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The Cub
Vol. 48, No. 4, Jul., 1992

106th Presents CUB Review to Anderson POW Museum

Photo: Russell Gunvalson and Pete House, 590/A with Supt. Fred Boyles in middle.

As the fiscal year closes, "Thanks to you all ...."

It's hard for me to realize that my term of office is so quickly drawing to an end. The year has passed rapidly.
    I wish to thank you, the members of the 106th Infantry Division Association, my Officers and the Board of Directors, for the confidence and support that you have given me in my term as your president. It has truly been an honor to serve with you.
    The total membership reported at last year's reunion was 1,491. I understand that as this is being written that the membership is 1,605.That in itself is remarkable.
    Elsewhere in this CUB you will find an article on the upcoming dedication ceremony of the Camp Atterbury Veteran's Memorial. I intend to be there along with other 106th Division members. It will be a momentous occasion, a grand tribute to the divisions that passed through Camp Atterbury. Please try to be present.
Each Division representative will have a few moments of time for a short speech. will respond as your president.
    I received a letter that states Bernie Osterrneyer and Philip Cox, 423/B are donating a large Memorial Wreath to be placed on the display. We wish to thank them for that. Also, I would like to mention that funds are still needed to put the finishing touches to the Memorial. I know you have been generous, but a little more would help.
    C. L. Cooper, our 2nd Vice-President has regretfully submitted his resignation. We are looking for a replacement for him within the board, and ask that if there are any volunteers to fill in his spot on the board, please step forward.
    All of the committee chairman have reported that they are on track. We will hear their reports in Pittsburgh. 1 want to again thank them and their committee members for their cooperation. They play a vital part in the organization.
    I recently had lunch with the CUB editor, John Kline and his wife Margot, while visiting my daughters in Minnesota. He told me that there are still many members that have not paid their July I, 1992 membership fees. This CUB will be the last sent to those of you that have not paid unless your dues are paid. Please send your 1992-93 membership fees (July I, 1992 to June 30, 1993) to Sherod Collins, our Treasurer. We want you as a member and do not want to drop members by default or oversight.
Again, thanks for your support. I hope to see many of you in Pittsburgh in late August.
Michael Thome, president
106th Infantry Division Association

106..4660 D.i.osi A...tlan Rada
Nichea N. Thor - 1991-1992
Madquacon MI6 aodnem-1u Butalian
The CUB of she Golden Lion
Thoughts on the Fourth of July...
    I sit writing this on July 3rd 1992 and in the distance I hear the rumble of thunder. Its sound is reminiscent of artillery of which many of us heard all too often long ago.
    Facing July 4th, tomonow, and looking back at some of the things which have taken place in our nation over the past few years I can't help but wonder what the future holds. In ourearliestyears our nation was a haven forpeople from other countries who wanted to make a new beginning in a place where the differences of binh could be bridged by hard work. They asked nothing more than the chance to work and the opponunity to raise their families in a peaceful land. True, them were differences but on the whole they seemed to have thought of themselves first and fore mostly as "Americans." The Black side of my family came to Charleston, South Carolina, about 1790, and the other branches came over even earlier from England and Northern Ireland. Yet I have never thought of myself as being a hyphenated American --unless you count the fact that I am from the South. Our nation which was for so long looked upon as a "melting pot" where people of all nations could conic and join together to form a new nation, seems now to be caught up in a frenzy dividing itself along the lines of long left behind countries. With the shameful exception of the Africans, all of our ancestors came because they wanted to leave old things and old ways behind and start anew.
    When we look at what is taking place in Africa and Europe today, we see that most of the problems stem from tribal problems. Unable or unwilling to put old ways aside, they kill one another and destroy their countnes so that their particular culture and tribe may dominate.
    When God called Abraham out of Ur to go to the land of Canaan he left behind the old ways and eventually became --through his descendants-- a new nation and people. Though buffeted on all sides by other civilizations and ways, these people eventually became the nation of Israel. As such they did pretty well until the influx of people from other nations with other ways began to pull them apart.
    Like Israel of old, our nation was founded (for the most part)by the descendants of Abraham, either spiritual or physicalft.e. the Christians and the Jews). While all of us tended to follow our old denominations in worshiping God, this did not usually lead to divisiveness.
    Although I do not usually reach into the New Testament in deference to ourlewish members. 1 ask them to bear with me this time!
    Jesus of Nazareth warned that a house (nation) divided against itself could not stand. Paul in writing to the Christians in Rome reminded them that we Gentiles, were just being grafted onto the tree (Judaism) which was already growing and cultivated.
    For this day I would ask our nation to malice that our strength comes from our melting together than from our gulling apart. It is said that no chain can be stronger than its weakest link. Likewise, no nation can be any stronger than its weakest part. We found out in combat that cut oft by ourselves we could not stand against outside forces (the Germans).
    Father, God, help us to weave the strands together that the nation may be strong, That we, Christian and Jew, alike may truly make these United States of America one nation under God.

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02/.^ --106th Inf. Div. Assoc
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From the editor's outpost....
CUB PASSES in Review.
    The first 1,820 copies have been sold and delivered. A 1st reprint order has been placed and will be ready for delivery about the first week in August.
The NEW PRICE is $18.50 postage paid to your address. This is still the best buy you could find for such a book.
Mail your order to Sherod Collins, 448 MOM. Trace, Kennesaw, GA 30144 - include $18.50 postpaid. Still a Great Buy.
Did you notice the bayonet in the photo on page 48 of the Apr-May-Jun 1992 CUB?
    The Army Serial Number appears to be H-2553. Ill remember right we used to ninth initial of our last name the last four digits of our ASN as en I.D. mark.
    I searched the 423rd and 424th Combat Infantry Badge lists and found a near match. It was ASN: 42 052 553, which belonged to Pvt Adam V. Billick,Co 'I', 423rd Combat Infantry Regiment. The weapons in that photo were found near Schonberg and 'I' Co, 423rd cer minty was there.
    He shows up as one of the survivors on that CBI list, but is rota member of the Association. Anybody know him? Maybe the "H" the photo was realty a "B," but time made the letter illegible! I likc little mysteries like that!
    To correct the records, Pete House, who 1 gave credit for the photo on page 48 says it was sent to him by the Museum.
    Also on page 30 - Dr. Neel was a 422nd Regiment Chaplain, not from the 28th Div. Then on page 29 the photo of Dr. and Mrs. Neel was by Dean Sandald, not Pete House
Extra CUBS...
    Due to the many requests and the added cost of handling, extra CUBs will be sold at a price of $2.50 each, including postage and handling. Considering the small annual dues fees of $10.00 (the Life mte is also promulgated from that rate) it is felt that a charge must be applied to requests for extra CUBs. Extra CUBs, when available are in the possesion of the editor...0
Four members of 423/M, third platoon held a semi-centennial reunion in Las Vegas, June 8th
to 12th We had not seen each other since 1945 and had only began communicating in 1991.
As you Might guess, it was a very emotional and memorable occasion,
L/R (Women not shown) Gene and Helen Schmanski, Al and Lenore Jagodainski;
Joe and Pat Tyler and John and Doris Human.
The CUB ophe Golden Lion 3
Searching for
"The Missing Gap"
by Dan Bled, 422/A
151 Holiday Teneee
West Burlington, IA 52655
    There seems to be a gap in my military career. It covers several weeks in the summer of 1944 and [don't think I'll ever figure out what I did and where I did it. My theory, after some long deliberation, is that I must have spent most ofJune that year at Ft., Meade, Md., where I reported after a week at home following my basic training at Camp Wolters, Tex. I remember going to Ft., Meade and that's about ft. I reported to Camp Atterbury on July 7, 1944, and can't even remember any details about the train ride from Maryland to Indiana.
    I was inducted in January, 1944 at Des Moines, and spent 17 weeks at Camp Welters in a radio-infantry unit. I had expressed a preference for the Signal Corps, since I was an avid photographer in high school. I'd apparently scored well enough on an aptitude test at the induction center (Camp Dodge) to get into an outfit that was devoted to teaching guys to operate field radios and learn to send and receive the Morse code. We got a lot of infantry training, also, and after the 17
    Dan Bied has authored and sell published seven books. totaling e.4111 copies. He is a regular writer for th Dos Moines County News and other local papers. II Sept DJ when I ran across a couple at Dan's newspaper columns. that he hadunt to Dick DeHeer our lab. editor. I immediately took a liking to his style. Fortunately he agreed to furnish a quarterly column. His first column for The CUB appeared in the AprMay-Jun 1988 edition and he has furnished a story for every CUB since.
    Dan. once again. thanks for your contribution of vit. humor and knowledge to The CUB. You have made my work easier and your words have given the troops enjoyment and remembrances of the things at the past. John Kline. editor
    weeks I was offered an opportunity to go to Ft. Bening for advanced schooling. I'd had my fill of radio, particularly the Morse code part of it. Most of the guys with me had been "hams" in civilian life and they knew more about radio than our instructors. It was tough trying to keep up with the other GI's and I figured it would be tougher yet at Ft. Bening. I was just 18 and getting a kick out of firing rifles, bazookas, rifle grenades, etc. Famous last words: "There's a war on," I told my parents and friends, "and I might as well be in the middle of it. So I'm going overseas as a replacement in a rifle company!"
    Cooler heads prevailed, however. Someone at the Pentagon realized that the death rate for teen-age infantry replacements was going through the roof So, apparently while I was at Ft. Meade in June, 1944, a mling was made that guys my age could go overseas with units but not as replacements.
I must have been at Ft. Meade several weeks because my training in Texas had
4 The CUB edge Golden Llon
ended in late May and 1 was only home a week for a "delay en route" between assignments.
    1 do remember being in Washington, D.C. on July 4, 1944. I took a bus, or train, from Ft. Meade and expected the city to be busy with parades, band music, etc. Actually, it was like a ghost town. Absolutely nothing was going on The next thing I remember is arriving In the Co. A area of the 422nd at Camp Atterbury. I remember getting off a truck and going to the mess hall where, ominously, some of sergeants were doing KP chores.
    I was assigned to KP right off the bat, of course, and stayed on KP too long as the 106th was filled up with guys from here, there and everywhere. It irked me to be confused with the cooks. "I'm not a cook," I'd explain. "I'm a rifleman!" You all know as well as I do what happened to me, and to all of you, from July of 1944 through April of 1945. The only thing I can figure about the missing month in my military career is that ! did nothing at Ft. Meade for at least three weeks. Therefoin,1 don't remember it except for the day in Washington. If you have any ideas let me know. 27.. V41. 45244
CUB Laughs by George Levine 424/M
"No, Son, the Screaming Meemies' I heard
In the 'BULGE' were not a Rock 'n' Roll Group' "

The CUB of the Golden Lion
Milt Schober, 424/F Returns to Europe
Mitt Schober. 424/F at the Memorial in Spineux Belgium eroded by the villagers ORO
in honor of the 624th Combat Infantry Regiment a d the 112th Combat Infantry Regiment (28th Div)
Story and Photos by
Milton Schober, 424/F
4032 Lee Street
Skokie, IL 60076
For the past several years I have seen in ME CUB a number of references to CRIBA, (Center for the
    Research and Information on the Battle of the Ardennes)and I have read the stones of 106th Division men who have been helped by members of this organization. The thought has crossed my mind that should 1 return to the Ardennes one more time, it would be nice to have the assistance of a "local" in finding places and in conversing with the Belgian people. Well I saw the opportunity in March ('92) a full page airline ad heralded bargain basement airline fares to Europe, so I suggested to my wife that we visit our son and daughter-in-law who live in the Netherlands. Great idea, says she, no we were off and
    So now the question of how to contact CRIBA, thumbing through some of the old CUBS. I came across a story by Don Beseler in the Jan - Mar 1989 edition which concluded with a couple of addresses of CRIBA members. I picked the first name, Serge Fontaine, and composed a long letter reciting my Ardennes action. I suggested meeting during the period May 14-18 when I knew my son could be away from his work. 1 enclosed the photo of a young Belgian, Gilbert Ridiemont, who had helped me get water when I was left behind an December 12, 1944, to guard supplies when Company F moved to the "Front" to replace a company of the 2nd Division, Also enclosed was a photo of twenty or so young people of Wanne which I had picked up along the way. The response from Serge was quick. lie asked if I could make my visit on May 8 because he and his wife Suzanne would be vacationing in France the following week, He made it clear that I was welcome under

Milt Schober, 424/F Returns to Europe
    any circumstances and that other CRIBA members would be aware of my visit. As another contact he gave me the address and telephone number of his neighbor (also of CRIBA), Joseph Dejardin. Serge also indicated that Gilbert Ridiemont was alive and living in Liemeux, Belgium. Commenting on the other photo I had sent, Serge identified it as a Confirmation Day ceremony for children of Wanne and said Jules Hurdebise, a CRIBA member from the area, had identified all of the children in the picture (from 50 years ago)! One thing I learned about the CRIBA organization is that they tenaciously attack a question like an Interpol unit, and they get results.
    My son was able to contact Serge from Amsterdam to arrange a one-day Ardennes visit on May 8 when Serge would be there and to schedule a return visit for May 14 with Mr. Dejardin. So it appeared we were all set -- I packed my division history, St. Vith: A Lion in the Way by Col. Dupuy; Cole's history of the Ardennes Campaign, The Ardennes; Our Association's book The CUB Passes in Review, and various pictures, maps, et. cetera, to begin another nostalgic journey.
    But for loyalty-to a frequent flyer program with United Airlines, the trip to Europe might have been uneventful. ELM flies non-stop from Chicago to Amsterdam, but United does it in segments, Chicago to Newark -- Newark to London --London to Amsterdam. The inconvenience became much more pronounced when upon reaching Newark we were notified that "mechanical problems" caused cancellation of the London flight and instead our next flight would be to Washington, D. C. where we would connect with that city's London flight. Well, when all of the smoke cleared we were in Amsterdam same five hours late and no baggage in evidence. The baggage was delivered to
my son's house later that evening without an explanation for its temporary disappcarance.
    The next day was May 8, and my son and I made an early departure to arrive at Serge's house three hours later without problems thanks to the good map sketch Serge had furnished. With the excellent expressways and the high speeds traveled it doesn't take long to negotiate this compact area.
    Serge was waiting for us and introduced us to his wife, Suzanne. The others were waiting for as at Mr. Dejardin's house a block or two away, said Serge, so off we went to meet Joseph Dejardin and Marcel Nijst, both members of CRIBA, and Madeleine (wife of Joseph and sister of Marcel). Madeleine had the coffee pot ready along with a batch of cookies cakes enough for five times as many visitors. Before we departed the Dejardin home, Madeleine made us promise to stop back for refreshments before returning to the Netherlands.
    The day was rather damp and cool as we headed to the memorial to the 424th and 112th Regiments at Spineux. A report on the dedication of this memorial appeared in the Jan-Feb 1990 issue of THE CUB. Jules Hurdebise of CRIBA met us here. He is most responsible for bringing the memorial about. Jules couldn't stay with us because he is still a working man. Serge, Joseph and Marcel are all retired. A visitor's book is maintained at the home across from the Memorial and I penned a short comment in the book. From Spineux we motored to Lavaux, a village that Co. F moved into on January 14, 1945. Co. F had been in reserve at Aisomont for several days prior when we were told to move forward; Company leadership had some problem with the guiding maps because they were looking for forested areas shown on the maps

The CUB of the Golden Llon 7
Milt Schober, 424/F Returns to Europe
L/R -Joseph DoJardio. Milt Schaller. Sorpo Fontaino and Moral Nijst in Lawn
Jump oil point for 424/F in its attack on Enna/
    which weren't there in reality. At any rate we were marching along in a column of twos when unexpected rifle fire startled every one, but no casualties. When we reached Lavaux, everyone's objective seemed to be finding a sheltered place for a good night's sleep. It was bitterly cold. I remember my squad spending the better part of the day patching holes with shelter halves, et cetera, only to be sent up at twilight to reinforce Company G on a nearby hill. Too exhausted to dig foxholes, we crawled in our sleeping bags and laid on the ground. It wasn't long before the Krauts began shelling the area and cries of "Medic" rang through the air, bringing the yearning for a deep hole to crawl into. The next moming we rejoined F Company in Lavaux.
    The Second Platoon had commenced an attack on Ennal and was beaten back with casualties, and now I was back in time lobe part of a first platoon attack. Our squad moved down the road from Lavaux toward Ennal and breached off on a cow path leading to the village. Once on this path, a German machine gun began chattering -- we were crawling on the path and twigs were being clipped off a short hedge on the left edge of the path. There was a haystack in the open field about 150 yards away and it appeared the gun was firing from the base of the haystack. There was plenty of snow on the ground and several cows were milling around near the haystack. Whenever the cows interceded between the Germans and us, the firing stopped.
    Some heavy firing from the village toward the head of our column caused our withdrawal to the main road. Then a couple of somewhat funny events occurred. A bazooka was brought up to fire at the haystack. The projectile was fired and fell short of the haystack, sliding harmlessly in the snow. Then a rifle grenade was fired and it plunged in the mow without effect. One of our tanks came out of nowhere to

Milt Schober, 424/F Returns to Europe
Joseph Darardo. Milt Scheber and Serge Fontaine walking down one oltha rural lanes toward Ennal
    assess the situation and decided the lack of maneuverability on the path made tank use risky. Then came another unexpected appearance, General Perrin. He had a situation map on which he pointed out the presence of the 30th and 75th Divisions which would eventually meet and cut the 424th out of action; but first, he said, it was necessary to remove the Ennal pocket which was impeding progress of the two divisions. This was the only time in my combat experience that I was given some idea of what was going on and what my role was.
    One of our men came up with a couple of Gentian prisoners and General Perrin used his best German, "Wie viel soldaten in dorf?" Response, "Ocht oder zehn, nicht mehr" the only time I ever questioned a General, I retorted, "You're not going to believe that are you?" And General Perrin calmly replied that information received from prisoners in the past has moved reliable. In the twilight now we moved down the lane toward Ennal with General Penis. For whatever reason the machine gun at the haystack never fired and we moved through the village with General Perrin assigning men to search through the houses for lingering Germans. 1 remember in one of the houses there was a bayonet resting in a mixture of eggs in a German helmet Our attack had apparently coincided with their dinner hour. Now here I was, 47 years later, going down the same path into Ennal with my CRIBA friends. We stopped at one house I had entered on January 15, 1945. I know it was the same house because I had a picture postcard of it that I found there in 1945. Serge knew the people resident in the house from previous visits. We were invited in for some homemade berry wine and Belgian cookies. The woman, now 68 years old, said she was in the village at the time of our attack, although I didn't remember seeing civilians at the time. It made a very enjoyable visit. Without in-


Milt Schober, 424/F Returns to Europe
Saw Fontains.3311Schobar. Ennal Residant. Marc I Ilipst Ennal Resident and Joseph Deiardin in boat
TM woman. now 63 years. was in Ennal at the Linn of the attack.
terpreters we would not have been able to have an exchange.
    We drove from Ennal to Manhay, the site of an attack by the 2nd Battalion of the 424th on Christmas Day 1944. I remember racing down a hill in that attack when sweeping machine gun fire from German tanks stopped us in our tracks. I also remember the presence of fear when German flares lit up the area like a big Moon, highlighting as in our exposed positions. But here now in 19921 was trying to find that same field.
    Serge, Joseph and Marcel engaged in conversation with the locals, determining which house was the last one north out of Manhay in 1944. A short distance away from that house on the main highway is a marker that indicates the furthest penetration north by the Germans. So this might have been the field that I lay in December 1944 although the distances and slopes involved weren't as I remembered them. We returned to Stavelot to keep our date with Joseph's wife, Madeleine, enjoying her refreshments, then drove back to Amsterdam. Thursday, May 14. My son and I with our wives headed out in the early- morning to Spa, where we checked into a hotel. Leaving the women to engage in the baths for which Spa is noted, we kept our appointment with the Dejardins. Madeleine again was the gracious breakfast host. Joseph gave us directions to reach Marcel's home in Malmedy. Since the Malmedy Massacre location was only a few kilometers away we made a visit. Another American, with his family, was there so we introduced ourselves. He served with the 5th Division in Luxembourg.
    I was interested in tracing the steps of our retreat from Germany on December 17, 1944.1 remember when we received word to move out then -- it was Rpm as I recall, and visibility in the inky blackness of the woods was so limited that we placed a hand on the next man's shoulder


Milt Schober, 424/F Returns to Europe
    to move out into lighter areas. Looking back then, toward the German lines, there was an eerie effect created by the use of their searchlights to reflect light off the low hanging clouds. Colonel Dupuy's Division history indicated that the crossing of the Our River by our battalion was via a Bailey Bridge at Weidig. Joseph and Marcel guided us to the spot where there now is a modem bridge. The terrain on the Belgian side of the Our River appeared appropriate to my memory. In 1944 during the period December 18 to 23 we moved several times, usually in the early hours of the morning, and the names of the villages we moved through were not known to me. I remember one instance while we were moving down a road, a column of tanks from the 9th Amtored Division were going In the opposite direction. We thought they were going to the "front" and they thought we were going to the "front" and in that situation I guess we both were right!
    When we stopped in one of the villages those many years ago I remember getting the unwelcome news that our squad had been volunteered to make an attack on tanks to attempt to recapture a village we had retreated through the previous day. It sounded like using a pea shooter to fight Goliath. It was a pretty grim group that gathered on the pews of the local church to discuss the attack. I remember reference being made to noises from above being mode by artillery observers who were in the church steeple. The likelihood of survival seemed pretty minimal to me and I gave my personal effects to others to relay to my next of kin. We waited in the church until the early morning hours and then,Hallelujah!TheattackluxIbeencanceled. After going through several villages in the area with Joseph and Marcel, I settled on the probability that the church we met in was in Thommen and the place we were
Wotan. &Bober and If on he Weidig Bide'
4241F retreated aver a Bailey Bridge here 1V17114
    going to attack was Dialler. We rounded out the day with a visit to Medell where F Company was involved in the capture of the village on January 25, 1945.
    At the conclusion of our day's motoring we invited Joseph and Marcel and their wives to have dinner with us and our Wives. Marcel picked a great spot for dinner, Ferme Libert, located on the heights above Malmedy. Marcel mentioned that American artillery was located on these heights in 1944 sending shells over Malmedy to the heights on the other side of Malmedy occupied by the Germans.
    The dinner was great, with a good wine selection. I understand Marcel accompanies the owner on wine buying trips to France. Before the evening was over we were in a singing mood. At my request, Madeleine, who has a beautiful singing voice, sang Lily Marlene. Marcel, who speaks German as well as he speaks French, chimed in with a German ballad. The best I could do was "As the Caissons go Rolling Along" in honor of the artillerymen who served here in the war. The whole experience was tremendous. I enjoyed it immensely. I can't say enough about the helpfulness and graciousness of our hosts.
I hope I have the opportunity of meeting them again.

A Salute to Douglas S. Coffey, COGL
By John Kline
CUB editor
    I discovered and joined the Association in 1987 and later attended the 41st Annual Reunion at Mobile. It was at this reunion that 1 volunteered to take the place of the late Richard DeHeer as editor of The CUB.
    One of the first men ! met was Douglas S. Coffey, Memorials Chairman. Doug had joined the Association in 1946 or 47. His name appears prominently in the list of officers on page 323 of The CUB of the Golden Lion: Passes in Review. First, as editor of The CUB from focal year 1952 through 1956. In the 1955-56 year he served both as President and Editor He acted as Memorials Chairman during the 1952 year, then was reappointed starting the year of 1957 continuing in that capacity through the year 1990.
In July '62 he was awarded the Order of the Golden Lion, Commander Class (COGL). See CUB Review page 335.
    If you read the history of the Sr Vith Memorial, pages 345 to 371 of The CUB Passes in Review, you will understand the terrific amount of work that Doug expended in this capacity. It is vividly clear that he as Memorials Chairman was responsible for the building of the St. Vith Memorial In his story from the Jan-Feb-Mar 1963 CUB about the Memorial Dedication (page 361 in The CUB Passes in Review) he states that they had worked for five years to see that a suitable Memorial was erected in St. Vith to the memory of the men of the 106th.
    Yes, this was an Association effort, but as we all know, Doug was the driving force that gave us the St. Vith Memorial and conducted on going liaison with the Directors of the school upon whose ground the Memorial rests. There are many other stories in The CUB Passes in Review (Tours-Return to Europe) about Doug coordinating group trips to Europe, each time a visit being made to the 106th Division's Memorial at St. Vith
    We owe Doug our thanks for the years of service he has given for the good of the Association and the upkeep of the Memorial (Photos on nost pogo
In a recent letter to me he states:
    'I recently returned from a trip to the Battle of the Bulge area with Galaxy Tours. I hasten to add that 1 did not go as a representative of the 106M Infantry Division Association, but as a guest of Galaxy Tours because of Me many tours I have coordinated in the years gone by. This trip was a familiarization tour preceding the 50 Year Anniversary Celebrations that will be starting on 13-Dayand going on till the Battle of Me Bulge in which 106th Infantry Division Associations might be interested It will probably be the last trip for most of us, as age is catching up with us.
    "I wish to report that while in St. Vith / placed a Memorial Wreath at the 106th's Memorial. I noticed that there is a crack in the wall and that the Lion Plaque is deteriorating and will not stand many more winters. The tour guide for Galaxy Tours. Mark Burton, said he would tackle the task of making a new Lion Plaque for us, at no cost, and that he would place it on the Memorial on a subsequent tour. I have relayed this information to the present Memorials Chairman, Dr. John Robb. I understand that he is negotiating with CRIBA to coordinate repairs to the Memorial.
    "By the way, Galaxy Tours, who have handled most all the 106th European trips have some excellent packages for the members who want to join in the 50th Anniversary Celebrations, or just to go over on a tour. They can be reached by calling 1-800-523-728 or .215- 964-8010. Ask fora packet of information and tell them that you are with the 106th. Their address is Galaxy Tours -997 Old Eagle School Road, 9207, Wayne, PA 19087-0234
"Keep up the good work John. I will not

In memory of Isabel Coffey
Doug's wife, Isabel, passed away on June 18, 1992, alter a very long illness.
    Doug, I know I speak for all. We wish to pass along our condolences. Isabel will be missed and remembered by the many friends she made within the Association. God Bless.
We hope to see you soon.....


Douglas S. Coffey, 590/C
Memorials Chairman
Master of Ceremonies at the Dedication Ceremony for
the 106th Infantry Division Memorial
25 March 1962
St. Vith, Belgium.

General Bruce C. Clarke honored guest speaker on Coffey's right.. Read page 353-365 CUB Passes In Review
Douglas S. Coffey, COGL - at the 106th Infantry Division Memorial, 51. Ifgh. Belgium - March 1992


Camp Atterbury Veterans Memorial

Camp Atterbury Veterans Memorial Park wail es It news completion, with plaques in place.
Each plaque is six feet tall and NW feet wide.
The was Is 40 feet long by len feet high, plus wings,
by 0. Pad dam 422/Smic. Co
116th Infantry DirisBn AM. Represonlalhy
    The Camp Atterbury Memorial Dedication is fast approaching. Hope that the August CUE gets to the troops in time to once again ask the members to attend the dedication. Attendance is expected to be from 3,000 to 5,000.
    It will be held 15 August 1992. Seating will begin at 9:00 am. and the program will start at 9:30 a.m. The 38th Division Band will be playing.
    106th Assoc. President Mike Thome, Past-President John Gilliland and Dr. John Robb, 106th Memorial Chairman will be in attendance. Ed Huminski will be bringing the Division colors which he has been keeping to be used at the Pittsburgh Reunion.
    There will be many veterans, dignitaries, military personnel and civilians present to help us celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Camp Atterbury and honor the veterans from WWII, Korea, Vietnam and Desert Storm. This museum is the first one located on a National Guard Site recognized by the Center for Military History.
    Donations have been generous, but more money is needed to put the final touches to the Memorial. We have had many 106th members contribute, but we are not as well represented with donations as some of the other divisions. Your help is needed.
Make checks payable to "Camp Atterbury Veterans Memorial Association" Send your donations, for forwarding, to:
106th Memorials Chairman
Dr. John Robb
238 Devore Dr.
Meadeville, PA 16355


Adventures, by John W. Spellman, Jr., 424/C
    In June of 1939, my uncle, Francis Cardinal Spellman, knew there would soon be a war in Europe and planned a trip for me and four of my cousins with a Boston school teacher who spoke four or five languages. We landed in Ireland, then to Britain, Belgium, Holland and Germany. Hider was then at the peak of his power and the German people were totally committed to him and his plans for Europe. We took the Rhine cruise from Cologne to Nurenburg, Hiedelburg, and then to Vienna and on to Budapest. Then, to Italy and Switzerland and to France.

See New Member column for more information on Spellman

    In Britain, they were building trenches in Green Park and setting up Anti-Aircraft guns. In Belgium, the people were frightened of the Germans and feared an invasion. The Dutch were placid since they had escaped the ravages of World War I. One out of every four people in Germany were in uniform. Every one had a swastika on his clothing. The S.S. were guarding the Nazi monuments. We drank beer in the Hotbraus with Luftwaffe pilots and everywhere we went in Germany the conversation was always the same. They were going to get even for World War I and get rid of the Versailles Treaty. On a tour bus from Hiedelburg to a restored medieval town, the German guide was directing everyone's attention to the view from the left hand side of the bus. I was looking out the window to the right hand side. He got angry at me and told me to look out to the left. I asked him, since the Versailles Treaty limited the Luftwaffe to 100 aircraft, why were there over 2,000 planes on the left hand side of the bus!

The Queen Mary docking at Cherbourg September 1939 about one day before Britian declared war.
    In Austria, we found the people fearful and less enthusiastic about Hitler. In Budapest, they were very fearful and talked about the horrors they had endured in World War I. In Italy we stayed at the home of Count Galliazo who was the architect for the Vatican. The Italians refused to talk about Mussolini and we saw very little military activity except for an exhibit in a war museum showing the latest weapons developed by the Italians. In Switzerland, we stayed in Interlaken and after a trip up the Jungfrau mountain, the clerk the hotel said to call the American Embassy right away. The Embassy said that the Germans had invaded Poland and the Swiss border would be closed in eight hours. We boarded a train to Paris and arrived at the railroad station as the French were sending troops to the Maginot Line. When we checked into the hotel, it was fully staffed. The next morning there was only one 70 year old desk clerk. He said everyone had been called up to their Regiments. Paris was blacked out. There was chaos and confusion everywhere. The American Embassy called and told us to leave Paris at once as it was going to be bombed. We took a train to Cherbourg to


Adventures, by John W. Spellman, Jr., 424/C

    wait for the Queen Mary for the trip home. On the way, we saw French troops being beaten with truncheons to get them into line for shipment to their Regiments. It was obvious that the French were not interested in defending their own country!

    The Queen Mary picked up 1500 passengers at Southhampton and then went to Cherbourg. Them were over 5,000 people trying to get on the ship but the Queen Mary had only room for 500. Many of the people were hysterical. We left port with two French destroyers as escort. The Queen Mary was a faster ship and soon left them behind. Off the coast of Ireland, a German sub sunk the British passenger ship Athena with 600 passengers. The loudspeakers on the Queen Mary broadcasted a message from the King declaring war on Germany. The ship's officers went to their lockers and changed into British Naval uniforms. The captain announced we would not take the usual route to New York as he felt that the German subs were lying in wait for us. We went to Iceland, then Greenland, Newfoundland and hugged the coast to New York.
    We reached New York at night and were silhouetted against the New York skyline. Cunard said we could not dock because there was a tugboat and a longshoremen's strike! We went to Charlotte, N.C. at 40 knots, turned around and back to New York in the daylight. Without any assistance, the Captain docked the Queen Mary at 57th Street Sept 5, 1939!
    went back to school and when I was 17,1 enlisted in the army in the ASTP. I was sent to Norwich University in Vermont to prepare for the Military Government after we defeated Germany. We were told that the casualty rate in the North African Campaign was higher than expected and we were sent to the infantry school at Ft. Benning, Georgia. After the training, most of my group was sent to the 87th division and I was sent to the 106th at Camp Atterbury. I was assigned to company "C" of the 424th Infantry as a scout. I was sent to work with General Perrin at Division Headquarters. I was asked to tell of my trip to Europe and give the officers some idea what the Nazis were all about.
    When we received orders to ship out to Camp Myles Standish, I returned to Captain Miller in "C" company. After arrival in Scotland, we were sent to Banbury. I was asked to give briefings by Colonel Reid and his staff on British currency and related matters.
    After a few days bouncing around in the English Channel with a Indian crew and a French military band, we landed our LCI at Le Havre in the rain and the cold. We got on trucks and spent a night in a mud and dung covered field and then on to St. Vith and into Winterspelt. While on patrol, we heard tanks moving around in the forest ahead of us and reported this enemy activity.
    The morning of December 16 we moved from Winterspelt into the forest. Winterspelt was under heavy 88 fire and heavy mortar fire. The mortar shells hit the trees and rained shrapnel all over us killing Captain Miller and many men in "C" company. I was hit and managed to get back to Winterspelt where there were dead bodies neatly lined up on the street. The medics moved me to a cellar in St.Vith. After a few days, I was put in an ambulance with two of the Malmedy Massacre survivors. One was incoherent and the other had a bad stutter.
    We managed to get through the 7th armored tanks which were stalled in the mud and snow and to a hospital. The hospital had been evacuated and so we drove to Liege to the 28th General Hospital. German prisoners carried me to a ward. Buzz bombs were coming every 30 seconds


Adventures, by John W. Spellman, Jr., 424/C

    and finally one hit the hospital killing most of the doctors. German prisoners moved me to a hospital train which stayed in the station because the Belgians were hiding in cellars and no one could be found to drive the train. Finally, a soldier from Tennessee took the train out and we went to a hospital in Paris staffed by doctors from Mass General in my home town of Boston, Mass.
    The doctors said they had landed in North Africa but had never seen anything like this before. I had never seen a doctor cry before. A reporter from Stars & Stripes came into the ward. I told him that my two companions were in the Malmedy Massacre and he interviewed them. This is where the story of Malmedy became known for the first time.
    After a few days in Paris we were put on a train to Cherbourg and then to a British hospital ship. In addition to a fractured skull, a back injury, I also had frozen hands and feet. My feet began to thaw and the pain was intense. The British nurse refused to give me an aspirin! We landed in Southhampton and then to the 185th General in Taunton, England.
    I was in a ward with 79 other trench foot patients. The beds were arrange so that your feet were facing the center aisle with the covers rolled up to your ankles. Each morning the doctors came down the aisle selecting candidates for amputation. One day a doctor asked me if I could walk from one end to the bed to the other. As I did this, he said that if I couldn't, I would be sent back to the States otherwise I would be returned to duty.
    After release from the hospital, I was given a 7 day pass to London, just in time to come under attack by V-2 rockets. I was in the Red Cross Club in Marble Arch when aV-2 landed in Green Park across the street!
    I left London to go to Birmingham where 1 was to report at the 10th Replacemeet Depot. In the railroad station, I met a soldier who had been with me in Norwich and in Ft. Bening. He had been machine-gunned from his left shoulder to his right hip while with the 87th division. (Later I was best man at his wedding and he was in my wedding parrs. He joined the State Department and I have not heard from him since 1949.
    Anyway, the 10th Replacement Depot found that I had a M.O.S. #152 (Photographer) and 1 was assigned to the HQ, 3rd Air Division of the 8th Air Force in photo intelligence. 1 was on 24 hour duty! I developed the negatives from the B-17 cameras and helped General Partridge and his G-2 to decide if a target need more attention by our 2,000 B-17's which flew missions every other day.
    When the war ended in Europe, I prepared a top secret book of photos and captions of the history of the 3rd Air Division for distribution to General Marshall, the President, and the British Prime Minister.
    I was found unconscious one day and sent to the 65th General Hospital and then to a hospital 'closest to your home' in Wilmington N.C. (My home was Boston Mass.) After a few months I was transferred to Plattsburg Air Force Hospital in New York. A doctor there asked me for my x-rays. I told him none were ever taken. He sent me to get some made and found that I had a skull fracture incurred on December 16. I was discharged within 24 hours on October 5,1945 with 100% disability.
The Enigma Machine
1 have always wondered how the 106th was placed in such an untenable situation and have done some research:

In 1936, there was a top secret factory in Germany producing a code machine. It was called the "Enigma" machine.


Adventures, by John W. Spellman, Jr., 424/C

It worked on the principle of the table of random numbers and produced an unbreakable code.
    One of the workers in the factory was of Polish ancestry. He felt that Hitler's plan to take Danzig would lead to World War II. Every night he left the factory with a piece of the machine. He took off to England when he had all the pieces and gave them to MI-5 (British Intelligence). He assembled the machine and showed the British how to use it.
    The British then built their own factory to produce the machine. When the U.S. entered the war, the machine was given to the Americans. It was installed in Eisenhower's headquarters and one was given to General MacArthur in Australia.
    All orders for the German Army, Navy and Air force were sent by code with the "Enigma" machine. This is how the British were able to shoot down the Luftwaffe and how they beat the submarines in the Atlantic. Montgomery used it at El Ale-main.
    When Hitler ordered the Battle of the Ardennes (Bulge) he instructed his generals that the code machine was not to be used to transmit orders for this battle. Instead, the Nazis transmitted false messages as to the disposition of their troops. For example, the divisions that hit as were in Romania and the Russian front. This is why Eisenhower thought we were being sent to a "quiet sector" and spread over 27 miles with no support. Eisenhower and his staff had relied on the code machine and found it to be accurate during the entire war up to December 1944. This is why our reports to GHQ about enemy activity were discounted. This is why a Lieutenant in GHQ was transferred to the Pacific when he insisted that the top brass pay attention to report from as and the 28th Division.
    If you have ever wondered how MacArthur was able to shoot down Admiral Yamamoto's plane in the middle of the Pacific, the Nazis gave the "Enigma machine to the Japanese who had complained to Hitler that the Americans had broken their code.
John W. Spellman, Jr. ASN: 11132309
Ulnae, Gummy July 1939 last before we boarded Me Rhine River boat to Welsbaden

1991-92 Scholarship Committee Report....
Scholarship Committee Report
by Frank S. Trautman, chairman
    The enclosed material concerns the young people awarded the 106th Infantry Division Association Scholarships for 1992. With this report the work of the committee for this year is 95% complete. The last portion will be submitted as a final report to the Board at the Pittsburgh Reunion.
    We received requests for scholarships from twelve very highly qualified students this year. This was quite different from the past year. Needless to say the committee had their work cut out for them. We tried to do our very best and will await any comments later. We did have one additional scholarship to award this year and it would have been helpful to have more.
    I had a recent letter from John gregory. He has contacted Princeton Testing Service (SAD. They will have a number for us for the applicant to submit scores for the next year's scholarships. It will be printed in their catalogue listing this year, but will be in the following years. I will make note of this for to next year's chairman.
Thank You
Frank S. Trautman, chairman Scholarship Committee

Dear Mr. Trautman;
    Thank you for your letter of June 12, 1992 and for the award of the $1,000 scholarship from the 106th Infantry Division Association. I am very grateful for your consideration and am proud to have been chosen to receive one of the scholarships.
    I have decided to pursue a career in veterinary medicine and am excited to begin my preparation to reach that goal. Your scholarship wit certainly be of great help.
    Also, the scholarship should be forwarded to the Presbyterian College, Office of Financial Aid, Clinton, South Carolina.
I will notify them to expect to hear from you. Again, thank you so much for this honor. Sincerely
lill C. McLemore

Ell C. McLemore
granddaughter of Douglas Coffey. 590/C

1991-92 Scholarship Committee Report....

at Dear Mr. Trautman;
     I was pleased to receive your letter that named me as receiving one of the 106th Infantry Division Association scholarships. The $1,000 will be very helpful.
     My grandfather, Leon A. Murphee, was elated upon hearing the good news. I quote him, Now I know wading through all that snow was worth it!" I have chosen to attend Samford University this fall. The scholarship should be forwarded. Samford University
Financial Aid Office
Birmingham, Alabama
     Thank you, and I will strive to make the Association and my grandfather proud of my first year at Samford University.
lason Murphee

Jason Trent Murphee
grandson of Leon A. Murphee, 423/HQ 2nd Bn
Dear Mr. Trautman;
    Having Just received your letter Informing me of the $1,000 scholarship I have received. My day and future has become much brighter. Thank your members for their generosity, I am pleased and honored to have received this award. I will be attending York College of
Pennsylvania this fall. Their address is:
Rebecca C. Link, Registrar
York College of Pennsylvania
York, Pennsylvania
Enclosed Is my photo to be placed In the CUB magazine. Again, Thank You
Sherry L. torah
Sherry L Utah
granddaughter of ENfood Lomb, 592/C

Dear Mr. Trautman;
    I would like to thank you and the rest of the Scholarship Committee of the 106th Infantry Division Association for awarding one of the $1,000 scholarships to me. I appreciate it greatly. With the cost of college I know it will come in handy.
I will be attending Rutgers University this Fall. The scholarship should be sent to:
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Student Accounting Office
Records Hall, College Ave Campus
New Brunswick, New Jersey
    The check should reach them prior to August 10, the deadline for first semester payments. Once again, thank you very much for this honor.
Andrew Stein
Andrew Stein
grandson of Ephraim Goldberg, 423/C
106th presents CUB Review to Andersonville POW Museum
by Pete Nouse
5662 Clifton Ave
Jacksonville, Florida 32211.6902
The 106th Infantry Division Association presented a copy of its newest book

    The CUB of the Golden Lion: Passes in Review to the National Prisoner of War Museum at Andersonville, Georgia. The book, a compilation of articles that were published in the Association's quarterly publication The CUB over the past 47 years. There are also articles relating to the history of the Division. The Review was compiled by the present CUB editor, John Kline.
    The 496 pages of the Review detail the history of the Golden Lion Division from the March 15, 1943 activation at Ft Jackson until September 20, 1945 when units started loading on ships for the return to the States. There are histories of individual units and any personal stories, such as return tripe to Europe and battle stories. The history of the Division Association is covered from Camp Lucky Strike to present. Stories of the Association Reunions, held each year since 1947, as well a coverage of one of the reunions held at Sr Vith are included. Many POW stories are covered in the chapter devoted to POW experiences.
    The first printing of 1,820 copies have been sold. The let reprint order of 250 books has been ordered and should be in time for the 46th Annual Reunion being held at Pittsburgh August 27 - 30, 1992. Several copies will be on the sales tables at that time.
    The cover photograph shows Russell Gunvalson, and Pete House, both of the 590th FAB, Battery "A" presenting the book to Mr. Fred Boyles, Superintendent in charge of Andersonville National Historic Site and the POW Museum, near Andersonville, Georgia.

New Members
Allen, Harold D. 424/A
332 Ellis Avenue
Truman, AR 72472
    Gil, You will never know how happy I was to get your fetter and the application to join. I mailed a letter a few months ago fora roster of names but have not received them.
    At the time I was drafted into the Army I was married, Edith was fifteen and I was seventeen. We were married on June 16, 1943, so you see we will be married 49 years in a few days. (Happy Anniversary from the editor as he types this on July 9.. J. Kline). I was drafted Jan 26, 1944, took Basic Training at Camp Bland ing, Florida. I was scheduled to be sent overseas as a replacement, but still being under 19 years of age I was sent to Atterbury to join the 106th Infantry Division.
    On the evening of October 20th, my 19th birthday we boarded the Aquitania and left next morning for England.. We lived in a small town named Banbury. Some of the rest is history, but we went into battle at Winterspell, Germany on December 16, 1944. Two days later there were 32 men left in"A" Company. I made it through without a scratch, though I had many close calls and frozen feet, but they healed O.K.
    I was first scout in my company. We were in attack when we were ambushed and the 42 scout and I were cut off from the company for a while. SCARED - it's indescribable. Lt. Beseler was the only officer left in our company.
    After the war we farmed in Missouri for three years the moved to Trumann. In oct 1950 I went to work in the local P.O., working 30 years and retiring in 1980. I now work part time as a guard at a glass factory.
    We have three daughters and one granddaughter. Our youngest daughter has been bedfast for years, and we have cared for her here at home. I have to give my wife credit for this as I had to work to make a living.
Appreciate you contacting me.
    (editor's note -- Harold I think most have the address to receive the Bronze Star. but we will print it horn your letter in case -- Any person that was awarded the Combat Infantry Badge is eligible to receive the BRONZE STAR. Write to Department of the Amy. 9700 Page Blvd, Awards Section, St. Louis, MO 133132-5200. If you have it, show evidence that you did receive the CBI Badge. Thanks Harold... J. Kline)

Aponte, Humberto 422/M
PO Box 1668
Corozal, PR 007834668
    I am retired, serving as Marshal, City of New York from 1971 through June 1989.1 had purchased a retirement home in Puerto Rico and I am enjoying the warmth of this Caribbean Island. I am receiving V.A. disability for wounds to my vertebrae received in April of 1945.
    I went from civilian life to the 106th Infantry Division at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, where besides teaming Basic Training, I first learned how to put my leggings on correctly. I was assigned the "M" Company (The Mules), 3rd Battalion, 422nd Infantry.
    I arrived at "Omaha Beach on D+1 (June 7) and became attached to "A" Company, 298th Combat Engineer Battalion, which was part of the 1120th Corn-bat Engineer Group. With this outfit I participated in five (5) major campaigns in the ETO. Normandy; Northern France; Ardennes; Central Europe and the Rhineland. Say hello to all the "Golden Lions," especially to the Donkeys, Horses and Mules, members of the heavy weapons


New Members
(editors note -- From one Mule to another, welcome aboard, Humberto... J. Kline, 423/M)

Bahlinger, Marlon J. 4228
1237 So. Dahlia St.
Baton Rouge, LA 70808
(editors note -- Please see "Mail Bag Column"

Bickford, Mrs. Florence ASSOCIATE
311 Bloomingdale Ave Cranford, NJ 07016
Crossland, William 4231HC)
5610 Haring Rd Doylestown, PA 18901

Daly, William J. 4241M
266-B Faller Dr.
New Milford, NJ 07646
    1 joined the 106th about April 1943, coming from the 69th Infantry Division and the Air Corps Aviation Cadet program. Went to England, then to the continent with 424/M as a mortar platoon squad Leader. Hospitalized 12/24/44 with frozen feet for about three months after which I was assigned to limited duty in a replacement depot in England. Returned to the states and was discharged February 1946.
    Took advantage of the GI bill, graduated from college, worked with several firms. I joined the Air Force ROTC while in college and was commissioned as a 1st Lt. before being physically disqualified when I became seriously ill with tuberculosis in 1955. Served brief three month tour of active duty at the First Air Force HQs, Mitchell Field, N.Y. in 1950, after graduation. Spent 25 years with world-
    wide Japanese Trading firm. Traveled extensively over the United States and a few time to the Far east. (But regret I never returned to Europe).
    Currently semi-retired and self-employed. Divorced 22 years ago have three children long since grown. Have been active in local government and have held local and county elective positions.
Have been a member of the local VFW 4290.
    (editors note -- Don't worry Bill, we won't sell your address to the mail order junkies. Your address will appear in our organizational rosters. Thanks for your nice resume'.. J. Kline)
Delegram, Romle J. 4221MED
13811 W. 10 Mile Rd
Oak Park, MI 48237
I was a Technical Sergeant in the Medics, the same as a First Sergeant in the Infantry. I was captured in the Bulge.
    I retired 12 years ago from the Executive service of the Ford Motor Company. Like to hunt, fish, golf and bowl. lam very active in these sports.. I have a son 28 and a daughter 45 years of age.
Douglass, John W. 4241HQ
4139 Stratfield Dr.
New Port Richey, FL 34652
    For the full 2 years, 9 months and 14 days that I served, all the time was spent with Headquarters Company, 424th Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division - from the spring of '43 to the fall of '45. was in the Message Center all that time. I understand that not many had that experience as there was a lot of moving around during those days - but, not for me. Shortly after I was assigned to the 106th at Fort Jackson I contracted Spinal Meningitis and spent several weeks in the Spring of '43 in the hospital. Anyone who was there, at that time, will remember the unfortunate


New Members
    outbreak, the quarantines, the sheets between each bunk and the other precautions. I was lucky to have recovered, many did not and their military careers were over before they started. I have memories of the Tennessee maneuvers and the rain, the time at Atterbury, the good times in Indianapolis, shipping to Scotland on the Aquitania, England, the trip to Le Havre and the cold trip to St. Vith. A few days before the battle began one of the farm houses in which we were billeted caught fire and lit up the night sky. When the battle started a few days later some thought that the fire had triggered it.
    Discharged in November '45 I was rehired by my former employer. I was in inside sales and later became the advertising manager, working for several firms. Married in '48 to Norma, my wife. We raised two daughters and now have two grandchildren. In '69 moved from Pittsburgh to Long Island, NY and retired in 1987 to a quiet life in Florida.
    I have been back to Europe and in 1989 visited Cologne, where in '45 as I passed through the city all I remembered standing was the Cathedral. All has been rebuilt, of course, and it is a lovely, busy city, with the Cathedral towering above it.
    I'm very proud of my association with the 106th Division and am looking forward to reading of others, to meeting some of them and to attending when possible some of the reunions.
    (editor's note -- John, thanks for nice letter. You asked for a photo of the SI Vith Memorial. Stories of that beautiful monument to the 106th appears in our book.

The CUB of the Golden Lion: Passes in Review.
    The first 1,820 copies of this book published in 1991 have been sold. The 1st Reprint order of 250 has been ordered and will be off the press in late July or early August. The "Memorials' chapter (with pictures), pages 345 to 373 is devoted to the St. Vith Memorial, dedicated 25
    March 1962, and to the Memorial at Spine., dedicated 16 December 1989, that was erected by the villagers of Spineux in honor of the 424th Combat Infantry Regiment and the 112th Regiment of the 28th Combat Infantry Division. In connection with the 28th. I just Deceived a 52 page diary /roma member of the 112th Regiment of the 28th. A beautifully written piece. He says he owes his life to a 424th Anti-Tank unit that wiped out five German Tanks that had them pinned down. I'll mention that later in The CUB. I haven't had time to read it all since I am engrossed in putting together this issue of The CUB...J. Kline)
Franks, James L. 81st ENG/C
1000 Harvey Johnson Rd Raleigh, NC 27603

Freed, Mrs. Charles ASSOCIATE
218 Jackson Cir Pittsburgh, PA 15229

Garbulinskl, Matthew 591/B
408 Holland Ave Forked River, NJ 08731

Gebelin, Francis E. 424/M
840 Crater Ave
Dover, OH 44622
    I was in "M" Company, 3rd Battalion, 424th Combat Infantry Battalion. (8Imm Mortars). Went over from Camp Atterbury to Myles Standish via the Aquitania. Came back on the William T. Barry to Camp Kilmer, New Jersey. Was with the company when we relieved the 2nd Division about December 12th '44, man for man - gun for gum Was on the line when we were hit on 16 Dec '44. Was also there when we were involved in what we know now as "the fortified goose egg."
Married Loretta, had two girls and one boy. My hobbies are enjoying our grandchildren, a little fishing and bowling.


New Members
I am now retired, spending more than 47 years with Union Camps Chemical Plant at Dover, Ohio.
Giles, Jr., James B. 422/K
3622 Knollwood Dr. Houston, TX 77019
    I was the platoon leader of the 3rd Platoon, 422/K. I was wounded and captured on December 19, 1944.1 have been in contact with Henry Harmeling, Company Commander, 422/K, over the years, but was not aware that there has been an active 106th Infantry Division Association. Have joined! Recent contacts I have had from 422/K: Jacques Bloch, Reuben H. Braden and Hampton Dailey. Appreciated each contact.
Camp Atterbury to join the 20th Infantry in Normandy in July '44, stayed with them until the war ended.
Hinkle, Raymond A. 423/HO 3BN
822 Lawn Ave Sellersville, PA 18960
Hunt, James B. 424/F
2830 6th Ave A. WoeS, TX 76110
lsaksen, Stanley J. 81st ENG/C
1001.A Pheasant Run Dr. Ft. Pierce, FL 34982-6758
Hall, Robert F. 424/HQ 3BN
302 Marianville Rd. Aston, PA 19014
With the original 106th Infantry Division March 1943, left in early '44 from
If you are paying your dues ANNUALLY
JULY 1, 1992 WAS the DEADLINE.
To continue receiving The CUB
send your $10.00 dues NOW to:
Sherod Collins, Treasurer
448 Monroe Trace
Kennesaw, GA 30144
Kahley, Jr., Joseph A. 424/1.
26 So. Lee Street
York, PA 17403

New Members

    Klpnls D.D.S., Mervyn B. 422/F tatted the present Bfirgermeister and received a map and a nice letter - great memories.
    44 Buena Vista Dr. Danville, CA 94526 Thank you for your long letter and interest. Thank goodness we have fellows like you to keep us in touch!!
I. Went overseas as a member of 422/F.
    2. In combat was "volunteered" and became a "lead scout" in a Ranger Patrol Gmup attached to Regimentals Headquarters at the time of capture.
3. Stalag IX-B
4. Became "Camp Leader" at Stalag DC-B responsible for about 450 men.
5. Received Dental degree 1954.
6. Assistant Professor - Univ of Pacific, School of Dentistry, San Francisco - semi-retired.
7. President of two different organizations.
8. Active Pilot - maintain own airplane.
9. Wife Ruth - married 39 years, three children - Kathy, Brian and Kyle. Two grandchildren - Kelli and Kasey.
Laursen, Alfred J. Blot EN=
727 Glendale Street North Canton, OH 44720
     After my discharge in January 19461 resumed my pre-war occupation of erecting power plant boilers for Babcock & Wilcox Co. I was married in Feb 1954 and assigned to a job in Hawaii which lasted nine months. It was a prolonged honeymoon. Our oldest son went into the army after high school and was taught the Russian language at the Defensive Language Institute in Monterey, California. He was then station in Germany monitoring the Russian Radio Network.
     My wife and I visited him in 1976 after flying to Luxembourg and driving a rental car through Belgium and Germany. While there I revisited some of the places I bad been during the Battle of the Bulge, including St. Vith, Heckhalenfeld, Gufflingen and Vielsalm.
Kurzawskl, James J. 423/HQ
9395 Hanitt Rd #197 Lakeside, CA 92040-3533
Looney, James M. 423/CN
4109 11011y Strcel Fairfax, VA 22030
LaSanska, Donald P. 591/HQ
1801 Eastlake Rd. #9-0
Palm Harbor, FL 34685
    Dear Gil, I was glad to get your long letter and with the help of Ray Panice I am finally getting the contacts that I missed for so many years.
    When pulled off the front line during the Bulge, we stayed with some Belgium folks and got to stay with the Bingermeister of the little village of Hestmx-Tavier. We exchanged letters and sent them a Christmas box for several years. Wonderful folks that I shall never forget. I con-
Lucas, Robert F. 423/F
Has 23
lloNwell, Oil 43746
Maori, Joseph R. 424/HQ 3BN
66 Home Ave Rutherford, NJ 07070
I got into the 106th in a round-about way. Entered service in 1942 and was


New Members
    assigned to the 102nd Division. After 16 months transferred to Air Force for pilot toting. Spent about 11 months there and washed out.

Meters, John M. 590/B
    The 102nd was already overseas so they thought it would be nice if I went to the 106th who were getting ready to go overseas. I reported to Camp Atterbury a few weeks before the division went to Europe.
1608 Pleasantville Dr. Glen Bonne, MD 21061
    On December 16th I went to the Motor Pool outside St. Vith for repairs. A few mortar shells were hitting around us and we didn't realize that it was the beginning of the Bulge.Taken prisoner on December 19, 1944, made to walk many miles, then put into box-cars to Stalag 4-B, Milhlberg, then sent by train to Halle. We worked in a factory 12 hours a day and were feed one small bowl of potato soup, got a piece of bread every third day. When the city of Halle was declared an open city we were moved to a farm where we were held until the American Army found us. Getting home from there was another story.
    married two weeks after getting back home. We had six children, all are married with families - seven grandchildren. Have been retired the past seven years. Prior to that 1 worked as a Tax Accountant for a large trucking firm. I was discharged, went to school and became an electrician which I worked at for 31 years. I married the most beautiful girl in this world. She was as sweet and beautiful on the inside as she was outside. We have four sons who have grown to be great men. We had one daughter who was called home at birth. My darling Audrey and I were married 42 years. She got cancer and God took her home on December 19, 1989.1 retired in April 1989.
I am the commander of the Chesapeake Chapter of the Ex-POW of Maryland. Now I live day by day.
     There is one buddy who served with me in the 590 FAB, gun #4. He is Edward Baum of Johnstown, Pennsylvania, I sure would like to team his address, last ! heard from him was 1946.
Marino, Anthony J. 4221110 1BN
100 Genoa Ave Valley Stream, NY 11581
McKenney, Thomas L. 81st ENG/A
74 Imperial Marshwood Eats.
Eliot, ME 03903
    I was captured along with part of the Infantry near St. Vith. Spent my time in Stalag DC-B, Bad Orb. I weighed 180 pounds when captured. When released, along with others, I was lucky to be alive. Body lice as big as flies in every bunk. Some of as were forced to sleep on the floor. My legs still bother me from a beating I took from a German guard who used his rifle to beat on my knees in the middle of the night to wake me up. 1 am 81 years of age. I thank God I survived.
Niner, Robert 590/110
184 W. Sabel Pains Pl.
Longwood, FL 32779
     Mr. Collins I learned about the Association from Captain Sam Davis of Orlando, who called me in response to a Memorial Day essay I had written, which was published in the Orlando Sentinel. I mentioned the 106th in the essay.
(editors note -- I hope that I will be able


New Members
    to reprint your Memorial Day essay, if not in this issue, another time - it was a wonderful tribute to your friend Willie who was killed in the December 23rd bombing raid when the RAF bombed the railway outside of Stalag 12-A. Limburg. 63 Officers were kited there when a bomb hit their barracks. Many of our men were, like you, in the box-cars outside the camp. Unfortunately many died, like Willie... J. Kline)
Paananen, Eugene E. 422/H
527 Red Cedar Blvd Willismston, MI 48895

Passey, Lloyd J. 422/HQ 2BN
Box 253 Paris,1D 83261
Paris, Idaho is located on US 89 between Salt Lake City and Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Everyone here knows me.
    My war experience was the same as most all of you. I was captured when our officers surrendered us at a Motor Pool, don't remember where, marched to a town called Prum, taken to a rail yard and loaded on cattle cars at a town named Gerolstein. We were strafed by P-47's while locked in the trains. Arrived at Stalag 4-B, Mfildberg on 12 January '45 and arrived at Stalag 8-A near Gorlitznear the Polish-Czech border. Stayed there for a month and due to the Russian Offensive we were marched nearly every day to the west and north. Liberated somewhere near Braunschweig on Friday April 13th, 1945. I still have a craving for sugar beets, sawdust bread and watered down turnip soup. Be glad to hear from anybody from our company, or from anybody in the 106th.
    (editor's note -- Lloyd, I was with you on the 415 mile march from Stalag 8.A to Meretkon. I was liberated in Helmstedt about 15-20 miles east of Braunschweig, also on Friday April 13111. The only difference in our stories is that I walked 110 miles to Stalag 12-A before anteing the box-cars. I have a diary. When I get time to reprint it l will save you a copy. I kept track of most all the towns we marched through and wrote the diary after I got back to the states. I was a machine gun squad leader with 423/14 and to this day I still believe we were right next to the 422nd as we faced Schonberg, for my buddy and I, My section sergeant George Croutharnel, ended up with a bunch of 422nd men in G&W. Most all the rest of the M Company men went to 943, Bad Orb and 9-A, Ziegenhain. I do not yearn for beets, sawdust and weak soup - they only appear in my dreams once in a wh8e.. J. Kline)

Poulin, Roger A. 423/G •
881 Minot Ave Auburn, ME 04210
    I joined the 106th in September of 1944 as a rifleman-grenade launcher. Captured December 19, 1944 I was liberated April 15, 1945.
    I remember a fellow soldier name Theodore Pikle who I would like to hear from. We lost track alter being captured. I am planning on attending the Pittsburgh Reunion.
    (editor's note -- Roger - your friend Pikle appears on General Order #51, published by the 423rd Combat Infantry Regiment on July 31, 1945. The purpose of this order was to award Combat Infantry Badges to all the 423rd men, including those killed, missing and known alive. It appears he made it through prison camps etc. because he is listed among the living at that time. We do not have addresses other than those of the current association members. Maybe somebody out there will see your remarks and tip you off as to his whereabouts. Good Luck.. J. Kline)
Rehman, Christopher W. 423/11
109 Wheal! Ave Millville, NJ 08332
Rendon, Rev. Horeclo 592/B
9409 Reba Ave. S.W. Albuquerque, NM 87121-7940


New Members

Riots, John 0. 423/HQ 2BN
626 Del Rio St Orlando, FL 32839
    Captured December 19I was at Stalag 9-B, Bad Orb and later at Stalag Ziegenhain. Liberated on March 31, 1945 by the 6th ArmoredDivision. I returned to the U.S.A. on May 1st and was discharged November 29th 1945.
    I decided to complete my education and received a B.S. degree in Engineering from the University of Miami in 1954. I went to work for National Airlines as a power plant engineer, after two years I was hired by Convair in San Diego as an aircraft design engineer. While with Convair I was assigned to the missile division where my duty was to develop rocket engine static test facilities at Edwards Air Force Base.
    Later I was assigned to Cape Canaveral, Florida as a flight test engineer. While at the Cape I participated in the first flights of the Atlas Ballistic Missile and later on the Mercury program that led to the flight of America's first orbital flight of man, John Glenn.
    Later in the 60's I was employed by general Electric at the Cape as a design engineer and participated in the Apollo program. It was this program that put a man on the moon.
    Upon completion of the Apollo program I sought employment with the Walt Disney World Florida Project in 1971. I was employed and remained with Walt Disney World in Orlando until I retired in 1989. I still reside in Orlando and have been active in the local Shrine Temple. I served as a Potentate of the "Bahia" Shrine Temple for the year 1990. When I have spare time I enjoy reworking and repairing old clock movements. I have dedicated a room in my home my clock room and keep a collection of over 30 antique clocks there. I also enjoy the activities of our church and have served a number of years as an elder.
    My lady Beth and I have two children. Our daughter who is our oldest child is married and lives here in Orlando. Our son who is 10 years younger than his sister is in the U.S. Air Force. He has been there for over 13 years and is planning on making it his career. He is currently stationed at Fort Walton Beach, FL. We are very happy to have him so near to us and look forward to spending time with him.
    Sam Davis who also lives in Orlando has told us so much about the 106th Infantry Division Association that my excitement is at a peak. I look forward to seeing many of my friends during the 46th Annual Reunion in Pittsburgh.

Shldemantle, John D. 422/11Q 2BN
15 Bower Hill Pinsburgh, PA 15228
    Drafted August 15, 1941 from Parker's Landing, PA, completed Basic Training in Medical Corps, Camp Lee, Virginia and assigned to Station Compliment Troops, Camp Livingston, Louisiana October 1941.
Attended OCS Camp Barkley, Texas and commissioned 2nd Lt in the Medical Administrative Corps in Sept '43.
    Returned to Camp Barkley, Texas in January '44 for Advanced Course for battalion Surgeon's Asst. Assigned to 422nd Regiment, Battalion Headquarters in 1944 and went overseas with the Division as 1st Lt. Captured in the Ardennes battle on December 21, 1944, southeast of Schonberg. Imprisoned in Stalag 4-B and °flag 64Z. Liberated by the Russians on their drive to Berlin at Wftgarten, Germany.


New Members

Transported to Odessa on the Black sea and shipped on a British boat to Naples, Italy in April 1945.
Discharged from Camp Crowder, MO November 11, 1945.
    Employed by U.S. Steel Corporation in Pittsburgh, Chicago and New York and retired January 1978 after 32 years of service.
Married and have lived in Pittsburgh since 1987.
Spellman, Jr., John W. 424/C
315 Plantation Dr.
New Bern, NC 28562
    Mr. Collins - I joined the 106th at Camp Atterbury in 1944 and was assigned to Capt. Miller as a scout. A few months later I was assigned to Division Headquartersto work with General Perrin. When we shipped out, I returned to the 424th. I was wounded on December 16, 1944 near Winterspelt and evacuated to St. Vith. I was in the last ambulance to leave St. Vith and the other two soldiers with me were the only survivors of the Malmedy Massacre.
    I was hospitalized at the 28th General Hospital in Liege and then sent to Paris, then to the 185th General in Taunton, England. After that I was transferred to HQ 3rd Air Division of the 8th Air Force in Photo Intelligence. 1 was discharged with 100% disability from Plattsburg Air Force Hospital in October 1945.
    I would like to know how many of us in the 106th survived and any other information you might have about the 424th or Company 'C.'
In a follow up letter to Sherod Collins after Sherod had sent information to Spellman:
    I come from Chestnut Hill, Mass. My father was a prominent Boston Surgeon and my uncle was Francis Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop of New York. Before enlisting in the Army I was a student at Holy Cross College. The Army sent me to Norwich University in Northfield, VT and then to the Infantry School at Fort Benning. I joined the 106th in January 1944
    After discharge from the Army I graduated from Boston College. I married Elizabeth Halbritter from Pawtucket, RI. after her graduation from Brown University in June 1949. I worked in Boston until 1962 in the Advertising Agency Business. In 1962 we moved to New York and worked the World's Fair as Director of marketing. After that I went to MIT for management Science.
    My last position was vice-president and chief of the president's staff of the Equitable Life Assurance Society. While with Equitable I developed the first computerized long range planning program. A sales forecasting system and management information system. These systems became the standard for all the worlds leading life insurance companies.
    In 1977 I retired from Equitable and moved to New Bem, N.C. My wife entered the Real estate business and we specialize in helping retirees from all over the nation to retire here. When the retirees arrive in New Bern we meet them at their hotel and take them for a yacht cruise of the area. My job is Yacht captain and Chauffeur. Betty's job is to find them a home.
    (editors note -- John has written an interesting story of his visit to Europe in the late thirties. He had a look at the Nazi Regime just prior to the start of WiN II.
See Page 16 for his story....1. Kline)


New Members

    Swart, Harvey L 423/AT American Vets. Charter member of the Richfield Lion's Club, belong to the Richfield Fire Company, the Middleburg Vets' of Foreign Wars, the Millerstown Moose. Am active member of the Masonic Lodge of Mifflintown, Tall Cedars of Lebanon and the Scottish Rite Consistory of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Hobbies are traveling and woodworking.
R.R. I Box 514
Richfield, PA 17086
    I joined 106th at Fort Jackson in March of 1946. I became Lt. Bullard's jeep driver, later I was chosen by Capt. Reed to drive for him at Camp Atterbury, Indiana. Was transferred out in April 1944 to Camp Patrick Henry, Virginia. Two weeks later I was sent to Camp Kilmer, New Jersey, then to London, England.
    In England I was assigned to the 8th Infantry Division, 121st Regiment, Co 'E'. Sailed to Normandy and fought in the invasion. The 8th went down the Brest Peninsula in France and captured it, then came back up the Peninsula, over to the eye= Peninsula.
    We proceeded to Luxembourg on the German border and I was wounded at Buttendorf. I was transferred to a hospital in England, then sent to Long Island, NY December 24, 1944. From there I went to a hospital in Georgia and then to a convalescent hospital in Virginia in April 1945. Transferred to Fort Bragg, N.C. in Sept 1945 and given a medical discharge on Dec 22, 1945. I was awarded the Purple Heart.
    Married to Florence Schrawder in 1946. There were no children in this marriage. I started in the garage business in 1948, added a farm machinery business in 1949. Have continued selling Massey Ferguson machinery.
    My first wife died in 1976. Was married to Ruth Swart Auken in October of 1983. I now have five step children and four step grandchildren.
    I'm active in Brown's U.M. Church McAlisterville, PA and serve as an usher. Life member military Order of the Purple Heart, American Legion, Disabled

Taddeo, Peter J. 424/C
1455 sunset Rd
Mayfield Heights, OH 44124
    Entered Service in 1942, sent to Camp Forrest, Tennessee, 319th Inf., Co 'C' 80th division. Promoted to Staff Sgt. following training I was part of the cadre funned and sent to Fort Jackson to participate, join in the formation of the 106th Infantry division. Was wounded on December 16, 1944. Returned to the States where four years of hospital stay failed to save my left leg. Discharged Oct 1948 as a Master Sergeant.
     Married with 5 children and 11 grandchildren. We are a very happy family. So I can say that in spite of some bad years, life has been good to us.
Thlesen, Kenneth J. 806 ORB
Rte 2, 341 6th Place Rime, WI 53403

Twardzik, Raymond J. 106 SIG
5518 Garden Lakes Oak
Bradenton, FL 34203
     Didn't know the Ass'n existed until Mangold, Bears, Eldridge and Sergi of our Ex-POW Chapter told me about it, I am honored to be part of the 106th.
     I joined the 106th on 28th March 1944. My "Ham Radio Experience" got me into the 106th. I operated a four-man 3/4 ton radio truck attached to support


New Members

    communications between 422nd Headquarters in Schlausenbach and the 106th Division Headquarters in St. Vith. Captured (with Chuck Stammer) one of the 106th Ass'n members) on the 19th. Box cars to Limburg where we were bombed by the British. Then to Stalag IV-B for a couple of weeks, then to Stalag III-B for approx. one month, then walked from III- B to III-A, Luckenwalde. Freed by Russians. "Escaped" from them along with seven others looking for Americans at the Elbe. Shot at and almost killed by a forward unit of the Russians at Juterbog. My Polish saved us. Finally found the Americans 15 miles on the other side ofthe Elbe. Discharged December 1945, continued my education, graduated as Electrical Engineer from Union College, Schenectady, NY. Joined General Electric in '49. Worked on F86D engine controls, Atlas Missile radio guidance, Apollo, sonar, electric vehicles. Retired in '84 enjoying ham radio, computers, bridge, Director and Senior Vice Commander in Manasola Ex-Pow Chapter. met Chuck Stammer in Athens, Georgia after 45 years. We keep in contact. Hope to attend the reunion when you come back down South again in '93.
    (editors note -- Raymond, you asked for copies of the old CUBS. There are very few around. My supply is nil I usually have only an archive copy that Is kept for editorial purposes. If you purchase a copy of The CUB of the Golden Lion: Passes in Review, it does review most of the important stones that appeared in all the CUBs since 1948. It is 496 pages, 8.5 x 10 inch format, hard 4-color cover. The first 1,820 copies are all gone. I just ordered a 1st reprint order of 250 and they should be finished by first or second week of August 818.50 each post-paid, 4th class mail. Send your money to Sherod Collins. Treasurer. His name and address appear on the inside cover of this CUB.. J. Kline)

Waysion, Paul J. 422/HQ 1BN
1240 Ashley Dr.
Troy, MI 48098
    I was captured Dec 19, 1944 near SchOnberg, Germany. After walking a couple of days we were put into box-cars, 60 per car. On our way we were hungry and thirsty, German civilians brought as water while we were sitting along side the main tracks. We were bombed by the RAF on Dec 23 1944. After surviving the air-raid we finally got going and arrived at Bad Orb on Christmas Day. After about one month at Bad Orb, 4-B we were transferred to Zeigenhain, Stalag 9-A, up near Kassel. We were liberated from there on Good Friday 1945. While I was in the Army my name was Wasliszyn, I changed it later to Wasylon.
    I'm married to my wonderful wife "Rita" celebrating our 40th Wedding Anniv on Oct 4, 1992. We have two daughters, Janet! and Marilyn and three grandchildren Michell, Brian and Jessica. I spent most of my working life with general Motors Corporation as a pattern maker, wood model maker, Leader, Supervisor and General Supervisor at the Chevrolet Engineering Center (now called C.P.C.) from which I retired in 1980. I joined G.M. Truck and Bus in 1983 working as Model Coordinator on a contract basis until May I, 1991 at which time I fully retired.
Wilson, Glenn R. 42311
2381 Remington Rd. Green Bay, WI, WI 54302
    Upon being discharged I married my wife Lorraine in 1947. We have two children, a boy and a girl and three grandchildren.
I was employed as a locomotive engineer with the Chicago Northwestern at


New Members

Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I retired in 1978, we now reside here in Green Bay.
    We enjoy traveling and try to get as the south as we can to get away from the Wisconsin winters. It was while we were in Laughlin, Nevada that 1 ran into Marsh (can't remember his first name) and he told me about the Association.
    (editor's note -- That must have been Robert H. Marsh of Monrovia, Califomia. We are glad you ran across him. My father, 81 years of age, Wes in Madison, Wisconsin. Ha worked for years (from age 16 to age 66) for New York Central as an engineer on the Ell Division, between Terre Haute. Indiana and Evansville, Indiana. I have ridden on many a steam locomotive. Did you know that the 106th had a reunion in Milwaukee in 198291 Wed in Madisont that time , eighty miles away, sand didn't catch up with the Association until 1987... J. Kline)

Zeigler, Leroy F. 81st ENG/HQ
5537 Capri. Way Zephyrhills, FL 33542
    Slatted with the 106th at Fort Jackson, South Carolina for Basic Training. Ended it in the Bulge like most others, although avoided the POW camps. Received commission to 2nd Lt and recalled back into service in the Korean War. In civilian life worked as a carpenter, self-employed. Retired early and moved from Michigan to Florida six years ago. Enjoy golfing and fishing.
    First wife died after 41 years. Raised five beautiful children, three girls, two boys and have 13 grandchildren to adore. Remarried seven years ago and very much enjoy my retirement here in Florida./
    Left, William Busier; James Edwards; Fred DePoyster, Clifton Capshaw, all 423/K men John, Thank you for the list of 923/K men you sent me. I have been in touch with four of them. Fred DePoyster from Cooper, Texas came to visit us in out home. Then we went Sc Sr. Petersburg, Florida to visit James Edwards. The next day William Busier came to my some from Port Orange, Florida to visit with Fred and L We called our Company Commander, Cpt James Bricker who live. in Stuart, Florida. The visits by there men were wonderful. Well words waiting for. We talked and talked and talked. We are going to South Carolina to the POW Reunion on April 29. We have made plans to be at the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Reunion. Looking forward to seeing you.
signed Clifton Capshate, 423/K.


Mail Bag

    Please excuse the short "Mail Bag" column in this issue. The summer has been very busy! Time was short, the golf course was calling and I had to get this to press now.
    I appreciate all of you that have contributed material. The Minnesota winters are long and I will have a lot to work on after the Reunion and during the winter.
In the meantime, God Bless you and I will one you in Pittsburgh.
Your CUB editor, John Kline...

Bahlinger, Marion J. 422/8
1237 50. Danis St. Baton Rouge, LA 70808
    After many years I was tracked down by Hugh Colbert of Dallas. A phone call and a couple of letters and he has given me information about the 106th Infantry Division Association. In fact he has sent me several copied pages from "The CUB." I found them interesting.
    Hugh also sent several names of men from 422/B. 1 hope to make contact with some of them and renew memories of 48 years ago. Is there any possibility of receiving back copies of "The CUB."
    (editor's note -- Manion lint, since you are a new member, you might think it odd that 1 placed your letter in this column. I guess a really doesn't make much difference since I hereby acknowledge you. The red reason is I hod the "New Member" column already our up and I discovered I had not entered the into

Annual dues are payable each year by July 1 and expire on the next June 30.
Next CUB will be mailed October 1 to paid-up members only!!!

    above. So instead of rearranging rho layout of that column I noted a, then put you here. (a long explanation for a little deed.)
    I wrote you about the extra copies. I would like to explain this others who might make the same request. I do have a few extra copies of CUB* back beyond 1987, but not many, prob. ably 35-40, some multiples and 130l in any sequential order. Thermo just canes drat memben have sent me to be used as I see fit As to archive. -I have a wimplete set of CUB. dating back to 1946. Them are about eight publications of which I have only a photocopy, the rest are originals. Unfortunately there was not a en of "editor's archive copies" passed down the long line of editors, over the years. My copies were graciously sent to me, over a period of about one year, by various members after 1 took over as editor in 1987.1 med this our to research and compile the book,

    The CUB of the Golden Lion: Passer in Review. The Aseociation Historian, Sherod Collins has a complete "original set" These are the official archive copies and they will not be relinquished. They are also used on occasion for research.
    The reason the CUB Posses in Review be came a reality, was that Ed Prewett in the 1989 Board Meeting said "It sure would be nice if we could have a book compiling all the interesting stories that have appeared in The CUB since it maned. We have no many new members who need to see what happened in the pain" I was at that time asked to do a "feasibility" study and brought that answer to the 1990 meeting in Sacramento. It was there that I was authorized to proceed with or.. 475 hours of research, typing and lay-out work to bring the book out in July of 1991. The rust 1,820oopierhave been sold and delivered. The 1st Reprint order of 250 books in now being printed. It's a heck of a buy for 4118.50 Kline)

Brown. Irving 423/NC
Rd 6 Box 89. Washington St Oran, PA 111612
    Sherod, I wonder if any one can tell me the number of the Field Hospital (August 15, 1945) at Camp Lucky Strike, Le-Havre, France. Or names of the medical warns, including officers, MPs or men stationed there?


HUBERT, Andre', Pres. C.R.I.B.A.
centre de recherche at d information sur la Welke des ardennes (Asa].)
29 Centre.
6674 LANGLIRE (Gooey)
Dear John,
    I received the package with the books in very good shape at the beginning of April and have just finished delivering the last copy of

The CUB of the Golden Lion: Passes In Review to Mrs. Jany DELAVAL, she was at the seaside for holidays.
    Enclosed please find a copy of the letter I gave each receiver with the book. I thank you for the great honor and pleasure, you and your Association made me with a personal copy. You can be sure I will enjoy it. The book is very interesting, more-over it is very useful with its information. Since I have received it I was able to help a veteran of the 112th Infantry Regiment, 28th Division, to locate a place where he had been. At the beginning ofthe Bulge that regiment was attached to your division for a few days.
    This book is very different from the others because it gives also the word of the many actors of the battle. Their story is more important and more accurate than the After Action reports of the historians. John, you really did a great job by compiling all the "CUBs" and taking the best out of them.
I thank you for relying on me to deliver the other five copies of the book to the other people in Belgium.
    CRIBA members and myself hope to see you someday in the Ardennes. We know that many Veterans Associations are preparing trips for the 50th Anniversary of the liberation of Europe and the Battle of the Bulge. Sincerely,
    (editor's note -- Andre" HUBERT, President of CRIBA (see pages 337 through 344 in the CUB Review), was shipped six books, one for

Mail Bag

    himself and five more fon The villagen at Spinet.; Madame Jany DELAVAL, widow of Dr. Maurice DELAVAL, a dedicated friend of rho 106th -see page 341.343 of the CUB Passes Review; The Museum at La Cleism The Mu-mum at Ensival and to Serge Fontaine, anaher of our CRIBA friends. I also received a thank you letter from Pierre COSSET, secretary of CRIBA for the copy he received via direct mail for the CRIBA library. Andre', Thanks for your help. Vivent lee Beiges! - 1. Kline)
Mahoney, R. Neill 590/H4
3155 Chevy Point CI. Fallbrook, CA 92028
    Enclosed is my story of The Battle of the Bulge. as experienced in the "rear echelon"at Division Headquarters. It is a little longer than I promised.
    I was able to contact Ray Kurth 591/B and 591/C. We had a delightful three hour lunch at Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin, getting re-acquainted after 46 years! Thank you for providing me with his telephone number.
    The Golden Lion Passes in Review is the most worthwhile book I have seen in many years. Of particular interest are the accounts of the 590th and 589th Field Artillery Battalions in the Bulge. I had never before read any account of the events of the days starting on December 16, 1944. I've had some discussions with former POW's of these events, but these stories in the book provided a much clearer view of the terrible experiences of the time.
    Congratulations John, your compilation of the 106th Infantry Division history will be a rich source of information, long after we are all gone.
    (editor's note -- Neill, Your three page story of the "Rear Echelon" of the Division is excel. lent. Unfortunately time and space caught up with me den time. I have been working "behind the curve" all summer and hope that rime will be kinder tomcat; fall names along. Your article will be in the nest issue. As you know, I was only the "Compiler" the stories canoe from the men of the 166th. They are to be thanked.


Mail Bag

    the CUB Review. This copy will go to my 18 year old grandson at High School graduation with synopsis of his granddads participation. Mant thanks. See you in Pittsburgh. signed Jack Roberts, John M. 592/C
1059 Alter Rd Bloomfield Hills, Mt 48304
    John, you and I conversed briefly in the hallway after breakfast one morning at the 106th reunion in Huntsville Alabama. 1 mentioned to you that I was writing my autobiography which included several chapters regarding my experiences as an artillery man in the 106th Infantry Division.
    I mentioned that I would send you copies of those chapters. I have had these duplicated and enclose them for your reading. You will also note that I have enclosed a copy of the contents page which will show you how much I have written about my life. This represents five years of writing.
    I am only enclosing those chapters which deal with the Battle of the Bulge and part of the period when the 106th was being reorganized in Rennes, France. (Chapters 21 through 26)
    You will note I was a member of the 592/C when I was captured by the Germans on the morning of 16 December 1844, but I was one of the lucky ones that escaped.
    I know that you cannot publish all the material that you receive. It is not my intent that you publish any of what I have enclosed.
    (editor's nae -- The context. Page ihnws Chapter 58 starting on page "973." It is understandable why it has taken five yews of writing. John, the 100 plus pages you sent concerning the 106th ere are fantastic. They are so well written. I will discuss more of this next time. Hopefully you will consent to we using some of the material as time goes by.
A copy is going to the Historian, Sherod Conlin. Thanks... 1. (Dine)
Mosley, Rev. Ronald A. 424gIQ
Petite Rider. Bridge
Nova ScoIla, Canada BOJ 2P0
    I will be in Pittsburgh as a delegate attend ing the National Convention of Veterans For Peace at the same time as the 106th Reunion is there.) hope to drop in and see some of my old buddies.
    Thanks for your note to me via the "Mail Bag" in the recent CUB. To comment on Sam Neel who served as a Chaplain with the 422nd Regiment. We shared a stateroom on the Aquitania. I was on the top 3-tier bunk. I think he had the bottom. I visited my late parents in Bradenton, Florida in the winter of '62. My brother-in-law, Tom Mitchell ( USNR Chaplain in the Pacific) was pastor of the Central Methodist Church in Bradenton. He was active in Kiwanis and stated that he knew of a Chaplain who served with the 106th. He took me to Manatee Junior College where Sam Neel was President. Somewhere in my cluttered photo collection is a picture of Sam and me. Sam was a great guy. I'm happy to hear he's happy in retirement. I just wish he wouldn't keep his where-abouts a secret. He is needed by his former comrades in the 422nd and 106th. he was a great support for them at Stalag 9-B, I know.
Hope to see you in Pittsburgh. The CUB was great many thanks from us for your dedication. signed Ron Mosley
(editor's note -- Ron, thanks for your com-010041.
    received more pictures from Paul Trost that show Chaplain Neel with the troops at Stalag 9-B. I ow have gobs of material from you. Hope to see you in Piusburgh... J. Kline)

McDevitt, Jack 81st Eng/A
188 Queen Lane Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971
Called your home this a.m. and left word for you to mail me another copy of
36 The CM altar Golden Lion
3in filentoriani

Alexander, William G. 423/E P0 Box 1128, fond Park, Nods, 30051
    Survived by his wife Carolyn, Bill died on April 21, 1992. He owned Bill's Builders, Inc. a commercial building firm. Also surviving were his two daughters, Marilyn G. Alexander and Caroline I. Alexander of Decatur, a brother Arthur of Forest Park; a sister, Martha Shorter of Miami, a stepson. Lawrence Page. Jr. of Red Lion, Pa, a stepdaughter, Niwana P. Briggs of Union City Ca.
Bieze, John H. 424/H Rte 5, Box 99, Lake Germs, YAsecosin 53147
John passed away December 22, 1991. No other information available.
Duvall, Aaron N. 423/HO 69 Woodridge Rd., Rogers, Arkansas 72756
    To Captain Sam Davis, 423/HQ, Ruth, Aaron's wife wrote, "1 am writing to el you Aaron passed away May 13, 1992. He was buried at the Hudson Cemetery, Moreland, Arkansas. There is a great void in my life, but I am thankful for the 50 years we had together. We have two great children, Bob. an attorney in Little Rock and Betty who is a teacher for the Bentonville School System. They and their families live in Bentonville. Aaron always enjoyed hearing from you."
Fitzgerald, William H. 424/E 521 So Linden Awe, Waynesboro, VA 22580
    William died Tuesday, April 21, 1992 at the Simon Veteran's Affairs Medical Comer in Albany after a long illness. He formerly worked for the Troy Department of Public Works, and was a maintenance man at Devane's Inc, floor coverings and draperies. He was a communicant of Si Anthony's Church in Troy.
    Survivors include his wife Kathleen DeTom Fitzgerald of Troy, a daughter Maureen O'Brien of Center Brunswick; a sister, Mildred Warren of Averill Park-, a brother John of Watenown; four grandchildren, three great grandchildren, several nieces and nephews.
Glenney, Walter S. 424/HQ 13802 E HIIWde Dr., San Antonio, Texas 78249.
    I have no details. A copy of this CUB is going to Sam Glenney, 24 Heritage Cl, Grand Prairie, Texas 75050, who I presume to be a son. Walter was a Life member of the Association, with his wife Billye.
Houser, Jack E. 422/G 7526 10111 Avenue So., Riddield, Hanes. 55423
    We have no details. He was a Life member of the Association his wife is Eunice and the May CUB was returned marked "deceased."
Pinnow, Robert L 424/CN 418 W. Crystal Lake Ave. Credal Lake. tunas 60014
It was reported by Hank Mackowiak of 424/Cannon that Robert had passed away June 1, 1992. Robert's wife is Alice M.
Spano, Robert M. 424/CN 4009 Silva Lake Rd Sc AnWony, Minnesota 55421
II was reported that Robert passed away February 18, 1992. His wife is Eileen who has joined as an Associate member.
Simons, John F. 423/E 15838 Hornell Street Whittler, Callf ornia 90603
    Ann, John's wife sent a note that he had passed away on February 20, 1992 due to a complication of surgery. He looked forward to reading The CUB. Services were held at the Hillside Chapel. Burial at Rose Hills Memorial Park.
01011 rtinflubtr our romrabro forcUcr. Itlap nprp rent in punt.
46th Annual Reunion
106th Infantry Division Association
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
August 27-30, 1992
Contact John Maloney, chairman - 1120 Warren Ave, Arnold, PA 15068
Telephone (412) 335-6104
E° Wi 6
^ DO
PPG Place
FM, Men. Pace
Boni, Centex
VA fa.
Lborly Gentir
O. Moo Glevtounclilfaheays.
Convention Oinler Moe lavenStocksn
OWN( locations
1. Sheraton HMO ot
J. Malin Wfam Penn rehaR="Irg'
9 L''''"^-"rc:,..T"


cc JR..
Pubic parking 5 Amtrak station
0 Visitor information t Subway transit stop
4.‘(> la Points of Intoned
Polnl Sole Palc Got.. Coma
The officia,/ rhu,blication
106th Infinity Division
Association, Inc
President Michael Thome
1st Vice–Pres Jack A. Sober
2nd Vice–Pres C. L. Cooper
Treasurer Sherod Collins
Adjutant Boyd A. Rutledge
Historian Sherod Collins
CUB Editor John Kline
Memorials Chairman .... Dr. John G. Robb
Membership Chairman Gilbert Helwig
Chaplain Rev. Ewell C. Black, Jr.

    The CUB Is the official quarterly publication ofthe Association. Membership In the Association includes subscription to the CUB.

Send editorial matter and photos to:
John P. Kline--CUB Editor
5401 U. 14709. W Appk:® ,MN 55124.6617

Business matters, deaths, address changes to:
Boyd A. Rutledge--Adjutant
10122 Camerich Road. MomAnsten. 304 55457

Memorial matters and inquiries to:
Dr John G. Robb
. Devoe Dr.. Meadville, PA 16155

Send Membership dues, Memorial Fund contributions and Historical items to:
Sherod Collins--Treasurer
us 66.= 74rzilenz/r. GA 20144

The NEW Life Membership fee is payable one time only, with no annual dues thereafter.
Life Membership 575.00
Life Auxiliary 515.00
Life Associate 575.00

For those choosing to pay Annual dues, pay by July I each year. (July 1 to July I term) Annual Membership 510.00
Annual Auxiliary 52.00
Annual Associate 510.00
Make checks payable to
‘106th Infantry Division Association."

Board of Directors 1991-- 1992 showing year term expires in parentheses
Roy Bigger 423/HQ 1'531
219 E. South A 23 04.4 00. 0946915

Douglas Brooks 424/MED ('94)
805 Creelade Pr M. Mermlis.114 221174021

C.L. Cooper 423/H (94)
74949. FloaAlzil,m1gre. IN 22205

Charles T. Datte 5915V •92)
22115miaAve.. Clifton Heigh. PA MOM

Sam E. Davis Jr. 423/HQ (13)
216 North Eagg=l5. FL 52402

Norwood A. Frye 81st ENG/B ('94)
1069 Me m.. Rd.. Glastonbury. CT 06052

Joseph Gross 591/C C94)
7732 Tome 1.41=Lagieso. CA 92119

John L. Hall 423/SV
2562 Hill Cl. Sebring, It 331172

Harold Kuizema 589/B C92)
2151 th+ain Sr SE. Orand Rapids. M140506

Joseph P. Maloney 424/HQ ('93)
1120 W•117.1erae=1, PA 15066

Joseph Massey 422/C (.94)
95E.1 - Box 760.Rrnla}AL 25122

Herbert F. Meagher 422/M C94)
5257 W.9544 9..0431avaa R. 6001

O. Paul Merz 422/SV C94)
1341 Norfolk 46224
Cr. .21tazzolia IN

Edward A. Prewett 424/B (93)
7251 Lone Tree Way. Reentwood. CA 91 511

Charles F. Rieck 422/H ('93)
016 Rom Pa.., Middle., WI 52562

Richard L. Rigatti 423/B
III Woodeltiegri=g11, PA 15215

Jack A. Sulser 423/F C92)
917 19. As.41,tt,..gzir. VA 22312

Michael Thorne 422/HQ IBN r92)
1711 PSL ApeMI, Sanamenie. CA 951114

Frank S. Trautman 422/D 1'92)
no st. Chap. Fenn 01-144022

Russell H. Villwock 106 SIG ('92)
6996 wen Hiang.:Lngerk,aso. IL 60656

Edward E. Young 590/A ('93)

Col. Joseph Matthews 422/HQ (We)

In Memory of our Comrades who died
106th Infantry Division
A Listing of Casualties
106 SIG
106 RECON 6
331st MEDICS 4
422nd REG 84
42310 REG 139
424th REG 236
589th FAB 27
590th FAB 11
591st FAB 4
592nd FAB

From the National Archives, Released 7/27/89
Transcribed by Gil Helwig, 423/M
Published by CUB editor, John Kline, 423/M -16 December 1991

Where are the young lieutenants
who sailed across the sea?
Where are the proud young men
who went across with me?
Some are home, now older,
some sleep across the sea--
and all are so much humbler
than they ever thought they'd be.
From The Young lieutenants
The Infantry, Queen of Battles
The sleeping Queen was awakened by the crowing cock of gold.
She roused to make the routine call; to her the game was old.
From the mines and orchards, from schools and farms,
her conscripts came to shoulder her colors and arms.
She kneaded the motley mixture with hands carelessly cruel.
Unmindful of one single man, from millions she fashioned a tool.
She honed it with exquisite frustration; she tried it in the mud.
She heated it to desperation, then quenched it slowly in blood.

The above poems and back page
'Before the Veterans Die
by Dale Carver 742 Dodd dole salon Rouge. LA 70909
formerly: SAP Platoon Leader
    1st Lt.. 424th Combat Inf Reg. Headquarters. 3rd Battalion 106th Infantry Division. Awarded the Silver Star for gallantry In action against the enemy.

106th Infantry Division Casualties WWII -- 544 Count
Division Headquarters
Jacobs, Kind S 3
hir K. Lawler,:Rzizond F. Sifec5
%puler, Murray Teel
Int K.
106th Bacon Troop
Akers. Edwin PA
cry KIA
Hamby, Llog R
Jeka, Joseph R Pfc
PrOPOWit, Leonard 2ndIA
Roe, Charles Ph
Cav KIA %grata:v.00e R latIA
106 Signal
crimiistr, trim F. PM
Daviiiitut=. S30
Ford,John D. IM.Lt
Scarcuer,Frank R Pfc
Swanson.Herold S. Pfc
331st Medical Battalion
Pfeifle, Charles W Intl MD K.
Quinlan, John L Tec5
Shelhamm Kenneth C Cpl MD K.
Smith, Harold D Pfc
422nd Infantry Regiment
AhlbmilmAmas W Spe
Andason.George A Pfc
K, Aylesworth.Carl A Pfc
Bellew, Earl W Pfc
kd KIA
DWI, Saul Pfc
Id K.
Barlow, George A Pfc
Barr, Ralph Pfc
Baxter, Samuel F.
Inf K.
Benedetto, Joe D Pfc
ter FOD Blocke,ClilTord F lsILI
MAC kis
Blake, John T SSgO
Bolding. Clench V Tec4 NI DOW
Brenner, Mussy Pfc
• yillmB Imll
Bums, Robert 3 Ted
w KM
Cannon,William I Pfc
3tiF DOW
Carbaturo, Antonio P.
Christensen, • 2nilLt.
. KM
Cohen Eli Pfc
Croce, Louis A Pfc
CIWIMings, IAJohn V Pvt
Int IC
• Pig,ard C
MC Ellion Ruh. S. 95'
Engle. Nornum A 2ndLA.
Erickson, Leroy H Sgt
Fraratinlgeldon Pfc
C Pfc
F Sgt
Goon Alexander Pfc
Gel ', Leo ard Pfc
la DOW Grcensjanirhillip P Ph
Guliot,,,Chalses P Ph
Gum, Samuel H Tec3 Nf
Hammudiaeorge • 2ndLL
Hannon Fannin I. lr 1sta
kleacia, ,51,1,1 Ph
Henc.aitia. Cam
Herron Rot. L Pas
Hjerp Edward H MSM In! KIA
!foliar, DaKGvid G. Pfc
Ingle, Norval E. Pvt
Jones, Raymond F. SSgt
Kastenbeum, Leon IMLA
Kent, Monies IN KU
King. Robert .I. SS:
Kinzer, Don S. Pfc
kJ K.
Kroh, John M lath
,• Baterd Pfc
Lewrence, Murray A Pfc NI COW
Lo Sevin, Nicholas J Pas
la K.
Luck, Earl K Intl
Nf K.
Madril, Juan 0 Pvt
Mathew, Jos.W.Ir Pfc
Miranda. Chrispin L Pfc
Mueller, David S Pfc
Pansini, Anthony M Ph
Perkins, Williun H Capt
Phillips, Howard L Pas
he K.
Pierce, Earl D Pd
Porter, Robert C P.
Reichenau, Douglas J IstSgt . COW
Rirsoli, Charles L Sgt
Id KM Rogotit,,,Johl 1 Ph
Ryan, Donald R Pfc
. K.
&wits, Thorold I ImoNI FOG
Schekr, Edward 2ndLt.
Sdincider, VicNr C Pvt
Seibert, Warren L Pfc
Seymour, Hayden Pfc
Smith, Louis Pfc
Sprour:i .1;11„1„1 L Pn
Thomas,George E Psn
Thomas, John W Psn
hir DOW
Viborks. John P Pas
Wansnolier. Paul SSM
Wad, Duane P Pfc
Washer, ManyK. Tec5
ler Wcisak,r1gegiarry H Plc
Wharton, John B Ph
Wiemrk A.J. SSgt
Wilson, Robert H Pfc
ler K. YourtMain E Pfc
Zgumniki, Creslow P. Pvt ter K.
423rd Infantry Regiment
Alloeier, Daniel I Pvt
ler KM
Anderson, Raymond F Pvt wIt.
Died of Battle Injuries
Died of Battle Wounds
Finding of Death
Killed in Action
Anderson.Lee K Ph
Awe, rn., Pfc
BaracIh.N K. Marvin S P.
Benelscr. mad 51 P.
NI K. Bethel, Swan S NI IC.
BigitrAtl'Y Ted
Bird, Cloud< A T«5Nr KIA
Blackburn, Herben HInu MAC KIA Blan.adnaH.Jr Pfc
BlantonHannan N Pfc
Bowman, Everett D Pfc
LI K. BragtpigArd M Pre
Brown, Willem E Ph
Brownelk Donald D Nth lof K.
Canonic. Ernest F Ted
Aoo Dow
Carlock. Kenneth L Pfc
Nf K. Carovi.,;(5V;Ttkam Pvt
Cementer, Bruce WPh . KM
Cleat!, Junes L Caul
Cohen, ,..0egV Ph
Colsu:i Its I Pfc
Combs, OK IA KIA Connty,gAhn T.Jr Pfc Cope, Willies M Pfc
Corcoran, John F Pfc
Wf Kw
Corlett, Thomas L IM.LA
Craig- William 14 U.Col
Declassified July 27, 1989 NaUonal Archives
106th Infantry Division Casualties WWII -- 544 Count
Hoard, Ila•T Pm
Bethnal, Charles W Cpl IN K.
Hell. Charles E Ph
Hostak, Newnan Pvt
Inf KU
Inge., Williun W Tec5
lona. Clacton C Sag.
tor FOD
Jones, Robert L PFC
ter KR
Kistner, Paul L Cant
Kliarath. L Pfc
Knowles, lane. E Ssgt
Delors...B.4'h 0 Plc Kurtz, "mob
w KIA Tece
Law K.
D''''th• Ed". L Pr.
- La Fleur. Amend W. Pfc
he DOW
Dornitra.taa i,\Yilson P PM ,........, Den, F Pfc
, he K.
Dowil.1, Sanaa! PE i...b, Williarn E Tett
Dulitua, Toby P. w KIA
NI KIA Lojacono, Joseph 1 fc
Eastman, Raymond 1.1r Pfc Lomb.... L...7.... p ss he KIA
. DOW Lowe.,'Malc::ohn C 2nd10
Eggleston, Robert L Pfc
Flareri,nry. Edmund Mir Pfc ......,...„ W PFcFreas. Russell Ale C•Pl ......t, gr"A
N K „hp, m Pvt
Frisch Rudolph Mc Id K.
,, C Tsgt
. KU
Thew K.
GalloZeteg The ......fre L Cap,
Giordano, Peter W Pm ::... PFc
Or i,...,,
Orer, lack E. Tu., mt.. Joseph Jr Pfc
HAIL ArIbur A p„,, IN K.
Id K. May. John 1 2ndla
Hall, Louis W ib. IN KIA
W KIA Mc Classon, LC. Pfe


Hallerin, Abraham PM KLA
la KIA Mc ComegelYde C PIE


Hauck Gana L Pvt K.
ter FOD McBride. Franca .1 Pvt
Hardy, lama c.. id KIA
tef KIA Mieczkovroki, S Pvt
Heard, Milton L Pfc . ..
. KIA Miller, Robert C Pvt
I le at. Etard 1 Pfc .,E:
Moat, Johnnie P Pfc
Hebert, Charles Pfc oo
IN K. Moran fad Y Pfc
Herny„„Bt I Teal Morris, Kr,,,,_ Pfe
Nile, James H
he K. PFc' ..).:Rtr, .
. c.
Hill, Clarks P
he K. PkMulsoacy,.r. - Pfc Nailer, Wilson B Pfc
• 00
Nev., Janes Ch. 2nd11 IN K.
ObtrVogl F Pvt
Mac, Michael Pfc
P"il 'nil' T Pvt
Pate, Mervin C Sgt
IN KU Pave/414111rd Pfc
Pcterson. Wilbur C Pot
Pfirman, Edward I Ssgt
Pliarnlimg, Kenneth A Pm MD K.
Quaid, Robert Elr Tec5
• K.
Quin, Oriel Pfc
he COW
Rau, Clam.L Segt
Richards, Jimmy L Pot
Rigdon, Paul Pfc
Rober Inf tson, Nolen PfcRRuberatein. Herbal PM
mo K.
SandifId er. Wo .odrow W SeglSchanck Thomas R Pm
Schon, Harold 1.1r Pfc
KIA SessoLlam1111 Pfc
Shack Nevin W IndLt
Sieber, William B Pfc
Signoalli. Casper C Pfc
SmitIVorrA L Intl
Snide, K. Sett
he K.
Spencer, Chaks M Pfc
Stec, Peter WOOD
SW, Da.II D Pfc
Suess, Glen W TecS
Swain, Ma FOD xwell L Ss gt
Taylor,i0EanaL Jr WOJG
TICS Pn Pfc Pfc Psn Pfc
Wastritz P Pvt
Wage, Johnnie L Tsgt
Weber. Donald 0 Pfc
W ba WAGS. D I uld
Wise, Lester Ph
Wiseman, Pull Sgt
Wino, Wiliam Pfe
424th Infantry Regiment
AWN, Thom,, Pfc
Alto, .Tovid
Inf KIA •
Ambrose, Ferrill J Plc
Andason, Myron I Pfc
Arpajial,,,r, A Pn
Ark Franz F
Barker John H Pfc
be KIA
Banutby, Albert 1 2ndLI
he K.
Banal, D- Pfc
Bushkin, Dean D Pvt
la KU Baal:ram. Pfc
Beck, Louis W Pvt
la KIA
Beers, CliffordFOD Pfc
Bercgren. Carlos 0 Pvt
he KM
Best, lulus EA Pfc
Benham, Paul F, PM
la K.
Bevridge Albert H.Tec5
he DO
Bickel, Daniel M Sgt
he DOW
BickeIN K ataff, T Pfc
Binds, H Pfc
Blalock Johnie C Pvt
. K.
Blalock, Willie A. Pfc
Bobo, Clifford Ph
Borah, John V Pfc
.f K.
Boaz, Tess CU
Bowman Charles Jr laid
Brown, Maxwell M 2nd10 IN K.
Bur., Clifford 1 Pvt
Died of Battle Injuries
Died of Battle Wounds
Finding of Death
Killed in Action
Kobrynskb. Frank
Crocker, Rey N Tel L
KIA Kot. Cossack
Daniels. Ronald H 2,410 Id KM
la KIA Kruta Charles
Davie, Roberto Pk IN
ta KU Kunkel, baepb H
w KU
Taylor. Rumen N
Id K. Tel.. Ludo
Id KM Thom Harold L
tor COW Tontt, Sleeken
Tong, Han Y
Vaniceko, Martin
Inf K.
DeChanallied July 27. 1989 - National ArchWen


106th Infantry Division Casualties WWII -- 544 Count
Declassified July 27. 1989 - National Archives
Canut:11,Sruel WIladLt
CamT, Alphas L Ph
CesIlion, KIA Willis. W. Capt
Quaid), Hasold Pfc
Inf yu
Castleberry, Howerd M Ph
Canon, Paul M Pfc
Clark, Ray STeal Int KIA
Clifton, Eugene B
Cotten, Aaron R Pfc
Ind K.
Colbert, Otto W Ph
Inf K.
Collins, Robert T Pfc
.f FOD Connoljy,,abert H Ph
Coombe, Thomas G Sgt
Int. K.
Corry, Clifford Pk
ad K. Cowan,Thomas H Pfc
Crouse, James C.Sr Pfc
Curl, INK Hatold - Pfc
Demonic, Joseph PPh ad K.
Darks, Herold N Ph
Do Hark Revlon R Ph• KIK
De Martino, Willirm C PhIre K.
Deka Lupe PhInt DOW
Denose, James Poi
Id K.
Di NAY, Anthony I Pfc Inf K.
Diskt turst Cpl
Dombi, Rudolph N. Pk
Int K.
Duncan, William 0 Teal
Dunlap, RKIA obert C Pfc
Engstmlobert A DIU Fdpmos, Benjamin Pot
kr K.
Evansa, izeo,Arge Pfc
Everado, Paul W PhLe KM
Faircailu, Leo le Pfc
Feist, Franklin E Pot
Fishman, Arthur Pfc
Flaherty,William P.
Ind DOW Flewelfum,O.K IOU
• Forrest Ph
Lif K.
Folk. Jess D Pk
ad K. FomItOdlgt Pvl
Ford, Robert D Pk
Forehr,gin R. Jr Int-
Fosse, Hreland A Sgt
Inf KIA Foster,,,,Bulrol E Pfc
Foster, Donald G Ph
Foust. Dalton E Pfc
Inf KIA Frielljlthg Sgt
Purr, Maurice N.Jr Pre
rialantowies, Thaddeus Ph .f FOD
Class, Casimir Pfc
Int K.
Gam, Clarence 0 Mr
Garcia, Joe B. Pfc
Id K.
Garcia, Salvadom M pent
Gardner- Charlie T Ph
GaskelL Daniel C Ph
Geyer, Joe E Ph
Gillet, ;yr F. Ph
°ilk Wallace
art KIA
Oilsore, Raymond L
alt COW Goble, Alb.
Gogolaski, Marshall
Le .
Ovenware, Jaeph C
ad KM
Harkins, Ell Z
Heikki., Arnold
Henry, Sam R
Remand., -Issio
art FOD Hess, Milton
Heyaann, Cheater G
an K.
Hien, James A
Hill, top k
Hinton, William E
Int K.
Hinrten,Id Leonard
Hind, Junco W
Hoffman, Glenn C
M Ise/
Hummel. Delben G Pk
Rudman, Floyd W Sgt
Inf DOW Hutchinson, Robert H Ph
Le K.
Junesoyal Jr Ssgt
JvwiAN Frederick Tec5
JenkizSzenson D Pfc
Johnson, Kenneth R Pfc
Johnson, Murray T
"^-127f w f
Jorgensen, Arthur C Pvt
Int K.
Kama, Raymond S PhMI K.
Kellet,,ArgnAC Pfc
Kelky, FrankK. N Pfc
Kicinski, Chester S Pfc
id K. Kilketty,ghn Pit 2ndLt Killion, WilliamH Ph
ad KM
Kinberg. Mo Sgl
Int rton
King, Louis J Sgt
Int K. Koctiqg Pfc
Kramer, kaPfc
Kramer, John 1 ?ante
Int K.
Krieger, Omuta Copt
ad KIP
Leccoarce, Calvin C Pfc
Lang1:71,,Creles L Ssgt
Lawson,Johnson Jr Pot
Ledbetter, Herman R Pfc
. K.
Canine, Eugene F Sege
art K.
Legg/1%11r 0 Sgt
Lorenzen, Robert V Pfc
Mac Rae, Warren 1 Ph
Macaroff, E Ph
Manilot D Pfc
Martine, Cheri. R PhwK.
Mc GInf COrady. RWobert I Pent
Mc lair, Ortald D Sgt In, FOD
Mc Kay, Duane M 2sidLt Inf DOW
Mc Kay, Reber C 2ndtr Mr KM
Died of Battle Injuries
Died of Battle Wounds
Finding of Death
Killed In Action
Mc Milli, Donald L Pf Le KM
Mc ?till., ted E Pf
Medeirnapalaliony T Pf
Method.Harold A P.
Miks, Charles F Pfc
Millerdttnl;Lk Opt
Monestrio, Amkew 1 Teed MD K.
Moore, Harold M Sgt
m"thl`r/hg Pfc
Morriso, Max R Pk
art KIA N"tiYKF."'" Pfc
Mullin, MEAS M Sgt
MyertraglwL Ssgt
Navari,a, Edmund N Pfc
N°`thinif"rkilv ph
NowtWasam F.Jr Pfc
Po'rIrle^ Pot
Parker, Harold B Pfc
IA C Pfc
P"".trIg Pfc
Pietrozklzadward C Ssgt
PilkingtronicLol. Pfc
Plume, Milton in Pfc
an K.
Plu.ntri Kgeeth F Pfc
Porto, Frank .1 Pent
Int K.
P--trkiar-- Ph
Pritchen, Chart. Puy


106th Infantry Division Casualties WWII -- 544 Count
Refferty, William E
RAnweyet, Ralph S
• K.
Robena, Hall H
Rogezillr E
Hord,li GIcnn W Pfc
Ruskin, Kenneth Pfc
Sam, Charlie Pfc
he K.
Sambej, Maley Pfc
Schoen. Edward 1 Phhe K.
&nuke, °maid Pfc
he K.
S./dil/11171.k Pfc
Seward,. Vemon Pfc
Shread, John R Pfc
Inf K.
Sisco, Orville Pfc
Lear K.
SkarpeloId K.wski, John A Pfc
Skinner, George A Pfc
Smoot, MeKlvin 1 Ss,:
Spy. fan R
Stanford, James A SSEI
Staub, Alexander 1 2nd11 Inf K.
Stebetiman, Willerd E Pfc
Skphanites. Robert D Pfc Lid KiA
Stephen, Floyd R Ph
StokeLlitra B hat
Stone,hif KIA E Col
Stmlile, Leslie C latIA
he K.
Sumeen, Robert H Pfc
23.11A PI, Cap Pfc
TripetAm I Tec5 Zararza,prvid 1 Pfc Senn1;nA, Tarim E Cpl
Ten 1C,,,glmer Pvl Scannanco, John A Sgt
81st Combat Engi- FA KIA
Tepft rPtIAE Sgr nears Sanely, lanes 2ndU
Bills, cE Clayton R P. FA K.
Tercyjamy. Sir Sgt . Skupaka, Mike Pvi
Bracher, Hem R TM FA FoD
Than, Willi C Pfc cE coW
.f KIA War, Mn!,f,e V Pfc
Coram William H.Jr IstIr
Thom, John W P. CE KIA name., John PhCody, John F FM
Thom&solllufut I Ph cE DOW Wheeler, Robert A FA
K. 23
Tilley, Glenn M sr, Coullgylams W Pfc
Wiseman, Charles L DA
hd K. __c Leureaintltbert V Pfc FA KIA
i Edward - Pfc Leon 1 1st, Sgt
Tracy. Rohm L I att., m"Cri. Kl'A"d I p.
Wood. Eric Fir IOU
Tocad, Robert W Ph Mersin Ittre 0 Col
Turner, Jack H pfc ,lichtti. 1,,,,,,s, i., 1,,,,, 6901h FA Battalion
Goldstein, Morton Pfc
la FOO
.f K.
T... Tboy R P. Hu
Portergarand Sgt FA GKU
IN K. rinVirIon F Pk
Rutledge, Pa111 1
TYlmil, WiRm SS, CE KIA Loch, John H tub
Lid DoW
Dillon, John A pfc Sooggeir,robert E Pvt
Martin, Albert C MIA
//Minh, Clerence 1 Pfc s ''''Cl*YKEIA Pfc FA K.
Id FOD m'''''llwir. P"
Vin Dyk, Louis A Sgt CE EKIr" s''' Mitchell, Harold K Pfc
Yen Kirk. Melvin M o„ Walt, niam E PFC
Pine, lobe I
FA .
la K. FA KIA Cap/
Veer Ran, C.all 0 Sgt Division Artillery souinincce e warla( KIA Noblei.ilaclro Ten5 '
Velliot ilvax C P. Stone, Names E Ssgt
Veneer*, Glen H Pfc 689th FA Battalion 'reek. 3•Ck - Tec5
...,c Baker. Perry
Vincent, Noah L n FA KM Wanoth, Will.
iam 11 Tec5
la KIA
Vitaloe, John L Pfc Carnpr,,, K111uni D Col FA Kir,
IN DOW 591st FA Battalion
Germ, Kenneth H P.
Vocel,Siegaino F Pfc FA KM
Id DOW Gaudette, H Sinn
Gaudette, George E P.
Werner, Harry I Ph FA DoW
Id Km ChetepreWdward /Cant
Watson, Ellis
ke KLAR so OilbrcsatliZionnas H Trot
Kault Rolld .1 2011.1
CFA Wall
Welker, William Pfc GorhvFA K.ace P.
w KuMilleri.AHoLa W Pfc
Graham, Mande C Pf
Whitela, Loren
KIA J.Jr Pal FA K.
White, William A Pfc ,,,„ 592nd FA Battal-
Wieler, Crawford Jr 2nd1.1 Hill, Przno, FA KIA Mee Alexander,Alexander,Mac N I stL1
Williams, Winifred E Pvl F
Hyrium‘,, %lot, L P. Baker, K.Lawrence A Pvt
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Keller,• Francis A Ph PA KIA
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Wilson, Andrew Lk Ph F
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Wilson, Ernest N P. FA K.
Mc Celland, Ewing R lelLt HoffripAyergowerd Cal
Mitchell,• Tom F laii F
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Wnghl, Franca W PhRoc17:11,glcalm H Cap Woodruff. Roy Jr Cpl
ler KIA
Died of Battle Injuries
Died of Battle Wounds
Finding of Death
Killed in Action
KIA °look, FraciJ DAD Mondragon, Cream Meant
Wender], David T.Jr Pk hrf K. FA KIA
Woodcock. Daniel Rh F
Riot.. Quin R P. Monskie, F Tool


Dadassallad July 27, 1989 - National Archives
    The Henri-Chappelle American Cemetery and memorial covering 57 acres, was established in September 1944 by the 1st Infantry Division of the let U. S. Army, as a combat burial site. The cemetery and memorial were completed in 1960 and dedicated during ceremonies on 9 July the same year.
    The cemetery commemorates 7,989 of our soldiers who died during two periods of fighting; the 1st Army's drive in September of 1944 through Northern France into Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg and Germany, as well as the bitter "Battle of the Bulge" fighting when this region was overrun by thie enemy and the site became a front line defensive position. Some were formerly buried in temporary cemeteries at Foss (near Namur) and Foy, Belgium, (near Bastogne), which contained the remains of 2,700 who gave their lives during 'The Battle of the Bulge."
    The roll call of valiant U.S. Divisions, in addition to the 1st Division is too long to be all inclusive. The 2nd, 4th, 5th, 9th, 28th, 83rd; the 29th and 30th took part in the encirclement of Aachen; the 35th, which fought at Omaha Beach; the 70th, 78th, 79th, the 26th, 75th, 87 and the 4th Armored help smash the von Rundstedt offensive and came to the assistance of the 101st at Bastogne. The roll call continues with the 84th, 95th, 100th, 102nd, 104th and the 106th, which suffered a great number of casualties when struck by the spearhead of the von Rundstedt offensive; the 7th Armored
    Division, which was among the valiant defenders of nearby St Vith, where an entire German Corps, flushed with the thoughts of an easy victory, was halted in its track..
    The 89th, 90th and 94th Infantry and the 5th, 6th, 8th, 11th and 12th Armored Divisions, which roared across the Sar Palatinate spearheading the 3rd and 7th Army drives to the Rhine River; General George S. Patton's 2nd Armored; the 3rd Armored, which trapped 40,000 of the enemy at Mons Belgium, and the 99th Infantry fought through Cologne, Remagen, to the Ruhr industrial center, the 7th Army which fought toward Leige, Belgium. The phantom 9th, 10th Armored and the 82nd Airborne who, with the 101st Airborne, were responsible for the dramatic fight to the finish at Bastogne. It was during the "Battle of the Bulge," that enemy troops, dressed in American uniforms, penetrated as far as the village of Henri-Chapelle and the immediate vicinity where they were captured.
    Buried here are the remains of our soldiers who came from the 48 states, the District of Columbia, Panama and England. In 33 cases, two brothers rest side by side, and in one instance three brothers. Ninety-four headstones mark the tombs of the U The cemetery enshrines the remains of three Congressional Medal of Honor recipients. Brigadier General Frederick W. Castle, USAAC, the highest ranking officer buried in the cemetery, was shot down on 24 December 1944 in this vicinity, while leading the greatest bomber formation in military history.
    West of the highway which passes through the cemetery is the Overlook and one of the flag poles. The roadway to the Overlook is lined with Linden uses. The Overlook provides a beautiful view of the rolling countryside with distant church steeples, known as the "Valley of Berwinne" and the "Plateau de Herve," also a battlefield.
    (Many 106th Infantry Division men are buried in this cemetery. There are others elsewhere, but the predominant number were buried here... editor)
The address is: Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery, 4589 - Au bel, BELGIUM. Telephone/

Winter, 1944-45
This year also spring will come to beautify the earth.
The glory in each icy clod even now awaits its birth.
Spring will come to this hurt land. Its face will then be gay.
The splendor latent in each bough will swell, then burst and sway.
Winter yields each year to spring --its nature's rule, so be it.
Even this year spring will come and some of us will see it.
Dale Carver, 424th Regiment,
Headquarters, 3rd Bn
Published as a centerpiece in the Jul-Aug-Sep 1992 CUB.
To save, separate front The CUB by unfolding the center staples.

Index for: Vol. 48, No. 1, Oct , 1991

Index for This Document

101st Abn. Div., 57
106th Div. HQ, 29
106th Memorial, 12
106th Sig. Co., 39
112th Inf., 32
112th Inf. Regt., 32
112th Regt., 7, 21
1st Army, 57
1st Div., 57
1st Inf. Div., 57
28th Inf. Div., 4, 16, 32
298th Cbt. Engr. BN, 19
2nd Div., 6, 21
331st Med., 39
331st Med. BN, 39
3rd Armd., 57
422/K, 22
422/M, 19, 37
422nd Inf., 19, 39
422nd Inf. Regt., 4, 26, 33, 39
422nd Regt., 4, 26, 33
423rd Inf., 42
423rd Inf. Regt., 42
424/C, 12, 13, 14, 15, 27, 28, 35
424/E, 34
424th AT, 21
424th Cbt. Inf. Regt., 21
424th Inf. Regt., 14, 46
589th FA, 32, 38
589th FA BN, 32, 38
590th FA BN, 18, 24, 38
591st FA BN, 38, 55
591st FAB, 38
592nd FA BN, 38, 55
592nd FAB, 38
69th Inf. Div., 20
6th Armd., 26
6th Armd. Div., 26
75th Inf. Div., 8
7th Armd. Div., 57
7th Army, 57
80th Div., 28
81st Eng/Hq, 30
82nd Abn. Div., 57
8th Air Force, 15, 27
8th Inf. Div., 28
Aachen, 57
Africa, 3, 14
Aisomont, Belgium, 7
Alexander, Marilyn G., 34
Alexander, William, 34
Alexander, William G., 34
Allen, Harold D., 18
American Battle Monuments Commission, 57
American Cemetery, 57
Amsterdam, 6, 9
Andersonville, 18
Andersonville, Georgia, 18
Aponte, Humberto, 19
Aquitania, 21, 33
Ardennes, 6, 19, 26, 32
Ardennes Battle, 26
Ardennes Campaign, 6
Australia, 16
Austria, 13
Bad Orb, 24, 25, 26, 29
Bahlinger, Marion J., 30
Bailey Bridge, 9, 10
Banbury, 14, 19
Barr, Ralph, 39
Bastogne, 57
Battle of the Ardennes, 6, 16
Battle of the Bulge, 11, 23, 32, 33, 57
Baxter, Samuel, 39
'Before The Veterans Die', 38
Belgium, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 23, 32, 57
Benedetto, Joe, 39
Berlin, 26
Beseler, Don, 6
Beseler, Lt., 19
Bickford, Mrs. Florence, 20
Bied, Dan, 4
Bieze, John, 34
Bieze, John H., 34
Bigger, Roy, 36
Billick, Adam V., 4
Birmingham, 15, 17
Black, Rev. Ewell C., 36
Black, Rev. Ewell C., Jr., 36
Bloch, Jacques, 22
Bobo, Clifford, 46
Braden, Reuben H., 22
Braunschweig, 25
Bricker, James, 30
Brooks, Douglas, 36
Brunswick, 18, 34
Busier, William, 30
C.R.I.B.A., 32
Camp Atterbury, 4, 5, 12, 14, 21, 22, 24, 27, 28
Camp Atterbury Memorial, 12
Camp Atterbury Veterans Memorial, 12
Camp Atterbury Veteran's Memorial, 2
Camp Atterbury Veterans Memorial Association, 12
Camp Atterbury, IN, 28
Camp Forest, TN, 28
Camp Kilmer, NJ, 21, 28
Camp Lee, VA, 26
Camp Livingston, LA, 26
Camp Lucky Strike, 18, 31
Camp Myles Standish, MA, 14
Camp Patrick Henry, VA, 28
Capshaw, Clifton, 30
Carver, Dale, 58
Central Europe, 19
Cherbourg, 13, 15
Clarke, Gen. Bruce C., 11
Clifton, Eugene, 48
Coffey, Douglas, 17
Coffey, Douglas S., 10, 11
Colbert, Hugh, 30
Collins, Mr., 24, 27
Collins, Sherod, 2, 3, 22, 27, 29, 31, 36
Cologne, 12, 21, 57
Cooper, C. L., 2, 36
Corcoran, John, 43
Cox, Philip, 2
CRIBA, 6, 7, 8, 11, 32
Crossland, William, 20
Daly, William J., 20
Datte, Charles T., 36
Davis, Sam, 24, 26, 34
Davis, Sam E., 37
Davis, Sam E., Jr., 37
DeHeer, Dick, 4
DeHeer, Richard, 10
Dejardin, Joseph, 6, 7
DeLaval, Dr. Maurice, 32
Div. Arty, 38
Div. Arty., 54
Div. Band, 12
Div. HQ, 14, 27, 32
Douglass, John W., 20
Dover, 21, 22
Dupuy, Col., 6, 9
Duvall, Aaron N., 34
Dyk, Louis, 54
Edwards, James, 30
Elbe, 29
Ennal, 7, 8, 9
Fitzgerald, William, 34
Fontaine, Serge, 6, 8, 32
Fosse, 49
Foy, 57
France, 6, 10, 12, 19, 28, 31, 33, 57
Franks, James L., 21
Frye, Norwood A., 37
Ft. Bragg, NC, 28
Ft. Jackson, SC, 19, 28, 30
Galaxy Tours, 11
Gebelin, Francis E., 21
Germany, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 23, 29, 57
Gerolstein, 25
Gilliland, John, 12
Glenn, John, 26
Glenney, Sam, 34
Glenney, Walter, 34
Glenney, Walter S., 34
Goldberg, Ephraim, 18
Goldstein, Morton, 54
Gross, Joseph, 37
Gunvalson, Russell, 18
Hall, John L., 37
Hall, Robert F., 22
Halle, 24
Heckhalenfeld, 23
Helmstedt, 25
Helwig, Gil, 38
Helwig, Gilbert, 36
Henri-Chapelle, 57
Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery, 57
Henri-Chappelle, 57
Hinkle, Raymond A., 22
Holland, 12, 21, 57
House, Pete, 4, 18
Houser, Jack, 34
Houser, Jack E., 34
Hubert, Andre, 32
Huminski, Ed, 12
Hunt, James B., 22
Hurdebise, Jules, 6, 7
Inf. School, 27
Israel, 3
Italy, 12, 13, 27
Johnson, Harvey, 21
Johnson, Ken, 51
Johnson, Kenneth, 51
Jones, Raymond F., 41
Juterbog, 29
Kassel, 29
Kicinski, Chester, 51
Kinzer, Don S., 41
Kline, J., 19, 20, 21, 25, 29, 30, 34
Kline, John, 2, 5, 10, 18, 30, 36, 38
Kline, John P., 36
Korea, 12
Langlire, 32
Laursen, Alfred J., 23
Lavaux, 7
LeHarve, 14, 21
Leige, 57
Leige, Belgium, 57
Levine, George, 5
Liege, 14, 27
Limburg, 25, 29
Linden, 34, 57
Lion In the Way, 6
London, 6, 15, 28
Looney, James M., 23
Lorraine, 29
Lucas, Robert F., 23
Luckenwalde, 29
Lucky Strike, 18, 31
Luxembourg, 9, 23, 28, 57
Maginot Line, 13
Malmedy, 9, 10, 14, 15, 27
Malmedy Massacre, 9, 14, 15, 27
Maloney, John, 35
Maloney, Joseph P., 37
Manhay, 9
Marino, Anthony J., 24
Marsh, Robert H., 30
Marshall, Gen., 15
Martin, Albert, 54
Massey, Joseph, 37
Matthews, Col. Joseph, 37
McDevitt, Jack, 34
McKenney, Thomas L., 24
Meagher, Herbert F., 37
Medell, 10
Memorials, 10, 11, 12, 21, 36
Meters, John M., 23
Miller, Capt., 14
Miller, Robert, 44
Mitchell, Tom, 34
Mosley, Rev, 33
Mosley, Rev., 33
Mosley, Rev. Ron, 33
Mosley, Rev. Ronald, 33
Mosley, Rev. Ronald A., 33
Mosley, Ron, 34
Myles Standish, 14, 21
Namur, 57
Naples, 27
Naples, Italy, 27
National Archives, 38, 48, 57
Neel, Chaplain, 34
Neel, Sam, 33
Netherlands, 6, 7
Nijst, Marcel, 7
Niner, Robert, 24
Normandy, 19, 28
North Africa, 14
Northern France, 19, 57
Odessa, 27
Omaha Beach, 19, 57
Order of the Golden Lion, 10
Our River, 9
Paananen, Eugene, 25
Paananen, Eugene E., 25
Panice, Ray, 23
Paris, 13, 14, 15, 25, 27
Passey, Lloyd J., 25
Patton, Gen. George S., 57
Perrin, Gen., 8, 14, 27
Photos, 5, 11
Pikle, Theodore, 25
Poland, 13
Poulin, Roger A., 25
Prewett, Ed, 31
Prewett, Edward A., 37
Prisoner of War, 18
Purple Heart, 28
Queen Mary, 13, 14
Rehman, Christopher, 25
Rehman, Christopher W., 25
Reid, Col., 14
Remagen, 57
Rennes, France, 33
Reunions, 18
Rhine, 12, 16, 57
Rhine River, 16, 57
Rhineland, 19
Rieck, Charles F., 37
Rigatti, Richard L., 37
Robb, Dr. John, 11, 12
Robb, Dr. John G., 36
Roberts, John, 33
Roberts, John M., 33
Ruhr, 57
Rundstedt, 57
Ruskin, Kenneth, 53
Rutledge, Boyd A., 36
Ryan, Donald, 41
Schlausenbach, 29
Schober, Milton, 5
Schonberg, 4, 25, 26
Seymour, Hayden, 41
Simons, John F., 35
Skinner, George, 53
Skupaka, Mike, 54
Sober, Jack A., 36
Southhampton, 13, 15
Spa, 9
Spano, Robert M., 35
Spellman, John W., 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
Spineux, 5, 7, 21
St. Vith, 6, 10, 11, 14, 21, 23, 24, 27, 29, 57
St. Vith Memorial, 11, 21
Stalag 12-A, 25
Stalag 4-B, 24, 25, 26
Stalag 8-A, 25
Stalag 9-A, 29
Stalag 9-B, 26, 34
Stalag DC-B, 23, 24
Stalag III-A, 29
Stalag IV-B, 29
Stalag IX-B, 23
Stavelot, 9
Stec, Peter, 45
Sulser, Jack A., 37
Switzerland, 12, 13
Taddeo, Peter, 28
Taddeo, Peter J., 28
Tavier, 23
Tennessee Maneuvers, 21
The Battle of the Bulge, 32, 57
Thomas, John, 42
Thome, Michael, 2, 36
Thome, Mike, 12
Thommen, 10
Thorne, Michael, 37
Trautman, Frank S., 16, 37
Trost, Paul, 34
Twardzik, Raymond J., 28
V-2 Rocket, 15
Versailles, 13
Vielsalm, 23
Vietnam, 12
Villwock, Russell H., 37
Von Rundstedt, 57
Wanne, 6
Wilson, Ernest, 55
Wilson, Glenn R., 29
Wilson, Robert, 42
Winterspelt, 14, 27
Wise, Lester, 45
Young, Edward E., 37
Zeigenhain, 29
Ziegenhain, 25, 26