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Vol 61 - No. 1 OCT-NOV-DEC 2004

58th Annual Reunion - Hyatt Regency -Milwaukee, Wisconsin Sept 1-5, 2004 - See details inside
    LIR Martin 1.(Chic)Wente (CA) - Murray Stein (FL) 2nd Vice-Pres - Russell Lang (NY) all from "I" Co., 423rd Combat Infantry Regiment Wente and Stein are current Directors of the Association. Photo taken at the closing banquet.

President's View.
    Being the current President of the 106th Infantry Division Association is a great honor. This is an opportunity to become even closer friends with you and all the members of our association.
    This letter is to inform you that my physical health has been declining for many months. This began with three invasions which cured my abdominal aorta aneurysm. The last surgery was in February 2004. There have been numerous examinations by specialists for diagnosis and/or treatment. My treatment is by a longtime friend M.D. Thus far I have had many good and clear days. Then it happens again. My wife is on her third week of recovery from replacement of her right hip.
    To mention family support during this time, Daughters from Georgia, Florida, and Alabama have come to help us, as well as a grandson from Georgia who is here now and plans to stay through Wednesday.
    I have one Daughter-in-Law, her family lives about 15 miles from here, who has been more than just a daughter helping me with driving and going to my doctors.
    Without more about my condition I feel that if the Good Lord be willing I will overcome this problem, but I wanted to let you know of these problems. As much as I am aware of Barbara's surgery and also my health condition, I am up to date with my duties as President. To mention a few activities: John Kline as Cub Editor has been getting his many duties preformed in an exemplary manner.
    Our Treasurer, Richard Rigatti, is watching our finances and I thank him for suggestions he has made concerning checks and signatures. I am concerned about our financial future, but will have a suggestion or two later. Our mini-reunion chairmen asks that you get your "Mini-Reunion" photos and stories to the editor for insertion in the February CUB. Let us encourage our new members to attend the Mini-reunions.
As to the 59th Annual Reunion August 30 to September 5, 2005, New Orleans, LA.
    Plans are being made for adequate housing, meals, hospitality, tours, etc. The reunion will be in the Doubletree Hotel. This, the 59th Annual Reunion is to be at a place and in a time where we can continue building our camaraderie, visit places honoring our own part as part of the the Greatest Generation.
    There is much more: The Museum Depicting D-Day and the War in the Pacific. Plus enjoying some of New Orleans' famous food and music, which should bring back memories and build more of them. There are many other ongoing activities which will be brought to your attention later.
    I need your encouragement and sincerely invite comments about any program beneficial to the 106th Infantry Division Association and its members. I want each of you to be as proud as I am to have served in the 106th Infantry Division in World War II.
Walter G Bridges President 2004-2005 - 106th Infantry Division Association
    Walter G. Bridges President 2004-2005 106th Infantry Division Association "D" Company, 424th Combat Infantry Regiment 225 Laird Avenue, Hueytown, AL 35203 205-491-3409
The CUB of the Golden Lion
Chaplain's Message - 58th Annual Reunion, Milwaukee, Sept 2004
    The speaker in the year 1935 was General Douglas MacArthur. The occasion was the 17th birthday of a division he had commanded, during World War I... the 42nd Rainbow Division. Here are a few of his words:
    Those days of old have vanished, they have gone glimmering through the dreams of things that were. Refrains no longer rise and fall from that land of used-to-be. Ghosts in olive drab and German gray pass before our eyes; voices that have stolen away in echoes from the battlefields no more ring out. The shadows are lengthening. The division's birthdays are multiplying and we are growing old together If my data and my arithmetic are
Dr. Duncan Trueman, 424/AT correct, 17 years old in 1935 would make
29 Overhill Lane, Warwick NY 10990 that division 86 years old today. Our
TEL/FAX: 845-986-6376 division never celebrated that many
birthdays, but when you include the life of
our association, we've passed sixty. We too are growing old together.
    The story which is our story is a tale in which we Golden Lions take more and more pride with each passing year. All of us have come to appreciate what once we doubted. We have learned from witnesses, from participants, from historical records and even from the enemy... that no division deployed as we were, could have done more than we did ... cost the enemy as much time as we cost him, thus guaranteeing his defeat that winter long ago. Even British generals said that of us.
    And so I hope you feel as 1 do. I am proud of this 106th Division, and I am proud of all who fought under its flag. Virgil, the great Roman philosopher/poet, two thousand years ago, spoke of people who "can do all because they think they can." I suggest to you that describes every American who fought in the Battle of the Bulge. So I want to tell you some of the things that make me proud, that ought to make every one of us proud. Here they are:
    1. I'm proud of our courage. The prospect of combat is challenging and frightening for those who enter battle for the first time. No amount of training could enable a soldier to comprehend in advance what combat is like. It's still not explainable. No matter how one might try, any description of battle is always no more than a pale depiction of something that's a life-changing experience. Courage
    Perhaps at first we worried about our own reservoirs of courage, and whether we could stand up to the tests to come, feared perhaps that we might let our buddies down. Lord Moran, in his classic book "Anatomy of Courage" insisted that no Soldier's courage is limitless. When it is used up the Soldier is finished. I have to question that, for I never observed any of my comrades use up their courage.
The CUB of the Golden Lion 2
Chaplain's Message - 58th Annual Reunion, Milwaukee, Sept 2004
    2. I'm proud of our endurance. It was Napoleon who said : "The first quality of a soldier is constancy in enduring fatigue and hardship. The second quality is courage." I wonder if that isn't true. In battle we constantly endured pain, hardship, cold , fatigue, stress, exhaustion. POW's on forced marches, freezing, scarcely fed, without rest, brutally treated, yet endured. I'm proud of comrades who demonstrated that kind of endurance and never gave up, never lost faith, never allowed their spirits to be conquered.
They endured! Maybe the first quality of a soldier IS endurance.
    3. I'm proud of our ingenuity, our inventiveness, resourcefulness. When those units and those individual Soldiers who, one way or another, had been able to avoid capture became scattered, leadership gone, organizational structure disrupted, unit cohesion destroyed.... when tactics and methods learned in training were no longer operative or appropriate or even possible, those Golden Lions who were still able to fight became more resourceful and more dangerous opponents than they had even been before. Those who had been able to escape encirclement organized their own armies, fought their own big and little battles, became guerrillas, fought as the Minutemen fought the Redcoats, or as Crazy Horse defeated Custer. Our own history of this country had taught us how to fight when outnumbered.
    The DOD report of the Bulge confirms what I'm saying... that the battle was often carried on by what it called "conglomerate scratch groups".... a deadly pick-up game. At first, short of food, medical supplies, ammunition, and lacking communication with higher echelons, the truth is that nobody expected to live any more.
    Once that point is reached, everyone just goes on fighting, living day by day, doing what they have to do... as we did, and we grew stronger. The DOD report says we "fought with sheer obstinacy."
    We did what Wellington described about the Battle of Waterloo. He said: "They came at us in the same old way and we beat them in the same old way. " Nietzsche was right when he said that "what does not defeat us makes us stronger."
    4. I'm proud of our comradeship.... our camaraderie is truly one of the treasures of this division to this day. Camaraderie is a synonym for bonding. It's the glue that keeps Soldiers together. It grows as the result of sharing of all of life together, and we did share life .... as well as death, together.
    Whether in combat or in captivity, camaraderie is proven in every situation where your life depends upon the man next to you ... and vice versa.
    Training may have taught a soldier how to operate his weapon or to creep and crawl; or instilled an acceptance of commands. But for a combatant or for a P.O.W. it was camaraderie that provided the strength to hang in there. And it was reciprocal. We were as loyal and protective of one another as any individuals could ever be, even to the point of risking our own lives for each other.
    Out of that complete dependence upon one another, order was brought to the chaos in those forests, and men survived who otherwise might not have lived. So, too, with POW's who by caring and sharing what little they had, gave each other the will to hold on, and survive. Be proud of that camaraderie.
The CUB of the Golden Lion 3
Chaplain's Message - 58th Annual Reunion, Milwaukee, Sept 2004
    5. I'm proud of who we are now. When the war outside of us was won, many discovered that the war inside had only begun. Much had changed in the world to which we were returning. We had changed, though we knew it not. And sometimes deep inside during those early years, many veterans sensed an unidentifiable discomfort, a vague discontent.
The poet, James Watson Hopping wrote about his discomfort:
    Forgive yourself for those who died, Find the man who went away, The gentle man who sang of simple things, Of wildwood nooks, of love, and children at their play.
    But Soldiers long away from gentle things, discovered that finding that man wasn't always easy. Their lives had been reshaped by never-to-be-forgotten experiences. Not at all unusual for combat soldiers. The late William Manchester described his search. He returned to Okinawa and did find some sense of peace, but the man who went away was irretrievable. Yet he makes clear how, out of his pain and anguish, God brought forth a restored man, a restored hope, and the possibility of an untormented new day.
    I think many of us have discovered that lesson .... that the Lord does work in the lives of all those who are open to Him ... works through the pain, the grief, the sorrows and even through those intrusive, disturbing memories of long ago to make those who will accept his gift, folks like you and me... .to make them people of strength, courage, peace and love.... to make them His hope for a better world and a better day.
Rudyard Kipling said it:
After the fires and the wrath,
After the searching and the pain,
His mercy opens us a path to live with ourselves again.
That has been true for thousands!
    So be proud of what we have done, and who we have become as we have grown old together be proud of those days of long ago that refined us and defined us. Be proud of every man who fought at our side, and every one of these comrades whom we memorialize and honor as we gather here this morning.
Their memory is a part of our inner selves forever. in ways that no one else can know.
    As you think of them, remember.... how close, how deeply, how long, and with what love, valor and sacrifice they were a part of the most desperate days of your life.
And be proud of one other thing.... our symbol Always be proud of this
symbol that no one but they and we can ever, ever qualify to wear the symbol of a Lion made of Gold.
Dr. Duncan Trueman 57th Annual Memorial Service
The 58th Annual Reunion of the Golden Lions
Hyatt Regency, Downtown - Milwaukee, Wisconsin September 1-5 2004
The CUB of the Golden Lion 4
Report on 58th Annual Reunion Sept 2004.
John M. Roberts, Past-President 2003-2004 106th Infantry Division Association
    "C" Battery, 592nd Field Artillery Battalion 1059 Alter Road, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 Phone: 248-338-2667 Email: jmr81024@aol.corn
Members - Associate Members and Guests of the 106th Infantry Division Association:
    I want to take this opportunity to thank those of you who were able to attend our 58th Annual Reunion. I was overwhelmed by the favorable comments I received and continue receiving from many of you stating that this reunion was one of the best you ever attended. There were others equally as good and I attended some of them.
    Another great reunion has just been completed. Those of you who were fortunate to attend this great reunion will remember it for a long time. Those of you who could not make it for whatever reason will be delighted to learn that the Association chalked up a memorable one.
    The attendance at the 58th annual reunion in Milwaukee, WI at the Hyatt-Regency Hotel in downtown Milwaukee was 324. This figure was not a record breaker but considering the age and health of us "matured" seniors I think we can be quite pleased with the attendance.
    The Hyatt-Regency was indeed a first-class hotel and lived up to its reputation as well as our expectations. The food was excellent and the service was extraordinary. Much credit must be given to Katie Vogelsang, the Hyatt's Convention Services Manager, for making sure that she and her staff met all of our requests expeditiously without any reservation.
    The inner workings of pulling a national convention together is a tremendous job. Much of the credit must go to Donna Lee, Director of Services for Armed Forces Reunions, Inc., for her outstanding behind the scenes endeavors to make sure that everything being done met our requirements. Donna is a professional having served as our coordinator for many years. We sometimes take for granted that everything will be just right when we go to our annual reunion. And, we should expect that, but we must remember that it takes people of great resolve to make this happen.
    Donna also scoured the offerings for optional tours in the Milwaukee area in order to satisfy the interest of our diversified attendance. Each of the tours were well represented on the daytime tours, such as the City Tour which included a stop at the Miller Brewing Company with the final leg of the tour in the "sample" room to whet the appetites of the beer drinkers in an ancient bar room setting.
The CUB of the Golden Lion 5
Report on 58th Annual Reunion Sept 2004 . . .
    The Old World Wisconsin Tour had a lot of walking but no one seemed to complain because of the diversified activity that was always prevalent.
    The Pabst Mansion/Theater tour gave a very in depth history of how the Pabst Brewing company began and flourished over many years. The Mansion was used for various residences over the years until it finally because a museum with a great history. The Pabst money was plentiful which permitted the Pabst Theater to be built in downtown Milwaukee and later expanded to satisfy the artistic demands for the performing arts. Some members of the tour were delighted to be able to belt out a song from the stage of the theater in order to appreciate the benefits of the outstanding acoustics throughout the theater.
    The Friday evening Optional tour took members and guests to the Bavarian Inn Oktoberfest where they not only heard but were able to dance to the lively music of the German band. A delicious buffet dinner satisfied their hungry appetites which was reason enough to attend the Inn. The only disappointment was when the announcement was made that the German dancers did not show up for their scheduled performance. However, the good times before and during the dinner made up for the lack of formal entertainment. After all, it was time to return to the hotel and get a few winks before a busy day on Saturday.
    The Reception Dinner on Thursday evening was casual which provided a real opportunity For the membership and guests to once again get together and renew old acquaintances after a year's absence.
    The cheerful conversations throughout the evening were proof of their long standing camaraderie. To top off the evening the rich voice of Ed Franks with his impersonations of talented star singers rounded out the evening.
Notably there was no after dinner speaker at the Final Banquet on Saturday.
    It was not the intent of your Chairman to just have any speaker unless it was one with a message of great interest to the membership. In the absence of a qualified speaker the Three Smart Girls provided the evening after dinner with a lively and entertaining rendition of songs from those memorable years which rounded out the end of a great reunion.
    Those attendees seated at the opposite end the entertainment were privileged to enjoy added entertainment in the background by the Hyatt-Regency's vvaiters who were dancing to the foot stomping, hand clapping, sing along music of yesteryears. One of our members chose to join in the dance which added to the environment of a good time by all.
    As your Chairman of the 2004 Milwaukee reunion of our great Association, I want to take this opportunity to thank those of you who were able to attend our 58th. I was overwhelmed by the favorable comments I received and continue receiving from many of you stating that this reunion was one of the best you ever attended.
    There were other Association reunions equally as good or better and I attended some of them. Hearing your favorable comments makes those of us who had an active role in executing the 106th's 58th Annual Reunion, feel well rewarded.
    Much effort was put forth by your Officers, Committee Chairmen, Representa-tives and other key officials in order that you would enjoy the time you spent at the reunion as well as your stay in Milwaukee.
The CUB of the Golden Lion 6
Report on 58th Annual Reunion Sept 2004 .. .
There are so many people that I would like to thank personally but that it is an impossibility. Thanks to you all.
    A special thanks: I do want to give Joe Maloney, our ADA Representative recognition for being responsible for bringing to the Board of Directors and the membership the opportunity to select the Milwaukee Hyatt-Regency for the 2004 reunion.
    I feel confident that Walter Bridges, President of the 106th Association for 20042005 will be chairing another successful reunion next year....
The 106th's 59" Annual Reunion.
    So be sure to mark your calendar for the first week in September 2005 when our great Association will descend upon the Double-Tree Hotel in New Orleans, Louisiana where we again will be able to share those precious moments of reminiscing with our comrades and guests.
John M. "Jack" Roberts Past-President 2003-2004
The 58th Annual Reunion was a success. A grand total of 324 sat at the final banquet.
    The head count below include only "service connected" attendees and Associate members. It does not include spouses or guests.
106 MP 106 SIG 331 MED 422/HQ 422/AT 422/HQ 1BN 422JA 422/B 422JC
 4231SV2 2 423/HQ 1BN
423/A 2
423/B 2
423/D : 423/HQ 2BN
4231E 423/F
 424/HQ 1BN 424I8 424/C 424/D 424/HQ 2BN 4241E 424/F 424/G 424/1

 590/B 590IC 591/FAB/HQ
591/C 591/SV
592/C 5921SV







 423/HQ 3BN

 422/HQ 3BN
 1 2


 422nd 38

 333RD FAB/C

 423rd 46


 589 FAB/HQ

 424th 28

 427JPA 422/MED

 423/MED 424/HQ
 589/A 589/B

 81st Eng 7


 590 FAB/HQ

 589th 8



 590th 5

 591st 6

 592nd 2

 333 FAB 1

 Associates 8

 The CUB of the Golden Lion 7
Report on 58th Annual Reunion Sept 2004 .. .
(See inside front cover for more detail and complete addresses)
President, Walter G. Bridges 424/D Hueytown, A L
    Past-President Ex-Officio, John M. "Jack" Roberts 592/C Bloomfield Hills, MI 1st-Vice President, Irwin C. Smoler 424/B Scarsdale, NY
2nd-Vice President, Murray Stein 423/1 Delray Beach, FL
Jack Roberts, Retiring President 2003-2004
    and newly elected President Walter G. Bridges wish to thank the "Retiring Board Members" and Welcome Aboard the New Directors
First the Retiring Directors year 2004: Job Well Done Pete Yanchik 423/A, Aliquippa, PA
Richard L. Rigatti 423/B, Pittsburgh, PA
John R. Schaffner 589/A, Cockeysville, MD
Jack A. Sulser 423/F, Alexandria, VA
Welcome to the New Directors for the years 2004 - 2009 George Call 424/B, Glen Gardner, NJ
Walter C. Greve 423/HQ, 1 Bn Aurora, CO
Seymour Lichtenfeld 422/1, North Miami Beach, FL Martin L. Wente 423/1, Vista Covina, CA
Adjutant Marion Ray 424/D
Historian John Schaffner 589/A
Cub Editor/Membership Chairman John Kline 423/M Chaplain Dr. Duncan Trueman 424/AT
Memorials 'Chairman Dr. John Robb 422/D
Camp Atterbury Memorial Chairman Philip Cox 423/B Resolutions Chairman Walter M. Snyder 589/A
Order of the Golden Lion Chairman John Swett 423/H
Nominations Chairman Donald F. Hemdon 424/L
Mini-Reunions Chairman Harry F. Martin, Jr. 424/L
ADA Representative Joseph P. Maloney 424/HQ

    The 59th Annual Reunion will be held at The Double Tree Hotel, New Orleans, LA - September 1 through September 5, 2005. More on this coming event in the next CUB. At an appropriate time, registration papers and details will be mailed direct to you. Looking forward to seeing you there.
Walter G. Bridges President 2004-2005


Report on 58th Annual Reunion Sept 2004 .. .

Order of the Golden Lion Awards Presentation, 58th Annual Reunion Ceremony Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Charles F. Reick, H Company
422nd Infantry, Middleton, Wisconsin
    Elected to the Board of Directors in 1988 and served with distinction through 2003, being a member and Chair of the Budget Committee.
    Charles has organized and chaired Mini-Reunions in his area since the inception of that Annual Event. He has done much to bring the survivors of his unit together, gaining new members and often showing the largest turnout to our national Reunions.
    He has brought honor and publicity to our Association by hosting, with his wife Doris, a reunion for the survivors of Stalags IX-A, IX-B XIII-B & Berga am Elster, in Tuscon Arizona.

    John A. Swett (left), Order of the Golden Lion Chairman, presenting Charles E. Rieck his "Order of the Golden Lion, Commander's Class (Gold) photo taken in Rieck's home, Middleton, Wisconsin Edmund Podlaski assisting.


Report on 58th Annual Reunion Sept 2004 .. .
James D. West, Associate
Franklin, Indiana
    Served the 106th Infantry Division Association as Historian and Exhibitor. As an "Associate member," in the last decade, West has shown dedicated support for the 106th Infantry Division Association. He was instrumental in establishing a World War II Museum at Camp Atterbury, Indiana and installing a section devoted to the 106th Infantry Division.
    Vast amounts of Division History has been made public through his World Wide website. He participates in all Camp Atterbury ceremonies when honors are given to the 106th Infantry Division.
    In special recognition of his loyal services to the Association, The Board of Directors of the 106th Infantry Division Association awards him,
Order of the Golden Lion, Officer's Class (Silver)
    (L) James D. West Associate; Phillip Cox, Indianapolis, Indiana, our Camp Atterbury Representative and Colonel Kenneth Newlin, Camp Atterbury Installion Commander. Cox presenting the Order of the Golden Lion to James West on behalf of the 106th Infantry Division Association.

The CUB of the Golden Lion 10

Report on 58th Annual Reunion Sept 2004 . . .
L/R Lester & Marguette Helmich Joe & Vivian Maloney
Adda and Willy RIKKEN (Belgium) with Past-Pres Mike Thome (91-92)
The CUB of the Golden Lion 11
    2003-2004 Association President John "Jack" Roberts Presiding over the 58th Annual Reunion Hyatt-Regency - Milwaukee WI Walter Bridges Pres-Elect 2004-2005 and wife Barbara
Report on 58th Annual Reunion Sept 2004 .. .
Pat and Assoc Treasurer Richard Rigatti, Past Pres-95-96
Waid and Vannie Toy
Russ and Lillian Lang
The CUB of the Golden Lion 12
Harold "Sparky" Songer and Eloise
L/R (Facing camera) Mary Ruth Kimsey, Frankie Burkes Jerald Saladana. Mike Thome Michaels Sister-in-Law
Associates Mr. and Mrs Robert Himberg
Report on 58th Annual Reunion Sept 2004 .. .
The CUB of the Golden Lion 13
Report on 58th Annual Reunion Sept 2004 . . .
L/R Dean Sandahl, Joseph Zimmerman, Ted Basel and Norman Lichtenfeld More Reunion Photos in the NEXT CUB magazine
The CUB of the Golden Lion 14
Dale Kline, son of CUB Editor, John Kline. Playing for the Memorial Service
James Wiggins (L) with The RIKKEN"s Grandson Bernard Alexandre' (Belgium)
Front & Center . . .
    I hope you enjoyed the 58th Annual Reunion as much as I did. Congratulations to John (Jack) M. Roberts for a great ending to his term as President of our Association. He handled it like the "Pro" that he is. It was well organized, well managed and went off as scheduled.. The 1st Part of John Schaffner's "Return to Battleground 2004" was well received. He has received many letters and calls about PART I. He wants to thank you for all for letters and remarks. Return to Battleground 2004 Part II is in this CUB. Congratulations, John, for a job well done.
    Mini-Reunions: There are some Mini-Reunion reports already in. The complexion on the Mini-Reunions has changed over the years. Used to be they were all held in December (commemorating the "Battle of the Bulge.") However, I see a pattern of those "happenings" being spread over many months of the year. I will be publishing those that are available in the next issues of The CUB of the Golden Lion. If you have sponsored and held a "Mini-Reunion - please get your photos and report to me after the event. Be sure to identify the folks in the photo/s.
    Remember whenever you hold it and report it, I will be sure to publicize it in this magazine. Just give me the story and some good photos. John Kline, Editor
Association Head Count 11/24/2004
Life Members (Vets) 698
Annual Members (Vets) 582
Total Vets 1,280
Life Associate Members 159
Annual Assoc Members 120
Total Associates 279
Comp Members 15
    Editor, John Kline, 423/M 11 Harold Drive Burnsville, MN 55337-2786 Tele 952-890-3155 Fax: 952-426-1131 Web site\user\jpk Email:
    Grosslangenfeld, Germany, the positions of the 106th RECON TROOP will be one of the featured stories in the Oct-Nov-Dec CUB magazine.
    Paul Thompson, 106 Recon has written an excellent paper on that battle. The stiff resistance of the 106th RECON TROOP is well documented not only in American reports, but in the opposing German Army reports.
    The 106th RECON held Grosslangenfeld with fierce resistance. It is written so in history. Josef Reusch, Associate Member, a resident of Grosslangenfeld, is dedicating a monument to the battle in and around his home village. In will be in place by 16 December 2004. The stubborn defense of the 106th Recon is recognized.
Pictures and story of the dedication in next CUB.
The CUB of the Golden Lion 15
Front & Center...
    106th Infantry Division Association, Inc. Treasurer's Report - July 1, 2003 thru June 30, 2004 Respectfully Submitted Richard L Rigatti Treasurer July 12, 2004
Associate Dues 81,010.00
Auxiliary Dues 442.00
Member Dues 8,540.00
Life Dues 3 510.00
TOTAL DUES 513 502 00
Reunion Surplus 7,261.57
Donations 1,550.00
Interest and Dividends 892.42
Sale of Books 70.00
Sale of Merchandise 118.00
Sherod Collins Memorial Fund 350.00
ADA Representative $25.00
Andersonville Memorial (340.00)
Bank Charges 157.28
Collections 459.60
Computer Repair 227.37
Computer Software 901.34
Computer Supplies 567.00
CUB Magaz,ne
Assembly 857.00
Covers 2,012.00
Envelopes 782.00
Insides 3,017.00
Layout 1,044.00
Mail Service 4,278,18
Poly Plates 462.00
Printing 4,064.00
Liability Insurance Mailing and Messages

 S16 516 18 304.00 3,013.78

Sherod Collins
Camp Atterbury World War ll
Various Overseas St Vith

Office Expense 501.85
Office Supplies 336.50
Officers' Bond 170.00
OGL Medals 397.31
56`th Reunion Expenses 1,207.79
57th Reunion Mailing 1.462.86
Need of Funds from Savings 4, 368. 74
Main Street Bank Edward Jones
Beginning Balance S3,414.61 $65,965.38 Transfers
5,000.00 (5,000.00)
Receipts 22.851 57 892 42
Disbursements 28,112 73 -0-
Balance June 30, 2004 $3,153 45 1,857 80
    History of Needed Funds: (2004) 4 368.74 (2003) 4,764 44 (2002) 2.670 94 (2001) 3,185,68 (2000) 8,819.95 (St. Vth 4,143.24) (1999) 2,199.13
The CUB of the Golden Lion 16
Front & Center ...
Under 35 $360
36-50 $300
51-60 $180
61 & Over $120
Spouse of LIFE Member $40
 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP Single $30 Husband & Wife $40

     American Ex-Prisoners of War 3201 E. Pioneer Parkway, Suite 40, Arlington, TX 76010 Fone: (817) 649-2979 Fax: (817) 649-0109 email:
MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS Disability Compensation
'or. A. C:airn AssLilancc
Medical Rescarc-h Monthly Bulletin Washington Officie LegisLaticat National Organization 'eterans & Families
Donations since Jul-Aug-Sep 2004 Cub Your generosity is appreciated
Donations -- General
Billiet, Claude Belgium 10
Reported in May as Billiet DC $5
Black, Ewell C. 100
Brown, Ray 15
Davis, Rinard 40
Parker, Rkhard B.
Roberts, Jack Past-Pres 200
from sale of h. book "Escape,
Siedschlag, Arnold 10
In Memory of Essie Edelman
Essie was the wife of Lou Edeleman 423/M
A regular attender of State and National Reunions Saul and Marilyn Newman 25
Editor's Note:
    We have over the years, listed books in "The CUB" as a service to our 106th Infantry Division authors, as well as to other persons (authors) with a story to tell about the 106th in World War II.
    Advertisement or representation of "any book" in The CUB Magazine does not express acceptance of or an official opinion by the "106th Infantry Division Association, officers, Board of Directors or Editor."
Its up to you to judge for yourself whether to purchase or not purchase.
The CUB of the Golden Lion 17
Front & Center . . .
Special NOTICE
106th PX has been discontinued
John Gilliland PX Manager, announced that the 106th PX is closed.
However: He will have several items for sale at the 59th Annual Reunion in Mobile, Alabama next September.
If you are looking for items now Gilliland suggests:
Leslie L. Brown, 4132 E 36th Place, OK 75135
Phone: 918-742-7133
Such items as Bolo Ties, Silver & Black; Gold and Black; with Gold and Black
rope at $19.50 each delivered. Leslie also has Miniature and Regulation Medals.
Leslie is a Ex-POW having fought in the South Pacific War.
Leslie suggests: Hoover's Manufacturing Company,
4133 Progress Boulevard, PO Box 547
Peru. IL 61354. Phone 815-223-1159.
    with an impressive list of WWII medals and other "PX Items." The website advertises this: YOUR NUMBER ONE SOURCE FOR MILI
Order Toll Free 888-223-1159 Hours Mon. through Friday am to 4:30 pm CST.
Another source suggested by Ralph Wyss 424/L
MEDALS of AMERICA 800-308-0849, and H.J.Saunders, 800-442-3133,
Heads UP - If you are 100% - Listen Up...
    The spouse and children of a veteran who has been adjudicated by VA as having a total disability, permanent in nature, resulting from service connected disabilities may be eligible for medical benefits under the Department of Veterans Affairs program
Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans affairs commonly referred to as: CHAMPVA
    You may obtain an application for Medical Benefits for Dependents or Survivors - CHAMPVA, VAF 10-10d by contacting the CHAMPVA Center at PO Box 65024, Denver, CO 80206-5024 or by telephone (toll free) at 1-800-733-8387.
(Mistakenly reported in the last CUB magazine as 1-800-733-8373. Excuse any inconvenience John Kline)
You can also access information on the web:
    This could save you thousands of dollars in Drug and Secondary Insurance premiums. Prescribed Drugs come by mail - regular as clock work. Check it out. You may choose to drop your spouse' supplemental Hospital Policy, when she is covered by CHAMPVA. That would be a personal choice you have to make. Personally my wife and I can vouch for it: She is covered under CHAMP VA.
J Kline Editor, The CUB
The CUB of the Golden Lion 18
Front & Center...
    John R. Schaffner 589/A, Historian, 106m Inf. Div. Association. 1611 Miller Road, Cockeysville, MD 21030 410-584-2754 pumexim@bcpfnet
    Your Association Historian has been in touch with, and has made a visit to, the U S. Army Heritage and Educational Center at Carlisle, PA. (Formerly known as the U S. Army War College.) This facility is the archives for preserving the mementos and memorabilia of U. S. Army veterans and organizations. It occupies a new, modern, purpose built, building that is accessible to anyone wanting to research individuals, units, and actions of, the U. S. Army from its inception to current times.
    My first visit was made to deposit various and sundry books, documents, manuscripts, and records pertaining to the 106. Infantry Division that had been accumulated by our former Historian, Sherod Collins. I still have a large amount of material that I must screen before making another trip.
    If you have any materials, memoirs, souvenirs of WW II that you would like to see preserved you can get in touch with:
Asst Director, Collection Management
US Army Heritage and Education Center
950 Soldiers Drive
Carlisle Barracks, PA 17013-5021
(717) 245-4139
Email: or
You will find the staff at the Center amiable and anxious to serve you.
    You can feel free to bypass me as the Association Historian and go directly to Mr. Vetock. He can advise you about how to donate or will your items to the archives, and in particular, exactly what type of materials they are interested in preserving..
    Currently our Associate Member, Jim West, is recording all of the copies of The Cub onto CD disks to make them available to anyone wanting to review this historical material. When the job is completed the CD's will be offered through The Cub at a nominal cost. Jim West is donating his time and skills to accomplish this formidable task. Of course, one would require a computer to take advantage of the CD's.
    Thanks for sending your old copies of The CUB Magazine. They will be used for Association Members seeking "Old Issues" of The CUB magazine.
Received during the last quarter of this fiscal year.
Various issues from John L. Whitehead, 423/HQ 1Bn Robert G. Hirst, 424/HQ 1Bn
Two huge boxes of past issues from Nell N. Mills, Widow of Col Eric Mills, 422/HQ 1Bn
The CUB of the Golden Lion 19
Front & Center ...
    The True Story of a World War II P.O.W. The Germans Couldn't Hold by John M. "Jack" Roberts, Association Past-President
    "Jack" Roberts, "C" Battery, 592nd Field Artillery Battalion, recently published a book about his experiences during the "Battle of the Bulge" in December 1944 where he was ambushed and captured by the Germans.
    The book, 237 pages, with a colorful cover, gives a detailed account of his harrowing experiences telling how he was able to escape his German captors, while behind enemy lines, before reaching a POW compound. Early chapters in the book gives the reader an overview of his youth, including his military training leading up to his
    capture. The book then concludes with his adjustment to civilian life with it's rewards after discharge from the Army.
    Order from and make payable to: John M. Roberts, 1059 Alter Road, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304. Email: Telephone: 1-248-338-2667 Price: $27.95 includes Shipping
456 pages $50.00 + $6 shipping
    Author Dean F. Jewett 168th Combat Engineers, PO Box 148, Saco ME 04072 Author made two trips to St. Vith, Rhine River, Armor School Library, Military History Institute, plus personal information from 168th Combat Veterans
    168th Combat Engineer Battalion, was attached to the 106th Inf Division at St. Vith. Their three line companies were defending the Prumerberg. A battalion of 600 men suffered 335 casualties, 33 KIA, the others wounded, POWs or MIA. The 168th is credited with Normandy Invasion, Northern France, Rhineland, assault crossing of the Rhine River, Central Europe. Ending up near Czechoslovakia..
1st Books Library, 1663 Liberty Drive, Suite 200 Bloomington, IN 47403 Telephone 1-888-280-7715 www. I
    Also available through Amazon, Barnes and Nobles and Borders at $14.95. Any book store can order the book by Title, Author or ISBN Number
    Here is the story of a young draftee in World War II who experienced life in the Armored Force, the Army Air Force pilot training program and the reality of combat in an Infantry Division. On line with the 106th in a quiet sector of the Ardennes, these foot soldiers were in the direct path of the massive German offensive that became known as The Battle of the Bulge. Overwhelmed by the sheer might of numbers and firepower arrayed against them, they managed to upset the enemy timetable until forced to surrender on the fourth day of what has been called the greatest battle of the war in terms of men and machines. This book is about an individual and his experiences under fire and as a prisoner of war, liberation by the Russian Army and his adventures on a hike across country to rejoin the American Army. Here, an attempt has been made to create the feeling of the times in addition the problems of the moment. It is a book about real people in a tragic period of history.
The CUB of the Golden Lion 20
Front & Center . .
    A TEENS WAR ... TRAININ COMBAT, CAPTURE Author Hal Taylor, 423/CN, 2172 Rockridge Dr., Grand Junction, CO 81503 hal 1 970-245-7807
Available as a hard copy or electronic transfer.
    A Teen's War describes the experiences of a small town boy in the latter stages of World War II. Portions originated from letters written home about induction, training, and time overseas with the 423rd Regiment of the 106th Infantry Division and that unit's short period of combat in the Battle of the Bulge.
    The story is unique compared to most war books, for it contains none of the pedantic pretenses of most military histories, filled with strategy or the so-called 'Big Picture.' Instead, A Teen's War tells how a young, private soldier became aware of reality and the world around him despite his limited view.
    All readers who have ever heard the words, 'missing in action,' will find this book interesting. Readers who were prisoners of war themselves, particularly of the Ger-mans, will recall those hellish times and understand that recollection enables one to live and to cope with the realities of today.
Author Helen von Erck; Shown and accepted at the 58th Annual Reunion
Check your local stores and the Internet for prices.
    Available at and Her book is also available on her website wwwwarmthofasong.corn
ISBN: 1-4017-9656-6 (Soft Cover) ISBN 1-407-9655-8 (Hard Cover)
    Almost as if torn from today's headlines comes the riveting story of patriotism and courage, love and comradeship, as told in The Warmth of a Song. Set against WWII's The Battle of the Bulge, this adventurous tale is inspired by actual eye-witness accounts. As Hawk Clarke fights for God and country, when the platoon he leads narrowly escapes from the German Panzer battalion that has them surrounded, he also learns the greatest freedom of all -the courage it takes to free the human spirit. Returning to Boston after a sniper's bullet penetrated his spine, Hawk moums the loss of his once strong legs. Can he break free from the cage he feels his life has become in time to help an old woman release a miracle?
Helen von Erck:
    Helen von Erck lives in Atlanta, Georgia with her daughter, Hayley. While growing up in South County, Rhode Island, she began cultivating a lifelong fascination with history. She has turned that interest into a passion, and has conducted in-depth research into the life and times of the 1940's and World War II. She attended the University of Rhode Island and the University of Denver where she studied Business Management with a minor in Creative Writing. As a child, Helen started cultivating her storyteller skills, while she entertained the other kids on the playground with her stories. She later began her professional writing career as a restaurant reviewer writing for an entertainment newspaper in New Hampshire. This is her debut novel.
The CUB of the Golden Lion 21
Front & Center .. .
A Chronicle of Life and Death and Survival During World War II By George K. Zak, 422/M
    This book is available from the author for $13.00 (includes shipping cost). 6159 Brookside Lane, Apt A, Willowbrook, IL 60527. Copies are also available from for $10.95 plus S & H.
    This is a fascinating, eloquent account of a 19 year old trying to grow to manhood in the middle of a deadly world war. After briefly describing his rigorous training as an infantry soldier, including some semi-comic events while learning to drive a jeep, he and his buddies were finally off to war in Europe as well-trained, confident
members of the 106" Infantry Division.
    Shortly after arriving at the battle front in December, 1944 during a bone-chilling, bitter cold winter, the majority of the Division was surrounded and finally overwhelmed in a bloody battle, by a much larger, more powerful German force during the beginning of the Battle of the Bulge. Thousands of young soldiers, including Zak, were forced to surrender. The rest of the book describes his life in three different camps as a prisoner of war. He gives a gripping account of the fear, the misery and the many dangers he often faced. As a prisoner he escaped death from bombs, machine gun fire, and a German guard's rifle bullet shot at him. He was hungry all the time, always under guard and powerless, and unsure of his ultimate fate. He mourned the death of many of his fellow soldiers during the battle, some at his side, and constantly worried whether his parents knew if he was alive or dead.
    Zak ends his book describing the arrival of the Russian army and the surprising and disappointing beginning of the Cold War with the Russians. A well-told, remarkable story.
Compiled, Edited and reproduced by Robert Skopek, Associate member.
    By Chaplain Fr. Paul W. Cavanaugh S.J., (Captain) 422nd Regiment. Chaplain Cavanaugh who was a POW at Stalag1X-B, Bad Orb and Oflag XIII-B, Hammelburg Bavaria. 252 pages of Father Cavanaugh's writings and photographs.
    Many of you will remember Chaplain Father Cavanaugh, who was such a wonderful support during your service days and particularly so during the stressful times as a POW. He was of such support in the Box-Cars and during the long marches and the bombing at Limburg, Germany and the Christmas days, when you were thinking so strongly of home. He led many of you in the singing of Christmas Carols in the boxcars. He also held services in the POW Camps. He was cherished by those that knew him, and those he served.
    This book, "PRO DEO PATRIA" was very popular at the 58th Annual Reunion in Milwaukee. Every cent of the proceeds that were gained there was given as a gracious gift, by Skopek, to the Association.
The CUB of the Golden Lion 22
Front & Center...
    In two volumes - Published by TRACES, a nonprofit educational organization committed to telling the stories of Midwesterners and their WW II experiences. Volume 1 - (270 pages) Tells the stories of 9 soldiers who were POWs in Nazi Germany during WW II. Includes documents and photos as well personal journals and diaries. Paperback. $20. Add postage, see below.
    Includes Wm Blackwell and Charles Lloyd Jones, 168th infantry, 34th Division; Carl Schneider, 133rd Infantry, 34th Division; George Rosie, 506th Paratroopers, 101st Airborne; Delbert Berninghaus, John Kline and Elmer Sorensen, 423rd Regiment, 106th Division; James Fuller, 422nd Regiment, 106th Division; and Oliver Omanson, 179th Regiment, 45th Division.
    Volume 2 - (170 pages) Companion to the above, this one includes the stories of 6 airmen who were POWs in Nazi Germany during WW II. Paperback $20. Add postage, see below. Purchase together and enjoy a special price - $35
One book $1.50 media mail or $3.95 express mail
Two books $2.00 media mail or $6.00 express mail
Send orders to: Pat Schultz
24640 305th Street, Nora Springs, IA 50458
a book of poems inspired by World War II... by Dale R. Carver
HQs Co., 3Bn AtIP Platoon Leader
424th Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division
    By Dale Carver, Poet Laureate (deceased) 106. Inf Division Association Order from Ruth Carver 742 Druid Circle, Baton Rouge, LA 70808 $10.00 Post-paid

     Dale, died in 2001. He had written poetic memories of the War. His poems appeared in "The CUB" for several years. They all bring back memories and visions of the times.
    Dale was awarded the Silver Star for Valor. He disabled German mines, while under attack, that had been placed under a bridge.
    For that he received a battle field promotion (from 2nd to 1st Lt.) and was awarded the Silver Star for "gallantry under fire."
    He told me, during one reunion, that he thought it, the Silver Star, should have been for another time when he led a group of soldiers through a live mine field to safety. The soldiers had walked into the mine field and were "frozen in fear."
The CUB of the Golden Lion 23
Front & Center...
    By: Dr. Beverly Peterson RN, MSN, Ph.D., and Richard Peterson Ph.D., MBA. (deceased) Dr. Beverly Peterson is a retired Navy Psychiatric Nurse.
    Dr. Richard Peterson (deceased) was a former 106th Infantry Weapons Platoon Sergeant 423/1 and was a prisoner of war.
    Dick, as you know was very active in our Association. He had served on the Association Board, had been recognized by the French for his work in connection with research on Stalag IX-A, Ziegenhain. He attended several joint meetings with the French - after the war. It was after this research and many returns to Ziegenhain that he wrote CHILD WARRIORS, (see below) which many of you have read..
    Both Dick, before his death, and his wife, Beverly, worked with clients suffering from PTSD. This is a book written for people trying to understand what trauma has done to their lives and their families and to help the counselors who help them in alleviating their agonies. $18.00 Postpaid.
For ordering information see below - bottom of page.
A Search for Inner Peace
    By Dr. Richard Peterson, Ph.D., (deceased) "I" Co., 423rd Infantry Regiment, I 06th I it thrifty Division. Order from Consultors Incorporated, See below.
An autobiographical study of the long range effects of combat and captivity on young soldiers.
December 1944 - The Ardennes Forest - Battle of the Bulge
    Healing the Child Warrior is a book to give to your children and grandchildren. It recounts what you couldn't tell them about December 1944 when two entire infantry regiments and many smaller groups of soldiers totally disappeared in the Ardennes Forest of Germany. The author, now a psychotherapist, was there as an infantry sergeant. He captures the furious fighting in the first days of the Battle of the Bulge, and the long lasting effects of combat on the young soldiers who fought in it.
    He recounts the suffering and despair of prisoners of war, especially in Stalag IXB and Stalag IXA. He discusses and analyzes the feelings of confusion and withdrawal after the return home.
Soft cover, illustrated with archival and current photos of camps. $15.00 Postpaid
Pay by Check or MCNisa - Address request to:
Consultors, Inc.
1285 Rubenstein Avenue
Cardiff by the Sea, CA 92007.
The CUB of the Golden Lion 25
Front & Center .. .
    Slaughter House V, Dresden, Germany - Photo taken in recent years - A photo that still brings back memories to many 106th soldiers that suffered in that infamous POW work camp location.
Listen UP, You ex-POWs - This is for you.
This is the last time I will repeat this - It is important information for your former POW's
    There are new regulations pertaining to benefits available to former Prisoners of War. I know there are some of you ex-POWs who, for one reason or another - have not taken benefit of the existing programs furnished by the VA System. I know for a fact that the VA system is working, and it will work for you, whether you were fortunate enough not to be captured or fall into the Ex-POW classification.
    The modem VA System has a new awareness of the injuries and types of disabilities suffered by ALL combat veterans. You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to take advantage of the existing services. If you have any doubts about it. My email address, my home address and telephone number are listed under my photo in this FRONT & CENTER Section. I am not authorized by the VA, I can only give you my personal experiences.
    The following reading was taken from VA literature that was at my disposal. So read the following and get with it. Get in touch with POW Coordinator in the nearest VA facility nearest you, OR get in touch with one of the Service Organizations, like the DAV, or whatever National Service Organization you belong to. Let them know you were a POW and file a claim.
John Kline Editor, The CUB
From VA Literature
Who are former prisoners of war?
    Since World War I, more than 142,000 Americans, including 85 women, have been captured and interned as POWs Not included in this figure are nearly 93,000 Americans who were lost or never recovered. Only one third of America's former POWs since World War I are still living (about 36,500). More than 90% of living former POWs were captured and interned during World War II. Over 21,000 former POWs are in receipt of compensation for service-connected injuries, diseases, or illnesses.
The CUB of the Golden Lion 26
Front & Center ...
    In 1981, Congress passed Public Law 97-37 entitled "Former Prisoners of War Benefit Act." 'This law accomplished several things. It established an Advisory Committee on Former Prisoners of War and mandated medical and dental care. It also identified certain diagnoses as presumptive service connected conditions for former POWs. Subsequent public laws and policy decisions by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs have added additional diagnoses to the list of presumptive conditions.
What are the presumptive conditions for forrner POWs?
    Today, former POWs are generally entitled to a presumption of service-connec-tion for five diseases, regardless of the length of captivity, if manifested to a degree of 10 percent or more after discharge or release from active military, naval or air service. These diseases are: Psychosis - Any of the Anxiety States; Dysthymic disorder, or depressive neurosis; Cold Injury; Post-traumatic osteoarthritis
    If a former POW was interned for 30 days or more, the following additional diseases are presumed to be service-connected;
    Avitaminosis; Beriberi; Chronic Dysentery; Cirrhosis of the Liver; Helminthiasis; Irritable Bowel Syndrotne; Malnutrition, including associated Optic Atrophy; Pellagra and any other nutritional deficiency; Peptic Ulcer Disease; Peripheral Neuropathy, except where directly related to infectious causes; Ischemic Heart Diseases.
    * Ischemic Heart Disease (coronary artery disease), applies to former POWs who sufferedfrom edema (swelling of the legs or feet) during captivity, also known as "wet" beriberi.
How should a former POW apply for VA Compensation?
    Former POWs can apply t'or Compensation tbr their service-connected injuries, diseases or illnesses by completing VA Form 21-526 (Veterans Application for Compensation or Pension), and submitting it to the VA regional office serving their.
They can also apply on the Internet at Are there medical benefits for POWs?
    The VA health care system affords priority treatment for former POWs. Those who have a service connected disability are eligible for VA health care. This in-cludes hospital, nursing home, and outpatient treatment. Former POWs who do not have a service-connected disability are eligible for VA hospital and nursing home care - without regard to their ability to pay. They are also eligible for outpatient care on a priority basis - second only to veterans with service-connected disabilities. While former POWs are receiving treatment in an approved outpatient treatment program, they are eligible for needed medicines, glasses, hearing aids, or prostheses. They are also eligible for all needed dental care. There is no copayment requirement for former POWs at VA pharmacies.
The CUB of the Golden Lion 27
Front & Center .. .
Are there benefits for survivors of former POWs?
    Yes. The major benefit is Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) which is a monthly benefit payable to the surviving spouse (and the former POW's children and parents in some cases) when the former POW:
• was a service member who died on active duty; or
• died from service-related disabilities; or
    • died on or before September 30, 1999 and was continuously rated totally disabled for a service connected condition (including individual unemployability) for at least 10 years immediately preceding death; or
    • died after September 30, 1999, and was continuously rated totally disabled for a service connected condition (including individual unemployability) for at least 1 year immediately preceding death.
    DIC is terminated for a surviving spouse who remarries, but can be resumed if the remarriage ends in death, divorce or annulment.
    Also, a surviving spouse who remarries on or after attaining age 57, and on or after December 16, 2003, can continue to receive DIC.
    However, a surviving spouse who remarried before December 16, 2003, and on or after attaining age 57, must apply no later than December 15, 2004, to have DIC restored. VA must deny applications received after that date.
Are there related benefits for former POWs and their dependents/survivors?
    The following are other significant VA benefits to which certain veterans may be entitled: disability pension, medical care, education and training, home loan guaranty, and burial benefits.
    Certain disabled veterans may be eligible for vocational rehabilitation and employment services, insurance, clothing allowance, special adapted housing assistance, and specially adapted automobile equipment. Certain dependents/survivors may be entitled to health care, death pension, education and training, home loan guaranty, and burial in a national cemetery.
Contact your VA for more information.
Is special assistance available to former POWs?
    Each VA Regional Office has a coordinator for former POWs. Any former POW who needs special assistance should ask to speak to the POW Coordinator. Additional POW information is available at
The CUB of the Golden Lion 28
New Members .. .
Editor's Note:
For you new members that have joined and did not send a short story of what happened to you in your life:.
Please feel free to send us a short story about your history and/ or experiences.
We would be happy to print it in one of the upcoming quarterly publications.
As you can see, in this column, several have given us "Their Story."
Our readers love to read about the life you lived in service as well as after service.
John Kline, editor
7885 SW Westmoor Portland, OR 97225 Tele: 503-292-1566
122 E Main Manly, IA 50546 Tele: 641-454-2737
CAIN, LUCAS ALEXANDER ASSOC 5020 Windover Dr. Pittsburgh, PA 15205 Tele: 412-809-0574
656 Tanager Drive, Bluefield, VA 24605 276-326-2094
3441 Oleander Ave. Alameda, CA 94502
    Drafted after high school in 1944. Completed Basic Training (Bugler/ Infantry - never got to know the Bugle thereafter) Camp Blanding, Florida then to Fort Hood Texas into a holding assignment. At this stage 18 year old servicemen were not sent overseas. Late Summer 'I was sent to Camp Atterbury to join the Division.
    Then on to Bambury, England, France and to the front at or nearby Winterspelt. Company "C" was ordered into combat early morning 16 December 1944.
I received a shrapnel wound the same day and was alone when I was taken prisoner.
Because of that I cannot recall any other survivors.
    I was held as a POW in Stalag III A Luchenwald. Then in marching columns, traveling in circles, it seemed) until we came under control of the U.S. Army. After the war I graduated from the University of Maryland, worked briefly with the U.S. Department of State, and retired as a Research Analyst as a career Federal employee, U.S. Navy.
I am married with three boys and have lived here since 1978.
213 Church Street Chatham, IL 62629 217-483-2648
3436 Suncrest Ave. San Jose CA 95312
22808 Dusty Trail Blvd. Sun City West, AZ 85357 623-214-0494 Email: bonihi©
    At the risk of having you say "It's about time." I am enclosing my membership fees for the 106th Infantry Division Association.
    I am a member of the AXPOW National and local organizations - also my wife, Nita and I along with our oldest daughter and her husband attended the WWII Memorial Dedication Ceremonies in Washington D.C.
    I am including a copy my "Honorable Discharge papers" in case it is needed. I was captured on 17 December, taken to Stalag 12-A then to Stalag 4-B, Muhl-berg, Germany where we were eventually liberated by the Russians.
    Editor's note: Thanks Robert. Welcome back to the 106th. The discharge papers were not needed, but thank you anyway. J Kline. (Cub Editor)
The CUB of the Golden Lion 29
New Members .. .
272 Coste Bella Palm Desert, CA 92260 760-568-3319
ATTENTION! Editor's's Note:
    My apologies to Peter lees, 423/B and Frank Owego. My apologies to Peter for presenting his name on page 14, without his story (Refer to page 15 in the JUL-AUG-SEP Cub Magazine) I mistakenly presented his story under the name of Frank Oropello , 2nd Rangers on page 15.
    In a recent letter Peter Ives pointed this out and added considerable text to his story. At this point the best that I can do is say, please read Peter lye's story, (shown under the name of Frank Oropello, on page 15 of the Jul-Aug-Sep 2004 CUB and identify it with Peter Ives, on page 14. I talked to Peter's daughter this evening. He was in the hospital recovering from a heart ailment. We wish him the best of luck and again apologize for the mix-up.
    To add to the confusion I will post the membership of Frank Oropello again. This time without Peter Ives story attached. See next.
11196 Elmont Road Ashland VA 23005 804-798-3998 Email:
    I talked to Frank, this evening. He said he had heard from Peter Ives about the misplaced story. Frank, in his membership submission had not presented his story.
    He told me on the phone, this evening, that he had trained with the 106th and was one of those that was shipped out after "Maneuvers." He was assigned to the 2nd Rangers. Consequently he was among the 2nd Rangers that attacked Pont du Hoc on D-Day.
A salute to Frank for that.... JACCINO, ANTHONY C 423/H
5 Linn outh Rd. Malveme, NY 11564
    I was a S/Sgt with 423/H #32 829 160. My Stalag 9A-9B POW number was #23578, from Dec 17, '44 to March 30 1945. I am happy to have discovered the 106th Infantry Division Association and become a member.
67 Rue de Mont-Saint-Pont B-1440 Braine-Le-Chateau BELGIUM Email:
    For several months now, Roland has been helping me, John Kline, your editor - reconstruct the "Withdrawal" route of the Third Battalion of the 423rd Regiment from the Schneifel to the hill south of Schoenberg where it all ended.
He has been back and forth to the area several times. Roland has sent me many photos and his maps of the area.
    I hope to, soon, have a report for you in The CUB on his great work. I want to thank him very much for his supreme efforts in trying to locate the route we took from the Schneifel Hill positions across country to Schonberg where we met the Germans, already in Schonberg.
    Roland has a Satellite GPS locator that can tell him exactly where "On Earth" he is. He has shot many photos and TV film of the area in his numerous trips to the area. Most of his travel is by motorcycle. Along with that he has used Colonel Alan Jones maps, that I have listed on the Internet at that descibes the route taken by the
1st battalion of the 423rd.
    Also I found some of Colonel Cavender's (423rd Commander) notes that he used in making his report to the Inquiry Board, shortly after returning to States in 1945.
The CUB of the Golden Lion 30
New Members...
    Since Winter is setting into the region, this project may be delayed until next Spring. I had a report of 5 inches of snow falling on the Schneifel this week.
    Roland is making great progress. Any information you can furnish that will enable him to "cross check" the information he has - will be appreciated. You can write him, or drop me the information and I will forward for you. John Kline editor
(Winter) 4611 East Washington Way
Esero. FL 33928
    'I he following three new members are sons and daughters of Richard Rigatti, 423/B, Past-President of the 106th Infantry Division Association, Past Board member and Association Treasurer.
311 Cornwall Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15238 412-828-0836
2086 N Ponce De Leon Atlanta. GA 30307 404-373-5706
8110 Sherman Ave Fresno, CA 93720
197 Thurmond Road Statham, GA 50666 770-725-0071
733 Tralee Drive Bethel Park, PA 15102 412--833-3320 alsax733©
    Son of Robert B. Morrison 424/G, Deceased. 1 just talked to Robert and he says he likes to go by the name of "Alan." Note that he also has an email address. He will accept any inquiries.
2451 Steff-Ann Dr. Adrian, Ml 49221 [mail
21 Deerwood Lane Westport, CT 06880 203-227-0483
44300 W River Pkwy S #508 Minneapolis, MN 55406-3681 612-721-8951
    Paul, since we are literally neighbors, (1 live in Burnsville, MN) it is nice to see your name as a new member. Also hello to your wife Florence who signed on as an "Auxiliary Member."
5941 Tuckahoe Lane Dublin, OH 43016 inri9851244@aol.corn
Michael is the son of Robert Ringer, Service Company, 591st FAB
12620 N Lake Forest Ct. Mequon, 1/41 53902 262-247-2107
8 Sunrise Lane Oceanview, DE 19970
Jack wrote, "John, put me back on the books again. Here is $30 bucks for whatever it will cover.
I would be interested in hearing from anybody who was in "I" Company, 424th Combat Infantry Regiment.
1547 as Lake Road McDonough. GA 30252 770-954-0053
The CUB of the Golden Lion 31
New Members . . .
The following two members were signed on by Life member -Rinard Davis, Kansas City, MO 422/HQ 3rd Battalion.
Rinard also enclosed a SIO0 donation to the Association.
Thank you Rinard for your support. Rinard wrote, "Clifton was my buddy in 3Bn HQ, 422nd Regiment.
    He was a POW. He came into the 106th shortly after me. After he was discharged he went back to school and taught Math in Baltimore.
I did get him to Washington for men's Lunch." signed Rinard Davis.
4 Sloop Lane
Berlin MD 21811-7724
Clifton as a LIFE Member and his wife Willie as LIFE Auxiliary (Sponsored by Rinard Davis)
610 So. Noland Rd
Independent, MO 64050
Donna as a Life Associate member (Sponsored by Rinard Davis.)
One Cuenca Lane Hot Springs Village, AR 71909 501-915-9908 Email:
    My war started in June 1943 with me enlisting into the Signal Corps. I went to Radar School in Ashland, Wisconsin, alter transferred to ASTP at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. Then I was sent to Fort Benning, Georgia and on to the 106th in March 1944.
    I drove for the Executive Officer of 422/D. I was transferred to last ammo bearer in a 422/M machine gun squad. After being captured I was sent to Stalag 1V-B.
I worked at a brick factory 3 Km south of Wittenburg.
    In April, we were marched back and forth between Russian and American lines, eventually we were liberated by the 104th Infantry Division at Bitterfeld.
    1 graduated with B.S. E. (EE) from U of Michigan in 1950. Married 55 years, 4 children (3 boys and a girl) Retired as a PE (Professional Engineer) in December 1992,
    I traveled US and Canada from Jan 1993 through 2001 in a pick up truck with a 25 foot -Fifth Wheel" four to six months every year. Moved from Iowa to Arkansas in November 1998. Play golf, baseball and bridge year around.
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Refreshment in Trier - L/F, M/Sgt Dave Westhausen USAF. David Ford. Barney Alford and John Gatens
Commentary and story by John Schaffner, 589/A
    This morning we woke to sounds of a bugle playing "Reveille." Would you believe it!? "I can't get' em up, I can't get 'ern up!!!" Yep, it was a vague moment until I could realize that I was sleeping on a military base. It has been a long time.
    Today was to be an informal, play it by ear, type of day. Dave Westhausen came to the Lodge to pick us up and we all went over to the base Burger King for a light breakfast. Some of our WW II Society friends were there and we made plans to go into Bitburg to visit the cemetery where then President, Ronald Reagan, had attended a ceremony with the German leaders. Ed Lapotsky led the group and, as he had been in command of the security at that meeting some years ago, was able to give us a very compre-hensive tour of the cemetery. Reagan's visit there later became a controversial issue since this was the site of graves of some of the infamous German SS. Dave Westhausen and we four then parted company with our WW II Society friends and proceeded on our own to visit the ancient city of Trier. The road that we approached the city on was buniper-to-bumper and very slow moving, and we had to search for a place to park the car. This city is one that has a structure known as the "Porta Nigra." It is an entrance gate, once a part of the wall that surrounded the city, when this city was occupied by the Romans. It is a massive structure, open to the public, and several stories high. Of course the younger types were climbing to the top of it, but we were satisfied just to look up. (We wore out our "climbers" long ago.) Trier is a major tourist attraction and it would be fun to just hang around and "people watch" if you had the time. All of these old cities have their cathedral, this being no exception. It is another massive structure that makes one wonder at the skills of the craftsmen who erected and
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    decorated it many hundred years ago. We wandered on through the crowds on the main drag and stopped at a couple of places to sample the pastries and wine before leaving. The streets were literally jammed with people on this day as it was a holiday. It was a nice stop and we enjoyed our visit very much.
    It was late in the afternoon when we got back to where Dave and Sue Westhausen live in the village of Speicher. We visited for a while and met their children and caught up on family "stuff." That evening we walked to a neat little Italian restaurant for a nice dinner. When it became time to depart it was like leaving family. Dave escorted us back to the Spangdahlem Air Base and saw that we had no problems with the security.
    This day we drove north to the village of Thimister-Clermont to visit the "Remember Museum 39-45" and the couple who own and operate it, Mathilda and Marcel Schmetz. I would like to think that we are the only ones who
May 22, 2004 John Gatens 589/A holding display at "Remember 39-45 Museum"
Thimister-Clermont, Belgium honoring him.
    receive the warm welcome that they offer, but I am sure that they are the same with other American visitors. There is usually a
May 22, 2004 Display at -Remember 39-45 Museum- Thimister-Clermont, Belgium honoring John Schaffner 589/A
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    table set for something to eat and drink and lots of enthusiasm to show us the latest. The latest in this case was an M10 Tank Destroyer that Marcel was crafting, full scale, from wood, that when finished he will display to visitors. I doubt that anyone will be able to tell it from the real thing (unless they kick the treads.) They also had a most pleasant surprise for me. My good friend from Oostend, Nick Jonckheere, was there to greet us. I have known Nick now for about ten years, but we don't see each other often. Nick is into restoring old motorcycles and he brought his latest to show off. It is a 1951 FN, and it is in perfect condition. We were escorted through the entire collection by Mathilda and Marcel. Their dioramas include some contributions from our 106. Veterans. John Swett's uniform appears on a manikin in one of the displays as an example. Ken Smith, John Swett, John Gatens, Hugh Colbert, and I are all featured in "Then and Now" displays. There is a Red Ball semi truck that we all have left our autographs on. Any vet visiting is asked to participate like this, and any WW II item that he might want to donate to the museum will be displayed. M & M never sell, give, or trade these items.
    While we were there we questioned Marcel about gaining entrance to Fort Battice that is only a few km's away. He got on the phone and made arrangements for us to join in a tour about to begin. Fort Battice is one of several "Maginot Line" type defenses built by Belgium in the 1930s in hopes of discouraging an invasion from Germany. They were soon overrun when the Blitzkreig began. Fort Battice is mainly underground, a long way underground, exactly 158 steps (I counted them) on a steel stairway. Before descending into the bowels of this monstrous installation we inspected the weapons bunker on the surface. It housed 75mm cannon and a variety of machine guns, but once a high-powered shell penetrated the walls it was all over. There are other cupolas on the surface that housed big guns and could be raised to fire and then lowered. The thick armor and concrete on these weigh 120 tons and are operated by hydraulic lifts from below. As we watched, our guide raised and lowered one for us to see. "Now you see it, now you don't." It all must have been seen as a good idea at the time. This guide had long legs and he sure did wear us plumb out walking through those narrow tunnels. I doubt we will be tempted to do that again but it was worth seeing.
    Battice is the village where our Military Police carried out the execution of German soldiers who were captured while wearing American uniforms. They were tied to posts and shot by a firing squad. We went to the spot where this happened and viewed the wall that was directly behind those posts. It is located in a remote spot not accessible to just anyone. The location is on the property of a large trucking company. It so happened that Marcel knows these folks so he made the arrangements for us to visit the site. It is now overgrown with weeds and not easily reached, but we made the effort. We snapped a photo of the wall that clearly shows the area of impact of the bullets that were fired at the execution. Very sobering, it was the way things were done.
    Before leaving our friends, Mathilda and Marcel, we were asked to return on May 28 to visit with a class of 5. grade school children who would be there on a "field trip." We promised that we would.
    That evening we drove to Clervaux, Luxembourg, to our lodging at the Hotel Koener. We met with our old friend and curator of the WW II Museum in the castle,
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Frank Kieffer fora dinner, renew old acquaintances, and make plans for tomorrow.
MAY 23, 2004 SUNDAY
    The village of Wereth, Belgium, was to be our destination on this day to participate in the dedication of a Memorial to eleven soldiers of the 333. Field Artillery Battalion who were captured, and then murdered by German SS troops, during the Battle of the Bulge. Hitler's orders were to show no mercy. The SS did not. This is a unique Memorial as it is the first to be dedicated in Europe to only black American soldiers. The members of the 106. Infantry Division Association can be proud that they had an important role in the establishment of this Memorial. When we arrived at the location there was already a sizable crowd. We were very pleased to meet with our U.S. Air Force friends and also many of the CRIBA members. Josef Reusch, from Grosslangenfeld, Germany, was there along with his daughter, Anita, and her husband, Doug. Frank Kieffer came from Clervaux, Luxembourg. Our Netherlands friend, Hans Wijers, was there with a friend. Too bad we did not have time for talking with these nice people. There was the U. S. Army Color Guard, Army musicians, and other military people, including Lt. Gen.Ward. The General was there to give the dedication speech. And, of course, Adda and Willy Rikken who led this effort to fruition, and Dr. Norman Lichtenfeld, who was primarily responsible for raising much of the money to finance this project.
    The ceremony went off very well with the speeches and recognition of individuals, along with several groups presenting flowers. John Gatens, Bamey Alford, and I presented a large floral arrangement on behalf of the 106. Infantry DivisionAssociation.
    After the dedication ceremony we were invited to be guests at a luncheon in the village of Herresbach. The large hall was crowded with those attending the event. It was our pleasure to be seated at the head table with Adda Rikken and Lt. Gen. Ward. These honors were ours simply because we were representing the American veterans of all units, and our 106. Division Association.
    That evening we drove back to Josef Reusch's home for a visit and a light dinner. Before leaving, we spent some time in their garden where Barney (the horticulturist), and we, admired the flowers and vegetables that were growing there. The family also wanted us to see their village church so we all walked the short distance to make the inspection. By this time we were ready to head for the barn, so we bid fond adieu, boarded our Opel minivan, and drove to Clervaux where our accommodations were at the Hotel Koener.
MAY 24, 2004 MONDAY
    In the morning we met with Frank Kieffer for a tour around the Duchy of Luxembourg. We drove to a vantage point where we had a nice view of the village of Vianden, and the old castle that once was the main residence of the ruling family. This castle dates to 1417 and is the actual "Grand Ducal House of Luxembourg." It is interesting to note that the motto of the Luxembourg people is "We want to remain what we are." However, this does not make them immune from progress.
    From there we drove to the town of Echternacht. This town is another tourist delight. It holds the Abbey of St. Willibrord that has been there since year 698. This institution is still very active and the older sections are open to the public. While viewing the crypt that held the
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    Display of 589th FAB men in WWII Museum in the Castle at Clervaux, Luxembourg. Top: 1st Lt Bamet Alford 589/A received his battlefield commission as a 2nd It shortly after the battle at Parker's Crossroads." He was also awarded the 'Silver Star for action at the time. Lower left: Corporal John Schaffner 589/A and right, Corporal John Gatens, 589/APfc
    bones of St. Willibrord we were in the company of a class of school children making the tour. Willibrord was a most important person in this region having crusaded against the pagans to the north. His followers ascribed miraculous powers to him, swearing he could 'multiply' wine and cure the plague. He died in 739. After lunch we made a stop at the Ahn Caves Albert Berna-Ley, a winery in the village of Ahn situated on the banks of the Moselle River, on the Luxembourg side, of course. We spent a I ittle time there as Frank knew these folks and wanted to buy a couple of cases of wine to take home. The Moselle wine is the best. (They tell me.)
    From here we drove to the Luxembourg American Cemetery and Memorial in the Hamm area of the city. There are 5,076 American military dead buried here, including General George S. Patton, Jr. Although Patton requested burial with his men it became necessary to relocate his grave to make it more accessible to the many visitors who wanted to visit it. (There are 15 dead from the 589. F A who are buried in the Military Cemeteries in Europe.)
    During the visit to the cemetery we encountered a touring group of students from the American University in Washington, D.C. We spent some time with them and related some of our wartime experiences.
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    Milmeister, also representing CEBA, showed up with a floral arrangement for us to place at the base of the statue. After a short ceremony and photo session we all retired to the WW II Museum in the old castle for a "Vin d'Honor." M. Kohn read a prepared speech extolling the merits of the American soldiers and the deep appreciation of the Luxembourgers for the restoration of their freedom. We then all dranIc some ofthat very nice Moselle wine in each other's honor.
    On exiting the door into the courtyard, I was surprised to hear someone say, "Is that John Schaffner?" It was John Hoye, a gentleman whom I had knovvn through email correspondence for several years but never met. He is an ex-U. S. Air Corps pilot, USAF Korean War pilot, and USAF Vietnam War pilot. I had known that he would be
    Ceremony at thestatue of the "Gl" at Clervaux, Luxembourg. UR: Camille Kohn, President CEBA; John Gatens 589/A; John Schaffner 589/ A; Barney Alford 589/A; Jean Mielmeister, CEBA; Frank Kieffer, CEBA, Museum Curator and designer of the monument.
    As the time was getting late we drove back to Clervaux with Frank. We prom-ised to meet again the next day for more of Luxembourg.
MAY 25, 2004 TUESDAY
    We had made a date to meet with Frank Kieffer at 10:00 in Clervaux at the "Statue of The G.I." This is a life-size bronze statue of an American soldier standing on a stone base, designed by Frank. We suspected what was going to happen and, sure enough, Frank, Camille Kohn, President of CEBA, and Jean
John Schaffner's "Chance7 meeting with long time friend, John Hoye, (on the left) from Idaho, in Castle Courtyard.
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    touring the area with his wife, Bette, granddaughter, Anne, and her husband, Cory, but I surely didn't expect to meet up with them here and now. What a big surprise it was! We all had a nice get-together, toured Frank's museum, shopped the town, and had lunch to-gether. They had made their accommoda-tions for a two-week stay at Baraque de Fraiture at that other Inn next door.
    That afternoon we met with Frank again and toured around the battle-grounds of Luxembourg. We went to see the memorial to George Mergenthaler at Eschweiler, the monument at Schumann's Crossroads, and the village of Dahl, where Sgt. Day Turner earned his Congressional Medal of Honor (CMH), and several other sites of signifi-cant battles. That evening we returned to Frank's home for a nice dinner and more conversation.
    This morning Frank Kieffer had made arrangements for a group of current German soldiers to visit his museum in Clervaux. We had agreed to be there about 9:00AM and also to mingle with them and perhaps answer questions about the many items on display that they would be curious about. They were a nice bunch of guys and several spoke English enough that we could converse. Before they departed we got together for a group picture. I believe that they were all too young to appreciate WW II and what it was all about.
    Before we could depart, an "Elder Hostel" group of Americans arrived and Frank asked us to hang around with them and acquaint them with the various displays and items. A few of these people were Army vets and we swapped some stories with them.
We finally got loose and drove to the town of Erpeldange for lunch at the Dahm
John S. Parker, (Col USAF Ret)
Roger Schwartz, Luxembourg May 27, 2004
    Hotel. This is where we would stay for the next three nights. The next stop this day was Diekirch, the town housing one of
    (if not the best) WW II Museums in Europe. We had an appointment to meet with the curator, Roland Gaul. After we spent some time on our own talking with some other visiting Americans, Roland arrived and conducted us on a very exten-sive tour. This museum is literally bursting at the searns there is so much to display. Expansion is in the works but, like every-thing else, money is the big problem. The people who operate these places are mostly volunteers. Roland has a "day job" down town but is otherwise "married" to the museum.
    By the time we finished here it was time to head back to the hotel, have supper, relax a bit, and think about tomorrow.
    Today we had arrangements to meet another Luxembourger, Roger Schwartz. Dave Ford had been in touch with Roger and had set up the appointment. Roger is retired and is a historian of the battles in the area near his home and is pleased to conduct visiting Americans here and around the village of Fromburg. Roger invited us into his house and we had a short, but very pleasant, visit to get acquainted.
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    The American 4. Infantry Division was involved here suffering high losses during the Battle of the Bulge. We drove to the site of a battle where Captain George Wilson, CO of F Co., 12. Regiment, lost nearly everyone in his company in a desperate attempt to just survive. The foxholes and site of the CP in the woods are easily recognized today. Wilson authored a book titled, If You Survive. The book portrays his battle experiences. It is most interesting to any WW II buff.
    Roger directed us to the crossroads at Michelshof where there was a restaurant, Herr Segne Dieses Haus. I am sure that most Americans driving by would not give this place a second glance, but it turned out to have a delightful dining room, serving the very best food. Roger knew how to pick a good place. We didn't know it while we had the meal, but this crossroads was the site of a battle where the German troops walked into a prepared American target, and about 400 Germans were lost to an artillery concentration and small arms fire before they could react. Out of two companies there were only two survivors.
    After the meal we drove to the village of Consdorf to see a 2000# bomb that was on display in the park. It is inert of course, and represents a pair of them that were dropped nearby by B-17's returning from a raid in Germany.
    We then drove on to Berdorf that is the site of the Parc Hotel, a large resort type hotel, (now closed) and some very unusual geological rock formations. Again, here was where the 4. Inf Div was in action. During the battle the hotel was destroyed and became known as "The Fortress Hotel." The story is told in MacDonald's book, A Time For Trumpets It is now a quiet little town and the hotel is to be converted into a retirement home facility. We met the owners, Corneille Schwenninger and his wife, and had a very nice few minutes talking with them.
    Before leaving this area we went into the woods to a place that had been a bivouac area and inspected old Beech trees there where GIs had carved their names and towns in the bark. They are still visible after almost sixty years. We photographed one that had "Baltimore, Maryland" carved in it. (Dave's and my hometown.)
    Roger then took us to a village where we stopped at the house of someone he knew. It was John Parker, Col., Ret. USA. Parker is like a "snowbird" except that his summers are spent in Luxembourg and his winters in Florida. We all went to visit the village tavern for a while to sample the local beer and listen to Parker's tales. He is one of the "good guys."
We then drove back to Roger's village for a fond farewell and back to Erpeldange for supper and the night.
MAY 28, 2004 FRIDAY
    A promise had been made to Mathilda and Marcel Schmetz to return to Thimister-Clermont to be there at their "Remember 39-45" Museum to meet with a 5. Grade class of school children. We arrived in plenty of time and were engaged with Mathilda while Marcel conducted the children on a tour of the museum. In the meantime Mathilda had set a large table for about a dozen of us who were there and served us lunch. She said that it was "leftovers" from a group of about 40 that had been there the previous day. I don't know if it had a name, but it was good and went down OK.
    After their tour the children came into the large entrance room. The room had been set up with a low stage at one end for John, Barney, me, another old vet who had been a medic and was there on a
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Thimister-Clermont 5th Grade Class at Remember 39-45 Museum with US Vets in the rear.
    visit, and a younger woman. The class sat down in front and individuals were invited to ask questions of us. Mathilda stood in between and did all of the translating. It was quite an experience for us, as the questions sometimes got rather personal. We answered as best we could.
    At the end of the question and answer session each of us vets was presented with a souvenir of the event. One child for each of us approached with a package. Each package contained a personally drawn picture (by the student) and a plastic bucket of "Pear-Apple Syrup." We were touched by the sincere manner of the presentation.
    The father of this younger woman with us had been killed during the war in that area. She never knew him. Her gift from the children was a framed picture with a wartime photo of her father in the center surrounded by wallet size photos of each of the children. It was inscribed, "We will never forget." We were all very moved, to put it mildly.
    This was followed by refreshment for everyone and a "gab" session. The kids were then taken outside for photos and then turned loose to climb on the M4 Sherman Tank. Fortunately none fell off. One boy went out on the 75mm tube like a monkey and swung to the ground. Marcel then loaded them all in the back of his 3/4 ton Dodge Weapons Carrier and took them for a ride around the block. (Big block.) It was a great day.
    Since we were to be at Henri Chapelle Cemetery the next day for the Memorial Day Ceremony we arranged to stay at the Hotel des Ardennes, adjacent to the railroad station in Verviers. It was not too far. Of course it was a "walk-up" and our baggage by now was getting to be a burden. I was looking to hire a couple of Chinese coolies, but could find none. MAY 29, 2004 SATURDAY
    Our obligation today was to be at the Henri Chapelle Military Cemetery to participate in the laying of the floral arrangement on behalf of the 1061 Infantry Division Association. This was to take place at 4:00 PM, so there was time to spend elsewhere.
We had a leisurely breakfast at the hotel in Verviers, then changed into our
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    "Sunday" clothes, and departed. We then drove to the village of Aubel that is not very far from Henri Chapelle to spend some time looking around. It was a busy place, lots of traffic, and American and Belgian flags prominently displayed from the houses and shops along the main street. Aubel was to host another Memorial Day Celebration after the one at Henri Chapelle.
    book from his store that he wanted us to autograph. Sure, why not? We do that all the time. When he returned with the book it was a recent printing, in French,
    displaying the 106. insignia of the cover. At first nobody took notice of the title. Then we did notice that it was written by our least favorite author. I know that there is going to be some repercussion when I tell you that it was Death OfA Division by Charles Whiting.
Henri-Chapelle American Military Cemetery - Memorial Day May 29, 2004
    We almost never leave a place without making the acquaintance of someone. Dave Ford will see to that. Sure enough, we had not been there long before we spotted Dave talking with one of the residents. He was a younger fellow with a child in tow. Fortunately he could speak enough English for us to be able to converse. We all sat down at a sidewalk café table and had a soft drink. One of the shopkeepers saw what was going on and joined us. He apparently was interested in the history of the war and recognized us as being veterans of the 106.. He asked us to not go until he got a
    Of course we signed the gentleman's book. It made him happy and when the natives are happy, everybody is happy. Time rolled on and we were looking for a place for lunch. Our new friend suggested that we try the Abbey Val Dei. It was not hard to find, and sure enough it was an Abbey that looked like it had been there forever. A section of it was turned into a restaurant that is a bit hard to describe. The entrance in this ancient stone building was like walking into what had once been a stable, whitewashed stone walls, and a rough stone floor. I truly believe that it had once been a stable.
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M/Sergeant David Westhausen with wife Susan
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    had assigned seats so we located them before the activities started. We were together with Adda & Willy Rikken and Dr. Norman Lichtenfeld and his wife, down in front. (It's nice when you have the right people looking out for you.)
    The day was beauti-fully clear with a cloud-less blue sky, and the sun was beating down just like at the beach. Hot! I felt for the uniformed troops that were participating, as they had to stand in formation an a, fully long time. Yes, eventually two did pass out and had to be carried off.
The food was great and the service was cafeteria style.
    There were bench type tables to sit at, and later we found that what once had been the barnyard was neatly planted with grass and a surrounding hedge. Umbrella topped tables were set for the customers to use. It was very nice. One of the local folks there could speak English and invited us to the outside table where her family was seated. We all pulled chairs up and spent some time with the family of M. Jacques 011evier. Of course we all pulled out family pictures and talked for a while before we decided it was time to head for Henri Chapelle. It was another nice experience for us.
    Quite a large crowd had gathered at the Henri Chapelle Cemetery by the time we arrived but we had been given VIP parking privileges so there was no problem getting close. On entering the grounds we were greeted again by our CRIBA friends and then went into the building to meet the Superintendent, Mr. David Atkinson, (brother of the Superin-tendent at Hamm Cemetery.) Our group
    Willy and Adda RIKKEN, Gouvy Belgium 106th Inf Div Assoc Order of the Golden Lion holders. At the grave of Lt Eric Wood 589th FAB
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    The ceremony was opened by a "Fly Over" of a formation of F-16 fighter planes from the 52. Fighter Wing, USAF, Spangdahlem, Germany.
    The speakers all had their turn at the podium and then the flowers were presented as the donors were called. The Military Escorts carried the flowers, followed by the sponsoring representatives of the units. When our names were called we rose from our seats and walked with the Military Flower Bearers to where the Director ordered the flowers placed. "Present Arms" was ordered, then "Order Arms," then Gatens, Alford, and I walked back to our seats.
    When the ceremony ended we stayed and mixed with our CRIBA friends and other folks that we knew. We also saw the folks that we met at the Abbey Val Dei, and Ron van Rijt, who had entertained us at the Huertgenwald on May 19.
    When we were finally ready to leave I think that we closed the door behind us. Henri Rogister and Albert Fosty were there to guide us to Henri's home for the evening. We had a delightful time with Henri and Renee, and Albert and Annie, with a lovely dinner and social evening. It finally came time to say good night so Henri guided us to the hotel. If we had been left on our own I think that we would still be lost in the maze of streets in Liege. Without reservation, I can say that our good friend, Henri and his sidekick, Albert, were most important to the wonderful times that we had.
MAY 30, 2004 SUNDAY
We were strictly on our own for this day to cruise around and visit those sites that we have, so far, missed.
    Our first stop was at the WW II Museum at the village of La Gleize. This place is significant for being the "high water mark" of Col. Jochem Peiper's attack. Left behind was a King Tiger
    Tank that is now on display in front of the museum. Once again we were given an open door as returning veterans. During our visit in the museum we met with both U.S. and Canadian families. It is always nice to be able to relate the history of the 106th with the younger generation and see their interest in us. From La Gleize we drove to Houffalize. This was another fought-over town that was battered by both armies. It has since been rebuilt and except for the monuments and a Panther Tank on display, one would not suspect the blood shed here in 1944-45. It is "old world" picturesque and a favorite place for spending a holiday.
    Fora light lunch today we decided to stop at a "fritterie." A fritterie is nothing more than a fast-food place specializing in serving French Fries. So that was it, French Fries and a soft drink.
    We drove to Their du Mont where the C Co./508 PIR/82nd AB had the mission of taking a hill away from the Germans. How many times have you heard that story? It was a bloody battle and the site is now marked with a monument and a cement pillar topped with an American helmet. We proceeded to the little village of La Vaux where Dave had spotted an American truck on a previous visit. We did see a truck parked back off the road a good distance but Dave was unable to find anyone home to talk to. Having failed here we went on to Spineux to see the monument that was dedicated to the 424th Regiment. Farther on this road is the village of Rochelinval where there is a monument dedicated to the 551st PIR, a regiment that was virtually wiped out in the attempt to capture the village. It is a heartbreaking story too long to relate here. Of 790 men, only 110 survived the battle. While here we unexpectedly met our friend Claude Orban. Claude con
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    ducted us on a short tour of the area and showed us exactly where all this took place. There is a book available about this battle titled, Rendezvous at Rochelinval by William Tucker. Claude then took us to his parent's home in the area where we were treated to Belgian waffles and coffee, and then on to Grand Halleux where we met his wife and daughter. Also Claude showed us his personal collection of battlefield items. He keeps his items under lock and key just to keep the kids from wandering off with things. Some are quite rare.
As it was getting late we proceeded to Baraque de Fraiture where we would spend the next two nights.
    We considered having just a bowl of soup for supper tonight, but the dining room was all decorated with 106. Division stuff so we knew that would never do. Bernadette kept bringing good things to eat, so here we were again, stuffing our faces.
    Oh yes, there was plenty of company at dinner, and we also received a phone call from our last Battery Commander, Ted Kiendl. Ted lives in France and we were a bit disappointed that he could not meet with us.
MAY 31, 2004 MONDAY
This would be our last day. Time had flown, and there was still much to do. Does that sound familiar?
    At breakfast we were approached by three Americans, Joe Chesnut from Alabama, and two friends who had served as artillerymen in the 1950's. Joe was on a tour of the battleground and was very surprised to see us as he had recently read my memoirs about the battle at Parker's Crossroads. Now he was meeting three veterans of that battle in the very place it was fought. He already knew our names, but certainly never expected to meet us, especially here. Joe was on a tight schedule so we
    May 31, 2004 Memorial Service at Parker's Crossroads - Bourgmestre GENNEN reads his dedication speech Left Andre' HUBERT Past President C.R.I.B.A. with Christian KRAFT current President facing the camera. Righ front, of photo Ur 106th Vets: Gatens - Alford and Schaffner
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did not have much time for talking, but I think that we made his day.
    Dave, John, Barney, and I met with Eddy Monfort for a day of seeing more neat things in the area. We drove some back roads and went by the "La Ferme des Bisons." Yes, a farm that keeps American Bisons. They must have at least a thousand head, and it is near the monument to the Navajo Indians who served in the battle.
    For today a ceremony was arranged for the memorial at Parker's Crossroads. If you are not familiar with that memorial, it is a 105mm Howitzer installed on a large cement pad shaped as a five-pointed star. The star is flanked by several large stones that carry bronze plaques having the inscriptions dedicating the site to the 589. FA and other units that saw action here. Three flagpoles are installed behind, flying the flags of Belgium, United States, and the European Community. It is very impressive. We returned to the Auberge du Carrefour and once again prepared for the ceremony. By 4:30 PM the crowd had gathered. There was the Bourgmestre, Jacque Gennen, President of CRIBA, Christian Kraft, Andre Hubert, President Emeritus of CRIBA, the family of Maria LeHaire, Rogister, Fosty, Lambert, etc., too many to list here. There were many familiar faces of the CRIBA organization and others we did not know.
    Mayor Gennen spoke, Christian Kraft spoke, Andre Hubert spoke, flowers were presented at the base of the monument and the national anthems were played. It was all very sincere and touching. They will not forget.
    (As an 'aside' here I will mention that when the community of Vielsalm heard that there was to be a ceremony here, they had the howitzer removed to a facility in Vielsalm, cleaned, repainted, and returned to the site in time for our visit.) Inside the Auberge we found that the place was set up for a banquet. Decorations were in place honoring the 106., the 589., and us three veterans. It was an event to remember. I lost count of how many courses were served but it was all Five-Star. During breaks in the meal our dignitaries made their prepared speeches honoring the American soldiers for restoring their freedom and expressing their very heartfelt appreciation. At the end of the meal the chef wheeled out a table set up with a 4' X 8' display that represented the crossroads at the time of 19-23 Dec. 1944. At the appropriate locations on this diorama were photos of Barney, John, and me. There was a miniature house afire (with an alcohol burner) and model tanks and trucks. Imbedded fireworks sparklers were lighted to simulate the battle. Everyone was fascinated by this display, and, of course, the chef received a great round of applause. Oops, forgot to mention there was also a cake for our dessert.
No problem getting to sleep again. I didn't know how much of this treatment my poor old heart can stand.
    The time came for departing and leaving our good friends behind. We have had a memorable time. The weather cooperated beautifully. No one fell ill or suffered any problems. We saw and did all that we had planned on and then
    This morning we had to start for home. Bernadette had set out our breakfast as usual. We had to find extra room in our luggage for souvenirs and they were bulging at the sides. The most difficult time was yet to come. We had to say good-bye. Maria, Bernadette, and Esmeralda were there and everybody was
The CUB of the Golden Lion 46
Return to Battleground - 2004 (Part II) . . .
    trying to hold back the tears. It doesn't work. Any one would think that we were headed for the gallows if they had walked in on us. We finally said the last good-bye, grabbed our bags (and a handful of Kleenex) and made for the car. The ladies followed us out and helped load the bags. We had one last hug and three kisses, boarded the car and drove off with them waving a final good-bye.
    We were driving to Brussels today to find our hotel near the airport and relax before Ilying home tomorrow. On arrival we turned in our rented car and caught the shuttle to the hotel.
    Our friend, Vince Gerard, from Somzee, had been in touch with us and we made plans for him to meet us at our hotel. Vince came in the early afternoon, bringing his mother with him. Vince is now driving a Jeep Renegade bearing Texas plates, fancy that! We spent the day and had supper together talking about old times. Vince is always good company and was present at the 106. Reunion at Norfolk two years ago. We are considered old friends now.
    After Vince and Mom departed we got to bed at a reasonable time and made sure that all was ready for the flight tomorrow. JUNE 2, 2004 WEDNESDAY
    We took the shuttle to the airport, checked in, and hung around for our flight. You all know the routine. While waiting for departure time the weather finally turned wet. The rains came but we didn't care then. We departed Brussels on United Flight 951 at 12:40 PM It was a long bor-ing flight, just the way we like it. When we got near Dulles there were thunder-storms in the area, so the flight was diverted to hang out up there for an extra hour. We finally squeaked on to the runway about 4:20 PM. No problem with clearing cus-toms. The officer asked me where we had been. I told him that we had revisited the Battle of the Bulge in Belgium.
lie grabbed my hand, shook it and said, -Thanks. You have a good day!"
    Special thanks to the family of Leje-une-Lengler at Baraque de Fraiture, and our CRIBA organization friends. They always treat us like we are something special. We feel like they are our family. To: M/Sgt. Dave Westhausen, USAF, and the WW II Society members. Thanks to the operators of the muse-ums that we visited for their courtesy in guiding us around their exhibits.
Special thanks also to Mathilda and Marcel Schmetz for they always manage to touch our heart.
    Thanks, to Ron van Rijt, a Hollander, for the special attention that he gives to returning veterans, both American and German, for he is a "Peacemaker." Again I have to offer thanks to Dave Ford, Associate Member for his help in planning this adventure, making reserva-tions for us, and guiding us around in three European countries.
I am sure we could not have done as well without him. Maybe we can do it again some time.
John Schaffner 589/A
106th Infantry Division Association

The CUB of the Golden Lion 47

Bauman, Alan J. 424/M
    427 Crescent Drive, Erie, PA 16505-2306 Date of death: January 2004 -Adjutant Marion Ray reported receiving a recorded message- apparently from a relative. No answer when called back. She stated that the CUB publication no longer be sent.
Collier, James 423/H
    PO Box 11367, Memphis, TN 38111 Date of death: 17 September 2004 - Reported by son James Collier Jr. He wrote, "Thought you might want to know that my father passed away. He really enjoyed the organization - He will be in our hearts and is missed."
Edelman, Essie Associate
2301 Lucawa Lane, Coconut Creek, FL 33066 Date of death: September 19, 2004
    Essie, wife of Lou 423/M and Lou were faithful attenders at the Annual Reunions of the 106th Infantry Division Association. They always joined in friendship with others. They were especially happy to visit and dine with former comrades, including some 423/M vets that had migrated to other units during the training period. To be with the Edelman meant "Happy Times." Essie will always be remembered.
Friedman, Herbert 590/SV
    Box 16702 N. Dale Mabry Highway, Apt 258, Tampa, FL 33618 Date of death unknown. Reported by Dr. Vance Jennings (106 SIG).Dr. Jennings was able to find Herb's widow, Nell Friedman. But no details are currently available. Attempts to reach Nell Friedman have been unsuccessful.
    House, Joanne, Associate Pete House, Jr 5700 Clifton Ave, Jacksonville, FL 32211 Date of death: June 5, 2004 Pete House Jr. wrote, Sept 20, stating that his mother Joanne, widow of Past-President, Pete House passed away after returning home from an extended hospital stay. Pete Sr. and Joanne were staunch supporters of our Association. Pete Jr. was an Associate member. Pete Sr. long time member , was President of the Association in the fiscal year 1969-70. He was the holder of the Officer's and the Commander's Class "Order of the Golden Lion." Pete was also the organizer and kingpin in the Stalag 9A-9B-9C POW organization.
Jensen, Ralph 422/HQ 2BN
    83 Mountain Springs, Port Angeles, WA 98362 Date of death: January 21, 2004 - Captured in the Battle of the Bulge held in
    Stalags IV B and XII A. Survived by wife of 58 years, 3 sons, 1 daughter, 14 grandchildren, 2 great grandchildren, 4 sisters and a brother.
The CUB of the Golden Lion 48
Russell, Lyle K. 422/1
397570 W 3010 Drive, Ochelta OK 74501
Date of death: November 16, 2004
    Peggy McClure, wife of Clint McClure 423/HQ, reported Lyle Russell's death. Peggy is Commander of the Tulsa Chapter of AX-POW.
Russo, Rudolph 422/K
140 Stoney Cliff Road, Centerville, MA 02632 USPS notice - date unknown - not able to contact address.
Vezina, John H. 423/M
4001 Glacier Hills Drive, Unit 312, Ann Arbor, MI 48105 Date of death: February 2000 No other details known.
    Deaths reported during fiscal year 2003-2004 read at the 58th Annual Reunion of the Golden Lions. Milwaukee, Wisconsin September 1-5 2004
Charles E Bourg 424/HQ 2BN Ross H Mayes 331 Med/B
Howard L. Bryant 424/F Col Henry H. McKee 422/HQ
Basil C. Burke, Jr. 423/MED John M. Meyers, Sr. 590/B
Sherod Collins 423/SV Clifford Miller, Jr. 331 Med/D
C.L. Cooper 423/H Col Richard A. Moss 589/A
Norbert Croucher 424/B Melvin A. Moss 424/C
Teo D. Esposito 422/E Col Frederick Nagle 423/HQ
Fontaine C. Forbes 423/B Willard Nelson 422/B
Duward B. Frampton, Jr. 422CN Cletus Noon 423/SV
Charles R. Gibson 422/SV Richard Peterson Ph.D. 423/I
Daniel W. Gilbert 423/B Howard Pharo 422 HQ/3BN
John M. Gillespie 422/C Edward A. Prewett 424/B
Rufus D. Grantham DIV/ARTY Carroll Rahm 422/E
Henry V. Hayden 81st Eng/C Seymour Rosen 423/HQ 2BN
Major H. Hill 424/B Robert W. Scheffel 422/A
Carl Hulbert 424/HQ Burt P. Schwarz 424/A
John J. Hurman 423/M Elmer A Shudarek 424/L
Robert K. Jones 423/HQ Martin Stoehr 422/M
Glen N. Kennedey 423/AT E.C. Thirlwell 423/G
Francis Langham 422/L Capt Charles S. Walsh 592/SV
Richard M Lemonde Unit Uknown Nathan H. Ward 81st Eng/HQ
Vincent Locurcio 423/M C. Edwin Youngblood 423/D
John Lomanaco 422/HQ 2BN Rudolph Zeman 423/CN
Teddy L. Loudermilk 423/B
    If a 106th Veteran in your family dies, please notify us, so that we can discontinue the CUB maga,ine. Many CUBs are returned by the USPS showing no reason, except "undeliverable." Usually it is the death of a loved one that we are not aware of. We would like to let his comrades know, and discontinue The CUB. Send notices of death to Adjutant Marion Ray 704 Briaro'ood Drive, Bethalo, IL 62010-1168 Telephone: 618-377-3574 email raybugleboy@charternet
Please look at our financial statement
in this issue of the Cub. You will note the cost of the Cub was $16,516.18 for a year.
A year in which we had 1,600 members. Costs, including mailing is $10.32 per member.
    The Annual dues of $10 and Life dues of $75 (which is amortized over 7.5 years) creates an automatic financial shortfall.
Those LIFE members who contribute dues to this club will have
their names published.
No amount will be shown.
You can donate as much or little as you want.
    By donating you are helping perpetuate the Division Association. We all are extremely proud of our Cub. I know you are also. To those Life members, who I haven't heard from in a long time, please take the time to join this exclusive club.
    Thank You Dick Rigatti, Treasurer Send your contribution to the 106th Infantry Div. Association. 113 Woodshire Drive Pittsburgh, Pa. 15215
    A quarterly publication of the 106th Infantry Division Association, Inc. A nonprofit Organization - USPO #5054 St Paul, MN - Agent: John P Kline, Editor
Paid Membership Out 1, 2004 1,603
    Membership Fees include CUB magazine subscription Life Vets/Associates ... $75 Auxiliary $15 Annual Vets/Associates... $10 Auxiliary $2
Annual Dues payable by June 30 each year.
Payable to "I06th Infantry Division Association" in care of Treasurer. - See address below.
Elected Offices
President Walter G Bridges
Past-President (Ex-Officio) . . . John M. Roberts
1st Vice-Pres Irwin C. Smoler
2nd Vice-Pres Murray Stein
Appointed Offices
    Business Matter, Deaths, Address changes Adjutant: Marion Ray 704 Briarwood Drive, Bethalto, IL 62010-1168 618--377-3674-- raybugleboy@charternet
Treasurer: Richard L. Rigatti 113 Woodshire Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15215-1713 412-781-8131 Email:
Chaplain: Dr. Duncan Trueman 29 Overbill Lane, Warwick. NY 10990 Tel/Fax 845-986-6376 email: dttrueman®
Memorial Chairman: Dr. John G. Robb 238 Devore Dr., Meadville, PA 16355 814-333-6364
    Editorial Matters, Membership Chairman John P. Kline -- CUB Editor 11 Harold Drive, Burnsville, MN 55337-2786 952-890-3155 -
Historian John Schaffner
Atterbtuy Memorial Representative Philip Con
Resolutions Chairman Walter M. Snyder
    Order of the Golden Lion Chairman .. John Swett • Committee . . . Joseph Massey, Richard Rigatti Nominating Committee Chairman . . . loon Herndon
Committee . . . Hal Taylor, Dick Rigatti
Mini-Reunion Chairman . Harry F. Martin, Jr.
ADA Representative. Joseph Maloney Backups for all appointed offices are available
Board of Directors
Robert R. Hanna, 422/HQ (2005)
    72 15 Linda Lake Drive, Charlotte, NC 28215-3617 704-567-1418 John M. Roberts, 592/ C (2005) 1059 Alter Road, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304-1401 248-338-2667 Email:
Wald Toy, 422/K.. (2005)
4605 Wade Street. Columbia, SC 29210 803-772-0132
Frank S. Trautman, 422/D (2005)
9 Meadowcrest Drive. Parkersburg. WV 26101-9395 304-428-.54
Walter G Bridges, 424/D (Exec Comm) (2006)
225 Laird Ave. Huerown, AL 35023-2418 205-491-3409 Email: Joseph A. Massey, 422/C . (2006)
4820 Spunky Hollow Rd. Rernlap, AI. 35133-5546 205-681-1701
Walter M. Snyder, 589/A (2006)
2901 Dunmore Rd Apt F4, Dundalk, MD 2122,5123 410.285-2707
Robert F. Sowell, 424/E (2006)
3575 N. Moorpark Rd Apt 420,Thousand Oaks CA 91360 805-421-5450 Email: sowell,
Hal Taylor. 423/CN (2006)
2172 Rockridgc Dr. Grand Junction. CO 81503,534 970-245-7807 Entail: hgEntribronan.riet
Donald F. Herndon (424/L) ........ (2007) 8313 NV, 102. Oklahoma City. OK 73162-4026
405-721-9164 Email: Irwin C. Smoler (424/B) (Exec Comm) (2007)
87 Spier Road. Scarsdale, NY 10583-7318 914-7,8835 Email:
Bernard Mayrsohn (423/CN) 7 . (2008)
34 Itrue Bum Drive, Purchase, NY 33138 Ethelharb a Website: 914,8-8200
Saul A. Newman (422/G) . . . . (2008)
13275 Saffron Cir. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418 561-627-6662 Murray Stein (423/1) (Exec Comm) . (2008)
7614 Charing Crossing Lane. Delray Beach. FL 33.6 561-499-7736
Dr. Duncan Trueman (424/AT) . . . (2008)
29 Overbill Lane, Warwick, NY 10990 Tel/Fax 845-986-6376 Newton Weiss (423/HQ 3Bn) . (2008)
400 Morse Avenue. Gibbstown, NJ 08027-1066 856-423-3511 new truth iry.orldnet.attnet
Geo Call (424/B) (2009)
105 Mt. Lebanon Rd, Glen Gardner. NJ 0882,3018 908-832-2961
Walter C. Greve 423/HQ I Bn (2009)
13929 E Marina Dr #604 Aurora. CO 80014 303-751-5866
Seymour Lichtenfeld 422/1 (2009)
    19450 NE 2Ist Ct. North Miami Beach FL 33179 305,7324467 Martin L. Wente 423/1 (2009) 1309 Paseo Valle Vista Covina. CA 91724 626-332-5079

Index for This Document

101st Abn. Div., 21
104th Inf. Div., 30
106th Div., 2, 22
106th Inf. Div., 1, 2, 5, 10, 14, 17, 20, 22, 27, 28, 44, 46
106th Infantry Division Association, 1, 2, 5, 10, 14, 17, 27, 28, 44, 46
168th Cbt. Engr. BN, 19
168th Cbt. Engr.s, 19
333rd FAB, 8
34th Div., 21
422/K, 8, 45, 47
422/M, 8, 20, 30, 45
422nd Inf., 9
422nd Inf. Regt., 21, 22, 30
422nd Regt., 21, 22, 30
423rd Inf., 23
423rd Inf. Regt., 23
423rd Regt., 20, 21, 28
424/A, 2, 8, 9, 45, 48
424/C, 7, 8, 26, 45
424/D, 7, 8, 9, 47
424/E, 47
424/G, 7, 29
424/I, 29
424/L, 9, 17, 45, 48
424th Cbt. Inf. Regt., 2, 29
424th Inf. Regt., 22
424th Regt., 41
551st PIR, 41
589th FA, 34, 40
589th FA BN, 34, 40
590th FA BN, 8
591st FA BN, 29
591st FAB, 29
592nd FA BN, 5, 19
82nd Abn. Div., 41
A Teen's War, 19
'A Teen's War', 19, 20
'A Time For Trumpets', 37
Alford, Barney, 30, 35
American Cemetery, 35
American Military Cemetery, 39
Andersonville, 15
Andersonville Memorial, 15
Annual Reunions, 44
Ardennes, 19, 23, 38
Ardennes Forest, 23
Armed Forces Reunions, 6
Atiyeh, Richard, 26
Aubel, 38
Auberge Du Carrefour, 42
Bad Orb, 21
Bambury, 26
Baraque De Fraiture, 36, 41, 44
Bartusek, Marc, 26
Bartusek, Marcus, 26
Basel, 13
Battle of the Bulge, 3, 13, 19, 20, 21, 23, 33, 37, 43, 45
Bavaria, 21
'Before The Veterans Die', 22
Belgium, 11, 13, 16, 28, 32, 33, 40, 42, 43
Berdorf, 37
Berga, 9
Berga Am Elster, 9
Berlin, 30
Bernadette, 41, 43
Berninghaus, Delbert, 21
Bitburg, 31
Bitterfeld, 30
Black, Ewell, 16
Black, Ewell C., 16
Books, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
Bridges, Walter, 7, 11
Bridges, Walter G., 2, 8, 9
Brown, Leslie L., 17
Brussels, 43
Bryant, Howard L., 45
Burke, Basil C., 45
Burkes, Frankie, 12
C.R.I.B.A., 42
Call, Geo, 48
Call, George, 9
Camp Atterbury, 9, 10, 15, 26
Camp Atterbury Memorial, 9
Camp Atterbury, IN, 10
Camp Blanding, FL, 26
Carver, Dale, 22
Carver, Dale R., 22
Carver, Ruth, 22
Cavanaugh, Chaplain, 21
Cavanaugh, Chaplain Fr. Paul W., 21
Cavanaugh, Father, 21
Cavender, Col., 28
CEBA, 35, 36
Central Europe, 19
Chesnut, Joe, 42
Christ, Christ C., 26
Clarke, Hawk, 20
Clermont, 31, 32, 37, 38
Clervaux, 33, 34, 35, 36
Clervaux, Luxembourg, 33, 34, 35
Colbert, Hugh, 32
Collier, James, 44
Collins, Sherod, 15, 18, 45
Consdorf, 37
Cox, Philip, 9
CRIBA, 33, 40, 42, 44
Czechoslovakia, 19
Dahl, 36
Davis, Rinard, 16, 29, 30
Diekirch, 36
Division History, 10
Dodson, Robert Elvin, 26
Dresden, 23
Dresden, Germany, 23
Echternacht, 34
Edeleman, Lou, 16
Erie, 44
Erpeldange, 36, 37
Eschweiler, 36
Esmeralda, 43
Esposito, Teo D., 45
Forbes, Fontaine C., 45
Ford, Dave, 36, 39, 44
Ford, David, 30
Fosty, Albert, 40
Frampton, Duward B., 45
Frampton, Duward B., Jr., 45
France, 19, 26, 41
Fromburg, 37
Ft. Battice, 32
Ft. Benning, GA, 30
Gatens, John, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35
Gaul, Roland, 36
Gennen, Jacque, 42
Gennen, Mayor, 42
Gerard, Vince, 43
Germany, 21, 22, 23, 27, 32, 37, 40
Gibson, Charles R., 45
Gilbert, Daniel W., 45
Gillespie, John M., 45
Gilliland, John, 17
Gouvy, 40
Grand Halleux, 41
Grantham, Rufus D., 45
Greve, Walter C., 9, 48
Grosslangenfeld, 14, 33
Grosslangenfeld, Germany, 14, 33
Hamm, 35, 40
Hamm Cemetery, 40
Hammelburg, 21
Hanna, Robert R., 47
Hayden, Henry V., 45
'Healing the Child Warrior', 23
Henri Chapelle, 38, 40
Henri Chapelle Cemetery, 38, 40
Henri Chapelle Military Cemetery, 38
Henri-Chapelle, 39
Herndon, Donald F., 48
Herr Segne Dieses Haus, 37
Herresbach, 33
Hill, Maj. H., 45
Himberg, Robert, 12
Hinder Forward, 19
Hirst, Robert, 27
Hirst, Robert A., 27
Hirst, Robert G., 18
Hotel Des Ardennes, 38
Hotel Koener, 33, 34
Houffalize, 41
House, Joanne, 44
House, Pete, 44
Hoye, John, 35, 36
Hubert, Andre, 42
Huertgenwald, 40
Hulbert, Carl, 45
Hurman, John J., 45
If You Survive, 37
Ives, Peter S., 27
Jennings, Dr. Vance, 44
Jewett, Dean F., 19
Jonckheere, Nick, 32
Jones, Alan, 28
Jones, Robert K., 45
Kieffer, Frank, 33, 34, 35, 36
Kiendl, Ted, 41
Kimsey, Mary Ruth, 12
Kline, John, 1, 9, 13, 14, 17, 21, 24, 26, 28
Kline, John P., 47
Kohn, Camille, 35, 36
Kraft, Christian, 42
La Gleize, 41
La Vaux, 41
Lang, Lillian, 12
Lang, Russell, 1
Langham, Francis, 45
Lapotsky, Ed, 31
Lee, Donna, 6
Lehaire, Maria, 42
Lichtenfeld, Dr. Norman, 33, 39
Lichtenfeld, Norman, 13
Lichtenfeld, Seymour, 9, 48
Liege, 40
Limburg, 21
Limburg, Germany, 21
Loudermilk, Teddy L., 45
Luxembourg, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37
Luxembourg American Cemetery and Memorial, 35
MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, 2
Maginot Line, 32
Maloney, Joe, 7
Maloney, Joseph, 47
Maloney, Joseph P., 9
Markarian, Peter, 28
Martin, Harry F., 47
Martin, Harry F., Jr., 47
Massey, Joseph, 47
Massey, Joseph A., 47
Mayrsohn, Bernard, 48
McKee, Henry H., 45
Memorials, 9, 15
'Memories of A Tour of Duty', 19
'Memories Of A Tour Of Duty Wii In Europe', 19
Mergenthaler, George, 36
Meyers, John M., 45
Michelshof, 37
Middleton, 9, 10
Mielmeister, Jean, 35
Miller, Clifford, Jr., 45
Monfort, Eddy, 42
Morrison, Robert, 29
Morrison, Robert B., 29
Moselle, 34, 35
Moselle River, 34
Moss, Melvin A., 45
Moss, Richard A., 45
Myers, Roger, 29
Nagle, Col. Frederick, 45
Netherlands, 33
Newman, Saul A., 48
Noon, Cletus, 45
Normandy, 19
Normandy Invasion, 19
Northern France, 19
Oflag XIII, 21
Oflag XIII-B, 21
Okinawa, 4
Oostend, 32
Orban, Claude, 41
Order of the Golden Lion, 9, 10, 40, 44
Oropello, Frank, 27
Oropello, Frank J., 27
Parker, Earl S., 19
Parker, John, 37
Patton, Gen. George S., 35
Patton, Gen. George S., Jr., 35
Peterson, Dr. Richard, 22, 23
Peterson, Paul K., 29
Peterson, Richard, 22, 45
Podlaski, Edmund, 10
Prewett, Edward A., 45
Prisoner of War, 21
Prisoners of War, 16
Pro Deo Et Patria, 21
Prumerberg, 19
Rahm, Carroll, 45
Ray, Marion, 9, 44, 46, 47
Reagan, Ronald, 31
Red Ball, 32
Remember 39-45, 32, 37, 38
Remember Museum, 31
Remember Museum 39-45, 31
Rendezvous At Rochelinval, 41
Reunion Photos, 13
Reunions, 6, 9, 13, 16, 44
Reusch, Josef, 14, 33, 34
Rhine, 19
Rhine River, 19
Rhineland, 19
Rigatti, Dick, 46, 47
Rigatti, Mark, 28
Rigatti, Richard, 1, 11, 28, 47
Rigatti, Richard L., 9, 47
Rikken, Adda, 34
Rikken, Adda & Willy, 33, 39
Rikken, Willy & Adda, 40
Ringer, Robert, 29
Robb, Dr. John, 9
Robb, Dr. John G., 47
Roberts, Jack, 5, 8, 16
Roberts, John (Jack) M., 13
Roberts, John M., 5, 19, 46, 47
Rochelinval, 41
Rogister, Henri, 40
Rosen, Seymour, 45
Rosie, George, 21
Russell, Lyle K., 45
Russo, Rudolph, 45
Sandahl, Dean, 13
Schaffner, John, 9, 13, 30, 32, 34, 35, 36, 44, 47
Schaffner, John R., 9, 18
Scheffel, Robert W., 45
Schmetz, Mathilda & Marcel, 31, 37, 44
Schmidman, Arthur, 29
Schneifel, 28
Schoelkopf, Jack, 29
Schoelkopf, Jack W., 29
Schoenberg, 28
Schonberg, 28
Schwarz, Burt P., 45
Schwenninger, Corneille, 37
Siedschlag, Arnold, 16
Skopek, Robert, 21
Slaughter House V, 23
Smith, Ken, 32
Smoler, Irwin C., 8, 46, 48
Snyder, Walter M., 9, 47
'Soldier Boy', 20
Somzee, 43
Sowell, Robert F., 47
Spangdahlem Air Base, 31
Spangdahlem, Germany, 40
Spineux, 41
St. Vith, 15, 19
St. Willibrord, 34
Stalag 12-A, 27
Stalag 4-B, 27
Stalag 9-A, 28, 45
Stalag III-A, 26
Stalag IV-B, 45
Stalag IX-A, 9, 23
Stalag IX-B, 9, 23
Stein, Murray, 1, 8, 46, 48
Streat, Clifton, 30
Streat, Clifton E., 30
Sulser, Jack A., 9
Swett, John, 9, 32, 47
Swett, John A., 10
Taylor, Hal, 19, 47, 48
The Battle of the Bulge, 19, 20
The Battle Of The Bulge, 20
The Bugle, 26
'The Warmth Of A Song', 20
Their Du Mont, 41
Thimister-Clermont, 31, 32, 37, 38
Thirlwell, E.C., 45
Thome, Mike, 11, 12
Thompson, Paul, 14
Time For Trumpets, 37
Toy, Vannie, 12
Transfers, 15
Trautman, Frank S., 47
Trier, 30, 31
Trueman, Dr. Duncan, 2, 5, 9, 47, 48
Tucker, William, 41
Turner, Sgt. Day, 36
van Rijt, Ron, 40, 44
Verviers, 38
Vezina, John H., 45
Vianden, 34
Vielsalm, 42
Vietnam, 35
Vietnam War, 35
Von Erck, Helen, 20
Walsh, Charles S., 45
Ward, Lt. Gen., 34
Weiss, Newton, 48
Wente, Martin L., 9, 48
Wereth, 33
Wereth, Belgium, 33
West, James D., 10
West, Jim, 18
Westhausen, Dave, 31
Westhausen, M/Sgt. Dave, 30, 44
Whitehead, John L., 18
Whiting, Charles, 39
Wijers, Hans, 33
Wilson, Capt. George, 37
Winterspelt, 26
Wittenburg, 30
Wood, Lt. Eric, 40
Wyss, Ralph, 17
Yanchik, Pete, 8
Zak, George K., 20
Ziegenhain, 23
Zimmerman, Joseph, 13
Zordell, Jack W., 30