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The Cub
Vol. 52, No. 2, Jan., 1996

President's Quarterly Report
    The Orlando Reunion Committee surprised all attendees with a video of the reunion, which was really great. 'This reunion was so successful that they were able to send our Treasurer $5,600. Again, my congratulations to the Or-lando Committee.
    The December Mini-Reunions were really a success. There were over 577 members and guests that attended 22 local Mini-Reunions. I think there are a couple that have not reported yet. If so, they will be included in the next CUB.
This year we are refining our efforts by soliciting members by zip-eode in-stead of state, due to the wide-spread
106th Infantry Division Association population of members. State-wide,
Richard L. Rigatti, President - 1995-1996 whieh was the method used this year,
"B" Company, 423rd Infantry Regiment created some disparity of population.
Photo circa 194344
Vulated, as he tried to have a reunion of five states and 114 members in really
Hubert Crook is particularly to be con-
    scattered locations. He arranged a two day affair to induce them, but was not successful. I really want to thank Hubert for the valiant effort.
    We are seriously considering having a catalog sheet of war memorabilia, pins, patches, accessories, etc., and advertising them in The CUB.We would also have a reputable vendor maintain a booth at the annual reunions.
    At the moment, we are polling the Board of Directors, and waiting on their decision which could enable us to have the catalog sheet in the next issue of The CUB. Most of you have seen this type of advertising in the AX-POW Magazine, the VFW Magazine and other national service organization publications.
    I am writing this report in the middle of the worst BLIZZARD of '96 in Pittsburgh. For the first time in history we have had to close down three interstate highways. Reports say the snow may keep coming...
Wishing you all a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year
Dick Rigatti. President
106th infantry Division Association
Th, CUB of the Golden Lion
President's Quarterly Report ...
A White House Invitation for Veteran's Day...

    It started on Friday afternoon with a memorial to the victims of "Operation Tiger." In the evening there was a musical concert of WWII music performed by the Medical Musical Group Orchestra, choir and related services at the DAR Convention Hall.
    Saturday morning started with breakfast at the White House, followed by a laying of the wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington Cemetery. After lunch at the NCO club at Fort Myers, Virginia we were bussed to the site dedicated for the WWII memorial between the Washington Monument and the Reflecting Pool at 17th Street. There followed a reception at the Sheraton Hotel.
    Sunday morning services were at the National Cathedral for the closing ceremony. The Cathedral is a non-denominational facility and the services were condueted by the Episcopal Ministry. Our President was honored by being the "Bearer of Gift" during the ceremony.
    He had an opportunity to discuss mutual item of interest with past and current executives of the VBOB, AXPOW and DAV. He felt honored to be accepted among this notable group and enjoyed the rapport.. Richard L. Rigaiti
by Richard L. Rigatti, President 106th Infantry Division Association
    Upon invitation from the White House, I represented the 106th infantry Division Association in Washington, D.C. for the various services commemo-rating Veteran's Day on 11 November 1995.


"Heaven ..."
    Most of us, no matter what our religious background, went through our ovvn private hell some 51 years ago in that Decem-ber of 1944 and the months which followed. Those of us who survived and continue to survive understand that God has used us in many different ways since then but that we, too, have a place reserved for us with God.
    Dr. Charles E. Fuller of the Old Fashioned Revival Hour radio broadcasts received the following letter from his friend, Dr. Harry Rimmer, who was dying of cancer:
"My dear Charlie:
    "Next Sunday I understand you are to talk about Heaven. I am interested in that land, because I have a clear title to a bit of property there for over 50 years. I did not buy it, for it was given to me without money and without price. But the donor pur-chased it for me at tremendous cost. I am not holding it for speculation, for the deed is not transferable. It is not a vacant lot, for I have been sending materials there for over 50 years, out of which the greatest Architect and Builder of the Universe has been building a home for me which will fit me perfectly and will never need to be repaired. Termites cannot undermine its foundation, for it rests upon the 'Rock of Ages.' Fire cannot stroy it. Floods cannot wash it away. No locks or bolts will
    r be placed upon its doors, for no devious person can ever er that land where my dwelling stands, almost completed. It is ready for me to enter in and rest in peace eternally, without fear of being evicted.
    "There is a valley of deep shadow between the place where I live in California and that to which I shall journey in a short time. I cannot reach my home in that city of gold without passing through this dark valley of shadovvs. But, I am not afraid, because the best friend that I ever had went through this same valley long ago and drove away its gloom. He has stuck with me through thick and thin since we first became acquainted 52 years ago, and I hold his promise in printed form never to forsake or to leave me alone. He will be with me as I walk through the valley of the shadows, and I shall not lose my way when he is with me.
    "I hope to hear your sermon on Sunday next from my home here, but I have no assurance that I shall. My ticket to heaven has no date stamped upon it, no return coupon, and no permit for baggage. I am all ready to go, and I may not be here when you are talking next Sunday, but if 1 am not, I shall meet you there some day."
From by Al Smith, Copyright 1965
    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.
N4a. God be ith and bless each of you in this new year!
    Gracious Father continue to be with and to guide us in this new year as you have in the years past and use us to your glory this and all the years that remain for us. AMEN.
Rev. Ewell C. Black Jr., Chaplain
Order of the Golden Lion 1995
"A' Company, 422nd Inf. Reg.
212 Ridge S, Bishopville, SC 29010

The CUB qf the Golden Lion
From West Burlington, Iowa....
    lopes. I should remember someth. about the two weeks I spent at Fort Meade in the summer of 1944, but don't. All I recall is going to Washing-ton on a bus, or maybe a train. It was the Fourth of July but there was no parade. I got a free hotdog and a Pepsi from a stand set up for GIs. That's it.
    What did our outfit do in England? I remember being in London, getting a haircut in the Picadilly Hotel and hear-ing a buzz bomb go off one morning, miles away. But I don't recall any train-ing except for a movie about booby traps and going to a range to fire our rifles after they had been taken away to be "blued." Mine never shot the same after that procedure.
    These old memories, coming mostly in flashes, entered my mind af-ter I saw an exchange of letters in VBOB "Bugle" in which two vets 811, agreed about C and K rations. C rations came in larger cans than K rations, I'm sure. C rations came in three varieties but I always got vegetable stew, while the other kinds (whatever they were) looked tastier.
    People at home thought all the GIs got to see an endless parade of big name entertainers, from Crosby and Sinatra to Bob Hope. It wasn't that way in the infantry, as I recall it. My entertain-ment, such as it was, came from juke-boxes in the PX. There was no jukebox at Stalag IV-B, I'm certain, but an Eng-lish guy playing an accordion and wearing funny hats entertained us one afternoon.
Memories fade, whether they deal with long-ago ball games or the Battle
Dan Bied, "A" Co., 422nd Combat Inf. Reg.
108 Leffler Street, W. Burlington, IA 52655
Tele: (319) 752-5708
    An expert interviewed by USA To-day noted that it is normal for two peo-ple to remember things in different ways, or maybe not remember certain things at all.
    "Nobody's memory is glitch-proof," the paper pointed out, quoting Dr. Bany Gordon as saying: "You may notice a woman's earrings and store that observation in your mind. I may not have noticed the earrings at all. 'That doesn't mean you have a better memory than I do; it just means you filed that particular memory better than I did."
    Maybe this is why some of our 1944-45 memories are still sharp, though they only deal with trivia. I re-member Maj. Glenn Miller's band playing "Flying Home" one night while listening to the radio in our hut in Eng-land. The music I was excited about went in one ear and out the other for the guy in the next bunlc, most likely.
I don't remember army paydays, oddly enough, except for vague memo-ries about greenbacks in little enve-


From West Burlington, Iowa....
    oj the Bulge. Most of them become a blur in time, if retained at all. Yet I do have vivid memories of the first dead German we encountered, and the buzz bombs that flew over our huts in the Siegfried Line. I don't recall ever see-ing my platoon sergeant up front, but he may have been there.
    I recall gliding past the Statue of Liberty on June 11, 1945, "just like yesterday." But I can't remember the name of our platoon lieutenant. Or see-ing him up front, either.
    As a writer, I'm fortunate to have a backlog of memories, although I'd like to forget some of them. I realize that the Infantrymen who spent months or years on the line would do just about anything to flush the worst of it out of their minds.
    Forty years ago, someone told my boss I had "a nose for news." I'm still "nosy," more so than a lot of men with talents I ean't claim, such as selling stocks and bonds, playing the piano, tuning up a car engine or, for that mat-ter, changing their own oil.
    Articles such as this one are sup-posed to provoke something worth-while when people read them. This makes sense to me, but I still can't figure out why my memory is so selec-tive and, therefore, not "glitch:proof."
    Maybe some of you ean figure out why I can't reeall things I should re-member, and vice versa. To me, that would be worthwhile Dan Bied
Dale R. Carver
424th Headquarters
A&P Platoon Leader
742 Druid Circle
Baton Rouge, LA 70808
He wore GI glasses and a worried grin, was five feet six, crnd bony thin.
One cheek framed cr shrapnel sccrr; one shoulder sagged with a BAR.
I offered to carry the thing for a vvhile; vve walked through mud for many a mile
and the day looked old in the murky light
as vve walked through the curtain and into the night.
"Keep your hands to yourself, you great big slob.
It's mine to carry crnd 111 do my job.
I'll lug the thing on my back till dcrwn cmd I'll be there when the big men are gone."


Front & Center...
Editor's Note
    Due to an tremendous number of De-cember 16 "Mini-Reunions" and other material of timely matter, this C UB reached a size of 60 pages. I attempt to keep the sin to 44 pages, but the volume of material, much of it many months old, does away with any pre-planning. I esti-mated that I would need at least 100 pages if I attempted to publish all the recent stories and photos that I have received. Bear vvith me, we will crunch it out some-where down the line. We are considering changing the format to an 8.5 X 11 size, which would allow more room for decent size photos and three columns. It's a big step, but under consideration. Any ideas, let me know J. Kline

Errors & Ommissions
Missed in Orlando Attendance List:
Aldon Russell, 424/D
Americo Fusco, 423/HQ, instead of George Fusco, Associate member.
Robert Grimes, 423/HQ, instead of George Grimes, 424/CN
Also Art Schymanski is 423/ l&R instead of 424/HQ
Missed in photo page 12, Nov CUB
James Wells, first row, right - next to Sherod Collins
Thanks for sending old CUBs:
Herbert Meagher
Glynn G. Ragby, Jr.
Russell Gunvalson
    also recceived a small box (like a shoe box) of CUBs. I have misplaced the name of the sender. Please drop me a note with your name.
If any other person sent CUBs since last November,
let me know. I'll try to do better next time. I'll have to
fired one of my cats, who was in charge of that detail..

    I need a couple of Bolo-Ties. Pete House says that the Bolo-tie is no longer available frorn the former manufacturer who went out of business and junked the dies. I gave mine away on our European trip. I .Id one to a good CRIBA member and had to send back his money. He would rather have the Bolo-Tie. If any one has an extra, or one that was left in an estate, please drop me a post card or call. Regular price will be paid for a bolo-tie that is in decent shape. John Kline, editor. Address on inside front cover..
Memorial & Scholarship Fund Donators
Since 12/1/1995
Alys Jones, widow of General Jones, $500
Clifford Doxsee, $100 memory Colonel Cavender. Richard Rigatti, $100 Scholarship
John Uveges, Jr , $50 Scholarship
Ephraim Goldberg, $50 Scholarship
Paul Pender, $25 John McDevitt $5 Douglas Rubnitz, $5 Eddie Legerski, $20 William Hemelt, $50 memory Larry Walden
Arthur Hanke, $25
    The editor has not received any advertising material for the 1996 Roanoke Reunion. There should be advertisements in the May CUB. In the meantime: The official date of the 50th Annual Reunion August 30 - September 2, 1996. There will be two hotels, within a short distance from each other. Roanoke Airport Marriott 2801 Hersgberger Rd. NW Roanoke, VA 24017
Sheraton Inn Roanoke Airport 2727 Ferndale Drive, NW Roanoke, VA 24017
    As usual, First Class Mail an-nouncements with all the proper registration material and agendas will be mailed to each paid up mem-ber of the 106th Infantry Division Association, well before the Reun-ion. I understand the men's lunch-eon and banquet will be at the Marriott


Front & Center ...

    DISCLAIMER: The Colonel needed a light in his C.P. so I ran a wire from a Jeep into the bunker over his map table and used the Jeep head-light to light the area. Kent said he would give his Luger pistol for a generator, so my brother and I went into the big pill box that Dan Bied mentioned to find one. The out-fit before us had bulldozed the opening shut. We squeezed into a small hole and found a generator. I then hooked up the generator and a couple of bulbs and he had light. Kent insisted I take the Luger. Un-fortunately I had to give it up when we were captured.
    "Stories and articles published in The CUB are views and thoughts by the writer and are not necessarily the views of the 106th Infantry Division Association or its officers, unless it is in reference to Asso-ciation business, and/or contains the name of the officer reporting." The Board I was outside the C.P when it was hit. Our 6x6 tarp was torn. I remember some men putting the Colonel in a 3/4 ton truck with white flags flying on it. When they started to the rear some kind of shell hit the truck. The feeling of all of us was great sorrow. I didn't know if the Colonel was dead or not....
From Richard Marino:
     With regards to thc article on page 14 of the November CUB (The death of LTC Thomas Kent). My father, Anthony Marino (422/HQ/1BN), was there when the 88's hit the log covered extension on the pill box. It wasn't mortar rounds and the colonel was not immediately killed. I do not wish to discredit Dan Bied's account, but in a his-torical sense it should be told in an accurate manner. My father's address is 100 Horton Ave, Valley Stream, New York 11581. Sin-cerely Richard Marino.
    The cost for each extra copy of any issue of The CUB is $2.50 payable to the 106th Infantry Division Association and mailed to the treasurer.
    His address is on the inside front cover of this, and every, CUB. Do not send requests and checks to the editor, send them to the Treasurer.
Note from the editor: These comments
    not intended to be argumentive about the -subject matter. Rather, it is meant to broaden the knowledge of the subject and to invite participation in a subject of which you have knowledge. That way we all leam, which in-cludes the editor, author and supplier of the new information....
Dan Bied Column,
page 14 November 1995 CUB.
Submitted by W.F. (Lefty) Diefen-thaler, W5606 CTH EH, Elkhart Lake, WI 53020.
    Dan Bied had an interesting article on Lt Col Kent, which brought back some special memories, because I had the privilige to work with Ltc Kent several times.
    I was battalion gas non-com attached to HQ 1st Bn, 422nd Reg., so 1 could be with my twin brother, who was armorer and asst. supply Sgt. I was also an asst-ar-morer. Joe Kiersky was Supply Sgt.
National Order of Battlefield Commissions
     is trying to locate all men who on the field of battle against an armed enemy received a commission from enlisted or Warrant status to a commission status. Contact John Angier, 67 Ocean Dr., St. Augustine, FL 32084


Front & Center ...
From Jack Sulser, Past-President
and 50th Anniversary Chairman
Dateline January 10, 1996 - (the editor's 71st birth-day), via e-mail...
John, a couple of items of interest. French President Francios Mitterand
    Many of our comrades spent the last couple of months of their POW confine-ment at the French built Stalag IX-A. How many are aware that President Mitterand, who died January 8, 1996 at the age of 79 and had been President of France for 14 years until last year, longer than anyone for more than 150 years, had also been a POW there?
    He escaped from IX-A and joined the French Underground before the Ameri-cans arrived at that camp in January of 1945.
'The Veteran's Day Ceremony
at Arlington Cemetery
    Veteran's Day was very busy. There was a huge crowd at Arlington, a sunny, cool morning. Just a few drops of rain. The afternoon dedication of the site of the WWII Memorial was a different. It was clear that rain was coming, and the turnout was small. I did not see Rigatti, Jones or Hannon, but they were probably there in the crowd with all the umbrellas. The sea of umbrellas made it impossible to see any of the speakers until the President's turn came and the rain promptly stopped. The location of the Memorial is THE prize spot on the Mall, just at the east end of the reflecting pool and midway between the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument. Much more prominent that the Korean or the vietnam memorials. It is hoped to have it built in five years, before all of us have disappeared. They passed out pledge cards at the ceremony, but the few people there cannot provide the major funding. A WWII Memorial Advisory
    Committee has been appointed, and it has launched a Capital Campaign to raise money payable over five years. There ad-dress is World War II Memorial Capi-tal Campaign, PO Box 75701, Washington, D.C. 20013. Contributions are tax deductible. Like the Korean and Vietnam memorials, it will be financed by private donations. I notice the Korean Comtnittee was established in 1987, and the memorial was only dedicated this summer. I hope it doesn't take that long for the WWII Memorial; after all, there was a lot more people involved.
Jack Sulser
Memorials Committe Report
    The new 106th Infantry Division Me-morial was completed in the Summer of 1994 and was dedicated in September 1994 when a group from the Association visited St. Vith. The new memorial is4111 cated on the grounds of the Bischofligir School near the original edifice.
    On Sunday July 16, 1995 the Annual Camp Atterbury Memorial Services were held at the Memorial Park. President Thomas J. Riggs gave the keynote speech.
    Any Association member traveling near Camp Atterbury should visit the Me-morial. It is a moving tribute to all the units that trained there during World War 11. John Robb, Memorials Chairman
    New order of 250 received. Send $25.00 to Treasurer Sherod Collins for your "post-paid" copy. This is the final reprint. Order for your family, friends and local library.
This will be the last reorder, so there will be NO MORE AVAILABLE after these are one


New Members ...
11110_L, HARRY H 422/F
4103 Franklin Avenue
Gulfport, MS 39507
Retired Vice-President, Engineering, Mississippi Power Company. Now owner - Bell Travel Services, Inc.
430 I3oh \k'hite Run
Salisbury. NC 28147
    My father. Bill Bucher (pronounced "Booker", 424/AT. survived The Bulge and died in 1978. Some years later, my mother discovered a trunk full of his war- time letters, photos and memorabilia, Wilk]) she gave to me. One thing led to another, and now I am workina on a book about his war experiences. He was cap- tured briefly with a group of about 15-20 on the morning of 17 December and re- turned to his unit a few days later. I think he was in the third platoon. His platoon skier was "Rupert- and there was a driver 'Wed "Skinner'' Irwin. If any of you AT men were with this aroup, I would like to hear from you. I will let you know when the book is done, but it may be a while! Mean- while, thanks for letting me add my name, on my father's behalf, to your membership list.
    Joined the Division at Fort Jackson in March 1943, went through to Atterbury. Left the 106th August 1944, joined the 90th Infantry Division in September as a replacement. I was wounded I 0 December 1944 just before the Bulge. Rejoined the 90th February 1945. Our Division was assigned to guard prisoners until Novem-ber 1945. Left France in December and was discharged January I , 1946. Married June 29, 1946.
    In Korea (Editor's Note: - Todd is my first grandson (I have four). He joined the service, this summer, at age 27. His wife, Suzy is also in the service. Todd trained at Fort Knox, was transferred to Fort Jackson for specialized training. After the training was complete he was assigned to Korea after Christmas leave. Suzy, a Sergeant, will be stationed at an east-coast base. VVhen Todds returns from Korea they will have their choice of three locations -Alaska, USA or Hawaii.
    VVhile at Fort Knox he received an award for "Top Man" in Physical Training, scoring 298 points out of a possible 300, beating his comrades of 19 and 20 years of age by many points. His six cadre Sergeants used him as an example to get the younger soldiers into better physical fitness. Todd says, " I caught a little razing in the bar-racks, but I was proud of my award." He repeated this at Fort Jackson with a score of two points less. On graduation he received the "Top Soldier Award" during the graduation ceremonies, and was advanced a grade. Of course, his grandfa-ther is proud of him. So I take this "editorial" privilege to talk about my great grandson, wouldn't you?.. J. Kline, editor)
    13-6690 SAI,MCI !AMU, BELGIUM (Editor's Note: - Freddy, is a member of CRIBA and a good friend of Adda & VVilli RIKKEN. He has much interest in the Battle of the Bulge and knows the territory well. I just received a bayonet and the remains of an M-1 Carbine that was discovered in the 423rd area near Schijnberg. Naturally they are very rusty and not recover-able. It appears that the safety is on with the possibility of a cartridge in the chamber. The bolt is closed (rusted solid). It is recognizable, lacking only the clip and the stock. Could it be mine??? Thanks Freddy for your help and for the items from the battlefield... J. Kline, editor)
PO Box 965
Monticello. EL 32345
Sherod, Enjoyed talking to an ole "comrades at arms" this afternoon. Hope you voice clears up. As we discussed I am


New Members ...
interested in joining the Association and receiving the book, The CUB of the GOLDEN LION: Passes in Review.
    I was in "Fire Direction Center- of the 589th Field Artillery Battalion as a T/4. On January 24, 1945 I received a "2nd LA. Battlefield Commision, St. Vith, Bel-gium- until thc Division left Europe. I was 589/A Forward Observer and later "Ex-ecutive Officer.-
    (Editor's Note - Randolph's name appeared in the November CUB as a NEW MEMBER, but I had not - for some reason - received the letter above., J. Kline, editor)
    (Editor's Note - Adda and Willi have been As- sociate members for some time. Recently they upgraded their membership to a LIFE MEM- BER status. Sorry I failed to mention this in the last CUB. You have read several stories, in The CUB, about Adda & Willi in the last year. They are great people and have been very helpful to many 106th Infantry Division members as they return to Belgium. They live close to St. Vith. They are very familiar with the various monu- ments that are dedicated to The BULGE. While not as familiar with the foxholes and unit posi- tions, they were very helpful to Sy Litchenfeld, 423/1 and his son Norman. In October 1994 they returned to the battle area. Their story about the help given by Adda & Willi appeann this CUB. I use the story, not only to tell Sy's story but supplement my own story on how helpful CRIBA and it's members (like Adda & Willi) have been to the American soldiers as they return to the area. The feelings expressed by Sy and his son are the exact feelings that our group expressed when we visited with CRIBA members in September 1995 in St. Vith and Parker's Crossroads. See Part Two, start- ing on page 32, of this CUB, for story where I use Sy's story to reinforce our thanks to CRIBA for all that they have done... J. Kline, editor)

    John, Thank you very much for your "Service Diary." I enjoyed talking to you on the phone. I saw Adda and Willi RIKKEN on 15 October when she spoke to the SHAPE Officers Association about her ex-periences during the war. This was a panel which John GREENE had arranged thr the conference in Belgium.
    On the I oth of December my wife and I are hosting a Battle of the Bulge dinner party to remember you and all the men that were over there. On the I 7th our son gradu-ates from Purdue University. So those days will be special to us.
    Should you and Margot ever be in Southern Indiana, we'll be pleased to have you visit us. Thanks for your "Soft Sales Pitch" to join your Association. Enclosed find my application and a check for the AI Signed Bill Ryan Indiana University Soar east, Adjunct Professor
    (William Ryall just finished a tour of duty in Belgium and has returned to civilian life in my home State - Indiana. He was friends with John Greene. Both he and John are retired US Army officers. Greene lives in Waterloo, Belgium. Bill, thanks for your interest in the 106th Infantry Division.. J. Kline, editor)
PALM COAST, 1,1_ 32137
Dick Sparks signed on his brother-in-law as an ASSOCIATE member.
    I le says in a letter will Ryall's applica-tion, "Bill is the fellow that did the video and photo work for the Orlando Reunion Committee. He did the editing on the sou-venir video that all Orlando Reunion atten-dees received.
"Bill is a former Navy man who spent his civilian life in photographic sales to


New Members ...
lessional photographers. He is a
    wn expert in photographic lighting and has worked with several noted profes-sional photographers. He is also a "Mili-tary History Buff" and has taken great interest in the 106th and The Battle of the Bulge." signed Dick Sparks
PO BOX 780
A letter from Geroge Hammond, 81st ENG/C: "I wish to pay and sponsor a membership for Delmar Showers, 81st ENG/C.
    "He saved my life in The Battle of the Bulge. My wife and I just spent several hours with him and his wife. They gave us a Grand Tour of Branson and treated us to three shows. Del and I hadn't seen each other in 50 years. It was an emotional meeting. He never joined the Association.
"On our way back we stopped by the
Atterbury Memorial." signed
rge Hammond
    Membership by Clifford Broadwater. An application will be sent to Alvie for details. Clifford says Alvie was in Bad Ord and Ziegenhain with him.
ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87109-6932
Bob signed on as a LIFE MEMBER.
    Dear Sherod, In the current issue of The American Legion Magazine I finally discovered mention of the 106th Infantry Division Association. After a few phone calls I got Ted Slaby's phone number. To my chagrin the reunion was last September, but I am ready for Roanoke in '96.
    I joined the 106 Signal Company near St. Vith in mid-December '44 just in time to start running. I came from the 9th Re-placement Depot Headquarters at Fountain-bleau, south of Paris, and had been with them since March of 1944.
    Slaby gave me your name as well as John Kline's. John is sending me a copy of The CUB and a copy of The CUB of the Golden Lion: PASSES in REVIEW.
    I am looking forward to meeting you, Ted Slaby and John Kline and all the guys of thc 106 SIG CO. If there are any person-nel lists available I would appreciate receiv-ing them. Signcd Bill
    I am married with three children and three grandchildren. I owned a Commercial Art Studio for 30 years and have been re-tired for three years. I enjoy golf, walking and traveling.
Eric is the son of Eric Woods, Jr of the 589th Field Artillery.
    Welcome Eric, I know some of the 589th veter-ans will be glad to welcome you.. J. Kline, editor ZEIGLER, JOHN W 422/HQ
    From John Zeigler's son, John F. Zei-gler - "Sherod, It was a pleasure to talk to you about the 106th. My dad seemed ex-cited to hear that there was another group out there. I also talked with Pete House who was most informative about Stalag 9-B. En-closed is ten dollars to get dad started."

The CUB H/ the Golden Lion 11
Searching for the Missing In Action (MIA's)...
by J. Kline, 423/M CUB editor
    Early in the year of 1995 I received a letter from Jean-Louis SEEL, a young man from Theux, Belgium. I recognized Jean as part of the team that had discovered four of the 99th Infantry Division's Missing-In-Action (MIA's). I had read a news article, a few years ago, about them discovering a 99th ID soldier who had been MIA since 16 December 1944. Their story and more follows in this article.
    Before I went to Belgium/Germany in September (see page 38 of the November 1995 CUB) I wrote Jean-Louis and told him that I would be staying at the Goldener Stem Hotel in Pram during the German-American meetings. He met me there and proceeded to tell me and my guests, (pre-sent were Don Patton, Jim Renner and Dan Walters, all Associate member historians of the 106th ID Assoc.) about the efforts that he and his partner Jean-Phillipe SPEDER had gone through to discover artifacts and MIA bodies since 1978. He had albums full of pictures with precise dates and locations found. Many artifacts have been found in the 106th ID area. He ask me if I would assist him in locating some of the persons. These items are mostly dog-tags and other items that had names and ASN inscribed on them. He had a list of the 106th Infantry Division MIA's vvhose remains have never been founik asked that I publish this list and ask members to assist in describing the last known location of the MIA. This method has been successful. They have located four 99th Inf. Div MIA's and six German MIA's throughout the years.
    Since I met Jean-Louis I have assisted him in identifying the owners of several articles that were found on the Ardennes battlefields. I furnished Jean-Louis with a computer disk that contains the 423rd and 424th Combat Infantry Badge ordets of 1945. lie checks the ASN that is on the article against the CIB Orders, then scnds me the name and I search for the name in our Association membership file, if not there, then on the CD-rom telephone disks that I have which contain over 80 million names and addresses. Recently we identi-fied the owner of a set of dog-tags that were found at Losheimergraben. The owner a 424/D veteran, says he will become a mem-ber of our Association. 424/D was atta to the 82nd Airborne in that area as t drove back through Germany.
    Articles that are found are returned, if wanted, to their owner. As Jean-Louis says, "Many times the owners of these articles have said that they did not know they lost them, yet they were found on the battle-field. Some ask for them to be returned and others allow the finders to keep them for their collection."
Special Note:
    will list the 106th Infantry Division's known MIA, as given to me by Jean-Louis SEEL, at the end of this article. I f you were with, or know the last location, or circum-stances involving the person that is still missing, please contact me and I will for-ward your information to the Search Team.
My name, address and telephone number are always on the inside cover of every CUB. .1. Kline, editor


Searching for the Missing In Action (MIA's)...
Left - Jean-Louis SEEL with his partner Jean-Phillipe SPEDER, both from Belgium, On-Site Search Team members.
    As you will read, they have been very active in searching the battlefield, not only for MIA from both American and German armies, but for articles remaining on the battlefield such as ammunition, dog-tags, personal belongings and weapons.
complete a WWII collection with all kinds
of artifacts dug out like rifles, pistols,
knifes, bayonets, hand grenades, helmets...
But, a little while later, I found my first set
ean-Louis SEEL (Part 1) and of dog tags. This set was left with a lot of
Dean-Phillipe SPEDER (Part 2) souvenir coins along a firebreak in the
On-Site Team Members woods of Rocherath. The dog tags bearing
99th ID MIA's Project, Belgium the name of Max WISNIESKI with a NOK
    The story is in two parts. The first one address from Waukesha, Wisconsin. At explaining how 1 met Jean-Philippe that time, I just put them in my collection SPEDER (32). It explains the beginning and didn't do anything else. In 1984, met and the aim of our search. The second one a British living in Belgium. His name is is the 99th ID MIA's Project itself, from William C. C. CAVANAGH. Will is a well the recovery of A lphonse SITO in Septem- known WWII historian and areal specialist ber 1988 to the two last bodies found In on the Battle of the Bulge. He just finished July 1992. Please note that Jean-Philippe, writing the official story of the 99th ID
my partner, wrote the second part. Dauntless and he's also the author of
Part One, Jean-Louis SEEL Krinkell -Roeherath: The Battle for the
    For many years I have been interested Twins Villages." I asked him to find the in military history. I met Jean-Philippe WISNIESKI's whereabouts because 1 had (Phil) SPEDER in 1978 while we were in no idea how to do that. It took a few months College. Phil was already a collector and to find Max WISN1ESKI's widow. I searcher. He showed me at that time how learned that WISNIESKI was in Co. A, to use a metal detector on the ex-battle- 38th Inf., 2nd Div. and that he had died in fields of the Battle of the Bulge. At the the early seventies. With that letter, My beginning, the search was just a way to collection had just turned into something


Searching for the Missing In Action (MIA's)...
    new and very interesting: the possibility to know a SOLDIER STORY, not the one of a four star Generals but the one of a man who was there on the front line. Then, we changed the way of searching the battle-fields, looking only for identification items like dog tags, ID bracelets, mess kits or canteens with names and numbers en-graved on them.
    In 1986, I contacted for the first time, through Will Cavanagh, the 99th ID Asso-ciation- I asked Bill Meyer, editor of the Checkerboard (99th ID Association News-letter) to look in the roster of their member-ship if it could have some match with the names I provided him. Of course, many owners were 99ers and members of the Assoc. It was the beginning of our big col-laboration with the 99th ID veterans. In 1987, we joined the Association as members.
    Over the years, we not only searched the 99th ID front line but also a few other battlefields of the North shoulder, includ-ing the ones of the 106th ID: Schnee Eifel Schwarzermann, where we found also identification items.
    The search for one owner is even more difficult than the finding of the dog tag itself in the woods !! Sometimes, It would take a few years to trace a man! Sometimes within 2 weeks, I have a positive answer of the owner in my mail box. But for a few, I wasn't able to find the whereabouts of the person. There are various reasons: the vet-eran's hadn't applied for VA benefits or because the file was destroyed in 1973 during the big fire at the National Person-nel Records archive. I ask also help of national organizations like the American Legion, VBOB and VFW.
    It is still amazing to me that, with a full name, a complete ASN and sometimes a complete Next of Kin address, there is no way to find the whereabouts of a man!
Part Two, Jean-Phillipe SPEDE14
    The very start of the MIAs Projec occurred on Thursday September 29,1988 with the discovery of the remains of Al-phonse M. SITO from Baltimore, MD. Five days earlier, by a cool and sunny fall afternoon, Jean-Louis and myself decided to explore another sector of the 99th ID front, located between the German town of Losheim and the custom houses of Loshe-imergraben. This road coming from Losheim was one of the major routes of invasion on Dec. 16, 1944 and is known as the Losheim Gap. This heavy wooded area was held by the 1st Battalion, 394th Infantry, 99th Infantry Division on Dec. 16, 1944.
    Given the large front occupied by the 1st Battalion and the thickness ofthe forest, platoons and squads were scattered all over the forest. They were covering shallow de-pressions, fire breaks or little clearings. One of these squads was the LMG (Light Machine Gun) squad of Co. B's weapik platoon. The squad was under Sgt Ge , BALLINGER and was dug in about 8 yards into the forest, covering a shallow ravine. Due to miserable weather and liv-ing conditions, the place was gloomy and the doughs nicknamed it "Creepy Cor-ners." On Dec. 16, 1944, shortly after the German barrage lifted, the position was attacked by Volksgrenadiers of the 48th V.G. Regiment of the 12th V.G. Division. Pfc SITO was covering the squad's right flank and after repulsing several attacks, he was hit in the head and fell dead in his fox-hole. The rest of the squad was soon forced to surrender. The body remained there until Sept. 29, 1988, when Jean-Louis and I found it in the same fox-hole, and like he fell 44 years earlier.
    The fox-hole was carefully emptied, the skeleton removed as well as SITO's personnel effects, including his billfold, a rosary, a bible, five religious crosses and

The CUB of the Golden Lion -II
Searching for the Missing In Action (MIA's)...
Ivered from the hole, including a fifth ets of dog tags. Lots of articles were
dog tag bearing the name of Robert L MUYRES from Minneapolis, MN.
    Contact was first established with Bill MEYER, editor of The 99th ID Associa-tion's Checkerboard, asking him to contact MUYRES who was member of the Asso-ciation. We then contacted the Mortuary Affairs of the US Army, based in Frank-furt, Germany. On October 11, 1988, we met with Michael TOCCHETTI and one of his men, both members of the Mortuary Affairs. They came for a look-see, looking for the personal effects, exact location of the fox-hole and looking for the kind of bones recovered. a week later, Michael TOCCHETTI came back with his Search and Recovery team. They searched again the hole and its immediate vicinity but found nothing else. We had done a good job. The S&R team picked up the body, went back to Frankfurt to report and sent
    ody to the US Army Central Identifi-, on Laboratory In Hawaii for positive identification. On December 6, 1989, it was done, Pfc SITO was positively identi-fied, turned back to his family and finally buried on Dec. 18, 1989 in the St Stanislaus Cemetery, Baltimore, MD. On October 13, 1991, we met with Alphonse's brother, Richard SITO. A few days earlier, Richard called Jean-Louis from Germany, asking to visit the place of the recovery. Once on the site, there was a lot ofemotion but we knew that something good had been done. Bob MUYRES came back also in July 1990 to visit the place. Bob had a very good mem-ory. He directly found his fox-hole (not the one of SITO) and explained us all the de-tails of fight before his capture. Bob MUYRES died on December 26, 1991.
    For a few years, we had good contacts with the 99th Inf. Div, Ass'n, welcoming and guiding groups of Veterans on the Bat-tlefields. For obvious reasons, the story was not published in the Checkerboard, but in two Veterans's minds, Richard H. BY-ERS and Rex WHITEHEAD, both mem-bers of the Ass'n Archives Committee, and a third man, Bill WARNOCK, a business Major at Ohio State University, the idea
    Jean-Phillipe SPEDER on "88Hr in the 99th Infantry Division area. In front of him are his discoveries. M3 knife in the
    scabbard. 1 smoke grenade (Willie Peter) and dips for a sniper rifle, (Springfield). The owner of the knife from the 395th
Infantry Regiment was located and his knife returned to him.

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Searching for the Missing In Action (MIA's)...
    that something should be done grew up rap-idly. With a more "se ientific" approach ofthe situation, it could be possible to find other MIA's. The 99TH ID's Project vvas born.
    Bill WARNOCK compiled a list of 33 names, all 99ers listed as missing during the Bulge. It was published in the Check-erboard and information was asked for that would help locate the missing men. The search is a real coordinated effort between WWII veterans and men born 20 years after the war. Jean-Louis and myself are the inspection team, the `On-Site Search Team" as we have been nicknamed, who search the woods, helped by maps, photo-graphs, aerials, overlays, witnesses, morn-ing reports, after action reports, etc.
    Some of this information led to create a map showing the probable site where 2nd Lt Lonnie O. HOLLOWAY Jr. from Cor-pus Christi, TX was killed. Six eyewit-nesses had helped to pinpoint the location. In Oetober 1990, Dick BYERS came to Belgium with a group of 99ers for the 99th ID monument dedication, in the village of Krinkelt -Rocherath. We spent some extra days together working with the map he delivered to us. One month later, on 9 No-vember, 2nd Lt HOLLOWAY's remains were found about 10 yards from the loca-tion he was last seen the Dec. 18, 1944! From witnesses we had learned that he was last seen lying half up the steps of a roofed over hole. Apparently, the Germans who used that hole had pulled the body out, took it to a nearby slit trench. Afterwards they threw a lot of debris (mortar containers) on top of it. Lt HOLLOWAY was wearing an overcoat, field jacket, trousers and boots. We found his wallet with officer's identi-fication card, It was recognizable until it dried out and then the ink disappeared. His dog tags were also found entwined in tree roots. On Lt HOLLOWAY's shirt collar were the Infantry crossed rifles and a Lt's
HOLLAND, I.t. HOLLOWAY's bar. We sent those two last things to
    the only Next of Kin alive. A few days later, we met again with Mike TOC-CHETTI and his S&R team. Like for SITO, I.t HOLLOWAY's remains were picked up, sent to Hawaii and positively identified. The Lt HOLLOWAY file was definitely closed on September 6,1991 when he was buried with full military honors at the Fort Sam I louston National Cemetery, San Antonio, "I'X.
    One must keep in mind that such a search is not as simple as it looks. Vet-eran's witnesses, though correct, must be sometime interpreted. Obviously, a clear recollection of 50 years old events is very difficult and a wrong detail can send us to a wrong direction. All the opportunities are searched and verified. Most of this impor-tant part of the search is done in the States by Bill WARNOCK, the MIA Project Chief researcher. Searching the forest, our part of the job, has had to avoid a obstacle. Digging battlefields is stri prohibited in Belgium. We took this calcu-lated risk and after some troubles with for-est rangers, a few of them agreed with our motivation and gave us an unofficial per-mission. When an MIA's Project started, two rangers even worked with us, helping us as much as possible. Looking for MIA's in the woods is like finding a needle in a hay stack, the "chance factor" is important. It was like this on June 25, 1992. Jean-Louis drove to the home of Chief Ranger, Mr. Erich HON EN, to secure permission to continue searching a place in the fbrest for the remains of another MIA. While talking with Mr. 11ONEN, Jean-Louis learned that earlier that month, a lumberjack had dis-covered human bones lying near a fox-hole, with rusty remains of German equipment. Mr. HONEN went directly on the place to verify this and, after returning


Searching for the Missing In Action (MIA's)...
    e, he phoned to local authorities to ask lat to do with those bones. It was decided to intern the bones of the German soldier in the pauper's common grave at the Ro-cherath Cemetery. However, at the time of Jean-Louis's visit, no such action had taken place. Jean-Louis immediately suggested a search of the fox-hole for identification. Chief Ranger HONEN agreed and a date was set for the following week.
    On July 3,1992, Mr. HONEN showed us the fox-hole. The tell-tale remains of Battlefields relic hunters were unmistak-able. The fox hole was turned over with dirt and bones strewn all around it. Not more than six months had passed since It had been haphazardly ravaged. We began to carefully search the area and, as we culled the dirt in and around the fox-hole a size-able collection of bones began to accumu-late. Besides the bones we also unearthed pieces of US Army winter combat uniform
d vestiges of .30 Cal cartridge belt and
    s for M-1 rifle. Unfortunately no dog s were found. In the back of our mind, it became obvious that the German bones were in fact the remains of an American soldier.
    On top of all, a single set of a deterio-rated US Army sergeants stripes was found among the uniform shreds. By day's end, a skeleton, almost complete, had taken shape. To complicate the matter, there were duplicate bones. Thus the remains were not of one but two individuals. An-other matter of equal importance con-cerned the individual's identities. The only clues immediately apparent were the shreds of a winter combat uniform with the Sgt stripes. This evidence pointed toward one possible conclusion: the remains were of two Americans, one of whom was a Sergeant. Regarding the site of the discov-ery, we knew only two unresolved casual-ties cases for whom one of them was a Sgt.
Jean-Louis SEEL with an early American Bazoolca found in
the Losheimergraben area where Col. Jochen Peiper
launched his attack- north of Auw a few miles.
    With this in mind, Dick BYERS, Coordi-nator of the MIA's Project was contacted and it was decided to call Mr. TOC-CHETTI again.
    On July 21, 1992, Mr. TOCCHETTI and his 4 men team re-examined the recov-ery site but found nothing more than one tooth and several small bones. The remains were repatriated to Hawaii but, to this date, no positive identification has been made.
    Deep in their mind, all members of the MIA's Project are convinced about the identity of these remains, too many details match together to happen fortuitously.
The MIA's Project is still going on and

The CUB qf the Golden Lion 17
Searching for the Missing In Action (MIA's)...
    several are under investigations. If no other case is resolved in the future, at least, four American GI's doughboys vvould have been repatriated and given a decent burial, three of them as a direct result of the MIA's Project.
    We've been asked, often, what was our aim, what was our motivation in this MIA's Project. Beyond the historical inter-est and war facts, the MIA's Project is so far the only way we know to repay the supreme sacrifice of those young boys that died for a country and for people they never heard of before, The feeling of gu It to all those white crosses in the Amel Militaly Cemeteries, in our country, is still present in the mind of people who lived the events, but almost non-existent in the younger generations. Jean-Louis and my-self are two drops in these younger genera-tions, but we decided to remember and to teach our children respect and gratitude. To forget the past is to agree with its return.
Jean-Lottis SEEL
Jean-Phillipe SPEDER
Dates of Death shown with an asterik are dates that the MIA is legally judged to be dead.
Usually one year and one day from the estimated time of death.
422nd Infantry Regiment
GALLETTA, Gili P., SGT, 32820585, NY, 16 DEC 44
PATTERSON, Joseph E., PVT, 33577587, PA, 23 JAN 45
PORTER, Robert G., PVT, 33667449, PA, 16 DEC 44
THOMAS, George E., S/SGT, 06834871, IL, 16 DEC 44
423rd Infantry Regiment
HERBERT, Charles W., PFC, 35750002, OH, 22 DEC 45*
HOARD, I larvey, PVT, 34798897, 22 DEC 45*
KISTNER, Paul L., CAPT, 0-467919, MO, 23 DEC 44
NEWMAN, James C. Jr., 1/1.T, 0-550095, II., 23 DEC 44
OBERG, Worrell F., PVT, 36618746, IL, 22 DEC 45*
424th Infantry Regiment
COLLINS, Robert T., PFC, 329126256, NJ, 17 DEC 45*
FOUST, Dalton E., PFC, 33850080, PA, 17 DEC 44
GEYER, Joe E., PVT, 38591498, OK, 24 DEC 45*
TUCKER, Robert W., PVT, 39857012, AZ, 18 DEC 45*
106th Reconnaissance Troop
JEKA, Joseph R., PFC, 36228705, WI, 17 DEC 45*
VAREAM, George H., 1/LT, 0-1030621, IL, 22 JAN 45
589th Field Artillery Battalion
MITCHELL, Berton F., Jr., PVT, 37533017, KS, 17 DEC 44
SKUPAKA, Mike, PVT, 37533017, KS, 20 DEC 45*
WHEELER, Robert A., 32844226, NY, 23 DEC 44
590th Field Artillery Battalion
SOULLIERE, Carl R., PVT, 36579585, MI, 25 DEC 44
Contact John Kline, CUB Editor (Address and Telephone on inside cover page) if you have
any knowledge of the last known location of any of these men. The smallest detail could lead
to the location of the person that is still MISSING IN ACTION.....


    Scholarships will again be given in 1996 to descendants of living and deceased members of the 106th Infantry Division. Descendants have been defined by the Board of Directors to include the following:
    CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN Children are defined as the member's natural chil-dren and children acquired through marriage or adoption or as foster children AND who lived in the member's household when they were minors. Grandchildren are defined as the children of the children defined above.
    Applicants must be nominated by a member of the 106th Infantry Division Association or his widow, if he was a member at death. A members' letter of nomination should state the fol-lowing: I nominate (followed by the applicant 's name); The relationship of the member to the person nominated; The member's 106th Infantry Division affiliation (unit).
    The Board of Directors has increased the authorization to $5,000 for the 1996 Scholar-ships. The scholarships awarded will be in the amounts of $500 or $1,000.
To receive an application for the scholarship please write to:
Deadline for submitting an application and accompanying material is 30 April 1996.
A Self Addressed Envelope Must Be Included! Jerry Eisenman
by Joseph P. Maloney (left)- 424th Regimental Headquarters
    I recently flew to Atlanta, Georgia to spend the week-end with my "ole" Com-pany Commander, Captain Robert A. Burkes (middle in picture). While there Sherod Collins, 423rd Service Company visited us and had dinner. We enjoyed reminiscing about the war as well as all of the nice reunions that have been held since. We hope that all of you had a Ilappy Holiday Season../oe Maloney

The CUB ()I the Golden Lion 19
From the Ladies...
.5 17 October 1995
by Donna Hanson, wife of Bob Hanson, "B" Company, 81st Combat Engineers
    The interesting article by Anne McDevitt in the November CUB prompts me to write and tell about our recent 50th Anniversary which occurred on 17 October 1995, just three days before theirs.
    We were married in San Antonio, Texas where Bob reported after his POW # leave. We were high school sweethearts in Wisconsin. I took the train from Marine to San Antonio to be married. We had no "old friends" there to stand up for us, so Reverend Crowe, the minister, and his wife and daughter witnessed the event. Be-cause our wedding was small and simple we decided to renew our vows for our 50th Anniversary. We did this before our five children, their spouses, our 16 grandchil-dren, my sister and family. Bob's sister in Hawaii could not make the event, but she air-mailed leis for Bob and I to wear at the marriage renewal ceremony and reception.
    We, in 1945, had a brief belated honeymoon in Monterrey, Mexico after Bob w. discharged November 30th. Since his retirement, in 1987, Bob has been doing pro bono work in developing countries. So 45 years after our marriage we found our-selves back in Monterrey for six months while Bob worked on water pollution prob-lems. In the interim Monterrey had grown from 50,000 to about 300,000 and the hotel we stayed at then had been demolished to make way for the Grande Plaza which now graces the city. We celebrated our 45th there with our Mexican friends.
    However, our most unusual anniversry was our 44th. We were in San Franciso at-tending a Water Environment Federation convention and were on our way, by conven-tion bus to a party, when at 5:11 P.M. on 17 October, well you guessed it, the earthquake struck. The earth moved for us, though not in the way as described by Papa Hemingway in For Whom the Bell Tolls. So we ended up back in our hotel on Fishermans Wharf eating cold sandwiches by candlelight, as there was no power. Donna Hanson


Order of the Golden Lion Recipients - 1995 ...
    1995 Order of the Golden Lion Recipients Top - Ur: John Kline; Dr. John Robb; Jack Sulser; Dan Bied. Center: Ur: Assoc. Pres. Thomas J. Riggs, Jr.; O. Paul Merz, OGL recipient and Shcrod Collins, Assoc. Tres. at the 1995 Camp Atterbury Reunion. Bottom- lir Dr. Richard Peterson; Kenneth Bradfield. See page 3 for Rev. Ewell Black. Jr. award. T. Wayne Black received his OGL by special mail. See next page for more>>


For more information read pages 331-336
CUB of the GOLDEN LION: Passes in Review
Recipients of the Order ofthe Golden Lion


GOLD-COMMANDER '48 David Price Douglas Coffey
'64 Richard DeH.r '66 John Loveless, Jr L. McMahon
James Wells Russel Villwock Robert Gilder Roger Rutland John Gilliland John Kline
SILVER-OFFICER '47 Herbert Livesey, Jr. Robert Scranton
Walter Bandurak Robert Pierce. Jr. Sam Cariano John Kline
Boyd Rutledge Gilbert He!wig
O. Paul Merz Richard Peterson T. Wayne Black
'64 Majorie DeHeer Kay Loveless Wilda McMahon Maydean Wells Jackie Villwock
Jean Gilder
Mattie Rutland
Lee Gilliland
Dan Bied
Cedric Foster Duward Frampton Annette Frampton
VVilliam Simpson Florence Simpson Joe E. Brown Marjorie Rathbone George Denny Ralph F. Gates Howard Maxwell
B.G. Elmer Sherwood
Dr. Maurice DELAVAL
    Gold-Commentator Gold-Agony Grapevine Gold-Agony Grapevine Gold-Indianapolis Hosts Gold-Indianapolis Hosts Bronze-Movie Star Bronze-Asst Sec. Asso Bronze-Mayor, Indpls Bronze--Governor, Ind. Bronze-Adj. Gen, Ind. Silver-WVV Memorial Bronze-Mayor, Indpls Bronze-Supt Schools Ind. Bronze-Ind. State Guard Silver-Belgium friend 106
'47 '47 '47 '47
Enjoying the Hospitality of C.R.I.B.A.
106th Vets travel to Ardennes - Sept 1995 - Part Two...
ltontinuation of Part One that appeared in the November 1995 CUB....
By John Kline, editor
I would like to preface the story of our visit with CR1BA:
    This story relates to the continuation of our American group's Belgium/German trip, to visit with members of the Belgian organi-zation known as "Center for the Research and Infbrmation on the 13attle of the Arden-nes." Short form = (CRIBA)
    There have b.n many articles about CR1BA since! became editor in 1987. It was at that time that many of our veterans were beginning to travel back to Belgium to revisit the scenes of their activities of 1944 and 1945. They found willing hosts in the way of CR1BA. I lelp beyond what you vvould nor-mally expect. Ilelp on travel plans, help on where to stay. CRIBA members serving as guides to lead you to your Ardennes fox-hole. Every act, by the CRIBA member, was a unselfish display of thanks to the American
ier who they saw as "liberators." The Bel-
    people were supressed and under the heal of the Gernian boot for four years. Un-derstandably there are still feeling of deep emotions.
    Our veterans were then, and still now, be-ing blessed with attention by the CRI BA members. Their help in finding the source of, what in many cases was a "life time of trauma," seemed to close the book on the sub-ject of the war for many veterans. In doing so many new friendships were established. Some veterans later returned the host coun-try, Belgium, to pursue those friendships. The word coming from the returning veterans was, "They're just great, they cannot do enough for us!"
    In 1988, because of the stories that were given to me by our 106th veterans, I peti-tioned the Board of Directors to authorize a LIFETIME HONORARY MEMBERSHIP to the CRIBA organization. The Directors authorized this. Aside from the CRIBA or-ganization itself we now have several CRIBA members who chose to sign on as ASSOCI-
ATE members in order to keep in touch through our magazine, The CUB. Some chose to be LIFE MEMBERS.
    I have for the many years, since 1988, been asked by various CRIBA members to visit their country so that we could meet face to face. It had been, for several reasons, not possible for me to travel to Europe. Only within the last two years did I feel that I could. Margot, my wife, and I had decided that 1995 would be the year. Bypassing the 50th Anniversary Celebrations in Europe in 1994 because we felt that conditions would be extremely crowded. Also, Margot has a sister-in-law in Frankfurt that we wanted to visit. Then, along came the proposition of a possible visit with the German veterans as de-scribed in the Oct-Nov-December CUB. Two couples who we thought would travel with us had decided not to go. So, had it not been for that veteran's meeting becoming a reality, Margot and I would have been alone. Even then, Margot I and would have met with Andre HUBERT, President of CRIBA and some of his organization. We also were anxious to met, personally, Adda and Willi RIKKEN, with whom we had talked, and cor-responded with many times during the sum-mer. So the story continues, starting on: 22 September, 1995
    All of the American Group that had at-tended the German-American meeting checked out of the hotel at PrOrn and traveled


Enjoying the Hospitality of C.R.I.B.A.
106th Vets travel to Ardennes - Sept 1995 - Part Two...
    to the 106th Infantry Division Monument in St. Vith to meet with Andre HUBERT and some of the CRIBA members. The schedule which unfolded gave us an opportunity to visit some of the towns and villages that, up to this time most of us, except the 424th vets, only knew by reference in some history book. Names like Malmedy, Vielsalm, Stavelot, Trois-Ponts, La Gleize, Spineux and finally our historical and prominent spot on the Bel-gium map, Baraque de Fraiture, better know to Americans as "Parker's Crossroads." The memories of these points of history now arc reinforced by actual visions in our mind, and not from a pictures in a book. Today they look like ordinary, beautiful Belgian cities and villages, but their names carry very deep and significant meanings in the history of the "Battle of the Ardennes," known to us as The Battle of the Bulge.
St. Vith...
    Assembling at the 106th Memorial in St. Vith we followed Andre HUBERT in convoy (remember we had nine Opel rental cars). An-other CRIBA member, I believe it was Henri ROGISTER acting as "rear guard. The pur-pose of this tour was to follow the path of Colonel Jochen Peiper's Kampgruppe (Battle Force) in his efforts to reach the Meuse River, then to finally end up at Maria Le-Haire's Hotel in Parker's Crossroads.
First stop:
    Our first stop was Lingueville which is on the road from St. Vith to Malmedy. A monu-ment standing near the Hotel du Moulin is dedicated to eight American soldiers captured on 17 December by the leading elements of Kampgruppe Peiper and were slaughtered by an SS Sergeant. This action happened after a defensive action by a few tanks of the 9th Ar-mored Division. The Germans had lost three tanks in a few minutes.
    Our next stop was near at a crossroads be-tween Malmedy and St. Vith, known as Baugnez. Here we viewed the memorial there for those who were slaughtered on 17 Decem-
Viewing the 89 names on the `Wall of the Dead: at
lir PZi.gangacnr,°,731Z,"DaLs:Ztligs".
Be, Ken Coss. Eleanor Childs (plaid coat), Bea Coss.
    ber in the infamous Massacre of Malmedy. This story has been replete in many books and articles. 1 will not repeat all that they have said. 1 can say, that to stand there in the Memorial Park, at Baugnez gave all of us a great sense of emotion. Many of the 106th veterans in the group had been POWs and re-alized that it could his name on the Wall of Dead.
    I should remark that while on the trip I ac-quired a book, at La Gleize, about Colonel Jo-chen Peiper who was brought to trial for th• act. It is entitled The Devil's Adjutant: JO-CHEN PEIPER. PANZER LEADER. Publish-er, SPELLMOUNT, Staplehurst. I think is available in the States. I suggest it as very in-teresting reading. Written by a Britisher, Mi-chael Reynolds, it is very informative. 1 find it, inconclusive about the "Massacre," but with many details that I had not read about in any of the other articles. It is a comprehen-sive background on Colonel Peiper and how he came to be.
HerAZZg72.(57-Zri rgt7.2h1Tsms=ca "


Enjoying the Hospitality of C.R.I.B.A.
106th Vets travel to Ardennes - Sept 1995 - Part Two...
    We did not stop, but there are five black marble plaques standing in the park to the right of the Malmedy Cathedral. They were erected after public subscription to the memo-ries of 214 Malmedians and other refugees who lost their lives on December 23, 24 and 25th, 1944. These bombing also killed many American soldiers. How many is still un-known. The Belgians still question why was Malmedy, uninterruptedly held by the Ameri-Ali troops, bombed by the U.S. Air Force on lye different occasions? This question re-mains unanswered today.
    Our next stop was outside of Stavelot to view the city from the same road that Peiper's Panzers were on. It seems inconceiv-able that Peiper could have navigated those small roads to make his attack. They are nar-row, hilly and with sharp curves. Here we were in the 424th Regiment territory. for they
German Tiger II at the La Gleize, Belgium Museum Fr°m"'"'s;g118,;1,17,iiirt:rusitert 'n t"."""
came back through this area as the Gerrnans were pushed back. next stop, La Gleize
La Gleize...
    La Gleize, sight of the La Gleize Histori-cal Museum, where the only remaining Ger-manTiger II Tank, that was in combat, is on display. Many military history books recall the tremendous battle around and in La Gleize. We were shown a TV tape that ex-plained it all. As I recall, after the battle there were over 135 pieces of war materiel scat-tered around the village of La Gleize. The book I mentioned The Devil's Adju-tant by Michael Reynolds, quotes "The inn keeper's wife, Jenny Geenen, was a far see-ing person who decided that La Gleize should keep at least one major memento to the bat-tle. When she saw an American armored re-covery team removing Tiger II, number 213, from the Weremont farm she offered them a bottle of cognac for it - they accepted! It is the only remaining Tiger II in Europe that was actually involved in combat. Today it still menacingly covers the eastern ap-proaches to the village, just as it did fifty years ago."
    The museum contains many displays, be-hind glass, of American and German uni-formed soldiers engaged in various duties, such as operating a radio, a machine gun etc. An impressive display of hundreds of pieces of German and American equipment and war machinery.
If you travel to Belgium, make this a "must" on your agenda.


Enjoying the Hospitality of C.R.I.B.A.
106th Vets travel to Ardennes - Sept 1995 - Part Two...
Baraque de Fraiture, Belgium
The 105 mat Howitzer is displayed in the village at the junction of the major highway leading to Liege. This is the
anUrTnxerdn4e.grInta'tVntsh:f Wime'
589th FAB. in 1944.
This Howitzer was dedi.ted
during the 50th AnniverSarY
Ceremonies in 19..
It was procu. for this lo.tion
bPYIettr'ree Alitef=allar.
Parker's Crossroads...
    From La Gleize we headed for Parker's Crossroads (Baraque de Fraiture) anxiously waiting to see it come into view. We were not disappointed, it looked like we have seen it in several articles written by John Gatens of the 589th FAB and others who have visited it. A quite village with a hotel and a few busi-ness places. A 105mm Howitzer is displayed in the village center, and was dedicated in 1994. The existence of this gun is the result of the very hard work of Pierre MAWET, a CRIBA member. (more about Pierre and the gun in another CUB.) It was the only 105mm gun left in the U.S. arsenal that had an intact shield in place.
    The three guns of the 589th FAB and other units led by Major Parker, wrote some great history there as they defended, val-iantly, the crossroads at Baraque de Fraiture. This battle was later named The Battle of
Parker's Crossroads., in honor of Major Parker. the Battalion Commander.
    The 589th FAB's defense of Baraque de Fraiture is written up as The Alamo Defense. The Field Artillery Battalion with its val-iant stand have earned a place of honor in the Fort Sill Artillery School and has influcnced its teachings. 7'he Alamo Defense will appear in the May CUB.
    Arriving at Parker's Crossroads (Baraquik de Fraiture), after a very enjoyable tour wi Andre HUBERT, we checked into the Note Auberge du Carrefour, owned by Madame Maria LeHaire. Maria and her daughter, Bernadette Lejeune greeted us. 'There were several
    CR1BA mcmbers in the lobby awaiting our arrival. After checking in we had an opportu-nity to sec, first-hand, who we had been corresponding with over the years.
"4ratigTrirenararthcitet:Of=rOngnnHo.tzer Parker's Crossroads, 23 September 199a57re
A view of the villagers, wives and guests of the 106th
Veterans during the wreath laying ceremony. The seco.
gentleman from left is the Mayor of Manhay, talking to
Bernadette, daughter of Madame Ma. LeHaire

The CUB of the Golden Lion

Enjoying the Hospitality of C.R.I.B.A.
106th Vets travel to Ardennes - Sept 1995 - Part Two...
23 September 1995...
    Andre 11UBERT had scheduled us to visit the village of SPINEUX, where the villagers had built a monument to the 424th Infantry Regiment and the I 12th Infantry Regiment of the 28th Division. The two regiments had, af-ter their respective divisions were scattered during the Bulge, formed as a Combat Team. lay liberated, among other tovvns, the vil-'IF of SPINEUX. For obvious reasons the villagers think the 424th men are just great. Our meeting with the villagers turned out to be, not to slight other activities we partici-pated in, one the warmest, most satisfying and memorable events of our whole Euro-pean trip...
Padre' Crossroads
A view of the 106th Infantry
Division veterans by the Howitzer
after the wreath laying ceremony
on Saturday afternoon, 23
September 1995.
    UR: Howard Bagby, James Fliers, 424/M; Dean Childs, Toby Anderson 106 Signal; Ray Johnston, 423/H; Pete Lauman, 592 FAB/HQ; Ken Coss with just his eyes showing -ri ht of gun; John Kline. 423/M;gRichard Peterson, 423/1; Left rear of Peterson, unknown veteran of another unit; BRI Mueller, 424/M; Tiller Carter. 424/HQ is hidden
Bill=1:2ZYCVagLnigi. with
who was gunner on a 105mm
Howitzer like this.
John Hoag had left the tour, and
apparently KeAn ST. 423/H was
    I Will never forget the warm, genuine handshakes from thc the friendly villagers, the luncheon served by the villagers of home-cooked food and pies, the beautiful songs of Madame HURDEBISE as she sang Madelon (sweetheart of the regiment) and other songs to all of us from the porch of the Reception Hall across from the monument. The un-ashamed display of emotions as we honored the "Monument" with the American and Bel-gian National Anthems. It was a great day, at SP1NEUX, for all the Americans. Every let-ter I received from my comrades, after com-ing back home, conveyed the same thoughts.
The Monument at SPINEUX, 'VePtevirbeirtged H:giesir);411:rPalarripi:nit:O7i17
All fronTr2n:thdCoinciabat Infantry
I, Kenneth Coss; S/Sgt, Section Leader, Hea, Machine Gun, 424/ML James Fliers; S/Sgt - Mess Sergeant, 424/M;.
Cart, MiajoiL4r2.44uftelifeReggantal
Gunn:1P, 81 MM Mortar, 424/M,
and Howard Bagby, PFC
Gunner. 81MM Mortar. 424/M


Enjoying the Hospitality of C.R.l.B.A.
106th Vets travel to Ardennes - Sept 1995 - Part Two...
In frontaf the SPINEUX
    Far let Ms. 'Ti'nf-srrinetLACAILLE in front of the flag. who at the age of nine. participated in the September 1989 dedication as the 'Flower She repeated those duties here in 1995 Andre HUBERT, President of CR. is to the left of the lady in black coat. To Andre's left
riTAnDltrishecW,M 161,s,
Associate He lives in Stavelot
and has a fantastic museum of
VVvVII mementos
To his left are 106th vets,
Vaughn, Johinston, Coss,
sir_Tu`hriir:nu:,-,"edreatgebr Y.
MY aco',),^;9;eoiteleTt`i'f;e that
Jules H11121eD'EvIVSE, CRIBA
song Sweetheart of the
and twohoat:IfElElieh I do not
Madame HURDEBISE, who is
blind, singing without accompaniment, brought tears to the eyes of those listenin
Jules HURDEBISE, with ar
ecc,ISVosn"-ti,afrvtii(th tsohernSe"ionfetF::
Pvillagers.back of him
Bill Mueller, Howard Bagby and Jim Hiers of 424/M,
"thteh ISmPll?,laajX%IltgwA ietyd,9 re) thePircetgept7onri7;119
Ken Coss, 424/L. just swapped a cap for a CR. bolo-tie
with Paul Linden, CRIBA He found "Poppy Conner's"
barracks bag recently and returned it to him. He lives in
Grand Halleux, Belgium


Lunch Time, a petit Belgian youth with the Pie, Yurn!
sTATit:gdaAnrontliergel ITet^V:VtligrerY
name - too long ago...
If you ever want to find Don Patton or Dan Walters, you
look at the map board. Don pointing to map and Dan
looking. The map shows the Battle of LaGleize.

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Enjoying the Hospitality of C.R.I.B.A.
106th Vets travel to Ardennes - Sept 1995 - Part Two...
madame HURDEBISE singing to the crowd.
The monument is on the right side of road back of
Ray Johnston (in light jacket.)
A view of The crowd at SPINEUX
Left Henri ROGISTER, with another CRIBA rnember behind
him. (sorry I don't remember the name) Right, me -John
Kline, a vet from another unit, to my right, then Ken Smith,
with Ray Johnston standing.
"Heeanir hReOZE Tin 1 In'innorelp ig:JS1/4wRhtlrlic:, P
Jennifer Vaugh door; Amy Anderson (white hair);
two Belgian veterans and a Belgian lady
Enjoying the Hospitality of C.R.I.B.A.
106th Vets travel to Ardennes - Se t 1995 - Part Two...
23 September, 1995
Parker's Crossroads
A Dinner Banquet with CRIBA..
    In the picturesque hotel owned by Ma-dame LeHaire, over 70 people, 29 American vets, wives and guests, and the rest CRIBA members, sat down to an evening meal to celebrate their friendships together.
    Again, the warrn Belgian hospitality, the sharing of customs and talcs of how the Bel-gians survived the war brought us closer to-gether. There is no question that thc Belgians are grateful for the liberation of their country. There is no question that they respect the 106th veterans, just as we respect them.
    The banquet was a show of friendship and respect that will be remembered by all of us, forever. Again, CRIBA, thank you from all the 106th veterans...
24 September 1995
    As I wrote in Part One, this group of 106th veterans, wives and guests, was a mix-ture of three different groups. Some changed
personal "pre-planned" European travel plans to coincide with the dates of the several meet-
ings we had planned.
    Most all, except Margot and I, had plans for travel after the CRIBA dinner meeting. Some went to Frankfurt, some to Munich for the Oktoberfest, others visited POW camp sites to the east.
    Margot and I ended up nursing terrible hcad colds for three days. We lefi Parker's Crossroads and literally "sacked out" for two days in the hotel at St. Vith, then the last night at the Brussels Airport Sheraton. We missed a trip to Bastogne with Andre' 11UBERT. We had bcen invited to the homc of LTC John Greene in Waterloo, Beleium, for the night before we flew homc, but had to forego that because of our condition. Hope-fully we can go back one of these next couple of years and catch up on what we missed. Many letters, and phone calls have been sent between the American vets, all saying the same, "It was a great trip, a wonderful experience, I wish we could do it again..." J. Kline
A view of the table decoration with two helmets and an American flag.
The writing says. "Welcome and Thank You to our Liberators Mana and her family.

The CUB of the Golden Lion

Enjoying the Hospitality of C.R.I.B.A.
106th Vets travel to Ardennes - Sept 1995 - Part Two...
An overview prior to dinner. Ray Johnston, fore,. Dick Left. Be Bames, Dean Child's sister; Den and Eleanor
Peterson on right,with Rita and LTC John Greene behind; Childs; Dorothy and Pete Lauman;
sta'vnidirVirtbd&yhnBILICi2IXIAIVS,bgce'lgVidl'oTintlice Toby and Amy Anderson, rear of table.
Bill Mueller, lett with CRIBA member. Pierre MAVVET. "714111viliadVna:r'.741:;,,T,FIctfitni=ff'
Pierre is the person responsible for the procurement of
the 105MM Howitzer that sits in the village center.
fki The CUB of the Golden Lion 31
23 SePt 1995 CRIBA D'
pr:arrectie,diaaarne ma inler, John Kline, left, 106th Inf had Andre franniath:1-51zearvkers Crossroads with
111"87f2T is explaining it to CRIstartmltrjeirtre
Madame Le Haire shows the plaque to her daughter,
Bernadette. The LeHaires own the hotel at Baraque de
Fraiture (Parker's Crossroads)
John_Kline had_ just presented Andre' HUBERT, President
A s'soT.TtiOn'. wPire'r ePG011SjeStliP, PjleRiftZTefgertiatrryielolo'kThon.
Margot Kline to John's left.
o'f\ 41.1'11:n11ljg tgli)sli!itt'of tZaAnR. CiEptl;tri:ahtTa
brass plate inscribed, with a Bronze Order of the Golden
Lion Medallion placed above the inscription plate.
Another 106th Vet Experiences the Hospitality of C.R.I.B.A.
     Sy Lichtenfeld. "I• Co. 422nd Combat Infantry Regiment with his son, Norman, in front of the 106th Infantry DiViSiOn Memorial, St. Vith, Belgium - October 1994
    Sy Licthenfeld's story arrived just in time for me to use it as an excellent accessory to my story about the retum of fifteen 106th vets to Germany and Bel-gium in September 1995. It is obvious that Sy, in 1994,and my comrades, in 1995, experienced the same feeling of respect for the help that members of CRIBA extend to the 106th veterans as they re-turn to their beautiful country in search of their past. John Kline, editor
by Seymour (Sy) Lic,htenfeld
"I" Co., 422nd Combat Infantry Regiment
106th Infantry Division 19450 NE 21 Court, No. Miami Beach, FL 33179 305-932-4467
    PREFACE: In 1973, the family took a trip to Europe and made a short stop in St. Vith. However I was not ready at that time to seek out the truth as to what happened to me and the rest of "1" Com-pany those fateful days of Dec 16, thru the 19th, 1944.
    For the October 1994 trip our plans started in the Spring to gather as much information as we could including names of people from CRIBA mem-bers and The Battle of the Bulge Historical Founda-tion at Ft. Meade, MD. We wrote to and obtained from the Center of Military History of the US Army, books, & situation maps, regarding the European Theater of Operations from Normandy through the Ardennes: Battle of the Bulge. We spent untold hours studying and planning an itinerary for the venture.
    We finally set a date in early October 1994. We were aware of the many reunion tours that were going to be there. but wanted the freedom to wander and explore without time restraints in order to get the answers that we were seeking.
Return to the Ardennes, a phrase that has haunted me for over 50 years. Questions th
have always been in the back of my mind: it "Where and why did it happen to me and
does anybody care"?
    In October 1994, my son Norman and 1, equipped with situation maps of the area of December 1944, letters from CR1BA, and his-torical information from the Army, found our-selves picking up a car, at the Brussels Airport, early one sunny morning. With an itinerary that had been carefully planned, we struck out to see if we could locate the actual positions of "1" Company, 422nd Regiment of the 106th Infantry Division that were occu-pied during, that fateful December of 1944.
    Much to our surprise, within one hal f-hour, we had cleared customs, got our car and found our way out of the airport and on the main expressway heading East. Our first stop was the American Cemetery at Henri
    Chapelle to pay our respects to members of the 106th who were buried there. We also were on a mission to locate a grave site for an acquaintance of my son. We were successful and the family was very appreciative of the


Another 106th Vet Experiences the Hospitality of C.R.I.B.A.
Ilres as no one had ever been over to visit the grave.
    The modern road system and the proxim-ity of all the towns and villages put us hours ahead of our time frame and we found our-selves in St. Vith about lunch time. What a change from the little cross road village that vve had come to in December 1944.1 can still recall the 2 'A ton GMC that we rode, on a very cold snowy day, sliding off the icy cov-ered road and almost turning over. Here was a city with modern buildings, stores, offices and full of people on this sunny afternoon.
    We inquired about the town for lodgings and were trying to get our bearings and head-ing for the tourist office when out of nowhere a lady came running down the street yelling, "Was I Mr. Lichtenfeld." I was astonished that someone knew my name as we had not left it with any of the hotels we had been looking at. It tumed out the lady was Mrs Adda R1KKEN, one of the many people whose name vve had been given through CRIBA and with whom we had corre-Abided. We had told her in one of our letters Wwe had hoped to be in St. Vith on or about the next day. She had been in the beauty parlor down the street, but her hus-band Willie had been in one of the hotels we visited having a beer and noticed these two Americans inquiring about rooms. He in-formed his wife of this American with a younger man and she put two and two to-gether and came chasing us down the street. This was the beginning of an instant love af-fair with Adda and Willie RIKKEN. She told us that because of all the organizational reun-ions occurring the CR1BA people needed help and recruited her to assist us when we showed up the following day and to guide us to the monuments in the area.
    They immediately took us to their recom-mended hotel. We had coffee and discussed plans for the next few days as to what we wanted to see. All of us then walked down to the 106th Infantry Division Memorial which had recently been re-dedicated. It was very nostalgic to see the 106th patch emblazoned on the stone memorial. We understand that the 106th Infantry Division Association re-built the monument and it will be maintained by the Belgians to give thanks to the Ameri-can liberators.
    During our planning talk over dinner with the RIKKENS, it became obvious to my son and I that they were thinking of telling us about all the memorials in the area (there are over 108) and the story behind each. They were overwhelmed when we brought down our maps and saw that we wanted to go to the battlefields. They were very honest in telling us that they had never been up into the forest looking for battle sites, but would be honored to be our chauffeurs and using the maps to find what we looking for.
    The next morning we met for coffee and with Willie driving in heavy fog (reminiscent of Dec 44) we set out for the first of many forays into the Ardennes. In order to get into the area of the Schnee Eifel, we first had to go into Germany, through Pram and follow the back roads, past Obermaher and then after following forest ranger paths for 2 'A miles, Willie announced we were at the point on the map that we had circled.
    We vvere in the middle of the Ardennes forest, dark, foggy, cold as the sun was not fully up. We parked the car in a clearing and hiked to the side of the hill where our situ-ation map said that I Company had been on the 16 Dec.
    It was erie knowing that I had been here 50 years ago. There were indications that dug-outs and foxholes had been here, but the log-gers and the weather had pretty well
    eliminated the evidence. This was the first time that I realized that I had been fighting in Germany back in 1944, not in Belgium. I had always thought that I was West of the Sieg-fried line but here was proof positive I was East of it.
    Coming out of the forest, we decided to follow my route as a prisoner since we were already on the German side. We drove along the Palm road and into Pritm. I had always thought that my three day march took me into

The CUB qf the Golden Lion 33
Another 106th Vet Experiences the Hospitality of C.R.I.B.A.
    Prtim where we were loaded into the box cars. Much to my surprise the railway station at Prt1m did not have the large grey wall that I remembered being up against for the better part of a day awaiting the prison train. Also we could not find the church yard that I recall sleeping in amongst the tombstones. Willie said that there was a church in Gerolstein about another 22 kilometers further East. As soon as we came within the village proper I recognized the church yard and at the railway station there was the high grey wall alongside the tracks, the vision that I have recalled these many years. There was also an old box car on a siding that resembled the one that I had been locked up in for over 10 days with no food and water.
    Leaving Gerolstein, we came back into the Schnee Eifel and vvith help of the maps followed the battlefield where the 423rd had been. Since "I" Company 422 was on the left flank of the 423rd, we could see the hills and valley and distances that were our positions. We came up the back side, and found the new positions according to the maps of the 422nd for the 17 & 18 Dec. It vvas at this time in our readings that we discovered the 422nd was ordered to about face and attack SchOnberg. We also learned that "I" Com-pany and "H" Company were ordered to take up positions in abandoned block houses in the Siegfried line as rear guard for the regi-ment. This clarified a nagging thought that al-ways plagued me when discussing our time of capture. Many men from our regiment had told me they were in fox holes or in open fields when told to destroy their equipment. I can remember that I was in a foxhole, under fire, near a blockhouse. The answer was never clear as to how or why 1 was there.
    Continuing through back roads and over trails that have subsequently been paved over, we parked the car and went into the dense wooded area. Our first find was a con-
    crete bunker that was over grown with vegeta-tion. Using sticks, we poked around and discovered an entry way and gun ports. It ob-viously had taken a hit as the concrete was
    damaged and steel re-bars were exposed. I learned later that, in fact, the French had blown all the bunkers in 1947 and 1948.
    After this discovery, we marched our-selves into the dense woods and practically fell into the first fox hole. Although they had been partially filled in with leaves and broken branches, the area appeared never to have been disturbed. In the fox holes, we found empty ammunition boxcs, and remains of what appeared to be lanterns. There was no doubt in our minds that this was the area that had been occupied by "I" Company, 422nd Regiment of the 106th Infantry Division. The positions were a few hundred yards north of the highest point of the Schnee Eifel. A Ra-dio/TV tower now sets there and it is named "Schwarzer Mann." There is a ski area north of the tower. The Schnee Eifel is renown for it's "Winter Sports."
    After getting back to a main road, we found an access road that took us into the re-mains of the Siegfried line. The concrete dragon teeth were still in place and there was
the area was not safe as unexploded mines'. a waming sign in four languages indicatin
and other explosives were still in the area. Needless to say we high tailed it out of there.
    We then allowed our Belgian friends to take us to the memorial of Lt. Eric Wood of the 589th Field Artillery Battalion. Lt. Wood had avoided capture for over three weeks and with an unknown 82nd Airborne trooper cre-ated havoc in the German rear area. He was ultimately killed with seven German soldiers laying in the snow around him. We also vis-ited Eve Maraite, who was a young girl at the time, and in whose house Lt. Wood had taken refuge during part of his activities.
    After a very long day filled with many memories, we were invited to the RIKKENS for dinner, good food, talk of politics and the telling of war stories.
    With a good nights rest under our belts, and a full breakfast, the R1KKENS met us for an early start to visit the northern shoulder of the Bulge. We stopped at the twin cities of Krinkelt and Rocherath and the area of the


Another 106th Vet Experiences the Hospitality of C.R.1.B.A.
Seim Gap where the initial penetrations were made by the Germans.
    Wc visited the entire northern shoulder of the Bulge including the Elsenborn ridge and the little villages where heroic stands were the order of the day in those trying times. We followed the same roads that the 1st SS Panzer, Peiper's column, took. We re-read the history. from the Arrny's book as well as from ST VITH: Lion in the Way. The accuracy between the two was remarkable and we felt like we were reliving the action all over again. We stood on the bridges at Stavelot and Trois-Ponts where the 291st En-gineers blew them literally in the German faces. We found the only remaining King Tiger tank at La Gleize and a marvelous museum con-taining much memorabilia from the fighting.
    At Malmedy we paid our respects to the men that had been murdered there and who arc remembered with a beautiful memorial. As night fall w. descending on us, we made our way to Parker's Crossroads. In the fading light standing alongside the memorial made la 105 Howitzer, we were enthralled with
ommanding view that they had and how th y were able to stop thc German columns until they were overrun.
    As the hour was late, we went across the street from the memorial to the Auberge du Carrefour for dinner. The restaurant was quite full but the owner's daughter Ber-nadette found a table for the four of us. Upon learning that I was a returning Battle of the Bulge vet, she informed her mother, Madame Marie LeHaire, who was ill and in bed. The Madame immediately got dressed and with an arm full of scrapbooks joined us while we were having dinner. In the course of over four hours approximately ten other customers pulled chairs around our table and in four lan-guages we were listening to the most unbe-lievable stories I have ever heard. One even had a picture he carried in his wallet of a GI who had been wounded and was cared for in his house until the Germans took him away. There was considerable picture taking both video and still, including one of me in an old
GI helmet (without the hehnet liner). It was an evening that both my son and I will never forget.
    The next morning with tears in our eyes we said good-bye to our new friends and started south to retrace the Battle of the Bulge's southern action. At Clervaux in Lux-embourg we visited the castle and museum where a great battle took place between American tanks and the Germans. The statue of the GI in the plaza is one that all of us vets can be proud of. At Diekirch we stopped at one of the most complete military museums I have ever visited. Not only have they col-lected and restored military equipment but have arrange dioramas with mannequins that resemble the actual battle field conditions dur-ing the winter of 1944.
    At Arlon, Belgium, we visited the Vic-tory Museum where there are, over 300 Ger-man & American vehicles on display in mint condition including a C-47 (I was in airborne before joining the 106th). As we traveled, we read the battlefield reports for each of the ar-eas we were passing. It made the countryside come alive for us. We found the spot where Patton turned the 3rd Army North to attack from the South.
    We now turned North ourselves, to Bas-togne, and followed the 4th Arrnored Divi-sion's route. We found the stone bunker in the field where the relief of Bastogne took place. Standing in McAuliffe Square, evi-dence was all around us that the people re-membered the Americans.
    Finding we had an extra day due to the help of the R1KKENS in St. Vith, we decided to continue north into the Netherlands and fol-low the battlefields of Market Garden better known as a Bridge Too Far.
    For my son and myself, this trip an-swered many of the questions that have haunted me these 50 years. Where did it hap-pen? Why did it happen? And does anybody care? Seymour (S'y) Lichtenfeld.....


1995 December 16th Mini-Reunions...

lobth Infantry DiViii011 Association Mini-Reunions - iqqs
President Richard Rigatti
    The following pages show photos and reports from the 1995 December 16th Mini-Reunions held throughout the United States. We wish to thank tho. that played a part in organizing the. gct-togethers for the members of the 106th Infantry Division Many of tho. who cannot attend the annual reunions have an opportunity through these wonderful parties to enjoy the camaraderie of their fellow veterans.
    It is obvious that good will among the men and their wives and guests prevail during these events. We hope that if you that did not attend a local Mini-Reunion that you make note of the address and telephone number of this year's sponsor. Call them and join in the spirit next year when they will once again be held. If this year's sponsor is not organizing the next one, they can tell you who is.
    If you would like to sponsor a "Get-Together ," address labels of Association members in your area are available from CUB editor.
Next year's Mini-Reunions will be listed in the Aug-Sep-Oct 1996 issue of The CUB.
    The Board of Directors feel that the December 16th Mini-Reunion. will, in time becau. of our age, supplement and later replace the annual rcunions. Thank you all for participating and a special thanks to you that sponsored these even.. You are special people.
Richard Rigatti. 423/8
President, 106th Infantry Division Association 113 Woodshire Dr., Pittsburgh, PA 15215
From Before the Veterans Die
a book of poems by Dale Carver, 424/11Q 3Bn
We were there, that winter long ago.
    We survived; many of our comrades fell. Twin enemies were the weather and the foe - the never-ending cold and the bursting shell. Conceived of this ordeal of ftre and icy earth
    this brotherhood of old men came to be; a kinship stronger far than that by birth was born when we were young, across the sea. Of the ties that bind, others cannot know, but we were there, that winter long ago....


1995 December 16th Mini-Reunions...
Southem California Area - 1995
    Milton Weiner, 424IM 28121 Ridgethorne Court, Rancho Palos Verde, CA 90275 Tele: 310- 544-0470 As usual we started by reading 424th/HQ3Bn's Dale Carver's My First Reunion. This was followed by the Memorial Prayer for 7'hose Fallen from the Armed Forces Prayer Book that was on my person in The Battle of the Bulge. A recording of TAPS was next. This wa.s in memory of Colonel C.C. Cavender, who had attended eaeh of our eight previous reunions. The Colonel loved coming and, for the past eight years, it was his only outing. When Army had beaten Navy he sang the West Point Alma Mater Song. Dick and
Erbes always brought the Colonel from his quarters at the Air Force Skilled Nursing Care Center in
ide. California.
    II 16 enjoyed the dinner, the afternoon, the fellowship, and the memories of When We Were Young Across The Sea. In 1996, we are scheduled for 8 December at 1:00 P.M. Please write or call to be added to the mailing list.
    Present on December 3. 1996 were: William DeBlase, 106 MP; Dick & Lyn Erbes, 423/HQ; Robert & Jeanette Josephs, 422/HQ; 'Cliff& Sarah Kincannon, 590/HQ; Joseph & Ann Litvin, 423/D; Neil Mahoney, 590/HQ; Robert & Mary Lou Marsh, 423/D; Al & Martha Siekierski. 592/C; Milton & Bella Weiner, 424/M
The CU B qf the Golden Lion 37
1995 December 16th Mini-Reunions...
Madison, Wisconsin Area - 1995
Chuck Rieck, 424/H, 7316 Voss Pkwy, Middleton, WI 63562 Tele: 608-831-6110
    The Wisconsin 7th annual commemorative meeting of the Battle of the Bulge was held at Cl's East in Madison, Wisconsin on Oetober 7, 1995. We had 45 people in attendance.
    Attending were: m/m Ed Wojahn; Dr/M Eugene Rodd; m/in Ray Kurth; m/m James Tetzlaff;; m/m Jerry Miller; m/m Charles Puskarieh; m/m Chuek Rieck; m/m Ilenry Wittenberg; m/m Larry Post; Edward Dorn; m/m Joe Broderick; m/m Robert Kane; Pete Di Benardo; Ms Nina Spenle; m/m Del Re
    m/m Arnold Brannstrom; m/m Robert Homan; Vietor Fueh; Ms Marie Estes; m/m Albert Mareh; Michael Zych; m/m Ed Polaski; Richard Prendergast; John Mueller; Walt Donaldson; Fred Broussard. The photographer was Larry Post. By group action. 1996's meeting will be held on October 26 at same plaee - Crs East, in Madison, Wisconsin.

The CUB of the Golden Lion
1995 December 16th Mini-Reunions...
Pittsburgh Area - 1995
Richard L. Rigatti, 423/B, 113 Woodshire Dr.- Pittsburgh, PA 15215 Tele: 1-800-344-7828
The 106th had a Mini-Reunion luncheon at The Fountain Room. 28 were present. Great food and great company.
PR. HiNi-REUNiON-DEC.16,1995
    C ENT RAL EURoPE By PFC Humberto Aponte Corazal, Puerto, Rico M Company (Mules, 4221rtfantry Regiment 106th Infantry Division
Corozal, Puerto Rico - 1995
Humberto Aponte, 422/M, PO Box 1668, Corozal, Puerto, Rico 00783-1668 Tele: 809-859-7297
    The 1995 Mini-Reunion took place in my home scheduled. Present were Ex-S/Sgt 1 lector ColOn Rios; Hector t'ought in Vietnam during the Tel-Offensive. He earned the Bronze Star. Purple Heart w/cluster, ,4ir Medal as well as others. He is Inventory Controller Manager with Intel Corp. at its Las Piedras P.R. facility. With him were: His wife: Ana H. Santiago de Colon, His daughter: Ms. Rosana Colon Santiago; His mother: Ms. Carmen Rios Hernandez.
    Also present was my beloved wifc: Ms. Aida L. Rios Hernandez who for this special occasion prepared the following: White boiled ricc (no grease or salt). Baby lima beans (dry) stewed with pumpkin & smoked ham, Sliced turkey breast in red sauce. California Chablis wine was served.
For dessert- Cointreau (cordial straight), Spanish nougat candy and Cafe au lait.
    Of course, we remembered our fallen comrades of the 106th, my othcr outfit, the 298th Combat Engineer Battalion and thc 101 Screaming Eagles. Enclosed you will find a small sign 18" x12" prepared by thyc writer on vegetable parclunent paper for the affair. Photos will follow... Humberto Aponte. 422/M


1995 December 16th Mini-Reunions...
Detroit, Michigan Area - 1995
Russell Mayotte, 424/F, 9628 CaveIle St., Livonia, MI 48150 Tele: 313-421-4059
    Ladies - Back Row: Ann Fmnkini; Mary Lou Roberts; Mary Jane Fonda; Pat Wenslow and Ruth Rag" Ladies -Middle Row: Mrs Dashner; Fume LeClair; Audry Ortwine; Lee Rowe; Betty Passariello;
and Shirley' Gillespie Ladies Front Row: Jean Schutte
All pictures Left to Right:
    Men - Back Row: John Shalhoub; Bob Rowe; Jim Fonda; Jack Roberts; Will Hartman; Jack Gillespie; Will Paquen and John Jambor
    Men - Middle Row; Bob Dashner; Bill LeClair, Lou Passarriello; Harold Ortwine; Tony Rand and Marshal Wenslow Men -Front Row: Russ Mayotte and l'aul Wasylon


1995 December 16th Mini-Reunions...
New Jersey Area - 1995
Carl Messina,81st ENG/A, 926 Seymour Ave, Linden, New Jersey 07036-2942; Tele: 908-488-2927
    On November 12, 1995 the New Jersey group met. There were 59 in attendance. The place was The Coachman Inn in Cranford, N.J.
    Pictures by Bill Blaher. The M.C. was Paul Werknesiter who was helped by Nick Ricoli, John Gallagher, Col. Thomas Riggs, Dr. Baird, Duncan Trueman and Orfeo Agostini. Joe Seoul handled the door. Carl Messina was presented a beautiful trophy of a Flying Eagle for his work on the reunion over the years. His wife Alice was also the recipient of an award. A good time was had by all.
ArrENDING: Carl & Ali. Messina; Col. Thomas Riggs, Jr.; Orfeo Agostini; William Daly; Frank &
    ial Sziber; Ephriam & Natalie Goldberg; Joseph & Dorothy Krafehik; Duncan & Grace Trueman; cker Avedisian & Marilyn Wolfson; Charles & Daisey Walsh; Ken & Marion Sehuetz; William & Miriam Blaher; Dr. Harry & Betsy Baird; Charles Saxton; Irving & Rhoda Schrom; Nick & Candid Risoli; Paul & Lucille Werkmeister; Roy & Wanda Fava; John & Stella Gallagher; Fred & Charlotte Sehieferstein; Jacques & Jean Bloch; Charles & Pauline Fehnel; m/m Howard Kushner; m/m Jack & Anne McDevitt; m/m Arthur Potts; m/m Eugene Powell; m/m Salvatore Scalw; M. Elston; m/m N. Haefner; m/m Joseph Scotti; E. Slotkin; M. Elston; J. Puzio


1995 December 16th Mini-Reunions...
Texas Area - 1995
Ted & Beth Jones, 4646 Mill Creek Rd, Dallas, TX Tele: 214-239-8796
    On 16 December, ele,en metnbers of the 106th and nine gueats met at the Steak & Ale Restaurant in Dallas, Texas to observe the 5Ist Anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge. The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance and an Invoeation. Good fellowship was enjoyed by all. Miek "Pappy" Conner. 84 yrs of age. (592/B) was unable to attend for health reasons. He would appreeiate hearing from "anyone" in the 106th. His address is Arlington Villa, Room 272, 2601 W. Randol Mill Rd., Arlington, TX 76012.
    Front lir Aubrey D. Morgan, 424/G; John S. Nesbit, Jr.. 424/F; Hugh L. Colbert. 422/B; Herb Sheaner, Jr., 422/G and William J. Vingst, 423/D.
    Back: Leamon H. Hammontree,422/HQ 2Bn; Reuben H. Braden, 422/K; Ted N. Jones, 424/A; Thu L. Fox. 422/B: Robert N. Lyons. 424/HQ and Arthur C. Thomasson, 424/A.
Geneva, Illinois 1995
Phil & Gwen Farris, 432JH, 368 C Brittany Ct., Geneva, IL 60134
    A 423/H Pre-December Get-Together at the Farris home: 1/r: Phil Farris; Mike Kurceja; John Swett and Walter Peterson.

The CUB qf the Golden Lion

1995 December 16th Mini-Reunions...
Albuquerque, New Mexico - 1995
Armando Velasquez, 424/K, 9616 Avenida De La Luna N.E., Albuquerque, NM 87111
    e met for a ini-Rcunion at Shone., 's at l'..tibank and Montgomery NE tor an enjoyable luneheon. A news article about the reunion brought fonvard two new members. We enjoyed meeting with former 'ers and had just an enjoyable time.
    en - Ur: Ralph Nelson. 422JCN: Robert Soladay, 422/SV; Armando Velasquez, 424/IC; Wilbur Parker, 424/FI and Louis Baca. 422/L.
Guests - lir: Tillie Baca; Adda Larson; Margaret Velasquez: Rhoda Nelson and Kenneth Parker.:
The CU B of the Golden Lion 43
1995 December 16th Mini-Reunions...
Mt Vernon, Illinois Area - 1995
John Mikalauskis, 424/H, Box 31 306 W. Blake, Benton, IL 62812 Tele: 618-439-3867
    On December 8th, a group of the 106th attended a reunion eelebrating the Anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge at the Holiday Inn in Mt. Vernon, Illinois. We had 47 reservations, but only 19 were able to attend due to bad weather. An enjoyable time was had by alt. It was decided that the 1996 Anniversary Celebration be held on December 13, 1996.
    Men, back-row lir: Bill Daugherty, Bob Shaw, John Hohenstein, Cebert Tumer, John Mikala Pete Lauman, Al Kopatz front-row: Glenn Hartlieb, Ken Bradfield, Vic Breit.
    Women, back-row Ur: Elaine Shaw, Angela Daugherty, lona Hohenstein, Avis Breite. Ida Kopatz. June Bradfield.front-row: Nadine Hartlieb, Dolores Mikalauskis, Dorothy Lauman.


1995 December 16th Mini-Reunions...
Arizona - 1995
    Herman Van De Bogart, 424IA, NCR 1, Box 2000 NSC-023, Tucson, AZ 85736 Tele: 520-822-2296 Dateline 16 December 1995- Our reunion took place at the Cortez/Balboa room in the Holiday Inn, Tucson. Arizona. The tables were decorated in red and green. There was a nicely decorated Christmas Tree with 13 gifts, donated by local businessmen, to be awarded as door prizes. There were 30 members, vvives and guests. Following a flag salute we observed a moment of silence for our departed comrades, including our good friend Larry Walden, who hosted last year's luncheon.
We welcomed special guests Jim Conroy, 2nd Div. and wife Joyce, and Wayne Conright (not pietured)
from the 82nd. Other special guests were my daughter, Carol Ramar, Seattle and our friend Dort Haney
or our program I showed TV clips of the 106th in combat and also of the eeremony in August of 1995
I w. awarded the Bronze Star. Reminiscences of those long ago times were enhanced by Jim Conroy
    e 2nd Division which the 106th relieved on the line in December 1944. Toby Anderson and Dean Childs talked about their recent trip to Belgium. Toby brought lot's of pictures for us to enjoy.
    Men- Front lir: Michael Membrila, Emilio Membrila, Emor Pretty, Toby Anderson, Dean Childs, Jim Conroy. Back Row: Morton Shafton, Henry Hayden, Ralph Bean, Herman Van De Bogart, Glen Kennedy, George Stephens, Gene Barker. Richard Behr, Jack Waters and Floyd Friend.
    Ladies- Front lir: Joyce Conroy, Dorothy Waters, Helen Van De Bogart, Barbara Hayden, Amy Anderson Carol Ramar. Back: Eleanor Childs, Bea Nehr. Francine Shafton, Pearl Kennedy, Sheba Stephens, Rosemary Barker. Dort Haney.

The CUB qf the Golden Lion 45
1995 December 16th Mini-Reunions...
Chicago, Illinois Area - 1995
    Russell Villwock, 106 SIG, 8560 W. Foster Ave, #510, Norridge, IL 60656 - 2772; Tele: 708452-8628 Again, this year, former members of the 106th in the Chicago area gathered on December 2nd to commemorate our days in Belgium during the winter of '44-'45.
    We met at the Elk's Club in Des Plaines. During the cocktail hour we remembered some good times, and some bad times, during and after The Battle of the Bulge. It seems as we age, our memories dim. but we all remember our days together.
    After a turkey dinner with all the trimmings, a few dinner drinks, we talked about what to do next year. and of the upcoming reunion in Roanoake, Aug 30 to Sept 2nd. With Holiday Wishes and hopes that would all be together next year, we departed for home.
    Each year I mail 50- 60 letters with about a 30% return. I vvas disappointed with the turn-out this as many had said they would attend as we visited during the Orlando reunion. 1 will send a questionnaire within a few months to see who would like to be notified next year. It may make planning a little easier. Attending were: mini Maynard Adolphson; m/m Clarence Binder; Antone and L.awrence Costa; m/m Joseph Dallman; m/m Major Hill; m/m Thomas Kapsalis; m/rn Oliver Libman; Mrs Florence Lucsay; m/m Herbert Meagher; m/m Raymond Panice; m/m Edward Rydzinski; m/m Ted Swier; Mrs Millie Holder; m/m Milton Schober; m/m Earl Parker and m/m Russell Villwock.
46 The CUB ql the Golden Lion
1995 December 16th Mini-Reunions...
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Area - 1995
Charlie & Nancy Dafte, 591/SV, 231 Davis Ave, Clifton Heights, PA 19018 Tele 215-626-1866
    16 December 1995: Those of us who were able. gathered together for our Annual Commemorative Battle qf the Bulge Dinner. here in the Phila. area. at "Our House." We have been most fortunate to share this time ^• ear with the men and ladies of the 106th Infantry Division. Nancy and I thank them all for their help. I 11c).. all have such warm and pleasant personalities. which. in it's-self seems to motivate us to prepare for this event each year.
We also realize that. as we travel through the "Golden Years," we'll have a few empty seats. Ray Smith,
1/HQ passed away this year. Harvey Bradford, 424/SV is in a eonvaleseent home. Ernst Savage 424/HQ
Ilion recovery. Jim Bard, 423/1 and Charlie Harvey 424/A were on detached service and Ray Ulmer,
    V was AWOL!!. Gentlemen, we missed you and pray that God will watch over all of us through this year. We are looking fonvard to seeing you in Roanoke Aug 30-Sept 2, 1996.
    MEN seated 1/r. Herb Whitehead. 81st/A; Fred Vitali, 424/B; Charlie Datte, 591/SV; Nevvt Weiss, 423/11Q; Harry Albertson, 422/H; standing: Jaek McDevitt, 81/A; B. Wilson, 591/SV; Russ Hoff, 422JM; Stan Wojtusik. Jr. 422/G; Joe Ansel, 422/AT.
    WOMEN lir: (seated) Beeky (waitress): Anne Mcdevitt: Ruth Weiss; Jessica (waitress); Nancy Datte; Gladys Albertson: Mickie Vitali; Joan Hoff
7he CUB ofthe Golden Lion 47
1995 December 16th Mini-Reunions...
Reading, Penn. 1994
    John J. Gallagher, 81st ENG/C, 4003 Francis St., Temple, PA 19560 TELE: 610-929-2887 The Reading Area held its annual Memorial Dinner, 1 December 1995 at the Dutch Colony Motor Lodge. For those that stayed overnight we had breakfast together on Saturday A.M. Members attended from our area as well as from New Jersey and Delaware.
    Good food, good fellowship and sharing of memories from Christmas 1944 for the families at home and with the 1061h. We endured ice, snow, mud, enemy and POW camps. We all reflected on how Faith helped us find "Presence of Inner Peace while in the Fox Hole or Prison Camp"
    We referred to the story of Father Cavanaugh and Col. Joe Matthews during their prison camp experillo Next years dinner will be held Friday, December 6. For information contact me at the above addr telephone number. Photos by Fred Carr. Nancy Datte not shown in pictures.
    Men lir: Phil Harris, Stanley Kowalski, Fred Carr, Vince Sziber, Martin Dorminy. Curtis Deisher, Jack McDevitt and Charles Datte. Seated: Carl Messina, Donald Showalter. Norman Kaufman. On floor: John J. Gallagher.
    Ladies front: Robbie Showalter, Doris Dorminy, Alice Messina. Baek 1/r: Florence Deisher. Ida Frank, Mary Lorah, Anne McDevitt, Betty Can.. Lillian Harris, Stella Gallagher, Erma Kowalski, Muriel Sziber.


1995 December 16th Mini-Reunions...
Northern California - 1995
    Edward Prewett, 424/B, 7831 Lone Tree Way, Brentwood, CA 94513 -Tele: 510-929-2887 John Stauff, 591/B, 139 Danefield Place, Moraga, CA 94556 - Tele: 510-376-2870
    Another great December 16th gathering of the Northern California Group. John Stauff and Ed Prewett hosted this one. We were honored to have as our guest speaker, former Colonel Dupree Sassard. Intelligence Officer at the 12th Army Group Ileadquarters. He gave a very informative talk.
Present were:
    Men - Standing: Robert 13rendlinger: Ed Dunn; C.R. Meltensen; Frank Nausin; William Fowler and 'Ir's friend: Michael Thome and Clarence Epling.
    ted: John Stauff; John Gregory; George Johnson; Walter Johannes; Colonel Dupree Sassard (guest er); Edward Prewett On floor: Jerome Eisenman.
    Ladies: Ruth Eisenman; Aileen Sassard; Reddie Prewett; Helena Meltensen; Elaine Epling; Shirley Gregory and Lucille Johannes.
    Missing from our presence. but in our hearts were Vera and Joe Salbcr, 423/SV. Joe passed away September 4. He served with me as Co-Chair of the first Northern California gathering, 12/15/1986.
See picture on next page>>>>

The CUB qf the Golden Lion 49
1995 December 16th Mini-Reunions...

In Remembrance of Joe Salber, by Ed Prewett - Northern California Group.....
    On Labor Day September 4, 1995 Joe Salber passed away. He had been ill for some time. His wife Vera expressed his death as, "This is a very sad time in my life, but I know Joe was ready to go to Heaven."
    Joe Salber served with the 423rd Regiment Service Company. He filled in as Regimental Supply Officer with the 424th during the battle. At the urging of Sherod Collins. Joe and I organized the first gathering of the California 106th Veterans. The picture above, of Vera and Joe, was taken at the pre-reunion meeting on the Prewett patio in 1986. This gathering was held on December 15, 1986 in &aliment° and was attended by the following six veterans and three wives:
    Mr & Mrs Ivan Long; Mr & Mrs Joseph Salber; Mr & Mrs Edward Prewett; John Gregory; John Stauff and Miehael Thome. Vera now resid. at 195 Town Center Way, Vacaville, CA 95687
Alabama - 1995
Joseph A. Massey, 422/C and Judge Walter G. Bridges, 424/D
% Massey - 4820 Spunky Hollow Rd, Remlap, AL 35133 Tele: 205-681-1701
    Dateline: 16 December 1995: 1 he Commemorative December 16th meeting of the 106th Infantry Division veterans of Alabama was held at The Pioneer Cafeteria in Birmingham, Alabama. It was a combined meeting with Battle of the Bulge organization membership. Six members of the 106th Infantry Division and wives attended. The combined meeting had approximately six veterans and wives attending. Dinner and a musical program were enjoyed by all. Present were (see photo lir):
    Judge Walter Bridges and wife Barbara, Hueytown; Wil and Norma Temple, Birmingham; Dave and Frances Lacy, Birmingham; Joseph (Joe) and Hazel Massey, Remlap; John and Mary Racster. Cullman; John and Lee Gilliland. Enterprise.


1995 December 16th Mini-Reunions...

Sarasota Florida - 1995
Lester A. Helmich, 424/HQ, 2600 Belvoir Blvd, Sarasota, FL 34237 Tele: 813-955-3571
    The December Remembrance of the start of the Bulge was held at VFW Post 3233 with a luncheon and socializing from 1:00 PM until 4:00 PM by 22 members of the 106th Infantry Division and its affiliated units and one member of the 806 Ordinance Battalion. The wives of all 106 members were in attendanee for a total of 43 people.
    'rhe first hours was set for mixing and general get together. It seemed to be slowing down waiting for lunch, so I asked each member to tell something of his experiences with the 106th. 'there were many and varied stories. Several wives came forward and said it was the first time they had heard their husbands talk about his service. They thought it added to our program.
    The menu consisted of a salad table where each made his own. This was followed by Honey Baked Chicken or Roast Beef, mixed vegetables and French Baked potatoes. All of this was capped off with Apple or Cherry pie Ala Mode. The Lounge Bar was available for all who desired. Cost of the Dinner was $10.00 Pastor TenBrinks opened with the invocation that not only blessed the food, but also reminded all that we were here to remember those that did not return. He closed with a benediction that asked for safe travel and care during the coming year.
    I was very pleased with the way everything turned out, except no one would accept to head up the get together for the next year. All said they would return next year if they were able. Pictures were taken but no one wanted to stay around to give names as we were grouped.
    Present were: Stanley McDonald, 806 Ordnance Battalion, who wants to become a member, He hauled ammo to the 106th in the Bulge; All the following with wives: Reme Bottcher; Richard Brokaw; Virgil Collins; Milton Cram; Jesse Curtiss. Jr.; Anhur hlanke; Harold Harmon (Ltc Ret); Barney Mayrsohn; Franklin Miller' Raymond Reed; Joseph Sanders; Eugene Saucerman; Roceo Serge; Reverend Samuel TenBrinks; Raymond Twardzik; John Thurlow; Presslye Walters; Howard Zilmer; Lester Helmich.
    Edward I.ewis had a stroke just prior to the dinner so he and his wife did not attend. Two other members canceled hoping to make it next year. signed Lester lielmich
Colorado-Wyoming Area - 1995
    Co-Chairmen : Nolan L. Ashburn, 424/H and Stanley Tuhoski, 423/E, both of - Ft Collins, Colorado I leld at the Holiday Inn, 1-25 and East Mulberry, Ft Collins, CO. An Excellent turkey dinner aeeompanied by Glen Miller music was preeeded by inforrnal discussions of eaeh veteran's recollections of where he was on 16 Deeember 1944.
    Harold Zimbelman. 422nd Regiment displayed his Prison Camp records that he brought out of camp as he was liberated. He speaks German.
    Present were: Joe and Lillian Cuearola, Sterling, CO -422/B; James and Mary Dunn, Wheatridge, CO-424/A; Robert and Thelma Kline, Lyons, CO- 423/M; John and Margaret Reifenrath, Colorado Spgs, CO-423/B; Harold Zimbelman, Denver, CO- 422nd Regiment; Stanley and Marion Tuhoski, Ft Collins, CO-423/E; Nolan Ashburn, Ft Collins, CO- 424/11


1995 December 16th Mini-Reunions...
Orlando, Florida - 1995
Lloyd Byrd, 422/HQ 2Bn, PO Box 1305, Windermere, FL 34786 Tele: 407876-5586
    The luncheon was held at the Metro Country Club in Orlando with Lloyd Byrd as Host. Dick Sparks acted as master of ceremonies and rendered this attendance report.
    The Orlando Reunion Committee took a few minutes to tell about some of the "behind the scenes" activities and humorous events that made the committee's life "interesting" at the 1995 Reunion.
    Those attending were then asked to identify themselves and describe their "civilian life" after the war. A wide variety of professions and occupations were mentioned which showed that the I06ers were as successful in civilian life as they were as a fighting force in WWII.
    Men- Front l/r: Ted Slaby, 423/HQ; Sam Davis, 423/HQ; George Gieb **, 424/0; Del Rediger, 44110 Attending were: ** = First time attend
Lloyd Bird, 422/HQ 2Bn; John Riels, 423/HQ 2Bn; Milton Stolan; 423/HQ; William Potts, 424/K.
    Men- Back: Robert Niner, 590/HQ; Pete House, 590/A; Ed Creel, 590/A; John Hall, 423/SV; Harold Blalaek**, 423/C; Paul Lamb, 423/AT; CI iff Capshaw, 423/K: Melvin Suttle**, 424/1; Dick Sparks, 423/SV. Ladies- Front: Marion Rediger; Katlie Suttle; Dorothy Lamb.
    Ladies- Back: Belle Niner; Joanne House; Midge Ward; Muriel Gieb; Beth Riels; Mary Capshaw; Edith Blalack; Thelma Potts; Dot Byrd.


1995 December 16th Mini-Reunions...
Broken Arrow, Oklahoma Area - 1995
Jack Behling, 423/A, 5519 East 114th St., Tulas, OKlahome 74317 Tele: 918-299-74137
    Fen of our 16 surv lying Oklahoina 106th Infantry Division Association members and their wives attended a get-together lunch on 16 December 1995, at the Indian Springs Country Club in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma (a suburb of Tulsa).
    I was assisted as host by Marianne. my wife. Each veteran gave a 10-15 minute summary of his military service including his and his units action at the bcginning of the Bulge. All were enthusiastic about having another get-together next year. It will be held in Oklahoma City. A.B. Waters and Joe Haines volunteered if Co-Hosts with Don I lerndon assisting as time permits. Following the meeting we invited the group home for coffee and dessert.
    Standing L/R: Dave Deffenbaugh. Claremore, 423/D; Don Herndon, Oklahoma City, 424/L; Howard Bryant. Cowet. 424/F: Joe !lain., 106 RECON; Leland Turley, Tulsa, 423/H. Seated: Clint McClure. Tulsa. 423/HQ: Bob Woods. Oklahoma City, 423/A: A.B. Water, Duncan,106 SIG, Jack Behling, Tulsa. 423/A; Lyle Russell. Ochelata. 422/1
Ladies- Standing: Janice Waters; Pauline Russell; Anita Turley; Marianne Behling.
Seated: Peggy McClure; Betty Bryant; Maria Woods; Carolyn Deffenbaugh


1995 December 16th Mini-Reunions...
Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota Area - 1995
    John P. Kline, 423/M, 5401 U. 147th St. West, Apple Valley, MN 55124 Tele: 612-423-4837 1 he Mini-Iteunion for December 16 Commemoration was held on 6 December 1995 at the Germanic-American Institute on Summit Street, St. Paul, Minnesota. There were 46 present with vets, wives and guests. A delightful luncheon of Rouladen and all the side dish. was served. especially for the I06ers, by Helga Parnell, Food Manager of the Institute. Kline showed slides of the three-day meeting with German veterans that occurred on September 19-21, 1995 in Auw, Gennany. No definite date was set for 1996, although all agreed that we should meet then.
    Present were: Albert Bruecker 592/A and Della Mae; Lloyd Brunner, 424/A and Audrey; Richard Cartier. 424/K; Phil Gerlach, 424/D and Shirley; Russel Gunvalson, 590/A and Idelle; John Kline, 423/' Margot, and grandson Sean Kline; Albert Krantz. 106 MP and Patricia; Dalton MacFarlane. DIV/
    and Marion; Charles Riedel!. 423/land wife; Duane Risberg, 423/11Q; Richard Ritchie, 423/MED and Carol; Donald Ruddiek, 423/E and Janis with an Australian guest; Lex Sehoonover, 422/11Q and Anne; Alvin Swanson, 424/land Dorothy; Paul Thompson, 106 RECON; Ted Williams, 423/MED; and Arnold Zahratka. 424/L. ASSOCIATE members: L'Myra Hoogland, daughter of Myron Anderson. 424/AT (deceased); IAren Borgwardt, a Navy Captain and Jean; Howard Flen, Historian; Charles Haug. 28th Div 112th Reg and son; Gene Solfelt, 84th Inf Div 333rd Bn; Doug Bekke. Don Patton and Jim Renner of the World War II Round Table, Fort Snelling, MN.; GUEST: Roland Seboldt of the Germanic-American Institute.


1995 December 16th Mini-Reunions...
Fort Jackson, South Carolina - 1995
    Roger Rutland, 424/B, 6632 Arcadia Woods Rd., Columbia, SC 29206Tele: 803-787-6996 We were delighted with the turnout for the local Christma.s Luncheon for North Carolina and South Carolina here at the Fort Jackson Officers Club on 16 December 1995. Thirty-one persons were present, and 1 believe a good time was had by all. Many expressed thanks that we finally got one started. I expect more will come next year as we had 15 reply that they could not come this year, but wanted to be informed of future meetings.
t 'tied us.
ikert Landis and wife Mary Jane from Albrightsville. PA were in South Caroilina for the winter, so

The CUB of the Golden Lion
    ose in attendanee were: Ewell C. Black, Jr., our Chaplain; James and Julia Burnett; Chris and Alma Carawan; Johnnie B. Floyd; James L. fliers; Arthur and Julia Hinson; Robert and MaryJane Landis; John and Betty Murphy; Dean and Peggy Redmond; Edward Y. Roper; Bill and Shirley Shipley; Tom and Kay Grove. guests of Bill Shipley; Alvin W. Skardon; Alexander W. Taylor; Howard and Luvelle Terrio; Ryan E. Tomlinson; Wade and Vanni Toy; J. Howard Tucker, Sr. and J. Howard Tucker, Jr.; Roger and Manic Rutland. We will notify all in this area of the next one for 1996. when we decide the date.
1995 December 16th Mini-Reunions...
Atlanta, Georgia - 1995
Sherod Collins, 423/SV, 448 Monroe Trace, Kennesaw, GA 30144 Tele: 770-928-3207
    The Golden Lion roared and everybody smiled as a small group of 106'ers gathered at their annual meeting, 10 December 1995, at Dobbins Air Force Base Open Mess. for fellowship and a good meal.
Gathered from in and around Atlanta, Georgia were the following:
    Morris and Sarah Piha; Carroll Padgett & Emistine Holland:flank & Betty Freedman; Douglas& Isabe le Coffey; Bill & Sandra Jenkins; Bob & Frankie Burkes: Jim & Maydean Wells: Sherod Collins & Martha Brocato 'The three 106th Regiments, the 106 QM, the 590 FAB and the 8Ist Engineers were represented.

The CUB of the Golden Lion

n Memoriam
y, Ilampton J. 422/K 3900 France Place, Brooklyn Center. MN 55429
    *received a call from Shirley, his wife, stating that I lampton had died on 19 November 1995. He was planning on attending our Dec 6 mini-reunion. I learned at the reunion that Hampton died from a fall. He is survived by his wife, Shirley, son, John & wife Jane; daughter, Mary & husband Kenneth Fischer; mother Ruth Smith of Huntsville, AL; two brothers, and two grandchildren. He was interned at the Glen Haven Memorial Gardens.
Higdon, Herman L. 422/E 122 Querecho Ln, Albany, GA 31707
Herman died in a VA Hospital at Dahlen, Georgia on August 27, 1995
Ilucko, Robert W. 424/D 676 7'elham Rd, New Rochelle, NY 10805

The CUB was returned from the Dumont I lome reporting that Robert died July 15, 1995.
Johnson, Donald E. 422/11Q Box 156, Center Ossipee, NH 03814
Kirk E. Johnson of Ossipee informed us that Donald passed away July 3, 1995.
Henry, Patrick Francis 424/CN 409 Auburn Dr., Little Rock, AR 72205-2770
    Alice. his wife, reports that Pat died 13 November 1995. That she and Pat enjoyed the 106th reunion at Fort Jackson. and at Orlando. Survived by sons James, Upland, Callifornia and Michael and his wife Cindy and grandson Brian Patrick of Little Rock.Yes, Alice I remem-ber meeting you and Pat. God Bless you.....
Lee, Russell 589/C 624 Ludington St #503, Escanaba, All 49829
    Dolores, his wife, informed us that Russell passed away at the Bishop Naa Homc in Es-canaba. She thanks all for their kindness and that Russ enjoyed the CUB before he got to ill.
McLeieer, Jack S. 422/C 1493 NE 60th Ave., Ft Lauderdale, FL 33062
Date of death August 22, 1995. Survived by his wife Fredericka.
feMilliam A. 424/1 1012 Oakwood Rd, Haddonfield, NJ 08033
    rom a letter from Eleanor, William's wife. -Bill passed away on May 15, 1995. One of his greatest pleasures was the reading of The CUB so that he could keep track of his buddies. He was so very proud to have served in the 106th Infantry Division."
Phalen, John P. 423/41 137 North Bailin, Witchita, KS 67208
The editor learned from Mary Phalen, his wife, that John had died on March 22, 1995.
Ricci, Armondo A. 8Ist Engineers/B 1711 31st St. NE, Canton, OH 44714
Edward Wojahn reported Armondo died July 30, 1995.
Roy, Charles J. 589/A 71740 Chini Orchard Rd . I. lushing, OH 43977
We received a report Charles died October 25, 1995.
Salber, Joseph P. 423/SV 195 7'owne Center Way, Vacaville, CA 95687
    Edward Prewett reported that Joseph died 4 September 1995. See article in 16 December meeting section. Joe and Ed Prewett organized the first California meetings in 1986.
Smith, Charles L. 422/D PO Box 324, Fort Loudon, FL 17224
    Charles was interned at the Stenger Hill Cemetery. He died of a heart attack on October 20, 1995. Frank Trautman, 422/D wrote, "We have lost another member. Our "Big Guy" as we all called him. He was dressing to go to a home coming at Hersey High School were he had been a director for years. He had supported several young men to attend the school." Gene Saucerman and Sally, Robert York and Thelma. Roy Hilliard and Frank Trautman attended the service. Frank said from the number attending he must have touched a lot hearts.
Walden, Lawrence 424/11 7801 N 44th Dr. #1139, Glendale, AZ 85301
William G. Hemelt, 424/H, notified us that Larry passed away on November 7, 1995.
    Thomas J. Riggs, Jr., Commander of the 81st Combat Engineers Battalion presenting Carl Messina, "A" Company, of that battalion, a beautiful pe4 Eagle for his devoted services to the members of the 106th Infantry Divi Association in the New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania areas. Alice, is wife, was awarded a pewter potpourri dish inscribed "Thank You Alice."

The pewter potpourri dish awarded to Alice. Inscribed on the Eagle's base plaque
Carl Messina
     In recognition of his singular efforts and significant contributions in keeping alive the camarderie and indomitable spirit of the Battalion -- his comrades salute him.
On one side of the base is the Division patch, on the other- the 81st Engineers insignia.
The CUB Board of Directors 1995 -199411
Alphabetiaal by year term expires.
A quarterly publication of the
106th Infantry Division Association,.
5401 U. 147th St West, Apple Valley, MN 55124
Membership fees include CUB susbscription.
Association membership 01/10/96 1,620 members

President Richard L. Rigatti
Past-Pres. . Thomas J. Riggs, Jr.
1st V ice--Pres Major Hill
2nd Vice-Pres John P. Kline
Treasurer Sherod Collins
Adjutant Pete House
Historian Sherod Collins
CUB Editor John P. Kline
Chaplain Rev. Ewell C. Black, Jr.
Memorials Chairman .... Dr. John G. Robb
Atterbury Memorial Rep O. Paul Merz
St. Vith Mem. Rep ..... Dr. Richard Peterson
Membership Chairman Gilbert Helwig
Scholarship Chairman ... Jerome Eisenman
Resolutions Chairman ... Alan W. Jones, Jr.

Send editorial matter and photos to:
John P. Kline -- CUB Editor
5401 U I 47th St W,,,p2r.4V8117ey, MN 55124-6637

Business matters, deaths, address changes to:
Pete House -- Adjutant
5662 Clifton Ave, Jacksonville, FL 32211

Memorial matters and inquiries to:
Dr John G. Robb-- Memorial Chairman
238 Devote piri..1=e, PA 16355
Membership dues. Memorial Fund
contributions and Historical items to:
Sherod Collins -- Treasurer
448 monroe T,;:a7c0e29}2(172cos7aw, G A 30 .4
The Life Membership fee is payable one time
only, with no annual dues thereafter.
Life Membership S 75.00
Life Auxiliary $ 15.00
Life Associate $ 75.00
For those choosing to pay Annual dues, pay
by July 1 each year. (July 1 to July 1 term)
Annual Membership $10.00
Annual Auxiliary $ 2.00
Annual Associate S10.00
Make checks payable to
"106th Infantry Division Association."
Gilbert Helwig 423/M ('96)
2006 Ontario Rd, 455, Niles, MI 49120
Jerome Eisenman 423/HQ 3BN C%)
227 Eluena Vista Ave, Daly City, CA 94015
Richard L. Rigatti 423/B (Exec. Committee) C%)
113 Woodshire Dr, Pittsburgh, PA 15215
William K. Rowan 424/K C96)
213 Country rZu4b4R8c17,_117tgby, NC 28150
Major H. Hill 424/B (Exec.Committee) (.97)
16750 N Kertailgrde. 11- 600,
Lyman C. Maples, 422/K C971
60R Wilkins St, Dalton. GA 30720
Ur. Richard W. Peterson, 423/1 C97)
1285 Rubensteinatflbge Sea, CA 92007
Edwin C. Iluminski, 424/F C98)
RR 2 Box 258. Rock wood, PA 15557-9223
Alan W. Jones, J, 423/HQ I Bn (.98)
9 too Be1voir Woods Z27,A2.3.4.6,2F9t Belvoir, VA 22060
Fi9I'lltalClecen,r2grilBveiNashville. TN 37207 '98)
Thomas J. Riggs, 8Ist Eng/HQ C98)
6 Olive Street, Providence, RI 02906
John A. Swett, 423/11
10691 E North,c2rD2r,Z6son, AZ 85748
I ,evene Weigel, 422/H
1380 Democrac=, Melbourne, FL 32940 414
Nolan L. Ashburn, 424/H
1212 Raintree Dr. Apt J-I93, Ft. Collins. CO 80525(.99)
Lloyd .1. Diehl, 423/11 C99)
R 3 Box 212, 365 Chapel Hghts Rd., Sewell, NJ 08080
John A. Gregory, 424/E 48,.33,3 C99)
4624 Ashton Dr., Sacramento. CA 95864
Art Van Nloorlehem, 423/B C99)
206 W. Bircn_ailr, SD 57212
Richard .1. Bras, 423/K C2000) Porter St„otagril-61g, CT 06375
Walter G. Bridges, 424ve/D C2000) rd A , Hneytown, Al, 35023 205-491-3409
Sherod Collins, 423/SV c2000) 448 Monroe T;3coe,rgt;e0sr, GA 30144
John P. Kline, 423/M (Exec.Committee) C2000)
5401 U I47th St. W , Apple Valley. MN 55124 612-4234837
Col. Joseph Matthews 422/11Q (LIFE)
4706 Western Blvd. Raleigh. NC 27606 919-851-4851

Index for: Vol. 52 No. 2, JAN, 1996

Index for This Document

106th Memorial, 32
106th Rcn. Trp., 25
106th Sig. Co., 16, 36
12th Army Gp., 57
1st SS Panzer, 46
28th Inf. Div., 36
2nd Div., 19, 54
2nd Inf. Div., 19, 54
3rd Army, 46
422/K, 52, 62, 64
422/M, 50
422nd Inf., 3, 25
422nd Inf. Regt., 25, 42, 44, 58
422nd Regt., 8, 42, 44, 58
423rd Inf., 1, 25
423rd Inf. Regt., 1, 25
423rd Regt., 57
423rd Svc. Co., 26
424/A, 12, 52, 55, 58, 60
424/C, 6, 16, 62
424/D, 6, 12, 17, 57, 60, 62
424/E, 65
424/G, 52
424/I, 53
424/L, 38, 59, 60
424th Inf. Regt., 25, 36
424th Regt., 26, 34
424th Regt. HQ, 26
589th FA, 14, 17, 25, 35, 45
589th FA BN, 14, 17, 25, 35, 45
590th FA BN, 25, 61
592nd FA BN, 36
806th Ord. Co., 58
81st Cbt. Engr., 26, 63
81st Engr., 63
82nd Abn. Div., 17, 45
90th Inf. Div., 12
99th Inf. Div., 17, 20, 22
Adolphson, Maynard, 54
Agony Grapevine, 30
Agostini, Orfeo, 52
Alamo, 35
Alamo Defense, 35
Albertson, Gladys, 55
Amel, 24
American Cemetery, 42
Anderson, Amy, 39, 41, 54
Anderson, Toby, 36, 54
Aponte, Humberto, 50
Ardennes, 17, 30, 32, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 50
Ardennes Battle, 17
Ardennes Battlefield, 17
Ardennes Forest, 43
Arlon, 46
Ashburn, Nolan, 58
Ashburn, Nolan L., 58, 65
Auberge Du Carrefour, 35, 46
Auw, 24, 60
Baca, Tillie, 53
Bad Orb, 16
Bagby, Howard, 36, 38
Baird, Dr. Harry & Betsy, 52
Bandurak, Walter, 30
Baraque De Fraiture, 32, 35
Baraque De Fraiture, Belgium, 35
Bard, Jim, 55
Bastogne, 40, 46
Battle of the Ardennes, 32
Battle of the Bulge, 13, 14, 16, 19, 32, 41, 46, 49, 52, 53, 54, 57
Baugnez, 32
Bean, Ralph, 54
'Before The Veterans Die', 48
Behling, Jack, 59
Behr, Richard, 54
Belgium, 13, 14, 17, 19, 23, 30, 34, 38, 41, 43, 46, 54
Bernadette, 35, 41
Bied, Dan, 4, 5, 8, 28, 30
Birmingham, 57
Black, Ewell C., 61
Black, Ewell C., Jr., 61
Black, Rev. Ewell, 28
Black, Rev. Ewell C., 3
Black, Rev. Ewell C., Jr., 3, 63
Black, T. Wayne, 28, 30
Blaher, Miriam, 52
Bloch, Jacques & Jean, 52
Braden, Reuben H., 52
Bradfield, June, 53
Bradfield, Ken, 53
Bradfield, Kenneth, 28
Bradford, Harvey, 55
Breite, Avis, 53
Bridges, Walter, 57
Bridges, Walter G., 57, 65
Brittany, 52
Brocato, Martha, 61
Broussard, Fred, 49
Brown, Joe E., 30
Brunner, Lloyd, 60
Brussels, 40, 42
Brussels Airport, 40, 42
Bucher, Bill, 12
Burkes, Frankie, 61
Burkes, Robert A., 26
Byrd, Lloyd, 59
C.R.I.B.A., 30, 32, 34, 35, 36, 39, 41, 43, 44
Camp Atterbury, 10, 28
Camp Atterbury Memorial, 10
Cariano, Sam, 30
Carr, Fred, 55
Carter, Tiller, 36
Carver, Dale, 48, 49
Carver, Dale R., 5
Cavanagh, Will, 20
Cavanaugh, Father, 55
Cavender, Col., 6
Cavender, Col. C. C., 49
Childs, Dean, 36, 54
Childs, Eleanor, 32, 54
Clervaux, 46
Coffey, Douglas, 30
Colbert, Hugh L., 52
Collins, Robert T., 25
Collins, Sherod, 6, 10, 26, 57, 61, 63, 64, 65
Collins, Virgil, 58
Cram, Milton, 58
Creel, El, 59
CRIBA, 6, 13, 14, 30, 31, 32, 35, 38, 39, 41, 43
Crook, Hubert, 1
Dallman, Joseph, 54
Datte, Charles, 55
Datte, Nancy, 55
Davis, Sam, 59
Deblase, William, 49
DeHeer, Majorie, 30
DeLaval, Dr. Maurice, 30
Denny, George, 30
Diekirch, 46
Doxsee, Clifford, 6
Eisenman, Jerome, 57, 63, 64
Elsenborn, 46
Epling, Elaine, 57
Fava, Roy & Wanda, 52
Fehnel, Pauline, 52
First Reunion, 49
Floyd, Johnnie B., 61
Fonda, Jim, 51
Foster, Cedric, 30
Fowler, William, 57
Fraiture, Belgium, 35
Frampton, Annette, 30
Frampton, Duward, 30
France, 10, 12, 62
Frank, Ida, 55
Frankfurt, 22, 31, 39
Ft. Jackson, SC, 12, 61, 62
Fusco, Americo, 6
Gallagher, John, 52
Gallagher, John & Stella, 52
Gallagher, John J., 55
Gallagher, Stella, 55
Gatens, John, 35
Gates, Ralph F., 30
Geneva, 52
Gerlach, Phil, 60
Germany, 17, 22, 41, 43
Gerolstein, 44
Gilder, Jean, 30
Gilder, Robert, 30
Gillespie, Jack, 51
Gilliland, John, 30
Gilliland, John & Lee, 57
Gilliland, Lee, 30
Goldberg, Ephraim, 6
Goldberg, Natalie, 52
Goodwin, Joseph N., 12
Gouvy, 14
Gouvy, Belgium, 14
Grand Halleux, 38
Green, John, 14
Greene, John, 14
Greene, John, Ltc., 40, 41
Gregory, John, 57
Gregory, John A., 65
Gregory, Shirley, 57
Grimes, George, 6
Grimes, Robert, 6
Gunvalson, Russell, 6
Haines, Joe, 59
Hall, John, 59
Hammontree, Leamon H., 52
Hanke, Arthur, 6
Harmon, Harold, 58
Hartlieb, Glenn, 53
Hartlieb, Nadine, 53
Helmich, Lester, 58
Helwig, Gilbert, 63, 64
Hemelt, William G., 63
Henry, Patrick Francis, 62
Herndon, Don, 59
Higdon, Herman L., 62
Hill, Maj., 54, 63
Hill, Maj. H., 64
Hilliard, Roy, 63
Hoag, John, 36
Hoff, Russ, 55
Hohenstein, 53
Hohenstein, John, 53
Holland, 23, 61
Homan, Robert, 49
Hope, Bob, 4
House, Joanne, 59
House, Pete, 6, 17, 59, 63, 64
Hubert, Andre, 31, 32, 35, 38
Hurdebise, Jules, 38
Johnson, Don, 62
Johnson, Donald E., 62
Johnston, Ray, 36, 39, 41
Jones, Alan W., 64
Jones, Alan W., Jr., 63
Jones, Alys, 6
Jones, Gen., 6
Josephs, Jeanette, 49
Kampgruppe Peiper, 32
Kennedy, Glen, 54
Kent, Thomas, 8
Kline, J., 6, 12, 13, 14, 17, 40
Kline, John, 6, 16, 25, 28, 30, 36, 41, 60
Kline, John P., 60, 63, 65
Kline, Margot, 41
Korea, 12
Krinkelt, 23, 45
La Gleize, 32, 34, 35, 46
LaGleize, 39
Lamb, Paul, 59
Lauman, Dorothy, 53
Lauman, Pete, 36, 41, 53
Le Haire, Madame, 41
Lee, Russell, 62
Lehaire, Madame Maria, 35
Lehaire, Marie, 46
Lejeune, Bernadette, 35
Libman, Oliver, 54
Lichtenfeld, Sy, 41
Liege, 35
Linden, 38, 52
Lion In the Way, 46
Litchenfeld, Sy, 14
Livesey, Herbert, 30
London, 4
Long, Ivan, 57
Losheim, 20
Losheim Gap, 20
Losheimergraben, 17, 24
Loveless, John, 30
Loveless, Kay, 30
Lucsay, Florence, 54
Lyons, Robert N., 52
Malmedy, 32, 34, 46
Maloney, Joseph P., 26
Manhay, 35
Maples, Lyman C., 64
Market Garden, 46
Marsh, Mary Lou, 49
Massey, Hazel, 57
Massey, Joseph A., 57
Matthews, Col. Joe, 55
Matthews, Col. Joseph, 65
Mawet, Pierre, 35
Maxwell, Howard, 30
Mayotte, Russ, 51
Mayotte, Russell, 51
McDevitt, Jack, 55
McLeieer, Jack, 62
McLeieer, Jack S., 62
McMahon, Wilda, 30
Meagher, Herbert, 6, 54
Meltensen, Helena, 57
Memorials, 10
Merz, O. Paul, 28, 30, 63
Messina, Carl, 52, 55, 63
Meuse, 32
Meuse River, 32
Middleton, 49
Mikalauskis, Dolores, 53
Mikalauskis, John, 53
Miller, Franklin, 58
Miller, Glenn, 4
Mitchell, Berton F., 25
Mitterand, Francios, 10
Morgan, Aubrey D., 52
Mueller, Bill, 38, 41
Munich, 39
National Order of Battlefield Commissions, 8
Nausin, Frank, 57
Nelson, Ralph, 53
Nelson, Rhoda, 53
Netherlands, 46
Niner, Robert, 59
Normandy, 42
Oberg, 25
Order of the Golden Lion, 3, 28, 29
Ortwine, Harold, 51
Padgett, Carroll, 61
Panice, Raymond, 54
Paris, 16
Parker, Maj., 35
Parker, Wilbur, 53
Patton, Don, 17, 39, 60
Peiper, Jochen, 24, 32
Peterson, Dr. Richard, 28, 63
Peterson, Richard, 30
Peterson, Richard W., 64
Peterson, Walter, 52
Phalen, John P., 62
Photos, 40, 50, 55
Pierce, Robert, 30
Potts, Arthur, 52
Potts, Thelma, 59
Potts, William, 59
Powell, Eugene, 52
Prendergast, Richard, 49
Pretty, Emor, 54
Prewett, Ed, 57, 62
Prewett, Edward, 57, 62
Prewett, Reddie, 57
Price, David, 30
Purple Heart, 50
Rand, Tony, 51
Rathbone, Marjorie, 30
Reed, Raymond, 58
Reunions, 1, 6, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61
Ricci, Armondo A., 62
Rieck, Chuck, 49
Rigatti, Dick, 1
Rigatti, Richard, 6, 48
Rigatti, Richard L., 1, 2, 49, 63, 64
Riggs, Col. Thomas, 52
Riggs, Thomas J., 10, 28, 63, 64
Riggs, Thomas J., Jr., 28, 63
Rikken, Adda, 14
Rikken, Adda & Willi, 14
Rikken, Adda & Willie, 43
Robb, Dr. John, 28
Robb, Dr. John G., 63, 64
Robb, John, 10
Roberts, Jack, 51
Roberts, Mary Lou, 51
Rogister, Henri, 32, 39
Rowan, William K., 64
Rowe, Bob, 51
Roy, Charles, 62
Roy, Charles J., 62
Rutland, Mattie, 30
Rutland, Roger, 30, 61
Rutledge, Boyd, 30
Ryan, Bill, 14
Ryan, William, 14
Rydzinski, Edward, 54
Salber, Joe, 57
Salber, Joseph P., 62
Saucerman, Eugene, 58
Saucerman, Gene, 63
Saxton, Charles, 52
Schnee Eifel, 20, 43, 44
Schober, Milton, 55
Schutte, Jean, 51
Schwarzer Mann, 44
Scotti, Joseph, 52
Scranton, Robert, 30
Shalhoub, John, 51
Shaw, Bob, 53
Sheaner, Herb, 52
Sherwood, B.G. Elmer, 30
Showers, Delmar I., 16
Siegfried Line, 5, 44
Siekierski, Martha, 49
Simpson, Florence, 30
Skardon, Alvin W., 61
Slaby, Ted, 16, 59
Smith, Charles, 62
Smith, Charles L., 62
Smith, Ken, 39
Soladay, Robert E., 16
Sparks, Dick, 15, 16, 59
Spenle, Nina, 49
Spineux, 32, 36, 38, 39
St. Vith, 10, 14, 16, 32, 40, 41, 43, 46
St. Vith, Belgium, 41
Stalag 9-B, 17
Stalag IV-B, 4
Stalag IX-A, 10
Stauff, John, 57
Stavelot, 32, 34, 38, 46
Stroud, Alvie W., 16
Sulser, Jack, 10, 28
Suttle, Melvin, 59
Swanson, Alvin, 60
Swett, John, 52
Swett, John A., 65
Swier, Ted, 55
Sziber, Muriel, 55
Sziber, Vince, 55
Taylor, Alexander W., 61
The Alamo Defense, 35
The Battle of the Bulge, 16, 32, 41, 49, 54
Thomasson, Arthur C., 52
Thome, Michael, 57
Thompson, Paul, 60
Thurlow, John, 58
Tomlinson, Ryan E., 61
Trautman, Frank, 62
Trois-Ponts, 32, 46
Trueman, Duncan, 52
Trueman, Grace, 52
Tucker, J. Howard, 61
Tuhoski, Stanley, 58
Twardzik, Raymond, 58
Ulrich, Wendell, 16
Ulrich, Wendell A., 16
Van De Bogart, Helen, 54
van De Bogart, Herman, 54
VBOB, 2, 4, 20
Velasquez, Armando, 53
Vielsalm, 32
Vietnam, 10, 50
Villwock, Jackie, 30
Villwock, Russel, 30
Villwock, Russell, 54, 55
Walden, Larry, 6, 54
Walden, Lawrence, 63
Walsh, Daisey, 52
Walters, Presslye, 58
Waterloo, Belgium, 14
Waters, Janice, 59
Weiner, Bella, 49
Weiner, Milton, 49
Wells, James, 6, 30
Wells, Jim & Maydean, 61
Wells, Maydean, 30
West Point, 49
Wojahn, Ed, 49
Wojahn, Edward, 62
Wojtusik, Stan, 55
Wolfson, Marilyn, 52
Wood, Bob, 59
Wood, Eric, 17
Wood, Lt., 45
Wood, Lt. Eric, 45
Woods, Bob, 59
World War II Memorial, 10
York, Robert, 63
Ziegenhain, 16
Zimbelman, Harold, 58
Zych, Michael, 49