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The Cub
Vol. 47, No. 4, Jul., 1991

At the 45th Reunion, you won't hear the ROCKETS, because of the LION's roar!
See you all in Huntsville!, Sept 18- 22,1991
From the President -- Thanks for your Support
    As my term of office comes to amend, I want to thank you, the members of the 106th Infantry Division for the support you have given me. I also want to thank my Officers and Board of Directors.
    I have thoroughly enjoyed being your president this past year and hope that my contributions towards advancement of the Association have been well received.
    I was pleased that the CUB Passes in Review was completed and that the Board of Directors allowed me to distribute one copy to every paid up member. We now have a complete summary of many of the interesting and important stories submitted by our members over the years. The "review" will give us all something to pass along to our families and keep the story of the 106th Infantry Division and the 06th Infantry Division Association alive or generations to come.
    Your incoming president will be Michael Thome, and I know you and the Board of Directors will give him full support and cooperation.
    I trust that all of you have made your contribution to 'The Camp Atterbury Veterans Memorial Fund" by this time. This is a worthwhile project and it will be a fitting memorial to our 'Division" as well as to the others who passed through the camp. It will be something we all will be proud of. I hope that you will have the opportunity to visit it.
    Try to attend the dedication ceremony on Saturday, 15 August 1992. I will present a proposal to the Board of Directors at Huntsville and solicit a sizeable donation for the entire Association. Our representative, 0. Paul Mem, who lives in Indianapolis will attend the their board meetings and report to m in Huntsville. I hope his report reveals many individual donations to the memorial by our members.
    The Reunion is all organized and ready for 'The Troops."Cut off for Registration was August 1st. I know we will not please everyone, but make us think we did!
See you all in Huntsville.
John Gilliland
This quarter's CUB cover from June-July 1953 CUB. Advertising the
7th Annual Reunion in Columbus, Ohio - July 103 --Unknown artist.
106th Infantry Division Association Presided
John 0. Gilliland, 1990 -1991
592d F,A.B., Service Balt,
The CUB of the Golden Lion
Sometimes the message comes in a whisper
    "The town of a man who considered himself to be very religious was hit by a "once in 100 years flood." As the water began to rise a neighbor came by in his row boat and offered to ferry the man to higher ground. The man refused, saying, '1 am a religious man. I believe that God will save me!" As the water rose ever higher this man was forced to climb onto his porch roof. While taking shelter there a motor boat came by and offered a ride to safety. Once again he refused, saying, "I am a religious man. I know that God will save me!"
    Finally the water had risen to such a height that the man was forced from the porch roof to the highest point of his house. A helicopter flying over saw his plight and a ladder was dropped to him. But yet again the offer of rescue was refused as he called up to the people in the helicopter, "I am a religious man. I know that God will rescue me!" The helicopter flew away and the water continued its rise. Finally the man was swept from his roof and drowned in the raging flood.
    When the man came face to face with God, he asked, "God, I am a religiotm man and I trusted you to rescue me from the flood, why did you let me down?W
    "Let you down," said God. "I sent a row boat to rescue you, then a motor boat and finally a helicopter. Why did you not act on the help which I sent to you?"
    We need lobe aware of the many ways in which God can speak to us and the many opportunities which he gives us. When God spoke to the Prophet Elijah it was not with sound and fury, but in a whisper. Because Elijah was attentive, God used him mightily. Listen to the way Elijah was spoken to in I Kings 19:11-13.
The Lord said, "Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by."
    Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. Then after the fire came a gentle whisper. When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave.
    Many of us have learned that God does not always speak to us in a loud voice, but that he can use --what may seem to us everyday things-- to answer our prayers and let us know what he would have us to do.
"Father, God, help us to listen for thy word and direction as we go about our daily lives, AMEN."
Reverend Ewell C. Black Jr., Chaplain
106111 Infanlr y Division Aesociatian
210 Ridge SI., Bishopville, SC 09010
t 809-484-8881

New Mail Address -- EDITOR
John P. Kline, CUB editor 5401 U. 147th St. West Apple Valley, MN 55124
I have closed the P.O. Box formerly listed on the inside cover of the CUB.
1991 Roster:
    Normally we print a roster each July and included it withy the August CUB. This year I have decided to include the roster with the November CUB.
    There are always some stragglers who do not pay their July 1st annual dues until later. We will have a better count of paid members by November.
Huntsville Reunion:
I am looking forward to meeting many of you at Huntsville. The reun-
    Wouldare a very busy time for me, but I Would not want to miss an opportunity to chat with you. Look me up, please. If you have any material that you wish to give me, please mark you name on each photograph and paper so that I can clearly identify the owner. Many times I get back home and have a hard time remembering who gave me what.
    I received many letters and a few phone calls in reference to this article in the Apr-May-Jun 1991 CUB. There was a dissenting letter from one of our Associate members and 25 supporting letters from Division members. I chose not to publish the contents of those letters that dealt directly with the issue. I thank you ALL for your views. The anonymous writer of the letter that voiced his expression about the men of the 106th did not respond to the article.
From the editor's outpost
(Left) Boyd Rutledge, Adjutant and John
Kline, CUB editor ready to do battle
through the woods of Deer Run, just west
of the 1991 U.S. Opens site near
Chaska, Minnesota
The CUB Passes In Review
    Within a short period of time you will receive your book if you paid your 1992 dues on time. The book was in the hands of the publisher since the last week of June. The Board of Directors ruled that every member whose 1992 dues were paid up by July 10, 1991 would receive a free issue.
    It was made clear, to ALL members by first class mail letter, that your 1992 dues had to be current by July 10 in order to receive a FREE book.
If you did not pay your 1992 dues by the July deadline:
    The CUB Passes in Review is still available. An additional supply of books was printed. They are available for the price of $15.00 until that supply is depleted.


The CUB of the Golden Lion
Atterbury invaded
by 422d, "A" Co.
by Dan Hied. 422/A
151 Holiday Terrace
West Burlington, IA 52855
    The last time I was here it was too hot," I told someone at Camp Atterbury in April, 1991, "Now it's too cold and too wet."
    It was a chilly, damp morning when a dozen guys who were in Co. A. of the 422nd Regiment, revisited Camp Atterbury. We were at Indianapolis for our second annual reunion (the earlier one was in West Virginia) and the tour of the camp we were stationed at in 1944 was arranged by Gene Schmalzried, an ex-sergeant in the 106th who lives at nearby Huntington. The place looked different after 47 years.
    It was all new during WW-2, of course. Some of the same barracks are still there, in different locations, and they look awfully depressing. Others were reshingled a few years after "our war" and they are in pretty good shape. There are new buildings, too, that are used in the camp's role as a site for Reserve and National Guard training and other functions, inclu. ing the Job Corps.
    We drove into the camp from Edinburgh. It wasn't necessary to stop as we entered the arm, which includes more than 40,000 acres of land. We did have to stop for a guard when we got to the area where wemade connections with a non-com who directed our tour (most of us were accompanied by our wives) in a GI bus.
    First, we were given a briefing with slides in one of the training buildings. We found out that the camp will be 50 years old on Aug, 15, 1992, and that Vice President Dan Quayle will be on hand when a memorial is dedicated. The memorial, built around a lake, will include weapons from the past three wars and, naturally a blow-up of our "Golden Lion" insignia.
    Men and women who served Camp Atterbury will be welcome ar' the dedication, we were told. Anyone wanting to make a donation (suggested amounts range from $10 to $50) can send a check to the Camp Atterbury Veterans Memorial Assn. The address is Camp Atterbury Indiana National Guard, Building #1, Edinburgh, IN 46124-10966
    It was cold, typically enough for an army camp, in the briefing room when we arrived. It was warming up about the time we left for an extended tour of the area. We joked about "Maggie's Drawers" as we went past firing ranges being used by some of the weekend warriors. There were separate toilets for men and women, we noted. Other than that the firing ranges
4 The. CUB of the Golden Lion
Sooked pretty much like the ones we ized in 1944.
    Camp Atterbury was used to confine German and Italian prisoners in the 1940s, as you'll probably recall. During our tour we saw a small chapel that was built by Italian POWs and rebuilt by present-day GIs in recent years.
    I kept looking for the camp's service club, a place I enjoyed in 1944, but wasn't able to locate it. One of the water towers looked familiar. It had been painted red and white in checkerboard fashion in 1944. It was repainted silver since the war, but a bit of the red could still be seen through the grime and rust.
There is, surely, a limit to how much Uncle Sam can spend to keep up a place like. Camp Atterbury. Im-
Mprovements are being made as time goes on, with funds that are available.
    It was kind of sad, though, to realize that the camp isn't as impressive to look at as it was in 'The good old days."
    Attendees at the reunion, who keep in touch with one another via The Cub included Rev. Ewell Black, John Damon, Clinton Hohnstsein, Roy Maki, Edward Maloney, Richard McKee, Eugene Powell, Archie Prim, Gene Schrnalzried, Clifford Shows, Carlos Weber and McAdoo Williamson. Dick Dill, who was in a Headquarters unit, attended as a guest.
    We thanked Gene and his wife Bernits, for arranging the get-togethers. We also thanked our pal, "Sergeant" Williamson, for the beautiful canes and walking sticks he made for us and our wives. His craftsmanship is downright awesome.
We plan to meet in Tennessee next year.
CUB Laughs by George Levine, 424/M
0 C
My buddies from the 106th want to know if you'd
like one evening for yourself this week.°
The CUB of the Golden Lion 5
St. Vith Memorial Repor
Memorial Report
by Dr. John Robb
Memorial Chairman
    Special effort has been forth in trying to establish a local personal contact person that act as a go-between for the Division Association and the and the St. Vith School.
    Serge Fontaine, a member of C.R.I.B.A. had showed some interest in being our contact A series of letters have been sent to Serge. No answers have been received. We now understand that there has been some illness in the family, possibly that is the reason. We will attempt to make personal contact with him prior to the Huntsville Reunion.
    I invite you who are not familiar with the 106th Infantry Division Memorial at St Vith to read the history of the St Vith memorial project in the forthcoming book, The CUB Passes in Review. A tremendous amount of planning and effort was put forth to bring this memorial to life. For that, we owe Douglas S. Coffey our gratitude for his years of service to the St. Vith memorial.
    Monies that are donated to the Memorial Fund are used for the upkeep and maintenance of the memorial. An official agreement was signed between the Association and the College Patronee for that care and maintenance. In the agreement the Director of the College agrees to arrange for the Mayor of St. Vith to place a wreath at the memorial each year on December t .
    16th. The Mayor, the College Director and a delegation from the College meet and speak a prayer for those veterans of the 106th that gave their life. The Director, currently Her Cremer, submits an annual accounting of monies spent and submits pictures of the memorial. The financial report, photos and a letter were received in February of 1991.
    In his report, Herr Cremer, Headmaster of the "Bischofliche Schule" said, "In our speeches, the mayor and I dealt with the parts of the American soldiers and their allies who liberated Europe from a terrible dictatorship and so contributed to the fact that our countries may live in freedom. We had a moment of silence in memory of the dead soldiers of the 106th Infantry Die vision and for peace in the world." The Memorial Committee will meet during the Huntsville Reunion to consider some suggestion relative to the handling of the St. Vith Memorial.
John Kline, CUB editor, has at my request, phoned his friend Andre' HUBERT of C.R.I.B.A.
    Andre' has agreed to personally contact Serge Fontaine to resolve the matter of who will act as the local contact for the St. Vith Memorial. Andre' reported Serge's wife has been very ill and this probably delayed his action.
He also reported that Jules HURDEBISE's wife has also been ill.
We wish them well... John Robb

St. Vith Memorial Report...
The 106th Infantry Division Memorial at St. Vith, Belgium. It was completed in early 1960.
    Formally dedicated on March 25, 1962. A memorial dedicated to the 106th Infantry Division and the men who fought with it and to those 106th men who died fighting to free Europe.
Photo by Boyd Rutledge, Association Adjutant, 1991
The pictures below furnished by Herr Cremer along with his annual report.
Cramer is in the left picture below, to the left of the Mayor of St Vith.
    The date ft 17 Dec 1990 the banner below the Herr Cromer Director of the Bischofliche Schule Dowers say "Dedicated . the men of the addressee the school students and reminds them
106th Infantry Division." of the sacrifices made by the 106th men who died
liberating them from Hitler's power.
The CUB of the Golden Lion


    American soldiers held prisoner at Stalags 9A, 9B, and 9C held their fourth reunion in Jacksonville,Florida, April 1821, 1991. Hosts were Pete and Joanne House and BM and Marian Lane.The majority of the prisoners held at these camps came from the 422 Infantry, 423 Infantry, 589 Field Artillery, and 590 FAB. Next year they will meet in Columbia, SC, April 30 - May 1. Hosts will be Tom and Kay Grove, 118 Santa Ana Pl, West Columbia, SC 29169. Phone 803-3564930.
    Among those present from the 106th Infantry Division Association were; Adjutant Boyd Rutledge, Board of Directors member Edward Young, past presidents Eugene Saucerman and Pete Home . Most of the 106 Division men captured during the Battle of the Bulge were first sent to Stalag 9B near Bad Orb. Officers were moved out January 12 and NCO'S were moved to 9A at Ziegenhain January 25. Sometime late in January 350 men (including all the Jews) were sent to 9C at Berga am Eisler. Germans continued to send Americans to Stalag 9B up to April. Berga was part of the Buchanwald death camp. The Americans were put to work digging a cave for processing heavy water. Is/ Pete House
Asteriks indicate 106th Infantry Division members.
    1st ROW SEATED: Bob Fox*, E Olecki*, Joe Palmer*, Jerry Zimand*, Hank Freedman*, Don Britt*, Ken Smith*, Sam Lubinsky, Warren Thomas*, Leroy Schaller, Bob Van Houten, Dan Steckler, Joe Furnivai, and John Davis*.
    2nd ROW SEATED: Andrew Brown, Gene Saucerman*, Charles Smith*, Chuck Rieck*, Bob York*, Dean Sandahl*, Attilio Mascone, Thomas Grove, Costas Katimaris*, Joseph Plante, Bob Brown, John Carboni, George Berube, Julius Kuhn, and Paul Robinson .
    3rd ROLL STANDING: Gene Ketch*, Reme Bottcher*, William Jones*,Francis Cook*, Bill Jenkins*, Edward Young*, E. V. Creel*, Jake Underwood*, Stanley Showman, Philip LaForce, Wi lli am-Lane*, Edward Reichert, and Jack Palmer.
    4th ROLL STANDING: Ross GRA, likin*, Cleve Sites, Robert Dunlap, Pali Fedas", George Pins*, C. L. Cooper*, Gene Schlegel, Ralph E. Galyon, Richard Beau*, Earnest Joshlyn, Walter Street, Clifton Capshaw*, and Gaylord Elliott*. 5th ROLL STANDING :Jack Woodward*, Dr.Dick Peterson*, Dr. William Paschal , Jordan Baker, Charles Hunter*, John Deftering", Walter Dame, Pete House*, W. W. Hilliard*, and Stan Mikowski.
    NOT SHOWN: Alvin Abrams, Harry Brander, Elmer Brice*, Louis Edelman*, Carl Flech*, Walster Kedron, William Malone*, Samuel Miller, Ernest Rucker, Boyd Rutledge*, Rocco Sergi*.
Vas tat los!! Stammlager 9-A and 9-B mail boxes right next to the CUB editors Town House?
Vas tat dis vorld cumminck to??
Yes in fact they are within 300 yards of our home... J. Kline CUB editor


The CUB of the Golden Lion
F .41-410tfir


Service Company 423rd Regiment Meets
    On May 3,4,5 as many as could of the 423rd Service Company gathered at the Ramada Inn in Morristown, Tennessee for a week-end of great fellowship.
    Bill Melichar of Linden, New Jersey made all the arrangements and focused the meeting to honor our First Sergeant, Jim Britton, who lives only nine miles away at Bulls Gap.
    Ten men and eight ladies showed up. The dutifully fought and won the war, again, while sitting around the conference table. On Saturday night we enjoyed a formal banquet-style meal. The mayor of Bulls Gap, ilk Ima Justis presented a citation to Britton, further honoring him on this occasion. Mrs. Justis and her husband were special guests at the banquet. Attending this festive week-end were: Jim and Rosemary Britton; George and Lois Jones; John and Dot Hall; Bob and Libby Kelly; Bill and Florence Melichar; John and Grace Starmack; Ted and Cathy Young; Sherod Collins and Dot Waldrop; Jay Yearout and John Mabry.
    All came from a different states --Jersey, New York, Michigan, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Kentucky, Tennessee and Texas.
by Sherod Collins
    L/R Front- Loin Jones; Rosemary Britton; Dot Waldrop; Florence Melichar; Dot Hall; Grace Slerrneck; Elizabeth Kelly and Cathy Young. -- Rear- Bill Melia, Jay Yearout; Geo Jones; Jim Britton; Sherod Collins; John Hell; John Stemma; Bob Cello; Ted Young; John Mabry, all from 423rd Service

The Mayor of Bulls Gap, Tennessee, Imo Justie, presents citation to
423rd Service Company's First Sergeant, James A. Britton,
naming May 4th 1991 as "Jim Britton Day and the 1st week of May as "Jim Britton Week..
Tbt Putivnav, • 3 trr) STy
toMms 40 MO, 11. 44 Nan ANI^
    This sketch from one of several that 'Pete D. B. Frampton, Jr, 422 Cannon Co. sent on along with a 30 page diary of he war experiences. Pet, was Aeeceiation President in 1953-54. His mother and father established the 'Agony Grapevine" during the dark days of the Bulge. You will read more about Pete and the Framptons in the CUB Passes in Review. I have other
interesting sketches and material from Pet, which I hope to use later. Thanks Pete.
The CUB of the Golden Lion II

We Salute Gil Hetwig, 423/M . . .

Gil Helwig, 423M and his wife Lucille at one of the
recent reunions. Gil has, since late 1987, acted as our
Membership Chairman/Committee
Membership Chairman
    Hats off to out Gil Helwig, 423/M, who has acted as our Membership Chairman since late 1987. It should be pointed out that this is not an official Committee of the Association, but one that he just naturally assumed in the interest of the Association. He works alone, without help (with the exception of an occasional lead from one of the members), in his venture to solicit new members.
    Gil volunteered to solicit members for the association. His method of solicitation involved writing many letters to former 106th Infantry Division members. This is not an easy task. There is no official roster of former members, if there were the addresses would not be valid after all these years. The largest source of former members come from the new member roster of the American Ex-Prisoners of War monthly publication. This source has been slight lately, but there was a time that there were 25-30 names of former 106th Infantry Division members who appeared in the Ax-POW new membership list each month. At times he received other lists of members from former 106ers who knew other unit members.
    Gil has written ov 1450 letters in the la. three years. The combined total of new members that he successfully convinced to join numbers 316 as of the date of this report.
    Gil will be at the 1991 Huntsville Reunion. When you see him shake his hand, he has done this organization a great favor by keeping it alive with new members.
    We know that many of you have also contributed by convincing former buddies to join, but I think, without a doubt, that Gil is the largest single source of new members in the Association history.
A job well done Gil, thanks. It will be interesting to see how many of your recruits show up in Huntsville.
12 The CUB of the Golden Lien

Bainbridge, W.G. 423/A
3700 N. Capital St. NW
Washington, DC 20317
    (editor's note - In sending his LIFE membership Mr. Bainbridge signed as 'MA, USA, RETIRED - DIRECTOR, MEMBER SERVICES: This was on a letterhead inscribed "UNITED STATES SOLDIERS' & AIRMEN'S HOME, Washington D.C.' ... J. Kline)

Barker, Raymond E. PO Box 573
MO 65785
    John, I don't think I was very good at explaining myself to you about my being wounded and being with the 423rd. I was wounded and came too on the 22nd of December 1944. I cannot recall the day that I was wounded. I had been with the 423d for only a short time as a replacement. I was not a prisoner, but thought 1 at as when I carne to in the 129th Field iirlospital. The nurse that was bathing me was German. She spoke poor English and I thought I was a prisoner at that time. I was transferred from the field hospital to another in Belgium, later relocated to another hospital in Liege. from there, because of the location of the wound, they would not operate on me and sent me to a place called "Lucky Strike" and from there to a ship with other wounded.
    I was with four divisions in my tour of duty, the last being the 1061h. I have tried to get my records, but a lot of them were destroyed in St. Louis. Most of the records that I did get were the ones that were established after I came back to the States. I knew the 106th was in For Jackson as I was there for Basic Training, but not with the 106th.
    John, I appreciate your letter of last December. I hope you accept the fact that I have spent a lot of time in the hospital since then and just did not get around to
New Members
answering your letter.
    (editor's note - Raymond, thanks/ or your letter. No apologies are necessary. It is nice to see you as a new member. My letter to you was to alert you to the fact that you did not appear on the December 1944 roster for 423/M, but now that you explain the fact that you were a new replacement, that could explain R. I didn't realize that any 423d member escaped capture, aside from a few that had been sent on duties to the St. Vith area. It would be interesting to see how you got back into American hands from the area we were in. Glad you made it and hope that you do well with your health in the days to come. Sounds like you have gone through a lot recently. Feel free to keep in contact.
    You mentioned wanting a Golden Lion shoulder patch. The Adjutant, Boyd Rutledge, has those for $2.00 each. They are not exactly like the original, but they are a good facsimile. His address is an the inside front cover of this magazine. Good Luck...J. Kline)

Bengel, Jr., Charles A. 424/MED
1436 Puritan Ave
Woodbury, NI 00096
    My service with the 106th was from March 1943 to July 1945. Was a member of the Association several times in the past.

Bretton, Harold K. 424/HQ IBN
RR 61 Box 96 Poser/ilk, 114 47633

Calif, Jr., John W. 423/HQ
1422 1dalia Rd
Columbia, SC 29206
    Until recently I had little contact with the 106th since January of 1945 except for a little material right after the end of the war.
    At the start of the breakthrough I was in the 18zR Platoon, 423d HQ Co. In the reorganization of the remnants afterwards I was assigned to Co. A, 424th Reg.
Several years ago the Association met
The CUB of the Golden Lion


New Members

    here in Columbia, but I didn't know about it until I saw a news article in the paper after it was over. Sam Davis of HQ Co. and Dick Sparks have done a good job in trying to round up our group and I hope to be able to attend the Reunion this fall.

Campagna, Nick 589/A
10601 S. Albany Chicago, IL 60655
    I am a retired Ironworker, have two daughters and one son. I took Basic at Camp Roberts, California. I made cadre and went to Camp Dorn with the 95th Div, got orders to go to Camp Shelby, Mississippi as cadre in a new venture, 155 Howitzers on half-tracks. Completed training at Fort Henning, then back to Shelby for 105 Howitzer training. When that training was completed got orders to report to Camp Atterbury.
    I was in command of a 105 Howitzer squad. We relieved the 2d Infantry Division. After being in position for about three days we were bombed, so we went on the alert. About a thousand yards in front of us we saw German tanks and we opened fire. We hit a tank and disabled it. My truck driver started firing at the men escaping from the tank with a 50 caliber but was not handling it properly. By the time I got to him it was too late, the men had gone to safety.
    On the night of Dec 18 we got a march order and finally got to a new position. We had just prepared the Howitzer when we got another march order. I took the firing pin of the Howitzer and we left again. Sgt Scanapicio became our driver and Lt. Wood riding next to him. We came to a tee in the road and stopped. There was a building to our left. I went to the left of the building to observe. It was there that I spotted a Getman tanknext to the building, on the right side of the road. I told the driver to take the turn at the fastest s -ed possible so we could get by the tank since he (the tank) could not look to the left, because of the building. As we drove by the tank fued. I fired a bazooka but missed. I heard machine gun fire ahead. Our truck stopped because our driver had been hit. A tank was ahead of us in the center of the road blocking our escape. The men had gotten off when the truck stopped, more machine gun fire came and I got off the prime mover (truck). I looked for cover and there was none. I surrendered after the squad had. Sgt. Scanapicio was layed along the road, later found dead with his ring finger cut off. Lt. Wood had disappeared and was later found dead.
    A German soldier took my "dubbin" and asked "Vol 1st?" I told him it was chocolate. He took two fingers worth and spit it out. He raised his gusto my and then changed his mind, Thank God! We went to a Stalag that had been bombed out, the into the box cars again and ended up le, Stalag 13C, a work Kommando where we stayed until April 30, 1945. They then took us on a march that lasted for 30 days. I was looking around and saw an American prime mover and a jeep. Our guard was gone. We ended up in Camp Lucky Strike, where I met my brother who was a physician. I asked him to call our mother (since it was Mother's Day) and tell her I was alive.

Cartwright, William S. 423/L
W. 5329 Navaho Ave Spokane, WA 99206
I was with the 423rd L Company until captured on 19 December 1944. My wife's name is Marcella.

Disher, John B. 424/A
2631 Northem Rd 030 Appleton, WI 54915
Captured by Germans at Winterspelt. POW for 6 months.

Ellis, James 422/C
1862 East Marion St. Shelby, NC 28150

Fleharty William L
16 Frontier Dr. Palm Coast, FL 32137
    Gil helwig, Thanks for your letter of introduction to the Division Association. For many years I have avoided the past POW experience, by not talking about it. It is time now that I joined the Association.
    For many years. I have wondered what happened to my outfit. When everything broke loose, I was away from the Battery at a forward observation post calling for artillery fire and couldn't get it. Five of as were captured on Dec 19, 1944. First we were taken to Stalag 4-B and later to Stalag 8-A, Gorlitz, germany. Our train was fired upon by our own aircraft. After being in 8-A for about a month the Russians were
    titling and we were put on the road west. e were liberated on April 14th, 1945. I have heard that we walked over 600 miles, it felt like a lot more.
    Several years ago I met Richard DeHeer. I am pleased to say that his wife, Majorie, lives near me and is doing well. The reunion in Huntsville sound interesting, but our year is pretty well filled up. Really this retirement life is anything but dull, work with Bell Telephone was never this much fun.
    After discharge the Chesapeake &Potomac Telephone Company hired me, working in several central offices, till retirement in 1981. My work involved the maintenance and management of equipment use to switch telephone calls through an office.
    Dharlys and I were married in October of 1951, have raised two boys and two girls and have seven grandchildren. My hobby is woodworking, making cabinets
New Members
and other types of furniture. Our Lord has blessed us with a good life.
    (editor's note - William, like many of us you are a 'survivor." I was in Stalag B-A, and made the long walk to freedom that you did. It was over 600 kilometers, about 425 miles from Valentine's Day I eb 13, 1945 to April 13, 1945. I was liberated at helmstedt, Germany. Sounds like you were liberated a day later. I am sending you a copy of my war diary which will explain the mare and all the towns that we passed through. Welcome back to the 10th... J. Kline)

NAME = Hall, Clarence B.
1003 Wright Bros Blvd W. Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
    Originally I was a surgical technician working in the G.U. Clinic in the 19th General Hospital in charge of cystoscopy, stationed in England , France and Germany. When the war ended I was transferred to the 422d Medical Detachment.
    July 10, 1945 during a battalionFiring problem I was hit by "friendly fire" involving a 81mm mortar (see certificate or Merit). I was discharged from the Army at Scheck General Hospital, Clinton, Iowa on January 24, 1946.
    Having degrees from Iowa StateUniv, Drake Univ. and the State Univ. of Iowa. I have spent most of my life in Public education, from teacher to administrator to school psychologist. My wife was a reading clinician and we retired June 1985.
    We have three children, Phil, born three months before I entered the Army, and twins David and Wincie Ann, born after my return. We have eight grandchildren.
Dorothy and I obtained our pilot's license and flew a Beech Musketeer and a Bonanza for several years.
We like to read, travel, shop for antiques, do craft work, dance and many
The CUB of the Golden Lion 15
New Members
other hobbies. We enjoy driving around the United States and visiting our children and grandchildren.
    We will regretfully miss the 45th Annual Reunion in Huntsville, in September, as we will be in the British Isles on a belated "Honeymoon," our 50th wedding anniversary is June 25, 1991.
    I'd like to hear from "Whitie" from Alabama, and any others that might know me. We thank Joseph Massey for sending me the information that made this membership possible.
    (editor's note - Clarence mentioned a °CERTIFICATE of MERIT' above. Congratulations Clarence, I know the men of the 106th are proud of you. It reads as follows.)
    EUROPEAN THEATRE OF OPERATIONS, UNITED STATES ARMY; This CERTIFICATE OF MERIT is awarded to Tec 5 Clarence B Hall, medical Detachment, 422nd Infantry regiment.
    During a battalion Firing Problem in which Company E, 422nd Infantry, was engaged on July 10, 1945, near Mayen, Germany, at about 1120 hours several rounds of 81 mm mortar ammunition fell in the immediate vicinity of Company E, killing two men and wounding eleven.
    Although Tec 5 Hall was seriously wounded in both arms and legs, he directed the other men in giving first aid to the injured around him, putting the pain of his injuries secondary to those of the wounded.
    Tec 5 Hall is commended for his courage and self-sacrifice in thinking first of his comrades even though grievously wounded. His stoicism in the face of his own pain and his desire to serve others who were suffering are evidence of the highest standards of medical soldiering. signed by W. B. Tuttle ('?) Colonel, 422nd Infantry, Commanding

Hammontree, Leaman H. 422/HQ 2BN
2829 Bridal Wreath Dallas, TX 75233
Hilliard, William W. 422/K
709 5th St. Amory, MS 313821
My dues for a LIFE MEMBERSHIP are enclosed. Captured and kept in Stalags 9B and 9A.

Hutchinson, Anna M. ASSOCIATE
Mifflin, PA 17058

Jones, Byron A. 422/C
2687 Minuette Ct. Macon, GA
Also served in 1st Armored Division in Italy.

Jones, William B. 422/H
404 Birchaven Beach
Lake City, MI 49651
    Went overseas with 422/H in late 1944, taken prisoner 19 Dec 1944 near Schonberg, Germany. Shipped to Stalag 96, Bad Orb, then transferred to Stalag 9A, Ziegenhain in January. Was liberated in April of '45. Was sent to Miami for reassignment after POW furlough. Sent to Camp Forrest, Tennessee, station complement, discharge in November '45.
    I was married at the time I went into service, Flint, Michigan. Worked for Kroger Co. as a store manager. Returned to that after discharge, was sent to Durand, Michigan, as store manager, then opened my own store. Stayed with that for 20 years and turned it over to my oldest son, who still owns the store.
I have four children, three boys and a girl. My wife and I retired to Lake City,

Michigan in '74. She passed away in '82
    and I remain here by myself. I like to fish, golf, play cards and have an occasional drink Hate to work and enjoy life pretty well. I get 10% from the V.A. for frozen feet.
    I just returned from attending the reunion of the survivors of Stalag 9A-9B-9C in Jacksonville, Florida. Had a great time and enjoyed seeing several old buddies. I'm looking forward to the Huntsville Reunion this September.
(editor's note - Bill, a picture of the Jacksonville POW meeting appears elsewhere in this CUB ... J. Kline)

Kassel, Robert W. ASSOCIATE
9573 High Park In
San Diego, CA 92129
    (editor's note - Bob Kassel is an old friend of mine. In 1958 hired we Into his insurance agency. I had been with International Harvester and the Delaval Cream separator Company many years, traveling away from home four nights a week. Bob took me in, taught me the insurance business. Later he moved on to another locale and I bought him out, only to follow him and do It again. He then moved to California.
    We lost track for awhile and recently got reacquainted. I owe my gift of gab and means of making a living to him. I'm proud to sponsor him as an associate member. See you later Roberto.... J. Kline)

Kleven, Joseph B. 423/C
2507 N.E. 151st Ave. Portland, OR 97230
    Gil, Thank you for the letter and the information regarding the 106th Infantry Division Association. No, I did not know that there was such an organization, so I appreciated hearing from you. here is a LIFE MEMBERSHIP for me and my wife. I guess it paid to join the national organization (EX-POW) since I also heard from another ex-pow today, this one from

New Members

    Mention in your letter was made of the St. Vith memorial. I am interested in returning to Belgium and visit that part of the world again, but I am not quite sure how to go about it.
    I was in the first platoon of C Company, 423rd. I was captured on 19 December. I ended up in Stalag 4-B, then sent on a work crew to Dresden. Shortly after, twenty of as were promised "heavy workers" rations if we would work as railroad section crew. We agreed to this and they gave as the "heavy work" but not the extra rations that were promised. Our crew was housed in Grossenhain, about 35 kilometers north of Dresden. We were in Grossenhain the nights of the Dresden fire bombings and were unable to get to Dresden for days. We were moved to Czechoslovakia and were liberated there by the Russians.
If any of you fellows were at Grossenhain, I'd certainly like to hear from you.
    After my discharge I completed my college education and spent the next 34 years as a school teacher and administrator in Oregon, retiring in 1982. We enjoy traveling and like to visit our two daughters who live in Albuquerque and Cincinnati. We also have three grandchildren that we enjoy very much.
    (editor's note - I will dig up some information on travel in that area, but you should also watch in the EX-POW magazine and other National Service Organization magazines, like VFW, American Legion - they always have tour groups going over there. With the 50th Anniversary of World War Two, there will be a lot of tour groups active.

Landis, Robert J. 424/D
Star Ale Box 259 L Albrightsville, PA 18210
I was assigned to the 106th in the spring of 1944 and was with the 424th
The CUB of the Golden Lion


New Members
    until the end of the war. After the war I returned to Philadelphia. I was a professional boxer for three years and then worked for I.T.E Circuit Breaker Co. for 35 years. I am presently retired and living in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania. My hobbies are swimming, bowling and working out at the Health Club.

Langmaid, Albert It 424/CN
48 North Parley Ave
Ipswich, MA 01938

Leichte, Joseph H. 422/M
903 Valley St.
Enola, PA 17025
    I am 66 years old. I remarried in 1986, my first wife died in 1985. I have two girls, one is 43 and the other 34. I have three more daughters by my second marriage. They are 48, 42 and 44. I worked on the railroad for PRR-Penn Central and Conrail for almost 43 years.
    I am the Commander of the American Ex-POW chapter. We meet in Mannheim, PA, the name of the chapter is "CONESTOC3A. " Since I have joined the National Ex-POWs I have received numerous letters from 106th Infantry Division persons.

Mahoney, Robert (Neill) 590/HQ
3155 Cherrypoint Ct.
Fallbrook, CA 92028
    John, I have just sent my check for e LIFE membership and a copy of this letter to Sherod Collins. My good friend George Sutter, 423/AT has provided me with copies of 'The CUB" magazine, from time to time.
    After being drafted in LaCrosse, Wisconsin I was assigned to Hq Battery, 590 FAB in March 1943. During the Bulge as a clerk in the 590th Personnel Section, I was positioned with Division Headquarters.
When the Division was re-constituted after the Bulge, I became a jeep driver in
S C Battery until I was shipped back to the States in the Spring of 1945.
    The 1991 lust and second quarter issues of 'The CUB" included pictures of three people that I remember very well. Jack Woodward of Headquarters Battery; Dr. James Yamazaki, a very capable Doctor and Roy Kurth, one of my C Battery softball buddies, after the Bulge.
    Don't ask why I haven't joined the Association before this. I really enjoy 'The CUB' magazine. I am looking forward to receiving The CUB Posses in Review. Keep up the good work.
    (editor's note - Thank Neill, nice to have you with us. Like myself, you will realize how much we missed in the past....1. Kline)

Milam, Luther J. 424/AT
Boo 41
Stanford, WV 25927
    I have lived in West Virginia all my life, married to Glenna Mae Bennett for 4 years. I worked 35 years in the coal mines, am now retired. Have two sons and one daughter, four grandsons, two granddaughters. My wife and I love to hunt and fish.
I was in the 3rd Platoon of 424th Anti-Tank Company, captured at St. Vith.

Murphy, John J. 423/AT
20B Sparrow Hawk Ct
Greer, SC 29050
    Entered the Army in New York City, took my Basic M. P. at Fort Custer, Michigan. Processed POWs both German and Italians. Joined the 106th at Atterbury in May of 1944. Went with Division overseas, arrived at Bleialf about December 8, on out-post duty. Was captured 19th December 1944, arrived
    in Bad Orb, Stalag 9-B on December 26, 1944 and was liberated on April 2nd, 1945. Arrived at Mitchell Field, Long Island on May 19, 1945. Spent time at Hal-
The CUB of the Golden Liars


    ler. (?) General Hospital, N.Y., Fort Dix, N.J. and Lake Placid, New York. Discharged from the 106th on November 15, 1945.
    (editor's note - Welcome back to the 106th John. The fighting at Bleier( marks one of the great chapters of the 106th. Nice to have you with us... J. Kline)

O'Neill, Robert M. 422/G
1171 Loren Dr. Prescott, AZ 86301
    I joined the 106th at Atterbury in June of 1944. After a short combat experience I was captured on December 21, 1944. After many long hikes and box-car rides I arrived at Oflag 64 in Poland on January 12, 1945. The Russian Army Offensive used the Germans to evacuate the POW Camp on January 21, 1945. We headed for Germany. I escaped on January 22nd, the forward elements of the Russian Army arks and self-propelled artillery) arrived n the scene on the 23rd or 24th. Other officers escaped and a small group formed. In time many GIs and officers were making their way East - hopeful to Moscow.
    Using foot, wagon, truck and train transportation from January 24th to March 1st I finally arrived in Odessa, Russia to board a british ship to Port Said on March 7th, arriving at Port Said on March 12. Left for Naples on March 16th and transportation to U.S.A. by a United States ship.
    Spent the remainder of the war at Camp Roberts, California training troops for the Pacific war; Camp Adair, Oregon --Replacement depot for the Pacific; and, was released from duty on January 1946 at Fort Myer, Virginia.
    Spent my civilian life as a banker -- retired from Wells Fargo in 1983. married, now a widower, with two grandchildren.
NOTE: Glad to team (from the list of New Members
    422nd members) that Bob Mapes is O.K. The last time I saw him was December 24th, 1944 when we were strafed by a British fighter, while we were locked in box-cars (at Gerolstein.. editor). Bob was wounded.
    (editor's note - Robert -- You would be interested in a book written by Clarence C. Meltesen entitled "ROADS TO LIBERATION from OFLAG 64. Clarence joined our Association as an ASSOCIATE member In August 011990. He was a platoon leader for Darby's Rangers, captured January 30, 1944 while leading an attack on Cistern in the Anzio Beachhead. His story is very Interesting and will bring back some memories. The thing I found from his book, was that the Germans were very systematic about the routes that the prisoners took. Most at ended up going through Stalag 12-A, Limburg, Germany then fanned out all over the country.
    You can contact Clarence at 810 Gonzales Dr, 4.D, San Francisco, CA 94312. 535 pages, well written from a prisoner's viewpoint I have a slight personal Interest, In that he gave my War Diary four and one-half pages (pages 487-493) in a closing chapter entitled, 'THE ROADS HOME" that relate experiences of others, like myself.
    You will also be interested in the transcript of the story that appears in 'The CUB Passes in Review' (page 127) which appeared in an eadier CUB magazine by Colonel Riggs, Commander of the 81st Combat Engineers. It is entitled Lt. Col. Riggs' Remarkable WWII Odyssey. He escaped from a Oflag at Poznan, Poland, making a 5,000 mile joumey through 8 countries (counting from point of capture) to rejoin his outfit when they were near St. Nazaire, France... J. Kline)

Pilkington, Fred A. 422/HQ
510 North Waynes Ridge Ch. Camano Island, WA 98292
Except for one very brief and unrequested tour of duty with a mangy Topographical Engineer Battalion in Camp


New Members

    McCoy, Wisconsin I served with the 106th Inf Div (Hq & Hq Co, 422d Inf, I was I&R Platoon Sergeant) from the date of activation until wounded and captured near AUW, Germany on 19 Dec 1944. I was operated on by German doctors outside Stalag 6-G near Hopenstalal and remained in prison hospital until a few hours prior to the Allies breaching the Rhine. Moved by box-ear to Stalag XII-B near Hannover. Remained there until 16 April 1945 when the British 7th Armored liberated the camp. Flown back to England shortly thereafter and put in the 91st general Hospital near Oxford until I returned to the U.S.A. via Hospital Ship Francis 1'. Stanger. Stayed in Reserve until 1982.
Retired as full Colonel in that year.
    Have three children, two girls and one boy, six grandchildren, two boys and four girls. My grandchildren include four Caucasians, one Korean and one Indian. Son is an Architect/Builder in Seattle area, one daughter lives in Rochester, New York, one daughter teaches Art in Long Island. Retired and living in State of Washington. Formerly a teacher of Fine Arts on the secondary school level, then high school administrator, then to pasture.

Rand, Anthony J. 589/B
15374 Cameron Ave
Southgate, MI 48195
Reynolds, John J. 424/H
161 Magnolia Loop Daytona Beach, FL 32124
    I would like to hear from some members of 424/H about what happened to the rest of my machine gun crew when I was wounded in combat. I would like to know what happened to Van Dyk and Carey.
    (editor's note - John, a Pfc. Louis Van Dyk 38728898 shows up in the 424th Infantry's General Order 42 dated 4 January 1945. This is the order that awarded the Combat
Inlantry Badge. I could not find a Carey.

Sergi, Rocco J. 422/L
2812 271h Ave Dr. W. Bradenton, FL 34205
    Having lived in Indianapolis, I did a lot of leg work for the 1st Reunion and joined at that time. Wonder why I didn't continue the membership.
    Joined the 106th in Sept '44. Went to Europe with the Division, captured on 19 December 1944 ended up in Stalag 9B, liberated April 2, 1945.

Smith, Wayne C. 592/A
3020 Old Stone Rd. Birmingham, AL 35242
    I was with the 106th from its inception st Fort Jackson. Staff Sergeant (Chief of Detail) Battery A. I was captured with others.
    Returned to Iowa after discharge. Graduated University of Iowa in 1948. Spent 16 years in Des Moines, four yea in Oshkosh, Wisconsin and last 23 yea in Birmingham, Alabama.
Most of business career was in the life insurance business as home office sales vice president.
Wife Jean, from Chicago area. Have three children and four marvelous grandchildren.
    We live on a golf course at Inverness Country Club. Have our own can and play about five times a week. I carry a handicap of 8. I want to thank my buddy, Bill Fleharty for the application to the 106th Infantry Division Association.
    (editor's note - Wayne, when I was typing this Into in and came across the part where you live on a golf nurse was going to expand on that a little. That was until I saw your handicap of 8. Boyd Rutledge, our Adjutant who lives nearby in Bloomington, Minnesota, and I play in a Saturday traveling league. We really enjoy playing at different course each Saturday. We're both 20 handi-


    cappers. I laid off golf for about eight years and just got back into it last year. Because of that my score ranges from the high 90's to a recent 81 -- I think I am Improving. It would be a good time for me to take you on with my 20 handicap -- do they call that "sand-bagging?" Wish we lived nearby, it would be enjoyable to golf with you... J. Kline)

Stewart, John T. 423/S V
3200 W. 22d Lawrence, KS 66047
Temple, Jr., Will S. 422/D
6 Riding Ridge Rd. Prospect, KY 40059

Tortorici, Frank J. 422/B
237 Marion St East Boston, MA 02128

Tyler, Joe B. 423/M
2609 San Simeon Dr. Wichita Falls, TX 76308
    Gil, I apologize for waiting so long to millpond with this membership, and to answer your letter. I have been on cloud 9 since fort hearing from John Kline and you, Roy Biggers, Paul Kotlarich and others that I have been able to contact thru information that John sent me. What a thrill it has been to me to be in contact with men that I served with and called my friends 45 years ago. I have even found John Hurman who was my closest friend during my time with the 106th. We have exchanged letters, tapes, and phone calls. A real blessing to me. Yes, I remember you Gil. I immediately recognized the name. I knew several of the drivers and liked ali of them. I'm sure that you didn't remember my name, because I don't think anyone really knew my real name which is Joe Bob Tyler. I did go by Bob some. Paul Kotlarich, my Section Sgt, called me Bob. I have used the name very little since then. I joined the 106th at Fort Jackson in August 1943, and I think that I was the

New Members

    only guy from Texas, maybe its our Company, but I'm sure in the 3rd platoon, at that time. I was also listed on the roster as being from Taft, California and at that time I had never seen the State of California. My parents had moved there after I entered the service.
    Speaking of people in M Co., does anyone know anything about Robert C. Duff. He was a driver for the 3rd platoon I think, and he was from Georgia. Also, I have forgotten the young Sgt.'s name who was in charge of the Motor Pool. I remember those two and yourself quite well, and Jesse Barnes. I see that he has passed on in 1987. I guess a lot of our old friends and buddies have. We are all at that late stage of life. I assume that you are in good health, as is John Kline, John Hunnan, Paul Kotlarich, Robert Stafford, another that I have been in touch with. I also have been fortunate, thank God for good health for all of us.
    I have read and re-read John's diary. We must have been in the same group as POW's as I remember each day's activities as he recorded it as having been there. My course varied from his after we were liberated on April 13 at Helmstedt, Germany. Also, the camp or stalag that was listed in the Bulletin with my name was wrong, I was at 8A most of the time. I had not forgotten that I was at Gorlitz, but I had forgotten the Stalag number. We had, however, stopped over at IVB in January on our way to Gorlitz and VIII-A. 8A was a lovely camp, the barracks were cold (no fires) and the beds were decks made of 1 X 4's about 3" apart. Each held 7 men who huddled together to keep warm. Kidneys became so bad many could not control. The sanitation accommodations were atrocious. We left out of there on Valentine's day ahead of the Red army approaching from Poland. That is when we

The CUB of the Golden Lion


New Members
    went on the 650 KM hike John Kline referred to in his diary. I was discharged from Camp Fanning, Texas, some place I took my Basic Training just before joining the 106th at FortJackson. I got out on Nov. 27, 1945 and worked in the oil fields until Feb. and decided I could put that off for awhile, so I went back to college and got out in 1949 and started teaching and coaching in high school and did that for 41 years. I retired one year ago the 8th of this month, and I'm still adjusting to that I worked part time (coaching football at the University hem last fall and plan to do the same this fall. That helped a lot because I really enjoy being involved with the kids. I love the sport also.
    My wife, Pat, is a school teacher and has not retired yet. She probably won't until she in really ready to do so. We have 3 children, 2 sons and 1 daughter. They all live in the Dallas-Ft Worth metroplex. We have two grand-daughters, Kati and Ashley ages 7 and 2. Our greatest joy is visiting them from time to time.
    I hope that I ran work it out to attend the Re-Union in Huntsville in Sept. Of course that is in the busy time of football for the college maybe I can slip away. It would be grand to see a lot of my fellow soldiers and friends after 45 years. I hope we can talk John Burman into joining the organization and coming down. That would be like seeing a long lost brother for me.
    Gil you can use that for my brief history if you want, and let me hear from you again, if you will. I hope that we can stay in touch. I am really happy to be able to correspond with you and I wish the best of good fortune and good health for you and your family again. I apologize for the delay in sending an answer to your most welcome and cherished letter and the membership application.

Tweedel, Don R. ASSOCIATE
1300-H Rivenvood LN Roswell, GA 30075
    Please accept my membership in the 106th Infantry Division Association as a son of a 106th Veteran. Information on my father iv Merrick J. Tweedel, Pfc, 422/L.
    (editor's note - Don, you did not state whether your father is living. I know he would be proud of you for your interest In the Association... J. Kline)

Ulrich, James L. 423/MED
5411 Celadine St. Pittsburgh, PA 15201

Utter, Oakley E. 81st ENG/?
29 Washington St.
Warten, NI 07885

Vanni, Neal A. 422/F
1231 Monte Verde Ct.
Los Altos, CA 94024,
    I wanted to wait to subscribe to your magazine. It is my father's birthday in July, so it is perfect timing. Thanks for the application and post card... /s/ D. Venni

Waters, Almon B. 106 SIG
2403 Sunset Dr.
Duncan, OK 73533
    Went overseas with the 106th. After VE Day was transferred to the 28th Division and returned to the States for training to the Pacific. Was discharged November 1945. Went to work for Halliburton Services in Duncan, OK, was with them for 40 years, retired 1986. Last year during a tour drove all over Europe, and some of the area we covered in the battle of the Bulge. Did not see the Memorial at St. Vith.

Woodward, Jack 590/HQ
Rte 6, Box 344 Louisville, MS 39339


Anderson, Francis (Toby) (S) 106 SIG
Rte 1 Box 1205
Pine, AZ 85544
    Toby, it was nice to talk with you. Our condolences to you and your family on the loss of your wife. Good Luck and Good Health... J. Kline)
Barnes, L. Preston DIV/HQ
K-17 Avon Dr East Windsor, NJ 08520
    John, Here are copies of The CUB that you requested. Of all the CUB issues, the Apr-May-Jun 1990 is one of the more beautiful. Wish I could make it to Huntsville, but I can't. I respect your views in the Point-Counter Point story.
(editor's note - Preston, thanks for the
help with Jan-Feb-Mar 1990 CUB for our
    friends in Belgium and the Apr-May-Jun X1990 for myself. I also wish to thank others, Wwho I might not have mentioned In the past,
who submitted that issue as well as others.
I can always use back issues... J. Kline)

Beseler, Donald W. 424/A
1624 Highway C
St Germain., WI 54550
    (editor's note - In a letter to Sherod Collins, Treasurer-Historian. Don was a 1st Lt and led 424/A in an attack on Coulee, after his Company Commander, Cpt. Robert McKay was killed in that attack. One Jan-Feb-Mar 1989 CUB)
Sherod, we just returned from an extended visit to your beautiful State and St. Simons Island.
    Thank you so much for sending the historic material on the Division. Along with your letter there was a letter from Mrs. Mary Rifleman - wife of 1st Sergeant Wallace Rifleman of Co. G - 423rd and Co. A - 424th. Wallace died Feb 5, 1991. He was not a member of the Association.

Mail Bag
    Ever since I found him two years ago, I had tried to get him to join. His wife said that it was on his list of "things to do," but due to his illness he never got around to it. He was a great man - a real leader, who had the respect of all who had the privilege of serving with him. /s/ Don Beseler

Bloch, Jacques W. 422/K
4915 Broadway New York, NY 10034
Dear John:
    The April-May-June issue of THE CUB was read, as usual, with great interest; it brought back many memories of the dark 1944 December days.
The following pages were of particular interest to me:
    Page 12 -concerning Hampton J. Dailey's letter re: Kenneth Peterson, I am sending you enclosed a photostat of part of a letter by Major Henry Harmeling (former Commander of Co. "K", 422d Inf. Rgt.) Which is self-explanatory and which was addressed to "Men of "K" Company" in July 1945.
    Page 29 - concerning Editor's note in response to Charley Henderson's letter 422d Regiment's Combat Infantry Badge, I would like to quote from Lt. Col. Joseph C. Matthews, Jr.'s letter, dated 9/25/1945: "...6.Combat Infantry and Medical Badge. The officers and men who were present with the regiment when the German counter-offensive began on December 16,1944 were awarded the Combat Infantry Badge, retroactive to 16 December 1944 (including the additional pay), on Letter Orders # 140, Subject: Combat Infantry Men Badge, The Adjutant General's Office, Washington, DC...."
    Page 32 - concerning Harry Meeleus' letter, the Company Commander of "K" Company, 422d Inf. Rgt. was Capt. Henry "Hank" Harmeling.


Mail Bag
    John, I hope the foregoing will be of help to some of our wartime buddies. I always look forward to get THE CUB; you are doing a great job. Keep it up!
Fraternally yours,
Jacques W. Bloch,422d/K
(Stalag XI-B, Fallingbostel, near Hannover, Germany).
The letter Jacques W. Bloch refers to (Page 12, above):
    Regarding Peterson, I received the following dated 30 October 1945, from 1st Lt. William W. Drury, CAC, Chief, Personal Affairs Branch, Army Service Forces, 7th Service Command, Fort Smiling, 11, Minnesota

Dear Six,
    "Mrs. Carl Peterson, 2708 Fremont Avenue, North, Minneapolis, Minnesota called at this office regarding the present status of her son, Pfc Kenneth S. Peterson, 37552541, Co K, 422nd Inf, 106th Division. Mrs. Peterson states that her son was captured by the German Army on 16 December 1944. In the summer of 1945 his mother received a letter from a Sergeant who was with him in a German hospital in Leipzig, Germany, who told her that he believed her son had died on approximately 1 April from sickness.
    "Mrs. Peterson communicated the above information to the War Department, and in August of this year, she received a telegram which was later confirmed by letter from The Adjutant General that her son had died on 11 April 1945. While, undoubtedly, the information received from the War Department is correct, due to the unusual circumstances present in reporting his death, the mother is greatly concerned and feels that perhaps there is a possibility her son may yet be alive.
    "When Mrs. Peterson called at this office, she had in her possession a letter from you, addressed to her son. We are writing you this letter in the hope that you may be able to furnish Mrs. Peterson with definite information concerning the death of her son, or references whom she could communicate to obtain the desired information.
"Thanking you in advance for any assistance you may render, I am,
Yours very truly,

Brackett, Kay ASSOCIATE
270 Hasson St. Staten Island, N.Y. 10306
    Mr. Kline, Just a short note to thank all the buddies and their families for the cards of sympathy on the passing of my husband James (591/SV) on 1/16/91.
    Jack Schlesser his best friend and buddy who went through Basic Training and the war together, was kind enough tt send you the news which you published the CUB. Jack was instrumental in getting us started in the reunions years ago, and we both looked forward to them every year. James was really looking forward to "Huntsville," never realizing how sick he as
Send my best wishes to all the reunion. I have mailed a donation to the Camp Atterbury Fund, in his member.
    (editor's note - How nice of you to write, Kay. Our heart goes out to you. I know Jim would be proud to know that you have contributed to a worthy cause like the "Atterbury Project." God Bless and Best of Health... J. Kline)

Caplan, Bert 424/K
31 Wilmette Ave Glenview, IL 60025
    John, I had no idea there was an Association until I read of the 1989 reunion in the DAV magazine. I am just finishing the

    latest CUB; I do look forward to their arrival. If still available, I would like a copy of the 424th Combat Infantry Badge order #2. I would like to find out where some of the "K" Company men are. In particular I would like to locate a Medic that was attached to "K" Co. by the name of Fronczak (?). Keep the CUBS coming. See you in Huntsville.
    (editor's note - Bert, I think I sent you a copy of the CIB as requested. If I did not, than let we know... J. Kline)

Checca, Mario L. 422/F
386 Division St Amsterdam, NY 12010

Cucarola, Joe F. 422/B
Rte 2 Rd 41-20627
Sterling, CO 80751
    John, Thanks for putting together great issues of the CUB. This is my 1st time to Write. I joined the Association back in 1946. I have CUB issues dating back to December 1946, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 54, 58, 59, and 62. I dropped out during the 70's and 80's but started again in 1988 to this date.
I joined the 106th Infantry Division in the summer of 1944.
    I was transferred from the U.S. Army Air Force Pilot Cadet training program located in Malden Basic Flight training center, Malden, Missouri. WOW! What a let down that day was when the U.S. Government decided to cut the Pilot program. They gave .ch Cadet a carton of Cigarettes and the next thing we knew we were on our way to join the 106th Infantry Division at Camp Atterbury, Indiana. I became a member of the 422nd Inf. Co. "B" as a Sgt. to the 1st Platoon. The rest is common history.
I was captured on December 19, 1944, ken to IV-B, then to Gorlitz, Germany
Mail Bag
    VELA. On February 14, 1945 we began a long march through Germany, designation unknown. I was liberated on Friday April 13, 1945. Horsinger, Germany, near Helmstedt. Apparently John, We were on the same march. (Geo. Crouthame1423/M page 35 of CUB's recent issue) Thank God for Sugar Beets, Rutabagas, Dandelions and a few raw Potatoes we were able to just stay alive. As for the Germans I'll never forget those bastards for the way they treated us. I lost 65 lbs. froze forgers of both hands and the toes of both feet. It took several years to regain my health. However, life after the POW experience has been good to me. I taught Vocational Ag. in our local College for 8 years and later commenced Farming and Ranching. I married in 1953, Lillian and I have two (2) wonderful sons. Greg is an attorney and Mark a Financial Consultant.
Lillian and I are now retired on our Farm near Sterling, Colorado.
    In October of 1990 we toured Europe for the 1st time. Covering most of the area we fought in during World War II. I still find the Battle of the Bulge to be an event to have happened. The 422 nd Inf. Co. "B" was dug in just a few thousand feet from the German front line. Our Squad leaders and Platoon Leaders sent messages back to Command Headquarters informing them of the German activity. We watched and saw the enemy build up their might for the big push. But apparently no one cared to listen or believe. It is difficult for me to understand the Battle of the Bulge was a surprise. I suppose we will never know the reason the 106th was so thinly spread out to defend the Schnee Eifel.
    I recall the early morning of December 16th when the Germans started their attack. 1st Lt. Brice was killed instantly, he was a military Academy graduate. I have
The CUB of the Golden Lion 25
Mail Bag
never known the fate of our Company Commander, Captain Littlejohn.
    I am sending along a map of Germany (pre-war). It was supplied to me by a good friend in Germany when I was inquiring about the town where the Germans put us up the first night.
    I recalled how they argued over which building they were going to put us in, the one on th right or the left. They put us in the one on the left. We took an overnight bombing from Allied planes which completely destroyed the other building.
    My close buddy all through the POW experience was Roy L. Cooper, from Malden, Missouri. We communicate several times a year. He and Wife both are doing well.
    John, I am sending you several copies takenfrom the Camp Lucky Strike Edition of the CUB, dated Sunday, September 16, 1945. I thought you might find it interesting. Keep up the good work.
Sincerely, /s/ Joe Cucarola
    (editor's note - Thanks Joe. Yes I was on the 415 mile march from Stalag 6-A to liberation at Helmstedt. Possibly you were in the some building when we were liberated. I ended up in an infirmary on the edge of Helmstedt. I am sending you a copy of my diary. It should bring back some memories... J. Kline)

Creed, Donald R. 591/A
810 Wildwood Dr. Youngstown, OH 44512
Sherod, thanks for the wonderful job you and the rest of the staff have done for all the vets of the 106th.
    I had a years service with a demonstration Battalion on automatic weapons in the Coast Artillery Corp. Then I was a student pilot when the Army transferred all of us to combat units. I joined the 106th at Atterbury and you know the rest of the story.
Expect to see you all in Pittsburgh at cannot get away this year to Huntsville.
Cunningham, Louis E. 106 RECON
Ill Barberry Rd North Wales, PA 19454

Dailey, Hampton J. 422/K
3900 France Place
Brooklyn center, MN 55429
    (editor's note -Thanks Hampton for the article on the Cotswold. Space doesn't permit reproducing the eight page article you sent entitled Cotswold villages as entertaining as their names. I am looking forward to the follow up story you have from a ham radio operator in Leipzig (see Dailey's story on page 12 of the Apr-May-Jun 1991 CUB). I will run it in the Oct-Nov-Dec issue... J. Kline)

Deffenbaugh, David L. 423/D
3400 Shoreline
Claremore, OK 740
    The last issue of the CUB was great as usual. It also pictured Donald Canfield, 423/D. That is the first time I had any information on Don, but it did not list his address. Please send it if you have it. I am looking forward to the book, The CUB Passes in Review. /s/ David Deffenbough, Stalag 11-B, Fallingbostle, Germany.
    (editor's note - David, I don't see Don's name on the Association Roster. I suggest you contact Pete House, 5662 Clifton Ave, Jacksonville, FL 32211. He Is the person that organized the meeting shown on page 9 of the last CUB... J. Kline)

Ellis, James 422/C
1862 East Marion St. Shelby, NC 28150
    I would like to hear from the ones that served under Lt. Berner in Co. C, 422nd Reg. after the reactivation in Rennes,

    (editor's note - A copy of all 422/C members was sent to you Jim. I suggest you ask your particular questions to them by separate letter... J. Kline)

Facey, Col. Kenneth, (Ret) 106 MP
4200 Smithfield Ct. Evans, GA 30809
Sherod, Life membership enclosed, better late than never!
    Hope to make the Huntsville Reunion and see some people i haven't seen since the "Bulge." I'll blow my hom as I pass by Kennesaw from Augusta to Huntsville.

Fields, Raymond H. 424/H
837 Whitehall Rd Knoxville, TN 37909
    Sherod, I'm coming to Huntsville in September. This will be my first Reunion since Savannah in 1957. I'll look you up
have a "Howdy- shake.
Gatens, John 589/A
2 - 36 Grunauer Pl Fairlawn, NI 07410
    I am highly honored and delighted to see that you chose my story and cover picture for the Apr-May-Jun 1991 CUB. Many thanks. As usual you have done another good job on the issue. may God give you health, long life and the desire to keep on publishing the "CUB." You do a super job and no one could do better. I haven't heard from Carol Ristad, Major Parker's niece, since she returned from her trip. I am sending her a copy of the CUB. I am also sending a copy to Maria LeHaire and Mary Jonckeau.
    When I first came home from overseas, there were two things that really bothered me. The first was how our division was bad-mouthed, and that I had to listen to all the bad jokes about POWs. Then to make

Mail Bag

    it worse, to tell them I was in the 106th. I was always proud of what I did and I was always proud of our division. Now, with any reading of history, everyone knows what we accomplished. I applaud you on your Point - Counterpoint article.
    I have already sent my order for three of the books, The CUB Passes in Review for my family. I can't wait to read it. I, like yourself, found the Association only a short time ago. I know I will find stories about or by some more of my old friends.
    I think the Atterbury Memorial is a good idea. I have made a contribution to it. We won't be around forever, and we must make future generations aware of the past.
Hoping to shake your hand at Huntsville, John. Stay in good health.
    (editor's note - You 106ers are all the same. You want my good health so that you can have a CUB. John, I hope you can take a joke -- I intend to be the oldest surviving member of the 106th Infantry Division, so you will have to put up with rne, my "editor's notes" and viewpoints for a long thrift. God and the Association Board willing... See you in Huntsville John... J. Kline)

Gillespie, John M. 422/C
3536 Darcy Dr Birmingham, MI 48010
    We are going to be visiting Australia and New Zealand the month of September, so won't be able to join you all at Huntsville. Our son has given his parents a round trip passage on the New Zealand Airlines. He remembers when we had originally planned this trip back in 1971 -- He just graduated from Xavier University and found an opportunity to enter University of Michigan Graduate School, so out went that trip in '71.
Have a great 45th Reunion. Saw Bob
The CUB of the Golden Lion


Mail Bag
    Kelly Easter Sunday. His wife Libby is back on her feet and again looks to traveling --great for Bob. Take care everyone. (from another letter) -- Read your Point - Counterpoint article, John. When time permits I'll attempt to relate the way Eisenhower's Staff Headquarters saw the series of events in the Ardennes; told to a group of us back in England at a Army Hospital. We 106th POWs were given somewhat of a hard time by other recovering GIs in the some wards. Fortunately a few high ranking SHAEF staff visited and answered questions why and how the whole battle developed. The 106th was not blamed. More detail if desired.
    (editor's note - Jack, as to the SHAEF story -- Please put something together for the members. I am sure it will be interesting. NOTE: Jack, was President of the Association in 1949-50, how's that for longevity! J. Kline)

Louis G. Grivetti 423/K
345 Shawnee On
Harrodsburg, KY 40330
    (editor's note - Louis, thanks for the correspondence and the "DESERT STORM DECALS.' I passed a few of them around to friends. It is always nice to hear from you... J. Kline)

Hayes, John P. 422/F
2226 Erie Ave Springfield, OH 45505
    I am sending you a copy of my Combat Infantry Badge Letter Order #140. I read your request for information on the 422nd CIB awards. Thanks for the wonderful job you are doing on the CUB.
    (editors note - John, You along with others have responded nicely to my request. If we could just find the "master list" we could have a complete set.

Hatch, (H.M. (Jim) Hatch DIV/HQ
2830 East Road Wayzata, MN 55391
    Thank you for another fine issue of The CUB. Thin April-May-June issue takes the cake. How you can organize so much material into a single publication is beyond me. You even remember little things such as naming me for having offered the book on Division History named The Lion's Tale. (feel free in keeping the book as long as you like.)
    I produce a single page newsletter here for our forty house community and that gives me a small example of what you do. Thirty six pages, plus scores of letters and many phone calls. wow!
    I am doing volunteer work at Abbott Northwestern Hospital three afternoons a week and have a total of 2,750 hours there. That, plus putting out "THE LETTER," keeps me out of mischief.
We're celebrating our sixty-second anniversary this month. We have much to be thankful for.
    (editor's note - Members, Jim Hatch was president of the 106th Infantry Division Association for the fiscal year 1960-61. He has always been a staunch supporter of the association. He and his wife apologize, bemuse of health reasons, for not attending the reunions in later years.
    The copy of The Lion's Tale that Jim loaned we allowed me to transcribe some of the stories by an electronic method called "manning.' Most the rest of the 496 page book The CUB Passes in Review was transcribed from past CUB issues by manually re-typing the articles into useable test forms to be used in my publishing program... Thanks Jim, you eased the work load... J. Kline)

Hochstetter, Hubert H. 424/I
847 Catherine Ct Apt #59
Grays Lake, IL 60030
    (editor's note - Hugh, thanks for the August S8 and the May '90 CUB that you sent. It was very gracious of you and some others for replenishing my supply of those two issues. I sometimes get ahead of myself and give away my "private stock" when some new member is looking for a past copy that is relative to his unit or situation. For that reason I requested copies for the membership, if they were not saving them for their private archives... J. Kline)

Hohnstein, Clinton D. 422/A
1714 Little Sioux Cozad, NE 69130
    John, Just received the latest CUB and as usual found it interesting reading. Have only belonged to the Association three or four years. I have found it rewarding.
    Glad was with 422/A and we just recently glad our second re-union in Indianapolis. Our first was in Charleston, West Virginia. We had fourteen or fifteen men in attendance with some wives. We had a great time. Of course Dan Bied and Rev. Ewell Black, who are regular contributors to The CUB, were with us.
    In 1959 I read in one of the National Service magazines about writing for medals or commendations that a serviceman was eligible for. I am sending a copy of the order I received. It says that the Combat Infantry Badge was awarded to me under Letter Order #140 on 23 July 1945. I don't know if this applies to our company, regiment or division. I saw in one of The CUBs that you were asking for help in locating the Combat Infantry Badge (013) order for the 422d Regiment.
Thanks for doing such a great job with The CUB. Keep up the good work. /s/ Clint.

Mail Bag
    informative letter. "Yes, you are right, each parson in the 422d Regiment eligible for the CIB was awarded it under "Letter Order 4140." What we would like to find is the master list from which those individual letter orders were awarded from. We have complete listings of the 423d and 424th CIB awards. They were issued under a class of order entitled "General Orders." There, one order was cut Instead of sending an individual letter to each serviceman.
    Why all the fuss about the Combat Infantry Badge orders? -- They have been very useful, for me, in answering Inquiries about missing buddies. I get letters asking, I wonder what happened to JOE BLOW?" I look through the computer files on each of the 423d and 424th CIB orders and see If I can come up with the name "JOE BLOW." In the case of the 423rd, the orders are in categories that show if the CIB was issued "Posthumously," "MIA" or to the known living. The 424th is not categorized and many names are missing, so I suppose that those missing name were men that were not accounted for. Some of the 424th company fists 150-180 men, while other fist less than 50. I shudder to think the reason why."
    For those not yet aware that Lost Medals and Records can be replaced I will list some addresses following:.. J. Kline)
To obtain lost decorations or awards, write to:
Commander (ARPERCEN)
9700 Page Blvd.
St Louis, MO 63132-5200
    Explain how you lost the medals (or never received them), request replacement and send COPIES of discharge certificates to show that you are entitled to them. To obtain copy of missing discharge records (form 214) write to:
Commander (ARPERCEN)


The CUB of the Golden Lion
Mail Bag
9700 Page Blvd
St. Louis, MO 63132-5200
    If you have been awarded the Combat Infantry Badge (CM), you are entitled to a BRONZE STAR Medal. If you have not received this ward, write to
200 Stovall Street
Alexandria, VA 22332
    Make the request and include a copy of your discharge certificate. This document should show that you received the CIB.
    (editors note - For those of the 423d and 424th who have discharge papers that DO NOT show you receiving the CIB, write rne, include a SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED envelope, and I will search the 423d and 424th CIB mounds that I have. II your name appears, I will make a copy of the document that you can include with your request for the BRONZE STAR. In any case, I will respond using your sell-addressed, stamped envelope... J. Kline)
Karth, James F. 422/L
22860 Lodge Ct, B II Apt 106
Novi, MI 48375
    I want to thank you for your letter of January 26, 1991 along with the pictures of the Stalag 9B Infirmary, along with your service diary "The Service Diary of German War Prisoner #315-136." Margaret, my wife, still cannot read your diary ( I had a very hard time getting through it. It was like re-living the past, no accurate, the only thing I did not have to put up with was the extra 415 miles that you walked to liberation.
    I am not in any of the Signal Corps pictures of Stalag 9-B that you sent. I was on the first ambulance that went out of Stalag 9-B. The picture you sent was probably the second or third. The building shown both inside and outside, was the one I was in. I was in one of the lower


    The reason I did not leave Stalag 9-B with the non-corns, was that I was an acting squad leader. I was put in one of the chicken coops along with my squad. Since I was still a We, that left me at Stalag 9-B. I am sorry for the late reply (May 14th) but I had been hospitalized with pneumonia, which went to congestive heart failure, then to my kidneys. The doctor and the good man above pulled me through. I am planning on making the 45th Annual Reunion at Huntsville, God willing and if the creek doesn't rise. I'll look you up in Huntsville. /s/ Jim and Margaret Karth
    (editor's note - Thanks Jim, It would have been nice had you been In that picture of the stretcher being loaded into the ambulance at Stalag 9-B. I mean 'nloe' from the stand-point that we would have made a connection with an association member. Glad you got out of camp fast. Please, loot me up at Huntsville -- I am always busy at the reunions, but that Is what they are for--that is meeting others from the 106th. I hope Margaret has by now read the diary. It hayed around in a cigar box for many years, that is until I made contact with 106ers and the Association in 1987. They were well worth the costs of printing. I have used them many times, when I spot some person from Stalag VIII-A who made what was popularly called the 'Death March" from GOrlitz, Germany from Valentine's Day 1945 to April 13th, 1945, with LIBERATION at Helmstedt, Germany, some 415 miles and two months on the road... J. Kline)

Kelly, Edmond D. 423/D
PO Box 308 Middletown, NY 10940

Killian B. F. 81st ENG/C
Rte 2 Box 2277 Spooner, WI 54801
John, this is just a note to let you know

Mail Bag

    that excellent Blue Gill and Bass fishing is end of May til June 15th. I fish N a private lake on Tues-Wed-Thurs, owners of the lake use my boat the other days.
    I am still working on my auto-biography, but building two spec homes here the last three months have slowed down my writing. So John, it's time to head on to God's Country for some fishing and Golfing.
    (editor's note - Bernie, your invitation pus's a lot ot stress on me. Here it is July 4th, as I type the start of some 55-60 hours of CUB publishing time. Where does it all go. Quite seriously, I doubt if I get to accept your gradous invitation this summer. We have been putting a lot of hours in this basement and time is tying. It's hard for ma to get my wife away and I am still working over 40 hours a week. I have played several rounds of golf in a traveling league (Saturday's) with Boyd Rutledge, who Is our Association Ad-
    ailutant. We are fortunate to have him nearby, II/In the conduct of 106th business, but more Importantly this summer, for his invitation to join the traveling league he has enjoyed for several years. We go to a different golf course each Saturday, working through a string of them, and then repeating performance about three times a summer.
    It you get into the Minneapolis-St. Paul area let us know. We don't have room for over-nighters in the town-house, but you would be welcome to put on the feed-bag, with prior notice.
    Oh yes, I have the bundle of material, some 50-80 pages ??, that you sent on Vince Kurtenbach on his dissertation of his brother's experience as a MAN of CONFIDENCE, as a POW in Stalag 7-A. It is interesting, but I haven't really had a chance to digest it all because of my work on The CUB Passes in Review. When the evening get longer, I will take another look at it. Possibly we can get permission to reproduce some of it.

Lapatar Frank 422/HQ
Ito 8 - Box 403
ICittanntaa, PA 16201
    (editor's note - Frank, did you ever get any extra copies of the Jan-Feb-Mar 1989 CUB from the members. That was the CUB showing the St. Vith Mayor and Herr Crerner decorating the St. Vith Memorial. Maybe this reminder will prompt a few to send you copies... J. Kline)
Lichtenfeld, Seymour 422/I
19450 NE 21st Ct No. Miami Beach, Fl, 33179
Sherod, My congratulations on your continuing efforts to put out a fast class publication for our association.
    I have been fortunate to meet some of the old 422/1 gang at the American Ex-POW meetings. We have reminisced our activities in England and the boat ride over the channel (especially the guys hanging over sides) and that horrendous truck ride up to the Ardennes. But most of all, we still have etched in our minds, the awful cold, wet and slippery terrain we had to occupy. I like a lot of others spent a trying time in Stalags 12-A, 4-B, 3-B and finally 3-A. We were liberated by the Russians, but seven of us got back through Gem= lines to the Americans on the Elbe River. I was liberated on April 22nd and got back in American hands on May 8, 1945. I am looking forward to be able to attend the 45th Annual Reunion and to the forthcoming The CUB Passes in Review.
    (editor's note - Sy, Sherod in passing along your letter, said to remind you that he (Sherod) is the Treasurer-Historian, and not the editor of The CUB. Give us a short story on your release and final hook-up with the Americans on the Elbe. The other members would be interested... J. Kline)
The CUB of the Golden Lion


Long, Ivan 423/HQ MR Platoon leader
18610 Hiniuningbird Dr
Penn Valley, CA 95946 John, I concur with your viewpoint in the last CUB, in the story Point-Counterpoint
    My major concern during this battle was that my small unit was well trained for their part, and they deserved my confidence, which they certainly earned. I did not want to fight my platoon as combat riflemen, for they were trained in reconnaissance and the evaluation of intelligence. They were armed with carbines and not M- ls.
    Upon reaching St. Vith, General Clarke placed my men in the defense line where they were needed and me on his staff where I was needed. When the German forces overwhelmed the St. Vith defense, me and my men were released from Clarke's command to return to the 106th Infantry Division. Upon reaching Division Headquarters the unit was broken up and assigned where needed and I was sent to a rifle battalion as a S-2.
During the Reunion we will be on a long planned trip. Please pass along our regrets and say hello to everybody for
    (editor's note - Thanks Ivan. I have finally traced down Colonel Cavender. He is now residing In 'Air Force Village, West --Skilled Nursing." The address uses that name plus "Riverside, CA 92508.' His room phone number is 714-697-2237. He had a series of setbacks and decided to move to that facility for medical care.
He would very much appreciate hearing from any 106er, especially from the 423rd gang... J, Kline) S
Love, Jr., Robert E. 423/MED
6378 Heather Dr. Memphis, TN 38119
    John, As per our phone call, I am dropping you a note. I was a POW in Stalag 1X-B in Bad Orb and Stalag IX-A at Ziegenhain. There was quite a story about our liberation by the 80th Division and the Germans attempt to move us out of camp, which never happened.
    When I returned to the States I read a detailed story in one of the inage7ines about Stalag 9-A liberation. About three years ago I went to the library and went through all the publications of Collier's. Liberty, Saturday Evening Post, Life, etc. and I could not find the story. Can anybody else verify this forme, or can they refer me to the proper publication.
Hope to see you in Huntsville.
(editor's note - Well troops, let's help
Bob. Anybody out there got any info? Ak..
    If my memory serves me, Stalag 9-8 at 1110 Bad Orb was liberated on April 2, 1945 by the 106th Reconnaissance Team (not connected with the 106th Infantry Division). Bob is apparently referring to Stalag 9-A, Ziegenhain, where 1,236 non-rams were transferred to, out of 9-B to 9-A, in January '45. Boyd Rutledge, our Adjutant just confirmed that the 106th Reran Team were the liberators of 9-13 (see how nice it is to have a 106er near-by). Now let's help Bob with his story of 9-A and the 80th Division liberators... J. Kline)

Malaniak, Harry W. 422/K
3800 62nd Ave N. Apr C-108
    Pinellas Psrk, FL 34665-6002 Received the special notice on May 13th, and on May I 1 th I had sent my check of $30.00 for the book The CUB Passes in Review. Surprise! Surprise! I will get a "Freebie." Anyway -- apply the credit to my annual dues.
Mail Bag


The CUB of the Golden Lion
Marcus, Gilbert, Cpl. Ret. 423/S V
3700 Capri C1. #508
Glenview, IL 60025
Dear John,
    Every time I receive my issue of the CUB I am deeply impressed by the magnificent job that you have done since you assumed the position of editor.
    I receive many publications from organizations that are National in scope; they do not equal the content, layout, information and fine editing that is obtained in The CUB; thanks to you.
    While I haven't been able to attend many conventions, please be advised that I am heart and soul a member of the glorious "Bag Lunch" Division and will remain so long as the good Lord grants me years. Continued success; you have the "nonpaying" job for life, as far as I am concerned. My very best to you. /s/ Gilbert
•Marcus, Sv. Co. 423rd Infantry, Capt. Ret.

McElvenny, Albert R. 424/E
310 Lisa Dr
Brockton, MA 02402
    (editor's note - Glad you got some help from the CIB roster -- too bad there ant some way to reach in and grab the present day addresses for all the fanner 106ers... J. Kline)

Meeleus, Harry G. 422/HQ 2BN
518 Pyle Ave Oshkosh, WI 54901
    Today we received the "CUB" and couldn't help but write and tell you what a great magazine we think it is. We get several magazines from National organizations and feel that this is the best. As I had written before, Harry lost his sight due to macular degeneration and he can see very little. I read the "CUB" to him in its entirety -- always asking if any of the names are familiar -- and I do think I

Mail Bag
enjoy it as much or even more than he do..
    Keep up the good work, we are looking forward to The CUB Passes in Review, which you have compiled from the past CUBs. I know I will enjoy reading it to Harry.
We can't travel on long trips, so will miss Huntsville.
The best to you. /s/ Helen Meeleus
    (editor's note - Helen, It's always a pleasure to hear from you. Thank Harry for his attentive listening... J. Kline)

Messina, Carl 81st ENG/A
926 Seymour Ave
Linden, NI 07036
Dear John, Long time no see, no hear, I trust you and yours are feeling well.
All is well here. We are hanging in there, doing our thing and waiting on Huntsville to happen.
    On my way south I made a pit-stop in Hin.ville, Georgia. Spent the night with Gus Agostini and his wonderful wife. While there Gus took me to his office and there under the glass top of the desk was a picture of John Wayne and GUS. I had to twist his arm a little to get the picture. I thought you would like to run it in the CUB. I think it was taken in Vietnam when John Wayne was entertaining the troops. I also made a pit-stop in Columbia, S.C. and had breakfast with Roger Rutland at one of his favorite spots. I also had breakfast with our old Company Commander, Captain H. Harmon, in Crystall Beach, Florida.
    We had a successful December 16th reunion in New Jersey. We will do it again in 1991, but will have it November 16th, instead in December.
    I must say again, I really enjoy the CUB. Each issue seems to get better and better. I can see the many hours you are
The CUB of the Golden Lion 33

    Gm Agostini, 81st Combat Engineers with John Wayne. Gm was our 1989.90 Association President. Photo taken in Vietnam, wham John Wayne was entertaining troops. Photo stolen from Agostini's desk by Carl Messina -- see article this column.
putting in it and I am sure everyone else must see it and appreciate it like me. Warmest Regards.. /s/ Carl messing
    (editor's note - Hey Carl, Gus was a handsome man, which one is John Wayne? (see picture at right) One of the bad things about the last two years is with all the time I have spent on The CUB Passes in Review, plus the 55-60 hours each quarter with the CUB, plus working for a living, plus a little golf on Wednesday evenings and Saturday moming, have left little time to answer normal correspondence. That is except what I answer through the CUB. Oh yes, I still have a wife. I forgot to mention that.
    Now, with The CUB Passes in Review finished, I should have time to get back to my friends, my wife and answer my correspondence on a timely basis. I have also neglected 1.1" Company, 423rd Regiment for the same reason. I hope they understand. I am looking forward to Huntsville. I know I will be busy, but since I am finishing my third year on the Board, I may have a' little time to chew the fat with the troops... J. Kline)

Miedema, Eldon L. 589/A
303 Basest Dr.
    Hohnen, WI 54036 I received a letter from a vet in Ohio, who was in Battery A, 589th FAB. That was the Battery that I was in at Parker's Crossroads. You don't know me, but I was with Battery A, from the time it was activated at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. John Gatens was in the same section with me (4th section) until we got to England, when he was put in the 1st Section, why I don't know. I see by the CUB that he went back to Parker's Crossroads. I want to compliment you on your editing and publishing of the CUB. I look forward to it.
    The vet who wrote me from Ohio was in Sergeant Scanapicio's section, which was the only section that did not get through at Schonberg. He was in that section and this is the first time I really found out what happened to that section. I wonder if John Oaten knows? Thomas's name is J. Don Holtzmuller, 202 Germantown Pike, Farmersville, OHIO 45325-1129. He enclosed literature about 1st Lt. Eric Wood (our Exec Officer who was later killed). He had also been in touch with Captain Menske (our battery Commander) who was captured on Outpost while directing artillery fore (he lives in Manchester, Ohio). He said he also visited with Barney Alford.
     I was a T/5 driver of the 4th Section. Sgt Johnnie B. Jordan's Section. I have a copy of a CUB that was printed at Camp Lucky Strike September 16th, 1945 (Sunday). It is Vol 2, No. 7. How I happen to have it is a mystery. Perhaps I brought it back from England where I was in #4128 Hospital
Mail Bag 34

     two months. Flew back to the States in an Air-ambulance plane, where I was in a hospital till the end of February 1946. I wonder if you or any other person would happen to know how to contact William Cody, nickname Wild Bill. We escaped together on the first night they took as out of Stalag 12-A, Limburg, Germany. The Germans put the dogs onus, so we walked a creek all night, to throw the dogs off, took to the hills when it started to get daylight. We both had a high fever and Cody said he had to have a drink and went to a stream. He was captured. !stayed put for three days then got in with Russian slave laborers and stayed with them until the Americans got across the Rhine. I stopped a jeep driven by a Staff Sergeant of the 2nd Division, got back into American hands. Hospital then until Feb '46.
     (editor's note - Eldon thanks for an Ask Interesting letter. Holtxmuller and Alford are lor members of the Association. There should be an annual roster with this CUB, it not it will be with the August CUB. Their names will appear, along with yours, listed under the 589 FAB. We don't have any information about 'Wild Bill" Cody. Maybe some of the other guys do. Would also like to sea Captain Menske's name on the Association roster, but he is not a member at this time... J. Kline Molinari, Frank C. 422/C 304 Pearl St.
Malden, MA 02148-6622
Moira, Bernard N. 422/K 233 Apple Tree lane Mountainside, NI 07092
     I became a member in 1990 and have found the CUB publications interesting and informative. I was in the 422d Infantry, IC Company, and in reading the last CUB notice that you e searching for orders that gave the Mail Bag 422d their Combat Infantry Badge. Enclosed is a copy of the bulletin I received dated 25 September 1945, from the former Regimental Executive Officer, Joseph C. Matthews, Jr.
     Take note on page 2&3 that they state that the order was "Letter Order #140." The other parts of this bulletin may be of interest to you. It gives a summary of the combat operations, events afterward and a message from the Regimental Commander, Colonel Descheneaux, etc. I hope this is what you want.
    (editors note - Bernard, thanks for the info. I have had a copy of the bulletin that you sent. In fact, you will see this bulletin reproduced in The Cub Passes in Review on page 33 to page 37. Thanks for the help... J. Kline)
Raila, Dr. Frank A. 423/E 160 Hanover Dr Brandon, MS 39042
     Frank, I will print your follow-up story on the "Malmedy Massacre" in the next issue -- It Is interesting, but I ran out of room. Hope you understand... J. Kline) Purdy, Dr. Edmund 422/F Rd I - Hampton Novia Scotia, CD HOSIL Sherod, Spent Basic Tmining at Camp Toccao, Georgia (90 miles north of Atlanta). Toccoa had a sever flood 4-5 years ago. I hadn't heard of it until then. 305th Signal Opn Battalion before Air Cadet, then 106th. /s/ Ed Purdy Pretty, Emor 423/H 12222 Paradise Village Pkwy S.
Phoenix, AZ 85032


    (editor's note - Emor, my apologies for showing the group photo at your home, where I listed the group as being from 424/H. They were in fact Prum 423/H. See page 35 of the APR-MAY-JUN 1991 CUB The CUB of the Golden Lion Mail Bag on page 35 --all the guys are from 423/H... J. Kline

Raleigh, M. R. (Milburn) 592/B 43949 Fenner Ave Lancaster, CA 93536
     (editor's note - I will start this letter with an apology. I evidently misplaced a letter from Milburn. Fortunately he sent a second copy. My apologies Milburn... J. Kline) Dec 21, 1990 John, My unit is the 592 FAB. I don't know how this slipped through the cracks because I !mow it was on the registration papers for the reunion. Please repeat my unit in a later CUB so that anyone looking for me will (mow.
     Incidentally I was the only 592 FAB person at the reunion (Sacramento). I did get a letter from a buddy of mine, Donald Dexter who remembered me from the listing of attendees. I would like to establish contact with anyone who remembers me from the following experiences.
     1. The 45 persons from Colorado A&M, now Colorado State, who joined with me at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina, who were shipped to Officers Training at Fort Sill, Okla, but never made it. 2. The 75 persons who were at the Univ of Tennessee in the ASTP program, who were also supposed to go to Ft Sill, Okla, to get their commissions, but were placed with the 106th.
     3. Anyone who was in the 592d FAB who trained with me at Camp Atterbury. 4. Anyone who went overseas with me to St. Vith, who knew of me going on a water run five miles to the left flank and didn't return --this was the start of when I got captured because the Germans hit us at the pumping station when we were filling the GI cans.
     Dexter went on an ammunition run, when I was assigned to the water run, or we would have been captured together. We hope to see each other at Huntsville. (editors note - Milburn -- Your July letter sent me frantically searching my files for your letter of December. I did find it along with 13 other letters, where members had asked for Information on other members. Unfortunately I overlooked your letter as well as the others In my recant work on The CUB Passes in Review. Also, I do the CUB alone, without outside help. The CUB and the Review together have consumed over 875 hours of my time the last two years. 200 plus hours on the CUB each year, 475 hours on the CUB Review the last two years. I urn still working so I spend a lot of time in the basement in the evenings and every weekend. I don't use that as an excuse, only as a fact. I am truly sorry I missed them. I had them neatly tucked Into a folder marked 'WANTED." I had planned a column entitle 'Wanted" to list some short notices of men and information that members were seek-so ing.
    In your two page letter on December you failed to designate the unit - all you said was 592d FAB. I just looked at the Sacramento Reunion roster in the Oct-Nov-Dec CUB. There were five 592 FAB men in • attendance, including you. You of course were the only one from B Battery. There were two 592/Service Battery, one 592/ A Battery and one 592/Headquarters. In fact the newly elected president at the Sacramento Reunion, Mr. John Gilliland is from 592/SV. Again, my apologies. Hope to see you and Dexter at the Huntsville Reunion. Please look me up...
J. Kira)

Reynolds, John J. 424/H 161 Magnolia Loop Daytona Beach, FL 32124


     Just a line to let you know I got the CUB. I am sending some data on my serv- ice. I joined 424/H as a heavy weapons replacement. I was made gunner on a water-cooled 30 cal machine-gun. Two The CUB of the Golden Lion weeks later on February 17,1945 during a mortar attack a shell landed near me. I have a compound fracture of the skull and lost my right hand. I am 74 years old and don't 'mow what happened to my squad.
     (editor's note -John, thanks for the Info on your service connected disability and the details of your battle experience. Maybe there is somebody in the Association that can help you find information from your squad. I think there are over 20 members from 424/H and that Is a start... J. Kline

Rinkema, George 423/B 16817 South Park Ave. South Holland, IL 60473
     Was looking through the July-September 1990 CUB and found a picture of lack Sulser, Charles Zullig and Art Kuespert. Captain Zullig was my commander at Atterbury. My wife and I attended the 1950 reun- Ilion at South bend, Indiana with Art Kuespert. We were unable to attend the Sacramento reunion because of my wife's health. She is doing alright now. Hope to make it to Huntsville.
(editor's note - George, look me up at
     Huntsville. You, and Art Kuespert, will be surprised to find his article The Secret Weapon of the 106th in the forthcoming book The CUB Passes in Review. It's a reprint of an snide that appeared In the 1953 book entitle The Lion's Tale. Hope your wile is still feeling well and you make Huntsville... J. Kline)

Schlesser, John P. 591/SV 140 South Viant Apt D Lowell, IN 46356
    Hope you can use some of this stuff. I could not find the 1988 CUB and I have most of them back to 1947. I am in the photo of the reunion at Indianapolis, front row between Cpt Politsky and Sgt. Crank. See you in Huntsville. Mail Bag (editor's note - Thanks John. Unfortunately the photo of the Indianapolis Reunion group standing in front of the World War Memorial has about 300-400 people in it and I don't know either of the people that you say you are standing between. If l had to guess I would say that you are tothe right of the person holding a straw hat in both his hands, Just the right of center of the page.. Let me know 8I em right. Thanks forth° May 1990 CUB, John -- I let too many of those get away and my favorite stories are In that one... J. Kline

Sorenson, Clarence 423/B 249 No. Munsterman Appleton, MN 56208
     After 46 years I received my Prisoner of War Medal. I enclose a copy of the program which was used at the Appleton national Guard Armory in the "SUPPORT OUR TROOPS" program on April 13, 1991. It was there that I received my medal, which was pinned on me by Retired Lt. Col. Helmer Behrens. I am 80 years of age. (editor's note - Congratulations Clarence. Sorry, but news photos do not produce well. That was a nice picture of you, with Col Behrens pinning on the medal... J. Kline)

Teller, Richard G. 422/AT 5357 Spencer Las Vegas, NV 89119
     Appreciate receiving the CUB. You are doing a great job. I appreciate the work you do, for I had similar duties over the years. I am the chairman of the Education Committee of the Las Vegas 2000 and Beyond Task Force. Serve on the steering committee of the Nevada Nuclear Study Committee. The enclosed story was in the University of Michigan publication Michigan Today and appeared in the June 1990 edition.


    The CUB of the Golden Lion Mail Bag Harmon was a Heisman Trophy winner at the U of M in 1940 or 41. His death in March of 1990 prompted me to write this story. Thought some of our 106th buddies might enjoy it. My wife says, "You are the only one that would have dared ask the German about where he learned such good English." The story follows: Harmon of Michigan HAVING JUST spent nine days locked in a Getman boxcar, during World War II, without food and little water along with 59 other American POWs, I stood before a German interrogation officer at Stalag IV B. The officer, in grammatically correct English, asked me for the third time what outfit I was in during combat. All I replied was name, rank and serial number. He responded by saying, "Now let me tell you. You were in the first squad of the first platoon of the 422nd Anti-Tank Company. Do you have any questions?" "Only one, sir," I said. Where did you acquire such a goad command of our language?" He smiled as he told of living on the campus of the University of Illinois, where he had played football and received a degree.
"I bet I watched youplay against Michigan in Arm Arbor, where I lived and never missed a game."
     He told me to have a seat, pulled up a chair and asked if I knew any of the players. I mentioned that Coach Crisler was a neighbor, and that I knew Tom Harmon. He began talking about the great times he had playing against Michigan, and how much he respected Tom as a player and valued Tom's friendship. He moved his chair closer and said in a hushed voice, "I wish I could keep you here working with me, as we have so much to talk about, but there is no way without m both getting into trouble I am sure you know I don't hate Americans; I just hate what we are doing to each other. I can't promise anything, but I will try to get you a workcamp assignment that won't be too
     We shook hands, and as I left the room he said, "Good luck, and hope we will are each other in Ann Arbor when this is over. Be sure to say hello to Tom for me when you see him." I had no idea if my work camp assignment was better or worse than it might have been had we not discovered a common friendship. I have to believe that respect and sportsmanship of two college football opponents over 50 years ago may have allowed me to tell this story in remembrance of a friend, Tom Harmon. /s/ Dick Teller

Trost, Paul M.L. 423/H 10130 Sand Street Churdan, IA 50050
     I am a new member and have enjoyed the CUB, the last two issues. I'll just recap some of my experiences with the 106th; I joined the 106th out of the Air Force. I was one of those waiting for assignment and my assignment turned out to be the 106th. I was a jeep driver for a machine gun squad, 423rd, H Company. Robert Bennett was my squad leader. I was captured in the Bulge on December 16 19944 and taken to Stalag IX-B at Bad Orb. We arrived there on Christmas Day. We were liberated there on April 2nd, 1945. A few days later we flew out of Frankfurt to Camp Lucky Strike. We sailed home on a Liberty Ship, then sent to Fort Leonard Wood, MO and then home for 60 days. I reported to Little Rock, Arkansas for assignment, rehab, testing and fun. From there to Camp Bowie, Texas. I was- di. 38

     I charged November 27, 1945, being sent home through Fort Leonard Wood. I took advantage of the GI Bill and went to college. UNI, Cedar Falls and gained my BA in Physical Education. Started teaching and coaching in September 1949. I received my MA degree in PE from Iowa University a couple of years later. I was a teacher in Iowa. High School and Junior High level for 37 years. Retired May 1985. I've enjoyed retirement to this point. The last two months I've been recovering from leg surgery - replacement of a blood vessel. It is a slow process.
We are going to Huntsville -- see you all there.
P.S. Enclosed is an article I received from someone about Stalag IX-B. You may have it for your records.
     (editor's note - Thanks Paul. I have B&W copies of the picture of Stalag IX-B -- appears as a low-level shot of the camp. I iv also have a picture of the Commandant's building. We have run it in the CUB before. One of these days l am going to do a CUB related mostly to POW material. I have many photos, mostly U.S. Signal Corp of the camps and groups of liberated prisoners. There is over 42 pages in the book The CUB Passes in Review that are related to POW experiences or stories. Thanks for your contribution... J. Kline)
Van Moorlehem, Arthur L. 423/B Rte 2 Box 1600
     Arlington, SD 57212-2332 Sherod, The recent CUB was of special interest to me since on my return to the Ardennes, last May, I had the opportunity to visit "Parker's Crossroads," and visit Mail Bag briefly with Madame LeHaire. We spent the night at the Inn. She told us he was expecting a visit from Major Parker's niece the next week.
     They were very congenial when they learned I had served with the 106th Infantry Division in Belgium. I was surprised to learn that there was not much "high ground" to defend the Crossroads.
I understand that Madame LeHaire is also a member of C.R.I.B.A.

Veith, Fred R. 423/C 309 ICeeneland Dr.
Ft. Thotnas, KY 41075


    (editor's note - Fred, Thanks for your excellent story The Lucky 3 From Company C. It tumed out to be 3.5 pages. I will run it in the nod CUB. It deserves our attention because of its contents. Thanks for your letter and story--it is much appreciated. Till next time... J. Kline

    Zimmerman, Althea ASSOCIATE 2549 Pickwick Rd Baltimore, MD 21207 Sherod, Check enclosed for Kathryn Kemp and myself. Please send us each a copy of The CUB Passes in Review. The L 0 VELE S S /KEM P/ Z I M MERMAN family will not be able to attend the upcoming reunion. You all will, however, be In our thoughts and prayers. Say "Hello" to everyone for m. Mom (Kay Loveless) will be 84 in July. /s/ Althea (editor's note - Kay Loveless in an "HONORARY LIFE' member of the 106th Infantry Division Association, wile of our late beloved Chaplain... J. Kline) I

     Mail Bag For been each of to had thought he was the only one in the state of Wyoming that had served with the 106th. To our surprise we discovered through the annual roster, that there were four of us.
We got together. 1111 Howard Henderson, 423C; Edward Legeraki, 0139/101 Kenneth Smith, 4230 and Carroll Rahm, 42WE.
     Howard would like to hear from other 423'C members, bemuse he hes some incorrect information on hie discharge papers. His address is 1501 W 39th, Casper WY 82004 Edmond Kelly, 428/0, PO Box 308, Middletown, New York 10940 -- Counselor at Law sent along these 1943 sketches which were placed on his envelopes to friends and relatives while he was in the ASTP program et the University of Alabama 70-41- AJTT Xxv.
clerk 40

In Memoriam

    Brown, Arthur, 589/B 1235 Lynnbrook Dr. Charlotte, NC 28211 Dick Crook, an Associate member called. He said he had no further information

    Cohen, Allen T., 423/E 6033 N. Sheridan 10-H, Chicago, IL 60660 Florence, his wife, writes --My husband Allen passed away on February 9, 1991. He was very proud to be associated with the 106th Infantry Division.

    Jeter, Robert C., 424/C 1209 lnmon, Waco, TX 76705 Molene, his wife writes --Robert passed away March 10, 1991 from a heart attack. He is survived by me, one son, Robert, one daughter, Sharon and six grandchildren. We miss him so much...

    Jose, Marvin L., 589/HQ 2655 Crestwood Dr. NW, Warren, OH 44458 Date of death November 26, 1990. No other details known.

    Miles, Joseph, 424/CN 11 Bossobel Rd, St. Leonards-On-Sea, East Sussex ENGLAND, Violet, his wife, writes -- I am writing to let you know Joe passed away on March 21, 1991, in England. He was buried in his home town of Plymouth, Indiana, on Friday March 29. Its his last tkys he reminisced about his military service and was honored to be part of the 106th Infantry Division. I stayed with my daughter, who is studying at Cornell in New York, and have since returned to England. I would like to continue to receive the CUB if that is possible.

    Miller, Delbert, 589/11Q 3720 W 9th, Apt 6101, Waterloo, IA 50702 Florence, his wife writes -- Delbert passed away June 19, 1991 of a heart attack. He was so thrilled to have had contact with some of his old Army buddies through the Association.

    Roche, Edward, 424/K 115 Maeder Ave, No. Merrick, NY 11566 Catherine, his wife writes --Edward passed away in his sleep on May 14, 1991. Please pass along this news to the other members. I would appreciate a copy of this notice in the CUB.

    Rogers, Aubrey W., 423/C 30 Ridgewood Rd, Belton, IN 76513 Sgt. Major Aubrey Rogers (Ret), age 81, passed away May 18, 1991 at Veterans Medical Center in Dallas, Texas. He served in 17 campaigns in WWII, Kore and Vietnam. He is survived by his wife Ann, his daughters Beverly, Shirley and Audrey, 12 grandchildren and three great grandchildren.

    Schwarz, Charles E., 424/E 83 Park Terrace W. #1 0, New York 10034 Charles, 75, died October 6, 1990, in Chippenham Hospital. His daughter, Judith, says "He was pleased to be a member of the Association. He entered the Army at Fort Monroe in 1938 and retired in the late 50's with more than 20 years service.. He was buried in the Arlington Cemetery.

    Smith, Douglas E., 422/1 300 Harold, Brewton, AL 36426 Margaret, his wife, writes --Douglas passed away December 12, 1990. He enjoyed reading the CUB and being a member of the 106th Infantry Division Association.

    Smith, Walter E., 423/CN 259 Kips CI, Mmiton, N.J. 08053 Walter passed away on April 11, 1991. His wife Frances writes that she wishes to continue lobe an Associate member. She and her grandchildren love to read the CUB.

    Williams, Blan, 423/S V 1024 Brynewood Tenace, Chattanooga, TN 37415 It was reported that Blan passed away on April 4, 1991. No other details are known.

Winterfield, Albert T., 424/CN
961 Clintonville Rd, Wallingford, CT 06492
    Nellie, his wife, writes -- Another name to be added to the Memorial page in the CUB. Al died April 24, 1991. He is survived by Ann and Allan, his daughter and son, and four grandsons. He attended a reunion at Camp Atterbury last September. He was buried with military honors.

Woosley, Clarence (Whitey) , 106 RECON 609 Devonshire Rd, Belleville, IL 62223
    Ruby, his wife, writes -- Clarence passed away at age 66 on March 8, 1991. He was the Golden Lion Boxing Champion at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. A life member of the Okaw Chapter of the American Ex-POW, Department of Illinois, he was serving his second term a Commander. He was interned in 44-45 at Stalag II-A, Luckenwalde and Stalag XII-A, Limburg. He is survived by me, our Ivo daughters, two som and seven grandchildren.

Huntsville Mar, Hotel - HuntsvIll, AlaNme September 19. 22, 1991
     AGENDA HOSPITALITY ROOMS (by Shuttle) - PATHFINDER- ENTERPRISE CHALLENGER (COLUMBIA and ATLANTIS, if needed) These are VIP rooms - You Relax And EMoy Yourselves.
Wednesday • September 141991 8 em - 8 9.13 Party Dint Registration - PREFUNCTION AREA
1 pm TIM Oplboel lack Dade& Kw IS Barbecue
    Lunch on Your Own TOUR the SPACE CENTER al Your LEISURE-Your lick, are pod for the duration of the Reunion. You do not have to it all the facilities and activities the same day. You may tons the MUSEUM our time see the MOVIE another, and Snally take the NASA BUS TOUR. You may also..visit on the same ticket, during tho Reunion. Tboesday September 19, 1991 Cantina. Broadest-GRAND BALLROOM & SHUTTLE ROOM Registration _PREFUNCTION AREA Hospitality Roams - METTLE ROOMS Optlesal Boa Om, Center Tour OWN, Downtown Huntsvillekor.. refrtshments OptIonal Damao, Hunswille Tour Manorial Sena, - GRAND BALLROOM Rand, SPACE & ROCKET CENTER CAFETERIA, PATIO A. UNDER SENT. Tour Space Center I Lunch on Your Own Friday - September 20, 1991
     Seated Stades - GRAND BALLSOOM SlilrlTLE ROOMS Reglorndon • PREFUNGTION AREA Hospitality Rooms - SHUTTLE ROOMS Board Meeting - SHUTTLE ROOM DISCOVERY 0000210,Mo, Huntsville Tout wit refteshmen.
OptIonal Jodi Dant, Tour as B.
    Tour Space Center I Lunch on Your Own M. am -0.0 am Oth00 am-MAO pm 08.011arn -10E0 pm 0900 am - MAIO No 0900 am- 12:00 Noon OLIN pm -.00 pm NM - MDT pro 0650 pm-09:30 pm 0730 am 09. am MOO run - OS&O pm MOO am - 1.0 , MOO am - 1120arn 11900 arn - 11. ant 0100 pm 11111 Saturday - September 21, 1991 0120 am-.Wan Seated Break, - GRAND BALLROOM en SHUTITE ROOMS O8:00 pm - 12-1710 Noon RegNration - PREFUNCTION AREA 1220 pm - 0100 pm Men's Luncheon & Business Meeting-GRAND BALLROOM p9-0390 pm Leslie's Luncneen REDSTONE ARSENAL OFFICER'S CLUB (Shuttle hoses will start ar 1120,1 03:3099-0590 pm Board Meeting -Shuttle Roorn DISCOVERY 07:00 prn -12:00MidNight Banquet ,Dance - VON BRAUN CIVIC CENTER (Shuttle 91090111 awn at On. pm. Shuttle Mesa will he returning to th No, from 0900 pm until Mid-Nigro. Dun. will N CASH Bar) 07,311am 09:00 am Sunday September 22, 1991 FAREWELL Continental Breakfast-GRAND BALL ROOM & SHUTTLE ROOMS Dont Ergo at Into your NAME TAGS (BADGES) M BO% at FAREWELL BREAKFAST Thank You, See you &PITTSBURGH MN'S Have A Safe Trip! Your Alabama Reunion Committee The CUB a publication of the 106th Infantry Division Association, Inc 1990-1991

President John O. Gilliland
1st Vice– Pres Michael Thome
2nd Vice–Pres Harold M. Bailey
Treasurer Sherod Collins
Adjutant Boyd A. Rutledge
Historian Sherod Collins
CUB Editor John Aline
Memorials Chairman... Dr John a Robb

    The CUB is the official quarterly publication of the Association. Membership in the Association includes subscription to the CUB.
Send editorial matter and photos to: John P. Kline--CUB Editor 401 U. 1470151. W.
Apple Vally, MN 33124-0385

    Business matters, deaths, address changes to: Boyd A. Rutledge--Adjutant 1132 Good.fich Road Bloo=5437 St. Vith Memorial matters and inquiries to: Dr John G. Robb 238 Devate Dr.
Meadville, PA 10333

Send Membership dues, Memorial Fund contributions and Historical items to: Sherod Collins--Treasurer w, OA374,1
The NEW Life Membership fee is payable one time only, with no annual dues thereafter.
Life Membership $75.00
Life Auxiliary $15.00
Life Associate $75.00
For those choosing to pay Annual dues, pay by July I each year. (July Ito July 1 term)
Annual Membership $10.00
Annual Auxiliary $ 2.00
Annual Associate $10.00
Make checks payable to "106th Infantry Division Association."

Board of Directors 1990-1991
Showing year term expires In parentheses
Harold M. Bailey 424/H (al) 301 Ea. Back St, Savannah, GA 31406
Roy Bigger 423/H (93)
319 South A=G:salLity, IN 46933
Sherod Collins 423/SV 448 Monroe Trace, Kennesaw, GA 30.
Charles T. Dane 591/SV (92) 213-626-1866
231 Davis Ave. Mien Neigh., PA 19018
Sam E. Davis Jr. 423/HO (95) 07-896-9240
816 Nor. Eda Dr.. Orlando, FL 32803
Fred J. Farris DIV/HO 104 Pinel VA 24133
John O. Gilliland 592/SV (Oi) 035 NorthsideDor1=re, AL 36310
Gilbert Helwig 423/M (91) 2006 Om.° Fla OS, Niles, M149120
John P. Kline 423/M (91)
0.0.05a 24383, Apple Valley, MN 55124-0385
Harold Kuizema 589/B (92)
2151 Origgs Streel SE, Grand Rapids, M149506
Edward A. Prewett, 424/B pill ate 2. Box 745-630.0, Brentwoo3082 ,CA 94315
Casimir Prokorym 131st Eng/HO (91) 2520 6 Chestnut S0.26,62InellenvilIe, OH 43952


Charles F. Rieck, 422/H (93) 7316 Voss Parkway, M.., W153562
Boyd A. Rutledge 422/D (9I) 10132 Croodritt=r MN 33437
Jack A. Sulser 423/F , (92) 917 No. Ashton St., Alexandria, VAl2i12
Michael Thome 422/HO 1BN (92) 916447.9894
1711 P Street, Apt 301, Sammento, CA 95814
Frank S. Trautman 422/D (92)
80 Fast SummitItamr.tralls, 44021
Ray R. Vaughn 423/CN (92)
ale 2, Box 500, Cobden, IL 62920
Russell H. Villwock 106 SIG (92)
0908 West Iligp,s vf,..icago, IL 606.36
Edward C. Wojahn 81st Eng/B (91)
1533 West row, Dr., Oalaska, WI 54650
Edward E. Young 590/A (93)
sm 1,13ox 477, MI Clare, WV 20408 Cal.
Joseph C. Matthews 422/HO Ali Cal.

Index for: Vol. 47, No. 1, Oct , 1990

Index for This Document

106th Inf. Div. Memorial, 7
28th Inf. Div., 29
2nd Div., 51
2nd Inf. Div., 13
422/K, 16, 30, 47
422/M, 15, 20
422nd Anti-Tank Co., 56
422nd AT, 56
422nd Inf., 8, 16, 51
422nd Inf. Regt., 4, 16, 41
422nd Regt., 4, 36
423rd Inf., 49
423rd Regt., 9, 50
423rd Svc. Co., 9, 10
424/A, 13, 20, 30
424/C, 20, 58
424/D, 19
424/E, 49, 59
424/I, 41
424th AT, 20
424th Inf. Regt., 24
589th FA, 50
589th FA BN, 50
590th FA BN, 8, 20
592nd FA BN, 52
7th Armd. Div., 24
80th Inf. Div., 47
81st Cbt. Engr., 22, 50
Abrams, Alvin, 8
Agony Grapevine, 10
Agostini, Gus, 49
Alford, Barney, 50
Amsterdam, 34
Anderson, Francis (Toby), 30
Anzio, 22
Ardennes, 39, 45, 57
Australia, 38
Auw, 24
Bad Orb, 8, 17, 21, 47, 56
Bailey, Harold M., 60, 61
Baker, Jordan, 8
Barker, Raymond E., 11
Barnes, L. Preston, 30
Battle of the Bulge, 8, 34
Belgium, 11, 30, 57
Bennett, Robert, 56
Berga, 8
Beseler, Don, 30
Beseler, Donald W., 30
Bied, Dan, 41
Bigger, Roy, 26, 61
Birmingham, 24, 37
Black, Rev. Ewell, 5, 41
Black, Rev. Ewell C., 2
Bleialf, 21
Bloch, Jacques W., 30, 32
Bretton, 11
Brice, Elmer, 8
Britton, James A., 10
Britton, Rosemary, 9
Brown, Arthur, 58
Brown, Bob, 8
C.R.I.B.A., 5, 57
Camp Atterbury, 1, 4, 13, 32, 34, 52, 59
Camp Atterbury, IN, 34
Camp Bowie, TX, 56
Camp Forest, TN, 17
Camp Lucky Strike, 13, 35, 50, 56
Camp Roberts, CA, 13, 22
Camp Shelby, MS, 13
Canfield, Donald, 35
Caplan, Bert, 32
Capshaw, Clifton, 8
Cartwright, William S., 13
Cavender, Col., 47
Checca, Mario L., 34
Clark, Gen., 47
Clarke, Gen., 47
Coffey, Douglas S., 5
Cohen, Allen T., 58
College Patronee, 5
Collins, Sherod, 9, 20, 30, 60, 61
Cook, Francis, 8
Cooper, C. L., 8
Cooper, Roy L., 35
Cotswold, 35
Coulee, 30
Creed, Donald R., 35
Creel, E. V., 8
Crisler, Coach, 56
Cucarola, Joe, 35
Cucarola, Joe F., 34
Cunningham, Louis E., 35
Czechoslovakia, 18
Dailey, Hampton J., 30, 35
Dane, Charles T., 61
Davis, John, 8
Davis, Sam, 13
Davis, Sam E., Jr., 61
Deffenbaugh, David L., 35
DeHeer, Richard, 15
Descheneaux, Col., 51
Disher, John B., 13
Div. HQ, 47
Division History, 39
Dresden, 18
Duff, Robert C., 26
Elbe, 45, 46
Elbe River, 45
Ellis, James, 15, 36
Erie, 39
Facey, Col. Kenneth, 37
Fallingbostel, 32
Farris, Fred J., 61
Fields, Raymond H., 37
Fontaine, Serge, 5, 6
Frampton, D. B., 10
France, 15, 22, 37
Frankfurt, 56
Freedman, Hank, 8
Ft. Bragg, NC, 52
Ft. Custer, MI, 21
Ft. Dix, NJ, 22
Ft. Jackson, SC, 24, 26, 50, 59
Ft. Leonard Wood, MO, 56
Ft. Monroe, VA, 59
Gatens, John, 37, 50
Germany, 15, 16, 22, 24, 34, 35, 44, 51
Gerolstein, 22
Gillespie, John M., 37
Gilliland, John, 1, 52
Gilliland, John O., 60, 61
Gorlitz, 15, 26
Gorlitz, Germany, 34
Grivetti, Louis G., 39
Grossenhain, 18
Hannover, 24
Hannover, Germany, 32
Harmon, Tom, 56
Hatch, H.M. (Jim), 39
Hatch, Jim, 39
Hayes, John P., 39
Helmstedt, 26, 34, 35
Helmstedt, Germany, 26, 44
Helwig, Gil, 10
Helwig, Gilbert, 61
Hilliard, William W., 16
Hochstetter, Hubert H., 41
Hohnstein, Clinton D., 41
Holland, 54
Holtzmuller, J. Don, 50
Horsinger, Germany, 34
House, Pete, 8, 36
House, Pete & Joanne, 8
Hunter, Charles, 8
Hurdebise, Jules, 6
Hurman, John, 26
Hutchinson, Anna M., 16
Italy, 16
Jenkins, Bill, 8
Jeter, Robert C., 58
Jones, Byron A., 16
Jones, William, 8
Jones, William B., 16
Jordan, Johnnie B., 50
Jose, Marvin L., 58
Karth, James F., 43
Kassel, Robert W., 18
Katimaris, Costas, 8
Kelly, Bob & Libby, 9
Kelly, Edmond D., 44
Kelly, Elizabeth, 9
Kleven, Joseph B., 18
    Kline, J., 8, 11, 15, 18, 22, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 54, 57, 58
Kline, John, 5, 26, 28
Kline, John P., 3, 61
Kline, Mr., 32
Kommando, 13
Kotlarich, Paul, 26
Kuespert, Art, 54
Kuizema, Harold, 61
Kurth, Roy, 20
Landis, Robert J., 19
Lehaire, Maria, 37
Leichte, Joseph H., 20
Leipzig, 35
Leipzig, Germany, 32
Levine, George, 5
Lichtenfeld, Seymour, 45
Liege, 11
Limburg, 22, 51, 59
Limburg, Germany, 22, 51
Linden, 9, 49
Long, Ivan, 47
Loveless, Kay, 58
Luckenwalde, 59
Lucky Strike, 11, 13, 35, 56
Mahoney, Robert (Neill), 20
Maki, Roy, 5
Malaniak, Harry W., 47
Malmedy, 51
Malmedy Massacre, 51
Mannheim, 20
Marcus, Gilbert, 49
Massey, Joseph, 16
Matthews, Joseph C., 51, 63
Matthews, Joseph C., Jr., 51
Matthews, Lt. Col. Joseph C., Jr., 31
Mayen, 16
Mayen, Germany, 16
McElvenny, Albert R., 49
McKee, Richard, 5
Meeleus, Harry G., 49
Meeleus, Helen, 49
Memorials, 60
Messina, Carl, 49, 50
Miedema, Eldon L., 50
Milam, Luther J., 20
Miller, Delbert, 59
Miller, Ernest, 8
Molinari, Frank C., 51
Moorlehem, Arthur, 57
Moscow, 22
Murphy, John J., 21
Naples, 22
New Zealand, 38
Odessa, 22
Oflag 64, 22
Oxford, 24
Parker, Maj., 37, 57
Peterson, Carl, 32
Peterson, Dick, 8
Peterson, Kenneth, 30
Peterson, Kenneth S., 32
Pilkington, Fred, 22
Pilkington, Fred A., 22
Poland, 22, 27
Port Said, 22
Powell, Eugene, 5
Poznan, 22
Pretty, Emor, 51
Prewett, Edward A., 61
Prim, Archie, 5
Prisoner of War, 54
Prokorym, Casimir, 61
Prum, 52
Purdy, Ed, 51
Rahm, Carroll, 58
Raila, Dr. Frank A., 51
Rand, Anthony, 24
Rand, Anthony J., 24
Rennes, 36
Reynolds, John, 24, 52
Reynolds, John J., 24, 52
Rhine, 24, 51
Rieck, Charles F., 63
Rieck, Chuck, 8
Riggs, Col., 22
Riggs, Lt. Col., 22
Rinkema, George, 54
Robb, Dr. John, 5
Robb, Dr. John G., 61
Robb, John, 6
Rogers, Aubrey W., 59
Roster, 3, 36
Russia, 22
Rutland, Roger, 50
Rutledge, Boyd, 3, 7, 8, 11, 25, 45, 47
Rutledge, Boyd A., 60, 61, 63
Sandahl, Dean, 8
Saturday Evening Post, 47
Saucerman, Eugene, 8
Saucerman, Gene, 8
Schlesser, Jack, 32
Schlesser, John, 54
Schlesser, John P., 54
Schmalzried, Gene, 4
Schnee Eifel, 34
Schonberg, 50
Schonberg, Germany, 17
Schwarz, Charles E., 59
Secret Weapon of the 106th, 54
Sergi, Rocco, 8, 24
Sergi, Rocco J., 24
Shows, Clifford, 5
Smith, Charles, 8
Smith, Douglas E., 59
Smith, Ken, 8
Smith, Kenneth, 58
Smith, Walter E., 59
Smith, Wayne C., 24
Sorenson, Clarence, 54
Sparks, Dick, 13
St. Nazaire, 22
St. Nazaire, France, 22
St. Vith, 5, 6, 7, 11, 18, 20, 29, 45, 47, 52, 61
St. Vith Memorial, 5, 6, 7, 45, 61
St. Vith, Belgium, 7
Stalag 12-A, 22, 51
Stalag 13C, 13
Stalag 4-B, 15, 18
Stalag 8-A, 15
Stalag 9-A, 17, 18, 47
Stalag 9-B, 8, 21, 24, 43
Stalag II-A, 59
Stalag IV-B, 26, 34, 56
Stalag IX-A, 47
Stalag IX-B, 56, 57
Stalag VIII, 43
Stalag VIII-A, 43
Stalag XI-B, 32
Stalag XII-A, 59
Starmack, Grace, 9
Stewart, John, 26
Stewart, John T., 26
Sulser, Jack A., 63
Sutter, George, 20
Task Force, 54
Temple, Jr., Will S., 26
The Cub Passes In Review, 51
The Lion's Tale, 39, 54
Thomas, Warren, 8
Thome, Michael, 1, 60, 63
Tortorici, Frank J., 26
Trautman, Frank S., 63
Trost, Paul, 56
Trost, Paul M., 56
Tyler, Joe B., 26
Tyler, Joe Bob, 26
Ulrich, James L., 28
Underwood, Jake, 8
Utter, Oakley, 28
Utter, Oakley E., 28
van Moorlehem, Arthur, 57
Vanni, Neal A., 28
Vaughn, Ray R., 63
Veith, Fred, 57
Veith, Fred R., 57
Vietnam, 50, 59
Villwock, Russell H., 63
Waldrop, Dot, 9
Waters, Almon B., 28
Weber, Carlos, 5
Williamson, Mcadoo, 5
Winterfield, Albert T., 59
Winterspelt, 14
Wojahn, Edward C., 63
Wood, 1st Lt. Eric, 50
Wood, Lt., 13
Woodward, Jack, 8, 20, 29
Woosley, Clarence, 59
Yamazaki, Dr. James, 20
York, Bob, 8
Young, Edward E., 63
Young, Ted, 9
Ziegenhain, 8, 17, 47
Zimmerman, Althea, 58
Zullig, Charles, 54