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The Cub
Vol. 46, No. 1, Oct , 1989

Welcome from the new president
     In 1947 I attended my first 106th Division Association reunion in Indianapolis, Ind. My second in '83 at Worcester, Mass. Many good friends and memories have passed during the ensuing years. That's why I made a decision to get "involved." I wish to thank all you and the Officers and Board of Directors for this opportunity to serve as your president.
    I wish to thank the reunion committee for the great job that they accomplished in Schaumburg. I especially wish to thank Russell Villwock, who had major surgery a couple of days before the reunion opened, for the excellent planning that he did. He is a real pro, this being his fourth time as a chairman. We are happy to hear that he is making a normal recovery. We all were pleased to learn that there were 90 new members in attendance.
    To you new members - get involved - your help and support is needed and will be appreciated. You now know the wonderful experience of meeting an old buddy for the first time in many years.
    The CUB is the "lifeline" of the organization. Send articles and pictures to John Kline, the editor. He needs your help to keep The CUB alive. He is doing a tremendous job and has earned your support.
     Remember to attend the December lath Commemoration parties and meet the local 106ers. You will make new friends and glow in the excitement of meeting old friends.
    The 1990 reunion will be held in Sacramento, California 31 August through 3 September, 1990. The reunion chairman is Michael Thome, 422nd, HQ 1Bn, a very capable organizer. He has great plans for the 1990 Reunion. More news of that reunion will appear in The CUB. Let's all meet in Sacramento. I will be looking for you there.
The holiday seasons are fast approaching. I wish you all a MERRY XMAS and HEALTHFUL NEW YEAR.
In sincere Comradeship Orfeo "Gus" Agostini, president

106th Infantry Division Association President
Orfeo Agostini, 1989 -- 1990
A Company, 81st Combat Engineers

From the Adjutant, Boyd Rutledge, 422/D
    106th Infantry Division patches are available. Send $2.00. Make sure your name is clear. Make checks payable to 106th Inf. Div. Association. Mail to me at Boyd Rutledge, 10132 Goodrich Road, Bloomington, MN 55437
It was nice seeing you all in Schaumburg! This will be your LAST CUB if you have not paid 89/90 dues!


Thank God, I'm Alive
    Reverend Ewell C. Black, Jr., Chaplain 106th Infantry Division Association 212 Ridge SI., Bishopville, SC 29010; 803-484-6861
    Like many of you who read this, I have expressed the above sentiment many times in combat and as a Prisoner of War. I remember vividly, expressing this thanks to God on the morning of December 16th after a burst from a burp-gun missed my head. It was expressed several times during bombings, while in various situations as a POW and on the day before we were freed when we survived an artillery barrage. The morning of April 13, 1945, I expressed it for myself and for all of us who had lived through the ordeal of being POWs at Gleina and were now free.
     Those who had lived through any and/or all the above understand what I am saying. However, having lived through the above, I believe that the four hours which we spent in our home while Hugo tore through South Carolina and our town of Bishopville was as terrifying experience as I ever want to have. For those hours we --some 100 miles inland from Charleston -- experienced winds estimated to be at least 60 miles per hour (sustained) and up to 100 miles per hour (peak). Dot and I expected, at the very least, for the roof to go. God was good to us and to the people of Bishopville. While the property damage was devastating, no lives were lost nor were there any injuries.
    Our church building suffered about $250,000 in damage and some other church buildings in the area were damaged. Mobile homes were totaled, as were some regular homes and buildings. The entire area looked as if it had experienced a bombing raid or an artillery barrage, with trees uprooted, service lines and pools down. Fire was prevented by a decision to cut off the power prior to the time that Hugo hit.
     When you read this it will be around Thanksgiving. I have always, like you, had much to be thankful for, but in 1989 we, in South Carolina, have something extra for which to be thankful. Many of us who have survived the war have now survived Hugo. While it will take lime and money to recover the damage, nothing can replace lost lives. I rejoice and give thanks in this Season of Thanksgiving, and pray that in the New Year that God will continue to watch over and bless each of us.

    O come, let us sing to the lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make joyful noise to him with songs of praise! For Lord is a great God, and a great King above all our gods. In his hands are the depths of the earth; the heights of the mountains are his also. The sea is his, for he made it; for his hands formed the dry land. 0 come, let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the Lord our maker! For he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand. PSALM 95:1-7


In Memoriam
In Memory of the Colonel's wife, Lois Helen Cavender.
Entered into eternal life on August 27,1989., Sun City, California. Interment, Kahoka Cemetery, Kahoka, Missouri
    [Picture] Lois pinning a POW Medal on her husband Colonel C.C. Cavender, Commander 423rd Regiment, 106th Infantry Division (November, 1988)
    Born February 28, 1917 in Gregory Landing, Missouri, Lois came to Sun City from Kohoka, Missouri in 1968. She was married to her first husband ten years. She and the Colonel were married February 28, 1985. She had worked as a nurse for 20 years and had been a Sun City resident for 21 years.
     Lois having attending Arts and Crafts class in Sun City decided to take up oil--painting. Her best six pictures, depicting the 23rd Psalms, was awarded a Blue Ribbon.
     She was a member of the United Church Women's Club, Hospice, The retired Officers Association, American Legion and Art Club Memorials, in lieu of flowers were accepted to the Menifee Valley Medical Center. On November 1st, 1989, Colonel Cavender will be moving into the Cherry Hill Club, about three blocks from his present home. He celebrated his 92nd birthday on Oct 2, 1989 He is always glad to hear from the men of the 106th, especially those of the 423rd Regiment.

Donald Stone, 592 FAB, C Battery 1505 E. Memorial Drive
Janesville, WI 53545
    Word was received by the editor that Donald, age 65, died on August 27, 1989. Born in Viola, Richland County, Wisconsin, he married Bernice Trieloff on Aug 14, 1948.
He was employed by General Motors for over 30 years.
    He is survived by his wife, Bernice; 2 Sons; 1 daughter; 2 grandchildren; 3 brothers; 4 sisters, numerous nieces and nephews. Burial was at Milton Lawns Memorial Park.


    RESOLUTION Resolutions adopted at the 43rd Annual Reunion of the 106th Infantry Division Association, Hyatt Regency, Woodfield, Schaumburg, Illinois on September 2, 1989.
     Whereas, the Association completed a growth year in its history. Whereas, the Association members present at this reunion have enjoyed the renewal of old friendships and have welcomed many new members to its ranks
That the Association assembled does hereby recognize and express thanks and appreciation to:
The elected and appointed officers of 1988-89 for their faithful and efficient execution of office.
Reunion Chairman, Russell Villwock and his committee for planning and conducting an enjoyable reunion.
The management and staff of the Hyatt Regency for their hospitality and cooperation.
The Park Ridge Post VFW 83579 Color Guard for the presentation of flag and colors.
    That these resolutions be accepted and published in The CUB and a copy be sent to the persons and organizations so cited. Presented this 2nd day of September, 1989 at the Hyatt Regency-Woodfield, Schaumburg, Illinois.
signed John G. Robb, president John Gilliland, resolutions chairman Russell Villwock, reunion chairman

Golden Lion Scholarship Awards
Edinburgh Community School, Edinburgh, Indiana George Washington High, Indianapolis, Indiana
O. Paul Merz 422/SV

[photo] Cheryl Poff, Edinburgh Community High Scheel.
Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. Merrell Poff of Edinburg. Cheryl will be attending Beautician School.
     She has been an outstanding student and an inspiration for the community. She will honor and cherish the receipt of "The Golden Lion Scholarship Award."
signed Wayne E. Fansler, Guidance Director

[photo] Eva Hibbert, George Washington High, Indianapolis
    The 106th Infantry Division honors Eva Hibbert as the recipient of the "Golden Lion Scholarship Award." Era held a 7,385 G.P.A. out of a possible 8,000 and ranked 4th in a class of 244.
    She is the Battalion Commander of our R.O.T.C. unit and a member of the Color Guard and Rifle team. A talented young lady and a leader among her peers.
signed Rosemary Whitehead, Guidance Director


From the editor's outpost... John Kline, 423/M
    It seems that I am always making excuses for not having room for all the material that has been sent to me. This issue is no exception. there are so many new members, nearly 130 since last CUB, that I had to make this CUB one of the largest.

     The Board of Directors at the 43rd Annual Reunion authorized the adding of an alternate method of paying your dues to the 106th Infantry Division Association.
     A new "LIFE MEMBERSHIP" has been opened to allow those, who so choose to pay a "one time" Life Membership fee of $75.00. I would like to point out that the $10.00 annual fee for members will still be accepted (from have who have not chosen to pay a Life Membership fee) and is still a part of the dues structure. No distinction will be given the Life Membership over the Regular Membership. In other words, it is just another way for you pay your dues.
     S Your Life Membership fee of $75.00 will be accepted at any time. If you chose the "Life Membership fee" send your money or check to Sherod Collins, our Treasurer. His address appears on the inside front cover of this CUB.

    Edward A. Prewett, 424/B, of Brentwood, California, wrote me in August suggesting that I approach the Board of Directors for permission to assemble a CUB MEMORIAL ISSUE. Ed said in the beginning of his letter, "One theme always rings out in letters to the editor --"Where can we get old issues of The CUB?" I don't think they really want the old magazines, they just want to read the interesting articles that have appeared over the years. The material is there ready for use, and the Board has funds available for a worthy project. It seems like a perfect fit."......
     The Board enthusiastically accepted the idea and authorized me to conduct a feasibility study. If feasible, the book is intended to be made available in time for the 1990 Reunion. It would be made available to all members of the association.

    photo] For the editor, the reunion is work, but enjoyable work. Even editors have to "sack out" once in awhile. Ed Wojahn, 810 Eng/I3 caught Kline off guard.
     It would be a collection of interesting articles coming from all the CUBs going back over the years. The CUB started in 1945. Them are approximately 175 issues.
     As Ed closed his letter he said, "Even if it cost more to publish, or didn't sell as expected the money would be well spent to preserve the history of our division."
    I am excited about the project. I will keep you posted on its progress. In the meantime please write and tell me what you think of such a project.

Reunion attendance: Unit with largest number "registered" was 422/D. See page 17.
    Photos: Fur those who sent several photos. I will hold those not published for possible insertion in the February CUB.
     Doug Coffey, Trip to Europe: I just received a letter from Doug. We hope to have pictures of the "Return to Europe" trip in the February CUB. It was a great success. Can't wait to tell you about it. We are looking to those that went along to send photos. Doug said "Having gone to Europe no many times, I did not take along a camera. We will have to depend on others to furnish them."
Let's hear from those that had the opportunity to return. There were some exciting visits and happenings.
    Thanks to you all, for all the support you have given me in the way of "old CUBS, photos and articles." Keep them coming! John Kline


Adjutant's Report 1988-1989
Membership as of July 1, 1989

Renewals 838
New Members 229
Reinstated Members 6
Associate Members 29
New Associates 10

Auxiliary Members 348
Memorial Fund Contributors 267
Members discontinued 37
Membership Gains 184
Auxiliary Membership Loss 11

Membership as of October 15, 1989

10 Year Membership Recapitulation
Year Memberships Associate Auxiliary
88-89 1,128 39 348
87-88 928 30 359
86-87 745 20 300
85-86 641 16 239
84-85 555 13 195
83-84 481 19 160
82-83 470 14 155
81-82 443 22 139
80-81 463 19 103
79-80 450 16 115

Deaths Reported 1988-1989
Johnnie H. Deal 589 FAB July 1988
Nicholas Schroeder 592/SV Jan 1987
David T. Dresden 422/C Sep 1988
Melvin Gehrig 422/HQ 3BN Oct 1988
Forrest W. Hemming 806th ORD Nov 1987
Paul J. Saugrich 591 /HQ Apr 1988
Richard V. Dillard 591 /C Unknown
Harold J. Brummer 422/D Jan 1989
James G. Downing 424/M 1988
Carthel C. Noe 423/M Mar 1988
Philip Robichaud 422/G Unknown
Col. John Madden 590/HQ Dec 1987


Treasurer's Report 1988 --89
Member's Dues 13,010.00 958.00 2,788.24 3,046.00 500.00 328.00 1.50
    Auxiliary Dues Interest Earned Reunion Surplus-1988 Refund 42nd Reunion Adv. Patches Sold Postage, sale of patches General Fund Recap Brought Forward Net Increase 34,195.31 9,267.24 43,462.55
20,631.74 CUB Expense: Priming 6,769.65 Memorial Fond Recap Postage 1,346.58
Envelopes 648.61 Brought Forward 11,477.76 Film 83.16 Contributions 4,221.00
$ 16 686.72
Labels 59.44 8,943.44 Interest Earned 987.96 Printing & Supplies 778.20
Postage 875.04 Less: Telephone 74.82 7 Scholarships -1,200.00
    Ladies Luncheon--Roanoke 125.00 1,200.00 ladies Luncheon--Chicago 125.I70 Balance 15 486 72 Comp. Registration Roanoke M.. Richard DeHeer 72.00
Registration Fees 4 Officers 356.00 Annual Corp. Fee--Georgia 15.00
11364.50 Net Increase $ 9,267.24
General Fund Memorial Fund Totals This Year 43,462.55 15,486.72 58,949.27
Last Year 34,195.31 11,477.76 45,673.07 Increases 9,267.24 4,008.96 13,276.20
Bunks of Deposit First Atlanta Bank 12,159.97
First Community Bank 41,599.48 Barnett Bank 5,189.82
$ 58,949.27


What Causes Good Luck??? by Dan Bied 422/A 151 Holiday Terrace West Buffington, IA 52855; 319-752-5708
    It was, according to a 1977 reminisce I entitled Hell on Earth, on 28 Dec, 1944, that many of us in the 106th Inf. Div. got the biggest shock in our lives.
     The shock, a tremendous air raid, took place nearly 45 years ago in Koblenz, Germany. "The US planes came in wave after wave," I wrote in my self-published book. "Their bombs plastered the entire Koblenz area, but mostly factory sites and adjoining rail marshaling yards near the junction of the Rhine and Moselle rivers.
    "Koblenz, numbering some 90,000 people, was disintegrated.. the way the Luftwaffe had leveled Coventry, Warsaw and parts of London."
     Those of you with me that night remember, I am sure, that several hundred of us -- maybe it was more than that --were herded into a huge concrete building, an evacuated schoolhouse as I recall it, for overnight protection from the bitter cold and the knife-sharp wind.
    The structure, one of three that stood side by side, was not heated but gave us the advantage of protection from the elements.
    I was never so afraid, before or since, never so certain that I was going to die as I was that day and night. I knew I was going to be blown to bits.
    You remember it vividly, if you were there, as the building lifted from the ground, then settled back on its foundation, as the bombs exploded around us.
    I huddled in a blanket I had with me, along with my pal Ed Brewer. I vowed to God that if he allowed me to live I would repay him in eternal appreciation and go to church "every Sunday" the rest of my life.
    Shattered glass ricocheted around the room we were in. I remember the way everything moved up and down, just like it was a month, a week or a day ago. The noise was deafening, the horror – looking back on it after four and one-half decades – more than I'd thought I could endure.
    When we left the building the next day it was a shock to see how much of Koblenz had been torn apart around us. Both the other buildings had been hit by bombs, but ours had only suffered minor damage. Across the street, a warehouse, the Germans had started to put us in, was smashed flat... it was "a miracle" we hadn't been killed in it, but for some reason the guards had picked the one of four buildings that wasn't hit.
     "Maybe praying didn't get us through this." A medic from Colorado told me after the raid, " but it sure didn't do any harm!"
     As we marched out of Koblenz, amid flames spewing from gas mains or sewers beneath the tom-apart streets, some of the German civilians yelled at us. They probably threw bricks at us, but I don't remember that detail for sure.
    What I do remember is the hundreds of as who had the good luck, or whatever it was, that allowed us to live through an event that must have killed hundreds or thousands around us.
Was it good luck or something else? See The CUB of the Golden Lion I


From the 1989 Reunion Chairman...
    Russell Villwock, 106 Signal --1989 Reunion Chairman at home, with the many cards and letters received from 106'ers September 25, 1989

Dear fellow 106'ers and Guests,
     After two years of planning for the 43rd Annual Reunion, 1989, and looking forward to welcoming each and every one of you, I had to go to the hospital and have surgery. I missed everything.
     But, I left you in good hands. A committee consisting of Florence and Bill Lucsay, Lou and Herb Meagher, Ben Carpenter, Hugh Hochstetter, Jim and Clara Henning and my wonderful wife, Jackie. All of them doing an outstanding job tending to your needs, comforts and entertainment.
     From the many cards, and letters that I received, I know that they did "just that." You wrote about the food, the accommodations, the memorial service, the fellowship and the renewing of old friendships. It was wonderful. I would like to thank all those that stopped in to help the committee. You helped make the 1989 Reunion a memorable affair.
    Also to the many, and I mean many, that sent me "Get Well" cards, I thank you! They gave me inspiration and helped my recovery. May God bless you all, and keep you safe and well, until we meet again in Sacramento at the 44th Annual Reunion.
For me and my committee,
Russell Villwock 1989 Reunion Chairman


[photo] 43rd Annual Reunion Committee - Schaumburg, Illinois Rear (L/R) Herb Meagher, Bill Lucsay, Jim Henning
Front (L/R) Luella Meagher, Jackie Villwock, Florence Lucsay, Clara Henning

Lobby of the Hyatt--Regency, Schaumburg
View of Chicago from Sears Tower
Chicago Skyline from Planetarium
Downtown Chicago


    [photo] 590/FAB-Back-Harry Hicks, Ed Young, George Peros, Jim Morrissey, Harlan Stafford, George Pina, Kneeling-Russ Gunvalson, Pete House, Gordon Sather

[photo] 590/HQ – First time together in 44 years!
Emma Jane Boschert, Robert Powell, Paul Boschert; Jan and James Morrissey, Harlan Stafford

    [photo] 424/Cannon-15 out of 29 attending reunion. L front, clockwise-? O'Farrell; ? Pinnow; ? Goad; ? Rountree; ? Grimes; ? Smith; ? Clower, ? Cunningham; ? Mackowiak; ? Libman; ? de St Aubin; ? Mason; ? Bayles, AWOL ? White and ? Ross

    [photo] L/R Norwood Frye, 81st/B; Jim Mills and Ervin Szpek, 423/I, Gordon Zicker 423/HQ - all from "Slaughter House 5," Dresden. Szpek is holding sketches he made in camp 45 years ago, that were held by Zicker all these years.

[photo] 424/H - 1st row L/ R, Casey Turek, Robert Fox, William Jenkins, Lou Peluso; Jim Meagher, John Mueller
2nd row-Bill Ivy, Ed Dorn; Chuck Rieck, Will Smythe; Red Pendergast; Bud Masden and William Pacelli

[photo] L/R 423/M -5 of the 11 that attended reunion
Vince and Mary Venegoni; Paul Koltarich; John Kline, Lou and Essie Edelmen and Lou Cooper


[photo] Joseph and Delores Cross (1st Sgt), 591/C, in the lobby of

[photo] Association Treasurer, Sherod Collins and Dot Waldrop during the Saturday evening Closing Banquet

    [photo] 424th men, reliving memories- (L) Joseph Odom, HQ 1BN, Lawrence Walden and Robert Lyons, HQ Co. looking over Lyon's memorabilia including travel orders of 214 men from Vandebilt ASTP to Atterbury. Mrs. Walden looking on.

    [photo] Some went on a side trip to the Arlington Race Track while others rook a tour of Downtown Chicago. It's a toss-up on who spent the most money. We all had fun!

    [photo] Presentation of the "Wreath" honoring those of the 106th that have passed on Reverend Ronald A. Mosley and 1988-89 President, Dr. John Robb


Dec 16th Commemoration get-togethers
    Each year, where possible, the men of the 106th and their guests get-together on or near December 16th to pay tribute to their comrades and to renew friendships with those in their areas.
Join them in their "December 16th Commemoration Luncheons and Dinners." You will be welcomed with open arms.

    Philadelphia Area Date:- 17 December 89, 3:00pm.. till ?? Place: Charlie & Nancy Datte 231 Davis Ave, Clifton Heights, PA Phone 215-626-1866
    Please come and share in the commemoration of a historic moment that influenced all our lives. It will be a pleasure to meet you. your wife or friend. Please call or write, so we can add more water to the soup !

Southern California Contact: Milton Weiner 6440 Knott Ave #41 Buena Park, California 90620 714-521-1705
Date: 3 December, 1989 Time: 2:00pm Place: Scechwan Chinese Restaurant--$15.00
14320 Valley View Ave, La Mirada, CA 90638

    Mt. Vernon, Illinois Date:-16 December, 1989 6:00pmr7:00prn Dinner Place:--Holiday Inn at Mt. Vernon, Illinois Host: John L. Mikalauskis 424/H Box 31, 306 West Blake Benton, 62812
Call or write so we can plan a good Party for you.

     Atlanta Area Date:-- 10 December, 1989-410p d' 6.00p Place: Dobbins Air Force Base, Open Mew Marietta, Georgia Host Sherod Collins 448 Monroe Trace Kennesaw, Georgia 30144 Telm-404-928-3207
     The Atlanta, Georgia area group are ''repeating" their annual "Battle of the Bulge" fellowship meeting, and invite you to join Contact Sherod Collins--reservations

Orlando, Florida Contact. Sam Davis, Jr.
816 North Fula Drive
Orlando, FL 32803
407-89(9240 Dam: Dec 16, 1989, I prn Omni International Hotel 400 West Livingston St.

Chicago Area Date:-9 December, 1989 Timm-6130pm Place: Park Ridge V.F.W.
    Higgins and Canfield Park Ridge, Illinois Cost---$25.W per couple Call or write: Russell Villwock. 6908 West Higgin, Chicago 60656. Phone : - 312,31-2027

Northern California Contact: Walter S. Tyler 2505 Westerly,. Rd, Davila, CA 95616
916-758-8855 Date:-- Place: Call for Date, Time and Place

Cincinnati Area Contact Robert & June Walker 3607 Shady Lane Rd.
North Bend, Ohio 45052
513-9414888 Place:-- Our home Date:-- ?? December, 1989
Time:-- Noon on ... Please call for details and to confirm your coming

Madison, Wisconsin Area Contact Charles Rieck 7316 Voss Parkway Middleton, WI 53562 608-831.6110
Date: 2 December, 1989 Call or write for details

Detroit Contact. Robert E. Kelly 4388 Barchester Dr.
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48013 313-6444453
Date: Call for details
Pittsburgh Contact- George Vance 283 Dutch Lane Pittsburgh, PA 15236
412-653-1724 Date: 17 December - tentative Call or write for details

Minneapolis Contact, John Kline 5401 U. 147th St. West Apple Valley, MN 55124
612-423-4837 Date. December 16 1989
Place: Same as last year, ON's Place. 7th and Randolph, St. Paul, MN at noon. RSVP to Kline 612-423-4837


In attendance for the 43rd Annual Reunion Schaumburg, Ill Aug 31-Sep 3, '89
    Members are listed "left" in columns, Guests, Wives and others listed in "italics° to the right or right and below member's name.
     NOTE! (nm) indicates a 106er who is not yet a member of the Association. I know there are several Guests or Wife's names missing due to them not being pre-registered If I have missed any person or his guest's name please write and I will include it in the next CUB... John Kline, editor)

{NOTE!!] Disregard the above spouse explanation!! I am merging the spouse name to make it easier to index!! WGD

Frank S. & Mary Barlow
Richard E. Bartz
Thomas & Florence Bickford
Samuel P. & Billie Cariano
William J. & Belou Donovan
Fred J. & Willie Jane Farris
Vollie L. & Virginia McCollum
Marvin H. & Frances Rusch

106 MP
Arthur K. Hanke

106 QM
Earl C. Pugsley & Catherine

106 SIG
Dean F. & Eleanor Childs
Peter L. & Sylvia DiRenzo
Dr. Vance S. Jennings
Stanley & Lenore Kups
John A. Middleton III Helen Sweeney
Russell H. & Jackie Villwock

Jack & Emily Bryant
Henry E. & Betty Freedman
Joseph J. Gasses
Robert R. Hanna
Dr. Geo. W. & Dawn Herring
Col. Joe & Anna Matthews, Jr.
Presley H. & Clara Williams

Walter S. & Barbara (daughter) Pawluk
George T. & Norma Vance

Ralph & Elizabeth Bowles
Hebert H. Clark

Howard P. Niemitz

422/HQ 1BN
Michael Thome

Richard & Mary McKee
Carlos D. & Eneida Weber

Robert O. & Hazel Lee
L. Willard Nelson
Burton E. & Jane Pfaff
Charles P. Seibold

Dr. William P. & Josephine Dohoney
John M. & Shirley Gillespie
Thomas H. & Stella Kapsalis
Carl & Lillian Kwaczek
Joseph & Hazel Massey
Josh L. Smith
Robert R. Wessels

William J. & Lorraine Rankin
Fred B. & Agnes Chase
Rev. Roy M. & Shirley Hilliard
Marcel R. Ouimet
Donald J. & Marcia Pfotenhauer
Dr. John G. & Marylin Robb
Boyd A. Rutledge
Arthur O. & Barbara Sandtviet
Eugene L. & Sally & Sandy (daughter) Saucerman
Charles L. Smith
Frank S. Trautman
Robert F. & June Walker
Lawrence R. Williams
Robert E. & Thelma York
Gerorge P. & Rhoda Zimand

422/HQ 2BN
Frank & Clara Nausin, Jr.
William & Margaret Rickard
Leon J. Setter

Arnold J. & Dorothy Brannstrom

Ralph E. & Betty Hanke
Charley S. & Helen Henderson
Martin V. & Rita Lawlor
James E. & Agnes Reynolds

Vincent J. Amanna
Keith Ginther
Robert E. & Thelma Mapes
Manuel C. & Elizabeth Silvia

Robert J. & Janice Fox
William F. Ivy
William D. Jenkins
Anders N. Madsen, Jr.
James L. Meagher
John Mueller (nm)
Lewis B. Peluso
R.M. Prendergast (nm)
Charles F. & Doris Rieck
Willis A. & Karryl Smythe

422/HQ 3BN
James W. & Clara Mae Henning
Charles E. & Dorothy Myers

William S. & Miriam Blaher
Robert H. & Gloria Bosle
Victor W. & Avis Breite
Carl & Elsie Falch
Ross E. & Jeanette Gillikin
Eugene B. & Dorothy Kelch
Edward & Sylvia Rydzinski

Maynard & Joan Adolphson
Raymond J. Bielski
Russell Hoff
George & Sally Jensen
Alfred E. & lda Kopatz
Gilbert & Dorothy Larson
Arthur P. McPoland
Herbert F. & Luella Meagher
Paul A. & Mary Tranchita
George K. & Joan Zak

Verner W. Dean

Roy & Jean Bigger
Sam E. & Myra Davis, Jr.
Robert Grimes
Herbert & Mrs. Heidepriem
Ivan & Edna Long
Donald J. McCarron
Charlie (Clint) & Peggy McClure
Alfred S. & Jean Hare Nusbaum
Charles & Stella Sartori
John P. & Vivian Sheehan
Richard D. Sparks
Gordon B. & Wanda Zicker

Joseph J. & Mary Ansel
Roger M. & Patricia Kane


In attendance for the 43rd Annual Reunion Schaumburg, Ill. Aug 31-Sep 3, '89

Charles A. & Melinda Brown, Jr.
Virgil L. & Martha Collins
William C. Houston
Edwin D. & Dorothy Lewis
Ray R. & Annette Vaughn

Sherod Collins
Dot Waldrop
Fred W. & Pamela DeFeo
Salvatore V. & Mary Grasso
John L. & Dorothy Hall
Gilbert Marcus
Donald B. & Ellen Wischmeier

423/HQ 1BN
Kenneth V. & Margary Bryan
Walter B. Morris
Donald & Lilian Nielsen
Ltc. Charles Nietman

Pete & Diane Yanchik

William & Florence Lucsay
Dale & Violet Murphy
Frank Ponza
George & Dorothy Rinkema
Robert I. Sheahan
George & Meurice Southam
Arthur L. & Lucille Van Moorlehem

Edward P. & Dorothy Billinghurst
Mike & Elaine Zenn

423/HQ 2BN
Col. Joseph & Ida May Puett

Allen T. & Florence Cohen
Walter E. & Lucille Johannes
Walter W. & Marguerita Martin

Jack A. & Helen Sulser

Alvin I. Fehlman
Norman J. & Gloria Kolbaba
J. H. & Dorotha Walters

C.L. & Sara Cooper
Philip B. Farris
Michael & Carol Kurzeja
Walter A. & Frances Petersen
Kenneth M. Smith

Robert R. & Shirley Holden
James M. & Janice Mills
Ervin & Dolores Szpek
Howard J. & Lill Tenrrio
John J. & Dortha Varju

Domenic P. & Irma Biancamano
William B. Busier
Louis G. Grivetti
William L. & Julia Streets

Fred J. & Mary Broussard

James R. & Ellen Burke
Julian B. & Lidia Burnside
Louis M. & Peggy Cooper
Louis & Essie Edelman
Reuben Hay
Gilbert & Lucille Helwig
John J. Hohenstein
Basil R. King
John P. Kline
Paul Kotlarich
Vincent J. & Mary Venegoni

Alfred P. Bianucci
Antone Costa
Lawrence B. Costa
Kenneth & Betty Hunt
Edward S. Jarlock
Newton Johnson
Richard S. Juriga
William R. Kocks
Leona Zieter
Leo R. Piasecki
Lewis R. & Mildred Piazza
John M. & Son Pollard
Robert S. & Doris Robson
Dr. Ralph Tomases

Robert A. & Frankie Burkes
John R. & Martha Fritz
Robert N. Lyons
Joseph P. & Vivian Maloney
Rev. Ronald A Mosley
Katherine & Richard Mills

Darrel R. & Viola Bayles
Robert G. & Stephanna Clower
Robert Cunningham (nm)
Robert D. & Pauline Goad
George O. Grimes
Oliver E. & Phyllis Libman
Henry W. & Theresa Mackowiak
Frank L. Mason
Donald A. & Delphine O'Farrell
Robert L. & Alice Pinnow
Russell E. & Rhoda Rountree
Robert W. Smith
Robert de St Aubin

424/S V
John Uveges, Jr.

424/HQ 1BN
Ben C. Carpenter
Robert A. & Jean Gilder
Stanley J. & Dana Kucholick
Joseph C. & Josephine Odom
Harold Scott & Dorothy Young

Donald W. & Marcia Beseler
Lloyd J. & Audrey Brunner
Charles & Betty Jane Harvey
Devon C. Thorsen
H. & Helen Van De Bogart
Dennis Leo Wright
Stanley D. Wright

George & Joan Call
Lloyd R. & Ouida Crosby
Major H. & Evelyn Hill
George S. Kelly
Edward A. & Reddie Prewett
Roger M. & Mattie Rutland
Marshall P. & Mary Ann Streib
C.V. & Ruth Varnadore

Robert C. & Molene Jeter
George S. & Emily Kelly

Fred F. & Irene Chermak
Phillip N. Rosenthal

424/HQ 2BN
Ken Blumeschein (nm)
Richard A. & Ann Frankini
Don W. & Carol Kersteiner
Glenn W. & Phyllis Ross
Howard R. & Inez Zillmer

Benjamin B. & Avis Britton
John A. Gregory


In attendance for the 43rd Annual Reunion Schaumburg, RI. Aug 31-Sep 3, '89

Cecil C. & Betsy Clausen
Edwin C. & Elizabeth Huminski
Malcolm E. & Ann Lord
Russell J. & Barbara Mayotte
John S. & Winnell Nesbit
Milton J. & Arline Schober

William R. & Angela Daugherty
Joseph L. & Ruth Miller
Delbert G. & Marian Rediger

Nolan Ashburn
Harold M. & Peggy Bailey
Robert G. Brown
James E. & Mary Lou Collier, Sr.
Charles S. & Willie Garn
Abner T. & Lenore Harris
John L. & Dolores Mikalauskis
Lawrence & Jeanne Walden
Guy & Marley Wright

424/HQ 3BN
Lee & Betty Berwick
Dale R. & Ruth Carver
Edward A. & Emily Lennstrom
Albert R. March

Hubert H. Hochstetter
Lawrence W. Smith

Bert Caplan
John H. & Evelyn Johnson
William K. & Inez Rowan

Andrew Campbell (nm)
Kenneth L. & Bea Coss, Sr.
Theodore & Lois Lada
Charles & Phyllis Mamula
Harry F. Martin Jr.
Elmer J. Shudarek

Charles H. Puskarich

Dr. Douglas Brooks
M.J. Mueller

81st ENG/HQ
Casimir T. & Pauline Prokorym
Joseph Puzio
N. Duke & Martha Ward

81st ENG/A
Orfeo E. Agostini
Thomas D. Broadbent
Andrew & Elizabeth Chura
William E. & Dorothy Cowden, Sr.
Carl & Alice Messina
George Nester
Robert B. & Dolores Reppert
Robert E. & Patricia Sandberg
Roy Sheets
Anna Hutchinson
Cebert V. & MaryJane Turner
Milton L. & Betty Wasagren

81st ENG/B
Rev. Valentine H. & Mary Derr
Norwood A. & Hazel Frye
Robert J. & Donna Hanson
Marlin E. & Luella Mahlin
Edward J. & Elrose Nagle
John & Betty Nichols
Armondo A. & Mary Ricci
Col. Earle L. & Susan Valenstein
Edward C. & Irene Wojahn

81st ENG/C
Fred A. & Betty Carr
Roger J. & Leola Ehrhardt
Henry V. & Barbara Hayden
Adolph J. & Catherine Maier, Jr.
Frederick W. & Miriam Merwin
Robert W. & Jean Pierce, Sr.
James E. & Maydean Wells

Marion S. & Mamie Mileski

Roger W. & Grace Bell
Earl A. & Catherine Scott

Donald B. & Mary Humphrey
Charles F. & Helen Jacelon
John R. & Lillian Schaffner
Marshall B. & Patricia Wenslow

Arthur C. Brown
Harold & Jessica Kuizema

L. Dale & Mildred Patrick

Paul & Emma Jane Borchert
James C. & Jan Morrissey
Robert A. Powell
Harlan L Stafford

Russel L. & Idelle Gunvalson
Harry & Margaret Hicks
Pete House
George & Georgia Peros
Gordon H. & Lucille Sather
Edward E. Young

Edward Nelson

George R. & Ella Pina

Harry M. & Betty Ephraim
Donald Lasanska (nm)
Raymond H. Panice

John H. Stauff

Joseph & Dolores Gross
Robert W. & Evelyn Hempel

James E. & Kay Brackett
Kenneth & June Bradfield
Donald R. Creed
Charles T. & Ann Datte
William Evans (nm)
Florian R. & Dorothy Frank
John W. & Virginia Howard
Robert C. Ringer
L. Orvis & Agnes Samples
John P. & Karin Schlesser

Adams E. & Muriel Elliott
Clarence W. & Dorothy Lauman

Albert Breuker
Willard G. Hartman
Alex M. Lauro
Thomas J. & Margaret Maw
Irvin G. & Betty Minor

Robert L. & Nouma White

John M. & Lou Roberts

John O. & Lee Gilliland
Glenn O. & Nadine Hartlieb

Margaret Bailey
Mrs. Marjorie DeHeer
Mrs. Chas. (Edith) Freed
Presslye S. & Dorothy Walters


Golden Lion 106th Infantry Div. Assoc. 43rd Annual Reunion attendance count

590/HQ 4
106 MP 1
423/ 1 5
590/A 6
106 QM 1
423/K 4
590/C 1
106 SIG 6
423/L 1 590/MED 1 422/11Q 7 423/M 11
    591/11Q 422/AT 2 423/MED 13 591/B 1 422/CN 2 424/HQ 5 591/C 2 422 ISV 1 424 / CN 13 591 / SV 10 424 I SV 592/HQ 422/HQ IBN 1
924/HQ BIN
422IB 4 424/A 6 592/B

422/C 7 424/B 8 592/C 1
422/D 15
424/C 2 592 / SV 2
422/HQ 2BN................. 3

422/A 2
592/A 5 422/E 1
424/11Q 2BN 5 Grand Total 15.2
422/F 4
424/E 2 Div/HQs/units 16 422/G 4 424/F 6 422nd 83
422/H 10 424/G 3 423rd 86
422/HQ 3BN 424/H 9
424th 85
422/1 7
424/11Q 3BN
81st Eng 30
422/M 10 424/I 2
589th FAB 9
422/MED 1
424/K 3
590th FAB 12
424/L 6
591st FAB 16
423 I AT 2 424/M 1
592nd FAB 11
423 ICH 5 424/MED 2 Attached Medics counted with organic units
423 ISV 6 81st ENG/HQ 3
81st ENGIA 11 Members 346
423/A 1 8Ist ENG/ B 9 Guests 255
423/B 7 81st ENG/ C 7 Non-Members 7
423/D 2 DIV/ARTY 1 Total 608
423/HQ 2BN 1 589/HQ 2
A total of 90 first
423/E 3 589/A 4 time attendees
423/F 1 589/B 2
423/G 3 589/C 598 sat down
423/H at the banquet,
Saturday night


Mail Bag

Adams, John 422/D 1981 Magnolia Dr. #4 Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403
Sherod, regret not being able to get to Schaumburg this year. We still plan on living in Lake Havasu this winter.

Bennett, Robert F. 423/H
Hcr 20, Box 1574, Blythe, CA 92225
    My wife passed away on August 26th, and for that reason I could not make the reunion. She was buried on our 42nd anniversary - August 30. She was in the Navy from 1943 to 1945.
    (editor's note -- Bob, All of on pass along our condolences. We hope we have the opportunity to one you in California... J. Kline, editor)

Black, William C. 591/C 72 Honeysuckle Wds Rvr Hills Lake Wylie, SC 29710
    We thoroughly enjoy the super job you are doing with The CUB and with no many new people. We are sending along some of the back issues of The CUB. Doris Black for Bill
    (editor's note -- Thanks for the back issues, I have already used them for some new members. I ran out of the August publication right after the reunion. Had printed 100 extra at press time, but we have over 125 new members since the May CUB... J. Kline

Carver, Dale R. 424/HQ 3BN 742 Druid Circle Baton Rouge, LA 70808
    John, Please give my home address for my publication Before The Veterans Die. I bought all the remaining copies from the publisher-Damon Press.
    I am very happy that you "found" me. It has opened a whole new world. I am now actively researching The Battle of the Bulge and plan to go to Belgium this fall to retrace some of the route I took in the winter of '44-'45.
    Dan Walters of Laurel, Mississippi has supplied a wealth of information and Ralph Hill has been sending me copies of his correspondence.
    I am still not sure of where the 3rd Battalion, 424th was during the entire period. Ruth and I will be at the reunion and Lee Berwick Battalion S-3 will be there with his wife.
I'll one you soon.
    (editor's note --Dale, it was nice to see you at the reunion there never seems to be enough time to spend all the time you want with each parson. I was pretty busy, but it was great to see so many friends.
    Maybe some of the fellows will send you their versions of the battle maps I know Ed Prewett of 424/B had a map of where they were, that would have been 424/B (1st Battalion) Wanne, Manhay, Trois Ponts etc. I am sure there will be some response.
Again, thanks for the use of your poems from your book. They have been well received... J. Kline, editor)

Devaty, Raymond S. 423/MED 5243 Broad Rd Pittsburgh, PA 15236
    I am sorry that I could not make the reunion. I worked several weeks to get a bus-load of Pittsburgh veterans to travel to Schaumburg, but got only three interested persons.
I know that it would have been a rewarding experience.
    (editor's note -- The 423rd Medics were well represented. I think there were 17 members that stood at the general meeting. Don McCarron did a great job getting them together... J. Kline, editor)

Dickerson, James 422/HQ 3BN Rt 1, Box 153 Zebulon, GA 30295
    John, I'm an avid reader of The CUB and think you are doing a super job. I read Milton G. Haas letter and inquiry about Melvin Gehrig. It is true that Melvin did pass away on Oct 30, 1988. We received a letter from his wife. When we opened it was an empty envelope. We called her and she had failed to put the letter inside, it was about his death.


Mail Bag

    Susie and I did not make the reunion because she broke her hip in June and was not fully recovered to make the trip. Leo "The Lion" Leisse says I am on his hit list. We haven't gotten over to see him. Maybe some time soon Leo. I was Leo's Platoon Sergeant and he made a fine squad leader.
     Susie is making good recovery and we hope and pray that it will continue. Hello to all you CUBs out there, hope to see you next year.
    (editor's note -- How do you like that Leo? Your Platoon Sergeant said you made a good squad leader- now let's hear from the squad... J. Kline, editor)

    Downing, Buster 424/M Box 23 Lulu, FL 32061 (editor's note -- Buster, sorry we mistakenly eliminated you from the mailing list Now you're back on and we hope all is well.. J. Kline, editor)

Farris, Phil 423/H 2251 W. Washington #609 Springfield, IL 62702
     Since joining the 106th Association a year ago I have made contacts with several old buddies. You are all doing a great job and I will meet you in Schaumburg. I have met with Ashburn and Edwards of the 424th in Knoxville, as well as others. We were part of the University of Tennessee "Fighting Volunteers" two transferred and two were captured and two "Won the War." Won't mention any names. Also saw Swett & Petersen 423/H. Corresponded with Ike Harris & Slim Bozeman. I was in Stalag IV-B arbeit kommando in the town of Zietz. Would like to locate E.J. Mageira who was from North Chicago. I enjoy The CUB, top notch and very personal - the way it should be. See you all at the reunion.

Gallagher, John I. 81st ENGIC 4003 Frances St Temple, PA 19560
     Sherod & John, Many thanks to you and the other officers for keeping the association alive and well. You are all doing an excellent job -as you were taught with your 106th training.
    Stella and I are well, keeping busy at church, Lion's Club and various other activities, including the grandchildren.
    Our children are doing well - son Dan is in the restaurant business, lovely daughter Judy who is a doctor is teaching at Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia.
Best wishes and God's Blessings to you and all the 106ers.
John Gallagher.

Gardner, James W. 442/HQ 2BN 704 LaBelle Shelbyville, IN 46176
     Retired after teaching 41 years. Coaching-Counselor and Asst. Principal. I enjoy reading The CUB. Am always watching for some person that I might know that was in Stalag II-A. I must have been the only one there, I haven't found Stalag II-A mentioned in The CUB or the VBOB's Bulge Bugle.
(editor's note -- Jim, look in the °New Members° column for Louis Tury, I think there have been others.
     If you belong to the American Ex-Prisoners of War organization they will print out a list of prisoners for you. Especially if there were smaller numbers of Americans there. They sent me a list a couple of years ago. I was in Stalag 8A on the Czech border. There were approx. 70 prisoners from the 106th that were listed. Of course, these are only the men that have joined AX-POW I don't know AX-POW's attitude towards this at this moment. They also have an address book with about 33,000 names in it, listing units and prison camps. It sells for 6-8 bucks. You'll go blind reading if because of the numbers of names. That is where Gill Helwig gets the names of prospective 106ers.
    To join write: American Ex-Prisoners of War National Headquarters 3201 E Pioneer Pkwy, Suite 40 Arlington, TX 76010-5396


Mail Bag

Costs $11 Single, $16 Husband & Wife - a great organization that has done much for the EX-POW.

     A 106th Medic, Dr. Charles Stenger Ph.D., 423/C is their VETERANS AFFAIRS & LEGISLATIVE CONSULTANT He authored the bill in 1981 that gave all us EX-POWs our benefits, hospitalization, etc. When we were overtaken he volunteered to stay with the wounded and was captured. A great guy. He doesn't join the association because of his connections, but is always there willing to help. I have some letters and information on Prisoner Statistics from him, that I am going to use in future CUBs.. John Kline)

    [photo] 424/H men visiting Lt. Harry Holder in the Hines VA Hospital Extended Care Unit. Back : John Mikalauskis, Harold Bailey, Guy Wright Robert Brown, James Collier; Front Row: Harry Holder, Abner Harris

Howell, Col. Robert F. (USA Ret) 424/HQ 2BN 520 Crescent Rd Griffin, GA 30223
     John, I had planned on talking with you at Schaumburg, but Louise and I have decided not to go. Instead, we will be at the Sacramento Reunion in 1990. Therefore may I list a few items directed at you and yours, The CUB.
    (1) You are doing an outstanding job as CUB editor. ie: The change of type, make-up and content etc. We of the 106th have never had a publication of the size and scope that you are turning out - Keep up the good work and tell the board that you need help before and when you need it.
    (2) Refer to the July-Sept, '89 issue of The CUB, page 18, a letter written by Alvin Lukashok, 424/H, wherein he mentions the 2nd Battalion, 424th and their going to Europe (Scotland) on the Aquitania. This is a true statement.
    I was temporarily assigned to 424/H for the move, due to an officer shortage in that company. The move consisted of a troop train to Camp Myles Standish, near Boston, then to New York Harbor where we boarded the Aquitania, the only 4 stacker left in service. This was on 20 Oct, 1944. She was nearly as fast as the 2 Queens, and depended on her speed to outrun any German submarine. As we left we were told that "U" boats were in quantity in the North Atlantic, so the ship went way towards Barbados then wandered around the mid-Atlantic, then North around the Irish Coast, into Greenock, Scotland (The Firth of Clyde, the wartime home of the super-liners.)
     We saw only one ship, way off the port-side, during the entire journey of 7 days. After the Aquitania had signaled her, and did not get a proper response, she fired a 6 inch round near her bow. We never knew if it was friend or foe, but with 15,000 +/- aboard the Captain did a 90 degree tum pushed the ship to 28-30 knots and zigzagged the next 24 hours, just in case.
    On arriving at the "Firth of Clyde" we had the pleasure to witness the Queen Elizabeth heading for the USA. The Queen Mary was unloading in the harbor. I remember other units of the 106th going to Europe by another ship. I will work on the name. (Colonel, you are probably thinking of the "Wakefield.. J. Kline, editor) I just wanted to confirm Alvin's word regarding the Aquitania.
     He also mentioned Lt. Col. Umanoff, CO of 424/2Bn. I became Umanoff's S-4 the morning of the 18th of December, '44. I was a Platoon leader in Co. G, 424th until then.


Mail Bag

    Perhaps Alvin and I can get together in a future reunion and I can fill him in on the 2nd Bn's Staff Actions from the 18th of Dec until war's end.
Regard's, Col. Bob Howell, Retired.
     (editor's note -- Colonel, thanks no much for the nice letter. The 423rd left New York on the Queen Elizabeth on 17 Oct, arrived In Scotland on the 22nd. We had unloaded and the Queen Elizabeth was heading back when you saw her.
    Your words make me feel good, and I am sure Alvin and the members will be well informed and will enjoy reading your comments... J. Kline, editor)

Jarlock, Edward S. 423/MED 2225 Weiss St Apt #1 Saginaw, M148602
     I joined the association in '87 and still haven't seen my name in The CUB. My name in the service was Edward S. Jarlacysnki -some handle, huh! I was in Stalag 9B, Bad Orb. Sgt Scaggs was one of the men in charge at the camp hospital. I helped out a few times at the hospital. Basil Burke, B.T. Brown and Al Bianucci were also in the camp.
     I am 65 and have had a triple by-pass ('88) and a lung operation ('85). I consider myself in good health. I carry a 185 average in Bowling. Had a 300 game and a few 500 series. I chummed around with Don McCarron and Richard Juriga. Richard is the one that got me to join the association.
My wife Dotty passed away Sept 1987, from a heart attack. I do hope to see my name in The CUB.
     (editor's nob -- Ed, sorry if we missed you in the past. You probably joined around the time the former editor, Richard DeHeer passed away. Mrs. DeHeer did a valiant job in keeping The CUB going, but there could have been some letters missed in the confusion.
    You mentioned a photo in your letter, possibly taken at Fort Jackson that you were sending me. It was not in with your letter. You mention 22 names - was this the picture taken at Camp Atterbury and put into an album of the 106th? If so, it will make a poor reproduction for The CUB. If it is a regular photo send it along and I will publish it Thanks Ed.. John Kline)

Jones, Jr. Alan W. Col. (Ret) 423/HQ 1BN 9100 Belvoir Woods Pkwy N223 Fr.Bevoir, VA 22060

Dear Sherod,
     Lynn and I regret that we could not be with you at the Schaumburg reunion this year. We were in the midst of moving, not far, but faced with all the mess of selling a house and having to move into a smaller place.
     It made for a complicated present, but a simpler future. Mother is doing well. She is limited to a wheel chair, relatively immobile, but otherwise alert and happy.
    The CUB gives her much pleasure, reminding her of past reunions and familiar faces. Warmest Regards and Best Wishes, Alan
    (editor's note -- Colonel Jones, Sherod told me to tell you that we all missed you and Lynn, and that there are many who also miss your mother at our functions, we all know she thinks of us, and we appreciate all that she and your father, the late General Jones, have done for this association over the years... J. Kline, editor) "

NEW" Life Membership Offer!!! See page 5 "editor's column"


Mail Bag

Klett, James R. DIV/HQ 345 S 16th St Apt G-18 Lebanon, PA 17042
(editor's note-- Jim, thanks for the CUBS that you sent me. They will be used to an advantage... John Kline)

Leisse, Sr., Leo R. 412/HQ 3BN
4346 Gapuh Ln, St Louis, MO 63125
    (editor's note -- Herr Comrade Squad Leader, I apologize for stating in the August '89 CUB that Bob Leisse was your son, when in fact he was your brother. I failed to write down which unit he was in, maybe I can catch up on that little detail later.
    Thanks Leo, for sending me some of The CUBS that I was missing in my series. We have been authorized by the board to reprint all the major stories from all the of the past and have it in booklet form ready for the next reunion.
    I am investigating a service that could 'scan' the stories I pick out and put it in a form that I could use in my computer. It would save 'hours and hours' of re-typing all the articles. There are many good stories and items of interest. There are so many new members to the association that I know it would be enlightening to them to read the history of the Association, and the stories as told, particular when they were fresh in the writers memory. I am anxiously awaiting to get my hands into that project.
    By the way, that excellent idea was presented to me by Ed Prewett, 424/B of Brentwood, California. I submitted it to the board at Schaumburg and the idea was accepted. I already have had men tell me to save them one when it comes off the press... John Kline)

Loudermilk, Teddy L. 423/B; PO Box 367 Bingham Lake, MN 56118
Sherod, Just a few lines with my dues. Sure have enjoyed the news in The CUB.
    I have talked with John Kline and he sent me a copy of his diary. Seems as if we were on the same route from the time of capture all the way through 12A, 4b and 8A, then on the 415 mile march to West ahead of the Russians. We separated when John went into the hospital at Helmstedt. I was liberated near Hanover
    I went into service in '41. First year at Fort Snelling in the 701st MP Bn, then on to Fort Riley. Was married in August of '41, started cadre of the 27th MP Training Bn, was then transferred to the 29th MP Trng Bn, then moved to Fort Custer, Michigan. We trained troops until June of '44. From there to a Camp in Penn, then to Camp Chaffee, Arkansas. Was in a Combat MP group when I asked for a transfer and ended up with the 106th in late August '44.
    We have four children. One was born on 29 Nov, '44. Did not know this until I was liberated and arrived home in May '45. Went to farming in '46 and farmed until '67. I then went to work for the City of Windom, Minnesota, retired at age 62. My wife became an invalid and I am now spending my time caring for her.
Will drop a card or call John soon.

Massey, Joseph 422/C; RTE.1 - Box 780 Remlap, AL 35133
Thanks for acknowledging receipt of my letter and picture. I will look forward to seeing it in the November CUB.
You do a terrific job with The CUB and I am always looking forward to receiving it.
Looking forward to seeing you in Schaumburg.
Joe Massey

McGranaghan, David E. 106 SIG; 140 South Clinton St., Olean, NY 14760
    John, I particularly like the JUL-AUG-SEP issue of The CUB. I would like the following entered into the "Mail Bag" for the November issue.
To Liaison Pilot C.W. (Pete) Lauman.
In the JUL-AUG-SEP issue of The CUB you wrote these words in the Mail Bag.
" I thought I would try one more time to locate a messenger who flew with me


Mail Bag

    from Bad Ems to Fulda, Germany on the afternoon of 15 June, 1945. I broke my leg in a freak accident and want to verify how it happened... I would like to hear from anyone who flew with me as a messenger."
OKAY Pete, here is my answer:
    Besides myself, there were these messengers who very likely flew with you. Granville C. Ream 3408 SW 25th St Ft Lauderdale, FL 13312
Mason (address unknown)
    ‘Cowboy' Kelly (address unknown) though I saw a picture of him in a book or magazine in which he was a member of an oil exploration team, I believe in the South West.
Stamps (address unknown), but he probably lives in the "Deep South."
Hires ( address unknown), but very likely could be reached through the "Hires Root Beer" family. I am not sure.
    The accident you mention did not occur in the course of my messenger flights. At the time, however, I weighed almost 200 pounds and when I arrived at the mountain top air-ship, with my pouch, you or another Liaison Pilot looked at me and said, "Good Grief, couldn't they send anyone smaller?" or words to that effect.
Dave McGranaghan 106 SIG

Meeleus, Harry G. 422/HQ 2BN 518 Pyle Ave Oshkosh, WI 54901
    (Col. Harry Meeleus, was CO of 2nd Bn, 422nd, the letter by Helen, his wife) Sherod, Harry has lost central vision in both eyes, so I am writing this letter for him. I do the reading for him and wish to state that we think The CUB is an excellent magazine. We find it most interesting. I pick it up and read to Harry for a while, put it aside, then pick it up again and find much more to read to him. Please congratulate your editor on the fine job he is doing.
     We haven't received our membership card yet, but we know he is listed as a member for we just received a letter from Colonel Matthews telling us that he learned we had just joined. We were happy to hear from him. Harry and Joe had been together, in the service, for many years.
     Mrs. Harry (Helen) Meeleus (editor's note--. Helen, tell the Colonel that we are also happy that he joined the Association. Thanks to you both, for the kind words about The CUB it is a work of love, for my past and to the men of the 106th.. John Kline)

Melichar, William J. 423/SV 336 Amherst Rd Linden, NJ 07036
John, Thanks for the article on Mayor Werkmeister, Carl Messina and myself in the August CUB.
     Werkmeister got a call from one of his buddies telling him how good he looked. Paul hadn't received his CUB yet, and wondered how he saw the picture. He did receive The CUB after that. I had surprised him by sending in his membership without his knowing it. He's a happy member now.
    Bill Devine after two months in the Columbia Pres. Hospital is now in the VA Hospital in New York City (Bronx), for rehabilitation. He has had a cast on his leg for two months.
    I sent for my Army Medals last year and got them this month. They look great in a "shadow-box." Tell the other members to send for theirs. Until next time.
    (editor's note-- Bill, It always nice to hear from you. Army Medals are available. Get a form from the VA Service Officer and apply. They will send you all new medals and pins, even if you have received some before. It takes months, but they are available. I've had mine for a few months. I have them in a `shadow-box" and am waiting on a friend who has a little more expertise in mounting them... John Kline)


Mail Bag

Merz, O. Paul 422/SV 1344 Norfolk Cir Indianapolis, IN 46224
     John, The enclosed article was in an Indianapolis paper this week and since you have asked about Camp Atterbury, I thought I would send it to you.
     I haven't been to Atterbury since the middle '60s. I know that most or all of the old barracks have been torn down and rebuilt with modem buildings. The Indiana National Guard trains there and there is also a Vocational School for 1st Offenders (Indiana Prison System). Also a couple of years ago when the Pan-Am games (pre-Olympic) were here, they built a horse-park for the equestrian competition and it has been in constant use since.
I had hoped to meet you at Chicago, but had major surgery several months ago and face more in the future.
Hope to see you in Sacramento next fall.
O. Paul Merz.
     (editors note -- Paul, Thanks for the article that describes the article written by the schoolchildren entitled THE ATTERBURY FILE.' I am going to contact the principal of the Middle School and find out the content of its references. If it would be of interest to the 106ers I will get a copy. maybe they have some history and pictures going back to our era.
     The newspaper article is about the Italian Prisoners Memorial Chapel which is built at Camp Atterbury, it also is being put into my Interesting articles file' for future use. Thanks Paul... John Kline)

Messina, Carl 81st ENG/A 910 Seymour Ave, Linden, NJ
John, It was nice to visit with you at the reunion in Schaumburg.
     We just about did not stay, after we got there. They told us that they had no reservations for us. We wound up staying at the Hampton Inn the first night.
     If it were not for one fine gentleman who overheard the girls tell us we were out of luck, that they could not give us any room for any of our days, we would have left, and not stayed at another hotel. We were going to Virginia for four days. But this gentleman went out of his way in order that we could have a room. After two days home, we got a bill in the mail for the room we had originally reserved. Isn't that a Blast! I guess you know I hit the ceiling.
     I have sent you a copy of a photo (see above)showing Orfie Agostini (the 89-90 Association President) standing with Joe E. Brown. I can't identify the tall man on the right.... Not much else John. My wife did get some good pictures. I will look them over for prospective CUB pictures.
    (editors note -- Thanks Carl, please send the pictures. I am sure you know this - Newspaper clippings do not make good reproductions in The CUB. They are just not suitable. The story is, but not the photos. I say this for the benefit of others who may send news clippings. We invite them, but remember the photo or the maps make poor reproduction material. .. John Kline)

Murphree, Leon A. 423/HQ 2BN 1749 Lakehill St NW Cullman, AL 35055
Sherod, I fully intended to mail my dues in June, before I left on vacation. Sorry, but I just put it aside.


Mail Bag

    I have never had... or taken the time to attend a reunion. I enjoy The CUB and notice that several friends have joined. I'm 75 years of age and still working, same radio station since 1953. I'm partially retired.
     I enjoy the ex-POW stories because I had many friends and a brother L.D. Murphree, 424/D who were taken prisoner in "The Bulge." I narrowly escaped. Hope to write again soon, with some stories and perhaps some pictures.

Odom, Joseph C. 424/HQ IBN 5306 lied Fox Ltd Jackson, MS 39211
     Enclosed are some of the pictures we took at the 43rd Annual Reunion in Schaumburg. (see pictures on this page.) We enjoyed meeting you and seeing former friends. We are looking forward to the reunion in Sacramento next year. I am enclosing an article from the March 1983 American Legion Magazine, re Death of the Golden Lion, perhaps you already have it. Maybe you could contact the American Legion for permission to reprint in The CUB.
     (editor's note -- Thanks Joe, for the pictures and material. A reprint of the American Legion article might be a good idea. I'll give it a try. I have permission from same other publications to use articles, with proper credits. You sent several very good pictures. I will try to get more into this CUB. If I don't! will hold a couple of them for the February issue. Thanks.... John Kline)

    [photo] L/R- Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Odom, 424/HQ 1BN, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Walden, 424/H Friendships renewed, Joe & Larry were clerks In Regimental Headquarters

    [photo] L/R- Kenneth Bryan 424/HQ 1Bn, Stan Kowalski 592/HQ, Joseph Odom 424/HQ 1Bn; Stan told the group about 'being holed up- in a two story house as the Germans machined gunned it. They were calling for grenades when Stan and his group 'bailed out.' They thought their Captain was following, but he did not come out of the house

Schober, Milton J. 424/F 4032 Lee St Skokie, IL 60076
    (editor's note -- Milton, thanks for the information that you sent a newspaper article about Paul Oxford, the Comm Sgt from 424/F. Do you know where he is now?
    You sent three copies of what appears to be a descriptive personal diary, with news photos, and personal photos as part of the dialogue. (these alit not reproduce wen. we need origin.), but the stories are interesting. One is entitled it May Have Been A Hoot Owl, But_ which appears to be about G Company (which Regiment?); One entitled Battle In the Bulge, which appears to be about the 2Bn, 424th, because It mention Lt. Col. Umanoff; and the third A Rest at Plainvaux, Belgium which is about 424/F at the time the 82nd Air Borne came through the fines and relieved you.


Mail Bag

    These am all interesting and I will try to get them into future issues. Who wrote all these, or where did you get them? Was it an ongoing news publication? It is written with a regular typewriter. Fill me In on where these came from. I will use them later, as this Issue will probably be bulging with 'Reunion News.°
The article on the Aquitania fits in with the letter from Col. Howell, above, so I will reprint It as fellows,
From the TIME, Dec. 26, 1949:

Sailor's Rest
    When the Cunard Lines' 45,600-ton Aquitania steamed majestically into New York Harbor on her maiden voyage in June, 1914, admiring New Yorkers called her "the most beautiful ship in the world." Built at a cost of more than $10 million, the four-stacked" Aquitania, with her nine decks, and quarters for 2,870 passengers, marked a new peak in luxurious ocean travel. But at first she had little time to show off.
     Pressed into troopship service in World War I, she used her speed (23 knots) to zigzag alone through submarine-infested waters. She also performed yeoman service in World War II, carrying 384,586 servicemen to & from battle. Never once was the Aquitania, known as "Grannie," fired on. Between wars she averaged a trip a fortnight from Southampton to New York, carried some 700,000 passengers.
     Recently the old ship, still in her stripped down war condition, has been carrying immigrants to Canada. Last week, tied up at the Southampton dock after 35 years' service, the Aquitania was retired.
    Said a Cunard official, with never a tear for old Grannie: "It's unsatisfactory to run a liner longer than that." One stack was a fake, installed because many travelers seemed to judge a ship's reliability by the number of stacks.
(editor's note -- Thanks Milton for your contribution, let me hear from you about the other articles... John Kline)

    [photo] This is Matthew Terrio, grandson of Howard Terrio, (see below). Matthew, 9.5 years old has a little growing to do, but loves to wear 'grandpa's 106th jacket.

Terrio, Howard J. 423/I 4429 Btramood Rd Columbia, SC 29206
     John, Co. I, 423rd Reg. (and me) left New York on the Queen Elizabeth in the early morning on 17 October, 1944 arriving in Scotland on the 22nd. Like you John, I didn't think any of the guys went over on the Queen Mary.
You're doing a great job on The CUB. Thanks for the names of the I Company men. Howard Terrio

Sheahan, Robert I.. 423/B 715 N. Derby, Derby, KS 6703
     Hope to get to the reunion. If it all goes well we will be there. (editor's note -- Nice to see you got to the reunion. Hope to see you in Sacramento 31 Aug, '90.. John Kline)

Stranko, Peter P. 423/A 2400 Cienga St SP 105 Ocean, CA 93445
     I was the one who called you about the VHS tapes on "The Battle of the Bulge." I am including the Christmas Roster for 423/A for Xmas '43. Publish it if you can.


Mail Bag

    I am also sending you some information about Japan. It will show why we had to drop the bomb to end the war. There would have been another 1,500,000 lives lost if we had not. You may keep the material.
     (editor's note -- Peter, thanks very much for the information. While I found it interesting personally, we do not publish information that relates to other than the 106th Infantry Division and/or the area in which it operated. The story on Japan called "Top Secret' was sure enlightening. I hope you are not offended by the fact that for The CUB, we are only interested, as an association, in the European phase of the war. Space is limited and we want to use it to pass news of the division and the men in it... John Kline)

Telfer, Richard G. 422/AT 5357 Spencer Las Vegas, NV 89119
Sherod, Here's the dues for the next year. I am trying to get more 422nd/AT boys together. Best wishes, Dick Telfer

Weber, Carlos D. 422/A 200 East 33a1 St. Apt 290
     New York, NY 10016 (editor's note -- Carlos, Thanks for your very nice letter. Don't feel ashamed that it was five pages long. It is very interesting. I will glean the history out of it and ask your permission to use the rest of it in another publication, or possibly in a summary of individual soldiers reminisces.
    I have received letters and documents as long as 28 pages. It is easy to understand that each one cannot be included in an individual issue of The CUB. They do give me a lot of the background that I need to use in my comments. I hope to, some day put together, for history, some of the personal stories of the individuals in the 106th Infantry Division. Again thanks... John Kline (continued next page)
     From Carlos' letter (see preceding page) I enlisted in the Regular Army 11/6/40 at Fort Hamilton, New York. I served with C. Company, 18th Infantry, 1st Division from 11/6/40 to 10/9/43. Returned to USA for furlough, then reported to "A" Company, 422nd Infantry Regiment, 106th Division in late November or early December, 1943.
     I was attached to the umpiring units during the Tennessee maneuvers and was finally absorbed by "A" Company, 422nd at Camp Atterbury.. The rest is history, I ended up in Stalag 4-B and was liberated on 28 April, 1945.
    Carlos' letter has not been given enough credit with the short synopsis above, his is a very interesting story and I hope to use it another time... John Kline

Wischmeier, Donald B. 423ISV 717 Amy. Dr De Soto, MO 63020
     John, I received the CUBs. The article in the August CUB looked good and the pictures came out well. The few changes you made improved the story.
Yesterday I received a nice letter from Bill Devine's wife thanking me for some pictures I sent him some time ago.
     Bill has been in a New York hospital for some time. With an injured knee, plus eye surgery and she has been occupied taking care of him. The CUB is a very interesting magazine, especially with the "Editors notes" that you add in. This adds a personal touch and shows the interest that you take and the home-work that you do.
Good Luck to you. Will see you in Schaumburg.
    (editor's note -- Don wrote the nice article on his and his wife's return to Auw, which appeared in the August CUB. Don, thanks for your comments. I need more people like you who are willing to take time, to sit down and write a few words about such as event as "returning to the area" or some other interesting trip. Thanks Don... John Kline, editor


Announcement to General Membership

     The Nominating Committee of the 106th Infantry Division Association is now accepting nominees for the Board of Directors, to be presented at the Annual Meeting at the 1990 Reunion in Sacramento, California.
     Members of the Association who desire to nominate an individual may do so by sending name and qualifications of the person to the Nominating Committee Chairman. The Chairman is, Edward Wojahn, 81st ENG/B, 1553 West Young Dr., Onalaska, Wisconsin 54650. Telephone: 608-783-3670.
     Members of the committee are; Chuck Rieck, 422/H, 7316 Voss Pkwy, Middleton Wisconsin 53562. Telephone: 608-831-6110; Norwood Frye, 81st ENG/13, 1069 Manchester Rd, Glastonbury, CT 06033. Telephone: 203-633-1932.

    Help me find my husband's buddy, Please help me in locating the address of my husband's best War buddy. He is, Joseph Solomon 32 704 308 423/G, captured in the Bulge Last known address was Brooklyn, New York We would also like to know of other who may have been forced, as my husband was, to work illegally as prisoners in a benzine factory In ZIETZ, Germany.
     My husband, Waller S. Adams III, is now incompetent (because of a heart attack in '86), so I am having to search for this information all alone.
    He does know people from his very early days, and I am hoping he will recognize some of his old war buddies, if I can find them.
Joy E. Adams, 906 Shady Fork Rd., Chattanooga, Tennessee 37421.

CUB Laughs by George Levine, 424/M "It's not what you think it is. It's SUSHI on a shingle!"

Memorial Service Tapes
    Reverend Ronald Mosley arranged and paid for a "Master Tape" to be made of the Memorial Services at the Hotel Hyatt Regency during the 43rd Annual Reunion.
     If you want a copy, he says they are of excellent quality and packaged in a white case, send the Reverend $20.00 and he will mail them "Post-paid" to your address.
Rev. Ronald A. Mosley, Box 25 Petite River Bridge Nova Scotia, Canada BOJ 2P0 Tele: 902-688-2187


New Members

    The cut-off date for this "NEW MEMBER" column, and the CUB, was for applications and material received prior to Oct 1, '89. Any applications, in process, that I received later than Oct 1, even though you may have mailed them to Gill Helwig or Sherod Collins earlier, will appear in the Feb. CUB.
     January 1, 1990 will be the deadline for the February CUB. Any correspondence for that issue should reach me by January 1...
John Kline)

Allen, Edward 422/L 3389 Main Rd Tiverton, RI 02878

Bailey, Margerat ASSOC. 2225 Weiss St Apt NI Saginaw, MI 48602

Bassi, Leonard 423/L 573 Browing Terrace, Sebastian, F1, 32958

Bloom, Jack V. 422/I 225 E. Boston Ave Youngstown, 01144507
     joined the 106th in Fort Jackson in March I was from Weedville, PA when I 43. Became a POW in Dec '44 and was in Stalag 4-B.
     Married in '48, came to Ohio same year and worked for a steel company for 32 years and retired 1 Jan '80. Have one daughter and a son. They have given us 5 grandchildren.

Blaher, William S. 422/I 13 Norton Dr. Flemington, NJ 08822
     Sold my business after 39 years, now working as a photography salesman. Have been active in County and Local Civil Defense. Explorer Boy Scout Leader for 12 years. Am also active in the Lions Club, our church and in photographing things about my family and community. We will be celebrating our wedding anniversary in August. We have three sons and six grandchildren.

Charles Bobrowski of Whitehouse Station, New Jersey, formerly 106th Field Artillery, died in 1988.

    Bordelon, Sam H. 423/HQ 3620 East Robin Rd Bloomington, IN 47401 (editor's note -- While Sam did not write a note with his application you will recall his picture in The CUB, Vol 44-No.4, Jul-Aug-Sept, 1988. page 14. He was Lead Scout in the group led by Lt. Ivan Long of the 423rd Hdqs 18F1 Platoon that made their way back to St. Vith. He is pictured with Lt. Long and John R. Sheehan. Pvt Sheehan acted as Rear Guard in the group that escaped being captured at Schoenberg.

Brax, Richard J. 423/K 14 Porter St. Quaker Hill, CT 06375
Brislin, Joseph P. 422/K 89 Hanover St. Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702
Retired school administrator and clinical psychologist

Broussard, Fred J. 423/L 4218 Murray Ave Shorewood, WI 53211
     A few members of my Company come to mind, although it has been 45 yrs ago that I last saw them. Joined the Army on 5 March 1943 at Camp Devens, Mass. Shipped to Fort Jackson for Basic, following on to Fort Benning and Camp Atterbury then RePoDepot. I was a Sergeant and the mailman. Was captured on 9 October, 1944 on a spearhead trying to reach Canadian Paratroopers who were dropped off into Holland. Wounded, was held at Stalag II-A, Ncubrandenburg, released by the Russians, Camp Lucky Strike then on home.
    Married in '48, have three daughters and one grandchild. Member of the Barbed Wire Chapter of AX-POW in Milwaukee. We are attending the Schaumburg Reunion.

Brown, Clark 591/HQ 5210 Corte Bonita Concord, CA 94521
    Joined 106th at Camp Atterbury. Discharged Nov '45. Met my wife Clare at Lawrence, Mass. Attended Univ. of New Hampshire. Have


New Members

lived on West Coast since 1947 except for two years graduate study at Columbia Univ.
Have four children. My work was in education as a Teacher, Psychologist and Administrator. Retired in 1981.
    From 1982 through 1985 we were at the American School in Tegueigalpa, Honduras. I was the superintendent and Clare taught 6th grade.

Cawdry, James A. 81st ENG IB 1350 Ala Moana Blvd #2011 Honolulu, 111 96814

Campbell, John Tom 423/B PO Box 230 Brady, DC, 76825

Cook, Francis J. 411IH 2417 Wildbrook Run Bloomfield Hills, Ml 48013
    (written by Robert E. Kelly) Sherod, I met with Francis. He had moved from a single home into a new condo. We both go to church at St Hugo of the Hills. He is an usher. We go to different masses, so I did not recognize his name, but recognized him the minute I saw him. He will be 65 in August and will probably retire from Ford Motor where he has worked in management.

Creed, Donald R. 591/SV 810 Wildwood DR. Youngstown, OH 44512

    Christman, Archie W. 589/C 311 W. Beloit St. PO Box 415, Darien, WI, 53114 (editor's note--Archie, you didn't write about yourself. Thought I would let you know that came from Madison, Wisconsin. Moved to Apple Valley, MN in Jan '86. Lived In Viroqua, Wisconsin starting in the early 50's and moved to Madison in 70.
    Know your part of the country well. In fact was arrested going through Darien one fine summer day. The policeman was hidden in a private driveway. I argued the point, but paid the ticket Welcome back to the 106th... John Kline, editor)

DeCicco, Michael J. 422/UNIT? Kingston, K', Ir11401
Mike says he has a bad memory and can't remember much anymore -- welcome Mike nice to have you as a member.

Deisher, Curtis G. 424/L 2 Manor Drive Mohmville, PA 19541
Wife's name is Florence.

Dietrich, Arlan H. 81st ENG/B Rd 3 Box 337-12 Kutztown, PA 19530
     Sure was glad to hear from some of the men in 81st ENG/13. I belonged to the association in the early years, but somehow dropped out. I attended two reunions, one in Detroit and another in Chicago. However, never ran into an 81st man at either. I received a call from Ed Wojahn, the first man I had contact with since our capture. Also heard from Roy Bigger, 423/HO. He must have been with me all the way, however I didn't get to know him.
    My wife Jane and I have been married 37 years, we have 8 grown children, 5 grandchildren. I am retired from The Prudential Insurance Co. We live on a 17 acre farmette in the green hills of Pennsylvania and love it. Raising 500 ducks a year for a steady income during the winter months. While I am still in shock, after 44 years of wondering that some of us showed up, it sure is nice to hear from the men again.

Doxsee, Gifford B. 423/HQ 3BN 1 Canterbury Dr Athens, OH 45701
     Gill, Thank you for your warm letter. Enclosed are my dues and a donation for the Memorial Fund. Since my name appeared in the August '89 issue of the AX-POW Bulletin I have heard from Roy Biggers, in Gas City, Indiana, from George Bloomingburg of Benton, KY as well as a postcard from Robert Allen in Des Moines, Iowa. I sent each of them an 18 page summary of my World War II "adventures."
     I returned to college to get my B.A. in 1948, and later an M.A. and Ph.D. in history. I taught in a private school in


New Members

    Southern California, later at the American University of Beirut, Lebanon ('52-'55) and finally at the Ohio University where I have been on the faculty sitter '58. My courses are mainly on modern Middle East and North Africa and currently have a second part-time administration position as Director of African Studies Program at Ohio U.
     I met Mary Cowan here in Athens, she was a professor of textiles in the School of Home Economics at Ohio U. We were married in June 6, 1964. We have no children.
     Mary is retired and I am still working. I have been able to travel extensively during my career, sometimes on research trips. I have been back to the Belgian-German border area where the Bulge took place three times. In '53, '69 and '83 on both sides of the border. I have been several times int West Germany and in 1983 spent nearly a full week in East Germany, going back to Dresden and to Hellendorf up in the Erzgebirge Mountains where we were evacuated in mid-April and where the war ended. At Hellendorf I met a lady named Hanni Hippe whose family owned and operated the Gasthof where we were kept locked up for the last four weeks of our captivity. Dresden is so very different one would never recognize the city except for the war ruins along the Elbe River that have been preserved. (editor's note -- Gifford, I would like to ask you for some help. The men of the 106th Association love to hear of the trips that other members have taken back to the battle areas and to the areas where they were held captive.
    I would like to have your assistance in preparing a story, or stories, of your returns to Europe. I will feature them such as I did with Don Wischmeier's story in the August CUB that you received after you joined. We have had several excellent stories in recent issues. We have several members who were In "Slaughter House Five" at Dresden. I was a prisoner at Stalag 8A in Gorlitz, just east of Dresden, and of course many of the men saw the sky lit with flames as Dresden burned during those terrible fire bomb raids. Your story or stories and photos would be most welcome... John Kline)

Dreisbach, Carl V. 422/HQ JBN 2625 Boxwood Dr. Wilmington, DE 19810
     Taught Industrial Arts for 38 years. Retired three years ago and am now enjoying it. Married with three children and two granddaughters who keep my wife and me busy. Work part-time at a model Train store, selling and repairing toy trains. Model Railroading is my hobby as well. I have been active in Scouting for over 40 years and have served on two National Jamboree Staffs. Have also served on local camp staffs and continue to serve as Assistant Council Commissioner. I am also very active in my church, on the Council and Stewardship Committee. I act as en interpreter in the 1875 era Machine Shop of the Hagley Museum. Would appreciate hearing from some members of the company - it has been a long time!
     (editor's note -- Carl sent along a copy of the ROM's In the 106th photo album. He is the fourth one from the right end, 2nd row from bottom of the picture under the GI with the Bazooka on the page for Headquarters and Headquarters Company 422nd Inf 1st Battalion. Carl also sent a list of names and asked for address. Carl the only addresses we have are those that I sent with your CUB. There are no rosters of 106th Division, even it there were they would be old addresses of the '44 era Personnel at St Louis MO have informed me that all old rosters have been destroyed (not by the alleged fire) but by order of the government - for whatever reason they do not know probably because they contain old addresses.... John Kline)

Duvall, Aaron N. 423/HQ 69 Woodridge Rd
Rogers, AR 72756

    Sherod, Sam Davis gave me your name and informed me of the Association. I was so happy to hear that it existed. I am submitting my membership.


New Members

Edwards, Dick T. 423/D; 1539 Robinhood Ln Johnson City, TN 37604
Mr. Collins, Your name was given to me by another member of the 423rd Regiment.
    I was captured in the Bulge and liberated by the Russians in May of '45 near Wismar, on the Baltic Sea. I was wounded but have no permanent problems. My prison camps were Fallingbostel and Neubrandenburg. Philip Farris copied a page from the CUB listing some names from D Company. I knew several of them and am so happy they survived.

Elliott, Adams E. 592/HQ; 4959 Mockingbird Ln Memphis, TN 38117

Fish, Milo H. 424/M; 1630 Burr Oak Rd. Homewood, IL 60430
I started with the 106th at Fort Jackson, but transferred to the Air Corps, but rejoined the division at Atterbury.

Ezelle, John 423/A; Rte One, Box 401-A Killen, AL 35645
    Married, have three daughters and four granddaughters. Retired from U.S. Postal Service in 1984, after 37 years of service. Elected as County Commissioner in 1984, re-elected in November for four more years.

Foster, Mrs. E. Bruce ASSOC. 2622 Lynb.rulee Ln Knoxville, TN 37920

Frumkin, Albert 590/C; 98-501 Koauka Loop #1307, Aka, HI 96701
    I was with the Division at Atterbury. I was captured by SS Paratroops on 19 December, 1944. Spent the balance of the war at Stalag IV-B, Muhlberg (40 miles below Berlin and 40 miles north of Dresden on the east side of the Elbe across from the town of Torgeo.)
    Released 28 April '45 by Russian Army and moved toward the American lines. When the fighting was over on 7 May I walked to the American lines with another GI (can't remember his name but his niece worked in Hollywood for Dave Selznick). Was returned via Camp Lucky Strike, the Wakefield from Liverpool to Boston and discharged 28 Nov '45.
    Attended University of Washington, met my wife in '47, have worked at a variety of jobs finally settling for a government position. Retired in '78 and moved to Hawaii. Our children, three, are all married and have given as 6 grandchildren. We celebrated our 42nd on 17 Aug, 1989.

Gold, Everett M. SI st ENG IC, Rte 3 Box 244-A Pena, IL 62557

Goldberg, Ephraim 423/C 555 Franklin Blvd Long Beach, NY 11561-2498
    I was an early member, if not a charter member, of the association, but lost track of it many years ago. I joined the division during Tennessee maneuvers, following Camp Upton and Fort Benning. Sailed with the "Queen" to England, then to Cheltenham - Camp H, Sandywell Park, Andoversford. Was appointed Amcor-Artificer (T-5) when we moved into the Schnee Eifel, 12 December, 1944. Captured 19 December arrived in Stalag 4B where I remained until liberated by the Russians on 23 April, 1945. Left Russian control on 15 May and hitched a ride to the American troops. Was hospitalized at LeHarve, sailed aboard the SS Walter Reed, following a recuperation period at home and Lake Placid. I spent a month at Camp Edwards. Was discharged from Fort Devens, 19 Nov, 1945.
    I have been in public accounting ever since, although I sold my business six years ago to go internal with a client. I married my wife Natalie a year after service and we have three children and seven grandchildren.
Many years ago I visited George Tule, who was company clerk at his home in West Hartford, and I once ran into


    Captain Julius Spence on the streets of New York. At one time I attended an income tax lecture given by our mail clerk, Joe Petchesky, who was an IRS Agent at that time. I also met with our First Sergeant John Rosalia.
     The CUB you sent had a letter from Leo Brogan's daughter. I remember Leo from Stalag IV B when we were liberated together and slept in a German's home, where we were invited, I believe, to protect them from the Russians. I am glad that I found the 106th again and thanks for your excellent and interesting publication.
    (editor's note -- Thanks for the nice letter. As you know by now John Roselle is a member of the association, living in Baldwin, New York If you missed that, take a look at the roster I sent... John Kline)

Gombotz, Frank J. 422/HQ IBN 315 So. Ridgeland Ave Oak Park. 11. 60302
    I was a member of the S2 section after I joined the division in March of '43. I was shipped out in September '43 in, I think the second batch of replacements. A member of your association Bill Brankin gave me some of the details and I wish to join.
(editor's note -- Welcome back to the 106th Frank, nice to hear from you.. John Kline)

Hanke, Arthur K. 106 MP 8613 N. Olcolt Niles, 11.60648

Hartman, Willard G. 592/A 1025 Momingside Dr Ann Arbor, Mt 48103

Heidepriem, Herbert 423/HQ 210 W. 41.h SI. Miller, SD 57362

Jobe, Weyman 422/HQ 2BN 4212 Spring Valley Dr. So. Mobile, Al. 36693

Jolgren, Gordon A. 424/L RR 1 Box 12 Pelkie, MI 49958
     I am on my 7th year of retirement, lost my wife of 30 years. Have two children, a son who is married, and a daughter who is engaged to be married in May '90.

    Kelly, Oscar L. 423IM 655 Valley Dr. Eden, NC 27288 (editor's note -- Oscar is the 35th M Company man I have found since April 1987. When I let the other 34 know about him he received an immediate cell from Eddie Smith, my 1st gunner. I understand the first words were, "Remember those girls we met in Edinburgh?' That tells a story. Nice to have found you Oscar... John Kline)

Kobs, Elmer A. 423/C 1103 West 3rd SI. Kimberly, WI 54136
     Have been retired for 8 years. Married for 43 years, have three daughters. We enjoy golfing in summer and bowling in winter. Love to travel. Would like info about C Company. (editor's note -- Elmer, you should have received the roster and updated list that I sent with your CUB. If not write me... J. Kline)

Kucholick, Stanley 424/HQ IBN 413 W. Taylor Kokomo, IN 46901

    Staff Sergeant, Born in Bakerlon, PA in 1921. While at Camp Atterbury I played baseball with the 106th Division Team that won the State Tournament in 1944. January 13, 1945 I was wounded by an 88mm Tiger Tank shell outside St. Vith and returned to the States in May of '45. Married Dona J. on 7 June, 1945. We are the parents of 11 children (5 girls and 6 boys) and we have twenty seven grandchildren.
    We owned and operated a Dairy Queen Brazier in Kokomo, Indiana for twenty years and a landscaping business for ten years. (editor's note -- Stanley, I used to work out of Indianapolis for International Flamester Company, probably had a cone or two at your place, welcome back to the 106th.. John Kline)

Kunz, Vernon C. 423/K 6938-a Alabama Ave SI Louis, MO 63111


New Members

Lacey, Dave 81st ENGIA
5644 DeSoto Dr Pinson, AL 35126
My wife's name is Frances. I wish to join the Association. Was captured in the Bulge.

Laughlin, Thomas A. 424/C; PO Box 247, Mandeville, LA 70470-0747

Lee, Russ 589/? 1522 So. 1301 SI. Escanaba, MI 49829
Wife's name is Dolores.

Logan, Angus J. 589/C 1708 So. Michigan Ave Saginaw, MI 48602
     I retired in '80. Went back to school at the age of 29 after an injury, then taught school for 27 years in Saginaw, Michigan. My wife Aggie and I celebrated our 47th year of marriage last May. We have 6 children, 4 daughters and 2 sons. Am enjoying life, singing in the church choir and the Barbershoppers (SEBSOA) (editor's note -- Angus, did I get the SEBSQA right? Society for the Enjoyment of Barber Shop Quartets of America. I used to belong but avast hit in the voice box by a hockey puck - sincerely... John Kline)

Major, John C. 423/K 3053 Major Rd. Chewelah, WA 99109

Mamula, Charles 424/L 22801 Shoreview Cl St. Clair Shores, MI 48082
     Served with the Infantry (Germany '45) from there to Northern France, then back to Germany guarding prisoners. In '45 also played with the 106th Division baseball team (catcher). Went back to Co. Headquarters with the 424th baseball team.
     In '42 served in Hawaii fortifying the Islands. Seven brothers all served in the military. All but one in World War II.
My wife is Phyliss. I am the step-grandfather of 4 grandchildren.
    Retired in '82 from construction work with Brencal Const. Co. Detroit. Previously was a coal miner and sandhog. Hobbies baseball; Fishing; Jim Beam (collecting) a member of the Wolverine Jim Beam Club. Member of VFW Bruce Post 1146 and American Legion Post #4.

Marcus, Nathaniel 422/K; 1755 York Ave 0286 New York, NY 10128

Martin, Roland 424/I; 2909 Keswick Rd Baltimore, MD 21211
    I am 77, I was born in the house in which I now live, I worked for Swift & Company for 30 years, until they closed down the plant. I was out of work two weeks and took a job as a security guard and worked there for 15 years until retirement at 65.
     My wife died in '76 after 34 years of marriage. I have one daughter who is typing this letter for me. In my spare time I do date two ladies.
     I entered the Army at Fort Meade in March of '43 and shipped to Fort Jackson on March 16, 1943. I stayed with the "Golden Lions" until February of '44 and then was transferred to the 12th Corps as a driver. Tenn. Maneuvers in '44 and shipped out on Easter Sunday on the Queen Mary. The 12th Corps went into action the second week of August and we missed the invasion star by five days.
     I was very close to the men of the 106th, I missed those who I trained with and think of them many times. I wonder if they came through.. to come home... I am sending along a copy of a 5X5 booklet of the 106th Division, a friend of my daughters father died a couple of years ago and she brought over his army things for me to look at.
     (editor's note -- Roland, Do you have any pictures from Fort Jackson? Maybe we could use a couple of them In The CUB.. John Kline)

McKinley, Harold A. 423 /HQ IBN 6622 Millbrae Rd Worthington, OH 43085

McSorley, Harry P. 422/D 724 Phoenix St B-2 DeLavan, WI 53115
I was with the start in March of '43 to POE at Atterbury. 3rd Platoon, 1st Squad.


New Members

Merigan, Joseph J. 422/HQ 360 Corey St. West Roxbury, MA 02132

Miller, John W. 423/E Col (USA Ret.) 1511 Cochise, Arlington, TX 76012
     I hope I have better luck this time. I joined several years ago and never heard from a soul, so I dropped out. Still hear from Col. Cavender at Xmas. Would like to hear from some of the buddies.
    Am leaving for a 9th Division reunion tomorrow, June 20. I understand 750 will be attending. Would like to hear from the 1st Sergeant of H Company, 423rd..
    (from a profile letter) - John was with F Co., 60th Inf, 9th Division, Fort Bragg, NC. He made the initial invasion of North Africa landing in Port Lyautcy and participated in six major campaigns. Was decorated 14 times, 7 for bravery. His major awards were Silver Star, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Commendation Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, Combat Infantry Badge and Unit Citation. John, was the first man to receive a battlefield commission in the U.S. as a result of his Combat in WW II. He served with Congressional Medal of Honor recipient, Lt. Col. Matt Urban, during this lime.
    A second combat service in World War II was with the 106th Infantry Division and he was captured in the Battle of the Bulge, in December '44, after three days in position. He was prisoner until the end of the war.
     After a short time as a civilian he returned to the Army as an officer and was assigned to the occupation army in Augsburg, Germany. Other overseas tours of duty during his 26 years service were Panama, Vietnam and Paris. He retired in 1976 as a Lt. Colonel.
    Throughout his years of service his wife Jean K. Miller of Livingston Manor, New York accompanied him living in Panama, Saigon, Augsburg and Paris. Their travels have taken them to over fifty countries. They have one son, John Keith who is a graduate of Stephen F. Austin State University Nacogdoches, Texas.
     (editor's note -- Colonel, It was nice talking to you on the phone. Sherod Collins left a note on your application stating that 1st Sgt Hauxwell is not a member of the Association, therefore we have no address. You have led an interesting life. Possibly you have some stories and photos, particularity of the European tours that would interest our readers. We would welcome your assistance of material for The CUB
     Colonel Cavender called my wife, Margot, while I was attending the 43rd Annual Reunion and informed her that his wife, Lois, passed away August 27. I conveyed this message to the general assembly in Schaumburg.. I am in contact with him weekly - he is living alone... John Kline)

Monaco, Albert W. 423/CN 87 April Dr. Glastonbury, CT 06033;
Retired six years, was in Family Ford dealership, gave up as Chairman of the Board January 1989.

Morenzoni, Edward T. 423/C 13 Kathleen Dr., Westerly, RI 02891
    Staff Sergeant (Supply). Retired in '02. State Department of Education; State of Rhode Island Assistant Controller; Sum of Schools, Westerly, RI 64 - 76; Asst Supt 61-64; Teachers Admn Asst 52-61. Currently President of town council, Westerly, RI; Trustee and Treas, Memorial Library Assn; Member of St Clares Church; Moderator, 7 Fire District,

Myers, Charles E. 422/HQ 3BN 4226 Patricia Ave Youngstown, OH 44511

Nardone, Louis V. 423/G 311 South Meade St. Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702
Have been in the wholesale Pizza business and still am.

Nelson, L. Willard 422/B 209 E. Main St Morrison, IL 61270-0111
     Gill, thanks for your letter. Incidentally I just received my POW Medal in a ceremony at the local VFW. Captured 19 December '44 liberated 13 April '45. After the war I went back to and finished


New Members

Law School and started practicing in Morrison, Illinois in '47 and have been practicing ever since.
     About 10 years ago, three friends of mine and I had the opportunity to go back to Switzerland and Germany and we retraced, by car, our steps from the place of capture in the Ardennes forest near St. Vith all the way up the Moselle River to Koblenz where we crossed the Rhine and walked to Limburg. We actually drove up to Limburg and, of course, that was the last tracing of the actual march.
     editor's note -- Willard, It sounded to me like we may have taken the same route. Sure enough I looked into the AX-POW master roster and found that you In fact did make it to Stalag 8A, the same as me. I am sending you a copy of a diary I put together in '87 from old scraps of notes and memory. I was also liberated on 13 April, 1945. I had been thrown on the kranken vegan (sick Wagon) and was in a Farben Industries Ammo Plant infirmary on the edge of Helmstedt, when a Captain of Artillery walked in and told the fifty of us (32 Americans and 18 English) that we were liberated. I had walked a total of 525 miles, counting the trip from the front to Limburg, and Gorlitz to Helmstedt Welcome back to the 106th... John Kline)

Nichols, William J. 423/K 463 Chapman St Irvington, NJ 07111
    Was discharged in '45. We married in 1949, went to work as a brewery Worker and retired in 1985. Am now a man of leisure and enjoy every minute of it.

Nietman, Ltc. Charles 423/HQ IBN 7711 Logan Dr Huntsville, AL 35802

Oftedahl, Vernon T. 423/C 457 North Glendale Ave Tomah, WI 54660
    Worked 30 years for the V.A Hospital. Had the only Barbershop Chorus introduced in the V.A system in the U.S.A. Had it going three yrs, 3 nights a week. Put on big programs in the theatre. Had other quartette from other towns. songs for the church and solos. Am 78 years of age. Thanks for writing to me. I've wondered what happened to the outfit. Vernon.
    (editor's note -- Vernon, I can't help but tell you this. I lived In Viroqua, Wisconsin from 1958 to 1970, when I moved to Madison, then in '86 moved up here near Minneapolis. While I was in Viroqua I sang Lead In the Viroqua Barbershop Chorus. Maybe you read my little blurb in Logan's letter above about SEBSOA I also helped with the Youth Hockey League, 150 members. We purchased a new goalie outfit and I just had to try it out before giving it to the kids. Well, along comes this hot-shot youngster - threw a slap-shot at me. I raised my milt to catch it, and missed. Unfortunately I had my chin a little high and the puck hit me in the throat I was very fortunate that it did not rupture my voice box and strangle me (similar to what happens in auto accidents). That finished my singing, but I dearly loved it... John Kline)

Ollila, Edwin 589/C 5777 West Donna Dr. Brown Deer, WI 53223

Pacheco, Manuel P. UNIT UNKNOWN 69 Peckham Rd. Acushnet, MA 02743
I am proud of the 106th and my country.
    (editors rote-- Manuel, see the ad in this CUB about the patches. They are to be ordered from the Adjutant, whose name appears on the inside cover. $2.00 a piece, Postage Paid. Make your check payable to the 106th Infantry Division Association... John Kline)

Panice, Raymond H. 591/HQ 5108 So. Merrimac Ave Chicago, IL 60638

Passariello, Louis J. 424/B 4319 Tiffton Dr. PO an 6065 Saginaw, MI 48608

Pastor, Irving 8Ist ENG!? 59 Central Ave Dover, NH 03820

Pearson, R.H. 589/C 607 Peachtree St. Chatsworth, GA 30705
Was recognized by the International President of Barbershopping. I also write


New Members

Piantidosi, Peter 589/? 33 West Woodbridge Rd. North Andover, MA 01845

Miller, Glen C. 422/H 1004 Maple Piqua, 011 45356
     Captured with the Motor Pool group in the 422nd on 21 December, '44. There were about a 1,000 of us, remnants of several units. Wound up in a work camp in Zietz. Escaped 13 April, 1945.
    Returned to college after the war. Graduated from the University of Cincinnati as Acro Engineer. Worked at Wright Field in Dayton until '62 then went to NASA at Houston until retirement in 1980.
     Returned to the North in 1983 and live in my wife's home town. My name change from Peter Potter to Miller was in process when I was inducted in the Army. Then after I was discharged I took the legal change to Miller.

Prater, Marion D. 423/HQ 5777 Lost Grove Dr. Lilbum, GA 30247
     A member of the 184R Platoon I was also known as Doug Prater. My wife's name is Barabra Prater,. We have two children, three grandchildren. I am an architectural designer for Patturo (?) Construction Co., Tucker, Georgia. Captured 19 December, 1944 went to Stalag IV-B, then a work camp in Leipzig, then moved to Oschatz where I was liberated.

Rasmussen, Norman 422/HQ 2BN 25 Wellesley Ln Hicksville, NY Ilsot
     Retired from Local #1 Elevator Construction Union, New York City after 30 years of service with the Westinghouse Elevator Company. My wife worked for Grumman Aerospace, Bethpage, NY. We have a summer home in Willsboro, NY.
    (editor's note -- Norm, hope I got the Elevator Co. name right. Couldn't quite make it out on your note... John Kline)

Rauscher, Anthony A. 3d INF/6987 Guard 139 Lakeview Dr. Haines City, FL 33844
     I wasn't in the Ardennes with the 106th, however I was in the Ardennes with the 789th AAA. We were called up from the defense of Antwerp X where we were after V-1s and V-2s. Arrived in the Ardennes on 18 December, '44 in the area of Spa (1st Army) also Trois Poets next la the Malmedy area. We left as you might say in a hurry. Left the Ardennes to go back to Antwerp X on 8 January, 1945. March of '45 most AAA men went into the infantry, that's when I joined the 106th. About two weeks before the war ended I was in the 6987 Guard at Rheinberg, Germany. Was riding the 40-8s taking POWs back from the front. The only person I remember is a Paul Tauber from PA. Haven't seen him since June of '45.
     My other buddy John Hallman from the 789th - I will try to sign him up. received the Belgium Fourragerre while with the 789th AAA and four bronze stars.
    (editor's note -- Anthony, you asked if there was a 6984th Guard, I presume that would have been in the 3rd Infantry. I see listings of the 6950th Guard, 6951 Guard and 6952nd Guard Battalions that were attached to the 106th beginning on April 1, 1945, but no 6984th. Maybe one of the readers will replay to you.
     I do not know of any person that has a roster of the 106th. At the beginning of the 106th Infantry Division Association there was a roster of over 50,000 names. Where that has gone over the years is a mystery. There were a total of 55 units attached to the Division after April of '45, when they began corralling the prisoners. The 3rd Infantry was attached to the 106th from March 16 to June 23rd, 1945, making the 3rd Infantry Regiment men eligible to join our association.
    You mentioned not being able to get a roster of the 789th from St Louis. I was told In '87 that they had destroyed all unit roster under a general order. Good Luck... John Kline)


New Members

Renfro, Harold E. 423/E 8112 Brush Dr Huntington Beach, CA 97647
    John, I received the CUB from you, as a new member. I want to thank you for it. I read it from cover to cover. It was very interesting. My wife Stella (40 years) also enjoyed the CUB. We have 6 children and 14 grandchildren.
     I transferred in from the QM Corps about 4 months before POE. I was captured on the 18th or 19th, can't remember, but I was on a siding in Germany when the box-cars were strafed.
     Finally got to Stalag IV-B, from there the Germans put 40 of us on a work detail in a factory. They were taking civilian cars and cutting the backs out to make pick-up trucks.
     When the Russians started closing in they put us on the mad. I was liberated 17 April. '45. After discharge I stayed on the West Coast, doing Body and Fender work for 40 years. Spent some time in the Long Beach VA for TB. I had advance TB when I entered the hospital in '53. I had an upper lobe removed, the VA claims it was not service connected. I would like to hear from any others that was on that work detail in the factory at Halle, Germany. The name of the company was Khun & Co.
     (editor's rate-- Harold maybe one of the men on that work detail will see this, I hope so. At least you can say that the Germans got you into your line of work From ripping of the backs of cars to mending rips and tears caused by our traveling society... John Kline)

Ricci, Rudolph C. 423/HQ 43 Victor Ave Johnston, RI 02919

Rickenbrode, Al 423/K PO Box 29010 Denver, CO 80229

    Ritchey, Kenneth E. 423/G Rte 1 Box 293 Center Ossipee, NH 03814 I retired from the Coast Guard 1 July 1965. Belong to The EX-POW group that meets at the Manchester, VA Hospital once a month. Also am a V.F.W member Post #8270, Ossipee.
Would like a list of 423/G men, and would like to hear from any person held prisoner at Gleina, Germany.
     (editor's note -- Ken, You received a list or those men of the Association who have listed 423/G as their unit Please, read page 2 Reverend Ewell C. Black's column He was at Gleine and I am sure he would be glad to correspond with you... John Kline, editor)

Ritchie, Merle L. 424/A 250.0 Ivy Hill La Median, OH 44256
     Entered service 8 Jan '44. Camps Croft, Shelby and Atterbury as a rifleman. Captured 16 December, 1944. Stalags XII-A, Limburg; II-A Luckenwalde; Wintersfield, Germany; Butterfield, Germany. Liberated at Butterfield on 425 April, '45. Camp Lucky Strike, American Troopship to New York , discharge 11 dec, '45.

Roberts, Andy 424/UNIT? Box 1647, Havelock, NC 213532-1647
     As per your request, I was attached to the 424th and was badly wounded near St. Vith. I was evacuated and spent the next two years in the hospital.) just found out about the association. Can't wait to hear some news and information. Do you have a newspaper? Do you have reunions? Do you have a roster?
     My kids and doctor won't let me join anything because of my poor health, but Martha and I have this deal cooked up! Martha has requested not to use her last name because she is afraid of having strange men visit her looking for me. Hope this is OK! Stay in touch and God Bless!.
     (editor's note -- Andy, you now know all the answers to all the above. I sent a CUB, a roster and you have read that we have annual reunions, the next to be in Sacramento 31 Aug 1990 to 3 Sept, 1990. Good Luck_ John Kane)


New Members

Rogers, Aubrey W. 423/C 4235 Fairbanks Dr St #C El Paso, TX 79924
     Sgt Major (Retired) Enlisted Army June '48, was in North Korea, 1950 3rd Division when Chinese crossed border, sweated out capture, but was lucky. Spent August '66 to April '70 in Vietnam, including the Tet Offensive. Retired 1 July 1970.

Romano, Alex J. 423II 211 West Ave PO 113x 727 New Castle, DE 19720

Romoli, Edmund R. 423/C 61 Sharon Ave Pawtucket, RI 02860

Rosenthal, Phillip N. 424/D 7401 West Arcadia St Mono, Grove, IL 60053

Sather, Gordon H. 590/A 1305 Golf Rd Eau Claire, WI 54701

Sattem, Major Robert 8Ist ENG IA 353 So. Mama Xenia, 011 45385
    Jim Johnson C Company and I were fortunate to receive Army appointments to West Point (Class of '47). Jim retired as a Major General (CE). Hope to see him at our reunion in Colorado Springs 10 Sep. Sorry we could not make it to Chicago.

Schmude, Earl H. 423/F 1305 Lansing Ave Jackson, MI 49202
     Captured on 19th December, '44, Stalag 4B then Stalag 8A, Gorlitz, Germany. Was liberated 13 April, 1945 at Horszigen. Spent two weeks in hospital at LeHavre, shipped to Camp Lucky Strike. Discharged 5 Nov, 1945.
     Lived in Port Huron, Mich. until '55 then moved here. I followed the carpenter trade for 45 years and as business agent for Local #651 for 13 years and Secretary Treasurer for the Carpenters District Council for South Central Michigan. Was trustee on the Carpenters Pension Fund at the time of my retirement.
     Has a triple by-pass march of '89. Still able to play golf every Sunday, but that is about all. I have a shop in my basement where I make wood shelves and different nick-knacks. Would like to hear from some of the F Company fellows.

Schoonover, Lex 422/HQ, 4809 A.spasia La Edina, MN 55435

Schroer, Charles J. 422/F 8580 West 10th Ave Lakewood, CO 80215
     Retired from the Federal Highway Administration in '75. Enjoy traveling and am active at golf serving on the Board of Directors, Colorado Golf Association. Member of the Mile High Chapter, American Ex-prisoners of War.
Would like to have more information regarding the St. Vith Memorial.
     (editor's note -- Charles, you ere the second to ask in the last few letters I have entered into Olio column - that is about the St. Vith Memorial. I will see to it that you get some information. Our Memorial Chairman is Douglas S. Coffey - you will see his address on the inside cover of this CUB... John Kline)

Schulte, Edward H. 422/B 3043 !lull Ave Cincinnati, 011 45211
Retired Tool and Die Maker. Twin girl granddaughters 8 years old. My wife is a professional organist.

Scotti, Joseph 423/B 24 Warwick St. Iselin, NJ 08830
     Gill, It was nice to hear from you. I was with the association many years ago, but let my membership lapse, much to my regrets. Then I lost track of it.
     I was captured on the 19th, spent the first night in a court yard. We were stuffed in box-cars and bombed by the British. I ended up at Bad Orb Stalag 9-B. I was 80 pounds at liberation.
     Have a lovely wife, Dotty, and 3 married children, 6 grandchildren. I retired May 26, 1989 at 65 and feel like a million dollars. About 4 years ago I had a 6 artery bypass and came out of it in perfect health.


     Gill, I am trying to locate two very close friends of mine from the same company. Norman Woodward, Sgt; and Richard Fox, Pvt. They both lived in Ohio at that time.
     Are there any back issues of The CUB? Is it possible to get a picture of our St. Vith Memorial? (editor's note -- Joe, I will dig up a picture of the Memorial Every once in a while some one sends a picture along, taken when they return to the area.
     There are no back issues of The CUB that is with an exception of a few old ones. Our membership has increased so rapidly that it is hard to keep any in stock. The editor used to order 25 extra Cubs, then it was increased to 50, the last two publication I ordered 100 extra and have run out prior to the next issue of The CUB I am out right now, as I type this column (24 September 1989) and this CUB will not be sent until approximately November 1. I know of 13 new members applications coming to me by mail. Our present roster shows 1355, add 13 and you have 1388 We were at 745 in Sept of '87... John Kline)

Shaffer, Euhl B. 423IK PO Box 1612 Inverness, FL 32651

Sharpe, Thomas W. 423/C PO Bx 27, 701 Blythewood Rd Blythewood, SC 29016;
    Captured 19 December, 1944 liberated by the Russians on 9 May, 1945. Gill, Barbara and I were married in January 1953. We were blessed with three sons, Bill, Jennings and Samuel. We have only one living son, Bill. He and his wife Dora, have a wonderful son, Bill Jr.
     I have been self-employed as a construction contractor since 1955. We also farm and raise Black Angus cattle. Thanks for informing me of the 106th Infantry Division Association. I will look forward to receiving The CUB magazine.

Sheahan, Robert I. 423/B 715 N. Derby, Derby, KS

Shipley, William F. 423IHQ 3BN 901 Avenue Cayce, SC 29033
    I was the first man assigned to this Company when it was activated al Fort Jackson and stayed with the same unit until captured. I was in three camps Stalag 12-A, Limburg; 2D and Lull 1, was on the train death ride and was liberated by the Russians. Have a son and a daughter and four grandchildren.

Shores, Clifford M. 422IA Box 16 Moselle, MS 39459
    Captured on the 19th of December I was sent to Stalag IV-B. A work party of 100 was sent to Prague and to Leipzig to work on railroads. When liberated there were 72 men. I would like information of names of other prisoners in the work party. When I was released I was with Lance Mintz of Brooklyn, NY. I am married and have five children. Two sons and three daughters, one deceased. My oldest son, Ronnie, has been State Senator for 10 years now serving as Highway Commissioner of the District of Southern Mississippi. I have been self-employed working with heavy-equipment and will retire soon. Hope to see you at the reunion.

Sigel, Sydney M. 422/L 2830 Chayes Park Dr Apt C Homewood, IL 60430
     Gill, Captured 21 Dec, 1944 near Auw, Imprisoned at Stalag IV-B, Muhlberg from the 7th of January until 23 April 1945. I was a member shortly after the war and attended one reunion in Chicago. Haven't been involved in any other Vet's organization except the EX-POW group. I have been to a couple of ceremonies, one at Chanute AFB where 400 men received their POW Medals, but no one identified themselves as belong to the 106th. Because of the passage of time I have become more interested in reviving and possibly sharing some of my memories with fellows that I knew at that


    time. I hope the information I may acquire by my membership may renew some old friendship or possibly some old comrade will seek me out.
I appreciate your letter Gill and look forward to hearing from you again.

Smith, Frank E. 423/C Rle I Box 8 Cisne, 11. 62823

Smith, Kenneth M. 423/H 2714 E. 8111 Sr. Casper. WY 82009
     Joined 106th Fort Jackson march 1943. Was with them all the way. Captured 21 Dec near Born, Belgium was in Stalag 9B and released on 3 April, 1945. Married 20th May '45 in Mt Carmel, Illinois (my home town). We have 2 children, 4 grandchildren and one great grandson.
     I worked in the oil fields and road construction. In '67 I started my own business as a distributor for Chevron Oil. Sold out in '84 and retired. Love the country and the good life ,out here.
     Hobbies arc golfing, fishing and dirt track. I won the State Championship in my Mini-Sprint last year and quit racing while I was ahead.
     From another letter be Kerr Smith. I didn't know the 106th Association existed until I read about it in the American Legion magazine. I called Russ Villwock and he sent me all the papers and I will be there. I must say John that you do an excellent job as editor of The CUB. I am looking forward to meeting you.
     I read through misty eyes the list of 423/11 men that you sent. I remember them all. I would like to locate two men. If anybody knows anything about them. please contact me.
I want to find Theodore Smalara and Robert Leaf My telephone number is 307-234-3295. Please call collect.
    I enclose a picture of some guys going on guard duty at Fort Jackson, I'm not sure who they all are. I am on the top row second from left.
     I am also sending a hand-written article that I found going through my mother's belongings. I have no idea where it came from.
    (editors note -- Thanks Ken for the information. The article is what appears to be a transcript of a newspaper article that I have seen before, or maybe a radio broadcast that she got from another person. It is the intit1al story that came out about the 106th after the "lid" was lifted off the news about the "German Offensive," now known as "The Battle of the Bulge." I found in order #51, the order giving all of an our Combat Infantry Badges, the names of Pvt. Robert E. Leaf 15 048 129, and Pfc Theodore J. Smalara 33 431 353. They were in Catergory IV, which means they were alive on 31 July, 1945. As I suggested in a personal letter to you - try to get some help from the VA Center They can locate them if you tell them you need it to help with a V.A. claim. Again thanks for the info... John Kline)

Smythe, Willis A. 422/H W6454 Cry Ilwy Pardeeville, WI 53954
Sohn, Kenneth L. 423/B 304 West Springfield Union, MO 61084
Sparks, Richard D. 423/HQ 1832 Applewood CI Orlando, Fl, 32818
     After all these years I ran into Capt. Sam Davis also living in Orlando and round that the Association was still alive. This was the first I had heard of it since 1946.
    I was a member of the 423rd Headquarters I&R Platoon (Lt. Ivan Long) and was one of the few that got out during the offensive. My rank was T/5 and I was the radio operator for the 1st Squad (Sgt. Bill Morris).
I have made my reservations for the Schaumburg Reunion. Nancy and I will be there.

Spurlock, John W. 423/AT Rte 1 Box 340 Ridgeway, SC 29130


Stafford, Harlan I. 590/HQ 20 Buysse, Warwick, NY
     I was a radioman in Headquarters Battery. We were captured 19 December, I was a POW until 23 May, '45 at Stalag IV-B and VIII-A. Am a member of West Illinois EX-POW, American Legion and Disabled Vets. I hope to get to the Chicago Reunion.

Stopper, Stanley A. 424/B 204 Cliff Ave Winthrop, MA 02152

Summar, H. Frank 589/? 312 N. Twin Oak Rd. Murfreesboro, TN 37130

Tavlin, Milton R. 331 MED/D 360 West Broadway Cedarhust, NY 11516
     Joined Division in March of '44 at Atterbury. Came from the AAF Cadet Program. In August I was transferred to the 1st Parachute Regiment at Ft Benning. I wish to contact any member of my unit as I had many buddies at the time. I cannot make the reunion this year because of business commitments. Hope to join you in Sacramento.

    Taylor, Alexander 422/D Box 433, Rockwell, NC 28138; I was certainly surprised to hear from someone in the 106th. I was in the 1st Squad, 1st Platoon of 422/D. I was discharged in September of '45. Have been married for 37 years. My wife passed away in June of '82. I retired after that, I now do volunteer work two days a week at the VA in Salisbury, NC, about ten miles from home. Send me some info on the next reunion, I would consider going.

Thompson, Samuel R. 422/H 804 Broadway St. Vincennes, IN 47591

    Trueman, Duncan T. 424/AT 20 Busse 29 Overkill Ln Warwick, NY 10990 Coal Valley, IL 61240 Attended Hofstra College after World War II. Received a B.A. degree. Married Grace Refiners in 1948. Have a son and daughter, who in turn are married with families.
Continued my education and received two Masters and a Doctoral degree.
I am an ordained minister of the United Methodist Church.
     For past 21 years I have been engaged in the criminal justice field, retiring in June '89 as a law enforcement officer holding the rank of Deputy Supt. of the New York State Corrections Department.
I still preach the gospel as pastor of a nearby Methodist Church.

Turner, Howard ‘Hap' 423/K 506 Brooks Ave Magnolia, NI 08049;
    Married, three children. two sons and one daughter, four grandchildren. Retired after 36 years with New Jersey Water a Company. Wife works part time. Have lived here for 31 years. Am active in Sterling String Band, Lindenwo Id, NJ, playing Banjo. Active in American Legion, VFW, EX-POW, VBOB and Moose. Captured 17 Dec, '44 spent week in box-car on way to Stalag 9-B, Bad Orb. Would like to know how to obtain patches.
     (editor's note-- Hap, see the instruction above In the letter from "Manuel Pacheco.' it will explain price and where to obtain... John Kline)

Tury, Jr., Louis Wm. 424/A 12 Weaver Rd Fairview, MI 48621;
    After having survived the Bulge, wounded and taken prisoner, I survived five camps 12A, 2A, 10C, 10B and 2D. I only know that 11 men were left out of a Company 3rd Platoon. I was on the burial detail at Stalag 12-A, Limburg after the British Lancasters bombed the camp and killed all of our officers, plus British and Canadian officers. Spent seven days and


    nights in a prison train that ended up in Stuttgart, then marched to Pomeriana, Poland. 65 men to each car. Liberated by the "Black Watch" a Welch unit on 5 May, 1945. Hospital at Namur, Belgium, Brussels then Lucky Strike. weighed in at 186 and on liberation at 121 pounds. Just received all my medals after 43 years at Wurthsmith AFB in Oscoda, Michigan. Am now 70 years old, retired in '81 and am happy to be here in God's Country. My wife (43years) Margaret, and I have raised seven children, 5 girls 2 boys. All married. 15 grandchildren

Utsinger, Marion C. 424/CN 500 So. Penn. Apt C, Abingdon, IL 61410

Van Moorlehem, Arthur. 423/B Rte 2 Box 1600 Arlington. SD 57212
    Entered service from Ft Sheridan, Illinois, basic at Camp Joseph Robinson, Arkansas. Captured 19 December at Auw, marched to Gerolstein, loaded into 40-8s sent to Bad Orb Stalag 9-B. We were bombed on the siding at Stalag 12-A, Limburg on Christmas eve. Liberated and returned home on VE Day 1945.

Varano, Anthony A. 422/I 724 West Pine SI. Palmyra. PA 17078

Wall, William S. 423/K 1500 Delk Drive High Point, NC 272611
Married 44 years, retired from Post Office, have one son.

Weiss, Newton W. 423/HQ 400 Mane Ave Gibbstown, NI 08027;
    Was inducted as a part of the ASTP Program. Shipped to Fort Benning, then to the 106th at Camp Atterbury. Assigned to the 423/HQ A&P Platoon. When the Bulge broke I was on coal detail and was able to get back to St. Vith after joining up with the 7th Armored. Ended up in a hospital in Paris on 25 December, rejoined M Company, 424th, re-assigned to Quartermaster and received my discharge in April of '46.
Wife, two daughters and a son, hobbies, play tennis three days a week. Run a Tru-Valu Hardware store.

Wheeler, John N. 423/AT 2109 E. Front Albany, OR 97321

Whitehead, John L. 423/HQ 4627 0. Granada Rd. Phoenix, AZ 85008;
I was with 423/B Stateside and was transferred to 423/HQ Intelligence Section overseas. Now semi-retired.
(Editors note-- John It appears that part of your note was missing,. John Kline)

White, Lionel F. 424/CN 1128 North Cherry Wheaton, IL 60187


New Members

Whitehead, John L. 423/HQ C 426 East Grenada Rd Phoenix, AZ 85008
POW Dec '44 Returned to States August '45.

Whitesell Jr., William L. 423/HQ 3BN 625 Dogwood Rd. No. Palm Beath, FL 33408

Wilhoit, Robert D. 423/L RR 1 Box 148 Kansas, IL 61933
     Hi there. I been looking for the guy that carried me, when I got hurt, but don't know anything. Can you help me. I would be thankful. I was out all day and came to in the hospital.
     (editor's note -- Bob, that is not much to go on, but maybe, just maybe somebody from L Company knew you and helped. It could of also been the Germans who picked you up and took you to the hospital. I remember L Company very well We were in support of you back up on the hill, looking down over the hill towards Schoenberg. I was In heavy machine guns, Co M, 423rd. We could hear all the men below us, calling for medics. After we were captured we walked down into the valley and saw wounded laying all over the fields. I think it was mostly L Company and some of I Company... John Kline)

Williams, Lawrence R. 422/D 10307 Leicester Dr Huntsville, AL 35803
    I recently received letters from John Robb and Boyd Rutledge who are members of 422/D and the association. I would like to join and am enclosing check for dues.

Wilver, James J. 422/AT 503 Ave E. PO Box 114 Riverside, PA 17868

Williams, Lewis B. 422/HQ; Rte 2 Box 138 Wagoner, SC 29164

Winterfield, Al 424/CN 961 Clintonville Rd Wallingford, CT 06492;
Retired, grow Xmas trees as a hobby, and hunt and Bob.

Wood, Vernon T. 423/ 618 Ironwood Ln Wildwood, FL 34785
     Many thanks for the application and info about the 106th Association. I was contacted by the association in the late 40's but failed to follow through. The master roster of the American EX-POWs must be an excellent source, God knows there were enough of us captured. We must have set a record.
I'm looking forward to a list of men from my company.
     I was in the 2nd Squad, 3rd Platoon. Age 64, married 39 years with four children, 6 and one-half grandchildren. Retired early ('83) after 27 years with Pratt & Whitney in North Haven Conn. Now working as a security guard in Groveland, Florida.
     Basic at Camp Wheeler, GA, ASTP at U. of Alabama, joined the 106th at Atterbury in April of '44. Captured 19 Dec '44 went to Stalag III-B with a stop-over at Xll-A, Limburg. Bombed on Xmas Eve. Walked from 3-B to 3-A, the Germans left 3-A about 20 April and the Russians liberated us about 22 April. The American liberated us from the Russians about 8 May, 1945. Trucked to Hildersheim, then by plane to Rheims, France. Lucky Strike for about 3 weeks then left LeHavre on the "Admiral Benson" arrived in New York on 12 June, 1945. Discharged 12 December, 1945. (editor's note-- Vernon, I was with you at Wheeler. I was in Company B, 7th Battalion and have a picture about three feet long of the company taken In August of '43. I also went to the Univ. of Alabama. I was stationed in the barracks that had two men to a room. I remember t as being on the back of the campus. Of course I remember Denny Chimes, the clock tower. I became a Cadet Major, Battalion Commander. I very distinctly remember that Tuscaloosa was a dry town. A bunch of an went out of the county and I bought a jug of Southern Comfort because it was made in my home town, Terre Haute, Indiana. The next morning I was awakened by the 'real Major – can't remember his name - I had my uniform on,


    property dressed, shoes shined, cap on and was fast asleep with my head on the bedroll at the foot of the bed. I was put on sick leave for three days. Somehow I remained a Cadet Major, a wiser one at that I could never stand to be next to even a thimble of Southern Comfort after that.
    I have several pictures from there. My room-mate was Ned Keefer. I have a picture of David Hunter, who I found last year, he was with 423/D. I also have a couple of pictures taken on the train ride to Atterbury dated March 1944. There is one of two men marked Haynes & Douglas. I also have one marked Malm. Do you recognize any of those names? Let me know if you do... John Kline)

Wroblewski, Chester. 423/C 581 College SI Youngsville, PA 16371
     Part of an article about Chester--He served in the Army in World War II and was a prisoner for five months. He was liberated by General Patton's troops and received the Purple Heart and the Silver Star. Because he has strong feelings about the value of his service and the importance of remembering this country's war dead, he has led the annual Memorial Day Parade in Youngsville for the past 40 years.
    (editor's note -- Chester sent along an article and some newspaper clipping of stories written about him, part of that above. Chester, I would like some glossy or color photos (newspaper clippings make poor reproductions) and I will write up a longer article for the next CUB, OK?... John Kline)

Yamazaki, James M.D. 590/MED 6540 Pori es St Van Nuys, CA 91406

Yenlin, Sebastian D. 422/F % Mrs. Cecile Gagne, 455 Amherst Rd So Hadley, MA 01075
     (Written by Mrs. Gagne') Your letter to my brother, Sebastian, was forwarded to me. He was very pleased to learn of the 106th Association. He retired from the Post Office in '74 and will be 80 years old on October t, 1989. He has been declared legally blind since '85 due to Glaucoma, but can still read with a strong glass.
     During the past 6 years he has been a patient at the Veteran's Hospital in Newington, Conn., Providence, R.I., and Northampton, Mass. After a stroke last December 1st he was transferred to the Riverdale Nursing Home, 42 Prospect Ave, Springfield, Mass 01089. With great determination he is now able to walk with some assistance. He hopes to improve.
     He is looking forward to receiving The CUB and hopes that some back issues am available. Reading about POWs is what seems to interest him most. He hopes to hear from some of the men who were in his company and in his camp. All correspondence should be mailed to me or the nursing home.

Yingst, William J. 423/D 926 Springwood Ln Duncanville, TX 75137; Wife's name is Ruth.

From "Before the Veterans Die" by Dale Carver 424/HQ 3Bn 742 Druid Circle Baton Rouge, LA 70808 504-767-3111

WINTER 1944-45
This year also spring will come to beautify the earth.
The glory in each icy clod even now awaits its birth.
Spring will come to this hurt land.
Its face will then be gay.
The splendor latent in each bough will swell then burst and sway.
Winter yields each year to spring–it's nature's rule, so be it.
Even this year spring will come and sonic of its will see it.


Merry Xmas and Good Health to All

From your 106th Infantry Division Association

The CUB a publication of the 106th Infantry Division Association, Inc 1989-1990
President Orfeo E. Agostini
1st Vice-- Pres John O. Gilliland
2nd Vice Pres Michael Thome
Treasurer Sherod Collins
Adjutant Boyd A. Rutledge
Historian Sherod Collins
CUB Editor John Kline
Memorials Chairman... Douglas S. Coffey

    The CUB is the official quarterly publication of the Association. Membership in the Association includes subscription to the CUB.

Send editorial matter and photos to: John P. Kline-- CUB Editor 5001 Upper 14705treel West Apple723.'487

Business matters, deaths, address changes to: Boyd A. Rutledge--Adjutant 10132 Goodrich Road ''111=7"

    St. Vith Memorial matters and inquiries to: Douglas S. Coffey--Memorials 2236 Amer Si Pori Cholas, FLDWIS 813,629-5711

    Send Membership dues, Memorial Fund contributions and Historical items to: Sherod Collins--Treasurer 448 Monroe Trace '70M2.12gr'

For those choosing to pay Annual dues, please pay by July 1 each year.

The NEW Life Membership fee is payable one time only, with no annual dues thereafter.
Make checks payable to "106th Infantry Division Association."
Life Membership $75.00
Annual Membership Dues $10.00 per year
Associate Dues ...$10.00 per year
Auxiliary Dues. ... $2.00 per year
Boyd A. Rutledge--Adjutant

Board of Directors 1989-1990
Orfeo E. Agostini 81st Eng/A
Col. Samuel P. Cariano DIV/HQ
Sherod Collins 423/SV
Charles T. Datte 591/SV ('92)
Fred J. Farris DIV/HQ (91)
John O. Gilliland 592/SV
John A. Gregory 424/E
Glen O. Hartlieb 592/SV
Gilbert Helwig 423/M
John P. Kline 423/M
Harold Kuizema 589/B
John F. McDevitt 131st Eng/A
Casimir Prokorym 81st Eng/HQ
Dr. John G. Robb 422/D
Boyd A. Rutledge 422/D
Jack A. Sulser 423/F
Michael Thome 422/HQ 1 BN
Frank S. Trautman 422/D ('92)
Ray R. Vaughn 423/CN ('92)
Russell H. Villwock 106 SIG
Edward C. Wojahn 81st Eng/B
Col. Joseph C. Matthews 422/HQ (Honorary-Life)

Index for: Vol. 46 No. 1, Oct, 1989

Index for This Document

106th Div., 54
18th Inf., 1st Div., 47
1st Army, 66
27th Mp Training BN, 38
29th Mp Trng BN, 38
3rd Inf., 66, 67
422/M, 28
424/A, 28, 76
424/C, 28, 78, 79
424/D, 28, 70
424/E, 28
424/G, 28
424/I, 28
424/L, 28, 52, 60
590th FA BN, 28
591st FA BN, 28
591st FAB, 28
592nd FA BN, 28
592nd FAB, 28
6950th Guard, 66
6951 Guard, 66
6952nd Guard, 66
6984th Guard, 66
701st Mp BN, 38
789th AAA, 66
7th Armd. Div., 78
81st Cbt. Engr., 1
81st Eng/Hq, 28
Adams, John, 30
Adams, Joy E., 49
Adams, Waller S. III, 49
Admiral Benson, 79
Adolphson, Maynard & Joan, 18
Agostini, Orfeo E., 25, 84
Agostini, Orfeo 'Gus', 1
Agostini, Orfie, 42
Allen, Edward, 50
Amanna, Vincent J., 18
Andoversford, 56
Ansel, Joseph J. & Mary, 19
Antwerp, 66
Aquitania, 34, 45
Ardennes Forest, 64
Ashburn, Nolan, 24
Augsburg, Germany, 62
Auw, 47, 72, 78
Bad Ems, 40
Bad Orb, 71, 76, 78
Bailey, Harold, 34
Bailey, Harold M. & Peggy, 24
Bailey, Margaret, 27
Bailey, Margerat, 50
Baltic Sea, 56
Barlow, Frank S. & Mary, 16
Bartz, Richard E., 16
Bassi, Leonard, 50
Battle of the Bulge, 62, 74
Bayles, ?, 12
Bayles, Darrel R. & Viola, 22
'Before The Veterans Die', 30, 81
Belgium, 30
Belgium Fourragerre, 66
Bell, Roger W. & Grace, 25
Bennett, Robert F., 30
Berlin, 56
Berwick, Lee, 30
Berwick, Lee & Betty, 24
Beseler, Donald W. & Marcia, 22
Biancamano, Domenic P. & Irma, 21
Bianucci, Al, 36
Bianucci, Alfred P., 21
Bickford, Thomas & Florence, 16
Bied, Dan, 9
Bielski, Raymond J., 18
Bigger, Roy, 52, 53
Bigger, Roy & Jean, 19
Billinghurst, Edward P. & Dorothy, 20
Black, Rev. Ewell C., 68
Black, Rev. Ewell C., Jr., 2
Black, William C., 30
Blaher, William S., 50
Blaher, William S. & Miriam, 18
Bloom, Jack V., 50
Bloomingburg, George, 53
Blumeschein, Ken, 23
Bobrowski, Charles, 50
Bogart, H. & Helen Van De, 22
Borchert, Paul & Emma Jane, 26
Bordelon, Sam H., 50
Born, Belgium, 74
Boschert, Emma Jane, 12
Boschert, Paul, 12
Bosle, Robert H. & Gloria, 18
Bowles, Ralph & Elizabeth, 16
Bozeman, Slim, 32
Brackett, James E. & Kay, 26
Bradfield, Kenneth & June, 26
Brankin, Bill, 58
Brannstrom, Arnold J. & Dorothy, 18
Brax, Richard J., 50
Breite, Victor W. & Avis, 18
Breuker, Albert, 27
Brewer, Ed, 9
Brislin, Joseph P., 50
Britton, Benjamin B. & Avis, 23
Broadbent, Thomas D., 25
Brogan, Leo, 58
Brooks, Dr. Douglas, 25
Broussard, Fred J., 50
Broussard, Fred J. & Mary, 21
Brown, Arthur C., 26
Brown, B.T., 36
Brown, Charles A. & Melinda, Jr., 20
Brown, Clark, 51
Brown, Joe E., 42
Brown, Robert, 34
Brown, Robert G., 24
Brummer, Harold J., 7
Brunner, Lloyd J. & Audrey, 22
Brussels, 78
Bryan, Kenneth, 44
Bryan, Kenneth V. & Margary, 20
Bryant, Jack & Emily, 16
Burke, Basil, 36
Burke, James R. & Ellen, 21
Burkes, Robert A. & Frankie, 22
Burnside, Julian B. & Lidia, 21
Busier, William B., 21
Butterfield, Germany, 68
Call, George & Joan, 23
Camp Atterbury, 36, 42, 47, 50, 51, 58, 78
Camp Chaffee, Arkansas, 38
Camp Devens, Mass., 50
Camp Lucky Strike, 51, 56, 68, 70
Camp Myles Standish, MA, 34
Camp Upton, 56
Camp Wheeler, GA, 79
Campbell, Andrew, 24
Campbell, John Tom, 52
Caplan, Bert, 24
Cariano, Col. Samuel P., 84
Cariano, Samuel P. & Billie, 16
Carpenter, Ben, 10
Carpenter, Ben C., 22
Carr, Fred A. & Betty, 25
Carver, Dale, 81
Carver, Dale R., 30
Carver, Dale R. & Ruth, 24
Catherine, Earl C. Pugsley &, 16
Cavender, Col., 62
Cavender, Col. C. C., 3
Cawdry, James A., 52
Chanute Afb, 72
Chase, Fred B. & Agnes, 17
Cheltenham, 56
Chermak, Fred F. & Irene, 23
Chevron, 74
Childs, Dean F. & Eleanor, 16
Christman, Archie W., 52
Chura, Andrew & Elizabeth, 25
Clark, Hebert H., 17
Clausen, Cecil C. & Betsy, 24
Clower, ?, 12
Clower, Robert G. & Stephanna, 22
Coffey, Doug, 5
Coffey, Douglas S., 70, 84
Cohen, Allen T. & Florence, 20
Collier, James, 34
Collier, James E. & Mary Lou, Sr., 24
Collins, Mr., 56
Collins, Sherod, 5, 13, 14, 20, 50, 62, 84
Collins, Virgil L. & Martha, 20
Cook, Francis J., 52
Cooper, C.L. & Sara, 21
Cooper, Lou, 12
Cooper, Louis M. & Peggy, 21
Coss, Kenneth L. & Bea, Sr., 24
Costa, Antone, 21
Costa, Lawrence B., 21
Coventry, 9
Cowan, Mary, 54
Cowden, William E. & Dorothy, Sr., 25
Creed, Donald R., 27, 52
Crosby, Lloyd R. & Ouida, 23
Cross, Joseph & Delores, 13
Cunningham, ?, 12
Cunningham, Robert, 22
Datte, Charles T., 84
Datte, Charles T. & Ann, 27
Datte, Nancy, 14
Daugherty, William R. & Angela, 24
Davis, Capt. Sam, 74
Davis, Sam, 55
Davis, Sam E. & Myra, Jr., 19
Davis, Sam, Jr., 14
de St Aubin, ?, 12
de St Aubin, Robert, 22
Deal, Johnnie H., 7
Dean, Verner W., 19
Decicco, Michael J., 52
Defeo, Fred W. & Pamela, 20
DeHeer, Mrs., 36
DeHeer, Mrs. Marjorie, 27
DeHeer, Richard, 8, 36
Deisher, Curtis G., 52
Derr, Rev. Valentine H. & Mary, 25
Devaty, Raymond S., 30
Devine, Bill, 40, 47
Dickerson, James, 31
Dietrich, Arlan H., 52
Dillard, Richard V., 7
Direnzo, Peter L. & Sylvia, 16
Dohoney, Dr. William P. & Josephine, 17
Donovan, William J. & Belou, 16
Dorn, Ed, 12
Dover, 65
Downing, Buster, 32
Downing, James G., 7
Doxsee, Gifford B., 52
Dreisbach, Carl V., 54
Dresden, 12, 54, 56
Dresden, David T., 7
Duvall, Aaron N., 55
Edelman, Louis & Essie, 21
Edelmen, Lou & Essie, 12
Edwards, Dick T., 56
Ehrhardt, Roger J. & Leola, 25
Elbe, 56
Elbe River, 54
Elliott, Adams E., 56
Elliott, Adams E. & Muriel, 27
Ephraim, Harry M. & Betty, 26
Erzgebirge Mountains, 54
Evans, William, 27
Ezelle, John, 56
Falch, Carl & Elsie, 18
Fallingbostel, 56
Fansler, Wayne E., 4
Farben Industries Ammo Plant, 64
Farris, Fred J., 84
Farris, Fred J. & Willie Jane, 16
Farris, Phil, 32
Farris, Philip, 56
Farris, Philip B., 21
Fehlman, Alvin I., 21
Firth of Clyde, 34
Fish, Milo H., 56
Fort Benning, 50, 56, 78
Fort Devens, 57
Fort Hamilton, New York, 47
Foster, Mrs. E. Bruce, 56
Fox, Richard, 72
Fox, Robert, 12
Fox, Robert J. & Janice, 18
France, 79
Frank, Florian R. & Dorothy, 27
Frankini, Richard A. & Ann, 23
Freed, Mrs. Chas. (Edith), 27
Freedman, Henry E. & Betty, 16
Fritz, John R. & Martha, 22
Frumkin, Albert, 56
Frye, Norwood, 12, 49
Frye, Norwood A. & Hazel, 25
Ft. Bragg, NC, 62
Ft. Custer, MI, 38
Ft. Jackson, SC, 36, 50, 56, 60, 61, 72, 74
Fulda, Germany, 40
Gagne, Mrs. Cecile, 81
Gallagher, John, 32
Gallagher, John I., 32
Gardner, James W., 32
Garn, Charles S. & Willie, 24
Gasses, Joseph J., 16
Gehrig, Melvin, 7, 31
Germany, 64, 68
Gerolstein, 78
Gilder, Robert A. & Jean, 22
Gillespie, John M. & Shirley, 17
Gillikin, Ross E. & Jeanette, 18
Gilliland, John, 4
Gilliland, John O., 84
Gilliland, John O. & Lee, 27
Ginther, Keith, 18
Gleina, 2
Gleina, Germany, 68
Goad, ?, 12
Goad, Robert D. & Pauline, 22
Gold, Everett M., 56
Goldberg, Ephraim, 56
Gombotz, Frank J., 58
Gorlitz, 54, 64
Gorlitz, Germany, 70
Grasso, Salvatore V. & Mary, 20
Greenock, Scotland, 34
Gregory, John A., 23, 84
Grimes, ?, 12
Grimes, George O., 22
Grimes, Robert, 19
Grivetti, Louis G., 21
Gross, Joseph & Dolores, 26
Gunvalson, Russ, 12
Gunvalson, Russel L. & Idelle, 26
Haas, Milton G., 31
Hall, John L. & Dorothy, 20
Halle, Germany, 68
Hallman, John, 66
Hanke, Arthur K., 16, 58
Hanke, Ralph E. & Betty, 18
Hanna, Robert R., 16
Hanover, 38
Hanson, Robert J. & Donna, 25
Harris, Abner, 34
Harris, Abner T. & Lenore, 24
Harris, Ike, 32
Hartlieb, Glen O., 84
Hartlieb, Glenn O. & Nadine, 27
Hartman, Willard G., 27, 58
Harvey, Charles & Betty Jane, 22
Hauxwell, 1st Sgt, 62
Hay, Reuben, 21
Hayden, Henry V. & Barbara, 25
Heidepriem, Herbert, 58
Heidepriem, Herbert & Mrs., 19
Hellendorf, 54
Helmstedt, 38, 64
Helwig, Gilbert, 84
Helwig, Gilbert & Lucille, 21
Helwig, Gill, 33, 50
Hemming, Forrest W., 7
Hempel, Robert W. & Evelyn, 26
Henderson, Charley S. & Helen, 18
Henning, Clara, 11
Henning, James W. & Clara Mae, 18
Henning, Jim, 11
Henning, Jim & Clara, 10
Herring, Dr. Geo. W. & Dawn, 16
Hicks, Harry, 12
Hicks, Harry & Margaret, 26
Hill, Maj. H. & Evelyn, 23
Hill, Ralph, 30
Hilliard, Rev. Roy M. & Shirley, 17
Hippe, Hanni, 54
Hochstetter, Hubert H., 24
Hochstetter, Hugh, 10
Hoff, Russell, 18
Hohenstein, John J., 21
Holden, Robert R. & Shirley, 21
Holder, Harry, 34
Holder, Lt. Harry, 34
Holland, 51
House, Pete, 12, 26
Houston, William C., 20
Howard, John W. & Virginia, 27
Howell, Col., 45
Howell, Col. Bob, 36
Howell, Col. Robert F., 34
Huminski, Edwin C. & Elizabeth, 24
Humphrey, Donald B. & Mary, 26
Hunt, Kenneth & Betty, 21
Hunter, David, 81
Hutchinson, Anna, 25
Italian Prisoners Memorial Chapel, 42
Ivy, Bill, 12
Ivy, William F., 18
Jacelon, Charles F. & Helen, 26
Jarlacysnki, Edward S., 36
Jarlock, Edward S., 21, 36
Jenkins, William, 12
Jenkins, William D., 18
Jennings, Dr. Vance S., 16
Jensen, George & Sally, 18
Jeter, Robert C. & Molene, 23
Jobe, Weyman, 58
Johannes, Walter E. & Lucille, 20
Johnson, Jim, 70
Johnson, John H. & Evelyn, 24
Johnson, Newton, 21
Jolgren, Gordon A., 58
Jones, Col., 36
Jones, Gen., 36
Jones, Jr. Alan W. Col., 36
Juriga, Richard, 36
Juriga, Richard S., 21
Kane, Roger M. & Patricia, 19
Kapsalis, Thomas H. & Stella, 17
Keefer, Ned, 81
Kelch, Eugene B. & Dorothy, 18
Kelly, ‘Cowboy', 40
Kelly, George S., 23
Kelly, George S. & Emily, 23
Kelly, Oscar L., 58
Kelly, Robert E., 15, 52
Kersteiner, Don W. & Carol, 23
King, Basil R., 21
Klett, James R., 38
Kline, J., 30, 31, 32, 34, 36, 58
    Kline, John, 1, 5, 6, 12, 15, 16, 34, 36, 38, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 47, 48, 50, 52, 54, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 78, 79, 81, 84
Kline, John P., 21, 84
Koblenz, 9, 64
Koblenz, Germany, 9
Kobs, Elmer A., 58
Kocks, William R., 22
Kolbaba, Norman J. & Gloria, 21
Koltarich, Paul, 12
Kopatz, Alfred E. & Lda, 18
Korea, 70
Kotlarich, Paul, 21
Kowalski, Stan, 44
Kucholick, Stanley, 58
Kucholick, Stanley J. & Dana, 22
Kuizema, Harold, 84
Kuizema, Harold & Jessica, 26
Kunz, Vernon C., 59
Kups, Stanley & Lenore, 16
Kurzeja, Michael & Carol, 21
Kwaczek, Carl & Lillian, 17
Lacey, Dave, 60
Lada, Theodore & Lois, 24
Larson, Gilbert & Dorothy, 18
Lasanska, Donald, 26
Laughlin, Thomas A., 60
Lauman, C.W. (Pete), 39
Lauman, Clarence W. & Dorothy, 27
Lauro, Alex M., 27
Lawlor, Martin V. & Rita, 18
Leaf, Pvt. Robert E., 74
Leaf, Robert, 74
Lee, Robert O. & Hazel, 17
Lee, Russ, 60
LeHarve, 57
LeHavre, 70, 79
Leipzig, 66, 72
Leisse, Leo 'The Lion', 32
Leisse, Sr., Leo R., 38
Lennstrom, Edward A. & Emily, 24
Levine, George, 49
Lewis, Edwin D. & Dorothy, 20
Libman, ?, 12
Libman, Oliver E. & Phyllis, 22
Limburg, 64, 68, 72, 78, 79
Linden, 40
Liverpool, 56
Logan, Angus J., 60
London, 9
Long, Ivan, 74
Long, Ivan & Edna, 19
Long, Lt. Ivan, 50
Lord, Malcolm E. & Ann, 24
Loudermilk, Teddy L., 38
Luckenwalde, 68
Lucky Strike, 78, 79
Lucsay, Bill, 11
Lucsay, Florence, 11
Lucsay, Florence & Bill, 10
Lucsay, William & Florence, 20
Lukashok, Alvin, 34
Lyons, Robert, 13
Lyons, Robert N., 22
Mackowiak, ?, 12
Mackowiak, Henry W. & Theresa, 22
Madden, Col. John, 7
Madsen, Anders N., Jr., 18
Mageira, E.J., 32
Mahlin, Marlin E. & Luella, 25
Maier, Adolph J. & Catherine, Jr., 25
Major, John C., 60
Malmedy, 66
Maloney, Joseph P. & Vivian, 22
Mamula, Charles, 60
Mamula, Charles & Phyllis, 24
Manhay, 30
Mapes, Robert E. & Thelma, 18
March, Albert R., 24
Marcus, Gilbert, 20
Marcus, Nathaniel, 60
Martin, Harry F., Jr., 24
Martin, Roland, 60
Martin, Walter W. & Marguerita, 20
Masden, Bud, 12
Mason, ?, 12
Mason, Frank L., 22
Massey, Joe, 39
Massey, Joseph, 38
Massey, Joseph & Hazel, 17
Matthews, Col., 40
Matthews, Col. Joe & Anna, Jr., 16
Matthews, Col. Joseph C., 85
Maw, Thomas J. & Margaret, 27
Mayotte, Russell J. & Barbara, 24
McCarron, Don, 31, 36
McCarron, Donald J., 19
McClure, Charlie (Clint) & Peggy, 19
McCollum, Vollie L. & Virginia, 16
McDevitt, John F., 84
McGranaghan, Dave, 40
McGranaghan, David E., 39
McKee, Richard & Mary, 17
McKinley, Harold A., 61
McPoland, Arthur P., 18
McSorley, Harry P., 61
Meagher, Herb, 11
Meagher, Herbert F. & Luella, 18
Meagher, James L., 18
Meagher, Lou & Herb, 10
Meagher, Luella, 11
Meeleus, Col. Harry, 40
Meeleus, Harry G., 40
Meeleus, Mrs. Harry (Helen), 40
Melichar, William J., 40
Merigan, Joseph J., 62
Merwin, Frederick W. & Miriam, 25
Merz, O. Paul, 4, 42
Merz, Paul, 42
Messina, Carl, 40, 42
Messina, Carl & Alice, 25
Middleton, 14
Middleton, John A., 16
Mikalauskis, John, 34
Mikalauskis, John L., 14
Mikalauskis, John L. & Dolores, 24
Mileski, Marion S. & Mamie, 25
Miller, Glen C., 66
Miller, Jean K., 62
Miller, John W., 62
Miller, Joseph L. & Ruth, 24
Mills, James M. & Janice, 21
Mills, Jim, 12
Mills, Katherine & Richard, 22
Minor, Irvin G. & Betty, 27
Mintz, Lance, 72
Monaco, Albert W., 62
Morenzoni, Edward T., 62
Morris, Sgt. Bill, 74
Morris, Walter B., 20
Morrissey, James C. & Jan, 26
Morrissey, Jan & James, 12
Morrissey, Jim, 12
Moselle, 9, 72
Moselle River, 64
Mosley, Rev. Ronald, 49
Mosley, Rev. Ronald A, 22
Mosley, Rev. Ronald A., 49
Mosley, Ronald A., 13
Mueller, John, 12, 18
Mueller, M.J., 25
Muhlberg, 56, 72
Murphree, L.D., 44
Murphree, Leon A., 42
Murphy, Dale & Violet, 20
Myers, Charles E., 63
Myers, Charles E. & Dorothy, 18
Nagle, Edward J. & Elrose, 25
Namur, Belgium, 78
Nardone, Louis V., 63
Nausin, Frank & Clara, Jr., 17
Nelson, Edward, 26
Nelson, L. Willard, 17, 63
Nesbit, John S. & Winnell, 24
Nester, George, 25
Neubrandenburg, 56
Nichols, John & Betty, 25
Nichols, William J., 64
Nielsen, Donald & Lilian, 20
Niemitz, Howard P., 17
Nietman, Ltc. Charles, 20, 64
Noe, Carthel C., 7
North Africa, 54, 62
Northern France, 60
Nusbaum, Alfred S. & Jean Hare, 19
Odom, Joseph, 13, 44
Odom, Joseph C., 44
Odom, Joseph C. & Josephine, 22
Odom, Mr. & Mrs Joseph, 44
O'Farrell, Donald A. & Delphine, 22
Oftedahl, Vernon T., 64
Ollila, Edwin, 64
Oschatz, 66
Ouimet, Marcel R., 17
Oxford, Paul, 44
Pacelli, William, 12
Pacheco, Manuel P., 64
Panice, Raymond H., 26, 65
Paris, 62, 78
Passariello, Louis J., 65
Pastor, Irving, 65
Patrick, L. Dale & Mildred, 26
Patton, Gen., 81
Pawluk, Walter S. & Barbara (Daughter), 16
Pearson, R.H., 65
Peluso, Lewis B., 18
Peluso, Lou, 12
Pendergast, Red, 12
Peros, George, 12
Peros, George & Georgia, 26
Petchesky, Joe, 58
Petersen, Walter A. & Frances, 21
Pfaff, Burton E. & Jane, 17
Pfotenhauer, Donald J. & Marcia, 17
Piantidosi, Peter, 66
Piasecki, Leo R., 22
Piazza, Lewis R. & Mildred, 22
Pierce, Robert W. & Jean, Sr., 25
Pina, George, 12
Pina, George R. & Ella, 26
Pinnow, Robert L. & Alice, 22
Plainvaux, Belgium, 44
Poff, Cheryl, 4
Poff, Mr. & Mrs. Merrell, 4
Pollard, John M. & Son, 22
Pomeriana, Poland, 78
Ponza, Frank, 20
Potter, Peter, 66
Powell, Robert, 12
Powell, Robert A., 26
Prague, 72
Prater, Barabra, 66
Prater, Doug, 66
Prater, Marion D., 66
Prendergast, R.M., 18
Prewett, Ed, 30, 38
Prewett, Edward A., 5
Prewett, Edward A. & Reddie, 23
Prokorym, Casimir, 84
Prokorym, Casimir T. & Pauline, 25
Puett, Col. Joseph & Ida May, 20
Purple Heart, 62, 81
Puskarich, Charles H., 25
Puzio, Joseph, 25
Queen Elizabeth, 34, 36, 45
Queen Mary, 34, 45, 60
Rankin, William J. & Lorraine, 17
Rasmussen, Norman, 66
Rauscher, Anthony A., 66
Ream, Granville C., 40
Rediger, Delbert G. & Marian, 24
Renfro, Harold E., 68
Reppert, Robert B. & Dolores, 25
Reynolds, James E. & Agnes, 18
Rheims, 79
Rheims, France, 79
Rheinberg, Germany, 66
Rhine, 9, 64
Ricci, Armondo A. & Mary, 25
Ricci, Rudolph C., 68
Rickard, William & Margaret, 17
Rickenbrode, Al, 68
Rieck, Charles, 14
Rieck, Charles F. & Doris, 18
Rieck, Chuck, 12, 49
Ringer, Robert C., 27
Rinkema, George & Dorothy, 20
Ritchey, Kenneth E., 68
Ritchie, Merle L., 68
Robb, Dr. John, 13
Robb, Dr. John G., 85
Robb, Dr. John G. & Marylin, 17
Robb, John, 79
Robb, John G., 4
Roberts, Andy, 68
Roberts, John M. & Lou, 27
Robichaud, Philip, 7
Robson, Robert S. & Doris, 22
Rogers, Aubrey W., 70
Romano, Alex J., 70
Romoli, Edmund R., 70
Rosalia, 1st Sgt. John, 58
Rosenthal, Phillip N., 23, 70
Ross, ?, 12
Ross, Glenn W. & Phyllis, 23
Rountree, ?, 12
Rountree, Russell E. & Rhoda, 22
Rowan, William K. & Inez, 24
Rusch, Marvin H. & Frances, 16
Rutland, Roger M. & Mattie, 23
Rutledge, Boyd, 1, 79
Rutledge, Boyd A., 17, 84, 85
Rydzinski, Edward & Sylvia, 18
Samples, L. Orvis & Agnes, 27
Sandberg, Robert E. & Patricia, 25
Sandtviet, Arthur O. & Barbara, 17
Sartori, Charles & Stella, 19
Sather, Gordon, 12
Sather, Gordon H., 70
Sather, Gordon H. & Lucille, 26
Sattem, Major Robert, 70
Saucerman, Eugene L. & Sally & Sandy (Daughter), 17
Saugrich, Paul J., 7
Scaggs, Sgt., 36
Schaffner, John R. & Lillian, 26
Schlesser, John P. & Karin, 27
Schmude, Earl, 70
Schmude, Earl H., 70
Schnee Eifel, 56
Schober, Milton J., 44
Schober, Milton J. & Arline, 24
Schoenberg, 50, 79
Schoonover, Lex, 70
Schroeder, Nicholas, 7
Schroer, Charles J., 70
Schulte, Edward H., 70
Scott, Earl A. & Catherine, 26
Scotti, Joseph, 70
Seibold, Charles P., 17
Setter, Leon J., 17
Shaffer, Euhl B., 72
Sharpe, Thomas W., 72
Sheahan, Robert I., 20, 45, 72
Sheehan, John P. & Vivian, 19
Sheehan, John R., 50
Sheehan, Pvt., 50
Sheets, Roy, 25
Shipley, William F., 72
Shores, Clifford M., 72
Shudarek, Elmer J., 24
Sigel, Sydney M., 72
Silvia, Manuel C. & Elizabeth, 18
Slaughter House 5, 12
Smalara, Pfc. Theodore J., 74
Smalara, Theodore, 74
Smith, ?, 12
Smith, Charles L., 17
Smith, Frank E., 74
Smith, Josh L., 17
Smith, Kenneth M., 21, 74
Smith, Lawrence W., 24
Smith, Robert W., 22
Smythe, Will, 12
Smythe, Willis A., 74
Smythe, Willis A. & Karryl, 18
Sohn, Kenneth L., 74
Solomon, Joseph, 49
Southam, George & Meurice, 20
Southampton, 45
Spa, 66
Sparks, Richard D., 19, 74
Spence, Capt. Julius, 58
Spurlock, John W., 75
St. Vith, 50, 58, 64, 68, 78
St. Vith Memorial, 70, 72, 84
Stafford, Harlan, 12
Stafford, Harlan I., 76
Stafford, Harlan L, 26
Stalag 12-A, 72, 76, 78
Stalag 4-B, 47, 50, 56, 70
Stalag 9-B, 71, 74, 76, 78
Stalag 9B, Bad Orb, 36
Stalag II-A, 32, 51
Stalag III-B, 79
Stalag IV-B, 32, 56, 58, 66, 68, 72, 76
Stalag XII-A, 68
Stauff, John H., 26
Stenger, Dr. Charles, 34
Stone, Donald, 3
Stopper, Stanley A., 76
Stranko, Peter P., 45
Streets, William L. & Julia, 21
Streib, Marshall P. & Mary Ann, 23
Stuttgart, 78
Sulser, Jack A., 85
Sulser, Jack A. & Helen, 20
Summar, H. Frank, 76
Sweeney, Helen, 16
Switzerland, 64
Szpek, Ervin, 12
Szpek, Ervin & Dolores, 21
Tauber, Paul, 66
Tavlin, Milton R., 76
Taylor, Alexander, 76
Telfer, Dick, 47
Telfer, Richard G., 47
Tennessee Maneuvers, 47, 56
Tenrrio, Howard J. & Lill, 21
Terrio, Howard, 45
Terrio, Howard J., 45
Terrio, Matthew, 45
The Battle of the Bulge, 30, 45
Thome, Michael, 1, 17, 84, 85
Thompson, Samuel R., 76
Thorsen, Devon C., 22
Tomases, Dr. Ralph, 22
Torgeo, 56
Tranchita, Paul A. & Mary, 18
Trautman, Frank S., 17, 85
Trois Ponts, 30
Trueman, Duncan T., 76
Tule, George, 57
Turek, Casey, 12
Turner, Cebert V. & Maryjane, 25
Turner, Howard ‘Hap', 76
Tury, Jr., Louis Wm., 76
Tury, Louis, 32
Tyler, Walter S., 14
Umanoff, Lt. Col., 34, 44
Urban, Lt. Col. Matt, 62
Utsinger, Marion C., 78
Uveges, John, Jr., 22
Valenstein, Col. Earle L. & Susan, 25
van Moorlehem, Arthur, 78
Van Moorlehem, Arthur L. & Lucille, 20
Vance, George, 15
Vance, George T. & Norma, 16
Varano, Anthony A., 78
Varju, John J. & Dortha, 21
Varnadore, C.V. & Ruth, 23
Vaughn, Ray R., 85
Vaughn, Ray R. & Annette, 20
VBOB, 76
Vbob's Bulge Bugle, 32
Venegoni, Mary, 12
Venegoni, Vincent J. & Mary, 21
Vietnam, 62, 70
Villwock, Jackie, 11
Villwock, Russ, 74
Villwock, Russell, 1, 4, 10, 14
Villwock, Russell H., 85
Villwock, Russell H. & Jackie, 16
Wakefield, 34, 56
Walden, Lawrence, 13
Walden, Lawrence & Jeanne, 24
Walden, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence, 44
Walden, Mrs., 13
Waldrop, Dot, 13, 20
Walker, Robert & June, 14
Walker, Robert F. & June, 17
Wall, William S., 78
Walters, Dan, 30
Walters, J. H. & Dorotha, 21
Walters, Presslye S. & Dorothy, 27
Wanne, 30
Ward, N. Duke & Martha, 25
Warsaw, 9
Wasagren, Milton L. & Betty, 25
Washington, George, 4
Weber, Carlos D., 47
Weber, Carlos D. & Eneida, 17
Weiner, Milton, 14
Weiss, Newton W., 78
Wells, James E. & Maydean, 25
Wenslow, Marshall B. & Patricia, 26
Werkmeister, Mayor, 40
Wessels, Robert R., 17
West Germany, 54
Wheeler, John N., 78
White, ?, 12
White, Lionel F., 78
White, Robert L. & Nouma, 27
Whitehead, John L., 78, 79
Wilhoit, Robert D., 79
Williams, Lawrence R., 17, 79
Williams, Lewis B., 79
Williams, Presley H. & Clara, 16
Wilver, James J., 79
Winterfield, Al, 79
Wintersfield, Germany, 68
Wischmeier, Don, 54
Wischmeier, Donald B., 47
Wischmeier, Donald B. & Ellen, 20
Wojahn, Ed, 5, 52
Wojahn, Edward, 49
Wojahn, Edward C., 85
Wojahn, Edward C. & Irene, 25
Wood, Vernon T., 79
Woodward, Norman, 72
Wright, Dennis Leo, 22
Wright, Guy, 34
Wright, Guy & Marley, 24
Wright, Stanley D., 22
Wroblewski, Chester, 81
Wurthsmith Afb, 78
Yamazaki, James M.D., 81
Yanchik, Pete & Diane, 20
Yenlin, Sebastian D., 81
Yingst, William J., 81
York, Robert E. & Thelma, 17
Young, Ed, 12
Young, Edward E., 26
Young, Harold Scott & Dorothy, 22
Zak, George K. & Joan, 18
Zenn, Mike & Elaine, 20
Zicker, Gordon, 12
Zicker, Gordon B. & Wanda, 19
Zieter, Leona, 22
Zietz, 32, 66
Zietz, Germany, 49
Zillmer, Howard R. & Inez, 23
Zimand, Gerorge P. & Rhoda, 17