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Vol. 19, No. 5, Jun., 1961

President Henry M. Broth
Vice-President Robert Pierce
Adjutant and Treasurer Richard DeHeer
Chaplain . John Loveless
Historian Sherod Collins
    The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $5.00 per year which includes subscription to the CUB. Editor .Wayne Black The CUB is printed by --
The Morris Printing Co., Waterloo, IOWA 50701
All editorial matter should be addressed to: Wayne Black, 306 Williston Ave., Waterloo, lows 50702
All business matters, renewals of memberships, etc., should be addressed to:
Richard DeHeer, 19 Hopkins St., Hillsdale, New Jersey
Back issues of the CUB may be obtained when available for $1.00 each. Send orders to the adjutant.

     As my tenure in office as President of the Association draws to a close, I would again like to thank the membership for giving me the opportunity to serve them in this capacity.
     In about two months, as I write this, we will assemble in Cleveland for the 1963 Convention, and as you all know, this is the highlight of the Association year. Now is the time to start making plans to attend, and to spread the word around to all of our former 106th buddies by either writing, calling, or talking about it. Bring your wives, children, and even girlfriends. Bob Pierce and his committee have been working very hard to give us a good Convention and according to the schedule, it should go over with bang.
     We as members of the 106th Infantry Division Association have much in common to bind us together, and have too much at stake to neglect our past accomplishments, the most important of which to date has been the erection of our Memorial and presently its maintenance. There are still many more projects which we can undertake to bring more prestige to our Association. Wayne Black is now working on having a commemorative stamp issued by the Belgian Government, of which we will have more details at the Convention.
     It is difficult to imagine the amount of detail work done by our Adjutant, CUB Editor, and Chaplain. As President, I have learned this and cannot miss the opportunity to give them the 0 praise and thanks which they so well deserve. I also want to thank the rest of the Committees who worked through the year.
I hope to see all of you in Cleveland.

     The Rev. John B. Day (Div Hq) on Sunday 28 April celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. He is now serving the parish of Saint Cabrini Church, located at 1020 North Milton Avenue, Springfield, Illinois. He served the 106th Division as Assistant Division Chaplain throughout World War II. After the Anniversary Mass, a parish dinner was held in honor of Father Day. We know that his host of friends in the 106th will join in wishing him well on this anniversary.

     Convention Chairman Bob Pierce has continued putting every available moment of time into setting up plans for a fine convention in Cleveland on 25 to 28 July. The Pick-Carter Hotel is awaiting our invasion, and all is in readiness there. Since the last issue of the CUB went to press, Chairman Pierce has found out that the Thompson Products Museum will be closed for moving at the time of our convention. He is still working on finding a suitable replacement for this in our convention program, and guarantees that we will have something equally as interesting as this would have been. Among the features he has under consideration are the Goodtime Boat Company's tours of the Cleveland area and the General Electric Lamp Research Center at Nela Park, just outside Cleveland. We can promise that whatever Bob arranges will be most interesting and worthwhile.
     Co-Chairman Jean Pierce is making arrangements for a special motion picture for the ladies and a record hop for the children and teenagers during the men's business meeting on Saturday afternoon.
     Registration fees for this year's convention will be $22.00 for adults, $18.00 for teenagers, and $15.00 for children under 12. These fees will be payable upon arrival at the convention registration and hospitality headquarters at the Pick-Carter. We urge members intending to attend the convention to send in the hotel reservation registration card included with the last CUB, if they have not done so already, at least ten days in advance of the opening of the convention. If you have misplaced the card, a letter to the Pick-Carter Hotel, 1012 Prospect Avenue, Cleveland 15, Ohio will be sufficient. Be sure to include the following information: Date and time of day of arrival, date of departure, type of accommodations desired (single room $8.00, double room $10.00, twin room $12.00), and the information that the reservation is for the 106th Infantry Division Association Convention. This last bit of information is most important. It is the fact that you will be part of a group that makes such an attractive rate in a deluxe, large city hotel possible.
     There is always plenty to do in Cleveland. Plan now to arrive early and stay late to take in some of the lake cruises, museums, major league baseball, or whatever other attraction may appeal to you. The Cleveland Indians baseball schedule for the latter part of July is as follows (home games only): July 23 (night), July 24 (twi-night doubleheader), July 25 (afternoon), the Minnesota Twins; July 26 (night), July 27 (afternoon), July 23 (afternoon doubleheader), the Kansas City Athletics ; July 29 (night), July 30 (night), July 31 (night), the Los Angeles Angels. Among the many museums in the area, mention should be made of the Cleveland Museum of Art, the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, the Cleveland Health Museum, the Western Historical Society Museum, and the Dunham Tavern. Other points of interest include the Aquarium, the Planetarium, and the Zoo.
     We once more urge everyone who has not already done so to dispatch a card or letter immediately to the Pick-Carter Hotel for reservations so as not to miss one minute of the pleasure that will be spread out for your enjoyment in Cleveland the latter part of July.
     Be sure to attend the convention so you can take part in the business meeting of the Association. There are to be at least two important appointments to be made. If you don't attend, you won't be able to raise your voice on these and other important matters to be decided.

     Plans are being made by Doug Coffey and Tom Bickford for holding the 1964 Convention at the Hotel Suburban in East Orange, New Jersey. They have been working on finding a suitable location for the 1964 Reunion ever since they were invited by the membership at the Annapolis Convention to make arrangements. They report that the proposed site is only 20 minutes from Newark Airport, 5 minutes from Erie-Lackawanna Railroad Station, and 5 minutes from the Garden State Parkway. A better deal will probably be available there than in New York City proper. Tours can be arranged from there, and regular transportation will be offered to the World's Fair. Both Doug and Tom hope to be in Cleveland to give further details and to answer questions any one may have concerning the proposed convention site and facilities.
Meet all your friends in Cleveland. They're going to be there!

     Leo McMahon (Div Arty) reports g that his stepdaughter, Carol McNair, graduated from high school in June and will enter Asbury College, Kentucky in September. His step-son who came home from a year on Okinawa with the Marine Corps a corporal has reenlisted in the Air Force. He is now at Electronic School at Kessler Air Force Base, Mississippi.
     President Henry Broth reports that the doctor has given him the green light to start back to work again for a few hours a day in May. He reports that it feels great to get going again, even though he is dead tired by night. He is hoping to be with us in Cleveland.
     We are happy to see that the movie critic for the The New Yorker took the unusual step in his review of "The Ugly American" of singling out screenplay writer Stewart Stern by name for having converted what he considered basically a bad novel into a good motion picture. Stewart is a former member of the 106th.
     Ray Creamer (Sv 589) sends his regrets at being unable to get his vacation scheduled at the appropriate time for attending the conventions. That is all that keeps him away each year. He would like to hear from his old friends in the 589th.

     Adjutant wanted for 106th Infantry Division Association. No previous experience necessary. Must have Number "106" and Golden Lion emblem tattooed on brain. Present incumbent desires to take up just for once the position of a private in the rear rank. All those interested apply to new president of Association at Pick-Carter Hotel, Cleveland, Ohio, on afternoon of 27 July 1963.


     Jim Hatch (DHQ, 422), a former president of the Association, has sent us a resume of the headlines of the Paris edition of Stars and Stripes during 1944 and 1945. We feel sure that all of us who lived through these times will find them very interesting. Jim is unable to furnish the headlines for the period of December to mid-March 1945 for obvious reasons. We would appreciate it if any one who reads this could fill in the gap.

17 6 Allied Armies Attack in West;
Ninth Hurled in North of First
20 Yanks Overrun Third of Metz
22 2,300 U. S. Planes Storm Reich;
66 Nazis Shot Down
Nazis Retreat on 100 Mile Front
16 Red Split Krakow Line
13 First Army 4 Miles Past Rhine
24 Third Crosses Rhine
25 Rhine Crossed in North by Three Allied Armies
26 Yanks Break Rhine Line, Pour Through Three Gaps
27 Nazi Defenses Crumbling; Third's Tanks Cross Main
28 British Break Through
29 Seventh, Third Join Past Rhine
30 Frankfurt Falls to Third
1 Fifteenth Army Joins Battle
2 Rhine Trap Is Closed
3 Monty Racing Northward
4 Nazis Face Holland Trap
5 Third Army Captures Kassel
6 Ninth Drives Toward Elbe
8 15 Miles from Bremen
9 British Guns Shell Bremen
10 Nazis Trapped in Holland
11 Ninth Army Enters Hanover
12 Yanks 70 Miles from Berlin, Reach Elbe; Essen Falls
13 Roosevelt Dies
14 Truman Takes Helm
15 Von Papen Captured; Yanks Drive for Red Line
16 Foe Stands Before Berlin
17 Ninth Battles Across Elbe; Reds Open Drive
18 Reds First Encircling Leipzig
19 Yanks Cross Czech Border
20 Leipzig Falls
21 Reds in Berlin's Suburbs
22 Reds Shell Berlin's Heart
23 Street Battles Raging Inside Blazing Berlin
24 Reds 10 Miles Into Berlin; Konev Reaches Elbe
25 Third of Berlin Taken; Ulm Seized by Allies
26 Reich Armies Smashed, Allied Chiefs Proclaim
27 Heart Of Berlin Reached
28 First Army Yanks Link with Reds
29 Truman and Ike Deny It's Over
30 Two-Power Peace Bid Rejected, Says Moscow
1 Two New Yank-Red Linkups
2 Hitler Dead
3 Nazis Surrender in Italy
4 Nazis Quit in Holland, Denmark, North Reich
6 Nazi Army Group Quits, Norway's Fall Expected
9 Allied World Celebrates as Peace Comes to ETO
10 Terms Ratified in Berlin ; Yanks Capture Goering
11 Here's GI Discharge Plan
15 500 B-29's Bomb Nagoya
10 Only 254,539 in ETO Have 85 Points
11 Third and Seventh Will Occupy Reich; Ninth Ending Job Here
9 42 Divisions to Be Home By Year's End; 106th in November
2 Japanese Surrender To Be Signed Today


Anthony Arminio (L 423), 172 Main Street, East Haven, Connecticut
John Early Jr. (F 422), 9284 Mason Creek Road, Norfolk, Virginia
Robert A. Gilmartin (H 424), 3320 Cortelyou, Road, Brooklyn, New York.
David Gish (Hq, B 589), 23673 West Grove Street, South Bend, Indiana
William Johnson (K 424), 1112 Savannah Street S. E., Apt. 13, Washington 32, D. C.
Paul Kotlarich (M 423), Westbrook Road, R. D. 1, Newfoundland, New Jersey.
Herbert S. Livesey (DHQ), 141 Beach Avenue, Mamaroneck, New York.
Allen L. Lowith (Cn 423), 1062 South Mansfield, Los Angeles 19, California.
J. J. Searcy, 153 N. Hanley Road, Clayton 5, Missouri.
Walter M. Snyder (A 589), 2901 Dunmore Road, Dundalk 22, Maryland.

TOTAL FOR 1962-1963 ..185 TOTAL FOR 1961-1962 ........................214

by AWJ
     Since the readers of this column will assemble at the Pick-Carter Hotel on July 25, it seems appropriate that they be briefed on local history and some of the tribal customs. This scoop is the bonus which our readers have come to expect, and these items are not to be found in guide books. In the beginning, the site where Cleveland now stands was a deep and limitless forest inhabited by wild beasts and Indians. Into this wilderness, in 1796, came Moses Cleaveland with his party of surveyors and axe-men to lay out a town for the Connecticut Land Company, which, in the preceding year had purchased from the state of Connecticut a large portion of the Western Reserve including 120 miles of Lake Erie shore. After a series of bouts with crudo, ague and bug-bites, the group hot-footed it back to Connecticut leaving a town of eight hardy souls bearing the name of Cleaveland. Shortly thereafter, in 1818, a newspaper was established. It was called the Cleveland Gazette

     Editor wanted for this magazine. No previous experience necessary or perhaps even desirable. Applicant can set own hours for job, so long as they are long enough. Guaranteed 100% pay raise every six months, starting with no pay. Must be capable of making bulky magazine from virtually nothing, and getting it out regularly. May occasionally get some word of thanks. Incumbent feels that drop of membership and near total lack of cooperation by membership indicates desirability of change. Apply: New President, 106th Infantry Division Association, Pick-Carter Hotel, Cleveland, Ohio, afternoon of 27 July.


Dear Members (and Ought-to-be Members):
     The time has come to TALK TURKEY about MEMBERSHIP for 1963-1964. Many of you are counting the days until our reunion in Cleveland in July. We know that you folks will renew your membership.
     However, some of you may not get to Cleveland. Still, you will want to maintain your membership and continue to take an active interest in the Association. Last year, in addition to the Annapolis reunion and the CUB activities, we had more than a dozen local and area dinners and get-togethers. Some of them were big ones and all were good ones. It will be even better this year.


    Don't burden your Adjutant, CUB editor, and other busy Association Officers with an extra job of reminding you several times that IT'S TIME TO JOIN UP AGAIN!
RICHARD DE HEER, ADJUTANT, 106th Infantry Division Association, 19 Hopkins Street, Hillsdale, New Jersey.
106th Infantry Division Association
( ) Check here and enclose $5.00 for dues and CUB subscription for year ending 30 June 1964.
    ( ) Check here and enclose $2.00 extra to enroll your wife as a member of the 106th Infantry Division Association Auxiliary.
( ) Next to kin and hospitalized veterans check here for free membership and CUB subscription.
Extra if you wish to contribute to the Memorial Funds.
    Use the back of this form to tell us what you're doing now, and anything else about yourself and your family for publication in the CUB. Also list the names and addresses of your friends who were in the 106th and are not presently members of the Association.
What unit of the 106th were you in?
    Please send in your dues promptly. Make checks payable to the 106th Infantry Division Association. Mail to: Richard DeHeer, Adjutant, 106th Infantry Division Association, 19 Hopkins Street, Hillsdale, New Jersey.
and here is the reason:
     Editor: First of all we must decide on a name for the newspaper we are launching in Cleveland, Ohio. Financial Editor: The name must always be giving our rag a dignified status image.
Sports Editor: We can't use this guy Cleaveland's name. Who ever heard of the Cleaveland Indians?
     Chairman of the Board: This paper will be called the Cleveland Gazetter. That should satisfy our sports type when Tris Speaker wins the World Series in 1920 from Brooklyn and again when Lou Boudreau takes it in 1948. Then later, if we think the name Gazetter is too fancy we could use a plain name, like Dealer.
     And thus it was that Cleveland got its name and, as a follow-up, it may be noted that Moses later changed his name to the new spelling and that our 22d and 24th president used the same name.
In the year 1842, Charles Dickens visited Cleveland and in his American Notes, noted:
     I was so incensed when a certain newspaper advocated war with England to the death, saying "Britain must be 'whipped' again" and promising all true Americans that within two years they should sing Yankee Doodle in Hyde Park, that when the mayor came to present himself, I refused to see him. His Honour took it coolly, and pulling out a huge knife started working lustily on a stick at the same time staring at the closed door of my cabin.
Newton D. Baker was a local man. He is famous for drying up the Navy.
    John D. Rockefeller and Mark Hanna were attending Cleveland schools while John Ford and William Otis manufactured iron castings on a nearby island. Thomas A. Edison came from this part of the State and was still struggling along when a fellow named Bush invented and installed the first arc lights on the streets.
     In addition to important leaders, one must understand their politics in order to know the people. One day we were explaining the recent Ohio elections to a couple of visiting Clevelanders, when the lady whose bills we try to pay joined our lecture class. To start us right, her first question was, "How come you are a noted authority on Ohio politics?" We smiled tolerantly, watching her left at the same time. "Our father came from near here," we explained. "He ran for sherriff of an adjoining county." "I suppose he was trying to legalize his collection of horses, and that explains why you were born in Washington," she rationalized. "It proves our voters are conservative," said the fat Clevelandite. "No, it proves they are liberal," contradicted the slim one. "Your conservatives are extreme rightists and very dangerous to liberty." "Not so," bellowed the other, "your liberals are leftists; they are Communists and ought to be run out of the country." "My," said our expensive girlfriend, "your simple example of politics has given us two cases of distemper. You better fire the retro rockets."
     And so, my friends, an end to trifling. Our hope is that it will be possible for all of you to be present at our annual assembly. We look forward to it.


     There's no time like the present! Actually, to get right down to cases, when it comes to getting in your reservations for the Cleveland Convention, there's no time but the present! If you haven't already sent in the card which arrived with April-May CUB, you'd better do it before the sun sets again. If you don't have the card -- if the baby chewed it up beyond recognition, or if your wife used it for copying a recipe for a friend, or if your favorite teenager used it for a list of indispensable phone numbers -- write a letter instead. See our article concerning the Convention in this issue for a check list of the information you should furnish. If you have to write on the margins of the Police Gazette and use Uncle Henry's rare Zeppelin air mail stamps for postage, get those reservations in the mail now. The Pick-Carter Hotel wants to hear from you, and Bob Pierce is expecting you to be there.

     From the vantage point of the editor's chair, it is evident that very few of the members are eager to pitch in for the good of the Association. One of the foremost of them is always the member carrying the load of arranging the annual convention. We happen to know that Bob Pierce has been working nearly seventy hours a week at his regular occupation the past year, and has still found time to take care of the multitudinous details of arranging our Cleveland convention. If it were only out of gratitude to him, every one of us should show up in Cleveland to show that we appreciate his efforts. Actually, though, he isn't expecting any one's thanks at Cleveland. He just wants everyone there to share in the whale of a time he has arranged for us.

     There's no time like the present! This time, we mean that there's no time like the present for lifting out the center fold of this issue of the CUB and sending it in properly filled out with the proper remittance. How great it would be if just this one time, we could come into a convention with the majority of our membership already paid up. Instead of using the usual mimeographed form inserted in the CUB for a renewal reminder, we are this time inserting a printed form which is bound into the CUB, but which can be removed without destroying any of the rest of the CUB or disrupting the pagination. We hope that you will fill this form out right away and send it in. If you put it off, though, it will be bound in the center of this issue of the CUB until you do take care of it.


     Recently, I had the opportunity to see the new film, "The Longest Day," the dramatization of the Normandy Invasion on D-Day in June 1944. To some of us who served in the 106th, many scenes depicted would be reminiscent of experiences shared by us.
     The immensities of the operation months of planning, the thousands of ships and machines, the untold thousands of men, the grave decisions reached in anxious high-level meetings, the spontaneous actions of one or two individuals or small groups in isolated situations, all these show us vividly some of the things involved in a drive to reach successfully the goal before us in a contest with those who are our enemy and make us understand that until the mission is completed, the day cannot end but does become, indeed, the longest day.
Yesterday, I attended the dedication of the first stage of a new hospital.
     Here, too, were years of planning, the concerted efforts of hundreds, yes thousands, of people to bring to fruition a place where the enemy, sickness and disease, can be overcome by the knowledge and ministrations of doctors and nurses and the loving care of those associated with them. Until their task is completed, these, too, are experiencing the longest day. Whatever each day may bring us, we can and should well say with the Psalmist:
"This is the day which the Lord bath made ; let us rejoice and be glad in it." -- Psalm 118:24
John T. Loveless, Jr.
106th Infantry Division Association



     Our cover photo shows Major William C. Baker (C of S, DHQ) decorating Dr. Maurice DeLaval of Vielsalm, Belgium with the Order of the Golden Lion in a ceremony at Headquarters, U. S. Army, Europe in Heidelberg, Germany where General Baker is now Chief of Staff. Other photos follow.
(Photo #2) Dr. DeLaval is congratulated by General Baker as Lt. Col. Sam Sam Cariano looks on
    (Photo #3) General Baker reads citation to Dr. DeLaval and Lt. Col. Cariano. (The citation was reproduced in the April-May CUB.)


    (Photo 40) Shown after the ceremony are (1. to r.): Mrs. William C. Baker, Dr. Maurice DeLaval, Mme. DeLaval, Maj. Gen. Baker.

     We've been talking about Cleveland long enough. Now is the time to do something about it. Get your reservations in today!!!
    Even if something should prevent your being in Cleveland, at least drop a note to Bob Pierce thanking him for his efforts at making the convention possible.

     Start the Association's New Year right by writing to all your friends in the 106th about how much you enjoy receiving the CUB and taking part in the Association activities. Tell them that membership for the coming year will be five dollars well spent.
    Who says one man isn't important to an organization? Remember, you wouldn't have become a member if someone man hadn't told you about it. Think of the hundreds of potential members who are waiting for someone man (perhaps you) to tell them of the benefits to be gained.


    By air-- All the major transcontinental lines include Cleveland. Cleveland's Airport is one of the nations largest and is the home of the NASA Space Propulsion Research Unit.
ag rail-- Excellent rail service is avail. able to Cleveland.
    By auto--Cleveland is located on U. S. transcontinental highways 6, 20, 42, and 21 and is the hub of Interstate Highways 71, 77, 80, and 00. It is just a few miles north of exits 10 and 11 on the Ohio Turnpike.
See 2/044 41


Index for: Vol. 19, No. 1, Aug., 1962

Index for This Document

106th Div., 1
106th Infantry Division Association, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 10
Arminio, Anthony, 6
Baker, Gen., 11
Baker, Maj. Gen., 11
Baker, Maj. William C., 11
Baker, Mrs. William C., 11
Berlin, 4, 5
Bickford, Tom, 3
Black, Wayne, 1
Bremen, 4
Broth, Henry, 1, 3
Broth, Henry M., 1
Cariano, Sam, 11
Coffey, Doug, 3
Collins, Sherod, 1
Creamer, Ray, 3
Day, Father, 1, 2
Day, Rev. John B., 1
DeHeer, Richard, 1, 7
DeLaval, Dr., 11
Delaval, Dr. Maurice, 11
Delaval, Mme., 11
Denmark, 5
Div. Arty, 3
Div. Chaplain, 1
Early, John, 6
Elbe, 4
Erie, 3, 6
Fifteenth Army, 4
First Army, 4, 5
Frankfurt, 4
Gilmartin, Robert A., 6
Gish, David, 6
Hanover, 4
Hatch, Jim, 4
Heidelberg, Germany, 11
Holland, 4, 5
Italy, 5
Johnson, William, 6
Kassel, 4
Kotlarich, Paul, 6
Leipzig, 4
Livesey, Herbert S., 6
Loveless, John, 1
Loveless, John T., Jr., 10
Lowith, Allen L., 6
Matthews, Joe, 7
McMahon, Leo, 3
McNair, Carol, 3
Metz, 4
Normandy Invasion, 10
Norway, 5
Okinawa, 3
Order Of The Golden Lion, 11
Paris, 4
Pierce, Bob, 1, 2, 9, 11
Pierce, Jean, 2
Pierce, Robert, 1
Rhine, 4
Searcy, J. J., 6
Snyder, Walter M., 6
Stars and Stripes, 4
Stern, Stewart, 3
The Longest Day, 10
Third Army, 4
Vielsalm, Belgium, 11