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Vol. 38, No. 3, Apr., 1982

Ron Mosley
    Throughout the years since World War II I have received a lot of correspondence from fellow 106thers. Many of us have had a very difficult time adjusting to civilian life.
     We have suffered headaches, intestional disturbances, anziety and stress, heart trouble, ulcers, colitis (my "thorn in the flesh") as well as other physical troubles. I think our POW's have been especially suseptible. Guilt feelings are common, and I have had many. The personal question has been: "Was I adequate in my position as a Chaplain? Did I do the job that God and my country expected?" The answer is "no!" We have all had such doubts and questions, but we were there! At the time and under the circumstances which were almost unparalled in military history, we did the best we could.
     The command officers of the 106th had to make some terrible decisions especially in surrendering. I think they did what their consciences told them to do. I feel I would have done the same: i.e., use up their ammunition and material, destroy what remained, and for the sake of the lives of their men (the youngest average age in the U.S. Army) surrender to the overwhelming forces of the Nazi enemy. Now let all of us live- together in harmony and peace with God, fellowmen, and ourselves. Through our Association of the 106th Infantry Division let us give to each other the support, understanding, and kindness we all need. I've said it: I feel I should have said this long ago! St. Paul wrote in Ephesians 6 "Therefore take the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and HAVING DONE ALL, TO STAND. "Stand we did!
    I refuse to take on any or more guilt. The )le "guilt trip" some so-called pacifists try mit on me. who served as a service plain, and on all of our veterans I se. We know what war is and can do.
     We are the ones who are the real peace- terse the ones who saw what man's Imanity can do. We must demand and k for a just society world-wide of herhood and good will. That's what it's 'bout: striving unceasingly for all men women and little children to enjoy the s of their labors and the good things of world and the next. That's why we it to make our country's heritage of dom, liberty, and equality (they all le from God's Will) the norm for all had nightmares and bad dreams and 3ivings frequently until I returned to the ennes in 1960. Now I "ride the wild >es" only when it's December. We should all be proud to have served in the 106th Division, We were young, and our ideals were high. Let's keep them bright shining forever! God bless!

Russell H. Villwock, March 9, 1982
    Time is drawing near for our 1982 reuniop /tilwaukee. As this will be the last Cub ire the reunion, I want to draw your ntion to several articles in other parts of Cub telling you about the plans that are ig made to make this an outstanding lion and your stay in Milwaukee a norable one.

    CHUCK PUSKARICH, JOHN HOWARD with their wives, ANN and VIRGINIA have it many hours putting together a well flied and organized reunion.
JACKIE and I have visited with them a couple of times, the last time just a week ago


    After going over all the plans with that they have made. I think they done a remarkable job in keeping the down - which is very hard to do in days of high prices and inflation.
I am extending a personal invitati each of you from our Milw Committee to attend.
     Membership Dues 8-1-81 $10.00 per Associate Dues 8-1-81...$10.00 per Auxiliary Dues $2.00 per President Russell Vill; 1st Vice President..... Robed H; 2nd Vice President ..James Her Treasurer Sherod C Adjutant .... ... Robert W. PiercE Historian Sherod C Chaplain Rev. Dr. Ronald M Cub Editor Richard De Memorials Chairman Douglas S C The Cub is the official publication of th sociation. Membership in the Associati $10.00 per year which includes subscript; the Cub.
Editor.......... Richard De All editorial matter should he addressk
Mr. Richard De Heer 86 Berkshire Lane Palm Coast. Fla. 32037
    All business matters. renewal of membe renewal of Associate. renewal of Au) dues, memorial fund contributions. etc sl be addressed to Mr Robed W. Pierce. Sr. Adjutar 474 Federal Street N.W 1 % Warren. Ohio 44483
So make your plans now for the 'e Milwaukee reunion this July 15, 16, 17 and
:e 18.
;e I think all of us that will be able to attend
     will look back on this reunion as an :0 outstanding time in our life of friendship !e and fellowship in the glorious 106th Infantry Division.

Dear Members:
     As you make plans for a future convention, 1 think you should have before you a few of the many reasons why we believe that Milwaukee can offer you some of the finest facilites that you will find anywhere in this country. I know you want to provide the very best for your delegates and their families, and I can assure you that Milwaukee will measure up to your most rigid standards.
     Milwaukee maintains its long-standing reputation for the friendliness of its people and the cleanliness of its streets and public c places. Our traditional hospitality assures you that you will never be a stranger in our 1 community for very long. There is a quiet community pride that people seem to sense when they seek information or need assistance in finding their way about ow city. I like to believe that it is our way of letting you know, without telling you in sc many words, that you are most welcome guests.
     I believe your choice of Milwaukee will be a happy one -- a choice that you will Ix proud to recommend to your membership.
Henry W. Maier
********************* Support Your Adjutant *************************



    All controls are set to go. John, Virginia, He to do and we say, "Come", so we can finish of The Hotel is ours for the 3 days, so says D bring the suits; shopping mall across the street minutes away; cab fare is $14.00 to hotel, $.2! 4 approx. $15.00). Golfing courses, 10 mi Milwaukee 20 minutes. Travel time in bus, 20
Do not miss the memorial service, for it will

    I urge you to send in the hotel registration c you all very much for your advance registration to be made on several of our activities. Our sir their help to date.
One more visit with them before July. God Dues run from July 1, 1982 to June 30, 1983


d, Ann and I have only a little more left b.
'eters of The Sheraton. Inside pool, so
;r1 hotel, (bring credit cards). Airport 15
each additional passenger, (for party of !s away, Zoo, 5 minutes; downtown rtes to wherever we go.
be remembered, we promise you.
; as early as possible, and we will thank
yment; as we do need down payments thanks to Jackie and Russ Villwork for rg we'll see you all July 15-18.
Chuck Puskarich and Committee pay your dues while in Milwaukee. a REGISTRATI( ADULTS GUESTS AND CHILDREN

Cartoon drawn by Jim Teason of Chicago Chapter New's when it was bi an active chapter. This May he had a taSr y.

     nit ;Stye 19 g 2 lif " )O 4c...4r J trim4ww. --.3,.4%..., II kces )(if "su-s 54 U IVA „ )o -- ?ABS T 811Wiltr 00.-.7-- TOUR 331st Med Bn. Jim did the covers for all the published some years back, when Chicago had ruple by-pass.



Russell H.
Held on Saturday, December 12 to commemorate December 16th was very nice and well attended again this year.
    Those attedning were: M/M HENNING, M/M LUCSAY, M/M DAVIS, M/M LIBMAN, M/MBIEZE, M/M MOYER, M/M RYBZINSKI, the SCRANTON'S From Michigan and the PUSKARICH'S from Milwaukee, our hosts for this year's reunion also
Mr. HUGH HOCHSTE I I ER who attended for the first time but said it wouldn't be his last.
     The day after the dinner JACKIE and I left for a month vacation Three weeks of it were spent in the Los Angeles area, even got to spend a day in old Mexico.
~ Iy1L
ii .
Y': ti W .. I , %:;.. s `-_ ~ sy ( k "y A r
Mr. & Mrs. Scranton with Jackie Villwock in center.

t Russ Villwock with Mr.
Ve enjoyed beautiful weather all the time were there. The day we left it was 74°.
iding at O'Hare that evening the perature was 26° below with wind chill 31°. Now thats what's called a quick nge.
     ather Boyle was missed at our dinner year. He had a pacemaker put in this t year and was to have an eye implant ie time of the dinner.
     fere's hoping that Father Boyle will be to attend part of this summer's pion. If not, our thoughts will be with especially at the memorial service.


r, d _ a.. I v 2Nb r Puskarich. Scranton and Villwock.
v, < ° ' Y S/ `:. 9' 0 o ~^.
w , w ~< 1 i My~ ~' M QS #` `; ~ ~~ . ~ , rs. Rybzinski.
     Is ANOTHER As is our custom in recent years, A area Golden Lions gathered in fellows Fort McPherson, Georgia officers' clt Sunday December 13 to enjoy the ace and to eat a delicious buffet.
     In addition to the usual Christmas beautiful table flowers were sent to us member who could not attend -- Oelsebig, Jr. of Savannah, a whc florist. His cheerful giving is appreciate In addition to local people there SERINO IN On October 26, 1905, Mike Serinc born in West Orange, a community has produced many outstanding gc and on September 26, 1981, he inducted into the State of South Cam.
     Golf Hall of Fame, joining such notab Carolyn Cudone, Beth Daniel. I1/4 Hemphill. Grant Bennet and others. installation dinner was held at the Colt Country Club, where a colorful twi event was included.
     While Mike's wife. Ellen, is a six-I' capper and the winner of many golf he has nine holes-in-one to his credi last three were within the last 18 m( And Mike. also a noted trick shot an the one who taught the world fa father-son trick shot combo of Paul I- Sr. and Jr.
     Mike, in 1942. joined the U.S. / and when he was assigned to Fort Jac he not only got his first glimpse of Carolina. but also scouted the C woodlands where he subsequently h "dream come true 18-hole golf cc upon approval by Gen. George DE Mike was the head pro and superinte until his retirement.
     Serino has many happy memoirs prized golf possessions -- the on cherishes the most -- a portrait a immortal late Bobby Jones. painted b' presented to him personally by the Gen. Dwight Eisenhower. Mike taugh played with many notable military polical figures. \NNIVERSARY :a out-of-towners from Macon, McDonough, at and Augusta, and Greensboro.
     In Those attending were Bill and Pat n Delzell. Bob and Thelma Burkes, Duke and Martha Ward, Newton and Yvonne )r Mosley, Paul and Lib McMillan, Robert and a Louis Howell, Sherod Collins, Harriet rt McDowell, Carrell Padgett and Jean le Alexander, Sandy and Joe Grossbart, Jim and Maydean Wells and six other guests.
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450 Main St., Hard
     In the implementation of the above Act, an effort to identify all living former PC whether such POW has entitlements under accomplish this, veterans' organizations ha' Director to assist in gathering information al Name Address Telephone Number VA Claim Number Social Security Number Whether or not veteran is presently recei Our National Veterans Affairs and RI informed the Veterans Administration that key role in assisting the VA in the accumi the assistance of Legionnaires within our ju We ask each of you for your assistance i manner: Identify all POW's known to you, or w community. Obtain from them the inform soon as possible to the Department Service We will assemble the information furnisl National VA & R Commission at specified We urge your assistance and we appre undertaking. Needless to say, you will unc POW's themselves.
    incarcerated for as little as 30 days may n been incurred in service without having incarceration period (it used to be six me legislation which also waives the two-year service-connected psychological disorders r 'OTICE EGION CE OFFICE , CT. 06103
     IDERS, SERVICE OFFICERS, tMER PRISONERS OF WAR ERVICE OFFICER Veterans Administration is lauching ; for the purpose of determining visions of the new law. In order to ren asked by the VA Chief Benefits individual POW's as follows: I VA benefits.
^ilitation Commission Director has
^artment Service Officers will play a
)n of the desired information. with
     ction. is worthy endeavor in the following ;au can locate within your Post or ) specified above and forward it as ice at the address shown above.
us and place it in the hands of the vals.
     your cooperation in this very vital lonably receive the gratitude of the ... Former POW's who were have disabilities accepted as having urnish medical proof. The 30-day 5) is contained in recently enacted od following service during which manifest themselves.
a, FROM r.
A THE...
February 22,

Dear Dick,
     Enclosed is a Xerox copy of / Regulation 672-5-1 Para 2-14b(1) s authorizes the issuance of the Bronze Medal to any member of the Army c United States who participated in gr combat against the enemy. betwec December 1941 and 2 September 1 and was awarded the CIB or CMB for participation.
     I do not know the date that this became effective, but it may have instituted well after the date of dischar most of the members of the 106th Dil and it is possible that you and other 0 members may be unaware of said enclosed for your convenience information and publication in The Documentation as to the indivi awards, CIB or CMB and Good Co Medal will or should be found, if awi prior to discharge, on the back of the Discharge. Hence, a Xerox copy of sides of said discharge should be n together with a letter requesting awarding of the Bronze Star Medal t address - exactly as printed in the have received same within three ‘, after mailing the letter. It arrived by ma b. Meritorious achievement or meritc service.
(1) Awards may be made to recc
     single acts of merit or meritorious se The required achievement or service of lesser degree than that required fc award of the Legion of Merit nevertheless have been meritorious accomplished with distinction.
    ilk(2) Award may be made upon application to HQDA (DAPC-MSS-A) ilk(2) Award may be made upon application to HQDA (DAPC-MSS-A) Waiterr a Stovall Stree, Alexandria VA 22332
    (inclosing documentary evidence, if possible) to each member of the Armed Forces of the United States who, after 6 December 1941, has been cited in orders or awarded a certificate for exemplary r conduct in ground combat against an a armed enemy between 7 December 1941,
and 2 September 1945, inclusive, or whose 7 meritorious achievement has been
, otherwise confirmed by documents
     executed prior to 1 July 1947. For this purpose, an award of the Combat 1 Infantryman Badge or Combat Medical I Badge is considered as a citation in orders.
)f Documents executed since 4 August 1944
I in connection with recommendations for -1 the award of decorations of highter degree
- than the Bronze Star Medal will not be used
:1 as the basis for an award under the
b provisions of this paragraph.
Is :t d y h Hope the above information may be of cf value to some of our members.
     I'm still working on my Stinson Station e Wagon 1948 airplane and the cottage at I Youngs Cove, Annapolis County, Nova I's Scotia, Canada. Both are just about completed. April will see the water and sewage hookup and commencement of the construction of a garage at the cottage. The paper work is in the hopper for immigrating s to Canada to Yongs Cove. Maybe I'll look up Chaplain Ron Mosley in Bridgewater, e N.S. If I can secure from you his exact address and phone number Of he has one) and is up there all the time now. I think I know where Bridgewater is - on the way to Luenenburg on the cross road, mid way up st the peninsula: Luenenburg being on the d Atlantic or South Shore. My cottage is between Parkers Cove and Hampton on the Bay of Fundy (North) Shore, just above Annapolis Royal, Which is above Digby.
    This June I should complete 20 years of service, WWII active and 171/2 years with the Reserves, but will continue, if still about, until my 60th birthday on Arpil 17, 1983,
at which time I shall have met my manditory removal date. and be given the gray ID card.
I was allerted to the Ar quoted by a Lt.
Dayly, a Medical Service Corp. Officer, who noticed my CIB and lack of the ribbon of the Bronze Star.
     Would you have the name and address of Dan Bied who wrote a book on the 106th. I'd like to purchase same if still available.
One other address - if you have same. A Sgt. Joeseph Alford, Co. F, 422nd Inf.
    Regt. from the south, I believe Tennessee? Sincerely Edmund C. Purdy. DDS Thompson's Lake Road East Berne, N.Y. 12059
     P.S. Retired from the Veterans Administration as Staff Prosthodontist at Albany V.A. Hospital on July 6, 1981. If any one drives through Albany, give me a ripg (518) 872-0846, or Yongs Cove N.S.
be sure to call me and drop in, visitors from States will always be welcome. when we're up there.
     trItatr********************* NOTICE * Please check and See If Your * Have Paid Your 1981-1982 Mem- go * bership Dues. We Have A Total of * 250 Unpaid members from Last x.
7} JULY 1 to JUNE 30 the following
* Respectfully yours,
* Robert W. Pierce, Sr.,
* Adjutant
     a. trktr********************** lr Bob, 'bought you'd like to hear one more :y of two old 106th friends getting ether. Whether or not, here goes.
     i/Sgt. Ben Tingle and myself were mbers of the same company (HHC, 3d 422d Inf.) and were both captured on 19th of December, 1944 near iurnberg, We were in the same camps, at Limberg, IVB at Muhlberg, IIIB at stenberg and finally, after the long rch at IIIA at Luckenwalde. We didn't :k up together, but would run into each er from time to time and shoot the eze as all GI's will. Then when we were rated by the Russians in April of 45 we track of each other. Like so many, I got nk with the Russians and took off with m for a little bit. A little of that went a g way and, I worked my way back to American lines just before the war was ?.r. From there, it was through Lucky ike and home. Anyhow, I lost track of n, but kind of thought I.would run into 1 someplace in the Army. He was a ific soldier and I thought he would go a g way in the service. I remained in the .ny until 1965 when I finally retired with )ut 24 years service. I figured two wars s enough. I didn't need another one.


     yhow, I never did run into Ben and, an wondered what had happened to Last year I joined the American Ex-POW . and began receiving their monthly letin. In going through the membership ng in one of them, there was Ben's Tie and home address. To make a long ry short, I wrote and he wrote back. We 3an corresponding and last May when I to go to Atlanta for business, I went up Chattenooga, Term.. and my wife, irothy, and I spent a wonderful day with n and his wife. They showed us all over city and, we just had one wonderful ie. He didn't stay in service, after all, but nt back home selling insurance and then tombiles. No wonder I never found him.
I well, it was great and we plan on doing 'gain next year.
Not too much of a story. I grant you, wever: I thought you just might enjoy it.
     could have written sooner but. I've been the road all summer and, writing isn't one of my greatest assets. That reason I didn't make the reunion in Dorothy and I very definately ph making next years'. All we need to k where and when.
     In case you're wondering what I'm now, hang on. When I retired fro Army, I was the G3 Operations Offil III Corps and Fort Hood. Eight r later, the position was civilianized anc hired back. (1 figured I'd either done superb job they couldn't get along t, me or, I had mucked it up so bad n 1 else could understand it) Anyhow, what I am doing now. 16 years later.
Thats it, my friend. Thanks for and please send us info on next reunion when it is available.
Sincerely, Neil Farrell

Dear Mr. Pierce.


    Hope I get the address right this Enclosed is my $10.00 dues. Pleas me any copies of the Cub you migh on hand. Advise how much and I wi you a check to cover same. Will t December 16 meeting here z MacPherson, in Atlanta on Si December 13. is the latest I have Was with "L" Co 423 Inf. at Atterbury. Inc. Overseas with them Vith. Etc. Took my discharge at Belguim to work at PX in Paris for Attended several reunions at Ch! Indpls., Ind. Hope to hear from you C.E. Hackler

Dear Sir:
     Received my copy of the "Cut realized that I had neglected to ret dues for 1981-1982 and therefo including my check for $10.00.
I was a member of Hq. Co. 1st B Inf, Reg.. 106th inf. Div. from the he was activated in 1943 at Columbia, S.C.
ie. until I left to attend OCS in July of 1944.
DTI is With best regards, ng he Louis Davis 'or 515 W. 101st Terr.
hs Kansas City, MO 64114
'as a iut

Dear Bob,
is Enclosed is my check for membership ng and auxiliary dues for Lynn and me, and a ars bit for the Memorial Fund.
We were sorry to miss the Kentucky Reunion: for we would have enjoyed those wonderful people and that lovely area.
Sincerely, Alan W. Jones Hg 1st Bn. 423 Inf.

Dear Bob.
     ve nd The 8-1-81 date for membership a renewals just slipped by me and I didn't Ft. realize it till I got my "Cub" today. So put ty, $10.00 for dues and the other $10. for the rd. memorial fund.
     np I am still working as a dispatcher for the St. Dade County (Miami) bus system. My 3 Lir, daughters are all grown and married and I vt. have 4 grandchildren now.
& WWII seems like a long time ago now,


    I. but the memories are still vivid! My best to all, John Wilson Cos. D. & H. 422 RGT end my am (Dues are overdue. send them in to Bob Pierce-) ?. it

Dear Bob,
My new address is on the envelope.
     Sorry I couldn't be with you all at the last reunion, but my youngest was married the same week which made it impossible.
Hopefully I will be able to make it in Milwaukee.
My Associate member dues is enclosed.
     Sincerely, Viola Reilly. (N.J.) (typist note, sorry can't find the envelope, so can't put in your new address, as long as Bob has it, its O.K.) Bob, Enclosed is check for my dues. Sorry I am late but that is usual it seems for me.
     Sorry I didn't get to make reunion this year, had planned it, but things have not gone as I planned this year, but hopefully I will make one in the near future.
Thomas Murley E-424 Box 369 Leonard, Texas 75452

Dear Mr. De Heer:
I have very sad news to report to you and its that my beloved husband, John D.
     Wilson, died of a heart attack on December 22, 1981 while driving back home from our Christmas shopping. He didn't have any warnings or make any sounds, just closed his eyes and left us.
     He was a very proud American and loved everything about the army and had so many books and things about his war: WWII. He was a POW from the Battle of the Bulge, Company H-422nd Infantry.
     I don't know too much about those things, please forgive my ignorance. But I you would mention him in one of the 'er ib". ie left besides me, our adopted son, iji, 6 years old, 3 older daughters from marriage, 4 grandchildren, his parents .others and 2 sisters - We all miss him a 'hank you so much for your attention, :erely, ma Wilson members of the 106th Infantry Division ind our deepest sympathy to you and Family.
ir Dick: finally got around to sending in my !s through June 1983.
3etty and I are fine and hope you are
Can't wait to get each issue of the lb".
)ick, how can I get a Golden Lion patch
     I Decal? Also is it possible to get a copy the book that was given out at Camp arbury? 3s, the way, if any of the 106th people passing thru the Atlanta area heading th. south, east or west and they hear the )Iden Lion" on their "CB'S" it will he ie other than yours truly. thats been my ndle" for years.
idest regards to all, my "Hank" Freedman S Harness Trail ;well, Ga. 30076
     ar Richard, just received the first issue of the Cub the year 1982 I sure did enjoy reading (use your ingenuity) by Chuck ikarish. It was good to see his picture re with Sgt. Hires in action in Tenn. Tt boys did their job aliright.
I would like to hear from any of the o old buddies of Co. M 424th.
I will plan to attend the Milwai reunion in July.
So-Long for now, Ray Fain 2530 B Apartment 201 B Old Concord Rd.
Smyra, Ga. 30080
     Hi Fellows, Still working and enjoying a little tr this year. Wife and I went to Califc» Mexico in June, to Hawaii in August Nat. Legion Convention. I was appoi] to the Santee-Coop (utility) Board for SE years.
Hope to see a lot of our all friends in George Jones P.O. Box 747 Loris, S.C. 29569
Try to make the reunion in Milwau Wisc. at the Sheraton - let Chi Puskarisch know now!
Cub Editor,

Dear Sir:
Glad you are back on the "battlefi( Like
     Mr. Bill Tarrant from Texas who lA about getting addresses: I too would lil list of the personnel in the. 331st Med and 2nd 81st Det.
     I was a medical officer in the Clez Co. and also served with Med D< received the Combat Medical Badge ai same time with T/Sergeant John Str 2nd Capt. Bernard Goldman, our denti Over the years I've forgotten many o names and would hope to get a list.
     Since returning to good old U.S., practiced surgery in Chicago for 19 , i and another 23 yrs. in V.A. in Fla. I am now retired, and am, thank God, enjoying good health. We live in Jacksonville. My wonderful wife, Ethel, gave us 4 sons, Geo, Jr; Ronald; Robert; and Jim.
We will try to make a reunion.
Sincerely, Capt. George Osborne,423 rd Med.
     The members of the 106th Infantry extend their deepest sympathy to Mildred Anderson and family for Gerald died February 2, 1982. He was bowling when he had a few pains in his chest and later died at the hospital. Jerry used to live in Glenrock, New Jersey and then lived in Ellenton, Ha.

Dear Bob,
     Enclosed is my $10.00 dues money for the coming year. Sorry that we could not make the reunion in Kentucky. We moved up to the northern part of Michigan at that time and were busy moving our worldly goods.
     retired in May because my shop closed and went out of business and put 480 people out of work for good! At 62 years of age no one would hire me so I had no other choice but to retire at that time in my life! Six of my seven children are married and we are proud parents of eight lovely grandchildren. The wife and I spent our 39th wedding anniversary up in the lovely woods in the north. We married during the war years and she followed me to Ft. Jackson, S.C. and then to Camp Atterbury in Indiana, then of course the 106th went over to England.
I keep in touch with some of the boys in my outfit, plus the Rev. Dr. Ronald Mosley.
     I really enjoy hearing from him and only L wish I could see him once before the man upstairs calls me to the great beyond.
Inclosed is some pictures of some of the boys that where at Ft Jackson and Tank Hill in 1943.
     Its a sad part of my life that I saw so many of them get hit and so many that were killed by the dirty Nazi's at the town of Lommerweiler and Winterspelt, germany during the "Bulge". It was a nightmare and still is with me. After being taken prisoner and being marched for days I ended up in Stalag 12A and then ended up in four more concentration camps. The worst camp being 2-A in Ponneriania, Poland across the Oder River. This P.O.W. Camp was a nightmare to me and my fellow prisoners. How a handful of us survived the hell on earth I shall never know. The good Lord upstairs must have been watching over us.
     Our menu of food was a half cup of Rutabag soup - one slice of black bread and a spud now and then.. Believe me we lost a lot of weight fast and some of the boys just couldn't make it!!! Shall sign off now and only hope the wife and I can make it to Milwaukee. Wisc.
in July. Its a treat to read the "Cub" when it arrives here in our home in the woods.
Keep it up.
Sincerely Yours, Louis Terry P.O. Box 204 Fairview, Mich. 48621
October 15, 1981

Dear Bob:
It seems that each time I come across my membership card I find that I have not sent in my dues for the next year.
     It happened again this year. In order to correct for this occurance in the near future I am sending my check for the sum of $50.00 to cover from 1981 until??? Perhaps a lifetime membership would be in order for one such as myself!! Hoping to make the next reunion with Gloria if plans to Alaska do not interfere.
     For those of us who where in Hammelburg the new book RAID by lard Baron and Major `Abe' Baum will g back memories. Col. 'Joe' Matthews ell covered in this publication.
pectfullly, iry H. McKee Spaceway Antonio, Tx. 78239
     November 1981 r Bob: ,s promised here are the pictures I c. of the 424th. hope that in seeing these shots they g back some wonderful times and ies we had at the club.
1 Leibovitz
     it Fellows: Inclosed is a memo about the recent -.W. Act of 1981. You might find it in er to mention this item in the "Cub". as bay be of interest to 106th Veterans. as.
     ut 7.000 of them were P.O.W.'s for ut 100 days. I have been serving official he American Legion for over 30 years this act is of interest to me. I filed a ability claim in France in April 1944.


     iy found no disibilities rated VA -- compensation. I still do not have compaints; I have enjoyed good 1- since discharge from the army.
I have been retired since July 1975
loving it! Sincerely, Walso Pierce

Dear Bob,
     I'm married to Dorothy and we three children, Joe, Jeff and Deb and grandchildren, Bridget & Cindy, 11 (t$ and Dawn age 10. Dot and I paid o mortgage one month ago. I'm a tool r and the Sr. Vice Commander of #2636 V.F.W.
I was held in Stlag IX-B Bad Germany.
     If anyone knows of Norman Wooc illwould you please ask him to get in with me. I haven't heard of him sinc day of the battle and he was in the 4 too.
Thank you, Joseph Scotti 24 Warwick St.
Iselin, N.J. 08830
     August 29. Well my Comrades and friends at year has gone by since I last wrote yo I am glad that there is a dues to pa might forget to communicate althoug grow older I seem to recall things that not been in my mind for a long long ti I sincerely regret that I and my wife not been able to attend the annual re and hope time does not run out befc get around to it however as I have k before I am quite involved in the VF\ am now serving as Commander c adistrict which is made up of 29 located in six counties in Southw y Illinois along with the commandership with h is a state office I am currently on the state budget and finance committee that in turn d requires a few trips to Chicago and Springfield to attend the state Council of Administration meeting as well as a host of other VFW fupctions throughout the state.
     We returned for the VFW National Convention in Philadelphia the 14th thru the 21st of August at which time I had the pleasure of spending an evening and having dinner with friends of Bruce Schwalm, who died in prison camp in 1945, all of which brought events of days gone by into focus again.
     e 1 am looking forward to retirement in e about 22 months thanks to my Army l; Reserve pension which will begin with age it 60. Maybe then we will be able to travel n' with being less mindful about of duties and st obligations of full time employment.
     Enough of this rambling for this time and ), am forward to the next issue of the Cub so in closing we wish everyone Gods Speed d and we hope to keep better contact than I h have in the past.
ie I. Yours in Comradeship Milton G. Haas December 15. 1981
     Hello. Marge & Dick A few lines to let you know whats going on in Ohio. Saturday night. December 5, Chuck and Willie Garn hosted the annual ix Ohio December Battle of the Bulge Party.
     id There were 19 people there and all had a I marvelous time. Those present were, I Chuck and Willie Garn, Bob and Jeanne le Gilder. John and Martha Fritz, Bob and Jean Pierce. Bob Pierce Jr. and wife. Mike re and Elaine Zenn. Frank and Mary Barlow, )n Lyle and Vivian McCullough, Walt and fe Lillian Bandurak and Frank Trautman.
     an Everyone brough a covered dish and there Id was even a Golden Lion cake for all to ly enjoy. There is something special about this its party every year and this one was no rn exception. Getting together with these friends and talking of old times certainly is a highlight of the holiday season for all us Ohioans. The only thing we missed, Dick, was not hollering at you to get us more ice cubes, we had an abundance of them. Bob Pierce brought along a tape that was sent to him from our good friend in Memphis, Al Johnson. There were convention pictures.
family pictures and the whole works to make things keep moving right along.
     The employment situation here is much like all over the nation, and from the sounds of things its going to get much worse before it gets better. Martha and 1 have been blessed with an exceptionally good year for which we are very grateful.
     Our best wishes to you and your family for a very happy holiday season and we are looking forward to seeing all of you in Milwaukee in July.
John and Martha Fritz

Dear Bob,
     I am married to the former Ann Clinton Gandy and have been married for 38 years. We have four grown children, two are lawyers and two bankers and four grandchildren, three girls and a boy.
     I am senior member of the law firm of Richardson, Barrickman and Dickinson; Glasgow, Kentucky and am principally engaged as a trial attorney in products liability, malpratice and casualty cases.
Sincerely, Uhel Barrickman 412 Gannon Ave Glasgow, Ky. 42141

Dear Bob,
Shirlee and I have been married 35 years July 7, 81 and have two daughters, both married.
     I am the owner of Hurley Shoes, Inc. of Quincy, IL, and Hannibal, Mo., also owner of Credco, Inc. I'm originally from Ft. Wayne, Ind. and have lived in Quincy for 34 Years. Promoter of reorganization and remodeling uptown Quincy President for 3 years. Mason - 32 Shriner Of Ained Temple - E.
Sincerely, Irvin Schecter
22 Lincoln Hill
Quincy, IL. 62301

etings. am married to Jacqueline and we have laughters, Susan and Ann and two idchildren Leah and Mark.
am parts Mgr. for Bryson Mufors, Inc., Cadilac and GMC dealer in )ntown, Pa.
wishes to all. les Smithburger '2 Box 523 C nington, Pa. 15437
111 r Bob: nclosed is a check in the amount of .00 for 81-82 Membership and liary dues (Maxine).
     eedless to say, we enjoyed the reunion ;entucky. This was our second reunion it was particularly gratifying as there 2 21 of our immediate families in idance from the Anti-Tank Platoon.
     noticed a letter from Sol. Bavaro while ling the CUB. I do not recall him /ever I was one of the cadremen that re from the 80th Division and was the 3eant Major for the 2nd Battalion - 424.
me along with 1st Sgt. Valenti. Lowes', and others.
icidentally you and the officers are to be emended for your great organization timely work that you do.
)e to see you again.
1. C. Davis - 424 - Hq. Co. - 3d Bn. ft

Dear Mr. Pierce,
I am writing to find out whether a owe any dues. Enclosed is copy of tl membership card I received from you.
     By the way, you might like to kno I am an amputee. I was voted volunt year 1981 by the Easter Sear of County for the working with handic children.
    Sincerely, S. Harry Zorn (congratulations to you, Harry, a living near him should stop in and vis him. 10185 Collins Ave., Apt. 102 Harbor, Fla. 33154)

Dear Adjutant:
I am sorry that I have been neglec.
getting my dues mailed in.
     I am still in Columbus and refill end of January of this year. I hope one enjoyed themselves at the reunil past year.
Sincerely yours, Forrest Hemming, 775 Stelzer Rd., Box 171 Columbus, Ohio 43219

Dear Bob,
     We hope this finds you folks allrigl we are as usual. Nothing much chanc 1 haven't heard from anyone Sherrod since June. He came horn us and stayed about a week and I ha' one call from him since.
Does the Ohio group plan a Dec 16th dinner? (we hope you went) I like to go somewhere, weather permitting.
     Tonight we load the last of the Turkeys t I off the range, and is it ever muddy and 1st sloppy. The sloppy stuff is half mud and water and half turkey manur. So if I live at thru the night, I can rest for about three of mopths. Take good care of yourselves and le have a Happy Easter.
zd Sincerely, Russell & Ronnie Enlow Taswell, Ind.

Dear Mr. Pierce,
     Enclosed is my 1982, 106th Infantry ith Division Association dues plus an additional Sal $5.00 for the memorial Fund.
Would enjoy hearing from any of my old buddies in the 589th FA Bn.
Best wishes for coming holiday season.
Robert Flaig in 1652 Pinebluff Lane Cincinnati, Ohio 45230
he !ry
     its Note from editor - if you fellows want addresses, save your fall copy of the Cub which has the latest addresses of paid up members, of the 106th Infantry Division.
Boonville, Ind.

Dear Bob,
     Thanks to you and your staff for all your dedication, efforts and initiative in keepinc our association alive. Our 106th was z id unique outfit, made up with unique mer and went through unique experiences.
     pt I'm married, have 6 children, 3 girls anc ith 3 boys (all grown). I went into the field o' ad education and have been principal o Yorktown Elementary since 1955. Ms )er experiences as a member of the 106th anc ild a POW has made me aware of anc appreciative of all things; from water to bologna, fellowship and es put de Corps, faith in God, compassion for the less fortunate and a constant prayer for a world- wide peace.
     cm a life member of VFW; ex-POW; a member of The American Legion; the State EX-POW organization and Principal's Association and (best for last) 106th Divisiop Association.
Respectfully, Guy Stephens RR# 4 Boonville, Ind. 47601
     Greetings; Retired in 1976 after 30 years, service with Veterans Ad. of Medical Disability from service connected wounds. Have 2 sons and 6 grandchildren. I am interested in collecting WWII military items. I have also been trying to locate Richard Telfer, who was taken prisoner by the Germans, or would like to hear from apyone who knew him. He was from Ann Arbor, Mich.
Sincerely, William Wanless 1126 Englewood Ave.
St. Paul, Minn. 55104

Dear Bob,
     A P.S. to my letter, I would like to know if I can get a list of names & addresses of anyone from B. Co., 423rd Reg.
Or any pictures of the division and Stalag 1X-B Bab Orb.
Joe Scotti Iselin, N.J.
(fellows if you have anything or know Joe,
please write) August 27, 1981 Se

Dear Mr. Pierce,
     I have received information through Wally Martin of United Press International in regard to the 106th Division of which I a member. Wally did an article on the 106th in the Chicago Tribune which was sent to me by my brother in Fort Wayne.
Enclosed is a check for my Membership dues. I will be looking forward for information from the CUB.
Irvin M. Schecter
22 Lincoln Hill N.W.
Quincy, IL 62301

I was also a "member" of Stalag 4B.
     Friends, 'closed is my check for $10.00 to ak r 1981 dues. I have never had the ege of attending a 106th reunion, but to in the near future.
     still fly an american flag which was 1 over our nations capital. 24 hours a in honor of all members of the 106th ion. This year I have added a ornia flag which was flown over our al building in Sacramento. Would like ear from any former 8-592 members.
Leswing and I correspond regularly. erely, e Miller , Calif. Box 652: 92242
)ber 21, 1981 r Bob: id not attend conventions since the one AK BROOK/CHICAGO.
ad intended to write John Gallagher - -- and find out name and address of adjutant.
     It was - well "tomorrow" and "tomor ... Finally. just received the latest I (which is enjoyed)... So now -- I'm in business".
Please find check in the amour $15.00 (ten for dues and give for men.
Hope to see you in Milwaukee "Wild Bill" Donovan

Dear Bob,
    Enclosed please find check for my c Enjoyed reading the last Cub. Delights see such a good turn out for convention. Sorry I was unable to ai this year, but hopefully next year (8; Milwaukee. Glad to see it so close to Fir Sincerely, Geo Murray March 21,

Dear Fellow 106thers:
     After correspondence and telephone to and from our President Russ Villl and our reunion chairman, C Puskarich, we have some decisions z our Memorial Service. It will be hell Friday afternoon, July 16th, of (weather permitting) at the War Memo/ Milwaukee.
     We decided to go the simple rout( outside speaker, keeping it a simple P Remembrance with the Service led b' Association Chaplain with President 1 Chairman Chuck, Adjutant Bob taking Now we probably need an accompani the piano or organ. I will have Memorial Service Order of Worship pr on the same stock as last year. This is from me, financed from digging and s piclams here at our home. Our music v% "My Country `Tis of Thee," "0 Bea I For Spacious Skies." and the fairly modern "Let There. Be Peace On Earth." Can we get a group of singers. a Chorus if you will, I to work briefly on this the Thursday evening before the Memorial Service? Is there a 106th member who will Volunteer to play f the piano/organ? Eloise can't accompany I me this year. She will in 1983, God willing.
Here's how "Let There Be Peace On Earth" goes: "Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.
Let there be peace on earth, The Peace that was meant to be.
With God as our Father, Brothers all are we.
Let me walk with my brother in perfect harmony.
Let peace begin with me, Let this be the moment now..
I With every step I take, Let this be my solemn vow: To take each moment and live each moment in peace eternally.
     Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me." Eloise and I have a singing group in our veterans' branch in Bridgewater (Brance 24, Royal Canadian Legion). We make some noise! We'll have a bugler whom Russ and Chuck will get, and we'll have a great tribute! By the way, I got a brochure, "Veterans of The Battle of The Bulge," dues @ $5.00; no names but address is P.O. Box 5510, Arlington, Virginia 22205. Who's behind this? God Bless! Ronald A. Mosley 106th Association Chaplain 4 _ , Please Pay Your 3 Dues Promptly! ti

Index for: Vol. 38, No. 1, Sep., 1981

Index for This Document

106th Div., 22, 23
106th Inf. Div., 1, 3, 17, 18, 22
331st Med. BN, 6
422nd Inf., 13, 17
589th FA, 22
589th FA Bn, 22
589th FA BN, 22
80th Inf. Div., 21
Bandurak, Lillian, 20
Battle Of The Bulge, 17, 20
Berne, 13
Bied, Dan, 13
Boyle, Father, 9
Camp Atterbury, 18
Collins, Sherod, 10
Davis, Louis, 16
Eisenhower, Dwight, 10
Fritz, John & Martha, 20, 21
Ft. Jackson, 18
Ft. Jackson, S.C., 18
Gallagher, John, 23
Garn, Chuck & Willie, 20
Germany, 20
Glasgow, 21
Goldman, Bernard, 18
Gross, Joe, 10
Haas, Milton G., 20
Hammelburg, 19
Hemming, Forrest, 22
Howard, John, 1
Jones, Alan W., 16
Jones, George, 17
Limberg, 13
Lommerweiler, 18
Luckenwalde, 13
Matthews,, 19
McCullough, Lyle & Vivian, 20
Memorials, 3
Mosley, Rev. Dr. Ronald, 18
Mosley, Ron, 1, 13
Mosley, Ronald A., 24
Muhlberg, 13
Murray, Geo, 23
Oder, 18
Oder River, 18
Paris, 16
Pierce, Bob, 17, 20, 21
Pierce, Bob & Jean, 20
Pierce, Robert W., 13
Pierce, Robert W., Sr., 13
Poland, 18
Prisoners Of War, 11
Purdy, Edmund C., 13
Puskarich, Chuck, 6
Reilly, Viola, 17
Stalag 12-A, 18
Stalag 4-B, 23
Stalag III-A, 13
Stalag III-B, 13
Stalag IV-A, 6
Stalag IV-B, 13
Stalag IX-B, 20
Stephens, Guy, 22
Teason, Jim, 6
Terry, Louis, 19
Trautman, Frank, 20
Villwock, Russ, 9
Wanless, William, 23
Ward, Duke & Martha, 10
Wells, Jim & Maydean, 10
Winterspelt, 18
Zorn, S. Harry, 22