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Vol. 6, No. 2, Nov, 1949



     The main things I want to talk about this month are contained in two other articles of this issue - December, 16th dinners, and the Association's treasurer.
     About the Memorial Reunions on the fifth anniversary, these can be a bigger success than last year. but only if enough fellows pitch in and do their part to get them going. The article on page 23 tells how and where. Take it from there. Second, you'll see by our Treasurer's Report that we came through 1948-49 in pretty good shape. We wiped out our deficit, and now have a surplus, even though it isn't very big. The reason it isn't very big is that we don't have enough salesmen to get out and promote membership. You'll notice that in 1947-48, we took in $3,385 dues. In 1948-49, we only took in $3,306, counting the Auxiliary dues in both years. The $79 drop is a small one, but we should be increasing - not losing - revenue from dues. Actually, we did increase our membership during the year by about 200, but a whole lot of those were men who joined very late in the previous year, or after January first. We'll have to do better.
     Our national headquarters will send an application blank and a sample CUB to anyone you suggest. But better yet, why don't you write your buddies. You may say that one man can't do much, hut think what it would mean if even 100 men each got one or two new members! And, if you are one of the men who hasn't yet renewed his membership for 1949-50, do it now, today, by sending $3 to R. E. Rutt, Adjutant, 10850 Nottingham Rd.. Detroit 24, Mich.

     Just another reminder to start saving now for the 1950 convention in Detroit. Dates will be announced in the next CUB, or as soon as we can complete hotel arrangements.

     In the fiscal year ending 30 June 1949, the Association operated at a net profit of $114.01, and the 1948 convention at Indianapolis showed a net profit of $973.19 in addition. The Association's books of account show that a total deficit balance of $369.49 as of 30 June 1948 was wiped out during the year, and at the year's end, our surplus stood at $717.71.
     Indications are that the current year, helped along by a profit of about $340 on the 1949 Chicago convention, will operate in the black. Membership renewals are coming in at about the same rate as in 1948.
     As of 30 June 1949, our Memorial Scholarship Fund stood at $1,082.77, and our History Donation Fund for nexts-of-kin had a balance of $73.00. (Contribution to either of these Funds are always welcome!)
     Excluding the conventions, the following is the detail of how the Association money is spent and where it comes from

 Auxiliary dues







 Wages (part-time clerk)
Postage, except CUB

 Printing, except CUB
Office supplies, etc.

 Telephone, telegraph, travel
All other expense,


 Convention Profit or Lots

 Total Profit or Lott for Year

 ** shows loss

     The books of account are open to all members, and questions will be answered if addressed to national headquarters by any member of the Association. The above figures for 1948-49 are from closing balances before audit.

     The CUB, official publication of The 106th Infantry Division Association, Inc., is published bi-monthly from editorial offices at 237 So. Manning Blvd., Albany 3, N. Y. Subscription rate $3 per year, including membership in the Association. The Editors invite all readers to submit manuscripts and photograph, for consideration for publication. All material is copyrighted, and may not be reproduced without permission from the Editors.


     "You all know the part that the 106th Infantry Division played in victory. Spread thin in the rugged Ardennes, the Division met the full force of Von Rundstedt's offensive, his great winter drive. In a grim struggle against the longest odds in numbers and fire power faced by any division -- by any combat division in the war -- the 106th accomplished its mission. It held for five days, and it upset the timetable in Hitler's last desperate gamble for victory. Our fallen comrades in arms, with their blood, wrote a somber and heroic chapter in the annals of American military history . . .." (From a broadcast of July 15, 1947, by Cedric Foster)
     Wounds heal, and time passes. Five years have passed. Five years since that morning when the storm broke at 0530. Have these five years seemed as long as those five days?
     In 1947 and in 1948, local reunions were held in about a dozen cities, commemorating the anniversary of the start of the Bulge. About 500 persons attended each year, with the affairs ranging in size from our biggest one in Chicago with over 100 present down to the smallest in Tokyo with five men.
     Chapter officers and promoters in many parts of the country are at work planning December 16 reunions. But, only about half of our membership lives within traveling distance for a one-evening memorial reunion. That shouldn't prevent those of us who live in small towns from hunting up one or two or three buddies who were in the 106th getting together for an hour or so, passing the hat one time for the memorial fund, and remembering prayerfully what a great bunch of guys did for each other five years ago."
     Of course. if you want to remember your unlucky buddies with more than thoughts and word, you can always help to make their children lucky by sending your donation, however large or small, to our Memorial Scholarship Fund.

     This magazine goes to the printer early in October, so we can't give you the details of any of the December, 16th reunions. But you can get them by sending a postcard of inquiry to the man nearest your home town, listed below:
Albany, N. Y.-- D. S. Price, 237 S. Manning Blvd., Albany 3.
Baltimore, Md.-- John T. Loveless, Jr., 2549 Pickwick Rd., Dickeyville. Baltimore 7.
Buffalo, N. Y.-- Joseph A. Kersten, 128 Kenefick Ave., Buffalo 20.
Chicago, Ill.-- Edward L. Luzzie, 4824 S. Woodlawn, Chicago 15.
Columbus, Ohio-- D. B. Frampton, Jr., McArthur, Ohio.
Detroit, Mich.-- Donald A. Palmer, 1553 Hurlbut Ave., Detroit 14.
Harrisburg, Pa.-- John L. Hall, 3889 Front St., Harrisburg. Pa.
Los Angeles, Cal.-- Roy Wentzel, 1419 So. Olive, Santa Ana, Cal.
Minnesota-- H. M. Hatch, 43 W. Lake St., Minneapolis.
New York City-- Jerome L. Frankel, 158 Dahill Rd., Brooklyn 18.
& New Jersey
St. Louis-- Floyd D. Stewart, 705 Olive (Suite 621), St. Louis 1.
Springfield, Ill-- Russell D. Kelly, 1905 No. 10th St., Springfield
Uniontown, Pa.-- Charles Underwood, 11 Lenox St., Uniontown
Waterbury, Conn.-- Paul Sopensky. 1266 Thomaston Ave., Waterville, Conn.

     If anyone else wants to try to get up a December 16 reunion, no matter how small, we'll send him a mailing list of men in his vicinity. To request a mailing list, send a telegram or night letter to D. S. Price, 237 So. Manning, Albany, N. Y., and you'll get your mailing list by return mail.

December 16 is drawing near. If you are going to do anything to commemorate the day, get started now


    THE MICHIGAN WOLVERINE CHAPTER. at their 1948 December 16 reunion. The Michigan outfit, and our other chapters, are planning bigger and better 1949 reunions to commemorate the fifth anniversary of That Day. (Photo by courtesy of David Woodson.)

     CUB readers with a literary bent may wish to turn back the pages about a century and a half to read or re-read one of the classics of all time, Lord Byron's Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, particularly the third and fourth cantos. The English romantic poet could have been writing in this decade, and about our men, when he penned the following lines:
And Ardennes waves above them her green leaves,
Dewy with nature's tear-drops, as they pass,
Grieving if aught inanimate e'er grieves,
Over the unreturning brave, -- alas!
Ere evening to be trodden like the grass
Which now beneath them, but above shall grow
In its next verdure, when this fiery mass
Of living valor, rolling on the foe
And burning with high hope, shall moulder cold and low.

The Psalmist number'd out the years of man;
They are enough, and if thy tale be true.
Thou, who didst grudge him even that fleeting span,
More than enough, thou fatal Waterloo!
'Here, where the sword united nations drew,
Our countrymen were warring on that day!'
And this is much, and all which will not pass away.

    We are indebted to Charles F. McAlpine, Jr., Company K, 424th Infantry, for recalling Childe Harold to our attention. We regret that his suggestion was received just a bit too late to utilize a quotation from Byron in the dedication page of our Division history.

National Headquarters
    New national headquarters of the 106th Infantry Division Association is c/o Robert E. Rutt, Adjutant, 10850 Nottingham Rd., Detroit 24, Mich.


The Reviewing Stand
by Capt. E. C. Roberts, Jr.


Published by Houghton Mifflin Co.
     This is a story written from the personal diary of one of the most colorful characters to come out of the World War Il -- General George S. Patton, Jr. Mrs. Patton had much to do with the writing of the book and therefore we are given an insight into the life of a man both from his point of view and the point of view of one who meant so much to him.
     The diary was kept from July 1942 until just four days before he died from injuries suffered in an automobile accident. He wrote it in his familiar caustic manner and called a spade a spade as was his way of doing things. He believed in decisive action and saw anything less as a waste of time, money and men. He was a man to win, to intrigue and sometimes to enrage his fellow commanders. The first few chapters have to do with Operation Torch in North Africa, describing the combat there, and also the countryside and the people. Here he uses one of his colorful sayings about tactics: "Hold them by the nose and kick them in the pants." He discusses the Sicily campaign, but failed to make mention of the slapping incident which was covered very well in General Eisenhower's Crusade in Europe. Patton apparently wanted to forget it and regretted it greatly.
     After the operation in Sicily he begins with the time that the Third Army was pushed into the breakthrough around St. Lo. Patton was always a great one to be personally close to where the fighting was going on. Each day he tried to call at least one division CP to ascertain how the fighting was going on. In this manner he was able to better direct the large force under his command. In this section of the book it is interesting to see how Bradley and Patton got along. Bradley had implicit faith in Patton's decisions and sometimes kept them from SHEAF until they were completed because SHEAF was not always in agreement. Bradley' sometimes severed phone connections for that very reason. He disliked the British very much and never lost an opportunity to roast them whenever possible. One of the peculiar characteristics of Patton was a little saying he always used to himself: "Never take counsel of your fears," which coming from such an apparently fearless person gives us a little insight into his innermost self. He fought fear, the same as all of us.
     The race across France is covered up to and including the time that the gas for the fast-riding "Third Army was cut off for the operation at Arnheim. Patton felt that Montgomery was always trying to influence Eisenhower and that this was one of the times when he succeeded. There has been much discussion about Patton's idea of going on through the Siegfried Line before the Germans could man it, and he could have done it too, but what would have happened on the other side must be left to conjecture. In any event the Third was bogged down until the time of the Bulge, which Patton discusses in great detail.
     A maneuver was made by Third Army in the Battle of the Bulge which is almost impossible. On December 19th, it was attacking east and three days later on the 22nd, one Corps did a complete column left and attacked the southern flank of the penetration. It was part of the 4th Armored Division which finally relieved the 101st at Bastogne as part of this attack. Patton also brings out here his famous request of the Army chaplain to pray for fair weather to get planes into the air and his famous prayer which you have all seen at one time or another. Third Army's part in the reduction of the Bulge is completed, and the book goes on about the moves through the Siegfried and to the Rhine.
     He treats at length the 4th Armored task force which went to Hammelburg in which action so many of the 106th PWs were involved. He states there were two reasons for it: first, to deceive the Germans as to the direction of attack ; and second to try to liberate the prisoners. Patton wanted to send a whole combat command but was talked out of it by Generals Gay (Chief of Staff) and Hoge (CG) of the 4th Armored. Later on in his book he insists it was the only mistake he ever made. He mentions an interview with two
(Continued on Page 26)


     Today, as we are thinking of the fifth anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge, 16 December 1944, it is appropriate to print the words spoken by Floyd Stewart, 590th Field Artillery, at the 1948 reunion of the St. Louis-Southern Illinois Chapter.

Those of you who were with the 106th or its attached units four years ago today will not soon forget December 16th.
     Only five days before, we had gone into position in a "quiet" sector of the Ardennes. On December 16th the Germans broke loose with everything they had, and most of it hit the 106th, a green division engaging in its first action. Within a week we had lost more than 70 per cent of our personnel - dead, wounded, and captured.
     War can sometimes he an exhilarating business, with memories of victory, the leaves in Paris, the women, the cognac. But sometimes it can be a bitter, dirty, despicable business. Sometimes attended by unredeemed defeat in your first action, leaving you wondering whether you were betrayed by circumstances or by your own courage.
     That was the situation that we were in. Particularly those of us who were prisoners. And only long afterward did it become apparent that in its defeat, the 106th gained a glorious victory. The main force of the German effort was directed toward Bastogne and St. Vith, commanding the only north - south roads in the sector suitable for mechanized movement. St. Vith fell on December 22-five days late on Von Rundstedt's timetable.
     Maybe the Germans would have been stopped even if St. Vith had fallen in the early hours of the attack, according to plan. But that is only conjecture. The point is that the untested 106th, mauled by four veteran divisions, stood and held its position until it had lost all tactical importance, although every reasonable expectation led the enemy to anticipate a quick, decisive penetration.
     Of all the words that have been said about the 106th in the Bulge I like those Montgomery said best. I like them because Monty has never been particularly noted as a press agent for American troops. "The American soldiers of the 106th Infantry Division stuck it out and put up a fine performance. By Jove, they stuck it out, those chaps."

Report your change of address promptly.

     Send information about battle casualties, with name of next of kin if known, to J. Glenn Schnizlein. 727 15th Ave.. S.E., Minneapolis 14 Minn. We have received a number of corrections to our lists in the August- September CUB. and will print these corrections in next month's issue

    DEAD CENTER. The artillery hit on this Belgian house is just about as close to a bull's-eye as we could expect, even from our own team. Although we're not an expert on the heavy stuff, it looks like a hit on the near side, an explosion passing through to lift the roof and back wall. and an exit on the far side. Probably when that shell was fired, the little building was a thorn in someone's side, but see the pathetic note - a broom leaning against the side of the house.
(Photo be George Hayslip)

PATTON (Cont'd from Page 25)
    lieutenants who had gotten away from Hammelburg. These two were your reviewer and Lt. Bruce Fisher of D Co., 422d. (Reviewer's note: I am convinced that Patton only guessed or hoped that his son-in-law, Col. John Waters, was in the camp and that was not the reason for sending the task force as so many accused him of doing.) He regretted the incident greatly. What a combat command would have done again is conjecture.
     The book continues on to the close of the war in Europe and the last chapter is devoted to thoughts and ideas of General Patton with regard to ways of making the U. S. Army a better unit and better able to fight. Some of them are very good and some controversial, as were many things he did. For certain types of warfare he was tops. Much of the time when he opened his mouth he put his foot in it. All in all, General Patton was one of the world's great soldiers and this book brings out many of the things about his personal thoughts and feelings.

    SGT. PAUL A. CUOZZO, CCD Dist. Sta. III, CIS, GHQ, FEC, APO 24 Unit 5, c/o Postmaster. San Francisco, Calif. wants to get in touch with a former sergeant of Hq. Co., 2nd Bn., 424th Inf. named Sgt. MASKO. Anybody knowing Masko's address please send it to the CUB and we'll forward it to Sgt. Cuozzo.



After Action Fate
Paul E. Stones-. 424/K, 139 No, 36th St., Terre Haute. Ind., writes:
    "For your records and for the benefit of others who may have known him, I submit the following. "While on a vacation trip in the summer of 1948, I stopped in Mason City, Iowa, to see if I could locate a William Spencer who was at one time a member of Co. K. 424th Inf., and who, after a trip to the hospital in Belgium for shock treatment, was assigned to the Service Company with the 3rd Battalion, where he served until just a few days before the Division moved to Camp Lucky Strike. I learned that he had been killed while en route to one of the ports of debarkation. The train on which he was riding had stopped during the night and he stepped off to stretch and relax a bit before the train moved on. Another train going in the opposite direction, traveling without lights, hit him and he died a few hours later. He is survived by his widow and four children who now reside in New York."

Condemn Dark December
     Walter F. Hiltbrand. 423/AT, 455 East 8th St., Salem. Ohio, writes to take a few, swings at Robert Merriam's book "Dark December," and at Ed Roberts' review of it on pages 51-52 of the February-March 1949 CUB. He says:
    "Roberts' idea of laughable reading material and mine are quite different. I'm referring of course to your comments on that paragraph in that jerk's book in which he mentions the 106th in a derogatory manner. It did not make me laugh, nor any of the other 106th guys that I know. In fact, it makes us boil!
     "Mr. Roberts! You also say that if we want to read a reasonably accurate account of the Bulge - even though you think he is unfair to the 106th, we should have his book among our possessions. After he gives us the business, you have the gall to invite us to own one of his books! The very fact that he mentions the 106th as he does proves to me that it is a reasonably inaccurate account of the Bulge.
     "Mr. Editor! Instead of using space in the CUB to review Merriam's lousy book, I suggest using it to tear him and his 'very extensive research' apart. I'll like you to print Merriam's picture so at least I'll be able to recognize him if I see him. He'll get a punch in the nose, and many more. One for the eye and nose that I lost, and a couple for the lives of each of the six good guys in my platoon alone that were lost 'surrendering without a fight' as he puts it.
     "One other thing, Merriam says it. I suppose history may say it. That 7,000 men surrendered in the largest mass surrender of Americans in the E.T.O. It should be captured instead of surrendered. There is a difference between the two words. Our too regiments were captured. I have never heard of one guy that waved a white flag."

    LEWIS H. WALKER, 1st Lt., Co. H. 422d Inf., author of the combat history of his company, writes: "Colonel Dupuy's division history is highly informative, clears up many of the dark points in my mind, and I highly recommend that men who served in the Bulge and have not bought a copy be sent a reminder." (Ed. note: Copies may be purchased for $5 from the Infantry Journal, 1115 17th St., Washington 6. D.C.)

Check Your Memory
     A subscriber who doesn't want his name used writes us to say that maybe he found an error in Ed Roberts' review of "The Stilwell Papers." Ed says, on page 13 of the August-September 1949 CUB, "what he (Stilwell) wanted most, he never got - a ground victory over the Japs." Our correspondent thinks that Stilwell did lead American infantry in some of the island-hopping campaigns later in the war. Anybody know who's right'

     Your editor takes this means of expressing his thanks at the kind words, unsolicited, which keep coming in about the CUB. It's your magazine.. Let us know what you want, and we'll try to give it to you.







    AL HARDING, 4027 E. New York St., reports that he is going to make a try at reviving the Hoosier Golden Lions-- our first chapter, but one which hasn't been active since 1947. Al reports plans for a Decenter 16 reunion in Indianapolis.

    Chapter Workers met on October 16 to work on plans for the annual December reunion. Minnesota is one of the half-dozen chapters which has had a winter reunion each year since 1946.

Southern California
    HAROLD KNOXN. chapter secretary, 424/L, reports that the December reunion on the West Coast will be held in Long Beach, Cal. 'The chapter is raising funds by raffling a 9 X 12 rug, donated at cost by Marshall Lipkin. Distance doesn't seem to bother our California friends-- although they are farther away from Hq . and the conventions than and other chapter, they are very active and seem to be doing a fine job. We hear that Claude Webb, chapter organizer, has moved to Chicago, but the chapter is lucky in having a number of energetic fellows to take his place. Roy Wentzel is president now.

Co. F. 423d Inf.
    Fox Company had its third annual reunion on June 11, 1949, in New York City. Attendance 27. ART KUESPERT continues to publish the COMPANY 'F' GUIDON. and the last issue was a very attractive 18 page two-color mimeograph job.

Other Chapters
    No news. Can't print it if you don't send it to us. How about a little more reporting of activities by chapter presidents and secretaries!

     We know that company or battalion reunions were held in 1949 by Company F, 423d Infantry ; by the Quartermaster Company; and by the 81st Engineer Battalion. How about somebody sending in the details, with photos if possible, for printing in the CUB.

    Shows a scene that needs no identification. Remember New York harbor in October. 1945? The 280-odd officers and EM who were with the 106th from activation to deactivation returned, for the most part, on this ship - the Marechal Joffre.

The Honor Company
     In each future issue of the CUB, we'll print the names and addresses of all of the Association members from one of the Division's companies or batteries. Our order of selection will be based on availability of information in our files. If you want your outfit to appear, send us an article of from 1 to 2 pages about a-what the company did in action. We'll print it, with the list of CUB subscribers from the outfit.

     Company H, 424th had more Association members in 1948-49 than any other infantry company, so we are printing their roster first. Incidentally, we can't list men whose outfit we don't know. -- so if you were in this company but your name doesn't appear below, it's because our records don't show your outfit.

Donald R. Armington, 3125 John Patterson Rd., Des Moines 17, Ia.
Sidney H. Auerbach, 160 N. Church St., Hazelton, Pa.
Charles G. Burr, 4142 Union Bay Lane, Seattle 5, Wash.
Earnest Dick, 2228 10th St., Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
Robert W. Dietz, 710 Western Ave., Plymouth, Wisc.
John G. Fritzky, 3426 Shadeland Ave., Pittsburg 12, Pa.
Charles S. Garn, 410 W. North St., Wooster, Ohio
Robert A. Gilmartin, 3320 Cortelyou Rd., Brooklyn 3, N. Y.
Wilburn Grant, Box 367, Milton, Fla.
Wilbur R. Heckerote, 1010 Scott St., Baltimore 30, Md.
William G. Hemelt, 419 S. Macon St., Baltimore 24, Md.
Robert Kaiser, 717 Howard St., Evanston, Ill.
Norman L. Lee, 3529 Columbus Ave., Anderson, Ind.
Elvin Lusk of, 13 Glenmore Dr., new Rochelle, N. Y.
Raymond S. Marcus, 5528 Jackson St., Pittsburgh 6, Pa.
Lenn B. Neideffer, 1315 S. Lincoln, RR#5, Centralia, Ill.
Homer T. Olson, Karen fills gap, Tex.
Clifford E. Perras, blue front hotel, Nadeau, Mich.
John J. Reynolds, Jr., Elbert St., Brooklyn 7, N. Y.
William Rosenk?petter, 1865 20th St., Wyandotte, Mich.
Norman F. Seddon, 107 Roosevelt Ave., Bergenfield, N. J.
Robert H. Shields, 18244 cherry lawn, Detroit, Mich.
Mark S. Wagner, 413 Thompson St., Mifflinburg, Pa.
Lawrence W. Walden, 163 W. 155th St., Harvey, Ill.

     If you have renewed your membership for 1949-50, but have not received a membership card, wait one month from the time you sent your money, then write to us. We should complete our Detroit-to-Albany-to-your paper-work within a month, and if you don't get a card, that means that either we have your address wrong or that we didn't get your money.
     Incidentally, please don't send three one dollar bills in an envelope with no name and no return address. We can't guess whose renewal it is unless you have your name and address on it. No fooling, we get about three or four subscriptions each year that we cannot identify because they have no name or address.


     The annual meeting of the 106th Infantry Division Association was called to order in the Gold Room of the Congress Hotel, Chicago, at 2:30 p.m. on Saturday, 30 July 1949, by Charles N. Robasse, President.
     A preliminary financial report for the fiscal year ended 30 June 1949 was presented by the acting Treasurer. After audit by a committee to be appointed by the President, this report will be made a part of the minutes of this meeting and will be printed in the CUB. (In summary, the report shows that the Association's income exceeded its expenses by about $1,000 in 1948-49, and that the deficit which existed on 30 June 1948 has been replaced by a surplus of several hundred dollars.) A tentative budget for 1949-50 was submitted, and referred to the Board of Directors. As in past years, this budget will serve as a general guide to the directors, but may be amended by the Board as necessary. It calls for the spending of about $2,500 for the CUB, and about $1,000 for all other purposes including postage, printing, clerical assistance, travel, telephone, legal expense, and office supplies.
     Russell H. Villwock, Adjutant, briefly explained the activities at national headquarters, and received hearty applause for the prompt and efficient methods which he has devised and maintained for answering correspondence and handling membership records.

     J. Glenn Schnizlein, Memorials Chairman, explained that in 1948-49 the Association has developed a list of about 300 battle casualties of the Division, and asked for continued cooperation from the members in reporting information about men who were killed in action. Mr. Schnizlein announced plans for writing to all known Nexts-of-Kin in the coming year to obtain information about children who may be eligible for grants from the Association's Memorial Fund.
     The President stated that the Memorial Fund contains about $1,110, and that at the 1947 annual meeting, the membership had voted to make grants from the fund only for children of men who were killed in action while serving with the 106th. ("Killed in action'', as intended here, includes men who died as the result of battle wounds, men who died in prison camp, and men who are still carried as missing in action. It does not include those who died as the result of natural causes or non-battle injuries.) The President suggested that the membership discuss whether grants should he in the form of gifts or loans, and whether they should be restricted as to purpose. In answer to a question from the floor, he advised that gifts to the Memorial Fund may be deducted on individual federal income tax returns as charitable contributions.
     The following motion was introduced by Capt. Ivan Long, seconded by Thomas Riggs, and after discussion, unanimously adopted.
     BE IT RESOLVED that, until the next annual meeting of the Association, the Board of Directors be authorized to administer the Memorial Scholarship Fund and to make grants therefrom in its discretion, provided that all such grants shall be for educational purposes for children of men killed in action with the 106th Infantry Division, and further provided that grants shall be in the form of loans without interest when for use on the university level, and in the form of outright gifts when for use at the high school or grammar school level.

     The form and content of the CUB was discussed, and the consensus of the membership was that the Association should continue to publish its magazine, six issues per year, in its present form.
     The question of location of the 1950 national convention was discussed briefly, and deferred at the request of the Michigan Chapter.

    Plans for expanding the activities and membership of the Auxiliary were discussed, and the President explained that the development of the Auxiliary had been handicapped in the past by lack of funds The following motion was introduced by Marvin Rusch, seconded by Clayton Rarick, and, after discussion, unanimously adopted.

    BE IT RESOLVED that the Association shall turn over to its Auxiliary one dollar for each person taking out or renewing membership in the Auxiliary for 1949-50, provided that such funds may be spent by the officers of the Auxiliary only for purposes consistent with the charter and by-laws of the Association.

Chapter Finances
    Chapter finances were discussed at some length. Sam F. Cimaglia, Jr., Treasurer of the Metropolitan Chapter, outlined the financial problems encountered by that chapter, and asked that the annual meeting consider amending the by-laws to provide a kick-back of $1.50 of the $3.00 national


    dues to chapters. Pete House stated that it was his understanding that publication of the CUB cost about $2.00 per man per year, and that on this basis, the National Association could not afford to consider rebating all but $1.50 of dues. Eugene Boratyn stated that it might be dangerous to reduce the income of the National Association by giving kick-backs to chapters, and in reply to his question, the President estimated that about 1/3 of the national membership belonged to chapters but that about 85% of new members in 1948-49 were recruited through chapter efforts. William French suggested that the Association should first build up a nest-egg of several thousand dollars surplus, and that after this had been done he would favor distribution of additional surplus to chapters.
     The following motion, proposed by Ben J. Hagman and seconded by Russell Kelly, was defeated by vote of 14 ayes and 103 nays: "Be it resolved that, in order to stimulate recruitment of new members, chapters be authorized to retain $2.00 of the $3.00 national dues for each paid member who was not a paid member in the previous fiscal year." This proposal evoked considerable discussion: Father E. T. Boyle expressed his support for it as a stimulant to recruitment. Mr. French expressed approval of the idea, but stated that it would have to be amended by the inclusion of a quota for each chapter below which the rebate would not be made, because otherwise there would be no impetus to work for renewals of present members. The President explained that the main objective of the discussion was to assist the New York Chapter at this time, and that since that chapter had about 200 members last year and only about 70 renewals thus far this year, a quota system of rebates only on increased membership would he useless to them this year.
     H. M. Hatch suggested that the convention program be amended to include an hour for a meeting of chapter officials to exchange ideas on chapter programs and finances, and the President accordingly set a time and place for such a meeting. John Gillespie stated that the Michigan Chapter had maintained sound financial condition by collecting $1.00 per man at each chapter meeting - this amount, he explained, provided refreshments while leaving the chapter dues intact for administration of chapter activities such as membership promotion. Mr. Hatch pointed out that membership promotion must succeed if the Association is to continue, and expressed the opinion that the chapters provide the best method of increasing the national membership.
James Davis moved, Pete House seconded, and the membership unanimously approved the following motion:
    BE IT RESOLVED, that the National Association assist the Metropolitan Chapter with an immediate loan of $100, to bear no interest, and to be repaid at or before the 1952 annual meeting of the Association.
     After approval of this motion, the President instructed the Treasurer to transmit the Association's check for $100 to the Metropolitan Chapter.
On motion by Mr. Rarick, seconded by Mr. Cimaglia, the meeting adjourned.
     The meeting was re-opened at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, 31 July 1949. The President thanked the convention chairman and committee for a difficult job well done, and Mr. Luzzie reported that preliminary estimates indicated attendance of about 240 and a small profit on the convention.

1950 Convention
     The selection of a convention site for 1950 was considered. Mr. Cimaglia invited the members to New York on behalf of the Metropolitan Chapter, and Mr. Gillespie extended an invitation on behalf of the Michigan Chapter. On motion by Mr. Hagman, seconded by Arthur Cutler, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:

BE IT RESOLVED, that the National Convention of the Association shall he held in Detroit, Michigan in 1950.

    Mr. Gillespie stated that convention dates would be announced in the January CUB, and that the Michigan Chapter would make every effort to conduct a large and successful convention.

     Mr. Villwock presented the report of the nominating committee. (This committee included Villwock, chairman, and Messrs. Bickford of New Jersey, French of Michigan, Hatch of Minnesota, and R. Kelly of Central Illinois.
     On motion by Capt. Long, seconded by Francis Anderson, the report of the nominating committee was accepted and the President instructed that a unanimous ballot be cast for the election of the nominees as national directors for 1949-50. On motion by Mr. Davis, seconded by Dr. Ketterer, the meeting was adjourned. It was reopened at 3:30 p.m. on 31 July, for installation of 1949-50 national officers as elected by the Board of Directors from its membership, and after installation, the annual meeting for 1949 was adjourned sine die.


     MAX B. ALLEN, 423/A (So. Calif. Chapter), a former POW is living at 3022 Wynwood Lane, Los Angeles 23. We understand he is sporting a new Chevrolet.
     LAWRENCE E. ASTIN, JR., 422/Cn, has bought a home at 9 So. 3rd St., Milton Junction, Wis. He works for Parker Pen Co., and has two young sons.
     MEYER I. BELL, Sig. Co., is a C.P.A. with the federal internal revenue bureau. He lives at 2002 Dallas Ave., Houston 3, Tex.
     ROGER W. BELL, 589/Hq, writes from 515 No. Garfield Ave., Janesville, Wis. He'll be graduated in January as a civil engineer from the U. of Wis., and will work as a cartographer for the U.S. Geological Survey. Roger writes that he occasionally see 106ers STONE and THURNER from Janesville, KAUFFMAN, DONALDSON and JURGENSON of Milwaukee.
     T. WAYNE BLACK, 422/Hq, ex-POW and silver star winner, is core production manager at the Deere Co. Waterloo plant. He lives at 3006 Williston Ave., Waterloo, Iowa.
     RAYMOND BLONDIN, 591/C, operates a dry cleaning business in Watertown, Mass. He lives at Parker St., Box 546, Billerica, Mass. and writes that he'd like to hear from fellows in his outfit.
     ALBERT BORGNIS, 423/F, recently attended his company's re-union in N. Y. He lives at RD 2, Naugatuck, Conn., and is working for U. S. Rubber. Al was a POW at IV-B.
     HENRY M. BROTH, 422/I (Baltimore Chapter), has moved from Stalag IV-B to 3400 Oakfield Ave., Baltimore 7, Md. He is designer and installation manager for the Balto. Soda Fountain Mfg. Co.
     DR. HOWARD R. CLEMENT, DHQ, went to Washington last spring for a course in medical aspects of atomic explosions. From back home at 616 Moville St., W. Roxbury 32, Mass., he writes that he saw COL. BAKER, MILT GLATTERER and EARLE WILLIAMS in Washington.
     SHEROD COLLINS, JR., 423/Svc, Box 133, Waycross, Ga., is first sergeant of a rifle company with the Guard's 48th Div. He is employed in the postal service.
CAPT. M. N. CRANK is back with the Far East Command, at G-2, GHQ, FEC, APO 500, San Francisco, Cal.
     ALEXANDER M. CUNNINGHAM, Box 144, Arlington, Tenn. 423/1st Bn. Hq, was graduated from the U. of Tennessee in 1948, is now with Sears Roebuck in Memphis.
     MAHLON O. EARLE, 424/D (Metro. Chapter), writes that he recently saw GEORGE GALIK 1919 Centre St., Yonkers 2, and FRED JENKS of N. Rose, N. Y. Earle lives at 23 Morgan Pl., No. Arlington, N. J.
     Mahlon Earle has done a job which more readers should do - he's had a couple of his buddies over to his house, told them about the Association, showed them the CUB, and asked them to join. This magazine can survive only if a large number of its readers turn themselves into self-appointed subscription salesmen.
     JACKIE R. ENLOW, 423/D and a Bad Orb POW, writes from Taswell, Ind., has a young son and daughter, and is hopeful that he can get to the '50 convention in Detroit.
     ALFRED J. GERICKE, JR., 423/D, SSgt., got his A.B. in psychology from Baldwin-Wallace College i1949.9. He is a 2d Lt. in the Inf. ORC, and is aide to the CG, 833 Inf. Div.
KEN FORTESCUE, 423 /Cn, lives at Rt. 2, Box 498-C, Kirkland. Wash. He is selling Fords.


     BOB GILDER, 424/1st Bn. Hq. writes from RFD I, Elyria, Ohio -- says he's in the garage business, has a young son and daughter.
     FRANK R. GLATZ, 424/M, (Central Illinois Chapter) sends us a note of regret at missing the '49 convention. He lives at 3 Harriett Ave., RFD 2, Springfield, 111.
     JOHN C. KAUFMAN, 3296 No. 12th St., Milwaukee 6, Wis., is an engineer with The Lodish Co. He got his mechanical engineering degree from Marquette Univ. last February.
     EDMOND D. KELLY, 423/D (Metro. Chapter), 6 W. 77th St., N.Y.C., is an attorney and is an editor of Prentice-Hall's "Tax Law News."
     LEONARD KOPLIN, DHQ, 1103 Wings-hocking St., Philadelphia 40, Pa., sends us one of the shortest biographic reports yet. Says Len, "Just less and less hair."
    / FRANCIS LANTZ, 81/B, Rt. 11, Thompsontown, Penna., is married, works for the Pennsy R.R. He sent us quite a list of men from his outfit.
     SEYMOUR LIGHT, 424/ L, has a new college degree from Western Reserve, a new wife, and a new address-- 1348 E. 117th St., Cleveland, Ohio.
     ROBERT C. MADDOX. 424/Cn (Metropolitan), 551 Belvidere Ave., Plainfield, N. J., is in his senior year at law school, Washington and Lee Univ., Lexington, Va.
     DANIEL E. McINTOSH, JR., 411 Blunt St., Clay Center, Kans., ADC to Gen. McMahon, is cashier of the Peoples National Bank in Clay Center. He has two daughters.
     JOSEPH S. NEGYESI, 424/Hq, 85 Avery St., Stamford, Conn., asks why we don't have convention in the East. In answer, we'll probably be holding the 1951 convention somewhere along the Atlantic Coast, but 1950 is set for Detroit by vote of the members.
     GEORGE F. PHILLIPS. Red Cross man with the 106th, is active in trying to get a chapter started in the Uniontown District of Penna. He lives at 37 Linden Place, Belmont Circle, Uniontown.
     WALDO B. PIERCE, 422 F, 530 East St., New Britain. Conn., asks us whether we can get, from the War Dept. or elsewhere, copies of the POW pictures taken in Germany. Does anybody know the answer to this?
     EDWARD A. PREWETT, 424/B, is an agent of the Travelers Insurance Company, and can be addressed at P.O. Box 294, Brentwood, Calif.
     COL. ALEXANDER D. REID is now at College Station, Box 178, Pullman, Wash., heading up the R.O.T.C. at the State College of Washington.
     MICHAEL R. RENDER, 423/C, 1419 Byron St., Chicago 13, is owner of a gasoline station on Irving Park Road and Western Ave. in Chicago.
     JOHN J. REYNOLDS, JR., 424/H (Metro. Chapter), is commissioned as an ensign in the Maritime Service. John suffered a compound fracture of the skull and his right hand was amputated as the result of a tangle with a German 88 while serving with the 106th.
     CAPT. E. C. ROBERTS, JR., 422/D, editor of our regular feature "The Reviewing Stand," now has his RA commission as Captain. He is with the 25th FA Bn., 10th Inf. Div., Ft. Riley, Kansas.
CARLTON D. RUSSELL, 422/D, 1326 Meyer St., Augusta, Ga., is assistant manager of an investment company.
     GEORGE A. SIGNOR, 424/E, Vaughn Unit Bldg. 50, Ward 54, Hines, Ill., suffered a severe head wound on Christmas Eve, 1944. He is still in the hospital, and his right side is paralyzed. George attended the 1949 convention in a wheel chair. He has a six-months-old daughter, Emma.
    / JEROME G. TAYLOR, Exec. Of the 424th, 2d Bn., Lt. Col., is a practicing attorney with offices at 713 Bank of Knoxville Bldg., Knoxville, Tenn. He has four sons. is a Lt. Col. in the reserve.
     PAUL R. SINGER, 423/C, 3821 Washington Blvd., University Heights, Ohio is a salesman in the coal and building supply business.
ALBERT B. SMITH, Baltimore Chapter, reports a new address at 5419 Jonquil Ave., Baltimore 15, Md.


     HOWARD J. TERRIO, 424/K and 423/I, 720 Calhoun St., Columbia 2, S.C. recently was graduated from the U. of S. Carolina as a chemical engineer.
     HARRISON C. TISSOT, 422/C, 6724 Merwin Ave., Cincinnati 27, Ohio, has been one of the first men to renew Association membership every year. His last note says "The CUB sure is worth one's money." (Ed. note: Thanks for the kind words.)
ALLEN B. WILLAND, 423d, Box 451, Hammondsport, N. Y., is covering the Western New York area for Sundial Shoes.
     JACK H. WATTERS, 423/G, got his degree in mechanical engineering in June from Purdue, is now with the Gardner-Denver Co., and has a new address-- Bethany, Ill.
    / RICHARD T. FOX 423/B, POW at Bad Orb, got his degree in civil engineering and is now a project engineer with the state highway dept. He lives at 9124 E. 2nd St., Oil City, Penna.
     NORBERT L. WECKSTEIN, 424/Hq. (Metro. Chapter), is a senior at the U. of Cincinnati in electrical engineering, lives at 149 Pomona Ave., Newark 8, N. J., and when last heard from was trying to teach his son (age 6 months) to use a slide rule.
     EVERITT M. WILLIAMS, 424/F and 423/3d Bn. Hq., Sgt. Major, is in the plumbing and heating business, has two sons. He lives at 229 Delsea Drive, Westville, N. J.
    / FRED A. PILKINGTON , T/Sgt. with I & R Platoon of the 422d, purple heart, bronze star, and a POW at V14; and IN-B, now teaches net and is assistant football coach. He lives at 6 Catherine St, Port Jervis, N. Y.
     MINTURN T. WRIGHT III, 8016 Seminole Ave., Philadelphia 18, Pa., got his B.A. from Yale in June with "honors with exceptional distinction."'
     ROBERT C. WRIGHT, 590/Hq., 715 Clark St., Marseilles, Ill., is a top-flight bowler, sports a 196 average. He has two young daughters.
     WALTER S. YOUNG, JR., 422/E, a POW at IV-B, is with Owens-Corning Fiberglas Co. in Toledo, Ohio. Mail reaches him at 142 Henley Rd., Overbrook Hills, Phila. 31, Pa.
     GEORGE K. ZAK, 836 Elgin Ave., Forest Park, Ill., got his B.S. in psychology from Loyola in June. and is now in graduate study. He was with 422 D and 422/M, is a member of the Chicago Chapter.
     DR. GEORGE AXELROD lives at 287 Chestnut 'St.. Clinton ,Mass., and ROBERT S. HUNT's address is 114 Builder's Building, Charlotte, N. C. We had items in last month's CUB about these two medics, but forgot to give their addresses.

     The other day our mail contained a post-card from a reader who wanted to know why we had never printed an item about what he was doing now. The answer is obvious-- he had never told us. Your buddies are interested in your doings, so give them and us a break by writing to the CUB. When writing, always mention your name, address, outfit, and-- if convenient-- send along any snapshot of yourself.

     This is the last issue of the CUB which will go to members in arrears. Unless you have a 1949-50 (yellow) membership. card, you're off our mailing list. So renew your membership now. Send $3 to R. E. Rutt, Adjutant, 10850 Nottingham Rd., Detroit 24, Mich.
     On page 12 of the August-September 1949 CUB. we identified a fellow in a picture as James Teason. We must he wrong -- two post cards have said so. But nobody has given us the man's right name. Let us know so we can apologize to him.


BEN BRILES, [top]423/G, came all the tray from Arvado, Wyo. to attend the 1949 convention.
RALPH STEED, [middle]423/AT, Box 187, Robbins, N. C., has attended all three conventions.
EDWARD J. HEIDEMAN, [bottom]3317 N. Long, Chicago, Ill. is secretary of our Chicago Chapter.
MAJOR ARTHUR C. PARKER, 589th F.A. Be., is in Brazil with U. S. Army Sec. JBUSMC, APO 676, Miami, Fla.
    SAM F. CIMAGLIA, [top]5 Loveland St., Madison, N. J., 590th F. A. Bn., is Treasurer of the Metropolitan Chapter and a national director.
    JIM HATCH, [bottom]43 W. Lake St., Minneapolis, Minn., 422d Inf., a former national director, has been instrumental in organizing oar Minnesota Chapter.

     Photos and news items about all men from Company K, 424th Infantry. Another installment in the story about the Survivors of Berga. And many other features.

     MR. and MRS. DAVID WOODSON, 5863 Hazel St., Inkster, Mich. have helped with the formation of both the Michigan Chapter and the Auxiliary. Their son, David, was killed in action with Co. D, 424th Inf.

     WILLIAM K. FOWLER, 2830 Shipley Terrace S.E. (Aft. 101), Washington 20, D.C., writes with a new idea. He says in effect: "When I got my copy of "St. Vith: Lion in the Way", the Infantry Journal gave me two 25c coupons good in payment of books bought from the I. J. If other fellows also got these coupons, why not send them in to national headquarters so that the Association can use them to buy books for nexts of kin. There is no need for individual members to waste these coupons or let them expire. To start the ball rolling-- here are my coupons, donated for whatever use the Association cares to make of them."
     Thanks for the idea, Bill! How about it if you have any of the Infantry Journal's Book Dividend Coupons, send them to national headquarters. We'll put them to good use.

If you have any of these, donate them to National Headquarters, 10850 Nottingham Road, Detroit 24, Mich.


Index for: Vol. 6, No. 2, Nov, 1949

Index for This Document

Allen, Max B., 20
Anderson, Francis, 19
Armington, Donald R., 15
Arnheim, 6
Astin, Lawrence E., Jr., 20
Auerbach, Sidney H., 15
Axelrod, Dr. George, 24
Bad Orb, 20, 24
Baker, Col., 20
Bastogne, 6, 8
Bell, Meyer I., 20
Bell, Roger W., 20
Berga, 26
Black, T. Wayne, 20
Blondin, Raymond, 20
Boratyn, Eugene, 18
Borgnis, Albert, 20
Boyle, Father E. T., 18
Briles, Ben, 26
Broth, Henry M., 20
Burr, Charles G., 15
Camp Lucky Strike, 10
Cimaglia, Sam F., 26
Cimaglia, Sam F., Jr., 17
Clement, Dr. Howard R., 20
Collins, Sherod, Jr., 20
Crank, Capt. M. N., 20
Crusade In Europe, 6
Cunningham, Alexander M., 20
Cuozzo, Paul A., 9
Cutler, Arthur, 19
Dark December, 10
Davis, James, 18
Dick, Earnest, 15
Dietz, Robert W., 15
Donaldson, 20
Dupuy, Col., 10
Earle, Mahlon O., 20
Eisenhower, Gen., 6
Enlow, Jackie R., 20
Fisher, Lt. Bruce, 9
Fortescue, Ken, 21
Foster, Cedric, 3
Fowler, William K., 26
Fox, Richard T., 24
Frampton, D. B., Jr., 3
Frankel, Jerome L., 3
French, William, 18
Fritzky, John G., 15
Galik, George, 20
Garn, Charles S., 15
Gericke, Alfred J., Jr., 20
Gilder, Bob, 22
Gillespie, John, 18
Gillespie, John M., 1
Gillespie, Mr., 18, 19
Gilmartin, Robert A., 15
Glatterer, Milt, 20
Glatz, Frank R., 22
Grant, Wilburn, 15
Hagman, Ben J., 18
Hall, John L., 3
Hammelburg, 7, 8
Harding, Al, 14
Hatch, H. M., 3, 18
Hatch, Jim, 26
Hayslip, George, 8
Heckerote, Wilbur R., 15
Heideman, Edward J., 26
Hemelt, William G., 15
Hiltbrand, Walter F., 10
House, Pete, 18
Hunt, Robert S., 24
Jenks, Fred, 20
Jurgenson, 20
Kaiser, Robert, 15
Kauffman, 20
Kaufman, John C., 22
Kelly, Edmond D., 22
Kelly, Russell, 18
Kelly, Russell D., 3
Kersten, Joseph A., 3
Ketterer, Dr., 19
Knoxn, Harold, 14
Koplin, Leonard, 22
Kuespert, Art, 14
Lantz, Francis, 22
Lee, Norman L., 15
Light, Seymour, 22
Lipkin, Marshall, 14
Long, Capt. Ivan, 16
Loveless, John T., Jr., 3
Lusk, Elvin, 15
Luzzie, Edward L., 3
Maddox, Robert C., 22
Marcus, Raymond S., 15
Marechal Joffre, 14
Masko, Sgt., 9
McAlpine, Charles F., Jr., 5
McIntosh, Daniel E., Jr., 22
Merriam, Robert, 10
Negyesi, Joseph S., 22
Neideffer, Lenn B., 15
Olson, Homer T., 15
Palmer, Donald A., 3
Paris, 8
Parker, Maj. Arthur C., 26
Patton, Gen., 9
Patton, Gen. George S., Jr., 6
Patton, General Geo. S., Jr., 6
Perras, Clifford E., 15
Phillips, George F., 22
Pierce, Waldo B., 22
Pilkington, Fred A., 24
Prewett, Edward A., 22
Price, D. S., 3, 4
Rarick, Clayton, 17
Reid, Col. Alexander D., 22
Render, Michael R., 22
Reynolds, John J., Jr., 15, 22
Rhine, 7
Riggs, Thomas, 16
Robasse, Charles N., 16
Roberts, Capt. E. C., Jr., 6, 22
Roberts, Ed, 10, 11
Rosenk?Petter, William, 15
Rusch, Marvin, 17
Russell, Carlton D., 22
Rutt, R. E., 1, 25
Rutt, Robert E., 5
Schnizlein, J. Glenn, 8, 16
Seddon, Norman F., 15
Shields, Robert H., 15
Siegfried Line, 6
Signor, George A., 22
Singer, Paul R., 23
Smith, Albert B., 23
Sopensky, Paul, 3
Spencer, William, 10
St. Vith, 8
Steed, Ralph, 26
Stewart, Floyd, 8
Stewart, Floyd D., 3
Stone, 20
Stones, Paul E., 10
Taylor, Jerome G., 23
Teason, James, 25
Terrio, Howard J., 24
Thurner, 20
Tissot, Harrison C., 24
Torch, Operation, 6
Underwood, Charles, 3
Villwock, Russell H., 16
Von Rundstedt, 3, 8
Wagner, Mark S., 15
Walden, Lawrence W., 15
Walker, Lewis H., 10
War As I Knew It, 6
Waters, Col. John, 9
Watters, Jack H., 24
Webb, Claude, 14
Weckstein, Norbert L., 24
Wentzel, Roy, 3, 14
Willand, Allen B., 24
Williams, Earle, 20
Williams, Everitt M., 24
Woodson, David, 5
Woodson, Mr. & Mrs. David, 26
Wright, Minturn T., 24
Wright, Robert C., 24
Young, Walter S., Jr., 24
Zak, George K., 24