Original Cub Document
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Vol. 6, No. 3, Jan, 1950
Let's make a New Year's Resolution. When your chapter does something, tell us about it promptly. Reporting is generally pretty bad -- the chapters are very slow in sending in information for use in the CUB. For example, this is supposed to be the December-January issue. We told the chapters that we'd hold it up long enough so that they could report their December 16 reunions, with photos, for CUB use. But only our Metropolitan Chapter reported its affair to the CUB in time for detailed reporting in this issue, even though we delayed the issue two weeks beyond the usual time.
Chapter Presidents should keep in close touch with the CUB and with national headquarters. It's a fundamental part of their job.
I'd like to be able to count on getting a letter from each chapter at least once every two months. We can profit from interchange of ideas and discussion of problems, and your chapter will profit from detailed reporting of activities in the CUB.
The Association wants addresses on all of the following. Help us out, if you can!DICK LEARY, DHQ, or others who might give information about the death of James S. Hamilton at Stalag IX-C on 5 April 1945.
COL CHARLES GIRAND, whose mail is returned from Agua Dulce, Tex., marked "moved -- no forwarding address."
KENNETH PERRY, former vice-president of the Association, whose mail has been returned from addresses in Cincinnati and Indianapolis marked "left no forwarding address."
CHICAGO CHAPTER, showing one of the tables of their 1948 December reunion. Left to right. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Mueller (424/L). Jean Schubick, Larry Walden (424/H), Mr. and Mrs. Les Crossman (424/H), Kathy O'Brien, and Ken Blumenschein (424/2d Bn.)
John C. Hebenstreit: In a tragic mine accident, John C. Hebenstreit. Battery C, 589th Field Artillery Battalion, lost his life on October 25, 1949, near Shullsburg, Wisc. John, who honey-mooned with his wife Mary at our 1948 convention, was 25 years old, a graduate engineer, and an employee of the Calumet and Hecla Company. With the 106th from activation, he was captured on December 16. 1944 and was liberated on Good Friday, March 30, 1945. We mourn the untimely loss of a greatly respected comrade.Since 1947, about 1,800 different persons have belonged to the Association at one time or another. And, in the same period, we've had over 2,000 address changes for members. Boy, do they move around! It's okay when we are notified promptly, but if you move, you'll miss an issue or two of the CUB unless you let us know about it.
The CUB, official publication of The 106th Infantry Division Association, Inc., is published bi-monthly from editorial offices at 237 So. Manning Blvd., Albany 3. N. Y. Subscription rate $3 per year, including membership in the Association. The Editors invite all readers to submit manuscript, and photograph, for consideration for publication. All material is copyrighted, and may not be reproduced without permission from the Editors.
"I'm not going to renew my membership because I don't think I've been getting my money's worth out of the Association." I got a letter the other day that began with those words. And here is my reply.The fellow is perfectly right, if by "getting his money's worth" he means that he expects us to give him material things worth three dollars a year. The CUB only costs a few cents more than two dollars a year per member. When we have reunions and parties, we charge for them -- they are not paid for out of the national dues. We also charge for such things as lapel pins, division histories, etc. If he expects to get three hundred cents, worth of personal merchandise, publications, or entertainment out of his annual dues, he's got us all wrong. We're not selling memberships on that basis. But here are some of the things his three dollars goes to pay for -- and it's pretty hard to see how they help him directly.
1. Information for Nests-of-Kin:
The Association has obtained eye-witness accounts of the capture, last days, or death of more than 100 of our battle casualties. The letters we have received from parents and wives of our killed-in-action are a touching testimonial to the value of this service. As examples, a mother writes that it gave her consolation and joy to know that her son received the Sacraments shortly before he died. A wife writes that her infant son will always cherish the account we published of his father's heroic death. These things have no dollars-and-cents value to our individual members, but we leave it to you to judge their other worth.
2. Help to Members:
In 1949, we helped three of our members to get jobs. We interceded with the United States Civil Service Commission to get reinstatement and another chance for one of our fellows who had gotten in trouble and been fired. We helped 17 men establish disability claims by putting them in touch with witnesses. We went to bat for one veteran in a legal problem. These things too have no cash value to most of our members, but whose turn will it be next?'
3. Publicity:
Some of us came back. Many weren't so lucky. I think we owe a debt to those who took the sacrifice for us. Part of this debt we can discharge by telling how and why they died, and particularly by hammering away to erase the blot on their memories created by one sensational radio commentator who went off half-cocked. We haven't been able to do too much along these lines, but an impartial analysis of the facts show that the 106th has received more nationwide post-war publicity than any other Division which was in the E.T.O. As examples, three stories in the Saturday Evening Post, a fine division history by Col. Dupuy, an article about one of our men in the Ladies Home Journal, the annual newspaper publicity given to many of our December 16 reunions, the frequent mention of the 106th by Cedric Foster.
4. The Memorial Fund:
Our fund for scholarship grants to the children of our battle casualties is growing steadily. This is another way we can partially pay back our comrades who answered the last roll call in the Bulge.
The purpose of our organization can be sensed from the four counts listed above. The CUB is a means of holding the organization together to work toward its basic purposes. If you expect, as an individual, to get three dollars cash value out of each year's membership in the Association, you have completely missed the point of the Association's charitable, fraternal and educational purposes.
MEMORIAL FUNDWith this issue, we resume the publication of names of donors to our Memorial Fund. As of January,. 1, 1950, the balance in the fund stands at $1,118.65. Your contribution, however small, will help!
Contributors, since the last listing in the CUB, are:
Paul Cholera Louis Nigro
Virgil Collins Alva Phillips
Richard Comer Richard Robinson
William Flynn Morris Roth
Carl Kellstrom Luther Trouten
Michael Kobylarcsyk L. J. Weigel
Francis Lemley John D. Wilson
John Loveless Robert Wright
Elbridge Marsh Albany Chapter
Eldon McDowell Central Illinois, Chapter
Homer W. Miller Minnesota Chapter
Our Metropolitan Chapter's fourth annual December memorial dinner-dance was a great success, with 112 persons attending. The affair was held on Saturday, the 17th, at the Fifth Avenue Brass Rail, 5th Avenue and 43rd Street, New York City. Among those attending were many veterans of the 106th from New Jersey and Long Island.Official records of the First Army praising the 106th were quoted by the guest speaker, Captain William N. Martasin, formerly of the 4th Armored Division and now with the Adjutant General's Office of First Army Headquarters. He gave a resume of the part our Division played in the Bulge, stated that we denied the use of St. Vith to Field Marshal Von Rundstedt's forces for a period lone enough to completely upset the German attack time-table. Capt. Martasin spoke highly of divisional veterans' associations, and said that it was a great thing to be a part of such an outfit.
Chaplain Milo Guild of the N. Y. Port of Embarkation conducted services for the departed members of our Division who were left behind in the Ardennes and in whose honor and memory the reunion was held. After his few words, taps were sounded for those brave comrades while all who were present stood with bowed heads.
Truman, Eisenhower Send Greetings
Greetings from President Truman and General Eisenhower were read by the chapter president, Jerome L. Frankel. Both expressed regret at inability to attend because of previous commitment,.MICHIGAN REUNION
The Michigan Wolverine Chapter held its second December 16th memorial reunion, and we hear that more than 70 persons attended as the boys started work on the chapter's job as hosts to the 1950 convention. Details of the affair haven't been reported to the CUB yet, but we'll print them next month.ALBANY REUNION
Our tiny, but persistent Albany Chapter held its third December reunion, with 13 present -of the 13, nine traveled more than 50 miles to attend. The affair, an open house at the home of a chapter member, was still in full swing long past midnight. Your Editor attended, and it sure was an interesting bull session. The hat was passed for the Memorial Fund, with $14.88 collected.Favors presented at the door included key chains for all men and lipsticks for all ladies who attended. Door prizes were awarded. Our thanks to those who generously donated the prizes and favors! The chapter charter was displayed prominently, with all issues of the CUB, the division history, and other related material.
New York Wants 1951 Convention
A number of new members joined the Association, and a grand time was had by all. The chapter membership went on record as favoring the holding of the 1951 national convention in or near New York City. It was decided to hold a membership meeting, probably in March, with members to he notified when the details are arranged. The chapter will hold its third annual beer party in June. The chapter president extended sincere thanks to the committee workers for a great job in managing and arranging the December reunion./
RUSS KELLY AND DR. JOHN KETTERER of the Central Illinois Chapter, both national directors of the Association are shown pulling K.P. at the chapter's October supper.
In reply to a recent inquiry from a CUB subscriber, National President John M. Gillespie issued the following statement :"The 106th Infantry Division Association was formed as a charitable and fraternal membership corporation. It is non-partisan and non-political. The Association has no connection with nor knowledge of an organization called "Citizens for Defense of America, Inc."
"The official attitude of the Association toward any civic or other group is that our members may or may not join, according, to their individual wishes and beliefs. We, as an organization, neither encourage nor discourage our members from joining other groups."
CENTRAL ILLINOIS ushered in the fall season with a chili supper at Springfield, Ill. on October 22, 1949. Among those present (not in order in the photo) were .Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fryhoff, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fulk and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glats and son, Dr. and Mrs. John Ketterer, Russell Kelly and Miss Mary Makris, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Maurer, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Seefeldt, Charles Pritchett, Mrs. Nora Stuches, and Mr. and Mrs. Enos Wahl.
Sincerest thanks go from the management of the Association to the many members who have sent in ten dollar Sustaining Memberships this year. In 1948-49, when the Association's margin' of profit for the year was only $114, these sustaining memberships made up the difference between red and black ink on our year-end statement. It looks now as though 1949-50 will be another narrow-margin year, and again, we'll have our sustaining members to thank for the difference between operating at a small loss or small profit.Sustaining membership carries no extra rights or privileges, but is simply a means whereby those who want to help a little more can give a bit extra to help keep the CUB, the Association and the Memorial Fund active and strong.
Thanks again, fellows. And next year, we hope there'll be more sustaining members.
See back cover for special contest for CUB subscribers.
VAN S. WYATT, [left] 424/G, 204 West 9th St., Benton, Ky. is shop manager of the Tribune-Democrat newspaper at Benton. He is active in veteran's affairs, as Past Commander of his county V.F.W. Post and Past Adjutant of the county American Legion Post. Shown with him in this wedding day picture, July 23, 1948, is his wife Martha.
INDIANAPOLIS [middle] members of the Association got together at the Claypool Hotel on November 1 to make plans for their 1949 December reunion. Left to right are AL HARDING, BILL PELL and LOU MILANESE.
MINNESOTA CHAPTER, [right]with the wives hard at work addressing a mailing. Shown are, left to right, Penny Sandberg, Rosemary Schnislein, Helen Hatch, and Mrs. Alvin Swanson.
DONALD MacDONALD, Company. B, 423d Infantry, died of malnutrition and pneumonia on 3 April 1944 at Stalag IV-B. His mother requests information about his life as a prisoner. Any information about his capture, last days, or prison life should he sent to the CUB for transmittal to Mrs. MacDonald.
NOLEN ROBERTSON, Antitank Company, 423d Infantry, Pfc., was killed in action in Belgium in December 1944. Please write to the CUB if you have any information concerning his last days or the circumstances of his death.
Benefits held in Chicago and in Albany have raised $60 for our Auxiliary Fund to buy a wheel chair for a paraplegic veteran. But we want to present this chair at the 1950 summer convention in Detroit. The year is more than half over, and we're only half way to our goal of $120. Every Auxiliary member is urged to do one of the following things to help us meet our goal: (1) sponsor a card party or other benefit ; (2) solicit some contributions; or (3) donate some money.
Contributions should be sent to our Treasurer, Mrs. David Price, 237 So. Manning Blvd., Albany 3, N. Y. Also send her an account of your project to raise the money so that we can report it in the CUB and share our ideas.
Mrs. Bertha Stiles, our national president, reports that two new Auxiliary units are organizing. Let's have more! For help and ideas, write to Mrs. Stiles at 1020 West 68th St., Chicago 21, Ill. Mrs. Stiles plans to visit our Detroit members soon to make arrangements and plans for the 1950 convention, including entertainment for the ladies and selection of a veteran to receive the wheel chair.
Send news for this column to Mrs. Stiles or Mrs. Price.
/ STEWART STERN, 424/K, shown above taking the waters of Jordan River near Capernaum, in 1948. Stew was in Israel as a script writer, and has been active and successful in the movie industry. He now lives at 1044 No. Carol Drive, Los Angeles 46, Calif. A recent letter from Stern gives news of other King Company men: "Other "K" boys may be as glad as I was hear that Carl Weinschenck was married recently and so was Jim Sramek, whose wedding I attended in Chicago in May. Jack Schachleiter writes that his six year old daughter is becoming a brilliant drum majorette, Paul Gilliam, who has become a top-flight photographer since his discharge, has also found time to design and fly prize-winning model planes.
PAT O'ROURKE, 424/ K, 1st Sgt., captured Dec. 23, 1944 and liberated on April 16, 1945 is a mechanical engineer on the staff of New York City. His current address is 3185 Hull Ave., Bronx 67, New York City.
/ JAMES R. EASTERLING, 42-1/K, Box 101, Latta, S. C., is in the dairy business and is a tobacco auctioneer.
The April-May CUB will feature photographs of the 106th Signal Company. Signal Corpsmen are invited to send in their photos before April 1 for use in that issue.
/ CARL W. KELLSTROM, [top] 424/K, 1st Platoon Leader, still in active service, writes from a tour as company supervisor in the ROTC to say "My service under Captain Comer is among the most satisfying in my eight years of active duty." Mail for Capt. Kellstrom will be forwarded if addressed to the CUB.
ELDER S. WOLFE, [bottom] 421/K, RR # 1, Elyria, Ohio, is in his senior year at Cornell University.
CHARLES F. McALPINE, JR, 424/K, 1238 N. Latarette, So. Bend, Ind. will be graduated from Notre Dame in June with his degree in architecture.
RICHARD DEHEER, 424/K, 34 Highland Ave., Emerson, N. J., encloses a photo of himself presiding at his delicatessen store, says that after 5 ½ months in a German prison camp, he decided to go into a business where he could get right near food and stay there.
In addition to those whose photographs appear on the opposite page, the following King Company alumni are members of the Association.
Ben Adams, Rt. 1, Lexington, Nebr.
Richard J. Comer, Glenville Plantation. Pittsview, Ala.
Ray E. Cottingham, 449 E. Mohave Rd., Tucson, Ariz.
David E. Frazier, 1209 1st St., Pt. Pleasant, W. Va.
Harold V. Hardoin, 14215 Mayfield Ave., Detroit 5, Mich.
Marsden C. Hutchins, 48 W. Union St., Bound Brook, N. J.
Edward W. Kamm, 665 E. Maple (Apt. 1), Indianapolis, Ind.
Clifton R. Livingston, RD 9, No. Canton, Ohio
Milton Ludwig, 522 Best St., Buffalo, N. Y.
Richard N. Risteen, 485 Ocean Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Herbert Rosenfeld, 1680 Madison Pl., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Robert J. Ryan, 443 Willis Ave., New York 55, N.Y.
Vincent Stiles, 1020 W. 68th Sr., Chicago, Ill.
Paul E. Stoner. 139 No. 36th St., Terre Haute, Ind.
Lee B. Taylor, C7E Carouet Apts., Columbia, S. C.
Deward C. Thomas, 509 Piedmont, Rocky Mt., N. C.
Don Underwood. 4105 N. 4th St., Arlington, Va.
Milton Sussman, 79-B Weis Rd., Albany, N. Y.
Next month's Honor Company will be Antitank, 423d.
Yorker, 2.5 years old, with a degree from the Univ. of South Carolina
N.Y. .
In 1949, the Association has answered about 830 requests for addresses of former members of the 106th.
More than $4,000 worth of time was donated to the Association in 1949 by volunteer efforts. Among those who have contributed more than 100 hours of their own time and effort are Jack Gillespie, president: Bob Rutt, adjutant; Charlie Robasse, ex-president; Russ Villwock, ex-adjutant; Ed Luzzie, convention chairman, and the good men and women who worked with him on the convention; Glenn and Rosemary Schnizlein, memorials; Ed Roberts, PX officer and editor of the Reviewing Stand; Jerry Frankel, Metropolitan Chapter president; and Dave Price, CUB Editor and treasurer.
Note to those who want ideas for gifts -- a bound copy of back issues of the CUB makes a handsome gift for a member of the Association. The cost of this will depend upon the kind of binding, but the job can be done by any bookbinder, and shouldn't cost more than $5 unless you have very fancy lettering or binding for the cover.
SEYMOUR LICHTENFELD, 422/I, 3623 Delaware St., Gary, Ind., will be graduated from Purdue in February, 1950, with a degree in mechanical engineering. If you know of an opening for a mechanical engineer write to him.
HOWARD TERRIO, 424/A. 720 Calhoun St., Columbia 2, S. C., a graduate chemical engineer, is interested in getting a job. Write to him if you know of any possibilities.
Members are invited to write to the CUB with details, if they want our help in looking for job
New York State runs a rest camp for veterans at Mt. McGregor. Admission is based on a doctor's certificate to the effect that a veteran's condition requires rest or convalescence. Further information can be obtained from N. Y. State Division of Veterans Affairs, Albany.
Prisoners of war are entitled to receive a dollar for each day spent under enemy control, based on living on substandard rations. Get further information on how to apply from your Veterans Administration office.
If you haven't already filed for your dividend on national service life insurance, do so right away. Forms and instructions are available at all post offices.
A monument erected in honor of ERIC FISHER WOOD, JR., Battery A, 589th Field Artillery Battalion. Lieutenant Wood's exploits are related in the Saturday Evening Post of December 20, 1947, and in our division history. He won the posthumous award of the Distinguished Service Cross for "almost singlehandedly saving the right flank of an American Army in the Battle of the Bulge." This monument was erected by the citizens of Meyerode, Belgium, and stands near the spot in the Ardennes where Lt. Wood was killed.45
WHAT THEY ARE DOING NOWHAROLD J. ABRAMS, 422/3d Bn Hq. 163 Powell Lane, Upper Darby, Pa., was graduated from Temple Univ. last June. Now he's working as an insurance broker and attending law school at Temple.
ROBERT N. ACKERMANN. 589 Hq. 2959 Fifth St.. Boulder. Colo. is in the real estate business, has two young daughters. Last summer he had a visit with GEORGE W. JACKSON. 590th F. A. Bn.
FRANCIS H. ASPINWALL. 589th F. A., is a civil engineer with Merritt Chapman St Scott, and is now building a new hospital at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Mail reaches him at 1411 No. Madison Ave.. Rome. N. Y.
MARK J. BAUSCH, 424 A. now working for the post office in Ashton. Iowa, would enjoy hearing from the fellows in his outfit.
HARRY T. BEEKER, 268 Helen St., Cincinnati 19, Ohio, was recently married.
RAYMOND H. COOK, 591st F.A., writes from Beverly Hills. Rossville, Ga., with regret that his grocery business kept him away from the 1949 convention.
CAPT. M. N. CRANK writes from Tokyo that he expects to be in the Far East until January. He is at G-2, GHQ, FEC, APO 500. San Francisco. Cal. Also with GHQ in the Far East Command are COL. WATT and COL. BISHOP of the Inspector General's staff. Capt. Crank reports that he has seen CAPT. CARIANO, COL. CAVENDER, and LT. MILLER of the 422d.
WILLIAM J. DALY. 424 M, RED :'roton-on-Hudson, N. Y., reports that he met ARTHUR CHATFIELD, 424th. at Air R.O.T.C. summer camp last year. Daly is at Fordham Univ., Chatfield attends Syracuse
M SGT. GEORGE H. DASH, 423 K & L reports from Box 48, Randolph Field. Tex. He is assigned as chief clerk, Aero Medical Research Institute at the USAF School of Aviation Medicine. He says his family is with him in permanent quarters there, and that it'd be a nice spot to spend the rest of his service.
ROBERT E. DODGE, Route #1, Box 715, Salem, Oregon is hospitalized at a V. A. center at Roseburg, Oregon. How about writing him if you knew him?
SYLVAN D. FREEMAN, Capt JAGD, DHQ, has resigned as chief of the litigation section, office of the housing expediter from N. Y. & N. J. He has resumed the private practice of law with the Brooklyn firm of Dreyer and Traub. His address remains at 635 E. 14th St., New York 9. N. Y.
HAROLD GIESE, 422 E, writes to say "I'm sorry that I didn't meet any of my old buddies at the 1949 convention in Chicago, but I did meet a fine bunch of new buddies and had a swell time." He has two daughters, and identifies the good looking girl in photo #16 on page 8 of the August 1949 CUB as his wife, Inez. His address is Giese Drug Sundries, Main and Paine, Lake Zurich, Ill.
PAUL V. BOSCHERT, 590/H., 912 Royal St., Alton, Ill.
JOHN C. LOBOSCO, 424/E, 1242 Nostrand Ave., Brooklyn 25, N. Y.
EDWARD L. GREEN, 422/M, writes that he is nearing the end of a long siege of hospitalization due to T. B. incurred while a P.O.W. His address was 4417 E. Glenn Ave., Tucson, Ariz., and he hoped to be discharged from the hospital about the first of the year or before.
BERNARD D. HERBERT, QM Co., recently, moved from Massachusetts to 851 Westbrook St., Indianapolis 21. Ind. He's employed by Zimmer Paper Products.
CHARLES J. HRUBY, JR., 422/B communications sergeant, a P.O.W. at IV-B and VIII-A, 3736 Ortega St., San Francisco 22, Cal. is now co-owner of a photo supply and camera shop. He'd like information on how to get in touch with his company 1st Sgt. and with Sgt. Berube, also of 422/B.
GEORGE W. JONES, JR., 423/Svc, T/Sgt, works at the Loris, S .C., post office, is married, and has a young son.
ROBERT J. KARUTIS, 423/K, 412 E. Main St., Amsterdam, N. Y. is another of our men who is employed in Uncle Sam's post office system. (We've got enough postal employees on our rolls to practically start a separate chapter.)
RUSS KELLY, 1905 No. 10th St., Springfield, Ill. will have his bachelor's degree from the Univ. of Illinois, in personnel management, by the time this CUB hits the mail. A former member of the 424th-3d Bn. Hq.-- Russ is a national director of the Association and organized the Central Illinois Chapter.
Incidentally, the Smiths, Joneses and Millers take a back seat to the Kellys in our organization. We have nine members named Kelly. Other popular names on our rolls are Clark, Cook and Walker, Only 3 Joneses, 2 Smiths, 4 Millers, and 3 Browns.
HAROLD C. KNOX, 424/L, secretary of our California Chapter, 1131 E. 144th St., Compton 4, Cal., manages the meat department of the A & P in Long Beach.
LOUIS S. LE TELLIER, JR., 81/C, 101 ½ Tradd St., Charleston, S. C. married Miss Nell Moore of Popular Bluff, Mo. last summer.
PERRY T. LEWIS, 81/C, 1729 Twelfth St., Moline, Ill. is studying the sheet metal worker's trade under the G.I. Bill. He'd like to hear from men in his outfit.
WILLIAM T. MANAHAN, 806th Ord. Co., is with the Maryland State military department, and lives at Blue Ridge Summit, Pa.
THEODORE C. MANN, 422/F, announces from a new address at 43 Wesley Ave., Erlton, N. J. the birth of a daughter, Linda Ann, on August 20, 1949.
ROBERT B. MORRISON, 424/G, has moved from Missouri to 630 N. Aiken Ave., Pittsburgh 6, Pa. He is with the sales department of Pittsburgh Limestone Co.
JOSEPH R. MULLICAN, P.O. Box 38, Dadeville, Ala. is assistant manager of a filling station, has a two year old daughter, Joyce. He is looking forward to attending our 1950 convention in Detroit.
ROBERT L. NUFFER, 424/B, writes from 3I06 Kenwood Blvd., Toledo 6, Ohio. He's selling Air-Way "Sanitizor" vacuum cleaners.
CHARLES S. PEYSER, 424/B, 557 Union St., Portsmouth, N. H., is manager of the Montgomery Ward store in Middlesboro, Ky. He has a son and two young daughters. He invites 106TH veterans in his area to get in touch with him at 503 N. 25th St., Middlesboro, Ky.
/ WHO'S THIS? A good clear photo of someone at the 1949 convention, but we can't identify the man.
KENDIG C. BARE, DHQ, 305 N. Lime St., Lancaster, Pa.
EUGENE SAUCERMAN, 422/D, Route 1, Dagger, Ind. is a student at Purdue's School of Pharmacy.
MARCUS L. SHEPHERD, 106th Sig. Co., 604 Iroquois Ave., Louisville, Ky. is in the maintenance department of the Neon Art Signs Co.
JOHN H. STAUFF, 591/B reconnaissance officer, is attending the Univ. of California and lives at 2106 thiedmont Ave., Berkeley, Cal.
ORVILLE T. SWISHER, 106th Sig. Co., reports that he was recently visited by FRANK ZIEGLER and WILLIAM NOLAN. He has two young sons, lives at Philadelphia, Mo., and is a farmer specializing in raising registered Hereford cattle.
BERNARD WALDOW, 423/AT, is with the Los Angeles City bureau of engineering. He lives at 9704 Charnock Ave., Los Angeles 34. Cal., and we understand that he was married last October.
ROY L. WENTZEL, 422/E, 1419 So. Olive St., Santa Ana, Cal., a national director of the Association, and president of our California Chapter, is working for the Coca Cola Co. of Los Angeles.
MAJOR CARL H. WOHLFEIL, Box 140, McNair Hall, Ft. Sill, Okla. Reports the addition of a son, Steve, to his family on June 12 last summer. He is still teaching communications at the artillery school.
CONTEST. . . CA$H PRIZE$ (for Association Members Only)
Send us your favorite post-war story or joke, in 100 words or less. It can be about any subject you want. Your entry should be typed or hand-written on the outside of an envelope, with a separate slip of paper containing your name and address sealed inside the envelope. Winning entries will be printed in the CUB.Each entry must be accompanied by one dollar ($1.00) or more. Half of all the entry money will be distributed in prizes. The other half will go to our Memorial Scholarship Fund. Mail your entries to THE CUB, 237 S. Manning Blvd., Albany 3, N.Y.
etc., etc.
Winners will be announced at the 1950 convention in Detroit
Index for: Vol. 6, No. 3, Jan, 1950
Index for This Document
106th Sig. Co., 16, 17Abrams, Harold J., 14
Ackerman, Robert N., 14
Adams, Ben, 12
Aspinwall, Francis H., 14
Bare, Kendig C., 16
Bausch, Mark J., 14
Beeker, Harry T., 14
Berube, Sgt., 16
Bishop, Col., 14
Blumenschein, Ken, 1
Boschert, Paul V., 14
Cariano, Capt., 14
Cavender, Col., 14
Chatfield, Arthur, 14
Cholera, Paul, 4
Coates, Bill, 1
Collins, Virgil, 4
Comer, Capt., 10
Comer, Richard, 4
Comer, Richard J., 12
Cook, Raymond H., 14
Cottingham, Ray E., 12
Crank, Capt., 14
Crank, Capt. M. N., 14
Crossman, Mr. & Mrs. Les, 1
Dailey, Frank, 1
Daly, William J., 14
Dash, George H., 14
DeHeer, Richard, 10
Dodge, Robert E., 14
Dupuy, Col., 3
Easterling, James R., 10
Edward, Mr. & Mrs. J., 7
Eisenhower, Gen., 5
Flynn, William, 4
Foster, Cedric, 3
Frankel, Jerome L., 5
Frankel, Jerry, 12
Frazier, David E., 12
Freeman, Sylvan D., 14
Fryhoff, Mr. & Mrs. Robert, 7
Fulk, Mr. & Mrs. Charles, 7
Giese, Harold, 14
Gillespie, Jack, 12
Gillespie, John M., 1, 6
Gilliam, Paul, 10
Girand, Col Charles, 1
Glats, Mr. & Mrs. Frank, 7
Green, Edward L., 14
Guild, Milo, 5
Gunderson, Ralph, 1
Hamilton, James S., 1
Harding, Al, 8
Hardoin, Harold V., 12
Harper, Gilbert, 1
Hatch, Helen, 8
Hebenstreit, John C., 1
Herbert, Bernard D., 15
Hotel, Claypool, 8
Hruby, Charles J., Jr., 16
Hutchins, Marsden C., 12
Jackson, George W., 14
Jones, George W., Jr., 16
Kamm, Edward W., 12
Karutis, Robert J., 16
Kellstrom, Carl, 4
Kellstrom, Carl W., 10
Kelly, Russ, 6, 16
Kelly, Russell, 7
Ketterer, Dr. & Mrs. John, 7
Ketterer, Dr. John, 6
Knox, Harold C., 16
Kobylarcsyk, Michael, 4
Leary, Dick, 1
Lemley, Francis, 4
Lewis, Perry T., 16
Lichtenfeld, Seymour, 12
Livingston, Clifton R., 12
Lobos, John C., 14
Loveless, John, 4
Ludwig, Milton, 12
Luzzie, Ed, 12
Macdonald, Donald, 8
Macdonald, Mrs., 8
Makris, Miss Mary, 7
Manahan, William T., 16
Mann, Theodore C., 16
Marsh, Elbridge, 4
Martasin, Capt., 5
Martasin, Capt. William N., 5
Maurer, Mr. & Mrs. Howard, 7
McAlpine, Charles F., 10
McDowell, Eldon, 4
Meyerode, 13
Milanese, Lou, 8
Miller, Homer W., 4
Miller, Lt., 14
Moore, Miss Nell, 16
Morrison, Robert B., 16
Mueller, Mr. & Mrs. Mike, 1
Mullican, Joseph R., 16
Nigro, Louis, 4
Nolan, William, 17
Nuffer, Robert L., 16
O'Brien, Kathy, 1
O'Rourke, Pat, 10
Pell, Bill, 8
Perry, Kenneth, 1
Peyser, Charles S., 16
Phillips, Alva, 4
Price, Dave, 12
Price, David S., 3
Price, Mrs., 8
Price, Mrs. David, 8
Pritchett, Charles, 7
Risteen, Richard N., 12
Robasse, Charlie, 12
Roberts, Ed, 12
Robertson, Nolen, 8
Robinson, Richard, 4
Rosenfeld, Herbert, 12
Roth, Morris, 4
Rutt, Bob, 12
Ryan, Robert J., 12
Sandberg, Penny, 8
Saturday Evening Post, 3, 13
Saucerman, Eugene, 16
Schachleiter, Jack, 10
Schnislein, Rosemary, 8
Schnizlein, Glenn & Rosemary, 12
Schubick, Jean, 1
Seefeldt, Mr. & Mrs. R. R., 7
Shepherd, Marcus L., 16
Sramek, Jim, 10
St. Vith, 5
Stalag IX-C, 1
Stauff, John H., 17
Stern, Stewart, 10
Stiles, Mrs., 8
Stiles, Mrs. Bertha, 8
Stiles, Vincent, 12
Stoner, Paul E., 12
Stuches, Mrs. Nora, 7
Sussman, Milton, 12
Swanson, Mrs. Alvin, 8
Swisher, Orville T., 17
Taylor, Lee B., 12
Tellier, Louis S. Le, Jr., 16
Terrio, Howard, 13
Thomas, Deward C., 12
Trouten, Luther, 4
Underwood, Don, 12
Villwock, Russ, 12
Von Rundstedt, 5
Wahl, Mr. & Mrs. Enos, 7
Walden, Larry, 1
Waldow, Bernard, 17
Watt, Col., 14
Weigel, L. J., 4
Weinschenck, Carl, 10
Wentzel, Roy L., 17
Wilson, John D., 4
Wohlfeil, Maj. Carl H., 17
Wolfe, Elder S., 10
Wood, Eric Fisher, Jr., 13
Wright, Robert, 4
Wyatt, Van S., 8
Ziegler, Frank, 17