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Index for this issue of The CUB
Original Cub Document
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Vol. 25, No. 1, Jul., 1968

July 19th, 1968 - Ft. Jackson

    Maj. General (Ret) Alan W. Jones talks with Col. William Van D. Ochs, Jr., 4th Brigade Commander, before tour of training area.
Above photos courtesy of "U.S. Army Photographers."


106th Infantry Division Association, Inc.
President William F. Smith
Vice-President Pete House
Adjutant Robert L. Scranton
Treasurer Sherod Collins, Jr.
Chaplain John Loveless
Historian Sherod Collins, Jr.
    The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $5.00 per year which includes subscription to the CUB.
Editor John R. Fritz
All editorial matter should be addressed to: John R. Fritz
9271 Avon Belden Road, R.D. #3, Elyria, Ohio 44035
All business matters, renewal of membership, etc., should be addressed to:
Mr. Sherod Collins, Jr., 625 Channing Drive N.W., Atlanta, Ga. 30318

1968 - 1969
Jack Bryant -- 19692 Coral Gables, Southfield, Mich. 48075
Phillip F. Schutte -- 2415 Otter Drive, Warren, Mich.
John T. Loveless, Jr. -- 2549 Pickwich Rd., Baltimore, Md. 21207
James E. Wells -- Hepzibah, Georgia
Alan W. Jones -- 3532 Quebec St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20016
H. M. Hatch -- 5609 15th Ave. So., Minneapolis, Minn.
Robert L. Scranton -- 9441 Lee Road, Brighton, Mich.
Clayton F. Rarick -- Box 25, Blandon, Penn.
Louis P. Rossi, Jr. -- 1208 50th Street, North Bergen, N.J.
Leo T. McMahon -- 8 No. Union St., Middletown, Penn. 17057
Joe C. Matthews, Jr. -- 4706 Western Blvd., Raleigh, N.C. 27606
Douglas S. Coffey -- 41 Lowell Ave., West Orange, N.J.
Pete House -- 5662 Clifton Rd., Jacksonville, Fla. 32211
Harry R. Shaw, Jr. -- 102 E. Woodbury Drive, Garland, Texas 75040
J. Russell Enlow -- c/o Post Office, Taswell, Indiana
John Shalhoub -- 4305 W. Maple Road, Birmingham, Mich.
Elman Miller -- 3331 Morgan St., Steger, Ill.
William F. Smith, Jr. -- 1211 Washington St., Columbia 29201
A. W. Skardon, Jr. -- Apt. 3-C, 733 Bryson St., Youngstown, Ohio 44502
Robert Gilder -6857 Stoney Ridge Road, North Ridgeville, Ohio 44035

     This issue of the CUB is my first venture into anything of this kind. I will do my best with the help of my wife, and my good friends the Gilder's to give all of you the kind of publication you desire. Perhaps all of you don't know that Bob Gilder and his wife Jean and I have been life-long friends. We grew up in the same town, graduated in the same high-school class, and then Bob and I entered service together and took basic at Fort McClellan, were shipped overseas and both assigned to the 106th. Our children and especially the sons are carrying on with this friendship and over the years our two families have been in close touch and enjoy many get-togethers.
     I want to thank the Board of Directors for placing their confidence in me, and also Shirley and Bob Holden for the many tips and advice given to enable us to begin the task of putting together our magazine. They are a grand couple and surely deserve all of our thanks for the magnificent job they did last year.
     I am sure I speak for the whole association in saying to Fran and Bill Smith that the convention in Columbia was one of the finest yet. We certainly enjoyed ourselves and left with many fond memories of old and new friends, activities, and social meetings. The ceremonies at Fort Jackson were just great and the Memorial Service was most impressive. The whole affair was well planned and Fran and Bill must have put in a good many hours in preparation for our visit. Thanks again Fran and Bill, for a wonderful time.
     A few thoughts about the CUB. In order to give you a good edition we must have information. We are counting on all of you to supply us with pictures and letters. Please don't let us down.
     For those members who were unable to attend the convention we will look forward to receiving any news you can send along.
     To all the association members, we are looking forward with a great deal of optimism to the coming year. It is a real pleasure to be associated with such an outstanding group of people and with the help and cooperation from everyon we'll produce from our end.


     A few days ago, a friend remarked to me that too often t o o many people take too many things for granted. If we stop to think about it, we must realize how true his observation was and is.
     As a nation how many times in the past have we felt that our might was so great that no other nation would dare to challenge us? Events in recent years indicate that we have taken too much for granted.
     The natural resources of our land appeared almost limitless to the early settlers and those who followed them. The increase in population, the over-cutting of forests, over-planting of crops, over-hunting of game, over-fishing of the waters threatened our essential natural supplies. Until the needs for conservation were recognized, we had taken too much for granted.
     We believe that all men are created equal; therefore, equal opportunities should be available for all. Only in the face of mass uprisings have we seen that education and social achievements have not been made available for numbers of people. We know that many, especially in large urban centers, refuse even to consider trying to help themselves in their need. But for the vastly larger groups, eager and willing to climb towards the heights looming ahead, we have taken, without doubt, too much for granted.
Each of us in our family and individual experiences can cite situations where we have taken too much for granted.
     Once a great Teacher and Healer cleansed ten lepers of their miserable disease and sent them to fulfill the requirements of the law. They went on their way, but one turned back. The nine took their cleansing for granted; the tenth returned to express thanks and gratitude for his healing.
     What a difference the world would see if each one instead of taking all things for granted would consider his worth in the game of life, express gratitude or his blessings and extend a helping hand to others on the way to life.
"0 give thanks to the Lord for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!" I Chronicles 16:34
John T. Loveless, Jr., Chaplain 106th Infantry Division Association, Inc.

Remember 1969 Convention in St. Vith. For information contact Doug Coffey.

Upon convening, Vice-President Bill Smith, presiding, called for election of officers for the coming year.
The new officers are listed on Page 2 of this issue.
     The adjutant brought up a request by a committee of citizens of Bastogne, Belgium asking for a donation toward the building of a museum as an adjunct to the memorial there. Clay Rarick moved, seconded by Russ Enlow to table the request. This was amended by Doug Coffey to write a letter saying the Association is not presently in a position to contribute but will keep the request in mind in case our position changes. This was accepted by Mr. Rarick and passed.
     The adjutant also brought up the need for a reprint of the Division History: St. Vith, Lion-in-the-Way. He mentioned the numerous requests for copies and reported receipt of a letter from the Assn. of the U.S. Army saying the Infantry Journal Press is now defunct, this press having produced the original print. Doug Coffey and Pete House volunteered to look into possibilities of securing some form of reprint that would be somewhat inexpensive, it being pointed out that perhaps a thousand copies would have to be produced to bring a reprint into a reasonable price.
There being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned.

     Vice-President Bill Smith, presiding, introduced a speaker, Mr. N. E. Brown, of Columbia Chamber of Commerce, who extended greetings a n d welcome to Columbia.
The minutes of the 1967 business meeting were read by the Adjutant and approved.
The nominating committee reported


out a slate of proposed directors and these were elected.
The treasurer made his annual report, which was approved upon motion by Doug Coffey and seconded by Clay Rarick.
     Reports were made by Cub Editor Holden and Memorials Chairman Coffey. It was moved by Jim Wells, seconded by Leo McMahon to spend up to $150.00 to paint and refurnish our St. Vith memorial during the coming year. Motion was passed.
     Henry Broth moved to continue the John Beals memorial by donating another $50.00 for books to the College Episcopal at St. Vith, Belgium. Motion was seconded and passed.
     After reading of communications, invitations were opened for future reunions. Bob Holden invited the group to Davenport, Iowa area for 1970 and Clay Rarick to Philadelphia area for 1971 and these invitations were gratefully accepted on motions by Jim Wells and Bob Pierce.
Our prospective Cub Editor, John Fritz, was introduced and made some recommendations to the group.
No other business being extant, the meeting was adjourned upon motion by Ben Britton.

     The Republican Convention was a bore. The Democratic Convention ended in turmoil. The 106th Infantry Division Convention was perfect. As did the political conventions, we had our moments of oratory, but they were brief and to the point, even if the latter was sometimes difficult to discern. Our candidates for office were not nominated after each had made a long, costly and carefully coordinated campaign, but were searched out by determined groups of their peers. After nomination, we did not wait months to elect them, we did not give them a chance to go chicken on us, but elected each nominee in an immediate and most satisfactory manner. We had no Walter, David or Chet, because we had no need for them. We had much better commentators in our own ranks. We also saw much better pistol, rifle and mortar fire; our convention even saw extremely destructive cannon fire, a refinement unequaled at Miami or Chicago. We had no need for protection by City and State Police, or by National Guard and Federal Troops, in fact our policeman leading the bus convoy gave us ample cover. In any event, we could not have had Federal protection since all the MPs at Fort Jackson were busy with a state-wide soap box Derby. We think that we proved something that even vice-presidents and mayors should take to heart, namely that quality surpasses quantity whenever people are assembled.
     We offer to Fran and Bill Smith our accolade for superior performance, and to our new editor of the CUB and our new adjutant the recognition that they are doing what is necessary to keep us alive. Nor can we fail to note the thoughtfulness of General Perez and his people at Fort Jackson; the Mayor of Columbia and all the others who did so much to make our convention a complete success. The membership has always been grateful to our past elected and appointed officers, and we add our thanks to the most recent to join their ranks. Elsewhere in the CUB you will read the list of new officers, the financial report, report of business meetings and resolutions passed. This column states, without equivocation, that it is in favor of the entire slate of officers. This is a gratuitous plug since they have already been elected, but we want to be in favor of what we did.
     Among the items discussed at an open meeting, was our next years reunion at St. Vith in Belgium. We are to have a unique reunion at a most unusual memorial. It is different from another of its kind since it was planned and built, not under the auspices of a government agency as have all others, but by the 106th Infantry Division Association standing alone and unaided, just as the Division stood alone and unaided on the Schnee Eifel, a quarter of a century ago.
     Doug Coffey, the man responsible for the conception and completion of the memorial, has arranged all the details for the trip to Belgium for our reunion in 1969. All you have to do, is to make plans for any additional trips you would like to make after the reunion at St. Vith. It is all very simple if you make your arrangements early enough. We know that giving advice is like giving matches to Smoky Bear, but speaking from experience, we feel impelled to repeat that a year is none to far in advance to make reservations, especially in Europe in the Summer.
Make plans and see a travel agency. According to the thoughts of Chairman-Mao, "No tickee, no ridee".


Beg. Gen. Leo T. McMahon, U.S.A. Ret. sends the following report on the REUNION OF SERVICE BTRY. 592 F.A.BN.
     The devoted members of this battery accompanied by their wives, children and some grandchildren and friends assembled for their annual reunion on Sunday, 1 September 1968 at Hershey Park, Pennsylvania. A little rain at the outset failed to dampen the enthusiasm of the crowd. The youngsters amused themselves on the rides and visiting the other attractions in the Park, while the oldsters supped and ate and reminisced. Attending from Service Battery
     Charles and Charleen Schoch and Mrs. Schoch's mother, Mrs. Andra Stramster and son Dennis. The Schochs moved last year from Ohio to Odenton, Maryland, near First Army Headquarters at Fort Meade, Md. Their son 1st Lt. Ronald Cml C. is on duty at Fort Lee, Va.
     Tom and Alice Dorosky of Shavertown, Pa. with daughter Kathie and her friend Janet Mikolaickik. Their son Tom Jr. is stationed at Hill Air Force Base, Utah. He suffered a very severe fracture of the leg a few weeks ago.
     Francis J. and Theresa Maloney, Philadelphia, Pa. and daughter Joan Marie. Their son Francis E. was commissioned a 2nd Lt. Arty on June 2 and is assigned to duty at Fort Sill, Okla.
Emil and Ethel Solecki, Lake Mohawk, Sparta, N.J., daughter Leonora and nephew Jon Balson.
Jim and Violet Malesky, Greensburg, Pa. accompanied by friends Ellsworth and Peg Amend.
Charlie and Daisey Walsh, Haddonfield, N.J.
Charlie and Betty Latham, New Jersey daughter Kathie and niece Barbara Knecht.
Tom and Mary Fox, Greencastle, Pa. son Larry and friend Dave Kerlen. Guests at the Reunion.
     Lou Rossi Jr., Co. H, 424th, former National President, North Bergen, N.J. He was accompanied by wife, Linda, his father Lou Sr., his brother Ralph, his son Steve, his sister Josie with her husband Mike Lanni and their son Mike Jr. Those who attended the national reunion at Columbia, S.C. will recall meeting Lou's father. He was a great addition to both reunions.
     Clayton Rarick, Col. L. 424th, former National President wife Mabel, Blandon, Pa. with daughter Sherry, son Terry and his wife Bonnie and his son Michael.
     John Loveless, COGL, Hq Co. 422, Baltimore, Md. wife Kay COMGL, daughter Althea, daughter K-2 with husband Raymond Kemp and son John Maynard. John Loveless is our National Chaplain.
Leo McMahon, Divarty, Middletown, Pa. and wife Wilda.
Additional Reunion Notes.
     Walter Bandurak, Medics 81st. Engrs. and wife Lillian, Greensburg, Pa., who were making a tour of Hershey, dropped by for a few minutes and to get some additional information about the St. Vith reunion 1969.
     Clayt Rarick and Frank Maloney were already making plans for the 1971 national reunion to be held in the Philadelphia area.
     One of the heartwarming events was the unexpected arrival of Glen George Edwards Jr. Co E 424th. He and his wife Nellie D. were touring the Park with their daughter, who noticed the 106th Division sign on the picnic shelter and said "Dad isn't that your WW2 Division?" So he came over and received a warm welcome. He was wounded on Christmas day 1944 at Montedereaux, Belgium and lost his left eye. They are moving from Northeast Md. to 121 North 12th. Place, Lantana, Florida 33460, near West Palm Beach.

     That 106er from Farmington, Mich. who got mixed up with Forrest Hemming in the last issue of the CUB is Emory R. Hatton of F, 422 Infantry. We hope Dick is doing O.K. now after his bout with his heart. We're almost sure he hasn't decided to use that can of black spray paint he won.

ST. VITH, 1969
     At long last here is the latest information which those of you who attended the Convention in South Carolina asked me to forward to you.
     I have arranged a fifteen (15) day trip and a twenty one (21) day trip as requested. Both trips would be via Icelandic Airlines leaving July 18th, 1969; the 15 day group would return on August 1st and the 21 day group would leave Luxembourg on August 8th. The trip would be by Chartered bus so that all our luggage would be traveling with us at all times not subject to loss if we were to try to go by train or plane. The transfering of luggage is


    where the losses always occur. We would have the same driver throughout the trip plus a multi-lingual hostess to explain along the way. The trip cost will include all transportation, hotels, meals and sightseeing. The cost is as follows:
For 15 days
 For 21 days

 Air fare

 Tour cost

 Registration for Cony.

 Total inclus. Cost. per person


      All costs are based on today's prices. If there is any appreciable increase all persons will be notified in plenty of time to accept or reject. Air fare could go down thus reducing the cost. The costs above are very low and are only available on group basis.
     The following is the proposed itinerary. You may note that it would be based on a certain group traveling together; if there was too much of a breakdown in what people wanted it could destroy the whole group. You could for instance; instead of going from Amsterdam to London you could skip London and pick up the tour in Paris.
Leave July 18 for Luxembourg arriving 19th and take bus to St. Vith.
    Warm up party Pip Margraff Hotel; Sunday Memorial Service, Dinner at Hotel. Monday Board meetings Luncheon and Dinner in evening. Trip around area to certain battle areas then take off on Tour.
Leave St. Vith for Amsterdam arriving at noon. Overnight and next day in Amsterdam.
    Leave by Hook of Holland to London-Bus goes right on ferry so that our same bus will take us to London and be used for any sightseeing we wish to do in London. Be in London two days then leave for Paris.
Stay in Paris two days. Leave for Berne, Switzerland.
Stay in Berne overnight and leave for Luzerne and Zurich.
Leave next day for Offenburg and make way back to Luxembourg to prepare to return to the States August 1st.
The 21 day tour would follow the same path to and including Paris. Leave Paris for Geneva with stay overnight.
Leave Geneva via Lausanne, Berne Interlaken to Zurich.
Leave Zurich for Innsbruck, Austria.
Overnight in Innsbruck.
Leave Innsbruck to go to Garmisch.
Partenkirchen thence to Wurtzburg.
Leave Wurtzburg working our way back to Luxembourg for return August 8.

     Please indicate if you are interested in the 15 day tour or the 21 day tour or if you desire to make your own arrangements either through me or your own Travel Agent, I will cooperate in any manner you wish.
     As I am now about to make firm commitments not only for the Aircraft but the buses, hotels, eating places etc. I must have your answer by October 15th.
     Whatever you are interested in, I must have a deposit of $100.00 per person. Subtract what you have already deposited and send balance. Second payment of $150.00 due February 1, 1969. Any balance due must be paid by June 1, 1969 and no later. Refunds can be made up to June 1st but penalties would have to be assessed if there is a cancellation after June 1. Make checks payable to 106th Division Association.
     I can assure you that if you only wish the Convention in St. Vith or if you take the 15 or 21 day tour you will have one of the finest times you have ever had in your life. By traveling by bus you will see some of the finest countryside and actually it will be as fast as the train and you will not lose the time from Town to Airport and reverse plus the chance of losing your luggage. For me it would be much better too, as it will be a big enough job herding 100 people around Europe. Just stop and think about meals for 100 people and Hotel rooms. Oh well! Nothing can stop the 106th. Let's go, let's get your checks in and then we'll know who is really going and how we have to plan.
     If you have any question on any of the above don't hestitate to write. I can take credit as well as criticism so fire away.
     All other details about passports, clothes to take, shots, will be forthcoming when we are down to bedrock as to numbers.
All persons going will be given a free airline bag to put your last minute goodies into.
Yours in comradeship, ill
Doug Coffey


     Convention opened with registration in the lovely Wade Hampton Hotel; Bill Smith was very efficient with the help of his personal staff; (his good looking secretaries did all of the work) Afternoon spent in renewing friendships. Early evening three buses departed for Lake Murray-one bus found the Lake - two buses found all of the lovers lanes in the area; "What's the matter, Bill, your drivers from the north?" Group enjoyed boat rides and barbecue and Budweiser with Phil Schutte eating all of the "Cracklins". Returning to hotel where the hospitality suite was swinging till the wee hours Friday morning business sessions held by Board of Directors and Woman's Auxiliary; women voted to disband as an organized group-- dues will be still $2.00 per year payable to men's treasurer B U T the monies will be used for women's social hour -- women need more time for talking sessions. The noon luncheon was thoroughly enjoyed by all; a very interesting speech by the Columbia mayor. We again boarded buses -- this time to Fort Jackson tour of the grounds - while touring group stopped for refreshment - first at the old barrack's, "mess hall, "remember boys" and then a nice surprise at the new mess hall -- the mess hall chef had prepared a decorated cake honoring the 25th birthday of the 106th division.
     Following ground tours the 4th Training Brigade presented a "Retreat parade" in honor of our generals, Jones and McMahon for review. Rain dampened the grounds but not our spirits. We then adjourned to a beautiful Chapel where our able Chaplain presented our tribute to our past and present members. Returned to hotel for an evening of reminiscing. Saturday morning returned to Fort Jackson for a very impressive Fire Power Demonstration; again by the 4th Training Brigade - demonstrating all weapons used by modern infantry battalion in the new Army. "Some fire power huh boys". Luncheon lavishly prepared by the Post Officers Club, which was well received by all 106th'rs. Returned to hotel for a very enlightening discussion led by Doug Coffey - advice on next year's convention -- St. Vith - Remember people make your reservations.
Viewing of both reels of the "The Battle of the Bulge" courtesy of Russ Enlow -- Thanks Russ.

     Saturday evening's entertainment started with a cocktail hour hosted by the General's-Jones and McMahon and their lovely wives. An elegant dinner followed by an evening of entertainment and dancing - such extraordinary entertainment we had - selections by the "The Smith Brothers" vocal and on the "Bones" Bill, be sure and bring your spoons next year. Goodbyes and farewells held at Sunday breakfast with all to meet July 18, 1969 at 10:30 p.m. at the Kennedy International Air Port. "Will you be there"?

     For a successful magazine all 106th members have to cooperate -- Please send in stories and pictures to your editor. We are all interested in what Y 0 U are doing.


The Adjutant
106th Infantry Division Association
I want to join with the other fellows in supporting our Division Association by sending along my tnembership fees.
I enclose:
$5.00 for one year's regular membership
$2.00 for my wife's Auxiliary membership
additionally as a contribution to our memorial fund
City State
Unit in 106th
Here is current information about myself and my family:
     May we request that in addition to sending your own membership fees, you contact some former member of the Division, tell him how proud we are of our organization, and earnestly solicit his participation, financially and (very importantly) personally.
The Adjutant will cooperate in any way possible. To survive, the Association must have members!

Index for: Vol. 25 No. 1, Jul, 1968

Index for This Document

106th Div., 8, 12
106th Inf. Div., 6
106th Infantry Division Association, 2, 4, 7, 11, 14
422nd Inf., 9
Amend, Ellsworth & Peg, 8
Amsterdam, 10
Austria, 10
Balson, Jon, 8
Bandurak, Walter, 8
Bastogne, 4
Beals, John, 6
Belgium, 4, 7, 8
Berne, 10
Britton, Ben, 6
Broth, Henry, 6
Bryant, Jack, 2
Co. H, 424th, 8
Coffey, Doug, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12
Coffey, Douglas S., 2
Collins, Mr. Sherod, Jr., 2
Collins, Sherod, Jr., 2
Division History, 4
Dorosky, Tom & Alice, 8
Edwards, Glen George, 8
Enlow, J. Russell, 2
Enlow, Russ, 4, 12
First Army Headquarters, 8
Fort Jackson, 3, 6, 12
Fox, Tom & Mary, 8
Fritz, John, 6
Fritz, John R., 2
Ft. Jackson, 1
Gilder, Bob, 2
Gilder, Robert, 2
Hatch, H. M., 2
Hatton, Emory R., 9
Hemming, Forrest, 9
Holden, Bob, 2, 6
Holland, 10
House, Pete, 2, 5
Innsbruck, 10
Jones, Alan W., 1, 2
Kemp, Raymond, 8
Knecht, Barbara, 8
Lanni, Mike, 8
Latham, Charlie & Betty, 8
Lausanne, 10
Loveless, John, 2, 8
Loveless, John T., Jr., 2, 4
Luxembourg, 9, 10
Malesky, Jim & Violet, 8
Maloney, Francis J. & Theresa, 8
Maloney, Frank, 8
Matthews, Joe C., Jr., 2
McMahon, Gen. Leo T., 8
McMahon, Leo, 6, 8
McMahon, Leo T., 2
Memorials, 6
Mikolaickik, Janet, 8
Miller, Elman, 2
Montedereaux, 8
Ochs, Col. William Van D., Jr., 1
Offenburg, 10
Paris, 10
Partenkirchen, 10
Pierce, Bob, 6
Pip Margraff Hotel, 10
Rarick, Clay, 4, 6
Rarick, Clayt, 8
Rarick, Clayton, 8
Rarick, Clayton F., 2
Rossi, Lou, 8
Rossi, Louis P., Jr., 2
Schnee Eifel, 7
Schoch, Charles & Charleen, 8
Schutte, Phil, 12
Schutte, Phillip F., 2
Scranton, Robert L., 2
Shalhoub, John, 2
Shaw, Harry R., Jr., 2
Skardon, A. W., Jr., 2
Smith, Bill, 4, 5, 12
Smith, Fran & Bill, 3, 6
Smith, William F., 2
Smith, William F., Jr., 2
Solecki, Emil & Ethel, 8
St. Vith, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
St. Vith, Belgium, 6
Stramster, Mrs. Andra, 8
Switzerland, 10
The Battle Of The Bulge, 12
Walsh, Charlie & Daisey, 8
Wells, James E., 2
Wells, Jim, 6
Wurtzburg, 10
Zurich, 10