharged on November 29, 1945.
Lifetime farmer- now retired- in Central Illinois. Married for 45 years to Wilma Jean Schumaker. We have three children and six grandchildren.
I remain active in agriculture, church, 4-H, youth organizations as well as the VFW, American Legion and AX-POW groups. Since I am retired and my wife and I spend time traveling and camping. We also spend some time as a "Winter Texan". I assist my wife in her genealogical pursuits.
Blodgett, John O. 423/I
3315 Nevlus St.
Falls Church, VA 22041
With my 70th birthday looming on October 16, it seems time for me to check in with my World War II division. I am presumably too old to be drafted for World War III.
I was the leader of the second platoon of I Company, 423rd Infantry Regiment from the summer of 1944 at Camp Atterbury until my capture on the Belgian-German border near Shonfeld on December 19 of that year.
Since you were in the same regiment, fighting for glory under Col. Cavender, I won't bore you excessively with stirring tales of our combat record. On our first afternoon in the front line, I fired a magazine of star gauge rounds at K company on our left, thinking they were Germans, hitting (of course) nobody. To this day. the K Company commander assumes I was an infiltrator. On the third day I went into no man's land with three others to check out a German Focke-Wulfe that had been shot down. We hauled back the propeller after nearly setting off demolitions left by the 2nd Division. On our fourth day (this time under orders), I led a patrol to our front until we were fired upon. I failed to crest the hill beyond which we might have seen scads of Germans ready to jump off on the 16th. Meanwhile, my squad leaders (Sgt. Deming, Sgt. Prather and others) and I killed off my liquor ration from Camp Atterbury, which unaccountably reached us at that time. After dark we played hearts in a cabin assigned to me as platoon H[?]
When the attack came before dawn on the 16th, we bunkered down. but the German columns went by us on both flanks. By the morning of the 17th it was clear to us that our only chance was to mount an offensive to our rear, which by that time was where all the Germans were. After walking all day and finding no Germans. we found ourselves on a road in Belgium outside Schonberg. When tanks came up the road from our front we held fire because the tank commander shouted "we're Yanks". Then they started firing and we took some casualties. By that night our whole battalion had retreated to a hill top where we were in radio contact with division in St. Vith. The orders we got were not reassuring. We were told to demolish our weapons and sit tight. In an attempt to get out, I led what was left of by platoon in a direction where we could not actually hear German voices. After a half mile we
came under fire from hidden Germans and surrendered. The German commander, as it happened, was riding in my jeep.
We were taken first to an aid station, where our battalion doctor was working, and were then marched (with the doctor) to a house about five miles into Germany. On that march I succeeded in stopping the German harassment of one of our Jewish soldiers, a minor achievement. The following day we marched to Gerolstein, froze all night, and boarded a freight train. Three nights later, on December 23, the train was bombed by the British in the Limburg marshalling yards, killing about 60 of us. On Christmas morning we arrived at Stalag 4-B in Bad Orb.
I won't repeat my prison experience here. It was beyond the pale of the Lion Division. It is enough to say that I escaped twice - - once for three days helped by Task Force Baum at Hammelburg and the second time for eighteen days from a column of prisoners south of Nurnberg. Two others and I reached American lines on the second try.
After the War, in 1965, I was struck by a remarkable coincidence. I was then assigned as Economic Counselor at the Embassy in Helsinki, and who should arrive as our new Army Attache but Col. Wayne J. Moe, my company commander in the 423rd. Better yet, I outranked him at the embassy. Over our nearly two years of overlap we got thoroughly caught up on events in 1944-45.
I am enclosing a check for $28.00 to cover my membership dues and a copy of the book on your quarterly journals. I Look forward to meeting with all of you when we next gather.
(Editor's Note- John I received your app and story just as I was closing of The CUB (10/24/93). Your story is so interesting that I added it to this column.
Your story interests me because I was with 423/M who was supporting both "L and "I Companies. "L" had bogged down trying to enter Schonberg and "I" was filtering through us to go to their support. Of course, none of us succeeded in the end, with the order to surrender and destroy weapons coming at 4:30p.m. on 19 December.
Colonel C.C. Cavender is still alive, and celebrated his 95th birthday on Oct 2, 1993. He is in a medical care facility at Riverside, California. He still insists that the right decision was made by both he and the commander of the 422nd, although they did not consult with each other as to their actions. They had lost radio contact with each other. I guess after pouring over the facts as they have unraveled these last few years, I would have to agree Colonel Cavender.
If you want his address look in the roster that I have included with your welcome letter as a new member.
Thanks for the interesting story of your career... J. Kline)
Brooks, John W. 424/E
137 E. Columbus St.
Nelsonville. OH 45764
Christianson, Edward L. 331 MED/C
303 Harpers Hollow Ln
Winchester. VA 22603
Born January 12, 1924 at Green Bay, Wisconsin. Served in the Armed Forces April 1943 to November 1945. Married September 1945 we have three children and seven grandchildren. I completed college at St. Norberto College, DePere, Wisconsin 1947-51 with a B.S. in Physics. Worked for U.S. Government in Washington in various departments, Bureau of Standards, Bureau of Aeronautics - Navy Dept. and the Manned Space Program, -NASA (Gemini and Skylab.)
I retired in 1975, presently living in Winchester, Virginia among peaceful mountain settings. Raise Christmas trees as an avocation. Active in the Catholic Church, ordained Permanent Deacon in 1981.
My wife and I like to travel, mostly Europe, going on a leisurely pace. We
visited the 106th Monument at St. Vith, Belgium in 1991. In 1993 (September -November) we will visit the Eastern Europe Capitals and surrounding countryside by car. I hope to do something on the 50th Anniversary that is coming up. Shortly after World War II, Lt. Dave McMillan put together a diary of Co. "C," 331st Medical Battalion and sent all of us a mimeographed copy. I lost my copy and would like to find a replacement. If any person has a copy I would be happy to receive it.
Cullinan, Charles V. 424/M
2450 Meter Rd
Marblehead, OH 43440
Elliott, Adams E. 592/HQ
4959 Mockingbird Ln
Memphis, TN 38117
Freng, Luther W. 423/MED
2102 So 15th St.
LaCrosse, WI 54501
After being captured, I went to Stalag 4-B at Bad Orb. I was discharged in October 1945. I worked for the Trans Company, LaCrosse, Wisconsin for 36 years. In the summer I cut grass for the elderly and in the winter I blow snow for them.
(Editor's Note - Luther, interesting to find that you were in LaCrosse all those years. I lived in Viroqua, Wisconsin, 35 miles south, from 1958 to 1970. Too bad we didn't run across each other then... J. Kline)
Hauxwell, Burton R. 423/H
139 Alford Ave. North
Lake Orion, MI 48362
Graduated High School in 1940, married in March of 1942, five children (four living) with nine grandchildren.
I was inducted July 1942, 80th Division, 318/M Camp Forrest, Tennessee. Cadre to Fort Jackson and the 106th. Overseas in 1944, The Bulge, Prison Camp and
back home 1945.
Worked from High School in the Retail Meat Trade until 1952. I then joined the Banking business, retiring in 1984. My hobbies are Golf and Grandkids.
Heck, Howell H. 423/SV
212 Lake Front Dr.
Conway, AR 72032
John Stewart found me. Enclosed are dues to join. It is possible that I received a letter from the Association right after the war. I was ASTP at Vanderbilt.
Heim, Henry P. 424/F
11716 20th Ave NE
Seattle, WA 98125
(From a July letter - Henry joined in August.. editor) I am a former member of "G" Co. 424th Infantry. I am interested in finding any information regarding the 424th Regiment.
I retired from the Army in 1968 from Fort Monmouth, New Jersey. I was in 2nd Platoon of "G" Co., 424th going overseas with the Division from Camp Atterbury. I would like to hear from some of the 424th men.
Commander of "F" Company was Captain Cassidy ( Hop-along). Squad Leader was Staff Sergeant Rydbom, Platoon Leader was 1st Lt. Masinkowski.
(Editor's Note - Henry, in your application you show "F" Company, but in your letter you refer to "G" Company. Maybe you were transferred, am I right? I have a copy of the Combat Infantry Badge General Order #2 dated 4 January 1945, In there I found "F" Company personnel - Staff Sergeant Robert M. Rydbom, Captain Wiley L. Cassidy and 1st Lt Edward P. Marcinkoski. I also found your name Pfc Henry P. Heim 42060307. I will send you a copy of that order as it pertains to "F" Company, 424th Combat Infantry Regiment. Maybe it will refresh your memory on other names. Looks as if there were 185 men and officers in that rifle company as of the date of the order. Unlike the 423rd Regiment Combat Infantry Badge order #51
Dated July 1945, the 424th does not break out the awards as to living status e.g.: "Posthumous awards," so I cannot tell if the names reflect the "living status" of the soldiers involved. Good Luck - Good Health... J. Kline)
Iezzi, Calvin D. 106 RECON
54 Todd Dew So.
North Haves, CT 06473
Joined the RECON TROOP March 1943. Went overseas October 1944 captured December 16, 1944. Spent short time in Stalag 4-B, then in Stalag 8-A the remainder of the time. I was liberated April 15, 1945. I have three children all married with four grandchildren.
Hobbies, Golf, and very active in Bowling for over 30 years. Member of the New Haven County Bowling Association Hall of Fame. Member of the Connecticut Chapter of American Ex-POWs and the North Haven Am Vet Post #9.
(Editor's Note - Calvin, it's always with great interest that I come across some other person that was in the same camp. You like me went to Stalag 4-B at Muhlberg, Germany about 35 miles north of Dresden on the Elbe. I was there one week and was shipped overnight (train) to Stalag 8-A at Gorlitz on the Polish border just north of where it meets the Czech border. On Valentine's Day, February 14, 1945 we were evacuated out of the camp due to on-coming Russians and spent two months on the road, finally being liberated on Friday April 13 in the town of Helmstedt, Germany, about 15 miles east of Braunschweig (Brunswick). I will send you a copy of my diary. I kept track of all the towns we went through. Nice talking to you on the phone - Good Luck... J. Kline)
Jenkins, Hayward L 422/G
41 Spring Valley
Chariest Town, WV 25414
I entered the service October 6, 1941. My home was Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. I had moved to a small town, Germantown, Maryland and worked on a
ry farm. I also worked in a county garage. I then met a young lady named Betty, her dad owned the garage. This all happened in 1938. We saw each other daily till I entered the service. We wrote as often as possible - she was still a school girl.
From Fort Thomas, Kentucky I went to Camp Wolters, Texas. I was on a weekend pass in Denton, Texas when Pearl Harbor was bombed. Two weeks later I was on a troop train to Fort Lewis, Washington. Three days later I was on a small supply boat headed for Guam. We were attacked by a submarine. We ended up eight days later in Kodiak, Alaska with the 37th Infantry Division, 2nd battalion, "G" Company.
The island was small. We had to backpack supplies to all the outposts, as well as stand guard - "God's World," no trees, once in awhile a sunny day, mostly rain and cold winds. From Kodiak went to Dutch Harbor-Adak Amchitka, Agotore a couple of small islands next to Kodiak as observers.
Returned to U.S.A. on "rotation'. to Fort Ripley, Kansas. Went to Fort Benning school. Returned to Fort Riley to rejoin the 37th. They were sending troops to other units. I was one of the lucky ones, I had the honor of joining the 106th at Camp Atterbury. Three weeks later I was at Fort Dix, then on overseas. I made "driver- for the Company Commander and for the Supply Sergeant. From there it was one day at a time until we were captured on 18 December 1944. On that day the Supply Sergeant Chaplin and I picked up the records for the company. We had those when we were captured. I did not have time to get close to many 106th men, only two while a POW. Those two have died.
By the way - I married the lady that I mentioned in the first part of my letter after completion of school at Fort Benning on July 22, 1944. We will be celebrating 49 years this year. One of my sons is a Vietnam vet.
Jones, Russell P. 423/C
6116 Holly Springs Rd.
Raleigh, NC 276063307
I was inducted at Fort Bragg in October 1944. IRTC at Camp Blanding, Florida, sent overseas. Through LeHavre, France in March 1945. Joined the 106th at Rennes as a replacement. In April we relieved the 66th Division in the Brest, France pocket. The Germans gave up and the 106th came home. I went to a replacement depot.
During my time with "C" Company. 423rd Infantry I was a BAR man. From the replacement depot I was assigned to the 4284 Quartermaster Railroad Company, Augsburg, until July 1945. I was discharged August 7, 1946. Still keep in touch with some of the old Q.M. gang. After coming home I married a neighbor girl in June 1949. We have four girls, one son, six grandchildren and one great-grandchild. I worked in the freight industry for 37 years, taking my retirement due to health reasons. Retired from "Yellow Freight." All my family live within driving distance, which I enjoy. Pete House sent me a list of members of the 423rd "C" Company. I didn't recognize any of the names, perhaps they were mostly the "original" group. I did keep in touch with most of my squad for years, but most of them have passed away.
Kawtoski, Edward J. 106 RECON
123 Oak St Box 494 Lilly, PA 15938 814-8136-8560
I was a member of the 106 RECON. We were stationed, during The Bulge at Groslangenfeld, when our troop and most of the 106th Division were over-run. I was taken prisoner on 17 December and was kept on the march avoiding allied troops
most of the time until April 15,
Spent four days in Stalag 4-B, Miihlberg then in Stalag 8-A, Gorlitz, Germany, near the Polish border east of Dresden. I was liberated near Braunschweig when the American troops came through.
(Editor's Note - Edward see the notes above " CALVIN IEZZI," 106 RECON.
I was on the same 415 mile march fro Stales BA to the area where we were liberated. I also am sending you a copy of my diary. Good Luck.., J. Kline)
Kloberdanz, George 424/E
1022 Denver St
Waterloo, IA 50702
I received information about the Association from Ed Wojahn. 8 I st Engineers. My son-in-law informed him of my being a 106th member after an article appeared in the LaCrosse Tribune about Ed.
My wife and I attended the Columbia Reunion. We especially enjoyed the trip back to Fort Jackson. I was a little dig& pointed that there were only two AP from my company, but otherwise it was a memorable event. Would you have names and locations of any of the 424/E members.
(Editor's Note - George, nice to see that you were listed in those that attended. I have sent you, as I do all new members, the most recent CUB, the annual roster showing all members and unit affiliations, a couple of information sheets on the Battle of the Bulge, a list of available books about that time of life and a list of the association members that belong to your company. I hope it helps you find some of your comrades... J. Kline)
Kushner, Howard H. 422/L
24 Millard Cr
Monroe, NY 10950
Levy, Louis H. 423/M
241 Sackett St.
Brooklyn, NY 11291
I became separated from the company.
I had been back on ammo detail. When the shelling began on 19 December. I was with a group of stragglers and ended up in Stalag 4-B, Mithlberg, Germany, It was a British Camp. I didn't see other members of our regiment during captivity but did meet a couple of the guys at Camp Lucky Strike who told me that all of our company had been captured. One of the guys told me that someone had seen my body on the ground. Fortunately he was wrong. I am glad to rejoin and find news about my old company.
(Editor's Note - Louis, nice to see another 423/M man on the roster. We now have 44 members that belong to the Association. You, have in the meantime, received my correspondence, which relates that we have accounted for 77 of our old 423/M buddies. Nice to see you aboard. Keep in touch... J. Kline, editor The CUB 423/M)
Mann, William T. ASSOCIATE
21311 Burney Dr.
Columbia, SC 29205
Matusow, Harvey M. "Job" 422/1
PO Sox 254
Tuscan, AZ 85702-0254
Milkey, Robert G. 590/HQ
5419 So. River Rd
Jacksonville, FL 32211
I was with Headquarters Battery, 590th FAB at St. Vith, when the show started. I was a T4 Radio Operator. We were captured when an Infantry Colonel ordered us to surrender. We walked miles, then in box-cars, was at Limburg in the box-cars when we were bombed on Xmas-Eve.
I'm sure you have heard stories about how we walked across Germany. One humorous thing - in my box-car there were two tons of horse manure. It was two days before I got tired enough to sit down in it. e camps were 4-B Miihlberg, then 3-B and I was liberated at 3-A. Liikenwalde by the Russians. Lived with them and walked to our lines in May 1945. I was evacuated out of Odessa. I was born and raised in LaCrosse, Wisconsin went back there last September. First time in forty years. I talked to "Ed Wojahn" who sent me this application blank, can't thank him enough.
Mitchell, William C. SOB RECON
1530 Basswood Circle
Glenview, IL 60025
Drafted U.S. Army (Age 18) 11-6-44 Fort Sheridan. Discharged 8-26-46 Fort Sheridan. Infantry (Rifle Co.) Training-Camp Blanding, Fl. - 11/44 - 2/45
2/45 to LeHavre, France (Via Scotland and England)
2/45 Assigned as replacement 106 Infantry Division RECON
2/45 - /45 Participated in the divisions assignment to contain German units bypassed at Lorient and St. Milo pockets on the French coast (routine and lucky duty when one considers what the division had encountered in the "Battle of the Bulge", a few months previously)
5/45 - 8/46 The 106th RECON Troop moved through France, Belgium Luxembourg and finally Germany attending to variety of police type actions in the army of occupation (initially as a Pvt., never sure when the unit left 106th Division status)
Saw a great deal of war torn West Germany having been assigned to a variety of cities within the Republic and Eupen, Belgium for the next 16 months.
Traveled through St. Vith, Malmedy Liege and Eupen Belgium on initial trip to Aachen Germany, 5/45. This was a sobering trip since a large number of damaged 106th Division vehicles and equipment were still along the roads. The condition of the vehicles and equipment gave vivid
testimony to the struggle put up by the 106th Division.
Discharged 8/46 as S/Sgt. Graduate De Paul University 8/49
Married - 5 children. Retired January, 1993 after 40 year - career in Commercial Banking.
Tried without success to make contact with 106th Division Alumni on several occasions over many years. A notice with a phone number in a recent issue of the American Legion Magazine (outfit Reunions) led me after two (2) brief phone calls to John Kline. John's prompt and informative response was much appreciated. We'll look forward to participating in future association activities and reading history of division.
Nelson, Dr. Ralph 422/CN
Pine Acoma Lane
Las Alomos NM 87544
Rabb, Raymond A. 424/M
8105 Old Plank Rd
Charlotte. NC 28216
Roper, Edward J. 422/H
3135 Gram Hill Rd Columbia, SC 29204
Sharpell, Howard W. 81st ENG/B
1660 Geneva Cr
San Marcos, CA 92069
I escaped from the Germans on Friday April 13, 1945, was discharged November 1945. Renamed to college and graduated from Fordham University, New York in 1948.
Married in 1950. Ginny and I had three sons. Worked for RCA then Panasonic until May 30, 1993 when I retired.
I sold to U.S. Military Exchat first, world-wide, then later in the Southwest (CA, AZ and NV). I seem to have been associated with the military most of my life, though the last 22 years involved more NAVY and MARINES than ARMY or AIR FORCE.
Would like to know the whereabouts of those I served with. A few names are noted: John Finnocci, Tom Reader, Ben Tourey, Sgt Whitman, Sullivan ("C" Co,), S/Sgt Wheeler and Captain Hines
Shipley, William F. 424/HQ 3BN
901 Evergreen Ave Cayce, SC 29033
Siekierski, Aloisius V. 592/C
114 Christensen Drive
Placentia, CA 92670
Shaver, Robert M. 424/HQ
4961 Winston Dr.
Indianapolis, IN 464
Sherod, Enclosed is a check for $10.00 which "Pete Frampton tells me is the Association dues, sign me up.
I was in the 424th Regiment, Radios Section, Headquarters Company, March '44 thru August '45. Was an Ass'n member until 1954 and then job and family took away limited time.
Interest re-kindled last year when they dedicated the monument at Camp Atterbury to all units that trained there.
Singletary, Samuel J. DIV/HQ
Rte 5, Box 240 Manning, SC 29105
Wilkinson, Henry (Richie) 592/B
1331 Wooddell Drive
Jackson, MS 39212
In Memoriam
Serino, Michael 591/SV 100 Old Ridge Rd, Columbia, SC 29212Michael Serino died August 9, 1993 at the age of 86. A member of St. Peter's Catholic Church. Born in Orange, New Jersey, he was the son of the late Antonio and Philamena Serino. Mike was a member of several of the National Service Organizations.
He was a member of the South Carolina Hall of Fame, Fort Jackson Golf Club, Professional Golfers Association of America and Carolinas PGA. Mike designed and helped build the original golf course at Fort Jackson, after he returned to civilian life after WWII. He was the professional them for years. Michael is survived by his wife, Ellen Blackmon Serino.
Salazar, Ernest 423/M
I was notified by Anna Salazar, Ernest's daughter - 2100 Lewelling Blvd #24, San Leandro, CA 94579, that he passed away May 13, 1993. 423/M men were pleased to have met Ernest at the Sacramento Reunion and to have met him for the first time since 1944.
McGrew, Edward T. 423/M
Debbie, Ed's daughter, 4617 Tonawanda Rd, No. Tonawanda, N.Y. 14120, has informed us of his death on September 29. 1993. I have listed her address in case you with to send condolences. McGrew was my Platoon Sergeant and shall be remembered forever. He was hopeful of making the Columbia Reunion, but illness prevailed.
Richards, Charles W. 423/SV 204 Crestview Dr., Hendersonville, NC 28739
Charles died August 10, 1993 at the age of 60. A native of Waldwick, N.J. he had lived in Henderson County since 1973 having moved from Wyckoff, N.J. He retired from the Singer Company, as manager of employee benefits and administration for 38 years.
A member of the Episcopal Church of the Holy Family in Etowah and St James Episcopal arch in Hendersonville. He is survived by his wife Blanche Kelsey Shatwell Richards, a son Timothy of Asheville and two daughters Mary Desaro of Central Islip, N.Y. and Melissa Bailes of Union, S.C., two sisters and one grandchild..
Bandurak, Walter, 81st Eng/Medical Detachment
A friend, Charles S. Garn informed us that Walter had passed away. Walt was a long time member of the Association and extremely active until the death of his wife in 1986. Walt had been "Association Adjutant" for three years from 1976 to 1979 (see page 324 of The CUB of the Golden Lion: PASSES in REVIEW). His wife, Lillian, worked right alongside of him, as the cover picture of The CUB of Oct-Nov-Dec 1979 attests. They both traveled back to Europe three times with the 106th Division Association and attended many of the reunions and December 16th Commemoration get-to-gethers. Walt's burial was a full military service. He and his wife are buried in lot #106 at Natrona Heights, PA.
Rountree, Russell 424/CN 7591 E. Ponderosa Circle, Parker, CO 80134
Rhoda, Russell's widow informed us that he passed away June 23, 1993. He survived by her, three sons - Russel, Richard and Roger, a daughter Ruth Schmidt., fourteen grandchildren and two great grandchildren. She said Russ enjoyed two reunions with members of his Division in Chicago and Camp Atterbury.
Madden, M.D. Lawrence H. 424/F
Lawrence D. Madden, M.D. writes that his father Dr. Lawrence H. Madden, passed away September 9, 1993. Send correspondence to him at 2485 Glenwood Ave, Toledo, OH 43620
Rest in Peace Comrades
The official publication of the 106th Infantry Division Association, Inc.
1993 - 1994
Membership to Include CUB Subscription
Association membership 07/04/93 -- 1,666
President Edward A. Prewett
Past-President* Jack A. Sulser
1st Vice-Pres Thomas J. Riggs
2nd Vice-Pres Richard L Rigatti
Treasurer Shored Collins
Adjutant Boyd A. Rutledge
Historian Sherod Collins
CUB Editor John Kline
Chaplain Rev. Ewell C. Black, Jr.
Memorials Chairman Dr. John G. Robb
Atterbury Memorial Rep O. Paul Merz
Membership Chairman Gilbert Helmet]
Scholarship Chairman Jerome Eisenman
* Ex-Officio Board Member
Send editorial matter and photos to:
John P. Kline-- CUB Editor
5401 U. 147th M.,.,r2V,Oy. MIT 55124-6631
Business matters, deaths, address changes to,
Boyd A. Rutledge--Adjutant
10132 Goodrich 1=3,1n,ogngton,NIN 55437
Memorial matters and inquiries to:
Dr John G. Robb
238 Decors Dr.. Meadville. PA 16355
Membership dues, Memorial Fund
contributions and Historical items to:
Sherod Collins--Treasurer
448 Monroe Trtrmaw, GA 30144
The Life Membership fee is payable one time
only, with no annual dues thereafter.
Life Membership $75.00
Life Auxiliary $15.00
Life Associate $75.00
For those choosing to pay Annual dues, pay
by July 1 each year. (July 1 to July 1 term)
Annual Membership $10.00
Annual Auxiliary $ 2.00
Annual Associate $10.00
Board of Directors 1993-1994
Alphabetical by year term expires.
Douglas Brooks 424/MED (94) 805 Creekside Dr #2.
Memphis, N 38117-5031 901•763-230
Norwood A. Frye 8155 ENG/B ('94)
1069 Manchester Rd Osrucy. Cr 06033
John L. Hall 423/SV (94)
2562 Hill Ct. FL 33872
Edward A. Prewett 424/B C94)
7831 T!rft,ttzned, CO 94513-2109
Joseph Gross 591/C--(95)
7782 Toone lake Ave.. San Diego, CA 02119
Joseph Massey 422/C ('95)
RTE.1 c BOK 780, Renda, AL 35133
Herbert F. Meagher 422/M ('95)
18228 MontanlVorlgrark, IL 60642
O. Paul Merz
1349 Norfolk 95)
Gilbert Helwig 423/M C96)
0006 Ontario Rd, P55. Nilo, M149120
Jerome Eisenmen 423/HO 3BN (96)
227 Buena VleTAr.,ety,,Utry. CA 94013
Richard L. Rigatti 423/B
113 Woodshir4e ,I=gb. PA 15215
William K. Rowan 424/K
213 Country Club Rd. Shelby. NC 28150
Major H. Hill 424/B (P7)
36750 N. 1CerrartEgeside, IL 60041
Lyman C. Maples, 422/K (97)
608 Wilk,' St. Dalton, GA 30720
Dr. Richard W. Peterson, 423/I (97)
1285 Rubenstein. Cardiff by the Sew CA 92,E7
Edwin C. Huminski, 424/F (98)
1112 2 Bon 258, Rock wood. PA 15557-9223
Alan W. Jones, Jr. 423/HQ 1Bn (98)
9100 Berko, Woods Pkwy tr233. FL Beier, VA 22060
William Malone, 423/B ('Sc)
3911 Entire, Drive. Nashville, TN 37207
Thomas J. Riggs, 81st Eng/HQ ('98)
6 Olive Streztyztny. 8102906
John N. Swett, 423/H (98)
my. OW Tavern Road. Oak Brook. IL 60521
Levene Weigel, 422/H (95)
1380 DetnocracOlcneZyre. FL 32940
Col. Joseph Matthews,. 422/HQ (Life)
4706 Western= rle. NC 27606
Index for: Vol. 50 No. 1, Oct, 1993
Index for This Document
106th Div., 64, 67, 68, 70106th Inf. Div., 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 24, 26, 33, 36, 40, 44, 46, 47, 48, 50, 66, 72, 73
106th Infantry Division Association, 1, 4, 6, 10, 12, 18, 24, 33, 36, 40, 44, 47, 50, 70, 73
106th Monument at St. Vith, 60
2nd Div., 56
2nd Inf. Div., 48
331st Med., 60
331st Med. BN, 60
422/K, 31, 36, 75
422/M, 9, 31, 36, 37, 74
422nd Inf., 12, 53
423rd Inf., 12, 56, 64
423rd Inf. Regt., 56
423rd Regt., 11, 61
424/A, 31, 40, 56
424/C, 9, 31, 40, 70
424/D, 31, 41
424/E, 32, 41, 58, 64
424/G, 32, 41
424/I, 32, 41
424/L, 8, 32, 42
424th Cbt. Inf. Regt., 1, 50, 61
424th Inf. Regt., 2, 50, 61
424th Regt., 50, 61, 69
589th FA, 32
589th FA BN, 32
590th FA BN, 23, 32, 66
591st FA BN, 32
591st FAB, 32
592nd FA BN, 32
592nd FAB, 32
66th Inf. Div., 64
80th Inf. Div., 60
81st Eng/Hq, 32, 42
81st Engr., 20, 48
'A Time For Trumpets', 14
Aachen, 67
Adams, John, 8
Albertson, Harry E., 35
Alford, Barney, 44
Alford, Barney M., 44
Ansel, Joseph, 36
Ardennes, 15
Arlington National Cemetery, 4
Arvold, Norman W., 40
Avery, Charles W., 37
Ayers, Paul, 40, 56
Ayers, Paul C., 56
Bad Orb, 27, 58, 60
Bailey, Gibbs, 8
Bailey, Harold M., 41
Bandurak, Walt, 70
Bandurak, Walter, 70
Barker, Thomas, 34
Barnes, Ralph, 38
Basel, 38
Basel, Theodore, 38
Battle of the Bulge, 1, 4, 24, 26, 64, 66
Beale, Sidney H., 41
Belgium, 2, 4, 15, 26, 29, 56, 60, 66, 67
Bell, Roger, 44
Bell, Roger W., 44
Bennett, Robert, 38
Bennett, Robert F., 38
Biancamano, Domenic P., 39
Bied, Dan, 14
Bielski, Raymond J., 36
Black, Ewell C., 26
Black, Ewell C., Jr., 26
Black, Rev. Ewell C., 73
Black, Rev. Ewell C., Jr., 73
Black, William C., 8
Bladen, John A., 37
Blodgett, John, 56
Bloomingburg, George, 38
Boatright, Winford R., 36
Boggs, Oliver B., 35
Books, 6
Born, 58, 70
Boschert, Paul, 28
Bowles, Ralph, 34
Bradfield, Ken, 45
Bradfield, Kenneth, 45
Brankin, William, 34
Brankin, William J., 34
Braunschweig, 62, 64
Bretton, 40
Brogan, Leo J., 37
Brooks, Douglas, 42, 50, 74
Brooks, John, 58
Brooks, John W., 58
Broussard, Fred, 39
Broussard, Fred J., 39
Browning, Roy, 37
Brunswick, 62
Bryan, Ken, 36
Bryan, Kenneth, 36
Bryan, Kenneth V., 36
Bryant, John H., 9
Burke, James R., 9
Burkes, Robert A., 40
Burrell, James, 37
Burrell, James V., 37
Butterfield, Wallace, 27
Call, Geo, 40
Call, George, 40
Camp Atterbury, 15, 48, 56, 61, 62, 69, 70
Camp Atterbury, IN, 48
Camp Blanding, FL, 56, 64, 66
Camp Forest, TN, 60
Camp Lucky Strike, 66
Caplan, Bert, 42
Capshaw, Clifton, 39
Carawan, Chris, 41
Carr, Fred, 42
Carr, Fred A., 42
Carrigan, Bernard P., 9
Carter, Tiller, 40
Carter, Tiller E., 40
Carver, Dale, 1, 41
Casenhiser, Robert D., 37
Cassidy, Wiley L., 61
Cavender, Col., 56, 58
Cavender, Col. C. C., 58
Chase, Fred, 34
Chase, Fred B., 34
Chesney, 35
Chesney, Lonas, 35
Chesney, Lonas L., 35
Childs, Dean, 33
Childs, Dean F., 33
Christianson, Ed, 58
Christianson, Edward, 58
Christianson, Edward L., 58
Clark, Dr., 45
Clark, Dr. James, 45
Clark, Dr. James I., 45
Clark, Felix B., 9
Clarke, Walter, 45
Clarke, Walter C., 45
Co. I, 423rd Inf. Regt., 56
Coffey, Douglas S., 24
Collins, John, 42
Collins, John P., 42
Collins, Sherod, 1, 2, 36, 73
Collins, Virgil, 36
Cooper, James A., 40
Cooper, Louis, 39
Cooper, Louis M., 39
Costa, Anton, 40
Costa, Antone, 40
Costa, Lawrence, 40
Costa, Lawrence B., 40
Coulee, 2
Crook, Herbert, 18
Crosby, Lloyd R., 40
Cullinan, Charles, 60
Cullinan, Charles V., 60
Cunningham, Lou, 33
Cunningham, Louis, 33
Cunningham, Louis E., 33
Dahl, 44
Dashner, Robert, 37
Dashner, Robert F., 37
Datte, Charles & Nancy, 18
Daugherty, William R., 41
Davis, William E., 9
Dean, Verner, 37
Dean, Verner W., 37
Dechiara, Joseph, 43
DeChiara, Joseph A., 43
Deisher, Curtis G., 42
DeLaval, Dr., 15
DeLaval, Dr. Maurice, 2
Denmark, 25
Diehl, Lloyd, 38
Diehl, Lloyd J., 38
Direnzo, Peter L., 33
Dodge, William, 42
Dodge, William L., 42
Donaldson, Walter, 44
Donaldson, Walter W., 44
Dorn, Ed, 53
Doxsee, Clifford, 25
Dresden, 62, 64
Duke, Monroe, 24
Duke, Monroe C., 24
Dupuy, Col. R. Ernest, 15
Eckblad, Wesley, 34
Edelman, Louis, 39
Edwards, Carl E., 34
Eisenman, Jerome, 38, 73
Elbe, 62
Eldridge, Robert, 35
Eldridge, Robert D., 35
Elliott, Adams E., 60
Ellsworth, Perry R., 9
English, Daniel F., 45
Ephraim, Harry M., 44
Eupen, 67
Eupen Belgium, 67
Eupen, Belgium, 67
Ezell, John E., 37
Farris, Fred, 33
Farris, Fred J., 33
Fisher, Leland R., 42
Fitzgerald, Gilbert, 22
Fleharty, William P., 45
Forsyth, John L., 38
Fox, Robert J., 35
Frampton, Pete, 69
France, 29, 64, 66
Frank, Florian, 45
Frank, Florian R., 45
Freedman, Henry, 34
Freedman, Henry E., 34
Freng, Luther, 60
Freng, Luther W., 60
Frye, Norwood, 42
Frye, Norwood A., 42, 74
Ft. Jackson, SC, 4, 26, 28, 46, 47, 48, 51, 60, 64, 70
Ft. Lewis, WA, 62
Gaggin, Verner S., 9
Gaither, Jack L., 34
Galaxy Tours, 24
Gallagher, John, 20
Garn, Charles S., 70
Geneva, 68
Germany, 27, 28, 48, 50, 58, 62, 66, 67
Gerolstein, 27, 58
Gilbert, Dan, 37
Gilbert, Daniel W., 37
Gilliland, John, 45
Ginther, Keith, 35
Goldberg, Arnold, 9
Goldberg, Ephraim, 37
Gorlitz, 62, 64
Gorlitz, Germany, 64
Grasso, Salvatore, 36
Grasso, Salvatore V., 36
Gregory, John, 1, 10
Grimes, Robert, 37
Grivetti, Louis, 39
Grivetti, Louis G., 39
Groslangenfeld, 64
Gross, Joseph, 45, 74
Haas, Milton G., 36
Hall, John L., 74
Hammelburg, 58
Hanke, Arthur, 33
Hanna, Robert R., 34
Hanover, 50
Harrington, Ralph A., 34
Hartman, Willard, 45
Hartman, Willard G., 45
Hauxwell, Burton, 60
Hauxwell, Burton R., 60
Hay, Reuben, 39
Heck, Howell, 60
Heck, Howell H., 60
Heidepriem, Herbert, 8
Helmstedt, 62
Helmstedt, Germany, 62
Helwig, Gil, 11
Helwig, Gilbert, 12, 74
Hempel, Robert, 45
Henderson, Charley S., 35
Henning, James W., 8
Henry, Patrick F., 40
Hill, Cpl. Major, 1
Hill, Maj., 1
Hill, Maj. H., 40, 50, 74
Hinkle, Ray, 38, 53
Hinkle, Raymond A., 38
Hoff, Russ, 36
Hoff, Russell, 36
Hohenstein, John, 11
Honsfeld, 14
House, Pete, 23, 44, 64
Houston, William C., 36
Howard, John, 45
Howard, John W., 45
Hubert, Andre, 15
Huminski, Edwin C., 75
Humphrey, Don, 44
Hunter, David, 38
Iezzi, Calvin D., 62
Israel, 3
Ivy, William, 35
Ivy, William F., 35
Jarlock, Edward S., 40
Jenkins, Bill, 53
Jenkins, Hayward, 62
Jenkins, William, 35
Jenkins, William D., 35
Jennings, Vance, 10
Jensen, George, 36
Johannes, Walt, 38
Johannes, Walter E., 38
Johnson, Newton, 40
Johnston, Ray, 38
Johnston, Ray A., 38
Jones, Alan W., 22, 75
Jones, Alan W., Jr., 22, 75
Jones, Bill, 53
Jones, Robert K., 37
Jones, Russell P., 64
Jones, William, 35
Jones, William B., 35
Kawtoski, Edward J., 64
Kelly, George, 41
Kelly, George S., 41
Kennedy, Brown L., 38
Kennedy, Glen, 36, 53
Kennedy, Glen N., 36
Kernitzky, Len, 33
Kernitzky, Lennie I., 33
Kershner, Jesse, 53
Kersteiner, Don, 41
Kersteiner, Don W., 41
Kincannon, Clifford, 44
King, Basil R., 9
Kline, Dr. Robert E., 40
Kline, J., 58, 60, 62, 64, 66
Kline, John, 30, 33, 40, 68, 73
Kline, John P., 40, 73
Kortlang, Charles, 33
Kotlarich, Paul, 40
Krafchik, Jos, 33
Krafchik, Joseph, 33
Kucholick, Stanley, 40
Kucholick, Stanley J., 40
Kuizema, Harold, 48
Kups, Stanislaus, 33
Kushner, Howard H., 65
Lacey, Dave, 42
Lada, Theodore, 42
Landis, Robert, 41
Landis, Robert J., 41
Langham, Francis, 36
Langham, Francis S., 36
Lawlor, Martin, 35
Lawlor, Martin V., 35
Lawson, William J., 38
LeClair, William J., 40
LeHavre, 64, 66
Lehavre, France, 64, 66
Levine, George, 9
Levy, Louis H., 65
Lewis, Edwin D., 36
Lewis, Perry, 43
Lewis, Perry T., 43
Libman, Oliver, 40
Libman, Oliver E., 40
Liege, 67
Limburg, 20, 27, 58, 66
Limburg am lahn, 27
Linden, 20
Lion In the Way, 15
Litvin, Joseph, 38
Lomonaco, John, 34
London, 15
Long, Ivan, 37
Looney, James M., 36
Lord, Malcolm, 41
Lord, Malcolm E., 41
Lorient, 66
Lucas, William, 34
Lucas, William H., 34
Lucky Strike, 66
Luxembourg, 26, 66
Mabry, John W., 36
MacDonald, Charles B., 14, 24
Madsen, Bud, 53
Malmedy, 67
Maloney, Joseph, 40
Maloney, Joseph P., 40
Malueg, Russell, 36
Malueg, Russell J., 36
Manfredi, John, 42
Mann, William, 66
Maples, Lyman C., 75
Marcinkoski, Edward P., 61
Marsh, Robert, 38
Martin, Roland, 22
Massey, Joseph, 34, 74
Matthews, Col. Joseph, 75
Matthews, Robert, 45
Matusow, Harvey M., 66
Mayotte, Russ, 41
Mayotte, Russell, 20, 41
McCarron, Don, 40
McCarron, Donald J., 40
McCollum, Vollie, 33
McCollum, Vollie L., 33
McGrew, Edward, 70
McGrew, Edward T., 70
Meagher, Herbert F., 74
Meagher, Jim, 53
Meagher, Jr., Herbert, 37
Memorials, 73
Merz, O. Paul, 34, 73, 74
Merz, Paul, 1
Messina, Carl, 20, 42
Middleton, 33
Milkey, Robert G., 66
Miller, Jerome P., 10
Minor, Irvin, 45
Minor, Irvin G., 45
Mitchell, William C., 66
Moe, Wayne J., 58
Moorlehem, Arthur, 37
Morrissey, James, 44
Morrissey, James C., 44
Mosley, Newton, 45
Mosley, Newton L., 45
Moss, Chester R., 34
Muhlberg, 62
Muhlberg, Germany, 62
Nagle, Edward J., 42
Nausin, Frank, 1, 10
Nelson, Dr. Ralph, 17, 68
Nurnberg, 58
Nusbaum, Alfred, 37
Nusbaum, Alfred S., 37
Odessa, 66
Odom, Joseph, 40
Odom, Joseph C., 40
Olecki, Edward J., 34
Order of the Golden Lion, 12
Ortwine, Harold, 45
Ortwine, Harold W., 45
Oxford, 41
Oxford, Paul G., 41
Paananen, Arvo, 9
Paananen, Eugene, 35
Paananen, Eugene E., 35
Passariello, Louis, 41
Patterson, Fletcher, 36
Patterson, Fletcher D., 36
Patton, Oliver, 17
Pawluk, Walter S., 34
Pearl Harbor, 62
Petersen, Walter A., 38
Peterson, Dick, 1
Peterson, Richard, 1, 38
Peterson, Richard W., 38, 75
Peyser, Charles, 2, 50
Peyser, Charles S., 1
Phelan, William, 35
Phelan, William R., 35
Piazza, Louis R., 40
Pierce, Waldo, 22
Pilkington, Fred, 34
Pilkington, Fred A., 34
Pinney, Gordon, 1, 37
Pinney, Gordon B., 1, 37
Post, Lawrence, 35
Post, Lawrence W., 35
Praznik, Louis, 42
Pretty, Emor, 20, 38
Pretty, Emor C., 38
Prewett, Ed, 41
Prewett, Edward, 2, 15, 41
Prewett, Edward A., 1, 2, 4, 41, 50, 73, 74
Prince, Robert, 9
Prisoner of War, 20
Prum, 27
Puett, Col., 38
Puett, Col. Joseph, 38
Purcell, Thomas I., 34
Purtell, William, 9
Rabb, Raymond A., 68
Raleigh, Milburn R., 45
Rasmussen, Delbert, 45
Redmond, Dean, 36
Rennes, 64
Reunions, 18, 68
Reynolds, James, 35
Reynolds, James E., 35
Richards, Charles, 70
Richards, Charles W., 9, 70
Rieck, Chuck, 53
Riels, John O., 38
Rigatti, Richard, 1
Rigatti, Richard L., 74
Riggs, Col., 42
Riggs, Col. Thomas, 42
Riggs, Col. Thomas J., 42
Riggs, Col. Tom, 48
Riggs, Thomas J., 73, 75
Riggs, Tom, 1
Ringer, Bob, 22
Ringer, Robert, 45
Ringer, Robert C., 45
Ritchie, Richard R., 40
Robb, Dr., 34
Robb, Dr. John, 34
Robb, Dr. John G., 34, 73
Robb, John, 1
Roberts, John, 45
Roberts, John M., 45
Roper, Ed, 68
Rowan, William, 42
Rowan, William K., 42, 74
Roy, Charles, 44
Roy, Charles J., 44
Russin, Pete, 41
Russin, Peter, 41
Ruth, Clarence J., 41
Rutland, 1st Sgt., 50
Rutland, 1st Sgt. Roger, 1
Rutland, Mattie, 2, 47
Rutland, Roger, 1, 2, 4, 10, 20, 41, 50
Rutland, Roger M., 41, 50
Rutledge, Boyd, 34
Rutledge, Boyd A., 12, 34, 73
Rutt, Robert, 34
Rutt, Robert E., 34
Rydbom, Robert M., 61
Rydzinski, Edward, 36
Samples, L. Orvis, 45
Sanders, Joseph T., 34
Sandtviet, Arthur, 34
Sartori, Charles, 38
Saucerman, E., 34
Saucerman, Eugene, 34
Saucerman, Eugene L., 34
Schaffner, John, 48
Schmude, Earl, 17
Schonberg, 56, 58
Schutte, Phillip F., 9
Serino, Mike P., 8
Sharpell, Howard W., 68
Shaver, Robert, 68
Shaver, Robert M., 68
Sheehan, John, 38
Sheehan, John P., 38
Shipley, William F., 68
Shoffit, Al, 38
Shoffit, Alfred W., 38
Siegfried Line, 15
Siekierski, Al, 45, 68
Siekierski, Aloisius V., 45, 68
Singletary, Samuel J., 69
Skardon, Alvin W., 44
Slaby, Ted, 38
Smith, Ken, 38
Smith, Kenneth, 38
Smith, Kenneth M., 38
Smith, Lawrence W., 41
Smith, William F., 9
Smith, William F., Jr., 9
Smythe, Willis, 36, 53
Smythe, Willis A., 36
Snovel, Bob, 53
Snovel, Robert, 36
Snovel, Robert I., 36
Snyder, Walt, 44
Snyder, Walter, 44
Snyder, Walter M., 44
St. Vith, 4, 15, 56, 60, 66, 67
'St. Vith - Lion In The Way', 15
St. Vith, Belgium, 4, 60
Stafford, Harlan I., 10
Stalag 4-B, 58, 60, 62, 64, 66
Stalag 8-A, 62, 64
Stalag IV-B, 27
Stalag XII-A, 27
Starmack, John, 36
Starmack, John S., 36
Stauff, John, 45
Stauff, John H., 45
Stewart, Douglas L., 10
Stewart, John, 36, 60
Stewart, John T., 36
Stoehr, Martin G., 37
Stolp, Robert R., 44
Straub, Ted J., 9
Streeter, William, 44
Streeter, William R., 44
Sulser, Jack, 1, 17, 38
Sulser, Jack A., 4, 38, 73
Sweet, Dale, 33
Swett, John, 1, 38
Swett, John A., 38
Swier, Ted, 44
Tarantino, Joseph C., 36
Task Force, 58
Task Force Baum, 58
Tennessee Maneuvers, 48
Thome, Michael, 2, 34
Thome, Mike, 1, 20
Time For Trumpets, 14
Tomases, Dr., 40
Tomases, Dr. Ralph, 40
Totura, Stanley, 9
Tourey, Ben, 68
Tower, William O., 33
Toy, Waid, 36
Toy, Waid S., 36
Tranchita, Paul A., 37
Trautman, Frank, 27
Trautman, Frank S., 10
Trost, Paul, 38
Trost, Paul M., 38
Turner, Howard, 9
Twardzik, Ray, 33
Twardzik, Raymond, 33
Twardzik, Raymond J., 33
Valley Forge Military Academy, 26
van Moorlehem, Arthur, 20, 37
Vance, George, 20, 22, 34
Vance, George T., 34
Vandegrift, Kenneth, 33
Vaughn, Ray, 36
Vaughn, Ray R., 36
VBOB, 11, 26
Veterans Of The Battle Of The Bulge, 4, 26
Viborg, Denmark, 25
Vielsalm, 15
Vietnam, 63
Villwock, Russ, 33
Villwock, Russel, 33
Villwock, Russell, 18, 33
Villwock, Russell H., 33
Vitali, Al, 41
Vitali, Alfred, 41
Vitali, Alfred L., 41
Walden, Lawrence, 41
Walker, Robert, 34
Walker, Robert F., 34
Wasik, Joseph A., 9
Weigel, Levene, 75
Weiner, Milton, 18
Weiss, Newt, 38
Weiss, Newton, 38
Weiss, Newton W., 38
Wells, James, 43
Wells, James E., 43
Wells, Jim, 1
West Germany, 67
Whitner, Don, 35
Whitner, Donald R., 35
Wiggins, James W., 33
Wilkinson, Henry (Richie), 69
Williams, Fred, 38
Williams, Lawrence, 34
Williams, Lawrence R., 34
Williams, Oliver G., 44
Winterspelt, 50
Winterspelt, Germany, 50
Wojahn, Ed, 64, 66
Wojahn, Edward, 45, 46
Wood, Vernon T., 37
Woodward, Jack, 44
Wyatt, Van, 41
Wyatt, Van S., 41
Yingst, William, 38
Yingst, William J., 38
York, Robert, 34
York, Robert E., 34
Young, Damon, 38
Young, Damon F., 38
Youngblood, Charles, 38
Youngblood, Charles E., 38
Zicker, Gordon, 36
Zicker, Gordon B., 36
Ziegenhain, 28
Ziegenhain, Germany, 28
Zullig, Charles, 17, 38