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Vol. 14, No. 3, Mar, 1958

Presidents Message
     Every time someone makes a speech these days the Sputnik is sure to be mentioned. To keep up with the times I have done so. I won't mention it again.
     I hope that 1957 was as good to all of you as it has been to me. In any case, my best wishes to all of you for 1958.
     The Division Assn. has also had a good year as our Adjutant's report shows. This is due to the wonderful job our members have done.
     I have received reports from just about every committee and they all have been working hard. I would like to mention names of those who worked hard but find that it would amount to half of our roster.
     Special mention must go to our Cub Editor, John Gallagher and Adjutant Austin Byrd. These two men do more to keep our Association together than shows on the surface.
I do hope that everyone is going to make a special effort to get to Philadelphia for the summer reunion.
     The committee is doing everything in its power to show you a good time. Now is the time with vacation schedules due to be posted. Be sure you pick the right weeks so that we will see you at "Philly in '58."
     I hope everyone is thinking about our Memorial Fund. If you get any ideas be sure to jot them down and bring them with you to the reunion. This year we must get our aims and intentions in order.
As Ever,

The Cub
106th Infantry Division Association, Inc. Box 106, Blandon, Pa.
President Richard DeHeer
Vice President Edward Collier
Adjutant Austin Byrd, Jr.
Treasurer Robert Kelly
Chaplain John Loveless
     The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $5.00 per year, which includes subscription to CUB. All material copyrighted.
Editor John Gallagher
Photographer David Brumaghin
The CUB is printed by the Busy Beaver Print Shop, Laureldale, Pa.
Back issues of the CUB may be obtained for 25 cents each. Send orders to Box 106, Blandon, Pa.


Membership Report
     Received a note from Edmond D. Kelly, Counsellor at Law, Orchard Hill, Middletown, New York, and he informs me that he misses seeing the following names on our membership roster:
Eugene A. Timm, 1798 Grosse Point Woods, Mich.,
James V. Jones, 9140 North Swan Circle, Brentwood, Mo. and
J. H. Watters, 301 Carolina Circle, Winston Salem, N. C.
    He tells me that Watters has been a regular, although may have forgotten to mail in his current dues. I have written to each of the above hoping they will drop Austin a few bucks ($5.00) and get their names on our roster. Anyone living nearby might give them a call, or better yet, stop by and see them, as I am sure that they do not want to be missed. It seems very easy to forget about things these days, although with a little reminding we realize that each of us are neglectful, thinking that someone else has already taken care of the matter. How about giving these men a call, a note, or better yet, just stop by for a short visit. You would be surprised with results.
     I am in the process of setting up a file at present of current members and will compare such with last year's roster hoping to contact those I find missing, and will no doubt call upon some of our members who may live nearby to assist me to see that we have not fallen down on anything which has delayed their dues payment.
     I would certainly appreciate hearing from any member who may have suggestions, know of anyone we should contact, or know of any reason why current dues have not been paid. By the time this goes to print, I feel confident that #254 member will have received his dues back with his membership card. We most certainly enjoy getting together from time to time, and reading the articles our fellow members send in for our publication. I know that there is not one of us who would not like getting together with a number of buddies of our own unit, and there is no reason why we cannot bring this about with just a little effort, and I am willing to help you out should I have the names, Unit, and correct addresses. How about taking a couple of minutes to jot down the names, addresses and the Unit. Send them to me, and if you have the time drop them a note, which will help out a great deal. Tell them you will see them this next July-in Phila., and look forward to being there, with your unit being the larger. You do not have to be too well heeled, financially, in order to make this visit, as I hope that we are not just getting together to impress the other. This is a reunion, and we want to keep it just such.
     The Division Artillery is doing a fine job of keeping their men together, although I see a number of names missing from our Assn. Roster, who were present at the September picnic at Hershey, Pa. How about that? Who is going to get in touch? It would not surprise me if the wives would not join the Auxiliary also. I do not see the following on the roster: Tom and Mary Fox, Earl and Mary Runyon, Ned and Marie Neber, Charles Oyler, and Michael and Martha Sgrignoli. There are no addresses given either. I would like for someone to volunteer, from the Div. Artillery, to contact these people, and let me know. I have asked John Gallagher if he knew of someone I could appoint for this job. How about beating him to it?
     Reading the Cub is of great interest to each of us, and I know that many do have items of interest but do not seem to find time to drop a line to John. Take a minute, and drop him a line. All of us want to know what you are doing, as well as who you are bringing to a reunion, when you are holding your next picnic, how much snow you had to shovel, why you do not like your boss, why you are boss, what you received for Christmas that gives you more work to do around home, how many children you have and their ages, who you


    bumped into recently that you had not seen for years. Think of something and mail it to John I. Gallagher, 4003 Francis Street, Temple, Pa., and I'll bet it gets into the Cub.
     It was nice to read the note by Gen. McMahon in the last issue, and know that he is back in condition again. I have not been in touch with the Doctor Friedlines' since my last report, but know that we all wish the Doctor well, and for complete recovery. Perhaps Florence might drop a note for our next issue.
     The following names do not appear in our November-December issue. Evidently they have not mailed their dues to Austin. I feel that they do not want to be forgotten, and am making a special request of my committee to make contact with them, and as you know, the committee consists of the entire membership. It would be quite nice for any one of us to contact, and promote interest, as friends and associates of the 106th Inf. Div. Assn., and especially should we live near. Drop them a line, give them a call, or better yet, stop by and see them.
Arboline, Frank, 350 First St., Jersey City, N. J. -- B Co. 424
Arendt, Herbert J., 20471 Ardmore St., Detroit 35, Mich.
Bare, Kendig C., 236 East Orange St., Lancaster, Pa.
Block, Jacques, 675 Academy St., New York 34, N. Y.
Brady, Howard, Box 193, Waynesboro, Tenn.
Brewer, Claude, 119 Seminole Ave., Dumonte, N. J.
Carpenter, Ben C., 1228 Albion Ave., Chicago 26, Ill.--BN. Hq. 424
Drzmala, Karl, 10 Malvern Place, Verona, N. J.
Ettinger, Robert, 3821 Eighteenth St., Brooklyn, N.Y.
Falkner, Albert E., 17 Spokane Villa, Pontiac, Mich.
Favali, Philip, 223 LaFayette St., Newark, N. J.
Fleming, John P., 1162 Gruber Ave., Union, N. J.
French, William, 20235 Lesure, Detroit 21, Mich.
Gloss, Charles, Veterans Adm. Hosp., Fort Hamilton, Brooklyn, N.Y. – 806 Ord.-
Glynn, George R., Shaker Road, New Canann, Conn.--AT. 423
    Goldstein, Elliott. c/o Powell, Goldstein. Frazier & Murphy. Citizens & Southern Nat. Bank Bldg., Atlanta 3. Ga.--Hq. 589
Hackler, Charles E., 3981 Whitehaven Park Circle, Memphis, Tenn.--E. Co., 424
Hatton, Emory R., 17621 Anchester St., Detroit 19, Mich.--F. Co., 422
Healy, Edward, American Hotel, Carbondale, Pa. --AT Co., 423
Holthaus, Donald E., 2913 Birch St., LaCrosse, Wisconsin--Hq. 592
Huey, John D., 172 West Pine St., Elko, Nevada--E. Co., 424
Hungerford, John L, 7348 Chimineas Ave., Reseda, Calif.--Hq. 422
Jenkins, Vernon S., 6020 Campfield Road, Baltimore, Md.--AT. 423
Karns, Russell J., Rt. 3, Dillsburgh, Pa.
Kernitskg, Leonard, 1745 East 16th St., Brooklyn 29, N. Y.
Knapp, Robert E., 28 Bradford Drive, Syracuse 3, N. Y.--Hq. 424
Keehler, Alfred, 85 Grand St., Seymour, Conn.
Kohs, Joseph B., Jr., 5324 Keeler Ave., Chicago 32, Ill.--A. Batt. 591
Kokenzie, Henry, 19 West Charlton St., Savannah, Ga.
Lackey, Vaden, 1609 McGavock St., Nashville 3, Tenn.-590
Lebeaux, Reuben, 274 Walnut St., Shrewsbury, Mass.--H. Co., 424
Leibig, Theodore, R. 2, Sinking Spring, Pa.
Lewis, Jack, 1204 East Johns, Decatur, Ill.-106 Signal
Lippincott, Harold, 256 David Hooper Place, Westwood, N. J.
Lukashok, Alvin, 13 Glennme Drive, New Rochelle, N. Y.
Messina, Carl V., 825 Nussa St., Linden, N. J.--A. Co., 81 Engr.
Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. B. F., Genda Springs, Kan.
Parker, Col. Arthur C., Rt. 1, Box 318, Leeds, Ala. --589
Purtell, William F., 6372 Morrowfield Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa.-81st Engr.
Richards, Thomas, 362 Miltoura St., Linden, N. J.
Reilly, Edward, 96 Irvin Terrace, Bloomfield, N. J.
Rossi, Louis P., 1208 50th St., North Bergen, N. J. --H. Co., 424
Schultz, Theodore J., 260 Canal St., Ellenville, N. Y.
Sekarcs, Samuel G., 1215 Prescott Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich.--B. Co., 589


Shields, Robert H., 13240 Turner, Detroit 38, Mich.--H. Co., 424
Shohan, Stephen, Kenville Ave., Kerrville, N. J.
Smith, Frank T., Jr., 23 Taylor St., Needham 94, Mass.
Stack, Robert W., 157 4th St., Westwood, N. J.-81st Engr.
Steigmiller, Ted., 109 Van Wagoner, Jersey City, N. J.
Taylor, Jerome G., 713 Bank of Knoxville Bldg., Knoxville, Tenn.-424
Watt, Col Jewell K., 1312 Cherry St., Springfield, Md.--I. G.
Warren, John, Jr., 11 Grant Place, Red Bank. N. J. --Div. Arty.
Warner, Herbert, 42 Walter Ave., Hasbrouck Heights, N. J.
Widenhfer, James A., Rt. 3, Butler, Pa.--G. Co., 424
Williams, Jacob, 434 Terrace Ave., Pittsburgh 2, Pa.
Woolley, Gen. F. A., 3 Jackson Barracks, New Orleans 17, La.--Com. Gen.
Zorn, Harry, 1518 Renessler Dr. West, New York, N.Y.
     Let us all be active, say, now that I am on a committee, I must do something to increase the membership of the 106th Inf. Div. Assn., so I shall mark a date, or make note, as to just what day or days I am going to do something about being active on the membership committee. We certainly know of someone who has not been a member and not on our present roster, or who has been a member, and not on the present roster.
     Send names and addresses to me if you do not have time to contact, and I shall make an effort to get in touch. 31 Island Drive, Poland 14, Ohio.
Your membership chairman

     The list of members printed in this issue of the Cub, plus the list published in the last issue, makes the 1957-1958 membership roster current to January 12, 1958.
     As of January 12, the Association shows a total of 262 paid members, making 1957-58 the best year since 1953-54. This is an increase of 8 over the last year, but is far short of the 322 members for 1953-54.
     Get your friends to join and increase the total even more. The address is the same: 502 Nottingham Rd., Baltimore 29, Md.

With the receipt of dues from Mrs. Henry V. Hayden, the Auxiliary membership totals 36 members.
This is just one member short of last year.
Additions to Membership Roster
Edward H. Baum, Jr., Box 431, Johnsonburg, Pa. --B 590
Walter H. Brunn, 314 Fairview Ave., Paramus, N. J.--Hq. 424
Arthur N. Cohen. 801 W. Park St., Temple, Texas
Richard J. Comer, Glennville Plantation, Pittsview, Ala.--K 424
Robert A. Gilder, 6857 Stoney Ridge Rd., North Ridgeville, Ohio--Hq. 1st Bn 424
David M. Given, 118 West Bldg., Hunting Towers, Mount Vernon Blvd., Alexandria, Va.--Serv 423
Sterling W. Grieve, 19257 Oakland Ave., Detroit 3, Mich. – Serv 424
Henry V. Hayden, 2665 Franklin St., Columbus, Ind.-81 Engr.
Irvin Juster, 1735 Eastern Pkwy., Schenectady 9, N. Y.
Herman L. Philipson, Jr., 10614 Royal Springs Dr., Dallas 29, Texas--H 423
Gordon Stryker, 121 E. Poplar St., West Nanticoke, Pa.--Hq. 592
Donald M. Swope, 2 W. Broadway, Gettysburg, Pa.--DHQ
Mark S. Wagner, 413 Thompson St., Mifflinburg, Pa.--H 424
Howard Watt, 200 Roosevelt Ave., Ridgefield Park, N. J.-2nd Bn 422 & 3rd Bn 424

     The last free membership for the 1957-58 year went to a new member, Walter H. Brunn, 314 Fairview Ave., Paramus, N.J.
     Walt served in Headquarters Company, 424th Infantry. At present, he is the man in charge at Bergen Blue Print Co. of Hackensack, N.J.
Congratulations to Walt on the years free membership, and Welcome To The Association.


Personal Notes
     Joseph L. Ryals, 2000 Cooper Ave., Lansing 15, Mich--Hq. 424. Central Control Operator and Dispatcher for the Board of Water and Light in Lansing.
     Joseph S. Suplicki, 392 Stevens Ave., Ridgewood, N. J.-331 Med. Dental Technician with Dr. K. C. Pruden, the present National President of the American Academy of Dentistry.
     Herbert C. Bliss, 264 W. Forest Ave., West Milton, Ohio--F. 423. Has been with the Post Office Department in Dayton since 1945.
     Col. George L. Descheneaux, Jr., 2 Montgomery Terrace, Cape Elizabeth, Maine --422. Service Engineer for Houghton-Arnold Machinery Co., Portland, Maine, "Caterpillar" distributors.
Rev. Edward T. Boyle, 46 N. Wolf Rd. Northlake, Ill.-424. Has parish of 1500 families in Chicago suburb.
     Col. J. C. Matthews, Jr., 4706 Western Blvd., Raleigh, N.C.-422. Was retired from Army on April 30, 1957 after 20 years of service.
     Edmond D. Kelly, Orchard Hill, RD 3, Middletown, N. Y.--D.423. Recently elected Assistant Trust Officer of County National Bank in Middletown.
     Harrison C. Tissot, 6724 Merwin Ave., Cincinnati 27, Ohio--C. 422. Employed in the Traffic Department of Cincinnati Milling and Grinding Machine Co.
Robert C. Steward, R D 2, Fleetwood, Pa.-592 FA. Truck Driver for The Glidden Co. in Reading, Pa.
William T. Manahan, Blue Ridge Summit, Pa.-806 Ord. Employed as Ordnance Design Engineer at Fort Detrick, Md.
     George H. Kaufman, 225 S. Edgewood Ave., Urbana, Ohio--H 423. Is operating a grocery store at 223 N. Western Ave., Springfield, Ohio.
     Jack Bryant, 14011 Nadine Ave., Oak Park 37, Mich.--C 422. Selling for Esquire Shoe Polish in Michigan, Northern Ohio and Indiana. Was married last December.
     Thomas Bickford, 3 Sunnyside Terrace, Last Orange, N.J.--DHQ. In his 34th year as a carpenter with Adolph Olson, Inc.
     Dean T. Redmond, 116 Kelly St., Statesville, N.C.--Hq. 3rd Bn. 422. Office Departmental Supervisor at Southern Screw Co. in Statesville. Attended Mitchell College after discharge from service.
     Rollin L. Twining, 79 Bennett Ave., Binghamton, N.Y.--Hq. 3rd Bn. 424 & 106 CIC. Partner in law firm of Twining and Fischer.
     Jerome L. Frankel, 2425 Nostrand Ave., Brooklyn 10,. N.Y.--Hq. 423. District Manager Metropolitan New York Area for Advance Solvents & Chemical Div. of Carlisle Chemical Works, Inc.
     William S. Blaher, 31 Main St., Flemington, N. J. I 422. Owns a photographic and stationery store in Flemington. Would like to hear from any 106ers when they are in his area. Call Bill at Flemington 1068 or 1051-J.
     Walter M. Snyder, 9 Winter St., Plymouth, Mass. --A 589. Recently received Doctorate of Education degree from Harvard. Is now Administrative Assistant to the Plymouth Superintendent of Schools.
     Col. Byrne A. Bowman, 418 Commerce Exchange Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla.-- DHQ. Practicing law in Oklahoma City. Was 106 Staff Judge Advocate.
Raymond J. Reed, 832 Kinderkimack Road, River Edge, N. J.--Cn 423. Selling insurance in and about New Jersey.
Louis James, 409 Pullman, Hot Springs, Ark.--A 422. In the grocery business in Hot Springs.
     Joseph A. Kersten, 162 Duerstein St., Buffalo 10, N. Y.--G 423. Construction worker in electrical field. Father of four boys.


James T. Stuart, 119 Gem Ave., Bridgeport 6, Conn.--F 424. Operates a lithographing shop.
     William Perlman, 2006 Castle Heights Ave., Los Angeles 34, Calif. Owns the Proxy Business & Professional Exchange in L. A.
     Martin M. Dolitsky, 37 Summit Ave., Port Chester, N. Y. Is a Lt. Col. in the New York National Guard, commanding the 105th F. A. Bn. of the 42nd Division.
Robert Rowe, 14100 Ilene St., Detroit 4, Mich. In sign manufacturing business with father and brother.
     James Dent, 3315 Cornelia Dr., Louisville, Ky.--Hq 3rd Bn 423. Recently transferred from Ford Motor Co., Detroit to the Louisville Ford Assembly Plant. Is Superintendent of the Body Dept.
Lewis H. Walker, Box 570, Susanville, Calif.--H 422. Has his own real estate broker's office.
Roger M. Jewett, 1213 Donald St., Royal Oak, Mich.--DHQ. Working as a fixture builder. Has four boys and two girls.
     Dr. Joseph F. Dreier, 250 S. River St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa.--Div Arty. Director, Dept. of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation at Mercy Hospital here. Also President of the Hospital Medical Staff for 1957.
     Loren E. Souers, Jr., 1200 Harter Bank Bldg. Canton, Ohio-424 & 81 Engr. Was revisiting St. Vith et al at the time of the convention in Savannah. Also to London for American Bar Association Convention.
     Fred Schieferstein, Box 791, Madison Hill Rd., Clark, N. J.--A 424. Married last September. Still operating the family's farm market with his brother and sister.
     Ben R. Briles, Arvada, Wyoming--G 423. Single. Operates a 20,000 acre cattle ranch with his father three miles southeast of Arvada. Would welcome a visit from 106ers passing through or near Arvada.
     Carl M. Hulbert, 356 Manor Ridge Dr., N. W., Atlanta 5, Ga.-424. Director of Instrumental Music, North Fulton High School, Atlanta. Director of Yaarab Temple Shrine Band, Atlanta. Summer season with Municipal Band, Daytona Beach, Fla.
     Albert Gagne, Jr., 281 Rand St., Central Falls, R. I.--M 423. Is a draftsman with the Corning Glass Works in Central Falls.
     Don W. Kersteiner, 645 Emerson Ave., Hamilton, Ohio--Hq 2nd Bn, 424. With Ohio Casualty Insurance Co. in Claim Department.
     Joseph P. Salber, 2 Danbury St., Oakland 5, Calif.--Serv 423 & 424. Moved to California from Ohio in 1949. Is now engaged in the sale of Douglas Fir and Redwood lumber for Pacific Fir Sales.
     Lt. Col. C. H. Wohlfeil, who was Executive Officer of the 591st FA Bn, is now on duty in Germany with Hq, V Corps Artillery. His address is APO 58, New York, N. Y.
     Col. Tom Riggs and family have moved from Detroit, Mich., to Cleveland, Ohio. His new address is 2932 Bruxton Rd., Shaker Heights, Ohio.
     Jack Cutcher, Hq Btry 106 Divarty, an electrician, of Detroit is working on the St. Lawrence Seaway in northern New York. Hopes to make the reunion in Philadelphia.
     John Toland, a military writer, of Red Bank, New Jersey is writing the story of the Battle of the Bulge to be published in December 1959, the 15th anniversary. He is desirous of having the personal experiences of the officers and men who were in that battle.
     Robert A. Gilder, 6857 Stoney Ridge Road, North Ridgeville, Ohio--Hq 1st Bn, 424. Associated with Gilder & Son Garage. Married, four children.
     Edward H. Baum, Jr., Box 431, Johnsonburg, Pa.--B 590. Employed by New York and Pennsylvania Co., Inc. Married, two daughters.

Chaplain's Message
     Man is, without doubt, a creature of habit. It becomes so easy to follow the same routine rather than to change the pattern. Man learns to be almost automatic in his work, his play, even in his relations with his family. In such event, the zest for life and adventure may be lost, the desire to see and learn new things may fade, the senses may be dulled and the calm acceptance of the path of least resistance may seem to be the only, if not always the right, path.
     To relieve the tedium of the daily drive to the office (which fortunately I can vary somewhat), I sometimes turn on the radio. From habit and because I enjoy the quips of the "disc-jockey," I usually listen to one particular station. At least once during the playing of the records, a spot announcement is made inviting everyone within the sound of the announcer's voice to phone or write to a certain office and if anyone so communicating has any "money worries" such worries will be taken care of for him sight unseen. The hearers are given, almost, to understand that it is too old-fashioned and even immoral to take care of one's own obligations as they mature and that the only and best way is to let someone else do it for them -- at a price, of course. The fact is that one big obligation is to take the place of many small ones and often, contrary to the law that the whole is equal to the sum of its parts, at greater cost is minimized.
     We have each been endowed with varied talents: some great, some small, some important, many less so, some which we strive to develop, some which we tend to forget. Our use of these talents determines to what extent our life shall be full and complete. The success which we achieve cannot be measured by monetary standards, but must be measured by the happiness we bring to others, the services we give to our fellows, the satisfaction we feel in our hearts and the growth in our strength of character. We must put to maximum use all our talents, not attempting to exchange all for only one which may in the end escape us. Only by making it a habit to use all our talents, not automatically but as the way is opened and shown to us, can we fulfill the great task required of us by our Creator.
"Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established."
--Proverbs 16:3
JOHN T. LOVELESS, JR., Chaplain, 106th Infantry Div. Assn.

January 14, 1958
     Doug Coffey has advised that the results of his survey for the Belgian Memorial indicates that at this time most of our directors feel this proposal is beyond our capabilities.
Doug has informed the officials in Belgium of our decision.
This item will be discussed in more detail at our convention.

The Association is very grateful for the $25.00 contributed by the New Jersey group for our Memorial fund.


Our Strength
     During the past weeks I am sure you have read and heard much about the strength of our country. Some of those reports are pessimistic while others are optimistic.
This should also be a time for all of us to appraise our own strength, the strength from within.
     Not too many years ago we met the enemy of that day with determination to win. Today must again face the enemy, not with guns as of years ago but with the same sprit to win. Let us be on guard against those who try to destroy us from within. One of the greatest dangers that face any station today is the indifference of its people. May our country never be weakened by our own complacency. Remember the tactic of divide and conquer. There is no doubt we can match any technical achievement but our ultimate strength will be dependent upon our people.
     Let us all return to the thinking of our founding fathers, and perform the duties of a good citizen as we carry on our daily activities.
You and I can, we must help to keep America free and strong for our children.

     Last year a group from the East had a very enjoyable dinner meeting at the Phila. Navy Yard. Another dinner is planned for this year, all are invited to attend.
Date--Saturday, March 22 7:00 P.M.
Place--Officers' Club, Phila. Navy Yard
    Please notify Alan Dunbar, 4701 Pine St., Phila., Pa. Al must have names two weeks in advance so that he can get clearance to get into yard.
This year dinner will be served at tables, no cafeteria style as last year.

The New Army
     The year 1957 saw major changes in the Army's tactical organizations--changes designed to take full advantage of tremendous advances in firepower, mobility and communications, and of the capacity of the American soldier for assuming greater responsibility in leadership and initiative.

(Penta (5) + Atomic--Pentomic)
     The new Pentomic divisions provide flexibility, mobility and control to facilitate command and insure effective execution of the wide-ranging, dispersed operations required on the modern battlefield.
Battle Groups, leaner, harder hitting, geared for independent action, replace regiments.
     Artillery and missile warheads unleash atomic or non-atomic destruction through a versatile family of weapons tailored to deliver the precise amount of firepower needed, at the decisive moment.

U. S. Army Progress Report for 1957
     Atomic-bearing missiles give the commander almost unlimited flexibility and firepower. His longer-range missiles support his far-flung battle groups over the vast distances of the atomic battlefield. To utilize these missiles most effectively in support of the forces of our allies, the Army has incorporated in its combat structure three types of Missile Commands:
Air Transportable, equipped with HONEST JOHN Rocket.
Medium, equipped with CORPORAL Missile, HONEST JOHN Rocket.
Heavy, equipped with REDSTONE Missile.


Letters to Editor
     Several couples who attended the Reunion in Savannah this past summer stopped in Columbia to visit friends and drove out to see what Fort Jackson looked like today. We found Columbia to be alive with business activity and many new office buildings and homes have been constructed. The size of the Wade-Hampton Hotel is being doubled by the addition of new rooms. The business activity has shortened the two hour lunch hour of a native Columbian to one and one half hours. Since most of the office buildings and stores are now fully air conditioned the people aren't going home for their long lunch hours anymore.
     Out at Fort Jackson we found the area occupied by the 106th to be very much alive. Infantry basic training is the principal occupation and the trainees are keeping our old area in beautiful condition. The barracks are all freshly painted. We were there at Retreat time and a couple Regimental Reviews were in process.
     The area occupied by the 100th Division isn't used as much. The familiar tarpaulin covered hutments that we used to see as we rode the bus into Columbia are still there, but without the tarpaulin covering they are a little grotesque.
     The real point of interest from a tourist's point of view is Mike Serino's Golf Course. It is located out on the south end of the post and surrounds Legion Lake. The main road to Leesburg Range runs right beside the course and the entrance is from that road. It is a full 18-hole course and Mike tells us that it is the third best course in the entire southeastern part of the country.
     Mike is from New Jersey and was a little older than the rest of as boys during the war. He had been the assistant pro at a golf course in upper New Jersey when he entered the Army. He came to the Division and was assigned to one of the Artillery Battalions. While we were at Fort Jackson, Mike dreamed about a beautiful golf course out near Legion Lake and in 1946 he pulled up stakes in New Jersey and came to Columbia. He built a 9-hole golf course near the main entrance and it was accepted so enthusiastically that the post commander asked Mike if he wouldn't take him out to show him the area where Mike dreamed of his 18-hole course.
     In 1947, several discharged soldiers came back to the Army as they were having trouble getting adjusted to civilian life. There wasn't much for them to do from a Military standpoint, but they were willing workers on the new golf course that was being started at Legion Lake. Trees were cut down and fairways were carved out of the pine woods. All the grass on those fairways was sprigged in by hand by Mike's Army of 500.
     The cost of materials was paid for out of the large PX fund that had been established by all the soldiers using the post during the war. The fund also was used to build a football stadium and running track. The course is now totally self-sustaining from membership fees paid by the soldiers who use the course.
Anyone who would enjoy playing over a beautiful golf course should stop in to see the course.
Very truly yours, ROBERT E. KELLY

Anybody having addresses of Co. L, 424th Inf., please forward them to Clayton Rarick, Box 106, Blandon, Penna.


December 16 Meeting

     We in Detroit had our annual memorial dinner on Friday, December 13, at the Gillespie home. This was a change from previous years when we all went out to dinner, but the feeling this year was that perhaps not everyone could afford the expense involved in going out and the Gillespies were gracious enough to give us the use of their home. We had a good turnout and needless to say, there was plenty of food, drink and merriment. We sort of look forward to these affairs each year for the opportunity to get together with many of the boys and their families.

     Although only a few persons were present, the December 16th Reunion at Marty's Park Plaza in Baltimore was a very pleasant affair.
     After an excellent Baked Virginia Ham dinner, some two hours were spent in talking over the events which took place in Europe in 1944 and 1945.
     John and Kay Loveless, Oliver and Bunny Lothrop, Austin Byrd, Myrtle Dalius, Clifton Streat and Henry Broth had a very enjoyable evening.

     Dick DeHeer conducted a December 16th Memorial Dinner at the St. Cloud Mushroom Farm in West Orange, New Jersey. Twenty-nine attended to pay homage to our 106th Departed.

Editor's Notes
     Our association received many Holiday greetings including one from our good friend in far off Hawaii, George Iwamoto.
     My apologies to those of you who received our last Cub (Nov-Dec) late. Commercial mailing was delayed in sending them out, and somehow those for part of Penna. and New Jersey were lost in mailing.
If there are any who didn't receive last Cub will you drop me a card, will forward.


Dear John:
     Here is one for the Cub. It just goes to point out, always talk and praise the 106. You never know when and where you may bump into a former 106 man.
     While working on a building remodeling job, installing restaurant and kitchen equipment (which I do), all the fellows on the job were sitting around eating lunch, and as conversation would go, someone started talking about their World War II experiences. Naturally, everyone started to chime in with his bit. Well, when it came to my turn, I started telling where we were and so forth and I noticed this fellow perk up. First thing you know we're talking about the same places. Well, come to find out he was in the 591st Field Artillery. His name is William Dahlen, 303 Charles Rd., Linthicum, Maryland, and does sheet metal work.
     Please tell Maydean and Jim Wells through the Cub that we still can't forget their wonderful Southern hospitality. It was great!
Eunice and Henry Broth


1958 Convention
     Your Convention Committee has been meeting with the management of the Bellevue-Stratford Hotel and the Philadelphia Convention Bureau.
     Everyone has been very cooperative with us and all indications are that we will have a grand reunion at the Bellevue.
     The City of Philadelphia has much to offer, it is rich in historical tradition and in addition offers all forms of activities, museums, art galleries, sporting events, and theatres, large zoo including special children's zoo, whatever you want, Philadelphia has it.
Add to all the above the joy of meeting old buddies across the table from good drink and food.
You can't go wrong by planning to bring the family to Philadelphia July 25, 26 and 27th.
The committee is willing to make the convention program to suit your desires. We ask only the following from you:
1. Bring the family.
2. Invite all your buddies to meet you in Philadelphia.
Gen. Leo T. McMahon, Lt. Col. Alan Dunbar, Clayton Rarick, John Gallagher

     From Waynesboro, Pa., RECORD HERALD, Monday, May 27, .1957-- Richard R. Manahan, son of Mr. and Mrs. William T. Manahan, Blue Ridge Summit, will be graduated June 4 from the U. S. Military Academy at West Point.
     A graduate of Washington Township High School with the class of 1951, Manahan attended Gettysburg College for two years. He was a member of the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity at Gettysburg. Manahan will receive a bachelor of science degree and will be commissioned a second lieutenant in the Corps of Engineers. Appointed to the academy by competitive National Guard examination, Manahan was a cadet sergeant during his senior year.

    I am happy to announce that Mrs. Alice L. Riley of Belle Plaine, Iowa, sent me a letter saying she received the Memorial Fund check for $100.00, which she can use for clothes and books for her two daughters attending school. Mrs. Riley is the widow of William Arthur Riley, formerly of 422nd Infantry, 106th Division.
     If you know of any 106er who is in financial trouble or some other temporary trouble, that we could help dissolve, please send particulars to the Memorials chairman and I will do whatever I can to help.
John J. Reynolds, Jr.
188 Hall Street
Brooklyn 5, New York

Hotel Bellevue-Stratford Philadelphia
July 25, 26, 27

Index for: Vol. 14, No. 3, Mar, 1958

Index for This Document

106th Div., 19
106th Inf. Div., 1, 5, 7
106th Infantry Division Association, 1
106th Sig. Co., 5
422nd Inf., 19
424th Inf, 8, 16
424th Inf. Regt., 8, 16
591st FA, 11
591st FA BN, 11, 17
592nd FA, 9
806th Ord. Co., 5, 9
81st Engr., 6, 7
Arboline, Frank, 5
Arendt, Herbert J., 5
Bare, Kendig C., 5
Battle Of The Bulge, 11
Baum, Edward H., 7, 11
Baum, Edward H., Jr., 7, 11
Belgium, 12
Bickford, Thomas, 9
Blaher, William S., 9
Bliss, Herbert C., 9
Block, Jacques, 5
Bowman, Col. Byrne A., 9
Boyle, Rev. Edward T., 9
Brady, Howard, 5
Brewer, Claude, 5
Briles, Ben R., 11
Broth, Eunice & Henry, 17
Broth, Henry, 17
Brumaghin, David, 2
Brunn, Walter H., 7, 8
Bryant, Jack, 9
Byrd, Austin, 1, 17
Byrd, Austin L., 7
Byrd, Austin L., Jr., 7
Carpenter, Ben, 5
Carpenter, Ben C., 5
Coffey, Doug, 12
Cohen, Arthur N., 7
Collier, Edward, 1
Comer, Richard J., 7
Cutcher, Jack, 11
Dahlen, William, 17
Dalius, Myrtle, 17
DeHeer, Dick, 17
DeHeer, Richard, 1
Dent, James, 11
Descheneaux, Col. George L., 9
Div. Artillery, 3
Div. Arty, 11
Dolitsky, Martin M., 11
Dreier, Joseph F., 11
Drzmala, Karl, 5
Dunbar, Alan, 14
Dunbar, Lt. Col. Alan, 19
Ettinger, Robert, 5
Falkner, Albert, 5
Falkner, Albert E., 5
Favali, Philip, 5
Fleming, John, 5
Fleming, John P., 5
Fort Jackson, 16
Fox, Tom & Mary, 3
Frankel, Jerome L., 9
French, William, 5
Friedline, Dr., 5
Gagne, Albert, 11
Gallagher, John, 1, 2, 3, 19
Gallagher, John I., 5
Germany, 11
Gilder, Robert A., 7, 11
Given, David M., 7
Gloss, Charles, 5
Glynn, George R., 5
Goldstein, Elliot, 5
Goldstein, Elliott, 5
Grieve, Sterling W., 7
Hackler, Charles, 5
Hackler, Charles E., 5
Hatton, Emory R., 5
Hayden, Henry V., 7
Hayden, Mrs. Henry V., 7
Healy, Edward, 5
Holthaus, Donald E., 5
Huey, John D., 5
Hulbert, Carl M., 11
Hungerford, John, 5
Iwamoto, George, 17
James, Louis, 9
Jenkins, Vernon, 5
Jenkins, Vernon S., 5
Jewett, Roger M., 11
Jones, James V., 3
Juster, Irvin, 7
Karns, Russell J., 5
Kaufman, George H., 9
Keehler, Alfred, 5
Kelly, Edmond D., 3, 9
Kelly, Robert, 1
Kelly, Robert E., 16
Kernitskg, Leonard, 5
Kersteiner, Don W., 11
Kersten, Joseph A., 10
Knapp, Robert E., 5
Kohs, Joseph B., 5
Kokenzie, Henry, 5
Lackey, Vaden, 5
Lebeaux, Reuben, 5
Leibig, Theodore, 5
Lewis, Jack, 5
Lippincott, Harold, 5
Lothrop, Oliver & Bunny, 17
Loveless, John, 1
Loveless, John & Kay, 17
Loveless, John T., 12
Loveless, John T., Jr, 12
Loveless, John T., Jr., 12
Lukashok, Al, 5
Lukashok, Alvin, 5
Manahan, Mr. & Mrs. William T., 19
Manahan, Richard R., 19
Manahan, William T., 9
Matthews, Col. J. C., 9
McMahon, Gen., 5
McMahon, Leo T., 19
Memorials, 19
Messina, Carl, 5
Messina, Carl V., 5
Mitchell, Mr. & Mrs. B. F., 6
Neber, Ned & Marie, 3
Nethers, Dick, 7
Oyler, Charles, 3
Parker, Col., 6
Parker, Col. Arthur C., 6
Perlman, William, 11
Philipson, Herman L., 8
Poland, 7
Purtell, William, 6
Rarick, Clayton, 16, 19
Redmond, Dean T., 9
Reed, Raymond J., 9
Reilly, Ed, 6
Reilly, Edward, 6
Reynolds, John J., 19
Reynolds, John J., Jr., 19
Richards, Thomas, 6
Riggs, Col. Tom, 11
Riley, Mrs., 19
Riley, Mrs. Alice L., 19
Riley, William Arthur, 19
Rossi, Lou, 6
Rossi, Louis, 6
Rossi, Louis P., 6
Roster, 3, 7
Rowe, Robert, 11
Runyon, Earl & Mary, 3
Ryals, Joseph L., 9
Salber, Joseph P., 11
Schieferstein, Fred, 11
Schultz, Theodore J., 6
Sekarcs, Samuel G., 6
Serino, Mike, 16
Sgrignoli, Michael & Martha, 3
Shields, Robert H., 7
Shohan, Stephen, 7
Smith, Fran, 7
Smith, Frank, 7
Smith, Frank T., 7
Snyder, Walter M., 9
Souers, Loren E., 11
St. Vith, 11
Stack, Robert, 7
Stack, Robert W., 7
Steigmiller, Ted., 7
Steward, Robert C., 9
Streat, Clifton, 17
Stryker, Gordon, 8
Stuart, James T., 11
Suplicki, Joseph S., 9
Swope, Donald M., 8
Taylor, Jerome G., 7
Timm, Eugene A., 3
Tissot, Harrison C., 9
Toland, John, 11
Twining, Rollin L., 9
V Corps, 11
Wagner, Mark S., 8
Walker, Lewis H., 11
Warner, Herbert, 7
Warren, John, 7
Watt, Col. Jewell K., 7
Watt, Howard, 8
Watters, J. H., 3
Wells, Maydean & Jim, 17
West Point, 19
Widenhfer, James A., 7
Williams, Jacob, 7
Wohlfeil, Lt. Col. C. H., 11
Woolley, Gen. F. A., 7
Zorn, Harry, 7