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The Cub
Vol. 56, No. 2, JAN, 2000

54th Annual Reunion September 7 -11, 2000
-- CUB cover, June-July 1953, advertising the 7th Annual Reunion, Columbus Ohio,

President's View ...
    First, Thanks to all the Dec 16th Luncheon hosts. Your work is at the heart of our association and I would ask that in the future we tighten these mini-organizations so that there is organizational strength to carry on this tradition' Dick Rigatti worked hard to get these going and this work deserves to be carried on' Thanks Dick' Jack Sulser is and has been, our contact with AFR upon whom we will be having an ever closer relationship' He works with AFR to develop the master contract each year' We enjoy the fruits of his labor but his part is too subtle to be visible at the time of our reunions' Thanks Jack.
    Out of the active jobs now is our former adjutant, Pete House' He set up a director's field manual and laid out a format, or schedule, to guide our board meetings' He took a great deal of pride in the organization and worked hard for us. Pete is not in the best of health and our prayers go out to him'
    Now meet our second Vice President, Joe Maloney' Joe is an original member of the division starting at Ft. Jackson in the 106 Signal Co' He later became a wireman with the 424th headquarters placing wire all over the eastern part of Belgium'

Returning to civilian
    He married Vivian, got a degree from Penn' State University, fathered six children and now has thirteen grandchildren' Joe worked for 35 years for Boy Scouts of America in each of several executive positions (and says in all those years he never had occasion to help an old lady across the street)' Ina like manner, he has held a number of positions in our association. Twice named nominating committee chairman, Joe is presently coordinator for the annual mini reunions, chairman of the Pittsburgh mini reunions, and chaired the memorable Association's 1992 Pittsburgh reunion' Joe is serving his second term on the Board of Directors' In addition to his Association work and time with the grandchildren, Joe sings in the church choir, in the resurrection (funeral) choir and volunteers in the school lunch program' We are working on the St' Louis reunion for this fall (Sept 7 - 11) and I have to tell you , there's much to do there and we will have an interesting program. It's a very historic place and close enough to the majority of the members so all can get there' Plan on it' In response to a number of requests, many items in the program will be optional which will reduce the basic registration fee. We 106ers in Northern California were invited by the Golden Gate Chapter of the Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge to their Dec 16 dedication of a marked trail at Fort Miley in San Francisco' The VBOB has a beautiful monument west of San Francisco's Golden Gate at the edge of the slope high above the pacific ocean and down that slope is a trail with markers commemorating battles fought in the Bulge campaign' One of the markers dedicated on this date commemorates the battle by men of the 589th and a few others, at Parkers Crossroad' Being the president of the Association, I was asked to speak and told the story of these men and the delaying effect they had on the German timetable' It was, as has been said, an Alamo Defense at this memorable high ground crossroad.

John Gregory, President, 106th Infantry Division Association

III The CUB of the Golden Lion

    John A. Gregory, President 1999-2000 106th Infantry Division Association "E" Company, 424th Infantry Regiment 4624 Ashton Dr, Sacramento, CA 95864 916-481-3353 -
When I am afraid, I will trust in you..." (Psalm 56:3)

    I received a phone call one evening a couple of weeks ago from Bill Reyenga (423/Med)' We chatted fora while, as we occasionally do. During the conversation Bill asked if I had ever read a little paper-back book entitled "Prisoner of the Germans," by Mark R. Moore, one of the 106th's chaplains during the Bulge. Since I was not familiar with the book, Bill mailed it to me to read. I was fascinated by it and could not put it down' Chaplain Moore describes those first few days of the battle, how he was taken prisoner, and his life thereafter at Bad Orb. I was impressed with his stories of faith that sustained so many of his fellow POW's. It made me realize how different our experiences were during the war. Half of us experienced only a brief period on the line, followed by horrible conditions in captivity. The other half of our division experienced a long period of fighting, suffering and death, and ended up as captors rather than captives'
    And yet it was the same faith in God that sustained us, no matter what our situation was. Chaplain Moore's story described the openness with which the men at Bad Orb exhibited their faith, without reticence or embarrassment. The same applied to those who were not captured' Few were the atheists in foxholes; and few were the atheists in the POW camps.
    How do we now exhibit or witness to our faith? How today? With the same openness and willingness? With the same sense of assurance and lack of embarrassment? Many "religious" people find it hard to speak of their faith. Why? Perhaps the faith of those days long ago was sometimes a faith born out of desperation' Nevertheless, it was a sustaining force in our lives'
    It still is a sustaining force' Especially as we get older' Our lives change' We sometimes become prisoners of our own physical limitations. We live with aches and pains, with sorrows and worries' But God's Word still come to as across the years. Hear it again as you heard it long ago:
    `Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid; for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation.' (Isaiah 12:2)
Dr. Duncan Trueman, 424/AT
29 Overhill Lane, Warwick NY10990

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Front & Center.' '
.6th Recon Story ....
    Thanks to Joseph C. Haines, Lt. Col. AUS (Ret), former Recon Troop Platoon Leader (1944) for an excellent story about the 106th Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop.
See his story about the Recon Troop in the Ardennes Campaign on page 14.
    Here is a summary of Haines' career as a soldier. I find it amazing as to the numbers of 106th veterans that pursued the military as a career, after the war'
Joseph C. Haines:
    New Jersey National Guard 9 Sept 1940 Indicted into Federal Reserve 16 Sept 1940, served as EM Quartermaster, Infantry, Cavalry until July 1942.
Graduated Calvary O.C.S' 17 Oct 1942. Assigned as Training Officer, Cavalry Replacement Center, Fort Riley, Kansas'
15 Feb 1943 assigned to 106th Recon Troop, 106th Infantry Division
6 Dec 1944 - 12 June 1945, European Theater
    Operations, (Battle oldie Bulge and P.O.W. December 1944- 6 May 1945). Returned to USA 12 June 1945' Assigned to Fort Riley, Kansas and Fort Knox, Kentucky, as
Training Officer in Cavalry Replacement Training Center'
    15 Feb 1946 - 5 Oct 1946 assigned as student liaison pilot Shepard Field, Texas; San Marcos, Texas, Army Airbase and Fort Sill, Oklahoma. 6 Oct 1946 - 16 Dec 1946 on special duty Field Artillery School, Fort Sill, Oklahoma.
    16 Dec 1946 - 26 Aug 1947 in 6th Id Div Artillery (Korea) as an air observation pilot. 26 Aug 47 - 20 Sept 1947 - terminal leave prior to appointment to U'S. Army Reserve' 20 Sept 47 - 15 Nov 1947 - various command and/or staff positions in Army Reserve.
15 Nov 1970 - placed in the Retired Reserve as Lieutenant Colonel, Field Artillery, Army of the United States.
Read Joe's great story on the 106th Recon Troop, at Grosslangenfeld, page 14, this CUB.
John Kline, 423/M, Editor; 11 Harold Drive - Burnsville, MN 55337-2786; 612-890-3155 -FAX 612-895-8088 - -
Home Page: http://www,

Thanks for your DONATIONS of $2.00 for each old CUB.
    I have many old CUBs . A lot of good unit stories, reminisces of the past - donate NOW! Your money will go into the operating fund. DO NOT SEND MONEY TO THE EDITOR. Send it to the Treasurer;
Sherod Collins, 448 Monroe Trace, Kennesaw, GA 30144
OLD CUBS, Memorabilia
Thank you! Your CUBs will be made available to the membership as "back issues" for the benefit of the Association'
Robert M. Shaver, 424/HQ
Charles E. Kortlang, 106 MP
Herbert D. Crook, 422/F
James DeBruin, 81st ENG/A
Henry P. Heim, 424/F
Charles M. Caracnma, 423/M
I need CUBS 1945 to 1985''' J Kline

Front & Center .. '
    Don Young, 422/I has just published a book of poems. See photo above. TOM's WAR, 56 pages 5.5" x 8.5" full color paper cover. Don also authored THE LION's SHARE which many of you purchased.
Order from AVRANCHES PRESS, 1700 Cheryl Way, Aptos, CA 95003 - Price $10.00 includes shipping.
Our comrade Don wrote.
"This book grew out of my experience with the 106th in the Bulge, though it is a work of fiction also."
    "Donald Young's war poetry, as seen in his new book, TOM'S WAR, combines the narrative dramatic qualities of the novel with the lyrical rhythm and exciting imagery of poems'. The resu above an experience of the drama o8'5"werful war events, combined with the private insights of the uniquely gifted poet's heart and eye."
quote from Steven Hanley, English Professor, of Creative W$10'00 at Cabrilshipping'e, near Santa Cruwrote'ifornia.
Harry Martin, Jr, 424/L Lester Helmich, 424/HQ 100
Frank Scales, 423/1 5
Alfrealso'"on, 81st ENG/C 5
Irving Brown, memory his Cpt James Manning, 423/CN 10
Harry J. Welsh, 424/E 25
Albert Oelschig, 423/HQ 1Bn 20
George C. Marcum, 423/HQ 3Bn
Edward Y. poetry'422/H 20
Lewis Peters, 422/HQ 2
Alvin Skardon, 590/B 5

Current Membership 1,662
57 annual members delinquent since July 1, 19eye'"re dropped from the roster just prior to the
November CUB
Membership Statistics
    As of July 1999 - 1,671 California'1998 - 1,661 As of July 1997 - 1,641 As of July 1996 - 1,640 As of July 1995 - 1,689 As of July 1994 - 1,646 As of July 1989 - 1,417 As of July 1987 - 745 As of July 1984 - 555 As of July 1979 - 450 As of July 1977 - 415
As of July 1947 -8 1,600 date of first Annual Reunion
U.S. Active Military Personnel
World War II
Army Nary Marine Total
'40 269,023 160,997 28,345 458,365
'41 1,462,315 2.1,427 54,359 1,801,101
'42 3,075,608 .0,570 142,613 3,858,791
'43 6,994,472 1,741,750 308,523 9,044,745
'44 7,997,750 2,981,365 475,604 11,451,719
'45 8,267,958 3,380,817 474,680 12,123,455

The CUB of the Golden Lion-. 4

Front & Center ' ' .
(This does not apply to LIFE MEMBERS)
ARE DUE BY JUNE 30, 2000
Mail to: Sherod Collins
440 Monroe Trace
Kennesaw, GA 30144

Annual Dues are due and payable by June 30 each year regardless of date joined.
You may pay dues ahead. E.G.: as many years as you like.
The address label on the CUB envelope will tell you what date your membership expires.

Annual Members who have not paid their membership fees by June 30, 2000
will be eliminated from the roster until they are paid.
LIFE MEMBERSHIPS are available ONE PAYMENT of $75.00

Their ranks once thinned
in battle long ago,
and marked then by white crosses,
NM on row,
again are lessened, as day-time
bugles sound
over tiny plots of flag-draped
hallowed ground.
Time is now as ruthless as
was once the foe
but, looking back with pride,
quietly they go
to be a part of the land they saved.
(written 16 December 1999)
Dale Carver
3rd edition
World War II memories.
61 pages - $8 ppd

by: Dale R. Carver
Poet Laureate of the
106th Infantry Division Assoc
Silver Star recipient 1945
424th Headquarters
A&P Platoon Leader
742 Druid Circle
Baton Rouge, LA 70808


Front & Center'' '
REVIVE the WOMAN'S PAGE in the CUB magazine I!!!!
by Richard Rigatti, Board member, Past-President
I spoke at the Women's Luncheon in Schaumburg in an effort to revive the Women's page in the CUB'
    You all may recall that this was initiated at the Orlando Reunion in 1995' At least two issues of the CUB, after that, had excellent stories and pictures of interest to the WOMEN. I'm again asking the women to respond with personal stories about their experiences in relation with men that they married, or were already married to, that were in the 106th Infantry Division.
    Sweetheart stories, home front hardships while your husband was in service, anxiety for loved one away from home, or while they were overseas. Dear ladies, please submit your stories and photos to the editor for inclusion in
The CUB Magazine'
Donate Personal Memorabilia to the Camp Atterbury Museum
    In order to donate items to the Camp Atterbury Museum, you must sign a "Gift Form and Receipt," The form must be requested and signed prior to sending or taking the articles to the Museum.
To order a form or send artifacts and memorabilia write Chief Warrant Officer in charge:
CW3 Myles W. Clayburn
Camp Atterbury Building I
Edinburgh, IN 46124-1096
Change of Address ??????? If you move send the Adjutant your change of address.
Adjutant Gordon Pinney 60 Pinney Road, Whitney, NE 69367-2587

The Institute on World War II and the Human Experience
Mae Nielander, Archival Manager. Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306-2200; 850-644-9033
WWII veterans/defense workers and families:
    Help save the personal legacy of World War II. The experiences and memorabilia of those who served in the armed forces and defense industries--so often discarded--is a valuable pan of this nation's history. The Florida State University department of history has set up the Institute of World War II and the Human Experience to collect and preserve this physical heritage for research, teaching and exhibition. If you, or someone you know, has letters, diaries, photographs or other mementos of that era, please contact the Institute at the address below. We will be delighted to send an information packet or answer any questions concerning donation of materials to the Institute and their future use.

    VIC BREITE 422/I Writes. "John, I was at the '99 Reunion in Schaumburg. However I was not listed, with my comrades, in the Oct-Nov-Dec CUB magazine as being present.
Editor's Note: For some reason Vic, you were not on the list I received. Our apologies John Kline, editor,,.

    CHESTER IS BURIED in the Luxembourg Cemetery. His date of death shows as 7 April 1945. Information as to whether he was KIA, or died as a POW is wanted by a granddaughter..
    Can any of you enlighten us as to the cause of his death? Do any of you know what "Company" he was in within the 422nd Regiment? With that date it could be he died in camp or on one of the marches. John Bowen VBOB Historian is making the inquiry.
Write or call John Kline, editor. My address is on the inside front cover of this CUB


Front & Center ' . . NEW B
106th Infantry Division FOREWORD by John Kline, 106th Infantry Author: Michael Tolhurst, East Sussex
Pen & Sword Books Ltd, 160 pages
South Yorkshire, United Kingdom
    I met Mike Tolhurst, who is an ASSOCIATE member shortly after I became editor of The CUB in 1987' Mike, for years has vacationed in the Ardennes area. I once received a photo of him in a foxhole, with a carbine, uniform and helmet, with a 106th patch on his left shoulder. He sent tne many photos of the Ardennes over the years I have known him. I furnished 44 photos for the new book and was honored to have written the FOREWORD. Several 106th veterans have parts of their memoirs in the book as well as photos'.
    His book is about the Battle of the Bulge as it unfolded in front of St. Vith. It covers the action in the first few days of the battle, leading up to the battle at St. Vith.
*One of a series of books entitled
    BATTLEGROUND EUROPE, it is one o4 oks covering both World War 1(20 titles) and World War II (4 titles) including this new one, ST VITH.) Over 160 pages, replete with photos and personal experiences of 106th soldiers. These books are written to describe the battle, then give explicit instructions on how to get to the scenes of action described.
    Mike Tolhurst knows the St. Vith, Schoenberg, Bleialf area like the palm of his hand. He describes nearly every road, village and trail leading throughout the battle area. Over 100 photographs of the Bulge era. Many maps, Indexed, personal memoirs of 106th veterans, photos of St Vith, and area, and the damage it sustained
I know you will enjoy it. I have had good comments from those that have already purchased it.
Thanks to the many 106th veterans who have already purchased this book.
All commissions generated from the sale of the book go to our Association.
OOK about the 106th Infantry
Chapter 1 History' GOLDEN LIONS A Brief History.
Arrival in Belgium and the 'Ghost' Front Chapter 3 THE GERMAN PLAN
Operation 'Watch on the Rhine'
Chapter 4 THE ATTACK Saturday 16 December 1944 Chapter 5 THE INEVITABLE Surrender
Prisoners of War
Chapter 7 TOURING THE BATTLEFIELD TODAY Send $20.00 (no credit cards) to:
Sherod Collins, Treasurer
106th Infantry Division Association
448 Monroe Trace
Kennesaw, GA 30144
    Your book will be mailed direct Pennsylvania publishers stock in Pennsylvania. Allow two -shipment's for paper work and shipment. BATTLE OF THE BULGE
US 108111121-Jon Division


Front & Center . . .
U.S. Congress Commends Vets of BOB on 55th Anniversary
Jade Sulser, Washington Representative
    The US House of Representatives adopted the following resolution (H'J'Res'65) on October 5, 1999: "Whereas the battle in the European theater of operations during World War II known as the Battle of the Bulge was fought from December 16, 1944, to January 25, 1945; Whereas the Battle of the Bulge was a major German offensive in the Ardennes forest region of Belgium and Luxembourg which took Allied forces by surprise and was intended to split the Allied forces in Europe by breaking through the Allied fuel and supply lines, and exacerbating tensions within the alliance; Whereas 600,000 American troops, joined by 55,000 British soldiers and other Allied forces, participated in the Battle of the Bulge, overcoming numerous disadvantages in the early days of the battle that included fewer numbers, treacherous terrain, and bitter weather conditions; Whereas the Battle of the Bulge resulted in 81,000 American and 1,400 British casualties, of whom approximately 19,000 American and 200 British soldiers were killed, with the remainder wounded, captured, or listed as missing in action; Whereas the worst atrocity involving Americans in the European theater during World War II, known as the Malmedy Massacre, occurred on December 17, 1944, when 86 unarmed American prisoners of war were gunned down by elements of the German 1st SS Panzer Division; Whereas American, British, and other Allied forces overcame great odds throughout the battle, including most famously the action of the 101st Airborne Division in holding back German forces at the key Belgian crossroads town of Bastogne, thereby preventing German forces from achieving their main objective of reaching Antwerp as well as the Meuse River line; Whereas the success of American, British and other Allied forces in defeating the German attack made possible the defeat of Nazi Germany four months later in April 1945; Whereas thousands of United States veterans of the Battle of the Bulge have traveled to
    Belgium and Luxembourg in the years si e the battle to honor their fallen comrades who died during the battle; Whereas the people of Belgium and Luxembourg, symbolizing their friendship and gratitude toward the American soldiers who fought to secure their freedom, have graciously hosted countless veterans groups over the years; Whereas the city of Bastogne has an annual commemoration of the battle and its annual Nuts Fair has been expanded to include commemoration of the legendary one-word reply of 'Nuts' by Brigadier General Anthony McAuliffe of the 101st Airborne Division when called upon by the opposing German commander at Bastogne to surrender his forces to much stronger German forces; Whereas the Belgian people erected the Mardasson Monument to honor the American who fought in the Battle ofthe Bulge as well as to commemorate their sacrifices and service during World War II; Whereas the 55th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge in 1999 will be marked by many commemorative events by Americans, Belgians,0 Luxembourgers; and Whereas the frien between the United States and both Bel and Luxembourg is strong today in part because of the Battle of the Bulge: Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of American in Congress assembled,
That Congress--
    (1) commends the veterans of the United States Army, the British Army, and military forces of other Allied nations who fought during World War 11 in the German Ardennes offensive known as the Battle of the Bulge; (2) honors those who gave their lives during that battle; (3) authorizes the President to issue a proclamation calling upon the people of the United States to honor the veterans of the Battle of the Bulge with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities; and (4) calls upon the President to reaffirm the bonds of friendship between the United States and both Belgium and Luxembourg'"
This Joint Resolution was unanimously approved by the Senate on November 19, 1999.

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Front & Center . . .
ItContinued from last page) In the House, the (solution was co-sponsored by 42
    Congressmen, including my home town Representative, Illinois Democrat Lane Evans, and Chaplain Duncan Trueman's home town Representative, New York Republican Benjamin Gilman. A New Jersey Congressman gave 106th veteran Stanley Wojtusik, 422/G a Past President of, and current Vice President of the Veteran's of the Battle of the Bulge (VBOB), credit for working with Congressional staff to promote the resolution. In the Senate, James Hutchinson, Republican of Arkansas, was the principal speaker in support of the resolution. He cited the experiences of
    106th veteran Roger Rutland, 424/B (of South Carolina) as well as one of his own constituents, James Hendrix, who won the Medal of Honor in the battle. For those interested in reading the full discussion in both chambers, they are available on the Internet. Dial "" and click on "Congresssional Record'" Go to the dates cited above and read to your heart's content. It's seldom that you will be able to read about yourself on that source. Jack Sulser 423/F, Washington Representative, Past-President. 106th Inf Div Assoc'.
East Mesa Post 83, American Legion Department of Arizona
Photo and story by Jim Stamm, 424/F, email
American Legion Post 83 Honor Guard.
    Left/Right: Jim Stamm, 424/F, Commander; Dean Childs,106th Signal, Rifle; Lynn Jones, Rifle; Ed Contreras, Rifle; Ernie Lucero, Rifle; Jack Simpson, Chaplain; Norman Shacklett, Bugler; Mel Zacko, Firing Commander.
    During the fiscal year 1998-1999 this honor guard participated in 173 funerals, 38 memorials and traveled wherever requested in the State of Arizona. It is not uncommon to travel 50 miles, one way, for a funeral and have traveled 200 miles one way.
We spend four days each month during January, April, July and October at the National Cemetery in Arizona. Jim Stamm
Your annual membership fees are due by June 30, 2000

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Featuring - Leo Croft, 424/K .. .
My Father, Leo Croft, 424/K
by son David Croft
11280 County Rd 3000, Rolla, MO 65401 573-364-8653 croft1©
    Leo Croft joined the army in May of 1941. He took his basic training at Ft. Leonard Wood. After basic he joined the 6th division and was sent to California, it was in the desert were he met General Patton by accident. He and his friend were driving a truck in the desert when the urge to jump dunes hit. They were having quite a good time when Gen. Patton showed up. He asked what they were doing and when they told him they were driving the truck across the desert, he told them to get back on the road, and quit trying to fly the damn things! When the 6th shipped out to the Pacific Dad was left behind but his brother Doc went with that division. He stayed in California until July of 1944 when he was sent to England with the 210th Ordinance. This is where the story gets a little fuzzy. He joined the 106th in Europe but he can't remember when or where. He was in K-company of the 424th Regiment He does remember some of the men in his squad, Arch, Cummings, Palumbo. He said Palumbo was shot across the rear end ( non- fatal but he took some teasing). He remembers how cold it was and he got some minor frost bite on his feet. The only town he can recall was Wanne. He also said that they came upon some airborne troops that were stacked like cord wood for burial' said he thought his platoon leader was Lt. Threadgill and the platoon Sgt. was Mullin. Mullin was hit by an artillery round and killed. He carried a BAR and ended up with a Bronze Star and a Combat Infantry Badge. I hope if any of you have any information that might give me more insight on Dad you might share it. The only other events he can recall was fighting in a town and firing on Germans from a house, he thinks they were trying to retreat. He was also told to shoot a POW that had jumped the wire and was trying to escape. After the war Dad stayed in the army. In 1950 he was on a ship bound for Japan when the Korean war started. He was sent to Korea where he joined the 24th Division in the Pusan perimeter. He was carrying sheets of steel to the front on the back of a tank when the tank was hit. Dad was knocked from the tank and one of the pieces of steel hit him in the web gear, it broke his back. He spent a long period in traction.
    His third war was Vietnam, but this time it was different. He had joined the construction engineers and was the Sgt. Major of the Brigade. He didn't see combat in Viet. which was fine with him."
    Dad's military career ended when he didn't pass the physical he took before doing a second tour in Vietnam. He had a heart attack and there was damage to his heart. He was placed on inactive reserve for two years and in 1971 he retired at Ft. Wood, the place he had started 30 years earlier. He married his wife Virginia in 1941 and they had three girls and two boys. Dad's oldest son James Croft is also a Sgt. Major and it was quite an event when the old timer got to pin the stripes on his son. I guess this former Golden Lion has started a tradition in the Croft family, Leo's grandson Robert is also a member of the United States Army. Dad was able to make the 1999 reunion and even though he wasn't feeling well all he could talk about was what fine people there are in the association. I must agree, I was treated great by everyone we met. It was such a great honor for me just to be there. To all the Golden Lions, Thank you.
David Croft

The CUB of the Golden Lion

HISTORY CHANNEL "GREAT RACE 2000" Ken and John's Jeep Entry .. .
    Both Kenny M, Smith and John A. Swett were born, in 1925. Ken in southern Illinois near Mt. Carmel, and John in La Grange, then a small town west of Chicago' Both have native American ancestry, Cherokee and Algonquian. 'MPIth had interests in mechanics in general and automobiles in particular almost from their beginnings. As 18 year olds they both went into the Army and ended up in the same Company H. 423rd Infantry Regiment, 106th Division at Camp Atterbury, Indiana. They met first at the motor pool, both assigned to Jeeps, and in the barracks and on the parade grounds. Ken was not long for the motor pool as his talents with the heavy 30 caliber machine gun had already been recognized, and as the Co's (if not the Regt's) top machine gunner he was reassigned to a machine gun platoon. John remained in the motor pool as the recon driver for the 81 mm mortar platoon. They went overseas together on the Queen Elizabeth (I). Again they traveled together on the same LSTs to LeHavre, and drove through snowy Belgium, to the small country town of Bom, were they would be held in reserve until Dec. 16, at the beginning of the Battle of the Bulge.
    After 3 days of intense fighting, without sleep, food, shelter or ammunition resupply, their regimental commander reluctantly surrendered them to the enemy. Sleeping again
    in the open on the night of Dec. 19, they were marched the next day to Gerolstien, where they again slept in the open. The morning of Dec. 21 they were entrained and arrived in Bad Orb on Christmas morning, after being bombed by "friendly fire" of the British medium bombers in Coblenz. Both were questioned and interred at Stamlager IX-B. This internment is a story in itself, but the main thrust of their story is that our two heroes suffered through similar indignities and a general lack of food, losing from 60 to 75 pounds each. By the time they were liberated on April 2, 1945, the health level of the entire POW population was deteriorating rapidly with the number of deaths from the results of malnutrition escalating daily.
    Ken and John returned to the States at different times on different ships. After marrying and starting families, Ken worked in construction in the West and Southwest, while John worked out of an office in the Chicago area selling electric motors in the upper Midwest states. Ken eventually ended up with a fleet of trucks as an oil company distributor in Wyoming.
    Neither knew anything of a 106th Div. Association until the late 80's. They met the first time since the war at an Assoc. reunion in Schaumburg. IL, in Sept. 1989.

The CUB of the Golden Lion
     preparation for this race of a lifetime, Ken IP John drove Ken's Dodge Voyager in the Texas Great Race last spring. Last fall, when the Jeep broke down 80 miles north of Tucson, they drove John's Mercury in the California Great Race. Fortunately you are allowed to drive modem cars in these shorter regional rallies. Tnote'oming April we plan to enter the regional Texas Great Race. This will be our final preparation for the big event in June.
     We hope you all will be following our progress on the History Channel in June, (check the TV schedules for time) and if you are not at the stops along the route, you will be at the finish l reunions Sacramento to welcome the conquering heroes.
John Swett and Ken Smith, 423/H
    Recognizing each other after all those intervening years, they have kept in close touch since then, seecars each other at least once a year at the annual reunions.
    Ken had taken up stock car racing in his spare time while running his oil business in Wyoming, and John's automotive interests started him on a collection of soon-to-be classic cars. Over tidea'learning of these common interests, Ken suggested they think about getting into the Great Race, the race that takes older cars from one end of the country to another. John was so taken by this idea that he now thinks it was his own idea.
    The Jeep was the natural vehicle for them to enter in the Race as both had experienced its operation in a verySacramento'ed and traumatic way. They had a 1943 Ford Jeep rebuilt for them. It has many new parts including brakes and engspring't there is still more work to do in readying it for the History Channel Great Race this year Dom Boston to SacramRace. In
Recognize yourself- Gen. Oglethorpe Hotel, Savannah, GA 1960
    14th Annuarallies'n, President, Cliff Perras; Hosted by James and Maydean Wells; Adjutant Richard DeHeer; Treasure Robert Kelly; Editor LarryJune'en; Chaplain John Loveless, Jr.; Memorials Douglas Coffey. If you recognize yourself, or your family drop me a note. Tell me what row (one thru four) how many heads from the left. I'll try to run this photo again with names. John Kline, editor

The CUB of the Golden Lion
424th Infantry Regiment - 55th Anniversary Reunion . .
424th Infantry Regiment Reunion, Orange Beach, Alabama
William Mueller, 27 Eve Lane, Levittown, New York 11756 Tele: 516-731-2488
55th Annivesary Reunion, Perdido Beach Resort, 16 December 1999
    We came from all parts of the country. All men present were from the 424th Regiment. All but one were from the 3rd Battalion. One was not with us in Eyrope, but transferred from to the 28th at Atterbury and served with in the ETO, We had a great time from December 14 through the 16th, both socially and wartime reminiscing. One topic that prevailed was that time was running out.
    UR Front Row: Kay Paletta, daughter of Tiller Carter; Betsy Olson; Irma Mueller; Carolyn Carter; Berwick; Josephine Fish; Elise Bauman and Ruth Carver
    /R Rear Row: Charles Coughlin, M Co., also F/112/28; Todd Olson, M Co.; William Mueller, M Co.; Tiller Carter, 424/HQ; Charles Puskarich, M Co; Lec Berwick, 3Bn HQs; Milo Fish, M Co.; James Niers, M Co.; Alan Bauman, M Co.; Dale Carver, 3Bn HQs A&P Platoon and Grayson Bishop L Co.
Danny Parker's - The Battle of the Bulge
by Combined Publishing, the same publisher that I BATTLE OF THE
Battle of the Bulge breaks new ground on one of the .."04a
    greatest military campaigns of history. The book includes hundreds of rare photos, detailed maps, charts and diagrams, as, well as a stirring narrative of the entire campaign. 320 pages in
a 9x12 inch format, paper cover.
List price normally $24.95, plus $3.00 shipping.
Mention this ad and you can buy it for
$24.95 INCLUDING shipping.
Order Toll free: 1-800-418-6065.
from Combined Publishing, ConshohockeH' Morris'vania.
Danny S. Parker

    Highly touted by many of the "Bulge" authors, including John Toland, John Keegan, The Division Officer's Magazine, Military Review, John H. Morris.
Itve owned one since the first$24.95on, 1991. I recommend it. John Kline
distributes ST VITH 106th Infantry Division. See page 7.

The CUB of the Golden Lion

106th Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop
What Really Happened at Grosslangenfeld - December 16-18, 1944
By -- Joseph C. Haines, Lt, Col., AUS (Ret.)
Joseph C, Haines, Lt Col,, AUS (Ret) - Nov 1959
106th CAV Recon Troop Platoon Leader - 1944
7503 Haines Drive - El Reno, OK 73036-9599
    ln. World War II, I have read numerous accounts about the Battle of the Bulge detailing what happened to the various Units positioned along the Siegfried Line between Belgium and Germany. None of these accounts that mention our 106`" Recon Troop relate the truth about what really happened at Grosslangenfeld from dawn on December 16th until we pulled out the afternoon of December 17th. Some of the 'reports' I've read are - Col. R. Ernest Dupuy's book, St. Vith: Lion In The Way (reprint 1986, pp 50) states...As the morning waxed, and the 423d reports 16 December as "clear and cold," it was evident that the enemy had taken Grosslangenfeld in the 424th Infantry sector''.. As a matter of fact, we were still fighting in Grosslangenfeld until early afternoon on the 17th!!
    Then, on pp 55, Col. Dupuy states....the 106th Reconnaissance Troop at Grosslangenfeld disintegrated, opening Cannon Company's left flank.... The Germans actually advanced between the Cannon Company of the 424th Infantry and the 106th Recon Troop.
    And, on pp 57....Personnel carriers rolling in from Grosslangenfeld disgorged wave after wave of infantry..... Later, on pp 58, he mentions ,.,.some infiltrating enemy from Grosslangenfeld.,. ALL of these statements are false!! The actual facts are that NO enemy troops or vehicles passed through Grosslangenfeld until mid-afternoon of the second day -- December 17th!! These unsupported statements by Col. Dupuy are a gross insult to the men of the 106th Reconnaissance Troop who fought valiantly in defense of their untenable position at Grosslangenfeld; completely cut off from other American Units, surrounded by the enemy, out of communication and nearly out of ammunition. Unfortunately, these same untruths were repeated by Charles B. MacDonald in his book A Time for Trumpets; as well as being noted by several members of our Troop in various other so-called 'official accounts' written about - Battle of the Bulge (titles and authors specifically recorded).
    The following account has been compiled from my memory of these days; plus, the collective memories of some of the survivors of the Troop with whom I have either talked or corresponded over the years: ie - Paul Thompson, Richard Bradbury, William 0. Tower, Arthur LaCroix, Calvin Lezzi, Howard Hughes, Edward Fleming, Robert House, Earl Liston, Michael Gresh, Jr', Willis Selje, Kenneth Booz, Abraham Freund, John Simpson, Robert Fisher, Louis Cunningham, Rudy Aittama, Ralph Pope, Michael Liskiewicz, Bill Roub, Roger Frambs, Rishel White, and the late William W. Randall, Roy Mechling, Myron Johnstone, Edward McGee, Gene Hammond, Al Orzolek, Robert Madsen; plus, no doubt others I can't quite recall. The Troop was organized on 15 March 1943 (organic to the 106th Infantry Division) and trained at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. Then participated in the Tennessee Maneuvers from January 20 thru March 26, 1944.


106th Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop
    erom the Tennessee Maneuvers we moved to Camp Atterbury, Indiana, to complete our training for overseas movement. Beginning 9 October 1944, we moved to Camp Miles Standish, Massachusetts, for embarkation and shipment to the European Theater ofOperations; and sailed on 10 November 1944 aboard the Wakefield' After an uneventful but rough crossing, we landed at Liverpool, England. In England, we went by train to Stow-On-The-Wold where we received the rest of our authorized equipment, including brand new M-8 Armored Cars complete with the very latest in radio equipment.
    After a short stay in England, we boarded an L.S.T. at Weymouth for the Channel crossing to Le Havre, France. Crossing the Channel, we encountered very rough weather. While anchored outside Le Havre Harbor waiting our turn to dock and unload, both anchors were tom loose and we had to return to Weymouth for repairs. After receiving new anchors, we repeated the crossing and a successful landing was made. After unloading, we proceeded by convoy at night lips France to the vicinity of St. Vith, Belgium,
ing there on 9 December 1944.
    We were attached to the 424th Infantry Regiment, and on 11 December 1944, we were placed on line during a night blackout move to replace a Rifle Company of the 23rd Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division. Our orders were to replace the Rifle for man, gun for gun''.. Plus, we were ordered to maintain complete radio silence; dismount our .30-caliber machine guns from our vehicles; hide the vehicles in various buildings in the village of Grosslangenfeld, which we were to occupy; then assume the mission of a Rifle Company in the defense'
(Note: At this time, the Troop T.0.& E. authorized-
6 officers;
149 enlisted men;
13 - M-8 Armored Cars;
99 - .30-caliber M-1 carbines;
13 - .30-caliber machine guns (light); 3 - .50-caliber machine guns;
30 - .45-caliber submachine guns;

The CUB of the Golden Lion
5 - Rocket Launchers A.T.;
9 - 60 mm mortars;
26 - .30-caliber M-1 Rifles;
24 -1/4 ton trucks;
5 - M-3 halftracks; and
1 - 2&112 ton truck (mess truck))
    We were positioned facing the Siegfried Line, with the 424th Infantry Regiment's Cannon Company on our right (we could not see their nearest position to us) and Troop B, 18th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron on our left (nor could we see their nearest position to us either). Most of our vehicles were placed where we couldn't readily utilize them. We had a full complement of officers and about 85% of our authorized enlisted personnel and attempted to man the positions vacated by the Rifle Company in Grosslangenfeld.
    We were forbidden to test fire our machine guns and 37 mm cannons on the armored cars, or to fire in our final protective line. We were ordered to use the range cards previously established by the Rifle Company so the Germans would believe the same Unit was still in place. There were no provisions for artillery support, or any other supporting fire for us. We were told this was a quiet sector or rest camp!! Since we were forbidden to use our radios, our only communication with other Units was a telephone line to the 424th Infantry Regiment. (It was years later that we learned all the other Units in the area had radio contact with Division.) The only contact we could recall from the `outside' was the visit by a Red Cross Doughnut Mobile on the 13th or 14th of December that served us coffee and doughnuts, complete with music and the smiles of two American women! At approximately 5:30 a.m. on 16th December 1944, we came under attack by German artillery, rockets, and mortars. This attack set fire to several buildings in the village, including my Command Post. The barn where our ammunition trailer had been hidden took a direct hit during the night of December 16-17, and our ammunition supply was destroyed except for the small amounts we had placed at various platoon positions. Shortly after the initial shelling ceased, German infantry began to
106th Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop
    The remainder of 106th Recon Troop- after the Bulge that were not taken POW. Front Row: Guthrie, Frederick, Ritter, Hom and Boyer Middle Row: Marino, Hetrick, Price, Liston and York Back Row: Patterson, Roub, Crusott, Breman, Hughes, LaCroix and With
    These 106th Recon Troop members were not in Grosslangenfeld on 16 December 1 They were in the "rear in the hospital or for other reasons. They were assigned to the 424 and fought with them until the 106th Infantry Division was reconstituted. Sergeant LaCroix received a "battlefield commision" as a 2nd Lt,
    advance toward our positions in Grosslangenfeld. We were successful in repulsing them with small arms, machine guns, and 60 mm mortar fire; the mortar ammunition was soon exhausted. Later in the morning, another attack was mounted, and again repulsed, with heavy losses to the Germans,
    During the shelling and early ground attacks, three of our men were seriously wounded -Sgt. Arthur LaCroix, T/5 Willis Selje, and Pfc Robert House. Since our only medical service consisted of platoon medics, the Troop Commander decided to send the wounded to the rear. A halftrack was disarmed, and red crosses affixed to the sides, to transport the wounded to the nearest medical facility. Along with the driver, T/5 James Guthrie, volunteers Medic Abraham Freund and Supply Clerk Cpl. Howard Hughes accompanied the wounded. The volunteers were to deliver our wounded to a medical facility, report our situation, rearm, draw as much ammunition as they could transport and return to our position. They never returned. (Years later, it was learned they had successfully reached St. Vith, delivered the wounded (all survived their wounds), reported our situation, rearmed, drew a supply of ammunition, and attempted to return to Grosslangenfeld. Unfortunately, by the time they were able to begin the return trip, German troops had moved into the area between St. Vith and Grosslangenfeld,)
    Shortly after the German attack began early on the 16th of December, our telephone lines were cut to the 424th Infantry Regiment. We were now out of communication with anyone. The Troop Commander sent out mounted patrols to both flanks in an attempt to make contact with adjacent units (Cannon Company of the 424th and Troop B, 18th CAV). The patrol to the left flank returned to report they

The CUB of the Golden Lion
106th Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop
    made contact with Troop B, l 8th CAV, and were told....we thought you guys were wiped out!! Heavy firing was heard on our right flank during this period, and the patrol we sent to the right flank (Cannon Company) did not return; nor did we receive a report from them since we were forbidden to use our radios. Once the fighting started on the 16th, we uncovered our Armored Cars and began firing the 37 mm cannon at the attacking German troops. Since these guns were received new in England, we had never had an opportunity to "bore sight" or fire the guns -- we accomplished the "bore sighting" firing at the enemy! The ground attacks and shelling continued off and on throughout the day of the 16th, but tapered off that night.
    Early on the morning of the 17th of December, the enemy ground attacks and shelling resumed. We were successful in repulsing the ground attacks, but were running critically short of ammunition.
Around noon on the 17th, the Troop Commander, Capt. Paul Million, called an
    liter's meeting at his Command Post to discuss the situation and determine a plan of action. After reviewing the situation, it was determined that only two courses of action were available: one, to continue to hold our position until all ammunition was exhausted and be killed or captured; or, two, to break contact with the enemy and attempt to fall back to Schonberg where it was believed the Division reserve was located. It was believed if we could get back to contact Division, we could get updated on the situation, get resupplied with food and ammunition, and receive new orders' Course of action two was adopted and orders (verbal) were issued that on a given signal we would break contact, one position at a time, and attempt to reach Schonberg to the north. The order of withdrawal was to be First Platoon (Lt. Edward McGee), Headquarters & Headquarters Platoon (Capt. Million and Lts. George Vaream & Leonard Prosnick), Second Platoon (Lt. Joseph Haines), and, last, Third Platoon (Lt. Myron Johnstone).
    Our withdrawal began shortly after 1300 with the First Platoon successfully breaking contact and withdrawing as planned. Headquarters and part of Headquarters Platoon then fell in line behind First Platoon and began their withdrawal. Second Platoon managed to break contact with two thirds of the Platoon intact and joined the withdrawal (the third section of Second Platoon was cutoff by advancing German troops and unable to complete the withdrawal). The Third Platoon leader had arrived late to the officer's meeting and either misunderstood the direction of withdrawal or discovered the planned route was now blocked by the enemy (I believe the latter to be the case); as he attempted to withdraw back the way we had initially entered Grosslangenfeld -- from Winterspelt to the west and the area of the 424th Infantry Regiment. Their first vehicle in line was struck and disabled by a mortar or artillery shell thereby blocking the road (possibly by "friendly fire", since it had been reported to others in our sector that "Grosslangenfeld had fallen" the previous day (on the 16"))' Lt' Johnstone was "slightly" wounded when a mortar shell exploded on the rail of his halftrack' The enemy was then able to quickly overrun those stiH remaining in Grosslangenfeld -- which included the Third Platoon, parts of Headquarters Platoon, and the third section of Second Platoon. During this brief encounter of intensive fighting, several members of the Troop were killed or wounded. The wounded and other survivors were quickly taken prisoner and marched to the rear into Germany. However, one of our severely wounded men was carried to the German Aid Station by a buddy and received immediate and excellent care by the German medical personnel. The sections of the Troop that managed to withdraw proceeded in a northerly direction on the paved road that ran through Grosslangenfeld toward Bleialf. However, attempting to avoid contact with the enemy, we decided to leave this major roadway and travel cross country, with the hopes of making contact with friendly forces. Shortly after leaving the paved road, we entered a deserted village (Winterscheid - in the 423rd Infantry Regiment area) where we stopped to put tire chains on our

The CUB of the Golden Lion
106th Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop
    vehicles. Resuming our trek, we met up with elements of Troop B, 18th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron at a crossroads just outside Winterscheid. They were really surprised to see us -- they thought we had been "eliminated" the day before (December 16.). It was decided we would join them in the attempt to reach Schonberg. Troop Ii, 18th CAV, attached to the 423rd, had been given approval by radio to withdraw the day before - December le!! We were not aware of this decision, which left our left flank completely exposed. We fell in behind Troop B, 18th CAV, and continued northward on secondary roads toward Schonberg. During our journey, we were under occasional artillery fire, including some tree bursts, until it began to get dark. We stopped on a wooded knoll just short of Schonberg to confer with the officers of Troop B, 18th CAV. After a short conference, it was decided we would break up into small groups and attempt to infiltrate the lines west toward St. Vith and get back to what we hoped would be American territory,
    We disabled our vehicles, guns, and radios; then walked a short distance into the woods to what appeared to be a woodcutter's shack, It was then decided we would spend the night here and see what the situation was in the morning. Just after daylight on 18 December 1944, we were nudged awake by German troops holding submachine guns and rifles and told we were now prisoners of war and the war was over for us!! (Note: I read one story that stated ...they surrendered to a group of I 4-•ea•-olds withal firing a shot.... I wonder if the author of that statement ever looked into the muzzle of a "Burp Gun" and asked the soldier holding it.,.. "how old are you??")
    The greatest irony of all is the fact that the 106th Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop was deployed as Infantry (replacing a Rifle Company in the defense) prior to any combat activity in the area. And, we fought as Infantry -- although we had not been trained or equipped as Infantry -- yet, we were not considered eligible for the Combat Infantry Badge. Nor, have we ever been considered for any of the other medals or accolades deservedly heaped onto all the other Units in the area on that day that did their duty exactly as we did because of aH the inaccurate and misinformation recorded about us in so-called "official" records!!
    I have had no contact with anyone from the Troop who said they had ever been interviewed "officially" about what we did or did not do during this period of December 16-18,1944, at Grosslangenfeld!! After my release asillk prisoner of war, I was 'debriefed' by be asked these 3 questions.....did you see any acts of heroism by any member of your Troop (this was the point at which 1 related the "act beyond the call of duty" performed by S/Sgt Roy Mechling at Grosslangenfeld; recommending he be awarded the Silver Star for his bravery. On 16 May 1996 (about 52 years later!!), S/Sgt Mechling was finally awarded the Bronze Star Medal with "V" device in an appropriate ceremony at Fort Jackson, South Carolina' )....did you see any cowardice by any member of your Troop (I answered, ABSOLUTELY IS01)..,..were you treated is as humane manner while a prisoner of war.,., !!! This account as written is the truth of what really happened, and to prove the 106th RECONNAISSANCE TROOP DID NOT DISINTEGRATE on 16 December 1944....
Joseph C, Haines Lt. Col, AUS (Ret)
Part of 2nd Platoon, 106th Recon Troop during Basic
Training - Fort Jackson


106th Infantry Division Association Mini-Reunions- 1999
    The following pages show photos and reports from the 1999 Mini-Reunions held throughout the United States. We wish to thank those that played a part in organizing these get-togethers for the members of the 106th Infantry Division. Many of those who cannot attend the annual reunions have an opportunity through these wonderful parties to enjoy the camaraderie of their fellow veterans'
    It is obvious that good will among the men and their wives and guests prevail during these events. We hope that if you did not attend a local Mini-Reunion that you make note of the address and telephone number of this year's sponsor. Call them and join in the spirit next year when they will once again be held. If this year's sponsor is not organizing the next one, they can tell you who is.
    If you would like to sponsor a "Get-Together ," this year. The address labels of Association members in your area are available from the CUB editor. The Board of Directors feel that the December 16th Mini-Reunions will in time, because of our age, supplement and later replace the annual reunions. Thank you all for participating and a special thanks to you that sponsored these events.
Mini Reunion Chairman,
Joseph Maloney,
2nd Vice-President, 106th Infantry Division Association
Written specifically for all of our Reunion gatherings
by Dale Carver, 424/HQ 3Bn, author of: Before the Veterans Die
We were there, that winter long ago.
We survived; many of our comrades felt
Twin enemies were the weather and the foe -
the never-ending cold and the bursting shell.
Conceived of this ordeal of fire and icy earth
this brotherhood of old men came to be;
a kinship stronger far than that by birth
was born when we were young, across the sea.
Of the ties that bind, others cannot know,
but we were there, that winter long ago....

The CUB of the Golden Lion
1999 December 16th Mini-Reunions...
New England Area:
Benjamin B. Britton, 424/E, 36 Warren Rd, Auburn, MA 01501-1855 Tele: 508-832-2308
    Our Mini-Reunion was held December 4th at Indian Meadows Country Club in Westboro, MA. There were thirty people in attendance. After a lovely meal we had a speaker Christian de Marcken who spoke of his experiences as a Belgian teen-ager in the Battle of the Bulge.
    Attending were: William & Majorie Busier with their daughter; Richard & Emma Ferguson; Daniel Holl Jr & his wife; Raymond & Ann Russell; Clayton & Frances Rice; John & Virginia Kelly; Harry & C Luscombe; Richard & Rosalie Bras; Albert & Aurelia Erickson; Kachadore & Ann Berberian; James Irene Mason; Maurice & Bernice Halladay; Leighton Washburn & daughter Una Gerber;Christian & Jeanne de Marcken; Benjiman & Avis Britton; Robert Smith and wife.
Thy (TR th,,Golden Lion
1999 December 16th Mini-Reunions...
Southern California Area
Milton Weiner, 424/M 28121 Ridgethome Court, Rancho Palos Verde, CA 9027 Tele: 310- 544-0470
    This was the Thirteenth Annual Southern California Bulge Commemoration Event' As usual we started by reading 424th/HQ 3 Bn's Dale Carver's "My First Reunion." This will always be appropriate at any and every Reunion,"
    flienty attended to enjoy the fellowship and the memories of "When We Were Young Across the Sea." endance was the highest in years and was due to the efficient mailing lists fumished by John Kline. In , we are scheduled for 3 December, 2000 at 1:00 PM. Please write or call to be added to the mailing list. See my address and telephone number in the header caption above.
    Present on 5 December, 1999 were James & Aid Yamasaki 590/MED; Leo Krueser 81/MED; Robert & Betty Wiedlin 422/C; Eric & Frieda Vanderhorst 423/F; Bill DeBlase 106MP; Francis Fang; Joseph & Ann Litvin 423/D; Robert &Jeanette Josephs 422/HQ; Cliff& Sarah Kincannon 590/HQ; Robert, Randy & Mary Lou Marsh 423/D Milton and Bella Weiner, 424/M

The CUB of the Golden Lion
1999 December 16th Mini-Reunions...
Northern California Area
Edward Prewett, 424/8, 7831 Lone Tree Way, Brentwood, CA 94513-2109 Tele: 925-634-3082
    The Northern California group of 106th members met on 16 December 1999 at Fort Miley VA Medical Center in San Francisco. Our members were the honored guests of the Golden Gate Chapter Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge, who were dedicating three new trail signs - "Arlon," "Luxembourg" and "Parker's Crossroads'" The monument in memory of the battle is in a beautiful location overlooking the Pacific Oilk We had 12 of our group in attendance and all were permitted to participate in the unveiling of the monu
    President John Gregory did the honors for the 106th giving a short review of the events that took plac Parker's Crossroads. Adding to the ceremony - Irving Grossman, 422/1 was presented his POW Medal' L/R in photo: Mr & Mrs Clarenee R. Meltensen - our British Associate member; Robert Bredlinger 423/HQ; Edward Prewett (Assoc Past-President) 424/B; Mike Thome(Assoc Past-President) 422/HQ I Bn; Reddie Prewett U.S. Navy; John E. Gregroy (Current Association President) 424/E; Edwin Dunn 423/HQ Be;1 Fred
    Sebastunelli DIV/HQ; John Stauff 591/B; Irving Grossman 422/I not in photo above - see page 40 for his photo); George Lau 422/HQ 1Bn.
Dedication, by VB0B, of the Parker's Crossroads trail sign, in conjunction with two
other signs, Arlon and Luxembourg, This beautiful site is at Fort Miley VA Medical
Center, San Francisco, see story above,

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Detroit, Michigan Area
Russell Mayotte, 424/F, 9628 Cavelle St., Livonia, MI 48150 Tele: 3134214St,,
    L/R -Men - Back Row: John Plotkowski 422/HQ IBn; John Roberts 592/C; Harold Kuizema 589/A; Jay Ice 424/SV; John Kearns 423/K; Chas. Reeber 423/D
ipMiddle Row:Paul Chaslon, 422/H; Andrew Mato 424/E; Tony Rand 589/B; Mel Bliech 424/HQ l&R; Joc
    lik 423/I Row: John Shalhoud 424Joe Russ Mayotte 424/F; Rudy Aittama 106 RECON; John Teahan 422/K N in photo Gene Timm 423/D and Mario Angelo 423D. Ladies Back Row: Joan Bleich; 423D,Reeber; Jean Ice; Mary Teahan
    Front Row: Jessica Kuizema, Ruth Rand; Barbara Mayotte; Stella Ormalik; Norma Aittama; Pauline Mato Front&Center Jean Schutte.


1999 December 16th Mini-Reunions...
1999 December 16th Mini-Reunions...
Mesa Arizona Area
    John Swett (Past-Pres.), 10691 E. Northern Crest Drive, Tuscon, AZ 85748 Tele:520-722-6016 Attendees in alphabetical order (not in "picture" order); Toby & Amy Anderson; Rosemary Baker; Ralph & Cindy Bean; Richard & Bea Behr; Ed Cottingham (91-our oldest guest) and his son, Lester King; Joseph & Jean Laux; Emilio & Vicky Membril la, John Swett; Herman & Helen Van De Bogart and Jack & Dortha Watters. The luncheon was held at "The Property" in Casa Grande on 16 December 1999, in conjunction with the Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge. All together there were over 100 veterans, wives and guests. Colors were posted, by the Marine Corps Junior ROTC from Coolidge High Schoo University of Arizona professor, representing Senator Kolbe was the featured speaker. Camraderie abundunat. Attendees came from all parts of Arizona, as far west as Yuma, south of Tucson, northwest Phoenix and several from Phoenix, itself. We hope to return to this location again next year,
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Ralph Nelson DDS 422/CN, 1 Acorna Lane, Los Alamos, NM 87544
    We held our reunion 16 December 1999 at a popular retaurant' We wish to thanks Armando for his years of service as chairman of this meeting. We had a very good time reminiscing and socializing.
    Above lir: Ralph Nelson, 422nd Cannon; Robert Soladay, 422 Service; Jack Marshall a friend from the 26th Id Div; Louis Baca, 422/L and Armando Velasquez, 424/K

The CUB of the Golden Lion
1999 December 16th Mini-Reunions...
Mt. Vernon, Illinois Area
Glenn Hartlieb, 1805 Olive St, Highland, IL 62249 Tele: 618-654-7382
    A group of the 106th attended a reunion celebrating the anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge at the Ramada Inn, Vernon, Illinois on December 4, 1999.
    'en Ur: Glenn Hartlieb, Louis Colbert, George Bloomingburg, Eugene Saucerman, Harold Bretton, r Breite, Kenneth Bryan and Robert York Ladies: Junita Bloomingburg, Marge Bryan, Nadine Harlieb, Verna Colbert, Farrol Bratton, Avis Breite, Thelma York and Sally Saucerman

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Reading, Pennsylvania Area
John J. Gallagher, 81st ENG/C, 4003 Francis St., Temple, PA 19560 TELE: 610-929-2887
    The Reading Area held its annual Memorial Dinner, 3 December 1999 at the Dutch Colony Motor Lodge. We gathered in Remembrance ofLodge'es of the Battle of the Bulge. We had a great time. Twenty-eight 106ers joined together in Fellowship. They came from Georgia, Fellowship'lvania, New Jersey and the Reading area.
    For next year's party informatarea'for 1 December 2000, contact me, see caption above for num Men Standing Peaption Harris; Bert Hartzell; John Gallagher; Charles Dane; Vince Sziber; Wit
    Crossland; Fred Carr; Walter Shirk; Stephen Hudock; Orfeo Agostini; Jack McDevitt Seated 1/r:Donald Showalter; Stanley Kowalski; Joe Tarantino Ladies Standing Pr: Nancy Dane; Connie Trantino; Betty Carr; Anne McDevitt; Ida Frank; Norma Crossland; Robbie Showalter; Marie Hudockl Lillian Harris Seated Pr: Alice Messina; Muriel Sziber; Stella Gallagher; Adalcne Hartzell; Erma Kowalski
1999 December 16th Mini-Reunions...

The CUB of the Golden Lion
1999 December 16th Mini-Reunions...
Left clockwise: Jack Sulser, 423/F; Lowell Harlan, 424/E Lynn
and Col Alan W. Jones, Jr, 423/HQ (USA Ret).
Guest Speaker: Leo Bretholz, author of
"Leap Into Darkness."
Left clockwise: Marbury Councell, 96 Bomb
Group/AF; Bill Mercer USAAC; Bill Johnson,
424/K and Bill Hemelt, 424/H
Jo11Pryland - D.C. - Virginia Area
n R. Schaffner, 1811 Miller Road, Cockeysville, MD 21020-1013 Tele: 410- 5484-2754
    Our 16 December Luncheon at the Ft. Meade 0-Club went very well. We had 47 to attend which included only 16 actual 1060 Division veterans of the BOB, The remainder were veteran's families and other guests. Before the meal was served, Jack Sulser, Past President of the 1060 Association, talked about his recent trip back to Belgium and having located where he (and the rest of his platoon) left their duffle bags just before the big attack. The bags were no longer there, but Jack did meet a Belgian gentleman, who lived nearby, who told Jack that he had discovered the cache' of bags (in 1944) and had selected various items that were put to good use, He no longer had the D-Bars or K-Rations, but he did still have some of the French money that was in some of the bags
    Our principle speaker was Leo Bretholz (Author of "Leap Into Darkness" and a friend of mine.) Leo talked about his experience of being pursued by the Germans (1938 --1945) for the sole reason that he was born a Jew. Lco was received very well by the group. It was extremely quiet while he was talking, That is always a good sign,
    The following were present: Leo Bretholz, Guest Speaker, Flo Bretholz, Denise Harris, Ann Harris , Dan Harris, Alan Yeater, 82' AB Div. Assn,,Chmn. XVIII AB Corps Association, Gcrlinde Cox, Marbury Councell, 96' Bomb Group, 8th AF, Bill Mercer, USAAC,
    Jack Sulser, 1061D, 423 Inf Regt./F, Past President, 106" Inf, Div, Assn, Austin L, Byrd, Jr., 106' ID, 589/A, Doris Rathbun, Curtis Anderson 3' AD 360 Armored Inf., Betty Lou Anderson, Stanley Etachmurski 401' FAB, 1060 Attch,, Ann Marie Kecch, Clark Dovell, 1061D, 422 Inf, Regt./M, Thelma Novell, Phil Hannan, 106 ID, 81" Eng/A, Jean Hannan, Lowell Harlan, 106 ID, 424 Inf. Rcgt,/E, William Hemclt, 106 ID, 424 Inf. Regt./H, Rev. Edward T' Hill, Chaplain USN, Ret,, Windsor Miller, 90 AD, 14th TBn/A, William Johnson, 106 ID, 424 Inf. Regt,/K, Alan Jones, 106 ID, 423/HQ I" Bn,, Lynn Jones, Kay Kemp, Associate, Ray Kemp, Associate, Tom Kemp, Associate, Ed McGinty, 106 ID, 589 FAB/C, Don Regicr, 1061D,422 Inf. Regt, / SVC, Catherine Regicr, Walter Snyder, 106th ID, 589 FAB/A, Ernest Miller, 106' ID, 422/G, Jerald Miller, Susan Miller, Lola Miller, Wcrton "Mac" McCray, Charles Wehner, Ken Barnes, 106' ID, 423/E, Catherine Barnes, Earle Valenstein, 106' ID, 81' Eng/B, John Schaffner, 1060 ID, 589/A, Lillian Schaffner, Robert W, Schaffner, Jeanne C. Buchanan,
106th Veterans- 16; 106th Veterans family- 11; Veterans other units- 8; Speaker & other guests- 8 JohnR.Schaffizer
Left Clockwise: Jean and Phil Hannon, 81/A; Ed
McGinty, 589/C; Col Earle Valenstein, 81/C(USA Ret)

The CUB of the Golden Lion
1999 December 16th Mini-Reunions...

Chicago, Illinois Area
Russell H. Villwock, 106 Signal, 8560 W Foster Ave #510, Norridge, IL 60656-2772 708-452-8628
    The Chicago area members heafternoon,ecember Reunion on Sunday afternoon. December 5, 1999 at the Flame Restaurant in Countryside, Illinois. This was the 41st such annual event.
All those in attendance enjoyed the change in time and day.
    Those in attendance this year were: m/m Rosenthal; Michael Kurzeja, m/m/ Zak; m/m Rydzinski; m/m Schober; m/m Meagher; Florence Lucsay;m/m Libman; m/m Adolphson; m/m Panice; m/m Halusek; in/m/ Dallman; m/m Richie and m/m Villwock.

The CUB of the Golden Lion

Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota Area
Howard Flen, Associate, 1716 7th St NE, Rochester, MN 55906 307-282-0409
    The meeting was held at the Cherokee Sirloin Room in Eagan, MN (Mpls/St Paul Metro Area). The 2000 meeting will be held at the some place with date to be announced.
Men L/R: Charles Haug, 28th Inf Div 112th Reg/B, Associate; Floyd Dahl, 590/C; Don Ruddick, 423/E;
    c Risberg, 423/HQ; Leo Schoonover, 422/1-1Q; Lloyd Brunner, 424/A;. Russell Gunvalson, 590/A; line, 423/M; Richard Cartier , 424/K; Alvin Swanson, 424/1;
    adies LfR: Dorothy Swanson; June Haug; Margot Kline; Dorothy Holstrom, guest of Cartier; Idelle Gunvalson; Dorothy Swanson and Audrey Brunner.
    Not shown; Howie Flen, HostBrunner,nion organizer, Associate. Gerald Linderman. guest, Associate,lot Division over the Rhine; Thanks to Don Ruddick for the excellent photos.
1999 December 16th Mini-Reunions...
//, CUB the Golden Lion
Fort Jackson, South Carolina
Wade and Vannie Toy- 4221K, 4605 Wade St., Columbia, S.C. Tele: 803-772-0132
    On December 4, 1999, thirty-three (39) members, wives and guests of the 106th Infantry Division Association assembled fora luncheon and Mini-Reunion at the Officer's Club, Fort Jackson, S.C. The group continued to represent S,C.rious areas of the State with thirteen (13) from North Carolina. We were pleased that several were attending for the first-time. Following the Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance by Rev Ewell C. Black, the traditional program was observed. We were most fortunate to have Mr. Carl W. Hawkins, director of the Regional Department of Veteran's Affairs, as guest speaker. He gave a very poignant presentation of the acomplishment that have been made during his tenure in expediting the delivery of services to veterans. This reunion was recognized as being the most enjoyable and meaningful.
    Men Front Row Kneeling Lmeaningful,estbrook, Waid Toy; Rev Ewell C. Black, Jr., Larry S Second Row L/R: Arthur Jr,,inson, John Cooper, Howard Terri°, Robert Hanna, John Frie n, William (Bill) Shipley Third Roe L/R: Calvin Abbott, Joseph Benfarado, Leroy Eubanks, James Eubanks, Charles Bethea, Sam J. Schiavo, Absent from photo: Rev James H. Tucker, Jack Hall, John Murphy, Carl W. Hawkins and Wayne Lee.
    Ladies Front Row Kneeling L/R: Lee, Moore and son Kalby, Lou Shipley, Julia Hinson, Barbara Sharpe, Clarrann Schiavo Second Row L/R: Gurteen Schiavo, Marilyn Hanna, Mildred Frierson, Hazel Cooper, Lucille Williams Third Row L/R: Shelvia Westbrook. Carolyn Abbott, Luvelle Terrio,Janice Beathea, Judith McConnell, Vannia Toy. Absent from photo: Betty Murphy and Allison Lee.
1999 December 16th Mini-Reunions...
The CUB of the Lion
1999 December 16th Mini-Reunions...
Atlanta, Georgia
Sherod Collins, 423/SV, 448 Monroe Trace, Kennesaw, GA 30144 Tele: 770-928-3207
    On Saturday December 5, 1999, a charismatic group of 106'ers gathered to great each other and to commemorate the Battle of the Bulge. The scene of the meeting was the 57th Fighter Group Restaurant, a place that reminded all of a WWII Army Air Force fighter base'
    After an hour and one half of fellowship, those enjoying abundance of food were: Frankie Burkes and guest Betty Turner; George C. (Rocky) Moyer with wife Ginnie and guest Mary Johnson; Bill Jenkins with guests Dot Lowry and Nancy Holton, Douglas Coffey and wife Isabelle; Carl Canup with wife Sue and brother J.C. Canup; Lee Darby and wife Elaine; and Sherod Collins with guest Martha Brocato' Unfortunately my photo of the ladies was lost because of a film jam.
en Ur: Lee Darby; Doug Coffey; Rocky Moyer; Sherod Collins; J.C. Canup; Bill Jenkins and Carl Canup.
Topeka Kansas Area
Wiliam F. Stahl 422/K, Arapahoe Ct, Junction City, KS 66441, Tele: 785-238-2364
    12 Dec 1999; We had 13 members and wives:Front Ur: Doris Underwood; Areletia Stewart; Mary Louise Ballowe; Juanita McCall; Mary Mock 2nd Row: Jake Underwood 590/A; John Stewart 423/SV; Thomas Ballowe 423/K; Theodore McCall 81/A; John Mock 422/I 3rd Row: Mary Low Stahl; Richard J. Schoech 106th Signal; Bill Stahl 422/K J' Francis Hesse 423/D

The CUB of the Golden Lion
1999 December 16th Mini-Reunions...
Oklahoma Area
Clint McClure, 423/HQ, 8607 E. 77th Place, Tulsa, OK 74133-3710 Tele: 918-252-7777
    Six of our surviving Oklahoma 106th Infantry Division Association members and their wives attended a noon luncheon at Fountains Restaurant in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Clint and Peggy McClure made the arrangements. The table decorations were made by Peggy' Tentative plans were made to celebrate the occasion in 2000' We missed our members and wives from Kansas'
    Men Pr: Howard Bryant, Coweta, 424/F; Lyle Russell, Ochelta, 422/I; Jack Behling, Tulsa, 4411, Leland Turley, 423/H; Don Herndon, Oklahoma City, 424/L; Clint McClure, Tulsa, 423/HQ.
Ladies Ur: Betty Bryant; Marianne Behling; Anita Turley; Peggy McClure; Joan Hemdon and Pauline Russell'


1999 December 16th Mini-Reunions...
West Central Florida Area
    Raymond J, Twardzik, 106th Signal, 5518 Garden Lakes Oak, Bradenton, FL 34203 Tele: 941-756-1440 16 December 1999 - The West Central Florida (Tampa, Bradenton, Sarasota area) mini-reunion was held at the VFW-Sarasota with 34 persons present. Left/Right, 1st Row: John Bev ille; Boris Stem; Jack Schneider; Wm Mangold; Ray Twardzik; Rocco Sergi; Lyle Broth; Harry Azadin 2nd Row: Robert J. Smith; Sid Auerbach; Rev Sam Ten Brink; Frank Scales; Norman Segal; Robert Eldridge; Leroy Zeigler; Bob Fisher; James Edwards 3rd Row: Dick Brokaw; Ed Lewis; Donald Schalter; Letser Helmich; Ed Creel.
Birmingham, Alabama Area 1998
Walter Bridges, 424/D 225 Laird Ave, Hueytown, AL 35023 Tele: 205-491-3409
    The George C. Patton, Jr. Alabama Chapter of the Battle of the Bulge hosted local veterans and members of the 106th Infantry Division at our annual Mini-Reunion. The banquet was held in the Jefferson County (Roebuch) Courthouse 11 December, 1999 with approximately 125 guests and member in attendance, Col Robert L, Casten, Jr, Commander, 1st Brigade, 101st Airbomc Division, Fort Campbell, Ky was the keynote speaker He expressed his appreciation for the heritage handed to his generation by the World War 11 veterans He hopes that his generation can pass the along the same values they received from the WWII soldiers, Left/Right: Barbara, Nancy and Walter Bridges; Colonel Robert L. Casten, Jr.; John and May Rector; Norma and Will Temple, Jr,; David and Frances Lacey,


1999 December 16th Mini-Reunions...
South Florida Area
Major H, Hill, 424/B, 524 SW 43rd Terrace, Cape Coral, Florida 33914 941-945-4087
    The 106th Mini-Reunion, 1999, was held on 18 December1999 at the Amtel Hotel, Fort Myers with 30 attending. The 3rd sit down Annual Luncheon, The first two, the first to get acquainted with each other, the 2nd the men talked of their outstanding events while in the military, and now the 3rd the ladies gave their thoughts so all members have had an opportunity to express many matters - and become better acquainted. It was a great reunion. Barney Mayrsohn gave us a fine review of the May 1999, 106th get together in Germany.
    MEN L/R back row: Major Hill; Louis Cooper; William Potts; Philip Cox; John Magee; Rh. Brokaw; John Fritz; An Kuespert and Ross Gillikin Front row: Herbert Karnes; John Thurlow; Bamcy Mayrsohn; Charles Zullig; John Hall and Raymond Reed.
    WOMEN L/R back row: Barbara Hill; Jeanette Gilikin; Peggy Cooper; Thelma Potts; Jean Cox; Margaret Reed; Joanne Brokaw; Martha Fritz and Ann Hall. Front row: - Eve Magee; Alice Zullig; Joyce Thurlow; Ethel Mayrsohn; Evelyn Hill and Ann McKeman.

The CUB of the Golden Lion
1999 December 16th Mini-Reunions...
Nebraska - Western Iowa Area
    Dean & Della Sandahl (422/B), 3041 North 61st St, Lincoln, NE 68507 Tele 402-466-3564 sandydandd@juno,com We met at 1100 hours 16 December 1998 at the All-American Buffet, 2800 Comhusker Hwy, Lincoln , Nebraska. Icy roads and a threatening blizzard curtailed our attendance, but we welcomed nine hearty "Hungry &Sickers" including a new found friend. Opening with a Pledge of Allegiance and the reading of a couple of Dale Carver's poems, an Invocation and the celebrating of comradeship and the beginning of The Battle of the Bulge, we were on our way. Reminiscing, conversation, steak buffet, camraderie, maps and
    WI stories kept us busy well into the afternoon, We have plans for one in 2001, and will invite some ly found" 106th vets and wives. Same place, same time Wednesday 6 December 2000. L/R''.'' Earl & visa Kinney, 423/B, Franklin, NE; Charles & Jane Henning, 424/I, Peru, NE; Harold & Lorraine Hawkins, 423/D, Omaha, NE; Dean & Della Sandahl, 422/B, Lincoln, NE. We enjoyed as a guest (not shown above) Mr. Ivan Schooney of Rural Uplans, NE, who is compiling material and other information to eite accomplishments of Nebraska Military Veterans of ALL wars. We admire his healthy ideals and wish him well in this huge task he has undertaken,,
Arlington, Texas Area
    Col, John Miller, 423/E, (USA Ret), 1511 Cochise Dr, Arlington, TX 76012 Tele: 817-274-2773 Our Mini-Reunion was held in Arlington, TX 13 December 1999 - Good crowd'
    Back Row L/R: Ted Jones 423/C; Ron Hagan, Associate, son of William, dscsd, 423/1.; Levie (Dan) Rhoades 424/G; Hugh Colbert 422/B; Vernon Hinsley 424/B; John Miller 423/E Front L/R: Pat Westfall 424/K; Herb Sheaner 422/G; Don Houseman 423/D; Wm Yingst 423/D.

The CUB of the Golden Lion
1999 December 16th Mini-Reunions...
Alton Illinois Area
LTC Marion Ray (US Ret), 424/D, 704 Briarwood Dr, Bethalto, IL 62010 618-377-3485
    Mini-Reunion held at Alton, Illinois 16 December 1999 at the Moonlight Restaurant by the members of the 106th Infantry Division Association, Guest Speaker: Jack Bickerton, Disabled American Veterans National Service Officer Special Guest: Lt Col Robert Leach, U,S. Army, Associate Member.
    Men Front Row L/R: John Rain, 589/B; Briggs Hoffman, 589/B; Paul Boschert, 590/HQ; ydriBauswell, 422/B; Carl Goering, Associate; Lt Col Robert Leach, Associate. Back Row: Victor
    422/1; George Nester, 81st ENG/A; Gilbert DeGerlia, 422/HQ; Ken Bryan, 423/HQ I Bn; Don His 81st ENG/C; Marion Ray, 424/D; Jack Bickerton, DAV, NSO.
    Ladies Front RowL/R: Avis Smite; Lucille Nester; Pat Hinrichs; Emma Jane Borchert; Frances Ray; Betty Rain, Back Row: Nelda Bauswell and Margary Bryan.

1999 December 16th Mini-Reunions...
Clifton Heights, PA Area
Charles Dane, 591/SV, 231 Davis Avenue, Clifton Heights, PA 19018-1429 Tele: 610-626-1866
    Sony, but there are no photos available for this meeting. We couldn't hold the gathering at our house this year, as we usually do. So we merged with the Veteran's of the Battle of the Bulge' which is very active in our area, Thanks to Stan Wojtusik, Sr. 422/G who is Past-President of the VBOB organization'
    The meeting was Sunday 12 December 1999 at the Valley Forge Militarty Academy & College. A Memorial Service in the beautiful chapel with the Corps of Cadets in attendance. A Laying of the Wreath in Remembrance of our fallen comrades. A similar service at the "VBOB Monument" located on the parade grounds of the Academy.
To those who were unable to attend this meaningful event, we missed you and pray that all is well...
    In attendance: Stanley Wojtusik, Sr. 422/G; Jim and Mary Bard, 423/I; Fred Vitali, 424/B; Charlie and Nancy Datte, 591/SB Battery; Bob Wilson, 591/SV Battery; Jack McDevitt, 81st ENG/A; Herb Whitehead, 81st ENG/A; Charlie Booda, 591/C Battery; Lou and Charlette Cunningham, 106th Recon Troop'
Washington - Oregon Area
    Myrton Dickerson 424/D, 2500 S 370th St #209, Federal Way, WA 98003 360-877-6615 myrtond© From the Washington Grego area, the Mini-Reunion was held in our home, in conjunction with the Annual Christmas Party of The Christmas Town Chapter Ameriean EX-POW's. Two of the Ex-POW members met two buddies they haven't seen in years.
    L/R: Ralph/Sally Jensen 422/HQ; Alvin/Dorothy Powers 422/HQ 1Bn; Geroge Strong 423/HQ; Ray Johnston 423/H; Myrton Dickerson 424/D; Fred Pilkington 422/HQ,
    Sitting on floor was Americo and Leah Fusco 423/HQ. My wife Beatrice Dickerson and Mary Pilkington are not in the photo.


New Members ...
2716 34TH STREET, APT 4
    Dear Sherod, We have a mutual friend in Jack Sulser' Jack and I were and high school together, sang in glee club's and quartets and ended up in the same division, the 106th Infantry Division' He was in an infantry regiment and me in the Signal Company' It's a small world after all' Jack asked me many times to join the association'' I need information on the reunion in St. Louis MO' Dorothy, my wife, and I are planning on attending'
9230 EAST SHORE, BIG FORK, MT 59911 406-837-5134
    Forward observer, Battery C, 666th FAB (Corps, non-divisional) Battle of the Bulge, crossings of the Roer and Rhine and drive through Central Germany' Author of Charlie of 666 (May, 1945) and forthcoming Charlie of 666, A Memoir
AZUSA, CA 91702
CLEVENGER, JAMES R. 423/D; 2266 22ND ST, HOPKINS, MI 49328; 616-793-8701
CLEVENGER, JON F. ASSOCIATE 2266 22ND ST, HOPKINS, MI 49328; 616-793-8701
COX, LANTIE 592/B; 615 JEFFERSON ST, KIMBERLY, ID 83341; 208-423-5314
CRAM (W), MILTON B. 423/CN; 3210 FAUNA ST, SARASOTA, FL 34235-6605; 941-955-5170

    From Ben Britton, 424/E: I am enclosing membership fees for a new Associate member' He is a member of CRIBA and VBOB' He is an American citizen but was raised in Belgium and was a teenager in Belgium during the war' Signed Ben Britton

FRIERSON, JOSEPH F. 424/G; 1000 WINDSOR SHORES DR #16-B, COLUMBIA, SC 29233; 808-788-3134
    I am a World War II Reenactor, historian' I came across to the 106' Infantry Division Association through John Kline's Home Page on the Internet'
HRENO, EMIL 422/SV; 29 DAWSOilli CLIFTON, NJ 973-7;
    I was a POW' I am a retired director to's of Domestic Relations Department for the County of Franklin, Chambersburg PA'
KIRKPATRICK, PAUL E 424/C; 2612 SHOEMAKER ST, BIRMINGHAM, AL 35235-2211; 205-853-0626
INDEPENDENCE, MO 64052; 816-252-2354
    We have five 106' members in our Heart of America Chapter, Tom Lamar, George Marcum, Albert Rapp, Dennis Wright, all members of the 106' Infantry Division Association and a new one that I haven't met' Will check him out next meeting.

New Members ...
    My friend Eugene Powell, 422/A told me about the Association' I was a member of I Company, 423rd Id Regiment' Captured along with the rest of "I" Company on the 19th of December, 1944'1 have included money for the book ST VITH and one year's dues' I am a member of the Hudson Valley Chapter of the American Ex-POW organization'

    Mary, one of Toby Anderson's daughters. Toby was in the 106 Signal Company' This is the fourth member of the Anderson family to join the Association'
    Toby wrote: Enclosed is membership for my youngest daughter. Now all four of our children are ASSOCIATE members' Mary's son Michael is in the navy serving on a mine weeper' He is on tour in the Bahrain (?) area,
f the Emerates group' All of our family
    reading the CUB magazine' We admire Kline's writing and all of the volunteers that keep the 106th Infantry Division Association going.

POWERS, ALVIN T. 422/HQ 111N; 52083 RED PINE, LAPINE, OR 97739; 541-536-5442
PRAETSCH, ROLAND R. 424/SV; 27 TURNER ROAD, liOLLINSTON, MA 01746; 508-429-2175
RAPP, ALBERT T. 423/I; 1000 NE 83RD ST, KANSAS CITY, MO 64118; 816-436-0957
ROPER, EDWARD Y. 422/H; 3135 GRACE HILL RD, COLUMBIA, SC 29204; 803-738-0681
    I was captured on the 19 December 1944, sent to Bad Orb, then to Berga am Elster at Buchenwald. I was liberated the 24th or 250 of April 1945. Graduated from the University of
    • South Carolina, School of Pharmacy. Owned Roper Drug Company, Lake, South Carolina 1950-1990' My wife and I have three children, four grandchildren. My wife is in good health, I had a quadruple bypass 12 years ago, getting along well. Recently received a reparation from the German Federal Government as damages for mal treatment during my stay at Berga am Elster'
    I attended a luncheon in Sarasota, Florida' I believe it was Lester Helmich that suggested I join. I was with the Division until Camp Atterbury, then I was shipped out'
LAKE OSWEGO, OR 97034-4020
    On a recent Elder hostel' I met 'Doug Morgan' I was not aware that the 106th Infantry Division Association existed' While I will not be able to attend the St' Louis reunion, I do hope to attend next year's reunion. I was a BAR rifleman. A POW in Stalag 9B 'BSIMS in chemical engineering from Columbia University' I worked for Textronix, Inc' 1959 to 1983 as a Division manager' I took early retirement, became a certified financial planner and still working at that on a part-time basis. We have been married 49 years and have three children'
    When I lived in South Jersey I enjoyed surf fishing on an old 1935 Ford station wagon. I enjoyed woodworking, I'm are retired electrical construction worker' I remember Capt. Comer, 424/K. We had a bunch of good officers and noncommissioned officers plus all men were the best guys I ever did meet' We came from all over the United States and we got

The CUB of the Golden Lion
New Members ...
    along better than brothers' My dear wife of 51 WRIGHT, DENNIS L. years passed away four years ago, she gave me a wonderful family' A son Harry Jr', a veteran of the Vietnam war and to beautiful daughters Kate and Ginny. I'm sending a check fora Life Membership plus $25 for the Memorial Fund'
Fort Miley, VA Medical Center, San Fransico, CA (See story on page 22)
Iry Grossman, 422/1 receiving his POW Medal during the California Mini-Reunion meeting'
(This does not apply to LIFE MEMBERS)
ARE DUE BY JUNE 30, 2000
Mail to: Sherod Collins
480 Monroe Trace
Kennesaw, GA 30144
nnual Dues are due and payable by June 30 each year regardless of date joined'
You may pay dues ahead. E'G': as many years as you like'
The address label on the CUB envelope will tell you what date your membership expires.
Annual Members who have not paid their membership fees by June 30, 2000
will be eliminated from the roster until they are paid.
LIFE MEMBERSHIPS are available ONE PAYMENT of $75.00


17463 S1LVEY RD
LAWSON' MO 64062-1418
If you know the unit for Dennis, please let me know' J Kline, editor

In Memoriam
    This Memorial section is specifically for 106th Infantry Division Association Veteran deaths only. Deaths of 106th Infantry Division veterans should be reported the Association Adjutant whose address is on the inside front cover of every CUB magazine.

Fendlason, Spencer E. 422/A 30838 Presbyterian Church Rd, Hammond LA 70403
Date of death as reported: 11/15/1999. Roster lists Lillian as his wife, no other

Fleharty, William P. 592/A 16 Frontier Drive, Palm Coast, FL 32137
Date of death as reported: 05/14/1999 Wife: Dharlys

Gamble, Clifford L. 422/E 1269 Flushing Ave, Clearwater, FL 33764
Date of death as reported: 04/02/1999 Wife: Martrha

Gross, Joseph J. 591/C 7782 Topaz Lake Ave, San Diego, CA 92119
Date of death as reported: 11/17/1999 Wife: Dolores
Korbel, George 423/8 1132 Coulee Drive, Roberts, WI 54023
Date of death as reported: 09/20/1999 Wife: Mary Ann

Leitche, Joseph H. 422/M 903 Valley Street, Enola, PA 17025
Date of death as reported: 06/15/1999 Wife: Meda

Lord, Malcolm E. 424/F 108 S 2nd Street, Denton, MD 21629
Date of death as reported: 10/12/1999
wife: Mary wrote, "John passed away' He had been in poor health for some time'"

Roland 424/1 2909 Keswick Rd, Baltimore, MD 21211
Date of death as reported: 06/15/1999

Patterson, Carl R. 106 Signal 4932 Post Oak Timber Rd, Houston, TX 77056
Date of death as reported: 11/13/1999
    Son David Patterson wrote, "Carl passed away as a result of complications related to heart by-pass surgery' He suffered a mild heart attack while playing golf, this lead into surgery'"

Peters, Reverend Emanuel 422/CN PO Box 11219, Elkins Park, PA 19027
Date of death as reported: October 1999
His wife wrote, "Please remove Emanuel from the roster, he died in October 1999'"

Rosenberg, Winfield 422/D 4001 E Blacklidge Drive #45, Tucson, AZ 42214
Date of death as reported: 11/01/1999 Wife: Dorothy
    Winfield's wife, Dorothy wrote, "Winfred was a POW in Berga. Henis survived by his wife, two children, two grandchildren and two great grandchildren'"

Stephens, George W. 424/H 2210 Turtle Creek Dr., Sherman, TX 75902
Date of death as reported: 01/01/1999 Wife: Kathleen
Wheatley, Austin 422/L 6040 N Sheridan RD APT 208
Date of death as reported: 11/24/99

Rest in Peace

    Chris Van Kerchoven, Associate member, Waterlo, Belgium Professional Photographer, amongst the Dragon's Teeth - Siegfried Line
Photographs and story will appear in the May CUB
Thanks Chris
The 54th Annual Reunion will be held at the
St Louis, Missouri, Marriott Hotel, Airport
September 7-11, 2000
Early Bird arrivals Thursday Sept 7;
Official Welcome Party Friday evening September 8;
Men's and Ladies Luncheons, Saturday Sept 9;
Banquet, Sunday Sept 10; Farewell Breakfast, Sept 11
Room Rates: $75.00 plus tax. Rates guaranteed beginning
Monday September 4 (Labor Day) through Monday September 12.
Room Reservations can be made now
Toll Free - 1-800-228-9290; Direct 1-314-423-9700
Schedules - Registration forms will be
mailed direct to all members soon.

A quarterly publication of the
    106th Infantry Division Association, Inc. A nonprofit Organization- USPO #5054 St Paul, MN - Agent: John P. Kline, Editor Membership fees include CUB subscription.
Paid membership 1 February 2000 - 1,665 members

President John A. Gregory
Past-President John A. Swett
1st Vice--Pres Marion Ray
2nd Vice-Pres Joseph P. Maloney
Treasurer Sherod Collins
Adjutant Gordon B. Pinney
Historian Sherod Collins
CUB Editor John P. Kline
Chaplain Dr. Duncan Trueman
Memorials Chairman ''.' Dr. John G. Robb
Atterbury Memorial Rep O' Paul Merz
St. Vith Mem. Rep .,... Dr. Richard Peterson
Membership Chairman Marion Ray
Resolutions Chairman '. E.V. Creel
Washington Liaison & AFR'''. Jack Sulser
Order of the Golden Lion . Russell Villwock

Editorial matter and photos
John P. Kline -- CUB Editor; 11 Harold Drive, Burnsville, MN 55337-2786; 612-890-3155 -
Business matters, deaths, address changes:
Gordon B. Pinney -- Adjutant; 60 Pinney Road, Whitney, NE 69367-2587; 308-665-1785 - gpow45®
Memorial matters and inquiries:
Dr John G. Robb -- Memorial Chairman; 238 Devore Dr., Meadville, PA 16355; 814-333-6364
Membership dues, Historical items:
Sherod Collins -- Treasurer/Historian; 448 Monroe Trace, Kennesaw, GA 30144; 770-928-3207
    The Life Membership fee Life Vets/Associates .....$ 75.00 Life Auxiliary 15.00 Annual dues, payable for July 1 to June 30
Annual Vets/Associates 510.00
Annual Auxiliary 2.00
Make checks payable to
"106th Infantry Division Association."
Send checks to Treasurer - see above'

Board of Directors
Alpha by year term expires
Richard J. Bras, 423/K ('2000); 14 Porter St,, Quaker Hill, CT 06375; 203-443-1685
Walter C. Bridges, 424/D (.2000); 225 Laird Ave, Hueytown, AL 35023; 205-491-3409 wgbridges@zebra,net
Sherod Collins, 423/SV ('2000); 448 Monroe T4..%e41,Cse.n3n2cos4tw, GA 301.
    John A. Gregory, 424/E (Exec. Comm') ('2000); 4624 Ashton Dr,, Sacramento, CA 95864; 916-481-3353
John P. Kline, 423/M ('2000); 11 Harold Drive, Burnsville, MN 55337-2786 612-890.3155 -
E. V. Creel, 590/A ('2001); 315 Fern Cliff Ave., Temple FL 33617
    Marion Ray, 424/D (Exec' Comm.) ('2001); 704 Briarwood Drive, Bethalto, IL 62010-1168; 618-377-3485 -
    Col. Earl Valenstein US (Ret), 81st Eng/B ('2001); 5737 Bar Neck Rd., Cambridge, MD 21613; 410-228-0716 - eagle@shorenet,net
Gerald P. Zimand, 422/D (`2001); 101 Joseph Street, New Hyde Parke, NY 11040; NY: 516-354-4778 FL: 561-732-3832
    Joseph P. Maloney, 424/HQ (Exec. Comm.) (.2002); 1120 Warren Ave, Arnold, PA 15068; 724-335.6104 -
Richard D. Sparks, 423/HQ ('20; 3180 Hanley St., Deltona, FL 32738; 904-789-4692 -
Russell H. Villwock, 106 Signal; 8960 West FostarZcZ 1:gorridge, IL 60656
John O. Gilliland, 592/SV ('2003); 605 Northsi13,7r.irgr:e, Al 36330
Frank Lapato, 422/HQ ('2003); RD Box 470234,.15,..:t riiire, PA 16201
Harry Martin, Jr, 424/L ('2003); PO BOX 221, Mount Arlington, NJ 07856; 973-663-2410
George Peros, 590/A ('2003); 19160 Harbor Tre;fit:73,37.13o2rct, Myers. FL 33903
Charles F. Rieck 422/H ('2003); 7316 Voss Parkway, Middleton, 53562
Philip Cox, 423,un /B (.2004); 317. Ma25:311s' IN 46239-8855
Richard L. Rigatti, 423/B (`2004); 113 Woodshire Drive - Pittsburgh. PA 15215.1713; 412.781-8131
John R. Schaffner, 589/A (.2004)
Jack A.Sulser, 423/F (.2004); 917 N Ashton St,- Alexandria, VA 22312-5506; 703-354-0221 - sulserj1(jearthlink,nct

HONORARY Board Member
    Colonel Joseph Matthews 422/HQ (LIFE); 4706 Western Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27606; E-mail % son Robert; rjmatt@bmd.clis'com •

Entrance to Camp Atterbury MusNo'
This issue: Featuring the 424th Infantry Regiment
and Clifford Doxsee's - Return to Slaughter House FIVE

Index for: Vol. 56 No. 2, JAN, 2000

Index for This Document

101st Abn. Div., 8, 9
106th Cav. Rcn., 3, 16, 18
106th Cav. Rcn. Trp., 3, 13, 14, 16, 18
106th Div., 11
106th Inf. Div., 29
106th Infantry Division Association, 29
106th Rcn. Trp., 3, 14, 16, 18, 28
106th Sig. Co., 1, 23, 29, 32, 34
18th Cav., 15, 18
18th Cav. Rcn. Sqdn., 15, 18
1st SS Panzer, 8
1st SS Panzer Div., 8
23rd Inf. Regt., 15
24th Div., 10
28th Inf. Div., 24
2nd Inf. Div., 15
422/K, 21, 25
422/M, 32
422nd Inf., 23
422nd Inf. Regt., 23
423rd Inf., 11, 17
423rd Inf. Regt., 11, 17, 23
424/A, 2, 24
424/C, 29
424/D, 26, 27, 28, 34
424/E, 4, 19, 20, 21, 22, 34
424/G, 27
424/I, 27
424/L, 4, 25, 34
424th Inf., 23
424th Inf. Regt., 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 23, 34
424th Regt., 10, 13
'A Time For Trumpets', 14
A.Sulser, Jack, 34
Agostini, Orfeo, 22
Aittama, Norma, 21
Aittama, Rudy, 14, 21
Alamo, 2
Alamo Defense, 2
Anderson, Amy, 21
Anderson, Toby, 29
Angelo, Mario, 21
Antwerp, 8
Ardennes, 3, 7, 9, 34
Ardennes Campaign, 3
Ardennes Forest, 8
Arlon, 20
Bad Orb, 2, 11, 30
Ballowe, Thomas, 25
Bard, Mary, 28
Bastogne, 8, 9
Battle of the Bulge, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28
Battleground Europe, 7
'Before The Veterans Die', 5, 19
Behling, Jack, 25
Behr, Bea, 21
Belgium, 1, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 22, 32
Bennett, Jackson, 28
Bennett, Jackson Z., 28
Berga, 30, 32
Berga Am Elster, 30
Bethea, Charles, 24
Birmingham, 26, 29
Bishop, Grayson, 13
Black, Ewell C., 24
Black, Ewell C., Jr., 24
Bleialf, 7, 17
Bloomingburg, George, 22
Blumberg, Nathaniel, 28
Books, 7
Booz, Kenneth, 14
Boschert, Paul, 27
Bowen, John, 7
Bradbury, Richard, 14
Bratton, Farrol, 22
Breite, Avis, 22
Breite, Vic, 7
Breman, 16
Bretton, 22
Bridges, Walter, 26
Bridges, Walter C., 34
Britton, Ben, 29
Britton, Benjamin B., 19
Brocato, Martha, 25
Brokaw, Dick, 26
Brown, Irving, 4
Brunner, Lloyd, 24
Bryan, Ken, 27
Bryan, Kenneth, 22
Bryan, Marge, 22
Bryant, Howard, 25
Buchenwald, 30
Burkes, Frankie, 25
Byers, Harold E., 28
Camp Atterbury, 6, 11, 14, 30, 34
Camp Atterbury Museum, 6
Camp Atterbury, IN, 11, 14
Camp Myles Standish, MA, 14
Canup, Carl, 25
Carr, Betty, 22
Carr, Fred, 22
Carter, Tiller, 13
Carver, Dale, 5, 13, 19, 20, 26
Carver, Dale R., 5
Carver, Ruth, 13
Central Europe, 34
Childs, Dean, 10
Clark, Bernard, 28
Clark, Bernard G., 28
Clevenger, James R., 28
Coblenz, 11
Coffey, Doug, 25
Coffey, Douglas, 12, 25
Colbert, Hugh, 27
Collins, Sherod, 3, 5, 8, 24, 25, 31, 33, 34
Comer, Capt., 30
Cooper, Louis, 26
Cooper, Peggy, 26
Cottingham, Ed, 21
Coulee, 31
Councell, Marbury, 22, 23
Cox, Lantie, 28
Cox, Philip, 26, 34
Creel, E. V., 34
Creel, E.V., 33
Creel, Ed, 26
Croft, Leo, 10
Crook, Herbert D., 3
Crossland, Norma, 22
Cunningham, Louis, 14
Dahl, 24
Darby, Lee, 25
Datte, Nancy, 28
de Marcken, Christian, 19
Debruin, James, 3
DeGerlia, Gilbert, 27
DeHeer, Richard, 12
Div. Arty, 3
Doxsee, Clifford, 34
Dunn, Edwin, 20
Dupuy, Col., 14
Dupuy, Col. R. Ernest, 13
Edwards, James, 26
Eldridge, Robert, 25
Erickson, Aurelia, 19
Fendlason, Spencer E., 31
First Reunion, 20
Fisher, Robert, 14
Fleharty, William P., 31
Fleming, Edward, 14
Frambs, Roger, 14
France, 14
Frank, Ida, 22
Freund, Abraham, 14, 16
Frierson, Joseph F., 29
Fritz, John, 26
Fritz, Martha, 26
Ft. Jackson, SC, 1, 14, 18, 24
Ft. Knox, KY, 3
Ft. Riley, KS, 3
Ft. Sill, OK, 3
Gallagher, John, 22
Gallagher, John J., 22
Gallagher, Stella, 22
Gamble, Clifford L., 31
Germany, 8, 13, 17, 26, 28
Gerolstien, 11
Gilliland, John O., 34
Goering, Carl, 27
Gregory, John, 2, 20
Gregory, John A., 2, 33, 34
Gresh, Michael, 14
Gross, Joseph J., 31
Grosslangenfeld, 3, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
Grossman, Irving, 20
Gunvalson, Russell, 24
Guthrie, T/5 James, 16
Haines, Joseph C., 3, 13
Hall, John, 24, 26
Hammond, Gene, 14
Hannon, Phil, 23
Hartlieb, Glenn, 21, 22
Hartzel, Bert, 22
Hawkins, Harold & Lorraine, 27
Heim, Henry P., 3
Helmich, Lester, 4, 30
Hemelt, Bill, 22
Henning, Charles & Jane, 27
Herndon, Don, 25
Hill, Maj., 26
History Channel Great Race, 12
Hoffman, Briggs, 27
House, Pete, 1
House, Pfc. Robert, 16
House, Robert, 14
Houseman, Don, 27
Hreno, Emil, 29
Hughes, Cpl. Howard, 16
Hughes, Howard, 14
Icegerreis, Jr., Raymond, 29
Jenkins, Bill, 25
Johnson, Bill, 22
Johnson, William, 23
Johnston, Ray, 28
Johnstone, Myron, 14, 17
Jones, Alan, 23
Jones, Alan W., 22
Jones, Ted, 27
Josephs, Jeanette, 20
Kelly, John & Virginia, 19
Kelly, Robert, 12
Kemp, Kay, 23
Kemp, Ray, 23
Kemp, Tom, 23
Kirkpatrick, Paul, 29
Kline, John, 3, 7, 12, 13, 20, 29
Kline, John P., 33, 34
Kline, Margot, 24
Korbel, George, 31
Korea, 3, 10
Kortlang, Charles E., 3
Krueser, Leo, 20
Kuizema, Harold, 21
Kuizema, Jessica, 21
LaCroix, Arthur, 14
LaCroix, Sgt. Arthur, 16
Lapato, Frank, 34
Le Havre, France, 14
Leach, Robert, 27
LeHarve, 14
LeHavre, 11
Leitche, Joseph H., 32
Lezzi, Calvin, 14
Lion In the Way, 13
Liskiewicz, Michael, 14
Liston, Earl, 14
Liverpool, 14
Liverpool, England, 14
Lord, Malcolm E., 32
Lorraine, 27
Loveless, Chaplain John, 12
Lucsay, Florence, 23
Luxembourg, 8, 9, 20
Luxembourg Cemetery, 7
MacDonald, Charles B., 14
Madsen, Robert, 14
Malmedy, 8
Malmedy Massacre, 8
Maloney, Joe, 1
Maloney, Joseph, 19
Maloney, Joseph P., 33, 34
Manning, Capt. James, 4
Marcken, Christian V., 29
Marcum, George C., 4, 29
Mardasson, 9
Mardasson Monument, 9
Marsh, Mary Lou, 20
Martin, Harry, 4
Martin, Harry, Jr., 4, 34
Matthews, Col. Joseph, 34
Mayotte, Russ, 21
Mayotte, Russell, 21
Mayrsohn, Barney, 26
Mayrsohn, Ethel, 26
McCall, Juanita, 25
McCall, Theodore, 25
McDevitt, Jack, 22, 28
McGee, Edward, 14, 17
McGinty, Ed, 23
Mechling, Roy, 14
Mechling, Sgt. Roy, 18
Memorials, 12
Mercer, Bill, 22, 23
Merz, O' Paul, 33
Meuse, 8
Meuse River, 8
Meyerhofer, Mary E., 29
Middleton, 34
Miller, Ernest, 23
Miller, John, 27
Million, Capt., 17
Million, Capt. Paul, 17
Mock, John, 25
Mock, Mary, 25
Moore, Chaplain, 2
Moore, Mark R., 2
Moyer, Rocky, 25
Nelson, Ralph, 21
Nester, George, 27
Nester, Lucille, 27
Oelschig, Albert, 4
Order of the Golden Lion, 33
Orzolek, Al, 14
Parker, Danny S., 13
Parkers Crossroad, 1
Patton, Gen., 10
Peros, George, 34
Perras, Cliff, 12
Peters, Lewis, 4
Peters, Reverend Emanuel, 32
Peterson, Dr. Richard, 33
Pilkington, Fred, 28
Pilkington, Mary, 28
Pinney, Gordon, 6
Pinney, Gordon B., 33
Plotkowski, John, 21
Pope, Ralph, 14
Potts, Thelma, 26
Potts, William, 26
Powell, Eugene, 29
Powers, Alvin T., 30
Praetsch, Roland R., 30
Prewett, Edward, 20
Prewett, Reddie, 20
Prosnick, Leonard, 17
Puskarich, Charles, 13
Queen Elizabeth, 11
Rain, Betty, 27
Rain, John, 27
Rand, Ruth, 21
Rand, Tony, 21
Randa, William W., 14
Randall, William W., 14
Rapp, Albert T., 30
Ray, Marion, 27, 33, 34
Reed, Raymond, 26
Reunions, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27
Rhine, 8, 24, 28
Rhineland, 34
Rieck, Charles F., 34
Rigatti, Dick, 1
Rigatti, Richard, 6
Rigatti, Richard L., 34
Robb, Dr. John G., 33
Roberts, John, 21
Roer, 28
Roper, Ed, 30
Roper, Edward Y., 30
Rosenberg, Winfield, 32
Roster, 31
Roub, Bill, 14
Rutland, Roger, 9
Sandahl, Dean & Della, 26, 27
Saucerman, Eugene, 22
Saucerman, Sally, 22
Scales, Frank, 4, 25
Schaffner, Jeanne C., 23
Schaffner, John, 23
Schaffner, John R., 34
Schaffner, Lillian, 23
Schoenberg, 7
Schonberg, 17, 18
Schutte, Jean, 21
Segal, Norman, 25
Selje, T/5 Willis, 16
Selje, Willis, 14
Sergi, Rocco, 25
Shaver, Robert M., 3
Sheaner, Herb, 27
Shirk, Walter, 22
Siegfried Line, 13, 15, 32
Simpson, John, 14
Smith, Ken, 12
Snyder, Walter, 23
Sparks, Richard D., 34
Srebnik, Edwin, 30
St. Vith, 7, 13, 15, 16, 18
'St. Vith - Lion In The Way', 13
St. Vith, Belgium, 15
Stahl, Bill, 25
Stalag 9-B, 30
Stalag IX-B, 11
Stamm, Jim, 10
Stauff, John, 20
Stephens, George W., 32
Stewart, John, 25
Stow-On-The-Wold, 14
Sulser, Jack, 1, 9, 22, 23, 28, 33
Swanson, Alvin, 24
Swett, John, 12, 21
Swett, John A., 11, 33
Sziber, Muriel, 22
Sziber, Vince, 22
Tarantino, Joe, 22
Tennessee Maneuvers, 14
The Battle of the Bulge, 13, 26
Thome, Mike, 20
Thompson, Paul, 14
Thurlow, John, 26
Thurlow, Joyce, 26
Time For Trumpets, 14
Timm, Gene, 21
Toland, John, 13
Tolhurst, Michael, 7
Toy, Vannie, 24
Toy, Waid, 24
Trp. B, 18th Cav, 15, 18
Trp. B, 18th Cav., 15, 18
Trueman, Chaplain Duncan, 9
Trueman, Dr. Duncan, 2, 33
Twardzik, Ray, 25
Underwood, Doris, 25
Underwood, Jake, 25
Valenstein, Col. Earl, 34
Valenstein, Earle, 23
Van De Bogart, Helen, 21
Van Kerchoven, Chris, 32
Vanderhorst, Frieda, 20
VBOB, 1, 9, 27, 28
Velasquez, Armando, 21
Veterans Of The Battle Of The Bulge, 20, 21
Vietnam, 11, 31
Villwock, Russell, 33
Villwock, Russell H., 23, 34
Vincent, Chester G., 7
Wakefield, 14
Wanne, 10
Watch On the Rhine, 8
Weiner, Bella, 20
Weiner, Milton, 20
Wells, James & Maydean, 12
Welsh, Harry J., 4, 30
Westfall, Pat, 27
Weymouth, 14
Wheatley, Austin, 32
White, Rishel, 14
Williams, Lucille, 24
Winterscheid, 17, 18
Winterspelt, 17
Wojtusik, Stan, 27
Wright, Dennis, 29, 31
Wright, Dennis L., 31
York, Robert, 22
York, Thelma, 22
Young, Don, 4
Young, Donald, 4
Zimand, Gerald P., 34
Zullig, Charles, 26