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The Cub
Vol. 40, No. 3, May, 1984

President James Henning
1st Vice President Ted J. Straub
2nd Vice President Samuel P. Cariano
Treasurer Sherod Collins
Adjutant Robert W. Pierce, Sr.
Historian Sherod Collins
Chaplain Rev. Dr. Ronald Mosley
Cub Editor Richard DeHeer
Memorials Chairman Douglas S. Coffey

    Cub is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $10.00 per year which includes subscription of the Cub.
Editor Richard DeHeer All editorial matter should be addressed to:
Mr. Richard DeHeer 86 Berkshire Lane Palm Coast, Florida 32037
    All business matters, renewal of membership renewal of Associate, renewal of Auxiliary dues, memorial fund contributions, etc. should be addressed to:
Mr. Robert W. Pierce, Sr., Adjutant 474 Federal Street, NI.W. Warren, Ohio 44483

Membership Dues 83-84.... $10.00 per year
Associate Dues 83-84 $10.00 per year
Auxiliary Dues $2.00 per year

President's Message
The time is drawing near as our 106th Division Association will celebrate its 38th Reunion in Savannah, Georgia.
Jim Wells and his committee are planning a very special program that everyone will enjoy.
     It's also a great opportunity to meet your past and present friends. So, make a special effort to attend your 38th Annual Reunion as you all know once you attend a Convention you're never a stranger again.
     It's been a great privilege and honor to serve as President of the Association, also a pleasure to have been able to communicate with my fellow 106ers and members of the board.
     My experience with the Association has been very rewarding and I know our next president will find everyone extending their service as they have done with me.
I want to thank the officers for the work they have done to make this a successful association.
My wife and I wish everyone the best of Health and Happiness throughout the coming year.
See you in Savannah Your President, Jim Henning

Chaplain's Corner
by Ron Mosley
     We of the 106th Infantry Division have had an identity problem. We know we served in the ETO in combat with the US First Army and have battle honors for Northern France, The Ardennes, The Rhineland and Central Europe. However, our role, specifically in the Ardennes "Bulge," has been a little hazy. Our ranks were decimated! The article in "The Legion" for March, 1983, certainly helped to identify the 106th and the part it played in the "Bulge".
     Reading the Royal Canadian Legion journal "Legion" for Dec./83, I read Strome Gallaway in his "Brave Yesterdays." He wrote about the fighter pilots of the Royal Canadian Air Force being grouped with the Royal Air Force and, thus, having their own identity problem. He quoted an RCAF fighter pilot who stated: "Baloney!... We knew why we were there, "Baloney! what we were defending, whom we were fighting. We were doing a job and doing it well. Our Allies appreciated us; our enemies respected us. They knew who we were, and so did we." We in the 106th knew "why we were there: " to defend our country and its cause of democracy and freedom and justice. "We knew whom we were fighting: " the Nazi hordes under Hitler who had enslaved most of Europe and threatened the entire world. "Our Allies appreciated us:" the 106th received the unit Belgian Fourragére and was cited by the House of Commons in Westminster. "Our enemies respected us. They knew who we were:" the Nazi time-table called for the objective of smashing the 106th in 12 hours, and we held for at least 72 hours against great odds. "They (the Nazis) respected us, and so do we:" the enemy respected us in combat, and we know what a splendid resistance the 106th gave.
     It was this great pride in our division which encouraged me to "get involved" attending our annual reunions and accepting the position as Association Chaplain. Also, I have designated a tie (it's ready for production!) with the embroidered "lion" in full colors on a Navy-blue background and have written a letter to our Reunion Chairman Jim Wells, sending Photostats of letter and design to officers and directors of the Association. I asked if this tie (similar scarves for the ladies) could be part of lie "package" for our 1984 registration. I have offered to put up half of the cost (as a repayable loan). We could wear same on our proposed 40th anniversary trip to Europe.
     lam pleased that the trip to the Soviet Union is "on." Perhaps, in our own way we can project the offer of friendship to Russian veterans of World War II. This might be the warm breath which will thaw the frozen relationships between the two great nuclear super-powers, USA and the USSR.
     The 106th Division will go to the Soviet Union with the message, not on missiles but at least in our minds, of "To Russia With Love!" The meaning of "love" has been cheapened the past several generations. I use it in the Judeo-Christian Ethos which means: "sustained good will, friendship and concern; a dynamic idea which takes reality through people." I haven't heard of another World War II association that also plans to visit Soviet Russia in 1984. When we go, please consider having ONE of the marks of identification with the 106th Infantry Division Association being an attractive four-in-hand "Lion" tie and Ladies' scarves of similar design.
God bless! Ron Mosley Chaplain

News From An "Ex-President"
     While in Worcester, Mass. last summer, Louise and I mentioned to Avis and Ben Britton that we were taking our annual "See the World" tour last fall to Tahiti -New Zealand -- Australia -Singapore -- Bangkok and Hong Kong. Ben mentioned a new member of our organization who lives in Bangkok and asked me to "look up" our far away member while there. This contact and visit proved to be one of the highlights of our trip.
     Our member's name is Edward J. Slack (Jim) and he is married to Sumlee, a Ti girl, an United Press International correspondent for Thailand.
     A long phone call to get acquainted produced a meeting with the both of them for lunch at the foreign correspondent's club as their guests. Both of them were very interesting and were able to tell us so much about Bangkok and Thailand.
     During World War II Jim was assigned as a Liaison Sgt. with Headquarters Battery, 589th Fld. Arty. Bn., and was with same during the Battle of the Bulge. He was luckier than most of his buddies and did not get captured, nor was he wounded. I believe he stated that he was at Parkers Cross Roads with Colonel Parker and his famous unit; and later served with the 591st Bn.
     He left the 106th after VE day and journeyed to Grenoble, France to study the French language. Jim is now retired and doing some free-lance writing. He told me that he had never known until recently, of the existence of our Association, and as soon as he heard of it he joined, and wants to try to make it to Savannah this year and is very interested in our European trip in September. He asked that any friend of his reading this to include: Col. Kelley, Col. Parker, and Elliot Goldstein, please write him; Edward J. Slack Palm Estates, Apt. 3 Soi Phraphansak Linchee Road Bangkok 10120, Thailand Oh yes, the Howell's had a "ball." Tahiti is beautiful but expensive. Topless is in order here. New Zealand is beyond description. Rent a car as we did and spend two weeks just touring the two islands. They are a picture postcard. Australia, of course, is as large as the United States and just can't be covered in 12 days, but we tried, by car from Melbourne to Canberra to Sydney, then by plane to Perth on the west coast. Perth is a beautiful modern city and I believe I have found my next living place, if ever I should leave the U.S.
It is here that the next cup race will be held, and we Americans took a lot of ribbing.
     Louise managed to cover the shopping areas in Sydney, Perth, Singapore, and of course, Hong Kong and Hawaii. She missed fellow shoppers Isabell Coffey and Maydean Wells but managed to spend money just the same.
Looking Toward to seeing all of you in Savannah in July and/or St. Vith in September.

     Bob Howell Veterans of World War II Still Eligible For Bronze Stars Bronze Star medals await thousands of World War II Army veterans if they write to the service and establish their eligibility for the decoration, a spokesman said Thursday.
    According to the Army spokesman, Marshall ordered that the Bronze Star be awarded to any soldier who was cited for heroism or meritorious service, received a certificate for "exemplary conduct in combat," the Combat Infantryman Badge or the Combat Medical Badge.

From the Mail Bag
Dear Dick:
     It's probably past time for me to catch you and the CUB readers up on what we have been doing since I retired a year ago last October. I can't believe it is really that long--the time has simply flown past.
     A year ago we spent the month of February touring Florida. En route we stopped at Memphis, Vicksburg, Natchez and New Orleans. In Florida we did just about the whole thing--Tallahassee, Homosassa Springs, Weeki Wachee, Tampa (we spent several days visiting relatives and Busch Gardens), Fort Myers, Homestead (we spent several days exploring the Keys and the Everglades), Orlando (we spent a week at Disney World, Epcot, Sea World, Circus World, the Movie Museum), Kennedy Space Center, Daytona Beach, and Saint Augustine. One the way home we visited Charleston, Magnolia Gardens, relatives in Raleigh (where I did manage to find time to phone Joe Matthews) and attempted to drive the Blue Ridge Parkway, but it still had snow and ice on the road. A couple of months later we made another hurried trip to visit the same relatives in Tampa for a wedding.
     In September, we had a dream of a trip to Europe. We had been hoping for it for several years. Marilyn wasn't real enthusiastic about going, but said she would since I wanted to go.
     It was her first trip to Europe, and before we had been there twenty-four hours, she had fallen in love with the idea and was telling me where we would have to go the next time. We went by Icelandic, the hold-in-your-elbows airline direct from Chicago to Luxembourg.
     There we rented a car and drove to the Saint Vith and Schlossenbach area. We had a chat at Saint Vith with Mayor Pip and his son and visited our Memorial. After we drove over into Germany, I located the field where Lt. Krol, my I & R platoon leader, was killed and in Scholssenbach found the tavern which was our regimental headquarters and the house which was my billet while we were there. From there we drove on towards Bliealf where I was captured and I found the field where I (and all the rest of the 422 RHQ convoy) were taken prisoner. From there we drove on to Amsterdam to visit friends of Marilyn's parents and then took off by Eurailpass. As we went up the Rhine by rail, at Coblenz we crossed the Rhine on the same bridge I had last crossed on 21 December 1944 locked in a boxcar with 69 others. We had an eight hour cruise on the Rhine, visited Rudesheim and its Wine Valley, Bask, Geneva (three days), Mont Blanc, ce Chillon, Salzburg (a day and a half), Vienna (two days), Venice (a day and a half), Floren V (a day), Rome (four days), Assisi, Nice, Carcassonne (we were up before daybreak to walk the ramparts of this old walled city), Lourdes, Barcelona, Paris (three days), then by Hovercraft to England for a day and a half in London, a day in Stratford, a visit to a friend of mine near Blackpool, a day in Edinburgh, a visit with another friend in Suffolk, and then across the North Sea to Hook of Holland, a day in Brussels, and so to Luxembourg for our return. If you think our days weren't full, you don't know how we take things in. There wasn't a place we visited where we didn't want more time, but there wasn't a place where we didn't make the most of every minute.
     Now we are going to stay home for a while to let the kitty build up for another ones Best wishes to you and Marge, and thanks for all you are doing for the Association.

Dear Dick:
In case you sent out the last Cub, I didn't receive mine? Sep-Oct-Nov-Dec/83.
     I understand there is about 5 or 6 Authors currently writing on the Bulge. I hope one of them is from the 106th. I keep in touch with them Hill who has a tough task in eliminating some of the errors that previous authors made.
     I have to confess ignorance to the fact that Whiting was a British Author. Had I known it I would have never Ordered his book "Death of a Division". It's amazing how American troops "surrender" but British troops are captured". It's all in the way of telling.
Sincerely, Victor C. Rauch 37 Chateau Cout. Loudonville, NY 12211

    To Members of the 106th Laura and I enjoyed the December meeting at the home of Chuck and Willie Garn in Cuyahoga Falls. I would encourage fellow members to get together as a memorial in the month of December.
     I have been writing letters and making phone calls attempting to reach former members, and particularly those of M Co. 422nd. I have been successful in contracting four in the past few months.
     A little premature, however plans are going forward for our 1985 reunion at the Sheraton Lakeview in Morgantown, WV. It is a beautiful setting and a first-class recreation spot, with an 18-hole golf course, and another under construction, indoor and outdoor swimming pools, tennis courts and many other facilities. It is located on Cheat Lake, adjacent to East and West 1-48, and North and South 1-79, and near 1-70. Also, good air and bus connections.
     The article in the last issue of the Cub by Gen. Bruce Clark was very good, and described the actions in the Bulge by his unit, CCB. 7th Armored Division. Similar actions were taken by other units.
     I have done considerable reading on the Battle of the Bulge, and have often heard people remark that they would like to read and learn what took place. I am listing a number of books which contain considerable information which will help them understand the hodgepodge of activity that was not clear to us at the time.
     One of the better books is; Bitter Woods by John Eisenhower, Ace Publishing Lion In The Way by Dupuy, Washington Infantry Journal Press Decision at St. Vith by Charles Whiting, Ballantine Books Bastogne by Peter Elstob Battle of The Bulge by John Pimlott, Bison Books The Battle of The Bulge by William J. Gollrick, Time Life Series Look forward to seeing everyone in Savannah.
Sincerely, Ted J. Straub 948 Chestnut Ridge Road Morgantown, WV 26505

Dear Mr. Pierce:
     Enclosed is my check for dues and with it my thanks to those like you, who maintain so well the spirit of the 106th and keep our Veterans so well informed through the publication of the Cub. I note that the Golden Lions meet next in Savannah, a most interesting city that I am sure all will enjoy. I wish that I could be with you there for I have found memories of my brief service with the 106th.
Cordially and sincerely yours, Francis A. Woolfley Brig. Gen. USA 932 Solomon Place New Orleans, LA 70119

Dear Dick:
     On December 17th, a group of the 106th attended a Reunion at the Holiday Inn in Mt. Vernon, Illinois. I am enclosing a picture which you can use for The Cub. There were eight members and six wives in attendance. We had an enjoyable time visiting and dining.
     Attending were in Photo One: Vic Breite, Russ Enlow, Bob York, Glenn Hartlieb, Van Wyatt, Newton Johnson, Ken Bradfield and John Mikalauskis.
     In Photo Two: Mrs. Newton Johnson, June Bradfield, Avis Breite, Nadine Hartliev, Thelma York, and Dolores Mikalauskis.
It was suggested we hold another Reunion next year on December 15, 1984 in our area.
Thank You John Mikalauskis

Dear Richard,
     I hope this finds you and yours in good health. I've gotten back into pretty good shape now. I really enjoyed the last Cub. If you have an. extra copy of the membership list, please send me one. I will write more later when I get through all the mail I haven't read. All the letters and cards I received really helped me through a hard time.
Hope to see you in Savannah.
A 106th Friend Al Johnson VA Hospital Memphis, Tenn.

Dear Bob,
     bid not realize until my THE CUB arrived with the notice today that I failed to pay my 1983-84 dues. Usually try to do this around Reunion time but must have let it slip by me last July. Enclosed is my check for $ 30.00 for my 1983-84 and 1984-85 dues, as well as Dot's for the Auxiliary and a small amount for the Memorial Fund.
     Maybe with the Reunion so close to me this year, we will be better enabled to be there for at least some part of it.
Faithfully, Ewell C. Black, Jr. A/422
    PS: As I prepare for my 59th birthday, tomorrow, it is hard to realize that it has been 39 years since I spent that 20th one as a German POW!

Dear Bob and Jean:
     We received the latest issue of the CUB (Vol. 40 No. 1, Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1983) which also contained you two photo'd at the head table at the Massachusetts Reunion with Chaplain and Mrs. Mosley.
     It was a good issue, the kind Dick an Marge always get out, but contains sad news too: that you Bob Pierce are serving your last year as Adjutant, and Dick DeHeer as his last year as Editor of the CUB.
     My purpose in writing, Bob, was to send in our dues So I enclose a check for $ 12.00 My membership dues for $ 10.00 and Wilda's Auxiliary dues of $ 2.00 Total $ 12.00
     You had a good Adjutant's report on Membership I like the two new members of the Board of Directors, both of whom have been members of the Association for years, Sam Cariano and Walter Bandurak. Give them and their wives our warm regards.
     Wilda and I are happy that the Bob and Jean Pierce and Dick and Marge DeHeer have visited us here in Middletown at 8 N. Union St. We wish you four and the Association a happy and successful 1984.
Cordially, Leo T. McMahon, Brig. Gen. USA, Ret. 8 North Union Street Middletown, PA 17057

Dear Richard:
     The Times Picayune, New Orleans, newspaper, published an article pertaining to World War [I Veterans obtaining decorations and awards they earned, but never received.
Enclosed is a copy of the article which you may desire to publish in THE CUB.
     I was wounded in the left leg, "thigh", by a piece of metal, "flying steel missile", during the Battle of the Bulge in Germany during World War II. I never reported the wound.
     Dale Patrick can validate my claim of eligibility because he observed the event. If you have any information or an address of T/5 Dale Patrick I would appreciate if you would inform me Archie Christman informed me that he lived in La Grange, Illinois. I sent "Pat" a registered letter, but it was returned "Moved left no address". If anyone can validate my claims or submit information in regard to my requisitions I would sincerely appreciate your assistance. I worked on the Railroads in Leipzig, Germany and was beat by a guard in Leipzig. If anyone witnessed the beating or was also in the Air raid in Halle please inform me.
Sincerely, Vernon "Brum" Brumfield 589th F.A. Batt. Battery "C" Cut Off, La. 70345

Dear Dick:
     We're enjoying the first quarter 1984 CUB and thank you for it. It was our intention to make the 1983 Reunion but that week-end proved to be the time that our daughter and husband could visit from their home in Washington D.C. before leaving for a two-year stint as Foreign Service Officers of the State Department in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
     You can understand why we remained at home. It is still our hope that we might meet with you folks again, maybe in Savannah.
     At the moment, we have a daughter in a time zone nine hours ahead of us and her sister, who is visiting in Hawaii, in a zone four hours behind us. I'm becoming confused. When we dial 01196614657241 at ten p.m. Kathy or Charlie answers while they're eating breakfast.
It's great to be able to contact them so early.
     When CUB work piles up on your desk and you wonder at times whether it's worth it, be advised it is. You're doing so much for so many your reward, though so modest, is knowing that we appreciate it.
Jim Hatch 2830 East Road Wayzata, MN 55391

Dear Bob,
     Kit and I are both retired and getting adjusted to it. This winter we are busy keeping warm and thawing water pipes.
Sincerely, Howard W. Kriz SU/591 Lyons, Ore.

Dear Mr. Pierce,
On July 5, my dad Charles E. Hochler passed away while in the VA Hospital here in Atlanta.
While going thru his personal effects I found an envelope with the 106th Div Assoc. and your return address.
Writing just to let you know how much we feel grateful for what you are and stand for both past and present.
     Being a veteran myself we enjoyed many times seeing, reading, and telling of our experiences in the service of our country.
While reading memories and in letters and books I know I will miss him keeping me informed.
Thank you again and best wishes and continued success.
     Sincerely, Steve Hochler (82nd Abn. Div.) Please accept our sincere sympathy from all the members of the 106th Infantry Division.

Dear Bob:
     I am retired and am getting a degree in Natural Resources Management and also studying German at Cuesta College and Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, California. I plan on a trip to Germany in June and on making the both tour in September.
John Mellingi Hq. Co. 1st Bn 423rd. P.O. Box 650 Santa Margarita, Ca 93453

Dear Bob:
     Had a surprise visit from another member of H Co. 424th George Murray. Had not seen George for about 10 years. Nice! Best wishes for continued success in keeping the Association alive.
Wm. G. Hemelt H. Co 424

Dear Dick:
     I don't know if my wife and I will make the reunion in Georgia this year. My son-in-law's Kaiser Plant is closing in June in nearby Dolton, Ill. He is plant comptroller, he and my daughter have 2 children. First, they talked about sending his family to Savannah, Ga. that fell through, so we thought then we would accompany them there, and from there attend the reunion: Now we don't know where he will go, so we might spend July at his next destination. My son is assistant manager at Sear's in nearby River Oaks. He is married and was a Viet Nam Veteran and is Jr. Vice Commander of our Legion Post. I am now Commander of our Post in South Holland, Ill.
I have been retired 4 years and my wife works at Local Savings and Loan two days a week (semi-retired).
We are in good health!! We enjoy the Cub keeping up on friends keep up the good work.
Another Dutchman George J. Rinkema Co B-243 16817 So. Park Avenue South Holland, Ill 60473

Dear Dick:
     How can we better advertise the existence of the "Cub"? I am sure that there are thousands of men from the 106th that have no idea there is a publication of their own. I was Battery Commander of "C" 591st and only find three listings of that unit. All the units of the 591st are poorly represented. Hope you or someone else has a brilliant idea on this subject.
See you in Savannah Bill Blade, Clover, South Carolina

Dear Dick:
    I haven't attended any of the reunions since the one in Hot Springs, Arkansas. I am disabled and retired from work. I would like to hear from any one that was in Co. A. I was the number one Jeep driver in Co. A, 422 Infantry.
Best wishes from, Freddie E. Baker 112 E. Maxwell St.

Dear Bob:
     Thanks for the September to December issue of the Golden Lion "The Cub". Just reading it brings back memories of what a fine Division we had and of its Hero's one and all. For the year 83-84 I have been selected as the National Service Director for the American Ex-Prisoners of War. If any of our 106ers are having problems with the VA on their claims have them drop me a line and I'll try to help or steer them to someone who can help.
     The OFLAG 1984 reunion will be held in Las Vegas on October 12, 13 and 14th at the Union Plaza. If any of our members (106th) were held at OFLAG 64 we sure would like to see them on October 1984. I plan on writing to Col. Matthews and General Mac shortly. For those who were in Mammelburg. We are attempting to have the authors of "Raid" at the reunion for the OFLAG 64 group. Now retired after working for the Veterans Administration for 34 years.
Keep in touch and stay well.
Best regards, Alan Dunbar 4675 Green Canyon Las Vegas, Nevada 89103

Dear Mr. Pierce:
     I usually send my renewal to the Annual reunion apparently my 86 years age are catching up with me. Sorry to be late! I trust all went well with the reunion in Worcester.
    (yes it did) Looking forward to seeing the Army and Navy Football Game at the Rose Bowl in November. First time ever for it to be played on the West Coast. The entire student body from both academies will be present.
With best regards, I am Faithfully, Charles Cavender, Col. Ret. 26490 Surges Way Sun City, Ca 92381

Dear Bob:
    Hope you and your family are all well. I certainly was disappointed to have to miss the reunion in Mass. From the Cub, it sounds as though it was a great one. If all goes well I hope to attend in 1984. Please change "K-2" address to: 7406 Arden Road Glen Ecko, Md 20818
Very Sincerely, "K" Loveless

Dear Mr. Pierce:
My husband Leonard passed away recently.
He was attached to the Anti-Tank Co. 423 Inf.
     Division of the 106th. He was captured in the Battle of the Bulge and was a prisoner in Stalag 48, and was discharged from the service September 13, 1945. Leonard always enjoyed the "Cub" of the Golden Lions.
     Cordially, Margaret K. Butterbaugh Council Bluff, la The members of the 106th Division extend their deepest sympathy to you and your family.

Leonard I. Butterbaugh
     Leonard J. Butterbaugh, 63 of 1601 Little John Circle, died Wednesday at a Council Bluffs hospital after a short illness. He was born in Avoca and resided in Shelby before moving to Council Bluffs in 1948. He was former owner of Butterbaugh Electric Co., was a former salesman for Whitaker Ford and retired in May 1982 from the engineering department at Jennie Edmundson Hospital after working there five years. He has been a long-time member of the Association.

Dear Bob,
     I am a retired School Principal and currently a part-time consultant for New York City Schools. I received my Bachelor of Art degree at Syracuse University, Master of Arts at Syracuse University and Ed. Doctorate at New York University. My wife, Edith, is Non-Retired housewife (I like that) has sustained and supported family and me these many years.
We have five children and 9 grandchildren.
My wife and I are travel-trailer enthusiasts who enjoy traveling whenever schedules permit.
Sincerely, Raymond Russell, Co. E 423 40 Quebec Drive Huntington Station, NY 11746

Dear Mr. Pierce:
     I have had two years of eye surgery, and am just getting back to normal. I am the widow of Lt. Col. William T. Manahan (Ordinance Staff). All the best wishes to the 106ers.
Betty Manahan 15460 Norwood Avenue Blue Ridge Summit, Pa 17214

    Dr. Mr. DeHeer, I joined the 106th Div. 422nd Co. I two %treks before the Div. shipped out of Camp Atterbury. When I came back to the U.S.A. I did not know that there was a 106th Assoc. until several years ago when I joined.
There are several things that you may help me with or someone in the association.
A. Was there a written history of the Division? Would it have the roster up to the day we left England?
B. A list of the KIA, MIA's wounded etc.?
     C. Did the Belgium Government award the division a medal? Any costs etc., I will gladly pay or return any papers which are mailed to me.
I am sorry that I missed the reunion in Mass., but [ was unable to travel at that time.
     Expect to go on the 40th Anniversary in Belgium and to Russia. God willing, it will be one of the highlights of my life.
     We stopped to see Bill and Loretta Tarrant in Greenville, TX. on our way to Quartysite, AZ. We found them in good health except for Bill's back where he was hit in the Battle of the Bulge.
Sincerely, Kenneth K. King Box 14 Brosher Falls, NY 13613
If anyone can answer any of his questions, please do and drop him a line.

Dear Mr. Pierce,
Sorry that I am late with my dues. I have had some health problems and have been in and out of the hospital.
I enjoy the Cub very much. Someday I hope to be able to attend some of the reunions of the 106th Division.
Sincerely, Dwight Dodson 3317 Kage Rd. Cape Girardeau, MO 63701

Dear Bob:
     I am Vice President of marketing for the Timken Co, and graduated from Ohio State University in 1949 with a degree in Mechanical Engineering and I am also a Commercial Pilot.
We have six children.
So long, Ginny - John Felows Co. A 151 Bn 423 Reg. 2011 Dinkeith Dr. N.W. Canton, Ohio 44708

Dear Mr. Pierce:
     The continued growth of the 106th Division Association is great. Thanks to its active officers; also, each issue of the Cub gets better.
Sincerely, Robert Flaig Hq & Hq Btry. 589 1652 Pinebluff Lane Cinn. Ohio 45230

Dear Bob:
     I definitely wish to be a part of the comradeship that the 106ers enjoy. What we all experienced together has made us one. Keep up the good work, for I enjoy reading the publications.
Sincerely, Guy Stephens

Dear Bob,
     We decided it's time for retirement so we had that on our mind. Now, I am thinking of really retiring. Working for 40 some years is long enough. We will be leaving the Chicago area and moving to Lake Geneva, Wisc. Area.
     My wife, Virginia was in the hospital to have foot surgery. It really was an operation for she had both feet done. She thought it was healing good and then had some complications. They finally are much better.
Hope we can make this year's reunion, as they are always a lot of fun. Also, the members are great!
My wife and I really enjoy the Cub.
Happy Easter to All, John Bieze 424 Co. H

Dear Mr. Pierce,
This is not the kind of letter one likes to write, but my husband, Byron O. Heath passed away Jan. 23, 1984.
     He battled cancer for several years, but the past year was a real rough one for him. Then on Jan. 22, he fell at home and fractured his shoulder. He was in the hospital for just a day when he died.
It is hard after 41 years together but I am grateful he is no longer suffering.
     Byron was with the 106th from Ft. Jackson through the "Battle of the Bulge" as an M.P., after they sent him home from Africa because he was too old to go to Italy.
Byron looked forward to each edition of the "Cub" and read it from cover to cover.
I am enclosing a small check for the Memorial fund.
Sincerely, Ethel M. Heath 817 N. Stoneman Ave #D Alhambra, CA 91803

Dear Bob,
Sorry that we missed last year's convention, but we are planning to attend this years'.
Mildred and I retired from the school business this past year. I had 40 years and Mildred had 21.
We were just blessed by our daughter, Karen, with our first grandchild, a boy named Aaron Robert.
Our regards and best wishes to everyone in the Assoc. and expect to see everyone this summer.
Love, Bob and Mildred Scranton

Dear Dick,
     I have just finished reading the Jan-April Cub and noticed where membership lists had been put in the mail to all members as of Nov. 11, 1983. I did not get one, but would really appreciate one. Would also like to have a list for -- other members of the 106th Div., who are members of our Smoky Mountain Chapter of American Ex-Prisoners of War., Inc. of Knoxville, Tenn.
Thanks, Lonas Chesney 422 G Co. Rt. 8 Box 230 Thorn Grove Pike Knoxville, Tenn. 37924

Dear Bob,
Friends, you may change my address on the membership list; Bill S. DneII 225 Johnson Rd. 44B Forest Park, Ga. 30050
Thanks a Lot, Bill Dezell

Dear Jean and Bob,
Seems I keep busy can drive and happy behind the wheel of my Chrysler.
     My busiest time was with the 25th Annual H.S. Drama Conf. thru Nov. 11. I now have bankers hrs., and go to the office 31/2 days when there is mail to be answered.
I hope I can get a ride to Savannah. Also thinking about the overseas trip in Sept.
Hope all is well with you.
Fondly, Carol Beals

Dear Bob,
     Do you have any divisional patches to sell? I would like to by a couple of them and what price are they? Sincerely, Edward J. Smith 423rd Co. M Rd. #2 Parish, N.Y. 13131 .
If anyone has any patches to sell please contact E. Smith.

Dear Dick:
Russ Villwock was hospitalized and they discovered a disc in his back which was pressing on a nerve.
Dick called and Russ is home and feeling better now.
     The weather has been cold in Mt. Vernon, Wash., below zero, where we spend the Christmas holidays and that was unusual for them. Guess it's been cold all over the States.
We hope all is well with you and we are just fine.
Sincerely, Jim Henning

Dear Bob,
Please correct my address so my friends in the 106th have it correctly.
Elman M. Miller 3308 Fairview Ave. S. Chicago Heights, Ill. 60411
Best regards for the coming year to you and your family and have a happy retirement.
Sincerely, Elman Miller

Dear Bob,
     Was sorry not to have been able to attend the reunion in Mass. which was so close to home. Anita and I were up in New Hampshire for the summer.
Some day in the future we hope to be able to attend.
Best Regards, Samuel Leibowitz 424th Inf. Hdq.

Dear Dick,
It was exciting to finally get to a reunion although I could not stay for the entire period.
That was my first since a New York City get-together sometime in 1948-49.
     What a surprise to meet with three former buddies of Co. M-424th. They too had never met any of the other fellows since 1945.
     Enclosed are several photos maybe they can make the Cub. I know we will all appreciate it if it is possible. Maybe some other Co. M 424th men will see it and remember us. I and my wife are looking forward to the next reunion in 1984. Till then, best regards to all.
Sincerely, Bill Mueller 27 Eve Lane Levittown, NY 11756

Dear Dick,
     Betty and I hope this Finds you and Marge in the best of health. Betty is feeling fine, but I got hit again. I am now blind in my right eye and have lost my right leg, but I am making the best of it.
If any of the members live near us call up or drop around.
Your friend, Betty and Harry Zorn 10185 Collins Ave., Apt. 1021 Harbor, FL 33154

Dear Mr. Pierce,
     I have been informed by Co. Joe Matthews that you are the adjutant of the 106th Div. Assoc., and after these many years I would like to become a member.
     A little personal history may be in order; I completed O.C.S. at Ft. Benning in November 1942, went directly to the special services school in Lexington, Va. and upon completion was assigned to the original Cadre of the 22nd Regiment, 106th Division at Ft. Jackson, S.C. Co. Walter Phillips was Regimental Commander.
     My wife, Alice and son Larry, were members of the "422nd family" throughout the training period at Ft. Jackson, maneuvers in Tenn. and at Camp Atterbury, Ind. They returned home to Yakima, Wash. when we shipped out for England in Oct. 1944.
     I was captured with the rest of the 422nd HDQ Staff personnel near St. Vith, on Dec. 19, 1944. Marched to Bad Orb then on to Hammelburg, Col. Joe Matthews was our C.O. and a real buddies during this period. We chose to stay with the company of 4th Armored Tanks sent to relieve us therefore, we ended up at Mooseburg, still P.O.W.'s until General Patton paid us a visit on April 29, 1945.
    1 returned to the U.S.A. on June 3, 1945, went to Santa Barbara, Calif. for R Sr R and reassignment. I was separated at Camp Beal, Calif., Dec. 5, 1945 and returned to teaching in Pell, Washington.
I was a public-school principal for the next 35 years in Yakima, Wash. retiring in 1980.
     I remained in the Army Reserve and retired as a Lt. Col. in 1978. Alice and I have four sons, with two of them married and two grandchildren. We built a home near Port Townsend, Wash. on the Olympic Peninsula and enjoy our retirement very much.
     Occasionally we hear from Harry McNeil, Pat Dohoney and now Col. Matthews. This 106th Assoc. may lead us to many more contacts with long ago friends.
I look forward to receiving any letters and publications that are sent from the Assoc.
Sincerely, Earl Knuth 11 Windship Dr. Port Townsend, Wash. 98368

Dear Richard,
     First, I want to thank everyone for the many years that I have enjoyed the Cub. Through another 106th buddy I received the enclosed copy of the "Death of the Golden Lion". This short article covers the history of our division so well, I thought possibly you and other might enjoy reading it; and possibly in some future issue of the Cub you might find space for others to enjoy. I started with our division at the origin in Ft. Jackson and was with it thru my entire tour of duty. I was separated from it at the end of the war in Europe when we were broken up (by points) to return home.
     I was originally part of the 3rd battalion Medics of the 424th. After basic I was attached to "I" Co. as an aide man. On arrival at Camp Atterbury I was assigned to "L" Co. and remained attached to them until we came home.
     So, you see there are many memories attached to this Lion, and I'm proud to have been a part of it. Keep up the good work and thanks again for making the Cub such an interesting link in our history.
Regards, Mike the Medic M. J. Mueller P.O. Box 257 Lake Villa, Ill. 60046
P.S. I returned home on the Joseph Robinson [liberty ship] in Dec. 31, 1945.

Co. M. 424th Inf. 106th Div. July 1983
(left to right) Frank Borbely, Chuck Puskarich, Bill Mueller, [ Wimpyl, Conrad Pellerin

Dear Mr. Pierce:
     I would like a roster of the members, also I would like a few back issues of the Cub. Do you have any information as to our loss in Com. Bat. of members in the 423rd Regiment of L. Company or of figures on the whole division? Thank you,
Walter "Tuck" Daugherty Co. L 423rd 106 Jackson Road Ludington, MI 49431
P.S. I was a POW in 9 B, Bad ORB, Germany

Dear Bob:
I am looking forward to the 1984 Reunion since it will be in Savannah, where I make my home.
     Last year was an especially tragic one for us we lost our youngest son. It has just been too much for us. 2nd Lt. Robert M. Schuller died when the Air Force C-130 transport he was flying crashed near Judsonia, Ark. during a training mission.
Continue the good job you are doing I enjoy receiving and reading the news.
Since I live in Savannah, if I can be of any assistance with the forthcoming reunion Please let me know.
Regards, Al Schuller 422nd Co. C 346 Oxford Dr. Savannah, GA 31405

Dear Sir:
I would like to make that trip back to St.
     Vith, but circumstances won't permit me. I was going through old mementos the other day and came across the 106th Association National Convention 1950, Detroit, Michigan; the President then was Jack Gillespie. I'm feeling fine, still keep up correspondence with Waldo Pierce, John Carr and Adolph Marity. Hope the membership is gaining strongly.
Bye for now, John "Pat" Hayes

Dear Robert:
I enjoy reading the "Cub of the Golden Lion". You guys are doing a wonderful job.
     Everything is the same with me down here in Margate, Florida. Still trying to locate or trace one of the guys I was with in Germany, Company D 424th. His name was Cpl Joseph and he came from the Youngstown area, he was of Syrian nationality.
Good luck, good health and happiness.
Steve G. Varbola

Carol Beals Day!
    Friday, Nov. 11, 1983, the University of Iowa was called "Carol Beals Day" for she has prepared and presented everyone of High School Drama Conference and this was the "25th Year Carol has prepared and presented them to over six hundred teachers and ten thousand students.
    I believe we have exciting activities that are appropriate to this special day. The University Theatre is presenting a new version of Dickens' 'A Tale of Two Cities",

Dear Carol, we hope you had a happy day!

Dear Bob:
     You are doing a great job and I am always reading the "Cub" from beginning to end. It brings memories, good and bad. I have missed Henderson, for we always spoke of the outfit trying to get new members, but I have failed.
It's too bad people forget.
My best to all and to you and your family.
Costa Katimaris, Co. L 423rd K 124 P.C.P. Tobyhanna, PA 18466

Dear Bob:
Sorry because of business, Patty and I had to miss all the fun in Worcester last summer.
     I'm sure the Britton's' and Maws' hosted one fine session. Bob, I keep reading about books and rosters of the 106th. Is there a list available and where these can be obtained? Hope we have better luck this year to meet and greet all the fine people we so enjoyed when we met in our town Milwaukee, the summer of 1982.
Love to all, Roger M. Kane 1214 Milwaukee St. Delafield, WI 53018

Directions To Downtowner Motor Inn, Savannah
I-95 heading South, Exit 5 to 17-A, over bridge, first left to second light.
I-95 heading North, Exit 1-16 to downtown. At 1-16 end, right at second light.

FOR RESERVATIONS: 1-800-238-6161

38th Annual Reunion
Ramada Inn Downtown
Savannah, Georgia
JULY 12-15, 1984
     Don't be confused by change in Motel name, SAME MOTEL, just a change in franchise, our gain. Complete room refurbishing before we arrive. Our rates $ 35.00
     Single, $ 4100 Double. Please make your MOTEL RESERVATION EARLY as July is a busy month for Historic Coastal Savannah.
     You'll find Savannah easy to get to using your favorite means of transportation. You'll find Savannah easy to get to using your favorite means of transportation. Numerous flights from cities throughout the U.S. serve the Savannah area as do convenient passenger rail and bus schedules. Motorists arrive via an excellent major interstate network (I-16 E-W, 1-95 N-S).
     Once you're here you'll find getting around is easy, too. Savannah's called "The Once you're here you'll find getting around is easy, too. Savannah's called "The Walking City", so don't forget your comfortable shoes. Much of the Savannah area's appeal is yours for the viewing ship and people watching on restored River Street, fantastic shopping area on Riverfront Plaza and close inspection of the many architectural treasures while strolling the Historic and Victorian Districts. it, Thursday night we will just get together and relax, because things will start rolling e next morning. Gus Agostini has arranged a terrific day for all of us Friday. We 11 go by bus to Hunter Army Airfield and then by Helicopter to Fort Stewart. We will have lunch at NCO Academy Mess Hall. In the afternoon, we will be privileged to see demonstrations that will show us all how far today's Army has progressed in equipment, training and other items of interest since World War II and will be one of the highlights of this reunion. We will have our Memorial Service at the NCO Academy Chapel and then helicopter back to Hunter Army Airfield and back to our civilian world by bus to the Ramada Inn.
     Saturday after breakfast will be free time till the Men meet for lunch and attend to the Association's Business. The Ladies will meet for lunch and be entertained. Free afternoon to do as you please. Then our Banquet and Dancing Saturday Night. Sunday morning buffet breakfast.
     PLEASE fill out your registration form NOW before you lose it and go ahead and PLEASE fill out your registration form NOW before you lose it and go ahead and get it in the mail. We are looking forward to having you with us, so y'all come!!

Index for: Vol. 40, No. 1, Sep, 1983

Index for This Document

106th Div., 2, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14
106th Div. Association, 7
106th Inf. Div., 1, 7
106th Infantry Division Association, 1, 2, 10
422nd Inf., 8
423rd Regt., 14
424th Inf. Regt., 12, 14
7th Armd. Div., 5
82nd Abn. Div., 7
Africa, 11
Agostini, Gus, 16
Amsterdam, 4
Ardennes, 1
Australia, 2, 3
Bad Orb, 13
Baker, Freddie E., 8
Bandurak, Walter, 6
Bastogne, 5
Battle of The Bulge, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11
Beals, Carol, 12, 15
Belgium, 10
Bieze, John, 11
Bitter Woods, 5
Black, Ewell C., Jr., 6
Blade, Bill, 8
Bliealf, 4
Borbely, Frank, 14
Bradfield, June, 5
Bradfield, Ken, 5
Breite, Avis, 5
Britton, Avis & Ben, 2
Brumfield, Vernon 'Brum', 7
Brussels, 4
Butterbaugh, Leonard J., 9
Camp Atterbury, 10, 14
Camp Atterbury, Ind., 13
Cariano, Sam, 6
Cariano, Samuel P., 1
Carr, John, 14
Cavender, Charles, 9
Central Europe, 1
Chesney, Lonas, 11
Christman, Archie, 6
Clark, Gen. Bruce, 5
Coblenz, 4
Coffey, Douglas S., 1
Coffey, Isabell, 3
Collins, Sherod, 1
Daugherty, Walter 'Tuck', 14
Death of A Division, 4
Decision At St. Vith, 5
DeHeer, Dick, 6
DeHeer, Dick & Marge, 6
DeHeer, Richard, 1
Dezell, Bill, 12
Dodson, Dwight, 10
Dohoney, Pat, 13
Dunbar, Alan, 9
Earl Knuth, 13
Eisenhower, John, 5
Enlow, Russ, 5
Felows, Ginny - John, 10
First Army, 1
Flaig, Robert, 10
Fort Stewart, 16
Ft. Jackson, 11, 13, 14
Ft. Jackson, SC, 13
Garn, Chuck & Willie, 5
Geneva, 4
Germany, 6, 14
Gillespie, Jack, 14
Goldstein, Elliot, 3
Halle, 7
Hammelburg, 13
Hartlieb, Glenn, 5
Hartliev, Nadine, 5
Hatch, Jim, 7
Hayes, John 'Pat', 14
Heath, Byron O., 11
Heath, Ethel M., 11
Hemelt, Wm. G., 8
Henning, James, 1
Henning, Jim, 1, 12
Hochler, Charles E., 7
Holland, 4, 8
Howell, Bob, 3
Hunter Army Airfield, 16
Italy, 11
Johnson, Mrs. Newton, 5
Johnson, Newton, 5
Joseph Robinson, 14
Kane, Roger M., 15
Katimaris, Costa, 15
Kelley, Col., 3
King, Kenneth K., 10
Kriz, Howard W., 7
Krol, Lt., 4
Leibowitz, Samuel, 12
Leipzig, Germany, 7
Lion In The Way, 5
Loveless, "K", 9
Luxembourg, 4
Manahan, Betty, 10
Manahan, Lt. Col. William T., 10
Marity, Adolph, 14
Matthews, Col., 8, 13
Matthews, Col. Joe, 13
Matthews, Joe, 4, 13
McMahon, Leo T., 6
McNeil, Harry, 13
Mellingi, John, 7
Mikalauskis, Dolores, 5
Mikalauskis, John, 5
Miller, Elman, 12
Miller, Elman M., 12
Mooseburg, 13
Mosley, Mrs., 6
Mosley, Rev. Dr. Ronald, 1
Mosley, Ron, 1, 2
Mueller, Bill, 13, 14
Mueller, M. J., 14
Murray, George, 8
New Zealand, 2, 3
North Sea, 4
Northern France, 1
Oflag 64, 8
Paris, 4
Parker, Col., 3
Patrick, Dale, 6
Patton, Gen., 13
Pellerin, Conrad, 14
Phillips, Walter, 13
Pierce, Bob, 6
Pierce, Bob & Jean, 6
Pierce, Robert W., Sr., 1
Pierce, Waldo, 14
Pip, Mayor, 4
Puskarich, Chuck, 14
Rauch, Victor C., 4
Rhine, 4
Rhineland, 1
Rinkema, George J., 8
Rudesheim, 4
Russell, Raymond, 9
Russia, 10
Salzburg, 4
Schlossenbach, 4
Schuller, Al, 14
Scranton, Bob & Mildred, 11
Slack, Edward J., 3
Smith, Edward J., 12
St. Vith, 3, 4, 13
Stephens, Guy, 10
Straub, Ted J., 1, 5
The Battle Of The Bulge, 5
Varbola, Steve G., 14
Villwock, Russ, 12
Wells, Jim, 1, 2
Wells, Maydean, 3
Whiting, Charles, 5
Wimpyl, 14
Woolfley, Francis A., 5
Wyatt, Van, 5
York, Bob, 5
York, Thelma, 5
Zorn, Betty & Harry, 13