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VOL. 29, NO. 2, Jan., 1973

106th Infantry Division Association
President Dr. George Bullard
Vice-President Gene Saucerman
Adjutant Robert L. Scranton
Treasurer Sherod Collins
Chaplain John T. Loveless, Jr.
Historian Sherod Collins
    The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $5.00 per year which includes subscription to the CUB.
Editor John Gallagher
All editorial matter should be addressed to: John I. Gallagher
4003 Frances Street
Temple, Pa. 19560
All business matters, renewal of membership, etc., should be addressed to:
Robert L. Scranton
9441 Lee Road
Brighton, Mich. 48116
Auxiliary Dues $2.00 per year.


     The announcement by the President of the settlement of the Vietnam War was indeed most welcome news. The actual cease-fire, when it comes, will be a day long to be remembered. For too many years, our nation has been burdened and our people saddened by those events in the Far East.
Perhaps my most appropriate comment would be a prayer:
    Almighty God and Father of all mankind, we humbly seek Thy presence and beseech Thee to hear our supplications. We thank Thee for grace and mercies so freely shown unto us; for all the blessings of food, raiment and shelter; for family; for friends; for all things that make life good.
    We beseech Thee to watch over, guard, guide and bless those who will be returning from the prison camps. Restore them to strength of mind and body, and permit them in due time to embark upon lives of useful endeavor.
    For all those others who have been serving their country in the combat areas we would ask Thy blessing. Give unto them the will to serve their country and their fellowman with diligence and honor wherever You may call upon them. We especially pray Thee, 0 Father, to comfort and sustain all those who mourn loved ones who have passed over the great divide. Give unto them an understanding of Thy love and mercy.
    Direct all in authority in our land in the paths of peace and good will so that our people may work together for the good of all men both at home and abroad. And finally, 0 god, we acknowledge that we can do nothing without Thy help. Enter into our hearts and minds, we pray, so that we, strengthened by Thy love and grace. may serve our families. our communities, our nation, our world, to Thy greater glory. Amen. "Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offences." Proverbs 10:12
John T. Loveless, Jr. Chaplain

(Memorial to Maj. Gen. Alan W. Jones)
1894 - 1969
Middletown, Pa.
Sunday 14 January 1973
    As we write these notes we wonder how our southern members suffered through the unusual cold and snow that afflicted them in the past week or ten days. We think of President Dr. George Bullard and family in Mebane SC, and of our Treasurer Sherod Collins and Cora in Atlanta Ga. which was particularly hard hit due to loss of heat. There is also Pete and Joanne House in Jacksonville


    Fla. hosts of the 1972 Reunion. Did they experience it? Also Jim and Maydean Wells over in Georgia. We hope they will tell us in this issue of the CUB.
    We regret that weather interfered with our planned attendance at the annual December 16 dinner in Baltimore Md. cohosted by John and Kay Loveless and Henry and Eunice Broth at the Loveless residence, 2549 Pickwick Rd. It fell on Saturday, the same day on which the Germans attacked in 1944. On Sunday evening we received a telephone call from Mrs. Alys Jones in Washington. She informed us that she had attended the Baltimore dinner, and that was good news since it was the first 106th Inf. Div Assn. function to which she had come since General Al Jones passed away in 1969. She told us that the Broths were not there because Henry came down with the flu: that Bruce Matthews had flown up from Raleigh NC and brought his aunt, Dr. Mary Matthews of Baltimore to the dinner. Of course Joe and Ann Matthews were not here due to the illness of Ann. I am sure all who know them join us in warm regards and good wishes to Ann for an early and complete recovery.
    We received an announcement of the marriage of Mrs. Gilbert Nevius Adams and Colonel George Louis Descheneaux, Jr. . USA Ret on Thursday 28 December, 1972 at the Chapel of the Holy Spirit, Washington Cathedral, Washington D C. Colonel Descheneaux was the CO of 422d Infantry.
    This is Superbowl Sunday and we hope all you supporters of the Miami Dolphins are as pleased as Mrs. McMahon on their 14-7 victory. I was a Washington Redskin fan.
Leo T. McMahon

Dear John:
No partridge on a pear branch do you see
But a Brown Thrasher in a Live Oak Tree.
For legends of the mighty Oak abound
And the Thrasher is the merriest bird around.
Why then is the partridge so renowned?

Thus a post-Christmas word about the Georgia Tree and Bird and greetings from the growing Empire State of the South.
    Today we are noting with quiet thanksgiving and relief and a good bit of doubt and skepticism the end of the war in Vietnam. I know that many who have reason are especially sharing our thankfulness.
    As many as could, met together as usual on or about Dec. 16 in Ohio, Baltimore, Kentucky, and New Jersey and perhaps other places to commemorate the Ardennes conflict and to honor all Golden Lions who participated therein. We take this opportunity to express appreciation to the Jersey group for their annual substantial donation to the Memorial Find.
    I believe many know of Anna Matthews' illness at Duke University Hospital for a number of weeks. Joe tells me that surgery has now taken place and the family hopes for steady improvement. Naturally their many friends are pulling for rapid recovery also, and Joe
to thank one and all for prayers and messages during this period.
    We had a bad ice storm here the weeks ago which tried to do us in. Most people were without power and many without heat--some for nearly a week. Some (including us) regained power in 24 hours. There are still many piles of downed limbs of trees piled on the streets and it may be Spring before all are collected. The pine trees suffered especially because of long-lasting ice in the needles causing breakage. There were between 1500 and 2000 extra power company linemen in the city.
    The Collins were invited to East Point early in the new year to the home of our 424th friends, the Robert Burkes for a very pleasant evening and a good meal. Also included was Mary Edwards, wife of the late Ross Edwards. It's always a pleasure to visit with Bob and Thelma. We're talking Grand Rapids with each other.


    In closing, I'd like to share with others a verse by Edwin Markham which our 106th friends, the Larry Gubow's thought enough of to quote on their annual greeting card:
There is a destiny that makes us brothers
None goes his way alone.
All that we send into the lives of others
Comes back into our own.
    I feel this expresses some of the spirit and rapport shown by a erect bunch, the members of the 106th Division Association.

Sincerely yours,
Sherod Collins

Dear John:
    I am sorry that I didn't find time to write to you before this but I have been so busy writing to forty other fellows that I just let it slip. The response to my letters has been heavy the last three months and I have been kept busy answering their letters, what started out as a letter every two or three months is now a letter a month and I have had some very interesting letters. As you know I am still trying to get all these fellows to join the 106th Association, some of them have joined and I am working on the others. The 1973 convention is not far off and I would like to see something about the convention in the next issue of the "CUB", I need some AMMO to feed these fellows that I am writing to so that they will come to the convention. Along that some line it is not lone before the 1974 convention will be here, don't you find that the older you get the faster the years pass by?
Jack Schlesser

Dear Scranton,
Congratulations on having '73 Reunionin your area -- Grand Rapids.
    We are in our 2nd year at Sun City and love the place and the idea: climate. I manage to swim in outdoor pool everyday, summer and winter and at 1/4 mile per day I have around 150 under my belt. Not too bad for 75 years of age?
I plan on making my 50th reunion at West Point in June, God willing.
    Best regards and heartiest congratulations on the successful operation of our Cub--a lot of work which I am sure we all deeply appreciate, I am
C. C. Cavender, "423"

Dear John:
I have quietly noted in two issues of the Cub, references to my German Lover Boy.
    O.K. so I confess and even tho my "jealous" husband won't set me free, I want you gals to remember "I saw him first".
So eat your heart out Zada, Margaret, Maydean and Isabel and Jean etc. etc.
And girls, even if he did fall out of an upper story window and land on his head, wasn't he cute?
    I enjoy reading the Cub and am fully aware it is an important factor in binding together our widely scattered "Family".
    Many thanks to Joanne and Pete House for making my first Stateside Reunion so enjoyable. I'm looking forward to seeing my many new found friends again.
Most Sincerely, Agnes Chase

Dear Mr. Robert Scranton,
I am sending you my dues for 1972-73. I enjoy receiving the magazine very much.
    I am back to work again as a meat salesman after being off from work a year with a heart attack. It sure feels great to be working again.
Bob, I wonder if you could help me get a Paul Marin (MARIN) address. I have,


    lost contact with him and I have lost his address. He and I came through the lines together during the Battle of the Bulge. There were about 30 men of us come thru with Lt. Long leading us.
Sincerely, George Kaufman
1320% Broadway
Springfield, Ohio
Can anyone help George?

Dear Friends in America!
    Thanks to you all, and more particularly to the Coffeys, Banduraks, Garns, Bullards and the Wells. I had the opportunity of making an unexpected and a wonderful experience. Coming from a Belgian village, I was given the chance of "discovering" America with its huge cars, its mighty technical realizations. its busy life and last but not least, its very friendly people.
    Back to Europe, I found everything too quiet, too monotonous. I had been spoiled so much for a month, that I needed some effort to get back to the old toys.
    My hosting families cared for me with so much kindness; I could not have felt better at home. Then when the great family of the 106th infantry division met at Jacksonville I felt like their junior. I was sad to leave. But I was happy to hear that maybe I will see you all soon again in 1974 across Europe.
What a beautiful thing, if we met again!
Alfour Paquet
4791 Aldingen, 50

Dear Mister Coffey!
    First, I thank you for your kind letter. Congratulations on your new job; my best wishes of success. I didn't forget the beautiful trip across the states. I am very happy to hear that you'll come to visit our country in June next year.

    On September 15th, school began and it's very interesting. I am in a small college near Aachen, Germany, studying to become a primary school teacher. I live in a room there, but I go home every weekend. In the U.S.A., I saw all the young people with their cars and so my girlfriend and I bought a second-hand V.W. together. It's not as big as yours, but we do quite well with it.
I guess your very busy with the elections, even here they talk about it all the time.
It's hard for me to keep up my American vocabulary.
Kindest regards to you.
Yours, Alfour
P.O. Box 308
Denton, Maryland 21629
29 November 1972

Dear Doug:
    Will you put a note in the Cub to see if any of our stalwart cohorts will give me the present address of Lt. Alan Dunbar who previously lived at 4701 Pine St.. Phila. Pa. The telephone operator did tell me that he still lived in the same area but wouldn't give me his location. I haven't any dark schemes but just passing the time of day and exchanging past experiences. He was Comm. Off. in Hq. Co., 3rd Bn., 422nd in Ft. Jackson and I last spoke with him in Camp Howse, Texas in '44.
Thanks loads and have a good year.
Yours truly, Benj. F. Johnson, Jr.

Dear Mr. Scranton:
    I continue to enjoy good health. Maybe it's due to living here in the mountains of central Penna., where I have now been retired for some years. I receive the Cub regularly, and look forward to it.
M. Brazill
P.O. Box 6 Landisburg, Pa. 17040 (M.P. Platoon)


December 19, 1972
Dear Bob,
    As I date this letter, I note that it is a date which holds meaning for many who were in Co. A, 422nd Inf. and others in 1st Bat. It was on the morning of this date, some 28 years ago that we became unwilling guests of the German Government. It is good to be able to sit here and look back on it, unfortunately many of my friends from Co. A did not survive.
    You will note that I have a new address. While most of you were enjoying. the Reunion in Jacksonville, we were packing and moving from Saluda, S.C., to Travelers Rest, S.C. After being in Saluda for almost six years, I accepted the call of this congregation to become their pastor as of August 1, 1972. Travelers Rest is part of the Greater Metro Area of Greenville, S.C. and so we have the advantages of a small town combined with the advantages of the city.
    The work here is progressing very well and we are enjoying making new friends. Our church and manse are next to the High School which makes it very convenient for Deb who is a Junior this year. We are also within about 35 miles of Clemson University where David is in his second year.
    Enclosed is a check for my 1972-73 dues. Please make a note of my outfit designation as it seems to have been have been overlooked looked in setting up the roster.
Our best to you and all of the 106th family at this season and throughout 1973.
Ewell C. Black, Jr.
Co. A, 422nd Regt

September 10, 1972
Dear Bob,
    Enclosed find my 1972-73 dues. My wife Mary and I, had breakfast with Jim and Maydean Wells at the Quality Inn Towers Motel in Augusta, Georgia. Jim and Maydean were very gracious to us. We went on a trip through the "Great Smoky Mountains". We had a nice trip.
Yours of 106, John J. Reynolds
121 W. Knapp Avenue Edgewater, Florida 32032
P.S. My dad died on March 28, 1972 age 86.

598 Terrace Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45220
January 11, 1973
Dear John:
    Sorry to get this to you so late, the days went by faster than I realized. Hope your holidays were nice ones. We had to miss the Ohio 106th reunion at the Gilders on December 16th. Hated that as we have had such a good time the past two years. The Gilders are good hosts, even putting several of as up for the night.
    I have managed to see some of my friends from my Co. (D-422) recently though. Gene Saucerman and family from Terre Haute were here over Labor Day weekend, as well as Charlie Smith from Ft. London, Pa. Then over the Christmas holidays we drove to Central Pa. to visit June's brother and family, and got together with Smithy again. After Christmas we drove on up to Northern New York to see more in-laws and spent a pleasant afternoon with Fred and Agnes Chase in Rexford, N.Y.
Looking forward to seeing everyone in Grand Rapids.
Bob and June Walker

Dear John:
This is an open note to anyone interested
On my recent week spent in New York I took time to visit the New York Public,


    Library, which has a depository of much of our 106th history, especially in the early years, and is still on our mailing list for each issue of the CUB if I make no mistake. I managed to get the two oldest volumes of the CUB down through about 1955 and nicely bound, and searched to see if there were copies there which were not in our own Association historical files. There were and if any member has these and wants to part with them, here is the list:
Volume 4--No. 1 September 1947
Volume 7--No. 6 June-July 1951,
Volume 11--No. 3 Jan.-Feb. 1955
Volume 11--No. 5 May-June 1955
Thanks, Sherod Collins Historian

Cub Editor:
    Since time flies by so fast and kids have a way of growing up. and sine, this is our only contact with many of you, we thought you might be interested in being brought up to date:
    DAVID is a junior in law school. He is still interested in hockey, playing on a senior team and serving as an assistant coach of a Junior B team.
    MONA is now Sra. Mona Joy Gubow de Rosado, having married Sr. Carlos Rosado Munoz on September 3. 1072. go we now are blessed with a welcome addition to the family--a new son-in-law. They are both extremely happy, living just outside Mexico City. Their address is: Carrsetera Mexico-Toluca 3025-23, KM. 19. Mexico 10. D. F., Mexico.
    JANEY is still Janey and is a junior at Bloomfield Hills Junior High School. She is involved in so many things that space won't permit listing all her activities.
    ESTELLE is keeper of the house and continues her outside activities to a point where you begin to wonder how she does it all.
LARRY keeps busy both in and out of the courtroom, maintaining his interest in civic, communal and veteran affairs
The Gubows

Dear John:
    A group of former 106th Division veterans met December 16, 1972 at Kentucky Dam Village Inn in Western Kentucky for a dinner and fellowship. We had a wonderful time and all enjoyed the fellowship. I am enclosing a picture of the group. Front row (left to right)
    Mrs. Van Wyatt, Mrs. Luther Oliver, Mrs. Hubert Jackson. Standing Van Wyatt, George Bloomingburg, Luther Oliver and Hubert Jackson. I hope the picture is good enough to use in the Cub.
     John, would you please mail a copy of the last Cub (Vol. 29, No. 1) and the next issue to those listed below. I believe we can get these fellows to sign up. I am sending two dollars to help on the postage. If this letter arrives too late for this issue of the Cub, perhaps you can use it in the next.
Hope you and your family have a happy and prosperous 1973.
Sincerely, Van
Hubert P. Jackson G 424 2443 Washington SC: Paducah, Kentucky 42001
Homer Solomon 81st Eng. 1020 Main St.


Benton, Kentucky 42025
Luther Oliver 1st BN HQ 422 Princeton, Kentucky
Ross Bebout 590th F A Calvert City, Kentucky 42029
Joe Sanders 422 Fulton, Kentucky
George Bloomingburg I 423 South 10th Street Extended Mayfield, Kentucky 42066

    FRED R. CARTER, Service Battery 591st F. A. Bn., 613 North Third Street, Toronto, Ohio. I am married to the same girl as when I was in the service. 51 years old two children, a boy and a girl Fred Jr. age 25, Debbie age 20. I have been a construction worker for the past 26 years. And at the present time I am getting to reknow some of the men that was in Service Battery twenty eight years ago.

    CHARLES K. CORRIGAN, Serv. Btry. 591st F.A. Bn., P.O. Box 81 (507 E. 10th St.), Olympia, Washington. Wife Betty and have 4 children, 3 boys and 1 girl, own and operate 24 unit apartment. Hobby--Nat'l 2nd place winner '31 Antique Auto. Owned and operated Jewelry Store almost 24 years until 1970.

L. O. SAMPLES, Service Battery, 405 W. 25th St., Belle, W.V.

    HOWARD B. DOLLAR, Serv. Batry. 591st F.A.B., 5053 Welchshire, Memphis, Tenn. 38117. I am in the automobile business and have been for almost 20 yrs. My wife's name is Lois and we have two daughters, Micki who is 26 and has two children and Joy who is 16 a Junior in high school.

HERBERT D. KEPHART, Hq. Co. 2nd Bn. 423rd Inf, 1063 Merry Lane, Van Wert, Ohio 45891.
Frances Smyth, Mary Gossom, Louise Nechay and Raymond F. Kemp.

    Eunice and Henry Broth and K and John Loveless entertained the Maryland Chapter of the 106th Association on Saturday evening, 16 December 1972 at the home of K and John. Because of illness, neither Eunice nor Henry could be with the group. They certainly were missed.
    The evening started with a "Happy Hour" over which the ladies enjoyed their usual chit-chat and the Golden Lions discussed the weighty and not so weighty topics of the day interspersed with many remembrances, some fond, some amusing and some serious. of the days spent in the service in the 106th.
    After some delay (the chief cook forgot to take one of the ingredients for the "Seafood Medley" from the freezer in time), dinner was finally announced and the troops and their ladies repaired to the candle-lighted dining room.
    Conversation slackened considerably while everyone was busily engaged otherwise. When no one cared for any more food, everyone present signed a get-well card to send to Eunice and Henry and another for Anna Matthews who was spending some time in the hospital in Durham instead of being in Baltimore with Joe as they had hoped.
    A movie, "The Brave Rifles", a chronicle of The Battle of the Bulge was shown. The 106th and a number of its personnel were mentioned (I remember off-hand but three: Major Parker, Major


    Elliot Goldstein, whom Lester Smyth recently visited, and Lieutenant Eric Fisher Wood). Tho the showing took almost an hour, it was so interesting, even to the ladies, that we were sorry to see it end.
    Those present were: Alan and Louise Dabson, John and Frances Early, Neil and Mary Gossom, Alys W. Jones (Mrs. Alan W.), Raymond and K Loveless Kemp, John, K. and Althea Loveless, Bruce Matthews, Dr. Mary Matthews (Joe's sister), Peter and Louise Nechay, Charlie and Sherrie Schoch and Lester and Frances Smyth.
A number of others were not present because of illness, the weather and absence from the area.

    Frances Early, Sherrie Schoch, Dr. Mary Matthews, Alys W. Jones, Frances Smyth, Mary Gossom, Bruce Matthews, Raymond F. Kemp.

    Dick and Marge DeHeer were hosts for this great group. The Dinner was held on December 16th starting at 7 p.m. with 27 friends able to find their way thru' the bivouac area of Hillsdale.
    Cheryl and Rick were our honored guest with everyone welcoming Cheryl into the fold. Little did they know coming home that week-end would mean helping to set tables and to run errands.
A social hour was enjoyed with you know who (George) getting the biggest share of the Hors D'oeuvies.
George Thoma takes care of the bar during the social hour and Tom's young handsome nephew does a superb job.
    After dinner we went downstairs to the family room for more talk and reminiscing. Everyone brings a gift and then all take numbers and some win and some don't. Flo B. wins her holiday liquor and Rick the apples for he like to eat. $30.00 was sent into the memorial fund.
    Jeannette and Ed Plenge live on Long Beach Island now, so they came the greatest distance. The only out of staters were the Zorn's from New York City. Oh, yes, Cheryl and Rick came from New Hampshire but I still think of "19 Hopkins" as their home. Jennie and Harold Brummer; Flo and Tom Bickford; Isabel and Doug Coffey; Viola and Ed Reilly; Sue and George Thoma; Charlotte and Fred Schieferstein; Jeannette and Ed Plenge; Lyn and Lou Rossi; Betty and Harry Zorn; Dot and Martin Dever; Franklin Koehler; Jack Middleton: Cheryl and Rick DeHeer; Marge and Dick DeHeer and Oddesa Williams.
Take care and we will see you soon.
M & D DeHeer

    A blizzard of approximately eight (8) inches of snow with a wind velocity of 45 miles per hour failed to stop twelve (12) faithful's from attending the December 16th party of the Ohio Chapter, 106th Infantry Division Association held at the Gilder's beautiful home in North Ridgeville, Ohio on Saturday evening, December 16, 1972.
    Those attending from Pennsylvania were Walt and Lillian Bandurak, Medics, 81st Engineer Battalion, Greensburg, Pennsylvania and Richard ‘Dick' Bartz, DHQ (AG), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The Ohio delegation included Chuck and Willie Garn


    , H. Co., 424th Infantry Regiment, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio; Virgil and Martha Collins, Cannon Co., 423rd Infantry Regiment Nelsonville, Ohio; John Fritz & son, Joel, HDQ. Co., 424th Infantry Regiment, Elyria, Ohio; and our gracious hosts, Bob & Jean Gilder, HDQ. Co., 1st Battalion, 424th Infantry Regiment, North Ridgeville, Ohio. Martha Fritz arrived very late (after working that evening at her job) and the majority of us missed saying hello to her. Bob & Jean Pierce, C Company, 81st Engineer Battalion, Warren, Ohio and Lyle and Vivian McCullough. Service Co., 422nd Infantry Regiment, Sheffield Lake, Ohio, called to inform the group they were unable to get through the heavy snowstorm and were forced to return to their homes.
    The consensus of opinion was that Chuck Garn deserved a very special medal for his excellent performance of driving his car for a distance of sixty odd miles through the severe snowstorm WITHOUT SNOW TIRES to get his group of five (5) 106'ers to the Gilder home without any mishaps.
    The delightful evening began with a much needed cocktail hour in order to unsettle some nervous and cold persons. A late buffet dinner followed the cocktail hour. The severity of the outside weather did not have any adverse effect
    wonderful conversation and the many foods that were fantastically prepared. delivered and served by our lovely wives. As usual, many of us overstuffed ourselves with the goodies that were made available.
    After dinner, special entertainment for the evening was provided by Bob & Jean Gilder, our hosts. The group was treated to a 100 colored slide presentation of their shared motor trip with the Fritz's to the 1972 Annual Convention in July held in Jacksonville, Florida. The colorful presentation was especially appreciated and enjoyed by those of us who, for one reason or another were unable to make the Jacksonville reunion. The group discussed and agreed to: (1) meet in Grand Rapids. Michigan to attend the Annual Convention to be held July 19-21, 1973; (2) hold and attend the December 16, 1973 Dinner again at Gilder's home in North Ridgeville, Ohio, and, (3) to begin to save and plan for the Europe trip in September, 1974.
Walt Bandurak

Raymond F. Kemp, Bruce Matthews, John Early, Alan Dabson (background), Chuck Schoch (back to camera).

    Sgt. Karl Drzymala--Sv. Btry. 591st FA Bn.--It was saddening to read in letter of CWO Ed Reilly in the last issue of CUB of the sudden death of Karl Dryzmala in June just as they were planning to attend Jacksonville reunion with their wives. A photo of both these couples appears on Page 17 of Oct.-Nov.-Dec. 1971 issue of CUB.
    Edward A. Hirtz. Hq. Btry 106th Divarty Butte des Marts Wis. 54927--His widow, Mrs. Julie Hirtz wrote Gen. Mc Mahon that Eddie passed away last year. He was Officer Mess orderly and he and the General exchanged yearly Christmas cards.
    Mrs. Violet Hoover--widow of Col. Philip Hoover CO 591st FA Bn. sent Christmas greetings from Hidden Haven Trailer Park. Shelton Wash. 98584.
    Lt. Col. Carl Wohlfeil Ret., 591st FA Bn. reports that he and family have moved to 2 Tradd St.. Charleston SC, 29401 from Florence SC. Tom Dorosky,,


    Sv. Btry. 592 FA Bn., who with Emil Solecki organized the annual Service Btry picnics at Hershey Park Pa., spent three weeks in Veteran's Hospital, Wilkes Barre, Pa. They permitted Alice to take him home for Christmas, then returned to undergo an operation for removal of his gall bladder. Send him a card at 146 Mt. Airy Rd., Shavertown, Pa. 18708.
    Capt. Robert A. Likins who commanded Btry. B, 591st FA Bn. sent Christmas greetings from 6246 N. Lydell, Whitefish Bay Wis. 53217.
    Lt. Col. George F. Huxel 589th FA Bn. 9873 Kirtland Rd. R 2, Chardon, Ohio 44024 report that he and Mrs. Huxel visited Lt. Col. and Mrs. Arthur Parker at Leeds Ala. near Birmingham. Huxel was with Parker and the part of 589th FA Bn. who defended Braque De Freiture CR on the Houffalize Rd. in December 1944 and delayed the advance of German Panzer Dive. for 2 days. In the Division History we renamed that CR PARKER'S CROSSROAD.
    Col. Roland R. Johnson Ret.--Was Survey Officer of Divarty Hq., reports that he and Mrs. Johnson are settled down on a farm near his hometown of Perry Maine 04667.

Louise Dabson, Alan Dabson, Neil Gossom, Lester Smyth, Peter Nechay.

We were sorry to learn of the death of our Chaplain's Mother. Our prayers are with you, John.

All Wars do ultimately come to an end, even this one, the longest in our history.
    For many its horrors will soon be forgotten, unfortunately others, will never forget; the families of those who made the supreme sacrifice, the wounded, P.O.W'S. and the agonizing memories of death and destruction that lingers in the mind.
    May those of us who endured the battle and P.O.W. camps of another conflict do all in our power to welcome these veterans back to a society of peace and understanding. Let us pray this will be the last war.

    Many of our concerned citizens have been wearing bracelets with the name of a P.O.W. The joyful day has arrived and the bracelets can be removed as word is received of the release of our prisoners.

Forget the hasty, unkind word,
Forget the slander you have heard,
Forget the quarrel and the cause,
Forget the whole affair, because
Forgetting is the only way;
Forget the storm of yesterday,
Forget the chap whose sour face
Forgets to smile in any place;
Forget the trials that you have had,
Forget the weather if it's bad,
Forget the knocker, he's a freak;
Forget him seven days a week;
Forget you're not a millionaire,
Forget the gray streaks in your hair,
Forget to ever get the blues --
But don't forget to pay your dues.
Submitted by: Walter Bandurak
Medics, 81st Engr..


Doug Coffey, General and Mrs. McMahon, John and Kay Loveless. Hershey, Pa. 1972.

Anyone interested in going to Scandinavia and St. Vith for the 1974 Convention and 30th Anniversary, contact me.
    No promises, but we will try to work up two-week and three-week trips, depending on the number interested and the time element.
    Tentatively planned for September, 1974, possible September 1st to September 22nd. It could be changed, depending on the answers we receive.
    Walter Bandurak will be the Assistant Project Director to help me with all arrangements and to take my place in an emergency.
Douglas S. Coffey

Adopted 22 July 1972
    a. Any individual who served in the 106th Infantry Division or in any unit of the Armed Forces of the United States of America attached thereto is eligible for membership in the Association upon payment of the annual dues fixed from time to time by the members at an annual meeting.
b. Associate or honorary memberships may be authorized by the vote of the members at any meeting of the Association.
    c. A Ladies Auxiliary may be formed whose members may include the wives, widows, mothers, daughters and daughters-in-law of those eligible for membership in the Association.

    a. The Board of Directors shall consist of twenty-one (21) members of the Association or such smaller number not less than three (3) as may be determined at an annual meeting of the Association.
    b. The Board of Directors shall be elected at the Annual Meeting for a term of one year. Members of the Board of Directors shall be eligible for re-election for successive terms.

    a. The officers of the Association shall be a President, Vice-President, Adjutant. Treasurer, Historian, Chaplain and such other officers as may be required for the activities of the Association. Any two or more offices, except those of President and Vice-President, may be held by the same person.
    b. The Adjutant, Historian and Chaplain shall be appointed by the President. All other Officers shall he elected by the Board of Directors for a term of one year or until their successors are elected.
c. All Officers shall be eligible for reappointment or re-election for successive terms.

    The President shall preside at all meetings of the members of the Association and of the Board of Directors. Between meetings of the Association and of the Board he shall endeavor, to the greatest


    extent reasonably possible, to keep all Board members informed by letter of all activities of the Association of major importance and of all other important developments coming to his attention which affect the Association or its operations. He shall perform such other duties as usually pertain to the office or which may be assigned to him by the Board. The President shall be elected from among the members of the Board.

    The Vice-President shall be vested with all the powers and perform all the duties of the President in the event of his absence or disability. He shall perform such other duties as usually pertain to the office or which may be assigned to him by the Board. The Vice-President shall be elected from among the members of the Board.

    a. The Adjutant shall record the minutes of all meetings of the Association and of the Board and shall keep such records in a book to be provided by the Association for such purposes. He shall have custody of the By-Laws.
    b. The Adjutant shall maintain the Membership Roster showing the name and unit of the Division, or unit attached to the Division, in which the member served and his address.
    c. The Adjutant shall include in the Membership Roster the names and addresses of Honors-v. Associate and Auxiliary Members with. in the case of Associate and Auxiliary Memberships, a notation of the name and unit of the individual from whom the Membership is derived.
d. The Adjutant shall make an annual report of the Membership at the Annual Meeting of the Association.
    e. The Adjutant shall perform such other duties as usually pertain to the office or which may be assigned to him by the Board.

    The Treasurer shall be charged with the collection and the custody of the funds and other property of the Association. He shall keep or cause to be kept full and accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements and shall deposit all moneys and other valuable effects in the name and to the credit of the Association in such depositary or depositaries as may be designated by the Board. He shall be charged with the disbursement of funds of the Association, taking proper vouchers for such disbursements. All contributions to, income of and disbursements from the Memorial Fund shall be recorded in an account separate from the general and other accounts of the Association. He shall render full written reports at the Annual Meeting of the Association of his transactions as Treasurer and of the financial condition of the Association and, in addition, at the request of the Board he shall render interim reports for the use of the Board. The Treasurer shall perform such other duties as usually pertain to the office or which may be assigned to him by the Board.

    The Historian shall be the official custodian for the Association of all papers, publications, memorabilia and similar items pertaining to the 106th Infantry Division and to the Association and belonging to the Association. He shall retain at least one copy of "St. Vith --Lion in the Way", the official Division History, and of "The Lion's Tale. He shall maintain a file of all issues of THE CUB (two copies of each issue. where available) and of all Convention or Reunion Programs. He shall maintain a file of photographs, drawings, transparencies, files and the like that may be given to the Association and to the extent possible shall provide identification thereof. To the extent that storage of items in his custody may be required, the Historian shall arrange for proper storage at the expense of the Association. No property of the Association in the custody of the Historian shall be disposed of in any manner except with the consent of the Board or of the Association.

    The Chaplain, in co-operation with the Convention or Reunion Committee, shall arrange the Memorial Service held annually in conjunction with the Annual


    Meeting. He shall perform such other duties as usually pertain to the office or which may be assigned to him by the Board. The Chaplain may he either a clerical or a lay member of the Association.

    a. The official publication of the Association shall be known as THE CUB and insofar as practicable shall be issued four times each year. Each member of the Association shall receive THE CUB as a part of the annual dues.
    b. Notices of the Annual Meeting of the Association and the regular meetings of the Board shall be published in the appropriate issue of THE CUB.
    c. THE CUB Editor shall be responsible for the preparation of THE CUB and shall arrange for the publication and distribution thereof.
d. THE CUB Editor shall be appointed by the President.

a. A Memorial Fund shall be maintained to provide for the Memorial projects of the Association.
    b. The care and general supervision of the Association Memorial edifice at St. Vith, Belgium shall be by the Memorials Chairman. Expenditures for the necessary upkeep and/or beautification of the Memorial edifice shall be recommended from time to time by the Memorials Chairman to the Board or the Association for consideration.
    c. Other Memorial projects established or approved from time to time by the Association shall be under the supervision of the Memorials Chairman.
d. The Memorials Chairman shall be appointed by the President.

    There shall be established and maintained the Order of the Golden Lion as stipulated in the Resolution of the Board of Directors adopted 25 May 1947.

    a. Unless otherwise ordered by the members of the Association or by the Board, the President shall appoint all regular and special committees.
b. There shall be a Convention Committee whose duties are set out in Article XIII c of these By-Laws.
    c. There shall be a Nominating Committee consisting of not less than three (3) members of the Association which shall prepare a slate of nominees for the Board of Directors to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the members of the Association. The number of nominees shall be the same as the number of Directors to be elected. Additional nominations may be made from the floor.
    d. There shall be a Resolutions Committee consisting of not less than three (3) members of the Association which shall present appropriate Resolutions at the closing Banquet of the Annual Convention or Reunion.
    e. Other Committees appropriate or desirable for the activities of the Association shall be appointed from time to time.

    1. The Annual Meeting shall be held during the month of July in conjunction with the Annual Convention or Reunion; provided. however. that if such Convention or Reunion be held outside the United States of America, the Annual Meeting shall be held separately at such time end at such place in the United States of America as determined by the Board.
2. Special Meetings MR'S, he called by the President or by the Board.
    3. Twenty-five (25) members or Ten Per Cent (10%) of the membership, whichever is less, present in person or by proxy shall constitute a quorum.
4. Each member whose dues are not in arrears shall be entitled to vote at any meeting. Voting may be by proxy.
5. Honorary and Associate Members may be given the privilege of the floor but shall have no vote.


1. Regular Meetings shall be held immediately prior to and immediately following the Annual Meetings of the Members.
2. Special Meetings may be called by the President or by any three (3) members of the Board.
3. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum.
4. Meetings, regular or special, may be held at any place in or out of the State of Maryland.

    1. An Annual Convention or Reunion shall be held in July in such community as may be selected by the members at a previous Annual Meeting.
    2. The Convention Committee shall select the location within the community and the date and shall arrange the general program for the Convention or union in consultation with the President. Arrangements pertaining to the Memorial Service shall be made in consultation with the Chaplain.
3. The Convention Fee and the items to be included therein shall b. determined by the Convention Committee.

    a. Deeds, assignments and all other instruments conveying and transferring real or personal property owned by the Association shall be signed by the President or Vice-President and attested by the Adjutant or Treasurer.
    b. Checks and drafts drawn by or on behalf of the Association against any funds on deposit in the name of the Association or against any other property owned by or due to the Association shall be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by the President. In the absence of either or both the Treasurer and the President, the Vice-President or the Adjutant may either sign or countersign.
    c. The Convention Committee, or the Convention Chairman, may establish such temporary bank accounts as may be required to facilitate the financing of a Convention or Reunion and provide for the disbursement of funds for such purposes from such accounts.

The seal of the Association shall be the word "SEAL" printed, typed, lettered or hand-written.

The. By-Laws may be amended either
    a. At any meeting of the Board of Directors by the affirmative vote of not less than a majority of all Directors then in office and such amendment shall remain in effect unless altered or repealed at the next succeeding meeting of the members of the Association; or
    b. At a meeting of the members of the Association by the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of those present in person or by proxy, provided that notice of such proposed amendment be published in the preceding issue of THE CUB.

What follows is probably the longest sentence composed exclusively of four letter words;
    "Moms have days when they make beds, cook food, wash, iron. dust, play with kids, feed dogs, shop, fret over sons away from home, then weep with pain when some fool says they have life easy."

"We are honored to have the opportunity to serve our country under difficult circumstances.
We are profoundly grateful to our commander in chief and to our nation for this day" -- "God Bless America"
Navy Captain Jeremiah Denton spoke the above upon his release as a P.O.W.


27th Annual Reunion
Hospitality Motor Inn
Grand Rapids, Michigan
July 19-22,1973
Have lunch aboard Lake Steamer ,
Visit Lake Sand Dunes
Tour furniture factory and museum
Enjoy the good 106th fellowship
Plan now to attend details will be forwarded

Index for: Vol. 29 No. 2, Jan, 1973

Index for This Document

106th Div., 11
106th Inf. Div., 7, 21, 23
106th Infantry Division Association, 5, 16
1st BN, 424th Inf., 17
422nd Inf., 3, 9
422nd Inf. Regt., 9, 17
423rd Inf., 13
423rd Inf. Regt., 17
424th Inf. Regt., 17
589th FA BN, 19
591st FA BN, 13, 17, 19
592nd FA BN, 19
81st Engr., 20
81st Engr. BN, 16, 17
Aachen, Germany, 7
Adams, Mrs. Gilbert Nevius, 3
Ardennes, 3
Bandurak, Walt, 17
Bandurak, Walt & Lillian, 16
Bandurak, Walter, 20, 21
Bartz, Richard ‘Dick', 16
Battle Of The Bulge, 7
Bebout, Ross, 13
Belgium, 7, 25
Bickford, Flo & Tom, 15
Black, Ewell C., Jr., 9
Bloomingburg, George, 11, 13
Broth, Eunice & Henry, 13
Broth, Henry & Eunice, 3
Broths, The, 3
Brummer, Jennie & Harold, 15
Bullard, Dr. George, 1, 2
Burke, Robert, 4
Carter, Fred R., 13
Cavender, C. C., 5
Chase, Agnes, 6
Chase, Fred & Agnes, 10
Coffey, Doug, 21
Coffey, Douglas S., 21
Coffey, Isabel & Doug, 15
Collins, Sherod, 1, 2, 5, 11
Collins, Virgil & Martha, 17
Corrigan, Charles K., 13
Dabson, Alan, 17, 19
Dabson, Alan & Louise, 15
Dabson, Louise, 19
DeHeer, Cheryl & Rick, 15
DeHeer, Dick & Marge, 15
DeHeer, Marge & Dick, 15
Descheneaux, Col., 3
Descheneaux, Col. George Louis, Jr., 3
Dever, Dot & Martin, 15
Dollar, Howard B., 13
Dorosky, Tom, 18
Dryzmala, Karl, 17
Drzymala, Sgt. Karl, 17
Dunbar, Lt. Alan, 7
Early, Frances, 15
Early, John, 17
Early, John & Frances, 15
Edwards, Mary, 4
Edwards, Ross, 4
Fritz, John, 17
Fritz, Martha, 17
Ft. Jackson, 8
Gallagher, John, 1
Gallagher, John I., 1
Garn, Chuck, 17
Garn, Chuck & Willie, 16
Gilder, Bob & Jean, 17
Goldstein, Elliot, 15
Gossom, Mary, 13, 15
Gossom, Neil, 19
Gossom, Neil & Mary, 15
Gubow, Larry, 5
Gubow, Mona Joy, 11
Hirtz, Edward A., 17
Hirtz, Mrs. Julie, 17
Hoover, Mrs. Violet, 17
Houffalize, 19
House, Joanne & Pete, 5
House, Pete & Joanne, 2
Huxel, Lt. Col. George F., 19
Jackson, Hubert, 11
Jackson, Hubert P., 12
Jackson, Mrs. Hubert, 11
John,, K. & Althea Loveless, 15
Johnson, Benj. F., 8
Johnson, Col. Roland R., 19
Johnson, Mrs., 19
Jones, Alys, 3
Jones, Alys W., 15
Jones, Gen. Al, 3
Jones, Maj. Gen. Alan W., 2
Kaufman, George, 7
Kemp, Raymond & K Loveless, 15
Kemp, Raymond F., 13, 15, 17
Kephart, Herbert D., 13
Koehler, Franklin, 15
Likins, Capt. Robert A., 19
Long, Lt., 7
Loveless, John & Kay, 3, 21
Loveless, John T., Jr., 1, 2
Loveless, K & John, 13
Markham, Edwin, 5
Matthews, Anna, 3, 13
Matthews, Bruce, 3, 15, 17
Matthews, Dr. Mary, 3, 15
Matthews, Joe & Ann, 3
McCullough, Lyle & Vivian, 17
McMahon, Gen. & Mrs., 21
McMahon, Leo T., 3
McMahon, Mrs., 3
Memorials, 25
Middleton, Jack, 15
Munoz, Carlos Rosado, 11
Nechay, Louise, 13
Nechay, Peter, 19
Nechay, Peter & Louise, 15
Oliver, Luther, 11, 13
Oliver, Mrs. Luther, 11
Order Of The Golden Lion, 25
Paquet, Alfour, 7
Parker, Lt. Col. & Mrs. Arthur, 19
Parker, Maj., 14
Pierce, Bob & Jean, 17
Plenge, Jeannette & Ed, 15
Reilly, Ed, 17
Reilly, Viola & Ed, 15
Reunions, 27
Reynolds, John J., 9
Rossi, Lyn & Lou, 15
Roster, 23
Samples, L. O., 13
Sanders, Joe, 13
Saucerman, Gene, 1, 9
Schieferstein, Charlotte & Fred, 15
Schlesser, Jack, 5
Schoch, Charlie & Sherrie, 15
Schoch, Chuck, 17
Schoch, Sherrie, 15
Scranton, Robert, 6
Scranton, Robert L., 1
Smith, Charlie, 9
Smyth, Frances, 13, 15
Smyth, Lester, 15, 19
Smyth, Lester & Frances, 15
Solecki, Emil, 19
St. Vith, 21, 25
St. Vith --Lion In The Way, 23
St. Vith, Belgium, 25
The Battle Of The Bulge, 14
The Lion's Tale, 23
Thoma, George, 15
Thoma, Sue & George, 15
Vietnam, 3
Vietnam War, 1
Walker, Bob & June, 10
Wells, Jim & Maydean, 3, 9
West Point, 5
Williams, Oddesa, 15
Wohlfeil, Lt. Col. Carl, 17
Wood, Lt. Eric Fisher, 15
Wyatt, Mrs. Van, 11
Wyatt, Van, 11
Zorn, Betty & Harry, 15