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The Cub
Vol. 32, No. 4, Jul., 1976

THE CUB 106th Infantry Division Association, Inc.
President Sherod Collins
1st Vice President Bob Walker
2nd Vice President Charles Schoch
Adjutant Robert L. Scranton
Treasurer Sherod Collins
Chaplain John T. Loveless, Jr.
Historian Sherod Collins
    The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $5.00 per year which includes subscription to the CUB.
Editor John Gallagher
All editorial matter should be addressed to: John 1. Gallagher 4003 Frances Street Temple, Pa. 19560
    All business matters, renewal of membership, etc., should be addressed to: Robert L. Scranton 9441 Lee Road Brighton, Mich. 48116
Auxiliary Dues $2.00 per year.
MEMBERSHIP 1974-75 YR. 302
MEMBERSHIP 1975-76 YR. 326

     Congratulations to Bob and all of you who are assisting in our membership program. This is a new high in membership.

     Many of you have read Mark Twain's delightful story about a Mississippi River steamboat. The owners decided that it was going to be the greatest boat on the river and they spared no expense. They decided that this magnificent steamboat would have to have the biggest and shiniest whistle of any boat on the river. They completed her and she set off proudly on her maiden voyage down the river. The intention was to blow the whistle all the way so that people would know she was a-coming. That sound attracted people for miles around and she was seen and admired as she passed by.
     But, the boat people discovered they had a problem. The mighty whistle took so much steam that every time they blew it the engine stopped. Mark Twain pictures beautifully that magnificent steamboat sailing down the big river, stopping and blowing and going, stopping and blowing and going all the way to New Orleans.
     This message is addressed in the main to those who have in the past so often said "sorry I couldn't make it; maybe next year." So often next year is too late or we put it off another year. It's good to talk about our intentions and it's good to blow the whistle once in awhile. But there conies a time when you stop blowing the whistle and put the steam to the engine.
     So make an especial effort to come to the annual reunion if you have never been. And bring a buddy and your wives. You won't be ignored and you will have an opportunity to have much fun with a fine group of people.
Let me say that it has been a privilege to have served as your president during the past year.

(Memorial to MG Alan W. Jones, 1894-1969)
     The State of Indiana began with the Moundbuilders. I don't know whether we will see a Mound or not, but Ken Bradfield and his Committee are providing a full program with a Bicentennial touch for our 30th Annual Reunion in Evansville, Indiana, July 22 to 24, 1976.
     We can really begin to sing of our Indiana home. The 106th Infantry Division trained at Camp Atterbury from about April 1 to October 1944 when we started to move overseas. The first two Reunions were held in Indianapolis in 1947 and 1948. Russ Enlow and his Committee held a Reunion (the third) in Indianapolis but I do not recall the year. A lot of memories are bound up in those dates and more happy ones will be added in July, 1976.
     Since we missed the Atlanta Reunion and the dedication of the Division Marker at Fort Jackson, S.C. last year, the McMahons are looking forward with anticipation to the 1976 Reunion. We took our first automobile trip out of Pennsylvania in nearly two years on April 29. We drove to Fort Hamilton, Brooklyn, N.Y. where on April 30 we attended the ceremonies of the retirement of


my son, Colonel Leo T. McMahon, Jr. T.C. from the U.S. Army after 33 years of service.
Leo T. McMahon

     We hope that the members of the 106th Infantry Division have received their copies of "The Cub" and are seriously considering attending the 30th annual convention to be held at The Executive Inn in downtown Evansville, Ind. Reservations are arriving almost daily, and we have received numerous inquiries from former associates of the 106th Division. The convention committee feel that you will find the trip to Indiana rewarding as we have a variety of activities available at the Executive Inn; and we have made arrangements to tour the historic sites by bus to Vincennes, Inc., New Harmony, Ind. and to the Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial. The nicest part of the convention will be to visit with old friends! Don't forget the dates of July 22-25, 1976. Any further information, please write Ken Bradfield, R R 8 Box 140, Evansville, Ind. 47711

     The downtown Walkway was dedicated on October 15, 1971. It has a 26-foot wide winding streets for tire trucks and emergency vehicles. and features a festive atmosphere with fountains. attractive landscaping with tree wells and planters. park-type lighting, and modern furniture and telephone booths. In April, 1976 it was the scene for a welcoming parade for President Ford. The Civic Center Complex is located at one end, and at the other, is the Ohio River; in between there are many shops and businesses. The Executive Inn is located two blocks from the Walkway. The Downtown Walkway and redevelopment programs have attracted international attention. Groups from cities across the nation and from Canada have visited Evansville to learn how it was done. Recognition has been received from U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, "The American City" publication and Downtown Research and Development Center, N.Y.

    (Photo) Former Newark Police Director Dominick A. Spina displays a modified World War II army carbine given to him for his gun collection by Philadelphia Mayor Frank Rizzo

By John Novellino
     Dominick A. Spina will have seen and experienced all there is to police work when he retires in June after more than 30 years as a Newark police officer.
     The long nights spent walking a beat, the hours of tedious investigation, the responsibility of command-and the controversy that came with it-- were all part of a "temporary job" Spina found he just couldn't quit.
     Spina. who will reach the mandatory retirement age of 65 on June 5, said when he joined the Newark police department in 1940 it was only supposed to be a temporary job while he completed law school at Rutgers University in Newark.
"But after I spent some time dealing with people in the job, I just found it impossible to quit."
     World War II, however, made it possible for him to quit-- temporarily at least. But after a five-year tour with the Army, he came


right back to the police department.
     The temporary job worked out just fine and Spina was promoted through the ranks and finally became police director in 1962.
Re-print from Newark Sunday Star Ledger

     The Division Historian continues to receive inquiries as to whether there was ever any production of Regimental Insignia, especially that of the 423 Infantry.
     At the time the Division went back into France for reorganization and reconstitution of the lost units, each Regiment printed a unit newspaper and each Regiment adopted an insignia (which appeared in the newspapers). We know for a fact that this was true of the 423 and the 424, since we have prints of them.
     However, there is no evidence that any copies of the insignias were ever produced, although it is thought that perhaps someone did possess copies of the 423 insignia, possibly some members of the field grade officer corps.
If anyone knows of any existing insignias, painted, knitted or otherwise please advise Division Historian Collins.

     To any of you who have time and inclination to learn more of the Big Picture concerning the various Divisions involved in the Battle of the Bulge, here is a list of interesting paperback books which can possibly be had in book stores or by order to the publisher.

The Last 100 Days - by John Toland Bantam Books, New York, N.Y.
Battle of the Bulge-Robert Merriam Ballantine Books, New York, N.Y.
Battle for the Rhine-- R. H. Thompson (British Oriented) Ballantine Books, New York, N.Y.
Decision at St. Vith-- Charles Whiting Ballantine Books, New York, N.Y.
The End of the War-- Charles Whiting Ballantine Books, New York, N.Y.
    BATTLE-The Story of the Bulge-John Toland, A Signet Book published by the New American Library of World Literature, New York, N.Y.
Battle of the Bulge John Toland Random House, New York, N.Y.
Patton-- Ladislas Farage Dell Publishing Co., New York, N.Y.
The Bitter Woods-- John Eisenhower Ace Publishing Corp., New York,

     Nearly 39 million Americans have answered their country's call to arms since the first Minutemen fired at the Redcoats. And, at the end of fiscal year 1975, the VA estimated 29,459,000 of these former servicemen and women were still alive in civilian life.
     Almost 90 per cent of the nation's living veterans served in the armed forces during periods of war or armed conflict. Apparently, those millions of veterans have served America well-on and off the battlefield.
     The majority of veterans living today served our country during World War II. The average age of these veterans is 56.5 years old.

1976-77 year dues are now payable to our adj. Bob Scranton.
Why not write your check now and send to Bob with note concerning your present status.
As member of 106 family we are anxious as to welfare of each other, thru Cub we can keep each other informed.

Russ Enlow was first to pay 1976-77 DUES.


    Our forefathers brought about conditions in our nation that made freedom possible. You and I today must accept the responsibility to keep our nation free.

True freedom dwells in the hearts of people.

Two Hundred years. 0 God! Two Hundred years of bountiful blessings! We thank you!
We thank you for our country's heritage founded on the firm foundation of faith in God.
We thank you for riches in field, industry, technology and human resources.
We thank you for men and women with insight and knowledge who were not afraid to forge ahead into the unknown.
We thank you for our successes.
We thank you for our failures, for the opportunity to learn from our mistakes and to grow stronger because of them.
We thank you for freedom to be.
     Continue to guide us, 0 God with your unfailing presence in the life of our country. We ask your grace and blessing on each of us as we continue to be your people in this beautiful land. Amen.

Freedom to worship God.
Our pilgrim fathers came
Bearing aloft this torch
A high and holy flame.

Freedom to worship God.
With this they lit the world
Beneath this burning brand
A bright new flag unfurled.
Freedom to worship God.
And now, on speeding wheels,
Their children crowd the earth.
Today, who bows, who kneels?
Freedom to worship God.
This was their battle cry.
And now that we are free-
Have we forgotten why?

(Photo) Byrds and DeHeers Ft. Jackson, S. C. July '75
I, your editor, offer my thanks to all who assisted in publishing Cub this year.
     In particular I am indebted to Bob Scranton who keeps me informed on membership, change of address (our members do move and we are concerned that all members get Cub) and up-date information.
Marge and Dick DeHeer who provide me with addressed envelopes for mailing Cub.
Officers and members of board of directors who provide articles for Cub.
To our members who provide me with update information.
Will you continue your support of the Cub?
Thank You


     In last Cub I noted several new names; Charles R. Porter and Lt. Col. L. M. Roberts. Would be good to see them again.
Uncertain if Agnes and I will get to Evansville. Best Wishes for good reunion.
Fred B. Chase Box 44 Morris Lane R.R.6 Clifton Park, N.Y. 12065

Note: Address changed, however, we didn't move.

     Recently had a trip to East to visit my daughter in Philadelphia. Visited Bill Helmelt of H Co. 424 at his home in Baltimore. This was a real heartwarming meeting for the first time in 30 years. Bill carried me out of mine field near Newhoff, Feb. 14, 1945. I made contact after seeing his name and picture in Cub.
I learned of death of Leonard C. Kasazka H Co. 424.
Keep up good work in Cub. I am sure it is enjoyed by all members of 106.
George Murray H-424 521 Ninth Street Bemidji, Minn. 56601

     Was a member of the 106 Association for many years, but dropped out because did not have any former buddies as members.
Want to rejoin since I received word from Bob Morrison.
I am former member Co. I 423 & K Co. 424.
Howard Terrio 4429 Briarvvood Rd.
Columbia, S.C. 29206

    424th Inf., Co. K, 106th Div. (Jan. 18, 1945) For claim, must contact member Arkley R. Pearce, 7829 Ella Young Dr., Ft. Worth, Texas 76135.

Dear John and Stella:
     Mrs. William (Betty) Manahan, widow of Colonel Manahan, Ordnance Officer 106th. Inf. Div. writes that she had a bad angina spell with her heart and was in intensive care in Waynesboro Hospital for a week in early April. She is now at home in Blue Ridge Summit Pa., just very tired and short of breath and will not be going to the Reunion. She sends her love to all the "106-ers". She added that she had an angina spell and a period in the hospital in February 1975. However after she recovered she flew to Paraguay South America to visit her son a Lt. Colonel stationed there with his family. She certainly possesses the esprit of the Golden Lions.
Leo T. McMahon

    JOHN (PAT) HAYES 2226 Erie Ave., Springfield, Ohio Former member F422-new member of Assoc. Was recently in hospital for e operation, not presently working. Would lik to hear from members of 60MM Squad of 422. Also any who was P.O.W. Stalag IXB Bad Orb.

(Photo) Stone Mountain Ga. July '75 6


     Now in its 45th season and well established as one of our most popular beach attractions, the Daytona Beach Municipal Band does indeed rate a visit-- especially if you have not been by the Bandshell to hear the band respond to the baton of Carl M. Hulbert, conductor.

     Mr. Hulbert, the band's senior member with thirty-five years of service is retired from the public school system of Volusia County. He holds a Bachelor of Music and Master of Arts from Stetson University, and is a former director of the Yaarab Temple Shrine Band.
Carl is member of 106.

James E. Collier, Sr. H-424 1635 Vance Memphis, Tenn. 38104
R. B. Morrison 260 Oaklyn Road Bethel Park, Pa. 15102
Howard J. Terrio I423 & K424, 4429 Briarwood Road Columbia, S.C. 29206
John (Pat) Hayes F422 2226 Erie Avenue Springfield, Ohio
Bob Woods, 424G 2712 Summit St. Bethel Park, Pa. 15102

(Photo) ? Bartz, ? Fritz, ? Garn Ohio, December 16

(Photo) ? Trautman and ? Zenn Ohio, December 16

1977 ELYRIA Best Old Town In The USA
31st ANNUAL REUNION July 2I - 23, 1977
Be Ready, Be Surprised, BE THERE!!! 7

     Since our last communication, the two North Ridgeville boys and the Canton Postman have reached the half century mark in their lives. Naturally, there were parties to celebrate this great event and their wives, who will be catching up with them shortly, handled everything with ease.
     By now you should all know that "Party" is all our middle names, and it is impossible for us to settle plans or reach a conclusion unless such merriment precludes. Needless to say, we do enjoy life and look forward to a long one.
     Our convention plans for 1977 are nearly complete and we will bring you all up to date in Evansville in July. See you then.
Your 1977 Convention Chairman, and Bob Gilder, Ed Zoll & John Fritz.


Have you made your reservations for the reunion? If not please forward now to:
Ken Bradfield RR8, Box 140 Evansville, Ind. 47711
Fee-Members $29.00
Wife $29.00
Child $29.00
Guests $29.00

Tentative Schedule of Events 30th Annual Reunion
106th Infantry Division Associates, Inc.
July 22 - 25, 1976
Executive Inn Motor Hotel Evansville, Ind. 47708

Thursday July 22
1:00 P.M. - Registration
7:00 P.M. - Warm-up Party (Pay Bar)
7:00 P.M. - Board of Directors Meeting
Friday July 23
8:30 A.M. - Bus Trip to Vincennes
11:30 A.M. - Noon Lunch at Vincennes University
1:00 P.M. - Continue Bus Tour to Lincoln Boyhood Memorial
3:00 P.M. - Memorial Service at Memorial Chapel (Evening Free)
Saturday July 24
8:30 A.M. - Bus Trip to New Harmony
11:00 A.M. - Return to Executive Inn
12:30 P.M. - Ladies Luncheon
1:30 P.M. - General Membership Meeting
7:00 P.M. - Cocktail Party (Pay Bar)
8:00 P.M. - Annual Banquet and Dance Sunday July 25
7:00 A.M. - Farewell Breakfast


Index for: Vol. 32, No. 4, Jul., 1976

Index for This Document

106th Div., 3
106th Inf. Div., 2, 3, 12
106th Infantry Division Association, 1
424th Inf. Regt., 9
Bad Orb, 9
Bartz, ?, 11
Battle Of The Bulge, 5
Books, 5
Bradfield, Ken, 2, 3, 12
Camp Atterbury, 2
Chase, Fred B., 9
Co. K, 106th Div., 9
Collier, James E., Sr., 11
Collins, Sherod, 1
DeHeer, Marge & Dick, 7
Eisenhower, John, 5
Enlow, Russ, 2, 6
Erie, 9, 11
Farage, Ladislas, 5
Fort Jackson, S.C., 2
Fritz, ?, 11
Fritz, John, 11
Ft. Jackson, 7
Gallagher, John, 1
Gilder, Bob, 11
Hayes, John (Pat), 9, 11
Helmelt, Bill, 9
Hulbert, Carl M., 11
Jones, Maj. Gen. Alan W., 2
Kasazka, Leonard C., 9
Loveless, John T., Jr., 1
Manahan, Col., 9
Manahan, Mrs. William (Betty), 9
McMahon, Col. Leo T., Jr., 3
McMahon, Leo T., 3, 9
Morrison, Bob, 9
Morrison, R. B., 11
Murray, George, 9
Novellino, John, 3
Pearce, Arkley R., 9
Porter, Charles R., 9
Reunions, 2
Rhine, 5
Rizzo, Mayor Frank, 3
Roberts, Lt. Col. L. M., 9
Schoch, Charles, 1
Scranton, Bob, 5, 7
Scranton, Robert L., 1
Spina, Dominick A., 3
St. Vith, 5
Stalag IX-B, 9
Terrio, Howard, 9
Terrio, Howard J., 11
The Bitter Woods, 5
The End Of The War, 5
The Last 100 Days, 5
Thompson, R. H., 5
Toland, John, 5
Walker, Bob, 1
Whiting, Charles, 5
Woods, Bob, 11
Zoll, Ed, 11