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Index for this issue of The CUB
Original Cub Document
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Vol. 17, No. 1, July, 1960


President H. M. (Jim) Hatch
Vice President Ben Hagman
Adjutant Richard DeHeer
Treasurer Robert Kelly
Chaplain John Loveless
    The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $5.00 per year which includes subscription to the CUB. Editor Wayne Black.
The CUB is printed by The Morris Printing Co., Waterloo, Iowa
All editorial matter should be addressed to: Wayne Black,
306 Williston Ave.,
Waterloo, Iowa
All business matters, renewals of memberships, etc., should be addressed to:
Richard DeHeer, 19 Hopkins St., Hillsdale, New Jersey.
Back issues of the CUB may be obtained for 25 cents each. Send orders to Box 106, Blandon, Penn

     In reviewing previous issues of the Cub, I am impressed by the extensive history of this organization. The 106th may have been one of the shortest-lived divisions, but our Association is showing strong signs of a long active life.
     Like many healthy beings, our birth was slow and painful. Though we were conceived of parents of large proportions - a full division plus thousands of replacements - we have matured in comparatively small form. Regardless of size, we are financially sound, we perform a valuable service, end we enjoy life.

     The three smiling faces in our cover photo belong to Jack Gillespie (standing) and Flo and Tom Bickford. They earned their place on the cover of the post-convention Cub by a perfect attendance record. From the first convention in Indianapolis to the one just ended in Savannah, these three friendly folk have been on hand every time. Whether it's for a good time or for a job to be done, they are always ready. Flo is our ladies' auxiliary's new secretary-treasurer, and both Tom and Jack have served many years as directors of the association.

     We have received the good news from Jim Wells that in addition to providing every one with a wonderful time at the Savannah convention, he and Maydean were able to do so at as financial profit. The $11.25 net that he reports looks especially good after last year's deficit of $273.00 in Chicago.

     History tells of the years 1946 and 1947 when, in an effort to build a membership from a roster of 40,000 names, our treasurer reported a deficit of $17,000. Also early in our life, a convention was held which attracted more than 500 registrations, but which cost $2,800 more than was collected.

Today, with our sights lowered, we keep our expenses within our income and our conventions are self-supporting.

     Membership in the 106th Division Association is a privilege, and we owe it to our friends from the division and to our Association to remind them in our conversations, correspondence, and Christmas cards that a five-dollar membership is a valuable possession.



     At their business meeting during the Savannah convention, the members who were present selected the following to serve as their board of directors for the year 1960-1961.
Henry Broth
Jack Bryant
Wayne Black
Dick DeHeer
John Gallagher
Jim Hatch
Ben Hagman
Alan Jones
Bob Kelly
Bob Pierce
Larry Walden
Jack Middleton
John Shalhoub
Lou Rossi
Pete House
Chris Clark
John Beals
Cliff Perras
Joe Matthews
Abbie Harris
Ed Collier

    At a subsequent organizational meeting, the new board of directors elected the following to serve as officers for the coming year:
President--Jim Hatch
Vice President--Ben Hagman
Treasurer--Bob Kelly
President Hatch then named the following persons to serve on his staff:
Adjutant--Dick DeHeer
CUB Editor--Wayne Black
Memorials Chmn.--Doug Coffey
Chaplain--John Loveless
    At the business meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary, Anna Matthews was reelected as President and Flo Bickford was selected to be secretary and treasurer.

     Our new president, Jim Hatch, suffered a slight heart attack a week after returning from Savannah and was hospitalized for a few days. He is now "restricted to the area" for a couple of weeks before returning to his business. He says he can't understand what could have brought it on because, unlike the Chicago convention, he didn't chase a single bathing beauty in Savannah.

     The adjutant, Dick DeHeer, reported that we ended the 1959-1960 year with 239 paying members, about the normal number for the past several years. He also reported that renewals are coming in at the expected rate. (Editor's note: There will be a complete listing of membership for the 1960-1961 year in the next issue of the CUB).
     The treasurer, Bob Kelly, submitted a report showing a net income for the year of $399.20. A complete copy of the financial report will be found elsewhere in this issue.
     The memorials chairman, Doug Coffey, reported that our memorial at Saint Vith is completed, so far as the structure itself is concerned. He has received a suggestion from the architect that a small sum should be sent for landscaping the area around the memorial. He also submitted to the membership the cost for making up a plaque with suitable inscription. It was voted by the membership that a sum of up to $200.00 be made available


    from the General Fund, to be paid back from the Memorial Fund as obtained, for these two purposes. A committee consisting of Bob Kelly, Bob Rutt, and John Loveless was appointed to provide a suitable inscription for the plaque. It was the sense of the meeting that the inscription should be bilingual, English and either French or Walloon, as advised by the architect.
     Colonel Manahan reported to the membership on his visit to the memorial in December, 1959. He stated that the memorial was impressive and worthy of the purpose for which we have intended it.
     A spirited discussion was held concerning the dedication of the memorial. Doug Coffey reported on his strenuous but unsuccessful efforts to obtain transportation for himself or some other member of the organization for a dedication ceremony last December on the fifteenth anniversary of the beginning of the Battle of the Bulge. He reported that the Belgian government and the United States military authorities are quite willing to lend full cooperation for any ceremony decided upon. Discussion was held concerning contacting the Military Air Transport Service on the possibility of "space available" transportation for a representative of the division, perhaps one of the former General officers of the division. The only former General officer attending stated that he felt it would be more appropriate for Doug Coffey to be selected as our representative. After further discussion, it was voted that the board of directors be authorized to provide up to $500.00 for the purpose of furnishing transportation and other necessary expenses to a member to be selected at their discretion. It was also voted that pledges be received for the purpose of making up this sum.
A communication was received from Ben Hagman concerning the 1961 convention at Fort Worth, Texas.
     He stated that two locations are under consideration and that he is considering reserving a block of seats for the Weatherford Rodeo for those persons attending the convention, since the two events will be going on during the same week end.
    It was the sense of the meeting that after a 1960 convention in the Southeast and a 1961 convention in the Southwest, the 1962 convention should be held in the more populous Northeast area. Henry Broth and John Loveless then volunteered to undertake the arrangement of a convention in 1962 in the general vicinity of Baltimore or Annapolis. Their offer was unanimously accepted by the members present.
     In addition to the usual resolutions, an additional resolution was ordered noting the passing of one of our most enthusiastic and beloved members, Doc Fridline. A resolution was also adopted petitioning the U. S. Senate Military Affairs Committee to schedule hearings on a bill to liberalize retirement payments for all Army personnel retiring either due to longevity or disability prior to 1958. The bill in question would provide that all such personnel would receive a proportionate share of all pay increases voted active members of the Armed Forces rather than a flat percentage intended to compensate partially for these increases.
     During the board of director's meeting, the required signatures were obtained on the amendment of the articles of incorporation of the Association to enable John Loveless to complete the transfer of our incorporation from the District of Columbia to the State of Maryland. This change of incorporation may now be completed within the next few months. Meeting later, the board of directors selected Doug Coffey as the Association's representative for the dedication of our memorial. It is now planned that he will go to Saint Vith during April or May for this ceremony.


As your editor saw it
     Memories of a convention come flooding back, not in chronological order, not in order of importance, but in a rush that warms the heart. For your editor, there was a songfest that turned unexpectedly for a moment into a duet with Joyce Tomlinson at 2 a. m. There was Maydean and Jim Wells welcoming us with open arms on a rainy night. There was Miss Nell chasing us of Bus Number 2 back out of the kitchen (a hundred year old one in the Telfair Museum) and her complete chagrin at bringing her party including children into a bar marked "No Minors Allowed." There was Jack Gillespie and the Bryants turning up on Friday, after their plane was forced to turn back Thursday evening. There was Pete House and his wife turning up with our youngest attendant. There was General Jones' acknowledgement of Master House before his after-luncheon remarks, and his notes on what appeared to be a large sheet of tissue paper. There was Colonel Manahan's report of his visit to our memorial at St. Vith. There was Kay Loveless' charming surprise at the birthday cake Jim Wells provided. There was your editor's first pure jet flight enroute to Savannah and then on his return an unexpected opportunity to take part in the inaugural flight of Convair 880 jet service from Atlanta to Chicago. At one time, the captain announced that due to 50 mile headwinds, our ground speed was "only" 565 miles per hour. The temperature outside the plane (at 31,000 feet) was -35°. There were memories to last a year, and then to be revived at Fort Worth.

     The Hungry and Sick opened another Reunion, the 14th, with the usual bang. A Southern bang this time. This Reunion or Convention was not unlike the recent National Conventions of Certain Political Parties; there were smoke filled rooms, liquid refreshment, "Thanks," and lots of conversation. Sessions were even included on the golf course and the swimming pool and the patio. I know one 106er who almost drowned treading water while he tried to answer questions put to him. Of course, as with all Reunions, there must be the passion, the fears, the humor, and the disappointments.
     Lou Rossi for instance tried to outrun a State trooper and lost the bet and had to pay $15.85. He'll know better than to bet with a trooper; they always have help in the nature of a Municipal Judge. Our children are so grown up now we have to look twice to see if they belong to one of our buddies or if our buddies in second childhood have divorced their wives and married two twenties. The kids were taking off with their parents' or friends' air conditioned Cadillac's, etc., checking on the rock and roll in the adjacent communities. And of course, who could forget this year's tour of Historical Savannah with Madame Hale, Miss Savannah of 1898. As May-dean would say, "She's a Pistol." First Sergeant Pistol to you, I say. The way she herded her little chickens all over Town, in and out of buses and museums, etc. will never be forgotten. Be quiet, now, I can't talk over you. Ever notice how lucky Ricky DeHeer is. He never fails to make money at Reunions. I think his old man coaches him all year long so that he can earn, win, or finagle enough to pay for his Mom and Dad's expense at Convention. Lovely Kay Loveless, and who could love her less, only more and more, had a birthday cake, party and all. When you see such as she you know you are getting on in years. Next thing we know these children of ours will be bringing their husbands to Convention and really make us look bad. Speaking of looking bad, did you see anything worse than Doug Coffey


    and Lu Rutt trying to Charleston? Good thing that band didn't play even one Polka or we would have had a corpse or two on our hands.
     Good thing those characters who tried to move the Piano out to Gillespie's hideaway didn't succeed. They say when you get drunk, you have super human strength. These guys tried to prove the theory, but I guess they weren't as strong as they thought.
     It seems as each year rolls by we seem to have a guest or guests join us and become one of us. Didn't you all enjoy Dick DeHeer's bringing Jessie to the Convention? Probably not the last we shall see of her.
     You know we took the two buses on our tour of Savannah and as we started off there was a lot of wondering if it was to be a fiasco like it was in Valley Forge. You remember, one bus went to the Valley and one went to the Forge and never the twain shall meet. Of course Rayforth was a little disturbed when the First Sergeant took her bus and ours followed and Rayforth didn't get a chance to show us his ante-bellum mansion.
     You children don't forget what Miss Hale said on the trip and especially don't forget the Pirate House where Flint started the whole story of Treasure Island. One other thing, was this your first drink in a tavern?? Let's not get carried away. Make it coke all the time.
     Will anyone ever forget the getup on Gillespie? He's the only 106er I know that can show knobby knees and get away with it. Course we did see some women's knees, but they are not knobby. Vive La Difference.
     Usually at Reunion the wife of the Host has to maintain the reception desk and take reservations. The nerve of Wells, he buys one charming gal one southern fried chicken dinner and she worked the whole convention for him; talk about your Pygmalion. I wonder if that's how he cons his Negroes to work so cheap he can afford to smoke those three for a nickel seegars. Maydean was her usual charming hostess with the mostest, seeing to it that everything ran the way it should and stiffening Wells back so that he in turn gave us a good convention. I think she was just a little jealous because Bob Rutt fell all over Miss Hale instead of herself. Well, if I had a choice, I wonder??
     Next time Alan Jones makes a speech, I hope someone gives him the proper paper to make notes. Very disturbing to see a grown man playing in public with toilet paper. How he managed to see his notes is amazing.
     I hope they never start the Civil War over again. We Northerners will be outnumbered. Really You all is our friends.
Enough rambling for this year, on to Fort Worth. Ben, here we come.

     Editor's Note: We present herewith the start of a second year of columns by a contributor who prefers to be identified by initials only. For the benefit of late tuners in, We repeat the offer contained in the first column a year ago: "If you would like to know the reason (and result if any) for a specific happening or activity occurring in the Division during the years 1943 and 1944, carte and ask this column! The only qualifications are that you give your full name and former organization and that you are a paid-up member of the Division Association. If you do not want your name to appear in the reply, say so. The door is wide open." Your editor will be pleased to forward any such inquiries.
     The last Tuesday in July dawned, as most last Tuesdays in July have dawned, "Hot, humid, with a chance of afternoon and evening showers." By noon the car was loaded, house checked, doors locked and we were feeling our way through mounting traffic, destined to reach a crescendo by late afternoon and then gradually decrease, until early morning would see only a trickle. Question: Why don't we start in the late evening and drive all night? The new bypass at


    Richmond and Petersburg is wonderful to behold. Shades of 1865. Riding high and free above the grime of industrialized cities has removed much of the curse of modern overland travel.
     Southeast from Petersburg leads to the friendly and pleasant town of Elizabeth City, in North Carolina on the inland waterway, where we have had many happy stops. On Wednesday, down the Coast to Myrtle Beach, and sorry that we stopped there for it has changed through the years to a garish honky tonk. Next time we shall stop at Georgetown or one of the more beautiful beaches along the way. Thursday was purposely planned as a short run through Savannah and Thunderbolt to Wilmington Island and the General Oglethorpe Hotel. There we found air conditioned comfort, a staff most anxious to please, and our friends.
     The next three days followed the pattern of our special type of reunion. Mostly social, but with a sufficient number of required meetings so that we met the golf players; time moved too fast. Attendance at the business meetings was good, and it really was not much more rigged than the big shot conventions which nominate our National tickets. Elsewhere in the CUB you will probably read the list of our new officers, the financial report and any resolutions which may have been passed. This column states, without equivocation, that it is in favor of the slate of officers. This is a gratuitous plug, since nominated candidates have already been elected, but we want to be in favor of what we did.
     Among the items discussed, was the Association Memorial in St. Vith. It stands completed but unchristened and undedicated. The construction has been paid for, but money is still needed for planting around the Monument .and installation of the plaque. Not being an expert on the wording for plaques, we do not attempt to compose one. But we do know that we have Association members who have advanced degrees in allied subjects, and we suggest that they get off their behind and write something fitting and proper.
     Concerning the dedication of our memorial we put forth with the following ideas. As is true with almost any event of this kind, expense money is the governing factor. It has been suggested that this writer travel on "space available" to Belgium and be present for the ceremonies.
     We do not think that is the correct solution. The Memorial is not an official Army Monument. It is different, probably, than any other of its kind. It was conceived and built, not under the auspices of the Battle Monument's Association, but by the 106th Division Association, standing alone and us-aided, just as the Division stood, fifteen years ago. It seems, then, that there is one individual who is completely qualified and who has certainly earned the right to arrange the final touches. Doug Coffey is the person most responsible for successful completion of the project and is the man to represent us. He is entitled to the trip at the expense of the Association. There are not sufficient funds in our treasury for this purpose. Therefore, this column proposes that a fund be established and called "Memorial Fund, Dedication Division". This fund to be qualified to assure that no money will be collected until the full amount has been pledged. Someone has estimated that about five hundred dollars will be required. There is an old bit of Americana which says "Put your money where your mouth is, mister". This column will do just that and hereby pledges one hundred dollars to the above fund. And will be very happy to pay it. Before leaving the reunion, we will say that our former boss, the CUB editor, did a good job in material published. He had real difficulties, but the CUB is still strong and healthy






and ready to go.
     After the memorial services, as traditionally conducted by Chaplain John Loveless, we headed south into Florida. At 'Orlando, we found children and grandchildren and swimming pools and hamburgers and much activity. It is a fast growing, fine young City. The Orlando Sentinel is published there, and prints daily a lively column entitled "Hush Puppies" by one Henry Balch. We were told that he had on occasion mentioned the 106th Division in a very friendly manner. We tried to get in touch, but he was out of town. There, Richard is a prospect and we suggest an application blank to him.

Financial Tip
    Invest in the "Memorial Fund, Dedication Division" and gain social position, promotion, great wealth, health and happiness. Yea Lions!

Hi, Girls:
     Here we are back home again, after a wonderful reunion in Savanah. Our thanks go especially to Maydean and Jim Wells, who put on a fine repeat performance. How sorry I am more of you could not have been with us this year!
    Start planning and don't let anything interfere for the reunion next year to be held in Fort Worth, Texas. For the benefit of those who could not attend the one this year, you should know that we voted to discontinue business meetings for the Auxiliary, but still pay our $2.00 dues, for small expenditures, also to have something available for the Memorial Fund. Instead of a- business meeting, we Will have a welcoming party (with refreshments) for the new faces at future conventions.
Convention Hostess Maydean Wells has her corsage adjusted by Convention Chairman Jim Wells.

    A NEW EDITOR - THE SAME AIM Your new editor is undertaking his task with a feeling of humility and not a little trepidation. Persons who should know have said the CUB is one of the finest of the unit papers being published. Stepping into the shoes of Dave Price and John Gallagher, to name only two of the numerous fine predecessors in this post, represents a stern responsibility. Your editor will do his best.
     The CUB, though, represents more than a responsibility for its editor. It represents a challenge to you, its readers. His best will be good enough only if he has your fullest cooperation. This paper is your news sheet. It is news of you that we must have. In the 106th, your editor served in an intelligence headquarters. There his job was, in the peculiar jargon of the Army, to "collate and disseminate information". Here it will be the same. It is for all of you to provide that information. As well as information, suggestions or corrections will be appreciated.
    Our new Secretary and Treasurer is Flo Bickford. Please drop me a line if anything of interest to the Auxiliary comes up.
Anna Mathews, President,
4706 Western Blvd. Raleigh, North Carolina.


Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rutt, Mary Ann, and Amy, 14447 Young Ave., Detroit, Michigan. (Hq. 422).
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bickford, 3 Sunnyside Terrace, East Orange, New Jersey. (Div. Hq.)
Mr. and Mrs. John Shalhoub, John Jr., and Andrea, 31374 Hathaway, Livonia, Michigan. (G 424).
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kelly, Sue, Pat, Kathy, and Terry, 846 Lakepointe, Grosse Pointe 30, Michigan. (Sv. 423).
Mr. Doug Coffey, 41 Lowell Ave., West Orange, New Jersey. (C. 590).
Mr. and Mrs. Richard DeHeer and Ricky, 19 Hopkins St., Hillsdale, N. J. (K. 424).
Mrs. Jessie Bayersdorfer and Jimmy, 137 South St., Bogota, N. Jersey. (Guests of the DeHeers).
    Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pierce, Bob, Jr., Myron, Charlotte, and Debbie, 474 Federal St. N. W., Warren, Ohio. (C. 81 Engr.).
Mr. John W. Carr, Box 66, Greensboro, Georgia. (F. 422).
Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Broth, 2628 Rockwood Ave., Baltimore 15, Maryland. (I. 422).
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Loveless, Kay, and Althea, 2549 Pickwick Road, Baltimore 7, Maryland. (R. Hq. 422).
Mr. Eddie Collier and Jimmy, 5278 Collingwood, Memphis, Tennessee. (H. 424).
Maj. Gen. and Mrs. Alan W. Jones, 3532 Quebec St. N.W., Washington 16, D. C. (Div. Hq.).
Mr. William Rosenkoetter, 15647 Hanover, Allen Park, Michigan. (H. 424).
Mr. Harris T. Fant, 410 E. River St., Anderson, South Carolina. (R. Hq. 422).
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Rarick and Terry, Box 25, Blandon, Pennsylvania. (L. 424).
Mr. Dean Redmond, 116 Kelly St., Statesville, North Carolina. (R. Hq. 422).
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. (Jim) Hatch, 5609 15th Ave. S., Minneapolis 17, Minnesota. (R. Hq. 422, Div. Hq.).
Mr. T. Wayne Black, 306 Williston Ave., Waterloo, Iowa. (R. Hq. 422).
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Matthews, Jr. and Bruce, 4706 Western Blvd., Raleigh, North Carolina. (Hq. 422).
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wells, Hephzibah, Georgia. (C. 81 Engr.).
Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Rossi, Louis Jr., Maria, Billy, and Steve, 1208 50th St., North Bergen, New Jersey. (H 424).
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lada, 1044 Liberty, Lincoln Park, Michigan. (L. 424).
Mr. Jack Gillespie, 19807 Murray Mill, Detroit, Michigan. (C. 422).
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bryant, 14011 Nadine, Oak Park 37, Michigan. (R. Hq. 422).
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Manahan, Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania. (805 Ord.).
Mr. and Mrs. Louis LeTellier, 7019 Altama Road, Jacksonville, Florida. (C. 81 Engr.).
Mr. Jack Middleton III, 17 Kensington Road, Madison, New Jersey. (106 Sig).
Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Burnham, Susan, and Debbie, 1066 N. Third St., Rochelle, Illinois. (Div. Band).
Mr. and Mrs. Pete House and son, 5662 Clifton Road, Jacksonville 11, Florida. (590).
Mr. and Mrs. Sherrod Collins, Box 133, Waycross, Georgia. (Sv. 423).
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Tomlinson, Lake City, South Carolina. (Hq. 423).
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Singletary, Lake City, South Carolina. (Guests of the Tomlinsons).
Mr. Bill French, Detroit, Michigan. (D. 424).


    1. Be It Resolved, that the 106th Infantry Division Association extend its appreciation and gratitude to the personnel of the General Oglethorpe Hotel for their many courtesies and kindnesses in making this Convention a tremendous success.
    2. Be It Resolved, that the 106th Infantry Division sorrowfully notes the passing of our dear friend and comrade, Dr. G. Delsher Fridline, who gave unstintingly of his time and efforts in the promotion and extension of the activities of the Association since its formation, and Be It Further Resolved, that the members of this Association express their heartfelt sympathies to his wife and family, and
    Be It Further Resolved, that this Resolution be spread upon the minutes, of this Association in Convention assembled in Savannah, Georgia this 30th day of July, 1960, and Be It Further Resolved, that a copy of this Resolution be sent to Mrs. Fridline.
    3. Be It Resolved, that the 106th Infantry Division Association express its deep appreciation and gratitude to James E. Wells and his wife, May-dean Wells, for their untiring efforts in organizing and promoting the Annual Convention held at Savannah, Georgia 28 July 1960 to 31 July 1960.
    4. Be It Resolved, that the 106th Infantry Division Association in Convention assembled at Savannah, Georgia this 30th day of July 1960 requests that House Bill H. R. 11318 be released from Committee and brought to the floor of the United States Senate for consideration.

Proposed wording for plaque at Saint • Vith
    Dedicated to the memory of the men of the 106th Infantry Division, U. S. A., who gave their lives during the Ardennes Campaign (Battle of the Bulge), December 1944.
Erected by the 106th Infantry Division Association, December 1959.

     The 1961 convention in Fort Worth represents a bold break with past tradition for the Association. It is the first convention west of the Mississippi, the first in our great Southwest, the first so far from the population centers which furnish so much of the strength of the Association. Will the members in these Midwestern and Northeastern areas make the extra effort to reach Texas? Will our Southwestern members respond to this reunion in their area in sufficient numbers to take up the slack? We know that Juanita and Ben will do the same fine job that has been done by our convention committees in the past. Will we prove worthy of their labors? Several persons at Savannah were discussing the possibility of chartering a bus or a plane to cover several areas and, after collecting a load, to take them to Fort Worth and return. This sounds like too fine an idea to drop. Will someone in each of the populous areas volunteer to serve as an arranger and contact man? Your editor will be glad to serve as liaison between the groups to coordinate their efforts.



    The 1961 Convention in Fort Worth, Texas promises to be a Texas-style barn-burner. The Hagmans are working on it tooth and nail. Those of you who know Ben and Juanita know what that means. Those of you who don't can find out by marking the last week end in July 1961 on your calendar right now: "Convention--Let nothing interfere." All you Southwestern members, make plans now for a big showing. It's the first convention in your part of the country. Ben promises outstanding accommodations and entertainment. Remember, it's in Texas. There'll be plenty of roc, for everybody. That's just whom we want to see there -- everybody!
July 1, 1959 to June 30, 1960
Balance on Hand, July 1, 1959


 Auxiliary Dues

 Memorial Fund Contributions



Chicago Convention Fees:

 Editor, Adjutant, Treasurer
 $ 45.00

 Chicago Convention Deficit

 Repair typewriter

 Expenses on Sept.-Oct. Cub

 Victory Stationers

 Franciscan Press--Sept-Oct. Cub

 College Patronee, St. Vith, Belgium

 Cross Printing--Jan. Feb. Cub

 Letter Service Co.--Mailing

 Richard DeHeer: Flowers for
G. D. Fridline Funeral

 Letter Service Company--Mailing
1960-61 Dues Notices

 Letter Service Company--Mailing


 Net Receipts for year

 Balance on hand June 30, 1960

 Includes Auxiliary account of $343.62


 Balance on hand, July 1, 1959

 Interest earned


 Paid to College Patronee, St. Vith, Belgium, November 19, 1959


 Holding in General Fund, Net 1959-60 Contributions

 $ 71.55

 Respectfully submitted, Robert E. Kelly, Treasurer


     Some years ago there was written a little poem which, as a song, was sung by untold numbers of children. However, until just a few years back, many adults had never heard it. Then, on radio and TV, it burst forth across our nation and a rare day it seemed when the listener did not hear it at least once. The very clearness of trio -cords and the obvious truth expressed by them caught the imagination of even those not so young. "Little Sir Echo" began his reverberations from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from Canada to Mexico.
     Within the last month there burst thru outer space a man-made object to begin its course around and around the earth numerous times each day. What a glorious sight it was to see for the first time this one hundred foot sphere, luminous as the brightest star, speed its way across the blue of the night heavens! Echo I, designed to reflect, or echo, sounds transmitted from the earth hundreds of miles below to other distant places on our planet was born.
     The simplicity of producing an echo when contrasted with the complexity of the making of Echo I is amazing. The first has been with us since time began, a natural phenomenon that has amused us since childhood. The other, so recent in our experience, excites us as we contemplate the great truths revealed thru it and other scientific developments because the Almighty has given to man the power to know, to understand and to appreciate, at last in part, some of the wonders existing about us.
     May we ever pray that each of us, and all men, will use the powers and the knowledge revealed and given to us for the greater benefit of all mankind and the glory of our God.
"Bless the Lord, 0 you his angels, you mighty ones who do his word, hearkening to the voice of his word."
- Psalm 103:20
John T. Loveless, Jr., Chaplain
106th Infantry Division Assoc. August, 1960

     Wayne Black was born forty years ago in Illinois but has lived most of his life in Waterloo, Iowa. He has been employed for the past twenty-two years by the John Deere Waterloo Tractor Works, where his present work involves core production scheduling in the third largest gray iron foundry in the United States. He is unmarried and one of the very few members of the Association whose street address is the same today as when he entered service.
     He was inducted early in 1943 and joined the 106th two days before its activation as one of its first fillers. He was assigned to the I & R platoon of 422d R Hq Co for more than twenty-one months. He served through the Fort Jackson, Tennessee Maneuvers, it Camp Atterbury, and Myles Standish period before going overseas on the Aquitania. He was taken prisoner in the Regimental Headquarters convoy on 19 December near Bliealf, Germany. He was imprisoned in Stalag IX-B and IX-A until liberated on 30 March 1945. After returning from overseas, he was assigned to a replacement battalion in Camp Polk, La., as a classification specialist and to Dallas, Texas as a recruiter before being hospitalized for one year with suspected tuberculous pleurisy.
     His hobbies include stamp collecting, photography, and attending baseball games. He prefers classical music to popular and instrumental to vocal. Toward matrimony he has no prospects and no regrets. He names as his most enjoyable experience a three week vacation in the British Isles during 1959 and names his biggest thrill seeing many persons whom he had not seen since before being taken prisoner, at the Philadelphia convention.
     Editor's Note Most of the letters appearing under this heading in this copy of the CUB were actually sent to Jim Wells, our Savannah Convention Chairman. He has passed them on to the Editor so that all the members may share the information contained in them. Many thanks, Jim.

Dear Mr. Wells:
     Duke asked me to write you with regard to the 106th reunion. We are sorry that we will be unable to attend. Every year we keep hoping we can come, but it seems that the date of the reunion and the date of Duke's two weeks active duty with the Army always coincide. Duke goes to New Orleans for two weeks active duty from the 17th of July until the 31st of July. So you can see why we can't be there. Please be assured that our best wishes will be with all of you, and it is our hope that one of these years when the reunion is so close that it won't be at the same time as active duty.
Martha Ward

106th Infantry Division Convention General Oglethorpe Hotel
Savannah, Georgia
     Greetings to all. Regret we cannot join you. My residence was Iowa City Veterans Hospital February to April and just returned to work May 1. Plan to have July vacation in 1961 and attend convention.
John Beals and Carol Beals

Dear Jim:
     Regretfully we announce that the McMahons will be unable to attend the Reunion at the General Oglethorpe Hotel. We had looked forward to it because we missed the last one there, when I was laid up with an injured knee. However, things have a way of intervening in the best laid plans.
     My son, Major Leo T. McMahon, Jr., just completed the regular course at the Command and General Staff College in June. He has been assigned to duty at Orleans, France. He has been spending his leave here with us, and will be departing for New York enroute to France next week end (3031 July). In addition, the Secretary of the Chamber here took his vacation at this time and will not return until August 2, so I am sitting in for him. From all reports you picked a perfect place for a reunion, and we wish we could be with you this year. Please give our best regards to Mrs. Wells and to all our old friends. We wish you all a delightful time.
Cordially yours,
Leo T. McMahon

Dear Jim.
    Your program looks fine. I am most sorry I can't be with you. May you have a most successful convention. I trust that this year may be one of new growth for our Division Association. Best wishes to all.
John and Stella Gallagher

Dear family and friends:
We thought we would write a letter to tell of our tentative schedule for this summer.
    Kitty Mosley graduates from High School on June 9th (she is 2d in her class!) and flies from Boston to London on June 14th. She will take a bike and train tour of the continent and join us in Britain in July. Eloise Mosley flies to Chicago to visit her parents on their 50th wedding anniversary. She will probably meet us in Boston for our flight. Ronnie Mosley, Gordon Mosley, and I will leave for New Hampshire after morning service on June 26th. We will then go to Boston on the 27th, and fly from Boston to London on the evening of June 28th.
    I will be preaching in various cities in England during July and August, as well as visiting friends and relatives. My former chaplain's assistant, Orva L. Ice, Jr. (now Ph. D. and teaching at the U. of Michigan) and his wife will be with us for a short time in July. We would like to make an auto tour


    of Scotland and are planning at least a week's stay on the continent where I am planning on a "Pilgrimage" to the Ardennes, Henri Chappelle Cemetery, etc. On Sept. 4th, Ronnie and I will fly to Beirut and then on to Jerusalem where we will go down the Jordan River in an inflatable canoe. On the return, we will have an interview with His Holiness Archbishop Makarios, the first President of Cyprus, with whom I did graduate work in 1947-48 at Boston University. We will fly from London to Boston on September 28th. Please give my best regards to the 106th reunion this year. I will be in the "old country" at that time. We are also planning a trip to Oxfordshire where our division was billeted: Banbury, Moreton-in-the-Marsh, Chipping Norton, etc. Remember?
All the best,
Ron Mosley, D. D.
(106th Div. Arty., 424th)

Dear Jim:
     As of this moment, I am not sure that I will be in Savannah because there are a number of things pending. So I thought I'd write-in case! Jeanne Walden and I cannot, as of this moment, attend. H Company, matter of fact, finds itself in the unenviable position of not being able to attend. Abbe Harris had to, of necessity, take his vacation and has been out of the city since early in July. Les and Enid Crossman couldn't get baby sitters for their 3 small children for that period of time. They have a practically new child, you know. John and Ellen Scalisse cannot come. Ellen's father isn't well and since they too planned to attend and made arrangements to be off during Convention time, they now are going to spend that time with her father -so that puts them out.
     My best to all the lads and lassies on hand! I hope the Convention is a huge success and that the Association increases and grows by leaps and bounds - starting like 60 in Dixie!
Best to all and yours,
Larry Walden

Dear Jim:
     Sorry that I cannot be with you this year as we have been in the past years, and it pains me much because this is breaking a perfect record for attendance on my part, but as you know, I am in politics now and I cannot afford to goof off at this time. Saturday, July 30th is Dairy Day in this part of the American Dairyland. We have a big picnic at a local lake and park resort. Everyone for miles around attends this thing including all the politicians seeking office.
     I am unopposed in the Primary Election of August 2d., but there are three running on the Democratic ticket, so I have to be there and shake the same hands and kiss the same babies. I think I will change all this, and kiss the little mothers and shake the hands of the kids. What do you think of that?
     The Lord knows as you do that I would rather be with you all in good old Savannah than to be tromping around some picnic area, and don't forget I have heard it many times from my children.
     Give my kindest regards to all, and good luck to the incoming President and new slate of officers. Also my regards to any H Co. 424th men that show up. I am not there to take care of them, but one thing for sure, we will be wherever the convention is next year.
Sorry again, Pals, but that is the way the ball bounces.
See you next year, Cliff and Alice Perras

     Jim Wells also received a long distance call from former Sgt. Hale of C. Company, 81st Engr. Battalion on the day of the convention expressing his regret at not being able to be in Savannah and assuring that we can count on his being in Texas.


Index for: Vol. 17, No. 1, July, 1960

Index for This Document

100th Inf. Div., 25
106th Div., 2, 11, 15, 25
106th Div. Arty, 25
106th Div. Arty., 25
106th Inf. Div., 18, 22, 23
106th Infantry Division Association, 2, 11, 18
81st Engr., 26
Aquitania, 22
Ardennes, 18, 25
Ardennes Campaign, 18
Association Memorial In St. Vith, 11
Balch, Henry, 15
Banbury, 25
Battle Of The Bulge, 5, 18
Bayersdorfer, Mrs. Jessie, 17
Beals, Carol, 23
Beals, John, 3, 23
Belgium, 11, 20, 21
Bickford, Flo, 3, 15
Bickford, Flo & Tom, 2
Bickford, Mr. & Mrs. Tom, 17
Black, T. Wayne, 17
Black, Wayne, 1, 3, 22
Bliealf, 22
Broth, Henry, 3, 5
Broth, Mr. & Mrs. Henry M., 17
Bryant, Jack, 3
Bryant, Mr. & Mrs. Jack, 17
Burnham, Mr. & Mrs. Fred W., 17
Cadillac, 7
Camp Atterbury, 22
Carr, John W., 17
Chipping Norton, 25
Clark, Chris, 3
Coffey, Doug, 3, 4, 5, 7, 11, 17
College Patronee, 20, 21
Collier, Ed, 3
Collier, Eddie, 17
Collins, Mr. & Mrs. Sherrod, 17
Cross, Les & Enid, 25
Crossman, Les & Enid, 25
DeHeer, Dick, 3, 4, 9
DeHeer, Mr. & Mrs. Richard, 17
DeHeer, Richard, 1, 20
DeHeer, Ricky, 7
Div. Band, 17
Fant, Harris T., 17
Fort Jackson, 22
French, Bill, 17
Fridline, Doc, 5
Fridline, Dr. G. Delsher, 18
Fridline, G. D., 20
Fridline, Mrs., 18
Gallagher, John, 3, 15
Gallagher, John & Stella, 24
Germany, 22
Gillespie, Jack, 2, 7, 17
Hagman, Ben, 1, 3, 5
Hagmans, The, 20
Hale, Madame, 7
Hale, Miss, 9
Hale, Sgt., 26
Hanover, 17
Harris, Abbe, 25
Harris, Abbie, 3
Hatch, H. M. (Jim), 1
Hatch, Jim, 1, 3
Hatch, Mr. & Mrs. H. M. (Jim), 17
Henri Chappelle, 25
Henri Chappelle Cemetery, 25
House, Mr. & Mrs. Pete, 17
House, Pete, 3, 7
Ice, Orva L., 24
Jones, Alan, 3, 9
Jones, Gen., 7
Jones, Maj. Gen. & Mrs. Alan W., 17
Kelly, Bob, 3, 4, 5
Kelly, Mr. & Mrs. Bob, 17
Kelly, Robert, 1
Kelly, Robert E., 21
Lada, Mr. & Mrs. Ted, 17
Letellier, Mr. & Mrs. Louis, 17
Loveless, Chaplain John, 15
Loveless, John, 1, 3, 5
Loveless, John T., 22
Loveless, John T., Jr, 22
Loveless, John T., Jr., 22
Loveless, Kay, 7
Loveless, Mr. & Mrs. John T., 17
Makarios, Archbishop, 25
Manahan, Col., 5, 7
Manahan, Mr. & Mrs. W. T., 17
Mathews, Anna, 15
Matthews, Anna, 3
Matthews, Joe, 3
Matthews, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C., 17
McMahon, Leo T., 23
McMahon, Maj. Leo T., 23
Memorials, 3
Middleton, Jack, 3, 17
Moreton-In-The-Marsh, 25
Mosley, Eloise, 24
Mosley, Gordon, 24
Mosley, Kitty, 24
Mosley, Ron, 25
Mosley, Ronnie, 24
Myles Standish, 22
Oxfordshire, 25
Perras, Cliff, 3
Perras, Cliff & Alice, 25
Pierce, Bob, 3
Pierce, Mr. & Mrs. Robert, 17
Price, Dave, 15
Rarick, Mr. & Mrs. Clayton, 17
Redmond, Dean, 17
Reunions, 7
Rosenkoetter, William, 17
Rossi, Lou, 3, 7
Rossi, Mr. & Mrs. Louis P., 17
Rutt, Bob, 5, 9
Rutt, Lu, 9
Rutt, Mr. & Mrs. Robert, 17
Scalisse, John & Ellen, 25
Shalhoub, John, 3
Shalhoub, Mr. & Mrs. John, 17
Singletary, Mr. & Mrs. Paul, 17
St. Vith, 4, 5, 7, 11, 20, 21
St. Vith, Belgium, 20, 21
Stalag IX, 22
Stalag IX-A, 22
Stalag IX-B, 22
Tennessee Maneuvers, 22
Tomlinson, Mr. & Mrs. Ryan, 17
Walden, Jeanne, 25
Walden, Larry, 3, 25
Ward, Martha, 23
Wells, James E., 18
Wells, Jim, 2, 7, 15, 23, 26
Wells, Maydean, 15
Wells, Maydean & Jim, 7, 15
Wells, Mr. & Mrs. Jim, 17
Wells, Mrs., 23