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Vol. 11, No. 4, Apr, 1955


106th Infantry Division Association, Inc. Box 238, Loudonville, New York
President John Loveless
Vice President James R. Klett
Adjutant Austin Byrd, Jr.
Treasurer William K. Fowler
Chaplain Rev. Paul Cavanaugh
     The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $5.00 per year, which includes subscription to CUB. All material copyrighted.
Editor Douglas S. Coffey
Staff Writer David S. Price
Staff Photographer D. C. Brumaghin
The CUB is printed by The Varsity Press. 80 Harrison Avenue, West Orange, N. J.
Back issues of the CUB may be obtained for 25 cents each. Send orders to Box 238, Loudonville, N. Y.

Help Wanted
     Norman R. Lawton, 12003363, Claim No. 12113172, is in trouble. He is appealing to us, his buddies, to help him out. He was with B/423. On being sent from Stalag 4B to Hiltdorf Prison Camp in Chemnitz, he was injured in an air raid and now has a back injury. He is trying to reach Buddy App or anyone who helped him fill out ex-POW forms at reception center at Rheims or Nancy, France, in April, 1945. As his claim is pending, one of you fellows writing in please get busy and write Lawton at Box 155 Houghton, New York.

     A couple of the boys from the Atlantic City Convention just recently found still bummin' around the famous Boardwalk. The local authorities have asked us to publish their pictures in hopes that someone will claim them. They'll be sent to their families, expenses paid. It is the CUB's desire to affect this reunion in time for them to be in Detroit this July. Please study their features closely -- it could be your husband, boy friend, or brother.

     As one more year rolls by we of the 106th must remember to keep faith with the One who has brought us through all the trials and tribulations of War, and now Peace.
     It is easy to forget our duties to one another and to our God. Whatever your religion, take advantage of its teachings and remember not to forget. Without divine guidance we would have no Association, no Cub, no Auxiliary, nor the fellowship so wonderfully enjoyed at all our gatherings. Our Association is one founded on the principles of Peace and it was founded to remember those who had made the supreme sacrifice. Therefore our lives must exemplify that faith that these men who died have not died in vain. We must, in all our councils and all our dealings in business, remember and dedicate our lives to being good Citizens, good Americans, and good Comrades. May it always be thus and may God see it in his own way to permit us to grow in grace and in Spirit to be what he wants us to be. --D. S. C.
     Trust our regular Chaplain will forgive the Editor, but not having heard from him, it was firm conviction that our CUB should not continually go out without the Word of God appearing.

Idle Gossip
     Don't look now, but Jersey had its December 16th dinner. It was a huge success and continuing the practice of other years, $25.00 was sent to the Memorial Fund. Seems their reporter is still sleeping off Atlantic City and no complete report or usual picture arrived in CUB office.
     The 81st Engineers had their usual fine meeting at Dwyers Elbow Room in Newark. This was their 10th meeting. Keep up the good work, Oakley. Bob failed to give me the details on this, too.
     Editor and his wife recently had a very pleasant visit with the John Gallaghers and met with Clayton Rarick. Rarick took John and Doug to the County Penitentiary and the visit was enjoyed very much. (P.S. The guards finally agreed to let them out.)
     The Detroit Chapter had a December 16 Reunion and sent $28.10 to the Memorial Fund. This is preview of what to expect


from Detroit this summer. They are in full swing out there now, and Jack Gillespie is already biting his nails.
     Jerry Frankel, Past President of Metropolitan Chapter, has deserted this area for Palo Alto. Hope he gets together with the other boys and revives So. Calif. Chapter. For all concerned his new address is Box 5, Station A, Palo Alto. All please copy.
     That great Southern Gentleman, James (Hephzibah) Wells, has many things to tell you Engineers at Detroit this year. Understand he is going to set up drinks while he tells you about Vien and the family Debain you all know so well. Lutzky and Ford won't forget. Jim was much impressed with the wonderful way that the Belgian people remembered us ex-GIs and the lovely statues they placed in our honor. He wants all the Engineers to know that he and Gallagher retook Heckhelenfeld without a struggle. Course, he needed some support from the Infantry and Artillery elements attached.
Jim also saw recently Lt. Col. Joseph Matthews, Jr. He was making inspection of the National Guard in Augusta.

     The Memorial Program seems to be at a standstill except for the grants to the Sharitz girl. What has happened? Memory says we were supposed to make several small grants this year and now the year has almost passed away. People who contribute to the Fund certainly want to see their Funds dedicated to the purposes for which we are working year after year.

     As stated in the last Cub, membership has taken a nose dive. Where are all the promises made at Atlantic City? This is not a job of one man or one committee; it is the job of all of us. Since last Cub only one new member has been acquired. Are we ready to say we're finished or is this what we needed; a real challenge to work and work and work. A few hands cannot keep this Association going. There must be the utmost cooperation of all concerned because it concerns us all. Think it over, fellows. One more year like this one and the Association can close its books shy ten years of our first Convention. Let's turn out to Detroit and make up our minds that we'll keep the Association for 100 years.
    / BEARS: Some of the boys still hung over from Atlantic City. Look a bit frozen, but they'll thaw out by July for the Detroit Vacation Convention.

     The Ladies Auxiliary is once again looking to its membership and to the men of the 106th to help out on their project for Detroit.
     The ladies have always done an outstanding job in making a worthwhile project come true at each and every convention and Detroit will be no exception.
     They need the help of the men also. Can't you who are members of the association speak kindly to your wives and ask them to join with our big happy family? If each wife joined we would most certainly have one of the largest auxiliaries possible. Think it over and let's see results, for in final results can we only see whether we have accepted the challenge or not.

Please help us anticipate any change in your address by notifying CUB before you move!


World's Auto Capital Will Provide a World of Capital Fun for 106ers in July
     One of the thrilling experiences of the last Detroit 106th Reunion that you again can look forward to is the Bob-Lo excursion -- the exciting 18-mile ride to Detroit's famous island playground. Every year visitors from all over the world join the tens of thousands of Detroiters in this gala excursion. Last year over a half-million people enjoyed this unforgettable day cruising on the river. You see ships of all types plowing along the busiest river in the world. You see Detroit as it can be seen at its best -- from the river -- the skyscrapers standing tall against the sky, the immense spread of Detroit, fabulous industries, mile after mile along the river bank. And on the other side you see Canada, the cities and farms of a friendly neighbor nation.
     What's more, it is all so very gay. The band plays. The voyageurs dance or relax in the deck chairs. They wave at the passing ships. They point out the unusual landmarks. And then you are at famous, breezy Bob-Lo, Detroit's summer playground. This beautiful island -- all 240 acres --is rich in recreational facilities: playgrounds, a spacious dining room, 5,000 picnic tables and benches, the latest in amusement rides. Coming home at night with the river bank ablaze with light and the leaping flames from huge industries, you'll see an unforgettable picture. This river holiday is one of the highlights of the Detroit Vacation Convention in July.

     If you desire, you can drive to Canada by bridge or tunnel. Remember to bring your state motor vehicle registration for purposes of identification. Your registration card is all you need to enter Canada by car and return.

Your Vacation Convention Will Take a Mystery Tour
     This new, thrill-packed entertainment has taken the town by storm. In the past 44 months more than 43,000 persons have boarded a Greyhound bus assigned them and started off "DESTINATION UNKNOWN." They did not know where they were going but they were sure they were headed for a good time.
     Even the bus driver has to wait for the clues to be opened (they are contained in an average of five envelopes opened and read by one of the passengers) before starting on his gay journey.
     Group singing, an excellent dinner at one of the many famous restaurants in or near Detroit and Windsor, dancing and a general good time combine to make this Mystery Tour a "must" on our vacation convention itinerary.

     Bring your camera; nothing interferes, with your using it. U. S. Customs regulations permit returning residents of the United States, who have been in Canada for not less than forty-eight hours, to bring back duty-free, articles acquired as an incident of the trip for personal or household use, to the value of $200 for each member of the family in the party, which may be carried or shipped into the United States, provided same is declared at the border on their first return to the U. S. Parents may group their exemption, together with the exemption of their minor or dependent children, to one or more articles exceeding $200 in value. Visitors, remaining over 12 days, may bring in


an additional $300 worth of goods per person duty free.
     Note: Forty-eight hour visitors are entitled to this duty-free exemption only once in any 30-day period -- while the 12-day visitor exemption may only be granted once every six months. These duty exemptions do not apply to purchases bought on consignment or for resale -- and are restricted as to the quantity of liquor and cigars which may be included.

     Fortunately no rigid rules or passports confront you on your trip to Canada. Indeed, it is a very simple matter -- a bus leaves every few minutes at the City Hall, which arrives via tunnel in the pretty Canadian city of Windsor. It is almost inconceivable that you are in a foreign country, with the many minor differences which are observed as between all nationals. The tempo is somewhat slower and possibly more agreeably restful after the dynamic city of Detroit from which you have just departed. Here you may send 3-cent postcards and indulge yourself in the purchase of souvenirs from Canada and imports from the British Isles. Naturalized citizens should have naturalization papers anal aliens should also have proper credentials to re-enter the U. S. A.

You may get your reservation in early by cutting out and mailing the form below.

One Hundred and Sixth Infantry Division Association July 20th - 24th, 1955
Please make my reservation as checked below:
Arrival Date, A.M. or P.M. ____.Departure Date __________
Address____________________ City ______________State _________________
Room for one

 Room for two (double bed)
 $9.000 $9.50(
 $11.00( $11.000
 $12.00( $12.00(
 $13.00( $13.00(

 Roospeeified.(twin beds)

 Suite--parlor and one bedroom_
 $16.00( $24.00(
 $17.00( $25.000(

 Suite--parlor and two bedrooms__

     $3.00 additional charge for each extra person in double room. All above rates are per day. Subject to change. Reservations held until 6:00 p.m. unless otherwise specified.
Detroit Sheraton-Cadillac Hotel Neal Long
Michigan Gen. Manager


     The men of the 106th who returned to Belgium for the 19th Anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge were privileged to make a broadcast which was carried all over Europe and broadcast to the United States. The following is a transcript of that broadcast.
     This is Betty Barzac speaking from Brussels, Belgium. We are now in the reception hall of the Palais des Academies. You hear a terrific noise, but that is part of the end of the ceremony in which Gen. McAuliffe in front of the King of the Belgians recalled the Battle of the Bulge, of which we are today celebrating the 10th Anniversary.
     Dear friends across the sea, I have the privilege, the joy and the great honor to present to you one of your greatest soldiers, General McAuliffe, the victor of the Battle of the Bulge. General,
     Thank you. I have just been very much moved by this splendid ceremony and by the wonderful treatment that we Americans here have received today, as we always receive in Belgium. As you know, his Majesty the King honored us with his presence. There were groups of paratroopers and of 7th Army troopers, and best of all was one of the first events of the ceremony: the flags of the 48 states were brought in and ranged behind the stage. I was very much moved as all Americans were, who were fortunate enough to be here today.
Thank you, General. As always, we welcome you and we anxiously await your next visit.
     Friends across the seas, you will now hear from Baron Boel, who has acted as chairman of today's ceremony. Baron Boel is the vice president of the Belgian-American Association, under whose auspices today's ceremony has taken place in Brussels. Baron Boel.
     It has been an honor and a privilege to preside over this morning's ceremonies. Gen. McAuliffe has never before spoken in Brussels in public, yet his name is as popular in the Belgian capital as it is in Bastogne.
     The Belgian-American Association members are proud to have brought the General here. The hundreds of distinguished guests who crowded the hall were happy to have a glimpse of him at last and hear him speak in that simple, straight-forward military manner which is so characteristic of the men who act when action is expected of them.
     The City of Bastogne has kindly loaned us the 48 flags of the Union which have been presented to the City by the American Legion. The flags formed a fitting background to the tribute which Belgium must pay to the American officers and men whose bravery and endurance helped to liberate our country ten years ago. His Majesty the King of the Belgians, by his presence this morning, symbolized the gratitude of Belgium. Once again, I feel very privileged to have presided over one of the most impressive ceremonies ever held in Brussels.
     Thank you, Mr. Chairman. You will now hear from Count Baudoin de Borchgrave, a former Belgian military attaché in Washington who was responsible for the organization of today's ceremonies. Count de Borchgrave.
     My stay in the States as military attaché were the happiest years of my life, not only because of the interesting mission I was entrusted with but because of the many and wonderful friends I made in its course, and it is simply wonderful that the air waves enable me to send a personal message of everlasting friendship along with my best Christmas wishes. Gen. McAuliffe has just told you of his appreciation of this ceremony and the spirit in which it was celebrated. I feel relieved at having had the responsibility of its organization. I was anxious to learn that it had met with the approval of the great soldier who today so well symbolizes the American people and the American Army. Merry Christmas to all.


     Thank you, dear Monsieur de Borchgrave. And now I have a surprise for you. Six men who belonged to the 106th Infantry Division that fought in Bastogne have come over from U. S. A. at their own expense and on their own initiative to attend this glorious ceremony and to cheer once more their former Commander-in-Chief. I am going to have each one of them at this mike. Each wishes to say hello to friends over there and perhaps also a few things about what they have seen and heard and felt this morning. Here is the leader of them all who will introduce himself.
     I am Douglas Coffey, a former prisoner of war from West Orange, New Jersey. I have just had the high honor of presenting to the King of the Belgians a personal history written by men of the 106th Division Association and I also want to thank Count de Borchgrave for inviting my comrades in arms to this wonderful affair. Thank you. Next, Plc.,
     I'm Jim Wells of Hephzibah, Georgia, and I surely appreciate the opportunity of attending the ceremonies. While we were over here, we visited the various battlefields that we went through during the war. We saw a lot of changes and a lot of familiar places. We are certainly glad to have been here and I'll give time to my next friend. Thank you.
Bill McMurray from Pittsburgh: We've all been impressed with the ceremonies we've seen.
     My name is John Gallagher from Laureldale, Pa. It has been a great honor to be here in Belgium today and to return after 10 years. The ceremonies today were most impressive and we wish to thank the Belgian people for their sincere kindness to us this day and for our stay in Belgium. We will never be grateful enough.
     I am Dr. G. Delsher Fridline of Ashland, Ohio, a former POW who fought in the battle of the Ardennes and helped to take care of some of the wounded there and during prison life. I join the rest of the group in thanking the Belgian-American Association and the Belgian government and all others concerned for the wonderful treatment we have had here today.
     Richard Behr, St. Paul. Minnesota. Being a former POW we are very much honored to be back here on the 10th Anniversary and to meet the King and all his delegates. Thank you.
     Thank you all for coming up to the mike. I know you are in a great hurry because there is a little reception waiting for you and a big luncheon.

BRIG. GEN. and MRS. PERRIN spent the winter and spring traveling Europe and the Middle East.
     SFC C. F. JACELON, assigned to Security Courier Station, Rhein Main AFB, recently stopped at Baraque de Fraiture, Belgium, and visited internment camp at Gerolstein, Germany. CUB is still waiting for pictures he promised to send.
     HAROLD H. PAX, Beckemeyer, Illinois, has recently helped to organize a new American Legion Post and is trying his best for members for 106th. He still is working at Scott Field Air Base in Illinois.
     LOREN E. SOUERS, JR., Canton, Ohio, claims to have belonged to more outfits in the 106th than anyone. Can you top this? Weapons platoon leader with H/424; mortar section leader D/424; S-2 of 2nd Bn. 424; provisional platoon leader with C/81st Eng., and S-2 of 81st Eng. (C) Bn. He has two children and is now entering his fifteenth year in law. Congratulations!
     REV. RONALD A. MOSLEY, Marlboro, N. H., Divarty and 424, is now Minister, The Federated Church of Marlboro, N. H.; Chaplain, USAR, assigned to AA and Gen. Missile Officers School, Keene, N. H., and State Department Chaplain, Amvets.


     WILLIAM LANG, I-422, R. D. No. 1. Rock Creek, Ohio -- I have been trying to get some of the 106 boys to join our Association and come to the convention, but as usual they are married and claim it costs too much to go along with us. I am keeping myself busy building a boat for some good fishing this summer on Lake Erie. She'll be 18 feet long and sleep two. Just right for short trips and sheer comfort.
     DR. HARRY L. BAIRD, Med. 71 Engr., Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh 12, Pa. -- I ant still resident physician at Allegheny General Hospital, specializing in Internal Medicine. I expect to be here till next July when I leave for Philadelphia for a year of training in blood diseases. Had our first offspring, Joseph Henry Baird II. November 20th. Those few of you who are keeping the organization rolling certainly deserve a great deal of credit. I doubt that many of us realize the amount of effort that you have put forth.
     CHARLES S. PEYSER, B-424, 1549 Walker Court, Huntington, West Virginia -- Have been here for the past 2-1/2 years as store manager of Montgomery ward store. Had a visit this fall from Lt. Col. Tiller Carter who has been assigned as Military Science Professor at Marshall College here. He was S-4 of 424th.
     MYLES BRAZILL, R.D. No. 1, Landisburg, Pa. -- Still employed as an enforcement officer by the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board.
     WILLIAM T. JONES, DHQ, 1136 Fairview Avenue, Yyomissing. Pa. -- I am connected with "Walter Jones Store," owned and operated by my Dad (Walter), Brother (Wilbur) and myself. It is a men's wear store located at 717 Penn Street, Reading. Pa.
MIKE P. SERINO, 591 FA, Armed Forces Golf Club, Fort Jackson, S. C. --
I am the golf pro at the Armed Forces Golf Club at Fort Jackson.
     ROGER M. JEWETT. DHQ, 1213 Donald Street, Royal Oak, Mich. -- Fixture building and special tools, and welding machinery: Warren Alloy, 915 Oakland Avenue, Pontiac, Mich.
     MRS. SUSIE W. LAWLOR, 616 Church Street, Clifton Forge, Va. -- Raymond, Jr., is showing some improvement in his routine checkups at the University Hospital, Charlottesville. He is now 12 and growing fast.
     PETE HOUSE, A-590, 1317 Hendricks Avenue, Jacksonville 7, Fla. -- I am now studio manager for WMBR-TV here in Jacksonville. Also do some directing. Have been working at WMBR for two years. Before that I was technical director for the Little Theatre of Jacksonville. Still single.

A boat ride to BOB-LO is an exciting trip afloat
A Cinerama visit is an exciting travel trip ashore

     When you turn in your admission tickets at the Music Hall where the new dimensional "THIS IS CINERAMA" is now in its second year, you will be IN the picture, not in the audience. By surrounding you with the sights and sounds of each locale, Cinerama gives you the sense of participating in the action.
     For fun, thrills and beauty, be sure to take this round-the-world tour provided from a theatre by "THIS IS CINERAMA" when you visit Music Hall in Detroit.
Reserved seats are now available for all performances.


Index for: Vol. 11, No. 4, Apr, 1955

Index for This Document

106th Div., 10
106th Inf. Div., 1, 10
106th Infantry Division Association, 1, 10
591st FA BN, 12
7th Army, 8
81st Engr., 2
Ardennes, 10
Baird, Harry L., 12
Baird, Joseph Henry, 12
Baraque De Fraiture, 10
Baraque De Fraiture, Belgium, 10
Barzac, Betty, 8
Bastogne, 8, 10
Battle Of The Bulge, 8
Behr, Richard, 10
Belgium, 8, 10
Boel, Baron, 8
Borchgrave, Count Baudoin De, 8
Borchgrave, Count De, 8, 10
Borchgrave, Monsieur De, 10
Brazil, Myles, 12
Brazill, Myles, 12
Brumaghin, D. C., 1
Brussels, 8
Brussels, Belgium, 8
Byrd, Austin, 1
Cadillac, 7
Carter, Tiller, 12
Cavanaugh, Paul, 1
Chemnitz, 1
Coffey, Douglas, 10
Coffey, Douglas S., 1
Erie, 12
Fort Jackson, 12
Fowler, William K., 1
Fraiture, 10
Fraiture, Belgium, 10
Frankel, Jerry, 3
Fridline, Dr. G. Delsher, 10
Gallagher, John, 2, 10
Gerolstein, 10
Gerolstein, Germany, 10
Gillespie, Jack, 3
Heckhelenfeld, 3
Hiltdorf Prison Camp, 1
House, Pete, 12
Jacelon, C. F., 10
Jewett, Roger M., 12
Jones, William T., 12
Klett, James R., 1
Lang, William, 12
Lawlor, Mrs. Susie W., 12
Lawton, Norman R., 1
Loveless, John, 1
Matthews, Col. Joseph, 3
McAuliffe, Gen., 8
McMurray, Bill, 10
Mosley, Ronald A., 10
Nancy, France, 1
Palais Des Academies, 8
Pax, Harold H., 10
Perrin, Brig. Gen. & Mrs., 10
Peyser, Charles S., 12
Price, David S., 1
Rarick, Clayton, 2
Rheims, 1
Serino, Mike P., 12
Souers, Loren E., 10
Stalag 4-B, 1
Vien, 3
Wells, James (Hephzibah), 3
Wells, Jim, 10