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Index for this issue of The CUB
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Vol. 12, No. 1, Sep, 1955

10th ANNUAL CONVENTION Atlantic City, New Jersey

President Douglas S. Coffey
Vice President Lawrence Gubow
Adjutant Austin Byrd, Jr.
Treasurer Robert Kelly
Chaplain John Loveless
     The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $5.00 per year, which includes subscription to CUB. All material copyrighted.
Co-Editors Douglas S. Coffey and John I. Gallagher
Staff Writer Robert Stack
Staff Photographer D. C. Brumaghin
     The CUB is printed by Varsity Press, 80 Harrison Avenue, West Orange, New Jersey. Back issues of the CUB may be obtained for 25 cents each. Send orders to Box 238. Loudonville, N. Y.

     Your new President is Douglas S. Coffey. 18 Cornell Street, West Orange, New Jersey. Formerly with C Battery 590 FABn., served with the 106th from March 1943 until taken prisoner by the Germans December 21, 1944.
     He is married to Isabel Marks and has one daughter Jane, 9 years old and twin daughters Christine and Virginia. 7 years old. At present he is Assistant Treasurer of the Town of West Orange. Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment. President of the local Lions Club, and Service officer of the Veterans of Foreign Wars.
     He has been very active in civic and Veteran affairs for many years having served as Commander of the VFW ; President, Men's Bible Class F.P.C.; Chairman of Memorial Day Committee; Chairman, Gold Star Mother's Day ; Master of Ceremonies, Memorial Day: Secretary of the Lions Club for two years and many other functions. For ten years he worked for the Southern Pacific Railroad in the Vice President and Controller's office and for six years he served as Manager of the Veteran's Housing in West Orange.
     He holds the Purple Heart and the unit to which he was attached after returning from overseas received the Meritorious Service Award; the three Battle stars most 106ers hold and the Good Conduct Medal.

(Continued on Page 9)

     As your new President I wish to thank each and every one of the members of the Association for the privilege and honor to serve our great Association for the ensuing year.
     It is to be a year of trial as our membership has fallen off: we are trying out new schemes for membership and the Detroit Chapter has taken on the monumental task of sorting all previous records of the Association and will transfer them from Albany to Detroit.
     Our Memorials Chairman has pledged to carry out the program of the Association and make more grants next year and in following years.
     The Ladies Auxiliary has taken the Memorial Fund as its project this year and I am sure they will do their usual champion job. I would like at this time to answer some critics of newly elected officers for not attending Memorial services scheduled on Sunday of the Convention. Members should realize that some people have to work for a living and not all take a full vacation to attend Conventions. The Jersey contingent

(Continued on Page 12)


    / WAYNE BLACK, Hq/422, Waterloo, Iowa, sends us this photo to show his buddies how he has recovered from Bad Orb and Ziegenhain. He is with John Deere Tractor Works and still single.

    / Gordon R. Stryker of West Nanticoke. Pa. sends us this photo of Hq. Batry 592 FABn, taken in Heilbronn, Germany in 1945. Kneeling: T/4 Alex Cingone, T/5 Carle, T/5 Wilford Fisher; Standing: T/5 Abe Brown, T/5 Gordon Stryker, P.F.C. Ted Orzel, S/Sgt. Dietrich.
You can help us anticipate any change in your address by notifying CUB before you move.
Annual Picnic
     Service Battery 592 Field Artillery Battalion he'd their third Annual reunion at Hershey Park, Hershey Penna. on Sunday September 4th. It was a pleasant and happy affair--plenty to eat and drink and the youngsters ran riot with the rides and amusements in the Park. They were followed in some cases by the more venturesome adults--of course these folks are only 10 years older than when the war ended. Those present from the Battery were Tom and Alice Dorasky and three children from Waynesboro Pa.; Tom and Mary Fox and two children from Greencastle, Pa., Frank and Teresa Maloney and two children from Philadelphia, Pa.; Charlie Laphan from Laurel Springs, N. J.; Emil and Ethel Solecki and two children from Lake Mohawk, Sparta. N. J.; Captain Charlie and Daisy Walsh from Haddonfield, N. J. Guests were Ralph Blue, a friend of the Walsh's and Leo and Wilda McMahon, Divarty and two children from Middletown, Pa.

AL GERICKE, Co "D" 423 is now operating a nursery stock farm in Medina, Ohio.
     MANNY SCHLITT, new member, 1240 Sunsetview Drive, Akron, Ohio. Manny was with the 423 and a prisoner at Bad Orb and Hammelburg. He is now vice-president of the M & L Supply Co., Akron, dealers in dry cleaning equipment. He is married and the father of two girls.
     LEW WALKER Co H. 422d, has his own real estate business at 1030 Main Street, Susanville, Lassen County, California. Anybody visiting California, fishing or hunting in Lassen National Forest or Park, is most welcome to stop by Lew's office. Has daughter 12 and son 10.
     LT. COL. J. C. MATTHEW, JR., Raleigh, N. C. has returned from three years in Korea and Japan. Now assigned to I.G. Section, Hq. 3rd Army, Ft. McPherson, Ga.
     ROBERT P. STOUT, Pelham, N. Y. is back at the job as Attorney in Law Dept. of N. Y. Life Ins. Co. where he has worked between wars. In five years he hopes to retire.


     ROBERT RINGER, Columbus, Ohio has recently been promoted to Lt. Col. in the Reserve. Trained this year at Camp Breckenridge. At present he is an Accountant in the Business Office of the Ohio State University. Bob was formerly with 5r.s0 and 591st FABn.
     HAROLD V. HARDOIN, K/424, Detroit is married and has two children and works for Uncle Sam in the Internal Revenue Dept.
     HARRY PULLEN, F/424, Memphis, Tenn. is just recently out of the Hospital and therefore couldn't make the Convention. He sees Joe Alford, 422 once in a while. Both work for Uncle Sam in the Postal Dept.
     GORDON ZICKER, Montvale, N. J. Reg. Hq./423, is still with the 1st Nat'l Bank of Park Ridge, N. J. Has seen a few 106ers recently and hopes to sign them up in the Assoc.
     FRED SCHIEFERSTEIN, A/424, Clark, N. J. is still running his farm market in Clark. Hope he makes the Convention this year.
     HARRY BUTLER, Hq/424, Winchester, Va. has never seen anyone from the 106th since his discharge but wants us to keep up the Asso. He's carrying on his father's business.
     MAJOR ALAN W. JONES, Jr. 423 is stationed at West Point as an Associate Professor of English. He reports that also at the Point are: Lt. Col. F. W. Oseth, 422--Combat Arms Detachment; Maj. O. B. Patton, 423--Dept. of English; Maj. G. E. Wear, 424--Dept of Tactics. SIGN THEM ALL UP IN THE ASSOCIATION IF THEY ARE NOT ALREADY MEMBERS, Major.
     LESTER SMYTH. Divarty, Towson, Md. is Vice President of Wholesale Jewelry Firm, Albert S. Smyth Co. Just recently he met Lt. Warren in Atlantic City at the Saint and Sinners Convention. Warren is former aide of Gen. McMahon.
     GEORGE KAUFMAN, H/423, Urbana, Ohio, is at present in the wholesale candy and tobacco business. He is trying to line up some of his buddies as members.
     DR. HOWARD R. CLEMENT, Spec. Trps. Medics. Needham, Mass., is assistant Chief Professional Services at the Boston VA Hospital.
     EDMOND D. KELLEY, D/423. Ridgewood, N. J. proudly announces the birth of his third child, a boy, (about time) he adds.
     HARRISON C. TISSOT, C/422, Cincinnati, Ohio, is now employed by Cincinnati Milling and Grinding Machines; Inc., as a shipping clerk.
     DONALD WOODBURN, K/423, St. Paul, Minn. is still single. Working for St. Paul Fire and Marine Ins. Co. as an I. B. M. Operator.
     REV. PAUL CAVANAUGH, Milford, Ohio, has himself a real job. He is running a Seminary and is looking after the construction of a new building. He says he didn't know he had it so good with a sleeping bag and shelter half.
     JOHN KRALJIC, H/424, Sunnyside, N. Y., is welcomed into the Association as a new member. He and his wife will try to make Atlantic City.
     C. P. FRAME, H/424, Fenwick, W. Va., is also a new member and is at present working for a lumber company in Fenwick. Like all 106ers he wants a change of scenery. If anyone knows of a job let him know and perhaps we'll see him at A. C.
HENRY L. OWENS, H/424, Snow Hill, N. C., is still working for Uncle Sam's Postal Department.
     BARTHOLOMEW CARRINO, M.D./424, Nutley, N. J., is still operating a trucking business with his father. By this time he is a proud father of his third child.
     GILBERT MARCUS, 424, Chicago, Ill., is Vice President of United Felt Co. Sees Sgt. Lifchez of the 331st Medics quite often.
     FLOYD POWELL, G/422, Detroit, is currently employed as an Inspector with the Building & Safety Engineering Dep't., City of Detroit.










     GLEN H. COOK, K/423, Greenhill. Ohio, recently moved here from Missouri. Is now a Model and Instrument Maker working in Laboratory Machine Shop doing research work on Atomic Powered Aircraft. Would like to hear from you fellows in the 423. He has a wife and 2 boys, ages 8 and 5.
     CHARLES J. HRUBY, B/422, San Francisco, Cal., is presently working for Largendorf United Bakeries. He is in charge of transport of orders to country areas. Thousands of loaves a day. He remembers the days in POW camps when it was a loaf for six.
     VANCE S. JENNINGS, 106 Signal, Wichita, Kansas, is on the faculty of the University of Wichita School of Music and plays solo clarinet in the Wichita Symphony. He is Aide de Camp to the Commanding General 89th Inf. Div. Army Reserve. Would like to hear a word from any of his buddies in the 106th Signal.
     ROBERT A. GROSJEAN, Hq/422, Fort Wayne, Ind., is still in the cement business. I guess he's stuck. Hopes to come to Atlantic City.
     REV. RONALD A. MOSLEY, Divarty and 424, Marlboro, N. H., reports that they have completed a new Educational Bldg. at his Church. Consists of 10 class rooms, chapel, rest rooms, church office, choir room, etc. and complete new heating plant costing over $50,000. His Church is the Federated Church of Marlboro, the oldest Federation in N. H. consisting of Congregational, Methodist and Universalist roots.
FLOYD R. DAHL. C/590 FABn. Hopkins, Minn:, is now working for Hatch Firestone, in Minneapolis. Has three children.
    Editor's note: It's about time someone from C. Btry. joined the Association to keep the Editor company. Best wishes to you, Floyd and to Irene. Where have you been all these years?
     BEN BRILES, G/423, Arvada, Wyoming is still in the cattle business. Couldn't make Detroit but hopes to make Atlantic City.
     J. S. NEGYESI, H/424, Samford, Conn., is in business for himself as a tree expert. Wishes that any 106er going near Stamford would stop in and say "hello."
     HERBERT C. BLISS, F/424, West Milton, Ohio, works for Uncle Sam in the Post Office at Dayton. Hopes to make next Convention.
     JOHN D. HUEY, Elko, Nevada, still operates the "Western Sportsman", a sporting goods store in Elko. He had a visit from Lt. "Red" Skelton of E/424 this summer.
     BRIG. GEN. F. A. WOOLFLEY, New Orleans, retired from military service in April 1953 and now is serving as Civil Defense Director for the State of Louisiana.

    Mrs. E. F. Block, mother of Clyde Block of 5140 S. Arlington St., Rt. 7, North Canton, Ohio regrets to inform us that Clyde was killed this year while riding a motorcycle. A car made a left hand turn in front of Clyde and he never had a chance. Another fellow was killed instantly with Clyde and a third died 6 days later. Mrs. Block was sure some of his buddies would be interested, especially Cliff Perras, from whom Clyde received a Christmas card. Clyde was plant protection at the Goodyear Aircraft.
     All we in the 106th are sorrowed at this news of the passing of our Comrade in arms. May God grant him Eternal Peace.

New President
Continued from Page 2
     He was able to gain an appointment with Vice President Nixon on behalf of the 106th Convention in Atlantic City a year ago and organized the trip to Europe for the 106th to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge. During these ceremonies he and the group were presented to the King of the Belgians and made a broadcast to the United States and also they were seen on newsreels and television.
Finally, he has served on the 106th Board of Directors for about five years and as CUB editor for 2 ½ years.
(Photo is a passport one, he is really not wanted by the Police.)



     Fourteen Directors present: David C. Brumaghin, Austin L. Byrd, Jr., Douglas S. Coffey, Richard DeHeer, Thomas Dorosky, Gaylord W. Fridline, John M. Gillespie, Lawrence Gubow, Glen Kennedy, John T. Loveless, Jr., Clayton Rarick, John J. Reynolds, Jr., J. Glenn Schnizlein, James E. Wells.
     Jim Wells moved that the Board of Directors recommend to the Association "that a motion be passed to add to and expand the purposes of the Memorials Fund; that the amount of money to be expended in any one year be increased to 15 per cent of the fund, and that the purpose be expanded to grant aid to any needy veteran of the 106th Infantry Division or his family, upon the recommendation of the Memorials Fund Chairman." Motion unanimously passed.
The Board discussed the various aspects of membership promotion.

     Forty members were present. The minutes of the 1954 General Meeting were read, and upon the motion of Doug Coffey, were unanimously accepted without change. Jim Wells moved that the Treasurer's Report be accepted with thanks. Motion unanimously passed.
     Upon the request of Treasurer Bill Fowler, Dave Brumaghin moved that the Treasurer's books for the last three years (1952-1953, 1953-1954, 1954-1955) be audited by John Loveless. Motion passed unanimously.
     Larry Gubow moved, and it was unanimously accepted, that the recommendations of the Board of Directors concerning the Memorials Fund be put into effect. (For text of this motion, see minutes of Board of Directors meeting, dated July 23, 1955).
     Doug Coffey reported on the condition of the Cub magazine, stating that no one ever sent in any material, and that he would be lucky if he got enough matter for the next two issues.
     Larry Gubow called for and received a rising vote of thanks for the work performed by Coffey as CUB Editor for the past three years.
     Jim Wells stated for the record, the wonderful work done by Coffey in organizing the tour to Europe in December, 1954.
     Austin Byrd gave the Adjutant's Report, stating that the Association ended the 1954-1955 year with 211 members, and that the 1955-56 total stood at 98 members as of July 19, 1955. Report accepted as read.
     A discussion was held concerning membership and promotional mailings, following which Jim Hatch moved that the Adjutant use the mailing service of his choice in his particular locality, and make recommendation to the incoming Adjutant as to the firm's satisfactory or unsatisfactory service.
     Jack Gillespie asked that the Detroit Chapter be authorized to go to Albany, N.Y. and get all Association material from Dave Price, transport it to Detroit, and begin to classify, review and put said material in order. Authorization unanimously given.
     Bob Stack reported that the New Jerry Chapter would be willing to handle the 1956 Convention either in New York or Atlantic City, and upon the motion of Larry Gubow, Atlantic City was chosen as the 1956 Convention site.
     Tentatively, Chicago was selected as the 1957 Convention site, and a Georgia resort for 1958. It was agreed that the men from Chicago, interested in having the 1957 Convention there, report to the Cub Editor by December, 1955 as to their progress.
     Jim Hatch read the recommendations of the Nominating Committee, and Glenn Schnizlein, one of those recommended for election to the Board, asked that he be stricken from the list in favor of Bill French. With this one change made, the 21 men recommended, were unanimously elected to the Board of Directors, as follows:
David C. Brumaghin S-115 Westview Ave. Paramus, N. J.
Austin L. Byrd, Jr., 502 Nottingham Rd. Baltimore 29, Md.


Detroit, July 22, 23, 24, 1955
Douglas S. Coffey, 18 Cornell St., Vest Orange, N. J
Richard DeHeer, 19 Hopkins St. Hillsdale, N. J.
Thomas Dorosky, Mount Airy Rd. R.D. 1, Trucksville, Pa.
William K. Fowler, 2617 Southern Ave., S.E., Apt. 204 Washington 21, D. C.
Richard A. Frankini 27476 West Five Mile, Livonia, Mich.
William French, 20235 Lesure, Detroit 21, Mich.
Gaylord W. Fridline, 217 Clairmount St. Ashland, Ohio
John I. Gallagher, 1231 Bellevue Ave., Laureldale, Pa.
John M. Gillespie, 19807 Murray Hill Detroit 35, Mich.
Lawrence Gubow, 20100 Braile, Detroit 19, Mich.
Robert E. Kelly, 846 Lakepointe, Grosse Pointe 30, Mich.
John T. Loveless, Jr., 2549 Pickwick Rd., Baltimore 7, Md.
Gen. Leo T. McMahon, 8 N. Union St. Middletown. Pa.
Clifford E. Perras, Blue Front Hotel Nadeau, Mich.
Clayton F. Rarick, Box 25, Blandon. Pa.
Robert Rowe, 10584 Turner St. Detroit 5, Mich.
Robert E. Rutt, 14447 Young Ave. Detroit 5, Mich.
Robert W. Stack, 157 4th Ave., Westwood, N. J.
James E. Wells, Hephzibah, Ga.

Eighteen directors present: David C. Brumaghin,
Austin L. Byrd, Jr.,
Douglas S. Coffey,
Richard DeHeer,
A. Frankini,
William French,
Gaylord W. Fridline,
John I. Gallagher,
John M. Gillespie,
Lawrence Gubow,
Robert E. Kelly,
John T. Loveless, Jr.,
Clifford E. Perras,
Clayton F. Rarick,
Robert Rowe,
Robert E. Rutt,
Robert W. Stack,
James E. Wells.
The following men were unanimously elected to the positions indicated:
President : Douglas S. Coffey
Vice-President : Lawrence Gubow
Treasurer: Robert E. Kelly
The President made the following appointments:
Adjutant: Austin L. Byrd. Jr.
Memorials Chairman: William French
Membership Committee: Detroit Chapter
(to send chairman's name to President for confirmation)
CUB Co-Editors: Douglas S. Coffey and John I. Gallagher
Publicity Chairman : John J. Reynolds, Jr. (188 Hall St., Brooklyn, N. Y.)
Chaplain: John T. Loveless. Jr.
Respectfully Submitted
Austin L. Byrd, Jr. Adjutant


10th ANNUAL CONVENTION Atlantic City, New Jersey
     The 10th Annual Convention will be held at The Ambassador Hotel, Atlantic City. N. J., July 25-29. 1956. The Ambassador is one of Atlantic City's largest hotels and is located on the Boardwalk, all rooms are double rooms and are outside rooms, it has an indoor swimming pool besides excellent beach facilities, it also offers supervised playrooms, recreation, and swimming instruction in the pool for children, babysitters may be obtained in the hotel. Room rates are $10 single and $12 double at a flat rate so it will be on a first come first served lasts. More information on the '56 Convention will follow in coming issues of the CUB.

Continued from Page 2
    and one or two others who have organized the Convention refrained from scheduling events for Sunday to give delegates that one day to lay around if they have a full vacation coming or give them that day to make the long trip to their respective homes. In my own case, I had made the entire Convention but necessarily had to be home to work on Monday morning and with a 19 hour minimum ride I would like to know how some of the delegates who felt they should criticize would tell me how I could have done differently.
     The Convention for 1956 will again be in Atlantic City and the Committee has already completed most of the arrangements and there will be no stringent activity on Sunday. Start your planning now to make this the biggest and best Convention ever. Those of you who attended the Convention in Detroit will, I am sure, remember it as a great Convention and my thanks go to the group that worked so hard to make it possible.

     LEE BROWN TAYLOR, K/424 is trying to check on Charles A. Stenger. He was a medic. Last known address was 159 Oak Park Drive, Akron, Ohio or 943 Kenyon Street, Akron. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Stenger contact Taylor at P. 0. Box 629, Anderson, South Carolina.

     Many thanks to the Detroit chapter for a very enjoyable convention; it was good right down to the last Scotch and Water. The second in line for many thanks is Co. "H" 424th for a swell turnout--twenty six members and guests--sort of put the rest of the outfits to shame, but keep it up "Guys and Dolls" from Co. "H" for we hope to see you all again next year. I, think, in third spot I'm going to place Bob Hall, the Master of Rhyme, really enjoyed his palatable chatter.
     I don't say I can remember names, and couldn't find Bob Kelly's house again in a million years, but I do remember the barefoot dances with Shirley and Maydean, the high pressure sales of Estelle (can I buy the negative too?), Doc Fridline's waist and promised diet, the swell floor show in Canada, also A. Byrd being asked his age on the boat before being served--No. Maydean he really isn't the mascot, Bob Pierce's smile which his wife confirms is perpetual, a case of mistaken identity on the 25th floor--never yell "Come in," reminiscing with T. Riggs and former Engineers, Clayton Rarick and friend aboard boat, the Bob Rutt's still trying for a full squad, Lou Rossi's roundabout trip, Ray Fields' sidetrack to a Polish wedding, Flo Bickford's ninth straight convention, Jack Middleton's appetite, General and Mrs. McMahon's notable absence, but hope Mac's Wilda is back in good health once more, Jim Well's capacity for Bourbon, and his remarkable staying power--he stays 'til they close, Jack Gillespie minus Bermuda shorts this year, Larry Gubow's assist to the elevator, the Perras-Harris-Walden-Bieze parties, Prez Coffey's early dash for the train, Dick and Marge DeHeer's quest for an air-conditioned room--so that Rickey would be comfortable?, and was it Bill French's wife who almost got detained at the Canadian Border, Johnny Gallagher and Reynolds unique method of applauding, also noticed that the John Loveless' were still honeymooning, and that the crowd came West from Iowa, East from New York, South from Hephzibah--now you'll know that's in Georgia, and North from Minnesota, and a goodly crowd 'twas. It was good to see you all and I know that you will join me once again in thanking the committee for a job well done and a swell time.
-- Robert Stack


Index for: Vol. 12, No. 1, Sep, 1955

Index for This Document

106th Inf. Div., 13
106th Sig. Co., 11
3rd Army, 3
590th FA BN, 1, 11
591st FA, 5
591st FAB, 5
592nd FA, 3
Bad Orb, 3
Battle Of The Bulge, 11
Bickford, Flo, 17
Black, Wayne, 3
Bliss, Herbert C., 11
Block, Clyde, 11
Block, Mrs. E. F., 11
Blue, Ralph, 3
Briles, Ben, 11
Brown, Abe, 3
Brumaghin, D. C., 1
Brumaghin, Dave, 13
Brumaghin, David C., 13, 14, 15
Butler, Harry, 5
Byrd, A., 17
Byrd, Austin, 1, 13
Byrd, Austin L., 13, 14, 15, 16
Byrd, Austin L., Jr., 13, 14, 15, 16
Carrino, Bartholomew, 5
Cavanaugh, Paul, 5
Cingone, Alex, 3
Clement, Howard R., 5
Coffey, Doug, 13
Coffey, Douglas S., 1, 13, 15, 16
Cook, Glen H., 11
Dahl, Floyd R., 11
DeHeer, Dick & Marge, 18
DeHeer, Richard, 13, 15
Dietrich, S/Sgt., 3
Dorasky, Tom & Alice, 3
Dorosky, Thomas, 13, 15
Fields, Ray, 17
Fisher, Wilford, 3
Fowler, Bill, 13
Fowler, William K., 15
Fox, Tom & Mary, 3
Frame, C. P., 5
Frankini, A., 15
Frankini, Richard A., 15
French, Bill, 14, 18
French, William, 15
Fridline, Doc, 17
Fridline, Gaylord W., 13, 15
Gallagher, John I., 1, 15, 16
Gallagher, Johnny, 18
Gericke, Al, 3
Gillespie, Jack, 13, 17
Gillespie, John M., 13, 15
Grosjean, Robert A., 11
Gubow, Larry, 13, 18
Gubow, Lawrence, 1, 13, 15
Hall, Bob, 17
Hammelburg, 3
Hardoin, Harold V., 5
Hatch, Jim, 13, 14
Heilbronn, 3
Heilbronn, Germany, 3
Hruby, Charles J., 11
Huey, John D., 11
Jennings, Vance S., 11
Jones, Alan W., 5
Kaufman, George, 5
Kelley, Edmond D., 5
Kelly, Bob, 17
Kelly, Robert, 1
Kelly, Robert E., 15
Kennedy, Glen, 13
Korea, 3
Kraljic, John, 5
Laphan, Charlie, 3
Loveless, John, 1, 13, 18
Loveless, John T., 13, 15, 16
Loveless, John T., Jr, 13, 15
Loveless, John T., Jr., 13, 15
Loveless., John T., 16
Maloney, Frank & Teresa, 3
Marcus, Gilbert, 5
Marks, Isabel, 1
Matthew, Lt. Col. J. C., Jr., 3
McMahon, Gen., 5
McMahon, Gen. & Mrs., 17
McMahon, Leo & Wilda, 3
McMahon, Leo T., 15
Memorials, 2, 13, 15
Middleton, Jack, 17
Mosley, Ronald A., 11
Negyesi, J. S., 11
Nixon, Pres., 11
Orzel, Ted, 3
Oseth, F. W., 5
Owens, Henry L., 5
Patton, O. B., 5
Perras, Cliff, 11
Perras, Clifford E., 15
Pierce, Bob, 17
Powell, Floyd, 6
Price, Dave, 13
Pullen, Harry, 5
Rarick, Clayton, 13, 17
Rarick, Clayton F., 15
Reynolds, John J., 13, 16
Reynolds, John J., Jr., 13, 16
Riggs, T., 17
Ringer, Robert, 5
Rossi, Lou, 17
Rowe, Robert, 15
Rutt, Bob, 17
Rutt, Robert E., 15
Schieferstein, Fred, 5
Schlitt, Manny, 3
Schnizlein, Glenn, 14
Schnizlein, J. Glenn, 13
Smyth, Lester, 5
Solecki, Emil & Ethel, 3
Stack, Bob, 13
Stack, Robert, 1, 18
Stack, Robert W., 15
Stenger, Charles A., 17
Stout, Robert P., 4
Stryker, Gordon, 3
Stryker, Gordon R., 3
Taylor, Lee Brown, 17
Tissot, Harrison C., 5
Walker, Lew, 3
Walsh, Charlie & Daisy, 3
Warren, Lt., 5
Wear, G. E., 5
Wells, James E., 13, 15
Wells, Jim, 13
West Point, 5
Woodburn, Donald, 5
Woolfley, Brig. Gen. F. A., 11
Zicker, Gordon, 5
Ziegenhain, 3