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The Cub
Vol. 42, No. 4, July, 1986

President Van S. Wyatt
1st Vice President Walter Bandurak
2nd Vice President. Donald R. Armington
Treasurer Sherod Collins
Adjutant Samuel P. Cariano
Historian Sherod Collins
Chaplain Rev. Ewell C. Black
Cub Editor Richard DeHeer
Memorials Chairman Douglas S. Coffey

    The Cub is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $10.00 per year which includes subscription of the Cub.
All editorial matter should be addressed to:
Mr. Richard DeHeer
86 Berkshire Lane Palm-Coast, Florida 32037

All business matters and inquiries should be addressed to:
Mr. Samuel P. Cariano, Adjutant (November 1 May 101
122 Skyline Boulevard, Satellite Beach, Florida 32937 (May 11 - October 31)) P.O. Box 938 Maggie Valley, N.C. 28751
     Dues for 1985 - 1986 are due now and should be sent to the Treasurer immediately. If dues are not paid by October 1st, this issue of the Cub will be the last issue you will receive until your dues are paid.
Sam Cariano, Adjutant
Mr. Sherod Collins, Treasurer 448 Monroe Trace Kennesaw, GA 30144

Membership Dues 85-86. $10.00 per year
Associate Dues 85-86 $10.00 per year
Auxiliary Dues $2.00 per year

President's Message

    To the Members Of The 106th Infantry Division Association In approximately six more months we will be in Columbia, S.C. for the 1986 Reunion. Many have already registered according to Roger Rutland our reunion Chairman. For many of us it will he home coming at Fort Jackson since the 106th Infantry Division was activated at Ft. Jackson. Many will remember the basic training we had plus some of the good times we had in Columbia and nearby cities. I believe we will have a good attendance this year. Make your reservations NOW.
     Several committees have reported that their projects are progressing well and some have been completed. I appreciate the good work of the officers, directors, committees and the entire membership. Everyone has been helpful in many ways. Thanks to one and all.
Will see you in Columbia, October 1986. Best wishes to all, Van S. Wyatt, President

Chaplain's Corner
By Ewell C. Black, Jr.
     Although it isn't intended that way, it seems I am making a second career out of being a Chaplain. Now serve as follows: -
106th Inf. Div. Association
Dept. of SC, American Ex-POWs
Palmetto Chapter, American Ex-POWs
Robert E. Lee Post, American Legion
VFW Post, Bishopville
    As I write this column it is the Saturday before Easter, early Spring. When you read these words, it will be close to Reunion Time. It is hard to realize that most of another year has passed since we gathered in Morgantown. This brings to mind a story which I heard about a man who attended a Class Reunion and on his return home told his wife: "That is the last time that I go to one of those Reunions." When asked by his wife why he felt this way, his explanation was, "All of my male classmates had gotten no old, bald and fat that they didn't recognize me!" I thought that I would never forget the names of the men of A/422 but I find that the years have dimmed my memory and I can no longer even remember the names of the members of my own squad. Several times I have seen the names of men, either in The CUB or AMERICAN EX--POW BULLETIN, who were in A/422 and they don't ring a bell.
    Truth of the matter is that it makes little difference whether or not we remember the names and faces. The experience which we shared, whether in squad, platoon, company or division, are what make our Reunions special occasions. One thing which we all share in common, in addition to being a part of the 106th Infantry Division, is the knowledge that we who survived combat and/or being POWs were sustained by a power higher and stronger than ourselves. Each day of my life I have been aware that my survival was not because I was better than others! The fact is that we were spared for something more. Maybe that "something more" is to come together to remember all that we endured and that others like ourselves endured and to work and pray that the world shall never again be involved in a "World War." Surely the present rash of conflicts is bad enough.
     "Blessed Father, we thank Thee for sustaining us through war and the passing years and we pray that Thou would continue to guide and use us in these days. Help us to love one another as Thou does love us. And help us to work and witness to Thy goodness and to be used of Thee as an instrument of peace in a violent environment. AMEN."
Give A Busy Man A Job...And It Will Be Done Right.
Editor's Note.

Now and Then A Column by The Association Historian

Let us look this time at Volume 25 of The Cub for 1968-1969.
     Just previous to this volume we had concluded a very successful reunion at Columbia, S.C., our 22nd annual conclave. On the cover of No. 1 was a picture of Major General Alan Jones, our C.O., talking to a Col. Ochs, 4th Training Brigade Commander at Ft. Jackson.
     The reunion was hosted by William F. Smith, a former officer of H/423 (at one time my own platoon leader) who went all out to assure a good time.
    Among the good times and entertainment items were: bus ride to Lake Murray, a lovely spot for barbeque, beer, boat rides and relaxation; bus ride to Ft. Jackson for a tour of the camp and training facilities with a stop at our mess halls and a stop at a new mess hall for consumption of a decorated cake honoring the 25th birthday of the 106 Division. The 4th Training Brigade presented a retreat parade in honor of our generals. I shall always remember Generals Jones and McMahon standing proudly at review -- trying to ignore the rain that bore down. Afterward, Chaplain Loveless conducted a meaningful Memorial Service at a post chapel. Saturday a.m. buses took us to Ft. Jackson for an impressive demonstration of modern fire-power. Luncheon was at the Post Officers Club. The evening entertainment consisted of a cocktail hour hosted by our two Generals and ladies followed by an elegant dinner and a swinging dance. John Fritz took over as Cub Editor and the following officers were elected and appointed: Bill Smith, President; Pete House, Vice-Pres.; Bob Scranton, Adjutant; John Loveless Chaplain; Sherod Collins, Treasurer and Historian. Bob Holden invited the group to Davenport, Iowa for 1970 and Clay Rarick to Philadelphia for 1971.
Gen. McMahon wrote an enthusiastic report on the annual Service Battery, 592 F.A. reunion at Hershey Park, Pa.
     General Jones wrote a most interesting "Bag Lunch" column in which he compared humorously and pointedly our recent reunion with those of the Democratic and Republican conventions; spoke of some of the reunion highlights, mentioned our unique memorial structure in St. Vith and urged all to arrange and arrange early to go to St. Vith for the next reunion (19691 as he noted "according to the thoughts of Chairman Mao no tickee, no ridee'." Alas, this was Gen. Jones last column as he passed away on 22 January of 1969 at Walter Reed Medical Center. His very complete obituary, written by Gen. McMahon appeared in the second issue. Also listed there were the twenty-six Golden Lions and wives who attended the beautiful services at Ft. Myers and Arlington National Cemetery on Ian. 27. Another well written account of the services was supplied by (I think) another well-known member of this Association. Doug Coffey also gave what amounted to a testimony of the progression of a halting, gradual move to friendship of the deepest kind with the "old man", Gen. Jones, who himself, was devoted to the Association and to its perpetuation.
     Gen. McMahon wrote in a column that he had been asked by the author and originator of "Bag Lunch" to take over writing the column. (This he did for many issues of the CUB. In the next issue, Mrs. Alys Jones extended deep appreciation for the many and varied expressions of sympathy from members of the 106th.
     Bob Fritz gave a run down on the activities of his family members and on those of Bob and lean Glider, his neighbors and helpers. Now let's talk about some other history! Have you ever wondered what happened to some of the notorious or infamous Nazi commanders who became known during or before) the Bulge Battle? Col. Joachim Peiper who changed his biblical name to lochen for Nazi reasons), commander of Karnpfgruppe Peiper ( 1st SS Panzer Division), whose 4000 men made the only penetration in the Northern part of the "Bulge" and who with 800 survivors returned to Germany on foot, was sentenced to be hanged by a war crimes tribunal for the so-called Malmedy Massacre at the Baugnez crossroads where eighty-six members of Battery B, 285 Field Artillery Observation Battalion were murdered by Peiper's troops. His sentence was commuted to life and in 1957 he was released from Landsberg prison after having served 11 years. In 1964 he went to live in Alsace, France in the Vosges Mountain, hoping to find seclusion and escape from his past by translating military books from English into German. In the summer of 1976, an article appeared in L'Humanite on the notorious resident of Traves. On July 14, Bastille Day, the charred body of Peiper was found next to his hunting rifle and several empty clips in the smoking ruins of his chalet. He was sixty years old. The words "Peiper SS" were discovered painted on roads leading to and from the village. Other members of the Peiper family were not in France on the night of the explosion and fire. A group calling itself The Avengers" claimed responsibility for the assassination.
     Lt. Col. Graf Friedrich August von der Heydte was charged with carrying out Hitler's idea of dropping a thousand paratroopers in front of Monchau over the "Hautes Fagnes" (High Moors) to block American reinforcements coming from Eupen and the North over the only road across this rugged landscape, the highest region of the Ardennes, where due to a cold, wet climate, there are specimens of flora and fauna dating back 15,000 years.
     The link-up of ground troops was to be accomplished by armored elements of the 1st SS Panzer Division, in the main 21 experimental tank-destroyers -- 82-ton monsters with 128 m.m. guns. Hitler ordered each parachute regiment to send 100 of their best troops for this task which, of course, triggered the release of each units' misfits and incompetents as is the practice of every army. On the other hand, 250 of their leaders' old unit, 6th Parachute Regiment, took off and reported to the new unit. Sepp Dietrich dictated a night drop of the unit in spite of protests by von der Heydt who knew that most of his men had never even made a practice jump. Most of the men failed to arrive by the night of the 15th of December so the mission evolved for the night of the 16th. One hundred twelve Junkers 52's took off carrying 1200 men. The leader jumped first with his previously broken arm strapped to his side and was knocked unconscious upon landing. Upon reaching the rendezvous point at Belle Croix, he found only 20 men. The remainder had been scattered from there to the Rhine and north beyond Aachen. Von der Heydt eventually got 300 men together but due to a lack of men and armament could do nothing to stop convoys of 7th Armored and 1st Infantry Divisions plus others from passing by. One group even waved to them mistaking the troopers helmets for American ones.
    On Dec. 20 the group released about 30 prisoners, eventually broke up into groups of three and headed for German lines. About 100 men made it through. g Von der Heydt himself, hungry, his broken arm hurting and plagued by commencing pneumonia, surrendered himself in Monschau on the 21st of December. Gen. Josef ‘Sepp' Dietrich, commander of 6th SS Panzer Army and a Hitler favorite, whose troops failed to penetrate the Northern shoulder of the "Bulge" and then were transferred to try to help stop the Russian winter offensive, was sentenced in 1946 to life imprisonment. In 1955 he was paroled. In 1957 Gen. Dietrich was sentenced by a German court to 18 months in prison for complicity in the deaths of Captain Ernst Rohm and other SA officers in 1934. (The SA was eliminated by the SS). The general died in 1966. Col. Otto Skorzeny Hitler's errand boy (he released Mussolini from detention at one point) and implementer of Operation Grief -- infiltration of German soldiers in American uniforms at the beginning of the "Bulge", was acquitted by an Allied War Crimes Tribunal. While awaiting a denazification trial, he escaped from a German prison camp at Darmstadt and spent his remaining years in Spain, where he worked as an industrial engineer. In the 1960's he was accused by official sources in Israel of organizing a network of ex-Nazis called Die Spinne The Spider) whose goals were said to be the resurrection of the Nazi party and the destruction of the state of Israel. In 1973 it was reported in an Italian magazine that he had served as a consultant to a group planning the assassination of Fidel Castro of Cuba.
He died July 8, 1975 at 67 of bronchial cancer in Madrid.

    -- Sherod Collins From the Adjutant If any member of our organization learns about the death of another member, I would appreciate very much if he or she would notify me at the earliest possible date. Just drop me a note, giving the name and date of death and, if possible, the next of kin.

     Thanks, Sam Cariano After 41-year delay World War II vet to get medals... finally By Dick Surge Patriot-News MILLVILLE -- An old soldier returned to Fort Indiantown Gap Feb. 27, 1986 to receive a medal and badge he earned in World War II.
     Donald R. Whitner, 62, of 139 Walnut St. in this small Columbia County borough was awarded the Bronze Star and Combat Infantryman's Badge in a ceremony at post headquarters.
     Col. William D. Harris, post commander, will read the citation and award the Bronze Star, given for courageous service in military operations, and present the infantryman's badge. Whitner was wounded four times during World War II, three times in battle and once in a prison camp. He was captured twice in the December 1944 Battle of the Bulge.
     A 21-year-old corporal, Whitner escaped the first time when his German captors left him for dead by the roadside. Whitner will be joined for the ceremony by his wife Vivian Whitner, son Donald Whitner II of Washington, William and Virginia Glascow of York. He said he expects that state Rep. Ted Stuban, D-Berwick, and U.S. Rep. Paul E. Kanjorski, D-Wilkes-Barre, also will attend. Kanjorski played a role in the delayed presentation of the medals by helping Whitner locate Col. Joseph C. Matthews Jr., his former battalion commander, who is retired in Raleigh, N.C.
    Whitner is still seeking documentation that would give him three clusters for his Purple Heart, given for wounds, and the Silver Star, awarded for gallantry in action. As Whitner tells the story, he was responsible for the 41-year delay. After he and two others got away from the Germans, Whitner said, they returned to their unit and destroyed records and equipment to keep them from the enemy. The records included the notes and recommendations for awards based on his battlefield performance. He never saw his companions again, so there were no witnesses to verify his deeds. His 106th Infantry Division was overrun by the Germans as a counterattack by 15 German divisions began. "It was the death of my division," he said. Whitner's wounds included a shell fragment in the head that the Germans thought killed him and piece of shrapnel in the knee and another in his leg. Later, after he was captured a second time, Whitner said, a guard at a German prison camp spotted him taking a raw potato from a pile in a field and jabbed him in the back with the point of his bayonet.
     Asked why he still wanted the medals after all these years, Whitner said, "Just for the sake of satisfaction. I want them for my grandson. He's always asking, 'Grandpa, what did you do in the war?'" Whitner entered the Army on March 11, 1943, and trained at Fort Jackson, S.C. He arrived in Scotland on Oct. 21, 1944, and was sent to France with the 442nd Infantry Regiment. He was discharged at Fort Indiantown Gap on Nov. 16, 1945.
     Whitner was a salesman until his retirement in 1975 due iv a variety of ailments that sent him for lengthy periods to the Veterans Administration Hospital at Wilkes-Barre. Membership Dues Our 1985-1986 membership year was a great one showing a substantial growth of 13 percent in our Association. We had 652 paid and honorary members as of March 20, 1986.
     Our members are reminded that the membership year is from July 1st of one year to June 30th of the following year. Membership dues should be paid prior to July 1st and not later than July 31st. If dues are not paid by that time, you will receive only one issue of THE CUB after July 1st.


By paying on time you will save the staff time, money and extra work.
Sam Cariano, Adjutant POW

Medal May Go To 140,000
     WASHINGTON -- The Army's Institute of Heraldry in Alexandria, Va., soon will be accepting proposed designs for a Prisoner of War Medal and as any as 140,000 former POWs or their next-of kin could be eligible for it. Authority to issue the medal was given in the 1986 Defense Authorization Act, through an amendment sponsored by Sen. William V. Roth Jr., R-Del., who served with the Army in World War II. "Few members of our armed forces have suffered as greatly, both physically and mentally, as those who have been taken prisoner by the enemy in time of war," said Roth. "The Prisoner of War Medal, like other military badges, will identify the wearer as having given special service to his country."
     The law allows the services to award the medal to any armed forces member taken prisoner and held captive after April 15, 1917, making World War I, World War II, Korea and Vietnam POWs eligible. The medal may be awarded posthumously and to a POW's representative, usually the next-of-kin.
    Service secretaries will have authority to issue the medal "to any person who was taken prisoner or held captive while (1) engaged in an action against an enemy of the United States; (2) while engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing foreign force; or 131 while serving with friendly forces engaged in armed conflict against an opposing armed force in which the United States is not a belligerent party."
    The POW Medals will be given precedence "immediately following decorations awarded for individual heroism, meritorious achievement or meritorious service, and before any other service medal, campaign medal or service ribbon authorized to be displayed."
    Officials said the Institute of Heraldry will solicit POW Medal designs from the armed services and accredited veterans' organizations.

It takes the long green to show up a man's real colors.

In Memoriam

    Betty Davidson, widow of Brooks ‘Davey' Davidson, (Service Btry. 591st F.A. Bn.), passed away on April 17, 1986. She had been an associate member of the 106th Division Association since the death of "Davey" in 1974. Her funeral was held on Saturday, April 19, 1986 in Lumberport, West Virginia. Bill and Barb Dahlen (Service Btry., 591st F.A. Bn.) of Linthicum Hgts., Md., were among those who attended.

Former POW's eligibility
    Former prisoners of war who are not service-connected disabled are eligible for VA hospital care without regard to ability to pay. They are also eligible for outpatient care on a priority basis second only to that of service-connected disabled veterans.
     While being treated in an approved outpatient treatment program, former POW's are eligible for needed medicine, eye glasses, hearing aids or prosthesis. If a POW internment lasted 81 days or more, they are also eligible for all needed dental care.
     Former POW's who were incarcerated for at least 30 days are entitled to a presumption of service connection for disabilities resulting from certain diseases if manifested to a degree of 10 percent at any time after active service, including psychosis and the anxiety states, regardless of when first shown. All such former POW's should seek professional guidance and assistance in filing claims for disability compensation. Former prisoners ot was and their families may obtain factual and on the full range of benefits available to them by contacting the local office of their State Division of Veterans' Affairs.


Another Personal Reunion

     Members of Service Company, 423rd Infantry may remember an important member of the RSO, our ration section, named Bill Devine, an affable Irishman who was a meat cutter for Swift and Company before being drafted, at which time he said he was too old to be there.
     Bill Melichar of Linden, N.J. has recently re-discovered Bill and has had him and his wife Dot over for visits on two occasions. Devine has lived in the same apartment in upper New York City near the Cloisters ever since he got married many years ago.
     Bill tells a humorous tale about himself at the time of his capture from a house in which he had taken refuge after having delivered rations to the front. He was placed between two armored vehicles with his hands raised. His belt broke and his pants fell down. Now he didn't know whether to pull them up and risk getting shot or perhaps to fall down and risk getting run over. A German Sergeant motioned with a smile for him to pick up and secure.
     The accompanying photo shows Devine seated at Melichar's house in Linden just before his eightieth birthday with Bill Melichar standing behind him.
     Melichar is endeavoring to locate former Service Company members and to solicit their membership in the Association. His efforts have shown some results and Devine is now a member.

1987 Reunion-
     The Association has a firm date for the '87 reunion according to John O. Gilliland/592 F.A., 605 Northside Drive, Enterprise, Al. 36330. He and Walter G. Bridges D/424 of Hueytown, Al. are making plans to host a great convention in South Alabama.
     John and the Riverview Plaza Hotel have committed to each other for the weekend beginning Sept. 17, 1987 in Mobile, Alabama. He states that the hotel is magnificent, with plenty 01 room and amenities and they are anxious to have us. He also reminds us that there is much to see in Mobile and urges each of us to make early plans to attend our 41st reunion.


40th Reunion 106th Infantry Division
     Please help us make our reunion an enjoyable occasion. Listed below are suggestions that will help make things go smoothly.
     1. Hotel reservations should be made as soon as possible to be guaranteed a room in the Marriott. From the response we are getting, it appears we may have more people than can get rooms in the Marriott. If this does happen we can get rooms at the Governor's House Hotel, (803) 779-7790 which is one block away. The Marriott can accommodate up to 600 for meals and other planned events.
     NOTICE - If you have guaranteed reservations at the Marriott and you will not arrive before 8 P.M., please notify the hotel that you will arrive late. Otherwise they may rent your room to anyone present and waiting.
2. Please send your registration forms to us not later than August 10, 1986 if at all possible.
    (a) It is necessary for Fort Jackson personnel to know how many persons to plan transportation for. Also, other events planned for Friday. We will have lunch at the NCO Club.
    (b) A ticket to board the bus will be in the packet prepared for each pm-registered member and guest. We cannot guarantee you a seat on the bus if we do not know you are coming.
    (c) It is necessary that we give 72 hours notice the number to prepare meals for. If you have registered and prepaid, then find out that you cannot attend, let us know by October 6, 1986 and your money will be refunded. If you have registered but plan to pay on arrival, we still need to know by October 6, 1986 if you cannot attend. This way we will not have to pay for meals prepared and not used. Your cooperation will be appreciated by your committee.
     3. Remember your extra pair of glasses or your prescription. We hope no one will need medical attention during our reunion. IF it is necessary the Baptist Medical Center Emergency room is one block from the Marriott.
     4. Bring your walking shoes. A walking tour is planned for Saturday morning. Many places of interest are within walking distance on your own. Transportation will be provided for persons unable to walk.
     5. Golfers - Howard Terrio is making arrangements for you. If you have your own group that is great. If you want to loin a group please contact Howard and he will work out the details. Golf courses will be available within several miles of the city. Transportation will be On your own.
     6. The normal temperature in Columbia the second week of October is 78 degrees high and 52 low. We hope October 1986 will hold true to form.
     We are working on having a pictorial directory made of our reunion. Pictures will be made at the reunion, you will receive further information of this under separate cover. Hope you will be as excited at having a directory as we are. This way we can recognize members we do not know.
Your reunion committee


40th Annual Reunion
October 9-12, 1986
Marriott Hotel - Columbia, South Carolina
Tentative Program

12:00 Noon Begin Registration 6:00 P.M. Board of Directors Meeting
7:00 P.M. Welcome Party - Snacks - Cash Bar

7:45 A.M. Breakfast
9:00 A.M. Begin Bus Tour of Fort Jackson 12:15 P.M. Lunch at N.C.O. Club
1:45 P.M. Continue Tour of Fort Jackson
4:00 P.M. Memorial Service - Daniel Chapel
5:00 P.M. Command Retreat (Weather Permitting)
5:45 P.M. Return to Hotel
Dinner on your own
9-10 P.M. Music by Sharon Hudson - Cash Bar

7:45 A.M. Breakfast
8:45 A.M. Walking Tour (4 blocks) to Confederate Relic Room & Museum
10:00 A.M. Free Time
12:00 Noon Ladies Luncheon & Entertainment
Men's Luncheon, Presentation of Scholarship Award and General Meeting
6:00 P.M. Cocktail Hour - Cash Bar
7:00 P.M. Dinner - (Dancing 9-12 P.M. to the Sterling Band)

7:45 A.M. Breakfast and Farewell until we meet in Alabama

    Hurry and make your reservation, we look forward to seeing you in October. Hope you can stay after the convention to enjoy the many attractions of Columbia and all of South Carolina.


Walking Tours Available On Your Own (See Map)
State Capital 3 blocks, Free
McKissick Museum at USC Horseshoe - 7 blocks, Free
Columbia Museum of Arts & Sciences - 6 blocks, Free
Woodrow Wilson Boyhood Home - 4 blocks, $2,00 Admission
Hampton Preston Mansion - 6 blocks, $2.00 Admission
Robert Mills Historic House - 6 blocks, $2.00 Admission
Trinity Cathedral - 3 blocks, Free Shopping –
Shopping - Shopping, Starting 1/2 block from hotel

Driving Tours And Shopping On Your Own
Governors Mansion - By appointment only, 8 blocks
Riverbanks Zoo - 3 Miles
Dutch Square Mall - 5 Miles
Columbia Mall - 7 Miles

Riverbanks Zoo
For a rare experience, visit Riverbanks Zoo, one of the newest and most modern zoos in the nation.
     Riverbanks Zoological Park is the home of 700 exotic animals and is located just minutes from downtown Columbia on 1-126 at Greystone Boulevard. (H-7 on map).
     Displaying animals in natural habitat exhibits, Riverbanks Zoo utilizes psychological barriers such as moats, water and lights. These barriers create an environment tree of bars and cages -- a unique, natural setting for animals and visitors.
     Many rare and endangered species are found in Riverbanks Zoo such as the Baird's tapir, Golden-lion tamarins, African elephants, Agile gibbons, Rothschild's mynah, NeNe geese, and Bald eagles. Animal exhibits are designed to simulate natural environments and promote captive reproduction, particularly among endangered species.
     Although created as an educational and cultural institution, Riverbanks Zoo is a recreational experience as well. Two refreshment stands and an animal-oriented gift shop are located in the zoo.
     Govenor's Mansion: Constructed in 1855 as officer's quarters for a former military academy, the Mansion has been the official residence of South Carolina's first families since 1868. Open Tue:-Fri.; BY APPOINTMENT ONLY: Richland at Lincoln streets (K-8 on Map)

     In the ecosystem Birdhouse, a tropical rainstorm thunders on the tropical rainforest exhibit twice daily at 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. The Californian Sea Lions are fed twice daily at 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m., and the penguins are fed at 11:30 a. and 3:30 p.m.
     Riverbanks Zoo is open daily except Christmas Day and is open from 9:00 a.m.-5 p.m. The admission gate closes at 4:00 p.m. Riverbanks is open an extra hour every weekend until 6:00 p.m.
     Admission prices are $3.25 for individuals over 12 years of age and $1.25 for children between 6 and 12 years. Children 5 and under are admitted free. Ample free parking is provided, Reduced rates are extended to military, students, senior citizens and organized groups of 15 or more. For additional information, call 779-8717 or 778-8730.
Enjoy a rare experience by taking the family on a rewarding trip to Riverbanks Zoo.


[MAP of Columbia]


     Enclosed is a photo of 1st Platoon, Co. C., Engr. kin, 106th Inf. Div. taken In Germany in 1945. If anybody is able to identify anyone and able to furnish an address, it will be appreciated.
/s/ Fred Carr
332 Dahl Road
Bloomsburg, PA 17815

626th Tank Destroyer Bn. Annual Reunion
     The 626th Tank Destroyer Bn., will hold their Annual Reunion on Friday, September 20, 1986, at the Non-Com's Officers' Club, Hanscom Air Force Base, Bedford, Ma. 01731. Time is 7:00 P.M. For further information please contact Fred O. White, 18 Spring Park Ave., Jamaica Plan, Ma. 02130, or call 617-522-9048.
Thank You Kindly,
John F. Colarusso
Chairman of this Reunion

    This interesting letter has come to light and should be of interest to 106'ers. Major Parker passed away in 1983 and his widow lives in Birmingham.

Major Arthur C. Parker
Rt. 1 - Box 6000
Leeds, Alabama 35904

Dear Major Parker:
     Through correspondence with Henry D. Healan, who was with the 106th Infantry Division in the Battle of the Bulge, I have learned of your whereabouts. It is a little late for me to be writing you about the Battle of the Bulge, but I have been totally unaware of your whereabouts through the years.
     In the Battle of the Bulge, I was commanding the 82nd Airborne Division and we were originally given the front from Trois Ponts to Vielsalm, including Their Dumont. We got into very heavy fighting when the 1st Regiment of the First SS Panzer Division broke through the Engineers' front and occupied Stoumont. We then had the remainder of the Division at Trois Ponts. At the same time, in twenty-four hours it became clear that the Germans were bypassing us, moving to the west, turning north when the opportunity presented itself. The 7th Armored and part of the 28th Infantry Division and a few of the 106th came through our lines I was in the town of Fraiture the afternoon when you made your great stand at the crossroads. I had sent a Company from the 325th under Captain Woodruff, to the crossroads to help hold


    it, so I started over in that direction myself. The fire was so intense, however, that there was no way of getting there without crawling through the woods, and it was still some distance away. I decided that I had better get some more help, so I sent to the extreme left flank of the division for the 2nd Battalion of the 504th, where it had the 1st SS Regiment of the First Panzer Division bottled. In doing so, we uncovered the Germans and during the night of Christmas Eve they slipped through the 505th Parachute Infantry. Nevertheless, I got the 2nd Battalion of the 504th to back up the crossroads, come what may. The stand that your defenders made at the crossroads was one of the great actions of the war. It gave us at least a twenty-four hour respite, so I thank you for that, and all the brave soldiers who were under your command.
With best regards,
James M. Gavin
Lieutenant General, LISA (Ret.)
25 Acorn Park
Cambridge, MA 02140

Photo: Memorial 106th at Parker's Crossroads (Baroque Fraiture)
Both pictures sent by a would-be Belgian correspondent Jean Francais Dahin of Manhay.

Dear Sam:
     Mildred and I appreciate your informative letter, and application for our membership into the 106th Association. We also thank Mr. Russell Hoff, Mr. Walter Bandurak, Mr. Roger Rutland and you for the speedy action. God Bless.
Sincerely, James W. Player
4530 Cedar Springs Rd.
Columbia, SC 29206

Photo: Village of Fraiture near Parker's Crossroads (Baroque Fraiture.

Dear Sir:
My husband Robert I. DePriest, Jr. (Co. A, 422d Inf.) passed away January 18, 1986.
Please remove his name from your records.
Mrs. R.I. DePriest, Jr.
Rt. 3, Box 390
Lonoke, AR 72086


Dear Dick:
     Right after Christmas, I had a letter from Sherry Schoch's daughter Donna, advising me that Sherry had died of lung cancer on June 10, 1985.
     In case any of the Cub readers wish to write to Donna, her mailing address is as follows: Mrs. Robert Wendt 426 Park Street Oak Harbor, Ohio 43449
Sincerely, Emily Ann Bryant
19692 Coral Gables
Southfield, MI 48076

Dear Sir:
     I was a member of the 106th Assoc. when they first formed. I attended the first two conventions. Then along came my family and I just dropped out of the organization. My wife and I visited John Kucharz lost week and he told me where to write to rejoin the 106th Assoc.
     I joined the 106th at Atterbury. Ind. and went overseas with them in Co. G. 424th. My job was runner between company and battalion. Your President of the 106th was in the same outfit. Please send me details on how to join.
Sincerely yours,
C. Philip Geib

     P.S. Had a small reunion in Dunedin, Fla., Mar. 2 with John Lord and John Kucharz. Lord was first Sgt. of Co. G. I have been driving Limousine for the past 6 years at Disney. Hope to make the convention this summer.

Hi Dick and Marge,
     I have been kicked out of the office and have no access to a typewriter, so hope you can read my writing. I'm out pounding the pavement selling brick every day.
     I'll try to catch up since the Morgantown Convention. In September, Bob and Jeanne Gilder, Martha and I took a motor home trip through the west for the whole month. We had a great time and saw a lot of this great country of ours. Just before our December dinner we were notified that Ted Straub was in the Cleveland Clinic for heart by-pass surgery. He came through it fine and is now recuperating hack in Morgantown. Chuck and Willie Garn were splendid hosts for our December dinner. It was held on December 14th with 17 people present. Needless to say, the food, beverage and talk all highlighted the evening.
     On Friday nite, January 17th, the Firefighters of the City of North Ridgeville had a retirement party for Capt. Robert A. Gilder. 128 people attended this function for a man who had dedicated 39 years of service to our community. It was a real pleasure and honor to have been among his many Mends there. Looking forward to seeing all in October at Columbia.
Looking forward to seeing all in October at Columbia.
Best of health and happiness to all.
Martha and John Fritz

Dear Dick:
     The following is the Agreement signed with the officials of the Bischopfliche Schule and the 106th Infantry Division Association.
     The 106th Infantry Division Association wishes to insure the perpetuation of its Monument in St. Vith, Belgium. Knowing full well that age will take its toll of its members and those of the College Patronee on whose grounds the Memorial is erected, it is necessary to take steps for the future.
     Therefore, the 106th Infantry Division Association is willing to transfer the sum of Seven Thousand and Five Hundred Dollars $7,500.00 to the College for the purpose of any and all repairs and maintenance to said Monument.
     The College in turn may invest these funds in interest bearing accounts and thus to use the interest earned by these funds for any purpose the Director sees fit. Any gifts of books purchased will bear the usual "Presented by the 106th Infantry Division Association" as is now done by the College in the books presented.


     The Principal of the College agrees to ask the Mayor of the Town to place a wreath at the Monument, together with a delegation of the College, each year on December 16. He will also take care that a prayer will be spoken for the dead. The cost of the wreath shall be taken from the principal amount herein.
     The College will send photos of same and each year or at a period to be noted by the College, a report will be made to Memorials Chairman Douglas S. Coffey, 947 N.W. Arnet Street Port Charlotte, Florida, 33948 indicating the balance in the account and any activity in the past year in order that Mr. Coffey may make a report to the Annual Reunion of the 106th Infantry Division Association.
     If the amount of $7,500.00 for repairs and maintenance is used up, the College will not provide for maintenance and repairs on its own account. In this case, the 106th Infantry Division Association will have to procure new funds.
     In the event of War or a National Disaster in Belgium the balance of the Fund shall be returned to the 106th Infantry Division Association as soon as practicable. This agreement comes into force January 10, 1986.
For the College (Signed) by the Director
Signature's illegible.

For the 106th Infantry Division Association.
(Signed) Van S. Wyatt
(Signed) Samuel Cariano

Dick: Hope you can get some decent photos of our group at St. Vith and the presentation of the check.

Sherod Collins:
I am a member of the Army Reserves serving in the 423d Regiment, 70th Division.
     Recently, I had a conversation with Roy Bigger who served in the 423d Regiment, 106th Division, during WWII. He is also my father-in-law.
     During our conversation, I learned about Public. Law 99-145 (DOD Authorization Act of 1986) enacted on November 8, 1985. This law has a provision authorizing the issuance of a P.O. W. medal for all who were captured and taken prisoner since the outbreak of WWI and served honorably during captivity.
     I understand that you are the historian and treasurer of the 106th Division. I would like to develop a list of names and addresses of individuals from Indiana that would qualify. I would appreciate your help in identifying these people. Please send any information to: David Shelley, 501 E.S.B. St., Gas City, Ind. 46933.
David M. Shelley Cpt., IN, USAR

Dear 106 Members:
     As I was going to the Resistance Symposium in Luxembourg I felt it would be a good idea to travel to St. Vith and present the check for $7,500, that the 106th was giving the College Patronee. I know we could have just sent the check and awaited their first report, but I felt it was important enough to have a little lunch with Principals and go over the contract in person and make a formal presentation of the check.
     I had written to the new Director and asked him to arrange a luncheon with the Mayor who will be involved in future Memorial services and to invite the former Director Joseph Pankert. Our Liaison in Belgium, Dr. Delaval was to be invited as well as his wife Jany who has become his Chauffeur due to his recent illness. I asked that the luncheon be in the College or at the Pip-Margraff Hotel where the 106th has met so many times. I made my usual little speech in French


    as the Director and the Past Director do not speak English. (Perhaps a little but shy as one knows most of us are who only have a slight command of the language.) I pointed out that the 106th relationship with the College has been a close friendly relationship and that I had worked with the College for more than thirty years and with Pankert and Mayor Pip for the same period. This was my third Director. That was one of the reasons we made the Contract to protect the College and the 106th Infantry Division Association in the future.
     We first had a Vin d'Honeur which is the custom in Belgium and one which the Mayor has many times in the past done for the 106th. As the Director had to leave we only had the five for lunch and it was a lunch that only the Pip-Margraff serves. Many of our 106ers who have been to the Pip-Margraff will concur. I don't know when I shall ever get back to St. Vith but this was the highlight of my career, knowing that the Memorial is in good hands and its future is secure.
Douglas S. Coffey
Memorials Chairman

Photo: Dr. Delaval and Janyy Delaval
Photo: Mayor Pip on left with Past Director Joseph Pankert.
    Photo: Left, Joseph Pankert, former Director of the College Patronee, Mrs. Jany Delaval, Doug Coffey at head Right, new Director 01 the College Engelhrerht Creme, Mayor Pip, Dr. Delaval.
Photo: Doug presenting check to Director Engelbrecht Creole, St. Vith March 20, 1986.

Dear Mr. DeHeer,
     Several months ago I tracked down the 106th Infantry Division Association (through the Pentagon, by the way) and had a very pleasant chat with Robert Pierce in Warren, Ohio and then a much longer talk with Sherod Collins in Atlanta. Since then I have totally enjoyed THE CUB. I read it from cover-to-cover the day it arrives.
     I am luckier than most of you Arriving in Europe on 4/30/45 as an Infantry Replacement, I joined the 106th in an open, muddy field sometime in May of 1945 some miles west of Koblenz on the Rhine just north of the Moselle River. We moved shortly to an evergreen forest on top of one of the large hills for the rest of this period which lasted until mid-July.


     The war in Europe was over; but the Division was training for "CBI" as our company commander, Robert Hoerner, liked to yell as we ran up and down the hills or mountains.
     I would like to hear from anyone with the Division at this time with information as to just where we were. Does anyone know the names of any of the small or not-so-small towns where we were stationed on that large hill or "mountain", as someone might say?
I recall that someone shot a deer between training problems. He caught hell, but we all ate venison.
     When the atom bombs mercifully ended the War everywhere and the 106th was preparing to come back to the U.S., I was sent to the 100th Division and then, after a month, to the 3rd Infantry Division where I stayed for nearly a year until I came home.
     For the past ten years I have been a self-employed marketing and mergers & acquisitions consultant. This has followed more than a few years in marketing management positions with Lever Bros. and Johnson & Johnson.
All the best.
Sincerely, Thomas M. Poole (H/423) 52 Mason Drive Princeton, NJ 08540

Dear Sherod:
     For the past 10 years I have enjoyed my retirement immensely. Taking it easy, fishing, and traveling. Ella and I have been in fairly good health, and are looking forward to our reunion in Columbia, S.C. We will see you all there, God willing.
Sincerely, George R. Pina MED DET 590 F.A.

Dear Mr. Collins:
     Mildred and I are looking forward to meeting you here in my birthplace city, Columbia, S.C. October 9-10-11-12, 1986.
     Roger Rutland, host for our reunion is a very fine gentleman, and he is working, so as to have a great one. We will sure set up and be ready. Mr. Collins, as a new member, I have thanked everyone for all helpfulness they have sent my way. I am indeed proud to be in the 106th Association and God Bless Everyone who is and will become a member in the near future.
422nd - M Co. - 106th Inf. Div.
Yours sincerely, James W. Player M/Co. 422 4530 Cedar Springs Rd. Columbia, SC 29206

Dear Sherod:
     We are looking forward to seeing everybody in Columbia in October this year. At least it shouldn't be so hot this reunion.
     Bob and June Walker had a real nice Dec. 16th party last Dec. 14th, 1985. About 30 to 35 people attended and they had it at their home in Cincinnati and 5 couples of us from central Indiana went. Had a wonderful time and stuffed ourselves as usual.
Take care - see you in Columbia.
Paul Merz

Dear Dick:
I have been retired for four years. Lost my wife to cancer last May.
     Have a fourteen year old daughter Debbie here at home and a forty year old daughter in Oregon with four grandchildren.
     I enjoy the Cub and would like to hear from anyone from Co. D, 423rd. I enjoy the Cub and would like to hear from anyone from Co. D, 423rd. I was with them from Fort Jackson to P.O.W. camp.
James W. Burrell (D/423) 1187 Southridge Dr.
Salem, Ohio 44460


Dear Marge and Dick:
     The enclosed is self-explanatory. We are so glad they both came to our Memorial Dinner in December. With love, Myrtle V. Byrd Hospital Volunteer A Mass of Christian burial for Myrtle V. Byrd, who was active in volunteer work, will be offered at 10 a.m. today at St. William of York Roman Catholic Church, Edmondson Avenue and Cooks Lane. Mrs. Byrd, who was 64 and lived in the Kenwood Garden Condominiums in the first block of Summit Hill Court in Catonsville, died Wednesday at St. Agnes Hospital where she had gone for surgery. She was a former member of the board of the St. Agnes Hospital Auxiliary and had done more than 5,000 hours of volunteer work at the hospital during the last eight years.
     The former Myrtle V. Dalius was a native of Shenandoah, Pa., and came to Baltimore in 1954. Her husband, Austin L. Byrd Jr., is president of the Harrison Bolt and Nut Co.
     Both she and her husband were members of Colt Corral No. 4. In addition to her husband, her survivors include a sister, Mary H. Gale, of Baltimore, a nephew and two nieces.

Dear Richard:
     I drove up to Morgantown last July and was at the reunion on Thursday. I don't want to offend anyone, but all I heard was P.O.W., P.O.W., and I felt so out of place. You see, I was more fortunate, or less fortunate, than most of you guys. When I sailed for the European theater on march 23, 1945, I left my wife, a four year old son, a two year old daughter, and a one month old daughter behind in Mississippi. By this time most of you guys were dwindling away in the stinking P.O.W. camps in Germany. I didn't each the 106th until lune 2. I served as• battery clerk in C Btry. during June, July, August, and came home with the 106th in September. I got a 45 day furlough and was discharged in December. in September. I got a 45 day furlough and was discharged in December. I don't know any of you guys and with all the P.O.W. talk, I am just out of place in your organization and at your reunions, so I will not renew my membership in your organization. Thanks for allowing me in the organization for the past couple of years, and I hope for all of you the very best in the future.
Very sincerely yours,
C. L. Kendrick Btry. C, 589

Dear Richard:
     Just a few lines to say that I really enjoy the Cub, keep up the good work. As for myself with the 106th, when I was 181/2 years old in March 1943, I was assigned to Service Co. of the 423rd Regiment of the 106th at Ft. Jackson. I was a T/S in the Regiment Post Office and was with the Division until its return in 1945. I was discharged in December of 1945.
     Many years ago the Association had a get-together in N.Y.C. which I attended and met a lot of old friends. Much to my regret I did not continue contact with the Association until last year when I "re-enlisted" after hearing from Bill Melichar. Bill also sent me a list of the names and addresses of 24 former members of Service Co., which I contacted this past Christmas including my old buddy Sherod Collins. I received 15 replies which is a pretty good percentage. Presently Bill Melichar is arranging a get together of former Service Co. people in the Tri-State area. If anyone is interested they can contact me and I will pass it along to Bill. As for myself on March 7th, I retired after 28 years of which 9 years I was President of Comex Clearing Association, Inc. in N.Y. This company is the clearing house of the Commodity Exchange which trades Gold, Silver and Copper Futures. My wife, Pam and I plan to attend the Reunion at Columbia in


    October and hope to meet you all then. Do you remember when we were called The Hungry and Sick, Bag Lunch Division?"
Sincerely, Fred W. De Feo 1074 East 43rd Street Brooklyn, N.Y. 11210

Dear Dick and Marge.
I am sure you miss this beautiful weather of N.J, and Pa. Do you want to visit us???
     All well with us now, had been in hospital for eye operation, slow healing process. Perhaps you have enclosed date for V.B.O.B. (Sorry we don't have it.)
     Not certain if picture of General and his lady is bright enough for Cub. They were well when we visited them; however haven't heard from them lately.
Hope to get to Fla. in march and if we are close by we will give you a call, Blessings, John & Stella Gallagher

Photo: General Wilde McMahon taken in their home at time of birthday, 1985.

Information about the Players:
     May 15, 1986 is my 68th birthday, and August 5, 1986 Mildred catches me, this is her 68th. Thank you for all those cards and letters. This is a genuine pleasure for Mildred and I to join the 106th Infantry Division Association concerning the Golden Lion. Columbia, S.C., hometown of this Jim Player and also four miles from my birthplace, to Ft. Jackson, U.S. Army Base, where on March 15, 1943, the 106th Infantry Division was activated. We love the 106th, and every member of it and God bless each one of them wherever they may be.
Come on into Homebase at Reunion time October 9-10-11-12, 1986, Columbia, South Carolina.
Be seeing you,
James W. Player

Maybe you can't take it with you when you go, but there are darned few places you can go without it.

     For quite a few years Eunice and Henry Broth and John and I entertained the Maryland Chapter of the 106th at Dinner in December. After John died in February '78. "Kitty and ‘Bud' Wilkerson very kindly served Dinner at their charming home in Washington Grove, MD.
     Because I had fallen and broken my right wrist on October 31st and was still wearing a "Hoffman Apparatur" (stainless steel pins), "K-2", Althea and I decided to just invite a few 106ers". Each couple felt it would be best if they brought a dish of food.
     From the Hospitality Table upon arriving until everyone came down to Dinner in the candle lighted Dining Room, a well-balanced meal was served.
Those present were:
Austin and Myrtle Byrd
Bill and Barb Dahlen
Don and Kay Regier
Lewis and Betty Shirk (422nd Service Co. - Star Route 78, Mifflintown, PA 170591
Bud and Kitty Wilkerson
K-2, Raymond, John Raymond,


Tommy"and Brian Kemp
Althea Zimmerman
and "K" Loveless

A lovely time was had by all.
2549 Pickwick Road
Baltimore, MD 21207

Dear Sam:
     For the last 2 years, I have been trying to locate men from the 106th Division, 422 Medical Dept. Through the DAV and American Ex POW I have got about 16 names and addresses from them. Some I've heard from; some I've not. Last Fall I got a phone call. John A. Squitiero was in Crothersville and had stopped by to visit with us. John and I started with 106th Division when it started in 1943 at Fort Jackson, South Carolina.
     We took our training together; went overseas in 1944. We were taken POW; in which time we were separated. Didn't see or hear from each other until this past Fall, 40 years later, when John and his wife came by. We both still remembered each other. Both John and myself are in bad health now but we enjoyed seeing each other again.
S. Walter Brasher RR #2, Box 515 Crothersville, IN 47229

Money may not be everything, but its sure a great consolation until you have everything.

Dear Sherod.
     About 21/2 years ago I received a letter from Ted Straub, a fellow comrade in the same company, in the 106th. He got my name from a list of new members in the Nat'l. P.O.W. organization. That was the first I learned that the 106th was still alive.
     I had tentatively planned to attend last year's reunion (1985) in W. Va. but found out too late about it and the exact dates, as we were planning a road trip to Md., Pa., Conn. and New York. But as it turned out, our family and friends who were visiting then, all had prior commitments for July, so we didn't head that way, until the middle of August.
     I have heard from some of my former buddies who attended, as well as from Ted Straub again just last week. Ted mentioned that 1986 reunion is for October in Columbia, S.C. and suggested that I join the 106th Organization now.
     So that's what I'm doing. I understand I'll receive the Cub magazine, and I'm sure, all the pertinent information about the reunion.
Martin G. Stoehr 2012 Croydon Drive Clearwater, Fla. 33546
Formerly, Section SGT-3rd Platoon 81 mm Mortars Company M, 3rd Battalion 422nd Regiment

    Photo: Left, Col. Joe Matthew; Right, Col. Joe Puett. Seated, Col. Joe Puett's wife taken at Morgantown Reunion, July 1985.


City of Columbia
South Carolina
October 9, 1986
     Welcome Golden Lion Division! On behalf of the people of the City of Columbia, I extend our warmest greetings to those of you here to participate in the Fortieth Annual Reunion of the 106th Infantry Division.
     Columbia and Fort Jackson have grown tremendously since your division was activated in March, 1943. The City of Columbia salutes the 106th Infantry Division for its record of bravery in the European Theatre during World War II, especially for your gallantry in the Battle of the Bulge.
     I am told that this should be the largest reunion ever, and we are very proud to have you here in the Capital City for this momentous occasion. For those of you visiting Columbia for the first time, a very special welcome. For those of you who have visited with us before, you can see that there have been a number of changes as Columbia strives to reach her potential as one of the greatest cities in the country.
     While you are in Columbia, I hope that you will be able to takes ome time to see the many attractions of the Capital City. We take great pride in our historic homes, our fine Columbia Museum, the Historic Columbia Canal and Riverfront Park, and our many excellent restaurants and retail establishments.
     Again, welcome to Columbia. Should there be anything my office can do for you during your stay, please do not hesitate in calling.
Very truly yours,
T. Patton Adams


Atlanta "Bulge" Meet

    Photo: Left to right. Louise Howell, Duke Ward, Martha Ward, Dot Waldrop, Sherod Collins, Bob Howell, at Atlanta 'Bulge' meeting, Dec. 15, 1985

    Photo: Left to right Carroll D. Padgett, Ernestine Holland, Sandy Grossbart, Frankie Burkes and Bob Burkes at "Bulge" meeting Dec. 15, 1985, Atlanta.

Photo: Left to right: Ann Matthews, Joe Matthews, Lyman Maples, and Ann Maples

    Photo: Left to right Anne Horne, Bill Delzell. Carolyn Alexander, Vol. Col. Joe Puett, Ida Mae Puett. and Bill Alexander at "Bulge" meeting, Dec 15, 1985. Atlanta

Photo: Regina Thomas, Yvonne Mosley, Newton Mosley, and Jim Wells at "Bulge" meeting, Dec 15, 1985. Atlanta

Index for: Vol. 42, No. 4, Aug., 1985

Index for This Document

100th Div., 21
1st Inf. Div., 4
1st SS Panzer Div., 3, 4, 14
285 FA Observation BN, 3
28th Inf. Div., 14
2nd BN Of The 504th, 15
3rd Inf. Div., 21
422nd Inf., 15
423rd Regt., 18, 23
4th Training Brigade, 2, 3
505th Prcht. Inf., 15
626th TD BN., 14
6th Prcht. Regt., 4
6th SS Panzer Army, 4
7th Armd. Div., 4, 14
82nd Abn. Div., 14
Aachen, 4
Adams, T. Patton, 29
Alexander, Bill, 30
Alexander, Carolyn, 30
Alsace, France, 3
Ardennes, 4
Arlington National Cemetery, 3
Armington, Donald R., 1
Bandurak, Walter, 1, 15
Baroque Fraiture, 15
Battle of the Bulge, 5, 14, 29
Baugnez Crossroads, 3
Belgium, 18, 19, 20
Belle Croix, 4
Bigger, Roy, 18
Birmingham, 14
Black, Ewell C., Jr., 2
Black, Rev. Ewell C., 1
Brasher, S. Walter, 27
Bridges, Walter G., 8
Broth, Eunice & Henry, 25
Bryant, Emily Ann, 16
Burkes, Bob, 30
Burkes, Frankie, 30
Burrell, James W., 22
Byrd, Austin & Myrtle, 25
Byrd, Austin L., 23
Byrd, Myrtle V., 23
Cariano, Sam, 1, 5, 6
Cariano, Samuel, 18
Cariano, Samuel P., 1
Carr, Fred, 14
Castro, Fidel, 4
Coffey, Doug, 3, 20
Coffey, Douglas S., 1, 18, 20
Coffey, Mr., 18
Colarusso, John F., 14
College Patronee, 17, 18, 20
Collins, Mr., 21
Collins, Sherod, 1, 3, 5, 18, 20, 23, 30
Dahin, Jean Francais, 15
Dahlen, Bill & Barb, 6, 25
Dalius, Myrtle V., 23
Darmstadt, 4
Davidson, Betty, 6
Davidson, Brooks ‘Davey', 6
De Feo, Fred W., 25
DeHeer, Richard, 1
DeLaval, Dr., 19, 20
DeLaval, Mrs. Jany, 20
Delzell, Bill, 30
Depriest, Robert I., Jr., 15
Dietrich, Gen. Josef ‘Sepp', 4
Dietrich, Sepp, 4
Eupen, 4
France, 5
Fritz, Bob, 3
Fritz, John, 3
Fritz, Martha & John, 16
Ft. Jackson, SC, 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 10, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29
Gale, Mary H., 23
Gallagher, John & Stella, 25
Garn, Chuck & Willie, 16
Gavin, James M., 15
Geib, C. Philip, 16
Germany, 14, 23
Gilder, Bob & Jeanne, 16
Gilder, Robert A., 16
Gilliland, John O., 8
Glascow, William & Virginia, 5
Grossbart, Sandy, 30
Harris, Col. William D., 5
Healan, Henry D., 14
Hoerner, Robert, 21
Hoff, Russell, 15
Holden, Bob, 3
Holland, 30
Horne, Anne, 30
House, Pete, 3
Howell, Bob, 30
Howell, Louise, 30
Israel, 4
Jones, Gen., 3
Jones, Maj. Gen. Alan, 2
Jones, Mrs. Alys, 3
Kanjorski, Paul E., 5
Karnpfgruppe Peiper, 3
Kemp, Tommy"And Brian, 27
Kendrick, C. L., 23
Koblenz, 20
Korea, 6
Kucharz, John, 16
Landsberg Prison, 3
Lee, Robert E., 2
Lord, John, 16
Loveless, Chaplain, 3
Loveless, John, 3
Luxembourg, 18
Malmedy Massacre, 3
Manhay, 15
Maples, Ann, 30
Maples, Lyman, 30
Matthew, Col. Joe, 27
Matthews, Ann, 30
Matthews, Col. Joseph C., 5
Matthews, Joe, 30
McMahon, Gen., 3
McMahon, Gen. Wilde, 25
Melichar, Bill, 8, 23
Memorial 106th At Parker's Crossroads, 15
Merz, Paul, 21
Monchau, 4
Monschau, 4
Moselle River, 20
Mosley, Newton, 30
Mosley, Yvonne, 30
Ochs, Col., 2
Operation Grief, 4
Padgett, Carroll D., 30
Pankert, Joseph, 19, 20
Parker, Maj., 14
Parker, Maj. Arthur C., 14
Peiper, Col. Joachim, 3
Pierce, Robert, 20
Pina, George R., 21
Pip, Mayor, 20
Pip-Margraff, 20
Pip-Margraff Hotel, 19
Player, James W., 15, 21, 25
Poole, Thomas M., 21
Prisoner Of War Medal, 6
Puett, Col. Joe, 27, 30
Puett, Ida Mae, 30
Puett, Joe, 27
Purple Heart, 5
Rarick, Clay, 3
Raymond, John, 25
Regier, Don & Kay, 25
Rhine, 4, 20
Rohm, Capt. Ernst, 4
Roth, William V., Jr., 6
Rutland, Roger, 1, 15, 21
Schoch, Sherry, 16
Scranton, Bob, 3
Shelley, David, 18
Shelley, David M., 18
Shirk, Lewis & Betty, 25
Skorzeny, Col. Otto, 4
Smith, Bill, 3
Smith, William F., 2
Squitiero, John A., 27
St. Vith, 3, 18, 20
St. Vith, Belgium, 16
Stoehr, Martin G., 27
Stoumont, 14
Straub, Ted, 16, 27
Stuban, Ted, 5
Terrio, Howard, 9
Thomas, Regina, 30
Trois Ponts, 14
Vielsalm, 14
Vietnam, 6
Von Der Heydte, Lt. Col. Graf Friedrich August, 4
Vosges Mountain, 3
Waldrop, Dot, 30
Walker, Bob & June, 21
Ward, Duke, 30
Ward, Martha, 30
Wells, Jim, 30
Wendt, Robert, 16
White, Fred O., 14
Whitner, Donald II, 5
Whitner, Donald R., 5
Whitner, Vivian, 5
Wilkerson, Bud & Kitty, 25
Wilkerson, Kitty & ‘Bud', 25
Woodruff, Capt., 14
Wyatt, Van S., 1, 18
Zimmerman, Althea, 27