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Vol. 9, No. 3, Feb, 1953


President James E. Wells
Vice President H. M. Hatch
Adjutant David C. Brumaghin
Treasurer William K. Fowler
Chaplain Rev. Robert A. Lundy

     The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association $3.00 per year to 1 July 1953, thereafter $5.00, which includes subscription to CUB. All material copyrighted.

Editor Douglas S. Coffey
Staff Writer David S. Price
Staff Photographer D. C. Brumaghin

The CUB is printed by Varsity Press, 80 Harrison Avenue, West Orange, New Jersey.
Back issues of the CUB may be obtained for 25 cents each. Send orders to Box 238, Loudonville, N. Y.

     The following article is an important article on Civil Service. Though it applies to New Jersey, it may apply in most other states. .Article is submitted by our own Col. Louis Russo, former assistant Adjutant General of the 106th, who is now Chief Examiner for Civil Service in New Jersey.
     Post World War II legislation affecting veterans in New Jersey was passed in 1946 and 1947. The new legislation superseded the former appointment system and substituted outright preference for veterans. Present veterans legislation provides that disabled veterans who have established their disability prior to the announced closing date shall have their names placed at the top of the employment list resulting from an open competitive examination if they receive a passing grade in the examination. In turn the names of passing veterans shall be placed on employment lists following the names of disabled veterans. They will be given absolute preference over all non-veterans regardless of the final averages of non-veterans. These provisions apply to entrance examinations.
     In a certification from an open competitive list containing the names of more than one veteran, the highest interested veteran must be appointed. A veteran whose name appears as No. I in a certification from an open competitive list must be appointed to a position, if interested, even though he is presently in the military service.
     On promotional examinations, veterans and disabled veterans, as well as non-veterans are all listed in rank order according to their final averages. The only preference accorded veterans on promotional examinations is that if the name of a veteran appears in first place on a certification, the choice of the appointing authority is limited to a veteran.
     In a certification of eligibles resulting from such a promotional test, a non-veteran may not be appointed when there is the name of a veteran at the top of the certification. If the certification contains the name of three veteran, or two veterans and one non-veteran, the appointing authority may choose from among the three veterans. or from among the two veterans when the name of a non-veteran appears on the Certification. If the certification is headed by a non-veteran, the appointing authority may choose from among the three.
     The wife of a disabled veteran is entitled to use the husband's disability preference in examinations if the husband is not in the service of the State, or any county, municipality or school district operating under Civil Service, and providing that the husband waives such preference for himself during the employment of his wife.
     The widow of a soldier, sailor or marine, who died while in service, until she remarries, is entitled to the preference to which a disabled veteran would have been entitled.
     The widow of a veteran, until she remarries, is entitled to the same preference which said veteran would receive if he were still living. Under legislation passed during the 1952 session, Civil Service preference is also extended to mothers of persons
(Continued on Page 27)



     Having been appointed national chaplain of the 106th Inf Div Assn at the Baltimore convention in July, '52, I take great pleasure in acknowledging the high honor. It was in February. '43, that the 106th Inf Div officer cadre came into existence at Fort Jackson, S. C. How well we remember the new men coming into the division the next month - most of them 18 and 19 year olds. As I recall, about eleven months were spent at Ft. Jackson: then a motor march across Georgia (remember the one night stand at Ft. Oglethorpe-WAC headquarters!) followed by two months maneuvers in Tennessee? After that Camp Atterbury, Indiana, called us. We lost the old gang who went overseas as replacements. All the original chaplains left the division, also. I was the last of the original fifteen to leave - going to the 71st Inf Div and into the ETO.
     It was not until October, 1945. at Camp Lucky Strike, France. I met some of the Golden Lions, although most had left for the good old USA the day before.
     I attended the December 16th reunion of the division in New York City in 1946. Stopping for a traffic light at 42nd St., and 5th Ave. I was hailed by a taxi-driver. He recognized me and I him - buddies of the 423rd Inf. Regt! What a small world. But enough of reminiscing. This association with war-time buddies will grow in value with each passing year. My hat off to the men who came through the Bulge: All honor to those who gloriously died in Germany. Let us look to the future in confidence and hope that they, too, did not die in vain.
     There is an old saying which goes like this: "You can't win a boat race by stopping to feel your muscles!" As veterans we cannot rest on our laurels at any times. Let us not live in the past or off the past. Let us resolutely face the future determined to give as good account of ourselves now as then.
"Be strong! We are not here to play, to dream, to drift;
We have hard work to do, and loads to lift.
Shun not the struggle, face it, 'tis God's gift.
Be strong!"
God bless you every one

In Memoriam
     Our cover this month is photo of American Military Cemetery in Henri Chappelle, Belgium. Photo was taken by the Editor when he visited there last year. In this cemetery are many of the boys of the 106th who made the supreme sacrifice in the Battle of the Bulge. One grave that stood out in the Editor's mind is one that you will all remember. It was that of Lt. Albert C. Martin who was attached at one time to the 590 FABn, but was serving another unit of the 106th when he was killed. Lt. Martin received the Silver Star posthumously for having tried to hold a crossroad single handed to protect his buddies and was slain there by the Nazis. We should never forget those men, for it was because of their sacrifice that we are today able to enjoy Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
Never forget this as long as our Association exists, and so long as two of us remain alive to remember December 16.


     In Pete Frampton's effort to promote the Columbus Convention he has had many letters returned saying the addressee had died or is still on our missing list and their families would like to know if anyone has any info about them. I quote from one letter and add some names asked about. If you have any info contact the Editor or Pete Frampton.

Dear Mr. Frampton:
     I guess you are wondering just what is the reason for receiving this letter at this time. I understand that you are a busy man and will make it as brief as possible. While doing some research work trying to get some details about one of my friend's death in service, I came across your name in the article in the Saturday Evening Post of No. 9, 1946, and decided to write to you in hope that you might be able to supply me with further information about his death.
     The person in question was named Terrence Burrows a 2nd Lt., a co-pilot on a B-17 Flying Fortress, who was shot down over the Rhineland at the time of the Ardennes breakthrough.
     His father has written hundreds of letters to various military personnel, as well as the Army Air Force in trying to learn about his son's death.
     So far, this is what he has been able to gather. After being shot down, his son was captured and put on a prison train at Hildesheim station or a little before that. The train was badly strafed by mistake by our P-51 Mustangs firing rockets. Terrence was hit severely and put off the train onto the station platform at Gerolstein either dead or dying.
     Mr. Burrows has been able to ascertain that the majority of Americans on that train were from the 106th Division, mainly from the 422nd Inf. Regt. He contacted an enlisted man from Golconda. Ill., a Charles K. Evans, who said the officers of the outfit were separated from the enlisted men and said the following were on the train to the best of his knowledge. Platoon leader of Weapons platoon, Co. F. 422nd Regt. A major named Maj. Oliphant, possibly executive officer of the 22nd Batt. 422nd Inf. Also several Service Co. 422nd Regt. officers were believed to have been on the train.
     Having read of the great work you and your associates did tracing the men from the 106th, I thought you might be able to give me some information which will be of help in locating anyone who was with Terry at his death. Ile was the only child and the family will never recover from his loss.
Anything you may be able to contribute will be greatly appreciated I want to thank you in advance for your trouble.
John F. Flanagan
Room 706 YMCA (Central)
Baltimore. Md.

     Mr. E. P. Schmidt would like to get in touch with buddies of his son James P. Schmidt, formerly of the 423. Jim was killed while serving with the 18th Infantry near Wenau and Gressenick, Germany on November 21. 1944. This notice especially for Tech Sgt. Charles H. McAnally, Hume, Illinois: S/Sgt. James B. Richardson, 1315 W. Fayette St., Baltimore, Md; and Sgt. John E. Galik, 606 E. Murphy Avenue, Connellsville. Pa.
     Anyone know anything about Edward Crone, who died of starvation in Stalag IV-A, Dresden. Germany. April 11, 1945? Contact family at 1627 Monroe Avenue, Rochester, N.Y.
     Forrest Steel Burns S/Sgt., Co. E 423, POW. for 4 months, liberated by the British and discharged Atterbury, August 1945.
(Continued on Page 26)



     When you write to the CUB, please mention your company and regiment. We like to refer to a man's outfit when mentioning his name, and it saves a lot of work for us if you tell us instead of making us hunt for it.
     JOHN F. BALL, formerly of Henry L. Davis Co., 12 E. 41st Street, New York 17. N. Y., is serving with the Armed Forces in Korea.
     HARRY W. BUTLER. JR., 1467 Greystone Terr., Winchester, Va. is a member of his city council, is married with one child, and is secretary and sales manager of H. W. Butler & Bro., Inc.
     B. E. CARRINO, 148 Coeyman Ave., Nutley 10, N. J. writes that he's in the trucking business, has two-year-old daughter, with another addition to the family expected soon. Can anyone send him the address of George Gianakos, formerly of Med Det, 424th, thought to be living either in Brooklyn or Pittsburgh?
     J. M. CARTER, formerly Anti-Tank Co. 423, was graduated from Michigan State in 1951 as Veterinary and now practices in and around Elkhart, Indiana. Married Barbara Hansing last October and now are building their own home.
     JOHN W. DANIEL, CO of 806th Ord Co, is president of Ker-Dan Products, 234 Commerce St., Montgomery, Ala., a building cleaning and service firm.
     MARTIN M. DOLITSKY, now a major with the 105th FA Bn reports that he met Major Foley of the 424th at summer encampment at Camp Drum. Dolitsky reports a new address at 37 Summit Ave., Portchester, N. Y.

    Mail has been very heavy in the past two months, and space prevents our using all the items which have been sent in -- but keep watching, they'll all be in sooner or later!
-- Editor

     ALAN DUNBAR. 422/Hq, is employed by the Veterans Administration in Philadelphia, lives at Croyden Apt. No. 703, 49th at Locust, Philadelphia 39, Pa. He has remained active in the reserves, and is now G-1 of the 79th Infantry Division. Major Dunbar writes that he'd enjoy hearing from any of his company, especially members of the communication platoon.
     ERNEST GERHARDT, 121 Lispenard Avenue, New Rochelle, N. Y., reports he is still a partner with Gerhardt Bros. He has a son Ernie Jr., 5 years. Doesn't give his unit.
     BOB KARUTIS (423/K). 412 E. Main St., Amsterdam, N. Y. writes that he's still with the post office there, and that he was visited last year by Ed Brax and William Busier of 423/K.
     1ST LT. CHARLES S. LASKY is with the 25th Base Post Office, APO 154, c/o Postmaster, New York City. He was stationed at Stuttgart, Germany when we heard from him in December.
ROBERT E. McVOY, Poland, N. Y. had a son last spring, is a Chrysler-Plymouth salesman.
JOSEPH MIDDLEBERG, 2965 Shore Parkway, Brooklyn 35. N. Y. is in the office furniture sales business.
STANLEY B. MULLINEAUX (424/ M), Box 114, Mt. Airy, Md. is a new member.


     DR. IRWIN NEIGUS, 499 Ocean Ave. Brooklyn 26, N. Y., reports that he was visited by Dr. Zach Lifchez of Chicago and enjoyed a long bull session while the children romped.
ROBERT K. REINBRECHT is in the hardware and furniture business in West Branch, Iowa.
     LOUIS J. RUSSO, Sr., 429 Maple Ave., Trenton, N. J., is Chief Examiner and Secretary, New Jersey State Civil Service. He was Ast. Adjutant General of the 106th.
     J. GLENN SCHNIZLEIN and family, including wife Rody who is president of the National Auxiliary, reports a new address at 2403 Grape St. in Joliet, Ill.
     S. L. SINCOFF, 221-29 Braddock Ave., Queens Village 27, N. Y., E Co. 422, Captured December 21, vacationed at Stalag IVB until liberated by the Russians on April 23, 1945. Has a girl 6, and a son 3.
     HYMIE SLAVIN, 24 William St., Newburgh, N. Y. is still with the post office, and is a state trustee in the United National Association of Post Office Clerks. He'd be happy to hear from his buddies in 424/3d Bn Hq.
     CHARLES H. STAMMER, 106th Sig Co, an organic chemist with Merck & Co., now lives at 39 Burnet St., New Brunswick, N. J. With the Division he was a T/4, radio operator, and an alumnus of Stalags 11-B, 111-B and 111-A.
     VINCENT A. STILES (424/1st Bn Hq) writes from 814 West 4th St., Ontario, Calif. He's an accountant with the Exchange Orange Products Co., canners of Sunkist orange juice.
     JAMES M. WILLIAMS (806 Ord Co) 2618 West Cloverdale, Owensboro, Ky. needs to hear from anyone who remembers his medical disability, as he needs witnesses. (As we understand it, the accident was an explosion of a stove at Fort Jackson in 1943).
     COL. F. A. WOOLFLEY is back as Senior Instructor to the Louisiana National Guard at Jackson, New Orleans, after a three year tour as chief of staff of the U.S. Army Group of the Joint Military Mission for Aid to Turkey.


New Officers of Wolverine
President Robert Kelly
Vice President Emlyn Jones
Secretary Emery Hatton
Treasurer Harry Malaniak
Sgt. at Arms Gordon Jolgren
Member At Large James Kenyon

For information or joining Chapter contact, Emory Hatton at 17621 Annchester Road, Detroit 19, Michigan.

THANKS to our readers for the many Christmas cards! Sorry that we can't acknowledge every one personally.

     Many of you who knew him will be shocked but interested to know that George F. Starrett, formerly of Cannon Co. 422 was killed in a Commercial plane accident in May of 1947. No previous news of this had reached the Association. George lived at 9123 120th Street, Richmond Hill, N. Y.

(Continued from Page 24)
     Recalled to duty June 1951 and made 2nd Lt. Was killed by enemy mine explosion in Korea, August 30, 1952. May he rest in Peace.
Robert Joseph Bunts, 12214778, Hq Co., 3rd Bn. 422. Killed December 16, 1944.


(Continued from Page 22)
dying in military service. This legislation is known as Chapter 309 of the public laws of 1952.
     The holder of the Distinguished Service Cross, Congressional Medal of Honor, or Navy Cross may be employed or promoted without complying with any of the rule or regulations of the Civil Service Commission. Patrolmen in first class cities who are veterans of World War I or World War II, shall be' entitled to compete in promotion examinations after one year of permanent service notwithstanding that a longer length of service may be otherwise required to secure eligibility for promotion.
     Upon entering military service, an employee with permanent status receives one month's extra salary in the form of military leave with pay.
     Pension payments: If a permanent employee belongs to one of the state pension systems the pension payments are continued by the state agency in which the person is employed.
Salary increments accrue while in military service.
Sick leave accrues while in military service.
    Vacation: A returning veteran is entitled to full vacation for the calendar year of return and for the year preceding, provided the latter can be taken during the year of return.
Seniority accrues.
    Extended leave without pay: In cases of service-connected illness or wound, the employee is allowed three months after recovery to return to his position, up to a maximum of two years after discharge.

Jersey - December 16
    Editor was very disappointed with the results of the December 16th Dinners. Some didn't even take place and others failed to report. Let's not relax fellows. We can't print the Cub without information from you. Haven't heard from our President nor from the Ladies Auxiliary. What happened?????
     The gang from Jersey and New York got together in West Orange, New Jersey, instead of the usual Metropolitan Chapter dinner in New York. This New Jersey and New York gang is going places. It must not be confused with the Metropolitan Chapter. This is a single unit started by Messrs. Brumaghin, Bickford and Coffey to promote December 16th Dinner in Jersey. It was a huge success. 45 people came and enjoyed at wonderful dinner. Our speaker was the Rev. John Forrell, an ex-GI himself who gave us a wonderful message and a great deal of inspiration to carry on with the dinners in memory of our fellow 106ers. We agreed that each year we would have some sort of drawing, the proceeds of which were to go to the Memorial Fund. That is what the dinners are for: a memoriam to those who passed on and left loved ones for us to take an interest in.
     Our drawing brought twenty five ($25) into the till. The Treasurer Bill Fowler has the money and we hope other Chapters will do likewise in the future so that we really have some money to exploit the Memorial Fund in the manner that it should.

Columbus - December 16
     December 16 Dinner in Columbus was attended by 35 106ers, including Gen. Perrin and Chaplain Paul Cavanaugh. Pete Frampton and the General were on TV. Tape recording was made and played back to guests. Pete also contacted Baltimore gang and recorded their conversation for all to hear. Many thanks for success went to Bob Ringer and George Shapter, Jr. Sorry no one sent pictures for the Cub.
     It looks as though Jersey gets most of the publicity this time. Just before going to press there wasn't enough news to print. After set up we had more than we could handle. Editor promises to keep Jersey out of the news for some time. Next issue to be devoted to next Convention in COLUMBUS, OHIO.




Index for: Vol. 9, No. 3, Feb, 1953

Index for This Document

Ball, John F., 7
Brax, Ed, 7
Brumaghin, D. C., 1
Brumaghin, David C., 1
Bunts, Robert Joseph, 9
Burns, Forrest Steel, 6
Burrows, Terrence, 5
Busier, William, 7
Butler, Harry W., 7
Camp Lucky Strike, 3
Carrino, B. E., 7
Carter, J. M., 7
Cavanaugh, Paul, 10
Coffey, Douglas S., 1
Crone, Edward, 5
Daniel, John W., 7
Dolitsky, Martin M., 7
Dresden, 5
Dunbar, Alan, 7
Evans, Charles K., 5
Flanagan, John F., 5
Foley, Maj., 7
Fowler, Bill, 10
Fowler, William K., 1
Frampton, Pete, 5, 10
Galik, John E., 5
Gerhardt, Ernest, 7
Gerolstein, 5
Gianakos, George, 7
Gressenick, 5
Hatch, H. M., 1
Hatton, Emery, 8
Henri Chappelle, 3
Hildesheim, 5
Jolgren, Gordon, 8
Jones, Emlyn, 8
Karutis, Bob, 7
Kelly, Robert, 8
Kenyon, James, 8
Lifchez, Dr. Zach, 8
Lundy, Rev. Robert A., 1
Lundy, Robert A., 3
Malaniak, Harry, 8
Martin, Lt., 3
Martin, Lt. Albert C., 3
McAnally, Charles H., 5
McVoy, Robert E., 7
Middleberg, Joseph, 7
Mullineaux, Stanley B., 7
Neigus, Dr. Irwin, 8
Oliphant, Maj., 5
Perrin, Gen., 10
Price, David S., 1
Reinbrecht, Robert K., 8
Richardson, James B., 5
Ringer, Bob, 10
Russo, Col. Louis, 1
Russo, Louis J., Sr., 8
Saturday Evening Post, 5
Schmidt, James P., 5
Schmidt, Mr. E. P., 5
Schnizlein, J. Glenn, 8
Shapter, George, Jr., 10
Sincoff, S. L., 8
Slavin, Hymie, 8
Stalag IV-A, 5
Stalag IV-B, 8
Stammer, Charles H., 8
Starrett, George F., 8
Stiles, Vincent A., 8
Stuttgart, 7
Wells, James E., 1
Wenau, 5
Williams, James M., 8
Woolfley, Col. F. A., 8