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VOL. 28, NO. 3, Apr., 1972

106th Infantry Division Association, Inc.

President Robert A. Gilder
Vice-President Dr. George Bullard
Adjutant Robert L. Scranton
Treasurer Sherod Collins
Chaplain John T. Loveless, Jr.
Historian Sherod Collins
    The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $5.00 per year which includes subscription to the CUR
Editor John Gallagher
All editorial matter should be addressed to: John I. Gallagher
4003 Frances Street
Temple, Pa. 19560
All business matters, renewal of membership, etc., should be addressed to:
Robert L. Scranton
9441 Lee Rog,'
Brighton. Mich. 48116
Auxiliary Dues $2.00 per year.

    At the time that this Cub was being printed, your Cub Editor John Gallagher has become ill and is now in the Intensive Care Unit at the Reading Hospital.

     Already the New Year is a couple of months old, with members hopefully making plans for their summer vacations. Jean and I made a short trip in January' to Naples, Florida visiting her brother. While there placed a call to Pete House, who assured me plans are progressing toward the July date for the convention. The Board of Directors lost one of its faithful members with the passing of Bob Shaw last December. On behalf of the Association I would like to extend our sympathies to the Bob Shaw Family from Garland, Texas. Rex and Bob were always a welcome sight to us--no matter which state the convention were held in. filth will be sorely missed by one and all, with his quick grin and slow and steady drawl.
     Once again, I would like to urge the membership to make plans for the convention. Let us make Jacksonville the "Biggest" group yet. We acquired many new faces last year at the Pennsv gathering: we hope to see all of you in July again; plus some new southern faces.
Bob Gilder

     To live in peace and harmony with our neighbors is, perhaps, one of the greatest goals of mankind. Certainly, the leaders of the great religions and religious movements throughout the centuries, in their writings and teachings, have expressed the desirability of such conduct.
     But, man, beyond his immediate family and community, appears to be unable to continue for long such a course of peaceful and harmonious living. Misunderstandings, disputes, wars seem to be endless.
    Because all of us, as individuals, as families, as nations, differ one from another, it is essential that we appreciate Ali and, if possible, comprehend the needs, WI desires and aspirations of our fellows wherever they be. And, so far as we can, make our contributions towards efforts to achieve peace and harmony among all peoples.
     For a quarter century, our nation has had no communication with a nation having a quarter of the population of this globe. The vast differences in ideology, economics and religion between the two peoples, the United States of America and China, have fostered misunderstanding, distrust and hostility. Many years may pass before these things can be changed to understanding, trust and peace.
    The visit of our President to China, we believe, may help to bring about such change. We need not accept, in toto, the ways of those others, but a hand outstretched in friendship may be the beginning of a long period of peace.
"Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace and pursue it".
Psalm 34:14
John T. Loveless, Jr.


(Memorial to Maj. Gen. Alan W. Jones)
1894 - 1969
Middletown, Pa. 18 February 1972
     Thank God I am able to greet you all again under the aegis of "Bag Lunch" after my serious automobile accident of 13 October. Two days ago my orthopedic surgeon removed the cast and took X-rays of my right forearm. They showed much improvement except one spot, where the bone was somewhat shattered. He put on another cast for several weeks, to give this spot a chance to heal. I hope and pray, with this precaution, to avoid a bone graft. I am writing out these notes with my right hand, which Mrs. McMahon will type and send to Editor John.
     While in the hospital, I was visited by some nearby Golden Lions. As soon as they heard, Colonel Malin Craig, Jr., my Divarty Executive and Mrs. Craig, of Chevy Chase, Md., drove up. They came back again to see me after my return home from hospital. John Warren Jr., Esquire, my Aide de Camp and Mrs. Warren, of Red Bank, N.J., drove over. On a Sunday evening enroute home from a Parent's weekend with their son at George Washington Univ., in Washington. D.C., our Editor - John and Stella Gallagher came to the hospital. My son Colonel Leo McMahon, Jr., of Fort Hamilton, N.Y., was visiting me at the time. Later at home, Dick DeHeer, COGL and his wife Marge COMGL. came up from Lancaster, Pa., where they attending a Convention and stayed overnight with us. Thank you all again.
     The next big event on the Golden Lion schedule is the 26th Annual reunion July 20-23, 1972 at Jacksonville. Florida. The picture of the HILTON, on the back cover of the Jan. Feb. Mar. CUB, where the reunion will be held, looks most inviting. This morning I had a letter from President Bob Gilder. He and Jean flew to Florida late in January and toured the Southern part, visiting relatives, while there he was in touch with Pete House, who reported that the reunion is shaping up with some details still to work out.
     Pete has been a hard-working Board member for years and President of the Association 1969-70. We can anticipate a well-organized affair, Wilda and I are planning on it. Don't forget that Doug Coffey has arranged with the Director of the College Patronee, St. Vith, Belgium, on whose grounds the Division Memorial is erected, to have one of his students as our guest at the Reunion.
     It was interesting and revealing to read the letter of Lt. Col. Herbert Livesey, USAR (Ret) in the last issue of the CUB (Vol. 28 No. 2--Jan. Feb. Mar. 1972). For the first time some of our newer members will appreciate the efforts and money that went into the organization of the 106th Infantry Division Assn. Those of us who have been in it from the beginning are familiar with the tremendous amount of work Colonel Livesey put into it. He was the sparkplug and first Adjutant. I am sure he is proud of the organization now as indicated in his congratulations to John Gallagher. Another illuminating index of the present healthy condition is to read the Treasurer's Resort for 1970-71 on the back cover of the Oct. Nov. Dec. 1971 issue of The CUB. Colonel Livesey should write 00GL, after his name. He was selected an Officer of The Golden Lion in 1947 in recognition of his efforts.
Leo T. McMahon

Garland, Texas March 10, 1972
Dear John,
     I wish to express my deep appreciation and thanks for the many expressions of sympathy and friendship I received from all of you sin. Bobs death.
     I have been unable to acknowledge to each one personally how much it has helped to bear my grief and loneliness. May I say thanks again. Your kindness will be a very cherished memory.
Sincerely, Mrs. Bob Shaw


     Again, I'd like to thank the members pf the Association for the flowers and cards received during my recent illness. I am home and getting along fine and hope to be back to work shortly.
     A few things I noticed in the last Cub were that the fellows who were given (or volunteered) assignments at our last reunion were really on the ball and got things done. First Doug, he got the "Lion's Tale" reprinted. I hope all those hands that were raised at the meeting come through and buy one now that Doug made them available. Also, Doug got the insignia on the memorial at St. Vith.
     Yours truly and the Reunion committee got the decals for all members. Pete House is all set for the 1972 Reunion in Jacksonville, Florida. So everything seemed to end fine for the year 1971. Also, I see in the last "Cub" we have a secret reporter. I hope he (she?) is not too secret, or I will never find out where those go-go bars are.
Keep up the good work with the "Cub", John, and I'm sure we can build' up our membership.
Clayton Rarick

     Col. George Descheneaux, Jr. of Concord, Mass. Reports, "only change here is a few more gray hairs and my second, and probably last, retirement. Saw Joe Matthews on a trip to the South last February. It was great to see him after all the years. Bob Rutt's picture in the Cub indicates that he found the Fountain. of Youth. Of course, Gen. McMahon hasn't changed since the '43 maneuvers. Warm regards to all."

Dear John,
     Lillian and I, along with the Coffey's, Gams, Bullard's, and Wells', are eagerly awaiting July to entertain our Belgium student whose project the 106th Association approved. We heard from Doug, and he gave us the exact dates we will have the student. It is very heartwarming to me to know that our Association had given approval for this project because, really John, those people were very, very nice to us during our visit to St. Vith in 1969 and 1971. We should be learning soon who the student will be. That per-con will have the chance of a lifetime to say the least!
     As you no doubt know, a great deal pf interest has been stirred up concerning our proposed trip to St. Vith in 1974 to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Rattle of the Bulge. Several of the people I have talked to also desire to visit Norway, Sweden, and Denmark this time. Now is the time to save and plan for the 1974 trip. Perhaps, at Jacksonville, more definite plans can he made.
Sincerely, Walt Bandurak

Hi John,
The DeHeer's have had two nice trips.
    One to New Hampshire for Parents weekend at Franklin Pierce College-yes, Rick W changed colleges so he would be closer to home and near the skiing.
    Rindge is a beautiful place and 20 miles from anything stores, motels, churches. We attended a Rent-all convention at a Host Motel in Lancaster, Pa.; near the Amish Farmlands. That place had something for everyone-good place for a reunion.
     On our way home we stopped in to see Wilda and Leo and had an enjoyable visit. Leo looks good and his arm seems to be mending very well.
     The N.J. December 16th dinner was fun and we all won door prizes. I'm still waiting for the electrician to put up new light that Dick won.
    The Brummer's did an excellent job as chairmen and the evening went far too quickly, when you are enjoying the company.
M. & D. DeHeer


     The home of Eunice and Henry Broth was the locale for the 1971 Annual 16 December Get-together of the Maryland Chapter. The date was Saturday, 18 December.
     Many interesting recollections of the days from activation to de-activation of the Division were shared during the cocktail hour. Included, of course, were experiences in various prison camps. Those tales always seem to fascinate the ladies. The announcement of dinner did not mean a cessation of the stories, but simply a transfer of them and of us to the dining room. The delicious and leisurely dinner was topped by a dessert of apple "American Pie" with vanilla and walnut ice cream.
     After dinner, pictures taken at the King of Prussia Reunion last July and the Service Battery, 592d Reunion at Hershey last September were shown. Many "regulars" were not present because of illness and other masons. We hope that they will be able to be with us next time.
     Those present were Henry and Eunice Broth, Sam and Billie Cariano, Alan and Louise Dobson. Neil and Mary Gossom, John and ‘K' Loveless, ‘Bud' and ‘K' Wilkerson, Gary and Linda Hagman, Raymond and Kay Loveless Kemp. Althea Loveless, Bruce Matthews and Dr. Mary E. Matthews.
JTL, Jr.
March 1, 1972

FEBRUARY 14, 1972
Breakdown as follows.
14 -- Division Headquarters
48 -- 424 Regiment
35 -- 423 Regiment
32 -- 422 Regiment
3 -- Division Artillery Headquarters
15 -- 589 Artillery
7 -- 590 Artillery
8 -- 591 Artillery
8 -- 592 Artillery
5 -- 331 Medic
8 -- 81st Engineer
4-- M. P.
2 -- Band
2 -- Signal Co.
1 -- 806 Ord.
19 -- Associate Members
6 -- Organization Unknown
Your help is requested to invite your buddies to join the Association.

William G. Alexander, E 423, 1120 South Ave. Apt. Bl, Forest Park, Ga. 30050
Gerald J. Anderson, M 423, 17 Eton Place, Glen Rock, N. J. 07452
Lowry B. Andrews, Hq 422, 11 Ridgewood Road, Wilton, Conn. 06897
Donald R. Armington, H 424, 3125 John Patterson Road, Des Moines, Iowa 50317
Clifford N. Auston, C 589, 125 S. Maple, Vergennes, Vermont 05491
Dr. George Axelrod, 331 Med., 668 Main Street, Clinton, Mass. 01510
Mrs. Peter Balks, Assoc. Member, 235 State St., Northampton, Mass. 01060
son -- John Hart Balise
Walter Bandurak, Med '81 Engr., 219 1/2 North Palet Ave. Apt. 3 Greensburg, Pa. 15601
Herald A. Barnett, H 424, 106 Arlene Dr., North Versailles, Pa. 15137
Richard E. Bartz, DHQ (HG), 216 Rustic Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15210
Mrs. John D. Beals (Carol), Assoc., 217 E. Davenport St., Member, Iowa City, Iowa 52240


Richard H. Behr, Serv/423, 960 W. Burke Avenue, St. Paul, Minn. 55113
Roger W. Bell, 807 28th Ave., E. Moline, M. 61244
Thomas Bickford, DHQ, , 66 Quinby Pl., Motor Pool, W. Orange, N. J. 07052
Rev. Ewell C. Black Jr. 405 S. Jefferson St. Salada, S. C. 28138
T. Wayne Black, HQ/422, 425 Allen Apt. 301, Waterloo, Iowa 50702
Arthur C. Buckley, 7 Tuckers Ct. Peabody, Mass. 01960

Dr. George M. Bullard, Med. 590, Forest Lake Rte. 4, Mebane, N. C. 27302
Robert A. Burkes, Hq 424, 2227 Plantation Drive, East Point, Georgia 30344
Fred W. Burnham, 106 Band, 209 Robin Hill Drive, Naperville, Illinois 60540
James V. Burrell, 31019 Champine, St. Clair Shores, Mich. 48082
Harry W. Butler, Jr., Hq. 1st Bn 424, Box 390, 249 Jefferson St., Winchester, Va. 22601
Austin L. Byrd, Jr., A 589, DHQ, 1329 Westburn Road, Baltimore, Md. 21228
Lt. Col. Samuel P. Cariano USA Ret., 7445 Hal!crest Dr., DHQ, , E 424, McLean, Va. 22010

Ira G. Bottoms, FABn 592, 407 S. Peachtree St. Box 103, Norcross, Ga. 30071
Lt. Col. Byrne A. Bowman, 1216 Liberty Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Staff JA, Oklahoma City, Okla. 73102
Ben Britton, 36 Warren Road, Auburn, Mass. 01501
William S. Boucouvalas 10 Cutts Ave., Saco, Maine 04072
Rev. Edward T. Boyle, 46 N. Wolf Road, Northlake, Illinois 60164
Myles Brazill, DHQ Co., MP, Box 6, Platoon, Landisburg, Pa. 17040
Henry M. Broth, 1/422, 2628 Rockwood Ave., Baltimore, Maryland 21215
Harold J. Brummer, D/422, 41 Georgia Street, Cranford, N.J. 07016
Glen J. Brutus, HQ 1st Bn 423, Box 37, Pine Village, Indiana 47975
Jack Bryant, 19692 Coral Gables Southfield, Mich. 48075
Ben C. Carpenter 6809 Ashland, , 424, Chicago, Ill. 60600
Paul Cavanaugh, S.J., Bellarmine Chapel Hq/424 Xavier University Cincinatti, Ohio 45207
William Cavanagh, Assoc. Member, 2 Dens Villas Chester-Le-St. Co. Durham, England
Col. Charles C. Cavender, USA Ret., , 26490 Burgess Way, C.O. 423 Inf., Sun City, Calif. 92381
Fred B. Chase, D 422, Morris Lane, Rexford, N. Y. 12148
Christopher T. Clark, Hq Co. 3rd Bn, , 518 So. Main St., 423, Niles, Ohio 44446
James I. Clark, M.D., Med. Det. 590, R.R. No. 1, Box 25-D, & 592, Fennville, Mich. 49408


Frank Collins, RFD 1, Swanzey Center Keene, N. H. 03431.
Sherod Collins, Jr., Sery 423, 625 Channing Dr.. N. W., Atlanta, Ga. 30318
Douglas S. Coffey, C 590, 41 Lowell Ave., West Orange, N. J. 07052
Virgil L. Collins, CN 423, Rte 2, 841 Canal St., Nelsonville, Ohio 45764
Dr. Michael E. Connolly, Medics 589, Medical Arts Building, FA, 32 Jefferson Ave., Sharon, Pa. 16146
Robert M. Courtright, DHQ Co., 600 W. Main St., Ashville, Ohio 43103
Raymond J. Creamer, Sery 589, 48 Leonard Road, Milltown, N. J. 08850
Lester Crossman, H 424, 1313 Clay Street, Woodstock, Illinois 60098
Alan Dabson, B 331st Med., 38 Upland Ave., Dover, Del. 19901
Paul Dargon, Hq 589th FA, Bo, 387, Richland, Pa. 17087
Charles Dotty, SV 591st FA, 711 Davis Ave., Clifton Heights, Pa. 19018
Joseph A. DeChiara, 1135 86th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 11219
Richard DeHeer, K 424, Hopkins St., Hillsdale, N. J. 07642
Col. George, L. Descheneaux, Jr. HQ 422 1597 Monument St. (RFD) Concord, Mass. 01742
Robert A. de St. Aubin, RR No. 2. Box 88A, Berlin, Wisc. 54923
George Doerner, Hq. Divarty, 64 N. Schuykill Ave., Norristown, Pa. 19401
Mrs. Martin M. Dolitsky (Libby K.), 40 Indian Road Assoc. Member 591 Port Chester, N. Y. 10573

Frank Doniloski, A 81 Eng., 113 Ferguson St., Duryea, Pa. 18642
William J. Donovan, DHQ, 59-25 71st. Ave., Ridgewood, N. Y. 11227
Thomas Dorosky, Sery 592, Mount Airy Road, R.D. No. One, Shaverstown, Pa. 18708
Dr. Joseph F. Dreier, Div. Arty., P.O. Box No. 52, Bear Creek, Pa. 18602
Karl Drzymala, 591st FA, 10 Malvern Pl., Verone, N. J. 07044
Mahlon O. Earle, Jr., 424-D, 23 Morgan Place, No. Arlington, N. J. 07032
John W. Early, Jr., F 422, 9284 Mason Crook Road, Norfolk, Va. 23503
Floyd L. Elston, A 589, 28 Park Ave., Haskell, N. J. 07420
Jackie Russell Enlow, D 423, Taswell, Indiana 47175
Wilbur D. Evans, Sv 591 FA, Box 507, Mebane, N. C. 27302
Harold A. Fleming, Jr., F 423, 99 Terrace Ave., Jersey City, N. J. 07303
J. R. Fonda, B 590 FA, 20 Barbour Lane, Bloomfield Hills, Mich. 48013
James P. Ford, Hq. 1st Bn. 424, 1829 A. Alden St., Phila, Pa. 19143
Florian R. Frank 591 FA Service Battery, %Biglow Cheese R. Butter Co., Avoca, Wisc. 53506
Jerome L. Frankel, Hq 3rd Bn 423, 584 Junard Boulevard, West Hempstead, N. Y. 11552


John I. Gallagher, 81 Engr., 4003 Frances Street, Temple, Pa. 19560
Joseph J. Gasses, Hq 422, 1420 Franklin St., Grand Haven, Mich. 49417
Robert A. Gilder, Hq 1st Bn 424, 36303 Behm Dr., North Ridgeville, Ohio 44035
Joseph C. Gilliam, C 589, 1201 E. Emerson St., Bloomington, Illinois 61701
Robert A. Gilmartin, H 424, 3320 Cortelyou Road, Brooklyn, N. Y. 11203
David J. Gish, Hq Btry, 589 FA Bn., 23673 W. Grove St., South Bend, Indiana 46628
Bruce F. Glen, DHQ Co., 10 W. Ferry Road, Morrisville, Pa. 19067
Winnie Leo Gregory, 3rd Bn. Hq. 424, 5009 Bonnahill Drive, Hermitage, Tenn. 37076
Larry Gubow, Sery 423, 4397 Sunningdale Drive, Bloomfield Hills, Mich. 48013
Mrs. Ben J. Hagman (Nita), Assoc., 305 W. Josephine St., Member, Weatherford, Texas 76086
R. F. Hall, Hq. 3rd Bn. 424, 302 Marianville Rd., Village Green, Aston, Pa. 19014
Herman V. Hansird, M.P., Rte. No. 2, Rocky Face, Ga. 30740
Harold V. Hardoin, K 424, 11732 Promenade, Detroit, Mich. 48213
Abner T. Harris, H 424, 216 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. 60606
Bertram F. Hartzell, 81 Engr., 410 South Str., New Bethlehem, Pa. 16242
H. M. Hatch (Jim), DHQ & 422, 5609 15th Avenue, So., Minneapolis, Minn. 55417
Byron P. Heath, 106 MP, 2729 Montezuma Ave., Alhambra, Calif. 91803
Edward Heiman, D 331st, 32 Fairlawn Ct., Medics, Daly City, Calif. 94015
William G. Hemelt, H 424, 7737 Wynbrook Road, Baltimore, Md. 21224
Leo L. Heneghan, C 422, 6287 Wetherole St., Rego Park, N.Y. 11374
James W. Henning, 3rd Bn. Hq. 422, 1045 E. 8th St., Lockport, Ill. 60441
Forrest W. Hemming, 806 Ord., 977 Loretta Ave., Columbus, Ohio 43211
Lt. Col. E. G. Henson, H 424, 1720 Pinewood Dr., Little Rock, Ark. 72204
J. Francis Hesse, 220 N. Roosevelt, Wichita, Kansas 67208
Walter F. Hiltbrand 930 Fair Avenue Salem, Ohio 44460
Pete House, 5662 Clifton Ave. Jacksonville, Fla. 32211
Bob Homan, 1211 Elide St., Jamesville, Wisc. 53545
Ben M. Houseman, D 423, 400 N. Akard, (or 3708 Carath Blvd.), Dallas, Texas 75201
Robert F. Howell, Se,. G & H 424, 904 E. College Rt. Rt. 6, Griffin, Ga. 30223
Carl M. Hulbert Hq 424 Personnel Off., Reg. Adj. 2801 N. Halifax Ave. No. 242, Daytona Beach, Fla. 32018
Robert D. Jessee, M 424, 1541 Post St. Apt. 5, San Francisco, Calif. 94109


Mrs. Alan W. Jones, Assoc. Member, 3532 Quebec St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20016
Col. Alan W. Jones, Jr. Hq. 1st Bn 423 2500 N. Van Dorn St. Apt. 428 Alexandria, Va. 22302
George W. Jones, Jr., Sery 423, 5652 E. Main St., Loris, S. C. 29569,
Benj. F. Johnson, Jr., Hq. 3rd Bn 422, 5 North 6th St., Denton, Md. 21629
William Johnson, Co. K 424, 5541 Oxon Hill Road. Apt. 201, Oxan Hill, Md. 20021
Irvin Juster, Cannon Co. 422, 1241 Ruffner Rd., Schenectady, N.Y. 12309
Charles J. Kalal, 424 Inf. Cn. Co., 6719 W. 26st St., Berwyn, Ill. 60402
George H. Kaufman, H 423, 1320% Broadway, Springfield, Ohio 45500
Richard C. Kaufmann, Hq 589, 15776 Chatham, Detroit, Mich. 48223
Elsby Keilman, B 589 FA, Branchville, Ind. 47514
Darrell Kellams, E 424, 12775 Grover, Omaha, Neb. 68144
John H. Kelly, H 423, 1117 Pleasant St., East Weymouth, Mass. 02189
Glen N. Kennedy, 713 Normandy Dr., Iowa City, Iowa 52240
Francis T. Kenney, Hq. 3rd Bn 422, RFD No. 14 Hampton Road, Peekskill, N.Y. 10566
Jesse O. Kershner, AT 423, 17 Ridgewood Parkway, Newport News, Va. 23602
Don W. Kersteiner, Hq 2nd Bn 424, 650 Emerson Ave., Hamilton, Ohio 45013
Joseph A. Kersten, G 423, 162 Duerstein St., Buffalo, N.Y. 14210
Dr. John E. Ketterer, D.D.S., DHQ, 1141 Williams Blvd., Springfield, Ill. 62704
James R. Klett, DHQ, 1647 Oak St., Lebanon, Pa. 17042
Franklin R. Koehler, D 424, 56 Orchard Place, Maywood, N. J. 07607
John Kopko, Jr., 2nd Bn. Hq. 424, Rd. No. 2, Newton, Conn. 06470
Joseph Krafchik, Hq 331 Med., 349 Livingston Ave., New Brunswick, N. J. 08902
Harold Kuizema, B 589, 2151 Griggs S.E., Grand Rapids, Mich. 49506
Gene Kuhn, MP, 471-12 Ave. Rt. 2, Columbus, Neb. 68601
Vaden Lackey, C.O. 590, 508 E. Bellevue Dr., Nashville, Tenn. 37205
Paul W. LeClere, C 81st Engr., 1112 Beech Drive, Dixon, III. 61021
Samuel Leibowitz, Hq 424, 645 E. 5th Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. 11218
Phillip R. Leswing, Bt. B 592 FA, 389 Red Barn Road, Willow Grove, Pa. 19090
Arthur E. Loos, Jr., I 422, 128 Highland Ave., Broad Brook, Conn. 06016
Oliver A. Lothrop, Jr., B 423, 316 West Wind Rd., Towson, Md. 21204
John T. Loveless, Jr., Hq. 422, 2549 Pickwick Road, Baltimore, Md. 21207
Allen L. Lowith, CN 423, 1062 So. Mansfield Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. 90019
Lyle K. McCullough, Su 422, 685 Roberts St., Sheffield Lake, Ohio 44054
Brig. Gen. Leo T. McMahon Div. Arty 8 No. Union Street (USA Retired) Middletown, Pa. 17057
Richard Maclone, M 424, 396 Medford St., Sommerville, Mass.
Francis J. Maloney, Sery 592, 231 Wolf Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19148
H. E. Mansfield, Jr., A 424, 190 Northcrest Dr., Athens, Ga. 30601
Gilbert Marcus, Sery 423, 1340 N. Astor St. Apt. 808, Chicago, Ill. 60610
Col. J. C. Matthews, Jr., HDQ 422, 4706 Western Blvd., Raleigh, N. C. 27606
Thomas J. Maw, A 592, 436 Beech St., Rockland, Mass. 02370
Roger A. May, DHQ G-3, 317 53rd Street, Western Springs, Dl. 60558
O. Paul Merz, Sery 422, 1489 Bonneville Lane, Mt. Healthy, Cincinnati, Ohio 45231
John A. Middleton III, 106 Sign., 17 Kensington Road, Madison, N.J. 07940
John L. Mikalauskis, H 424, P.O. Box 274, Benton Ill. 62812
Elman M. Miller, Hq 3rd Bn 424, 3308 Fairview Ave., Chicago Heights, Ill. 60411
Margaret B. Mowlds, Assoc. Member, Sea Air Box 501, Rehoboth Beach, Del. 19971
M. J. Mueller, L 424 Medic, P.O. Box 234, LakeVilla, Ill. 60046
George Murray, Jr., H 424, ti, 521 9th St. Box 724, Bemidji, Minn. 56601
Dr. Larry Myers, Jr., 591st FA, 151 Cambridge St., Syracuse, N. Y. 13210
Col. Fredrick W. Nagle, Exec 423, 3532 Old Chanblee Trucker Rd., Orleans No. Apt. 8, Atlanta, Ga. 30340
Alfred S. Nusbaum, Hq 423, 5622 N. 12th St., Phoenix Ariz. 85014
Wanold D. Olman, Sery Co. 422, 912 Cokesbury Dr., Columbia. S.C. 29203
Robert W. Pierce, 81 Engr., 474 Federal St.. N.W., Warren, Ohio 44483
Waldo B. Pierce, New Britain, Conn. 06530 East Street, 051
Clayton R. Rarick L 424 Box 25, Blandon, Pa. 19510
Dean T. Redmond, 611 N. Center St., Statesville, N.C. 28677
Ed Reilly, Su 591, 95 Irvine Ter., Bloomfield, N. J. 07003
Charles W. Richards, Sery 423, 113 Clover Dr., Massapequa Park, N.Y. 11762
Robert C. Ringer, Ser 590 & 591, 4280 Kendale Rd., Columbus, Ohio 43221
Elden E. Ristenpart, C 331 Medics, 331 E. 147 Place, Harvey, Ill. 60426
Louis P. Rossi, H 424, 1314 9 Street, North Bergen, N. J. 07047
Robert E. Rutt, Hq 422, 937 Lampwick Court, Bloomfield Hills, Mich. 48013
Eugene L. Saucerman, D 422, R.R. No. 23 Box 50, Terre Haute, Ind. 47802


Fred Schieferstein, A 424, 431 Madison Hill Road, Clark, New Jersey 07066
John P. Schlesser, Sery 591, 11603 W. 206th Ave., Lowell, Indiana 46356
Earl A. Scott, Hq 589, 6414 Monument Ave., Hq 106 Div., Richmond, Virginia 23226
Phillip F. Schutte, F 424, 2415 Otter Drive, Warren, Michigan 48089
Robert L. Scranton, K 424, 9441 Lee Road, Brighton, Michigan 48116
Fred A. Sebastinelli, DHQ, 184 Avila St., San Francisco, Calif. 94123
Michael G. Sgrignoli, SB 592 F.A., 125 N. 24th St., Camp Hill, Pa. 17011
Harry R. (Bob) Shaw, Jr., C 423, 102 E. Woodbury Dr. Garland, Texas 75040
Nicholas Sinco, 3176 Kennedy Blvd. Jersey City, N. J. 07306
Tony F. Silva, 1947 W. Inman Stockton, Calif. 95204
Dr. A. W. Skardon, Jr., B 590, 102 W. Woodbine Youngston, Ohio 44505
Alvin L. Smith, 1041 Fountain Rd. Jacksonville, Fla. 32205
Charles L. Smith, P.O. Box 24, Fort Loudon, Pa. 17224
Herbert L. Snyder, DHQ Band, 2540 Eastshore PL, Reno, Nev. 89502
Emil M. Solecki, Sery 592, 98 Wood Port Rd., Sparta, New Jersey 07871
Norman S. Spayd, C & H 423, 1518 Schuylkill Ave., & C 424, Reading, P-a. 19601
Donald J. Stone, C 589', 1505 E. Memorial Drive, Janesville, Wisc. 53545
Peter P. Stranko, A 423, 271 - 15th Ave., San Francisco, Calif. 94118
George F. Sutter, At 423, 221 Lawndale Drive, Munster, Indiana 46321
Harrison C. Tissot, C 422, 6510 Murray Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio 45227
Arthur J. Tribout, G 424, 1447 No. 42nd St., East St. Louis, Ill. 62204
Dr. Hans Wachtel, DHQ & 331 Med., 1525 E. 53rd, Suite 628, Chicago, Ill. 60615
Robert F. Walker, D 422, 598 Terrace Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio 45220
Charles S. Walsh, 592, 1001 Chews Landing Rd., Cherry Hill, N.J. 08034
Presslye Walters, Assoc. Member, 430 Winchester Ave., Youngstown, Ohio 44509
Phil Walz, DHQ, 62-52 88th Rd., Glendale, N. Y. 11227
Clarence E. Warren, Co. A 81st, 111 Goodrich St., Engr. Bn., Kewanee, III. 61443
Joseph A. Wasik, G 423, 171 Fan Hill Road, Monroe, Conn. 06468
Frederick G. Weisser, Jr. 2nd Bn. Hq., 141 Park Avenue, Manhasset, N.Y. 11030
Bobby Welch, B 422, R.R. 2, English, Ind. 47118
James E. Wells, 81 Engr. Co. C, RFD 2, Hephzibah, Ga. 30815
E. C. White, Jr., C 591, Box 465, Whiteface, Texas 79379


Donald R. Whitner, F 422, 139 Walnut St., Millville, Pa. 17846
Fred Williams, D 423, RFD Box 82, Grand Ridge, Fla. 32442
John D. Wilson, D & H 422, 331 E. 59th St., Hialeah, Fla. 33012
Van S. Wyatt, G 424, Box 51, 602 W. 8th St., Benton, Ky. 42025
Gordon B. Zicker, Hq 423, 6 Sunrise Dr., Montvale, New Jersey 07645
Ed Zoll, Hq 424, 1712 Virginia Pl., N.E., Canton, Ohio 44705
Seymour Harry Zorn, 106 Sign., 301 E. 62nd St., New York, N. Y. 10021
Jack Zuckerman, C 423, 71-23 167 St., Flushing, N.Y. 11365

Reprint from V.F.W., December 1971
By Arnold Goldberg
     Editor's Note: Mr. Goldberg is editor of the Uniontown, Pa., Herald-Standard. He visited the Bulge area in 1969. Twenty-five years had passed--a quarter of a century. It was a strange feeling driving from Luxembourg into Belgium. The names on the road signs were familiar--St. Vith, Malmedy, Bastogne, Vielsalm, Trois Ponts, Houffalize, La Roche, Butgenbach, Stavelot. What did they mean to me?
     There was a thin cloud of forgetfulness mixed with sentimentality of one special date--Dec. 16, 1944. Nearing St. Vith, I remembered the first time I had seen this town in Belgium, a few miles from the German border. My division, the 106th Infantry, had landed in France early in December, 1944, and then moved on to St. Vith to relieve the 2nd Infantry Division in a supposedly quiet sector along a 26-mile front.
     Before dawn on Dec. 16, 1944, an enemy barrage shattered the stillness. Through fog and snow, German infantry and tanks moved relentlessly toward our lines. It was the beginning of the Battle of the Bulge, Hitler's dying gasp for victory in World War II.
     Hitler chose the Ardennes as the place to launch his assault for weather would be perfect for a surprise attack. It would be cold and the heavy overcast would ground the American planes. St. Vith, focus of several highways and railroads, was the key. It had to be overrun quickly. By mid-morning on Dec. 16, the situation was desperate. Our battalions, regiments and smaller units found themselves in deadly fire fights. Communications deteriorated as the Germans cut off! highways and signal lines and then infiltrated into and through the division lines. Subsequently two of the three regiments of the 106th, totaling 8.000 men, surrendered on the Schnee Eifel Ridge, cut off without ammunition, food or medical supplies.
     What was left of the division fought on. Some units were ordered to withdraw to Vielsalm, Belgium, 12 miles to the west. It took 12 hours--bumper to bumper. Tanks of the 7th Armored Division were moving forward while the 106th vehicles were withdrawing. The narrow road was slippery from ice and snow. Fog blanketed the frigid night. St. Vith, with elements of the 106th and the firepower of the 7th. held firm. For six vital days, the defenders of St. Vith repulsed forces outnumbering them five to one. The delay was disastrous to the momentum of the German Panzer armies. Their goal was the Meuse River and the port of Antwerp. Belgium. where the major supplies for the Allied armies were received. Enemy pressure never relented as they pounded St. Vith with bombs and shells to finally drive out our forces and move into the town.
To the south 18 miles the 101st Airborne Division was defending Bastogne. The situation was bleak.
Then on the coldest Christmas Eve in Belgian memory, the remaining regiment


    of the division, the 424th, launched the first counter-attack of the Battle of the Bulge. Manhay, a small Belgian village at an important road junction was retaken. Early in January when the weather cleared, the Allied Air Force went to work with our ground forces and St. Vith was retaken. But once again the town was battered. Buildings were blown apart. Rubble filled the streets to where bulldozers had to clear paths through the debris for our vehicles to move. Late in January I was sent back to St. Vith and the German-Belgian frontier to find out what I could about two captured companies. I found every structure in the city of 8,000 uninhabitable.
That was my last wartime view of St. Vith.
     Now it was a late October afternoon in 1969. The sun's shadows were deepening and I was again approaching St. Vith. What I saw was startling.
Peace and serenity had returned.
     The entire city was rebuilt. I should have known it had to be. But all I could think about was the snow, the cold and the desolation of 25 years ago.
     On our first night along the front, my outfit had bedded down in the snow three miles north of St. Vith on the road to Butgenbach. Now my wife and I drove around that particular area but it was not recognizable. Farms and evergreens had replaced the uprooted trees and bomb-pocked ground.
     I attempted to locate where my battalion command post was in St. Vith but could not. The streets had been changed. Every building was relatively new. constructed since the end of World War II. We walked along the narrow streets of the city and marveled at its cleanliness, its calmness and its quiet. The holocaust of December, 1944, was obliterated. I sensed in my conversations with St. Vith residents that mast Europeans, especially those in St. Vith, want to forget about the war and get on with the business of living.
     The 106th Division Assn. had constructed a memorial in St. Vith which we visited. It is a remembrance of stone, built on the grounds of a school.
    Watching children going to school, we saw in their healthy faces a generation growing up, perhaps for the first time in Europe's history, almost totally without the fear of an immediate war.
     My wife asked me what I remembered about the St. Vith area. I thought for a moment of the morning of Dec. 16, 1944. Battalion headquarters had told me to check on one of our companies at Steinebruck, about four miles east of St. Vith. I told her:
    "I was riding with Cpl. Bill Daugherty, of St. Louis, my jeep driver, when we experienced enemy fire for the first time. Rifle shots hit our jeep. One sliced the tip off Daugherty's left thumb. At the same time a shell landed near the jeep and shrapnel went through my field coat."
This I will always remember.
It was an eerie experience but it indoctrinated me into the deadliness of war. I realized that bullets kill.
     I also recalled to her sleeping on the snowy ground. wearing every bit of clothing I owned in an unsuccessful attempt to keep warm. We drove from St. Vith to Vielsalm. Only this second time it was a peaceful drive through a beautiful countryside.
Would I go back again? I thought about it flying home.
     You have to experience war to actually feel it- It was at St. Vith that I first learned war can be bitter and cruel. To return had been in my mind for years. I had to go bhack because I felt part of my life was there.
Would I go back again?
No. Once has been enough.
     There will be greeting cards this holiday season from battalion buddies with whom I soldiered during the Battle of the Bulge. The cards always carry small notes about that time in "December, 1944" or something similar. They lived through the ravages of war and cannot forget.
To me also the memories still are distinct. Over a quarter of a century did not fade them away.


16 Feb. 72
Dear John:
     Enjoyed reading the copies of "The Cub" you sent along with your request to use the story on the 106th Division which was published in the VFW magazine, as "The Bulge Remembered."
I would be most happy to have the story appear in "The Cub".
     My wife and I took a vacation in Europe in 1969. We stayed with a tour for two weeks, then rented a car in Paris and mapped out our own itinerary, including a visit to St. Vith. We stayed in the Pip Margraff Hotel there.
     The editor of the VFW Magazine had seen a story on the Bulge I had written for my own paper when I returned from Europe and he asked if he could use it. Of course, I agreed.
Sincerely, Arnold Goldberg Editor

     The 106th will be doing it again. A first for an association such as ours. We will bring a student from the School in St. Vith on whose property our Memorial is located to our next Convention. Through the cooperation of the College and its Director, Herr Joseph Pankert, several 106ers will take the responsibility of the student. Present plans call for the student to arrive in New York where Doug Coffey will pick him or her up and take to his home in New Jersey for a short stay. Doug will then see that the student gets to the home of Walt Bandurak in Greensburg, Pennsylvania for a time and on to Chuck Garns in Cuyahoga Falls, near Cleveland, Ohio. From Cleveland, the student will go to Doc Bullard's lovely home in Mebane, North Carolina, near Raleigh-Durham. The next stop will be at the Jim Wells, antebellum mansion in Heozhibah, Georgia, near Augusta. Jim will then have the responsibility of getting the student to the Convention in Jacksonville, Florida. The student will speak to us at either our luncheon or dinner, however Pete House and his committee can set it up. We shall be able to ask questions of the student about St. Vith, what life is like for young people, what their reaction to Americans and especially their reaction to our Memorial. Should prove interesting. Doug Coffey will then take the student back home with him and see that he is safely on the plane to home.
     The College will take care of any expense getting the student to Luxembourg for flight on Icelandic Airlines and will also take care of the return from Luxembourg. Doug and the group will take care of most of the expenses in the interim. It is hoped that by the time this is written that the Board of Directors will vote favorably to pay the air fare and net of pocket expenses for a total of $211 00. If not the five comrades of the 106th are agreed they will share the full expenses just so this happening can come about.
     If there is anyone between points that would like to be a party to this plan so that no one person has to travel with the student too far between, contact Doug Coffey and perhaps the schedule can be worked out.
     You can see from the schedule that the student will get a broad view of Eastern United States and will have something to talk about for a long time.
     Only good can come out of this visit. We have good relations with the College and the students, but just as a brick building loses some of its mortar and the bricks have to repointed so must our friendship with the College and Students continue to grow. As John Loveless was so good to point out: in time, we will not have the same. Director, nor will Doctor Delavel still be around to look after the 106th interest, if we interest the young people in St. Vith we will always have contact. The support of each member of the 106th is prayed for in this endeavor.

I had two major assignments as s U.S. Army chaplain in World War II: the


    first was with the 106th US Infantry Division in the Ardennes Battle in which I was wounded and hospitalized. After two months in a U.S. hospital in England, I went back to duty as chaplain of the 188th US General Hospital in Britain.
     One day, in a shipment of new patients to the hospital, I discovered that my Chaplain's Assistant from the 106th Division was entering as a patient. T/5 Orva L. Ice, Jr., and I had a wonderful reunion. He had been a fine assistant in all ways, and part of this was due to the fact that he came from a parsonage family. Cpl. Ice met a young Jewish soldier, Werner Zimmt, on the long trail from the front lines to our hospital. Werner had been a Berliner who fled with his family from the Nazi tyranny in 1936 and had enlisted in the U.S. Army for his return trip to Germany. Zimmt and Ice worked together on a poem which expressed their mutual feeling and conviction in the struggle in which they had been active participants.
     They came to my office one morning to present it to me for my use. I have used it for over 25 years and feel it is the best poem to come out of the Second World War. I call it "Inheritance" and have the pleasure to reproduce it again in print.
We, who tread these mortal highways,
Whence do we take the claim
To live a life of ease and comfort
To robe ourselves in fame?
While war and strife are all around us,
While men still bleed and die,
We sit like fools, like idle jesters,
And watch them passing by.
We shackle our thoughts and feelings
And hope to fill their place
With the empty, soul less teachings
Of a forgotten race.
We see and tolerate suppression,
And claim that we are free;
Never daring to remember
That all, or none, are free.
We are slaves to our future;
Terrorized by our past.
How long, how long can we endure this?
How long can all this last?
Can a man claim to have freedom
When other men are slaves;
While hundreds, thousands, still keep rotting
'Neath the soil and 'neath the waves?
Has a man the right to freedom
Without a thought for those
Who are slaves by birth or conquest,
The millions no one knows?
If he has, there is no justice.
This is all in vain.
For naught has been the ceaseless struggle,
The endless death and pain.
For naught the tears, for naught the heartaches,
For naught the hopes of peace.
But it has not been for nothing,
And the struggle shall not cease.
All our fetters shall be broken,
Our shackles fall apart;
For there is a God and justice,
And man shall find His heart.
Hope, you slaves, you're not forgotten;
Hope, and work, and fight!
For there is a God in Heaven,
And might shall not be right.

    Contributed by The Rev. Ronald A. Mosley, 1st Vice President, New England Chapter, The Military Chaplains Association of The USA.

     The first event of the 1972 convention of the 106th Infantry Division Association will take place Thursday Evening July 20th. This will be the informal get-together at convention headquarters, The Jacksonville Hilton. Friday morning will be the general meeting. In the afternoon, we will board the busses for Restored St. Augustine. After dinner in St. Augustine we will see the historical outdoor drama "Cross and Sword," and return to Jacksonville. Hopefully Saturday afternoon will be spent touring Mayport Naval Station and an aircraft carrier, if in port. Also Ft. Caroline National Memorial Museum and fort where the first war between Europeans in what is now the United States took place. Saturday Night the banquet will take place at the beautiful downtown Jacksonville Hilton overlooking the St. Johns River. The Convention will officially end with breakfast Sunday Morning.


     While attending the 106th Infantry Division Association Convention this year in Jacksonville, Fla., plan to visit "Walt Disney's Magic Kingdom." It is an easy four hour drive from Jacksonville. In addition to the "Theme" park (similar yet different from Disney Land in California) there are resort hotels, golf, camping, water sports, nature trails and much more. Disney World (called locally WDW) is so large that it covers portions of several central Florida Counties and thus has more room for attractions. If you have seen Disney Land in Anaheim, California, you will find much that is different and more exciting in Central Florida.
     If not driving or you do not care to drive down to Orlando the Greyhound Company has special daily tours leaving Jacksonville spending the day in Disney World and returning to Jacksonville in the Evening. The cost? Under $20.00 per person, including admission to the Theme Park, unlimited rides on the entrance transportation such as the monorail and steamboat, and nine attractions. Joanne and I have seen Disney Land in California three times (the last time in Feb.) and will vouch for the attraction here in bur own backyard. By arriving a day early or staying at the Hilton an extra day you can take in WDW via Greyhound Bus.

     75 miles north west of Jacksonville on US 1 just south of Waycross, Georgia. Okefenokee means trembling lands in Indian referring to the floating islands. From the visitors center you can go into the swamp by boat with guides and see the land as it was before the white man came to America. This virgin swam» is home for gators, bear, and much other wild life.

    Located in Tampa 255 miles southwest of Jacksonville and 100 miles west of Disney World. See the African Veldt from the Monorail, Boma the African small animal zoo, board the trans-Veldt Railway at Nairobi Station, eat at the Old Swiss House or Rathskeller, and much more.

    110 miles southwest of Jacksonville near Disney World. Here are located the fabulous SILVER SPRINGS, ROSS ALLEN REPTILE INSTITUTE, and DEAR RANCH. Due to the clarity of the water and tropical year-round climate most motion pictures and television shows with underwater shots are taken here. Also in Ocala is the Western Territory of SIX GONE.

    150 miles south of Jacksonville via Interstate 95 down the Atlantic Coast and 55 miles east of Disney World. This is our national space port and the Visitor Information Center with a tour of Kennedy Space Center a must.

    350 miles northwest of Jacksonville on Interstate 75. There is much to see and do in the capitol of the new south. To name but a few of the "musts"--UNDERGROUND ATLANTA a quaint area of shops, and clubs built under the very heart of downtown Atlanta, SIX FLAGS, a nearby super amusement park, and the spectacular CYCLORAMA in Grant Park, depicting the battle of Atlanta during the War between the States.

A few miles southwest of Disney World. Cypress Gardens is "home" for water skiing and has fabulous gardens.
    While attending the Convention in the gateway city of Jacksonville plan on increasing your knowledge and enjoyment by taking advantage of some of the mini trips located within short driving distances.


Index for: Vol. 28 No. 3, Apr, 1972

Index for This Document

101st Abn. Div., 15
106th Div., 19, 21
106th Infantry Division Association, 22, 23
2nd Inf. Div., 15
424th Inf., 12
589th FA, 10
589th FA BN, 10, 11
590th FA BN, 10
591st FA, 10, 13
591st FA BN, 10
592nd FA, 12
7th Armd. Div., 15
806th Ord. Co., 11
81st Engr., 12
Alexander, William G., 7
Anderson, Gerald J., 7
Andrews, Lowry B., 7
Antwerp. Belgium, 15
Ardennes, 15
Ardennes Battle, 21
Armington, Donald R., 7
Auston, Clifford N., 7
Axelrod, Dr. George, 7
Balise, John Hart, 8
Balks, Mrs. Peter, 8
Bandurak, Walt, 5, 19
Bandurak, Walter, 8
Barnett, Herald A., 8
Bartz, Richard E., 8
Bastogne, 15
Battle Of The Bulge, 15, 17, 18
Beals, Mrs. John D., 8
Behr, Richard H., 8
Belgium, 5, 15
Bell, Roger W., 8
Berlin, 10
Bickford, Thomas, 8
Black, Rev. Ewell C., 8
Black, T. Wayne, 8
Bottoms, Ira G., 8
Boucouvalas, William S., 8
Bowman, Lt. Col. Byrne A., 8
Boyle, Rev. Edward T., 8
Brazill, Myles, 8
Britton, Ben, 8
Broth, Eunice & Henry, 7
Broth, Henry & Eunice, 7
Broth, Henry M., 8
Brummer, Harold J., 8
Brunswick, 12
Brutus, Glen J., 8
Bryant, Jack, 8
Buckley, Arthur C., 8
Bullard, Doc, 19
Bullard, Dr. George, 1
Bullard, Dr. George M., 8
Burkes, Robert A., 8
Burnham, Fred W., 8
Burrell, James V., 8
Butgenbach, 15, 17
Butler, Harry W., 8
Byrd, Austin L., Jr., 8
Cariano, Lt. Col. Samuel P., 8
Cariano, Sam & Billie, 7
Carpenter, Ben C., 8
Cavanagh, William, 8
Cavanaugh, Paul, 8
Cavender, Col. Charles C., 8
Chase, Fred B., 8
Clark, Christopher T., 8
Clark, James I., 8
Coffey, Doug, 3, 19
Coffey, Douglas S., 10
College Patronee, 3
Collins, Frank, 10
Collins, Sherod, 1
Collins, Sherod, Jr., 10
Collins, Virgil L., 10
Connolly, Dr. Michael E., 10
Courtright, Robert M., 10
Craig, Col. Malin, Jr., 3
Craig, Mrs., 3
Creamer, Raymond J., 10
Crossman, Lester, 10
Dabson, Alan, 10
Dargon, Paul, 10
Daugherty, Cpl. Bill, 17
de St. Aubin, Robert A., 10
DeChiara, Joseph A., 10
DeHeer, Dick, 3
DeHeer, Richard, 10
Delavel, Dr., 19
Denmark, 5
Descheneaux, Col. George, Jr., 5
Dobson, Alan & Louise, 7
Doerner, George, 10
Dolitsky, Mrs. Martin M., 10
Doniloski, Frank, 10
Donovan, William J., 10
Dorosky, Thomas, 10
Dotty, Charles, 10
Dover, 10
Dreier, Dr. Joseph F., 10
Drzymala, Karl, 10
Earle, Mahlon O., Jr., 10
Early, John W., Jr., 10
Elston, Floyd L., 10
Enlow, Jackie Russell, 10
Evans, Wilbur D., 10
Fleming, Harold A., Jr., 10
Fonda, J. R., 10
Ford, James P., 10
Frank, Florian R., 10
Frankel, Jerome L., 10
Gallagher, John, 1, 3
Gallagher, John & Stella, 3
Gallagher, John I., 1, 11
Garns, Chuck, 19
Gasses, Joseph J., 11
George, Col., L. Descheneaux, Jr., 10
Germany, 21
Gilder, Bob, 1, 3
Gilder, Robert A., 1, 11
Gilliam, Joseph C., 11
Gilmartin, Robert A., 11
Gish, David J., 11
Glen, Bruce F., 11
Goldberg, Arnold, 15, 19
Goldberg, Mr., 15
Gossom, Neil & Mary, 7
Gregory, Winnie Leo, 11
Gubow, Larry, 11
Hagman, Ben J., 11
Hagman, Gary & Linda, 7
Hall, R. F., 11
Hansird, Herman V., 11
Hardoin, Harold V., 11
Harris, Abner T., 11
Hartzell, Bertram F., 11
Hatch, H. M., 11
Heath, Byron P., 11
Heiman, Edward, 11
Hemelt, William G., 11
Hemming, Forrest W., 11
Heneghan, Leo L., 11
Henning, James W., 11
Henson, Lt. Col. E. G., 11
Hesse, J. Francis, 11
Hiltbrand, Walter F., 11
Homan, Bob, 11
Houffalize, 15
House, Pete, 1, 3, 5, 11, 19
Houseman, Ben M., 11
Howell, Robert F., 11
Hulbert, Carl M., 11
Ice, Cpl., 21
Ice, T/5 Orva L., Jr.,, 21
Jessee, Robert D., 11
Johnson, Benj. F., Jr., 12
Johnson, William, 12
Jones, Col. Alan W., Jr., 12
Jones, George W., Jr., 12
Jones, Maj. Gen. Alan W., 3
Jones, Mrs. Alan W., 12
Juster, Irvin, 12
Kalal, Charles J., 12
Kaufman, George H., 12
Kaufman, Richard C., 12
Kaufmann, Richard C., 12
Keilman, Elsby, 12
Kellams, Darrell, 12
Kelly, John H., 12
Kemp, Raymond & Kay Loveless, 7
Kennedy, Glen N., 12
Kenney, Francis T., 12
Kershner, Jesse O., 12
Kersteiner, Don W., 12
Kersten, Joseph A., 12
Ketterer, Dr. John E., 12
Klett, James R., 12
Koehler, Franklin R., 12
Kopko, John, Jr., 12
Krafchik, Joseph, 12
Kuhn, Gene, 12
Kuizema, Harold, 12
La Roche, 15
Lackey, Vaden, 12
LeClere, Paul W., 12
Leibowitz, Samuel, 12
Leswing, Phillip R., 12
Livesey, Col., 3
Livesey, Lt. Col. Herbert, 3
Loos, Arthur E., Jr., 12
Lothrop, Oliver A., Jr., 12
Loveless, Althea, 7
Loveless, John, 19
Loveless, John & ‘K', 7
Loveless, John T., Jr., 1, 2, 12
Lowith, Allen L., 12
Luxembourg, 15, 19
Maclone, Richard, 12
Malmedy, 15
Maloney, Francis J., 12
Manhay, 17
Mansfield, H. E., Jr., 12
Marcus, Gilbert, 12
Matthews, Bruce, 7
Matthews, Col. J. C., Jr., 12
Matthews, Dr. Mary E., 7
Matthews, Joe, 5
Maw, Thomas J., 12
May, Roger A., 12
McCullough, Lyle K., 12
McMahon, Brig. Gen. Leo T., 12
McMahon, Col. Leo, Jr., 3
McMahon, Gen., 5
McMahon, Leo T., 3
Merz, O. Paul, 12
Meuse River, 15
Middleton, John A., 12
Mikalauskis, John L., 12
Miller, Elman M., 12
Mosley, Rev. Ronald A., 22
Mowlds, Margaret B., 12
Mueller, M. J., 12
Munster, 14
Murray, George, Jr., 12
Myers, Dr. Larry, Jr.,, 13
Nagle, Col. Fredrick W., 13
Newport News, Va., 12
Normandy, 12
Norway, 5
Nusbaum, Alfred S., 13
Olman, Wanold D., 13
Pankert, Herr Joseph, 19
Paris, 19
Pierce, Robert W., 13
Pierce, Waldo B., 13
Pip Margraff Hotel, 19
Rarick, Clayton, 5
Rarick, Clayton R., 13
Redmond, Dean T., 13
Reilly, Ed, 13
Richards, Charles W., 13
Ringer, Robert C., 13
Ristenpart, Elden E., 13
Rossi, Louis P., 13
Rutt, Bob, 5
Rutt, Robert E., 13
Saucerman, Eugene L., 13
Schieferstein, Fred, 14
Schlesser, John P., 14
Schnee Eifel, 15
Schutte, Phillip F., 14
Scott, Earl A., 14
Scranton, Robert L., 1, 14
Sebastinelli, Fred A., 14
Sgrignoli, Michael G., 14
Shaw, Bob, 1
Shaw, Harry R. (Bob), 14
Shaw, Mrs. Bob, 4
Silva, Tony F., 14
Sinco, Nicholas, 14
Skardon, Dr. A. W., 14
Smith, Alvin L., 14
Smith, Charles L., 14
Snyder, Herbert L., 14
Solecki, Emil M., 14
Spayd, Norman S., 14
St. Vith, 5, 15, 17, 19
St. Vith, Belgium, 3
Stavelot, 15
Steinebruck, 17
Stone, Donald J., 14
Stranko, Peter P., 14
Sutter, George F., 14
Sweden, 5
Tissot, Harrison C., 14
Tribout, Arthur J., 14
Trois Ponts, 15
Versailles, 8
Vielsalm, 15, 17
Vielsalm, Belgium, 15
Wachtel, Dr. Hans, 14
Walker, Robert F., 14
Walsh, Charles S., 14
Walters, Presslye, 14
Walz, Phil, 14
Warren, Clarence E., 14
Warren, John, 3
Warren, Mrs., 3
Wasik, Joseph A., 14
Weisser, Frederick G., Jr., 14
Welch, Bobby, 14
Wells, James E., 14
Wells, Jim, 19
Weymouth, 12
White, E. C., Jr., 14
Whitner, Donald R., 15
Wilkerson, ‘Bud' & ‘K', 7
Williams, Fred, 15
Wilson, John D., 15
Wyatt, Van S., 15
Zicker, Gordon B., 15
Zimmt, Werner, 21
Zoll, Ed, 15
Zorn, Seymour Harry, 15
Zuckerman, Jack, 15