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Index for this issue of The CUB
Original Cub Document
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Vol. 9, No. 4, May, 1953


106th Infantry Division Association. Inc.
Box 238, Loudonville, New York
President James E. Wells
Vice-President H. M. Hatch
Adjutant David C. Brumaghin
Treasurer William K. Fowler
Chaplain Rev. Robert A. Lundy

    The CUB is the official publication the Association. Membership in the Association is 3.00 per year to 1 July 1953, thereafter $5.00, which includes subscription to CUB. All material copyrighted.
Editor Douglas S. Coffey
Staff Writer David S. Price
Staff Photographer D. C. Brumaghin

The CUB is printed by Varsity Press, 83 Harrison Avenue, West Orange, New Jersey.
Back issues of the CUB may be obtained for 25 cents each. Send orders to Box 238. Loudonville, N. Y.

     With another Convention just around the corner, and considerable business to be discussed, it might be well to take a look at our financial position and get an idea of just what we can afford to do - and to do without.
     Looking hack - financially, the year 1951-52 was a very poor year for our Association. For the purpose of bringing the figures to mind, a very brief summary of the 1951-52 income and expenses are shown, as follows:

Income Expenses
Dues $629.50 Cub $1,486.44
Convention 100.00 All Other 129.55
Other sources 55.30
Total $784.80 Total $1,615.99

Net loss for year $831.19

     For the present year, 1952-53, we have received just about all the income we can expect, but additional expenses of between $300 and $400 must be anticipated to be on the safe side. A brief to date is as follows:
Income Expenses
Dues $1,110.00 Cub $439.69
Convention 328.56 All Other 312.02
Other sources 92.40
Total $1,530.96 Total $751.71

Net profit as of April 1st -- $779.71

     "Our surplus - the amount on hand as a reserve against a bad year in the future -will be nearly $900 at the start of our fiscal year on July 1."

What Brought About This Change?
     You will note that expense of CUB shows a marked decrease. This meant fewer Cubs, which is our lifeline during the year, but the cut back was necessitated by our precarious financial standing. As it stands now, I believe that we can increase the size of Cub next year - provided you contribute news to help out - and also to increase the number of issues, if this is desired.
     Note also that the other expenses of our Association have increased this year. A good bit of this expense was incurred by our Membership Chairman in his endeavors to build up our declining membership rolls. Comparing dues received for 1951-52 and 1952-53 will indicate the success of his efforts and show that he has more than returned the amount spent in his campaign. Our membership roster at present reads: 335 members, 22 Auxiliary and 4 complimentary memberships, for a total of 361.
     Two other items that helped improve our financial standing are the fine profit shown by the Baltimore Convention last year and the generous response of the men to our appeal for funds at that Convention. The hat was passed and $58 was added to our income.
Continued on Page 34


    Dick Ellington's new novel, Just Killing Time, is another in his string of fast-moving well-written mystery books featuring Steve Drake, private investigator. Ellington, formerly with DHQ of the 106th as public relations non-com, now lives at Gallows Point, St. John, Virgin Islands. Dick's earlier novels include: Shoot the Works, Stone Cold Dead, It's A Crime, Exit for a Dame. They're good reading, have all the ingredients of the successful detective story. . . action, plot good dialogue, plenty of beautiful women... and, in addition, the special Ellington touch of expert subject matter, knowledge of the background. Just Killing Time takes the reader backstage into the production of television shows. and Ellington knows what he's talking about... he has been a steady contributor to Man Against Crime and other high caliber TV programs.
     His latest is published by Wm. Morrow & Co., Inc. and retails for $2.50. Your reviewer recommends it... it even mentions the 106th!

     At the Baltimore Convention, it was voted that 10% of the balance in our Memorial Fund could be used during the year for Memorial grants. Our Fund balance at that time was $1,842.98, which meant we were authorized by the Convention to make grants totaling up to $184.
     Our first request for a Memorial Fund grant came in September, 1952. T/5 Raymond F. Lawlor, Sr., Chaplain's Assistant (to Father Day – Div. Hdqtrs.) was killed in action at LaRoache, Belgium, during the early stages of the Battle of the Bulge. His son, Ray, Jr., is suffering from progressive muscular dystrophy and was badly in need of a bicycle which was recommended by the doctor for exercising his legs as part of the therapy. Proper application was filled out and investigation made as to the actual need and worthiness of the grant. Everything was its order and we made the grant of $40 requested and the bicycle was purchased. Mrs. Lawlor and Ray, Jr., were both grateful and expressed their sincere thanks and appreciation to the Association.
     In October, a scholarship application, to attend Florida State University at Tallahassee. Fla., was received from Miss Dorothy Sharitz, daughter of 1st Lt. Thorold Sharitz, 422nd Ind., who died April 5, 1945 while a POW. Proper application was filled out and investigation as to the need and worthiness of the grant was made. The application was cleared and we made a Memorial Scholarship grant of $138, which was the balance of the $184 maximum expenditure authorized by the Convention. Miss Sharitz was most appreciative of our assistance.

At present, our Memorial Fund stands as follows:
Balance June 30, 1952

 Contributions 1952-53



 Grants made in 1952-53

 Balance as of April 1, 1953

Alexander, Michael Koplin, Leonard
Barbakos, Louis LoGuidice, Angelo
Bliss, Herbert C. Mayrsohn, Barney
Boyle, Rev. E. T. Rowland, Frank C.
Bryant, Jack Schlegel, Ray N.
Cavender, Col. C. C. Silverman, Morris W.
Gerhardt, Ernest Smith, Marvin H.
Hessler, Frank A. Souers, Loren E.
Jacelon, Chas. F. Virdone, Benedict
Kaufman, Geo. H. Jersey - N. Y. Group


     For a few hours at Columbus, we'll have to settle down to the serious business of planning for next year. This article is to acquaint all members with the things that will probably be brought up at the business meeting, and to invite all members to write, in advance of the convention, to David C. Brumaghin, Adjutant, 106th Infantry Division Association, Box 238, Loudonville, N.Y. with expressions of opinion on any and all phases of Association business.
     Please let us hear from you. It's your outfit, and the Board of Directors wants to know how you feel about the way it's being run.

     Before going farther into this article, please read COMMENTS FROM THE. TREASURER, by Bill Fowler, in this issue. It's necessary background for a study of our business problems. You'll also want to read the item about the MEMORIAL FUND.


     One of our most important pieces of business is to elect the 21 national directors who will govern the Association next year. Thomas Bickford, 3 Sunnyside Terrace. East Orange, N.J., is acting secretary of the Nominating Committee this year. Names of persons proposed for nomination as directors may be submitted to him before July 10. A Nominating Committee, to be appointed at the convention by the President, will consider names proposed by mail to Bickford and, if necessary, will nominate persons itself.
     The election will be on Saturday this year. The new officers need a day to get together on plans and on division of work, and our previous system of elections on Sunday didn't work out very well. To be sure of a representative and capable group of Association officers in 1953-54, please submit your nominations for director to Mr. Bickford right away.

     Our Present policy is to limit memorial grants in any year to a sum not greater than 10% of the balance of the Fund at the start of that year. If we continue this policy, 1953-54 grants will be limited to about $210. Our Memorial Chairman, Glenn Schnitzlein, will report on estimated needs for grants in next year, and the business meeting will have to decide how much may be spent during the year. This year, Fund income will be about $450, and grants were limited to $184 under the 10% rule.

    Expenditure control has been good on the Cub this year so that, despite increased circulation, we have been able to put out five issues (you'll got one more before the convention) within our budget. The convention will have to decide how many Cubs there are to be next year, and how much can be spent on them, and whether the new President or new Board of Directors is to have the discretion to change the estimated CUB budget if the membership goes up or clown.

    The CUB is of course, by far the biggest item in the budget. We never have been able to plan an exact budget because of variations in income due to changes in membership and impossibility of estimating convention profit accurately in advance. At the convention, we'll have financial statements from previous years to help in figuring how much we may take in and how much we'll probably have to spend next year.

Dues: How Would You Vote?
In the year ending June 30, 1952, the


    Association had a deficit of about $810. That loss reduced our cash surplus to $500. So, at Baltimore, the 1952 annual meeting voted to increase dues to five dollars a year, starting July 1, 1953. But, for the year to end next June 30th, we'll have a small operating profit. (See Bill Fowler's article in this issue for details). Our surplus cash now stands at about $800.
     Dues bills for five dollars will be mailed in June. However, the membership could vote Columbus to reduce the dues in any of a number of extending the number of months that the five dollars pays for, by marking a part of the five, etc. The Board of Directors had an informal mail vote of its members, to see what the opinion was whether dues should stay at five or be reduced. Ten directors favored standing pat on five dollars, six favored recommending to the members that the dues be reduced to three dollars, and one favored a mail vote of all members with no recommendation either way from the Board. The other directors hadn't replied as this issue went to press.
Among the comments from the directors who favored five dollars:
     "It is vital that the Association build up its treasury, and regardless of the faintly rosy picture that our treasury now presents, I feel that it is not rosy enough. The mere fact that we aren't in the red isn't good enough. We should shoot for a surplus of $2,500." (Pete Frampton)
"Even with a successful 1952-53, our cash position is not adequate to weather a single bad year." (Dave Price)

     "I doubt that the difference of two dollars a year will swing any of the fellows away.. a reserve fund might mean the difference between continued existence and dissolution." (Jim Hatch)

     "Leave at five...I don't like it, but feel that I must overlook my personal feelings and cast my vote strictly on the basis of the financial outlook for the future...To get by next year we need about $1500, and to get $1500 from memberships we'd need an increase of almost 150 members.. (how about building up the Auxiliary) by giving one Auxiliary membership with each five dollar membership?" (Bill Fowler includes the above, and other constructive thoughts, in along letter answer to the informal ballot.)

     Other Directors favoring five dollars dues were Doug Coffey, Dr. G. D. Fridline, Dick Nethers, Arvo Paananen, Glen Schnizlien, and Jim Klettt.

     Favoring that the Board recommends a reduction to three dollars were Dave Brumaghin, Austin Byrd, John Loveless, Ed Luzzie, Leo McMahon, and President Jim Wells. Comments on this side of the picture included:
    " We've done well this year with $3 dues, and $5 dues might scare off some renewals and complicate our recruitment of new members." (Austin Byrd underlines the above sentence on the informal ballot, and he is one of the members who has done the most work on membership this year.)
     "I am now inclined to a recommendation that the dues be cut back to three dollars. If anyone wants to do so, he can still add a contribution to his dues In addition to that for the Memorial Fund." (John Loveless, 1952 convention chairman.)

     So, as you see, it's not an easy question. An informal ballot which stated both sides of the case didn't win an 11-vote majority for either from our Board. We'd like to get a postcard or letter from every member, expressing opinion on this problem!


Comments from Treasurer
Continued from Page 30

What Are Our Prospects For the Future?
     It was voted last year to raise the annual dues from $3.00 to $5.00. If we can keep our membership up to its present level, or close thereto, we can expect $1500 or more in dues alone. This would allow us a comfortable working margin with an increased appropriation for improving Cub.
     If we can increase our membership in 1953-54, as was done this year, and build up our surplus to $1500 or $2000, we would then be in a position to consider cutting the membership dues back to $4 or even the original $3. The amount of effort we each put out, and the results obtained, will directly affect our future financial standing. Auxiliary dues remain at $2 per year. Half of this amount goes into our Treasury. At the present time we have only 22 Auxiliary memberships. If 100 of you fellows signed up your wife, mother or other relatives to our Auxiliary, we would be $100 richer, and the Auxiliary would be that much stronger.
     This year we will make up much of the loss from last year. Working together next year, we can really get on firm ground. Can we count on you?

     Bill Bell, 423, ex-POW died in Fitzsimmons General Hospital in January of 1946 as a result of having been a Prisoner of War. Information comes from his mother, Mrs. R. H. Bell. 5707-39th Ave., Hyattsville, Maryland.
     Robert J. Frantz, of Forest Avenue, Dayton, Ohio, unit of the 106 unknown, died May 10, 1952. No further details available.
Lt. Samuel A. Campbell of Canton, Ohio, died from wounds received in the Battle of the Bulge.

New Addresses For Old Friends
    In working on the Columbus Convention, Pete Frampton has done a tremendous job of correspondence. Here is a list of some of the fellows who have answered his letters about the 1953 convention. Hope you'll see most of them there!

RICHARD K. ANDERSON (Med Det), 18 S. Williams St., Joliet, Ill.
JAMES W. DAVIS, JR. (Hq) 1570 Gilmer Ave., Montgomery, Ala.;
DAVID W. DENNIS (HQ) 100 N. Park St., Fayetteville, N. Y.;
JOHN A. DURBIN (D Co). RD 1, Monaca 6, Pa.;
CAPT. WILLIAM C. GARDINER (E Co), 76 N. Hathaway Rd., Spring Hill, Ala.;
QUENTIN A. HINE (3d Bn Hq), 880 West Main St., Somerset, Pa.;
JOHN C. HOLLINGER (Hq), 444 Graham Rd., Ft. Sam Houston, Texas:
MICHAEL A. KENOPENSKY (L. Co), 231 Grove St., Lisbon Falls, Maine;
EDWARD J. MARTIN, JR. (Med Det), 914 Van Buren St., Streator, Ill.;
HARRY MEELEUS (8d Bn Hq), 700 N. Main St., Oshkosh, Wis.;
JOSEPH D. PAULT (F Co). 1110 East 27th St., Erie, Pa.;
CHARLES R. PORTER (D Co), 238 West River St., Grand Ledge, Mich.;
GEORGE C. SAMPSON (E Co), 496 Spring St., West Bridgewater, Mass.;
JOHN F. SHOLL (1st Bn Hq), 135 Arden Rd., Pittsburgh 16, Pa.;
EDMUND M. TATE (Hq), 53 East 75th St., New York City;
CLARENCE H. THOMAS (C Co), 26 School St., Lancaster, N. Y.;
WALTER S. YOUNG, Jr. (E Co), 2670 Kenwood Blvd., Toledo 6, Ohio.

BENJAMIN F. AULD. JR. (G Co), 277 Cooper Pl., New Haven 15, Conn.;
CARL H. BOMMER (Cn Co), 4811 Perrysville Ave., Pittsburgh 29, Pa.;
BERNARD T. BROWN, JR., (Med Det), 300


Hood Ave., Syracuse, N. Y.;
LEON J. BROWNE, JR. (1st Bn Hq), 20 East Blvd. Ave., Rochester, N. Y.;
C. A. BURMASTER (Svc Co), 38 First St., Seymour, Conn.;
THOMAS C. BURRIS (3d Bn Hq) 2021 ½ University Ave., Des Moines, Iowa;
HENRY F. CANTER (A Co). 16 Noble St., West Newton, Mass.;
    J. M. CARTER. D. V. M. (AT Co), 3421 S. Main St., Elkhart, Ind, who was graduated from Michigan State in 1951 with a degree in veterinary medicine;
FRANK W. CHIRUMBOLE (D Co), 274 Locust St., Akron Ohio;
ALAN R. DABSON (B Co medic), 38 Upland Ave., Uphill, Dover, Del.;
JOHN M. ELERT, 20 Pinehurst, Tuscaloosa, Ala.;
ROBERT D. ELDRIDGE (G Co), 401 Worchester Rd.,
ALFONSO S. FUSCO (L Co), 5026 Sixth PI NE, Washington 17 D. C.:
SAMUEL W. GILES (K Co), 5 Fisher Court, Bradford. Pa.;
SANDA B. HELMS (Svc Co), 1010 16th Ave., Tuscaloosa, Ala.:
HAROLD C. McCOLLUM, JR. (F Co). 2307 Broadview, Cleveland, Ohio;
    CLETUS E. NOON (Svc Co), 403 Church St., South Fork. Pa., who was discharged in August, 1951 after serving in Korea with the 2d Engr Bn;
GIROLAMO J. ODDO (Hq), 14524 Washburn Ave., Detroit 21, Mich.;
LT COL JOSEPH F. PUETT (2d Bn), PO Box 9258. Ft. Riley. Kans.;
CHARLES A. REEBER (D Co), 9979 Grayfield, Detroit Mich.;
ROY E. REIGLE (Hq). 1408 Center Ave., Brodhead, Wisc.
CLELAND B. ROSS (H Co), 178 Meig St., Rochester. N. Y.;
CARL F. TRAVERS (Svc Co), 6300 Walker Mill Road SE, Washington 19, D.C.,
D. MICHAEL UCCHINO (I Co), Box 483, Middlefield, Ohio;
EDWARD J. VECCHIONE, JR. (3d Bn Hq), PO Box 4812, Miami, Fla.;
ROBERT A. WEISING (L Co), 503 Lovelace St., Pittsburgh, Pa.

    Most of the POW's were 4224 and 423d, so Frampton's mailing list, kept from his days as a guest of the Third Reich, are from those regiments.
Others include;
ZANE P. DONALSON (590th FA), 27 Louis Way, Valley Station, Louisville, Ky.:
MICHAEL J. FOX, JR. (Hq 590th), 1515 ½ Twelfth St., Columbus, Ga.;
WILLIAM M. LANE, 143 W. 45th St., Jacksonville, Fla.;
GORDON S. RIDDOCH, JR. (Hq 590th), 721 Maddock St., West Palm Beach, Fla.;
FRANK K. SCHOEMER (M Co, 424th Inf), 1511 13th St., Wyandotte, Mich.;
CHARLES H. STAMMER (106th Sig Co), 39 Burnet St., New Brunswick, N. J.

Cub Briefs
     General McMahon, F. A., reports that he ran into M/S Thomas O'Neill, B Co., No. 424. O'Neill joined the 106th after the Bulge and served till the end of the war.
     Mac also reports that Capt. Fred Jenken, P S 0 of the 5th Infantry at Indiantown, Gap was also with the P S 0 of the 106th, will attend the Convention.
     Joe Farrar of Athens, Ohio, is back in the Army and stationed in Tripoli, North Africa. He expects to be back in the States within a year and will probably be able to make the next Convention.
     Corporal Joe Baker, Franklin, Ohio, has been back in the service. He's been to Korea and is now with the 28th Division in Europe. We hope he can drop us a line and also send us pictures of the area around St. Vith. Have also asked for photos of Prison Camp at Bad Orb, Ziegenhain and Limburg.
     Belated info reaches 'Ye Editor' that Baltimore had a very successful December 16th but due to a foul-up in the mails, it was never received by the Editor. Our hat is always off to Baltimore for the wonderful job they are doing to promote the 106th.


     As my year as President slowly rolls to a close, I want to look back and thank all those of the 106th that have made my year a successful one. We are looking forward to the Columbus Convention to really put us over the top in membership and finances. I have enjoyed serving as your President even though there is little time or opportunity to get together and tell all of you. Keep up the good work, support the 106th and it will support you.
     Just call me "Mud" Coffey, in my anxiety to tell everyone about the success of the Jersey affair, I neglected to mention Dick DeHeer, who gave of his time, effort and money to make the Jersey outfit click. Forgive me Dick.

Columbus! Columbus!
July 24 - 25 – 26

81st Engineer Annual Reunion
     The 81st Engineers held their Annual get-together at Dwyer's Elbow Room, Broad St., Newark. Editor took time out to attend and can attest that this was a wonderful affair. You can get a little idea from the picture even though many did not get in the picture. Oakley Utter deserves most of the credit for making this annual affair the success it always turns out to be.
     Oakley has also been very helpful in turning over to the Editor a list of 500 Engineers who are potential 106th Association Members. Let, go fellows, don't be bashful, send in that dough to join up with your buddies.


Index for: Vol. 9, No. 4, May, 1953

Index for This Document

28th Inf. Div., 11
Alexander, Michael, 3
Anderson, Richard K., 9
Auld, Benjamin F., 10
Bad Orb, 11
Baker, Cpl. Joe, 11
Barbakos, Louis, 3
Bell, Bill, 9
Bell, Mrs. R. H., 9
Bickford, Thomas, 5
Bliss, Herbert C., 3
Bommer, Carl H., 10
Boyle, Rev. E. T., 3
Brown, Bernard T., Jr., 10
Browne, Leon J., Jr., 11
Brumaghin, D. C., 1
Brumaghin, Dave, 7
Brumaghin, David C., 1, 5
Bryant, Jack, 4
Burmaster, C. A., 11
Burris, Thomas C., 11
Byrd, Austin, 7
Campbell, Lt. Samuel A., 9
Canter, Henry F., 11
Carter, J. M., 11
Cavender, Col. C. C., 4
Chirumbole, Frank W., 11
Coffey, Doug, 7
Coffey, Douglas S., 1
Dabson, Alan R., 11
Davis, James W., Jr., 9
Day, Father, 3
DeHeer, Dick, 13
Dennis, David W., 9
Donalson, Zane P., 11
Durbin, John A., 9
Eldridge, Robert D., 11
Elert, John M., 11
Ellington, Dick, 3
Farrar, Joe, 11
Fowler, Bill, 5, 7
Fowler, William K., 1
Fox, Michael J., Jr., 11
Frampton, Pete, 7, 9
Frantz, Robert J., 9
Fridline, Dr. G. D., 7
Fusco, Alfonso S., 11
Gardiner, Capt. William C., 9
Gerhardt, Ernest, 4
Giles, Samuel W., 11
Hatch, H. M., 1
Hatch, Jim, 7
Helms, Sanda B., 11
Hessler, Frank A., 4
Hine, Quentin A., 9
Hollinger, John C., 9
Jacelon, Chas. F., 4
Jenken, Capt. Fred, 11
Kaufman, Geo. H., 4
Kenopensky, Michael A., 9
Klett, Jim, 7
Koplin, Leonard, 3
Lane, William M., 11
LaRoache, 3
Lawlor, Mrs., 3
Lawlor, T/5 Raymond F., Sr., 3
Limburg, 11
LoGuidice, Angelo, 3
Loveless, John, 7
Lundy, Rev. Robert A., 1
Luzzie, Ed, 7
Martin, Edward J., Jr., 9
Mayrsohn, Barney, 3
McCollum, Harold C., Jr., 11
McMahon, Gen., 11
Meeleus, Harry, 9
Nethers, Dick, 7
Noon, Cletus E., 11
Oddo, Girolamo J., 11
O'Neill, Thomas, 11
Paananen, Arvo, 7
Pault, Joseph D., 9
Porter, Charles R., 9
Price, Dave, 7
Price, David S., 1
Puett, Lt. Col. Joseph F., 11
Reeber, Charles A., 11
Reigle, Roy E., 11
Riddoch, Gordon S., Jr., 11
Ross, Cleland B., 11
Rowland, Frank C., 3
Sampson, George C., 9
Schlegel, Ray, 4
Schnitzlein, Glenn, 5
Schnizlien, Glen, 7
Schoemer, Frank K., 11
Sharitz, Miss Dorothy, 3
Sholl, John F., 9
Silverman, Morris W., 4
Smith, Marvin H., 4
Souers, Loren E., 4
St. Vith, 11
Stammer, Charles H., 11
Stone Cold Dead, 3
Thomas, Clarence H., 10
Travers, Carl F., 11
Ucchino, D. Michael, 11
Utter, Oakley, 13
Vecchione, Edward J., Jr., 11
Virdone, Benedict, 4
Weising, Robert A., 11
Wells, James E., 1
Wells, Jim, 7
Young, Walter S., Jr., 10
Ziegenhain, 11