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The Cub
Vol. 44, No. 3, Apr., 1988

42nd Annual Reunion -

Sept 14-18, 1988

Highlights of this issue
Minutes of General meeting--Mobile
BY-LAWS of the Association
More Dec 16th Commemoration pits
NOW and THEN --Sherod Collins
A new column by Dab !Lied, 422/A 88 New members!-- had 55 last
CUB Revisit the Battle of Coulee by Prewett/Rulland
Memories of a Soldier, by Col White's son and William Mosolf
Mail Bag--Pictures
and More

President's Message
     We hope you are all enjoying a beautiful spring. Mattie and I have enjoyed the colorful flowers, and the change of weather from the dull whiter. Spring is great season for all.
     By this time I imagine many "Golden Lions" are making plans for the reunion in Roanoke, Virginia September 14-18, 1988. Ralph and Elizabeth Bowles are moving well in arranging for a "HOE DOWN" gala affair.
    Doug Coffey stated in the last "CUB" that he is planning a tour to Europe September, 1989. If you have not been on a tow with Doug, you have missed a great time. It takes a great deal of time and effort to make the necessary arrangements for this type of trip. If you are interested in going, please let him know as soon as possible.
     Mattie and I had a nice vacation in Florida the first week in March. Bike week in Daytona Beach was quite a week. One hundred thousand motorcycles can liven up any town.
     We will be in New Jersey during April to attend the wedding of our grandson. We are going to Seattle, Washington in June and tour the West Coast. We plan to visit Ed and Reddie Prewett in Brentwood, California while out there.
    John Kline is doing an outstanding job as Editor of THE CUB. It is up to the membership to supply him with information so he can spread the word to all of us.
     Included in a "First Class" letter, mailed the week of April 18th to every 106th Association member, were registration forms and information on the Roanoke Reunion. With hat mailing was a 1988-89 dues "envelope" tor you to mail in your dues. Please submit your Roanoke registration and your 1988-89 dues promptly.
Mattie and I look forward to seeing you in Roanoke. That part of Virginia is beautiful country.
With Appreciation to All,
Roger Rutland, President

Return to Eurupe
1989 is the 45th Anniversary of "The Bulge." Plans are being made to com-

    Jointhis event throughout Europe. We are planning to "GO BACK ." Join us on a trip to Norway, Sweden, Denmark and then on to "The Battle of the Bulge" area. September 5th, through the 19th, 1989
    There will be plenty of free time and guided tours throughout the whole trip. The "Land Price" is estimated at $1450.00 per person "Air Fare" from New York and return at approx. $430 per person.. Contact me for information

NOTE! Spaces are nearly all sold. First Come--First Served!
Douglas Coffey
2236 Arnet Street
Port Charlotte, Florida 33948
Telephone 813-629-5711

Chaplain's Column
Reverend Ewell Black Jr.

     This letter is written the Monday before Easter. As I look from my office window, Azaleas are blooming in the yard across Main Street and the Dogwoods in the cemetery behind the church will be in full bloom for Easter. Once again, as it does each Spring, the Northern Hemisphere is coming back to life after being asleep for the winter.
     Each year we are reminded, anew, that shrubs, trees and even sense animals do not die in the Fall but only go to sleep. A sleep from which they awaken, again in the Spring, in all their beauty and vitality. As your Chaplain, each year I a ns reminded anew that none of us continues on this earth forever. Each year I am called on to send condolences to family members of our 106th Division Association who have experienced the death of a loved one. Some of these persons were very active in our Association, some were not, but all were loved, and were important, and each of them lived out the cycle of life as does the flower born in the Spring, which falls asleep in the Fall.
     God does not view death in the finality with which some persons do. The Bible more often than not speaks of our 'falling asleep in the Lord." Like the flowers ail the trees which fall asleep in the Fall, the promise is that we will wake up ago In Samuel, Chapter 12, King David has words of reassurance for all of us who have lost a loved family member or friend. His servants could not understand why he wept and fasted while his son was ill, but got up to eat and go on with his life after his son's death. David told them, "Can I bring him back again, I will go to Wm, but he will not return to me."
     This is the truth which is brought home tome again with each Spring and Easter. I cannot bring those loved ones and friends back to be physically with me again in this life, but I know someday that I shall be privileged to go to theist For now they live in our thoughts, as life is sustained in the flowers and the trees over the winter, and in some future Spring, we shall be reunited with them in the next life, as the flowers and trees spring forth again next each year.
     As members of the 106th Division Association family, and of many individual families, we enjoy the memory of many of our family members with assurance, like King David and his son, that a time shall come when we will be reunited with them.

    O God, we thank you that when the fall of life comes, it does not mean the end, but a falling asleep in the Lord. And if we fall asleep, then shall there surely be a time of awakening, when we shall be refreshed and ready to enjoy our friends and loved ones for eternity. AMEN

106th Infantry Division Association, Inc.
RIVERVIEW PLAZA, Mobile, Alabama
September 19, 1987

The meeting was called to order by President John R. Fritz at 125 PM, CDT.

    The President welcomed all the attendee, expressed his thanks for their attendance and was grateful to see so many new members and first-time attenders present.
    He thanked the membership for allowing him to serve as President, stating that he enjoyed it, and that it was a gratifying year.
    Adjutant Samuel P. Cariano read the minutes of the previous General Meeting held in Columbia, South Carolina, October 11, 1986. Motion was made by Russell Villwock and seconded by Douglas S. Coffey to accept the report. Motion carried.

    The Adjutant then gave his report for 1906-87. The Association had 596 renewals, 23 new members, 6 re-instated members and 20 Associate members fora total of 745 This is a gain of 88 over last year. The Auxiliary membership reached 300. There were 39 delinquents for the past year. He also reported the death of 12 members. A motion was made by Robert he I'ierce, Sr. and seconded by Duke Ward to accept the report as mad. Motion was carried.
    Treasurer Sherod Collins gave his report setting forth expenditures and a receipt of fronds for the General and memorial Funds. He informed the membership that interest rates were lower on our savings account LII.Sond that the chairman of the reunion in Columbia, South Carolina had refunded a surplus of $99.22. This is in addition .1111261,000.00 refund of the 40th Reunion advance money. Two members who could not attend last year's reunion requested that their registration fees be deposited to the General Fund. He informed the membership of the generosity of Mrs. Alan Jones, the widow of General Jones, and Jim Wells to the Memorial Fund and asked that they be recognized. Jim Wells stood and received a resounding applause. The Treasurer also thanked the Adjutant for his support. He also mentioned that Jack Janicke famished rosters and mailing labels the Association with very little cash payments in return. A review of his written report showed an increase of $4388.67 in the General Fund and $2,077.01 in the memorial Fund. There is Iron $26,840.41 in the Cenral Fund, and $8,775.K1 in the Memorial Fund. Then being no questions on the report, Douglas S. Coffey moved that the report be accepted; motion was seconded by Ben• jarrain B. Britton and carried.

The President congratulated the Treasurer for his good work and record keeping.
    In view of the death of our CUB Editor, no formal report was made. The membership was informed that Majorie DeHeer, his widow, continued as Editor and was doing a splendid job. The Adjutant reminded the membership 01 the importance of getting change of address cards to him and the costs involved in "returned CUBs"and the fomarding of them once again.
    Memorials Chairman Douglas S. Colley first mcognized, and thanked the members who had given $25.00 or more to the Memorial Fund. He announced the award of scholarships to two outstanding students; John Scott, Edinburgh Community High School, Edinburgh, Indiana and Almitra Thomas, Arsenal High School, Indianapolis, Indiana. He thanked 0. Paul Merz for setting up the scholarships and making the presentations. He also thanked Roger Rutland for his continued participation in the Columbia , South Carolina area scholarship fund. He briefed the membership on the signing of the contnoct with the College Pa tronee (or the maintenance of the 106th Infantry Division Association Memorial in SI. Vith, and the reporting requirements by the college contained therein.
    The PreSidelli announced ill. the 110,1 year's reunion would be held in Roanoke, Virginia and in 1989 at Chicago, Illinois. Dates for the Roanoke Reunion were. et for September 14-18, 1980 Also, a discussion was held lel the leasibility nn hay* the reunion in Indianapolis, Indiana, in 1990. No one offered to chair the reunion at that site. Michael Thome suggested tlmt Sacramento, Co, be chosen as the area for the 1990 leo Mon and gave all excellent briefing on transportation, travel

Adjutant's Report Cont'd

    to Reno and several attractions to see in the nearby area. He would be willing to chair the reunion. After the discussion, a motion by John Gregory and a second by Orfeo Agostini was made: vote taken and carried. A member expressud that before we all become too old, an attempt should he made to hold a 1,1111011 in Indianapolis in the near future. John Gilliland explained thin although some wanted logo back for sentimental reasons, there was nothing remaining at Atterbury. Shored Collins spoke on the local groups getting together to COMMCIOorate the Baltic of Rnige on December 16111 of each year. Several such groups are in existence and have been for years. He encouraged the membership to form more of these groups. A couple member: minou need the dates of the get-togethers in their areas.

    Resulting from the query on the dates of the Chicago Reunion in 1989, e discussion followed on the time of the year to hold reunions. Joseph I'uett stated that he had made 21 motion and it was approved at Savannah, Georgia, to hold the reunions after Labor Day and before October 31st. Russell Villwock then informed the membership that if that was the case, he would not be able 10 host the Chicago Reunion. After further discussion the President said he would appoint a committee at the next Board of Directors meeting to study the problem.

    A letter from Doctor Maurice Delaval to Samuel P. Cariano concerning the presentation of the order of the Golden Lion Award to Herr Joseph Pankert was read.

Nominating Committee;
    Benjamin Britton, Chairman of the Committee, submitted the name,: of the following to serve on the new Board of Directors,
Orfeo E Agostini Benjamin B. Britton Samuel P. Cariano
Douglas S. Coffey John R. Fritz Charles S. Gam
Robert A. Gilder John O. Gilliland John A. Gregory
Glen a Hartlieb William Lucsay Joseph C Matthews
Thomas J. Maw John F. McDevitt Paul McMillan
John G. Robb Roger Rutland Russell H. Villwock
Nathan D. Ward Van S. Wyatt Ed Coll

    There being no nominations from the floor, Robert A Gilder moved they be elOsed. Motion was seconded by Robert Howell. Vote was taken and the above members were elected to the Board oi Directors.

New Business;

    Joseph Puett addressed the assembly on the composition of the Board of Directors and recommended that a change should be made in including a change to the BY-LAWS if necessary; IE that one-third of the Board members would step down each year and that a member should not he elected to the Board until one year has expired from his last time on the Board. He recommended that the new President research this proposal and report to the next general meeting. In the interim, a notice could be published in THE CUB. The President informed Jaseph Puett that the subject had been addressed at the previous Board of Director's meeting and that at the next Board meeting he would appoint a committee to study the proposal.

    Douglas S. Coffey briefed the membership on trips In St. Vith every fine years since 1954 and that the next one was planned for 1989. Other country tours have been included in these trips. 13,i1LISO of the increased costs, suggestion, forcountrics 10 be visited were welcomed if the itinerary to Scandinavia was not of interest tO the crowd. A flyer with the itinerary was distributed.
    The President congnmr lated the Reunion Committee on the tremendous job they did for IlliSyrarS reunion and the membership joined him with a resounding round of applause.
    There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded for adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 144 PM, CDT.

signed-Samuel R Corinna


I-- Member
    a. Any individual who served in the 106th Infantry Division or in any unit of the Armed Forces of the United States of America attached thereto is eligible for membership in the Association upon payment of the annual dues fixed horn time to time by the members at an annual meeting.

    b. Associate or Honorary memberships may be authorized by the vote of an executive committee composed of the President,. Vice-President and Adjutant. Any candidate for such membership must have a regular member as a sponsor.
    c. A Ladies Auxiliary may be formed whiz, members may include the wives, widows, mothers, daughters and daughter-in-law of those eligible for membership in the Association.

II -- Board of Director
    a. The Board of Directors shall consist of twenty--one (21) members of the Association or such smaller number not less than three (3)as may be determined at the annual meeting of the Association.
    b. The Board of Directors shall heelected at the Annual meeting for a term of one year. Members of the Board of Directors shall be eligible for re-election for successive terms.

III -- Officer

    a. The officers of the Association shall be President, 1st Vice--President, 2nd Vice--President, Adjutant, Treasurer, Historian, Chaplain and such officer, as may be required for the activities of the Association. Any two or more Offices except those of President and First and Second Vice--President may be held by the same person.
    b. The Adjutant, Historian and Chaplain shall he appointed by the President. All other officers shall be elected by the Board of Directors fora term of one year or until their successors are elected.
c. All officers shall be eligible for re-appointment or re-election for successive terms.

IV -- President

The President shall preside at all moorings of the members of the Association and the Board of Directors.

    Between meetings of the Association and of the Board he shall endeavor, to the greatest extent reasonably possible, to keep all board members informed by letter of all activities of the Association of major importance rid of all other important developments coming to his attention which affect the Association or it's opera-lions. Fle shall perform such other duties as usually pertain to the office or which may be assigned to him by the Board. The President shall be elect ol Men among the members of the Board.

V -- Vice--President
a. Them shall be a 1st and And Vice--President.

    b. The ranking Vice-President shall be vested with all the powers and shall perform all the duties of the President in the event of his absence or disability. He shall perform such other duties as usually pertain to the office or which may be assigned to him by the Board.

VI -- Adjutant

    a. Tho Adjutant shall record the minutes of all meeting of the Association and of the Board and shall keep such records in a book to be provided by the Association for such purposes. He shall have custody of the by-- laws.
    b. The Adjutant shall maintain the membership roster showing the name and unit of the Division, or unit attached to the Division, in which the member served, and his address.
    c. The Adjutant shall include in the membership roster the names and addresses of Honorary, Associate and Auxiliary members with, in the case of Associate and Auxiliary memberships, a notation of the name and unit of the individual boom whom the membership is derived.

d. The Adjutant shall make an annual report of the membership at the annual meeting of the Association.
    e. The Adjutant shall perform such other duties as usually pertain to the office or which may he assigned to him by the Board.

VII -- Treasurer

    a. Tine Treasurer shall be charged with the collection and the custody of the funds and other property of the Association. He shall keep or cause to he kept full and accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursments and shall deposit all moneys and other valuable effects in the name and to the credit of the Association in such depositary or depositaries as may 10 designated by the Board. He shall be charged the disbursement of mutt of the Association from taking proper voucher, for such disbursements. All contributions of and disbursements mn the Memorial Fund shall be corded Man account separate from th income e general and other accounts of the Association. He shall render full written reports at the annual meeting of the Association of his transactions as Treasurer and of the financial condition of the Association and in addition, at the request of the Board, he shall render interim reports for the use of the Board. The Treasurer shall perform such other duties as usually pertain to the office or which may he assigned to IUD) by the Board.

    b. Any new or unusual expenditures must be approved by a majority of the Board of Directors, upon being polled by the Adjutant at the direction of the President.

    (NOTE. if desired the following provision may be added, 'If required by the Board, the Treasurer shall give to the Association a bond in a sum to be determined by the Board, conditioned upon the faithful performance of his duties and for the restoration to the Association in case of his death, resignation, retirement or removal from office, of all books, papers, vouchers, or other properly of any kind whatsoever in his possession or under his control belonging lo the Association."

VIII - Historian

    The Historian shall be the official custodian for the Association of all paper:, publications, memorabilia and similar items pertaining to the 106th Infantry Division and to the Association and belonging to the Association. He shall retain at least one copy of "St Vith- Lion in thy Way," the official Division History, and of "The Lion's Tale." He shall maintain a file of all issues of THE CUB (two copies of each issue where available) and of all convention or reunion ma..._ I le shall maintain a file of photographs, drawings, transparencies, film and the like 11.1 may IN given to the Association and to the extent possible shall provide identification thereof. To the extent that storage. items in his custody may be required, the Historian shall arrange for proper storage at the minan.. of the Association. No property of the Association in the custody of the Historian shall be disposed of in any manner except with the consent of the Board of the Association.

IX - Chaplain

    The Chaplain, in cooperation with the Convention or Reunion Committee, shall arrange the memorial service to he held annually in conjunction with the annual meeting. He shall perform such other Curios as usually pertain to thy office or which may be assigned to him by the Board. The Chaplain may be either clerical or a lay member of the Association.


    a. The official publication of the Association shall be known as THE CUB and insofar as practical shall be issued four times each year. Each member of the Association shall receive THE CUB as a part of the annual dues.

    b. Notices of the Annual Meeting of the Association and the regular meetings of the Board shall IN published in the appropriate issue of THE CUB.

    c. THE CUB Editor shall be responsible for the preparation of THE CUB and shall arrange for the publication and distribution thereof.

d. THE CUB editor shall be appointed by the President.

XI - Memorials

A memorial fund shall be maintained to provide for the Memorial projects of the Association.

    b. The care and general supervision of the Association Memorial edifice at St. Vith, Belgium shall be by the Memorials Chairman. Dipendihmes for the necessary upkeep and/or beautification of the memorial edifice shall be recommended from time to lime by the Memorial Chairman to the Board or the Associa-

    tion for considerc. Other memorial projects established or approved from time to time by the Association shall IN under

the supeNision of the memorials Chairman.

d. The Memorials Chairman shall he appointed by the President.

XII - CnnInlittees

    a. UnIcas °them., ordered by the Inoother s of the Association or by the Board, the President shall appoint all regular and Special committies.

b. There shall Ito a Convention Committee whose duties are set out in Article XIII -c of theso by-laws.

    c. There shall be a Nominating Committee consisting of not less than three (3) members of the Association which shall prepare a slate of nominees for the Board of Directors to be presented at the annual meeting of the members of the Association. 'fbe ...besot nominees shall be the same as tho number of Directors to be elected. Additional nominations may IN made from the Rum

    A. Them shall be a Resolutions Committee consisting of not less than three (3) members of the Association which shall present appropriate resolutions at the closing banquet of the annual htnyoution reunion.

e. Other committees appropriate or desirable for the activities of the Association shall be appointed from

lime to time.

XIII -- Maglings,14tonniznELYsting

Annual and Special meeting. of member.

1. The annual meeting shall be held during the month of July or at such other times as maybe deter-

    mined by the Board or members of the Association in conjunction with the annual convention or reunion; provided however, that if such convention or reunion be held outside the United States of America, the annual meeting shall be held separately at such time and at such place in the United States A America as determined by the Board.

2 Special meetings may be called by the President or by the Board.

    3. Twenty-five (25) members or ten percent (10%) of the membership, whichever is less, present in person or by proxy shall constitute a quorum.

4. Each members whose dtresare not in arrears shall be entitled to vote at any meeting. Voting may be by proxy.

5. Honorary and Associate members may be given the privilege of the floor but shall have no vote.

b. Meeting of the Board of Directors

1. Regular meetings shall be held immediately prior to and immediately following the annual meetings of the members.

2. Special meetings may be called by the President or by any three (3) members of the Board.

3. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum.

4. Meetings, regular and special, may be held at any place in as out of the State of Maryland.

c. 'Convention or Rennin,

    1. An annual convention or tomtit. shall be held in July or at such other time as may be determined by the Board or members of the Association in such community as may be selected by the mem-

bers at previous annual meeting.

    2. line Convention Committee shall select the location within the community and the date and shall arrange the general program for the convention or reunion in consultation with the Preside, Arrangements pertaining to the Memorial Service shall be made in consultation with the Chaplain.

A The convention fee and the items to be included therein shall be determined by the Convention Committee.

XIV -- Signatnre Authority

    111 Deed, assignments and all other instruments conveying and transferring real or personal property owned by the Association shall be signed by the President or Vice--President and attested by the Adjutant or Treasure,

    b. Checks and drafts drawn by or on behalf of the Association against any funds on deposit in the name of the Association or against any other property owned by or due to the Association shall be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by the President. In the absence of either or both the Treasurer and President, the Vice--President or the Adjutant may either sign or countersign.

    c. The Convention Committee, or the Convention Chairman, may establish such temporary bank ac. counts as may be required to facilitate the financing of a convention or reunion and provide for the dHbursetnent of funds for such purposes from such accounts.

XV -- LE,51

The seal of the Asaorialian shall be the "SEALS printed, typed, lettered or hand --written.

XVI -- Amendments

These By --Laws may be amended either;

    a. At any meeting of the Board of Directors by the affirmative vote of not less than themajority of all Directors then in office and such amendment shall remain in effect unle,.s altered or repealed at the next succeeding meeting of the Association; or

    b. At a meeting of the members of the Association by the affirmative vote of two -- thirds (2/3) of those present in person or by proxy, provided that notice of such proposed amendment be published in the preceding las., THE CUB.

End of by-laws_

Now and Then
By the Association Historian
Sherod Collins
Let's go back to Volume 11 of 1954-55. There were five issues that year.
    The Eighth Annual Reunion was successfully completed in Atlantic City that July and people were still talking about it, and enjoying it in retrospect. The Board elected John Loveless President and James R. Klett Vice-President. William K. Fowler was elected Treasurer. John appointed Austin Byrd Adjutant, Reverend Paul Cavanaugh Chaplain and Doug Coffey Editor.
    In VOL IL No 1, there was a group of good pictures taken at the banquet and a big picture of President Loveless. The reunion reports mentioned one memorial fund scholarship grant, a speech by Vice-President Richard Nixon and one by General Strickler, a moonlight ocean ride and a presentation of a wheel chair to a children's home by the ladies ciliary.
    Doug Coffey wrote an article giving details of the proposed trip to Belgium for the 10th Anniversary 01 The Baffle of Blilge and Montioned thirty six na sus who had expn1sld interest.
    T" principal items in VOL 11, No.2 (the second issue) were an "In Memoriam" a-tole on the cover mentioning the upcoming 10th Anniversary of The Battle of the Butte;and another that the 106th Infantry Division Asociation travelers would be holding memorial services at the Henri Chapelle Cemetery (American) outside Leige, Belgium and urging all to thank God for sparing the lives of those who returned and to remember those in the hospitals and those who did nor nut,. There were la, pieta re, from the Atlantic City reunion and one of the annual 592nd Service battery picnic at Hershey Park, PA on Labor Day.
    VOL 11, No.3 was entirely taken up with the group trip to Belgium for the above noted 10th Anniversary. The cover picture shows King Baudein ri:ceiving a copy of 11111LiondTale from Doug Coffey with the 106'ers and Belgian officials around them. The entire issue consisted of Doug's narration of the group trip. Only eight people eventually made the trip, Dr. C.D. Fridline, 331 Medics and his son Jake; Bill McMurray, Jim Well, C/81s1 Engineers; John and Stella Gallagher, C781sL; Doug Corte


(kom1Richard Behr, Service/ 423rd_ Three
    had been POWs and two had been wounded. The group loll Idlewild Airfield on A KLM Royal Super Constellation and landed in Scotland at Prestwick al ter flying nine and one-half hoot,. At ter breakfastal the airport and a breakfast in Glasgow, they enjoyed a last train ride to London. After checking into the Clarendon Court and the next morning touring the city they noticed evidence of the war still existed. Atter another train Ado they reached Dover. They then experienced a rough crossing to Ostend and on to Brussels and the Hotel Splendid. There they were on there own for fine days Or meet later in Liege.

    Three of them arrived in Lvige, hailed a taxi, piled luggage allover nand told the d Aver 'Take us to the Wiser Hotel," The driver looked at titian and Kkid, 'Prof Monsiriir, you are
    Sure enough there it was, right across liststmet After settling down, they rented cars to visit battle sitesond towns, some winding up in St Vith, as all 106th getups have don,. The Division HeadciLmr,10 ilS shambles (a Ger. man helmet could still beW act:Mimi in front woe a new hospital. The torn, In ml mem visited and menktries a bounded. That night tho District Governor Eft the Liu, Club of Belgi entertained the group di his Liege Irmo The next morning a Belgian Sergennt called for 'Colotzer' Colley and triends to drive them to the American cemeteries and elsewlintd. So away they went, flying General's flags courtesy of the Belgium Government. On separate days they visited the Henri Chm^elleend Nienville-m-Comiror eemoicries, wroatle wen laid and John Gallagher led in prayer. The glove of Eric Wood was located in the deep woods and wreath was laid. Th..), also paid ,ii-it to the ho of Peter Mar tile bullelactor) wherme e they were received Ay Peter:, widnry and handy. They were shown a picture of Erie Thanks to 'Colonel" Colley, a Lion hi ntsoll, the Lion's Club of Liege busted a dinner for tile group in a beautiful building - the old
the Duchy of Liege. Doug thanked thorn in Ids best ''High School' French and trade a hit with them.
    A day passod onrou to by train Lock to Brod sets where they were whisked to the home of an American Colonel, a mu0na lxr or 1110 Belgic n - American Association (who was to introduce the to the King the Ittl lowing day). The evening passed pleasantly. st.
    "'sNext day the grand neretnemy took place at he Palais de Academies. The group sat on the rage with an honor guard of Belgian Officers.
    Onto the stage came Belgian Soldiers carrying the flags of the 48 United States, then a guard Of honor for the flags of both countries. (The flags were loaned especially for the occasion by the city of Bastogne). On the rostrum were the Prime Minister, the President of the Belgian -American Association and other dignitaries, In attendance were Counts and Countesses, Dukes and Duchesses, Generals, two Archbishops, the United States Ambassador, Ministers of England, France and others. General McAuliffe entered with his Aide followed by King Baudouin and the program began. General McAuliffe made a speech followed by others and then the King left his box for the rear conference room. The men of the 106th were escorted to that room 10 meet his Majesty. The King smiled and shook hands with each of the six mon. Doug Coffey presented a short speech along with a copy of The Lion's Tale on behalf of the 106th infantry Division Association. The King thanked Doug and then the entire group.
    After his departure thegroup made a broadcast to Amerka along with General McAuliffe nd Baron Bad of the Belgian-American As-
    likaciation. Then they were taken or the Hotel etropole for a banquet in the honor of General McAuliffe and themselves. Each one was introduced and given an ovation. Afterwards a tired, happy bunch made their way back to theirhotel followed by photographers and reporters anxious to get their stories. The papers carried theirpicturesand the storyof the 106th Infantry Division the next morning.
    The group made their way to Paris, then to Amsterdam and to their return via an airliner. After a couple of forced weather stops they alighted at Idiewild in New York, tired butwith a sense of accomplishment.
    The Maryland Chapter had its. December 16111 dinner at Marty's in Baltimore, and in VOL 11, No. 4 the Jersey - December meeting was chronicled, as was the 10th meeting of the 81st Engineers at Dwyers Elbow Room in Newark.
    There was a big ad for the up-coming Ninth Annual Reunion of the 106th Infantry Division Association in Detroit in July. Hotel roomswere $5.50 and $13.00 at the Sheraton-Cadillac. There was also a script of the previously mentioned broadcast that occurred in Belgium.
VTOL 11, No.5 (the fifth issue) featured a V Convention program, a nice article by the
    First Sergeant of H/424 - Abner Harris, about his people who attended the last reunion. He made a plea for his 11 Company absentees to come to Detroit. There was a moving report by John Gallagher on his views of the trip to Europe, that was mentioned earlier. Finally there was an article by Robert E. Kelly, Serice/423 outlining the joys of attending reunions over the years and urging others todo likewise
Since the telling was long, the change of pace will be short.

Here area few tid-bits (trivia)
    Glenn Miller, the band leader, died On December 15, 1944 - the day before the Bulge.. His body was not recovered from the English Channel.
    Do you know who named D-Day The Longest Day? It was Field Marshall Rommel who said to his Aide "Believe me, Lang, the first twenty four hours of the invasion will be decisive for the Allies, as well as fur Germany, it mill be the longest day."
    And here, with a tip of the hat to AM VETS, who published the story some thee ago is tire story of Private Sintrtleff:
    Personal ingenuity and remarkable stamina concealed for nearly two years the secret of Private Robert ShurtIcif Despite "his" fear of discovery, the determined patriot was mustered into service at Worcester, Mass. in May of 082. As a skilled soldier of the Light infantry, the unusual private fought gallantly i nsevera I battles before suffeeing a serious wound from a British ambush.
    Healing enough to rejoin the mnks,and still undetected, Private Shurtleff took part in tire capture of Lord Cornwallis in Yorktown. But what a musket ball had not earlier disclosed, fever "PrivateShurtleff" was againhospitalDed and as a result, the audacious masquerade came to an end. At West Point, N.Y. in the sunset of the War for Independence, the. tint woman admitted to active duty in The United StatesArmed Forces was honorably discharged. Deborah Sampson

alias "Private Robs,. Shurtleff.

By Dan Wed 422/A
    I'm old enough now, at age 62, to remember much of my experience with the 106th Infantry Division as "the good old days." Everyone knows "the good old days" weren't all that good.
    My brief stint as a rifleman in the Ardennes wasn't good, either. The march across the Rhine, the boxcar ride to Stalag IV-B and three months working in a coal mine near Leipzig weren't the kind of stuff nostalgia is made of, as a rule. But I was only 19 then, my frozen feet were normal again after a few winters and, as a professional writer sinner 1955, I've made a few bucks reminiscing about my war--your war, our war--in print) have some regrets of course. When I joined the 106th at Camp Atterbury in June,1944,1 was one of the few guys on hand with benefit of an infantry basic. wasn't tough and I was only average, at best, when it came to tiring an Ml rifle.] fell out on two or three marches that long hot summer in Indiana, when my feet started to bleed and I seemed to run out of gas. "I'm saving my strength for the real thing,"I told myself as, amid some jeers as I got into till "meat wagon" for the ride back to camp. I had volunteered fora rifle company, instead of going to Fort Benning for advanced radio school. I was ready to fight when Company A, 422 Infantry, arrived up front a week or so before the Germans hit us, not only with the kitchen sink, but also with the stove, the waste machine, the dining room table and a ton of bricks. Most all of you know what happened as well as I do. It wasn't pretty. But it could have been uglier yet if our regiment had fought to the last man instead of being ordered to break up our guns and surrender.
Dan Bied, from West Burlington, Iowa, is a former rifleman from A company, 422nd Regiment.
    D1711 has authored and self published seven books, totaling 9,400 copies, he is a regular writer for columns in the Des Moines County News.
    Dan has agreed to zorite a quarter. coluntn for THE CUB. This one is his first. I like Dan's style. He like many of no took a quick course in rifleman-ship in the Ardennes in 1944, and the luxury class 40&8 coaches through the beautiful German country--side. Thanks Dan for your offer to share your knowledge and wisdom with the men of the 106th. (Ed.)

    That was some march. I knew I was dead thatnight in Koblenz when the bombs from our planes pulverized the city, hut somehow missed us. The boxcar ride was even worse, as I recall it through the haze 01 44 years. I can still see the flames when I remember the night in Feb. 1945, when the British bombers plastered Dresden.

(Continued next page)

The Good Old Days

    / Well, those weren't exactly "the good old days." But when I recall 1944 and 1945 I'm most likely to think about some of the good times. Four of us spent four nights in London, living it up in the Picadilly Hotel on $100 my dad sent me a day or two before we shipped out of Camp Myles Standish. It was a thrill to be in London, especially in wartime, I had my 19th birthday the same day I saw my first V-2 rocket. France was beautiful, even though it was covered with mud beyond that big long hill above Le Havre. And I'll never, ever forget the morning our ship, the Sea Robin, brought us back to the "the states" with a spirited greeting--fire boats, show girls and a band--in the New York harbor.

    I no longer have hard feelings about the 106th and what happened to us in the Ardennes, except for one lingering misconception. Our outfit didn't panic when we left the Siegfried Line the morning of December 16, 1944, although some people think we did. We'd thrown away our overcoats, gas masks etc., when we 10t our log

    Outs. Later on, when all the stuff was found y other units, they probably assumed we had run in the face of the attacking Germans.--We hadn't.

I didn't get to be a hero. Few of us did ire the brief time the 422nd was ire action that long ago "Dark December."

    hr a different circumstance, we would have prevailed in combat as well as any other bunch of 15,000 men getting their first taste of battle.

    We were there. We gave it what we had and, of course, some of our guys-- mostly 424th and the Combat Engineers, from what I have read--gave the Germans all they could handle.

    It was an experience unlike anything most men ever endure. I met some great guys, including several with whom I've kept he tousle and visited over the years. I wouldn't trade my experience for anything, as the old saying went.

Once was enough, however. ^ Book Review
By John Kline -- Editor

    Some time ago Jack M. Janicke 106 Signal, gave me a list of books that he thought would be of interest to 106th Infantry Division members. His list prompted me to pass these along. I have added a few that I have read. It is quite likely that you may have read one or more of these. For those that have not, here is the list.
I will list them, with a few added remarks.
Thank jack!

FIGHTING DIVISIONS, Zenger Publishing Co.
PO Box OM, Washington DC 2001S
(Short history of each U.S. Combat will

hrhn Toland
Random I low, NY (1566)

Napier Crookenden
Charles Scribner's k Sons (1980)

European Theater of °peon°.
Hugh M. Cole
U.S. Government Printing Office
iNashington DC 20402 (1977 reprint)
(Over 700 pages, plus maps.)
(520.00 plus - Back-ordered since Oct 87, Ed.)

The Untold Slow of THE BATTLE OF THE BULGE Charles B. MacDonald
William Morrow and Co., Inc • NY

    (This is the book that brought me back to life, and to the 106th Infantry Division Assoc. Charles B. MacDonald, author of 'Coruna y Commode?, The Hanle of Ilrelitter1goi Forest, A Field of Rod, Airberno The Siegfred Line Campaign; Three Miles and others," was one of the youngest Company Commanders in World War II. A War Historian and Author, he tells it in a manner, that for once and all - Shows that the blame for the Ars/eies breakalknigb cannot be laid at the feet of the individual soldier. A book that took years of research, and tells it the way it was.)
Author- Whiting

    (I hesitate to list this one in the same list. If you want to see how a biased English writer views our Division, read this one. As far as I am concerned they should dump Botha this is a free country.)

The U.S. Army Specialized Training Program in WWII. Author Lou M Keefer
McFarland & Company, Inc. (summer 1988)
    301 pages, 100 photos, about the ASTP program, particularly about those that went to line outfits, where they fought - in their own words. (Fheauthor'sletterwassenttomehy RobertW. Pierce, Sr CCo.fillst Engineers)

     THE CUB is not a publication that is to be used for the benefit of individual members. The listings and comments (including the above) are not primarily for that reason. However, the books and articles that are mentioned do speak of, and describe certain actions of the 106th Infantry Division and to members. The opinions and views are those of the authrtmakme. The 106th Infantry Division Association cannot endorse these books or the actions they demrile. You as members have to judge them for yourself It will lcahus that much ,search and ca, has been taken by each of these authors. I am sure that what they have written will round out your overall perspective of The Battle of the Bulge. Judge for yourself.

By Brig. General Oliver Patton USA (Ret.)
4817 Morgan Drive
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
A novel (paperback) published by Signer, should be in the book stores now.

    I can best describe this novel, by saying I read the galt ley proofs, and found it very entertaining. The story is about the 106th Infantry Division in the Ardennes. Breakthrough.

    From the back cover (in part) -- And trapped behind Ile advancing German Blies, surrounded inn ensilage of disosier bye horde of enemies who gazi e quart, a green infantry lieutmant, aballlooise Hack sergonarind terrified Belgiun girl wage their private war ins It world of bloodstained snow and freezing helL

    The front coveer, a picture of what appears to be a German Mark VI tank, has an endorsement which reads - I EXCELLENT.., AT LONG LAST, AN AUTHENTIC NOVEL ON THE BATTLE OF THE BULGE-CHARLES B. MACDONALD, AUTHOR OF COMPANY COM.

    Brig. General Patton included a letter from John S. D. Eisenhower, author of BITTER WOODS and Hitler's SURPRISE ARDENNES OFFENSIVE. He says (in part) -.Patton deseribes die [wiliness of the GI, weedy arrived at Ihe fraudthe small things Muse Gi's found illl,I1111^1, their initial disbelief when the Nazi atlas* begann, the COM, the movement f the troops, the weapons end devices heal sides used and theknown cruelty el the Todd ir SS troops.-- THE SILENT SNOW peeredes an inSigla into the Bade Burn the soldier's viewpoint as THE RED BADGE OF COURAGE did for the Civil War.


Author - Dart flied 4221A
151 Holiday Terrace
West Burlington, Iowa 52655
Published in 1977 by Craftsman Pniss, Burlington, Iowa.

     When I took over the editorship of THE CUB I found a couple of articles (newspaper clippings) that had been sent by Dan to Dick DeHeer. I Hand them interesting. The first one I read, after I had gotten into the old files,. entitled Battle of the Bulge and appeared in the Des Moines, Iowa NEWS. I liked his style. l wrote Dan and asked if he would furnish us with a column (or each quarterly publication. He ag,ed. The first entitled TI IL GOOD OLD DAYS is in this issue. TRIO is thrio of three stories. The fir, THE ARDENNES, is World War 2's greatest battle called in first-hand terms. 'the se,nd is TRAVEL 'T'ALES, Euro without Ctrations... and other emotion reminisces. The third story of TRIO is BENNY GOODMAN, The King of Swing's reign is Chronicled in a very pcmoml IY3Y.

    Dart also has an unpublished manuscript of his Emk HELL ON EARTH. It is 90,1X10 words mostly factual with a little harmless fiction for continuity, including some conversations A Slat, IV-It and the coal mine Dan slaved in.

    Ile recently published a book of nostalgia, Axtut lington, Iowa, on DM Mississippi River. The post card um, the advertise the first 1,300 minim, which were mill out, pictures a Mississippi Steam Boat tied to the docks, with Burlington in the background. Dan says he having 500 more copies printed, just to do something. I just read this publication, even though you may think you have no interest in BURLINGTON, IOWA, this will bring back memories of your earlier years. It is well written and reeks of good old USA Nostalgia.

    Definition of COMPOSE: To assemble text into type. Once upon a time, writers mom, editors edited and .typesetters composed. Now desktop publishers like me are doing all three, thus combining the e sees, if the author with the confusion of the edit, and the unintelligibility of the typesetter. (your Editor)

December Commemorations
submitted by Michael Thome 422/I-IQ t Bn

     Sorry to be so late in sending the picture of our Northern California December 16, 1987 Christmas luncheon attendees. A great time was had swapping stories and experiences.
    Back row: L/R --Dan Cooley 423/I IQ 111n, leroy Lineman 4234 IQ 313n, I m: scull Sul F NB; Michml I home 422/11Q 111r.
    Middle row: DR--Walter I. tohannes .123/1-124/K, Monroe Duke L.!, uninn, Edward Sal. 421/Cannon Medic Joe Salber .121/5V; John Grose, 42.1/i.
From row: I Prewett 424/11: Joseph Gros, TA, 1 A/C; James Rupert .17.i/AT; Ivan tong 423/11Q.
Michael Thome

1711 P St. #301 Sacramento, CA 951114

     On December 23, 1987, j LIM one week after the 43rd anniversary of The baffle of the Bulge, seven veterans of the 423rd Medical Detachment and all 1116111 Infantry Division Association members had lunch together at Fields Restaurant on Chicago's South side. Those of or who attended , all tram the Chicago area, included: Dick Juriga, Ed Jarlacymski, Don McCarron, Bob Robson, the Costa twins,- Anton and Laurence and Ken Hunt. This was the first time most of us had seen each other since the winter of 1944!
    For over three loners the words really Ilowed 01111 lunch was all but forgotten as we recalled the many experiences we shared together.
    From the meeting, one thought emerged - how great it would be if all members of the Detachent could 0101110' together tor a reunion and what better place and time to do it than at the 106th Infantry Division Association Annual Reunion - like Roanoke in 1988.
    We ask that any 423rd Medical Detachment veteran who would like to attend such a meeting, to please write. We will put you in touch with other members and we can get our plans together to get a reunion lolling!
Ken Hunt

4127 Creyfriars I am Palatine, Illinois, 111067

submitted by Milton Weiner 424/M

I was pleased to follow Sharod Collins suggestion and host is December "BULGE" remembrance Party.

It was nice to share memories with fellow members of the 106th Infantry Division.

    18 of us, including guests, had a wonderful lunch experience on December 6, 1987. The consensus was that our fellowship would make the month of December easier for all of us. Many of those in attendance drove over 100 miles.

    We plan on meeting the first Sunday of every December from now on. If anyone is in Southern California and has not been contacted, please write or

Back row: UR --Marion Mileski, DIV/ARTY; Joseph LitsM, 423/D cull me.

Dick Peterson, 422%,:mtrI,A.,cn&b Embury, Bob Ord; Milton Weiner

6440 Knott Ave #41

Front row UR-- Leo Krueser, BIM Eng/MED: Joseph Toce SPVISQ:

Edward Nelson, 530/C; MillonWeiner, 424/M' Buena Park, CA 90620

(714) 521-1705

submitted by Bob & lune Walker 422/D

    We are a little late in sending in news of our December get-together for the Cincinnati area, which we hosted at our home.
There were 19 from Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky, including some first-timers.

    Janis and Garry Hanson, New Richmond; Jean and Roy Bigger, 423/HQ, Gas City, Indiana; Jun and Lou Grivetti, 423/K, Harrodsburg, KY; Laura and Charles Perry, 423/K, Cincinnati; Ethel and Joe Topicz, 423/E, Cincinnati; Carlene and Paul Merz, 4221SV, Indianapolis,Ind; Betty and Lloyd Anglin (Deceased), 424/K, Union, KY; Iva and Fred Nartinez, 590/A, Noblesville, Ind and Kenneth Hester, 590/C, Sheperdsville, KY.

     On a sad note.. Betty and Lloyd Anglin were killed on January 9, in a fiery auto crash, near their home. They attended this Commemoration, the Mobile Reunion and had planned on going to Roanoke. We had gotten to know them well the last few years and will miss them very much. Services were held January 14th, which we attended.
June and Bob Walker
3607 Shady lane Rd.
North Bend, Ohio, alfle?

     On December 12, 1987, a group of the 106th Infantry Division Veterans from the Pittsburgh area and surrounding communities attended a noon luncheon to Commemorate the anniversary of The Battle of the Bulge, at Tiffany Place, Pittsburgh.
    The dining room was decorated for the Holiday Season and Mrs. Franey Jackson presented the ladies with a beautiful Christmas wreath pin which she had hand crocheted.
     Our guest speaker, Pastor Edward J. Alexis, a member of the 28th Division, gave an interesting talk on the Battle of the Bulge, and the similarity of extreme hardships encountered on the battlefield by our two Divisions.

In attendance were the following veterans, wives and guests, forty-one in all:
    Allen, Calvert and Kathryn; Bendy, Charles J. 423/C; Bosle, Robert H. and Gloria 422/1; Collins, John S. and. Katherine; Creehan, Arthur J. and Lois 423/HQ 2Bn; Devaty, Raymond S. and Eileen; Flick, Robert F. 81st EnWC; Huminski, Edwin C. and Elizabeth 424/F; Jackson, Harry and Franey 423/MED; Janosky, Walter and Josephine; Kwaczek, Carl S. and Lillian 422/C; Langham, Francis S. and Jean 923/B; Martin, John B. Dr. and Pearl; Noon, Cletus E. and Faye 423/SV; Rigatti, Richard L. and Pat 423/B; Strohmier,Bernard C. and Virginia 589/B; Ulrich, James L. 423/MED; Vance, Geroge T. and Norma 422/AT; Yanchik, Pete and Dian 423/A; Yelchan, Albert M. and Marge 422/HQ; Zewe, William A. GUESTS....Alexis, Edward J. and Marge; Chapman, Jo Ann

"Genrsz T. Vance (slandinti ,tV' An"' I. Vance, Bernard Strnhmier, Z
L/R Edwin Huminski, Arthur Creehan, Katherine
Collins, Robert ensle, Pearl Mania, Robert Flick,
Elizabeth Huminski
ER Kathryn Allen, Dian Yanchik, Pete Yanchik,
Calvert Allen
" (center of photo) -Robert Flick, Dr.lohn B.
Marlin, lahn Collins, Lois Greehan

L/R Seated--es stCahnadril13Vy

14nrela Strohmier Vance

L/R Standing--Pal Rigatti; Gloria Bode

Back row: Walter and Jhine Janosky
Center row: Richard and PM Rigatli
Front row: Harry Jackson, Albert Yelochan

UR Faye Noon, Kathryn Allen, Dian Yanchik

IL/R Gloria Rosie, Richard Regatti, Edwin Fluminski,I Arthur Creehan, Kathrine t,IIins, Robed Rosie

UR Calvert Allen, Eileen Devaly
UR Francis sorghum, lames Ulrich, Harry Jackson, laaileen Devaty, Franny Jackson (standing)
Albert Yelochan, Carl Kwaczek Faye Noon

    I wish to express a Thank You to Mr. Sherod Collins for encouraging our 106th Infantry Veterans to initiate this Commemoration Meeting, which resulted in a display of warm feelings and fellowship by everyone in attendance.

A special thanks to Pete Yanchik for the excellent pictures taken during the luncheon. George T. Vance,
283 Dutch Lune, Pittsburgh, PA 15236,413-653-1724

Men of HQ Company, 422nd
!prom: lack Bryant

    On our recent return from Flitrida, Emily and I stopped Ott in Knoxville, Tenn. to visit Captain Bruce Foster, CO, Regimental Headquarters Company, 422 Infantry Captain Foster had just been released from the hospital after undergoing colon surgery. Mrs Foster assured us that he would welcome our visit and we found him in good spirits, hut naturally very weak. Bruce Foster Jr., who greatly resembles his father, was on hand to help his mother.

    Captain Foster would love to hear from his old friends in the 422nd. A Get-well card, snapshot, letter, or even a postcard, would cheer him and speed his convalescence. He hopes to well enough to attend the September convention.
Captain Foster's address is as follows Bruce E. Foster
2622 Lynbrulee Lane
Knoxville, TN 37923
telm 615-577-4835 ult William Wentz, 616123 and Jesse Curtiss Jr, I IQ/592

    Dateline--Kenton, Ohio --Our 106th comrades are shown in a dedication of the American Flag for the men of the 106th at a Memorial Day celebration in 1986. Thellas flown on the flagpole was presented to J.C. Curtis by his son Craig. It was Hawn over the United States Capitol in 198; at the request of Honorable John R. Kasich, member of Congress, the certificate accompany-Ma the Hag states a was flown for Captain J.C. Curtis, Jr., and all the Inca of the 100th Infantry Division at St Vith, Belgium, who sewed there M 1944-15. Captain Cunis wa a Battalion Staff Officer of the 892 FA Battalion, which was later attached to Corp Artillery and supported the 82nd Airborne Division in the counter attack. Wentz was captured near Schoenberg with members of his unit. lie is active in the American ex-POW Assoc.

A 1987 visit to the area
of the Battle of Coulee
By Edward A. Prewen B/12.

     Andre Hubert was born two miles tram the important crossroad in the Battle of the Bulge known as "PARKERS CROSSROAD."

Helens a chilffiltaing Ito Nark Nit has become attar-dent student of the Battle of the Bulge.
    He is now Vice-President of CRIBA, which stands for Centre De Recherche Et D'Inforation Sur La Bataille Des Ardennes (Research and Information Center of the Battle of the Ardennes). He was a guest speaker at the Arlington, Virginia Veteran's of the Battle of the Bulge (VBOB) convention in December 1985.
     When Dr. DeLaval realized that he would be hospitalized at the time of our visit, he arranged for Andre to fill in for him. Andre was overly generous with his time, seeing to our every need. Since our main reason for the visit was to see Dr. DeLaval, we were not seeking old battle areas. However one area we did explore was around Coulee.
     Andre knew of another member of CRIBA, who had written articles of this particular battle and was trying to obtain all the information he could from veterans of that particular engagement. We made a date to meet in the village of Wanne. We arrived first and had time to admire a monument to those killed during World War I. It had been altered to honor the World War II dead also.
     Under words that were confusing to me was a list of others who obviously died during the battle. At least the dates would so indicate. Serge Fontaine, our expert on the battle, explained that those were the people, who the Germans took and killed during that period. They were not killed accidently, but were picked out of a line up and murdered by the Germans. One readily should realize that the people, French speaking that is who live close to the border of Germany,. this day do not forgive the Germans. Some of this feeling exists within Belgium between German and French citizens of Belgium.
    Also St. Vith and Vielsalm are only about 10 miles apart, but there is a much wider gap between them. St. Vith was originally a part of Germany and was given to Belgium when Germany lost the 1st War. Changing the boundaries did not necessarily change the people, This I wasn't aware of in December 1944, prior to the Breakthrough. II does explain much now, when we reflect on the events of the that time. Serge Fontaine brought a copy of his map and his writings on the Battle of the Ridge. Unfortunately they were in French and I could not read them. He spoke very good English and proceeded to explain what he knew about the battle known es the Battle el-Coulee
    This he knew was the engagement I was interested in. He explained that he had receiwAl information from other organizations, but had never received much from the veterans of the 106th Infantry Division.
    The objective of CRIBA is to get the facts recorded correctly, while the actual participants are still alive. He definitely knew more about the Ranh-et Coulee than I.

His map spelled out exactly where the various units were and where they went.

     I tried to answer Serge Fontaine's questions and promised to write my former 1st Sgt, Roger Rutland, and ask hint to write his recollections of the Battle of Coulee.

     He explained to me that the 1st Battalion/424th started from Spineaux, Company A/424 attacked the village of La Vaux. Company B/424, my Company, attacked the hill to the left of La Vane. We then proceeded to advance to the Village of Coulee. Stopped by darkness and then loss of over 250 casualties, including our Battalion Commander Lt. Col. Welch, the 1st Battalion drew back towards Wanne.
    Serge Fontaine's explanation cleared up some things in my mind. In my papers, I had the name of Spineaux but didn't know where it fit. I never sow a map nor were we ever told much about where we were Once ire a while we would catch the name of a place, but nothing was ever mapped out in any pattern.
     Serge look us to Spincaux. Sure enough ibis looked familiar and with a little exploring I found the house that we used We were in foxholes facing the Germans across a valley, however the extreme cold weather forced us to rotate out of those holes every ample of hours, The house I found was u.d to give on warmth and rest. From Spineaus we worked our way through the woods toward Coulee. He pointed out whew A Company/424 had run into a machine gun nest that resulted in casualties. He then pointed out the ama where we were hit by a barrage of 38's. The shells exploded in the tops of the remand rained shrapnel down on us. We lost many men. Then finally we reached the hill across from Coulee, the high point of our advance.

     He had the facts down nicely. What he lacked was the finer points. He wanted to know if we reached the bridge across a small stream. If there was a stream I wasn't aware of it, nor the bridge. ft was all covered by snow in 1945. He didn't know that Company 13's 1st Sergeant Roger Rutland had been put in charge of the 1st Battalion by Lt. Ca. Welch, below he allowed himself to be evacuated
     I tried to answer his questions and promised to write to Roger Rutland and ask him to write his recollections of the Battle at Coulee He had other questions as to who held Wanne on January 12, 1945, just before lire attack. He had the 3rd Battalion/424 located in that area but would like it confirmed by someone who was there

    It is still important to preserve the truth while we are still able to do so. Anyone who might be able to help should contact: Serge Fontaine, 11 B 4970 Stavelot, Belgium

I know he would be grateful (orally information you can supply.

&fraud Prrotelt

How I remember
The Battle at Coulee
by Roger Rutland, former 1st Sgt 11/424
     This is how I remember January 9-13,1945. We moved in around Spineux the night of January 9th. As we approached the house where I planned to set up Company Headquarters we heard a noise in the basement. We threw in a few hand-grenades and the German soldiers who had occupied the house got away in the dark. We remained in the area until early morning January 13th, Company A and B of the 424th moved forward and by 1200 noon we had accomplished our first mission of the day. It was about noon when 1st Lt. McKay, Commanding Officer of A Company was killed. Soon afternoon we moved on toward Coulee with C Company taking the lead position. At 1400 we stopped for a break and it was at that time an artillery shell landed near us 1st Lt. Herman Slutzky, Commanding Officer of B Company was wounded. 1st Lt. Charles E. Brown assumed command of B/424 at that time. I assigned a man to take Lt. Slutzky to the Battalion Aid Station.
    We continued on toward Coulee, through the deep snow, until 1700 (5:00PM). Near Coulee the German 88's hit us very hard.

    I was ordered to take over the Battalion. The Battalion Commander Lt Col. Lamar A. Welch and S-2 Lt. Huddleston were hit. About fifteen men in my weapons platoon were killed on the spot. Col Welch was hit in the hip and leg and could barely walk He told me to take charge of the Battalion, and to please not let the men
    rorLt. Huddkston had both legs blown off but was still alert enough to pack snow in the remaining part of his legs to help stop the bleeding. He directed the two men carrying him to the Aid Station and died after arriving there. Lt. Daniel B. Woolcock of Company B was hit the same time as the others in the weapons platoon. T/Sgt Clair a Adams and Pfc Thomas B. Cowan wen, assisting Lt. Woolcock when or shell landed near them killing Woolcock and Cowan and wounding Adams. All of the killing and maiming happened within five minutes. We moved back several hundred yards and set up the best defense we could. It was dark at that time and there was no other action for the next few hours.
    Colonel Welch had been wandering around for the past few hours in a daze. About 9:00PM Ire found me and wanted a cigarette. I could tell he was weak and had lost much blood. After he smoked and rested awhile I had a man take him to the Aid Station I did not see him again 1.11161 April.
    A Major that I was not familiar with was sent, later that night, to take command of our Battalion. The next morning we were relieved by another Battalion and moved from our position near Coulee

January 13, 1945 um without a doubt, the worst day of my life.

Memories of a Soldier--from son of former 106th Division officer, Wolfred K. White HQ/424
    I ran across an old copy of THE CUB (Vol 40 No. 3, 1984) in my father's papers. He so enjoyed keeping tabs on his old comrades. As a Navy vet myself (Vietnam), I thought his old comrades might want to know what happened to him.
     My father Colonel Wolfred K. (Fred) White U.S.A. (Rey joined the 428th Regiment at Caw Atterbury, Indiana. Was with the 424th through England, The Bulge, he served as a 2nd or 1st Lt. --I haven't been able to find out his company or platoon. (see Sherod Collins article following) When the 106th was broken up he was assigned to an Ordnance Outfit to the end of the war.

     At the end of WWII he went to regular Army and was in Korea when that one started. He was Secretary to the General Staff for General Ridgeway during the Korean conflict.
     His later duty assignments were numerous, including--CO 1st Bn 188th ABN Reg, 111h ABN Di, It Campbell, KY & Augsburg, Germany; G-3 See HQ 71h Army, Stuttgart, Germany; USMC Senior Officer Course, Quantico, VA, EMS, Rs, V. Tallahassee, Florida; CO Sod Training Reg. Ft Leonard Wood; May IG 8th Army, Korea; U.S Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, PA; 0.C.M.H., M.D.W., Washington, DC, Ft Meade, Maryland; P.M.S. Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, KY,
    My father retired in 1975 and was offered a position with the College of Law Enforcement at Eastern Kentucky Univ. He created, researched and wrote tho 000 rs, on Anti-terrorism, Organized Crime & Composite Police Systems that he taught. His students had the Law library at E.K.U. named "WOLFRED K. WHITE LAW LIBRARY" in his honor. He passed 0031y 1 tune 1984, after 6 months of illness.
    He is survived by his wife Patricia VV.., 11139 Idylwild Drive, Richmond, KY 40475 (who would be happy to hear from his old comrades) his S011 Wolfred K. (Kip) While 11 of Lis Vegas, Nevada, and his two daughters Elizabeth While, Madison, KY and Debra Jean (DJ) Sturgeon, Louisville KY and four grandchildren.

Father was proud to have served with the 424th Regiment, 106th Infantry Division.

Thank You,
Wolfred K White II
969 East Flamingo Rd 8169 Las Vegas, Nevada 89119

My friend Lt. Wolfred K. White, from William J. Mosolf Ca nom/424 in a letter written to Siwroii
    Our member William J. Mosel( Cannon Co./424th Reg (17159 Esperinza Dr, I'erris, CA 92370) writes to loll us of the death of his leader, Lieutenant Wolfred K. (Fred) White, his leader during the hectic days of the Ardennes, and the man for whom he had great respect.

    Bill says he (Bill) came from a AAA Battalion to the 106th and was assigned to Cannon/424, but never served in the company at all. He remembers Bob de St_ Aubin, who brought their mail and Bob Caskey of B Co./424. Bill had COIlle all the way from the Normandy beachhead and as soon as he was transferred he was detailed to craw to pick up battlefield dead all over the area. The bodies were transferred to Graves registration at Strohiem. W. White was the officer in charge
    Later Lt. While was assigned as Special Services Officer tor the 424th regiment and had Bill along, a move which Bill appreciated, especially since he was already 35 years old and obviously was not trained in Infantry work This crew of four was billeted and had their Head. quarters in Esslingen, Germany, where they lived upstairs over a drug store. Their code sign in the window was "Dervish S. S."
    Their job was to break down and distribute a multitude of items to the 3600 remaining members of the 424111 Regiment. Formerly there had been about 11,000 men to whom to distribute. All this involved many calculations which the crew became expert in doing. On JLIIV 2,1945-74W bottles of American beer arrived, two weeks rations, one bottle of beer per week per man, being the first American beer tasted since arriving in the ETO.

    LI. White went on to become Colonel Wolfred K. (Fred) White and spent 33 years and two months in the Army. He passed away in 1984 while teaching police administration at Eastern Kentucky University.

    Col. White's obituary (see letter above from his son) reflects a distinguished military career, listing a large number of assignments and same very important posts. There were many teaching assignments, which he dearly loved. Therefore he remained at his last post to become an Associate Professor at EKU, College of Law Enforcement. He was lauded by his superior, for an outstanding job. He was buried at Arlington National Cemetery.

Bill Mosel( figures that someone from 11, 106th will remember his friend of long ago.

Peter Edward Keenan, HQ 2Bn/422
    Sharon Mollit, daughter of Peter E Keenan, Antioch, California, reports that her lather passed away January 11, 1988, from cancer. He is survived by his widow Katherine, One daughter, Iwo sons, eleven grandchildren and five great grandchildren.
    Sharon passes along "Thanks. for all of the years of pleasure the Association had given her father. Peter has been a member of the 106th Infantry Division Association for any years. He will long be remembered by his comrades.
Frank Schoemer, W424
Frank Borberly writes to tell that Frank Schoemer of Wyandotte, Michigan passed
    away on October 7, 1987. Frank attended the Columbia, S.C. Reunion. He became ill 6 months prior to his death. Frank would like to pass along this information to Schoemer's friends. Borbely states that Schnemer was a great soldier. Had six children and used to work in the Office Supply business.
Lloyd and Belly Anglin, C/424

    Llloyd and Betty Anglin of Union, Kentucky were killed Ina fiery auto accident near their home on January 9111, 1988. They were at the Mobile Reunion and had plans to go to Roanoke. No other details were given.
Bruce Shaffer, F/923
Bruce Shaffer of Tulare, California passed away sometime in February, 1988. No other details known_
Joseph A. Cavanaugh, C/422
    Joseph A. Cavanaugh, a retired Chief of the Manpower and Research division of the Agency for International Development's Office of I'opulation, died at his home in Bethesda Maryland on February 29, 1988, after a heart attack. Joseph was 73.
He had a long and III uslHous career, al 0110 fill, he was technical adviser in demog-
    raphy and health statistics to the Institute of Inter - American Altai!, in Lima, Peru. he is survived by his will Carol, a daughter Karen and a brother-
John J. Fischer, Service/922
    John pawed away on February 2, 1988. His mail and affairs are being handled by Keating, Moething & Klekamp, Attorneys, 800 Provident Tower, One East Fourth St.,

OH 45202. We have no further information about his death.

The Officers, Directors and members of the 106th Infantry Division Associn-
tion wish to express their condolences to the families and friends of the

     From the Editor--At the Mobile Reunion It was announced that the membership stood at 745. As of this date (16 April) the membership stands at 955. This tremendous growth did not happen by itself.

    The last issue and this issue of THE CUB have shown listings for nearly 143 new members. There is no general advertising campaign to credit for this. The facts are that many of our existing members have been putting a special effort on seeking out and soliciting new members.
    I hesitate to mention the Jew that I know, in fear of missing some, but they have done such a tremendous job that I must give some credit. If you assisted and I do not mention your name please forgive me, then let me know what you have been doing to spread the word.
    Gill Helwig 423/IVI, 2006 Ontario Lot #55, Niles, Michigan 49120, a friend and former War buddy of mine, has taken it upon himself to send letters to former 106th Infantry Division men that do not belong to the Association. He started by picking names form the AX-POW new member lists that appear in their publications, The hot mailing was 75 names. He had a acceptance rate of about 28%, in the meantime he has started sending letters to 133 former Division men,

from a list of 202 that I received from the Veterans of the Bulge. Seven or eight new members I

seem to appear each month M Sherod the AX-POW publication. On top of that Shed Collins has sent
    him a list of over 100 names from the 106 Recon group. Gill is a very busy man. As of 16 April he had signed on 46 new members. If his 28% holds up he will produce over 70 new members. He signs his letters as "Association Membership Committee." He is THE committee. We should all thank him for his efforts. It shows that all it takes is a little persistence.
     The December 16th Bulge commemoration parties always seem to produce some new members. The organ of those special events around the country should be thanked for their work. Russell Villwock in Chicago has always been a great supporter in the solicitation of new members.
     At the Minneapolis Dec. 16th memorial luncheon Robert Sandberg list ENG/A, 1786 Saunders Ave., St Paul, MN 55116 and Russell Gunvalson 81st Eng/A gave we a list of fifteen names, from the letters I sent there were 6 new members from Russ's list of 9, and 4 new members from BOB's list of 6. Thanks gentlemen.
    I should mention Frank I3orbely 424/M, 2801 Stanbridge Street, Norristown, PA 19401 has contributed several new members. I see his name on several applications that are forwarded to me from Sam Cariano our Adjutant. I am proud to say (I didn't take this job because I am bashful) that Heave been involved in soliciting nearly 50 of the new members. The membership in my former outfit 423/M has grown from 9 in September 87 to 21 at this date. It's been a lot of tin, as the enthusiasm grow, so will grow the membership. Imagine what would happen if each member solicited one other former 106th Infantry Division man.
    Again, I am sure that I have !rimed other missionaries to our cause, I don't want to close this without mention of the perennial producers our Treasurer Sherod Collins and Adjutant Sam Cariano, they are always in there pitching for new ones.

Following NEW MEMBERS have joined since the last CUB

Jones, William T. 16 Club Lane Reading, PA 19607
    Recruited by Sherod Collins, Sill writes--Married M wife Betty for 41 years, 2 Daughters-3 Grand-Daughters. Retired from a life time of retailing in January 1987. Play as much golf as possible.

106 QM
White, William H. 6 Western Ave Natick, MA 01760
    Recruited by Gill Helwig Bill says--Retired after 39 years with the Higluvay department. Joined the 10611? in Fort Jackson from the beginning until discharged in 1945.

Lamar, Thomas M. 131 S. Emma Olathe, KS 66061 Lucero, Isaac A. 516 Alverado Albuquerque, NM 87
    Recruited by Gill Helwig-- Isaac writes; After being captured near St Vith I was sent with 44 others to an open pit mine. We received very little frond and were hardly able to work, we lasted about one week After being, sent to several pl.., I can't remember the names of the camps or Mums, I ended up in Shang 4-B and non liberated there.

    I hear that there is a Prisoner of War Medal. Please let me know about the Medal. Your loving Comrade, Isaac A Lucent
    (Editor's Note) Lase the POW 1,1,Jal has not yet been issued, It is in the second year of delay, but heard recently that it should be released dab rummer. We will publish any details we learn in the publication -THE CUB."

Zampieri, Tullio 4 White Street Barre, VT 05641
    Recruited by Gill Helwig, Ire writes -- Have a family of 9 children and 73 grandchildren, my hobby is restoring antique automobiles (Wein= back to the 106th
Wilson, William I. 111 Forest St. Hamden, CT 06518

Joined 2/25/88, I haven't received any further information.


Korbel, George Rte 2, Box 86 Roberts, WI 54023 Another from Russ Gunvalson's list.

Boman, V.C. 307 Oliver St. Crewe, VA 23930

Joined 3/7/88
Wessels, Robert R. 2005 Shades Crest Road Huntsville, AL 35801

    Dear Sherod,Thanks so much for your letter. You really got Inc out of my "Gloom period." I can enclosing my application fir membership. Our two children are gum. and lutve left the nest, the last dog died and Iv wife, Jerry and I are enjoying semi-retirement here in Northern Alabama. Our only regrets are Pont our two grandchildren are miles away in England and in the State of Washington.

    We are pleased to pill up with the Association after all these yams and appreciate the opport unity to see some of you again.

Purcell,Thomas I. 17 Treat St. StamluiWn. 06906

Formerly Tech Sgt, Platoon Sergeant, Cannon/422.

    Married-4 children, 3 grandchildren. Entered Life Insurance business in 1951, worked for 22 years with Metropolitan Life. Took early retirement in 1973 after 72 years as District Manager in New York State.

    Returned to Stanford and entered the real estate business as a "semi--retired" profession. Have had this position for 14 years directing a staff of six--maintaining multiple listing service for over 050 members.
    Am planning to retire (fully) in a y caror so. Health is good, play golf whenever I C11/1. Do (I lot of traveling With my wife. Anxious to hear from anyone from Cannon/922.

Rosenberg, Winfield (Nick) 36 Love Creek Park Lewes, DE 19958

    Recruited by Jack McDevitt 81s1 ENG/A, McDevitt writes--Tire enclosed article (a newspaper article)appeared last Wednesday, 17 Feb. in a small local newspaper where I rout Nick was a ',smiler of the 10601. I called him and he invited me out. He is not in the best of health (70% disability) but could like to travel to ROANOKE this fall. Not mentioned in the article that he is Jewish. Even though American, he was trans errs in February of 45 to a concentration wmp with littler Americans and European Jens. 11Ide), The article is entitled "LOVE CREEK POW Reminisces: I'll Go to Heaven Because I've already been to Hell" Nick writes On a small note attached -- "Dear Friend Sheni, 1 stus in 422/D. A lack McDevitt had me about the 106th Association and getting THE CUR. I was captured in the Bulge and went to Bad Orb, was later segregated and sent to Bergs"

    (Ed. note) The article explains that Berga was near Buchenwald, almost straddling the Czech border, but it was not on any list of German POW Camps, The men labored from dawn to Dark moving rock from tunnels being blasted into nearby mountains. Nick was 25 at the time. The article explains that Rosen. berg survived Bergs, a German POW Camp for Jews and other un-desirables --less than 100 of the 350 people sent there in the waning days of World War II are believed to have survived. he was iikerfred 20March along with others that had evacuated the eampagainst oncoming troops.

    If you have further interest I suggest you write a note to Nick. illy, article has a photo (German) taken al the camp, with Nick and others shown. None of the survivors rcsighed over 00 gooials.

Rudnick, Miron 11 Woodland Dr. ottil 07731
    Mr Collins --Ernie Vermont from Baltimore told me about the 106th ASSOCillti1117. I was ill the same outfit as him, as a S/Sgt. Enclosed find my membership fee. Thanks.

Mays, Joseph A. 276 Forrest Rd. Huntington, WV 25705
    Recruited by Gill Helwi& he writes -- After being liberated from 9B, Bad Orbffe remained in the hospital till 5 December 1945. Had a tough tune settling &non. Enlisted ire Ow ^S. Marine Corps (Reserm)and was placed on active ditty with the Inspector's Staff of the 4111Enghseer Battalion, USMC(R) 1 July 48. Transferred his Reserve Slat us to Regular Marine Corps served from 1 July 48 thrti 31 Aug by Served in places like Korea-- tail 53-Apr 55, with the 1st Marine Division; Recruiting duty until 58, Marine Corp Air Station MCAS, Cherry Point, NC from .58 to 63. transferred to 3rd Marine Division, Okinawa. Suffered a heart attack in late 64-- flown back to U.S. Naval Hospital, Philadelphia, then onto Marine Barracks Phi/a. ',ter to Marine Corp Schtrols, Quantink VA where I trained young officers till 66. Obtained the rank of Gunnery Sergeant in 56, turned Aounn !I commission as Warrant Officer in 66, He would have had to serve 111 more hears to retire al Officer's pay, and serve a tour in VietNam. He married a very lovely lady (sounds like a
    Marine), Edna Mae Crisel Mays, leas one son, Michael, W110 is employed by the Continental Insurance Company as Senior Brokerage Officer. Michael's wife Sharon is head of

Nuclear tale in Woodbridge, VA the have two grandchildren, Chris and Meredith

    Ann. My wife and I are both retired from U.S. Army CorIN of Engineerswny wife was an accountant and I retired as Chief Procurement La Supply Division. Signed Joe.

Bryan, James B. 2330 Fairview Dr. Macon, GA 31206
    Recruited by Gill Helwig, he writes - Retired 20 years Army, 2/ years Medical Center of Central Georgia, Macon. I was a regular Army advisor for the Michigan National Guard from 47 to 51 stationed in Flint, Michigan.

Brown, Kenneth H. 10 Maple Ave FreepVIE 04032
    Hi Gill, thanks for your solicitation letter. I was in 422/H, Sidings 9B and 921. Would like to hear from anyone who knell, Inc back then, Pm married with three children and two grandchildren. My mile's name is Dorothy, we are both retired. We Will see you at the ROANOKE Reunion in Sttember. Our telephone is (207)005 6679
Fox, Robert J. 360446th Ave Rock Island, IL 61201
    Please note Fos is 422/H, we published his name in the February CUB listed as "Unit Unknown." At press time in Feb we did not have a letter funn NM I tit, NOW -- 11,1117, enlisted Oct 42, went to COM!, Roberts, transferred to the Air Corps, sent ir Spearfish, SD for Cadet Training. Two 71,CCA, prior to commissioning MIS sent back to the Infantry, joined the 106th at Atterbury. Ended up as a rifleman, cuptured M The Bulge, went to Stalag 9B, Bad Orb. My wife and I are presently active numbers nf the Western Illinois Chapter-- American EX-POWs.

arker, Thomas 2938 Hale SI Philadelphia, 9149
    Derr Sherod, I MIS in the original cadre with the 422nd and served front Feb 1943 till Oct 1044, I Men left and went to Ft Relining (OCS). The Division was alerted, so I resigned at Booting before going to school. I requested transfer back to the 106th. My request was not accepted.

I served with 3 DiVi5i1111S, but my one and only love was the 106th Infantry Division. P112:351:

cnpt my IlleInbcrship, I would like to see some of the 1111:11 I served with.
Luoma, Edwin 0. 2027 Kaleva Dr. Eveleth, MN 55734

    Another/I, member from Russ Gunvalson's list. He writes-- Wife's name Mildred, married 5/2/43 Camp Roberts,Calthunia; Four children, 2 boys, 2 girls, 6 grandchildren /46m/s, 2 girls). Retired I ul y 1078 Chief Claim Agent of Duluth, Nussche & Iron Range Co. (US Steel). Member of DA V, active in EX-POW Arrowhead Chapter in Hibbing, MN

422/HQ 2BN
Nausin Jr., Frank 624 Masonic Are Albany, CA 94706
    John, Thanks again fir your phone call and kind attention to sending me information about the 106th Infinttry Division As,nciatiun. Corr wal HQ Cowan y Ammunition & Pioneer Platoon, owtured 17 Dec 44. Stalag 4-B. Wife Clara.

Hanke,R.E. 2384 Sun Valley Cir Wheaton, Maryland 20906
    Sherod, I did not know that stall an ofgatti.t ion as the 106th In Unary Association ex-OM, until 11./1.'00 druult me and told me of if I joined the Dioision in December of 1943 and was assignito422iF. I MIS with them through the BULGE, and rods taken prisoner. The rest is history. Any information you ran send me would be appreciated.

422/HQ 3BN
Green, James C. 2736 S W 60th PI Oklahoma City, OK 73159
Boatright, Winfoni Rte 3 Box 205 Alma, GA 31510

    Recruited by Gill Helwi& he writ. - Married Virginia November 1950. We have 6 children and 8 grandchildren. I have been in the Post Office for 34 years and will retire February 1988. Captured 19 Dec1944, liberated 24 April 45, discharged from Welch Convalescents in Daytona Beadt,Florida.
Peters Jr., David J. 457 Morning Rd. Pittsburgh, PA 15236
Braaten, Carl Box 492 Osceola, WI 59020
Recruited by Gill Helwig.

    Howland, Everette W. 45 Ships Rudder Dr Box 419 Mashpee, MA 02649 Recruited by Gill Helwig, he writes - 45-54 Western Auto Supply; 54-7.3 Western Auto Dealer, Owned and Operated; 74-88 Moved to Cape Cod, Remodeler. Married 40 years td Ruth, 2 children. Belong to Ex-POW, DAV. Stalags 4B-4A-- Leip.,ig Hospital. Rogers, Francis J. 708 Brigadoon Cir. Leesburg, Florida 32788
    Dear John, Presently retired, formerly lived in Stratford, Conn. Interned in Stalag Muldberg, later transferred to LAZ IV for medical reasons. Here are my dues plus $10.00 for the MEMORIAL FUND.
Buckley, Vincent J. 678 A - Newcastle c7 Lakewood, NJ 118701

    Ex-Staff Sergeant -- retired April 78, Employed by County of Essex, Newark, N) fax 27 years. Last seven years seas Clerk of the Essex County Grand Jury. Family-- 2 children Barbara and Robert (both married), 5 grandchildren, Now living inn Retirement Village, Original Leisure Village.
Morawsld, Alexander 605 MarquettealiMnet City, IL 60409

    Recruited by Howard Niemite (one of our new members). Howard loot Alexander at a AX-POW meeting and asked him to join. Alexander, Iike many of us that have recently joined, did not know the 106th Infantry Division ASSaillttiOn existed. Welcome back to the 106th Alexander.
Petrol', Frank 916 First Street Pepin, WI 54759
Another from Russell Gunvalson's list.
Lane, William M. 1714 Peachtree Circle S. Jacksonville, FL 3221)7

    Recruited by Gig Helwig --He wire, many Thanks for the application Will scud MI, information later. Would like tO have a copy of the previous CUB if possible.

Bob, Art J. 720 Sinclair Lewis Lane--Sintre, MN 56378 Another new member from Russell Gunvalson's list
Cox, Phillip D. 1330 Carroll White Dr i--I=napolis, IN 46219
Recruited by Gill Helwig, lie Writes - Gill, yaw letter much appreciated. Married to lean

    42.5 years, 2 children, 4 grandchildren. Plan to retire November,1988. Loudermilk, Teddy L PO Box 367 Bingham Lake, MN 56118 Teddy's name given to me by Russell Gunvalson 81st ENGIA.(Ed.)

Cahill, John A. 7 Crawford Dr. Wilburn, MA 01801
Recruited by Gill Helwig.
Rosalia, John 632 Grant Ave Baldwin, NY 11510

    Another of Gill Helwig's contacts-- John writes, My wife and l have been blessed with, good health and after 32 years of !wing self-enployei we are nine enjoying the fruits of our hard work. Would like to hear from anyone who was with ore in Co. C 423rd Regiment.


Skinner, William NI. 660 Woodsmill Rd Gainesville, GA 30501 Recruited by Gill Helwig

Hoffmaster, Wendel 117 South First St. Mt. Horeb, WI 53572
Recruited by Gill Helwig, Wendell writes --"Windy Hoffmaster" mine back to WiSC01.1-

    sin, molt to allege, taught school for I year arid then :wilt into the Hotel and restaurant business. I am now semi-retired. Hope to make it to ROANOKE in September.
Hunter, David 417 Messenger St Johnstown, PA 15902

    Recruited by John Kline David EMS ASTP University of Alabama prior 'opining Division at Atterbury. Thanks David, Good Luck.


rewnialc, Stanley W. 703 East Warren Rockton, IL 61072 Recruited by Gill Helwig.

McClure, Charlie (Clint) 8607 E. 77th Imo, OK 74133
    Recruited by Gill Helwig, he writes -- Received n BSME degree in 7045. Worked out of the El Paso, Texas office as Pipe Line Engineeruntil 1968. Retired from that company arid took rip same work for another bed-tire retiring in 7987. Retirement is great. I spent my POW life in Stalag 4B. Have had 'wry little contact with my Regimental HQ Company since then.
Strong, George W. 4936 Glendale Ct SE Olympia, WA 98501

    Dear Gilbert, Thanks for taking time to write me. because 'live so far away from most of the activity there has not been much incentive to join. A few months ago inyt,111 Sergeant (Robert Grimes) got on me to join, all it was just a few days ago that I sent in my dues. Sorry that you are a week- Into with your application. When I get to a reunion I will lie happy to meet you.

    lions in the Xmas Eve raid at Limburg, spent a few days at Muldberg 4-13. More than a hundred of as were taken in box-cars to Dresden and stayed in the slaughter house and worked in town. After May 81 sato enough Ritssians to Iasi no for a life Hine.
Sincerely, George Strong.

423/HQ 2BN

Paulson,Dorayne Rte I Luck, WI 54/S53

    Another faun Russ GunValson'S list. Dorayrie writes --1 was with 42,3/HQ 23N astir; aircraft gunner-truck driver. After rapture teas in Stalag 4-B, Bad Orb. 71,115 in the box-cars that were bombed at Limburg un Xmas Eve. We were taken to a place ahmg the Elbe Riper' and put toroork on rebuilding the railroads !escaped:pith Keith Ginther of Fairfield, Montana. After discharge I finally came hack to this area I bkvarne a Rural Mail carrier acrd have been retired over a year. My wife Betty and I live in a lag We Mill. My hobbies are old cars and Harley-Davidson motorcycles. Still would like to locate some men front our old unit. boding for a Roy Regal from WiSCOnSii1; Allen Hayes from Chicago area and Robert Shur from Skokie area.
Tomlinson, Ryan E. 1718 Madison Rd. Unit 17 Columbia, SC 29204

Sorry toe missed listing your name in the February CUB Ryan. Welcome back to the 196th.

Montgomery, James #130 151 11 th Pipeline 7/e Chino, CA 9133/9
Recruited by Gill Helwig, he unites - Stalags en IX-A, bark to Arizona. 'Ricotta

    Slate University-1949; Pittsburgh Reelers, Foothill season 1948;Drotbirll Coach, Phoenix IR. College 49-59h Aria rut Stale Commander Ex-Poll, 59-51; Equipment Leasiiw, Los Angeles 60-67;Califirfitia Diiiiartinent of CorrectioiLW8.8,9; Retired

Bailes, Russell G. 1113 Derian Place Nokomis, FL 3-1275

Russell writes that he retired from Dept of Business DhLsion 13,01,1.0 in

    January 84 after 25 years, His rode is Etta 177111 they have three clulrfini, Sharon, Russell 111 and Eric. Have four grandchildren. Love living in Florida.
Grieetti, Louis G. 345 Shawnee Dr. Harrodsburg, KY 49330

    Dear San, drafted December 43, basic at Camp Cfidl, advanced train iris at CI7 IV Shelby, than Asst BAR man in 423/K at Atterbury. captured 19 Der-enure r, Stalag I V-B, am, to 4 Slaughterhouse, Dresden. Took R&Rat lake Placid, sent to Grow Robinson to train recruits and diSCIIIIrged.

    Couldn't stand C1,171 mines, Iv-enlisted served in Japan, germarty, Korea, trained recruits at Fort Knox, Ft, Lee and instructed in Air Craft Maintenance, after several years as A/C mechanic and Tech-Inspector, then retired February 1969.

    Had 21.5 years. World badge trained Scoutmaster, Serving on District round table, awarded Silver Beaver, (relive in Civil War living history, portraying 17 CiiiiliAliirate Colonel. Awarded Kentucky Colonel by the Governor in 1966.

    Met my wife while in semice, she was serving as an Army Nurse. Marrini 38 years. Have a daughter, Louise, who is employed by U.S. Postal inspection service. Have beery employed by Corning Glass optical Co. Refired again with 22 years, for prod this time on Feb. 1, 7988

Burke, James 1125 Quail Hollow Road Kernerwille, NC 27284
(editor's MAO Jim Burke was the second man I contacted 111E114:50d in May PS7, sines] them my list

    has grown .35. He helped me gel my head out of the sand by telling ...Mont the An-li(BEINssociation,the Ex-POW Protocol exams end helped mewl a great start in my ismson of ow BEL Lau Edelen.] 923/M, was the it C0111,71 I made from en old Veteran's of the Bulge list.

    ReeriBly Jim put Ine in contain with Julien Burnside 933/M, in Lund (ELM. Fl.. /alien .3111,1 me on the 4-5111 of March --Jim Burke was silting in his front room visiting with him. Julian W a a business trip and will 1], joining the Association alter he gets back. -thanks for the MM. 111,1111,way1. lin( (lin,
joinnd recently)
Burnside, Julian 182 King Lake Drive Land CYLakes, FL 34639-3711

    Solicited by Jim Burke/John Kline, he states--Am married ht Lidia, have flair children, 3 grandchildren. Still Working with Underwriters Laboratories, doing Public relations work with Government Authorities.
    Was raptured 19 December, 1944. Was marched, starved, packed in It1N-cor for days during which it was bombed on Christmas Eve 1944. Eventually wound up at Stalag 4-B. Was sent with 150 others too Kommando work camp at Dresden.
    Survived the incessant fire bombing of Dresden--went through Me ordeal of tnarching, pushing loaded wagons, strafed by the Russians, on into Sudetenland. Was liberated by the Russians on 9 May 1945. Took off on my own to get back to the American lines-- never made it!
    Picked up by searching American Ambulmme ire Pierna (7) approximate// two weeks later. Back to Stateside thnnrgh a series 0f hospitals and discharged from the Welch Cm/descent Hospit‘115 October, 1945.

It's absolutely fantastic to suddenly be hearing from some of my old buddies!
Camarda, Vincent 193073rd St Brooklyn, NY 11204
    Recruited by John Kline -- Vince didn't write anythingun his application, but it is very nice to have him.. He is one of the 423/M men that have been sending information Silzre May of 87. Welcome back Vince. (This may not be you--Ina if it is not I apologize) I ran across an old letter to the Elmer Editor, Richard DeHeer, from Sam Katz of the 28th Division, who itrtS also in Stales SA, he moth°rrs taking his nightly stroll and stopping by "Vinnie CamartIa's "Chicken Deli." It ;night be another Canter., Ina it is interesting that I came across that name about the same time you joined the Association. Koto's letter was written in homary qf 85.
Fazio, Joseph R. 1120 Foxhill Dr T-8 Monroeville, PA 15146

Recruited by John Kline, he writes- Jelin, it ryas really nice talking to you. It roily
doesn't seem like 43 pears have passed since those days in Dec 1944 h0000, liberated
    13/27/45, discharged 71/78/45. In June 446 I was admitted to the VA Hospital for ...I of shrapnel from We right forearm and pleural cavity. Am currently 801/4 disabled for residuals of those injuries. (Joe wasmortar man and relates that his mortar Was bracketed aby 88's at which lime he was wounded. He was picked up by the German Medics. During captivity he was kept hospitalin51. To continue-- I was married 12/14/4n, 1st daughter N.42, drafted April 43, second daughter April 50, and 3rd daughter April 55. All are married and have given us seven grandchildren. I retired art disaltilily retirement from the Vets Administration October 1977. My wife and I are tt7 yearn f age. John, Wad, for contacting


Kotlarieh, I'aul 361 North Central Ramsey, NI 07446 Recruited by John Kline, Paid zees or section leader in /W423

ldid. no,-- Pool ssn I,, drawing or ochsinioic mods i M

n Slalug Ids vol'imis as:donnish, mods in

each barrack, Porracks Is:Mere, In Mot-molls:me, August em will be sorfic

moat Znigunlmin MO Pool's list ninon., will uppsan Mere.
Noe, (Tex) Carthel E. 565 Harvard Ave Gladstone, OR 97207
    Tee's tvife Julia writ, -- Tv, got hit on the 19th of Dezember 1944, was ellle to hit and run with a few other 1061h men until 24 December, 1944. Was a prisoner at Bad Orb, 9B. Was liberal& Easter Sunday April 1945. His health has been very MO' since 1973 when he had to retire because of war disabitilites. Worked in COIL:In,/ /MIMI CM/di/6g plants and large shovels till he could no hanger handle that. Continued in 0100/0 mechanics till he 07111d no longer work in 1955. Tex has hod three major surgeries in the last few months. Married (second wife) for 38 years, six children. Would love Folmar fn. his old buddies. Phone number 503-656-9576.
    John Kline, CUB Editor in his pursuit of old 4236M Company men found us and has kept us with information since May or June of 1987. (Julia, thanks, me 111.0 MVO 27 423/24 COMpany men in the Association. Editor-john Kline)
Venegoni, Vincent J. 4633 Tower Grove Mace Saint Louis, MO 63110

    Hi lohn,Hope this finds you in good Width. We were married July 11, 1944, have 3 children, 7 grandchildren. I was number 3 in the draft dr)noing in Oct 1940.1 was in the grocery business and returned to that after the War, then purchased a 24 here Bawling alley, then in 1958 built a 32 lane alley, then in 67 purchased a 10 lane alley in a small town. Retired in 1979.
    In the Ar?ny I spent 2.5 years in Alaska then joined A4/423 in August of 1944. you know the rest of the history. Was at 4-B then on the forced march out of Stalag 8-A, same as you. My old Division the 35th liberated me 20 kilometers outside of Braunschweig (Brunswick). Reached U.S. by Hospital ship. Discharged Aug 2,1945.
    (Ed's Note)Thanks Vincent, nice to have another 423/M member aboard. I was liberated about 15 miles East of Brunswick in Helmstedt. I was beyond the point of walking and had been thrown on a "sick wagon." I never ?lid know what Division went through there, I assume from ?chat you say that it was the 35th. Thanks.
Vigoe, Donald). 6028-51 McDaniel Lane Charlotte, NC 28213
    Phn,Received your latest M Company/423rd News Letter. You put so much tune and r'fr into making this a great organization, and tracking clown the 423/M members that it makes me realize, even though I em very busy in other things, that I should not drop ties to such a friendship. Please find my re-instatement dues enclosed.
    77?anks for everything JOhn. (Matti gue is a very busy and dedicated worker far the AX-POW. He is Commander of the large Charlotte Chapter (The Metro Chapter).-- Thanks Don for your kind words. J01111 Kline

Brown, Bernard T. S. Hurd St PO Box 2 Cazenovia, NY 13835
Recruited by Gill Helwig.
Hunt, Kenneth 437 Grayfriars Lane Palatine, IL (2)067
Juriga, Richard S. 1169 Memorial Dr. Calumet City, IL 60409

Shown in February as 423/CN. Sorry Dick.

Wing, Carlton P. 10 Landing Woods Lane Falmouth, ME 04105
Recruited by Gill Helwig.

423/ SV
Bums , William R. 48 Hollywoods Dr Apt B Fort Thomas, KY 41075
    Recruited by Gill Helwig he writes--B.S. Degree 7951 American University, Washington D.C., M.E. Degree 1967 University of Cincinnati, Retired 1984. Worked in Commercial and Public Radio & TV, as on-air personality, Program Director and in Management in Cincinnati, Miami, Houston, Charleston and Providence, RI. Was also a Communiciltions Faculty member at Miami Univ, Univ. of Cinn. and Northern University.

Prior to jointing the 106th was in ASTP at Clarksim College, Poshialn, NY and in Air Corps in Stuttgart, Kansas.
    Captured 19 Dec, 1944, a Short stay in Stalag 4-B, but Mostly in Stalag IV-A (during the Dresden air raid of February 13, 1945), liberated by the RUSSMYS on May 9,1945 near the Czech border. I expect to attend tire ROANOKE Reunion in September.
McVoy, Robert E. Rte 8 Cold Brook Poland, NY 13431
    Recruited by W. J. Melichar 423/SV, he tells Bill -- Sorry I didn't answer your letter back in 85. I was paying dues to over twelve organizatioils and nerve I wouldn't join anything else. Your pictures alone are worth the 910.00, so here are My dues.

    Can you top this 0,1081 sold an ex-German Tank Commander a urn cyr the other day. He was in the Panzer outfit that captured me on December 16th, 1944. He was Inter captured by the Yanks just thirty miles from his home in Germany. He spent two year in a prison camp in France. I am the only one still working out of over thirty members in our local POW Club. Plan to start taking some more time off. Hope to be in Florida for 3 weeks this winter. (This letter scan dated 1/13188, but I received it on 3/14/88 -Ed.)
Starmack, John S. 22 Mell Drive North Babylon, NY 11703

    Dear Sherod-- Funny, after all the years I have been out I now find I have missed a lot of reunions. first last year I received a 106th Division decal from Sal Grasso. I originally came to the 423rd from McKeesport, PA, spent a lot of time with Carl Travers along with tire rest of the Service Company.
Talked with Noose's wife over the Holiday and she and Clete sent me your address.

    I looked at my old kook for the 10611r Division and found your signature in the back and your Waycross, GA address. I inn sending along a copy of tire Sertare Company picture, one with my picture circled and one to return with yours to be circled. I think I remember where you were standing, but after 45 years I don't want to go out our a limb. Best wishes for a NEW YEAR! signed John Stannock.
HIM, William 18601 Sunburst St. Northridge, CA 91324

Dear Sherod
    Living in California since my Army discharge. Am retired (Ilia 20 years as a L. Angeles police officer and an additional 18 years with the Department of Public Works. Health good except for poor eye sight. Lost sight of one eye due to Histoplasmosis, the, in 84 17eCallle legally blind in the other from the same disease. I inn told that Histo... is a fungus proolent in the Ohio River rfilley. Have had two VA operations and have regained some sight. The

    111 only time I was in the Ohio River 19111iy was while stationed at Camp Atterbury, :minder if any other gays have had this problem. Still married to the same dear wile of my Army yew-, with three wonderful children.. I would be very please to have a list of the Service Company members. and the picture you mentioned. Thanks

424/Co. not listed
Niemita, Howard P. 759 N. 400th East Valparaiso, IN 46383

    We missed Howard ill the Feb CUB as a car member, our apologies Howard. Nice talking to you on the phone and thanks for recruiting Alexander Murawskipr the Association (he is listed elsewhere in Ibis column). Good Luck, we knoto you have been enjoying your AX-PO IN meeting, Again our apologies fur not listing you lot issue, as you did join in December of Russell Villwock's Dec 161h Commemoration party.


Grimes, George O. Rte 4 Box 161 Waynesburg, PA 15370
Mason, Frank L. 417 Watertown St. Newton, MA 02158
Ross, Frank E. 23205 Sutton Dr Southfield, MI 48034

    Retired since 1984 at age 59, after 20 years as university professor ofEttglish, and pmviously as SII!,ervisorof English for the Detroit Public brim Seven books and 30 articles published.

    I was a member of theAssociation for its two reunions in Indianapolis and detroit, then it seemed to have dissolved, thanks fin tire name of Jack Bryant.

Gerlach, Phillip 2005 Marshall Avenue St Paul, MN 55104
Another from Bob Sandberg's list.

Emmert, David S. 834 Monroe Ave Hagerstown, MD 21740

    This past Christmas I sent a Card to an old buddy of mine and through that I le(naled there Was still a 106th Association,that was very much alive and having some great times together at the reunions. That "ole buddie" was John Fritz (86-87President). I started with the Division at Fort Jackson, trained with them,went overseas with them, fought with then, and returned home after V-I Day with them. I attended thefirst meeting of the Association in Camp Lucky Strike and belonged to the Association in the late finales and fifties, Men somewhere along the line lost track. I tans with Headquarters Company all the way. I was wire team chief in the Communications Platoon, later 11,111110 Wirt' Chit' f (1.1 the Headquarters Company. If you have a copy of "St Vi tit, A Lion in the Way" and turn to the pages of photographs in the lora you will find a full page photo of Inc The caption Said "Private D.S.E., but at the time I wag Regimental Wire Chief and Platoon Sergeant. Keep up the great jab you are doing.. Enjoyed the Feb-March CUB from caner Pt OBE, Congrat ulations to those that have kept the Association
    (Editor's Note) I hope you don't get tired of my "Editor's Marrs," Recently through the good graces of Edward Provert,42A/B of Brentwood, California and Fronk Lay., 422/HQ, Kit-tannins, Pennsylvania I received an answer for my plea to buildup a library of old CUB, (to be ustsl as historical material for the editor, present and future). Amongst the two shipments I/low have CURL:starling with Vol 3, No.1 August 1946, through Vol 5,No2,0cILNoy 1949. The next batch Starts on Vol Is, No r of 5ept-Oct 1559 on through to the present publications. I am sure I am missing so rre ongst those two send., series,
    but it was great to receive such a valuable collection. I will ,inscrve amto be passed on to the nest editor. To yet to the point of iny "Editor's Note' le [Si 3, Nol, the Prcuident WU, ex-Stuf I Sergeant Dart', A. Price. Editor was H. B. Livesey. This was the "APRIL, issue of the civilian CLIR. From further reeding I determined that prior to Vol 3 there had bren"Newspapers" issued while overdoes. In this issue Iherc was a column entitled THIS BUSINESS OF CHARTER. MEMBERS. IL !wind the "listrter Meeting"
    held at Camp Lucky St k, there wee 71 names she thenriginal roster, despite t head count at the 111.4 ing of 117 men. David S. Dinner-LS/SO Hu Co. 424th Inf of at that rims f ron, Fountain I lead Heights,Hagerstown, Md was amongst Ohne on the roster. IncligIcd in the Cam, Lucky Strikeins... of
    71 men were Frank Aspinwall, 5BOA 1Q, Pontellatoula, IA, then SrSgt Asphsvell from Ildire, NY; Wit- Bare/ Donovan, DIV/HQ, Ridgewood, NY, then T/4 Donovan from Broklyn, NYilalin L. Hall, 42315V, Sebring, FL, then M/Sgt Hall fnarn Coltewalirenn; and William B. Harris, , West RciMing, l'A,
    then CO Harris from WC. Reading PA. 'hese gentleman are presently members of our lanih Infantry Division Association. They could be ea11,11our forefathers." (I don't have the dale of the meeting, but

    "Our otiginalBY-LAWS were drafted September 15, 1.15) to rnimick Walter Cronkite, through their eves YOU ARE THERE. "Congratulations gentlemen, you were del initely on the gmund floaLr in the start of Our great Association:

    Lennstrom, Edward 839 Highland Rd R.R. Frankffirt, IL 60423 we showed Ed's last name as Linstrom in the February CUB,sorry Ed.

424/HQ 1BN
Young Harold Scott 597 Highland Hills 1)m.d, Ohio 43208
To Sherod, was in the 424/HQ 1st Battalion, Communications platoon.

Downing, Buster Box 23 Lulu, FL 32061

Recruited by Gill Helwig
McMurray, William C. 566 E. McMurray Rd McMurray, PA 15317
Referred by Frank Borbely

Roy, Charles J. Rte 1 Raylanil, OH 43943

    Mr Collins, It has recently come to my attention the existence of the 106th Infantry Division Assodation. I would appreciate being included in the membership. Enclosed are my dues and those for my wife. I hear there was an interesting article "In Memory of General McMahon" in the Nov, Dec, Jan 87-88 issue. Would like a copy of that article. (Mend sent a copy)


Karnes, Herbert M. 18 Lime Lane (W) Okeechobee, FL 33474 Recruited by Gill Helwig.


Kelly Jr., T. Paine Box 1531 Tampa, FL 3.v 11
Recruited by Sherod Collins, Kelly was the CO of the 589 FA.

Binder, Clarence M. 117 North Elm Mt Prospect, IL 613056

    Recruited by Gill Helwig, he writes -- Many thanks for your letter of lull 21 concerning membership infOrmation. I was aware of the organization (Association) but had no knowledge of who to contact. It WI1S11', mail /joined the Ea-POW Association that I began to hear about the WOE 17I ,give yon We name of my Ex-Sergeaat,Robert Dean, 9130 E. Cresent Dr., Inverness, FL .32555 (An yof you Floridians--give Robert Deanna call and solicit his membership). I did attend the first two reunions of the ilhhh, one in Indianapolis and the other in Chicago--that ors a long waybeck. I am a self-employed Advertising Consultant & Designer, I was inducted March 43, assigned to 5909-1Q to scout corporal. Captured 19 December. Stalags 4B-Muldberg, 8A-Grulite and118-Fallingbostel, liberated by British forcer:1E April, 1945. Returani to States via London; Camp Stortonan, California; and Canlp Beale, California. Discharged November 45. (Editor's Note) Clarence, kJJJks like I was with you rtea=t all the way. On our 415 mile evacuation march from GorliM NA, I went north mil of Onderslad In Bronswjck Your notation of being liberated at NI- linghostel conrms that some of the as esammes win, the same mote as the British, that is from

I sent letters, in June of 1987, to 41 known 10001 members who had been in SA--the n9i»., nee, f aim fjy-
011W Assoc list--pm aroamolly have joined them nil•.

Clam., none of tha enn, il,,,r MenlberS tho L ,VdS SOUCi,d l, Gill IkilVi, (9M Compony,lard.


    Underwood, Jake Rural Route One linioin, Kansas 66770 Recruitrht Icy Sherod Collins-- Welcome back to the 10911h lake!

591/Na Battery given
English, Daniel F. 94 Arnold Street Methuen, Maryland

    To Sherod, Jack Schlesser gave me this address. He said to ask you Err a copy of the FEBMAR CUR Dan's wife died twelve years ago, and my husband died nine years ago Dan and !were married last April. He didn't care to go to the reunions, but this time he will and I will go with him. We are looking forward to it.
signed Mary

    Then from Dan... De, Shanxi, ThoLighi I would put in my Iwo Cent:: worth, I don't think we have ever met, but I hop, to s, you in ROANOKE in SaplemlNa signed Dan.

Neiweem, Edward P. 505 North Russell Mt Prospect, IL 60056

Jones, John A. 71 Orlo Dr. Zephyr Hills, FL 39298
Recruited by Frank Borbely, he writes--Married 46 years, 4 children, 11 grandchildren,
     Moved to Florida from Pennsylvania 6 years ago. We are very active in golf and bowling, enjoy it very much. Looking forward to seeing the fellows from our outfit: Thanks
torah, Elwood Rte # 6 Box245 Sinking Spring, PA 19606

    Referred by Association member Frank Borbely. Elwood states--We are retired, have two sons who were in the service also. Hoping to see all our comrades at ROANOKE. I am contacting three other buddies. Welcome back to the 106th Elwood.

81st ENG/A
Broadbent, Thomas D. 4554 Monroe Avenue San Diego, CA 92115
     John, Just got you solicitation letter, which I was very happy to receive. Over the years I have kept in touch with a few members of the 81st Engineers. Oise friend Abe Garbin of Girard, Illinois died recently. I inn sure you got my name from Robert Sandberg of St Paul,Minnesota. (your right Linn)) lose my own home here in San DiegoLny mother will be 90 this August, my dad died 5 years ago at the age of 90.
Hanunar, Arthur E 22410th Street Lowell, MA 018511

Another from Bob Sandberg's list given to meat the December 16th Minneapolis pars].

81St ENG/B
Bartholomew, Theron 232 Lincole, IL 60515

    &crafted by Gill Helwig, he writes-- I was with the 81st/B from the start until the Bulge. I am now in forced retirement due to poor health. Had a triple by miss in 86 and a siwerc blood clot in 87. I am still confined.

    I would certainly like to hear from Tony Palazzo who was iru my oupan He probably saved my life while ice were on a German prisoner train, by throwing himself over me during a strafing raid. I was known as "Chicago" in those days. Thank,
Valenstein, Col Earle L. 5737 Bar Neck Rd. Cambridge, MD 21613

    Colonel Earle L Valenstein, USA (Ret) writes; Joined the Division July 1844 at Atterbury, as a Platoon Commander in 13/81st Engineers. 017 18 dec. 1944 while on patrol east Of St Vith, I was wounded by a German hand grenade. Taken prisoner a day or two later. Held prisoner in Stalags VI-C and XI-B until liberated 16 April 1945 by the British 731: Armored Division.

    I returned to the US. in May Of 45 and remained a patient at the Walter Reed Hospital until February 1946, when I was returned to general duty. Served continuously in it variety of assignments in the U.S. and overseas until retirement in 1970 IW 0 Colonel of Engineers. In retirement my wife and I reside in Cambridge on the Eastern shore of Maryland, enjoying the land if pleasant living and sailing on Chesapeake Bay.

81st ENG/HQ
Barsema, Donald 2754 Maple Ave Yuma, AZ 92115

    Another from Bob Sandberg's list. Don --Retired from U.S. Postal Service. Married to Lorraine for 43 years, have two children, James and Sandra -- grandchildren. Chi to re-establish contact with the 81st Engineers through Casimir I'rokorym of St whenville, Ohio and Robert Sandberg of St Paul, Minnesota.

Pitts, Mrs. Thomas W. 901 Orchard Road Richmond, VA 23226

    (Editor's Note) Mrs Pitts is 'Thomas ribs width, I contacted her while in the pursuit of former Stab% dA prison., She expressed an interest in keeping in lona with former inemtmrs of 422/1) that knew her husband. Esther is a very grade.: person and I am sure she would approdate any support (in the may ni a letter or card) you could give her.


Tarantino, Joseph C 47 Star Route Quakertown, PA 18951

    Sherod, 1 Unlit in the 106th zellen it Wile activated rod up to the lime hf capture in Dec 1944. I would like to join, what is cunt for a Life Thnelhonbership.
    'Editor's Notes: JO, there arc no Life Memberships offered at this time. The dues are annual and include the subscription to "THE CUB of the Gulden Linn" our quarterly publication.

Colonel C.C. Cavender
CO/423 Reg. writes
John & Margot
    Thanks so MUCII for the article about the conditions that were found cm the hill outside Schoenberg. Jo,: Nett had told me that his brother -in-law had visited the battlefield and the things that he found there. !shall never forget it. Please let me express rny sincere appreciation for the wonderful job you are doing as Editor for THE CUB.

My classmate, Co. Robinson lives here in Sun City, ended k

    a Regiment in the 79th Division.caunkt He showed mea very nice lapel pin depicting his Division's insignia (the Cross of Lorraine). I am sure:, lapel pin would be greatly appreciated by all members of our Association. Perhaps you could
    11 esent this idea to our Association Officers. alue very highly our Division insignia on a olo necktie which was given to those attending the meeting in Kentucky.
Our plans are all so for my 65th Clans
reunion at West Point, New York May 171h I hru the 20th, 1988.

I hope to see some of the 1111,11bei, of the Class of 43, who joined the Regiment just before we left Camp Jackson.
All the best 10 you and Margot.
Lois and the Colonel

Colonel Charles C. Cavendar, Class of 23, recently celebn it ed hid

    90th birthday (Oct 3, I987), and received a 90 Year Book album from the Association of Cnduates. In his letter of thanks to AOC President Davison '30, Colonel Cavender reminisced on his appoi (ninon to West Point. We think his comments are worth shaling!

Dear General Davison,
May I again express our thanks for the beautiful album, it is beautiful and artistically done.
     We enjoyed looking through it so much and needless to say it brought back many fond Inemories. The picture of me in my Cadet uniform is unbelievingly gowd. I thought "Oh to be young again!"
"Since my appointment was somewhat Unusual I am including a brief outline...

"I was in my 2nd year al Texas ASTM and Imd taken competitive exams for West Point and Annapolis.
     "I had been promised a principal appointment by Congressman Frit, Lanahan, for lune 1918. In November 1917a wave of patriotism swept over the COM pus and cadets were leaving by droves for service in the armed services, SO I enlisted as a volunteer tor the duration of WWI. We were to stay in A&M for 4 1110,1111S studying ,ignal communication,. Wanting to get overseas, I voI unteered for assignment to the 9th Field Signal Br, Stl,

.While in the Argonne, I was selected to compk!le for an appointment to West Pant. I arrived at an

    my billet alter midnight and took the examination tor plane ge(etry the next morning. The War department had been given 90 appointments-- the contestants to be one man ham each regiment in the AEF. Approximately 2110 competed and 18 made a passing grade. "Please nut, 0,0 on, walnut pers.( /11 On the lint who passed the exam was Charles Barret, late head of the Department of Modern Languages. I was roomed with Charlie unliH was turned lback in the spring of 1919 Charlie had a photographic mind and was one of the smartest persons I had ever known. I was turned back in Solid Geometry which Mad successfully completed at Texas A&MI"

Mail Bag
     Lanier Eason, member of 1/422, left the 106th as a replacement for the 60th Infantry Regiment of the 9th Infantry Division.
    In his two page letter, I repeat parts here, he says --I was eventually, after just missing OCS, assigned to the 106th atFort Jackson as it was being "activated."
    Somewhere along the line, I made Start Sergeant and was busted down to a buck private. Following the Spring maneuvers in Tennessee I spent a short time in England and then joined C Company, 60th Reg., 9th Infantry Division during the Normandy Campaign. I fought my "shooting" war with the fantastic Ninth Division, which had first seen action in North Africa.
     I "got mine' during the Northern France Campaign in the late summer of 1944, when I was hit, at point blank range, by a Schmeisser burp gun. I was evacuated to the States in the late fall of 1944, discharged November 1945.
    I entered the University of Virginia in early 46, married a student nurse in late 47 and graduated, with one child on hand, in August 1950. I majored in Commerce (accounting), we lived and worked in various places in Virginia, South Carolina and Florida through to the end of 1983, when I retired as financial manager with the Dept. of the U.S. Navy. We returned to Charleston in 1961 and we remains Isere in retirement.
     Treva, my wife, and I have 3 children. Sidney, a graduate of U. of Georgia, a Captain in the Army Reserves, with two children: Thomas, a graduate of the College of Charleston, who operates his own business, Eason Diving & Marine Contractors, Inc.; Caroline, our only daughter, a graduate of Clemson University, is office manager of Eason Diving. Treva, my wile, a registered nurse has worked very l ittle du ring our 40 years of marriage, preferring to remain home with the children.
    As a result of my confrontation with Use German Schmeisser, I have been rated 100% by the V.A. ever since my discharge. My major accomplishment in life has been my marriage and providing an education for my children. I have very little to brae about, but I have been very happy.
(I think Lanier has a lot to brag about. You have done a great job. Congratulations Lanier! --editor)

Lanier Eason 422/1
436 Wade Hampton Dr, Charleston, South Carolina 291412

Dear Sam,
     I am writing and hoping someone can put me in touch with "Weldon Dennis, formerly of Ft. Worth, Texas." He was with me in 424/F. The last time I saw him was in the 60's when he visited me in Vandalia. All of my letters sent to his Ft Worth address have been returned.
Cecil Clausen, 424/F
911a W. !Inca/,SL Vend:the, Illinois 52471.


Congratulations on your 1st CUB. --Good Job!
     Recently my wife purchased a VCR tape for me. It was Reader's Digest, "History, World Wars in Europe," -- 4 volumes. I viewed the tape of "The Battle of the Bulge." I found it very interesting, Colonel Riggs, Battalion Commander of our 81st Engineers had a prominent Net discussing the defense of St. Vith. Brought back many memories of the snow, cold weather, mud and fellow 106'ers.
December 16th Ralph Hill, an Associate member and I had dinner with our wives, in memory of The Bulge.
    Best wishes to all. Thank you tor your willingness to take over THE CUB, it is the most important "life line" of our Association.

Hope to see you in ROANOKE, September BS.

John I Gallagher, 81st ENG/C

41x3 Fmnmst Si. Temple, l'A 14561)

Happy belated birthday. Received THE
CUB yesterday, it was great. Will have a
    story for you sometime in the Future, my brother Jul was in is P-38 group. He was stationed in Belgium, came to visit me in the Schnee Eifel on the 17th of December, was captured with see on the 19th. Keep up the good job John, yer de POW buddy --"Brose."

Ambrose T. Collier
1013 Walpole Road Grote, New York 13073

     Just received your welcome letter on the 106th Association. I really should have waited until tomorrow to answer, because it is the day I was captured,19 Dec 1944. Ed Kelly 423/17, is the only guy lett that we have kept a Christmas card exchange with. For a few years we kept up with Timm, who also received your letter, but we lost track a few years ago.
The ROANOKE Reunion sounds very interesting to us.
It's been a long time!
J. H. Wafters 423/G
56 Spring Lake I A.
"'incy, Illinois 1,21o1
    Edit°, note-- Senn, here 1 Tin arrow Wands by calling Kelly, after wading a nate km him tor the -Aid Deg.'. 1 wm looking Mr member, dist rued to be in the 01S111 program at the 11. of Alabama. It tow the wrong Kelly, but for no on the trail of Wane„ and Med Hunter, 423/D whom I signed on as new member,
Dear Editor,

    It was a pleasure tor me to attend the National Convention of Ex-Prisoners it War in Charlotte in October, and to rivet a number of former 106th members, many of whom I had not previously met. I managed hi obtain a roster of 35 names. Some pictures were made, but I have been unable to obtain copies to send to you. I have addresses for them if anyone should need. The attendees were:

lEd. note --Kommando = 'Work Camps--Lining in order, Name, Unit and SmIags)
William Lange, 422/1 11l/Kommando

Louis Griyetti, 423/K Slaughterhouse V Drmelen
Dean Redmond, 423/HQ 3BN 411/Ra bermo Kom. mando
George Robertson, 590/C Stalag not hated
George Moore, 422/0 Stalag td listed
_ Ross Gillikin. 42'2/1
Stalae not listed
foe Guigno, 423/A Bergs
Dale Patrick, 589/C Bergs
Marion Blackburn, 422/F Stalag not listed
sores Chesney, 422/G at
tack Sulser, 423/F 611/96
William Wentz, 423/M 4B/4N
Kommando Donald Mgr., 423/M 48/Kommando
Roy Bigger, 423/HQ 12A/41/30/30
Gordon Zicker, 423/HQ
Slaughterhouse V Dresden
lames Bard, 423/1
Stales not listed
C.I. Cooper, 423/HQ 98/90
Robed F., 422/HQ 9B
Tom Lamar, 422/A StaMg not listed
Ralph Bowles, 422/CN 911
Robert Eldridge, 422/G 12A
Wes Eckblad, 422/13

Mike Thome, 422/HQ tBN 411/6A
John Kelly, 423/C Nal, not listed
Charles Harvey, 424/A Hosp. II/lutt


William Diehl, 423/1 Stalag not listed
George So Wham, 423/8 12AMBAIA
Robert Hanna, 422/HQ Stalag not listed
tabs Ezelle, 423/A
Walter Dunn, 422/13 911
Rudy Bluing, 590/C Nal, not listed
Harold Shafer, 423/A nB

Dean Redmond, 422/HQ 38N

n11 North (limier St. ,,,i11°, N.C. 28677

    6clitor, note--s•nd a list 61..11.6, net MuncietMn members to Gill Helwig, 423/M, 2000 Ontario #55, Niks, Michigan 49120, Gill is our membership committee, he is mentioned elsewhere in this CUB.)
Hi John,
     Just a line to thank you for the wonderful job you are doing with THE CUB -- We are proud that we selected you for the job. Keep up the good work. (Paul continued, relating the death of Wilburn (Rip) Wood. The notice of Rip's death, 2 (annoy, appeared in the last CUB.)
Paul McMillan, 422/SV
294 Albormade PI.
Macon, GA 31204

Dear John,
     You don't know me but I know a buddy of yours from 423/M, Joe Fazio, I met Joe at one of our POW seminars at the Highland VAMC in Pittsburgh. He had some papers, maps and your diary amongst other things that you had sent him. I too was a POW at Bad Orb 9B and Zeigenhain 9A. I have copies of diaries from Joe Banish, I don't know which outfit, and from Troy Kimmel of Cannon/922.
    John, I didn't get to read all the material that Joe had, could you send me a copy? Her's a little to cover the postage, Thank you for any material you can send.
    Joe Faziothinks you're OKwith the phone call and all the material you sent, he is glad to get back in touch with the 106th and his old outfit.
Frank Lapato, 422/HQ
Rte 8 Box 403 Kittanning, PA 16201
    (Ed. Note --Frank I was very happy to get in touch with Joe Fazio, he was number 34 on my list of contacts 0611 my former 423/XI comrade,. Since then I have contacted Julian Burnside, they are now 1 Onth Intantry Division Association members, and their resume ale. pears in this publication in the 'New Member° column I also want to thank you for thematerial you sent me On 9B and 9A, your pictures will appear in the August pub. licafion. I have several photos and articles on 9A/18 and 48, and not enough room in this May publication, sorry. I particularly want to thank you for the old CUBS, you sent, Volumes from 1946 through 1948. They are in r The Editorts1CUB file and will be passed along to the next editor should something happen to me. The day before your package arrived I received a package of CUBS from Edward Prewett 424/B, of Brentwood CA. He included CUBS from 19511 to present. My library is growing. I am missing from 1948 to 1950. II anybody would like to donate Cuts to the tFditorix Ubrary5hey will be used solely for the editors research and will passed along to the next editor, or placed in the DNision's Historical files.

Dear John
    Received your M Company Bulletin" of February 10. Please note a change of address to 9210 Bob White Lane, Oakwood, GA 30566. (Change made in 1(16 roster and M Co. roster).
I sent my dues in September, I received a membership card, but Ruth did not. Jesse M. Bishop, 423/G
4210 Bola Whim lane
Oakwood, GA 30566
    (Et Note--Jesse, the wife as an Auxiliary member does not receivea separate card. This has tven the prae ticefor some Mlle. She is registered inthe official records as an Auxiliary member. Thanks for your comments.)

Dear Sam,
     I saw your memo in the Feb-Mar CUB about the patches. I would like 3 shoulder patches and 2 blazer emblems, it they are still available.
     We have quite a few 106th vets here in Bon-ton that I see every week. About 60 POW's meet every week for a discussion session. It's great therapy for us. We also go to High Schools, Civic groups etc and give talks on our POW experiences. We have been very well received,
     I am a very active member in the Massachusetts Charter #1 of the Ex-PO W's. I was in 423/A and was held at Bad Orb for a while and then transferred to Berga on the Elister, the camp was a slave labor camp for American Jewish GI's and undesirables. Check endorsed for $15.(10 use the balance for the Memorial Fund. Joseph Guigno, Sr., 423/A
15 Dix Street Waltham, MA 02154
(Ed note --Sam says thank, 52.00 balance applied to Memorial Fund.)

    First, thanks for taking on THE CUB it was great. I appreciate you listing me on the Mobile Reunion roster. Please correct unit was I/423 before the Bulge and lat after the breakthrough. See you in ROANOKE.
Howard Terrio, 423/1 424/K
4429 Briarwood Rd Columbia, SC MTN
    Ed. note--Sorry Howard, a typo on my pax, tor your Information and others--II you have a dual unit affiliation your unit, appear on the olticNI roster. I loweyer, in nty roster it makes it difficult to son the membership by unit when there are two on ks 41(mn, m I use, until I am notified differently, the unit that was known to be he unit when the 106th went on the hoe II I show two separate unit aNdiations, 11 mo labels, to CUB, etc. So for my purpose, a, lditor,means I have two stick to on, or the other of a multiple unit member. I hanks hir drawingthemistaketomyattenunn.Itu,,yutthe nhurmem • bar, have a preference as to the listed urn-- lot me know.

Dear Sam,
    aJust received THE CUB for Feb-Mar 1988, it brought back fond memories for me, Bing all the former 106'ers at the Reunion in Mobile.
One of these days you will hear me amongst those in attendance. Maybe when you
come to Sacramento, CA, in 1990--God willing.
I will be contacting John Gregory to offer my support for California in 1990. It's not too far away.
    I am still busy with the AX-POW's serving as their National Service Advisor. I am also a member of the POW Advisory Committee, appointed by the Administrator of the Veterans Administrations to advise him on POW matters. We just had a lengthy meeting in Washington discussing such items as autopsies, annual physical examinations, burden of proof of claim.
The VA has agreed to put out instructions for the use of their field offices.
    We also discussed use of the HOT LINE. We encourage all POW's to continue to use the HOT LINE. Another area we discussed was Nursing Home care for the Ex-POW, use of Fee basis cards and the reimbursement for emergency medical care. All three items must have Congressional Action and the two EX-POW or-
    ionizations will prepare resolutions when eir Board of Directors meet. y offer still stands-- if any 106'ers need help, I will be happy to assist ins any way. I
can't promise awards from the VA, but rest assured I will give it my best shot.
Stay in touch, remember the EX-POW National Convention will be in Las Vegas Sept 26-29th 1988.
Warmest Personal Regards,
Col.(AUS Ret) and Mrs Alan Dunbar, 422/HQ
4675 Green Canyon Dr. Las Vegas, Nevada 89103

Dear Johns,
     I joined the 106th Infantry Divisions Associations two years ago and consquently a good old buddy of mine found my address after 42 years.
    Imagine my surprise and delight to hear from Richard Dillard 591/C. We were together for basic training at Bragg, transferred to Atterbury and on to Si. Vith. We stayed ins the same Battery leer the battle until June 1945 when we were separated. We forgot to exchange home addresses.
     Richard is poor in health, has lost his sight and resides in a nursing home. He would like to hear from his former comrades. Would also like to hear from anyone interested. To contact Richard or me, write to my address below.
Eugene Morell, 591/C
12946 Ridge Rd. Fast Wolcott NY 14590

     Thanks for the planned meeting for the 106th last December, it was my first and I shall attend from now on. The dinner was very good, and the camaraderie was great. I wonder if you might have record of a name"NARDICK?" I was an ammo bearer on the 18th of December 1944 -- on the morning of the 19th we were lying side by side. During an artillery barrage, he lost his right leg-1 never saw him again, except he was driven away by the Krauts in one at our captured 6X6 trucks. He was alone, sitting erect, as I remember him. He was large framed, about 230 pounds and dark skinned.
He told me he was from the Chicago area, I don't remember the first name, so that makes it difficult.
    I'm looking forward to the ROANOKE Reunions this summer. Maybe we can had someone who remembers him. I assume he was in 423/E, as I was just picked at random to be his ammo bearer.

It would be nice to have a complete nester of E/423 it might stop a lot of wondering, H. Storey Edwards, 423/E
$28 Cherokee Ln.
Signal Mountain, TN 37377

    100 note--In a note to me. I have changed your unit affiliation inthe roster. Thanks tor the good words about THE CUB. In July of 1945 the 105 !Mar.)/ Division cut General Order #51, which listed at the personnel known that were eligible for the Combat Infantry Badge. It listed 4 categories. Catergowl, thowthat were known to be Killed In Action. Category II, those that were still missing in action as or July 31, 1945. Category III, those that were still listed as Prisoners of Was as ol July 31, 1945, and Category IV those that sow, known to be rele.tattd or where there present unit was unknown.

    I or your information, in refer to .173/1, there are no men listed in Category 1. there were six listed in Category II--'missing in action.. I hey were Privates I cc
    Anderson, Richard Assessor, Julius Riven, and Worth Johnson; PLC's LawrenceCore, One Quinn and 2nd Lt. Charles Mangieri.
    At that time, July 31, there were no 423/L men shown listed as still being prisoners of war. I can only guess that your friend NARDICK could have been listed in Category I . I hate only 423/L and 423/M listings on that Category.
    If you are like me questions came to my mind when I read this order. KIA is self explanatory, they were reported or found to be Killed in Action. Category II "Missing M Action"shows that they had not been reported by the Germans a prisoners, nor had they been found on the battlefield as our troops swept back over the area. It doesn't mean that they were killed in the battle, it could have been that they died before being registered as pris and that their death was not reported by Me Germansoners, . Eg Ina bombing raid, or on the way to the registration camp. Catergory III shows that they had registered as prisoners, but no report of them was available as of July 31, 1545. Could be they died in camps, records were fouled up etc. If we could look back at a similar Wing say in December, 1,43 some of this could be cleared up. Somebody somewhere has the Order #51, dated July Sc, 1545 at it reinter to 423/E. I will do some inquiries and let you know if we can come up with that list.

Dear Sherod,
l am enclosing my wife's and my dues for 1988.
    Place my name with the Service Company/424. I was Regimental S-4 from the first day in the life of the Division until it's (the Regiment's) colors were retired at Camp Shanks, Tarrytown, NY in October of 1945.
     I reported to Ft. Benning from the 80th infantry Division, I plan, Lord willing, to be at ROANOKE. I will be 78 years old when I am at the 1988 Roanoke Reunion.
Tiller E. Carter, 424/HQ
21406 Horseshoe Loop Lago Vista, TX 78645

     Afterreading the first two editions of THE CUB that you were responsible for, I wanted to write and compliment you. Very well done.
     As a member of 424/HQ 2BN from March 44 until July 45,I have had a deep and lasting interest in reading in depth of anything I've ever heard of having to do with the Battle of the Bulge.
     Also I have been a member of the Division-Association over the years, attending the first Indianapolis Reunions, missing those in between until going to Morgantown, WV and Columbia SC. Missed Mobile but will be at Roanoke.
     As you have discovered from your trip to Mobile, the nostalgia darn near overwhelms you and the tears rise when the least expected, tears that you thought had dried over the decades since '44 and '45. My problem I found was regret. Regret I hadn't attended more of the reunions, in the past. Now most of no are in or 60's and 70's or more, we realize the years have dwindled down, and we better take the time to do what we can before time takes it's toll.
     Frankly, two of the very best and most enjoyable social times I have had in the last twenty years were those at Morgantown and Columbia. Two platoon buddies and their wives were there and that made it more endearing.
Glenn Ross, Marion Indiana and Dill ld
Franni, Farmington, Michigan were t Men.

    By the way, John please check your records on Glenn, Rick and me. We were all in 424/HQ 213N. THE CUB shows them as 424/HQ. (corrected--Ed.)

Again, John --Good Job!
Don Kersteiner, 424/HQ 2BN
558 New I dndon Rd.
I lamiltan, OH 45013

Dear John,
     Thank you tor another fine issue of THE CUB. Having been a member for almost a score of years, attended dozens of exciting reunions and even been president one year, I appreciate such detailed news of the Association's activities.
    It seems strange that, having been so much in the midst of things tor many years, I should know so few of the members mentioned.
    It would be a very exciting experience to attend another reunion and renew with the many I do remember. We are fortunate we have the Association, so few Divisions do.
     Helen's and my health preclude any traveling sowe settle fora happy lite in iv .1: retirement home on Lake Minnetonka. I particularly appreciated the coverage ctrl gave to General McMahon in your iir,4 edition. He was one of cur best friend, H.M. (Jim) Hatch, DIV/HQ
ISM East Road Wayzata, MN 55591
    (Editor's note 16 April) Jim has been ill and has had heart surgery. There are, or were some blood clot problems. If I hear more I will include it here.

Dear Friends,
I hope you all had a Blessed Easter.
    In January Stella and John Gallagher stopped by and visited with me for a while. It was sure nice having them here and hope they will stop in again.
    From what I hear of the weather I think they should have stayed in Florida a little longer big trip was to Las Vegas tor a few ys, sorry to say I didn't win any big money.
    Linda Rossi came and spent a day with me and Lou came in the evening and took us out, and I saw Vegas at night. The dazzling bright lights are something to see. It was cold and windy and we did not do much walking.
The big name shows are not around in January; butwe did see some pod shows and got some good laughs.
Linda and Lou Rossi are well and like living out that way.

To John Kline, a very nice CUB, Thanks. Love to all
Majorie DeHeer, ASSOC
Palm Coast, FL 58137

My new address is as follows: Hugh Hochstetter, 424/I
847 Catherine Court
Grayslake, IL 60030

81st ENCW 2nd Platoon
MRMeisner, Shouts, Nourr, I utima, ^ lamer

    I would like to hear from anyone that was in the 81st Engineers, especially the 2nd Platoon of A Company. My first reunion was at Columbia, and again last year at Mobile. I met fellows trim the 81st, but none from the 2nd Platoon. Would appreciate hearing from any of the 81st guys. Roy S. Sheets 81st Eng/A
H..C.R. 67 Boo 109 tele: 717-734-3819
Mifflin, PA 17058 717-734-3769

Dear John
    I have been receiving THE CUB for the last 6 months and I think you and your stall are doing 2 fine job. Please change my unit to 423/MED
Richard S. Juriga 423/MED
1169 Memorial Drive
Calumet City, IL 60409
    (Editor's note) Dick, Thanks for the compliment--The only staff I have is an 80 lb hunting dog and three ca.. THE CUB 0 put together M my basement, I do all the typing and layout, then take the sheets to the printer who makes hill tonm of the pictures and pastes them onto the squares I leave for the photos. Every word is typed and retyped by me and my truoy computer. I use a -Publishing Program' that allows me to layout the articles yety much Ike a publisher or newspaper ca. I he work that I do saves the Association a lot of money that was used tor twine cos..

Call 1-800-873-3768 for information

    Registration forms, Instructions, Tour schedules and Reunion activities schedule were sent to every 106th Infantry Division Association member, First Class mail, the week of April 19th, 1988.

    If you did not receive the information contact the Registration Chairman --Mr: Fred J. Farris, 104 Pinehurst SL, Salem, VA 24513-- or Committee Chairpersons Mr & Mrs Ralph (Elizabeth) Bowles, 3637 Grandview Ave., Roanoke, VA 24012--tele: 703-362-5081.
    Send your reservations to the Registration Chairman, as indicated in the form -- DO NOT send Reunion monies to Sherod Collins.

    Notice that you must make your HOTEL RESERVATIONS with the Hotel, not with the Reservations Chairman. He handles the Association Reunion reservations only.

    • In the sante envelope was a return envelope for your 1988-89 Association Membership dues. Dues run con-currently from July 1 to July 1. DO NOT pay your dues to the Reunion Registration Chairman.

. Mail your dues to Sherod Collins, Treasurer, 448 Monroe Trace, Kenness:v, Georgia, 30144 --
    • If your dues are not paid by July 31, 1988 you will be removed from thi roster and will not receive any further mailing of THE CUB.

    . THE CUB is being mailed 3rd Class mail-- IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO NOTIFY US OF ANY ADDRESS CHANGES--we cannot be responsible for the forwarding of Third Class Mail.
• COMING NEXT ISSUE -- August 15th, 1988 mailing.
• Photos and Articles on Stalags 9A, 9B and 4B

    . The story of Col Thomas J. Riggs 5000 mile travel by truck, train, boat and airplane to return to his unit, the 81st Engineers, after his escape from a POW Camp in Poland.

. More NEW Members, our MAIL BAG of letters from members

• Last minute updates on the Roanoke Reunion and a new roster.

. If we missed your letter in this issue, we'll try in the next.

    . The Editor is looking for back issues of THE CUB from Vol 5, No. 2, Oct-Nov 1948 to Vol 16, No. 1, Sep-Oct, 1959. They will be used for Historical Research on past articles. He has on file CLIBs from August1946 to Nov1948, and from Sep-Oct 59 to present. They will be passed to future Editors.

President Roger Rutland
1st Vice--Pres. Dr. John G. Robb
2nd Vice Pres Orfeo E. Agostini
Treasurer Sherod Collins
Adjutant Samuel P. Carla.
Historian Sherod Collins
CUB Editor John Kline
Memorials Chairman .... Douglas Coffey
    The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association includes subscription to the CUB.
     Send editorial matter to: John P. Kline--Editor "°Al2,,ttln".1="l Send business matters, inquiries, death reports, address changes to: Col. Samuel P. Cariano--Adjulant ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP DUES ARE DUE BY JULY 1 EACH YEAR.
    Send membership dues and contributions to the Memorial Fund to: Sherod Collins--Treasurer Make checks payable to "106th Infantry Division Association." Membership Dues $10.00 per year Associate Dues $10.00 per year Auxiliary Dues $2.00 per year Sant P. Cariano -- Adjutant

Board of Directors 1987-19881
Orleo E. Agostini A/81st ENG 202 lizabet5;.,annV, CA 31313

Benjamin Be Britton 0424 :eiltil"m"'
Col. Samuel P. Cariano DIV/HQ 305 Parks!. Pl. Izin,)tozo ad, FL 32q37 May 10-Nov 1, P6'
Douglas S. Coffey C/590
John R. Fritz HQ/424
Charles S. Garn H/424 .7 1-1,0bridge 12,V=17, falls, 0114-1221
Robert A. Gilder HQ 1BN/424 16303 0eAr, Divp6NZZIrville.01-1,103S
John 0. Gilliland SV/592
John A. Gregory 0424 46" %tlirl7""
Glen 0. Hartlieb SV/592 1005 Ciliveaattl IL 622,9
William Lucsay B/423 12612 South nno=11ei,hts, tso,:t
Col. Joseph Matthews, Jr. HQ/422
Thomas J. Maw A/592 4"-,74z1;;"'""r"
John F. McDevitt A/81st ENG ''"'
Paul McMillan SV/422 29a akenutf,2,r,3,1, La 31204
Dr. John G. Robb D/422 1313 oaVo^ei,getIle, PA 1,055
Roger M. Rutland B/424 6632 AU, WtR=umbia, SC 29206

Index for: Vol. 44 No. 3, Apr, 1988

Index for This Document

100th Inf. Div., 21
106th Div., 2, 23, 36
106th Inf. Div., 3, 4, 5, 7, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 30, 31, 39, 48, 51, 52
106th Infantry Division Association, 2, 3, 4, 12, 16, 18, 25, 51, 52
106th Sig. Co., 15
28th Inf. Div., 19, 34
422/K, 30
422/M, 31
422nd Inf., 13, 20
422nd Inf. Regt., 14
422nd Regt., 14
423rd Med. Det., 18
423rd Regt., 32
424/A, 45
424/C, 37
424/D, 37
424/I, 51
424th Inf. Regt., 38
424th Regt., 24
79th Div., 42
81st Eng/Hq, 41
81st Engr., 12, 40, 41, 44, 51, 52
82nd Abn. Div., 21
9th Inf. Div., 43
'A Time For Trumpets', 15
Africa, 43
Agostini, Orfeo, 4
Agostini, Orfeo E., 52
Allen, Calvert, 19
Amsterdam, 12
Anderson, Richard, 49
Anglin, Lloyd, 19
Ardennes, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 24
Ardennes Offensive, 16
Arlington National Cemetery, 25
Aspinwall, Frank, 38
Bad Orb, 28, 29, 30, 33, 35, 46, 47
Bailes, Russell G., 33
Barsema, Donald, 41
Bastogne, 12
Battle of the Ardennes, 21
Battle of the Bulge, 2, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 44, 49
Baudouin, King, 12
Belgium, 8, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23, 44
Berga, 29, 47
Bied, Dan, 14
Bigger, Roy, 19, 45
Binder, Clarence M., 39
Bishop, Jesse M., 47
Bitter Woods, 15, 16
Black, Rev. Ewell, 2
Blackburn, Marion, 45
Borbely, Frank, 39, 40
Bosle, Robert H., 19
Bowles, Ralph, 45
Bowles, Ralph & Elizabeth, 1
Braaten, Carl, 31
Braunschweig, 35
Britton, Benjamin, 4
Britton, Benjamin B., 4
Broadbent, Thomas D., 40
Brown, 1st Lt. Charles E., 23
Brown, Bernard T., 36
Brown, Kenneth H., 29
Brunswick, 35
Brussels, 11
Bryan, James B., 29
Bryant, Jack, 37
Buchenwald, 29
Buckley, Vincent, 31
Buckley, Vincent J., 31
Byrd, Austin, 11
Cadillac, 13
Cahill, John A., 32
Camarda, Vincent, 34
Camp Atterbury, 13, 37
Camp Lucky Strike, 38
Camp Myles Standish, MA, 14
Camp Shanks, 49
Cariano, Col. Samuel P., 52, 53
Cariano, Sam, 27
Cariano, Samuel P., 3, 4
Carter, Tiller E., 49
Cavanaugh, Joseph A., 25
Cavanaugh, Paul, 11
Cavender, Col., 42
Cavender, Col. C. C., 42
Chesney, 45
Coffey, Doug, 1, 11, 12
Coffey, Douglas, 2, 52
Coffey, Douglas S., 3, 4, 5, 53
Cole, Hugh M., 15
Collier, Ambrose T., 44
Collins, John, 19
Collins, John S., 19
Collins, Sherod, 1, 3, 11, 20, 24, 27, 39, 40, 51, 52
Coulee, 1, 21, 22, 23
Cowan, Pfc. Thomas B., 23
Cox, Phil, 31
Cox, Phillip D., 31
Creehan, Arthur J., 19
CRIBA, 21, 22
Dark December, 14
Death of A Division, 16
DeHeer, Dick, 17
DeHeer, Majorie, 3, 50
DeHeer, Richard, 34
DeLaval, Dr., 21
Denmark, 2
Devaty, Raymond S., 19
Dill, Richard, 48
Division History, 7
Dover, 11
Downing, Buster, 39
Dresden, 14, 32, 33, 34, 36, 45
Duke, Monroe, 18
Dunbar, Alan, 48
Dunn, Walter, 46
Eason, Lanier, 43
Eisenhower, John S. D., 16
Elbe, 33
Eldridge, Robert, 45
Embury, Bob, 18
Emmert, David, 38
Emmert, David S., 38
English, Daniel F., 40
Erie, 12
Fallingbostel, 39
Farris, Fred J., 51
Fazio, Joseph R., 34
Fischer, John J., 26
Flick, Robert, 19, 20
Flick, Robert F., 19
Fontaine, Serge, 21, 22, 23
Foster, Bruce, 20
Foster, Capt., 20, 21
Fowler, William K., 11
Fox, Robert J., 30
France, 12, 14, 36, 43
Fritz, John, 38
Fritz, John R., 3, 4, 53
Ft. Jackson, SC, 27, 38
Gallagher, John, 12, 13
Gallagher, John & Stella, 11
Gallagher, Stella & John, 50
Garn, Charles S., 53
Gerlach, Phil, 37
Germany, 13, 21, 22, 24, 25, 36
Gilder, Robert A., 4, 53
Gilliland, John, 4
Gilliland, John O., 4
Ginther, Keith, 33
Glasgow, 11
Goodman, Benny, 17
Green, James C., 30
Gregory, John, 4, 47
Gregory, John A., 4, 53
Grimes, George, 37
Grimes, George O., 37
Grimes, Robert, 32
Guigno, Joseph, 47
Gunvalson, Russ, 28, 30
Gunvalson, Russell, 26, 31
Hall, M/Sgt., 38
Harris, Abner, 13
Harris, William B., 38
Harvey, Charles, 45
Hatch, H.M. (Jim), 50
Helmstedt, 35
Helwig, Gill, 26, 27, 29, 31, 32, 33, 36, 39, 41, 46
Henri Chapelle, 11
Henri Chapelle Cemetery, 11
Hester, Kenneth, 19
Hill, Ralph, 44
Howell, Robert, 5
Howland, Everett, 31
Howland, Everette W., 31
Hubert, Andre, 21
Huddleston, Lt., 23
Huminski, Ed, 19
Huminski, Edwin C., 19
Hunt, Kenneth, 36
Hunter, David, 32
Jackson, Harry, 19, 20
Janicke, Jack, 3
Janicke, Jack M., 15
Janosky, Walt, 19
Jones, Gen., 3
Jones, John, 40
Jones, John A., 40
Jones, Mrs. Alan, 3
Jones, William, 27
Jones, William T., 27
Juriga, Richard S., 36, 51
Karnes, Herbert M., 39
Keenan, Peter Edward, 25
Kelly, Ed, 44
Kelly, John, 45
Kelly, Robert E., 13
Kersteiner, Don, 50
Klett, James R., 11
Kline, John, 1, 15, 32, 34, 35, 50, 52
Kline, John P., 52
Koblenz, 14
Kommando, 34, 45
Korbel, George, 28
Korea, 24, 29, 33
Krueser, Leo, 19
Kwaczek, Carl, 19, 20
Kwaczek, Carl S., 19
La Vaux, 22
Lamar, Thomas M., 27
Lane, William M., 31
Lang, William, 45
Lange, William, 45
Langham, Francis, 19
Langham, Francis S., 19
Lapato, Frank, 46
LeHarve, 14
Leige, 11
Leige, Belgium, 11
Leipzig, 13
Liege, 11, 12
Limburg, 32, 33
Lion In the Way, 38
Livesey, H. B., 38
London, 11, 14, 39
Longest Day, 13
Lorraine, 41, 42
Loveless, John, 11
Lucero, Isaac, 27
Lucero, Isaac A., 27
Lucky Strike, 38
Lucsay, William, 4, 53
MacDonald, Charles B., 15
Martin, John, 19
Martin, John B., 19
Mason, Frank L., 37
Matthews, Col. Joseph, 53
Maw, Thomas J., 4, 53
Mays, Joseph A., 29
McAuliffe, Gen., 12
McCarron, Don, 18
McDevitt, Jack, 28
McDevitt, John F., 4, 53
McKay, 1st Lt., 23
McMahon, Gen., 39, 50
McMillan, Paul, 4, 46, 53
McMurray, Bill, 11
McMurray, William C., 39
McVoy, Robert, 36
McVoy, Robert E., 36
Memorials, 4, 8, 52
Merz, Paul, 4, 19
Mileski, Marion, 18
Miller, Glenn, 13
Montgomery, James, 33
Morell, Eugene, 48
Mosolf, William J., 24
Murawski, Alexander, 37
Myles Standish, 14
Neiweem, Edward P., 40
Nelson, Edward, 19
Newcastle, 31
Nixon, Richard, 11
Noon, Cletus, 19
Noon, Cletus E., 19
Normandy, 24, 43
North Africa, 43
Northern France, 43
Northern France Campaign, 43
Norway, 2
Okinawa, 29
Ostend, 11
Palazzo, Tony, 41
Pankert, Herr Joseph, 4
Paris, 12
Parkers Crossroad, 21
Patrick, Dale, 45
Patton, Gen., 16
Patton, Gen. Oliver, 16
Peterson, Dick, 18
Photos, 52
Pitts, Mrs., 41
Poland, 36, 52
Prewett, Edward, 46
Prewett, Reddie, 1
Prisoner of War, 27
Puett, Joseph, 5
Redmond, Dean, 45, 46
Regal, Roy, 33
Reunions, 48, 49
Revisit the Battle of Coulee, 1
Rhine, 13
Ridgeway, Gen., 24
Rigatti, Richard, 19
Rigatti, Richard L., 19
Riggs, Col., 44
Riggs, Thomas J., 52
Robb, Dr. John G., 52, 53
Robb, John G., 5
Robertson, George, 45
Rogers, Francis J., 31
Rommel, 13
Rosalia, John, 32
Rosenberg, Winfield, 28
Ross, Frank, 37
Ross, Frank E., 37
Rossi, Linda, 50
Rossi, Linda & Lou, 50
Roy, Charles, 39
Roy, Charles J., 39
Rudnick, Miron, 29
Rutland, 1st Sgt. Roger, 22
Rutland, Roger, 1, 4, 5, 22, 23, 52
Rutland, Roger M., 53
Salber, Joe, 18
Sandberg, Bob, 37, 40, 41
Sandberg, Robert, 26, 40, 41
Schlesser, Jack, 40
Schnee Eifel, 44
Schoenberg, 21, 42
Sheets, Roy S., 51
Shur, Robert, 13, 33
Siegfried Line, 14
Slutzky, 1st Lt. Herman, 23
Slutzky, Lt., 23
Spineaux, 22
Spineux, 23
St. Vith, 5, 7, 8, 12, 21, 22, 27, 41, 44
St. Vith, Belgium, 8, 21
Stalag 4-B, 30, 32, 33, 34, 36
Stalag 8-A, 35
Stalag 9-B, 30
Stalag 9B, Bad Orb, 30
Stalag IV-A, 36
Stalag IV-B, 13
Stalag IX-A, 33
Stalag XI-B, 41
Starmack, John, 36
Starmack, John S., 36
Stavelot, 23
Stavelot, Belgium, 23
Strickler, Gen., 11
Strong, George, 32
Strong, George W., 32
Sturgeon, Debra Jean (Dj), 24
Stuttgart, 24, 36
Stuttgart, Germany, 24
Sweden, 2
Terrio, Howard, 47
The Battle of the Bulge, 2, 15, 16, 19, 44
The Battle Of The Bulge, 15, 16
The Bitter Woods, 15
The Lion's Tale, 7, 12
The Longest Day, 13
The Silent Snow, 16, 17
Thome, Michael, 4, 17, 18
Thome, Mike, 45
Time For Trumpets, 15
Tomlinson, Ryan, 33
Tomlinson, Ryan E., 33
Ulrich, James L., 19
Underwood, Jake, 40
V-2 Rocket, 14
Valenstein, Col. Earl, 41
Vance, George T., 20
VBOB, 21
Venegoni, Vincent J., 35
Vielsalm, 22
Vietnam, 24
Villwock, Russell, 3, 4, 26, 37
Villwock, Russell H., 5
Walker, June & Bob, 19
Wanne, 21, 22
Ward, Duke, 3
Ward, Nathan D., 5
Weiner, Milton, 18
Welch, Col., 23
Welch, Lamar A., 23
Welch, Lt. Col., 22
Wells, Jim, 3
Wentz, William, 21, 45
Wessels, Robert R., 28
West Point, 13, 42
White, Col. Wolfred K. (Fred), 24, 25
White, Lt. Wolfred K. (Fred), 24
White, William H., 27
White, Wolfred K., 23, 24
Wilson, William, 27
Wing, Carlton, 36
Wing, Carlton P., 36
Wolfred K. White Law Library, 24
Wood, Eric, 12
Woolcock, Lt., 23
Woolcock, Lt. Daniel B., 23
Wyatt, Van S., 5
Yanchik, Pete, 19, 20
Yelchan, Albert M., 20
Yelochan, Albert, 20
Zampieri, Tullio, 27
Zeigenhain, 46
Zewe, William A., 20
Zicker, Gordon, 45