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Vol. 9, No. 1, Sep, 1952


106th Infantry Division Association, Inc.
Box 238. Loudonville. New York

President James E. Wells
Vice President H. M. Hatch
Adjutant David C. Brumaghin
Treasurer William K. Fowler
Chaplain Rev. Robert A. Lundy

National Directors:
    Messrs. Wells, Hatch, Brumaghin, Fowler, Coffey, Price and Thomas Bickford, Austin L. Byrd, Jr., D. B. Frampton, Jr., Dr. G. D. Fridline, John Gillespie. Robert E. Kelly, James Klett, Marshall Lipkin, John T. Loveless, Jr., Edward L. Luzzie, Gen. Leo T. McMahon, Richard Nethers, Arvo O. Paananen, J. Glenn Schnizlein and Ralph G. Steed.

Officers of the National Auxiliary of the Association:
President Mrs. J. Glenn Schnizlein
Vice President Mrs. H. M. Hatch
Sec.-Treas. Mrs. Harry Albertson
Historian Mrs. Lyle Mowlds

    NEW PERMANENT ADDRESS Starting now, all snail to the Association should be addressed to Box 238, Loudonville. New York. Whether it's about dues, the CUB, the convention, membership, memorial fund, complaints, addresses wanted - -everything comes to the one permanent address.
     We hope bloat, by having a permanent mailing address, we can avoid the inconvenience caused the members by having a different place to write to each year.
    The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association $3.00 per year to 1 July 1953, thereafter $5.00, which includes subscription to CUB. All material copyrighted.
Editor Douglas S. Coffey
Staff Writer David S. Price
Staff Photographer D. C. Brumaghin

Back issues of the CUB may be obtained for 25 cents each. Send orders to Box 238, Loudonville, N. Y.

James E Wells

     Needless to say, the Baltimore Convention was acclaimed a success by many folks who attended. We were all shown a wonderful time by our Maryland hosts. Noticed a few of the old faces missing and was sorry they couldn't make it this year, but was also happy to see so many new faces of fellows attending their first convention. I know that these faces will do all in their power to be with us next year in Columbus, Ohio. Columbus is centrally located for the entire eastern half of the United States, and we are planning one of our largest conventions to date. So start making your plans to be wills us in Columbus next year, and don't forget the good wife.
     Our membership as this issue goes to press is only 33 short of our total for all last year, but we're still far below what we need to run a balanced budget with as many CUBS as we want. You can do your part today by writing two of your old buddies and tell them to send their three dollar dues to the 106th Infantry Division Association, Box 238, Loudonville, New York. Do it while you have the CUB before you.
     And. as a reminder, it's not a bit too early for Chapter officers to start planning their December 16 reunions. And. if Chapters want another date for a celebration this year, the Division's tenth birthday comes on March 15. 1953.
P.S.-- Write your buddy today! Do it Now!

This is your new CUB now being printed by Varsity Press, West Orange. N. J.
If you like it, we would like to know. If not, help us to make it a better CUB.
Doug Coffey, Editor


     Jim Wells, unanimously elected President of the Association for the 1952-53 term, is from Hephzibah, Georgia via the 81st Engineers. His wife, Maydean, was President of our National Auxiliary last year and did a fine job - - we're confident Jim will do as well with the Association.
     He was born in Detroit on February 22, 1918, was graduated from Cass Technical H. S. there, and attended Lawrence Institute of Technology in Highland Park, Michigan for two years. In 1942 he went to Ft. Leonard Wood for engineer basic training, was selected for OCS, and got his gold bar in November. 1942. After a course in motor maintenance and other training, he was assigned to the cadre of the 106th as platoon leader of the 1st platoon of A Company of the 81st, becoming commander of C Company in December 1943.

     He served through the Bulge with the 106th, but in February 1945 was injured by a shoe mine in Germany, spent the next three years in hospitals in the United States and received disability retirement as Major in 1948. At Oliver General Hospital he met the lovely young lady who is now Mrs. Wells.
     Editor's note: We pried the above data out of Jim with some difficulty, and want to add some of the things he wouldn't say - - that he has been active in Association affairs, serving as Vice President in 1951- 52, that he is a good man for the job since he can get fellows to work together effectively and is strong on ideas, that he has a dandy baritone voice and still remembers some highly original Army songs, and that there were few if any more popular and competent officers in the 106th.

Lovely Maydean Wells presenting Tape Recorder to representative of Fort Howard Veterans Hospital.

     The Association extends sincere thanks to the 72 individuals listed below, each of whom has made a contribution to the Memorial Fund in the period from 1 June to 15 August 1952. With these gifts plus generous donations from the National Auxiliary and Southern California Chapter, the balance in the Fund has risen to more than $2,000.
Lawrence Astin, Jr. Charles W. Lawrence
Richard H. Behr Norman L. Lee
Jacques W. Bloch Samuel Leibowitz
Myles Brazill John T. Loveless, Jr.
Ben R. Briles Edward L. Luzzie
Henry M. Broth Russell J. Malueg
Hamilton Broome Leo T. McMahon
Harry W. Butler, Jr. Alfred L. Morrison
Austin L. Byrd, Jr. John W. Morse
George Call W. Lyle Mowlds
Major Sam Cariano Joseph R. Mullican
Fred B. Chase Jos. H. Newsome, III
Douglas S. Coffey Leo L Nowak, Sr.
Ray E. Cottingham Carl L. Podboy
Herbert E. Davis Floyd W. Powell
Arlan Dietrich David S. Price
William J. Donovan Andrew Pufko
Dr. Joseph F. Dreier Michael B. Render
David S. Emmert John J. Reynolds, Jr.
David H. Evans (twice)
Robert G. Flaig Rudolph C. Ricci
William K. Fowler Marvin H. Rusch
D. B. Frampton, Jr. Samuel G. Sekaros
Robert G. Garretson Manuel C. Silvia
John M. Gillespie Charles L. Smith
Robert A. Grosjean Melvin Smith
R. P. Harper Ralph G. Steed
Robert A. Hartbank Robert P. Stout
H. M. Hatch Marshall P. Streib
Walter F. Hiltbrand Harrison C. Tissot
John E. Hopbell Albert E. Ulmer
Geo. W. Jones, Jr. Franklin R. Vitek
Glen Kennedy Lewis H. Walker
Joseph R. Kersten James E. Wells
Louis Kovach Maydean Wells
Elmer F. Lange James A. Widenhofer
Fred L. Wilkerson

81st Engineers
     The following officers of the 81st are again seeing active service, according to Information passed on to us by Jim Wells: Captains Dave Woerner, Harold Harman and Ralph Towne, and Lieutenants Paul Valensteine and Lt. Carmichael.


     Our Sixth Annual National Convention, July 25-27. 1952 at the Lord Baltimore Hotel may not have been the biggest, but those who attended will all tell you it was just about the best. The crowd gets better acquainted and the parties are a little more fun every year. There is lots of other stuff in this issue about the business meetings, the elections, the resolutions, etc. This article is to tell about the entertainment.
     But, before we start talking about the program highlights, we must tip our hats to our hosts. The Maryland Chapter did a tremendous job. Everything was smooth, the meals tops, no mix-ups in the records, and all arrangements (including the hotel) were mighty fine. Consider that Baltimore has a small chapter with less members (before, but not after the convention) than any of our three last host cities. Add to that the fact that attendance (99) was off just a little from last year. It's remarkable that, without cutting the quality of the attractions, the convention committee was able to turn in a net profit $328.56, larger than Pittsburgh in '51 about the same as Chicago in '49, and exceeded only by the much bigger convention at Detroit in '50.
     The Committee was: John J. Loveless. Jr., Chairman; Austin L. Byrd, Jr., Jacques W. Bloch Henry M. Broth, and Vernon S. Jenkins. Our thanks to Baltimore!
     Opening event was a boat tour of Baltimore Harbor on Friday morning. That's just about the best way to see the size of the city and its bustling waterfront, and was the high spot of the sightseeing for those who got there early. Friday afternoon came a bus trip to the many points of historic and scenic attraction in and around Baltimore.
     Friday night the Maryland Chapter welcomed the convention at a buffet dinner, in a private air-conditioned suite complete with accordionist (who knew some fine lyrics) and beer and bar. This party lasted longer than any previous opening night affair, and was in just the right atmosphere to renew acquaintanceships and make new friends.
     Saturday morning saw a solemn and impressive memorial service, presided over by Chaplain Donald R. Stonesifer, to honor our dead and rededicate ourselves to the faith and freedom for which they gave their lives.

     General James P. S. Devereux, USMC, of Wake Island fame and now retired from the Marine Corps and serving as congressman, was the guest speaker at the Saturday noon luncheon. He gave an illuminating account of far eastern policy based on firsthand knowledge gained in his country's service both while in uniform and later in Congress. Business meeting occupied Saturday afternoon.
     Saturday night was the banquet and dance, with a brief business program including the presentation by our Auxiliary of $100 to the Memorial Fund and of a tape recorder to the Fort Howard Veterans Hospital. Like all other program activities. Saturday night's affair was in air-conditioned comfort. The orchestra was good, the drinks were reasonable, and (unlike any hotel we've ever had before), they didn't mind serving glasses, ice and soda and letting the boys mix drinks from private bottles. There was at high proportion of girls to men at the dance - - seems that every year, more and more of the boys bring their wives or girlfriends - - wives reading this should make sure that their husbands bring them along to Columbus in 1953.
     A special Baltimore seafood luncheon on Sunday (Imperial crab with trimmings) was followed by a brief business meeting and adjournment to '53.


Baltimore, July 25 - 27, 1952
     Sidelights - - parties, lasting 'til the wee hours, in lots of rooms on the upper floors, with all extending hospitality to all 106th people who passed by - - our sixth convention without any breakage, damage, or disorderly conduct, and that's a record for veteran's organizations - - we missed a few of the boys who had made the first five but they couldn't get to this one, Ben Hagman. John and Carol Beals. Russ Villwock. Bill French, and a couple of others - - the two ex-presidents of the Association who sandwiched Sunday morning golf, starting at 6:30, between the Saturday night party and a noon committee meeting on Sunday are 'still sleeping it off, according to unreliable reports, and both were quite surly when asked about their scores - - we suspect family collusion on account of Glenn Schnizlein, '51-'52 president was succeeded by Jim Wells, Maydean Wells. '51-'52 auxiliary president, passed her gavel to Rosemary Schnizlein: and the vice presidents of both organizations are Hatches, Jim and Helen -- it just goes to show that once the Association finds a working family, it keeps them working - - next year, bring cash because if Columbus is anything like Baltimore was on cashing personal checks, especially on Saturday, the would-be check cashers'll have troubles - - group singing again this year at all evening functions and some of the noon meals, and either the voices get better every year or more people join in, we suspect it's the latter.
     Where else, for fifteen bucks, could you get so much in the way of food and entertainment? And that doesn't count the friends made at conventions, which is of course the biggest reason for going. Plan to be with us in Columbus, Ohio in 1953 and see what you've been missing.

    The newly-elected Directors met on 27, July, and transacted the following business: ELECTION OF OFFICERS: President - - James E. Wells, Vice President – H. M. Hatch, Treasurer - - William K. Fowler.

    Adjutant - - David Brumaghin: CUB Editor - - Douglas S. Coffey. Associate Editor - - David S. Price; 'Memorials Chairman and Assistant Chairman - - J. Glenn Schnizlein and John Gillespie; Membership Chairman and Assistants - - Mr. Hatch, Mr. Price, and Austin L. Byrd, Jr.; Chaplain - - Rev. Robert A. Lundy.
    Finances: the following inter-account transfers were directed - - $51 from the reserve to purchase histories for nexts-of-kin to the general fund, because demand for histories from nexts-of-kin has been met: $4 from the Southern California Chapter and $3 from the St. Louis Chapter from reserves held for these chapters to the Memorial Fund: the writing off of the $18 inventory division histories, because all histories in stock have now been donated to nexts-of-kin.
     Permanent Address: Box 238, Loudonville. N. Y. is to be the permanent address for all communications addressed to the Association, to avoid the difficulties arising from changing the address of the national headquarters each year. Mr. Price is to open all mail received at the Loudonville address, and to forward it immediately to the proper Association officer for necessary reply or action.
     CUB: the Directors left the budget for the CUB as a matter to be set by the President and Editor; depending upon the Association's finances during the year.


     The sixth annual meeting of the Association, at the Lord Baltimore Hotel in Maryland on July 26-27, 1952, was attended by about 65 members, with J. Glenn Schnizlein presiding.
     The report of William K. Fowler, Treasurer showed that the Association's surplus (cash reserve) had been reduced to about $500 on 30 June 1952, as the result of a deficit of $845 for all 1951-52 operations The Treasurer's Report, presented in detail at the end of these minutes, is subject to audit by an auditor to be appointed by the new president.
     The report of Robert E. Kelly. Adjutant showed 247 paid members for 1951-52. The Nominating Committee presented its proposed slate of 21 national directors for 1952-53, nominations from the floor were invited, and the Nominating Committee was instructed to receive and consider any additional nominations presented before the next session of the business meeting. This committee, appointed by the President, consisted of H. M. Hatch, chairman, and Austin L. Byrd, Jr.-- Lawrence Gubow, James Klett, and Ralph G. Steed.

After much discussion from the floor, the following motion was unanimously adopted:
    "The CUB for 1952-53 is to be published in three full-size issues, supplemented by two mimeographed newsletters. The dates of publication and amount to be spent for each issue are to be determined by the Board of Directors"
     The reduction in number of issues was believed necessary to achieve a balanced Association budget with the smaller membership. The members expressed a desire to have a post-convention issue, a midwinter issue, and an issue in advance of the convention. The news letters were suggested for publication in the fall (with news of proposed December 16 reunions) and the spring (with pre-convention publicity).

     In discussion of finances, it was pointed out that it costs about four dollars per man per year to publish the CUB (even on the reduced basis of three full issues and two newsletters), and that Association dues of three dollars per year including the CUB subscription were no longer realistic in view of generally increased costs of paper, printing and postage and the higher per-man cost which goes along with reduced numbers of members. The following was unanimously adopted:
"Dues, including subscription to the CUB shall be raised to five dollars per year, commencing 1 July 1953."
     This does not take effect until next year, and dues for the fiscal year 1 July 1952 to 30 June 1953 remain at three dollars. The motion does not affect the charge of two dollars for Auxiliary Membership without CUB subscription.
     Since it was decided that dues for the present year would be raised, it was unanimously resolved to take a collection among those present at the meeting, and $58 was contributed to add to our 1952-53 dues account.

     The Memorial Fund stood at $1,842.98 on 30 June 1952, and has since been increased by more than $250. Douglas S. Coffey, Memorials Chairman, reported that two applications had been received for financial aid from the Fund, and these applications are to be' studied by the new Memorials Chairman when appointed. The following motion, representing the consensus of the members after discussion, was adopted by unanimous vote:
     "Grants from the Memorial Fund, in amount not to exceed, in any fiscal year, 10% of the balance on hand at the start of the year, may be made by the President on the recommendation from the Memorials Chairman."
This does not change the previous restrictions on eligibility for aid (only for
(Continued on Page 11)


     SOME OF OUR DIRECTORS FOR 1952-53-Front row left to right: Doug Coffey, Dave Price, Jack Gillespie, Jim Wells, John Loveless, Back row: Dave Brumaghin, Bill Fowler and Glenn Schnizlein.

    ARTILLERY GET TOGETHER-Tom Dorosky, 592; Dr. Fridline, 423: J. Dreier, Divarty: Dick Hartman, 590; Ray Wainer, 589: Gen'l McMahon: Les Smith, Divarty, only other artillery man Doug Coffey, 590, missing when photo was taken.






     OUR HEAD TABLE showing in center main speaker Gen'l Devereaux flanked on left by John Loveless, Bob Kelly, Mrs. Jones; on the right by Glenn Schnizlein, Gen'l Jones and Maydean Wells.
     ENGINEERS GET TOGETHER-- Front: Mr. and Mrs. Dave Evans, Jim and Maydean Wells, Rear: Bill Purtell, Bill McMurray, Tom Riggs, Mrs. Dave Brumaghin, and John Gallagher, all from 81st Eng. except Mac from Co. M/424.


(Continued from Page 6)
    children of men killed in action with the 106th). It does not limit the discretion of the President and Memorials Chairman on whether awards shall be gifts or loans, or on the type of financial needs which shall be considered. (Although it is expected that most grants shall be for educational purposes at the college level, it would be possible for a grant to be made for hardship in family whose children were in grammar school or high school level.)

    The invitation of Ohio to bring the 1953 national convention to Columbus, Ohio was unanimously accepted. D. B. Frampton, Jr. of Columbus accepted the chairmanship of the 1953 convention, and will be assisted by Dr. Gaylord Fridline, Walter Hiltbrand, Richard Nethers, Harry Travis and others from Ohio.
     The Michigan Chapter expressed a desire to be considered as hosts for the 1954 convention. The Chicago Chapter stated that it is ready to conduct another fine convention in Chicago in any year when the Association wishes to return or has no other prospective host group.
(Here the afternoon meeting of 26 July was adjourned. and reconvened following the banquet of that evening.)
     The President expressed thanks to the Maryland Chapter for its splendid work in making the 1952 convention a success. The Convention Committee consisted of John T. Loveless, Jr., chairman, and Austin L. Byrd. Vernon Jenkins, Jacques Bloch and Henry Broth.
     The formal report of the Nominating Committee was presented, and, there being no additional nominations from the floor, the adjutant cast a unanimous ballot for election of the 21 directors: Thomas Bickford, David Brumaghin, Austin Byrd, Douglas Coffey. William Fowler, D. B. Frampton, Jr., Dr. Gaylord Fridline, John Gillespie. H. M. Hatch, Robert E. Kelly, James Klett, Marshall Lipkin, John Loveless. Edward Luzzie. General Leo T. McMahon, Richard Nethers, Arvo Paananen, David Price, Glenn Schnizlein, Ralph Steed, James Wells.

No, we're not looking for five dollars. We want five members!
     At the convention, Sam Blandford of 424/G suggested that each member appoint himself a committee of one, responsible for getting five other men to join or renew. So far, four men have taken him up on it - - Bill Fowler of 'Washington was the first to produce his list of five new contacts, Austin Byrd of Maryland requested a list of all men from his State who were behind in their dues, and similar lists have been sent on request to Jim Hatch of Minnesota and Larry Gubow of Michigan.
     Can you dig up five? A postcard to headquarters will bring you name of ten ex-members who live in your State, and you can go ahead and work on them to renew.

     Of the first 200 men to renew for our membership-year starting 1 July 1952, 28 were from Pennsylvania, 18 Ohio and 16 Maryland. New Jersey, California, New York and Illinois each had from 10 to 15. Virginia, Michigan, Massachusetts, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota and Indiana each had from 5 to 9, and 41 states in all were represented.

     The detailed Treasurer's Report will appear in the next CUB - - can't complete it in time to make the deadline for this issue because we still haven't received one bill for last year.

Our Memorials Chairman, Glenn Schnizlein has made his first grant and is now working on a second prospect.
We now have a purpose, let's give Glenn the money he needs to do a good job.


     This page which will be a regular feature of the CUB whenever there is Auxiliary news to print, is FOR WOMEN ONLY. Men can read it only if they'll promise to get busy at getting their wives to sign up in the Auxiliary. Auxiliary dues of $2 per year may be sent to Association headquarters, Box 238,, Loudonville, N.Y.

     The Sixth Animal Convention is now a pleasant memory. The seventh year has begun and I have been given the honor of being elected President of the Auxiliary. Although I wasn't acquainted with the association until I married into it in 1949, I fell in love with it at the Chicago convention. "In sickness and in health, for richer or poorer" I promise to fulfill the duties of my office to the very best of my ability.
     This year you'll find a bill for membership dues in the Auxiliary coming to your mailbox along with your husband's bill for Association dues. Let me say this: we would most sincerely like you to join! As an organization, we don't bustle with activity, but we gain wonderful unity with our men. Last year we raised money for the Memorial Fund and for a tape recorder which we presented to the Fort Howard Veterans Hospital. This year we plan a similar project, depending on the needs and requests of the nearest veterans' hospital to Columbus, Ohio. Most of us have our men and our homes, and in this way we do a little bit for those men still lying in hospitals. Through our gifts to the Memorial Fund, $100 in 1952, we help the men's organization in their efforts to aid the needy children of men killed in action.
     I hope that these activities are as interesting to you now as they are to me. I hope that you will provide chair, table, checkbook and pen, envelope and stamp to the man of the house and have him send in your dues right now so that you'll become a fellow member in the Auxiliary.
Rosemary Schnizlein

    At the Baltimore Convention, Maydean Well as President of the Auxiliary presented a tape recording machine to the Fort Howard Veterans Hospital. She writes that Raymond E. Duffy, Chief of Special Services at the hospital, has written to say that the recorder is already in full use and that they appreciate it very much and wish to thank all whose generous contributions made this gift possible.

    At the annual business meeting, the Auxiliary elected the following to serve as its officers for 1952-53: President - - Rosemary Schnizlein, Vice President - - Helen Hatch, Secretary-Treasurer - - Gladys Albertson, Historian - - Mrs. Lyle Mowlds.

The Association gratefully acknowledges the Auxiliary's gift of $100 to the Memorial Fund.

     MRS. BERTHA STILES, past President of the Auxiliary died early this summer in Chicago. The Association has lost a respected friend and active worker. It was under Mrs. Stiles' leadership that the Auxiliary conducted its first successful fund raising campaign to make a gift to a hospitalized veteran.
     We regret that we do not know the present address of her family, but we understand that they have moved to California. Please write the CUB if you have their new address.


     Reverend Robert A. Lundy, now National Chaplain of the Association, served with the 43rd Infantry from activation through Tennessee Maneuvers and Camp Atterbury, was transferred to the 71st Division and went overseas with them to participate in their campaigns in France, Germany, and occupation duty in Austria and Czechoslovakia. He has been an active member of the Association since its formation.
     Major Lundy is pastor of the Community Methodist Church in Winemucca, Nevada and is senior Chaplain of the Nevada National Guard. He is in graduate the Colgate-Rochester Divinity School, and of the University of Chicago. He has held pastorates in Vermont, Maine and California in addition to his present service in Nevada, and has served as manager of the Baptist postwar relief drive.
     He accepted the appointment just before this issue went to press, so the first Chaplain's Column by Rev. Lundy will not appear until the next CUB

     The War Claims Commission has announced the release of forms for claims by Prisoners of War and for survivors of deceased prisoners of war. The law and regulations governing eligibility for payment on these claims are complex, and we won't try to summarize them in the CUB. We understand that the new forms have been or will be mailed to all persons who have filed a claim, and forms are also available through the Veterans Administration, State Veterans agencies, and the Red Cross. If you were a prisoner of war and haven't already looked into this matter to see if you are eligible for a claim, we suggest that you see your nearest VA office promptly.

Anti-Tank, 424th Infantry
    HUBERT C. LOVE, corporal, Anti-Tank Company. 424th is shown at the left (with cap) in the picture above. In 1946, after his honorable discharge, he was in a motorcycle accident and was paralyzed from the waist down. In April, 1952 he died suddenly from cerebral hemorrhage. Mrs. H. C. Love, Route 3, Lexington. N.C. would like to hear from some of the men who knew him in the 106th, and wants to get information about his war experiences - - please send her a letter or card if you knew this man!


December 16
     First reports from the outlying precincts indicate that 1952 will see regional reunions on or about December 16 in the following areas: New Jersey, Maryland, Ohio, Chicago, Michigan, Minnesota, Albany, Pittsburgh, and perhaps Philadelphia, Los Angeles and elsewhere. The next CUB will give details. Meanwhile, the organizers had better get their plans completed and send information to the editors before October 10, which is copy deadline for the next issue.


     When you write to the CUB, please mention your company and regiment. We like to refer to a man's outfit when mentioning his name, and it saves a lot of work for us if you tell us instead of making us hunt for it.
     ROBERT A. GILDER, Box 81, No. Ridgeville. Ohio (424/1st Ito MI) is a welder with Ohio Machine & Boiler Co., has four children -- Marcia. Jim. Nancy and Gregory.
     ROBERT A. GROSJEAN, Route 2, Hursh Rd., Fort Wayne. Ind. (422/3rd Bn Hq) says that his business (cement work) is doing well. He's one of the fellows who hasn't missed a year's due, since the Association started.
     BERNARD HERBERT, 483 So. Rochester Ave., Indianapolis 21, Ind. (QM Co) has his own trucking business, hauling construction materials.
     FRANCIS LANTZ, Route 1, Thompsontown, Pa. (81st Engr/II) is employed by the Pennsylvania R.R. and has 29 years of army service. Can anyone send him the address of WALTER W. WHEELER of his company?
     NORMAN L. LEE writes from a new address at 1902 McKinley St., Anderson. Ind. (424/H). He's with the Delco-Remy Division of General Motors.
     JOSEPH R. MULLICAN, PO Box 38, Dadeville, Ala. (422/E), POW at Stalag IV-II, is employed at Alabama Mills textile plant in Dadeville, has a daughter. Joyce, would like to hear from men of his company and fellows who were with him at IV-B.
     Now it's DR. HARRY L. BAIRD, Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh 12. Pa. Congratulations to this ex-medic from the 81st Engineers who has completed medical school and is now serving his internship. He notes that DR. GERALD H. CESSNA, also of the 81st, is a member of the hospital's obstetrics staff and that . . .
     WALTER BANDURAK, 1253 10th Ave., West Natrona, Pa., also 81st Engineers, has recently earned his bachelor's degree in biology and is in charge of the laboratory at another Pittsburgh hospital.
MEYER I. BELL, 2002 Dallas Ave., Houston 3, (Signal Co) is an internal revenue agent with the U.S. Treasury Dept.
COL. CHARLES C. CAVENDER is in command of the Southern California Military District at Fort MacArthur, Calif.
     JAMES CRAM, Trempealeau, Wisc., (422/E) S/Sgt. Purple Heart, POW, is in the wholesale fruit and vegetable business, covering the LaCrosse territory. He'd like to get back in touch with men from his outfit.
     BOB DE ST. AUBIN, 721 S. Gunderson, Oak Park, Illinois (424/AT), an ex-President of our Chicago Chapter, reports that he has an 8-month-old daughter. Susan and is still a salesman for Sears in Chicago.
     ALBERT V. McKEE, Route 3, Washington, Pa. (DHQ/AG) is with the personnel department of Jessop Steel, wants to get back in touch with his army friends -- how about writing to him if you knew him?


ARTHUR C. PARKER, now Lieutenant Colonel, has a new address -- 307 Leaven Dr., Van Horne Park, Fort Bliss, Tex.
     MORRIS W. SILVERMAN, 8921 Carson St., Culver City. Calif. (423/M) is starting the Aer-O-Lite Venetian Blind Mfg. Co. in Alhambra. He reports recently seeing 1st Sgt. JESSEE. Supply Sgt. STOVER. Mess Sgt. KENNY WYATT (who. he says, is still slinging hash in Tarzana. Cal., and Cpl. ARTHUR HOWARD, all of Mike Company.
VINCENT STILES (424/1st Bn Hq) has moved from Chicago to California. Does anyone know his address?

     MARSHALL P. STRIEB, Hutchins Rd., Gurnee, Ill (424/B) sends a generous Memorial Fund contribution, and with it the news that he's in the accounting office of Cyclone Fence in Waukegan, a division of U.S. Steel.
     JACOB UNDERWOOD, 730 Lowman St., Fort Scott, Kansas (590/A) an ex-POW is a new member. We guess from his letterhead that he's a teacher or administrator in his city's public school system.
     HARRY B. WILSON, is now a WOJG, 584th Med. Amb. Co., APO 301, San Francisco. He's stationed at a surgical hospital in Korea.
JACK ZUCKERMAN, 161-04 Jewel Ave., Flushing 65, (423/C) reports the birth of a son, Marc Jay, on March 26, 1952.
     GARRETSON, ROBERT G. is a salesman for the Crosse & Blackwell Co. He sells a line of imported items only, from England and Scotland. Lives in Baltimore, no outfit shown.
     MAJ. SAMUEL CARIANO, (DHQ) 2838 Cheryl Drive, East Point, Ga. is still assigned to Hq. 3rd Army as Staff Postal Officer and Assistant Executive to the AG. Sam says, he's due to go back overseas once again but doesn't know the direction yet. Sam also sent us a prospective member -- namely. Charlie Shelton, former Warrant Officer in G-4 Section of DHQ, who lives at 1415 Jefferson St., Hyattsville, Maryland.
     ARLAN DIETRICH, (81st Engr. Bn/ Co B), Route 3. Kutztown. Pa., regrets that he wasn't able to attend the convention this year because his early vacation and marriage on June 7th altered all plans. Arlan is employed by the A & P Tea Co. and sells insurance part time for Jefferson Standard life Insurance Co.
     DONOVAN, W. J. (DHQ, Spec. Serv. I & E) reports is now the president of W. J. Donovan, Exporters of Jo-Ann Products (Umbrella. Nylon Hosiery and Lingerie).
     FRANK, FLORIAN R. reports his occupation is cheese and butter making. He has owned and operated the Bigelow Cheese & Butter Co. in Clyde Township, Wisconsin since 1949. He was a member of 591st FABn Service.
     FINNIGAN, JOHN F. JR, is now a firefighter in the Richmond Bureau of Fire. Richmond, Virginia. He is the author of the book: "Fire-Causes, Consequences, Control."- He lectures and does demonstrating in Virginia and bordering States. He reports that he has yet to run into any other 106er.
FOX, RICHARD T. is Resident Engineer with the Penna. Dept. of Highways. Co. B/423.
LEBEAUX, REUBEN, Shrewsberry Mass. is a landscape nurseryman, that town.




Index for: Vol. 9, No. 1, Sep, 1952

Index for This Document

Albertson, Gladys, 16
Albertson, Mrs. Harry, 1
Astin, Lawrence, Jr., 3
Austria, 18
Baird, Dr. Harry L., 20
Bandurak, Walter, 20
Beals, John & Carol, 6
Behr, Richard H., 3
Bell, Meyer I., 20
Bickford, Thomas, 1, 14
Blandford, Sam, 14
Bloch, Jacques, 14
Bloch, Jacques W., 3, 5
Brazill, Myles, 3
Briles, Ben R., 3
Broome, Hamilton, 3
Broth, Henry, 14
Broth, Henry M., 3, 5
Brumaghin, D. C., 1
Brumaghin, Dave, 10
Brumaghin, David, 6, 14
Brumaghin, David C., 1
Brumaghin, Mrs. Dave, 13
Butler, Harry W., Jr., 3
Byrd, Austin, 14
Byrd, Austin L., 14
Byrd, Austin L., Jr., 1, 3, 5, 6, 8
Call, George, 3
Cariano, Maj. Sam, 3
Cariano, Maj. Samuel, 21
Carmichael, Lt., 4
Cavender, Col. Charles C., 20
Cessna, Dr. Gerald H., 20
Chase, Fred B., 3
Coffey, Doug, 2, 10
Coffey, Douglas, 14
Coffey, Douglas S., 1, 3, 6, 8
Cottingham, Ray E., 3
Cram, James, 20
Czechoslovakia, 18
Davis, Herbert E., 3
de St. Aubin, Bob, 20
Devereaux, Gen'L, 13
Devereux, James P. S., 5
Dietrich, Arlan, 3, 21
Donovan, W. J., 21
Donovan, William J., 4
Dorosky, Tom, 10
Dreier, Dr. Joseph F., 4
Dreier, J., 10
Emmert, David S., 4
Evans, David H., 4
Evans, Mr. & Mrs. Dave, 13
Finnigan, John F., 21
Flaig, Robert G., 4
Fowler, Bill, 10, 14
Fowler, William, 14
Fowler, William K., 1, 4, 6, 8
Fox, Richard T., 21
Frampton, D. B., Jr., 1, 4, 14
Frank, Florian R., 21
French, Bill, 6
Fridline, Dr., 10
Fridline, Dr. G. D., 1
Fridline, Dr. Gaylord, 14
Gallagher, John, 13
Garretson, Robert G., 4, 21
Gilder, Robert A., 20
Gillespie, Jack, 10
Gillespie, John, 1, 6, 14
Gillespie, John M., 4
Grosjean, Robert A., 4, 20
Gubow, Larry, 14
Gubow, Lawrence, 8
Hagman, Ben, 6
Harman, Harold, 4
Harper, R. P., 4
Hartbank, Robert A., 4
Hartman, Dick, 10
Hatch, H. M., 1, 4, 6, 8, 14
Hatch, Helen, 16
Hatch, Jim, 14
Hatch, Mrs. H. M., 1
Herbert, Bernard, 20
Hiltbrand, Walter, 14
Hiltbrand, Walter F., 4
Hopbell, John E., 4
Howard, Arthur, 21
Jenkins, Vernon, 14
Jenkins, Vernon S., 5
Jessee, 1ST Sgt., 21
Jones, Gen'L, 13
Jones, Geo. W., Jr., 4
Jones, Mrs., 13
Kelly, Bob, 13
Kelly, Robert E., 1, 8, 14
Kennedy, Glen, 4
Kersten, Joseph R., 4
Klett, James, 1, 8, 14
Kovach, Louis, 4
Lange, Elmer F., 4
Lantz, Francis, 20
Lawrence, Charles W., 3
LeBeaux, Reuben, 21
Lee, Norman L., 3, 20
Leibowitz, Samuel, 3
Lipkin, Marshall, 1, 14
Love, Hubert C., 18
Love, Mrs. H. C., 18
Loveless, John, 10, 13, 14
Loveless, John T., Jr., 1, 3, 14
Lundy, Rev. Robert A., 1, 6
Lundy, Robert A., 18
Luzzie, Edward, 14
Luzzie, Edward L., 1, 3
Malueg, Russell J., 3
McKee, Albert V., 20
McMahon, Gen., 10
McMahon, Gen. Leo T., 1, 14
McMahon, Leo T., 3
McMurray, Bill, 13
Morrison, Alfred L., 3
Morse, John W., 3
Mowlds, Mrs. Lyle, 1, 16
Mowlds, W. Lyle, 3
Mullican, Joseph R., 3, 20
Nethers, Richard, 1, 14
Newsome, Jos. H., III, 3
Nowak, Leo L, Sr., 3
Paananen, Arvo, 14
Paananen, Arvo O., 1
Parker, Arthur C., 21
Podboy, Carl L., 3
Powell, Floyd W., 3
Price, Dave, 10
Price, David, 14
Price, David S., 1, 3, 6
Pufko, Andrew, 4
Purtell, Bill, 13
Render, Michael B., 4
Reynolds, John J., Jr., 4
Ricci, Rudolph C., 4
Riggs, Tom, 13
Rusch, Marvin H., 4
Schnizlein, Glenn, 6, 10, 13, 14, 15
Schnizlein, J. Glenn, 1, 6, 8
Schnizlein, Mrs. J. Glenn, 1
Schnizlein, Rosemary, 6, 16
Sekaros, Samuel G., 4
Shelton, Charlie, 21
Silverman, Morris W., 21
Silvia, Manuel C., 4
Smith, Charles L., 4
Smith, Les, 10
Smith, Melvin, 4
Steed, Ralph, 14
Steed, Ralph G., 1, 4, 8
Stiles, Mrs., 16
Stiles, Mrs. Bertha, 16
Stiles, Vincent, 21
Stout, Robert P., 4
Stover, Supply Sgt., 21
Streib, Marshall P., 4
Strieb, Marshall P., 21
Tissot, Harrison C., 4
Towne, Ralph, 4
Travis, Harry, 14
Ulmer, Albert E., 4
Underwood, Jacob, 21
Valensteine, Paul, 4
Villwock, Russ, 6
Vitek, Franklin R., 4
Wainer, Ray, 10
Walker, Lewis H., 4
Wells, James, 14
Wells, James E., 1, 3, 4, 6
Wells, Jim, 3, 4, 6, 10
Wells, Jim & Maydean, 13
Wells, Maydean, 3, 4, 6, 13
Wheeler, Walter W., 20
Widenhofer, James A., 4
Wilkerson, Fred L., 4
Wilson, Harry B., 21
Woerner, Dave, 4
Wyatt, Kenny, 21
Zuckerman, Jack, 21