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Index for this issue of The CUB
Original Cub Document
Uploaded: 12-Dec-2020
The Cub
Vol. 71, No. 3, Nov, 2015

PHOTO: The 2015 Annual Reunion
    The 69th annual reunion of the 106th Infantry Division Association was held in Charleston, South Carolina from September 16–20; it witnessed an uptick in veteran member attendance over last year's reunion (held in Norfolk, Virginia). Those who attended this past September shared memories, renewed friendships and kept alive the memory of the Division and its Association for another great reunion.

See reunion photos and stories, beginning on page 22.

A tri-annual publication of the 106th Infantry Division Association, Inc.

Total Membership as of October 1, 2015 – 1,300
Membership includes CUB magazine subscription
Annual Dues are no longer mandatory: Donations Accepted
Payable to "106th Infantry Division Association" and mailed to
the Treasurer -- See address below
Elected Offices
President Brian Welke (Associate Member)
Past-President (Ex-Officio) Bernard Mayrsohn (423/CN)
1st Vice-President Leon Goldberg (422/D)
2nd Vice-President Wayne Dunn (Associate Member)
Adjutant: Randall Wood (Associate member) 810 Cramertown Loop, Martinsville, IN 46151
Business Matters, Deaths, Address changes to:
Membership: Jacquelyn Coy 121 McGregor Ave.,
Mt. Arlington, NJ 07856 973-663-2410
Donations, checks to:
Treasurer: Mike Sheaner
PO Box 140535, Dallas TX 75214
Memorial Chair: Dr. John G. Robb (422/D)
238 Devore Dr., Meadville, PA 16355
Chaplain: Vincent Charron
106th ID Assn's Belgium Liaison: Carl Wouters
Waterkant 17 Bus 32, B-2840 Terhagen, Belgium
cell: +(32) 47 924 7789
106th Assoc. Website Webmaster:
Wayne G. Dunn
620 Coachmans Way, Parkton, MD 21120

Committee Chairs:
Atterbury Memorial Representative Jim West
Historian John Schaffner/William McWhorter
Membership Chair Jacquelyn Coy
Mini-Reunions Wayne Dunn
Nominating Committee Chair Brian Welke
Order of the Golden Lion John Schaffner
Public Relations Chair Wayne Dunn
Resolutions Chair Bernard Mayrsohn
Reunion Co-chairs Murray Stein, Randy Wood
CUB Editor: William McWhorter
166 Prairie Dawn, Kyle, Texas 78640 512-970-5637
CUB Publisher: Susan Weiss
9 Cypress Point Ct, Blackwood, NJ 08012 856-415-2211

Board of Directors (all positions held through 2016)
Jacquelyn Coy, Membership (Associate member)
121 McGregor Ave., Mt. Arlington, NJ 07856 973-663-2410
Wayne G. Dunn (Associate member) 620 Coachmans Way, Parkton, MD 21120, 410-409-1141
Joe Gardner (Associate member) 315 Ridgewood Drive, New Paris, PA 15554, 814-839-2473
Leon Goldberg (422/D) 307 Penbree Terrace, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004-2333, 610-667-5115
John Gilliland (592/SVC) [Past President]
411 Thomas Ave, Boaz, AL 35957-1725 256-226-1243 or 256-593-6801
Donald F. Herndon (424/L) 8313 NW 102, Oklahoma City, OK 73162-4026, 405-721-9164
Tom Hoff (Associate member) P.O. Box 298, Warrington, PA 18976, 267-475-3540
Sy Lichtenfeld (422/I) [Past President] 901 Somerby Dr., Apt 334, Mobile, AL 36695, 251-639-4002
    Bernard Mayrsohn (423/CN) [Past President] website: 34 Brae Burn Dr., Purchase, NY 10577-1004, 914-946-2908
    Kris Rice (Associate member) 23109 Glenbrook Street, St. Clair Shores, MI 48082-2194, 586-206-0018
John M. Roberts (592/C) [Past President]
1059 Alter Rd., Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304-1401 248-338-2667
Dr. John G. Robb (422/D) 238 Devore Dr., Meadville, PA 16355, 814-333-6364
    John Schaffner (589/A) [Past President] 1811 Miller Rd., Cockeysville, MD 21030-1013, 410-584-2754
Robert Schaffner (Associate member) 706 Morris Ave., Lutherville, MD 21093, 410-773-4297
    Herbert "Mike" Sheaner (422/G) [Past President] PO Box 140535, Dallas, Texas 75214, 214-823-3003
Mike Sheaner, Treasurer (Associate member) PO Box 140535, Dallas TX 75214, 214-823-3004
    Murray Stein (423/I) (Exec Comm) [Past President] 8372 Calabria Lakes Dr., Boynton Beach, Fl. 33473, 561-336-2660
Jeanne M. Walker (Associate member)
22 Woodbine Rd., Marshfield, MA 02050-3632 781-837-8166
    Newton Weiss (423/HQ 3Bn) [Past President] 400 McDevitt Drive, Gibbstown, NJ 08027-1066, 856-423-3511
Brian Welke (Associate member) 1821 Morris Street, Eustis, FL 32726-6401, 352-408-5671
Janet Wood (Associate member) 308 Camden Cove Circle, Calera, AL 35040, 205-910-0542
    Randall M. Wood (Associate member) [Past President] 810 Cramertown Loop, Martinsville, IN 46151, 765-346-0690

    First, I would like to thank the Board for having the confidence in selecting me to lead the 106th Infantry Division Association. I assure you that I will do everything that I can to carry
    out my duties. I look forward to working with Randy and Murray and the rest of the Board to ensure next year's reunion is as good as the past ones.
I am frequently asked, "Brian, why are you here"? I do not have a father
    or grandfather who served in the 106th; I don't even have a distant relative who served in the 106th. But by chance, in 2010, I met a man who did serve in the 106th who lived in the same town as me, Fred Parks. He served in the 423rd, K Co. and like many others was captured on 12/19/44 and eventually he ended up in Dresden with 150 other POWs.
    After meeting Fred we spent a lot of time together. I would see him every month at the monthly meeting of the Battle of the Bulge and he frequently stopped by my office or I would visit
him and his wife Marie at their home and we went to dinner together on occasion.
    I was fascinated by Fred's life story and as a result I became equally fascinated by the history of the 106th. I attended my first reunion in 2010 as a result of meeting Fred and I have


Brian Welke (Associate)
106th Infantry Division Association President 2015–2016
1821 Morris Street, Eustis, FL 32726-6401

    been to all the subsequent ones and it has become a family affair. Both of my sons, Chris and Alex, have attended reunions and my wife Teresa has attended the last three.
    Also, I am a member because the veterans of the 106th allow me to be. As a result of my chance meeting with Fred and the hospitality of the 106th veterans allowing me to attend their reunion, I am here because it gives me the opportunity to meet with and talk to the veterans of the 106th and their family members. Just as the 106th veterans had a reverence for those veterans who served our country before them, I too have the same feeling.
    In addition, I have a driving passion to perpetuate the history of the 106th Infantry Division and by attending the reunions it allows me to further that goal. Though my friend Fred died last
year, I will still be there, as long as you let me. I will remain a member and as

long as there are veterans who want to attend a reunion, I'll be there.
Concerning next year's reunion, at the 2015 reunion the Board did
    not announce where the 2016 reunion would be held; however, since the reunion ended it was decided that next year's reunion will be in Washington,
D.C. Though it was not the most ideal location in that this will be the third
    time in 11 years that we will be there, it will be well worth it because the 106th is going to have a combined reunion with the 104th Infantry Division. This will allow us to get better rates and we will be able to meet other veterans who also fought in the Bulge.
I think it will be exciting and I look forward to seeing those who can attend the 2016 Reunion.


Flag of Friendship Ceremony planned for Dec. 13, 2015
Submitted by Carl Wouters
    This year marks the fourth edition of the Flag of Friendship (FOF) ceremony and will, like last year's 70th anniversary
    commemoration, include a historic backdrop by accurate and dedicated WW II reenactors with period vehicles. In the morning a first ceremony will honor the men of the 106th Infantry Division at the memorial in St. Vith. There will
    be a luncheon with relics and a historical photo exhibit, as well as an authentic military vehicle convoy retracing the route of the Division throughout the early stages of the Battle of the Bulge.
    In cooperation with the C-47 Club Ardennes Salm River Chapter, a second ceremony will take place in the afternoon at the Rencheux bridge. On the Prümerberg outside St. Vith, an historical reconstruction will recall the tough fighting that took place there by the 81st and 168th Combat Engineer Battalions as well as units of the 7th Armored Division. All veterans and their families are cordially invited to attend the commemorations!
Doug Mitchell's contact info is if you would like to know more.

From the 69th Annual Reunion of the 106th Infantry Division Association
    If I were to ask you if you thought you were the greatest generation would you agree? If so, Why? What are you leaving for the next generation? Better yet, "How will you be remembered?"
    If you are familiar with the movie, Gladiator you will remember the opening scene, which is a battle in which the leader General Maximus Meridius is addressing his soldiers just before the attack. As he sits upon his horse he turns to his troops and says by way of encouragement, "What we do in life echoes in eternity." They were about to head into a battle against the Germania's where he knew that some of his men would meet their fate. He was encouraging them by letting them know that no matter if they live or
    die their acts will never be forgotten. Their courage, their passion, their commitment, their sacrifice, would ring throughout history.
    The elements courage, passion, commitment, and sacrifice all combined can be summed up into one word -- Character. A person's character can include a multitude of things such as integrity, perseverance, trustworthy, fairness, caring and the list goes on
    and on. Character is defined as -- one of the attributes or features that make up and distinguish an individual. Like pieces of a puzzle put together. Each piece is instrumental in the making up the entire puzzle. Each piece of your character makes up exactly the entirety of who you are. Why am I speaking
on character? Because I want you to understand that although you gather


Vincent Charron
(PFC Nelson Charron 422/D)
Senior Pastor, Grace Covenant Church Ogdensburg, NY
Twitter-@vjcharron Facebook/VJCharron

here each year and you are involved with acts of keeping your history alive
-- in the end it (this conference, the 106th) is only a segment, a puzzle piece, of your legacy.
    People will remember you for being a POW in WW II because it was a significant event in your life. But once that has been stated, the remnants of who you were as a person are all that remain. People will then start talking about what kind of a person you were. (Kind, generous, sacrificial, a person
    of integrity) All that is left is their perception of you based on your true legacy -- your character. This morning I want to say the same thing to you,
as did Maximus said to his men:
What you did in life will echo for an eternity. People will forever be grateful for the sacrifice you all made.

    You displayed courage, passion, commitment and sacrifice at many levels your life. You will forever be remembered for your actions and your character, which formed this nation and made you who you are. Although the statement is true: What you do in life will echo for an eternity.
So is the statement -- What you continue to do in life will also echo for an eternity.
    Your legacy does not stop with WW II and the Battle of the Bulge and being a POW. Those events are significant but they are only a part of
    your overall legacy. You are part of our history's legacy in enduring WW II and our nation will forever be indebted to you. If we were to rewrite the script of the general's phrase "What we do in life, echoes in eternity," we could say what he was conveying was, "Your character is your legacy." Your display of courage, passion, commitment and sacrifice is your legacy. A legacy is not something you want people to simply remember.
    For the past 69 years you all have been gathering to remember your legacy as a POW, as a soldier. The next generation cannot follow in those footsteps. The true legacies you are leaving are the elements of your life that make up your character. What legacy are you leaving, on a personal level, for the next generation and for the people around you?
    I propose that the greatest thing you should strive to leave for the generations behind you is your character. Your character should be the inheritance future generations obtain. As leaders you modeled the proper actions as a citizen of this country giving all you had
to give, and the generations behind you see what you have done and they have the desire to mimic those actions.
    In parenting and in leadership I tell people all the time; People will not always do what you say, but they will always do what you do! We all have had multiple achievements, successes, significances but you only get one chance to leave a legacy. Are you putting the young men and women in your lives into a position to do great things when you pass on from
this earth? Are you investing your time into the people who will lead this nation in the days to come?
    The impact your character has on people will probably never be seen or measured but it will be powerful when the time comes to the people to
whom it was invested! Your character as an inheritance is what really matters to the next generation, the character
    of my grandfather, of you, the 106th. Your courage, passion, commitment and sacrifice are all elements of your character. These are all elements of your legacy! As we gather each year to remember all our fallen friends and to join together to keep our relationships alive. Let us not forget that as long as we have breath in our lungs and life
    in our bodies we need to continually, day by day enrich our character and continually build upon our legacy. What are you leaving for the next generation? How will you be remembered? Is it a legacy that will echo for eternity!
Forcefully Advancing
~ Vincent Charron Matthew 11:12

As of the conclusion of the 2015 Reunion I have been appointed to the position of Adjutant of the 106th
Infantry Division Association. It is with great pride and enthusiasm that I accept this honor and challenge.
    Through the life of the 106th Infantry Division Association, there have been many great Adjutants but I only know one, Murray Stein. In my estimation he was the greatest Adjutant the association has had. Murray Stein has done a tremendous job -- most of which has been behind the scenes
    -- ensuring successful and cohesive reunions and association operations. I am happy to realize that Murray is not going anywhere, but will remain as my mentor and a member of the Board of Directors.
    My wife Patty and I had the good fortune of accompanying Mom and Dad (Wilma and Robert Wood 423/I) to their first reunion at the Falls Church/ Washington, D.C. Reunion 2001. We met Murray and Barbara Stein there (I think it was their first reunion as well). Murray and Dad were both from 423/I. There was another couple at that same reunion, Russ and Lil Lang. Russ and Dad were bunk mates when they were
prisoners of war. They had not seen each other since they came home from the war . . . What a great first reunion!
A few years later, as the Association aged, the Board of Directors foresaw the need to invite Associate members
    to become part of the board. Tom Hoff and I became two of the first Associates to join the board. [Associate members William McWhorter and Susan Weiss had been producing The CUB since

Randall M. Wood (Associate member) 810 Cramertown Loop
Martinsville, IN 46151

    January 2008.] We worked to recruit additional members and we were rewarded with a board of Veterans and Associates working hard to keep the association alive and well to the "Last Man Standing and Beyond."
    I was honored a couple of years ago by being elected President of the Association and was the first President that was not a 106th Veteran. I enjoyed my year immensely. The leadership progression continued with Barney Mayrsohn, 106th Veteran, President 2015 (he did a great job and I know
    he enjoyed the honor of the position). For 2016, our current President Brian Welke, Associate member, the First Vice President Leon Goldberg, 106th Veteran, and the 2nd Vice President, Associate member Wayne Dunn, continues the effort to help the Association survive and thrive. I look forward to working

with the Board of Directors and the line of Leadership noted above.
    It was a close vote, but it has been decided that the 2016 reunion will be held in the Washington D.C. area. A new destination is always more inviting, but the deciding factor was that most Board members wanted to try a joint reunion with the 104th Division. That would only work if we returned to D.C.
    The District is an area we could visit for 10 years and still not see all that there is to see, so we have asked Armed Forces Reunions for tours that are not the same as we've taken before. I also believe that the most important aspect
    of our reunions is the reunion itself -- not just the location. There are many 106th veterans that want to visit with the 104th. Some are friends, some are liberators of the prison camps the 106th were scattered to and many will become friends during this reunion.
    We know we will have a great time. We will be sharing breakfast each day, any tours that are scheduled and our hospitality room daily.
If this joint reunion is a success,
we will plan early with the 104th on the destination for the 2017 reunion that will appeal to all concerned.
Hope to see you all in D.C. in 2016!


A Farewell Message from outgoing Adjutant, Murray Stein (423/I)
My Brothers and Sisters,

    I have served as your President, your Adjutant and as the Reunion Chairman for a number of years. I consider these past years as some of the happiest of my life, except for the loss of my beautiful wife Barbara. Our Association is blessed to have people like Randy Wood, who has assumed the position of Adjutant, and our new President Brian Welke. The 106th is alive and well! I thank you all for the love and friendship and allowing me to work with the great Veterans and families of the 106th. I will continue to work with Randy as the Reunion Co-Chairman and as a member of the Board of Directors. I certainly look forward to being with you next year
in Washington, D.C.

Murray Stein with Wilma Wood at the 2014 reunion in Norfolk, VA.

I love you all, stay well and start thinking about reunion 2016!

"Hi Lucky." There's a nickname for you. A few days after returning home from our reunion in Charleston,
    I fired up my PC to see who was writing to me. There was a message from the hotel chain that we used. The message thanked me for using their hotel and also asked me to complete a survey intended to provide improvements to the services I received. One of the questions was, "What is your nickname?" Well, guess what? I never had a nickname. The program would not allow me to proceed unless I filled in my "nickname." Finally I gave up and ended the survey with some mild frustration. But that is not
    the end of the story. I woke the next morning and before rising, and still lying in the bed, I thought about that question. Actually, if I had ever picked up a nickname along the way maybe it would have been, "Lucky." Perhaps it is because I am still on my feet at age 91? Maybe because of my beautiful family. Maybe because I have escaped serious injury or health problems.
    Those are only a few of the reasons I could be called "Lucky." I could fill the page with examples. Then I thought more about being lucky and began to change my mind. There was a day when I was only 20 and I thought that my
    life would end on that particular day. From that day on I have considered myself "blessed." Yesterday our local newspaper published an item on the editorial page by someone who thinks that "Under God" should be deleted from the Pledge of Allegiance because he is a "loyal American Patriot," and an atheist and he is offended. He is "lucky" that he is an American in the first place,


John R. Schaffner 589/A,
Historian, Past President 2002-2003 1811 Miller Road, Cockeysville, MD 21030

I am "blessed." Too bad that writer doesn't know the difference.
I consider our reunion at Charleston a great success. We were graced by
    the attendance of one of our younger members who came from Sweden, Patrik Dahlberg. Pat and I have been corresponding for some time, initiated by his acquisition of a WW II Jeep. It so happens that this Jeep carried the markings of the 591st FA and A1 on the
bumper. This was apparently the Battery Commander's Jeep. How cool is that?
    Also, Pat's business brings him to the States on occasion so he was able to coordinate attendance at the reunion. I am sure many of you met him and
    I feel that he fit in with our organization like putting on an old glove. And, another younger generation member, Jeff Uyak, from Sumner, SC, came, bringing his local WW II re-enactor

    friends with their WW II "hardware" and his WW II Jeep. Jeff was willing to allow me to drive the Jeep around the block. [See photos on page 24.] Seventy years ago, I put a lot of miles
    on one, so it was not all that strange. One thing that I was not comfortable with though was no power brakes. One does get used to the finer things of life.
    July 4, 2015, I watched the celebration of our nation's birth performed in Washington, D.C. in front of the Capital. The program, the performers and marching music was terrific and the overall talent was indeed outstanding. I am proud to be
    an American. How could we be so lucky to be able to live in this country? Having said that, I want to share with you something that has been a burr under my saddle for a long time. I discovered this piece quite by accident but it says what
I have been thinking for a long time. The title is, "Our National Anthem," and the author is unknown.
    " So with all the kindness I can muster, I give this one piece of advice to the next pop star who is asked to sing the national anthem at a sporting event: Save the vocal gymnastics and
    the physical gyrations for your concerts. Just sing the song the way you were taught to sing it in school -- straight up, no styling. Sing it with the constant
    awareness that there are soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines watching you from bases and outposts all over the world.
Don't make them cringe with your self-centered ego gratification. Sing it as if you are standing before a row of
    89/90 year old vets wearing their Purple Hearts, Silver Stars, and the flag pins on their cardigans and you want them to be proud of you for honoring them and the country they love -- not because you want them to think you are a superstar. Sing the "Star Spangled Banner" with the courtesy and humility that tells the audience that it is about America, not you." ANON

John W. Morse /

Make checks payable to "106th Infantry Division Association" and mail them to the Treasurer:

Mike Sheaner, Treasurer
PO Box 140535
Dallas TX 75214 214-823-3004
Do you have Will power?
Please report all changes of address and deaths to the
Association Membership Chair:

Jacquelyn S. Coy, Membership
121 McGregor Ave.
Mt. Arlington, NJ 07856 973-663-2410
    Interested in helping the 106th Infantry Division Association but feel overwhelmed by the thought of writing another check or giving up your assets today?
    A simple, flexible and versatile way to ensure we can continue our work for years to come is a gift in your will or living trust, known as a charitable bequest. By including a bequest to the 106th Infantry Division Association in your will or living trust, you are ensuring that we can continue our mission until the Last Man Standing. Next Steps:
Seek the advice of your financial or legal advisor
If you include the 106th Association in your plans, please use our legal name and federal tax ID.
Legal Name: 106th Infantry Division Association, Inc.

Federal Tax ID Number: Please contact Mike Sheaner for our federal tax ID number

106th Challenge Coin -- Have You Gotten Yours Yet?
    You can read more about it and see a color image of the coin on the association's website at The coins cost $10 each, plus postage.
    Adjutant Randall Wood is the contact person for the purchase of the coins and you may order them at any time. They will be sent directly to you when the payment is received.
Any questions or orders may be emailed to Randy:
or call 765-346-0690.

"We were once Brothers…" and will remain so forever.
Once, brother carried brother through the trials of training
    at Camp Atterbury and endured in battle on the Schnee-Eifel of Belgium and Germany. Support the 106th Infantry Division Association by making a Memorial or Honorary contribution in the name of your brother, friend, father or spouse.
    New membership applications are available for everyone in your family. Membership is only $10 and is open to all veterans and people (of every generation) and comes with full voting privileges. We
encourage all family members to join to help honor our veterans and continue the legacy of the 106th.
    Contact: Membership Chair, Jacquelyn S. Coy, or Treasurer, Mike Sheaner,

Life+ and Memorial/Honorary Contributions Essential
for Keeping this Organization Going
    Your gifts are essential to maintaining The CUB magazine in its current format with high-quality content and tri-annual delivery. The cost of printing and mailing each edition of The CUB exceeds our current level of giving. Therefore, we encourage all readers to make an annual contribution, as you are able, to help defray the cost of printing and mailing.
    Contributions make it possible for the Association to meet yearly expenses and host Annual Reunions. Please consider making an annual Life+, Memorial or Honorary donation to the Association today.

    Those Members who contribute to the LIFE PLUS+ Club will have their names (only, no amounts will be shown) published in the next CUB.
You can donate as much or as little as you can and as often as you like.
By donating, you are helping perpetuate the 106th Infantry Division Association.

    To those Members from whom we haven't heard for a long time -- please take the time to join this exclusive club. Thank you!
Send your contribution, check made payable to 106th Infantry Div. Association, to:
Mike Sheaner
Treasurer, 106th Infantry Division, PO Box 140535, Dallas, TX 75214

Treasurer's Report:
June 1 – September 30, 2015

Beginning Balance:

 Money In:

 Money Out:


 Ending Balance:

 Association Membership As of October 1, 2015

 Total Membership

 Membership Veterans

 Associate Membership

James P. Adsit, 422/D
Royce E. Lapp, 424/C
Louise Awalt, Associate Member
Alphons Lerno, 589/A
William B. Busier, 423/K
Lee R. Lively, 591/FA/HQ
Wayne Dunn, Associate Member
Harry F. Martin, Jr., 424/L
Leon Goldberg 424/I
James O. Mason, 423/G
Joseph C. Haines, CAV Recon/M/2nd Plt
Col. Leo T. McMahon, Jr., Associate Member
Lorraine J. Hawkins, Associate Member
Lester A. Helmich, 424/HQ
Donald B. Prell, 422/AT
Donelson M. Houseman, 423/D
Donald Regier, 422/SVC
Kathryn M. Howard, Associate Member
Murray Stein, 423/I
Dean F. Jewett, 168th Eng/Co. B
Boris A. Stern, 424/2BN/HQ
Victor and Barbara Vaade, Associate Member
Ed Strand, Associate Member
William T. "Chub" Jones, Division HQ Paul J. Wagner, 423/B
Beatrice F. Keeber, Associate Member
Dr. Owen K. Youles, Jr., 424/CN

Associate Member George C. Bartell son of Capt. Ben Bartell 424/L
Associate Member Jeff P. Buerschen son of James E. Buerschen
Associate Member Ed Strand nephew of William H. Borst 106th Cav. Recon

    In memory of my Dad, Captain Ben Bartell, L. Company, 424th Regiment/ 106th Infantry Division, who served in the Army during WW II.
    I remember years ago when he would receive his copy of The CUB, he would read it and I would ask him about the war. He didn't talk much about what he did during the war, but I know he was proud to have served with the men of the 424th. His usual response was "I did what I had to do"!
George C. Bartell

In memory of John Frank Bludworth, Sr., Co. F/422 Regiment.
David H. Bludworth

In honor of my departed friend Edgar "Ed" Carpenter (81st Eng/B).
John F. Chansler

In honor of my long-departed brother Anthony "Teno" Chansler (592 FAB/D). God Bless all 106th veterans.
John F. Chansler

In memory of my Dad, Staff Sgt. Charles S. Garn of the 106th 422/H.
Jeff Garn

In memory of John F. Gatens, 589th FA, A Battery.
Andre Hubert, Belgium

    In memory of my dear friend John Gatens, 589/A. During the times of his returns to Europe I grew to admire and respect John. He was the finest example of the "Greatest Generation," a true patriot.
Edward B. Lapotsky

In memory of my Dad, John J. Madden, HQ/590th FA. The 106th veterans are/ were great men.
John J. Madden, Jr.

In memory of my husband, M/Sgt John Mikalauskis, 424/H.
Dolores Mikalauskis

In memory of Ervin E. Szpek, Sr., 423/I.
Roman and Millie Rossa Mary Anne Wargin
Ervin E. and Donna Szpek, Jr. Pamela Glorioso and The Master Lock Company

In memory of Robert M. Wood, 423/I.
Wilma Wood


    In honor of Saul Edenbaum on his 65th birthday. Our father Jesse Edenbaum, of late, was a member and POW during the Battle of the Bulge.
Donna R. Ross

Honorarium to commemorate the
90th birthday of Newton Weiss (423rd/ HQ/3Bn).
Harry & Doris Rink

continues on page 14

Returned Issues of the Latest CUB of the Golden Lion
    Membership Chair Jacquelyn Coy asks that the following names (and partial addresses) be listed in this issue of The CUB in hopes that anyone reading this issue might know the people listed and can get word to them that their address listed with the Association is incorrect or out-dated. If you know anyone on this list (or if you know they are deceased) and can get word to them, please ask them to contact Jacquelyn directly at the address listed on page 10 of this issue with an updated mailing address. Thank you.
Donald L. Vogelsong Brevard, NC
James O. Mason Thompson, CT
Clifford Birdsall Vernon, CT

Rick Barrow

    Thank you to all who have responded so enthusiastically to our call for financial support of the association. We are off to a great start in the "Last Man Standing" campaign with contributions this quarter exceeding expenses for the first time in more than two years. If you have not already made a Life+, Memorial or Honorary contribution this year look for the self-addressed envelope inside this issue of The CUB. Let's keep it going.
Mike Sheaner, Treasurer and Jacquelyn S. Coy, Membership Chair
for the 106th Association members

Please Let us Know Your Preferences!
    To reduce the cost of communicating with members, we would like to take advantage of using email delivery whenever possible. General correspondence (i.e. annual reunion paperwork) and sending The CUB as a PDF, or link to
    the website, are two examples where an impact can be made. In addition, we would like to gather your email address. Please respond to the following:
Preferred delivery method for general correspondence: MAIL or Email
Preferred delivery method for The CUB: MAIL or Email
Email address:

You can let us know your preference by emailing:

Seven Days in December -- Enhanced webcast
by Wayne Dunn

    Starting on December 11, a new, enhanced, version of the documentary "The First Seven Days" (seen via webcast last December and shown several times at our recent reunion) will be webcast again for seven consecutive days. On Dec. 12, a live webcast from Bastogne will be hosted by Martin King.
Plans are to repeat the webcast for seven days. For the latest schedule check
Narrator Martin King pictured above. or our website page: or look for our Facebook Event:

Newest Order of the Golden Lion Recipients Receive their Awards at the Charleston Convention

Herb Sheaner and Randy Wood and membership chair Jackie Coy

From the editor of The CUB of the Golden Lion
Hello, my name is William A. McWhorter and I am the editor of The CUB of the Golden Lion (The CUB).
    I am an admirer of your outfit and hope that I can assist in keeping open the lines of communication for our Association. Please send news items that you would like reviewed for

Just a reminder . . .
    potential inclusion in upcoming issues of The CUB to me. Whenever possible please send them to my email address ( If you do decide to send them via postal mail, if possible, please TYPE OR PRINT your messages (it helps me get names spelled correctly). Thank you.
    If you have pictures, an article, or some other form of information you would like included in a future issue of The CUB, the due dates are as follows:
January 1, 2016 -- mail date March 15, 2016 (issue will include reunion paperwork)
May 1, 2016 -- mail date July 1, 2016 (in time to have reunion info included)
October 1, 2016 -- mail date November 30, 2016 (to include reunion photos and remembrances)
Articles and pictures can be mailed or emailed to:
CUB Editor: William McWhorter 166 Prairie Dawn, Kyle, TX 78640, 512-970-5637,
CUB Publisher: Susan Weiss 9 Cypress Point Court Blackwood, NJ 08012, 856-415-2211,

Visit the 106th Association's Website!
By Wayne Dunn
    To complement the wonderful websites that are already out on the Internet, including our own members Jim West ( and Carl Wouters (www.106thinfantry., the association has launched our own website at
    This is where you can find: info on upcoming events; copies of the member- ship application for your family to join; the complete latest issue plus additional photos and articles from The CUB.
Also look for our Facebook page at
    This is where you can find up- to-the-minute information and where you can connect with friends and make plans for the next reunion.
    If you have any additional reunion photos or information that you would like to see on the website or Facebook page, please contact the Webmaster, Wayne Dunn at or 410-409-1141.

The BaTTle for Snow MounTain
by Donald Young
    The Battle for Snow Mountain is a comic novel -- based on Young's experience -- which gives a surreal picture of the German attack on the 106th Division
in the winter of 1944.

    their war experience in the Battle of the Bulge, their accidental capture, escape from POW camp and return to freedom.

The Battle for Snow Mountain by Donald Young
can be purchased by April 1, from Pocol Press, 6023 Pocol Drive, Clifton, VA 20124, 1-703-830-5862.
It can also be ordered at, $17.95, ISBN 978-1-929763-48-1

Order of the Golden Lion Committee
    This award is provided in three classifications depending on the qualifications of the recipient. The most prestigious is "Commander Class" issued in gold finish. This award is usually provided to someone who has served the Association faithfully over an extended period of time.
    The second is "Officer Class" issued in silver finish. This award is usually provided to someone who has served the Association faithfully over an extended period of time.
    The third is "Companion Class" issued in bronze finish. This award is usually provided to someone who has served the Association faithfully in the capacity of assistance in the operation
of the Association.
The specifications for making the award are intended to fit many instances where an individual is deemed worthy.
The award should be determined by the recipient's contributions to the Association.
    The Chairman of the Order of the Golden Lion committee will poll the members of the Board of Directors for recommendations for the OGL awards. The President or Chairman may select additional members to the committee.
    Nominations will be submitted in a format suitable for composing a formal citation to accompany the award of the medal. This must be done in ample time
prior to the next Reunion in order for the manufacturer to produce the medal(s) on time.
    All citations should be kept confidential between the nominator and the Committee Chairman prior to the actual awarding ceremony.
John Schaffner is the Chair of the Order of the Golden Lion Committee. Send nominations to:
John Schaffner (589/A)
1811 Miller Rd., Cockeysville, MD 21030-1013


Jim West and the Website
    Associate member, Jim West (OGL-Officers, 2004) has created an excellent website at It is hoped that this website will increase awareness of the 106th Infantry Division Association and perhaps our membership. The site has had 1,674,874 visitors to date. It is rated as the largest private site in Indiana at more than 50 gigabytes of unaltered history and is the largest depository of local historical photos. Check it out at your earliest convenience.
    In addition to a very large section devoted to the 106th Division, it also contains information on Camp Atterbury (Indiana) and all the divisions that trained here in World War II and Korea.
    They include the 28th, 30th, 31st, 83rd and 92nd Infantry Divisions, plus Fort Benjamin Harrison, Freeman AAF, Atterbury/ Bakalar AFB, the German and Italian POWs held at Camp Atterbury and Wakeman General Hospital. There is also a section for the several German Prisoner of War camps where some 106th members were held. There are dozens of 106th diaries and personal remembrances.
    The 106th Roster at now contains information on 17,481 Veterans with 363 individual photos. If you visit the website, listed above, and a photo is not shown for an individual and the family has one available, all they need do is email a scan of him to Jim West.
    All 106th General Orders have been reviewed and all the information has been added to the Roster. These General Orders allowed for the addition of 513 previously unknown names to be added and a huge amount of service numbers and other data were added. All the original General Orders are available for viewing on the website. These were made possible by a friend, John Bowen, of the 31st Division Association (Camp Atterbury, Korean War).
    Every available issue of the 106th CUBs are available on the site, in addition to the Camp Atterbury Camp Crier, published when the 106th was there. Find the Camp Crier under the section for Camp Atterbury. You can email Jim at
    Jim would like to thank the "AmVets of Indiana." Through their generosity of support and hosting of the entire website, they are making it possible for the 106th to have a presence on the Web.

2015 Annual Reunion Cover Photo
This issue's cover photo of the 2015 Reunion included the following Golden Lions was submitted by Janet Wood.
Front row sitting, left to right:
Russell Lang (423/I)
Richard Idstein (424/C)
Herb Sheaner (422/G)
Newt Weiss (423/HQ/3rd)
Anthony Rand (589/FA/B)
William "Bill" Busier (423/K)
Edmund Podlaski (422/H)
John Gilliland (592/SVC)

Back row standing, left to right:
Francis Cook (422/H)
Guest Speaker, Colonel Myron Harrington, USMC Retired
Roland Schleusener (423/C)
Alexander Marsh (423/HQ)
Randy Wood (Past President, Associate)
Russell Hoff (422/M)
Lester Hemich (424/HQ)
Sy Lichtenfeld (422/I)
Harry Martin (424/L)
Murray Stein (423/I)
Bernard Mayrsohn (423/Cannon)
John Schaffner (589/FA/A)
Leon Goldberg (422/D)
Virgil Collins (423/Cannon)
Brian Welke (President, Associate)
Mike Sheaner (Treasurer, Associate)
Bob Howell (424/HQ)

PHOTO: Right: All of the past presidents in attendance at the Charleston convention

Visiting the USS Yorktown at Patriots Point
PHOTO: Left: Francis Cook, Ed Podalski and Newt Weiss
PHOTO: Below left: Herb Sheaner and Murray Stein take a ride
PHOTO: Below right: Francis Cook and his son Bill

PHOTO: Above: Visiting Charleston

PHOTO: Far left and left, military regalia on display in the hospitality room during the convention

Reunion photos continue
on page 24

Reunion Photos from Bill Cook
    The photos above of the 69th Annual Reunion were provided by Bill Cook of Rochester Hills, MI. Both Bill and his father Francis attended and had a great time. See the rest of his photos online at:

Reunion Photos from John Schaffner (589/A)
PHOTO: Left: Sy Lichtenfeld and Randy Wood

    PHOTO: Below left and right: John Schaffner and 106th Association member Jeff Uyak, a WW II re-enactor and owner of the Jeep he brought to the reunion for all to see.

Reunion Photos from Janet Mayrsohn
Photos (above and left) of the second oldest synagogue in the U.S. in downtown Charleston.

Reunion Photos from Susan Weiss
PHOTO: Above: The 106th banner in the hotel lobby always welcomes the attendees.
PHOTO: Right: The group trip to Patriots Point and the USS Yorktown.

    PHOTO: Above: Ruth and Newt Weiss on the USS Yorktown with Scrappy, the mascot of the crew from 1943 to 1944. To learn more about Scrappy, visit
    PHOTO: Above: Lunch was at the famous Charleston Crab house where we all had great southern cooking and plenty of seafood.

Reunion photos continue on page 26

Reunion Photos from Janet Wood
PHOTO: Above: Attendees gathered in the hotel lobby
PHOTO: Right: Celebrating Murray Stein's 90th birthday
PHOTO: Far right: Wilma Wood and Russ Lang

PHOTO: Left and above: Visiting Fort Sumter National Monument

    PHOTO: Left and above: The color guard from the Wando High School Junior ROTC in Mt. Pleasant, SC, presenting the colors during the memorial service
PHOTO: Right, the 2015 wreath (with a little help by Photoshop)

German Prisoner of War's Portrait of a Golden Lion
Submitted by George Bartell
    PHOTO: This is an oil painting of my dad Captain Ben Bartell, L. Company, 424th Regiment. It was painted by a German prisoner of war. It hung in my parent's house for as long as I can remember and I still have it! PHOTO: The second painting highlights the "CUB" insignia.
My dad told me that wherever
    they were located in Europe, there were some prisoners who apparently weren't being treated too well. My dad said that regardless of the prisoner's status they
had to be fed, and he explained that one of the POWs
was appreciative and had been an artist before the war, hence the painting.

Shadows of Slaughterhouse Five
From Ervin Szpek Jr., Non-Veteran Member
    Ervin Szpek, Jr. (Associate Member) is pleased to announce after many years of research that his and his colleagues' book on the infamous Arbeitskommando Slaughterhouse Five has been released. Nearly every man of this POW work camp (near Dresden, Germany) originated from the 106th Infantry Division including former 106th Association President, Gifford Doxsee. The book is their story, in their words and accounts for nearly every POW at the camp. It also chronicles the recollections and reflections of the 150 American
    Ex-POWs, many of whom are members of the Association. Newly released by iUniverse press at, the book is also available at and With best wishes for 2016 and with appreciation for your efforts –– thank you.

Golden Lion Received a Distinguished Veteran Honor in 2011
Submitted by Alphons Lerno, 590/A

    In 2011, the Atascadero Veterans Memorial Foundation named Alphons P. Lerno (590/A) as the distinguished veteran of the year. Lerno joined the U.S. Army at the age of 20, one year later he was at the Battle of the Bulge. On December 23, 1944 he and his buddies found themselves being overrun by the Germans. The panzers had destroyed the house above the basement
    they were held up in, and Lerno, along with other soldiers, was taken prisoner. Sent to Stalag 12, Lerno and his fellow prisoners were given very little food and water. When he had arrived in Europe he weighed 250 pounds, but by the time his camp was liberated -- 103 days later -- by the 9th Armored Division, he had lost nearly 100 pounds. Lerno said, "I guess ranch work makes you tough."

Learn More About Golden Lion George Strong (423/HQ)
Submitted by Ervin Szpek, Jr., son of Ervin Szpek Sr. (423/I)

    In the latest CUB I was saddened to read about the passing of George Strong 423/HQ. I knew him well from working on Shadows of Slaughterhouse Five. I put together this article for George and to tell the general story of his fellow POWs of Slaughter House Five. I knew George quite well while working on the book. He was among the most eloquent of the 150 Ex-POWs October 4, 1942. In the fall of 1943 he was inducted at Fort Lewis and sent to Boise, Idaho for basics.
Until the spring of 1944 he worked in the

PHOTO: George Strong in 1944
    when describing his recollections of the POW Arbeitskommando known as Slaughterhouse Five. George also appeared in the 1998 History Channel documentary, "Inferno" The True Story of Dresden." I had the pleasure of meeting him at a 106th reunion in recent years. He was truly an amazing man.
    George Strong took the time to put down on paper his war experiences in "Touring -- The Hard Way" Unpublished Memoir 1989–1991. He updated his memoir after subsequent return trips to Germany. The following is a short summary of his memoir with additional information I have added.

Joining Up
    George was born on December 30, 1918, lived and retired in Bremerton WA and was with 423/HQ. When his draft number was called up in 1941 he was rejected due to failing the eye examination. His number was called again in 1942 when the requirements were lowered but again he was rejected although he noted his girlfriend Jean did not reject him. They were married laundry at Hammer Field in Fresno and also worked with civilian power line crews on the base. In June 1944 he was ordered to Camp Atterbury to join the 106th where his past experiences had him assigned as a field wireman. As a three man crew he "strung wires on trees, poles, in ditches, and under some roads. We practiced splicing wires until we thought we could do it in our sleep!"
    When arriving in Cheltenham, George recalled going into the city and shared chocolate bars and gum with neighborhood kids, riding double deck buses, and attending mass each Sunday with four others at a Methodist church. The pastor welcomed the Yanks because they added much to the hymn singing.
    After crossing the Channel on the LST his Jeep crew, loaded with equipment and wire made their way with a convoy to the front lines. His wire section of thirteen men bunked in a woodshed near the 423rd Regimental HQ on a hill in Buchet. His crew was responsible for keeping lines open to

continues on page 30

    First Battalion HQ. With the artillery barrage that began the Bulge, the wiremen were busy repairing and restoring lines often after they had just been put back in service. By the 17th they were aware regimental HQ was surrounded. The convoy of vehicles attempted to meet up with a relief column from St. Vith but many vehicles were destroyed during the shelling.
    On the night of the 18th they were ordered to string a new line to the First Battalion's new HQ. George noted that the Germans were close and the wire reel squeaked so much he felt they would be spotted until a crew member traded for a can of 3 in 1 oil to quiet the noise. George had earlier received a box of fudge from his wife that he kept in his toolbox. He shared the last two pieces with his crew at this time.

Taken Prisoner
    On the afternoon of the 19th word came down from Colonel Cavender to surrender. The Germans were quickly on top of them but George was able to slip his wallet and watch into his trousers which were tucked in his boots. He marched first to Prum and then Gerolstein where they were loaded on boxcars and were among the POWs bombed the night of the 23rd and 24th at a railroad siding at Diez/Limburg. The next day was Christmas. They received some Red Cross parcels divided among many for their "Christmas dinner."
    On New Year's Eve they arrived at Stalag 4B outside of Muhlberg, one of the largest POW camps with 25,000 prisoners of every nationality. The camp was built in 1939 to hold only half that number, initially Polish and later Russian prisoners. Due to the crowding many of the new arrivals had to sleep on the floor. A British sergeant named Bill Taylor spoke to George and finally said, "Come on Yank, you can share my bunk." Each barracks was built to hold 250 POWs in three-tier bunks. With two to a bunk a barracks could hold 500, and did.
    Ten days later George was randomly selected and sent to Dresden for a new Arbeitskommando, work camp, known as Schlachthof Funf, later known as the infamous Slaughterhouse Five popularized by fellow POW and future writer Kurt Vonnegut in his 1969 novel, Slaughterhouse-Five. Bill Taylor and the other Brits told George and the other POWs they were lucky since Dresden was untouched in the war. Bill promised to send a letter to Jean letting her know that her husband was safe.
    Bill also gave a keepsake to George that he saved his entire life. It was a handmade program from the play "You Can't Take It with You" which had been performed at the makeshift Empire Theater at Stalag 4B. On the back of the program Bill added a personal message referring to the meager food at 4B:
    "To George from Bill ‘Muscles': It's easy ‘nough to titter we'en de stew is smokin' hot, But hit's mighty ha'd to giggle we'en dey's nuffin' in de pot."

Arrive at Slaughter House Five
    The 150 POWs were loaded onto boxcars for the 35 mile trip to Dresden. The slaughterhouse complex alongside the Elbe River was the largest of its kind in Germany but by this time late in the war there was hardly enough cattle or hogs for a facility that covered many

acres. They were housed in Schlachthof Funf where hogs were slaughtered.
    Early each morning the men were marched into the city for an array of work details. George unloaded boxcars at the massive marshalling yards in the Friedrichstadt part of Dresden, which would later become one of the main targets of the firebombing of Dresden. At night they received their one meal which consisted of skilly, ersatz coffee and a slice of black bread of which sawdust was an ingredient. Before the lights went out George would look at the photos in his wallet of family and home and passed them around to fellow POWs and even guards. He was one of the few who still had his watch and wallet.
    Most of their guards were older and some wounded on the Russian front like "One-Eye" who lost an eye. Most treated the prisoners fairly well as long as they didn't cause trouble on work details. The exception was a young Hitler youth known as "Junior" or "Blondie" who went out of his way to antagonize the prisoners until some months later the prisoners had enough. One of the prisoners took away his gun. Junior was never seen again and rumors circulated as to the reason.
    Florence of the Elbe" due to its Baroque architecture with many breathtaking churches, theaters, palaces and the world famous Semper Opera House.
    It was considered the center of art and music for Germany. It was also a key transportation center with its extensive marshalling yard, vital for
    moving military supplies to the Eastern Front. Dresden was untouched by the bombings that devastated other German cities only because fighter support could not make the distance. That all changed in the closing months of the war. Warning fliers were dropped over the city demanding the rail lines stop shipping military supplies otherwise Dresden would be bombed. On February 13th and 14th the threat was carried out. Dresden was bombed in two night waves by the British and a

continues on page 32
    Dresden was an 800 year old city, the capital of Saxony and was known as "The George Strong at the Schaumburg IL 106th Reunion. Left to right are five survivors from Slaughterhouse 5, all departed. Ervin Szpek, Sr. 423/I, George Bloomingburg 423/I, Wayman "Bud" Troxel 423/I, Norwood Frye 81st Eng/B and George Strong 423/HQ. (If you noticed three are from the 423/I, that is because of all units in the 106th, the unit with the most POWs at S-5 was 423/I)

    daytime raid by the Americans. Over 1,000 tons of heavy explosives were dropped on the city including 4,000 pound "blockbusters" which tore open the buildings allowing 1,000,000 two-foot long, time delayed incendiary bombs to tumble deep into structures before exploding. The end result was a firestorm that sucked oxygen out of the center of Dresden creating a firestorm with high winds and intense heat that melted metal and even crumbled stone. The city burned for a week. Some areas could not be entered for a month due to the heat. 35,000 civilians perished. The 150 POWs survived in a deep meat locker levels below the street. When they surfaced Dresden was no more and the night skies glowed orange.
Life as a POW changed.
The following morning they were forced to salvage meat from the main storage building as it burned.
    Slaughterhouse 5 had taken a hit so they were marched to the suburb of Gorbitz and housed in a South African Arbeitskommando. From there each morning they marched into the center of Dresden to begin the gruesome task of digging out bodies from the mountains of rubble. George recalls one of his first jobs was to clean out a bomb shelter where all the victims suffocated. He noted they were difficult to pull apart because the intense heat cooked them together. George cut new holes in his belt so his pants would stay up. The starvation diet was taking a toll on all of them. To supplement their one small meal they ate food they found in cellars and got to the point where they could eat with one hand and drag a body with the other. They did this to survive. If caught plundering they would be executed. The older guards showed some compassion, warning the prisoners to eat anything they found in the cellars. Never bring anything onto the street or back to camp. The endless removal of bodies was done without any protective gear that guards had. They had little opportunity to clean up and had no change of clothes. Many fell ill including George. "One night I got so sick I was afraid I was going to die. The next day I was so sick I was afraid I wouldn't die."
At one time or the other many of the POWs were caught plundering food but little was done other than threats.
    That changed in March, 1945 when Michael Palaia 423/I was caught with a jar of beans taken from a cellar. He planned to take it back to the camp but was stopped not by one of their guards but by a Gestapo officer in Dresden to inspect the bombing. He was given a trial and executed by firing squad on Palm Sunday with four POWs present as a burial detail to share the horror with the other prisoners so as to put fear in them that plundering would not be tolerated. However their survival instincts meant they would continue to steal food whenever an opportunity arose. Michael Palaia was the basis for Vonnegut's character Edgar Derby in "Slaughterhouse-Five."

The Russians Are Coming
    Early April, 1945 as the Russians pressed to occupy Dresden it was decided to move the prisoners south to the Czech border as pawns for unknown purposes. They departed Dresden on April 14 and walked the 30 miles to the small mountain village of Hellendorf,

    two miles from the Czech border. Sadly "Joe" Crone, also from 423/ HQ as George, passed away two days earlier from the effects of starvation.
    He was the basis for Vonnegut's main character, Billy Pilgrim, in the novel. In the small village was a Gasthaus where the prisoners slept on the dancefloor of the upper level using straw from the nearby barn for bedding, which had lice. There was no food so the men relied on eating dandelion soup from cans using water from the adjacent creek that they heated on an open flame. During the final weeks of the war the elderly guards were more worried about their own fate which enabled daring prisoners to make night raids of nearby farms for potatoes, eggs and an occasional chicken. The young owner of the Gasthaus, Hanni Hippe cared for the sickest of the POWs in her living quarters.

The War in Europe Ends
    It was May 8 and rumors spread that the war had ended. The mostly Serbian guards decided to continue south with the POWs into Czechoslovakia to stay ahead of the Russians and hopefully find American lines for some type of bargaining. Hanni Hippe watched the prisoners leave and took note that many now had red knapsacks. Later, when she went in the dancehall she realized where they got the material. The red curtains were gone except for a small piece for which she noted, "They were good boys and left me enough to make a dress." She never had children of her own so always considered these POWs her children.
    Many years later some like George Strong and Gifford Doxsee 423/HQ 3rd Bn went back to visit and thank her for her kindness.
    Despite the end of the war pockets of fighting continued. The road to Czechoslovakia was dangerous and jammed with refugees, POWs and remnants of the German army moving in all directions. Before they could cross the border Russian fighter planes indiscriminately strafed the area. Jesse Benavides was killed and later Richard Rickard 423/I died from friendly fire. Ironically the Slaughterhouse 5 POWs were at one time or the other strafed or bombed by the Americans, British and Russians but never the Germans. In the chaos the POWs were separated and wandered in small groups in search of friendly lines. Some backtracked to Hellendorf and even Dresden while most eventually continued to Czechoslovakia where many ran into American lines in Pilsen.
    Amazingly of the 150 POWs all but 4 to 6 eventually made it to Camp Lucky Strike in La Havre, France which was one of a number of large repatriation camps, "tent cities", named after popular cigarette brands. From there they returned to the States on numerous Coast Guard Liberty Ships including USS Admiral Mayo where actor Victor Mature served as the Chief Petty Officer. George returned on the USS William Black on a ten day ocean voyage to Boston, then a short train ride back to camp Miles Standish and from there through New York and then Fort Lewis where he received 60 days of recuperation leave. Being reunited with wife Jean, family and friends

continues on page 34

    was emotional but happy times. He recounted his harrowing experiences. He was reassigned and moved around quite a bit before finally receiving his discharge which was delayed three days waiting for paperwork because he had not been promoted after being in the Army more than two years. Newly promoted PFC George W. Strong made it home in time for Thanksgiving.
    George returned to his job at Puget Power as a truck driver and later became a lineman. He soon bought a first home where he and Jean Strong raised their children, Janie Strong and Howard Strong. Life was good although George wrote, "In my spare moments when I was alone, it was amazing to me how often my mind wandered back to my Army experiences, and to the people who reached out to touch me in circumstances I believed were extenuating." There was British POW Bill Taylor who took him under his wing, shared his bunk and wrote to his wife Jean that he was safe. While in an aid station in poor physical health a POW Belgian officer brought him food and later intervened on his behalf with a guard while working on the streets in Dresden. Then there was a young mother and her son who slipped him a piece of bread and butter, all the time waiting when the guard wasn't looking. There were many more angels.
George Returns to Germany
George and family made five return trips to Germany starting in 1976.
    I think these trips were his ongoing closure to come to terms and understand what he had witnessed and experienced. He revisited places he had been during the Bulge and when captured, like Prum, Gerolstein and Stalag 4B. He retraced his steps at Slaughterhouse 5 and the many areas in Dresden he was made to work as a prisoner. In Hellendorf at the Gasthaus he likely found some tranquility as this was the place that reminded him of the day the war ended. The old Gasthaus stands today as it did May 8, 1945.
    "I maintain that the temptation to revisit places where you have drunk the water, breathed the air, become familiar with the sounds and smells, and above all, struggled with love and hate and turmoil and peace is irresistible. You have paid rent on that ground. You own a piece of it, and it owns you." – George Strong
You are missed George. Rest in Peace.
Erv, Jr.

    Final Note: With the passing of time, only about a dozen of the 150 Ex-POWs of Slaughterhouse 5 are alive. My father, Ervin Szpek, Sr. 423/I recently passed away on June 24, 2015 at the age of 89. For some, they chose to keep to themselves those memories of what they experienced and survived in Dresden and hence when contacted for "Shadows of Slaughterhouse Five" we ended up knowing little of their stories prior to publication in respect of their privacy.
Russ Lang Captured at the Battle of the Bulge


Southwest Iwo Jima Reunion returns to Texas
Submitted by Craig Brown

    The Southwest Iwo Jima/WW II reunion starts on Friday, February 19, 2016 in Wichita Falls, Texas. The event begins with an opening ceremony at 0900, followed by a trip to the Sheppard Air Force Base school for lunch and a windshield tour of the base. Friday's dinner includes some of the best BBQ ribs this side of the Red River served by the Mavericks. Saturday starts with a re-enactment of the "flag raising" on Iwo Jima narrated by Medal of Honor recipient Hershel Woodrow "Woody" Williams, last surviving MOH recipient of the battle at Iwo Jima. This will be followed by lunch and a casual dinner. The event is a way to honor the veterans of Iwo Jima and WW II.
    The reunion will be held at the Wellington Banquet and Conference center, the website is For more information please contact: Craig or Lynnette Brown at 940-733-3705 or 940-733-3735 or visit the website:


by Fredrick Smallwood
    This is the story of my experiences as a young boy from a small town in south Georgia with the 106th Infantry Division during World War II. I was initially in the A&P Platoon of 1 Bn. Hq. Co. of the 423rd Regiment. I was one of the few who made my way through the German lines back to the Allied lines at St. Vith.
Books are $15 plus $4 for shipping. You can contact me at or P.O. Box 1923, Bainbridge, GA 39818.

Veterans and Family of the 106th Infantry Division TATTOO* Requests
    With space in The CUB at a premium, yet Reunited Buddies and Their Families an important commodity, the editor of The CUB of the Golden Lion created the following list [In Their Own Words, most often] of inquiries submitted to him in hopes of helping people get in touch with the 106th I.D. Association Family. The following are requests for information. Feel free to contact them if you believe you can be of assistance. The CUB staff has received permission from all listed below to print their inquiry and their contact email (phone and address when available).
    In addition, Non-Veteran member Connie Pratt Baesman, daughter of Lt. Gerald Pratt (Field Artillery), has been one of three people helping to manage the 106th's online "message board" (set up by Jim West) for people to write an inquiry, looking for comrades, or for people who might have known a relative who is now gone. Sadly, some inquiries sit unanswered when the answers may be out there with a reader of The CUB who doesn't use a computer. The list has gotten quite long and Connie has asked that whenever there is room in The CUB we add a few of the requests. You can find messages like these below, along with other searches on the 106th Message
Board at the following Web address:
    *The original meaning of military tattoo was a military drum performance, but subsequently it came to mean army displays, or a form of gathering more generally. For our Association, letting members know that someone would like to speak with them is "why we do this! So keep sending in your stories, as an old friend may find you!" -- Susan Weiss (Publisher of The CUB) and William McWhorter (Editor of The CUB)

Robert Pierce, 81st Eng
    Margarie Pierce, widow of Robert Pierce, 81st Eng, is trying to get in touch with the daughter of Douglas Coffey, as he has also passed away and the two men were very close. If anyone could help her find the daughter of Doug Coffey, it would be greatly appreciated. She can be reached at 474 Federal St., N.W., Warren, Ohio 44483.

Capt. Comer, 424K
    Ed Cottingham says: My father, Ray Cottingham was in the 424, I believe Company C. I know his company commander was Captain Comer (who may have been with Company K). My father talked about him like he could walk on water, but as far as I know he was never able to get in touch with the captain. I would like to reach out to Captain Comer if anyone has contact information for him.
    My phone number is 502-378-3177 and my email is I would also be glad to hear from anyone from the 424.

Mini-Reunions are an Important Part of the 106th!
    Of corollary importance to the Annual Reunion are the individual "mini-reunions" which are held throughout the year in various locations around the country. In the past, a reunion provided a social event whereby men of the 106th and their ladies gather close to that infamous date of 16 December 1944 to remember fellow men with whom they served.

Michigan Mini Reunion
    Bill Cook submitted the following photos of the Michigan Mini Reunion held last December 2014. You can view more photos of the reunion online at:

Francis Cook stands with his memorabilia.
Left: Kris Rice speaks to the attendees.

Golden Lion Dick Lockhart Returns to the Battlefield
Submitted by Carl Wouters
    In early August, 91 year old Golden Lion Dick Lockhart (423/AT) made a short trip to Belgium. After meeting up in Brussels we decided to pay a visit to Raversijde, near Ostend, Belgium. There remains the best preserved part of the German Atlantikwall defenses. In 1941 the
    German army constructed a naval gun battery ‘Salzwendel Neu' here to defend the Ostend harbor, extending defenses that were constructed earlier during WWI. While after the end of WWII most German military fortifications were demolished (such as the Siegfried Line) this gun battery was preserved thanks to Prince Charles, former Regent of Belgium and brother of King Leopold, III. The gun battery was built on his private property and he always resisted to its demolition. Its fully-equipped bunkers and gun positions are preserved in pristine condition and give an accurate view of the kind of fortifications the Allied troops faced when they invaded Normandy on D-Day. The picture shows Dick at a German PAK40 Anti-Tank gun near the beach. Dick was gunner on a 57mm Anti-Tank gun in Bleialf
when the Germans launched the Battle of the Bulge.


Please RePoRt all Changes of addRess and deaths to: assoCiation MeMbeRshiP ChaiR:
Jacquelyn Coy
121 McGregor Ave., Mt. Arlington, NJ 07856 Phone: 973-663-2410

--Date of Death: April 12, 2015
    Philip Albaum, age 92 of Montecito, CA, died April 12, 2015. He was buried with military honors at Santa Barbara Cemetery.
Reported by Rick Barrow

--Date of Death: May 29, 2015
    Mario was an Army WW II Veteran and was an American Ex-Prisoner of War, a member of the VFW, DAV, National order of Trench Rats and was the first Grand Marshal of the Greater Rochester area Memorial Day Parade. He was predeceased by his wife, Alicemae Angelo and a son, Michael Angelo. He is survived by two children, three grandchildren and one great-grandson.
Reported by Rick Barrow

--Date of Death: December 8, 2007
Reported by Jackie Coy

--Date of Death: August 3, 2015
    Golden Lion Lyle D. Beeth, of Valrico, FL, passed away peacefully at the age of 89. He was preceded in death by his wife Marie Beeth in 2012. Lyle served with the 106th in Germany at the end of the war, most recently based in Frankfort. He was elected to the office of Association Director at the General Membership meeting of the 106th Infantry Division on September 1, 2006. He also served as Treasurer of the Association.
    Born in Illinois, Lyle graduated St. Charles High School and Aurora College, after which he spent the first years of his career at Montgomery Wards. Upon leaving Wards, he struck out on a very successful real estate career as both a broker and investor. A loyal 106th supporter, Lyle is survived by three adult children, Will Beeth (U.S. Army '72-'74) Bette Beeth and Barbara Beeth.
Submitted by Jacquelyn Coy

--Date of Death: May 20, 2015
    William S. Blaher, age 89 years, of Raritan Township, NJ, died Wednesday, May 20, 2015 at Hunterdon Medical Center, Raritan Township, NJ. Born in Flemington, NJ, October 1, 1925, son

continues on page 42

    of the late Nathan and Ida Lieberman Blaher, he had resided in the Flemington area all his life. Bill owned and operated Blaher's Photo and Stationary Store, Flemington, NJ for over thirty years until 1984. He was a graduate of Flemington High School and was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II.
    Bill was in the Battle of the Bulge with the 106th Division and was among those captured. He spent time in a German POW camp and was honorably discharged in 1946. Bill was a lifelong member of the Flemington Jewish Community Center, a member of the Jewish War Veterans, a fifty-year member of the Grandview Grange, and remained active with the 106th Infantry Battle of the Bulge veterans. In later years, Bill visited schools and spoke to students about his World War II experiences. He was predeceased by his wife, Miriam Blaher in 2009 and his brother Morris Blaher in 2012. He is survived by two nephews and three step-sons.
[As published in the Hunterdon County Democrat.]
Reported by Jacquelyn Coy

--Date of Death: October 5, 2004
Date of birth November 1, 1922
Reported by Jackie Coy

--Date of Death: May 3, 2015
My father, Albert Frumkin, was a member of the 106th and I'm sure he was a member of your organization.
    He was a prisoner at Stalag IV-B during the Battle of the Bulge. He was also Commander of the Ex-POW Chapter in Hawaii. As well, he started the Veteran's Center that exists there now and served countless hours to many veterans groups in Hawaii over the 35 years he and my mother resided there. He passed away May 3, 2015 and will be buried with honors in Arlington National Cemetery on his birthday, June 19. He was a wonderful and honorable man and is greatly missed. If you could mention him in your next issue, I'm sure he would be honored.
Reported by his daughter, Eileen Frumkin

--Date of Death: May 28, 2013
    Earl Eldon Kinney, 89 years of age, from Minden, NE, formerly of Franklin, died on Tuesday, May 28, 2013 at the Bethany Home in Minden. Earl was born on August 15, 1923 in Campbell, NE, the seventh of nine children. He attended grade school at District #23 and graduated from Campbell High School in 1941. Earl married Louisa Jelken in 1945 at the Zion Lutheran Church in Macon. They had two children, one of whom died at birth and the other at age 17 from leukemia.
    Earl served in the U.S. Army from 1944 until 1946. His basic training was in Alabama, and he went to Germany and fought in the Battle of the Bulge in Belgium. Earl returned and farmed for 10 years and then they moved to Idaho in 1957. In 1967 they moved to Irving, Texas. Earl worked for Darr Equipment until his retirement. They moved back to Franklin in 1986. He was a member of the Zion Lutheran Church in Macon and served on the Deacon Board.
He was also a member of the Macon

    Lion's Club and had served as zone chairman. Earl enjoyed woodworking and gardening. He loved helping people and enjoyed everyone. He never met a stranger. He was also a member of the Franklin American Legion Post #209 and the VFW #5757. Survivors include his wife, Louisa, a sister, sister-in-law, brother-in-law and a host of nephews and nieces.
Reported by Rick Barrow and the Layton-Craig Funeral Home

--Date of Death: July 9, 2009
Born March 18, 1921
Reported by Jackie Coy

--Date of Death: January 8, 1997
Born January 10, 1920
Reported by Jackie Coy

423/HQ/3 BATT
--Date of Death: January 4, 2015
    Lawrence Robert Lorenz was born August 24, 1924 and passed away on Sunday, January 4, 2015 at the age of 90 years. He struggled in his last years with dementia, ultimately passing as a result of an arterial aneurism. Lawrence, "Larry," was born to Lenore and Edward Lorenz in Detroit, Michigan. Larry was the older of two children. He was a WW II Veteran and in 1943 he graduated high school early so he could enlist in the Army rather than wait until June. At one point Larry volunteered for a transfer to the Air Corps, but this transfer was short-lived as our nation's immediate need was for trained infantrymen.
    So Larry was assigned to the HQ 3rd Battalion, 423 Infantry. On December 19, 1944 after three days of intense combat, the 423rd was captured by enemy soldiers. The men were forced to march to a railhead where they were transported during heavy Allied bombing campaigns to prison camp Stalag IV, more commonly known as Slaughterhouse Five.
    Larry's determination to survive and assist other soldiers during captivity and mistreatment has been a prominent characteristic of his personality throughout his long distinguished life. Upon returning home from the War, he attended Notre Dame and earned a two-year Mechanical Engineering degree. While employed at Detroit Arsenal, he met Evelyn (McIntosh) while carpooling. They married on May 26, 1951 and spent the next 63 years together. Together they had five children and were also blessed with seven grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.
Reported by their children, Annette,
Karen and David

592/515 BN
--Date of Death: unknown
Reported by Jackie Coy

--Date of Death: April 8, 2009
    Glenn C. Miller, 84, of 601 Lambert Dr., Piqua, died at 9:40 am, Wednesday April 8, 2009 at the Piqua Manor Nursing Home. He was born January 22, 1925 in Lima. He married
continues on page 44

    Constance J. McMaken May 24, 1953, and she survives. He is also survived by a son, a daughter, four grandchildren and a sister. He was predeceased by two brothers and four sisters.
    Mr. Miller was a graduate of Lima High School and obtained his degree in Aeronautical Engineering from the University of Cincinnati. His professional career began at Wright Patterson Air Force Base for thirteen years before he relocated to LaPorte, Texas, in 1962 to join NASA until his retirement in January of 1980, He then became a consultant for Eagle Engineering of Houston for twelve years. While in LaPorte he served as President of the Civic Association, Little League Baseball Association and the Shady River Homeowners Association. He was a United States Army veteran having served during World War II at the Battle of the Bulge where he was captured and held as a Prisoner of War until the end of the war.
Reported by Jackie Coy

106th RECON
--Date of Death: October 4, 2005
Reported by Don Prell, 422/AT

--Date of Death: June 27, 2015
    "Rocky" Moyer served in WW II as a gunner in the 106th. He was a replacement for those in the Battle of the Bulge and served in the European campaign from 1943 to 1946. He was born and raised in Wyomissing (Reading), PA. He was born February 23, 1925. He passed on Saturday, June 27, 2015, peacefully at the Freddy Gonzalez State Texas Home of the Veteran Administration. He served in the sales area of packaging machinery for over 60 years. He was the second of four children and preceded in death by his parents, one brother and one sister.
    He was a wonderful, caring man who spent 43 years with his surviving wife, Ginnie Moyer. He was the recipient of many gunning medals as well as the Bronze Star. He will be sorely missed by many as well as remembered.
Submitted by his wife, Ginnie

--Date of Death: October 23, 2014
    Otto George Ocvirk, 91, of Bowling Green, OH, passed peacefully on October 23, 2014 at Riverside Methodist Hospital. He was born on November 13, 1922 in Detroit, MI. He attended Case Technical High School, graduating in 1941. Otto worked as an apprentice at a local advertising agency and then accepted a position at Curtis-Wright Aircraft as an engineering draftsman, designing the P-40 and P-47 aircraft.
    A World War II veteran, he was a member of the U.S. Army's 106th Infantry Division serving in G-2 Intelligence. Otto was honorably discharged in 1946 and subsequently reenrolled at the University of Iowa earning a Bachelors and a Master of Fine Arts. After graduating from college, Otto began his long career as a professor within the Art Department at Bowling Green State University. In 1985, he retired as Professor Emeritus.

    Otto was lead author of Art Fundamentals: Theory and Practice, a textbook in its 12th edition and still used at many universities. While at BGSU, he also volunteered in the
    university's athletic department, serving as an assistant football coach, chain gang official and score board operator for over fifty years. In addition, he was Scoutmaster for troop 422 and was awarded the Silver Beaver medal for distinguished service for over twenty-five years of scouting. Otto maintained a lifelong connection to the University of Iowa and Bowling Green Universities. He is an avid fan of the Detroit Tigers. He was an accomplished painter, sculptor, printmaker and art historian. Otto will be greatly missed by his family, friends and the many lives he touched. He is survived by his wife of 65 years, Betty Ocvirk, three grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
Reported by Jackie Coy

--Date of Death: September 14, 2013
    Charles was born on May 31, 1924 and passed away on Saturday, September 14, 2013. Charles was a resident of New Haven, West Virginia.
Reported by Rick Barrow

Wife of Harold E. Ramsey, 424/E
--Date of Death: July 30, 2012
    Helen died at age 91 on July 30, 2012 at Friendship Village of Dublin. Born September 24, 1920 in Toledo, Ohio, she was the only daughter of the late Charles and Laura Holstein. She moved to Columbus, Ohio after WW II and worked at Typewriter Exchange for 14 years, retiring
    December 1983 as Office Manager and Bookkeeper. She was an active member of Northwest UMC, Thea Court, Ladies Oriental Shrine of N.A., Gold Star Wives, Auxiliary of the 106th Infantry Division, Worthington Women's Club, Merry Munchers and Jolly Jaunters.
    She was a charter member of Buckeye Boosters and a great fan of the "Bucks." She very seldom missed a game at home or away. She was a charter member of Worthington Hills Country Club, where she and her husband had many friends. She was preceded in death by her husband, Harold "Hal" Ramsey (at age 47), as well as two brothers who died in WW II. She is survived by many nieces and nephews, as well as friends and neighbors who have been so supportive.
Reported by Jackie Coy

--Date of Death: May 2, 2015
    Albert C. Reed passed away at the age of 89 in Baltimore, Maryland. Born in upstate New York in the small town of Lorraine on July 16, 1925, he was the son of the late Olin B. and Ann M. Reed. He was predeceased by his wife
continues on page 46

    of 62 years, Audrey W. Reed, a brother, Dr. Allen J. Reed and a sister, Frances H. Wheeler. He was very proud to have served in the 106th Infantry Division and fought in the Battle of the Bulge during WW II. He received his dental degree from the University of Maryland in 1952 and entered private practice the same year. He was very active in all aspects of the dental community for most of his 45 years in practice.
    He enjoyed traveling, watching and attending a variety of sports, especially the Baltimore Colts and now the Ravens. He is survived by two sons, Gerald A. Reed and Thomas A. Reed, and three grandchildren.
Reported by his son, Gerald

106th SIGNAL CO.
--Date of Death: July 11, 2011
    Mr. Remetta was in the 106th Signal Company and was awarded the Silver Star medal for his actions during a German ambush on 17 December 1944.
Reported by Carl Wouters

--Date of Death: May 2, 2012
Born August 10, 1922.
Reported by Jackie Coy

--Date of Death: February 28, 2015
At age 91, of West Palm Beach, FL.
Reported by Jackie Coy

--Date of Death: May 11, 2012
    Merlin W. Schulz, 91, of West Salem, formerly of the Town of Burns, passed away Friday, May 11, 2012 at the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Tomah. He was born July 23, 1920, in West Salem. Merlin was a veteran of the U.S. Army, having served during the Battle of the Bulge and was later liberated in April, 1945.
    On June 12, 1946, Merlin married Dorothy Dedebuhr and she preceded him in death on May 24, 1984. He then married Elana Moran in 1990 and they later divorced. Merlin farmed in the Town of Burns on the family farm as well as being a carpenter's assistant to his father. He was also employed at Wegner's Ford Garage and later at Citgo Gas Station, both in Bangor, as a mechanic until he began repairing small engines, which led him to open his own repair shop on this farm. In addition, he drove a school bus for the Bangor area schools.
    Merlin was a lifetime member of Our Savior's Lutheran Church in West Salem and a member and past commander of the Anderson-Good American Legion Post 40 of Bangor. He enjoyed snowmobiling and was a founding member of the Bangor Blizzard Busters. Merlin's favorite
    pastime was fishing and he also liked hunting, watching baseball, playing cards, and in his later years watching golf, especially women's. He was a "mall walker" who enjoyed many discussions with other military veterans that he walked with. He always looked forward to spending time with his friend, Edwin "Pete" Niedfeldt and

    especially going to the casino with his friend, Gaylord Gruen. Merlin was extremely proud of his grandchildren and will be remembered for his sense of humor, always teasing people in one way or another. He is survived by three children, seven grandchildren and six great-grandchildren .
Reported by Rick Barrow and the LaCrosse Tribune

    --Date of Death: January 17, 2007 David Ben Slayton was born in Gays Mills, Wisconsin on March 7, 1923, and passed away on January 17, 2007. After graduating from Gays Mills High School in 1940, he attended the University of Wisconsin and Wentworth Military Academy. The Army called in 1942. He completed the Pre-West Point Preparatory Course at Amherst College and then served in the 106th Division in Germany. He was taken prisoner during the Battle of the Bulge. He successfully escaped and was honorably discharged in 1945.
    He graduated from California College of Mortuary Science in 1954 and was licensed in Wisconsin and California. He was a funeral director for 50 years. David had many, many Masonic affiliations over the years. In addition his other activities included Sons of the American Revolution, Long Beach Petroleum Club, Virginia Country Club, American Legion, Disabled American Veterans, North Community YMCA, Boys Club of Long Beach, Long Beach Council Boy Scouts of America, City of Long Beach Community Development, Los Angeles County Funeral Directors Association and the Mortuary School Advisory Board of the Cypress Community College. David's wife of 44 years, Dorothy Metzgar Dilday, preceded him in death. He is survived by five children, and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Reported by Rick Barrows and Long Beach Press Telegram

--Date of Death: July 29, 2015
Reported by Jacquelyn Coy

--Date of Death: June 27, 2015
    Ervin E. Szpek, Sr., age 89, entered into Eternal Life on June 27, 2015, to be reunited with his "You are My Sunshine" sweetheart wife, Dolores Szpek. He was the beloved father of Leslie Szpek, Ervin Szpek, Jr., Heidi Szpek, Randy Szpek, Timothy Szpek and Perry Szpek, and proud grandfather of twelve. He was preceded in death by his parents and seven siblings. Erv served in the U.S. Army in WW II and was a veteran of the Battle of the Bulge. He was an Ex-POW of Stalag 4B, Muhlberg and Ex-POW of Slaughterhouse 5, Dresden.
    He was a member of the 106th Infantry Division Association, and retired, longtime UAW Auto Worker for American Motors/Chrysler. He was also a long time member of Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish. Erv passed on to his
continues on page 48

    family his creativity in art and music. He played the guitar, harmonica and keyboard. He enjoyed drawing cartoons of daily life. Although he never rode a horse, he was a fan of Western film and music.
[Excerpted from his Obituary in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
Reported by his son, Ervin Szpek, Jr.

106th SIGNAL CO.
--Date of Death: April 1, 2013
    Mr. Thompson was the lieutenant in charge of the Telephone & Telegraph Platoon of the 106th Signal Company during WW II. We communicated regularly but I noticed email communication ceased some time ago. I have only recently learned of his passing.
    in Upper Darby, PA, spending summers in Long Beach Island, NJ. She was a graduate of Upper Darby High School. Dot was a secretary for many years with Middletown Twp., Delaware County Memorial Hospital and most recently with Delaware County Community College until retiring. Mrs. Wolff was an active and longtime member of Lima United Methodist Church, Lima, PA. Dot enjoyed traveling, loved the ocean and spending time at Cape May, NJ and the Outer Banks. Dot cherished time spent with her family, especially her four children, nine grandchildren, and seven great-grandchildren. She was predeceased by her husband, Donald G. Wolff, Jr.
Reported by Rick Barrow
Reported by Carl Wouters

Donald G. Wolff, Jr. 331/MEDIC
--Date of Death: March 7, 2015
    Dorothy (Fielding) Wolff, "Dot" age 85, of Lima, PA, died surrounded by her loving family on Saturday, March 7, 2015. Dot was born and raised
    In the April 2015 issue of The CUB (Vol. 71, No. 2), Raymond Peter Kurth was included in the Memorium, passing away in October 2014. He was listed as having served in the 422/L, but thanks to information from Connie Baesman and Carl Wouters, we have corrected his unit, as he served with the 591/B FA.


To see a full-color version of this issue of The CUB, please visit our new website at:

Hinder forward: The 168th Engineer Combat Battalion in ZI and ETO
from May 1943 through November 1945
By Dean F. Jewett (168th Eng)

Note: the cover may not look like the pictured image.
    Dean F. Jewett has written a book about the 168th Engineer Combat Battalion, which was attached to the 106th Infantry Division during the Battle of the Bulge. The book is 456 pages and sells for $75, which includes postage, sales tax, etc.
New copies are only available through Mr. Jewett at P.O. Box 148, Saco, ME 04072 or by phone at 207-284-6778.
Used copies are available online through outfits, such as or


Prisoner's Odyssey
by Herb Sheaner (422/G)

    Prisoner's Odyssey is a story of survival, hunger and reflection from a teenaged prisoner of war inside Germany near the end of WWII.
    From capture at the Battle of The Bulge to the final escape from his German guards, Herb Sheaner allows us a glimpse into the despair and agony of being a prisoner in a foreign land.
    During World War II, Herb Sheaner served as a private first class in Company G, 422nd Regiment of the 106th Infantry Division.
    After receiving ASTP training at University of Alabama, he joined the 106th at Camp Atterbury in Indiana where he earned Expert Rifleman honors and was designated Co. G Sniper and Regimental Scout. Fifty years later he recalls his experiences.
Available through Barnes & Noble, and Xlibris online.

    We are all feeling the effects of the current financial upheaval, including the 106th I.D. Association. The Annual Dues of $10 are no longer billed or collected. We are now accepting only donations for membership, memorials and LIFE PLUS.
    The previously-allowed payment of $75 for Life Membership creates a financial shortfall, as our expenses exceeds our income.
Our solution?
We are asking you to join the
    Those Members who contribute to the LIFE PLUS+ Club will have their names (only, no amounts will be shown) published in the next CUB.
You can donate as much or as little as you can and as often as you like.
By donating, you are helping perpetuate the 106th Infantry Division Association.

    To those Members who we haven't heard from for a long time -- please take the time to join this exclusive club. Thank you!
    Send your contribution, check made payable to 106th Infantry Div. Association, to: Mike Sheaner Treasurer, 106th Infantry Division PO Box 140535, Dallas TX 75214

Index for This Document

104th Div., 10
104th Inf. Div., 4
106th Div., 20, 21, 43, 52
106th Inf. Div., 2, 3, 4, 14, 21, 28, 37, 38, 41, 43, 47, 49, 50, 54, 55
106th Infantry Division Association, 2, 15, 11, 21, 52, 55
106th Sig. Co., 50, 53
168th Cbt. Engr. BN, 4
168th Engr. Cbt. BN, 54
31st Div., 21
422/K, 43
422/M, 22
422nd Inf. Regt., 54
422nd Regt., 14, 54
423rd Regt., 30, 37
424/A, 41
424/C, 12, 22, 50
424/E, 49
424/I, 12
424/L, 4, 12, 13, 22
424th Regt., 14, 28
589th FA BN, 14
590th FA BN, 14
591st FA BN, 13
592nd FA BN, 14
7th Armd. Div., 4
9th Armd. Div., 29
Adsit, James P., 12
Albaum, Philip, 41
AmVets Of Indiana, 21
Angelo, Alicemae, 41
Angelo, Mario J., 41
Angelo, Michael, 41
Arbeitskommando Slaughterhouse Five, 28
Arlington National Cemetery, 43
Awalt, Louise, 12
Baesman, Connie, 53
Baesman, Connie Pratt, 38
Baker, William C. III, 41
Barrow, Rick, 16, 41, 45, 49, 52, 53
Bartell, Capt. Ben, 13, 14, 28
Bartell, George, 28
Bartell, George C., 12, 14
Bastogne, 18
Battle Of The Bulge, 2, 4, 7, 15, 20, 29, 40, 43, 47, 50, 52, 54
Beeth, Barbara, 41
Beeth, Bette, 41
Beeth, Lyle D., 41
Beeth, Marie, 41
Beeth, Will, 41
Belgium, 2, 11, 14, 40, 43
Benavides, Jesse, 33
Birdsall, Clifford, 16
Black, William, 33
Blaher, Miriam, 43
Blaher, Morris, 43
Blaher, Nathan & Ida Lieberman, 43
Blaher, William, 41
Blaher, William S., 41
Bleialf, 40
Bloomingburg, George, 31
Bludworth, David H., 14
Bludworth, John Frank, Sr., 14
Books, 37
Born, 45, 49, 50
Borst, William H., 13
Bowen, John, 21
Brown, Craig, 37
Brown, Craig Or Lynnette, 37
Brussels, 40
Buchet, 30
Buerschen, James E., 13
Buerschen, Jeff P., 13
Busier, William B., 12
Busier, William 'Bill', 22
C-47 Club, 4
Camp Atterbury, 11, 21, 30, 54
Camp Lucky Strike, 33
'Captured At The Battle Of The Bulge', 35
Carpenter, Edgar 'Ed', 14
Cavender, Col., 31
Chansler, Anthony 'Teno', 14
Chansler, John F., 14
Charles, Prince, 40
Charron, Pfc. Nelson, 5
Charron, Vincent, 2, 5, 7
Cheltenham, 30
Coffey, Doug, 38
Coffey, Douglas, 38
Collins, Virgil, 22
Comer, Capt., 38
Cook, Bill, 24, 39
Cook, Francis, 22, 24, 39
Cottingham, Ed, 38
Cottingham, Ray, 38
Coy, Jackie, 18, 41, 43, 45, 47, 49, 50
Coy, Jacquelyn, 2, 3, 4, 16, 41, 43, 52
Coy, Jacquelyn S., 15, 11, 16
Czechoslovakia, 33
Dahlberg, Patrik, 12
Diez/Limburg, 31
Dilday, Dorothy Metzgar, 52
Doxsee, Gifford, 28, 33
Dresden, 2, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 52
Dresden, Germany, 28
Dunn, Wayne, 2, 3, 9, 12, 18, 19
Dunn, Wayne G., 2, 4
Edenbaum, Jesse, 15
Edenbaum, Saul, 15
Elbe, 31
Elbe River, 31
Fort Benjamin Harrison, 21
Fort Lewis, 30, 33
Frankfort, 41
Frumkin, Albert, 43
Frye, Norwood, 31
Gardner, Joe, 4
Garn, Charles S., 14
Garn, Jeff, 14
Gatens, John, 14
Gatens, John F., 14
Germany, 11, 30, 31, 34, 41, 43, 52, 54
Gerolstein, 31, 34
Gilliland, John, 4, 22
Glorioso, Pamela, 14
Goldberg, Leon, 2, 4, 9, 12, 22
Gorbitz, 32
Gruen, Gaylord, 52
Haines, Joseph C., 12
Harding, Al G., 43
Harrington, Col. Myron, 22
Hawkins, Lorraine J., 12
Hellendorf, 32, 33, 34
Helmich, Lester A., 12
Hemich, Lester, 22
Herndon, Donald F., 4
Hippe, Hanni, 33
Hoff, Russell, 22
Hoff, Tom, 4, 8
Holstein, Charles & Laura, 49
Houseman, Donelson M., 12
Howard, Kathryn M., 12
Howell, Bob, 22
Hubert, Andre, 14
Idstein, Richard, 22
Iwo Jima, 37
Jelken, Louisa, 43
Jewett, Dean F., 12, 54
Jewish War Veterans, 43
Jones, William T. 'Chub', 12
Keeber, Beatrice F., 12
King, Martin, 18
Kinney, Earl E., 43
Kinney, Earl Eldon, 43
Kitchen, Robert L., 45
Korea, 21
Kuesport, Norman A., 45
Kurth, Raymond Peter, 53
Lang, Russ, 27, 35
Lang, Russ & Lil, 8
Lang, Russell, 22
Lapotsky, Edward B., 14
Lapp, Royce E., 12
Leopold, King, Iii, 40
Lerno, Alphons, 12, 29
Lerno, Alphons P., 29
Lichtenfeld, Sy, 4, 22, 25
Lively, Lee R., 12
Lockhart, Dick, 40
Lorenz, Lawrence R., 45
Lorenz, Lawrence Robert, 45
Lorenz, Lenore & Edward, 45
Lorraine, 49
Madden, John J., 14
Madden, John J., Jr., 14
Marsh, Alexander, 22
Martin, Harry, 22
Martin, Harry F., Jr., 12
Mason, James O., 12, 16
Mayrsohn, Barney, 9
Mayrsohn, Bernard, 2, 3, 4, 22
McMahon, Col. Leo T., Jr., 12
McMaken, Constance J., 47
McWhorter, William, 3, 4, 8, 19, 38
McWhorter, William A., 19
Meissler, Charles G., Sr., 45
Mikalauskis, Dolores, 14
Mikalauskis, M/Sgt. John, 14
Miller, Glenn C., 46
Milot, Martin William, 47
Mitchell, Doug, 4
Morse, John W., 14
Moyer, George 'Rocky', 47
Moyer, Ginnie, 47
Muhlberg, 31, 52
'My War', 37
Niedfeldt, Edwin 'Pete', 51
Normandy, 40
Ocvirk, Betty, 49
Ocvirk, Otto George, 47
Ord, Charles R., 49
Order Of The Golden Lion, 3, 18, 21
Ostend, 40
Ostend, Belgium, 40
Palaia, Michael, 32
Parks, Fred, 2
Photos, 24, 25, 26, 27
Pierce, Margarie, 38
Pierce, Robert, 38
Pilsen, 33
Podalski, Ed, 24
Podlaski, Edmund, 22
Pratt, Lt. Gerald, 38
Prell, Don, 47
Prell, Donald B., 12
Prisoner Of War, 21, 28, 41, 47
Prum, 31, 34
Prümerberg, 4
Purple Heart, 14
Ramsey, Harold E., 49
Ramsey, Harold 'Hal', 49
Ramsey, Helen D., 49
Rand, Anthony, 22
Reed, Albert C., 49
Reed, Audrey W., 50
Reed, Dr. Albert C., 49
Reed, Dr. Allen J., 50
Reed, Gerald A., 50
Reed, Olin B. & Ann M., 49
Reed, Thomas A., 50
Regier, Donald, 12
Remetta, Joseph, 50
Rencheux Bridge, 4
Reunion Photos, 25
Reunions, 3
Rice, Kris, 4, 39
Richey, Norman J., 50
Rickard, Richard, 33
Rink, Harry & Doris, 15
Robb, Dr. John G., 2, 4
Roberts, John M., 4
Ross, Archie, 50
Ross, Donna R., 15
Rossa, Roman & Millie, 14
Roster, 21
Salm River, 4
Schaffner, John, 3, 4, 21, 22, 25
Schaffner, John R., 12
Schaffner, Robert, 4
Schleusener, Roland, 22
Schnee-Eifel, 11
Schulz, Merlin W., 50
Sheaner, Herb, 18, 22, 24, 54
Sheaner, Herbert 'Mike', 4
Sheaner, Mike, 2, 4, 15, 11, 16, 22, 55
Siegfried Line, 40
Slaughterhouse Five, 28, 30, 31, 34, 45
Slaughterhouse-Five, 31, 32
Slayton, David B., 52
Slayton, David Ben, 52
Smallwood, Fredrick, 37
St. Vith, 4, 31, 37
Stalag 4-B, 31, 34, 52
Stalag IV-B, 43
Stein, Murray, 3, 4, 8, 10, 11, 12, 22, 24, 27
Stern, Boris A., 12
Strand, Ed, 12, 13
Streeter, William R., 52
Strong, George, 30, 31, 33, 34
Strong, George W., 34
Strong, Howard, 34
Strong, Janie, 34
Strong, Jean, 34
Sweden, 12
Szpek, Dolores, 52
Szpek, Ervin E. & Donna, Jr., 14
Szpek, Ervin E., Sr., 14, 52
Szpek, Ervin, Jr., 28, 30, 52, 53
Szpek, Ervin, Sr., 31, 34
Szpek, Heidi, 52
Szpek, Leslie, 52
Szpek, Perry, 52
Szpek, Randy, 52
Szpek, Timothy, 52
Taylor, Bill, 31, 34
'The Battle For Snow Mountain', 20
Thompson, Arthur, 53
Troxel, Wayman 'Bud', 31
Uss Admiral Mayo, 33
Uyak, Jeff, 13, 25
Vaade, Victor & Barbara, 12
Vogelsong, Donald L., 16
Vonnegut, Kurt, 31
Wagner, Paul J., 12
Wakeman Gen. Hosp., 21
Walker, Jeanne M., 4
Wando High School Junior Rotc, 27
Wargin, Mary Anne, 14
Weiss, Newt, 22, 24
Weiss, Newton, 5, 15
Weiss, Ruth & Newt, 26
Weiss, Susan, 4, 8, 19, 26, 38
Welke, Brian, 2, 3, 5, 2, 9, 10, 22
West Point, 52
West, Jim, 3, 19, 21, 38
Wheeler, Frances H., 50
Williams, Hershel Woodrow 'Woody', 37
Wolff, Donald G., Jr., 53
Wolff, Dorothy, 53
Wolff, Dorothy (Fielding), 53
Wood, Janet, 5, 22, 27
Wood, Randall, 2, 16
Wood, Randall M., 5, 8
Wood, Randy, 3, 10, 18, 22, 25
Wood, Robert M., 15
Wood, Wilma, 11, 15, 27
Wood, Wilma & Robert, 8
Wouters, Carl, 2, 4, 19, 40, 50, 53
Youles, Dr. Owen K., Jr., 12
Young, Donald, 20