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Original Cub Document
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Vol. 4, No. 1, Sept, 1947

The Order of the GOLDEN LION 39

     In all American wars, up to the time of the First World War, military units were formed generally by well-known leaders who fought without reinforcements. It was not uncommon with regiments, after long continued fighting, to have on their rosters as low as fifty to seventy-five men.
     Modern methods of mass production and an interchanging of parts were adopted even by the military. Divisions were kept at full strength at all times, regardless of changes of any kind. One of those changes has taken place now in the Association. The Board of Directors and officers elected hastily at Karlsruhe has, with feelings of mingled regret and relief, turned over the reins to the new Board elected at Indianapolis. Fortunately, Dave Price continues as President with a wealth of experience. Secretary Livesey has been replaced by Arthur McCathran. Since the Secretary and the Association Office is the nerve center of the Association, every member should pitch in to help "Mac" in his new duties.
     "Mac" is thoroughly capable. He holds a law degree and will soon have his CPA license. He works in a bank in Washington (Hyattsville, Md.). Because Association work is new to him he undoubtedly will have a somewhat shaky start, but is sure to come through remarkably well--he's got what it takes.
     The Association is over the hump. It has survived its infancy. The "Esprit de Corps" is high. The membership has been growing steadily and is now over 1700. The Golden Lions are set for a long, honorable and happy career.

500 Golden Lions Capture Heart of Indianapolis without firing a shot -- the papers say Indianapolis, 1948
    Price Re-elected President; Perry, Vice-President; McCathran, Secretary-Treasurer; Board of Directors expanded to twenty-one.
Comedian Joe E. Brown and Radio Commentator Cedric Foster headline attractions.
Auxiliary established
Constitution and By-laws revised.
Cedric Foster, the Framptons and the Simpsons awarded the Order of the Golden Lion.

     Once in a blue moon an event which everyone has been working and striving for clicks perfectly, leaving only a purring satisfaction after it's over. Such was the First Reunion of the Golden Lions. The Simpsons, Flo and Rooe, had everything ready, down to the last sip. Indianapolis was genuinely happy to welcome back home in Indiana the Golden Lions, even the weather cooperated. There was rain, but just as every outdoor event was about to take place the sun broke forth.

     Cubs began to drift in on Sunday but the big registration was Monday. The line wound clear across the great corridor of the War Memorial and many low groans were heard about the chow lines and the Bag Lunch Division, but everyone was in a holiday mood. The chow lines were unlike the usual ones, however, in that there was a fair sprinkling of women.

     Signing up for membership came first, then registration for the convention and assignment of quarters. Next a desk selling copies of the new book on the Battle of the Bulge "Dark December", and the final stop in the line was the Red Cross "Missing Buddy Desk".


Opening Session in the Magnificent 600 Seat Auditorium
     The auditorium was filled to capacity for the opening session with a spill-over to the balcony. Twenty-eight huge baskets filled with flowers, gifts from friends and patriotic organizations surrounded the rostrum with every hue of the rainbow. On the rostrum was the presiding officer, Brigadier General Elmer W. Sherwood of the Indiana State Guard, one of the leading statesmen of the Middle West, who welcomed the Golden Lions with an old fashioned Homier "Howdy Folks!" In rapid succession he introduced Mary Beth Underwood, "Miss 106th", sister of Don Underwood of the 424th--(also present), then Honorable George Denny, Mayor of Indianapolis, recently installed following the untimely death of former mayor, Major General Robert H. Tyndall, extended a hearty welcome as did General Howard Maxwell, Adjutant General of the State of Indiana. Major Penley, who had opened the session with the singing of the Star Spangled Banner, now led the Reunion in the Golden Lion Song, the words of which were written by Mrs. Carol Simpson and which is sung to the tune of Song of the Vagabonds:

Men from East and Westward,
Men from North and Southward,
Golden Lions are we all.
Men of flame and sorrow,
Now we cheer tomorrow.
Golden Lions are we all.
Onward, Onward all of us as one,
Forward. Forward our freedom must go on.
Liberty and Justice,
Know that you can trust us.
Golden Lions are we all.

     Kenneth Perry, President of the Hoosier Golden Lions, next welcomed the convention, followed by a representative of the VFW, giving an address and a representative of the State American Legion. General Sherwood introduced the Legion representative as an artilleryman which brought loud applause from General McMahon, only to have him say he was really an infantryman -- Silence from General McMahon! Henry F. Strickland, ex-Governor of Indiana, gave the most stirring speech of the day saying "We shall never forget your sacrifice and valor." Honorable Ben H. Watt, Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruction and leading candidate for Governor also welcomed the Golden Lions.

     Flowers were presented with short talks of sincere greeting by the American War Mothers, Mothers of World War II and commercial concerns such as the Pendell Florists.

     President Price responded on behalf of the Association with expressions of deepest thanks and gratitude to the people of Indianapolis. He then opened the reunion officially and gave his report as president. He gave a resume of the business to be covered in the three days of the convention and the working of the organization as it h. been planned for the future. He said that the Board of Directors elected at Lucky Strike in a hurry, had done very well these past two years, and said that the turning over to the Association of the unit and sundry funds had permitted the establishment of a strong foundation for an Association, particularly in the building up of a roster of over 42,000 men. He said that the CUB was without question the finest of the Division Association Publications. The Memorial Scholarship Fund was way behind expectation and that plans had to be made for establishing it on a sound basis. He announced the formation of the Hoosier Golden Lions, first chapter to be established.
     Secretary Livesey gave a resume of the work of the Association for the past two years. He called attention to the financial situation, number of members and the general lines along which the Association was moving. He expressed thanks to President Price and the Board of Directors and also to the Honorary Vice-presidents, particularly General McMahon, who had remained in steady correspondence with hardly a week passing that he had not sent in a new member. He also expressed thanks to the hard working Assistant Secretary "Marge the Marine", Mrs. Rathbone. He suggested that the Association might he described as weak but convalescing, saying he felt that we were over the hump.
     The current membership of the Association is about 1700, but that 2500 is needed for a comfortable working budget. The CUB at $3500 a year, an Assistant Secretary at $2000 with a margin for other expenses. He also said that he thought that it was vitally necessary that local chapters be established and that the work be split up. That it had come to the point where more than two or three men to do the work were absolutely necessary.
     At this point amendments to the constitution and by-laws were taken up and all those previously submitted were approved. The Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws will be forwarded to members separately.
     A nominating committee was selected to hand in a slate of officers Wednesday morning. Secretary-Treasurer Livesey was made chairman.


The Meeting adjourned at 5:30 to meet at the Roberts Park Methodist Church for an old-fashioned church supper.
     The good ladies of the church, who had kept a canteen open all during the war, had lost none of their skill in dishing up good old Indiana baked ham. The crowd was big and the chow line long, but relaxing on the church lawn was perfect after a hot, hard day. Gradually the party broke up to renew old acquaintances or get some shut eye. Some went to the night clubs; some went to look up a gal named "Myrtle".

     The highlight of the whole convention was the solemn, magnificent tribute to our war dead. The awe-inspiring Shrine Room of the World War Memorial was filled to every nook and cranny with over 2000 people. Flights of war planes droned overhead, the Indiana Newsboy Band played the Star Spangled Banner softly in the distance. The invocation was given by Rabbi Greenfield from Indianapolis, the eulogy by the president of the local ministers Association. Colorful uniforms of Indiana State Troopers, Marines, WACs and the Air Force dotted the room. National and State Brass, and a group of 106ers from their wheelchairs and their salutes with steel hooks instead of arms and hands brought lumps to the throats of many. The Culver Military Academy color guard bearing the National colors, a Gold-Star flag, the Division Standard and Culver Regimental Flag dropped the Division Flag and the Gold Star flag to receive wreaths of evergreen from General Jones and movie star Joe E. Brown. The congregation then proceeded through the Aisle of Valor lined with Boy Scouts to the north end of the Memorial Plaza where the wreaths were removed from the flags and placed on the tomb of the Unknown Soldier from Indiana. Also placed there were baskets of flowers by Indiana

At the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

    war mothers and by Miss 106th for the Division. In the distance came the soul stirring strains of Taps played by the bugler who had blown the call to arms at Pearl Harbor and at Iwo Jima. At the conclusion of the ceremonies there was hardly a dry eye.

Tuesday Luncheon
     Three circus tents had been erected in the Memorial Plaza in the form of a "U" for the luncheons Tuesday and Wednesday with buffet style lunches being served. On Tuesday the fare was Indiana creamed chicken and string beans. At the speakers table were Generals Jones, Stroh, Perrin and McMahon of the 106th, General Sherwood, General Maxwell, Honorable Ben H. Watt, Major Henley of the Indiana War Memorial Commission, President Price, Cedric Foster the radio commentator, Joe E. Brown, movie star, and Mayor Denny of Indianapolis.
     Brigadier General Sherwood on behalf of Governor Gates, who was at a conference of Governors in Utah, presented the Indiana State Medals and honorary citizenship to Generals Jones, Stroh, Perrin and McMahon, President Price and Secretary Livesey.
The Companion Class (bronze) of the Order of the Golden Lion was presented by President Price to:
Governor Ralph E. Gates, in absentia,
Major General Tyndall, in memoriam,
Mayor George Denny,
Honorable Ben H. Watt,
General Howard Maxwell,
Major Frank Henley,
General Elmer Sherwood and
Joe E. Brown.
    The Generals of the Division then each gave a report of the Division's activities during the time of his command, in chronological order, General Jones. General Perrin, General Stroh (who included General Woolfley's command in his absence) and General McMahon covering Division Artillery. For nearly two hours the audience sat in rapt attention, listening to the first complete story of the Division and the "big picture."



    (L to R) Cedric Foster, General Jones, Joe E. Brown, Major Henley. General Stroh, General McMahon, General Perrin, President David Price.

     There was a short recess and everyone prepared to mount busses for the 65 mile trip to the Shades for a picnic supper. A motor cavalcade, escorted with screaming sirens, by two motorcycles, a state trooper car and State Superintendent of Police Colonel Rossow in his own siren equipped car, with passengers Joe E. Brown, Miss 106th, and General and Mrs. Jones. Following were eight huge brand new, interstate busses and 51 cars belonging to members. On the way to the Shades the cavalcade took time out to make a complete circuit of the two and
On the Memorial Speedway
    one-half mile Indianapolis Memorial Speedway, hitting at times 75 miles an hour. The trek then continued to the Shades, a great natural private park, with deep ravines and a confluence of three rivers. The great dining hall was filled with a boisterous happy throng, and while we hit the inevitable chow line, it was worth it for the famous steak with brown gravy.
     Sid Gunter, guitar playing hill-billy, who had entertained so many of the boys in Stalag A, was introduced by Pete Frampton, who was Master of Ceremonies for the evening. The spontaneous form of entertainment made for a hilarious evening. Sid played for us and also had a beautiful gal who used to play for us at Atterbury playing with him. He called on Joe E. Brown, who came out and obliged with his famous baseball act. The Generals of the Division all got out and sang a rendition of "Old Soldiers Never Die" proving conclusively that they were better tacticians than singers. Cedric Foster and General Perrin went on and on like Tennyson's brook singing the verses of the Yale "Whiffenpoof Song." A dance orchestra was provided but everyone felt like going back to the city early and the cavalcade took off about 9:30.

     At the business meeting in the morning a new Board of Directors was elected. Aspinwall, Francis. 1411 No. Madison Street, Rome, New York;
Bailly, Philip E., 91 Monmouth Street, Red Bank, New Jersey;
Brumaghin, David C, 115 Westview Avenue, Paramus, New Jersey;
Cessna, Gerald H., Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania;
de St. Aubin, Robt. 717 So. Gunderson Avenue, Oak Park, Illinois;


First Meeting New Board of Directors

    Frampton, Duward B. Jr., Schenley Apts, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Hagman, Ben J., Kuteman Bldg... Weatherford, Texas; Hall, John L. R. D. #2 Port Allegany, Pennsylvania; Harrold, Vincent A., 40 Imrie Road. Boston 34, Mass., Hatch, H. M. (Jim), 5609 Fifteenth Avenue So., Minneapolis, Minnesota; McCathran, Arthur, 4609 Oliver Street, Riverdale, Maryland; McCollum, Vollie, Cornersville, Tennessee; Morrison, R. B., 3122 La Vista Drive, Overland 14, Missouri; Perrin, Herbert T., Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio; Perry, Kenneth W., 4643 So. Meridian Street, Box 790, Indianapolis, Indiana; Price, David S., 237 So. Manning Blvd., Albany, New York; Robasse, Charles N., Jr., 536 Grant Place, Chicago 15, Illinois; Schnitzlein, J. Glenn, 5905 Woodward Avenue, Downers Grove, Illinois; Stewart, James Y., 10055 Elgin Avenue, Huntington Woods, Michigan; Stout, Robert P., 248 Monterey Avenue, Pelham 65, New York; Utter, Oakley, Mine Hill, Dover, New Jersey: and Walker, Alan W., 827 East Calhoun Street, Macomb, Illinois.

Wednesday Luncheon
     A community luncheon with cold cuts and potato salad was served after which the men were honored with the presence of the radio commentator Cedric Foster who was presented at this time with the Commander Class of the Order of the Golden Lion and who replied with one of the most stirring talks ever heard by those present, on the obligations of a free democracy. The Golden Lion was presented to Mr. Foster by Mrs. Alan W. (Alys) Jones, mother of a son (Capt. Alan W. Jones, Jr.) captured in the Bulge, and wife of a man (General Jones) stricken in the Bulge. The Division flag was at this time presented to Major Henley by President Price. Major Henley accepted it on behalf of the War Memorial Commission and said that it would be preserved in the Memorial Room with other cherished standards and colors. All business having been finished expeditiously, there was no session Wednesday afternoon. The members attended the open house at the American Legion hall or started preparing for the final event of the convention, the banquet at the Southern Mansion.

The Final Banquet
     A cool white building, an outdoor dance floor and outdoor tables, soft blue lights, an excellent orchestra and beautiful women--what more could be asked for a final affair. Everyone relaxed, the work done, the first convention a success. Indiana fried chicken was heaped on every plate.

Mr. & Mrs. Frampton receiving the Golden Lion from son Pete

Florence and Rooe Simpson receiving the Golden Lion from General Jones

     The highlight of the evening was the awarding of the Commander Class of the Order of the Golden Lion to the Frampton's and the Simpson's. Mr. and Mrs. Frampton received the Golden Lion from their son Pete, a POW of the 422 Cannon Company. Mr. and Mrs. Simpson received the Golden Lion from their dear friend General Jones. Later in the evening Al Harding, on behalf of the Hoosier Golden Lions, presented


to the Simpson a beautiful bronze memorial plaque with a resolution of thanks to them.
     Shortly after midnight the party began to drift away in driblets and much as the Division was laid on the shelf at Camp Shanks, without ceremony, but with a nostalgic happiness and contentment, the First Reunion of the Golden Lions passed into history.

Highlights and Sidelights
    To try to cover all of the events of this happy, strenuous, exciting three days is impossible. Some things remain bright in the memory of this reporter.
Red Cross Clubmobile dispensing free sandwiches and drinks

     The genuinely friendly welcome by all of Indianapolis--the three newspapers, the Star, Times and News, cooperated magnificently with daily stories, often on the front page. The stores of Indianapolis ran advertisements in the papers welcoming the Golden Lions and gave over many windows to displays of welcome. The tradespeople all cooperated with low prices for flowers, barbers, pressing, etc.
     It was amusing to note the expression on Major Henley's face, custodian of the $15,000,000 War Memorial. The first day he looked obviously worried and harassed about what these wild G.I.'s would do to his beautiful War Memorial. Each day the look became less worried and on the last day he issued a friendly, sincere invitation on behalf of the War Memorial to return next year. It was the best behaved convention seen in a long time. Certainly there was none of the silliness that civilians usually associate with veterans conventions. There were probably several factors--first, men of this war are not the boys of World War I. They had been through too much, seen too much, and were faced with too many problems to act like high school freshmen. Second, the large number of wives, mothers and sweethearts present had a stabilizing influence. Third, the majority of the men attending had been PWs. It was not an occasion for hilarity, but one for reminiscing and thoughtfulness. This was expressed in the earnest debate in every one of the business sessions on basic problems of the Association and our national life.

     Probably the center of interest of the attendees was the bulletin board on which were put the names and addresses and units of all men in attendance. They collected around this board the whole three days, looking up old friends who were attending the convention.
The 40 & 8 held open house for members and was well attended.
    Ken Perry, new vice-president 5' 4" and Glenn Schnitzlein, new Sgt-at-Arms, 5' 20" when working side by side presented one of the incongruities of the occasion.
     The weather, while behaving amiably, couldn't resist one mean trick, and the first night blew over all the banquet tents. But, Ken Perry and his Hoosier Golden Lions worked like beavers to get things set up again.
     Cedric Foster, who from his photograph looks like a slender, small, scholarly sort, turned out to be about 6' 3", a hell of a swell fellow, and a raconteur par excellence. Sorry but we can't repeat in this family magazine some of his best stories.
     Colonel "Curly" Williams, Signal Corp, kept insisting he had to get out to his "Aunt Mamie's'. --turned out there actually was an Aunt Mamie. He can be forgiven a lot because of his beautiful, charming wife.

    Three A.M. Reception for Joe E. Brown. L. to R.--Mr. & Mrs. Bob Simpson, General Jones, Mary Beth Underwood (Miss 106th), Joe E. Brown, Secretary Livesey


     At the banquet listening to General Herb Perrin, Cedric Foster, Mike Belzer and Curly Williams sing "Bell Bottom Trousers."
     L S. Ayers, who employ Miss 106th, as a model, gave her three days of fun and her choice of any clothes she wished--Tuesday she appeared in a red sweater--WOW!
     Just about every section of the country was represented--there were men from Portland, Main and Portland, Oregon, Minnesota and Texas and all points in between. John Mason came all the way from the Philippines. He is scheduled for Yale in the fall, but came two months in advance to make sure that he didn't miss the convention.
     One poor chap, Norwood Frye and his buddy, from Glastonbury, Connecticut, really had it tough. He was stuck for three days en route with cracked cylinders.
Wire after wire was received from boys who couldn't be present.
     Fred Farris, of Roanoke, Virginia, brought along the original Golden Lion which hung over the entrance to DHQ at Fort Jackson, weather worn and covered with Tennessee mud. He presented it to the Division Association as a cherished memento to be displayed at every convention.
     Several of the members of the Board of Directors made quiet checks of all those present to find out what the opinion was of the Association and the convention. They reported unanimously that the feeling was good--ranging from quietly satisfied to high enthusiasm and a wide spread resolution to go hack and sell the Association to all members of the Division. Only one chap said he didn't like the Association and didn't like the convention -- but he couldn't give any good reasons-must have been something he et! You can always lay a bet that at every football game there will be some mongrel dog that will trot from one end of the field to the other. Surprisingly enough there weren't any dogs, but there was a little bare-footed, tow-headed, and kid in coveralls that persisted in going up and down in front of the speakers during the two luncheons.

A woman at the Reunion
By Jane Livesey
     Especially for you folks who were not able to attend the convention, I am detailed to write a report of the Women's Program and the formation of the Auxiliary of the 106th Division Association.
     The reunion itself was such a wonderful dizzy whirl of activity it is to be hoped that I can report at least semi-accurately on all the things in which we participated. Certainly Indianapolis and her citizens outdid even their usual Hoosier hospitality to make this such an event that we shall never forget their generosity and cordiality.
     Monday morning, July thirteenth, many old friendships were renewed among the wives and mothers and many cemented which were only exchanges of letters and information during our -Dark December" days. It was wonderful to see them and we missed so much, the good friends who couldn't come.
     Tuesday, the ladies were entertained at a luncheon at the Antlers Hotel --the luncheon presided over by our charming Mrs. Alan W. Jones. She introduced the honored guests and the speaker for the afternoon, Mrs. Snyder -- a palmist. Mrs. Snyder held all of us spellbound as few speakers we have ever listened to have been able to do. She had read the palms of 8200 service men during three years in a canteen in Indianapolis, many of them our boys. Her stories of the different men were fascinating -- truly we couldn't hear enough.
     On Wednesday afternoon, the ladies were given a tea by the War Mothers of America -- at the tea we were entertained by a group. of "War Mothers" who, more to cheer themselves than others at first, had formed a "Gay Nineties" Revue during the war--they were so amusing and appealing that they played at many of the camps and hospitals and are still doing so. As one of their members said, "It's awfully corny, but it's fun," and so it was.
     Following this, H. P. Wasson & Co., presented a style show giving us a preview of fashions for the coming fall. The clothes were very lovely -- some we liked, some we did not, but we all agreed that the group of models certainly spoke well for Indiana beauties.
     The person we have to thank for all these special events w. Mrs. W. R. Simpson, who with her husband had made the whole convention such a memorable one.


     There were so many people who gave of their time and energy that I wish I could mention them all, but I have space for only two -- Mrs. Yarling, President of the War Mothers, and Mrs. Breedlove, President of the University Heights Chapter of the War Mothers of America. There are many others we are indebted to, but not knowing their names I can only say "Thank you so much."

Now to the Auxiliary--
     Monday morning, July 13th. the Steering committee together with other ladies whom we invited to sit in with us, started the large task of somehow forming and adopting a Constitution and By-Laws, electing an Executive Committee and Board of Directors -- all before the close of the reunion.
     The Steering Committee consisted of Mrs. David Price, Chairman, Albany, New York, Mrs. Herbert Livesey Jr., Secretary, Mamaroneck, New York, Mrs. D. B. Frampton Jr. Pittsburgh, Mrs. Howard Maurer, Springfield. III. and Mrs. Wm. Lyle Mowlds of Dover. Delaware.
     Through Monday and Tuesday members of the Committee tried to talk to as many relatives and friends present as possible to find out their ideas and desires. On Wednesday morning a meeting of all interested was held, to discuss and adopt the Constitution and elect the officers and directors.
     It was decided that the membership should include all relatives and friends of our veterans. The membership dues were set at $2 for a single membership, $3 for a membership including the Cub.
     Various projects in which the Auxiliary might interest itself were considered. One considered as a good beginning was for a Gold Star Mother to "adopt" a Golden Lion still in the hospital to see that he had the things he needed, that he got the Cub and other things of interest to him. Since the requests for the formation of the Auxiliary had come to the Secretary mostly from parents of our boys who had been killed in action or who were Prisoners of War, we strove to have a good representation on both the Executive Board and the Board of Directors of those present.
     To many of the people who will be listed in the following, this will be the first they have heard of being elected to these offices since many were not present but had indicated interest in such an organization previously. They will be notified later and asked to serve.

MRS. W. S. DAVIS, Vice-President Indianapolis
MRS. HOWARD MAURER Springfield, Illinois
MRS. EARL HOPBELL, Secretary Turtle Creek. Pa.

MRS. ALAN JONES Washington

MRS. W. R. SIMPSON Indianapolis

1. MRS. KENNETH PERRY Indianapolis
3. MR. H. WILLIAMS Waco, Texas
4. MRS. MARK COHEN Chicago
5. MRS. BEN HAGMAN Weatherford, Texas
6. MRS. JOHN BEALS Detroit
9. MR. H. W. THOMAS California
10. MRS. EDNA CAROW Sierra Madre, California
11. MRS. D. B. FRAMPTON, JR. Pittsburgh
12. MRS. DAVID BRUMACHIN Parnassus, N. J.
13. MRS. CLARKE SEDAM South Rend, Ind.
14. MRS. W. L. MUNXON Dover, Delaware
15. MRS. WILLIAM Mums Philadelphia
17. MISS MARCUS Detroit
18. MRS. ROBERT LAMS Cosmos. Oklahoma

     The Constitution was set up to include a five person Executive Board which would elect its own officers -- President, Vice President and Secretary. No Treasurer was considered necessary since all membership dues and other funds would be sent to the 106th Association which would in turn return to the officers enough for their expenses for mailings, etc.)
    The Board of Directors is to be a twenty-person Board, to represent the various sections of the country, to help on convention planning and to advise the Executive Board as to interests and opinions.
     The officers elected by the Executive Committee are Mrs. D. B. Frampton Sr., Schenley Apartment, Pittsburgh. Mrs. W. S. Davis of Indianapolis, Vice President, Mrs. Earl Hopbell of Turtle Creek, Pennsylvania, Secretary.
     Many of you have known of Mrs. Frampton --to many of you she was a helping hand during the "Bulge" and with her husband, she was the moving spirit of the Agony Grapevine.
     We know that with the organizing ability she possesses, plus her charm, she will do a wonderful job as President and we feel most fortunate that we could persuade her to accept nomination to the Executive Committee.
     We now have over forty paid memberships in the Association with more coming in every day. If you are interested, please send your membership in to Mr. Arthur McCathran the new Secretary-Treasurer, and if you want to help us make this a truly good organization write Mrs. Frampton; she'll be delighted to hear from you.


     Waldo Pierce, 530 East Street, New Britain, Conn. writes: "Sorry I couldn't make the convention, but this Big Event (the arrival of Douglas James on July 26th) had top priority. Klaus Guttmann of West Hartford tells me a glorious time was had by all. Baby, Mrs. and myself doing nicely."
     Pvt Thomas V. Pritchette, Ward #81, Tilton General Hospital, Ft. Dix, N. J. writes: "Having been a member of the 106th Div. 423 Regt, E Co, could you kindly send me the required information concerning their reunion in July at Indianapolis, Ind. I have also contacted other ex-members of the 106th since being here at the hospital that are interested."
     Pfc John S. (Jack) Nesbit, Jr.: "Fellow Members, Co F, 2d Bn, 424th Inf Regt, 106th Div, Indianapolis, Ind., Dear Friends: It is with broken heart and near tears that I write this letter. I wanted so much to be with you at the convention. Time, distance, and expense stand in my way. However, I want every one of you to know that our association and experiences in the past ring sharply in my mind and I hold the fellowship and friendship we enjoyed together as hope for better days. My home mailing address is Box 263, Mesquite, Texas. I have addresses of some of our Buddies and would be glad to send same to you. A letter from each of you would be welcome and thoroughly enjoyed and I guarantee an answer. Best of luck to you and best wishes for a happy reunion and successful convention."
     C. P. Brown, 1854 E. 31st Street, Lorain, Ohio writes: "Thank you for the circular letter informing of the convention to be held at Indianapolis. The statement contained therein concerning the expense for mailing such correspondence is understandable. However, I would just like to say that this is the first such letter I have ever received and although I knew that other divisions were organizing associations, this was the first I learned of the 106th Association. Any information you care to send concerning this association will be appreciated. I am particularly interested in obtaining a complete history of the Division and anything and everything concerning even the smallest units that has been written and published. I was a member of A Co 422d Inf Regt and quite naturally possess great interest in that company and its particular history. The notice of reservations desired at Indianapolis will have to be declined inasmuch as previous plans cannot be postponed. I have only just been separated from the service as of 11 June, having returned from another overseas tour of duty; and with the problems of getting readjusted into this civilian life, many situations have to be decided. Enclosed is the $3.00 membership fee for 1947-48 and in the event a remittance is needed to cover the history and other published information requested, kindly advise."
     Herbert H. Clark, Jr., 519 State Street, Apt. 2, W. Lafayette, Ind.: "I see where the reunion is getting pretty complete coverage in most of the newspapers. I wish I could attend, but am right in the middle of a semester here at Purdue. Only sixty miles, so near and yet so far, I only hope that I'll be able to make the next one. The reason for this letter is to change my mailing address. You see after three years of being engaged I finally took the leap. The same girl I talked about when we were overseas. My only regret is that we couldn't have gotten hitched sooner."
     Duncan Trueman, Jr., 150-12 11th Avenue, Whitestone, N. Y. writes: "I am enclosing my check for three bucks for membership in the association. I confess to being a trifle late; it's just a case of good intentions, but never getting around to it. In fact, my present action has been stimulated by my good friend Ed Marcincoski (ex 1st Lt, Co F 424th). We are both sweating out our junior year at Hofstra College, Long Island. I have been reading Ed's copy of the CUB regularly and let me extend my congratulations on a fine piece of work. My only regret is that I will be unable to attend the Indianapolis Reunion because of the school work. I was a member of Anti-Tank Co, 424th Inf,


    from Ft. Jackson days until a few months after VJ day, when I hit the 106th and headed homeward. Frankly, I still have a certain nostalgia for the old outfit. (However, I shan't re-enlist.) For the present, I will close. I hope to hear from you or any of the boys soon. Until then, best wishes and good luck in Indianapolis!"
     Ex-T-4 Steve Osciak: "Enclosed please find my check for my 1947-48 membership. I still can't figure out how you can get out so fine a 'slick magazine' on so little dues. I just want to let all my old buddies from the 106th Sig Co, radio section, know that I got myself married to the sweetest gal in Brooklyn and we have a new address now; 541 46th Street, Brooklyn 20, N. Y. I used up my summer vacation for a honeymoon already, so I'm sorry to say we won't be able to make that wonderful convention. I'll be there in spirit though and I've arranged to get all the Indianapolis papers the week of the reunion."
     Richard Adamson: "Sorry to say that I cannot possibly make this years' reunion, but my best wishes accompany this note for the success of the reunion. I am looking forward most eagerly for the next issue of the CUB, so that I may read about a grand affair that I know I am to miss. Here is my membership dues for '47-'48 to the best association going. Our magazine and officers have been right up to par and I hope that it will continue to be the same under the new command. I myself, am working during summer vacation from Ohio University. Good luck and I hope Co I 424th takes over."
     Ernest R. Via, Box 417, Reidsville, N. C. writes: "I want to acknowledge your very nice letter which I have just received and also your invitation to attend the Division reunion, which is to be held on the 14th of July, but things have turned up that I don't see it possible for me to attend. I was more than glad to hear from the Division and I have been keeping up with the unit ever since it went into action, and it really did some wonderful fighting. I told some of the boys in my outfit, which at that time was the 28th Div. that watching that outfit was like watching a new born baby grow and mold in strength and power."
     Chester C. Coln, Corinth, Miss.: "I am very sorry I can't attend the fine reunion planned for all the 106'ers. I sincerely hope to attend next year, if any way possible. Please wish each and every buddy a very happy time for me."
     James E. Fielden, 4024 Dartmouth Avenue North, St. Petersburg, Fla. writes: "While glancing through the June issue of V.F.W. Foreign Service Magazine, I ran across the announcement of the reunion being held soon. Since I was a member of 590th FA in early 1943 I would like to learn of the Division's experiences in World War II and if possible, get in touch with some of the fellows in Btry C of said Bn. I was transferred to the 31st Div from Ft. Jackson and kept in touch with one fellow, until he was transferred to another outfit in France. I hear they really had a tough break there in Belgium and would like to know whether any of my buddies were killed there. Your efforts in helping me find them will be greatly appreciated."
     Irving M. Kessler writes: "I'm enclosing my check for my membership and I'm sorry that I won't be able to attend the Division's first reunion. I'd like to be there and I'll certainly miss the gang, but my thoughts will be with you. Uncle Sam and I made other arrangements. I'm a member of the ORC and am now on active duty for 60 days, June and July, at Holabird Signal Depot. Things are a lot different now than when I was here during the war. I now have my own business in Westfield, N. J. I own the bowling alleys there -- Westfield Recreation. Several boys from the Division drop in every once in a while and I'm proud to show them my copies of the CUB. We also have our own apartment, 69 Dewey Street, Newark, N. J. and the five rooms are shaping up very nicely. All in all my dreams while in the 106th are now coming true. In closing I hope that the reunion is a huge success and I'll greatly miss not being there. Here's wishing everyone good health, pleasant weather and lots of fun."
     Don M. Houseman, 1505 Federal Street, Dallas, Tex.: "Enclosed is $3.00 for next year's dues and I wish to take this opportunity to thank you for helping us get news of our old friends through the medium of the CUB. I sincerely hope that everyone will remain interested enough to send in their dues, so that we may continue to operate. I'm sorry that I can't make the convention this year, but hope that the others will be more fortunate and that a fine time will be had by all. Under separate folder I am sending several printed copies of a broadcast made by Cedric Foster on January 21, 1945 about the 106th. Perhaps some of the men would be interested in having one to put with their other clippings." (Ed: We distributed these pamphlets at the convention --many thanks.)
     Bascom Giles, father of Lt. J. B. Giles, Jr. writes as follows from Austin, Tex.: "This will acknowledge receipt of your announcement of the Golden Lions reunion. My son, James Bascom Giles, Jr., to whom the announcement was sent, is now in Takamatsu, Japan, and I know he sincerely regrets that his tour of duty will


    prevent his being with you in your reunion. My son was with the 106th, joining them just before going overseas, going through the Battle of the Bulge, and is now in Japan. His address is as follows, and any correspondence you might care to send him will reach him there: Lt. J. B. Giles, Jr. 1-26634, Hq, Shikoku Mil. Govt. Region, APO 317, c/o PM, San Francisco, Calif."
     Grover F. Morrow, 112 Ball Street, Sheboygan, Mich. writes: "I am deeply indebted to my friend, Manuel Silvia of Bristol, R. I. for having sent you my name. I have received all back copies of the CUB and have never enjoyed reading anything quite as much. The memo to former members of the 422d Id in Sept. issue is especially interesting as it supplies the answers to all my questions concerning the situations which confronted us during our dark days. I have been hospitalized with TB almost since my discharge over a year ago and if no further complications arise I expect discharge from this sanatorium in two more years. I am in full accord with the plans for the reunion and I assure you my thoughts will be there on those days. Thank you most sincerely for your consideration and you will receive my membership fee very shortly. I was formerly of Co G, 422 Regt, surrendered from Regt Motor Pk, Dec. 19, 1944, liberated from Stalag IVA near Zittav, Germany on May 7, 1945."
     Colonel Leonard Umanoff: "Sorry I couldn't make the clambake at Indianapolis. I'm completing a 90 day tour of duty with G-3 Section, Hq First Army and couldn't get any leave to attend. Incidentally it's a most interesting assignment in that I headed Special Projects Branch of the Plans and Operations Division of G-3. I did the pick and shovel work on operation SNOWDROP, forthcoming cold weather exercises of an Airborne Regimental Combat Team at Pine Camp, N. Y., even to supplying the name. If Bill Perlman is back in the States, please award him the order of 'Stinker First Class' for not having gotten in touch with me. Oh yes, enclosed is a check for my dues. Hope to see you soon."
     Eddie J. White, 618 W. Ridgewood, San Antonio, Tex.: "I received my June-July issue of the CUB a couple of days ago and was very happy about it. I saw some of my buddies' names and their addresses. It just nearly kills me to think about what a swell time all you guys are going to have at that convention and I can't be there. My vacation starts Monday, the 14th, but it's the wrong time of the month for me. I'm going to a refrigeration school and that's the only income I have. It sure makes it tough too. I was counting very much on being there, but it looks like now I can't. I hope it all turns out a success and I know it will. Give all the boys my best regards. I want to find out about one of my officer buddies. He was a 2nd Lt. in the Hq Co 3d Bn 423d Regt. His name is Charles T. McCreary. He was transferred to the 35th Div. to come home and I'd sure like to know where he is. Thanks for anything you can do for me. I expect to have a good job within the next few weeks as a refrigeration service man and when I do, I want to do my part in keeping the association going. All of you are doing a swell job, and I know that whoever takes the job of keeping it going is going to have lots of worries just like you have now. It's not all fun, is it? Well, I reckon that's about all for this time. Just thought I'd let you know how much I'm going to miss all the fun and sorry I couldn't make it.'
     Robert D. Eldridge, Cushing General Hospital, Framingham, Mass. writes: "I wish at this time to thank you for sending me the notice about the 106th first reunion. I would sure like to go and possibly meet some of my former buddies of Co G 422 who were with me when we were captured in the Ardennes. At the present time I am at the Cushing Vet. Hosp. due to being a POW. If and when a history of the 106th is printed, I would be pleased if you would notify me so I can obtain a copy. I wish the association a great success at the first reunion and hope there are more in the future. So from one 106er to another here's wishing you all the best of luck."
* Means a New Member
    James C. Armstrong, Co K 424, doesn't tell us what he is doing. His home is in Indianapolis, Ind. at 522 N. New Jersey Street.


    S/Sgt Frank S. Andrasovsky was a prisoner at Gerolstein and Dockweiler. He's now working in his home town of Cleveland, Ohio. Address him there at 3806 E. 116th Street.
    Sgt Orfeo E. Agostini, Co A 81st Eng (C) Bit, is a paper maker in Erie, Pa. His home address there is 1803 E. 6th Street.
    S/Sgt Leonard J. Butterbaugh, AT Co 423, was at IVB. He's an electrician in Council Bluffs, Iowa. His home address is Shelby, Iowa.
    T/5 Robert H. Butler, Co F 424 PH and CIB, tells us he's not employed at the present time. 354 Roosevelt Avenue, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio is his address.
Lt Col Madison H. Buckley, 422, is a physician and surgeon in Martin, Tenn. 206 Oxford Street is his address there.
    T/5 Carl D. Brooks, Med Det 424, PH, tells us he's now a student. His home is in Chattanooga, Tenn., 811 Albany Street.
    Cpl Victor W. Breite, Co I 422, PH and CIB, was at IXB. He is a chemist in St. Louis, Mo. Address him there at 1101 John Avenue.
T/5 Rayford B. Breaux, doesn't tell us what he's doing. His home address is 700 Avenue B, Marrero, La.
    Cpl Eugene F. Brady, Co E 422, was at IVB. He is a student and his home is at 303 Kearsavge Street, Pittsburgh 11, Pa.
    Cpl Ralph K. Bowles, Cn Co 422, was at IXB. He tells us he's a baker for the Bowles Bake Shop in Roanoke, Va. His home address there is 1856 Williamson Road.
    T/4 Charles K. Bonds Jr., Btry B and Hq Btry 591st FA Bn, tells us he's attending the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. 156 Idris Road, Merion Station, Pa. is his home address.
    Wilbert C. Bogen, Btry A 591st FA Bn, doesn't tell as what he's doing. His home is in Appleton, Wis., 617 W. 7th Street.
Pfc George L. Bloomingburg, Co I 423, PH and CIB, was at IVB. He's now farming at Rt. #6, Benton, Ky.
    James P. Blalock, AT Co 422, PH, tells as he's a bookkeeper in his home town of Chattanooga, Tenn. Address him there at 2906 E. 46th Street.
    Pfc Harold R. Blalack, Co F 423, was at IXB. Ludlow Falls, Ohio is his home town and he tells us he's a trucker in Covington, Ohio.
    Cpl William S. Blaher, Co I 422, was at IXB. He's a commercial photographer in Flemington. N. J. 31 Main Street is his home address there.
    T/5 Frank J. Viviano, Hq Co 1st Bn 423, PH, was at IXB. He tells as he is a truck driver and his home is at 368 Lawton Avenue, Grantwood, N. J.
    Sgt Gerald J. Besl, 422, was at IVB. He doesn't tell us what he's doing now. His home is in La Crosse, Wis. at 426 Avon Street.
    Maj Lee Berwick, 3d Bn 424, SS and BS, tells as he's an instructor at L.S.U. in Baton Rouge, La. Address him there c/o A.I. Dept.
    Capt Causa E. Berry, BS, who was Aide to Gen. Stroh, is now an advertising account executive in Indianapolis, Ind., his home town. Address him there at 4455 Marcy Lane.
    T/5 John D. Beals, was at IVB, XIIA, VIIIA and XIB. He tells as he's now an office manager and material clerk for a sand and gravel company in Iowa City, Iowa. His address there is 1403 E. College Street.
    Pfc Frederick R. Battilora, Co L 423, doesn't tell as what he's doing. 323 Lincoln Avenue, Lyndhurst, N. J. is his home address.
Pfc Leo S. Basiger, tells us he's farming at R.R. #3, Delaware, Ohio.
    T/3 Walter Bandurak, Med Det 81st Eng (C) Bn, CMB, is a steel inspector. His home address is 10th Avenue, Natrona, Pa.
    Cpl Joseph M. Cannon, Bty C 589th FA Bn, was at XIIA, Gerolstein, XB and XC. He doesn't tell us what he's doing now. His home is in Detroit, Mich., 12303 Northlawn.
Pfc John A. Caracciolo, 589th FA Bn, is a student. 1623 Foster Avenue, Schenectady 8, N. Y. is his home address.
    Capt Samuel P. Cariano, Div Hq, is now Regular Army and tells as his address is Hq Mich. Rctg Dist, Federal Bldg., Detroit, Mich.
    T/5 Carl H. Carlson, Jr., Hq Btry Divarty, is a mill supply salesman in his home town of Rockford, Ill. Address him there at 2210 Logan Street.
    Capt Gerald H. Cessna, 81st Eng (C) Bn, tells us he's a physician at the Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh, Pa. His home is in Cresson, Pa., 220 Keystone Avenue.
    M/Sgt Christopher T. Clark, Svc Co and Hq Co 3d Bn 423, is an industrial engineer. 518 South Main St., Niles, Ohio is his home address.
    Sgt William E. Clift, Regt Hq Co 422, was at IXA and IXB. He's now associated with the Varbra Enterprises in Mobile, Ala. His home is in Springhill, Ala. at 255 W. Parkway.
Collin L. Cochran, Co H 422, was at XIB and XIIA. He tells us he's a carpenter in his home town of Hillsville, Va.
S/Sgt Milton M. Conner, 592d FA Bn, is a plumber in Arlington, Tex. Address him there at 206 N. Pecan Street.
    S/Sgt Charles M. Cook, 3d Id Regt, tells as he's a restaurant owner in Muncie, Ind. His home address there is 2320 S. Hackley Street.


    The First Reunion of the Golden Lions of the 106th Infantry Division. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, July 14, 15, 16, 1947, Indianapolis, 'Indiana. This picture taken Wednesday noon on the steps of the World War Memorial
    T/4 Raymond T. Cook, Jr., Co L and Cn Co 424, is a student at the Veterans' Institute in Baltimore, Md. 716 Puritan Street is his home address in Baltimore.
    S/Sgt Woodrow W. Coultes, Co C 424, tells as he's a restaurant manager in Columbus, Ohio, his home town. His address there is 1171 E. Whittier Street.
    2d Lt Howard D. Crank, 591st FA Bn, doesn't say what he's doing now. His home is in Kansas City, Mo., 1184 E. 75th Terrace.
    S/Sgt Edwin D. Creath, Jr., Hq & Hq Btry 591st FA Bn, tells us he's associated with the Zenite Metal Corp. in Indianapolis, Ind. His home address there is 2010 E. LeGrande Avenue.
    Robert E. Cunningham, AT Co and Cn Co 424, PH, doesn't tell us what he's doing now. Rt. #2, Lancaster, S. C. is his home address.
    Hampton J. Dailey, Jr., Co K 422, PH, was at XIIA, IVB and IVC. He tells us he's a student and his home address is 181 Sunset Avenue, Verona, N. J.
    Cpl Walter E. Daugherty, Co L 423, PH, doesn't tell as what he's doing now. His home is in Ludington, Mich., 206% W. Gaylord.
    Clyde W. Davis, AT Co 422, CIB, was at IVB and IVA. He doesn't say what he's doing now. 462 S. Webster Avenue, Indianapolis, Ind. is his home address.
    Francis J. DeLuca, 106th QM Co, tells us he was a member of the Division Baseball Team. He's now an inspector for an aircraft corporation in East Hartford, Conn. His home is in Hartford at 144 Adams Street.
    T/4 Robert A. de St. Aubin, Cn Co and AT Co 424, tells us he's a salesman in his home town of Oak Park, Ill. Address him there at 717 S. Gunderson Avenue.


    T/5 Robert M. Dillhoff, 592d FA Bn, tells us he's an insurance agent in Cincinnati, Ohio. His home address there is 2240 Crane Avenue.
    Cpl Ellis G. Duffey, Cn Co 424, PH, was at XIIA, IIIA and KDO 499E. He's now a tool and die maker in Pemberville, Ohio, his home town.
    S/Sgt George Engle, Co E 424 and Co B 423, is a restaurant owner in Norristown, Pa. His home address there is 522 Chain Street.
    Cpl Albert E. Falkner, AT Co 423, tells us he's associated with the Pontiac Daily Press in Pontiac, Mich. His home is in Drayton Plains, Mich., at 4205 Seeley Court.
    T/4 Robert Ferdon, Cn Co 424 and 106th Sig Co, tells us he's now an electrical engineer. 9643 Appoline, Detroit, Mich. is his home address.
    1st Lt Bruce M. Fischer, Co D 422, BS, was at Hammelberg. He's now a lawyer in Cincinnati, Ohio. His home address there is 2619 Observatory.
    T/4 Joseph L. Fitzpatrick, Co A 424 doesn't tell us what he's doing now. His home is in Benton, Ill., 708 Buchanan Street.
    T/Sgt Michael G. Fodor, Hq Btry 589th FA Bn, PH, doesn't tell us what he's doing now. 8134 Rathbone, Detroit, Mich. is his home address.
    1/Sgt Guy H. Ford, Btry C 591st FA Bn, tells us he's a retail grocer in his home town of Wheeling, W. Va. Address him there at 1703 Warwood Avenue.
    M/Sgt Clyde F. Foster, 106th Sig Co, SS and Croix de Guerre, is an equipment supervisor for the Westerns Electric Company in Charleston, W. Va. His home is its Harrisville, W. Va.
    Stanley L. Frickman, 106th Sig Co, doesn't tell us what he's doing now. 314 Emming Street, Cincinnati 19, Ohio is his home address.
    Sgt Robert H. Frische, G-l Sec Div Hq, tells us he's majoring its accounting at Loyola University. His home is in Glenview, Ill. at 2019 Fir Drive.


    T/5 Norwood A. Frye, Co B 81st Eng (C) Bn, PH, was at IVB. He tells us he's a shipping clerk and his home address is 39 Clinton Street, Glastonbury, Conn.
    Cpl Joseph J. Gasses, Regt Hq Co 422, was at XIIA. He doesn't tell us what he's doing now. His home is in Grand Haven, Mich., 609 Washington Street.
    T/4 Robert G. Gerber, 3d Inf Regt, doesn't say what he's doing now. 617 Phillips Street, Marietta, Ohio is his home address.
    Pfc Charles W. Gessner, 806th Ord Co, tells as he's a student and his home address is 3 Franklin Court West, Garden City, N. Y.
Pvt Paul C. Gifford, Co B 331st Med Bn, tells as he's a clerk and his home address is RR #5, Bloomington, Ind.
    Sterling W. Grieve, Svc Co 424, doesn't tell as what he's doing now. 19257 Oakland Avenue, Detroit 3, Mich, is his home address.
    Cpl Stanton E. Griswold, Co A 422, was at XIIA, IXB and Wurzen. He doesn't tell as what he's doing now. His home address is RR #3, Loveland, Ohio.
    S/St Lawrence E. Hardy, 81st Eng (C) Bn, tells us he's a bartender in Springfield, Ill., his home town. Address him there at 2025 N. 20th Street.
    T/Sgt Alfred D. Harnish, Co K 422, was at IVB, IIIA and IIIB. He tells us he's a pattern maker. 1648 Redfield Street, La Crosse, Wis. is his home address.
S/Sgt Bertram E. Hartzell, 81st Eng (C) Bn, tells us he's a merchant and his home is in New Bethlehem, Pa.
    S/Sgt Gordon Hatton, 331st Med Bn, doesn't tell us what he's doing now. 113 St. Charlos Street, Marrin, Tenn. is his home address.
    Pfc Arthur J. Hendrickson, Co F 424, doesn't say what he's doing now. His home is in Shelbyville, Ind., 136 N. Vine Street.
    Sgt Pete House, Btry A 590th FA Bn, PH, 'was at IXB. He's now a student at the University of Florida. His home is in Bradenton, Fla., 108 17th Street East.
    Pfc John J. Hickey, Co B 81st Eng (C) Bn, PH, was at XIIA, IIIA and XIA. He tells us he's a printer and his home address is 1215 Central Avenue, Alton, Ill.
    T/5 Adrian Pearsall, Co A 422. His mother writes from McMinnville, Tenn. that "Adrian is still in service, stationed somewhere in Germany, so I'm sending $3.00 for his membership (1947-1948) and I'm sure if he were here he would be glad to be at the convention."
    T/Sgt Robert L. Styles, Co F 423. His mother writes as follows: "To the boys of the 106th. My son is still in the service and is stationed in Frankfort, Germany. (T/Sgt R. L Styles 36 739 446, 7703 Trans Bn, Hq Comd, EUCOM, APO 757, c/o PM, New York, N. Y.) I have forwarded your letter of the reunion on to him. I am sure he would want to join you if it were possible to do so. Thank you kindly for your interest."
    Charles D. Welch, Co A 422 tells as he "will not be able to attend your reunion of the Golden Lions as badly as I want to as I have been in hospitals most of my time since returning from overseas and cannot pay dues at the present time." We're putting Charles on the CUB mailing list and know he'll appreciate letters from all who knew him. His address is Room 327, Pine Crest Sanitarium, Beckley, W. Va.
    M/Sgt M. N. Crank, RA 6 918 097, tells us he's now stationed at Hq Sixth Army, G-1 Section, MPD, Presidio of San Francisco, Calif. and that "Col. Rich, former Division Surgeon arrived with Gen. Clark and is now the Sixth Army Surgeon. Haven't seen him as yet, but hope to very soon."
    Pfc William Johnson, MP Plat, is working for the National Malleable Steel Casting Company in the Construction Dept. His home address is 1018 N. 23d Avenue, Melrose Park, Ill.
1/Sgt William C. Jackson, Co L 424, CIB, tells us he's farming at RR #1, Villa Grove, Ill.
    Cpl Robert C. Jeter, Co C 424, was at XIIA, IIIA, 499B and Allengraham, Germany. He's living at 1305 S. 26th, Waco, Tex. and tells us he's a stone setter for a monument company.
S/Sgt Weyman E. Jobe, Hq Co 2d Bn 422, is a railroad clerk. His home is in Corinth, Miss., 616 Madison Street.
Pfc Albert Johnson, Co D 424, doesn't tell as what he's doing now. RFD #2, Fremont, Mich. is his home address.
    Pfc Chester Johnson, Hq Co 2d Bn 422, was at IXB. He tells us he's a driver and his home address is 2824 S. Ridgeland Avenue, Berwyn, Ill.
Pfc Gordon A. Jolgren, Co L 424, is now a student. His home is in Detroit, Mich., 1985 Waverly.
    William R. Kahn, Cn Co 423, PH, doesn't say what he's doing now. North Avenue and Rt #83, Elmhurst, III. is his home address.
    Pfc Walter W. Keating, Regt Hq Co 424, CIB, is a mechanical engineering student at Purdue University. His home is in Chicago, Ill., 4042 Washington Blvd.
    M/Sgt Glen N. Kennedy, AT Co 423, was at IXA and IXB. He is a route supervisor for an ice cream company in his home town of Iowa City, Iowa. Address him there at 212 E. Bloomington.


    T/5 Louis B. Kincanon, 3d Bn Hq Co 423, was at IVB, IIIB and IIIA. He doesn't tell us what he's doing now. His home address is 936 Woodbine Avenue, Oak Park, Ill.
    Maj Robert E. Knapp, 1st Bn, 3d Bn and Hq 424, BS, is a salesman in his home town of Syracuse, N. Y. His address there is 916 Westcott Street.
    Cpl Thomas Krzan, A Btry 590th FA Bn, was at IXB. He doesn't tell us what he's doing now. 26 Nichols Street, Providence, R. I. is his home address.
    Sgt Arthur C. Lacquement, Co B 423, was at IVB. He doesn't tell us what he's doing now. His home is in East St. Louis, Ill., 917 Summits Avenue.
    S/Sgt Phillip E. Lankford, Co L 424, tells us he's a treasurer in Birmingham, Ala. His address there is Rt. #6, Box 214.
    T/5 Frank La Pato, Regt Hq Co 422, was at IXA and IXB. He tells us he's a radio repairman and his home address is Box 344, Parnassus, Pa.
    S/Sgt Edward A. Lennstrom, Co M and Hq Co 3d Bn 424, doesn't tell on what he's doing now. His home is in Chicago, III., 5225 W. 64th Place.
    Pfc Herbert D. Leonard, Co C 424, PH, tells us he's clerk and deputy treasurer in the County Court House in his home town of Fowler, Ind. Address him there at Box 665.
    Cpl Oliver E. Libman, Med Det and Cn Co 424, is a student and his home address is 1035 E. 47th Street, Chicago 15, III.
    Pfc C. Bernard Lochowitz, Btry A 591st FA Bn, doesn't tell us what he's doing now His home is Racine, Wis., 1515 Wisconsin Avenue.
Cpl Carlos S. Long, Svc Co 423, was at XIA, IVA and XIIA. He's now a building contractor in Gwynneville. Ind.
    T/4 Thomas M. Lowery III, Co H 423, PH, was at IVB, VIIIA and XIB. He's an office manager in his home town of Lakeland, Fla. Address him there at 743 Wintree Avenue.
    Cpl John R. Mackay. Co K and 3d Bn Hq Co 422, was at IXB. He tells us he's a student and his home address is Royalwood Road, Brecksville, Ohio.
    Pfc Roland J. Mandeville, Co B 81st Eng (C) Bn, was at XIIA and IIIA. He doesn't tell us what he's doing now. His home is in Central Falls. R. I., 146 Summer Street.
    Pfc Alphonse Marcoux Jr., Co A 424, was at XIIA, IIIA and XIA. He tells us he's an automobile salesman in his home town of Woonsocket. R. I. Address him there at 116 Dulude Avenue.
    Pfc Eldridge L Marsh, Co H 423, doesn't tell as what he's doing now. 112 Electric Avenue, East Pittsburgh. Pa. is his home address.
    S/Sgt Thomas C. Martin, Co A 423, was at XIIA, IVB, IIIB and IIIA. He's now a machinist and his home address is 5 Colchester Street, Readville 36, Mass.
1st Lt John L. Mason, Co D 422, is now a student and his home address is 3435 Linwood Road, Cincinnati, Ohio.
    T/4 Howard L. Maurer, 106th Sig Co, was at VIIIA. He tells us he's a carpenter and his home address is RR #6, Springfield, Ill.
    M/Sgt Roger A. May, Regt Hq Co 423 and G-3 Sec Div Hq, is a student and bank employee in Chicago, Ill. Address him there at 1904 Farwell Avenue.
    Cpl Jack E. Mazor, Cn Co 423, was at IVB. He's now a student and his home address is 1007 Central Avenue, Lafayette, Ind.
    Pvt John F. McCauley, Svc Btry 589th FA Bn, PH, was at XIIA. He's an apprentice printer and his home address is 131 Arizona Avenue, Joliet, Ill.
    1/Sgt Lester L McCool, Hq Co 2d Bn 422, was at IVB and VIIIA. He tells us he's a salesman and truck driver in his home town of Altoona, Pa. Address him there at 1515 Fourth Avenue.
Pfc John B. McCrery, Co F 423, doesn't tell us what he's doing now. His home is in Ladoga, Ind.
    Pfc Ralph E. McKinney, Co C 423, doesn't tell us what he's doing now. His home is in Williamsport, Ind., 104 Bluff Street.
    Pfc Dale L. Meyers, Co K, Svc Co and Cn Co 423, PH, was at XIIA and IIIA. He's now an assistant golf pro in Riverside, Ill. 1447 W. Carmen Avenue. Chicago, Ill. is his home address.
    Pfc Charles H. McInerney, Co E 424, doesn't tell us what he's doing. His home address is 268 North Avenue, Mt. Clemens, Mich.
    Louis C. Milanese. 806th Ord Co, tells us he's a mechanic and his home address is 217 21st Street, Indianapolis, Ind.
T/Sgt Robert W. Mills, 423, BS and PH, is a barber in LaFontaine, Ind. Address him there at Box 246.
    Pfc Paul M. Moore, Co M 423, doesn't tell us what he's doing now. His home is in Marshalltown, Iowa, 406 S. 4th Street.
James F. Moran, Btry C 590th FA Bn, is a clerk and his home address is 8 Madison Avenue, Jersey City, N. J.


    PFC DAVID GARRETT, 34 762 465, Co G 422. His mother, Mrs. Dana S. Garrett, Rt #4, Dahlonega, Ga. writes as follows: I received the letter which came to my son inviting him to attend the reunion of the Golden Lions to be held in Indianapolis. I would to God he could attend, but he was killed in action July 3, 1944. I am asking a favor of you soldiers-- If any one of you knew him or know where or in what way he was killed, I would appreciate it so much if you would let me know. He was fighting with the 2d Div somewhere in France when he got killed. I received a letter stating he was buried in a U. S. Military Cemetery, La Cambe, France, but I have never heard how he was killed. That in why I am writing this letter; perhaps someone at the association can give me the information I have so long wanted to hear. May God bless each of you men is my prayer."

    PFC CHARLES W. BREUN, 32 680 447, Co. K 423. His mother, Mrs. Charles M. Breun, 6070 Linden Street, Brooklyn 27, N. Y. writes: "My son Charles received a letter from you in reference to the reunion of the 106th. I received word from the government on July 5, 1945 that my dear son died of malnutrition on April 15, 1945 in a German prison camp. He was buried in St. Avoid, France on February 16, 1946, I was later informed. I only hope and pray that someone who might have been with him in Co. K, in the prison camp Stalag IXB or when he passed away, would please be kind enough to write to me. If possible could you send me a picture of the Memorial. I know that Charles would certainly have enjoyed meeting all his buddies again and recall some of the fonder memories. He was great for getting friends together for entertainment. May you all have an enjoyable reunion and may the Dear Lord bless all the boys who were fortunate enough to come back."

    PVT. RAYMOND J. SCHULTE, 37 377 422, Co. G 422. Mrs. Robert J. Schulte, 1265 Moorlands Drive, Richmond Heights 17, Mo. writes as follows: "A short time ago I learned of your convention being held in Indianapolis. I am writing in hope that through some miracle some one of the Golden Lions will remember my brother-in-law. Evidently he was a Golden Lion as he received your literature but it is my sorrowful duty to write he was taken prisoner and died--at least never returned from Germany. For this reason, naturally, he cannot answer your requests himself and I feel I should let it be known your request for a reply was not just neglected. If you may ever be able to contact anyone who might know something of his death, will you please be so kind as to forward us the information. He just seems to have vanished. We have no way of knowing if or where he is buried. He was taken prisoner slightly wounded but died on February 4, 1945 in a hospital at Hoffnungsthal, Germany. We realize that we are no less fortunate nor is Ray than many other families and boys but any information one of your members may have for us will surely be appreciated. Ray joined the 422d Infantry in either October or December of 1944. Thank you. I hope your convention is a huge success and all of you have a well-deserved wonderful time. That would be Ray's wish I know, and is mine."

    JOHN PILKINGTON, Co. G 424. His parents write as follows: "This is in answer to the invitation you sent to {. We regret to say he was killed in Germany on December 16, 1944. We his parents wish every success for your organization and your first reunion of the Golden Lions and we would like to express our thanks to the William R. Simpsons for their kindness."

    S/SGT JAMES ALLEN STANFORD, Co. L 424. His father writes: "My son S/Sgt. James Allen Stanford was missing in action--later declared killed in action, by War Dept., on December 16, 1944, Battle of the Bulge. He entered service in '42, went overseas in October '44. His widow has remarried so next of kin falls back to me and his mother. When will your history of this unit be published? I would like to have a copy."

PVT. RAYMOND MATSON, Hq. Co. 1st Bn. 423. His mother writes: "I received your letter


    and invitation to the party and convention that the 106th is going to have. I'm sure it will be a wonderful affair. I am Raymond Matson's heartbroken mother and sad as it is to say my only dear son Ray was killed in action in Germany on March 2, 1945. I'm sure if Ray were here he'd be glad to attend. I wonder if you'd please do me a favor and let me know when the 106th has their history book ready so I can send the money and get one. I'm not wanting to rush the issue as I know there is a shortage of paper, etc., but if you'll just please remember that I'd like to have one. Thank you."

     ARTHUR E. JONES, Co. L 423. His father, Merrick R. Jones, 39 Burgess Street, Dorchester, Mass. writes: My son Arthur E. Jones trained in Co. L, 423rd Inf, 106th Div. He was transferred to the 45th Div. and was killed at Anzio, Italy, February 18, 1944. Would you please look up a pal of my son who was in the same outfit, Co. L, 423. His name was Frank Howe. Would be pleased to know something about him." (We have no record here at the CP of Frank Howe. If you recognize his name and can give Mr. Jones any information, contact him at the above address.)

     PVT LAVERN W. NELSON, Co. C 423. His mother, Mrs. Walter Nelson, Box 24, Wilder, Minn. writes: ". . . deceased August 9, 1944 in France. Any information would be greatly appreciated by his parents."

     WARREN MAENAK, JR., AT Co. 423. His mother, Mrs. Warren Maenak, 474 Cooper Street, Woodbury, N. J. writes: "Your letter addressed to Warren Jr. about the reunion was opened by me, Warren's mother. I regret so much to tell you that Warren was killed in an automobile accident October 20, 1946. I believe Warren did some work on planning this reunion and thought you should know about this."

     S/SGT. FREDERICK PAUL MILLER, Hq. Btry. 590th FA Bn. His mother, Mrs. Sophia J. Miller, 1311 Ridge Road, Catonsville 28, Md. writes: "With deepest regret I must inform you that my son lost his life in a freak accident in Germany on Memorial Day 1946. Paul mentioned his Division numerous times and was most proud to be one of you. Wishing the reunion every success."

     ROBERT J. MOORMAN, Co. F 424. His father, H. J. Moorman, 3410 Oakview Place, Cincinnati 9, Ohio writes: "It would have been a great pleasure to have my son attend the reunion of the 106th. He was one of the unfortunate ones that did not return from France having been killed in action December 21, 1944. We his parents however wish you well and hope the reunion will be a huge success."

     PVT. HAROLD TOPEL, Co. L 424. His parents, Mr. & Mrs. John Topel, 801 Lake Street, Merrill, Wis. write: "This is to inform you that our dear son Harold Topal was killed in an automobile accident August 26, 1945, two weeks after he arrived from Germany, while home on furlough."

     PFC JACK H. MOSS, Co. G 424. His mother, Mrs. Delia G. Moss, Rt. #1, Commerce, Ga. writes: "It is with deep regret to say my beloved son Pfc Jack H. Moss (your 106'er) did not return from battle in France. He was killed August 27, 1944. I remember well when he was with you in Atterbury. I will say if he could only be here it would be a pleasure for him to fill out the papers you have presented. Thank you a lot for your remembrance of him."

     CPL GLEN E. BARNES, 38 399 123, Co. D 422. His father, E. C. Barnes, Rt. #10, Box 398, Oklahoma City, Okla. writes: "In talking with Chaplain Mark R. Moore, author of ‘Prisoner of The Germans' endeavoring to find some source from which I might secure additional information relative to where the remains of my son might be buried, Chaplain Moore gave me your address and suggested that I write you stating that you might be able to help. My son was taken prisoner on Dec. 16th and died at Zeitz, Germany, March 22, 1945. This information was first given to us through his wife who had been advised by a Sgt. West who was with Glen at the time of his death. Sgt. West brought back Glen's Bible, billfold and some other personal effects. When we received this information we immediately notified the Government. This was in the early part of June and the Government did not confirm this until August. Their confirmation was nothing more than that given us by Sgt. West. Sgt. West and Glen fell out on one of their marches and were taken to a prison hospital at Zeitz where Glen died. Up to this time we have had no other information from the Government as to where his remains have been buried. Any information or advice of procedure to follow to secure the information I feel we are entitled to will be greatly appreciated."

     PFC JOBE E. LYON, Co. G 422. His father, Jobe E. Lyon, 145 Illinois Avenue, Dayton, Ohio is very anxious to hear from any Veterans who knew his son, who was last heard from in Stalag IVB. Anyone having any information please contact Mr. Lyon at the above address.

     Mrs. Nora Brown ("Mom" from Camp Atterbury), 733 W. Madison Street, Franklin, Ind., wants boys from Co. C 422 to contact her.

     PFC JACK PLANTZ, believed to have been in 422 (we have no record of him here at CP), from New York City. Dorothy M. Guyon, 2531 N. Delaware Street, Indianapolis 6, Ind. is anxious to hear from him or from men who knew him.


3227 33rd Place, N.W.
Washington 8, D.C.

Lt. Col. H. B. Livesey,
522 Walnut Street,
Mamaroneck, N. Y.

Dear Livesey:
     The 333rd F. A. Bn. (colored) was never attached to the 106th Division Artillery. As one of the two battalions of the 333rd FA Group, (VIII Corps Arty), under Lieut. Col. E. L. Andrews, it was reinforcing the fires of the Division Arty on the left part of the sector. It did a good job but left too late, and lost ten of its twelve 155-mm howitzers. An account of one of its members, a corporal, in the manuscript prepared by Colonel Dupuy, as related by Lieut. Col. Nagle of the 423rd Inf., is most interesting and reflects credit on the organization that developed him.
     The only organizations attached to the Div. Arty. were the 634th AAA Bn., the 820th TD Bn., and the 275th FA Bn., supporting the 14th Cavalry Group in the left quarter of the Division Sector.
     Enclosed is a list of the VIII Corps Artillery units, a total of nine battalions divided into three groups. If I mentioned the fire of one of the other groups, and not of the 333rd, it is because I have heard more of the effectiveness of the fire of both of the others. At any rate, in covering the activities of the Div. Arty. in 1000 to 1200 words, I did not feel called upon to list the remaining units of the American Army, and any not so listed have small reason to feel slighted.
Colonel, U.S. Army

Ed. note: This answers a question in a former Cub as to why the 333 FA wasn't listed as attached to the 106.

3227 33rd Place, N. W. Washington 8, D. C.
16 DECEMBER. 1944
Attached to 106th Div. Arty:
275th FA Bn. (Arm'd-105-mm how) Vicinity of Herresbach
634th AAA Bn. (40-mm Bofors) CP vicinity St. Vith
820th TD Bn. (3-in towed) distributed along the entire front
VIII Corps Artillery:
174th FA Group (Vicinity Berg Reuland)
965th FA Bn.
969th FA In.
770th FA Bu.
402nd FA Group (Vicinity Rodgen and west)
561st FA Bn.
559th FA Bn.
578th FA In.
740th FA In.
333rd FA Group (Vicinity Heuem--Schonberg)
333rd FA Bn.
771st FA Bn.
16th Observation Bn. (elements only)

     In addition, the 802nd TD In. was to have arrived the morning of 16 Dec., and would have been a great help if they had. They had plenty of action, and knew their way around. The advance party had arrived a couple of days before; but they were directed elsewhere, and we never saw them again.

    Announcement is made that Colonel Myron K. (Mike) Belzer, Division Surgeon, has been awarded the Belgian Croix de Guerre avec Palm.

We are gathered here tonight in friendly meeting,
Disowning all cares, our comradeship entreating;
To those who cannot now be with us here,
We hope they'll remember us whether far or near;
Some whose destiny will be to continue ever on,
Until the scourge of war and despots are gone,
From the face of God's earth, our ultimate goal;
We will encourage them in enriching man's soul.

Yes, we all served proudly in the great task,
We saw it through together chance anyone to ask;
Now that it's over, the victory trumpets sounding,
There should be joy, laughter, and happiness abounding;
In this little verse there is a message you'll find,
I hope it will bring us closer in spirit and in mind;
Chance we to meet on some far street or lane,
We can talk about the "old times" of the (424th) and (106th) again.


The Order of the GOLDEN LION
FOUNDED 25 MAY, 1947
For Outstanding and Devoted Service
Founded August, 1945, Karlsruhe, Germany


The Order of the GOLDEN LION
    The Board of Directors in meeting assembled the Twenty Fifth Day of May in the Year Nineteen Hundred and Forty Seven:

To All to Whom These Presents May Come, Greetings
     during the brief but glorious life of the ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTH INFANTRY DIVISION OF THE ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, it's friends were legion, and

    Whereas, those friends contributed greatly to the health, happiness, and morale of the soldiers of the ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTH INFANTRY DIVISION, and

    Whereas, during the dark, terrible days of the BATTLE OF THE ARDENNES, when the insidious propaganda of the enemy cast aspersions upon the loyalty and valor of the members of the ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTH INFANTRY DIVISION when it could not protect itself because of security regulations, yet it's friends remained fiercely loyal in the face of dark despair, and


    Whereas, after the dawn of peace, the loyalty of it's friends continued and expanded and new friends were added, and

    Whereas, many of these. new friends have rendered outstanding devotion and service to the ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTH INFANTRY DIVISION, and it's ASSOCIATION which was born in the citadel of the arrogant enemy who would have ruled the world for a thousand years, after having conquered the enemy by the will of God and with the thought of loved ones and hearths defended, though on shores far distant from them, and

    Whereas, the loyalty of those friends will continue so long as one wearer of the honored insigne of the GOLDEN LION shall live, and

    Whereas, the ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTH INFANTRY DIVISION ASSOCIATION, representing the Golden Lions both living, and those who have answered the last roll call, wishes to honor those fiercely faithful friends and those who have rendered outstanding service to the DIVISION in peacetime, now therefore, be it

    Resolved, that pursuant to the powers vested in it by the Constitution and By-Laws, the BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTH INFANTRY DIVISION ASSOCIATION ordains, and does hereby ORDAIN, that there shall be established

The Order of the Golden Lion
    whereby to render homage and thanks to those friends, and orders, and does hereby ORDER the establishment of the following rules and regulations thereunto appertaining.


Order One. The ORDER OF THE GOLDEN LION shall consist of three classes: Commander, Officer, and Companion.

    Order Two. The class of Commander of the Golden Lion may be conferred only by unanimous vote of the entire Board of Directors. At the first reunion of the ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTH INFANTRY DIVISION ASSOCIATION not to exceed five Commanders may be elected, and thereafter only one per annum, which number may be cumulative. The Commander class award shall be evidenced by a citation scroll enumerating the reasons whereon the award is based, and by the presentation of a golden has relief medallion of a lion's head, with a diameter not to exceed two and one half inches, to be suspended from the neck by a ribbon of one and one half inches width, of equal stripes of red, white, and blue, the colors of the DIVISION as well as of our Country. The reverse side of the medallion shall bear the legend ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTH INFANTRY DIVISION FOR OUTSTANDING SERVICE and the name of the recipient engraved thereon.

    Order Three. The class of Officer of the Golden Lion may be conferred only by three quarters vote of the entire Board of Directors. At the first reunion of the ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTH INFANTRY DIVISION ASSOCIATION not to exceed five Officers may be elected and thereafter not to exceed two per annum which number shall not be cumulative. The Officer class award shall be evidenced by a citation scroll enumerating the reasons whereon the award is based, and by the presentation of a silver bas relief medallion of a lion's head with a diameter not to exceed two and one half inches, to be suspended from the neck by a ribbon of one inch width of the color infantry blue. The reverse side of the medallion shall bear the legend
and the name of the recipient engraved thereon.

    Order Four. The class of Companion of the Golden Lion may be conferred by majority vote of the Board of Directors. At the first Reunion of the ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTH INFANTRY DIVISION ASSOCIATION not to exceed ten Companions may be elected and thereafter not to exceed five per annum which number shall not be cumulative. The Companion class award shall be evidenced by a citation scroll enumerating the reasons whereon the award is based, and the presentation of a bronze bas relief medallion of a lion's head with a diameter not to exceed two and one half inches, to be suspended from an artillery red ribbon with invisible pin. The reverse side of the medallion shall bear the legend ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTH INFANTRY DIVISION FOR OUTSTANDING SERVICE and the name of the recipient engraved thereon.

    Order Five. No officer, enlisted man, or civilian under War Department orders, assigned or attached to the ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTH INFANTRY DIVISION during any part of the period twenty ninth of November nineteen hundred and forty two and second October nineteen hundred and forty five, shall be eligible for membership in the ORDER OF THE GOLDEN LION for service of any nature whatsoever during that period, but may become eligible through outstanding and devoted services rendered after that period.

    DONE at the City of Washington, District of Columbia, this Twenty Fifth day of May in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Forty Seven.
Official Seal of the Corporation. Attested:
 For the Board of Directors:
 David S. Price President


    Memberships in the ORDER OF THE GOLDEN LION conferred at the first Reunion of the ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTH INFANTRY DIVISION ASSOCIATION, Wednesday, July 16, 1947 in the City of Indianapolis, State of Indiana

Commander Class of the Order of the Golden Lion
Cedrick Foster

    Citation. First, and Ace news commentator of the Yankee Network on a nationwide hookup. Always the champion of the underdog. Skilled war correspondent with months of service in the Pacific Theatre and Europe. Recognized by the Greek Government as the first champion of their cause later espoused by President Truman.
    Immediately following the German broadcast of December 1944 that the 106th Infantry division had been wiped out completely, started compiling all available shreds of information concerning the 106th. At a time when others cast aspersions on the valor and courage of the 106th, he insisted that when the true story was told it would prove tragic but glorious. On January 21, 1945, he made a broadcast wholly given over to the story of the 106th which could then be told, bringing comfort, courage, and solace to the loved ones at home, resulting in thousands of letters expressing the deepest gratitude. For over two months he made mention of the 106th in each broadcast, if only to say there was no news. Ten thousand copies of his January 21 broadcast have been distributed. Cedric Foster since those days has travelled all over the United States broadcasting every day and speaking as guest of honor in over half the states, always mentioning the glorious story of the 106th.
Graduate of New York Military Academy and Dartmouth College. Resides in Beacon Hill, Boston.

Duward Belmont Frampton
Annette Payne Frampton

    Citation. Industrialist and his wife of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, parents of Duward B. Frampton, Jr. 422 Regiment and Prisoner of War in the Battle of the Ardennes.
    As first words began to trickle back from the front concerning the fate of the 106th Division in the Battle of the Ardennes, and as many War Department four telegrams began to be received, spirits and morale throughout the nation were at an ebb. Through a list in the Pittsburgh Sun-Telegraph, the Framptons found the names of 106th men who were listed as missing in action. They called the parents of those men and the mission, later called by an editor THE AGONY GRAPEVINE, was born. From a magazine article, the Framptons obtained the name of a Mr. Alderman of Dayton, Ohio, who through short wave radio reception, had been able to bring first news to more than 10,000 families and through him learned of three other short wave monitor stations in Connecticut, Harrisburg, and Lima, Ohio. They phoned these people who offered cooperation and furnished names monitored. These names were compiled in lists and forwarded to the next of kin. Parents and wives who feared for their sons sent their names to the Frampton who forwarded them to the monitoring stations with requests to phone collect if any information was received. Daily calls were received.
     Hearing of a news reel that has shown some American PWs, the Framptons traced it to MGM who gladly cut out the desired section and they made special private showings. A list of over 150 families had been built up by this time.


     Efforts to obtain information through the Swiss Embassy, the Red Cross and the Adjutant General's Department proved unavailing but the Framptons undaunted, continued their search for information. The families on the AGONY GRAPEVINE had grown by leaps and bounds and numbered over four hundred in every section, kept up to date in information by regular mimeographed lists sent out by the Framptons.

    In March, the Radio Commentator Cedric Foster was asked to speak to the Pittsburgh group and gave much information and solace.
Over three hundred telegrams were sent by the group to the War Department in order to elicit information.
    This work of the Framptons continued until full information was available for all and when completed totaled more than fifteen hundred stations on the AGONY GRAPEVINE, and over five thousand letters received and answered by the Framptons.

William Simpson
Florence K. Simpson
Citation. Industrialist and his wife of Indianapolis, Indiana.
    During the war, the Simpsons established in their own home a Service-Teen for the young men in the Services. There they billeted them, fed them, and furnished them with wholesome entertainment, all without cost to the soldiers. Over nine thousand men were so entertained, the majority of them Golden Lions from Camp Atterbury.
    Upon learning that the 106th Infantry Division Association was planning its first reunion in Indianapolis, they generously offered to cooperate in making it the finest Division convention of all time. For months they have given wholeheartedly of their time, energy, enthusiasm, and money in making good on that offer. This convention is almost solely the result of the magnificent efforts of the Simpsons. Nothing can be said here that will embellish what they have so magnificently done here in Indianapolis.

Officer Class of the Order of the Golden Lion

Companion Class of the Order of the Golden Lion
    In grateful recognition of the high hospitality which has always marked the City of Indianapolis and in special recognition of the unparalleled welcome the ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTH INFANTRY DIVISION ASSOCIATION has received at this its first reunion, the following officials and officers of the State of Indiana and the City of Indianapolis are elected COMPANIONS OF THE ORDER OF THE GOLDEN LION:

Honorable Ralph F. Gates, Governor of the State of Indiana
Brigadier General, Elmer W. Sherwood, ISG
Major General Robert H. Tyndall, Mayor of the City of Indianapolis
    Howard Maxwell, Adjutant General, State of Indiana Honorable Ben H. Watt, Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruction
Major Frank H. Henly, Superintendent of World War Memorial, Indianapolis, Indiana


Members of the Order of the Golden Lion Elected in Indianapolis
     In addition to those elected to the Order of the Golden Lion by the Board of Directors, May 25, 1947, the following were made members by the new Board of Directors in Indianapolis:
HERBERT B. LIVESEY, JR., for his services as Secretary-Treasurer. (Officer Class - Silver)
     JOE E. BROWN, movie star, for having taken time off from a picture in Hollywood to spend a day at the reunion without expense to the Association. (Companion Class-Bronze)
MRS. MARJORIE W. RATHBONE, for her untiring services as Asst. Secretary. (Companion Class - Bronze)
     HONORABLE GEORGE DENNY, Mayor of Indianapolis, for his cooperation in making the reunion a success. (Companion Class-Bronze)

    Speed-Graphic Pictures, 1941 No. Delaware Street, Indianapolis, Indiana has made up a very interesting booklet from the pictures which they took at the convention. You may get a copy by writing directly to them at the above address.

    Will the boys who were at the convention please let Headquarters know if they did not receive their membership cards. We have quite a few here that either were duplicates or were not picked up.

     Sylvan D. and Charlotte Freeman announce the birth of a daughter, Claire Louise, on Thursday, the 17th of July at Doctors Hospital. Washington, D. C. Their home address is 5007 Sixth Street North, Arlington, Va.
     James H. Cooley, Rt. #3, Box 138, Oklahoma City, Okla. asks: "Would the person who took the picture of Joe E. Brown while shaking hands with the real tall boy (7 feet) at the Shades, please get in contact with me, as mine were ruined?"

    The address of the Association will be changed from 522 Walnut Street, Mamaroneck, New York, to 4609 Oliver Street, Riverdale, Maryland on the 15th of August. All mail addressed to the Association or the CUB will automatically be forwarded to the new address. Should anyone desire to write me personally, address Herbert B. Livesey, Jr., 522 Walnut Street, Mamaroneck, New York, and don't mention the 106th Division Association, Box 321, or the CUB, on the envelope.
Herbert B. Livesey, Jr. Retiring-Secretary

     Association Headquarters was delighted to have one of the veterans of the magnificent defense of the 589th at Parker's Crossroads, come in and gossip with them. Raymond J. Creamer, 41 Mitchell Avenue, New Brunswick, N. J. and the others of that gallant episode literally put "Parker's Crossroads" on the map. It will be found on the map in Merriam's book "Dark December."

     Myles Brazill, 7147 Walker Street, Philadelphia 35, Penna., has an extra Atterbury Book (Photo Album). Write to him direct if you would like to get it.
     One of the boys from Hq Co 423, Elmer A. Rosetta, is laid up in Mt. Alto Hospital in Washington, D. C. He'd like very much to have any of you fellows living down that way drop in to see him. He's in Ward E-1. His home address is 30 Ridge Road SE, Washington, D. C.

The Story of the Bulge from Topside Many mentions of the 106th, including map of Parker's Crossroads.
Ziff-Davis $3.00


    The Association has made arrangements with the H. H. P. Whittemore Company of Attleboro. Massachusetts, the jewelry center of the country to produce the pin illustrated below. They will personalize the pin for your unit by stamping any three numbers or letters on it. They will signify your branch by crossed rifles, cannons, caduceus, etc. Cost $3.00, tax and postpaid.



Index for: Vol. 4, No. 1, Sept, 1947

Index for This Document

106th Div., 17, 34, 36, 43
106th Div. Arty, 36
106th Inf. Div., 25
106th Infantry Division Association, 13, 45, 47
106th Sig. Co., 19, 27, 30
14th Cav. Gp., 36
16th Observation BN, 37
174th FA Gp., 36
275th FA BN, 36
28th Inf. Div., 19
333rd FA BN, 37
333rd FA Grp., 36, 37
35th Div., 21
3rd Inf., 28
402nd FA Gp., 36
422nd Inf., 32
422nd Regt., 43
423rd Inf. Regt., 36
424th Inf. Regt., 17, 18
45th Div., 34
561st FA BN, 36
589th FA BN, 24, 27, 30
590th FA BN, 19, 28, 30, 31, 34
591st FA BN, 23, 25, 27, 30
592nd FA BN, 24, 27
634th AAA BN, 36
771st FA BN, 37
806th Ord. Co., 28, 31
820th TD BN, 36
965th FA BN, 36
Adamson, Richard, 19
Agony Grapevine, 16, 32, 43, 45
Agostini, Orfeo E., 23
Anchorstar, Mrs. Edna, 16
Andrasovsky, Frank S., 23
Andrews, E. L., 36
Anzio, Italy, 34
Ardennes, 21, 43
Armstrong, James C., 22
Aspinwall, Francis, 7
Ayers, L S., 13
Bailly, Philip E., 7
Bandurak, Walter, 23
Barnes, E. C., 35
Barnes, Glen E., 35
Basiger, Leo S., 23
Battilora, Frederick R., 23
Battle Of The Ardennes, 39
Battle Of The Bulge, 2, 21, 33
Beals, John D., 23
Beals, Mrs. John, 16
Belgian Croix de Guerre, 37
Belgium, 19
Belzer, Col. Myron K. (Mike), 37
Belzer, Mike, 13
Berg, 36
Berg Reuland, 36
Berry, Causa E., 23
Berwick, Lee, 23
Besl, Gerald J., 23
Blaher, William S., 23
Blalack, Harold R., 23
Blalock, James P., 23
Bloomingburg, Pfc. George L., 23
Bogen, Wilbert C., 23
Bonds, Charles K., 23
Bowles, Ralph K., 23
Brady, Eugene F., 23
Brazill, Myles, 47
Breaux, Rayford B., 23
Breedlove, Mrs., 15
Breite, Victor W., 23
Breun, Charles W., 32
Brooks, Carl D., 23
Brown, C. P., 17
Brown, Joe E., 2, 5, 6, 7, 12, 47
Brown, Nora, 35
Brumachin, Mrs. David, 16
Brumaghin, David, 7
Brunswick, 47
Buckley, Madison H., 23
Butler, Robert H., 23
Butterbaugh, Leonard J., 23
Camp Atterbury, 35, 45
Camp Shanks, 11
Cannon, Joseph M., 24
Caracciolo, John A., 24
Cariano, Samuel P., 24
Carlson, Carl H., 24
Carow, Mrs. Edna, 16
Cessna, Gerald H., 7, 24
Clark, Christopher T., 24
Clark, Gen., 28
Clark, Herbert H., 17
Clift, William E., 24
Co. L, 423rd Inf., 34
Cochran, Collin L., 24
Cohen, Mrs. Mark, 16
Coln, Chester C., 19
Conner, Milton M., 24
Cook, Charles M., 24
Cook, Raymond T., 25
Cooley, James H., 47
Coultes, Woodrow W., 25
Craig, Malin, 36
Crank, Howard D., 25
Crank, M. N., 28
Creamer, Raymond J., 47
Creath, S/Sgt. Edwin D., Jr., 25
Croix De Guerre, 27
Cunningham, Robert E., 25
Dailey, Hampton J., Jr., 25
Dark December, 2, 13, 47, 48
Daugherty, Walter E., 25
Davis, Clyde W., 25
Davis, Mrs. W. S., 15, 16
de St. Aubin, Robert A., 25
DeLuca, Francis J., 25
Dennis, Mrs. Helen, 15
Denny, George, 3, 6, 47
Denny, Mayor, 5
Dillhoff, Robert M., 27
Div. Artillery, 6
Dockweiler, 23
Dover, 15
Duffey, Ellis G., 27
Dupuy, Col., 36
Eldridge, Robert D., 21
Engle, George, 27
Erie, 23
Falkner, Albert E., 27
Farris, Fred, 13
Ferdon, Robert, 27
Fielden, James E., 19
First Army, 21
First Reunion, 2, 11, 25, 45
Fischer, Bruce M., 27
Fitzpatrick, Joseph L., 27
Fodor, Michael G., 27
Ford, Guy H., 27
Fort Jackson, 13
Foster, Cedric, 2, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 20, 43, 45
Foster, Cedrick, 43
Foster, Clyde F., 27
Foster, Mr., 9
Frampton, Annette Payne, 43
Frampton, D. B., 15
Frampton, Duward B. Jr., 9
Frampton, Duward B., Jr., 43
Frampton, Duward Belmont, 43
Frampton, Mr. & Mrs., 9, 10
Frampton, Mrs., 16
Frampton, Mrs. D. B., 15, 16
Frampton, Pete, 7
Frankfort, 28
Freeman, Sylvan D. & Charlotte, 47
Frickman, Stanley L., 27
Frische, Robert H., 27
Frye, Norwood, 13
Frye, Norwood A., 28
Ft. Jackson, 19
Garrett, David, 32
Garrett, Mrs. Dana S., 32
Gasses, Joseph J., 28
Gates, Ralph F., 45
General, Brig. , Elmer W. Sherwood, 45
Gerber, Robert G., 28
Germany, 21, 28, 29, 32, 33, 34, 35
Gerolstein, 23, 24
Gessner, Charles W., 28
Gifford, Paul C., 28
Giles, Bascom, 20
Giles, James Bascom, 20
Giles, Lt. J. B., 20, 21
Grieve, Sterling W., 28
Griswold, Stanton E., 28
Gunter, Sid, 7
Guttmann, Klaus, 17
Guyon, Dorothy M., 35
Hagman, Ben J., 9
Hagman, Mrs. Ben, 16
Hall, John L., 9
Harding, Al, 10
Hardy, Lawrence E., 28
Harnish, Alfred D., 28
Harrold, Vincent A., 9
Hartzell, Bertram E., 28
Hatch, H. M. (Jim), 9
Hatton, Gordon, 28
Hendrickson, Arthur J., 28
Henley, Maj., 5, 7, 9, 11
Henly, Maj. Frank H., 45
Herresbach, 36
Heuem, 37
Hickey, John J., 28
Hoffnungsthal, 32
Hopbell, Mrs. Earl, 15, 16
House, Pete, 28
Houseman, Don M., 20
Howe, Frank, 34
Iwo Jima, 5
Jackson, William C., 28
Jeter, Robert C., 29
Jobe, Weyman E., 29
Johnson, Albert, 29
Johnson, Chester, 29
Johnson, William, 28
Jolgren, Gordon A., 29
Jones, Arthur E., 34
Jones, Capt. Alan W., Jr., 9
Jones, Gen., 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12
Jones, Gen. & Mrs., 7
Jones, Merrick R., 34
Jones, Mrs. Alan, 15
Jones, Mrs. Alan W., 13
Jones, Mrs. Alan W. (Alys), 9
Kahn, William R., 29
Karlsruhe, 1
Karlsruhe, Germany, 38
Keating, Walter W., 29
Kennedy, Glen N., 29
Kessler, Irving M., 19
Kincanon, Louis B., 30
Knapp, Robert E., 30
Krzan, Thomas, 30
La Cambe, 32
La Pato, Frank, 30
Lacquement, Arthur C., 30
Lams, Mrs. Robert, 16
Lankford, Phillip E., 30
Lennstrom, Edward A., 30
Leonard, Herbert D., 30
Libman, Oliver E., 30
Livesey, Herbert B., Jr., 42, 47
Livesey, Jane, 13
Livesey, Lt. Col. H. B., 36
Livesey, Mrs. Herbert, 15
Livesey, Secretary, 1, 4, 12
Lobos, John C., 37
Lochowitz, C. Bernard, 30
Long, Carlos S., 30
Lowery, Thomas M., 30
Lucky Strike, 3
Lyon, Jobe E., 35
Maenak, Warren , Jr., 34
Mandeville, Roland J., 30
Marcincoski, Ed, 18
Marcoux, Alphonse, 30
Marcus, Miss, 16
Martin, Thomas C., 30
Mason, John, 13
Mason, John L., 30
Matson, Raymond, 33, 34
Maurer, Howard L., 30
Maurer, Mrs. Howard, 15
Maxwell, Gen., 5
Maxwell, Gen. Howard, 3, 6
Maxwell, Howard, 45
May, Roger A., 30
Mazor, Jack E., 30
McCathran, Arthur, 1, 9, 16
McCauley, John F., 30
McCollum, Vollie, 9
McCreary, Charles T., 21
McCrery, John B., 30
McInerney, Charles H., 31
McKinney, Ralph E., 31
McMahon, Gen., 3, 4, 6, 7
Meyers, Dale L., 31
Milanese, Louis C., 31
Miller, Frederick Paul, 34
Miller, Mrs. Sophia J., 34
Mills, Robert W., 31
Moore, Chaplain, 35
Moore, Chaplain Mark R., 35
Moore, Paul M., 31
Moorman, H. J., 34
Moorman, Robert J., 34
Moran, James F., 31
Morrison, R. B., 9
Morrow, Grover F., 21
Moss, Jack H., 34
Moss, Mrs. Delia G., 34
Mowlds, Mrs. Wm. Lyle, 15
Mums, Mrs. William, 16
Munxon, Mrs. W. L., 16
Nagle, Lt. Col., 36
Nelson, LaVern W., 34
Nelson, Mrs. Walter, 34
Nesbit, John S. (Jack), 17
Order Of The Golden Lion, 6, 9, 10, 40, 41, 43, 45, 47
Osciak, Steve, 19
Oxford, 23
Pearl Harbor, 5
Pearsall, Adrian, 28
Penley, Maj., 3
Perlman, Bill, 21
Perrin, Gen., 6, 7
Perrin, Herb, 13
Perrin, Herbert T., 9
Perrin, Mrs. Herbert, 15
Perry, Ken, 11
Perry, Kenneth, 3
Perry, Kenneth W., 9
Perry, Mrs. Kenneth, 16
Photo Album, 47
Pierce, Waldo, 17
Pilkington, John, 32
Plantz, Jack, 35
Price, Dave, 1
Price, David, 7
Price, David S., 9, 42
Price, Mrs. David, 15, 16
Prisoner Of War, 43
Pritchette, Thomas V., 17
Rathbone, Mrs., 4
Rathbone, Mrs. Marjorie W., 47
Rich, Col., 28
Robasse, Charles N., Jr., 9
Rodgen, 36
Rosetta, Elmer A., 48
Rossow, Col., 7
Schnitzlein, Glenn, 11
Schnitzlein, J. Glenn, 9
Schonberg, 37
Schulte, Raymond J., 32
Sedam, Mrs. Clarke, 16
Sherwood, Brig. Gen., 6
Sherwood, Brig. Gen. Elmer W., 3
Sherwood, Gen., 3, 5
Shikoku, 21
Silvia, Manuel, 21
Simpson, Carol, 3
Simpson, Florence & Rooe, 10
Simpson, Florence K., 45
Simpson, Mr. & Mrs., 10
Simpson, Mr. & Mrs. Bob, 12
Simpson, Mrs. W. R., 14, 15
Simpson, William, 45
Simpson, William R., 33
Snyder, Mrs., 13
Sprenkle, Mrs. Caroline, 16
St. Avoid, 32
St. Vith, 36
Stalag III-A, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
Stalag III-B, 28, 30
Stalag IV-A, 21, 25, 30
Stalag IV-B, 23, 25, 28, 30, 35
Stalag IX-A, 24, 29, 30
Stalag IX-B, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30, 32
Stalag VIII-A, 23, 30
Stalag X-B, 24
Stalag X-C, 24
Stalag XI-A, 28, 30
Stalag XI-B, 23, 24, 30
Stalag XII-A, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
Stanford, James Allen, 33
Stewart, James Y., 9
Stout, Robert P., 9
Strickland, Henry F., 3
Stroh, Gen., 6, 7, 23
Stroh, Mrs. Donald, 15
Styles, Robert L., 28
Thomas, H. W., 16
Topal, Harold, 34
Topel, Harold, 34
Topel, John, 34
Trueman, Duncan, 17
Tyndall, Maj. Gen. Robert H., 3, 45
Umanoff, Leonard, 21
Underwood, Don, 3
Underwood, Mary Beth, 3, 12
Utter, Oakley, 9
Via, Ernest R., 19
VIII Corps, 36
Viii Corps Arty, 36
Viviano, Frank J., 23
Walker, Alan W., 9
Watt, Ben H., 3, 5, 6, 45
Welch, Charles D., 28
West, Sgt., 35
White, Eddie J., 21
Williams, Curly, 13
Williams, Mr. H., 16
Woodson, David, 16
Woolfley, Gen., 6
Wurzen, 28
Yarling, Mrs., 15
Zeitz, 35
Zittav, 21