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The Cub
Vol. 44, No. 1, Nov., 1987

President Roger Rutland
1st Vice-Pres. Dr. John G. Robb
2nd Vice-Pres Orfeo E. Agostini
Treasurer Sherod Collins
Adjutant Samuel P. Cariano
Historian Sherod Collins
CUB Editor John Kline
Memorials Chairman Douglas Coffey

    The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association includes subscription to the CUB. Send all editorial matter to:
Mr. John Kline
5401 Upper 147th Street West Apple Valley, MN 55124

Send all business matters, inquiries, death reports, address changes to:
Mr. Samuel P. Cariano
(Nov 1-May 10)
305 Parkside Place, Indian Harbour Bch., FL 32937

Association membership dues are due by July 1 each year. Notices of reminders for membership dues will not be sent,
Send all membership dues and contributions to the Memorial Fund to:
Mr. Sherod Collins-Treasurer
448 Monroe Trace, Kennesaw, GA 30144
Make checks payable to "1106th Infantry Division Association."

Membership Dues $10.00 per year
Associate Dues $10.00 per year
Auxiliary Dues $2.00 per year
Sam P. Cations - Adjutant

From the Editor's Outpost
I want to thank our President and his Committee for their confidence in choosing me to be your new editor.
     I did not have the privilege to meet Dick DeHeer but I know I have a big pair of shoes to fill. I did meet his gracious wife, Marge at the Mobile Convention and wish to thank her for all her help.
     I am a late comer to the Association. You are seeing more of us as the years go by, all of a sudden the most important thing in our lives is to make contact with our past. Since May of this year I have personally contacted 32 former members of M/423 (Dec 44 era) and a dozen or more of former ex-POWs from Stalag 8A, Gorlitz. This feat may not seem unusual, but prior to May I had not contacted, in the past 42 years, any ex-106th member, nor could I remember more than a first name (or nick name.) It has been gratifying, heartwarming and makes me feel better than I have for years.
     As Editor of the CUB, there is a tradition to uphold-I shall not let you down. I have the ability and the urge to keep the CUB alive. To do this I will need your help, which can be realized through your letters, your suggestions and thoughts. If you feel the urge- send me your story, let me know what you did and what you have been doing all these years. Our comrades would like to hear from you. The CUB is the "Thread of Life" for the Association. Many of our comrades cannot, or do not have the will or the way to attend the reunions. Like most of us they hungrily search the pages of the CUB for signs from old friends, for names and places that sound familiar, for words that prompt their memory. Help me supply those needs, keep me informed so that I can pass the word along. Send all Editorial material, news, photos etc. to me at the address shown in the masthead column on the left.
John Kline - Editor

     To The Members of the 106th Infantry Division Association With gratitude, I have accepted the honor to serve as President of the 106th Infantry Division Association for the coming year. I am thankful for the slate of officers that I will be working with. Each of them, in the past, demonstrated his ability to work for the good of the Association. I assure you that I will do my best to fulfill the duties of this high office.
     I most take this opportunity to say thanks to John Gilliland, Walter Bridges, Joseph Massey and their wives for the outstanding manner in which they planned and followed through on details to make the reunion in Mobile a pleasure to attend.
     It was great to have forty-seven "first timers" in attendance this year. As we grow older, we seem to be growing in number. There are more out there, contact them and let's get them into the Association. Many thanks to Marge DeHeer for the superior way she continued her husband's work in getting out the last three CUBS.
     Welcome to our new CUB editor, John Kline. We feel we have made a good choice. I thank you John, I know our Association is fortunate to have you as editor of the CUB. If I can be of any assistance to you, please let we know. Mattie and I wish all of you a very special and Happy Holiday season. We look forward to seeing you all next fall in Roanoke.
With appreciation to all, Roger M. Rutland President

Chaplain's Corner
By Reverend Ewell C. Black, Jr.
     As you read these words, we are in a period between our Annual Reunion and the Annual December Sixteenth Parties which are held in many areas. Both limes give us the opportunity for fellowship, rejoicing and reflection. Any group which experienced the trauma which our 106th did, must always be aware of both if when we come together.
     Our gatherings are a solemn remembrance of why we were and of the toll which was paid. Even as we remember, in our Memorial Service, those that have departed our ranks in the last year, we are witnessing to the goodness of the Lord which spared them, and us, during the events of 1944-45. In oar December sixteenth gatherings we are remembering the event which was--both the brightest and darkest moments in the brief history of the 106th Division.
    David writing in the 138th Psalm, speaks to what must be often in the minds of many of us as we come together for these yearly Celebrations:

    "Though the Lord is on high, he looks upon the lowly, but the proud he knows from afar. Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life; you stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes; with your right hand you save me.
    The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your Love 0 Lord, endures forever -- do not abandon the works of your hands." Psalm 138:64 Continued next page


    How can any one of an who survived the awful days of December, 1944, and the months of war and/or prison which followed, not continue to be aware that the right hand of the Lord was out--stretched to us. In remembering the events of those days and of our comrades --past and present-- we are in some part fulfilling the Lord's purpose for us. So long as one of an continues to live and to remember, we witness to the fact that our enemy did not triumph -- even over those whose lives were fortified in the battles and the POW camps.
     Gracious Lord, we thank thee for our associations thorough the years and for the undergirding knowledge that thou are ever with us to strengthen as and to guide us. AMEN
     Some had asked about the possibility of securing a tape of the 41st Annual Reunion Memorial Service, so I contacted the church and received the information below. Reverend Ewell C. Black, Jr.

41st Reunion Memorial Service Tapes Available
    Christ Episcopal Church in Mobile, AL, will send you a cassette tape of our Memorial Service for $2.75 which includes postage. Orders will be filled within two weeks of receipt. Send $2.75 -- check or money order to:
The Tape Ministry Christ Episcopal Church 115 S. Conception Street.
Mobile, AL 36602

From the 41st Annual Reunion Chairman

Dear Friends,
     We survived the 41st Annual Reunion and enjoyed hosting it. We want to thank everyone for their consideration and cooperation. Our appreciation goes to our Co-hosts, Joe and Hazel Massey and Walter and Barbara Bridges.
     We had 475 full registrations and some partial registrations from locals in the Mobile area. We had 38 cancellations after they submitted fees. We had 477 for dinner Saturday night, including guests. We had very few complaints-- mostly about the elevators. I was pleased to see the compliments far outweighed the complaints. Every activity that we had dealings with have either called or written stating that they have never worked with a more cooperative group of convention personnel.
     We are looking forward to seeing everyone in Roanoke in 88. We look forward to enjoying the labors of someone else. I hope to see more of the 175 inquirers that we received from former 106th members that have never attended a Reunion. Maybe they can make it to Roanoke and enjoy that one as much as we did when we first went to a 106th Infantry Division Association Reunion.
Thanks to everyone, John and Lee Gilliland 41st Annual Reunion Chairpersons


In Memory of General McMahon
General Leo McMahon, Sr. dies at age 94
Career stared in World War I
by Leo T. McMahon, Jr. -- Col. USA (Rd)

    Middletown PA. Brigadier General Leo T. McMahon, United States Army (Retired), age 94, of 8 North Union St, Middletown, PA, died Monday 28 September, 1987 at Holy Spirit Hospital, Camp Hill, PA. He had been ill for several weeks at the hospital and at Susquehanna Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation, Harrisburg, PA.
     General McMahon was born 31 July 1893 in Rome, New York, the son of Michael T. and Catherine Haggerty McMahon, who immigrated from Ireland. General McMahon was educated at St. Aloyisius Academy in Rome, New York, which honored him in 1946 with a Doctor of Science Degree.
     As a boy and Aid-de-camp was employed at the Rome Copper and Brass Company where his father worked for fifty-one years, and which is known as Revere Copper and Brass, the makers of Revere-Ware. General McMahon also taught for two years at country schools in Ulster County, NY, and in Chadwick, NY. Later he was employed in Ilion, NY by the British Government as a weapons inspector at the Remington Arms Plant which was producing rifles for the British prior to the entry of the United States into World War I.
    General McMahon entered the Army in November of 1917, the Officer Candidate School, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Upon commissioning in February 1918, he joined the 18th Cavalry Regiment at Camp Shelby, Mississippi.
     However, the regiment converted to field artillery and then as the 76th Field Artillery, joined the 3rd Field Artillery Brigade of the 3rd Division for overseas service.
    In combat in France, General McMahon served as a volunteer aerial balloon observer before rejoining his regiment as an Infantry liaison officer during the Meuse-Argonne campaign.
     After Armistice Day, November 11, 1918 he marched into Germany with the 76th Field Artillery as the 3rd division commenced occupation duty.
     A German linguist, General McMahon remained in the occupation forces where he also served the Inter--Allied Waterway Commission on Rhine River patrol; with the mounted cavalry squadron; and with Headquarters Troops in Paris.
    Upon returning to the USA in early 1921, he attended the Battery Commander Course at the Field Artillery School, Fort Sill, Oklahoma, and then joined the 3rd Field Artillery Brigade at Camp Pike, Arkansas.
    Subsequently, the Brigade relocated with the 3rd Division to Fort Lewis, Washington, where General McMahon served as Aide-Camp to the Brigade Commander and as Commander of the Brigade Headquarters Battery.
     From 1923 to 1927 he was stationed in Hiawatha, Kansas as a field artillery instructor in the Kansas National Guard. He then joined the 6th Field Artillery of the 1st Division at Fort Hoyle, Maryland, where for five years he was Battery Commander, first with the Headquarters Battery, lot Battalion and then with "C" Battery which during World War I had fired the first American round in France. While at Fort Hoyle he also participated in one of the initial experiments to motorize the then horse drawn field artillery. Upon departure from Fort Hoyle, he returned to the Field Artillery School at Fort Sill to attend the Officer Advanced Course during the 1932-33 academic year.
    General McMahon was first assigned to Pennsylvania in the summer of 1933 as a field artillery instructor at Harrisburg with the National Guard. However, before he could assume that duty, he was designated to command the last Civilian Conservation Corp company to be activated at Carlisle Barracks


    and moved that company to Penfield, Clearfield County, where they established an operational camp in the forest there.
    The end of 1933 he returned to Harrisburg for instructor duty but departed in the summer of 1934 when he was selected to attend the last two-year course at the Command and General Staff School (now College). As part of the curriculum during the summer between the two academic years, he translated the German military texts into English for the School Library. Upon graduation in 1936 he returned once again to Harrisburg for instructor duty with the Pennsylvania National Guard.
     General McMahon remained on instructor duty until the Pennsylvania National Guard 28th Division was federalized at Indiantown Gap Military Reservation (now Fort Indiantown Gap), PA in early 1941 at which time he was assigned to Division Headquarters and appointed Assistant Chief of Staff, G2. He remained G2 until December.
    On the evening of December 7, 1941 enroute from the just completed First Army maneuvers in North Carolina, the Division Headquarters bivouacked at Warrenton, VA, where they learned of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, earlier that day.
     Upon return to Indiantown Gap, general McMahon was reassigned to Headquarters II Corps at Wilmington, Delaware, as Assistant Chief of Staff, G2.
    In the spring of 1942, he was selected to head a special War department reconnaissance team. During the period April--June 1942, he led the team from Monrovia, Liberia in West Africa, across Central Africa, to Khartoum in the then Anglo--Egyptian Sudan in East Africa. On the return to the USA and completion of his report to the War department in July 1942 he was assigned to Headquarters XI Corps in Chicago, Illinois as Assistant Chief of Staff, 02 At the end of 1942 he left Chicago for Memphis and an assignment to Headquarters Second Army, as Assistant Chief of Staff, G2. During this assignment he also served under the Army Commander who was Director of the Tennessee Maneuver Area, as Deputy maneuver Director.
    In the summer of 43 he was selected as the designate-- Division Artillery Commander for the 65th Infantry Division which was to be activated at Camp Shelby, Miss. In August 43 he was promoted to Brigadier General and served as Commander of Troops during the Division activation ceremonies.
     In late 43 General McMahon was reassigned to Fort Jackson, SC, as Commander of the 106th Infantry Division Artillery. he served in this position during intensive training at Fort Jackson and the maneuvers in Tennessee after which the Division moved to Camp Atterbury, Indiana. In the autumn of 1944, the Division deployed overseas via Camp Miles Standish, Massachusetts to England, France and to Belgium where in December it was attached to the VIII Corps and relieved the 2nd Infantry Division in the vicinity of St. Vith, just prior to the battle of the Bulge.
    After the Battle of the Bulge the Division was withdrawn for reconstitution at Rennes, France in early 1945. It then participated in the drive into Germany and became part of the initial occupation force after the end of the European War on VE Day.
     Subsequently, General McMahon was appointed Commander of the XXIII Corps Artillery in the occupation forces and remained in that position until returning to the United States in January of 1946.
    He participated in four European campaigns, including the Battle of the Bulge. After VE Day, he was in the occupation forces in Germany until returning home in 1946. During his last two years of active duty before retiring from the Army in February 1948, he was Senior Instructor for all National Guard Forces in Pennsylvania and commander of the Pennsylvania National Guard instructor Group.


     He had been awarded the Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star, World War I Victory Medal with two campaign clasps (Meuse-Argonne, Defensive Sector), World War I and World War II German Occupation Medals, American Defense Service Medal, American Theater Campaign medal, European--African--Middle-Eastern campaign with four stars ( Northern France, Ardennes -- Alsace, Central Europe, Rhineland) WW II Victory Medal and the Penn. Distinguished Service Medal.
    In 1948 he joined the Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce, where he became Asst, Secretary, in the 1960's served on the mayor's Human Relations Council. For many years he lived in Camp Hill, where he was a former committeeman for boy Scout Troop 51, a founding member of Good Shepherd Roman Catholic Church, and an original member of the Holy Spirit Hospital Board of Directors.
     He was a member of the Greater Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce and it's Military Liaison Committee, the National Association of Uniformed Services, the Retired Officers Association, the 6th Field Artillery Association, the Society of the Third Division, the 28th Division Heritage Association, the 65th and 106th Infantry Division associations
    He was also a member of the Association of the United States Army, was past-president of its Blue Mountain Chapter, and served three years on its National Advisory Board. In Middletown, he served on the borough authority and was former member of the board Middletown Chapter of the American Red Cross, Middletown Area Association, American Legion Post 594, Friends of the Library, Middletown Historical Society, and Seven Sorrows Roman Catholic Church
     Surviving are his wife, Wilda McNair McMahon of Middletown; a son, Retired Army Col. Leo T. McMahon Jr. of Middletown and Southampton, NY; a stepson, Allan V. McNair of Houston; a step-daughter, Carol McNair Mowbray of St Thomas, Virgin Islands; three nieces, Joan Mather Hilton of Fox Chapel, PA; Kathryn Mather Massimi of Atlanta and Ann Mather Russel of Sandy Pond, NY; four step grandchildren, eleven grand-nieces and grand-nephews, four great grand-nieces and great grand-nephews. His first wife Maybelle Harris of Leavenworth, Kansas, a daughter Mary Kathryn McMahon and a son, Michael McMahon are deceased.
     A Mass of Christian Burial was held on Saturday, October 3rd, in his church. Burial was held in the Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia with full military honors. The graveside service was conducted by Chaplain (Colonel) Daniel V. Kennedy, USA. (See following on burial service.)
    Memorial contributions may be made to the 106th Infantry Division Association MEMORIAL FUND or to the 106th Infantry Division Association SCHOLARSHIP FUND in care of Sherod Collins, Association Treasurer, 448 Monroe Trace, Kennesaw, GA 30144.

The Twenty-- Third Psalm
The Lord is my Sheperd I shall not want.
He maketh me lie down in green pastures:
He leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul:
He leadeth me in the righteousness for his name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death. I will fear no evils for thou art with me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies
Thou anointest my head with oils: my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.


General Leo T. McMahon, Sr.
Church Services
by John Gallagher C/81st Engineers
    While sitting in the chapel in the Church of the Seven Sorrows (relating to the sorrows of Jesus on the Road to Crucifixion,) I had a remorseful feeling why I didn't call or visit the General more often (It's strange how each of as is given 24 hours a day, but we still neglect to do those things we should do.)
    The General's body was brought to the rear of the church by a seven-soldier honor guard, the flag draping his casket which was removed, folded and a burial cloth placed on top of the casket with the flag placed at the foot of the casket.
    The three priests of the parish, along with the altar boys, escorted the casket to the altar, followed by Wilda, the General's wife, Leo Jr, his son and some 20 mourners.
    Burial Mass was started with the hymn Holy God, We Praise Thy Name, followed by the first reading from the Old Testament Book of Wisdom (the Catholic Bible) relating to the trials of earthly life. Next the Priest read Paul's familiar writing in Corinthians on Love. The third reading was from the Gospel of John "I am the Way; 'In My father's house are many mansions, I go to prepare a place for you"
Comments were given by Monsignor Lentocha who was the General's Priest for the past ten years.
     He began with the heartfelt words of compassion to how the General's life related to the three Bible readings, how he showed in his life love of God, family and country along with all fellow beings.
He talked of the General's great faith and the knowledge that someday, he would be home with the Lord.
    Monsignor Lentocha injected a bit of levity into the service when he related that when he came to the Church of the Seven Sorrows, he related to the General in that he had been a First Sergeant and was wounded in World War II. The General stated that this created somewhat of a problem in protocol, "Since I am a General and you are a Sergeant, how do I relate to you?"
     The Monsignor confessed "I am not sure, but I am going to Rome in the next few weeks and I'll discuss the matter with the Good Father." The Good Father was also perplexed and after some thought advised "When you are in the Church --you are in charge and when outside the Church -- the General is in charge." The Monsignor said "So, from that time on, my communications with the General were inside the Church."
    His message was concluded by referring to General McMahon as a man of prayer, who was willing to give his life for his fellow man. He was a truly good and faithful servant. The service continued with the hymn "How Great Thou Art," followed by Communion and prayer to God that He welcome his servant Leo into His Heavenly Kingdom. The hymn "Prayer of St. Francis of Assissi," was sung and the service concluded with the hymn, "America, the Beautiful." The General's body was then escorted to the rear of the Church, receiving the salute of Old Soldiers in the Congregation. The burial cloth was removed, the flag once again draped over the coffin.
     The Church was filled with the sounds of the organ refrains of the "Hymns of Joy" as the General was taken from the Church to be transported for burial in the Arlington National Cemetery.
    Personal Note: The General was a good friend who exemplified the title "An Officer and a Gentleman." He was a dedicated worker for the 106th Infantry Division Association. During the days when I was CUB Editor, I could always depend upon receiving articles from him which he would type himself.
We salute you General McMahon, and thank God for the privilege to have served and sojourned with you _ John


General Leo T. McMahon Sr.
Services-- Arlington National Cemetery
By Alan Jones Jr. Col. USA (Ret)

    I attended the burial services for Brigadier General Leo T. McMahon on 5 Oct 1987 as a representative of the 106th Infantry Division Association, a family friend and a longtime admirer.
     Mass of Christian Burial had been held in Middletown, PA, Gen McMahon's home. A memorial service was held for family and friends at the Old Chapel, Ft Myer, at the gate to Arlington Nation Cemetery. Colonel Leo T. McMahon, Jr. spoke of his father during the service.
     To the band's accompaniment of a General's "Ruffles and Flourishes" and the salute of the troops, eight pallbearers carefully placed the flag draped coffin aboard an artillery caisson drawn by six horses. The procession moved off through Arlington Cemetery to the sound of the band and it's beating drum.
     The escort of two infantry platoons, with fixed bayonets and the National and Regimental colors followed. All of these fine young soldiers were men of the 3rd U.S. Infantry, "The Old Guard." They were followed by the caisson with pallbearers. Col McMahon Jr. and Major General William Calligher, Retired, a family friend marched with Gen. McMahon and the troops. Included was the symbolic horse of the deceased, with saber and empty saddle with boots reversed in the stirrups.
     At the burial site, on a grassy slope, midst great old trees, on a lovely, cool and sunny afternoon, a brief internment was conducted by the Post Chaplain. A field artillery battery fired the 11-round salute for a brigadier general and a firing squad fired three perfect volleys. It was when the clear, separate notes of the bugler sounded "Taps" that I most felt the sad loss. The National Colors on the casket were

Continued next page

106th Infantry Division Association
well represented at Functions honoring General McMahon
by Leo T McMahon Jr. --Col. USA(Ret)

Friday 2 Oct 1987--Visitation: Rev. Valentine Derr -- 81st Engineers. Camp Hill, PA
Mr./Mrs. John Warren Jr.--HQ Div. Artillery Aide-de-Camp to McMahon WWII West Long Branch, NJ
Mr./Mrs. Michael Sgrignoli--Svc Bat 592nd Camp Hill, PA
Mr./Mrs. Harry Judy -- 422nd Infantry Middletown, PA
    COL Roy U. Clay USA(Ret)-- 275th Armored FA Bn, attch/14th Cavalry Group Boiling Springs, PA Sat. 3 Oct --Mass of Christian Burial
Mr./Mrs. Michael Sgrignoli (see above)
Mr./Mrs. John I. Gallagher, C/81st Eng. Temple, PA
Monday 5 Oct --Memorial Service, Old Chapel, Fort Myer, VA and burial Arlington National Cemetery, VA.
COL/Mrs. Alan W. Jones, Jr. USA(Ret) -- HQ 1st Battalion 423rd Infantry Oakton, VA
BG Oliver B. Patton, USA(Ret) --2nd Battalion, 423rd Infantry Chevy Chase, MD
    Also present at various functions were representatives of the Society of the Third Division, the 65th Infantry Division Association, the 28th Division Heritage Association and the American Legion Post 594, Middletown, PA.
     Present at the funeral home on Friday evening and at the church on Saturday was Henry H. Young, Executive Editor, The Patriot and Evening News (both of Harrisburg, PA). Mr. Young is also the Civilian Aide to the Secretary of the Army for Central Pennsylvania.


folded and presented and presented to Wilda McMahon, Gen. McMahon's wife. The troops quietly marched away.
     At the reception, in the nearby Sheraton, we were given the opportunity for a few words with the family, expressing the sympathy and sorrow of all the members of the 106th Division Association, and the wishes to the family for their wellbeing. Wilda, told me how pleased she was that the Association was thinking of them.
    Lynn was with me; her family had known the McMahons for many years. Brig. Gen. Oliver B. Patton, USA (Ret), 2nd Battalion, 423rd Infantry, was also with us.
     Although I have omitted the names of many, this brief report is to assure the 106th Infantry Division Association that General Leo was bid farewell with the honors and devotion that his service to our country and his life amongst us so fully earned and deserved.
Respectfully, Alan Jones, Col, USA (Ret)
HQ 1st Bn, 423rd Infantry.

Remembrances -- of Gen. Leo T. McMahon
by Doug Coffey
     It was with great sorrow to hear that my OLD MAN Leo T. McMahon had passed away. He lived to a ripe old age, enjoying his years with wife Wilda and their family. We were fortunate to have a daughter living near the McMahons, which gave us an opportunity to visit them from time to time. Leo was different than most of our generals who have made very few of our reunions. I think the most we had at one time was four at Columbus. After we got them away from their group, they enjoyed themselves.
     Leo, as I say, was exceptional, he greeted every new member as if he were a long-lost brother and made a point to dance with all their wives. Of course, he did not neglect Wilda or the old timer's wives either. Leo was special to me--he like others felt that they should have done better in the Bulge, but the past is past and the sooner people realize that the better we can get along with our lives. Some never let the past go, history has proven our valor, but they still won't let it go.
     I had one experience with Gen. Leo on the Tennessee maneuvers. My crew had laid about ten miles of wire, climbed many trees, serviced several roads, but left one for later. Gen. Leo drove up and saw the bare wire. Well, he chewed my tail out but good. As he walked away, his Aide, U. Warren came to me and said "The General told me to tell you that when you get back to the Battery, you can tell your Commander that you have already been chewed out by the General, that should be the end of it."
     When I returned to the Battery, I wanted to eat for we had been gone for hours. One of the Lieutenants said the Battery Commander wanted to see me. The Lt. was irritated when I said I would finish eating first. Then the First Sergeant said the Battery Commander wanted to see me. I was still stubborn enough that I was going to finish my meal, what could he do--reduce me to a Private?? When I finally went to the Commander's tent, he was livid. I reported and before he could say too much, I told him what the General's Aide had said. The Battery Commander gulped and said "Get out of my sight."
     It sure lifted my morale and added my respect for Gen. Leo being decent enough to bail me out. My wife and I shall miss the General, but our memories of him will be pleasant, filled with thoughts of our visits to his home and recalling the old times at Hershey Park. He was faithful to his friends, to his church and I am sure the Lord will look kindly on him and has reserved a special spot in Heaven for him.
Doug Coffey C.O.G.L.


In Memoriam
Kenneth K. King, I/422
Passed away on 23 July, 1987.
    Kenneth and Eileen were in their trailer in Prescott, AZ. Her note came to Sherod Collins dated 9/17/87. We had just received a picture of Kenneth on his 1986 trip. In his memory we publish his letter written 6 June, 1987 and the photo he sent. "Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge had an 18-day tour into Belgium, Luxembourg and France in 1986.
We visited, on All Saint's Day, the 106th Division Memorial in St. Vith. It was well cared for as you can see.
    The Belgians greeted us with open arms, smiles and gratitude for freeing them from the Germans. We shall always be welcome.
Kenneth K. King"

Dr. David S. Wyman, D/422
     Thanks for your card of sympathy. David and I attended one reunion in Worcester. If he had lived to retire, we would have had more time for such events, but life was to be short for David.
     We were married in 1949, after Dave's first year in Medical School. We had been going together since the fall of 43 when he was an ASTP student at the University of Maine. Dave and I went to Germany and the Ardennes in 1973--the children's camp at Bad Orb showed no signs of the effect it had on hundreds of lives. When we asked for directions at the police station the young officers insisted that no Americans had been imprisoned there, only refugees after the war. David practiced as an internist for 30 years in Portland. We have three children and three grandchildren.
     I would like to continue Dave's interest in the 106th Infantry Division Association by becoming an Associate member.
Valerie P. Wyman

PHOTO: Kenneth King, I Co./422 deceased 7/23/87

    Dr. Wyman served as chairman and member of numerous hospital committee at Maine Medical Center. He was vice president of the medical staff, a member of the Executive Committee, a director for the Division of General Intern Medicine and served as clinic assistant professor of Medicine at the University of Vermont, these accomplishments amongst many more.
Our condolences to Valerie and her family.
(Editor's note--see separate article by Valerie in answer to Sherod's "TANK" article in the last CUB.)

    Boyd Rutledge, Minneapolis writes, in part....I have enclosed an obituary which appeared in the Portland Maine Newspaper. John Robb, Dave Wyman and myself were together in D/422, Mortar Platoon from late Apri144 through capture and liberation from Bad Orb. Dave will sorely be missed by both his community and by those of us who served with him. See you all in Mobile.
Boyd Rutledge,.D/422 Bloomington, MN


In Memoriam

Clyde W. Hines, Hq 3Bn/422.
From Dean Redmond,
    It saddens me to report his death on 22August, 1987. Clyde as in the Communications Platoon. He and his wife Lucille attended their only reunion in Columbia. Clyde was looking forward to Mobile but his doctors had advised against travel.
     Clyde had retired as a Pipe Fitter and enjoyed corresponding with friends in the military. He had a wife, two sons and three daughters. Some who attended the Columbia Reunion. We will remember Clyde as the man with the Video Camera. Funeral was 25 August in Shawnee, OK.
We extend to his wife and family, our deepest sympathy. We have all lost a good friend and member.
Dean Redmond HQ 3rd Bn/422

In Answer to Sherod Collin's "The Tank in Warfare."

Dear Sherod,
In answer to your featurette on the development of the TANK.
     In 1914 my father enlisted in the British Army and was trained to be a truck driver by learning how to drive the London buses! The tank was being developed and some of the newly educated truck drivers were assigned to "try out" for the Tank Corps. He had a short trial, since the difficulty of driving the tanks made him very ill. They were impossible to steer, terribly noisy, very hot and made for a bad work environment. The model he drove broke down constantly. My father was a very thin, rather wider-nourished English boy who was really not in good enough shape for the rigors of tank driving.
     So, he went back to his truck and then went on to Northern Greece, where he fought malaria and malnutrition, as well as the enemy, for three and one-half years. He was finally evacuated from Salonica for medical reasons and sent back to an English hospital. If he had stayed with the Tank Corps and the early British tanks, he may not have survived.
Sincerely Valerie P. Wyman
Associate member
widow of Dr David Wyman D/422

    Edwin W. Jones, M/424 Passed away September 16, 1987 preparing to leave for the Mobile. Alabama Reunion. Our heartfelt sympathy to his spouse Alice and family.

Gabriel Aiello, Svc/423 Passed away May 25, 1987. No details on his death. Our condolences to Angelina and family

    James W. Player, M/422 Passed away on May 16,1987 while attending the graduation exercise for his daughter at the University of South Carolina. Ern was one of our newer members, he had looked forward to the graduation event for a long. time.
We extend our condolences to Mrs. Player and family.

The next issue of the CUB will be mailed by 15 February.
Be sure to send the Editor your material in order that it arrives by January 1, 1988.
Send all material for the CUB to: John Kline--Editor 5401 Upper 147th St. West Apple Valley, MN 55124


Certain Units eligible for Foreign Awards and Membership
Sherod Collins
Treasurer / Historian
    Certain members of the 106th Infantry Division have been invited to join an organization, the name of which will be mentioned later. This invitation comes as a result of citations by the Governments of Belgium and France after the Battle of the Ardennes (Bulge) and largely while attached to the 7th Armored Division.
     Headquarters and Service Co., 81st Engineer Combat Battalion; 3rd Platoon, F Co/423rd Infantry Regiment (all attached to the 7th Armored)
    CITED IN THE ORDER OF THE DAY of the Belgian Army by decree No. 7253-13 July 1950, by Charles, Prince of Belgium, Regent of the Kingdom (as follows);
     During the crucial period of the German offensive of the Ardennes in 1944, the American 7th Armored Division, attacked by enemy forces estimated at eight divisions, among them: 3 SS Panzer and 2 Panzer divisions, held the important center of St. Vial, preventing any advance or exploitation of this main line, thus dooming the German offensive to frustration and by its sacrifice, permitting tire launching of the Allied counter-offensive."
    The 424th Infantry Regiment; 591st Field Artillery Battalion; C Company, Illst Engineers; C Company, 331st Medical Battalion (all attached to the 7th Armored Division)
     CITED IN THE ORDER OF THE DAY of the Belgian Army by Decree No. 7253-- 13 July 1950, by Charles, Prince of Belgium, Regent of the Kingdom (as follows):
    "Passing over to the attack area on 20 January in the St. Vith sector where it had fought previously, the 7th Armored Division pushed the enemy out of site position that it had been organizing for two weeks and pushed it without respite seven kilometers beyond the Belgian frontier, inflicting heavy losses on the enemy.
During these nine days it captured more than one-thousand prisoners."
    BELGIAN FOURRAGERE (1940) awarded by this Decree No. 7253, 13 July 1950, by Charles, Prince of Belgium, Regent of Kingdom.

589th Field Artillery Battalion:
     FRENCH CROIX DE GUERRE with SILVER--GILT STAR awarded under Decision No. 247, 15 July 1946, by the President of the Provisional Government of the French Republic--with the following citation:
    A remarkable Battalion whose brilliant conduct was greatly valued during the battles of St. Vith and Manhay on 16 to 23 December 1944. Attacked by an enemy operation in force, filled with the desire to conquer at any cost, it remained in position and with direct and accurate fire kept the attackers from access to vital communications south of Manhay. Short of food water and pharmaceutical products the 589th Field Artillery Battalion endured three attacks without flinching inflicted heavy losses on the enemy and forced him to retire.
    The above obviously refers to the stand at Baraque Fraiture or Parker's Cross--Roads. We have learned of late years that the troops at St. Vith were not attacked by "eight" divisions--but by only parts of two, but this does not and should not take away from the great stand that these troops accomplished--they are deserving of all the credit they are afforded.
     The AMERICAN ORDER of the FRENCH CROIX DE GUERRE, Inc. indicates to all of us that those of us that are eligible are free to join their order as ASSOCIATE MEMBERS. However, it is my opinion that only the 589th FA members are eligible. The ORDER is mostly a good-will project between the Nations. Inasmuch as the award is a unit award, and not an individual award, individuals would not be authorized to wear the medal. The individuals would be able to participate in their activities and enjoy any privileges extended by the foreign government.


    You may write to the ORDER at the following address: AMERICAN ORDER of the FRENCH CROIX DE GUERRE, Inc. 325 Spring Street New York, NY 10013
    ASSOCIATE: A member of the Armed Forces who was assigned to a Unit at the time it was awarded the Croix de Guerre during World War I --II or other Campaign: Registration Fee...... $ 5.00
Annual Dues. -- $ 5.00 Life Membership $ 50.00.

WWII Medals Available
    Many men who served in WWII received only ribbons, or nothing, for the medals which they earned. Medals which were earned and not received are still available and may be obtained by writing to U.S Army, Reserve Component Personnel & Administration Center, St Louis, MO 63132 and asking for the medals.
On your letter and lower left corner of your envelope, show ATTN: PSE-VS.
You should include in your letter photocopies of both sides of your Honorable Discharge.
    After verification your medals will be sent. Soldiers who served between 7 December 1941 and 2 September 1945 and who were cited for Heroism or Meritorious Service or received a certificate of exemplary conduct in Combat; the Combat Infantryman Badge or the Combat Medical Badge are entitled to the Bronze Star Medal. This was authorized by post-World War II order by George C. Marshall, the Army Chief of Staff. Remitted to this medal, you should also request it in your letter and furnish documentation of eligibility.

Medal Honors American POWs
By P.J. Mahn
Times Staff Writer
    WASHINGTON -- The image of an eagle surrounded by barbed wire and bayonet points has been selected as the main design for a new medal for the U.S. prisoners of war. Defense Department officials say the medal, which could go to more than 140,000 veterans, service members and next of kin, and should be ready for distribution later in 1987.
    The final design was selected in June by a joint service panel from among 323 proposals. It was designed by Jay C, Morrison, a civilian employee of the Army's Adjutant General's Center here.
     A description of the circular medallion describes the eagle as standing "with pride and dignity, continually on the alert for the opportunity to seize hold of beloved freedom."
    The back of the medal has a space in which the recipient's name would be engraved. It also contains the inscription: "For honorable service while a prisoner of war."
     Congress established the POW medal as part of the fiscal 1986 Defense Authorization Act. It will be awarded to any military member who was taken prisoner after April 5, 1917.
    DOD officials estimate more than 142,000 service members were taken captive in World War I, World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War, and at least 17,000 died in captivity.
     The services will issue specific eligibility criteria for the decoration, DOD officials said. The bill authorizing it, however, permits next of kin to receive posthumous awards and permits only personnel with honorable service as POWs to get the medal.
    The new medal is rated as the highest decoration for service. That places it behind decorations for valor and for achievement.
The Army's Institute of Heraldry oversaw the competition. DOD is the distributing organization.


From LCOL Long (I&R) 423rd Regiment

    The information quoted below has just been received by me from Senator Cranston and I am forwarding it to you in the interest of all concerned.
     It is a pleasure to inform you that LCOL Long and other members of his platoon (I&R), 423rd Infantry who served with CCB, 7th Armored Division, at St 11th are entitled to wear the Presidential Unit Citation (Army) emblem on an individual basis based upon their in-found attachment to CCB fora portion of the period cited in the Citation."
     /s/ Robert E. Graham LCOL U. S. Army Congressional Coordinator The above-mentioned award is available upon request for the individual concerned. I have the address to which one can make application for this award and will provide same to any member of my MR platoon on request.
Very Truly Yours, Ivan H. Long, Hq/423 18610 Hummingbird Lane Penn Valley, CA 95946

Golden Lion Award Recipients
    To the 106th membership. Thank you all for the great honor that was given to us, the GOLDEN LION AWARD, at the Mobile Reunion. We Gilders are very happy and appreciative.
     It was nice to see no many of our old friends and to meet so many new people. We hope you will all attend next year's reunion at Roanoke.
     As many of you know, who were at Mobile, our Past President--John Fritz injured himself by slipping in his bath tub. You can believe that he has had better trips home. One thousand miles and two days later we arrived in Ohio and he went to his doctor. John is resting well and letting his two cracked ribs heal. Martha will have her cast removed next week.
Hoping to see all of you at the net 106th Reunion--Bob and I will wear our medallions with pride.
Bob and Jean Gilder, Hq 1Bn/424 North Ridgeville, OH

    Alvin B. (Bud) Grisby, Sr. was a Tech-4 in the 589th FA/Bat A. He was captured 17 Dec 44 and liberated 28 April 45. He has been dead for over ten years. Prior to his death he spoke very little regarding his experiences.
     I would like to correspond with anyone who may have been with my father, or with members of his unit, who have shared similar experiences.
     From a diary that my father kept, I believe he was in the following camps (Stalags) -- Stalag 12-A, Limburg; 17-19 Dec; Stalag 2-D, Star-guard; dates unknown; Stalag 2-A, Neubrandenburg; approx. 11/ 21 Feb 45; Stalag 10-B, Bremervorde 2-5 March; Stalag 10-C, Hienburg, 2-20 April.
     Please call me COLLECT if you have any information. I would like to thank Mr. John F. Gatens and our new Editor, John Kline for their letters and help.
Kirk Grisby (Associate)
3333 Dayton Avenue Louisville, KY 40207
(Son of Bud Grisby (deceased) A/589)


New Members
Welcome to the; 106th Infantry Division Assoc.

    9/21/87 You were referred to me by James Henning, Mesa, AZ. I am Commander of AX-POW chapter in Phoenix. I was a member of the division, Battery B, 590th FA, during WW II, from Ft Jackson. My check to join the association is enclosed.
Thomas F. Bogner, Bat B/5901h FA 2739 W Charleston Ave. Phoenix AZ 85023

    9/21/87 Just found out the 106th Infantry Division had an association and I would like to be a member of my old outfit. I was a Sergeant in M Co/473rd from the day of activation in Fort Jackson, SC. I was a prisoner of war in Germany. Find my dues enclosed.
Ernest Z. Salazar, M /423 #7 Grandview Pl. Walnut Creek, CA 94595

8/14/87 Sherod Collins Many thanks for your kind letter of welcome to the Association. I am honored.
     I have received my membership card and a copy of the CUB from Cariano, and am delighted to have both. I am truly sorry I shall not be at the Mobile Re-union.
     I have a book going into production next month and will be tangled in that process. Since retirement from active service, I have, amongst other things, turned to writing historical novels, and my fifth, THE SILENT SNOW, will be out next March. It is a novel about the short unhappy war of the 106th Infantry Division in December 1944,1 hope the veterans of that fight will view it kindly.
    If you think the CUB might take notice of it, I would be happy to ask the publisher New American Library, NYC] to send the CUB editor a copy, if he will let them (the publisher) have a copy of his comments. Again, my sincere thanks for your letter and my regrets for not attending the reunion. I will do my best to join all of you at Roanoke in 1988
Oliver Patton, F / 423rd 4817 Morgan Drive
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
Brigadier General, USA., (Retired}

To the 106th
    I was at Fort Jackson when the Division was started. I work for the State of Florida as an investigator in the State Attorney's office. Wife's name is Elsie. We have three Grandchildren.
Would like a member roster to check for C/424 members.
Dennie C. Haltiwanger, C/424 547 Brunswick Road Jacksonville, FL 32216

     I have retired from Atlantic Richfield Oil Co. my wife Ovida and I traveled extensively while in the International Division of ARCO. We adopted Julia in Iran. She is now 18 years of age and a freshman in college. Since we are tired of traveling, we spend most of our time being foster parents to children. We have been part of the lives of 25 such children. Present we have 3 Foster boys 14 yrs., 8 mos. and 6 mos. So, it's "Fast Lane" living of a different sort.
Bob & Ovida Guintard, C/424 Rte 4 Box 566, Bay St Louis, MS 39520


    Am retired from Civil Service with 33 years. My wife Fay is retired from Telephone Co. with 31 years. We have a daughter who lives in Smyrna, GA and is a nurse at West Paces Ferry Hospital.
Herman L. Higdon, E/422 3119 Querecho Ln.
Albany, GA 31707

     Looking for the addresses of twelve good men. We were returning back to the States on Aug 15, 1945 after being transferred to the 104th Infantry at Camp Lucky Strike. Went onto England then home on the Queen Elizabeth on a "Delay in route on way to Japan." I am formerly from Wilkes-Barre, PA. Looking for:
    Jack R. Bier, Nunzio Costrino, James E. Bounds, Wilfred N. Chambers, Robert C. Jefferies, Jerome B. Kasperowicz, Joseph M. Pascoe, Nick P. Shegas, Thomas E. Smith, Frank F. Werb, James E. Craddock and George H. Gilbert, Jr.

Irving & Dorothy Brown, Cannon/423 Box 89 Washington St. RD #6 Dallas, PA 18612

To Editor 74 years of age. retired, 2 children, 6 Grandchildren, 53 years of marriage. Wife's name is Rita.
Martin V. Lawlor, F/422 5 Montana Ave
Pon Monmouth, NJ 1758

2 Oct 87
Dear John & Margot (Editor & wife)
     I have received your most welcome mail, and I must apologize for not answering sooner. I have sure enjoyed reading the material you sent me, and I keep it to read and re-read from time to time.
     I am happy all you "guys" got together in Mobile to reacquaint each other and to talk over old times. I know that was fun.
    I got a call from Rueben Hay, Asheville, NC I one of your former M/423rd men. Sure was nice talking to him seems like a nice person, we are going to get together for dinner soon. John, here's my membership fee to join the 106th Infantry Division Association. I want to attend the next reunion in Roanoke in 88. I want to get copies of the CUB.
    You and Margot are always welcome-so come when you can and stay as long as you like. You all take care of each other, because that's all we have-each other. Say "Hello to the 106th for us."
Former M/Sgt Clifford & Martha Gamble, C/422 PO Bar 415 Arden, NC 28704

     27 June 87 Here's my check. Sign me up. I am a charter member of F/424, March 1943, Tank Hill-Fort Jackson, SC. There are 5 of us here in Western PA that keep in touch with one another,
Edwin C. Huminski, F/424 2267 Spokane Ave Pittsburgh, PA 15210

To editor,
    Was in 2nd Battalion Headquarters as Clerk. Married Jane Dalton on 11 July 1950. We have a daughter, Kathryn, age 28 living in Pittsburgh. PA. I am a retired fireman, served 32 years May 83.
Lewis P. Fischer, HO 2 Bat/423 560 Mor4ornely Ave Washington PA 15301

Taken prisoner near St Vith on 17 Dec 44-escaped on 7 March 45. Retired 30 September 1957 as CWO2.
I have three daughters who live close by. My


    first wife died 12 Oct 82.1 remarried 16.1une 84, my wife's name is Alice. Please accept my application with my donation to the Memorial Fund Edwin N. Jones CWO 2 Ret., M/424 404 College Street Shrempor4 La 711048

     I returned to the States and went to Fort Bragg, NC 1945. Married in June of 48. Served in Korea August 50 to February 52. Returned to States to Fort Benjiman Harrison, Indiana.
    Shipped to Germany with family in March of 53. Re-visited Stalag 9B which is now a children camp. Returned State-side March 56. Went to work for Postal Service July 66. Retired February 78.
     My wife's name in Louise, we have two sons, one is in Army with 17 years of service, the other a Postal carrier and helicopter pilot in Army Reserves for 6 years. Really enjoying life now.
Niles D. Maroney, L/423 829 Reece Rd. Seven; MD 21144

    Both Charlene and I are retired and physically capable. Love football and fishing. Second marriage for both of us - We enjoy lots of Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren. Looking forward to Mobile. Charlene enjoys Crafts, Cooking and Sewing. Jay F. Yearout, Sv/423 4836 Mistletoe Way Mesquite, TX 75150

    Was with Mobil Oil for 28 years, now retired. My wife's name is Phronie. We have three children and 4 Grandchildren. Please accept my dues for me and my wife and a donation to the Memorial Fund.
Jack L. Gaither, Cannon/422 3260 Westelle Memphis, TN 38128

    Have lived in Sacramento, CA for 48 years. I have four children and three Grandchildren. Am retired, do a lot of fishing and hunting. Would like to hear from Aldridge in Utah, Ponto from Dakota and Nick Santopotelis (Tech Sgt) from Connecticut. Hope to be at the Mobile Reunion. From your old comrade Monroe C. Duke, Cannon/422 3137 Clelsea Rd Sacramento, CA 95864

     (Editor's Note) Even though I have not yet received their letters, I do know of two other members that have recently joined, they are:
Gilbert J. Helwig, M/423 2006 Ontario, Lot #5 Niles, MI 49120
     Gil and his wife Lucille drove down to the Mobile Reunion, accompanied in transit (followed by) John Hohenstein, M/423 and his wife Iona. John and Gil stopped by Jesse Barnes home one of the former M/423 members on the way down to Mobile. We are saddened to learn Jesse passed away 30 Sept 1987.
    This was Gil's and my first reunion. It was nice to meet Gil and John along with Louis Cooper, M/423 and his wife Peggy. Our first get together since 19 Dec 1944.
Another new member is: Reuben Hay, M/423 2 Northwood Rd. Asheville, NC 28804
Rueben lives within a few miles of Cliff Gamble (earlier in this


    column.) When I receive their membership entrance letters, I will include their comments in next CUB I am particularly proud to see Gil and Reuben join for it was through my recent efforts in contacting 32 former M/423 men that we have them as well as Ernest Salazar, another M/423 member (earlier in this column) as new 106th Infantry Division Association members.
    I took Basic with L/424 Infantry at Fort Jackson, left the Division while in Tenn. and joined A/13th Infantry, 8th Division in Belfast.
    Went into France on D + 25 and was wounded on Aug 26, 1944, and again on Nov 28th near Cologne. After hospitalization in England I was sent to St Germaine, France with an Air Force outfit. We were then sent to Wiesbaden for a while before being discharged in December of 1945.
    Am planning to attend the Mobile Reunion, hope to see some of my buddies, I remember one was West Bishop from Tupelo, Mississippi-- sure hope to see him there. Gibbs Bailey, L/424 3218 Corey Road, Sarasota, FL 33582

Dear Sam
    A lawyer in Cleveland, OH since 1950. Have four children, my wife teaches at Shakers Heights School. Sidney S. Friedman, HQ/422 15520 Aldersyde Do, Shaker Heights, OH 44120

    Sam, Have been retired and enjoying myself traveling with my wife for the past ten years. Returned to Europe 28 April 1987, but did not get to St Vith, although I wanted to. My daughter is teaching handicapped children and loves it. My son is in Germany doing Government work. Best regards to any member who might remember me after 42 years. Albert R. McElvenny, E/424 310 Lisa Drive Brockton, MA 02402

Dear Sam
     Life member of AX-POW and DAV. I have been 100% service connected disabled since I was 40. I'll be 65 in September, married 42 years. Originally from New Jersey; have lived in Southern CA for 22 years. We are planning to go in our motorhome through Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Northern California, maybe into British Columbia, Canada--with NO time table.
     We have visited Col. C.C. Cavender in Sun City on several occasions, he lives about 2 miles from me. We have 2 sons and one granddaughter. One son in California the other in Alabama. I joined the 106th in the late summer of 1944, prior to that I was an Air Cadet, at Western Reserve Univ. in Cleveland. Before that was with the 83rd Infantry at Camp Atterbury.
William H. Daniels, A/423
26051 San Quentin Ave Sun City, CA 92381

Received a list from Sam--some other new members, no correspondence, if it shows up I will include next time.
Robert A. Jenkins, M/423 2509 Gass Avenue Overland, MO 63114
(Editors note.) Another new M/423 from the group I have contacted in recent months. Welcome aboard Bob.

Richard S. Juriga, Cannon/423 1169 Memorial Drive Calumet City, IL 60409

Edwin D. Lewis, Cannon/423 976 E. Gondola Dr.
Venice, FL 34293

Paul S. McCravey, D/423 7209 Mt. Vernon Road Lithia Springs, GA 30057

23 April, 1987
    Enclosed are memos from Col. George L. Descheneaux, and Lt. Col. J. C. Matthews, Jr. in reference to "The Battle of the Bulge." I received these memos in 1952 at my home in Silver Spring, MD. Since I am a new members


New Members

    of the 106th Infantry Division Association, I do not know if they have been published or recorded in the 106th files.
    Also enclosed is a letter from "Father Hurley' and a copy of a post card I sent Mom and Dad from prison camp. I think many men and their families may be interested in these.
    How long has the 106th Infantry Division Association been active? How large is it? I have the photo book of the 106th taken at Camp Atterbury. I am in the M/422 photo, I'm the guy with the glasses above the "0" in Company in the first row. I am a life member of the DAV and AX-POW organizations as well as the VOB. I am working for the Government, my military years will be included in my pension when I retire.
Atillio A. Mascone, M/422 1618 Moffet Rd Silver Springs, MD 20903
     (Editor's note) Attilio, If the papers have not been published, I will include parts of them in one of the future issues. Some of the information has been made available in historical books such as in the book which is known as the 106th Division History. It is entitled "St. Vith: Lion in the Way" It is in reprint and can be obtained from The Battery Press, Inc.," PO Box 3107, Uptown Station, Nashville, Tenn 37219. It may also be in a library near you.
The author is Colonel R. Ernest Dupuy, a well know World War 11 writer and historian..
     The Association was formed while the members were at Camp Lucky Strike prior to returning home. The 41st Annual Re-union was just held this last September, 17-20 in Mobile, Alabama. There are currently approximately 850 members on the mail list, some are past due with their membership dues and will be dropped, so that number may slightly less. There were 47 "First timers" in attendance at the Reunion. With the recent trend in World War II veterans searching for their War buddies, it could be that this will be a "Banner Year" for the 106th Infantry Division Association. We are receiving several new applications weekly.
     This being my first production as "New Editor" leaves me with the lack of feeling for the amount of material to fill space. Due to the length of the summaries of General McMahon's death, I have not the space to include all the "Member's Letters" in the "Mail Bag" We hope that we can include all those in the next issue, which will also include, photos and news of the Mobile Reunion.
     The reunion will be held at Roanoke next September, hope to see you there Again, Welcome to all new members, nice to have you back with us.

47 First Timers Attend Mobile Reunion
    The President made a roll call of all in attendance. A total of 47 first time attendees stood and identified themselves.
     The Association is growing. All Members should make every effort possible to contact former 106th Division members and solicit their membership.
     There has been an increased "signing-on" of WWII Veterans to most service connected organizations. Many conversations relating to the "finding" of former 106th members were heard at the Mobile Reunion. There in a new awareness to look to the past, and seek out our former comrades


Mail Bag

Detroit Area 423rd Medical Detachment Reunion
    Sherod, Please forward this to the new CUB Editor. A small reunion of members of the Medical Detachment of the 423rd Regiment was held in the Downriver Detroit Area August 4,5 &6th, 1987.
Twelve Combat Medics, all ex-prisoners were reunited, for some it was the first reunion in 43 years.
We were all overjoyed and plan to re-unite from now on.
    Shown in the picture from Left to Right: Front Row: Hugh McManamom, Richard Whitney, James Ulrich, Antone Costa, Lawrence Costa
Top Row: George Offner, William Kocks, Robert E. Love, Harry Jackson, Bill Zewe, Leo Piasecki, Raymond Devaty
From: Leo Piaseeki, Med/423
Congratulations, these men came from all over the Midwest. (Editor)

    Sorry to miss the Reunion this year. I will be in Europe from middle of August until October. I hope you will get the reunions back on a summer schedule again. Everything's fine here, pass along my regards.
Dick Bart; Div Hq/AG 216 Rustic Ave Pittsburgh, PA 15210

Dear Sherod
    Hope this finds you and all the others well and enjoying good health, as for me -- I am well. I joined the 106th inJuly 44..1 came out of the 65th Division as a replacement.
    Was captured 19 Dec 44, held prisoner at Werdau, Germany. Was liberated 16 April 45 by the 6th Cavalry Group of the 3rd Army. It will always stick in my mind that while we on the long forced march after capture, that a large number of us were locked in box-cars on Christmas Eve. Our planes came over strafing the cars -- there were several killed and wounded.
    I always will wonder who were in the box-cars and remember what we did when we got out of the cars. A sergeant got us all together and we made a big POW in the snow so the plane would see us. This worked and the plane dipped his wings and went on. Many years have gone by -- but it still sticks hi my mind.
Kenny Hester, C/590 FA

    Have been having eye surgery since January. Two transplants-- eyesight is now 20-20. Still keep in touch with some of my old buddies in F/422 -- Wildo Pierce, John Carr, Jim Reynolds and my ex 1st Lt. Al Mority who is from S, Dakota. Hope this year's reunion is the best
John "Pat" Hayes, F/422 2226 Elie Ave Springfield, OH 45505


Mail Bag

81st Engineers, 2nd Squad, 3rd Platoon, A Company 1944
     Front: L-R: ? Fenal, ? Schlynhalm, ? Suckow, ? Lacy, ? Sullivan, L. Leitner Back Row: ? MacCallister, ? Gallitin, ? MacCasland, ? Cowden, ? Hetico, ? Reppert, Sgt. Loma
    Taken at Atterbury July 1944, all except Fenal and MacCallister were original 1943 106th Members. submitted by William E. Cowden Sr.

     Accept my dues and a donation to the Memorial Fund. We regret once again, due to poor health I will not be able to make the Mobile Reunion -- wish everyone well for us.
     Our wonderful memories that we have of former reunions, seeing and visiting with old friends and meeting new ones will always remain with us. Wishing you all Good Health -- Happiness.
Harry L. Holder, H/422 474 Addison Are., Elmhurst, IL 60126

03 Aug 87
    My wife and I were in Palm Springs, CA for the last week of April. On one of those days we went to Sun City, CA where we visited with Col. and Mrs. C. C. Cavender. Other than a somewhat restricted eyesight, he is a tough old war horse and in excellent health, both mind and body. It was good to see him.
Last time I saw him was 27 March 45 --during the liberation of Hammelburg, Germany.
Robert E. Kelley, Sv/423 Counselor at Lau, 4388 Barchester Bloomfield Hills, MI 48013

     (Editor Note) Col Cavenders birthday was 2 October -- It was his 90th. I called him to wish him the best. He passes along greetings to all. He said that he intends to attend a West Point Reunion in May of 1988
     Had just received from his Alumni -- a book listing every job and position he held while in his thirty six years of service to our country. He said it brought back lots of memories. He and Lois wish all of you well.


Rev. Roy Hilliard, D/422 Retirement
    On June 21, 1987 members and wives of D Company, 422 Regiment went to the retirement party of Roy M. Hilliard of Canton, Ohio.
    In the picture: Left - Right Gene Saucerman, Harold Brummer, Reverend Hilliard, Bob Walker, Charles L. Smith submitted by Harold Brummer, Cranford, NJ

Dear Sam
     I am retired from Army with 27 years service and after my Army career. I retired from the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Dept here in California.
     My wife Pearl and I will be celebrating oar 45th wedding anniversary Sept 87. We hope to see some old friends at the Mobile Reunion.
     We are planning on driving our 33 foot Vogue motor home and would appreciate any info regarding parking near the Reunion. Hope to meet you there. Thank You
James K. Rupert, AT/424 466 Las Potomac Dr.
Pon' Hueneme, CA 93401

04 Aug 87
    Time goes so fast, here is another year. Since we last met at Lakeview I've had eye surgery. It has been ten years since I retired from the School Administration. The years have gone by rapidly, but have been enjoyable.
    Though I will not be at the reunion, it does bring back memories, before the 106th, where I spent a few months at Maxwell AFB, it would nice to see that State again.
George F. Phillips, Red Cross/Div Hq 37 Linden Place Union Town, PA 15401
Ed. note -- George was the Red Cross Representative for the 106th Division.

Dear Sherod
     I have enjoyed reading"The CUB," and through the Association I have begun corresponding with a friend who I have known


Mail Bag

for years. We were messengers and scouts in Company E, 423rd.
I wish it were possible for me to come to the Reunion in Mobile, possibly another year, depending on the location.
With best wishes to all you and your comrades.
David H. Vennberg, E/423 24 Warren Road Sugar Grove, PA 16350

     I got a big kick in seeing the roster which was included in the last issue of the "CUB," There were some names that triggered some very old and dear memories of people I had completely forgotten; but these are stories for some other time. I have a conflict and will be unable to attend Mobile. I will be at the Missouri Judges Annual Meeting, perhaps my wife and I can make the next one.
Louis Davis HQ 1st BN/423 515W 101st Terrace Kansas City, MO 64114

Dear Sherod
     Here's my dues. Had a hip operation and am now using crutches. I will be seeing the Doctor soon to see if I can put any weight on the leg. I will not make the Mobile Reunion. I enclose my dues and a little extra for the Memorial Fund.
George Rinkima, B/423 16817S. Park South Holland IL 60473

    I enjoy reading the news about the others, I don't have much to report on myself. I lead a quiet life up here in the woods of Central PA. I have just passed another milestone-- # 75--can't figure out where a6 those years went. So I must do like all the others, just hang in there.
Myles Brasill, MP/Div HQ RD 2 Box 157 Landisburg, PA 17040

     We plan on being in Mobile and are still talking about the last one, which was our first. Just read the "CUB"and a very warm feeling to team that our old Platoon Sergeant, Jim Dickerson, is still among the living. Really looking forward to Mobile. Yours in Comradeship,
Milton C. Haas, HQ 3rd BN/422 600 South Lafayette St.
Millstadt, IL 62260

22 June 87
I hear from Waldo Pierce, Ted Mann, Jim Reynolds, John Hayes, Marv Chicca and J.W. Taylor. Keep up the good work.
John W. Carr, F/422 PO Box 66 Greensboro, GA 30642

     We have been having a real busy year. Now have four great grandchildren. We still go to the VA for check-ups and volunteer work. Enjoy the "CUB" so very much. Our sincere sympathy to Walt Bandurak on the death of Lillian -- one great lady! Enjoyed them so much on the trips to Europe.
God Bless all,
Francis (Frank) and Gabrielle Hobe, C/422 877 Howe Street Manchester, NH 03103

1 July 87
    You people are doing a great job in keeping the "Hungry and Sick"(106th) alive. For some reason I didn't hear from anyone in my old outfit, A/81st Engineers until last year when Bob Sanders brought me up to date. Guess the Engineers impressed me as I spent 34 years with the Corp of Engineers before retiring in 1985. Retired as Chief Hydraulics Branch of Mobile District.
Hope to meet you all at Mobile.


Would like to hear from Leland Fisher and old buddy in the 81st.
Allen W. Kerr,./81st Engineers 3919 Camellia Dr.
Mobile, AL 36609

15 June 87
To the Editor
Would it be possible to put a "blurp" in the next "CUB concerning the whereabouts of Capt. "Hank" Harmeling.
     Capt. Harmeling was CC of K/422 and was captured near Schoenburg in the Bulge. He was at Bad Orb in a German POW camp. After the war he served a stint with the Joint Chiefs of Staff in Washington, DC.
    I would also like to know if there are still any Reunions in the New York/New Jersey area? Hoping to hear from you soon and wishing you all well,
Fraternally Yours Jacques W. Bloch, K/422 4915 Broadway New York, NY 10034

    (Editors Note..There will be a Reunion to held at Roanoke, VA in Sept 1988, the next one after that will be in Chicago, Illinois during Sept 89...actual dates will be announced later.)


New Jersey area: Contact Harold Brummer 41 George Street Cranford N. 1 07016 Los Angeles area.
Milton Weiner 6440 Knott Ave (#41) Buena Park, CA 90620
St Louis area Don Wischmeier 717 Amvets Dr Desoto, MO 63020
    Chicago Area Get together Former members of the 106th Infantry Division, from the Chicago Area will gather once again to commemorate December 1944.
    This year's get together will be at the home of Bill and Florence Lucsay, 1216 South Moody Ave, Palos Heights, Illinois 60643. Phone: (312) 388-8989, Time: 6:30 PM Cost $.7.50 per person, which will cover Buffet dinner, with an open bar.
For more information call Bill or Florence, Or Russell Villwock, (312) 631-2027.
P.S. The Reunion in 1989 will be in Chicago, August 30 to September 3. Thanks,
Russell Villwock

    Drafted in May 42, spent 4 months at Camp Crowder, MO, assigned to FA school at Ft Sill, OK. After receiving my 2.nd Lt in Feb.42 I was assigned to Flight School at Pittsburg, KS for two months, after receiving my Liaison Pilot's wings I spent 2 months at the Ft Sill Flight School.
     Was assigned to the 592nd FA battalion in June of 43. After processing overseas flew the English Channel on 4 Dec 1944, at St Vith 16 Dec 44.
    The next 5 months was observing the enemy and flew 53 missions. Broke my leg in a freak accident in the airplane in June 45, spent the next nine months in various Hospitals--discharged May 46.
C.W. (Pete) Lauman, Liaison Pilot/592 FA 6399 Smiley Ave. Si. Louis, MO 63139

27 April 87
Dear Sherod
I continue to be amazed at the durability of you folks who carry the load for the Association.
     One thing I do notice is as we get older we become more sentimental and are much more interested in groups like the Association. This does not detract from the efforts


Mail Bag

    and the great work done by past officers, but it seems that years ago we suggested that as our total gets smaller our organization gets larger.
     Helen and I remain reasonably well. Our youngest daughter and her husband are both Foreign Service Officers, each with different offices in the State Department Headquarters.
    Kathy just returned from a 3 week tour of the Middle East. She speaks Arabic fluently and though most contacts are in English, they are impressed if you speak their language. I have spent considerable time in the hospital this summer. Helen has also, so you can see why we stay close to home.
We are proud to be part of the Association and possess many fond memories of past Reunions.
    Thank you for your generous contribution of time and initiative. Jim Hatch, Div HQ & 422 2830 East Road Wayzata, MN 55391

From our former Chaplain
    Please convey my warmest feelings and good wishes to our comrades in the 106th. Hopefully we shall be with you in Roanoke in 88. We were "down" to Maine in April to visit with our son Gordy and family, also to receive the delayed "1985 Canadian Friendship Award of the American Legion. I was to get this in June of 1986, but had a prior engagement, a Youth Field Day sponsored by the. Canadian Legion involving 600 children.
     The 1985 Canadian Friendship Award consists of a medal and a citation,An American Legion crest with green ribbon with gold maple leaf and top bar attachments. The top bar is inscribed "Canadian Friendship Award."
     The citation, engraved and mounted on walnut reads "In recognition and sincere appreciation of outstanding service in the field of veteran's affairs and contributions towards the development and preservation of the spirit of cofraternity which exists between the American Legion and the Royal Canadian Legion."
Awarded to Reverend Ronald A. Mosley, attestments by the National Adjutant and Commander.
     The week-end of August 15 was a big one. The Bridgewater, Novia Scotia--Branch No. 24 of the Royal Canadian Legion celebrated its 60th anniversary. Relatives of 15 Charter Members (all deceased) came from all over North America. Branch No. 24 now has 1000 members and were instrumental in a new bridge over the LaHave River being named "Veterans Memorial Bridge." God Bless you and all our brethren and their kin!
Ron Mosley, former Chaplain PO Box 25 Petite Riviera Bridge Nova Scotia, B01 2P0

David Dresen C/422
    Just finished a year and one-half as Commander of our Badger Chapter AX-POW group. At our fall meeting retired Judge Leonard Bessman recalled his experiences and friendship with Ernie Pyle.
     I are the one in the middle with the big smile. On my right is Bob Johns and on my left Llew Bredeson friends of mine.
Dave Dresen C/422 Madison, WI.
Dave,. I lived in Madison from 70 until Jan 86. My father, one son still live there.(Editor.)


Happy Holidays and to all GOOD CHEER GOOD HEALTH and The best for 1988



The Next issue of "THE CUB will be sent February 15th.
If you have information or news for that issue, send it to "THE CUB Editor" prior to January 15th.
    The next issue will be primarily devoted to the "MOBILE REUNION" We need pictures and news items eg: meeting old buddies, etc. Send your picture's, with identification of those appearing in the picture, along with what you want to say to the "CUB Editor:, to the John Kline, Editor 5401 U. 147th St. West, Apple Valley, MN 55124


Index for: Vol. 44 No. 1, Nov, 1987

Index for This Document

106th Div. History, 32
14th Cav. Gp., 13
18th Cav. Regt., 5
1st Div., 5
28th Div. Heritage Association, 9, 14
28th Inf. Div., 7, 9
2nd BN HQ, 27
2nd Inf. Div., 7
331st Med., 20
331st Med. BN, 20
3rd Army, 33
3rd Div., 5
3rd FA Brigade, 5
423rd Inf. Regt., 20
423rd Med. Det., 33
423rd Regt., 24, 33
424th Inf. Regt., 20
589th FA, 20
589th FA BN, 20
589th Fa/B, 24
590th FA BN, 33
591st FA BN, 20
592nd FA BN, 38
65th Div., 33
65th Inf. Div. Association, 14
6th FA, 5, 9
76th FA, 5
7th Armd. Div., 20
81st Engr., 13, 34, 38
81st Engr. Cbt. BN, 20
83rd Inf., 30
8th Div., 30
Africa, 7
Agostini, Orfeo E., 1
Aiello, Gabriel, 18
Ardennes, 17, 20
Arlington National Cemetery, 9, 11, 13
Assistant Chief of Staff, 7
Bad Orb, 17, 38
Bailey, Gibbs, 30
Bandurak, Walt, 36
Baraque Fraiture, 20
Barnes, Jesse, 29
Bart, Dick, 33
Battle of the Ardennes, 20
Battle of the Bulge, 7
Belgian Fourragere, 20
Bessman, Judge Leonard, 40
Bier, Jack R., 27
Bishop, West, 30
Black, Rev. Ewell C., Jr., 3, 4
Bloch, Jacques W., 38
Bogner, Thomas F., 25
Bounds, James E., 27
Brasill, Myles, 36
Bredeson, Llew, 40
Bridges, Walter, 3
Bridges, Walter & Barbara, 4
Brown, Irving & Dorothy, 27
Brummer, Harold, 35, 38
Calligher, Maj. Gen. William, 13
Camp Atterbury, 30
Camp Atterbury, IN, 7
Camp Lucky Strike, 27, 32
Camp Myles Standish, MA, 7
Camp Pike, AR, 5
Camp Shelby, MS, 5
Cariano, Samuel P., 1
Carr, John, 33
Carr, John W., 36
Cavender, Col., 34
Cavender, Col. & Mrs. C. C., 34
Cavender, Col. C. C., 30
CCB, 7th Armd. Div., 24
Chambers, Wilfred N., 27
Chicca, Marv, 36
Clay, Col Roy U., 13
Coffey, Doug, 15, 16
Coffey, Douglas, 1
Collins, Sherod, 1, 9, 17, 20, 25
Cologne, 30
Cooper, Louis, 29
Costa, Antone, 33
Costa, Lawrence, 33
Costrino, Nunzio, 27
Cowden, ?, 34
Craddock, James E., 27
Cranston, Senator, 24
Croix De Guerre, 22
Dalton, Jane, 27
Daniels, William H., 30
Davis, Louis, 36
DeHeer, Dick, 1
DeHeer, Marge, 3
Derr, Rev. Valentine, 13
Descheneaux, Col. George L., 31
Devaty, Raymond, 33
Dickerson, Jim, 36
Div. Arty., 7
Div. HQ, 7
Div. Memorial In St. Vith, 17
Dresen, David, 40
Duke, Monroe C., 29
Dupuy, Col. R. Ernest, 32
Fenal, ?, 34
First Army, 7
Fischer, Lewis P., 27
Fort Hoyle, Maryland, 5
Fort Lewis, Washington, 5
French Croix De Guerre, 20, 22
Friedman, Sidney S., 30
Fritz, John, 24
Ft. Bragg, NC, 29
Ft. Jackson, SC, 7, 25, 27, 30
Ft. Sill, OK, 5
Gaither, Jack L., 29
Gallagher, John, 11
Gallagher, Mr. & Mrs. John I., 13
Gallitin, ?, 34
Gamble, Cliff, 29
Gamble, Clifford & Martha, 27
Gatens, John F., 24
Germany, 7
Gilbert, George H., Jr., 27
Gilder, Bob & Jean, 24
Gilliland, John, 3
Gilliland, John & Lee, 4
Gorlitz, 1
Graham, Robert E., 24
Grisby, Alvin B. (Bud), Sr., 24
Grisby, Bud, 24
Grisby, Kirk, 24
Guintard, Bob & Ovida, 25
Haas, Milton C., 36
Haltiwanger, Dennie C., 25
Hammelburg, Germany, 34
Harmeling, Capt., 38
Harmeling, Capt. 'Hank', 38
Harris, Maybelle, 9
Hatch, Jim, 40
Hay, Reuben, 29
Hay, Rueben, 27
Hayes, John, 36
Hayes, John 'Pat', 33
Helwig, Gilbert J., 29
Henning, James, 25
Hester, Kenny, 33
Hetico, ?, 34
Higdon, Herman L., 27
Hilliard, Rev., 35
Hilliard, Roy, 35
Hilliard, Roy M., 35
Hilton, Joan Mather, 9
Hines, Clyde W., 18
Hobe, Francis (Frank) & Gabrielle, 36
Hohenstein, John, 29
Holder, Harry L., 34
Holland, 36
Huminski, Edwin C., 27
Hurley, Father, 32
Jackson, Harry, 33
Jefferies, Robert C., 27
Jenkins, Robert A., 30
Johns, Bob, 40
Jones, Alan, 13, 15
Jones, Col/Mrs. Alan W., Jr., 13
Jones, Edwin N., 29
Jones, Edwin W., 18
Judy, Mr./Mrs. Harry, 13
Juriga, Richard S., 30
Kasperowicz, Jerome B., 27
Kelley, Robert E., 34
Kennedy, Daniel V., 9
Kerr, Allen W., 38
King, Kenneth, 17
King, Kenneth K., 17
Kline, John, 1, 2, 3, 19, 24, 43
Kocks, William, 33
Korea, 29
Lacy, ?, 34
Lauman, C.W. (Pete), 38
Lawlor, Martin V., 27
Leitner, L., 34
Lentocha, Monsignor, 11
Lewis, Edwin D., 30
Linden, 35
Loma, Sgt., 34
Long, Ivan H., 24
Love, Robert E., 33
Lucsay, Bill & Florence, 38
Maccallister, ?, 34
MacCasland, ?, 34
Manhay, 20
Mann, Ted, 36
Maroney, Niles D., 29
Marshall, George C., 22
Mascone, Atillio A., 32
Massey, Joe & Hazel, 4
Massey, Joseph, 3
Massimi, Kathryn Mather, 9
Matthews, J. C., Jr., Lt. Col., 31
McCravey, Paul S., 31
McElvenny, Albert R., 30
McMahon, Brig. Gen. Leo T., 5, 13
McMahon, Col. Leo T., Jr., 9, 13
McMahon, Gen., 5, 7, 11, 12, 13, 15, 32
McMahon, Gen. Leo T., 15
McMahon, Gen. Leo, Sr., 5
McMahon, Leo T, Jr., 13
McMahon, Leo T., 13, 15
McMahon, Leo T., Jr., 5
McMahon, Mary Kathryn, 9
McMahon, Michael, 9
McMahon, Michael T. & Catherine Haggerty, 5
McMahon, Wilda, 15
McMahon, Wilda Mcnair, 9
McManamom, Hugh, 33
McNair, Allan V., 9
Memorials, 38
Meuse-Argonne Campaign, 5
Mority, 1st Lt. Al, 33
Mosley, Ron, 40
Mosley, Ronald A., 40
Mowbray, Carol Mcnair, 9
Neubrandenburg, 24
Offner, George, 33
Pascoe, Joseph M., 27
Patton, Bg Oliver B., 13
Patton, Brig. Gen. Oliver B., 15
Patton, Oliver, 25
Pearl Harbor, 7
Phillips, George F., 35
Piasecki, Leo, 33
Pierce, Waldo, 36
Pierce, Wildo, 33
Player, James W., 18
Pyle, Ernie, 40
Queen Elizabeth, 27
Redmond, Dean, 18
Rennes, France, 7
Reppert, ?, 34
Reunions, 40
Reynolds, Jim, 33, 36
Rhine River, 5
Rinkima, George, 36
Robb, Dr. John G., 1
Robb, John, 17
Rupert, James K., 35
Russel, Ann Mather, 9
Rutland, Roger, 1
Rutland, Roger M., 3
Rutledge, Boyd, 17
Salazar, Ernest, 30
Salazar, Ernest Z., 25
Sanders, Bob, 37
Saucerman, Gene, 35
Schlynhalm, ?, 34
Sgrignoli, Mr. & Mrs. Michael, 13
Shegas, Nick P., 27
Smith, Charles L., 35
Smith, Thomas E., 27
St. Vith, 7, 20, 28, 30, 38
'St. Vith - Lion In The Way', 32
Stalag 12-A, 24
Stalag 2-A, 24
Stalag 2-D, 24
Stalag 9-B, 29
Suckow, ?, 34
Sullivan, ?, 34
Tank Hill, 27
Taylor, J.W., 36
Tennessee Maneuver Area, 7
Tennessee Maneuvers, 15
The Silent Snow, 25
Ulrich, James, 33
Vennberg, David H., 36
Vietnam War, 22
VIII Corps, 7
Villwock, Russell, 38
Walker, Bob, 35
Warren, Mr./Mrs. John, Jr., 13
Weiner, Milton, 38
Werb, Frank F., 27
Werdau, Germany, 33
West Point, 34
Whitney, Richard, 33
Wiesbaden, 30
Wischmeier, Don, 38
Wyman, Dave, 17
Wyman, Dr. David S., 17
Wyman, Valerie P., 17, 18
XXIII Corps, 7
Yearout, Jay F., 29
Young, Henry H., 14
Zewe, Bill, 33